#It probably also made Earth make more sense...or potentially less
vox-ex · 7 months
supercorptober 2023
“Let us turn over the pages, and I will add, for your amusement, a comment in the margin.” - Virginia Woolf
A soft morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room as Lena stirred from her sleep. Wrapped in the comforting embrace of the sweatshirt she had come to wear most nights, she breathed in deeply, catching the lingering scent of Kara's laundry detergent still caught in its threads. It was a subtle reminder of the delicate place they were in now, of all the ways Kara had made her way back into her life And as the days passed, Lena began to notice the little traces of Kara reappearing around her apartment more and more. A handmade mug in her kitchen cabinet. A colorful painting on her wall. The woody citrus scent of her shampoo clinging to the tiles from time to time while she used the shower. And now, as the evenings turned colder, even a thick wool blanket that found its way too onto her couch; and eventually wrapped around the both of them.
Little by little the thought of Kara in her home became familiar again.
Little by little, Kara became familiar again.
One Sunday afternoon, while waiting for Kara to return from a mission, Lena found herself going through her bookshelves for something to read. Her finger trailed along the spines; she hesitated at a small collection she didn't quite recognize, wondering if Maybe this was another piece of Kara slipped in.
"Those don't look familiar," she said quietly to herself, an eyebrow arching in curiosity. She pulled at them carefully, tipping out the warn paperback one by one.
Each was a slim volume of poetry. Mary Oliver, June Jordan, Louise Glück.
She flipped each of their well-loved covers open. She noticed the dates scribbled in the corner. Noticed her name — Lena — in Kara's familiar writing just underneath. Noticed that all the dates were newer than the books themselves, but also much older than they should be.
She sank into her armchair, the soft fabric cradling around her as she began to leaf through the pages of Mary Oliver's poems. Each turn revealed more and more of Kara – a hastily scribbled note in the margin, a title underlined in pencil, a phrase circled with a question mark beside it. Notes on what song to listen to after reading it. Her fingers traced over Kara's handwriting, feeling the indentation left by the force of it against the paper. Lena could almost see the years between them just in what Kara writes — in how she writes.
At least one of the notes she found was for her.
"Share with Lena."
Written in the corner of a poem titled "Wild Geese," — her heart swelled at both the words and the idea she could be known by someone else in such a way.
"I wonder," Lena breathed into the stillness of the room.
She stood up and walked back to the bookshelves that lined one whole wall of the office. She scanned the shelves again, her fingers brushing against the spines of well-worn novels she had packed and unpacked a hundred times to heavy textbooks and research volumes.
She started pulling down more books. One she had told Kara about, ones she had told her were her favorites.
Soon, she was sitting on the floor, books scattered all around her.
Her fingers traced the words that Kara had left. Unlike in her books, the writing wasn't on the pages themselves, but scribbled on pieces of paper — small post-its or even a few bits of napkins — and stuck in between the pages. Her thoughts, questions, even elegant equations.
"Hey," Kara's voice drifted through the open doorway before the rest of her appeared, body angling just past the doorframe.
"Am I interrupting?"
"No, not at all," Lena replied quickly, smiling gently. "I was just…" She hesitated, not quite sure.
"Looking for something?" Kara ventured, taking a step closer, her expression shifting from confusion to a gentle understanding
Something like that," Lena admitted from her spot on the floor.
Kara's gaze fell to the book that lay open on her lap, and Lena could see the flicker of surprise and recognition in her eyes.
"I didn't think you'd find them," Kara admitted, her voice caught between awe and vulnerability as she stepped fully into the room. "I mean, you have so many."
Lena hesitated, then added, "I wanted to show you something."
Kara nodded, and Lena stood up, holding out the book. It was one of hers, Felicity, by Mary Oliver. But it was newer than all the others.
Kara took the book from Lena, careful not to lose the page it was on.
She caught a hint of Lena's neat script at the bottom but didn't look at it yet.
How do I love you?
How do I love you? Oh, this way and that way. Oh, happily. Perhaps I may elaborate by demonstration? Like this, and like this and no more words now
When she got to the end, her eye fell back into the margins, back to what Lena had written — a question.
'No more words?''
She read it a couple of times just to be sure.
She grabbed a pen from her pocket — but then looked up at Lena instead.
"Perhaps I could elaborate with a demonstration?"
Kara's kiss, when it came, was soft and unhurried, her lips warm and gentle. And like the rest of Kara that had made her way back to her, there was comfort in how familiar it was.
And when Lena pulls her back in a second time, it's with a tenderness that says I will be patient with your heart if you are careful with mine.
read and follow along all month on Ao3
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beesmygod · 5 months
fact check me on this absurd bloodborne father gascoigne deepest lore posting
i'm working on the next "you hunted" update and frankly i feel split between feeling like im doing the pepe silvia routine and partly feel like it makes enough sense to get a soft pass. i know these are so many words to read. but ultimately its about gascoigne and his stupid music box, if that means anything to you:
on our short trek from the tomb of oedon to his chapel, we pass through a weird...sewer...drainage room thing with a ladder leading to a modest library. a note on the table reads:
"The Byrgenwerth spider hides all manner of rituals, and keeps our lost master from us. A terrible shame. It makes my head shudder uncontrollably."
this note is REALLY weird. even cross-checking the re-translation guide doesn't do much but reinforce the literal meaning of the note: there's a spider at byrgenwerth (another rom, we don't know this yet) hiding rituals, even the ritual involving the lost (or, in a better translation, unseeable/invisible) lord. bummer. ahhhh my head is rattling. but...who wrote this? about who? and why?
it's time to be a Fromsoft Lore guy in the worst way: we're going to dissect this note down to its atomic structure in order to wring any and all possible meaning from it in a futile attempt to try to come up with a tortured explanation for nonsense. skip all this italicized text to return to planet earth.
who wrote this note? if we knew that, a lot of things would be cleared up. the potential suspect list comprised of known individuals who have passed through that area recently is pretty tiny. can't be fauxsefka, because she doesn't use this route to reach the clinic. alfred doesn't seem to have much interest in the church, knows little about byrgenwerth, and seems unaware of most things in general. an unnamed and unknown NPC of no consequence? well, maybe. probably, even.
but what about gascoigne? you find this note immediately after defeating him by using a key he drops. it clear he did not progress past the library, as the incense would have driven him off (and the chapel dweller's reaction suggests you are the first hunter they've seen/sniffed). there's a possible clue left in the library that points to a hunter having passed through recently: the blood gem workshop tool. its one of three "misplaced" workshop tools found in the waking world. a hunter took this with them when they left the dream and left it in a chest in oedon chapel. that narrows down the pool of candidates quite a bit. gascoigne obviously knows what blood gems are, he gifted one to his wife. and this is before we've even discussed gascoigne's connections to a "lost master".
who is this note about?  the words used for titles in the english translation are all over the place and "master" could mean anything from "school principal" to "great ones". this has made trying to pin the subject of this note down near impossible. the japanese is more specific: "lords" in this note is translated as "主" and is almost never in the script otherwise. the only relevant usage even remotely close is it's use is in a different note later as a flowery way to refer to whoever has assumed the role of vicar of the healing church (essentially: "lord of blood ministration"). it is also used for micolash ("lord of the nightmare"), the japanese name of the bloodletting beast ("lord of the beast blood"), and for master willem of byrgenwerth ONLY in the graveguard set item description1. in the case of micolash and the bloodletting beast, "lord" can be read as "host" as well. but NOT like a parasite host!!! specifically like, a household host. "host of the beast blood" is intended to be literal.
now time to play "guess who?": willem could be described as "lost" metaphorically, but he's also like, right there. out in the open. he's considerably less lost than our other two options, micolash or laurence/host of the beast blood. willem doesn't use the 主 kanji usually; he's "headmaster" willem or some other title that makes it clear he's from a school. forget willem. it's not him.
i'm pretty sure japanese players were supposed to intuit a connection between the "lord of the beast blood" and the "lord of blood ministration" and this nuance was lost in translation. and while there is a vacuous spider in lower pthumeru blocking access to a secret 4th labyrinth layer where a hunter can find a lost lord of the beast blood, it's clearly not in byrgenwerth. it's not the big doggie.
micolash, head of the rogue school of mensis, is literally lost in the nightmare acting as it's host/lord. access to the corpse of micolash is blocked until rom, the byrgenwerth spider, is defeated. so. having eliminated any alternatives, the note is almost certainly about micolash. but. why? who in oedon chapel gives a shit about micolash?
there are a truly confusing number of connections between gascoigne and the school of mensis (and thus, micolash). the most specific and startling connection is that the music box that gascoigne has a good/bad (?) reaction to plays "mergo's lullaby". this exact song plays during a fight with the wet nurse of oedon's presumed (but like, come on. it is) child, the titular mergo. if gascoigne's daughter is sent to iosekfa's clinic, you will obtain the level 1 formless oedon rune from her body which, as we discussed in the last part, depicts the blood moon descending during a (mensis) ritual; levels 3 and 4 of the rune are found in oedon chapel itself.
gascoigne's garb reads:
The dingy scarf is a Holy Shawl and symbol of the Healing Church, from which Gascoigne would eventually part ways. "Father" is a title used for clerics in a foreign land, and there is no such rank in the Healing Church.
reads a bit differently now...perhaps father gascoigne did not bring a foreign form of worship to yharnam. gascoigne left the healing church in order to start his own, based on the foreign practices of pthumeru.
only today the church is abandoned, and some say that the residents of oedon have all gone mad.
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hammerhead-jpg · 3 months
More new video spoilr
To expand on the implications of my last post, here's my predictions
From what we've seen, it really seems like it's setting up that Blake will turn into Hush
When I first started seeing people being like "_____ is actually Hush!" I just went "Hush is Hush he could've just been created out of nothing" but now...
People theorized that Avior might be Hush's brother, or that Avior is going to turn into hush, and while the first one was my idea at first based off of nothing but "it might be cool" I don't believe that that's it now
Yeah, a lot of people pointed out how the sounds that Avior is hearing sound like Hush's magic, but Avior said that it sounds like someone is trying to reach out to him and tell him something so it's less likely that the sounds he's hearing are a foreshadow to his foreseeable future, and more likely that at this point in time Hush has already been created and is trying to reach out to him for some reason
Also: Hush says that the first memory he has is his Brother trying to kill him, if Avior somehow for some reason witnesses the creation of Hush (which is already questionable since Hush was most likely created in the river of death), why would his first reaction upon seeing this unknown thing being created be to kill it?
What I think is more likely is: Brachium is Hush's brother.
Blake dies, goes down the river of death, but because Brachium made a deal with the Sovereigns, he must take him to them.
When Blake arrived, he makes a deal with the Sovereigns.
They promise him that they will bring him back to earth and let his lover live as long as he helps them fulfil their goal. Blake agrees right away, but the Sovereigns (because as Brachium literally said they don't have your best interest in mind, BLAKE) hide the fact that when he goes back he'll be different. He'll loose all his memories and his humanity and become nothing more than a tool for the sovereigns, and when his purpose is fulfilled he'll stop existing. The sovereigns use the water of the river of death and the silence in the spell song to create "Hush". Seeing this, Brachium, knowing that he will bring destruction to earth, tries to kill him, but because Hush is way more powerful, Brachium looses and Hush is brought to earth, wether as a new being or directly back into Blake's dead body I don't know.
This might be the crazy part: Doc is actually Bestie.
We know that Bestie is empowered, but we never actually learn what kind of magic user they are so they very well could be a freelancer healer.
I don't know what happens between the creation of Hush and the meeting between Hush and Bestie/Doc
It could be that close knit find Blake's body, somehow separate it from the shade (the shade is fully fed so I'm pretty sure it couldn't have escaped from the room) and descide that they can't tell the police/department that they're keeping a shade in their basement and dump his body into the nearest forest, potentially for him to be found and pronounced dead.
It could also be that Hush is brought to earth back into Blake's body and Hush escapes the close-knit building before the close knit members even realize that Blake is dead.
Whatever it is, Bestie/Doc is probably under the impression that Blake is either missing or dead.
So when Hush meets them, the strange fascination/almost care he has for them could be because of his subconscious memories of loving them and sacrificing everything for them in his past life.
You could say "well how doesn't Bestie/Doc recognize him as Blake?", well, it could be that Blake's appearance has changed enough that he's unrecognizable (and in this universe about 50% of the male population has very similar sounding voices), or you could even say that maybe they do want to believe that Blake somehow came back to them in a different form, but are not sure enough to outwardly go "Blake, what happened?!"
It makes sense that the Sovereigns would need a human vessel to create Hush. Before I thought that they used all the energy from the inversion to create him, which is most likely true, but if all they needed was a lot of energy and the silence of the spell song they could've created him a long time ago using the energy that the shades took over however many years they existed. They couldn't have created Hush before since human souls don't go to the sovereigns, the sovereigns had to make a deal with Brachium so that he could bring a human over to them.
There are a few things that don't match up though
I'm not sure how the timelines go, but Elliott is out of the basement on January first so it is to be assumed that Blake's death and the creation of Hush is at least two days after that. But Avior and Starlight's coffee shop date where he first starts hearing the ringing sound is most likely also probably January first, since Avior goes to Starlight's apartment for the first time after the date I'm assuming that they went to the coffee shop right after the inversion because really where else would they go if not their apartment, unless Avior just fucked off to Aria for a day which I heavily doubt he did.
So it seems like Avior was hearing messages from Hush before Hush was created? I don't know I'm probably wrong about this timeline since, despite the website being only the timeline, the timeline is very unclear
Also, my memory could be wrong but I remember that Hush talks about his brother trying to hunt him down, which is kinda hard to imagine Brachium hunting Hush down when they're in two separate planes of existences
Also also, didn't the Sovereigns say that Bestie needs to die so that it could "break" Blake? They haven't died yet so how can it break Blake when Blake is now Hush who has no memories or emotions? Will it be a dramatic scene where Hush gains the ability to feel grief once Bestie/Doc dies? Or was the Sovereigns original plan that Blake would khs to after Bestie died to try and commune with them and his request would be to bring Bestie back to life?
What has Avior have to do with it? Who knows really
Whatever it is, we might be seeing Scorpius in the next/second to next the Balance series video
Please Erik I need him Good Boy Audios is well and alive it's not like the William situation where the VA disappeared without a trace I need him Erik please don't do this to me
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divineerdrick · 3 months
Homestuck: Beyond Canon Upd8 for 2/10/24
We got our news post a little late and our upd8 a little early. I'm struggling today and behind on progress for everything, but I still want to read.
James is being a bit hammy, but he's teasing some good news. It looks like we'll be getting [S] pages in the future. Hopefully with more than one person and a slower upd8 schedule, they won't ever need to pause for them.
Kinda curious about the VTuber mentioned. I like watching people experiencing Homestuck stuff! It's the whole reason I started live blogging.
Now onto the upd8!
Looks like I might have been right about Yiffy potentially having something to do with that ominous red glow. Let's see what's going on.
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Like all teens, the worst thing that can happen to her is public parental affection. Though Jade is laying it on thick! Where's Rose with a quip about contacting CPS? Although she'd be calling them on herself.
Not sure how I feel about the gag, honestly. It's pretty cliché, and Tavvy is right there. We don't know how badly Yiffy has suffered, but like Tavvy it's been real abuse and neglect. This comic does have a habit of trying to make child abuse a joke, though.
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Kanaya is obviously still struggling, and I can't blame her. Yiffy is one of the most controversial aspects of this comic, supposedly handed down to us from on high by AH himself. One of the great complaints about the Epilogues is that it takes the characters in directions that were intended to challenge fans. But even then, the idea that even a Candy Rose would cheat with Jade to have a secret love child and hide it from her all this time is so fucking out there. Everything about it feels wrong.
And then, of course, they get into a silly dare and name her Yiffany Longstocking Lalonde Harley!
But I'm not saying things that haven't already been said a million times. It's always felt like one of AH's epic troll moments, like the ones I both love and hate in the original work. And I hoping it will eventually pay off to something.
Looking at the text here, Yiffy's color could definitely be the red. Hah! Pepis.
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Yiffy's mind is also on Kanaya it seems. We're also getting a sense of her attitude much more clearly now. I'm kinda getting Susie vibes.
Oh wow! They're actually calling it "The Yiffy Reveal" in universe!
Wow! Wow! Fucking wow!
The fuck!
I think my jaw just splintered the floor at my feet!
Rose used her power. She actually used her fucking power! And not only does she believe this will all be fortuitous (it's practically fated since it gives us a set of four kids), but that fortune would dictate Kanaya's eventual forgiveness.
She didn't just decide on, "Easier to get forgiveness than permission." She believed it inevitable, so that made it okay!
The fuck!
We're digging a little into Jade's adult life now. And yeah, it's just as bad as we probably imagined it was. Doesn't justify them going behind Kanaya's back, but you can understand her yearning.
That . . . that oddly makes sense. It still seems wrong, but it's the kind of backward logic that might occur on Candy Earth C. I don't know if AH had this explanation as part of Yiffy's backstory, or if it's writing we can attribute to one team or the other. But it's an actual explanation for how we got here.
Still not enough to pay off the trolling yet.
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How . . . Tavvy, what were you doing?
Yeah, no. I'm betting right now Kanaya is feeling a lot more forgiving towards Jade and a lot less forgiving towards Rose.
That's Meenah's symbol, so we know who to expect a call from next time at least.
Of course a lot of attention is payed to the captchalogued corpse in Jade's possession. Did she find Dave's body and is still not dealing with it? Has she considered her taxidermy tradition dealing with it enough? Is this somehow another corpse considered fitting for the Harley traditions?
Tune in next time!
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thewhitefluffyhat · 1 year
thinking about saltwater
You know, before reading Nona the Ninth, I’d headcanoned pretty hard that saltwater offers some kind of protection against necromancy. Hence the Ninth’s tradition about secrets. Hence the moat with tides in the Locked Tomb. Hence Canaan House being on an island surrounded by the stuff, potentially to keep those ten billion angry ghosts at bay.
And yet, in NtN, Nona’s love of saltwater seems much less an arcane property of necromancy, and much more a simple longing for what Alecto once was. The saltwater creature, the ghost of the planet Earth that is notably covered in the substance.
So with the new details from NtN in mind - where does the Ninth’s tradition stem from? Did Alecto and Anastasia make their secret vow in a pool? If so, why?
Honestly, I’d find it tragic even if there isn’t some Important Necromancy Reason behind it. Like, maybe the ceremonial pool was originally just a plain old pool that someone in Anastasia’s day installed for Alecto so she could chill in it whenever she visited. But regardless, after the passing of a myriad, what may have once been a gesture intended for comfort and solace became instead a symbol of horror and guilt for Harrow.
Relatedly, here’s another mystery I hadn’t puzzled out even by the end of the NtN: why is Nona dreaming of the Pool Scene from GtN? And not just once, that’s literally the only dream she ever has. It’s unusual enough it seems like a detail that should have some magical explanation - like how Harrow on the Mithraeum only ever dreamed of her River Bubbles or conversations with the Body.
But unlike Harrow, Nona isn’t able to communicate in her dreams - so they’re probably not the River. Meanwhile, if Nona’s dreams were merely emotional moments that were important to Gideon and Harrow, then I’d expect the fight with Cytherea or other GtN scenes to also make an appearance.
So is it something about the presence of saltwater that made the Pool Scene conversation transmit or resonate with Alecto-as-the-Body, and therefore Alecto-as-Nona? ...That kind of brings me back to my original theory about saltwater having some magical property to it, doesn’t it?
But what if I got it backwards? What if, rather than blocking out necromantic interference and eavesdropping, saltwater does the opposite?
Perhaps, when you speak in saltwater - particularly in the Nine Houses - you may get the sense that someone is listening, as though your words were a prayer spoken in a church. Perhaps the Ninth’s tradition was thus: that to speak a secret in saltwater is to whisper it to the sacred Tomb, to bare your words and your sins before Alecto herself.
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local-diavolo-anon · 1 year
Fuck this i will be making some creepypasta headcanons too now, starting with my boy
Eyeless Jack headcanons
He falls under the "mutated human" cathegory of creepypastas, and could be considered a low ranked demon (which is irrelevant since he lives and exist on earth), since he does not posses any particular power
Because of this he is taller than average, between 1.90m and 2m tall, and when i say he is huge, i mean that bumping into him is like bumping into a brick wall
His size and muscle mass is mostly given by years spent eating meat, since he is strictly carnivore, and a direct punch from him can shatter your ribcake
Human meat would be his ideal food, but he dislikes to kill, which is why he is highly skilled with surgical tools (he can take organs without causing instantaneous death), and why he also feeds on wildlife
His teeth and sharp and 100% meant to rip apart living being, he does not have molars
His jaw can stretch and open like a snake's, it allows him both bigger bites and potentially more lethal ones (since if he lives outside, he probably faced wild animals before)
BUT being able to open his mouth like that needs muscles for it, and several muscles in his throat area has been repurposed for that, including his tongue
This also means that he does not have a tongue, and is unable to properly swallow, which lead to the growth of what are pretty much muscular appendaces in the back of his throat
They are similar to tentacles and he can stretch them out of his mouth for at least 20/30 cms in front of him, their goal is to drag food down and help him eat (their movements are mostly involountary, like breathing, but he can control them at will), they can also be extracted to serve an intimidatory function
Also, he has a total of 7 of them, with 4 bigger ones, and 3 smaller
Like a chain event, this also lead to his respiratory trait to detatch from his eating one, so he can pretty much eat and breathe at the same time
He also has claws, but those are not sharp, they are rather thick and blunt, mostly made to hold a firm grip on his prey
The liquid that drips from his eyes helps him to see better, but he can produce a similar liquid from his mouth, and mix it with his stomach's acids to quite literally throw up it on whatever he is eating (like praying matises do) and make digestion easier later on
He can go up to 3 weeks without eating before turning feral and attack whatever animal or person he sees
By that point the process of eating goes like this: bite directly into it ->use the acid for predigestion ->actually clean up his food (like hawks that start ripping fur/feathers off only when they are less hungry)
This guy is chillness incarnate
For a comparison, picture Quincy from Nu Carnival
The guy is quite close to how i imagine eyeless Jack to be but Jack is scarier and less intimidating in the "misterious hot guy" sense and more intimidating in the "you had seen him eat a corpse before and now fear for your safety" sense
He does not speak much, but his voice is low and raspy, and he rarely raises his tone above what is needed
If you cannot hear him, that is on you (literally, because he dislikes when people do not listen/hear him, the first more than the latter)
he falls asleep easily and even when there is a lot of noise, but he is not sleepy most of the time, sleep for him works like a light switch rather than happening gradually
outside of his 'eating' habits he is not a bad company in the slightest, and actually enjoys being around people, even when not partaking in talking or the general activity
he is not angered easily, rather he is annoyied easily, but won't act up on it unless it becomes unbearable and repetitive; then and only then he will warn whoever is bothering him to cut it out
the first time verbally, the following times he will growl
and when i say growl, i mean like an angry wolf would
after that, be ready to have your ass whooped
he can also roar and snarl like most large predators that come to your mind, but he never does against people he is close to, and it's limited to enemies or possible wildlife threats
and even then, he prefers to solve things without actual violence, since he is aware that his strenght can easily maul most animals, but when he cannot solve things with a "who-screms-the-loudest" constest he will fight, and will not regret killing if shown to be necessary
he often carries snacks with him, which are mostly made out of raw meat wrapped in a paper bag, and you can smell it from a mile away once he takes it out
he dislikes sweet food, mainly because how he percieves tastes, which is a lil fucked up compared to before
he is rarely cold for a mixture of reasons, his thick skin and size are among the reasons
he doesn't listen to music most of the time, and while he doesn't dislike noise, he enjoyes silence as well
he can stay still for hours if needed! which seems stupid but is rather impressive
it happened to him that he had to wait for an animal to come out of their lair to hunt them down, and it took him so many hours of staying still that smaller animals started climbing on him
he has a good sense of smell and hearing, seeing is not his forte, despite not being blind (both ironical things due to his name) so he relies on the main two first to wander around in woody areas
among the other creepypasta characters i am not sure who he might be more friendly toward, i am sure Jeff would come to bother him every once in a while and Jack tollerates him, but i might not dare to say they are friends
Other than Jeff, i doubt he would interact more with most of the other characters, mainly because that i can think of, these two are the most likely to sleep outside alone (proxies do too but they move in packs)
he is more of a loner compared to other characters (see proxies on above point)
and in a scenario where they all cohexist, i would not say he is a proxy (since that is bullshit) but rather that he is affiliated with the operator in a way or another; SlenderMan is a demon of sorts to me and Eyeless Jack could easily be one of his underlings that stand outside of the proxy cathegory, since he is not human
Idk if that makes sense but i tried to explain it how i could...
As a last thing, it would not be inappropiate to refer to Eyeless Jack as it/its, and he himself has no preferences (i used he/him for sake of consistency here)
So, it took me almost 2 days and a half to write all of these, because every time i thought i was done, more things came to mind lol
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a-weird-writer · 2 years
It's interesting that Diablo doesn't stir even in front of an eldritch entity, any human would probs go mad when seeing an eldritch true form but Diablo keeps together. I love all the little details you mention, especially when it comes to the descriptions of madness and the inhuman similarities he and eldritch reader share. Honestly he would prefer the true form probably.
Thank you, I love writing horror!
Gore gives me brain rot; I'm melting beneath the monsters that wanna rip me apart and the horrors that wanna destroy the planet. Eldritches and the moral concept of the mind, horror and scares send me in a massive spiral, with the drama and suspense packed into it? Amazing!
It's a whole lotta fun to run deep into, and its great practice if you ever want a feel for the horror genre. There are so many things you can do, more things to experiment with. I own a bookcase full of horror I admire revisiting, my inspiration mainly stems from them and other books I grew up with.
It made sense to me that Diablo wouldn't flinch in front of an Eldritch, given why and how he acts in TTIGRAAS canon. He is by no means a fool, and even more merciless. Less so to his kind and those separate in inhumanity, to which you are an upmost product of. A pinacol of extreme strain furthest thing from human, a foreign definition of unbalance further then demons themselves. Just more reasons to show no weakness, with you at a level of 'supernatural' Diablo could never physically reach no matter what form he evolves or achieves.
It takes an enormous amount of effort to intimate, let alone flinch, Diablo the slightest bit, head straight and his back even straighter. He is pretty fearless and cares not for the contrary. I said multiple times before, Diablo is completely unmoved by appearances all together, even ones meant to...
'unhinge' the brain.
The thing with Diablo is not only is he inhuman, but also extremely experienced. In other words, knowledgeable in more ways than one in good and evil. He knows quite a lot and knows exactly how useful-and dangerous-such knowledge is. Well informed of the powers and possible secrets beyond his world. As there are always shadows, he has only seen near all. Powers ahead and behind, in between and hidden, waiting for the light to drive them out. You are just another shadow, in need of studying, yet another secret to be revealed.
Uncovering thought and purpose is what Diablo specializes in, leaving no stone, vein and magicule unturned. Pride is Diablo's sin, and he absolutely shows it. There is no silliness with Diablo-even in the games he plays-only a master of the chess board, who aims to use his pawns to the fullest potential and predict the moves of his opponent long before they make it. In fact, it's something he is passionate about; the excitement, the amount of pleasure and satisfaction he gains from unveiling an ancient mystery, unraveling the world's lost wonders over yonder.
And what greater mystery then you?
A glitch, tearing solar wind in space, and a mistake in natural design?
No degree of science, experience in this universe or understanding could ever comprehend you, not when they measure with normalcy. No one who is normal, no one who is human could ever hope to survive singularity, your unstable, unchained self.
Your existence, the proof of a where above the atmosphere, requires a substantial amount of sheer will power and understanding-assuming you could be understood entirely-to even keep oneself' together, so much so you have to stabilize and simplify yourself beyond to walk amongst people,
even then it's still a stretched maybe.
Seeing as Diablo is a primordial demon that committed his fair share of atrocities within or outside Rimuru's rule,
no person in their right mind would call Diablo normal.
Diablo is a demonic weapon of mass destruction. He witnessed madness and insanity aplenty in his line of work, in all his centuries of walking the Earth. Downfalls of angels, humans and their greedy spiral for power and wealth. As well as fellow calamities, falling victim to their destruction and despair. Evidenced further by the primordial Demon Lords and their flow in the natural world, the innate fear they strike and the mayhem-all life devested within their range-they bring forth. To both innocent and deserving.
While Diablo is not immune to trauma, he experiences it vastly different than how normal people do, as expected from an ancient demon.
Cold as ice, incredibly discreet and ever most loyal to a fault. An enigma as you are, unpredictable and crafty as they may come. A shadow in a shadow, a secret of secrets. A riddle designed to confuse and overwhelm the morals, driven with very keen interest in the unknown and the mysteries of his world, the offers on the harsh outside.
Diablo is one of the few people who will effectively stand up to intense beings like Eldritches and some of the fewer that can come to understand them-or in this case you-individually and carefully. Or relate to them on certain scales.
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soya-ix · 10 months
AnS Ask Game - No one asked but here's my full answer sheet;)
1.Favorite character
It's too hard to pick one because the dynamics among the characters is exactly why I enjoy AnS so much🤔. Let's just say I love everyone equally🥰 (Maybe less for Mitsu tho) (I resemble Hisame even in this regard lol)
2.Character you hate with a passion
Nah I really don't have one either. Sensei's really good at building up characters and it's hard to genuinely hate any one of them.
3.Character who grew on you eventually
It wouldn't be a surprise that it's Hisame but it would probably surprise you that he grew on me simply because sensei's art improved so much and I just can't get enough of his pretty face lol. But of course his personality growth is particularly interesting to me as well.
4.Character with the best hairstyle
Tariga!!!! Let me do your braids!!!!!🤩🤩🤩
Also Kazuki's ponytail yes yes yes🤩🤩🤩
Hisame's casually messy hair has a unique style too😎😎😎
5.Character with the best design
You mean clothes?🤔 I'd say Shirayuki, and Hisame has the potential to be a model as well lol.
6.Character you would date in real life
After some serious thinking I would say🤔……Kazuki!😋 (Wait he's underage isn't he???) But let's just say if it's not illegal to date him x), I think it'll be fun to date someone who's a bit (you sure it's 'a bit'?) younger than me and who's always so cheerful and energetic wherever he goes. He's also simple-hearted and I think it's super cute(ˊ˘ˋ*)♡. Last but not least, JUST LOOK AT THAT FACE💗💗😍😍
Oh and yes I'd definitely date Tariga too just for his pretty face💕💕🥰🥰
7.Character you would marry in real life
Ahh…This one's hard. To be honest I don't think I'd make a good marriage candidate for any one of them🤔. I'll probably choose Izana cause he seems to be busy with work all the time and I get to live a good life but still get lots of free time of my own😈. (yeah i guess marriage is not my thing…at the moment…) But if it's marrying into a noble family I'd rather run away with Kazuki and the Lions😈. (Power and duties❌ Adventure and Freedom✅)
8.Character that is most like you
Hisame, as MBTI and @sabishi-tomo 's quiz show.
Fun fact: I totally anticipated it when I found out Hisame was ENTP (tho ENTJ works for him too) cause I myself as an INTP can't help but noticed how we both enjoy being snarky and sarcastic just for the fun of it x). And also in tomo's quiz I got Hisame as well. I do especially agree with the "self-centered", "live to be entertained" and "like to tease people" parts. Apart from that apparently I'm better at forming close connections with people than he is lol. But the point is I'd be a great match for Lady Kiki YES🧎‍♀️
9.Character with the best redemption arc
I'll have to say Raji. Never thought he could actually transform from an annoying arrogant prince into an adorable royal heir, thank you Shirayuki.
But let's not forget the Bergatt twins. The confession they made about finding their light was so touching I almost cried T T.
10.Ships or characters who you think deserve more love
IT'S NEVER ENOUGH FOR HISAKIKI. They deserve all the love in the world. I'll only stop saying this when everyone on earth ships them.
And of course Kazuki. You know what I mean and I'll save the ranting for your sake.
11.Favorite “villain” or morally grey character
If Raji still counts as "villain" as he previously was then yes I appreciate him but in a comedic sense.
12.Favorite arc
Bergatt!!!!! THE PLOT AND THE PANELS!!!!! My heart was pounding so fast and I just couldn't help rushing through pages as if I was the one in the story trying to seize every second to save Zen💓💓💓. Bergatt will always be the best arc. End of story.
13.Favorite scene or line
I HAVE SO MANY FAVORITE SCENES HOW COULD I NOT??? But I'll present you with one that hit me different during my first read and that is Hisame's proposal to Kiki (the one where he actually succeeds). I wasn't even shipping them that much but man the scene was like🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯and I just couldn't help but go awwwwwwww for them💗💗
And now favorite line, I bet no one can ever guess it's this one:
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Sorry I only have the Chinese version with me but basically it's Shirayuki saying: "It would be nice if we get to see the new flower this winter^^." To me, this line symbolizes the very feeling AnS gives me: consistent hope and never-ending positivity in every corner of the simplest daily life.
14.Most hated arc
Not exactly hating or disliking them but the science part in the phostyrias (is that right?) arc is a bit difficult to read for me, and I wouldn't mind if the perfume arc were a bit simpler and shorter. Just saying😜
15.Your controversial take
I'm glad you asked cause I finally get to say this out but also a bit afraid cause it's gonna upset some fans. Just to be clear, I don't intend to throw shade on any ship or characters or people who enjoy them. I'm just sharing my pov👀.
So here it comes: I don't see how Mitsu and Kiki make a good romantic couple, and I don't understand how Kiki fell for Mitsu.
I mean at the very beginning of the story (when it was supposed to be a short series) it was apparent that Mitsu and Kiki were going to be a couple and I could tell that. As the story goes on, we see hints that Kiki has romantic interests in Mitsu. And since Kiki confessed her feeling to him it seems to have become canon that Kiki did/does love Mitsu, and I fully accept that. But still, despite all the hints and confessions, I just don't see when/why/how Kiki fell for him. (Not saying Mitsu is not good enough, just examining their relationship development.) As far as I'm concerned, Kiki takes Mitsu as her most trusted partner and cherished friend. She knows she has to marry someday and of course she'd be looking out for the right candidate. And Mitsu would certainly be her best choice in many ways. But that's it. I don't see how Kiki actually developed romantic feelings for Mitsu. Perhaps sensei just didn't elaborate on that, or perhaps I missed something, in that case please lecture me lol^^
16.Something that you had wished had happened
Man I really wish we get to see more of Kazuki. It's illegal to waste that pretty baby face like that. I mean sensei couldn't you get him a job around Shirayuki? Like being an aide to Obi so that they can take shift to look out for Shirayuki's safety when Obi's away to help Zen or something??
And also I'd love to see more of Hisame's days at Sereg as well, like how he usually tries to be a pain in the ass every time the trio visits^^.
17.Your OTP
HisaKiki (because no I cannot separate ObiZenYuki.)
18.Your favorite rare pair
Love the chemistry between Tariga and Shirayuki too.
19.Your BroTP
Obizen. That night the way they dealt with their triangle on the deck was absolutely mind-blowing. I've never seen anything like that and I just didn't know it could work this way🤯. Obi&Zen definitely share special bonds and have a unique way of interacting with each other that is essential to both of them.
(Yes I take them mostly as broship but I'm open to other interpretations. I mean I don't really mind what type of relationship they have as long as they're together and they're happy. This applys to obiyuki/obizenyuki as well.)
20.Your NOTP
MitsuKiki. I'm truly sorry. (Not at all😜)
21.Favorite trio
22.Favorite fancontent
I LOVE THE ANALYSIS POSTS ON TUMBLR I LOOOOOOOOVE THEM!!!!!! I enjoy reading every 2000-word essay about how someone think this character has been misunderstood or how this plot is so well-designed or how this detail is supposed to mean something or how……I just love it💗💗💗. Thank you to every amazing AnS scholar who's so profoundly enriched my understanding of the original work💗💗💗.
23.Favorite fancontent that you've created Snow On The Beach. It's just so beautiful. (Credit goes to Sorata and Taylor of course.)
24.A random headcanon that you have
Shirayuki is 100% Tariga's type. The girl of his dreams🥰. (He just doesn't know it yet🥰)
25.Why you picked it up
Haha this one's pure personal story. Two years ago I was binge watching shoujo anime/manga during summer vacation and AnS was one of them. But I only watched the anime back then. It was not until half a year later when I decided I needed some lighthearted mental relief that I thought of it again. So I rewatched the anime, and when I searched about it online I accidentally saw these amazing illustrations from the manga and got totally stunned by the style. Before that I was even criticizing how strange the anime art style is🤣, and the manga was a total surprise!
26.How long you’ve been a fan
A year and a half now.
27.Best part of the series
As I've said before I love how this work is full of consistent hope and never-ending positivity. It's the ideal world in my mind.
Also salute to Sorata's art style and amazing designs.🧎‍♀️
28.Things you would change about the series
Nothing, really. I'm happy with the way it is. It's enough a blessing for me🥹.
29.Things you still don’t understand
Like I said in Q15, I don't really understand how Kiki fell for Mitsu.
30.Did you watch the anime first or read the manga first?
Anime first.
31.Which one is better: manga or anime?
32.The best part of the fandom
Everyone's so positive and kind-hearted and nice and cute and witty and fun just like the characters in the work🥺. Love you guys🥺.
33.How will you feel when AnS ends?
I'm gonna be so sad. On the one hand we won't get any more stories about these people that we love so much, and on the other hand I feel like the community will become much less active when the series ends😢. It's like our days will be gone😢.
34.If you could ask Sorata-sensei anything, what would you ask?
Aside from the loads of questions I have about AnS, I'm genuinely interested in what influenced her most as an author/artist. I love the consistent positivity in almost all of her works and really wonder what works or things perhaps have influenced her in this regard. Or does this positivity just innately run in her blood? Lol. But it's not just the attitude and vibes in her work, I'm overall curious about what influenced her most as an artist.
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veronika-tserber · 1 year
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Water signs value how a gift makes them FEEL. They are naturally prone to nostalgia, and their emotional memory is uh-mazing, which is why it's a good idea to gift them something that reminds them of happy childhood memories and/or things they used to love/do in the past.
Water signs are sensitive, and can't live without consuming or creating ART. Music reaches straight into their soul. They also enjoy handmade gifts, especially if you made them, for the same reason Earth signs do - those gifts are a physical embodiment of your love.💗
Also, try to go for PERSONALIZED gifts, whenever possible.
They are also quite thoughtful and take mental notes when people mention details about themselves and what they like. Likewise, when you do the same, their hearts ascend to the heavens. Listening and paying attention to the "small" details actually means the world to them. It's a love language in its own right.
♋ CANCERS may resonate with the description above, the most! They love to take walks down memory lane, so gifts such as hand-made albums with photos of you together, with some sweet messages and doodles sprinkled around, would probably make them cry (not that this is an anomaly, but still...)
They love to feel cozy, especially at home where they usually spend a lot of time. You can gift them a personalized funny mug to use all year long for their hot cocoa, tea, or whatever the f#ck these grown babies are drinking. 👶 If they have a pet, the mug can totally have their pet's face on it and some cheesy "proud dog mom" label or something similar. A Scorpio COULD potentially throw up all over you if you did that for them, but not the Cancer babies.
As we all know, their home is a sacred space for them, so you can help make it feel even more comfortable by getting them MORE scented candles, decorations, soft pillows, and/or art prints that suit their taste. You also won't go wrong if you buy them plush toys/animals, onesies, or even coloring books. My Cancer Moon asks you to TRUST me. 😂
A lot of them LOVE to cook and bake, so you could gift them a personalized apron with another cheesy label or just anything that can serve them well in the kitchen (yes, even appliances). If you are willing to take a bolder risk, you can give them a small animal! They are 10/10 an animal lover and aren't as picky as some folks (looking at you, Virgos...) As long as it's cute and friendly – they will most likely adore it right away. 
I find that a SPRINKLE of the opposite sign's energy can be a good move. To help Cancers find balance, you can gift them a slightly Capricornian gift. Help strengthen their self-discipline and sense of self/independence by giving them something to improve their organizational skills (planners, watches, calendars, etc) and commit to their personal ambitions and goals. Still, if you can, go for personalization. An elegant, but plain and soul-less calendar or planner might leave them feeling cold and indifferent.
♏ SCORPIOS are one of the most (if not THE most) introspective and intense signs. Meaningful gifts show them how well the other person knows and understands them. Personally, they LOVE to learn more about themselves and others, and their intelligence is cunning! This is why they will appreciate a good book on the topic of psychology, hypnosis, and even witchcraft/the occult - it really depends on how deep into the rabbit hole they are. If it's a fictional book, the thriller/mystery/horror genre is their cup of tea.
These folks definitely have a "Dark Academia" vibe going on, so gothic clothes and jewelry or leather-bound journals (please, save the animals & don't buy genuine leather) to help carry their most private thoughts and feelings, WILL suit their taste. They can be into crystals, oracle/Tarot cards, and all kinds of witchy or "woo-woo" stuff.
They love to observe things and people from behind the scenes. If you have the means, you can gift them an actual camera. It doesn't have to be expensive or even high-quality - Scorpios appreciate the rawness of anything vintage, second-hand, or even a little bit broken/flawed in some way. Halsey starts singing in my head right now: "You're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece..." She's VERY Scorpionic/Plutonic, by the way. I should create a post about her soon. If you decide that a camera gift is off the table, you can buy them a binocle, and help fuel their stalking tendencies.
And of course, how can we write about this sign without mentioning sex, right? So, yeah, sexy lingerie, toys, underwear, etc, are perfect for the ladies. Men, on the other hand, will enjoy the presence/assistance of their lady wearing them. 😄 If it's not LIKE THAT, play a murder mystery game together or even this kinky, weird game called "Cards Against Humanity". They LOVE weird stuff, and their sense of humor is usually dark/sarcastic. No wonder Pluto, their ruler, feels so good in Aquarius. Another thing that comes to mind - go get a tattoo (or tattoos?!) together. It's a pretty intimate experience if you think about it.
I also find that a SPRINKLE of the opposite sign's energy can be a good move. Scorpios are emotionally intense and love to seek depth in everything, but this can get exhausting at some point. That's when they sink too deeply into their heads, isolate themselves from the world, and/or experience depression. To help balance their energy, gift them a slightly Taurean gift. What comes to mind, first? Good old food, my friends. Well, not actually old, unless your aim is to tickle their weird obsession with poisons.
I mean a home-cooked meal you can enjoy together while watching their favorite movie, followed by a massage by you... mmwah! *chef's kiss* Help them enjoy the simple pleasures in life. They secretly LONG for simplicity and the feeling of being safe and nurtured by someone. If the relationship is platonic, you can visit the spa or beauty salon together, go somewhere in nature and take cool photos (bonus points if you explore abandoned buildings & ruins), or go to the local cozy cafe and have a nice chat. I told you - simplicity.
♓️ PISCEANS straight up love "woo-woo" stuff, crystals, and candles, Even if they aren't into spirituality, per se, they are naturally psychic, sensitive, and deeply introverted. This is why their favorite activity is inactivity 😂 They love to hang out in their room, watch movies/read books, create art, meditate/masturbate, or both, and you could help make their personal space feel even more relaxed and mystical. Trippy tapestries to hang on their walls, incense/sage to cleanse the vibes and make the room smell amazing, a new speaker, or headphones for their music addiction. For some reason, I think of those boxes on Etsy full of such witchy/mystical objects & aromas.
Even if they aren’t an "artist" or they don't practice art consistently as a hobby, I encourage you to gift them tools to help explore their creativity. A few years ago, I gave my Pisces 5th house mom a coloring mandala book, which is soo out of her comfort zone (A LOT of Capricorn energy, barely any Pisces), but she greatly enjoyed it! Go dance, and have fun – Pisceans are introverted party animals that tend to absorb everyone's energy, soo... To avoid the "moody fish", you can host a party at home, and invite their closest circle of friends and family, or even reserve it for just the two of you.
Another thing you can do is take them to a psychic or gift them a Psychic/Astrology/Numerology reading.
I also find that a SPRINKLE of the opposite sign's energy can be a good move. Pisceans can be ungrounded, and thus - prone to melancholy, mood swings, and unhealthy addictions. You can help balance their energy with a Virgo gift. Assist them in structuring their days and taking better care of their physical and mental health. There are many ways you could do that, and some suggestions include: taking them to a yoga or DANCE class, buying them natural skin-care products, or giving them a living being to take care of.
Virgos can take such good physical care of themselves because they practice this skill on everyone else. 😀 So, Pisceans can benefit from consistently looking after a houseplant or a pet. Is it offensive and too literal to buy them pet fish? Yeah, probably. It can be a great experience to go to the animal shelter together and let THEM choose their next best friend. They absolutely love animals, and they will feel a great sense of responsibility to look after them in the best possible way.
- Foxbörn
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People might be sending things that you consider science fiction and not fantasy because in some countries/cultures, science fiction is actually considered to be a sub-genre of fantasy! It’s a commonly held belief in a lot of former Soviet countries, for example. (I don’t really agree with it 100% myself. Like it really used to annoy me as a kid tbh, but I’m more whatever about it now, I guess, lol.)
Just thought it might be an explanation for some of those seemingly weird suggestions!
I’m aware of this, and it’s certainly true that the genres are closely related (certainly much more closely than theorists of science fiction often admit) and at times overlapping. thus far, however, the submissions that have raised genre questions have all been things that are either
more or less clearly neither fantasy nor sci-fi (including one mistaken submission),
things where there is at least potentially a case to be made for fantasy (I can see, for example, where the Acorna submission was coming from, insofar as the series does include unicorn people), or
Harry Harrison’s The Stainless Steel Rat, which might have fantasy elements that aren’t apparent to me from the blurb / reviews, though I suspect it does not.
they’ve also all involved anglophone texts, some of which are untranslated, which obviously doesn’t preclude the possibility of people outside the anglophone world (and who might draw genre boundaries differently) reading them but does make me suspect that that’s not what’s going on.
I should also maybe at this point note something that‘s become apparent to me about my own sense of genre boundaries as I’ve gone through the submissions, namely:
I am willing to be quite flexible about the boundary between “fantasy” and “literary fiction”, as long as the literary fiction in question has some fantastic elements — I would probably accept Macedonio Fernández’s Museo de la Novela de la Eterna, for example, which is mainly modernist metafiction but does involve literally, physically rotating the city of Buenos Aires several degrees around an axis by unexplained supernatural means.
I am essentially unwilling to be flexible about the boundary between “fantasy” and “science fiction”, unless the science fiction in question explicitly has magic in it (Jack Vance’s Dying Earth would qualify on these grounds even though it’s implied that the magic is simply science that’s no longer understood), and not just inexplicable alien powers or classic sci-fi psychic powers.
re point 1, I wavered on Die Verwandlung / The Metamorphosis, but having accepted it I think I'm probably likely (though not guaranteed) to accept anything relevant — that is, standalone (and published alone) prose fiction with explicit magical or supernatural elements — published after Galland’s Les Mille et une nuits (1704-1717). there are exceptions — I probably wouldn’t take Voltaire’s philosophical novel Zadig, for example, for all that it does include an angelic visitation — but if you’re looking at an eighteenth- or nineteenth-century text and thinking, “this feels like fantasy”, feel free to send it in (especially if you explain what the relevant magical / supernatural elements are).
(as an aside, this is also all very funny because despite the influence of certain pregenre fantasy (to borrow Jamie Williamson’s term) on early proto-sci-fi — by way of Romanticism and the gothic — historically the trajectory in English was the opposite: popular fantasy was a marginal subset of what was being published in pulps that focused on more or less realist (albeit often unrealistic) adventure stories, on sci-fi, and on horror. the boundary I’m delineating is very much a post hoc one even in an anglophone context.)
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
Why astrology is so complicated
With the surge of interest in my astrology stuff (and in part due to a conversation I had with Ephie yesterday), I figured I'd give a little rundown of "when I say astrology is a complex study, I mean it." (Also explains why skeptics' "there aren't only 12 personality types 🙄" nonsense makes no sense, and really maybe you should do at least 5 minutes of research before crapping on a subject, but I digress.)
You can check out the #hp astro tag, or my HP Astro link compilation for more "me having a good time" and less "me ranting and lecturing about astrology because I love it and no one takes it seriously at all." (Like it's fine not to believe in it, but like...at least have appreciation for how complex and deep and ancient a study it is! Please at least understand that there's more to it than you think, even if you don't buy into it. Maybe appreciate how fascinating it all is, between all the symbolism and history and moving parts!)
I'm making this as simple as possible, and the details themselves don't really matter, because I'm not trying to teach you details, I'm giving you an idea of the scale we're working with.
By using the time, date, and place of birth we freeze where the planets are at that given time.
That placement is thrown into 2 charts divided into 12 parts: the 12 signs and the 12 houses.
You have not only the sun sign, but the sun house. And also moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto. As well as your rising sign (the sign rising on the eastern horizon.) And various other small planets like Chiron that some people study. There's also your True Node. And really all number of objects with their own meaning, but unless you're an astrologer or a mega nerd you probably just wanna look at the main planets.
Each of the planets has its own "realm" so to speak
The planets represent "what"
"What" part of you is being represented.
The sun is the core and sense of self, moon is emotions, Mercury is communication, and so on and so forth.
The signs are the "how" of each planet
How each planet's speciality is portrayed. The specific flavor of energy powering that realm.
Each sign is made up of multiple parts.
We have 4 elements: fire, earth, air, and water.
There are 2 polarities: traditionally called masculine and feminine, but can better be understood as "outward-focus" (or extroversion) and "inward focus" (or introversion.) The fire and air signs are more outwardly focused while the earth and water signs are more inwardly focused.
There are 3 modalities: cardinal, fixed, and mutable. There are 3 signs in each element, and each sign in those element has a different modality. So there's one cardinal fire sign, one fixed fire sign, and one mutable fire sign.
Each sign is ruled by a planet: Sun rules Leo, moon rules Cancer, Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, Venus rules Libra and Taurus, etc.
The symbols: each sign has a symbol. Aries the Ram, Taurus the Bull, etc.
Seasons: you can also take into account the seasons each sign take place in. Cardinal signs mark the start of a new season (Aries for spring, Cancer for summer, Libra for fall, Capricorn for winter.) The fixed signs are the middle of the season (Taurus for spring, Leo for summer, Scorpio for fall, Aquarius for winter.) Mutable signs are the end of a season (Gemini for spring, Virgo for summer, Sagittarius for fall, Pisces for winter.)
Age: the wheel "grows up" through each sign, starting with Aries "the youngest" sign to Pisces "the oldest sign."
Each sign has its opposition sign. For me, knowing the oppositions helps understanding of the sign itself. Oppositions are an intense connection, where the signs are too similar in some ways and dissimilar in others.
By knowing each part that builds a sign, you can understand that sign better, rather than general stereotypes. All signs have their good and bad. All signs have their potential, that can be used or squandered.
The Houses
Houses are the "where" of it all. What part of you (planet), how it's being expressed (signs), and where it's being expressed (houses.)
The Houses have a very loose association with the signs. I have to stress that. Do not confuse the signs and the houses. They are different. But they come from a similar place, so if you keep in mind their differences, you can use the connection to better learn about the houses. Houses 1 - 12 correlate to the signs by order of the signs, wherein the First House has a connection to Aries and the Twelfth House has a connection to Pisces.
This also means houses are sometimes thought to have their own element. As in, the First House is fire, Second earth, Third air, Fourth water...
This is where it gets really complicated.
If you see a circle chart and see a lot of lines....those lines are the angles, or "aspects." These are the planets' relationship to each other.
You can look at sign-based aspects to get an idea of how the energy of those planets works together. Remember: water and earth go well, fire and air go well. Fire and earth? Less good. Air and water? Less good. Planets in different water signs will be trine. Planets in an earth and water are sextile.
You have harmonious aspects, such as trine and sextile, where the planets have an easy relationship. You have hard aspects like square and opposition, which face more challenges. Then you have conjunctions, which can be both or neither (the planets are very close and very similar; aims might blur.) There are also minor aspects such as semi-sextile (hard) and quincunx (neither.) Quincunx relates to planets that might not otherwise have a relationship and is more or less those planets making eye contact.
The aspects are formed by angles. Each planet is in a degree and minute of a sign. So its exact placement will determine exact aspects. 3° Taurus forms an exact trine with 3° Virgo. But there's an orb of anywhere from 5 to 10° to determine aspects. So 3° Taurus still trines 8° Virgo.
Exact aspects indicate those planets' aims are coming together, and how those aims clash or blend.
Rulership and Dignities
Each sign is ruled by a planet, yes?
Those planets when in those signs are said to be "domicile"
When that planet is in an opposition sign, it is said to be "detriment."
Each planet also has a second sign it's happy in, which is known as it's exaltation. And the opposition of the exalted sign is when the planet is in fall.
These are called the "essential dignities"
The planets work "best" in their domicile and exaltation (the purpose of each planet in a sign with the right energy for its purpose) while the planets face a bit of struggle in signs of detriment or fall (this charger was not made for this device, but it's making do.)
For the sake of the next section, I'll also explain:
The rising sign, while not a planet, is an important part of the chart. The planet that rules the rising sign is called the chart ruler. So that planet has a bit more prominence.
The sun and moon also have rulers, which are called the dispositor of the sun and the dispositor of the moon respectively. This is obsessive nerd type details, but I will say I do care about the dispositors if the sun or moon is the chart ruler.
Priority List
Not all planets are equally important. They all have some level impact on you, but some will be more impactful.
The sun, moon, and rising sign are called The Big 3 and, as you can tell, are the Most important. The sun and moon the luminaries. The sun is the core of who you are. The moon is your inner world. The rising is how the world sees you.
Mercury, Venus, and Mars are called the "inner planets" which are also known as the "personal planets." Closer to the sun, so closer to who you are, and cover more personal matters such as communication, relationships, and drive.
Jupiter and Saturn are intermediary planets and are of moderate importance. Some people group them with the inner planets, but not I. Jupiter governs "abundance" and Saturn governs "discipline." Luck and life lessons.
Uranus, Neptune, and Pluto are the "outer planets", also called "generational planets." Farther from the sun, farther from who you are. People in your generation will have these same sign placements. The house placement on the planets matter more than the sign, because that's more tailored to you.
If an outer planet is the chart ruler, or has a connection to an inner planet, then we might examine the outer planets more closely. But the outer planets govern things like "progress" (Uranus), "dreams" (Neptune), and "transformation" (Pluto) so...yeah kinda hard to fully grasp and explain what they mean.
Example Placement
Imagine, if you will, Venus in Taurus in the Second House.
Venus: love, relationships, hobbies, interests
Taurus: fixed earth sign. Also: the bull. Second sign of the zodiac. Springtime.
Second House: possessions.
Venus is domicile in Taurus.
Taurus is stubborn, sensual, loyal, hard-working, luxury-loving.
Taurus wants to have a good time and a good life. It wants to relax and enjoy itself. All fit into Venus' harmonious aims.
Taurus is an earth sign, and earth represents the physical, material world. So Taurus likes luxury. Or more specifically: comfort. Cozy blankets, good food, good music, etc. Taurus wants to feel good.
Taurus also values tangible items. Jewelry, sure, but also things like keepsakes, mementos, etc. Taurus can be quiet sentimental in this way.
Taurus is very sensual and sexual: think love (Venus) + physical (earth.)
As an earth sign, Taurus values security. As a fixed sign, Taurus is stubborn and steady. Taurus is prepared to work hard to have a good life. But Taurus is also set in its ways. Taurus is prepared to dig in its heels and work hard to hold onto its comfort and security. Even if it means eating hte same delicious meal 10 days in a row, or listening to the same sweet song on repeat.
Venus covers hobbies. For Taurus, this could be earthy things such as gardening, comfort things such as knitting, yummy things such as cooking, sensual things such as music. It covers interests, so maybe an animal-lover, or candle-collector.
Venus represents relationships (romantic and platonic.) So Taurus is loyal. Affectionate (physically, especially.) There is a focus on the physical world, so perhaps sharing an interest or hobby. People they can be at peace with and relax with.
Then all of this...in the second house. House of Possessions. There is a focus on money and material gain.
With Venus, perhaps being drawn to people of status, or people who can help you get what you want.
This gives an extra enjoyment (Venus) of luxuries themselves (the tangible objects, second house) and owning them.
The Second House is how you make money. In Venus, this could mean through relationships (marry rich!), other connections (friends in high places), or even earning them through hobbies. A star baker who decides to monetize their skills and what they love.
Taurus and the second house view objects and money as security. So first and foremost, possessions as survival and safety. Then, once attained, it's about comfort and joy. Or, even, hedonism and indulgence if taken too far.
So much potential and so much to it! And this is only Venus.
There are still...2 other inner planets to account for. And the Big 3. Alone. Then...what if Venus is aspecting another planet???? That's extra consideration!! And one should at least be aware of the outer planets!
So...yeah. There's a lot to it.
Don't even get me started on synastry (comparing 2 charts; as in...how your chart works alongside someone else's) or transits (your chart vs. where the planets currently are and how that impacts your day to day life.)
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wixelt · 10 months
It occurred to me that I included the use of beacons in my If Pearl was in the Earth group (If that came through?) Which would contradict previously established president for how to handle withers while in Amphibia The Hermits had agreed upon, so maybe not in the case of the beacons? Although maybe they cheesed a few withers in the Nether roof and were just very careful about it, or cheesed it underground as they tend to do, so they do have a few beacons and Pearl another Earth Bound Hermit had a few on them when they crossed over.
That sounds like something Cub would spend his time doing. Who knows, maybe he made his own Nether Portal while still in the wilderness so he could set up a few beacons for his loud-as-possible base and kept farming because He Had The Time.
This would also mean Newtopia has beacons, but who's to say how useful they are to robots (probably not at all if golems are contimued to be the precedent,) although maybe they use them for the villages taken as slave labor to increase productivity.
Would they even effect the Amphibians with them not being Players? Would they effect Humans on the other side, even thought they are also not Players? I just though of this while typing this, but beacons don't effect Villagers do they? If not they may only effect Pkayers and that's one aspect of Pearl being a cryptid gone, although not a particularly vital one.
(It did come through. I'm just heavily writer's blocked, as per usual.)
Minor retcon to allow for beacons: Grian nicked some skulls & sand from Tango's storage & cheesed Withers on the Nether roof when nobody was looking, then didn't tell anybody who wasn't already aware of his planning for both potential war scenarios he could sense on the horizon.
He did so entirely against general Hermit agreement, but managed to gather enough stars for 3 or 4 beacons, on top of the 1 or 2 Cub already had from his base, before he was aware of the ban.
This is why Pearl has beacons. Wanting to keep his sister safe, Grian slipped a couple into her belongings just before True Colors really kicked off.
She only finds them days later when she's going through her inventory while conversing with Oum. Mrs. Boonchuy watches Pearl pause midsentence as if struck, then materialize some glowing crystal in a glass case, staring at it in shock.
Newtopia does have some beacons. The Core's more than willing to make the sacrifice needed, & definitely has the knowledge required, via False. Useless for robots, but for their organic workforce it stops physical exhaustion & pushes them to keep going.
And mental exhaustion of a semi-captive workforce isn't something the Core particularly cares about (Andrias does, at least slightly, but he's not in a position to speak up).
And I'll say yes to beacons being able to affect Humans & Amphibians. They both have the "spark" that allows them to become "Players" - something far less common in Villagers & assorted mobs - under the correct circumstances or conditions, so I'd say the effects of the beacons still have the same basic results.
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icedteaandoldlace · 10 months
pretty sure ive already sent some of these ships as bingo for u before, but i'll fucking do it again: SNOWWEST, E-1 KILLERSNOW, KILLERSNOW OF THE E-1 AND E-2 VARIETY, WESTHALLEN (eddie, not eobard) AND FINALLY...... olivarry :3
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This is pretty much my only Caitlin ship besides Snowstorm, and also one of my only consistent fanon ships (in other words, one that I always like and don't just need the right set of circumstances to get on board with). I love the crumbs of their friendship that we got in canon, and I wish we'd gotten more of them!! 😭
E-1 Killersnow
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I'm mostly neutral on them, and that's probably because I have such mixed feelings about them due to their canon development. Before Frost showed up, the foreshadowing of her emergence indicated that Caitlin had a tendency to repress her emotions, and that she had an edgier side that she didn't always let show. So when Frost did show up, I was prepared for her to be an extension of Caitlin that Caitlin had to learn to come to terms with, and eventually she'd become a balanced version of both sides. Then I saw a gifset someone made with the caption that they were girlfriends, and I thought that was an interesting take, because that would make Frost a whole separate individual who just happens to share Caitlin's body, and the idea of them navigating dating under those circumstances would be very interesting. And then, of course, canon decided to turn them into sisters, which I can also see the appeal of, but the whiplash that retcon gave me makes me reluctant to refer to them as such. Tbh I still see season 3 Killer Frost as Caitlin, and I see later-seasons Frost as a completely different character, and seasons 4-5 Frost goes back and forth, so it makes for very inconsistent feelings about them. And of course, I headcanon Frost as aroace and Very Much Not Into Anyone, so I'm not super invested in any ships involving her.
E-2 Killersnow
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Earth-2 Killer Frost is much more clearly depicted as Caitlin Gone Evil, and season 2 had a fuzzier, less developed concept of doppelgängers than season 3 and onward, so to me it just kind of seems like shipping Caitlin with herself, just with a different life?? Idk if that makes sense. I do enjoy the one-sided aspect of them, though. Killer Frost was definitely feeling some type of way about Caitlin.
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BINGO! These guys are mixed feelings city. I can't really see them working out, but there are aspects of it that have potential. Like, I feel like any couple combination of them could work out (in an alternate timeline) with the other as their bestie third wheel, but given the love triangle in canon, I feel like they'd just be constantly at each other's throats if they tried to all be a thing together. It may be the Dan, Vanessa, and Olivia threesome storyline in Gossip Girl shaping my view of this, since they had a very similar trio dynamic. Also the fact that I've never read any fic for them, so all I have is their canon dynamic to base my feelings on. That said, props to the Westhallen fandom for their use of that "there's three people in this relationship" line. My hat's off to ya. 🎩
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I may be alone in this, but I've just never seen Barry and Oliver as being that close. They have some good moments here and there, but it seems like the majority of their relationship is just clashing over crime-fighting styles. I just don't really get it. Of course, the erasure of Cisco as Barry's best friend among the Olivarry fandom doesn't help my enthusiasm level any. On that note, I actually enjoy Olivibe's interactions more than Olivarry's, and I'm waiting for the day someone decides to do something with that.
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kudzucataclysm · 2 years
chimera braindump :p
Chimeras are funky dudes- they’re kinda meant to look like something out of Dragon Ball. Their biology isn’t supposed to make sense; they’re living, breathing bombs, and meant to do that. They’re a relatively brand new species that come from a result of Earth’s blatant colonization- the result of a Martian parent and any Earth-based species. However all of them have various shades of red hair and dark brown skin, while being covered head to toe in freckles.
The average chimera looks like a mishmash of different things. Their appearance is influenced by their non-Martian parent as well as certain things they eat in their infancy, but they’re able to shapeshift certain parts of their body (their faces and genitals especially) to an extent- their shapeshifting* is much, much more limited than Martians, as well as their healing abilities. Martian’s can heal almost instantaneously while Chimeras run the risk of bleeding out and it's easier for them to explode.
Chimeras aren’t born with hearts, or ‘pillar points’, so their timers are much more unstable and with enough damage, stress, or emotional instability can initiate their death; which leads to them being ostracized from society even more than they already are. They’re seen as extremely unstable and many people believe they’re liable to explode at any time, so stay away or mistreat them.
One in five people in the NEC are chimeras, and less than a third of them are properly educated. There are no schools for them, but one “reform school” that’s more of a juvenile correctional facility than an actual education institution. Limited corporal punishment is used often, and the school has a very low graduation rate…if a child is even admitted at all. Thus the chimera population at large is extremely uneducated and typically illiterate, as well as socially challenged when it comes to society at large. While not as dangerous as feral Martians, feral chimeras are seen as more of a problem within the city limits.
So generally speaking, chimeras are on the **bottom in terms of the social hierarchy in NEC. The social order goes in descending order like this:
Martians (extremely debatable)
Zombies (**also extremely debatable)
All in all, chimeras are in a weird place, and many of them struggle with their identities and their place in the world- there is no shared culture, no microsociety that they have to fall upon despite being very social creatures. Some want to connect with humanity while many others want to be more in tune with Marskind, but that’s hard to do or feel when neither parent species really wants or accepts you. They are bombs, weapons, but they were made that way- just like a gun. Its not their fault that their blood can be used for fuel and explosives, the conditions of their bodies and how they react to emotions isn't their fault either! So how do you escape what you are, and how do you escape what you can be potentially used to be?
*Generally though, these ‘distortions’ just happen around the face. Full body shifting is really only reserved when chimeras are doing big growing up/puberty moments. Besides that they have limitations with their bodies. (They mostly can just change the sizes of things slightly, like grow a bit taller or shorter, and adjust things like their chests and genitals, if they work really hard they can reorganize pieces of themselves in different places, but it takes a bit of effort and can/will easily ”snap” back to its correct place.)
They can also vaguely disguise themselves to appear more human, but that takes intentional effort and concentration to ‘hold’ in place. Many human-looking or human socialized chimeras tend to change their teeth and hide certain facial features. (chimeras cannot change their eyes at all, however)
If a chimera is too emotionally upset and starts shifting around too much, that’s probably a sign they’re about to explode. so like....... get away from them. probably
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tokiro07 · 1 year
Undead Unluck ch.153 thoughts
[Goodbye, Buroja]
So Unfair works a little differently than last chapter led us to believe, but mostly in a way that makes it a bit less broken
Last week we were told it’s based on Billy’s acknowledgment of the target’s strength, which is still true in a sense, but now we know that it’s based on the envy that Billy feels through that acknowledgment
It’s like an accusation, in a way: “it’s Unfair that you’re so strong, how am I supposed to compete with that?” And the answer, of course, is to throw that Unfairness right back by copying their abilities
Of course what this means is that Billy likely won’t be copying Unruin this time as Ruin himself is fairly unenviable [note to self: consider Unenvy as a Negator ability] as a pawn of God. He blindly worships God and doesn’t seem to really have any autonomy as far as he’s concerned, so he’s more pitiable than enviable
On the flipside, though, it should be very easy for Billy to get Undead this time, as Andy’s strength is absolutely something Billy could envy (especially if he envies Andy and Fuuko’s relationship)
I do appreciate the revelation that Fuuko didn’t anticipate Billy getting Undraw; she really thought that he was only going to be off balance from Disc tilting and that she’d be able to beat him with that alone. For a moment I thought she was playing 4D chess, but her plan was a lot more down-to-earth than it seemed, and somehow that feels more appropriate
It also leads nicely into her not realizing that Nico was the target of her Unluck, as she doesn’t have everything figured out to the tiniest detail. She had only intended to use Unluck on Disc specifically, but I was tricked by the narrator specifically pointing out that Nico had taken on the Unluck last chapter. That made it seem like Nico was a part of Fuuko’s plan, but in reality he was a wrinkle in it. Perhaps that was the real Unluck the whole time: she touched Disc and gave it just enough Unluck to prompt Nico to touch it, amplifying the Unluck to result in Disc’s death
Damn, though, Fuuko must really love Nico for the Unluck on him to destroy an entire island and ancient superweapon. I hope no one lived on Buroja!
It is a shame that they won’t be able to use Disc against Sun, though, I have to imagine that would have been a really helpful weapon. Oh well, using a superweapon doesn’t exactly contribute to the series’ Effort value, so it’s probably for the best. In fact, its destruction went a long way in boosting the Friendship value, with Fuuko stepping up as the leader of the team to use everyone’s abilities in tandem on the fly rather than having X amount of time to plan ahead
Ichico gaining forced astral projection is an interesting new angle for her, as it can potentially become a way for her to contribute in combat. Unforgettable allowed Nico to copy martial arts techniques and weaponize the reanimated souls of his fallen friends, and Unhealthy allowed Lucy to unlock astral projection in herself, so there’s plenty of precedent for non-combative abilities to lead to combative skills. Ichico herself doesn’t really seem like much of a fighter, but who knows, with her inventions and the ability to manipulate souls, she might become a force to be reckoned with!
I really like the visual of Billy slicking his hair back once he’s decided to join the Union; that’s the hairstyle he had as a member before, and only had his hair down when he was an enemy or a third party, showing that he has definitively recognized himself as a member of the Union. I do think he’s more attractive with it down, but I’m a sucker for symbolism like that
With the founding members of Under recruited into the Union, Fuuko designates their next target: space, where Phil’s tragedy awaits. This is a wild thing to say for a number of reasons: 1) Phil seemed like he was the youngest member of the Union, looking like he was maybe 10 max, but now you’re telling us that his tragedy is within sight in 1999? 2) HE’S IN SPACE?! I kind of assumed that space travel just never happened in this world so that no one would accidentally tread on Luna’s domain, but I guess I was thinking too broadly
My guess is that Phil was born on the International Space Station or something, cus I can’t imagine they let an infant be an astronaut, but I also have trouble believing that they’d let a pregnant woman on a mission. I’m also pretty sure there’s regulations against having sex aboard the ISS, but hey, it’s fiction, Tozuka can do what he wants
The more pressing question is whether Fuuko means that they’re going to space now or preparing to go to space in a few years. I have to figure now since she said “next,” but this could be a matter of planting a tree now so it will be available later. If it is now, though, then that means that either Phil was born early like Sean (definitely possible, but how would Fuuko have known that?) or that Phil’s growth was stun-...
He was born and grew up in space. There was no gravity. His bones and muscle tissue didn’t grow properly. Phil’s in his 20′s and we just didn’t know cus his growth was stunted by space
Maybe, I don’t know. I kind of like the idea of him being born early cus that would mean that he’d be older during Ragnarok and I wouldn’t mind seeing grown-up Phil, but Phil being a malformed space-baby would definitely explain why he ended up needing to replace most of his body with Artifacts; he probably just couldn’t exist properly on Earth without a good number of prosthetics. I get the feeling that’s not the main point of his tragedy since it’s not really related to Unfeel, but I definitely feel bad for the kid going in
Also, I said last week that I expected the next section to be the 2003 tragedy since I couldn’t see anyone else’s taking place before the 2010s (aside from maybe Shen’s) and thus concluded that Juiz was probably the focus of 2003, but clearly I jumped the gun a bit. I just kind of figured there’d be a four year timeskip to 2003, but if Phil is between 1999 and 2003, there may well be other characters whose stories could happen in the interim as well. I still choose to believe that Juiz is going to be 2003, as even though it would make sense for Juiz to come last, I have some trouble believing that the events of her backstory takes place after 2020
With the mechanics of the loop being what they are, it’s definitely possible, I just can’t quite wrap my head around Tozuka’s intentions right now. As usual, I have absolutely faith that Tozuka will make it all make sense, I’m just getting antsy because this question has gone unresolved for months
What I’m also wondering about is how the loop affects the lives of those who make it through to the next world; Fuuko is still supposed to be born in 2002, but I don’t imagine there’ll be two Fuuko’s running around, so what’s going to happen to her parents and the plane? Victor and Juiz must have had parents at some point, what happened to them in loops 2-100? Will Juiz relive the life she originally did, but this time without Victor? How prevalent was Victor in Juiz’ childhood?
...Is Victor a completely separate soul from Andy? Will Juiz be without Victor after all, or has Victor possibly been freed from Undead by the birth of a new personality allowing the original to “die”? I’m probably overthinking this, but there’s a lot of opportunity for completely off the wall concepts to be thrown at us in the coming weeks and months, and I’m sure Tozuka will find a way to really surprise us
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Opinion #3
Hi everyone! These things have become less like rants and more like me talking about a specific topic so I changed the title. But anyway I just want reiterate that these are all just how I feel and I love to know other people's opinions and no one is wrong because of how they interpret something as long as they are respectful.
The topic for today is Sam and Amelia. I've seen a lot of people on Reddit who are mad at Sam for not looking for Dean in Purgatory and I'm sure that was a big deal at the time on here as well. ( I'm very new to Tumblr). I don't like the storyline and I skip the first half of 8 on rewatches simply because it's boring and unnecessary drama. I also believe that it was out of character for Sam. That being said I needed a rational explanation in the world of the show because this has bothered me for a long time. This will pretty much be in defense of the decision Sam made.
First, his mental state at the time could not have been good. Only a few episodes before Cas had taken Lucifer out of his head. He hadn't known what was real and what wasn't for most of the season. As soon as they left the hospital they had to deal with the Leviathans and then Dean vanishes and is presumed dead. Personally, I believe Sam had been reckless when he was driving and didn't really care if he lived or died. Hitting that dog got him to stop and focus on something else and then he met Amelia. For me it is almost like Dean and Lisa. The only reason Dean went to Lisa was because of his promise to Sam.
Second, to Sam Dean was dead. He had no idea where Dean was. For all he knew Dean was in Heaven. He wasn't there when Dean killed Dick Roman and there was no body. Dean could have potentially been anywhere. Now logically it makes sense for Dean to be in Purgatory because it was where Dick Roman would go. But again his mental state wasn't exactly amazing and he easily could have figured Dean hadn't survived once he was taken there and then his soul had gone to heaven. That's not really a bad assumption considering what they had heard about Purgatory.
Lastly, he was alone. They didn't have many allies at this point and even if Sam had somehow found a way to get to Purgatory he could have been killed. He could have asked other hunters but most of them were still mad about the apocalypse. ( topic for another day). He knew Dean didn't want him to die and after that initial recklessness he probably didn't want to do something that had the potential to be even more stupid. Also, everyone remembers what happened the last time he was alone right? Sam certainly does and while many of those things can not be put solely on him he certainly thinks they do. That's the reason he jumped in the cage in the first place. He tried the opposite this time and while it didn't end well he didn't exactly explain anything to Dean although I'm not sure if he was ever really given the chance.
Should Sam have looked a little harder? Yeah. But in a way I understand why he didn't. I also understand Dean's anger. He comes back to a world he isn't used to and he has a brother who he thinks doesn't care. ( Sam cares. A lot.) He has a new friend who lives in black and white and after Purgatory for a year he has to learn that earth isn't always kill or be killed. I understand both point of views. I just wanted to write this because I feel a lot of people are too hard on Sam for this and many other things. It's just my opinion though and I would love to hear everyone else's.
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