#Making villains is more fun... But please give me some hero ideas...
arseniy-arsenicum33 · 3 months
Season 9 Hermits as DND heroes and villains... (Mostly villains)...
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The Dungeon Master... The Warden Wrangler... The Frost Warlock... TangoTek...
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The Gorgon King... The Statues Sourseress... The Undead Sculptress... ZombieCleo...
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The Immortal King... The Forgotten Ruler... The Wealth Hoarder... Ren the King...
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The Bone Mage... Axe of The Screaming Void Wielder... The Musical Necromancer... XisumaVoid...
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The Vampire Lord... The Treacherous Backstabber... The Keeper of Vaults... Mumbo Killsalot Jumbo...
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The Cursed Knight... The Honourable Hero... And His Inner Demon... WelsKnight...
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The Elven Archer... The Magical Baker... The Mattress Store Owner... GoodTimesWithScar...
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The Dwarven Warrior... The Realm Liberator... The King Slayer... ImpulseSV...
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The Forest Protector... The King Maker... The Leshy... BdoubleO100... This whole project started long ago with an ask by @theshadiertwin two months ago... Shockingly, the Idea of using a DND-character creator for creating actual DND-characters instead of little vignettes never occured to me... But I really wanted to model every Hermit first... If you have any ideas of what class each hermit can be, please tell! And I will be making a part 2 someday... Bdubs one has a little bit of a backstory... It's conceptually based on this model of Inscription-Leshy Bdubs by my good friend @randomtotallyrealgirl... But made more akin to slavic view of Leshy as a Forest Guardian... It's not a cultural appropriation, if it's my culture... Rens also from slavic folklore, he was inspired by Koschey the Immortal who conquered death, hoarded enormous amounts of wealth and spent his forever life by withering over it... You can use them freely, play as them, put them as npcs in your homebrew, come up with stats and character builds, go nuts! And there are some nice secrets, if you view them in 3D... I just need to add them to the growing google doc of my models... And actually post said doc on my blog... Yeah... Soon...
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shurisneakers · 5 months
a writing challenge? in 2024? you bet
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Hi! Hello! Hey!
I've been going through A Time and have chosen to cope by going back to the specific vibes of 2016 to 2018. That happens to include an incredible resurgence in my love for MCU fanfic, the community around it and all the love that goes into them. I've felt a bit distant from here for a while, but I still see so many of my old friends writing, ones who want to get back into it, and a whole lot of new writers I am dying to meet.
I've floated this idea vaguely on my blog and people seem to be interested so I figured it was worth a shot!
So yeah, welcome to Ari's Old School, Nostalgia Jam, Why-The-Hell-Not MCU Fic Writing Challenge 2024!
Prompts, rules and whatnot under the cut:
If you could reblog this post to reach someone who might want to participate, I'd really appreciate it! No need to be following me, it's open for anyone.
Reader-inserts, OCs, solo character fics, character x character-- absolutely no limitations
Any and all MCU characters are allowed
Anything above 500 words should have a read-more/keep-reading tab. Series, multi-chapters, one-shots, drabbles, etc etc. The sky's the limit.
Please tag me in your fics (@shurisneakers) so I'm notified of them, and post them with the tag #arisoldschoolwritingchallenge . It may take me a while to get back to you due to the circumstances I find myself in currently, but I absolutely will. Please send me a DM if I haven't responded within 10 days.
Send me an ask with the prompt you would like. Feel free to pick up to 2 prompts
The only thing I request of you: no RPF and no dark fics. Smut is welcome, but non-con/dub-con/incest or anything along those veins is something I'd ask you not to submit for this challenge. Thank you for your understanding!
I know I've called it an MCU fic challenge as it's the community I've grown with, but if you feel like any of these prompts resonates with a character from another fandom, please go ahead and write it. This challenge really is just about the fun of writing fanfic and love for Your Little Guys
No submission cut-off date. Take all the time you need.
I've tried to have a mix of classics and uncommon tropes/dynamics, so I hope everyone finds something they connect with!
Relationship Prompts
1. Enemies (taken by @theysaywhatasadsight)
2. Best friends/childhood friends
3. Coworkers (taken by @jaaneymann)
4. Internet friends
5. Neighbours/roommates (taken by @angrythingstarlight)
6. Fake dating (taken by @hungryforpowernotfood)
7. Commuters
Alternate Universe Prompts
1. Florist AU (taken by @hungryforpowernotfood)
2. Showmance AU (taken by @bombsonboard)
3. Social media/streaming/gaming AU (taken by @splintered-emotions)
4. Thieves/Heist Group AU
5. Time travel AU
6. Pirates AU
7. College AU (taken by @lovelybarnes)
8. Apocalypses/dystopia AU (taken by @targaryenvampireslayer)
9. Chef AU
10. Roadtrips AU
Some rarer miscellaneous ones for those who are so inclined!
1. Shipwrecked together on an island
2. Meet Ugly (opposite of Meet Cutes) (taken by @barnesandco
3. Both of you are ghosts but don't know the other is
4. Treasure hunters AU
5. Faking death
6. Professional cuddlers AU
7. Time loops/Groundhog Day (taken by @sxrensxngwrites)
8. Orpheus and Eurydice
9. Villain x hero
10. Hitchhiking
11. Carnival of Horrors
12. Robin Hood
13. Matchmakers AU
14. Insomniac x narcoleptic
15. Intergalactic Coffee Shop AU
16. Doomed By The Narrative
17. Enemies to Lovers to Enemies
18. Subversion of Classic Hallmark Movie Tropes
Dialogue prompts
You can tweak them as per requirements, but be sure to keep the underlying message!
1. "I should have trusted myself. I should have stayed far away from you." (taken by @waywardcrow)
2. "Has it occurred to you that how I feel matters too?" (taken by @jaaneymann)
3. "We failed. I would do it again."
4. "You do not deserve my forgiveness."
5. "You make me feel so alone." (taken by @reidishh)
6. "I'm not giving up on us." "I did. You should too." (taken by @targaryenvampireslayer)
1. "Ohhh, you wanna kiss me so bad it makes you look stupid." (taken by @pinkthick)
2. "I think you and I make the worst choices together." "Yeah, but it's always entertaining."
3. "I trusted you." "Terrible decision, really."
4. "I know I'm smiling but I want to push you off a very big cliff." (taken by @pepperonijem)
5. "I'm hilarious." "You're traumatised."
1. "This is the only thing I look forward to everyday." (Taken by @bombsonboard)
2. "I think we should do that again. For the sake of the world and my sanity."
3. "You're all I think about." (taken by @waywardcrow)
4. "Don't go anywhere I can't follow." (taken by @iguess-theyre-mymess)
5. "Don't smile at me like that." "Like what?" "Like that." (Taken by @lovelybarnes)
Word Prompts:
Bruised (taken by @juvenilearson)
Sunflower (taken by @barnesandco)
Mischief (taken by @supraveng)
I hope you'll join in! Please do tag anyone you think would be interested, I'd love for this to have as wide an audience as possible.
Lots of love <3
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ofmermaidstories · 2 months
From your posts so far I feel like you have such a wide variety of understanding complex characters. How do you think you would tackle writing for Todoroki Touya, and have you ever considered any storyline for him? What kind of civilian reader do you think you’d craft for him if so?
beyond a post-canon bonnie and clyde AU, i’ve never really seriously considered a fic for dabbers. 🧐 he’s a fun character in canon, but to me that’s because he’s a walking tragedy—his hatred and desperation for his father. his resentment of his perfect baby brother. the way both of those things blindside him to his other brother, his sister, their mum. i don’t see him as like, the fun flirty bad boy that i think was a given read of him, earlier in BNHA—i think what he eventually goes through will profoundly change him, if he lives. it’ll take hard work for him to get to a place where he can be like, happy with the family that’s reaching out to him—his father, his mother, his siblings…. his perfect baby brother.
for a post-canon dabbers fic, i’d probably strike at the in-between time between him physically and mentally healing—like, his injuries have been treated, he’s gotten physical therapy. maybe he has a prosthetic arm like his arm, or a cane to help him walk but he can do things, he can physically be apart of the world again—but he still bubbles with his resentment. touya’s a massive fazacon in canon and everyone who disagrees with me can argue with a wall LMAOOO i’m right about this forever, but like, for a x reader fic i think that means competition for his attention on a very base level, you know? like, how do you bond with and romance a guy that’s constantly sour about how his father ruined his life??? to me that means you benefit best from having a Reader-insert who either has their own baggage, or is nihilistic enough to laugh his off LOL. and i think if you’re going to make them both like, kinda unrepentant assholes, you’re almost obligated to give them a happy ending??? or rather—that’s how i would write it. like with the dabi/bonnie & reader/clyde idea, i would set it up so that they both think they’re gonna die at the end of it, that the reader (lowercase) thinks they’re gonna die, that endeavour and rei and the todo siblings (minus Shouto) think they’re gonna die—and then at the end they don’t. one of them—maybe dabi himself, because i think we owe him that chance—tries to pull a stunt that like, lets Reader live, say. maybe he meets up with his perfect baby brother at some stage during the Crime Spree and it’s Shouto who’s like, I can help you. I can help both of you, please let me, and at first Dabi’s furious (how fucking dare this useless squirt of endeavour’s hot fucking snot talk to him like a hero) but then. you know. he gets attached like a chump, or whatever. maybe he sees more of himself in you than he wanted to, or maybe being outside of the careful, clinical surveillance he was under before means he has to confront like—what the point of it all is, you know? he failed in killing his father, his baby brother, himself. he got patched together and now endeavour’s grovelling like a worm for forgiveness Touya doesn’t want to give him, almost (it’s not atonement or forgiveness he wants—he wants the family he should’ve had, the power he should’ve had from birth, perfect and whole). and it’s like—the choice is either go out in a blaze of glory or…. i don’t think he’d even let himself imagine it, LOL. you and him and your fucked up issues like linen in the cupboards of some cute little house with a tidy fence around it? bullshit. pathetic.
(but you patch each other up. and the way you laugh when someone eats shit trying to run during one of your robberies makes him think of his days with the League of Villains—the way everyone was so unrepentative in what they were after, the hurt they wanted to inflict. And yet Toga’s out there somewhere, getting rehabilitated back into society and last Touya heard Spinner was working with heteromorph discrimination programs after a rough recovery—and you could still make it, he thinks in disdain. He’s on his last, last chance but you—you could still have that tiny home, somewhere. The linen cupboards that hold more than the issues that sent you to the same centre he was languishing in. You could still have a future, and later that night when you’re asleep he walks away from the car you’ve traded (stolen) the van in for—and calls his perfect baby brother, who answers the phone silently, waiting.
“You wanna help?” Touya asks, dry. “Then help, Hero.”)
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fractiflos · 6 months
Here's some ideas for Heroes Week!
And here's the link to the idea list I did. You can also use these any future fics (or drawings).
Hikage leads his fellow vestiges (except they're alive here) on a weekend camping trip. We can only imagine the chaos
In honor of Third's name reveal he has to be the victim of some AU where the original work stars a guy named Bruce. Or put into the outfit of a guy named Bruce.
All For One gets turned into a rabbit and Yoichi finds him, thinks he's an ordinary rabbit, and takes him home to where he lives with Second. He then suffers having to watch his brother live a happy romantic life with coral head. Naturally, he tries to communicate who he really is to Yoichi, who remains oblivious. Unfortunately, Second picks it up instead. Shenanigans ensue.
The same AFO hates his brother's boyfriend(s) stuff, blah blah blah, except... AFO isn't Yoichi's brother.
It's En's birthday and nobody has any idea what to get him. They all scramble to get a good gift and learn a lot about him on the way.
AFO is the owner of Cat Yoichi. He's one of those super annoying rich cat owners who brags about their purebred cat and how he only gives him *Expensive food brand that's actually really good which makes him even more annoying* and stuff like that. Cat Yoichi is very much an indoors cat, but only because AFO wants him to be. If he had his way, he'd be outside exploring all day. Meanwhile, Second and Third are alley cats starving for food. They see Yoichi living a good life and scheme to try and get in.
Some sort of farming game AU. I say Animal Crossing, but that's only because it's the only farming game I have played. Hikage enjoys his peaceful life maintaining his vegetable garden, only for a ridiculously loud neighbor (Banjo) to choose to put his house right next to his. And for added fun, Toshinori is the mayor of One for All Isle
Nana competes in a cooking competition.
You know all those jokes about men figuring out they're going to have a kid because they start making dad jokes and stuff? Okay, now imagine that All Might starts doing that after he meets Midoriya... And AFO notices the sudden dad behavior.
AFO messes up while cutting his brother's hair and Yoichi has too try and hide it.
Genderbend! I put this on the last one, but I haven't seen a lot of genderbent 4-7 so I'm putting it here too.
According to the wiki, Banjo shaved his head. What circumstances would lead up to that?
It's almost Christmas which means it's time for the MISTLETOE TRAP TROPE!
Yoichi sees what a great match Inko would be for the Eighth and ropes everyone else into helping them get together. To make up for her being unfortunate enough to marry his brother.
Something for the Vault Breakers ship! Yoichi is losing his mind trying to get the two together, because no matter what, they seem to think any romance-like actions come from friendship. "You two SHOWER together?" "Well yeah, we're saving money." "You KISS each other?!" "Of course, we do, we're best friends."
Referring back to a certain birthday post I once made, Hikage is a librarian in a small village who fights back when an evil CEO tries to destroy the forest the village is built on.
Users 1-8 are turned into animals (you pick which) and Izuku is forced to take care of them.
There has to be a classic trope in here: Yoichi is struggling to make ends meet as he tries to achieve his dream of becoming a manga writer. There's no way he's going to his brother, but he needs money and fast. He decides to get a second job at the coffee shop next door to his apartment, and ends up serving some very interesting people. Including a mysterious (and handsome) spiky-haired man.
To refer to a meme I once made, En, Banjo, and Hikage babysit little Izuku.
Villain Second and Third.
I forgot to put this on the last one, but please tag me if you do use any of these. I want to see it!
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thepenultimateword · 2 years
okay so:
I had a dream about this one idea where everyone makes fun of villain for whatever reason. Villain starts to believe all those things, still feels terrible of course, but finds it easier to deal with it all when they just accept those "jokes" as truth.
But well, since I'm a sucker for villain x villain stuff, Supervillain swoops in to help them out of their misery
Thanks a lot in advance and have a wonderful day ❤️♥️
*Me reading this ask*
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My villain x supervillain heart can’t resist. (May just be my favorite ship, even more than hero x villain. Just something about two crime-hardened people being soft for each other)
CW: Bullying, panic attack
"Smile~," the hero said, the big black eye of their phone camera reflecting Villain's queasy face.
The colors were muted, but even so, their skin was far too pale. Their lips seized somewhere between a grimace and a glare. A scribbled line of a mouth that gated off the burn rising in the back of their throat and anything else that might let it loose, even their own words of defense.
They didn't even know who this hero was. They were just some start-up who jumped them in one of the back allies. What was worse was this wasn't the first time. Not even close. Every hero seemed to have eyes on them these days. Even some civilians got the courage to gang up together and get in on the fun.
"Come on," the hero insisted, pouting their lips like they were talking to a baby. "Just one little smile."
Villain swallowed hard on the bile, wincing at the way it scalded on the way down, and shakily rose the corners of their lips. This was fine. It was just a stupid trend. People would forget about it soon. And maybe it was funny. Villain certainly had never met anyone else with such an...interesting reaction to fear. People liked it because it was weird. It was just a joke.
Villain's eyes burned. They'd been wearing these contacts for too long. The wetness pricking in the corner of their eyes stung like salt in a wound.
Wait. Wetness? Were they crying?
No, please. Not now. Not here. Not with their hands bound to a back alley waterspout and this vigilante nobody putting them on their live stream for the whole world to laugh at.
"Aww, why are you crying, buddy? You're just fine. I mean, I've barely touched you aside from those bonds. You're not actually frightened already are you?"
Logically, Villain should be fine. They'd won against stronger heroes than this idiot. So why couldn't they move?
“N-no…” Villain choked weakly. They had meant to shout it, but as soon as their mouth was open, they felt any force on their stomach muscles would be their doom.
Their heart pounded in their ears at this point and it was hard to get enough air with their mouth clamped shut. Dark spots flecked their vision, but the alternative seemed much worse.
No, Villain wasn't frightened. They were terrified.
This hero might be a rookie, but Villain didn't know them. They didn't know what they were going to do to them. Whether this joke extended further than their humiliation. What their limits were. And it was the same story with most of their attackers these last three months. Ever since a reporter caught Villain puking on video in response to Other Hero pinning them in a corner and nearly killing them. They should be somewhat thankful for that; Other Hero's shock had given them the few seconds needed to escape. But in this moment, with so many people talking, so many people watching...it was hard not to see that as a catalyst for a nightmare.
It wasn't the only thing of course...there were also the tics: handwringing during monologues, giving up on schemes when it turned out none of the heroes they were used to were coming, etc. Half a villain the media called them. Because some part of them must be a hero for how much they foiled themself.
Yeah...maybe that was funny. Maybe Villain just needed to understand the joke better, and they would stop being so scared. Maybe if they just went along, things would get better.
"Alright, viewers," the hero said cheerily, "what do you say we spice things up a little."
They moved in closer, and Villain huddled back against the brick wall behind them.
"Now, now, don't freak out. I'm just going to ask questions, and you're going to tell us some things. Things we've all been curious about. Like why you do it."
Villain squeezed their eyes shut as if doing so could hide them from the hero's prickling smirk. They didn't want to talk about this. They didn't want to talk about this. They didn't want to--
"Get that phone out of their face before I choke you with it."
Villain wasn't sure who said it, but there was a yelp and the scrape of two pairs of shoes scuffling in the gravel, and then the pounding of one pair running away. When they opened their eyes, the hero was gone. In their place stood a face they'd only seen on television. Well-dressed, unnaturally attractive, and sharp, diamond-cutting eyes boring into their soul: Supervillain.
Villain gaped. People like Villain didn't just run into people like Supervillain. Maybe they were both criminals, but they were in completely different classes. Supervillain was untouchable. They didn't even bother hiding when they went out because not even the heroes had developed a good protocol to stop them. The media compared them to a cat swatting at flys.
And now they were right here. This...this was...
They doubled over and vomited into their own lap.
The shame blanketed them in a hot haze, and their upper lip went cool with a gathering sheen of sweat. Villain twisted away from Supervillain's face before they could see their disgusted expression. "I'm sorry. I--" They scrunched small and pressed their forehead against the cool brick, swallowing the sour taste trapped in the dry of their mouth several times before mustering up a few more words. "Thank you. Thank you, but... Please go."
"That must hurt." Gentle fingers touched their raw wrists where the ropes pinched and scraped. Something cold and metal laid across Villain's forearm and pressed through the small space beneath the bonds.
Villain flinched and whirled their head back around just in time to see the rope slacken and flutter to the gravel. They stared at the mess of frayed cord for several moments before forcing their gaze toward the master criminal.
Supervillain twirled the long blade back into a holster on their side. A moment later, they unclipped their cape and swept it around Villain's shoulders, fussing with the folds a moment before bundling them up in their arms.
"N-no," Villain protested gripping awkwardly to Supervillain's arm through the fabric as their feet were taken out from under them. "You shouldn't touch me. I-I'll ruin your cape."
"I get it dry cleaned twice a week," Supervillain said, voice vibrating low and even in their chest. "It'll be fine."
Their arms squeezed a little tighter around Villain's form, and with a rush of air, the dark alley shrank and dropped out of sight. It wasn't even that Villain lost sight of it as Supervillain jumped; it was like the world literally folded it out of existence, leaving them sailing through dark nothing. Villain tried to make sense of it, but they were already in a daze, and their lurching stomach wasn't making cognitive functions much easier. Most of the journey was a blur. So it was rather sudden when they found themself on their own two feet again in the middle of a bright, cream-colored living room.
Villain felt like a newborn deer blinking in their first surroundings. It was beautiful. Like something from a home decorating show. Suede sofa, plush rug, tall ceiling...
Supervillain stood to the side, steadily drinking them in, and Villain pulled the cape tighter around them, as if it could shield them from Supervillain's view and hide their obvious displacement . One worn shoe tread halfway over the cream rug and when they edged onto the hard floor, it left an ugly, gray smear.
Villain's eyes leaped up to Supervillain's in a panic, but the master criminal simply looked down and up again. They smiled.
"Why don't you take a shower? Make it as long as you want. I'll leave some clothes outside the door. We'll talk when you're done."
Villain stared.
"Bathroom is straight down this hall. Use any of the products you find; I have a lot."
Villain nodded numbly and unsure what else to do, followed Supervillain's pointing finger into the master bathroom.
It was beautiful too. The bath looked more like a hot tub and the shower was like a walk-in closet. The mirror covered nearly the entire wall and only then did Villain realize how truly pathetic they looked, especially beside the rich, deep blue of Supervillain's cape. Hair a mess, eyes sunken, dirt all over their face, lips bloodless, and just overall small.
Villain broke eye contact with themself and began stripping away the dirty clothes, carefully folding the vomit stains inwards before gingerly piling them on the toilet. The air conditioning from the overhead vent sent a shiver down their spine, but it was nothing compared to the goosebumps still prickling their skin from the incident.
They turned the faucet up to nearly the hottest setting and let all that cold fear and alley grime wash down the drain. Steam gathered comfortingly around them in humid lavender and mint as Villain busied themself with lathering their hair.
It took a long time for their uneasiness to fade, but once it had, they wrapped themself in one of the bathroom's plush towels and peeked outside the door to find a neatly folded pile of clothes: a fleece long-sleeved shirt and a pair of baggy drawstring sweats, all roughly their size.
They dressed quickly, and a little poking under the sink led them to a bottle of mouthwash that rid them of the sour bile taste lingering in their mouth.
Feeling significantly better, Villain padded out to the living room, clenched hands sunk deep into their pockets. They found Supervillain sprawled out across the sofa, a book pinched between thumb and forefinger. They looked up at the sound of Villain's footsteps.
"Ah," Supervillain swung their legs to the rug and waved Villain toward the pillow-covered arm chair across from them. "Please, sit.
Villain did so, hunching their shoulders and staring at their knees. "Um, so, thank you again for um…well…all this, but...what did you want to talk about?"
Why did you bring me here? That was the real question knocking around in Villain's head, but they didn't dare say it loud.
"I haven't introduced myself," Supervillain said, tone as if they'd truly only just realized. "Excuse me, I'm--"
"Th-that's ok," Villain interrupted peering up from under their lashes. "I know who you are."
Supervillain smiled, even looked somewhat flattered as they leaned their elbows on their knees. "Good. I'll be blunt then. I can change your image. That is, if you want."
Villain swallowed. “How?"
"The media is fickle," Supervillain said. "They drop the old for whatever's hot. It may not be exactly what you want, but if you present them with another story, one that overshadows your current image, it will be like all this other stuff never happened."
"And...what would that other story even be?" Villain asked, trying to feel out Supervillain’s angle. There was no way they were doing this out of the kindness of their heart.
Supervillain scooted onto the very edge of the sofa. They clasped their hands, unclasped them, laid them flat on their knees. "Perhaps your new relationship with me?"
Villain choked on their own breath. "My... my what?"
“Think about it! It’s the perfect solution! I’m the biggest name in villainy this city has ever seen, and that’s not my ego talking. No one would dare touch you knowing that you’re associated with me. And with a presence as strong as mine, after a few months, you’ll only be thought of as my partner. This ‘half a villain’ nonsense will fade away.”
Villain had a lot of things on their mind but the first thing that burst out was, "What if it backfires? What if I ruin your image?"
Supervillain chuckled like Villain had something silly. "Not gonna happen."
"So...we'd pretend to date?" Villain said slowly, still trying to figure out why Supervillain was doing this.
"Oh. Oh, no, no, I was thinking more of the real deal,” Supervillain said quickly. “I'm not really into confusing personal feelings with work. But hey, if you're not comfortable, I can see about giving you a job instead. It may take a slower course, but it should still do the trick."
Their smile remained pasted on, but their forehead creased and the nonchalant wave of their hand seemed stiff. They preferred the relationship idea. Not a fake one. A real one.
"Why would you want that?" Villain said.
"Um, because you're adorable?" Supervillain said without hesitation. "We have the same ideals, same job, there must be tons of other things we have in common. And you've got this defenseless vibe around you that I can't resist. I saw you in that first video, and I knew right away: that villain is going to be mine."
"I don't get it."
Villain’s voice cracked without warning. They clenched their fists, but they were already trembling. Was Supervillain in on this too? Was there a hidden camera somewhere amongst all this finery? Ready to broadcast Villain's gullibility? That had to be it. It was the only thing that made sense. There was no way Supervillain—Supervillain!—was interested in them of all people.
“What about that video could have appealed to you? The whole city saw what happened, maybe the whole world. Everyone saw what a joke I was. It's hilarious how bad I am at being a villain. And all those weird things I do, fidgeting and throwing up and all the rest, they must be funny too because I'm a trend now. Why would you involve yourself with that? I'm a total embarrassment!"
Without warning, Supervillain's warm hand slid over their cheek and cupped the left side of their face. Villain wasn’t sure when they crossed the room, but here they were crouched in front of them. They tipped their head up at them, and those shiny eyes drilled earnestly into their eye sockets, maybe saw right through them. Their faces were still a couple feet apart, but it felt as if Supervillain was whispering straight in their ear.
"I want to protect you."
"Let me protect you," Supervillain said.
Villains mouth had gone completely dry. This whole situation was strange, but a part of them wanted to believe it was true. They were just so tired of hurting.
"Prove that you really want to,” they finally said. “If you can…then ok.”
“That should be easy enough,” Supervillain grinned. They leaned in closer, hands bracing on either armrest. The heat of their breath ghosted against their cheek.
Villain squeezed their eyes shut and tried to steady their trembling. They weren’t prepared for this!
Supervillain’s forehead knocked against Villain’s, the tips of their noses just shy of brushing and… And then they stopped.
Villain cracked open their eyes. Supervillain stared straight through them, irises alive with a deep fire. Gone was the sharp, measuring look they’d maintained most of the night. This was hungrier, more destructive. Without breaking eye contact, they gently rubbed their forehead back and forth against Villain’s.
“I’ll start with the one who hurt you tonight.”
Part Two
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The witchling and the god [Loki x Witch!Reader] Chapter 6
Summary: The Avengers were looking for someone to help Loki fit in with the team. To become socially acceptable, so to speak. He had been given the choice of sitting in a cell in Asgard or serving some sort of community service probation on Midgard. The Avengers and Shield both felt that as long as Loki was on Earth, he should be under supervision. This is now your job. Why? Because you’re a witch. You’re not sure why this qualifies you, but here you are, giving it a shot. What could possibly go wrong?
Tags: Witch!Reader, Magic, Witches, slow burn, everybody lives in the tower, character development, Loki‘s redemption, Stephen Strange is a friend, Loki and Stephen are frenemies, Tony Stark is a good bro, kids love Loki, Tony has stupid nicknames for everybody, eventual smut
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Chapter's Note: I know that 'Make a wish' and 'Meet your hero' are two different things but for the sake of this story I do not care. You know what is meant. More kids loving Loki in this chapter. Beta by @zaria-04 <3
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Chapter 6: Make a wish
The next few days pass by quite uneventfully. However, there is one thing you can't get out of your head and that is how easily Loki dealt with the child. And after some thinking, you have an idea.
"Do you know what the 'Make a wish foundation' is?" you ask the God of Mischief one morning.
"I do not. But from the name, I would guess that this foundation makes wishes come true."
"Exactly. It's for kids with serious illnesses. One part of it is where kids who have to stay in hospitals permanently or long-term can meet their idols. Right now, Spider-Man is very popular, but there are also meet and greets with singers or famous artists," you explain, showing him some videos and pictures of these meetings on a tablet. "Sometimes just a double or an actor who looks like the idol comes in."
"And you want me to do something like that?" Loki laughs, but not amused. "That's something for your so-called heroes. Why would anyone want to meet me, the evil one?"
Some day you should talk to him about how he sees himself. "You wouldn't go there as a villain, but as a Norse god," you explain. "A lot of kids are interested in mythology. Especially when they're sick and are looking for comfort or answers. I went through a Roman phase myself when I was young, and I just devoured all the myths and stories."
"Pah, Jupiter is no match for us," Loki retorts dismissively, but seems to be thinking about your words, because he tilts his head and stares at a vague point. He usually does this when he is lost in thought. You give him all the time he needs.
"I'd better not ask. I don't know if I could handle knowing that more gods are real. I'd have to ask you about Jesus." You speak more to yourself than to him, but of course Loki opens his mouth, which is why you quickly add: "Please, don't answer that."
Amused, he closes his mouth again.
"You don't have to decide right now, okay? Just think about it for a little bit. I wouldn't suggest it if I didn't think it was a good idea," you say, "It's about the kids. So it will be absolutely necessary that there are no incidents. There will be some rules put in place. But it would be a good opportunity to build your reputation. And I imagine you might even have fun doing it."
"I hardly think so," the Asgardian retorts.
"Why not? A room full of little Loki fans adoring you should just be to your liking."
Your words make him think. "When you put it that way, it actually sounds tempting. Fine, I‘ll do it."
That's how quickly it's decided.
You'd discussed the idea with Tony beforehand, of course. Surprisingly, he had no objections, and now that Loki has agreed, you can get down to the actual preparations and planning.
It takes a little while until everything is organized. With the help of Doctor Stephen Strange you found a children's hospital with integrated hospice, which is outside of New York and perfectly suited for your project. You got on the phone with the staff and after a few calls you were able to set a date. They already had experience there with this type of meet and greet, although there had probably never been a god among the idols.
You did not reveal that he is a literal god. It's about the kids and you don't want to stir up suspicion in advance.
A driver takes Loki and you there, along with two agents in civilian clothes. That's standard procedure and SHIELD insists on it. The two would keep a low profile, but could step in if it became necessary. Even if it was just to keep out unwanted onlookers.
To quote the team leader, "You'd be surprised by some of the strange incidents we've had."
In the car, you give Loki a final briefing.
"It's important that you stay calm, no matter what," you remind him. "And no magic!"
"No magic that anyone notices as such," he corrects you.
"No magic that anyone notices as such," you repeat, adding, "And no chaos. I know chaos is a part of you, but in this case, please keep it to a manageable minimum."
"Yes, ma’am." Loki salutes mockingly. "No chaos, no deaths, I won't even set a single fire."
You're glad he takes it with humor and isn't offended. The truth is, you're probably more nervous than he is. This is a big deal. Not a simple lunch where the two of you are more or less alone. He's about to stand in front of kids and interact with them. Kids are unpredictable, but you trust your instincts. You wouldn't do this if you had a bad feeling about it.
"I'm sorry, I know you'll do a good job," you smile apologetically. "I trust you."
Loki's expression changes as he looks at you and nods. You get the feeling he's never looked so sincere before.
How long has he been waiting for someone to say those words to him? And mean them. Such simple words, but with a big impact.
Your attention is drawn from each other as the car stops.
You enter the hospital as a group and at the reception desk you meet the administrator and the head nurse, with whom you had spoken on the phone. A few minutes of shaking hands and exchanging pleasantries follow. Loki takes the lead on this and you let him.
He has dressed up especially for the occasion. He wears fine, Asgardian clothes, ornately decorated and an aura of royalty surrounds him. It is hard not to be captivated by him and your eyes keep wandering to him.
The head nurse - she has introduced herself as Nurse Chapel and belongs to the kind of person who is cordial but does not tolerate nonsense. You take an instant liking in her - leads you to the second floor.
"The kids are all between eight and eleven years old," she tells you along the way. "Their conditions go from cancer to genetic defects. But it has been a good day so far."
Loki doesn't know these disease names, but you explained to him ahead of time why the kids need to be here in the hospital.
"How fragile are they?" he wants to know.
"Probably less than you think. Go ahead and make them laugh from the heart. It's good for them." Chapel stops in front of a door. "Ready?" she asks Loki.
He looks briefly at you, then nods. "Yes."
The head nurse walks in first and announces Loki, who follows her promptly. You fall back a few steps and enter the room unobtrusively. The two undercover agents remain in the hallway.
The room is comfortably furnished, almost like a living room of sorts, with several seating options. Eight children sit in a semicircle in the middle and you spot two more nurses with them. The children all look far too pale and thin for their age. Most are wearing scarves tied around their heads instead of hair and one boy is pushing an IV around. But their faces are all beaming as their attention is on Loki. He has joined them in the circle and is about to answer their questions, which they immediately throw at him.
"Why isn't your hair red?" asks the boy with the IV. His voice croaks a little. "I thought Loki was a ginger."
"I'm over a thousand years old. It’s boring to always have the same color of hair." Loki puts the flat of his hand on his hairline in his forehead so that it covers it, then slides his hand up a bit. The hair underneath suddenly appears orange-red. "See. It's easy." When he moves his hand back, the area is black again.
So much for no magic.
The kids make a general "Ooooooh!" sound.
"Can you make my hair longer?" a girl asks who has no scarf but just a short, light fluff on her head.
"Your hair is wonderful, little lady. I've rarely seen such a beautiful shaped head."
The girl giggles, but before she can object further, another child interjects with another question. "Is it true that you gave birth to a horse?"
Loki raises his index finger. "Ah, that's often said, but actually the story goes quite differently. Would you like me to tell you?"
"So listen well, little ones. This is the story of an adventure! Long ago, a wall was built around Asgard for protection. But the master builder, a Hrimthurse, deceived Odin and shortly before the completion of the wall he demanded the goddess Freya as his wife, as well as the moon and the sun. This was an outrage beyond comparison. My brother Thor and I hatched a plan to prevent this.
One night I kidnapped the Hrimthurse's horse, which was a very strategic move and allowed Thor to defeat him in battle. But, alas, I did not know that the horse was pregnant and it gave birth that night to Sleipnir, the eight-legged horse. I brought both animals home to the royal stable. The horses of the Hrimthurses are wild beasts, and very strong. But I managed to raise and tame Sleipnir. And when it was big enough, I gifted it to Odin, so that he could ride it to war."
You sat down on a chair near the wall, near the two nurses, who actually wanted to drink a coffee, but now - just like the children - listened spellbound to the narration. You also hang on to his every words.
Loki has truly earned his name silvertongue. He remains seated among the children and doesn't even use much gesticulation. He doesn't need to emphasize his story. His voice and words alone are perfectly sufficient for that.
You have heard some myths about the eight-legged horse Sleipnir, who is supposedly Loki's child. But it is something else to hear directly from him about what happened. He manages to make it seem as if you yourself were present at the ruse, when Loki conjured up mist in the middle of the night and crept in the darkness to the Hrimthurse's horse.
"Does that mean you can't turn into a horse at all?" one of the children asks curiously.
"Oh, I am absolutely able to do that." Loki's eyes flash mischievously at you and for a moment you're afraid he's really going to do that, as he demonstratively looks around. "However, I'm afraid it's a little too crowded here for a horse. You wouldn't want to be responsible for me knocking over all the furniture, would you?"
"No!" - "Yes!" resounds simultaneously from different mouths.
Fortunately, the nurses don't seem fazed and think it's all great fun.
"Tststs," Loki playfully scolds. "You little rascals." Suddenly he has a pair of dice in his hand, which he wills into the air and deftly catches again. "Have you ever heard of Loki’s Dice?"
"No? Well, let me tell you: it's a great game. And not just because I invented it. How about this: whoever beats me at it, gets a great prize. Who wants to try first?"
Several children's arms shoot up. Loki puts a finger to his lips and everyone is quiet as a mouse. He has this presence that grabs everyone’s attention.
He makes a show of making the dice disappear in his hands and reappear somewhere else. He'd be a really good sleight of hand magician. Along the way, he explains the rules, which are basically pretty simple. He even wrote a song about it, which he performs.
He has a wonderful singing voice. Like honey. And you feel like the fly that's caught with it. You could listen to him forever.
Loki throws the dice. The goal is to hit six. He throws a seven.
Loki throws the dice. All eyes are on the dice. He makes the bet disappear.
Loki rolls the dice. All sides show ones. He is the trickster.
It warms you to watch him. There's something very kind, but also a bit mischief about his interaction with the kids. They love it and he keeps them entertained and for a while makes them forget their pain, the various reasons they are here for. There is no trace of his arrogance or even the criminal that many see in him. You can get used to this Loki you're watching here. You wish to see this side of him much more often.
Hearing his rich laugh, seeing the twinkle in his eye just before he makes a great joke.
As indicated in the song, it's hard to beat him at his own game. Time and time again, the dice show a picture that shouldn't be on them at all. But one child after another finally makes it and Loki gifts each one of them a cube of their own afterwards.
"Do you dance?" a girl asks Loki afterwards. "Other heroes always dance when they visit us."
Loki's gaze darts to you briefly, noticing that you're watching him, amused but intrigued. He winks at you and it makes your heart leap. "I'm no hero, but I can show you a dance that is popular at feasts in Odin's halls," he says, turning to the girl. "But I need a partner for that." He holds out his hand to her and she jumps to her feet, giggling.
They begin with a bow to each other. Then they place their palms together and Loki softly hums the beat. They take a few steps in one direction, then he leads her into a turn and right back again. They are an uneven pair, the girl barely reaching Loki's waist, but she makes up for it with enthusiasm, swinging her feet with laughter.
Loki hands her his other hand and they dance a not-too-complicated pattern around each other. At one point the girl stumbles, but the Asgardian elegantly catches her and sets her back in her seat. He then bows to her.
She giggles while another child holds up his arm.
"Me next."
Loki looks at the faces and puts his hands on his hips.
"For it to be a real party, everyone has to dance."
The children are immediately in it and scatter to their feet. Loki helps them form pairs and then shows them the steps again.
Shortly after, most of them are just jumping and laughing wildly, having great fun. Even the nurses are clapping along to a beat.
Loki appears at your side and before you can protest, he has grabbed your hand and pulled you among the dancers as well. Continuing to hold your hand, he places his right on your waist and leads you to the music of the laughing children. His eyes flash down at you in amusement.
This is not what you imagined for this day. Somehow it's much better.
Finally, the visit comes to an end. Loki takes his time saying goodbye, realizing the significance of what it means for the children to have to go back to their rooms and beds. He may also be intentionally delaying his departure a bit to keep them in the illusion of a normal, healthy day a little longer.
Nurse Chapel steps up beside you. "He's great," she comments quietly, glancing at the Asgardian.
You smile proudly, for you are happy for him. "Yeah."
"We have another boy here, Felix. He's fourteen and a big fan of Norse mythology. Unfortunately, he's too weak to leave his room. I know it wasn't part of the agreement, but do you think your Loki could pay him a quick visit?" She hesitates briefly while you still let the phrase 'your Loki' sink in. It sounds good. "It's not a sight for the faint-hearted," the head nurse then adds.
You blink and push the thoughts out of your head. "I'll talk to him," you promise her and she thanks you with a nod.
You go ahead and step out into the hallway. One of the SHIELD agents is sitting on a bench at the wall, looking up as you close the door. You spot the other standing at the end of the hallway.
"Are we done?" he asks you.
"Almost. How was it out here?"
"All quiet."
A few minutes later Loki comes out of the door, grinning and with his arms outstretched. He looks very pleased with himself and his gaze wanders to you.
“What do you think?" he asks you, "Did you enjoy the show?"
"You were great. I knew you would ace it." You beam at him and he seems satisfied with that answer. Then you bring up the head nurse’s request. "Nurse Chapel just asked me if you could visit another boy who is not allowed to leave his bed. Would you do that? If you rather go back home, that's totally fine and nobody wil-..."
"I'll do it," he interrupts you.
You smile at him. "That's very kind of you."
"Well, I am a generous god," he says cockily, but his tone is affectionately sarcastic.
You beckon Nurse Chapel to come over and share Loki's response with her. She gives him a grateful smile and leads the way. It's on another floor at the end of a hallway.
"If you could wait outside," she says, addressing you. "Too many people drain him."
"Of course." With a final pat on Loki's arm, he follows the head nurse inside while you and the two agents stay in the hallway. The door is just ajar and you hear the dark tone of Loki's voice. It's muffled and you can't make out any individual words. There is also a soft, steady beeping and something that sounds like a ventilator.
You think about stopping somewhere on the way home and grabbing food for everyone. They had earned it. It had been an extremely successful day. Loki has proven himself, you are very pleased with his performance. He seemed to have had fun as well, and you're already thinking about what project you might approach next. After today, your goal of having him join the Avengers team doesn't seem so unrealistic anymore. Maybe you should just tell him to think of them all as kids. Then maybe he'd get along with them better. The thought makes you chuckle.
Suddenly, you hear an alarm at the station and look up. You register that the soft, steady beeping has turned into a piercing sound. Several nurses and doctors come running up and into the room. The two agents have jumped up from their seats, but neither of you wants to stand in the way of a medic. Only when the way is clear do you rush into the room as well, ignoring Chapel's previous warning to wait outside.
In here, the sound is louder, almost ringing shrilly in your ears. There is only one bed in the room. You can't see the figure on it, because it's surrounded by doctors and nurses performing CPR. Loki is standing with his back against the wall, as if he had backed away. His face is pale - paler than usual - and horrified. He raises his head just as you enter and your eyes meet. In the next second, he vanishes.
Tag List: @lokisgoodgirl @lokixryss @itsybitchylittlewitchy @yokshi-unbeliebubble @fictional-hooman @elennair @all-envy-suyu @purplekitten30 @elisadmaggiore @nothing2113 @baebeepeach @ceo-of-stfu @moonlightreader649 @ronipiamka @fluffybunnyu @ninjarose23
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hollowsart · 2 months
can you explain mites a bit to me? i get the vague idea but ya know
Oh boy, oh boy, I get to info dump!!
The Hollowverse AU Mites:
Mxyzptlk and Bat-Mite are of the same species, they're both Mites, but they can also be called 'imps' due to their appearance. They're from the same 5th dimension and world. Some may call it Zrrrf while others with call it the more aptly referred "Mite World".
Not everyone from Mite World will have a favorite character they idolize and not everyone will dress up as them. Mxy is a good example of this cuz while he has an obsession with Superman, he's not a Super-Mite.. which does also exist.
Mites are cartoonishly proportioned and function on cartoon logic, so they can handle a lot of hardcore slapstick and be just fine.. Well. In our world of the 3rd dimension, at least. It is their own kind that they can be truly damaged by.. or from anyone beyond their 5th dimension. They aren't by nature a species that will fight, but there are exceptions to that as they are all very mischievous.
Mites are quite small, only a couple of inches tall with large heads, large feet, and large hands. They all have tails and wings and some have horns, these can all vary in size and shape depending on the mite. Some mites can be bigger or smaller than others much like humans.
While they may dress up like their faves or even try to imitate them, their own personalities may not line up with that of their idol. And multiple Mites may idolize the same category of character (ie: Green Lantern) but each one idolizes a different person who took up that mantle and will be referred to as the name of the character to differentiate between each other within their designated group (Guy-Mite, Hal-Mite / Bat-Mite, Lady Bat-Mite).
Mites all have a real name and they can vary between nearly incomprehensible like Mxyzptlk or rather mundane and simple like in the case of Elvem the Mysterio-Mite who just prefers his real name as he is too cowardly to impose himself upon the image of his idol, Mysterio.
There are mites for any type of character along the spectrum of hero and villain and all that lies in between. They can be summoned at will if you know the words and "spell" (as is the case with my Mysterio summoning Elvem by a happy accident), or they will willingly choose to pop into the 3rd dimension to interact with their idols on occasion. Not all of them do, however, some just like to sit back in their home world of Mite World and watch their idols on their television-like viewing screens to keep up with their stories and lives.
Mites have their own sort of economy and society that is nearly reminiscent of human civilization.. just.. with some wacky cartoony differences, of course. They meet, they prank, they marry, they have kids-- via hatching!
Baby mites are even smaller than the fully grown ones which certainly is saying something! Only being about an inch in size give or take a few millimeters.
Fun Fact: Mites, compared to their 3rd dimensional counterparts which they idolize, are quite exaggerated in varying directions and aspects and their costumes are handmade by themselves!
Mites are confined by the law of rules and games. They make a rule? They are punished by the laws of the universe to follow their own rules: aka, Mxy gets tricked into saying his own name backwards somehow? bye bye Mxy :>
Mxy is doomed by his own hubris in this regard. While others like Bat-Mite don't have that hubris to create such a game, especially since they're so dedicated to their idol and want to stick around as long as they can.. until Batman goes "Dad Mode" and sternly asks Bat-Mite to please go back home.
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aita-blorbos · 4 months
AITA for triggering my friends traumatic memories, bullying people online, doing dealings with a mafia boss and causing mass destruction to property?
(That all sounds unrelated but trust me on this!)
I (17M) am a Vigilante- so sue me, I know it's not legal but I know I'm not the AH on that front so no lectures please!
I enjoy tinkering and engineering, I have made many designs that I use in my Vigilante work (gloves that are guns, trampoline shoes, etc), but I was getting a little uninspired. So, I had an idea to try and get a bomb so I could try and reverse engineer it to make more bombs, you see? I knew the best way to get one would be through the black market, and I knew of a mafia boss who lived nearby so I figured the best way to get a bomb was to ask him.
He (20-300M) (I don't know how old he is, he's like a demon, they basically live forever) agreed to give me some bombs in return for all the money I had in my bank account, which I was more than happy to give. A week later, one of his henchmen (30ishM) gave me a bag of bombs in an exchange in a warehouse and I was set!
On the side of my Vigilante work, I enjoy making fun of people online. Something you should know about me is I hate people with weird names. They're always.. they're just odd. I had found one of them online and was making fun of him, as I do, and then moved on with my life. Unbeknownst to me, that man was the mafia bosses husband, who quite coincidently knew who I was.
Around this time, my mother figure (26F) was arrested for poisoning the water supply to our city and abandoning her Hero duties, subsequently working with Villains. Tensions were pretty high between myself and my best friend (17M), who I consider my brother, because of what our mother figure did. To try and help our mother figure, he joined the mafia boss to try and get her out of prison.
However, I didn't like that one bit. We argued about this, where I mentioned how he was turning into his abusive, alcoholic and now deceased father. He lost it, went all furious and we stopped being friends. The mafia boss learned about this and wanted to use it to his advantage, so he ordered his henchman and my best friend to kidnap me. I had, unfortunately, glued myself to a chair just the day before, and was unable to get away in time.
I was brought to his basement, where he proceeded to torture me, telling me that this was for what I did to his husband. He also ordered my best friend to rip off my arm, which he did.
I died shortly after that, from blood loss I guess, and I don't know what happened for a few weeks, but I got revived thanks to some machinations I know very little about.
I guess the decay or whatever had got to my head, or maybe the torture, but I decided to get my revenge on the world by using the bombs I had gotten previously to blow up a city. I was unfortunately only able to blow up around a quarter of it, before the man who revived me killed me again.
I was pretty satisfied to go down then, but out of guilt or something he revived me, and now I'm spending time in prison. I thought I was justified in what I was doing, but apparently I'm not according to some others?
Idk, AITA for all that? I don't think I am personally, I'm too cool to be an AH but I'm just curious what others think.
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moumouton4 · 1 year
Hit The Jackpot || Dabi x villain!fem!reader
Part 2 : The Spark That Lights The Fire
A/n : Please let me know if there is any mistakes or thing that can be improved. Again I'm french so English isn't my first language 🍍🌷 Also my requests are open as always so let me know if you have any ideas 🍭
Part 1 : First Encounter 🔥
Part 3 : Welcome Back 🔥
Masterlist ⚜
Warning : None but a lot of fire at some point so be aware of that if you have any issue with it
Summary : The league goes on a mission but an event makes Dabi realize his feelings for you
I don’t give permission to repost my work, if you want to share it just reblogue it
Words count : 2374
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More than six months had passed since you joined - got kidnapped - by the League of Villains. You had acclimated quite well. Becoming fast friends with Toga and Twice. Earning the respect of your comrades and your leader by being very useful during missions
Your specialty, suicide missions. Why ? Because it was fun, it gave you a lot of adrenaline. Though you were always careful not to reveal all the quirks you had acquired just in case you found yourself in a tricky situation
Today was a big day, Shigaraki announced to the league that he needed something that was in a highly guarded place, but he wouldn't say where or he wouldn't tell you specially where. Maybe he didn't trust you completely yet
You were paired with Twice, Toga was with Dabi, Skinner with Mr. Compress and it was said that Shigaraki would stay back during this mission to a sort of backup - that's what they were told though
At the end of your meeting, as everyone was leaving, you stood up too but Shigaraki called out to you "Y/n you stay here, Twice too"
Dabi looked at you with a puzzled expression before leaving the room. You had come closer, but it was still Dabi we were talking about, so it meant that he tolerated you closer to him. And that he looked out for you a little during the toughest fights, though he would never admit it. Sometimes, at night, when he was sitting on top of a roof, watching the bustle of the city below him, you would join him and he would let you stay by his side, unlike the others he would have sent to hell. Even if you didn't talk to each other the atmosphere was not heavy, it just felt right
Anyway, Shigaraki explained you a part of the plan that he had not explained to the others, because he wanted to keep it secret. If the allies didn't know the secret weapon aka you, how would the enemies guess it. The victory would be overwhelming
You and Twice left the room a few minutes later, before joining Toga who was sharpening her knives. "Hey Y/n/n" she called out to you
You turned your head towards her about to answer but she was quicker than you and handed you a knife "I stole this for you earlier, I upgraded it so it suits you and now it's yours" she was still smiling at you
You had tears in your eyes as you took the knife out of its sheath. It was very sharp and the blade had a beautiful F/c sheen to it and then it was quite long for a pocket knife. You jumped into her arms giving her a big hug "Thanks Himiko ! This will do a lot of damage !" you said starry-eyed
"Yes I know" she said in a high pitched voice "It's going to be a blood bath !" she laughed
Dabi looked at you both - no he was looking at you - arms crossed from a corner of the room. He was hoping to see more of you on this mission. The others had been much more chill you didn't need to be at 100% of your abilities and today was the opportunity to know your true potential - he was sure of it
The tension was at its peak, you were all hidden… in fact… it had gone a little wrong… in short the heroes had showed up and you were reduced to hiding. The site worked in your favor, as the abandoned shopping mall you were in offered plenty of hiding places to ambush your enemies
As usual you were excited about the action. You then looked at Twice out of the corner of your eye and saw that he was looking at you too, he knew that at some point he'll have to do the special secret attack Shigaraki told you both about earlier and even though he trusted you he didn't want to do it for fear of hurting you or worse
Dabi watched this exchange of looks with a frown, he felt something inside him rise up that bothered him in every way and he had no idea what was happening to him- "You like her don't you ?" a voice was heard next to him
He growled as he looked at his teammate "Mind your business shit-stirrer-" he wanted to shut her up
"I look at the people I love the same way… Ochako-chan, Izuku-kun-" she was cut off by his roaring voice but he still had to be quiet
"I told you to shut the fuck up you fucking-" he stopped as one of the heroes entered his field of vision. He quickly looked in your direction to make sure you were safe, but he saw you retreat from your hiding place and take to the heights, followed by Twice who was mentally preparing for what was to come
As the two of you continued to move forward, your teammates didn't quite understand what was happening. Meanwhile, the heroes began to move in on the perimeter of the mall's ground floor.
All the villains looked at each other "What do we do now ?" Skinner asked.
But as Dabi raised his hand in the air to attack them - which wouldn't kill them all on the spot like he wanted - he felt Toga tug on his jacket. He whipped his head towards her "Don't touch-"
"Hey look !" she whispered yelled at him, pointing to the top floors of the mall
You were reflecting the sunlight off the blade of your knife - the one she had given you - to signal something apparently. Several dozen meters from the ground you signaled them to be quiet and not to move. They made big gestures towards you but stopped when they saw Twice coming behind you
In his hand he was holding a can - which looked like a gas can - before he spilled it on you. Toga's eyes went wide - and Dabi's too. You approached the edge where one of the railings was broken and leaned in slightly to see what was happening underneath
You took a deep breath and threw a stone, so as to attract the attention of the heroes who had come to prevent you from carrying out your mission. You clenched your fists as you saw them approaching the spot where the stone had landed. You concentrated hard, the quirks you wanted to use today hadn't been used in a long time - not even since you joined the lov
Twice reached into his pocket and fished out a box of matches - the one Shigaraki had given him - of course he had found a way to know that you had these quirks. He cracked it and it burst into flames
At the same time, Dabi's eyes widened even more, he wanted to do something but it was too late. You jumped off the edge of the floor and while you were doing a flip Twice threw the match at you and you burst into flames. As you fell you couldn't see Dabi raise his hand to you from afar as if he wanted to catch you but you kept falling. No one saw as they were busy watching you attack the heroes
The heroes all looked above them because of the light emanating from the fire around you but before they could do anything you landed on the ground. And the moment you touched it you released all your power
A wave, no a tidal wave of fire, swept over them, the heat rising high and killing them all without any chance of survival. Your fellow lov's were stunned by what you just did and Dabi was ready to kill Twice
But as the temperature returned to normal and the dust settled you could be seen at the bottom - in an almost ironic superhero pose - fist and knee resting on the cracked ground around you from the force of the impact of the landing, your cheeks covered in soot, your clothes partially burned and your crazy hair
Twice's voice breaks the macabre silence "Y/n are you okay ? Are you okay ?"
He was more than satisfied with the answer you gave him, you let out a high-pitched cry of joy "Wow that was amazing ! And there is no one left ! It's over ! We did it !"
"We did it !" Toga joined you before jumping from the second floor where she and the others were hiding "You were so badass- aaah shit !" she screamed as she tried to hug you but got burned when she touched you. Your body was still burning
The others arrived, Dabi in the background and when Twice arrived he had to restrain himself from burning him or at least putting a good punch in his face. He clenched his jaw and looked at him deeply as if he was about to kill him. He restrained himself as much as possible and took a very threatening step in his direction Twice jumped back before hurrying towards you and Toga
"Everyone turned in his direction and began to make their way out of the dilapidated and now charred building
The same could not be said for you, as you took a step and fell back to the ground, your energies drained by your previous attack
Skinner turned and ran to you to help you up but also got burned when he tried to touch your arm "I'm sorry but you're burning"
Dabi, who was leading the way, closed his eyes and took a deep breath that was as quiet as possible. He turned around and came back to you "Keep going" he told the others
He walked to you "Can you stand up ?" he said in a cold voice - a voice he never used with you. He didn't give you time to answer as he bent down to you and put an arm around your waist before pulling you to his side, you put a left arm around him to help you walk
Of course he didn't mind the heat, he didn't mind helping you either, the problem was that he thought you were going to die and that made him realize something he always despised about others and feared for himself
It felt strange to feel him so close and at the same time so far away. You tried to meet his eyes by looking in his direction but he didn't let anything show on the outside except anger
"Dabi ?" you tried your luck but he didn't answer "Dabi ?" you insisted again but he didn't and it was starting to annoy you "I swear if you don't intend on answering me leave me here instead I'm sure I'd be much better off"
"Leave you here ?" he replied in a tone brimming with venom "Let me laugh, first try to walk without my help before trying to be witty"
Exasperated you shot him a glare before wiggling out of his grasp. You almost fell but he got you on time "Why being so mean ! I just saved our asses ?!?"
"Don't remember asking you to do fuckin' anythin' for me"
"You're an asshole !" if you weren't this badass you would have teared up but you were strong and kept talking "Your body would NOT have supported so much heat ! I did what was right for the league !"
"Whatever" he scoffed, he know you were right
"You know" you started "I thought we had some consideration for each other after all. I'm disappointed that I was so wrong"
Even though he didn't want to let it show, he felt sorry for you. He never hated you heck he doesn't think he would ever hate you for anything. But he got really scared back then and he doesn't know how to tell you nor if he really wants to
"So that's why Shigaraki called you back into his office earlier. It was to put your little plan in place… it won't work all the time like this"
"Why are you still complaining ?"
Your remark probably didn't appeal to him because he suddenly snapped at you "Don't you understand ?!? I thought you had sacrificed yourself for us that you desperately let yourself be set on fire so that we wouldn't get caught by those damn heroes !"
You looked at him deeply, your mouth opening and closing like a fish, you didn't have the words your habits have never been a problem in your life and yet this seemed to be one for him
"Do you care… for me ?"
"I just say you're reckless and that one day you're going to pay the price" he replied more calmly now
This seemed to calm you down and you put your left arm back around him to support you as you both walked out of the mall. And you decided to speak again while you were away from the others "In that case I think you're rekless too"
You thought he was going to ignore you but you felt his arm tighten on your waist, his long fingers squeezing your side as if to let you know that he understood you and reciprocated your feelings
You brought your right hand up to where he was holding you firmly to catch his fingertips. For the moment you would be satisfied with that, after all there were people around you and you knew that you would see him again very soon alone on the roof of the HQ as usual. But who knows, maybe this time you'll have a chat with him
Once you had joined the others you couldn't help but see Toga's mischievous smile before your attention was drawn to Shigaraki's voice congratulating you all for having successfully completed your mission
At least you assume so, because your vision darkened and the only thing you were aware of was the screams of your comrades and Dabi's grip closing in on your waist
A/n : I'm wondering if I should do a third part because yeah we are still alive 🎉 I hope you guys liked it ! 🧵🧶 Again my requests are open 🧩🧸
Taglist : @foxxymunson, @cl0vr, @ilovemanypeople, @glossy1pearl
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puddleslimewrites · 1 year
You should totally write the little nuisance bringing Villian some of her mama's baking >.>
Oooo, interesting idea! Thank you for the ask!
Nuisance (Part 5)
Part 1 // Part 4
"How long are you planning to stay hidden, little stalker?"
If she was keeping her distance because of Hero, she needn't have worried. Though they were evenly matched strength wise the hero wouldn't dare try anything with a kid around. They were too soft-hearted for their own good, Villain knew.
Behind them, the girl Villain had been reluctantly growing fond of rounded the corner. She eyed Hero skeptically as she approached. Hero tried to give her an assuring smile. It didn't do much.
The girl went straight to Villain and procured a muffin from the pocket of her dress. Villain took a knee and accepted the offering.
"What's this?"
"A muffin, duh. What's it look like?" she huffed. Villain didn't even bat an eye at the haughty attitude. The girl turned to frown at Hero, who watched the interaction with an expression of uncertainty. "Do you want one, too?"
If they weren't better trained, Hero would have flinched in surprise at how abrupt she was. "Erm- no. You only brought one for Villain, didn't you?"
"You can share," she said, as if that should have been obvious.
Hero opened their mouth to deny the offer again, but startled when they suddenly found half a muffin in front of their face.
"Don't just stare at it. Take it," Villain ordered.
Without thinking, Hero did as told. They really were out of their element here…
The evildoer watched Hero as they took a bite. The latter had to force themself to swallow under the unusually intense gaze. Hero looked down at the girl, who was watching them just as intently.
Somewhat unnerved, Hero finished the treat quickly. "It's good," they said with a smile that was only half forced. "Thank you."
The child beamed up at them. "Of course it is. Mama makes the best muffins," she declared confidently.
Villain had long finished their half of the muffin. They weren’t one for sweets but their protégé had a keen eye. She'd know if they didn't eat it.
Apparently satisfied, the little girl smiled politely. It was so genuinely fake Villain was almost proud. "I can't stay today. Mama will get worried," she said, rocking on her heels. Her gaze drifted from Villain to Hero, who felt a chill run up their spine as her smile stretched wider. "Bye."
With that short dismissal, she ran off the way she came.
The hero really didn't know how to handle this. The kid didn't appear to be in any danger. And what's more, Villain didn't seem to have any control over her. From what they could tell, she simply came and went as she pleased.
Hero wet their lips and ventured, "Are you…friends with a five year old?"
"She's six," Villain corrected before they could stop themself.
Hero brought a hand up to their face. This wasn't supposed to turn into work. Was it really so much to ask for a peaceful night out with their enemy?
"So she really isn't your kid."
"I never said she was."
Hero turned to face their nemesis fully, brow creased in frustration. "Villain, what are you doing with that child?!"
When Villain didn't respond, Hero sighed.
"Do her parents know she has another parent?"
Villain gave them the classic 'are you stupid?' look they seemed so fond of. "Do you really think they'd keep letting her run off if they knew?"
"I'm hoping for something that makes sense here!" Hero truly felt like throwing their arms up in the air, but settled for folding them over their chest instead.
Villain at least deigned them with a side-eyed glance of acknowledgement as they turned the other way. "You have fun figuring that out. I'm going."
"What?" Hero sped to follow after them before they could get too far. "Where are you going?"
"Nowhere you need to know of. You got your pastry, now leave me be."
"Wait, Villain-!"
Hero barely got to protest as Villain twisted out of their grip, turned the next corner, and disappeared into the night.
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yujeong · 6 months
Fanfic Writing - New Year's Resolutions
Hey fellow fic writers <3 I know it's still not the end of the year, but it's December and I'm impatient, so I would like to share with you my writing plans for 2024 and ask you to do so too, if you want to. My Ao3 for convenience is Yuujeong, where you can check out all the things I'll be referencing below. So, in my case, I *hope* that in 2024, I will be able to: - write at least one more chapter for "Little House on the Hill" (I make no promises though, I've kind of moved on from that fic, even though it holds such a special place in my heart) - write and post the third installment of my "Heroes and Villains" series (I have neglected this one for months but I hadn't figured out this fic completely up until last month, when the full picture of it came to me and I managed to get unstuck. Hopefully, next year you'll be reading it) - finish and post the sequel to "Broken Vows" (istg I haven't forgotten it, on the contrary, it haunts my dreams, it's just such a tricky little shit that I ended up asking for help about it. It'll be in such capable hands now, and I hope people will enjoy reading it) - continue my Kim&Pete fic series (the second installment won't be too difficult to write - she says, as if she doesn't need at least a month for a fic to be written and edited before posting - but the one after that will be multi-chaptered and looong, so I'll need time and a lot of effort to pull it off. 2024 *will* see this series written and concluded though, I swear) - ARMPETE!! (I have a fic I've been meaning to work on for months now and it'll probably end up not being multi-chaptered as I intended at first. Unfortunately the inspiration for more than that has run out BUT I will enrich the fandom with this rarepair or so help me-) - write at least one BostonNick fic (there's one that's the most likely to be written, which is about Boston getting a haircut and I think it's cute and would love to explore the idea. Also, a Nick character study fic because my boy deserves the world) - write smut! Yep, in 2024 we're getting horny baby (prepare for some VP somno shenanigans, because there's not nearly enough of it in the fandom and that's a huge shame) - participate in at least one fandom event (the kpts Big Bang, while stressful for multiple reasons, was incredibly fun and I would love to do something like that again - same goes for things like Secret Santa events which are cool too) - try writing fics for some of my other favorite shows besides kpts (kpts was unique in the way only TMNT has been for me before, which was it giving me so many brainworms I needed to express my self artistically in the only way I was capable. In 2024, I would like to revisit some of my favorite shows and figure out if the same can happen with them too) I probably have more to share but I'll leave it here. Now, for the tags, I'd love to see the plans of @wisteria-daydreamer @wretchedamaranth @xxhappy-chickenxx @coleslaww @raksh-writes @mightymightygnomepriest @lu-sn @suzteel @fleet-off @justanothervariant @theoldastronomer @dual-desires @emberfaye @tsttoain @thisautistic and ALL the other people who are escaping my mind rn but their works are equally important! Please, if you want to share your writing plans, do so and tag me, I'd love to see them <3
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eyesoffthemaud · 2 years
Post-Midterm Fic Rec List
Hello, my dearest My Hero Academia Readers! Tis' Maud again, and I have a hoard of fics to give to the masses again. I managed to save about 102* My Hero Academia Fanfics that I told myself that I would read..and ended up putting on the back burner.
So, since Midterms are about to be happening on my college campus...I decided to make a Post-Midterm Reading Fic List to share with anyone who’s interested!
I’ve gone through and tagged the authors of these fics! So you can see their other works and send them love through Tumblr. I tagged everyone that I could.
If I missed any please tag them or message me so I can!
Important Note: This list is divided by 4 Sections and in the order it’s:
Authors - Gen - Fluff - Romance
*There are 102 Fanfics that I planned on putting on this reclist. However, since I last did this tumblr has forced a word count upon me and it won't let me post it all together....so keep an eye out for the Angst and Dadmight fic rec list. I'll link it at the bottom of the post once I'm done.
If any fics are in the incorrect section please let me know, some of these fics I haven’t read and I sorted these fics based on the descriptions and tags.
- Gen Fics are all the fics that I personally wasn’t sure would fit into Angst or Fluff.
- I am, burnt out from my own midterms. please remember to read the tags on any and all fics.
CatchingPurple has a lot of geniunely cool ideas that I love reading. One that particularly caught my attention was the Suspected Traitor AU fic. That one personally makes me smile. I love their writing.
I genuinely enjoy Mr. UnSmiley's series, Family is Everything (but you get to choose your family). I love the series so much and they're a genuinely talented author. I loved reading the aftermath of a fight they wrote, and how they described having to keep a list of the injuries he had.
I have many mixed feelings about Bakugou, but oh lord Swag, Swag is my Achilles Heel when it comes to bakudeku fics. Lord I am a weak person, and Swag knows it.
Seeress also has, a lot of fun bakudeku fics. Again. My weakness in writing. :sobs:
I found Smite on twitter. I combed through their AO3 and I am a happy clam.
CURATOR NOTE: Man, I am not realizing that these are all bakudeku writers (Except Mr. Smiley). Which is absolutely hilarious. I love all of them asdkfakjsdn
Woes of a Cryptid by AMournfulHowlInTheNight
Hero Manager Midoriya Izuku by Ashynarr
Nothing to fear but Deku Himself by Ironclad_Heart
Margin of Error by ChaosIsOrder
Lucky Penny by VideoPlay5178
Screw You Kacchan! by @passingghostfriend
knowledge comes but wisdom lingers by Ywena
What's Wrong by mycomfortacc
The Lost Brother by Minglisabeth
Divided Against Itself by @highabovethecloudssomewhere
07:05 by @droplet-dread-cat
At childhood's end by @kewltie
Know the Difference by Evil Teddy Bear (TheDragonRider)
die a martyr or live (long enough to become a villain) by luminousbeingsweare
The 18 Reasons Why Aizawa is a Bad Teacher by Mirrond
One for All Rehabilitation Center by tiredwrites
anger like a grip that won't let go / rage that'll tick until it blows by @pocketramblr
All for You by GinkoTracks
Punchline by @cyber-phobia
put your teeth into it by @catlady5001 
Feral by AnonymousTwit
Delusions by @boss-the-goofball 
Golden Boy by Starkvenger
love meme, hate meme by @kewltie
flying for dummies by @emeraldsage98 
If You Act Like A Child, I Will Treat You Like A Child by Nezomi
Let Them Eat Cake by @academiccockroach
To the Day's Rising by IncomingAlbatross
Clouds Part by @highabovethecloudssomewhere
If Your Mother Were Here by Dawn_Till_Dusk
despite evasion by @droplet-dread-cat
Long Sleeves by loveatfirstsight
No More Secrets by kosadanthebakumother
how to come out (accidentally, by deku) by orangep
His by sister_elric
Why Are The Hot Ones Always Gay? by lisaluu
Backstage Romance by @river-nix
Say I Do (Or I Don't) by @empressvika
Hero Instinct by Ellessey
Ground Zero's Number One Fanboy by tsukithewolf
A Nest for the Best by Camellia_Sinensis
DEADICATION by Doodlejoops
BakuDekuTodo - the big three (romantic) /j
A Not So Sweet Firework Child by LadyGreenFrisbee
ErasureMight - they are the dads
how the turn tables by churchofbakugou
KamiDeku - A rarepair <3
Be Bold by Dawn_Till_Dusk
Original MHA Characters - ....a rarepair? <3
Our Skies by The_Modern_Prometheus
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Ikemen Villians Suitor Personalities Based On Their Silhouettes (speculation) (joke post)
❣❣❣ Please don't take this post seriously. AT ALL. I expect to be 400% wrong on all accounts. In fact I hope I'm 400% wrong just so I can have a laugh XD
❣❣❣❣ The silhouette file names have character names attached (got em on the official site). I don't know if they're official names or placeholders meant to throw off nosy people like me, so take them with a grain of salt?
❣❣❣❣❣ Also if their personalities and names have already been divulged, super-ignore this post. I'm writing this as of 11.03. You saw nothing here. I'm just a weird person prone to simple errors.
William. The villain-by-circumstance type. Started off as a hero before he became disillusioned. He's a bit of a hard-ass and the kind of man who will see his villainy through to the very end, even if it comes at a huge personal cost (and it already has). His first impression is that he's cold and uncaring, but he's also the same guy constantly saving your constantly-getting-kidnapped ass. Self-taught cook because he's had to feed himself all these years and doesn't trust other people not to poison him. Sleeps naked.
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Liam. Fun, spunky, spontaneous. The life of the villain party. His jokes are the funniest, and often needed to offset how dark the storylines may get. He jokes about how he's William's "after-image" or "echo" on account of how his name is literally just the last half of William's :') It's hard to hate this guy even though he does some pretty fucked-up stuff if you stop and think about it. Or he's this game's haughty tsundere, idk.
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Harrison. Playboy. Is constantly making "jokes" about bedding you. Turns out they really are only half-jokes, because he's very concerned about how much you let your guard down around the other guys. Does not want to admit to himself that this constant form of teasing, something that he considers a blip in his evil grand schemes, means anything more than what it is. Does not want to admit to himself that any room that you're not in feels emptier for it.
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Alphonse. Kuudere. Elegant but deadly. Aloof but surprisingly warm. He's so quiet that half the time you're not even aware he's in the room before he says something sobering and logical to get the discussion back on track. He wants absolutely nothing to do with you. In fact, it irritates him that all the other guys give you so much attention. What's so special about you, he wonders. His stare is chilling and direct and uncomfortable. He will definitely use his coat to shield you at some point, whether it is from the elements or blood spray or the shock of a group of pigeons taking sudden flight. You've basically won the game if you can get him to smile.
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Elbert. The wild-card. His fighting prowess is second-to-none. Flagging him for possible yandere. Flagging him for possible tsundere. His, uh, silhouette, makes me think of someone who's quiet and a bit of a loner. Maybe someone who doesn't want you to get too close to him lest you be tainted with the same evil that has corrupted him, forsooth? Or he's got bad ideas for days and a smile like a shark. I can't put my finger on this guy.
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Roger. Big tol daddy. Reliable to a fault. Definitely gives me villain-by-circumstance vibes, as much as a silhouette with no other information can. If he wants the first thing you notice about him to be his gun, then his primary goal is for you to understand that he's not here to fuck around. He's got a serious personality and he's probably seen some shit. Definitely has/had a little sister. So while he's not above torturing you, he'll always stop short. Alternatively he's super easy-going to distract from the fact that he's doing some really evil stuff when you're not looking.
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Victor. Yandere? A man with a dark memory for every year he spent growing out his hair? A smile that is at once devastating as it is... also devastating? Beautiful and dangerously charming in a way that makes you wonder if you're about to be kissed or about to be killed. There are sensual pros and rational cons to being locked in a room with him. His vulnerable side may be painfully precious. It would be hilarious if he was one of the younger characters, but I'm betting he's in the senpai series.
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Ellis. This dude doesn't sleep and he lives off sugar and whatever else he can pawn off strangers. Half the time he just zombies onto the scene to make a passing comment that makes zero sense before grabbing your hand and taking you off on some equally nonsensical misadventure. That is all just an act, however, because he knows people will drop their guard around him and divulge critical information if they believe him to be a fool. Even then, all his "nonsense" has its own deeper meaning as well.
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Jude. He's got the "daddy" trenchcoat, which I can only take to mean that he is a "daddy" type. I feel like he and Roger either super get-along or hate each other's guts. This guy's just everywhere. Positively everywhere, lounging like he owns the place. He's constantly offering to make you his partner so you can rule together as an evil power couple. May hide an earth-shattering secret.
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Like I said, I fully expect to be suuuuper off on these guesses XD
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zorkaya-moved · 11 months
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I saw this on twitter and didn't want to just talk on that person's post because it's already awesomely written, but this is both to myself and also my mutuals. This is something that I start to learn and force myself to accept as well instead of being an anxious person who got pushed down because 'you need to grow up' or even that my creative process, my writing, and my ideas were called either edgy, not interesting, or something that I need to
I believe this post, too, applies to writing. Especially on this website where we all are wanting what we want, what we enjoy, and what makes us happy. I'm not including harmful topics that I'm not even going to mention, but I'm talking about writing villains, writing heroes, writing the middle ground, writing fun or sad scenarios, writing fluff or tension, writing angst or smut. You do you and that's great. I've been reminded over and over again that the reason why so many people even got to interact with me was because I keep talking about Zarina, I keep screaming about her, I keep being excited about her. But why do I get anxious when I actually TALK to people? Why can I not accept the fact that people are genuinely interested in her? Probably because of how I was treated before by some people I considered as friends. BUT! This is not it. This isn't what's this about. What's this about is...
CREATE WITHOUT FEAR. Tumblr is known for its issues with anon hatred. There are vile people who are jealous of creativity and uniqueness. Hell, if you want to write a cliche? Do it. If you want to write a cthulhu? Do it! Love what you write and love what you do because this is just a hobby, this is just a social media we use to express our creativity and it's awesome! This is place where explore and develop our own creativity, our skills, and our interests.
Anons here were turned off for years but there were people who went out of their way to send me a message about Zarina to the point of telling me to off myself. But you know what? I see that as jealousy now. I'm having fun, I'm doing great creativity-wise, I'm finding my niche, and I'm surrounded by people I enjoy my time with and I enjoy speaking with. I have great friends and people who create without a shame just like I want to. And I want others to push so much into their writing: their love, their excitement, their interests. Be as niche as they are, I want people to talk about them and to enjoy them from the bottom of their hearts.
That's why... Create, write, and push forward. All of us need to remember that yeah, this is a hobby but it's also our time to shine in a way only we can. Don't give a single thought to those who send anon hate. If you get that? Love your creation even more. Love what you do ten times more. Love it, embrace it, and know that your art is awesome.
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almea · 2 months
If I had to pick a favourite character in Star Rail, I think it would have to be Silver Wolf.
I probably imprinted on her a little bit because she was my first limited five star (I started playing when there were like four days left on Seele's banner so I wasn't able to get her in time lmao) and she's just. Made my life so much easier. Like, I have no idea how accurate my judgment of story boss fights difficulty is because I've seen people say that the Argenti fight and the newest Echoes of War boss were both super hard and took them multiple tries and I'm just like. I beat them both in one try without any noticeable trouble and my relics aren't THAT good, so I just assume it's because of Silver Wolf's weakness implanting and defence reduction.
I also think she's SO FUNNY in the story. Like, she shows up with Kafka in the prologue to find the Stellaron and implant it in the Trailblazer, and that's fine. Perfectly normal villain/anti-hero behaviour. Then she gets all her accounts frozen in her companion mission which is hilarious (but also, my poor girl lmao). And the fact that she visits the train after her companion mission??? I don't think any of the other morally ambiguous character who have a companion mission get unlocked as a visitor (except Luocha who is until he isn't), but Silver Wolf's just like. What's up, don't mind me, I'm here to hang out and have a good time because everyone else gets to so why shouldn't I?
And then fucking Aetherium Wars. Girl has a bounty on her head and is wanted dead or alive by the IPC and Topaz is standing right there, but none of that matters, she heard there's games and she's here to play. I love the cutscene of her standing with the rest of the "Elite Four" and Topaz because she's SO TINY compared to everyone else, and it's so funny that she's even there with them. Literally no one cares that she's a criminal lmao.
And then her only non-dream appearance in Penacony so far is a message she sends that does kind of indirectly lead to the Trailblazer getting traumatized. I hope she shows up more in Penacony because I'm always delighted when I get to see her in the story, but if she does, it's a crime that she didn't appear in the White Night trailer. I don't think she was in the Interstellar Journey trailer either, so like, justice for my girl. Let her be in a major version update trailer. Although I guess it was such a fun surprise to unexpectedly see her.
I think Silver Wolf might be the reason the Stellaron Hunters have such a strong found family kind of vibe going on. At least when it comes to the more light-hearted side of things because there's clearly a lot of trust involved in Kafka and Blake's relationship with each other. But because Silver Wolf is clearly younger than the others and her personality's a little pushy, all the interactions between her and the other Stellaron Hunters give me the impression that they get along pretty well with each other in casual situations.
Her banter with Kafka during the prologue and the end of her companion mission feels like two people who are pretty familiar and comfortable with each other. The way Silver Wolf asked Kafka if she wanted to go to Pier Point with her and Kafka's response implying she might have gone along if she wasn't in the next script makes it feel like they regularly spend time together outside of missions. Kafka has a voice line about how she likes chatting with Silver Wolf.
Blade seems to just be completely baffled by Silver Wolf, but for some reason he humours her and tells her he'll play games with her once his hand is better instead of outright refusing her. The Tutorial Mission light cone is one of my favourites because I love the vibes of the story for it. Are they about to go cause some chaos and commit crimes? Probably, but until then, Silver Wolf is playing crane games and Blade is complaining to Kafka and Kafka is pleased everything's going well. My favourite of the chibi art they put out for character releases is Blade's because Kafka putting her butterfly pin in his hair and Silver Wolf drawing all over his bandages as he sleeps is soooo cute.
I just assume Sam is going to be playable and I need them to release him already so he can get in on these shenanigans. I already know he's also part of the "every Stellaron Hunter sends messages from Blade's phone except for Blade himself" antics and Silver Wolf said he helps her with her games without being asked, but I need more. I want more light cones that show the daily life of the Stellaron Hunters lmao.
I read Silver Wolf's character stories recently and I don't think they ever outright said what her wish that Elio would grant is, unlike Kafka and Blade's, and the implication from her character stories and one of her conversations on the train seems to be that it's to travel the stars. But because her character stories put so much emphasis on the fact that she was always alone on Punklorde, in my heart she had another wish and it was to not be alone and that's why I love the Stellaron Hunters as a whole so deeply.
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starsmuserainbow · 3 months
[[Another reposted thing]]
Things that make the Tyrant-verse* a great concept:
You get to turn your muse around, perhaps try how to manipulate their story without changing it all too much and yet creating a whole different, almost opposite, version of them
All of the friends’ of the muse would stay the same since they would have switched sides too
The whole idea of the bad guys ruling the city, in this case that’d be the Tyrants (and maybe the Tyrants East too?)
The characters/muses we grow to love-hate as villains are actually the few and far between heroes trying to do something against this group of super-powered criminal evil brats
This whole thing can totally be done with muses/groups of other fandoms too, just, mirrored-verses or however to call it, I’m sure you can see how it could be interesting
I guess all I really wanna say is give me other people with Tyrant!verses! It’s such a cool idea and probably awesome and I really need it!
At the moment my muse at the Tyrants would still be Blackfire, see her verse of it (once I get to writing that info-post on here), but I do see it like she’d sooner or later get convinced by some heroes and betray the team (and get chased by them after it fails, and then end up forced to just keep travelling worlds because those that have the upper hand on Earth hunt her, on Tamaran her little brother rules and he had already thrown Starfire into a horrible prison, she definitely couldn’t expect anything else for herself if she went there, and he’s probably sending out troops to search for his sisters or maybe even set out a bounty for them), and probably during the same thing or shortly thereafter, Starfire - perhaps with Moonshot (because he follows her like a puppy anywhere) at her side since he's probably the one to free her from her prison on Tamaran - comes to Earth for some reason and perhaps then sees the fun in the group that the Tyrants are and joins them, so I’d totally have a truly switched scenario there too!
I repeat once more - please consider the Tyrant!verse! It’s a cool thing and it’d be so awesome to have people to play through it with!
*What is the Tyrant-Verse?
Well, I’m glad you ask! It’s a universe that we see for a brief moment in one of the TTGo-comics (the ones following the TT-03-cartoon), and to summarize it as short as I can, it’s one where the roles are reversed! Those that are usually the heroes are the bad guys, and those that are usually the bad guys are the heroes!
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