#Main focus: Tag
baldchopperr · 2 years
“Why are you shaking?” A touchy subject for Tag. He doesn’t eat very often and hates when someone brings it up. (Taken place before water 7) It was the first month that tag became allies with the strawhats, it was also the first time the strawhats invited him over too dinner as “raven”. He accepted of course, but unfortunately that also meant he had to eat. The sun was setting when Tag arrived at the ship, his wings sore from flying. “Ah, I’m so excited for you to taste Sanji’s food! It’s amazing, I promise” Nami happily exclaimed, taking Tags hand and bringing him to the kitchen. Tag tried his best to not show that he was nervous, his anxiety wasn’t exactly doing all that well. Arriving inside the room quickly, he gawked at the table of food. “..Oh... That. That looks good!..” He didn’t want to think about it. Nami sat down beside an empty seat at the table, Tag quickly sitting next to Nami. “Alright, dig in” Sanji barely said before getting interrupted by three rowdy young boys shouting out. It became noisy and chaotic in a matter of a few seconds.
Everyone was eating as normal, except for Tag. He thought if he just sat there instead of leaving, they wouldn’t notice. “Mnmm, Tag have you tried the soup yet?” a voice across the table blurted out, startling Tag. It was Luffy His voice cracked when he spoke, “Oh! Right, I don’t think I’ve tried it yet. Give me a bit”. Tags composure weakened visibly; Robin kept glancing over at Tag.
(Tag POV). It felt as if my throat was burning, I can’t help but look down at the food though. I’m too scared to look up.. Something grew out of my back, only before I felt something poke me. Quickly looking behind me, I saw an arm pointing towards Robin. Being as confused and scared as I was, I looked the direction the hand pointed only to see Robin leaning back and waving at me, with Usopp and Chopper glancing at what’s going on now.. I swear I saw them look at me.
(Original POV) Robin raised her hand, which attracted everybody’s attention Tag went pale, gulping down what felt like a rock. He was hoping Robin wouldn’t do anything, right before he heard the familiar voice peep up. “Sanji, may I have a margarita?” “Of course, Robin-swan!!~” Tag sighed of relief, only to feel a shiver go up his spine. He couldn’t say anything as he started to shake violently, his body tensed up, “Fuck.” he muttered under his raspy breath. Pushing himself up from the table, taking a deep breath, though the shaking continued. “Are you alright?” Nami put her hand on his leg, only for Tag to quickly brush it off. “Yes!! I mean. yes, I’m fine. I’m just done I guess”, He didn’t sound alright whatsoever.
“Tag.” there was sound of something hard like stone walking towards him, “Why are you shaking?”, Chopper looked up at him. “Cmon, Just leave me alone. I’m fine, see!” He opened his arms out wide and steady, before knocking down his plate of food accidentally. His face had a look of terror on it, if only for a moment, because he reacted quickly to grab whatever he could. Except, the food fell on the floor, he only caught the plate. “Tag, what the hell!” “Wait, don’t hit me yet.”, he interrupted, putting on of his hands out and cleaning the mess with another. “Please wait.”, Everyone was looking at him silently, watching this unfold. Tag continued, “I’ll eat it, I’m sorry. I’ll eat it all.” He started mumbling as he picked up handfuls of mashed food. Chopper was in front of him, staring in shock and guilt of what he thinks has happened to Tag. Tag did exactly what he said, he put the handfuls of food into his mouth, trying not to gag. “Stop it, you don’t have to eat it..” Nami put her hand on his shoulder, immediately retracting it as Tag turned his head to her body. His expression looked, ‘dead’ somehow. It felt ‘scared’ even if he didn’t show it. Tag continued eating the food silently, ignoring the eyes on him and people now surrounding.
Tag didn’t stop to any noise, up until he felt warm rubber hands lift him up onto his feet. “Why are you being so weird right now, it’s supposed to be fun to eat!” his little brother exclaimed, sounding overly positive. Tag let out a half smile before it turns into a dark somber look. His hair fell in front of his face, tears falling onto the wooden floor. “I... I’m..” He stuttered. “I’ll be back sometime”. Tag gently pushed everyone aside before rushing out the door. He thought it would be better to explain when he was calmer. Leaving everyone behind, he left the entire crew confused and upset. Luffy was the most confused, more confused than upset. At least the crew will try not to stress Tag out about eating next time. Most of the crew.
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redysetdare · 2 months
All this aroace character shipcourse has proven to me that a majority of people that interact in fandom cannot actually interact with characters and media outside of shipping and genuinely I believe you need to learn how to interact with media outside of shipping.
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ratqu33n · 5 months
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in love with fabians narcissus arc
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heavyheavycream · 3 months
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ezlo-x · 1 year
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The Zora Royalty + Heights
FINALLY after so long I've given the Zora kids and the King an updated ref. Things have changed abt them but mostly their designs, I was finally able to figure out how to draw them woooo
but now since everyone has a solid design for my au I can line them up all together now!
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rubixpsyche · 4 months
Velvette using Vox as bait to lure sleepwalking/inebriated Valentino away from her fucking clothing storage because the damn moth keeps chewing up the fabrics
Vox is unaware, he can do his work anywhere so she just wheels him around on an office chair and he can't be bothered to even ask what stupid game they've thought up to entertain themselves.
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mochinomnoms · 4 months
My thoughts, warning for NSFW if you’re in public and some poly octotrio goodness—
When not deep fried, octopus seems so squishy and gooey. The tentacles have to be ticklish, like touching the bottom of your feet.
Squirmy, squirmy Azul.
What I mean to say, is because Azul likes you so much, lightly grasping at one of his tentacles has him flushing and twitching in your grasp. He tried to hide it in public, hoping no one notices his beet red face. He’s burying his neck into your shoulder, half-heartedly whining about his “reputation”. Give his tentacle a squeeze and your octopus will disappear under the ocean, a drawn out moan washed out by the water.
Depending on their mood, the eels may help Azul out. That means targeting you in your weak spots, till your flustered twitches make you let go of Azul. Not that you mind.
A lot of the times, they won’t help Azul. They’ll hoist the shy Octomer out of the water, cooing at his warbled and moany state.
Push too far and Azul will use his tentacles against you, coiling around you and pulling you in so he can have his way with you.
— anon who wants to inject your writing into their veins
(gonna call you veins anon, and ty bb I'm glad to provide your regular dosage)
Azul is so so soooo shy in his merform. Azul does actually enjoy PDA, he loves showing you off and subtly bragging that he was one of the partners you chose. But getting to that point takes a hot moment, not even considering his rapid personality change in his merform. He's still trying to convince himself that you love and care for him no matter his form, but old habits die very hard. So it's up to you to press the sweetest, most tooth-rotting kisses to him and his 8 limbs.
It doesn't help that his tentacles are very sensitive to any simulation, so much information is gained from just his suckers alone! Azul is soooo whining about his “reputation” as he turned a deeper shade of purple at your antics. If you happen to grab at the most sensitive arm and focus on the spade-shaped tip, he'll be a cute moaning mess as he tries to sink further into the water. The twins are no help to at all either, which comes as no surprise. They're curling their tails around his arms, webbed hands caressing Azul's skin, and claws ghosting around his hips. Jade's cooing sweet, teasing words into his ears, encouraging Azul to be louder, to praise you for your good work. Floyd's busying himself with sucking hickies into his neck, giggling at Azul's high-pitched moans. If anyone were to pass by the hidden grotto the four of you took refuge in, they'd hear the cutest whimpers and gasps alongside haughty murmurs and giggles.
He does eventually strike back, his arms are made entirely made of muscle, and he is a couple feet bigger than the eels and quite a few feet bigger than you. Azul's got a tight grip around your waist after you took his spade-tip into your mouth and sucked. Now he's taken to using his tentacles to my you moan and cry out, nudging the twins to “help” him out. After all, he has venom in his bite, so he can't truly mark you up on his own. Come on now, Jade, Floyd? You left him with such a pretty flush and marks, do the same for our darling human~
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joltedfox-06 · 1 year
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Has anyone made this yet?
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brother-emperors · 6 months
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Moreover, Caesar was not satisfied to be over­looked at first by Sulla, who was busy with a multitude of proscriptions, but he came before the people as candidate for the priesthood, although he was not yet much more than a stripling. To this candidacy Sulla secretly opposed himself, and took measures to make Caesar fail in it, and when he was deliberating about putting him to death and some said there was no reason for killing a mere boy like him
Plutarch, Caesar
sulla's fight with caesar is extremely funny, but also very Something considering how much of sulla you see reflected in caesar's later actions. breaking news: grown man picks fight with teenager, more at 11.
bsky ⭐ pixiv ⭐ pillowfort ⭐ cohost
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branwencoded · 15 days
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rwby mamma mia au. is this anything
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stickynotelovers-art · 8 months
TW/CW: Depictions of anxiety/panic
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Okay here's part 2 of chapter 2!
I had some trouble choosing on how to do Mikey's reaction. Originally, back in like April or so, I was going to have a heavier tone and have Mikey going into a full on panic attack. However, I decided that I didn't think that A) I could properly portray that. People handle panic differently and I didn't feel I could do it in a way that would come off correctly. B) I had started rough sketching that concept and just really didn't know how to arrive from point A to point B for it in a concise manner. This way I ended up doing it is more clear cut and still gets Mikey's distress across, but keeps on the more light hearted side. And C) that would have required me drawing 6 characters interacting in as little as 3 additional panels and I did not desire to do that at all.
While this ended up more comedic, I think it still shows that Mikey is not having a good time. I don't remember who pointed it out, but I agree with the idea that when Mikey is upset he is loud. Loud crying, very vocal on his feelings, asks for attention, and just very much letting everyone know how he feels. However, when Mikey cries or is upset, but is silent about it, then something is extremely wrong. Mikey wordlessly retracting into his shell I think would be a good indicator for Donnie that something's up.
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astreed23 · 2 months
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popular vote moment
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wikipediadogdotnet · 11 months
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+ image referenced
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lampochkaart · 20 days
Once again I'm thinking about how well written Kaito actually is. Even his irrational actions are pretty understandable and explainable.
Take, for example, the most obvious moment. His behavior after the Gonta's Trial. He had a falling out with Shuichi because detective was directly opposing him and siding with Kokichi during their argument. It's stupid of Kaito to be angry. He's wrong, and Shuichi was trying to prove it to him in order for everyone to vote correctly. Saihara had no choice because if they would've voted incorrectly, they would've died. But Kaito got angry, taking this as a personal betrayal.
And this is kinda understandable behavior for him. We've seen that Kaito is emotional and hot-tempered. We know that when he gets angry, he doesn't think rationally. We also know that he's very stubborn, and he doesn't really like to give up even if he knows that he's wrong.
Most likely, he even was angry not at Shuichi, but at the whole situation as a whole. It is unfair that Gonta has to die. It also goes against Kaito's view of the world. That someone might think that death is mercy. This is the reason why he was so angry with Ryoma in the second chapter. This is the reason why he forgave Kirumi for her actions. He considers life to be the most valuable and precious thing in the world.
This opinion makes even more sense when you look at it from the point of view of someone who is dying of an unknown disease, who has little time left and a very small chance of survival. From this point of view, he simply can't understand how someone could decide to end not only their own life, but also the lives of others.
Another reason he fell out with Shuichi is because, as he later admits, Kaito was jealous of him. Kaito saw that Shuichi was much more attentive to evidence, Kaito saw that he was better at making logical conclusions, and he saw how everyone believed at Shuichi, how everyone considered Shuichi much more reliable. And no matter how hard Kaito tries, he won't be able to reach this level. He was trying to play the role of a hero, but realized that Shuichi was becoming more suitable for this role, while Momota was becoming his shadow. And this feeling made him increasingly angry at Shuichi, instead of being proud of him.
Perhaps because of this, he did not even realize how much he was appreciated. He was surprised when Shuichi told him that everyone was preparing for a battle to rescue him from captivity. His envy clouded his vision to the point where he could no longer see how important *he* was to the group.
And, last but not least, the reason why Kaito had an argument with Shuichi. Certain someone specially pushed him towards this. Kokichi pitted Shuichi and Kaito against each other throughout the Fourth Trial. Kokichi was purposefully getting at Kaito's nerves. He immediately accused him of murder, insulted him at every opportunity, trampled his ideology into the mud, and praised Shuichi, convincing Kaito that the detective considered him an idiot, and Momota was only hindering him with attempts to participate in the discussion. Kokichi was hitting all of Kaito's painful points with deadly accuracy, getting under his skin and sowing discord in the group.
Considering all these reasons, Kaito's behavior after Gonta's Trial is understandable. It makes sense for him to act this way. It is illogical from a common sense point of view, but it is logical from a character point of view.
Many of these reasons also explain why he charged at Kokichi when he declared himself the mastermind. Of course, it's stupid to approach a person holding a remote control for giant robot weapons. But, again, Kokichi himself pushed him to it. Momota gets angry every time Ouma talks dismissevely about those who died. Naturally Kaito will lose his temper after all the cruel words that Kokichi said about his fallen friends. And Kokichi himself gave him the idea to try to punch him, because it was part of his plan. And Kaito has long wanted to prove (especially to himself) that he can be useful to the group. At that moment, he wanted to do something, anything to vent his frustration, even if this “anything” was a foolish, reckless attack.
In conclusion, Kaito is a very cool, well-thought-out character, and I really love both his strengths and weaknesses, because it makes him multifaceted and alive.
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drrav3nb · 4 months
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So you think you're God? You've never killed someone before...It's not easy to kill. Until you get used to it.
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animangalover-writes · 4 months
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I like the Zelda franchise and ship zelink a normal amount. Obviously.
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