#It’s so funny you can’t make that up
annfirestar · 8 months
I love how Square Enix was given not one but TWO chances to make Lara and Sam thing official. And they picked the “10 years after the last time Sam existed for people who didn’t read the comic”…
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I will consider it an anniversary gift. Thank you✨
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fumifooms · 10 months
Chilchuck Tims has 4 daughters
Izutsumi’s relationship with the whole party is very fun and heartwarming, and her relationship with each party member has something unique and special, but besides Senshi being the mama hen I really love how Chilchuck looks after Izutsumi in a father-ish way. He’s the only one in the party that sees her like an actual human girl lol. He treats her with respect while not letting himself be walked over, and I think there’s something to be said about it, esp since Chilchuck knows how it’s like to be infantilized and pet like a cute thing much like our favorite catgirl. He does handle her like a guy who has 3 adult daughters, parenting instincts kicking in
Listen I knooow the party is breaking up with the end approaching but I’ve been thinking a lot about if Izutsumi decided to stick with anyone and I think it’d be really nice if she stayed with Chilchuck. I love Chilchuck’s store so much, I have so many headcanons and fic plans involving it, but listen.  I feel like Chilchuck would be a good person to look after her, she’s still a teen and shown not to be mature enough to know what to do with herself and feed herself right yet, she could become Chilchuck’s store mascot like a cat that’s always lounging inside hehe.  He gains another sort-of-daughter and she keeps her favorite pillow, a loss-loss deal on his end but Chilchuck is too responsible to not take her in if needed mwahahaha Izutsumi would have no remorse, he’s ready to suffer for her comfort
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Ok girl we get it he’s your dad
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chrollohearttags · 30 days
this whole Drake situation is the equivalent to when the popular kid got exposed for sum and everybody starts to turn on him like ‘I always knew he was weird’ after enabling their shitty behavior for years lmao. Grown ass niggas acting like high school.
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hawkeyeslaughter · 4 months
hawkeye who makes jokes that are followed with an uncomfortable silence hawkeye that says awkward things a little too loud hawkeye who is over exaggerated and does childish things that anyone else would be embarrassed to be caught doing or be around and trapper who always catches his eye and smiles at every flat joke trapper who sometimes mouths things at the same time hawkeye says them because he knows him that well trapper who happily indulges in hawkeye’s silly shenanigans . i am sick . i am sick
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toastybugguy · 1 year
Fanon perception:
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The actual text of the show:
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guys the huge difference is actually really funny when I’m not actively crying about it
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theregalriot · 6 months
I thought it was criminal to post the comic strip and not the video I made it for. So here is the tiktok of the Villain Tadashi concept I’ve been obsessed with lately. Some people asked for my headcanons so I put them in the tags!
Design is by me! Concept is from a different tiktok video about a fan altered BH6 ending. I live here now.
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lambmotifz · 3 months
“it was you. a little brother that looked up to him.”
“truth is, watching out for you? it’s kinda been my job, you know? but, more than that, it’s...it’s kinda who i am.”
he LOVES being the overprotective codependent big brother <3
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hiatus-queen72 · 2 months
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Hair cut happened 💇🏻‍♀️✨
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squuote · 2 months
if I made a dumb little coffee shop au of my own and had stanley throw a drink at the narrator, would that be too much or am I allowed to go wild with it. serious questions here. so serious
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charmac · 3 months
hey seth! i'm just a random guy that's been really into sunny for the past year, and i always love your tweets. you, loren, and anna have been on my fyp a lot the past weekend, and i know a lot of people are being assholes about it, but it's genuinely so heartwarming to see. you three definitely deserve it and are the best kind of people for this to happen to. you always come off as respectful of rcg. hope you can pass the message along to them both too! have a great day
Thank you for the kind message, I really really appreciate it and so do Anna and Loren! Glad you got into the show :)
Honestly I get people are lashing out/shit talking because it does seem kinda weird to witness through a screen how much we’ve been able to interact with them and the interactions we’ve had. I know people are jealous, too (as in have told me they are, and I was certainly jealous last year when Rob didn’t do any events in NYC bc he was sick but did them in Philly a few days later) and I totally get that. Whatever the reason for people being assholes is, I don’t really take it personally. They don’t know the full story of literally anything that happened, they’re just watching through a screen and making their own assumptions of before, after, and in between all these clips they’re seeing, and trying to find something to justify how they feel. The claims that I’ve been ‘stalking’ them or ‘overstepping boundaries’ are genuinely just funny to me when every place we’ve met them has been an event that was publicly posted to Instagram/Facebook well in advance.
(And I’m not gonna talk on Twitter about certain details of this, but I feel like I can probably disclose here that the Four Walls people approached me to tell me/give me things and not the other way around. Their socials dmed me, followed me, Rob followed me, etc. I had literally no sway in them choosing to do those things or introducing themselves to me in person and organically engaging in conversations with me.)
We want to share our interactions with RCG on social media because we think most people appreciate and enjoy their interactions with fans (and also the small amounts of Sunny info we got), and that’s it. I don’t need to share or brag about anything. I would be perfectly content keeping everything that happened this weekend to myself (I very much avoid otherwise sharing my face or voice on social media, so I genuinely have to overcome that insecurity to even be able to share these things), but we know the majority of fans like to see this stuff and that’s why we have been posting everything.
Your message (and others i’ve received) means a lot. I’m glad the majority of people are enjoying our interactions with them and I really appreciate the time you spend to send this ask, really! And I’ll be back to posting regularly scheduled actual Sunny content very shortly :)
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coconut530 · 5 months
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Some derps for the past three Malevolent episodes ~ 🕷️👩🏻🎄
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strawberrybyers · 2 months
mike wheeler is so goofy. he’s a loser. he has a big heart. he’s a leader. he’s gay. but most importantly, if you invite him to a location anywhere near a beach, he will have his visor and flip flops on stand-by
like bro did not show up ready to roller skate. he showed up like the personified lyrics of ‘starships’ by nicki minaj
“let's go to the beach-each, let's go get a wave // they say, what they gonna say // have a drink, clink, found the bud light // bad bitches like me is hard to come by // the patrón own, let's go get it on // the zone on, yes, i’m in the zone // is it two, three? leave a good tip // i'ma blow off my money and don't give two shits, oh-oh”
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lestatslestits · 1 year
Btw a question that has been haunting me for DAYS:
If Tale of the Body Thief is adapted in modern (2022 or onward) time, do you think Lestat will just like. Get COVID?
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shipper-singtona · 2 months
I’m sorry… but the song that was playing the flashback when Amaya was talking to Rayla about Callum and how “Love and Trust grow a strength that is bigger than we each possess. It’s not enough to love someone, you have to trust them share the burdens you carry.” is LITERALLY called, “My Love, My Hope.”
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I fucking love Hank Green
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touchlikethesun · 3 months
tsukki always looks so judgemental in non-volleyball promos like
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“this is what you wanted to see? really 🤨” that’s what he’s thinking a hundred percent in all of these
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