#I should’ve done my homework
littler0b1n · 7 months
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I painted Prismo on my wall lol
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sailermoon · 9 months
dude I’m so sleepy from walking around in the sun for 4 hours 😭😭😵‍💫
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knitting-gay-nerd · 9 months
i just knit half a hat only to discover that my gauge is vastly different in stranded colorwork than plain stockinette for some reason and as such it cannot fit on an adults head
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It was looking so good too
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it’s half midnight and I haven’t done shit
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milf-louis · 1 year
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mollymicahson · 1 year
Disappointed in me :(
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1pepsiboy · 1 month
Walking in on You - Matt Sturniolo Smut (request)
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Matt Sturniolo x reader
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: eating out, riding, profanities, and more...
A/N: Uhm... yeah, this one got away from me. I did not plan for it to be this long, but here we are lmaooo Thanks for the love recently, hope you enjoy this one!!
You laughed as you and Matt entered the backstage room. 
“Why did you have to mention my biggest fear? You know they’re going to use that against me now.”
Your boyfriend chuckled. “You don’t know that, babe.”
“But you do.” You shot him a look, both eyebrows raised and your lips pressed in a firm line. “They’re going to pull a prank on me.” 
His blue eyes looked deeply into yours as a smirk set on his lips and he rested his hands on your shoulders. “They’re not going to, (y/n).”
You rolled your eyes with a small scoff. You turned the TV on and put on HULU, then grabbed your laptop out of your backpack by the couch. Was it an item you should’ve left lying around here? Probably not, but you only left to go eat food after the three did a soundcheck and rehearsal. 
“What should we watch?” You asked as you signed into your account. 
Matt narrowed his eyes at you and sat down on the couch. “Don’t you have writing to do?”
You thought about it, then shook your head. “Nope.” 
“I think you do,” he replied, a little knowingly. “Look, I’ve never been, like, good at getting work done, but you should do it.”
You shrugged. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Now Matt shoots you a look, similar to yours earlier, but way more sassy. It was sexy the way he crooked one brow and slightly scrunched up his nose. 
Once again, you rolled your eyes at him, and removed your shoes. Basically your way of doubling down on the fact you didn’t have work to do. (But you did, definitely did. That paper was due at the end of the week, and it was Tuesday.)
“Matt, watching one episode won’t kill me. How about Rick and Morty?” You clicked on the resume button for Rick and Morty and it began to play the next episode from where you left off. 
Matt sighs heavily, being dramatic, and glides a hand through his hair, failing to keep it out of his face. “Yeah, yeah… But after, okay? The agreement was you’d keep up with classes if you came on tour, babe.”
You put your hands up in defense. “Okay.” You smiled and cuddled up next to him to watch your thirty minutes of freedom before homework. 
You groaned as you saw the ending credits roll and the next episode got ready to play. It was writing time, or maybe not. You had your mind on naughty things since he made that sexy expression. 
Matt looked down at you. “Homework time.”
“Or…” You moved to straddle him and lazily draped your arms on his shoulders. “We could make out a little. That always gets the juices flowing.”
He giggled under his breath. “You really don’t want to do it?”
“Hell no. It’s too much thinking, but this isn’t.” You leaned in, closing your eyes, and kissed his lips softly. As your kisses continued, you tangled your fingers in his fluffy collocks and brushed against his covered cock. You released your hair out of its pulled back style as you repeated your slow, pressure intensifying movements. 
Your hair slightly fell in your face, but instinctively, Matt brushed it back with his hot hands. You loved his hands. You’d love him to touch every square inch of your body with them. 
“I want you,” you breathed, twirling your tongue with his. 
In one fairly swift movement, Matt had you lying on your back and he was on top. Your lips smashed together, more feverishly now. His throb rested against your covered heat. You couldn’t stop the small moan from escaping. Fuck, he made you go crazy. 
Suddenly, Matt pulled back and he attempted to catch his breath as he shook his head. “You need t- to do homework.”
You scoffed a little. “Matt, for fuck sakes. You’d rather watch me write an essay than fuck me?” You tugged him back down by his sweater and kissed him. “I’d rather fuck first,” you whispered into his ear. 
The two of you tug his sweater and tee combo off and brushed your lips together again. Fuck, they melted with yours so easily and tasted so sweet. It helped that he had ice cream for dessert. 
Matt’s lips curled into a small smile against yours and, without notice, his hand rested on your heat beneath your jeans. Soft circles from his hand caused your insides to burn. You still wanted skin contact though. When you were going to reach down to take his hand and slip it underneath your lace, he pulled back. 
“Matt,” you whined. 
He chuckled as he made hot butterfly kisses down your neck. His slight facial hair tickled and you tried not to giggle. He stopped short because of your sweatshirt. He pushed it up and you took the liberty to tug it off from there. Now, Matt continued his kisses as he played with the straps of your tank, revealing the straps to your bra. He placed kisses on your mostly exposed chest. 
“Matt, I love your lips, but I’d rather have your hands.”
“You sure about that?” he asked, eyeing your lower area and licked his lips. 
You let out a slow, low breath and swallowed hard. “I feel like my answer is irrelevant either way.”
He smirked and his hands found their way to remove your jeans. His face disappeared between your legs, all you could see was his hair. It wasn’t long before there was the sensation of his tongue and lips. Every little flick, lick, and kiss caused your body to shake, and you tried to control your breathing. You didn’t want to come too early and give him that satisfaction. But fuck he was so good and knew exactly how to play with your pussy. 
“I… I want you… inside. Not thi- Fuck. Yes… Yes… Matthew!” You reached down to grip his hand that held your hip as your toes curled. You grunted to suppress the urge to moan loudly. All the aches rolled into pleasures.  
Matt reappeared, wiping his mouth, and a cocky grin was placed on his face. He moved back up to kiss you on the lips. 
“Fuck you.”
He laughed under his breath as he unbuttoned and unzipped his baggy jeans, and then he pushed them down. Your kisses were getting sloppy, but that didn’t matter as you felt him push his tip in. You grabbed his shoulders and pushed him in deeper. 
A sweet groan escaped Matt’s lips. “Fuck, baby.”
His skin against yours riveted as your motions worked together. Matt started to speed up, but you shook your head. You breathed, “Keep it slow, baby… Oh, god, keep it slow.” 
You moved to sit up so you could ride him and control the grinds more. You whipped your hair back as you kept the pulses going. Your body screamed in the hot flesh. Matt’s hands found their way to your back and unclipped your bra. You let it fall and he pulled you in to place kisses everywhere on your chest; taking more focus on your sensitive nipples. His tongue flicked them and it caused your body to shudder. 
It suddenly occurred to you that anyone out in the hallway passing would most likely hear you. At least the sound of the TV drowned you out a little. 
You could feel yourself ready to come. You were so close. “Babe, come with me.”
“I’m fucking trying, babe.” Matt laughed under his breath. He seemed to focus more and he lightly moaned as he tilted his head back with his hands on your divots. His rings were going to leave imprints on your sides for sure. 
For his benefit, you made your thrust pace a little faster and, instantly, he picked back up. You gripped onto anything you could as pants barely escaped your lips. 
“Fuck, (y/n),” he whimpered. 
You giggled breathlessly and it was then you both reached your heights. You enclosed him as he stiffened. You felt the lower half of your body shake as aching moans left your hot lips. Your eyes studied each other before you kissed again, and danced your tongues together slowly. 
You cradled into him as you sat on his lap, enjoying some small silence and you lightly tangled your fingertips in his messy hair. His fingertips brushed on your shoulders and drew designs.
“I love you, Matt,” you sighed contently, snuggling your head into the crook of his neck. You closed your eyes and hugged your arms. Matt’s arms instinctively wrapped around you and he kissed your forehead. 
“I love you too, (y/n).”
The door to the backroom swung open and your eyes cracked wide open. “Don’t come in!”
“Don’t look, bro!” Matt exclaimed, his voice cracking a little. “Get the fuck out!” 
“What? Why?” Nick questioned, not pleading to your warning. He took one glance, an immediate disgusted look crossing his face, and yelled, “No. Absolutely not. What the actual FUCK is wrong with you two?” Then he slammed the door shut.
The two of you gave each other nervous looks and then laughed.
“Should we, like, go after him?” you asked. 
Matt kissed the side of your head, then your nose, and then your lips. “No, that was a sign. Homework, babe.”
You made a long, dragged out huff. “Fine.” You got up to put your sweatshirt and panties back on as he also got slightly more decent. Then you pulled your laptop closer to you. “Can I sit on your lap and write?” 
Matt giggled and waved you over. “Always, babe.” 
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neos127 · 3 months
pairing. spider-man!jake x gn!reader genre. fluff + hcs notes. had to make this bc i’ve been a spider-man fan for like 2827282 years and i love jake sooooo ! wc. 1.4k
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• EVEN though he’s a wall crawling superhero who can stop a bus with his bare hands, spider-man jake is a complete nerd who can’t pull a girl. despite his charming good looks and gorgeous smile, he is avoided like the plague (like all spider-man movies which makes no sense bc they’re hot !!!)
• but somehow, he was able to get your attention. you, the person who was liked and envied by a lot of people in school. you were on track to a good college and had a stellar internship at oscorp. you were absolutely perfect in jake’s eyes- and he was in yours.
• jake never made the first move with you, too scared of rejection. he was surprised when you suddenly spoke to him one day, asking if he was okay after getting into an altercation with flash thompson. “you know my name?” he stuttered, blushing when you laughed at the question. “well of course, but i just wanted to make sure you knew your name. seemed like you hit your head pretty hard.”
• after that it seemed as if the two of you ran into each other everywhere. on the street, in the library and even this one cafe that jake often went to. this helped jake get to know you more and fall even more in love with you.
• jake was always flustered around you and you noticed it. his ears or cheeks were red when you directed your attention onto him and you picked up on his nervous habit of playing with his glasses. it was adorable and made you constantly question why none of the girls in your school wanted him.
• whenever the two of you would study at the library, jake had trouble keeping his eyes off you. you were so pretty when focused and it just made his heart flutter. when you became so tired to where your eyes started drooping, jake began to finish your homework for you. you scolded him for it, but he didn’t mind, wanting to help you out in any way he could.
• your first date with jake was a disaster when the boy forgot his own strength out of nerves and collapses the table you were about to eat dinner on. jake made an amazing home cooked meal for the both of you at his aunts place for your first date. he felt embarrassed about not being able to take you anywhere fancy but you brushed it off and gushed about how romantic he was. unfortunately jake had no idea how to act normal around you and caused the dinning table to break. you were in shock that the legs gave out simply by him leaning on it, but jake just assured you that it was a really old table.
• when the two of you became official, jake desperately wanted to tell you his secret, but he also doesn’t want to put you in danger. it was hard to keep making excuses, but he couldn’t get you involved in his dangerous lifestyle. you started to become suspicious and a bit insecure in the relationship. all you wanted was for jake to trust you, not understanding why he wouldn’t tell you what was going on with him.
• when you’ve had enough and tell the boy that you need a break, he nearly looses his shit. jake was hoping to stay in a relationship with you without having to mention his alter-ego, but he soon realized that was a stupid dream. later that night he ended up knocking on your window as spider-man which was honestly terrifying from your perspective. you thought that maybe you had done something illegal and he was going to take you in. as soon as you opened the window, you began to word vomit.
“i know i should’ve watched the movie in theaters instead of an illegal website but im saving my money for this new purse i want!”
• jake takes his mask off in the midst of your rambling, causing you to stop short. your jaw was on the floor for about a minute and the silence made jake was to take a dive out of your window. before you could speak, he began to explain everything, reassuring you that the lie had been tearing him apart inside. he had only wanted to protect you. you cut off his rambling with a kiss, telling the boy that you forgave him and that it was killing you to be away from him.
• you had a lot of questions about his powers, wanting to know what exactly he could do. it always made you giggle to see him stick to the ceiling so he would often do that when you were sad. seeing that cute smile on your face was enough to make his whole day.
• jake offered to take you swinging around the city one day but you denied him at first. you weren’t too big on heights and was terrified that he would drop you. “i’m the strongest man in the world how could i drop you?” he asked, making you roll your eyes and grudgingly agree. turns out— the experience was terrifying and jake accidentally released you from his hold mid air. he caught you shortly after, but the mini free fall you took made you demand that he take you to the ground. you didn’t talk to him for about an hour afterwards until he bought you your favorite ice cream.
• jake is the definition of golden retriever. it’s insane how bubbly and giddy this man is…does he ever get mad?? you often wonder. even with all the stress he’s under from being spider-man he’s just so happy. he claims it’s because you’re now in his life.
• one time jake crawled into your room, badly bruised and bloodied causing you to freak out. you immediately dropped your homework on your bed, racing over to the boy. he flashed you a weak smile as you set him up in your desk chair, trying to reassure you, but it was useless. as you fixed him up with whatever you could find in your first aid kit, you scolded him about not being more careful. he stayed silent and took it, knowing that you cared about him deeply and hated to see him in such a condition.
• randomly one night you asked why he still wore glasses even though his eyesight had been fixed after the spider bite. he claimed that it reminded him of how his life used to be, and he found comfort in the normalcy of it. you could never understand, but you emphasized and told him that the look was very attractive. jake couldn’t hide the blush that spread across his face.
• this boy’s metabolism is absolutely insane. if you cook dinner for the both of you, he has about four servings before he’s finally full. he’ll also eat all the snacks in your fridge, so it’s best to not get too attached to whatever’s in your fridge. it’s astounding to you how he still manages to keep his body the same, but you assume it’s because of his powers.
• he will go on the nerdiest rants ever and because you love jake so much, you listen. when it happens to be about physics or math, you kind of tune out, focusing on his puppy dog eyes and pouty lips. sometimes if he starts to ramble, you’ll lean over and kiss him, making the boy’s face flush red.
• patching jake up after his patrol usually ends up with the two of you making out on the floor. it doesn’t go very far when jake starts wincing because of whatever pain he is in, but you love the feeling of his lips on yours whatever chance you get.
• he almost lost you to one of the villains he was fighting and it had to have been the scariest experience of his life. jake could never imagine life without you, and seeing you injured simply because you knew spider-man made his head hurt. you tried reassuring him that you were alright multiple times, but jake didn’t listen as he cried and held you in his arms. it was a close call, and he wouldn’t have it happen again.
• despite his busy schedule with school and spider-man duties, he tries his best to make time for you and spoils you rotten when he can. he’s such a sweetheart and lives for the smile on your face whenever you see him.
• spider-man jake is truly the best boyfriend you could ever ask for.
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ziggyzolch · 2 months
Headache (Wanda Maximoff x Reader)
Summary: If you could describe yourself in three words, they would be: little shit speedster. Causing trouble was your favorite pastime, and you've never been caught. That would change, however, when an angsty witch is assigned to capture you. Warnings: Cursing
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The stench of vomit and cigarettes fills your nose as you duck and hide in an alley next to a nightclub. Wiping sweat off of your forehead, you peek your head out of the alley and watch the police cars that were chasing you turn the wrong corner. After making sure the coast was clear, you let out a breath then fall to the ground in laughter. “Idiots.” You push out in between giggles.
Being a little shit was your specialty. From egging random houses to stealing batons from unaware police men, there was nothing you weren’t up for. Graffitiing police cars, though, wasn’t something you did often, but definitely what you had just done. You were adding the finishing touches, pubes, to the massive penis you just spray painted on the car when a cop finally noticed you. It was embarrassingly easy to outrun him, you can’t blame him though. 
You discovered your superhuman speed the first time you got caught messing around, and your shit-headedness increased tenfold. The early years of your childhood were a mystery to you, only rarely getting short, useless flashbacks to being in a lab of some sort. You figured that's where your abilities came from, but in all honesty you didn’t really care. Whatever you didn’t remember was not your problem. 
A good 3 minutes of laughing later, you catch your breath and sprint back to your dorm, ignoring the glowing red light at the corner of your eye.
Walking into your dorm room, the first thing you notice is how cold it is. The door closes behind you, a red mist dissipating around it. Your eyes widen and you let out a quiet ‘What the fuck’ before the sound of your chair moving catches your attention. Your window was open. The first explanation you think of is that your roommate is playing a stupid prank. “You aren’t funny, Becca. Why are you even still up-” You pause, a figure suddenly appearing in front of you.
That is most definitely not your roommate. 
They cover your mouth right when you're about to scream. 
“Shh, she’s sleeping. Move.” The stranger, which you now know is a woman, turns you around and pushes you out of your dorm, her hand still covering your mouth. Your thoughts start racing. ‘What the fuck! I should’ve brought my rape whistle with me. This is definitely human trafficking. Couldn’t they kidnap me tomorrow, I have homework-’ 
The woman turns you around “Shut up! For fucks sake- ew!” She stares at you in shock. Did you just lick her hand? After an awkward stare off you finally speak, “Fuck you, rapist!” You turn to run when you’re stopped by a…red cloud?
You can hear her voice getting closer while she stomps towards you, “Don’t even try to run, and I’m not a rapist you little shit.” 
“Let me go!”
“That’s not happening.”
“Yeah cuz you’re a RAPIST.” 
She pinches the bridge of her nose, “Tony told me you were a handful but I didn’t think it’d be this bad”
“Yeah well…Fuck you and Tony!”
“Oh my god.”
“Enough!” You’re about to reply with another accusation when red fills your vision. 
Wanda picks you up from where you passed out and sighs in exasperation. Tony’s in for a ride.
Next Part
A/N: This is the first chapter! I'll probably upload more on AO3 and Wattpad, @ziggyzolch on both :)
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evansbby · 1 year
𝐋𝐞𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐋𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐭 (𝒑𝒐𝒚𝒕 𝒅𝒓𝒂𝒃𝒃𝒍𝒆)
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: dark alpha!Steve Rogers x naive omega!reader
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: spanking, daddy kink, a/b/o dynamics, misogyny, light fingering, biting, gaslighting, manipulation, animalistic behaviour lmao, 18+, minors dni
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲: Steve teaches you a lesson you’ll never forget.
𝗔/𝗡: This is a POYT drabble featuring Steve and his omega! Enjoy!
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“Omega, baby, come here.”
Steve’s voice is stern, despite the pet name. You freeze from where you’re sat, hunched over your boyfriend’s desk where you’ve got a mountain of homework in front of you. You’d been buried up to your nose in textbooks and notes when he’d come home, and all he’d done was sit and watch you for the past ten minutes.
You immediately get up and make your way over to where he’s sat on the edge of his bed. Pointedly, he pats his thigh and you take a seat on his lap.
“What have I told you about what good omegas should do when their alphas come home?” There’s a dangerous edge to his tone as he casually pushes the fabric of your top aside and fingers your bra strap, snapping it against your skin and making you yelp.
“Good omegas greet their alphas at the door with a hug and kiss.” You recite before looking up at him pleadingly (although not for long because he’s scary and you can’t maintain eye contact for long). “B-But Steve, I was doing homework. I got d-distracted, I’m sorry.”
“Mm, see this is why omegas shouldn’t concern themselves with getting degrees.” Steve muses, stroking your hair casually whilst you sit in his lap, rigid as a statue and your heart beating like crazy. “So busy with schoolwork that you forgot your duty as an omega.”
“I’m sorry.” You bow your head in shame. You can feel the disappointment radiating off of him in waves, and it’s having a major effect on you, as usual.
“I’ve been at home ten minutes now and all you did was smile at me and say hey before going back to your work. When really, you should’ve greeted me with the proper respect befitting of an alpha. I thought you knew better, omega.” Steve shakes his head, twirling a strand of your hair on his finger before giving it a harsh tug.
“I should’ve known better, Steve. But there was a lot of work, you see, and—” There’s a part of you that finds it silly, because you have every right to do your homework. And it’s not like you’d ignored him! But the omega part of you burns with shame because you’ve let him down.
“Shut up.” Steve says calmly and you immediately bow your head again, only to look up when he gives your ass a harsh pinch. “Well? What are you waiting for? Give your alpha a welcome home kiss.”
Heart pitter-pattering, you angle up and tip your head back, pecking his warm lips softly. And it feels so nice, a large part of you just wants to continue kissing, just melt into him and feel his arms around you. Just make out with him forever because it gives you butterflies and he’s such a good kisser.
But Steve doesn’t kiss you back, and you’re too shy to initiate anything. So you pull back and duck your head. The alpha energy exuding from him is making you feel heady and extra submissive, so all you can think to do now is stay put and wait till he gives you permission to go back to your schoolwork.
But the glint in Steve’s eye shows that he has other plans.
“Stand up.” He commands you softly and you do as he says, standing between his legs with the rug soft against your bare feet. “Pull your leggings down. Panties too.”
You blink. He wanted to have sex? Well, that wasn’t surprising since Steve always wanted sex. It didn’t matter where you were, what time it was or what mood he was in.
You do as you’re told, feeling the cool air against your bare legs as you strip. It’s strange though, usually Steve takes your clothes off for you (something about how it’s an Alpha’s job to undress his omega). You wonder why this time is different—
“Bend over my lap.”
You blink before realisation seeps through your brain, and you see his hand flexing and waiting by his side. Oh no. He couldn’t possibly be wanting to spank you, could he??
Instinctively, you shake your head. “S-Steve, please, I said I was sorry! Please! I won’t do it again!” You desperately think of all the ways you can make it up to him. Cook him his favourite dinner and dessert? And maybe a big breakfast spread tomorrow? You had an assignment due the next day but you could ask for an extension if it meant keeping your alpha happy.
But Steve’s handsome features remain stoic. “Get over my knee, omega. And if you make me repeat myself one more time, there’ll be hell to pay for you.”
You find yourself over his knee and face to face with the bedsheets, quivering in his arms as he lifts your oversized t shirt up. You suck in your breath when you feel the expanse of his hand stroking your ass.
“I’m punishing you because you deserve it.” His voice is deathly calm and it frightens you. “And maybe after this is over, you’ll learn to be a good omega and get your priorities straight.”
Never in your life had you been spanked before. Sure, Steve liked to slap your ass all the time; during sex or even casually in public. But this was different, being bent over the knee of your alpha like you were some kind of chastised child, your body stripped away of any sort of autonomy as it surrenders to him.
“I’ll be nice to you, since you’re a baby and it’s your first ever spanking after all.” Steve smirks, hand still stroking and squeezing your ass, “I’ll only give you ten smacks, although you deserve more than double that amount for forgetting to greet me. But I’m not heartless, so you better thank me for being nice.”
You sniff, feeling like a child who got caught with her hand in the cookie jar — despite the fact that your offence wasn’t even that bad! But you feel so submissive, so you nod sadly and give in to your fate. “Th-Thank you for being nice.”
His hand cracks down on your bare ass, hard as a whip and you cry out in shock and pain. That hurt! But Steve is unperturbed by your pain, giving your searing ass cheek a rough squeeze. “That was for not addressing me properly.”
You squeeze your eyes shut, “I’m sorry…Thank you for being nice, daddy.”
Steve sighs, leisurely stroking your ass while you lay over his knee with bated breath, never knowing when the next blow will happen. “God, you have such a pretty baby ass.” He grabs one cheek lewdly and gives it a jiggle, “So cute and round, practically begging for a smack.”
He’s taking his sweet time, and it’s too intense, and you can’t help but look up at him pleadingly, “S-Steve, please, I said I was sor—”
“Shut the fuck up!” Steve says sharply, pinching your butt meanly, and you cry out in pain. “You’re not making this any easier for yourself, omega. I know you’re a dumb little baby who’s scared but that doesn’t mean you get to skip out on punishments. Keep your eyes on the floor, and if you look up at me again, I swear I’ll use my belt.”
The threat has your heart racing and palms sweating, and you look back down as Steve resumes playing with your ass. His expert fingers know exactly how to touch you, stroke your skin, pinch and prod you till you’re panting and trying to squeeze your thighs together. You’re still scared but you can’t help but feel your wetness seeping down your legs (and onto his thigh).
His palm collides with your ass harder than the first time, and you cry out, fisting the bedsheets and biting your lip.
“Count for me, baby.” He commands you, “and thank me after each one.”
“O-One.” You cry softly. “Thank you, d-daddy.”
Another hard blow, and you swallow harshly because it hurts already and you still have eight more to go, and you can’t help but sob, “Two. Thank you, daddy.”
“Aww, crying already, baby?” Steve coos, stroking your burning ass. “And just remember, I’m going easy on you. Next time you slip up, it’ll be the paddle or my belt.”
The punishment continues, smack after smack cracking down on your ass till you’re writhing in pain, crying as the tears flow freely down your face, and Steve has to use his other leg to pin you down and keep you in place as the burning pain is proving too much to handle.
“Gonna bruise your little ass up real good, omega.” He promises you, voice deep with lust. You can feel his dick, angry and hard through his jeans, poking up against your stomach.
“Fuck, you don’t even know how bad I’ve been wanting to teach you a lesson like this.” He gives your ass cheek another jiggle, squeezing it hard as if it’s a toy. “Before I’d claimed you, when I’d see you walking around, bending over to pick something up, your cute little ass poking out for everyone to see.”
SMACK. This slap is harder than ever, and you sob as you count and thank him, barely getting the words out as Steve grows more and more excited.
“And everyone would fucking stare at you.” He continues darkly, stopping his assault and instead stroking the sizzling skin of your backside, getting dangerously close to your slippery core.
“And like the dumb omega you are, you never even noticed. Fuck, I should’ve pulled you aside and fucking smacked your ass raw right there in the middle of campus, in front of all of them. Maybe then they’d have realised you were never a free piece of ass to begin with.”
You cry and cry as he has his way with you, his palm colliding with your sensitive ass over and over again. And the force of each smack has your clit — all puffed up and engorged — rub deliciously against the material of his jeans. The rough denim creates friction against your bundle of nerves, mixing a dangerous cocktail of burning pain and pleasure within you as your cream leaks down his leg.
“Tell me who this little baby ass belongs to, omega.” Steve orders you between smacks.
“Say it again. Louder. Tell me exactly who owns your sweet little ass.”
“Daddy! You own my ass, you own it!” You sob, hoping it’ll be over because you’ve counted more then ten smacks now. In fact, you’ve lost count.
But Steve is still incensed, raining smack after smack down on your poor rear end — even though he’d promised only ten! But you can’t argue with him, can’t protest. All you can do is cry and take the assault.
“Damn right. You’re my fucking omega and that means I can beat your little ass whenever the fuck I want, you hear me? And you’re just a weak little baby, so just shut the fuck up and take it.”
He alternates between both your ass cheeks, landing blow after blow before coming to a sudden stop. You sniffle, the tears blurring your vision and the pain mixed with the desire between your legs making you heady. Steve spreads your ass cheeks slowly, pressing a probing finger against your puckered hole.
You gasp, the unfamiliar feeling of his finger there sending sparks down to your core. But all he does is trail downwards, dangerously close to your pussy which throbs with need.
“P-Please.” You garble through your tears, earning another hefty slap.
Steve leisurely swirls his finger through your dripping wet folds, gathering your sticky cream and spreading up on your burning ass.
“Wet from a spanking.” He whistles lowly, “how slutty can you get, omega? Does getting hit make you horny? Huh?” He gives you another hard slap, “I asked you a question, baby. Does getting spanked make your little pussy wet?”
“Yes!” You sob, “Steve! Daddy, please!” And you don’t even know what you’re begging for. For him to stop spanking you? For him to touch you down there? You don’t know, but you just feel so needy, all the sensations clouding your judgement as Steve’s attention goes back to your ass.
“I’m not even close to done with you.” Steve murmurs before licking his palm and cracking down on your poor ass cheek once more, the sound reverberating off the walls as you cry in pain. “I’ll make sure you can’t sit straight for a week, baby. Maybe that’ll teach you to be the dutiful little omega you were always meant to be.”
Your rear end feels fiery and numb at the same time, Steve’s onslaught never-ending as he alternates between smacks and pinches. Your flesh feels sore and abused, and Steve’s boner only grows harder underneath you.
“Mine. All fucking mine.” Steve growls, his blows growing more animalistic. And then, with a rumble from his chest, he leans down over you. And before you know what’s happening, you howl in pain when you feel his teeth clamp down on the sizzling flesh of your ass, biting down hard as if your ass is a piece of meat.
His bite is so hard, so animalistic, that you know he’s drawn blood. And you know it’ll leave a mark on the sensitive skin of your backside. But he doesn’t care, clamping down hard while his strong arms hold you in place. And when he finally detaches his teeth from your skin, he licks it all up. Licking stripes up and down your ass, practically devouring it as if it’s a toy for him to use and abuse how he pleases.
“Mine.” Steve whispers against your fiery hot flesh, ignoring your cries as he nuzzles his face against your ass, teeth grazing against the sizzling, broken skin as if he’s tempted to bite you again. As if he’s been taken over by some kind of wild beast inside him, one that wants to claim you in the rawest, most animalistic way possible. Instead, he licks and sucks and nips at your flesh, “Don’t you fucking disrespect me like that again, baby. I can do so much more damage than this.”
The final blow is harder than any of the ones before it, like the crack of a whip on your backside, leaving you crying harder than ever before.
And then he jolts you upwards so you’re sat on his knee, and the contact between your ass and the rough denim has you sobbing and sobbing in pain, feeling all sorts of vulnerable and submissive and scared.
“Y-You said… Y-You said only ten!” You sob in his arms. Your ass is on fire and you feel like he’d smacked you about thirty times at least.
“I know, baby.” Steve sounds surprisingly gentle but you can hear the smirk in his voice. “But as your alpha, I need to have a firm hand. And I knew you wouldn’t learn your lesson with just ten spanks. Daddy knows what’s best for you, baby. And don’t you have anything to say to me now?”
“I’m s-s-sorry, I’m so s-sorry!” You burst out, only wanting his approval. It’s like his spanking has broken something inside you, making you feel like you need his approval and forgiveness or else you’ll die. “W-Won’t do it again, daddy, I pr-promise.”
Steve smiles as he smooths your hair back, before casually gathering your tears on his finger when he strokes your cheeks. “You better hope you don’t do it again. Next time I come home, I expect you to greet me at the door, you got that?”
You nod desperately through your tears, heart thudding in your chest when finally, Steve hugs you close, giving your tear-stained cheek a soft kiss while he holds you and allows you to sob into his chest, repeating the words ‘I’m sorry’ over and over again.
“And look, you’ve made a huge mess on my jeans.” Steve tsks, and he’s got a glint in his eye as he surveys the huge wet spot on his thigh. You duck your head in shame, burying your face in his shoulder because you feel all small and vulnerable and afraid. “I should take you over my knee again, baby, for making such a mess.”
“Please no!” You sob quietly, wanting to be held and hugged by him but too shy and distraught and in pain to ever voice this desire. “ ‘m sorry, Steve. D-Didn’t mean to, it just happened.”
Steve continues to stroke your head as if you’re his little pet, pressing kisses on your hairline while his arms hug you tightly. And you know he’s the reason your ass is on fire right now, but it’s still this gentle touch from him that you crave. You feel so especially needy, wanting to cling to him like a koala.
“You’re lucky I’m feeling nice today, omega.” He tells you, standing up and picking you up along with him. “Now tell me, do you want to go back to studying?”
You glance back at your textbooks, strewn open and dejected on his desk, before immediately shaking your head, burying your face into his chest once more and holding onto him tightly. Your brain feels scrambled and disoriented, your ass feels numb with pain, and the omega inside you is crying to stay in your alpha’s arms. Studying would have to wait.
Steve smiles, the wicked glint in his eyes still present. “That’s my good girl. Always remember that I come first.” He presses his lips against yours and you welcome the kiss, desperately kissing him back and clutching his sweater as he holds you close.
“I’ll run us a bath, baby. See, daddy has to discipline you, but that doesn’t mean I can’t be nice too.”
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bunny-bear-blogs · 5 months
Perfect Blend
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Synopsis: It was the weeks leading up to finals at your university, which meant everyone and anyone were stressed out. Due to this panic, you were not able to book a study room and instead decided to do so at a cozy cafe down the street from where you lived. Which seemed like a great idea and saved you gas; however, for some reason your server is always the same sarcastic taunting man, Scaramouche. You're not quite sure why he won’t leave you alone or how he takes long breaks just to talk to you. Or how he brings you drinks and desserts for free—it's all a mystery, just like him.
A/N: In honor of Scaramouche's birthday <3
Packed. All Packed. All the study rooms in your university’s library were packed. You knew you should’ve woken up an hour earlier to ensure your spot in a room, but no, you were too tired from doing homework from the night before. This was a huge pain. I mean, where were you going to study if not in a study room? It’s not like you couldn’t study elsewhere, like in your room or other parts of the university, but those specific university study rooms gave you so much energy to get stuff done that you doubt you would be able to replicate the success you had elsewhere. Feeling defeated, you just decided to go on with your day while thinking of potential study places.
With no solution found, you walked out of the university, making your way to your apartment, still with a sense of defeat. You stopped at the crosswalk when you saw a white-haired girl drop her groceries. Feeling a sense of familiarity, you rushed over and helped the girl get up and pick up her groceries. Once she was back on her feet, she turned around with wide eyes and spoke.
“Y/N, it's you!”
“Nahida? What are you doing here?”
It was Nahida. She was a family friend and had been there for many fundamental points in your life. You wondered what she was doing here, near your apartment, since she lived elsewhere. “I’m dropping off groceries for my nephew. He works at a cafe and was not sure when his shift would end to buy some, so here I am to deliver.
She smiled brightly. She’s always so radiant in everything she says and does.
“I didn’t know you had a nephew.”
“It’s a recent thing.”
She said it shyly but with a smile. Looking at it now, Nahida has always had many amazing traits, one of the most prevalent being her infinite kindness and wisdom. Which gave you an idea in your head of what to ask the girl.
“Nahida, do you have any recommendations for study places? Preferably one that will cause motivation."
“Yes, I do! There are some cafes in other areas of town that would do the trick, but the one I most prefer is the 6wirl Cafe. It’s right by your apartment street, so it's easily accessible. It’s also where my nephew works. You should check it out. In fact, you should take this to him.”
She then passed the groceries over to you and gave you a warm smile before walking off in the opposite direction, leaving you dumbfounded and confused.
You then, with the groceries in hand, walked over to near your apartment, looking intently for the cafe. Finally, you saw it, with the name “6wirl Cafe.” What an odd name. Well, no going back now, so you walked into the cafe. It was a cozy cafe, with books all over the shelves and seat cushions ranging from green to blue. There were chairs and different-style bean bags in certain areas, and the cafe also had a section where booths were separated from others, giving one proper study time in a closed area. It was perfect for you. You were ready to dive in—well, until you remembered about the groceries. You needed to give these to her nephew, but who was he? Not knowing the best course of action, you decided to walk up to the register and ask the cashier.
“Hello, welcome to 6wirl Cafe! How may I assist you?
He had a casual, whatever-or-no tone. The man also had burgundy hair, whose bangs were pulled back by a black headband. Along with that, he had olive-green eyes with a mole under each. He was wearing a white shirt with khaki pants and a 6wirl apron over his shirt.
“Hello, this sounds odd, but I was wondering if any of your workers know someone named Nahida. She asked me to give this to her nephew, but I have no idea who that is.”
“OH. I know who you're talking about.”
The man had a beaming smile and turned back, shouting for the nephew.
“SCARAMOUCHE! You have a visitor—an interesting one, I might add.”
After a few seconds, Nahida’s nephew came in. He was beautiful—maybe the most beautiful person you’ve ever seen. He had indigo hair that reached up to his ears, which matched his dazzling indigo eyes. He wore a bit of red eyeliner under his eyes and the same outfit the man you spoke to before had.
“What is it, Heizou? You know I don’t like to be bothered on my break.”
He seemed annoyed.
“This lovely lady was looking for you and has a gift for you from your aunt.”
The Indigo-haired man then turned his head in your direction and proceeded to walk over to you. You would be lying if you said this man didn’t make you nervous. He then looked you straight in the eye with his hand extending outward. Was he asking for a handshake?
“Hand it over.”
I guess he wasn’t asking for a handshake.
“Don’t be so cruel to the young lady, Scara. She’s just doing your aunt a favor.”
“Then she should hand it over. It’s none of yours or hers buisness.” I know that he just wants his groceries, but he doesn’t have to be so mean about it. I guess he was too beautiful to be true.
“It actually is my business since I have known Nahida for years and she’s never mentioned you once. I wonder why that is."
You said, your tone switching from one of confusion to one of the same aggression that Scaramouche had towards you.
“Listen, I'm going to give you guys some time to talk in private; there's a booth over there you two can discuss this in. Also, Scara, this will be counting as your break.”
The man with the olive-green eyes then quickly scurried off to a room in the back of the cafe before Scaramouche could say anything. The indigo-eyed man next to you then turned around, mumbling the words.
“Let’s talk.”
You then nodded and followed that man to a seat. It was silent at first until you decided to speak.
“So your Nahida’s nephew? I've known her for years, yet this is my first time hearing that she has one.”
He seemed timid after that comment, as if his haughty persona had gone away. His facial expression also changed into a somber one. Which made you regret asking or using that tone with him.
“It’s a complicated arrangement.”
He then looked away. Judging by his facial expressions, you realized the circumstances that brought them together were likely not a happy one.
“I won’t pry into it then.”
Feeling remorse, you then passed him his groceries, which Nahida asked you to deliver to him. He then clutched the bag, holding it tightly to him. His words hitched on his breath as if he were hesitating to say something.
“I’ve heard of you before, well, all the time. Nahida speaks very highly of you, Y/N.”
“How did you know I was Y/N?”
“Call it figuring out context clues.”
“Nahida speaks highly about me?"
“That’s what I said, isn’t it?”
You were shocked, to say the least, but felt content knowing Nahida speaks highly of you.
“That’s kind of you to say. I’m sure she feels the same about you as well. If she's having you stay with her, I'm sure that means she cares for you very much."
You gave the man a warm smile with a soft expression and saw how his expression went from a somber one to a soft one as well. He then fiddled with his fingers and spoke.
“Thank you for saying that.”
He was shy with his expression, but even through that, you could tell that the Indigo-hair man was blushing. Maybe he wasn’t the same as the aggravated boy you met before. He then continued speaking.
“Though I’m still not over our talk from earlier, mortal.”
Maybe he was the same aggravated boy you met before.
“I’m sorry, what?"
“You heard me, mortal.”
“You know you're a mortal too? And you were the mean one.”
Your soft expression then turned into one with a glare.
“Quick tip glaring isn’t good for the face, mortal.”
“I am literally going to beat you up for that comment.”
“Try me, mortal.”
“Once again, don’t call me that! You’re literally a mortal too.”
"Hmm, then what should I call you? What about bug? Since I'll crush you in a fight.”
This man sure was something. Not a good thing, but something. Before you could retort back, the burgundy-haired man you met before came barging in.
“Scaramouche, your break is up. It’s time to work!"
"Ugh, but I barely even got a break.”
“Fifteen minutes is fifteen minutes.”
“But it’s not my fault that this bug came barging in here.”
It was as if you could hear your blood boil every second this man spoke. Especially when he called you a bug—I mean, who does that?
“Too bad, get back to work.”
He then stood up from his seat, groceries in hand, and looked back at you.
“You’re going to pay for this bug, and I’ll be back.”
“Try me.”
He just glared at you with a sour expression. Which caused you to pipe up and fake happiness to further sour his mood.
“Have fun! Bye Scara~”
You said it with a wide smile in a condescending tone, along with waving your hand back at the man. He only walked away, mumbling to himself.
Since you were already here with your backpack in hand, you decided to just pull out your laptop and start studying. You were loving the vibe of the cafe and even got up to order a drink to make you feel more motivated. You were excited to try the drink you ordered and were waiting to get it any second.
“Here’s the drink you ordered.”
You looked up. Oh. It’s him again, Scaramouche.
“What do I owe the pleasure of having you as my server?"
You said it with a small, clearly fake smile.
"Well, I just wanted to see how my bug was doing.”
“Once again, I am not a bug. How long is it going to take for that to get through your head?”
He then leaned down towards you, putting a hand near his ear.
“What’s that bug? I can’t hear you; try again when you get stronger.”
“I think someone lacks listening skills.”
“I do not.”
“So you can hear me.”
“Maybe anyway, here’s your drink.”
He then laid down the drink you ordered and took a seat next to you.
“Shouldn’t you get back to work?"
“You took my break time, so it’s only fair if I take some of your time.”
You rolled your eyes.
"Plus, I think you're pretty interesting.”
“Fine, you can stay here; just don’t bother me too much.”
Over the next few weeks leading up to the finals, interactions like those continued. With you coming every day to the cafe to study and having the same Indigo-eyed man as your waiter, It became the new normal to see him every day and have him rush to his job or take long breaks just to sit and talk with you. He still continued being rude and calling you a bug, but his soft side would show sometimes when he would bring you free drinks or desserts.
It was now Saturday, with your hardest final exam being on Monday. Needless to say, you were terrified since you had always performed poorly in this class. Which was why the second you woke up, you got dressed to start studying at the cafe.
You walked inside and waved hello to Heizou, who was at the register, and made your way to sit down in your usual spot. You sat down and pulled out your laptop and textbook to start taking notes and re-reading sections. This went on for about thirty minutes until you heard a familiar voice.
“How’s my favorite bug doing?”
The Indigo-eyed man was leaning over towards you, holding a tray with a slice of cake on it.
During the few weeks of being here, you had gotten used to Scaramouche’s nickname for you. At this point, the insult only hurt a bit, plus you had moved up the ranks and become his favorite bug. Perhaps during the few weeks you also developed a small crush on the man. Well, not a small crush, but a huge one, one that was only amplified with every word said and action performed. You’re not quite sure when it happened, but somewhere along the line, you realized that you enjoyed his company way more than you let on. Too much so that you can’t bear to go days without him, which brings you to your next problem other than finals. Once your exam is over, you won’t have a reason to visit the cafe or be here for hours. Which meant that from now until Monday, you had to study and figure out if Scaramouche feels the same for you.
"Hmm, well, luckily I could help with that.”
He then took to the seat across from you and placed down a tray with a small slice of strawberry shortcake and a small cup of coffee.
“I brought this for you, bug, so you could feel more motivated.”
He was always sweet like this, always bringing you free desserts and drinks. It was always too many to count, making you wonder if they were really free or coming out of his wallet.
He then picked up the fork and passed it over to you. Your hands touched for a split second, which to you felt like forever, like a moment that made you want to linger.
“Thank you for the great meal, Scara!”
You then took a few bites out of the cake. It was absolutely delicious—truly a cake made by the divine. As you ate, you realized that Scara was staring at you intently.
"Scara, I'm not trying to be mean or anything, but why are you looking at me like that?”
“Like what?”
“With that face.”
“You mean my handsome face.”
"Oh, shut it; I mean just that you're staring at me so intently.”
“Am I not allowed to stare at my favorite bug?”
“You know what I mean.”
“Fine, well, I’ll have you know I baked that cake.”
“You? Baked this?”
You were clearly shocked, looking back and forth at the man and the cake.
"Yes, I did.”
He then scratched his face, turning away shyly, and proceeded to speak in a low voice.
“I noticed you like the strawberry shortcake from our menu a lot, and I just wanted to learn how to make it for you so you don’t need to come here every time you want it but could just come find me." You blushed. Was he saying what you think he was? You don’t need to come here to see him, but could you see him anytime you want, anywhere?
“That’s really sweet, Scara. Thank you; no one’s ever done anything like that for me. I’ll cherish eating this slice of cake forever."
“I have the rest in my car.”
“I’ll take the rest too, then.”
“Don’t overeat.”
“I’d be happy to overeat on the cake you made for me.”
He then blushed and got up.
"Anyway, you should get back to studying.”
“That’s funny of you to say; don’t you usually stay here with me for long periods of time?”
"Well, it's only a short time till your final, so I want you to do your best and succeed."
You smiled at the man's sweet words and nodded.
A couple hours later, as you were exiting the cafe, the man came up to you once again. He grabbed your hand to pull you back while shouting your name.
You were stunned at that and how his hand was now holding yours. It was so unbelievably warm. It felt as if you had been cold all your life, and now, at this moment, you are finally experiencing warmth. You wished that he would never let go of your hand and that this warmth would stay for the rest of your life.
“I don’t want you to forget the cake I made you."
He spoke shyly and shakenly.
“Of course I couldn’t forget; I just hadn’t seen you, so I assumed you’d give it to me tomorrow, but I’d be happy to take it today.”
The man then smiled and ran back to the breakroom. Leaving his hand with him, you felt cold again now that his hand was gone. Before you could think about it any longer, the man came back with the strawberry shortcake.
“Here’s the cake, and I’m telling you, bug, don’t overeat and get a stomach ache from it.”
“I won’t. I won’t.”
You then softly smiled and made your way out of the cafe, clutching tight to your strawberry shortcake.
Today was the last day to study for your final, so like yesterday, you went to the cafe the second you woke up. You wished you could say the final was the only thing on your mind, but it wasn’t. It wasn’t even the top priority. Your top priority was figuring out what to do about Scaramouche since, after tomorrow, you wouldn’t have a reason to visit the cafe as often as you do. I mean, tomorrow you promised him you would visit, but that was only to tell him how you did. Which meant you had to find out how he felt today.
You walked into the cafe once again, and like a daily routine, you waved hi to Heizou and sat down in your usual spot. You had pulled out your laptop and started reviewing the notes you made yesterday. Which didn’t last long, as ten minutes later your favorite waiter, Scara, came.
“Hey bug."
“Hello Scara.”
You then noticed him holding a tray carrying a drink. He then leaned down near you, placing the drink down.
“I wanted to try making this drink, but I can’t get the blend right. Any thoughts?”
He said as he slid the drink towards you. You then picked it up and took a sip. He was right that something was off with the drink, but you couldn’t figure out what.
"Hmm, maybe it has to do with the percentages of stuff you're putting in it? I’m not quite sure I’m not a coffee expert."
“Thanks bug. I’ll get better at making it and make you try it again soon.”
The man then ran off before you could get another word in.
He then came back after an hour with a small pastry and a cup of coffee. He leaned over you and slid the pastry and coffee in front of you.
“Here, this is take two of trying to get the blend. What do you think?"
You then tried the coffee, still feeling something off. Hmm, maybe it's that it doesn’t have a big aftertaste."
The man then grabbed the cup, taking a sip.
“I think you're right; I’m not sure what to do as the aftertaste flavor is completely stumped."
“I know the perfect flavor.”
You both turned back to see where the voice was coming from. To both of your surprises, it was Nahida. She then took a seat opposite
you, and you scooted over for Scaramouche to sit by you. “Nahida, what are you doing here?
“I just wanted to check up on how both of you were doing. I’m glad to see you both getting along great. Oh, Y/N, did you enjoy the cake Scara baked?
He tried so hard to make the cake to your liking.”
"NAHIDA, don't tell her that.”
Scaramouche was as red as the strawberries on the cake he made you yesterday. He was blushing, and he seemed to have lost his composure.
"Sorry, Y/N, he seems to be a bit shy, but I hope you enjoyed the cake.”
“I loved the cake and am very grateful for it!.”
“Well Nahida you said you knew the solution to the blend problem.
How do I figure out what to pick for the aftertaste?”
"Well, I knew that I’d be confident that you’d find the solution. Think about the coffee and who it’s made for—the person it’s meant to be given too. Once you have figured all that out, you will be able to make the perfect blend."
Classic Nahida to give such a vague answer.
“Thank you for your wisdom, Nahida. I’m sure he’ll be able to figure out the blend sooner or later.”
The Indigo-haired man sighed and then nodded.
"Well, I should be on my way now. I wouldn’t want to keep you from studying. Goodluck Y/N!”
She then got up and walked away from the cafe. Leaving you and Scaramouche dumbfounded at what just happened. You spoke first, followed by him.
“What do you think she meant by who’s the coffee for?”
The man then blushed heavily and turned around.
"Nothing; she meant nothing. You should study now; it won't be long till your exam.”
He then left and hurried back to work. Maybe leaving quickly runs in the family; who knows?
It was now thirty minutes before the closing of the cafe. You had grown worried since you hadn’t seen Scaramouche since. I mean, of course, it’s his job to work here and not sit and chat idly with customers, but it felt odd that he was here but not with you. It makes sense that he left you so you could study, but he could’ve stopped by to say hello at least. You had grabbed your bag and made your way to the exit of the cafe when you tripped. You had felt yourself fall backwards and closed your eyes, bracing for impact. But it never happened; you never made contact with the ground but instead with someone's arms.
“Caught you bug.”
It was him. Scaramouche, the man you liked, had caught you. You couldn’t help but blush and smile with excitement.
“Why are you smiling, bug?”
“Because I’m finally seeing you."
He then smiled and helped you stand back up.
“I’m glad to hear you're happy to see me.”
"Well, you didn’t come visit me after Nahida came, so I was worried.”
"Well, I was working on perfecting the blend, and I think I have it.”
"Woah, can I try it then?”
"Nope, you’re going to try it tomorrow when you come to tell me how you scored on your final.”
"Boo, that’s so mean.”
“That way, we’ll know if you deserve to try it.”
“Still, what if I do bad tomorrow?”
He then bent down to grab your hand and kiss it.
“I know you won’t do bad tomorrow.”
You blushed, your brain not processing that the man you like just kissed your hand.
“I’ll do my best for your sake, then.”
The man then smiled softly and spoke.
“It’s getting late; you should be on your way home."
“You’re right; I’ll take my leave then.”
The man then kissed your hand once more before letting you go.
“I believe in you one hundred percent.”
You went home that night with a million thoughts racing through your head and your heart beating practically out of your chest. You had gathered enough information to conclude that Scaramouche likes you—at least you think so. Tomorrow, after your exam, if you do well, you swear you're going to tell him your feelings.
You had just gotten out of your final exam. You were stressed going in there and felt like you were going to throw up just taking the exam; however, it was all worth the struggle when you saw your score. You had scored a perfect score. Those long weeks of studying nonstop had paid off, and now you were even more confident to reveal your feelings.
You had made your way to the cafe and walked in following your daily routine, saying hello to Heizou and walking over to your usual spot. You waited for about a minute before the Indigo hair man came.
“So how’d it go, bug?”
He said it, beaming with excitement as if already knowing how it went.
"Well, I got a perfect score on my exam!”
Before saying anything, he rushed in to envelope you in a hug. Holding you tightly, whispering that I knew you could do it, and that’s my bug. When the both of you broke out of the hug, he paused, told you he had something for you, and ran off into the back room. The man then came back carrying a tray holding strawberry shortcake, roses, and a small cup of coffee.
He then slid the strawberry shortcake and small coffee over to you and passed you the bouquet of roses.
“Thank you so much, Scara. This is so sweet of you. Thank you for everything.”
You said this while smelling the roses he gave you. He then pointed to the small cup of coffee.
“I’ve perfected my blend, and I wanted you to taste it to see if it’s to your liking.”
You smiled and drank the coffee. It was amazing, truly perfect, like Scaramouche had said. It was sweet and full of flavor, just as you liked it, but most of all, it was filled with overwhelming care and love
“Scara, this is amazing! It’s the perfect blend! How’d you do this?”
“I thought about what Nahida said, who I wanted to give this coffee to, and what feelings I wanted to express. I wanted to give this coffee to you, so I used items you liked in it, and I wanted to tell you I like you romantically, so I put my all into making this perfect for you.”
The indigo-eyed man was blushing heavily while confessing his love to you.
“Y/N I just couldn’t live without telling you my feelings, knowing I wouldn’t see you as often or at all after finals. I like you so much and want you to stay with me.”
You smiled at the man’s confession and jumped into his arms, enveloping him in a hug like the one he had given you before.
“I like you too, Scara. I want to stay with you as well."
“Thank you for liking me back, Y/N.”
He spoke shyly but in a happy tone. Soon, the two of them broke out of the hug and sat down side by side.
“Hey Scara?”
“Yes, bug?”
“Would you do me the honor of being my boyfriend?”
Scaramouche gave a pure, genuine smile back at Y/N.
“I’d love to.”
"Well, then my first degree as your girlfriend is that we eat cake.”
You pointed to the cake. You then grabbed the fork and took a bite of the cake.
“Scara, it's delicious; you should try some.”
“I will.”
He said it mischievously, which was then followed by him leaning closer and closer to you. He then moved his hand to cup your cheek and moved closer to you until your lips were inches away. You both could feel each other's breath being inhaled and exhaled.
“Is it okay if I kiss you?”
He whispered quietly, just low enough for you to hear. You then nodded. He then closed the distance between the two of you and kissed you time and time again. He loved the way your lips were soft and the way you smelled so sweet, as if your scent were mirroring your personality. Finally, when the two of you let go of each other's lips, the Indigo-haired man then smirked.
“The strawberry shortcake was absolutely delicious, right?”
You blushed heavily, the thoughts of what just happened moments ago still repeating through your head.
"Yeah, I think that’s my new favorite method of eating strawberry shortcake.”
"Hmm, is that so?”
“I’m very sure of that.”
"Well, then let’s go again.”
He said he was smiling once more. Leaning closer once more and closing the distance between the both of you once again.
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zuhaism · 1 year
⊹ 。˚ 𓂃 ♡ AFTERMATH ?! ┊ kim chaewon ⁺
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eunchae was already passed out on her bed. the only source of light coming from her study table illuminating the room. the silence rang through the room as you were focused on solving the problem for her. eunchae had asked you for help with her math homework after finding out you were in the mathletes.
“unnie! you should’ve told me you were a nerd. now my life is going to be easier.” you smiled and patted her head “i can tutor you. free of charge” now you’re already regretting your decision. who made math so hard nowadays? you’ve been stuck at this question for so long eunchae already fell asleep.
the front door unlocking made you comeback to reality. you glanced at the clock ‘2:34 am’ you rubbed your eyes and cleaned up for eunchae before going to greet your beloved leader after her schedule.
you walked out eunchae’s room and was greeted with chaewon on the floor leaning against the kitchen counter with a viking hat on. her eyes could barely open. “chaewon-unnie?” you called out. she opened her eyes and slowly moved her gaze to you and smiled lopsidedly. “y/nnie!” she slurred out trying to stand up.
you immediately went to help her up. when your hand got a grip of her forearms she wrapped her arms around your shoulders mumbling ‘i missed you’ ‘you should’ve been there’ all that kind of stuff.
you ignored her incoherent slurs and circled her legs around your waist so you could carry her easily to the bathroom. she was still mumbling in your neck as you entered the bathroom.
you sat her down on the toilet. slowly taking off her viking hat. she was looking at your face with with doe eyes and puffed up cheeks. you wanted to squeeze her face so bad. you got some makeup remover, bending down right infront of her and started to gently rub the make up off.
you held the side of her face for a better grip. she leaned into your palm which made you smile softly. “you’re the best. d’you know that?” she slurred out as her eyes closed. your heart fluttered at her drunken words. “i didn’t know that. thank you.” you said softly. rubbing her cheek in circles using your thumb.
you’ve always cherished moments like this where her attention isn’t being taken away by the other members. compared to the other members you’re a low maintenance person. having grown up an only child alone in the house you’ve learned to be independent.
“you’re so cute y/nnie.” she said breaking the silence. she was looking at you intently with half lided eyes. you chuckled and pecked her cheek once you’re done. standing up to bring her to her room. chaewon started moving around seeming uncomfortable with her clothing.
you helped her unbutton her top. while doing so u slowly squinted not trusting your eyes to wander. chaewon giggled at your actions “y/nnie its finee you can look.” you could feel your face heating up before leaving her to take one of your sweatshirts from her closet that she’s stolen.
after putting the sweatshirt that’s engulfing her tiny frame. “can you stand?” you asked as you held her hand up. she nodded, swaying a little as she stood up and putting her whole weight on you. her eyes was closed as she held onto you while you brought her to her room.
you tucked her in pulling the blankets over tiny frame and tucked her hair behind her ear. “goodnight chaewon-unnie” you whispered softly as her eyes began to fully shut. you admired her for a while. stroking her hair softly adoring her resting face. you noticed your eyes lingering on her half chapped lips. you shook your head.
you stood up slowly, you were about to go back to eunchae’s room but a tug on your pants stopped you. you turned around and was met with chaewon’s sleepy eyes looking up at you with a pout. your heart tried not to burst when she “stay with me, please.”
without saying a word, you lifted the sheets and laid down. she instantly clinged onto you, her nose nuzzled into your neck and her hair tickling your chin. you laid awake until you heard soft snoring.
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you were awoken by loud footsteps running through the hall. you stirred awake , looking down checking on chaewon. her whole weight was on you and she was dead asleep.
then suddenly the door opened “good morning!” it was eunchae. she always does this. wakes up super early on day offs and disturbs everyone. you shushed her, giggling softly because she was wearing the viking hat chaewon brought home.
before you could say anything about it, you felt movement on top of you. chaewon was wiggling around in your hold then eventually she opened her eyes and was greeted with eunchae. “what the hell” in her raspy voice. when she realised what eunchae was wearing she snatched it from her.
“hey thats mine.” she said while hugging the head. eunchae let out an annoyingly loud laugh with her head tilted backwards. “you’re silly chaewon-unnie. anyway kkura-unnie went out so im going to be making ramen for breakfast.” she pumped her fist in the air after getting approval from you.
“be careful!”
“i will!”
you looked back down on your chest and saw that chaewon was already looking at you sleepily. “thank you for taking care of me.” you played with her hair and tsked. “you dont need to thank me. im always here.”
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munsonsreputation · 2 years
Acts of Affection
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steve harrington x fem!reader
word count: [5.8K]
warnings: a tiny bit of sad steve but reader reassures him! full of domestic tooth rotting fluff &lt;3
summary: sometimes it's the little things that matter the most and make your heart melt. you and steve are no different...these are six times that the small acts of affection made your love for each other grow.
He watched you exit through the double doors of your college campus, instantly catching his gaze all the way from the parking lot where he stood leaning up against his car waiting for you. Flowers in hand and a little teddy bear for good measure. You squealed his name, racing down the few steps and into his arms that always felt like home. 
Today had been a stressful one, to say the least. It was finals season, and you had been working tirelessly for the past two weeks trying to cram as much studying as you could into your schedule. Unfortunately, that meant fewer dates and time to spend carelessly with your boyfriend, Steve. Nevertheless, he was an absolute trooper through all of it. Bringing you coffees and little snacks to get you through those boring studying hours and somehow convincing you to take naps in order to recharge. He was the absolute bestest. 
“How are you, pretty girl?” He asked through your hair, the smile he loved so much, pressed up against his neck until you pulled away and he got to see it for himself. 
“Better now…you know you didn’t have to do all this.” You pouted, plucking the plush out of his hand and aweing at it before Steve had shook his head, planting a small peck on your lips, thumbs resting on your cheekbones warmly, “I didn’t have to, but I wanted to. I know you’ve been so tired, but now you can finally relax for a little.” 
You fell into the warmth of his hand and the softness of his voice. He was always your comfort place during times of stress and anxiety like this one—somehow he had all your worries go away and you knew that being in his presence would be enough. 
“Let’s go home, yeah?” He kissed your temple, keeping his lips there as he the question fumbled upon your skin. 
“But I’m already home.” You whispered, sweetly, dotting kissing on the underside of his jaw and a few on his neck as you could feel the adams apple bop while he laughed happily. 
Steve found it in himself to draw you away, not before placing a single kiss on your lips once more, his thumb pressing on your cheeks as he smiled at you, “I’ve got your favorite waiting on the kitchen table.” 
“Chicken parm?” Your voice heightens, and he nods, withholding his laughter.
“Yup, my mom made it fresh this morning before work. She knows how much you love it.” 
You squeal, happily moving side to side in his arms, “Well, what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” 
Steve finds your excitement for simple acts like this one to be rather adorable, but he knows that you deserve it. After working so hard and almost overworking yourself from some good grades, you deserved a good home cooked meal you loved. 
He opened up the passenger door for you, letting you in, “Wanna tell me about the exams on the way?”
“Oh, just wait until you hear about Professor Danielson’s stupid test rules!” You huffed heavily as you buckled your seatbelt and looked up at Steve, who smiled, pecking at your lips again.
 “Can’t wait to hear it, baby.” 
Class getting cancelled was a rare occurrence, so you were surprised when you waked up to your ethnic studies class to see a large piece of paper, poorly stuck to the door that read, “class has been cancelled for today, see you next week!” 
But who were you to complain? You now had a free schedule for the rest of the day, left to do whatever you wanted, but you had already finished up the last bits of homework you were aiming to get done and Steve was at work. So you opted to go home…Steve’s home, actually. His parents loved you, even trusting you with a spare key that you use a lot, coming in and leaving almost every day. 
While you should’ve settled on taking a relaxing nap that you deserved, you remember that Steve had been talking about how messy his closet had been getting over the last couple of weeks. It wasn’t easy, constantly needing to share a closet with not only you, but the rest of the younger boys who often raided it, looking for the new trendy pieces they could sport at school. So you took it upon yourself to organize it. 
Steve had a ton of polos—you weren’t complaining since he looked good in every single one, but Jesus did he have a lot. One in every color and every shade, and different brands and prints. He also owned quite a collection of different jackets, some he had bought at the mall after receiving a hefty paycheck, a few gifted to him from holidays and birthdays, some that he had picked up from garage sales and thrift stores that you and Steve would visit on weekend, but his favorite one was the light grey Members Only jacket you had gifted him for your one-year anniversary. 
Pants were definitely the most modest part of his wardrobe in terms of quantity. He opted to only buy a few ones that were of great quality, but were highly expensive. He only had a few pairs of Levi’s and the rest being old sweatpants and shorts he would only wear at home or when it was hot out. 
Then there were the shoes. God, if Steve loved something more than he loved you, it was shoes. He collected them like a hoarder. It was a rule that the younger kids could pick anything in his closet expect the shoes! He cared for those pieces like his baby. You practically had to force him to wear every single pair at least once before buying another or else they’d just sit in a pile in his closet forever until they fell apart naturally. 
“Finally!” You exhaled, dusting your hands off as you took a step back and examined your work. 
After about two hours, you were able to completely transform his closet. Organizing everything you had hung up by type and color so that Steve would have an easier time sorting through what he had. You even had the time to create a pile of clothes that you hadn’t seen Steve wear in a while, placing it in the corner of his room to go through himself before offering it up to the boys or donating it. 
“Baby! You in here? Your cars’ in the driveway!” The front door opened and Steve's voiced filled the expanse of his home as you shouted out a reply, 
“Hi Stevie!”
Your feet took you quickly down the stairs and into his arms, inhaling his cologne while you nuzzled your face into his neck, hugging him close. 
“Class got cancelled today.” You mumbled against his skin, pulling away when he rested his hands on your sides, squeezing slightly. 
He frowned, rubbing circles with his thumbs, “Why didn’t you call? I would’ve called out early for you.”
“S’ok, you’re here now and that’s all that matters.” Your cheeks rose as you smiled, finally landing your lips against his in a kiss. 
His own, moving against yours gently, before pulling away, “I have a surprise for you upstairs.” 
“Is it a naughty surprise?” His eyes brows wiggled and his tone shifted higher as you groaned, pushing his chest annoyingly, “Ew! Just come on!” 
Your fingers took his wrist, pulling him up the stairs behind you as he laughed, speaking out a jumble of words like, “I’m just messing with ya baby,” “I hate surprises,” and “just tell me, please!” 
“Ta-da!” Your arms flared out towards his open closet when you two finally entered his room. 
He was astonished, “Babe, you did all this yourself?” walking up to it, his fingers skimmed each item as he passed by, looking at how organized everything was and how he could finally see the floor of his closet after all these weeks. 
You nodded your head happily, “Yeah! It was actually really therapeutic to go through everything and see it all come together.” 
He turned back to you when your bubbling voice filled the air. “I even made a pile of clothes you don’t wear anymore over there.” 
Looking at to where you were pointing, he saw a bunch of old tee-shirts and hoodies that didn’t find him anymore, and then glanced back at you, “Baby, you really didn’t have to—“ 
“Uh uh.” You shook your head, finger waving from side to side making him chuckle, getting closer enough to you to wrap his arms around your waist. 
“i wanted to! You’ve been complaining for weeks about it being a mess and I know you didn’t have the time to organize it all by yourself, so I took it upon myself to—mph!” 
He pulled you into a kiss, mid-sentence making you shriek, “Shhh, stop rambling, baby.” He said against you, making you groan, fingers going up to his shoulder to pinch him slightly, “Not cool.” 
“I love you.” He said, totally ignoring your fake annoyance,
“I love you too.”
The clanking of plastic hitting the diner table caught your attention, stopping you mid chew as you stared at Steve, who did nothing but smile, resting his chin on his fist as he watched you, “I made you a mixtape!”
“Are you serious?” the half mushed food in your mouth, muffling your words as he laughed, reaching over to close your mouth with his forefingers. 
“Finish chewing—“ you rolled your eyes lightly, setting down your fork, mouth mashing up the last bits of food while you picked up the cassette. 
from stevie to my baby…all these songs remind me of you, I love you. 
keep on loving you - reo speedwagon 
crazy for you - madonna
heaven - bryan adams
take my breath away - berlin
nothing’s gonna stop us now - starships
p.s. did I mention I love you? 
You did realize your eyes welling with a pool of happy tears as you read the tracks—all of them being significant theme songs for you and Steve’s love story. When any of them would come on the radio, the two of you would instantly think of each other, reminiscing about drunk karaoke nights, late night drives around town, and sleepy nights you would spend falling asleep in each others arms. 
“I could only fit five songs on this cassette but Eddie told me he could lend me a few empty ones so I could—“ He paused, seeing as you laughed lightly, eyes blinking and tears rolling down your cheeks and jaw, “baby are you crying?” 
His thumb reached out to swipe under your eyes, then cupped your cheeks, eyes filled with concern of his side as you reassured him with a sincere smile, “Happy tears, Stevie…this is so sweet.” 
“They’re just songs honey, you shouldn’t cry.” 
Heading shaking in his grasp, turning slightly to kiss his wrist then look back into his eyes, trapping him in a trance of love that he would never be able, and never wanted to escape, “You’re the most thoughtful person I’ve ever had to privilege of knowing, let alone loving…the littlest things you do make me fall even more in love with you.” 
Sure, you and Steve would share sweet nothings with each other all the time…almost on a daily basis, but this confession made his heart beat ten times faster and heat up to the hottest temperature. He’s never felt so…appreciated? 
“I…wow, I’m sorry, I just—never knew I could make someone feel like that.” 
Watching him stutter over his words was a touching scene, knowing Steve was totally honest and speechless, “I meant every word, I love you and I’m going to cherish this for the rest of our lives.” you told him, pressing the tape to your heart and leaning forward to peck his lips. 
“I love you too, never gonna stop loving you—wait! I should’ve put that on there!” He groaned, hanging his head low as you giggled, shaking your head as you assured him. 
“When you make me another, you can put it on there!” You patted his cheek with your warm palm, “Let’s finish up and we can listen to this with the windows down.” 
He smiled warmly, pecking your lips, talking against them half-jokingly, “You’ll get cold after two minutes and ask me to roll them back up.” 
You nodded, pressing your lips to his again, “And you’ll roll them up and turn up the heat.” 
“Like I do all the time.” He agreed, finally pulling away to take in the expanse of your face and all your beautiful features he memorized. 
You tiptoed out of the backdoor with your bare feet on the deck. Steve’s sweater clinging onto your body against the cold air, but thankfully the two mugs of hot chocolate you had made were warming your palms up. 
“‘morning hot stuff.” You whispered cooly, leaning down to kiss his cheek before he had the chance to look up at you. 
You smiled when you pulled away, handing him over his mug that he graciously took, then pecking your lips, “You’re up early…are you not freezing?” 
He patted his thigh, signaling for you to sit on his lap, and so you did, snuggling yourself in embrace, feet bending to rest on the lounger that you two were now relaxing on. Your naked knees taking on the warmth of the mug that you set on them. 
“You warm me up just fine.” You said softly, taking a sip of the sweet drink, overlooking the beautiful water and misty air. 
It was your first time at Steve’s uncle’s lake house, and surprisingly enough, they had to trust the two of you to stay alone for the weekend. It was the perfect little getaway for the both of you, considering the fact that Steve needed to use his vacation days and you desperately needed to get your nose out of the textbooks for a while. 
The comfortable stubble that scratched against your cheek was a case of Steve forgetting to pack his razor and being too lazy to head to the store down the road to get one. But you weren’t complaining. You always loved every touch Steve laid on you, accidental or purposeful. The butterflies and swelling of your heart never was a feeling you would get used to. It happened all the time. 
When he reaches to hold your hand. Brushing a piece of hair behind your ear. Guiding you around a crowded room with his hand pressed gently into the small of your back. Throwing his leg over your body to prevent you from getting out of bed too early. And laying sweet kisses all over your body. 
It always had the same effect on you. 
“One day you’re going to catch hypothermia, babe.” He argued back with a chuckle, his free hand rubbing up and down your legs attempting to get the blood circulating. 
You just giggled softly, taking a sip from your mug, indulging in his touch before finally saying something, “We’re never apart, so that’s highly unlikely.” 
“You’re right…you know how much I love to keep you warm.” He kissed up the expanse of your neck up to your ear, making you fall into his touch deeper, his hand leaving your wrap over your shoulders, keeping you close. 
“I wish every morning could be like this.” You murmured, turning your head to stare up into his eyes that agreed silently before coming down to peck your lips. 
His were slightly chapped from the cold weather neither of you were accustomed to, but the chapstick on your lips seemed to do the trick, “One day I’ll get us a place of our own on a lake and we can spend every morning out there…” the sweet words fell onto your lips as he whispered them before pulling away. 
“We can watch the sunrise and the sunset, host summer parties with our friends out here…then when we have kids, we can spend time with them out here—our little family at our little lake house.” 
You smiled warmly, bringing one of your hands up to rest upon his cheek. The scarlet blush you were certain was from the icy weather, but was, in fact, due to his love for you. It was the mere fact that he was so infatuated with you in the simplest times like these…with no one around to judge or critique the love you had for one another. 
“You want to have kids with me?” You asked as if you didn’t already know the answer, having thought of that dream too.
He huffed jokingly with the rolling of his eyes as he nodded, hand making its way to rest on your stomach, “You’re the only one I can ever imagine having a family with…you’d be a great mom.” 
“Says the guy who has been a single dad of six since he was seventeen.” You retorted as you both shared a laugh before taking a sip of the hot chocolate to warm your bodies once more. 
You leaned down to set your cup on the deck, allowing both hands to be free so you could rest them on Steve’s that still laid over your belly, “I can’t wait to have your babies…I think we’d make pretty good looking humans if you asked me.” 
Steve grinned, nodding his head, “I think so too…what do you think about heading inside and us warming up in a different way?”
The wiggling of his eyebrows made you burst out in amusement, but not stopping the twists that were happening in your stomach. He just sat there, shaking his head with a smile on his face, trying to act as if it wasn’t the corniest thing he had said all week, “Ok, c’mon, it wasn’t supposed to be funny, babe!” 
“It was pretty funny!” You quipped, poking at his sides, making him flinch, almost spilling his drink. 
He “oh’d” with a laugh, leaning over to set him down on the deck beside yours, then finally lifting you up into his arms. 
“Stevieeeee!” you squealed, weakly attempting to wiggle out of his gasp as he walked you two up the deck. 
“I feel your temperature dropping, babe! We gotta get you warmed up, quick!” He joked dramatically, feet running heavily on the wood, as you could do nothing but laugh and hold on to him tightly with every step he took. 
You quietly unlocked the front door to the Harrington residence, toeing your sneakers off and leaving them at the front door as you made your way through his house. Today’s lecture required you to stay back a few hours longer, needing some extra tutoring in order to fully grasp the concept that way you wouldn’t fail the upcoming test that you so badly needed to pass in order to get an A for the school year. That sadly meant leaving Steve alone for a few hours, but you assumed he could manage, considering the fact that this wasn’t the first time you had to stay on campus a little longer. Usually he’d come home and take a nice nap after work while he waited for you or other times he would hang out with your friend group until he received a call that you would be heading home. 
But today was different. 
You stumbled into the kitchen and found a note stuck onto the fridge with one of the smiley faces magnets that littered the silver appliance. 
“hi baby, I left some soup for you to heat up on the stove. not having a great day, a lot on my mind, don’t want to worry you though. I’m upstairs napping. Make sure you eat first before you come to bed. I love you, sweetheart.” - your stevie
A frown covered your face as you turned to the stove and saw a small pot of soup and a bowl and spoon already laid out for you. But Steve should’ve known better that you wouldn’t be able to eat without checking up on him first. He would always be your number one priority. You left the food there, and walked up the stairs, heading straight to his bedroom where you softly knocked on the door, just to let your presence be known as you twisted the knob and let yourself in. 
There he laid under the comforters on his stomach, snoring quietly while the gently breeze of wind came in through his windows. You sat your bag down on the floor and made your way over to him, sitting on the small space that was left and rubbing a soothing hand over his clothed back. 
“Hi handsome…I missed you.” You said loud enough for him to wake, kissing the space beneath his ear. 
He mumbled out a few incoherent words, before finally shifting around to face you. His sleepy red eyes, evident that he may have been crying a few hours before or even rubbing them a little too hard. It worried you.
“Did you eat?” He asked, and you shook your head, reaching out to fix the messy hairs that danced on his sweaty forehead. 
Steve groaned, scolding you for not without using his words, “I couldn’t after what I read in your note. Is everything OK? You want to talk about it?” 
You knew your boyfriend like the back of your hand and that included knowing that he had a soft side that not many people knew about. Sure, he expressed his protective and loving side for his close friends, but rarely did he ever expose his true inner feelings. He only did that with you. And you were honored to be his person that he could be his true self with, without worrying about being judged for feeling such deep and emotional things. 
“Life is just…. a lot.” He sighed, looking down sadly in his lap, feeling defeated and lost in what was the weird transition to adulthood and still holding on to being a young adult. 
You scooted closer, mirroring his body language, but wrapping your arm around his shoulder and the other on his wrist, getting him to feel some sort of comfort during this time. 
“I understand, babe… life can be a lot, but I hope you know that you’re not alone—I’m always going to be here.” You reassured him with your calming voice and slow circles that you rubbed on his wrist. 
You could feel his breath hitch and his back crouch lower falling almost away from your touch if you didn’t chase it, “Hey, hey…I’m here baby, talk to me…what’s going on? How can I help?” 
“I get scared that it’s all going to disappear.” 
The sentence was clear, yet his voice was shaky as some of the words slipped off his tongue with a breathy tone. 
“You.” he clarified, staring back up at you with tear-filled eyes, threatening to spill over any second now. 
You could feel your heart rip into a million tiny pieces just looking at the love of your life like this. It was something you had never witnessed before, at least not like this. How could you ever disappear from his life when you two practically needed each other to survive? He would be crazy to think that, but right now, you needed to reassure him that you weren’t going anywhere. 
“Steve.” You whispered, retracting your hands from their initial placement and bringing them up to cup his cheeks. Swiftly your thumbs moved to swipe the tears that finally fell when he blinks, those brown orbs coated with a cloud that you hated to see. 
“I…I’m never going to disappear, alright? I love you, so so so so much and I can’t even imagine living a life without you….what makes you think I’d ever want to leave the person I love so dearly?” 
“I dunno…” he sniffled, closing his eyes briefly, before opening them up again and staring into his favorite pair of eyes, face covered with concern, “sometimes I think that I’m not enough for you…that you’ll get tired of me, maybe find someone better than a stupid guy who works at a vhs store.” 
He shook his head shamefully in your hold, as you could do little but bite your lip and laugh lightly, causing his brows to furrow, “It’s not supposed to be funny—“ 
“Baby.” You whispered tugging his face closer to yours, just inches apart now, “I couldn't care less about the job that you have…hell you could work as a damn plumber and I would still feel the same about you because I love you.” 
He swallowed, not chancing this moment as he watched your lips move swiftly with more words leaving them. 
“I love the fact that you take the time to memorize all my weird little quirks. I love it when you leave little notes around the house and in my bag to read throughout the day because you know I miss you too much. I love when you wake me up in the morning and pepper me with kisses because it’s the only way to get me up. I love that you make me mixtapes and I never get tired of listening to them. I love that you have the biggest heart and the kindest soul. I love that you would do anything for the people that you love.” 
Steve could feel his sad little heart sparkling with happiness as he listened to your meaningful words. 
“I love you, Steve Harrington, because of what’s in your heart. I mean it every day when I say that I love you and nothing is ever going to stop me from doing so…especially not your job. Please know that I’m not going anywhere, not ever, ok?” 
He didn’t waste time with words, only pressing his lips to yours, letting them rest on each other in a soft touch before finally moving gently against one another. Everything and all his fears were lifted away with you here telling him that everything would be ok…that it was all in his head. 
“Thank you for always reassuring me.” 
You smiled against his lips and nodding, foreheads slightly bumping each others making you both laugh and pull away. 
His eyes were no longer clouded with sadness, but now glimmering with love. 
“Always, baby.”
So maybe it wasn’t the brightest idea for you and Steve to host a sleepover movie night at his place on a Sunday knowing he had work the next day and you class—but it was the only day everyone was free, so fuck it…right? 
You tucked your face deeper into Steve’s chest, inhaling his scent combined with the morning air that suffocated the living room as the warmth of the sun bled through the thin curtains and onto your exposed skin that wasn’t covered by blankets. It wasn’t odd for you and him to crash in the living room. Sometimes the two of you would be too tired to walk up his flight of stairs or you would both would fall asleep in each other’s arms during movie. But this is the first time you had been awoken by snores…some of which you weren’t familiar with, they didn’t sound like Steve’s snores…they belonged to your friends…the ones you let sleepover—
“Fuck! Steve wake up! We overslept!” 
You instantly shot up, arm blindly reaching out to shake Steve awake whose eyes snapped opened quickly, watching as you threw off the blankets in a pile on the floor. A few of your friends squirming from their places on the air mattress and opposite couch who woke up to your loud shrieks. 
“I thought you set the alarm,” He mumbled out, snapping out of his initial concern and rubbing his eyes with his fingers. 
You got up, racing towards the digital clock that sat on the coffee table, “Batteries were probably out…stupid thing!” you smacked it harshly as if that would do you both any good as he stifled his laugher and finally got up. 
“Go shower, I’ll handle get started on coffee.” He said patting your bum and pressing a quick kiss to your forehead, watching as you nodded running up the stairs loudly, not caring if you woke your friends. 
You worked quickly, rushing around Steve’s bedroom as you brushed your teeth. Pulling out some clothes from your drawer of things there, gathering some school appropriate pieces that you know would match since you didn’t have much time. You had thrown them onto the bathroom counter, reaching into the shower to warm up the water before rising from your mouth and practically ripping off your clothes and hopping in for a quick rinse. 
Steve was working just as hurriedly downstairs. The kettle was on high and the two pieces of bread had been put into the toaster. He had gotten each of your mugs ready with a spoonful of coffee grounds and the sugar pot already waiting beside them for the end. The eggshells littered the bottom of the kitchen sink as he vigorously whisked and seasoned them before pouring them in the hot pan. He worked the spatula around the mixture, setting it down and rushing towards the fridge to grab the bread, peanut butter, and jam to get started on the lunches you two would be packing. 
“Babe your turn!” You were rushing down the stairs with his toothbrush in hand with a fresh line of toothpaste already on it. 
He turned, thanking you with a quick smile before shoving it in his mouth and rushing up the stairs.
It was easy for you to take over. The eggs were nearly finished and now plated. The kettle had been done boiling, so you poured the hot water into your cups, watching as the dark brown slowly take over, adding in two scoops of sugar into each cup. The toast popped up. You turned around grabbing them with quick fingers and drizzling a squiggle of honey on them for sweetness. 
The sandwiches had been already made and only needed to be cut and placed into ziplock bags. And so you did that, grabbing a clementine and bag of chips for each of you to have for lunch. 
“I have your backpack, sweetheart.” You turned your head and saw Steve heading down the stairs with your bag in his hands that he placed down at the floor of the front door. 
“Thanks handsome! Breakfast is ready!” 
You turned, setting your coffees down on the table, being greeted with a peck on the lips as you giggle, nudging him away jokingly, “eat or we’ll be late.” 
He rolled his eyes, checking his time on his watch, “We’ve got approximately six minutes and thirty-five seconds to leave the house before either or us are late…we’re fine.” 
Steve casually takes a bit of his toast and picks up bits of the scramble eggs with his fork before eating them. You do the same, but with a bit more of urgency remembering you had forgotten your scarf and a few pieces of jewelery you usually sported upstairs. 
“Be right back!” You mumbled with a full mouth of toast, as you scrambled out of your seat and back up the stairs. 
At this point, all of your friends had woken up due to the loud ruckus and unbeknownst to you and Steve, they were watching you two run around, absentmindedly helping one another with small tasks like a cooperative relationship. 
Steve had gulped down the last remnants of his coffee and begun placing the dishes in the sink to give them a quick wash. You came down the stairs, fingers securing the earring backs to the small jewels that Steve had gifted you for your birthday one year ago—his green vest loops over your arm as you crept up behind him and nudged him slightly. 
“Almost forgot this.” you smirked, holding it out for him to work his arms through. 
“You’re the best.” He mumbled sweetly, handing you your cup of coffee to finish as he brushed down the flyaway hairs at the top of your head with his palm. 
You swallowed the rest of the semi bitter caffeine, handing him over your cup then walking over to your lunches, quickly adding a smiley face and heart to his brown bag with the thick sharpie. 
“Ready to go?” He asked, wiping his hands clean as you turned around and nodded, handing him his lunch as you two walk out of the kitchen and went to the front door quickly slipping on some shoes and grabbing your respective car keys. 
You slung your backpack over your shoulder and pecked his lips, “Remember you need to fill up your tank, you’re almost on E.” you reminded him as he nodded patting his pocket to make sure he had his wallet, which he did. 
“Call me during lunch if you have time? And I’ll see you here at 3?” He proposed, and you nodded, giving him a hug. 
You two were almost out the door when he remembered that your friends were still over. 
“Hey dinguses! Lock the door on the way out and make sure you fold the blankets!” He reminded with a shout before shutting the door. 
They all turned to each other with sleepy smiles, heading over to the nearest widow to watch the couple part ways.
“They’re like a married old couple.” Dustin commented, as you two shared another kiss before getting in your cars. 
“I think it’s kinda cute.” Max said, nudging El, who giggled and nodded. 
The boys rolled their eyes, except for Eddie, who walked away and stretched his arms out, “They love each other, it’s no surprise.” 
“More like infatuated.” Will jokes, smiling as he listens to the car horn beep. Steve lets you drive off first, then him following behind. 
“It’s the little things that make their love sweeter.” Lucas says, moving towards the coffee table and finding a polaroid of you and Steve, from a few nights ago, sitting around and watching sitcoms. 
“Small acts of affection are what they call it.” Robin says snatching the photo from the young boy to admire herself. 
“Guess we ought to take a note or two.” Mike shrugged as everyone agrees. 
It couldn’t be clearer that you and Steve were head over heels…not because of the grand gestures, but mostly because of the small and meaningful ones. The times where Steve would show up after a mentally grueling day without being asked to. The acts of service you would complete to help him get a load off his plate. The thoughtful gifts he would make for you without any special occasion. The one-on-one moments you spend together without bother, letting each other’s touch fill the gap. The appreciative words of affirmation and assurance that would fix a heavy heart after a long day. And the togetherness you both would feel, even on a hectic morning like today. 
It would always be the simple acts that would make your love for each other grow. 
A/N: I've been in the steve mood so I decided to write this sweet little quick thing up for you all! I am a whore for domestic fluff so yeah...let me know what you think!
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monoclesnapple · 27 days
Intermediate Shenanigans
Bungo Stray Dogs Chuuya Nakahara & Gender Neutral Reader + Osamu Dazai & Reader + Odasaku X Reader Summary: Headcanons about taking care of middle schooler Dazai and Chuuya and dating Oda Beginning Note: Shoutout to all the class clowns/funny people, they're great inspiration for scenarios. @kiwibeanv helped with the stories of said funnies. Word Count: 2629 (Fluff/Crack)
First off, you're their parent figure and they live with you. All comfy with you and they trust you a lot. Now to move on to their stupidity.
Immaturity at its finest.
It’s constant arguing, pointing fingers, and the like.
They’re always fighting for your attention, pushing against each other so your hand can pet them.
You’re sitting on the couch, watching TV, when Dazai runs into the living room and jumps to the spot next to you. Since you’re leaning against the armrest, there’s only one seat next to you.
Dazai pushes himself under your arm and hugs your waist as he sighs contentedly. You idly rub his arm for a few minutes before Chuuya comes in with an annoyed expression.
“Oi, StinkZai, do your history homework before you go do whatever.”
Dazai whined and buried himself deeper into your side. “I’ll do it later! I’m tired right now.” He closed his eyes.
“Dazai, you need to do your assignments before you eventually forget and never get them done,” you told him. He let out a groan at that, “Why can’t Chuuya do it? Isn’t he supposed to listen to me since I’m smarter?”
“You’re not smarter than me! Even a shrimp can do better than you!” Chuuya sped to the two of you and pulled on Dazai until the latter fell to the floor.
“Ow!- That’s my spot!” The brunette rubbed his arm. Chuuya had stolen his spot in your arms now and smirked at the other.
“Maybe you should’ve done your homework first, you idiot!” He blew a raspberry and rested his head on your shoulder.
You sighed, “If you two continue to fight, I’m simply going to go to my room and relax without either of you.”
They both froze and looked at you then at each other. Despite their inability to cooperate without trouble, they agreed on the fact that your presence was probably the most important thing they want. They begrudgingly decided to keep quiet, moving so Chuuya can sit on one of your knees while Dazai reclaimed his initial place.
Eventually, they get their emo phases. One day, Dazai just randomly started wearing bandages over his eye, saying that he looks better.
“Why are you wasting bandages?” “Because I look so cool and a lot of girls come up to me and say I look nice! I know that so many people have a crush on me, especially when I’m like this!” “Just wait til they find out that this stupid mackerel is actually a bad person and a major turn off!” “Chuuya, don’t say that, please.”
And Chuuya had a Sonic phase. He thought the hedgehog was so cool, he wanted to be like him in as many ways he can.
He then found out about Conker’s Bad Fur Day and asked you if he could get it. You thought it’d be a wholesome game for kids, but when you looked at the plot and ratings, you didn’t buy it for him. He was sad, but got over it.
And then he came across Devil May Cry and decided to watch the gameplay and cutscenes because you might not buy it for him (you may consider, but it still has some scenes that you’re skeptical about.)
Nero from DMC4 is so cool despite the excessive “Kyrie!” throughout the game, Chuuya wants to dress like him. And dye his hair white.
Every time he loves a character, he wants to dye his hair their own hair color, but you never let him because why should he ruin his lovely hair? (He may or may not ask to dye his hair just so you can compliment him.)
Hot Topic is their favorite store because it has so many aesthetics and they love the style of the apparel.
They start simping for characters and reading fanfics. You know what they’re reading because they use the family/shared device and don’t delete the history. Why are there so many lemons? What do they mean? (Unless you’re a fanfic reader yourself)
They kinda know what sex is, they have a faint idea, but they’re probably wrong on a few things.
Hence, Dazai is excited for sex ed! Wooo! His head is smacked by Chuuya because the latter is embarrassed that he just yelled that out and now kids are looking at them.
When they’re learning about it, Dazai’s snickering at the pictures. But not the childbirth, what the actual fuck did they just watch? 
Oh boy, now they’re the cringe and immature kids who laugh at everything that can vaguely be related to sex.
Anyways, now to the scenario that was the whole reason for this
You were sitting on the couch, Dazai and Chuuya on the floor and you’re petting their heads. You check your phone, keeping a hand on Chuuya’s head and caressing it. He’s smiling with his eyes closed in bliss. Oh, how he loves this affection.
Until Dazai pushes and climbs on him to be the receiver of your pets. He smiles innocently when you glance over, but smirks at Chuuya, who shoves him as well and takes his spot back.
This continues to go on and you’re about to say something, but then the door is unlocked and opened. Dazai excitedly turns to see Oda coming in. He runs over and hugs the man while Chuuya sets himself in your lap.
After greeting Dazai, Oda is carrying him and walks to you and Chuuya, pressing a kiss to your head and ruffling Chuuya’s hair.    
You're in a relationship with Oda, and Dazai loves it.
His two favorite people together, who he might call his parents? How blessed he is!
He doesn’t know who he prefers, so the two of you are equal in his eyes. But when it comes to physical affection, he might go to Oda since Chuuya’s all over you and Dazai’s too tired to do anything. Also, he doesn’t see Oda as often as he does you.
Chuuya thinks Oda is great, but he’s not as close to him as Dazai is. If he had to choose between you or Oda, he’d honestly choose you.
Oda loves coming home to find you three waiting for him on the couch. It warms his heart that he is wanted and loved.
Either he comes home to you all cooking dinner, sleeping in a pile on the floor, playing games (board games or video) , or watching TV.
He still takes care of his adopted children at the curry shop, but he also enjoys the company of Dazai and Chuuya
Sometimes, he would bring those five kids to your house so they can play with Dazai and Chuuya. Everyone has fun, it’s like a party. (Sneaking kisses in the kitchen as everyone else plays video games on the TV)
Oda is a gentleman, whenever you two go out, he always opens the door for you, pulls out your seat, and kisses your hand when you both meet and bid goodbye to each other.
If Dazai ever sees you and Oda share a kiss, he’s cheering in his mind. Whereas Chuuya just brushes it off with an unnoticeable upwards twitch of his lips and an eye roll.
Once, you spotted Oda talking to Dazai outside under the moonlight. You knew the former was telling the teen about the right thing to do. Dazai had expressed his want of being involved in some well known group.
He hinted a little about maybe being a detective or even following Oda’s footsteps of going to the mafia. You really didn’t want him to go with the second option, but at least he’d have Oda to guide him if he’s even alive at that time
Thus, he’s told to prioritize other people’s happiness over his own. It’s tough, but it’s for the better of everyone.
He also says the same to Chuuya, but he goes into more detail with Dazai. You mainly handle Chuu with the lectures since he’s more likely to take your words to heart.
Chuuya has great friends in school, they seem like a lovely bunch, and you trust them. You’ve met them before and they were very nice.
Dazai doesn’t have as many, but you can tell he’s not really clicking with them like Chuuya is with his own. When his mood seems to lower, you go to him when he’s alone and you two cuddle. You can faintly pick up the sound of sniffles and feel your clothing moisten. After the session, you two don’t mention it because you know Dazai doesn’t want to remember that.
With any trauma, you take them to therapy. If it’s affecting either kid negatively, they need to talk about it. Initially, they talk to you, but they go see a professional of that doesn’t work.
Academically, the two of them are good. Dazai’s grades are always A’s even if he procrastinates or doesn’t seem to get his work done.
Chuuya usually gets B’s, but his PE is the best with an A+. He signs up for any sports the school offers if he’s interested.
Dazai’s lowest grade is PE, around a C because he’s not athletic like Chuuya.
Both Dazai and Chuuya have the same PE class and teacher, but their participation and effort are the opposite.
“Okay, everyone needs to do fifteen seconds of push-ups and fifteen sit-ups, let’s go! Get started!” The teacher instructed. They were walking around their class in the gym, ensuring everyone was doing what they were told.
They noticed a student lying face down next to the wall and when they walked by, they pointed at him and asked, “Who is that?”
Chuuya heard their inquiry and answered, “Dazai.”
The teacher was silent for a second before focusing back on the other students, “Let’s go! You should be on the next exercise now!”
Whenever there’s a fundraiser, they’re begging you to please donate so they can get a prize.
“Pleeeaaassseee? You can get a refrigerator stuffed with $200! Or even an iPad!” Dazai’s giving you the puppy eye(s) [depends if he’s bandaged his eye or not] and Chuuya is hugging you and kissing your cheek. “We love you so much, can you pretty please with a cherry on top donate? We’ll pay you back!” (They don’t make money, nor do they have an allowance.)
When it comes to projects, Dazai always waits until the last minute.
“Hey, can we go to the store and buy supplies? I have a project.” He whispered to you.
“Huh...?” You were woken up by him at whatever the time was, so you rubbed your eyes and sat up. Oda was still asleep beside you, a peaceful expression on his face. You kept your voice to not disturb him, “What?” When you checked the time, it was 2 am.
“I need some things for my science project,” Dazai was just standing by your bed, with big eyes, looking as though he had thrown up.
“When’s it due?”
“Tomorrow.” You frowned at that.
“Sorry bud, can’t help you. It’s too late, why aren’t you in bed?”
“I had to work on my project and other assignments,” he shifted in his spot and awkwardly averted his eyes. “I only need two things, glitter markers and a poster board.”
You stared at him tiredly, before sighing. “What happened to the ones I bought at the beginning of school?”
“I lost them.”
You blinked, unmoving. “And you can’t borrow Chuuya’s?”
He shook his head, saying they weren’t what he needed. At last, you moved the covers off your body and made your way to the closet. “Fine, go get ready. You should be thankful I’m even entertaining this idea.”
Dazai silently cheered and sped to his room. Why were you so lenient with these children? They’re gonna be spoiled.
His project was claiming that potatoes can power up devices. A stupid as it sounds, he somehow makes it convincing until it’s actually tested and obviously it doesn’t work. But he still gets a passing grade for the effort.
During one of their classes, Chuuya asked to go to the bathroom and ten minutes later when the teacher was about to ask about his location, he comes back with a lunch tray.
“Where’d you get that?” “I look like a sixth grader.”
He just munched away as everyone stared at him confused before they got back to the lesson.
Another time, the teacher left the room for a few minutes. Since Dazai wondered what their coffee tasted like, he waltzed over to the desk and took a sip and immediately spat it out.
“Ugh! It tastes like shit!” When the teacher came back, the whole class silently agreed to stay quiet and not tell on him.
When it was around Halloween and everyone could wear a costume, Dazai wore a squirrel suit. He brought an acorn prop and clipped it to the front of his pants. When walking up to the stage for the best costume contest, he hit the acorn with his legs, playing with it, until it accidently hit his balls and he crouched to the floor in pain. Of course, the guys winced at it, but it was pretty funny. Someone, Chuuya probably, yelled out, “He busted a nut!”
More nonsense, pantsing sometimes occurred. And Chuuya was the unfortunate target for Dazai. He had snuck up behind the former, and yanked down his pants. Regrettably, Dazai’s fingers also caught onto the waistband of the undergarments and when it came down, he got a face full of balls.
He was so traumatized despite being the one to commit the act.
Food fights can also happen. While Chuuya was peacefully eating his lunch, Dazai threw a tomato slice at him and the fruit made a satisfying splat! on Chuuya’s cheek.
He also tried to throw cheese, but he missed and it landed in the hair of someone who was just walking by. (And somehow did not get in trouble).
For presentations, Chuuya had to do an audio recording, and Dazai just sneezed at the beginning of it, He recorded another but when uploading the audio files, he accidently clicked the sneeze one. Presentation day was funny, but Chuuya didn’t necessarily like it.
If they had online school, Chuuya would be talking to the camera before a ball smack his face. He falls out of frame, and Dazai is just seen running in the background.
There are also interviews or random school news done by the student council. They hate having to work with Dazai and Chuuya together because they always argue. The one time the video went right was when Chuuya had a voice crack.
Rallies also happen, and students would have to cheer as loud as they can for their team. Chuuya and Dazai are the loudest, but they also suffer from voice cracks. After the rally, they lose their voice for about a day.
Rocketry is an elective, and there’s a weird Russian kid named Fyodor. Both the boys don’t really like him. Since he’s associated with rats (Kids call him Rat), they wanted to get a rat plushie. They asked you if you could get them a rat plushie. You decided to buy it for them, not knowing why they actually wanted it.
They taped the plush to the rocket, put more power into it, and they launched it into the air. When it blasted off, they looked at Fyodor with threatening stares.
Occasionally, you and Oda would volunteer to help with some school activities. The first time both of you arrived, so many students had a crush on either of you. They’d go to Chuuya/Dazai and whisper “That’s your parent?”
Oda’s a dilf and you’re also a milf/dilf.
What a happy family you lot are.
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formulakatya · 1 year
“slow down, you crazy child, you’re so ambitious for a juvenile but then if you’re so smart tell me why are you still so afraid?”
Tumblr media
not my gif :)
summary: falling victim to your high ambition and expectations, you’re lucky that mick is there to help you work through the burn out
pairing: mick schumacher x reader
notes: idk i just love ‘vienna’ by billy joel, unedited (sorry) because my best ideas come quickly and im writing on tumblr for whatever reason when i should’ve done this on google docs
warnings: mentions of burnout and mental health
“this is so stupid!”
your statement catching his attention, mick looked up from his phone as angie quickly ran over to you as you lightly threw your pen on the table. staring at the physics question again, you quickly picked your pen back up before furiously scribbling your answer to the question.
you were close to ripping your hair out at this point, trying to figure out where you had gone wrong as you repeated the question under your breath, justifying each step of your answer.
and though your oblivion to the state you were slowly spiralling into, mick had recognised it all too well as your current position only confirmed the suspicion he had for the past 2 days or so.
“you should take a break, liebling,” mick spoke, petting angie as the dog came back to him as he sat on the edge of your shared bed. “come on!”
“mick, i can’t,” you sighed, not looking up from your notebook as you furiously scribbled on your notebook, putting your pen down so you could turn to look at him. “i’ve got so much to do and there’s so little time! there’s just too much going on…”
“what do you have to do? i can try to help…”
“past papers, some revision and more studying, i’ve finished my homework but i have loads of studying to do for finals that are in like two weeks,” you let out a sigh as you flipped through the papers scattered on your desk. “then i have to go to the gym and i’ve got training, my tennis match is coming up.”
“slow down,” mick chuckled, “you’ve done enough studying, more than enough throughout the past month or so. you’ll be fine, you don’t have to keep pushing this much.”
“but my grade mick! my grade!” you stressed, desperation evident as you spoke, “it has to be good! it’s either great or nothing. and i still have more to do, i still haven’t brought angie out on a walk and i have to run errands and get some stuff.”
you were spiralling, it was obvious. and with so much on your plate, mick couldn’t blame you for it. though he understood your worries and ambition, he still couldn’t help but want you to slow down and take a break. maybe it was out a selfishness, having wanting to spend a day with you ever since he came back to switzerland but it was also out of concern.
he needed you to cool down before you completely burnt out.
you were highly ambitious and a high achiever for as long as he had known you— only ever wanting to be the best in nearly everything you did from sports to academics. and though the results showed it’s benefits, the mindset also came with its downsides.
“it’s okay to take a break for a day or two, and most importantly, it’s okay to rest. you’re only ever human, and so you can’t do everything at once. there’s no reason to feel guilty,” he let out a laugh as he replied to the response he could foresee coming. “you can finish this last bit of work but promise me you’ll take a break.”
“yeah but-“
“no arguments,” mick cut you off before you could continue. “we’ll bring angie out and get some ice cream or we can do something else. i don’t want you burning out. doing things at a slow pace with breaks will always be better than overdoing things and burning out because reigniting a flame isn’t always easy”
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hrtbreakanniversary · 9 months
Back to Me | Satoru Gojo
I could make you mad, I could make you scream I could make you cry, I could make you leave I could make you hate me for everything But I can't make you come back to me
pairing: prince!satoru gojo x maid!reader
warnings: 18+ (minors dni), modern royal au, mentions of sexual activities, suggestive, they are college aged (gojo is about 23 and y/n is nearing 21), no use of japanese honorifics
word count: 1k
Annoyed was an understatement for what Y/N Y/L/N felt at the moment.
At the break of dawn, Prince Satoru Gojo begins his routine of an early morning run before going to the gym.
He's tried to do a public gym once but someone took a picture of him from an odd angle that made it look like the woman that was helping with his weights so that it didn't fall on his chest was sitting on his face. Social media went into a frenzy for the prince's exhibitionism. His publicists having a field day and his parents having a hard time believing him too because of his reputation that constantly bought him a spot on gossip websites.
Because of so, he's been instructed to stay home by his parents until everything dies down and also to just contain him. They have no idea what they did to create what they call an "embarrassment to the throne." and his need to cause destruction to his title.
Workers around the castle struggled to keep up with the male's new schedule. His very unpredictable new schedule.
One of these being Ms. Y/L/N herself who was up much earlier to direct the staff of what to do. Having basically raised the boy since he was born, she knew just about everything about him. How Satoru liked his breakfast. How he liked his clothes smelling. How he liked his bath.
Since it was the summer before her junior year of college, Y/N decided to come back home from the summer and visit to spend time with her Mother. Always forgetting that her mom's second home was the castle and that is just about where she spent all on her time.
Each summer consisted of her working at the castle to help her mother out. Well since it was legal to at the age of 16. All the summers and weekends before that when Y/N wasn’t preoccupied with school or homework, she too find would have considered this place her second home as well because how often she was here but the perception of that was ruined when she turned the grand age of 15 and heard who she once considered her safe person, her best friend, whispering things to Suguru Geto, another prince from the neighboring city that tore her heart into two.
Some would say it’s petty to hold such a grudge for so long. But she didn’t care especially with how bothersome he was being at the moment.
“Ow… Ow…” Satoru swatched at the other maid’s hand, “Are you trying to exfoliate my skin off? Shit hurts.”
In fear, the young maid moved away. Dropping the sponge into the tub, bowing with apologies spilling from her mouth.
Muttering underneath his breath, he looked at Y/N who stood in the corner of the room with her arms crossed.
“Aren’t you suppose to be doing this?”
“I’m teaching her.”
“Well, she’s rubbing me raw.”
“Shouldn’t you be showing her how? What kind of teacher are you?”
“It’s 2023, Gojo. Don’t you know how to take your own showers?”
“It's Satoru to you. And don’t you know procedure?”
“I don’t know. Seems like I’m hearing this is the first time we've done something like this and that you specifically requested it.”
He should’ve known better. I mean your mother was the head steward. Of course, she’ll go into detail about specific things. Especially about how he suddenly required assistance in the bath. Complaining that he was struggling to scrub his body because he pulled something earlier this morning. Y/N too rose an eyebrow as Satoru didn’t usually take baths, he just took showers because it took less time and he was able to leave the castle quicker when he did so.
“Just hurry up and get over here.”
Y/N resisted the urge to roll her eyes. While picking up the wet sponge from the tub, she also resisted the urge to let her eyes wander down to his sculpted body, features of his abs and biceps prominent because the water that dripped down. Harshly pressing the sponge against his back, she began to roughly rub up and down his back.
Satoru warned, "Y/L/N."
Turning her head to the younger maid, Y/N glanced towards the door. Granting permission for the younger maid to excuse herself from the room before Y/N began to scrub again. Not as rough but definitely not gentle.
"I'm just doing my job, it's all."
Y/N ran the sponge up and down his back once before moving to his arms. Running the soap up and down the muscles xf his biceps that still appeared even though his body was relaxed. The motion reminding her of the last time she had her hands on him like this.
That's when she began to apply more pressure again, resulting in Satoru turning his head to look at her from over his shoulder. Her hands falling into the water behind him.
"What are you doing?"
"How am I a perv? I'm just trying to get washed up after my long workout." A smirk played it's way onto his lips which pissed her off more.
"Oh please! Who does this anymore?"
"Some people do!" Satoru actually got this idea from a tv show he watched on Netflix the other night. Although the show was set in the 1800's and the clothes that they were wearing were much older than what they're wearing.
"Yeah, babies do! You're a grown man."
"I can't move my arms." He pouted. "I need help getting to certain areas."
"Is this the only way you can get a woman to touch you, is that why? Oh my, are the rumors in fact untrue? Is the crown prince being a playboy a facade? Is he actually just a virgin?" Y/N switched positions so she was kneeling on the side of the tub and was now facing him. She placed her hand swiftly onto his chest, resting where his heart is," Tell me, is your heart beating fast just from the opposite sex touching you like this?"
“You, of all people, should know I’m not a virgin.” Satoru's blue eyes falling from hers down to her lips.
Y/N quickly yanked back her hand. The memories from 2 summer ago flowing in. Grabbing a handful of soapy water, she tossed it into Satoru's face before standing up abruptly.
"Whatever, do this yourself."
Y/N splashed him again with the dirty tub water, her back towards him as she walked to the door.
"I'll tell your mom!"
"Oh yeah? What is she going to do? Fire me?!"
a/n: might make this into a series hehe
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