#Left to Right: Dotty
mageclass · 1 year
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jackiequick · 3 days
Jennie Rue Woods — Marvel’s Timeless Gal 📝
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Full name: Jennifer Ruth Underwoods
Other Identity: Jeanie Woods
Nicknames: Jen, Jennie, Jeanie, Jean, Ruthy, Rue, JJ, Dollface, Barbie, Quinnie, Fefe
Age: 28–32 (87 years of age)
Birthday: June 30, 1923 (Cancer)
Height: 5’5 (5’7 in heels)
Occupations: Waitress, Coffee Girl, SSR Sectary, Agent, Widow, Mama Bear, Assistant
Alias: Alexa Bowmen, Paige McKenna, Jacquline Stark, London Holloway, Olivia Erhart, Eliza Pearson, Emily King, Barbra James Scott, Ashlee Lance
- Parents, Alexander & Fran Underwood (dead)
- Older Sister, Dolores Marie Underwood (dead to her)
- Sister, Peggy Carter (the big sister she never had)
- Brother Figures, Jack Thompson & Daniel Sousa (her boys)
- Howard & Maria Stark (her found family)
- Anthony Edwards Stark (her nephew #1)
- Rei Stark ( #1 godchild )
- And list goes on!
Relationship status: Single, but has dated and been engaged once
Personality: Jen is a sarcastic goofball with a heart of gold despite all the crap she been through in life. On occasion she is spirited, stubborn and determined. Not just that, she’s quick-witted with a sharp tongue. However she is very kindhearted, a little slow at times but she’ll get there, she can get distracted very easily at times and motherly to those around her.
Due to being on her own for a good part of her life, she ended up being observant and trying to be resourceful. She has a knack for getting information without raising suspicion and being sneaky for the most part.
Evie has a vintage and classy style, often seen in 1940s-inspired dresses, with a touch of modern flair. Her wardrobe reflects her independent spirit and love for classic fashion. Even as she progresses over the decades she stays with a simple yet gentle sense of fashion as a way to blend in with the crowd.
Proficient with weapons, particularly guns.
Basic combat
Previously worked as a nurse during WWII, honing her medical skills.
Quick thinker, adapts well to challenging situations.
Handle a control panel
Design and disguise
Jen grew up in a decent sized house with a Russian father and a Italian-American mother, along with her older sister Dottie. When it came to both children, their parents loved them both the exact same.
However, behind the smiles and glittering eyes on both daughters held an small rivalry that over time.
Dottie was always the one-upper of the pair, acting like she knew more and always one step ahead of everything. Hell, Dottie enjoyed having her nose in her young sister’s business, ignoring her most of the day, parenting her like she was a second-mother and treating her sister, Jen, like a pest that she couldn’t stand.
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But Jen wasn’t far behind either, as she rather enjoyed sometimes sticking her nose in older sister’s business, taking her sweater without asking and bugging her with whatever new thing she was obsessed with at the moment. The difference was that Jen knew her limits, as she held a fear behind her smile when it came to Dottie, often intimated by her status and rude attuned attitude.
It didn’t help that both ladies couldn’t be more different when it came to their interests.
In result, it often led to plenty of bickering, fighting over every single thing possible and barking off more than they can chew.
However, it all came to a sudden pause when their father Alexander was overseas with Dottie to Russia saying they had business to attend to. Her mother only simply nodded and hugged them both watching them drive away, before entering the house to continue her daily task, asking Jen to follow behind.
The girl was confused on the matter and questioned the trip later that night. Her mother, Fran, simply told her that Dottie was one of the few girls signed off to train and becomes a skilled fighter.
Saying that one day, Jennifer might get her turn to do the same but the young blonde refused the idea. She rather stay home, be a kind young lady, fall in love, paint all the gardens in the fields and learn what she needs to in America. She visited Russia before, as she always found it to be colder and unassuming to her likely.
Whatever Dottie was doing, Jennifer wanted no part of it.
Thankfully, with a small sigh, her mother agreed to her dreams and kissed her cheek.
Years later, Jennifer would learn what her sister was doing and fought to not follow the same path. She had to desire to become a skilled fighter in Mother Russia and train to be become an assistant to The Red Room. But faith had other plans, as her parents promised her to do a trail run, live in Russia and educate herself into getting certificate of achievement.
Just for a few short months. 3 months.
With a deep sigh and small grunt, she did so as promised. In The Red Room, she was made to watch videos on culture, read books, take any notes and practice her knowledge on what she already knows. Not just that, Jennifer was brought in to take up a couple of activities such as dance, carefully handle weaponry, learning basic combat and drive a vehicle, if she ever needs to hot-wire and getaway.
Jennifer wouldn’t admit it but a small part of her enjoyed watching the women in those rooms all move in one single motion like trained dancers, ready to performance for a show on stage, and she was in the front row getting a glimpse of the sight.
She looked over her shoulder as a tall shadow took behind her, she gulped assuming it was one of the teachers ready to shout in her face for sneaking out of her bedroom this late in the afternoon, but instead it was her older sister.
“What?” She grunted out, spinning to face the taller blonde.
The tall blonde held a slinging smirk, “Nothing. Like what you see?”
“You’re new high ponytail or the performance?”
“Both, Fefe.”
“Don’t fall me that. What do you want?”
“Just want to know if my baby sister is enjoying it here?”
“You mean having my wrist cuffed to the bed, being held in a isolated room twice a week with no windows and a locked door? Oh yeah, I love it.” She repiled with a sarcastic tone.
Dottie grinned, “And having me here as a upper classmen.”
“Yeah…that. When are you gonna realize you’re just as insane to enjoy this, Dot? You love it here and actually find it trilling. I don’t.”
“Oh, Fefe, when are you gonna realize that with this opportunity you can be just like me? With grace and perfection.”
“That’s my point. I am not like you and I will never be like you. And when my time is up, I won’t be seeing you ever again.”
And Jennifer was right.
She was out of the building soon enough, in hopes to keep her head down and never have to be stuck in a place like that again. But Dottie did warn her as a hard heavy threat, one day, they will try and offer you a deal, snatched her up and order her to work for them.
Jennifer grunted and hoped with her luck, she wouldn’t. However, as lucky as she was with never being dragged there again, she did have Dottie reappear later on her life once or twice just for add measure…
📰~The 1940s~ 💡
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Plenty years past since those 3 sleepless months within that building and Jen couldn’t be more pleased with herself to be blessed to see a new path her way.
She was living in New York City, Queens as a waitress and painting on the side. She enjoyed painting the city skyline, the people in the park and her favorite flowers whenever possible. She was what many called her, a cartoonist. And her job wasn’t so bad either, yes the clients can be rude and annoying at times, but she made it work.
And her uniform was her biggest perk of her job. The simple teal-blue dress, her white headband, brown flats and her cute pins over her apron.
It was good, also with the fact she clocked out early to visit the fair, as everyone was there to see all the new attractions, men getting tested to see if they’re qualified for the war, people going dancing and much more. One evening, she found herself reading the newspaper wondering the fair, enjoying the sights, getting a drink and eventually standing in the crowd to see the main attraction.
Howard Stark. The Expo.
Little did she know that the man on that stage would change her life, by becoming apart of it.
She laughed, awed and smiled during the show. Even catching glimpses of his young sibling on stage, who eventually joined him.
She looked over her shoulder noticing a ‘help wanted’ signed stamped over a couple of posters, removing one of the tickets and followed to the small building to see what can could apply for. It seemed with the war going on, they need volunteers to help nurse the men on the field and inside buildings. Jennifer thought for a moment, onto her decision but then realized that it was worth it to help the good wanting to men serve their country.
Two weeks laters, she was working as a volunteered nurse. She got tested, signed off and given new uniform to wear. When a certain doctor asked for her name, it seemed like he missed heard it, as he wrote down a different name under her paperwork.
Instead of Jennie Underwood, he put down ‘Jeanie Wood’.
Jen didn’t know if it was on purpose it or not, but it taken her by a surprise at the name. The last person to give her a similar name like that was her 5th grade English teacher, yet she wasn’t complaining. She liked it, a lot.
And if she had to admit, she enjoyed it more than she expected, making friends with the other nurses, checking on the vitals of men and women, along with cleaning their wounds. It’s also when she met Miss Margaret “Peggy” Carter, who came in to recruit some nurses for an experimental program to help out the war, as she was handpicked to do so.
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To say, Peggy Carter wowed Jen was an understatement. The women was kind, fierce, charming, witty, a little sassy, had a stronghold on her role here and cared for others. It surprised her how Peggy took a liking to her during those days spent on the job.
That same week, she met Howard Stark as he was preparing for the super solider experiment that she was apart of. The moment Howard met her, he was dazzled, in awe and flirting with the blonde. That was the first time Jennie ever actually blushed and smiled, turning her face to hide her blush from Howard’s darling compliments and witty comments.
Howard simply smiled at her blushing and went off to finish preparing his equipment for the day, before offering to buy her lunch. His tongue accidentally slipped nicknaming her ‘JJ’ for short. Jennie hesitated as she removed her gloves after preparing the equipment and serum with the other nurses needed for tomorrow. One of the nurses nudged her to say ‘yes’ as Jennie just smiled and nodded, following the brunette out the door.
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The following day, she met Steve Rogers, as she was there helping to performance the processor and watching the man transform from a skinny kid to a tall solider. But the cheers and awes were cut short as Dr. Erskine died, causing Jennie to remove a gun off the table aiming at the person who fired the shot, but missed by a close second as the man ran out the door. Before she can get a second to blink, Steve and Peggy raced out the door to follow him. Jennie stayed behind to help, get Dr. Erskine to a more comfort position and calm down the crowd.
After that whole event, things were put back into swings as the war went on, Steve became Captain America serving his country, Peggy was brought to help, along with Howard and Jennie to do their part in serving for the better of their playing field.
Once again, she was given a slight change of clothing instead of white, it was light browns and a dark brown jacket to watch.
Jennie was put to work, not as a volunteered nurse, but a someone who helped with the design and coordinates for any trips. She put her skills to some use, which made her smile. Soon enough, the war ended per say in some victorious cheers and others in sorrows for the ones they lost.
When Steve Rogers went down in the plane, after speaking to Peggy on the radio as their side of the speakers cut to static, Jen was the first to enter the room and pull the English brunette into an tight embrace.
💭 ~Meetings and revisiting the past~📑
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Once the war ended, Peggy and Jen stayed friends, keeping Howard in touch of course. As both were brought to working in New York City at The SSR (which would later on become SHIELD), Peggy worked at an assigned sectary despite her endless response to her being able to do more. Daniel Sousa saw more in her, which made the women smile at the thought and respect she got from him.
Meanwhile Jen didn’t mind it being the coffee girl/assistant at the SSR, basically a sectary with a nicer name. It gave her a flexible schedule most days, other days she was spent working later hours at her desk.
Thankfully she had Agent Jack Thompson to keep her company, despite his personality, the man saw Jennie as a little sister whenever she entered the building. As if he wanted to shield her from harm and have her stand back from the tough stuff, even through she reminds him that she seen men come back from the war wounded or worse.
Jack would sometimes buy her burger if they knew everyone was gonna be working a late night. He would often bicker with her and Peggy as the English women rolled her eyes, but Jen would respond by saying that it seems like Thompson has a crush on Carter. Which results in Peggy chuckling at the blonde women.
Things were going fine until Howard Stark was wanted for crimes against the country, recruiting for Peggy to help find the truth and prove him innocent. She even entrusted his butler Edwin Jarvis to asset her with the investigation.
In which Jennie met while she was getting herself coffee one morning at the diner where she used to work as a waitress, ordering Mr. Jarvis a coffee.
Mr. Jarvis smiled and thanked for, offering to pay for her donut as an exchange. They soon became friends after that. Little did Jarvis know that Jennifer would become good friends with his lovely wife, Ana, too.
Jennifer didn’t want any to be thrown too far into the mix of things, as she eventually joined to the two Brits on their investigation.
Especially after the plot thicken, she started to be thrown in for a loop as The SSR all visited Russia and reunited with The Howling Commandos, finding themselves in a building that once held many men and women who were spies.
The beds with handcuffs, weird therapists, scientists and much more on that visit to Russia. At one point, Jen froze as she stayed rubbing her wrist at the sight, as it took A Howling Commando to drag her out of the rooms. Hell, some of their own agents froze at the sights, meanwhile others stayed strong during the fight.
On the plane ride home, Jen started to let Peggy in on why she froze, but not everything, as Peggy held the blonde close. Jen was given flashbacks to those 3 months in Mother Russia, the trips she went on and how during the war she remembered the men she had to nurse coming home lost to confused.
But the biggest punch to the grunt was when she saw her older sister on the streets of NYC, under some false name living at The Griffith Hotel for Women, pretending to be some new lady here and wanting to go sightseeing. It made her sick, especially since Dottie got closer to Peggy and watched her baby sister from afar, with sneaky eyes to see her next move.
That’s when everything made sense to Jen.
Dottie was here undercover working for someone who was framing Howard Stark and having everyone turn against the man. Peggy didn’t fully believe Jennie at first when she came in with her claims, Jack Thompson nor Daniel Sousa did either, but soon enough the truth came into full force.
As one could imagine things took a turn for people at The SRR, as they close in on Howard Stark, the true enemies are revealed and much more to everyone involved. As they planned to draw out the real threat, The Leviathan.
But it goes awry when Dottie Underwood distract the agents while Stark is kidnapped, as her boss uses hypnosis to make Howard drop as gasp he invented called “Midnight Oil” to onto Time Square.
Thankfully with Jarvis’s help, they all found them just in time. Jack Thompson and Daniel Sousa handled The Leviathan, who’s name was Johann Fennhoff. Meanwhile Jennie, Jarvis and Peggy handled Dottie, while also trying to convince Howard to not drop the gas over Time Square.
To say Dottie was excited to see her sister again in full swing and having a thrilling fight with Peggy was an understatement.
However this time, Jennie wasn’t too frightened to fight her sister again, as she found strategy and strength in herself to be more confident. It was a bigger perk, that this time around, she had Peggy who was more than intrigued to battle Dottie after their last encounter.
In the end, things were brought to light, they defeated Dottie (who escaped), the right people were imprisoned with scheming with Zola and everyone was given a chance to breath once again.
But like always, life for Jen didn’t stop there as she moved to Los Angeles for her next adventure…
🦅~The 50s—60s~ 🕰️
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In 1956, things were looking swell for Jennie as she was working for SHIELD in Los Angeles as an agent. She had her own office, meetings scheduled, kept designing models, going out to dinners and the occasional trip for sizable missions.
She discovered she had a little love for the unknown, collecting items, designing, doing presentations and going on trips to report new things back to SHIELD headquarters.
She was the one to design the SHIELD logo and style of the front over the years after all. Her and Howard liked with idea of an eagle with spread wings.
-> Eagles with its keen eyes symbolized courage, healing, hope, vision, resilience and most importantly strength.
However one late spring night, everything flipped on it’s head for Jennie. It was one of their agent’s bridal shower and she was invited to join in the celebration, free drinks and food, of course she was coming.
Yet, she was soon about to regret that trip.
She was driving home in one of SHIELD’s invented cars, that was had a working mentor that connected to the battery phone. She was on the phone was Jarvis’ wife, Ana, talking about how wonderful her weekend was, crossing a simple long bridge, when a light shower of rain started to fall from above. It wasn’t anything unusual, the weather did call for a light shower that weekend, but what took her by surprise is the springing dose of snowflakes.
“Uh, Ana, I’ll have to call you back…” She said, hanging up the phone and hanging it back where it belong.
It was simply magical to such a sight, however it went from beauty to a beast wanting the snowflakes became a slamming balls of hail hitting the car as she started to carefully hurry along the bridge. However the road soon became dangerous, causing her to swirl off the path and hitting the railing as her car went flying and smash into the water.
The faint sounds of the phone could be heard, ringing with a voice on the other end as the car drowned into the large body of water. In the car, Jennifer was silent with bruises and cuts all over her body, her forehead held a large cut that was covered by blood.
Her breathing stopped as her heartbeat slowed down in seconds, her core body temperature dropped greatly. At that very moment her heart stopped beating.
At 8:55pm, a blot of lighten struck the car. The volts of electricity impact was more than strong enough to reset the heart into a clear rhythm. Jeanie Woods—Jennie Underwoods body slowly lifted from the lower end of the car to regain its awareness. Her head rushed to the surface, jolting out of her anoxic state, causing her to draw her first breath in 4 minutes.
Cough and breathing heavy, Jennie regain memory of recent events, using all her skilled strength within her to carefully climb out of the car, knocking the side door open capturing the cool air that surrounding her.
She breathed heavily, spreading outside of the side door and swimming forwards to the surface, finding a pot of greenery in the cold depths of the night. Once she climbing onto the grass, rolling over as she let her back hit the grass such a reliving impact. She squeezed her eyes shut and opened it once again to watch the snowy sky fall onto her cool skin.
Well, she was screwed.
Thankfully she crawled onto her feet and found the nearest gas station, entering a phone booth to call Jarvis to pick her up. And being the good friend he was, the man arrived with a blanket as well, bringing to his house to stay the night. She explained to Jarvis the accident, planning on trying to recall everything she could remember to have it on record of that night and how the car was totaled in the process, but the man didn’t care as long as she was safe and sound.
As the years went, she credited her appearance to a healthy diet, often exercising, skin care, good genes and just plain luck. However actions was required only months laters when she was pulled over for a minor traffic infraction.
“Ma’am, it says here that you were born in 1923.” Said the officer.
“That’s right, officer.” She repiled with a kind smile.
“That would make you 40?”
“Yes. I look young for my age.”
“Ma’am I might have to hold onto this.”
The two talked by the man didn’t look so convinced, asking to come by the station tomorrow if possible and to bring her birth certificate.
That’s when she knew she needed to start packing, calling up family and making a few adjustments to her life. That’s when she moved back to New York City for a while, keeping her job within SHIELD, but taking up studies for medicine to research her condition, talks with other scientists.
But they all slowly came to the conclusion that it seems like there was no results for her condition, despite the records, recalling of events and etc.
It happened again where officers would stop the women and question her appearance, age and name. Even tried to take her into the station, as she would always do what she must to get out of it, even call up a friend for witness.
Packing up once again, making a couple of whole calls and planes to drive off somewhere off the grid of neither New York or LA, she found herself in San Diego instead. Making sure that Peggy, Howard, Jarvis and their friends know what to do, if anyone contract them, remove any records and to do something about the officers who taken her originally.
In result, Jennie Woods went on to change her name, keep her files close to her chest, residence and appearance the best she could every decade. And to never speak a true word of her fate to answer living soul (unless they were family of course).
To her relief, as the years went on things calmed down and she was less frequently questioned, however she would get wondering eyes at work.
🐤~Auntie JJ~ 🪿
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-> May 29th, 1970 her nephew Anthony Edward Stark was born.
The day she held that tiny will soul in her arms, she knew she would love him til her dying days. She would take care of him, spoil the boy, and make sure he knew he was loved, even if she wasn’t there everyday to see him.
And that she did.
In the 70s, Maria and Howard knew they would need a pair of helping hands, aside from Jarvis, as they offered for the women to live with them. And of course, she said yes.
Jennie was there every step of the way and she loved it. Watching Tony grow up, taking his first step, first words, teaching him to read and write. Hell, when he was old enough, Tony would draw her so many drawings that she hang up in her office showcasing her godson’s work.
There were plenty of days and nights where neither of his parents were around as work and events took up their time, so in result if she was free, Jennie would do it.
“..’So after Lisa sewed on the missing button, she gave Corduory a big hug.’ The End. Now it’s time for my little bear to go to sleep.” She said closing the book with a smile.
Usually the 7 year old would give her a sleepy remark but after the long day he had, he decided against it. He rolled onto his side getting comfy.
“Auntie JJ?” He yawned in his small voice.
“Yes baby?” She asked standing up and putting the book back on his bookshelf.
“Would you always love me like Lisa love Corduroy?”
Jennie paused what she was doing as a small smile appeared on her lip at the question, she turned out and kneeled over the bed, placing a hand above Tony’s small cheek. Her warm touch smooth his worries.
“Of course I will, bubba” She replied and pressed a kiss to his forehead.
He smiled in returned, “Can we have pancakes tomorrow?”
“We will have to see. But first night night.”
“Night night.”
She gave him one more smile watching as his eyes closed, pulling his blanket closer. When she knew it was clear to leave, she gently closed the door behind her and escaped to the living room to watch a rerun of The Mary Tyler Moore Show.
Midway through the episode, she paused the taping and through back onto what Tony asked her earlier. She looked down at her lap, playing with the throw pillow in hand and sighed deeply. She knew why he asked that question, with his parents getting busier as the day goes by, especially at such a young age, it makes sense Tony would wonder if the adults in his life still love him.
And she meant what she said earlier, this unconditional love she has for her nephew is true. She adores that tiny little troublemaker, even if she sometimes drives him nuts, it’s one of the reasons she cares for him. He’ll keep on learning , as time slips through her fingers watching him grow up.
She knew she will be always try to be there for him, even if she’s in a different city, she’s only one call away.
And she was right.
Tony’s auntie JJ is there for him every time she can be. The smallest moments and his biggest. His graduations, his first true inventions, taking him out for ice cream, reading him bedtime stories, making him bacon on his birthday, the two of them sneaking off to watch movies late at time and the list goes on.
Hell, if she’s in the same room and near by, JJ is there to poke and pinch Tony when he says something he isn’t supposed to. Which results in him yelling a small, “Ow!” As she’ll give a smile in return or a certain look to tell him to quit it.
There are moments that his aunt JJ would have a date pick him and Tony would try to question his intentions with his aunt. Little did she know her godchild Rei would be the same way in the future. Every single one of her dates biggest haters.
Mysteries, romance and detective novels
Waking up late
Coffee (of course!)
Classic movies from the golden era & sitcoms
Vintage fashion and style
Painting & Drawing
The sun setting
Cold coffee
Being underestimated or misjudged
Chaos in the house
Being underdressed or overdressed for an event
Sitting still for too long
Big Crowds
Closed spaces
Horror movies (however she enjoyed CW’s Supernatural)
Fast rides
- Fluent in Spanish and English.
- Russian and Italian
- And some French
—Additional information:
- Jennie has a couple of scars, some small and some are a little big
- She tends to wear reading glasses or sunglasses at a lot
- You can sometimes find her on the couch wearing her earbuds listening to her favorite songs or binge watching a series on her IPAD
- As said before she likes jewlery, so in result you can find her wearing rings, earrings and sometimes necklaces. Such as her charm bracelet she got as a gift back in the 80s from a old friend
- She has traveled a lot over the years, sometimes she been a place more than once or even lived there. As well, as she met a couple of likely faces too
- Due to trying to keep up her energy and stamina levels, when it came to changing her appearance Jennie always tried to have a little fun. Such as dying her hair different a color, giving herself a new haircut, buying statement pieces that seemed timeless and testing out makeup to make her blend in with the crowd
- When it comes to makeup, she tries to keep it rather simple (she used to wear a lot of over the years but it resulted in some acne)
- When she’s under stress or filled in anxiety while in public spaces, she tends to play with her nails, add pressure to her inner palm, rubbing her wrist, wipes her sweaty palms on her jeans and etc
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—That’s all folks! I wanted to add more detail about her but then it would’ve been wayyyy too long of a ride 😅
Anyways pls let me know what you think! Remember to like, comment and share
Tags: @gaminggirlsstuff @gcthvile @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @xgoddessoffandomsx @rickb-chaos @starkleila @infinetlyforgotten @meiramel @sherloquestea @parisparker269 @djs8891 @buckysteveloki-me @yetanotherwells @nakiaswg @carellmcu @ximehs
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dottyistired · 26 days
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psst...are we still doing femworth...
"but chief prosecutor femworth just looks the same as canon miles!" WRONG
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luveline · 11 months
hey jade!! i love kisses before dinner and was wondering (if you like the idea) maybe you could write something about avery realising how scary giving birth can be and starts worry about it before the new baby arrives? <3<3<3
thank you for your request! kisses before dinner —mom!you and dad!steve comfort avery when she has concerns for your health. fem!reader, 3k
cw discussed maternal mortality and death
Steve Harrington looks out over the kitchen table that night with a great sense of success. You're sitting at the other end with Dove on your knee, feeding her bites of macaroni cheese between feigned spoonfuls given to her rainbow teddy bear. Bethie sits to his left eating without complaint (a victory considering her pickiness). Avery sits to his right, trying to pour her own glass from the juice jug. It's awesome. 
Steve quickly swallows the drink he'd been sipping on and offers to help her, hand extended, "Here. I got it."
"I can do it," Avery insists, her long arms shaking under the weight. 
He doesn't mind her being independent, nor her improving capabilities, but the last thing he wants to do tonight is clean up a huge juice spill. Steve takes the juice gently and refills her plastic cup. 
"Dad," she whines. 
"Avery," he whines back. 
She huffs and grabs her fork, ignoring her fresh cup of juice to shovel in bites of broccoli and macaroni instead. 
"I think I'm done," Bethie says. Steve must have jinxed it. 
He attempts to do the impossible —convince Bethie to finish dinner. He takes up station by the side of her chair, having tried everything now, and only this works. 
"Beth," he says, putting his hand behind her back, "Are you sure there's no room left? I don't want you to be hungry again before we go to bed 'cos you won't tell me, will you?" 
"I'm full," she insists, reaching for her drink bottle. 
"Is there something wrong with it?" he asks, rubbing up and down her back.
"No, daddy, it's nice," she says. She isn't quite convincing, but she tries. 
Steve looks at her. She looks like Steve sometimes, like neither of you other times, but mostly he looks at her and he sees you. Your smile, your frown, Bethie's tell is the same as yours when she lies. Steve can read you both like a book. 
"Is it cold?" he asks, sticking his pinky finger in the corner of her macaroni. "A little. If I heat it back up for you, would that make it better?" 
"No, please," she says. 
He sighs. "Make you something else? Sandwiches?" 
"I'm not hungry, daddy." 
Steve plasters a smile over his worries and kisses her cheek. "Okie smokie. Well done, honey, you ate lots and lots. Let's try even more for breakfast, yeah?" 
"Yes!" she agrees, sliding off of her chair.
"Where are you going?" he asks. 
"Need to pee!" she yells, running to the stairs. She opens the baby gate (which she’s known how to do for too many years, way before supposed to know how to —thanks so much, Avery) and Steve listens to her sprint up the stairs with a wince. 
"Call me if you need help!" he yells after her. 
"You think that's why she didn't want to eat?" you ask, wiping the corners of Dove's mouth with her bib. 
Steve stands up and stretches his arms behind his head. "I don't know," he says, rolling his neck around in a circle. 
"Is it gross if I eat her leftovers?" you ask. 
"I'll make you another pot, if you want it," Steve offers, arms dropping down to his side. He's been trying to get back into shape lately. It's not working out. "You having cravings?" 
"I'm just hungry all the time," you say, your voice melding into a sing song as you finish wiping Dove's face. "All done! Good girl, Dovey! You're my good girl." You plaster her forehead with a layer of kisses before putting her down on the floor. She wobbles, hands on your thighs. "Okay? You want another drink?"
"Dotty Dolly," she says, taking your hand. "Please. Please, Dolly."
"Yeah, my love. I'm coming." You groan as you stand up, not quite pregnant enough to worry about popping soon but more than enough to feel exhaustion to the marrow. 
"Just me and you then," Steve says to Avery, tucking in chairs and piling plates at the table. 
"Me and you, sir," she agrees in a funny voice. 
"Still mad at me?" 
She remembers to glare at him. "Yes!" She takes another bite of macaroni. "Okay, no." 
"If you're not gonna chew with your mouth closed, put your hand over your mouth. I don't wanna see your chewed up dinner." Avery pokes her tongue out, laughing when Steve says, "Ewww." 
He sets the leftovers aside for you rather than waste Bethie's largely untouched pasta in the trash, stacking the dishes in the sink and wetting a cloth to wipe down the table. He cleans around Avery, squeezing her neck, shoulders and arms to make her squirm as he goes.
"You want seconds?" he asks, returning to the sink. 
"I want dessert." 
"Good idea. You know Mom's so pregnant all she does lately is wake me up for ice cream."
"She wakes you up?" Avery asks. 
"By accident trying to put her socks on at the end of the bed. Baby's getting too big now, she can't see her toes." 
"It's a good thing she has you, dad."
"Yeah, but you'd help mommy, wouldn't you? Help her put her shoes on if she couldn't reach?" 
Avery hops off of her chair and passes him her plate, completely clean of food. She grows like a bamboo shoot and eats like a rabid dog. He loves it. She's evidence that he's a good cook. 
"Thank you. What did you want for dessert?" he asks. 
"I have something to ask you." 
"Oh." Steve hates the sound of that, theorising that she wants a new something or other he'll have to say no to. He grabs her by the waist, wet hands and all, hoisting her up onto the counter by the dish rack. He puts a rag in her hands. "You dry and I'll answer." 
"It's a weird question," Avery warns.   
"Avery, you wouldn't believe how weird some of the questions I've asked are. Don't worry about it." 
He scrunches dirty water out of the dish sponge and squirts soap onto a dirty plate. The hot water burns his fingertips. Avery dries a plastic plate diligently, her question coming out slow as running wax. 
"Mom's gonna be okay, right?" she asks quietly. 
Steve fights to keep his eyebrows down. They bob anyways. "Okay from what?" 
"When she has the baby. She's not going to get hurt?" 
"Well, having a baby really hurts. But there's medicine for her to take, and I'll be there to hold her hand." 
"No," Avery says, frowning, "that's not…" 
"Sorry, Ave. Ask me again, try a different word." 
She puts the dried plate down to her left and picks another to dry. "Will mom die?" 
"No," he says. Doesn't miss a beat, though his pulse capers. He knows that childbirth is hard, that lots of things can go wrong, but if he truly thought you might die he wouldn't have asked for another baby. And even if he did think it were going to happen, it's not a thought Avery needs to have. "She won't die, I promise you. Where'd you get that idea, honey?" 
"Jordan's mom died having a baby." 
Steve nods and tries to recalibrate the conversation. He knew of Jordan's mom passing away, he made a couple of trays of food for Jordan's dad and put money in the collection plate for her memorial, but he didn't know Avery knew precisely how it happened. 
"Right, she did," he says gently. "And that's scary, huh?" 
"Why can't it happen to mommy if it happened to her?" Avery asks. 
Steve shuts off the water. Hand still wet, he rubs his forehead roughly. "Can I have that?" he asks Avery, gesturing for the dish cloth. She gives it to him, putting down her last plate, and Steve wipes his fingers dry to pick her up without getting her wet a second time. 
"Let's have a talk," he says, tilting his head to the side. He sees his eyes looking back at him, smaller and softer, longer lashes but the same honeyed brown. "Me, you, and mommy. Okay?" 
"Dad," she says, startled. 
"It's okay, It'll be better if you talk to mom, too, because it's mom that's already had babies, not me. I think I know everything because my brain is so big and stuff, but I can't tell you what your mom is thinking." 
"I don't want mommy to get upset," she says. 
It's partially his fault for asking her to tell him if there's a problem rather than you a few weeks ago. He didn't want you walking up and down the stairs unnecessarily, and your blood pressure is something they've been keeping an eye on. He didn't mean for Avery to bottle things up. Every time Steve thinks he's doing something right it finds a way to bite him in the ass. 
"I meant if Bethie's turned the faucet on and flooded the bathroom, or if you want to change your bed or something, not that you can't ask her things that are worrying you," he says, readjusting her weight. Her knees dig into his sides as he carries her to the living room doorway from the kitchen. 
"Hey, mom?" he asks. 
Your head jumps up. You're sitting on the edge of the couch with Dove's face in your knee, a dribble patch dampening your pants. Bethie has her hand in yours sitting next to you. You're still in your work clothes, your bump straining against everything now, but yet to drop. He'll have to wash your pants tonight. 
"Hey?" you say, a guilty smile tugging up your pretty mouth. "I'm coming to do the dishes, I swear. My girls caught me in their net." 
"Can we talk to you? For a minute," Steve says. 
Your eyes widen. You stand up with a funny noise like someone's stepped on your toes, lifting Dove by the armpits to sit next to Bethie. You kiss the girls goodbye and they're too distracted by Dotty Dolly playing on the TV to mind. 
"What's wrong?" you ask, following Steve back into the kitchen. 
"Want me to explain?" Steve asks Avery. She nods. "Avery's a little worried about you." 
"About me?" You put your hands under your face and beam at her. "What's worrying you? I've never been better." 
"She's worried about when you have the baby." 
"'Cos of Jordan's mom," Avery whispers. 
You hear it despite her small voice, your smile sobering. "I see… I see. You know… you're a big girl, Avery. You're my big girl, and I wish I could keep you this young forever sometimes, but I know that you know that people don't get to stay with us forever, so I don't want to scare you, but I'll tell you what I think, yeah?" 
Avery swallows around nothing. 
Steve gives her back a sympathetic pat. "It's okay," he says to her, enthusing his voice with some pep to calm her down. 
"Jordan's mommy was sick when she passed away," you say, your hand resting on your bump now, inching closer to Steve and Avery where they've paused under the kitchen light. "She knew things were going to be hard. When you have a baby, you know things won't be easy, but it's not fair. It's very sad. She," —you look at Steve with a parent familiar fear that says, Am I saying the right things?— "said goodbye before anyone wanted her too, but Avery." Steve knows what you're going to say. It's a promise he made only minutes ago, one that you have no control over keeping, but a necessary one nonetheless to make. You could very well have complications down the line, things could spin out of control, but Avery doesn't need the stress of that hanging over her. "I promise you here and now that I'm not going anywhere. Daddy won't let me." 
He laughs a little breathlessly. "Damn straight." 
"But daddy isn't a doctor," Avery says, holding out her arm. 
You walk into Avery's reach, letting her climb from Steve's arms to yours without complaint. "He didn't have time to be a doctor, he was too busy being the best dad ever." 
"Are you flirting with me?" Steve asks. 
"Duh, Stevie." You turn your attention to Avery, struggling to hold her and stroke a hair from her face. "Don't worry about me. Promise me you won't, Ave." 
"I just don't want you to go away," Avery says with a frown. 
Steve feels an unexpected heat behind his eyes. You smile softly, your thumb on Avery's cheek. "Then I won't. I'll stay. I can't go anywhere without you, gorgeous." 
Steve strokes the back of Avery's head. "And I can't be without either of you, so mom doesn't have a choice." 
He wishes things were that simple. Steve has no idea what the future holds, but he chooses to believe it'll be a good one, where every one of his girls gets to grow old. But the future isn't something he can predict nor change by wishing alone. 
"Did that make much sense to you, sweetheart?" you ask Avery.
"It makes sense. Sorry." 
You and Steve make twin sounds of loving disbelief. 
"Sorry for what?" you ask, as Steve says, "No, God, don't be sorry!" 
"It's okay to ask me stuff," you say.
"That's what we're here for." 
Avery wraps her arms around your neck. "Are you sure you'll be okay?" she whispers, near imperceptibly, Steve's ears straining to hear her under the sounds of the water heater and the television. 
"I'm sure. I've done it three times already."
"Are you scared?" 
You shake your head resolutely. "No. You know why?" 
"'Cos I know, at the end of it I might get another little girl who's just like you. Or like Beth, or Dove. Maybe I'll get one who's nothing like any of you, but I know with such a great big sister she's going to be amazing." 
Avery rests her cheek on your shoulder. "You think so?" 
"I know so." 
"Thank you," she says. 
You laugh again. "For what?" you ask, nails raking up and down the length of her back. "Only telling you what's true. Me and daddy think you're the bestest." 
Steve rubs his face with both hands rather than cry. Crying makes his eyes sore and he has to wake up at six AM tomorrow to take the girls to swimming lessons at seven thirty. (He also doesn't want Avery to see him crying and get the wrong idea, what with the previous conversation.) 
"Mom?" Bethie asks in the doorway. 
"Yes?" you murmur, resting your head atop Avery's gently. 
"Excuse me." 
You laugh a charmed laugh and scoot out of the way, resting your weight on the door jam. Bethie looks incredibly small idling at his feet, even though Dove is much smaller. She smiles nervously. 
"Yes?" he asks, crossing his arms over his chest. He pretends to be nonchalant, while inside he's thinking about lots of things. Avery's huge heart and all her worries. Bethie's emerging cheekiness after years of quiet. Dove's roaring giggle when you squeeze her just right. And you, your bump, your devotion to him and the girls, but more than that —your voice and how you talk with all the good you possess. How you're talking now to Avery in dulcet tones. 
Bethie takes his hand. "Can I have the rest of my mac and cheese, please?" 
"Yeah, babe. Unless you want dessert instead?" 
His hand sways in her grip. "I want mac and cheese if that's okay." 
Steve picks her up with a typical dad groan. He'll check on Dove first, but he has no qualms with warming her mac and cheese. He'd offer to make you another helping if you weren't distracted entirely, nose bridge nuzzling into Avery's neck. 
He doesn't know what the future holds, but he hopes for more of this. 
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fantasyescapes17 · 1 year
Manners (Part 1)
Viscount Joshua Hong is by far the most eligible bachelor in London. Rich, handsome, and renowned for his excellent manners and refined tastes. Young woman would kill for the chance to be the Viscount's chosen bride. But nobody can quite determine which of the young ladies he prefers, and you are beginning to have your doubts. Is the Viscount really as gentlemanly as the ton seems to think?
Genre: Joshua Hong x Female!reader. Regency!AU (It's sort of Bridgerton-esque in the sense that I give zero attention to historical accuracy and prioritize aesthetics lmao) You are a sibling to all the Lees (Woozi, DK, Dino) so your last name is Lee but the reader has no other specific characteristics, physical or otherwise.
Word Count: 3.2k+
Part 2
Series Masterlist [I would highly recommend reading the earlier stories in this series, Patience, and Candle, before this one but it's not strictly necessary.]
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It was a warm evening in June when your life suddenly changed. 
You had, at that point, been out in London society for almost two years without having received a single marriage proposal. Being the third child and eldest daughter of the Lee family, your responsibilities were far greater than your charms. 
Most young ladies your age possessed a bountiful dowry and carefully developed talents to attract a husband. Instead, you possessed the responsibility of managing five siblings, an absentee father, and a mediocre dowry. Only three of the siblings were younger than you (but really, from the way he sometimes behaved, Seokmin might as well have been younger than you). 
Mr. Lee (your father) was often away and busy managing affairs of the estate. He had ceased to care for society or matrimony since the death of your beloved mother. The responsibility of ensuring your siblings were raised well had naturally fallen on you, the eldest daughter. You did not entirely resent the circumstances. You loved all your siblings equally- even sullen Jihoon and cheeky little Chan- but your future was quite clear. 
You would probably end up an old maid. 
Or you would have, if not for that fateful June evening when Viscount Joshua Hong appeared unannounced on the doorstep of your London home. 
The kitchens were in an uproar. 
“These noblemen are quite careless!” the cook cried out as she struggled angrily to light the large coal fire. “To come around unannounced for dinner-the Viscount, you say- oh, what am I supposed to serve him? I was going to prepare a simple soup and fish for the family supper but that will certainly not suffice for a Viscount!”
You tried in vain to calm the cook. 
“Really, Dotty, it is all right- I am sure the Viscount will not demand anything more than what we usually eat,” you told her gently. 
“Of course he will not demand it- I am quite aware that the Viscount Joshua Hong has the most excellent manners. He should likely eat stale bread without complaint if we served it to him. But how would I ever be able to live with myself if I did that? Oh- how unfortunate that the Viscount should come for supper on the one night when there is no venison to be had…”
There was no calming the cook down. You sighed. 
“Dotty, I must go upstairs to dress for dinner. Please do not worry and serve whatever you are able. The Viscount is a good friend of Jihoon and he will not mind a simple supper after having arrived unannounced.” 
Dotty gave you a miserable look. “I should very much have liked to serve the Viscount my venison pie…”
You laughed. “I shall ask Jihoon to invite him to dinner again soon; and you shall be told well in advance so that you can serve your venison pie. But soup and fish will do for tonight.” 
“Yes, miss…” 
You left the kitchens through the back entrance and hurried up to the bedchambers through a side corridor; carefully avoiding the drawing room where Viscount Hong sat in conversation with your father and older brothers. 
It was perfectly understandable that Dotty had panicked when the Viscount suddenly appeared at the doorstep of your London home to call on your brothers. 
Viscount Joshua Hong was not only one of the richest noblemen in London, he was also the most handsome eligible bachelor. He was the epitome of impeccable manners and fine breeding. The entire ton had been waiting with bated breath ever since it had become public knowledge that he was in search of a wife. 
You could not deny that you were equally curious. Any young lady that could catch the eye of Viscount Hong would surely be perfection incarnate. You could not think of a single woman that could compare. Perhaps the Duchess of Graham? Even she did not possess Viscount Hong's excellent manners. 
As you reached the top of the stairs, you discovered that the entrance to your bedroom was barred by two of your younger siblings. Chan looked upset and angry, while little Nessie looked delighted. 
You took a deep breath and prepared yourself for the onslaught. 
“Why am I not allowed to sit with the gentleman downstairs?” demanded Chan, at the same time that Nessie cried, “Is it true Viscount Hong is here? Does he really have a golden carriage?"
You ushered them into your room before their loud voices could carry downstairs to the drawing room. 
"You are not yet old enough to sit with the gentlemen," you told Chan firmly, before turning to Nessie. "Yes, Viscount Hong is here and you will be allowed to see him at supper. No, his carriage is not made of real gold."
"I'm sixteen-" Chan protested.
"Sixteen is not old enough."
"It's too old to be sitting upstairs with the girls," Chan insisted with a pout. 
You sighed. "Stay upstairs for now. After supper, if Father permits, you may sit with the gentlemen," you told him. "Now go dress for supper quickly. Both of you."
You called for your maid to help you dress and then wrestled little Nessie and Lily into appropriate gowns. Fortunately, Chan managed to make himself look presentable on his own and you were able to get them all downstairs in time for supper.
The gentlemen were already seated for dinner; your father at the head of the table and Viscount Hong to his right along with your brothers- Mr. Lee Jihoon and Mr. Lee Seokmin. 
"Remember to curtsey," you reminded your little sisters quietly. 
They both curtsied prettily for the benefit of Viscount Hong, who greeted you and your younger siblings warmly with a handsome smile and bright eyes. He was characteristically patient when little Lily suddenly threw a tantrum and insisted on being allowed to sit beside him. 
"I will sit beside the Viscount, you never allow me to sit beside the Viscount!" Lily cried, stomping your feet. You laughed nervously, taking your six-year old sister gently by the arm. 
"Come now, Lily, I've told you before that you must behave when we have company-" you scolded lightly. 
"I should very much like to sit beside Lily," Viscount Hong said with a kind smile, before turning to your father quickly. "Unless, sir, you should have any objection."
Your father waved a hand dismissively. "Let the child sit where she likes, we must get on with dinner."
Jihoon surrendered his seat to little Lily and moved around the table to sit beside you instead. You lowered your voice and mumbled in a low voice to your elder brother. 
"Of course we are delighted to have the Viscount here for dinner, it's not that anyone dislikes his company," you mumbled. "But perhaps you could ask him to give us notice next time? Dotty was quite a mess about what to serve for dinner."
Jihoon coughed into his napkin. 
"I don't know why he is even here," your brother whispered. "It's quite unlike Joshua. He is usually incredibly well-mannered but really, neither Seokmin nor I invited him here tonight and he simply won't leave."
You looked at your brother in surprise- you had thought that the Viscount was surely here to discuss urgent business with your brothers or father. 
The servants entered with dinner, so your conversation with Jihoon was cut short. You were forced to turn your attention to the Viscount, who sat opposite you and was listening patiently to a fairy tale that Lily was reciting. 
"Lily, stop boring the Viscount," Chan scolded her lightly. He turned to the older gentleman with bright eyes. "Viscount Hong, is it true that you have five thoroughbred horses and three pure white Arabian horses in your stables? And that the Arabians were brought from overseas?"
Joshua smiled. "Yes, that is correct. Are you interested in horses, Chan?"
Chan flushed. "I've studied them a little."
"He's studied them far more than he's studied mathematics," you said lightly. Chan frowned but Viscount Hong's dark eyes flickered towards you in amusement. He gave you a small smile. 
"I see your sister doesn't like your interest in horses," Joshua remarked.
"My sister doesn't like anything interesting," Chan complained and you nearly choked on your soup in embarrassment before giving your younger brother a stern look.
"Chan! "
But Joshua only turned to look at you with his usual kind smile. "If you can vouch for Chan having completed his mathematics, Miss Lee, then I should be glad to invite him to visit our stables next week to see the horses."
Chan's eyes widened in delight and he jumped out of his seat. 
"Viscount Hong, would you really-"
"I believe the Viscount said the invitation was dependent upon you completing your mathematics," you reminded your brother calmly. "So sit down and finish your dinner. And thank you, Viscount Hong, I would not want us to intrude upon your hospitality."
Viscount Hong smiled. "I do not consider it an intrusion. It is the least I can do."
"We are grateful, all the same."
Your father cleared his throat as he finished his soup. The senior Mr. Lee was not generally a social man, but even he could not ignore the need to engage in polite conversation when there was a man of such noble standing as the Viscount at his table. 
"Were you in attendance at the Hastings' ball yesterday, Viscount Hong?" your father asked. "My children tell me it was quite a wonderful event. And since you are looking for a wife, I suppose attending these events is of more importance than ever."
Joshua nodded respectfully at your father.
"Indeed, sir, I was in attendance. In fact- I was fortunate enough to have danced once with your daughter," Joshua replied with a small smile. 
You nodded. Viscount Hong was very much an in-demand dance partner, but you were grateful that he had still asked you to dance with him a number of times over the course of the season. You knew better than to read too much into a mere dance, however. Joshua also regularly danced with plenty of women far more eligible than you- Miss Jeon, the Duchess of Graham, Miss Williams, Miss Yoon…
It was a long list that you did not care to repeat. 
Mr. Lee nodded. "Yes- I am sure my daughter is quite grateful for your company."
You flushed in embarrassment at the implication that the Viscount had danced with you out of pity, but the topic of conversation was quickly rerouted by Chan- who had been unable to take his mind off the horses. 
"Viscount Hong, when you said that I might visit your stables next week," Chan pressed eagerly. "Which day of the week were you suggesting, as I have my lessons on Thursdays…"
You frowned. "Chan!"
Viscount Hong laughed. "It is quite all right, Miss Lee. Shall we say Wednesday, Chan?"
"Wednesday sounds excellent…"
The supper passed in a pleasant manner. Joshua's unannounced arrival was certainly not convenient but you had to admire how smoothly the gentleman blended himself into your family supper. He was polite, but without showing any of the airs and superiority that someone of his station could have displayed around your family. 
He showed enthusiasm for Lily's stories, patiently answered Chan's questions about horses and even joked around with Jihoon and Seokmin, whom he had known for many years. You knew that Viscount Joshua Hong was as far, far, far out of your reach as a man could possibly be but…
Well, there was no harm in silently admiring such a wonderful specimen of the opposite gender, was there? 
You ushered your sisters upstairs to bed after dinner. Chan, stubborn as ever, insisted on being allowed to stay in the drawing room while the gentlemen smoked a pipe. You left him be: disciplining Chan was quite out of your hands and you had decided that you would begin to leave it to Jihoon. 
You had just put the girls to bed and were about to undress for bed yourself when there was a frantic knocking at your door.
You opened the door, startled. 
Your brother was pink in the face and his eyes wide as he squeezed inside your room and closed the door behind him. 
"Shhh! You will not believe what is happening downstairs!" Chan hissed. 
You raised an eyebrow. "What is it?"
"We were all in the drawing room- and suddenly Viscount Hong and Father went into Father's study alone. Even Jihoon and Seokmin agreed that it was extremely strange for them to go off alone so I snuck into the study to listen in on their conversation and-"
"Chan!" you scolded him. "You cannot be eavesdropping on Father's-"
"You may scold me later! Only listen for now- Viscount Hong has asked father for permission to offer for your hand!" Chan whisper-yelled. 
You froze. 
"Sorry, my what?" you asked. 
"Your hand," Chan repeated. "In marriage?" he added unhelpfully. 
Your face felt hot. "Don't be foolish. You must have misunderstood their conversation. Viscount Hong would certainly marry a woman more suited to his station. To even suggest otherwise is nonsense-"
Chan looked angry. "I know what I heard, sister! He clearly said 'I seek your blessing to offer for your daughter's hand'- and surely, he is not intending to marry Lily!"
"He is not intending to marry me either-"
There was another sharp knock on your door and both you and Chan jumped, startled. You opened it to find a maid standing outside and she greeted you with a bow. 
"Miss Lee- your father has requested you to come downstairs to his study."
You went downstairs in a mixture of disbelief and anxiety. It was impossible that Viscount Joshua Hong had made an offer for your hand- Chan meant well but he was hardly the most brilliant young boy of his age. He had clearly misunderstood something. 
You entered your father's study anxiously. 
Mr. Lee stood from his desk. Joshua was seated quietly on a chair across from it- his expression was unreadable. 
"Ah-daughter. Here you are. I believe the Viscount has something to say to you. I am afraid I left my pipe in the drawing room so I shall return to it. You may both converse here in my study."
And your father briskly left the room, closing the study door behind him and leaving you entirely alone with Viscount Hong. 
Oh no. 
Oh no. 
"Miss Lee?" Viscount Hong asked you gently as you stared frozen at the now closed study door. He stood and stepped closer to you. "Would you like to take a seat?"
You turned to face him sharply. 
"What is the meaning of this?" you demanded. 
Viscount Hong gave you a small smile. He seemed a little surprised by your sharp reaction but reached for your bare hand- you were not wearing gloves so his soft fingers glided over your knuckles- and gently drew you closer to himself. 
"Miss Lee. I suppose the present circumstances make my object in speaking to you here quite evident, but I will still pose the question to you," Joshua said slowly. His hand pressed yours. "Would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"
You felt faint. You could not make sense of what was happening. 
"But-but…" you stuttered awkwardly. "But why?"
Joshua looked taken aback. 
"Why?" he repeated. 
"Why would you want to marry me?" you cried.
Joshua let out a small, bewildered laugh. Your question seemed to amuse him. "Well- for the very reasons that any man would want to marry a woman, I suppose. For love! Should I perhaps have started with that instead of directly jumping to marriage?"
"Yes-I mean no-, I mean…" you trailed off and pulled your hand out of his grasp before moving to learn against the study table. "Oh my god, I feel rather faint."
Joshua followed you, concerned. 
"Do you need help-"
"I am fine," you brushed him off. Your heart was beating at an unnaturally fast rate and you worried that it might suddenly explode in your chest. "I just… I don't really know what to say…"
Joshua took a step back from you warily. 
"Am I to understand from your reaction," he began slowly and carefully, "that my affections are unwelcome?"
"No, not… not unwelcome, exactly, more shocking," you replied hastily. You took a deep breath and tried to calm yourself down and digest this strange situation that you had suddenly been thrust into. "Viscount Hong, do you expect me to believe that out of all the beautiful, talented and rich young ladies of the ton, you are in love with me?"
The Viscount slowly kneeled in front of you and took your hand into his once more, with a soft smile. 
"I thought you would have noticed my affections. Perhaps I concealed them better than I imagined. I believed that my admiration for you was quite evident," Joshua said quietly. 
"Clearly it was not," you told him firmly. "I have it on quite good authority that there is a running bet in the assembly rooms regarding which young lady the eligible Viscount Hong will propose to by the end of the season, and I can tell you with absolute confidence that not a single person has put their money on me! Even Seokmin has placed his bet on the Duchess of Graham!"
Joshua took a deep breath and nodded. 
"I see my mistake."
"Do you?" you asked weakly. 
"Yes," Joshua replied simply. He stood up and stepped back from you. "I thought it was prudent to be a little more… guarded about displaying my affections for you in public but I see now that I should not have held back so much. You did not even realise you were being courted."
You stared at him. "I… I do not think anyone realised, Viscount Hong."
Joshua's cheeks flushed pink. "Yes- well. Allow me to remedy my mistake. I will retract my offer for your hand for the moment, Miss Lee, as I see now that I have been hasty. And instead, I seek permission to enter into a formal courtship with you."
"I will court you for one month before I will ask you once again to marry me," Joshua continued. "And if by then you still do not believe my affections for you are true, I will accept your rejection as gracefully as I can."
You still could not believe it. The image- the thought of yourself marrying Viscount Joshua Hong simply would not manifest completely in your mind. Even when you closed your eyes for a brief moment and tried to picture Viscount Hong at the altar, you still saw him with women more suited to his station- the Duchess of Graham, Miss Jeon, Miss Williams…
"Do you really love me?" you asked him weakly. You hated how exposed and vulnerable you felt in this moment, looking up at this man that was better than you in every conceivable way. "Me? Out of all the more eligible young ladies in the ton… you are quite sure you wish to marry me?"
Joshua stepped forward and seized your hand before bringing it up to his lips. His fingers pressed softly but firmly against your knuckles. 
"I am sorry," he told you kindly, his dark eyes shining in the dimly lit study. "If I  have made you feel unworthy."
You swallowed. "It is not… it is not that you have made me feel unworthy, only-"
"Yes. I wish to marry you, and only you, Miss Lee. By the end of this month, I shall ensure that you will never again question my love or commitment towards you."
He turned and left your study. 
And so began, on a warm June night, your courtship with Viscount Joshua Hong- the most elite and sought-after bachelor in London.
A/N: As always, thanks for reading and feel free to share your thoughts or inputs!
Since Wonwoo and Joshua were neck-and-neck on the poll as of the time of me posting this, I've decided to go ahead with Joshua since his is shorter/simpler and we'll be doing Wonwoo next.
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Unexpected 46
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Warnings: non/dubcon, pregnancy, pegging, Lloyd being the worst, post partum, csection, suicidial ideation, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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‘You look good’.
The doctor’s words echo in your head. You stare at yourself in the mirror, trying to see what she saw. You don’t look good, you are repulsive. You pull your shirt down over the stretch marks and fix your sweat pants, hiding the rigid scar. No infection, no internal issues. That’s probably what she meant.
You hear the dull buzz of your phone. As you pass the bassinet, you check inside. The baby’s asleep. It’s been a long day of calming her since your return from your appointment. She received a clean bill of health, a sparkling review from the doctor. She’s growing, eating well, meeting all her milestones. How many can there be, it’s only been six weeks.
The house is quiet. Dottie should be asleep. She hasn’t bothered you at least. You lay down and check your phone. It’s Andy. Shoot, you forgot to text him back after your shower. You tell him as much in your reply.
You lower your phone as you lean against the pillows. Six weeks. The doctor said you’re all clear. You don’t know if you’re ready, even though you want to be. You sigh and breathe out your anxiety. Fuck it. It’s not that deep.
‘Wanna come over?’ You don’t even read Andy’s follow up before you send the message.
Shit. Shit. You see the checkmark, he’s read it but he’s not typing. Fuckkkkkk. You misread. The last week and a half, sneaking around to make out, having the type of fun you forgot back in high school, it was only that. Shallow and fleeting.
You’re really not ready for this. You’re thinking too much. Making it into more than what it is. It’s just fucking. That’s all it’s ever been. Besides, you might not even get that far. You just want the company.
Your phone jitters. You look at it with dread; ‘sure, I still owe you that massage.’
You squeak, quickly smothering it with your hand. What was that? You don’t make those noises. You don’t get giddy. You are a grown woman. A mother.
Damn. That’s right. You’re a mother.
You get up and peer at the bassinet once more. You grab the monitor and carefully wheel the rolling bassinet to the door. You carefully open the door and enter the hall. She’ll be okay in her crib for an hour. You’ll put the camera in with her. She’s tired out from the doctor’s anyway.
You make the transfer, leaving the nursery door open, just in case. You don’t know why you’re so worried. The baby just sleeps all the time. Just a blob.
You go back to your room and find a new message. Andy, he’s already on his way. Oop. You text that you’ll meet him at the back door. You sneak back out and make a cautious descent down the stairs.
He waits for you in the shadows by the doors as you shine the flashlight of your phone at him. You unlock the left one and let him in. He’s in a hoodie and sweats hanging crooked on his hips. You turn off the light and whisper for him to come in, shutting the door softly behind him.
“Can’t go back upstairs. Already made too much noise,” you keep your voice low.
He nods, hands in his pockets, swaying on his feet nervously. You giggle and grab the front of his hoodie. You drag him into the living room and over to the couch. He touches your wrist and stops you.
“Ah, I still owe you,” he insists.
“It’s fine,” you try to dismiss his offer. You just want to see if your body still works, if you can still feel.
“Please, lay down,” he coaxes, “let’s… let’s take it slow. Enjoy it…”
You let him go. Yeah, he’s right. You turn away and stare at the cushions in the dim glow of moonlight that shines through the window. That window where you and Lloyd–
You won’t think of him. You get down on your stomach. Andy lowers himself on the edge of the couch and places a hand on your shoulder.
“You can take your shirt off,” he suggests.
“I’ll keep it on,” you say, trying not to let your embarrassment glean through.
“No problem,” he assures you, trailing his hand down.
He begins to knead your back, leading with his thumbs, finding kinks you never felt before. He works you firmly but gently. Shoulders, sides, hips. He moves up, down, all around. You moan as he loosens the muscles knotted from months, if not years, of strain.
He lets one hand crawl over the back of your sweats. You don’t stop him. He gropes your but, squeezing it until you moan, a signal that he can keep going. He fondles you, humming at the feel of you. It’s flattering even if you’re overly aware of the extra pounds.
His fingers slip down and you part your thighs. He pauses as he hovers over the seam of your pants.
“You good?” He rasps.
“Keep going,” you say a bit harsher than you intend.
He listens, pushing on the seam as he feels around the fabric. He presses it against your cunt, rolling until he finds your clit. He has his hand hooked under you, rocking as pressure gathers around his touch. Your breath hitches and you purr, tilting your hips as you as good as ride his hand.
“It’s good,” you say, “let me…”
You reach down and push down the elastic of your sweatpants. He retracts your hands and guides them down for you. You turn over as you untangle your ankles from the fabric and sit up. You’re too impatient to keep playing around.
“Here,” you bend your legs over the cushion, “sit.”
You pat the couch next to you. He seems reluctant but he sits. You hesitate.
“You don’t… we don’t have to keep going if you don’t want–”
“No, I do,” he insists, “really, I don’t wanna rush you.”
“You’re not.”
You stand up and come in front of him. You reach to tug on the zipper of his hoodie and pull it down, revealing his naked torso beneath. You cluck, “you hurried over?”
“Kinda,” he admits lightly as he leans forward to frame your hips.
He lets one hand fall down, tracing your vee to your slit, flicking his finger up between your folds. You twitch and bend to reach for his pants, gripping him through the fabric. He shudders and slides his finger further along your cunt.
You grasp the elastic of his pants and tug. He lifts his ass, his urgency matching your own as he raises the fabric above his tip and sets his dick free. You climb into his lap, holding yourself on your knees as you take him in your hand. You stroke him, he’s already hard, and feel how he trembles. He’s a man, it’s not you, it’s just sex.
You press a hand to his firm chest, feeling the soft hair there, the hard muscle. He trails a hand up and plays with the hem of your shirt. You keep him from lifting it. It’s dark but you don’t want him to see anything.
You angle him against you, rubbing his tip against your cunt. You curl your fingers as you lower yourself onto him. He gasps, his hand resting on your thigh as you take control, easing down slowly as the friction burns your wall. You grunt at the moment of resistance. You’re not wet enough. You don’t fucking care.
You bring your fingers to your lips and wet them in your mouth. You reach down to play with your clit as you sink to your limit. He feels good. You think. He squeezes your hip and his other hand goes to your chest. Your tits are heavy and sore but you ignore the discomfort.
You roll your clit under your fingertips as you rock in his lap. He squeezes your tit harder as he groans. You feel the plucking, dull but there.
He runs his thumb over your tender nipple and you whine, feeling a trickle as the fabric dampens against you. Fuck. Whatever. Just milk. Like a fucking cow, you can't help but leak.
“Feel okay?” Andy asks as he snakes his hand around to your ass, still pawing at your swollen tits.
“Yeah, fine,” you grab his chin and tilt his head up, muting him with a kiss as you buck, flicking at your clit desperately. You just want to cum, you need to. You need that release.
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harrywavycurly · 9 months
I’d love to see Eddie telling Wayne that Reader is finally his girlfriend❤️❤️
Hiii babes!! Well since you’d love to see it I’d simply love to give it to you! I hope you enjoy💖
*this is when they go to Wayne’s for dinner mentioned in part 18*
-find all things One Night Stand Eddie here✨
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“Wayne!” “Hey sweetheart you seem in a go-” “guess who get herself a full on boyfriend!” “Jesus…you don’t have to shout it at him…” “if she wants to shout that you’re her boyfriend then let her…you should be damn glad she’s happy about it.” “Yeah Edward you should be damn glad I’m happy about the fact you’re my boyfriend.” “This is a glimpse into my future isn’t it? You two just ganging up on me?” “Well don’t say stupid shit and we won’t have to…” “I agree with Wayne..just stop saying stupid shit…oh Grandpa Wayne…Dotty was wondering if chicken nuggets could be on the menu for dinner?” “I had a feeling she’d want that..go look in the kitchen.” “You’re already spoiling her and she’s not even-” “oh my god you made Mac and cheese too? This is why I love you…you’re just the best.” “Love you too now tell me…how’d he finally ask you to be his girlfriend?” “Oh you’re gonna love this..” “oh god…don’t tell him…please don’t tell him it was in-” “it was in a text message.” “You’re shitting me…in a damn text? Son I raised you better than that.” “I asked her in person when I picked her up! I just wanted to…make sure it was gonna be a yes before I embarrassed myself…” “did you do something different to the Mac?” “Now I know you’re not over there eatin out the pot when it’s not dinner time yet….” “It smelled too good I had to taste it…sorry.” “I added some garlic powder and onion powder.” “Someone’s feeling fancy…” “oh hush it boy…you better learn the recipe because we both know there’s about to be nothing left in that pot by the end of the night.” “He’s right Eddie…you should learn this recipe…Dotty loves it.” “Well in that case…write it down for me will ya old man?” “I’ll show you old man when I shove my foot up your-” “Okaaayy! I think it’s time to eat! Wayne…plates and napkins…Eddie you’re on utensils…Dotty and I will be in the living room.”
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ohtobeleah · 8 months
Lessons in Love & War // Bradley Bradshaw
-> A Terms of Endearment Blurb
Summary: On one of your first shifts back at work after the events of ToE. Odette is plagued with an illness that sends her to the emergency room with a very panicked Bradley Bradshaw.
Warnings: Fever. appendicitis. Relationship miscommunication, misguided anger. Bradley Bradshaw x F!reader. Jake Seresin x F!platonic!reader.
Word Count: 3.8k
Author Note: Day Eighteen of Whumptober. Prompt I chose: Fever/Separated from loved ones. Thank you to @ailesswhumptober for the prompt list.
Whumptober Masterlist | Main Masterlist
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Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Those were your days off. Tuesday and Thursday were the days that you bravely stepped outside your little bubble of peace and went back to work doing what you loved. No one in their right mind was about to stop you either, you could handle two full days at a time. Two days in one week was enough for you right now. Mav was in full support of you and Rooster sharing your full time hours. He went in to bat for you whenever the topic was brought up to the higher ups. He was your unofficial proxy. 
“Oh hi there Dotty girl.” You weren’t ready to send your little girl back to daycare yet either. So Odette spent her days with her favourite person besides you, her Tooster, on Tuesdays and Thursdays. “What's got you all sad?”
Bradley had been doing some work on his lap–he was reading up on the signs, symptoms and possible characteristics of depression. You were just a little off at the moment, with good reason. You'd been through so much–more than anyone ever deserved to be put through.
“My tummy huwts Tooster–” Odette mumbled through tired eyes as she padded into the dinning room with her blanky, sucking her thumb. She had been feeling under the weather for a few days now, since Monday–It was now Thursday and she hadn’t started to get better in the slightest bit.  
“Oh sweet girl, come here.” Bradley cooed as he reached out for the little girl who had stolen his heart, he scooped her up under her armpits and sat her on his lap. The first thing Bradley noticed was the heat Odette had to her. “Holy crap, you're burning up baby girl.” He frowned as he placed the back of his hand to her forehead. “You've got a bit of a fever there.” It was worrying, especially since Odette had already had some children Tylenol not long before you left for work. How long had she had a fever for? 
“My tummy huwts–” She nearly sobbed as her little head lulled to the side, she placed her cheek against Rooter's chest to listen to his heartbeat. The kiss he planted on the top of her head as he rocked his knees back and forth to soothe your daughter told Odette that she was safe, that her Tooster would make her feel better. “Tooster–”
“I know baby, I know.” But the fact of the matter was Bradley didn't know. Sure he’d lay his life down on the line for Odette, but he really had no idea how to act when she was sick. It broke his heart to see the usually so energetic and full of life extension of you so down in the dumps and sick as a dog. She hadnt been her usual self for a few days and it was unnerving to say the very least. He did his best however, to keep a confident front up that he had this covered while you were gone. 
Bradley Bradshaw was confident and wise enough to take care of a sick three year old. How serious could a flu be? Or a tummy bug as you were pretty sure it was. 
“How about I make you some soup and we watch cartoons and hang out on the lounge for the rest of the day?” All Odette did in response was nod very tiredly. She hadn’t been sleeping through the night and the little sleep she was getting, was in between you and Rooster, where she felt safest and where you felt like she belonged right now. 
Odette didnt eat her soup, Bradley had tried to get her to have a few spoonfuls of the pureed pumpkin and sweet potato soup he’d heated over the stove but it was to no avail. Your little girl was not having a bar of it before the tears started. 
“Oh sweetheart, don't cry.” Bradley cooed as Odette snuggled as close as she could into her Tooster. 
“My Tummy huwts Tooster make it stowp.” Dot mumbled into Rooster's shirt, clinging to him for dear life as she climbed his torso and laid herself flat as she could on him. All Bradley did was try his best to soothe the clearly uncomfortable three year old he’d been left in charge of today. 
“How about we get you some more medicine to make you feel a little better?” It was the only thing he could really think of in the moment, Dot hadn’t been well sure, but this was a whole new level of unwell. “We’ll get a washcloth for your forehead too baby, that might help.” Bradley was starting to realise that he may or may not have been in over his head with this. He hadn’t gone through this before, he hadn’t ever had to worry so deeply about a child not being well before. He wanted so desperately to take Odette's pain away. He wanted so desperately to make her feel all better like you somehow always managed too. But this seemed more serious than just a cold or flu or random stomach ache. 
And when little three year old Odette Dolan (Bradshaw) started to scream, cry and throw up in the bath Bradley tried to run for her to help her feel better, he didn't know what to do. He knew it wasn't just her being scared of the bath, because she’d been really good in it as of late. The past few weeks she’d gone without a fuss so long as Tooster and you were in it with her. But right now, as Bradley rubbed small circles into her little back and watched as she dry heaved into the bow he held under her chin, he knew he had to take her to people who could actually make her feel better. 
“I think we need to take you to the hospital baby girl.” He sighed to himself, watching as her tears streamed down her puffy face. She hadnt eaten all day, hadnt cried this hard ever. She was in pain–Bradley could clearly see that. “Let's get you dressed and I'm gonna take you alright, see some doctors so that they can help.” Before Bradley could think about helping Odette out of the bath, she slumped into his hold, completely exhausted from crying and trying to throw up. Her fever had yet to break and she was burning up. “Okay, Okay–” That's when the panic really set in. “We’re going right now baby I've got you.” 
“You know I’d ask what exactly it is that you’re doing—“ Jake made sure to make himself known as he entered your hanger. “But I’ve come to learn overtime that that question doesn’t always have such a good answer.” He didn’t want to scare you, he knew that coming back to work was what you needed in order to move on, get back into a normal routine and make an effort to keep yourself from completely falling apart. The day had almost passed you by and you’d only caught yourself thinking about Jaidyn Dolan like….seven hundred times. 
“I tried to call Roo at lunch to see how things are going at home but he hasn’t returned my call.” You replied while you sat at your workshop desk, working on a part Jake couldn’t quite pick. “Tell me everything’s fine, that we’re okay?” He knew what you meant, you didn’t need to elaborate or explain yourself. Jake knew, hell he knew because that very morning he’d woken Amilia up with his horrendous screams. He’d called out for Bob in the void of darkness. 
“Dots sick isn’t she?” Jake sighed as he stood behind you, watching carefully as you worked. He didn’t want to point out that you were tapping your leg up and down like a mad woman or mention that you were tensing your shoulders, so instead he bent over to kiss the top of your head and kept his hands firmly on your shoulders. “They’re fine Fe—if anything Bradshaws probably just spending his day off sleeping and watching Repunzel for the thirteenth time.” You couldn’t help but to smile at the thought. “Trust me, they’re good, we’re good, everyone’s good and accounted for.” 
“Thanks—“ It was like Jake had talked you down from some metaphorical ledge that you’d been standing on, ready to jump. Only you had been contemplating leaving work early to race home and make sure two of the most important people in your life are safe. “You’re right, he’s probably just sleeping with Dotty.” 
“I can almost guarantee it.” Jake replied. “Besides, you’re off soon enough, no need to stress when everything’s okay Fe.” 
Everything was not okay. Bradley Bradshaw had never been more freaked out in his entire life. He hated seeing Odette this way, so sick and visibly in pain. This had to be more than just a stomach ache, her fever hadn’t broken in hours, she wasn't keeping food or fluids down and she could barely keep her little head upright as he carried her into the emergency room of the Miramar Base Hospital. 
“Sir–?” The triage nurse was immediately on her feet when she saw Rooster through the little window. “Bring her right in.” Bradley did exactly that, he took the little girl who was burning up in his arms right into the triage room so that Odette could be assessed. “Who do we have here?” The nurse asked softly as she set up her station. 
“This is Odette, Uh–Dot, she prefers Dot.” Bradley cooed as he sat down on the empty chair with Odette still clinging to him. “She my daughter, well, kinda, I’m her mothers partner and I’m one of her medical proxies and emergency contacts.” Bradley felt like all eyes were on him as he explained his relationship to Odette. He wasn't her dad but he was the closest thing she had. “She's been sick for a few days, but today her fevers just skyrocketed and she's not keeping anything down.” 
“Is she throwing up?” The nurse asked as she placed little Odette's arm in a blood pressure monitor. “Any diarrhoea?” 
“She's been throwing up, but I haven't noticed any diarrhoea–” 
“And you said she's had a fever for a while?” 
“Yeah and today her stomachs been hurting pretty badly too.” The nurse could see the worry in Bradley Bradshaw's eyes. She knew enough in those few moments to know that he cared enough about this tiny human to bring her in for treatment. 
“Dot honey?” The nurse cooed as she looked at Odette and placed a tiny admission wristband on her wrist. “Can you point to what side your tummy’s been hurting on?” Odette, albeit slowly, pointed to her right side, just above her pelvis. The nurse sitting across from her immediately typed something onto the report she was writing up and turned back to face Bradley. “Okay Mr. Bradshaw, you can take Dot through to fast track, I'll have her admitted for an ultrasound but if I had to take a good guess here I'd say your little girl's appendix is acting up.” 
“That means surgery?” Bradley held the little girl who was everything to him a little tighter. The nurse nodded in confirmation. 
“You did the right thing bringing her in, we just need you to fill out these consent forms and we’ll take care of her.” The triage nurse could see on Odette file that Bradley was indeed an authorised person to give medical consent on Odette's behalf if you weren't able to. “But yes, she’ll need surgery if it is in fact her appendix, we don't want it to burst and by the looks of things if she's been sick for a few days it could very well be about to.” 
“Okay–” Bradley pressed his lips together in a fine line, he felt sick to his stomach, his little girl was in so much pain. “Okay, uh–let's go Dotty, I've got you baby.” But in all the fuss and worry and focus he’d forgotten one very vital thing. He’d forgotten to message you about what was going on, all his focus had been on Dot that he forgot to message you. Her Mother. 
You hadn’t heard from Bradley all day. Usually he’d send you little updates, let you know when Odette had gone for a nap, if she’d eaten, if she was at  daycare when he picked her up and dropped her off. But today he’d been radio silent since around ten this morning. 
“Roo honey?” You were already on edge with the radio silence, but when you pulled into the driveway to see Bradley’s Bronco wasn’t there your heart immediately sunk into your stomach. “I'm home, you here?” Nothing. There was nothing but a still silence that flooded your home as you went in search for the man who had helped you out yourself back together again. 
“Rooster?” You nearly sobbed out as you walked down the hallway to the bathroom, at the sight of water in the tub you immediately broke out into a heartbroken cry. No. No, not your baby, not your little girl. “Bradley!!?” It felt like you were right there, watching your ex try to drown you baby girl in the bath when your phone rang. 
It was like the ringtone snapped you back into reality and all of a sudden the scene playing out before you was gone. It was just you again, staring at yourself in the mirror across the bathroom. When you looked down at your phone to see that it was just Jake and not Bradley, you cried a little harder and answered. 
“Told you everything would be o—hey woah? What’s the matter Fe why are you crying?” Jake had just picked Amilia up from Paybacks play to drive her to work when your sobbed rang through the truck. “Y/n?” 
“Roosters not here and I can’t find Dot.” Was all you had to say before Jake was pulling over on the side of the road before swinging around. Amilia slammed against the doorframe of the passenger’s side as he did so. 
“Righto, ease up turbo.” She hissed as a frown overtook her face. “And you have the nerve to call me a maniac on the road.” 
“Talk to me when you know your left and rights Oz.” Jake chuckled knowing that Amilia from time to time still had to really think about what side of the road to drive on. “Fe, try to breathe alright, I’m sure there’s a reasonable explanation for why they aren’t home.” 
“He hasn’t been answering his phone all day Jake! He doesn’t do that!” You sobbed painfully as you slid down the wall of your hallway to hug your knees to your chest. “He doesn’t—he doesn’t do that, he doesn’t—“ Jake knew you were having a full on panic attack, he knew because he got them too. Amilia heard it in your voice, the way you tried to breathe through your words. “He left—he took her, I can’t breathe—“ 
“I’ll call Rooster.” Amilia quickly pulled her phone out to call Bradley, his name in her phone was the Chicken Man. “There’s gotta be a good reason he’d just vanish with Dot right?” 
“She’s sick.” Jake mumbled just loud enough for Amilia to hear. “Something could have happened but until we get ahold of him I don’t know what to do.” 
“Voicemail—“ Amilia didn’t wait for Jake to tell her to try again, she was on it before he even had a chance to blink. “Fucking dammit Bradshaw.” 
“We’re around the corner Fe, we’re on our way, just stay on the phone with me yeah?” Jake cooed as tears welled in his eyes, he hated this, hated hearing you so panicked. 
“Fuck! Voicemail again.” Amilia groaned as she tried for a third time to get ahold of the missing lieutenant. “Surely he’s not intentionally ignoring us right?” 
“No—“ Jake sighed frustratedly as he ran a hand across his face. “No somethings wrong, he’s distracted by something, he wouldn’t just go radio silent, not on Fe, me maybe, but not Fe.” 
“Tooster.” She looked so tiny in the middle of the gurney. “My tummy huwts.” But Bradley knew as he walked with the surgical tray who was about to take your little girl in for emergent surgery that she was going to feel a hell of a lot better after. 
“I know baby I know.” Rooster cooed as leaned over to press a gentle kiss to your daughter's forehead. “But the doctors here are gonna make you feel all better.” When Odette spoke soon after, Bradley’s heart sunk into his arse. 
“I want mamma—“ Holy shit, he’d been so caught up making sure Odette got the care and help she needed, that he hadn’t even checked in with you. 
“Mammas gonna be here when you come out of surgery baby, I promise.” Bradley could feel the colour draining from his face as he watched your little girl nod. “And so is uncle Jake—“ Bradley knew he was about to be in the dog house. He should have rung. He should have kept you in the loop. He couldn’t imagine what was going through your mind right about now. 
As soon as the double doors closed, Bradley immediately pulled his phone out of his back pocket and couldn’t believe what he saw. An unknown amount of missed calls and texts from one Amilia Fisher explaining in great detail the way she was going to skin him alive for whatever it is that was keeping him from getting back to her. 
There were a handful of missed calls and text from you throughout the day, just checking in to see how Dot was going. 
And then there was one very important text, a singular message from none other than Jake Seresin that scared the shit out of Bradley. The overall calmness of it all, the time he read it in, the lack of urgency made it all the more worrying—because when Jake got calm? Bradley knew he was about five seconds away from blowing up. 
H_ngm_n: “You better have running shoes on man.”
“Fuck—“ Braldey pressed on Jake’s called ID to ring him as quick as he could. This wasn’t good, not at all. It only took three rings before Jake was answering. “I can explain!” 
“Where are you?” Was all Jake asked, again as calm as ever. 
“I’m at the hospital, Dots fever was skyrocketing so I brought her in, turns out she has appendicitis, she’s on her way into surgery.” It was the most rushed explanation Bradley could give as he ran his free hand through his hair and paced up and down the hall. “Is Y/n okay? Is she alright?”
“We’ll be there soon.” Was all Jake said before he hung up. Bradley felt like he couldn’t breathe, he knew he’d fucked up. He should have called you when he was heading over to the hospital and think back to it he knew he had left the bath water in the bath too. 
He’d fucked up, and he knew that you’d be a wreck too. 
When you first saw Rooster sitting in the waiting room, your heart beat just a little faster. But although you loved him so deeply and so fiercely, his decision not to call you about what was going on had left you wondering if he understood just how important it was for you to know the whereabouts of your daughter right now. 
“Where is she?” You asked sternly. “Where’s my daughter?” Bradley could tell by the look in your eyes that you were pissed, but the love you had for Odette took priority. 
He sat in one of those plastic hospital waiting room chairs, dishevelled and worried that he’d crossed some invisible boundary. Bradley didn’t mean to keep you in the dark, it was never his intention. He was just so focused on Odette that he didn’t think of anything else. 
“She’s in surgery, they said someone would come give us an update as soon as she’s out.” Bradley explained as he stood from the chair he sat in and reached out to draw you into him. But you shrugged him off. “Y/n—“
“How am I the last person to find out my daughter has appendicitis?” You asked through a hiss. “Tell me Rooster how do you forget to tell the mother of the child you rushed to the emergency room that hey—we’re going to the hospital don’t freak out?” 
“I’m so unbelievably sorry.” Jake could tell that Bradley was sincere. “I was just so focused on Dot I didn’t stop to think, she was so upset, I just wanted her to be okay.” 
“Well she’s not alright is she!” It was just the fear talking, the fear taking over your critical thinking capabilities. “She’s in surgery getting her appendix removed and her mother wasn’t by her side to tell her everything would be alright because you—“ You shoved at Roosters chest, he didn’t budge. “Didn’t tell me what the hell was going on.” 
“Y/n, listen to me for a second alright sweetheart?” It was killing him, the idea that you were mad at him for doing whatever he could for Odette. 
“No—no don’t you dare sweetheart me right now Bradley, how could you not remember to ring me? Send me a fucking text?”
“Because I was looking after her! The little girl you left me to take care of! Her fever was getting out of control Fe!” It was one of the first fights the two of you had ever had. 
“She’s not your damn daughter Bradley!” You didn’t mean it, hell the words you spoke even shocked you and you could immediately tell that what you had said cut Bradley deep as his features softened In disappointment and frustration. “I’m her mother, and you should have called me when she was getting worse.” 
“Yeah—“ Bradley stiffened up as he looked over at Jake, he knew just how hurt you were by this mess but he never thought you’d throw Bradley’s ability to care for your little girl back in his face. “No yeah you’re totally right, I’m just gonna go, I’ll uh—I’ll just go back to my house and clean up the mess your daughter fucking makes all day because you’re too scared to send her back to daycare then.” 
It was your turn to be stunned. 
“Call me when she’s out, or don’t, I don’t care.” Bradley hissed as he walked past where you stood with his hands in his pockets and his tail between his legs. 
“I won’t!” You called back as you watched Bradley walk out of the front doors of the Miramar Base Hospital, wondering how the hell he was going to fix this god awful mess. 
Whumptober Tags 🏷️ @xoxabs88xox @oldermenaremyreligion @slut-f0r-u @emma-is-cool @armydrcamers @topguncortez @topgun-imagines @kmc1989 @els-marvelvsp @blindedbythelightt
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retrobr · 2 months
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Hello my darlings I came to you with my silly Lazytown ocs 🤠
The character on the left is Dotty Sweet-Tooth, and the character on the right is Robo Ronnie. They've been non-stop consuming my mind for 10 days straight lmao
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rowiewritesstuff · 1 year
Got any thoughts on what yandere EarthSpark Megatron might be like?
TFE Yandere Megatron - The Protective Yandere
Dottie and you had been friends for a long time. You both fought side by side in the war, and you took a bullet for her. You recovered, but it took a long time to get better. 
Ever since then, Megatron has had a lot of respect for you. You often hung out with Dottie, who in turn hung out with you. You were like a member of the family at this point, almost living at their house. Mo and Robbie saw you as a sort of ‘cool relative’ that they could always trust with their secrets. While you were really chill, you still scolded them and took care of them when Dottie and Alex couldn’t.
When they decided to move to Witwicky, you were invited to go with them. You, of course, agreed. They were all you had left now. 
When you all moved there together, Dottie insisted that you live with them. Eventually you caved because Alex promised that he’d cook you your favorite food. Mo and Robbie were happy that at least you got to come with them.
Dottie and you went out to put cones up near where an accident had occurred the previous night when Optimus, Elita-one, and Megatron showed up. You were down on the side of the road picking up some pieces of broken taillight, so no one noticed you at first. 
When you came up the hill, Megatron had to fight the flustered blush that was rising to his cheeks. Dottie knew Megatron well and quietly teased him. 
“U-Uh, (Y/N)! It’s been a while!” He stumbled over his words. 
“Yeah, it has. How have y’all been?”
Megatron’s mind went blank as you smiled at him. When you didn’t answer, Optimus chimed in. “We’ve been good. We actually came to Witwicky because there’s a new enemy threatening this town. Prisoners are going missing.” 
Your eyes furrowed in confusion. “Abducting prisoners? Maybe a Decepticon?” 
Optimus sighs. “The drones didn’t find anything, we’ll have to search the towns ourselves!” 
That’s how you ended up in Elita’s alt-mode, racing into the town. You never expected your day to go like this. 
Because of the incidents in the town, you and Megatron worked together often. This unfortunately put a large target on your back. One day when you were driving home from work, you noticed a stealth-bomber sneaking up behind you. 
“Shit!” You fumbled around trying to grab your phone when Soundwave transformed on top of your car. You slammed around like a pinball and hit your head, making you pass out. 
When Soundwave attacked Megatron and the others, he had you in his grasp. You were unconscious with dried blood trailing down your face. “Wait! They have (Y/N)!” Megatron stopped the others from attacking.
“Soundwave, release them at once!” Optimus’ battle mask went on. 
Soundwave mocking dangles you between two digits. Your body swung by your arm. Megatron takes a threatening step forward, “Put. Them. Down.”
Soundwave shakes his head. “So, this is why you became a traitor? You care for this…insect?” Soundwave’s visor glows a brighter red. “You can have them.” He throws you as far as he can into the air, raising a blaster to shoot you. 
Without a second thought, Megatron dashes forward. He puts his fusion cannon right to Soundwave’s spark chamber, and in seconds his ex-third in command was gone. Energon tainted his servo as he reached up and caught you. 
Optimus and Elita-One were frozen in shock. Elita’s hand dropped to her blaster in slight fear. Optimus took a hesitant step forward. “Megatron. We need to get them medical attention.”
Megatron could only nod as he transformed, you strapped into the front of his alt-mode. He quickly made his way to the nearest hospital, not fully trusting G.H.O.S.T. to take care of you. 
Optimus and Elita followed closely behind. “Optimus, do you think…I mean he-”
“He did what he had to do. He was going to kill (Y/N).” Optimus had a hard time believing his own words. He wanted to believe his friend didn’t have a choice. He just had to remind himself of just how dastardly Soundwave actually was.
While you were in with the doctors, Megatron and Optimus talked. “I didn’t mean to- I didn’t want to.” He looked at the dried energon on his hand with sadness. “I couldn’t let anything happen to them. I wouldn’t know what I’d do with myself if they got hurt- or worse- because I have a target on my back.” 
Optimus looked at his friend and sized him up. The true sadness on his face- he knew that he regretted killing Soundwave. He placed a gentle hand on Megatron’s shoulder. “It’s okay, old friend. I’ll talk to G.H.O.S.T.” 
When he talked to G.H.O.S.T., they were instantly wary. They demanded that Megatron face some sort of evaluation. While Optimus was fighting G.H.O.S.T. on the matter, Megatron was with you. He was watching over you when you woke up- it was a little weird to stand by your window, but he made it work.
“M-megatron?” Your voice croaked out.
“I’m here, love. I’m so sorry this happened to you.” He reached his arm in and held your hand gently between two digits. “I will never allow something like this to happen again.”
The doctor walked in and was shocked to see Megatron standing there- but he managed to keep his professionalism. “O-oh. Well, you seem overall fine other than a concussion. You’re alright to go home, just take it easy. Someone already took care of your discharge papers. Have a good day.”
You looked confused, but realized G.H.O.S.T. probably took care of everything. Megatron gently scooped you out of the bed and transformed with you. 
“Uh, Megs? Where are we going?” 
“Shh, you’ll see soon enough.”
You both flew for a long time- probably two hours. After about fifteen minutes you fell into a peaceful slumber. You woke up in a comfortable bed. You were confused because you didn’t recognize your surroundings. You walked around what turned out to be a cabin, wondering if this was a G.H.O.S.T. facility. 
You walked outside to see where you were only to discover miles of forest- and Megatron. 
“Megatron, where are we?” 
He averted his eyes to the side. “Somewhere safe.”
“What does that even mean? Where’s Dottie? The kids?”
Megatron sighed sadly as he gently picked you up. “We can go visit them together in a few months, okay? You need to lay low for a while until you’re off the Decepticon’s radar.”
“Who are you to decide that for me?” You growled out. “Take me home, now.”
Megatron placed you on the ground. “You are home. I managed to buy this cabin discreetly, so no one knows where you are. It’s for your own safety- I couldn’t live with myself if something happened to you.” 
“Megs, I understand that I got hurt. I'll be okay- I can defend mys-”
“You can’t! You were almost killed. You will stay here- when I can trust you, we can go visit everyone. Don’t try to get away- I’ll know. There’s also a hundred miles of forest around this cabin- so stay put. It’s for your own good.” Megatron leaned down and kissed your head. “I’ll be back with supplies soon. Stay inside, it’ll be cold tonight.”
With that, Megatron flew off. When he went back to G.H.O.S.T., he said you’d been captured by a group of Decepticons. While everyone looked for the ones who took you, they never suspected it was actually him.
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thecluelessdoctor · 4 months
bored sounds
I have
A poppy playtime theory
Spoilers undercut
So I hope all of you have at least watched a playthrough of Poppy playtime.
I have a theory about the player character.
My theory is that the player character is the child spoken about in one of the first few VHS tapes. Let me explain
A lot of people might not notice or think about it, but the player character is HORRIFIED of catnap. They hallucinations catnap, they drop something important out of complete fear. They IMMEDIATELY flee (yes the player is controlling them but still. The implications of them immediately running away). They fear catnap, even if the player doesn't
Now why would I think the player character is the little girl who had a nightmare from catnap 's smoke?
Well if you've ever had a nightmare, one that truly scared you to your very core, you ALWAYS remember it in the back of your mind. It never truly leaves, and even if anything in it is unlikely to happen at all, it still horrifies you.
Then imagine if that nightmare became a reality. You would basically have a automatic fear. A immediate flight response. Why? Because for some reason your brain decided to wire itself to be horrified of that very specific thing.
So. The player character is horrified of catnap, anddd the girl spoken about had a horrific nightmare involving the smoke, and it could be assumed that catnap appeared in it
And before you ask "oh but what about the fact the player is a ex employee" or "oh but everyone was murdered during the hour of joy"
We don't know the exact time period of everything. We also don't know if the girl was used for experiments like Theodore was. If my theory is right, I think the girl grew up to work a bit in playtime Co before quitting, before the hour of joy. Then I'd say long after playtime Co was abandoned, they returned, wondering what happened to everyone.
The reason I think that the player is horrified, not just scared of catnap, is due to reactions.
How the player character reacts to catnap is different compared to the others. They outright hallucinate catnap. They barely have any attention towards huggy. The listen to mommy because it's the way forward. They listen to Ollie however, not just because it's the way forward, but also possibly to avoid their stalker.
Hell they out right yeet the battery when catnap appears. Mob games didn't need to do that. They could have just left the battery as he appeared, but no. The player character drops the battery, like when you get so startled, so freaked out, so stunned you freeze up, dropping anything in your hand (I know it's happened to you once don't lie)
But anyway, that's just a theory
I'm Dotty, and I need mental help
Edit: this theory has been debunked so ignore my ramblings if you wish
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𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓞𝓷
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Summary: Your girlfriend, Natasha Romanoff, died roughly 9 months ago. Unable to handle any more time alone in your formerly shared apartment, you decide to join a local therapy group you heard about from a friend. Little did you know, you’d meet a beautiful redhead going through a similar situation. You know you need to get better. For both your sake, and Natasha’s memory.
Warnings (Entire Series): This series deals with mature topics, including, but not limited to: death, mental health issues, physical, emotional, and sexual abuse, grief, trauma, general unwellness, illness (both mental and physical), and a most likely inaccurate portrayal of group therapy (though it’s much better than whatever was going on in TFATWS.) Please mind the warnings below.
Warnings: death of a romantic partner, depression, mentions of death of a family member, anxiety.
||Part 2|| 🌻 Series Masterlist 🌻
𝐈 𝐂𝐚𝐧 𝐃𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐝𝐞 The apartment had never been this quiet. It was never so silent. There had always been some kind of white noise, whether that was the coffee pot or the washing machine running. It had never been completely silent, up until now.
You could divide your life into two parts. Before the accident, and after. Before the accident, your life was awesome. Of course, some pretty awful shit had happened to you, but it didn’t compare to all of the good shit that happened too. You liked living. You liked being alive. Now, well, you weren’t as sure. 
It had been nine months. Nine months since the worst day of your life. Your life had been so full, and now, it felt so empty. 
You get up. You get ready. You go to work. You drive home. You turn on the TV. And then, you just sit. 
It’s been a while since the funeral. You couldn’t remember the last time you’d left your apartment for fun. You went to work and you went to the store. That was pretty much it. 
The last time you’d left for any reason other than those had to be..maybe six months ago? 
You’d gone to a coffee shop with your friend, Sharon. 
“You’ve been so different after..you know. I completely understand, of course, but you shouldn’t have to live like this.” She said after sighing. She takes a sip of her latte from the porcelain mug in front of her.
“After my aunt died, I felt just like you, really. Remember my cousin Dottie? She went to a group therapy thing by the old Target. I don’t think they have it anymore, but some office nearby has to have one. I don’t know. I just think it would be good for you.” She suggested. 
“I’ll think about it.” You said, knowing you were not going to be thinking about it. Part of you felt ignored, knowing that the relationship between you and your late girlfriend was different than that of Sharon and her aunt. You said nothing, staring down at your own drink. 
“Good. I’ll send you some links later, alright?”
You nodded numbly. 
You’d really ended up ghosting her after that, along with all of your other friends. Sharon was the only one who continued to try and reach out, sending you a message every two days or so. She didn’t stop, knowing that you were at least reading them. 
You’d never reply, but that didn’t stop her. 
Your phone vibrated in your pocket as you laid on the couch. You knew exactly who it was. 
Hey! There’s a group near your apartment that’s only just starting up. I have a friend who went there for just one on one therapy, and she said the people were super nice. You should think about it 💕
You sighed, letting your phone drop on your stomach. And then, in an instant, it was like you’d just snapped out of a dream. You looked around your apartment, seeing how dirty it had become. Trash littered on the kitchen table and counters, trash bags stacked in a corner. It smelled gross. You smelled gross. You felt gross. 
“What are you doing?” You mumbled to yourself, standing up. “This is fucking awful.” 
You grimaced, and you realized that Sharon was right. You should think about it.
So you did.
You took out the garbage. You took most of the junk off of the table. You did some of the dishes. You took a nice, long shower. You made some kind of improvement. Even if it wasn’t much, it was at least something.
It was better than nothing. Then, you took Sharon’s advice. Sending her a quick thumbs up emoji, you clicked the link she sent you, opening the website.
A small form later, you were officially signed up. The first meeting would be on Wednesday.
“What do you think, Nat?” You mumble, adjusting your shirt. You weren’t wearing anything particularly nice, but you could tell there was a stark difference between what you looked like now, and what you’d looked like a few days ago.
You glanced down at the photo of the two of you you’d set on your dresser. Sucking in a deep breath, your phone vibrated in your pocket, your ringtone playing from its speakers. You’d set an alarm for when it was time to go.
The car ride there wasn’t too long. You’d been on much longer car rides before. One summer a few years ago, you and Natasha went on a road trip to a bunch of national parks.
You parked in the parking lot of the large building. Staring up at it, you noticed the logo and name. It was an eagle, you were pretty sure, in a circle. S.H.I.E.L.D. Therapy Offices, white letters on the front of the building announced.
Taking in more deep breaths, you nodded a few times. You were ready for this. Even if you weren't, there's no getting out of it. Not now.
Your legs felt hollow as you walked into the building. You were greeted by a large waiting room, which looked open and friendly enough. There was a reception desk, and a woman with dark brown hair and blue eyes smiled at you.
“Uh..hi,” you greeted awkwardly as you walked up to the desk.
“Hello. Are you here for that group?” She asked, and you felt your eyes widen. How would she know that? Did you look out of place?
“Sorry. We normally don’t have any appointments scheduled around now. Until the group, I mean.” She explained, and you nodded, smiling. Her name tag read ‘Maria Hill’, and you mentally took note of her name.
“Alright, I just need you to fill out this.” She slid a clipboard with some kind of form over the counter.
You smiled again, taking it and going to sit down. There was one other guy already there. He was wearing a purple shirt, his brown hair short. You couldn't tell what color his eyes were as he looked down at his phone.
You filled out the paperwork, going and taking the clipboard back to Maria.
"Thank you. Peter's gonna call you guys in when Dr. Coulson is done." She said, taking the clipboard from you. You went to sit back down, watching your feet.
The door opened, and two men—one short and skinny, and the other was about average height and seemed to have a bit of muscle on him, but you couldn’t be sure—walked up to the reception desk. The smaller one was blonde, with sky blue eyes and pale skin. He wore khaki pants and a t-shirt that was loose on him, and stood quite confidently. Not particularly bold or self-centered, just..open. He seemed very friendly, and you watched through your eyelashes as Maria Hill smiled at something he said.
The other guy dressed with a lot less confidence, and he stood awkwardly next to the blonde man. His hair was brown, and went down to a little above his shoulders. He had a jacket on, even in the warm weather. His eyes were a steel blue, though you only got a glimpse of them.
They quickly filled out their paperwork, and a few more people walked in. Most notably, a redhead. For a sliver of a moment, you mistook her for Nat. You mentally kicked yourself for it. You'd be lying if you didn't believe Nat could just walk through the door of your apartment any moment.
Her voice was warm, friendly. As she spoke to Maria, you could hear it. When she turned to fill out her clipboard, you saw her large doe-like green eyes. She smiled softly at you, before coming to sit a few seats down from you. She was beautiful, you couldn’t deny it.
Pushing that strange thought out of your head, you waited patiently.
A young man, with brown eyes and brown hair, walked through a hallway and into the waiting area. This must be Peter, you assumed.
“You can all follow me this way—Dr. Coulson’s ready now.” He announced.
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expy-ceri · 1 month
L’il introductory comic for the @kirbyoctournament, I tagged everyone’s characters I drew under the comic
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Other’s OCs! Left to right. hopefully i didn’t bungle any of their designs..
J is @moonverc3x��s, Starstruck Dee is @starflungwaddledee’s, Dotty is @cauliarty’s, Moroshi is @clairetimes’s, Wisp is @moonsharkss’, Fecto Flora is @ceoofmetagala’s and Aife is @kosmic-autokrat’s
I’m so sorry for all the tagging if it bugs any of you I’m just giving credit :’)
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imtryingbuck · 10 days
Family Photos
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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x OFC!Theo
Summary: Bucky has to marry a woman who surprises him more and more as their story goes along.
Word count: 1,837
Warnings: angst. swearing, divorce mentioned, Eliza being awful. Anymore let me know.
Masterlist   Series Masterlist
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His head pounds and his stomach aches, he sits in front of the toilet just in his boxers.
"It's your own fault Buck" comes the voice that belongs to his best friend.
"I know Steven. Stop talking"
"Nope, what you did yesterday at dinner was wrong and uncalled for-"
"What are you talking about?" He grumbles.
"Do you not remember?"
Which was true, after Bucky pushed himself away from the door after hearing Theo's conversation with Wanda he went straight to his office and started drinking. He remembers Martha coming in and telling him that dinner was ready and then him leaving.
He listens in horror as Steve tells him what he had said, his heart ached when he found out Theo had cried.
"Shit! Fuck I need to talk to her"
"You need to shower first Bucky"
"No buts, have a shower and then you can talk to her".
Doing as Steve says he waits until the blonde leaves before getting into the shower. It wasn't true what he had said, he wasn't going to Dots. He didn't want to see her again not now that he was married, he wanted to do right by his wife and his non-existent vows.
Thinking of how he was going to fix an already awkward marriage he honestly was coming up empty.
One thing for certain though was he needed to thank Wanda for being the only person to stick up for Theo.
Getting dressed a knock came from the door.
"Buck it's me"
"Come in"
"We've, well you, have a problem"
"What now Steve?"
"Your whores here and Theo's just seen her"
"Shit! And Dots not my whore"
"Sorry. Mistress is here"
"Steve she's nothing to me! I didn't see her last night I swear"
"Yep and the sky's green" Steve rolls his eyes and walks back out of the room.
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"Hi Bucky" Dots voice caused him to groan, he wonders was her voice always that annoyingly loud when he was with her.
"What are you doing here Dolores?"
"Dolores? I've always been Dottie to you"
"Not asking again."
"See someone's woken up on the wrong side of the bed, what isn't your wife satis-" Nat promptly cuts her off by wrapping her hand around the woman's throat and slamming her in to the wall.
Before Bucky would have demanded Natasha to let her go but there are two reasons he didn't, one - he wasn't going to allow a nobody like Dot say anything about his wife and two - the fire in Nat's eyes scared him.
"B-Bucky tell her to get her hands-Bucky help!" Dot wheezed out.
"Dolores why have you came to my home?"
"Need your help"
"Not happening"
"Please Brocks being nasty to me"
Rolling his eyes he walks over to the two women, telling Nat to release her which makes Dot fall on to him, which then makes him push her away.
"Don't touch me. I don't care what Brock says or does to you. I want you to leave my house and never come back, never come near me ever again. Me and you Dot are finished." Turning to Clint "take her outside"
"Gladly, come on" Clint pulls on the woman's arm as she screams at Bucky, who ignores her completely.
"Where's Theo?" He asks Steve.
"She's left with Wanda" Nat says with a smirk.
"I don't know"
Taking his phone out of his pocket he rings Wanda's number. "First she slaps me and now she's not answering her fucking phone"
"You're lucky it wasn't me. I would have sliced your balls off and forced them down your throat" Nat says walking past him.
Leaving Bucky to gulp at the threat.
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On the other side of town Theo and Wanda sit in the back of Wanda's Range Rover as Vision drives.
"So what are we going to your parents for?" Wanda asks.
"I need to ask my father something"
Theo was brought up to never lie so lying to Wanda - the one person she trusted more than any other person, makes her want to be sick "I need to ask if I can have some family photos"
"Oh, do you think he'll give them to you?"
"Hopefully. We're here, Wanda you'll need to wait outside though. I'm sorry"
"Oh, are you sure?"
The car pulls up and Theo jumps out. Walking up the steps she knocks on the front door.
"Hello Miss, I'll get your father" One of the maids says before leaving.
Theo hears her father's heavy footsteps then the door opens wider. "Theo? What are you doing here?" Pulling her into the house by her arm "permission to talk"
"I-I need to ask you something sir"
"What? And hurry up I don't have all day"
"Ca-can you marry one of your daughters to James instead of me sir". She speaks in a low tone.
"Why? You're already married to him"
"We can divorce an-and you can marry one of your daughters to hi-him sir"
"Theo I can't do that-"
"What is that wretched thing doing here?" Eliza walks up to Michael and Theo with disgust written all over her face.
"She wants James to marry one of the other girls instead"
"Brilliant, oh that's fantastic. I'll get the papers read-"
"Eliza stop, she's married to him and that's final"
"But James would be so much happier with one of our daughters instead of the runt, he'll be able to have legitimate children this way"
"What are you talking about?"
"I've told the girls that one of them will get pregnant by James so he can have an heir since his married to the bastard the kids too will be bastards"
Sighing heavily Michael looks at Theo and then at Eliza. "No. My decision is final. Theo go back to your husband and make sure you address him by his title and Eliza do me a favour and fuck off" he walks off leaving the women alone.
"You should have come to me you stupid girl! You know your father wouldn't have changed his mind, saying that I'll be nice and help you. Here's what you'll do my dear, you show him the filth that is your body and he'll divorce you"
"H-how ma'am"
"Tell him you want to have sex, he won't want to touch you after he sees your body" Theo flinches as Eliza's hand comes into contact with her cheek.
"You thought I was going to smack you? No darling you're helping me, now leave"
Theo scrambles out of the door and down the steps, Vision jumps out of the car to open the door for her.
"Theo? You okay?
"I-I'm okay"
"Did you get the photos?"
"N-no. I would like to go back to Mr James's home now"
Wanda sits there puzzled by her friends behaviour and decides against asking, not wanting the woman to shrink back into her shell again.
“Okay let's go home"
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Bucky paces his office, checking his watch every few seconds. His heart was beating faster than it should have been the longer time went on, it had been well over three hours since Theo and Wanda had left the house.
Nobody knew where the two had gone, the regret seeped further into his veins as the memories of the night before became more clearer. Trying Wanda's phone once again he practically growled as the call was dropped.
"Buck they’re back" Steve says from the doorway.
Coming out of the office he moves to the front door where is sees the pair.
"Where the hell have you two been?" Mainly looking at Wanda with his arms crossed.
"Theo wanted to get something from her parents' house, calm down"
"Why didn't you answer your phone?"
"It's dead"
Looking towards Theo, his voice suddenly a lot softer "Did you get what you wanted?"
"N-no Sir"
"What did you just call me?"
“Sir. I'm sorry" her head bows even lower.
"I-don't call me that again"
"B-but your my husband sir"
"Stop!" Regret washed over him as he saw her flinch. "Just, just get inside both of you".
Wanda pulls a face to Bucky who just rolls his eyes at her. "Come on Theo let's get something to eat" taking the woman's hand and leads her inside the home.
"What the hell was all that 'sir' shit about?" Sam asks.
"Fuck knows, l'm gonna have to talk to her. I still need to apologise for last night" sighing as he rubs his face with his hands.
"She's a bit strange isn't she?"
"Shut up."
Walking into the house and heading into the kitchen he watches from the archway as Wanda makes them some food.
"Theo, when you're finished with your food I would like to talk to you please"
"Yes Mr James"
Sighing for the umpteenth time he nods and leaves the kitchen.
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Theo knocks timidly on Bucky's office door, waiting patiently for him to answer.
"Hi, take a seat" He smiles softly. Watching as she moved to sit on the floor he stops her "Theo no sit on a chair, please"
"Sorry sir"
"I want to start off with saying I'm so sorry about last night, I didn't go anywhere other than my club I didn't sleep with anyone I swear"
"It's okay sir"
"Please stop with the sirs and mr’s and it's not okay I shouldn't of spoken about you like that, I had been drinki-“
"It's okay sir"
"Jesus Christ. Stop saying it's okay when it's not and I've told you to stop with the sir shit"
"But you're my husband"
"And? Look it doesn't matter whether we're married or not, you don't have to call me tha-"
She cuts him off, the words that come out her mouth pains him. He's surprised at how his heart turns to lead, they've been married for a week and he still knows nothing about her other than what Wanda has told him. In that week he's made no effort to try apart from telling himself and everyone that he'll do it.
He's already treated her like shit in a sense he's very much like his father which makes his skin crawl.
This isn't how things were supposed to go.
"I have asked my father for a divorce sir"
His blood runs cold, his heart goes still. The confession hangs in the air as he stares at her blankly, trying to figure out if what she had said was real or not.
Truly Bucky thinks his ears are playing tricks on him but noticing the look in her crystal blue eyes he knows that it's not a trick and she's being serious.
Just as he opens his mouth to speak Steve comes barging into the room.
"Buck one of the warehouses is on fire"
"Shit. Fuck" looking at Theo "this conversation isn't over okay, please just give me a chance please that's all I'm asking"
He doesn't wait for a reply as he walks away with Steve.
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Tags: @sapphirebarnes @bellabarnes1378 @unaxv @skulliecadaver-blog @mrsnikstan
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themidnightcrimson · 2 years
Mentor—part two. | w. maximoff
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summary: in which your new sex mentor, wanda, just can’t keep her hands off you.
warnings: top!wanda, dark!wanda, oral, fingering, cumstrap, marking, corruption, manipulation, cheating, i wish i had this sex ed class
this post is for 18+ only. minors: do not interact.
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The hot sun felt nice soaking into your exposed skin. You twirled the little paper umbrella in your lemonade, casually glancing around the place through your sunglasses. Dottie was throwing her annual summer pool party, and it seemed the entire population of Westview had come. Her large pool was filled with all the kids cannonballing and pushing each other in, screams and giggles filling the air. Like you, all the women were lounging in the laid-back chairs under umbrellas, sipping their drinks and gossiping with one another. Some husbands were sitting with their wives, some were standing around talking to one another, and some were in the pool lifting their kids on their shoulders before dunking them into the water.
You felt a little exposed in your tankini. The pink floral top was cut right at your belly button, allowing for a little strip of your stomach to be exposed between the fabric of the top and the fabric of the hot pink high-waisted bottoms. Some of the other women were showing even more skin, so you decided to relax in the newfound liberty of the 1960’s.
Trying to find your husband, your eyes finally settled on him in the pool. He and Vision were playing with the kids, splashing water and lifting them in the air. The kids in the neighborhood loved your husband, since he was basically a child and just as playful as one.
“Do you want any?” asked a voice next to you, and you gasped and jumped, seeing Wanda suddenly sitting in the chair next to you. Her red hair was in looser curls, sitting at her shoulders which you noticed looked very smooth and tan, exposed by the bright red one-piece she was wearing. She crossed her legs over one another, and your eyes couldn’t help but notice their shape.
“What?” you breathed when you realized she had asked you something, taking your sunglasses off to look at her green eyes staring at you rather impishly.
“Kids,” Wanda reiterated as she nodded to the pool where Vision and your husband were playing with the children. “Do you want to have any?”
“Oh, I don’t know,” you breathed, feeling your heart start to race. You hadn’t seen Wanda since the…training session. After you had went home the next morning, a heavy guilt swung in your chest when your husband came home and greeted you with a kiss. You remembered Wanda’s kiss, and her touch, and you had avoided being intimate with your husband ever since.
“I would like to have a couple,” Wanda said cheerily. “I always imagined myself having boys.”
Swallowing hard, you set your drink down and adjusted your tankini which felt like it had shrunk under Wanda’s eyes. “I mean, I always wanted kids, but…” That conversation with your husband hadn’t gone over well. Like any other man at the pool party, he wanted kids, but he always seemed reluctant when you brought it up. In fact, he seemed reluctant to talk to you at all these days. You two had gotten married so fast…
Wanda hummed, somehow knowing what you were going to say before you even said it. “Well, you certainly have plenty of time.” She gave you a small smile which you awkwardly returned. Although she was acting normal and polite, there was a tension in the air suffocating you. As you looked away to mindlessly fiddle with the umbrella in your drink, you felt her eyes burning through your skin. The sun seemed to heat up by a million degrees.
“You know, I was wanting to talk to you about something, y/n,” Wanda said quieter, leaning back in her chair and looking around discreetly.
“What is it?” you choked, already knowing what it was going to be about. Wanda had told you before you left that she was very excited to teach you again, implying that there would be another session.
Wanda pursed her lips thoughtfully for a moment. “Well, I was thinking the other day about our arrangement,” she began, speaking in a whisper, “And I thought that it would be best if you don’t have sex with him until I’ve taught you everything you need to know.”
You nearly choked on your own tongue from how casually she had spoken while there were fifty people all around who could easily listen in. “W-what?”
Wanda placed a gentle hand on your knee, and you felt warmth radiate through your skin there. “I just think it would make more sense if I mentor you completely before you…show your new skills to him.” You barely noticed a quiver in her lips, seemingly a grimace. You could hardly even understand what she was saying because her hand was gripping your knee, and it started to slowly slide down your bare thigh, alighting nerve endings you didn’t even know you had.
“Wanda,” you breathed, feeling hot all over as you looked around to make sure no one was watching Wanda touch you.
“They won’t notice,” Wanda quickly assured you as she slid her hand inward to your inner thigh, grabbing the soft skin there. In reality, anyone could look over at just the wrong time and see her touching your thigh very inappropriately. But you didn’t know that Wanda was in control of everything—including them.
“Tell me you won’t have sex with him,” Wanda asked a little firmly, before swooping in with an explanation. “I don’t want our lessons to be interrupted. It could affect my teaching.” She gave you a soft smile.
Your eyes went between her hand and her face. “Well, we haven’t even… I mean we don’t really…”
“Good,” Wanda said, and you thought maybe she would take her hand away since you told her what she wanted to hear, but it stayed right where it was.
“Wanda, I’m having doubts about all of this,” you breathed out all at once, her hand seeming to push you to honesty. “I feel like what we are doing isn’t normal.”
“Oh, sweetie,” Wanda laughed a little loudly, and you worried that someone would hear it and glance over in innate curiosity, but no one did. It seemed like you two were invisible. Wanda continued, “I assure you this is a perfectly normal thing between girls! Agatha did the same for me when I first moved here as a newlywed!”
Your eyebrows sewed together in confusion. “She did?” You wondered if that meant that she did the same thing that Wanda was doing to you, to Wanda. A flare of something hot and ugly whipped in your stomach—jealousy?
Wanda was a very intuitive woman, for she tapped your inner thigh with her fingers gently and tilted her head. “It was a long time ago, sweetie,” she whispered in an assuring tone, having to hold back a smile at the fact that you were actually jealous. Seeing that you were still doubtful about the situation, she offered, “Why don’t we run to my house real quick?” It seemed like such a normal request from the tone of her voice, but something dark in her eyes made your stomach turn in a different direction.
“What?” you breathed. “We’re in front of everyone.”
“I’ll tell them I forgot to bring the appetizers I made, and you’ll go with me to help me carry them over,” she answered quickly, as if she had already formulated the plan. “It’s been a week since your first lesson, y/n. I don’t want you to forget everything I’m teaching you.” Her fingertips dug into your skin, her thumb rubbing your flesh in circles. Your breath caught in your throat at the feeling, and before you could even give her a response, she stood up and removed her hand from your thigh, leaving your skin cold. You watched in borderline horror as she walked up to the pool’s edge and shouted at Vision and your husband, telling them the lie she told you. They believed her with ease, and your husband waved you off with a smile as Wanda took your wrist and led you towards her house.
By the time you were back in Wanda’s house, and she closed the door behind you, her eyes had turned predatorial. She wasted no time in placing her hands on your waist and coming close, invading your nose with her scent as she placed her lips against yours. You stiffened under the kiss at first until you felt her hand glide up your neck and gently cup your jaw, and you eased. Her kiss was soft but hungry, gentle but desperate. You found yourself naturally wrapping your arms around her warm shoulders as she pressed herself against you.
Wanda’s tongue glided against your lower lip, asking permission for entrance. Somehow, you found yourself falling completely under her will as you parted your lips for her. Her grip on your face tightened as she slid her tongue into your mouth, instantly moaning at the taste of your tongue as hers slid against it. Her thumb pressed into your jaw to part your mouth wider for her so she could slide her tongue deeper, and you gave a soft moan into her mouth, which elicited a guttural growl from the woman whose skin was getting hotter and hotter under your touch.
Wanda could have invited you over another day when she had more time with you and didn’t have to go back to the pool party, but Wanda decided to revel in her control. She reveled in her desire for you that had grown unbearable each day parted from you. She needed you desperately.
She took you to her bedroom and sat you down on the bed, kneeling in front of you with her hands on your knees. “Last time, I taught you how to please,” she began, leaning down to press a soft kiss on your thigh. “Now I want to teach you how to be pleased.”
Wanda slowly stood up, her darkened eyes trained on you the entire way as she crawled onto the bed over you. She wrapped an arm around you and slid you up the mattress until your head rested on the pillows, getting to work on undoing your top.
You were already breathless as you stared up at Wanda who was focused on untying the strings on your tankini. She finally did, pulling it off your body before slowly pulling your bottoms down.
“How are you going to teach me to be pleased?” you asked once you were fully naked for her, feeling the urge to hide yourself. Wanda’s eyes smoldered at you as she gave you a soft kiss on the lips, planting another on your neck.
“I’m going to help you know what you like and don’t like,” she whispered between kisses on your neck, moving her mouth down to your collarbone. “Is there anything you do know you like?”
A gasp left your throat when Wanda’s lips met your nipple, kissing it softly. You tried to keep her question in your mind as her warm tongue swirled around the hardening peak, her hand taking your other breast and squeezing it.
“I… I like…” She had moved her lips to your stomach, kissing a line straight downwards that sent off alarms in your head as you realized where she was going. “I like what we did the other day. When I… rode you.”
You felt Wanda’s lips smirk against your tummy. “Yes, but that was for my pleasure.” Wanda froze before adding, “Your husband’s pleasure. What do you like that pleasures you?” You shivered when she dragged her lips right over your mound, skipping the place where desire was boiling and kissing your inner thighs instead.
“I don’t know,” you said with a tone of embarrassment. As you looked down, you saw Wanda looking up at you between your legs with a smile as she spread and bent them, dragging her hands down your outer thighs to hold them steady.
“It’s okay, detka. We’ll figure it out together, hm?” She kept her eyes locked into yours as she kissed your inner thighs, moving her head further down between your legs. Your eyes widened when she lowered her face downwards.
“Wanda, what are you—” Her tongue met your slit, dragging a firm line up it. Your mouth opened at the instantly pleasurable sensation—you had never been given oral.
Wanda leaned up for a moment to lick her lips and hum at the taste of you, closing her eyes to revel in your flavor in a way that made your face go hot. She opened her eyes again with a smirk as she said, “Tell me what feels good and what doesn’t, okay honey?”
You could only halfway nod as she lowered her face again, attaching her lips to your clit and sucking on it. Your body jumped at the feeling, Wanda tightening her hold on your hips to keep you still. You closed your eyes as she used her tongue to swirl softly around your nub for a few moments before gliding her tongue down your slit, poking your entrance softly.
“Wanda,” you breathed, grabbing at the sheets as she started to lap at your clit with a harder pressure that made your back arch. “Oh,” you moaned, too shy to curse even as your entire body tingled with pleasure.
“You like that?” she paused to speak, watching you feverishly nod before she did it again, keeping that same pace and pressure on your clit. You were already getting so wet for her, and Wanda wanted to let you relish in the simple action, but she was dying to get inside you.
Bringing a hand between your legs, Wanda slowly pushed her middle finger in your entrance, and although there was plenty of lubrication, there was still some resistance.
Your mouth fell open as you felt her finger slide inside you, doubled with her tongue still lapping your clit as the room started to spin. She dragged her finger out before pushing it in again, and you were making wrinkles on the sheets with how hard you were grabbing at them. Your hips bucked towards her face, and although the pleasure was already too much for you to handle, you wanted more.
“More,” you moaned, looking down at her desperately. You felt so dirty to see the sight of a woman’s head between your legs, her lips slick with your juices, her finger pumping inside you. Wanda looked at you darkly, easing up on your clit to catch her breath as she slowly added another finger. This time, the sensation was absolutely perfect as her two fingers buried deep inside you and curled, hitting a spot that made fireworks explode behind your eyes and blind you.
“Wanda!” you moaned, your thighs squeezing around her. She gently opened them again as she jutted her fingers inside you, curling them and making you moan louder for her. She placed her tongue back on your clit, lapping harder as she pumped her fingers faster.
You were sweating now, suffocating, melting on the bed as Wanda worked between your legs, pleasuring you to absolute torture. Your back arched off the bed and so did your hips, your legs starting to tremble as she continued her actions even harder. You were so wet now that your juices dripped down her hand, and your pussy made the most unholy of squelching sounds as Wanda buried her long fingers as deep as they could go inside it, fucking you hard and fast until you were wordless, letting out little moans and incoherent squeals as you came, your hips shaking and hands mindlessly grabbing at Wanda’s hair.
“That’s it, baby,” Wanda huskily encouraged you as you orgasmed, continuing to thrust her fingers right against that sweet spot inside you to prolong your climax, watching in absolute wonder and admiration the way your face looked so blissful as you came down from your high, falling limp against the bed and panting.
Humming, Wanda removed her fingers from you, crawling her way up your body and resting her hips between your legs. “You’re doing so good,” she praised you, bringing her fingers to your lips and coating them with your own wetness. “Open up.” Utterly mindless, you opened your mouth and felt her dip her wet fingers inside. “Now suck.” You suctioned your mouth and swirled your tongue around her fingers, remembering how she had taught you to use your mouth. Wanda moaned as you licked your own juices off her fingers, wishing she could feel your mouth around her cock, sucking and licking like that. The thought made her squirm her hips between your legs. God, she needed you. She wanted it to be about you, but Wanda so selfish and so needy for you that she just had to be inside you, to feel your walls pulsing around her again.
While your eyes were closed, distracted by suckling her fingers like a good girl, she snapped her other fingers. Straps appeared around her hips, equipped with just what she needed to feel you. You were unaware that she had learned a new trick since the last time, and that was going to make what she was going to do you so much sweeter.
Once you had sucked and swallowed all your juices off her fingers, Wanda removed them from your mouth. “Such a good girl,” she breathed, using your own tits to wipe your saliva off her fingers. When Wanda instinctually rubbed herself against you, causing you to feel her cock push against your mound, your eyes widened.
“When did you—” She cut off your question with a feverish kiss, causing you to swallow your words as you tasted more of yourself on her mouth. She hungrily kissed you, moving her lips down your chin and to your throat, sucking on your neck. “Wanda,” you breathed as she sucked and bit at your neck to a painful degree, and you realized she was going to leave marks. “Wanda, don’t!” You didn’t want to know what would happen if your husband saw hickeys on your neck.
“Doesn’t it feel good, detka?” she whispered hotly against your ear between bites, giving another sloppy kiss to your neck before adding, “This is about what makes you feel good.”
As her mouth sucked on your sensitive skin, although it was painful, it was bliss. Your hands grabbed weakly at her back as she started to grind herself against you, the length of her strap gliding against your clit. You gasped at how sensitive you were now, every little touch and ounce of friction heightened.
“You have no idea how much I’ve dreamed of you since that night,” Wanda whispered against your neck as she reached down between you, taking her strap in her hand. “I don’t know how your husband doesn’t fuck you every second of the day.” She guided the tip of her cock to your entrance and kept it there. “If I had this tight, wet little pussy all to myself, I would have to be inside you every chance I got.”
The crudeness of her words made you gasp, your entire face going bright red as she whispered such dirty things in your ear. You weren’t sure if or how this was part of your training, but you loved every second of it, and you didn’t want her to stop. You wished you could be under her all the time, hearing her whisper lude things in your ear, kissing your neck, buried between your legs. You hooked your legs around her, bucking your hips in need of her to be inside you.
Wanda graciously gave you exactly what you wanted, holding your hips still as she thrust herself inside you, feeling your tight walls suck her in all the way.
“Oh, Wanda,” you gasped, and Wanda melted. She loved hearing the way you moaned and gasped her name, feeling the way you grabbed helplessly at her back as she lodged her cock deep within you, moaning into your neck at how wet and tight you were around her.
“Fuck, y/n,” she breathed, pulling out before thrusting back in, bringing another gasp from you. The pool party was far away now as Wanda lost herself inside you, giving you no time to adjust before she was fucking you with wild abandon, gripping your hips with bruising pressure.
You were completely under her hold as she grunted into your ear, pressing her body as close to you as possible and pushing her cock as deep inside you as possible. Needing to be even deeper, Wanda leaned up to grab your legs and place them over her shoulders, folding you up under her as she continued her merciless pace. Your walls stretched painfully around her size, and she was going so fast, you felt like you were about to pass out.
“Wanda, slow down,” you begged, barely managing to form the words as she completely ruined you.
“You can take it, baby,” she argued, giving you a sloppy, wet kiss as she fucked you even harder. “Take my cock, all of it.” Her voice was husky and deep against your mouth before she kissed you again so hard you felt your lip sting. “Oh, fuck,” Wanda breathed, pulling away from you and squeezing her eyes shut, chasing her own orgasm now.
Even though this session was supposed to be about you, and although she did put so much attention on you before and gave you so much pleasure, this was what you loved so fucking much. You loved the way she fucked you hard, touched you roughly, used you to get her own pleasure. You loved the way she fucked you like being inside you was her only relief. You loved the way she always looked at you like you were a piece of meat. You loved when she whispered dirty things in your ear. As she had been obsessed with you ever since you first moved there, you were becoming obsessed with her.
“You’re my good little slut, aren’t you?” Wanda said between heavy breaths, cupping your face and wiping her thumb across your lower lip as she continued to wreck you. “Taking all of my cock so well. You’re so good, so good… so fucking good…” Wanda rambled as her eyes closed again, her face lowering into your neck as her thrusts grew wild.
“I’m yours, Wanda,” you breathed, your voice edged as you felt a deep pressure coil within you. “I’m your slut.”
When Wanda felt your walls tightening around her, she completely lost herself, biting your neck harder than realizing as she came, stuffing herself deeply and sloppily inside you, causing your eyes to cross as she fucked you through your mutual orgasms. She was somehow deeper than she had ever been now, her hips flat against the back of your thighs and her cock entirely disappearing inside you. There was pain in your neck and between your legs, and you suddenly felt an odd, wet sensation deep in your lower tummy, but in your dumbed down state you chocked it up to it just being the bet orgasm you ever had. Wanda knew your body better than your own husband now—better than even yourself.
“Fuck, fuck,” Wanda cursed as she came down, pressing her entire weight against you and panting breathlessly into your ear. Your legs were a trembling mess now, shaking uncontrollably as Wanda’s hand reached under you and rubbed your ass gently.
After a few moments of catching your breaths, Wanda leaned up to look down at you for a few moments, her pupils swarmed with lust. She had to bite her tongue back from whispering You’re all mine. Even though many commitments had been moaned thoughtlessly to one another during your wrestle, the heat of the moment was gone, and you were surrounded by the harsh steam of reality now.
Wanda reluctantly pulled out of you and took her strap off, grabbing your bathing suit bottoms and quickly putting them back on you before handing your top to you for you to put on. You sat up in her bed, feeling groggy and shaky as you put your top back on and tied it in the back. Wanda helped you stand up from the bed, smirking at how you could hardly stand on your shaky legs.
“Oh, no,” she suddenly said when her eyes flickered to your neck. She moved your hair and looked at what she had made of you—deep hickeys and bruises lining the side of your neck, along with the obvious imprints of her own teeth from when she had bitten down as she came. There were even two specks of blood which she gently wiped away.
“What?!” you exclaimed, touching your neck and instantly hissing at the tender pain you felt. Wanda took a handheld mirror from her bedside table and held it up so you could see, and you gasped at the sight of the marks. Wanda watched you with a crawling smirk—she could easily get rid of the marks with her magic, but honestly, she wanted to keep them there.
“Just cover them with your hair,” she said, bringing your hair back over your shoulder to conceal your neck. “And don’t get in the pool.”
You noticed that she was smirking and playfully hit her shoulder with the mirror before setting it back down on the table. “I think you’re evil.”
“I think you’re the sweetest little thing I ever did see,” Wanda quickly countered, wrapping her arms around your waist and kissing you.
After Wanda came up with the excuse that the appetizers she had made were left in the oven too long and were now too burnt to be edible, the two of you hesitantly went back to the pool party. You tried to walk normal, but your legs felt like a newborn baby deer, and your insides were already sore. As you went back to Dottie’s pool party, no one seemed suspicious that you two had been gone for a while and came back empty-handed and a little tussled. Kids were still playing in the pool, and wives were still lounging in the sun and gossiping.
Wanda left you to go talk to Dottie, leaving you by yourself. Your husband hadn’t even noticed you come back, since he was playing Marco Polo with Vision and the kids now. Rolling your eyes at how dumb your husband was, you walked over to the table of snacks to get something to eat since you were feeling lightheaded now. As you approached the table, you suddenly felt something odd.
Freezing in your steps, you felt something wet between your legs—besides your own wetness. It was something oozing, like something leaking out of you. Quickly, you ran into Dottie’s home and to her guest bathroom, closing the door and sitting down on the toilet, pulling your bottoms down in fear that you had started your period at a very strange time. To your utter shock and horror, you saw white liquid on your bottoms, glancing between your legs and watching as Wanda’s cum slowly leaked out of you.
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bradshawsbaby · 1 year
Letters to My Love // Part VIII
We’ll Meet Again
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Series Masterlist
Pairing: Bob Floyd x Female Reader
Summary: When you signed up to volunteer with the USO, you never anticipated that you would meet a man like Ensign Robert Floyd. Fate brings you together one balmy spring evening in Charleston—the night before Bob is set to ship off across the Atlantic. Pen and paper become your only means of sharing your heart with the naval aviator who’s captivated it, igniting a correspondence that spans the distance between you. Can love blossom even as war rages and thousands of miles keep you apart?
Word Count: 2.9k
Author’s Note: Oh my goodness, it’s been well over a month since I last updated this story and I sincerely apologize for that! I hope you all enjoy Bobby and Peach’s next set of letters!
Set the Mood: If you’re looking for some 1940s vibes, check out the playlist I made to pair with the story.
The title of this chapter comes from the song of the same name by Vera Lynn, a song which also happens to factor into this part of the story!
Dedication: As always, this story is dedicated to my dear friend, @luminousnotmatter​. Clara, thank you, thank you, thank you for your support of this story!
Warnings: Alternating POV, brief allusions to war, and references to rationing. This chapter is mostly fluff, fluff, and more fluff!
March 6, 1943
Sweet Peach,
Looks like I have my own elephant in the room to address this time. You asked for a photograph, and I’ve inundated you with five. Trust me, you think Dottie is bad, but I would dare to wager that she’s not nearly as insufferable as the lugheads I’m bunking with over here. When they caught wind of the fact that I was planning to send you a photo—which, for the record, was not at all forward of you to ask for and which actually gave my ego quite a nice boost—you should have seen the holy hullabaloo they raised. You really would have thought I was planning to feature myself on the front cover of Life Magazine with the way they carried on.
My original intent was to send you my graduation photo from Annapolis. My mother ended up packing a copy of it with my things when I left home—I think she was hoping I’d find a nice girl to give it to. She’ll be thrilled indeed to find that I have. Speaking of which, I hope you don’t mind that I’ve mentioned you in my letters to my family. I feel like you’ve become such a special part of my life, if you don’t mind me saying so, and I wanted them to get to know you a little bit, the way I have.
But anyway, like I was saying, I was glad that my mama tucked that photo away with my things so that I could have something to send you, though it’s by no means as spectacular as the photograph you sent me. When Tommy Boy and Benny found out that was the picture I was planning to send you, however, they started talking a whole bunch of nonsense about how I needed to send more pictures that showed off “the real me.” According to Benny, I look way too stiff and formal in my graduation photo. I told him that I thought the ladies were supposed to love a man in uniform, but he told me that’s apparently not the case when said uniform looks like it’s choking the life out of you. Tommy Boy said I should send you pictures that remind you of the fact that I actually do know how to have a good time—his words, not mine.
Even Paul agreed with them. That traitor.
To make a long story short, Peach, that’s why you’re (hopefully) holding those five photographs in your hand right now. In addition to my Annapolis photo—which my mother still happens to think is nice, even if the fellas don’t—are a few photos of us on board our carrier. I’m glad that you remember what I look like so that you don’t confuse me for my much better looking buddies—I hope seeing us side by side doesn’t do me too much of a disservice. I labeled them on the back for you, but there’s a few shots of me and Paul, then me, Benny, and Tommy Boy, then all four of us, then me standing beside me and Paul’s plane.
You know, now that I really think about it, I have a feeling that Benny and Tommy Boy’s grand scheme all along was to make sure that you had photographic evidence of them to show to all your friends and fellow USO volunteers. I tried to explain to them that you had very kindly informed me that most of the girls you know are spoken for, but they both still seem to have it in their heads that you can find a couple nice girls for them. Like I told you, they’re completely insufferable. Good thing they’re also pretty great guys, otherwise I don’t think I’d be able to stand it.
Anyway, all that to say that now you have some photographs, Peach. More than you asked for, I know, and I hope they don’t disappoint. Perhaps it was you who’s been remembering things with rose-colored glasses all this time and not me? Either way, I’ll stop rambling about it now.
Paul, Tommy Boy, and Benny send all their best. Paul especially appreciates all your kind words, and your thoughts for him and his family. He says he knew you were a great girl, right from the start when you nearly spilled that punch all over him.
Speaking of punch and the dance, congratulations to your friend, Emily! A little bit of good news in the midst of all this madness is always greatly appreciated. And I’m sure that when the time comes, you’re going to be the prettiest bridesmaid there ever was.
Can I be honest with you though, Peach? I’m sure Emily is a lovely girl, especially if she’s lucky enough to count you as a friend, but at the moment, I have to confess that I don’t hold her fiancé in quite as high esteem. Now to be fair, I don’t know much about this Eddie guy, but from what I do know, he has to be one of the most foolish men I’ve ever seen. Before I explain, I should mention that I saw Eddie at the dance that night, right before he pulled Emily out onto the dance floor. You might wonder how, and I’d tell you it was because I was standing a few feet away from the punch table like a total coward, trying to work up the nerve to go talk to you. So the truth, Peach, is that I saw what happened between you and Eddie—how he approached you and asked you if it would be alright if he asked Emily to dance.
On the one hand, I was selfishly relieved that he didn’t ask you. That meant that all hope wasn’t lost, and I might still get a shot to talk to you. But on the other hand, I couldn’t understand how one man could be so stupid, if you’ll pardon my saying so. Like I said, I’m sure Emily is a lovely girl, but I don’t understand how anyone could see you, Peach—especially that night, when you looked so beautiful in your pretty party dress—and think to dance with anyone else. I suppose you’re right though. It is funny how things work out. And as big a fool as I thought Eddie to be at the time, if I saw him right now, I might just shake his hand and thank him. Because if he hadn’t been a fool, I might not be talking to you right now. And let me tell you, Peach, that is as depressing a thought as any I can think of. So three cheers for Eddie and Emily! I wish them nothing but a lifetime of happiness, and I’ll join them in praying for an end to this war so that they can have their big wedding.
It sure is wild to think that in your last letter, you were telling me about your holidays, and now it’s already March. Time feels like it’s flying much too fast, but not quick enough at the same time. Do you know what I mean?
Paul still can’t believe how big Clara and Paul, Jr. are getting every time Natasha sends him updates. In her last few letters, she wrote that Paul, Jr. has finally started talking—she was very smug that his first word was “Mama,” but only because Clara’s first word was “Dada.” And now that he’s started, he just can’t stop. He’s starting to call everyone by their names—or at least his version of their names—and he even says “Dada” now when Natasha points to pictures of Paul. In her most recent letter, Natasha said he was even starting to walk and that she’s been having to chase him all over the house. “He’s going to be a runner, like his daddy,” she wrote. Did I ever tell you, Peach, that Paul and I ran track and field in high school? He could always run circles around me. Paul’s quite the proud papa, and he’s been bragging about his family to anyone on the carrier who will listen—it usually ends up being me, Tommy Boy, and Benny.
I’m sure little Frankie—or maybe not so little anymore—is starting to walk and talk now, too. Has he been giving you, Dottie, and Paddy a run for your money?
Peach, you once called me an honest man and so I don’t want to lie to you now—as much as I’d like to say that I’m sorry to hear you haven’t been attending any more dances, I’m just not as good a man as all that. The truth of the matter is that I’m quite chuffed (can you tell I’ve been spending time with a lot of Brits?) to hear that you’re saving a dance for me. It makes me want to finish this war and get home all the faster, knowing you’ll be there to welcome me back.
You know, we’ve actually gotten to enjoy a few USO performances over here recently. It does a lot to lift our spirits, and it always makes me think of you. One of the singers performed that Vera Lynn song, “We’ll Meet Again” the other night and I couldn’t help but imagine how nice it would be to be dancing with you again. I thought I might share some of the lyrics with you, the ones that really made me think of you:
We'll meet again
Don't know where
Don't know when
But I know we'll meet again some sunny day
Keep smiling through
Just like you always do
'Til the blue skies chase those dark clouds far away
I believe deep down in my heart that we’re going to meet again, Peach. Just like the song says, I might not know where and I might not know when, but I know it’s going to happen. And what a happy day that will be, when I get to see your smiling face again.
I haven’t even sent this letter yet, and I already can’t wait to receive your next one. I hope whatever you’re doing right now, Peach, it’s bringing a smile to your face and that you’re doing real well.
Until next time and until we meet again.
Most Truly Yours,
P.S. I’m very embarrassed to admit that for a farm boy from Iowa, I’ve got quite the brown thumb. My only advice to you and Dottie when it comes to your Victory Garden is don’t do anything I would do!
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April 2, 1943
Dear Bobby,
What an absolute treat to receive not one, but five wonderful photographs with your last letter! You can tell Tommy Boy and Benny that they were dead wrong—I would have been MORE than happy with just your photo from Annapolis! I think you look remarkably handsome in it, and I’m very thankful to your mother for thinking to send it along with you. The other photos you included are just the icing on the cake.
I love getting a tiny glimpse of what life is like for you over there, and it’s so good to see all of you smiling, despite the circumstances. Tommy Boy, Benny, and Paul all look very handsome as well, but between the two of us, I don’t think any of them could hold a candle to you. Still, it does make me wonder if being handsome is a requirement for joining the Navy nowadays? If so, I’d say you all certainly fit the bill.
Dottie was quite eager to see your picture, and I’ll have you know that she declared you even more handsome than she had been imagining—and my big sister has quite a vivid imagination, let me tell you. Paddy teased her about it endlessly, saying that maybe she should find herself her own pen pal considering how much she seems to enjoy sticking her nose into my correspondences. Just to get back at him, Dottie traded our extra coffee rations with one of our neighbors for more sugar rations. Paddy grumbled about it the next few mornings, but Dottie made it up to him with a chocolate cake after dinner.
I’ve been keeping all your photographs on the desk in my room, Bobby, and I’m looking at them right now as I pen this letter. I promise you that I certainly wasn’t remembering you through rose-colored glasses and that, in fact, you’re even more handsome than my faulty memory could recall. I especially love the pictures of you with your friends—your smiles are all so bright that I can actually feel the joy of your friendship just by looking at them. You have such a lovely smile, Bobby, made all the lovelier by the fact that you have such a wonderful heart underneath.
While we’re on the topic of photographs, it seems that you and I are starting to play tag with them. Since you sent such sweet photographs of you and the boys, I thought I might send a photograph I really loved that we took while we were home in Georgia for Christmas. That’s me, Dottie, Frankie, and Paddy on Christmas morning, right before everyone started opening their presents. Since I talk about them all so much in my letters, I thought it might be nice for you to put some faces with their names. Besides Paddy, of course, since you already know his face.
By the way, I’m truly touched to know that you’ve mentioned me in your letters to your family. Of course I don’t mind it! My family knows all about you, so it seems only right that you should be able to tell your family about me. Maybe one day we’ll all get to be together to share some peach cobbler and pumpkin pie!
Tell Paul, Benny, and Tommy Boy that I say hello and that they looked great in those photos! Tell Tommy Boy and Benny in particular to keep their chins up, and that they’ll find two lucky girls to call their own very soon! And you can tell Paul that I’m still mortified about that punch spill.
Oh, Bobby, I’m so embarrassed to think you overheard my conversation with Eddie that night! Truth be told, in that moment, I felt so silly. I thought for sure he was going to ask me to dance, so I felt a bit ridiculous when it turned out he just wanted to know if it was okay to ask Emily. In all honesty, I really wanted to leave after that. But then you showed up and everything changed. My whole night turned around. Dottie always says that everything happens for a reason, and I really do believe that. I think Eddie and Emily were meant to meet each other that night, just like you and I were meant to meet each other, Bobby. Knowing you has brought so much goodness to my life, and I can’t imagine what it would be like if our paths hadn’t crossed that night. So now I can say thank goodness for Eddie wanting to dance with Emily!
I know exactly what you mean about time, Bobby. Dottie and I were just talking about how we want time to slow down because it feels like Frankie is growing up way too fast! Just like Paul, Jr., Frankie is walking now and we have to be vigilant at all times to make sure he isn’t getting into any mischief. Just the other day, he somehow managed to get his hands on Paddy’s keys and hide them under the couch. We spent hours looking for them! He also said his first word a couple months ago—Dada. Thankfully, Paddy was home to hear it, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen him look so proud. Dottie pretended to be miffed—”Fifteen hours I spend in labor with that boy and he says ‘Dada’ first!”—but she really was excited, too. Now he also says Mama, hi, bye-bye, and milk. Sometimes he’ll say doggy, too, when we see dogs out on the street. The funniest thing is that he seems to have given me the nickname “Cookie.” Whenever Dottie asks him who I am, he laughs and says, “Cookie!” So to you, I’m Peach and to my nephew, I’m Cookie. I don’t know what I ever did to deserve all these food nicknames!
I’m so thrilled to hear that the USO has finally made its way over to you boys! I can’t imagine what you’re all going through over there, but I know that you do deserve an opportunity to relax and unwind.
That Vera Lynn song is so beautiful, and my heart is so full to hear that it made you think of me, Bobby. After I read your letter, I remembered that we actually have a record of that song in the house, so I immediately went and put it on. I admit, I played it a few times and imagined that you were here dancing with me. We will meet again, Bobby, I just know it. I feel it in my heart, too, the same as you. And the sun will be shining bright when we do, just like the song says.
I hope the sun is shining on you right now, Bobby, and that wherever you are, you’re safe and you know that I’m thinking of you and wishing you the speediest return home.
Until we meet again, know that I’m sending you all my very best.
Most Affectionately Yours,
P.S. Dottie and I have been cursed with brown thumbs ourselves, but we’re determined to make this Victory Garden work! I’ll keep you updated on our efforts!
P.P.S. I know it will probably be a while until we hear from each other again, so I want to wish you a very Happy Easter. Stay safe, Bobby!
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