#I’m pretty sure the only time cops are in the show is when freak show is happening
It Started With a Kiss (4/?)
Thanks so much to everyone for continuing to follow this story, and for all the kind words! I know you guys don’t like what’s going on with the Josh storyline. But trust me...I promise you…I will never write a fic where Beckett ends up with Josh…so just show a little patience, and I promise he will go away.
This chapter deals with the episodes “Setup” and “Countdown.” I’m going ahead and combining them, because when I view the episodes, I basically view them as one story, even though it is a 2-parter. The original airdate for “Setup” was Feb 21, so it takes place only about a week after the last chapter in the timeline.
I still don’t own Castle…
It had been a week since Valentine’s Day…since she’d given in to her desires and kissed him. She had known better; she normally had much better control of herself than that. She didn’t know what she had been thinking; or more accurately, she hadn’t allowed herself to think it through or second guess her actions at all…that was the problem. She couldn’t believe she had done something so…so…juvenile. Thank goodness his daughter had come home when she did, or Kate didn’t know how far she might have gone that night.
In the days since the kiss, neither of them had brought it up. In fact, it had been pretty light on murders, so Castle had barely been at the precinct; he was never one for paperwork. That suited her just fine now; when he was there, she was always careful to make sure she wasn’t alone with him in any kind of setting that wasn’t entirely professional. When they were working, her comments were strictly professional.
She could tell he wanted to bring it up to talk, but she never gave him the chance, and thankfully, he followed her lead. She preferred to keep her work life and her personal life separate; it was easier for her to compartmentalize that way. And it had worked up until now. But Castle…her feelings for Castle, and his feelings for her…blurred the line between her personal and professional worlds because he touched both aspects of her life, and it was no longer simply a physical attraction between them. Then there was Josh…Castle had witnessed her fighting with Josh in the precinct…somewhere she wouldn’t have normally had the argument with him, but the doctor had showed up and insisted on talking to her anyway.
And then there was this case…this case, which currently had her trapped in a hazmat tent with Castle, who was freaking out a little bit about a nuclear bomb after her radiation detector had maxed out. This was not the way her life was supposed to go. She found herself wondering, and not for the first time that week, how the hell she had ended up in such a mess.
“Castle, we don’t know that it’s a bomb,” she tried to reassure him. But of course, she knew that he could very well be right. Her detector had maxed out…that was never a good sign. But at
least one of them needed to try to remain calm, and as a cop, clearly that was going to have to be her.
“Well, we will in that nanosecond before it goes off and we’re vaporized,” he countered. “I’m sorry…it’s just the writer in me going to the worst-case scenario,” he apologized as he came over and sat across from her.
She sighed, looking at the gloves she was holding in her hands as she sat and waited. “Can we just talk about something else?”
“Yeah,” Castle nodded. “How’s Josh?” he asked almost cautiously. Normally he wouldn’t dare bring up the detective’s boyfriend, but after witnessing the argument between her and the doctor at the precinct of all places, he couldn’t help but wonder just how strong their relationship was. Maybe they were on the outs, which might bode well for him.
Josh. When she had suggested they talk about something else, that wasn’t what she’d had in mind. She hadn’t expected him to ask about her relationship with the doctor. “Fine,” she answered simply. “He’s on his way to Haiti to do another Doctors Without Borders mission.”
Castle did his best to remain calm and casual with that information, especially since it seemed like something Kate was not happy about. “How long?”
She shrugged. “I don’t know.” She was quiet for a few minutes, toying with the gloves in her hands. “It’s funny, Castle. You know, at first I loved that he was so busy. It just…it gave me an opportunity to keep one foot out the door just in case,” she sighed.
“But with one foot out the door, it’s hard to know where you stand,” he pointed out.
“And even if I did, I mean, what does it mean? He’s out there. He’s saving people. How do you even compete with that?” she asked, clearly frustrated.
“You can’t,” he shook his head. “No one can.”
“That’s one of the things that attracted me to him the most, you know?” she looked up at him. “That…passion. That…drive. Why is it that the thing that attracts you to a person always ends up being that thing that just drives you crazy?” she asked, not really expecting an answer. She took a deep breath and looked back at her gloves. “I just wish that it…I wish that I had someone who would be there for me, and I could be there for him, and we could just dive into it together.”
Castle remained silent for a moment, at war with himself over whether to speak up or just try to reassure her. “You do,” he finally stated quietly. “You have someone who will be there for you…always.”
His words had her eyes flying to his immediately. This is not the time, Castle. She tried to will him to stop talking, but that had never worked the entire time she’d known him.
“You have a choice. It’s actually kind of simple. I know you care about him…he’s a doctor, he saves lives, on paper you guys are perfect…and I’m sure he’s really great. He certainly doesn’t make it easy to hate him," he began quietly. "And I know I’m just a writer; I don’t save lives, or even really make the world a better place. But we don’t live our lives on paper. And Kate…I love you. In a really, frustratingly big, follow you into danger, be willing to die with you, take a bullet for you, unfortunate way that sometimes makes me hate you, love you. So pick me. Choose me. Love me.”
Kate’s eyes widened, and she stared at him. What the hell was he doing? What the hell was she supposed to say to that?
Thankfully she was saved from having to formulate some kind of response when a hazmat worker unzipped the tent and came inside to talk to them. “You’re free to go.”
Castle looked from Beckett’s face to the worker with a look that hopefully conveyed his frustration at what the man was interrupting. “We…we are?” Because he could have used another few minutes in here with her away from the case and everything else.
“What about the radiation?” Beckett asked after finding her voice.
“We found residual traces of Cobalt 60 in the storage unit, but not enough to cause any health problems,” the worker explained, looking between the two of them before leaving.
Beckett stood with a smile. They were okay, and that meant she could get back to the case. It meant she could focus on something other than her love life, the unwilling love triangle she’d found herself in, and Castle’s speech. Pick him? Choose him? Love him? She couldn't deal with this now…not in the middle of a case. She needed to think…preferably over a few bottles of wine with Lanie as her sounding board.
Castle stood as well, gritting his teeth in frustration at the interruption. They had been so close to having to talk about their relationship. “Kate…” he tried, gently touching her elbow.
Montgomery walked into the tent, interrupting again before she could (had to?) say anything. “Detective Beckett, Castle, we’re all real glad you’re okay.”
“Thank you, Sir. So are we. I’m confused, though. Is this just a false alarm?” she asked, giving her captain her full attention.
“Not exactly,” he shook his head. “If you’re feeling up to it, we could really use you back at the precinct. I can fill you in on the way.”
Castle wanted to scream at the second interruption, but his curiosity was now piqued. “Those traces of Cobalt 60…where did they come from?” he asked.
“We think there was a second crate at the storage unit which contained large quantities of Cobalt 60. We found wire and crimp on connectors, which leads us to believe the crate was outfitted with explosives,” Montgomery explained.
“A bomb?” Beckett asked.
Montgomery’s face was deadly serious. “A dirty bomb.”
She swallowed hard at that news. “Where is it now?”
“That’s what we’re trying to find out.” Montgomery exited the tent.
Beckett made a move to follow, but Castle touched her elbow. “Kate…”
She shook her head. “Not now, Castle. We have to find the bomb,” she told him simply, following her captain out of the tent and leaving Castle no choice but to follow her silently and wait until the case was over.
Castle slowly opened his eyes, groggy and clueless as to where he was. After a few moments, he was able to take in his surroundings and realized he was in a medical facility. Slowly, the events started coming back to him. The bomb. The freezer. Kate! “Where is she?” he began struggling to get up.
“Sir, you need to calm down,” a paramedic struggled with him, trying to push him back on the stretcher.
“Where is she?” he struggled some more, realizing he wasn’t in a medical facility at all, but was in the back of an ambulance.
“She’s going to be fine,” he heard a familiar male voice. When the man stepped up into the ambulance, it was confirmed that Josh was indeed the owner of the voice, much to Castle’s chagrin. “You’re both going to be fine. We got you just in time,” he assured him.
This was almost a nightmare scenario…Beckett’s boyfriend having to save his life. Great. One more thing to not be able to hate him about. The only silver lining in this was that she was fine;
her boyfriend made sure she was fine. “Josh,” he stated. It wasn’t really a greeting…just a comment…an acknowledgment of sorts.
Josh studied him for a moment. “So you’re recovering from a moderate case of hypothermia. You’re going to be a little bit sluggish for awhile. But, with some warmth and fluids, you should be alright.” He was a complete professional, his personal feelings for the writer not withstanding.
“I thought you were in Haiti,” Castle commented.
The doctor shrugged. “Didn’t go. It wasn’t worth losing her over a couple of months in Haiti,” he stated simply. “I stayed for her,” he added in a tone that sounded a lot like he was claiming her and warning Castle to back off.
Castle had to swallow hard at the man’s words. He obviously cared very deeply about Kate as well. He felt like the way Josh spoke to him, telling him he had stayed for her in the tone he used, was almost like he knew Castle had feelings for her. Then again, what sane man wouldn’t develop feelings for her after spending any time around her?
“This is going to hurt,” Josh warned him, taking his IV out and putting a bandage over the mark. “Let’s get you up,” he added, pulling on Castle’s arm and using his hand at his back to guide him to a sitting position. “Alright, just move slowly,” he warned him, hopping down out of the ambulance.
After talking with Ryan and Espo to find out if they got the bomb and how they found them, he spotted Beckett leaning against a car, wrapped in a blanket. He climbed down from the ambulance with his own blanket and approached her, leaning next to her against the car. “So…your boy is back in town…” he started, trying to get a read on her after everything they’d been through in the past couple of days…everything he’d said to her, everything she’d almost said in that freezer.
“Mm-hmm. He came back,” she nodded, avoiding looking at him.
“What does that mean to you?” Castle had to ask her.
“Come on. Agent Fallon wants to debrief,” she answered, completely avoiding his question. This was not the time or place to have that discussion. They were still in the middle of a case. She wasn’t going to delve into her personal life until they had found the bomb; she couldn’t. She hadn’t even had time to process everything…including nearly dying. He was going to have to give her some time to just…think.
They passed along the information they had to Fallon, and when Beckett asked if they could rejoin the task force, Fallon had told her it was up to her doctor. So Castle had watched like a
sad puppy as she sauntered over to her boyfriend to get him to medically clear them. He had to look away as he saw her lean into Josh, her fingers curling at the opening of his jacket.
“You know, it’s funny. When I first met you two, I thought you two were together,” Fallon commented.
Castle turned away completely from the sight of Kate and Josh together, trying to school his expression. “No,” he said, but he couldn’t keep the sad tone out of his voice. “Just friends…partners,” he answered.
“Get cleaned up. We’ve got a long day ahead of us.”
Castle nodded and looked up just in time to see Josh and Beckett share a soft kiss before turning his eyes back to the ground and walking away. He needed to find a ride to his apartment; he needed to get away from there.
“Fallon, do you know how to diffuse a bomb?” Beckett asked into her phone, trying her best to remain calm despite the fact that she and Castle were staring at the time that was quickly ticking down to a minute.
“Where are you?” Fallon asked.
“We’re at 55th and 11th,” she answered.
“I’d have to see it. Can you send a picture?” he answered back when he realized he was too far away to make it in time.
“Yeah. Yeah, hold on,” she took a couple pictures with her phone and sent them to the man on the other side of the conversation. “They’re uploading now.”
“45 seconds,” Castle informed them.
“You got it?” she asked, beginning to pray for a miracle at this point.
“It’s opening,” Fallon answered.
“Yeah…hang on!” he replied, trying to see something, anything, in the pictures she sent him.
Castle continued the countdown. “30 seconds.”
“Fallon?!” she asked, using every bit of police training she had to keep the panic out of her voice.
“I can’t see anything. I’m sorry…I’m sorry,” the agent apologized.
Beckett put her phone down and took a deep breath. This was it. They were going to die…together. The regrets of things she would miss, things she hadn’t said to people she cared about, the future she wouldn’t have now…and memories…so many memories…the laughter, laughing with the boys at the precinct, playing poker with the boys at Castle’s loft, joining the group for drinks at The Old Haunt...all came crashing around her; then there was his face, his smile, the way he looked at her…and it hit her like lightning. “Castle…” she started softly, so many things she wanted to say to him in the mere seconds they had left, but she didn’t have the words.
Castle took her hand and swallowed hard, giving her one last look. If they were going to die, she was going to be the last thing he saw. He grabbed all the wires connected to the bomb and yanked them, turning his back in anticipation of blowing them both up. When nothing happened, he turned and saw the time on zero.
“Castle!” Beckett immediately hugged him tightly in relief. Somehow, his dumb luck had saved them…again.
He returned her hug as they laughed a little to let out some of the tension they were both still feeling. “Yes!” he said, relief and adrenaline coursing through his veins.
Back at the precinct, they had gathered in a conference room with celebratory beers, Beckett describing the events as they had unfolded. After Fallon had shown up and pulled Castle and Beckett away to say his official goodbye, Castle studied her for a moment. He was still feeling pretty high on life…and lucky. “Hell of a day, huh?” he asked her.
She nodded with a smile. “Hell of a day.”
“You know, I was thinking…” he started. He heard the ding of the elevator and spotted the all too familiar sight of the tall, dark, and handsome doctor approaching over her shoulder.
Josh came up behind Beckett before Castle could finish what he was saying. “Oh, hey,” she greeted him, giving into the hug he pulled her into. Even in the hug, her eyes met with Castle’s, silently offering an apology.
“You ready?” Josh asked with a smile.
She pulled back from the hug and gave Castle a small smile. “See you tomorrow?”
Castle swallowed hard but forced a smile for her. “Goodnight,” he told her.
Josh put his arm around her as they walked toward the elevator. When they got inside and turned, her eyes met Castle's again and she gave him an almost sad look.
He held her gaze as the elevator doors closed, realizing that he had gambled, overplayed his hand, and lost. She picked Josh. She chose Josh. She loved Josh.
The ride to Kate’s apartment was silent, but Josh didn’t think anything of it. He knew how Kate could be, and considering the day she’d had, he figured she just needed some silence to process everything, so he didn’t push. They entered her apartment in the same silence. She pulled off her jacket and headed to her bedroom to store her badge and gun before returning to the kitchen.
Josh had poured her a glass of wine and set it on the counter for her. She took a seat on the stool behind it quietly, watching him as he leaned back against her counter with his beer. When he gave her a smile, she looked down at her wine glass. “I think you should go to Haiti.”
Josh just stared at her, his smile fading. “What?” he asked.
“I think you should take the Doctors Without Borders mission and go to Haiti,” she repeated, looking up to meet his eyes.
“But you said you needed someone who would be here for you, that if I left that we were basically over...” he shook his head, studying her, trying to figure out what had changed. Seeing the sad look in her eyes, he knew. “Oh…” he realized; she was breaking up with him. He placed his beer bottle on the counter, clenching his jaw.
“Josh…I’m sorry…this just isn’t…”
“This is about him, isn’t it?”
“Josh…” she started.
“Are you sleeping with him, Kate?” he interrupted as his anger flared up.
“What? No!” she slid off her stool, her own anger flaring at the accusation. They’d had this fight before…so often that she knew he was referring to Castle without even having to say the name.
“Then what? You’ve just been lying to me this whole time? I knew…I knew there was something
more between the two of you, but this entire time you’ve insisted that you’re just friends.”
“I haven’t lied to you!” she shot back angrily. “This isn’t about Castle…”
“The hell it’s not! I turned down the Haiti offer to stay here…because you wanted me to be here. I chose you over my career, Kate…and after a couple of days of running around with Writer Boy, you’ve suddenly changed your mind?” he vented.
“Josh…that’s not how it happened…”
“Then how did it happen, Kate? How did we go from you being happy I stayed a day ago to telling me I need to leave? Tell me…how did it happen?”
She was silent then, pinching the bridge of her nose. She didn’t know how to answer that because she didn’t even know how it happened…or when. “I don’t know, okay?” she finally admitted.
He sighed, running his hands over his face. “Are you in love with him?” he finally asked her after a few minutes, his initial wave of anger having subsided for the moment. When she didn’t answer to deny it, it was as good as a yes. “Did you ever love me? Did you even try?”
“Don’t do this, Josh…” she shook her head. “I like you…I care about you…deeply.” But it wasn’t enough…not anymore. Not when she knew she wasn’t being fair to him.
“But you don’t love me,” he stated.
“I’m sorry…” she apologized, a few stray tears sliding down her cheeks.
He inhaled deeply and nodded, slowly releasing his breath. “Yeah…” he murmured.
“You’re a great guy, Josh. For what it’s worth, I did want this to work out,” she told him honestly.
“Me too.” He moved closer to her and dropped a soft kiss to the top of her head. “Goodbye, Kate,” he sighed. “I hope Writer Boy knows how lucky he is,” he murmured. And then he let himself out of her apartment.
She walked over to the door now that he was gone and locked it before leaning her back against it and closing her eyes. A couple more tears slipped out of her eyes, running down her cheeks as she slowly slid down the door to sit on the floor. What a hell of a day.
Where are my Grey’s fans at? I know you guys recognized where I got the concept for
Castle’s little speech. I’ve been watching early Grey’s Anatomy and when I saw that scene, I wanted to do my own version of it…but Beckett is NOT the “pick me, choose me, love me” type. However, much to my good fortune, Castle is…at least in this case I think.
And I told you Josh wouldn’t be around forever!
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I look forward to your thoughts for those of you who choose to comment!
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tanglepelt · 1 year
dc x dp snippet? idea? not too sure....
Essentially amity park is a front. The whole town was designed to recruit member for an evil group. The end game to destroy the justice league. My brain took the idea and ran with it. I may continue this. I may not.
Amity Park had always been a strange place. For as log as anyone could remember. A gimmick, a spooky town. It played its role perfectly. No one really looked into it. No one saw the mad scientist or weapons facility as odd. Who would ever think to investigate a tourist trap. The showier they were the more believable. The Fenton’s were assets at keeping tourist gullible, their driving, and obsession sold the show. Keeping the tourist distracted and money coming in. Who would notice the laser watches, they just looked normal. Any ghost attack was just a show. Any damage done and its fixed the next day as if It was planned. The town had was obviously committed to there “haunted” town.
Ghost hunters in amity just made sense. Walking around with weapons was a normal and not suspicious. Locals didn’t care and anyone else thought it was part of the gig. The bigger the dramatics the more they could get away with. With all the chaos and attacks the tourist would be distracted.
It let them track anyone who came into town. They would check in visitors with the guise of making sure they stayed in the living world. Waivers had to be signed or there was no entry permitted.
No one to see how all the kids were more observant, no one to see the the gym coach or classes, no one to see the experiments, and no one to notice the secret town meetings while the children slumbered.
The meetings discussing the children and how they’ve advanced. Who needed to be terminated, who was improving and who would soon be integrated into the loop. Every year they discussed the first-year students. It was there last chance to become incorporated or “move” after high school. They couldn’t risk any of them leaving the town unless they were in the loop. 
After all of if the kids thought their schooling was normal, they’d never question it. The president challenge was harder then most. Why would an average school require flips off the bars or the ability to scale a rope to the roof if a building. The last two years of high school centered around obstacle courses, agility and parkour in gym.
An amity child leaving without being in the fold could be catastrophic. It would only take one to alert authorities for a slight inconvenience. Authorities could be paid to look the other way or easily put down. A hero however would be a headache to deal with. This town was the center of there recruiting. It was do or die.
Now the organization will admit the ghost were a welcomed surprise. A front row sear to watch the progress the kids had. They expected the jocks or even geeks to manage it the best. The seniors to take arms and manage the threat at the very least. The oddball trio was not what they had wanted or expected.
Those three were the problem students after-all. One so into technology it would be hard to keep him in line. The network was heavily blocked a monitored but using him was an issue. He had nearly bi-passed there security on accident. Imagine if he knew what was going on. Then the goth, the activist. She was too much an individual, free thought and radical views. They’d have to break her spirit. Then there was Danny Fenton.
He had promise in the beginning. Well rounded. Wasn’t so caught up in improving others as his sister. Held good grades through elementary and through middle school and was the golden candidate until the previous summer. No longer set to focus on study’s but off with his friends.
As Sam had grown falling away from their potential, she dragged Danny and Tucker with her. Both now had more individual thoughts and opinions straying from his parents. His grades had dropped even before the ghost. Just to A- or so. Attempts to steer them away from her only brought them closer.
If they couldn’t get sam in line they’d have to cut there loses. They’d lose a good potential hacker, the masons would need a new heir someone they could actually mold to gain more funds and business, and they’d lose a potential leader or scientist.
Cutting just Sam would have led to problems. They had tried. Sam was abruptly moved for a week to see what would happen. The guise a business trip. Danny and tucker given no notice. The two took matters in their hands and hunted for her. They nearly discovered the truth of the town. Only once the Fentons explained she was on a trip did they calm down. The trio were deemed lost causes. They were set to bet terminated.
Two weeks before the plan was set to eliminate them the ghost appeared, and it was them who took charge. Now the ghost was always planned, the Fenton’s had been close to opening the portal. So close to new weapons and infinite power supply. Nothing they had done activated the portal. But the problem trio when left alone somehow got it working. The power from the portal shorted the cameras in the lab and they were unable to see how.
 Sam and tucker were out on the field. They were learning at a rapid pace. With them constantly fighting and winning. The three were considered candidates again. They’d still have to break the girl, it was worth the effort now. Add the fact they had a viable solution now.
The newest hero of amity park. Phantom.
Phantom himself would simple a ghost to take care of. Allowing the Fenton to play around for now. What fun was a hunt to them if they couldn’t play with there prey. Once it was time to rid themselves of the pest the Fenton’s could truly hunt.
For now, phantom was getting Sam and Tucker more suited for future missions. He could keep “his” team for now. Danny was obviously the one with the plan. He was never with them but had to be the main contact with phantom. Whenever Danny was around phantom would show to clear his messes.
The surprise reunion with Vlad confirmed their suspicion. Not to mention the Youngblood incident. Danny led his schoolmates to board the ship and free their parents. Only once the ghost shield was down did he go and contact phantom to come handle the rest.
An accident would be in order. It was only a matter of time until the trio grew stagnant and needed more focused teaching. The masons were still an asset they just would not be allowed to be a caretaker again. Jeremy and Pamela mason still were the main source of income. The two were good the schmoozing. Sam would just have to manage field work with her business persona as her “grandmother” had. The Fenton’s were non-negotiable and a necessity to the group. If the need arises, they be allowed to raise another.
The foleys would work. They were good caretakers but served no other purpose to the group. Framing phantom for there deaths should be enough to ignite a need for revenge and break the group apart. Introduce a new fourth to them after the shock wore off.
Valerie had grown as well. She would be brought into the loop soon. The red huntress would be an asset. Her original purpose no longer mattered. Valerie would be easy to recruit. All it seemed to take was some money and a reason to dislike a group. All it took for her to despise ghost was her father losing his job, one of the groups smartest moves yet.
Good thing that reason was already in motion. The anti-ecto acts were set to be announced tomorrow. The justice league would publicly denounce the acts within an hour. They had no reason to condemn an entire species that had shown no sign of aggression. Most ghost weren’t even visible to the public.
With Amitys gimmick who would believe the reports of supposed ghost destruction. Viral videos of it just to be explained through special effects. Keep the rest of the world believing the gimmick and the young in amity only seeing the disbelief.
The justice league would be the key to their own demise. Events have been ruined, the children had been infected by the ghost flu, Sam had been kidnapped by a ghost, and the constant attacks on the school. This was the wedge they needed to keep them in line. To bring them into the fold. The towns caretakers would make sure any opinions of the hero’s would be bad. The only mentions of the hero’s permitted of the hero’s online would be failures and misunderstandings.
Citizens of the infinite realm and ghost were two very different species. Not that the children would ever be allowed to know.
Soon the justice league would fall.
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saetoru · 1 year
✩ — contents ⋮ fluff, gn! reader, established relationship, post argument make-up, annoying shidou as always, reposting bc it got marked w a label the first time even tho it’s sfw
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dating shidou is not easy, it takes maturity and patience and the will of god’s strongest soldier. in fact, most of the time, dating shidou means you’re constantly drifting in and out of being mad at him—which, right now, you’re quite mad.
“shidou ryusei, it is one am,” you glare, opening your door and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. he has a wolfish grin on his face—it’s cocky, and it widens as he stares you up and down in your little batman pajama pants. normally, you wouldn’t answer the door for someone you’re mad at, boyfriend or not, but shidou makes it hard to ignore with his incessant knocking.
you value your sleep—and more importantly, you value not being kicked from your apartment for noise complaints.
“aw, not the full government name,” he says slyly, and it only makes your blood pressure rise even more as you practically feel a vein pop.
“ryusei,” you warn. but he doesn’t pay attention, just as you expect. instead, he whistles lowly.
“i like the uniform. ‘s cute,” he cackles, eyeing the way your pants are hung a little lower on your hips from tossing around in bed, exposing a bit of skin that he drinks in shamelessly.
“thanks,” you say dryly, “they’re fuzzy and they were half off. now why are you here?”
“just visiting,” he shrugs.
“at one am?”
“it’s twelve fifty-two,” he corrects like he lives to defy you in every corner. and you bet he loves it—in fact, you know he’s positively enthused by the way your lips curl into a scowl and your eyes glare at him so fiercely. he stares down at the way your hips slant as your cross your arms, and he chuckles (which you think is almost passable as a giggle at the sheer giddiness.)
only shidou ryusei would be giddy from turning you halfway near homicidal, and only he would find the murderous glint in your eyes cute, wholesome.
“what do you want,” you say bluntly. he takes a step forward, and no matter how mad you are, you can’t help but stand painfully still as he leans closer, trying your damn hardest not to lean in when his hot breath fans over your face as he stares at you.
“your bed would be nice,” he hums, “preferably with you in it.”
he’s insufferable. everything he does and says makes you want to chuck bricks at his head and hope it fixes the loose wires he seems to have. but you don’t even get to finish saying, “fuck off, ryu—” before he cuts in.
“c’mon, don’t make me find a way in myself,” he curls his lips wickedly, like he’s got you in checkmate, like the cards have been in his favor all along as you play the game he’s written. but this time is different—this time, you’re determined not to let shidou take advantage of your weak heart through his rough and tough charms.
this time, you have a point to prove.
“i’m going to call the cops on you,” you threaten, “tell them i’m being harassed by a pink-haired freak.”
“i wouldn’t mind getting married in jail,” he grins, and you can practically make out the hearts in his eyes as he looks at you. it makes you want to slam the door in his face and go right back to bed. but that would only mean he’d go back to pounding on your door and singing your name, and you’re pretty sure you’re one more instance away from your neighbors collectively petitioning your eviction.
“i don’t want to marry you,” you hiss.
“don’t be like that,” he reaches to poke your cheek, “being inmates would be fun. we could give the officers a show as we fuck—”
“ryusei,” you hiss.
arguing with shidou always ends like this. he worms his way in and knocks down your walls without ever saying i’m sorry. he eases his way back into your heart with wide grins and cheeky comments and that charm of his that really shouldn’t be as endearing as it is. he never admits he’s wrong—but the way he tries harder the next time, makes sure he does it right, makes sure he’s better just for you, you know he cares. he never resolves things in the way you would consider the standard method of patching up after those unavoidable couple fights—but this time you decide it’s different. 
this time your feelings are hurt—really hurt. the kind of hurt that makes you wonder if you’re annoying. or if you talk a lot. or if he even wants to be around you. or that maybe you tire him out. or that the sound of your voice is grating. or that you overstep boundaries. 
this time there is no brushing the cracked shards of your heart under the rug and acting like he can kiss the pieces back together. this time you want to hear it from him—and if you have to stand at your door at ungodly hours of the morning and milk it out of him…well, you’re inclined to do that. 
“c’mon, babe. are you gonna keep me out here all night? lemme in—”
“you’re not coming in until you apologize,” you say bluntly. he groans, throws his head back, and slaps his hands over his face as he grumbles into his palms. 
“god, you’re killin’ me here. seriously, you know i didn’t mean it—”
“‘for fuck’s sake, i’m not your damn kid’,” you mock his voice from the other night, reminding him of his own words like he’s forgotten. he only stares at you with pursed lips and a blank face, but that doesn’t stop you, however, as you scowl at him and continue, “i don’t know. you seemed to really mean it when you said that.”
“i was just tired, you know that—”
“i was just trying to look out for you,” you don’t even seem like you’re listening to him anymore, poking a finger at his chest accusingly as he lets you, “i watch you sleep at unreasonable hours only to wake up before the sun itself—”
“yeah, and i told you i’d work on that—”
“and then i ask you, have you eaten today? and you know what you tell me? yeah, i had a protein shake this morning—”
“okay, and that was like one time—”
“and then i hear that you get into a fight, and lo and behold, you show up to my place with a bloody nose and cracked knuckles—”
“but you should’ve seen the other guy—”
“and then i come over to your apartment, and your laundry isn’t done, your dishes aren’t washed, and you have eighty million socks on the floor,” you start to put a finger up for everything you list, making him fiercely fight back a chuckle that he knows would seal his death wish, “and all i try to do is take care of you so that you can be healthy and play your best and what do you do? yell at me and tell me it’s not my responsibility to—”
you’re cut off by lips pressing onto yours harshly, the rough feeling of a calloused hand cupping your cheeks and bringing you closer. and maybe if you had a bit more self-respect, you would shove away the rude, ungrateful, irritating, tacky-haired douchebag of a boyfriend that stands in front of you, but you simply choose to lose all dignity when it counts most. you choose to give in, melt into his touch, lean closer and fist his shirt as your lips press back just as firm. 
and when he gently pushes you back, you let him. you even let him step into your apartment and spin you around, shutting the door and pressing your back against the cool surface. his body cages you so that there’s no room for escape—not that you think you could even run from him now that he’s let himself in, anyway. but with one more peck to your lips, he pulls away, pressing his forehead against yours as he clicks his teeth and sighs. 
“fine, i’m fuckin’ sorry. ‘s that what you wanted to hear?”
“not if you’re only saying it to make me un-mad,” you say stubbornly.
he clicks his teeth again, shoots you a look of irritation that you return tenfold. “‘m sayin’ it ‘cus i want to, dumbass. you think i’d say that shit just to say it?”
“i don’t know, you’re rude,” you shrug, not meeting his eyes. he rolls his eyes before he leans in and kisses your cheek, then the other, then the tip of your nose, then just over your brow, then your eyelid—and when he sees the beginnings of a smile crack on your lips, he nibbles on your cheek and pulls a soft giggle from you against your will. 
“said i was fuckin’ sorry, stop being stubborn.”
“don’t yell at me again,” you huff, “and fix your sleep schedule.”
“and eat proper meals.”
“and maybe clean up.”
“kay, i’ll try. happy?”
“and stop getting into fights—”
“let’s set realistic expectations, here,” he cuts you off, earning a huff from you. but you seem significantly less angry—and he’s glad. because sleeping without your body to squeeze in the dead of night and not hearing you hum that stupid song you always listen to as you wash dishes and not getting those back to back pings on his phone as you spam him with daily updates is starting to get to him. so he wraps an arm around your waist, tugs you flush against his chest as meets your gaze, “are you still mad? because then you’re just being difficult.”
“no,” you sigh, making him grin.
“i just love you,” you mumble, and there’s that cute, innocent little pout that you always do tugging at your lips, the one that drives him mad and reminds him he’s just as in love too. “i want what’s best for you—”
“yeah, yeah,” he grunts, “okay. i love you too. i’ll start being more responsible and shit. now can i come to bed?”
“fine,” you cave, “but—”
“great, let’s go,” he drags you along, not wasting a moment before your body is tossed onto the mattress and his lands on top of you, head tucking into your neck. and it’s warm—where his lips are, where he traces kisses along the awaiting skin. 
dating shidou ryusei is exhausting—but there are a few perks, you have to admit. 
“you’re a headache,” you murmur, threading your fingers through his hair. he snorts, shakes his head from his place in your neck, earning a small giggle from you at the way it tickles. 
“yeah? so are you with your nagging.”
“i don’t nag,” you slap his shoulder. he laughs—it’s that low, soft rumble that he only laughs around you, when his head is tucked into your neck, and your hands rub up and down his back, and he’s content. 
and maybe a little in love. 
“you do. but i love it, it’s hot when you’re mad.”
“go to sleep, ryusei,” you roll your eyes. and then you wait a moment or two—just so he doesn’t get a big head when you begrudgingly mumble, “and i love you too.”
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half of this is just filler with dialogue but wtv. take this lil scenario in my head of arguing w shidou bc he’s a living train wreck
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zahmbie · 8 months
Kay hear me out. Habit with a partner who also murders people
You guys would be a nightmare for Vinny lmao
Content warnings for discussion of violence and gore, with the reader actively participating in it
I’m a little split here, one one hand HABIT loves freaking out his partner occasionally. He’d never hurt you of course, but he thinks it’s funny to see your disgust when he comes downstairs coated in blood and gore or to see your reaction to him bringing home a victim. 
On the other hand, you’d probably be the perfect partner for him. He doesn’t get to scare you but he gets to be as openly fucked up as he wants, and he can drag you along with him! He’s normally not one to initiate a date (unless you count sitting on the couch watching old horror DVDs a date), but now he drags some poor soul up to the attic and calls you killing them together a date night. Romance isn’t dead but that guy sure is
He lets himself be a little more ‘romantic’ than usual when you two are together like this. He’ll wrap his arms around you from behind and lay his head on your arm/shoulder and guides the knife you’re holding, or draw little hearts on you in blood with his finger. 
A very fond memory between the two of you is just spending all night sharing stories of murdering people. You guys shared ideas and worked out plans together, and HABIT looks at you like you’re the only thing in the world that matters as you describe the first time you killed someone. He’s not really able to relate to any fears of getting caught (though he does make a big show of protecting you from cops), but he loves the excitement in your eyes as you talk about it.
He often calls you pet names but the peak of comedy to him is calling you over the top pet names in front of a victim. He’ll be monologuing to someone about how he’s gonna rip their throat out with his teeth and his voice is so deep and he’s snarling so much you can barely understand him, then he looks over at you and calls you some shit like snickerdoodle in the same tone.
I’m picturing the attic scene and HABIT switches like “You think you’re untouchable? Not even god could hide from me. Oh my Precious Sunshine Honey Bun Love Bug would you please get me my good knife <3”
HABIT’s really likes the idea of inhabiting you while killing someone. It’d be a huge show of trust on your part, letting what’s more or less a demon into your body and mind willingly. He’s super into the thought but if you aren’t he won’t push it, he’s pretty rough with his hosts and has little (if any) self preservation skills. Even if he treated you like you were made of glass- which he would- you’d still come out of it with some scars.
He’s held on to the heart of the first person you killed together for months, giving it to you preserved in a jar as an anniversary gift.
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goldenbloodytears · 24 days
Got me thinking after the last (one of??) question you've answered. How do you picture the day Danny killed the senior Johnson and the aftermath of it?
Good question. I don’t have the entire thing sketched out in my head but here’s a rough outline of the ideas I’ve had banging around inside my skull for a while.
The tome does all but outright say that Danny killed his old man on a wild impulse… so following along with that, I think it was an “accident” too.
I put the rest under a read more since I think it got a little long haha
I think Danny had long prior developed a fantasy where he would kill his dad, one where he thought out all the little minute details based on his dad’s habits. I don’t know if he would have physically written anything down plan-wise, but I view it as the originating behaviour of his later impulse and style of stalking, he just became more organized about it once he knew he would be purposefully hunting people later.
I think the situation leading up to the event was something like this. The old man tells Danny they’re going on a hunting/camping trip, whatever plans Danny has made previous to this does not matter—he is expected to drop them. They take a long drive out to the middle of nowhere, and it’s tense and awkward. They get where they’re going, setup everything…. And eventually they get into an argument. Possibly one which elevates into a physical altercation and Danny ends up pulling his knife.
I had the particularly unhinged thought last night of whether his old man would be proud of Danny attacking him or at least suddenly try to comfort him “it’s okay son it’s an accident” while he’s bleeding the fuck out in the middle of nowhere… this is admittedly where my ideas start to break down and get fuzzy.
The next part I’m not sure about, but I can see Danny trying to rig the scene afterwards… despite the fact it’s an accident. This is assuming he doesn’t just go into shock for a bit. I don’t think he would know what to do here, nor am I super sure either. Would he leave to try to flag down the cops or attempted medical help if his dad wasn’t quite dead yet? Idk.
There’s an entire alternate scenario in which Danny just buries his dad in the woods and then fucks off to new life, but that feels a little too… I’m not sure if it’s easy, but it feels rather fanciful? I kinda feel like it’s the story he would tell to make himself sound badass.
So I feel like either way he probably got caught that first time. Maybe his dad had invited some old friends of his for the thing but they only show up later to a dissociated bloody Danny and his dead dad a couple feet away.
I should probably note that I’ve been considering this incident as happening while Danny is an older teen or young adult. Within the 17-21 range. Mostly because I think part of their argument would be related to Danny’s plans for the future and his dad wanting him to follow in his footsteps.
If we do go with the outcome where he gets charged, then he ends up calling his mom to bail him out—he’s pretty understandably freaking out at this point as the reality sets in. She flys out and immediately takes over in being the mom he hasn’t had for years; she’s the one who takes care of his legal fees and finding him a really good defence lawyer. I think I’ve said it already but his mom feels massively guilty about the situation.
There’s a couple potential outcomes to the situation here, and also some things to note.
I think the resulting legal trial would be Danny’s first taste of the media’s interest in bad news on a personal level, deeper than the “oh look more bad news” when you’re watching the local news at six kinda deal. I don’t picture it gaining much more than local publicity however.
Then you have where he might get charged with a lesser count like manslaughter, rather than homicide (this is related to my thoughts about him writing out his fantasies earlier… a good prosecutor would be able to argue he had criminal intent if his writings were found, whereas a lack of prior documentation heavily pushes the legal narrative more towards voluntary manslaughter by way of emotional distress)…. regardless of what he gets charged with, I’m a little stumped as to whether he could get a full acquittal or not.
The outcome I like is where he does get an acquittal (or extremely lenient sentencing), but his mom still has Danny move in with her and the family she’s got going, and there’s a brief period where he’s going to therapy or taking self-help classes (once again paid for by mommy dearest). Everything looks normal for a bit (I think the sudden “normalcy” drives him a little crazy tbh) and he gets his first journalism job at a paper… only to end up having the epiphany that the best way for him to get anywhere in the news world is to create the news himself.
He makes the conscious decision to go forward with what he’s doing at this point, after all, isn’t he hunting humans like his old man wanted him to do?
The only contention I have is that a criminal record could make things complicated, but at the same time explains some of his idiosyncrasies—like why is his background entry for dbd so obsessed with him not leaving any dna?? Well, maybe because he already has finger prints saved in a local law agency somewhere. Why does he use fake identities? Because he has a crime associated with his legal one, and because it provided more “protection” for what he’s doing.
At the same time, I think having a near brush with the law, one where he was lucky enough to escape without a criminal record, is enough to also explain the same things.
As a final thought, he definitely carries guilt about his dad’s death, like… his lore is pretty clear that he feels like his old man deserved a “better design” which makes me wonder if the original plan he had was a lot more… peaceful for Johnson senior to experience, or whether that’s just the reflection of “wow that really sucked” and not living up to the idealized fantasy he built in his head.
Also random trivia bit but I think he calls his mom on her birthday every year and tells her about how his life is “going” (probably making it sound way better than it is). She’s always chiding him to come visit and to call more often bc she loves and misses him.
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bronx-bomber87 · 9 months
Good Morning! Super excited for these next set of eps to review.
We’ve reached the iconic and pivotal DOD eps. I’m nervously excited to review these. I want to do them justice. They are momentous for not just Chenford but the entire series. Rosalind Dyer is one of my fav recurring baddies. I loved Annie from Castle as well. Was psyched she would be joining The Rookie. This was a rare one where I got to use all the gifs I wanted to. Yay. Kid in a Chenford candy store haha Thank you to all the wonderful gif makers out there. You are the real MVP's. Let’s get this started :)
2x10 The Dark Side
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We start with Lucy and the guys out for a post work drink. Armstrong is there as well. They’re talking about Jackson dating a celebrity. Asking how that is? Lucy says they’re happy if he’s happy. Nick calls her bluff and says ‘Liar.’ LMAO Lucy cracks and says men suck ha They sure can. That the single men in LA suck. That whenever they find out she’s a cop they freak out. (To touch on not dating a cop bit. It is only a mistake when it’s not Tim. Let’s be real.) Especially while she's still a rookie just not a good idea (cough Nolan cough) He was never a good decision though....not even a little bit. I'll die on that hill haha
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Armstrong joins the convo and comes in with some solid advice. ‘Those aren’t men they’re boys. Real men are not afraid of a strong woman.’ Your real man just isn’t ready yet my dear. Nor are you. I really love this scene though. I enjoyed Nick a lot as a character. Poor Lucy she goes on her 'Sister Officer Lucy Chen' rant ha Classic. Oh the irony of this convo. In S5 she definitely isn't in a nunnery anymore heh. That is quite awhile away from this point though. Have to note how pretty she looks in this scene. Her outfit is simple but she looks stunning.
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Lucy leaves the table to get another round. That’s when Lucy runs into Caleb….really unfortunate that’s his name. That’s my BIL's name haha He seems normal enough with his flirting with Lucy. Both of them being ignored for another drink by the bartender. He's making her laugh and appearing nice and kind. Ugh run Lucy run…Their moment gets interrupted by Lucy noticing a guy stealing tips. She walks away from the convo and apologizes. End ups arresting the thief. The way she takes him down is bad ass I have to say. (Tim would be proud) Says 'Surprise I’m a cop’ haha
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Roll call comes around and they find out about Rosalind Dyer. A rare unicorn in their world. A female serial killer. She’s agreed to show them the 3 bodies that were never found. In exchange she gets life with no parole instead of the death penalty. Everyone’s day is now centered around this. Tim and Lucy discuss her past murders. Lucy telling Tim she was in college when they found the first victims.
That it was all anyone could talk about, wondering how a woman could be so barbaric? Tim shares his own story about it. How he worked a scene for the 4th victim. That he was advised not to look at the body. How he wish he hadn’t… The hindsight of watching this scene unfold right before they run into Caleb. It’s bone chilling to think about. Their convo being framed around this before he shows up.
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Caleb shows up and Tim is immediately suspicious and does not like this guy. His face has me rolling the entire time. Gives Caleb a hard time about the word 'Perp'. His facial expressions I can not LOL Now part of this reaction is his cop gut. I truly believe that. Not trusting whoever this guy is for Lucy. His default is suspicion. The fierce protector coming out to play in this scene.
I think the rest of his reaction is him just not liking this guy being interested in Lucy. Jealously thy name is Timothy Bradford. Its seeping out of him and he can't stop himself. He's completely forgotten he's dating one of her closest friends in this moment. Written all over his face how territorial he’s being right now. I always love me some protective/jealous Tim. This scene and honestly this entire episode is full of that.
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Lucy’s face is screaming ‘chill out’ the entire interaction. She's basically scolding him with her eyes above. They have a mini silent conversation with their eyes before the scene continues. If that isn't the most married look they've had so far. I love it so much. He definitely looks reprimanded in that second gif above. Tim is as transparent as person can be in this scene. Not even trying to hide it a little bit. Caleb has shown up and Tim's guard and protective nature are out in full force. Doesn't like this guy just showing up and sniffing around at all.
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Caleb is clearly nervous around Tim (as he should be..) It's too funny he keeps trying regardless to talk to Lucy. Tim deftly snags the paper out of the air. She didn't have a chance of grabbing it. Caleb has to sense how much Tim doesn't want him here. He could not be less welcoming of this man. Tim reads the paper and he asks if Caleb has a last name LOL He says Wright. The irony of that last name...
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I doubt our boy even knows why he’s reacting this way to Caleb. Only that he is and very strongly at that. All his feelings when it comes to Lucy are muddled and confusing for him. Yet he acts on them anyway. From the moment this guy showed up the green eyed monster was present. Tim continues to grill him. He asks what he does for a living? Says if it’s a screenwriter he’s going in a cell. He really hates screenwriters haha A theme through out the show for him.
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Eric’s facial expressions during this entire scene truly is perfection. Look at the way he looks at Caleb as he leaves. If looks could kill he would be a dead man. Also you can see the mask on Caleb drop when he turns away from them (shudder). The immense distrust written all over Tim's rigid body language. You'd have to be blind not to see it. Both of their faces above are a summary of the entire scene. Lucy is happy to have caught the eye of a 'decent' guy. Tim doesn't trust this guy as far as he can throw him.
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Tim doesn’t even think he’s done anything wrong till he turns around and sees her face. Kudos to Melissa for the great reaction. He says 'What?' All innocent like he didn't just drag that guy through the mud. Treat him like a criminal they deal with on the daily. She is so affronted and honestly confused as hell with his reaction. Her face basically saying 'What the hell was that?'
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From the moment Caleb shows up to the moment he leaves Tim is NOT pleased with his presence. Lucy is truly confused as to why he is acting this way. She can’t put together why he was trying to kill that entire interaction. We all know Lucy included (deep down) this was jealously thorough and through. But she chalks it up to him being stressed about how crazy everything is right now. Sure that’s it Lucy…She demands the paper back with just her face and outreached hand. Tim is shocked she wants the number of this doofus. He relents and unwillingly hands it back to her. Almost rolling his eyes as he does so.
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They’re driving in a caravan to the first burial site. Lucy is looking at Calebs online profile in the car. Tim snaps at her to focus. That this is going to be most dangerous day she’s ever going to spend on the job. Oh the weight of that comment when you know these eps….They both have no idea how true that’s going to be. Might seem like he’s mad when really he’s protecting her by getting her to focus. It’s his way of doing it. I also think it's a little frustration bleeding over from the whole Caleb thing. Not that he's going to put that together right now. Hell doesn't even realize how territorial and jealous he just was.
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We rejoin Tim and Lucy once they arrive at the first spot. They're talking about Rosalind during this 'Hike' to find the remaining bodies. Tim asks if she’s less scary in the light of day? Lucy tells him no…but mentions how smart she must be. To have gotten away with this for so long undetected. Lucy smartly mentions there’s a play here they’re not seeing.
Tim tells her it’s just to jerk them around. Oh my love it is far more than that. Lucy is so sharp to observe this hike has to be more than just her deal. She is proven right when they find a fresher body in one of the grave sites with the old one. It’s obvious she has a partner on the outside they just don’t know who…
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Lucy is looking at Caleb’s “profile” again. Watching a video of him with a puppy. Jealous/Protective Tim makes his next appearance. Could not be more obvious if he tried. Not a fan of her being enamored by this guy. He makes a snide remark saying I bet that’s not even his puppy. It’s scary how spot on he was with Caleb the entire time. It’s mainly from jealously and being protective of her, but it’s frightening how dead on his cop gut was. He turned out to right about everything with him.
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Lucy naturally gives him push back and says she just wants to enjoy a cute puppy. That it’s been an awful day. Can't she just do that? Jealous Tim won't agree with her. So he is a little shit and says 'This your first decomp right? ' Watching her face go from happy to grossed out LOL Oh Tim. He knows how bad this smell is going to be for her and is enjoying it haha The way she follows after him is too funny. Melissa is also amazing at expressing so much as well.
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The eerie part of this scene is it’s them being the ones to discover the DOD tattoo… There are so many forewarnings in this episode for her. For them. Literally smacking us in the face with them. That could’ve been her if things had gone wrong... Ugh my heart. They find out the newer victim was suffocated…What an awful way to die. I’m asthmatic and it gives me a pre-asthma attack just thinking about it.
A light hearted part of this scene is once again the lack of personal space. Ah personal space. They don't know her and never will. We're all ok with this notion. Nolan ends up getting Rosalind to lead them to the second site. They find a new body in it with a DOD Tattoo. The freshest one yet. They realize it’s every three months. That 12/09/19 is the the next DOD. John notes it’s 12/08 they have a day to find the next victim.
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Tim and Lucy join Armstrong at the jail to search Rosalind cell once again. Trying to find some connection. A way her and this person have been communicating. Nick asks where her books are and they say they sent them back. He asks for every book she's read in the last 6 months.
They’re searching all the books and of course Lucy is the one to crack the code. I love it. Finds something in the binding. Its a coded piece of paper. She figures out the cypher fairly quickly. You know Tim loves how damn smart she is. He’s impressed. She figures out a name from the code. My girl. Bryan Coleman. Funny that doesn’t sound like Caleb Wright….
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Harper and Nolan end up saving the next girl. They find out he’s been using the old abandoned zoo as his staging ground. What kills me is them saving her condemns Lucy. They stopped him from scratching that sick itch. Grey tells them all to go home and rest. Lucy spins around and tells Tim she’s just going to go home and crash.
Tim tells her that’s a mistake and gives her the advice that will haunt him in the next episode. Hell for quite awhile if I’m being honest. He will carry this moment with him for a long time. Says after a hardcore assignment she needs to blow off some steam. Find a way to decompress. If she doesn’t she’ll never get any sleep.
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Lucy is super cute asking if he's really telling her to go get a drink instead? He tells her yes. Preferably a strong one even with another human being. We all know who that human being is going to be….Side note I adore the fact that he always opens the door for her. Doesn't even realize he's doing that. Just does it out of habit. Her real man standing right in front of her but it is far too early for that hehe
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Literally makes me sick to watch her scene with Caleb. My skin crawls knowing where it’s headed. He took advantage of Lucy with her guard down. Her cop eyes we're retired for the night. Just trying to decompress. We go back to the station where Grey tells John and Nick they found a body at the old zoo. Bryan Coleman. Which can only mean one thing as we go back to Lucy. That Caleb is the apprentice….
She goes from giggly and relaxed to sheer terror in a matter of moments. He drugged her and Lucy is slowly realizing the situation she is now in. He also snags her phone before she can use it. Sadly she is over powered easily due the drug he gave her. Then sticks her in the trunk of his car. The ep ends there.
It’s a crazy stressful two-parter. So damn good though. I remember when this first premiered how hard it was to wait for the next episode. I’m pre emotional just thinking about analyzing the next episode. Can’t wait to do it though.
Side Notes-Non Chenford
Wopez good scenes not many but really good. Wes clearing not handling his post traumatic stress well. Mixing his prescription with alcohol. Angela coming home asking if he was trying to kill himself. He says I don’t know… Not a great answer bud.
The whole Rosalind SL. It’s so dark but so good. Getting a deeper look into Nick and seeing some chinks in his armor. What he sacrificed to catch her. It’s very good. I enjoyed his character a lot and getting more depth with him as well.
Thank you as always to those that like/comment/reblog these reviews. It’s means the world to me. I love doing these and they take time to assemble. But they’re so worth doing to enjoy this rewatch together. I’m also enjoying the hell out of analyzing these eps and our beloved couple. I’ll see you all in 2x11 :)
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somereaderinblue · 8 months
Web of Morality
-AU where MJ’s part of the group since childhood, Gwen is bitten by the spider, the symbiote is discovered sooner & Felicia decides to commit a heist sooner; four small changes that made everything different.
-MJ’s part of the group as a homage to USM & to balance out the ratio. 2 boys + 2 girls but also 2 science nerds + 2 theatre kids, making Harry feel less left out.
-(TW: very brief mention of past abusive parent)
-I will not stand for love triangles. Thus, MJ & Gwen are close, practically sisters. MJ’s the one who taught Gwen how to vent via drums & Gwen’s dad was the one who arrested MJ’s dad when he went too far.
-Naturally, after the powers kicked in, Gwen told MJ, who decided the best way to deal with this is to become a hero.
-Gwen is reluctant but after Peter loses Uncle Ben (maybe she could’ve saved him & spare Peter the pain) & her dad has a close call (another one of many, will the next one be his last?), she decides to become Spiderwoman.
-MJ is her girl in the chair, codename Jackpot.
-During summer break, Harry follows his dad out of town while MJ & Gwen claim to be doing their own thing (re: getting used to crimefighting), leaving Peter alone.
-He’s wandering outside, trying not to think abt the bills Aunt May failed to hide when he hears a commotion in the alley.
-The rest is a blur but at the end of it, he’s nursing a nasty shiner & being thanked by a pretty lady in a catsuit. Maybe he’s sporting a concussion too bcz when she asks what he wants in return, he says a hot dog but only if she eats with him.
-Maybe Felicia landed harder than she thought too bcz she finds herself on a rooftop with the kid, trying to make sure mustard doesn’t get on her gloves.
-Instead of calling the cops on her, Peter comes back just to hang out.  A friendship is struck. One night, her grappling gun is damaged & Peter fixes it. The next night, he shows her a notebook full of gadget ideas.
-When someone tries to mug Peter, Felicia saves him if only so she could put his ass through basic training. It takes a lot of coaxing but soon, Peter & her have parkour races across rooftops.
-(If she lets Peter win a few, that’s for her to know.)
-Summer ends, school starts & Vulture strikes.
-Since Peter isn’t Spiderman, he has the time & space to question Vulture's vendetta against Norman. Gwen offhandedly mentions his ‘stealing my work’ rants, which she totally heard from her dad!
-Either way, the seed is planted. This leads to Peter & Harry meeting Otto, who does a double-take bcz Peter’s the spitting image of his old friend, Richard.
-Otto still has lingering fondness for his dad & enough conscience to admit the meeting between Adrian & Oscorp.
-Another seed of doubt is planted in the group’s mind sooner than canon. This seed leads to actions that naturally bring consequences.
-MJ & Gwen are determined to uncover more dirt but they can’t tell Harry & Peter what they’re doing, so the boys assumed they don’t care & snoop on their own. Both pairs make different discoveries.
-Gwen bumps into Black Cat at ESU labs & accidentally releases the symbiote while Peter deciphers a file left by his dad, revealing his research, reasons for leaving....and dying.
-In this AU, the symbiote is more neutral. Still feeds on emotions, but not strictly negative ones. Gwen’s emotions don’t interest it since her civilian life is much stabler. So, it slips onto Peter at school.
-Peter seeks out Felicia bcz he’s terrified that Norman will hurt Gwen if he goes to her dad. While parkouring to calm down, the symbiote reveals itself.
F: So that’s where the alien ooze went. P: YOU TRIED TO STEAL ALIEN OOZE?! F: It was business. P: You- wait....OH MY GOD I’M WEARING ALIEN OOZE!
-Then Harry calls to tell him that his dad’s freaking out bcz the alien ooze is gone & oh lord, Peter is wearing said ooze.
-He should return it-
-Return it to who? The company that stole another man’s life’s work? The company that got his & Eddie’s parents killed??
-Hell. Fucking. No.
-Once, Felicia joked that he was her sidekick. Resolve set, he asks if she’s willing to be his mentor.
-So now Gwen has to deal with her usual rogue gallery & the anti-hero Venom who’s deadset on ruining Norman Osborn.
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
I’m not sure if ECLIPSEWXTCH has a tumblr, but their cop/ mafia(??) au is fire and I’m writing some stuff for em
kidding they do in fact have a tumblr @eclipsewxtch
(characters in the book are all in their 20’s dw)
Griffin—focused post sorry he’s my fav character I’ll do more later
Griffin is the type of person who unironically listens to Doja Cat
(Also P!ATD and Harry Styles)
And yet his favorite song is Stacy’s Brother by Mad Tsai (then again it’s all their favorite so)
We could talk about how, while it’s pretty fuckin difficult to get him drunk, when he’s really sick he acts like it
Some people are confused by Bruce and Griff and Finn’s affection with each other. It’s just because they’re so close, and have been for their whole lives, and literally couldn’t give less of a fuck about showing those kinds of emotion. That’s a deadly combo
Yeah, they’re cops
Yeah, their morals are grayer than freaking dolphins rolled in ash. It’s a skill
At some point, when Griffin finally decides to let Billy fuck him at work, they’ve been making out for a while, B goes “I’ve had this dream,” with a drunken smile and Griff deadass goes “keep dreaming” and turns and continues working on the dead body two feet away because he’s a little shit like that
Billy was traumatized
Robin and Vance laughed at him for it later
Griff is also the type of person to binge Disney movies for like six hours, suddenly get bored of them, and switch right over to Deadpool or Saw or some shit and his energy doesn’t change At All
Speaking of horror movies– Finney and Bruce are shivering under a blanket, covering their eyes every time something remotely scary happens, and Griffin laughs every time someone is stabbed or killed
The first time Griff showed up to work in a skirt, 90% of his coworkers mysteriously had to leave with nosebleeds
It’s canon but. Billy is OBSESSED with Griffin’s thighs
No seriously that boy is down bad
Like if they’re cuddling or something and his legs are in reach, Billy’s hands are on them, and if Griffin has to shift, he will deadass complain about it and beg him to switch back 
(“no you asshole my legs are asleep we’ve been sitting like this for forty minutes” “pleaseee pretty boy” “NO YOU ABSOLUTE MENACE”)
Bruce would never tell anyone but Vance, but he absolutely had crushes on horror movie killers like Michael and Jason and Ghostface. He got so into true crime, he decided he wanted to devote his life to it, just… on the other end of the spectrum
Finney Blake loves sushi but can’t use chopsticks for the life of him. I said what I said
Griffin redoes his hair every couple months, when he goes back to get it cut– Billy’s personal favorite will always be red, but he’s a sucker for blue and pink and purple as well (really any color jesus this boy has it BADDD)
Sometimes Griffin will walk into work, blowing obnoxiously loud bubbles with his gum, and when he leaves, Billy is trailing behind him, mysteriously blowing his own pink bubbles with a shit-eating grin, Griffin’s nowhere to be found
Finn and Robin probably have the least toxic relationship of the three, aside from the lying about real names from right off the bat
Okay side note I genuinely Can Not Tell whether or not Griff and Finn and Bruce are going to make the other three better or Vance and Billy and Robin are going to make them worse because it could TOTALLY GO EITHER WAY
Not to spoil too bad, but Griffin is a little shit who smokes weed and will weaponize his looks to manipulate people into giving him what he wants
Finney is willing to hear out ANYONE if he thinks they’re speaking from the heart, and he will absolutely not hesitate to shoot somebody if they piss him off
Bruce has kept both dead bodies sent his way by the stalker hitman in some way– pictures of the guy, little bird preserved perfectly in its box. Also manipulates like a boss
Basically core Slytherins who do good only because it offers better pay and are THIS CLOSE to losing it and killing someone for mildly inconveniencing them
Billy, as I’ve said before and IN CANON, is absolutely fucking obsessed with Griffin. So obsessed, in fact, that he had to get closer to him in both personas just to see him more often. We know he’s not a total douchebag from the fact that he lets absolutely no sexual assault happen anywhere near his organization and only sells drugs for the money, not because he enjoys it
Robin liked Finn enough by, the first time they met, HID A BODY FOR HIM, and the second time let him patch him up after a fight and let him drive his fucking car, even when he knew something was up because Finn’s hair and eyes were totally different from the first time
Where do I even start with Vance.
My man killed somebody and made a biiig mess and delivered it as a gift to a poor boy he made out with in an elevator once and decided to stalk. He knows where he works and where he lives. If Bruce asked him to kill, he’d do it again, zero hesitation, and then turn to him looking for approval like a puppy. He’s almost as bad as Billy, if not worse
See I could in fact write forever. But I am in class and I’m supposed to be doing this assignment that was due two days ago so✌️✌️ cya
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silverzoomies · 2 months
It's not really a question, but an idea popped into my head, I watched Days of Future Past recently, imagine a student from the future, for some reason (a power I don't know) manages to go back in time and become best friends with her favorite teacher when he was younger (Peter obviously!) I don't know if anything can come out of this, but in my head the idea was brilliant lol 😝
I’ve been meaning to respond to this ask !! I thought it was absolutely delightful !!
Days of Future Past is so cozy to me. There’s just something about the way the time period is presented - with all those lovable characters - that makes it feel so genuine and fun. I’m a goofball with a childlike imagination. Nothing is more comforting to me than imagining being there tbh. As silly as it sounds.
This concept absolutely warms my heart, since it fulfills that silly dream.
Anyway, I have some thoughts under the cut !!
Peter Maximoff headcanons - Student reader goes back in time and meets their favorite, speedster teacher in his teen years!
We know Peter eventually becomes a teacher in canon. I’m not really sure what he teaches, since they never really clarified. But there’s no doubt in my mind he’d be great at his job.
Mr. Maximoff is definitely a more laid back kinda teacher
I do imagine he’s the type to playfully mess with any students who act out of line. I’ve had teachers like that before in the past. The ones who take no shit and lightheartedly tease students. That’s absolutely on brand for Peter
I also get the vibe he’d be so “how do you do fellow kids” about everything
And the students would think he’s cool anyway. I mean, he’s fast. He loves cool music - and probably some really cool movies/shows/games too!
I imagine he’d deck out his classroom/office in all kinds of pop culture memorabilia. Very similar to the way he decorated his basement back when he lived at his mom's
Reader as a mutant student would be no different than the other kids. Y’all know you’d think he was the coolest teacher there ever was. Some of you might even look up to him! And maybe also develop a harmless crush. He is handsome, after all.
Imagine your surprise - after you’ve gone back in time for mission with some of the X-Men. It’s part of your training. You never thought you’d get the chance to time travel, of all things. Or, if we're following DoFP canon; maybe you went back in time with Logan? You're one of the last surviving mutants, and your mutation is useful somehow. It could go either way!
But Mr. Maximoff is there in the past. Only, he’s seventeen, acting on impulse, and being a playful nuisance.
He thinks you’re weird as hell. You totally bizarre, future kid. But you’re also pretty alright...since you think he's so cool 'n all. Most people just think he's a freak. And hey, you're a mutant like him! He doesn't know a lot of mutants yet!
And how the heck are you from the future - but you somehow know all the bands he likes, the movies he’s into, the shows he watches, even the games he plays??
Spoiler alert - it’s because Mr. Maximoff has a tendency to show off all his favorite things in class. Dude can’t go a single day without referencing Galaga, or Star Wars, or David Bowie, or whatever else
If you’re allowed to disclose any info about the future, you’ll probably tell him he gets a teaching job. Not only that, but the kids all love him
To which he responds with a - tsh, yeah. Right.
Why would he ever become a teacher?? He hates school! He can’t ever focus in class! His grades are the worst, and he bombs every test! C’mon…no way! What’re you tryin’ to pull his leg???
Y-You’re pulling his leg, right?
It’d be dope if you got the chance to hang out with him for a little bit. You could follow him around while he got into his usual, kleptomaniac shenanigans
Y’all would definitely cause enough trouble to get the cops called on you
Actually, when you find out the local cops know his name by heart - you can't help but do a double take
Mr. Maximoff? The coolest teacher in Westchester? The dude who’s always doggin’ on students for running in the halls? He used to be a lawless rulebreaker? Holy shit!! You almost couldn't wait to return to the future, just to poke fun at him for bein' such a troublemaker in his youth
Honestly, there’s a lot of really fun ideas one could pull from this, anon. I can’t even do it justice. I’d love if anyone else wanted to add their take. My brain has been so broken lately. But thank you for your ask!! I love you dearly!!
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his-red-right-hand · 4 months
Chapter 4
An excerpt from notes found written on a yellow legal pad:
I should be mad. I should be furious. Had to rewrite my fucking article.
I never have to change my articles.
Girl came in and fucked up my design, should’ve slit her throat the moment I saw her. Dumb bitch didn’t even have the sense to run. But she sounded so fucking pretty begging for me to kill her though. Looked pretty with her blood all over her too. And when she started crying, fuck.
Had half a mind to shove her down onto her knees and make her beg for my cock, choke her on it until she passed out. Fuck her throat until I finish.
Might do it later, when there’s no risk of being caught. Hell, she wants to die so bad, might as well make herself useful beforehand. Don’t know if I want to gut her or fuck her. Maybe both. Either way, I’ll be rearranging her guts.
She met Jed at the hospital today, she lied to him as well as the cops. Cute she’s already willing to lie for me. And her advice for people to run from me? Is she trying to get on my good side?
Oh, and that little “off the record” confession? Too sweet. Idiot never noticed I didn’t turn off the tape recorder, so I can listen to her say it over and over. Oh, and I intend to.
Meant what I told her though, going to have a long game with her. Even if I did want to fuck her on that hospital bed after she admitted her death wish so nicely. Gonna masturbate to her picture again, maybe as I watch her sleep. Got to keep in control, no matter how tempting it is to just take what I want now. Gotta enjoy the chase first.
Found out from her nurse that she’s getting discharged tomorrow, so I’ll look around her house tonight, see what I can find. Then do a check in with the next name on the list to make sure nothing’s changed, going to be abandoning them for a bit. This new design is going to take some time to plan, but the execution is going to be a helluva good time.
Lives in a fairly shitty one bedroom house, but the backyard’s big and backs onto the woods. Plenty of nice spots to keep watch from, a good view into her bedroom and living room. A little sad there’s nowhere to get a good view into her bathroom, but you can’t have everything.
Backdoor key is hidden under a painted rock next to a chair and a little table: roach in an ashtray. Might be an option to fuck with her there - depends on what her consumption is like.
Inside is cheap everything, a lot of mismatched flea market furniture, except the stereo. And she has a lot of vinyl. Rearranged a few just to fuck with her a little. A pile of mix tapes in a box, all labelled in the same handwriting, so either she makes them or knows one person who does.
Kitchen cupboards were mostly empty, a bunch of instant ramen and some jiffy pop. Fridge was mostly take away containers. She had left milk out on the side that had gone bad. Disposed of it for her, I’m not a complete monster.
Bedroom had some nice discoveries, a bullet vibe in a drawer next to some Clive Barker novel with a few bookmarks. My girl is a freak. Knew I had good taste.
Thought about stealing some of her panties, but I think I’ll wait until she’s back and I can take the pair she was wearing when we met. I’m a romantic like that.
She’s got lots of books, but the dust on the bookcase shows she wasn’t lying about not reading much lately. What the fuck else was she doing?
Whole place has the vibe of a shut-in. The couch looks like she sleeps on it most nights, pizza boxes all around it. Sleeping pills on the coffee table, some heavy duty stuff. Definitely something to mess with in future.
Found her Blockbuster rentals, The Evil Dead and Silence of the Lambs. Hid that one, she should only be thinking about one killer. Maybe I’ll return it for her, it’ll spare her a late fee as well as fuck with her head a bit. Still a bit of a monster.
I was watching when she came home. She checked the front blinds, but didn’t bother with the back windows. Then again I’m the only one here watching. Gave me a nice show, walking around naked for me except for the bandage. Want to see her without it, want to see her with my marks on her. Want to give her so many more.
Watched her get stoned in her backyard wearing just a t-shirt. A guy would normally have to pay for the shows she keeps giving me, can’t wait until she does it knowing I’m watching her. Took some pictures, a few in her natural environment to go with that cute little polaroid I got of her all bloody when we first met.
Hasn’t seemed to notice anything I moved yet, or if she has she’s explaining it away to herself. Gonna have to amp that up over time, until she knows it’s me. Not sure about her taste in music, a bit maudlin for my tastes, but it was kinda catchy in a sad way.
She called a few people, her boss and a couple of friends, they were the only ones who had left her messages. Glad I got the tap set up, gotta keep track of my favourite girl’s social life, doesn’t she know there’s a killer loose? Don’t think she calls the friends often though, which is good for me. They won’t miss her so much once I start taking up her time. And if they do, I can always get rid of the answer machine tapes.
She ended up falling asleep on the couch to The Evil Dead, looking all cute and pouty lying there. Wanted to go in and take those panties, but decided not to risk it just yet. Don’t know how deeply she sleeps. She’s going to work tomorrow, I can come back on Jed’s lunch break and get them then. Maybe do a little more rearranging, maybe leave a present or two. After all, I gotta treat my girl right, don’t I?
Maybe she’d like the pictures I just took of her sleeping, nice and close up through the unlocked backdoor, her shirt riding up enough that you can see where those legs end, and it is quite the view. Such a little exhibitionist for me.
Oh, we’re going to have so much fun together.
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Buck & Eddie Parallels: Like fathers, like son
3x12 Eddie: “Uh, you know what I can’t do?” Christopher: “Cook?”
5x11 Buck: “This is really good. Carla you can come on out. Where are you?” Eddie: “All this time everybody thought I was a bad cook”.  Christopher: “You were”.
3x18 Buck: “Sounds a lot like child labor”
5x14 Christopher: “That’s sounds like work”
Buck and Christopher not only look alike (even though they aren’t biologically related); they also act alike.  They have their inside jokes about Eddie’s cooking and they both think children’s recreational activities should be viewed like child labor or work.  Eddie and Buck are Christopher’s co-parents but Eddie is Christopher’s biological father while Buck is his legal guardian.  Buck and Christopher spend a lot of time together going to the L.A. Zoo and now their mannerisms are practically identical.
GIF #1 3x12 “Fools” Eddie had a conversation with Christopher to explain how there would be some activities he may not be able to participate in after he fell off a skateboard while he was at school.  Christopher said that he wanted to be like all the other kids and then said, “But you can skateboard”.  Eddie replied, “Uh, but you know what I can’t do?” and Christopher replied, “Cook?”.  They both laughed and Eddie said, “That’s not nice”.  In 5x11 “Outside Looking In”, The Buckley-Diaz Family were having dinner (that’s right it was just the three of them and thanks to editing software, there was no one else present) and Buck complimented Eddie on his cooking when he said, “This is really good. Carla you can come on out. Where are you?”.  Eddie replied, “All this time everybody thought I was a bad cook” and then Christopher said, “You were”.  Christopher has always known that Eddie couldn’t cook and Buck knows he couldn’t cook either; therefore when Eddie cooked a full meal, including dessert, Buck and Christopher laughed at Buck’s comment and they both teased Eddie since the food tasted really good.  Eddie and Buck are Christopher’s two dads and whenever they’re all together, Christopher and Buck team up against Eddie and wait for him to stop them from having fun (read blog post: “Buck & Eddie: Good Cop vs. Bad Cop Parenting” for more on The Buckley-Diaz Family).
GIF #2 3x18 “What’s Next?” Eddie took Christopher’s summer camp brochure to the firehouse and Buck started freaking out about it.  He said, “Summer Camp?” and Eddie replied, “That’s all he can talk about. Some of the other kids from school are going.  It’s only two weeks”.  Buck said, “Two weeks? Isn’t Chris kind of young for that? I mean what if something happens? What if he gets homesick?” but Eddie said, “I’m pretty sure I brought in the brochure so that you all could make me feel better about him going”. Eddie explained the activities they would be doing like picking vegetables on a farm and cooking but Buck replied, “Sounds a lot like child labor to me!”  In 5x14 “Dumb Luck” Buck took Eddie and Christopher to Equine Therapy and while they were there, Christopher was going to ride a horse.  He asked the employee who was giving them a tour, “When do I get to ride one?” and she responded, “First I’m going to introduce you to all the horses.  And then I’m going to show you how to groom them and feed them. And then you’re going to walk around on a leed”.  Christopher said, “That sounds like work”. Buck and Christopher both felt like children being made to do activities before they can have fun is like child labor or work.  Buck and Christopher think, respond and act a lot alike; therefore Christopher’s mannerisms are a lot like those both of his dads’ exhibit.  They are a family.
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saetoru · 1 year
✩ — contents ⋮ fluff, gn! reader, established relationship, post argument make-up, annoying shidou as always
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dating shidou is not easy, it takes maturity and patience and the will of god’s strongest soldier. in fact, most of the time, dating shidou means you’re constantly drifting in and out of being mad at him—which, right now, you’re quite mad.
“shidou ryusei, it is one am,” you glare, opening your door and rubbing the sleep out of your eyes. he has a wolfish grin on his face—it’s cocky, and it widens as he stares you up and down in your little batman pajama pants. normally, you wouldn’t answer the door for someone you’re mad at, boyfriend or not, but shidou makes it hard to ignore with his incessant knocking.
you value your sleep—and more importantly, you value not being kicked from your apartment for noise complaints.
“aw, not the full government name,” he says slyly, and it only makes your blood pressure rise even more as you practically feel a vein pop.
“ryusei,” you warn. but he doesn’t pay attention, just as you expect. instead, he whistles lowly.
“i like the uniform. ‘s cute,” he cackles, eyeing the way your pants are hung a little lower on your hips from tossing around in bed, exposing a bit of skin that he drinks in shamelessly.
“thanks,” you say dryly, “they’re fuzzy and they were half off. now why are you here?”
“just visiting,” he shrugs.
“at one am?”
“it’s twelve fifty-two,” he corrects like he lives to defy you in every corner. and you bet he loves it—in fact, you know he’s positively enthused by the way your lips curl into a scowl and your eyes glare at him so fiercely. he stares down at the way your hips slant as your cross your arms, and he chuckles (which you think is almost passable as a giggle at the sheer giddiness.)
only shidou ryusei would be giddy from turning you halfway near homicidal, and only he would find the murderous glint in your eyes cute, wholesome.
“what do you want,” you say bluntly. he takes a step forward, and no matter how mad you are, you can’t help but stand painfully still as he leans closer, trying your damn hardest not to lean in when his hot breath fans over your face as he stares at you.
“your bed would be nice,” he hums, “preferably with you in it.”
he’s insufferable. everything he does and says makes you want to chuck bricks at his head and hope it fixes the loose wires he seems to have. but you don’t even get to finish saying, “fuck off, ryu—” before he cuts in.
“c’mon, don’t make me find a way in myself,” he curls his lips wickedly, like he’s got you in checkmate, like the cards have been in his favor all along as you play the game he’s written. but this time is different—this time, you’re determined not to let shidou take advantage of your weak heart through his rough and tough charms.
this time, you have a point to prove.
“i’m going to call the cops on you,” you threaten, “tell them i’m being harassed by a pink-haired freak.”
“i wouldn’t mind getting married in jail,” he grins, and you can practically make out the hearts in his eyes as he looks at you. it makes you want to slam the door in his face and go right back to bed. but that would only mean he’d go back to pounding on your door and singing your name, and you’re pretty sure you’re one more instance away from your neighbors collectively petitioning your eviction.
“i don’t want to marry you,” you hiss.
“don’t be like that,” he reaches to poke your cheek, “being inmates would be fun. we could give the officers a show as we fuck—”
“ryusei,” you hiss.
arguing with shidou always ends like this. he worms his way in and knocks down your walls without ever saying i’m sorry. he eases his way back into your heart with wide grins and cheeky comments and that charm of his that really shouldn’t be as endearing as it is. he never admits he’s wrong—but the way he tries harder the next time, makes sure he does it right, makes sure he’s better just for you, you know he cares. he never resolves things in the way you would consider the standard method of patching up after those unavoidable couple fights—but this time you decide it’s different. 
this time your feelings are hurt—really hurt. the kind of hurt that makes you wonder if you’re annoying. or if you talk a lot. or if he even wants to be around you. or that maybe you tire him out. or that the sound of your voice is grating. or that you overstep boundaries. 
this time there is no brushing the cracked shards of your heart under the rug and acting like he can kiss the pieces back together. this time you want to hear it from him—and if you have to stand at your door at ungodly hours of the morning and milk it out of him…well, you’re inclined to do that. 
“c’mon, babe. are you gonna keep me out here all night? lemme in—”
“you’re not coming in until you apologize,” you say bluntly. he groans, throws his head back, and slaps his hands over his face as he grumbles into his palms. 
“god, you’re killin’ me here. seriously, you know i didn’t mean it—”
“‘for fuck’s sake, i’m not your damn kid’,” you mock his voice from the other night, reminding him of his own words like he’s forgotten. he only stares at you with pursed lips and a blank face, but that doesn’t stop you, however, as you scowl at him and continue, “i don’t know. you seemed to really mean it when you said that.”
“i was just tired, you know that—”
“i was just trying to look out for you,” you don’t even seem like you’re listening to him anymore, poking a finger at his chest accusingly as he lets you, “i watch you sleep at unreasonable hours only to wake up before the sun itself—”
“yeah, and i told you i’d work on that—”
“and then i ask you, have you eaten today? and you know what you tell me? yeah, i had a protein shake this morning—”
“okay, and that was like one time—”
“and then i hear that you get into a fight, and lo and behold, you show up to my place with a bloody nose and cracked knuckles—”
“but you should’ve seen the other guy—”
“and then i come over to your apartment, and your laundry isn’t done, your dishes aren’t washed, and you have eighty million socks on the floor,” you start to put a finger up for everything you list, making him fiercely fight back a chuckle that he knows would seal his death wish, “and all i try to do is take care of you so that you can be healthy and play your best and what do you do? yell at me and tell me it’s not my responsibility to—”
you’re cut off by lips pressing onto yours harshly, the rough feeling of a calloused hand cupping your cheeks and bringing you closer. and maybe if you had a bit more self-respect, you would shove away the rude, ungrateful, irritating, tacky-haired douchebag of a boyfriend that stands in front of you, but you simply choose to lose all dignity when it counts most. you choose to give in, melt into his touch, lean closer and fist his shirt as your lips press back just as firm. 
and when he gently pushes you back, you let him. you even let him step into your apartment and spin you around, shutting the door and pressing your back against the cool surface. his body cages you so that there’s no room for escape—not that you think you could even run from him now that he’s let himself in, anyway. but with one more peck to your lips, he pulls away, pressing his forehead against yours as he clicks his teeth and sighs. 
“fine, i’m fuckin’ sorry. ‘s that what you wanted to hear?”
“not if you’re only saying it to make me un-mad,” you say stubbornly.
he clicks his teeth again, shoots you a look of irritation that you return tenfold. “‘m sayin’ it ‘cus i want to, dumbass. you think i’d say that shit just to say it?”
“i don’t know, you’re rude,” you shrug, not meeting his eyes. he rolls his eyes before he leans in and kisses your cheek, then the other, then the tip of your nose, then just over your brow, then your eyelid—and when he sees the beginnings of a smile crack on your lips, he nibbles on your cheek and pulls a soft giggle from you against your will. 
“said i was fuckin’ sorry, stop being stubborn.”
“don’t yell at me again,” you huff, “and fix your sleep schedule.”
“and eat proper meals.”
“and maybe clean up.”
“kay, i’ll try. happy?”
“and stop getting into fights—”
“let’s set realistic expectations, here,” he cuts you off, earning a huff from you. but you seem significantly less angry—and he’s glad. because sleeping without your body to squeeze in the dead of night and not hearing you hum that stupid song you always listen to as you wash dishes and not getting those back to back pings on his phone as you spam him with daily updates is starting to get to him. so he wraps an arm around your waist, tugs you flush against his chest as meets your gaze, “are you still mad? because then you’re just being difficult.”
“no,” you sigh, making him grin.
“i just love you,” you mumble, and there’s that cute, innocent little pout that you always do tugging at your lips, the one that drives him mad and reminds him he’s just as in love too. “i want what’s best for you—”
“yeah, yeah,” he grunts, “okay. i love you too. i’ll start being more responsible and shit. now can i come to bed?”
“fine,” you cave, “but—”
“great, let’s go,” he drags you along, not wasting a moment before your body is tossed onto the mattress and his lands on top of you, head tucking into your neck. and it’s warm—where his lips are, where he traces kisses along the awaiting skin. 
dating shidou ryusei is exhausting—but there are a few perks, you have to admit. 
“you’re a headache,” you murmur, threading your fingers through his hair. he snorts, shakes his head from his place in your neck, earning a small giggle from you at the way it tickles. 
“yeah? so are you with your nagging.”
“i don’t nag,” you slap his shoulder. he laughs—it’s that low, soft rumble that he only laughs around you, when his head is tucked into your neck, and your hands rub up and down his back, and he’s content. 
and maybe a little in love. 
“you do. but i love it, it’s hot when you’re mad.”
“go to sleep, ryusei,” you roll your eyes. and then you wait a moment or two—just so he doesn’t get a big head when you begrudgingly mumble, “and i love you too.”
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half of this is just filler with dialogue but wtv. take this lil scenario in my head of arguing w shidou bc he’s a living train wreck
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depressedbagpipe · 2 years
The Freak and the Jedi (Eddie Munson x female!Henderson!reader)
Chapter six: The Dive
Words: 4195 Warnings: foul language, canon-typical violence, i guess some ptsd?, slight mentions of bullying, steve being steve. A/N: so, reader and eddie now share some trauma. this chapter is more of a filler, but i think we're seeing their relationship develop a little more? next chapter we will get juicy confessions *winks* Taglist: @authorlovers, @angiewhoohooo, @thatsamegirl, @lizzy-95, @elleeeee21, @tanyaherondale, @le-who-zer-her, @toobsessedsstuff
Series masterlist Previous chapter &lt;;> Next chapter
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Chapter six: The Dive
“Did you get it?” I asked Eddie when he approached me, whispering as we both tried to make as less noise as possible.
With a grin, he showed me the walkie he stole from the construction nearby. 
“Good boy,” I said before turning around, walking further into the woods, making sure nobody else was around.
I heard Eddie breathe heavily, making me face him only to see his face flushed. I grinned internally. “Everything alright?” I lifted my eyebrow at him, halting as I looked him up and down.
He gulped, nodding his head furiously. “Yeah, everything’s perfect,” he wasn’t looking at me. He passed me by and kept walking forward, looking down at his shoes. “So, where to now?” he asked once I started following him.
I shrugged. “I don’t know. We need to find some place we can hide and contact Dustin and the guys. I mean, my mom’s always home but she never goes into his room so maybe we could hide you there?” I offered, thinking of different possibilities.
Eddie stopped and turned to face me. “You know, you don’t have to do that for me,” he said with a rather gloom face. “You guys have done enough. Wasn’t your car nearby? You should just leave, you could get into trouble for helping an alleged murderer,” he added. His gestures were sad and tense, tiredness settling over the two of us from having spent the entire night up on high alert. 
“Are you shitting me? Jason saw me and my name is most probably out in the mix as well, I don’t think I can come back for my car just yet, much less show my face around,” I said, only now realizing the harsh reality. I widened my eyes at the thought of the cops paying a visit to my mother, the pretense of her daughter either being a murderer or being murdered sending her into cardiac arrest. 
“Hey, you can always say you escaped the freak’s hands,” Eddie tried to joke, but the issue was too heavy just yet. 
I gulped but shook my head decisively. “We’re in this together now, Munson. I’m not gonna sell you out,” I told him, resuming my walking. “I think Skull Rock is around here, somewhere? I highly doubt people will be coming there with everything that’s going on,” I said.
“Sure, let’s go.”
It didn’t take us long to reach the rock formation. We sat down on the ground with our backs to the stone, sighing in relief at the much-needed rest. Eddie grabbed the walkie and turned it on, adjusting the frequency to the right one. I let myself close my eyes for a second, but every time I did all I saw was Patrick’s body snapping and cracking. I shivered at the thought.
“Dustin, can you hear me? Wheeler?” Eddie tried, waiting for a response.
“Eddie, holy shit. Are you okay? Where’s my sister?” Dustin, thankfully, responded.
I smiled slightly at his concern. Eddie curled his fingers, clearly happy that he managed to find him, but shook his head at Dustin’s first question.
“Nah, man. Pretty… Pretty goddamn far from okay,” he turned to look at me. “She’s here with me, she’s fine,” he sent me a wink before returning to his conversation.
“Where are you guys?” Dustin asked.
 “Skull Rock. Do you know it?” Eddie said.
“Steve does,” I answered him before Dustin could.
“Uh, yeah. That's near Cornwallis and…” Steve cut him off.
“Garret, yeah. I know where that is,” I winked at Eddie when Steve finished Dustin’s sentence.
“Hold tight. We’re coming. We’re coming,” Dustin repeated, making me sigh in relief.
Eddie put his hands in his face, pressing his entire back on the rock. At the sight, I put my arm around his shoulders, pushing him slightly to my side.
“It’s okay, you can rest now,” I whispered softly. 
Eddie nodded slightly, putting his head on my shoulders as he brought his knees closer to his body. I put his hair away from his face, looking down at him quickly to see him with his eyes closed, taking deep breaths. My other hand played with his hair in the way I knew he always liked, feeling his heartbeat slow down considerably.
“What about you?” his voice was barely a low whisper, exhaustion laced in his words. I knew it would take him seconds to fall asleep on me. I smiled.
“Don’t worry about me now,” his head felt a little heavier than earlier, indicating Eddie had fallen fast asleep already.
I couldn’t sleep if I wanted to, I thought, my eyes fixed on the forest before me as Patrick’s death replayed in my head once more.
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The sound of Steve and Dustin bickering woke me up from my daze. I didn’t sleep, but I had been too absorbed in my own head. My hand kept absentmindedly stroking Eddie’s hair, but with a quick light push, I managed to wake him up.
“I can hear Steve yelling,” I said lowly.
Eddie nodded, rubbing his eyes several times before fully opening them. He looked up, his face inches from mine. He widened his eyes, standing straighter next to me as he coughed awkwardly. “Shit, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to fall asleep on you,” but I quickly cut him.
“It’s fine,” I reassured him. “You needed the rest.”
“Yeah, and so do you. Did you sleep at all?” he asked, the sound of Dustin’s complaints growing louder.
I shook my head. “Nah, somebody had to take first watch,” I said as I stretched my back, sore from not moving in fear of waking Eddie up.
“Oh, boom! Bada bing, bada boom! There she is, Henderson. Skull Rock,” Steve’s voice suddenly sounded from the bushes on the other side surrounding the clearing. “In your face, man. In your stupid, cocky little face.”
“Doesn’t make sense,” Dustin spoke in bewilderment.
I saw Steve look up at the rock, not even seeing me sitting down on the floor. Eddie had gotten up, trying to sneak up on my brother. “Yeah, yeah. Even with it staring you in the face, you can’t admit it. You just can’t admit that you’re wrong, you little butthead.”
Eddie jumped right behind them. “I concur. You, Dustin Henderson, are a… total butthead.”
“Jesus, we thought you were a goner,” Dustin hugged Eddie tightly, my heart warming up at the sight.
“Yeah, me too, man,” Eddie looked at me for a split second during the hug. 
I stood up and appeared behind Steve. “Alright, the next person to call my brother a butthead is getting punched in the face,” I said out loud. 
“Oh, thank god!” Dustin ran to me and embraced me even stronger. “You’re okay,” he said, closing his eyes. 
I grinned, enjoying the moment with him. “I’m okay,” I reassured him.
Dustin pulled away from me and I jokingly pinched his cheeks, eliciting a chuckle from him. 
“You sure you’re alright?” Steve was next, walking to me and hugging me tightly. 
I nodded at him, enjoying his hug. “A little shaken up, actually. But I’ll be fine,” I whispered, not wanting Dustin to hear. I didn’t want to worry him.
He nodded in understanding when he pulled away, but the moment was short-lived for Robin came running to me as soon as she spotted me.
“Oh my god, you’re okay! Fuck, thank god, I missed you, we didn’t know where you went when we got to Rick’s house earlier and I immediately thought the worse and how I would never see you again and how I never told you that I…” I cut Robin off with a quick hug, effectively shutting her up.
“I love you too, Ro,” I said with a grin, her stiff body slowly melting into the embrace.
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Eddie and I were now sitting under the rocks, recalling everything that had happened the night before.
“When we got to the shore, we tried calling you guys, but, uh…” Eddie took a big gulp of water after I was done with it. “Our walkies were busted, man,” he finished, motioning to my now-dry bag, “So, uh, I did the thing that I do now, apparently. I ran,” he chuckled with a big forced grin on his face.
I winced at it, frowning at his words. 
“Do you guys know what time this was? The attack?” Nancy asked, her eyes glazed in recognition.
“Yeah, no, I… I know exactly what time it was,” Eddie answered as he took off his watch, the time stuck at the moment we fell to the water.
“Our walkies weren’t the only thing that got soaked,” I said as I stood up, grabbing Eddie’s watch and giving it to Nancy.
“21:27,” read Nancy.
“Same time our flashlights went kablooey,” confirmed Robin.
“Which means what, exactly?” Steve shrugged his shoulders in confusion.
Nancy answered first. “That, that surge of energy was Vecna attacking Patrick,” she threw Eddie his watch.
I sighed, feeling like we were suddenly going somewhere.
“Well, we’re one step closer,” Robin said, putting her hands in her pockets. “We know how Vecna attacks.”
I silently agreed with her, noticing Dustin had not stopped pacing around since Eddie and I began the story.
“And where he attacks from,” Lucas continued.
“So, now we just need to sneak into his lair in the Upside Down and drive a stake through his heart,” Max finished. 
“If he even has a heart,” Robin scoffed.
Steve kept being confused. “A stake? Is he like a vamp? Is he a vampire?” his eyes widened.
“It was a metaphor,” even Max was annoyed at his question.
Eddie jumped into the conversation. “A bullet should work on him, right?”
“I saw we chop his head off,” Lucas looked at me with a knowing smile.
“I volunteer. I got the sword,” I raised my hand.
“Yeah, I’d say all of the above, but we can’t do any of that until we find a way into the Upside Down,” Nancy brought us down to Earth.
“We need El to get her powers back,” Max shook her head.
Steve nodded. “Everything was way easier. We had this girl. She had superpowers,” Steve started as he looked at Eddie.
I smiled sadly at the thought of El, Will, and Jonathan, living on the other side of the country with no way to contact them now. 
“Superpowers, yeah. You mentioned her,” Eddie nodded, still bewildered at our casual mentioning of Eleven.
My gaze was still fixed on Dustin, who kept looking down at his compass as he walked from side to side. 
“Hey, uh, Henderson’s not, uh, curse, is he?” Eddie called out again, his eyes fixed on my brother as well. I panicked for a second.
“Curse? No, no, he’s fine,” Steve was now staring at him as well, only boredom in his eyes. “Mental? Absolutely.”
“Oh, come on,” I groaned, slightly irritated at the constant teasing. Despite knowing it wasn’t ill-intended, I never forgot how people treated Dustin in the past.
“Boom!” Dustin yelled out of nowhere, staring back at us with a wide expression. He extended his finger towards Steve, taking slow steps as he approached him. “Bada… bada… boom. I was right. Skull Rock was north.”
Steve crossed his arms. “Seriously? You’re serious?” Dustin nodded, making Steve throw his arms in a fit. “This is Skull Rock! Okay? You’re, totally, absolutely, one hundred percent wrong. Right now,” he raised his voice.
“What did I miss?” I asked confusedly, seeing everybody else’s annoying glares at the two boys.
“Yes. And no.”
“That clears it up,” I chimed as I looked down, knowing I wasn’t getting any.
“Oh my god,” Steve groaned, walking a few steps away from the group, rubbing his hands on his face in frustration.
Dustin put his compass up for everybody to see. “This compass worked correctly when we left the Wheelers’. It was correct when we got in the car on Curly. But it started to slip the further east we went. Now it’s way off,” Dustin explained. “When I was leading us here, I wasn’t wrong. The compass was.”
“So you’ve been using faulty equipment, dude, you’re still wrong,” Steve argued again.
“Except, it isn’t faulty,” Dustin kept going. “Lucas, remember what can affect a compass?”
 Lucas quickly delivered. “An electromagnetic field.”
“Yep,” Dustin smiled.
“I’m sorry, I must’ve skipped that class,” Robin said, lost.
“In the presence of a stronger electromagnetic field, the needle will deflect towards that power,” Dustin continued, but my brain already put the pieces together.
“So either there’s some super big magnet around here, or…” I trailed off, looking up at Dustin, knowing we were thinking the same thing.
“There’s a gate,” Lucas finished.
Nancy shook her head. “But, we’re nowhere near the lab.”
“But what if, somehow, there’s another gate? A gate that we don’t know about. It’d have to be smaller. Way less powerful,” Dustin proposed.
“Snack-size gate,” added Robin, drawing a smile on my face at her comment.
“But how? Why?” Steve asked.
Dustin shook his head. “No idea. All I know is that something is causing this disturbance, and the last time we’ve seen anything like it, it was a gate. And I hope it is, because then we'd have a way to Vecna. And a shot at freeing Max from this curse.”
With a small nod, he walked off, not saying anything else.
“Where are you going?” Steve asked him, but Dustin made no answer. “Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, Eddie’s still a wanted man,” he managed to stop Dustin in his tracks. “We can’t just go for a hike in the woods.”
“This little steel capsule might be the key to saving both Max and Eddie, and I’m also pretty sure my sister’s involved now, too. What say you, Eddie the Banished?” Dustin opened his arms, waiting for Eddie’s response.
I had already gotten up, dusting my pants off, and I looked down at him, seeing Eddie scratch his neck, staring at a fixed spot on the ground.
“I say you’re asking me to follow you into Mordor, which, if I’m totally straight with you, I think is a really bad idea. But, uh, the Shire… the Shire is burning,” I grinned at him, looking at Dustin who jumped excitedly in his place. Eddie finally stood up, looking at me. “So Mordor it is.”  
Eddie quickly followed Dustin, and so did the rest of the group. I grabbed the things we left behind, patting a confused Steve on the back as we trailed after the guys.
“What is Mordor?”
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“Something’s happening,” Dustin whispered, quickening his pace across the thick bushes.
“Dustin? Can you slow down? Dustin!” Eddie called after him. 
“I think we’re getting close!” Dustin was looking back at us, not realizing he was about to fall into the cold water of Lover’s Lake’s shore. Thankfully, Eddie grabbed him before he could fall.
“Watch your step, big guy,” he said, pushing Dustin back a few feet.
“Oh, man, you gotta be shitting me,” Steve groaned as he illuminated the vast water with his flashlight.
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed.
“I thought these woods were familiar,” Steve commented.
“Lover’s Lake,” Robin confirmed.
I took a big gulp at the sight of the dark lake in front of me, the previous night's events fresh in my mind. 
“You okay?” Eddie asked lowly, putting a hand on my shoulder.
I nodded, unconvinced. “I’ll be.”
Eddie squeezed my shoulder once again and stood next to Dustin.
“This is… confounding,” Dustin mentioned.
“There’s a gate in Lover’s Lake?” Max asked, staring at the water.
“Whenever the Demogorgon attacked, it always left an opening,” Nancy recalled. “Maybe Vecna’s the same way.”
I shrugged. “It wouldn’t surprise me if they all came from the same place.”
“Yeah, only one way to find out,” Steve agreed.
“Yeah, we got that covered,” I said before moving to the side where Eddie and I had hidden the boat with the tarp.
Steve and he put it back on the water, effectively splashing themselves as they remained kneeled next to it to keep it anchored while we boarded. First was Robin, using the boys’ heads as support. Eddie followed suit, helping Nancy into her seat as well. I too boarded, the boat wiggling a little when I stepped in for Steve was the only one holding it down. I stumbled forward slightly, the lack of balance making me awkwardly crush against Eddie’s chest.
“I got you,” he said as his hands grabbed my waist, helping me regain my balance.
Thank god for the darkness around us, I thought, knowing my face had grown at least three shades of darker red. 
I sat down next to Robin, who sent me a knowing smirk and a wink as Eddie stopped Dustin from getting on board.
“Hey, hey, hey, you trying to sink us?” he motioned to the younger kids to stay behind. “This thing holds four people tops, okay?”
“It’s better this way, okay? You guys stay here with Max. Keep an eye out for trouble,” Nancy reasoned with him.
“You keep an eye out!” Dustin looked mad. “It’s my goddamn theory!”
Robin intervened. “You heard Nance.”
“Who put her in charge?”
“I did,” Robin said.
“Dustin, we both know it’s dangerous, and you’re the brain. If anything happens, you know how to fix it,” I reasoned, knowing Dustin would agree with it. 
“Compass,” Nancy extended her hand, waiting for Dustin to begrudgingly give it to her.
“Hey, there you go,” Steve threw Dustin our backpacks as he pushed the boat away and got in it, before the bewildered faces of the youngest.
“You said four!” Dustin yelled after us.
Max and Lucas both wore annoyed expressions, but it was Dustin’s fight.
“Sorry,” Steve whispered as Eddie rowed us away towards the center of the lake. 
“Bedtime at nine, kiddos! Miss you already!” Robin yelled after them, making me chuckle loudly despite the anxiety clawing at my edges.
The five of us were silent as Robin and Eddie rowed us through the calm waters. 
“Whoa, whoa whoa whoa, slow down,” Nancy grabbed Eddie’s arm to stop him. “Slow down, guys,” she was looking at the compass, guiding us the entire time.
Steve pointed at it with his flashlight as we all stood around to see it go commando. 
“Guys, what’s going on?” Dustin spoke from the walkie. “Come on, guys, talk to me. What’s going on?”
Robin answered. “Uh, Dustin, your compass has gone from wonky to wonky with a capital ‘aah!’” 
Out of nowhere, Steve started pulling his shoes out.
“Steve, what are you doing?” Nancy asked as he kept undressing,
“Somebody’s gotta go down and check this out,” he answered. “Unless one of you four can top being a Hawkings High swim co-captain, and a certified lifeguard for three years, then… it’s gotta be me. No complaints, all right?” he stood up.
“Hey, I’m not complaining. I do not wanna go down there,” Eddie muttered under his breath, earning a slight punch to the arm from me.
I grunted in disgust when Steve took off his shirt, standing with his bare back to us. Both Robin and I caught Nancy staring at Steve with a glint in her eyes, making us share knowing looks. I still felt bad thinking about Jonathan. 
My attention fell back on Eddie, who had taken out a plastic bag and had put the flashlight inside to protect it from the water.
“Hey,” he gave it to Steve, who took it appreciatively. “Good luck.”
“Thanks,” Steve said, grabbing the flashlight and taking a couple of breaths.
Nancy grabbed his hand before he could jump headfirst into the water. “Steve? Be careful,” she said, that same look in her eyes.
He jumped into the darkness, silence filling us once again as we waited for him to emerge again. 
“Where we at, Wheeler?” Robin asked Nancy, who was checking the time.
“Closing in on a minute,” she answered.
“Okay,” Robin exhaled, worried about her best friend.
My eyes were fixed on the other side of the lake, roughly in the direction Reefer Rick’s house had been, and where Patrick had died only hours ago.
“I know, I’m never forgetting that either,” Eddie said, following the direction of my eyes.
“You saw it twice,” I suddenly realized, looking at him.
Eddie shrugged. “You get used to it after the first time,” he tried to joke, playing with his lighter.
I gave him a short smile, appreciating the effort. “I really hope we never see it again,” I said, turning my back to the lake and focusing on Eddie, Robin, and Nancy, the latter two staring at us with knowing smirks. I shot them a glare to keep them quiet, but they only grinned harder when Eddie’s fingers brushed mine, his contact sending warmth through my entire body.
Minutes felt like hours, but finally, Steve reemerged, giving us a heart attack in the process.
“Oh, Christ!” Eddie screamed, his wild hair floating around.
“I found it,” Steve said, grabbing the boat to support himself.
“You found it?” Nancy exclaimed.
“I found it,” he repeated. “Yeah, I found it.”
Robin grabbed the walkie again. “Dustin, you’re a goddamn Einstein. Steve found the gate,” but the connection was suddenly cut.
“What happened?” I said as Robin shrugged and kicked it a couple of times, leaving it aside to hear Steve’s story.
“It’s pretty wild. It’s more of a snack-size gate than the mama gate, but still, it’s pretty damn big.”
He was about to continue when he suddenly disappeared and reappeared once more, grabbing the boat firmly in his hands as he stared at the water in confusion. But the confusion didn’t last long, for Steve was pulled in once again, completely disappearing in the darkness as we failed to reach for him in time, the entire boat tilting with him. 
“Steve!” we all yelled at different times, no sign of the older boy.
“What the hell was that, man?” Eddie screamed.
“Nancy, really, what happened?” Robin yelled as well.
Nancy stood looking down. I quickly realized what she was about to do.
“Nancy, don’t!” I screamed at her, but it was already too late. Her mind was already made up.
Even Eddie seemed to think it was a bad idea. “Wait, wait, wait, you’re not going in there, are you?”
“Just wait here,” she said before jumping after Steve.  
“Shit, Nance!” I said, feeling Robin moving towards the edge as well.
“Ro, stop it, you can barely swim,” I told her, fear clawing at my heart.
Eddie extended his arms toward her. “No, no, no, no, no, what are you doing? She said wait,” he told her.
“Yeah, I heard her,” Robin was taking big breaths now. I knew there was no stopping her either.
“She’s in charge,” Eddie tried once again.
“Are you kidding me? I made that shit up,” and with that, she fell backward into the water, grabbing her nose in one final attempt to keep some oxygen in her system.
“Goddamn it… shit!” Eddie yelled.
I sighed. “Alright, my turn,” I stood up, but Eddie gripped my arm tightly, preventing me from moving.
He shook his head profusely. “Hell no, you’re not jumping.”
I scoffed. “You can’t tell me what to do, Munson.”
I tried to get away once more, but his grip felt like iron.
“What if something happens to you?” he was yelling at this point, his eyes pleading me to stay.
My own eyes softened, but there were more important things at hand. “It wouldn’t be the first time,” I put my other hand on top of his, trying to calm him down.
“That’s not reassuring.”
“Steve needs us, Eddie. I’m going,” with a final tug, I broke free from his grip, also jumping after Robin. 
“Wait, Henderson!” but I couldn’t hear anything else, for the cold water surrounded me as I dived deeper into the lake. 
I kept swimming down, my arms and legs burning from the strain, and the air in my lungs decreasing by the second. It felt like swimming in zero gravity, at some point not knowing which way was up, but thankfully, a red faint glow stood not far from where I swam. I figure swam by, a momentary terror passing over me before recognizing Robin’s loose jacket. I forced myself to swim faster towards it, the red light becoming larger and stronger and the familiar black vines around it almost inviting me inside.
With one last push, I swam past it, my head suddenly feeling the oxygen around me, falling on my back as my body was pushed into the Upside Down, a drenched Nancy pulling me up as I violently coughed gasping for air.
Robin stood nearby, also helping me up and walking me away from the gate.
Not much after me, an equally drenched Eddie emerged from it, similarly falling on his back with a groan, gasping loudly for air.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” he said as he stood up, his eyes quickly finding mine. With one last breath, he nodded at us.
“Alright, where is he?”
Next chapter
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storiesofsvu · 2 years
Well… that was… *something*
Law & order premier event thoughts…
Okay, here we go!
(Fuck i just realized i never did a “what i hope/wish to see this season! I’ll do it after)
oh. Okay. We’re diving *right* into things with Ukraine? 😳 jfc
Cosgrove(?)’s daughter & all this talk about gunshots is terribly foreboding
I just do not like Cosgrove….
Oh GOD & NOW he’s fighting with Stabler?! We couldnt have gotten through this ep without a “whos dick is bigger” contest, could we? 🙄🙄 like i was *just* gonna say how frank’s acting like stabler & then stabler shows up… ugh. Bring daddy benson back pls
Ayannaaaaaaa lookin like a SNACK as per usual!😍
This “crossover” really is more like a 3hr movie. First 30mins moved pretty slow like the OG l&o vibes… now we’re into the OC feels. Where are my svu babies? Bring them in pls.
I cant decide whether this CI is a complete idiot or a genius.
Why are we being forced to deal with so many low neck, chest exposed outfits for stabler 🥴
Oh so we’re putting Amanda in oversized blazers this year?
Watching them do raids on l&o after watching so much Chicago pd is just pathetic. Like, they’d lose so many cops with how bad it is.
I’m sorry. But if i was going to raid a house of a very dangerous criminal… i’d put my hair up to make sure i could SEE what i was doing…
Loving this style update for Jet😍
Did ANYONE think the CI was gonna make it through the ep?? Like cmon that was obvious
There was 3:44min left on the timer & that was WAY less than that….
Are velasco & fin just like, kickin it back at the precinct watching tv or something rn?!
Yessssssss Sam is here now! 😍😍
But also hate the other ada
Wait… this perp (in pt3) has DEFINITELY been on svu before… he sold liv & elliot a baby… right?!
Sir… you are sitting like a lesbian…
WOW we just jumped two months!!
Where TF is carisi??
AMANDA ROLLINS IS ANTI TAYLOR SWIFT??!! I *NEVER* WOULD HAVE THOUGHT! Like she would be the number 1 swiftie…
Okay like i KNEW something like this was probable because dw wanted her killed off BUT COULD WE GET THROUGH A SEASON OPENER WITH**OUT** SOMEONE IMPORTANT GETTING SHOT??!!
Carisi’s gonna show up now, right??
Wtf is this jacket olivia has on? I cant tell whether its leather or denim or leather posing as denim??!
Liv did what was right. Putting nicole out of harms way was way better than making her testify when she’s already almost been killed multiple times.
Oh fuck you mccoy
How is NO ONE from the da’s office even TALKING about/worried about rollins?!
THANK YOU SAM!!! I KNEW I LIKED YOU BETTER THAN ANYONE ON THIS DAMN SHOW (also she’s looked *bomb* in every outfit so far..)
I feel like we might be starting to learn more about Sam’s history/childhood thanks to this ep? Or like, this might be hinting at some future character arc?
UCK. I literally just said “at least elliot’s gone” and WOW he feels the need to come back…
There are TEN mins left & we still havent gotten an update on amanda??!! Come ON
Yo, dick wolf, tell me you hate amanda rollins without telling me you hate amanda rollins 😒😒😒
ARE YOU FUCKING SERIOUS?! The crap scenes we GOT instead of:
a panicked emotional carisi at the hospital, a sympathetic & just as worried liv who’s trying to hide it to be the bigger supporter, a worried fin who’s watched her take a bullet already!! The REUNION & relief when they’re told she’s out of surgery & going to be totally fine. The CONVERSATION between amanda & sonny, the heartfelt confessions of how scared they were to lose each other, how carisi was internally freaking out about the girls and legally who would take care of them if amanda died, and how it should be him over anyone from her family. How the only thing aside from the girls amanda could think of was that she wished she had told sonny she wanted to be with him forever, be the dad to her girls, how life is short & they’d wasted enough time already. Followed by an untraditional proposal, one that neither of them expected & sonny doesnt even have the ring, but they agree to marriage anyways. FOLLOWED by liv, fin, velasco, jessie & billie coming into the room in a big happy found family wrap up…
Brb… just wrote a one shot that was better than the wrap of this damn episode.
Ugh 🙄🙄🙄
@bookpillows here ya go
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agent-bash · 1 year
Does your line of work every make your mind go to super dark places when you see behind the scenes pics for PD and other shows? I’m an ED nurse, and have been freaking out internally about those sweatpants since the pics dropped. I hope it doesn’t mean what I know it can, but I won’t lie and say I don’t have a pit in my stomach now.
Alright, so I’ve gotten this ask, obviously. I addressed it without posting yesterday, and it sparked a few others asking for the “dark theory.” I took some time to assemble thoughts and debate whether I really wanted to put it out there or not. Then someone else pointed out to me that they’d had the same thought, so here we go. I’m going to preface this by saying this is not a theory. It was just a thought. A fleeting thought at that. We all have those. And they're usually coloured by our experiences, like our job.
Tagged out the wazoo and under the cut because we’re about to get very uncomfortable here. So be mindful of that and tread carefully, please.
I’m sure it comes as no surprise that I see bad things on my job. So too, would our Nurse friend here. It’s our reality and something that’s glossed over when people talk about our jobs. Even when we talk about our jobs. So Reality: if you want to become a first responder, know that you will hear things we can’t unhear and you will see things we can’t unsee. And sometimes, even an innocuous thing, can trigger a darker associated thought or memory. But cooler heads prevail and actual thoughts come through. But still we can’t unthink that darker idea, as much as we may wish to.
So how does that take us to 10x20 and a very dark thought? Again, a thought. Not a theory. Never a theory. I don’t want to see it. It’s quite simple. 
In my line of work, blood stains on the rear of someone’s pants, like we see the wardrobe guys putting on Hailey’s sweatpants, more often than not mean one thing. A violent sexual assault. 
Literally only once, in almost ten years on the job, as a stain like that on a patient, not been because of sexual assault or worse. So that is what first, tragically, crossed my mind when I saw those pants. Now when I first saw the pics of those pants, I didn't know they were (likely) Hailey's.
So is Hailey being sexually assaulted (again) or worse, a thought that crossed my mind? Yes, in a roundabout way I guess. Do I think it will be that? No. As I said, it was an initial thought until the asks started coming in; it went no further. And I really don’t think the show will go there. And here’s why:
It would be so ruthlessly dark for the writers to go that route. It’s already been a pretty heavy season for Hailey, emotionally and physically. And while I think the episode will also be hard and heavy, on her (and us). This? It’s way too much.
And luckily, the show's history is on my side here a bit. Sexual assault to our mains is something they’ve largely shied away from. Yes, we know Hailey has been sexually assaulted. But that was a tell, not a show. It was in the past. It happened before we met her. It's still awful. It's still an experience she had. But it's not one we got to see and experience with her. And that's what's kind of important here. This idea of telling, not showing, a past (that we don't actually see,) not a present (at any point of the show where we will), seems to be at the tiptop of their comfort level with storylines, for the main characters.
A reoccurring character? Fair game. We’ve seen it twice. Cases? No, duh, it's a cop drama. But to the main characters? So far, and that far? Thankfully a no. Hopefully always a no.
There are other ways for the blood to get there. Transfer the most obvious. Hailey will sit in, fall in, or be knocked into a blood smear. Is it her own? I'm gonna go with probably. What is the exact situation? No idea! I heard something about MMA-type fighters being cast, and I believe it was for this episode, so I'm going with underground fight club, which no lie was a fic idea I was toying with a while back. We'll find out in a couple weeks.
So yeah, call it a dark theory if you want. For sure a dark, very dark thought. But not something at all, I think, is likely to happen. The worst of worse-case scenarios.
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honeystwiggypeach · 2 years
Last Ditch Effort!
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Eddie Munson x reader
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Summary: As a last ditch effort to see your crush and confess to him you decide to go to a house party knowing it’s neither of your scenes.
Tw drugs?(weed and alcohol),house party a little little bit of angst with happy endings!! Kinda bullying? Uhm lots of pet names like Eddie doesn’t call reader by their name just lots of pet names😭 fem reader, reader cries FOR Eddie!
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You knew you shouldn’t have agreed to go with them it was stupid of you to even think Eddie would go to a party like this, he didn’t like parties and neither did you so you don’t even know why you showed up. Maybe it was a last ditch effort to see Eddie and confess to him before you moved away for college loosing all hope of being with him but he wasn’t here.
You lean against the kitchen counter a plate of some type of finger foods infront of you as you push them around with a pretzel stick cup of water on the other side, the punch had been spiked so you were avoiding that, your parents had told you that unless you planned to sleep over at someone’s house you needed to be home by eleven and alcohol sure wasn’t going to help you get home by then.
You hear a few people chattering by the punch bowl and look up only to see someone splash the spiked red punch all over you, “freak Munson’s little freak girl friend” they all laugh and turn towards the door leaving you standing there the red punch staining your pretty white skirt you had bought just for graduation a little of it getting in your periwinkle top as well. You can feel your eyes begin to water and you don’t know what you should do but you know it’s not hide underneath the table but you do it anyways.
You had planned to confess to Eddie in this outfit it was one you were sure he’d like, you’d spent all year getting his reactions and compliments on your outfits and with his compiled feedback you planned and outfit you were sure he’d like but now it was ruined and you wouldn’t get to confess to him in your cute outfit and you probably wouldn’t confess to him at all! Before you realize it you’re sniffling and looking at the one and only Eddie Munson.
He has no clue what makes him think you’ll be at this party but like you it’s a last ditch effort to confess before you move away for college not that he wouldn’t follow you if you asked kindly.
But than again it wasn’t your scene, a house party I mean come on you and Eddie both know that you hate them! Whenever you’d go over to Eddie’s you’d tell him all about the parties your friends were having telling him how dumb they were and how almost every time they’d have the cops called and be told to go home for disturbing the peace!
But when Eddie goes to sit at the kitchen table he can hear little sniffles that sound oddly enough just like yours and sure enough when he lifts the shimmering table cloth you’re sitting beneath the table what is assumably red punch staining your pretty outfit but somehow Eddie thinks you’ve never looked better, you always look pretty to him.
“Angel?” He asks slightly alarmed seeing you crying under the table at a house party definitely is not how he wanted to see you.
You look up with wide eyes quickly rubbing away your tears only to smudge your black mascara onto your cheeks pretty shimmery eyeshadow all around your eyes no longer just on your eyelids and frankly you’re a hot mess.
“Eddie” You say giving him a sad smile
“Oh sweetheart, what happened?” You debate telling him but he’d only feel guilty over the matter and that’s the last thing you want.
You shake your head telling him you want to go home and he nods slight helping you out from underneath the table before leading you away from the loud and smelly house into his van.
You watch as he cranks the van his pink keychain you gave him to match with your own attached to his keys and you smile fondly at the keys as your lip quivers.
“Oh baby don’t cry.” He tells you reaching over the console to cup your face in your hands.
“I’m sure if it’s something that happened at that house that it’s not worth your pretty little tears darling.” You nod as he wipes away your tears before turning back to drive to your house.
“Eddie where’re you going?” You ask him rubbing your eyes as he turns down a road leading to your house instead of his trailer.
“Bringing you to your house sweetheart?” He says confused.
“I said I wanted to go home not to my house.” You tell him eyes watering as you fight against the seatbelt getting a little overwhelmed, the dried spiked punch that sticks to your skin doesn’t help the feelings either.
He glances over eyes panicked as he watches you fight your seatbelt, “alright alright we’re going home than.” He lets out a tiny sigh because he knows confessing to you would be easier if he was parked in your drive way, you could reject him and never have to see him again, if he tries to confess to you at his trailer you would have to sit through an agonizingly awkward ride back to your house.
Eddie thinks he’d rather the first option but whatever you think is going to calm yourself is fine.
Eventually you give up your fight against the seatbelt and just stare at the road, normally Eddie drives faster and more recklessly than this, you know he drives safer when you’re in the car you’ve watched him pull in your drive way when he has Dustin in the van and when you get in it’s like he’s the best driver in the world.
At some point you’ve gotten to his trailer but you only realize it once he’s opening your door.
You give him a small smile and wait for him to lock the van before following him into the house.
Eddie’s uncle sat in the living room getting ready for his work at the plant, “(y/n)” he says, “been a while since I’ve seen you.” You nod softly smiling as Eddie leaves the room rummaging through a few sets of clothes that could be work as pajamas that you’ve left at his house not many just bottoms and underclothes, he comes out holding the stack of clothes with one of his t-shirts on top of it before ushering you to the restroom telling you to hand him your skirt and shirt so he can wash it to make a small attempt to get the stain out.
“Alright, keep the music down I don’t want to hear the neighbors complain that you two are disturbing the peace” Wayne says as he shuts the door to the trailer before leaving.
You come out the bathroom with damp hair before wandering into Eddie’s room to see him already under the covers of his bed. He opens the covers for you to crawl in and you do curling up against him, he leans back behind him to turn off his lamp on his bedside table.
“Do you want to talk about what happened?” He asks looking down at you as you grab a fistful of his shirt in your hand nervously.
“So (f/n) had told me to go to the party with them but I said I didn’t want to but they insisted that I go because I might find someone I liked there but I told them that wasn’t gonna happen cause you weren’t gonna be there! So anyways they made me go with them only to go off by themselves which is fine so I was in the kitchen and one of Jason’s friends girlfriends came in and splashed spiked punch on me!”’you tell him only realizing afterwards that you’d indirectly confessed but now you just hope he’s smart enough to pick up on the hint.
“But I was there” he mutters.
“I know so (f/n) wasn’t entirely wrong because you were there.” You tell him softly
“Oh my god” he says after a moment of silence as he holds you tighter, “you like me, holy shit you like me back”. He pushes you away from himself a little bit to see your face and you nod nervously.
“That’s amazing angel” he says looking at you with eyes of pure adoration making you smile a bit before leaning up to give him a sweet little kiss.
After a few minutes of silence he asks, “did they say anything when they splashed you?”
“Don’t want to tell you” yoh hide yourself in his neck not wanting to tell him and hurt his feelings even though you know he’ll only be more confused and worried if you don’t tell him.
“If you think it’s gonna upset me I won’t be upset at you.” He says quietly.
“They Uhm called you a freak” you whisper you know it’s far from the truth, everyone has their own quirks and interests and it’s all different from everyone else’s you never understood why Eddie had to be ridiculed for his interests.
“What’s that got to do with you?” He asks confused
“They called me your freak girlfriend…” Eddie knows he shouldn’t laugh but he lets out a little snicker before quickly covering his mouth.
“Sorry doll it wasn’t funny.” He lets himself calm down for a moment, “it’s like they can predict the future if only they knew and put that power to good use”he hears you sniffle at his joke and Eddie is genuinely shocked.
He’s always been slightly upset at being known as the freak of Hawkins high but he never cried over it and it’s the first time someone has cried for him and he isn’t quite sure what to do when you look towards him giving him a little sad laugh at his joke.
“Baby” he says softly, “it’s alright.” He gives you a little smile trying to calm your nerves a little bit, “I think I’ve been called worse. Plus it came from one of Jason’s shitty little friends. Are we really gonna let them decide what makes a person a freak?” You quickly shake your head no.
“Good if that was the case darling we’d all be living in the same kind of houses in the same clothes and that’s boring.” You nod quickly, you’re sure it’s be pretty boring but right now you think your a little to tired to decide if it’s something you should still be upset about.
“Goodnight love” you can faintly hear as you feel Eddie place a sweet little kiss onto your forehead.
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