#I'm overthinking as usual stuff like this makes me crazy
pepplemint · 1 year
Get the urge to make Vash Stampede's jacket as a serious actual jacket because I'm a slut for correctly used cosplay fabrics when I see it bUT also putting a whole lotta money into it for no reason + use is kinda stupid i guess
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It has this really interesting color, red obviously but leaning on cerise? It'd be hard to find the perfect match. With a large hood that likely need some sort of stiffening to make sure you get that obvious collar even when open. I'm not entirely sure what fabric I would think it is but I'm leaning on softshell. The teal insides are ✨
Also, fabric patches, I would probably honestly go for leather anyway, would look fancier. That plate on the hood is interesting, it seems to be metal. The actual hardest part would be that zipper though, it's huge. You might have to create an ornamental one since it's not really realistic.
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I'm an idiot so I would probably want that arm shield thing too. Maybe not the piece that stands up, looks like it might get uncomfortable, the other parts I wonder if you couldn't reimagine as maybe pleather/fabric pieces, that way it wouldn't be hindering function.... You could switch over the red fabric to a greyish teal halfways down the bicep and hide the seam with a pleather piece on top. The parts that light up probably have to be exchanged for paint though. Unless you make a hidden pocket/zipper under the pleather, putting a battery driven LED light there, but I don't think that would be comfy to walk around in for actual use. For cosplay it'd look cool though.
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blueskittlesart · 2 months
Question abt drawing: been trying to attempt learning how to draw forever but I always have trouble getting over the obstacle of having to learn/study things like anatomy and shading, which then causes me to stop drawing and have a harder time picking it back up. I know it's important for improving your art and yourself as an artist but I can't help but see it as tedious and overwhelming, especially the anatomy since it's more on the science side of things and science is not my thing lol. Do you have any advice on how to get over it or work thru it?
i think there's a couple facets to this question. firstly i'd recommend you consider what exactly your end goal is in learning how to draw: do you specifically want to be able to produce anatomically accurate figures and true-to-life shading, or do you just want to be able to make something for fun that looks good to you? one of the most helpful things I ever learned at art school was that accuracy doesn't matter if it looks good. 99% of my art isn't strictly anatomically accurate, and part of that is stylization, but even when i'm doing realistic figure drawings i like to lengthen limbs and exaggerate curves in order to make my drawings look better. So if your only real goal with art is to make something that looks good and enjoy the process, my first piece of advice would be to stop worrying so much about stuff like perfect accuracy! if you use references and keep pushing yourself, the skill and understanding you're looking for will come naturally with time. before I was ever classically trained, I got pretty far just by drawing my favorite characters in different poses and situations over and over again, and that experience laid the groundwork for when classical training did become available to me. Just because you're not necessarily doing serious figure studies doesn't mean you're not getting valuable practice--what it means is that you're having FUN while you're practicing, and having fun with your art is the most important thing!!!
Secondly, you mentioned anatomy being on the science side of things, which suggests to me that you may be looking in the wrong places when trying to do more serious anatomical study. if you look up 'anatomy' or anything similar on a web search engine, you're likely going to get a lot of very complex scientific illustrations. and while those aren't necessarily devoid of artistic value (I took a class all about scientific anatomy for artists last semester and it was GREAT) for a beginner who's just trying to learn how to make a body look like a body, they're not what you're looking for. what is going to be much more helpful for you are sites like line of action or quickposes. these sites are basically repositories of figure drawing images, and you can set them to automatically switch to a new image after a certain interval of time. if you really, desperately want to improve your anatomy specifically, what I recommend is going to one of these sites, setting it to the shortest interval possible, and trying to copy the pose as closely as you can before time is up. this might sound crazy, since the shortest interval is usually somewhere between 30-60 seconds, which obviously isn't enough to get much down. but what this will do is force you to look at how these models' bodies are constructed and translate it onto the page quickly and without overthinking it. be warned, your first maybe hundred of these are going to look like shit. but if you do this enough, you're eventually going to gain an intrinsic sense for 1. how a body works and 2. the easiest way for you personally to construct a body when drawing it. even without knowing the scientific names and anatomical rules, you're going to get a FEEL for how things work, which is much more important and useful to you as a character artist.
Finally, i think the most important thing to remember is that no art is bad art, even if you're not satisfied with the end product. when you're first starting out as an artist, you're going to make things that don't look right and you're going to be frustrated with yourself because of it. i vividly remember crying over a sketchbook at maybe age 11 or 12 because I was so upset i couldn't put exactly what was in my head on the page. Skill comes with time and practice and that is a frustrating fact of life, but no time spent doing something you enjoy and are passionate about is wasted. It might look bad now but you are laying the groundwork for your future success, and someday you're probably going to look back on your past work and say "I can't believe I thought this looked bad back then. for my age and my skill level i was doing AMAZING." And as previously mentioned, it's a lot less discouraging when something looks bad if you had fun making it, so try to have FUN with your art. draw things you enjoy and are passionate about and don't worry if it looks bad. focus on the experience, the skill will come in time. you've got this!!
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roses-for-rosalyn · 1 year
Movie Lovers
Hello lovie dovies I have been gone for mad long because of college stuff, but also because I'm working on a longer fic 🤭. I wanted to keep y'all fed though so here's an Ellie blurb. Count how many times I wrote movies challenge! (Also there's 20 people following me that's crazy ya'll are amazing)
Minors DNI pls 🔞
word count: 1.9 k
proofread to the best of my ability
content warnings: a wee bit of friends to lovers, dirty talk, fingering (r! receiving), oral (r! receiving), pet names, lots of foreplay, teasing, cuddling, reader who overthinks, and as always no use of y/n
Watching movies is the best pass time. It was your favorite thing to do because it was one of the few things that got your brain to slow down. You could get completely absorbed in another world for just a little while. It's even better with friends because you can talk about it afterward or even during. You didn't have to stress about anything outside of what was playing in front of you.
Your favorite person to watch movies with was your best friend Ellie. Ellie loved film just as much as you. You could talk about movies for hours with her if you wanted to. It was something you bonded over and the reason you became friends. You really liked Ellie you had known her for a while now. You might like her a little too much.
You liked the way every time she touched you it felt electric. She could give you butterflies just by talking. One time when you both were watching something together Ellie started to slowly move closer to you. You were sitting up with your legs in front of you propped up on an ottoman, and Ellie moved so her head was on your shoulder and your legs were intertwined. She just stayed there. For the rest of the movie. You couldn't remember what you were watching that night if your life depended on it. All you could focus on it how Ellies arm was strung behind your back and how warm she felt against you. You could feel yourself grow embarrassingly wet at the slight contact with her and you had to kick her out early. You made up some excuse about how you had to get up early.
This was the first movie night you'd had since that interaction. You were nervous about not being able to control yourself in front of Ellie. It wasn't fair to her, she was your friend, it wasn't her problem that you were attracted to her. You felt guilty and if she ever found out she might think that was the only reason you were nice to her.
You hear a knock at the door that snaps you out of your thoughts. You walk to the door to greet Ellie, praying you can keep it together. You open the door and there she is, standing there in her usual T-shirt and flannel pajama pants. You both agreed a while ago to just wear pajamas for movie night. Why did she have to look so good in pajamas?
You manage to blurt out a "hi!"
"Hey." she replies, smiling a little at your clear excitement.
"I've got the movie all ready to go." you say as you turn to let Ellie in.
"Very exciting. What did you decide for tonight?" she asks while walking past you, taking off her shoes and making a beeline to the couch. You close the door and follow her.
"Kick-ass." you say. You had both already seen it, but it was one of your favorites. No thinking required, plus it was kind of funny. You sit down on the opposite end of the couch from Ellie.
"Ah good choice. I could use a brainless type movie right about now." She immediately moves so your thighs are touching, ignoring your effort to put space between you two.
"Actually, do you mind if we lay down to watch this? I'm so exhausted I can barely see straight." Ellie suggests. That would mean either you sit on the floor or she would literally have to spoon you. Oh god.
"Ok but then where would I sit?" you ask. You have no idea what answer you're hoping for.
"Just lay down in front of me. We can cuddle up, there's plenty of room." There was indeed not plenty of room. Plenty of room would mean that every part of you wouldn't be touching Ellie. Plenty of room would not mean that Ellie's arm would be draped around you.
"Alright." you reply with a small laugh, ignoring every thought in your head right now. You stand up to allow Ellie to lay on her side, putting her head on a throw pillow resting on the arm of the couch. You grab the remote and press play before laying down in front of her. Ellie drapes her arm around you and places her hand comfortably on your stomach. Eventually she starts gently scratching you stomach moving her hand in circles. She would move her hand slowly up just below your breasts and back down right below your belly button. Just above and below where you really wanted them. She was teasing you and it almost felt intentional. The way her hand would sometimes go too high and graze your under-boob or too low and barely touch the hem of your shorts. Your breathing unintentionally starts to get heavier and Ellie notices.
"Something wrong?" She whispers.
"No, no I'm-" She touches the hem of your shorts again and you sharply inhale. "I'm fine."
"Ok, whatever you say." She replies, and you can almost hear the smugness in her voice. You're starting to think she's doing this on purpose.
A few more minutes go by and it's agony. You can't focus on anything except for the feeling of Ellies nails softly scratching your stomach. She wasn't even touching you directly and she was driving you insane. You're not sure how much more you can take.
Just when your about to get up to go to the bathroom to try and escape her touch, Ellie breaks the silence.
"I need to tell you something."
"Yeah?" You have no idea where this is going, but at least her hand has stilled for the moment.
"I like you."
"Yeah well I like you too, that's why I invite you over." You let out a nervous laugh. Hoping to deflect to conversation from going where you think it's going. Ellie props herself up on her elbow so she's laying about you, lightly grabs your jaw and turns your head to face her.
"No, I like you, like, a lot." She says, and you can tell by the way she's looking at you exactly what she means. This has to be a dream.
"I like you too, like a lot." Ellie looks like she wants to devour you. Instead she lays back down, keeping her head slightly above yours.
"I want to try something, if you want me to stop just tell me." You nod eagerly, hoping it has something to do with getting rid of the ache that's been growing between your legs for an hour now.
"Words pretty girl." Oh god that nickname.
"Yes, yes." you say breathlessly.
"Ok, and you have to promise to keep paying attention to the movie. Can you do that for me?"
"Yes." You say, a little confused, but Ellie could ask you to eat dirt right now and you would do it happily.
Her hand travels underneath your t-shirt, snaking it's way up to your boobs. She starts massaging the skin and lightly pinches at your nipple causing you to let out a small gasp. She moves to the other breast and does the same. She takes her hand out from under your shirt to prop herself up on her elbow. She grabs the hem of your shirt and starts pulling it up slowly causing you to be exposed to the chilly air in your apartment. She moves her hand down to the hem of your shorts and places her fingers underneath the elastic, moving them back and fourth a few times before slowly moving the waistband down. She moves her hand down under your shorts and cups your aching cunt and you gasp.
"You've been waiting for this huh?" You're a little embarrassed she can feel you leaking through your underwear, but you're too wound up to care. "I barely did anything and you're this wound up? Poor thing." She says with mock sympathy. "I promise I'll make it up to you." She whispers before moving her hand up under your underwear and onto your bare pussy. She takes her middle finger and drags it up your slit, and you immediately let out a quiet moan when she reaches your clit. Your eyes start to close from how amazing you feel when Ellie grabs your jaw and turns it towards her.
"Uh, uh," she tuts "watch the movie for me princess." You groan a little, but obey her request, since she's rewarding you so well.
Ellie starts drawing lazy circles around your clit. She does this until your bucking your hips towards her silently begging her to do something, anything more.
"What's wrong pretty girl? What do you need?" She asks smugly.
"More," yeah breathe out "Please."
Ellie lets out a small laugh "Since you asked so nicely."
She starts moving her finger in fast tight circles and you can't help but let out a moan at the new sensation.
"God I've barely touched you and you're already a mess. You're doing so well for me princess." The praise almost sends you over the edge, but then she slows down her movements. Her finger starts to move down to your entrance, slowly circling it before moving in deeper. She curls her finger upwards and you let out moan. She starts moving her finger in and out before adding a second causing you to cry out "Oh god Ellie."
"I know baby, just relax, I got you." She starts moving her fingers faster hitting that heavenly spot over and over, just when you're sure this is the most pleasure you've ever felt in your life Ellie surprises you. She sits up further and lays you down flat. She removes her fingers and you let out a whine. She kneels between your legs and moves your shorts and underwear to the side. Ellie lays on her stomach and grabs your legs so your knees are bent. Ellie's mouth is inches from your cunt, your thighs are framing her face and you can feel her breath on your clit. The image itself almost does you in. Ellie licks a stripe up your cunt and you let out a loud moan. She starts circling her tongue around you clit just as she inserts one finger into your entrance. It slide in with no resistance and then she adds another. She curls her fingers upwards once again and continues sucking and lapping at your clit. You can't help but moan every time she inserts her fingers. Your loud reaction only seemed to encourage her. She started fucking you faster and harder with her fingers. You could feel the pleasure building up inside of you, fast.
"Ellie I'm gonna-" Just when you were about to finish your sentence a blinding pleasure takes over your body causing you to buck you hips upward. You hands start clawing at the couch cushions begging for something to grab as Ellie fucks you through it. The waves of pleasure were unlike anything you'd felt before. It felt so good it almost hurt.
You slowly come down from your high and Ellie slows down her fingers and pulls them out of you. You can't move, you can't even think. You've never been this blissed out in your life. It was amazing.
Ellie makes her way up to meet your eyes and kisses you. She kisses you along your jaw, she kisses your nose, your eyebrows. "I think," She says in between kisses "We found something to do together besides watch movies."
This ended up being way longer than I intended, but what can I say I can't do smut without a backstory. I hope ya'll enjoyed it and let me know if there's anything specific you want to see me write! After that go to sleep I know for a fact it is very late.
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gyarucoded · 8 months
gimme a sec i need to talk about this !!
so i saw a long ass reblog under an anti-sylki blog that started off as something like "actually loki & sylvie has good romance chemistry meanwhile loki & mobius doesn't have any romance chemistry at all"🤓– and in this moment i went "alright best frien i'm not reading all that" then went to block instead of arguing.
didn't try reading that bullshit of a post further either just to anger myself, i know better.
i especially didn't wanna argue cuz i think that was a child..??? (assuming from the miracoulus ladybug theme cuz no adult in their right mind enjoys that trash) but if i'm wrong that just makes it worse tbh, like grown ass ppl who srsly think toxic relationships should be the example of peak romance needs their brain to be studied fr.
i usually try to be respectful for others' opinion but i genuinely can't see where this opinion comes from.
makes no goddam sense to me.
maybe it's cuz i can't view things through a heterosexual lens, maybe not.
who knows?
but...(i won't make this abt lokius but focusing more on the "loki & sylvie" part) this made me wonder like...
what do sylkie shippers even post about?
no i won't check it out myself to spare myself from the headache but do they go "omg today episode's syIkie crumbs was so lovely dovely 🥺" and the crumbs in question is them disagreeing on almost everything and sylvie wanting to avoid loki as much as she can & constantly seeming to be angry at him.
sure, in s1 they did have a couple of cutesy romantic moments like being under blankets despite of them being supposedly immune to cold or the literal kiss but, it truly doesn't take a huge analyzation to realize that this "relationship" became one sided, even in that one little moment when they had to hold hands, sylvie immidiately goes "don't overthink it" like omgggsfg💀😭 and it's also clear that loki eventually got the hint, in ep3 he doesn't try to be with her anymore or gets emotional with her, he silently gave up.
not to mention loki avoiding to mention the kiss, when appearantly the two has nothing to hide? 😕
i don't know where this is gonna be heading off but if they randomly switch up after all this character & dynamic development then i have no hope for marvel's writing team cuz that would basically create a plot hole.
like aside from the psuedo-incest, that used to bother me in season 1 era but now i am concerned more about how this "ship" overall has no appeal, yet some of these ppl genuinely thinks it can work healthily between them and that ppl who are against it are just "petty that their gay ship isn't canon" when there's MORE to this.
in season 2 there's absolutely *nothing* happening with them that would make us, the audience, root for them to be together as a couple like i'm sry.
so yeah you can say i'm doing too much and too crazy over a fictional tv show (yes i know that babes i have full self awareness) but i literally cannot stress enough about how unhealthy it is to think that this is how a good romantic chemistry works.
based on a syIkie shipper's views: we could technically say that me + that one co-worker of mine who we always have disagreements on political stuff with & dislikes me for no reason is my "lover"... since we wanna pretend this is how love works 😀😀 no?
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justimagineok · 2 years
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Who’s the primary protector of the two?
JK: I used to think it was me, but one time, YN tried to defend me and almost jumped a bunch of crazy people that were being inappropriate.
YN: I didn't try, I succeed, may I add ;)
JK: but that's story for another moment. Next question
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Who is the least patient?
YN: me.
JK: her.
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Which of the two listens to old music and which one is more into the newer stuff?
YN: I'm an old soul.. I like Frank Sinatra, Nina Simone, the oldie but goodies, you know? That's my jam. I like the new ones too, but Kook beats me in that aspect
JK: I like the new ones! Justin, Charlie Puth, Lany, Lauv, BTS.. just fire songs! :)
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Who holds a grudge the longest?
JK: that also depends. Someone that I won't say the name, got mad at me for two weeks after her cake disappeared 😏
YN: In my defense, I really loved that cake. 😒 and also: Taehyung paid the cost of his actions😌
JK: she made him buy her cakes EVERY DAY for a whole month. 😂😂
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Who’s more likely to cry about a plant dying?
JK: we recently got a little plant, but we're not a plant couple, you know? But, yeah, YN cried when the flowers I got her to our house died.
YN: I did. Next question
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Which of the two rolls their eyes the most often?
YN: he thinks I don't notice, but Kook always roll his eyes at me. It's annoying.
JK: I don't see you complaining when I make YOUR eyes roll, though 😏
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Which one’s the first to help a stranger in need?
JK: should we tell them how we met?
YN: nah.. not yet😌
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Who’s more likely to get into a bar fight?
YN: next question.
JK: should I tell them?😏
bar fight incident here
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Who’s the first to apologize?
YN: me.
JK: usually I take a while to get really upset, but when I get, it takes me a while to get back to normal
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Which of the two is more artistic?
YN: do I really have to answer?
JK: 😁
Who overthinks the most?
JK: YN tends to do it a lot.
YN: but I'm working on it.😌
JK: WE'RE working on it.
part 2
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tired-biscuit · 3 months
i've just seen your posts on dash biscuit and its so sad you're feeling like that :( If i'm to tell you the honest truth biscuit, I don't remember how I found your account but i remember being so intrigued and hooked immediately - I went on to read your War General Kiba (to somewhat expose myself.. I am War General Kiba anon from around a month ago) bc your writing itched my brain so fuckin good !!
It makes me so sad that uni started recently for me and I have been so caught up I haven't gotten around to reblogging war general kiba because I haven't gotten the moment to write my thoughts regarding those:( they're sitting in my drafts. I decided I would read every single one of your fics a month ago (unfortunately I haven't been able to yet) - including the naruto thirst you elaborated on for me, and though I haven't gotten time to read it, THANK YOU SO MUCH BISCUIT for taking your time out to do that :( <3
You deserve every single one of those likes , but you deserve them alongside an equal amount of reblogs :/ i sincerely hope that these followers and whatnot pull their heads out of their ass and start reblogging - because if they don't, they're not going to have anything to read. bc biscuit you are such an amazing and talented writer, and it always blows my mind we get to read your masterpieces for free. FOR FREE!!!! that is so crazy like, this is stuff that could get you MILLIONS and we have the blessing from you to type a few words onto our screens and read it! like WOW thank you so much <3 🍁 anon
oh my gosh, you’re so sweet; imma start sobbing!
listen, you don’t have to apologize for not being able to read my fics; i get it, life happens and we get busy as people and fanfiction definitely is NOT everything there is to life! so please don’t say sorry for that because there is literally no need for it, like i said. YOU’RE GOOD!
it just grinds my gears that i’m not allowed to vent on here about this particular topic because some people will INSTANTLY jump the wagon to call me ungrateful. i get it, i get notes, but people usually don’t understand that likes don’t mean shit on here and that the majority of those notes are just that: likes. sure, i get a little notif that someone liked my story, but i have no clue what they thought about it based from that heart. i have no clue if they’ve even actually read it. to make matters even worse, it makes the post just straight up fucking die.
i spend hours and hours and hours writing, editing, rereading, tweaking the same story for ages. i could just not post it and keep it to myself, sure, but i enjoy interacting with my moots and my followers in general, and giving people that share my interest in the same characters something to read about, because let’s be real; kiba is niche af. i like feeding the kiba girlies because i barely had anything to eat a couple years back when it comes to him and i’ve worked my fucking ass off for those notes over the years, SO OF COURSE I APPRECIATE THEM, OK?
this debate, or whatever you wanna call it, has been circling around here for ages and it’s useless at this point, i think... writers, artists, creators of all sorts say “please say thank you for my creation that i made for YOU after you’ve asked, i beg” and people call us ungrateful or stuck up or whatever the fuck. i mean, do people seriously think i enjoy self-reblogging all the time and begging for interaction like that robin hood meme with the cup???????? no, i do it because it is the only way people will see my work before it disappears into the ether once again, ffs!!!!!!!!
ANYWAYS, i will write a drabble for your war general!kiba ask when i have the time, i promise! i just want to actually make it good and write like a proper story instead of just my thoughts because he is very dear to me and i am a perfectionist when it comes to my royalty AU and it makes me overthink and just… yeah! he has been sitting in the back of my head, clanking his heavy weapons impatiently, lmao.
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s10e13 halt & catch fire (w. eric charmelo, nicole snyder)
maybe i should rewatch halt and catch fire. i watched it as it aired so it's been a minute. lee pace as a very messy bisexual disaster in the early pc industry through to internet times. and mackenzie davis was amazing. really well done show. i recall the first season was a little too hard on the mad men-esque feel but really got into its own stride in subsequent seasons (it was airing on amc at the end of mad men's run which was mid 2014 and this spn ep aired feb 2015. the phrase itself is an old computing term). anyway!
is the mark making him ogle the college girls too? cmon
DEAN And Trini is? SAM Ah, you have to excuse my partner. When it comes to technology, he’s a little behind. Uh…he just learned how to poke on Facebook. JANET Uh, um, Trini is the nav app we were using. It – It’s like a talking map. You’re Gen X. Right.
well, addressing the age difference of it all LOL. i think of dean/jensen as my age but he is technically 1 (2) years older than me. i'm in the no-man's land of 1980 which is claimed by neither gen x or millenial or both, depending who you ask. not for nothing, we had all this new tech stuff come in when we were young and we're not known to be technically unsavvy :P (though the earlier you get things can be different) but also like. since he and i are kind of on that cusp age of generations, i don't think it would be necessarily super obvious to this girl that he is? dear lord. what will i overthink next
SAM So – so what’s a thing? DEAN You know, the truck thing. You honor the deceased by driving their truck. Sam, they wrote a whole country song about it. Why don’t you Google it?
it's such an old, easy, dumb joke but dean being so smug over telling sam to google something made me laugh
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DEAN Alright, so big brother didn’t get along with little brother, was pissed that he was driving his baby. I get it. SAM What are you saying? If you died and I drove your car, you’d kill me? DEAN If you stunk her up with tacquitos, probably.
what do you mean, IF? dean HAS died and you DID drive his car :P
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cackling. didn't they have a lamp cord do this in s1 to sam?
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spn s1e9 home
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SAM So, what? You think we’re dealing with a “Ghost in the Machine”? DEAN Maybe. But if it is the same ghost, I mean, they usually anchor themselves to a place or a thing. How is this one jumping from one machine to the next?
was gonna mention the xfiles episodes (s1e7 ghost in the machine and s5e11 kill switch [the one written by william gibson]), which ghost in the machine i mentioned previously because spn s2e5 had an actor in that episode! and i did i hiky for kill switch when i was rewatching xf. but i'm trying to stop rambling. unsuccessfully 🫠
so this seems more like a kill switch situation vs ghost in the machine (evil building software vs ai on the internet killing people) 🤪
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SAM It doesn’t matter. Now I’m going through her deleted files. DEAN You can do that? SAM Yeah. DEAN Hmm. SAM I mean, nothing ever really gets deleted from the Internet. You knew that, right? DEAN Yeah.
implied embarrassing (porn? tumblr poetry? DATING PROFILES?) dean winchester content out there somewhere. thinking about what could even embarrass dean (who currently is eating more sloppily than my kids do)
DELILAH It’s pretty crazy to obsess over someone you’ve never met. DEAN It’s not that crazy. The truth is, I can relate. DELILAH Really? DEAN I have made more mistakes than I can count. Ones that haunt me day and night. DELILAH So… how do you deal? DEAN Whiskey. Denial. I do my best to make things right, whatever that may be. For you, maybe it’s…maybe it’s coming clean. You know, finding a way to ask for forgiveness. But not breaking the bank at your local florist. I mean…real forgiveness. You can’t just bury stuff like this. You got to deal with it.
that old chestnut of opening up to a rando because their plotline mirrors enough the conflict that the boys are going through and they can't talk to anyone else about it
so, dean, my love. is this what you're doing, dealing?
also gonna skip over that whole shaky concept of the wifi business. keep on suspending that disbelief, nic. wireless speakers and wifi on an antenna tower (??), it's all the same. it's just waves in the air, man. i am a leaf on the wind 🍃
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DEAN Yeah. Looks like. I think I’m gonna follow his lead, too. SAM What do you mean? DEAN My peace is helping people. Working cases. That’s all I want to do. SAM Is this about the Mark? DEAN I’m done trying to find a cure, Sammy. SAM Dean, Cas is so close. DEAN To what? We don’t even know if there is a cure. So far, we’ve got nothing. We have found nothing at the Men of Letters library. Metatron may or may not know something. And maybe Cas is on to something with Cain. SAM Maybe. Yeah, maybe. Nothing is guaranteed, Dean. So what? We can’t just stop fighting. DEAN Yes, we can. SAM So, this is it? Y-you’re just gonna – you’re just gonna give up. DEAN No. No, I’m not just gonna give up. I appreciate the effort, okay? I do. But the answer is not out there. It’s with me. I need to be the one calling the shots here, okay? I can’t keep waking up every morning with this false hope. I got to know where I stand. Otherwise, I’m gonna lose my freakin’ mind. So I’m gonna fight it til I can’t fight it anymore. And when all is said and done… I’ll go down swinging.
sam and i both getting a little panicked i think (seeing sam start breathing fast surely affects me) but hey they got a few tears out of me, feels like an accomplishment (compared to early seasons i was regularly crying my way through the show). nothing like dean being a realist but also accepting that this thing is going to kill him. i get the false hope thing, and why it's untenable. and maybe that is the best plan, to fully accept in his heart of hearts it's not gonna get fixed. and then when they figure out how to fix it, he can run with it. but it's shades of that old passive self destructive dean who doesn't value his own life (or see how him not valuing his life affects sam)
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boozuru · 1 year
Ghostic - Haunted 4
⇠  chapter select  ⇢
Season: Autumn
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<The next day>
Eichi: Okay, practice is going to get really rough starting from today.
As you all might remember from yesterday when I taught you the choreography, Ghostic Treat House is using ES Haunted House’s huge stage to the fullest during the performance.
I guess you could describe it as theatrical. What we want to achieve is dancing that carries both fierceness and abstract quality, a performance where we express the emotion with our whole body.
Of course, we’ll eventually practice on the actual ES Haunted House stage.
But first we need to practice with a mirror, so we can ensure graceful dancing by focusing on our posture and how our limbs move.
Wataru: It’s important to build foundation for the basics~ Eichi and I are thoroughly prepared to start from zero along with you two, of course!
For example, when we incorporated ballet elements into the choreography, or when observing haunted houses at theme parks…
Since Himegimi and Mr. Butler here have been swamped in student council work and thus been away from the dance floor for a while, how about we start from simple relearning?
Tori: Wait, did you just say you went to a theme park with Eichi-sama?
That's so unfair, mophead! Invite me too!
Wataru: Oh dear. How rude of me.
Eichi told me to keep it a secret since “it would be bad for Tori”, but I accidentally blabbed about it anyway… ♪
Tori: What the heck, so it was supposed to be a secret between you two...!? To think you guys would get so close while I was busy with the student council…!
Eichi: I'm sorry Tori. We thought you were busy enough, so we shouldn't add more to the load. I had to go to the theme park for other business anyway, so…
Besides, I don’t want to go there just for business, I genuinely want to go have fun with all of fine in our free time some day.
So, we’ll be back soon enough.
Pinky swear, if I lie then I’ll drink a thousand needles ♪ (TL note: this isn't just something Eichi says to scare people - the phrase is said for the rhyme associated with kids making a pinky promise.)
Tori: Oh… But if you do something that crazy, you’ll die, won’t you?
There doesn’t have to be a punishment, seriously!
Just promise to keep the promise… Pinky swear!
Alright! And that's that. You were watching, right Yuzuru?
Yuzuru: ...
Tori: Huh? What's wrong?
Yuzuru: Ah, I apologize. I was just deep in thought.
Tori: Eh~? What, are you worried about something too? You should leave that stuff to Hasumi-senpai.
But I get it, things haven’t been smooth sailing recently. You can’t help but overthink sometimes.
Stuff like not being able to get chocolate at Chocolat Fes and Yumenosaki’s Halloween Party having problems one after another.
And yesterday I forgot my phone, and there was that blackout and everything… It feels like the world is against us now.
With the way bad happenings seem to follow us, it almost makes you afraid of something bad happening on the event day, right?
Yuzuru: Something bad...
I disagree. These things are always very much dependent on how you view them, Young Master.
All the problems with the event have been solved, and you even made this promise with Eichi-sama to go play at the theme park, correct? If we consider that, today has been a good day, hasn’t it?
Tori: Mm, I guess so. I was also maybe being a little too pessimistic.
Anyway, we should get back to practice. Eichi-sama, can you teach me?
Eichi: Of course. It’s my duty as the one in charge of this project after all.
Can you stand in front of the mirror and dance for me?
Tori: Okay!
Wataru: Fufufu. So Eichi and Himegimi will be pairing up for this? In that case, I’ll be with Mr. Butler ♪
Yuzuru: Yes. I'll be in your care, Hibiki-sama.
Wataru: ...
That part just now, could you do that again for me?
Yuzuru: ? Understood. I assume you mean that I should start from this position.
Wataru: …Hmm, I can’t see even a hint of that usual edge to you. Are you in pain somehow?
Yuzuru: No, not at all...
(However… Now that I think about it, I didn’t sleep well due to my anxiety yesterday.)
(Something like a ghost ruining our performance after getting attached to us… I don’t even want to think about it.)
(I am hesitant to talk to everyone about it at this critical point in time.)
(So I have to come up with another reason-)
—The student council has been swamped with work recently, so I suppose I am worn out.
Wataru: Oh my! That's quite unexpected from Mr. Butler himself...!
In that case, you should end practice for today and go rest in the medical office. You're a hard worker, so one or two rest days won't impact your progress. 
Yuzuru: B-but... I should not cause trouble for everyone-
Wataru: Now now, you shouldn't force yourself.
If the problem is you being a possible burden for resting, we should ask the neutral team leader to pass his judgment on the situation!
Eichi? Mr. Butler here isn’t feeling too good, you won’t mind if we let him rest, would you?
Eichi: Ahaha. You don’t need to ask to already know the answer, you know?
Yuzuru. If you’re unwell, I want you to take good care of yourself and rest properly.
No matter what, health comes first. I don’t want you to end up like me, ending up in bad condition and having to withdraw from everything for a long time.
Tori: Yeah, Yuzuru! You’re human, so it’s fine for you to just step back and rest sometimes.
This isn’t a suggestion but an order! Something you have to listen and go along with!
This year’s Halloween is going to be even greater than last year, so if you aren’t there it’s going to make it way duller.
So to make sure you’ll be there for the best part, take a breather for now.
Yuzuru: I-I see. Everyone, thank you for your kindness…
Well then, I shall head for the medical office now. I will be back in tip top shape after resting for a while.
Until then, I trust you to take care of my part as well, Young Master.
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inafieldofdaisies · 1 year
all the qs you haven't gotten yet for the ship asks <3
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Questions from this post.
2. Who wakes up early/Who sleeps in late?
Sabrina is an early riser usually, oftentimes not getting that many hours of sleep in, especially when she's too wired and overthinking. Once they get together, she'd find herself sleeping in late, but still mostly waking up before John, and he gets grumpy if she doesn't wake him up. 🤣
7. How often do they say “I love you”?
Sabrina is generous with it, pretty open with how she feels because she knows time with the people you love is limited so she doesn't want to have regrets. John, on other hand is more selective about saying it.
9. What do they dislike most about the other? Why?
Sabrina: That he believes too blindly in Joseph and overlooks the danger it puts him in. She's straight up just worried.
John: How she disregards danger when it comes to herself especially if it means saving others.
11. How do they feel about nicknames/pet names? If they like them, what pet names do they use? If they hate them, why do they feel that way?
John calls Sabrina usually by her name for a good chunk of the story, then he'd sprinkle in "Butterfly" once he actually understands the meaning she finds behind the word. When he's trying to rile her up and just wants to see her get feisty, he'd call her Deputy.
And before that he'd call her Deputy to distance himself hence her subtle hate of the nickname.
I've been hitting a wall on coming up with a nickname she'd call him, like for the life of me I can't settle on anything that feels natural to her character.
12. Do they have a difficult time when separated from each other, or are they fairly independent?
I'd say it's 50/50 depending on the situation and distance.
13. How do they keep in contact when they’re apart? Do they write letters, talk on the phone, or simply wait out the time?
We all know John loves his radio calls, it's more hilarious when he does it but has no idea there are other people around her, poor Calahan will be sending him his therapy bill one day.
15. What songs remind you of their relationship?
It's kinda hard to narrow them down (the actual wip playlist is already so long), so I'm dropping two songs along with the story playlist.
Spiracle by Flower Face
And I want your parties, the shark in your water The scrapes on your knees and the blood that spills over And I want your zeroes, your polluted marrow The sweat on your palms and your surveillance shadow I want your secrets, your clementine fields The ropes that you climb up, the parts that won't heal I want your safe word, your passive resistance The sickness you foster, your favorite addictions
In Madness by Constance
In love and in madness In strength and in sadness When all of the world feels like its giving up on you Take what you have to But leave the hurt that they gave you Cause I see the dawn in you The light is breaking through
18. How do they care for each other when one of them is wounded/sick?
Sabrina would go all out and worry like crazy if he's hurt, when she's the one that's hurt, she'd try to assure him she's fine, minimize and attempt to do stuff herself, which irks him because he wants her to lean on him but she's too used to doing everything on her own for far too long.
20. How do they comfort each other when one of them is upset? Is this method of comfort effective?
Physical touch to ground each other, words of reassurance, trying to reach the other and pull them out of the dark place, etc.
21. Do they enjoy domestic life?
Yes, because for John it's something unexpected, while for Sabrina it's everything she's ever wanted, some normalcy in the chaos.
24. How do their personalities affect their relationship? Do their characteristics compliment each other, or clash often?
There are challenges, but I feel like they end up complimenting each other when it comes to personality. Sabrina grounds him, while John makes her feel seen and believed.
25. Do they share a room/house? If so, what does it look like and how does it compliment their personalities?
Sabrina and Savannah both stay at the ranch, at first sharing a room because Sabrina wants to make sure her sister is close by in case anything goes wrong. When Brin and John get together, she'd sleep in his bed. She's the one that usually keeps the place in order since he's very busy drowning people. 😂 Sabrina's personality: a home with cozy vibes, not messy or too flashy.
29. Describe their nighttime routine.
Dinner, usually made by Sabrina, John is allowed to help in the preparations, but with supervision, which Savannah finds absolutely hilarious. Making sure she goes to bed on time. Sitting by the fireplace, relaxing or lounging outside if the weather allows it, watching the stars, Sabrina would play her guitar/sing for John. Shower. 🤫 activities.
31. Do they often go out on dates? What are these like?
I feel like their dates wouldn't be considered very typical with the whole situation in the County. Their first date is John's idea after he finds out she: 1) has no idea how to fly a plane, 2) has fear of flying after the helicopter crash. He refuses to accept that and sets out on taking her out in a plane. Chaos ensues. 🤣
33. How do they flirt? Who’s the worse flirt?
Bantering back and forth. I'd say they're handling it fine. 😂
34. Do they have any inside jokes?
She jokes about the baptisms, "Oh, John" is a whole thing at one point. Enough said for now. 🫣
35. Is their relationship a secret? If so, why?
Mostly because of Joseph and the hell he'd raise about it. She's not part of the Project, nor does she believe in what he's selling, and the way he's going about it.
36. How do they feel about having kids? Are they in agreement?
They're both fine with it, though Sabrina hasn't thought about having kids on her own, especially with the Collapse looming over her future, her main focus has always been raising her sister and making sure she's happy and safe.
37. Who’s more emotionally sensitive/cries more often?
Neither, Sabrina cries mostly when she's absolutely overwhelmed or completely exhausted, otherwise she tries to hold it in, put on a smile and oftentimes minimizes her own suffering.
38. Who’s got a quicker temper?
John, without a question. Sabrina is pretty good at holding her composure.
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memoirsofaseraph · 7 months
Hi baby,
It’s been a while, right? I missed you really much. I missed pouring my thoughts out to you here. I meant to write something special for your birthday but the words just wouldn’t come out, for some reason. I think it was the nerves, maybe the anticipation too. I felt so stressed out about your birthday, and I’ve never been stressed out for anyone’s birthday before. November 20th was a very, very, very special day. My favorite day of this month. I know you don’t really care about your birthday and stuff but I do, I want to make your next birthdays even more special. I wanted you to have a nice and fun day and I wanted you to be soooooo happy at the end of it, I hope I succeeded at doing this. I know I’m a day late but still, I wish you the happiest birthday of birthdays ever (again). Je suis très contente d’être celle avec qui tu as été coincé toute cette journée et avec qui tu passeras tous tes prochains anniversaires.
I also want to respond to your last entry.  I find it so crazy that you had this dream and that you told me about it only yesterday night — even though you dreamed about it a couple of nights ago because... well... it’s your turn to bear with me. Yesterday evening, before going to bed and having our usual little date night, I was just sitting there, lost in my thoughts (more like overthinking, really), and I had this thought like "Please, give me a sign if things are gonna work out for me". I told you I’ve been praying for this and hoping it would turn into reality and bla bla bla, right? But waiting is hard, real hard. It’s like the hardest part of the process. So I was trying to make it better, to make it more bearable, I guess. And asking for a sign that would potentially mean that I would go made me feel a little better. But I wasn’t really expecting anything, I was just wishing for it. Having faith gave me a semblance of peace. But then, the fact that you had this dream and that you told me about it right after I asked for a sign… Literally a few hours later. Am I overreacting or is that really crazy? I genuinely think it’s so insane. I know it could be a silly coincidence because that’s all I’ve been talking about, so it’s no surprise your brain would make you dream about it. Like I manifested this to happen in your dream. However, this timing? It made me pause. So, even though it might be nothing significant, I just needed to remind you how much of a lucky charm you are for me, all the time. Even now. Look at this? The way things seem to align for me ever since you came into my life is crazy. And it’s not even only about me getting things or things working out for me, it’s also about how much you put my mind at ease, even when it's in its messiest state. How much peace you bring to me, every day. That's so very precious to me and it matters so much.
And I just wanted to thank you for always being here, for always showing up as my little lucky charm, especially when my anxiety is at its peak (which is when I’m the most annoying and overwhelming, I'm sorry). Even beyond the coincidences and the wishes, you just have this incredible ability to understand me like nobody else does, to really see me. It's like you see through the mess my head is, at all times. And you know exactly what to do or say to calm me down, even subconsciously. Just like you did right now, when you told me about your dream. I really hope I do the same for you. I hope I make life easier for you, and I hope I ease your mind as much as you ease mine.
I love you, so much. I have so much more to say. So many thoughts spinning in my head all at once that desperately need to come out but I’m lacking time, again. I’m always lacking time, and I’m so sorry. I love and miss you, baby. I really hope my words were able to keep you a little company while I’m not there. I wish I could be with you right now. But I’m thinking of you, always. Even when I’m sleeping.
I love you.
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hard-core-super-star · 8 months
half happy and half overwhelmed?? lmao I thought the emoji was because you would be melting with happiness 😭 well, that's still progress, it's always about the result and not how long it took you or what you did to get there, the order of the factors doesn't change the results. you still have the right to be annoyed about it tho. and because of nine sentences you didn't write 19 sentences- thank you, it demand a lot from my only braincell.
Jshsjkak I just confirmed what you said 👀 I mean, I don't really mind, but I'd still like to see you complete the sentences. okay, you won and it was a very smart move, I'm still shocked that you just turned it against me 😔
wait, I'm still swallowing this fact, it's really crazy that your life basically revolves around this number and that's so cool at the same time. don't hold back from saying that something else involving 19 happened, it would be cool to know.
do you have a favorite character that you like to play? I have a love-hate relationship with TikTok and yes, I agree, and most of the time it's without any supervision. talking about things like that about 10/11 kids makes me realize that I'm getting old 🫠
that was indeed a funny joke, so I guess you're right. hmmm you may be right once again, because this person is cool and in fact seems to have a great sense of judgment, maybe I'll let that person know that.
these are the best! It's so good sometimes to just turn off your brain and watch something without thinking too much. so on top of that you are also an analyst? interesting. OKAY- you got me on that one jhdjwwkja. but hey, gayer is better. THAT'S SUPPOSED TO RELIEVE WHAT YOU SAID BEFORE??? LMFAOO. i know i know i know 😌
– 🌟
i mean, yeah sometimes that's accurate. i usually melt when i reread them later and i’m like,”wow, this actually wasn't that bad.” stop, i’m stealing this and putting it on my wall. lmao, should i try to make all my headcanon sets 19 sentences afkdkksafkd. your one brain cell works very hard.
askdkkssk yeah? and what did that confirmation get you? 👀 imagine what would happen if i did complete them, i’m already getting people calling me out in my inbox. we’d have complete chaos. glad to hear i still manage to surprise you ☺️
i don't think it's that cool i think i just have issues lmao. but i appreciate it. honestly, the list is kind of stupid but i will say there was a livestream on october 19th last year and tegan quinn herself replied to my comment out loud. so, i have a video of tegan saying my [real] name.
is it too predictable if i say the flash? 😶 green arrow too. and sometimes superman. same, i technically have a TikTok account but i barely ever go on it. i feel so old sometimes, especially when i go on rants like these lmao. like i’m not that old but some of my opinions make me sound like a grandma.
“i guess” i’ll that as a win lmao. i think i’m incredibly right so you shouldn't be shy and let the person know 😄
i agree, although sometimes i still think about subtext and stuff because that's the way my brain is wired. [Ocean’s 8 is a great example of this] i mean, i’d call myself more of an overthinker than an analyst but sure. aksjdjsj i agree, gayer is always better. YES!!!??? IS IT NOT ENOUGH??? i- was that- did you just- 🥹
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chelleztjs18 · 1 year
Hello you mrs. oatmeal with saltine cracker eater lefty eyebag 😅
Sorry I fell asleep early last night because of the headache. I still have it, I think it's because of my eyes. Not sure. But I am hating every minute of it.
How are you today?
Yes of course I read it! But it wasn't too dark. I enjoyed it. I have a few questions though. Since Nat has been gone for 2 months, why hasn't there been any fliers of her missing? Or when Dreykov was brought in, why didn't he ask why she was gone from work for such a long time?
Same, I wish they kept Love longer. I really liked their dynamic together. Even though it's toxic, but I like her character. Hm that's interesting, so Joe, Love and Joker.. that's a very interesting mix of characters combined.
No, I just ride the bus or Uber. When it is summer time, I usually bike.
Ah yeah overthinking sucks. It creates trouble thats not even there in the first place hahaha
So do you give second chances to people who have hurt you in the past? Or after the initial disappointment, you stop all contact and move on?
Same for PDA, I don't mind holding hands in public and the occasional hugging and all that. But if they act crazy and it makes me uncomfortable and others, then I can't lol
Hahaha I love that you add not the cereal at the end! You're corny!
Hello darling righty eyebag!
how r u feeling now? i'm sorry u hv another headache. yeah i think it's because u havent wear glasses the last few days right? when the glasses will be ready?
i'm okay.. not much..
oh yayy! i'm glad u enjoyed it! oh u r a reader who pays attention to detail pretty good! I love it. about the flier n stuff, it will be in future part,n i cant tell u which one. For Dreykov, i picture him as that pervert man who only care about himself n doesnt care about women more than just sexual object,n he is a selfish man. Plus R brought him home after dragging him on the road with her car and he is all bruised up n wounded, in pain, confussion, and fear for his life. So when he saw R talks to Nat, he instantly thinks that she knows R, n of course all he thinks at that moment if Nat can make R stop torturing him and he wouldnt care when Nat has been or why she hasnt come to work for few months. all he cared about was his life n to get out of there alive. I hope it makes sense?
Yeah i love Love too. She is pretty but so compulsive. haha. Sometimes I think she is worse than Joe haha but i feel bad for her. After what she did for Joe, n he cheats on her. I wish the same, i wish they didnt kill her character that fast.
Ah i see, okay. I'm like that when I was in indonesia. mostly use uber, taxi or motorcycle taxi. I didnt drive there.
About second chances, It depends on the situation. Even though if I give them second chance, I will not be the same person to them. It will be hard for me to be as warm n caring as before. I cut some ties to some people before. When it comes to toxic people, I will not hesitate to cut them out. I would cut ties with my ex gf if it wasnt because the promise i made to her. I promised her that we'll stay friends no matter what. N i always keep my promise so it's kinda hard for me no matter how much I want her out of my life.. so thats why i dont talk much to her like before but still sometimes reply when she messaged me.
Haha yeah, i like PDA but not a public soft porn one. 🤣🤣🤣 people dont wanna see that.
Haha i can b corny sometimes. Oh by the way, i learned it from u a bit.lol 🤣
Next question?
Cheerio! (Not the cereal one) 😅
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Marc spector/jake lockley/steven grant x male reader
Idk what this is, it's just rotting in my drafts, sorry. But I will rewrite this if the requester wants. Once I get my shit together tho. Cause rn my tumblr is going brrr
And idk why, it's messing up my stuff. I will rewrite this if the requester wants. (I promise my writings are not always shit)
"Oy Stevie get back to work, stop staring at y/n!"
I hear Donna shout at me from across the room. Catching the attention of y/n.
"Yea Stevie, get back to work!"
I hear y/n shout at me teasingly seeing the cheeky smirk that crept up to his face.
"Yea yea."
I say in an annoyed manner. Looking at him with a soft smile.
Sitting here on the counter near Steven staring at him doing his inventory stuff that I don't really know anything about. I never really knew how he is ripped during the times that I would see him shirtless. I haven't seen him work out and yet he's ripped. I don't see any workout equipment in his apartment, which is where I like to hang out when I'm bored during the day, but at night. I tend to go back to my shared apartment. So he must be working out at night then, but what gym would be op-
My thinking was cut short as I heard Steven say my name.
"You okay, love? You blanked out there for a moment."
He says with a worried look on his face and his voice a lot more softer than before.
"How are you ripped?"
I suddenly blurted out, which surprised both of us. But when I said it, Steven just froze and continued to scan the items, and stayed quiet.
I try to call out after a few seconds of awkward silence.
He hums in acknowledgement, not look at me, eyes still focused on what he is doing.
"D-did I say something wrong?"
He says popping the p and still not looking at me. After a while, I just decided to let it go.
Walking y/n back to his shared apartment after that question, was very awkward, I didn't know how to say it without sounding crazy. Like, how am I supposed to explain to him, that even with the restraint on, my body still moves around?
'You should tell him, he'll understand. He's smart.'
I hear Marc say, as I pass by a store window glass seeing him with arms crossed, like the usual.
"H-how am I going to bloody explain it to him? Huh? How am I gonna explain to him that someone controls my body at night, and goes around fighting bad guys?"
'He will be fine.'
"Yea, sure."
I say rolling my eyes, as I start to walk away but not without hearing Marc.
'Either you do it or I will, or maybe even Jake.'
Seeing y/n walk in the museum the next day, he wasn't his usual bubbly self. He looked tired, he had bags under his eyes, I guess close to what I look like.
'Poor thing was probably overthinking on whether he upset you or not.'
I hear Marc say from the mirror on the counter.
"If you want to, then bloody tell him."
'And watch him freak out even more when your accent changes? Do you really want to give him more things to overthink?'
"You're such a coward."
'Says the one who doesn't want to tell the guy he likes the truth.'
Marc says with a smirk.
"Like you didn't do the same with layla."
I say, immidiately regretting my choice of words.
"Oh my god, that was a low blow, I'm so sorry."
Marc didn't say anything as his smirk fell, and replaced with an apathetic look.
Hearing Steven's voice, I turn to the origin of it, seeing him look at the mirror, and talking to it. Looking like he is actually having a conversation with someone.
Staring at him talking to himself on a mirror makes me smile, just seeing how annoyed he looked. It was adorable.
'You know he's staring at you, right?'
Marc says with a smirk.
Looking around for y/n, I see him standing in the middle of the museum still with his bag on, looking at me with a smile.
'He looks cute, doesn't he?'
"Shut up, Marc."
I say looking down and blushing.
Looking back up, I see him still staring at me with the adorable smile. Seemingly out of it.
"Oi y/n, get prepared one of your tour groups are coming in 20 minutes."
We both hear Donna say. Both of us look at her looking between the two of us with a smirk.
"Get back to work Stevie, and y/n hurry up."
We both go back to what we were doing, with me arranging little trinkets and postcards and him preparing for his tour group.
After work, I went to the counter to wait for Steven to finish cleaning up and stuff.
"Y/n, I-i need to to tell you something. Can we go back to my flat?"
Steven says holding his bag and looking at me with worry in his eyes.
"Did anything happen?"
"I just need to tell you something. And I think it would be better to tell you in private."
He says, now with a different accent and proper posture as we walk to his flat.
"You're not Steven, are you?"
I say looking at him with suspicion.
"I told him you were smart. No, I'm not Steven, I will explain everything back at my place."
He says with a brief look towards me.
"Is that why Steven uses an ankle restraint?"
We have a brief conversation as we prepare ourselves for bed, knowing that I will most likely be staying the night. I go to his closet to at least get some clothes. Settling for one of his sweaters that are way too big for me. Going past my hips covering half of my thighs.
"Soooo, what is it?"
"Okay, let's start from the beginning."
*let's just say Marc explained everything, from him to steven to jake and moonknight, just everything.*
"No wonder you're ripped."
I say now imagining what it would be like to see him just coming back from his moonknight business. All dirty and sweaty.
"You're staring,cariño."
I hear who I am assuming is Jake, say.
"Don't worry, it's okay to stare."
He says coming closer to me.
"Te ves lindo asi."
He says grabbing my hands and pulling me towards him.
"You're very light, hun."
Marc says, guessing by the accent change.
He pins me to a wall, and biting my neck.
"I'm gonna give you time to drink water and prepare, cause you will screaming all night."
He says on my neck and pulling back but not before sucking a dark bruise.
"I will be right back, you better be ready when I comeback."
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soyouthinkucanwrite · 3 years
The money thing (part 1/2) - Daniel Ricciardo
It's always the little things, isn't it? The smallest stupidest things make almost no difference and then make all the difference in the world. They make everything special, but they also have the power to tear everything appart.
You and Daniel fight about money for the thousand time and he's had enough of it.
Warnings: super angst, but with a happy ending :)
Guys, this turned out WAY BIGGER than I expected, so I'm just gonna do a part 2, okay? Okay, thanks for understanding!
Song that inspired me: A list by HVOB
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You and Daniel had been dating for a couple months now, having met through a common friend and hitting off almost instantly. You lived in Amsterdam and he, well he lived all over the world really, but his "time off" (meaning not racing) was spent between Monaco and London (for work), and Amsterdam now too, of course.
The changes were small and subtle at the beginning, like your weekends being spent traveling to meet him wherever in the world he was and consequently spending almost all your savings on plane tickets. You never complained to him (you planned on spending the money traveling anyway, so you didn't see the point), but didn't accept when he offered to buy your tickets, either. There's been some awkwardness around the subject but it usually died on its own.
*beginning of flashback*
"You’d have gotten here in time if you'd gotten the early flight like I told you" you remembered him saying that time you got in the paddock after the qualifying session had begun and couldn’t kiss him good luck.
"Baby, I told you. It was crazy expensive! Absurd even!"
"(y/n) for god's sake! What are we saving money for? I told you, you have my credit card number, I've offered to get you one, this is ridiculous, I can't believe I literally earn millions and my girlfriend wasn't there with me because the ticket was too expensive! I'll fucking fly you private if I have to!" he was almost yelling in his driver's room. You could only stare from the corner.
He took a deep breath running his hands through his hair. "Sorry. It's just... it was crap out there. I needed you" you grimaced at his words.
"Sorry. I really am..." you tried to approach him. "I'm here now?" you touched his arm. "It can't have been that bad, you're still on the top 10 and we both know what you can do from the 8th car..." you smiled at him.
*end of flashback*
He started to spend much more of his time off with you at your place, so you decided to get a place by yourself (having a roommate was great for company and splitting the rent, but having a roommate there while you guys just wanted some much-needed privacy was not working). Then there were more traveling to meet him, furniture for the new place, clothing for all the events (GPs or not), uber rides here and there... all of that without mentioning that you weren't being able to get the freelance jobs you used to get to make some extra money, so yeah, to say things were tight was an understatement. You tried to do all your shopping alone, so he wouldn't offer and you wouldn't refuse or be awkward about it, but Daniel seem to be glued to you whenever you were in the same city (not that you’re complaining).
He started to spend much more of his time off with you at your place, so you decided to get a place by yourself (having a roommate was great for company and splitting the rent, but having a roommate there while you guys just wanted some much-needed privacy was not working). Then there were more traveling to meet him, furniture for the new place, clothing for all the events (GPs or not), uber rides here and there... all of that without mentioning that you weren't being able to get the freelance jobs you used to get to make some extra money, so yeah, to say things were tight was an understatement. You tried to do all your shopping alone, so he wouldn't offer and you wouldn't refuse or be awkward about it, but Daniel seem to be glued to you whenever you were in the same city (not that you’re complaining).
The thing is, you always had trouble dealing with money. Sure, you liked to pay for your own stuff so as to not owe anything to anyone (especially boys), but it was so much deeper than that. Ever since a kid, you hated asking for money from your parents, and sometimes even the thought of buying stuff that was a bit more expensive made you sick. You couldn't explain why, you just felt guilty having so much and knowing that most people have never even seen that amount. It's not that you didn't want to spend it and save for the sake of it, you just didn't handle the idea of money very well. Needless to say, dating a millionnaire was bound to cause trouble in the relationship for you.
You were currently at his place in Monaco. It was the summer break and you had decided to spend some days just chilling at home, just the two of you - which you were glad since going out means hair, makeup, clothes, accessories, shoes... and, let's be honest, the kind of places he usually took you is not the kind of places you just throw something together last minute (the Instagram models and other driver's girlfriends looking you up and down were enough to make you think about spending money you did not have to hire a stylist or something like that). The whole situation was really stressing you out and you knew you would have to be honest with him eventually, instead of only dodging the subject and refusing most of his offers to pay. You tried to. You kind of tried. You suggested staying at home, in bed, most of the time, and he gladly agreed, but that strategy wasn't gonna work forever. You had to be honest with him. But at the same time, you knew what he was going to say and do, and the thought of him spending money on you, even if just by handling the restaurant bill, wasn't something you were much more comfortable with. Besides, it was only a matter of time before the "gold-digger" term starts to fly around in the small world that was the F1's.
You were laying on his couch, the Olympics playing on the TV but you were too busy overthinking the money thing to pay attention. Daniel was laying with his head on your lap, absently caressing your thigh and watching the TV. His phone went off and he moved to pick it up.
"Hello?" you watched as he answered the phone. "Hey mate, how's it going? Uh nothing, we're just chilling at home. Getting some rest... Yeah, I'm getting rested, you dirty-minded son of a bitch" you rolled your eyes while he laughed out loud on the line with someone. "Yeah, I know... the 19th is it? No, it's fine. Yeah, yeah. I'll be there. Alright, mate. Thanks for calling. Have a good one! Bye!" he hanged up and leaned in to peck you on the lips.
"Good news?" you asked him.
"Not really. Just wanted to kiss you" he shrugged, smiling. You smiled back and hugged him, pulling him in for another kiss. He was always so caring with you, always finding an excuse to kiss or touch you. You knew some people didn't like it, but you loved it. Physical touch was definitely one of your love languages.
"What's happening on the 19th then?" you asked him once you guys set apart from the kiss.
"Gotta be in London. Gonna run some testings and other boring race stuff..."
"Hum..." you hummed in understanding.
"You know what would make it less boring though?" he asked and you just looked at him, you already knew what he was going to ask you and it wasn't that you didn't want to spend every minute of the day with him, but you simply couldn't afford any more traveling, especially not in such short notice. "If you came with me. Huh? What do you say? A week in the Queen's land? Then we can fly together to Spa and after the race, I can go with you to Amsterdam. The next one it's the Dutch GP anyway, I'll just get there sooner" he laughed. It was crushing you, the man of your dreams was literally beaming at making plans with you, talking about spending the next few weeks glued together and you couldn't say yes.
"Dan, I have to work" you smiled sadly.
"Can't you work from distance? Or, I don't know, I mean... I know it's tiring, but you could come to London and fly home a bit early, then just meet me in Belgium?" great, his solution includes even more flying. And the thing is, you really didn't mind the flying. You always slept during the whole thing anyway, so you never got tired and the jetlag was minimal. You could work from distance, sure. Your boss wouldn't mind, as long as you got there eventually to check in on everything. But the whole logistics were just too expensive. There was no way you could afford it.
"I... sorry, I don't think I can" you said sadly and watched as his face dropped.
"That's fine, baby. I get it. I'm asking too much, all this traveling... don't worry about it" he tried to mask his emotions but you knew better. He knew you could in fact work from distance, so he was probably thinking the reason you couldn't do it was because you didn't want to.
He got up from the couch and walked into the kitchen. Meanwhile, you couldn't help but bury your face in your palms. This was so frustrating!
"You wanna go for a run or something? Maybe get something to eat?" he called from the kitchen, already moving on from the subject. You knew this whole thing was only gonna keep build up till he got tired of your excuses or you blowing up, probably the former, but you just keep going.
"Yeah, sure" you answered, getting up from the couch.
You and Daniel were both very active so going for a run, hiking, riding bikes, or whatever in the middle of the day was really routine for you. The Monaco summer weather was as beautiful as always and the sun was shining bright. You enjoyed the rest of your afternoon racing each other, kissing in the harbor, and just taking in the views, spending quality time together. Money wasn't even a thing in your bubble for a while.
"I'm getting hungry" he said on the way back home.
"Me too, and I'm super hot. I could go for a juice or something right now" you were all sweaty from the running, but you didn't care, he was too.
"You're always hot baby, I don't think juice gonna help with that" he grinned at you and you just rolled your eyes at him.
You passed by one of his favorite spots for food, nearby his place and he suggested getting some take-out, to which you agreed.
"Green juice, and a chicken wrap?" you tried to decide while the both of you waited in line.
"I'll never understand how you drink that"
"I've seen you drink that too, it's actually very refreshing"
"Because I'm forced to, I'm a high-performance athlete baby. But I'm on a break, so I'll have a coke, thank you very much" you laughed at him. He was holding your hand and tried to kiss you, wrapping his arm around you, you didn't dodge his kiss, you would never, but still laughed at the fact he wanted to kiss the sweaty mess you were right now.
"I'm gross, only you" you laughed.
"That's my baby, with no makeup she a ten" he rapped shrugging and grinning.
"Alright Lil Wayne, I know that one, don't even finish the verse" you laughed at him, making him laugh out loud, getting everyone's in the restaurant's attention.
"It's true, though"
"Sure..." You just shook your head smiling. Then you heard someone call his name.
"Hey! Daniel!" you both turned around to see Charles and Charlotte sitting in a corner, him waving at you two. You had met Charles a couple of times before but never spoke too much to him. They seemed to be leaving anyway, so they walked towards you guys, instead of towards the door.
"Hey mate, how's it going?" Daniel greeted him with a handshake. "Hey, Charlotte! You know (y/n) yet?"
"Hi! I don't think so, hi! How are you?" she greeted you smiling.
"Hi! Nice to meet you. Hi, Charles!" you said.
"Hey, (y/n). You're keeping him in line during the break? Char won't let me cheat my diet either" he laughed.
"Oh, that ship has sailed long ago! Daniel will just roll into the paddock if it's up to him" you laughed back.
"Hey! I think I've earned the right to some extra calories, we've been working out extra hard lately" Daniel said waving his eyebrows suggestively, making Charlotte giggle, Charles rolls his eyes and you go even redder than you were from the actual workout, while he just laughed out loud.
"I don't even want to know" Charles said. "Always great running into you mate" he was getting ready to say goodbye.
"Are we seeing you guys tomorrow?" Charlotte asked you.
"Tomorrow?" you asked her.
"Stefano's birthday" she said like it was obvious. Stefano Domenicali was the President and CEO of Formula 1, but you didn't know that yet - still, her tone made it seems like it was someone Daniel knew, so you just looked at him. He just rubbed his neck, looking a little embarrassed. "Oh, wait. Please tell me I didn't just said something I shouldn't" she looked at Charles.
"No, no. He invited me. Us, actually" Daniel reassured her. "I don't think we're going though, forgot to mention to you" he said looking at you.
"Uh mate, I wouldn't skip that if I were you. He didn't even invite all the drivers I heard" Charles said. "Maybe just stop by to say hello?"
"Stop by... a yacht... at the sea?" Charlotte said grinning at him. Daniel looked at you.
"You feel like going? It should be fun" he asked you.
"Sounds fancy... I mean, I don't mind if you go" you said.
"Common... I’m not going alone" he nudged you.
"I don't even have anything to wear, Dan" you told him.
"Oh! We can go shopping together!" Charlotte said and you had almost forgotten they were still there.
"Perfect!" Daniel answered for you. You could only imagine the types of stores she shopped.
"Tomorrow morning, then? Daniel can text your address to Charles for me? I'll pick you up!" she was being really nice about it.
"I thought you wanted to go today?" Charles said.
"That's when I thought I would have to go shopping with you, so I could use the extra time since you're the worst shopping partner ever!" she laughed at him.
"Burn!" Daniel laughed.
"His fashion taste is not the most reliable, let's face it" she laughed and kissed his cheek. "It's a date then (y/n)?" she looked expectantly at you. You didn't want to let her down, it was so hard to make friends with the girlfriends of other drivers, they were usually so... not nice. You could always just help her and find something to wear in your own stuff later.
"Yeah, sure! See you tomorrow, at 10?" you said simply.
"Perfect!" she beamed.
>>> end of part 1 <<<
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isagisyoichi · 3 years
SYNOPSIS: niko as your boyfriend
CHARACTERS INCLUDED: niko ikki aka my boyfriend hello
WARNINGS: swearing, pretend all the boys go to the same school and they're all friends for plot, normalize not writing serious boys as someone that practically hates their s/o and never opens up to them god bless, also no such thing as ooc since we dunno shit ab him so everything i say is law. SUPER LONG LOL, it's like 2k+ words 😭
A/N: i love my boyfriend and i'm v happy about all the attention he's getting (even if he will prob will b subbed out 👎) this was fun to write bc i think he would b very soft as bf and also i hate the notion that stoic and serious = boring and detached in a relationship. also first post w the new user yayyyy rip yoichisagis an end of an era for realsies.
FOR: fox anon my beloved this one is for u😩
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it takes a while for you two to get together, just because niko wants to think things through and be sure he’s making the right decision, as well as him being naturally apprehensive about this whole dating thing.
when you do eventually start going out, keep in mind you're probably his first real anything, so-
niko needs to take it slow for the first month or so because he needs time to adjust and get used to being in a relationship.
when he gets comfortable around you, niko starts to talk a lot more.
niko starts to talk about his interests more-soccer, stem stuff (idc i'll die by my hc that he's a stem boy), etc. and niko's really happy that you're genuinely interested in what he has to say :)
and as your relationship progresses, niko becomes more inclined to share his inner thoughts.
“this song is so bad, i hate it and how it's everywhere,” like, babe that sucks, but what do you want me to do, take it off the radio myself? 😭
you find out that niko’s kind of a hater LOL, but it’s okay, because it means he can be himself around you <3 and the mini debates you have with each other are fun.
he’s someone you can take shopping with you if you need a solid second opinion.
“ikki, is this cute?” you niko as you adjust the shirt you tried on in the fitting room mirror.
“no.” he’s so straight up LOL. “the blue one from earlier was better.”
“this one?”
“yeah, that one. you look really pretty in it.”
ngl though, niko’s not much of a mall person. he'd just follow you around like a little puppy LOL, but he doesn't mind too much because it's for you.
communication is important to niko!!!!! he wants someone that he can have real conversation about the things that matter to him, so he rly makes an effort to have that kind of connection with you.
niko's naturally funny but he isn't aware that he is lol.
but when he does try, i feel like his humor comes in the form of sarcasm and dry wit. likes poking fun at you here and there with a lighthearted jab.
"you're so weird, y/n," is the most common one.
niko’s naturally closed off emotionally (male aquarius 😒) but i, personally, think he’d really try and push himself to be more open with you, especially if you expressed for him to do so </3
he'd be really appreciative of someone patient and understanding of the fact that he doesn't open up easily, though.
but eventually, you become the person closest to him- niko confides in you a lot, which he’s grateful for because he usually holds everything in.
not one for pda or other lovey-dovey things in public, other than the occasional holding of hands but behind closed doors, niko’s so soft around you, it’s like he’s a completely different person.
also, i feel like niko’s real handsy with you, i get the vibe he’s super touch starved 😭
although it does take him a while to get used to physical affection, once he has, niko cannot get enough. he’s always touching you when he has no real reason to.
(and because you're his first relationship, i feel like it’s just natural that niko’s going to be kind of clingy towards you.)
“you okay, ikki?” you ask as niko suddenly wraps his arms around your waist from behind, resting his chin on your shoulder.
“mhm,” he mumbles. “just wanna be close to you.”
niko likes when you sit on his lap when he’s on his computer. you can have your arms wrapped around his neck, your head resting in the crook of his neck, or you could just be on your phone or whatever, it doesn’t matter, niko just likes you near him.
you guys don’t really talk to each other when you do this, aside from niko occasionally checking up on you and asking if you need anything from him.
but other than that, you guys just enjoy each other's touch in silence. it’s one of his favorite things to do with you.
however, if you start kissing him in the middle of whatever he’s doing and keep it up for long enough, niko will drop everything to make out with you right then and there (also one of his favorite things to do with you).
speaking of kissing- you kiss niko first.
niko would try to plan your guys first kiss out because he wants everything to be perfect.
but, he ends up taking forever to execute it because he keeps overthinking and you can only wait so long before kissing him, so you take matters into your own hands.
his kisses are sloppy and juvenile at the beginning, but he’s smart and learns quickly what you do and don’t like.
likes being kissed on his jaw and forehead the most :')
if the team ever happens to see niko kissing you, they're gonna be so annoying 😭
"yooo niko's making big moves ‼️" "my son's growing up on me!😩" "good job *pats on the back*" and niko is red all over as he drags you away from them, muttering about how childish and annoying they are 😭.
but, they're all very supportive of you guys, even if they're embarrassing as hell 🙄.
they even give niko relationship advice- which luckily, he doesn’t follow (most of the time), because, let’s be honest, if you're getting unsolicited dating tips from a bunch of teenage boys, it’s probably bad 😭.
you’re the only person niko shows his forehead to. just know that having the opportunity to see it means that niko trusts you more than anyone else :’)
repay his trust by kissing his forehead lovingly and showering him with compliments whenever you can !!!!!!!!!!
“y/n, why’re you so embarrassing,” niko says under his breath, blushing as you hold his face and litter soft kisses on his forehead, rambling about how cute he is.
always looks for you in the bleachers when he has a game and you’re always the first person he talks to after.
and the fact that you make an effort to come as often as you can means sooo much to him. definitely considers you to be his biggest fan.
real classy with nicknames- uses “my love/love,” and “darling,” the most.
his favorite petname from you is "pretty boy." gives him butterflies each time he hears it.
the first time you call him that, he's confused, but after you explain that being called pretty is basically the highest compliment a boy can receive, he gets all soft on you.
only uses instagram to like and comment on your pictures and that's it 😭.
comments stuff like “you're so pretty” and "beautiful," without any emojis because niko refuses to use them LOL.
remembers the compliments you give him! they help with his self esteem and i feel like he values your opinion a lot.
so, tell him all about how cute and smart and talented and hot and funny he is and how much you love him and he'll replay it in his head 24/7.
i think he prefers to be the big spoon, unless he's sad- then he really wants you to hold him.
niko gives me homebody vibes, so expect relaxed dates, but still nice, yk?
what i mean is niko's not gonna take you out to get gas station food and call it a day 😭 he's classier than that and he always puts in effort towards dates.
he always plans them ahead of time and takes into consideration what he thinks you'd enjoy. and he insists on paying 🤗.
but, niko always does something special for days like your birthday or an anniversary, like go somewhere fancy if you wanted to or buy a nice gift you've been eyeing for a while.
helps you with your schoolwork, 100%. most of the time niko tutors you because he wants you to actually learn the material, but if you're feeling lazy and just wanna get it over with, niko will just give you the answers.
this is a big deal because i love him and all but, niko gives me the vibe he's super stingy with his work 😭.
"this is the last time i'm going to just give you the answers, y/n." niko sighs out. "you have to start doing your homework by yourself."
niko's said that dozen of times but he's still giving you the answers free of charge. can you guys say #whipped 🤣?
LOL speaking of school, if you ever text him during class, i highly doubt that niko would entertain you 😭😭 (it's out of love, though)
y/n 💗: hiii baby imy 🥰
pretty boy: do your work, y/n.
pretty boy: pay attention.
y/n 💗: fine ur so lame 👎
pretty boy: whatever you say. i miss you too, by the way.
he likes to moves your hair out your face because he wants to see your pretty face better.
which is why you have to do the same with him 🥰!!!!!! makes him blush like crazy.
gets soooo soft when you post him or even take pictures of you and him together :') just the thought of you wanting to show him off makes him soooo happy.
he won't entertain you if you make a tiktok, though LOL. he's very stubborn in his belief that it's stupid.
just stands in the background with his arms crossed if you try to make him do a dance or something 😭 (he does think you look cute, though).
niko has such nice eyelashes but i doubt he's aware of it 'cause he's, y'know, a boy 🙄.
"my eyelashes are ... cute?" he questions. niko wasn't even aware that such a trivial thing like his eyelashes could be considered cute.
"yes, oh my god," you gush. "they're so long and nice, i wish mine were like that," you groan, examining yours through the camera of your phone.
"you're so weird, y/n," he says, a blush staining his cheeks. "your eyelashes are nicer," he mumbles as he kisses your forehead.
he's one of those people that prefers to be alone, but you're the exception. you know?
niko likes to keep to himself most of the time, but that whole thing doesn't apply to you, because he'd choose to be with you over being alone anytime :')
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
Inge! sorry I'm a little late to the party, but do you still take prompts? if yes, I'd like to request a friendship piece for either Rodney&Teyla or Rodney&Ronon (w/ or w/out a dash of McShep is good for me) pretty please? thanks! <3
Not that late at all, and what a lovely warm prompt! Thank you. :D
I went with Rodney & Ronon, but also kind of Rodney & Teyla and maybe Ronon & Teyla, and also John is around, and it’s almost teamfic? Also, Jeannie.
The door to John’s quarters slides open exactly like his own would, which he expects, but he stops cold after two hasty steps into the room anyway. He turns back to the door to check, and in the process has to look past the Johnny Cash poster above the bed and the surfboard leaning against the wall and the giant brick of a Tolstoy book on the nightstand, so yeah, he decides in the end, without stepping out to doublecheck - these are John’s quarters. There’s not a single thing out of place, except, well, the obvious.
“McKay,” Ronon grumbles. It sounds like a greeting. Like Ronon, sitting fully clothed on the edge of John’s made bed, is saying hi.
“What are you doing here?” Rodney asks, by way of saying hi back.
“Meeting Sheppard.” Ronon grins, in a way that looks a little dangerous. That’s a good sign with Ronon, who has no problem looking a lot dangerous, if he wants. “Unless you want to spar with me.”
Rodney does not. Rodney thinks that’s a little too predictable for him to say out loud; quite honestly, he thinks John is crazy for endangering his life that way voluntarily every week.
Rodney looks back at the door again, which has slid closed, and in front of which the person he’s been looking for has not suddenly materialized in the last ten seconds. “Where is John?”
“Not here.”
Rodney’s nerves make him skip the snappy comeback. “Any idea where he might be?”
“Why?” Ronon asks.
Which is more than enough to make Rodney spill his guts. He was barely holding it in, anyway. “I think Jeannie’s mad at me, and I’m not sure why.” He frowns and starts to pace back and forth and rub his hands together. He’s a multitasker. “I don’t think I did or said anything rude lately, but her emails are shorter than usual, and she didn’t even sign the last one. It’s really not like me to overthink these kinds of things, because I don’t care what people think of me anyway-” That’s a lie, he’s come to realize in recent years, but it’s a comforting one to repeat out loud, sometimes. “But, you know, I think I was the bad guy for not contacting Jeannie all those years and we’ve only just started being brother and sister again, so I’ve been trying to put in the effort, and now I think she’s mad at me.” He stops marching and gives the too long, didn’t read version. “So I need someone to tell me what I did wrong, so I can fix it.”
Ronon levels a look at him. “And you need John for this.”
The look says more than the words, and it has a point, of course. John’s not known for his exceptional social grace and skill. Rodney wags his head a little, considering how to justify his choice. John is his best friend, but he’d feel a little pathetic saying that to Ronon, who he’s pretty sure is also John’s best friend. “He had some surprisingly clever insights about my relationship with Jeannie last time she was here,” is what Rodney lands on, reluctantly. He spots John’s golf stuff in the corner, and wistfully thinks back to being able to just ramble at John without Ronon sitting there, judging him.
Ronon leans back, planting his hands behind him on the mattress. “I could help,” he offers, out of the blue.
Some deep, deep blue. Blue enough to make Rodney stare, hands stilling mid-wring. “You?” Rodney’s not trying to be offensively puzzled, but he thinks he’s allowed a little surprise. If John is dubious in his social grace, Ronon is a tripping hazard. “You could help?”
Ronon stares back like a challenge. “Yeah.”
“Okay,” Rodney says. He waits and looks at Ronon expectantly, but nothing happens. Ronon just looks back at him mutely. “Please?”
“What would Teyla do?”
“Huh?” She’s not here, either - if Ronon’s help is just sending him to chase someone else around the city, that’s not very helpful at all.
“Ask yourself,” Ronon says. “What would Teyla do? And then do that thing.”
Rodney is right back to baffled. He’s not sure he ever left - he’s talking to Ronon Dex about feelings. “Is that how you handle a problem?”
“No.” Ronon leaves a pause there. Rodney finds himself unexpectedly distracted by the question if Ronon talks so little because he really just doesn’t have much to say, or because finding words takes effort. “I glare at it until it goes away.”
Rodney huffs a laugh out of pure surprise, because that almost sounds like a joke. It may not have been, but either way Ronon doesn’t glare at him, which Rodney takes as a sign that he hasn’t just become a problem.
“And if that doesn’t work-” Ronon continues, which Rodney feels is surprisingly talkative of him, until he lets that sentence hang unfinished.
But Rodney can do that, now. Finish Ronon’s sentence. “What would Teyla do?”
Ronon nods. He looks a little smug, like there’s a dead Wraith around here somewhere. “Yeah.”
“Oh,” Rodney says, both because he would have guessed that Ronon’s backup plan would involve a lot more knives (though it could, potentially, still involve knives sometimes - Teyla’s very good with those) and because that’s actually good advice. If there’s one person who would know how to get someone to tell them what’s wrong, it’s Teyla.
And if Teyla thought somebody she loved might be mad at her, but she wasn’t sure why, she would... ask. She wouldn’t go into a tailspin and try to guess at the answer while assuming it had to be her fault, she would ask why and listen and then talk it out.
“Oh my God,” Rodney says, feeling like a whole new world just opened up to him. “Words.”
Ronon pulls a face. It looks a little like a sympathy wince.
Rodney flings a hand out at him. “Thank you!”
“Thank Teyla,” Ronon says, which Rodney thinks is a little weirdly modest for the galaxy’s greatest Runner who just counseled him through a family emergency, but they can work on Ronon’s ability to accept gratitude later, over lunch or something.
For now, Rodney sweeps out of the room, because he needs his computer so he can type so he can get Jeannie to tell him what’s bothering her so he can be a good brother, and apologize only once he knows what he’s apologizing for. God, Teyla’s smart.
As luck would have it, John is just stepping out of the transporter when Rodney storms towards it. “Hey,” he says, slowing to a stop when Rodney doesn’t. “What are you doing here?”
“Asking you for help.” Rodney brushes right past him with a pat to his arm; no time.
“You’re going the wrong way,” John calls after him.
“I’m fine! Ronon helped me by making Teyla help me help myself with Jeannie.”
The last thing Rodney sees before he steps into the transporter is John’s bewildered face. It’s clear John is left with some questions, but Rodney doesn’t need to hang around for that. Ronon can take over; that’s what Teyla would do.
Or, Rodney thinks, what a friend would do.
(Turns out, in the end, that Jeannie was never even mad at him to begin with - her next email is much longer, and details all the mundane little circumstances that piled up and left her very stressed last month but that she didn’t think Rodney had wanted to hear about (it involves a flu and lice and a car that wouldn’t start and visiting in-laws and school play preparations and a lost teddy bear and half a dozen other little things Rodney is glad he doesn’t have to deal with in Pegasus), and then she calls him very attentive for picking up on her mood and sweet for thinking to ask if everything is okay.
The next day Rodney bribes one of the botanists to cut a bouquet for him and gives it to Teyla, and he hoards one of the last pieces of pie at dinner until Ronon shows up. “What’s happening?” John asks, suspicious. Maybe Ronon’s explanation wasn’t all that comprehensive after all.
“Emotional intelligence,” Ronon says around a full mouth, spewing little pieces of pie across the table, and Rodney nods solemnly.
That’s not what Teyla would do, because she’s smiling at them both, but close enough.)
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