#I make it up to him by giving him pretty hanfu
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I just discovered this beautiful Willow Maid Animatic by Mazz & I got sucker punched by some cute unexpected LiuShen before my heart got ripped out by the rest of the video. I HAD TO.
10/10 would recommend.
Also if anyone has ever/ wants to write a fic based on that animatic PLZ let me know I will always volunteer to have my heart broken |ω;`)
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mtkay13 · 5 months
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Wen Kexing!! My focus here was to channel his coolness even through warm colors, and to get his... "essential vibes" through one picture. More (rambling) below! (this is essentially a post about WKX's personality)
A big case can be made about "who or what is the 'true' Wen Kexing". So; let's be real, I don't know if anyone makes a "big case" out of it, but I sure have seen people seemingly arguing against a vague 'common opinion' regarding Wen Kexing's personality. The """common""" opinion (allegedly): the true Wen Kexing is [insert one of WKX's facets] (or something along those lines) The case against it: all Wen Kexing's are the true Wen Kexing Now I do agree with the fact that "all Wen Kexing's" are Wen Kexing, technically. For clarity, let's list and name those various facets (most are commonly accepted, some I'll just name on the go): - Wen Kexing: I'll use his full name for the personality we're first met with in the book. Someone cold, rather quiet, analytical and distant. Giving off strange vibes in social situations (ZZS thinking he's weird, other jianghu figures being creeped out by him or thinking that he's up to no good), contemptuous - Philantropist Wen: The more extravagant, (bullshit) storyteller, outrageous and shameless flirting enthusiast version of WKX. - Valley Master Wen: cold, calculating, quiet, cruel, unbelievably patient, dislikes fun and games, barely feels anything - Wife Wen: The over the top dramatic wife whose life is made difficult by his difficult and shameless husband, essentially a lot of roleplaying the good littol domestic wife and whatnot - The wooden man: similar as Valley Master but demure and apparently subservient? (for calculated purposes) Okay they could be more I guess, but the point is, we have an array of WKX personas and personalities and the actual consensus (I think, my sample is like 10 people so....) is that every one of those is "true" to WKX and that not one of them is a fully constructed persona. Now, while I agree, I guess that what I wonder is: what is WKX in his resting state? If nothing is happening and that he's not in a particularly social or specific situation, what do we get to see? I think that the answer mostly resides in extra 4, which is an INCREDIBLE retelling of TYK from WKX's perspective; someone who thinks quite a lot, and for long, someone who observes things with distance and little to no emotion. Someone who is used to having one goal (revenge, taking care of ZZS during his coma), and who will probably go through a lot of quiet thinking when finally faced with the void of not having one specific thing to aim for. Someone who will have to learn to find joy/happiness, and who probably doesn't... get there "naturally"? (and by that I mean, without ZZS or without directly following ZZS around). Someone whose ties to his own emotions have been severed a long time ago, I guess. Someone still quite contemptuous of many things and people and who has a whole life he didn't plan for or even consider ahead of him. Which is............ what I tried to draw............ here..................... (That and also I wanted to draw a pretty looking hanfu in sepia colors) (but I SWEAR that was not the main goal) (I think) (anyway please ignore me)
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allfearstofallto · 4 months
Yandere childe x reader
Synopsis: He'll buy you absolutely anything your heart desires, but he longs for you to describe things as more than just "nice"
TW: Yandere, abusive themes, bribery, NSFW themes, toxic relationship, Dub-Con
AN: I haven't written in FOREVER so forgive me if it's not awesome or if it feels incomplete. My last account got shadow banned :(, doesn't help that I was already pretty depressed before that. No time for sob stories here, it's been two years since I've written anything and I miss writing, thanks for joining me!
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Gems that dazzled and gleamed stars in the night sky, silver that was carved painstakingly from the mines in Liyue, an appearance that was beautiful, but still kept up with the most current fashion trends. He had truly outdone himself with this one, this has to be the one that would take your breath away. The one that would make you leap into his arms and pepper his face with kisses from your sweet lips that he rarely got the chance to taste.
When it came to gifts for you, there was no price tag. Childe would spend every mora he had if it meant he could even get a smile out of you and spend he often did. Money meant nothing to him, being a Fatui harbinger, his paychecks were larger than he knew what to do with. After sending money back home to his family, he still had so much left and nothing that he longed for other than your affection. So, why not spend it on something else he cared about?
Your eyes ghosted over the ring he was showing you, encased in a black velvet box with red satin holding it up. It wasn’t an engagement ring, he’d assured you of that multiple times after you were taken aback by him holding it up to you. He knew you weren’t ready for that just yet, and he was willing to respect your wishes, but he still wanted to give you something to wear on that pretty little finger to show that you were his while you waited for the real deal. Your engagement ring would be much, much larger than the one he was gifting you now and it would incorporate details from both of your home countries.
The expression on your face was unreadable. It wasn’t quite a grimace, but it wasn’t a smile either. It was the usual face you made when you were given something. An equal mixture of discomfort and unease. “It’s…nice.” you mumbled quietly as he slipped the ring onto your finger.
There was that word again. Nice. It made him sick to his stomach every time he heard it fall from your pretty lips. But that was always what you said about his gifts, as if you couldn’t think of another word to describe how you felt about them. Rare spices imported from Sumeru? Nice. A custom hanfu made from only the finest silk to wear to the lantern rite? Nice. Wine aged for almost a decade and shipped straight from Mondstadt? Very nice.
You spoke that one word, but even then it felt like you were straining yourself to say that much. On multiple occasions, your displeasure with receiving such expressive gifts was expressed, but he told you that that didn’t matter. Mora was just an object to him, something that held no value, and yet you still held each gift as if they would collapse under your touch.
“You can tell me if you don’t like it,”
“No!” you quickly retorted back, holding your hand up to examine the ring once more, “Its…” you purse your lips to stop yourself from saying the word, knowing that he would only be upset with your lack of what he considered to be a proper answer, “I like it.”
With a sigh and a dramatic slump of his shoulders, he reached up and cupped your face. His hand felt like solid ice against your cheek. Childe often claimed that that was another thing he loved about you so much. How warm your body was in comparison to himself. He told you that when he someday took you to Snezhnaya to meet his family, you would be his personal heater, that he wouldn’t let you go for even a second during the duration of your stay there.
“You don’t even wear the earrings I got you anymore,” Childe’s long fingers traced from your cheek to the lobe of your ear, grazing the empty hole where jewelry would go.
“You know I can’t wear those at work,”
“Then quit your job,” He spoke those words so quickly, with no hesitation, a part of you was convinced you imagined it. But you working was a constant conflict of interest between the two of you, something you’d even argued about before.
The situation grew heated that day. Both of you, yelling back and forth about what you thought was right. You remembered seeing his eyes glow at the same time as his vision that rested on his hip, making your stomach drop. Childe would never hurt you, would he? But even you didn’t know the answer to that, you could never be too sure about what was going on in the mind of a harbinger. So you backed down slightly, telling him that it was something you would consider, and that answer sufficed with him for the time being.
“Ajax,” he cut you off. He hated when you used his codename, claiming that as his future wife, you alone should be allowed to call him by his given name.
“Ajax," you exhaled harshly after speaking his name, "I really would like to work and be independent,”
For just the briefest of moments, his eyes went dull, his smile fell, his facade faltered and he was his true self. It only lasted for less than a second, the average person might not have even seen it, but you’d spent so much time with him. You knew his tells. You knew that even though he was smiling again, it was completely fake. He was angry, even if the gleam in his eyes didn't show it.
A cold kiss was pressed against your cheek, just a peck to get his point across. When he pulled away, still making eye contact, he was still so close that you could feel his shallow breath on your skin. He squatted down slightly to meet your eyes and whispered against your lips, “I don’t plan to let my wife work. Why don’t you quit now, have a little practice before we’re wed?”
He said that as a suggestion, but you knew it wasn’t one. With Childe there were only orders and threats, nothing in between. You had no choice on whether or not you’d get to work, on whether or not you got to live alone, on whether or not you married him. In his eyes, you were already his, and there was absolutely nothing you could do about it.
A lump was caught in your throat as you tried to figure out what to say. Could you even tell him that the prospect of marrying him was something that seldom crossed your mind? Something that even when you did think about, it brought a twinge of fear into your heart. That on multiple occasions, you considered leaving him, but your unease around him was what was making your stay.
“I…” you finally met his gaze as you tried to force words out of your tense body. His eyes felt so cold and the hand that he had managed to snake its way down onto your shoulder was gripping your flesh tightly. It was a warning that what you said next would matter, “I should just-”
“You should quit,” he spoke the last part of the sentence for you, not caring about what you truly wanted to say.
Eyes turned downcast, you gave a slow nod. There wasn’t much of a choice with him anymore, he was hellbent on that being your answer. He had given you an order, if you didn’t react the way he wanted you to, you would regret it.
The grip that was on your shoulder loosened, exhibiting that you had pleased him and another kiss was placed on your cheek as a reward. This time his lips touched just below your eyes, where tears were threatening to fall, “That’s my girl,” another peck right against your lips, “How about I buy you something special, huh? For being so good.”
You swallow slowly, trying to keep yourself from falling apart in front of him, clenching and unclenching your fist as a way to self soothe. Your voice was shaky as you delivered your stiff answer, “Sure. That sounds lovely.”
“How about a new pair of earrings,” he followed this up by lightly biting the side of your ear, “or maybe a new necklace,” you felt his warm tongue slide down from your ear to your collarbone, making all the hairs on your body stand up, “Or maybe even a new dress,” he spoke into your neck, his hand reaching down and trying to slide the dress you were wearing up your thigh, exposing your your bare skin to the air.
You jolted your body backwards, your hands placed against his chest in an attempt to keep the distance between the two of you. He was moving so fast. Too fast. Even though it had been a while since you and him had last been intimate, for him to try it again so suddenly was worrisome.
You didn’t dare look at his face. There was no doubt about it that he was upset at your response to his touch, he never liked when you rejected him. The hand that was placed against him, was taken into his. The way he held you was gentle, but you could still feel force behind his movement. The thumb of his hand traced the back of your palm as he held you, before lifting it up and placing a kiss against it. Right on your finger, right on the very expensive ring he’d just bought you, almost as a way to draw your attention to it once more.
“What’s gotten into you? Hm?” he had an eyebrow cocked and a grin on his face, “Pushing me away like that after I got you something so precious? You’re going to hurt my feelings.”
“I just don’t think I’m in the mood for this right now,” you mumbled, switching between looking at your dress you were fiddling with and his borderline unblinking eyes.
Silence fell over the two of you, to the point where you could hear your own heart beat, the sound of blood pumping in your ears, the sound of his breaths that were slightly heavier than normal. Childe was rarely quiet. It was hard to get him to keep his mouth shut. In a way his anger was scaled based on how loud he was, the quieter, the worse.
His large hand came into your sight again, making you flinch about what was coming ahead, but rather than being struck, he used his thumb to trace your lips, “Figure something out.”
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stellartales · 2 years
Zhongli: headcanons with pregnant s/o (she/her)
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following the one for diluc, so i've decided that i should write a pregnant headcanon for our lord geo as well. tbh, the scenario i've been trying to come up for zhongli keeps being scrapped. my folder is full of incomplete pieces i abandoned each time cause i really didn't find any of them suitable for sharing. so i'll stick to the headcanons for now —i proofread this once but there may still be errors so sorry in advance!
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finding out
being in love and marrying her means doing things couples do is pretty much natural even if he's a god. so this includes AHEM *cues horny sounds* XD (hinting at 'dominus lapidis' - find it on the m.list yourself; minors, pls stay away!)
so he wouldn't be surprised to know she got pregnant from the result of doing *cues horny sounds again*. when it was first revealed to him, he would of course be surprised by the news and quickly take it in stride from what they did.
Zhongli would definitely be extremely pleased to know that those nights bore fruits, in this case, fruit. BUT Zhongli would also be concerned about her well-being 'cause she's carrying his child — child of a god; whether or not it would be too much for her.
this makes me wonder if it's possible for him to put a shield inside her womb, around the child or something to protect her from whatever effects the child could give off? — like how we see Zhongli do so around traveller and Kun Jun during the archon quest featuring Azhdaha
idk hahaha my imagination's bit over the top here; sorry if it's weird—
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during the months
he is familiar with births of life since he is possibly the oldest living being alive (one that we are familiar with) but he only knows about this phase of life in theory.
he is a knowledgeable man, er, god but even his knowledge had limits. 'Cause knowing and doing is different. he'd seen and met father-to-be and pregnant mothers so many times in his longgggg life, but when it comes to his own experience, he is as awkward as new fathers can be.
but trust Zhongli to know what is good for pregnancy such as good teas, herbs and etc. - if he doesn't know he would consult the adepti (especially those who had children with humans) and humans themselves too.
i'd like to imagine that Zhongli has his own realm like how we have our own serenitea pot, and in there, he owns a mansion; not those multi-tiered type, but ground level with the courtyards and winding verandas (those open-air corridors), with a solid gate around this compound.
Even if he doesn't own a realm, i'd imagine he would own a property like this all the same, somewhere near Liyue Harbor; if he didn't previously, he did after getting betrothed to her. (tbh i'm really curious where zhongli stays in the game)
when he is within their mansion, he would usually don on his hanfu (depicted in sunlit, as written by yours truly).
and on topic of hanfu, he would have a few specially tailored for her for many reasons:
to accommodate her growing belly.
hanfu were more comfortable - flowy sleeves, soft materials and warm
tbh, he secretly developed a fascination over seeing her wearing the hanfu while she's expecting.
Zhongli has always been affectionate towards her but he'd become even more during the months. He enjoys talking to their child in her belly
in the morning without fail, she would wake up to a low, gentle, soothing voice against her rounded belly.
and before bedtime, she would fall asleep to his hand caressing her middle, smoothing over the soft material of her sleepwear. She often falls asleep to the same low, gentle soothing voice. (Zhongli is such ASMR master; his voice alone oh gawd he should be on Youtube lol)
Zhongli is definitely even more protective over her now that she was with child.
before she was pregnant, Zhongli is a lover who believes in her capabilities to protect herself. Just like how he silently watches over Liyue even in the present, he protects her from a small distance. He's not overbearingly protective but enough, Ofc when time calls for him to do so, he'd step up. (don't mess with Geo daddy hohoho)
he respects her as a fellow warrior? someone who is experienced in combat? yea like he doesn't have that kind of misogynistic mindset, like those kind of 'oh because she's a woman so she must be weak and a damsel in distress that can't do a thing so i ,the man, have to step in everytime' mindset.
though i would say that he's more quick to step up when it comes to her than to Liyue (well, cause Liyue has the Qixing and the adeptus)
but now that she's pregnant, who dares to mess with Geo daddy literally daddy HAHAH
while he is sure that she is capable of defending herself even when pregnant, he wouldn't want her strain herself while she's carrying his child. he know it isn't good for her and the baby if she stressed herself. AND OFC, he just wants to protect her; he becomes overprotective papa Geo bear. it's like some kind of instinct more than a thought for him.
Because Zhongli becomes overprotective papa Geo bear during the pregnancy, he sticks around her a lot more.
Hu Tao would definitely see less of that man at work hahaha
He would spend time, bringing his s/o out for short walks; he knows this is good for her. Brings her around the city, listening to stories told by the storytellers, drink good teas, admiring the sceneries around the harbor especially the sea at the wharfs - basically when she's pregnant, they go out on dates a lot more? hahah
but across the months when it gets harder for her to walk 'cause she is getting so big, he would stay home with her, catering to her every needs.
rubs her sore feet, combs through his library for inspiration in finding names as she took naps, spends his time to talking to her and their unborn child
hands are mostly on her belly, caressing it and pressing his lips to it. (oh zhongli is so obsessed, so dedicated to her and their child at this point)
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the birth at last
Zhongli would be calm when it happens.
near the due date, Madam Ping who volunteered to help with the birth, would stay around. Madam Ping visits them often during the pregnancy. Giving sounds advices to Zhongli every time she comes over, and discussing how to prepare for the day to come.
He wouldn't show it on his face that it affected him when her hand clutching onto his gave him crushing squeezes when she has to push - being a god, his pain tolerance far exceeds a normal human's so he's gonna be okay hahaha
Zhongli would only be concerned about her 'cause she's in so much pain. Worries again about the effects of his child on her, whether or not it would be too much for her.
but thank god, everything went smoothly. mother is fine, baby is fine.
Zhongli would be so grateful to her, he shed silent tears after Madam Ping left them to be alone. he would thank her for carrying his child and giving him the chance to experience what it's like to live like a mortal, as if she was the one who brought rain after a drought.
ironic for someone who had lived for so long, Zhongli is still experiencing his first-times; finally learnt how to truly live.
he still got a lot more to learn- how to be a father, a husband and lots more things to come.
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published on 23.06.2022
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shiori8 · 11 months
Oh look! It's another redesign!
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Here, have this little illustration based on my Ladybug/Chat Noir re-designs, that I've been slaving away at for the past month (we're just gonna ignore the fact that I started plotting out the costumes and sketched the pose a year ago lol). I know, I know. A redesign? Very original. But hey I haven't done it yet, so that makes it different ok😝!
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(Gosh, I usually don't post sketches, I feel like this is exposing all my drawing weaknesses lol)
These are some of the first doodles I did. For Marinette I basically looked at some traditional Qui Pao and Hanfu dresses for inspiration and mixed and matched details I liked. I also gave her these little skirt flaps (?? whatever you want to call it) to symbolise the ladybug wings and kept the spots concentrated there. All in all I actually immediately knew what I wanted to do with her costume and pretty much just kept to my first draft, but what really gave me trouble was the hair somehow. I really wanted to incorporate actual antennae (I just think it's cute🤧!!!!) but it got too crowded up there so I had to let them go eventually🥺. In the end I settled for her twin tails pulled up instead of down. To make it look more distinct from her civilian form the idea was also that her hair colour changes to black after the transformation.
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Chat Noir on the other hand was so difficult😭😭😭. I honestly like the original design soo much it was hard to think about alternatives. I wanted something that matched better with my new Ladybug, but I don't think I succeeded much. Also I hyperfocused on giving him this little scarf/oversized collar thing in my first doodles because I thought it looked cool and ended up scrapping it because the little bell is just too iconic not to keep lol. As you can tell from the final illustration there is actually not all that much that made it into the final version, except for the sheer sleeves, the shoes, the claw marks and some neon green details. I also ended up giving both of them some gold accents to make them match a bit more. As with Marinette, the idea is that Adrien's hair changes colour a bit after transforming too. So I envision Adrien having more of the smooth platinum blond in his civillian form and a more brown-ish dirty blond as Chat Noir, to go for the whole stray cat look lol.
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I might come back to this one day, to re-do their civilian forms too or make these costumes more practical rather than just focusing on aesthetics (But hey if the show does this than I am allowed too😂!)
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valentine-cafe · 29 days
One lemon coconut tart please! (With spice)
*coos at Jingyi* My~ your nipples are so sensitive *tugs at his nipple piercings* I wonder if I can make you cum just from playing with these pretty chains, since you’re always flaunting around with them *bites his nipple* but then that’d ruin your pretty hanfu. What do you think baobei? Are you up for the challenge? I’ll give you a sweet, sweet prize if you can~
- 🍒 anon
⊹ ۪ ࣪ ᥫ᭡ verse 9948e jìngyí
˗ˏˋ꒰ 🥮 ꒱ ⊹ ۪ ࣪ reaper x reader
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a shuddering gasp leaves the heir. his head of fluffy tresses leaning back against the wall of the secluded corner of the zhào estate that you tugged him off to.
“b-baby,” jìngyì whines, a trembling hand clinging onto the fabric of your top. knees quivering, breathing stuttering. his poor, perked nipple throbbing as you twist and bite. “please,” he sniffles, maroon hues squeezes between half-lidded lids. “please. . . ‘inner’s g-gonna be s— a-ah -”
he bites down on his lip once you’re sucking down on the sensitive flesh. once your hand is cupping over his crotch through his hanfu and rubbing your thumb along it.
“so hard already,” you croon, earning another whimper as he steers his hips into your hand.
“p-please,” is all he breaths. face warm just like the feeling below his legs. “I-I’ll be good just please.”
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thecrowsart · 4 months
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My Wenren E and Yin Hanjiang designs (from Devil Venerable Also Wants To Know)
Wenren E: His design came to me pretty easily, while reading i basically imagined him with long loose christmas tree (lol) hair, and the basic xianxia yichang + dachang. Black and gold of course. I wish I understood Chinese astrology because I don't quite know what they mean about the patterns of the stars on his robe + ji, but I just kind of winged it. Arm braces because even though he should have a big wide triangle silhouette, I also think he should be somewhat practical and they give a nice martial look. And the double crescent ji of course.
Yin Hanjiang: I know the accepted design for him has bangs and a cross collar robe, and I did envision him with a cross collar robe at first, but for some reason it just didn't look right to me when I was drawing it. I ended up giving him a yuanlingpao, because they have a nice smooth practical look (yes I know they were also court garments) which in my opinion is suitable for someone like him who starts the story trying to be someone with no personal desires. Again, it gives a martial look which is fitting for someone who is trying to be a "sword." Also, while looking at pictures of yuanlingpao I noticed how with modern hanfu, they often have colorful/patterned linings, so if you wear them with an open collar, you can see a nice pattern. It gave me the idea of a double sided yuanlingpao, like those reversable jackets if you've ever seen them. Imagine his black yuanlingpao is red on the inside, so when he goes Azula mode it's really the same garment, but now what was hidden is shown. And his collar is open so it's like his heart is open.
I forgot to stick my thoughts about bangs in there. I know they're cute and not giving him them was kind of an act of self control for me but when Wenren E makes note of the fact that he has loose hair when he comes back, it makes me feel like he wouldn't normally have it. I know that could mean his hair is just down but also think about it, doesn't a tight, pulled back ponytail fit a character like Yin Hanjiang? And then it all comes apart....right......
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daswarschonkaputt · 1 year
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modern au fem!hanwenzhou
okay so like, pretty much all my art is someone else's fault. i stand by this. this is the fault of @antique-forvalaka (henceforth siv). blame or thank her. she just showed up unprovoked and was like, "fem!wkx has a flat ass and fem!zzs is big tiddy tomboy," and i was like, "umm???" what was i meant to do? NOT draw them? it's a modern au because i don't fuck with drawing hanfu.
most of these were drawn when i was too sick to write and lemme tell you i 100% underestimated the effect of a cough on drawing art. the lineart on wkx's piece took me so fucking long. i even had to go back in and redo bits of it. that's why some of it looks wonky but shhhh don't look.
assorted headcanons beneath the cut:
this was the first one i started drawing, and then i nearly gave up because zzh's face is the fucking worst to draw. like, i even tried tracing a still and it still didn't look like him. okay, thots:
f!zzs has long hair that she takes relatively good care of but she pretty much always just ties up and ignores
she keeps it long because she sometimes does infiltration missions and it's helpful to appear super feminine
she knows how to be pretty and well presented but she literally never gives a shit
left alone she will happily sit in a sports bra and panties and eat ramen
oh yeah when she's lying low after leaving tc she disguises herself as a male vagabond. @luckydragon10 is very attached to f!zzs's fake stubble.
the hoodie look is an adaptation of my favourite zzs look from woh which is the meili look. look i am a simple woman, put the characters in a veiled hat and my brain just goes hrrrrnnnnng.
oh hello other actor in this drama who is incredibly fucking hard to draw. luckily i had already drawn modern wkx before so i was a bit more used to his face. okay, some more thots:
the first one i drew was the big profile which is labelled in the csp file as tiddies out wkx
in my head f!wkx has a flat ass and flat chest bc siv said so, but she wishes she were curvy like wkx
she's very much styled after a femme fatale, emphasis on the fatal
she's pretty much always immaculately turned out, perfect make-up, perfect clothes, all very expensive
i had to draw her in stockings and garter belt. i just had to. also that lace texture killed me and took me like half of wanda//vision (which i was watching in the background) to get right
part of the reason i even did modern au was because i wanted to draw wkx with a sniper rifle
on that note the sniper rifle is traced from a photo bc i am lazy and at that point was very ill
"oh? so you have chosen death~♡" -- that's her vibe
fave wkx is angery wkx up in the top right corner. i drew her last.
one big regret that i didn't draw her splattered in blood and smirking like lelouch from code geass. i just think that would be neat.
thank u han ying for having a face that i can draw. thank u actor for having distinguishable features for my face blind self. thank u. thots:
this was the last set of these that i drew and i had to think long and hard about what to do for her. i knew i wanted her to be shorter than zzs but curvier than wkx but that was literally it
originally when i started drawing f!hy i gave her short curly hair, like close to a pixie cut, but i couldn't make it look right, so i went back to siv and extracted her suggestion of a side cut or undercut
in my head, hy and zzs run two-man missions all the time, with zzs as front woman and hy as tactical support/getaway driver
siv said to me that she sees wkx playing dress-up with hy bc hy is more receptive to it than zzs and i was like oh yes so that's why there's a little classy hy over on the right
also the more i drew f!hy with her little undercut and sweats i realised she looked like a fuckboi and i was here for it
special shout out to my favourite tac gear item: the throat mic. they're just so sexy. don't come at me.
shout out to fancy dress ass-kicking hy. the backstory here is that wkx put her in a pretty dress for a nice evening out only for it to devolve into a battlefield so hy takes off her heels and just starts blasting.
oh yeah special shout out here bc my brain was just like "play with the colours" so i did and now there is no consistent colouring for this set.
anyway i love hy's little button nose. so cute. love drawing it.
ok i'm done.
standard disclaimers for my art: all of it was drawn in clip studio paint (my beloved). i use pose references using the built-in 3D models and assorted poses i've downloaded from the store. faces are drawn using stills from the show i've founded on google images. when i draw fashion there's a high change it's from runway collections, in this case hy's dress is from the paolo sebastian moonlight serenade collection, specifically this one. and the fancy han ying look is adapted from ashi studio fall/winter 2017, specifically this look.
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icancdramahanfu · 2 years
hello! Id like to ask if you can describe what are the layers Luo Binghe (thai version) from SVSSS are wearing? Im having troubles the one with the collar im on a budget and I wanna cosplay him thanks a bunch!
Happy to hear you are looking to cosplay LBH!  Ah, the very pretty but complicated Thai cover artwork. . . this one makes me groan at how intricate it is.  I screen shot this from the SVSSS carrd.
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There is a lot of layer action going on.  Kityone, an amazing soul, did great work to remove text from more official artwork for the Thai editions.
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This is the only full length shot of Binghe’s outfit I could find.
kityone, did a spectacular job; when you click on the image you can zoom in!
Layers 1.) Zhong yi layer 1- innermost layer - black.  I’d pick a cotton or linen fabric for this.  You are looking at one that is very slim fitting. The Hanfu Story sells them as well to give you an idea for cut; see here
2.) Zhiju layer 2 - straight hem robe - black with narrow sleeves.  It has what I think is an ‘artistic/anachronistic’ high Mandarin-ish style collar.  The Erha manhua/artwork does this all the time.  It seems to be a thing for xianxia attire.  It is hard to find info on this in English, so, I could totally be wrong.  I can only find that type of collar on vintage patterns - think cheongsam/qipao or maybe Qing historical garments.  I’d personally copy the cheongsam/qipao collar as a base pattern and then modify it to match the hanfu style.  I know this is a huge shortcut but it makes sense in my mind.  Do a mock up with scrap fabric. 3.) Zhuji layer 3 - straight hem robe with red neck placket and red sleeve cuffs.  I think this has shorter sleeves that fall just past the elbow (3/4 length?) and are super wide.  [cries in sheer yardage]  The sleeve looks like it almost reaches mid-calf or lower.  I think it is supposed to be imperial/royal level - like the looooong sleeves you see in Nirvana in Fire worn by the princes when they attend court.  The neckline is a deeper V and I think a good reference for the cut is from the cdrama My Heroic Husband with the MC, Ning Yi.  His outfits frequently have this style which makes a clear X across the chest.  The blue/teal one in the middle is the best match and seems to fall in the right spot on the chest.
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4.) Belt with long fabric strip/accent.  I have no idea what the large silver belt buckle is supposed to look like - we don’t have good enough detail and resolution.  However, we can see that there is a long strip of red fabric that falls from the waist down the front to the feet almost.  On top of the red fabric is a fancier accent piece in black with silver trim and tassels.  I think it is a mix of these accessories from LBH and SQQ in the Korean cover here.  With the shape of SQQ’s being a slightly better match - minus the tasseled pendant.
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5.) Banbi jacket/coat - white with red trim and “artistic” choice collar.  The jacket is a short sleeve one with a red cuff/trim that is clearly an under layer but I would attach it to the white jacket to make my life easier and less sweaty.  The popped collar baffles me - is it sort of like a jacket with a lapel-ish collar?  It gives me vibes of the jackets that Sakamoto and Takasugi wear in Gintama and shogunate officials which are also anachronistic by design in a series like Gintama.  Or maybe a better comparison is the donghua for Thousand Autumns and Yan Wushi’s open collar layer?
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It looks like the neck placket itself is thick in the middle and normal on the outside.  I’ve attempted to make a quick example of what I think this looks like here.
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I think this is what I would do to sew it onto the jacket and make sure to add interfacing and iron it well. I would do these five layers if I wanted to cosplay this LBH outfit.  The zhong yi layer is really important since that is where you are gonna sweat the most, I found it worked well with my 13 hours of WKX with a wig in LA having to stand outside in lines in the summer temps. Good luck!
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stepswordsen · 1 year
JuAli WIP doodles 2
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Continued off my previous JuAli post! I wanted to post the rest of my JuAli doodles since November~ Since these are pretty rough WIPs, I'll put the rest of the drawings and all my thought rambles under the cut below.
I would like to redraw and refine these drawings soon, starting with the Judar hanfu doodles I had~ Though, for now, I drew a quick Judar chibi~ 
Some quick JuAli doodles:
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JuAli Idea 1:
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JuAli Idea 2: 
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Note: When I make comic styled idea drafts, the dialogue is always read from right to left.
JuAli idea 1 rambles:
There was a JuAli idea I had that was based on the concept of someone's rukh turning pink when they blush. I used this concept for my own purposes for JuAli~
I think Judar teasing Alibaba to see his flustered reactions is so cute. Since Judar's a Magi, he'd notice it and get this smug sense of satisfaction until he gets the tables turned on him. I think they have lots of moments where they embarrass and fluster each other. They're the cute, emotionally awkward couple at first :)
JuAli idea 2 rambles:
I had another separate JuAli idea in my head where JuAli lightheartedly bicker and Judar fake cries to try to get his bf to tell him he's cute. Because he is an annoying nyam nyam /endearing
He would totally do this tbh. The idea is so funny to me. The fake tears are super effective!
So he makes a more innocent cutesy expression with fake tears. Alibaba feels a little frustrated, but innerly he's thinking maybe it is pretty cute... And Judar’s like “Come on, don’t give me that look~ Not even a little bit?” And Alibaba is like “Urgh— NO!!! IT ISN'T!!!” And then Judar's expression reverts back to normal and he just goes like, “Ok, fine...” But he still tries to get him to say it, teehee.
Some thoughts on my first impressions of Judar:
I think I forgot to mention last time, but I also love drawing pointed underlashes on Judar. It’s such a nice touch.
So I’m not even surprised cuz I guessed that Judar would be one of my faves the first time he showed up in a cameo appearance in the manga. In Ch. 15. And he ended up being my fave. Totally expected tbh, this chara is perfectly sen-core. In terms of design, character, personality, and vibes... Everything.  
I knew I was right with the meow meow mf instincts. My meow meow mf instincts were on point again and I never fucking miss LMAO
When it comes to my masc faves, I always adopt a very specific character type that my friends and I have personally named meow meow mf ™️
Basically, if they’re a meow meow mf ™️, then the character has these character design tropes or character traits:
Usually has a black and/or white hair or colour scheme
Morally questionable or morally bankrupt or evil. Otherwise, they are totally down for murder
More complicated/complex than they initially seem
Either a stoic aloof :| or smiley ^-^ cat cot type
A smug edgy bastard
Passive aggressive, violent, and/or threatens people
Emotionally repressed and/or has emotional issues
If they have these, then they qualify to be sen-core. Filling all those traits is so highly specific, yet it includes so many characters from my faves.  
Like, all my top fave charas are like this, I could not be more predictable if I tried. My tastes are so predictable, I have the most obvious predictable tastes on this planet lmaooo /lh
Judar is perfectly catered to my tastes in cat-like masc charas I want to adopt <3 What a squishable skrunkly. Cat cot. Gremlin meow meow mf.
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Observations of similarities between my other faves:
My top main faves ever are: Hibari Kyouya (KHR), Ashiya Douman (FGO), Xanxus (KHR), Idate (WATGBS AU), and Judar (Magi). My top main faves are all very important and personal charas for me.
One of my friends told me that Idate (WATGBS AU) and Judar (Magi) are just all of my other top main faves combined and wrapped in a neat little package. Teehee.
Tfw Hibari, Douman, Xanxus, Idate, and Judar, are my top main faves ever, and Idate has traits from them all. I think it’s just more obvious with Idate, he has some very similar traits from my other faves.
Meanwhile, Judar has bits of traits from pretty much every single one of my main faves. That’s insane to me. When I first saw Judar, I was like... “Sen-core meow meow mf in my manga? I’m literally done for.” But he’s none of my faves in particular, he’s his own character and not really exactly similar to anyone else.
Judar is both everyone of my faves, and no one in particular. Like, he has some traits from Douman (FGO), Idate (WATGBS AU), Hibari (KHR), Ren (SK), etc., but at the same time, is none of them.
I think I have a lot to say about the similarities he shares with my other series’ faves, but I think it’ll go in another post for now.
Like... he has some traits from EVERYONE of my main faves, but isn’t really any one of them. Usually, most of my sen-core meow meow mfs faves are VERY different from each other, character and personality-wise, they usually just have similar basics. I cherish all of my cat faves very much <333 And they're all very unique!
Needless to say, I am so obsessed with this gremlin cat cot. Judar is very me-core. My friends were the ones that introduced me to Magi, and I’m very grateful to them that I found such an amazing series, Judar, one of the most perfect sen-core meow meow mfs ever, a Sun/Moon/Eclipse themed cat cot, and JuAli, a Light/Darkness, Sun/Moon, Fire/Ice, Rivals/Enemies to Lovers, sen-core ship.
The similarities my faves have between each other:
With Judar and Douman, it's the fact that they both have a black sun leitmotif and that they're both (^-^) smiley type meow meows. Judar is the Fallen Magi and black rukh user. Douman is specialized in magic and sorcery, and curses. He has Ītzpāpālōtl, the Aztec god of darkness, as one of their component spirits. Also, they have eaten gods.  
They both play the role of an antagonist or opposing figure towards the protagonists at first, in their respective stories. Douman carries Yin/Yang and Sun/Moon symbolism with his character, they wear crescent moon shaped magatama earrings. Judar is both the black sun and the moon.
I have a WATGBS AU with friends where we entirely revamped and rewrote our WATGBS AU faves for our own purposes, and we're writing our own stories for them. The WATGBS AU version of Idate (that I wrote together with my friends), and Judar, have some similarities with their personalities, vibes, general demeanours, trauma reactions and powers.
With Judar and Idate, it's the way they do whatever they want and do things just to enjoy themselves. They can get violent. They want to play with others, and treat things just like a game. They have this air of playfulness, and they have this childlike sense of entitlement when it comes to their wants.
Like, out of my faves, Hibari, Xanxus, Idate, and Judar, etc. are this very specific brand of “Delusional meow meow living in his own bubble that thinks he's the coolest cat king of the world.” They think they're hot stuff. These characters are the kings of their own lives and the world around them, even if only in their own heads /endearing
Idate's villain arc in my and my friends' WATGBS AU reminds me of Judar who initially wanted to get back at the world for allowing such atrocities to happen to him... weh weh weh. The way they were upset after finding out what happened to their parents... Idate finding out the truth about his past and parents definitely contributed to descent to madness. Also their powers are both darkness based.  
My friends have also talked about this with me before. The chapters with Belial's dungeon showed that Judar was, understandably so upset about what happened to his parents... And for being used his entire life to satisfy others' selfishness, his loss of agency from childhood, and the fact that all the emotional issues he has were directly caused by Al-Thamen.
There's something I want to say about the similarities between Judar and Tao Ren, another fave of mine, but I'll leave that for another post. I think this is getting pretty long.
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floral-poisons · 2 years
hanfu series: savanaclaw
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the final dorm in the series!! savanaclaw, probably long awaited? anyways, i hope you all enjoyed this series as much as i did!!
remember, if you wanna wear hanfu, please do your research. do not sexualize it. it is cultural clothing and wearing it disrespectfully and/or without knowing the history is/borders on cultural appropriation. if you wanna start researching, i would suggest mochihanfu’s page on tik tok!!
leona is a prince!! he’s definitely worn hanfu before and has been gifted hanfus. but they’re collecting dust in his closet because he doesn’t wear it often.
when he does wear hanfus, they’re of the ming dynasty style. it mostly adds to his regality as a prince.
his hair is long enough for him to do some elaborate hairstyles but he prefers to do his normal hairstyle. it matches with the hanfus after all.
keeps accessories to a minimum. they’re usually gold to reflect his status as prince.
he does love modernized styles of hanfu more. particularly pairing the skirts with a shirt. it’s cute and nice.
does a minimal amount of makeup.
will wear the full ensemble to get a free drink at the mostro lounge. probably one of the few times he will visit azul during his free time.
he wears a lot of solid colors that contrast with each other.
ruggie hasn’t heard of a hanfu until now. he doesn’t mind the idea of wearing one. but considering how busy he is being savanaclaw’s vice prefect, he doesn’t have the time to go out and get one.
though that deal at the mostro lounge sounds totally cool so maybe he’ll snatch a hanfu to wear.
he goes with mute colors, colors that won’t stand out. they’re pretty on their own with the white or black accents.
ruggie is also someone who prefers song dynasty hanfus. they’re cute but also easy to customize. it’s especially useful for when he wants to wear a modernized hanfu.
doesn’t wear accessories nor wigs and hair extensions. he finds that maintaining the hair extensions and wigs takes up a lot of time and styling it is just way too much hassle for him.
alters the hanfu himself. he’s very good when it comes to clothes.
carries a fan with him. sometimes it can get hot for him when he wears the hanfu.
will wear the jacket whenever he can though.
jack’s interest in hanfus is piqued when he sees his fellow first years wearing them and trying them on. it doesn’t look so bad.
he goes to ruggie for altering who has no problem doing it. it gives him an excuse to annoy leona even the slightest.
the hanfu needs to be quite loose to fit him and make him feel comfortable.
not a fan of wigs or hair extensions. he also keeps accessories to a minimum to prevent the hanfu from looking too busy.
wears orange. an orange type of guy.
prefers his hanfus to be plain. no patterns, no embroidery. just let the beauty of the fabric sit.
somewhat of a fan of tang dynasty styled hanfus.
does the bare minimum for makeup. he will go to vil for help if he needs it though.
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qierxing · 3 years
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Yan! Zhongli x Reader
Word Count: 2,837
How long can a man talk before he runs out of air?
Scratch that. How long can this man talk before you decide to strangle him?
"...as such, the rivers, plains, and mountains that are said to have been the remains of what is left of the dead gods remains…."
The intonation of Mr. Zhongli's voice nearly puts you to sleep at the ornate dining table, and if it weren't for the fact that you were at an esteemed establishment (even if you two were in a private room), you surely would've face planted and fallen asleep right there on the mahogany wood. But you don't, because it would be an insult to the very man (and the food) who invited you on this outing.
Mr. Zhongli is a respectable man and apparently, a good friend in your family's circles. Even though you've never met the man till now, even you're aware of his shining reputation; aunties giggling on how he's so charming and polite, cousins admiring his knowledge and strength, and other relatives likewise praising him to high Celestia and above.
And he is, you suppose, very handsome. His face is beautiful; high, defined cheekbones, molten amber eyes that glow warmly, pretty curved pink lips and nose to match. A good face, your auntie would say if she was here. An auspicious face.
“And that is how the geography of Liyue came to be...”
You're sure anyone in your position would be swooning over how his voice flowed like the trickling rivers that ran through Guili plains, but you just wished he would shut up at some point. Not even the delicious spread of food at the glass carousel wheel could distract from his tirade, and that was saying something.
Speaking of, why did he order so much food for only the two of you?
'In Liyue, you can always eat till you drop!' A saying that always echoed among the locals, and still holds true today. But even then, the intricately painted línglóng porcelain holding the remnants of steamed egg soup, roasted duck, squirrel fish, and more and more food, are way too excessive, even if he wanted to impress you.
You idly push around the Tianshu meat on your plate as he continues to drone on, wondering when you can politely excuse yourself without being rude.
"So, how was the dinner?" You internally groan as your mom's barely concealed excitement in her voice shows.
"Mama, we just sat there and talked." Well, Zhongli was the one doing most of the talking. But you weren't about to say that, not when you know a lecture awaits that answer.
"Isn't he a very handsome man?" Your mother's eyes gleam dangerously and a resigned sigh leaves your lips as she barrels on confidently. "Doesn't he seem like the perfect husband?!"
"Mama, it's ten in the morning…" What you wouldn’t give to eat your congee in peace.
"He is a respectable man, and quite knowledgeable to boot."
"Not you too, Baba!"
Your father merely chuckles as he continues reading the daily newspaper, and you roll your eyes as he continues chuckling behind the printed pages. Your mother swats at him to finish his porridge, turning to you with a frown on her wrinkled face. You brace yourself, knowing exactly what is coming next.
"[First Name], you're already of marriageable age, you should be looking for your future spouse! Your parents are growing old and when we die-"
"I will be perfectly fine without a husband." You cut her off, rubbing at your forehead. It was too early in the morning for this talk.
"Aiya, I don't want our only child to be by themselves! We will never know peace once we pass away, so much worry-"
You tune the rest of the lecture out, not even having the energy to refute her worries.
When you leave the house to take a walk, you meet the infamous Mr. Zhongli again.
"What a coincidence, I am also taking a walk to clear the mind. Would you perhaps like to join me?" And trapped by societal politeness, and the fact that this man did order you a three course meal the previous night, you agree.
So it's to your surprise that he does not immediately initiate dialogue as the both of you stroll leisurely through the stone gardens in Yunjin terrace, and a comfortable silence falls.
"You seem to have a lot on your mind." You turn to meet his gaze, and then away. Your frustration burns at you in the remainder of the morning's argument, but it dissipates at his concerned face. It is not his fault, you reason, that your mother wants you to court him for a possibility. For fortune. Despite the man's shortcomings, he is nothing but a gentleman.
"I don't want to pry but...I have heard that talking about your thoughts might ease your mind?"
You pause for a long time, breathing out your nose as you close your eyes.
"My parents want me to marry you." You've never been one to mince words, much to your mother's dismay at trying to teach you etiquette. "They think that you're a good match. And they're paranoid about me becoming a spinster."
There's silence for a moment and you open your eyes to not a face of disgust or shock, but rather one of musing.
"And you, [First Name]? What do you think?"
You turn your gaze to the water.
"Honestly? I don't know. I don't know you well enough to make that judgement. I know my parents are worried, but I don't want to get married for the sake of not being alone. I think it's rather selfish, to wish that solely for your partner."
The words tumble out of your mouth, one after another and you wonder how it is that it's easier to confess this to an acquaintance than your own parents.
"I was under the impression that people often like to pursue lasting romance in their lives. It's interesting to see this is not always true." Zhongli hums, hand coming to stroke his chin thoughtfully.
"Perhaps? I don't know. I've always been content with my friends." Shrugging your shoulders, you sigh. "Who knows? Maybe I have yet to meet the right person."
Zhongli hums again in response, seemingly in deep thought with a small frown pulling at his lips. A silence falls once again, and an awkward atmosphere falls upon the both of you.
"Oh yes, I never did thank you for the delicious dinner last night." You note offhandedly, half distracted by the swimming carp in the clear pond water. The water trails are hypnotic, and they help take your mind off the stressful morning you had.
"It was nothing. For my friend's precious child, that was the least I could do." He modestly replies, and you deadpan. It was nothing? A three course meal at Xinyue Pavillion, nothing? You know that squirrel fish did not have a low price tag.
"Regardless, I'm very thankful for your generosity." After all, not many tolerated your blunt, forthright personality, least of all the potential suitors your mother always brought before you. The memory makes you feel guilty at the irritation you had back then at the dinner. "The next time, I insist we have dinner at Wanmin--I've heard their black back perch stew is to die for. My treat."
He hums, and turns to you with a heartbreaking smile, a far cry from his previous countenance. "Is that a promise?"
You raise your eyebrow, "What are you, Morax? Yes, it's a promise, unless you hate fish, I guess."
His amused chuckles are soft but light a warm hearth in your heart.
Your mother is growing more daring than you remember.
She shoves you out the door as if you're some kind of fancy wrapped gift to offer to Mr. Zhongli, and there's a manic glee in her eyes as she eyes you and him standing together like a couple.
"[First Name] has been looking forward to this, haven't you, sweetie?"
The Liyuen hanfu she forced you into were a different cut than the modern cheongsam dresses of the current trends. Archaic, if you dare call it that. While some traditionalists still donned hanfu, it was not as common to see it in the streets. When she was shoving you in the under robes, she muttered about how it was something passed down in the family. Which explained a lot. These days, hanfu like this were something of a rich antiquity.
You sigh deeply, tugging your translucent pibo around you tighter as you decide to humor her, if only to get her to stop embarrassing yourselves and leave faster.
"Yes, quite."
Zhongli hums, and when you turn to face him, you're almost unnerved at how his eyes sharpen and scan over you, pupils slit like a dragon's. The moment is gone in a flash and he merely smiles at you gently before taking your hand in his gloved one.
"In that case, shall we get going?"
The nightlife of Liyue is in full swing and Zhongli tugs you closer, and there's something intimate in the way he presses you firmly into his side, the warmth he exudes sending pleasurable tingles down your body.
"Do forgive me for being so bold, [First Name]," He addresses you so tenderly, that you blush when you look back up from your joined hands, "You look absolutely radiant tonight."
How is it this man manages to say such an embarrassing thing so smoothly? What is his secret? He doesn’t seem like the playboys that often loiter around the downtown area of the harbor. You look away, unable to meet his eyes that reflect the lanterns and make his pupils glow.
"T-Thank you, Zhongli, you're too kind."
His eyes never seem to leave you, even when taking in the lovely scenery of Liyue at night. For the bright lanterns glitter and glow on the ocean waves, but his own pupils are glued to your being when you look in your peripheral.
“Is there something on my face?” Tearing your eyes away from the street in front of you, you turn to meet his gaze straight on.
He merely smiles.
“No.” He pushes a stray strand of hair behind your ear, the gesture innocuous, but leaving a burning trail where his finger tips touch your skin. “I believe we have arrived.”
Thankfully you can excuse the burning in your cheeks and neck away with the spices that the Li cuisine favors. If anyone asks, it was the black back parch stew making you look flushed and out of sorts. Never mind the fact that Chef Mao looks quite amused at the fact you’re sputtering in response to his cheeky questions about you showing up with a man to your favored restaurant.
When you look up from checking to make sure your hanfu didn’t get any stains, Zhongli is uncorking a white bottle and pouring it into your cups. At your questioning look, he replies, “Dàqūjiǔ. The Li technique ferments wheat for about two to three months. This one in particular, has a fine aroma after being fermented for a while.”
“Hoh…” You chuckle at his explanation, “You really do know everything.”
“Hardly. I cannot say I know as much as the regular scholar…nonetheless, to good fortune!”
Echoing his cheer, you raise your cup and drink.
The alcohol burns your throat, and you’re reminded of your low alcohol tolerance. Yet, your fellow friend refills your cup just as easily, and who are you to refuse him? By the time you’re on your fourth cup, your world is spinning and you’ve developed a headache.
“Ahaha…wow...everything...is...moving…” You slur incomprehensibly and slump onto the bamboo table.
“Oh dear, we best get you back. In this condition, you’re too vulnerable.”
“No way...if I go back with you...my mom….she won’t let me…!” You raise your head from the cool table, but the effort of doing that makes you groan.
Zhongli all too easily picks you up bridal style, and after bidding goodbye to Chef Mao with a hefty bag of mora, he walks down the now empty streets of Liyue.
“Won’t let you what, dear heart?” He hums, stroking your face gently with the pad of his thumb.
“Won’t let me...let...us...ugh…”
“[First Name], do you like me?”
“Mmh...yeah…” Is all he gets, but the stilted, jagged answer is enough for him. The content smile that breaks his face belies the haunting glow of his molten eyes.
When you step out of the door of your bedroom, you're accosted by your sobbing mother.
"Ma-Mama?! What's the matter?" You frantically ask, pushing at her shoulders.
"Oh my sweet child, oh I'm so happy for you! When were you going to tell me, you brat?!"
"Tell you what?!"
"That you're marrying Zhongli, sweetie! Oh, this is such a momentous occasion--"
You're too shell shocked that you do not hear her next words. What? Marry? Zhongli? What on Teyvat was going on--
"--Hurry up, he's waiting for you in the living room!" You're snapped out of your daze when you're ushered hastily into the room, casual robes and all, right in front of the very person you had so many questions for.
The door shutting behind you does not muffle the excited chatter from your parents and you wince when you hear your mother excitedly bantering with your father. Turning and meeting an intense gaze, you feel like you’ve stepped into an arena with a monster.
"Zhongli, why are my parents under the impression we're marrying?"
His golden eyes crinkle in delight at your blunt words, "Because we are, my dear heart."
D-Dear heart?!
"I don't understand."
"What is there not to understand?" You step back as he rises from the cozy armchair he was given. It only just occurs to you how ridiculously tall this man is, and he towers over you, like a mountain.
"I believe we share a mutual attraction. After all, last night only proved it." He leans over and you flinch as he gently cups your face with a small smile.
"We've only known each other for a couple days!" You protest, leaning your face out of his hands. His smile dips into a displeased frown, hands falling to his sides.
"Why need more time to prove what is already there?" He tilts his head. “If this is a matter about your dowry, I’m sure I can help--”
“This isn’t about mora! Zhongli, this is moving way too fast--”
“Is that so? If I’m correct, I believe that your family’s come upon some hard times, no?” And you’re left breathless, struck silent. “Not down to the pits, but just one little slip and...well, your father’s business is already taking loans, isn’t it?”
Your teeth are grinding so hard against each other to the point where it echoes in your head.
“Marry me, [First Name], and you won’t have to worry about any of that. After all, I’ve always had enough good fortune to share. Are you so willing to crush your parent’s hopes and dreams for their child?”
“I-” Your mother’s tears on her weathered face come to mind, wrinkles from stress deeply indented in her skin. Your father, weary, veiny hands covered in scars from hard manual labor, shoulders slumped from his strength sapping. And you realize with a bone chilling fear that this man, this man was threatening to destroy the very foundation of your life.
He smiles upon seeing your uncertain visage, gritted teeth, clenched fists and trembling body.
"You'll look beautiful in red and gold."
How numb you feel!
Having to sit there while being dressed, being fawned over by your cousins, cried over by your mother and aunties, and your father and uncles chuckling over your good fortune. All the while, you cannot bring yourself to bring even the fakest smile to your face, only being able to muster up a sheepish smile, but it is of no concern, as everyone seems to mistake it for a shy front for a person about to marry their true love.
At least that’s how your mother is spinning it to your giggling aunties. And even when the festivities are over, you know that this is not the end.
Bare fingers trace your cheeks and lift your veil as a chaste kiss is placed on your lips.
This was supposed to be a day of joy.
Said fingers begin to trail down your body, and more sobs begin to shake your body. When you think about it, this might be the first time you felt his skin touch your own. Zhongli has always dressed conservatively, even covering his hands with his gloves. Thinking about it longer makes your skin crawl.
This was supposed to be--
Zhongli hums appreciatively into your collarbone as he slips your wedding garb off your shoulders, your world collapses and dims, with only a haunting amber light as your guide.
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Between Lust and Love 2/?
Summary:  You are standing on a bridge enjoying the view; Someone’s watching you from a balcony. The moon adorns your window; You adorn someone else’s dream. (Fragments, Bian Zhilin)
Rated E for explicit description of Zhongli’s wet dream
A/N: implied semi-public 3some
Chapter 2: I Adorn Your Dreams
The gentle and almost reverent touch of your fingertips as it ghosted through the skin of his chest was enough for Zhongli to be drunk on. The usually kept and proper funeral parlor consultant was lounging atop of his soft bed, his outer coat was left lying on the floor, his vest unbuttoned along with his white shirt. You sat between his legs, crawling on top of him with a sultry look in your eyes.
The tent of his pants was noticeable, and Zhongli knew that he would not be able to remove the stain of his precum as your other hand lightly touched his groin, all the while smiling like a vixen as you placed kisses on his stomach slowly making your way up, each touch of your lip sent an electric shot down his spine, making his cock ache for you. And yet he made no move to hasten you, he waited for you to serve yourself to him, an arrogance well-deserved for a man—nay, a god like Zhongli.
The way the soft orange light of his room illuminated you brought out your sensual side, the kind of eroticism that only existed between lovers found in stories, the red color of your hanfu was enough to make Zhongli think that this was the bridal chamber, and you were his eager newly wedded wife. The redness of your plump lips as it hovered before his lips tempted him to grab a hold of you, pressing your groin against his as he captured your lips. And that was what Zhongli did, the sudden friction caused by his hard cock that was pressing itself against your wet groin made you moan.
Opening your mouth wide enough for Zhongli to slip his tongue in and devour you, like a parched dragon finding a sweet oasis after a drought. Your sweet moans as your body surrendered itself to him only drew to make him want you more. Your clothes were removed from your body as Zhongli’s large hands explored the smooth expanse of your skin, he paid a particular attention to your chest, groping it and teasing it in the exact same way he had seen Childe done. His mouth had moved itself from your mouth to your neck biting  and kissing as he listened to the melody of your moans.
The broken call for his name as one hand groped your chest and the other gently caressed your thighs, sliding it open to rub your wet pussy easier against his hard cock. Your slick had drenched his pants and Zhongli let out a soft grunt of pleasure as you began to move your hips on your own.
His tied up hair was left undone, making it fall to the side and frame his face as he laid you on the bed, gently kissing your lips and committing into memory the taste of your sweetness. 
“Zhongli…” Your sweet voice called him and he smiled, you were such a sight to behold.
Your flushed face, coupled with tears that gathered at the edges of your eyes made his heart burn, the rapid rise and fall of your chest from the lust only made his cock harden further.
“Shhhhh” He comforted you as he placed a gentle kiss between your breasts before leaving a mark. He stood up and freed his hard cock from its confines, delighting at the way you drooled at the sight of it.
“Please...put it in already…” You begged, the innocent begging coupled with your lewd action of spreading your legs further apart and using your own fingers to spread your own pussy brought a tantalizing erotic sight that spurred him on.
“Anything for you” Zhongli replied as he grabbed his dick and slowly entered your wet pussy.
You moaned and your body arched as you felt his tip slowly enter, and then all at once you were filled with his thick and long cock, your toes curled in pleasure as you felt him move slowly before finding the perfect rhythm that made your mind melt from the amount of pleasure he was giving you.
The soft moans you let out, with the occasional broken call of his name made Zhongli pleased. He fucked you like the whore that you were, hands leaving bruises on your thighs with each hard and fast thrust he gave to your squelching pussy. 
“Zhongli—I—!” You came from one of his particularly hard thrusts, your pussy squeezing his cock so good that Zhongli came inside you. Spilling his thick white seed inside your pretty and glistening cavern. His eyes were closed from the pleasure of fucking you, the feel of your cunt and the sound of his name as you moaned appeased his inhuman side.
Zhongli let himself rest for a few moments before opening his eyes, to an empty room, devoid of you and any evidence of the lascivious deeds you had done together with him. The soft morning chirps of the birds outside his bedroom window, and the sizable stain in front of his sleeping robe made him pensive.
Zhongli sighed, and closed his eyes before opening it again.
“How am I going to face them today?”
While Zhongli pondered on his own day, neither you nor Childe were doing nothing. You were doing commissions for both the Mondstadt and Liyue Adventurer’s Guild while Childe was collecting information to prove your claim of Zhongli’s inhumanity.
Though you both knew that the Adventurer’s Guild was a strict non-partisan guild that held no ties to any of the nations of Teyvat, Childe also knew that it was an open secret within the Adventurer’s Guild HeadQuarters that you took private commissions.
Commissions that were illegal in nature, ones that were almost no different from the ones the Northland Bank occasionally did. So it hadn’t surprised the new recruits that you were to lead them for the day, Childe made no secret of his ties with you, though both you and him kept your romantic entanglement under strict wraps, that the two of you knew each other from birth was not unknown to those who knew to ask.
Your strength and undeniable mastery of your Cryo vision also led to the awe of the new recruits that was lent to you. It made your job considerably easier, more so since you were collecting information on the events that took place in Mondstadt, the Honorary Knight and the Dragon.
You knew how the Fatui worked, there was no reason why La Signora and Scaramouche would linger in the vicinity of Liyue. The Tsaritsa made sure to never let her Harbingers gather in one place for too long. 
‘Signora should have left after taking the Gnosis, there’s no reason for her to stay here this long and in hiding unlike Scaramouche’ You thought as you coldly watched over the recruits practice in Sal Terrae, ‘Scaramouche has been stationed here to prepare for Inazuma...there’s no reason for the two to linger, not when the entire plan has been ironed out.’
“Good job, Men!” You praised them, facade easily taking over your serious face “Lord Tartaglia would be pleased to know this particular batch of recruits are talented.”
Your smile turned sweeter upon seeing their pleased and puppy-like enthusiasm, “I’ll be sure to tell him that you lot are worthy of a spar for him.”
“““Thank you, Lady Columbina!!!””” 
You hummed as you looked in the direction of the dawn winery, the cogs of your brain turning, ‘Unless there’s another plan...one that my darling Tartaglia was not made aware of…’
As you played with this thought, the more likely it seemed, “Well then, as good as your battle prowess is, the Fatui must also be discreet in its dealings…”
The recruits listened attentively, standing straight as you walked between their ranks, inspecting them with the cat-like glimmer in your eye. You were living up to your fame as an S-class adventurer, you continued as you stopped behind them, smiling in the direction of Mondstadt and its repurposed castle walls, “For your next training, infiltrate Mondstadt without alerting your fellow Fatui and the Lord Harbinger assigned to it.”
You paused at their silence, “Ah, hesitating? How smart” 
Their unease could be felt in the air, and you couldn’t fault them. You weren’t a Fatui, you were just someone who was strong enough to work exclusively with one of their harbingers. 
“Face to the left!Face!” You barked at them, and they did so, “Face to the left! Face!”
You smiled at them once they were facing you, and yet the recruits could tell that despite the smile on your face, you weren’t smiling at all. You invoked a certain fear and awe, one that reminded them of Her Majesty’s Ever Winter.
“Lord Tartaglia would be pleased to know that this bunch of recruits can think for themselves…” You dropped your smile and leveled them a cold look, “Don’t worry, this training was meticulously planned by our beloved Lord Harbinger, Tartaglia.”
It was a lie but no one needed to know that.
“You have three days to prepare for the training mission, once you’ve decided on how to infiltrate Mondstadt, report to Ekatrina of the Northland Bank. You’ll be given your funds and then be dispatched.”
You left them and began your trek back to Liyue, Mondstadt’s wind gently blowing through your hair. You felt your good mood coming back, 
‘Ah~Today would be a good day.’
There were a few things in his life that brought him great unease, for Childe one of them was being subjected to your displeasure, the other was being on the receiving end of Zhongli-xiansheng’s unfathomable stare. And right now he was experiencing both, Childe cursed himself for forgetting his schedule.
He knew of your suspicions towards Zhongli, and he also knew that you understood Zhongli was necessary to achieve the Tsaritsa’s goals. He was lucky in that regard, you knew how to draw a clear line between your professional and personal life. It was one of the reasons why he had pursued a relationship with you. Beyond the love and bond forged from the harsh winter of Snezhnaya, whether he was Tartaglia, Childe or Ajax, the one thing constant among his identities was his love for you.
Which was why he had always done his best to make you happy, ensuring that you would live a comfortable and carefree life. It was the least he could do for being the way he was.
“My dear—”
“Mr. Zhongli, I know how lovely my Childe is but there’s no reason for you to intrude on our date.”
“Actually I’m—”
“Yes, our Childe is certainly a lovely individual, however our lunch appointment had already been scheduled prior to your arrival.”
“Xiansheng, I’ll buy you whatever you—”
“Oh? You’ve booked my Childe for lunch for his entire stay here in Liyue?”
“That-Darling it isn’t set in stone so—”
“Yes, after all is he not the diplomat sent over by the Tsaritsa herself?” Zhongli smirked, it was an uncharacteristic sight for him. One Childe hardly ever saw unless the man had solved a particularly interesting puzzle or problem.
Childe glanced at you and saw the hard look in your eyes, bit by bit the cogs of his brain turning rapidly as he pieced together your revelation and the information he had gathered over the course of the morning. Slowly the fog was lifting and the bigger picture was slowly becoming clearer.
He didn’t really understand what was happening yet but Childe trusted you, even though the churning of his gut was unpleasant... he could and easily stowed the unpleasant feeling away.
Zhongli turned and found himself the recipient of Childe’s charming smile, one devoid of any honesty. It was his business smile, often directed to the bank’s clients or in one particular case the Liyue Qixing.
“We’ve known each other for a while now,” Childe began as his hand reached for his teacup, “You aren’t the type to push something unless it was important.”
Zhongli could feel the temperature in the air change, and privately thanked Childe’s foresight to book a private room. On the other side of the table, you sat with your back straight and deceptively relaxed as you poured Childe his tea.
“Yes” Zhongli admitted as he stared at the floating tea leaves on his cup of green tea, he lifted his head to stare straight in Childe’s blue eyes, “I would like to offer a contract between you, your lover, and me.”
Childe blinked, his eyes staring at the odd glow in Zhongli’s eyes, one oddly reminiscent of a beast. A warrior.
‘Adepti’ his mind whispered. 
Childe wasn’t aware but the slow lift of his mouth, curving into a smile carried no trace of humanity, it was a smile that reminded Zhongli of the height of the Archon Wars. It was a captivating smile that took Zhongli’s breath away.
‘Ah, I really want both of them right now.’
Once lunchtime was over, the streets of Liyue was ripe with new gossip. In particular, involving the esteemed gentleman of Wangsheng Funeral Parlor, the consultant Mr. Zhongli, the Childe of Northland Bank, and the S-Class Adventurer from Snezhnaya. 
The three had left Liuli Pavillion, you and Childe were flanking Zhongli, attached on either side of him in a suggestive way. That you had left both Childe and him with a kiss on the cheek only served to fuel the confusion. No one knew what had occured over the private room of Liuli Pavillion but the barely noticeable mark on Zhongli’s neck and the slightly disheveled look of your clothes and Childe’s knowing grin left much to imagination.
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lhaewiel · 2 years
So, as promised this is my essay.
Well, I tried, I was never really that good in essays at school. I will delve a bit in personal stuff, just be mindful, k?
Everything under cut.
So, today is a JC feels day, so here I am. I am not going to discuss his character in particular, as several other people on this hellsite have already done it in depth and I recommend you go and check them out.
My sort of discussion is mostly around how I relate to this one character and why he is my favourite. It is an absolutely personal opinion, but I felt like airing it out, especially with all the discourse around him.
Let me make a quick premise, if one single character can stir up so much discourse in either direction it means that it is a well-written character with realistic drives and fatal flaws.
And boy, oh boy, Jiang Cheng truly is the one I can relate to the most, when speaking in this terms.
But let’s get down to business.
Jiang Cheng is a deeply flawed character, who does make very poor decisions in spite of trying his best. He is at least five childhood complexes barely held together in a hanfu, has the self esteem of a boiled courgette and on top of that he is also a war veteran who lost everything and had to rebuild from literal ashes. Both of his siblings died minutes apart right in front of his eyes and he has not been allowed to mourn them properly because he had a sect to rebuild, a nephew to raise and the wall of sect politics to deal with.
And I can understand the rage he has; he is mostly trying to mask the grief he cannot express.
I know.
To make a Real Life example, my dad lost everything too and when he also lost his wife, my mother, there were a couple of difficult years where he was constantly angry and quoting him: “I can’t have one single happy moment, because the next moment everything is going to shit!”
My dad lost his parents and the house he grew up into, my aunt and uncle, his older siblings, went on their own ways and he was left alone to deal with everything. He then met my mother and then my mother died, leaving him a broken husk of a man who would happily jump off a bridge if I was not there.
And yet, with all of the poor decisions and wrong turns, he is still the kindest man on earth.
And Jiang Cheng strongly reminds me of my dad. Jiang Cheng too is a man who lost everything. He had to make horrible decisions because society forced him to do so.
I am 100% convinced that if he had received support when he was taking the Wens’ and WWX’s defences at the Phoenix Mountain Hunt, things would have gone differently, but everyone there was just trying to save their own.
And it is politics, if anyone who had any weight had supported him then he probably would have made better decisions.
He probably would not have had to lead the First Siege at the Burial Mounds – because that was something JGS forced him to do to demonstrate that he was not compromised and that the newly established Jiang clan would not suffer again the same fate under a different Sect Leader.
Jiang Cheng had to be strong.
He did not need to do that, if politics were not involved and if JGS, you know, the man who thought that WRH was neat didn’t want the Stygian Tiger Amulet.
Jiang Cheng had to let the world think he had killed WWX to make up a reputation, so that he could protect his sect. And in this whole mess he was even supposed to be happy that WWX had died!
1. This sucks
2. This requires a sort of strength that really makes people reach for the impossible
Speaking of which, JC REALLY attempted the impossible and succeeded, so JFM can just shut up. JC has been mostly ignored by his father and constantly compared to pretty much everyone. And I get that this might be something parents pull to make their children better, but????
I know what that does.
It just sinks any sort of self esteem below ground level, it gives anxiety and spikes up the “I am a failure and I will never be good enough to anyone and never be good enough at anything”. Not only, this also spikes up the whole “suck it up, kid, no one cares about what you feel, no one will ever care enough, so what if you are hurt, just suck it up”.
I know those feelings very well, because they are my own.
I was constantly compared to everyone, my successes were dismissed with a “if you reached there you could definitely have done better”, and whatever I created had constantly a ton of mistakes and would never be enough. Ever.
I was angry. I gave up on myself. I felt useless and I felt that whatever I did no one would ever love me, or accept me. My best was never enough.
This awareness has crippled me in ways that in a decade after I went away on my own they still have effect on my day-to-day life.
I understand how much JC has to be angry and salty about everything.
I understand if he takes years to get over everything that happened because he has had no time to think and heal, like let’s say LWJ.
You can move on only after healing and I really love the fact that post-canon he gets to reconcile with WWX, because it means that he’s had a confrontation, that all those issues were laid out and both him and WWX could have some sort of closure.
JC is a very cathartic character and either way he is going to stir emotions.
Maybe antis should REALLY see WHY they hate him, it might be a case of “my issues are mirrored in him and I don’t like it because I feel called out”. In the same vein, it could be, for the stans, that “my issues are mirrored in him and I feel liberated and happy that I am not alone feeling like that”.
What it is, he is supposed to be a morally grey character that does not stand in only white, or only black, but instead stands in the middle of greys and colours.
And even being a morally grey character he still is quite chill compared to other characters, including WWX himself.
Also, please love him or hate him for the correct reasons.
I am fairly sure there is more to say and a lot has been said, but I keep an open mind and I am open for discussion :)
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Summer Palace Tour with Gavin
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for content not yet released in EN 🍒
Summer Palace Tour Video: here
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The weather in autumn is exceptionally clear and refreshing. Standing at the entrance of the Summer Palace, I look at the tickets in my hand with anticipation.
The documentary from my previous collaboration with the Forbidden City garnered positive feedback, and many viewers expressed that they had a better understanding of traditions and culture through the film.
As such, the company managed to clinch the rights to shoot a sequel. This time, the collaborative partner is another famous imperial palace...
The Summer Palace, also known as “The Royal Garden Museum”.
This is a rare opportunity. Before filming officially begins, I decided to visit the venue to take a look around. Of course, I’ve also invited him along.
My gaze flits past the bustling crowd. Just as I’m searching for that familiar figure, a voice rings out -
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Gavin: It’s crowded here. Don’t stray off.
Gavin walks over to my side, taking my hand.
MC: I’m looking for the guide board. This place is really huge.
I blink at him, releasing a soft sigh of awe.
With a small smile, Gavin grips my hand lightly.
Gavin: It’s over there.
He brings me to the guide board. Giving it a sweeping glance, he turns to me with a relaxed smile.
Gavin: It says there are two entrances. Where do you want to go first?
MC: Let’s start from the north entrance.
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LOCATION 1: Suzhou Street
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Standing on the white marble stone bridge of Suzhou Street, I tiptoe, staring into the distance.
Beautiful shopfronts span as far as the eye can see, and tiny colourful flags outside the shops drift in the breeze. 
MC: Wow, I can see the Yuquan Mountain and the Western Mountains from here!
I tilt my body to the side, pointing them out to Gavin. He glances in the direction of my finger, then nods.
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Gavin: Mm, the view is pretty good. There are many shops as well. Why don’t we take a break here?
He asks relaxedly and contentedly, and it seems as though the beautiful scenery has melted into his eyes.
A wave of joy surges from my heart. Without realising it, I start to talk even more, pulling on Gavin’s arm as we walk down the bridge.
MC: Sure, let’s walk around!
There are many visitors in Suzhou Street. Row upon row of shops are arranged neatly.
MC: I heard that after Emperor Qianlong returned from an imperial tour in the Jiangnan region, he longed for the bustling view in Suzhou... For the 70th birthday of his mother, he built this street in order to bring the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan to the city of Beijing.
All of a sudden, I think about the “ideal home” that Gavin and I once talked about. My eyes crinkle upwards.
[Note] This is a reference to Hometown Date!
MC: Gavin, do you still remember the question about our “ideal home”?
Gavin pauses slightly, then nods.
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Gavin: Why the sudden question? 
MC: It just came to mind after looking at the scenery and greenery.
My gaze slowly sweeps across the view before me, and I express the thoughts in my heart.
MC: In the future, our home must definitely have a huge garden. I want to grow all sorts of trees and plants in the garden, and create a beautiful Jiangnan scenery.
Gavin can’t help but chuckle softly. He lifts his hand, scratching the tip of my nose affectionately. 
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Gavin: Sure, we’ll do it together.
He turns around. Standing in front of the railing, he blends into the pictureque scenery behind him.
A gentle breeze brushes the stray hairs on Gavin’s forehead, revealing a pair of crystal clear amber eyes.
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Gavin: But the scenery isn’t important. The most important thing is that you and I are in that scenery.
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LOCATION 2: The Marble Boat of Purity and Ease
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MC: “The Marble Boat of Purity and Ease”... it’s a really beautiful name. But why was it given such a name?
Gavin follows my pace unhurriedly, walking towards the riverbank. We watch as sunlight descends on the boat, casting a dazzling halo over it.
Hearing what I said, he flips open the guide map and reads it aloud.
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Gavin: “The Yellow River is clear and the sea is calm - the world is at peace throughout the years.” 
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Gavin: Its name originated from a wish for peace and prosperity.
MC: Peace and prosperity...
Gavin lets out a “mm”. Staring at the tranquil lake, his voice is calm.
Gavin: It’s a shame that things didn’t go as planned.
His words make me recall the past that I’d read from history books.
The land was left in tatters, and fresh blood spilled like wine. The rippling and surging lake of the Summer Palace couldn’t salvage everything that was burnt down.
We pass by white marble railings. They are pure white, and one can no longer see traces of a vastly different past.
MC: Back in school, I remember the solemn atmosphere in the classroom when we learnt about this moment in history... It’s as though everyone experienced it firsthand.
Muttering to myself, I find my mood dampening. However, Gavin suddenly speaks.
Gavin: I used to feel angry about it, but not anymore.
MC: Why not? 
Gavin: Because I understand now that if you want to protect something you cherish, you have to keep getting stronger. 
Gavin looks at me, his eyes filled with calmness and bright rays of light.
He doesn’t continue, simply hugging me from behind as we stare at the Marble Boat of Purity and Ease quietly.
Specks of radiance land on the boat. It’s as though this historical boat has been stranded in this moment, bringing with it the tranquility of consistency through the ages.
Looking at this peaceful scenery, I suddenly tilt my head upwards. Gavin lowers his eyes and meets my gaze, his eyes clear and bright.
MC: Gavin, in the past, I always thought that peace and prosperity was something ordinary. But afterwards, I slowly understood the weight behind them. It’s been difficult for you, Officer Gavin.
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Gavin chuckles softly, encircling me even more tightly into his arms. His chin rubs the top of my head gently.
Gavin: I already have a reason to fight. So, it isn’t difficult at all.
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LOCATION 3: Long Corridor
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Even though it’s already autumn, the weather is still pretty hot. However, cool breezes weave through the Long Corridor, and they are incredibly soothing.
MC: No wonder the imperial household enjoyed coming here to avoid the heat... it’s much more cooling than other places!
I smile at Gavin. The moment I finish speaking, a visitor from the side suddenly bumps into me.
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Before I can react, Gavin reaches out to pull me into his arms.
Without a word, he simply uses his body to shield me from the crowd behind. Then, he tilts his chin at me.
Gavin: What were you saying?
Sweeping a glance at the growing crowd, I find that the originally cooling Long Corridor is gradually becoming stuffy and hot. I shake my head.
MC: Nothing much. It’s just that this path is pretty long, and it’d be a while before we reach the end.
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Gavin: Want to go somewhere else?
Meeting Gavin’s gaze, I shake my head. After fanning myself with a hand, I stand on my tiptoes to fan Gavin as well.
MC: Since we’re already here, we might as well finish the walk. Anyway, the scenery along the way is really pretty.
A faint breeze brushes stray hairs on his forehead. Gavin’s bright eyes notice my actions, and he smiles slightly.
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Gavin: Sure.
Tugging on Gavin’s hand, we continue walking forward. Gavin doesn’t say anything, and it seems like he’s pondering on something.
After a moment, I feel a refreshing breeze drifting from our interlaced palms. It gradually encases my surroundings, lifting up a few locks of hair.
I immediately turn to Gavin. He blinks, his eyes innocent and bright.
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Gavin: It’d no longer be hot like this.
A breeze brushes my sleeve, and I can vaguely hear someone exclaiming from the front.
Visitor: It’s so cooling all of a sudden!
I turn my head, watching as the person beside me stares out of the corridor as if nothing happened.
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Gavin: The view’s pretty good here.
I can’t help but laugh quietly, pulling on his hand as we continue walking.
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LOCATION 4: Hall of Peace and Longevity
MC: Gavin, look at that lady. The hanfu she’s wearing is so pretty!
I tug on Gavin’s sleeve, signalling for him to look.
MC: The design of that hanfu was likely inspired by items in the Hall of Peace and Longevity. There are images of phoenixes, Yulan magnolia flowers, and peonies woven on it. The workmanship seems so exquisite...
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Gavin: Do you like it?
MC: Mm! It looks really pretty, and it’s an innovative blend of traditions and cultures! I just don’t know where I can buy... huh, Gavin, why did you take your phone out?
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Gavin: I’m searching for the shop selling this outfit. Since you like it, get one.
MC: ...it won’t be too late to do that after returning home!
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LOCATION 5: Garden of Virtue and Harmony
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MC: Gavin, look! There are paintings of dragons on the ceiling of the Garden of Virtue and Harmony!
Walking past the inscribed board outside the Garden of Virtue and Harmony theatre, we arrive at the inner hall.
Arching my neck to stare at the paintings on the ceiling, I point them out to Gavin.
Gavin’s gaze follows the direction of my finger, and he nods slightly.
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Gavin: It does look very nice, but that’s not all.
MC: Huh? Did I miss something?
Gavin suddenly lifts his hand, tilting my head gently and enabling me to see uneven ridges on the paintings.
Noticing the curiosity on my face, he smiles while explaining.
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Gavin: That should be a movable board which allows actors to descend from the ceiling.
Astounded, my eyes widen as I turn to him.
MC: Wow, there were already elevators back then!
Gavin smiles in amusement at my exaggerated tone and expression. He nods.
Gavin: Mm, it’s pretty amazing. Aside from that, there are many other mechanisms here.
He casually points at the decorations on stage, and seems to find them interesting.
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Gavin: In order to carry out a perfect performance, they spent a lot of effort on the decorations. The ingenuity of predecessors have remained till this day, and they are by no means inferior.
I nod in agreement. Something occurs to me, and I can’t help but laugh.
MC: Then again, Officer Gavin doesn’t need an elevator to descend from the sky!
The corners of Gavin’s lips curl upwards subconsciously. He seems to think of something, and coughs softly.
He looks around at the surroundings. When he’s certain that no one is watching us, he turns back to look at me, a somewhat resigned expression on his face.
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Gavin: Not so loud.
Receiving Officer Gavin’s “instruction”, I give him a wink, doing a “zipping” motion over my lips.
Gavin glances at me, then suddenly lowers his head, chuckling softly into my ear.
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Gavin: But it’s the truth.
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LOCATION 6: Lotus Pavilion
MC: From here, we can see green pines and the palace on Longevity Hill!
I pull Gavin to the corner of a veranda.
MC: I originally thought the Hall of Jade Billows was just a tiny palace. Turns out it must be seen from this angle.
Gavin: Mm. Aside from Longevity Hill, we can also see the Jade Spring Hill. It looks just like a landscape painting stretched out in front of us.
MC: Looks like the person who wrote a couplet based on the Lotus Pavilion had the same thought as you.
I stare at the hanging couplet on the rear eaves of the Lotus Pavilion, smiling as I read it aloud.
MC: “The uneven pavilion is akin to a magnificent palace basking in the glow of sunset, and the scenery is reminiscent of a painting”.
Gavin studies the words on the couplet, then grips my hand.
Gavin: Let’s go and admire that “painting”.
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LOCATION 7: Garden of Harmonious Pleasures
MC: I heard that the Garden of Harmonious Pleasures has a winding corridor comprising over a hundred sections that connect the entire garden into one structure. I couldn’t conceptualise this clearly through the guidebook. Now that I’m in it, I can experience the beauty of this classical architecture!
Walking through the corridor with Gavin, I click my tongue in amazement.
Gavin: Mm, it’s extraordinary. Based on the map, this corridor connects the north and south.
Gavin unfolds the map in his hands.
Gavin: Look at the markings. The mountain spring here is the source of the Kunming River.
Leaning into Gavin’s arms to look at the map, I nod along with his words.
MC: I see! No wonder I felt a certain aura of unity while walking.
Gavin chuckles, then keeps the map.
Gavin: “A winding path leads to quiet seclusion” - I guess this describes the view in the Garden of Harmonious Pleasures.
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LOCATION 8: Hall of Benevolence and Longevity
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Spotting a strange bronze creature in front of the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity, I walk over to it curiously.
MC: What’s this? It doesn’t resemble a lion or any other animal...
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Gavin: It’s a Qilin.
Hearing Gavin’s words, I’m a little shocked as I examine this sculpted bronze creature before me -
It has the head of a dragon, deer antlers, and hooves. Its body is covered with scales, and it looks mighty and awe-inspiring.
MC: Is this the Qilin which treads on auspicious clouds and prevents disasters in the world? Why would there be a sculpted Qilin here?
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Gavin: It’s probably because the Qilin is a legendary auspicious beast which prevents evildoing and wards off evil spirits.
Gavin responds calmly. Since this makes sense, I nod, flipping open the guidebook to learn more about this.
MC: “The sculpture of the auspicious beast Qilin was cast during the reign of Qianlong. It sits on a white marble base with lotus petals carved around it. There are seven pearls carved on the base. There’s a treasure carved between the two front limbs of the Qilin... it exudes a mighty aura, and greatly enhances the beauty of the Hall of Benevolence and Longevity.”
My head bobs from left to right as I read the introduction on the guidebook.
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Finding this amusing, Gavin crosses his arms, looking at me with a smile.
Once I’m done reading it aloud, I take another look at the Qilin, scrutinising the sculpted scales on its arms.
Seeing that I’m entirely focused, he suddenly asks a question.
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Gavin: Does it look that impressive?
I nod vigorously.
MC: It does! It’s incredible and even symbolises good luck. If possible, I’d want to meet a Qilin! That way, it can guarantee that everything I do will go smoothly, and that each day will be happy!
Gavin doesn’t say anything. He suddenly takes my hand, looking at the decorative patterns on the Qilin together with me.
After a moment, he pretends to be casual as he speaks.
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Gavin: You probably won’t get to meet a Qilin. 
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Gavin: But I can make you happy every day.
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Noticing that I’m deciding between postcards from across the display window, Gavin turns to me.
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Gavin: Shall we make a postcard? 
MC: Mm! Let’s pick a photo~
At this stage, you can customise your own R karma by selecting a pose and backdrop :>
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Gavin grabbed a stray kitten which attempted to carry a sandwich away in its mouth
We met a fortune teller, and he appeared to tell Gavin something secretively
A boy was trapped on top of a bronze cow, and Gavin carried him down
A little bird hovered over your heads. Perhaps tired from flying, it suddenly landed on Gavin’s shoulder and took a short break
At the city wall, Gavin carried you up to look at the distant scenery
When you’re tired from walking, Gavin immediately carried you to a wayside pavilion
While on a boat, there was a soothing breeze on the Kunming River. You leaned against Gavin’s shoulder and fell asleep
Passing by ginkgo trees along the west dyke, Gavin caught a few drifting ginkgo leaves and gave them to you
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MC: I saw quite a number of ladies taking pictures in ancient costumes. I regret not preparing an outfit...
Gavin: It’s okay, we can come again next time.
MC: The “Sacred Tree” is very beautiful this season. No wonder it’s a must-see.
Gavin: If you like it, we can stay here for a while longer.
MC: There are so many people. Should we come back again later? 
Gavin: Sure. How about walking around the Garden of Virtue and Harmony first?
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Just as you said, there’s a different feeling when seeing the historical architecture of the Summer Palace up close.
I took many pictures today. There are photos of you, but there are even more photos of us.
When we head back, let’s look at them together.
- Gavin
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disastermages · 3 years
[read it on ao3]
@joshua-beeking's draw it in your style has been living in my head for a while, and I can't draw, but I can write, so it's just a little thing inspired by it
The full moon bears down on top of Lan Wangji as he follows the trail of clothes Wei Ying had left, picking them up and folding as he goes. He’d found Wei Ying’s over robe thrown over a low hanging tree branch, his white undershirt tossed onto a bush, but he finds Wei Ying’s trousers and his boots last, all three of them laying at the edge of the lake and making Lan Wangji sigh in fond exasperation.
“Wei Ying should not undress so carelessly.” Lan Wangji scolds, finding Wei Ying easily in the moonlight, his form still on the surface of the water, or at least it had been, until Lan Wangji had called out to him.
“Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying calls back, diving back underneath the water for a moment and swimming closer to where Lan Wangji stands, grinning while Lan Wangji deposits his now folded clothes onto a rock, “You should come in with me, Lan Zhan, the water feels nice.”
He half expects to be splashed as he comes closer, it had been one of Wei Ying’s ways of baiting him into the water before, but Wei Ying does no such thing, he only slides further below the water, until only his eyes and his hair show above the waterline.
“One shall not disrobe in public.” Lan Wangji says softly, watching the way Wei Ying’s hair moves beneath the water, the corners of his mouth pulling upwards as Wei Ying comes back up for air. Did Wei Ying know how beautiful he was, covered in nothing but water?
Lan Wangji means to tell him, but there’s a spark in Wei Ying’s eye, one that Lan Wangji knows far better than to trust, his face nearly blindingly perfect by the moon.
“We aren’t in public, though, Lan Zhan! It’s only the two of us out here, shouldn’t it be fine?” He should resist, Lan Wangji knows he should, but Wei Ying makes it difficult, he always has.
“And what will Wei Ying do if someone comes?” He’d already been won over, but Lan Wangji won’t allow himself to give in so completely so easily, “Will Wei Ying defend the honor of his husband?”
Wei Ying makes a single lap before he comes to where he can stand, his hair sticking to his back like a second skin, and Lan Wangji longs to wrap that hair around his fist. “I’ll protect you, Lan Zhan!” Wei Ying promises easily, holding three fingers up in the air, even while he threatens to outshine the moon with his smile, an errant curl of hair clinging to his cheek like a kiss.
Lan Wangji wants to replace it with a real one.
“Come here, Wei Ying.” Lan Wangji commands, pulling his forehead ribbon off easily, but refusing to allow the ends of it to dip into the lake, he wouldn’t allow it until the ribbon was wrapped around Wei Ying’s wrist, where it belonged when Lan Wangji himself wasn’t wearing it. Wei Ying doesn’t need to be told twice, sloshing his way out of the lake to come to stand in front of Lan Wangji, water droplets clinging to him like glittering gems. Lan Wangji doesn’t stop himself from kissing the ones that line Wei Ying’s shoulders and his neck, uncaring if his own robes get wet with Wei Ying so close to him.
“Does Lan Er-gege want this one to help him undress?” Wei Ying asks, allowing Lan Wangji to wrap the forehead ribbon around one wrist, but tugging on the knot of Lan Wangji’s robes with the other.
“Wei Ying may undress me,” Lan Wangji agrees, tying the knots reverently, “but he must fold each layer neatly and lay them with his own clothes.” Lan Wangji isn’t prideful enough to deny the satisfaction that comes from allowing Wei Ying to strip him bare, layer by layer until nothing remains between them, but the whine that comes from deep within Wei Ying’s chest raises something familiar and warm within Lan Wangji.
“You wear so many layers, Lan Zhan! It would take me all night to fold them.” Wei Ying complains, but he still pulls the knot free, loosening Lan Wangji’s hanfu and leaning in to kiss his neck, teeth nipping over Lan Wangji’s Adam’s apple.
“Wei Ying looks just as beautiful by sunrise as he does in the moonlight.” Lan Wangji allows the topmost layer to be eased down his arms and back, noting with rising satisfaction that Wei Ying saves it from getting muddied without thought or hesitation, his warmth only leaving him when he moves to set Lan Wangji’s robe on top of his own.
Layer by layer, Wei Ying undresses him, his hands lingering and warm as he pulls Lan Wangji’s trousers down his legs, fingertips kneading into the soft flesh of Lan Wangji’s thighs. “Wei Ying, do not get distracted.” Lan Wangji warns, a sigh fluttering out of his chest as Wei Ying kisses him just above his knee, the trousers still draped uselessly against his own thigh while he kneels.
“Sorry, sorry,” Wei Ying laughs, color spreading across his cheeks while he folds the trousers haphazardly, one leg dangling far past the other, “you’re just really pretty, Lan Zhan, all the time, but especially in the moonlight, that’s all.” The minimal distance Wei Ying had left between them feels unbearable, but Lan Wangji closes it himself quickly, one hand coming to press against Wei Ying’s cheek.
“Does Wei Ying still wish for me to join him in the water?” Lan Wangji asks carefully, it had been the point of their game, of undressing him, but there were a number of things they could do on the shore like this, all of them flooding Lan Wangji’s mind at once.
Absently, Lan Wangji strokes his thumb back and forth, pressing it into the corner of Wei Ying’s mouth, watching as those same thoughts pass through Wei Ying’s mind, his cheek warming under Lan Wangji’s hand.
Suddenly and wordlessly, Wei Ying is nodding and breaking away from Lan Wangji’s hand, grabbing onto his other wrist to pull him into the water. “Lan Zhan, you’re so unfair, you were trying to distract me.” Wei Ying accuses, swimming just a few feet away from Lan Wangji the second he can, his pout precious, even in the darkness. Lan Wangji swims after him, his speed still slower than Wei Ying’s, a fact that had brought Wei Ying smug satisfaction when they’d first discovered it, Lan Wangji had only been able to kiss him for it then, and he wants to kiss him for it now.
He still manages to wrap his arms around Wei Ying, keeping the two of them chest to chest, even as Wei Ying’s hands come to cling to his shoulders, both of their legs still kicking. “I am sorry, Wei Ying,” Lan Wangji says, though they both know he isn’t, “if you will allow me, I would like to make up for it.”
Wei Ying eyes him warily, but he doesn’t pull away, the ghost of a smile still clinging to his lips, “How are you going to make it up to me?”
“Wei Ying must close his eyes and tilt his head back.” Lan Wangji’s voice lacks the commanding tone from before, it’s softer now, nearly pleading as Wei Ying watches him with that same spark in his eyes, right before he tilts his head backward, just as Lan Wangji had asked.
Tightening his arms around him, Lan Wangji kisses Wei Ying’s neck, up and down both sides of it, into the hollow of his throat, over his Adam’s apple, and up his chin, saving the very last kiss for Wei Ying’s lips, soft and warm against his own. A small, soft noise escapes Wei Ying’s mouth, and Lan Wangji takes the chance to lick into his mouth, tilting the both of them forward until they tip over into the water, a mess of widened eyes and flailing limbs as they separate from each other.
Wei Ying’s ringing laughter makes the embarrassment more than worth it, his hair covering his eyes, even as he swims closer, Lan Wangji smoothes it back and away from his face, the water clinging to his lips tempting Lan Wangji to try again.
“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, will you dress me after we dry off?” Wei Ying asks, pressing a kiss to Lan Wangji’s cheek and wrapping his arms around his neck, “I’ll build a fire so you won’t get cold, Er-gege.”
Wrapping his arms around Wei Ying’s waist, Lan Wangji settles for kissing the tip of his nose, “Mn, I will dress Wei Ying.”
“My good Lan Zhan.”
“My Wei Ying.”
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