#queer unity
cardentist · 1 month
the way some of you see multi-gender people as half cis the same way bigots see bi and pan people as half straight
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muddledbabbling · 5 months
radical inclusivity is integral to the lgbtq+ community.
we are all in the same boat of otherness in the eyes of cishetnormative society, it does no good to infight over labels deemed contradictory or embarrassing.
it hurts no one if a man identifies as a lesbian or if someone uses neopronouns. it does not ‘make us look bad,’ it does not ‘bring down the movement.’ it is unabashed queerness.
those who wish harm upon the lgbtq+ community wish harm upon ALL of us. there are no exceptions for those who bootlick or attempt to conform.
a multisexual spectrum gay looks the same as a monosexual gay to those who want gays dead.
peace to old and new queer folk, peace to faggots, dykes, and transsexuals, peace to gays, lesbians, and transgender persons, peace to those i don’t understand and those i do, peace to the lgbtq+ community for ever and ever.
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Why the hell is tiktok becoming such a cesspool??? Like recently a very popular trans woman who, I will not name for purposes of getting attacked, posted some,,, ICE ice cold takes-
And she posted them on instagram and tiktok
She basically claimed anyone who uses neopronouns or “identifies as a tv need to seek professional help” and DOUBLE DOWNED on this argument by claiming people need PSYCHIATRIC MENTAL HEALTH MEDS 💀💀
She made two fucking vids on this, both posted on insta AND tt
Guess which one was more civil and educative? Tiktok? NOPE! FUCKING INSTAGRAM!!
Everyone in the comments on the insta post broke down how her argument is actively repeating the SAME transphobic rhetoric transphobes do, actively CONTRADICTING HERSELF by saying she believes gender is a construct then turning and saying u have to be binary, AND then making absolutely ableist takes under the guise of having autism.
On tiktok??? Everyone was saying “omg you go” “so true!!” Like whatttt are yall TALKING about????
I’m so tired of seeing binary trans ppl decide to hate on the entire queer community bc they r passing n shit,,, Like this has been an occurrence with MANY passing, binary trans people who have been lucky to have HRT for a while- Blaire white and Kalvin Garrah type shit (cough cough they are always somehow fucking WHITE too-)
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thegirlmirage · 2 months
I'm really encouraged. People saw my call for unity behind my message of tolerance and it stopped the TERF reblogs of death threats in their tracks.
But I think the even more important thing to recognise is that we did this together, in defiance of any gender essentialism that says that we must behave a certain way because we might happen to find identity in pronoun and gender - which are not fixed concepts.
They take the value that you decide they take.
You can choose to be a good and kind person. You can choose to be forgiving of your peers and tolerant of others. You can choose to respond to the hatred generated by transphobes with love for other people, regardless of gender identity.
Of course there is a gap between the oppressed and the privileged, and it is the oppressors who seek to keep that gap as broad and as seperate as possible - so that when our joint unity against hate is called, when we have a chance to shed the power we have over others, we instead remain fractured and mistrustful.
Love, compassion, these aren't just ways which we can survive, these are tools for defeating hate and realising our collective potential. We are more powerful than hatred. We don't even know just the limit of what we're capable with this. Love has no limits.
It's not something they can manipulate as they can with hatred and fear. We should put great stock in our love, something they find disgusting because their bigotry teaches them to saw those pieces of themselves off, so that they can be only a manufacturer of hatred, even to themselves. In the world of love they have no place.
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quark-nova · 1 year
Maybe, maybe we can dream of a future where people won't care about what exact queer identity we have, of spaces where we can work together to advance our rights. But that's not possible if others keep seeing us with suspicion, as inherent predators, on the side of the enemy just because of our agab and/or identity (be it an enemy as abstract and structural as the patriarchy, or as concrete as new laws being passed every day targeting all of us). But that future we hope for is not yet the present, unfortunately - not everywhere at least.
We can still hope to achieve unity in our fight together, but, if that unity implies bearing an unjust burden, accepting to us what the community is so eager to call out when it happens to others - regular misgendering, microaggressions, demeaning jokes, having our issues derided - then is it truly unity to begin with?
Unity is achievable, and i have high hopes for it, but it has to be built on foundations of mutual respect and equality, not of begrundging tolerance. Queer unity is built in solidarity, not in compromise.
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craycraybluejay · 11 months
Btw if I see exclusionism during this lovely month and/or assimilationism, I will start another riot.
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hollowwraith · 3 months
The lgbtiqia+ community doesn't feel very much like a community at times. Its more like some people think this is a contest for who is more oppressed (not that you have to be at all in order to be queer) and thus turn this community into a cesspit of infighting and seperationism. Also I think it is integral to the healing process of this community that these people get over themselves and realize we're all the same in the eyes of conservatives, that being dirty faggots, dykes and trannies.
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friend-of-axolotls · 1 year
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hadeantaiga · 1 year
You post about everyone in the queer community being hurt and how much we need unity is so right. I have trouble telling people in my own community I’m ace still and I have a fear that if I tell another trans person I’m agender but I also have no desire to transition other than using new pronouns I will receive the same hate I got hurled my way when I said I was ace. Anyway thanks I needed to tell someone how much it can hurt not being accepted by your own community. I know you know I just don’t really have many to talk to about it
You're welcome, Anon. <3
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actualalivecreature · 2 months
i want all genderfucked and nonbinary people to have a very i love you
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cardentist · 4 months
people fixate on bi-lesbians as being problematic despite bi-gay men existing (as well as any and every combination of sexuality and romantic attraction you can think of) because terfs and radfems deliberately don't want bi women to associate with lesbians and are deeply invested with framing attraction to men As Bad. a sentiment which has invaded queer culture inside and out, intentionally And incidentally.
people fixate on straight cis aromantic men when straight cis aromantic women exist because framing aromantic people as inherently predatory and dangerous by the simple nature of existing is easier to do when you intentionally force the association with predatory dangerous behavior displayed by (and associated with) misogynistic men.
people are still bigoted against bi-gay men and woman aromatics (and any flavor of trans within these groups), but pay attention to the way these conversations are Framed and it's clear the way gender essentialism is being used as a tool to control the narrative.
radfems' gender essentialism says you're supposed to think men are inherently scary, inherently take advantage of women, so Naturally (it is assumed) a man who is sexually attracted to women but not romantically attracted them Must Inherently be predatory and scary. and now you're being asked to take that feeling of unease you've been manipulated into feeling and associate it with the entirety of a sexuality.
bi-lesbians are threatening to radfems because they want to draw inherent lines between these two groups. insist that attraction to and with a man is inherently dirty and dangerous. the same reason why "gold star lesbian" is a radfem concept. if it turns out that the lines between sexualities, between identity as a whole, is blurrier than they want it to be then that Must be framed as inherently dangerous.
if a single Kind of a marginalized group is being singled out to convince you that this group is dangerous or that they don't belong It's For A Reason. they're trying to manipulate you based on Biases (their biases and the ones they hope you have). the reaction to this isn't to abandon the type of person they're convinced are the worst of these groups, it's in solidarity.
aromantics who are men aren't any different from aromantics who are women, bi-lesbians deserve to live in peace just as much as bi-gay men. don't let people control the narrative Either by cutting down vast array of experiences that exist within any given identity, Or by convincing you that particular kinds of people within your communities are lesser than.
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ptr-sqloint · 11 months
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happy pride everyone have a trans angel (again)
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thorne1435 · 1 year
(1st off, i am a trans man) personally, it makes me slightly uncomfortable when other trans men center their own experiences. don’t get me wrong, we have a right to talk about our issues, but i can’t help but feel like there’s a victim complex going on when some guys say that TERFs are “just as dangerous” to trans men or that baeddelism is a relevant issue (while brushing the misogyny and toxic masculinity in the ftm community under the rug). the fact that you made a post about trans unity and the first ask you got was about how trans men aren’t supported enough by trans women? but like, is that true? is it not ALSO an issue that trans women aren’t supported enough by trans men?
Okay, I hear you, and I acknowledge that I (unfortunately) have fairly limited experience with trans men but I don't know if I like the idea of discounting what they have to say as "a victim complex."
They just want to be heard. And I think they have a right to be upset, given how little representation trans men are given in media. I never saw any discussions on transmasc issues until I came to Tumblr. Never saw it on YouTube or Reddit. Online leftist circles--and even online trans circles!--don't talk about trans men! So, y'know what? If they're being a little melodramatic about their issues, maybe it'll off-set the lack of any knowledge of their issues in the first place.
And also, I think toxic masculinity and misogyny are sort of part of being a man, right now? Which certainly isn't to say it's inherent to men, but society does encourage it. That's what I think should change about being a man. This goes back to societal misandry, I think. Toxic Masculinity is just a manifestation of societal forces that encourage men to behave in unhuman ways, and I think it would be immature of me to expect trans men to perfectly avoid that, in their pursuit of masculinity.
Gender is a performance. We are all looking for the role that makes us most comfortable, but the baggage attached to the roles isn't something you can side-step so easily. Cis people have an advantage on this front, in that they are capable of proving their masculinity or femininity via means other than pure performance. Society *expects* them to be men or women and that means they can gesticulate towards genitalia whenever they're called into question. (They don't always do that, and it's sort of transphobic when they do, but the ones who are comfortable with themselves might say something like that, all the same)
A trans man will uphold toxic masculinity the same way that a trans woman will submit herself to misogyny: it is in pursuit of the perfect encapsulation of the role. Unless we feel like we adequately perform the role inherently, we are inclined to tolerate--and ergo embody, to an extent--the negativity present in the roles we desire.
I believe that lowering the standards for who can be seen as valid in masculinity will alleviate quite a bit of misogyny, whether that misogyny be among transmascs or cis men. So, in saying that, I hope I also illustrate why I'm quick to jump to their defense while also tacking on my ideas about societal misandry and its toll on men.
On the subject of whether or not transfems actually don't support transmascs...I guess I wouldn't really know. I'm not in trans communities because I don't live in a place where that kind of community could show up. I imagine this problem is being blown out of proportion a little bit, but the ask I think you're talking about did say that it was sort of a Tumblr thing? And internet discourse is just...fuckin...so unbelievably shitty. So I'm not too worried about it.
I mean, I'm not going to immediately assume any transfem I meet is inherently misandristic or otherwise bigoted towards transmascs, but I'm still gonna go to bat for transmascs if they get shit-talked, y'know?
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cnjosephs · 11 months
A poem for Pride. Continued under the read more.
As I grew from a little girl to a teenage boy, They said I should call myself trans*, with a star at the end: A star for something unfinished; a star for possibility.
As I grew from a teenage boy to a femme young adult, They said I should call myself trans, with no star at the end: That the star’s sharp points only served to cut and divide.
As I grew from a femme to a gloriously butch dykefag, I thought again about the star of my youth And about all the things it can stand for:
Trans* is for transgender— It’s for language that grows and shifts Like a living being; like a tree; like a child; For Sylvia’s Transgender Action Revolutionaries And for the kids at their high school GSA Walking into the club with their hearts in their hands.
Trans* is for transgressive— It’s for shattering expectations Shattering societies, boundaries, and binaries Like panes of fractured glass; The glass was breaking already, you know, But now we can turn it into a mosaic.
Trans* is for transsexual— It’s for those who pick up an old word That they’ve been told is “outdated” And brush the scorn off of it Like dust off of fine China To display it with pride on the shelf.
Trans* is for transformation— It’s for the little girls who became men, For the little boys who became women, For everyone who became everything, For everyone who became nothing, For everyone who became.
Trans* is for transvestite— It’s for shedding the skin you were forced into Like a snake shedding too-tight scales And growing something that fits you better; Making something new and beautiful, Wearing something beautiful and yours.
Trans* is for transitory— It’s for those of us whose gender shifts Like the phases of the moon; For people who fall asleep a femme fag And wake up a butch dyke And repeat the process again in a week.
Trans* is for tranny— It’s for picking up the stick they beat you with And sharpening it to a spear; Holding it up to defend yourself, To defend your kin, and saying: “You really wanna mess with us?”
Trans* is for those who reject the New Queer Binary— Who answer “Are you transfem or transmasc?” With an annoyed “Neither, actually”; Whose gender is not silence, but absence of noise; For men who are also women, For lesbians who are also gay men; For people so outside the binary That “nonbinary” feels like a chain around their throat; Maybe you can’t be cis and trans But I know you can be cis and trans*, And I know that you can’t draw a line between genders Like the respectable queers pretend you can.
Trans* is for all of us— For boydykes and girlfags, For queens and kings and crossdressers, For masculine women and feminine men, For my oft-excluded intersex darlings; For FTMs who wear suits and MTFs who wear gowns, For MTFs who wear suits and FTMs who wear gowns; For those on hormones and those who eschew them, For those who change their name and those who don’t; For those who want surgery to get a penis or a vagina, And those who want surgery to get both, And those who want surgery to have nothing.
Trans* is for everyone who marked the path we walk on now— It’s for Lili and Dr. Barry, For Roberta and Christine, For Marsha and Sylvia, For Stormé and Miss Major, For Leslie and Lou; And for so many others whose names we do not know Because they were blessed with the safety of privacy Or cursed with the violence of erasure.
If you asked me to name trans-with-a-star I’d tell you to call them Polaris Trans* The gender-variant community’s guiding light.
Trans* tells us where to go— To follow the paths cut by our predecessors, While keeping their drive to explore untrodden ground. To offer our hands for each other: Both to raise each other up when we fall And to fight when we’re under attack.
Trans* tells us who we are— We are faggots and dykes and sissies and queens, We are a bunch of rowdy queers who won’t shut up; We are armed with bottles and glasses, With bats and pens, with guns and paint; We are the people who have only survived Because when nobody would take care of us, When respectable queers treated us like a stain on their flag, We took care of each other.
Trans* tells us who to be— It tells us that we must be so brave and so strong, And so scared and so soft. That we must save our anger for those who hurt us, And not turn it on each other. That we must hold each other accountable for harm, But understand we are all flawed humans, And that mistakes are not unforgivable. That we must not hurt our trans* siblings For daring to be trans* in a way we cannot understand, And that you don’t need to know exactly what stars are made of To love how they shine in the sky.
Historical Notes
The figures referred to in the thirteenth stanza are, in order: Lili Elbe, Dr. James Barry, Roberta Cowell, Christine Jorgensen, Marsha P. Johnson, Sylvia Rivera, Stormé DeLarverie, Miss Major Griffin-Gracy, Leslie Feinberg, and Lou Sullivan.
Sylvia Rivera is the same Sylvia mentioned in stanza four. In the 1970s, Sylvia and Marsha founded the Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries together. They provided housing and care for homeless gay and trans* youth while working towards broader goals of achieving trans* liberation. Sylvia and Marsha kept their kids fed and housed through funds they raised via sex work. 
Sylvia would later say that the death of STAR came at the 1973 Christopher Street Liberation Day Parade, where trans* activists were told they couldn’t speak on stage. Sylvia and drag queen Lee Brewster physically fought their way to the stage and criticized the gay community for abandoning the trans* community after the trans* community had spent years fighting for rights for all of them. Lesbian activist Jean O’Leary verbally attacked them both, claiming that drag was “misogynistic” and “demeaning”, and that trans* people had no place in the gay rights movement. Receiving such a devastating rejection from people Sylvia had considered friends pushed her out of working in activism for many years. 
Marsha was tragically murdered in 1992 at the age of 47. Eight years later, in response to the murder of trans woman Amanda Milan, Sylvia resurrected STAR as the Street Transgender Action Revolutionaries. While Marsha and Sylvia were both integral to the initial work of STAR, I refer to it as “Sylvia’s” in the fourth stanza to make it clear I’m referring specifically to the later incarnation, which used “transgender” in their name. You can read more about Sylvia’s life in her essay “Queens in Exile, the Forgotten Ones”, written just before her fiftieth birthday in 2001. The closing paragraphs of the essay are, in my mind, both a profoundly valiant rallying cry and an agonizing indictment of our community’s failures:
Before I die, I will see our community given the respect we deserve. I'll be damned if I'm going to my grave without having the respect this community deserves. I want to go to wherever I go with that in my soul and peacefully say I've finally overcome. Editor's Note: Sylvia died on February 19, 2002, from complications of liver cancer. She was 50 years old. 
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i rewatched s7e3 and the weird sort of straight washing that happened with unity was worse than i realized in my first 1 and a half viewings. so im here to be a little bit more of a hater lol.
okay so like fuck this bitch in particular
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now, i understand that unity has appeared in the comics which i haven't read so it's possible there's some lore there that idk about, but here's the deal as i understand it and why this specific alien acting like the face of unity bugs me so much. this alien is part of a species that, as of the episode in season 2, was very recently assimilated by unity. so like im not sure why there's so much focus placed on her specifically. having her act as a representative of sorts made sense in the first episode, she was a president on the newly assimilated planet that rick and the kids were visiting. but like, that's it, right? it doesn't make sense to me why she would be any more important than any of the other, what? trillions of life forms unity has under its belt? like the only reason for her to be here at all is to be recognizable to the audience, which like, fine. i think it's a little dumb, but whatever. the problem isn't having her as a symbol (personally i think it'd be cooler to not have an entity like unity tied down to being primarily represented through one body but i digress), the problem is that she's treated like more than that in this episode.
this is a part i didn't notice until my rewatch that really irked me.
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these are concurrent shots from the scene when rick shows up and starts spraying unity. we see it in virginia telling rick to take it easy through the body of this human, then we see it continuing the conversation from its spaceship in the body of the alien. i am like super not a fan of the implications of that. this alien is not supposed to be unity any more than any one of my cells is me, but here it's depicted as though whenever unity does something in any of its bodies, it's coming from this lady. and like, that'd be super lame even if it wasn't an obvious womanification of a nongendered entity.
now im no english major so i don't have an elegant transition to put here, but yes, it is time to talk about pronouns. yeah yeah, ik, trans person gets hung up on pronouns, bite me okay, it's relevant. i went back and watched the first unity episode to be sure id remembered correctly, and yes, in that episode nobody uses gendered pronouns for unity. morty says "they" which seems more to be referring to a number of bodies, and other than that, people mostly say "unity" or "it". as for the new episode i noticed rick using nongendered pronouns twice
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but after that he goes with she/her for the rest of the episode
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and yeah, i think that is pretty disappointing. i didn't catch that "it" until my rewatch, but the use of "them" did make me really happy but then everybody started she/hering it. the combination of all that emphasis being put on a female body and people calling unity she so much makes for an episode that manages to be significantly less queer than the one that came out in 2015. it feels weirdly cowardly after that "we're all a little gay" bit in the last episode and doesn't inspire much confidence in me regarding rick's relationships with nonwomen. like stuff can be gay if it's for a joke, but there's more money on the line now than back in season 2, so rick's ex lover needed straightening up.
idk. i still like the episode because im easy and focusing on rick's mental health and relationships always makes me happy, but man, i am certainly not happy with how they handled unity. they really did it dirty, watered it down to being pretty much just another alien lady.
(also to be clear, i am not trying to shit on the writers here. obviously idk exactly what went on, but im pretty comfortable placing the blame squarely on execs)
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miochimochi · 2 months
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Finished the back of the unity jacket. Need to think of more to put on this one. Mainly trying to think of something to paint on the hood. Maybe a black head?
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