#I just b thinkin ya feel
princessbrunette · 3 months
just thinkin about pope n innocent!reader,,, and her calling him daddy while he has her on her lap stuffing her w his fingers :( just thinking…
also, could i please be 📝 anon? :) i loovee ur writing
pope liked to reward good behaviour. he found positive reinforcement worked well with you, and was happy to use that to his advantage as it kept the two of you content.
if you were to make a good suggestion to the pogues, you were rewarded with something small and quiet as acknowledgement to your deed, like a kiss on the temple or a reassuring smile and nod. if you were to go out of your way to do something kind or helpful, like bringing him food when he’d forgotten to eat — or sewing up his shirt that got ripped on a pogue mission, you’d be rewarded with copious praise and affection, calling you his ‘good girl’ which seemed to be your favourite, melting like putty in his hands each and every time.
now these were things he did naturally, for nothing in return, purely because he wanted to. but it didn’t go unnoticed that the sweeter he was on his girl, the softer and more vulnerable you’d become — stripping you down to your most true self. he wanted you, wanted all of you— so he’d keep going, keep praising to work you out. you were popes favourite thing to study.
when you’d been consistently well behaved through the entire day, even when odds were against you — he’d often help you unwind with your favourite type of reward, having you on his lap with his long skilful fingers deep inside.
“i know, i know. how’s it feel when it rub you like this, hm? can you talk to me?” he used his softest tone on you, not the voice he uses to sark at jj or argue against john b’s outrageous plans. he was his softest, most relaxed with you — and he loved that you brought that out of him.
“i—i like it, m’gonna cum soon.” you wail but it’s muffled into the smooth skin of his shoulder muscle, the plane that had been bearing all of your pleased tears and sounds.
“thats good, bambie. gonna keep rubbing that pretty clit just like this okay?” he lilts his voice gently, tilting his head when you don’t respond, too focused on breathing out heavy breaths against him. he noses at your cheek, craning down to try and get your eyes on him. “okay?” he repeats and you screw your eyes shut, nodding.
“‘kay, daddy.” you release with a held breath. he’s kind of glad your eyes were shut, because it catches him off guard for a second, blinking down at you as he continues to work his fingers inside you, thumb resting over your button.
he couldn’t say he was surprised that you were into that kind of thing, infact — jj had in a way predicted it in once when the two of them were out on the boat fishing. something along the lines of “nah dude she’s real sweet. i see why you like ‘er. got the whole innocent, ‘daddy please fuck me’ thing goin’ on, ‘ya know?” now at the time, pope had been too preoccupied with scolding jj over being vulgar about his girl to entertain the conversation, but now it was coming back to him and he realised he was right.
it definitely made sense. bad relationship with your own father which had wound you up in his arms— someone calm, nurturing, enforces gentle rules and guidance, teaches you new stuff. even away at college before he met you he was a magnet to a certain demographic of girl, one who needed a gentle demeanour and occasional firm hand.
he wracks his brain for what to say as he drops a long kiss to your forehead, blinking rapidly as thoughts fire off. he wants to please you, wants to be that for you— and for once he hadn’t done his ample research beforehand to really support you through it. he decides on something simple, trying it out.
“daddies right here, let it go for me, pretty girl.” he’s more of a natural than he realised, and as if he flipped some sort of switch— you gasp, clutching onto him hard as he feels you gush around his fingers in a water-fall like consistency.
you slur a bunch of nonsense against his skin as he shushes you kindly, ears pricking up and heat rising to his face and cock each time the word ‘daddy’ comes out muffled against his shoulder. if daddy was what you needed, daddy was what you’d get. he better get studying.
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mukumukunomi · 7 months
Head Empty. Only You.
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OPLA Luffy x Fem!Reader (can be read as gn!reader)
cw: tooth-rotting fluff, no smut, implied relationship, kissing (smooch smooch), no spoilers
wc: 1,110k
a/n: It's been a long time since I've written or been on tumblr. But the new OPLA has got me wanting to share again.
❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦ ❦
There’s a subtle crinkle in the corner of his mouth that indicates when he’s in deep thought. It makes itself known when he’s not smiling, which is as rare as it is concerning. 
He sits so still at the figurehead of the ship. A stark black silhouette sitting against a canvas of oranges and reds. It almost seems to set him ablaze in their glory, as if he’s the ember and the sky burns only when he’s under it. 
Monkey D. Luffy in a contemplative state is unpredictable. What does a man who fears little to nothing contemplate about? 
“Y/N?” He asks quietly, softly. He says it with a hint of cheekiness like your name holds a meaning only he’s privy to. You realize you’ve been staring at him long enough for the sun to completely dip beyond the horizon. 
You clamber up to where he sits, plopping down as he moves to make room. You stare into a watery void of dark waters. The ocean is completely opposite to its usual appearance. Deep blues and purples replace the turquoise and aquamarines of daylight. It's somehow eerie.
His knee bumps against yours, the subtle contact of skin enough to break the trance of silence you find yourself in. It brands your own skin with its warmth. 
“Are you okay?”
He ponders the question, picking at the fibers that stick out of the straw hat on his head. “I’m thinking.”
You roll your eyes, propping your head up with a hand against your knee. He says it like it isn’t obvious.  “Whatcha thinking about?”
He squints into the void. You almost think he’s looking for the answer out there beneath the waves. Searching for an answer in the one place he can’t physically look.
Your heart stutters as you answer without thinking. “Why?”
You can’t fathom being the forethought of his thoughts. That someone like him spends hours in the quietness thinking about you. Your existence feels minuscule in comparison. 
He cocks his head to the side. “There have to be a reason? I just like thinkin’ ‘bout ya.”
He’s effortless, you think. For how grand the trajectory of his destiny seems to be, he’s effortless in being simple. Luffy is a man who’s complicatedly simple. 
You clear your throat and try to resist the flush that rises in your body. You hope he can’t see the blush that’s dusting your cheeks when his dark orbs finally meet yours. “What-what about me do you think about?”
A different kind of line creases his face as his gaze smolders. You’re familiar with this crinkle. It’s the dimple of his cheeks when he smirks. It jars you how much of a difference one dimple makes. He’s like starlight in the darkness.
Confidence is not something Luffy lacks. But when he’s especially sure about something, there’s nothing anyone can do to change his mind.
“Everything!” He says, grabbing your hand and squeezing it, “I like when we sneak into the kitchen at night. Oh! Or when we pranked Sanji by replacing the potatoes with tangerines! Or how about the time we convinced Usopp to paint Zoro’s face with ink and it wouldn’t wash off for days!”
He taps your entwined hands against his knee in excitement. You can’t help but be infected by his joy as he babbles on.
“And remember when Nami got so mad when we spent half her berry on that weird fortune teller? They turned out to be fake! But then you smiled and said…”
He trails off then, staring at you. You’re not sure where his mind is heading as the silence stretches longer than you anticipate. 
“...you said as long as we’re together it doesn’t matter what the future holds.”
Suddenly, you’re no longer sitting beside him. A tug on your hand invites you to settle for straddling his lap instead. You can’t help but melt into the hug he gives, returning it as your hands settle just at his shoulder blades. His hands around your waist and nose brushing against your neck sends a flutter of butterflies to your stomach. 
He inhales you like you’re the oxygen he breathes. “I’m always thinking about ya' when you’re not beside me.”
A torrent of emotion whirls inside. Luffy is always physical. He has a touch-starved obsession. He craves closeness with others and doesn’t discriminate in who that applies to. But here with just you two, you suddenly feel the full brunt of his affection. You don’t know what else to do but hold him tighter and bury your face in his shoulder.
“Hey, look at me.” He demands. He pulls away slightly to hold you a hair's breadth away, noses almost touching, as he searches your face. “Talk to me.”
He’s always so jealous of your attention. You squish the hollows of his cheeks together as you grasp his chin. Your eyes rove over his facial features and trace the contour of his brow. You follow it to the scar under his eye and down his jaw until you finally land on his lips. He looks like a blow fish, utterly ridiculous in your grasp, but there’s a glint in his dark orbs. It's as dangerous as the glint of a knife in the dark.
Unconsciously, you lick your lips. 
“You know what I think about?”
“Whaf-?” He tries to ask. The words don’t quite form in their current state puckered between your fingers. His eyebrows raise dramatically to emphasize his curiosity instead.
“How much I like kissing you…and when I’m going to kiss you again.” You smile deviously when that glint of his seems to sparkle. 
He giggles at you. It’s boyish compared to the look on his face. He pulls himself from your grasp. “How about now?”
You feign a look of surprise, looking around in mock confusion. “Now? Here? Are you sure now’s a good time? I thought you were too busy thinking about me alone in the dark.”
Your teasing earns you a pout. He whines as you give a hearty laugh.
“You’re such a big baby-” You begin, but Luffy surprises you by grasping your chin and slamming your lips together. 
His kiss is electrifying despite the fact his rubber constitution should make it impossible. It sends tingles up and down your spine and you hum as he traces the outline of your lips with his tongue. He sighs when you open your mouth. Your heart is open and tender in this moment, and he cradles you like you’re as important as the hat on his head. You are. He reminds you everyday.
Eventually, the cold spray of the ocean’s waves is forgotten.
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f10werfae · 1 year
Barefoot and Pregnant
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pairing: Lumberjack!Henry Cavill x Shy!Pregnant!Wife!reader
summary: Henry and his cockdrunk wife go through an emotional love-making experience, after being pressured by her friends to give her husband a ‘hall pass’ because of her growing body (DILF!Henry) (Dom!Henry)
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated🫶 Disclaimer 18+
Lumberjack Masterlist, Henry Masterlist, Full Masterlist
“Baby bun? Why are you cryin’? Is there somethin’ wrong with our miracle?” Henry rushed placing both of his hands onto his precious wife’s four month bump: he had come home to see her sobbing her eyes out into her pregnancy pillow. “I-I have your b-birthday present, h-here” She cried handing him a crumpled piece of paper, “A fuckin hall pass? The fahk do I need this for?”
- A few hours ago -
“So Y/n, I know your man’s birthday is coming up soon, what are ya getting him?” Chloe smirked putting down her beer, she wasn’t really someone Y/n would hangout with, but considering she was friends with Stephanie it was kind of obligatory. Y/n shuffled uncomfortably as all eyes panned to her, this brunch with her girls had taken a weird turn, with them questioning her sex life and very clearly overstepping private boundaries. Y/n on the other hand was adamant that she would spill nothing, ultimately leading to the other women becoming increasingly annoyed.
“U-Uh I was t-thinkin’ of givin’ him the s-sweater I made him, a-and cookin’ him a m-meal” She whispered, pouting when she heard the others giggling and scoffing at her gift idea, her hand falling to her baby bump for comfort. Her little gemstone always had her back. Henry always loved her knitted goods, in fact most of his jumpers were ones she had made, and he never left home without a packed lunch from his woman.
“Girl, just cause you’re preggers doesn’t mean you can’t spoil him! Get him somethin’ better than some lousy knitted shit” Jenny giggled nudging Chloe playfully; Y/n’s hands now started to tremble, she had finally gotten used to nothing but praise thanks to Henry, but now that she was back in this toxic environment she could feel her anxiety start to swirl at the pit of her stomach. She wanted her Henry, and she wanted him now.
“B-but he usually likes m-my meals and h-he asked for a j-jumper” She whispered pursing her lips and clasping her hands together over her stomach, the lemonade she ordered now tasting like absolute poison on her tongue. “Why don’t you get him like a subscription to beer or somethin-“
“OR A HALL PASS? Omg a hall pass would be so good, because you’re obviously pregnant you should give him one, poor guy will need it” Chloe snickered interrupting Stephanie, “A-a hall pass? Whats t-that?” Y/n questioned tilting her head to the side like an adorable puppy, her hand softly rubbing over her stomach, her little miracle’s kicks following her hands every move.
“Basically girl, now that you’re pregnant, every man finds it harder to fuck his wife; let’s be honest it’s a very natural thing. A hall pass is like giving him a ‘get out of jail card’ like letting him fuck someone else for a night or something” She explained placing another chip into her mouth, as if she wasn’t just excusing cheating on Y/n. “B-But I don’t want him t-to” The smaller woman sniffled feeling tears already start to collect in her eyes, did Henry really find her unattractive now that her body was changing?
“I mean come on, are you really going to give him a lousy sweater? Here if it makes you uncomfortable for him to fuck someone else, I’m single!” Chloe joked motioning her hands to pretend she was sucking someone off, the rest of the girls giggling along with her, except for Stephanie who was disgusted by the whole exchange. If anything she was the only friend Y/n really enjoyed hanging out with, and the only friend Henry trusted her with.
“You guys need to knock it off and stop being disgusting shits, come on Y/n Henry texted me to get your somethin’ from the pharmacy” Stephanie grunted pulling Y/n up from her seat, scowling when Chloe tucked in a napkin into Y/n’s purse that said “Hall pass” followed by her own phone number. A poor sniffling Y/n, felt her own emotions starting to shuffle all over the place, her hormones truly had her. With her hand tightly clasped in Stephanie’s the both of them got into her car, when she finally let out a massive sob, wrecking through her smaller body; Stephanie reaching over giving her hugs and whispers to calm her down.
“I-I D-Do you t-think h-he should get a H-hall pass?” Y/n questioned wiping her eyes and nose onto a hankie, her hands smoothing over her stomach, her baby must have realised she was upset; the little thing was wriggling around like crazy almost as if it was trying to provide its momma comfort. “I mean I was gonna suggest beer or a razor, Chloe is just a bitch and insanely jealous because you two are an absolute power couple. Plus it’s not exactly a secret how much Henry is in love with ya” Stephanie smiled booping her on the nose, sighing in relief at the sight of a smile on Y/n’s face.
“B-but maybe he does find me u-ugly now, h-he even offered to shave me down there” She pouted looking down, “Girl he did it because he wanted you to feel more comfortable, you’ve always been the trim typa woman”
“I guess so, s-so what do we need at the pharmacy?”
“Nothin’ I jus’ wanted outta there, Ya sure you’ll be alright girl?”
“Y-yeah H-hen gets home soon a-anyway” After seeing Stephanie go off, Y/n bolted for the bedroom, even after all the comforting words from her friend; she still couldn’t help but feel unwanted and ugly. Would Henry find her pretty again if she let him fuck Chloe? Fuck, just the thought of it haunted Y/n’s thoughts, her man had always told her that he was only for her, and that she was only for him. There is no Chloe in the equation.
- Back To Present -
“A fuckin hall pass? The fahk do I need this for?”
Henry growled holding the napkin and seeing some random number beside it. “I-I” Y/n couldn’t even get words out without sobs shaking her whole body, leading Henry to pull her onto his lap as he sat against the headboard, one hand cupping her face gently while the other cupped his baby miracle. “Calm down sweetpea, tell daddy what happened to your n’ our miracle today”
“W-well we all went t-to that cafe b-by the s-square” She stopped, crying again
“S’okay sugar pie, breathe with me, m’right here and m’not lettin’ ya go” He whispered kissing her cheek softly, the hand one her stomach sneaking around and grabbing a cheek full of ass, making her squeak and gasp. “C-Chloe said t-that because i-i’m pregnant, you wouldn’t find-find me pretty a-anymore, a-and that I should l-let ya b-be with her for a-a night” She explained nuzzling into his palm, his thumb running over her cheek affectionately.
“Are ya fuckin’ crazy, you are the g’damn sexiest thing on this planet sweetpea, my sweet gorgeous wife. You’re takin’ care of our little baby in there, how could ya not be more beautiful? Ya shoulda jus told them we still fuck every night like rabbits-“
“Stoppp, s’embarrassing, b-but then why’d you offer t-to help me shave?”
“Cause baby bun, I know you’re not a grower, n’ I had an idea for ya”
“o-oh I see” She said now realising that her thoughts were jus messin’ with her, “I get so worried cus a forget how fast ya mind is runnin’, ya gotta keep me in the loop sugar, cause you’re mine” He explained leaning in and kissing her wet lips, his hands grasping her waist, kneading her skin.
“I-I know, m’sorry, she j-jus really freaked m-me out. C-cause you’re m-mine and I don’t w-want ya l-lookin’ at anyone else” She explained, Henry smirking at her shy nature, the way she shuffled closer ok his lap, her arms clasping around his neck. “Now ya understand how I get baby, we just need each other n’ no one else” He said lowly, his lips pulled up into an almost eerie smile, as he then stood up from the bed and walked them both towards the bathroom.
Nodding at his words she giggled at the cold feeling of the bathroom counter underneath her thighs, just letting her wild man of a husband rip off her underwear, his electric trimmer already laid out on the side. “W-what was your i-idea?” Her hips bucked as his fingers rubbed her clit slightly before turning on the trimmer, if her stomach wasn’t already huge she would have looked herself. “You’ll see baby bun, jus ta remind ya, of me” He laughed skilfully moving the trimmer around, with Y/n giggling every time he leant forward and kissed her inner thighs or her stomach, he just could not keep his hands off her.
“W-will you help me, r-rinse off after?” With her lips puckered out waiting for a kiss, Henry stood up, letting her suck on his tongue for a few seconds before pulling away teasingly: he had already planned on rinsing her off himself anyway. Lifting her onto the shower bench, he rinsed off her freshly shaven pussy, clearly proud at the thing he had engraved onto her nestle of curls. The letter ‘H’
“What ya think baby, are ya mine or what?” He sang snapping a picture of her pussy and showing it to her, it wasn’t unusual that during sex he would simply take pictures of him leaking out of her, or the faces she would make whenever he was cumming right inside her warm centre. “ I-I love it, m’all yours” She giggled watching him pat her dry with his towel, following him as he led her back into their bedroom, softly setting her on top of the array of cushions and blankets.
“Who made this blanket baby?” He said holding up a woollen baby blue blanket, “M-me” She whispered watching him pull up her dress over her body, leaving her body naked in front of him, his precious masterpiece. “Mhm ya made it for us, n’ our little gemstone, our little family. No one else” He grumbled kissing up her stomach, smiling every time his baby kicked up at him, he couldn’t wait to find out the gender in a weeks time.
“Our little family” She whispered, trying to hold back a smile as Henry peppered hundreds of kisses up her body, his hands grasping at her growing tits, kissing at her nipples and watching them harden. Every night Henry would treat her to a nice breast massage, claiming it would help the milk come in faster, now was that true? Y/n didn’t know but any excuse to have him touch her was a welcomed one. Frankly Henry didn’t know either.
“I’m not gonna fuck you tonight sugar pie, m’ gonna make love to my gorgeous pregnant wife, who is the most amazin’ woman av’ ever seen” He whispered directly into her ear, kissing the shell of it as he felt her hands splayed out on his chest. “R-really?”
“Mhm going to take it nice n’ slow, love on every single parta you, n’ show ya jus’ how much ya mean to me” Looking into her widened doe eyes, he gave her an eskimo kiss, then let their lips meet in a slow, long passionate kiss. Their lips simply feeling each other, their tongues gently massaging each other as she whimpered against him. “Love you so much, my baby bun, all obedient n’ beautiful; my wife, mother of my baby”
“I-I love you too, can’ wait to m-meet our little m-miracle” She hiccuped pushing forward for their lips to meet again, whining when Henry pulled away and turned her body so he could spoon her, placing a soft pillow underneath her bump to make sure she was comfortable. “Ya comfy momma?” “Mhm, miss holdin’ y-you though” She whispered, gasping when she felt Henry’s hand intertwined with hers, his head settled into the crook of her neck; his warm breath fanning her neck to make sure she knew he was with her. He was staying.
He whispered that he was momentarily going to let go of her hand to prepare her for him, his hands lifting her leg up slightly, to allow his hand to venture in massage her slick set of lips gently; her soft gasps and whimpers causing her to nuzzle back into his chest. His athletic shorts were easily shrugged off, revealing that he wasn’t wearing anything underneath, his cock already slipping itself through her folds. Y/n whined opening and closing her hand, clearly wanting to hold his again, smiling in relief as he held onto hers tightly.
Both of them breathing out as she took him inch by inch, bottoming out inside her as his balls rested against her ass, with Y/n holding Henry’s hand close to her chest; kissing his knuckles every so often. “Love this pretty pussy a’ yours, always so welcoming n’ warm, all for your husband isn’t it?”
“A-all for you, m-my husband” She whispered softly bucking her hips to let him know he could start going, and within seconds his hips started rolling against hers, slowly and deeply reaching every inch inside of her; dare I say he even poked her womb a few times with how deep he was going. Taking his hand he reached under his pillow and retrieved his phone, angling it in front of Y/n as he kissed her neck sloppily, taking a photo of her eyes rolled to the back of her head; her mouth agape and drooling onto Henry’s arm under her head.
“My pretty girl, you’re doin’ so well for me, so prouda ya” He whispered dropping his phone, his hand landing onto her tits, grasping both of them in the middle of her chest, rubbing both nipples in a circular direction; his cock stuffed into her velvety walls, his rhythm staying the same. “F-feel you so deep, t-too good” She breathed out cupping her stomach which was now bouncing along with his thrusts, which caught Henry’s eyes as he then cupped the bottom of her stomach. That photo was definitely going to be his phone wallpaper
“Who knocked you up? Who got you this full n’ swollen?”
“Y-you did daddy, f-fuck, feel so full” She moaned, his hands rubbing up and down her stomach lovingly, the fact that she was holding his baby just made her that more irresistible to him; she was taking care of the perfect mix of them both, their baby miracle. “You dare call yourself ugly, you wouldn’t call our baby ugly would ya? So why would call its home ugly? You’re protectin’ them with this beautiful haven inside ya baby, you’re amazin’” He whispered, his hands flowing down to her pussy, feeling the pattern of the H, his fingers found her precious little clit, rubbing the sensitive button until he felt her clench around his length. “These beautiful tits are gonna feed and nourish our baby, n’ maybe me sometimes, how can you say they’re not sexy as fuck; how you’re able to do all these things naturally, as my woman” He joked nipping her shoulder, feeling her giggle and her hole clench at the idea of her own husband sucking on her hardened nipples.
“Can feel you gettin’ close honey” He whispered watching her face turn to the side, her hand reaching around to his head, her lips pushing his into an open mouthed tongue kiss; his thumb lovingly wiping her drool covered chin, his thrusts not letting down. “b-baby, beautiful, f-family” She said clearly cockdrunk, muttering out words that she had heard from her husband, “Yeah baby that’s right, now do ya think ya can let go for daddy?” He cooed letting her nuzzle her head back into her cushion, his smile softening at her smile and at the way her hand instantly reached to hold his.
“Am’ gonna cum H-Hen”
“S’okay sugar babe, m’ gonna cum too, together okay?”
Henry picked up the pace just for her, her whines and whimpers getting louder until finally he felt her creamy onto his cock, his own juices spurting inside her; causing her to breathe out happily at the warm stuffy feeling inside of her. “I love you, don’t ever fuckin’ doubt that, you have a nasty thought in your pretty head? You tell me n’ i’ll sort it out” He growled kissing her cheek as he turned her to lay on her back, with him propped up on his elbow as he traced over her stomach. “What are ya t-tracin’?”
“Hearts, so our mini baby bun knows what love looks like” He chuckled finishin’ his tracin’ looking up to his wife’s eyes, with her getting all giddy and smiley at his confession. “I-I already love ‘em so much, g-gon dress them so p-pretty. N’ w-we can play i-in the fields w-with them” She giggled playing with his fingers which were on her chest, the post sex haze doing nothing but accentuating their love for each other. “Pretty like their gorgeous momma” Henry whispered pecking her lips once more before he remembered something.
“Now how about I show ya somethin’, ya don’t havta walk, ill carry ya” He whispered as she nodded, the both of them trodding to the end of the long hallway towards his work room, her eyes widening at the site of two wooden bassinets sitting at the corner of the room. “Y-you made this for mini bun?! B-but why two?” She wondered looking up at his deep blue eyes, “m’ preparin’ for the next one bunny”
“t-two babies” She giggled whispering to herself at the idea of her big gruff husband handling two tiny tots at once, watching him dote on them like the protective man he was. “Mhm m’ gonna keep ya barefoot n’ pregnant, like ya this way baby bun, all swollen an’ big for me” He gruffed nuzzling his rough bearded cheek against her soft one, “Told ya, you don’t need those stupid friends a’ yours when you’ve got me sugar, m’all ya need and our mini bun right ‘ere”
PSA: Hope this is all good! I wanted to show a more emotional and loving side to their relationship 🫶 But still sprinkle a bit of dark!manipulative!Henry
library blog of works @f10werfaes-cosy-collection
Taglist (not accepting, use blog): @drewsuncrustables (thank you for the ‘H’ idea) @they-call-me-arte @helenaellie @pandaxnienke @thereisa8ella @kimhtoo17 @beck07990 @dumb-fawkin-bitch @madebylilly @kebabgirl67 @marvelgurl @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @aerangi @bookfrog242 @alina02 @alexxavicry @hp-hogwartsexpress @angelmather1 @acornacre @ggmimitf @thebaileybugle @p4st3lst4rs @kzhlvlysstuff @thoughtsofreid @cilliansangel @theekyliepage @cookielovesbook-akie @luvabellee @elenavampire21 @hoya122 @rosiesluv7 @yaminax @esposadomd @meyocoko @disaster-rose @severewobblerlightdragon @kemillyfreitas @adoreyouusugar @queensgirl718 @sweetybuzz25
Hope you all enjoy this instalment xoxo
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eyesxxyou · 9 months
Not anon since I actually wanna see this in my notifications if you do this requestlmao:
Plot twist, reader is vulgar, she wears semi-skimpy clothing, always making stupid (yet creative) sex jokes like ‘that’s what she said’ etc, Make-out champ and stuff but in reality she just does whatever and it works for Hobie when it was a wild guess. Like- sexually experienced she definitely isn’t yet always acts confident
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Knocking out 2 requests in one
{★} .. hobie brown x black!plus size!reader
rating. m
word count. 2.3k
synopsis. hobie never expected you to be a virgin and he's totally okay with that but you are not.
you and hobie mutually masterbate
🍓・.warnings❕no p in v sex, mutual masturbation, unprotected sex not advised, clothed sex, fingering, praise, cum on pussy, pussy job, Hobie as a dick piercing, mentions of religion and blasphemy, aftercare
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If you had told Hobie you of all people were a virgin before the two of you had started dating, he would have thought you were pulling his leg. You? You in your skimpy clothes that deliciously left nothing to the imagination? You and the well-developed curves you loved to show off? You and your teasing innuendos? No way in hell you were a virgin, but alas, here you were after making out with him for the past 10 minutes, stalling really because you— in a crop top so small he could see the beginnings of your full breasts and low-rise jeans that showed off your waist beads partially hidden under the pudge of your stomach— had no idea what the hell to do beyond that.
Not that Hobie believed in the concept of “virginity”. He simply believed that people either have had sex before or they haven’t and either way, one does not make the more pure or better than the other. But still, you never had sex? With the confidence you had in your body— confidence well deserved— he assumed that you had left a long line of broken hearts in your sexy stride.
“Well, is this sometin’ you wanna do? I don’ want you to feel like you gotta do anytin’ wit’ me.” Communication was important in moments like these. If he was going to be your first sexual experience, he wanted to make a good impression, didn’t want to leave you scarred and traumatized.
You signed a little, your confident demeanor melting away just a little while you spoke. “I just don’t think I’m ready to go all the way, ya know? I’m sorry if you wanted mor—”
“Don’t be sorry, luv. Never be sorry ova tha’. We don’t gotta do anytin’,” Hobie assured you with a slight caress to your thick thigh the size of his literal head. There was something almost commercial about the difference in your sizes and body types. No one would expect someone so tall and lanky to be with a person so short and chubby but anyone who dared to comment on it could expect get their head bashed in by Hobie’s guitar.
“NO, no, I want to do something, just not that yet. I’m still a little…unsure about it but you think we can try something else?” You asked, hopeful that he’d be down for something a little more unconventional, but you knew Hobie preferred unconventional to anything else. “Of course, wha’cha thinkin’?” He siddled up next to you, his lips caressing the round of your cheek while his hand grasped the fat of your ass. All of this, so much of your to love and worship. He wanted to leave a mark on every piece of flesh he could get his hands on, lavish over every part no revealed to the world, parts few and far between but all the more sacred because of it.
You gently scratched at the nape of his neck while his hands roamed tenderly across you body, careful not to make you uncomfortable and fully prepared to pull away at any sign that you weren’t feeling it anymore. “Let's masturbate in front of each other.”
“You’ve been tinkin’ ‘bout this fo a while, then?” It came too fast from your lips to be anything you thought of on the spot. You slapped him on the shoulder but did not deny his claim because you have. It would be a lie to say you haven’t been thinking of him sitting in one of his many bean bag chairs with his legs spread apart, his hand stroking the length of his cock while he watched you use your fingers to stretch out your unused pussy. You thought about what he’d look like when he came. What the consistency of his cum looked like, what it tasted like. Did he shudder when he came, did he whine a little, did he moan and groan, you needed to know.
“Please Hobie, I really wanna try it.” You pulled back to give him your infamous puppy eyes, hoping that might be what convinces him. If only you knew he’d do absolutely anything you asked him to because his worship of you bordered on the lines of blasphemy. “Of course, luv.”
WIth one last kiss, the two of you parted completely, Hobie getting up to go sit on a chair across from his bed where he left you. A bit anxious, you began to fumble with the button to your your spared jeans in a some rush to get them off like you were going to miss some deadline.
“Come’ere.” Hobie motioned you over with his fingers and without a second to hesitate, you obeyed, walking over to him with a wrinkle in your jeans at your embarrassing attempt to get them off. He reached up, his eyes locking in with yours while his long, slender fingers skillfully doing what your chubby, stout ones could not. His hands traced the curve of your hip as he placed a soft kiss against the pudge of your belly. “Take’em off slow fa me. Gimme a show, luv.” WIth that, he removed his hands from your body and leaned back in the chair to enjoy the performance he prompted you to put on.
Pretending to be sexy was something you absolutely could do. You stepped back a bit, trailing your hands up and down the length of your torso to caress the curves of your body. Hobie let out something of a sigh as you slipped your thumbs into the waist of your pants and the band of your thong to pull them down simultaneously.
You turned around to face away from him, working your pants down your hips and your legs in a seductive manner before taking them all the way to the floor and flashing just a peek of that little pussy of yours at him as you stepped out of your clothes and kicked them to the side. And by the time you turned back around, Hobie already had his cock out, half-hard in his hand as he stroked his twitching length.
It was pretty, long, veiny, chocolate brown in color with a slightly lighter tip leaking dribbles of precum over his knuckles. He had a piercing through the head of it, a Prince Albert. You wanted to kiss it, have it in your mouth, slave over it, suck it like it was your favorite flavor of lolli. Anything Hobie-flavored was your favorite.
You moved back, maintaining eye contact with your boyfriend as the back of your knees his the edge of the bed and you fell onto it, now making eye contact with the thick monster he had between his legs. The sight of it made your pussy quiver at the thought of it being closer, being inside of you one day, fucking the daylights out of you.
"Go ahead, spread those legs fa me, baby. I wanna see tha' pretty pussy of ya's." Hobie sighed out, his cock now to its full length. If he were to let it go, it would rest well to his belly button. He stoked a little harder, anticipating the sight of your cunt on display for him to enjoy and him alone. There was an odd sort of perverted satisfaction he got knowing that you’d never had a sexual experience with anyone else other than him. No one in the entire world got to see this beautiful sight as your propped your feet up on the bed and spread them to reveal your sacred little hole, glistening and wet with arousal leaking out of it.
You used one hand to place behind you so you could hold yourself up while the other was used to rub your fingers in the mess your pussy made of itself, spreading the slick to your clit where you put most of your focus. Hobie hummed from across the room, a soft, wet fapping sound emanating from him as he fucked his hand a little harder, using his precum as lube to slick his path while he pretended it was in fact your sticky juices coating his cock.
You bit your bottom lip, watching with hooded eyes the way he fucked his own hand like he wanted to fuck you, nice and evenly paced but ultimately desperate for release. In some feeble attempt to imitate what his length might feel like stirring up your guts, you slipped a finger into your inexperienced hole, that being the most you could ever manage to fit. But it left you severely disappointed as you knew one of your tiny fingers could never even imagine imitating the length and girth of that pretty cock of his.
You thumb at your clit to the pace that his hand rubbed his cock, his own thumb stroking his sensitive head each time it got the chance to. “Hobie~” You whined for him as your head fell back and your eyes closed, the pleasure of it all so overwhelming. But Hobie snapped at you between breathless groans. “Keep ya eyes on me, baby. I wanna see ya eyes.” So you opened them and looked at him, his hand fucking himself even harder now, his hips bucking uncontrollably from pleasure.
You could only imagine what the sight for him looked like, a finger in your pussy with your thumb on your clit, fingers wet down to the knuckle, lips wet from your tongue. Open and desperate for him as your back arched and your pussy trembled. “Please–” You begged of him. “I want your cum on my cunt. Please…Hobie.” You didn’t just want it, you needed it. You needed to feel the essence of him coating your pussy you wanted your fingers to play in in, to slip your messy fingers into your mouth and taste him.
“You wan’ me to cum on ya pussy, dirty girl?” Hobie began to sit up, ready to give you just what you asked for. You whimpered, nodding in desperation, watching him make his way over and push you back onto the bed. He pulled your hand away from your core and tapped the tip of his weeping cock against your clit, letting out a few wet smacks at the contact before he grabbed the thickest part of your thighs and forced them up to your chest. “‘m gonna give ya jus’ what’cha wan’.” His voice was dark, feral. His piercing glistened with precum as he stroked his cock between your swollen, wet pussy lips.
Everytime he pulled back, his tip positioned itself right at your entrance, always threatening to push itself inside and give you all you were looking for. But it never did. It just stroked yoru hole a bit before gliding over it, his cock rubbing your pussy and clit until you were crying out his name like it was the only thing you could remember to say.
Each stroke of his cock left you more sensitive than the last, each rub of your clit sending jolts of pleasure throughout your body. An orgasm just on the horizon threatened to crash over you and destroy you much like a tsunami. It built itself in the pit of your stomach, your legs trembling and flexing in an attempt to close themselves and cast him out to avoid the unfamiliar feeling but Hobie forced them open without a care. “Open, keep’em open fa me.”
“Hobie, please, I can’t!”
“Yes you can, luv. I’m almost there.” He thrust against your pussy so hard his balls began to slap against your ass. “You wan’ my cum on ya pussy, righ’? You wan’ me to defile you, make ya all dirty fo me?” You nodded vigorously. You wanted that more than anything else in the world right now.
“Then take this dick.” Something about those words sent you over the edge. The tsunami crashed over you and seized your body like a demon. Your back arched off of the bed, muscles spasming and thrashing with an orgasm of an intensity you’ve never felt before. “Hobie!” You cried out his name, pussy spasming as you came. Hobie kept stroking, kept fucking, kept pleasing despite your calls, his breathy moans all you can hear as he nears his own orgasm.
And when it comes, so does he. His hips still and his cock twitches as he releases all over the face of your cunt. He coats your clit, your lips, your hole and paints them in milky white before spreading it about with his cock. “Goood girl.” He cooed at you in praise, slapping his cock in the mess he’s made of you. He claimed you as his, his for life. He owned this pretty pussy. It belonged to him. “Why does this pussy belong to?”
“You, Hobie, you.” You whimpered as he slapped his dick a little more against your pussy, sending jolts of overstimulating pleasure through your body until your toes curled.
“Tha’s righ’, don’ forget i’.” He bent over between your legs and kissed you, sliding his tongue into your mouth as his hand grabbed a fistful of your breasts. His cock was soft now, but it if kept stroking against your pussy, it would quickly be otherwise so he better stop while he’s ahead. “You did so good, luv. So good to me, so good fa me.” He bit your bottom lip as you hummed breathlessly into his mouth. “Lemme get you cleaned up.”
Hobie stood up and tucked himself away before going to the bathroom to grab a washcloth. You heard the water running for a little, some shuffling in the bathroom before Hobie came back with the washcloth damp. He parted your legs a little more and used the cloth to watch you, apologizing with a soft kiss to your knee and you jolted and whined when he went over your clit. And once he’s done he tosses the cloth into the dirty clothes and climbs into bed with you to hold you, whispering soft praises into you ear so you don’t feel used or taken advantage of.
“I love you.” He whispered as you were just on the cusp of slumber and took no offense when you snored softly as a response.
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roguerogerss · 9 months
Wanted To Have You
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Pairing: Thomas Shelby x Reader
W/C: 3.7k (i think i didn’t check tbf)
Warnings: mention of smut (no actual smut though), swearing, arguing
(welcome back babes, missed you. tommy has been on my mind all the time recently so i decided i’d bang something out and post it. it’s basically just word vomit tbh but hope u enjoy. LOVE a lil bit of angst when it comes to peaky blinders and hope u do too!! luv u the most b back soon)
Birds chirped, the sounds of the market opening began, golden sunlight poured in through the window. The morning had come too early, but Tommy was always a sight to see in the morning.
Laid on his back, one arm curled loosely around her waist, the other on his chest, right above a bullet scar that Y/N had helped Polly to stitch up in early January. His lips were parted slightly, chest rising and falling, dark lashes settled on ruddy cheeks.
She smiled and traced the tattoo on his chest ever so lightly with the tip of her painted fingernails, her way of quietly waking him up. It always worked, and today was no exception. He sighed as he stirred, a small smile making it's way onto his face.
"G'mornin', love." How she loved the way that his voice sounded in the morning. Heavy with the day before's cigarettes, low and gravelly, Brum accented. "Sleep okay?"
"Slept great." She was so tired from the night before's antics that she couldn't have stayed awake another second after they'd collapsed onto the mattress and he'd pulled her close underneath the sheets. "Did you?"
Tommy hummed, "Mm, slept alright. Wasn't great, thinkin' a lot."
"Thinkin' about what?" Her fingers absentmindedly wandered from his tattoo to the back of his neck, tugging at the short hairs that gathered there.
"Business stuff, darlin'. Nothin' for you to worry your pretty little head about." He gave a soft, bleary-eyed smile and pressed a hand to her cheek, thumb stroking back and forth.
"Tommy, you always say it's just 'business stuff'. Why won't you just tell me what's going on for once?" She wasn't angry, really, but the pout on her face might've said otherwise. Business stuff was the closest that she ever got to knowing anything about Tommy's personal life.
But rumours fly, and she'd heard a lot from the people of the town that made her think that her Thomas wasn't as innocent as she thought he might be.
"I've told you. It's not important, nothing you'd want to hear." His voice strained as he stretched, biceps flexing as he raised his arms above his head. "Would bore ya, honest."
"You don't bore me, Tom." She looked up at him through her lashes and he gave a short-lived chuckle and ran his fingers soothingly through her hair.
"I have to get up." He ignored her statement and gave her a quick kiss on the top of the head, before rolling over and sitting up. He was still only wearing his underwear, and so she marvelled at the way that the muscles in his back flexed as he moved to grab his previously ironed button-down shirt from the side table.
She almost forgot that she was angry as he got up and pulled his slacks on, shirt still unbuttoned and the light hitting his toned torso just right. "I'll see you later, sweetheart." Tommy leaned down to place a kiss on his girl's lips, barely taking a second to enjoy the feeling but really only doing it so that he could continue to taste her on his lips for the next hour or so.
"Family meeting?" It was obvious that Y/N was unimpressed, but Tommy either didn't notice or was pretending that he hadn't, because he didn't comment and simply nodded. "And I can't come?”
"Told ya." Tommy tucked his shirt into his slacks and knotted his tie, eyeing Y/N all the while. "Would bore you."
He wanted to tell her about what he did. He really, really did. But he also wanted to keep her, and he knew that he couldn't do both. There was no way that she'd want to stay with him if she knew about all of the terrible things that he'd done, and so he'd made everyone who worked with him agree that she was never to know.
He supposed that she'd get suspicious at some point, but he hadn't expected that point to come so soon. It had been a year, and he figured that the towns people spoke and that she heard, but he was dreading having to actually let her know by himself.
"And I've told you," Y/N had gotten up, pulling her silk robe around her small body and padding lightly across the floor to where Tommy stood. She fixed out his jacket and smoothed down his shirt affectionately. "You don't bore me."
"We can talk later." Tommy smiled softly, hand smoothing Y/N's hair against her head as he pressed his lips to her forehead, then the tip of her nose, and finally her lips. She made him linger for a second, hands grabbing at the back of his neck and holding him in place as their lips moved together.
Tommy chuckled and pressed his forehead against hers. "I have to go.
"Fine." She pecked his lips once again and then let him go. "Go about your business, Mr Shelby."
"As I will, Miss Y/L/N." He smiled and then he was gone, unlocking the bedroom door and slipping out of the room.
Y/N was furious. That was really the only word that she could think of to describe the sheer anger that bubbled inside of her. Thomas Shelby is a Peaky Blinder.
And she knew that the statement from the woman at the market wasn't a lie. What other reason would he have to hide everything from her? To never tell her about his life or where he'd been or why he would often come to bed at ungodly hours?
She stormed into their shared home and, upon seeing him sat at the kitchen table, cigarette in hand, decided that she couldn't deal with him. And so she threw him a look and then took off up the stairs to their bedroom.
Tommy followed, of course he did, yelling her name and asking what was going on. But she ignored him, simply sitting down on the bed and waiting for him to join her.
"What's wrong, love? Did someone do something? I swear, I'll-"
"You'll what, Tommy?" She stood then, still keeping her distance but crossing the room only slightly. "Cut them? Kill them?"
"What the hell is this about?" Tommy sighed. He seemed bored already, unprepared to listen to her ramble because, oh, Thomas Shelby knew that his girlfriend could ramble for hours.
"Let me see your hat." She knew what the Peaky Blinders were, she knew fair well what the name meant, and she needed to confirm what the townsfolk had told her. "Where is it? Show me it!" She started searching for the hat, opening drawers and cabinets, she knew that she had to find it, because she had to know.
"Y/N, calm down, for God's sake." Tommy clasped a hand around her forearm, but she yanked it away and simply stared up at him, tears threatening to fall from her already glassy eyes.
"Are you one of them?" Her voice was almost a whisper, so quiet and timid that maybe Thomas wouldn't have heard her if they weren't almost chest to chest. "Are you a Peaky Blinder, Tommy?"
And now she was really crying, tears smudging the makeup on her cheeks and clouding her vision as Tommy's piercing blue eyes stared down at her. He was thinking, thinking about whether it was best to tell the truth or to leave, and thinking about what the consequences of each would be.
What would she do if he told her? Would she yell? Hate him? Would she leave? And what if he left? Would she let him back in?
But she looked so vulnerable, was crying so hard because she already knew the answer. And Tommy wanted nothing more than to take her in his arms and kiss her head and wipe the tears from her eyes. But it was his fault that she was crying, he'd caused the tears and the hurt. And he had to tell her.
"Yes." Her heart felt like it might've stopped. Because Tommy was the only person that she trusted, and now she felt like she knew nothing about him.
The room fell silent, she stared at him and waited for words to come, and she waited, and waited. Thomas wouldn't break eye contact with her. In truth, because he was scared that, if he did, he'd never look into her eyes again, she'd leave and she wouldn't come back, she'd go back to Ireland, back where people told her things because that was the right thing to do, because they weren't afraid of what the Peaky Blinders might do to them.
She decided, after a few beats of standing still, staring at him, heavy breaths coming from both of them, that she couldn't look at him anymore. She'd been waiting for him to say something, anything, that would mean that this had all been some sort of sick joke. He'd start laughing, tell her he was kidding, that the woman at the market had told her that just to see how she would react. She'd be angry, yes, but it'd only be short lived, and it wouldn't change anything.
But he didn't, and he wouldn't, because she already knew there was no hint of a lie in what she'd been told. She took a last, deep breath, and then departed to the other side of the room, where she turned her back to Thomas and took a few more deep breaths.
"Listen, love, I...I wanted to tell you-"
"Don't, Thomas."
"I really did. I wanted to. But I knew you'd react like this-"
"And so you thought that keeping it from me was right? You thought that holding the threat of the Peaky Blinders over the entire town's head to keep them quiet, was the right thing to do? You thought I'd be happy when I eventually found out?" Thomas found himself falling silent, speechless. He was never speechless.
"I was hoping to tell you myself."
"Well, you missed the opportunity to do that two years ago, Thomas." She'd picked up her handbag now, and Thomas noticed that tears had pricked his eyes and were threatening to fall. "To think I worked for you, as your secretary. I signed off your fucking books, I made phone calls for you, you involved me in this without even telling me, you didn't even ask me if that was what I wanted, Thomas."
"I know, and I'm sorry-"
"Pack your things."
"Pack your things, Thomas. And don't you ever call me anything other than my name."
And with that, she'd gone. To where, Thomas wasn't sure, but he found himself watching her, almost in slow motion, as she stormed through their bedroom door. He could hear her heels clicking as she hurried down the stairs, the brief pause as she pulled her coat - the one he'd bought her for their anniversary - around her body, and then the click open and slam shut of the front door.
He lowered himself onto the bed, placed his head in his hands, and sat for a few minutes in silence. The window was open, and so the sounds of the bustling street below floated upstairs, and he tried not to listen. The thought that she was out there, inconsolably upset, with every intention of leaving him, because of a mistake he'd made off his own back seemed entirely too much to handle.
So he closed the window, lay back on the bed, and lit the end of a cigarette. He needed to figure out a way to make things right by her, after all, Thomas Shelby didn't care about opinions, but what she thought of him was the most important thing in the world.
She'd gone to the Shelby's family home, mostly to try to seek comfort from either Ada or Polly, but also to berate the brothers for not thinking to tell her their secret.
She burst through the front door, to find Polly and Ada at the dining table, each smoking a cigarette. They jumped up when they saw her, womanly instinct coming into full effect, knowing that something must've been wrong from the way she'd stormed in, and the look on her face when she had.
"What's he done, my love?" Polly was always best at being able to tell when Thomas had messed up, and she was always on the right track when it came to guessing what he'd done wrong. His aunt knew him better than anyone, as much as he'd hate to admit it.
"Did you know?" She was breathing heavily, trying not to let the tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes slide down her cheeks.
"Know what, love?" Ada had come to Y/N's side now, guiding her to sit down at the kitchen table, and had shooed the men away, into the drawing room, after Arthur had come mooching for a bottle of rum.
"Did you know what he was doing?" Her eyes were full of tears now, making it hard for her to see properly. She placed her elbows on the table and used the sides of her palms to wipe the tears as they fell. Polly pulled her chair over so that she was sat close to Y/N.
"Calm down, sweetheart." Polly placed a tentative hand on her arm, "What has he done?" His aunt could feel her heart drop in her chest, from the way that Y/N was speaking, she was almost certain that her nephew had cheated on his girlfriend.
"Did you know he was a Peaky Blinder? Is that what they're doing through there?" Y/N was really crying now, looking that horrible, vulnerable way that Tommy hated. Arthur had opened the door a crack, and he, John, and Finn were peeking out at the women sat in the kitchen.
Ada sighed and ran a hand over her face, and Polly seemed to erupt into anger, "We bloody told him, didn't we Ada? We told him you'd find out, but he listened to these bloody idiots," She jabbed a finger at the doors to the drawing room, which made Arthur crack up like a child, provoking Polly to pick up a teaspoon from the table and throw it at his face. "The women in this house are apparently the only ones with any sense in them."
"Why wouldn't he tell me, Polls?"
Polly took a long pause before answering. Thomas's reasonings had never been clear, behind any of his madness, and, even while having known him his entire life, she often wondered what the method behind the goings-on in his life was. "Listen, love, you know he loves you, yes?"
Y/N nodded slowly, a puzzled expression crossing her face. "Then you know how he protects the people he loves. Yes, he does all of this bad work, but he doesn't want you to know because he's scared something will happen to you if you know too much. And he doesn't want you to see him as this monster, Thomas Shelby, the leader of the Peaky Blinders. Sometimes, he just wants to be Tommy. Do you know what I'm saying?"
Polly, as always when she assumed anything about Tommy, was right. He'd liked Y/N from the moment he'd hired her to work as his secretary, but he knew she wasn't the type to turn a blind eye to his work. He supposed it was selfish, not telling her, but he wanted her to know him for who he was, not what he did.
She let out a sigh, partly letting go of all of the anger she'd built up towards Tommy, and partly because she was relieved to hear what his aunt had to say about it. "I know what you're saying, Pol."
A long pause followed, with only the bustle of the drawing room keeping the place from being in dead silence. Polly's hand was still resting on Y/N's arm, and Ada's on her back, and she found herself able to forgive. The Shelby women certainly had their ways.
"What do you want to do, love?" Polly broke the silence that had settled on the room.
"I don't know." Y/N couldn’t even think of anything else that she could say, she truly didn’t know what she wanted. Polly’s face contorted slightly, and Ada rubbed her hand up and down over Y/N’s back.
"Well, are you going to tell him it's over?" Ada asked, voice quiet, so as not to alert the men in the other room that anything too serious was being spoken about. She thought for a moment, feeling a pang of sadness come over her at the fact that she had to even think about whether or not she wanted to end things with Tommy.
"No. No, I'm not going to do that."
Polly breathed out, a breath that she didn’t even know she’d been holding, and wrapped an arm around Y/N’s shoulders, pulling her in and squeezing her in a way reminiscent of a mother holding her daughter.
"Okay. Okay, good. He does love you, so much, you know that?” It was a rhetorical question, and Polly didn’t leave enough time for Y/N to even answer. ���Do you want to go home? Or will Ada boil the kettle and we can have a brew?"
"A brew would be nice."
The air was almost cold when she left the Shelby house to start the walk home. Summer was coming to an end now, but the sky was still bright past nine. She'd begun noticing things that she hadn't before, after finding out Thomas's secret. People would greet her profusely as she walked down the street, some even going out of their ways to let her past. They'd hold their children back from walking in front of her, the men working at the furnace would shield her from any soot that might come her way.
It felt strange, like Thomas was king of Small Heath and she was his Queen, and god forbid anyone see what might happen if they disrespect the Queen. She made an effort of smiling and thanking these people, showing that she didn't actually need them to be doing these things for her, but they did them regardless.
When she reached the front door of the house she shared with Thomas, she stood for a moment, simply staring at the front door. The mark was still there from the nail Thomas had banged into it months ago now, so that she could hang a holly wreath there to celebrate Christmas. He'd called it unnecessary, but they'd only just moved in together and she'd been so excited for their first Christmas in their new home, she'd come home from work one day to find the largest wreath Thomas could find at the market, hanging on their front door.
She smiled to herself, suddenly feeling emotional with all of the memories of their time together coming flooding back. She opened the door.
She was pleased to find that, when she got home, Thomas's hat and coat were still hanging on the coat stand at the front door. His pocket watch on the mantelpiece, shoes still placed neatly at the door. He hadn't gone anywhere yet.
"Thomas?" She called, and was met with the sound of soft footsteps in the bedroom.
"Upstairs." His voice was quiet, small, something that hurt her to hear. She wasn’t sure she’d ever seen him truly upset, even after two whole years.
She placed her handbag on the floor and draped her coat over the coat stand, then crossed the hallway and climbed the stairs to their bedroom, where Tommy was sat on the bed, head in his hands, suitcase at his feet. She felt a piece of her heart chip away upon seeing him.
"I'll be gone soon enough, I just-I didn't want to believe that-"
"Do you want to leave, Tom?" She took a few steps towards him, and Tommy lifted his head to look at her for the first time. His eyes were red, and she knew that Tommy Shelby strictly did not cry, except when it came to her.
A pause followed, Tommy simply staring up at her, opening and closing his mouth every now and again, thinking of the right thing to say. Was there a right thing to say?
"You know I'm not really religious. But I've been praying all day that you'd come home and we'd be fine again." A small, sad looking smile had settled on his face.
"Maybe you should start going to church, then." She placed her house keys down on the bedside table, she was here to stay. Tommy felt a weight lifted from his shoulders as she gave him a small smile and held her arms out to him, letting him back in, “Come here."
He didn’t hesitate, pulling her into his lap and wrapping himself tightly around her. Please don’t leave again, he was saying, eyes closed and cheek pressed to her stomach. Her arms settled around his neck, one hand drawing comforting patterns on his shoulder and the other smoothing his hair.
"I wasn't doing it to upset you." He needed an explanation for her, he owed her that, especially after she’d come back when he wouldn’t have blamed her for walking out of the door and never having a thought of him again.
"I know you weren't." He hated how forgiving she was. He hated that he’d done wrong, and, instead of just leaving like she deserved to, she’d come back and was comforting him, making him feel good about the lies he’d fed her. But he knew her all too well, he knew deep down she’d have forgiven him, because she wasn’t one to deal with things in any way other than graciously.
"No, sweetheart, I know I've been selfish. I know I’m not fair to you. But I'm only selfish because it's you." His hands roamed her back, underneath her dress, feeling every dip and scar, memorising them again, “I just wanted to have you, loved you since the minute I met you, I swear. Couldn't have you thinking of me as this cold, relentless monster. I just remember thinking you were too pure to know, thought I’d only ruin that if I got too close and you knew the truth.”
“I know you better than you know yourself, Tommy. You’ve got a heart in there, you know.” She gave him a small smile while he looked up at her, bright eyes piercing through dark eyelashes, “I don’t understand why you did all of this for me, you could’ve chosen another woman, one who you could’ve even helped you with your work all this time, but you chose someone who you felt like you had to hide everything from.”
“Told you already, I just wanted to have you.” He pressed a kiss to your cheek, then one to your nose, and then your lips. “You, not anyone else, not a woman who’d do my work for me, not someone easy, I wanted to have you. And you know I’m selfish with things that I want.”
You were really smiling now. Tommy always knew the right things to say, always knew how to make you happy. You wrapped your arms around him again, and, while Tommy didn’t like to admit it, he felt safe with you, something that he didn’t feel in many places.
“Thomas Shelby, you’ll always have me.”
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devils-dares · 7 months
The Anatomy of a Hug
summary: it's the middle of the night and you've been crying. seeking comfort, you knock on his door.
pairings: unspecified male character x gender neutral!reader
warnings: mentions of friends with benefits type relationship, no smut, crying, mentions of not eating or sleeping, only description is reader is shorter than character, hun as a pet name.
wordcount: 819
a/n: wowie, i'm breaking my hiatus! tbh never thought this day would come. this is written with the call of duty fandom in mind, but can go for practically any male character.
“Wha-” he rubs his eyes, trying to scrub the sleep away, “you’re here. Why are you here?”
It’s a fair question. You knocked on his door in the middle of the night, eyes red from crying. He has every reason to close the door and go back to bed. It’s cold.
You shrug, tired bones too exhausted to even think of a reply.
“Hey, now. C’mere, come in,” he says, stepping to the side to let you in, “talk to me. What’s going on?” It’s warm in the house, walls bathed in honey colored lighting from the incandescent bulbs that buzz away when they’ve gone dim. It smells like him, and you can feel his warmth without ever having to touch him.
“What are ya thinkin’?” His voice is deep, gravelly, a sure sign you’d woken him up from a deep sleep.
“Just wanna be held.” You say, voice shaking on the verge of tears. He stands still for a second, hesitating.
“You want me to- to hold you?” It was a fair question. The two of you didn’t have that kind of relationship, moreso two acquaintances who found comfort in each others’ bodies between the sheets.
“I didn’t have anywhere else to go.” You say. He tuts after shutting the door, shifting his weight onto one leg. His arms are folded across his chest, making his frame appear so much bigger than yours, and making you crave his embrace that much more.
“It’s the middle of the night.”
“I’m well aware.” You say, chuckling sadly.
“And you came… here?”
“I can go-”
“No. Don’t leave. Let me hold you, yeah?”
“I don’t wanna be a b-”
“Bother? You’re bothering me by looking like you’ve been crying for hours.”
“Flattery was never your strong suit.” He sighs, crossing the room in three big steps and pulling you into his arms. Your head gets buried in his chest, the scent of him forcing you to settle against him. The weight of his arms is comforting, one wrapped around your waist and one trails up your back to cup the back of your head.
“This is nice, didn’t know you knew how to be soft.”
“Shut up and let me hug you.”
“Okay, sorry.” The two of you fall into an easy silence, nothing but your soft breaths filling the room.
He’s warm, something you always liked about him. He was built like a goddamn furnace, and you were always freezing. It also helped that he was massive, your head just barely reaching his pectoral muscles. Not to mention for how strong he was, he was holding you surprisingly tender.
He held you up. His one arm around your waist held you up without struggle. Your bones and muscles appreciated him, even though you were mentally unable to share your thanks with him. God, he just made you melt like hot butter in his arms. He hated physical affection, never going much further than cuddling during aftercare, but this, it felt like he needed it a little bit too.
“When was the last time you ate, hun?”
You’re not sure what it is about him, an otherwise stoic man breaking his walls down to hold you in a vulnerable moment, or the fact that he felt like he actually wanted to be there. You’re not sure what it was, but almost immediately after the pet name left his lips, you let out a sob, followed by an onslaught of tears that did nothing but soak his shirt and obscure your vision. He freezes against you, muscles tensing where they hold you, but he thaws eventually.
“‘m so tired.”
“I know, let me take care of you for tonight. Don’t worry.” It’s effortless, really, the way he softens his voice and holds your entire weight in his arms, letting you wet his shirt with your tears without saying a word. It feels like you cry for ages, sobbing loudly until you have no tears left and your head is pounding from the onslaught of emotions. It’s silent for a while, you don’t know how long you spent in his arms.
“What for?”
“Waking you for that.”
“I’d wake for you if you got a damn papercut, now, when was the last time you ate?”
“What did you say?” He looks at you after you ask.
“I’m saying that if you knocked on my door because you couldn’t sleep at night, I’d pick you up and throw you in my bed to make sure you slept, because lord knows you have a shit sleep schedule. Lord also knows you never eat on time or properly, so I’ll ask you once more, when was the last time you ate?”
“I don’t… I don’t remember.” He tuts again, dropping his arm from around your waist to a little lower, and scoops you up in his arms.
“Come now, let’s get you something to eat.”
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februarybluues · 1 year
enemies with benefits || 4 - girl (you really got me goin')
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warnings: kissing, basically just making out, NO SMUT, just like very suggesstive, cursing, flirting, you and hobie 'hating' each other (wink wink), horrible british (im trying guys🙏)
read previous part here -- series masterlist
Normally, the sound of the rain splashing onto your window was one that effortlessly lulled you to sleep. But, for some reason you couldn’t. Your head rested on your pillow, eyes shut tightly, but you couldn’t sleep. The alarm clock next to your bed shouted ‘2:32 a.m’. You groaned, rolling over onto your side; hoping the new position would help you sleep. But alas, it didn’t. If anything, it made it worse. You weren’t sure why you couldn’t sleep. You had a fairly busy day, and you were tired. – but you just couldn’t. Feeling defeated, you rolled onto the other side, now facing the window. And you looked back just in time to see a familiar face climbing in through it. In comparison to the last time he had entered your room, he looked different. Exceptionally wrecked. While, yes, he wasn’t injured like before, or at least you couldn’t see any physical injuries, his face was different; anguished. He looked exhausted. And yet his eyes looked hungry as they darted over to your own. “Hobie? It’s late, what are you doing here?” you sat up from your bed and stood up. But he didn’t say anything, he just muttered something before walking towards you, only stopping when he was a fair distance apart from you, looking as if he was debating getting closer to you.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt?” you asked, genuinely concerned as to why he’d decided to show up at this hour - uninvited. He stayed quiet. His eyes shifted down to the ground and his hands stayed in his pockets. Although it was subtle, he was slowly inching closer to you. You spoke again, almost desperate to hear him say at least something. “Hobie, answer me. I can’t help you if you don’t tell me what’s wrong.” “Tha’s the problem.” he finally spoke out, now standing directly in front of you; barely leaving space between the both of you. “What?” you asked, growing more confused and concerned by the minute. He practically towered over you, having to look down at you slightly in order for your eyes to meet. You’d be lying if you said it wasn’t a little attractive. “Y’too polite. Care too much ‘bout me.” his voice was low, and raspy; as if he were tired. “What are you talking about?” you asked, but he pretty much ignored it. “It all makes sense now.” “Are you drunk?” you asked, trying to figure out what was happening. “Nope. ‘M sober as can be” “So, Why are you here? It’s almost 3am, Hobie.” “If i wanted th’time, woulda’ asked you for it, sweet’eart.” a smile slowly started to grow on him as he looked at your confused state, admittedly checking you out. It stayed quiet like that for what felt like forever; just staring into each other's eyes, waiting for the next move. “Why are you so fuckin’ irresistable?” he suddenly spoke out, which caught you off guard. Before you could question him furthermore, he continued. “I see what your doin’,” he began, lifting his hand up to cup your cheek – which almost instantly turned bright red. “Walkin’ around, lookin’ all pretty, thinkin’ i ‘aven’t caught on to how ya look at me with those pretty eyes. D’you know the effect ya have on me?” your eyes widened. “What are you saying?” you struggled to hide how flustered you were becoming. 
“You ruin me.” he said, smiling like a fool. “Is that so?” you asked. “Sure is, doll.” you weren’t sure if it was the insomnia talking or not, but you were suddenly feeling bold. “And what are you gonna do about it?” he chuckled, amused at the sudden change. His hand moved from your cheek to your chin, tilting it up to make you look at him. “What do you want me t’do ‘bout it?” Instead of seeing the cocky smirk you were so used to seeing, his eyes looked determined - eager. maybe it was the lack of sleep that prevented you from being able to think straight, or maybe he was just being a fucking idiot. Regardless, he leaned down even more towards you, and never once broke eye contact. Before you could question what was happening, Your face was moving on its own, getting closer to his. You felt time stop then and there as you realised what was happening.
Were you really going to kiss your mortal enemy?
Yes. yes you were. you grabbed onto the collar of his shirt, silently cursing his height and pulled him down to you so that you could crash your lips together. Hobie almost instinctively wrapped his arm around your waist, squeezing you. You raised your arms up to his head and rested them around his neck. You completely relished this moment. He kissed you with passion, and perfection. It was unbelievable. You practically melted away at his touch. Right now was more important to you than anything. You were too enchanted by him to even care about the fact that he was your sworn enemy. Your head was fuzzy, unable to think straight.
You turned him around and pushed him down so that he was sitting on the bed, and he wasted no time pulling you onto his lap.Your lips stayed together all throughout it. His arms slithered down your hips, his eyes sealed shut. You could barely believe this was happening. He tilted his head slightly as he deepened the kiss. The entire moment was pure bliss. He squeezed whatever exposed skin he could find, his hands reaching under your shirt. Your heart was racing. This was so wrong, but it just felt so right. It was his own fault for being such a good kisser anyways. and the way he so absent-mindedly slipped his tongue in, swirling around yours perfectly. It was the closest you’d ever been to heaven. You hated him so much. Every time your gaze was met with his instantly ruined your day. And yet, for some fucking reason you just wouldn’t stop. You couldn’t. The both of you were desperate for some kind of contact. you tried to get as close to him as you could, practically crushing your chest against his.
After a while you pulled apart to catch your breath, panting. You looked at him with a lovesick look in your eyes, pupils practically heart-shaped and lustful. At that moment, it was like the whole world fell silent. Until hobie quickly broke it up, laughing. You tilted your head at him, confused. “What’s so funny?” you asked, and he grinned. “It’s just - You talk all this big talk ‘bout ‘ow much y’hate me, yet here you are.” he talked, his hands remained on your hips, not daring to move. You shook your head at him. “That’s not fair! I do hate you!” you defended, but he wasn’t having it. “If you ‘ate me so much then why’re you in my lap right now?” He had a point. And you hated him for it. “Well- You know-” Your flustered brain could not come up with an excuse for the life of you, which frustrated you slightly. “Exactly.” he said and you groaned.
“Just shut up and kiss me.” you said and he quickly obliged. How could he say no to that? He pressed his lips against yours once more; reconnecting them. It almost felt wrong to be doing this; kissing the ‘enemy’. You shouldn’t be doing this. You shouldn’t be feeling this way towards him. But as the kiss deepened, you stopped caring. If it was so bad, why was it so perfect? Why did your lips fit together so perfectly if you were supposed to hate him? He raised one of his hands up to cup your cheek, the other still holding onto your hip tightly. He didn’t go home that night. Instead, he stayed with you. Your head rested on his chest as you experienced debatably the best night’s sleep you’ve ever had. Although his intrusion was unprecedented, it did technically cure your insomnia. You had him to thank for that. Alright fine, maybe Hobie Brown wasn’t that bad after all.
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maybe one day i'll write a smutty version of this taglist: @hobies-wrld @elloelloello293874 @lavnderluv @ginseng-green-tea @ididntwantthisbutithappened @thatweirdgirlsposts @clown420cunt @sh-tposter2021 @wannabe-fic-reader @large-unit @pastelaine @babydollfoster @theleftkittycollection @sparklyphantom @arminsgfloll @myoifilm @fanboyluvr @fuckyouimthecrowman @ilovemymomscooking @fl1ghtl3ssdrag0n @c3f21 @1eonk @themetalbabygirl @captainloki1
some of yall cant be tagged as you can probs see so idk
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Hiya Sugar,
You’re the newest goodey-goodey in town, aren’t ya? What am I sayin’, of course ya are! I already knew that! In fact I know a lot about’cha, you’d be real surprised.
At first, I didn’t think too much about there being another vigilante running amuck. To me it was the usual same ol’, same ol’ in Gotham. It wasn’t until we had our very first run in that had me wanting to take a real good look into ya. I had been with my former crappy Puddin’ at the time and we were planning to cause some havoc for B-man, but you showed up first. That didn’t stop us from causin’ you some trouble too but you were really somethin’. A good kinda somethin’! You surpassed both mine and my ex-Puddin’s expectations by a long shot, putting us in our place real quick before B-man even made an appearance. But when he did finally roll around, my shitty ex had the audacity to use me as a distraction so he could getaway, puttin’ me in peril.
I’ll be honest I was worried there for a bit. Sure I was all laughs about it until it set in that my Puddin wasn’t gonna save me then the panic came. I mean hanging off a 70 story building by the tippy tips of ya fingers will do that to ya, ya’know? (To be honest, I don’t even know if it really was 70 stories but it sure as hell felt like it.) But then the most marvelous thing happened! My grip gave way and I was startin’ to fall only for an arm to shoot out and catch me!
Now, I was fully expecting B-man or one of his little birdies being the one who got to me but imagine my surprise when I was met with a new face. A really nice lookin’ face too! (At least from what I could tell.) Your grip on me was real strong and firm but it felt gentle all the same. Ya pulled me up and looked me all over for any serious damage, askin’ if I was alright. You didn’t manhandle or be too rough with me whatsoever. In fact you were real gingerly in checking me over. You also weren’t yellin’ or shoutin’ at me either, instead you were speaking slow and soft to me. I remember your voice bein’ real nice to listen to too. In that moment I realized you truly were somethin’ different, a breath of fresh air compared to the rest of the heroes coming out of the woodworks in Gotham.
You were just so nice to me, even though we tried to kill ya and cause some psychological damage along the way (sort bout that by the way😅), but you were still worried about little ol’ me. I don’t even think B-man has ever been really genuinely concerned about my well-being before, at least not like you were, when my Puddin’s used me like a meat shield. If it weren’t for his no killing hangup he probably would have let me die plenty of times before. But you actually cared! I don’t know what exactly it was but somethin’ about ya that night made me feel all tingly and warm inside and I liked it. Then the next thing I knew you were gone chasing after B-man and my ex-Puddin’ leavin’ me feelin’ cold and alone. Ever since then I’ve been keepin’ a close eye on ya. Hell, I even dumped my Puddin’ right after that incident. Ya should have seen his face, thinkin’ I wasn’t serious only for him to come mopin’ around wantin’ me back. But I stood my ground. Besides, I already had my eye on somethin’ better. Or rather someone better.
Like I said before, I’ve been keepin’ my eye on ya since then and I’m so glad I did. Sure some people would call it “stalking” but I prefer to call it “closely admiring from a reasonable and legal distance”. Except those few times I did let myself into your place and took a peek around. I didn’t take anything though, at least nothing you’d notice but that’s not what’s important. What is important though is how much you’ve opened my eyes to new horizons beyond just stupid ol’ Joker and everything that has to do with him. I still do the odd crime here and there but they’re no way near the same extremes like they used to be. I only really do somethin’ bad when I know you’re on patrol and will for sure be the one to stop my shenanigans. Honestly, I just want the chance to see and talk to ya again. Don’t even get me started about all the times when I have caused mischief only for B-man or one of his birdies to be the one to show up instead of you. I’ve never felt so disappointed and upset before. All that time and effort only for some other big baddie or even a small petty criminal to take up your attention away from me. It really gets under my skin. Would I say I’m jealous though? Not really. Okay maybe a little but can ya blame me? After all this time I finally have somethin’ good in my life that’s gettin’ me to change perspective only to have to share it with others who have no intention on changin’ for anybody! They’re a waste of your time but I get that you gotta stick to your goodey-goodey schtick, that’s who ya are after all. But still it gets me feelin’ some type of way, and not in a good way either.
I can’t help that you’ve become something so prominent to me in such a short amount of time, although I know ya don’t know just how much ya truly mean to me. I’ve even started focusing on doing more good than bad, little by little ya’ know? Baby steps. You’re a good part of why I started leaning more towards being good but it was also due to another incident I got in. I won’t go into it but let’s just say it involved a lower criminal who just wouldn’t stop runnin’ his mouth about ya and I wasn’t havin’ any of it. I admit I may have gone a little overboard with getting my a point across but he deserved it. He had no right talkin’ about ya like that! Sure, he’ll probably never wake up from his coma and is in a permanent vegetative state but you can’t say he isn’t technically still alive. So at least I didn’t kill him kill him, right? Hey, what can I say this goodey stuff is still pretty new to me. At least I’m tryin’ my best. There was also some other stuff involved besides him bad mouthin’ ya but I can’t for the life of me remember what it was but I’m sure it also was well deserving of an ass kickin’.
Oh goodness gracious, look at me ramblin’ away as usual! Ya got that kind of affect on me, ya’know? But anyhoo, I should really end this letter before I start spillin’ all my beans. I need to keep some secrets to myself after all. But maybe I’ll get around to tellin’ ya those ones too when we’re much more acquainted. But don’t worry ya little ol’ head though, sugar, everythin’ will come to fruition in due time and the two of us will be together! I just gotta get a few of my duckies in a row before we take the plunge but it’ll all be worth it in the end and you’ll finally be all mine!
See ya soon, sugar! Don’t miss me too much though~ Before ya know it we’ll be makin’ up for all our lost time and really gettin’ to know each other! But until then I’ll leave ya with this and a few gifts I left behind for ya too!
Lots of lovin’,
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hopefulatrocity · 7 days
More Polin coded songs:
Beautiful Things by Benson Boone.
This one reminds me so much of the desperation in Colin's eyes when he's confessing his feelings to Pen. He's so worried he's going to lose her, not just to Debling, but because he took so long to realize his feelings.
"I found my mind, I'm feelin' sane
It's been a while, but I'm finding my faith
If everything's good and it's great
Why do I sit and wait 'til it's gone?
Oh, I'll tell ya, I know I've got enough
I've got peace and I've got love
But I'm up at night thinkin'
I just might lose it all
Please stay
I want you, I need you, oh God
Don't take
These beautiful things that I've got"
Salvation by Gabrielle Aplin
"I never meant to fall for you but I
Was buried underneath and
All that I could see was white
My salvation"
Dandelions by Ruth B
"And I've heard of a love that comes once in a lifetime
And I'm pretty sure that you are that love of mine
'Cause I'm in a field of dandelions
Wishing on every one that you'd be mine, mine
And I see forever in your eyes
I feel okay when I see you smile, smile"
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mysteryshoptls · 1 year
SR Sebek Zigvolt Masquerade Dress Personal Story: Part 1
"I shall thoroughly beat it into your head!"
Part 1 (Part 2)
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[Noble Bell College – Lecture Hall]
Malleus: ♪~
Azul: ♪~
Idia: ♪~
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Noble Bell College Student A: Night Raven College's singing earlier was spectacular, don't you think?
Noble Bell College Student B: Yes, their rhythm and pitch were perfect… They were also so expressive; it just drew me in!
Aide: They prepared such a spectacular performance for our little social exchange… How inspiring!
Ruggie: Shishishi! All them folks at Noble Bell College had their socks blown off, looks like.
Jamil: Seems as though our surprise was a big success.
Sebek: What overwhelming singing talent, it enchanted all who heard it!
Sebek: The sheer strength and beauty of that resounding singing voice is impossible for me to begin to describe…
Sebek: My whole body is still shaking from the strong emotions welling up inside.
Sebek: I will forever remember being able to stand alongside you for the rest of my life!!
Jamil: Sebek's the same as always.
Jamil: He already heard Malleus-senpai's singing dozens of times during practice, and his reactions are still over the top.
Ruggie: Well, that's the hardcore Draconian for ya. I'm thinkin' he's gonna be this noisy for a little while longer, now.
Ruggie: Eh, as long as he doesn't cause us any headaches, we can just let him do whatever.
[Sebek rushes up]
Ruggie: Ack! He's coming this way…!
Sebek: Surely you both must have felt so enthralled to witness Malleus-sama's performance earlier!
Sebek: There is no doubt, none at all, that you must feel the urge to vocalize those passionate feelings with someone else!
Sebek: Come, share with me your impressions of my liege's singing abilities!
Jamil/Ruggie: …
Ruggie: Yeah, it was good. Didn't expect anythin' less from Malleus-san! So, anyway… I'll leave you to it, Jamil-kun.
Sebek: Wait, human!
Ruggie: Hey, what gives! I told you what I thought already, didn't I? I'm busy tryin' to chow down on all the different foods they got here at the masquerade!
Sebek: Is that all you thought!? There is no feasible way that such empty words are suitable for a song sung by Malleus-sama!
Jamil: Yeah. Keep on going, Ruggie, until Sebek's satisfied.
Ruggie: Maybe you can show me how it's done, Jamil-kun! I think you have a bigger vocabulary than me, anyhow.
Sebek: Are the two of you listening to me? Hurry and praise Malleus-sama's spectacular singing voice.
Sebek: Or do you dare to tell me that you were so preoccupied with your own roles that you neglected to pay any attention to his magnificent singing?
Sebek: If so, I shall have to rake you over the coals!
Ruggie: Ugggh, this is gonna be a pain. We gotta do somethin' fast… Hm, what's goin' on over there?
Aide: Vice President, are you sure you do not wish to speak to Malleus-san? I remember you had been looking forward to it before the event began.
Vice President: I think I'll refrain. I felt it from his performance earlier, too, but he's got a really intense aura about him.
Vice President: So, it's kind of frightening to go up to him.
Ruggie: …Shishishi, I just thought of something good.
Ruggie: C'mon, Sebek-kun. Of course we were listening.
Ruggie: But honestly, we got a bigger issue on our hands… See that Noble Bell College Student Council Vice President over there?
Ruggie: That guy listened to our performance, and is sayin' something like, "I don't want to get closer to Malleus-san."!
Sebek: WH-WHAT!?!? IS THAT SO!?
Ruggie: I definitely heard it. Jamil-kun, you heard it too, right?
Jamil: Yeah. I definitely heard something like that.
Sebek: How utterly rude of them to speak ill of Malleus-sama as such! I cannot allow this to pass! I must thoroughly chastise him!
[Sebek rushes away]
Ruggie: Have fuuuuun~!
Part 1 (Part 2)
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Requested by Anonymous.
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eirian · 5 months
havin thots. if this makes u uncomfy i understand and u have the freedom to unfollow or block, curate ya own experience i wont be mad
prefacing this by saying i still have my own standards and havent flipped to Supporting certain things, my opinions on the way i view things have just kind of shifted
so theres a convo going on on a post ive reblogged elsewhere abt the morality of portraying certain things in fiction and how it may or may not reflect on the creator irl and it rly made me think abt stuff
ive always been a believer in the idea of fiction 100% affecting reality and that if u write smth nasty theres gotta b a reason for that somehow. but after reading some pieces im kinda thinkin like. idk. i do agree that fiction can affect reality still, i think thats undeniable, and sometimes ppl who write certain things in fiction CAN and ARE actually into those things irl. but now im also of the opinion that not everyone is in that category and some ppl just want to explore things in fiction that they would never ever support or do irl for one reason or another. fiction can affect or reflect reality but in the end fiction is not reality. i think both can be true. just...make sure things are tagged bc a lot of ppl Including Me dont want to see certain shit in their fandom tags.
like idk. i hate certain subjects in fiction like of course pedophilia and underage torture porn and incest and i will never ever support or tolerate those things. but at this point ppl have the right to write about them themselves if it stays in fiction. fiction has always been a place to explore shit without it being done in the real world (even tho again i do know some ppl Do like these things irl. just not everybody). i feel like i would be a hyprocrite if i condemned everyone who writes content like that and then turned around and continued indulging in my own interests like at the very least the violence and murder in dragon ball and the other evil/problematic characters im interested in. ive literally written some brutal murder shit and...well. zamasu and goku black. thats all i rly need to say abt that lol.
that being said the anti/proship shit is still stupid as hell to me. i dont condone attacking ppl and dogpiling and witch hunting for writing nasty shit even if it grosses me out personally, but i also cant stand ppl who make being into fictional gross shit Their Entire Personality and act like theyre doing something by flaunting it. yknow. both extremes are stupid and i wish it would die already
so ya. i most likely wont b making any posts abt that shit in the future, im getting too old to be stressing abt shit like that. if someone squicks me out im going to block. thats it. and if you dont tag your shit im also blocking and then strangling you on top of it. thats all
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allzelemonz · 7 months
Nest: Micah Bell & Hosea Matthews
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Pairing Type: Platonic Primary Sex: background m/m Secondary Sex: background a/o Rating: M/References to sex Warnings: Omega Micah Bell, Omega Hosea Matthews, mating cycles, a/b/o, omegaverse, scent blockers, heat, mentions of omega pregnancy, good father Hosea, hint of John and Arthur being Hosea’s actual kids, background relationships: Hosea/Dutch, Arthur/Charles Summary: When Dutch’s clothes go missing when Hosea needs them to nest, the older Omega tracks them down. He never expected what he would find.
Hosea frowns at the meager collection of clothes in Dutch’s trunk. His heat is just around the corner and he was hoping to get a nest ready early, but Dutch barely has enough clothes to make a full set. No wonder he’s been going around in that union suit as a shirt instead of his usual put together look. Dutch enters the tent, sighing as he sits on his cot with a book in hand.
“Are the girls not doin’ laundry these days?” Hosea asks, squinting at a pair of pants that unfortunately does not smell like Dutch’s usual cigar and pine.
Dutch looks over at his Omega, frowning. “Thought ya took all that for your nest.
Hosea shakes his head. “I haven’t gotten around to makin’ it yet.”
“Maybe Charles took ‘em.” Dutch sighs. “You know how pregnant Omegas are when their Alphas ain’t around.”
Hosea gives Dutch a pointed look. “Yes, I’m quite familiar with the feeling.”
“John and you both came out a’ that just fine.”
“Arthur thought I was dying.” Hosea chuckles.
Dutch returns the humor. “He has always been a bit dramatic.”
“It amazes me he’s not yours.”
“No,” Dutch smirks, leaning closer to his Omega. “He gets all those dramatics from his conman father.”
Hosea presses a quick kiss to Dutch’s lips. “Hush.”
Dutch grabs his Omega by the chin. “Could always have another pup, just to see who’s right.”
“Now, Dutch, I’m far too old to be thinkin’ about that.” Hosea says, his cheeks dusting pink.
Dutch smiles, looking fondly at the added color on his Omega’s face. “Still having heats, aren’t you?”
“I said, hush.”
“Fine, fine…” Dutch sighs. “Least come read with me.”
Hosea smiles, joining Dutch on the cot and curling up against him. They stay like that for a good while, until the sky is dark. Then Dutch tosses his book away and  lies down with Hosea in his arms for the night.
The next morning, Hosea goes to see Charles with the intention of asking about Dutch’s missing clothes. His son’s mate says he didn’t take them, happily nestled in a nest of Arthur’s belongings. The other Omegas have no idea either, each denying any knowledge of it all. It isn’t until he sees a familiar red fabric on the ground by a certain horse that he gets any clue. Baylock pays him no mind when he picks up Dutch’s vest, content to eat the bag of oats in front of him. Micah really does spoil that horse. Hosea walks past the treeline, following his nose as it catches a scent he’s never smelled before. It’s sweet, an Omega’s scent. Something like peppermint and cinnamon.
Did Micah bring an Omega back to camp?
Micah knows the rules, but that certainly doesn’t mean he’d follow them. The Beta has always been a pain to Hosea. The trail ends near a small clearing, the scent becoming overwhelming. Hosea looks over the area, hoping he doesn’t find the blond rat tormenting some poor Omega. A few steps in and Hosea catches the faint scent of his Alpha, likely from his missing clothes. As he peers around a tree, Hosea catches sight of a familiar leather coat. Micah is hunched over a collection of blankets and clothes, throwing them around frantically. It reminds Hosea of a young Omega during their first heat.
Against his better judgment, Hosea steps closer. “Mister Bell?”
Micah spins around, one hand on a gun and the other gripping a red bandana with white knuckles. Hosea puts his hands up, eyeing Micah carefully. The blond is sweating, his pants are stained in a way that makes Hosea blush, and his hands shake. All the months Micah has spent with the gang, Hosea can’t recall ever seeing Micah Bell have such an unsteady grip on his beloved guns.
“W-What ‘re ya doin’ out here, old fella?” Micah’s voice wavers as he speaks.
Hosea raises his eyebrows, trying to appear non threatening. “Are you an Omega, Mister Bell?”
The man’s face goes red, his fingers turning white around the revolver as he shakes. “N-No!”
Hosea finds himself thinking of John just a few years ago. The boy was so shocked and embarrassed that he’d presented as an Omega. It’s understandable in this life, in every life really. A man like Micah being an Omega, that must’ve been hard. Hosea has heard the stories Micah has told about his father, and while he spoke of the Alpha in reverence, Hosea doubts he was any real father to an Omega son.
“I’m an Omega, Micah.” Hosea says softly. “I know it can be hard.”
“S-Shut up!” Micah says through shaky breaths, likely feeling another wave of his heat.
Hosea nods towards the terribly made nest. “Let me help you with that.”
Micah shivers, ducking his head as he lowers the gun. Hosea takes the opportunity and approaches the nest. He ignores the other Omega’s obsession with his Alpha and arranges the blankets and bedrolls into a proper nest. Micah watches him carefully, his eyes following every piece of Dutch’s clothes as Hosea lays them out.
“Did no one ever teach you?” Hosea asks, not meaning to sound harsh as he does, but it’s hard when there’s an instinct telling him to be protective of his Alpha.
“No…” Micah says softly, the softest Hosea’s ever heard him.
Hosea looks at the man. He’s not a child, not new to this, yet he’s gone his whole life not knowing a damn thing about his own health. Hosea finds himself pitying him, despite his hateful attitudes.
“We’ll talk when you’re done with your heat.” Hosea says, stepping out of the nest. “I’ll teach you.”
The same way he taught John. The same way he taught Tilly. The same way he taught any other lost Omegas that ran with the gang for a time. Hosea Matthews doesn’t leave people behind, no matter how awful they are.
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seijohmp4 · 2 years
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a late night gas station run that ends in secret feelings from you and atsumu being shared.
# atsumu miya x gn!reader
word count: 1.1k words
warnings: flirty gas station worker
vinn's note: woo first fic! enjoy
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“Yer tellin’ me you won’t go to the park with me?”
“Atsumu, it’s three in the morning.”
You scoff, rolling your eyes at the sheer audacity Atsumu Miya has to wake you up at three in the morning to ask if you want to go to the park. “‘Samu didn’t want to come, so I wanted to see if my favorite team manager wanted to,” He had whined. You almost face palmed at his flattery.
“I’ll even buy ya a drink. Free a’ charge.” He said, trying to bribe you.
And you hated to admit it was working.
Not only because a drink sounded good, but because spending time with Atsumu also sounded good. However, you’d rather die than admit you’d ever want to willingly spend time with Atsumu. It'd ruin your reputation of “hating” him (even though you’re sure no one, especially Atsumu himself, believes you hate him; in fact, they’re all sure you’re in love with him, which you deny vehemently).
“Fine,” You grumble, rolling your eyes. “But I better get my free drink.”
“Good! ‘Cause I’m already outside of your house.”
You hastily draw your curtains, peeking through your blinds. Sure enough, Atsumu Miya is outside of your house, in his sleek, black car (definitely bought by his dad). With the window rolled down, you could see his cheeky grin as he waved at you. You’re going to kill him.
Silently, you hang up on him, grumbling about how much of an idiot he was (even if his stupid grin made your heart flutter more than you cared to admit). Getting dressed in the first things you could find— An oversized hoodie and sweatpants— You were quick, but quiet, to get out of the house.
The door was opened for you before you even got to the car. You were quick to climb in, gently shutting the car door, before looking over at Atsumu. His smirk made you want to punch him in the face (and then kiss it afterwards).
“My hoodie, huh?”
Huh? Confused, you looked down, and the first thing you had thrown in was the hoodie Atsumu had given you. Heat rises to your face, but you turn away before you give him another reason to tease you. “Shut up,” You scoff. You can hear his snicker.
“Whatever you say, sweetheart,” He replies, and you can only feel the heat on your face rise in temperature. Atsumu drives off from your driveway afterwards, smoothly driving on the road. He throws a quick glance your way before his eyes go back to the road. “I was thinkin’ that we go get drinks, and then go to the park after. That sound good?” You nod.
He turns on music, and that’s what fills the silence on the way to the gas station. It wasn’t a very long drive, with it just a few minutes away from your house. The both of you get out and make your way inside. The only worker in there looks up from his phone to the two of you. Politely, you smile at him, but as soon as you feel his eyes on you for the rest of the time you’re in there, you realize you might’ve made a mistake.
With your guys’ drinks, you both make your way up to the counter. While Atsumu gets his money out, and the worker begins scanning your items, he smiles at you. “You doin’ okay tonight, cutie?” He asks. You shift uncomfortably, but open your mouth to respond, but Atsumu beats you to it.
“We’re doin’ okay,” He answers for you, an irritated smile on his face.
The worker looks Atsumu up and down, scoffs, and then looks back at you. “You want to ditch this guy, cutie? We can go and have sun fun by ourselves.” Once again, you open your mouth to respond, but Atsumu speaks before you can.
“I said,” He says, a growl to his words; he wraps an arm around your waist and pulls you into his side, your eyes growing wide. “We’re doin’ fine. Now, stop fuckin’ talkin’ and ring our shit up.”
Holy shit.
The worker rolls his eyes. He begins bagging your items up, but before Atsumu can snatch the bag up, he leans closer to you. “You know where to find me for a good time, cutie.” He purrs.
You cringe but try your best to remain polite. Atsumu, however, was fed up. He snatched up the bag, his knuckles white from how hard he was clenching his fists. He practically dragged you to the car with him. His eyes were downcast in a glare and his jaw was tense; he was pissed.
“Atsumu!” You yelp as he pulls a little too rough on you. He looks over at you, clearly still mad, but he visibly softens at the sight of you. He sighs, finally letting go of you.
“‘M sorry. Are ya hurt?” He asks.
You sigh and shake your head. “What was that about, ‘Tsumu?”
He scowls at the mere mention of what just happened. “That asshole was flirting with you,” He says, as if the words were laced with poison.
“I know that! But you got so… mad about it,” You say, making sure you weren’t going to set him off. Atsumu had quite a temper on him, even though most of the time he hid it behind jokes. Pissing him off even more while he was already this mad would be dangerous.
“I was jealous,” He growls. “Ya happy? Ya gonna make fun a’ me or what?”
You soften. “Of course not, ‘Tsumu,” You answer softly, and he relaxes at your words. “You know I wasn’t even paying attention to what that guy was saying, right? He doesn’t matter to me, ‘Tsumu. You do.”
Friends don’t say things like this to each other.
Friends don’t get jealous when a guy flirts with you.
Friends don’t sneak not-so-sneaky glances at each other’s lips.
Friends don’t lean in.
But you are. You’re leaning in before you can stop yourself, and so is Atsumu, and it feels like all the stars collide as your lips meet. His lips are a little chapped, but you don’t mind. The kiss itself is a little rough, but you don’t find yourself upset about it. Instead, your hands fist into Atsumu’s shirt and you pull him closer.
By the time both of you pull away, you’re panting and staring at each other with red eyes. Atsumu’s face is flushed, and his mocha eyes won’t leave yours. “Holy shit,” You mutter between breaths.
“Did we just kiss?”
“Yeah,” Atsumu pants. “We did.”
There’s a pause.
“Are we…?” You trail off, but you’re sure Atsumu knows what you mean.
“If you want to then… yeah,” He answers.
“Yeah, yeah,” You say. “I do.”
“So, it’s official. We’re dating.”
A smile forms on your lips upon him saying it out loud. “We’re dating,” You parrot.
Holy shit. You’re dating Atsumu Miya.
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aurelim · 7 months
FWB Prompt(s) with Maddox
Started writing randomly when I found this FWB prompt list by @creativepromptsforwriting. I began writing for "They enjoy having sex together a lot and do it so regularly that they start to feel very comfortable at each other’s places" but then switched gears into "Person A always asks Person B to spent the night together, because they’re already sleeping together, so why not actually sleep together. But Person B always declines. Until one night." So now you get both worlds.
Content warnings: sexually suggestive content?, language (f-bomb but only one)
“Hey, [name], have ya seen my sweat rag? I left it here last time but I wasn’t able to find it.” You sit up on your bed as you watch Maddox walk around the room, checking behind the door and drawers.
They comb through each drawer meticulously, their brows furrowed together. A slip of pink sticks out from between their thinned lips before withdrawing along with their body. They hold up the piece of cloth, running their hand over the once neatly-folded item. “Why was it folded and stowed in your drawers?”
You cannot help the pink in your cheeks that bloom as you admire them. For a moment, you are distracted by their physique, eyes drawing over every curve and muscle of their body. You do not notice your tongue swiping across the surface of your lip until you see Maddox watching the motion, their eyes following the line of your lip. Suddenly, their eyes snap up to meet yours, and that’s when you see desire sparkling among blue eyes.
“Did you…hear me?”
You reluctantly tear your eyes away from them to your hands lying on your lap. “I left it there because I knew you would look for it.”
“What? Ya wanted to keep it?” Hearing your words seems to have boosted their ego, head perking up as a cocky smirk graces their features. Your heart leaps out into Maddox’s arms, belonging entirely to them. They have not smiled since they came to your front door last night, and you had found it strange when Maddox asked to stay the night. They never stay, leaving once your time together is finished. At least they have finally managed to smile, even if it was at your expense.
Your face is likely burning, but you reject the implication. “N–”
“You could have just asked to keep it and I would’ve let ya. That way ya won’t forget me!” At their words, you pause. Finally, you see what has been bothering them so much. You cannot help but frown once you make the connection of why they have not smiled until now; why they stayed the night.
“Maddox.” The single name stops them from making another comment, lips parted. “What’s going on with you?”
“What d’ya mean?”
“You know what I mean.”
Maddox does not respond. Of course they know, but they would never admit it.
“Maddox,” you begin once more. “Did something happen to you?”
“Is it a crime to miss ya?” they try for a rebuttal matched with a smile, although it wavers under your stare.
Hearing you say it again once more, they finally sigh. “Alright, fine. It’s just…I was thinkin’ about what life would be like once you go back. You said you was going to go back eventually, so…it made me miss ya.”
“I haven’t left yet.”
“But you will. One day, you will.” They suddenly lean forward, reaching across to grab your hands. Their hands are freezing. You almost let go from the shock, but their grip tightens. Slowly, they inch towards you.
You smile, trying to hide the sorrow you feel. “I can visit you. We can hang out again.”
Maddox sighs, before letting go of your hand. Your hands feel cold now, even though their hands were colder.
“It isn’t the same, [name].” Your name is whispered gently like a prayer. It sounds so pretty coming from their lips.
Your heart throbs. It sinks and rises with pain; it hurts so, so, much. “Are you saying we should cut things off now, before it gets too messy?”
“Yes. Well, no, but yes.” Gods, you knew the answer was coming, but it still hurts hearing it said out loud. “Not yet, but…someday we will have to, before you go back. There’s no way we can have this relationship–I’m not even sure how I can fuck a Merfolk, anyway.”
Despite the serious topic, you laugh. Their smile lights up, and they surge forward with their entire body to pin you to the bed. Their face hovers inches from your face, and you are so close that you can see their eyelashes flutter against their cheek.
No matter what angle you look at them, they always look stunning.
Maddox presses down against the edge of your mouth, applying soft kisses around your jaw and collarbone. You are desperate against their touch, and you move with a matched rhythm.
Your problems can be put aside for now.
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TPS Part 12: Visions and Quidditch
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Ah'm sittin in a chair by the fire an Ah feel off. Not meltin down bad but still off.
"Toby? What’s wrong?"
"Um, can Ah talk ta you, Jacklin?"
"Of course. I was just about to get the gift I bought in Germany for you."
Ah go up ta mah dorm room. Jacklin comes up wit a real thin box. Ah look at the box, feelin' excited an' scared 'cause Ah dunno what's inside.
Ah open the box an’ reach in ta see if Ah can feel somethin inside.
"A board?"
"It's a hand carved wizard's chess set. There should be little wooden chess pieces as well.
Ah look at the hand carved chess set. They're all tiny an’ detailed an' Ah can see they took some time ta make.
"I remember you said you once had a vision about wizard's chess. Germany specializes in wooden gifts, so I just had to have my father buy this for you."
Ah start lookin' at all tha pieces an’ lookin' at 'em one at a time while Ah hold 'em in mah hands, turnin' 'em over an' lookin' at all tha details.
"The detailin' on these're amazing."
"I think this could be a great way to use your Seer abilities. Wizard's chess is all about trying to think multiple moves ahead and predict what the other player might do."
Ah hold a couple of tha pieces up an’ start settin' ‘em up on tha wooden board. Ah smile as Ah start settin' ‘em up an’ start feelin' more an' more comfortable with the idea. It's all comin’ together in mah head.
"Um. Jacklin Ah saw somethin on the train that Ah think ya oughta know."
"What is it, Toby?"
"Well Ah got another Dumbledore frog card an had a vision a ya. Ah saw ya standin in front a some kinda mirror holdin a ruby. Then Ah saw Quirrell flyin up in the air like he was tryna attack ya."
She rubs her chin which tells me she's thinkin bout it.
"Yes I did some research on Nicolas Flamel. Let me see your card."
Ah give 'er the card.
"Alright. Nicolas Flamel was the wizard who created the Philosopher's Stone. You can use that stone to make the Elixir of Life. It can also make metal become gold."
"So it's real valuable?"
Ah start ta have a moment where everythang comes tagether.
"Ah think Dumbledore's hidin the stone cause he knows somebody's gonna steal it."
"That would make sense."
"But why here? The stone's Flammel's so Ah'd thought he'd be the one ta say what should be done wit it."
"I think it's because everyone knows Nicolas Flamel would have the Philosopher's stone. Headmaster Dumbledore would likely want to protect the stone so no one could steal it. We only know that he's using Fluffy, the three headed dog, to guard a trapdoor. He could have multiple traps involved meant to slow down or attack the potential thief."
"Yeah. Yeah. Ah get it."
We start talkin bout random thangs till Ah start thinkin bout Quidditch.
"Did yer Seeker Sean Lee get better?"
"Yes he's fully healed. The problem's that he doesn't have enough money for a new broom. A mending spell can only be done if something was only broken for a few minutes. By the time all the pieces of his broom were retrieved the spell didn't work."
"Oh. So that means yer the new Seeker till he gets a broom?"
"Yes, our next game is in March. I have to spend a lot of my free time working on my flying skills."
Ah start imaginin Jacklin flyin through hoops an all tryna catch the gold ball.
"Tell me agin how this points thang works fer the Quidditch Cup?"
"The team with the most amount of points scored after every game wins. Gryffindor can lose to another team, but can still win if we score a lot of points in our other two games. Wins only matter for the House Cup because winning a Quidditch match only gives you 50 points."
"How's it look fer Gryffindor now?"
She pulls a quill outta nowhere an some paper. Ah see a buncha numbers that mean nothin ta me.
"Gryffindor is in first place with 170 points. Ravenclaw is in second place because they only only scored 160 points. Slytherin is in third place because they lost against us and only scored 60 points. Hufflepuff is last because it was a very short game and they only scored 50 points."
"When's the next game?"
"Ravenclaw/Slytherin should be played near the end of February. Whoever wins would take the lead because they would have played two games while we only played one so far."
Ah can't do all that math so Ah try ta get ta the point a thangs.
"Wha's the biggest match in the year ta worry bout?"
"The most important match would be our match against Ravenclaw in May. The final match is always important because it determines the final total of points for two teams. A team could be in last place but win the Quidditch Cup because they scored so many points in the final match in addition to catching the Golden Snitch."
"So it ain't ever over till the final ball's caught in the season."
"That's right, Toby. The last match is about more than just winning. It's about how many points you score before you win. It can also be a matter of knowing you can lose and still win the Quidditch Cup."
Mah head gets all fuzzy an Ah shake it.
"Good thang Ah don't play Quidditch. Ah dunno how ya keep track a that."
"Yes I'm sure figuring out how to make a banner for Gryffindor would be complicated enough as it is."
Ah realize Ah gotta ferget bout the stone an focus on makin a banner. If Jacklin's game ain't until March Ah got bout 2 months ta make somethin that'll look good.
Time Skip
"Ok Jacklin, the game starts in 10 minutes. How's the points lookin fer Gryffindor?"
"We dropped all the way down to 3rd place. Since Slytherin won they jumped up to 1st place with 240 points. Ravenclaw only scored 60 points so they moved up to 2nd place with 220 points."
"So ya get 1st place agin if ya win right?"
"Yes of course, Toby."
"How're ya feelin bout that?"
"This is my first game starting so I do feel a little nervous. But enough about that. How did your Gryffindor banner turn out, Toby?"
Ah hold up the Gryffindor banner an' Ah point ta the lion.
"Ah did it all by mahself! Lion's got a scarf an a broom."
The picture is colored red an' yellow to look like Gryffindor colors. Jacklin looks at the banner like it's the most important thin' in the world.
"It looks lovely. You did a great job, Toby. I hope I can see it while I'm up in the air."
"We wanna cheer as loud as we can for ya."
Ah hear somebody blowin a whistle. Ah look up an see Snape yellin at some Hufflepuff kids.
"Snape's the ref?"
"Yes and the whole team's concerned that he's going to be nothing but biased against Gryffindor."
Ah see McGonagall come up ta the field wit Sprout. This' the first time Ah'm realizin Sprout's the teacher in charge a Hufflepuff. No wonder she likes Pacer helpin 'er so much.
"Oh I need to line up with my team. You should go up to the stands with Gryffindor, Toby."
Ah start makin' mah way up ta the stands. When Ah sit down, Ah see tha Captains get all ready in the middle a the field.
"Captains shake hands."
Snape watches 'em shake.
"I will not hesitate to penalize anyone for rule breaking."
Ah sit waitin' for the game ta begin. Ah can hear Professor Snape shoutin' out all the pre-game rules.
He blows his whistle an Ah hear the announcer start callin the game.
"And the Quaffle is off, Gryffindor takes possession with Chaser Katie Bell trying to score!"
Gryffindor cheers as Katie Bell flies out ta catch the basketball. Ah watch as she swoops an’ tries ta get inta the scorin ring. Ah think she's gonna make it, but Hufflepuff Seeker's right there in her way. Snape blows his whistle.
"Blocking on Gryffindor! Hufflepuff will receive a penalty shot."
The Gryffindor crowd groans an moans, upset over the ref's call. Ah think Ah get wha' Jacklin's said bout it but Ah’m happy ta see the Gryffindor players gettin' all fired up.
"After a questionable call by Professor Snape, Chaser Beatrice Haywood takes the shot! It goes right in and Hufflepuff leads 10 to 0!"
Ah see one a the Gryffindor players get all mad. They got one a the black balls an use their club ta hit it right at Snape. Ah jus know that ain't good as he dodges it an blows his whistle.
"Bumphing on Gryffindor! Hufflepuff will receive another penalty shot."
"Booooooo! Booooo!"
A lotta Gryffindors boo an Ah dunno why. Jacklin did tell me the black ball can really hurt somebody if ya get hit by it.
"After that act of aggression by Jimmy Peakes, Beatrice Haywood once again lines up for the penalty shot! She makes the throw and Hufflepuff extends their lead 20 to 0!"
More groans an’ sighs as Hufflepuff score. Ah watch as Jacklin flies round. Ah see a lil flash go by 'er an she chases after it.
"Jacklin Gryffindor's following the Snitch! She's diving at such a fast speed! But watch out, Professor Snape's right in her path and there could be a collision!"
She seems ta be movin' way too fast. Ah feel real nervous. Ah start sayin' stuff under mah breath an' Ah hope Ah don’t say it out loud.
"She's running out of room and Snape is almost right in front of her! She's reaching out for the Snitch! She caught it and stops just in time! Unbelievable! With not even a meter left to spare Jacklin Gryffindor catches the Snitch and stopped her broom on a dime!"
It’s like the whole stadium jus stopped breathein'. Ah almost can’t breathe right after tha shock of her stoppin’ 'er broom. Ah see Snape blow his whistle an looks so Ah dunno? Bored? Yeah tha's a good word. Like he ain't happy bout Jacklin almos crashin inta him but he ain't all that mad either.
"Gryffindor wins. 150 to 20."
They're all cheerin' an’ screamin' 'er name. Dumbledore stands up an’ claps real hard.
"Well done Miss Gryffindor! Well done!"
She glides back towards the Gryffindor stands an’ Ah start applaudin' just as loud as Ah possibly can. She comes closer an' her face starts turnin' tha reddest Ah ever saw it.
"That was so embarrassing. I don't know what I would have done if I did crash into Professor Snape. He could have gotten seriously hurt."
"Ah know! Jus bout everybody could barely breathe when it happened. Ah thought yer broom ain't that fast?"
"Even with it's lower speed, it's very difficult to stop that quickly. I have got to work on knowing when to stop. That was 3 times now that I almost had a terrible collision."
"Yeah. That was real close. Ah’m jus glad the crash didn't happen."
She gets exactly what Ah mean. She nods an’ she looks at me wit that smile a her's like she’s fallin' in love. Nah, she's jus bein' friendly.
"Players shake hands!"
They finish their shake. Jacklin turns ta walk back ta the Gryffindor team when Ah see tha Hufflepuff Seeker look at her an’ say somethin’ like, "Good game." Ah start lookin’ at Jacklin an’ Ah see her face turnin’ red. It's real cute.
Time Skip
"So now that we won, Gryffindor got an extra 50 points for the House Cup and a total of 320 points in the Quidditch Cup."
"So we're in 1st agin yeah?"
"Of course. We now have an 80 point lead over Slytherin. They can retake the lead though if they beat Hufflepuff."
Ah start ta feel real bad fer Hufflepuff. Seems like the House tha's always gettin beat up by the other Houses. Ah hope Pacer ain't gonna start hatin me cause we beat his team.
"Jacklin? We supposed ta like Hufflepuff?"
"Of course, Toby. I know we have a rivalry but it's not as if we're supposed to hate everyone in the other Houses. The only reason we're divided like this is because the founders of Hogwarts valued different traits and magical abilities."
"Like what? Ah know the hat was talkin all bout it at the beginnin a the year but was it always like that?"
Ah see 'er thinkin bout it. Ah'm almos expectin 'er ta start givin me a history lesson bout Godric an all. Ah ain't gonna mind it but Ah dunno how much Ah'll understand it.
"When Hogwarts was founded, wizards had to live amongst humans and try not to get exposed. Godric was well known as a duelist. He valued humans' resourcefulness when he saw that they used swords in place of wands."
"See! Ah've been tryna keep it ta mahself but magic's gotta be so complicated fer no reason. Y'all don't even got backpacks! No wonder Godric loved usin a sword. That's gotta be the most useful weapon ever! Ah dunno why they don't teach us how ta use a sword. Wha's stoppin a wizard from attackin ya if ya lose yer wand? Nothin! A sword's jus the coolest weapon ta use in a fight an y'all don't even wanna use it!"
"I do admit that's very much a point of view that has been lost over the centuries. Godric valued capable duelists as they could not only fight against other wizards but also humans."
"Well Godric's had good brains ta go wit his bravery. He reminds me a old stories bout knights who got this set a rules bout how ta fight good."
Ah see Jacklin takin a breath. Ah hope Ah didn't get outta hand wit mah ramblin.
"We did have a few wizards in Gryffindor who would go on to serve kings, so I think that is what Godric wanted. He wanted good duelists who were capable of fighting for what they thought was right. Even though the class didn't exist, he taught students how to duel and be able to defend themselves and their families against the Dark Arts."
Ah realize that makes sense cause even in his paintin in our dorms he's got a sword. A knight's cool. Ah dunno if Ah wanna fight people though. Ah think bein a Healer's the right path fer me but Ah still ain't sure.
"Do ya know much bout wha Hufflepuff's founder's like?"
"I admit that I'm not as aware of the history of the other founders. I believe that because a lot of children were orphaned either due to famine or war, Helga Hufflepuff was willing to take in any child with magic ability that wasn't accepted by the other three. She had an affinity towards Herbology, Potions, and identifying magical creatures."
That does kinda sound like me. Ah'm always outside when Ah can. Makes sense that the hat really thought Ah should be in that House.
"Yeah Ah can see now why Pacer's in that House. He's real good at Herbology. Wha bout the other Houses?"
"With Rowena Ravenclaw, she was the one who suggested Hogwarts should be built here. The school needed to be kept hidden from humans and according to legend, she had a dream about a warty hog showing her this land. It's entirely possible that because she seemed to know exactly where to build the school, she was a Seer. Divination, in fact was one of the classes she taught herself as it focuses a lot on creative interpretation of events."
Ah'm a Seer so maybe the hat was wrong bout me not bein in that House. Nah. Even though tha's what she liked don't mean the kids're like that. Ah see a buncha kids in that House runnin ta the library lookin fer the answer. They all turned it inta a competition bout who's the most clever or can finish their scrolls the fastest.
"So why's we usually mad at Slythrin?"
"Salazar Slytherin. That wizard is definitely well known in my family. Since wizards were in constant danger back then, he was less likely to accept children with human parents. He wanted students that were willing to step up and do what ever it takes to accomplish a goal. He really loved the Dark Arts and of course was a Parselmouth. Since you can't exactly teach that type of language, he specifically taught various dark spells and how to defend yourself against cursed beasts."
Ah think bout Slytherin. Somethin musta got lost over the centuries cause somebody wantin ta keep the school safe from scared humans don't mean they're evil.
"Ah dunno how everybody all got long when it was Quidditch time."
"Oh Quidditch, according to the book I was reading with you, wasn't invented until after the founders died."
"How'd it get ta other countries?"
"The United Kingdom was a powerful force so it had a lot of influence throughout Europe. The first official Quidditch Cup was in 1473 but didn't become a true Quidditch World Cup competition until the 1600s."
Ah honestly didn't know wha ta expect or how ta answer. Jus sayin ok seems like Ah'm jus ignorin 'er so Ah gotta think a somethin.
"How often's this game held? Ah know most sports're annual but then we got the Olympics which's every four years."
"Yes the Quidditch World Cup is typically held every four years. There have been some exceptions though but I won't go into all of that. The next one will be held here in the UK. I'll be sure to let you know more about it when it's closer to the tournament."
"Ok thanks."
Ah yawn an realize we were talkin a long time.
"Ah'm goin ta bed. Night Jacklin."
"Good night, Toby."
Ah start walkin on the stairs.
"Oh and by the way, my father sent me a letter that he wants you and your Pop's help on his trip to France. Do you think you can send him a letter in the morning?"
Ah stop.
"France?! Ya want me an Pop ta go ta France wit ya?"
"Of course I do. This is a very specific mission for his ambassadorship regarding human affairs. Every ally of the UK must go through a review process of carefully hidden magical locations. If a human can see it, then it can be a big problem."
"But Ah'm pureblooded. How's that gonna work?"
"If your Pop can't do magic, that makes him a squib. He would be allowed into places like the Leaky Cauldron and Platform 9 and Three Quarters because he would have to help you get your supplies and get on the train. Since these are highly confidential magical buildings, a squib by design wouldn't even be able to see it. Only those born with actual magical ability can see it."
".... So yer sayin if Pop can see somethin he shouldn't be able ta see in France that's bad?"
"Yes. In fact, this would be a lovely way to show me how to properly use the camera you gave me for Christmas. I'm afraid my pictures from our Germany trip didn't turn out so well. We can take pictures of anything that your Pop can see or anything in general that can be called unusual."
Ah yawn an the only thang Ah can do's jus say yes.
"Ok. Ah'll write Pop in the mornin."
"Excellent. This would be a great way to help my father. Thank you, Toby."
"No problem. Ah'm goin ta bed now."
"Yes, of course. Good night. For real this time."
Ah can't even say anythin. Ah stumble mah way ta mah room. It's all Ah can do ta feed Trevor before bed.
"Night Trevor."
Ah get under the covers an fall asleep fast.
Tagging: @arrolyn1114, @nemos-rapture, @xanatenshi, @briefpandatimemachine, @hooked-on-elvis, @vintagepresley, @aliengoth3, @smokeymountainboy, @bigdaddyelvislover, @mercsandmonsters, @pledgingmylovee, @presleysgirl6, @thetaoofzoe, and @elvispresley4life.
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gorous-fuck-toy · 2 years
Gorou x trans!reader (ftm)
D/N - deadname
Y/N - your name
Tw: deadnaming and misgendering at first (he dosen't know)
"Hey! D/N! There you are!" Gorou yells when he notices you. He dosen't notice how you flinch when you hear that name. "I've been looking all over for you D/N!" There it is again. It's been a few months since you came to realise, you're not a girl. You're a boy. But fear takes over you.
What if he breaks up with you because he's not into guys?
What if he thinks you're weird?
What if he starts making fun of you?
"Hey, D/N, do you think you c-"
"Gorou. We need to talk." His tail stopped swinging around and fell flat on his legs. "Oh, o-okay.."
You take him to a private area and think about how you're gonna say this.
"D/N, are you-"
"Stop calling me that." You say. Gorou looks confused before gasping. "Oh! I get it!" He says. "Y-you do?"
"Yeah! You want me to call you baby!" He says. "Baby, I'm sorry I-"
"No, gorou. It's not that. I..."
"Gorou, I don't... I don't want to be called D/N I want to be called Y/N."
"Y/N? Why?"
"I'm... I'm transgender." You finally say.
"Yeah. I.. I feel like a boy. I want to be a boy."
Gorou just looks at you for a few seconds before saying, "well, I guess I don't have a girlfriend." What? Was he seriously breaking up with you over this?
"W-what?" You finally manage to stumble out.
"Yeah," he says. "I have a boyfriend. And you're the best one I could ask for. Y/N, it might take me sometime to get used to calling you this, but I fully support you. I love you Y/N." Tears start to form in your eyes as you give him a big hug. "I love you so much, Gorou."
Tw: misgendering, transphobia
"Did you hear about generals girlfriend? Apparently she thinks shes a boy." One soldier said to the other. "Really? Ugh, born a girl, always a girl. Wonder how general feels about his girl thinkin' she's a boy."
"Did you mean, how I feel about my boyfriend being a boy?" Gorou says. "You disrespect my boyfriend one more time and you're out."
"B-but general, she can't just-"
"She can't change her-"
"He can't change his what?"
"Gender! She cant change her-"
"From now on, I will have everyone refer to you as a girl. Would ya like that??" He asks.
"No, of course not!"
"Then you will refer to my boyfriend as a man."
We stan supportive gorou 😤😤
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