#I really should just make my own blog site or something man
no1ryomafan · 5 months
The curse of being so knowledgeable on older animes is going to suck irl for as long as I live where I am-which is probably permanent rip-because man I wish it was possible from a education stand point for people to learn about the history of it. How anime has become such a phenomenon and one of the greatest works from across the global that has so much history to it that people in the west hardly know about unless they dig for it themselves. It’s something that deserves to have classes taught about it, deserves to have people learn and watch the all time classics that MADE anime-
but the issue with that is “even if anime popular it’s not apart hugely apart of our culture when it comes to how it was made and you can’t really show off most older works because they are long as fuck in a school that no student could reasonably stay on top of it” so this is never happening ever.
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seresinsbabe · 1 year
Some Strings Attached
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Pairing: Jake “Hangman” Seresin x fem!reader
Synopsis: It was supposed to be a quick fuck. No strings attached. That was all. But six weeks later when you’re staring at two pink lines you realize there were some strings attached. And now you have no idea how to find the father because you only know his first name.
Warnings: Mentions of abortion, drinking, this chapter is a bit angsty
Word Count: 1.5k
I do not consent to having any of my work shared on any other platform. If you see any rendition of my works on another site know that it has been posted without my permission.
A/N: I kind of hate this chapter, but I think that's just my brain telling me it sucks because it's so short
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Turns out finding someone who’s first name was the only thing you knew about them was much harder than you thought. Jake might not have even been his first name. It could be his middle name or a nickname for all you knew. And the only other things you could remember were that he was from Texas and he was in the Navy. As far as you knew that could all be a lie and from your search he didn’t have much of a public social media presence. This whole thing completely backfired on you. You should have stayed celibate. Then you wouldn’t be in this position. 
Technically you still had an out. There was still time left to go to the clinic, but every time you thought about that it made you sad. No, this pregnancy wasn’t planned. And no, you didn’t really even know the father even if you knew who the father was. It wasn’t going to be easy, but when you finally told your parents and their faces lit up after the initial shock you knew you were making the right choice. Because dad or no day, this baby would always be loved, it would always have the best support system, because you had the best support system.
“Still nothing?”
“No, still nothing. Next time you get knocked up by a one night stand maybe get a little more information.” Cassie quipped on the other end of the phone.
“Ha. Ha.” You responded dryly. Cassie was trying to bring some humor to the situation. It had been two weeks since your first ultrasound and you had another cheek coming in two weeks. So far there was no bump, no one knew you were pregnant unless you told them. Which was how you wanted it right now. The only person outside of your parents and Cassie that knew was your boss. 
Out of everyone, you were most afraid of disappointing Mr. Benjamin. He had taken you under his wing the second you got hired on at the office. He knew your end goal was to become a lawyer and he was determined to make that happen. An unplanned pregnancy was the last thing you needed and you were scared he would no longer feel confident in your ability to achieve that goal. You had expected him to be upset, but he was the opposite. Turns out his eldest was an ‘oopsie baby’ as well.  He didn’t sugar coat that it wouldn’t be easy, especially as a single parent. He did say that if there was anyone more than capable of making it work, it would be you. 
“Yeah, next time I get knocked up by a green eyed mystery man I’ll be sure to say ‘hey, just in case you knock me up can I get your information?’. What dick deflator that’ll be.” You snorted at your own comment as you skimmed Ralph’s selection of prenatal vitamins. There were so many options and for the life of you you couldn’t remember the brand your doctor had recommended. You were focused on the bottle in your hands, reading about everything that was in it while Cassie droned on about something on the phone. So focused that you didn’t notice you were no longer the only person in the aisle until they spoke up.
“You’re pregnant?” Your body went stiff. It wasn’t a voice you heard often, but it was one you knew. 
“Cassie, I gotta go.” You hung up without so much as a goodbye and turned to face him. Standing with a basket hung on his arm, in a pair of service Khakis and a look you couldn’t quite read on his face was Jake. The Jake. This was definitely not how you envisioned him finding out. Hell, you hadn’t even figured that out yet. You wanted to find him before you got that far. 
Jake took a few steps closer to you and a wave of nausea hit. Whether it was from the baby or the situation at hand you weren’t sure, but it hit you hard and you were trying to keep a straight face. 
“Uh..yeah. I’ve been trying to find you, so I could tell you. Haven’t had much luck…o-obviously.” You let out a nervous laugh as you dug through your purse. Eventually you found the extra ultrasound picture you’d had printed. The one with all your information written on the back in your half-print-half-cursive handwriting. You’d made it that way in case you did find him and had decided to just leave a letter on his car or something when you wussed out on actually telling him in person. “Here, this was the first ultrasound.” Your hand was shaky as you held the glossy paper with the grainy photo of a blob on it. 
Jake softly grabbed it from you. Reading him was hard, but the second he looked up at you after a solid minute of staring you knew how he felt. 
“I don’t want any part of this.” It felt like a gut punch even though you had prepared for this kind of reaction from him. It was a lot. Even more so when you find out in the middle of a chain store vitamin aisle. “If you had some little plan to get pregnant for money or benefits it’s not going to work. I’m not ready to be a parent. I don’t want this kid. Keep it or not. You’re on your own.” He said it so coldly. Not at all warm and inviting like he’d been that night. You damn sure didn’t deserve to be called a gold digger.
Jake tried to hand the ultrasound back to you, but you just shook your head and shoved his hand back towards him. 
“Keep it. Throw it away. I don’t give a fuck.” You turned away from him. As much as you wanted to scream at him, this wasn’t the place. “It’s now or it’s never. If you decide you want to be part of this baby’s life, decide now, because whether it's a year or ten from now, I won’t give you the chance again.” The last thing you wanted for this baby was to have a flaky father. “With or without you, we’ll be just fine.” The nausea was ten times worse as you fled the aisle and the store all together. Completely forgetting about the reason you’d even gone in the first place. 
Any strength or confidence you’d had just now when facing Jake had been replaced with a steady stream of tears. Your car was silent except for your sobs. It took – well you weren’t sure how long it took you to calm down enough to drive home, but eventually you did. Finding Cassie waiting at your front door with two bottles in her hand – one sparkling grape juice and the other wine.
A raised eyebrow prompted Cassie to explain. “To celebrate I found Jake! Wait-” Her eyes narrowed and inspected your face closer. “You’ve been crying. Is this a pregnancy cry or did something happen?” You let out a heavy sigh as your key slid into the lock. 
Some time and a half-eaten pizza later the story was out. Telling it out loud made you feel even dumber than you already had. Of course he was going to react badly. This had been a no strings attached deal and here you were, attached to him by not just a string, but a fucking chain. You couldn’t exactly blame him for reacting the way he did. Doesn’t mean it didn’t feel any less shitty. 
Cassie, who was now almost a bottle of wine deep, looked as pissed as ever. 
“So he didn’t give you a chance to explain? Just called you a gold digger and said fuck this kid?” Swallowing hard you let out a nod. More or less that’s what he had said to you.”I’m gonna kill him.” You watched as she took the last swig of wine and then slammed the bottle down on the counter top. “I-I’m gonna castrate him! Yeah, s’can’t get anymore sweet girls like you knocked up!” You rolled your eyes and grabbed the empty bottle from Cassie. It was getting late and she was only over because tomorrow you guys were going to start packing your apartment up. You had yet to find a new place, but in the meantime you were going to crash at her place until you figured this whole thing out. 
“Come on, let’s get you to bed.” Cassie frowned at your words, but you just stood up and started searching your cabinet for ibuprofen and a pedialyte packet. When you looked at Cassie again she was starting to nod off. “Are you going to keep this whole ‘drinking for you and me’ schtick up the entire pregnancy?” You laughed as you helped her over to your couch. 
Cassie nodded, popped the ibuprofen and downed half the glass of pedialyte before collapsing on the couch and letting you tuck her in. 
“You’re gon’be such a good mama.” The redhead mumbled in her sleep, clutching onto the couch pillow. And you weren’t sure why, maybe it was the pregnancy or everything that had happened but it brought tears to your eyes. 
Jake or no Jake this baby was going to be loved.
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@rosewritesitout@startrekfangirl2233@izzyomfg@entertainmentgal8@zbeez-outlet@glenpowellsstargirl @laneyspaulding19 @isakyakiisak @clancycucumber230cumber230 @crthurston @Marvellover91 @The-house-of-of-rose-and-ember @fighterpilothoe @eternalsams @honeymilkshakesblog @Cycbaby @whatislovevavyavy @cherrycola27 @so-i’m-blue @cassiemitchell @bioodforbiood @mjsvinyl @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @buckystwilight @luvrrish @Yourmomssidehoesposts @Urmomssidehoesposts @afterglowsb-tch13 @classyunknownlover @pono-pura-vida @shewritesfiction13 @plaper1 @milestomaverick @stiles-banshees @hangmanscoming @alana4610 @itsa-me-marioooo @freeshavocadoooo @ravenhood2792 @finelytaylored @fredsandlokiswhore @lillie-g98 @one-sweet-gubler @blackwidownat2814@saskiameyersstuff@hopeless-romanticnamed-s@agentstarkid@lilyhw1@nobody7102@cosmic-psychickitty@goldenloverschild@novagreen04@sophham@algae-tm@darkheartcherry@djs8891@Kenia-rvl @mannsachdds @shawnsblue@food8me@Littlebear423@topgunruinedme@emilyoflanternhill@Prettygirlsily@bellaireland1981@shinypapervoidduck @japanniallslotion @sveetnn@zetasaturno99 @Jazminlahey20 @bookish-buckyky @aaprilshowerss @strokesofstokess @jstarr866 @Queenyamimarrero
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cardentist · 7 months
As a nonbinary/genderfluid biromantic, demiromantic asexual, literally every part of my gender identity and sexuality has been subject to the same "you could EASILY pass as cishet, so can you REALLY say you experience oppression when you could simply CHOOSE not to" and "you're not REALLY oppressed for being XYZ, you're only oppressed when people mistake you as cis fem/trans fem/gay/lesbian/any other identity we think is ACTUALLY important." My existence in online queer spaces has been hounded constantly by people trying to tell me what my lived experiences are and what they mean, shouting me down about how I can't speak about Insert Issue/Topic Here because sure maybe I'm queer (and to some, I don't even have the right to call myself that) but I'm at the bottom of the Who Is Oppressed More Hierarchy, I am only Oppressed in the way that sometimes I experience what they deem to be a different group's oppression. Not even my oppression is my own! I am too much of an "aberration" to find community and a place to speak amongst the general populace, and I'm too privileged to have a voice in the queer community, even about things that affect me.
And now, I'm watching that same rhetoric being used against transmen and transmascs. I remember when people on this site started really exploring queer headcanons for characters, everyone cheering "let's make X character gay! Y character is trans! Z character is a lesbian!" but if you dared to suggest "can Q character be ace?" you'd be met with "... that's boring." I remember how quickly ace exclusion devolved from "aces are boring" to "god, aces are annoying" to "when you think about it, aces aren't even really oppressed, so they aren't queer, so they should just shut up." And then it wasn't just aces, it was bi folks. And then it was enbies too. And now. Here we are.
This is the only site where people will blog about how "Gender is a sandbox! It's fucky! Men can be women, and women can be men! I'm a boygirl kind of girlboy! There are genders and sexualities in all sorts of shrimp colors you can dream of!" but in the same breath, they'll still act weird about he/him lesbians. They'll still claim that ALL masculinity is toxic. They'll still say that men are boring and annoying and-- Oh? You think that's kind of hurtful? You want to use this as an opportunity to talk about your own lived experiences and vent your frustrations courteously and privately on your own blog? Why do you have to make everything about you?! You're lower down the Who Is More Oppressed ladder because, wHeN yOu tHinK aBouT iT, no man can be oppressed for being a man! Even trans men! So you and anybody even vaguely masc aligned should just shut up and stay out of the conversation and let the queers who experience REAL bigotry talk!
... They could at least say something new instead of reusing the same rhetoric they've used for aces and aros and bi/pan folk and enbies and masc/butch lesbians and countless other queer identities.
All that to say, as someone who has been subject to all this for every part of my identity, I stand with you. Trans Unity! Queer Unity!
Context: [Link 1, Link 2]
I know Exactly what you're talking about !
I was around in inclusionist spaces 10 years ago at this point, before I'd fully crystalized what I Had Going On.
I Remember it being pointed out that ace exclusionists were stealing talking points from radfems directly, up to and including ripping off entire posts and just swapping out "trans women" with "asexuals."
I Remember people warning each other that normalizing these kinds of talking points, convincing people that that Mindset is a valid one, would then make it easy to swap out the Target of said mindset.
and it Has happened, over and over and over again. people are Always looking for the marginalized people that nobody wants to stand up for. that people don't understand, that people don't see as Needing support, that people already have negative feelings about even if they don't recognize Why.
it'll only ever stop when people examine the talking points Themselves and throw them out. when people are willing to stand in solidarity with people Regardless of whether they understand them or not.
if someone is trying to convince you that class of people As A Whole are undeserving of support, are lesser than, shouldn't have their voices heard or considered, Question It ! when they hold people up in Comparison to say that their pain is Lesser and therefore doesn't Matter, Question It !!
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pro-sipper · 5 months
(i totally get it if you don't wanna answer this ask, feel free to just delete it if i'm makin you uncomfortable or anything!)
i used to self-identify as an anti, but i've been reading through some more stuff on either tag and now i'm kinda unsure which label to use.
before my thinking was, "i don't want to be associated with anyone who find gratification in fictional portrayals of incestuous/pedophilic relationships (or anyone who would want their blog to act as a safe space for said people), and from what i've heard, that's what proshippers do. proshippers dni."
but see... aligning myself with the "kill yourself and die" people isn't much better. i'd really rather people didn't assume i send death threats OR think it's okay to ship siblings together, personally. i'd rather say with words what i think and who i don't want on my blog, but i'd also rather not get a million "are you a proshipper/anti?" asks constantly. because god knows people on this site can't read.
this whole thing is stupid. why must i pick one or be bombarded to pick one 24/7, and then bombarded some more for whichever one i do pick, even when i don't agree with either 100% completely. i just wanna post my funny guys man
My honest answer would just be ignore the haters and post your funny guys without worrying too much one way or the other! But if you'd like to read my thoughts a little more in depth...
I think most people don't care about, and think they're above pro/anti discourse. So if you just do your own thing, no one should care.
I don't ship siblings or anything else that would really raise any alarm bells, so I'm basically stealth proship on all my other blogs. I've even reblogged some very heavy proship posts that say everything about what we believe, minus the exact label "proship" and no one has sent me any asks saying like "umm what was this post about exactly..?" But that's just my experience.
At the end of the day, being proship is just about minding your own business and remembering that fiction is fiction. You don't have to be comfortable with everything out there (god knows I'm not) but you have to accept that avoiding it is your responsibility. Block the appropriate tags, turn back if you encounter something upsetting, and most of all do not harass whoever made it because they're well within their right to do so
But going back to what you said about proshippers... Like you said, "from what I've heard that's what proshippers do". I think it's important to recognize that some things you've heard could be misleading, depending on where they were coming from. Because most antis seem to think that proshippers are constantly one degree away from violent sexual real life crime when that just isn't the case.
Thought crimes are not real. Thinking bad things in your head doesn't make you a bad person. Your taste in fiction doesn't dictate the kind of person you are. All that matters is how you treat real people in real life.
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In the last few days, I've made two long and rambling posts about Cowgate, a short incident from 2003 that haunts my nightmares. I think people should know that when I make posts like that - the ones that go way too long about something entirely niche - I am operating under the assumption that absolutely no one is reading this bullshit. Even the small handful of people who read this blog regularly, I assume you skip over those ones.
That's not just a hypothetical assumption, I make writing choices accordingly. I assume the only purpose of this post is to give me somewhere to put the hauntings besides my nightmares, and therefore, it doesn't matter if it's readable. I know that my whole blog is full of errors, but on posts like that, I get especially lax with things like editing. I go really deep on things where on a different post, I might think - okay, that's far enough. Because no one is reading this.
I have now been proven wrong several times about those couple of posts, which both mildly embarrasses and delights me. First of all, I got this great comment from @beastlyanachronism, which is now how I love to picture myself:
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Then, the wonderful @lastweeksshirttonight proved that they'd read not only the posts but the comment, by immediately messaging me a corresponding picture. I replied that I love the image, I will definitely start my post with that image the next time a new Cowgate-based detail is found and I need to write about it. I didn't expect that to be soon, though. Breakthroughs are few and far between.
But then, I got another message, proving that at least three different people have read my post (actually four, if you count the very kind British man who read my post and then sent me a message to explain the nuances in the expression "bottle it"). And that last message is the reason for this post. Because, I can't believe I've been given cause to use this image so soon:
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Further content behind the cut, because not everyone needs this content all over their feed.
This relates to the message I got last night, from the extremely helpful @linkeightvideo, who not only read my posts, but joined the cause and did his own research. And came up with this link:
The Metro cow is a thing!!! I knew the wording of that YouTube comment was weird (calling it "the Metro cow", rather than something like "a cow that said Metro on it"), suggesting that this was a specific and recognizable instillation. And I was right! But I cannot take credit for figuring that out, all credit goes to @linkeightvideo, who is the best.
The above link is to an archived version of an article from August 5, 2003, about three weeks before Cowgate occurred (which was August 26, 2003 - fun fact that has absolutely nothing to do with anything because to the best of my knowledge he wasn't there or anything, but that was also Nish Kumar's eighteenth birthday). The article is from the Edinburgh Fringe website. It's short enough so I'm just going to paste its text in full:
The Fringe was hit by a bunch of cotton-pickin', rootin-tootin' cattle ruslers in the early hours of Saturday night. The almost life-sized, bright blue and red Metro bull was stolen from outside the Metro Fringe Box Office. Metro newspapers are appealing for its safe return before the police are called and urge anyone with information to come forward. Metro Fringe Box Office Manager, Gillian O'Connor said: "We're distraught to have lost such a valuable member of the Box Office team! Please bring him back." The bull had just completed a secondment outside London's Victoria station, where he stood unmoved for a month. Yet after only a few days on duty with the Fringe he has gone missing leaving today's Festival Cavalcade a bull short of a procession.
That's it!!! That's the one! It was blue and red! I know it was blue and red, because Adam hills shouted "it's got red horns, it's all the rage". And it was almost life sized! And it said Metro on the side! Further research - also done by @linkeightvideo, he deserves all the credit in the world for this - finds that Metro sponsored the Edinburgh Fringe Festival that year, and also directly sponsored the Gilded Balloon venue.
So, the company called Metro had a large cow that was used in advertisements, and for one month in the summer of 2003, it was in London, outside Victoria Station. Then it was brought to Edinburgh, because they were sponsoring the festival and running a box office. They put it outside that box office, and it got stolen within "a few days" (which makes sense, as August 5th is a few days into the festival). It was meant to be part of the Festival Cavalcade, but couldn't be due to thieves.
Then, three weeks later, it spends all night on stage during a late-night comedy show in an Edinburgh venue that Metro sponsors, where it gets taken apart. How do we get from one state of affairs to the other? I don't know, but I'm a hell of a lot closer to understanding than I was yesterday. If the cow was somehow recovered, it would make sense from them to move it indoors, where it can be guarded better (again, credit for this idea goes to @linkeightvideo, and I think it makes sense). I mean, it can be guarded from drunk thieves in the middle of the night. Apparently the stage of the Gilded Balloon is not a good place to guard it from (shockingly) sober comedians in the middle of the night.
This made me try searching again for the specific words "Metro cow", and I found this article from December 12, 2003. It's a list of people who are involved with whatever organization this is, I'm not really clear on that. But it includes this one guy named Stephen Auckland. He's from the North of England, and as of when this was written, he was listened as the managing director of Metro. The bottom of his profile says:
An able sidekick to Associated Newspaper's Mike Anderson, even when it came to keeping up appearances following the disappearance of Mootro, Metro's cow mascot, from the Edinburgh festival. Auckland offered to dress up as a pantomime version. Luckily, they found the cow.
Guys! Guys! It has a fucking name! The Cowgate cow has a name! It's named Mootro! Now that I think about it, I actually can't believe I've never named the thing, given that I named the event (Cowgate), and giving the cow a name is the sort of thing I'd do. But I don't have to, because apparently it's named Mootro.
And the story has an update. It was stolen by August 5, and then it was found at some unknown point, and by August 26 it was in the Gilded Balloon. And then it got taken apart on stage.
I think this brings up one obvious question, which is: if this thing was important enough for its theft to be reported on the Edinburgh Fringe website, how come they were allowed to destroy it? The obvious answer would be that it was specifically made for just that one Edinburgh Festival, and was meant to be destroyed at the end of it anyway. But why did it spend a month in London right before that, then? And why would they do that anyway? Surely it's not efficient to make something like that for only a month, you'd think they'd plan to have it last a while and move it around based on where they're sponsoring things.
I can't believe this. This is the biggest revelation since I figured out who the fuck Karen Koren was, the woman referenced in Adam Hills' song, after after ages of Googling comedians named "Erin Coren" (finally worked out that she was the venue owner, which seems obvious now but it hadn't occurred to me at the time, when I was expecting it to be a reference to another performer). Actually, this is a much bigger revelation than that one, which just explained a couple of Adam Hills' lyrics. This is the biggest revelation in all the Cowgate research yet. The two main questions at the heart of the Cowgate mystery are: "Why did you do it?" and "Where did you get the cow?" And now one of those questions has been answered! It has a fucking name!
That second article referred to it specifically as the Metro "mascot". I guess a company is going to make more than one version of a mascot. But still, I don't think you're allowed to just destroy a sponsor's mascot. Maybe that mascot was at the end of its life anyway? Maybe Daniel Kitson just doesn't give a fuck? Maybe Daniel Kitson stole the cow in the first place. There's a whole new question. Who stole the cow? How did they get it back? How did it get from there to its whereabouts on August 26?
I know it wasn't on the Gilded Balloon stage every night of the 2003 Edinburgh Festival, because there's no sign of it in this montage, from Late 'n' Live on August 19, 2003 (also a fun video and great snippets of Chocolate Milk Gang history, if you can get past the second-hand embarrassment of Kitson trying his rap battle thing with an actual musician, and the presence of an actual musician makes the whole thing seem less ironic and therefore harder to watch - but you do get to see David O'Doherty beat up Jason Byrne and that's hilarious, also it's very funny to watch Daniel Kitson do something as out of character as brag about "nearly" winning a Barry Award and having a girlfriend from Australia, especially given how the latter turned out):
So it wasn't there on that night. Also, it just couldn't have been there every night. The Gilded Balloon is a proper venue that has proper shows during most of its time, it couldn't just have a large cow on stage for all of those. Also, in the beginning of that montage video from August 26, you see Kitson talking to the audience about the cow, and it sounds like he considers its presence as much of a novelty as they do. I mean, he's making fun of them for thinking it's a novelty, but he doesn't seem familiar with it, it seems like something he has to address:
This is the main reason for my theory that they didn't plan it beforehand, the montage shows the audience giving Kitson challenges for easy things to do with the cow, he asks them for more difficult challenges and then the video cuts, but I think the audience then asked him to tear it apart. It's a theory that makes sense based on some circumstantial evidence, but it does open up other questions. The main one being whether you can get permission to destroy a company's mascot between the beginning and the end of a comedy show, especially a comedy show that takes place entirely in the middle of the night. It doesn't seem likely. It also opens up some smaller questions, like what they were planning as the end of the show - the finale of the last night of Late 'n' Live, so you'd think they'd have something - that got bumped for this.
This reminds me that I had some further thoughts on the other mystery, of what actually went down on the night of August 26. I was thinking of the somewhat blue sky theory of there being two previous. Evidence for this: Adam Hills referred to "three chances", they were able to pick up chisels off the ground that seemed to just be lying around (possibly having been discarded after previous attempts), and Kitson in that video does have their air of someone who's already watched this go wrong and is really determined to make sure they get it fucking right this time. Evidence against: I'm not sure that works from a show planning perspective. What if it had worked on the first try, then what would the finale have been? If they'd watched it fail twice, would they really have made it the finale, knowing it may well fail a third time and that would be a shit ending? Though this could possibly be explained by the presence of the pipe that someone runs on stage, significantly increasing their chances compared to any attempt where that pipe was not in play.
I thought of something else today: the cow was already down when they started that video. Earlier in the night, we see comedians sitting on the cow, it's standing up. But at the end, when those guys run out to try to take it apart, they don't have to knock it down first. It's already lying on its side. They could have knock it down just before starting the song, but why would they do that? Surely knocking it down would be a fun dramatic moment, so if this were the first time they'd messed with the cow, they'd leave the knocking down to be part of the process. Unless this weren't the first time, and they had dramatically knocked it down before starting to try taking it apart, but this one done at some earlier point that the video didn't catch.
Anyway. That's the revelation. Along with some further thoughts on theories, but the main thing is the revelation. Massive breakthrough, and I need to thank @linkeightvideo one more time for research that he was under absolutely no obligation to do, but he came through anyway. What a legend. Am I using the British expressions right? What a solid gold legend.
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ramp-it-up · 2 years
Deck the Hallways
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Shield High School FACULTY AU
Pairing: Teacher! Bucky x Teacher! Reader; Sam Wilson and Thor x Reader (platonic)
Word count: 875
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI, Language, pretty tame otherwise, Christmas decorations, going commando, teasing, tinsel tug of war, chess playing, suggestive language. All errors my own.
A/N: This is a teacher AU. All characters in this are ADULTS, as you should be if you’re reading my fic. Thank you. 😊
This comes right after Quarter Finals and at least one other part (not yet published) chronologically. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
This is in response to the following ask for #DJ’sAllIWant4KChristmas. I missed these characters. Thank you for this ask.
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I Do NOT consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
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You were busy decorating the staff lounge Christmas Tree, and Bucky was busy watching you.
That cute barely-within-teacher-dress-code red and green plaid skirt was calling him, and he had visions of what he was going to do to you later.
You looked over your shoulder at him and sashayed over, wrapping a yard of tinsel around his neck as you stood with his knee between your legs. You were alone in the lounge, but someone could walk in any second.
It was exciting.
“Gimme your panties.”
Bucky smiled up at you with that smile that was hard to resist as he slid his palm up your leg.
You shivered.
“Wish I could, James. But… can’t give you what I don’t have.”
Bucky’s eyes got big, and so did his grin. He clenched his hands, cheered, and then put his hand back on your leg, moving higher. He was about to go there as you heard someone clear their throat.
You stepped back and turned to see Sam smirking at you as he came in. He and Steve found out about you two in New York, but you swore them to secrecy. If Principal Fury found out, your jobs were in jeopardy.
Sam cleared his throat. 
“Gotta keep that shit down.”
You’d gone over to the tree and pretended like nothing happened, grinning from ear to ear.
Bucky’s voice was back to the usual monotone.
“Don’t know what you’re talking about, Wilson.”
You peeked back over your shoulder to witness Bucky staring at the chessboard on the table that he’d turned back around to. He looked back at you and winked.
Sam made retching noises as he moved his knight.
“Y’all are gross by the way.”
You giggled as Bucky scowled at Sam.
“Shut the fuck up, Sam. Checkmate.”
“Awwww! Man. Yourname has given you holiday superpowers with that tinsel.”
Bucky looked down at the garland and smiled, flicking it over his shoulder like a scarf. 
“You never used to beat me like this.”
Bucky flipped Sam off as Eric Masterson entered the lounge.
“Ms. Reader is giving out superpowers for the holidays? To Barnes?”
He went over and tried to take the tinsel from around Bucky’s neck. There was a brief tug of war between them until they broke the string and stumbled back. Masterson panted as if it were a great effort. He pointed at Bucky. 
“He is not worthy of Christmas powers. I will play Santa at the Holiday Pageant this year and demonstrate the wonder and majesty of Blitzen, which is Christmas Spirit.”
Masterson stood with his hands raised to the ceiling as if he was expecting something. Sam got up and stood beside him, looking up as well.
“What’s gonna happen? Snow?” 
You turned around to witness this scene. Bucky and your friends made you irrationally happy. You watched Bucky tuck his tinsel in his pocket as he winked at you again.
“And Blitzen is the name of…”
He took in Eric’s blank stare.
“Nevermind. You’d make a really terrible Santa, Eric. Just sayin’” 
“Don’t be mean, James. You should apologize.”
The way you looked at him was too much, he couldn’t say no, although Sam would know he was whipped. He thought about resisting, but then you pouted. Those lips. He thought about them wrapped around his…
“Shit,” Bucky cursed under his breath.
“Sorry Eric, I meant that you should be the MC instead, you know, basically lead the show. You’d be great at that. At the forefront.”
Masterson bowed a bit.
“Thank you for recognizing my talent, Barnes.”
Bucky shook his head at Eric and turned to you.
“And thank you for the holiday superpowers, Ms. Yourname. I would like to discuss that item you’re missing…”
He turned around to see Sam smirking and Eric smiling innocently at you two.
“...In your lesson plans on the Great Depression for your Gatsby unit. I can help get what you need inside… I mean help fill up that hole…in your unit.”
Bucky smiled a wolfish grin as you played along. Sam was gagging again. Eric was pouring himself some coffee, having lost interest in the conversation.
“Sure, Mr. Barnes. We’ll get it in. 4:30? Turner Street Cafe.”
“Deal, Ms. Yourname. It will be an eventful session. See you then.”
“See you then Mr. Barnes.” 
You twirled a little bit as you walked out of the lounge for your next class. Bucky bit his lip.
Sam shook his head and said under his breath, “Isn’t Yourname’s apartment on Turner street?”
Bucky straightened up and frowned at Sam.
“Maybe, maybe not.”
But he could not hide the light in his eyes. Sam just smiled at his friend, happy that he was finally happy. Bucky nodded at Sam and headed out to the soccer field to check the condition after the previous night’s rain.
Eric came up to Sam, sipping from his mug.
“You gotta admire James and Yourname. They are dedicated to banging it out for their profession. They go so hard, I hope they are taking care of themselves.”
“Oh, I’m sure it is hard, but they are dedicated to banging it out.”
“Of course they will, and they probably fuck like rabbits, too.” 
Eric looked down at the chess board, and then back up at Sam.
“Let’s play some chess.”
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Reblog it baby! 😘
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donnerpartyofone · 8 months
I'm trying to picture the logical outcome of that rhetoric going around about how we should all reblog people's art and fan content out of the goodness of our hearts--like just to satisfy everybody's cravings for attention, as opposed to reblogging if and when we actually like something enough to want it on our own blogs. I mean there's no other reason NOT to reblog something than that you just don't enjoy it enough, so the only reason to press people about reblogs is to override that basic lack of desire and pleasure. With that said:
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Let's say person X is earnestly writing and recording really shitty music. You don't like it, but you feel duty-bound to make them happy by acting like you think it's good so you reblog it, all of it, every time. And let's also say your supposedly heroic urge to promote things you don't believe in, to make your blog represent stuff you don't actually care for just to create a feeling of artificial popularity for someone else, catches on, and we all start doing it. Now everyone is playing music they don't like, or are even indifferent to, and we're putting it on all of our blogs, like you're covering your room in posters for something totally uninspiring, that you're only involved with out of pity. And then one day we all find ourselves middle-aged and tired without that much money or energy to go around, and we're still dragging our asses to shows that start too late and go too late, trudging from the bar to the bathroom as the only way of breaking up the monotony of politely sticking it out until your friend goes on--who actually isn't even your friend, they're just some rando on social media who everyone collectively decided to boost out of the misguided notion that we are all owed zillions of notes and followers just because we want them, and now this person gets to go about their days imagining that they're deservedly famous and never learning things like, for instance, you should make art for your own personal satisfaction and not to get everyone else's approval, or that being loved by a few people who really understand you is better than being popular with masses of strangers, or that there are forms of success that aren't just doing numbers on some cretinous website.
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One of the more important parts of the above is, person X is not your friend, they're just some guy. In real life, there is a good probability that you will sometimes have a friend who makes bad art or bad music or writes bad poetry etc, and you will feel obligated to go to their show/reading/etc and act supportive and come up with nice things to say until you're exhausted to the point of death. And you sacrifice your time and comfort like this because X is someone in your life who you care about, even if it doesn't feel completely honest to be this positive about everything they do, it's worth it because you're invested in how they feel (this is providing you don't have more of a tough love relationship, which is maybe ideal, but not everybody does so well with that, so ANYWAY). And if you're part of an actual community of artists, everybody winds up buying each other's zines and being the only people at each other's shows and basically just passing the same $10 bill around in a circle forever and man is THAT exhausting, but at least you all know the score, even if no one is saying it.
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But what I'm saying is, this is the burden of relationships, the result of not being able to necessarily choose who you love. The most common type of relationship on Tumblr is between strangers; I will never know anything about the vast majority of people whose posts I see, even that I like. I will make some friends and acquaintances, but for the most part I'm here to have my own experience, to follow people because I like what they do, to interact with their stuff for no reason other than that I enjoy it. So for me, the Tumblr pitch is basically "Come to this site, people post all kinds of cool shit and you can amuse yourself for hours!" The pitch should not be "Come to this site where people will conspire to make a charity case out of you by making you think they like your stuff when they really don't," nor should it be "Come to this site where you have a moral obligation to help promote all kinds of random crap you might think is lame or boring, but you're forced to because you feel sorry for strangers who make bad art and you don't think they should have to learn that no one owes them a successful artistic career and popularity isn't everything!" I mean that is a nightmare. If you're lucky you'll have enough of that going on in your real life that you definitely won't want to join a website where you have to do it for people you don't even know. If you're extra lucky, you'll never have to do anything like this at all!
PS If half your likes and reblogs are inspired by charity and not informed by your actual taste, then your approval becomes totally meaningless and nobody should care what you have to say. Same goes for always agreeing with whoever is talking to you and always saying you're sorry even if no one asked for an apology. It's a way of being a liar. You turn your own word into mud.
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allys-diary · 2 months
stories i om-nom-nom'd :: april 2024 (week 2)
I honestly didn't nom through too much because this week was mostly spent on my 'main' blog which is by the site's terms my side blog but let's be real, that's where I'm most active, it's my main blog 😤 Anyways, most of the week was spent reading through my friends' and fellow writers' stories and progressing my Tumblr TBR, writing my own stories, and also downloading and posting all the photos that came out this week from the events that Tom Hiddleston attended (legend has it, I'm still downloading).
As always, spoilers, thots, and thoughts all under the cut
The Antisocial Network
I wasn't expecting this to take the turn that it did, documenting the butterfly effect of the creation of 4chan and how it snowballed into January 6, 2021. I ended up liking this a bit more than I expected going in, but I also have a little bit of an opinion…some of these guys really shot themselves in the foot revealing themselves to be a part of Anonymous because now…well they're kinda the opposite 🥴
Quiet on Set: Breaking the Silence
The check in with the people that were interviewed felt like a necessary part of the entire process, but honestly…there was something in the vibe of this episode's execution that felt off to me. It was like the host was putting on a performance like they were filming in front of a studio audience and the tone just felt like it was too chipper if that makes sense? Like you're supposed to be checking in on them and asking them how they've felt since the documentary came out and how their lives have been since, so why are you sounding like you're reading them today's headlines? Like I can't believe I'm even saying this but Trisha Paytas did better--
It just felt a little heavy-handed to me, but I can get behind the concept of having this follow-up episode that addressed the absolute garbage fire of a video that Foot Man put out into the internet trying to do damage control but honestly should've just been titled "Dan Schneider digs his own grave even deeper for 20 minutes straight".
Delicious: True Love
Stage 5, Day 1: Emily arrives back home to her restaurant/apartment in Snuggford and the poor beb's so heartbroken and hyper-focused on that, that she doesn't even notice there's a big gaping hole in the middle of her restaurant, with a burst pipe making an accidental water fountain. Patrick only sees her going upstairs to unpack and assumes that her trip went well and basically declares to her family and her best friend that now that she's got her love and she's happy, there's no more reason for him to stay.
Dude no, we've officially entered idiots in love stage. 😩
The day ends with Emily sobbing the second her mom goes up and checks in on her. I'm gonna say one more time for good measure, if OG story Jean-Paul has zero haters, I am dead.
Stage 5, Day 2: Emily's parents are worried about her since she hasn't come back down from her apartment, and Francois gives her some tough love telling her to at least show up for work because he won't make excuses for her absence. Nothing much happens on this day, since she goes straight back upstairs when the shift's over, other than her mom Evelyn basically saying she should have meddled in the beginning by never giving her the letter to begin with.
All I'm gonna say is…remake Evelyn is definitely the better Evelyn 🥴
Stage 5, Day 3: Patrick reveals that he's moving to New York since his business is growing and the new shop's gonna need his attention. Then Angela, Emily's little sister, shows up with puppies and asks her all about Paris, which causes Evelyn to shout at Angela rather than just calmly tell her that it's a sensitive topic (Clear to see where Evelyn's playing favorites). Angela leaves the restaurant but instructs one of the puppies to stay behind with Emily, which kicks off our side quest for this level where we call back the pup when he strays from Emily's side.
The day ends with Emily keeping the pup with her for a day or two, and talking to her mom about what happened in Paris.
Stage 5, Day 4: The big hole in the middle of the restaurant's all fixed, and it's bringing in more foot traffic to the restaurant. Emily makes a note to call to have the floors polished, mentioning she likes the floral scent, and Francois tells her that Patrick's moving to New York. He also accidentally kickstarts the dreaded miscommunication trope because he said "something about someone needing his attention there".
Gotta love them himbo besties 🥴
Stage 5, Day 5: Emily gets to see more of Patrick's green flag status when he tends to a kid that hurt herself when she tripped, taking the kid's mind off the pain and giving her a little flower and doing a magic trick. Then he confirms with Emily that yes, he's moving to New York because "it's time to move on", and I wanna bonk some heads together all over again. Francois tells her that she and Patrick have been flirting for so long that it's like "watching the same car crash on repeat" and he tells his therapist about it sometimes, and then accidentally breaks the vase that Patrick put a rose he set aside for Emily in, scattering marbles all over the floor and giving us our side mission for this level.
The day ends with Emily turning down an offer for a girls night out, and holding on to the rose from earlier.
Stage 5, Day 6: We officially unlock this stage's Entertainer, which is Francois with Emily's new puppy from Angela. Not much happens other than at the end of the day, the previous owner of the restaurant Mr Farrell visits the place to reminisce, and he talks about his "one that got away" because he was a teenage boy that fapped over Marilyn Monroe (my words, not his). Then one day when he finally came to his senses, the girl already stopped showing up at the restaurant.
Stage 5, Day 7: Emily's heart's finally starting to heal and she wakes up realizing that her apartment's a total mess ever since she got home and started her one-woman misery party. She still has the rose from Patrick at the center of her living area, and she reads a card that basically boils down to "Emily babes wake up your true love's been right in front of you literally giving you flowers every day". Unfortunately, that last scene from the previous day feels like heavy-handed foreshadowing because Patrick says goodbye to Emily after giving her one last delivery of fresh flowers for the restaurant.
The day ends with Mr Farrell bidding Emily and his old restaurant goodbye since he's moving to Florida to stay with friends, and a regular customer Gladys walks in looking for her purse, and wouldn't you know, it's Mr Farrell's TOTGA, and she moved back to Snuggford after her husband passed away so she could be closer to family. This makes Mr Farrell decide that he doesn't wanna move to Florida anymore.
Undercover: Blood Bonds
Chapter 10: Vera clocks in for the morning shift and finds Bluejay in Club with her pajamas on, finding out that she doesn't have a place to stay so she's been sleeping in the backroom. Vera offers her to move in so she doesn't catch a case for breaking in. At the end of the shift, Jericho reveals he has mind control powers and he used them to make Crystal exit the room before he ordered Mr Smirnov to get rid of Vera because she's asking too many questions.
Chapter 11: Vera meets up with Hank at a pub called Smokin' Wheels, and he tells her that Mr Smirnov's on a mission to get her sacked. Lilly's ex boyfriend Sam shows up and Vera spends that shift trying not to get noticed by Sam. At the end of the shift, we get a flashback of Sam being overprotective but concerned about Lilly coming home late and he pulls the "you're mine" card, while Lilly walks away going "You don't know anything".
Pretty sure the cops are wrong that Sam's the culprit and it's actually Mr Mind Control with the glowy red eyes Jericho that they should be looking up.
stories to om-nom-nom next
The Tortured Poets Department
I'm already sharpening a pitchfork with Joe Alwyn's name on it.
Hello Kitty Island Adventure: Imagination Celebration Event
I have no idea what this side story's gonna be, but all I know is that they made my precious bb Kuromi the villain of the event, and ngl I'm fuming. My sweet mischievous baby deserves better 😤
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That's all for this week. See y'all next week unless I fall into a rabbit hole of planning out new stories for the WIP pile because I up and decided to Phase 1 plan for a "The Tortured Poets Department Collection" 🥴🫡
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the-ink-of-roses · 2 years
𝐮𝐧𝐭𝐢𝐥 𝐰𝐞 𝐦𝐞𝐞𝐭 𝐚𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 - tim drake
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— 'you were so sure you didn't know him, but somehow you felt the need to hug him and heal his bruised heart.'
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- immortal!tim drake x reincarnated!reader - warnings: mentions of death, a realllllly wonky reincarnation thing going on, idk tbh, sobs, set twenty years in the future. - written with gn reading in mind! the reader is an orphan
this is the first prompt of a writing event im doing with @irenica and @damianwaynesproperty !!!!!! both of them are awesome writers and people, be sure to check their blogs out!
prompt: you died, i saw you die so i died with you, but standing here, right now, why does it feel like i know you from a whole nother world? "you seem familiar but this is the first time we've met."
a/n: aaaaaaaaaaaaa this one has my whole heart in it <;3
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there's something so familiar about the church's roof, you almost feel at home.
it's weird really; the church is abandoned, known for its hauntings but still, whatever you seem to do you cannot keep away from it, even after your friends warn you about the death of a young person there.
according to them, the person's name was the same as yours--which makes you automatically cool--and around two decades ago, they died here.
the funny part--it's funny to you but gruesome to everyone else--is that the church had security cameras in every corner, yet the footage of all of them is blurred out like someone is avoiding seeing the person's death and now it's a ghost story
not one person in new gotham can figure it out.
the typical gotham part stays the same, the person (a lot of people called them y/n which is weird for you because apparently, the orphanage decided to name you after a ghost)
none of the stories you've heard has stopped you from climbing onto the roof here for sure. 
thinking about it, it should have at least freaked you out; someone with the same name as you died here, all the evidence was erased and then no records of that person who shared the same name as you ever existed, it was incredibly easy to brush them off as rumours.
but your orphanage owner knew them apparently.
he would look at you with a sad smile more often than not, telling you how much you were like his passed friend, that’s why you were named as such.
you called it unable to move on but all to their own.
sitting here right now, you suddenly feel the urge to pay your respects to the y/n that passed, feeling somewhat responsible for continuing their legacy. it’s silly when you think about it, but they apparently passed the same year you were born. 
you silently vow to live your life, not just for yourself but for your namesake too. history won’t erase you, not this time.
out of an old habit--and pure instinct--you throw a coin into a dried well beside you. 
normally, people are surprised with the gorgons here, but you weren’t surprised at the number of gorgons and the one well here; this was kind of old gotham, what you’d heard was there were a lot of them.
almost too many.
but you liked them so you weren’t complaining. even right now, they feel comfortable, and you are sure if they were alive you would hug them.
just as you look around them though, you spot something inscribed on the wall of the church. 
curiosity calls at you and you walk towards it, completely unaware of the sudden appearance of a man wearing red, glaring at you through the shadows a few feet away.
tim doesn’t like it anyone coming to the place where his lover died, and he especially hates it when they make it a ghost story, throwing a coin into the place where the two of them had all those years ago.
if being a ghost story, a shadow of who tim drake used to be, is needed to make sure teenagers are kept out of this site, then so be it. he’ll be the haunting lover of the old church in gotham, he’ll protect your last memory with him until he dies until time tears him into whatever they’ve made of bruce.
until he can forget the smell of chocolate cake and coffee on the night before your death, he will haunt this place. until your face is nothing but a blank, he will protect this.
so he attacks once again. 
warning the person who walked into the place he lost the most important person of his life by dragging his bo-staff across the old brick walls, creating a noise you hated.
he shakes himself from the same old walking nightmare of your scream. 
it’s been more than two decades but he can’t get rid of that goddamn yell of his name that lingers in his brain, he can’t get rid of your last lingering touches, or the media blaming it on him. blaming it on red robin.
it’s all his fault though. everything that happened here is. it’s his fault, all his fault. all his fau–
it’s when the person turns to where he’s scratching the staff.
you look just as beautiful as you did when you died in his arms.
the church inscriptions are weird. 
most of them have your name written and crossed out, with some having yours in a heart with the name of another person. ‘tim drake’
you don’t know who that is, but the name fills you with a feeling of safety you’ve never felt before. it makes you feel like coming home to chocolate cake waiting with a cup of coffee and a lover, even if you’ve never had any of those things.
it sounds like metal being dragged across a brick, textured wall and you hate that noise. you despise it more than you’ve hated almost anything else.
so you turn to make sure it’s no prank.
when you do turn, you walk over to the ledge to look at something, hoping it's a prank from down below rather than here. you don’t want to believe the ghost stories, you’re better than the ghost stories. 
but you’re not better than algae apparently, so in the most cliche way, you slip on some of it, almost tumbling over the edge. on instinct, you scream, not recognising the name you’ve yelled.
‘tim!’ maybe you screamed for him just because you’d read the name earlier. it doesn’t matter anymore though because you’ve lost all balance.
you’re sure your heart stopped for a moment, as just as you’re about to accept death again, a scream of your name is heard from above and just before you can fall off, two arms reach for you, pulling you back to safety.
the guy is breathing harshly, keeping you flush against him in a tight grip, like he’s afraid of letting you go.
eventually, you tap on his shoulder and the stranger stumbles back with a confused look. 
“thank you for the save here.” you awkwardly shuffle your feet, smiling at the person. “i’m not scared of ghost hauntings, but algae definitely terrify me now. i’m y/n, y/n l/n, you are?”
he blinks like he didn't expect that, and there’s a certain look in his eyes that makes you want to go over and hug him or at least have his arms around you again, missing the warmth you had when he held you.
you shake them off; the guy is attractive. it’s just a once-in-a-time crush, nothing else.
“tim.” he hesitantly speaks, almost like it pains him to do so.
you laugh when he does. probably rude but it was funny to you, okay? “ how funny is it that both of us have the same name as the ones on the walls? think this was destiny?” 
you’re only joking around, it’s obvious with your laughter, but a part of you is upset when he smiles slightly, acknowledging it as a joke. you offer one last smile to tim before starting to walk away. 
tim’s shadow makes it look like tim wants to reach out to you with a hand outstretched but when you turn back, he’s standing normally. not wanting to make it awkward, you smile at him again, “i’ve got a biology test tomorrow, so i should get going, but i’ll see you again, yeah?” 
he’s lost in a daze before he nods back, and you walk away, missing the stranger once suddenly.
fate hates him. it’s playing a game with him.
someone who looked like the love of his life, yelling his name, falling over the same ledge you fell over all those years ago, it’s a sick game he cannot get out of.
so he rushes to catch them. 
tim does what he wished he did when you fell twenty years ago and he catches you and hugs you tight. tim blinks off the violent imagery of you falling, of you being killed by someone down there while he’s tied over the ledge and forced to watch.
he tumbles back when he realises he’s hugging this person, his heart breaking when they speak.
that’s y/n. but is it his y/n? are they the same one he fell in love with? he doesn’t know for sure but when you talk about your biology test, he curses the fates again for this game they’re playing. 
he doesn’t know who he’s angrier at; himself for doing this or whoever controls this hellscape now for letting either of you rest.
maybe it’s both because seeing you here is somewhat of hell on its own. the only difference is that now instead of the scream he heard twenty years ago, he’s got a new fresh scream that sounds exactly like yours haunting his days.
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maramcna · 2 months
[ wake up ] a loving surreal kiss to wake the partner up. [ for jack, of course, because you ever get tormented by a nightmare in your dreams and then you wake up and the guy is IN YOUR BED?? and somehow this is normal for you. ]
yes i can actually write & im so sorry about that
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The dream started like any other, the captain entering a run down bar only to be faced with an empty bar... Aside from a single man behind the bar. The Corinthian turned to face him with a grin with all his teeth, a predator who's prey just waltzed right into its trap.
Siting at the bar, a glass was placed in front of him though he ignored it. "Did all this just for me?" Time passes like that, their own little dance with a set ending. Around and around they go until Jack's back is pressed against a wall, the dance continuing on how it would in the waking world, but this was a dream.
(i am so embarrassed abt what is written under this read more do not read i am deleting my blog)
The kiss was more teeth than anything from the Corinthian, almost desperate to taste blood. Hands were equally as desperate both creatures grasping and nearly tearing clothes in their desperation, their need. It wasn't until they parted from the biting kiss that Jack did something he hadn't done before. Fingers traced along nightmare's cheek until two entered an eye mouth, watching as the Corinthian sucked and moaned.
Soon his fingers weren't enough and the nightmare lowered itself onto its knees, grinning up at him with too many teeth as fingers undid his belt. Removing his fingers from the mouth caused a whine to leave it, but his hand was better suited tangling in the Corinthian's hair as he awaited what he expected to come next. Instead of sinking its mouth down onto his cock, it leaned closer until its eyemouth, the one that hadn't had his fingers, could tease his cock with its tongue. Jack could only watch and moan, simply unable to look away as eye mouth took his cock deeper and deeper with its own moans.
His hand in his hair tightened as he used the grip to make fucking his cock in the Corinthian easier, the sounds that left them both were sinful. He couldn't look away and neither could the Corinthian.
When Jack awoke, their was a body on top of his and lips eagerly kissing his. The Corinthian. "Mm, couldn't get enough of me, sweetheart?" This would end just like his dream, Jack eyeless and bloodied as the Corinthian savored thousands of years of memories..
He really should learn to stay away.
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dramionediscussion · 11 months
Lisa how do you keep engaging here? I know you get a lot of hate when people don't like what you have to say. ive seen it a few times. but you still come back and answer asks and continue the blog and are pleasant to everyone. I don't want to engage with twitter because of how bad people treat each other. but you still run this blog even though people are hateful to you. how do you do it?
I don't think we get a lot of hate here, the vast majority of people who send in asks and comment on the posts are very nice and pleasant people.
I just ignore the ones who are not too nice. But even those people are not really bad. We have never gotten true hate mail, like racist or sexist comments towards us.
We have gotten people who have said things like we "are sad for liking Draco", or "Dramione sucks", "you suck" etc. But nothing too disturbing.
I just laugh at those types and move on. Those people are just doing it just to get a rise out of you, and I am not gonna give in to them! lol
But the ones where there is clearly a difference of opinion, well I acknowledge that myself and the OP have different views of things, and I am not gonna change their minds. So just gently back off, and it seems they come to the same conclusion and back off too. It's the only thing to do in those situations.
Also, honestly, I'm in my 30s, I just don't have the patience to get angry anymore lol. If you wanna argue about something and do not wanna listen to my input and think you are right and no one can change your mind...okay cool, whatever. Sometimes you just need to leave it as is, for your own mental health.
You will come across so many people who will not agree with you in life. You will come across some bull-headed people who get off by being offensive. You will come across people who will choose to remain ignorant about things they don't understand. You will come across people who just hate for no reason. No amount of talking, reasoning, or showing them proof will make them think differently.
The best thing for you to do if you are in that situation is to just walk away. Wish them well and leave. You will not change anything, unfortunately.
Obviously, there will be circumstances where your voice will make a difference and in that case, use it wisely.
But in this fandom, it's not worth it honestly. Don't engage with hateful people. Don't engage with people who wanna trash-talk you for not liking the fics they like, for seeing flaws in writings, for noticing plot holes, for just not wanting to read a fic or caring for fanart. This fandom is big enough for everyone. So even if you are disappointed by an author and their group for being mean, there are so many more authors who are lovely people. Engage with them instead.
Also, Twitter is not a good place anymore. The site sucks and we should all not use it. Ever since that man took over, there is so many hateful people who got emboldened to spew their hatred. There are other places for you to interact with other Dramione fans and authors. Like here on Tumblr, FB, or Reddit. And you can always direct message the authors on ffnet or AO3. And of course comments are very much welcomed by any author.
Don't worry, not every part of the fandom is like what you saw on Twitter. Most people here are really nice and cool!
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kaedeakeshisworld · 4 months
Home sweet home
cw: reader-san goes back home, work life is somewhat unbearable, talks with psychic friend, Theresa comes through with a reading to give her some guidance, talks about being childfree and a parentified adult as well as its consequences, Theresa encourages reader-san to open a baking business, an much needed 'men are trash reminder', a few other characters are mentioned such as Obi, Vulcan and Benimaru(he is a warning 🤨 ), uni days seem to bring joy and despair to reader-san, no sign of Leo for a total of three weeks(that’s ominous).
gist: reader-san goes back to her place after being with Leo for sometime. In her own words “ this motherfucker tweaking, on God!”(she’s right, I’d be mad too).
Wc: 2141
c/s:  I wouldn’t mind having captain Obi as my bed 😩, I said what I said 😋(that's period me talking). Uhm… enjoy!
Blank/Ageless blogs/MDNI, I will block you!
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As soon as I got inside, I dropped my shopping bags at the entry. I took off my shoes. I went right away to the living room, plopped myself on my couch like I usually do. I take a few deep breaths to reassess the current state of my life. I have to appreciate where I’m at. But also fuck Leo for being a stubborn man. I can’t stand him. On top of that I have to go to work. 
I swear on everything the universe be trying me! Anyways, time to unwind.
I slept like a baby when I got back home. I hugged my huge teddy bear to bring me comfort. I really missed being on my own company, I’m realising. No wonder I had shitty days earlier this week.
It’s been ten days, no signs of Leo contacting me or at least trying like… a missed call or something? Am I this unlucky with men or is it my imagination? I know I shouldn’t worry but single life looks so appealing right now. Might go back to it honestly.
Work’s been kicking my ass. Between orders, new clients, shipping packages, answering questions customers have, updating the site and coming up with new ideas to innovate the concept, I’m lagging a bit. Everytime I come back home, I just shower, eat and sleep. It's as if I were a robot, what am I doing? At least, I haven't cried yet. Not a sign of sir Burns? He's probably busy. I still have his debit card. I better not use it and leave it at home in a safe place.
Wednesday is my day off. I should probably make it a self care day and just do what I do best: me! I'll take it slow. Tuesday evening I should get some candles from the store.
Theresa sent a message. I think she wants to see me.
We need to talk. I'll be there 2moro by noon cya
My reply is
No problem. I'll be waiting
Theresa finds me with a face mask but her face is so stern…
“I know you're not seeing him. Why is that”
How? Ah, she always knows. I let her in the apartment. It would be rude to keep having this convo at the door. Some nosey people might hear. I tell her what she wants to know as we sit on the couch.
“The kid in question and that woman's identity. He doesn't want me to know.”
“Want me to pull out some tarot cards for it?”
“Yeah, sure why not.”
“I get a feel you’re not telling me everything.”
“Uhm… I don't think he'll contact me that soon.”
She takes out of her bag a few bay leaves.
“Hand me a lighter please gotta cleanse before I do anything.”
I don’ really like the smell so I ask her 
“Can you please do another cleansing method. I don’t dig burnt bay leaf smell and you know exactly why.”
“Sure, I’ll just clap a few times.” 
She claps three times then ten times and finally five. Don’t know about that pattern though might ask or not.
She pulls out her tarot deck. Seeing her shuffling doesn't cease to amaze you.
“What should y/n expect of this situation? Strength or maybe his sun sign. My hand burns so it definitely is his sun sign."
Uhm interesting
“Is your boo a july or august leo?” 
“Don’t know I haven’t asked him. I will.”
“Leaning on the card's meaning and my intuition, he’s a strong man. His values are unmatched for most people in his age range. I also get the feeling that he has gorgeous hair and a beard. Aren’t I right?”
Now that I think about it, I never asked him when it was his birthday. I'll do it if we get back together…
"Leo’s rule hair and all that so he’s also probably on the thicker side if you know what I mean.”
“Yes, spot on as always. Hair wise I didn’t touch it much. I think you’re right, it surely is a handful.”
She pulls out another card. Most of the time she’ll stop when she gets three cards but I get a feel this might be a long session.
“We have ten of cups. It embodies completion in your specific case; it could be marriage. It can also mean some sort of union. I don’t know where you currently stand on that matter.”
“I don’t look forward to it. I never really did fancy that. My whole childhood, teenage and early adult years I took care of babies and children that were not mine based solely on the fact that they’re family. So technically, I am a parentified adult. And while that kind of upbringing could have strongly reinforced the want of having kids, I simply do not like them.”
“So sorry you had to go through that, boo. You’re telling me that you’re prone to be a childfree person than to become a mother?”
“Exactly! Being a mother is not for me. I’m not trying to walk in my mother’s footsteps being the one who is bearing the whole family as well as taking care of a grown child labelled as ‘husband’ that is so useless.”
“I’m with you on that one. Fuck men and their entitlement to think they are doing too much when all they do is complain about ‘where my food at? This house look a mess or even ain’t nobody helping in this house.’ Stop being a clown and start doing something about the shit you whining about. Concerning your guy, he would be the right one spirit says.”
She continues pulling out cards:
“We got knight of wands. It symbolises motion as well as passion. Girl…I’m getting hot like smoking hot.” She says this as she waves her hand close to her face . “Please, give me a glass of cold water with ice cubes.”
“Coming right up!”
You do your little run towards the kitchen and come back with a full glass of water with ice cubes for your friend.
“Thank you, that was much needed.
“So, I think your man is super serious about you ‘cause I’m still hot.” 
She takes off her sweater . “The water didn’t do much but whatever I guess. Spirit tells me that he enjoys looking at you all the time even when you are not aware of it.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yes! Haven’t you noticed it?”
“I probably didn’t pay much attention to it.”
“Ace of pentacles stands for potential, prosperity too. This is really good. I feel like it can signal longevity for this union, honey.
The hermit reversed. This could represent you or/and him. The current state of the relationship. Isolation. But not for too long, I would say it is necessary for both of you. It will allow you to evaluate what you really want form this relationship.” 
Doesn’t sound like a desperate situation thanks to Theresa’s insight. I’m so glad she is doing this for me!
“The moon represents illusions. Watch what you say and do. Don’t try anything to rash such as not letting people know you’re leaving. Notify them if you do so, please.”
Is there anything that doesn’t escape her sharp vision? I can’t even lie to her so I’ll say no.
“Another reversed card! Dang it, I don't like where this reading is headed. The devil. Aiming to restore control or maybe we’re getting warned about what he’s packing!! I bet you know what it looks like.” And she winks at me.
“Theresa!”, you yelped in frustration.
“Girl, watch out. I’m just being honest with you. Better safe that sorry in these streets!
For the previous message it deals with let me see to finally grasp what was lacking or to even find some semblance of power. It felt like most things you desired were slipping through your fingers but it’s no longer the case at least for now.”
“That was seven cards. From what I remember the number represents support from the angels concerning love and also means wholeness. So everything you’re currently going through is preparing for a much bigger outcome. I know it sucks now but you can handle it!!”
I catch her staring at the cards. Probably in deep thought.
“You don't look convinced enough.”
“Yep, I still don't know who that Aura is.”
“I can always use my pendulum if you'd like me to.”
“Absolutely! How could I forget that?”
“Only closed questions are allowed to ensure certainty. So, jot them down on a piece of paper, I'll read them aloud.” 
I pull out my stream of consciousness notebook and  write down what I need to know. Then I rip that page and hand it to her. She starts reading it.
“Is Aura Leo's ex partner? No. Does he have a kid? No.
Is he faithful? Yes.”
She puts all of her belongings away. She questions me.
“Y/n are you sure about this relationship?"
“I don’t think sure would be the right term. I know I want him and I long to be by his side. There is always some sort of uncertainty hovering above anything I do. I’m used to it but I wish it wouldn’t be as present as it is.”
“It’s your first in a long time so you might want to take things slow and easy. I know both of you will figure something out.”
“I made some baked goods earlier.”
“Yay. Love yours.”
“Sit down at the table and I'll get everything.” She puts down the oven safe dish and takes a giant pitcher out of her fridge.
“Tada! Cinnamon rolls paired up with Korean strawberry milk.”
“That's a great combo!”
“I know, let’s dig in.”
"Listen" she tells me " if you open a food business be it a truck or a store, I'll be there. I'm not kidding, every single day. Even if my wallet doesn't match my expenses!"
"I accept your undivided honesty and support but that might be for later. Not my main source of income. Could be a side hustle."
“I think I could use some of that spray of yours…”
“Which one? I need your to be specific.”
“The fuckboy repellent one?”
“You sure that's the only one you need?! I think you should also get the goddess era one and plutonian lover.”
“Can I get those too?” 
“Yes. I'll drop them off later today in your mailbox.”
“On another note. Do you know who I saw today? ” 
“Think a little…”
“Fine. I’ll give you some clues.”
“I’m listening.”
“He is peculiar.” 
“Are you for real? You haven’t even showed us a picture and suddenly I’m meant to know what he looks like? Girl, quit playing!"
“You’re right, my bad.”
“I’ll give a clue. It’s someone from uni…”
“The whole buffet also known as Obi. The girls were mad about him. It’s me, I’m girls.”
“No and he only stayed there for a year.”
“Why the hell I didn’t have a one night stand with him?”
“Rumour has it if you do, no other person can satisfy you.” 
“Swear down!”
She nods
“Girl I better find him then. I’m willing to risk my life for that .”
“What about Leo?”
“I’ll give ‘us’ a break. I’m sure he’ll understand after what he pulled.”
“Fair enough.”
“Was it Vulcan?”
“Who was that again?”
“The red haired guy that you could tell was a sub. I wish I had one night with him too. You know trying new things.” 
“Don’t you think something’s missing?”
“Black hair a scary face but girls were head over heels with him?”
“How is he?"
“He is, I guess. I didn’t talk to him that long because back then he only had eyes for you and I’m pretty sure it’s still the case.”
“Excuse me?”
“Yes, you heard it right. When I asked him if he had you know a partner since he did the same and was met with a negative answer. He said’ Y/n is the only woman I can date’.  
“Well it’s… giving obsessive with a sprinkle of stuck in the past.”
“Like you said.”
“You think he’d say it to my face?”
“Uhm, maybe who knows? Miracles can happen?”
“Theresa being shady?? Nah, never thought I’d witness it firsthand!”
“Feels good to be home. I’ll never trade my happiness for a relationship. Mark my words I rest my case.”
Much later in the evening
Such a cute packaging! I’ll keep the little bag. It smells so good.
They're body mist with highlighter in it. Ooh, imma shine bright like a diamond.
Plus it smells so good! I gotta properly thank her. She always comes through.
I also wish Theresa gets her man even though she always brushes the topic off with ‘I'm not trying to trigger migraines by dating men. Plus, I'm not attracted to them so why would I?’
I hope she gets her soulmate or her twinflame. Man whatever she desires shall come to her.
I check my phone. He hasn’t called yet. Should I feel concerned? No, I left him behind because he was being an ass. He and his whole attitude about this Aura. Like where do I stand? Am I important enough to him?
I’m at work! Those thoughts are unnecessary as of now. I better get back on my shit before I find myself running back to his house. I am not a lost puppy.
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Chapter 3 of After all, it's not a bad idea to get a sugar daddy 
Any kind of interaction is widely welcome!!
2022-2024 all rights reserved to @kaedeakeshisworld.
Translations/ modifications/replicas/property of my work are strictly prohibited. Do not repost/ recommend/ share it elsewhere!
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astraltrickster · 1 year
Also, I want to be clear - part of the reason I am so vehement about the value of AI as assistive tech is...because I use it as such.
Not for any content I post to this blog, not yet anyway. As of now, all my writing and visual art is 100% manually done. But...my arms and wrists are getting worse. When I was on my great worm drawing spree earlier this year, I ended up with my wrist at a solid 8 on the pain scale for weeks and discovered I no longer only have carpal tunnel issues, but cubital tunnel as well. This is only likely to get worse because I am, uh, according to my physical therapist, shockingly hypermobile, and nothing makes nerve entrapment issues worse like bones that refuse to stay in place. Several of the exercises commonly recommended for this only make it worse. Furthermore, I do already use LLMs in my personal life to translate my thoughts into more understandable full sentences when I'm really burned out and Language Is Hard and if I keep getting misunderstood I'm gonna have a meltdown. It's great for that, because if I have to try multiple times with a chatbot, it's way less frustrating and upsetting because it doesn't go on the defensive if I don't get it right the first time and imply something that sounds way worse than I mean!
I'm using everything I can to slow my joint problems down because shit, man, there's a LOT of stuff I love that involves intense work with my hands and arms and wrists, but even so...I may not be able to draw or write manually forever. I already can't use a keyboard and mouse for PC gaming anymore, even with braces; it's controller or bust if I want to play anything for more than 5 minutes.
If I can't draw manually anymore by the time I'm 60...I dare you to look me in the eyes and tell me "okay, well, I guess you just don't deserve visual expression anymore, pay me for it instead." I fucking dare you to.
I already play around with AI on a "how can I use this 'wrong' in a creative and strictly non-competitive way without paying an exploitative corporation?" basis sometimes, but one of my dreams with it is to eventually train my own personal model from a post-privacy law base (i.e., one that is constructed solely of data derived from public domain, licensed, and volunteered works) or, failing that, one based on the current Common Crawl protocol (i.e., respecting robots.txt instructions) after more sites have updated their headers, with my own hand-drawn works, so I can continue to use my own style(s) even if I reach a point where I physically can't do the fine movements with my fingers anymore and end up screaming in pain after holding a pen for 5 minutes. I want to do similar with a locally hosted LLM for writing, if my brain fog gets worse.
And hey, speaking from experience, that's still gonna involve a lot of Work and Effort...not that the value of what I have to say should be based on that in the first place.
If you take issue with this Because Capitalism...then we're on the same page. Fight capitalism, not me and people like me.
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yallmakemyassitch · 2 years
Don't play dumb.
You're a fucking asshole and you harass people, making them look like a complete dumbass in front of a lot of people.
You literally condoned this harassment and allowed someone else to come in your inbox and harass them as well.
Here: https://www.tumblr.com/blog/view/yallmakemyassitch/690706471931052032?source=share
You're a terrible person. You didn't even apologize. You didn't even do anything to stop the harassment. You didn't do shit.
You're probably the anon that harassed them in the first place.
And saying "no you aren't" isn't enough information sweetie. You're gonna have to prove it.
If you delete this ask or don't acknowledge anything and add an anime gif like you always do, it's gonna be proof that you don't care about others feelings.
Nobody thinks your funny. All you're doing is allowing online harassment to continue and you want to make that person feel more shitty.
That's all you fucking want.
This was something that I did as a joke between friends. I wasn't trying to make Max feel like a dumbass, I just wanted to go "haha bandage joke". I already apologized to them personally and unlike you, I'm actually willing to confront the problem and attempt to fix it. You won't get an anime gif because now is not the appropriate time for that.
And no, it was you that started harassing them first, I never harassed a soul here. I know you're the same anon based on the way you write and the tone you have. I've never condoned online harassment, literally because of you, there has been a whole movement dedicated to the support of Max. Everyone started making butler ocs because they realized how bullshit your argument of "Felix = she owns the right to make butler ocs".
Besides I'm sure you even saw that it was a joke and decided to use that as ammunition to break Max down. This went from a stupid gag into something serious and I won't tolerate it. Shame on you, you're the real bitch here. All I want is to have fun with my friends, draw, and laugh with them, not deal with anons like you. You honestly should feel ashamed of yourself, the way that you interact with others on this site is an embarrassment to society.
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thetruthaboutnolan · 6 months
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Ahhh I was waiting for this new stalker to post about it. After all, I need more evidence of them stalking me to report to both tumblr and authorities. Also love how she ignores her own words. Wasn’t this the same person that claimed they didn’t know me but then recently said they did and we were on the same sites? Interesting how they talk about reality and facts changing to my liking but it’s ok when they do it?
I do love how she likes to ignore the fact for years and on multiple occasions and blogs I’ve stated multiple times I had people log onto both my discord and tumblr accounts to ‘fill in’ for me. They forget I’ve kept meticulous records of every single interaction I’ve ever had as well as evidence of the people that love to make up lies having their own problematic actions and behaviors. I also am very good at keeping things to myself until they are needed or it’s the best time to reveal it AGAIN.
After all it’s known that this person has a grunge against me, some pathetic vendetta they just won’t let go of for some reason. Which is why it wasn’t hard to figure out who they were as they seem to obsesses over one specific character of mine. That one character has only ever had drama on one site and with one person how is now pretty much my online BFF and has been for years now. Though there was a hanger on that was obsessed with ignoring all the facts just to go with their version of the truth. Which is actually what this stalker is doing. That along with other things my friends and I have found out has made that easier to narrow down this person. It helps you claim you never went by male pronouns as it was between three people and one was a man that stole from my group to open one that exploited people for money under threats then regretted it.
@nolanaccountability @mariemcreau mmmm I really should make a blog that is for your accountability shouldn’t I? The drama you created, the pedophilic like kink you have for fetishizing gay men that don’t even look of legal age, not to mention the stalking even before this year.
I also love how you call it an accountability belong and yet you have nothing on there that is actually about accountability. What you have are a lot of posts showing you’re stalking me and other people you want to fool yourself into believing are me just because they don’t openly hate me. And then you run a narrative that shows actual evidence and other proof that openly states a lot of the stuff you’re dying to make people believe are lies are well documented and shown in various places and years old and not something that is only just now being said.
It’s funny how you and that other crazy stalker are so gun ho about digging through the archives of many blogs, many servers and tracking down every last little bit of me that you can. And yet, you decide not to do that whenever someone brings you a story that has no evidence or proof, you try to make excuses that it’s been so long that there simply isn’t anything and yet your actions show there is always some kind of record you can twist. You also refuse to go through all the past posts from years before show evidence that you’re lying and being lied to.
The mental gymnastics twisting and bending of the truth you do is almost admirable in an insane obsessed fan kind of way. It both really interests me in wondering why you are so obsessed with me and how easy it is to tell a blog to post something to answer the anons they got that hints to look at my blog here and you come running haha. But also how little I actually care. Even if you are who it appears you are, I never spoke to you outside of three like 2 minutes convos and you just inserted yourself into drama you had nothing to do with and then spun into you being a victim. But it is interesting why you’re so obsessed, you’re not one of my exs, you definitely act like a couple of stalker ones I had both male and female.
I’ve gone years with no drama other than people that are also obsessed with me dragging up the one bit I had from 10 years ago. Then went away and largely were exposed. I’ve only ever used my alias of Nolan UNLESS asked to by others which yes, happened quite a few times. Yes, I have friends who want me to post with them but also not so close that they are willing to deal with drama from people like you who have now life outside of wanting to stalk a random stranger. I am anything if not a rational person that is happy to have a sit down conversation and help others if I can give it.
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ratralsis · 7 months
On writing sex and violence
There are only two kinds of scenes that I absolutely hate writing: violence and romance. I was going to give this post a clever alliterative title like "Fighting and Fucking," but I think it's probably better not to be so flippant about it. I also don't particularly want to make people imagine that I'm going to discuss fuckfighting, which is either a way for two characters to fight each other while also fucking, or a way for two characters to fuck each other while also fighting, depending. I'm not writing about that. I've also never written those kinds of scenes.
But when it comes to writing fight scenes, I just don't think they're that interesting. I don't think that they're that interesting when I see them on TV or in movies, either. Sometimes they can be visually impressive, but they're often just flashy spectacle that doesn't mean much to me. It's like watching an acrobatics display at the circus. It's fun, but I don't think they should be jammed into the middle of something else.
It does, in fact, make a lot of superhero movies less fun to watch.
I don't mind it if the point of the work is to have fun action scenes. Jackie Chan movies, for example. The whole point is that you've got this incredible athlete and acrobat doing incredible martial arts choreography. That's fine.
It's the same with sex scenes. I don't really need those jammed into the middle of a movie that isn't about that. Showing me the rhythm of a male character's thrusts in and out of someone isn't going to tell me anything I actually care about regarding that character.
Unless, of course, that's the point of the work. I don't just mean porn, either, though of course I do also mean porn. If I'm watching porn, then I'm probably there to see the sex scenes.
Not always. I'm surprised I haven't talked about it on this blog before, but I can't find it using the search bar, so maybe this is the first time I'll be mentioning the old adults-only Japanese visual novel "Tsukihime," which I totally downloaded from a site that had a bunch of other adults-only Japanese visual novels because it was advertised as having a better plot than most.
It did. It does. That was the game that convinced me that I couldn't learn Japanese on my own and that I should take classes. That led to me deciding to minor in Japanese when I went back to college for my Bachelor's degree, which led to me studying abroad in Japan for six months, which led to my three-month Japanese internship, which changed my life.
And I guess it's fair to say that it was porn, or at least sold along with a bunch of other porn. I'm told that the developers added sex scenes to the game later just because they knew it would help it to sell at least a few copies. I don't know if that's true. I just know that I've been told it. There is a rerelease of the game coming out soon in English that doesn't have any explicit sex scenes in it. I would like to play it.
In any case.
The point is that the book I'm writing now has sex and violence in it, because it's an action/romance novel in a fantasy world. The main characters get into fights. The first chapter is a lengthy fight scene between the main character and multiple bandits. He kills them all, because he's just sooooo strong and cool.
I hated writing it. I hated trying to think of the right way to choreograph the way that one man would kill five others. I still did it, and I think I did a decent job. My guiding principles were to keep it short, keep it brutal, and keep it difficult. Those are my guiding principles when writing any fight scene.
So the hero is shot with a crossbow, and, in return, shoots two of the bad guys with his longbow before the other three even get to him. From there, he hacks two of them to death with his billhook. One gets hit in the arm, the other across the neck, and then the first gets a couple of "whacks" to the top of his head to finish him off. It takes only a few seconds, and during that time, the second guy plants a knife in the hero's arm. So now he's been shot and stabbed, and there's only one guy left. I don't even explain how he kills that guy. I just say that he doesn't want to, but, because the last guy attacks him, he does kill him.
That's the fight scene. If you were to watch it on TV, it'd take about twenty seconds. That's intentional. This isn't an even match. It's one guy who knows how to kill and is very good at it even though he doesn't want to, against five guys who aren't very good at it and want to do it very badly. I decided to give my guy a little bit of extra luck and ferocity in the fight, but he's trading blows. They get in a hit, he gets in a hit. They get one, he gets one.
Later, the other main character, an orc, gets into a fight with nothing but her fists against a much bigger orc who is carrying a club. Same principles apply. She sucker-punches him in the head. He staggers, and comes up with his club to hit in her in the stomach with it. She pivots and punches him in the stomach with her other fist, which doesn't hurt him much, so he brings his club arm down onto her extended arm. She dodges it enough to turn it into a glancing blow, and turns that dodge into a grab for the survival knife on her belt. She stabs him between the ribs, jerks the knife out of his heart, and he dies.
She punches, he clubs, she punches, he clubs, she stabs. I figure that a big guy with a club is going to lead with that club. He's not going to bother trying to do any fancy grappling moves. He won't headbutt her. He won't kick her. He won't bite her. He's just going to keep swinging that weapon, because that's what people with weapons usually do. People with weapons rely too much on those weapons, in my experience. It's a common thing you're taught when trained how to use a weapon: don't forget that you have lots of other options that don't involve the weapon. I figure I'll make this big guy with a club forget his other options. It makes the fight winnable. If he went for a bear hug, I'd have to write in a headbutt or a bite from her to get free, and it would just extend things.
Keep it short, keep it brutal, keep it difficult.
Eventually, those two main characters fall in love and get married. A year later, they have a kid together. Presumably, they had sex in between, but I'm not going to write it. It wouldn't be fun for me to read it, and I don't think it'd be fun for anyone else, either.
How would I write that first sex scene between them? It's funny to me to imagine mumbled explanations afterward as they try explaining, hey, you know, about last night, neither of us have been with anyone at all in over ten years, and nobody of another species ever, so we were kind of rusty in general and didn't really know what we were doing, but hopefully next time will go better. But I know that that'd wind up being the scene in the book that everybody remembers. People would quote that shit back to me later. It'd distract from the whole rest of the novel if I did that.
And on the other hand, if I wrote about how they rock each other's worlds, how they both have a fantastic time, and I write in detail about engorged or throbbing or sensitive body parts covered in various sticky or viscuous fluids, then that'd be what gets quoted at me later, and I don't want that, either.
So I won't. I won't write the sex scenes between them at all. I won't even try to be cute and imply anything about them, either. As much as I believe that good communication is key to good sex, I don't think it helps the story to have the two of them follow that advice. Maybe they talk about it later, when we aren't there watching them.
I always think of what Margaret Weis and Tracky Hickman described in the annotated chronicles for Dragonlance as a "boot scene." They said that they got it from Star Trek, the original series. Captain Kirk and a beautiful woman kiss, it fades to black, and then we see Kirk sitting on the side of a bed pulling his boots on. We know what happened. We don't need to see what was in between.
Truthfully, I don't even think I need to show one of those. I think it's enough to show that they've fallen in love and decided to marry each other and then fade out. No need to show them falling into each other's arms or pulling on boots in the morning. Probably, like all married couples, they fucked. When we see them again a year later and there's a baby, that's pretty solid evidence.
I might have guiding principles on how to write fight scenes to keep them brief and believable, but when it comes to sex scenes, my main guiding principle is simply not to write them at all.
In case you were curious.
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