#Nezha vs. the Monkey King
the-monkey-ruler · 4 months
Heavenly Legend (1997) 天庭外傳
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Director: Chen Zhihua Screenwriter: Tang Jiahui / Lu Xinghua Starring: Lin Zhiying / Hao Shaowen / Shi Xiaolong Genre: Comedy / Action / Fantasy / Martial Arts / Costume Country/Region of Production: Mainland China / Taiwan, China Language: Mandarin Chinese Date: 1997 Duration: 97 minutes Also known as: Nezha vs. the Monkey King / Anecdote of the middle of forehead / Tian Ting Wai Zhuan/Heavenly Legend / 哪咤大战美猴王 / 天庭外传 IMDb: tt13550394 Type: Retelling
Li Jing, the commander-in-chief of Chentangguan, is responsible for guarding the treasures for Heaven. His son Nezha (played by Shi Xiaolong) is smart and has strong martial arts skills. One day, Zhu Bajie (played by Hao Shaowen), the godson of the landlord, broke into the house and caused a lot of trouble. Fortunately, Nezha helped Fang escape from danger, and the two became friends from then on. The two little guys suddenly became playful and made the study room a mess. At this time, the Dragon Palace of the West Sea and the East China Sea were getting married, but the Dragon Girl of the West Sea was unwilling to get married. Nezha was playing at the beach, causing turmoil in the Dragon Palace, and the Dragon Girl even took the opportunity to escape. Nezha came to help and started fighting with the Third Prince.
On the other hand, there is a Stone Monkey on the Flower and Fruit Mountain in Aolai Country in the East China Sea. After thousands of years of wind and rain, and absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon, the stone monkey (played by Lin Zhiying) finally transformed into shape. Under the instructions of the Monkey Ancestor, he learned the seventy-two. He changed like this and decided to go to the East China Sea Dragon Palace to retrieve the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. His arrival caused chaos in the Dragon Palace...
Source: https://movie.douban.com/subject/3182495/
Link: N/A
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sketching-shark · 1 year
Have you seen the Transformers Nezha toy
I didn't until you told me about it anon! But it is pretty fun; looks like someone gave that eternal twelve year old a mech suit
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FUNNILY ENOUGH though I had learned beforehand about a Transformers Sun Wukong toy whose main power is apparently fuckin uhhhh nuclear missiles
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I know people get into all sorts of shenanigans with AUs of Xiyouji but if you're alien roboting these mythological figures under these parameters it makes the fight between Li Nezha and Sun Wukong so funny because it's basically literally this:
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lazywolfwanted · 2 years
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The squad found out that Zhuan Ash is not a human and their reaction is priceless.
Go check out @theweirdhybrid and Sun Yūkuai belong to @itscoffeetime-world. Make sure to check them out, they're awesome!
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wesavegotham · 1 year
I could make an even longer post including panels to explain all the reasons why I don't agree with the people I've seen online who act like the recent stories of Tim saving Bruce at the end of Batman #135 and Damian saving Bruce at the end of Batman vs Robin are very similar and treating Tim and Damian equally good, but that would probably end up being too long. So here is the slightly less long version to explain what fundamentally sets them apart:
Tim is simply allowed to be good and heroic with no drawbacks. And Damian is not.
There was no argument before Bruce vanished that Tim saving him is an apology for. Bruce didn't get lost because of a mistake Tim made. Tim's way of travelling through the multiverse didn't require him to do anything bad to get it and his travels don't have any negative consequences for him or the places he goes to. Tim didn't only manage to save Bruce after asking for help from a bunch of other characters he met during his journey through the multiverse.
He is simply allowed to be Batman's shining saviour.
Now that alone isn't a problem. The problem is that the other character currently wearing the Robin mantle gets treated very differently.
If Damian was the one trying to save Bruce in the same arc I'm pretty sure some of the things I've listed above, if not all of them, would have been done. Because making Damian at fault for the problem he is trying to solve, punishing him repeatedly for messing up and not letting him solve the problem simply through the power of his own abilities is a pretty persistent pattern in Damian's stories.
Like in Batman vs Robin, a recent story some people try to argue gave Damian a "Robin saves Batman" story equally as nice as the one Tim just got.
Let me break down what Damian's role in that story actually is:
He opens the tomb of Nezha because of his recklessness, Mother Soul only had to arrange for the key to fall into his hands (thus causing all the following terrible events)
He gets possessed by Nezha
He tries and fails to kill his father multiple times, not because Damian is successful in fighting back against Nezha's possession, but because Bruce is simply shown to be superior to him in every way
Bruce dons the helmet of fate and frees everyone possessed by Nezha from his influence, including Damian
Damian begs Bruce for forgiveness
Damian and Talia try to defeat Mother Soul but she simply jumps into an abyss
Damian tries to stop Nezha from killing Bruce, but Nezha then just tries to shoot Damian instead and Bruce jumps in front of the blast, causing him to die
Black Alice and Pigsy manage to revive Bruce, but he's still in a very bad condition
Damian flies them all out of there and crashlands the plane into the Hall of Justice
Damian tries to explain to the heroes what is going on, but everyone turns to (a barely conscious) Batman and they only start listening to Damian once Bruce tells them to do so
Damian comes up with a very vague plan that...I guess one of the two teams had success? The other part of the plan failed and had some unintended consequences though, like Nezha taking full control of Bruce's body, which turned Bruce into nothing more than a husk for Nezha.
Damian remains at the Hall of Justice while the other heroes leave to execute his plan
He gets attacked by King Fire Bull and is completely useless the entire fight even after gaining temporary powers (seriously, it's stated in the book that his heat vision does nothing against a magic being like King Fire Bull)
He yells at King Fire Bull that if he learned anything these past few days it's that you will never be better than your father
The freed magic users defeat King Fire Bull
Nezha in Batman's body returns to the Hall of Justice without the rest of Batman's team, but Damian doesn't become suspicious of him
Damian wakes up captured by Nezha
He manages to escape but Nezha chases him
Monkey Prince explains to Damian the longer Nezha stays in Batman's body the stronger he will get, so they have to get him out of Batman and into his old body fast to banish him, but Nezha is the only thing keeping Bruce's body from dying. If they want to save the world Damian has to kill his father
Damian calls the rest of the batfamily for help to capture Nezha/Batman
After the batfamily wears him down first Monkey Prince uses his cloning ability on Damian to make 20+ (?) clones of Damian that wear Nezha down even further
Zatanna, Enchantress and Pigsy arrive to shackle Nezha and transfer his soul back into his original body on Damian's orders, leaving Bruce dead
Damian then asks Enchantress to transfer his life to Bruce to revive him, arguing that the world needs Batman far more than it needs him. She replies that his sacrifice wouldn't be enough to bring Bruce back, shocking Damian. Zatanna says countless people would need to give parts of themselves to revive Bruce.
Damian asks the entirety of Gotham to give a part of themselves to revive Batman, reminding them of all the times Batman has saved them and to shout "we are Batman" to transfer a part of their lifeforce into Bruce
Bruce comes back to life and they hug
The concluding sentence tells us that this story serves as a lesson to the world that there is no more formidable team than Batman and Robin
Even though we never saw them truly working  together as Batman and Robin at any point of the story and the only lesson I took from this is that Mark Waid really wants you to know that Bruce is the greatest and that Damian will never be as good as his dad. How uplifting.
But hey, they hugged in the end, surely that makes up for all of it, right?😑
Who needs Damian to not be at fault for yet another disaster? For Bruce to say something nice about him that goes beyond "well, he's my son, so I guess I have some love for him even though I can only describe him with bad attributes"? To simply see Damian filling the role Robin is supposed to serve in a story?
Or why let Damian enjoy the privilege that all other male Robins enjoyed? Which was to be Robin without sharing the mantle and getting to be Batman's main crime fighting partner?
Why do that when you can just use Tim for these things instead, right?🙂
And I want to make it clear that it's not just because "the characters are just like that". The characters are fictional, they have no free will.
A writer could simply let Damian have a story where he's not at fault for the problems he faces, where his own abilities allow him to solve the problem and he doesn't have to make shitty decisions because he's been forced into dilemmas other character simply don't get subjected to.
They just constantly choose not to.
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then-be-a-warrior · 1 year
If we do end up seeing Wukong vs MK, I want Wukong to struggle.
I want MK to be so goddamn powerful that their fight looks one-sided at first. Because not only was MK trained by Wukong, he was made in his image. If you're trained by the strongest, wouldn't that make you stronger?
I can see it now:
Nezha: "Wukong, enough fooling around! I know how much he means to you and I'm sorry it's come to this. But if you don't stop him now, there's no telling how much chaos and destruction he'll bring to everyone."
Wukong: "I'm trying...."
Tang: "W-what do you mean trying?! The Monkey King doesn't "try"! You're the strongest out of everyone!"
Wukong: "I mean....I can't even lay a hand on him. I've been trying to hit him this entire time. Kid's had one hell of a mentor. "
Macaque: "....Oh Fuck."
Nezha: "Wukong...when did you stop holding back...?"
Wukong: "About an hour ago."
Redson: "...Shit."
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Nezha in the Century Egg au;
Almost forgot our perfect lotus boy!
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In the Century Stone egg au; Wukong entrusts Nezha with waking him up/taking a peak at the cave every so often, but he doesn't let him in on *why* Wukong is "meditating" for 500 years. Wukong fears Nezha pulling a DBK-level move and he can't risk it .
Nezha agrees, but obviously he's pulling double duty as is with guarding the Map to the Samadhi Fire, so he sometimes forgets what he was meant to do. He sometimes runs into Princess Iron Fan when he visits Flower Fruit Mountain, and depite being former comrades, he feels no hate towards her. Nezha understands that Wukong is one of the few connections that PIF has left in the Mortal Plane, and thinks it's perfectly reasonable for her to be on standby until the monkey wakes up from his deep sleep.
Then one day, as Nezha is *actually* meditating; he's flipping through some requests/prayers to him when he gets a very unusual prayer from FFM;
Ao Yi, hands clasped and crying: "Nezha, Patron God of Children - please ensure my little Mei is found safe and well!"
Nezha: "What the- dragons don't pray to me..."
And they don't. After the incident with Ao Bing, dragons as a whole would rather due than be caught praying to the Lotus Prince. Even to request the safety of their children.
Feeling very sus, Nezha flies down to ask the dragon parents whats up - especially since PIF told him that very few souls are able to even reach the Monkey King's island without permission.
The two dragons are completely distressed, explaining that they were relaxing on a camping trip and that their toddler-aged pup had wandered off into the jungle after what looked to be a supernatural flame.
Nezha manages to brush off the weirdness of his "clients" being dragons enough to zero in on where the little pup had run off too- and she's in Brother Wukong's cave!
Nezha zips towards Water Curtain Cave with the dragon couple at his heels. He bursts through the waterfall only to see the dirty dragon pup digging around in the soil with.... Wukong's Pilgrim brothers?
And whats that statue of a monkey doing here??
PIF: "Oh, Nezha. Glad you're here. Hold him for me please.* PIF: *hands Nezha toddler Red Son* Nezha: "EH!?" The Monkey *statue*: *starts cracking like an egg* Nezha: "?!?!?"
Its a very odd family reunion.
The lotus prince has to be filled in on some details once Wukong wakes up, and he will have things to say about Wukong burying himself for 500 years to have a baby. And he's seconds away from throttling the monkey when he hears that the process is potientially lethal no matter the immortality.
He accidentally sorta joins the Noodle Shop gang's found family? Mostly cus Tang mentioned that the Lotus Prince died as a child, and the rest got super protective of him.
The real confusion for the Lotus Prince comes about when he's called to act as baliff at the trial of Sun Wukong vs the Heavenly and Infernal Court!? What?! How did this happen- "Oh hi Macaque."
Nezha is trusted as a high-ranking officer to keep the Six Eared Macaque detained for the trial. Nezha wonders why Macaque is pretending to be held by the ropes/handcuffs.
Nezha delivers a pretty solid testimony/character witness for Wukong, as I do believe he defended Wukong while in the presence of a Boddisattva in Jttw, and he pretty much considers the monkey a brother figure.
Nezha is one of the gods to glance over at Wukong when the Monkey King started shifting uncomfortably in his seat. His godly powers told him *something* was happening, but being a mental teenager, Nezha couldn't think what.
Then the Monkey King goes into labor in the middle of the Heavenly Court while pleading for the soul of his mate.
Nezha naturally freaks the frick out.
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crepes-suzette-373 · 5 months
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Earlier, it occurred to me the possibility of Sanji having taken inspiration from Nezha, a divine entity from Chinese legends. The texts that mentions Nezha, Journey to the West and Feng Shen Yan Yi, are both texts that are fairly well known in Japan. Various anime and manga reference these stories, so I don't think this parallel is too outlandish.
I don't think this will predict anything in the future, since the parallels I saw mostly point to things that already happened, but I'll describe the similarities first.
The lore of Nezha varies slightly depending on the text you read (either Journey to the West, or Feng Shen Yan Yi), but the generic narrative goes like this:
Nezha was born the third son of a military commander. At a point in time, he had squabbles with deities, which angers Nezha's father. The father wants to kill Nezha, but he chose to kill himself before he gets killed. Nezha's mentor then revives Nezha into a new divine body, and gives him two items, a fire spear and flying wheels of wind and flames to ride on. The reborned Nezha initially wanted revenge on his father and defeated his older brother who tried to stop him. However, Buddha (and/or the mentor) intervened and made Nezha and his birth father make peace.
In Journey to the West, Nezha later helps Sun Wukong defeat some of the enemies they encounter in the journey (even though he doesn't actually join the group). In the other versions, Nezha and his brothers and father defeat the immortals of an evil king to help the good king ascend the throne.
Born as a third son in a military family
Birth father wants him dead.
Rescued/given new life and abilities by a mentor
Fire-based new powers/weapons (the fire wheels in modern imagery as shown above makes it look like Nezha's feet are on fire)
Sanji didn't actually "die" for real. You can, however, say that he killed his "Vinsmoke" name.
Sanji's more powerful "divine body" (exoskeleton) was already there from birth, though it only awakened much later.
Sanji does not use actual weapons
Nezha has a godly form with three heads and six arms. In One Piece, the one who has this is Zoro.
Event parallels:
The mentor who revived Nezha and Zeff. While Diable Jambe developed much later, Sanji got all his fighting abilities from Zeff.
Assisting Sun Wukong and Sanji in the Straw Hat crew. This analysis in the first place was inspired by another comment that suggest Luffy's character has references/inspiration from Sun Wukong the Monkey King.
Defeating older brother = Sanji was able to kick down Niji and Yonji.
Flimsy parallel, but arguable:
Mentor steps in to cause father and son to make peace: Sanji saved the Vinsmokes because of his regard for Zeff. Very loose parallel, since they don't actually 100% make peace yet and Zeff's not even there, but similarity can be argued.
Working together to fight evil king and a new king ascends the throne: The escape from Whole Cake, when Germa assists the Straw Hats. After the Straw Hats escape Big Mum, the newspapers say that Luffy is the "fifth emperor".
Empress Shijing. There was an incident where Nezha fought with and led to the death of Empress Shijing, who is a spiritual entity/immortal. Arguably this might be the Sanji VS Queen fight, even though Queen is not female.
Possible predictors?
As I said in the start, I'm not certain the parallels predicts anything for the future. Maybe some kind of super god mode. Say, maybe Sanji's exoskeleton fully activating, but somehow without changing his personality. Or it connects to the Garuda/Lunarian theory I formulated, because of the "divine" connections.
One other thing is that in Nezha's narrative, which I gloss over earlier, Nezha's squabble that led to his death was killing the dragon king's son (or offending the dragon king in another way). Since I don't see this paralleling anything yet, it's not impossible for this to be a predictor of Sanji fighting an actual dragon, or even this might refer to the Celestial Dragon world noble. I'm not entirely counting on this happening, though, because I'm not certain sensei was just unloading the whole plot on Sanji like this.
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digitaldoeslmk · 8 months
By The Book AU Timeline
[this will be edited as things progress and the au gets more fleshed out]
less of a timeline and more the a brainstorm chart for the plotbeats i have so far
Prince > Little Sage > Pilgrim > Immortal
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ACT 1, PRINCE: 2 years, S1 plus some of S2
ep0 special, MK becomes Monkie Kid
Fated Feast (tm) and dealing with it
MK learning how to use his powers
pretty much all the episodes of S1
Beijing Opera sideplot
first New Years is a Lion Dancing competition special
Macaque introduces himself
Spider Queens get exorcised, LBD reveal
Nezha and Muzha introduction
some more filler episodes of Monkie gang dealing with small easy stuff
MK gets invited to meet Guanyin
MK learning the Dao and Dharma, starts cultivation
Macaque causes trouble (basically Shadow Play ep but not), Wukong finds out
spicynoodles start becoming a thing late in the arc
S1 finale special, except it's LBD and some henchmen
Celestial Realm sightseeing moment, introduction to several immortals and gods
ACT 2, LITTLE SAGE: about half a year, part of S2 and a lot of changes
Red Son's investigation gets serious, Nezha is helping
Wukong gets more present to teach MK
most of what's left of S2, with some changes
Yingge and Longnü intro
Tang starts helping MK and Mei with magic
Mei starts training her dragon powers in FFM
Guanyin meets the Monkien gang, reveal of Tang's past reincarnations
MK gets deeper on training with his monkey form and powers
"recollections of red and blue" is set in this arc
DBK and PIF start making amends with Red Son
qpr chimera fully established, Red Son and MK get serious enough to tell their parents about it
more LBD shenanigans
S2 season finale, except not
LBD tries to trap him in a pagoda, everyone joins the fray, MK escapes because Macaque underestimates him, Wukong gets kebabed, Megapolis is lost and the gang flees for their lives
ACT 3, PILGRIM: about half a year, S3 in spirit but almost every plot gets scrapped cus its just filler anyway
they aren't on a ""journey to the west"", they are gathering allies and tools to use against LBD and Macaque
plan is, burn the motherfuckers with the Samadhi fire with the help of the four dragon king's armies to spread the fire with rain, and use some artifacts to then control the fire and put it out
drastic measure but it do be drastic times
LBD used the skeleton key to open the gates of the Diyu, so the world is slowly getting overrun by runaway spirits, as well as channeling the waters from it to freeze the land
apparently Macaque wants to consume every living thing he's trapped to fuel something, and nobody is sure what
anyway it's crisis politics time, nobody is having fun, everything sucks
time to check in with the past pilgrims for advice and some tricks they know, Monkie gang power up time
the dragon king of the north and his family are missing, time to find them
Shen Gongbao intro, he's involved but they figure it out
it's also time to draft some immortals, we love owing favors to people in this house amiright??
Mayor starts to think the henchman career isn't for him, time to dip
he fucks a plan cus he uses a pill of immortality to heal himself but oops the gang needed that
Mayor spills the beans on Macaque's plan, MK gets impulsive and runs off to face LBD
S3 special time except not
MK exchanges himself for the girl LBD got possessed, which builds the group time to wrap up lose ends
final battle time, hoards of the underworld versus whatever immortals got convinced to help despite going against the Jade Emperor's decree
MK sends a clone with his staff before he loses control back to the gang
Mei in dragon form fighting possessed MK, so that Red Son and Nezha can take a shot at MK to exorcise LBD out of him, Erlang and Muzha helping to hold Macaque back
MK gets shot with the Samadhi Fire, to explosive results
MK vs Macaque kaiju monkey battle time
Macaque gets nuked, LBD gets carbonized, Mayor dies saving people from the city before the fires get to them
everything is put back where it belongs, but there's a lot of loose ends to wrap up, ends in a bittersweet note
ACT 4, IMMORTAL: two years, S4 solely in name, basically a full overhaul lmao
oh man oh man shits gonna hit the fan lmao
the city is saved and the bad guys are gone; time for Consequences
Jade Emperor isnt very happy with the amount of unauthorized actions taken just now
MK goes to fucking trial for the crime of saving the world, it goes as well as one would think
luckily Guanyin comes in clutch and gets his sentence lightened to "community service"
there is an absurd amount of undead still walking around, which means MK has to get on that
also yknow. the devastating amount of damage in the mortal AND celestial realm
MK is given an assignment in the heavenly bureocracy, to help keep him in check and accountable to stuff. is great innit.
another part of his job is, dealing with Wukong's past sworn brotherhood cus they've been uppity since Macaque's attack and threatening to break the human-demon truce
Qi "two dads nuclear family" Xiaotian learns to deal with distant extended family relations with very specific social cues. again, goes as well as expected
under all that, Red Son still hasn't been able to get the missing memories situation fixed
also turns out even Wukong doesn't remember who MK was but he used to know. he doesn't anymore. and he doesn't know what happened. Red Son did not like learning that.
the celebration of Ulhambana in the Celestial Realm is approaching, and Red Son thinks he can get himself and MK invited to it so they can yknow, ask Buddha wtf is going on
so yknow, time to earn the trust of the Celestial Realm again, in a year. that's doable right? ahahah
and because he doesn't have enough on his plate, MK traded off a lot of his merits in exchange for LBD and Mayor speedrunning their time in hell so they can be reborn under his care
MK becomes An Uncle, what could possibly go wrong!
oh, jumpscare, Macaque is still around but Different
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alfredsolos · 1 year
So I finally got the break I needed to read Batman vs Robin #5. And I have... mixed feelings about it.
For context (and to summarize what happened), at the end of issue 4 Nezha posesses Batman and kidnaps Damian:
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Nezha demands Damian to tell him where King Fire Bull (his son) is, since he was the last one to see him. Damian, however, does not know where King Fire Bull is. But Damian acts like he does and tells Nezha to release him so that he can take him to his son. Nezha let's him go, and Damian gets his chance to escape.
Damian gets on a motorbike and drives away as Nezha chases him. Which then Monkey Prince shows up to help him. They manage to get away together.
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But then, Monkey Prince reveals that the only way to beat Nezha is to get him back to his human body. But this would, in the end, cause Batman to die.
Damian has a strong will, though. And he tells Monkey Prince that he is ready.
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And at this point, I knew that Batman would die and get revived by some magical bullshit as a 'plot twist'. However there were a few things that I hadn't expected, happen.
Anyways, Damian informs his family that they needed to put Nezha back to his own body and then contain him. He doesn't tell them that Batman would die, though.
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'They don't need to know who has to die tonight'
Sounds very omnious, and will probably end up bad. That's what we can all gather.
Anyways, the final fight against Nezha happens and Damian -with the help of Monkey Prince and his siblings- manages to restrain Batman for Enchantress to work her magic.
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The spell is succesful, Nezha returns to his body and Batman dies.
At this point, I'm waiting for the magical plot twist to happen and bring Batman back to life. But then we get this:
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Remember the quote I wrote a few panels back.
'They don't need to know who has to die tonight'
I realized that Damian meant himself. He had been planning all along to sacrifice himself for his father. I don't know why I was surprised. Maybe because most DC writers write and treat him so horribly that it's surprising when he does things like this.
Anyways, everyone is shocked obviously. But Damian does not back down and tells them to hurry up before his father's soul dissappears. He tells them that the world needs Batman more than it needs him:
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But then Enchantress tells him that it's not enough. The magic had destroyed Batman's body so that he'd need more than one soul.
And so we get the magical 'plot twist' that I've been telling you about. Damian and Oracle make a broadcast and tells the people of Gotham that Batman needed their help.
He tells them to look at the Bat Signal and basically say 'We Are Batman' to transport a part of their soul to Batman.
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A bit cheesy, in my opinion. But it works. Batman wakes up and looks for Damian. In the end we get this sweet panel:
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Honestly, it was pretty obvious that something like this would happen (after we learned that Batman needed to die). So I wouldn't call it a plot twist, really.
But other than that, I liked how they characterized Damian. It was a good read in contrast to the previous issues where he was the 'Evil Batman'.
I liked Damian's relationship with Monkey Prince and his weird little querrals with Nezha.
I guess he is back to being Robin (?) Because in the last panel, it shows them patrolling Gotham together. But Tim is also Robin, so I don't know where they are going with this.
Anyways, did you guys like it or not?
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tangydreams · 1 year
Hello there and welcome to my first time rambling about my thoughts on Monkie Kid's Season 4 Special. Now if you haven't seen the special then please scoll away. Or don't, I can't stop you.
After hearing the news of MK S4S dubbed, I hopped in and watched it. It was tempting to resist because the Special had already released in Chinese but it was worth the watch. So it's time to show my random thoughts of the special down below.
{Are you still here? Oh good, I can start rambling~}
{Oh snap, the sky is falling apart. Not good, Azure…}
{Poor Nezha, being the one who's injured the most. I hope we get a relaxing episode of him in the future again. But dang, how Tang and Sandy fixes the scoll is the most dumbest but relatable thing they did together.}
{"Can't believe I'm sticking out for Wukong, again." I can, Macaque.}
{Awe! The monkey babies loves Macaque~}
{OH MY GOD THAT OUTFIT! I can't decide if I should cringe in agony or laugh in joy when seeing Wukong trying to communicate with humans!}
{OH! More backstory!}
{Oh…more backstory…Well, honestly I didn't expect to see Macaque to be able to interact with Wukong.}
{Geez, that whole argument is an intense mess. It's like a lot of their feelings that were build up from before had brought out the worst of what's intended. Wukong seems like he expected a chance of escape and Macaque wanted to console the guy. But of course, of the situation at hand, neither of them get what they wanted from each other.}
{OH! THE OTHER PILGRIMS! It's great to see them again! Although, only for a small moment…}
{We all want to know about them too, MK. But not everything has to be explained. Sometimes the past is sensitive to talk about. Like everything else around him, they're not MK.}
{Man, you look exhausted there, Wukong. Like mentally exhausted.}
{THAT WHOLE MOMENT IS BEAUTIFUL. MK saying words to motivate Wukong and Macaque being there to affirm them. Two people that are important to him just as much to them.}
{Awe, Azure. To see him suffering because of what he has seen has taken him in the deep end. I will agree that the Celestials are powerful but careless beings that only act when they think are needed, but now that we see the Jade Emperor and how much of an impact he has maintaining the world is very prominent. I don't know how complicated he was able to deal with that but seeing how Azure isn't doing it well, it shows.}
{Pfft, monkey class. Of course, they have to be in Wukong's house, but I want to see how they led up to that scene.}
{MACAQUE JUMPSCARE! Anyways, the planning they have for each of the Camel Ridge crew sounds plausible. A bit more explanation on how to deal with them would be nice to know.}
{Cool, a training sequence~}
{MK'S TURN TO DRAW! Huh, I should've just kept watching on their planning.}
{LOVE MK'S LITTLE DOODLES! Also, they're getting into details, but I'm guessing there's still more to work out on.}
{Okay, it's sweet that Yellowtusk is worried about Azure's stability and interesting to hear how confident Peng believes in Azure's powers, but for them to fight in a place that reminds me the time they once dine happily together makes me concerned for them all. Of course, Azure comes in.}
{Ooh. A glimpse of Wukong trying to console MK about his origin's powers. It going good until the plot progress itself...}
{PIGSY, TANG, AND SANDY AGAINST YELLOWTUSK! But it's more therapeutic than a fight.}
{Cute, MK hugging Wukong to never let him go again. ONLY TO BE PUT THEM INTO MORE TROUBLE.}
{Inky! And with the images of PIF, DBK, LBD, and Nezha(?) too~}
{"Well, one monkey and one unconfirm, but yeah I'd be embarrass for sure." Oh boy, the writers knows what they're teasing with on that line.}
{Oh dang, that's cool! Wukong holding his staff like a bazooka to expand it and Azure holding it off like a champ. THEN MK WOOSHED UP TO TAKE A STEP FURTHER ON THE STAFF!}
{PORTY MK! With Wukong's cardboard!?}
{"I hate monkeys." Azure is such a joker.}
{OH! A flashback to Mei's plans!}
{HAHA! I love how witty Mei explains the stuff. It shows how she's improving from the last time they struggle against with LBD's battle.}
{Awe, Azure. He's so conflicted when he feels up against Wukong and MK. Especially on Wukong because of how high he used to respect Wukong's words back then until it crumbles after being sealed for over hundreds of years with no one to help him.}
{……Monkey MK.}
{The size and power comparison between Azure and MK during their fights are fun.}
{Azure? Lion baby? You're breaking.}
{Oof, MK giving him the "reasons you suck" speech. Also, MK'S MONKEY MONSTER!? THIS SHOW IS WILD.}
{Ugh, poor Azure. The universe is breaking…}
{A Peng insult. Of course, Peng doesn't want to let that slide, but OH MAN THE SMOKE MONSTER AND MEI'S DRAGON LOOKS SO COOL! I wonder if we would get to see Peng again.}
{Oooh~ Positivity is rubbing off on Yellowtusk. It's sweet to see him returning the weapons to Pigsy, Tang, and Sandy. AND THEY GET TO WEAR THEIR OUTFITS!}
{And the hero team is back. Only to see Azure struggling to keep everything together.}
{"How are you here?" And that's one way how the series foreshadows Seasons 5.}
{Seeing Azure realizing his mistakes really pulls my heartstrings. The guys wants to see everything going well in his own way. He knew his risks but it seems like he didn't think it through. A person blinded by his past has brought him more pain than he ever thought. Just…let me hug the cat please.}
{Azure disintegrating…rest in peace.}
{Oh sweet, Nezha is here. Where was he? Neverminded that, at least he's able to maintain the Emperor's powers. For now…}
{Man, those chains around the world are sooo ominous. It's sweet to see that everyone are doing their best to bring it all together.}
{DADSY! TANGY! SANDY BABY! MEI BUDDY! I love how they check on MK first after fighting the most difficult part of their plan!}
{Nezha being a trooper to deal the other half of the situation. Releasing the beings in the scroll, jailing Yellowtusk, containing the Emperor power, and more…I feel bad for the guy…}
{"So long as we leave the world in better shape than we found it, then it's all good, right?" I wish it is, MK.}
{It's so cute that they include DBK and his family. Like, they missed the majority of this season but THEY'RE HERE!}
{MK putting on sunscreen is fun, even his chat with Wukong is rather light-hearted.}
{Ah, the part that everyone determines is for fanservice: Shadowpeach in DBZ's outfits.}
{An interesting way to end when this will just remind all the Monkie Kid Fans that the perpetrator is out there.}
{And there he is.}
{The Special did a great job hyping the ending of the season. I was happy to see Wukong's and Macaque's backstory more, understanding the Brotherhood's concerns for each other, and the heroes trying to clean up the mess as much as they can. This balance well with the intense moments and their fighting scenes. But as much as I love most parts of the episode's, there's some that are off to me. I found some of odd choice of voice recording in the show, like Past Macaque's rejecting Past Wukong's help on his scarf and the intensity of MK's voice when he went Monkey Mode. Of course, there's also some parts that ends in plot holes, like where the heck is Peng going!? Is Monkey MK a good thing or a bad thing!? And who freed Azure Lion!? There's those and my bias on seeing much of the Special on a first impression but I still hope to watch more of that being explained. I might watch it again just to see anything else I might've not caught on. In the end, the Season 4's Special feels deserved and I hope we get a time to watch Season 5.
What do you guys think of this season's Special? Do you enjoy it or was there something you hate about? I would be happy to hear your thoughts and share more about mine as we wait for the next chapter of MK's life.
I'm now off to dream~}
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the-monkey-ruler · 1 year
i like to think of sun xingzhe as a transformers type of character where he’s one of the worst version of wukong in any universe. can never forget that old lady and his line about his heart.
what i mean is like compare “give me your face” live action war criminal optimus prime vs. “freedom is the right of all sentient beings” cartoon jesus optimus prime. there are many different versions of the same transformer (not just optimus) because of the franchise’s multiverse toy-selling nature. and it’s fascinating to see something similar with journey to the west where it’s free to use and driven by fans.
i imagine what the other wukongs would think of xingzhe and the perfect disciple version from the 13th century novel, the two that came before the definitive monkey king.
btw there’s going to be a nezha and transformers show in the future i’m so excited!
I would think of Sun Xingzhe not as the worst version of Sun Wukong but rather more of an earlier inspiration of him. But seeing him as kinda like the “worst” Wukong would be actaully really interesting!! Sun Wukong wouldn't be here without him but Sun Xingzhe was the sole purpose to be comedic relief and just a joke. I can see what you are saying but they are so different and the timeline they were created makes it hard for me to say they could be compared.
Kinda like how Peter Cullen's brother inspired Optimus Prime but he isn't really Optimus Prime, he was like the building block to his creation.
At least that's how I see it but hey everyone's got different takes.
Would be funny to have the Monkey God, Hou XingZhe version of Wukong in there. Have all three very different monkey lores in a room like.
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And Yes!I have seen the 2005 Nezha hints of his transformations!! I think it got cut from covid but I'm hoping they are going to pick it back up again!
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sketching-shark · 7 months
I was curious to know, is there a specific adaptation of JTTW that you particularly enjoy? Whether its good or accurate isnt important but more like in your personal taste
AUGH going to be honest @seasonalsummers in that I don't feel like I can pick just one...there's so many excellent retellings! But I will take this opportunity to present some of my favorites.
So first up we have the 1986 Journey to the West tv series. It is in many ways very goofy and gaudy, but there's just as many reasons why it's considered one of the best retellings out there, from its genuine heart to the adherence to the og classic. And needless to say its Sun Wukong really set a standard for cheeky scheming monkey behavior. You can start watching it here:
Next up is 2016s The Monkey King 2. While this film is one of those retellings that gives the White Bone Demon a lot more prominence than she has in the og classic--and definitely has its own silly stupid moments--it also stands as one of the very few retellings that directly addresses the paradox of Tang Sanzang's mission: that he's trying to get the sutras to help mortals achieve a state of peace all while abhorring violence, and yet its only because of the violence of his disciples, especially Sun Wukong, that he's able to right a number of wrongs or simply go from day to day uneaten. You can watch it here:
And now it's time to give kudos to 2015's Monkey King: Hero Is Back. While this film is FAR from a faithful retelling and (usual refrain) has its own silliness, pretty simple plot, and gross-out humor, it also has so much heart and stands as a wonderful embodiment of the dad Wukong characterization. One also has to give it credit for its main child character, Jiang Liuer, being a genuinely charming kid who's wonder at the world and desire to do good drives the story forward in a sincerely lovely way. You can watch it here:
More recently--and in a work that is at best only loosely following the plot of Xiyouji--is 2022's Lighting Up the Stars. This film follows the story of a Li Nezha coded little orphan girl Wu Xiaowen and a Sun Wukong coded funeral director Mo Sanmei as they go from a very tense relationship to a genuinely loving father-daughter relationship. While there are moments of this film that feel kind of overwrought, it's an honestly wonderful exploration of what goes into dealing with death and the importance of love in all its many forms during life. I also have a soft spot for Mo Sanmei, who from what I've seen is the very peak of explicitly shitty cringefail loser who then genuinely works hard to become a better person Sun Wukong out there. It can be watched here:
Turning away from film and animation for a moment, I simply have to give proper kudos to Chaiko Tsai's comic The Monkey King. Between the gorgeous art, fun character designs, a good sense of how to translate many of the stories of Xiyouji into comic format, and a resolution to the Sun Wukong vs. Niu Mowang fight that I actually prefer above that in Journey to the West itself, this is definitely a comic worth going through! You can purchase it here for about $30.00
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And last but certainly not least, one simply has to give due credit to 1964's Uproar in Heaven. It's an absolute gem of stylized Chinese animation, a work with the very rare allowance on the Monkey King getting to go full grandpa for tons upon tons of monkeys at Mt. Huaguoshan, and it's very faithful to the first half of the og classic with the difference that here Sun Wukong does his havoc in heaven and gets away with it. All around its a really fun work to watch and does have a lot of importance from both an animation and a historical perspective. You can watch it here:
So those are my favorite adaptations of Journey to the West! It's but a fraction of the adaptations out there, but I hope other people found these as fun as I do.
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pomegranate-pen · 2 years
Mini Headcanons Event!
in the celebration of Stranded reaching 2k reads on ao3, I have decided to have a small event on this blog!
How does it work?
well, you request headcanons for a character x reader, you can also ask if you want any prompt with it. for example: (character) jealous headcanons, angst headcanons, breakup headcanons, date headcanons and etc.
How many character can we ask for?
you can ask for up to three characters! they can all be in one fandom or different fandoms! its all up to you!
How long will requests be open for this?
till July 15th, Friday. so you all have up to four days to request something! after that requests will be closed.
1_I will not write:
romantic headcanons for an adult reader x underage character(I will only write romantic relationships for teenagers and adult characters! Children will only have platonic relationships written about them.)
(If I find any sections of a request that is uncomfortable for me to write I'll add it to the list)
2_Please state the pronouns you want y/n / s/o to have. If the pronouns aren't stated then that's fine, I'll just make the reader gn and give them they/them pronouns.
3_ writing will take either a long time or a short time. Since I'm quite busy with other fanfics and my own life, but I'll try my best to finish them quickly.
Assassination Classroom
Star vs the forces of evil
Gravity falls
Rapunzel's tangled adventure
The Promised Neverland
Any Disney movie (Example: Big hero 6, Frozen, etc.. basically any Disney movie characters will be written!)
Any Pixar movie ( same with Disney, any character from any movie they have!)
Any DreamWorks movie (same thing here)
Any Sony Movie (same thing here)
Winx club (only till season 7)
Miraculous ladybug
Doki Doki literature club!
The Owl house
Hazbin Hotel
Teen Titans (pls state if you're requesting for the old one or the reboot. I do not do requests for the movie or comics.)
Ugly Dolls
Adventure time
Over the garden wall
Ok K.O let's be heroes
BNA (Brand new animal)
Kimetsu no yaiba
Identity V
Genshin impact
BanG Dream! Girls band party!
Project Sekai
Cookie Run Kingdom
Sonic (mostly the games ig characters such as sonic, shadow, Amy rose and etc. And also the movie!)
Sonic Boom!
LEGO Monkie Kid
Nezha Reborn (2021)
Slugterra (doubt anyone remebers the show these days lmao)
Red Shoes and The Seven Dwarfs
Monkey King Reborn (2021)
NOTE: I haven't written every fandom I'll write for here since the list would be very long. But just so you know, I've watched a lot of animations so I'll most likely be able to write for whatever character you have in mind that aren't on the list.
Like said before, If you have a character in mind first state the movie/game/series etc that you're talking about and then write your requests for them. If it's something I know of and watched, then your request will immediately be accepted.
If it's something I haven't watched, but had an intention of watching it, your request will be accepted but will take longer than how long normal requests would take.
If it's something that I don't know and have not had an intention of trying it out I'll have to decline your request. Sorry!!
if there's any questions you can message me in my inbox for answers.
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wesavegotham · 1 year
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Even if Monkey Prince and Black Alice help, I have my doubts that they can do much against King Fire Bull on their own. They will probably get help from other heroes arriving at the hall of justice to defeat him in Lazarus Planet Omega. Based on solicitations probably the magic users one of teams rescued from the tower of fate.
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I assume this will be the reason why the solicitation for Batman vs Robin #5 made it sound like Bruce and Damian are still fighting. Only that this time Bruce is the one under Nezha's control.
Doesn't really make it any clearer what Damian's sacrifice will end up being though. Since DC is not going to kill off Batman or imprison Bruce with Nezha. So I can't imagine Damian's sacrifice being sacrificing Bruce to defeat him. If he does they'll probably put something in there that reverses it immediately.
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Especially the sash was mentioned so much, I can't imagine these two items not becoming important in defeating Nezha. One of them points you in his direction, the other turns him good. Sounds a bit too easy though once you have these items. Also doesn't seem to require a sacrifice, so I'm still not sure what that jaw-dropping sacrifice Waid teased for Damian will end up being.
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MONKIE KID S3E1: On the Run (Live blog) SPOILERS
Very excited about this! I'm semi-spoiled in some parts cuz of fanfics I had read, but I'm mostly unaware!
MK even got a new fit! And SWK change his scarft to green!
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I want to screenshot every scene but I can't cuz tumblr can only allow 30 pics!
I recognize that design! NEZHA!
The Demon Bull family!
We got some new villains I see
Then the Not-Mayor!
Lady bone Demon!
A shadow mech!? I didn't know Mac can do that! Then again, he is the shadow of Monkey King
Is that a dragon mech!?
New vehicle?
We're going to get Sandy use his beads more!?
Sandy vs Shadow Monkey Mech!?
Mei got a car!?
Wukong is in his armour!
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Boy, I'm excited about this!🤩
Oh hey, isn't that the map
Wow, intense fight already?
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Yeah, but Wukong is like, 7x immortal, and your a celestial being. You'll both live
So, is this the reason why Wukong was so injured during LBD fight?
I'm sure LDB plans on whatever destiny is more concerning than SWK getting the map
No need to remind me of the defeat Tang🫥
"Who wishes he's a monkey" *Sweating cuz from S4 spoilers*
Yeah, Mei doesn't appreciate that comment
I wonder if Wukong Knows Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy are the reincarnation of his friends...
Man, Wukong is getting interrupted left, right, and forward for his story time
You should know better that MK can be a little slow on things
Whoa! A sudden attack!? Did LDB already catch up!?
Awh, MK 🥹
MACAQUE!? Is that why SWK said Oh no in a tired so done way?
Rest in Peace, Billy Kametz. The person who pulled me into watching LMK cuz I heard Macaque's voice
Laser sounds sound familiar
Talk about a bad situation
That's so cool of Macaque!
Sheeesh! Talk about trash talk!
Wait! Macaque also as a new outfit! His scar is also darker! Woah!
Go Mei!
MK, you better not break the engines
And he broke it
Yeah! Nice save Mei!
Yeah no, never copy SWK, MK
Mei is so done with your logic, MK
Into the ocean!? They're going to crash there!?
And Finished!
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quitealotofsodapop · 5 months
Fire Star with go on record to say the Sun Wukong Vs. Celestial Court/Diyu case for his Mate's soul is the magnum opis of their career. You can't really top going against the gods themselves and winning.
referencing; SWK vs The Courts of Heaven and Diyu for custody of Macaque's soul.
Fire Star def puts that case up on a mantle as their "Better Call Saul"-moment. They're just some regular star-celestial lawyer who works with demon clients and inter-realm issues. To suddenly have to represent and defend the Monkey King (an old ally) and the Six Eared Macaque (someone they've barely met) in court against THE GODS, was def a shock for them. Fire Star def gets some bragging rights in the Century Egg au for their efforts, and for successfully stopping LBD's plan before she even got released.
In the TMKATI au, they also come in clutch for Nezha once SWK realises that he can legally adopt the banished god as his ward.
Fire Star is able to be summoned all the way from Mars (their protectorate) if their services are required, or if they detect a legal paradox. They aren't popular in the Celestial Realm, but certainly are among demons and mortals who've felt prosecuted.
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