#I wanted a big one and they don’t exactly sell the size I want in local stores so that’s why it’s taken so long to get one
floral-hex · 10 months
I try not to hype up anything I do, but my brain is abuzz. abuzzy bee. Got given a gift card for a crappy clothing store (thankful, but I mean, hard to find good items), so I finally bit the bullet and ordered a denim jacket. Now begins the slow process of bleaching, dying, and decorating. Finally going to live out my very simple dream of having a cool denim jacket
#I’m so easy to please#this is so dumb and I’ll probably screw it up and I shouldn’t even say anything lest I embarrass myself#but what started as a joke idea years ago (30+ yr old loser with a hardcore jacket who is he kidding?) is slowly coming to fruition#I have TWO (2) disparate but rad ideas for the design but I’m very torn#I’ll have to poll some people as time goes on#but right now the ideas are: emerald green dye and red roses & floral theme#or: faded goldish dye with a big patch of the Great Red Dragon on the back#it would be cool to have both but tbh shit isn’t cheap in the long run#I’m very torn#bright greens and reds would be beautiful but maybe a little over gaudy? like hard to coordinate an outfit around all that zazz#I do love zazz though…#but a nice muted gold with lots of blacks would definitely go with a lot more outfits. wouldn’t clash with colorful shirts#plus that would look hardcore as fuck.#big William Blake patch on the back. studs and spikes. edgy philosophy patches or whatever#I know it’s a total poser thing to say but I just want to wear something that people are like ‘whoa that dude is dark as hell dawg’#stupid idea but I’ve been thinking about it for awhile#and I want a cool jacket to cover my ugly body so sue me#sorry sorry I’m just pumped up#I ordered it this afternoon so I’ve been thinking about it all day#I wanted a big one and they don’t exactly sell the size I want in local stores so that’s why it’s taken so long to get one#I want lots of room to breathe#rather it be too big than too small#I am really excited though. this’ll be a nice little distraction for awhile. a nice achievable goal.#umm hi I love you#I’m in a really good mood#smooch smooch smooch#you can ignore this#but feel free to shoot me ideas or tell me if you have a cool jacket or anything like that#and also thanks for reading this if you did. I don’t know why you would but I love you for it stranger.#text
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swordsandholly · 2 months
Steel Magnolia
Part 1
Simon “Ghost” Riley x fem!plus size!reader
No use of y/n
Rating: Mature/MDNI
Word Count: 2.1k
Author’s Note: I just recently got back into fandom spaces and reading fanfic again and looooove the uptick in fat Y/N characters. Ofc as a big girl myself I wanted to try my hand at writing one too.
Hopefully I’ll post this on AO3 soon. Whenever I get my invite so I can make an acc.
“Oh! Darlin’, did ya see those boys next door?” Mrs. Duprey gasps as you swipe the last of her Bubble Bath OPI polish across her fingers.
“Next door?” You cock an eyebrow. “No one’s been next door since Adam and Eve.”
“I saw them on the way in!” She grins, the corners of her eyes wrinkling pleasantly. “Strappin’ young men - y’should talk t’ ‘em.”
You roll your eyes. “I’m sure I will sooner or later, ma’am.”
“You’ve been single too long.” The nosey old bat contributes. As much as you love her she truly cannot leave well enough alone.
“And I’m perfectly content as such.” You give her your warmest smile.
The trailer home across from you has remained empty for as long as you can remember. It’s well kept - sometimes you see random gardeners mowing or going in an out with tool bags - but no one lives there permanently. You’d think in a beach town it would at least belong to some snowbirds. A timeshare, maybe. It’s none of those things, though. Just a well-maintained, perfectly empty husk.
There’s a metaphor in there somewhere, probably.
Sure enough, as you walk Mrs. Duprey out of your little single wide trailer, you spot a black SUV parked out front of the neighboring double wide. One that is definitely *not* a repair man or worker’s vehicle. She coos at you to make sure to talk to them before waddling off to her own car. She really shouldn’t be driving at her age. You wonder briefly - futilly- if she’d sell you her car in exchange for rides.
You suppose she’s right - even if it is for the wrong reasons. You’re not particularly interested in flirting with the new neighbors. After all, don’t fuck where you eat is a saying for a reason, but it wouldn’t exactly be neighborly to not introduce yourself. Especially with all the people coming and going from your home for your nail tech services. The old Yankee’s catty-cornered from you still believe that you're a drug dealer. At least they only come down for a couple months of the year.
Despite your staunch decision not to flirt, you still find yourself adjusting your clothes. Maybe the sports bra as a top is a bit much…
Fuck it. If they live here now they’ll see you in worse.
You fix your lipstick and throw on your platform sandals. The ones that clip-clop as you walk. Maybe it will help announce your presence.
The screen door wraps quietly as you knock. You take two steps back on the front, wooden porch so as not to come off too aggressively. As the seconds tick by you debate on knocking again. Maybe they’re out. Or busy. They did just move in today, most likely. Maybe you should-
The door creaks slightly as it opens. A very, painfully handsome man pushes the screen door until it clicks in place. “Afternoon, lassie.”
You blink stupidly as he crosses his strong arms and leans on the doorframe. His eyes are a striking shade of blue - somehow both sharp and soft. His dark hair is shaped into a slightly grown-out, un-styled mohawk. It fits him oddly enough.
“I, uh,” you take a deep breath. Christ you need to get laid if just *looking* at a hot guy has you this off kilter. “I live across the way. Just wanted t’ say welcome t’ tha neighborhood.”
That lopsided smile on his face grows into a grin. You don’t miss the way his eyes catch on your chest. “Aye? Nice tae meet ye. Names John MacTavish. M’friends call me Johnny.”
He gives your hand an extra little squeeze after shaking it. That accent might as well have you on the floor. You continue to blink dumbly, watching the at the scar on his chin stretches as he speaks.
Christ almighty, you’re pathetic.
“Nice to meet’ya.” You give him a warm smile, tilting your head to the side slightly. “Ya’ll here for vacation? We don’t get many Europeans ‘round here.”
He chuckles. It’s low and rumbling and would probably feel wonderful with your ear pressed to his chest. “Little bit o’ business, little bit o’ pleasure. This an’ tha’.”
“Hello, there.” Another man pops up from behind Johnny suddenly. Fucking hell, he’s gorgeous too. Older, for sure, with a uniquely cut beard that would probably look rather silly on anyone less handsome. At it stands, he manages to make it appear dignified.
“Ah, jus’ about tae call fer ye, Cap. This is our neighbor.” Johnny gestures toward you.
“John Price.” The man steps forward to shake your hand. It’s firm and professional and thank god your grandad made you practice a good handshake as a kid or you’d be painfully embarrassed.
“Are all UK men named John or is this just some sorta cult?” You blurt, unable to stop yourself from snickering at them.
Older John chuckles at you fondly, his facial hair giving him a pleasant U-shaped smile. “Be easier to remember that way, wouldn’t it? No, we’re with two others. Kyle and Simon. They’re out at the moment.”
“Kyle and Simon.” You repeat, nodding. Johnny, John, Kyle, Simon. “Are y’all in town long?”
“Indefinitely.” Is all Price gives you. It’s a tone that even someone as dense as you can recognize as ‘don’t ask more.’
You clap your hands together and smile a little wider, ready to make your exit. “Well, I’m not here t’be a bother, just wanted t’ welcome ya and, uh, let y’know that I have a lot of people over throughout the day - I’m a nail tech. They shouldn’t bother ya but y’know.”
“Ye can come bother us anytime, bonnie.” The Scot hits you with that grin again and your face suddenly feels far too hot.
A loud, whining screech sounds off from down the road. You check your watch. Holy shit, three-thirty already. You begin to back off the porch. “Ah, nice t’ meet ya again! See ya ’round!”
As you jog down the little dirt road of the trailer park another black car passes you. It’s smaller, a sedan. You make very brief eye contact with a blonde wearing a surgical mask and another man with the sharpest golden eyes you’ve ever seen - even through the tint of the window.
*Kyle and Simon,* you think.
You make a mental note to greet them at some point and continue down the street. The school bus slowly stops at the entrance and you take up your spot in the small crowd of parents. IT’s a shabby old bus - chipping paint and break pads that sounds like they’re about ready to snap. It’s all they’re willing to send out to your little section of the city, though.
Shelby meanders over in your direction, her usual Camel Crush lit up in one hand and the other teasing her already well-lifted hair. “Afternoon. Saw there was some new folks across from ya.”
“Hm?” You keep your eyes on the bus. “Ah, yeah. Just vacationers, I think.”
“Lookers, though.” She chuckles.
“They’re from the UK.” You offer.
“No shit!” Shelby stamps out her cigarette as the bus doors open. “Accent and all?”
“Yep.” You grin.
Shelby tsks and fiddles with her hair again. “I best go over an’ make myself known, then.”
“There’s an older fella with a neat beard. Think you’d like ‘em.” You snicker.
She hums. “I’ll bring a pie.”
The children practically burst out of the bus doors, as always. Ready to be home and shuck off their backpacks to their respective adult. Shelby’s son almost knocks her over, offering a little “Good afternoon, ma’am!” to you before heading off with his mother.
You nod to him, shoving a hand in your pocket as you wait for yours. She’s always the last. Always caught up in a book or something and doesn’t realize it’s time to get off of the bus. Sure enough, the driver has to call back to her before the little girl comes dashing out. She jumps off of the bus steps, despite being told time and time again not to, and kicks a rock on her way toward you.
You bow low for her. “Welcome home, Lady Sophie.”
She giggles, dark curls bouncing as she skips over. “Ni-ni!”
You take her bag from her. The thing really does dwarf the poor six year old. Her hand slips into yours easily. Soft and round and somehow always so much warmer than yours.
“My nail color chipped!” She announces, holding up her ring finger on the opposite hand.
“Oh! Now we can’t have that. I’ll fix it tonight.” You smile, waving at old Mr.Chester as the two of you pass.
“Well now!” He calls. “How blessed am I to see two such lovely ladies!”
You both giggle, continuing on your way. He’s a good landlord - spotted you more than a few times when Sophie was a baby and you couldn’t work consistently. Honestly, as you look around, the little community that he’s managed to build in this shitty corner of the world should be praised. Housing just enough snowbirds to cover his property costs while keeping rent low for the full time locals. Maybe you could convince Natalie at the paper to run a little story on it or something.
As you pull up to your own home, the blonde man is outside leaning on the front of their double wide. Seeing him standing at full height makes your blood run cold. The man is built like a damn barn - tall and wide. Beyond solid. *Brick shithouse*. It’s a bit weird that he’s covered in clothing head to toe but whatever. Weirder things have happened before. The mask still covers his face, you wonder if he had taken it off before you came up or just flipped it up to smoke.
“Sophie, head on in. I’ll catch up.” You push her toward the door. She scampers in, the screen door slamming behind her as you march up to the brick shithouse of a man in front of you.
“Which are ya? Kyle or Simon?” You smile, holding out your hand to shake.
Dark eyes rake over you, stopping briefly on your hand, before moving back to meet yours. He stomps out the half smoked cigarette. “Simon.”
You let your hand drop. Bit rude, this one. “Nice t meetcha.”
The other man pops his head out of the trailer. Kyle, you assume. “Oh. Hello.”
“Hi.” You smile as warmly as you can, giving your name. “I’m assumin’ yer Kyle.”
“Yeah.” He chuckles. “I’m guessing you’re the neighbor Price mentioned.”
You nod, about to speak again but Simon shoves past you, marching his way up the steps. “Let’s go.” He grunts, pushing the other man back into the trailer despite his protests.
You wrinkle your nose at him. What an asshole.
“Who’s tha’?” Sophie asks over the back of the old, worn couch as you let the trailer door slam behind you.
“New neighbors.” You say simply, glancing out the window. “Don’t go over there without me, yeah?”
“Okay!” She agrees, sitting back on the couch and bouncing, beginning her usual post school chant. “Bluey! Bluey! Bluey!”
You drop her backpack down beside the small coffee table. “After yer homework.”
“Nooo!” She pouts.
“Then no Bluey.”
Sophie pouts harder but crawls down in front of the coffee table and pulls out her little work sheets. At least the school doesn’t over run them too terribly with homework toward the end of the year. You glance at the calendar. Wednesday, May 22nd. Damn, she really only has about a week left. Though, you’d be lying if you said you weren’t looking forward to this summer break with her. She’s old enough now that you can take her places like the arcade without having to wait on her so much. You’ll actually be able to play some of the two-player games.
Plus, this year, you actually have a little more pocket change to make it fun.
You turn to look out the window once more at the new neighbors. Their curtains remain closed, cars neatly parked out front. The door opens slowly, the hot Scot and rude blonde wander to the Sedan. Simon’s shoulders shake at something Johnny said - you think he’s laughing but its hard to tell with that mask. Johnny’s head turns, blue eyes meeting yours through the shitty glass windows of your trailer. You squeak and duck to sit next to Sophie, praying that he didn’t catch you staring.
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sabertoothwalrus · 2 years
How did you get so good at drawing such expressive bodies/faces??? tell me your secrets!! (But srsly your skills are amazing)
I think my initial inspiration was about 10-11 years ago watching Adventure Time and finding Rebecca Sugar’s boards. Sometimes I get a little frustrated because she gets so much more notoriety than the other very very amazing AT boarders, but….. her expressions man…. she was always able to convey so much with SO LITTLE. (SU’s expressions are on another level of course, but I think AT’s are just so impressive to me because they’re dot eyes)
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But the thing is!! I’m also a fan of deadpan. Which AT also does very well. It’s tempting to want to do BIG, extreme expressions at every moment, especially in comedic comics, but you really don’t need to. I find that characters often feel more expressive if you reel it in more often. That way, when you DO have bigger expressions, they FEEL bigger!
for example, a panel where the contrast between big and subtle expressions sells the contrast:
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I don’t really,,,, know exactly what I do that works, ?? I kind of just like, think of the emotion I wanna convey, make the expression, think about what my face feels feels like, and try to convey that. Using a mirror helps!! You’ll feel a little stupid but it’s funny.
some misc expression tips:
Definitely prioritize eyebrows, eyes, and mouths!
Noses aren’t as important BUT flared nostril can totally sell an expression, so it depends!
Remember that your upper jaw is stationary, and your lower jaw can move, and then your lips and cheeks can move all around that!
Just subtly changing the placement of eyelids and location/size of irises can completely change an expression
Don’t be afraid to make your characters look weird or stupid.
Don’t reinvent the wheel! Take reference from different media you like that stylize expressions in different ways, and find what works for you. I take a lot of inspiration from AtLA
Again, NUANCE! Like, when most people are sad, they do their very best to try NOT to cry. People hold things in. Sometimes what characters don’t say can speak louder than what they do.
some expressions I’ve done that have varying levels of nuance:
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Also framing!! You can use the composition to help project how the character feels:
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As for body language!
Having a better sense of three-dimensional form and anatomy isn’t necessary, but it sure helps a lot
Hands!! I have adhd and my family is italian so I use my hands a lot when I talk. But even still, most people don’t just leave their hands hanging loosely by their sides. People cross their arms and fidget with their zippers and put their hands in pockets.
Head, neck, and shoulders. If you can master the foreshortening of these overlapping shapes at most angles, you will be very powerful
Hips & feet!!!!! People RARELY stand straight with both feet flat on the ground with even balance. Most people will shift their weight to one hip, leaving one leg looser and at an angle. It also helps to practice perspective, because people also rarely stand with their heels lined up side by side. One leg may get kicked foreward or loosely bent backwards. I sometimes cross my legs when I stand.
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Ultimately, if you want more lifelike expressions and poses, study from life!! Don’t worry about your drawing being “good” or “bad”, instead think about what can make it successful. Ask yourself, “is this conveying the expression I want to convey?” and if it’s not, figure out what you need to change to get it there.
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icallhimjoey · 4 months
Define Close
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: What good are flatmates even, if they don't comfort you when you need it most? Or when you need it a normal amount? Or, you know, when you don't really need it, but just really want it?
CW / disclaimer: rpf, fem!reader, afab!reader, hurt/comfort i guess? idk we're sad a lot and joe cheers us up a lot, talk of period blood getting onto things
Author’s note: i need everyone to understand that there's no real plot going on here, it's just.... it's just vibes, i hope thats ok!
Wordcount: 3.4K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
You looked at your reflection and sighed deeply.
With your tummy sticking out more than usual, no matter how much you tried to suck it in, with your boobs feeling sore, and with your mood swinging like a pendulum in a hurricane, there really was no denying the monthly doom that resided in your lower stomach.
Obviously, the cramps accompanied by your uterine lining leaking out of you was plenty proof, but just in case that didn’t sell it, your jawline decided a few big spots would be just the thing to remind you of the fact that you were dealing with hormones. That you were a woman. One with a period.
It fucking sucked.
Painkillers helped a lot. Really dulled the sharpness of the cramps and the persistent ache in your lower back.
But they didn’t help the irritability. Or the complete lack of patience you harboured. Or the cravings. Or the need to drown yourself in oversized clothing.
Joe had noticed.
Oh, he had noticed.
He noticed the lead up to it as well, your PMS, but didn’t want to ask. Didn’t want to check if he was right, because asking if you were on your period after you snapped at him for something you wouldn’t have pointed out at any other time, was exactly what would get you to snap at him.
But then, when he wanted to throw on one of his hoodies, he noticed that the one he pulled out of his wardrobe wasn’t his.
You had the same one, just a size or two smaller. The women’s fit slightly different from his.
“Hey, I think this is–” Joe’d walked over and stopped in your doorway.
You were sat on your bed, one foot on the floor and the other pressed into the mattress as you put on the coziest pair of socks you owned.
“Yea, that’s mine.” Joe pointed right at you. “This one is yours.”
You looked at what Joe was holding, then down at your own frame, and you knew he was right.
“No, it’s not.”
But you weren’t going to admit that you might have mixed them up when you’d done laundry the other day. His was baggier. Easier to hide yourself away in. Large enough to curl your knees up into, if you wanted to.
And, you wanted to.
“Yes, it is, look,” Joe took hold of the hoodie in his hands by the shoulder seam, held it in front of him to show how short it was on him.
You didn’t care.
You weren’t going to take off the hoodie you were wearing just because Joe barged into your room with wild claims about you having made a mistake.
You had.
But... no.
“Looks fine.” You said dryly, voice flat, facial expression completely neutral.
“Looks fine? What– oh, my God,” Joe huffed, and just to show how right he was, he moved his arms into the hoodie to put it on. “Can’t even get my shoulders in properly, see, watch this,” Joe made a show of stretching the fabric, pulled it over his head and pretended to get stuck a second.
When it was fully on, you saw how it was obviously not Joe’s fit.
Because that was your hoodie.
Made sense.
You just stared at him, both feet on the floor now, shoulders slumped, and Joe made a face, eyebrows raised high, as if to say, see?
Could Joe not read the room?
You said it looked fine.
When Joe didn’t budge after you just blankly stared at him a minute, you audibly sighed. Let it rumble in your throat to really make sure Joe understood what an absolute bitch he was being, and started taking an arm out of a sleeve to take it off.
“No, you don’t–” Joe sighed, huffed a laugh, and you froze. “You don’t have to take it off, just, that one’s mine. Get it back to me later.”
And somehow, that just pissed you off even more.
“Well then why the fuck make such a fuss about it in the first place?” you raised your voice, brow furrowed deep, clearly annoyed. “My God, Joe,” you grumbled, sticking your arm back into the sleeve and getting up.
“All right,” Joe indignantly spat back, expression wild, clearly not all right with the way you were speaking to him.
You frowned at each other a second.
“What?” you snapped when he didn’t say anything.
Joe looked ridiculous in your hoodie. It had eaten up half the hem of his T-shirt underneath, exposing some of his bare stomach just above the waistband of his jeans.
“What?” Joe mocked you, high pitched voice and all, and you were sure it was meant to showcase your vile attitude and make you turn it down a notch.
It did the opposite.
“Thank you, Joe, for letting me borrow your clothes and not being a real dick about it,” Joe said pointedly, and then changed his facial expression into a wide grin that nearly squeezed his eyes shut and responded to himself with a much nicer, “Not a problem, you’re so welcome.”
You blankly stared at him once more, and then winced a little when you felt the faint sting of a cramp that managed to push through the painkillers you’d taken earlier.
You needed your hot water bottle.
“Thank you, Joe,” you spat at him, angrier than you meant it, and you were about to walk around him, to make your way out of your room.
But Joe blocked your path by moving to the side an inch, just enough to stop you in your stride.
He raised a well-meaning hand, was about to touch you on the arm or the shoulder, you didn’t know what he was going for, because you slapped it away before he could make contact. You used flappy hands that slapped his hand and arm several times. Made Joe flinch, duck into his shoulders and step aside.
The snort of laughter that startled out of him made you actually want to hurt him. You weren’t being funny.
“Are you being se–”
You used both hands to shove him, just for good purchase, making him lose balance and step back to catch himself. It felt a little like how you used to fight your brother as a teenager, big difference being that Joe wasn’t fighting back.
Joe called your name after you when you walked out.
“Leave me alone!” you called over your shoulder.
And you’d meant those words then. Felt a little like you were 16 again.
You were achy, and bloated, and in pain, and not in the mood for any of Joe’s usual goofy shit.
But regret came shortly after. Because you definitely weren’t 16 anymore.
You found your hot water bottle and filled it up with the hottest water your tap could manage. Shoved it into the kangaroo pocket of Joe’s hoodie and felt how your lack of patience for everything and everyone also meant you didn’t have any of yourself.
You didn’t actually want Joe to leave you alone.
And, had you had the patience, you would’ve moped around for a bit. Would’ve drowned in your own pride for ages, because normally, you were stubborn like that.
Not now though.
You didn’t hesitate to make your way back over to Joe’s room, where you found him in front of his wardrobe in his T-shirt. His bedroom was messy, clothes sort of... everywhere. Some on the floor, some piled up on a chair in the corner. Your hoodie laid discarded on his bed as he pulled another from a pile. Standing in his doorway, you just watched him and waited, and felt how your lip pulled into a sad pout all by itself.
Joe had put on his hoodie, one that actually fit him this time, before he even noticed you were there. When he did see you, he sighed at the look of you and then comically gave you a pout of his own as his head dropped to his shoulder.
Then you just looked at each other a second.
You could’ve easily said you were sorry for that bullshit you just pulled. This was the perfect moment.
And Joe would have easily accepted it too, you knew.
But you didn’t really have to say the words.
A lot of things went unsaid between the two of you.
And this was one of them.
“All right,” Joe said definitively, like he’d just decided something. He looked around, bent to pick up some clothes, and said, “Go on, I need to get this sorted. I’ll join you in a minute.”
There was no need to hide your smile.
Cat that got the cream.
If you hadn’t had hot water sloshing around in your pocket, you would’ve skipped over to the sofa.
You let yourself fall back into the corner of the L-shaped sofa and it was only about a minute later before Joe walked into the living area and closed the door of the hallway behind him.
“Do you want some tea?”
“Ooh, yes. Big mug, please.”
And whilst you scrolled through Netflix's new releases and asked which one’s Joe hadn’t seen yet, Joe put the kettle on and prepared two steaming mugs of builder’s tea, done exactly how you liked it.
This was the kind of stuff Sundays were made for, you thought.
You could do without the dull ache in your lower stomach, but the hot water bottle felt nice and comforting, and now you were going to watch a film with your flatmate. No doubt you’d have pizza for dinner later.
When Joe eventually joined you, he carefully put the mugs down on the coffee table and then turned to grab hold of your knees that he pushed aside.
“Move, this is my spot.”
If you were just going by his tone of voice, you could’ve been fooled he was being serious. His eyes gave him away, though.
“I was sitting there.”
Joe hadn’t even been close to the sofa all day, you thought, but... it worked.
It got you to laugh as you let yourself be shoved aside just enough for Joe to squeeze right into the corner, using his knees and elbows to make enough room for himself. Arguably, it was the best spot of the whole sofa, especially right in the centre of it, where you could feel the sofa cushions curve around your shoulders on both sides. Fighting over who got to sit there made sense.
Joe sat down, wormed himself into place, and it left you pressed into his side with your back, his shoulder digging into the area between your shoulder blades. You felt how he wiggled his bum as he settled before he let out a content sigh.
“So comfy. Are you comfy? I’m so comfy.”
Joe pushed harder into your upper back, and you gave a deadpan stare into space before you swore under your breath and tried to hit him, reaching for him over your shoulder. Playful this time, though. Joe was laughing, and so were you.
He caught your hand, which had no malicious intent, and helped you manoeuvre until you were both comfortable. You ended up with both legs swung over his lap, both tucked into the corner where even without a blanket covering you, it felt incredibly cosy. Joe let both his hands rest on your legs, one on a shin, the other just above a knee, and you took hold of one of his arms to hug, hand curling around a bicep.
“What’s this?” Joe saw a bit of rubber stick out from your pocket.
“Hot water bottle.” You answered, eyes not moving from the TV screen where you tried to read a bit of information on a film you thought looked interesting.
Joe frowned at it.
“Are you cold?”
Then Joe frowned at you, stared at the side of your face.
“Just in pain.”
He only hesitated for a second, because ten minutes ago he was afraid to say anything, knew it would’ve likely made you attempt to give him an actual black eye then, but this felt like the moment he was allowed to bring it up.
“Are you on your period?” Joe asked quietly, voice soft and serious, but it made you huff a laugh anyway.
“What gave it away?”
You were well aware of how ridiculous you were behaving. But instead of making fun, Joe turned soft. Asked if you had taken any painkillers. If there was anything else you needed to feel better. If pressing his elbow into the hot water bottle a little, to give it some pressure, helped.
You ended up choosing a film neither of you had ever heard of, and after Joe nearly let you drop onto the floor as he sat up to get the mugs of tea, you settled in properly.
Everything was so warm.
The tea was warm, the heat coming from inside of your pocket was warm, and Joe was warm.
About twenty minutes in, Joe carefully took the empty mug from your hand and chuckled lowly.
“Are you falling asleep already?”
You absolutely were. Your eyes were still open though, just slightly drooped and blinking slowly, but you were still watching TV.
You weren’t really following what was happening though, weren’t really watching. This was something that tended to happen when you put on a film that was more something of Joe’s liking, rather than yours.
“I’m not even tired.”
A lie.
Joe didn’t fight you on it though.
Instead, you felt how he turned to you a little before a hand snuck under, into your your hoodie and found burning hot skin, the soft flesh of your lower stomach. When you didn’t flinch at his touch, Joe softly pressed his fingers in and started rubbing side to side.
“Does that help?”
It did.
Joe was a good flatmate.
His soft kindness kind of made you want to cry a little.
The fact that none of your ex-boyfriends had ever been like this angered you to no end. It had always just been mocking jokes and complaints, always stupid comments on how they couldn’t go near you for a week now. You didn’t know how that was your fault, exactly, but it always got treated as such.
It probably took about five more minutes before you’d dozed off completely.
Wasn’t your fault that Joe made everything so nice and comfortable, all warm and nice. You’d argue that the rubbing of your stomach Joe was doing, he solely did to make you fall asleep in the first place.
Which was exactly right.
Joe loved it when you fell asleep on him.
Loved the soft and gentle touches he got to give that made you hum with satisfaction.
Loved that somehow this was just what you did without it being weird. Well it was weird, but only in the best way. Weird without the need to discuss anything, without the need to have an awkward chat about what any of it meant.
It didn’t mean anything. Not in the sense people would probably assume if they knew that you spent your time together like this a lot. But it also didn't mean nothing.
Joe knew it meant something.
To him it did, anyway.
Just... something to be determined later. Or maybe even never. He wasn’t sure.
What he was sure about, was that he fucking loved it. Couldn’t get enough of it.
He could’ve just woken up from the longest sleep of his life, have the energy to power through several days without issue, but having you curl up all pressed into his side? You’d fall asleep so easily, and then what chance did Joe even stand? It would leave him just as drowsy. Nine times out of ten, he’d slowly drift off too.
Which is exactly what happened this time as well.
Your slow rhythmic breathing linked up, two lax bodies sagged into one another for at least a good hour, hour and a half. When you did finally stir awake, it was to the end credits of the film and to cramps that felt like something was quite literally trying to eat you alive.
You groaned at the pain and pushed your forehead into Joe’s arm, muscles tensed, coaxing you to double over.
Joe awoke with a sharp inhale.
“Hey,” he whispered. “You all right?”
“Fine,” you croaked softly, voice a little strained.
You were fine, you know, in the grand scheme of things. Just something you had to deal with in the moment, that you knew would pass within a day. Mostly, it was just very annoying.
“Need the toilet.” you frowned as you struggled taking the now cooled hot water bottle out of the large pocket of Joe’s hoodie and let your legs slide down Joe’s lap until your feet touched the floor.
Joe sat up too, and groaned loudly as he stretched in an attempt to wake up a little more. He blinked a few times before he yawned and watched you disappear into the hallway in his hoodie.
He decided then that he was never going to make an issue of it again. You could wear anything from inside his wardrobe, and he’d make sure to keep his mouth shut. He didn’t even really know why he brought it up earlier in the way that he had done.
You made your way to your own bathroom, your ensuite, where you kept all of your tampons. When you sat down on the toilet, you saw how you’d fully bled through... well, through everything.
“Oh noo,” you called out, loudly, so Joe could hear.
“Did I bleed onto the sofa?”
The question echoed through your flat, and you only realised after the words had already reached Joe’s ears that you probably should have been embarrassed to even ask.
You realised then that you weren’t.
Which was weird. But, weird in the best way.
“Yea, a little,” Joe called back, and you made a frustrated noise. Getting period blood onto anything was sort of gross and annoying, but onto a light coloured sofa that was difficult to clean? The most gross and annoying.
That was likely going to stain, and then, from now until forever, you’d see that stain every time you’d sit down and you’d be reminded of that one time when you bled through all your clothes.
When you’d have people over, they’d see.
When Joe had people over, they’d see.
You were more embarrassed for anyone else to see a faint period blood stain than you were for Joe to see a fresh one.
You hurried through cleaning yourself up. Found new underwear and leggings to wear. Double checked if Joe’s hoodie was fine, which, thank fuck, it was.
“Sorry, I know that’s so disgusting, I’ll clean that–”
“It’s gone.”
You walked in and saw Joe stand up straight from a hunched position, damp dishcloth in hand.
“There was barely anything there, it’s fine.”
Joe bent down again and gave it another rub.
You just... stood there.
“You... you cleaned it?”
“Yea, sofa looks fine. Wet now, though.”
“You cleaned my period blood...” emphasis on the period blood.
Joe looked up, made eye-contact and slowly grinned at your facial expression. Then he shrugged. He didn’t think this had to be a big deal, because to him, it wasn’t.
You were flatmates.
You lived in each other’s flat.
Shared a living space.
Were close.
“Yea.” Joe said all casual as he made his way back to the kitchen, presumably to wash the dishcloth in the sink.
“No worries. Should we get a pizza?”
You confiscated it when he walked past you, though.
He wasn’t going to rinse out your bodily fluids, your vaginal fluids, in the kitchen sink.
That’s where you prepared food, for fuck’s sake.
That dishcloth was going straight into the laundry.
“You’re insane.” was all you could muster up in response to what you’d just witnessed, and Joe just laughed. Didn’t think he was being insane at all. Thought you wouldn’t shy away from cleaning his blood off of furniture if he got some on anything, so why would he be weird about cleaning yours?
You were close.
And sure, ask literally anyone else, and this would definitely be classified as weird.
But, Joe was all right with weird.
Because it was weird in the best way.
The Taglisted
@ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @bylermaxmayfield, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @djoseph-quinn, @dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma77645, @emotionaldreamer, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @mexicanfolklore, @miserybeans, @munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @nglharry, @notverywise, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @royale1803, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @songforeddiemunson, @sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
taglist currently full, sorry
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bwabys-scenarios · 9 months
Werewolf kurapika loves head scratches from his beloved fluffy witch reader.
Witch reader found and injuried golden fur wolf in the forest one day near her home and brought him home to help the poor thing.
Know wolf!kurapika simply wants to breed his beloved witch with a whole litter of puppies.
A witch and her werewolf pt1
Werewolf!Kurapika x Fem!Witch!Reader
warnings: kurapika is horny for reader
Part 2
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You’d only recently moved into the small cabin located in the middle of a large green forest. These days, it was hard for a witch such as yourself to survive anywhere other than in isolation.
You’d been chased out of several towns after attempting to sell your ‘potions’, which were really simple healing salves.
You sighed into your tea, looking out into your backyard. It was nearly nighttime, and if you didn’t hurry and cast your protection circle over your home, you weren’t sure what could try to get into your home in the dead of night!
‘Ah, I’m almost out of mint…’
You glanced out of your window, then grabbed your basket. ‘I should have enough time…’
You slip on your pastel pink cloak and matching witch hat before leaving your home.
The evening air is a bit chilly, which surprises you. It had only been fall for a few weeks now, had the fall chill really set in that quickly?
You spot a cluster of mint after around 10 minutes of walking, mentally scolding the past residents of the forests for letting the invasive plant take over. You take as much as possible, not bothering to leave any behind like you usually would when you foraged.
“Hmm… this should be enough…”
You close your basket and turn, beginning your trek back to your cost little cabin.
About three minutes in, you spotted something lying in the middle of the path ahead of you. Your first instinct was to pause at the metallic scent in the air.
“… hello?”
The form in the middle of the path moved slightly at your greeting. You approached, attempting to see exactly what it was.
As the shape in front of you became more solid, your eyes widened. “Oh my…”
The shape was a large wolf with the most beautiful golden fur you’d ever seen. As you got closer, you could hear a low growl coming from the wolf.
It was lying on its side, panting softly between growls. You, an animal lover, kneeled a few feet away from it as it attempted to snap at you. “Hey, hey, no need for that. I’m not going to hurt you.”
You cooed at the thing, sitting in its presence so it could get used to your scent. After several minutes, it seemed to calm a little. If you wanted to hurt it, you would have by now.
“Are you hurt, sweetheart?”
You scooted a little closer, stopping when it gave you a warning growl. You were close enough now to see what had happened.
It’s stomach had been sliced, along with one of its paws being stuck in a trap.
“Damn poachers… they’re not supposed to hunt in this forest.”
You edge closer to its paw, huffing when it bared its teeth. “I want to help you! If I was going to hurt you, I would have done it by now. I can get this trap off, you just have to trust me.”
As if it could understand your words, the wolf extended its paw to you, almost pleading at you with its big red eyes to help it.
“Okay, this is going to hurt, but bare with me, okay?”
You grabbed the trap and opened it up, pulling it away as the wolf panted in pain. “I’m so sorry, sweetheart. Shh, shh, it’s over now.”
It allowed you to stroke its head comfortingly, the wolf seeming to relax a bit.
“Now, how am I going to get you home…”
You were about to attempt to pick it up, but as if he could sense your unease, it form began to shrink, until it was the size of a medium sized dog.
“Ah. Magic wolf. Of course.”
You used your cloak to wrap around it before picking it up. “There, don’t want you to get cold, hmm?”
As you walked back, you felt the wolf nuzzle into you, getting comfortable in your arms.
After casting a protection spell over your home, you moved inside to care for your special guest.
The wolf lay in front of the fire, back to its original form. It seemed that shifting between the two forms strained it quite a bit, the thing panting heavily.
“It’s okay, I’m gonna take care of you.”
You ran your hands over it’s fur, rubbing a healing salve into its wounds. “There we go…”
You bandaged it afterwards, noticing it had fallen asleep in your lap. ‘Aww, I don’t want to wake it up…’
You leaned against the wall, yawning. ‘This should be fine… it’s just for tonight…’
You fell asleep by the fire, fingers brushing through the wolf’s long fur.
When you woke up, you noticed the weight in your lap had shifted during the night. Instead of the heavy feeling of the wolf’s large head in your lap, you felt something… lighter. Smaller.
You glanced down, nearly jumping out of your skin when a pair of VERY human red eyes stared back up at you.
You scurried away, backing up against the opposite wall. The man that had been lying in your lap only looked at you, tilting his head to your terrified expression.
He was naked, the only thing keeping his body covered was…
‘That’s the blanket I covered the wolf with last night…’
The man, or well… half man(?) crawled towards you, eyes locked on yours. He stopped right in front of you, his bare chest touching your knees.
“You’re a…”
You glanced up, seeing two wolf ears twitching slightly every time you spoke.
He’d spoken for the first time, a smile tugging at his lips. “And you’re a witch, correct? I can smell potions.”
He leaned forward, sniffing at your neck. “Mmm…”
You squeak, pushing him away. “H-hey! You can’t just sniff people!”
He tilted his head again, and if he wasn’t a random naked werewolf sitting way too close to you so early in the morning, you may have found it… cute.
“I forget how shy humans are. You allowed me to familiarize myself with your scent before, what’s the difference now?”
Your eyebrow twitched in annoyance. “Before I thought you were an injured animal, but…”
He leaned back, ears twitching as he stared at her. “But?”
You shook your head. “Never mind. We need to get you… dressed.”
You stood up, noticing that the blondes eyes followed every movement you made. “Where are you going?”
“To make you some clothing.”
He stood up, the blanket falling from his form. “I’ll come with you.”
You stared at his exposed lower half for a moment before turning around. “Please cover yourself.”
He blinked, picking up the blanket and holding it over his body. He was tall and lanky, pale and delicate, not what you’d assume a werewolf to look like. Honestly, the man was quite handsome, and seeing him naked was getting you flustered.
You quickly began working on cobbling together something, using some old fabric to make him a pair of baggy pants and a tank top. “This should do for now.”
He pulled on the clothing, continuing to stare at her. “Is this better?”
You nodded. “Much. Now…”
You grabbed his arm, the man letting out a warning growl as you examined his injury. “Hey, I’ll have none of that. I’m just checking to see how it’s healing.”
You had him sit down, the man watching with careful ref eyes as you tended to his wound, hissing lowly as you pulled back the bandages.
“Hmm, it’ll need more salve…”
You gently applied more salve, the wolf’s ears flattening when it felt the cool feeling against his scorching wound.
“There, all done. Now let me see your tummy.”
The man held up his shirt as you did the same there, tail wagging slightly when you rubbed the salve into his skin.
“Good boy, you’re all bandaged up.”
His tail thumped against the couch when you said this, though you paid him no mind. “So, what happened to get you all hurt?”
He seems guarded, giving you a once over before he leans back into his seat. “… as you may know, when werewolves transform, we take on the bodies of wolves.”
You now, sitting down across from him.
“My people… we were sought after due to our blonde coats. We are the only species of werewolf that has them, and a few years ago, my entire clan was wiped out.”
You hold a hand over your mouth, gasping. “Oh my god.”
He takes a minute to continue, breathing in. “Ever since, I’ve been trying to avenge my fallen clan, but last night…”
He held a hand over his injured arm. “The poachers that killed my clan cornered me.”
You place a hand on his knee in an attempt to comfort him, earning a suspicious glance. “They were planning on waiting for me to transform during the full moon so they could harvest my coat. Thankfully, I was able to escape. Not before earning these, though.”
He gestured to his wounds, ears flattening at the memory. “If you hadn’t of taken me in, they most likely would have found and killed me. I am indebted to you.”
The man looked up at you with those startling red eyes, a determined look on his face. “What can I do to repay you, witch?”
“Well, for starters you can call me (Name).”
You stood up, giving him a smile. “And secondly, you can tell me your name!”
He blinked, tilting his head much like a dog would. “My name… is Kurapika.”
“Well, Kurapika, what would you like for breakfast?”
Kurapika had never been treated with such kindness before. You diligently cared for his wounds, feeding him and making sure he got plenty of rest.
He looked up from a book you’d provided him. There was a pile of books next to him, where he’d sit the novels down after he finished them. “Hmm?”
You plop down on the couch next to him, smiling. “How are you feeling?”
“… better.”
He lifted his shirt up, showing the wound had nearly healed completely. You look over it, humming. “Ah, that’s good. And your arm?”
He held it out for you, almost like a dog would when you ask it to shake you hand. You turn it around, tilting it in a few different directions until you’re satisfied. “Hmm, I think it’s all good.”
You stand before him. “Kurapika, since you’re all healed up, what would you like to do?”
His tail thumps against the couch as he thinks this over. “I… would like to repay my debt to you.”
He growls lowly, causing you to quiet down. “Sorry, sorry… but I will be repaying my debt to you. Until then, I’ll… be staying.”
You tilt your head. “Oh? Well, I certainly don’t mind the company. And it is pretty dangerous living alone out here…”
He seemed to perk up at that, ears twitching. “Dangerous?”
“Yes, I may be a witch, but I specialize in healing and potions, not defense. The only protection I have is my protection circle.”
He seems to grow tense at the information, growling lowly. “… well, you won’t have to worry about anything hurting you while I’m here.”
Kurapika scoots closer to you, as if him being closer will give you just that much more protection. “Aww, how sweet of you!”
Before he can process what’s happening, you lean forward and pat the top of his head, scratching between his ears. “What a good boy!”
His eyes go wide, red taking over his cheeks as his tail thumps wildly against your couch.
After giving him a good pat, you begin to pull your hand away.
“Okay, now that’s all figured o-“
You squeak when Kurapika pulls your hand back onto his head, a low whine emanating from his throat. “Kurapika? Do you…”
You continue petting him, gently fondling his ears. He sighs in contentment, leaning forward to nuzzle against your tummy. ‘Note to self, werewolves like head scratches.’
“Alright, Kurapika, let’s go!”
The tall man followed behind you, holding into your hand as you walked through the market. You were able to cast a spell hiding his inhuman attributes, leaving him looking like a handsome man.
“Hello, this is the men’s clothing stall, correct?” You smile at the man behind the stall, gesturing for Kurapika to step forward. “My… friend here is in need of some new clothes. Ripped his.”
“Ahh, you came to the right place! We just had several tabards come in from across the sea!”
You look up at Kurapika. “Is a tabard something you’re interested in?”
He nodded, looking at the fabric. “My… family wore these. It was traditional.”
“Then pick a few out, okay? I’ll go get you some shirts and pants. I’ll be back in a minute, Pika.”
You could feel his tail, invisible now, smack against your leg. “Hehe, you like that?”
“… yes.”
You patted his back. “I’ll be right back, be good okay?”
Before he can reply you leave, walking through the market. For a bit, you get distracted buying some more fruit and herbs, but finally purchase Kurapika’s pants and shirts. “Hmm, I guess he needs underwear too… sir, where is the-“
You feel someone’s hand cover your mouth and drag you behind a stall. “Mmph!!”
“Shh, stay quiet little missy, if you know what’s too got you.”
The feeling of cold metal pressing against your neck makes you go still. “There, now…”
The man holding you captive takes your satchel from you, laughing. “Purchased a lot today, eh? Ain’t it a shame I’m gonna take it all?”
He lifted your coin purse from your satchel, whistling. “Where’d ya get all this money from, lil missy? Rich family? Never the matter. Now, come with me and I won’t hurt y-“
A growling sound came from behind the two, causing you to sigh in relief. “Unhand the woman, before you really piss me off.”
The man holds the blade tighter to your neck, causing you to yelp when it breaks your skin. “And what are you gonna do about it, pretty b-“
The man’s eyes widen when Kurapika grabs his hand quicker than he can react, squeezing his wrist to the point it snapped, causing the knife to clatter to the ground. Kurapika grabbed you, pushing you behind him. “Stay behind me, (Name).”
You whimper, causing the blonde to growl. “You hurt her, you filth. No one, and I mean no one touches her, you hear me?”
“Please, I didn’t- I didn’t know she belonged to someone! Let me go, p-“
Kurapika dropped the man. “Out of my sight.”
As the man scurried away, Kurapika dropped to his knees to check over you. His nose buried itself in your neck, sniffing you as his hands checked over you. He lapped up your blood, nuzzling against your wound. “Are you alright, (Name)? Does it hurt?”
You shook your head, lip quivering. “No… I’m okay…”
He cooed, picking you up and holding you in his arms. “Let’s get home, (Name). We can finish the shopping some other time.”
Over the next month, Kurapika had grown to be very protective over you. He was by your side constantly, accompanying you when you foraged, when you went shopping, and even to meetings with other witches.
He seemed to dislike people getting too close to you, especially those of the opposite gender. When your wizard friend Leorio came over for dinner, Kurapika would growl and pull you closer to him, often nuzzling into you to make sure you smelled like him and he smelled like you.
He had grown rather attached to the cute witch that treated him so kindly. You even helped him with recovering and burying the pelts of some of his clan!
He pulled you closer, cooing into your shoulder as you pet him. “Yes, Kurapika?”
He inhaled your scent, ears perking up when you laughed. “Oh, Kurapika, you’re just the cutest you know? My pretty little familiar~”
He pouted. Just that week, you declared that he was your familiar, mostly to answer your witch friends why you had a random man/werewolf in your house. Kurapika knew he was only there to repay a debt, but… he’d grown to really like you.
And by really, I mean really.
His eyes followed your swaying hips as you walked away, tail wagging as his pants grew tight. Lately, his mind has been plagued by thoughts of breeding you, to the point he thought he might be going into rut.
Kurapika had never felt this way before. He’d had several ruts, but just ended up dealing with them all by himself. Now, he had a cute little witch that he wanted to breed until she was completely stuffed. She was the only one he wanted to have his puppies, and just the thought made his head fuzzy.
“Kurapika, come here! It’s dinner time~”
And he came at her beck and call, sitting down at the table as she made him a plate.
‘Gonna need to start… the courting process.’ He thought, staring at the woman in front of him with lovesick eyes. She smiled, allowing him to pull her closer as he ate.
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justagalwhowrites · 5 months
Halcyon - Ch. 3: Why don’t we try to actually get our shit together?
You and Joel come up with a plan. A continuation of Halcyon from the prologue through Ch. 2, a modern no outbreak AU TLOU fic found on Tumblr here.
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Pairing: Joel Miller x Female Reader
Warnings: Some mild diet talk, no explicit mention of reader's weight or size (beyond she is smaller than Joel but my Joels are all giant, OK? Joel is like 6'5" Joel is a big big man, big big man). Modern No Outbreak AU, No use of Y/N, Slow burn, 18+ only, Minors DNI
Length: 5K
AO3 | Main Master List | Prologue | Previous Chapter | Next Chapter
“Sir, I can’t just… Well, I understand that you say that but…” 
Amanda, the sophomore girl who worked the front desk of the English department offices, frowned, phone clutched against her head. 
“I understand that,” she said again. “But she’s a special case, Professor…” She flinched and glanced up to see you coming in, looking relieved. “Sir? Give me just one second and I can check…” She pressed the hold button and lowered the receiver. “Professor, I am so so sorry, I know we’re not supposed to send unexpected calls or emails through to you but do you know a Joel Miller? He’s insisting he’s a friend of yours and…” 
You raised your eyebrows before answering. 
“Yeah, I know Joel. Go ahead and transfer him back to my office. And if he ever gives you a hard time again, tell him to fuck off.” 
Amanda looked relieved and took Joel off hold as you went to the end of the hall and unlocked your door. You didn’t have to share an office like a few other people in your department. One of the perks, you imagined, of being a big name that got the university some attention. But you hadn’t done much with the space yet, the only thing on the wall a framed poster that the dean had waiting for you when you started there. 
Your phone rang just as you set down your bag and you picked it up, tucking it against your shoulder. 
“Yes, what do you want, I’m busy being very famous and important,” you said with a slight English accent. 
“Oh, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize best selling authors were such a hot commodity,” Joel said. “Should I make an appointment?” 
“Probably,” you replied. He snorted. “What’s up?” 
“Did you know that you tried to put your number in my phone the other night?” Joel asked. “Note that I say ‘tried’ because what you actually did was put something in my notes that has four numbers and then seven symbols which, if you’re counting, ain’t even the right number of digits.” 
You scoffed. 
“You’re lucky I didn’t change your passcode or set an alarm for 4:30 in the morning,” you said. “Sounds like you got off easy.” 
“You’re a menace.” 
“I know,” you said, smiling a little to yourself. “So why were you looking for my number on a Monday morning?” 
“Because I was looking for your number on a Sunday morning and ended up shit outta luck,” he replied. “Figured I could catch you at work. They got you all locked down over there, huh?” 
“Trying to discourage random readers from contacting me here is all,” you said. “There was a problem with that at Brown right when the book first got popular. I don’t think it’d be as much of a problem now but still, administration thought it was smart. Speaking of which, don’t be a shit to my office aide.” 
“Makes sense, I guess,” he said, ignoring your last comment. “Think you can put me on the list of people who are allowed to talk to you? And on the list of people who are allowed to bring you food?” 
“Bring me food?” You frowned. 
“Well, yeah,” he said. “I was hoping I could do that. Like… today. In an hour or so. If you’re not shaping young minds or whatever.” 
“Don’t you have work?” You laughed. 
“New job starts tomorrow,” he said. “And I don’t exactly have a lot of time without Sarah where I’m not at work.” 
“And you want to see me?” 
“No, I figured I’d just call and annoy your secretary as a new hobby…” 
“Office aide.” 
“You free for lunch or not, Goldie?” He said, exasperated. You resisted the urge to laugh. 
“Yeah,” you said. “Yeah, I’m free. I have a class gap from 11:30 to 2. I can meet you somewhere…” 
“I’ll just come to you,” he said. “Assuming that a fancy schmancy professor will still eat tamale lady tamales…” 
“OK you could have opened with tamale lady tamales,” you said. “Buried the lead there, Miller.” 
Joel laughed. 
“I’ll give you my number and you can text me where your office is,” he said. “Then I’ll have a way to contact you that isn’t fucking gibberish. See you in two hours.” 
You put his number into your phone and texted him. He responded with a screenshot of your note with the message literally none of those numbers are right which made you laugh. 
It was hard to focus as you taught your next class, checking your watch every few minutes to see just how much time had passed. You were keyed up, stomach tight, and you tried to talk yourself down as you walked half way across campus back to your office. 
It was Joel. Just Joel. Sure, before Friday, you hadn’t seen or talked to him in years but falling back into friendship with him had felt so easy so far. He was safe and comfortable. You’d spent every day with Joel once upon a time. 
But that felt so long ago now. You were different people then. Joel was a jock who pretty much just hung out with you and tried to speed run his way through every hot girl in school. You were a geek who spent her entire life either trailing along behind Joel or with her nose in a book. A lot had changed in the last decade and a half. Joel had a kid. You’d gotten married and divorced. Well, almost divorced. Nothing was finalized yet but you’d stopped wearing your wedding band when you moved to Texas even though it still sat on the ring stand on your bedside table. 
After Friday and Saturday, you weren’t entirely sure if you were going to see Joel again. You hadn’t gotten his number and you remembered nothing of trying to put your number in his phone while you were drunk. You weren’t sure if it was going to be a fluke, just a blip on the radar of your lives that had gone on totally disconnected paths for more than a decade, or if this was something that would continue. 
You weren’t sure what you wanted. Losing him the first time had hurt. It might have been the worst thing that had ever happened to you, even worse than losing your mother, than watching your sister sister fall apart in slow motion over the last decade, than your father entirely. Was it something you could survive again? Was it something you’d need to dig back up and talk through with Joel now that you were speaking again? If that was what he needed, was that something you could handle doing? You weren’t sure about any of it. 
But you were already starting to think that you’d go along with anything Joel wanted as long as you got to keep him around this time, just like high school. He’d been the sun and you’d been caught in the gravity of him. You wondered if you’d ever escaped it at all. 
You straightened up your office a bit, not that you’d had much time for things to get too messy. Most things were submitted virtually now, though you insisted on poetry being printed to make sure formatting was maintained, and most of your personal notes were contained to planners and notebooks that were in orderly piles on your desk. You were absently checking your email when there was a knock on the frame of your door and you looked up to see Joel standing there, a foil covered plate in one hand, two glass bottles of Dr. Pepper in the other. 
“Oh my God, is that Dublin Dr. Pepper?” You gaped at him. 
“Technically no,” he said, coming in and setting a bottle down in front of you. “Stopped making it at the Dublin plant years ago but basically the same thing. Hi, by the way.” 
“Hi. And I’ll take basically the same thing,” you said, leaning forward to peer into the hall. “Do me a favor and close the door?” 
He nudged it shut with his foot and you took the bottle, popping it open on the edge of your desk. Joel sat in the chair on the other side of your desk before he followed suit, smirking as he did. 
“I didn’t want witnesses if I broke the desk I’ve had all of a month, OK?” You said. 
“Goldie, I don’t think you could break the desk if you tried,” he said, taking a sip of his drink. You did the same, humming a little in appreciation. You rolled the liquid on your tongue like you would a wine, the bubbles crackling and dancing there before you swallowed it. 
“God, that’s good,” you said. “I can’t remember the last time I had a soda that wasn’t diet…” 
“Christ you sound like a Yankee,” Joel laughed, sitting back in the chair. “That’s a Coke in your hand, darlin’, not a fuckin’ soda.” 
“Oh God,” you groaned and laughed, too. “That was such a hard habit to break! I’d ask my roommate if we had any Cokes, she said no, I’d go in the fridge later and see Diet Pepsi and have a what the fuck moment.” 
“Strange world out there,” Joel smiled slightly, turning the glass bottle that looked so small in his large hands. 
“Are these the tamales?” You asked, nodding at the plate. 
“Oh, shit, yeah,” he said, taking the foil off the plate. The corn husks glistened and you groaned a little. Joel pulled two sets of plastic wrapped silverware out of his pocket and handed you one. “How long’s it been since you had one of these?” 
“I don’t even want to own up to it,” you said, unwrapping the fork and knife. “I’ve basically been on a diet for the last decade of my life, these look incredible.” 
You wheeled your office chair around the desk and sat next to Joel before peeling back a husk and cutting the end off with your fork and taking a bite. Your eyes rolled back in your head and you slumped back in the chair with a satisfied moan. 
“Jesus Christ.” 
“That good, huh?” Joel laughed.You just nodded, mouth full, and sat up to cut off another bite before you even swallowed the first one. “Diet for 10 years?” 
“Yeah,” you nodded, covering your mouth with your hand until you could swallow. “There was the book tour, they wanted me to look a certain way. And… well, my husband has a type so…” 
“Fuck that guy,” Joel said, opening another tamale and taking a bite of it. You rolled your eyes a little. “Mean it, fuck that and fuck him.” 
“Oh, so you don’t have a type?” You asked, brows raised. “Because I seem to remember a very distinctive type in high school…” 
“Oh lord,” he rolled his eyes. 
“Pretty, for sure,” you said, teasing a little. “You definitely seemed to be a bit of a boobs man…” 
“If I were with someone I sure as shit wouldn’t make them fucking diet to be my type,” he cut you off. “He’s a fucking idiot, Goldie.” 
“You’re making a bigger deal out of this than it really is,” you waved him off. 
“No, I’m really not,” he replied. “If we’d been talkin’ I’d have fuckin’ come to Rhode Island and kicked his sorry ass.” 
“Joel,” you rolled your eyes. 
“What?” He asked. “I would’ve. And he’d fuckin’ deserve it.” 
“Anyway,” you said, cutting off another chunk of tamale. “You’ve got a new job starting tomorrow?” 
“Yeah,” he nodded. “It’s one that I’m actually lookin’ forward to, too. Get to be a little more creative…” 
“You don’t normally get to be creative?” You frowned. 
He scoffed. 
“Not on any of the big shit,” he said. “Owners and managers get to do that. They toss me the smaller projects here and there to plan and run, this one is some owner’s suite remodel. Doin’ the bathroom, fancy fucking closet, that kind of shit. They’re letting me run it so I’ll shut up about never getting to do the fun stuff.” 
“How long have you been working there?” You asked. 
“Since I was 20,” he said. “So… fuck, 13 years? Jesus, I’m getting old…” 
“And they’re not letting you do the creative stuff?” You asked, brows raised. 
“I’m apparently ‘too valuable’ runnin’ the crew,” he used air quotes. “They throw a few of these little jobs to me every year but mostly I just make sure shit goes right on site for bigger jobs. Get it all done on time, all that.” 
“Do you like doing that?” You asked. 
“Not really.” 
“OK,” you frowned. “So why are you still there?” 
“Well, mostly because I tried paying my mortgage once with dreams and they told me to fuck off,” he said dryly and you glared at him. 
“You know what I mean,” you said, cutting off a chunk of his tamale. 
“Shove it,” you popped it in your mouth before he could take it back. He rolled his eyes. “You’ve been doing that work for a while is what I mean, I’m sure somewhere else would hire you and you could do the parts of it you liked.” 
“What I really want is to start my own company,” he said. “Well, what I really want is to play music but that ship’s sailed. Realistically, I’d like to start my own company. I think I could make some really cool shit if I had the chance.” 
“So do it,” you shrugged. 
“Oh yeah, easy for you to say,” he scoffed. “What, you just write your fuckin’ book?” 
“No,” you said. “It took a lot of work and editing and rewriting and I’m not sure I’ll ever do it again but I did it. You can do it.” 
“What do you mean you’re not sure you’ll ever do it again?” He frowned. “Thought I saw somethin’ about you writing another one.” 
You looked at him for a moment, frowning a little, fork frozen over the plate. You were contracted for another book but that wasn’t something that had made national news, just an item in some industry publications after the press release from the publisher. 
Why would Joel know that?
“What?” He asked. “Why are you starin’ at me?” 
“Oh,” you said. “Just got something on your face…” You dipped your fork into some of the drippings on the plate before smearing it on Joel’s cheek. “Just there, nothing crazy.” 
He pursed his lips and looked like he was struggling not to laugh. 
“You’re the worst person I know,” he said, wiping his face with a tissue from the box on your desk.
You smirked, sitting back in your chair and putting your legging-clad legs in his lap, the way you used to sit with him on the couch back when you were teenagers. 
“I know.” 
“I’m serious though,” he said, the hand not holding the fork going around your calf just like it always had. “What do you mean you might never do it again?” 
“I don’t know,” you sighed, peeling the husk off another tamale and cutting off a bite of it. “I don’t know that I have another story to tell. I’ve been trying to tell another one and I just… haven’t found one. I think I had one good story in me and I told it. That’s the end.” 
“That’s bullshit,” Joel said. 
“It’s really not,” you shrugged. “When I wrote the first one it just kind of flowed. At least the first draft did. I wrote it in about six months after my mom died and Gale…” 
You glared at him. 
“Gale,” you repeated. “Edited it and workshopped it with me.” 
“Oh I’m sure he was a fuckin’ natural at that,” Joel said, voice dripping in sarcasm. You glared at him. “What, you’re telling me I’m wrong? I don’t think I am…”
“He was well equipped for the job,” you allowed. “And yeah, it took a lot of edits and rewrites before it was ready to even start trying to show to agents, it was years of work… Who would I do that with now? I don’t know that I can do it by myself…” 
“Do it with your publisher and shit,” Joel said. “Come on, don’t tell me that jackass is what’s holding you back…” 
“It’s not just that. I really don’t know that I have anything else to say. And even if I did…” you took a deep breath. You’d never said this aloud, not even to your agent. “If I did, what if it’s not as good?” 
Joel waved you off. 
“Of course it’d be as good, the fuck are you talking about?” 
“I’m talking about the fact that everyone freaked the fuck out about the fact that my ‘debut novel,’” you put the words in air quotes, “was so brilliant and shit, what if I never write anything better? What if everything I ever make after this is a let down? What if I never do anything good again? Everyone who took a risk on me, everyone who read my first book, everyone who ever thought I could do something will be let down by it. Jesus, one reviewer said it was the best debut novel since To Kill a Mockingbird, how the fuck am I supposed to live up to that? Starting to understand why Harper Lee didn’t publish anything else for decades…” 
 “Goldie,” Joel said gently. “I’m sure you’d write something great.”
You poked at your tamale, staring at it as you did. 
“What if the only great thing I ever made was great because of him?” You asked quietly, eyes darting to Joel for a second before looking back at the plate. “What if it was just fine when it came from me and it only became what it became because of him?” 
“Anything you’d write would be great, got nothing to do with fuckin’ Brad,” he said. “Not sure you can write something that’s not great.” 
You rolled your eyes. 
“Joel, you read the articles I wrote for the school paper,” you said. “I don’t think you’re a fair judge.” 
“And your lit mag stuff,” he said defensively. “Look, I’m not a genius or anything but I’m smart enough to know when something’s great and you’re great, alright?” 
“Yeah, well…” you nudged his leg with your knee. “So are you.” 
He just looked at you for a moment until you frowned. 
He leaned forward with his fork, smearing some tamale drippings on the tip of your nose.
“Got something right… there.” 
You laughed and he squeezed your calf and you cleaned your face before you went back to focusing on the food and life outside of your broader ambitions. Before what felt like too long there was a knock on your door and Alyssa poked her head in. 
“Sorry, didn’t realize you had company,” she smiled, her eyes drifting to where your legs were still in Joel’s lap. “I was just going to put a note on your desk, I figured you’d be at your next class already. Have you written your midterm yet?” 
“Not yet,” you said, looking at your watch and you realized it was far later than you realized and you had less than 10 minutes to walk to your next class. “Shit, I have to go!” 
Joel released your leg from his hold and you scrambled to collect your things as Joel cleaned up the remains of lunch. 
“If you wanted to write midterms together,” Alyssa said as you slung your bag over your shoulder. “Maybe next week?” 
“Sure,” you said, looking around at your desk and grabbing your gold notebook before standing next to Joel. “Email me?” 
“Yup,” she smiled, looking Joel up and down. “Absolutely will. Hi.” 
“Hi,” he said, smiling a little. You looked between them and fought the urge to groan. She was just Joel’s type. 
“Alright, some of us have to go teach,” you said. “Out of my office so I can lock up.” 
You ushered them both into the hall. 
“Have fun teaching,” Alyssa waved, giving Joel a last look before heading to her office a few doors down from yours. 
“Oh I’m sure I will,” you said, taking Joel’s hand and pulling him along behind you before he could start gawking at her and then you were really late for school. “See you later…” 
“What was that about?” Joel laughed as you spilled out into the hall that was tight with the press of students. 
“I know your type,” you said. “And I don’t have time to wait for you to be done doing your thing…” 
“My ‘thing?’ And you know my type?” He asked, brows raised. “Really? Well, in that case…” 
“Oh shut up,” you rolled your eyes and he laughed. 
“I came by to see you, for the record,” he said. “And apparently feed you properly since you aren’t gonna do it yourself…” 
“Thank you,” you said, sincerely. “That was really good. And it was really nice, hanging out with you.” 
“It was good to hang out with you, too,” he said, smiling a little, his hands shoved in his pockets. “Should let you get to class though. Those minds aren’t gonna shape themselves. And I have your actual number now, not the fuckin’ hieroglyphics you tried to leave me Friday…” 
“And I have yours,” you smiled back. “But I do have to go…” 
“Right,” he said, leaning in and pulling you into a hug and holding you close for a second. He was warm and his chest was firm and there was something about the way his arms fit around you that was so all encompassing you were certain that you belonged there with him. That, somewhere in the universe, the root of you both had grown together and separated just to find each other again. He pulled back. “Don’t let those college kids give you too much trouble.” 
“I won’t,” you said. “Don’t let Sarah give you shit.” 
“Oh, I will,” he said. “Can’t help it. Bye, Goldie.” 
You smiled.
“Bye, Joel.” 
You were three minutes late to class. You didn’t care. 
When you got home, you went to one of the boxes you hadn’t unpacked yet, one that sat in the  extra bedroom that you hadn’t found a use for yet. You knew exactly which box, the one filled with things you only looked at when you were feeling especially strong or particularly weak. You sifted through old notebooks, past one of Joel’s faded band t-shirts that you’d swiped at his house when Tommy had knocked a cup of Kool-aid over when you were wearing a white shirt and Mrs. Miller and scrambled to get your top in the wash to get the stain out and then you’d never given it back, down to the shoebox of photos. You pulled it out and looked through them. Joel at 16, a confused look on his face as he lay on the wheeled contraption he used for sliding easily under his truck and you surprised him with camera, a splotch of grease on his cheek. You, 17, in Joel’s letterman that was big on him so it was massive on you, sleeves shoved up around your forearms as you stuck your tongue out at the camera. The two of you, 16, sitting on opposite sides of a restaurant booth, your legs stretched out on the benches, a basket of fries and a milkshake between you. You were flashing a peace sign at the camera and Joel was looking at you, a soft smile on his face. 
It was easy to remember what friendship with Joel had been. It would be so easy to fall back into it. It felt like you were always supposed to be this way, lives so intertwined they were built on the same foundation. It had seemed an impossible thing, to blow it all apart. You’d loved it then. You missed it now. But it had blown apart and you weren’t sure you could survive losing it again. 
You sighed, flipping to the back of the box to the photos from prom night. Your mom had sent them to you after you’d moved to Rhode Island and they’d languished at the photo lab for weeks. There was a simple note: “Thought you might want these,” a little heart drawn at the end. 
You found the picture of the two of you together, your hand on his chest, his arm around your waist. You were looking up into his eyes and he was looking into yours, a small smile on his face, just enough for the beginnings of his dimple to show. You looked at it for a while before you signed, packing everything else away and moving to your office, propping the photo against your computer as you sat down to write. 
Sarah had been in rare form that night. Very skeptical about why she needed to do homework at all and trying to logic her way out of needing to do it for as long as she possibly could. 
“Kiddo, if you just sat down and did it, you’d be done by now,” Joel had groaned at one point. 
“But if I just didn’t do it, I’d be done by now, too,” she replied. 
He took a deep breath. Sometimes, this girl… 
“Not on the table, Baby Girl,” he said. “You can either do your homework now and have time to watch TV before bed or you can not do your homework and fight me on it, not watch TV and get up early tomorrow to finish your homework. Up to you.” 
She groaned, picking up her pencil, bouncing her leg impatiently under the dinner table. Joel wasn’t sure who was happier when the damn worksheets were done, him or his daughter.
Once Joel was certain Sarah was asleep, he went to the back of his closet and found the box that he kept stashed away. He didn’t have to look far, the two copies of your book right on top. One was signed. He didn’t open that one, just looked at it now and then, held it when he wanted to touch something you’d touched once. 
The other had a worn spot on the spine, where the structure of the book had cracked and bent enough times because he’d tried to read it dozens of times but could never bring himself to go past the first page. 
He liked the cover of it, certain that you’d had a hand in picking it. It was simple, an orange sun with a gilded flower in front of it, the title, Halcyon, in bold letters below the abstract image. Joel flipped past the pages of praise, the title page, the table of contents, the forward written by fucking Brad. He turned until he got to the words that were yours. He knew they were yours, he recognized the voice of you, even on paper. No matter what you said, there wasn’t an ounce of Brad there. At least, not on that page.
“The sun in Texas was hot in summer,” you’d written, “melting ice cream and asphalt in equal measure. But it was the heat of his palm that made my cheeks burn…” 
He closed the book, looking at the back cover with your picture on it. Your arms were folded so that one was in front of you, the other vertical alongside your face. Your gaze was intense, a knowing smile on your lips, as though you were staring at him, teasing him, tempting him. “The answers are all here, Joel,” your picture said. “If you could just make yourself read it, you’d know.” 
He put the book down and got his phone out of his pocket, finding your number in his contacts. 
You answered on the second ring. 
“Oh my God, you’re so demanding,” you sighed in faux exasperation. 
Joel laughed. 
“I know, I’m so fucking needy, don’t know how you stand me.” 
You laughed back. 
“What’s up?” 
“Been thinking,” he began. 
“You?” You said. “Really?” 
“Shut up.”
You giggled. 
“Anyway,” he continued. “Feel free to tell me to kick rocks but… Sounds like neither of our lives have exactly gone the way we’ve wanted them to.” 
“You mean you didn’t plan on being a single dad and I didn’t plan on being divorced at 32?” You gasped. “Color me shocked!” 
“We were always good at holding each other accountable,” he said, ignoring you. “Hell, you’re the only reason I graduated high school…” 
“And you’re the only reason I started at the school paper,” you said. Joel smiled at that, the memory of standing outside the newspaper office while you talked to the teacher so you couldn’t back out. 
“Right,” he said. “Well… what if we did that now?” 
“Now?” He could hear you frowning through the phone. “What do you mean?” 
“I mean,” he said. “Why don’t we try to actually get our shit together? You make me better, always have…” 
“You, too,” you said quietly but you at least sounded serious now. 
“When are you supposed to have your next book done?” He asked. “Assuming there’s a contract with a deadline for that shit, right?” 
“End of next year,” you sighed. 
“Great,” Joel said. “Alright, let’s give ourselves to the end of next year to set ourselves straight. You finish your book, whatever else you want to get done…” 
“Finalize my divorce,” you said. 
“That’s a good one,” Joel said. “I’ll see about starting my own business…” 
“And having a stable relationship?” You asked. 
“Sounds like a good goal,” he answered, his stomach twisting a bit at that. “What do you say? We come up with a list of shit and go from there? You know we’re better when we’re on a team than when we’re not.” 
You were quiet for a moment. 
“Yeah,” you said eventually. “Yeah, let’s do it.” 
Joel smiled a little, looking down at the box, the cover of your book looking back at him. 
“It’s a deal,” he said. “We’ve got this, Goldie.” 
You laughed a little. 
“Hell yeah we do.”
Next Chapter
A/N: So sorry for the long wait on this! Should be weekly updates from here out for a while, promise <3
Thank you thank you thank you for reading! I'm so excited for what's coming up for these two, I just love how they love each other and yes. I can't wait to explore it all with you.
Thank you for being here! Love you!
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katz-chow · 9 months
my first time requesting im sorry if it sounds really bad or cringe ehehsbbejrr
how do you think Simon would react to someone who has a seashell collection they are v e r y overprotective of and they give him one of the seashells because they trust him???
selling seashells by the seashore? nope!
synopsis: what the ask said! + a bit more because i started to really get into it
warnings: fluff, sfw, gn! reader, established relationship, marriage, a glimpse into simon's private life, soap being soap
a/n: i’m literally on an island rn and i’m pretty sure this seagull is screaming at me so i thought this would be very fitting 😝
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Simon definitely has his pockets filled, only with Moroccan sand and shells and rocks and…possibly a starfish? It’s not much, but truly it’s honest work when it comes to him picking up and inspecting every shell or sea cookie there is out here on this damn beach. Soap hollers at him from a few yards away, hand beckoning for him to come over.
“Ain’t this one a big ol' Lad?” Johnny says with his hand on his hip and the other pointing down at a huge mollusk, it’s opal and rainbowed color shone in the blazing sun.
The taller one smiled behind his mask and grunted as his knees popped, reaching down to pick it up. With a knife, he poked and prodded into whatever was in it, which was now just a dead, sandy mess at his feet. “Pretty, then again, anything prettier than your face, Johnny.”
Soap glared at him, “Yeah, at least I have a face.”
Simon missed you terribly. Miles and miles away, he just thinks about how his lovely spouse is on their daily walk down the beach, trading and finding pretty shells to show him once he gets back. You two do this every time he comes home. After a few days of resting (with mostly Simon either shutting off in his own room or hiding his face in the crook of your neck in your shared room), you sit him down on the kitchen table and pull out your beach bag to debrief about the new shells. Each one with a different story attached to it and each one you wanted to share and love.
“I got this one from a fisherman that caught it in his net when he went fishing in the Bahamas!” You showed him a huge, pink and white conch shell that was larger than both your hands combined.
Simon smiled at you and took your prized possession from your hands and inspected the shiny finishing of it. “You weren’t at the Bahamas, Lovie, what did you do to get it?”
“Oh I traded a hermit crab shell for his nephew’s crab.” You said fondly, petting the shell that looked normal sized in his own hands.
Simon pockets the large nautilus shell into his bag somewhere and feels his breast pocket for the small, spiral shell that you’ve gifted him. It was his birthday, the day you saw his toothy grin for the first time.
You had found a beautiful, black, spiral shell the size of a blade. Taking it home, you filed the tip into it was sharp enough to cut through…something, you thought. You don’t know what he exactly would cut, but it’ll come in handy right?
He cried that day when you sheepishly offered him this small gift box, a silver bow resting on the top of it. After you calmed him down and held onto his arm, he opened it and a goofy smile replaced his tears.
“I sharpened it, it’s like a…like uhm a shank?” You said, rather confused actually.
Your husband snorts at your reasoning and picks up the lustrous black shell into his hands. He examines it closely, spinning and turning it in his fingers to make it shine in different angles. With the hard padding of his index finger he grazed the tip of the shell, and sure enough, it was sharp. Simon huffs a laugh to himself thinking about how he could potentially use this as his next melee weapon.
“Do you…like it?” You ask him hesitantly, sitting across from him on the couch. Your own hand fidgeted with each other as you pull and push on your knuckles, making them pop gently.
The large man in front of you looks up at you, eyes a bit wide in confusion. A small gasp is heard from the parting of his lips and he softens his gaze, looking at you fully. He didn’t laugh at you, he laughed at himself. “It’s silly…to be killed with a seashell, hmm?”
Large hands found yours as he abandoned the shell temporarily on the safe coffee table. He kisses your forehead. “Of course I love it, my sea star…best gift ever.”
Simon knew that it wasn’t just a gift from his spouse that day. No that’d be too simple, and his life is anything but. That was a piece of you, your love for him manifesting in such a small, delicate object. To break it, was to break a piece of you…and you would raise hell if he did.
His face settled on a slightly less disgruntled face under his mask as he looked off into the coast. With a pat on the breast pocket of his vest, he pondered to himself, ‘This time, it’ll be different.’ This time he has his own collection to present to you. This time he knows you’ll be even more excited than that time you found a perfectly round sand dollar when he shows you these little treasures. Maybe this time you’ll even scream when he shows you this dried starfish.
But one thing’s for sure, he’ll come home to you after all this. And one day, there’ll be no more war, no more bloodshed, just two old spouses sitting on the beach, the sun rising steadily, and a wall of shells from coasts all around the world.
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ddollipop · 2 years
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#. synopsis! — itto mistakes the reader for a prostitute but gets her into bed anyhow because he's just that good. (alternatively: itto is big, dumb, and full of cum) .
#. contains! — explicitly nsfw content , doggystyle sex , cum eating/cum swallowing , missionary position , cumming on face/stomach , blowjob , oral sex , cunnilingus , soft + sweet , himbo itto , slightly experienced reader .
#. word count! — 4.0k .
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Itto isn’t exactly a master of self control. He’s painfully impulsive, much to the dismay of his gang (especially poor Shinobu who’s always left to clean up his messes,) and he lacks a lot of things. . . Like tact and subtlety. And that’s glaringly on display tonight as he approaches you from across the beach, chest comically puffed out. If he weren’t so attractive, you likely would have had a hard time taking him seriously the moment he switched his weight from one muscular leg to the other, leaning in closer to whisper in your ear.
“How much?” He asks, attempting to sound sauve, but failing to recognize that his voice is all but quivering under the weight of his own nerves.
You stifle a laugh. He doesn’t need to explain, —you know what he’s truly asking for, but you’re going to have to regret informing him that he’s got the wrong person for the job he’s looking to have done tonight. Though you must admit, his inability to be discreet is quite cute.
“One thousand five hundred Mora,” you answer.
As expected, a look of shock crosses his face; eyes widening as if he’d just seen a ghost somewhere off in the distance behind you. You manage to bite back an amused smile.
“O-Only one thousand five hundred?” He parrots, “—for the whole night?”
He’s making it unbelievably difficult to hold yourself together and keep from bursting into laughter.
“For the whole night,” you nod in confirmation. “The price never changes.”
Itto’s relieved to hear that for a moment. It’s one thing to gather funds from his gang members as a way to throw parties or host fun events, but to snatch money away from them to pay for a night of trick turning. . . That’s less acceptable, and even he (in all his social ineptness) knows that. This was an unexpected expense, though. Normally, Itto is okay with taking care of his more personal needs all by himself; no help necessary. His hand does the job fine, if he does say so himself. But tonight, it’s just not cutting it. He’s tried: but masturbation isn’t working well enough, and he’s craving the touch of a sweet young woman. Specifically you.
Truth be told, he’s been eyeing you down like fresh prey up for the taking since he first spotted you chatting it up with a few other women just before sundown. You suspect that’s why he assumed you were selling a bit more than the sweet drinks on your wheel adorned cart, because you often make conversation with the working women of the area. Though your friends were undoubtedly lovely, there was something Itto found to be magnetizing about you in particular. He hasn’t been very good at hiding it either, much to the dismay of Shinobu, who really doesn’t want to have to bail him out of jail tonight if he shoots his shot and you find yourself at odds with it. He definitely knows how to take no for an answer, but Itto sucks at reading social cues, and this is a particularly precarious situation. . .
Thankfully, you’re more amused (and maybe a bit endeared) by him than anything else.
“I should have,” he pauses, stuffing his large hands into the pockets of his baggy pants, “enough. . .”
Itto pulls out a handful of golden coins and a few wrappers, presumably from some sort of candy, and places them in the open palm of your hand. It’s probably a little less than what it should be, but you don’t have the heart to tell him that. Instead, you stuff the coins into your collection jar and make a mental note to remove the wrappers later on.
“Here you go,” you say, handing him a bottle of dango milk.
He takes it, and though the size is quite big, it looks like a child’s toy in his large hand. There’s something sweet about the cute, bow adorned bottle being held against the flat of his palm, but you say nothing of it.
“Uh. . .” he says, gaze flickering between your pretty face and the drink in his hand, “thank you?”
You mimic his earlier movements, leaning around the cart to whisper in his ear.
“I’m not selling what you’re looking for,” you tell him, a snicker itching on the tip of your tongue.
Though your words aren’t really what he was hoping to hear from you, the way your warm breath ghosts against the shell of his ear sends a pulse straight to his cock. He can feel another hard-on coming, shifting his weight uncomfortably again. The friction sends another jolt to his groin, and he immediately regrets having moved at all.
“H-Huh?” He questions, a little squeak catching the end of it.
You raise a hand in front of his face, snatching the attention of his gaze before pointing down to the sign plastered on the front of your cart.
“I sell dango milk.”
Itto looks between the sign, your face, and the drink in his hand multiple times over and in that exact order. A blush creeps onto his cheeks, and you can hear him swallow roughly. He’s not sure what to do or say now.
“Still. . .” you drag the word out a bit, pausing just to see if he squirms a little (and he does.)
“It’s almost closing time anyway. So maybe if you ask nicely, I might be able to help you with your. . . Other needs.”
Come on, who can blame you? Itto might have a bad reputation around these parts, but isn’t that just part of the fun? Part of the thrill? It’s just in human nature to be a little self-destructive every once in a while. Not that this man really seems to be all that bad in the first place. You’re definitely beginning to chalk those rumors up to just that, because (from what you’ve seen thus far) Itto just appears to be a little misunderstood.
Sure, he’s been painfully obvious about wanting to fuck your brains out, —but isn’t that also part of the fun sometimes?
From what you’ve gathered, Itto is mostly harmless. You think mostly because you haven’t quite gotten him into bed yet, and for all you know, he’s a biter or something. . . Not that you’d mind that too much. In fact, you have a sneaking suspicion you might like it.
He’s all but lost in a daze as you ask a familiar face to close up for you and take the cart elsewhere. It’s an easy matter to settle, and you feel secure in the wake of it. Secure enough to go off and get a small room on the first floor of an otherwise unoccupied motel. Its decor is definitely based on Mondstadt, and the room itself seems to follow the same style, which you can only assume is the reason they don’t get as much business as they could. After all, this is Inazuma, and it would likely serve their business much better to decorate accordingly.
You quickly push that to the back of your mind. It’s unimportant now that Itto is standing just behind you, lips pursed into a tight, thin line. Though you don’t know him very well, you suspect that it’s unusual for him to be this quiet for so long, and you shimmy the jacket off your body and toss it onto the edge of the bed before turning to him completely and seeking to calm the storm inside him.
“There’s no need to be so tense,” you assure him, reaching out to smooth your palms over the expanse of his shoulders. 
He tenses a little further under your touch, but relaxes just as quickly when he realizes just how gentle you’re being with him. For now, he likes that. It gets tiring always being seen as some sort of evil villain hellbent on wreaking havoc everywhere you go, and for whatever it’s worth, Itto likes to be treated with kid gloves every now and again.
“I don’t bite,” you continue on, pushing yourself up onto the tips of your toes to whisper properly in his ear. “Unless you tell me to.”
Fuck does he want you to. He’s growing restless, and though anxiety still thrums through every feeble vein in his muscular body, he needs you. It’s impossible to ignore the ache that continues to grow in his groin, and it’s making his mind go foggy.
He’s thankful when you take charge and match your hand to the curve of his neck, pulling him down a bit to comfortably capture his lips in a shaky kiss. It takes a moment for Itto react, but when he does, it nearly sweeps you off your feet. He’s out of sync with your movements, but you pause for a second to match him instead as his large hand travels to the small of your back, offering you a steadying force. His lips taste faintly of sweet dango milk, —the one he’s taken no more than a few sips of since you handed it to him originally, and you haven’t a clue where it is now.
Not that it matters.
You allow your hands to explore his body, skin burning against the pads of your fingertips. His breath hitches just a little when your nails trail along his abdomen, feeling every dip and divot to be found there. Itto groans into your mouth the moment your hand reaches the outline of his cock, attempting to gauge the length and girth. Even clothed you can tell he’s packing. It’s definitely nothing to sneeze at, and you worry for a moment if you’ll be able to take him now that you’ve gotten this far.
He breaks away from the sloppy kisses a little breathless now, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“Can you please just. . .” he trails off, stepping back a few inches to rest his weary body against the motel wall.
You oblige. Even if you can’t force him down your throat until he can feel every muscle contract, you doubt he’s going to care too much. At this point, he seems like he’d take just about anything; mouth, hand, or otherwise. It also stands to reason that Itto is a pretty sweet guy just looking to get himself off, and you don’t have any qualms about being the ones to help him with that.
When his pants drop down to pool at his ankles in a rippling mess of fabric, you’re left staring at a big, fat cock with a blazingly red tip. Pre-cum has alreeady gathered in the long, deep slit, seeping out in little beads of transparent off-white. The veins of his member are prominent, protruding especially along the bottom and begging to be suckled at. What feels like mere seconds of silent admiration to you feels like eons to the aching man above you, and you get the hint when he places one of his hands along the crown of your head and you look up at him with semi-doed eyes, only to find that Itto has desperation written all over his face.
After offering a few kitten-licks to the reddened tip and feeling his fingers curl into the strands of your hair ever so gently, you tilt his cock up and give him a few loose-gripped pumps as you run your tongue along those veins. They were practically crying out for attention, and you are more than willing to give them exactly what they deserve. Itto sighs above you, head resting against the wall as his eyelids come together in bliss. You know so little about him, and yet it’s as if you know all the ways to get him off and push him over the edge.
Gathering saliva into your mouth, you spit onto his length and spread it down, lubricating him to the best of your ability. It’s a lot of area to cover, and you’re no magician when it comes to saliva production.
You take him into your mouth, hollowing your cheeks out and ignoring the dull ache that’s already begun setting into your jaw. He tastes salty and bitter, but it’s nothing unpleasant, and whatever your mouth can’t manage to reach, you’re taking care of with your hands. Itto is already a mess, broken moans falling from starved lips. This is all he’d been thinking about since he saw you on the beach, but to think he’d actually have it, —have you here on your knees before him, sucking him off and catering to his every whim. . . Ah.
He can’t imagine what he’s done to deserve you. He even thinks to himself that all those nights he spent locked up were simply stepping stones to this moment; and if this is Celestia’s way of apologizing to him, then consider every horrid run-in with Kujo Sara atoned for.
It doesn’t take much to send him over the edge. Having been hard from the start, the initial process was kickstarted, which made your job that much easier. Itto can’t really find the words to warn you when he’s about to shoot a load straight down your throat, but you pick up on the signs easily enough for that to be the warning in itself. You pull off just before he spurts cum down your jugular, taking your hand away to let him replace it with his own. Itto takes his own cock into his hands, grip tight as hell. Your wet tongue slides out of your mouth, ready for the deposit of seed.
His shaky hands aren’t the best for aiming, and more of it ends up on your cheek than it does in your mouth, but you scrape your fingers through the semen and lick it off easily enough. He might as well be ready to bust again the moment you swallow his seed down.
Now, it appears that you’ve unlocked something dangerously exciting. That inner beast inside Itto that you suspected was there is beginning to bear its fangs, and you’re more than ready to be a willing victim to its every wish and whim. The heat between your legs is tingling with desire, and though you’ve yet to touch yourself, you’re pretty certain all that mouth-work on Itto’s dick left you dripping.
“Lemme say a proper thank you,” he says, slurring his words a little as if just cumming on your tongue alone has already gotten him intoxicated.
Like the gentleman you largely expect he is, Itto helps you to your feet and helps you take your clothes off, although that last part was likely just as much for him as it was for you. His gaze rakes your body over, all but leaves him quivering with anticipation to touch, tease, and taste. He wastes no time in positioning you on the bed, being sure to spread your legs open before backing off to snatch the rest of his clothes from his body. There’s a mess of random fabrics and jewelry on the motel floor; but it is what it is for now, and the cleanup will have to wait until all of this ends.
Or until morning, if you decide it’d be okay to sleep next to Itto for the night.
As expected, the motel bed is pretty cheap and it creaks with even the slightest bit of movement. That might have irritated you under any other circumstances, but it feels so far away as your hands travel over your body, one stopping to fiddle with your perked up nipple, and the other teasing at your clit as you watch Itto undress himself completely.
He practically shoos your hand away when he makes his way over to the bed, itching to drink you in. His black, pointed nails dig into either of your thighs as he situates himself between them, eyeing the way light glimmers off your glistening folds. Your hands are in his hair, curving around the horns that protrude from his scalp as you take fistfuls in between your fingers, pulling just hard enough to make him hum, before his mouth has even attached itself to your clit. You’re a little embarrassed by the gasp that escapes you the moment he lets a drooling line of spit trickle from his mouth to your slit. It’s so hot that your insides clench inadvertently, and he loves the little twitch that’s visible from the outside.
A soft whine passes your lips as the flat of Itto’s tongue slides against you, splitting you open only to be swallowed in turn by your plush, burning lips. He laps all around, tongue darting inside and pulling up to prod at your swollen clit. A part of you wonders if you’ve ever felt this sensitive before, —or maybe it’s just that he’s so focused on giving you pleasure instead of rushing through the motions to get inside you that you’re able to get lost in every deliberate flick of his tongue.
“T-That’s so good,” you stammer, rolling your hips off the bed just a bit in hopes of matching the rhythm of his tongue. 
In return, Itto presses you further into the mattress, splitting your thighs apart even more. His nails carve into your skin, but the pain feels more like pleasure now that you’re drowning in his presence. Whatever he’s doing, it’s working like a fucking charm. He’s got you choking on moans, writhing as best you can now with him pinning your legs down like this.
Itto thinks you taste like paradise, —like pure bliss in human form. You’re everything he’d been craving since dawn and more.
“I’m gonna cum,” you whimper, managing to get the words out (although they were so rushed and airy that he hardly understood you.)
He responds by removing the hand from your right thigh, rubbing at your clit fast and hard with the pad of his middle finger as his tongue continues to lap at the lower half of your heat. You throw your head back, muscles clenching in unusion just to release the tension all at once. Itto eats you through the high, swilling your pussy out.
Exemplifying those gentlemanly qualities of his, he waits for your breathing to catch up with you before he makes any other sudden moves. He was already hard again halfway through the meal he’d made of you. You’re glistening more now with a mixture of his spit and your own arousal, and he has to keep himself from pushing his tongue back in for another round.
“C’mere,” he says eventually, guiding your lips to his own.
His lips taste more of you now than they do of dango milk. . .
He positions you so smoothly that it hardly registers what exactly he’s doing. On your knees, elbows keeping your tits from pressing to the bedsheets, ass hiked into the air, giving Itto ample access to your core. As he spits into the palm of his own hand, lathering himself up and guiding the tip of his cock to you, he smooths his free hand down the length of your spine. Tension you didn’t realize you were holding releases with his touch.
Itto is surprisingly gentle, pausing to let you adjust to his size more than once. Though his body is crying out for fast, rough movements, he knows that’ll have to wait a while longer if he’s to keep you at the forefront of his mind. This will be that much better if he knows you’re enjoying it just as much as he is, so he waits, and it’s no sweat off his back to do so.
He sighs in relief when he bottoms out inside you, your plush walls suckling on him like the open seas lapping at the shore. His balls are pressed against your swollen clit from this angle, and he smooths that hand back up your spine: slowly, deliberately, sweetly. Even when he moves for the first time, it’s nothing if not considerate and attentive to your every micro-movement.
Though his body is still begging him to fuck you silly and leave you sobbing into the sheets, he doesn’t know that he has the energy to keep that kind of tempo going for long. He goes faster, harder, nails digging into the flesh of your ass instead of your thighs now, —but he’s sure to keep you in mind all the while. Words are hard to form when someone as big as him is buried in your snatch, but noises of pleasure resonate from your drool-covered lips and form a chaotic melody when they intertwine with the creaking bed and Itto’s frequent groans and grunts.
He loves the way your walls seem to pulsate around him, and Itto thinks to himself that if it were a more practical endeavor, he might just stay here just like this with you forever.
It doesn’t take much for your upper body to collapse onto the bed, unable to keep steady any longer. Your fingers curl around the sheets when he ups his pace again, slamming into you quite a bit harder than before, his fingernails forming indents in the skin of your ass.
Leaning down, Itto peppers kisses along the plane of your shoulders, slowing himself for just a moment to grind his hips against you. Tingles of immense pleasure ripple from your well-fucked pussy to the tippy-top of your shivering, naked spine.
“Please,” you manage, finally finding the clarity to form words from the mess of haze and fog over your brain, “fucking please.”
“Turn over,” Itto returns, and although his wording could have easily been mistaken for a demand, his tone comes across as more of a desperate beg than anything else.
“I wanna see your eyes roll back when you cum.”
It’s not that this view was unenjoyable. Much to the contrary, Itto had a damn good time watching the fat of your ass jiggle and ripple with every inward thrust, —and he liked watching your muscles move under your skin. But if he may make just one more request for the night before he slips out through the door half-naked, he just really wants to see your face when you cum all over his cock.
You do as asked, insides aching from the emptiness when you move away from him to reposition yourself. Thankfully, he seems to be on the same page and as soon as the opportunity arises, he’s speared himself into you once more. His thrusts are deeper now, feeling like they’re touching every inch of you from the inside out. From this angle, he watches as you bite down on your own arm to muffle your moans, and you admire the markings on his body through half-lidded eyes heavy with pleasure.
“I-I’m gonna—”
Your words are cut off by a particularly delicious thrust, Itto slamming directly into the sweetest spot he could possibly hit. You’re left panting and reeling from the suddenness, an orgasm tingling so close just under the surface of your skin.
No more than a minute later, you’re sputtering something that sounds like fuck again and again as your eyes roll back (just the way Itto wanted.) You’re practically seeing stars along your vision, chest heaving and mind fogging over again as he pulls himself out and jerks himself off until he releases all over your lower stomach.
It’s warm and sticky, and now the room smells of sweat and sex, but there’s a grin on your lips that you can’t seem to wipe off.
“I. . .” Itto pants a little, “—I’ll leave whenever you want.”
You blink, staring at him like he’s crazy. If he’d phrased it any other way, you might well have been a bit offended, but the decision was yours, assumedly. The ball was in your court. If anything, he seems dejected. . . Like he’d never truly been shown enough kindness to accept that he might well deserve it from everyone.
“You don’t have to go,” you reply softly.
He seems surprised, but doesn’t appear to want to object. Maybe he’d been waiting to hear that all along.
“I can stay?” Itto questions.
There’s a glimmer of hope behind his eyes now. Any worries you had about spending the night with him have gone entirely out the window, and all you want to do now is wrap yourself around him, feel the stick of his skin against yours for the night, and drift off to sleep in his embrace.
“Yeah,” you nod, speaking gently. “You can stay.”
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genshrineimpact · 2 years
Today's brainrot (possibly one of two or more)
You are an adventurer who is stationed in liyue
You saw and explored all of liyue, discovering various ruins and artefacts. During one of your adventures you stumbled upon a giant nest in a cave. There were multiple shattered egg shells, or at least what looked like ones, but they have been there for at least a month, abandoned. But among some rocks, slightly away, you find a weird, round rock, that was brown and smooth with some golden markings on the surface.you thought tht it was a rock, until you heard some chirps coming from it.
After some internal debate, you think that whatever this creature was, it's parents didn't exactly care about it and took it home.
You placed it in some warm nest made with cloth and blankets, washed its surface and checked on it few times a day. After a few days, you invited traveler for some lunch at your home in liyue harbor (let's say you helped them during liyue archon quest and became friends). They had this elegant man tagging along and you didn't mind. You knew zhongli as a furneal parlor consultant and briefly met him earlier, but that was it.
Cue Zhongli being weirdly skirmish around your house, like he was looking for something.
Then you decided to show the egg to the traveler and his companion, talking about how you didn't know what was that, but it seemed alive so you took it in. Then you looked at them, and traveler had weird, shocked look on their face and Zhongli, well...
I leave the reaction up to you lol
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luke back at it again with the brainrot everyone say thank you luke for the meal 🍽
i am combining these two into one because i can hope you don’t mind ehhehe also snakes are so cute awww look at that tiny lil face i wanna boop that lil snoot <3 who's a good snakey snakey??? yes you are!!! <3
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zhongli can feel it, the energy of a fellow mythical beast, and so that’s why he’s so antsy, looking around the vicinity like an animal who smelled a nearby predator and is trying to locate it. their presence is unwelcome in the city - in what used to be his city.
when you show them the egg, zhongli is tempted to yank it off you and fling it away towards the mountains because a xiushe definitely does not belong in a human abode. mildly concerned for your safety, he tells you that it’s a beast that can grow into an extremely massive size, said to be able to even swallow a primo geovishap whole. and he tells you that he will gladly relieve it from your hand.
now, obviously, you don’t know zhongli well enough yet, and even though you’ve heard of people singing praises to him, you’ve gotten a little attached to the egg, so you’re reluctant to part with it. i mean, sure, a funeral parlor consultant’s knowledge must be pretty extensive, but does he really know what he’s talking about in this case? you’ve heard about him being broke and having to borrow people’s money - what if he just wants to take the egg and sell it for some mora??
but then the traveler who is your friend also nods along and tries to convince you to let go of the egg, saying something about how it didn’t feel “right” and that you can trust zhongli, because he definitely knows what he’s talking about…. so with a pout, you pat the egg one last time and tries to hand it over to zhongli.
- the thing is, when you were about to do this, it starts to crack along the golden markings. you freak out because you thought you damaged the egg from your pats. zhongli and traveler internally freak out because “oh shit it’s hatching are we too late oh crap oh fu-”.
a golden-colored snake head pops out from the top, a pair of unnaturally tiny horns jutting right above its big beady red eyes, which were intensely staring right at you. a familiar sounding chirp cuts the tense silence.
it’s…. very adorable.
safe to say that you decided to keep the little one despite the two people’s insistence for you not to. zhongli tells you a xiushe is most definitely not a pet, but how can you believe him when the little thing keeps bumping onto your hand gently, asking for head pats? in the end, you tell him that if he’s that worried, he’s more than welcome to check in with you every now and then, to make sure everything is fine and dandy and the beast hasn’t swallowed you whole or something.
... which is the beginning of how you and zhongli started spending more time together. xiuxiu is always with you (truly, you possess a superb naming sense) third-wheeling much to zhongli’s displeasure. both of you slowly realize that you’re enjoying each other’s company very much, and your relationship develops further in a slow-burn, feels-steady-move-slow kind of way; from mere acquaintances of a friend to actual friends to best friends to dating-but-not-really to finally-dating to unofficially-married.
and throughout it all, zhongli absolutely adores you, he really does….. he just wishes you would stop bringing the snake beast on your dates.
the irritating reptile clearly knows of his draconic ancestry and has a personal vendetta against him. whenever he's around you, the lesser reptile makes it its job to rile him up. always wrapping itself around your body in some way or another, hissing whenever he gets too close- he swears he saw it smiling, perched smugly on top of your head when you tell him that you have to get home because it’s feeding time for your cute xiuxiu.
zhongli’s seen the snake wandering out in the fields and swallowing a whole darn hilichurl. he really thinks it can feed itself just fine.
“are you sure that’s xiuxiu? maybe you mistook it for a snake monster? i mean, look, ‘li! he’s so tiny! how can he eat a whole hilichurl, aren’t they the size of human children?”
he’s been waiting for the right time to tell you about his past, but at these times he’s so tempted to just blurt it out. maybe even transform into his dragon form, so you’ll finally believe him when he says your cute little xiuxiu’s actual body has now enabled it to eat an adult human being if it so wishes.
well, at least he sleeps better at night knowing you’re safe cuddling with your clingy snake child… though he wishes it was him you’re cuddling instead... (literally the "Ah Yes. Me. My s/o. And Their Sentient Reptilian Mythical Beast" meme sldfjlsjdfk)
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© genshrineimpact / shourin | 2022 ◆ no repost. reblogs much appreciated. feel free to reach out to submit suggestions, feedback, comments, or if you just want to talk!
672 notes · View notes
“Well, We’re Getting There” Steven Universe x Female reader story
3- Let’s Explore!
Word count- 4,771
Chapt 2/ chapt 4
It’s been a few hours now and the stores are starting to open. Y/n finished hanging up her clothes pretty early since not every piece came. She tried to fall asleep, but didn’t have anywhere comfortable to sleep at since there are no beds, mattresses, or couches in the house.
Y/n is currently getting dressed and ready to head down town to a store. They all needed some extra supplies to help them get more..comfortable while waiting for their stuff to arrive from the moving van.
Y/n ran down the stairs and was met with an excited Ruby. “I can’t wait to explore this town! Maybe we’ll meet new friends!” Ruby said. And when she said “new friends” she doesn’t mean people, she meant critters and other animals that can be found.
”Yeah, we can look for some later. But I wanna explore the town a little bit first.” Y/n said walking into the kitchen with Ruby by her side.
”Good mourning girls. Let’s get ready to go yeah?” Henry said walking out the door.
”What about breakfast?” Ruby asked. Sad that she is missing out on her favorite meal of the day.
”I think you two should try to eat out around here? Try some new food from a restaurant to get use to living here you know? It’s a small town so this may help you get use to your surroundings.” Henry said with a smile.
”Ok, how are we going to get there go? We don’t exactly have a way of transportation besides the bus.” Y/n asked.
” Well since Beach city is just a small town, we can just walk to our destinations! And it’ll be good for your heart too.” Henry told them .
They both groaned. Ever since Henry adopted them, he has been telling them things that would help their heart. Well, just Y/n’s since Ruby doesn’t have a literal heart. Guess that’s what happens when you have a heart surgeon as a father.
”Alright you two let’s head off!” Henry said after grabbing his wallet and house keys.
”Coming!” Both the girls said running out the door behind Henry. They were excited to say the least. They get to explore a whole different place! 
As they walked down the street, they were heading up a road instead of down. That’s where the girls wanted to explore at.
”Hey we’re not going down there?” Y/n said pointing to the street that led to the boardwalk.
“Yeah we wanna go down there.” Ruby exclaimed.
” Don’t worry. After we’re done getting the supplies, you two can head on over to explore more of the actual town in Beach City.” Henry said as he continued to walk up the street while both of the girls looked at each other and smiled, soon rushing off behind Henry. 
“Okay , so we need to head down to a store that sells bedding supplies “. Henry said going onto google searching on the maps for a store.
“I thought we already have that stuff” Y/n asked confused. 
“Well yes we do, but it won’t be here until Thursday.” Henry said. It was currently Monday. “So we need some sleeping bags and pillows for the next few night. Plus we need food too.” 
All three of them arrived at a near by store that was average sized. They walked in and were greeted by an employee. They walked over to the camping section, and looked over at the sleeping bags.
”Ok girls. Pick any sleeping bag you want. I’m going to go shopping for some food.” Henry said waving them off and walking away. 
Y/n picked a dark green one and Ruby picked a red one.  They were both chatting for a bit until a few people approached them.
”Hey I haven’t seen you here before. You here for a vacation?” A girl asked. She had a striped red and white shirt with round gold earrings. She had long skinny jeans on that were a light blue. She also came with two others. One had white hair with a blue jacket. He also had some big orange pants. The other had brown hair with shades covering his eyes. He had a white t shirt with a lightning bolt and a red jacket to go over it.
” Oh yeah we’re new. But we’re not visiting we just moved here.” Ruby said. 
“Oh really? We never get any permanent guests?” The girl said putting her fingers up to her mouth. “ Oh how rude of me, I forgot to tell you guys our names. I’m Jenny.” She pointed to herself. “ That’s Sour Cream” she pointed to the guy with white hair.
”Sup” he said casually.
”And that’s Buck” she pointed to the dude with shades on.
”Hey” he said cooly.
”Well it’s nice to meet you Jenny, Sour Cream, and Buck. I’m Ruby and this is my sister Y/n!” Ruby said excitedly. Sister? Ruby barely used that term for their friendship. They have been together ever since Y/n was a toddler, but it still surprises her. 
“Nice to meet you too, you know… you look sort of…familiar .” Jenny said putting a hand on her chin and squatting down to look at Ruby.” Oh that’s it!” She snapped her fingers. “  You look like Steven and his aunts.” Jenny said standing up.
Aunts? Since when does Ruby look like an Aunt, nevertheless a human? Y/n and Ruby stood their for a second looking at each other and then back at the other three that had been standing there. 
“Where are they?” Ruby asked. 
“Over by the beach. I’m sure Steven will be delighted to meet two new people.” Buck said slightly smiling and pointing towards the beach. 
“Hey you, Y/n right?” Jenny asked Y/n.
”Yes?” Y/n responded questioning.
”Wanna come hang with us tonight night? We’re gonna have a campfire and sleeping out in the old corn field by the barn. “ Jenny asked Y/n.
”What about Ruby? Y/n asked.
”How about you go without me? You should make more friends! This is perfect! When your getting ready to hang out with them, I can go see Steven and his Aunts.” Ruby said excitedly. She was practically jumping off the ground.
”Yeah listen to the red kid”. Buck said with a hand in his pocket.
”….Ok. I’ll go.” Y/n said hesitantly.
”Woo. Ok we can pick you up at 8:30 pm at ‘Fish Stew Pizza’ k? “ Jenny said while the other two grabbed some supplies.
”Sure” Y/n said 
“You don’t talk much do you?” Sour cream asked while holding flashlights and lighters.
”Not really” Y/n stated holding Ruby’s hand.
”GIRLS” Both of the girls turned around hearing Henry’s voice. Y/n was relieved and started to walk away.
” It was nice meeting you guys! See you later!” Ruby exclaimed and ran off with Y/n.
”Are you two ready to leave?” Henry asked putting the food he had chosen onto the self scanner.
”Ye-“ Ruby started, only to be interrupted by Y/n.
”Yes” Y/n said rather quickly. Y/n would be lying if said she wasn’t uncomfortable during the chat she had with Jenny and her friends. Most kids at her old school in California stayed away from her. They new about her different families since they lived in a small town. This was a new experience that Y/n did not like or even wants to try to get use to.
Ruby looked at Y/n and saw something that she hasn’t seen in years. Fear. Y/n was scared. Ruby grabbed Y/n’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. Henry finished putting everything in bags and told the girls to follow him.
”You alright?” Ruby asked looking at Y/n.
”Yeah I’m fine” Y/n responded quickly.
”You know, I don’t have to go meet the ge-“ Ruby was once again cut off by Y/n.
”No no. You should go meet them. I have never seen someone like you before so this may be a good sign. Even if it is just weird aunts, it’s worth a shot?” Y/n questioned Ruby and herself.
”Ok. But if you don’t feel comfortable you don’t have to go. You can come with me!”
Y/n knew that she should go with Ruby, but she wants to give Ruby a chance to make her own friends. Since Y/n had nobody to hang out with or even want to talk to her besides Ruby, Ruby hasn’t been able to make any other friends besides Y/n. Even though Y/n is a bit worried of her close friend, she trusts that she won’t do anything bad. The only problem is that she hasn’t been more than 50 feet away from Ruby in years.
The three of them were walking down the street to their new house so Henry can put away the groceries. They soon came to their street and Henry opened the door. Y/n put the groceries onto the counter and waited for Ruby. 
“Okay. I’m going to put these away . You two can go and explore. And here.” Henry handed them some money. Both the girls looked at him confused. “I think you two might get hungry. So use that to buy whatever! I’ll let you eat Junk food this one time.” Henry said.
Y/n and Ruby’s faces lit up. Since their new father is a age art surgeon, he doesn’t let them eat too much sugar. The frappechinos at the airport were the only sugary thing they’ve eaten all week. Nonetheless, junk food was never aloud at their house, so they were lucky today! Even though Ruby doesn’t exactly have a heart, she still listens to her adoptive father to show respect.
”Thanks!” They both said together. Henry chuckled as Y/n and Ruby started to leave the kitchen and out the front door.
”DON’T FORGET TO CHECK YOUR PHONES!” Henry yelled at them.
”OK!” Ruby yelled back at him while they both headed down the street. “Where to first?” Ruby asked Y/n.
”Let’s head down to the boardwalk. That’s the only place by the beach that actually has things to look at. Unless you wanna look at peoples houses.” Y/n joked and Ruby laughed.
”Okay! Off to the boardwalk!” Ruby said rather loudly running down the street.
”Wait! Ruby a car could be coming!” Y/n said following Ruby trying to catch up with her.
Once Y/n caught up with Ruby, they chatted for a bit and came close to the beach. Once they walked across the street, they were in front of a donut shop.
”Big Donut. Huh” Y/n said aloud with her hand on her chin. Now that’s a creative name isn’t it?” Y/n joked again.
”Ha! Wanna go inside? We’ve got money and I would really like to eat one! We haven’t ate one of these in months!” Ruby said excitedly.
Y/n and Ruby loved donuts, even if it made them feel sick after. Donuts was a food source for Y/n when she was little. Her caretakers after had donuts with them so she took a couple every time she was hungry. Ruby wanted to try some too. Ever since that day, they both loved donuts. But they haven’t ate any since they were back at the adoption center.
Y/n and Ruby walked into the shop and the door gave a little ding. Standing at the counter was a short girl and a boy. The girl had medium blond hair. The boy had brownish orange hair with big earring holes cut out in his ears. Both were wearing a blue shirt with a donut on it.
Y/n and Ruby both walked up to the counter to place their orders. “Hello welcome to the big donut.” The girl said. She looked at you both and gave a confused face. “ I’ve never seen you two here before. Are you a friend of Steven’s? “ She asked.
”No we haven’t met him yet. Why do you think we are?” Y/n asked curiously.
”Oh it’s because she looks like one of the gems.” She said pointing at Ruby. Gems?! So they are like her. This makes Y/n and Ruby even more curious than before.
” She is a gem, but she’s never met them yet.” Y/n responded. “ Can I have that donut please?” Y/n said pointing at a F/D.
“Yes. I’m Sadie by the way” She said while putting a donut into a bag. “Do you want one too?” She asked Ruby .
”Yes please. I’ll take that one.” She pointed at a strawberry glazed donut.
”Ok here you go.” She handed them their donuts. “That’ll be 6.78” she said and the girls gave her money. “Wait. I didn’t catch you names.” 
“I’m Y/n and that’s Ruby. We just moved here.” Y/n said taking a bite of her donut. 
“Nice to meet you you two hope we can meet up la-“ she was cut off by the boy.
”Jeez. Could you two hurry up? Your holding up the line!” The boy said pointing behind him. There was a line of people who didn’t look to happy.
”Oh yeah sorry we’ll leave now. It was nice meeting you Sadie . See you later. “ Y/n said walking out of the shop with Ruby. “ Well that was embarrassing “ she said walking further down the boardwalk.
Ruby chuckled “ Hehe, yeah it was wasn’t it? Hey! I’ve never seen you speak to someone like that before.”
”Yeah I don’t know why but I felt like i can trust her you know?” Y/n questioned not only Ruby but herself.
”Nope!” Ruby said with an innocent grin on her face. Y/n chuckled at the scene.
Both girls wondered down the boardwalk more and saw many shops. They decided that they should sit in a nearby bench and finish eating their donuts. 
“You wanna check out the other buildings here?” Ruby asked taking the last bite of her donut.
”No, we can do that another time. We aren’t gonna buy something from every shop. Plus, we shouldn’t just introduce ourselves to everyone.” Y/n said wiping her hands on her pants.” We still need to get back home too. We’ll just me I guess. Your gonna go meet the other gems soon right?” Y/n asked.
”Yep! Oh speaking of which, it’s already almost 4:00. You should head back and get ready with your new friends!” Ruby said.
”Yeah…new friends.” Y/n said in a not so excited voice.
”It’ll be okay. And if you feel uncomfortable, then just text me and I’ll make up an excuse of why you can’t be there.” Ruby stated with a shrug and got off her seat.
” Okay. I think I can do that. The same goes for you though. If you don’t wanna talk to those gems anymore. Text me too k? Y/n said holding out her fist.
”k” Ruby replied back and did a fist bump with Y/n. “I’m gonna head off now” Ruby told Y/n
”Do you know where your going? “ Y/n asked.
”I’ll just ask one of the employees or citizens here. You go home and don’t worry about little me.” Ruby brushed Y/n away.
”If you say so. Don’t forget to check your phone. I’m serious. I will find you.” And that was the last thing Ruby heard from Y/n after she walked away down the boardwalk.
Ruby wasn’t going to lie, she felt a bit scared going to meet new people without Y/n . Sure , Ruby had been on earth for most of her life, but she still isn’t that great when it comes to meeting them.
Ruby went to a fry shop. There was a young boy behind the counter with blond hair that looked like fries. Ruby approached him with a smile.
”Hi there! I’m Ruby and I’m wondering where I can find the home of Steven?” Ruby asked the boy, standing on her tippy toes. 
“Oh hi. I’m Petey, and Stevens house is right around the corner of the beach.” He said pointing at the side of the beach with a cliff near it. “ It’s a beach house and the only actual house on the beach. It shouldn’t be hard to miss.” 
“Okay. Thanks and nice to meet you “ Ruby yelled running over to the beach. She was excited. She hasn’t met another gem in years, nonetheless other gems rather than other Ruby soldiers. The only problem was, she didn’t know what she was about to get herself into.
Steven was currently lying on his bed, doing absolutely nothing. After the events with Lapis draining the whole ocean and his dad faking his broken leg, he needed a break. Luckily, there were no missions to go on with the gems so he can sit back and relax. 
Pearl and Amethyst were squabbling about something on the couch. Like always. And Garnet was just leaning on the counter listening to Pearl and Amethyst fight. Steven let out a loud sigh and sat up.
“Pearl. Amethyst. Stop fighting your bothering Steven.” Garnet said in her usual monotone voice.
“No it’s not them. It’s Lapis . She caused so much damage and just left.” Steven said rather sadly.
”Steven, it will be alright. You did the right thing. But we cannot worry about her any much longer. We must focus on what needs to be done to protect humanity.” Pearl said trying to cheer up Steven. 
“Yeah Ste-man. Don’t worry about water girl. We got this under control.” Amethyst shrugged and Pearl had an irritated face on .
”Yeah. I think you guys might be right. Thanks.” Steven said looking at the gems.
”No problem.” Garnet said with a straight face.
Their chat was soon interrupted by a knock on the door. 
“Hello” Ruby said through the glass door.
The gems were silent for a minute, before opening the glass door harshly. Luckily, Ruby moved out of the way just before it hit her.
” Hi I’m Ru-“ She was cut off with a sharp whip to her face.” Owww! Hey what are y-“ once again, she was cut off. But this time she was thrown all the way down the stairs onto the sand.” Uhhh” Ruby groaned on impact.
”It’s a Ruby soldier from Homeworld!” Garnet said summoning her fists. “ Get her!” Garnet yelled at Pearl and Amethyst while they were all jumping down from the deck. Steven was still by the front door, watching the battle below him.
”Guys wait ! She may not be bad!” Steven tried to tell them while running down the stairs.
”Stay out of this Steven ! You don’t know what she’s capable of!” Pearl said with her spear in hand.
Ruby got up and tried to run off, but Ametugit in front of her and tied her to her whip. “ AHHHHH!! Let. Me . Go!” Ruby said as she struggled to get loose from the whip.
”Yeah, no!” Amethyst said as she managed to throw Ruby far.
”AHHHH!” Ruby screamed as she fell on the floor once again. Ruby got up and hid behind a near by rock while she can hear the foot steps of the larger gem. She took her phone out of her gem, and started to text Y/n. But before she could send anything, Garnet came and grabbed her phone, crushing it in the process. She knew that she was doomed now.
Y/n was done packing up her supplies. She was still terrified to go, but she wanted Ruby to have a chance at meeting people just like her. Speaking of Ruby, Y/n hasn’t got a single text from her yet. She grabbed her phone and opened the messages app. 
You: hey just checking up on u.
You: u ok? why aren’t I answering me?
Still no response . This started to worry Y/n a lot. She opened her phone tracking app and looked at Ruby’s profile. It was disconnected. That really scared Y/n. She feared that Ruby was gone or hurt. She immediately got up and ran out of the house.
”Y/n?! Where are you going?!” Henry yelled as she ran out the front door. She didn’t care if she would be lectured later by Henry. The only thing she cared about right now was to find her best friend . She ran ran down the road ignoring all the honking and people screaming at her to get out of the way.
She soon came upon the boardwalk and dashed down it, stopping to ask a question.
”WHERES……STEVEN’S……HOUSE!!!” She said between pants to Petey. 
“Uhhh, right around the corner ma’am?” Petey said slightly weirded out by the fact a girl was practically screaming in his face.
Without a thank you, she ran down the beach, only to slow down to catch her breath a little.
Ruby was struggling to stay up. She kept getting attacked over and over again, she didn’t want to fight anymore.
”UHHH! Why isn’t she poofing!!!!” Amethyst said angrily.
”She’s a Ruby, they are meant to be body guards and take hits like this.” Pearl said holding up her spear. 
“She can’t stay like this forever. We’ll get her soon” Garnet said walking over to Ruby once again.
”Guys stop! You don’t know if she’s still with homeworld!” Steven said jumping in front of Ruby defensively.
”How do you know that?!” Pearl asked rather loudly.
”Because why would she not be attacking you right now? She hasn’t attacked at all! And if she had an army or some kind of weapon, wouldn’t she have already used it?” Steven asked the gems. Pearl and Amethyst seemed to think for a moment, before Garnet stepped in.
”Steven” Garnet said looking at Steven. “ I do not care. Sorry Steven , but we cannot be to sure about this”. And with one last hard hit, Ruby’s gem hit the floor, with no body around it.
Steven picked up the gem and looked at it for a bit, then said some words.
”I’m sorry Ruby, but your in a safer space now”. He said bubbling the gem, before he gets a huge punch to the face.
”OWWWW” Steven whined. The punch was so hard, Ruby’s gem fell out of the almost made bubble.
”STEVEN! I TOLD YOU THEY HAD OTHER GEM MEMBERS!!!!” Pearl screamed as she ran over to help Steven. 
“ Uhhhh, P? That’s not a gem.” Amethyst said looking in Y/n’s direction.
”Wha?” Pearl said as she turned around to see Y/n picking up the Ruby’s gem. Y/n was devastated. She couldn’t believe that her best friend was attacked, and it was her fault. She shouldn’t have left Ruby alone. She should’ve went with her. But right now was not the time to grieve over her friend, she had bigger problems to deal with.
Y/n looked down at the gem and put it in her pocket, then looked up at Steven and the gems with pure anger in her eyes. That did frighten Steven , and even Pearl a bit. She had never seen any human with such hatred on their eyes.
”E-Excuse me? I need to take that-“ Steven said walking over to Y/n, to earn another punch in the face. This time he was punched in the nose, which was bleeding.
”STEVEN!” Pearl and Amethyst yelled together getting their weapons back out. Garnet walked up to Y/n without her weapon. Then she just picked up Y/n by the shirt.
”Give her to us.” Garnet said in her monotone voice. She was trying to be more intimidating to scare the floors into giving up the gem, but that was not happening anytime soon.
”NO!” Y/n yelled at Garnet. Garnet only tightened her grip on the girls shirt.
”Give her to-“ Garnet was cut off with a pinch to her face, making her drop the girl.
”GARNET!” Steven yelled to her. Her shades fell off and it showed three very angry eyes.
”What the?” Y/n mumbled to herself. Then she remembered why she was here right now. She got up from the ground , but quickly got pulled by Garnet, holding her up in the air again.
” I will give you one more chance before we force it out of your grasp” Garnet said with and angered tone.
”I don’t care! You can kill me if you have to! Just don’t hurt my sister!” Y/n yelled at the tall gem. 
“Sister?” Steven said to himself, then he realized something. “Wait Garnet! Put her down! “ Steven yelled at her as he ran over to her leg. “You know Ruby?” Steven asked Y/n . “ H-How long?” 
“Ten years.” Once Garnet heard that , she dropped the girl to the ground. Steven rushed to Y/n’s side.
”Are you okay! Wow you really lived with another gem? How did you guys meet? Are you two new here? Wanna be friends? Oh let me help you up-“ Steven asked a bunch of questions. When he tried to help Y/n up, she slapped his hand away and got up herself. Steven was confused for a moment, but then saw the anger in her eyes.
Y/n was still pissed. She couldn’t believe that this kid wanted to be friends with her, right after his friends attacked her and her best friend.
”Friend’s? With you? Never.” Y/n snarled at Steven. Steven was taken back by the comment. 
“ Sorry , we just didn’t know if we could trust he-“ he was cut off by Y/n, luckily not a punch this time.
”Trust her?! So you brutally beat her up until her form was gone?!!!” Y/n yelled at Steven.
” I don’t think you understand! We are the Crystal gems. We protect life on earth and-“ Pearl stated to the angry human. 
“Protect life on earth? It doesn’t seem like you “protect life on earth” . Your doing a pretty horrible job at it!” Y/n yelled at Pearl. Pearl looked frustrated and was about to speak up until Garnet stopped her.
” I’m leaving. I don’t want to be here with the” Crystal gems protectors of earth “ . Hope you have a horrible rest of you life.” Y/n said as she walked away from the gems. “ I knew it was a bad idea to move here” Y/n said to herself, but she didn’t know that the gems could still hear her. 
Steven looked really upset, like he was punched in the heart. Well, he was punched, just not in the heart. 
“Some nerve that human has! Coming here to just barge in on our duties!” Pearl yelled angrily as she walked back to the temple. 
“Yeesh I know. At least it’s finally over now.” Amethyst said as she walked with her arms behind her head up to the temple as well.
”Steven just stood there devastated. He thought he could get along with someone new, but didn’t think he would loose two potential friends. Garnet saw the sadness on his face, she made her way over to Steven.
”Don’t worry Steven , she’ll get over it soon. And then maybe you can become good friends.” Garnet reassured him.
”Okay, thanks Garnet”. Steven said with a smile.
”Hmmm. No problem “ Garnet said with a slight smile adjusting her shades. She started up the stairs and Steven followed after her. Steven was excited to see Y/n and Ruby again , even if Y/n beat him up pretty badly, he k ew that everything will turn out okay. That’s what he thought at least. 
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König HCs
Because why not lads. These are some of my personal ones regarding the lore I’ve put together for him. TW: untreated mental illness, childhood neglect, burn injuries, surgical trauma. Uh, some other shit, too, probably. Idfk reader beweader you’re in for a sceader.
Bro has BPD. It covers a lot of the beloved fanon interpretation of him being clingy and hot/cold and scared of being left. He’s got Fear Of Abandonment Syndrome, and he’s like 10% more likely to make a fucky wucky on himself and end up sleeping in the forever box.
Source: I have it and my baby girl only gets the best of the worst from me.
H a t e s d o c t o r s. And hospitals, and surgical procedures, and anything of the like. He’s probably already got more health issues than a blue blood racehorse just from his sheer size alone - prone to heart issues and musculoskeletal strain - but there’s no way on god’s green earth that he hasn’t been through a handful of major procedures because he’s diagnosed with human knife block and bullet sponge disorders respectively.
Sub-point A: born with a cleft palette and lip. Palette was corrected, has a turned second incisor as a result. Lip was botched. Pulled a pot of boiling sugar off a stove and burnt a big-ass portion of his face, neck, chest, and stomach. Multiple painful reconstructive and corrective surgeries to deal with keloid scarring.
Sub-point B: psychology might help OTHER people, but HE is built DIFFERENT. He’s not crazy, you see, and if you suggest otherwise you’ll suddenly develop a case of Backpfeifengesicht and he’ll provide the violence. DBT? That’s Dick and Ball Torture, babey.
Despite this, he lies through his teeth at psych evals. He knows the “right” answers, and he is not going to get his livelihood taken away from him, even if it’s not exactly what he wanted. If he’s answering for his own actions, he can swerve and intuit what thing will calm things down the most and get him the smallest punishment.
Developed most of his wheedling skills as a kid, parents were neglectful as shit. Mostly disregarded him during his upbringing. Youngest of three, an eldest sister and a brother. Not in contact with any of them.
He’s 34. I don’t know if I’ve accepted him being a Colonel into my heart as my lord and savior, I’m still figuring that one out until there’s more concrete canon material besides a loading screen.
Grew up in a hoarder house of apathy, alcoholism, and depression and it was DISGUSTING. Black mold, water damage, trash everywhere, travel lanes carved through the most useless fucking junk. His parents bred Doberman dogs to sell as guard/security dogs, and some lived in the house, adding to the filth and destruction. He can’t stand a dirty house, and as an adult has an insane cleaning routine. Often stress cleans. You could eat off his bathroom floors.
He Does Not Like Dogs. Period. He especially hates Dobermans. He doesn’t like dog breeders worth a fuck either, good or bad.
Did not have any sort of media or anything as a kid. Parents didn’t spend money on tech or pop culture stuff, they were kind of stuck 30 years behind everyone else. His parents were older when he was born, he was very unplanned and not particularly warmly welcomed. Kept himself entertained out in the boonies, did a lot of reading, learned to juggle, learned to juggle knives. Had a big brokedown half-draft horse to take the kennel dogs on longer walks in the country, horsebacked a lot.
Soon as he was in the army, away from his family home, and living on his own, he got his first cell phone and computer and pretty much started living on the internet. He’s self taught in a couple of programming languages, very tech literate, halfway kind of lives on Reddit (narrowly swerved getting redpilled, thank fuck) on his personal time, and built his own PC set up. Built one for Horangi, too, and gives Stiletto advice on her own build when she asks for it.
Bc I said so, everyone I love hates Klaus. All my homies fuckin hate Klaus.
König was raised secular Jewish, really doesn’t know all that much about it and didn’t get a bris or bar mitzvah, it’s just like Yeah That’s What I Put On Papers to him. Klaus is always getting in his shit about Austria and WW2. König’s grandparents made it out of the camps and went on to become: a microbiologist, a professor at the Austrian University of Veterinary Medicine, a multi term mayor of a small village/candy maker, and a beloved homemaker. The brilliance of the family seemed to leech out with each passing generation, and König sees himself as the dead end of it all.
König has rocked Klaus’s shit about the shitty jokes before and will do it again.
Favorite rugby club is South Africa, and he has an intense crush on Faf de Klerk even though he’s been traded to Japan. He’s kind of hot for all scrum halves tho lbr here.
Lunch break is over and this is ridiculous, will probably do more later.
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sweet-honey-tears · 1 year
Could you do the gift series for Shinso?
Hi! Thank you so much for your request! 🤍 I would love to do this one, he’s actually one of my favorites! 🤭🤍I did take this in a different direction from my past ones. It’s more so a concept then gift but I do like it. Sorry if this wasn’t what you wanted tho. OH the reader also their ears pierced - if you don’t just imagine them(the earrings) as being magnet ones! Feel free to leave request!
💝Gifts To and From🐈‍⬛
Hitoshi Shinso x GenderNeutral Reader
Part 4, 3, 2, 1 FLUFFF
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I feel like he would buy you mittens. They would be soft, thick, and warm. Like you can tell they’re expensive by just the look of them. They're wool, with soft insides. They’re indigo, that beautiful dark purple-blue with black stitching..
Shinso is an underground hero, he takes night patrols quite often and notices you on those nights. You’ll walk his route, stopping by a certain bus stop to see him. He’s scared you a few times, his capture weapon wrapping around your mid section before you’re enclosed in his arms.
There was one instance he tried to pull the spider man kiss thing- yeah no that didn’t work out well. His scarf, which was wrapped around his leg and arm- unraveled. You heard an ‘oof’ and then saw him on the ground, sitting with his scarf around him.
He realized then, when your icey hands touched his face, that he needed to get youmittens
Shinso also likes to get big- like huge - sweatshirts. It’s an inside joke- one you're still kinda embarrassed at. It was back when you both were still at UA. You hadn’t slept in days and where so dazed that you didn’t notice your boyfriend wasn't under a huge blanket, no- it was an oversized sweatshirt. (The one you order him- in the wrong size) Shinso, to his credit, did put his hands on your shoulder to try and push you off, saying:
“Kitten I don’t think-“
“Herg!” You had protested,m.
You only realize your mistake when you could get your head threw the top of the blanket... but you had been to exhausted to care at that moment. You just collapsed on his toned chest, your cheek pressing into his pec. His hands ran over your back. “Huh, tired kitten? Don’t worry, you can stay there. Actually, it's kind of comfortable.” Your arms wrapped around his toned body as you fell asleep.
Nowadays though, with the size of his body(specifically his chest and arms in this case) it’s frickin HARD to find a sweatshirt that can fit both of you. With either you laying on him or the other way around. So when he does find one, it’s exciting.
You make his heart beat so fast when you lay against him like that.
You’re so close.
You trust him- you talk to him
His Lock Screen, to your horror, is a picture of you inside his hoodie. Your face smushed to his chest, listening to his heartbeat as you sleep. He took the picture from the top, having to angle his phone in the neck hole to get it. He knows you don’t exactly like it- but you stopped saying anything when he told you why he had it as his Lock Screen.
“I like seeing you every time I check my phone. No matter what message I get, I get to see your pretty face kitten. It makes it better.”
Shinso also has a thing for jewelry. It's a way to express himself more. He hid his style and personality a lot in his early days at UA. A powerful fear and disgust about being called a villain… especially since his style is less then bright and pastel-y he never really learned his likes and dislikes in fashion and self-expression.
It started with rings: you watched him pick them up and try them before leaving the booth that was selling them. You got him those.
He didn’t take them off.
You also got him a shiny obsidian ring as well. The words ‘I Love You’ engraved on it.
You smiled at him, the sweet, bright smile when he bought himself his first set of string bracelet. You grabbed his wrist later on that night when: “They look really nice on you Shin.” You had said, kissing his inner wrist. Yeah, he turned beat red- but damn he felt… confident? Good?
You motivated him- and kinda forced him to go through with it when he told you he wanted to get his ears pierced. He had wavered a bit at the door to the pricing place.
He and you have a matching set of clay cat earrings you got him. They’re orange tabby cats with little googly eyes. Your Home Screen is of you, hanging on his shoulders. Your faces are pushed together so the camera can get your matching earrings.
You asked him a couple of months about what he wanted for his birthday… he told nothing. You got him the best gift- you gave him was your support and love. Without that…. He never would have grown.
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angolicious · 1 year
At what are the flags packing?
They are all packing their bags to come sleep at my house.
Okay I’m sorry- for real though- I’m gonna put my thoughts under the cut because it’s definitely nsfw
Piano man:
Definitely considerable size. Enough to make you ache a little bit but not anything that’s absolutely going to destroy you. He’s got more length than girth i think. Probably somewhere around 7 inches hard. I always try to be somewhat reasonable with these. Some people really come out here and say everyone’s got an 8-9 inch dick and i just don’t think that’s reasonable or plausible. So yeah… I’m going to say about 7 inches when hard. It’s got a nicely flushed pink head, and it curves up a little bit. He’s got a small vein running up the left side. Piano man’s skill comes not from his length however, but from his knowledge of how to use that thing. That man is packing a weapon and a nice cock isn’t the only thing under his belt. He has EXPERIENCE. I think he’s well trimmed as far as grooming goes. He likes to keep things neat down there.
Listen i don’t think this man is exactly packing… but he’s got energy okay? He’ll give it his all. I’ll average him out at about six inches when hard. He’s got a little more girth than length but nothing painful. But like- he’s got a NICE set of balls. That man was meant to Breed and I’ll say it as it is. His tip is always nice and flushed when he gets aroused, it will get a deep pink. He curves to the left very subtly but it’s not terribly noticeable. He’s super sensitive just below his head on the underside and if you rub it with your thumb he’ll yelp. Sometimes he gets a little too rough with the thrusts in bed so you have to tap him and tell him to chill the fuck out. He gets a little over excited. Probably once thrusted you straight off the bed into the floor. As far as grooming goes i don’t think it’s something he pays a whole lot of mind to, but he’s also not really a person who naturally grows much. If you have a problem with it and tell him to trim it he absolutely will.
Pretty dick for a pretty boy. That shit looks delicate. It’s all tinted a very faint cute pink with a nice red head. Very little body hair. He’s got a very small amount of fuzz but it’s more like peach fuzz than anything. He’s got a dick that was meant for the screen. If he ever decided to stop acting in movies he’d be great in porn. Anywho- 👀… his balls aren’t especially big or heavy either, they’re a good size. He’s got a little vein on the underside of his cock, but it’s nothing huge. I think he’s got a bit of experience under his belt, but not as much as you would expect him to have. Lippmann could probably get laid with a different woman every night of the week if he wanted to but he chooses not to. He prefers to be in a relationship with whoever he’s fucking except for rare occasions. Lippmann believes in romance but sometimes even he gets pent up and needs a good fuck. His dick is probably suuuper sensitive though so it’s really easy to flip him over and get him moaning and squirming. He’s a good switch. He prefers gentle touches over super firm ones. They just get him going more.
Probably has the smallest in the group but PLEASE do not sell this man short. He’s insecure enough already, god forbid you said anything. He probably takes months to work up to taking off his clothes in front of you. If you make a comment on his dick he may just put them right back on and leave. Leave the room. Leave the house. Leave the relationship. Please treat this man with care. He’s not big in the sex scene but he desperately craves that intimacy- but that’s not what this is about. I think doc is probably 4.5-5 inches when hard, and he curves a little bit to the left. His dick is pretty pale which makes his veins more evident, and his tip flushed a pale pink, almost purple when he’s aroused. He’s sensitive- but i imagine he’s sensitive most everywhere, not just his cock. He really likes when you focus your attention on the head when giving him handjobs/blowjobs. And let’s be honest- those little hips are GRIPPABLE. But like please be gentle because he’s fragile. You normally end up having to ride him. But, even though his dick game isn’t spectacular. You should know those surgeons hands MORE than make up for it. He knows how to have you seeing stars in minutes, and sometimes when he knows he doesn’t have the strength to thrust into you, he pulls you up to lay across his lap in bed and just- sends you to god with his hands. He’s another one who i don’t think is especially well groomed, it’s just not something he cares to do because he isn’t usually worried about sleeping with anyone. If you ask him to, though. He will.
Listen. This man is HUGE. And he is girthy too. Iceman is the definition of ‘can split you in two’. He’s about 8.5 inches when hard and he’s got a heavy pair of balls that will undoubtedly smack against you when he’s going to town. This man is always gentle when you two are in bed together, though. He knows how big he is and he doesn’t plan to play around with that. Hes well aware he can hurt you. So he always goes slow, and asks if you’re okay once he’s about half way inside you. He stops and asks again once he’s fully inside, and only then does he start moving. His thrusts are always somewhat gentle and slow until you tell him (beg him) to speed up. He usually speeds up on his own towards the end when he’s really chasing his high however. Overall doing it with iceman is a 10/10 experience.
I think i figured out how to make it WORK.
Listen. This man is HUGE. And he is girthy too. Iceman is the definition of ‘can split you in two’. He’s about 8.5 inches when hard and he’s got a heavy pair of balls that will undoubtedly smack against you when he’s going to town. This man is ALWAYS gentle when you two have sex though. He knows how big he is and he doesn’t plan to play around with that. Hes well aware he can hurt you. So he always goes slow, and asks if you’re okay once he’s about half way inside you. He stops and asks again once he’s fully inside, and only then does he start moving. His thrusts are always somewhat gentle and slow until you tell him (beg him) to speed up. He usually speeds up on his own towards the end when he’s really chasing his high however. Overall sex with iceman is a 10/10 experience.
Listen. This man is HUNG. HUNG. And he is girthy too. Iceman is the definition of ‘cab split you in two’. He’s about 8.5 inches when hard and he’s got a heavy pair of balls that will undoubtedly smack against you when he’s going to town. This man is ALWAYS gentle when you two have sex though. He knows how big he is and he doesn’t plan to play around with that. Hes well aware he can hurt you. So he always goes slow, and asks if you’re okay once he’s about half way inside you. He stops and asks again once he’s fully inside, and only then does he start moving. His thrusts are always somewhat gentle and slow until you tell him (beg him) to speed up. He usually speeds up on his own towards the end when he’s really chasing his high however. Overall sex with iceman is a 10/10 experience.
Probably has the smallest in the group but PLEASE do not sell this man short. He’s insecure enough already, god forbid you said anything. He probably takes months to work up to taking off his clothes in front of you. If you make a comment on his dick he may just put them right back on and leave. Leave the room. Leave the house. Leave the relationship. Please treat this man with care. He’s not big in the sex scene but he desperately craves that intimacy- but that’s not what this is about. I think doc is probably 4.5-5 inches when hard, and he curves a little bit to the left. His dick is pretty pale which makes his veins more evident, and his tip flushed a pale pink, almost purple when he’s aroused. He’s sensitive- but i imagine he’s sensitive most everywhere, not just his cock. He really likes when you focus your attention on the head when giving him handjobs/blowjobs. And let’s be honest- those little hips are GRIPPABLE. But like please be gentle because he’s fragile. You normally end up having to ride him. But, even though his dick game isn’t spectacular. You should know those surgeons hands MORE than make up for it. He knows how to have you seeing stars in minutes, and sometimes when he knows he doesn’t have the strength to thrust into you, he pulls you up to lay across his lap in bed and just- sends you to god with his hands. He’s another one who i don’t think is especially well groomed, it’s just not something he cares to do because he isn’t usually worried about sleeping with anyone. If you ask him to, though. He will. 0. Iceman: Listen. This man is HUNG. HUNG. And he is girthy too. Iceman is the definition of ‘cab split you in two’. He’s about 8.5 inches when hard and he’s got a heavy pair of balls that will undoubtedly smack against you when he’s going to town. This man is ALWAYS gentle when you two have sex though. He knows how big he is and he doesn’t plan to play around with that. Hes well aware he can hurt you. So he always goes slow, and asks if you’re okay once he’s about half way inside you. He stops and asks again once he’s fully inside, and only then does he start moving. His thrusts are always somewhat gentle and slow until you tell him (beg him) to speed up. He usually speeds up on his own towards the end when he’s really chasing his high however. Overall sex with iceman is a 10/10 experience.
Listen. This man is HUNG. HUNG. And he is girthy too. Iceman is the definition of ‘cab split you in two’. He’s about 8.5 inches when hard and he’s got a heavy pair of balls that will undoubtedly smack against you when he’s going to town. This man is ALWAYS gentle when you two have sex though. He knows how big he is and he doesn’t plan to play around with that. Hes well aware he can hurt you. So he always goes slow, and asks if you’re okay once he’s about half way inside you. He stops and asks again once he’s fully inside, and only then does he start moving. His thrusts are always somewhat gentle and slow until you tell him (beg him) to speed up. He usually speeds up on his own towards the end when he’s really chasing his high however. Overall sex with iceman is a 10/10 experience.
Listen. This man is HUNG. He’s HUNG. Alright? I’m talking like 8.5 inches hard and he’s got GIRTH. This man will split you in fucking two. He’s got those heavy balls too. Overall this man just has monster cock energy. But like- listen. He’s super gentle in bed. He knows he’s big, and it’s not something he has a huge ego about. He’s way more aware of the fact that he could easily hurt you if he isn’t careful, because honestly everything about him is big compared to you. Sex with iceman is often filled with a lot of gentle questions of whether or not your okay. He always slows down once he’s about half way inside you to make sure you’re doing alright, and once he’s sure he still moves slowly unless you request him to speed up. His thrusts are always careful and gentle up until the end when he gets a little carried away. Sex with iceman is 10/10 let’s be real.
Lord have MERCY he’s the man who will split you in half without even having to try. This man is HUNG. 8.5 inches hard and GIRTHY. This man has a veiny, MONSTER COCK. dark pink head that almost looks purple when he’s hard, much like docs. The veins along his cock are all super sensitive so it’s easy to get him going with a good pump of your fist. This man can get a little rough in bed if you ask him to, but he really doesn’t need to with his size. If you don’t explicitly tell him you like it rough though, he’s shockingly so gentle and attentive. Maybe he knows he’s big, because he always waits for you to adjust before he starts moving, and he pets your hair while you get used to his size. He’s always asks you throughout if you’re alright, even when he’s balls deep inside of you. Normally his voice will come out even more husky and strained than usual, and it’s super hot. He keeps himself trimmed and clean but he’s definitely still got some hair and a cute little happy trail that runs up his stomach to his belly button. Over all 10/10. Such a good man.
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dumfanting · 1 year
An Unexpected Survivor
AO3 Link
Rating: T
Warnings: none
Notes: second person PoV, present tense, fem reader but it’s never stated
2308 words
I’m on vacation but I’ve had this written up for a few weeks, I figured it would tide you guys over. Anybody bored of these ‘sideways fics’ yet? I keep thinking I am but then ideas just keep popping up. That said, part two?
Echo/ Reader
You leave Coruscant in an attempt to outrun your ghosts, until you bump into the biggest of them.
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You want to help, need to; it is so ingrained into you that it is almost your entire identity. But you can’t do it anymore. So much pain and death, so many nightmares, all the horrors of war, it had all finally gotten to you. You decide that, as hard as it would be, leaving the GAR behind was the best thing to do for yourself.
Where would you go from there? You have no idea, but as long as it isn’t Coruscant, you don’t care where you wind up. You sell everything you own, save for a few sentimental items and absolute basics, then run to the closest shuttle and disappear.
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That had been years ago, although you don’t know exactly how many. Long enough for the Jedi to be slaughtered and for the Empire to take over, you do at least know that much. You refuse to accept that they were all traitors; you had worked with them for years and never once got the feeling that anything was wrong.
You pause and backtrack your thoughts a little to reflect on how familiar your current situation is; once again, you’ve decided to drop everything and leave for another planet. You never stay anywhere long enough to put down any roots. In fact, after more than a few people learn your name, outside of whoever you work for, you take off again.
Deep down you know that you’re trying to run from the life you left behind, the memories, and the loss, but you never consciously acknowledge it. You just tell yourself that you have grown restless and bored, so that’s why you’re leaving again.
You’ve lost count of how many places you’ve been by this point. For all the planet-hopping you’ve been doing the past however many years, so far, nowhere you have stayed has felt like ‘home’.
You glance up at the info screen at the head of the shuttle's cabin and see that you’re about half an hour away from Ord Mantell, a mid-rim planet which you’ve never heard of before today. Maybe this place will be different, you think to yourself. But your hopes aren’t high.
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A week after arriving, you found a place to stay and to work. You aren’t particularly enjoying the months you’ve spent at the cantina, but it’s better than the sanitation job you had before you got here, and you know you likely won’t stay for very long anyway. Cid, despite her coarse, in-your-face attitude, is a marginally better boss than your last one. She didn’t ask where you came from or why you were here, and made it clear she doesn’t really care. “Just do your job, that’s the only thing I give a damn about,” she’d said. One of the things you like about this planet is that everybody here seems to mind their own business.
As part of your employment agreement with Cid, she allows you to stay in one of the small rooms upstairs. It’s here, on the top floor, that you spend most of your time, lounging on the large window sill and staring out over the city without really looking at anything, and this afternoon is no different.
You idly scan over the crowd in the nearby square, then double take back to a point near the street. You can’t remember the last time you’d seen a human man that big. His size is exaggerated by the small blonde girl who is tagging along with him, followed by maybe two or three other, more average sized men. There’s a flicker of familiarity that you can’t quite place in the back of your mind when you take a closer look and notice that the men are all wearing armor. But it isn’t Imperial stormtrooper armor, could they be clones? From what little detail you could make out, none of them looked like clones.
You don’t have a lot of time to think about this, however. As the chrono on your wrist chimes the hour, Cid hollers your name from the staircase, right on the dot like she always does. Time to start your shift. You shout that you’re coming, and when you hear her retreating down the creaking stairs, you glance out over the crowd again, but the people you had seen have moved out of view. You sigh heavily, not looking forward to another night of being leered at and hit on while you mix cheap drinks, but you put your shoes on and head to the cantina anyway.
You make your way downstairs into the bar proper, and when Cid sees you, she tells you to go into the store room and bring out a new bottle of Spotchka. You acknowledge this, and duck under the stairs and into the semi-hidden doorway there. It takes you a minute, shuffling objects around in the dim, dusty light, but you eventually find the bottle. You hold it by the neck and walk back out of the doorway, looking around the place out of habit as you go.
“Hey Cid, I’ve got the-,” you start to say, but interrupt yourself with a shocked gasp. Your hand goes slack and you drop the bottle, too focused on who you see before you to notice that it’s shattered and the sticky liquor is soaking into your shoes.
You recognize the blonde girl and the big guy as the ones you noticed earlier while upstairs; they’re accompanied by a slim man wearing goggles and another with half his face tattooed, but you aren’t paying them any attention. The subject of your stare is standing behind the slim man, staring back at you and looking just as shocked as you feel.
He’s unnaturally pale, and much too thin, but there’s no mistaking that face, those eyes.
It’s Echo.
A sudden blast of dizziness sweeps over you, you stumble, and you lean heavily onto the wall behind you, your hands trembling.
Cid glances between you two, looking almost amused. “Go take a breather in my office,” she says. “I’ll deal with these guys.”
You thank her, then shakily stand up straight, tearing your eyes away from the man who is supposed to be dead as you go into a different doorway, the door sliding shut behind you.
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Earlier outside, as he follows the others across the square, Echo gets an odd sensation that they are being watched. He looks around, but sees nothing, then glances up at the building they are heading towards, and spots someone staring out of a window on the top floor. Whoever it is, they’re too far away for him to get a good look at, but something about them seems… familiar? He looks back and finds the others ahead of him. Unaware that he had stopped walking, he moves quickly to catch up. When he glances back at the window, whoever had been there had left.
Echo shakes himself and focuses on the blonde girl to make sure she doesn't wander off. He takes her, gently but firmly, by the shoulder and steers her into the cantina with the others, following closely behind.
His initial impressions of the place aren’t good. The cantina is small, not filthy but certainly not clean, and dimly lit. It’s empty, save for two non-humans at a table in the corner and the Trandoshan behind the bar. It’s definitely a hole-in-the-wall kind of place. Something just feels off about it all.
Echo doesn’t have much time to examine his surroundings any further before he is distracted by the sound of a door creaking open and shut. He hears a voice, a voice that belongs to someone he knows to be dead, say “Hey Cid, I’ve got the-,” before it’s cut off by a gasp and the sound of breaking glass.
It’s you. He stares in disbelief for a few seconds as you stumble backwards against the wall.
The Trandoshan, Cid, tells you to take a breather in her office. Echo watches you thank her before you shakily make your way into another room.
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The door shuts behind you and you lean heavily backward onto it. Your legs are suddenly too weak to support yourself, and you slide down the door and into an awkward seated position on the floor, your head spinning.
It shouldn’t be possible. Echo is supposed to be dead. He was blown up for kriff’s sake! You close your eyes and tilt your face up towards the ceiling, making a conscious effort to control your breathing. You manage to get a hold of yourself within just a few seconds, thanks to years of practice at fighting off panic attacks, and realize that you can hear the conversation outside. You press your ear to the door and listen carefully.
You can hear Cid grumbling as she sweeps up the broken glass and dumps it into a nearby waste bin. She bluntly asks how they know you.
“They don’t,” Echo says, sounding shaken. “But I do.”
“Who was that?” a distinctly girlish voice asks, obviously the kid.
“My… my cyare, my partner,” he says, barely audible.
You sit up, get to your feet, and crack the door open just enough to peek outside and see what’s happening. Echo has moved onto a stool at the bar, and the others are carefully watching him. He’s partially obscured by two of them, so you can only really see him from the shoulders up. He’s bald and appears to be wearing some kind of device over his ears that is molded to the back of his head. You also notice what looks like plug ports just above that and elsewhere on his head and wonder what the hell happened to him.
“But I thought you told us-,” the large man says, confused, before the one with the tattooed face shoots him a hard look.
“Well he was obviously misinformed,” the slim man in the goggles says bluntly. “But we have more pressing matters. Hunter?” he says, turning toward the tattooed man.
Hunter pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs. “Yes, we do,” he says, then gets Cid’s attention.
You quietly shut the door, and make your way over to a crate on the opposite side of the room. You sit heavily upon it, still faintly able to hear what Hunter and Cid are saying, but not paying them any attention.
Your mind races with questions. How did Echo survive? What happened to him to make him look like that? You assumed the other men he's with are also clones, but why are they so different? Who’s the little girl? How do they know Cid? If he’s alive, does that mean Fives could be too? The dizzy feeling threatens to overtake you again, but you shake yourself. The action has cleared your head enough for you to return your focus onto the sounds from the other side of the door. You hear booted footsteps approach, and Hunter, who appears to be the leader, speaks in a low voice.
“You can go on and figure this out, I’ve got it handled,” he says.
“Yeah, thanks,” Echo says, sounding apprehensive.
“We shouldn’t be going anywhere else for the rest of the day. Take as long as you need to,” Hunter says.
You hear a muffled clapping sound, and guess that Hunter has gripped Echo’s shoulder for a few seconds before the booted footsteps fade away again. The door slides open, and you get your first look at Echo in his entirety. His right arm and hand are gone, replaced with a scomp link. You can’t tell for sure due to his armor, but it looks like both of his legs have been replaced with cybernetics too. You search his face and see that he’s avoiding your eyes, seeming to brace himself for something.
You stand from a the crate and take a few long strides across the room, stopping in front of him. Moving slowly, you cautiously raise your hand and cup one side of his face. The warmth and solidity of him assures you that you aren’t dreaming. You turn him to look at you, and despite everything that’s changed, his eyes are still the same. You softly say his name, and he says yours in return.
“You should be dead,” you say in a whisper.
“Look who’s talking,” he says, the ghost of a smirk playing across his lips for just a second.
The two of you stand like that for another second or so, then you move your hands to his shoulders and pull him close, crashing your lips into his and kissing him deeply. He’s too surprised to react, at first, but quickly relaxes and reciprocates, wrapping his remaining arm around your waist and pulling you tightly against his chest.
You hear the distinct sound of Cid clearing her throat and the two of you break apart, caught off guard, to look at her. She’s standing with her arms crossed, but there’s a faint smile on her face. This may be the first time you’ve ever seen her genuinely smile, you think. She clears her throat again.
“If I give you the night off, will you promise not to fuck him in my office?” she says. Echo’s jaw drops in response to her bluntness, but you’ve grown used to it, and can’t help but smirk at her.
“Deal,” you say, stepping back from Echo.
Cid exaggeratedly rolls her eyes and waves the two of you out of the room.
Just before you reach the stairs, she says your name, prompting you to take a few steps backward to see what she wants. “Try to keep it down,” she says, smirking.
“No promises,” you say. Once Cid rolls her eyes again and walks away, you take Echo by the hand and practically drag him up the creaking staircase behind you.
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Taglist: @kaminocasey @madameminor @jennamelinda12 @arctrooper69 @the-cantina
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polarboiyeahz · 6 months
What's your favorite book man
Hello Mr. Madeline 🥛🌙
My favorite book is probably Dhalgren by Samuel R. Delany, a sci-fi, transgressive fiction novel that I believe is just an all-around allegory for low income LGBT neighborhoods & community in 70s New York as a lot of the events seem oddly reminiscent of such.
It’s about 896 pages (in my edition the pages are compressed to 801, if I remember correctly as it’s to save for more pages) & it’s just about this character who randomly steps into a burning city and lots of ppl are black for some reason & everyone’s living under bridges and shit, all they do is try to ease living in the sci-fi ghettos & fight overpowered assholes with bloodlust referred to as ‘scorpions,’ among the people in the city, who use odd energy shields to transform into large animals (ex: chickens, dogs, dragons and actual scorpions)
Over time you kinda realize the main character is not a good person but that’s literally at around page 200 so you’re just stuck going through the book knowing he’s weird as fuck. The character doesn’t know their own name so they go by: Kidd; there’s also a journal that’s found at the beginning of the book and people try to find the author of it.
Reasons I like it:
1) The writing is honestly the best writing I’ve ever seen. Starting off with the book you might be confused but you actually get the hang of it (depending on who you are & your understanding of possibly poetry) as the writing feels almost cryptic at times but the cogs shift and you realize: oh wow, this is actually insane
1.5) The writing feels as if it left a residue on my writing altogether. Samuel R. Delany is probably one of the best writers living today & I find myself resorting to his work at times to figure out unanswered questions in my head about writing in general. I don’t copy him nor “borrow” anything from him as my work focuses a lot on internal monologue & consciousness as a whole but he practically helped me realize what writing can be.
2) The parallels to my actual life. This one is more personal & exclusive to me (and maybe anyone else?) but things in the book began to transpire at the same time similar events happened in my life. (ex: the main character becomes a poet around the time I was already writing poetry & he goes on this spiral about trying to publish his work around the same time I have)
3) The aura behind reading a large book. Reading a Bible-sized novel is honestly something I’ve never been able to do but wanted to since I was 7. I remember picking up Eragon (the books with the funky looking dragons sprawled on the cover) & taking it home trying to read it but my ADHD wouldn’t allow me to continue after 10 pages. A large book to me is like an exercise and a temporary change in life. You wake up with a book to read; it’s practically a part of your life—and due to its length—it is; the book has made itself a focal point & something you need to tend to (not in a weird obsessive manner).
4) Samuel R. Delany essentially making it a book that “drones on” without “reaching any point.” I didn’t know it droned on without reaching much climax but it doesn’t bother me. Not all books exactly need one and I didn’t know it was a thing until Dhalgren was mine; just like in point 1), Samuel R. Delany is showing the reader just what a novel can be and how extreme one can stray from general literary norms & still sell millions of copies regardless of this big part of it. As much as this can be a turn off: I see it as just experiencing the world around the characters and seeing how they live, how they think, what their society is like & all in all just a study of the people in ‘Bellona.’
5) The opening line is one of the most iconic lines in all of literature; it’s a fragment of a presumed poem that tends to kick in randomly throughout the book.
6) I expected Sci-fi and it overall became probably the most randomly profound erotic novel I’ve ever heard of—and I don’t know how I feel about that part but it’s definitely a wide shift from the norm (Which is why it’s considered transgressive fiction).
7) Near the end is a chapter (I haven’t reached yet) in which the text is split into what would be considered “hypertext” and there’s just text resting in horizontal rows & columns, some in bold and others in italics, some in boxes & some in basic horizontal paragraph & I really want to know why
• • •
Long ass explanation but I love to write
Thank you, I love & appreciate you
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scholarhect · 1 month
one fun story i have that i didn’t tell at the time for privacy reasons is how i lived like half a block from whitechapel gallery & on one sunday (i had one week left at my job & then i was flying out of london wednesday) i was having a weirdish day but i knew i wanted to see whatever was there before i left so i walked in an hour & a half before they closed. i didn’t know what the exhibition was, i just knew the one i’d seen when i went over the summer ended in october & there would be a new one. last time i’d gone the main doors to the start of the exhibition had been wide open but this time they were closed & there was a table in front of it with a woman sitting at it with a laptop. i wasn’t at all in the mood to talk to anybody and i wasn’t sure what the vibe was there so i hovered around the books they sell in the front for a bit & then went straight for the doors, like you do when you walk past somebody who might want to talk to you. i figured i’d stop if anybody told me to stop, but nobody did. so i got inside and there was a big tall wall with lots of medium-sized works that were mostly pencil on paper or had very limited color palettes, like just black & white & red, what i mean is low contrast, so basically it was hard to make out details at a distance, so i take a look & try to parse what i’m looking at & i realize i’m seeing a lot of naked women. lots of sex and orgies and women cutting men’s dicks off. turns out the exhibition theme is straight up just the works of one person, it’s all nicole eisenman who is a badass & funny butch(?) lesbian. it’s organized sort of chronologically but also by theme, the first book is all drawings & paintings with a certain sense of humor and it’s mostly about identity and lesbians and stuff. then past that it’s a lot of big paintings with people in places, then some really touching sort of slice of life/romantic ish paintings, then some cool sculptures (like, big heads, with water running through them & shit), then most recently these huge wall-sized political paintings. about trump & stuff. obviously i can’t sum up the whole thing, whatever. i spent like over an hour in there. then i get to the end of that series of rooms & to the area with some chairs & a little exhibition from students in the area it’s cool whatever then i go to leave the area & when i close the door behind me there’s a sign on it that’s like “DO NOT ENTER this is a paid exhibition & you have to enter through the front.” oops. past that there was a little room with this cool huge moving sculpture and another big painting, as like a free section of the exhibition. then i walked out. nobody stopped me. i didn’t actually realize it was supposed to be paid, like sure i guess based on context clues i should’ve realized, but like seriously it didn’t cost money over the summer so i didn’t know ! but either way the gallery was about to close so i just walked out. then i didn’t want to go home because it was like 6 so i walked down brick lane (i miss brick lane…) & got some food but i wasn’t huge on it… i also listened to chappell roan. that was my evening. i love this story i feel like walking into that room and getting slapped in the face with funny sexy sarcastic LESBIANISM is exactly what i deserved that day. also i think i deserved to see it for free. the universe said i deserved it. i still don’t know how much they were charging for it. in conclusion i didn’t take any pictures but that night i went & found one of the paintings i’d seen online. here’s the picture of it i found exactly where it was hung at the gallery
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crazy. but i have to say the picture doesn’t do it justice, this thing was huge, you could walk up close to it and read the names on the file folders. you really just have to see it. it’s kind of weird to know i could go back but this wouldn’t be there, and i just probably will never see it again. which isn’t something i think about when i go to art places & see art. but i liked this one
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