#I'm gonna be a wreck for work but this was worth it.
No no please write the essay I love to see people’s takes on Satanael
So it only took 14 months for me to get to this, but here we go.
Please take this with a grain of salt, I’m getting a lot of info from a Gnosticism explanation website which might not be all correct. And it’s also being written at midnight.
In the tags I left on your post, I mentioned that the biggest reason for Satanael being Joker’s ultimate persona is because Satanael is the child of Yaldaboath.
According to Gnosticism, Yaldaboath is the demiurge created by the heavenly being Sophia (which might be where Sophia, the AI from Strikers, got her name, but that’s another thought for another essay), who is basically the Gnostic equivalent of an angel (they’re refered to as aeons, divine entities descended from God the Father, and most were born from male-female pairs, along with the blessing of god). Yaldaboath was cast from the heavens into a realm below so early into his existence that he was convinced that he was the first “living” existence. It is explained that Sophia gave birth to a son that was the product of the rebellious and profane desire that had arisen within her, and due to being birthed only from Sophia and without the blessing of God, he was “a misshapen, belligerent creature that was utterly unlike the other heavenly beings.”
Because of this ignorance, foolishness, and malevolence, he created the material world, also trapping sparks of divinity in Adam and Eve. That last bit isn’t too important right now, but it’s clear that Yaldaboath didn’t make the world out of the good in him. There’s a lot of other stuff that happened that also proved that he’s not a good entity, such as creating the old ten commandments and then completely ignoring them, gaslighting those that he created into thinking that he was the one true god, and telling Adam and Eve that the fruit of the tree of knowledge would kill them if it was consumed, among other heinous acts.
As much as I’d like to back up my original claim, I can’t find anything that states similarly or differently, and whenever I do try to google it, lots of persona 5 and megaten (as well as other mythos based games and stories) come up and clutter the results, so there isn’t much. But if I’m understanding this correctly, Satanael was created by Yaldaboath to serve him, along with Yaldaboath’s other “higher” creations.
After some time, Satanael rebels against Yaldaboath, for some reason or another (again, can’t find reason, but one source did mention that Satanael rebelled with a heavenly light rivaling Yaldaboath’s). This leads me to believe that Satanael either found out about the true nature of Yaldaboath being an unjust demiurge, and that he was the bastard son of Sophia, one of the Aeons of Pleroma (greek for Fullness, literally the Gnostic name for Heaven) who atoned for her sin of rebellion and profane desire to conceive without the involvement of her own partner or the consent of God, OR he pitied humanity, OR he simply did not like Yaldaboath’s game of ruin.
In short, Satanael rebelled for the greater good of humanity, where Sophia’s rebellion caused grief and anguish, and Yaldaboath’s own rebellion from the true God put his creation of material on the path to ruin. In a way, Sophia’s rebellion created Yaldaboath, Yaldaboath’s rebellion created Satanael, who then rebelled against Yaldaboath (making Satanael basically a fallen angel), allowing for humanity to continue on in its own path of rebellion.
How does this relate to Joker? Well, we see that Joker’s story in P5 starts with him rebelling against who we think is the big bad – Shido. In most places, you wouldn’t directly rebel against an adult as a child/minor, as you’re unlikely to win. Joker’s rebellion in this part of the story is what kicks off his “fall” as a phantom thief. Shido is the one who created the phantom thieves, if you think about it, that rebel against him towards the end of the story (yes I know they fight Yaldy I’m getting there). While for a time, Yaldaboath is the player’s guide, eventually, Joker does rebel against him, in a direct parallel to Satanael. Yaldaboath created Satanael/chose Joker as the wildcard, and then Satanael/Joker saw the truth of Yaldaboath, and rebelled against him.
Personally, I would think that Satanael would be empathetic towards Joker, in that both were “created”” by Yaldaboath, and then both saw the truth of Yaldaboath, making both rebel against their creator. Kindness isn’t always a driving factor – Joker didn’t save the world for his love of the world, he saved the world because he didn’t want to live in a world where he would be punished for doing the right thing. It’s why he stood up to Shido both times, why he stood up against all of the phantom thief targets. All of them had an influential power that they used for their own gain/devices, just like Yaldaboath. And like Satanael, Joker couldn’t sit by idly. Sure, the way Joker went about his justice wasn’t correct, but correct isn’t always right, nor just.
Joker and Satanael both rebelled for what was right, even if it caused their downfalls, they were both held aloft in the end. In one text, it’s said that Satanael was brought up to Heaven, and Joker parallels this in the fact that he’s found innocent of his initial false crimes of assaulting Shido.
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slippery-minghus · 8 months
#really struggling with treating myself with any sort of respect right now. let alone the gentle care of my bedtime routine#i thought about putting myself to bed without my adaptive devices so i'd intentionally get a bad night's sleep but it isn't worth it#lmao and i've slept so badly the past two nights anyway i doubt tonight will be different#i really wanted to go dig out a razor but the marks from a month ago are still really obvious and it's gonna be hard enough hiding those#on my stupid fucking trip next week that i DONT want to go on#i'd so much rather spend those two weeks at home sleeping off burnout#but it's a stupid fucking Once In A Lifetime trip that has been something we've wanted to do for a fucking decade#and now that we're both real adults we can finally go but I DONT WANNA#i don't wanna be away from home that long!!! and miss the colors change outside my window!!!#and i don't wanna be away from maple!!! and i don't want my mom in my apartment stinking it up even though she's the best catsitting option#i don't want the disruption to my routine especially after how hellish work has been and how wrecked my routine already is#i dont wanna go spend two weeks so far away from home i can't even take my damn meds with me#and i cant fucking SIT WITH the hurt that the thing i FUCKED UP ON means *i* can't bring my fucking adderall EITHER#i don't even fucking know if A relies on taking it as much as i do#but i can only fucking feel the shame of letting them down!!!#i can't look past it and even begin to feel how MUCH I HATE MYSELF FOR LETTING *MYSELF* DOWN#BECAUSE I FUCKED UP#i just wanna sleep. forever.#i'm just gonna go away#personal#self harm tw
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slipper007 · 2 years
#im sorry for how much I've been venting on here but things are shitty and hate burdening people with it#to delete#im applying for grad school now and I asked my parents very carefully if they'd be helping me with application fees or if i was on my own#and I made sure that I didn't imply that I expected it. i made sure i worded it so that it was fine if they didn't want to or couldn't.#and I made sure I brought it up when everything was calm and there were no stressors or anything.#and I just got an exasperated sigh and even before they said anything it was over. literally just say you don't want to pay. it's fine.#don't sit there and tell me my grades are great but you don't want to waste your money. that feels so much worse than just being told no.#it feels like they don't believe I'll get in and it's not worth the effort to find out.#and honestly they're probably right. I'm a wreck lately. finishing my applications feels insurmountable.#finding the money to go even if I get accepted is impossible. and that feels awful because I know so many people getting free rides already#it's just like high school all over again. everyone's practically getting paid to go to one of their top schools and then there's me.#stressed about application fees#stressed about what on earth I'll do if they say no#stressed about how I cannot afford this without loans and being in debt.#i just. i hate this. i hate myself. my applications look like shit. the recommendation I've gotten back is literally shit.#i already know I'm not gonna do well in the quote unquote adult world and honestly this is just proving it to me#i literally haven't felt like me since junior year of high school and i don't know what to do and there's just no time to rest#and no time to put my all into anything#im doing school and 10 hours of work per week with free weekends and i can't rest already#how the fuck am I going to do school and 30+ hours a week of work and make rent and commute and agh#i feel so behind and so inferior and so fucking shitty all the time and there's nothing to fucking do about it#hhhhhhh#and nobody gets it. least of all me.
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lav-moment · 17 days
crazy how people consistently tell me that i don't care about the things i care about most and then deny my retorts
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laurashapiro-noreally · 2 months
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Looking for something to read?
Oh look, it's another recs post! This time I'm featuring two stories per author. These are writers I always make time for, whose work stands out as unusually hot, clever, funny, or smart -- sometimes all of the above.
I'm gonna start you out strong with two by @werpiper: After Hours takes Aziraphale and Crowley to the baths after their oyster supper, and all sorts of interesting pleasures are there for our angel to sample. Piper's Crowley is one of my favorites: always evaluating the situation, not quite aware of what his own heart is doing but feeling it anyway.
Fitting In is a new story, still a WIP, but I am utterly tantalized by Muriel's first taste of love -- and tea. This is already rich in detail, soft and fragrant, and I can hardly wait for the action to get going in earnest. The pairing seems surprising but when you think about it for ten seconds of course it makes sense. Sex workers help the curious, the awkward, and the inexperienced every day, bless them.
If you enjoy these, check out @werpiper's back catalog -- they have done a ton of ineffables-through-the-ages, and their series Miracles and Heresy is worth many delightful hours of your time.
I love what @copperplatebeech has been doing lately:
He's Not My Friend is a T-rated story that explores Aziraphale's constant refusal to acknowledge his relationship with Crowley, and Crowley's mirror of that, and how things glacially shift over time. It is subtle and yet specific, it will make you ache and smile.
All Of The Above, also T-rated, is a warm and fuzzy alternative to that, a hilarious celebration of true friendship that made me laugh out loud and still got me right in the feels.
@copperplatebeech can do everything, from quiet, gentle, and romantic to devastating plotty AUs to extraordinarily horny established relationship to absolutely ridiculous humor. Do dive in if you haven't already.
Next up, @cumaeansibyl, master of kink:
better living through technology manages to shove everything I want in a dirty story into less than three thousand words: uptight Aziraphale reduced to sodden wreck, Crowley gleefully showing him what he's been missing, character-driven erotics, and exceptionally funny dialogue.
indulgentiam peccatorum nostrorum is somehow all that and more, turning the "I was wrong" dance into a kink (something I can't get enough of, recs welcome). This one is post-Bastille so it is extra-juicy. Mind the tags!
@cumaeansibyl has a gift for established relationship one-shots, which readers of mine will know are my entire jam. They also have a mind-meltingly hot inverse!omens AU that features different variations of angelic/demonic Crowleys and Aziraphales for our ineffables to play with.
A new-to-me author, Calico, has me hanging by a thread with their Ineffable Romans series. If you want to remember that your ineffables aren't human, that they are inordinately clever but very stupid, that the feelings they have for each other are truly beyond what anyone alive has ever felt, Calico may be the writer for you. This stuff is deep. Also hot af.
Sub Rosa reads like a nasty shag at Petronius', but there's so much more going on here. It is Extremely Queer, driven by power dynamics, and Crowley is fully demonic here and absolutely in control...or is he?
The Intemperance of Liber Pater continues on this theme, with dialogue-driven smut that reads less like a seduction than an inevitability. There's another story in this series, unfinished, and I can't wait to see what happens next.
Last but not least: two short pieces by @ineffabildaddy. I stumbled on their stories just this week and I absolutely love their approach, which I've not seen done quite this way before.
take me as your wife has a tight first-person perspective as Crowley meets Aziraphale for a meal and imagines (or is it his imagination?) that Aziraphale is suggesting Certain Things about how they might occupy themselves later. Indeed, is he suggesting even more? Something about their relationship? Or is it all in Crowley's head?
Only in Dreams is kind of a companion piece, from Aziraphale's point of view -- though hundreds of years later. This one's set after the events of S2 and although just as romantic as take me as your wife, it also offers an ineffable take on the ol' glory hole concept. Just in case you thought I was getting soft. 😏
@ineffabildaddy has a whole series of poems and ficlets like these and I can't wait to explore them all.
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sourbinnie · 1 year
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you lose your way | chan x gn!reader angst + fluff | just take my hand
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chan didn't think he deserved your love at all. he thought he was destined to be alone forever but then het met you and he saw a bright future ahead of him, one that he never imagined. he felt completely and utterly comfortable being with you but the awful insecurity of not being enough or not doing showing the love he thinks you deserve haunted him. it felt like a shadow above him that followed at all times when he was at work, thinking that you got home from your job and you were all alone. 
why couldn't he be the boyfriend you deserved? why couldn't he just put in the effort and be there for you? always stuck somewhere else. with every comeback, every promotion, every song, every dance you were lingering on his mind there all alone. he was so exhausted every time he set foot in your shared apartment and he did not expect you to wait up for him but you always did. 
at one point he even felt like he had to end things because this wasn't healthy for either of you but what would he do without you? no motivation, no reason to continue a path that he didn't want to even think of. he felt trapped like he knew you were doing this out of kindness but why would you do that for nothing in return? the last time he kissed you properly was like a month ago.
maybe this was a signal for him to stop, to actually look around him and think of what he was doing. yet he always went back to work, he just couldn't be stopped from recording another track, writing lyrics (mostly about you) and practicing even more than what his body could take. 
"chris?" your voice got him out of his daydream/nightmare and he looked at you. you knew the password for his studio so he wasn't surprised about that but you looked like you just got out of work. "it's kinda late i'm sorry if i'm bothering but i wanted to know if you wanted to go home with me?".
"i don't know if i can love." he sighed as he looked back at his laptop again, writer's block was his biggest enemy. he knew he had the hability to put on some heart wrecking lyrics yet nothing was coming to mind. again another signal to stop maybe. "you can go home if you want and you don't have to stay up, i know you're tired."
"i don't mind waiting for you, you always carry me to bed anyways." you said, giving him a little smile as you sat down next to him. "can we talk baby?" you asked and if he wasn't scared before, he surely was now.
he expected this conversation to lead to the worst. he expected for you to leave him right then and there, after all he did not put effort at all into your relationship even if you were all he could think about. even if you lived in his mind rent free 24/7, he knew he would never be the boyfriend you were meant to have.
"yeah of course." he said as he looked at you, you grabbed his hands and that's where he felt everything was gonna go down. 
"you know you can talk to me, right? it's been a long time since we've had a proper conversation. i don't mind it really, i know you're busy but if it's too much you can always talk to me. i'll always have your back and i'll always hold your hand when you need me the most christopher." you said in a serious tone but with the kindest way. he couldn't help but feel the tears cloud his vision as he heard your words. "i believe in you and i love you. i know this is your way of proving your worth but you're much more than your job."
he wiped his eyes as he didn't want to make a fool of himself in front of you. he felt like he was gonna choke on his tears anytime soon but he took a deep breath and looked at you again, nodding. 
"i know. it's just been a lot lately and i know you deserve better." he said and you shook your head. "i know you're gonna say you're fine with it but how can you be fine with me not being there for you?"
"it's your job chris, i understand. you love it here and i love that you're passionate about it." you clearly said as you played with his hands and gave him another warm smile. "what kind of significant other would i be if i didn't let you enjoy what you have? it was your dream to be here." 
"but is it too much? i feel like i don't show you the love you deserve. i feel like i'm all you don't deserve." he said letting his feelings out once and for all. 
"there's no love i deserve that's not yours. i just want what you give me at the end of the day." you said, kissing his cheek and hugging him so he could let all the tears he needed out. "i know you're lost but i'm not letting go. i'm never gonna let go of you 'cause you're the only one."
the words pierced through his heart as he sighed and let all the tears fall from his eyes when you embraced him. he didn't feel okay, he knew he wasn't okay but something about you saying you're gonna be there for him forever just eased his heart. it eased his pain and sorrow as didn't want to let go of the hug because it was all he needed at the end of the day. for you to be there for him in such a way, meant the world to him.
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delphi-shield · 7 months
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Close in the Distance // Poly Drabbles
multichara x gn!reader wc: ~1650 characters included: jill, leon, chris, claire, rebecca, carlos, ada pairings highlighted: jill & leon, jill/claire, jill/chris, jill/carlos, chris/leon, chris/rebecca, leon/ada, leon/claire ada refers to the reader as gorgeous but i consider that a pretty gender neutral expression, ymmv. i'm kind of throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks with this, but i hope you enjoy it! i know i had fun writing it. i'm gonna go see fnaf and play splatoon until my eyes bleed lmao
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Ada & Leon
Ada runs just as easily as she pulls you down to her bed. Leon leaves you with much more reluctance, but he leaves all the same. The note he leaves pinned to the fridge with a fish-shaped magnet from your last vacation (Roatán, blissfully uninterrupted by Leon’s work. Ada’s shadow darkened your doorstep two days before your flight home. She arrived in the night; you think you dreamt her arrival, her muted argument with Leon, but when you wake it’s with her arm draped across your waist. "Stay put, gorgeous," she tells you, her voice a sleep-addled rasp at your ear, "Leon's getting breakfast.") dripping with remorse and guilt.
On a rare reunion, you slip away to give them time to themselves and Ada reels you back in with an arm around your waist, tucking you securely between the two of them. They race for the same cheesy joke just to hear you laugh and exchange warm glances over your shoulder. You pray one day you will wake and they will both be there. You pray that one day you stop collecting the pieces they leave behind to remember them by.
Claire & Leon
Claire and Leon are in and out of each other's lives so often that you could tell time by it. Thanksgiving together and Christmas apart, a New Year's reunion obfuscated by the fizzle of fireworks overhead. Claire holds your hand in the crowd, Leon’s hand at the small of her back to guide the both of you. She leans close to be heard over the cheering of the crowd, promising to kiss you first at midnight. Leon doesn’t seem to hear, but he spins you away from her when the clock hits midnight, stealing the first kiss of the year, smiling against your lips as Claire whines and smacks his arm.
Days later, Leon tells you, "we're both in the doghouse now," when you come home to an argument and refuse to pick a side. Centrism is the biggest crime of them all to Claire, and Leon’s apologies are in short supply. You fall asleep with him on the couch, and when you wake with a pillow under your head and Claire’s humming drifting from the kitchen, you know that you are absolved.
Chris & Leon
Chris and Leon thought this arrangement was fine until their own unresolved feelings bubbled to the surface, their entire friendship recontextualized in the span of seconds over cheap beer. You lean against Chris’ shoulder, watching the gears in Leon’s head turning. A realization years in the making happens in the span of minutes for you, and it takes only a little bit of careful probing to understand that it’s mutual. 
They both drag their feet, men who know how easy it is to wreck something as fragile as this, neither willing for their hands to be the ones that break this time. To be direct is to be dismissed. Chris brushes off assurances that you don’t mind and Leon has told you in no uncertain terms to drop it. You feign tiredness one night and slip away, leave them to themselves, and like clockwork, they ask to speak with you about something the following week. Smug is an understatement. Your playful ribbing is worth putting up with if it means the three of you can move forward together - even if it means the porch swing is a little more cramped from now on.
"Don't let that one go," Chris teases, his eyes squinting in a smile.
"I don't think I can," Leon says. He means it to be a joke about the way you cling to his arm, but his voice too soft, too enamored for the intended effect, his eyes too warm.
Jill & Leon
Jill and Leon see too much of themselves in each other to ever understand the appeal, but god, do they love you. For a long time they operated on separate schedules. You had called it a custody arrangement once, a joke that you came to regret with every fiber of your being because the both of them had latched onto it and neither of them know how to let a joke die with dignity. The first sign of change is a text from Jill, sent at three in the morning (a difference in timezones she didn’t bother to calculate, you’re sure). An offer, their stupid custody joke to break the ice -  I know it’s your weekend, but that movie they want to see is coming out Saturday and I’ll be stateside. Do you mind if we go? You can come too.
It hadn’t been a good movie, some forgettable action movie you had laughed about all the way home, but ever since that night they had been more open to nights together. That’s how you wound up with your legs over Leon’s lap, your head against Jill’s thigh, Leon’s thumb tracing a lazy pattern against your ankle and Jill’s fingers carding gently through your hair. Their hands meet in the bowl of popcorn and Jill relents. Leon insists, no, after you, his tone as dramatic as the sweep of his hand. You can envision the way Jill rolls her eyes without picking your head up, and before they can devolve into a familiar back and forth, you chime in sleepily. "What, are you guys five? If you were going to get cooties, you’d get it from me."
Jill & Chris
“Wrong side,” Jill reminds you, indicating to her own ear. She doesn’t even need to look up from her breakfast. You click your tongue and move to Chris’ left instead, repeating your question louder, clearer. They move so fluidly around each other, nearly two decades of trust informing every word, every look, every action. At times it feels like they inhabit the same body. It's all you can do to try and fall in step with them. They make space, slow their pace, guide you where they have to. Chris is ever the worrier, but it’s Jill who watches you like a hawk when the three of you are out, who grips your wrist loosely and nudges you up with them, never letting you fall behind. Unhurried time together is short on supply, but you cherish every moment of quiet, every laugh, every old story they have to explain to you, you cherish the hurt and the pain, the grief that they try to borrow from each other, all the things they would rather forget yet choose to trust you with.
Jill & Claire
Jill is an expert in handling Redfields, but she can take them apart just as easily. She says she’ll teach you one day. A well-placed ‘got it out of your system’ during an argument starts Claire’s rant all over again. A hand at the nape of her neck, curling her into Jill’s side to calm her. Jill’s methods are effective, but they’re hers. You weave your own way between them, fingers interlocking with Claire’s, palm flat against Jill’s, the way each of them prefer. Jill will drink her coffee anyway she gets it, things like preferences and personal taste feeling like an afterthought to her after so long of nothing but survival, but you see the scrunch of her nose when it’s too dark, too bitter. You slip sugars and cream one cup at a time until you find the perfect blend, and it doesn’t take Claire much longer to catch on to your discovery. There was peace before, and there can be peace again.
Jill & Carlos
"Not that one," you tell Jill, swatting her hands away as she tries to pack one of your many stuffed animals up, the small army having taken over most of the bed. "Carlos got me that one." Jill rolls her eyes, muttering that they're all from Carlos. His absence is filled with plush toys, cheap, soft substitutes for his presence - but at least he tries to fill the void. Jill becomes a ghost when she's away for work, insisting her silence is for your benefit. She comes back to you battered, vacant, and she asks you what you've been up to as if she might fill herself with your memories instead.
If it weren’t for Carlos, you would have no idea how she’s really doing. He has her back, he assures you, and you wonder if he’s reminding himself as well, if the distance she forces (for your own good, she repeats, her tone firmer) bothers him as much as it bothers you. Pulling her back to you isn’t always easy, but Carlos is a steady presence at your side. His gifts for Jill are fewer and farther between - Jill told him to cool it, by his own admission - but you notice as she thins out the stuffed animal militia, she leaves the dog plushie he had gotten her right where it is.
Chris & Rebecca
Rebecca drags you through the aisles of a department store, stuffing colorful paper decorations into the cart you push. Chris is coming home - properly coming home, not just a quick stopover between flights. Rebecca wants to surprise him, and you worry he’ll be too tired. You worry his assignment took a turn for the worse, that the last thing he needs is a fuss when he’s barely had time to process the aftermath. Rebecca assures you it’s fine. She insists she wouldn’t be doing this if everything hadn’t gone well. You reach for the pink and blue streamers on the top shelf, dropping them with the mish-mash of other supplies in the cart as she tells you more and more about the assignment. “I think that’s supposed to be classified, Becca,” you remind her. She shushes you, a finger pressed to her lips. You make a detour to pick up a case of beer, making a bet with Rebecca on how long it will take Chris to ask for a cold one. Chris arrives on time for once, no delayed flights, a blissfully short debriefing at base. He drops his duffle bag the second the door is shut, eyes cutting to the fridge. His arm winds around your shoulders, tugging you into a hug. 
“Guess you missed me,” he says, taking in the decorations. Rebecca patters in from the kitchen, spreading her arms wide to gesture at the apartment, transformed briefly into a discount Party City. He’s tired, it’s clear, but he laughs all the same. It only takes five minutes - as you predicted, shooting a successful smirk at Rebecca - for him to ask, “Hey, any beer in the fridge?”
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keirawantstocry · 1 month
Would a prompt for Tubbo to show up at Fit an Pac's doorstep absolutely fuming work? Like maybe it isn't Tubbo in control it's Tommy here to give the 2 an ear full because Tubbo has been a mess, months of miscommunication building to thinking they have been left behind, months of Tommy hoping he was right not to jump in cause it meant his husband paid attention to him. But Tubbo's a wreck heartbroken it can't be ignored anymore, how could they just drop him like that weren't they steps away from all 3 of them dating? Was that not worth fighting for?
Sorry if it's too detailed prompts are not my specialty it seems 9 w 9;;
I thought maybe a prompt of how left out Tubbo felt would be nice something that gave Fit and Pac pause to see that the hostility Tubbo shows at times to their relationship was because of that but also thought Tubbo would never say it or open up to anyone but I know you also subscribe to Tommy possessing his husband sometimes... I'm going to flee now I'm rambling too much ...
Have a lovely day!
it's been a while but you have a lovely day!
Tommy was mad. Tommy was furious. 
Tubbo was in the back of the mind they were currently sharing, sulking. He was so upset and it made Tommy furious. So he took over. Grabbed the reins of Tubbo's body and took control. 
Tommy stomped their body right over to Pac and Fit's house while Tubbo was too busy keeping his tears at bay to protest. 
Pac looked confused when he opened the door. “Ola?” 
Tommy huffed, crossing his arms firmly. “Listen to me, man.” 
Fit appeared behind him with a cautious look. “Hey, Tubbo. What's up?” 
“Listen to me!” Tommy repeated. “You guys are assholes. He's not perfect, okay? He pulls away from affection and he's a little bitch half the time. But he's my best friend. He's an amazing person and he would rather choke than say it but he fucking loves you two. He's been moping in our fucking mind for ages. He won't stop crying and as soon as he figures out I'm saying this he's gonna take over this vessel and I won't be able to tell you. So fucking listen.” 
They both stared at him with wide eyes as he drove his finger forward to drive them further back into their own house. 
“He loves you both. Not the deep platonic bond he has with me. Because trust me,” Tommy scoffed. “What I have with him will last beyond your lifetimes. Completely and utterly. But he fucking loves you guys. I mean the way he talks about you two. The way he thinks about you two. God. It's so fucking annoying. He's mentally collapsing over how attractive he thinks you two are. It's so ridiculous.” 
Tommy took a deep breath. Pac tried to cut in but he made sure he couldn't. 
“No. Let me finish. Right now he's starting to stir in our consciousness. When he takes over I need you to kiss him and make up. Fuck, it's gonna be disgusting and I'm going to hate it but its better then having to see… the most important fucking person in my fucking life… having to be hurt over and over again by people he loves. So do your cringe ass lovey dovey shit and make sure he feels loved. For the love of-” 
He was cut off. Snapped back into the back of Tubbo's mind. Fuck, he swore to himself. Please let those idiots understand me.
Through Tubbo's eyes he watched. Watched as Pac took Tubbo's face as soon as his own words slipped out of his lips and kissed him. Murmured the sappiest shit he had ever heard in his ears while Fit hesitantly took him by the hand.
And Tommy was right. It was gross and he hated it. But the joy that flooded through Tubbo's body was undeniable and calmed his spirit. He could finally rest. 
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nottapossum · 3 months
1.8 Guardians, & Angel's ❤️⚔️🪽
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⚠️TW: Getting caught, Valentino, screaming, fighting, (perfect storms) mean words, fear of abandonment, getting kicked out, abuse, past abuse... LMK if I should add, if I missed something.
This one is gonna be the hurt- Next chapter gonna be the Hurt/comfort.
'I made a wreck out of my handI put it through the wallI made a fist and not a plan
Call me a reckless wrecking ballI throw my plates against the wall
And give it all I got
I aim to break not one but all
I'm just a big ol' wrecking ball
I am unruly in the stands
I am a rock on top of the sand
I am a fist amidst the hands
And I break it just because I can.'~Wrecking ball, Mother mother.
Husk's morning routine has changed a lot this year.
Lately, he has woken up and actually started to take care of himself.
Cleaned himself up, brushed out his fur, making sure he looked presentable for the hotel…
But he also ate food and drank water, which was…new.
He remembered the days he wished he wouldn't get up… 
The days he'd drink alcohol in the morning forget any and all events of the day prior. 
His afterlife wasn't exactly better now, it didn't change too much…
He was still on a leash.
He just now had a few people worth getting up for… he supposed. 
He wasn't sure if he liked just how much he cared, he sometimes wished he didn't. 
He stays sober- or at least somewhat sober so he can remember small moments with these losers.
He walked downstairs and started getting everything situated at the bar. He actually looked up at the stairs every now and then to see when he they were coming downstairs.
He hears the sound of bottles clinking against each other in the cabinet. 
Husk sighs and rolls his eyes, knowing exactly what it must be: he opens the door to the cabinet and pulls out the small strawberry colored rat-mouse he knew and loved. “Niffty, what were you doing in there?” Husk says her.
“Shh, hiding.” Niffty giggles.
“From who?” Husk asks.
Niffty shrugs and giggles more.
Husk sets her back on the floor. “Niffty, it's dangerous to play around glass. Why don't you go play in your maze for a bit instead, hm?” Husk asks.
Niffty whines. “Noo! I don't want to!”
Husk sighs. “Well, then why don't you bother Alastor? He's the one who's actually supposed to take care of you, right?” He asks. 
“I bothered him last time.” Niffty says.
“Well, I don't know what to tell you, I can't entertain you right now, I'm working.” Husk says.
Niffty huffs and stomps away. “Fine, I'll go find someone else to play with me.”
Husk rolls his eyes.
Husk continued his work, his head down at the counter to wipe it clean.
“Angel, will you play with me?” Niffty asks.
“Not right now, Niff. I'm on the phone.” Angel says quietly to her. 
Husk looked up upon hearing Angel, he sounded so nervous and stressed out.
“Yeah, I can- yes, alright.” Angel's lower hands are fiddling with his fingers anxiously as he talks.
Husk rolls his eyes, it didn't take a genius to figure out who was on the other side of that conversation.
Angel sighs. “Yes, Val. I'm on my way.”
“Good boy, I'll see you soon.” ~ Husk can hear Val purr before he hangs up the phone.
“You alright?” Husk asks Angel.
Angel forces a smile on his face. “Yeah…just Valentino…again.” Angel says. “Have to go into work and film for a bit.”
“Will you be back tonight?” Husk asks him.
“Why? Will you miss me, Husky?”~ Angel teases.
Husk glares at him wordlessly. 
“I'm kidding.” Angel says. “I think I'll be back tonight, we just lost a few scenes from the last project, and now we gotta re-shoot them.” 
Husk nods and hums. “Good luck,” he says, eyes back down at the counter. 
“Thanks.” Angel smiles before walking out of the hotel.
Husker sighs, holding his head in agony. 
“Poor Angel, I wish there was a way to get him out of there.” Charlie, the princess says, seemingly appearing out of nowhere.
Husk straightens up upon seeing her. “He'll be fine.” He says. 
“I don't know if Angel and fine go in the same sentence.” Charlie says. “At least not now, I- I just wish I could help him, but I also can't push his boundaries, and he's asked me to stay away from the studio and Valentino…”
Husk hums, he really doesn't want to think about Angel and Valentino right now… that fucking asshole really needs a knife through his throat. 
It would be a good look for the moth. 
“I feel like I'm completely failing him.” Charlie admits. “I'm supposed to help him, it's my job.”
“Angel can take care of himself.” Husk says, not sure if he honestly believes that.
Of course, Angel can take care of himself, but he can't escape the deal he made with Valentino…
He'd rather stay with Alastor for all eternity than let Angel suffer another day with Val-
Wait, he didn't mean that… Did he?
…Maybe he did.
“But, I can't help but worry about him.” Charlie says.
“I know what you mean…It seems like all I've been doing is worrying about him lately.” Husk admits before thinking. 
Charlie looks up at him, her pupils expand as she gasps. “Oh my gosh, Husk!”
“What?” Husk asks.
“You're worried about Angel!” She says.
“Yeah, I think I just said that.” Husk rolls his eyes. 
“Do you know what that means?!” She asks him.
Husk takes a step back defensively as his face starts to turn red. “What? It means nothing!”
“It means you're protective of Angel, you're practically his guardian!” Charlie says.
“Oh.” Husk says. 
“What did you think I was going to say?” Charlie asks in confusion to his response. 
“Nothing.” He says. “Wait- what do you mean I'm his guardian?” 
“I said practically.” Charlie explains. “Guardians are sorta similar to Caregivers in a way; Caregivers feel a need to take care of certain people, guardians feel a need to protect certain people. Of course, Caregivers can be protective and Guardians can feel a need to look after those they protect. You feeling protective of Angel may mean you feel this need to look out for him, take care of him.” ~ Her voice gets a little high as she smiles brightly.
“So…if you ever want to talk about that, that's what I'm here for.” Charlie says.
“I am not one of your wayward souls, Charlie.” Husk grumbles. “I'm not looking for redemption, Princess.”
Charlie nods. “Okay, well, I'm still here anyway, but as your friend, not your princess.” She says. 
Husk hums, not giving her an answer.
“And you know, if the redemption thing works for Angel, it would be nice for him to have a friend up there with him.” Charlie says.
“Not my path.” Husk says. “I made my bed, accept it…I have.” He mumbles as he looks away from her.
Charlie nods, but doesn't say anything.
He knows she was desperate to say something else, but she didn't. 
And he's glad she didn't.
Charlie walks upstairs, deciding to drop the issue and let him be.
Husk looks to the front door again.
Angel will be fine.
Charlie has nothing to worry about.
And if, by some miracle Angel does get into heaven, 
Husk will find peace in that.
Alastor's head hurt. 
His brain was fuzzy and his nerves were all over the place. 
Repression symptoms were honestly so torturous. 
He hated it! 
But he had to endure it for now.
He had no time for childish nonsense.
Besides, he doesn't need it…
Husker thought he was very clever, threatening to call Rosie on him. 
Who did Husker think he was?!
He can't deny how adorable the cat's little friendship with Angel was though. 
Which is probably the only reason Husk got away with his disrespect.
Had nothing to do with his little threat of course…
Although, he's not sure if he's ready to talk to Rosie yet…
~~~Alastor, A few weeks ago:~~~~
Alastor waited outside of Carmilla's building where the overlords meeting was held for his small egg spy to come back with news.
“You weren't going to leave without saying hello, were you?” A voice asks him.
Alastor's smile turns brighter as he turns to the woman. “Perish the thought, Rosie. I was clearly waiting out here to greet you.” He lies.
“Oh I'm sure.” She says, a smile still wide on her charming face.
“A skeleton lady!” One of the eggs gasped.
“Gone for seven years, no postcard, no phone call? I didn't get one lousy letter from you.” Rosie complained. “You didn't even say goodbye, I thought you must be dead. Because my pal Alastor would surely never leave without saying goodbye.” She ridiculed in a playful manner. 
“I apologize, Rosie. I would have told you if I could. Trust me, it couldn't be helped.” Alastor explained. 
Rosie hums, clearly not loving the sound of that.
“Careful, boss, she looks like she's up to no good!” One of the others say.
Alastor rolls his eyes and ignores the little egg creature.
“I see.” Rosie says, holding her hands on her hips, her face clearly concerned for his well being. “Are you okay?” She asks.
“I'll be fine, Rosie. Don't worry, there is no cause for concern.” He promised. “I have everything handled as always.”
“If you say so, I'll trust you. But that doesn't mean I won't worry.” She says. “You have a knack for getting into trouble.”
“I am not in any trouble, Rosie.” Alastor says with as much enthusiasm as he could muster. “Like I said, I have it handled.”
“You'd better, mister.” She says. ”Or I'll have to come and straighten it all out for you. And you won't like it if I do.”
“Want me to get rid of her for you boss?” One of the annoying eggs asks.
“I'd like to see you try.” Alastor says to Rosie with a laugh.
The egg however assumed Alastor was talking to him, so he waddled over to Rosie and started pushing her leg…which obviously did nothing, they were tiny. So, she kicked the egg and it rolled and hit all the other eggs. 
 “So, uh- do I want to know about the eggs?” Rosie asks him.
Alastor looks down at the small egg creatures. “Ah yes, the egg creatures…”
The little eggs got back on their feet, dizzy albeit, as they attempted to once again attack Rosie.
“Enough.” Alastor says to them. “Rosie is a friend, not an enemy, you nitwit.” He says.
The little eggs spun around. “Whatever you say boss!” 
Rosie chuckles. “They're charming.” 
“I was asked to dispose of the little pests.” He explains. 
Rosie looks at them and smiles. “Oh, don't you dare. They're far too adorable.” Rosie says. 
“You want them?” Alastor asks.
“Haha…no.” She says, face dropping the enthusiasm. “I have enough pests, but they're too cute to destroy.” 
“Thank you, skeleton lady.”
Rosie gave a curtsey to the small egg. “Of course, darling.”
“What would you suggest I do with them then?” Alastor asks.
Rosie taps her chin. “Hmm…cook them?” She suggests. “They're probably sweet.” 
“Interesting.” Alastor hums.
“I must be off, Susan will have a cow if I'm late for the town meeting.” She says.
Ah the cannibal town meeting, those were fun.
“Farewell Rosie, send everyone in cannibal town my regards.” Alastor says.
“I will. And hey! Don't be a stranger, mister. You hear me? I expect a visit from you soon.” She tells him. 
Alastor smiles as she walks away…
He truly did miss that wonderful smile, she truly had a way of making him feel right at home. 
It's not like he didn't think about calling her, visiting, letting go and allowing them to have a real conversation…
Honestly, there was nothing he wanted more than to converse with his best friend and (as Husker put it) ‘’Caregiver’’ again. 
Hear all the town gossip,
Maybe even allow her to take care of him for a short while…if she wants..
But only for a short while! 
Because he didn't need to regress…at least not as often as other littles…
‘Nonsense, Alastor.’ She had told him. ‘All littles need to regress at least twice a month. Repression only leads to more stress.’
And she wasn't exactly wrong…he supposed.
But alas, 
He must endure it for now.
He has a deal to fulfill.
He needed to help Charlie with her ridiculous hotel.
If he wants to keep his powers that is…
He has no time for friendship right now.
No time to be little.
He had work to do…
That’s what was important.
There was a small knock at his door.
Alastor hates that door sometimes… 
He walks over and opens it, no surprise he's met with the tiny souris.
“Niffty, what is it?” He asks her.
“Husk told me to bother you.” Niffty says.
“Why? Were you bothering him?” Alastor asks.
Niffty looks away from him. “Maaaayyyybeee.”
Alastor tisks and shakes his head. “Niffty, how many times must I tell you to not bother Husker while he is working?” Alastor asks.
“But it's fun! And I was soooo bored!” Niffty complains. 
Alastor hums, and walks over to grab her small bag with crayons and coloring books in it. “Here, how about you color for a bit, hmm?” Alastor asks. 
Niffty shrugs. “Okay, I guess.”
Alastor hands Niffty the bag. “Perfect, why don't you draw some pictures of everyone at the hotel.” He suggests. “It would be such a great help, everyone would be so grateful.”
That'll keep her busy for a while… he hopes so at least.
“But, will you color with me?” She asks him.
“I wish I could, but I have other matters to tend to at the moment.” He tells her.
“Aw.” Niffty pouts. 
“None of that now, we'll play later, alright?” Alastor asks her. 
“Promise?” Niffty asks.
“I promise.” 
Niffty huffs once Alastor left the room…
Everyone is too busy to play with her! It's not fair.
She looks around for some paper to color on but-
There isn't any. 
Only coloring books.
They have pre-pictures, no 
She looks around for Alastor, but he's already gone.
Oo! Maybe Angel has some paper for her to color on! He always had something for her! 
But Angel is gone…
She'll check his room then, just in case! Angel wouldn't mind- it's not like he tells Niffty constantly to stay out of his room right? 
Eh, he'll understand once he sees her beautiful art!
~~~Charlie and Vaggie, that night:~~~
Charlie and Vaggie were getting things organized for the next little session for Pentious.
“Do you think he'll like it?” Charlie asks her, holding up the regression journal she made for Pen, it was covered in gear stickers and little hearts and dogs.
“He'll love it, babe. I love it.” Vaggie says.
“I made one for Angel, Niffty, and Alastor too…just in case.” Charlie says. “I just- I have this feeling they might-”
“Alastor is not a regressor.” Vaggie interupts. “I thought we already agreed that he'd just messing with us.” 
Charlie shrugs. “I know, it's just for…in case he isn't.” 
Vaggie crosses her arms and raises an eyebrow at Charlie.
Charlie sighs, caving. “Okay…the truth is, I can't help but wonder if he might actually be a little.” Charlie says. “Maybe he's just an older little, sometimes it's hard to tell when someone is regressed.”
“How old did it say Alastor was?” Vaggie asks.
Charlie thinks. “I don't think it said. But we can check!” 
Charlie walks out of the room and down the stairs to head over to her office.
Vaggie sighs and shrugs, she truly doesn't understand how Charlie can believe in people so easily…
Though she supposed that's what made them so right for each other; Charlie trusts too much, Vaggie doesn't trust at all. Together they make a well adjusted person.
So, Vaggie follows Charlie downstairs to look at Alastor's  test.
Who knows, maybe they missed something- maybe Charlie was right…
But there's no way The Radio Demon was also a regressor. 
They make it to the office and Charlie gasps: “Oh no.”
“What is it? What happened?” Vaggie asks, panicked.
“Someone knocked over Pen's lego set.” Charlie explains, she picks up the tiny blocks and sets them on the small coffee table. “He worked so hard on this…did you knock it over?” Charlie asks.
Vaggie shakes her head. “No. I haven't been in here today.” 
“Hm.” Charlie considers for a moment…did she knock it over and just didn't notice? 
Charlie knows that she can be clumsy, but normally she's aware when she knocks something over…
She shrugs. It'll be fine, Pen is very understanding, she can just help him rebuild it. It'll be okay.
She goes over to her filing cabinet to grab the tests….
“What?” Vaggie asks her.
“The tests…they're kinda…gone.” Charlie explains, starting to panic. 
“What do you mean they're gone?!” Vaggie asks.
“I-theyre not here.” Charlie says. “I left them right-'' Charlie turns to Pentious's lego set. “Oh…no.” Her eyes are wide, and her breathing quickened. 
There's no way he- 
“What is it?” Vaggie asks.
Charlie bites her lip.
“Charlie, what?” Vaggie asks her again. 
“Uhm. I did see Angel coming out of this room last night…”
“He stole the tests?!” Vaggie asks.
“Maybe? But I'm sure there has to be a perfectly good explanation, when he gets home from work we can-”
“What explanation could he possibly give you to excuse this?” Vaggie asks.
Before Charlie could answer, they hear paper slide under the door.
They walk over and see a crayon drawing of Vaggie and Charlie.
But as they turn the picture around to see the back…
“Alastor's test.” Charlie notices. 
“Wait- so- where are the others?” Vaggie asks.
Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other. 
Charlie and Vaggie run out of the room to find the small woman who drew all over the tests. 
“Niffty!” Charlie calls out for her.
Niffty stops in her tracks and turns to Charlie. “Yes?”
“Where did you get this paper?” Charlie asks.
Niffty shrugs. “From Angel's room. He always gives me paper when I ask…was I not supposed to?”
Charlie looks over to Vaggie.
“Where are the other papers?” Vaggie asks her.
Before Niffty can answer, Pentious and Husk both walk into the main visiting area with tests in their hands with little Niffty drawings on them. 
“Charlie, why did Niffty hand me Husker's classification test?” Pentious asks.
“...and I have yours.” Husk says, handing Pentious his test.
Pentious takes it and averted his gaze. He was not ready to talk to his other friends about this…
Alastor appears via his shadow. “And I believe this is yours, my dear.” Alastor hands Vaggie her test back.
Angel walked back into the hotel, feeling awful. He fucking hated Val and his fucking waterbording kink. 
Everyone was gathered together in the main room, they all looked at him. “Uh…what's going on?” Angel asks them.
Vaggie holds up the piece of paper she had. “Care to explain how Niffty found these in your room?”
“Niffty found our classification tests in your room. Did you take them?” Vaggie asks again.
“So, you just send Niffty to go snooping in other people?” Angel asks.
“Niffty is our maid, she's supposed to clean up the rooms!” Vaggie says. “It's her job!”
“Okay, guys?” Charlie asks. “I think things are getting just a bit hostile, maybe take a deep breath and calm down.” Charlie says. 
“Charlie, I love you, but your fear of confrontation is what caused all this in the first place.” Vaggie says. 
Charlie was about to argue with Vaggie, but she bit her tongue. 
“First Alastor makes a mockery of the tests, and now this? You can't keep letting them get away with this stuff.” 
“Me? Making a mockery of your test? Did you care to consider that perhaps your silly test isn't as accurate as you make it out to be?” Alastor suggests. 
“You know you messed up the test on purpose!” Vaggie says. 
Charlie tried getting the others' attention. “Guys, please-”
“Interesting theory.” Alastor says. 
“It's not a theory, it's a fact!” Vaggie shouts. 
“It doesn't matter if Al lied or not! This test is fucked up anyway!” Angel argues. 
“Don't get me started on you, Angel!” Vaggie scolded. 
“Things were fine before you decided you'd exposssse everyone!” Pentious insists.
“Hey, I didn't mean for all this to happen! I just wanted to borrow Al's test…for- uh.” 
Everyone looks at Angel.
“Yes?” Alastor asks.
“For…blackmail...” Angel reluctantly finishes saying. 
“Ah yes, that changes everything. Doesn't it?” Alastor asks sarcastically. 
“Wait- no. That's not-” Angel struggles on what to say next.
“I don't care why you did it!” Vaggie says. “It was still wrong!”
“Angel, I thought we were friends, why would you do this!?” Pentious asks.
“They're right, you know.” Husk says to Angel. “It was wrong to take those tests, I don't care what he did.”
“Why do you care? I thought you hated smiles.” Angel says to Husk.
“I do hate him! But that does not excuse it.” Husk says. 
“Why don't you just go fuck yourself?” Angel suggests. 
“Very mature.” Husk scoffs. 
“Angel, Husk is right. You've done nothing but mess things up since you got here.” Vaggie says.
“Vaggie-” Charlie tries to interrupt.
“I didn't say that.” Husk says.
“Oh yeah? Well if i'm messing everything up. Why don't you just kick me out already?!” Angel asks.
Charlie reached out to Angel. “Angel, no-”
“Maybe we will!” Vaggie shouts. “We have a deadline, if we can't rely on you, if you're not going to take anything we do seriously, why are you even here?” 
Charlie's eyes start to fill with tears. “Vaggie-”
“That's fine, because I have better options, things were a lot better for me when I stayed at the studio anyway!” Angel shouts back.
“Angel, please don-”
“Angel, why don't you just admit that what you did was wrong and apologize?” Husk asks. 
“Because I'm not wrong! You all have been pestering me about this stupid test-”
“We have not been pestering you!” Vaggie says. “We never said you had to take the test, you blew everything way out of proportion!”
Alastor smiles as the group gets more and more heated.
“Well, you know what? I won't ruin anything else for you, because I'm leaving! I'll get my pig and I'll go home!” Angel shouts. 
“Angel no!” Charlie shouts. “Please wait, we can-”
“Great, you never took redemption seriously anyway!” Vaggie says, arms crossed firmly. 
“OKAY STOP!” Charlie’s demon form merges as she shouted over the group, causing everyone to stop arguing and look over at her “Listen, I'm sorry! I never should have asked you all to take the test. I- I messed everything up.” Charlie cries. “I just wanted to help you. But-” 
Vaggie's face drops, letting go of her anger to try and comfort Charlie. “Babe?”
“Charlie?” Pentious asks her. “Are you alright?” 
Angel runs upstairs to his room, closing the door behind him.
Charlie continues to cry, so Vaggie holds her.
 “I'm so sorry.” Charlie cries.
“It's okay, I'm here.” Vaggie says. “Just- follow me.” She says, taking Charlie's hands and leading her to Charlie's office. 
Pentious looked over to the girls with concern. “Charlie-”
Vaggie and Charlie left to the office, so Pentious slithered to his own room.
Husk sighs, rubbing his temples..“I guess I'd better talk to Angel. I don't see anybody else volunteering.” The cat says while he looks at Niffty and Alastor before walking upstairs.
Niffty was frozen where she was, unable to process this.
She made such a mess…
“Well, this was fun.” Alastor says before disappearing into his shadow. 
He doesn't know why he cares so much about Angel…
He truly doesn't.
The guy has so many issues, 
He doesn't understand boundaries,
He's obnoxious,
Husk pauses at Angel's door…
He really should just leave Angel alone…
But, he can't. 
He needed wanted Angel to stay…
He takes a deep breath and finally knocks.
'It takes a dedicated hand
To put it through the wall
You gotta wanna break the heart
Of all those pretty porcelain dolls
You gotta wanna be the drummer in the band
You gotta wanna be a battering ram
You gotta see the artistry
In tearing the place apart with me, baby
I am unruly in the stands
I am a rock on top of the sand
I am a fist amidst the hands
And I break it just because I can
Let's break it(Just because we can)
Deface it(Just because we can)
Let's break it
Just because
Just because
Just because
Just because.' ~Wrecking ball, Mother Mother.
Possum: Hope this is okay! If not....
The next chapter will be better. This was mostly build up for that. 😅
Ty all for the kind words last week in regards to the authors note as well as the chapter. 
You guys are honestly so amazing! I'm so lucky to have you all ❤️🩷🧡💕
@todayimfour @trophyxtissues2 @babiegurlmuffin @ask-dusty-boy @dex-dawn
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elizabethwritesmen · 8 months
but now i'm your daisy
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Part 1 I once was poison ivy
Older!Firefighter!Steve x reader
Synopsis: After a lifetime of running from your feelings, it's hard to face the ones you have for Steve. Fortunately, he doesn't give you much choice, and they're stronger than anything you've ever felt, anyway.
Warnings: SMUT 18+, unprotected, a little bdsm if you squint (consensual bondage and choking but nothing extreme), angst, talk of manipulating men and talk of drunk driving, very long chapter but the end is worth it (;
My name is whatever you decide And I’m just gonna call you mine I’m insane but I’m your baby
The bath helped ease my aches more than I thought it would, but I still felt horrible when I got out. I groaned at the thought of how long it would take for the pain to go away. Knowing Steve was coming over, though, was a good distraction. He told me he’d be there around 7 so I took a long nap and woke up at 6, rushing to get ready.
Considering the only state he’d seen me in was freshly wrecked and a mess, I wanted to look good. Of course, I wouldn’t mind him seeing me freshly wrecked and a mess again. But for a much better reason.
I curled my hair lightly and shook it out until i had beachy waves, then put on light makeup. I didn’t want to do a full face, I was running low on time and energy, so I just filled in my brows, dabbed some blush on my cheeks, put mascara on, and finished off with glossy strawberry chapstick. My body was shaking with the need to rest by the time I was done, so I didn’t bother looking for a nice outfit. I just pulled on a tank top and a comfy pair of shorts and went with it.
Not long after I finished, I heard his knock at my door. I opened it to reveal him standing there, jeans and a v neck where his work clothes once were. His hair was neatly combed back, one perfect strand falling into his face. He was even more handsome than I realized, all cleaned up and fresh. He even smelled good, the same cinnamon from before stronger now and filling the space around us.
“Hey,” he smiled, one hand in his pocket and the other holding a bag, presumably full of food.
“Hey,” I grinned back and sidestepped, “Come in.”
“Thanks,” he took my invitation, stepping past me. I lead him to my kitchen, gesturing for him to set the food down on the bar.
“I brought mexican food, I hope that’s okay. Just some tacos and queso. I wasn’t sure what you’d want, and everyone likes tacos, right?”
“Yes,” I giggled, “Everyone likes tacos.”
“Oh, and I remember you saying something about losing a cheesecake in the wreck, so I got you another one.” He pulled a box from his bag. Not just a small to go box, either. A full sized cheesecake with the logo from a local bakery on it. I’d been there before, I knew their stuff was pricy.
“Steve,” I sighed, “You didn’t have to do that.”
“I wanted to,” he shrugged, opening my fridge and slipping the box in.
He was just so nice. He wasn’t like the other men I dated. He didn’t bring me cold gifts and nice dresses or custom jewelry. He brought me a full sized expensive cheesecake because I was sad about losing mine. I felt warm, like my stomach had melted and turned to a puddle. It was honestly scary. I looked at him and felt more than I ever had with any other man. I’d dated guys for months on end before and they didn’t spark the reaction Steve gave me. It was intimidating. What was even more intimidating was knowing I wasn’t good enough for him. He deserved someone who hadn’t done the things I’d done. He deserved someone pure.
“I’ll go get your jacket,” I cut into my own thoughts and rushed out of the room, fearful that the dam would break and tears would spill over. My emotions with him were high. Maybe it was the way he took care of me. Nobody had ever done that before in my life. Sure, I’d never wanted for anything, but being financially taken care of and having someone take care of you are two different things.
I returned with the garment in hand a moment later and he slung it over the back of his bar chair, taking a seat.I pulled two plates from my cabinet and grabbed the one across from him while he laid all the food out between us.
“I got chicken and beef. I didn’t know which you’d want. There’s two of each.”
“I’ll take a chicken and a beef, and you can take a chicken and a beef,” I offered, and he nodded, splitting it onto the two plates. He set the queso in the middle and spilled some chips onto each plate.
“I know this probably isn’t as extravagant as the date you were on last night, but I hope you like it,” Steve smiled at me, seeming shy all of a sudden.
I furrowed my brows, chewing through the bite I’d taken of my taco and swallowing as quickly as I could. “I don’t need extravagant, Steve, this is perfect for me. In fact I think this is the sweetest thing any man has ever done for me.”
“But it’s not fancy, and I’m sorry. I’d like to do better one day, if you’ll let me.”
I sighed, giving him the most pitiful look I could manage, “I’ll let you, Steve. I’d love to go on another date with you. But I don’t want or need anything fancy. I’m more of a lowkey girl.”
“That’s not the idea I got from the dress you were wearing last night,” he pointed out. And he was right. It was custom made, tailored just for me, and it cost that man about $4000.
“I…” I started, unsure of how to proceed, “I didn’t buy that dress. The man I was out with bought it for me.”
“Oh,” confusion filled his face. He thought it over for a moment before concluding, “So you have a sugar daddy?”
I couldn’t help the snort that came through my nose. It was funny, really, to hear it put into those words.
“Not quite,” I explained, “There’s not really any… sugar involved. Just… I didn’t have a lot of advantages growing up, but I had so much ambition. I made the best grades I could but college is expensive and they only got me so far. Now I’m waitressing, but it still doesn’t cover everything, I mean I have a mortgage and a car note, insurance, tuition. Sometimes I go on dates with men who like to help me.”
“Why do they help you without any.. you know… sugar?”
“Because I make them feel good about themselves. And they don’t know there’ll never be anything physical, so they hope for it.”
His silence spoke volumes. I should’ve kept my mouth shut, but I didn’t want to lie to him, and it was the second time he’d pressed me about it. I don’t know why people say the truth sets you free. The truth felt like a horrible ball of pitch black nothingness, sucking the energy out of the room.
“You can go if you want, I understand,” I whispered, too afraid to speak up.
“No,” he rushed out, “It’s not that, I just… I don’t know how to be right now. You understand that I can’t take you to those nice restaurants, or buy you elaborate gifts. I can’t do any of the things you’ve said.”
“I know,” I nodded frantically, “That’s not why I’m here with you right now. I… Steve, you’re different.”
“Different how?”
“Look, I know you probably don’t understand and you might be judging me but I haven’t always had a choice. When I was a teenager, older men were always trying. Trying so hard, it was creepy. I went so long without giving in, but one day I just didn’t have the money to get anything to eat and my parents wouldn’t help me. They said they’d already done too much for me, you know, raising me and all. I let one of the men take me to dinner, and then it happened again. And again, and again, until dinner turned into nice parties and fancy dresses and paid bills. I know I should be ashamed, and believe me, I am, but I can’t change any of it and it’s gotten me to where I am now.”
“Sweetheart,” Steve hummed, that soothing tone back in his voice, “You don’t have to be ashamed of what you’ve done to survive.”
Tears were flowing down my cheeks. He brushed them away with his thumbs, keeping my face in his rough hands.
“I’ve never wanted more, Steve. Never. I’ve never looked at a man and felt anything but indifference. But like I said, you’re different, and I just… I’m scared.”
“It’s always scary the first time you give up your power. I felt the same way the first time I ran into a burning building. But I haven’t regretted it, and I hope you don’t regret meeting me.”
“I don’t. I really don’t.”
“Then don’t worry about anything else.”
We finished eating and he helped me clean up. Or rather cleaned up everything for me.
“You didn’t have to wash all of my dishes,” I huffed.
“It hasn’t even been 24 hours since that truck hit you. You’re not lifting a finger, I’m here to take care of you.”
My eyes hit the floor at his words, not able to look into his anymore. He kept saying that, and it wasn’t just talk. He was making sure to do it, and to do it well.
“You keep saying that,” I breathed out, a small giggle following.
“Because I mean it.”
“I know.”
He stared at me for a moment, the look in his eyes heavy and intimidating, before putting the last dish away.
“Let me take you to dinner Friday night.”
My eyes widened at his sudden words, and I couldn’t fight the frantic nod that followed. “Please.”
“I know you’re probably sick of dressing up, so we can go somewhere more casual if you want.”
“I’ve never dressed up for you.”
His eyes darkened and he stepped closer to me, brushing my hair behind my ears.
“You wanna dress up for me, huh?”
“Yes,” I whispered, leaning into his touch, “Wanna look pretty for you, Steve.”
“You look pretty without trying. But I’d love for you to look pretty for me.”
“Steve,” I whined, “Please. I’ll wear whatever you want me to wear, just kiss me.”
He obliged with a groan, cradling my head in his hand carefully and letting the other one fall to the small of my back. I arched into him, pressing my mouth into his, wanting more and wanting to be closer.
It ended entirely too soon, and I stood dumbstruck, dazed and kiss-drunk.
“I’ve got work early,” he whispered, “I should probably go. But I’ll pick you up Friday at 7.”
I nodded, walking him to his truck. He pressed me up against the door and kissed me one more time before climbing in.
“See you Friday,” he winked.
“Can’t wait,” I smiled, breathless. My heart was racing, my mind full of him.
“I’m not leaving til you get inside safe,” he told me, and I nodded, springing into action.
Echoes of your name inside my mind Halo hiding my obsession I once was poison ivy but now I’m your daisy
Good morning pretty girl. Just got to work.
The message was sweet and simple, and it put a smile on my face as soon as I woke up.
I quickly responded,
morning stevie, be careful saving the world today
And from that moment on, we didn’t skip a beat. Never did more than a few minutes pass between messages.
I called the insurance company and they set up a rental car for me until they could finalize my claim and get me a new car. One of my coworkers, who happened to live close to me, offered to take me to pick up the rental, and I graciously accepted. When she picked me up, she had flowers and a “Get Well Soon” card signed by everyone at the restaurant. Along with a message from my boss, I had the next two weeks off to recuperate and more if I needed it. I was grateful to have such a nice work environment.
I didn’t tell Steve about the car. Instead, I decided I wanted to surprise him. I stopped at the store on my way home and got the ingredients for homemade baked macaroni and barbecue chicken. I whipped it up, a large helping of both because I imagined a bunch of firemen would be pretty hungry, and packed it all into passenger seat.
I put on light makeup again, and slipped on jean shorts and a low cut t shirt with a pair of matching sneakers. My hair was still wavy from the night before, so I didn’t bother with it.
I was relieved to see that both fire trucks were there when I pulled into the parking lot. My tummy was knotted up as I worked up the courage to step out of the car. The knots unraveled though, as I jumped, a knock on my window startling me.
I turned to see Eddie standing there, gesturing for me to roll it down.
As soon as I did, he commented, “Nice wheels, insurance kicked in?”
“Not quite,” I shrugged, “it’s a rental.”
“A nice one, too,” he observed the car, looking every corner over. “Came to surprise Steve, huh?”
“How do you know he didn’t know I was coming?”
“Because he’s been bugging me about you all day, saying he wishes he didn’t have to wait til Friday to see you.”
I blushed, “Yes, I’m here to surprise him. And I brought all of you some food.”
“You sure do know the way to a fireman’s heart. Here I thought Steve only liked you for your looks.”
“Will you help me carry the food inside?” I asked, rolling my eyes at him and fighting a laugh.
He ended up carrying all of it, and I followed behind him.
He lead me into a small dining room where two men sat, laying the macaroni and the chicken out on the table and searching for dishes and silverware.
“Billy, can you get the rest of the guys? Don’t tell them why, she’s here to surprise Steve and I want his live reaction,” Eddie instructed one of the two men, and he nodded, doing as asked.
Moments later, five more guys were filing in. Steve was the last of them, and he looked tired. I couldn’t help the twinge I felt in my heart. But then his eyes landed on me, and everything changed.
His eyes brightened and a smile overtook his face, “What’re you doing here?”
“Well I accidentally made all this food and didn’t know who else to give it to,” I shrugged jokingly, erupting a laugh from Eddie.
“Yeah right,” the long haired man smirked, “She came to smooch you up, Steve.”
“Eddie,” Steve warned, cheeks heating at the looks he was getting from the other firemen. He then turned back to me, “Wanna go somewhere and talk for a minute?”
I nodded, grabbing his outstretched hand and following him to the fire trucks. He sat on the back of one and I joined him.
“Extra food, huh?” he smirked. I nodded, “So you’re telling me you didn’t make all this on purpose so you could see me again?”
“Well,” I hummed, “Maybe I did. What about it?”
“It’s sweet,” he smiled, “Nobody has ever done something thoughtful like that for me.”
“Somebody should’ve a long time ago,” I mused, “You deserve thought. ‘ts why I think about you all the time.”
He blushed, letting out a chuckle, “Oh yeah? Guess it’s a good thing I found you.”
“You didn’t find me, I wrecked my car to get to you,” I laughed. Our banter felt special. It felt right.
“Sureeee, you probably begged that SUV to hit you. All so I’d have to take care of you.”
“Exactly,” we giggled for a minute and then settled into a comfortable silence.
Finally, he broke it with a sigh, placing his hand on my knee carefully, “I don’t want to wait until Friday to see you again. Let’s go to dinner tomorrow night instead.”
“Tomorrow night would be perfect!” I exclaimed, grinning wider than I ever had, heart beating so loudly I swore he could see it.
“Pick you up at 7,” he leaned in and kissed my cheek, “Now let’s get back to the guys before they have an excuse to make dirty jokes.”
And we did. His coworkers were all nice, and they all seemed to like me. I liked them too. They had plenty of sideways remarks and jokes about Steve and I. They told me he’d never brought a girl by or even told them about a girl before. He blushed so hard I just knew they were telling the truth. They also told me he hadn’t stopped talking about me.
By the time I left, I was on cloud 9, my heart fluttering in my chest. The only thing on my mind was Steve, Steve, Steve. I couldn’t think about anything else. He’d made an irreversible mark on my heart.
The next day, I raided my closet, desperately looking for something to wear. I tried nearly everything I owned on before settling on a cream satin mini dress. I had on the cutest pair of black underwear I owned and slipped a pair of fishnets on over them. I didn’t need a bra with that specific dress, the bosom was tight and pushed me up perfectly with no help. All that was left was shoes.
I wanted so badly to wear heels. But I was still sore and weak, and wasn’t sure how well I’d be able to walk in them. I shrugged it off, finding my favorite pair anyway, black closed toe louboutin stilettos.
I washed and curled my hair, and put on a full face of makeup, finishing it off with eyeliner and a red lip tint. I wanted him to be able to kiss me without worrying about getting it all over his face. I painted my nails black and finally I was done. I was pleased with what I saw in the mirror. I only hoped he felt the same way.
When he knocked on my door, it felt just like the first time. I took a deep breath, checking my teeth in the entryway mirror then letting him in.
The way he looked at me sent shivers down my spine. His eyes raked me over like a starving man with a meal, stopping on every curve, admiring every inch.
"I.." he stuttered out, seemingly lost for words, "I knew you were gonna look good, sweetheart, but I didn't know you'd look this good." He stared at me some more, then muttered a "Fuck," as if he couldn't help himself.
"You look good too, Stevie," I bit my lip, taking him in almost as hungrily as he did me. He was wearing a nice pair of jeans and a white button down with a sports coat over it. His nice boots matched.
He cleared his throat, easing some of the tension between us. "You ready?"
I nodded, grabbing my small purse from the table beside me and following him outside.
I let out a breath as I stumbled over my own two feet, almost falling flat but Steve caught me by the arm and set me upright.
“Sorry,” I huffed, “I wanted to wear these shoes so bad but I guess I’m still too sore to walk in them. I’ll go change.”
“Don’t,” He shook his head rampantly, his arm sliding around my waist and holding me up like he had before. “I’ll help you walk in them. You wore them for me, I don’t want you to have to change out of them.”
I smiled at him and let him lift me into the truck. He slid the heels off of my feet and set them gently on the floorboard beside me, promising he’d put them back on when we got to the restaurant and explaining that he just wants me to be comfy. I giggled, heart warmed by the gesture.
We chatted the entire car ride about nothing in particular. The conversation flowed so easily we could’ve gone on about the weather for an hour. Finally, we pulled into a small parking lot with a red brick building in the center. It looked unassuming, just a small sign above the door with its name. Other than that, nothing stuck out about it at all and it was pretty tiny compared to other restaurants.
“It does look like much but just wait,” he winked, coming around to my side and slipping my shoes back on as he said he would then pulling me out of the truck. I leaned on him the entire walk in and, to my surprise, he was right. The inside was not what I expected.
The place was small, but it was advantageously so. There were about ten tables altogether, all round black metal with ornate chairs pushed under them and red tablecloths. Everything was bathed in warm lighting and there was a small chandelier above each individual table, casting a glow on the fancy gold centerpieces. Water glasses were set out next to bread plates and silverware, and menus were neatly stacked at each seat. I’d been to enough restaurant to recognize a fancy one, and that’s what it was, but it was also quaint and homey. The kind of place you dress up to feel comfortable at.
“This place is perfect, Steve,” I commented, taking everything in as the hostess lead us to a two seater corner table. Next to it was a window with a view of an enclosed patio garden, warm fairy lights strung up highlighting an array of purple and red flowers. “Fantastic,” I whispered, to myself mostly but Steve smiled anyway.
“I made reservations for the best table here,” he chuckled bashfully, his hand rubbing the back of his neck.
“The best table here for me? Steve, this is too much, you didn’t have to go through all this trouble.”
“Just tell me you love it.”
“I do.”
“That’s all I wanted to hear. Now look at your menu, they’ve got a lot to choose from.”
I did as he asked, a shy smile crossing my face. I liked the more demanding side of him. Still gentlemanly but firm and unyielding. He wasn’t going to let me complain about being spoiled. He just wanted me to be happy.
“Hello,” the waiter smiled, his attention focused on me. “I’m Max, I’ll be taking care of you. What would you both like to drink?”
“I’ll just have diet coke, please,” I smiled softly as I ordered, and he kept his eyes on me for a moment before slowly turning to Steve.
“Same here.”
Max left us to look over our menus and Steve snorted.
“What?” I asked, eyebrows furrowing.
“The waiter has a little crush on you.”
I rolled my eyes, “You’re silly. No he doesn’t.”
“He just looked you up and down, and that wasn’t a friendly smile, it was an ‘I want to see you naked’ smile.”
“Well. Too bad for him, I’m not available,” I shrugged, sending him a wink.
“Not as long as I can help it,” he smiled back, turning back to his menu.
Max brought our drinks and took our order, and I started to think Steve was right. He was paying a lot of attention to me, and the looks he was giving me were more flirtatious than they should’ve been.
“Is there anything else I can get for you, ma’am?” he asked me, ignoring Steve completely.
“I’m okay,” I politely smiled, trying to ignore the way his eyes held me in place, my skin crawling due to his blatant ignorance of the man across from me. But when he simply smiled and walked away instead of asking Steve if he needed anything, just as he had asked me, I’d had enough. “Excuse me? Are you not gonna ask my date if you can get anything for him?”
“Oh,” Max’s eyes widened as he feigned shock, “I just thought since you were okay, he would be okay.”
“Well, this is a shocker so stay with me, but I’m actually not a mama bird spitting my food into his mouth. If he needs something he can tell you himself. So ask him.”
I turned to Steve and his expression sent me reeling. His eyes were dark, heavy on me, his lips parted just enough for me to catch a glimpse of his perfect teeth, the same ones I wanted to rake over me and mark me up.
“Sir,” Max cleared his throat, “Is there anything you need?”
“I’m good, thanks. I think I have what I need right here.”
The waiter looked thoroughly uncomfortable at this point, so he took his leave, and my eyes didn’t leave Steve’s for a second. The mood shifted, and I didn’t see how it could possibly go back to normal.
“You gonna do that every time a man flirts with you?” he asked me.
“Next time I’ll say you’re my husband. That should scare other men away,” I hummed, not really thinking through the words. I realized what I’d said right after it came out of my mouth, though, and briefly wondered if I’d screwed up. This was a second date, much too soon to joke about marriage. He would probably say something awkward, or take his leave. He would probably think I was some lunatic looking for a mail order man or something. Oh God, my brain ran wild.
“Good girl,” he cooed, smirk turning the corner of his lips upwards, and I gasped. I felt every inch of my body heating up and suddenly I just wanted to go.
“Steve,” I whined, desperately and needy. A plea of his name was all he needed to call the waiter over.
“We’ll be taking our food to go,” he informed, and goosebumps littered my skin.
Max nodded awkwardly and mumbled a “yes sir,” shuffling off to the kitchen to do as Steve asked.
The implication was pretty clear, but I was worried that I was wrong and he wanted the food to go because he wasn’t enjoying himself. It would be pretty embarrassing to assume he wants to take me home and him feel oppositely. “Did I do something wrong? Are you wanting to leave?”
“You didn’t, but I do. I think the food will taste better after.”
“After what?”
“Wait and see,” he winked.
The table was filled with tense, electric silence for a few minutes until finally the waiter brought a bag full of food and the check. Steve paid, leaving a 20 on the table as a tip.
“He was so rude to you, why are you tipping so much?” I asked.
“I always tip. Even if the service sucks.”
Fuck, that was hot.
He grabbed my hand and helped me out of my seat, walking me to the truck carefully and lifting me in like he did the first time. Only this time, he leaned in and captured my lips in a slow burning kiss.
“Steve…” I whispered as I pulled away, “Where are we going now?”
“Back to my place,” he stated, as if it were obvious.
“What are we gonna do there?”
“We could watch a movie,” he thought for a second, “Or I could take you in my bed.”
“Second option sounds good,” my eyes widened, giving him a once over. He chuckled, closing my door and getting on his own side.
“You’re really cute, you know that?”
I blushed, staring at my lap until my cheeks turned to their normal color.
It was a 20 minute drive to his house. We didn’t talk much, I think we were both too nervous to know what to say, but he played slow music at low volume and it only seemed to make the mood more ambient.
“Here we are,” he said as he pulled through a black iron gate into a secluded and dimly lit driveway. The house was two story but still very small, bathed in warm lighting from lamps above each window. It was red brick with black wood accents and a black roof. It was nice, the kind of house that comes straight out of a catalog. He had a little garden on the side, and I thought briefly about how it would be a perfect place for fairies and gnomes.
“You ready?” he raised a brow at me. The look on his face was heavy, but so was mine as I nodded slowly.
He opened my door for me as per usual, and helped me all the way to his front door. As he unlocked it, I took in even more details. He had one of those big welcome signs beside his door, the vertical ones. He had two rocking chairs with cushions on them and a small table, two coasters. It didn’t seem like a single man’s home, it definitely had a woman’s touch.
“Who decorated, Steve?” I asked as he got the door open.
“Oh, my friends, Nancy and Robin.”
“Were either of them your girlfriend?” I asked curiously as I followed him in.
“Nancy was in high school but that was 18 years ago,” he shrugged nonchalantly, “We haven’t even thought about each other that way since. Just friends. She’s married now with a couple kids.”
“Neat,” I forced out, not knowing how to respond. The thought of him with another girl made me want to throw up, but I plastered a smile on my face.
“Baby,” he smirked, “I promise. I haven’t had feelings like this for anyone in a really long time. It’s been a couple years at least, and even that wasn’t like this.”
“I haven’t either,” I commented as I pulled off my shoes and kicked them to the door. My toes wiggled comfortable in their new found freedom.
“Well then…” he looked deep in thought, his nerves on his face like a novel, intricate and beautiful and twisty, “I’ve run from things like this in the past. I know you have, too, and I know you’re probably scared. But I want to be with you, really, I do. I want to go on more dates and I want you to keep some of your things at my place and I want all of my sheets and clothes to smell like you all the time. I like you, a lot, really, I do. It feels like more than just… I don’t know how to explain it, all I know is I don’t want to run from it or push it down. I don’t want to risk losing it. So will you?”
I let him ramble, face stoic though I wanted to smile. I could tell he was overthinking by the tremor in his voice.
“Will I what?”
“Be with me?”
“I’m with you right now, Steve,” I giggled. He huffed and ran a hand through his hair.
“No, I mean, will you be with me. Be my girlfriend. Anything, I just want you to stay tonight and tomorrow and whenever else you want.”
“I’m with you right now, Steve,” I repeated, more emphasis on my words, “As far as I’m concerned I was yours the second you picked me up off the road. Your girlfriend. Whatever you want me to be.”
The grin that spread across his face was wide and contagious, and he wasted no more time, taking three big steps towards me, backing me into the wall behind me. His lips landed on mine in an excited rush, teeth and tongue clashing.
We kissed like that for a moment before he turned me around, lifting me onto the table on the opposite wall. He pulled me to the edge, my hips meeting his, meshing together like they were meant to be that way. I let out a shocked moan, tugging his hair, pulling him closer, and he groaned.
His mouth found its way to my neck, leaving wet kisses down the column of my throat and grazing his teeth in the crook.
“Please,” I hummed, pulling his face back up to mine. As we kissed, I pushed his jacket off his shoulders and started working on the buttons of his shirt. I whined, unable to undo a single one of them, too preoccupied with his mouth and he chuckled, patronizing me.
“It’s okay, baby,” he breathed out, “I’ll take care of it. I’ll take care of you.”
I moaned as the words passed through his lips, loving the way they embraced me. He didn’t miss a beat, smirking at me and sliding his hand up my thigh to where I needed him most, pressing down just rough enough to send a jolt through my whole body.
“That’s what you want, huh? To be taken care of?”
I nodded rapidly, leaning in to kiss him again, desperate and rutting against his hand.
“Easy, pretty girl, I’ve got you. I promise.”
He finished the buttons on his shirt and let it fall to the ground with his jacket, and I almost fainted at the sight. He was perfect, all tan skin and chest hair, taut and warm and ready to be touched. He pulled me off the table and before I could even react, he spun me around, bending me over it.
“This dress is so nice, don’t wanna rip it,” he cooed, his hand starting at the back of my neck and making its way down to the zipper of my dress. he tugged until it fell completely open, sliding it down each arm and onto the ground, leaving chills in his wake. “Fuck, baby, you’re so perfect,” he groaned, his hand finding the area between my shoulder blades and pushing me right back down.
His hips met mine, grinding against me in a slow and torturous way.
“Please, Steve, need you,” I gasped, rutting my ass against his bulge, needy and desperate.
“I know, baby. Turn around for me.”
I did as he asked, facing him, looking up to meet his eyes. He ran his hand up from my hip to my throat, pressing lightly on both sides, and my breath caught.
“You like that?” He asked, pulling me closer to him with the hand that was cased around my neck.
“Yes,” I whispered, pulling him closer, wanting more.
“Such a good girl for me,” he praised, “Come on baby, let’s get you to bed.”
He lead me down the hall to a staircase, and I began following him up, but by the fifth stair my legs were ready to give out.
“Steve,” I whimpered, leaning on the wall for support, struggling to hold myself up.
“Fuck, I forgot you’re hurt. Here,” he rushed to my side, winding his arms under my ass and lifting me into his arms. I squealed, wrapping my legs around him.
“Please don’t fall!”
He rolled his eyes as he carried me the rest of the way up the stairs. When he got to the door at the end of the hallway, he pressed me against it, his lips finding mine again. I was rutting my hips against his, unable to create the friction I wanted. He quickly noticed, opening his door carefully so he wouldn’t drop me and walking me to his bed.
I expected him to drop me or even throw me on it, but he laid me down gently, not releasing his hold on me until I was flat on the mattress. He crawled tentatively on top of me, towering over me, yanking his belt off one handed and in one fluid motion. The other hand was on me, feeling anything he could reach, eager and needy.
“Fuck,” I moaned, more turned on than I thought I’d ever been. I began pushing off my fishnets, but he stopped me, holding my wrists above my head with one hand and ripping the tights with the other. “Steve!!”
“I’ll get you a new pair,” he shrugged, then ripping the lace of my panties, “of both.”
I sighed, leaning back as his fingers found the place I needed him most. They rubbed slow circles that turned into quick motions, then they slid right where I wanted them and I cried out. I was so wet I could hear it, and his eyes widened.
“All this for me?” he asked, and I nodded tentatively, “My good girl.”
“Your good girl,” I agreed, and a dark look settled on his face as he began sliding his fingers in and out faster. “Please Steve, want you now.”
“Anything for you,” he smirked, climbing off the bed and stepping out of his pants and boxers. My jaw went slack at the size of his bulge. It felt big but I had no idea it was that big.
He climbed back on top of me, grabbing me by the hips and pulling my core flush to his. The contact had me reeling, my head falling heavily back into the mattress under me.
He hooked one of my knees into his elbow and lifted my leg, teasing my entrance slowly. I shuddered, a plea heavy on my lips, but he shushed me before it could come out.
“I promised I’d take care of you, and I’m going to,” he said, his voice low and gravely, sending shivers down my spine and straight to my center.
He pushed in slowly, letting out a groan as my walls clenched around him instinctively.
“Fuck, you’re tight. So perfect for me,” he whispered as he pushed further, then pulled back.
It only took three slow thrusts for him to set a steady pace, and I was a mess. A puddle on the bed under him, useless and ruined already. I rotated my hips up to meet his with every motion, helping his rhythm along, my walls fluttering around him steadily.
“Please, Steve, harder,” I groaned and he obeyed, pushing even farther, hitting exactly the right spot that made me see stars.
It wasn’t long before I felt a knot in my stomach, an urge I had repressed for too long, and I moaned, breathy and desperate. “‘m gonna cum,” I hummed.
“Not yet, you’re not,” he stated. His hands found mine, pinning them above my head onto the mattress, his lips meeting mine in a frenzied kiss. His hips didn’t stop for a moment, the rhythm speeding up but not breaking. “Keep these here,” he demanded, letting go of my hands and using one of his to balance. The other started rubbing slow circles on my clit.
“Fuck Steve can’t hold it please” I managed to say in my messy state, and he nodded, his lips finding my neck, latching on and sucking. I knew there’d be a mark there and it put me even closer to the edge, wanting to be his. Wanting him to claim me.
“Cum with me, baby,” he whispered, and that’s all it took for the band to snap. My walls clenched right around him, my eyes shutting as my head fell once again. I felt him release inside me, warm and wet, but he made no move to pull out or roll over. He just laid on top of me and stared at me for a moment.
“What?” I giggled, in a giddy haze. I was sure nothing could bother me then. The moment was perfect.
“You’re perfect. I know I said it, but I really meant it.”
“I was just thinking the same thing!”
He smiled and pulled out, laying beside me.
“That was good.” His comment threw me off guard, and I full belly laughed.
“Yeah,” I said in my fit of giggles, “I hope so. I was planning on doing it again.”
“How about in the morning, on the kitchen counter after I make you breakfast?”
“I couldn’t imagine a better time,” my smile was huge and contagious, filling the room with buzzing energy.
“Well then let’s get some sleep so it’ll come faster,” he grinned back, climbing out of bed to grab a wet towel, a T shirt from his drawer, and a pair of boxers. He slipped his own boxers back on on the way back into bed.
He went to work cleaning me up with the towel and my heart swelled, watching him.
“You didn’t have to do that,” I pointed out, and he chuckled.
“What part of ‘I’m gonna take care of you’ don’t you get, Y/N?”
“Oh, sorry, you’re right,” I rolled my eyes, “Carry on. Throw in a nice facial and massage while you’re at it.”He sent me a glare and I laughed, “Kidding.”
“Put these on,” he instructed, handing me the shirt and underwear, and I did as he asked. “I’m gonna go put our food in the fridge real quick so we can eat it tomorrow.”
He left and was back moments later, and we settled in. He pulled me tight to his chest and I’d never felt so safe as I drifted off.
The next morning, I woke up to an empty bed and the smell of fresh pancakes. I climbed up, padding my way into the kitchen to see a shirtless Steve slaving away at the stove. I pranced behind him and gave his ass a little tap, laughing when he jumped and the pan splashed, ruining the pancake he was working on.
“Can’t you see I’m cooking here? And all you’re worried about is groping me. I’m not a piece of meat you know,” he joked.
“Sorry, sorry, you’re right. I’ll behave myself,” I shrugged, playing along, turning my back to walk to the other side of his counter but as I did I felt a slap on my own ass.
“Hey!” I squealed, jumping out of his reach. Soon, we were in an ass slapping war, pancakes forgotten, giggles filling the room.
In one swift motion, he caught me in his arms, keeping me in place, not budging an inch.
“I’ve got you right where I want you,” he smirked, pressing his forehead to mine, our noses brushing.
And I wanted to be where he wanted me. I wanted the moment to last forever. Maybe it would.
All of the time I spent surviving, and Steve was the first man to show me how to live.
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annathesillyfriend · 1 year
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I'm almost on time this month! Congratulations to me 😅Hope you're all having a great time. May your June be warm, sunny and just so happy 😌
To all the writers - I love you and I appreciate you so much!
To all the readers - please, share the fics you read and love. The reblog really makes the change! It’s the least we can do to show our gratitude.
Also, please, mind the writers’ warnings!
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tastes like stawberries and watermelon sugar by @callsign-joyride
↳ two-shot, 18+, is it hot in here or is it just these fics 🥵
worry, my love by @uselsshuman
↳ one-shot, wife!reader, i'd kill him if he scared me like that but maybe that's just me 😅
bad liar by @inklore
↳ one-shot, 18+, seresin!reader, i am unwell just thinking about this fic, rereading it now made me want to choke myself <3
chatterbox by @waklman
↳ one-shot, 18+, don't know what's hotter - the gif at the beginning or the fic itself
lovesick by @sebsxphia
↳ one-shot, 18+, i am so normal about this :))))))))))))))))
foggy by @sushiwriterhere
↳ one-shot, 18+, i am so gone for this man it's not even funny anymore
hands by @foreverrandomwritings
↳ one-shot, 18+, i am a simple woman, i see man's hands, i go a little silly
clover club by @ohtobeleah
↳ one-shot, my heart 😭😭😭
happy birthday, mr. president by @rhettabbotts
↳ one-shot, 18+, president!bob x wife!reader, no better way to celebrate a birthday than defiling government property 😌
this fic by @tropes-and-tales
↳ one-shot, 18+, i've read this so many time i almost know every word by heart
team prime by @//tropes-and-tales
↳ series, we love idiots in love <3
the best day of your life by @startrekfangirl2233-writes
↳ one-shot, the only thing more perfect than robert floyd is robert floyd as a dad
killing me softly by @wkndwlff
↳ one-shot, hangman who??? i only know bob <33
given the circumstances (part 1) by @greenorangevioletgrass
↳ one-shot, 18+, i think we all how what a simp i am for Ava's work by now
feels like by @lovableapocalypse
↳ one-shot, pilot!reader, i love this 🥺🥺
worth my while by @pasukiyo
↳ one-shot, 18+, this fic is so gonna make it worth your while
doctor doctor, gimme the news by @tongue-like-a-razor
↳ one-shot, rooster can be a pain in the ass but at least he's cute
vampires by @siempre-bucky
↳ one-shot, vampire!bradley according to his kid 🦇
rescue me by @beccaanne814
↳ one-shot, 18+, excuse me for a second, i just need to yell into a void real quick
something to talk about by @roosterforme
↳ one-shot, am i a slut for Emily's work? yes and proud of it 😎
remember you even when i don't by @beyondthesefourwalls
↳ series, wife!reader, what an amazing story, i could not stop reading!
the little moments in life by @seresinsweetie
↳ one-shot, 18+, husnad!jake, if you need some angst, this one's for you
a morning work out by @tip-top-cloud-surfer
↳ one-shot, dad!jake, i want this to be my life so bad
commander by @thewulf
↳ one-shot, some good old fluff, we love to see it 🙌
roughing it up by @//ohtobeleah
↳ one-shot, 18+, jake x reader x bradley, this is so hot i don't have the words
into you by @starlightstories
↳ one-shot, nothing better than a little angst and idiots in love 😌
come back to me by @roostette
↳ one-shot, i want jake seresin to wreck my life
fruits of my labor by @roosterbruiser
↳ one-shot, 18+, beautiful story 💕
tipsy revelations by @bradshawed
↳ one-shot, i'm just SHSHHSHSHSHSHSH
1pink light by @sushiwriterhere
↳ one-shot, buckle up and get your tissues out
flight suit aphrodisiac by @//beyoundthesefourwalls
↳ one-shot, 18+, i am salivating thinking about that bloody suit 🤤🤤
continental breakfast by @ohtobeleah
↳ one-shot, 18+, wife!reader, this is just sick honestly
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dress by @underoossss
↳ one-shot, i will read every fic inspired by tswift's song, this is my life mission
hits different (cause it's you) by @munsonsreputation
↳ one-shot, idiots in love is the superior trope!
this fic by @sunshinesteviee
↳ one-shot, dad!steve is just so 😫
question on my lips by @stevebabey
↳ one-shot, PERFECTION 👏
constellations by @loveshotzz
↳ one-shot, 18+, just the sweetest thing 😌
this fic by @lovebugism
↳ one-shot, 😫😫 <- me after reading this
happy mother's day, steve harrington by @roanniom
↳ one-shot, 18+, that man makes me so feral 😫
i couldn't be more in love by @ch3rrytales
↳ one-shot, 18+, i love angsty stories a little to much for my own good and sanity
we got love by @superblysubpar
↳ one-shot, modern!au, man, i just love love
pretty eyes by @myfictionaldreams
↳ one-shot, 18+, best friends to lovers, loved this so very much!!!
the kids are alright by @two-red-lungs
↳ one-shot, SO CUTE!!!
unbelievable by @whoahoney
↳ one-shot, friends to lovers, great fic 🥰
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angle unaware by @silkscream
↳ one-shot, 18+ silk!reader, friends to lovers, angst, slowburn, idiots in love, all my favourite thing basically
be(tter) in reality with me by @t-lostinworlds
↳ one-shot, husband!bucky x pregnant!reader, T's fics are always god tier so 💁‍♀️💁‍♀️
new year, new steve by @real-jane
↳ one-shot, 18+, Kate is a legend forever and always 👏👏
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all the love (under the mistletoe) by @seasonsbloom
↳ one-shot, modern!au, friends to lovers, a lovely christmas story at the brink of summer was just what i needed
cherry flavoured by @lunestella
↳ one-shot, friends to lovers, you don't understand how much i love this fic!!
bitches can’t even measure up to my boots by @peachystenbrough
↳ one-shot, 18+, caution: hot content 🥵
204 notes · View notes
mamawasatesttube · 1 year
ooo prompt time!! maybe “if we’re going down, i’m going with you.” or “if you insult them, you insult me.” with timkon?
"This doesn't look great," Kon observes.
Tim lowers his binoculars. The flotilla of invading spacecraft in the valley below are primed to attack the alien village on the other side of the hills within the hour, and help from offworld won't get here until dawn. Which is significantly more than an hour away. The village hardly has anything to call "defenses", and no troops to speak of other than farmers and their kids, untrained and armed with pitchforks.
"Yeah, not great," Tim agrees. It's a pretty apt summary of the situation. Fucking Slag conquerors. "I get the feeling they aren't gonna be interested in baseball this time, either."
Kon snorts. But the levity in his face is belied by the tension running through his body; his shoulders are tight, his jaw squared as he stares down the gentle slope from their hidden observation deck down to the ships. He looks remarkably like Clark when he's serious, when his eyes turn stormy and protective.
Then he turns his gaze to Tim, and an invisible touch ghosts over Tim's lower lip. Tim belatedly realizes he's been biting it so hard he's very close to drawing blood.
"Don't do that," Kon murmurs. The stormy look hasn't diminished, but it's warmer, when he looks at Tim.
"Right." Tim is hard-pressed, just for the most fleeting of moments, not to reach for him; he yearns, for an instant, but he doesn't, because there's work to be done. Like the alien death trap at the bottom of the hill. "Well. I might be able to disrupt their local lcommunications array, if I can just get my hands on one of their computers. That might buy us some time."
Kon nods. "And I can definitely wreck some shit to distract them while you do that."
A brief pause, as they survey the Slag ships. They've got heavy enough artillery that even with Kon's formidable powers, the odds are looking very... not great. A little flutter of anxiety thrums through Tim's stomach, not at the idea of dying here himself (though he doesn't love that either), but at the idea of losing Kon. If he takes it on himself to go out in a blaze of glory and hellfire, just to save one little farming village on a planet far from their own...
As if reading his mind, Kon clears his throat. "Look, Rob... I can just go in and break a lot of shit solo. That'll still probably buy enough time. You don't have to go in on such a risky one with me. I can drop you back at—"
Tim whaps him on the head. "Stop that. You know I'm not hiding and letting you go in alone."
Kon shrugs, a slight, rueful smile playing about his lips. "Hey, worth a shot. Since we're about to get shot at. A lot."
Rolling his eyes, Tim folds his binoculars and clips them back to his belt, then reaches over and takes Kon's hand. "Yeah, well, if you're going down, I'm going with you."
This time, Kon snorts. "And sugar, we're goin' down swingin'," he sings, squeezing Tim's hand.
Tim surprises himself by laughing. Honestly, it shouldn't be a surprise; Kon always makes him laugh, even when he least expects it. "I'll be your number one with a bullet," he sings back. "A loaded god complex, cock it and pull it."
As one, they turn to look back down at the flotilla below. The Slag ships sit ominously on the dark valley floor, a blot of light where none should be.
They better survive this, Tim thinks. It'd be really stupid to die now to a squadron of the same alien conquerors who they beat at baseball years ago.
"You know, I always thought that line was 'a load of god complex'," Kon admits, stroking his chin with his free hand. "Like, the whole thing was a dick joke and a gun thing, and also saying, like, hey, get a load of this guy and his god complex!"
Tim snorts again, unable to stop himself from grinning despite the gravity of it all. "Only you, Kon."
"Fall Out Boy is unintelligible!" Kon defends. His thumb strokes along the base of Tim's, rubbing a circle through his gauntlet, and Tim glances up at him briefly to see him smiling again, though the set of his jaw is no less resolute.
Tim loves him.
"You ready for this, clone boy?" he asks.
"With you at my back?" Kon returns. "Always."
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avaetin · 6 months
I took a long break from reading ao3 (i had a reading burnout bcs of college) and decided to check if some of my fav fanfics have updated, and A Kairos Moment had several chapters I had to catch up with. I did. And lemme tell you...
One moment I'm rooting for Aenon x Nico then the next I'm like 'aww Will and Nico are cute here too' (cus of my solangelo heart) THEN you throw in Perico into the mix. I'm utterly confused and a wreck. Which do i ship?! Do i ship them all?! Harem for Nico!
ALSO ALSO I heard Alabaster is gonna show up and now I'm like... If this starts another ship in my head I'm going to eat my fish tank's pebbles.
PS. I'm loving everything about AKM especially Aenon
Jason: ... Am I just a piece of wood? I had moments with Nico too.
Me: Well... Canonically, you're dead, so--- Wait. Are you even alive? (pokes him with a stick)
Jason: (swats at the stick) I'm alive in your AU!
Me: Oh, right! Right... Conscious decision.
Jason: Why did that sound like you're disappointed?
Me: Anyway-
Nico: (sitting on his throne)
Me: (shows him off in Will Smith fashion)
Alabaster: (tries to smile innocently but looks menacing instead) I "look forward" to working with you.
Me: Of course. We made a deal. Moments with Nico in exchange for some... hardships.
Alabaster: (turns to Percy) Is it too late to back out?
Percy: Why do you think Jason and I are still here if there's that option?
Me: For that ass. (gestures at Nico)
Percy: (grins) Yeah, that ass.
Me: (to Alabaster) You're also here for that ass.
Alabaster: And you're still bias to your OC. (points at Aeon)
Aeon: (smiles triumphantly)
Erebus: (peeks his head inside the room)
Aeon: (smile drops) Why are you here?
Erebus: (smiles meaningfully)
Aeon: (turns to me) You did not.
Me: (smiles innocently)
Aeon: (turns to Nico) I'm still your husband.
Nico: Don't blame me, blame her! (point to me)
Me: What? It's a shipping opportunity! Besides, he's essential to the plot but won't have that much screen time as The Three Stooges over there. (referring to Jason, Percy and Alabaster)
Erebus: (sighs) How disappointing.
Me: You weren't disappointed when I- (whispers the plot to him)
Erebus: This better be worth it, is all I'm saying.
Me: Yes, sir!
Aeon: I still have marriage rights with Nico.
Me: (nods) You can get married on March 14, the year he turns 18.
Percy and Alabaster: What the-?! No way!
Jason: Why March 14?
Me: ...That's creepy. I think I heard a ghost speak just now. (shivers)
Jason: Hey!
Will: ... Why wasn't I mentioned even once?
All of them: Shut up, you're already canon. What more can you possibly want?
(The canon Will Solace wasn't harmed in the making of this.)
(The canon Jason Grace was already harmed and has long been departed. [Jason: Hey!])
nami, hi! Long time no see! Hope you're feeling better! Thank you for reading and your continuous support! Who you ship is up to you. :D I just create multiple what-ifs and give scenarios here and there, but the endgame to me is still Aeon x Nico (Nion).
The Three Stooges: (sobbing in a corner)
Aeon: (smirks triumphantly)
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raelyn-dreams · 8 months
Any headcanons of your favorite enstars characters? 👀💫
I do indeed nonnie! Though tbh, these are kind of full-cast headcanons lol. Tysm for the ask 😊
Mika is still upset he wasn't included in the Sanrio collab, and angrily sewed plushies the entire day it was announced.
During practice for Artistic Partisan, Hiiro was under the impression that the prop spears were much heavier than they actually were, leading to him accidentally slamming one through the wall (and nearly impaling Shu).
We don't talk enough about how Knights are given swords for their performances. Like who thought this was a good idea. Even if they are dull and fake, do you know how terrifying it is to have Ritsu Sakuma come at you with a sword and a maniacal grin? Kaoru Hakaze does.
Kuro was basically acting as a mediator for the entirety of the Yuukyou Seishunka cover rehearsals (while Mika and Souma prayed their unit leaders wouldn't kill each other). Keito and Shu came to feel kinda bad about this as they were winding down, so they begrudgingly worked together to make him a gi, as a thank you and apology. Keito never wants to hear the words "proper quilter's knot" again, but it was worth it for the smile on Kuro's face.
Hiiro and Hinata both have...shaky histories with high places (Hiiro in !! main story after Rinne disowns him, and Hinata during Setsubun). Niki doesn't know the details, but he notices after a while, so they start having rooftop hang-outs on occasion to help them with it.
I really like the Hiiro-Hinata-Niki dorm as a whole actually (which...Hiiro and Hinata are two of my favs, and Niki's up there, so that's to be expected lol). I see a lot of potential with the three, and I think they'd really get each other.
Ibara visited Kaname once. It was a stupid and sentimental thing to do, really, and he had work that needed to be done, lives to prepare for...but he couldn't help but feel he owed it to him, the near-silent apology that passed his lips that day.
Also, veering into AU territory a bit, but I think if Kaname were to wake up and eventually get back into the industry (after lots of rehab + accommodations), he'd keep the HiMERU name, but drop the "cool" persona he tried to associate with it. Life is too short to care so much about the public's perception of him, and I feel he'd go in the opposite direction of Tatsumi, and become even more outspoken, which would make him a good Crazy:B candidate.
OreMERU (our HiMERU) and Kaname are going to need to talk. A lot. I think Kaname wouldn't quite forgive him and would be upset about the identity theft, but he also can't bring himself to hate him, as he can see why he did it and knows it's for him. There's a lot of guilt and misunderstanding on both sides (ntm Tatsumi, Jun, and everyone else's reactions), but I think they eventually get through it alright, and OreMERU would always be Kaname's "Onii-chan".
OreMERU is also gonna have an identity crisis, and tries to quit Crazy:B, but of course Rinne, Niki, and Kohaku aren't gonna let him just dip like that. There's a lot of panicking, some bad hairstyle decisions, but he comes out alright, and starts going by another stage name that's important to him in some way.
I'm sorry about the excessive Tojo headcanons nonnie, I fully read Obbligato for the first time last week (just knew the basics before) and it wrecked me asdfghjkl.
Anyways. Back to everyone else.
As Mika gets used to Shu's more lenient personality, he tries to see how much gore he can get away with in Valkyrie's art.
Shu tries so hard to respect Mika's artistic vision and encourage him, he really does. But he draws the line at real pigs brains on-stage, even if they are in jars ("But Oshi-san, it represents the breakin' o' the mind after they tried so hard ta conform ta the expectations they put on 'em and ended up slaughtered! It's perfect symbolism, ain't it?")
Adonis makes money on the side for Undead by acting as an interpreter for other units during lives and Q&As. It ends up so popular and profitable that ES actually ends up investing money in professional interpreters for all events, because the ES heads can be kind of good people for once I guess. As a treat.
Rei, Ritsu, Niki, Tatsumi, Eichi, and Kaname (if he rejoins the industry) start having a combined monthly interview to make up for ones they miss due to illness/disability. The college kids/anyone that's been sick or couldn't make their own interviews occasionally join in too (usually Chiaki, Mayoi, Nazuna, Shu, Leo, and Izumi). Rei feels personally attacked sometimes, but its overall fun and way less stressful than trying to make every interview for their own units.
Kuro/Shu/Mao/Izumi dorm have sewing nights. It started because Kuro and Shu already sew, and Izumi wanted to be able to make his own alterations as a model just in case. Mao ended up joining in as a way to de-stress from student council work, and they have a relatively pleasant time together.
Souma is canonically good at embroidery, so I like to think he ends up creating his own sword scabbards for different Akatsuki costumes using the skills he's picked up from it. They're very pretty, and he's very proud of them.
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saninthebuilding · 1 year
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"it's your golden hour"
❤️‍🩹 pairing: kim taehyung x reader
❤️‍🩹 summary: being in a relationship with an idol can be a bit busy, especially when it's one of the members of bts. however, despite all taehyung's idol activities, you're there to show him- both to his face and behind his back -just how much you love him, even when he doubts his worth.
❤️‍🩹 word count: 2.8k (edited!)
❤️‍🩹 genre: idol!taehyung au, art major!reader au, university student!reader au, fluff, slight angst, hurt/comfort
❤️‍🩹 trope: pre-established relationship
❤️‍🩹 warnings: self-doubt, crying, mentions of sleep, taehyung is unsure of reader's love for him, reader is completely in love with taehyung, they're really soft, fluffy-haired taehyung (because i consider this a warning, he's so fine-)
❤️‍🩹 a/n: changing up my theme! to be honest i like this a lot more, it's so organized and clear, but anyways. i really liked how this turned out, even though i had a completely different idea when i started this, but i've been so in love with taehyung's hair in his recent lives and i just had to write something for him because he's been bias-wrecking me really hard lately. i hope you enjoy!
leaning back into the couch, i stretch my arms high above my head, basking in the evening sun currently streaming through the large french windows in the living room.
taehyung lay sprawled out beside me, head in my lap and feet hanging off the side of the sofa as he taps away at his phone, playing some game he'd downloaded recently.
he cheers, pumping his fist into the air as a celebratory tune rings out from his phone, and i shake my head, smiling down at him as i brush his hair out of his eyes. he looks up at me, excited, before turning back to his screen.
it was a lazy sunday for taehyung and i, the two of us having cleared up our weekend to make time for each other. although he was currently on break from his idol activities to work on his solo career, he was still busy. having secured several deals, he was bomboarded with photoshoots and modelling by major companies like celine and elle korea- just to name a few.
however, my schedule wasn't any better. as a current art major in my fourth year of university, culminating week was just around the corner as my last semester rounded to a close. it was a stressful time, but i was lucky enough to have submitted my portfolio assignment early, so i had the rest of the week free before my final evaluation.
sighing, i look down, staring at taehyung playing his game. he seemed so focused, the reflection of the colourful lights from his screen painting his determined expression in hues of reds and blues.
looking at the time, i see the clock on the opposing wall reads 6:13 pm.
i pouted, glaring at his phone that had held his undivided attention for the past hour. i had thought he would put it away after a while, but it seemed like he had been waiting all week to try the app out, so i'd taken the opportunity to just enjoy his company.
still, i did miss actually interacting with him.
we'd barely gotten free time until now, and until his final photoshoots finished and my semester ended it was unlikely we'd get to spend some proper time together like this again.
not gonna lie, i feel like i'm third-wheeling here.
"taehyung, why won't you hang out with me?" i whined, taking him by surprise as i drum my hands on his chest. he lets out a startled yelp, quickly pressing something on his phone before looking up at me.
"yah, i almost lost!" he protests, looking at me in absolute horror- "you can't scare me like that!"
"yea, well maybe you should lose" i say, cheeks puffing up as i spoke. "all you've been doing is playing that game for the past hour. it's like i freed the weekend up just to watch you-"
realizing this wasn't what i had intended to say, i backtracked, waving my hands around frantically in panic, "which i love, don't get me wrong! uh- watching you, i mean. but, i just..."
i trail off, hands coming up to cover my face in embarrassment, before i peek down through my fingers. taehyung is gazing up at me, a soft look on his face, phone forgotten on his stomach.
i sigh, taking his silence as an encouragement to keep going.
"i've just missed you so much" i mumble, turning away from him to look out the window. the sun was setting lower now, rays turning golden as they hit the glass and splintered in the air.
it was magical.
"this is the only weekend we both have off until all our work is finished, and that isn't for another week or so. and i've barely seen at all except for when i'm leaving early morning for a class and you're there to drive me, or when you come drained after a day of work and slip into bed next to me, so it's a little..."
i pause, confused as i see taehyung's mouth falls open in shock. but before i can ask him what's wrong, he quickly sits up, shifting the two of us on the couch so we're facing each other.
"shit, do i wake you up every night?" he asks as his hands glide up and down my sides in what seems to be apology, "i swear i try to be quiet-"
i laugh, realizing he thinks he disturbs my sleep, before shaking my head, "no, no, don't worry. you don't wake me up." i let my hands rest on his knees, tracing small patterns with my fingers to calm him down.
"but then how do you-" he stops talking, confused, "it's always really late when i get home. and you're always asleep when i lie down..."
"well, no, not really. i just..." i feel heat start to creep into my ears, and i look down, focusing on the soft white material of his t-shirt.
"i wait for you. i know how tired you are when you get home, you barely even wash up or change before coming to bed. so i just, you know..."
i don't see it, but taehyung's eyes go wide, as if something clicked in his head. "that's why my clothes are always changed, and why my face and hair aren't full of all the products the staff use when i wake up."
suddenly taehyung tilts his head down, and as he looks at me, i see his expression has turned gentle, loving, adoring, as though i were the most precious thing in the world. his hands have stopped on my waist, and when he speaks his voice is heavy with emotion.
"no wonder on some nights i'd feel you moving around. and others i'd wake up with memories of hands cupping my face, guiding a glass of water to my lips, brushing the hair out of my eyes. you take care of me every night after i fall asleep, don't you?"
i bite my bottom lip, feeling a little embarrassed, but i nod anyway.
it was true. each night i'd wait for taehyung to get home, and after he had knocked himself out among the sheets, i would get up and start with his clothes. sometimes he'd wake up halfway, helping me swap his dress pants for a pair of soft pajama bottoms. other times i'd gently peel off his leather jacket or button-up while he slept, leaving him more comfortable in a t-shirt.
next i'd wet a towel with warm water and wipe the beauty products off his face (even though he doesn't need any). but it was never too much since the stylists try their best to use as little as possible when shooting, so it was always the easiest thing to do.
then i'd get another wet towel and start on his hair, working out the gel and hair spray that was occasionally still there on days where taehyung didn't have the energy to wash it out before coming home.
and if i was lucky, he would sometimes wake up just as i was getting back into bed, drunk on sleep and exhaustion, and i'd use the opportunity to coax a glass of water into his hands, encouraging him to finish it.
it was nights like these i cherished most, the stolen moments i was sometimes blessed with when i helped him drink some water and he would mumble how his day had been, eyes bleary and hands reaching for my warmth. the days where he trusted me enough to let me take care of him, even in his most vulnerable state, before pulling me into his chest and falling back to sleep with me in his arms.
and as i felt his fingers under my chin, guiding my head to meet his gaze, i stared into his soft, brown eyes, taking in the way the sun hit his tan skin just right, bathing him in a golden glow so breathtaking that he looked unreal, seeing the way his eyes shined and his face was so full of love, for me, all for me, and i realize that, no, those moments were not what i cherished most.
it was him that i cherished most.
"y/n?" taehyung breathes, and as i saw his eyes begin to turn wet, i understood that he felt the same way.
even though we barely got any time together, even though we barely saw each other, even though our lives were so busy, at the end of the day these things would never change the way we felt for each other.
because i loved him, and he loved me, and regardless of all our photoshoots and assignments and mismatched schedules, that love was never going anywhere.
it would never waver, because the bond the two of us had created over the years was deeper than scenic dates and bouqets of flowers and fancy gifts.
it was trust and comfort and support and understanding- but above all else, it was unconditional love.
and that is the kind that lasts forever.
"yes?" i whisper, and my voice comes out breathless, dazed, as i am completely transfixed by the man before me.
"don't i burden you? don't you think i rely on you this much, even unknowingly? doesn't it bother you that i'm barely around, showing up late at night only to fall straight asleep and wake up early only to leave you again?"
my lips part as a gasp comes out of my mouth, his unexpectedly serious words spearing my chest- "of course not taehyung, how could you say that?"
he shakes his head, teeth nipping at the corner of his mouth. "i mean, i know i'm an idol, and that this relationship is probably already something that puts strain on your shoulders due to the possibility of fans finding you and harming you. but i'm also your boyfriend. and boyfriends are supposed to be here, supposed to be present, supposed to show you how much you mean to them."
taehyung leans closer, tentative, wary, almost scared as he reaches out to me, only to pull his hand away. he swallows hard, before looking up to meet my gaze, eyes glistening.
"don't you get tired of being with me?"
my heart drops at his words, at how ashamed and anxious he sounds. he clenches his jaw, a nervous habit of his, and i let my eyes linger on the movement, watching how the veins in his neck make a quick appearance. i see the muscles in his arms flex as he lifts his hand to my face again, seeming unsure. i admire the ethereal glow the sun casts upon his skin as he raises my head to his. the mole on his lower lip, on his nose, on his cheek. the way he pulls the skin of his bottom lip between his teeth, sinking them into the soft flesh before letting go. the way the salt water in his eyes threatens to spill over his lashline.
i lift my hands up to his cheeks just as he rests his own on mine, gently brushing my thumbs over his eyes, preventing the tears from finding their way down his face.
he opens his mouth to continue, but i'm faster, the words tumbling out of me before i can stop myself.
"i love you so much taehyung" i breathe, voice catching in my throat as i feel my own eyes starting to sting. "so, so, so much- more than you can ever know. but you have to know. you need to know. i need you to know."
taehyung lets out a shaky breath, something halfway between a hiccup and a sob, and i move closer, climbing into his lap.
"we're both busy, and that's unavoidable. you have your life and i have mine, and even though we are so closely part of each others' lives, there are some things i cannot be included in, just as there are some things you cannot be included in."
his hands have come to rest on my hips, and letting one hand rest on his cheek, i maintain eye contact as i carefully run the other under his eye. over his cheekbone. his cheek. along his jawline. down his neck. he swallows under my touch, and i feel his adam's apple bob beneath my fingers. his eyes stay on mine, and when my hand reaches his chest, i flatten my palm directly over his heart, feeling his heartbeat thumping against my skin.
"but even though i may not be everywhere with you physically, i will always be in here."
i gaze at him, feeling my own heart beginning to speed up as i feel his fingers creep under my shirt, tracing circles with his thumbs on the skin of my waist.
"it doesn't matter how much time we spend together, it doesn't matter how much time we don't spend together. i need you to know that my love for you is not going anywhere."
my voice cracks a bit, a tear escaping down my cheek, and this causes taehyung to sniffle, eyes watering again.
"it doesn't matter how late you come home, it doesn't matter how early you have to leave. i will be there" i say, pressing my hand into his chest, "both in here..." i take my hand away from his face and gently grip his wrist, before placing his hand on my cheek, "and out here."
he bites his lip, visibly struggling to keep his tears at bay as he lets out a shuddering breath. he's clutching my sides now, as though trying to ground himself, to control the sobs threatening to take over.
"i will always be there to wipe your face down when you're too tired, to make sure you eat or drink something after a long day, to tuck you into bed so you can get a good night's sleep- to do whatever it is you want me to do for you."
i let go of his hand, reaching over to cup his face again, before pressing my lips to his forehead. and it is this action that seems to be too much for him, that breaks the dam he was so desperately trying to maintain, and he lets out a sob, arms wrapping around my body as he pulls me close, burying his face into my shoulder.
"because i love you, taehyung" i choke out, my own tears spilling down my cheeks upon hearing him break in my arms, "and i will always love you. so don't you ever doubt that."
he's crying in earnest now, his hands fisting the cloth of my shirt as his body shakes from the force of his tears. he inhales shakily, before forcing himself to say something.
"y/n" taehyung sputters, and i'm instantly hugging him closer as my own tears fall, rubbing his back and planting soft kisses into his fluffy hair.
"i'm right here, taehyung. i'm not going anywhere, i promise," i whisper into his ear, gently rocking us side to side. "it's okay, you're okay. we're okay."
i let him cry for a while longer, holding him up even as his body gives out under the weight of his tears. i feel him pulling away, and as i wipe my tears away to glance at him, his hands are suddenly cupping my cheeks, looking me straight in the eyes before he presses his lips to mine.
the tears streaming down his face mix with my own on our lips, the salt water a stark contrast to the sweetness of the kiss. he goes slow, as though trying to engrain the moment into his heart, into his mind, convincing himself that i did actually, truly love him despite the burden he considered himself to be.
i tangle my fingers into his hair, and as i marvel at the softeness of his brown locks under my hands, i pull him closer, wanting him to feel all the affection and adoration and sheer love i had for him.
taehyung leans back after a bit, panting softly, his glossy eyes blown wide as he studies my face. he lifts a hand to caress my cheek, absentmindedly brushing at the wetness on my skin before pressing his forehead to mine.
"i love you" he whispers, "i love you so much, y/n, and i can't tell you how grateful and lucky i feel just to be able to call you mine."
he pulls away, grabbing my hand and slips his fingers between my own, before lifting our intertwined hands to his lips and pressing a soft kiss to the back of my hand, keeping his eyes on mine the entire time.
despite my current drowsiness due to all the tears i just cried, i let out a surprised giggle. taehyung's gaze is gentle as he watches me, wiping the tears from my face, and i lean into his touch before throwing myself into his arms. he catches me easily, arms supporting my weight as i kiss his cheek, smiling softly.
"i love you taehyung."
❤️‍🩹 i hope you enjoyed! likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated! thank you for reading!
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sage-green-matcha · 11 months
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"And I wake with your memory over me. That's a real fuckin' legacy to leave” - Taylor Swift
Content includes: you being depressed! that's all
PT. 1 of Maroon I PT. 2 of Maroon I PT. 3 of Maroon |
PT. 4 of Maroon | PT. 5 of Maroon |
You looked up, Danny Running into the police station with exhaustion on his face. "I came as fast as I could" "did you?" Tara questioned. He had become a suspect, not seeing him all day and now suddenly he appears, it was weird ."Guys, I'm scared" Mindy, who was always strong was scared, so the rest of you were horrified.
"I really don't wanna get hurt again" she mumbled. You took her hand into yours, placing your head on her shoulder. "Neither do I" Chads voice was shaky, cold, scared. The battle between the group and ghost Face was more than exhausting. You felt your will to live drain with every person you saw get hurt.
"I don't want you getting hurt again either, Chad" he rested his head on his twins shoulder, a soft "I know" escaping his lips. Sams was emotionless, eyes looking down as she thought, hard. "So what do we do now?" You sighed, Chads question going unanswered. None of you knew what to do, there was nothing you could do to make this stop. It was a never ending game and you weren't ready for the next level.
"Maybe he gets to win this time" Sam bit back on her lip, all of you looking up at her. "He wants to punish me, me. So maybe i let him" She stood up, defeat all over her face. "I'll just give myself up" she sniffed, shaking her head. You all looked at her with concern. "If this is what I have to do, to keep you safe. It's worth it" "No? We're not doing this, Sam. Alright? You loved back to Woodsboro to protect me, every singe day you make the decision to protect me. None of us would even be alive If it weren't for you" the three of you nodded, agreeing with Tara.
"You have to let us protect you this time" tears welled in her eyes, Sam shaking her head. "Yes, Sam...we're a Team? Remember?" You felt Mindy stand up, letting go of your hand. "Actually, we're a family" Chad smiled as he dragged you up, clapping. "Let's go! Fantastic 5! Come on" chad smiled at all of you, his face filling back with his classic smile.
"Fantastic five..yea okay" you felt bad for Danny, being excluded from the group. "It's an us thing" Chad added. "He's gonna keep coming after us" tears fell onto her cheeks, wiping them away with the sleeve of her jacket. "Isn't there somewhere safe we can just hol up in?" You almost forgot Quinn was still here, her presence not missed. "He's just gonna keep finding us" you answered, a sigh escaping her lips. "Great.."
"We could use that though..." you looked up at the group. "He keeps finding us, right? So what if we just go into a secure location and kill him...I mean it makes sense, we could use it to our advantage" the light bulb in your brain flickered with ideas. "Call Bailey" Tara grabbed her Phone, calling His Number.
"You want me to do what?" You could hear his confusion from over the phone, Tara going over the plan again. "And then what..?" You gulped, biting your lip with nerves. "We execute him" you waited for a response, scared that he wasn't gonna agree. "Are you gonna help us?" The silence was nerve wrecking. "Let's kill the son of a bitch" weight lifted off your shoulder, Chad patting you on the back.
"Now, I'm stuck here but Gale gave us the Key cards to the theater., It's got heavy surveillance and security cameras but we can use that against him. I'll tell Kirby to meet you there and I'll meet you kids as soon as i can" "Got it" you smiled, your plan already in action. "And remember, travel in public. The more people around you the less chance he has to take a shot at you before you get there" you chewed on the inside of your cheek, playing with the blood stained bracelets on your wrist.
"We should get going then" Quinn mumbled. "You guys really think this is gonna work?" You questioned your plan, everyone nodding. "Well it better, it's not like we have any better ideas" the walk to the Station was painful, crowds all over the streets of New York. Everyone was in costumes, what a fun way to spend your Halloween night.
"This plan feels junky" Quinn added, walking down the heavily crowded stairs. "You don't have to come if you don't want to" Tara spat. "So we just peel off and then the killer kills us off one by one? Yea, I think I'm good" "let's just get to the theater" you shook your head.
You followed Sam, taking a hold of her hand as she pushed inside the train. Chad and Tara followed behind. "Where's Mindy?" You furrowed your eyebrows, standing on your tiptoes to try and find her.
"Hey, Mindy! Mindy!" You watched as Chad tried to pull her in, blocked off by a stranger. "Fuck!" She banged against the door, a groan escaping your lips. "Well, we're fucked" you smiled awkwardly. "She's with Quinn right?" Sam asked. "Yea, great...shes alone with one of our suspects" chad mumbled.
"Shit..." you all looked at what Chad was looking at. Two masked figures mixed into the crowd. It was like a haunted house packed into a train, the masks varying from ghost face to jigsaw. "How many stops do we have?" Tara asked, Sam looking at the map. "Ten..." you all looked at each other again, heads shaking as you pulled out your phone. You opened Mindys text, reading it out loud. "Great, I'm stuck with gf. I'll meet you guys there" well, this plan is going really well!" You exaggerated. You began to question why you even brought up the idea. But it's not like anyone had anything better. It also just made the most sense.
The train made a stop, Scooting yourself back as you saw a ghost face mask walk towards your group. "Guys.." Cute boy stood in front of all of you, your paranoid states calming down as the mask man walked out of the train.
"Finally, come on let's go" You all walked out of the train station, Kirby waiting as you exited. "Hey, I talked to Bailey, we've got everything set up...where are Mindy and Quinn?" "They're 5 minutes behind us" you filled her in, walking into the dark alley to get into the theater. "Not you, Dan. Don't trust anyone...remember? We don't know you" it was safer if he didn't come, if he was ghost face than fuck, but if he wasn't it would be safer if he wasn't involved at all.
Your heart raced as you entered, looking around the familiar space. "I cleared the whole place before you got here, so this is the only way to get in it out. We've turned it into a kill box" "and...the weapons?" She pointed down to her belt. "One gun, and I hold onto it" Sam gave her a stare. "I'm the only one with a badge here, so that's the way it's gonna be, we're safe here"
"I'll check in with Mindy, see if they're close" sam and Tara took off their jackets. You tied Ethan's tightly around your waist, checking for the knife in your pocket. You started carrying one since Woodsboro, you knew it would come in handy.
You decided to wait upstairs by yourself, probably not the best idea but you knew you'd be safe. Chad and Tara wandered off, Sam in your eyesight as she stood on the stage.
You heard her phone ring, running up to the balcony before rushing down the stairs. "Sam" she turned, her eyes squinting as she took the call. "Get out of there Sam, you're not safe" You looked down at the phone in confusion, Bailey on the other line. "I heard from the Atlanta field office, they said agent Reeds has been on a downward spiral since the Woodsboro murders last year" "What is he talking about?" She shrugged, turning up the volume on her phone.
"They fired Kirby two months ago for being mentally unstable" You gave Sam a look, the both of you putting the pieces together. "She's no longer with the FBI" Your eyes widened before you ran towards the door. "No! Sam, it's locked, remember?" She tried to wiggle the door open, stopping as the lights shut off. "Where'd you get that knife?" "My dad's box.." she pulled your closer, holding the weapon out in front of her.
Your heart jumped as you heard a noise, a voice. Coming from the projector. There was a video playing on the ripped-up screen, no idea how it got down. "Oh...shit" it was a girl getting stabbed, murdered by someone in a ghost face mask. The two of you watched in horror, no words as the film continued to play.
"Could you put that thing down?" You asked and she shook her head. You heard a loud scream, glass breaking as you and Sam rushed towards the others. You swung open the door, scared as Tara screamed in pain. "Come on! Come on! Go, go" you panted as you ran, helping Tara stay up. "It's Kirby! She's the killer!" "No shit!" Chad ran towards the door. "That's locked!" You screamed, "She made this whole theater a kill box" you added, walking down.
"Hey! What about that? There's an Exit door! Maybe it leads to the roof or something?” You pointed, everyone, looking down at the ladder. "There's only one way to find out, come on let's go" "Baileys on his way by the-" You jumped back, Ghost Face waving his awful knife in front of you. “God, we’re fucked”
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