#I kinda hate it . It rarely do anything actively good for myself
mrfoox · 2 years
Kinda hate that I end up playing the devils advocate 90% of the time even though I disagree with that side
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itsplumwriter · 10 months
Baking for Bucky
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POV: While browsing a small collector’s shop, Bucky finds a vintage WWII magazine from the 40s. He flips through the pages and spots a dessert recipe, asking if you could make it for him.
A/N: Just some fluffsss. I haven't written a fluffy piece in a while so I really hope you'll like this. I love baking, do y'all? It's such a comfort activity and I think it'd be so cute to bake for Bucky.
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“What are we making again?” you ask, pulling out the flour and sugar.
“Gingerbread. It’s a classic from the 40s,” Bucky says, flipping through the old-timey magazine. “Housewives used to pack it in their husband’s box lunches back in the day.”
You raise an eyebrow. “Housewife? I am a housewife now?”
He lowers the magazine, glancing at you. “You can be..."
You nearly trip trying to get the bowl. “Slow your roll, soldier...”
He chuckles as he helps you pull out the rest of the ingredients. You love him, obviously, and you could definitely see yourself marrying him. But you’re both enjoying the dating phase and there’s no need to rush things.
You add the ingredients to the bowl and stir it's contents carefully, noticing a concerned look on Bucky's face. "What's going on in that head of yours?"
Bucky smiles, enjoying the fact you know him so well. "The smell is just bringing me back... Usually sights, sounds, and smells bring me back to bad memories from my past, so it's kinda nice to have a smell trigger a good memory for once."
You smile and nod, hoping he'll say more; Bucky rarely opens up. When he does, you find it best to just keep quiet and let it flow naturally.
"I kinda miss the old days, you know?..." he continues. "Sometimes I hate that I was frozen for so long. That so many years were taken from me. Sometimes I wish I could have lived in the era I was supposed to.”
“I can understand that,” you say, nodding.
He approaches you, hugging you. “But the thing is if I hadn’t been frozen... I never would’ve met you."
He buries his head in the crook of your neck. "And that sorta makes it all worth it."
“Bucky,” you sigh. His words are sweet, but they make you upset. "I don't want you to say anything was worth what you went through..."
Bucky takes your hand, kissing your palm. “I mean it. And I meant it when I said I want you to be my wife...”
You smile. "Let's see how this gingerbread turns out first. You may change your mind..."
Bucky chuckles, rolling his eyes.
--- --- ---
The entire house is filled with the smell of gingerbread. A warm feeling enrobes the air, reminding you of Christmastime. You both curl up on the couch, eating a few slices with milk.
"You're clearly wifey material," Bucky chimes.
You raise an eyebrow. "Where did you hear that term..."
Bucky stares at you. "Sam."
You chuckle, shaking your head.
"No, but seriously... This has got to be one of the best desserts I've ever had."
You roll your eyes. "...Don't exaggerate, Bucky."
“I'm not! It's the loveliest thing I've ever tasted because the loveliest person made it for me."
You fiddle with a few gingerbread crumbs on your plate, blushing.
Bucky smiles to himself. "I remember one of my buddies used to have these all the time in his box lunch. He’d brag all the time to us that his wife made it for him... I can’t believe I had to wait nearly 90 years for my wife to make me some...”
You clench your jaw. “But I'm not your wife, Buckyy... I love you and I can see myself spending the rest of my life with you. But I don't think I'm ready just yet."
He gives you a soft smile. “No rush, doll... I believe I waited my whole life to meet you... It'd be an honor for me to wait a little longer..."
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AAAHHHH the flufffffff <33 love you all so much!! Did you like??
Follow me on insta: https://www.instagram.com/itsplumwriter
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Love you, dolls xo
God bless <3
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twistedastrology · 6 days
i got beef with earth signs
this is 100% gonna sound insane bc i know EEEEVERYONE loves their earth signs but good fucking GOD!!!!!!
lemme explain to u what is up. But also first i need u to know that if ur an earth sign, DO NOT TAKE THIS PERSONALLY 💔💔💔💔 there are many other factors at play here i dont just outright hate earth signs instantly but im not. Fond of them. the shitty ones anyway
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ok so for starters, i have less than 1 earth placement in my whole chart (sun in 29° taurus that is Obliterated by the rest of my chart and made into 100% gemini), so im already not a big enjoyer of earth ofc
But lemme explain real quick-
capricorn is the most respectable earth sign to me, i generally love capricorns- virgo is 2nd place, they're usually chill- Taurus is 1,467,892,682,257,109,067th place.
so to be fair i mostly have beef with taurus But the other earth signs i got beef with too if they're garbage enough-
AND IK PPL ARE GONNA COME FOR ME so let me clarify immediately that i KNOW GOOD TAURUS PLACEMENTS- there are totally some tauruses that are super fucking dope, this is just a very broad statement im making n i am aware of that but Hear Me Out!!!!
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i have pulled like a billion charts by now and ive noticed that people with serious issues, especially issues surrounding their self, have Mostly taurus placements.
these issues can be just about anything but it's Usually around their own psyche, like they dont know themselves fully and they lack drive or willpower.
and i know someone's gonna be like "well u just said ur sun is in 29° taurus" Ok well here's what's up- Im talkin abt taurus stellium kinda stuff, but in my case with my singular taurus/earth placement, yes i did actually have a period in my life where i didnt know myself and lacked drive, but i powered thru it God bless my saturn in 1st house 🙏🙏🙏
so ive begun to believe that where ppl love to say saturn is the great malefic, Taurus is actually the great malefic because it grounds an individual So Much that they cannot find themselves.
not to mention that earth isnt even a primary element- in the entirety of the universe, earth is incredibly finite and rare. it doesn't create itself, it's created by everything else like fire, water and air.
so this has actually sparked a theory in my head that i have put to test multiple times and it has held up every single time-
earth placements are like outlines waiting to be colored in by the rest of the chart.
what i mean by this is if you're a capricorn rising, but say you have like 1 billion aries placements, your capricorn will be colored in by aries, so you end up an aries-influenced capricorn (some of the best ppl btw)
or on the flip side, if you're a cap sun/mercury but you're a cancer rising, you're a cancer-influenced capricorn (also some of the best ppl when worked on bc ofc there's oppositions there)
this applies to all earth signs, but capricorn seems to be the most like- Easily influenced, probably because the cardinal energy makes them less stagnant.
as such, virgo is also influenced pretty easily because they're the mutable earth sign.
whereas taurus is much harder to influence because it's double earth (fixed + earth).
i think this is where the issues are with mostly taurus placements. if you have, say, sun, moon, mercury, saturn and maybe even uranus, all in taurus, the rest of your chart won't have a whole lot of room to influence the earth enough to make it like. Normal.
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plus, earth is the only element that literally Does not move. earthquakes and landslides? Generally caused by activity of the other elements.
earth cannot move on its own, it just. Sits there.
water flows, wind blows, fire spreads, earth just... is.
plants Grow, yes, but only with the help of the other elements.
this is why i say you NEED placements in one of the other 3 elements in order to color or Activate your earth placement to make it Do Something, otherwise too many earth signs (very specifically taurus) in a chart and you might find it very difficult to Move in life, to find drive to do things, etc.
taurus is literally the epitome of an Obstacle. (again im talking about taurus the Sign in a Planet, not People who have taurus placements)
and i saw something a bit ago that said the worst sun and moon combo to have is earth sun, water moon- And i have either that, or double air- But the absolute WORST sun and moon combo in terms of Signs??? Taurus sun, cancer moon. Because that is literally immovable object vs unstoppable force.
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to reiterate, i have seen plenty of healthy and lovely taurus placements, Melanie Martinez has her sun, mercury and maybe moon (bc it's 0° and im not sure if the time i have for her is super exact) all in taurus and i love her sm- but she's also a scorpio rising and has pluto in her 1st house which totally outweighs a lot of that taurus energy and transmutes it into what it should be.
to me, she is totally what taurus energy Should be. very artistic, gentle, slow-moving yes but not lacking drive or anything.
on the opposite side of the coin, we have jojo siwa, yknow Kammrmas a BICTH!!!! I SHOulda KNOWN EBTETETT!!!!! IF I HAAD A WIUSH I WOUDLEVVENEVVER E F F E D AORUDNDN!!!!!
she has sun, mercury, venus and north node all in taurus with her moon and chiron in capricorn, and she's a solid of example of what excessive taurus/earth placements Can do to someone- she clearly doesn't know what She wants because unfortunately she didnt get to be her own person because she grew up a child star- she grew into what her mom thought the people wanted to see, and now she can't get out of it
so she's trying to startle us with this whole karma rebrand fiasco because her jupiter is in leo and her rising is in aries- two fire signs, but not enough to outweigh the earth, especially because leo is fixed.
and with mercury in taurus, she literally cannot think about how to get out of it properly, she can't think outside the box because taurus is the box that mercury Despises.
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i know all of this sounds a little (or very) biased or just dumb, but this is what I've legitimately observed in unevolved taurus placements-
earth signs as a whole ya im not a Huge fan of, but my mom is an aries influenced capricorn so id be lying if i said i absolutely hated all of them
and ofc awsten knight is a taurus rising with 99% capricorn placements, but his moon and saturn are both in air signs (gemini and aquarius respectively), and since saturn rules capricorn, that gives all of his cap placements an air/uranus influence (which explains why he's so peculiar sometimes but he's silly so it's ok)
jonathan davis is a sun/mercury capricorn and saturn in taurus, but he has so much of like every other sign that it gives the earth plenty of other elements' influence.
and again, these are mostly capricorns im talkin abt- If u wanna talk abt taurus specifically, my dad is a cap rising, taurus sun/moon/mercury, and he is the spitting image of everything i have talked about so far. he legitimately has no idea who he is or what he wants out of life, he has No driving fire.
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so my bad if this came across as me just straight hating earth signs, i definitely dont, i just hate the super unevolved ones, especially the super unevolved tauruses 💔
and i say it almost every post But this is all my opinion, if u aint agree with it that is 100% fine, i got no beef with u fr, im doin my thing, u do ur thing, we do our own things separately n in our own lanes n we never bother each other 🙏
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starsurface · 2 months
awn I loved the headcanons you made of mk11 johnny so much!
So, I realized that until now I haven't asked about my favorite character! and I was sick these days (thank God I'm better) and I want to project myself into him lo
l so could you please do sick regressor mk11 kung lao with lord raiden as his caregiver?
. . . I kinda made Kung Lao . . REALLY sick, for some reason. And I will admit that the Hcs are focused more on the fact of him being sick than small, sorry about that!! <3
WARNING: Throwing up, Bad flue
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Lord Raiden w/ Sick Regressor Kung Lao MK11 Hcs
⛈️ Lord Raiden does not often get sick
🔘 And most times Liu Kang can burn away his sickness with his fire powers
⛈️ So the only one that gets sick sick is Kung Lao (Liu Kang has gotten sick a few times, but it’s still rare-ish)
🔘 And when I say sick sick, I mean really sick :(
⛈️ Snotty nose, throwing up, coughing up a bunch of flem, none of it’s a good time
🔘 ^ Normally Kung Lao tries to push through his sickness, the Great Kung Lao doesn’t need to take some nap or medication!! He can tough it out by himself!! 💪
⛈️ If he’s not too sick, he can get over it
🔘 . . . But if he’s really sick, Fujin sends him straight to bed after a small lecture
⛈️ It’s Raiden’s job to watch over him
🔘 Why? Because Someone put it into his head that he can tough everything out, Mr. Lord Thunder >:(
⛈️ At first Kung Lao’s super whiny about being ‘watched’ at first, he was an adult!! He could go out and train still!!
🔘 But when Raiden started spoon-feeding him? 
⛈️ Oh, it’s tiny time on spot time
🔘 And now Lord Raiden has a sick baby on his hands
⛈️ A sick, whiney, clingy baby on his hands
🔘 Kung Lao now has one mission: To get on Raiden’s lap and refuse to leave
⛈️ Why would he want to leave? He feels all icky and gross and now Grandpa- Uh, Dada is here to help him feel better
🔘 He’s so sick he willingly calls Raiden ‘Dada’ instead of Grandpa, so you know he’s sick sick 🥺
⛈️ Raiden will gently rock him, letting Kung Lao cling to him
🔘 Holding his bucket when Kung Lao throws up, helping Kung Lao drink some water or brush his teeth afterwards
⛈️ Usually little Kung Lao hates it when his hats taken away
🔘 That’s his hat!! >:(
⛈️ Lord Raiden has no reason to take it away from him!! He wants it back!! He won’t hurt himself!! . . . Too much
🔘 However, right now Kung Lao will gladly give up his hat for some clingy cuddles
⛈️ Lord Raiden, somehow, convinces Kung Lao to take medicine, even if it’s a bit yucky >:\
🔘 Kung Lao doesn’t want to take it . . . But Dada says it’ll help him feel better, plus Raiden’s always pressed the cup to his lips so he might as well drink it
⛈️ But he wants some yummy apple juice afterwards!!! >:(
🔘 Raiden usually wouldn’t have him drink anything that will make his tummy become more upset, but a bit of apple juice after yucky medicine is something he can slide by
⛈️ Raiden is NOT allowed to leave the room
🔘 He can’t anyways, either Kung Lao is dead asleep on him, or his grip is so tight he simply can’t remove him
⛈️ Kung Lao has two favorite sick activities: Being bottle feed and playing with trains
🔘 Of course Lord Raiden will bottle feed his baby!! Some teary eyes and a lip quiver, and Raiden will request for someone to send a nice warm milk bottle
⛈️ Even if Kung Lao is feeling super yucky and icky, he still wants to play with Dada
🔘 So Raiden will put his train set on the bed, and him and Kung Lao will roll the trains around until it’s time for another nap
⛈️ Raiden’s actually very worried with how sick Kung Lao is, because little Kung Lao has never been this docile with him
🔘 He’ll take Kung Lao to the medics for a ‘fun trip’, so he can get a sucker and see his favorite nurse!! (one of the few that deals directly with sick or hurt regressors)
⛈️ But honestly he just wants to make sure one of his favorite mortal is okay (it really is just a bad flu, he’ll get over it in a few days)
🔘 However, there is a big joke about ‘Mama Bear Raiden’ for the next few weeks, which both big and little Kung Lao soak up like a sponge in water 😮‍💨
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Also I'm glad you liked my MK11 Johnny Hcs!!! :D
I didn't know what emoji to use for Kung Lao, so 👒 was my best bet. 😭 (I'll take suggestions for his emoji!!)
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ur-loser-gf · 1 day
My intro!!!!!!!
hewo!!! im ur loser gf who asks way too many stupid questions:3
(i looked up online where a place like this is and tumblr showed up! im new to it but i did my research and i do hope i can make a new home here:) i heard thats lots of young girls go here to get attention so im sorry if im not welcome!
also imSOO sorry my into is so long im new to this! i tried to make it pretty though!
me - 🌸
this account - 🌺
rules - 🌹
🌸 name: worthless excuses like me don’t get names:(
🌸 age: biologically 18 but i haven’t been keeping track and i’m stupider than a 9 year old >~<
🌸 location: im from the west but i belong in my room where no one can see me!
🌸 pronouns/gender: im female but im not good enough to be an actual woman, stupid things like me don’t have genders, so it/it’s pronouns are fitting and the best for me!:)
🌸 my sexuality: i don’t deserve to be with anyone but im open to anyone of any gender!
🌸 my physical description:
- blondish brown hair
- blue eyes (not the pretty kind, the dead kind)
- white and extremely pale coz i never go outside
- a bit chubby (130 pounds last time i checked) but im on a diet and doing my best to lose weight (tho im still and always will be gross)
- im also 5’5
- i have big boobs but i hate them
- idk how big my ass is but nothing special
- my thighs are pretty thick but not in a good way
🌸 my mental description
- im really stupid and rightfully hate myself for it
- im psychotic, i have anger issues, and borderline personality disorder
- im super obsessive and the more i like someone the more i let them do whatever they want to me
- but also it can be difficult to earn my trust (think of me like a bunny, weak, fragile, and frightened, only im not cute)
- i have an ed and i sh but i don’t like starving anymore because im incredibly malnourished, i also don’t have a way to cut :(
- i have no friends (wonder why lmao) but when i was younger older men online would always be so kind to me! so now i kinda depend on them:P
- i hate me and everyone else (you) should also!
This Account!
🌺 this accounts purpose: this blog is self harm first and lust second! most stuff doesn’t turn me on and i just use it as a way to hurt myself (by either making me uncomfortable or it hurting my feelings, etc)
🌺 purple text: self harm, vents, or anything along that nature that doesn’t involve my lust:)
🌺 pink text: me horny posting, meaning it’s something that actually does turn me on!
🌺all activity is welcome: dms, asks, anons are and always will be open to anything! go off and do whatever you want! just don’t break the rules hehe! but unsolicited dick pics and stuff like that are okay!
🌺 my interests on this account: im open to all kinks! this is just because while i have personal kinks, what i want doesn’t matter and my pain is good! so i have no sexual limits besides maybe a serious form of pain that hurts *other people* that isn’t me, like a misogyny kink for example, im not okay with, only because im not the only one hurt by misogyny! i don’t want anyone else to hurt:( only me, only i deserve to hurt.
🌺 my activity: im active the most after 7 pm, i gotta try n act like im sane, normal, human, and like a girl or else i’ll be found out! (well i rarely go out or talk to ppl but just in case.. im like batman teehee) and i log off at 10 pm (est)
🌺 when i post: because i have soo many thoughts and really don’t wanna spam and bother people:( and because i love schedule and rly like the scheduling/drafting system on tumblr, i put my thoughts into drafts n when im ready (brave enough) i schedule them for a specific time!:) every 30 minutes starting at 7 pm and ending at 10 pm (est) there should be a new post!:D so if im ever inactive but somehow still posting that’s why:)
🌹 Ima have to put on a serious face for this but i feel i need to now because im generally bad at boundaries. absolutely NO rule breaking, under any circumstances. i am the holder of this account and i will block you if i deem it absolutely necessary. i don’t have many rules but im EXTREMELY strict when it comes to them (and i’ve tried but there’s no way i’ll be getting rid of them) so best case scenario, rule breakers will only receive a block, thank you for those who abide by the rules i love you:)
🌹 no racism, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, or sexism of any kind on my blog, this is a safe place for everyone. an extremely important thing to note is that i hate myself, degrade myself, hurt myself, let others use me, etc *not* because i’m female, but because of who i am as a creature. my sex and gender have nothing to do with it. please respect that simple fact.
🌹i don’t send. i can imagine that if i were to get close to someone i’ll send them any pictures they want (it’s certainly a possibility but it’s hard to gain my trust). so regardless of your reasons, i will not be posting or sending any pictures of myself that include my face or nudity. my body belongs to my future lover (deity) anyway.
🌹i don’t give out other socials. this one is simple, if i want to i’ll give you my discord but it’s highly rare so please don’t ask:)
🌹NO KIDS NO EXCEPTIONS. anyone under 18 is not welcome here it isn’t good for you, it isn’t even good for me.
🌹if you get triggered by any dark topics (drugs, rape, pedophilia, grooming, ed’s, sh, or anything really) please block me, the idea of hurting someone because of this account hurts me genuinely:(
🌹i will likely add more rules in the future but i’ll make sure to blog about it!
🌹 sorry for all the strictness n stuff i don’t like being firm or anything like that but i believe it’s necessary unless i get so overwhelmed and end up deleting my account within days:(
i’ll likely revise my intro in the future!:) please give me tips on how to make it or me better if you have any!<3
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gonegrove · 11 months
Thinking about heather x eddie bc I’m nothing if not a champion of rare pairs in this comm
But just the “god he’s so fucking LAME and CRINGE and EMBARRASSING I need him CARNALLY” energy is so intense. Heather who prides herself in being The Bitch™️ and boasting about how all the boys are thirsty for her but she’s Too Good for them realizing that she wasn’t into popular hot boys because her type was scrawny shaggy haired freaks with awful personalities and a huge gatekeeping streak.
Heather realizing that the only one who can go toe to toe with her in a vaguely toxic and absolutely mean argument about some asinine shit like A Movie or SoCiEtY is Eddie Fucking Munson and it’s also unbelievably erotic to her and being like “i need to kill myself IMMEDIATELY”
Heather and Eddie as Janet and frank n furter in a rocky horror production bc they’re both attention whores, both into music as a Serious Thing and Eddie just loves anything not mainstream and music related so like ofc he went in for it. And the whole thing quickly turns into a 2 man cats the musical orgy energy shitshow bc they both just get TOO INTO PERFORMING. She’s trying to act soooooooooo normal but sadly eddie on stage singing his heart out half naked is literally too erotic for her. The entire crews job turns into just keeping them from screwing back stage like the horny theater kids they are. Good thing too bc she’s always this close to giving him a bj and if she actually did she’d have to walk into the lake never to return.
She’s actively avoiding any place he’s preforming bc she cannot be held responsible for what she might do if she sees him on stage playing guitar and she doesn’t wanna be arrested.
Eddie realizing that the most popular girl in school (I stand by heather being the Main Bitch and Chrissy simply gaining her crown after her death) is HILARIOUSLY INTO HIM. LIKE ANGRY HORNY. And first being like wtf???? Before he sees the opportunity here for Evil and is immediately delighted. Decides it’s open season for revenge of several years of bullying but pointing out to her how she wants him sooooooo bad it makes her look stupid.
Eddie challenging her to read all of Tolkien’s works, and Heather who’s physically incapable of backing down doing it and coming back with notes like “fëanor is RIGHT actually, so is melkor. I cannot believe you like this pansy ass gay apologetics shit what are you catholic??” And he’s both LIVID ON SO MANY LEVELS but also WILDLY AROUSED. There’s just something about a hot popular chick confidently having the most vile takes on his cringe exclusionary nerd shit that gets him hard. He’s horrified by this fact but also knows she wants him bad anyway so like really it’s just a matter of self control and can his self-esteem/pride take it.
All of his friends hate her and he’s like “yeah 😍 me too 😍”
She gets roped into going to/preforming in Some Town Event oblivious to the fact he is too and that’s when she gets arc of the covenant’d with his guitar playing. Mind snaps. Will power gone. He’s the shittiest dude she’s ever met she doesn’t like him AT ALL but sadly he’s also the Perfect Man and she needs him IMMEDIATELY. Legit jumps him the SECOND she can.
The kinda ppl who’ll continue an argument during sex.
Eddie loving every second of little miss rich and popular being soooo down bad for him. Loving having this level of control over someone who’s usually so “out of his league”. Loving how he can turn her brain off and make her shut up like it’s a magic trick.
Eddie slowly realizing there’s parts of heather that she never shows to anyone but he’s gotten a peak of, intentionally or not, and getting kinda possessive of that.
Heather laying on his shitty gross ass bed listening to his music and taking it seriously and talking about it musical artist to musical artist.
Heather calling his dnd group shit like “his pathetic gay loser circle jerk” and he’s just like “baby I’m going to kill you with a brick 😍”
Heather bodily taking over his hair and skin care routine. Even brushing his hair sometimes and explaining it all for when she’s not there and he’s like “lol you know I’m not doing all that”
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explosionshark · 2 months
20 questions for fic writers
Tagged by @coraniaid and @isagrimorie. thanks!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
45 stories
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
361,583 words
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Actively? Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Life is Strange, Mass Effect, Avatar the Last Airbender, Warrior Nun. But i'd be down for other stuff!
Formerly: MTV Scream, She-Ra, Oxenfree
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
You Got Cool (She-Ra, 6,990 kudos)
Everybody Needs a Fence to Lean On (Life is Strange, 2,140 kudos)
Tear You Apart (Life is Strange, 1,918 kudos)
Every Other Freckle (Life is Strange, 1,579 kudos)
Dream Blue Haze (Life is Strange, 1,535 kudos)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I've been trying to more recently! But I'm not always great at it. At the very least when someone comments something detailed and thoughtful I try to reply - those comments always mean a lot to me.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Not fully intentionally but the place @holdsteady and I left our collaborative fic How to Live Here was basically right after a massive fight/breakup between characters that we fully planned to resolve and then just.... never did. Oops. Surprisingly, people are very rarely mean to us about this.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Probably Body Language? Very much intended to have that one wrapped up with a bow.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Not in a long time. Last time I really did was on some of my Life is Strange fics (either homophobic hate or bc i was writing a ship people didn't like).
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Yeah! Femslash only.
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I sometimes joke about/hc elaborate crossovers when I'm watching stuff with my friends, but I don't really have any interest in writing any. Or reading any, really, for that matter.
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
Yeah! Had one of my LiS fics translated to Vietnamese. That was cool.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yeah! I co-wrote How to Live Here with my best friend @holdsteady! That's the only one that's been published, at least. @nataliving adn @jewishsuperfam and i have worked on some stuff together too and that's been fun :)
14. What's your all time favorite ship?
I don't know if I actually can pick one but honest Buffy/Faith are all-timers and absolutely formative. Second to that would be Rachel/Max/Chloe from Life is Strange.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
God, How to Live Here absolutely haunts me. There's a few Mass Effect ones (Shepard/Liara arranged marriage AU and my Jack/Miranda series) that I would love to finish but probably never will. Those are the ones that probably have the most written for them that I just haven't wrapped up.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I think I'm good at a lot of it! I write pretty good smut, I'm good at character voice, I think my writing is pretty readable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Actually writing lmao. I struggle with coming up with workable ideas. I intimidate myself out of projects a lot. I fall off stuff kinda easy too tbh. And I'm TERRIBLE at writing alone - for anything bigger than a oneshot I need someone to hype me up and hold my hand through it or else I get bored or lose confidence :?
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
Generally in favor of skipping the google translate stuff. It's usually pretty whack
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Technically digimon when i was a little kid and before I even knew what fanfic was. First i posted was Danny Phantom
20. Favorite fic you've written?
I think Body Language is probably my best fic but for sentimental reasons I really love How to Live Here, since i wrote it with my best friend.
tagging @nataliving, @holdsteady, @shittinggold, @earthenterran, @lafgl, @aliceinwondrbra,, @strangesmallbard, @areweunderscoreweare, @jewishsuperfam, @morningsound15
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djarins-cyare · 4 months
Get to Know Me (tag game)
Thanks @burntheedges and @sydneyinacoma for the tags! 💖
I guess I don’t post much about myself on here, so behold the mystery of Jyar’ika revealed under the cut (because I waffle and didn't wanna take up y’all’s dashes)…
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Ahh space to include GIFs (*is happy*)...
1. Were you named after anyone? Hmm, that’s a sneaky way to get a name reveal outta me. Alright, I don’t mind… apparently one of the hosts on Blue Peter (the longest-running children’s TV show in the world - you’re not getting an age reveal outta me too!) had a baby just before I was born. Why my parents were watching a children’s TV show I have no idea, but this host evidently wrote/sang some kinda song on air about calling her baby daughter Jemma with a J not Gemma with a G. So I was named after a terribly trite and obscure TV reference that nobody will ever remember. You may call me Jem if you wish, my friends all do, and if you’re bothering to read this then you’re in that category.
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(If you're wondering about the GIF, the show was always broadcast live and they had several pets. The outtakes are numerous.)
2. When was the last time you cried? I think I’m weird… I don’t tend to cry? Or only if I’m really really upset. Maybe I’m Cameron Diaz in The Holiday? So yeah, I can’t actually remember 🤔.
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3. Do you have kids? Nope, although it’s a fairly recent decision to not have them. I spent much of my life assuming I wanted kids until I realised I had been conditioned by society to think I did. Since I started considering what I genuinely want and need in my life, I’ve never been happier! I'd make an exception to adopt a certain little green guy, though.
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4. What sports do you play/have played? Ugh, I hate questions like this. Nope, I’m a lazy asshole and now you all know it 🫣. I mean, I activity-hopped throughout my school years (gymnastics, karate, soccer), but these days I live in front of a computer. My exercise is lugging 24 bottles of water up 4 flights of stairs twice a week.
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5. Do you use sarcasm? I’m British. Sarcasm is my mother tongue.
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6. What’s the first thing you notice about people? I’m the least observant person ever! So voices a lot of the time, I think. Pretty sure that’s why something clicked inside me as soon as Din Djarin spoke his first on-screen words.
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7. What’s your eye color? Depends on the light, but somewhere between dark blue and grey.
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8. Scary movies or happy endings? I’m an absolute wuss when it comes to scary movies, so I don’t put myself through that. Also, the literature student in me desperately wants to point out that these things are not mutually exclusive, as you can have scary movies with happy endings, so a more appropriate ‘either/or’ scenario would be tragedies or happy endings. But either way, I will say no to the former and yes to the latter. I dislike making myself feel scared or sad – I consume fiction (in all formats) to feel good, so I’ll always look for the positive. I’m currently experimenting to see if I can write a massively angsty fic, and it was supposed to be done by the New Year, but I’m struggling. I will also have to include one of those open-ended ‘maybe it could work out after all’ epilogues. I just can’t leave my characters in pain.
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9. Any talents? Not sure what constitutes a talent… I can sing, play guitar, write a longass Din Djarin fanfic that people seem quite keen on, uh… cook, I guess (though I rarely bother), understand quite a few languages (less proficient at speaking them). I’m sort of a jack of all trades, master of none. I would say I have a talent for procrastination – I can complete a whole workday and get barely anything of substance done!
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10. Where were you born? In a village outside a town in Surrey, England. It's only about 30 miles from London. Lots of trees. Very dull. I left as soon as I could.
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11. What are your hobbies? Writing is my main obsession, specifically Din Djarin-related, of course. Also reading (same genre). Throughout my entire life I’ve enjoyed stories in all formats – reading, writing, watching, listening, proofreading the fuck out of them – so if it’s a good yarn, I’ll have a good time.
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12. Do you have any pets? Not currently, my landlord won’t allow it. I used to own 3 rats who were the most adorable boys and so smart – they knew their names, responded to commands, liked to snuggle. When I can finally buy my own place I’ll probably get a dog, as I like pets that listen to you, even if only sporadically. I had a very non-communicative chameleon once. He was called Minion. He was not a good minion.
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13. How tall are you? 5’4. Not tiny, but sometimes I have to go up on my tippytoes to reach stuff.
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14. Favorite subject in school? English literature (see hobbies question above). When I got to university and enrolled on an English lit/lang degree, I tried to take as many literature courses and avoid the language ones. It wasn’t until years after graduating when I started proofing/editing and writing more seriously that I developed a respect for all the mandatory language courses I had to do. I also liked media studies and film studies; you can guess why. Psychology was interesting too, it’s good to understand human nature if you want to write realistic characters.
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15. Dream job? I wish I could write novels for a living. It’s a goal as well as a dream. I know a couple of authors who’ve self-published via Kindle Direct Publishing (I proofread/edited for one of them), and they were successful enough to turn that into their careers. They keep encouraging me to try, although I’m currently in my ‘obsessed with Din Djarin so just writing fanfic to develop my authorial voice’ era. When my obsession wanes, as obsessions inevitably do, I’ll hopefully feel ready to write something original and take my shot. But I’m not pressuring myself, and right now I’m happy attempting to entertain the Mandalorian fan community. I feel safe here 💖
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Now I know I’m supposed to tag people since that’s the point of a tag game… but I’m that autistic kid in the corner who is too shy and worried about tagging people who might not reply. So I’m foregoing tags today. But, if you’ve bothered to read this and you haven't already played: TAG YOU’RE IT! That’s me tagging you, please take it seriously and thank me for your tag in your own post (I will be genuinely thrilled if anybody does this, and I’m sending advance love to anyone who does – you don’t know how much it means to someone autistic to have the decision-making element dealt with for them). So go on, now it’s your turn!
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ahumbleroleplay · 3 months
Well, there's no better time than in hell to write some notes on Humble, the character. Under the read more because word vomit.
Also a quick note that I'm probably not gonna be active on this blog too often. I can get myself in the mood to play as this jerk, but never for that long.
He/Him or They/Them works fine for them.
I'm British and that means the skeleton is too. As if they didn't sound evil enough already-
Very much a skeleton. An unusual one, hardier than normal and also, y'know, alive. But otherwise pretty standard. Also a bit cartoony.
Does not care for the sexy stuff. Unfortunately cannot guarantee he wouldn't make a boner joke if it annoyed someone though.
They love jokes of all kinds.
Thinks of himself as a practical joker. Is not blind to the damage he causes, though he doesn't always think of the less immediate consequences of his actions.
In any case, he simply thinks everyone who gets mad should just "learn to take a joke and get over it."
Is constantly looking for some form of entertainment. Not necessarily of the hurtful kind, but it can be appealing to him, due to generally being the most chaotic and unpredictable kind. He usually like surprises.
Doesn't like apologizing. He rarely thinks he's in the wrong. If he bothers to do so anyway, then congrats! He actually likes you (or something involving you at least).
May be more powerful than he lets on, (potentially like a cartoon) but he really doesn't see much point in doing anything major. He usually just does "smaller" things, like pull out tumble dryers or giant bones.
The reason is it'd be boring to him if he just did something major like *snap* and he hates being bored. He's usually more interested in trying to make things happen around him, or seizing an opportunity that presents itself. Also, he's can be a cocky idiot, so-
Has one specifically powerful, innate ability (or rather, curse) above all others: they cannot die. It could be likened to someone like Deadpool with how defiant they can be. Can still feel pain when hurt though.
Even if they were vaporized for example, they'd come back. It's not always quick though. It's partly based on the damage received and partly on their own will that determines the speed of regeneration.
Really wishes they could die. Living forever's been getting boring for a long time now. They hate it so much.
This is probably why he doesn't care about others' pain or deaths that much, if at all. He's kinda grown numb to the whole concept and cares more about doing anything to keep himself entertained, no matter how mundane or extreme it is. And anyone who dies for good got luckier than him.
For some reason, his favourite normal Smiling Critter is DogDay. Maybe because he's the first one he interacted with? Sadistic fun in messing with the sunny one? A lover of dogs? Who knows. (The correct answer is all three.)
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nogenderbee · 11 months
Trying this again!
- What nickname would you call your lover?:
Anything they are comfortable with! I’m not really sure myself on how to find nicknames but probably love or just shorter versions of their name!
- What are your hobbies?
writing, listening to music, singing, playing games, reading, daydreaming (sometimes)
- What's your perfect date idea?:
depends on how I feel, if I somehow feel okay then probably calming picnic’s(?) and if I feel low on energy then probably library dates? (I’ll probably fall asleep in a few minutes) or I’ll just leave it up to them because I’m bad at planning dates
- What's something you hate in others? (like a personality trait or behavior for example):
dishonesty, impatient, greedy, nosy, know-it-all (aimed to my friends), pushy, sleazy, stingy, superstitious, whiny people
- What are yours main 3-5 (or more if you want!) personality traits?:
kind, caring, sleepy (my sleep schedule is messed up), energetic (sometimes), quiet, hyperactive (only around people I’m comfortable with), awkward, mood swings, funny, helpful(?), timid, gullible, trust issues, blunt, clumsy, weird, two-faced(?) (there’s more but I’m not sure how to word them)
- What's activity/hobby do you like?:
listening to music, reading, playing games, singing, writing, daydreaming, studying, exploring new interest, embroidery (only a bit though), calling a friend, talking about my interest, cleaning my room (only when I’m bored), being helpful(?), archery (there’s still more but I think that’s enough)
- What's activity/hobby you don't like?:
meeting my school friends, science, sports day (I’m not good at sports 😭), swimming, searching for items (I forget things kinda easily), looking out for kids (since I used to be prefect and not all of the kids were that bad), cooking (I’m bad at both cooking and baking), making a timetable/schedule
I kinda rambled for the last part 😞
By the way, I saw that we can have a preference? If so, is it okay if I prefer boys? It’s okay if it’s a girl :))
Take your time by the way :D
Hi Yu! Happy to see you again! Of course I can pair you with boy ^^
Also I may or may've not got carried away with reasons...
And so this time I pair you with...
Toya Aoyagi!
⊱ I know I'm pairing Toya much but he just suits! 😭 (plus not much choice as pjsk has just 4 boys-) But anyways! It'd be hard to shorten his name... But calling him "love" also works! He was definitely blushing first time you called him that~
⊱ and you both like reading, singing, listening to music and playing games! So that's just perfect! He does enjoy fact that you write and will often ask if he can have a look! As for your daydreaming... He definitely understands it! He doesn't daydream much but it happens to him rarely. So he'll most likely wait for you patiently, no matter for how long you daydream.
⊱ He enjoys both ideas being honest! But if you were to go for picnic date, he'll probably ask An to help him make cookies for you! And if it's library date, he'll do his best to give you some nice book recommendations so you can both enjoy this time together
⊱ I'm not joking when I say he's in love with your caring side. He's absolutely charmed by it! As for your mood swings... he had hard time getting used to it but once he does, he's like neutral about it! And of course he'll do his best to comfort you when you feel a bit down...
⊱ he was definitely impressed when he discovered how many things you're interested in! Many of these are the ones he didn't got a chance to try yet so if to agree, he'd love to explore those with you and see if he takes a like of new hobby
⊱ and finally, he won't force you into any sports so you don't need to worry! As for cooking... He'd love to cook for you but... You usually end up ordering something as it's just the best choice really
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You and Toya were right now having your classic picnic date~ It weren't many people around here so you had a bit of privacy which was nice for both of you! He brought cookies and well... Let's just say you weren't sure when he mentioned that he made them...
"But I wanted them to be the best quality so I asked Shiraishi for help. I tried them to make sure they're good so you don't need to worry."
But thanks to An for helping him! He's just too pure to show him that his cooking... isn't the best... So it's good that she helped him with it because now you don't need to worry about that and your picnic date can stay enjoyable till the very end!
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itoshily · 1 year
hi!!! welcome back ig, i just discovered your blog so idk😭 about your event.. ☆
i'm 1.61 (idk the inches sorry) + i hate my height
my fav color is yellow!! i in fact have a story about this so when i was in 4th grade tjere was a book fair event kinda thing and my dad and my twin i mean we weny to that there was this 3 book child adventure series with a green chest and i.ok i just realized it's too long anyways my personality is,,, i'm isfj and like a a literal isfj but i'm also the cheerful talkative person. sunshine? i mean i do have my sunshine moments and it's more than my introvert times, an ambivert and a, uh, the nice person i think. i love all of my friends, i do like gossip but i still am a cute person in the eyes of other people,,
smth about me, i try to involve everyone to the activities i do, like yk if there's a quite person i'll annoy them sm (in a good way, dsfinitely)
and, i rarely get angry, like no way eveb i don't remember myself ever gettint angry OH MY GOSH I WROTE TOO MUCH speedrun my other thinfs uh i'm bisexual, ace, enby; i love fantastic series aliens myth gods OBEY ME THE OTOME doesnt matter i hate coffee i love tea life is great i'm overworking thank you
(sorry😔😔😔😔😔😔 btw i dom't do genshin so bllk or hq please if you do this supee lonf one sorry again oml
( wait i wanr to add smth i. like blonde people. rhats it ily
hiya :D i hope you’re having a good day and please dont overwork yourself :( prioritise your health above anything <33
i pair you with…
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okay so, you’re a 5’3 which is quite short compared to tsukki, but he finds it ADORABLE. you’re like the most huggable person for him <33 you’d be his sunshine honestly, his ray of light for whenever he’d feel blue and sad, and hes not the most talkative person so you’d makeup for that :D
anyways, thank you for reading ! have a nice day/night, eat/hydrate well, you gorgeous person, ily you're worth so much <3 ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭ ̀ˋ
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buck-yyyy · 2 years
y’all i need some advice, but this kinda turned into a whole rant- tldr at the end :/
im so fucking sick of not being able to interpret social cues. i just spent 20+ minutes talking about history with my mom while we drove home, with other people in the car, and i thought she was having a nice time because i was doing really good with letting the conversation not be too heavy on my side (i have issues with getting too lecture-y and not letting people talk when i talk about things i love) and she was being active in the conversation and it seemed like she was genuinely enjoying it. we get out of the car, and my cousin went ‘ugh, *name*, no more talking about history’, to which i responded ‘you weren’t even a part of the conversation??’ and my mom just turned to her and said in the most infantilizing possible voice, ‘she [me] really loves history, you can just let her talk about it’, implying that she was just listening to me because she had to and not because she actually cared about the conversation. the second she said it i started tearing up and now i’m hiding in the bathroom because i don’t want to see anyone else right now.
i just- i don’t pick up on that stuff like other people do, and i don’t know why. i can rarely tell the difference between when people are actually interested in what i’m saying versus just pretending to be. and i hate it. i hate it so much.
it’s not even just in that kind of scenario that i struggle with this shit. it took me MONTHS after i left eighth grade to realize that my friends from middle school didn’t really like me all that much and just let me hang around because they had to, even when none of them made any effort to talk to me. they made fun of my interests all the time, unless they benefitted them (i used to bake and bring them the treats because no one in my house would eat them).
i can’t pick up on masked sarcasm. when it’s blatant, i get it, and i get most jokes and stuff, but anytime someone is subtlety sarcastic, i’m the only one who doesn’t get it and then get weird looks when i ask what they meant.
it’s practically impossible for me to gauge people’s real interest in what i’m saying. i can’t stop myself from infodumping about the stuff i love. all this stuff, that’s so easy for everyone else, is SO HARD for me, and i don’t understand WHY.
i’m so sick of social rules and expectations. as a kid, i was taught that even if you’re not interested in what people have to say, you need to listen, because it’s clearly important to them- no one follows that, and i frequently get ignored or talked over because no one gives a shot about my interests. why car we taught this shit if no one is going to actually do it? we have to make eye contact with people for them to trust us, but it doesn’t MEAN anything, so what’s the fucking point?
i just feel so different than everyone around me.
i feel like i process and experience emotions differently than everyone else- i don’t get sad like my mom does when people die that other people know, even though i feel so bad about feeling nothing, especially because i get such strong, uncontrollable emotional reactions to stuff that doesn’t fucking matter to everyone else (stranger things is a really good example. i cried four times during volume two, sobbed the whole way to dinner because i was so distraught over everything, has zero appetite and almost relapsed with something all because of a a fucking tv show).
stuff like certain sounds makes my brain go absolutely haywire, and i get both an emotional AND physical reaction to it- if someone blows a raspberry with their tongue, my whole mouth feels gross and tingly and i get irrationally upset.
i get so fixated on stuff, and no one else around me is like that. my entire life, i’ve had such intense interests in the stuff that i like that i can’t think about ANYTHING else for weeks, months, sometimes even a year- but then it’ll fizzle away in less than a week and i won’t even want to touch it. i can’t consume media the same way other people do, i can’t hold an interest for an extended period of time, and while i love how intense my love for these things is, it really sucks to have it be completely uncontrollable.
i just don’t understand why i don’t get this stuff, why i feel so different than everyone around me, why i process things so differently. if anyone has advice, or feels the same, please let me know- i feel so fucking alone in this.
tldr: i can’t pick up on social cues like everyone else can, and i don’t understand why. i process and experience my emotions so differently than everyone else around me, my interests are on a completely different wavelength than anyone else, and i feel so different than everyone else, like i’m a completely different species. i hate it and i don’t get why. if anyone has advice or feels the same, it would mean the world to me if you could share :/
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crystalelemental · 2 years
With that last run in Hades, I have officially reunited the family.
Took a while but not too bad.  It’s a fairly cute conclusion.  Nothing too exiting for it.
What is exciting is that I finally worked my way up to 8 Heat in a run, and somehow cleared it.  With the fucking gun.  I hate the gun so much, but it’s the one getting 20% more dark like every other run so it just continuously pulls ahead.  It’s annoying.  I’m annoyed.  The next statue thing is at 16 Heat, and frankly, no thanks.  I don’t feel like it.  In fact, that’s one of two things in this game I don’t see myself doing.  The other is catching a Very Rare fish.  Apparently, rare fish only happen if you’re fast enough on hitting the button.  And you need to hit it 0.34 seconds after it goes under or faster.  I’m pretty sure that’s faster than you can actually perceive it dropping, so literally no idea how I’m supposed to ever pull that off.  If it happens by accident, sure.  Otherwise, fuck the fish.
The Heat is...potentially possible?  But not something I’m all that invested in.  Certain conditions have become go-tos.  Middle Management is a pretty free one.  You can get away with just not even fighting a mini-boss, and that condition does nothing to you.  Even with it on, most of the fights aren’t too bad.  The only nightmare is the butterfly because that one’s always a nightmare.  I also like giving perks to the shielded enemies.  Most feel pretty harmless.  The only major problem is when they’re moving stupid fast.  Then I hate it.  But it’s 5 Heat just for that condition so fairly free.  I’m also feeling like giving the bosses an extra move is pretty reasonable?  I only used one, but given that you get +10 Heat for all four moves, that feels like a good one to have for these prizes.  Giving foes the blue heart shield that takes an extra hit isn’t generally too bad, but it depends on the weapon, same as the 9 minute timer per region.  I expected that to be impossible for Elysium, but apparently the time remaining in early zones carried over, and the clock stops for dialogue and boon selections, so it’s pretty manageable.  I’m still too nervous to try 7 minutes though.  Routine Inspection also isn’t too bad.  You lose the ability to reroll boons, but otherwise it’s not losing a ton for one activation.  Anything beyond that gets a bit dangerous though.
Things I’ve learned to avoid: the 25% reduction in recovery effects.  Yes, this can be free if you’re good.  I’m not that good.  I really, really hate the one that takes a boon selection away.  If it were just showing two, that’d be one thing, but it has to show all three then cross one out, and it is literally always the one I’d want.  I hate it so much.  But the most impossiblest condition?  Move and attack speed up.  That one fucking sucks.  I lost most runs I attempted that condition under, and as soon as I turned it off, I literally haven’t lost since.  I’m sure people who can do inhuman garbage like catching a very rare fish love this condition because they can react to stimuli before they occur, but I sure as hell can’t.
The kinda iffy ones are increased damage taken, and boss HP increase.  Those are either nightmares, or free, depending on how the run itself goes.  Increased HP totals don’t matter for some of the really strong setups, but for slower acting ones you’re just begging to die to hits you shouldn’t have taken.  The increased damage just depends on how on point my timing is.  Sometimes I dodge like all of Hades’ attacks and we clear with no deaths.  Sometimes I die like three times because I just can’t get it right.  It’s a rough life.
For weapons:
The sword’s solidly alright.  I don’t love it, but don’t hate it.  The best performance I have is with the hidden aspect, which gives a nice Life total boost, has tremendous base damage, and most significantly, slows foes down within the zone it can create.  It’s really handy.  The reason it’s not more favored is just that attacks are so goddamn slow to come out, and it’s close range exclusive.
The spear’s probably a bit more favored than the sword, if you can believe it.  The hidden aspect is, again, my best aspect.  Though it plays exactly like I don’t.  I don’t usually like trading HP for power.  But oh man, the power.  You lose 70% HP, or down to 50% if fully upgraded, and the hits it can deal are really nice.  That said, I think I have a favorable impression exclusively because I keep getting the weapon upgrade for extended attack range and 40% bonus damage to far away foes, which lets me play to my coward tendencies.  Without it, I feel like I’d be a lot more annoyed, but it’s served me well.
I don’t like the shield.  Most of the time, anyway.  It’s a bottom-three, but still working out if it’s #4 or #5.  My main issue is that anything outside of Aspect of Zeus sucks.  This is the only hidden aspect I don’t use.  Because Zeus’ condition is a continuous whirling blade in any direction that can stunlock enemies, while you smack some others around, or can double up on damage.  It’s a fast-acting stack of boons that activate on Special as well.  I love putting on Chill or Hangover for the special and just watching it rack up the damage and effects.  But it’s problems are being a bit unwieldy, not great on overall damage without a good boon layout, and your regular shield attacks have knockback so you push enemies out of the saw.
The bow is my favorite.  I like bows in general, and while it sucked initially, hidden aspects salvage it really hard.  Chiron’s aspect started the train.  Homing specials are fantastic, and similar to the shield, a good boon with specials deals a ton with that.  It did great work, and it honestly feels more efficient than the shield, with none of its drawbacks.  But the hidden aspect, though.  Incredible base damage, and the special is initially single target, but bursts to nearby targets.  Great for crowd control.  But this special inflicts a status that makes it so the struck enemy takes some damage that’s dealt to other foes.  So again, much like the shield, but infinitely more reliable.  The bow is so much fun at this point, and I really like using it.  If I crack and go for high Heat clears, it’ll likely be with the bow.
I’m not a fan of the fists, they’re fighting with the shield over #4 and #5 position.  The cons of the fists are that they’re exclusively close range, the worst of anything, and I wind up eating a lot of attacks over it.  The positive, however, is the raw damage output of the hidden aspect.  Gilgamesh’s aspect is nuts.  Rend is a fantastic condition that, when fully upgraded, is basically Super Doom, that also improves all other damage done to the foe while it lasts by 25%.  Good play with the fists yields the fastest clear times of anything, they’re insanely good for the time limit Heat condition.  But.  Rend also increases the damage you wind up taking, and is pretty slow to proc the pop damage.  This makes it super risks to utilize, and you really want a good HP pool to make the best of it.  I’ve found having some way to stack Weak, or access to Bronze Skin or Different League, is really useful, just to mitigate the damage you’re taking.
And the gun.  I hate the gun, but I’m not bad with it.  I hate having to recharge, and I hate the special in every aspect.  I expected the hidden aspect to salvage this weapon like it did for the bow, but somehow it’s like my least favorite one?  The pulse damage is cute, but it’s not able to run the Rocket Launcher upgrade, which I feel is where the real money is.  The laser is also pretty fun, but it took two boons to really get the DPS going.  I needed Zeus’ lightning and Artemis’ follow-up arrows to really start doing even decent damage with it.  In every other regard, it was too slow to start firing to really get shots in against faster enemies.  I feel like the gun keeps succeeding in spite of its flaws, and entirely on the good graces of routinely nice boon effects for what it does.  But I hate using it so much, and it keeps being the one to give bonus Dark, why does it do this to me?
As for boons, I think what I’ve learned is how to pair the gods to specific skills they’re best at, and matching your weapon’s playstyle to what conditions to aim for.
For slower attacks and specials that are big pop damage, I really like Doom or Critical.  Doom is added pop damage that typically doesn’t stack, so it’s just a direct bump to the core function.  Critical is similar, in that landing a crit really escalates the damage done.  If I can’t get those, I’ll usually aim for Weak or Chill.  Those effects have tangible benefits even at a single stack, whereas something like lightning or Hangover isn’t dealing enough damage in one application.
The faster acting chain attacks, like the shield special or the fists’ basic attacks, this is where I like lightning and Hangover.  You can rapidly stack those effects and really pile on the extra damage.  Chill and Weak are nice backup effects, really anything that stacks is preferred.  Doom and Critical usually aren’t as appreciated, but if you get Ares’ boon that lets Doom stack, then it can be really good.
Your cast is a mixed back.  I’m actually a big fan of using either Poseidon or Demeter for Cast.  Poseidon gets solid damage and knockback into walls, so it’s a nice coward skill for melee-focused weapons.  Demeter’s cast is a laser, which is nice sustained damage, and if you get the added condition that allows it to stack Chill, it’s a really reliable method of rapidly slowing foes.  Athena’s cast is solid too, but usually it’s one of those two if I bother with Cast at all.
Dash is funny.  My preferred is Athena.  I like deflecting projectiles with it, I think it creates some hilarious cheese answers to certain enemy types.  The other is Poseidon.  It’s a fairly strong boost to damage with it, and the knockback effect throwing foes into walls is really nice in smaller quarters like the labyrinth.
Call can be anyone.  Artemis is my favorite, Aphrodite and Poseidon aren’t bad, pretty much everyone else I don’t like.  Zeus tends to lack for damage, Demeter’s is good for when you have a lot of enemies but it’s a god call so it’s never used in those fights, and Athena’s is purely defensive which is rarely helpful.
The last note is Chaos.  I used to avoid Chaos like crazy.  But Chaos is my friend now.  Some conditions are worse than others, but some are free.  Taking damage when you attack or use special is either devastating, or completely fine depending on your boon and weapon.  Not gaining any money is fine, so long as you don’t only get a money chamber as an option.  Losing some HP temporarily usually isn’t too bad.  But man, not seeing what rewards are in an upcoming chamber is terrible, and I hate it.  I think my favorite is when defeated enemies throw bombs at you.  Usually, what I want from Chaos is boosted damage.  The numbers are pretty significant in their increase.  But I also had increased money as the best choice once, and ended that run with so much money even after clearing out all of Charon’s shops.  So that was fun.
Speaking of...Charon’s a boss.  Apparently.  You can “Borrow” money from him, immediately get Kecleon’d over it, and have to fight him.  If you win, you get a 20% discount for the rest of the run.  It’s interesting.  Charon is insanely tough though.  He was hitting for over 50 damage from what I remember, so fighting him early on definitely feels like big danger.  I fought him when I was in Elysium, and frankly I think it worked out okay.  It’s a solid point to face off against him.  You have a good number of boons, a nice HP total, and you get to skip a chamber which means less garbage to deal with.
So...yeah.  I’m still enjoying the game, but I think I’m winding down.  I still have Sisyphus and Achilles’ pacts to break, but after that, everything that’s left is small stuff, like finding the last weapon upgrades for the sword, lance, and shield that do not want to be around, or catching a goddamn very rare fish.  With less to do, I have to decide if I want to do the Heat requirements, and...no.  I don’t think I do.
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brainwashingyou · 2 years
How to write a disaster on modern social media.
This is my second blog, it's been a lot if fun running it and I've met some life long friends and my forever here because of this space. That being said, I find things here and within social media and general media quite toxic, unfortunate, and a relative echo chamber of harmful things.
This doesn't absolve me of anything especially within a small community such as hypnosis. Above all I've been fooling myself why I have this blog. I've been lying to everyone even myself about what this has been and who it was for, a narcissistic desire that I couldn't recognize.
With that I realise I'm been subverting and supporting things that don't make me happy. 2/3rds of my followers kinda
1. Are not active
2. Do not have your best interest in mind. I'm even guilty of this. (I'm leaning how to unfuck myself.
3. I don't relate too
There's so many bad actors in the tumblr hypnosis community. I've been vocally quiet about a lot that goes on to keep the purity of this blog, I've learned that I can no longer in good conscious keep supporting a lot of that behavior and that the content I've been re-blogging encourages to everyone out there.
This is going to enrage lots of people, but I'm at the point that I frankly don't give a flip. I'm tired of SISSIES. You are relentless, you never cease, and rarely apologize for your obscene behavior. I hope that you take an honest look at yourself and those who you open your mind to and give it some critical thought. Maybe even consult a propper therapist? Please before you dig into this kind of rabbit hole talk to someone who can be objective to help you make a choice.
What's the next worse thing in my opinion? HERE IS WHERE LOSE ALMOST ALL MY FOLLOWER. But again, I don't really care what you think anymore especially if you've read up to this point you probably know its going to get even more disastrous.
Feminism, misogyny, matriarchy and patriarchy extremes have destroyed the very nature of our humanity.
I hate misogyny. Women are amazing and you should love a woman for her being a woman. Not a man for trying to replace woman. Celebrate her, her femininity. I'm saying this as a straight hetero man whos not confused about the differences bewteen Men and Women. (Oh dear I said it, better burn down house!)
Patriarchy and feminists... this will be an earful from everyone. You're probably already getting engaged that I dared to put the two words together. Doesn't that already suggest that you are handling the situation wrong? Anger is a secondary emotion, so what's the root cause for why you're so angry?
Equality for everyone? Absolutely! Not understanding why its not "equal " thats arrogance and negligence. If you put yourself in an echo chamber you will never understand disparity to its fullest or why. Don't be so closed minded that you shun something because the perceived majority doesn't like it. This is me telling you to use your brain and so some research.
If you're some irreverent feminist who loves misogynistic porn, maybe, just maybe there's a middle ground that opens your eyes to something not so extreme in both ways but a healthy middle ground that encourages both to grow. Not only for youself but for the others around you and your SO who is choosing to spend their life with you.
So this blog is slowly coming to an end for me. Throughout the last 5 years its been an experience, positive and negative.
There's so much more to say but i think this will infuriate enough people that my popularity will be ruined, and that's fine with me.
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aidadigital · 6 months
give me the strength to change the things I can control, and the wisdom to accept that which I can't
Long distance does not do well for me, which to me shows signs of clingyness and, therefore, insecurity. To be fair I think I've been really stressed ever since the internship debacle. I feel not enough, palpably. It sits really negatively with me that my professor actively didn't recommend me. And I think a real concern of mine is not keeping pace with my girlfriend. We graduate the same time --- a little over a year from now --- but she's just always so much more ahead. Ahead in classes, ahead in opportunities, she's just... a mix of more talented and luckier, I think. Maybe she's a more charismatic interviwee than I. She's definitely a more skilled reporter. If I want everything to work out between us I need to be on the top of my game, arguably better than the top. 110% output at all times to catch up and meet pace, to be able to get a job, to not have to worry about everything. I'm really scared I'll fuck everything up. There is this position my brain takes that I'm not a fan of, but kinda sits in the back of my head. "Things are going well now, so that means things have to get really bad soon." I have nightmares of one of us cheating on the other. I sit anxious and insecure that she's going to tell me she's not really feeling anything anymore, or that she wants to breakup. I'm afraid that if I'm not at my absolute best at any given moment, I'm going to fuck up and our relationship will be over as a result. I really like this girl. I really, really like her --- in a "I see myself marrying her one day" kind of way. There's a certain type of love that feels omnipresent, like a blanket that covers your entire body. The kind of love where you go to the store, see a flower and remember it's her favorite, snapdragons. The kind where you go to a coffee shop and imagine cracking a joke about how caffeine would kill her, the kind where every love song and every romcom is somehow about her and you now. The kind where you sometimes wish you could just fast forward and hold her in your arms, where every night spent with her feels like a dream. I am my own person, one of value to the world, my career, my partner and my friends. I am a good listener. I am good at responding with empathy. I can be good at writing at times. I'm not skilled in much, but when I'm passionate about something I pour my whole being into it. I need to remember these things. If I fear losing my girlfriend I need to pour more passion into giving the best me I can to her! If I worry about my career I need to keep working. If I worry my own anxieties are clouding good moments in my life, I need to meditate and think. I get freaked out incredibly easily, to the point I worry about being a shooting victim in a crowded area, or worry about being arrested even when I'm doing nothing wrong. The anxiety I face is real, and it will probably stick with me in some form forever; I've always worried and over analyzed. This can be used to my benefit, though. It allows me to be thoughtful, and while a real, palpable feeling, I know it's also *just* a feeling. Me stressed my girlfriend hates me because she sometimes responds slow (actually a good thing, she's spending time with her family!) is just my brain being bored and idly crafting problems. All is well, and I also trust her that even if something wasn't well, she'd be willing to tell me. In the end, I try to rest on the laurels of the cliche --- give me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the strength to control what I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
also in extremely rare instances there's some wonders of genderqueerness LOL but i think its less i am trans and more I like indulging in feminine things from time to time idk we can tackle that another day!
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mellow-worlds · 1 year
Today was pretty weird. I hung out with that person who is a little more than a friend. They kept telling me uhm.... stuff? About wanting to see me again and being sad about only seeing me in betewen long intervals of time (it's been 8 days since the last time we met).
It's weird... They didn't say much but still, it feels so weird. Why me? I also asked them that. They really seemed upset about not seeing me so often. Idk why? So I asked them. Sth along the lines of: Why me? Why didn't you choose someone whom you could see more often? (It sounds more weird when written down).
Anyway, they didn't really give me an answer. It's so confusing. They often complain about how I talk rather little and about rarely seeing me........ I don't understand all of this. Idk why they hang out with me? They really emphasized on letting me know how upset they were. But I don't understand why they hang out with me in the first place. They're a really cool, creative and outgoing person with lots of friends and I'm...?
About this: I should note that, whenever I hang out with friends, I make sure that they never see me sad. I generally get very happy when I'm around people so it's not like I put on a mask or anything, but I definitely don't want to worry them, so to all of my friends I seem like someone with unending positivity, someone who never gets upset. Everybody thinks that of me, and honestly, it's sooo easy being positive and happy, when I'm around people, at least.
But yeah... Today was weird. I someohow talked less than I usually do when we started heading home and I could feel my usual sadness creeping back in, even though I wasn't even alone (or at home) yet, which is the only time during which I allow myself to get like that. I could still smile all the time, but I'm worried that they noticed something.
Something about spending time with them does make me very sad. I don't understand why they like me and it makes my heart feel so heavy when they show the slightest bit of appreciation. They shouldn't be with me. There's better people, people who are happy all the time, not just when they're with friends. People who don't have to hate themselves because they're good people. Idk. They shouldn't waste their time on me.
It's actually kinda funny. They have noticed that there's something off about me. Today they did tell me that they have to worry about me attemting to kms. In fact, they already told me that 3 times before that.
They believe that for the wrong reasons, though. I don't think they know about me getting all "depressed" every day and having a hard time leaving the bed or doing anything, for that matter. They do know about my general attitude towards life, I guess, which is a very nihilistic approach. I guess that's also why it's so easy for me to be happy. Everything can make me happy, but at the same time, what it really does, is making me incredibly sad. When I'm with other people, though, I choose for those things to make me happy. It's an active effort. Sad happens automatically. There's sadness underlining everything.
Anyway. They're the first person who knows me like my friends do (that is, as the happy, giggly, positive person) who still kinda hints about being worried I might kms some day. They're not wrong.
We talked about their life expectancy, they said that 71 is probably the oldest they'll ever get, since they smoke and are pretty reckless sometimes. We didn't talk about how long I think I might live, but I'd be surprised if I make it till 30.
Today they also told me that I'm still a mystery to them. I don't talk about myself all that often. And yeah, I keep a lot of secrets, and sadly, they know about it. Sadly, because it'd be easier if they didn't. They're always pretty open about themselves and they always tell lots of stories and I'm basically the opposite. I mean, it doesn't feel like I don't open myself up, especially since they know so much more about me than any of my other friends, but still. I have a hard time coming up with things to tell them, sometimes, because maybe I don't like doing that or think that the things that happen to me aren't really noteworthy. Also, lately, I spend soooo much time laying in bed and being sad. Not much I could talk about in that regard. It sucks because I spend a big deal of my time doing just that. I'm such a boring person.
It still kinda freaks me out. Nobody has ever told me they're worried about me unaliving myself, even if that's something I think about every single day. I remember sitting in class 4 years ago and making a list of tools I could use to kms.
Of course, it hasn't always been too bad since then, I've had my ups and downs. Still, it's something that never really went away. I'm such a sad little person, it makes me even sadder.
I kind of resent how aware they make me about me absolutely hating myself. Sure, it could be worse, but it also could be sooo much better. The very same person I've been talking about told me 8 days ago that I should at least love myself a little bit. Wth? All of this messes with my head so much, I don't understand any of this. Why do they worry about me? Why do they want to spend time with me? I can't see how anybody could enjoy that, especially since I was so silent all the time today.
It's so unfair, they have so many better things to do than hanging out with me, they shouldn't worry about me. Me being sad is my problem and nobody else should have to suffer because of this chemical imbalance in my brain. It's so stupid. But I can't just tell them that. "Hey, you should stop spending time with me because I'm pretty much hopeless. I mean, give it a year and I might have already kms."
They kissed me today when we were saying our goodbyes. It felt good? It felt good being so close to them? It felt good holding their face? But I don't deserve this. They should forget about me, forget I ever existed. Everything about this makes me want to disappear forever. However good it felt, there was something so bittersweet about it. There always is. Affection and appreciation from other people feel good sometimes, but I know that I don't deserve any of it. It shouldn't be wasted on me. I'll only break their hearts. It's useless. It makes me want to cry because of how tragic it is.
Getting intimate with people feels so wrong. Thinking about how much they already know about me makes me kinda worried. My troubles are my problem and I shouldn't make others worry about it. It's not their fault, there's nothing they can do to help me so they should think of me as a happy, careless person. Everything else shouldn't worry them. They all have their own baggages and it's not fair to have them care about me. They should be happy as much as possible. I'll keep trying to make everyone as happy as possible and keeping my bad feelings to myself. That's the only fair thing.
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