#I had to change some stuff to make her more easy to interact with
hvbris · 5 months
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Full name: Juniper Hickory
Family: Hazel Hickory (mother), Oren Hickory (father, deceased)
Age: 14 and up to any age (depending on the timeline)
Date of Birth: March 20th (Pisces)
Height: 5’4’’
Hair: Ginger
Eyes: Green
Gender: Female
Sexuality: demisexual
Faceclaim: Amybeth McNulty
Status: test muse
Juniper is from District 7. Her father, Oren, died of a disease while her mother, Hazel, was pregnant. Juniper was born a weak and sickly baby, and the doctor said it was her father’s illness. It was the first day of spring, and Hazel thought she was going to lose her baby too. But Juniper survived spring, and come summer she was healed. Still, she had a fragile health and grew up to become a scrawny girl. The hunger didn’t help. Hazel worked hard in the paper factory to try and support her daughter, but money was scarce and food ever scarcer.
Fate struck the Hickory family again when Juniper was reaped at only 14. Hazel was desperate. Her daughter was weak and defenseless! Too fragile to be a lumber, Juniper had been helping at the factory for a few years now, which meant that, unlike most District 7 tributes, she’d never really handled an axe before.
To make matters worse, she had been reaped alongside her childhood friend, Alder. But Juniper, always a cheerful, positive girl, tried to present a joyful front even as she was dragged away from her mother by peacekeepers. If this was the last she was to see of home, she wanted to keep only the good memories in mind.
Her bubbly personality charmed the Capitol, but sponsors were not lining up to help her. Yes, she was sweet and charming, but it was hopeless! With her bony arms and big eyes, no one thought that she was going to last long. But while Juniper was bad at fighting, she was good at climbing and hiding. The arena, a dangerous mangrove with unpredictable tides, was deadly to a lot of tributes who didn’t know how to swim. Hiding in the trees allowed her to survive much longer than anyone could have expected.
But it was Alder who protected her until the end, taking a deadly blow from a career to keep her safe. After that, all Juniper could do was run, grief-stricken, and hope the boy wouldn’t catch her. Finally, he fell from his own injuries, and against all odds, Juniper was crowned victor.
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lullabestie14 · 1 month
Found this comment on Reddit. Couldn’t explain it better than this.
“It’s clear from Mist and Fury that the original ships were: Feysand, Nessian, Elucien, and Mor/Azriel. Like it’s so obvious the way she wrote Mor and Azriel; Mor even seems vaguely interested/torn about Az. Looking at interviews, SJM even talks about Elucien as a couple (eg where would they like to travel together, etc).
Flash forward to ACOWAR. For whatever reason (lack of chemistry with Az, wanting more diversity) SJM has Mor say that she prefers women. This time the Az-pining-for-Mor is more desperate/feels like a zero chance of being requited. SJM also introduces Az as a potential love interest for Elain because she loves throwing a wrench. Just because Elucien are mates doesn’t mean they’ll have it easy; SJM’s whole thing is angst. She had to throw in a love triangle to make it uncertain. This is the first couple where mate status is confirmed upon meeting.
But there’s a problem now. If Az and Mor are no longer endgame, who will they end up with? is it not suspicious that the two new characters introduced in SF (Gwyn and Emerie) just HAPPEN to be potentially be good partners for Az and Mor? Like it’s not a coincidence that Emerie looks at Mor and blushes, remarking how pretty she is. It’s not a coincidence that Az and Gwyn have so many interactions in the text. It’s not a coincidence that a “random side character” shows up in a bonus chapter.
When SJM created Gwyn and Emerie, it wasn’t just to give Nesta friends. These characters clearly didn’t exist when she wrote MAF. SJM wanted new characters that would solve her retcon of ending Az/Mor. She wanted to solve the Mor/Az retcon so bad that she created a NEW RETCON of Az going to Sangravah. Like why bother to add that detail if it’s not important.
Also: poor Lucien. His endgame heroine was supposed to be Nesta until SJM realized they would be terrible together and that Nessian had better chemistry. So she gives Elucien the mating bond. Like is she really going to fuck Lucien over TWICE? She loves him as a character and has put him through the wringer. Yes, I agree that SJM can change her mind and maybe is open to mate rejection, but Lucien has already switched love interests from Nesta to Elain! Who else is he going to switch to, considering that Jurian and Vassa are “at each other’s throats?”
Finally, please think about the number of books left. Ignoring novellas (which are probably gonna be fluffy ones like ACOFAS where nothing happens), there are two main books left. Two couples.
Option A:
• ⁠Gwynriel (Valkyrie growth, Illyrian rebellion, exploring Ramiel, Gwyn’s autumn heritage and maybe lightsinger?? powers)
• ⁠Elucien (Helion secret baby, defeating Koschei, freeing Vassa, fixing spring court)
Option B
• ⁠Elriel (mate rejection storyline, potentially some stuff above)
• ⁠?????
Literally WHO is the second book in this equation? Lucien and Vassa?? We barely know Vassa and there’s barely any connection to Night Court. And Lucien’s book is going to be depressing as fuck dealing with mate rejection; does anyone want to read two heavy books of rejection? Jurian and Vassa: again, we barely know them! At least with Tower of Dawn, Chaol had been a main character for a long time with POV. SJM will not do a full-length Emerie/Mor book as much as I would love for one. She’s very cognizant of criticism re: Mor bi rep in the past; she doesn’t want to open a can of worms and be accused of writing bad sapphic rep. If anything, I can see a fluffy Emerie/Mor novella with little angst (or them getting together in the background of other books).
So from a meta structural level, I don’t understand who the second couple will be if Elriel is endgame. Lucien/Vassa is the most plausible answer, but 1) we barely know Vassa, 2) she’s human and Lucien is immortal. So are we going to toss her into the Cauldron to make her immortal? Serious question, and 3) I don’t want TWO books about mate rejection, it’s depressing as hell. I can see one but not two.
But with Gwynriel and Elucien, you have enormous fan and audience interest in ALL FOUR CHARACTERS. They’re directly tied to Night Court and SJM so far has no intention of staying away from the core group.”
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audiblehush · 24 days
Okay, so post-P1 trailer, the thing I’m MOST excited about for is Colin and Penelope’s ACTUAL friendship!
Because while Colin has always viewed Penelope as a genuine a friend, she has always had the added lense of “I’m in love with you,” and that changed the way she interacted with him.
But now, to Penelope, Colin has essentially closed the door on him ever seeing her in a romantic light, both with his end of S2 words AND their “friends” handshake in S3. “Okay,” she probably thinks, “that dream is dead but friends. I can do friends.”
But what this opportunity does is this give us Penelope functioning in this friendship as an ACTUAL friend, and not just “yes sure friends but I can’t get the heart out of eyes enough for it to be truly genuine because I’m wearing a mask so you like me” - That didn’t make her a bad person; it made her a girl with a strong crush worried about his view of her; it’s normal! But it also obviously led to her putting on airs around him, while also having him on a pedestal and not seeing him as a fully realized person.
But these “lessons” allow for them to be around one another without expectation. That scene of them giggling in the ballroom like dorks, as if no one else was around them??
Colin will begin to see Penelope as a true friend because she’ll LET him; she’ll drop her guard enough to be real instead of trying to impress him all the time. THAT is (hopefully) when Colin starts to realize his feelings: because Penelope will finally be her authentic self… while feeling more confident because of her new wardrobe. He’ll be attracted to her new confidence, and her ACTUAL personality she’s letting him finally see, not just her physical glow-up (the candle symbolism!!!!).
COLIN will now have heart eyes for her, and maybe the one to have her on a slight pedestal… only for the LW reveal to happen and shake his world… letting us see his hurt, his anger, his worry…
Once they work through all that is when these two see each other for who the other REALLY is, flaws and all, fighting to grow individually, as a friendship, as a COUPLE… and choose each other every time.
I still have my concerns about the season. I do NOT want Colin only realizing his feelings once some other guy pays her mind. I NEED him to already be struggling with and analyzing his feelings before Debling get involved. If I had to guess, it will be more than Colin is like “okay, I’m pretty sure I have feelings for Penelope, but how do i know for SURE when I’ve thought that before?” (thanks S1…) … but then Debling comes along looking for a wife, and Colin is suddenly between rock and a hard place because now he has a sort time limit to sort through really complicated feelings.
Violet says “ what more could SHE want?” mostly likely about Penelope and Debling, because Debling is wealthy, titled, and has strong interests and beliefs he is committed to (based on his promo info, anyway). This has already been an insecurity of Colin’s since S1. He’s a third son (with wealth, yes), but he has been searching for “his purpose” for ages now; it’s all over S2 how lost he is and how that frustrates him. His family tends to tolerate him at best and kind of ridicule him at worst, and so he flits by being easy-going and “charming” when he just wants to know who is and be accepted for it. So Violet says all this and Colin says “but you said friendship is the best foundation” and she tells him to follow his heart.
But that’s the problem: Colin struggles to KNOW HIS OWN HEART, and not just romantically! So I just want to know how much of his feelings for Pen has he grappled with at that point? How much exploration outside of his Pen stuff has he done regarding his own person? Because he IS a person outside his relationships, but HE doesn’t feel that way.
EDIT: Also, ALSO Yes, Colin is hyping pen up, but I want her to hype HIM up once she sees that he’s not as confident as he acts. She’s seen glimpses of that in S2, but S3 can let her be like “actually, you are AMAZING…” and without romantic intentions, just her telling her friends he has so much to offer the world.
I’m also scared Penelope will make some awful choices (Nicola hinted at this in interviews) and like, i get it we need conflict, but my poor heart can only take so much…
At the end of the day, it’s all speculation. It’s so hard to say with how trailers are cut, and I know they can’t include it all, and most people are here for the romance so that is what they would lean into… so I’m really trying to avoid doom-theorizing, or even getting attached to things I WANT to happen. We won’t know until it’s out, so I’m just trying to contain both feelings of nervousness AND excitement.
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lazycats-stuff · 9 months
Ok after seeing how you write baby bat interacting with the batfam (which WELL DONE btw) i gotta see what superbaby will be like, how a normal day would be like for Clark and his two sons jon and superbaby
Okay, my second favorite hero in DC. I just love him, but Batman will always have my heart. Short morning fluff.
Summary: A normal morning with supersons.
Warnings: family fluff, Lois and Clark are adorable. I'm still pissed they fired Henry Cavil... They live in Kansas on the old Kent farm here, just for the purpose of this.
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Lois and Clark were happy. They moved to Kansas to raise their son Jon and now a new member of the family (Y/N) Kent. (Y/N) was born a month later after the move. Jon was very excited to be a big brother and offered to help out as much as possible.
And (Y/N) was a cute baby, with his chubby cheeks and beautiful eyes. And more importantly, he was an easy baby. Easy to put to bed, easy to feed, easy to bathe, to clothe. Jon wasn't so easy, but that's what made the memories more endearing.
Clark woke up when he heard (Y/N) babble something random. Lois was still sleeping and it was far too early for anyone to be up. Clark walked quietly to (Y/N)'s room, gently taking him into his arms. (Y/N) reached out for his father, small hands going up.
Clark brought his son closer so he could touch his face. He smiled and closed his eyes.
" Good morning (Y/N). Lets change your diaper first, then get you a bottle. " Clark said softly, moving (Y/N) to the changing table. He laid his son down, who kicked his legs up and down.
" I know, I'm happy to see you to. " Clark joked, undoing the buttons on (Y/N)'s onesie. He gagged a little bit at the smell. (Y/N) giggled and Clark quickly changed his diapers. He cleaned him up and threw the dirty one in the bin.
He dressed (Y/N) in a Superman onesie. He glared at the Batman onesie, curtesy of Bruce Wayne, child's godfather. Of course, Bruce didn't just get (Y/N) that, but he nearly got Clark with that onesie.
" Come on, lets go get you your bottle. " Clark said, scooping his son up.
" Yes, little one, I know. " Clark responded to his son's giggling. He quietly walked down stairs to the kitchen. It was nice day and Clark had made a few plans to spend time outside today. Clark took the bottle and gave it to (Y/N).
He sucked on it, taking the milk greedily. Clark poured himself some coffee. When (Y/N) was done, Clark burped him, making him giggle.
" Yeah, yeah, everything is funny to you. " Clark said, sitting down at the kitchen table. He heard light footsteps going down the stairs. He smiled at his wife, giving her a kiss on the cheek as she stopped by his chair.
" Morning Lois. " Clark greeted his wife, who made a beeline for the coffee machine first.
" Morning Clark. " (Y/N) babbled, clearly feeling forgotten. " Morning to you too (Y/N). "
" Jon is still sleeping? " Clark asked, not hearing anything from his room.
" He is, I checked on him before I got down here. Did you give him the bottle? " Lois asked, moving back to the kitchen table.
" I did and I burped him too. " Clark confirmed, adjusting (Y/N) in his lap.
" Nice. You are like a baby monitor. " Lois joked. (Y/N) reached out for Lois and Lois took him from Clark.
" What do you want for breakfast? " Clark asked, standing up.
" Anything you want. " Lois said, bouncing (Y/N) on his knee.
" Mom? Dad? " Jon asked, walking into the dining room.
" Morning Jon. " Clark said, taking some stuff out of the fridge. Lois greeted Jon with a kiss to the head and Jon kissed the side of his brother's head.
" Morning (Y/N). " Jon said, sitting down next to his mom.
" Anybody has any wishes for breakfast? " Clark asked.
" Bacon? Eggs? " Jon asked, not really sure.
" You got it. " Clark said, taking a pan out.
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admirxation · 9 months
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Broken Locks | Part 4
𓆩♡𓆪┆other parts: part one | part two | part three | part five
𓆩♡𓆪┆pairing: las plagas! yandere! re4! leon s. kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
𓆩♡𓆪┆summary: Leon has managed to mold the reader into the girl he wanted all along, loving the girl she has became, leaving her vulnerable and hopelessly in love; making a difficult situation when Jill and Chris finally find her location. But along the way Leon has started to feel guilty and his real personality starts to peak through.
𓆩♡𓆪┆word count: 3k
𓆩♡𓆪┆disclaimer: this is a work of fiction! i do not condone everything i write, my writing doesn’t reflect all my morals. if any of the following warnings trigger or make you feel uncomfortable, scroll away; you are in charge of what content you’re consuming. this is 18+ only, minors are strongly advised not to interact.
𓆩♡𓆪┆warnings: nsfw 18+, mdni. female anatomy and she/her pronouns used for reader. DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. Noncon and dubcon, kidnapping, stockholm syndrome, breast fondling, nipple pinching, fingering, oral sex (m receiving), desire to r*pe, talk about making the “perfect” girl for m, forced motherhood, pregnancy, abusive relationship, lack of freedom, and trauma.
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Chapter four: Too Far Gone.
Two months had passed and Jill and Chris had found only little clues, the exact location where you were imprisoned was a secret; this only caused further stress to them, knowing the clock was ticking before anything worse could happen. Of course, you knew yourself what the parasite was doing to Leon, how it made him treat you, and how hungry it was for you, but Jill and Chris didn’t know; they were concerned with the parasite making a new home in you, once it would have enough of Leon’s body it would soon go to you.
“Should we look in the apartments again?” Chris asked he was at a dead end, not knowing where to look for clues to where Leon had taken you.
“Y/N’s apartment just has her stuff, and some traces of Leon’s DNA but doesn’t lead us anywhere but the car park and Leon's apartment is just a box of dust,” both of them released a sigh of failure, knowing they were not going to complete anything.
Chris paused for a moment, clicking and typing now and again, looking through the files of the pictures and samples he had on his desk for evidence and clues, breaking the silence to wallow in the situation: “I knew something like this would happen… He shouldn’t have been sent there,” he had his hand on his head.
“He had no choice, that was his job,” Jill started to walk to the board of pictures of possible locations, “like it’s our job to end his behaviour… and save Y/N.”
“What if she’s beyond saving?”
Jill widened her eyes as she looked at Chris: “Don’t say that, we’ll find her, we just need to look at more camera footage, and talk to more people.”
“What other people, the only person that had the most valuable information was that… What’s his name… Derek, he showed the footage, and it was all covered.”
It looked like it was futile but Jill wasn’t going to leave you suffer in Leon’s control.
“I’m going to look around his apartment again, I don’t believe he hasn’t hidden anything in there,” Chris walked away from his desk, leaving Jill to try and find something to give away your location.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Leon was more loving than ever, the dark veins were slowly starting to fade and you saw the innocent eyes you fell for, but he wasn’t completely changed yet. Every night you felt Leon’s hungry hands roam around your body, his hand going underneath your shirt to grope your breasts and pinch your nipples in between his fingers, knowing he was smirking to himself when he felt how easy it was to make them erect; sometimes he would rub your clothed cit and insert a finger in your wet cunt, making you moan from his slight touch, stopping when you were just enjoying it — he didn’t want to do what he used to do to you, now with you being pregnant, about to be the mother of his child.
Right now you were looking into those beautiful blue eyes of his, seeing his sweet side as he fed you your favourite snacks on the sofa; it was amazing to be out of that little room, being able to roam around the house. The only thing you couldn’t do was go into the garden without Leon watching you through the window, if you stepped anywhere near the front door Leon would be alert, watching you like a hawk ready to make a move. You had no desire to leave him now, your mind was just a chaotic debate of rationality and love with one side remembering all the horrible things he did to you, but the other acknowledging what he was doing recently.
“You’re so beautiful,” he said as he placed your favourite snack in your mouth, smiling as he saw your eyes glistening as you smiled every time he shared a gentle touch with you, “Glad you came to your senses.”
You nodded: “I’m sorry —”
“No need for an apology… You learnt your lesson… Just don’t go back,” he played with your hair, his fingertips running through your hair. You cuddled into the crook of his arm, inhaling his scent, this was what you liked and what you imagined your life to be like with Leon, before all the dark and sinister beginnings.
But as you raised your vision you saw Leon’s eyes have a darker and dull tone to them, knowing those dark thoughts were clouding his mind again; the fear you would used to feel had subdued into normality, knowing Leon wasn’t going to hurt you like he used to, ever since you became the girl he wanted.
“How about my baby girl makes me feel good, prove to me again you learnt your lesson,” he started to grab fistfuls of your hair, gentling and tugging it as he bit his lip, staring at you but also lost in a daydream.
“What do you want, Leon?” you innocently chirped.
“Surprise me,” his hands moved to the back of his head, he started to relax, lying down on the sofa waiting for what you were going to do.
You took this as your cue to give him his favourite thing, you moved down to your knees, feeling his eyes pierce through you as he analysed every movement and where you were looking; you moved your fingers around his belt, pulling his pants down to reveal his erect member be exposed in front of you, his pants were dragged down to his ankles. You smirked at him — him reciprocating — as you moved your hand around his hard cock, seeing the precum glistening on his tip as you moved your hand up and down, getting wetter as you saw Leon get lost in a trance of pleasure and lust, his shallow breaths and how hard he was revealing how good you were at keeping him happy.
“Good girl,” Leon said through his laboured breaths, waiting just to feel more of your touch.
You kept your eyes interlocked with him as you moved your wet mouth to kiss his tip, feeling him shudder and twitch from just slight touch, feeling your cunt get wetter with knowing how attracted and in love he was with you. You didn’t care how wrong it was but cared about how being with him started to make you feel.
Your mouth enveloped around his cock, glazing it with your saliva as you bobbed your head up and down; Leon helped with your movements with his fingers gripping your hair, thrusting his hips so his cock could kiss the back of your throat — hearing you gag and see your eyes roll to the back of your head drove him crazy. He had to stop every voice in his mind, to not let the parasite take control at this moment; all he wanted to do was grab that pretty little throat of yours and push you onto the delicate coffee table, move your pants and just feel your warm and tight walls clasp around his throbbing member — you were a drug to him that he never wanted to give up. But he didn’t want to risk anything, wanting the baby to be as healthy as possible, but once he got what he wanted he would be sure to use that gorgeous body of yours as much as he wanted.
“What a good girl you’ve become… Look how hard you’ve made me,” he cooed as he whipped away the tears in the corner of your eyes, amused at how you still couldn’t get used to his length, feeding into his ego more than you already did the past couple months.
Your hands then started to caress what your mouth couldn’t reach, knowing that Leon loved it, especially when your hand twisted around his cock as you quickly changed your movements to make him cum quicker.
Leon took control as he grabbed your head, thrusting his cock into your mouth with force, your gags getting louder until you felt Leon’s warm release trickle down your throat, automatically swallowing every drop he gave to you.
When he finished, he lifted your chin to face him, leaving a kiss on your lips: “I love you… My beautiful girl.”
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
The dark and dusty room was now illuminated by Jill’s flashlight, she felt the creeps every time she visited this room; it seemed the lights had been broken long ago, possibly due to the parasite adoring dark dwellings. She and Chris had been investigating Leon and your apartments, trying to find anything, only finding his DNA in your room. Still, that information wasn’t going to give any of the wanted information — just telling what was already known.
“Christ Leon, you live like a pig,” Jill said under her breath when she saw the plates piled up in the sink, the dust collecting on every surface, every time she breathed it felt like she was suffocating on the filth in the air.
Her touch grazed over his desk, there was no point in looking at it again, everything was searched top to bottom and even checks on any hidden places with drawers or things behind the bookshelf; it was useless to come back here but she was pulled toward it, thinking that there has to be something that exposed Leon’s whereabouts, this was his second home but he had to leave something knowing his clumsy nature.
Once again her shin hit the coffee table: “Fuck sake… Every time,” she muttered under her breath as she released a sharp breath from her pain. She had gotten fed up with this table and decided to push it away towards the wall with her foot, it would be better not to be hurt by something in the middle of the room — when she walked past where the table was the floorboards felt almost hollow. Jill rocked from her heel to toe once again and could feel a board slide just a little bit, her heart raced when she felt the subtle change, feeling that sinking feeling as the plethora of thoughts started to accumulate.
She instantly pulled out her phone waiting for an answer: “Chris… Come here now… We missed something.” Afterwards, Jill moved to the hallway to wait for Chris to come over, feeling relieved to have found something new and wishing on every lucky star that it would reveal something.
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
After the affection you had experienced with Leon, it was now time to relax with him, to look upon the man you had learnt to love and feel lucky to now feel safe in his arms. You were on the sofa, watching anything you could find on the television, not really paying attention but having it on so it wasn’t too quiet in the current atmosphere you two were in. Periodically you glanced over to your ankle, looking at the bruise you had from that shackle, you had learnt to suppress the tears the memories would give you, and now just look at it waiting for the bruise to go away; Leon noticed that your eyes were wandering there since you would circle your ankle around every time to look around the whole bruise — there was a tingle of Leon’s previous character coming through with his guilt, but also the parasite trying its best to suppress that humanity with thoughts of: “she had to be punished”, “she learnt her lesson from that”, “you can’t change the past now, you’ve got her, ignore it”.
“I’m sorry I did that to you,” you looked up at Leon, “I know you were looking at that bruise around your ankle,” Leon couldn’t get himself to look at you.
“Leon… I —” he cut you off.
“No… I know you were looking at it… I,” he felt a sharp pain in his temples knowing his inner demon was wanting to swerve his words in another direction, what he wanted to say was “I should have never done this to you, I love you,” but the parasite won the battle and he continued his speech by stating: “You needed to learn your lesson, and you have now… You’ve become a good girl.”
“Darling I —” he wouldn’t let you get the words out.
Leon darted out of the room, leaving you to wonder what was wrong with him, you didn’t want to challenge him and follow, knowing that if he was erratic it wouldn’t end too well for you; you stayed put, hiding behind the cushions on the sofa like a child, holding your stomach as you felt nausea creeping in, making your anxiety worsen.
You heard bangs against the wall, and trampling footsteps along the wooden floor, hearing Leon continuously shout: “Leave me alone, please, please leave!” causing you to grip harder onto the cushion; you were helpless and there was no one to help and nowhere to go, you were forbidden to leave and just endure everything Leon had done.
Finally, the thudding and banging had stopped, and hearing a final thud to the ground as well as laboured breaths; you decided to get out of your hiding space, holding onto the thought that Leon would never harm you when you were with child, and you had done nothing worthy of punishment.
“Leon… Are you okay?” you slowly peered from the corner, seeing the shelves of the room collapse and lay on the floor around Leon, who was curled up into a ball grabbing fistfuls of his hair. The dark veins had disappeared for a long time but it looked like he was dead behind the eyes.
“Leave me alone,” he curled up harder, tightening his grip on his hair.
“I said leave me alone!” he croaked, hearing the lump in his throat, knowing he was crying; it left you speechless, you wanted to go and hug him but you didn’t know what he was capable of, you had learnt not to defy his commands.
You stayed by the door frame until Leon finally got up, walking straight past and ignoring you, you pleaded to know where he was going, stopping when your feet hit the border of the opened door; he got into his car and went off, and you were dumbfounded. Did he just leave you? Was he coming back?
─── ⋅ ∙ ∘ ☽ ༓ ☾ ∘ ⋅ ⋅ ───
Chris had met up with Jill outside Leon’s apartment, he saw that she was pale in the face, like a wave of worry and anxiety had washed over her — which was exactly the predicament she was currently in, constantly thinking about you and what could have happened to you these past months.
“Everything okay?”
“You need to come see this,” she started to open the door, “We missed something.”
They both walked in the dark and dusty abode, Chris making a face with not being used to the scent the atmosphere oozed; Jill didn’t react too much to the smell anymore, she was determined to look through every crevice to find something — she would never let a dear friend down. They kneeled down to the floor, their flashlights exposing the rotting floorboard that had been manipulated in its placement on the ground. Chris didn’t need an invitation, putting his light down to pick up the wood, tossing it aside when the dark and dirty secret chamber had been exposed.
“What the?” Jill said as she focused on the box that was hiding from them all this time.
Chris took the box — leaving nothing else in the secret compartment — deciding to check this outside the apartment, not wanting to spend another minute in the dreary place. When they finally reached their destination they set the box in the middle of the table, having no trouble opening it.
It was rusted and filthy from not seeing the light, when opened it revealed a book and a key; Jill made sure to keep hold of the silver key, holding it tightly in her fist and making sure she would never lose sight of it. Next was the book, it was a journal with red leather wrapped around the yellowed pages.
“Read it, it can tell us something,” Chris suggested and Jill followed suit. Her eyes gazed over the few pages that were written in, looking at the messy handwriting and the ink splodges with fingerprints over the edges, thankful it didn’t alter the illegibility of the text.
It was a diary, revealing all of Leon’s inner thoughts, entries of you coming over to give him leftovers, and him gushing about you later on.
“He really did like her,” Jill said under her breath.
“No wonder the parasite chose her then,” Chris answered.
After his trauma from Raccoon City was documented, mentions of a man called Jack Krauser and how it “killed” Leon inside to see what he had “become”; neither Chris nor Jill understood what this was, they knew of the man and how Leon knew him but not what was witnessed in Spain.
But then, there it was. The entry of where you were, the exact location and a plea for help; both Chris and Jill leaned in and focused on every word, reading slowly to take every bit of information in.
It’s too much, the voices are eating at me and there will be nothing left of me. I want to escape it, I want to, but I’m afraid to die. I don’t want to die, please god please this cannot be happening to me, I wasn’t the best person but no one deserves to slowly deteriorate into nothing.
The next few lines were just scribbles, no writing, just lines from where Leon struggled to pick up the pen and continue what he had written.
I don’t want to harm anyone, but it’s getting too much, it’s telling me to hurt her… The girl I love, it’s telling me awful and shameful acts I should do with her and there isn’t much time until I will surrender to it all. If anyone should find this, please come to the address I have written down below, take that key and find me. Please kill me when you find me, the cure is in the village, and I’m too far gone.
“Get the car we’re going,” Jill didn’t want to risk waiting any more seconds.
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©︎ admirxation. please do not copy or steal my works.
my links: masterlist | ao3 profile | kofi
a/n: hey there! i’m sorry this took so long, my mental health as been everywhere honestly and this has stopped me from wanting to write. i tried my best to write something up so i hope you like it, have a lovely day/evening <3
217 notes · View notes
bts-eunji · 7 months
Eunji x BTS
“they are my everything. the last ten years of my life have been filled solely with them and there is no one else I would’ve wanted to spend that time with.”
#JOONJI – Gwan Eunji & Kim Namjoon
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“Namjoon is the Tom to my Jerry. It is so much fun to tease him! I don’t understand why the Maknaes don’t do it more often. I am pretty sure he was close to kicking me out of the group a couple times already though. That might be the reason.”
contact name: Tom to my Jerry 🐈‍⬛
Namjoon and Eunji are the typical Tom and Jerry Duo. With Namjoon and Eunji being two of the OG Members that had stayed through the multiple line-up changes pre-debut, they had gotten used to one another even before debut. They had met in early 2010 after they both got signed under BigHit Entertainment and Eunji was added to the line-up of BTS in mid-2010. Her and Namjoon got closer after an awkward encounter, where Eunji was crying in a practice room. Although their first interaction was awkward, their future was filled with playful banter and care. The two became almost inseparable. It took Namjoon a while to get used to Eunji. Her teasing and flirty yet responsible attitude confused the shit out of him. But when he did get used to her, he learned to be thankful for her presence. Eunji is somewhat a comedic relief to Namjoon. Whenever she teases him, he will act all annoyed and complain but secretly he enjoys it. It made the years that followed their debut less difficult. Her flirting helps his confidence and reassures him that he is worthy because in the end, it’s just compliments hidden in flirty pick-up lines.
But there is also the responsible and calming part of Eunji, that never fails to ground Namjoon. Even before debut, she managed to read him like an open book. She would know of his struggles, sometimes even before himself. Even more surprisingly, she knew how to help him when he had no clue. The responsibility of being the leader got too heavy? She takes on some of his duties. Managing the group part time. Assisting him in holding the weight. His thoughts spiral into overthinking everything he does? She sits him down with some tea and watches Friends with him. Teasing or reassuring him and making him laugh. He spends hours in the studio without breaks and works himself into the ground? She knocks and sits down next to him. She assists him with his work till she decides it’s enough, stopping him from overworking himself.
But don’t worry, he is just as important to her. His leadership has always been cherished deeply by Eunji. The way he knows what the group needs, sometimes without the group having to say anything, is fascinating to her. His communication skills never fail to impress her. Whether it is public speaking or managing conflict inside the group, he always knows what to say. “You’re like Captain America. You know? Because of the motivational speeches and stuff.”-Eunji 2019. On a more personal note, that also means he knows exactly what she needs. Positive Affirmation. His love language towards his members has always been Words of Affirmation and Eunji loves it. He compliments her looks before every public appearance. When monitoring a performance, he makes sure she knows how well she did. During music video shoots or photoshoots, he always watches her and lets her know that she is doing well.
They have known each other for 13 years now (2023). Eunji has said before that nothing has every really changed between them. She still teases him endlessly and loves flirting with him. And despite him gaining confidence and teasing back occasionally or even flirting with her too, he still gets annoyed or shy. This duo is often described as the old married couple of BTS. They are probably one of Eunji’s biggest ships and one of the most popular in the entire group. And after seeing their interactions it is easy to tell why.
special moment: (TW: small fire, small cut, spiraling thoughts)
Joonji is famous for a friendship full of duality. One second they’re bickering the next their flirting and then suddenly it’s time for a deep talk at 3 a.m. Therefore, they have very different moments and I assure you that Armys have done a fantastic job putting all of them into ship videos, but that is a different topic.
Kpop Interviews are crazy. Memes are born within seconds, grown up men and women play games that no one understands and exposing each other is on everyone’s To-Do-List. And right now, BTS is playing one of these ‘games that no one understands’. You have to spin in circles for 10 seconds and then you have to walk straight and do something. Eunji gets up and cracks her knuckles. “You will fail,” Namjoon throws in randomly and Eunji, who has gotten into position already, stands back up and glares at him in disbelief. “Honey, I thought at least you would have some hope in me,” she teases, and he rolls his eyes. She gets into position again, ready to spin. “If you pass out, I’m not going to catch you,” Namjoon mumbles once again, causing some of the boys to chuckle. Eunji scoffs. “Of course, you will,” she disagrees and begins to spin. It only takes the girl 6 seconds of spinning to fall sideways and as she had predicted Namjoon did catch her, groaning in the process. While the group is laughing hysterically she chuckles and pinches his cheek. “I don’t think I even have to say I told you so…but I told you so,” she teases and this time it is him who scoffs.
“I would call you an imbecile but that’d be cruel as you wouldn’t be able to spell it.” Namjoon sighs to himself, flipping the page of his book while sitting on the dorm couch. Eunji turns to him with a gasp and grabs her chest, right over her heart. “Oh god, you’ve insulted me! What ever shall I do? I’ll be scarred for the rest of my life!” She teases dramatically and pretends to faint against him. He groans at the sudden weight and grasps his book tighter. He rolls his eyes at her behavior. “You’ve had worse. You’ll live,” he mumbles under his breath, and she chuckles. Grabbing a pen, she scribbles something onto a paper and pushes it towards him. Upon seeing it he raises a brow and turns to her. “So, you DO know how to spell imbecile. I have to say, that amazes me. Good job,” he teases. She quickly slaps his arm and whispers in a hushed voice: “Don’t say that, people might think we are friends.” She looks around, pretending to be secret. I think you could tell already but Jimin and Jin were on the ground, dying from laughter the entire exchange.
The group is relaxing in the living room. Some are playing video games; others are reading and Eunji has just left to charge her phone. Suddenly, all lights go out and the TV goes black. “Huh?!” “What happened?” “Is this a power outage?” “NO! My score!” The boys erupt in yells. Seconds later Eunji bursts into the living room. “WE have a problem!” she announces. Namjoon sighs and sits up. “Let me guess, you caused it?” She huffs in response and then quickly collects herself. “Where is the fire extinguisher?” Now, that gets everyone’s attention. “WHAT?!” Turns out, Eunji’s charging cable was damaged and when she plugged it into the power outlet, it caused a short circuit which resulted in a power outage and a small fire. After successfully extinguishing the fire and getting the power working again, the boys help Eunji clean up the mess. Namjoon sighs. “You never cease to amaze me,” he mumbles and Eunji chuckles embarrassed from across the room.
The sound of something falling and a painful groan make Eunji look up from her painting. “What was that?” she screams into the dorm. “Nothing! Don’t worry about it!” Namjoon screams back. But before he even managed to finish his sentence, she is on her feet and rushing into the hallway. Upon reaching the hallway she stops at the sight in front of her. Namjoon had tried to put a painting of hers onto the wall but instead he had dropped it and was now clutching his hand. “If being clumsy was a currency, you’d be a bloody millionaire,” she complains and gently grips his hand. It seems like he had cut himself when the painting dropped. Pushing him down on couch, she searches for the first aid-kit she had bought for this purpose and this purpose only. While carefully bandaging his cut she chuckles. “You seriously need to be careful. As cute as it is, seeing you all lost and puppy eyed, I prefer you uninjured,” she mumbles with a teasing tone. He raises a brow. “You think I’m cute?” She scoffs. “Want me to whisper it into your ear? Dumbass.”
Namjoon’s head is resting on his hands, eyes focused on the computer screen that displays his newest song. His solo album is only going slowly so far, and his original enthusiasm has faded into frustration. Could he not even manage to produce something for himself? How could he make music for the group then? Pathetic. He feels useless. With an irritated huff he rips his headphones off and throws them onto his desk. Once again, his head falls into his hands. Fingers gripping his hair and pulling at it in a frustrated manner. Why can’t he do anything right? How did he even end up being a leader of a group? A group like BTS? Could he still lead the group? With his lack of management? A ridiculous thought. How can he manage others when he barely manages himself? Just in time, a soft knock rips him out of his spiraling thoughts. He quickly sits up and fixes his hair. “Come in!” he calls for the person knocking. When the door opens it reveals Eunji, a plastic bag in her hand and a gentle smile on her face. “Hey big guy. I thought I’d check how you were doing,” she greets him and closes the door quietly. Somehow, he feels relief wash over him. His Noona’s calmness immediately radiates onto him, and he can’t suppress the deep breath he releases when she sits down next to him. She calmly looks around, quietly taking note of the empty cups and scrabbled papers, before turning to him. “How are you getting along? Made some progress?” she asks and sets the bag onto the desk. He tenses and releases a shaky breath. Eunji notices. Of course, she does. When he doesn’t answer, she already knows he has been stuck. “Let’s eat. I brought your favorite.”
nicknames Army gave them: Parents, Old Married Couple, Tom & Jerry
love language: She is…
giving: quality time/acts of service receiving: quality time/words of affirmation  joonji ‘thing’: museum visits & going on hikes
#JINJI – Gwan Eunji & Kim Seokjin
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“Jin is my best friend. We clicked fast, despite our weird first encounter and opposite personalities. I can be myself around him and he never fails to make me laugh. A lot of my confidence comes from what he taught me, so props to him.”
contact name: Worldwide Nuisance 👑
Jin and Eunji seem like they have nothing in common. Jin being his loud self, screaming and laughing like his life depends on it, meanwhile Eunji is soft-spoken and prefers painting with lo-fi music over a game night any time. Yet you would be fooled, because these two fit each other like Ying and Yang. They first met back in July 2011 and, as cliché as it sounds, clicked immediately. But that doesn’t mean their first meeting wasn’t odd – oh no, no – it was a very weird experience. She had been peacefully playing the guitar in one of the practice rooms when Jin burst into the room. He had said nothing, simply staring at her before sitting down next to her and urging her to play more. At first she was hesitant and skeptical but eventually they began to sing together while she played the guitar. It was weird – yes – but it was also somehow precious. From that moment on, Jin always waited for her in front of the building to walk to the practice room with her. They began to text daily and go on friendship dates together. When Jin eventually moved into the dorm, they started doing things like cooking together, doing each other’s skincare or simply watching stupid movies together just to make fun of them.
She also became his professional support and vocal teacher. Eunji was and is incredibly skilled in the field of music, but she had also been gifted the skill of teaching. Before even training at BigHit, she had practiced and done her own research on producing, songwriting and vocal training. With this in mind, she was his number one place to go when he was insecure in his voice. She would listen, let him rant and give constructive feedback. They would do vocal exercises together and actually have fun doing them. More often than not they would end up sitting on the couch, Eunji playing the guitar and Jin singing to it. And although Jin barely says it out loud, he is grateful for her support.
As the oldest of BTS and, at least in the beginning, the most unexperienced in the group, he struggled a lot. Especially hard were the first few years after debut. BTS didn’t have the best time in the industry and throughout their years in the business had almost disbanded, twice. Every member had a struggle of their own. Eunji, being the second oldest, recognized this and she took special care of her boys. Especially Jin was someone who she always made sure was doing alright, because he was the oldest after all and he showed his frustration about improving his vocals many times. Being the same age, it had always been easier for the two to openly talk about their feelings with each other.
Despite or maybe because of their deep bond, these two never fail to make each other and the group laugh. In front of the camera, Jinji are mostly in happy moods when together. They are cracking jokes, mostly Jin actually but hush, and laughing freely together. Jin can never hide his happiness when he makes Eunji laugh, and he will rub it under everyone’s noses that he did that. Yeah, he is proud of it, alright. Because in the end of the day, she helps him more than he could ever thank her for. Making her laugh is his repayment on most days. Or going on stupid wholesome friendship dates together. Going to different restaurants and posting about it on social media with goofy selcas. Doing a Vlog in which they go shopping and make a silly fashion show out of it. Spending late nights in Eunji’s room, gossiping about people they don’t like and the newest tea. Visiting clubs together, only to go live after and have a bit of a tipsy livestream. ‘Jinji being drunk on livestream’ videos incoming.
In summary, Jin and Eunji are the definition of best friends.
special moment: (TW: mentions of alcohol & drinking)
Jin and Eunji are icons when they are separated but once you put them together they reach a new type of iconic. They never cared for the company rules, at least not when they thought they were stupid.
One night they went partying. Eunji and Jin go out together a lot to dance and drink a bit. So, that is what they did. That day Jin had asked Eunji to come with him and she did. After coming home, slightly tipsy, they had the glorious idea to start a livestream. And this livestream would go down in history.
“Heyy Army! How are you?” Eunji greets and giggles right after. They begin to talk and chat. Mostly Eunji and Jin having highly interesting conversations in a tipsy manner. Eventually they start to drink wine as well. “Guys, this – this isn’t wine. It’s grape juice,” Jin tries to convince but fails. Eunji laughs out. “Oh no, this is definitely wine.”
“Why did you drink?” Eunji reads out a comment while Jin is rummaging through some bags. “Oh, we just felt like it. Jin had asked me to come and so I did.” She turns towards Jin with a annoyed sigh at the rustling. “What are you doing?” It stays quiet for a while before Jin answers: “We have a problem.”
Eunji heaves a deep sigh. “Gimme a sec, I am not drunk enough to listen to this yet,” she mumbles, grabs the open wine bottle, and chucks a few big gulps. Turning back towards Jin she nods. “Okay, what’s the problem?” He looks at her and then at the camera. “We have another bottle of wine.” She chuckles. “You call it a problem. I call it a solution!”
“Are you fully drunk?” Jin reads out a comment and giggles. “I might’ve had a few shots,” he states and giggles even more. Meanwhile Eunji turns away from him and rummages through a paper bag. “I think I need food.”
As time passes and the second bottle of wine empties, they get a bit more incoherent. Jin drops his head on Eunji’s shoulder and mumbles something. Eunji, half-closed eyes from tiredness, looks down to him. “You are drunk,” she states the obvious. Jin looks up at her and tilts his head. “Yer beautiful.” This makes Eunji burst into a laugh. “Damn, you’re really drunk.”
“Why did you convince me to go there? The music was horrible!” Eunji talks about the party from earlier. Jin mumbles something before it goes silent. After a longer pause Jin whines and turns to her. “Oh, come on. I couldn’t go there alone!” he states in a whiny voice and Eunji giggles. “You’re right! Always need your big strong sister around!” she jokes and flexes arms. Jin slaps her arm and giggles. “Of course!”
Eventually the mood quiets down and the two end up laying on the bed. Jin is curled up against Eunji and the phone has been set up on the bed. “Sing me a song, please?” Jin asks. Eunji stays quiet for a while before humming to Spring Day. She whisper-sings the lyrics and eventually Jin falls asleep. “Okay Army, I’ll turn this off now. Thanks for watching!” she says her goodbye and turns the livestream off. But this livestream will remain in history. Jinji drunk on Vlive. A wild ride for sure.
nicknames Army gave them: Besties, Parents
love language: She is…
giving: acts of service/words of affirmation receiving: acts of service/quality time jinji ‘thing’: taking goofy selcas & friendship dates
#YOOJI – Gwan Eunji & Min Yoongi
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“Yoongi. Ah, yeah, my grumpy cat. Yoongi holds a special place in my heart. It took a while for us to get close, but I loved the process of learning about the mysterious producer everyone was talking about.” “Ah, shut up.” “Okay, okay. But for real, I’m sure I will never stop learning new things about Yoongi and I hope we will never lose each other.”
contact name: Grumpy Kitten 🐈‍⬛
Yoongi and Eunji – oh dear. Where do I begin? When Yoongi and Eunji first met, they didn’t really get along. It wasn’t like they disliked each other, they just seemed to have a difficult time interacting. To their defense, it was 2010 and they were barely 18 and 17 years old. Their confusing lack of interactions was later, in 2023, explained in one of Suga’s Suchwita Episodes. Yoongi admits he felt intimidated by the reputation that surrounded Eunji. She felt like this myth, unreachable and unapproachable. Funny enough, Eunji said she always wanted to talk to him, but he seemed shy and uncomfortable around her, so she stopped. Yooji’s pre-debut history is long and, in some ways, romantic. You could say it’s almost a love trope.
For example, he called her after his accident. She was the first person to know about his accident and for the longest time she also was the only one. That was odd for two reasons: 1) Yoongi and Eunji barely knew each other back then and 2) she was convinced he hated her. In the same Suchwita episode, Yoongi had tried to explain his decision back then. ‘It just felt right. Maybe because I saw you be so caring towards the others.’-Yoongi 2023. After Bangtan shifted from a hip-hop rap group to an idol group, things changed unexpectedly for both of them. Neither of them had intended to become idols and they weren’t prepared for it either. With no experiences in dance, they were quite literally lost. And, believe it or not, they started to bond over this fact. Often, they stayed behind to fix up mistakes they had made in choreos or just practiced their dancing.
Only after debut did they actually start to grow closer. In the beginning that solely came from the fact that Eunji took care of his shoulder pain by softly massaging ointment on it or helping him carry things. She did it subtly, not wanting to attract the boys’ attention until Yoongi wanted to tell them. Through his injury they began to talk, mostly to break the awkward silence that filled the room whenever Eunji would take care of his shoulder. They discovered their shared interest in composing music and spending time in the studio. And so, they began spending this time together. Producing and writing song after song.
Yooji is, in many ways, special. They have more in common than most people believed upon seeing them for the first time. They both have a resting bitch face, which makes them look intimidating or unapproachable. They both have some sad if not tragic history. They share hobbies such as producing and song writing. And so much more. Getting to know each other over the years they grew closer, both metaphorically and literally. Whether it is holding hands, hair ruffles or even cheek kisses, Yooji has it all. Although Eunji initiates most of the physical touch, Yoongi accepts it. Eunji is sure he secretly enjoys it too. This could literally be a Sunshine x Grumpy story.
But besides that, these two have a wholesome friendship. Spending so much time in the studio together they learned a lot of things from each other regarding their music and personal life. They began to rely on one another. So much so, that they actively miss the other when they can’t be around. You could almost say they are each other’s therapist or comfort zone. They can sit next to each other, working on music and saying nothing for hours without it being uncomfortable. Together, they even have a regular livestream that they do often, working on music and chatting with fans. Yooji appreciate each other greatly and, although it isn’t always obvious, care for one another deeply.
special moment:
Yooji is one of Eunji’s biggest ships for a reason. These two are incredibly close and it is noticeable in most on and off screen situations. There is especially one livestream that got stuck in Armys’ mind.
Every once in a while Yoongi and Eunji do livestreams together, where they would produce and write new songs. They’d wear headphones to not spoil much or anything at all. Usually, these livestreams were more on the quiet and relaxing, almost ASMR, side of Vlives. The two would work together quietly and occasionally have a convo about changing things or producing choices.
This livestream was going just like that. Yoongi was wearing headphones, trying to write the missing lines to his beat. Eunji was working on the computer, working on an old beat that she was now planning to use. She occasionally glanced at the chat. “For what will these songs be?” She reads out a comment and shrugs. She grins at the camera and looks back at her computer screen. “I don’t know. Maybe for the next comeback or a solo project or a different artist. We’ll see,” she responds and types something on the computer.
Suddenly Yoongi sighs deeply, sliding off his headphones. Eunji looks at him, brows furrowed. “What’s wrong?” she asks and gently turns towards him. He groans and pushes his sheet over to her. “I don’t know how to continue,” he admits and takes off his headphones to offer them to her. She takes them while reading over his writing. While she begins to listen and write some things down, he turns to read comments.
“How often do you do this?” he reads a comment. He combs his hand through his hair as he looks into the camera. “Almost every day. The livestreams are weekly, mosty,” he answers with a sheepish shrug at the end.
“Aren’t you the genius? If you don’t know, then she could never,” he reads out and a deep frown settles onto his face. For a moment he stays quiet, staring into the camera. There is a clear frustration displayed on his face, but he seems to be looking for the right words.
Eventually he asks: “You actually believe that?” It stays quiet once again, but his eyes stay on the camera. It is like he is directly looking at the commenter or at least he is trying to. Eunji suddenly murmurs something and scribbles onto the paper. This catches Yoongi’s attention, and he tears his eyes away from the camera to look at her. His face relaxes quickly as he watches her write things down and move her head to his beat.
A smile creeps onto his face. After she mumbles something else he turns back to the camera, eyes growing sharper once again. “She has the words that I don’t. She is the real genius in this room,” he continues his answers.
Apparently somebody comments something else about this that enrages him. “Oh, come on! Shut –“ he catches himself and glances at Eunji. His eyes stare back at the camera with new determination. “Shut it. Keep those stupid thoughts to yourself.”
“I think I got it!” she suddenly calls out and slides the headphones off. She pushes his sheet to him and taps the table in the right rhythm. She looks at him and smiles. “Does that fit?” she asks his opinion. He smiles and nods. While glaring at the camera he answers: “It’s perfect, Ji.”
This livestream is found in every Yooji Ship video, and no one can deny how wholesome his response to the inappropriate comments was. It does show Yooji’s relationship in a new light, that is rarely seen by fans.
nicknames Army gave them: Soulmates, Comfort Zone, Therapists, Orange Cat x Black Cat
love language: She is…
giving: quality time/physical touch receiving: quality time/acts of service yooji ‘thing’: spending time in the studio & nonverbal communication
#HOJI – Gwan Eunji & Jung Hoseok
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“Hobi is an angel. He never fails to cheer me up and I am grateful for his presence. He helps me relax whenever we’re together.”
contact name: Sunshine 🌻🌞
Hoseok and Eunji are opposite twins. They met when Hoseok joined in December 2010, but they didn’t become friends right away. They got along just fine but they didn’t start to become friends until the end of 2011. Their pre-debut history isn’t as complicated or interesting as Joonji’s or Yooji’s. They just started hanging out because the group was being formed and they had to spend a lot of time with each other. They are described as opposite twins, because although they are alike, they also are opposites. With Hobi being – well Hobi – and Eunji being more centered and coolheaded, they have been described as the sun and the moon. Eunji’s personal favorite nickname is ‘Sunshine & Moonlight Twins’. It fits them and sounds beautiful in her opinion.
Hoseok for Eunji is like a light in the darkness. Sounds cheesy, I know, but he embodies that freshness and rescue for her. Eunji often gets in her head and when her thoughts spiral there is no stopping it. Hobi knows this. He can almost read her mind when it happens and although he can’t stop the spiral either, he is able to distract her from it. He is incredibly good at reassuring her and taking her mind off of things. Eunji is fascinated every time because he always seems to know exactly what to say. He can calm her nerves with his mere existence and his words never fail to settle her doubts. He is her light at the end of the tunnel.
Hoseok knows how important he is to Eunji. Of course, he does. To him, Eunji is the responsible older sister, that puts others above herself. He always wants to give her love and care, making sure she is alright and healthy. She is the group’s therapist in many ways, and she is also his. Being seen as the ‘sunshine of the group’ is never an easy thing. Hobi felt like he had to smile no matter how he felt and that he always had to look happy. Eunji, being the mother-natured person she is, always led him drop the mask and feel his emotions without covering them. Therefore, it came naturally to him that he would be there for her too. Although their friendship is mainly laughter and happiness, they can talk about their feelings freely and show them to each other as well. Which is probably the reason they function so well.
special moment: (TW: Sickness, Symptoms of a Cold, mentions of weight)
Hoji are a wholesome duo. They are often funny and bright, especially when together and in front of the camera. But they are also incredibly perceptive.
Hobi was having a horrible day. He hadn’t slept well and had woken up with a headache. He had practiced dancing the night before and it had left him with a load of insecurities. He felt as though he was to uncoordinated, his dancing felt sluggish, and he worried he was losing his charm. But he also worried about his weight gain over the last month and had grown increasingly anxious about losing weight. So, his last day ended badly, and his new day began worse. Unfortunately, it was this exact day, that would be filmed almost entirely.
The day seemed to never pass by. Even the morning stretched endlessly in Hobi’s mind. As he sits down at the kitchen table, he has no appetite and feels quite drowsy. The group around him is too loud for his liking, despite him usually enjoying a cheerful atmosphere. Hobi hadn’t even noticed the camera man but when he did he desperately tried to fake a smile.
Suddenly there is a steaming cup of tea in front of him and a hand on his back. As he looks up he meets eyes with Eunji. “Hey, I made this for you. Have a sip, it should already be cool enough,” she encourages him. Hesitantly he takes a sip and lets the warm liquid soothe his sore throat. Goosebumps form on his skin and he sighs deeply. “I think you should wear something thicker, like a hoodie. You seem cold and the weather isn’t nice,” she explains. He nods, not fully registering what she is saying.
After the long morning the group makes their way to the company building. As he leaves the van to enter the company he shivers. Only then does he realize he must’ve forgotten to change into a hoodie before leaving. He almost bumps into the camera as he steps out of the vehicle.
The group is at the company for some recordings, to which the cameraman is supposed to follow them. Hobi is dreading it. He can barely talk without a rasp how is he supposed to rap clearly? As the group reaches the studio he sits down on the couch and sighs deeply. His head is still pounding and his body aches from the hard practice the day before.
As the time passes Hobi is more and more dizzy. He zones out a lot and he seems close to passing out. He shivers as well, a tell-tale sign that he is cold on the leather couch. There are mumbles surrounding him, but he doesn’t have the energy to lift his head.
Suddenly there is a hand on his knee. “Hobi? Hey, let me help you put this on,” Eunji’s voice echoes through his head and he manages to sit up right. The older girl smiles at him and helps him slide on a hoodie. “Jimin and I will take you home, alright?” she adds, and he frowns. “But the recording and the filming,” he rasps, surprised at his own voice. Eunji winces. “Yeah no, that isn’t happening today. Not for you anyways,” she answers.
As the two guide Hobi back to the dorm, without the camera, he grows increasingly less conscious. When he is finally in his bed Eunji begins to prepare a pot of tea alongside some other things like blankets, thick clothes, and calming music. She had decided to take Jimin home with her as well, because the younger seemed a little sick himself. So, she puts him in the other bed since he and Hobi share a room anyways.
Jimin is the first to fall asleep after Eunji helped both of them get settled in warm clothes and a fluffy blanket. She helps J-Hope drink some tea and sighs. “So, do you want to tell me why you practiced till three in the morning last night?” she asks and softly combs a hand through his hair. His surprise is expected by Eunji, she knew that he thought he was discreet. “How do you” – he interrupts himself and sighs – “I didn’t get the results I had wanted.” After his confession he takes another sip of tea. Eunji stays quiet for a moment, taking in his words and trying to make sense of them.
“This isn’t just about our new choreo, is it?” she asks and shifts closer to him. He hesitates. Unsure of what to say next or if he should say anything in the first place. Eunji doesn’t press, she simply continues to comb his hair. It takes minutes until Hobi answers. “It’s about my dancing. Or my body. Maybe it is both! Or simply none. I just think I’m losing the charm in my dancing and that would be horrible because it could ruin the groups image! I have gained so much weight recently and it all just burdens you and the guys and-”
This time Eunji interrupts him with a soft ‘Hey’. His rambling dies down and he locks eyes with her. She offers a reassuring smile. “Move over a little,” she asks him, and he complies. She shifts into the bed with him, letting him cuddle against her side and holding him. It stays quiet a little while Eunji searches for the right words. “It’s okay to be frustrated. You remember when I started my dance training, right?” she asks, and he can’t suppress the giggle that escapes him. Taking this as enough of an answer she chuckles and continues: “We all get frustrated with our work and our bodies somedays. But I assure you Hobi, your charm has not left you and your body looks as good as ever.”
Hobi stays quiet, cuddling into Eunji’s side. Eunji speaks up again, not quite sure her words have reached him yet. “I mean it Hobi. You are so talented, and I love watching you dance! There has never been any dancer like you in the industry and there will never be another!” She praises and he giggles but she squeezes him a bit. She is serious. “And you are so, so, so good looking! The fans keep on swooning over you and so do I! I constantly have to fight for my position as your number one fan! Just because you are so ridiculously talented and handsome!” she whines at the end. He slaps her arm and pouts. “Stop it! You’re making me blush!” he complains but laughs right after. “That means it’s working.” “Thank you.”
It grows quiet again. This time it is calmer. Hobi seems more relaxed in her arms, and she sighs. “Can you sing for me?” he suddenly asks. And who is Eunji to deny him this?
nicknames Army gave them: Sun & Moon, Sunshine & Moonlight Twins, Opposite Twins
love language: She is…
giving: words of affirmation/quality time receiving: physical touch/acts of service  hoji ‘thing’: piggyback rides & calling each other in livestreams
#EUNMIN – Gwan Eunji & Park Jimin
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“Ah, Jiminie. He is a very supportive person, but he is also overly hard on himself. I wish he could see himself through my eyes once in a while. He is exactly how I imagined a younger brother would be. He is so cute. But he is possessive, I got to say.”
contact name: Jiminie 🐣
Jimin and Eunji have the typical sibling dynamic. Eunji is the big sister to the Maknae Line and therefore also to Jimin. Pre-debut, they had some trouble getting used to each other. Jimin was incredibly shy and hesitant around her. The fact that Yoongi and Eunji seemed to have a difficult relationship also made Jimin more uncertain. Eunji was honestly confused at first, thinking he doesn’t like her. But she figured out quite quickly that he was just so shy and unsure how to talk to her. She tried to make it easier for him by starting conversation first and trying her best to seem more approachable. It helped a litter and the two at least talked about work.
After debut the two began to get close. Jimin felt in awe about his Noona. She had so much patience with him and the other two Maknaes. She never pushed them to interact with her and he began to feel more comfortable around her. Eventually Jimin grew quite protective of Eunji and even got a little possessive over her. She thinks it’s adorable, really. But that doesn’t mean he can’t be taken seriously. He is, in fact, very serious when it comes to protecting his Noona. He always makes sure to be around her in public spaces, keeping his arm around her waist and staring anyone down who even dares come close. The group has made fun of his possessiveness many times and he always laughs but it doesn’t seem like he will stop any time soon. For him, Eunji is this caring older sister that he needs to keep safe. He wouldn’t want anything ever happening to her and he makes sure to let anyone know. It is his way of showing love towards her, because he and the Maknae-Line tease and prank her a lot.
Eunji loves Jimin. She genuinely thinks he is such a precious soul, and she wants to keep him in her pocket. While he functions as her bodyguard she is his therapist. She makes sure his soul and body are well taken care of. Reminding him to eat, forcing him to take breaks and reassuring him verbally. That’s her job. She is the mom of the group, and she lives up to that name. She is just as protective of him as he is of her, just in different ways. She isn’t the offence kind of fighter; she is more like the passive kind of healer. She protects him from himself. His thoughts and doubts, that spiral into physical exhaustion and personal torture. She knows because she has been there. And that is why this duo is so unique and popular. Mostly because you have protective Jiminie, but also because you have mother Eunji.
special moment: (TW: wrist injury, shooting, gunshots, gunshot wound)
Eunmin are popular for a couple of reasons. One is, as mentioned, the protectiveness (sometimes even possessiveness) from Jimin towards his Noona. Another one is the motherly care that Eunji displays towards Jimin (and the other two Maknaes).
These are noticeable in small things. Some moments are tiny, others are so big they even make it into headlines of news articles.
It is a Run BTS episode. The group was loudly discussing the results of a game and who had actually won now. Eunji wasn’t taking part in this discussion, preferring to sit silently and watch the drama. The loud screaming was bothering her, but she wouldn’t mention it. It was not a pressing issue to her. She leans forwards to grab her water bottle only to find it empty. She sighs. There are new bottles a few meters away, but she is practically caged in her seat due to the studio set up. “Can you give me the water?” she asks into the room, but the arguing drowns it out. She tries to reach and grab the new bottles, unsuccessfully. “Hey, can one of you give me a water bottle?” she asks again. No response, again. But then she meets eyes with Jimin. “Hey, quiet!” he suddenly raises his voice slightly and the group grow quiet. He looks at her, waiting for her to say what she tried to say. Eunji smiles and points to the water bottles. “Can you give me a bottle?” Jungkook, who stands closest to them, immediately offers it to her. She thanks him with a smile before turning to Jimin. He seemed satisfied and she throws him a quick grateful smile.
Jimin is known for having a interesting relationship with chairs and the ground. Whether it is falling from chairs, randomly laying on the ground, or even kicking himself off of chairs. He also has a strong tendency to slip on stage and he does so quite regularly. So, once again, while on stage it began to rain. “Oh, come on. We haven’t even finished the sound check yet,” Hobi whines and is joined by a grumpy Yoongi. “Can we sit down backstage and just do the sound check there?” But he is denied. Meanwhile, the Maknae-Line is clearly enjoying the new weather. They are moonwalking and dancing to songs that are related to rain while singing them. And Jimin decides to slide along the stage. Bad idea. The stage is so slippery that he loses his balance, crashes into Namjoon, and falls to the ground. Eunji, within a split second, is next to him. “Are you okay?” she asks, already pressing down on his ankles and legs to find injuries. “Yeah,” Jimin answers but doesn’t attempt to get up. Eunji frowns and takes his hands in hers, feeling his wrists. He flinches as she presses onto his left wrist. Her face softens. “You’re hurt. Come on, lets get you an ice pack,” she suggests and ushers him backstage.
After the group had come back from dance practice, Eunji had started a livestream in her room. She had decided to start a new painting and was doing this live. While having lo-fi music playing in the back she was humming and painting peacefully. After a while Jimin had joined her, quietly beginning to read comments. “He worked really hard in practice today, Army,” Eunji praises Jimin causing him to smirk and blush. “Have you eaten yet?” she asks him, eyes focusing on him now. He turns to her and nods. “Yeah. I just did, actually,” he answers truthfully. She nods, satisfied with that answer. It had been at least two hours since dance practice. “Good. You need the energy, especially after such tough practice,” she continues. Jimin stays quiet before turning to her once again. “Did you eat already?” he asks. Eunji pauses. “Ah, not yet,” she admits and turns to Jimin, who looks at her with a raised brow. “I am planning to after the livestream!” she defends herself and turns back to the canvas. Jimin turns to the phone, smiles, and waves. “See you soon Army. I will have to feed Noona!” “Ay!” With that the livestream was ended and Eunji posted later on: ‘Have been fed and well taken care off. Don’t worry Army <3’
Throughout 2016 it had gotten clear that Eunji was facing a lot more hate than the company could handle at the time. People were sued due to spreading false rumors or sending hateful messages and harassing Eunji. But even that didn’t stop them. Death threats weren’t noticed or dismissed because the company was overwhelmed with all the hate. By early 2017 it had gotten out of control. The group had just arrived back in Seoul, making their way through the relatively crowded airport. Jimin has his arm wrapped around her waist, as always, and talking with her about the upcoming days. “I really want to get a spa treatment, would you come with me?” he asks. The next six days would be free, and the group had individual plans for them. Eunji gasps. “Sure! I could need some good messages and facial treatments!” she agrees with a bright smile.
Suddenly a loud shot rings out, quickly followed by panicked screams. Before Jimin can even fully register what is happening he feels Eunji collapse against him. He panics, quickly rushing towards nearest wall for cover. He leans against it, watching as all of the people including his members, duck for cover. Then his eyes go to Eunji. “O-oh god! Oh no, no, no, no!” he whispers as he finds her with a bleeding wound on her shoulder. He quickly slides her down the wall and grabs her face. “Noona?!” he asks, panic evident in his shaking voice. To his utmost relief she opens her eyes and nods. “It’s alright. I’ll be alright,” she reassures, although the pain drives tears in her eyes. “Y-yeah you will be! Of course, you will be!” There are sirens in the back and Jimin fears the attacker might still be around. He turns to look at his members, Namjoon is the first who catches his eyes. “She has been shot!” Jimin whisper-yells. The following shock that etches onto his members faces must be reflecting his own. “I’m okay!” Eunji tries to reassure but it sounds weak. Jimin immediately turns his attention back to her.
“This will hurt. I’m sorry,” he apologizes before pressing down against the wound. A scream erupts from Eunji’s lips but then she tries to even her breaths. Jimin feels guilty and almost pulls back but she shakes her head at him. “It’s okay. You’re doing good,” she reassures him and smiles. The ten minutes it takes the ambulance to arrive at the longest ten minutes of Jimin’s life. Only once the doctor told him that she would be okay, did he take a breath of relief.
nicknames Army gave them: Eunji’s bodyguard, Child #1
love language: She is…
giving: Words of Affirmation/Acts of Service receiving: Physical Touch/Acts of Service   eunmin ‘thing’: arm around waist & cheek kisses/squishes
#TAEUN – Gwan Eunji & Kim Taehyung
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“Tae is a lot like me. I see a lot from me in Tae. Maybe that is why we get along? It worries me sometimes. I hope he doesn’t forget about himself and that he can do with his life what he wants to. Because I forgot that at one point.”
contact name: Taedy Bear 🐻
Taehyung and Eunji have a sibling like relationship. The Maknae-Line x Eunji all give Sibling vibes but something about Taeun is interesting to see. Like Eunji said herself, they are very alike. They might not be twins but they do have personalities that could be siblings. As mentioned, the Maknae-Line was hesitant to approach Eunji pre-debut. Tae was 17 years old and this cheerful and smiley kid, but he was too shy to talk to girls or women. He reminds Eunji a lot of herself. And again, these two took a long time to get close and when they finally did, it was post-debut. They eventually began to talk more because Taehyung had found Eunji painting in the living room and got curious. He had sat next to her, surprising her and himself, and asked what she was doing. The two then sat there for a couple of hours, Eunji explaining and teaching Taehyung how to paint.
Taeun’s dynamic is a bit difficult to explain. They are the only duo in the group that actually could be siblings. They don’t just look alike but they also act similar. For every holiday she went with Tae to his family and his parents love Eunji like their own child. They also both went through experiences in their idol career that changed them drastically. For Eunji, it was her dating scandal and the tragedy that followed. For Tae, there might’ve not been a specific situation but the hate and pressure that he received over years. Two happy kids turning into broken adults. Tae reminds Eunji of herself because of this reason exactly. They went from smiley and happy to more reserved and calculated. And all Eunji wants is for Tae to be happy and healthy. Which she has stated often and clearly for everyone to understand.
Taeun’s dynamic is a bit difficult to explain. They are the only duo in the group that actually could be siblings. They don’t just look alike but they also act similar. For every holiday she went with Tae to his family and his parents love Eunji like their own child. They also both went through heavy emotional changes in those years. Two happy kids turning into broken adults. Tae reminds Eunji of herself because of this reason exactly. And all Eunji wants is for Tae to be happy and healthy. Which she has stated often and clearly for everyone to understand.
He is also the perfect example of her ‘I don’t like skinship, but you are an exception’ mindset. She will let him seek physical touch from her. Whether it’s hugs, holding hands, kisses or cuddling. She will let him do it. She lets him hug her for sleep as well, which prompted him to come over to her bed a lot once he found out. He is also one of the first people she told about her parents and what happened. It was also Tae that went to visit her orphanage with her, when she went to donate the next Christmas. He is like her emotional support teddy (teady) bear.
special moment:
Taeun have many moments on camera that show the positive development of their friendship. Especially during long time shows like Run BTS. Most Armys have been introduced to shows like ‘In the Soop’ or ‘Bon Voyage’.  
During Bon Voyage there is a situation, where Namjoon and Taehyung have to share a bed. Due to Taehyung’s subconscious affection while sleeping he hugs Namjoon. But the older doesn’t appreciate it and tells this to Taehyung the next morning.
Eunji, who heard the commotion, offers a solution. “I can switch with you, Namjoon,” she suggests as she enters the room. Her room is close by and has a single bed. Namjoon turns to her, face scrunched into a frown. “Are you sure? I thought you don’t like hugs,” he claims and glances at Taehyung. Eunji doesn’t hesitate and give him a determined nod. “I’m sure.”
After both Namjoon and Eunji have packed their bags and switched the rooms, Eunji sits down on the edge of the bed. She looks at Taehyung, whose face shows confusion and worry. “Don’t take his words personally. He finds physical intimacy too personal for friendships, we have to accept that,” she explains and quietly begins to unpack.
“You don’t have to sacrifice your privacy for me. I can take your room or the couch or something,” he tries to suggest and gets up from the bed. Eunji pauses her unpacking and turns to him again. “Ah come on, Tae,” she breathes out and for a moment the two just look at each other. Then she grins at him and adds: “Don’t be ridiculous. You just want the single bed, hm? Yeah, you thought.” This draws a surprised chuckle out of Taehyung, and he shakes his head amused.
In the evening, after successfully unpacking and spending the day together as group, Eunji is getting ready for bed. When she enters the bedroom she finds Tae, already in bed, laying as far on the edge as possible. She frowns, climbing into the bed and cuddling into the soft covers. “You don’t need to keep five feet away. I have nothing contagious,” she jokes, and he turns his head towards her. She smiles and waves him closer. Hesitantly he shifts more onto the bed.
She feels that he is still tense, even after she turns out the light and settles for sleep. His shoulder are tense, his breathing dangerously quiet and his back turned towards her. Cautiously she shifts closer. “Would you like me to hold you?” she asks in a whisper. His head snaps to her, eyes wide and full of shock. “W-what?! I-you don’t need to!” He answers quickly but Eunji tilts her head. “You didn’t answer my question,” she states calmly and smiles. He stays quiet, seemingly thinking about it. Until his hesitant eyes meet her determined ones. “Would you?” he whispers, barely audible. She chuckles. “Of course, dumbass. Why would I ask otherwise?” she responds and shifts even closer. “Can I?” she asks, and he nods way too quickly, which she finds adorable. She wraps her arms around his shoulders, and he shuffles to get comfortable. They end up with his arms wrapped around her waist, his head on her chest and her arms around his shoulders. She softly plays with his hair and hums a few melodies. It doesn’t take long until he is sound a sleep and she follows soon after.
Probably one of their biggest ship moments, not gonna lie.
nicknames Army gave them: Siblings, Mamma Bear & Baby Bear
love language: She is…
giving: physical touch/quality time receiving: physical touch/acts of service  taeun ‘thing’: skincare routine together & hugs (while sleeping)
#EUNKOOK – Gwan Eunji & Jeon Jungkook
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“Jungkook is my baby. Big baby I should say. My boy has grown into a handsome man, has he not? With the tattoos and piercings, the long hair, and muscles. It’s hard to accept that he is an adult, but he is so mature, right? We should recognize him for it.”
contact name: Big Baby Bunny 💪🐇
Jungkook and Eunji pretty much have a mother and son relationship. Since Jungkook was so young when he debuted, Eunji wanted to make sure he was going to be okay. With that goal in mind, she and Jungkook went to his hometown where Eunji formally introduced herself to his family. She wanted to meet them in person, exchange phone numbers and maybe learn a bit about Jungkook to help him in the future. His parents loved her, obviously. They immediately felt at ease, knowing she will be looking over their boy. His mother cooked with Eunji and even gave her some family recipes. That pretty much shows how devoted Eunji is to make Jungkook feel comfortable. Especially because the Maknae-Line was keeping their distance pre-debut. What can I say, these two got close fast.
In the beginning she really babied him a lot. I mean, he was a baby. But to be fair, she actually became more of a mom. She taught him to do his own laundry, make doctor’s appointments, cook, and even drive. She also helped him study and do his homework. She did have to scold him sometimes, but she was always gentle and loving. And funnily enough, the fans have noticed. There are things that Jungkook does, that the fans realized comes from Eunji. Certain habits, manners, or sentences. He actively quotes her sometimes. Jungkook back than was sometimes annoyed by her, which she accepted and backed off. To which he would realize that she was a big help and come to ask for her again. She never took it personally. Due to her experiences with the orphanage children, she understood. She knew how to handle kids well and Jungkook was her kid now.
The older Jungkook got, the more independent did he become. At first it was hard for Eunji to grasp but she quickly adapted to him maturing. She probably is his biggest supporter and never wanted him to feel suffocated or too babied. So, when he eventually turned an adult and matured a lot, she let him and watched proudly. She can never help the proud smile when he accomplishes something or just whenever she sees him honestly. She brags about him a lot. ‘He grew up so well, didn’t he? Ah, such a gentleman.’ She loves Jungkook and knowing that he is an adult now, doesn’t change that. But she never takes credit for raising him. She is convinced he did most of it by himself.
For Jungkook Eunji has always been the big sister that took on his mother’s role when he left. He appreciates her a lot. More than he could ever say. Don’t get him wrong, the boys did an amazing job raising him. It was just different with Eunji. She just knew what to do in every situation. He got mad at her for caring ‘too much’? She stepped back and gave him space to think. Then he thought about it and realized she was a big help. So, in a way, she humbled him in the humblest way possible. By listening to what he said, even when it was obviously stupid. Despite being grown up now and being a big boy, he still seeks her comfort. He likes being babied once in a while, especially by her. Eunji complies, of course. Jungkook always gives huge credit to Eunji for the person he is today.
Without her, it would’ve been difficult sometimes. There were topics that he was embarrassed about and that he didn’t want to tell his Hyungs. And to whom would a teenager usually go? Right, their mother. For him, it was Eunji first until he got a chance to call his mom. And she did a good job. Eunji never judged him for ‘embarrassing things’ or ‘stupid questions’. Which is why they are so close, even to this day.
special moment:
Eunji pretty much raised Jungkook and over the years they spend together they have grown incredibly close. Especially through the teenage years. The struggles of growing up in the entertainment industry were heavy on Jungkook but Eunji made sure to take care of him.
Eunji is sitting in the living room of the dorm. She is freely chatting with Jin and joking around. Jimin and Tae are also there but focused on their game. Yoongi is at the studio and Namjoo and Jhope are going to get food and Yoongi to go back to the dorm. Suddenly there is a timid tap on her shoulder. When she looks up she finds Jungkook. His head is low, eyes only hesitantly looking at her, and his hands are fidgeting. Eunji frowns, worry building up at the image. “Hey, are you okay?” she asks and turns her body towards him. He nods quickly. “Yes! C-can I ask you something?” he asks, stuttering a little. Eunji, still concerned, gets up and nods. “Sure!” she answers. But he hesitates once again. “Privately?” he whispers.
Eunji is surprised but leads him into the shared bedroom of the group. They sit down on the lower bunk bed and Eunji turns to him. He scratches his neck and shifts. Eunji can tell he is nervous. “You can ask me anything, Kookie. I promise I won’t make fun of you, and I won’t tell anyone,” she reassures and softly nudges his shoulder. He takes a deep breath and turns his eyes back to her. “Okay. Ehm, how do I make – how can I ask this?” He asks himself and frowns. Eunji gives him a minute to think. “How do I shave the best way?” he asks, cringing right after. But Eunji immediately understands the issue. “Okay, that alright. Don’t worry, it is totally normal to not know these things,” she reassures. He seems relieved and breathes out deeply.
She gets up and grabs a small bag before returning to him. She opens the bag and pulls out her razor and waxing strips. When she looks at the Maknae he seems intrigued. “I’m sure you know that you could shave with a razor,” she states, and he nods. “I personally prefer waxing, since it helps avoid certain problems with shaving and it is a bit more effective in removing hair for a long time,” she explains, and he listens carefully. “Does waxing hurt?” he asks. Eunji coos at his expression, pinching his cheek a little. “It does a little, not gonna lie. But if you want we can try a small part on the leg first?” she suggests. Eagerly Jungkook agrees. Eunji smiles. “Don’t ever feel embarrassed for asking this stuff, yeah? I’ll try my best to answer them.”
The stadium is empty. The only people there are staff and BTS. Speaking of, Jungkook is currently getting ready to practice the Euphoria Performance where he flies over the stadium. Eunji is standing in front of the stage, her arms folded on stage as she leans on it. There is a cameraman next to her, making sure to record everything while another camera was busy filming Jungkook. “You look so professional,” Eunji compliments after Jungkook just finished talking to staff and tying himself to the pole. His head turns to her, eyes big and shining. “You think?” he asks, excitement shining through. Eunji laughs. “Of course!” As he is lifted into the air he squeals with excitement. Eunji chuckles nervously. “Hold onto that tightly, yeah?” she almost pleads with him. He looks down at shows her a thumbs up. Namjoon steps next to Eunji, both watching their Maknae flying through the air and singing his song. “He grew up so fast,” Eunji mumbles. “Yeah he did,” he agrees. In that moment, Jungkook waves excitedly at the two. Eunji breaks into a big smile and waves back. “You look amazing, Kookie!” she yells up to him and his smile grows even bigger.
In a livestream, Eunji is chatting with fans and reading comments. “Where is Jungkook?” she reads out a comment. A smile forms on her face. “He called me earlier, asking if I was still doing a livestream today. I said yes and he wanted to come. But he is still working out right now,” she explains. She focuses back on the comments as praises and cute comments about Jungkook and Eunkook come in. “Jungkook still baby,” she reads out. A chuckle leaves her. “He is a very soft person. But,” – she interrupts her sentence to take a sip of her drink and then look at the camera more seriously – “he is a handsome and grown up man now. He still has parts of the kid from 10 years ago in him, but he has grown so much. We, you too Army, should acknowledge that, right?” she asks but it is more a rhetorical question. As she reads more comments she laughs out. “How does it feel to have raised the most amazing man on the planet?” she reads out and flashes a big smile at the camera. “Good question. I feel very proud, but he has always been an amazing person. He grew up so well and I will never stop being proud of him.”
It's Festa 2022 and the group is sitting around a table with drinks and food. The conversations have been mixed with funny and relaxed topics but also emotional and personal themes. Right now, the boys are arguing who raised Jungkook the best. “Obviously it’s me! I paid for all his food!” Jin argues and gestures at Yoongi. The younger side eyes his friend and states: “But I have raised him more. We spend so much time together.” “I am sure I raised him the best,” Hobi intervenes and sips his drink. “I mean I spend all my time with him,” he adds.
Meanwhile, Eunji is leaning back in her chair and watching with amusement. For her, this discussion is pointless, but she enjoys the entertainment from it anyways. Suddenly Jimin intervenes: “I believe Eunji Noona raised Jungkook the most.” The group goes quiet. Taehyung agrees with nodding and eats a piece of pork. Eunji chuckles. “I am not a part in this discussion,” she says. The boys begin to ponder on if Eunji should now voice her opinion or not, which makes Eunji giggle more. This is amusing to her. But then something makes them all shut up. “I also think Eunji Noona raised me the best,” Jungkook says. Everyone goes silent. You could hear a pin drop. Eunji laughs at the others’ faces. “Look what you did, Kookie,” she accuses the younger, who just shrugs.
“I actually am really grateful for Noona. I wasn’t easy as a kid and she always knew what to say or do. I feel that Noona was made to be a mother,” – Eunji chuckles at that and Jungkook smiles – “because she raised me as a mother, and, even when I don’t always show it, I couldn’t be more thankful,” he explains. Eunji listens, eyes tearing up and she softly caresses his cheek with the back of her hand. “Why so emotional today, Jk?” Jimin teases but even that doesn’t stop Jungkook from making sure that everyone knows he is serious. “Because I barely say it. I think I should say it more often. I am grateful for all of you raising me and you had a great impact on me,” he continues. Eunji wipes the stray tears of her cheeks and cradles the back of his head. “Oh, and my mom is also very happy about you raising me,” he adds, looking at Eunji. The group erupts in laughs and chuckles. Eunji smiles and softly scratches his head.
nicknames Army gave them: Mother-son, Eunji’s big baby/boy
love language: She is…
giving: acts of service/words of affirmation receiving: physical touch/quality time eunkook ‘thing’: sitting in each other’s lap & caretaking (washing hair, cooking dinner, removing makeup, etc.)
This layout isn’t mine; I have ‘stolen’ it from @txt-yaomi! Don’t worry, I got permission to use it. I recommend going to her acc as well, she has a great TXT Addition story! Thank you for letting me use this 🧡
Disclaimer: All the pictures are from Pinterest and are not mine. Credit to the owners.
©︎ bts-eunji - all rights reserved. do not copy, repost, or translate my work on Tumblr or other platforms.
114 notes · View notes
vasyandii · 1 month
🦋: How long did it take them to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
💔: Do they have any previous relationship experience from past partners? How does it reflect on how they handle their current one?
🕊️: Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
For Krueger and Nak!
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Great to see you again One horned beast!!The Ask Game
🦋How long did it take to get out of the awkward early relationship stage? Have they gotten more confident around each other?
Honestly? A week. It would've been shorter if they went official off the bat.
Nak didn't know how to respond to romantic affection. Her confusion with where they stood on their relationship (at the time unlabeled) was also a factor. Krueger is more laid back, he just did whatever felt right, and wanted to prioritize just having her comfortable with him in that way. (Idk if that makes sense)
They're more comfortable around each other now than they are when they started going out.
💔 Do they have any previous relationship experience from past partners? How does it reflect on how they handle their current one?
Nak? None. Krueger's her only relationship experience LMAO what a loser /j . She didn't really have crushes or interest in anyone but herself back in Laos. The couples she saw around during her time in the LPAF gave her insight in how a good and bad relationship is supposed to be (basically living vicariously lol). So when she started being in a relationship with Krueger, she mimicked what she saw in the past before she found her own pace.
Krueger has had a few relationships in the past, but mostly preferred to stay single for longer periods of time. He didn't like how people would change the moment there was romantic feelings involved, and expectations of just having to be "the stoic mysterious lover thats closed off" irked him. With Phayvanh he didn't want that; he wants to be able to be silly around her in the way they usually are, she's one of his best friends. Luckily it came easy with her, their pace was similar in practice :3
🕊️ Give just a general domestic tidbit for em (things they like about each other, routines, habits, and just overall sweet stuff)
I already Answered this in the last ask but I'm gonna do it again in more detail >:D !! I Love these!!
If Nak has a broken arm, Krueger ties her hair up for her, sometimes he switches up the ponytail to have it be braids or a half up half down type of thing. (It takes everything in him to not give her the most atrocious hairstyle)
The way they drink tea is so vastly different. Nak drinks hers with nothing while Krueger puts too much sugar in his
Just Admiring each other's tattoos idk they're dumb. Nak is fond of the one on his stomach, but makes fun of the one on his back (the wolf one). Krueger just idly traces the designs of Nak's tattoos on her back with his fingers.
Just??? One randomly smacks the others ass HARD and runs off so the other chases after them?? Weirdos. (Nak is guilty of this)
This interaction:
"Phayvanh it's 8 in the morning."
"What about it."
"Put on a shirt."
"Put on some pants."
"You're flashing me."
"You're flashing me!"
Then they watched TV.
Thank you for reading :D it's been a while since I've done stuff explaining their dynamics so hopefully it's ok ;u;
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acewithapaintbrush · 2 years
I wish every closeted aro/ace person, who is constantly being pressured by family to finally get into a relationship, the same experience upon coming out that I've had with my mother:
Since the moment I entered the age where you are supposed to become interested (in my case) in boys, my mother had been a real bloodhound about it. Every boy that crossed my path was a potential boyfriend. 
The older I got, the worse it got. 
Some man asks me if I want to take turns on the equipment in the gym with him? "Ohhh, he was totally flirting with you! Go talk to him!" 
A waiter is nice to me? "Did you see how he looked at you? Wasn't he awfully nice to you? I think he likes you!" 
It never went farther than comments, but those were quickly becoming very annoying, especially since I had known for quite some time by then who I am. 
One day, some years ago, we are watching TV and there is a lot of talk about sexuality and stuff and suddenly I'm like 'Fuck it' and turn to her and ask: "Do you know what asexuality is?" 
So I explain it to her. How I don't feel any sexual attraction. How, for the longest time, I didn't even know what sexual attraction was supposed to be like, that I thought it was a fabrication of the media. 
"I'm not interested in sex. Actually, I'm not interested in a relationship at all. That's arosexual. I have no desire for a partner. Having kids would be the worst thing that could happen to me. I'm happy alone and I want to stay alone."
"That's who I am." 
And she sits there and listens to me and I don't even know what I expect. She is a loving and open minded mother, but for years her only goal seemed to have been getting me into a relationship. 
So I watch and talk and she sits and listens and at the end of it she is like:
"Yeah, I get it. I mean I always wanted family and kids. But that's me. I can totally understand not wanting any of that."
And while I'm still sitting there, not exactly shocked, but definitely pleasantly surprised by her easy acceptance, she goes on and on. 
"Kids are hard work and they completely change your life and they are expensive. If you don't want any, you definitely shouldn't have any." 
"I can see every day how happy you are with your life the way it is, and I'm really glad. There is nothing worse than wanting a relationship and not finding the right one. But there is also nothing worse than forcing yourself into a relationship just because you don't know how to be alone." 
"Everyone should live the life they want. Isn't it great that you young people can do that now? Not even 50 years ago you had to be married, you couldn't even open a banking account without a husband! But today women don't need a man for anything!"
And the conversation just slowly peters off and it is finally done. From then on, I am known and understood. 
And wouldn't you know it? The matchmaking completely stops. Not one more comment. Not a single one! 
Going from a mother who couldn't ignore even the most vague interaction between me and a man without making a comment, to a mother who never brings anything like that up again, was quite jarring, to say the least. 
But very appreciated. 
Some weeks ago we once again (as we sometimes do) get to talking about this and I'm like "I was actually kinda surprised how well you took it. I expected more of a pushback." 
"What? Why would you think that???" 
And I'm incredulous, because "You spent YEARS throwing every man who so much as looked a little too long at me my way, insisting that every smile and glance meant that they were flirting with me. And you ask me why I thought you would take my complete disinterest in a relationship badly?" 
And my mother sits up straight and grows very serious and says with conviction:  
"I only did that because I couldn't understand how you never noticed the attention you were getting!" 
"Boys and men would flirt with you and you never noticed! Never! And I thought, how can she not notice? It's so obvious! It was driving me crazy!" 
"Let's ignore the part where I still don't think smiling and being nice equals flirting… You're telling me that you were only constantly pointing these things out to me, because you thought I was being an oblivious idiot and you needed to… help me?" 
"Pretty much, yeah." She doesn't even sound sorry. "How was I supposed to know that you actually weren't interested at all? I just thought you were being dumb and not picking up on some veeeeery obvious signs. Of course I had to help my little dummy." 
So, to make my long story short: Her comments were never meant to pressure me into a relationship because she thought that's the only way to live your life. She simply thought her daughter was an oblivious idiot. 
I wish you all parents like my mother. Whose weird matchmaking is just an expression of their belief that you are hopelessly unaware of social and romantic cues and that you idiot need all the help you can get, but who, upon learning the truth, will accept you for who you are and will be proud of the person you are. 
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clownprincehoeshi · 3 months
Parallel Hearts - Chapter 1
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Synopsis: Never in your wildest dreams you imagined that you'll meet your ult bias. But it seems that the universe really loves you this time. Will Jeon Jungkook notice you?
Genre: for all chapters- Fluff, Smut, Angst
Pairing: idol Jeon Jungkook x fem reader, idol X x fem reader, idol Y x fem reader
Warning: for all chapters- Kissing/Nudity/Sex scene/Pet names/Angst Minors don't interact!
Word count: 4620
This is my first time writing, I hope there are no big mistakes in the text, I am also not a native english speaker. This is chapter 1 from a series of chapters that will be about more idols. The story starts sometime in 2022. Enjoy!
Next chapter
Why does it have to rain today of all days? Is this how this city is welcoming me? Am I not wanted here? Well, you’re stuck with me now, city! I’m not going back to my shitty town and my shitty life. This is a new beginning. Y/N said, as she stacks some boxes on the floor of her new home in Seoul.
She moved here today, after she was offered a new job at an advertising company. She thought she needs a big change in her life. It’s not like her life in her country back in Europe was interesting. Yeah, she had a couple of really good friends there, and her sister, but that was it. She’s not interested in dating or having a man, she’d rather spend her free time on her hobbies and on herself.
One of her hobbies being kpop. She got into it when covid struck and she had to spend her time inside. Weeks and weeks of working from home and spending her entire free time at home, so she needed to find new ways to entertain herself. That’s how kpop came into her life. It was also a period in her life when she felt lonely, because she just ended a 2 year relationship. She put a lot into it, and let’s say she was more than disappointed when the guy told her out of nowhere that their relationship isn’t going anywhere. But that’s life, and she had to move on.
Now, this is like a new start for her, but she will focus on work and making herself happy. Starting a new life in a new country isn’t easy, but her luck is starting to change when she meets her new coworkers. Most of them are Korean, but there are also some foreigners that immediately try to talk to her and get to know her. She’s not a very open and social person, so it’s hard for her to open up and be all friendly with strangers. But Hana from work notices this about Y/N so she will make it her mission to befriend Y/N and make her feel at home. Hana knows how it must feel, she’s been in her shows when she moved to Seoul from Busan.
Hana: I think me and Y/N will be good friends, she seems genuine, so I’m going to invite her to have lunch with me today.
Maddy: Go ahead. I think she seems pretty arrogant to me.
Hana: Stop judging before you actually talk to the person, geez.
Maddy: Whatever, you do you.
So here you are, having lunch with this girl with bright brown eyes, named Hana who just seems so nice. It makes you want to be friendly and nice back. But you’re curious as why is she being like this with you, so you ask.
Y/N: Soooo… I don’t want you to think I am being rude or anything, but I am curious about why you approached me.
Hana: Well, I also moved from a different city like 2 years ago, and I know things must feel weird for you now.
Y/N: Yeah, it does feel weird. And I am not the most social person. I am a little concerned about how people will see me and if I will make any friends here.
Hana: Oh, don’t worry. I’ll be here, we can be friends. Deal?
Y/N: Deal.
Hana: Stick around me and you’ll end up with a lot of friends. You could say I’m pretty popular.
Then she winks cutely at you, smiling.
In these weeks that you have grown to know Hana, you have learned that she’s is indeed popular, she’s sweet, kind, had a ton of friends and acquaintances. She’s so cool, you think to yourself. Also, thank god she’s into stuff that you too like, for instance kpop. You haven’t met that many people that are into it. Strange, you think.
It’s Friday evening and a text from Hana pops up on your phone screen.
Hana banana: Y/N, I think it’s time
Y/N: Time for what, silly?
Hana banana: For you to meet some of my friends
Y/N: But I met your friends?
Hana banana: Naah, these are other friends that I haven’t told you about
Y/N: Ok?
Hana banana: But I needed to be sure about you
Y/N: What you mean?
Y/N: Hana?
Y/N: Hana banana?
But she didn’t reply that night. She called you the next day, saying she wants to come over to talk about her friends. Was she hung over from last night? How much did she have to drink? Was she drunk now? Did she drink first thing in the morning? What’s with the mystery? You scratched your head as you loaded the washing machine. You’re waken from your thoughts by the doorbell. Hana must be here. You open the door and she’s storming inside, with a big grin on her face.
Hana: Ok, here you are
Y/N: Yeah, I should be here, it’s my house. Are you drunk? Where did you disappear last night?
Hana: I was with my friends and I told them about you, so they got curious and told me to bring you next time I meet them.
Y/N: And are they like spies or something? What’s with the mystery? Are they aliens?
Hana: I was thinking to prank you and just not tell you who they were and see your face when you meet them, but it would not be fair. But you need to look your best if you’ll meet them
Y/N: It’s not like I look like shit when we go out
Hana: Y/N, come on. Sometimes you dress like a homeless person
Y/N: That’s how I like it?
Hana: Nooo, you need to look your best for this one
Y/N: I think the fuck not. Not dressing up for no man
Hana: It’s Jungkook. You’re going to meet Jungkook, bitch. He’s one of my friends. And all the 97 line.  Jaehyun is my cousin and sometimes he invites me to their dinners and hangouts with the other guys
Now… in your head there were conflicting thoughts. First thought was that this was a lie, there is no way in hell that the universe was so kind to you after all the shit you’re been trough in your life. She must be saying this to prank you, But what a stupid prank this is. Nobody should play games with you when it comes to your ult bias, JK. What is she thinking?
Y/N: You trying to die today?
You’re starting to get all red, you can feel it. You’re starting to get hot and angry. Angry at her for being such a pain in the ass. She knows you don’t like this type of shit, why is she doing this?
Hana: I am not lying!!! Look
As she takes her phone out her bag, she starts to show you photos and videos of her with the guys. Them, eating, drinking, taking night strolls, car rides, laughing, having fun
Remember that first thought? Scratch that. Those other thoughts? Irrelevant. Now you’re only thought was that one tik tok where Sponge Bob was putting on a maid outfit.
You grab Hana’s hands, look her in the eye and quiet sets between you two. You stay like that for a few moments. Then tears are forming in your eyes and they start to roll down your cheeks that are not a dark shade of pink, because you got angry before you got excited. You cry. You ugly cry.
Hana: What the fuck? Why you crying?
Y/N: What am I going to weaaaaaar?
What you’re going to wear. That was your fucking concern. Really? Well, duh!!! It’s Jungkook. He’ll see you. You. Why and how you’ve gotten so lucky, you don’t know. And the rest of the day you’re a ball of nerves, because you will see him tomorrow.
You can barely sleep that night. As usual, you spend your late hours in bed, watching Run BTS and Jungkook reels until you fall asleep. At 6 AM. You think you’re crazy and you will look like shit tomorrow. This is not the time to say I don’t give a shit how I look, I’m not going to look perfect for any man. But he’s not just any man, is he? No no. He’s the perfect man, you’re ideal man. How is he not everyone’s ideal man?
The next day you make sure to eat properly, to take extra care of your hair and skin, because you only got 4 hours of sleep last night. Thanks, Instagram for making reels a thing.
It’s 5 PM and Hana will be here any minute to pick you up. You’re feeling like shit. You feel like throwing up or shitting your pants, you don’t know which. You call you bff who’s back in your hometown. You’’re sure she’s awake, she’s a night person like you.
Y/N: Wifey, what am I going to do? What if I do something stupid in front of him? Should I just not open my mouth at all?
Bff: What? No, wtf! I mean, I know you’ll be weird and all, but just relax. Just be yourself, maybe try not to look like you trying to kill people, you know.
Y/N: Great talk!
Hana texts you she is downstairs. You grab your bag, check yourself in the mirror and leave your apartment. When you get into Hana’s car she starts whistling
Hana: Yooo, you looking for a girlfriend? I’m single.
You slap her shoulders and start blushing. But you know you’re mostly blushing because you know who you’re going to meet. But what if he’s not going to come? What if something happens and he can’t come? Shit! I wanna put my head into sand right now.
You arrive at the place you’re going to have dinner and drinks. You’re not much of a drinker, never been. In fact, you hate pretty much any taste of alcohol. It’s just not for you and your sensitive tasting buds. And you never try to drink just to please the people around you. No, you don’t care about that. So you won’t drink tonight either, unless they have something sweet. You like sweet alcohol, it’s tasty.
Hana walks in front of you, arriving to a private room and opens the door. You hear voices inside and your stomach shrinks into a little grain of sand. Oh god, I’m going to die!
She greets the people inside, everyone sounding friendly and nice, but then she moves. You were trying to hide behind her, but you’re been revealed now. You bow, greeting everyone. You’re so shy that you can’t even look them in the eye. At least not for more than 0,00001 seconds. You could be an octopus with how fast you feel your face changes color from normal to red. But you love octopuses, you find them cute. Your mind flies to octopuses when you’re meeting Jungkook. WTF. Focus!
Jungkook’s POV
You’re already at your second drink and you feel just a tiny tipsy. You hear the door opening and there is Hana. Oh, this means her new friends must be with her. But you can’t see the friend. You were about to ask about her, but then Hana moved from the way and there she was. Was she hiding behind Hana? That’s hilarious. She must be nervous, cute.
But when you see her, it’s like everything slows down. Like in those movies when the main character appears, looking all cool, and everyone is starring. This is how it felt. How can anyone be this attractive? Have I been drinking too much? I just had one glass, the hell. First thing you notice it’s her hair, because she was kind of looking down at first, then she bowed and her long, golden hair moved towards her face like the softest silk. You notice her big bright eyes, the way they avoided yours and that shy smile. She had a beautiful smile. She was wearing a cute short dress, revealing her shoulders and legs. Well, wow is all that you could say. Good thing nobody heard you. You hope.
Hana points you to sit between her and Jaehyun. There is another girl there, and you find out it’s Eunwoo’s girlfriend. Wow, it must be crazy hard for them to hide their relationship from the public. I don’t really envy that, though. I wonder if Jungkook has a girl too. Jaehyun hands you the menu and tells you to pick whatever you like and he’ll order for you. What a gentleman, you think.
Y/N: Oh oh, beer and sprite.
Jaehyun: Interesting combo, never tried it.
Jungkook: Never to late to try new things.
He says that, while sipping from his glass, looking at you with hooded eyes.
Shit! Why are you doing that, Jungkook? I am weak! Stop with those eyes!!
You’re so happy when you mix your beer and sprite in your little glass and take a sip. The day got better and you feel like you can do this. Whenever you have your favorite stuff around, you feel more like home and it gives you confidence. Like your favorite drink, or food you like, or a song you love, or a doggo.
You’re pretty quiet, but that’s just you. You’re a die hard introvert and you take time to feel comfortable around new people. You’re happy thought that nobody says annoying stuff like “oh, you’re so quiet”, “You don’t talk?” and other shit strangers say to you when they first meet you. It annoys you to the Moon and back that some people are so unaware that not everyone is like them, extroverted, outgoing, super social, loud.
Sometimes, when you’re in a mood to put those types of people in their place, you fight back with “why are you so loud? Why do you talk so much?”. They get pissy, but you don’t care. You like your little bubble and you let only your people inside, the ones that care to understand.
You’ve had already 2 glasses of beer-sprite and a glass of strawberry soju. It’s sweet, you like this one. You feel a little social by this point, but still super shy to look at Jungkook. And what’s worse is that he’s just across the table, right in front of you. You need to look left or right to avoid his eyes. You only look his way when you’re sure he’s doing something and has his head turned away from you. But the alcohol is fucking with your eyes, so at some point and you think about admiring him a little more and you look. You look straight into his big eyes, because guess what. He was already looking at you. Good thing you’re sitting, because your knees become jelly. You do the unthinkable and for once in your life you don’t move your eyes. You keep them on him. And he keeps his eyes on you. What’s going on? Why is he looking at me? What do I do? Do I have something on my face? On god no, I must have something on my face, shit.
You must feel brave today, because you ask him:
Y/N: What’s wrong, do I have something on my face?
But you’re dead serious and while touching your face. He giggles
Jungkook: No no, you’re good. Sorry, I think I was starring too hard.
He takes another sip of his drink, while saying “cute” in a low voice, but you heard it and it made you blush. You felt like a big ball of lava right now. The Jungkook thinks you’re cute. The universe must be joking right now, making fun of you. Is this a dream? Have I hit my head one day and I’ve been in this dream since? When did your life become this? You were never a lucky person and it feels weird.
You observe Mingyu in the corner of your eye, kind of like trying to start a conversation with you. You don’t know much about him, you just know he’s Jungkook’s friend and he’s also in a band, but that’s about it. He starts to fiddle in his seat, you feel his eyes on you.
Hana: What’s with you, Mingyu? You seem a little agitated.
Mingyu: Oh, nothing. Just trying to hop into the conversation you’re having with your friend. I’ve heard something about going to a concert next week?
Hana: Yeah, I want to introduce Y/N to the kpop concert life, she hasn’t been to any so far and I think that’s wack.
Mingyu: You really must go, you’ll love it. What show you’re going to?
Hana: Ateez, we love them. You know I have a thing for Mingi.
You push her shoulder a little, knowing what she’s thinking right now, because you know your friend has a dirty mind.
Y/N: Girl, behave, not in front of my beer.
Mingyu: Oh, so who’s your Ateez bias then, Y/N?
Y/N: Yeosang. You answer shily.
Mingyu: Really now. And why is he your bias?
You feel Jungkook’s eyes on you and a rush of heat runs through your body.
Y/N: Well, I like his personality. He’s introverted and shy, has a great sense of humor, and he’s hot but at the same time really cute and adorable.
Mingyu nods like he’s in agreement, and then he’s asking the craziest question.
Mingyu: Who’s your bias in BTS?
You choke and you feel like you don’t know what words are. What’s speaking?
Y/N: I won’t tell you, since Jungkook is here. It feels weird
Mingyu: Oh, come oooon! Pleaaase?
Jungkook: Dude, it doesn’t matter. She’s right. I am here. Maybe you’ll find out another time when I’m not here.
Ugh, your savior. How can he be more perfect? He saved you when you were feeling awkward.
Mingyu: Damn, was just trying to make the night more interesting. Sorry, guys.
He says with a pout, the others teasing him. He seems like a big puppy. He’s so tall but so tiny at the same time.
The food is here. You let them order whatever they wanted, you had no idea what to choose. You just knew you don’t anything too spicy or weird. You can’t wait to eat, because you feel fucking hungry. You’re not something to shy away from eating, and even eating a lot. So you start with some soup, then some steak and all kind of grilled stuff. You just love Korean food, so tasty and filled with different flavors. You wish your best friend was here with you. You think to yourself that this is the happiest you’ve ever been. Eating delicious food and being in the same room with your ult bias. What could be better than this?
Well it could be better than this, but that’s another story, something you fantasize about when you’re alone.
Jungkook and Mingyu, seeing as you enjoy the food, the offer to help you with the meat. They put it on the grill and cook it for you, then put it on your plate.
Hana: Wow, guys, you’ve never done that for me. What’s this, now? Acting nice for the new girl?
Mingyu: She has been nice to us, you’re mean.
Jungkook starts to laugh, because he knows Hana always teases and bullies Mingyu. They all tease him and they do it because he never gets upset, he’s just that nice and soft for his friends and everyone loves him for that.
Mingyu, being the extroverted guy that he is, tries to find out more about you, so he goes crazy with the questions. He’s also had a few glasses, so you answer all his curiosities.
Mingyu: So, Y/N, tell me.
Y/N: Yes, Mingyu?
A pinch of pink appears on his cheeks, hearing his name on your lips, sounding so pretty.
Mingyu: Well, how did you end up in Seoul, why this city?
Y/N: Umm, long story, but to make it short, I have been a fan of Korean cinema, then started watching dramas too, then I thought I want to learn the language because it sounded so interesting. I already knew English pretty well, Spanish, and a little of French and german, so I wanted something different. Then stuff happened in my personal life and I needed a big change, so my boos from back home told me about this job opportunity in Seoul, since she knew I spoke the language already. I didn’t think about it, I just booked a flight and here I am.
Jungkook: Your Korean is really good, though and you know so many other languages, wow. You’re really smart.
Y/N: Oh, thank you.
Now you feel yourself blushing again, but what’s new.
Mingyu: Do you have a boyfriend?
You almost choked on your food. This man.
Hana: You have no shame today, Gyu.
Mingyu: Hey, we’re just getting to know each other here, we’re practically friends now. Right, Y/N?
Y/N: Umm, I guess?
Jungkook: So?
You look at Jungkook, trying to figure out what he’s trying to say. But all he does is lay back on his seat and manspread, with a grin on his face. You feel like going crazy. He knows what he’s doing. Does he know he’s my bias? Could he? Maybe he reads minds. Oh, I hope not!!!
Y/N: What?
Jungkook: Do you have a boyfriend?
Y/N: Oh!! I don’t, no.
Mingyu: Why not? If that’s not too much to ask.
Hana: Oh, this is going to be good.
She knows your life story and your history with guys and relationships, so she knows you have a lot to say about this.
Y/N: You really want to know? I can give a formal short answer or a genuine longer answer. Which one is it?
Jungkook: Long answer.
The whole room is now looking at you, curious about what you have to say. People are always curious about this type of stuff. You are too, you have to admit. And not in the Oh, I like gossip type of way, but you like to hear about other people’s love stories and why they didn’t work out.
Y/N: I don’t trust men. I used to. Big mistake, because whenever I put my trust in one, I would get disappointed again. My last relationship was a disaster. I felt used, like he came into my life, promised the world, then after he got what he needed, he left. I invested so much time, energy, feelings into it and all I got was emptiness. I tried dating a few times after that, but everything felt so shallow. Nobody with real good intentions. Everyone felt so fake, so I stopped everything. Why waste my time on people that don’t care about me? No. And you know what? Unless some guy shows up, really doing everything to show me he’s a real person with real feelings and not some stupid cardboard box, then I might consider giving him a chance. I’m just happier alone.
Hana: Mingyu wouldn’t know about that, he’s got a new girl every other month.
Everyone starts to giggle and you’re surprised but not really, because he’s a really attractive guy. And he seems to have it all.
Mingyu: Wow, you say such nice things about me, Hana. You’re just the best.
You laugh, you find him funny and charismatic. No wonder he’s getting so many girls.
Jungkook: Guys, come on, leave my man alone. He’s not that slutty. He’s just overly friendly and excited so he can give the wrong impression.
Mingyu gives a proud smile, hearing his bestie taking his side. Finally, someone takes his side, he thinks.
Y/N: But what about you guys, how hard is it to have a romantic life in your situation?
Mingyu pouts, Jungkook tilts his head and looks like he’s thinking, Jaehyun shrugs.
Eunwoo: In my case, all I can say is that it’s really difficult. You put your career on the line, but when you meet someone you really like, you can’t just ignore the feelings. You can’t live just for your work, you’re not a machine.
Mingyu: It fucking sucks, I barely have time for a romantic life. Things are getting really intense at work lately and I need to be there for me and for my members.
You look at Jungkook, who’s taking a soju shot, waiting for him to give a response too. You really want to know, it burns you to know.
He realizes you are waiting for him to say something, so he tries to change the subject.
Jungkook: Let’s do shots before we end this night?
And the hands you a glass of shot, you drink it, looking at him. He’s avoiding your eyes for the rest of the night and it’s not long until you all need to leave. The restaurant is closing, it’s past midnight and tomorrow it’s a work day. Shit, you have so much work to do tomorrow and here you are, a little drunk., wondering why Jungkook didn’t answer your question and why he didn’t look at you the rest of the time.
You all give your goodbyes and the guys are telling you how glad they are to have met you and that they will see you next time. You feel Jungkook’s eyes burning into your skull, and when you turn to him you catch him starring so you give him a little smile with a “goodnight”. He bows and smiles then turns and walks with Mingyu to the direction where a car is waiting for them.
You felt sadness. Sadness because this night was over, because you thought that you were weird and they didn’t like you. Shit, you met your bias of biases and you’re glad you didn’t shit yourself when he looked in your direction. You felt a little proud of yourself for not acting like a crazy fan. You always thought that if you met any of your favorite artists, you would just be quiet and act normal, trying to not make them feel uncomfortable. That’s what everyone should do, right?
You’re also trying really hard not to be too delulu right now, after meeting him. You can’t wait to tell your bestie about it, too bad she’s sleeping at this hour, must be really early in the morning there. Oh well, I’ll just take a shower and go to sleep. Who knows, maybe the universe is starting to like me and I will see him again.
Next morning you wake up all sweaty and worked up. You had a sex dream about Jungkook. Damn, it felt so real, wtf. Stupid brain, let me function today! You arrive at the office and you find Hana waiting at your desk, two cups of hot cocoa. She known you hate coffee, and what else could you drink on a cold march morning?
Hana: I figured you’ll be a little hungover, we had a lot to drink. Well, me. You were lightweight.
Y/N: Ugh, you’re a life saver. Thanks for the cocoa, I love it.
Hana: So what did you think?
Y/N: About last night?
Hana: Duh! Did you feel weird or it was fun? Want me to get a signed photocard from JK?
Y/N: Nooo, I would feel so embarrassed. But I really enjoyed it. They seem like normal people, though Jungkook is a little reserved. So mysterious, no?
Hana: Hm, maybe because you were there. He was a little more quiet last night though, but so were you. I could see you two being a couple.
Y/N: Omg, stop! I’m not that delulu, girl.
Hana: You never know.
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topaz-mutiny · 3 months
Okay so for me this is less an actual fanfic thing and more an opinion of mine being put through the lens of these characters, because my brain won’t stay quiet, and things that have happened in the campaign so far have changed my thoughts on how I feel about interactions between the characters. I used to be incredibly neutral on this, until we learned of the existence of a primordial fire shard.
So the TL;DR of my argument is: Ashrym now, Callowmoore later, after the characters, the cast, and some fans stop being weird and overly-pushy with the “it’s destiny” thing.
Maybe you agree, maybe you don't. Maybe you change your mind, if not nbd.
Contains spoilers up to and including episode 85 of Bells Hells. Nothing happens beyond a lot of swearing.
There wasn’t really any discussion between Bells Hells about where to camp and rest after this terrifying, extensive, exhausting day – only a collective effort to finagle everyone through the waterspout and into the portal that Fearne had discovered. From there it was easy to emerge from the mountain lake and find what looked like a decent spot to set up camp.
Fearne offered to stay up on watch first; she needed some time to think about what happened today. She didn’t like feeling scared. And today definitely had a lot of things that scared her.
First watch went by relatively fine, which was a relief since Fearne was so pre-occupied, and then it was time to wake up those who would be on second-watch. She watched Ashton be roused, and he wandered to a decent spot to take up watch. Looking around, he seemed far away from the other person up on watch, and everyone else was settled into sleep. They were, perhaps, far enough away that the two of them could have a brief conversation before she cuddled up with Orym.
Her quiet approach was ruined by a yawn that escaped her mouth. She really was exhausted like everyone else, but this felt important. “Hey.” She said through the end of her yawn.
“Hey.” They grunted back. “Aren’t you heading to bed?”
“Maybe in a little bit.” Fearne resisted another yawn. And then, “Today was a little fucked up.” Ashton gave out a deep, gravelly chuckle.
“Yeeeaah. Yeah it was.” He said. “Fuck.” Fearne noticed a quick side-eye Ashton gave her, and they looked… worried. “Didn’t think you wanted to talk so soon after… fuck, you know.” They shrugged ineffectually.
Shit, right. She steepled her fingers, tapping them together as she thought about it.
“Okay, well, I maybe am still a little bit mad about it.” Fearne refrained from saying who she was mad at, maybe even mad at multiple people. She had looked away, but still caught the flinch in Ashton’s reaction. “But that’s not what I wanna talk about. I wanna talk about…” about what? The Ludinus funnel? FCG almost dying right in front of her (though she Had A Plan, she thought, don’t worry about it)? Otohan’s reaction to her being Ruidusborn? What that meant when butted up against the reality that she was a designer-baby? “… stuff.”
“… Okaaay?” Ashton looked hapless.
“IthinkIwannatalkaboutdestiny” Fearne blurted out. Ashton blinked at her. “I mean, I wanna talk about me. Stuff I’m being told about me. Stuff that’s–“ making me scared, she omits “– that I don’t think I like very much.”
“Ah.” There was a shift in Ashton’s posture, and they looked a lot more comfortable. Empathetic. That’s why Fearne singled out Ashton after all, they too kind of were dealing, dealt with, this stuff too. Even though she was still mad about it.
“When we were trying to get away from Otohan, she said something that kind of fucked me up a little.” Fearne started explaining, “She said I was, like, central to some of their plans? And it made me think about how I was made, instead of born, and… and I don’t like it.” She doubly didn’t like it, because wasn’t Imogen supposed to be the one central to their plans? The super special savior of Predathos? “What the fuck am I supposed to do with that?”
There was a small pause.
“I’m not sure if I’m allowed an opinion on this shit anymore.” Ashton finally responded, “The last time I got fucked up by this destiny bullshit I…” he suddenly got very quiet “… exploded. Fuckin’ literally.”
Yes, we know, Ashton. We were there. Fearne thought about his agonized confession that they’d rather die than hurt Fearne like that. During Fearne’s watch, Fearne had started to worry that she might be next, and she absolutely did not want to hurt her friends (especially Orym) like that. Her brows furrowed.
“I think something or someone is pushing me to explode.”
“You… want me to keep an eye out?”
“Maybe. I dunno.”
“Fearne, fuck, whatever you want me to fuckin’ do, just tell me.” Ashton’s stare was intense, serious. As Fearne peered a little closer she noticed his body language screamed regret, anxiety, pleading. Like they’d do anything for anyone of the Hells, please don’t leave them.
Fearne huffed. “I don’t know! Maybe I just wanted to tell someone, and I told you, because you got a little messed up and now I’m getting messed up too.” Ashton nodded, as though that made sense, though Fearne could still sense the tension.
There was a significantly longer pause. Fearne made no move to go to bed. Yet. And eventually was the first to speak up again.
“And I also wanted to talk now because if it were any other time I think the others would push us to kiss or something right about now.” Fearne looked at Ashton. Ashton cleared their throat, embarrassment flushing his cheeks.
“Ah, yeah. They can mind their own fuckin’ business.”
“It is a little weird.”
Ashton was turning redder. Purple-r? Dark green-er? Fearne forgot what color his blush was and couldn’t see well enough in the dark.
“Plus there’s that shard bullshit.” Ashton said.
“Everyone started getting really weird about us after these fucking shards became a thing. More destiny bullshit.”
“Oh.” That’s right. The shards were from Primordial lovers, or something. Bells Hells didn’t just make that up, did they?
He doesn’t say it out loud, but Fearne could easily imagine Ashton saying “Fuck destiny.” They definitely seemed like they were resisting saying something. Being nice? Or thinking that they don’t deserve to have an opinion? Would they have been okay with it if their friends were just regularly cajoling and these lover shards didn’t exist?
Well, that kind of sucks.
Despite her lingering anger over The Shard Incident, what she told Chetney afterwards was still true. She liked him a little bit, whatever that meant. And she still maybe wanted to do things that made them happy. Maybe. A little. And it didn’t seem like a full-on Laudna and Imogen style relationship was going to do that; would probably make them feel even more uncomfortable and think it’s all just because of the shards and not that they kind of maybe like each other for realsies.
It was kind of hard to realize that was what she was feeling, but now that she articulated it to Chetney, it was a lot easier to notice. And that Ashton might kind of sort of feel the same? But they’re refusing to act on it now because of the shards.
“Yeah, fuck destiny.” Fearne says. Ashton starts to look relieved. Maybe they can talk about it later, after they talk about The Shard Incident and she stops feeling mad at them and herself, after the topic of the shards becomes a vague background memory to everyone else. An intrusive thought streaks through her mind – the thought that she’d be fine if they just became friends with benefits – and maybe she’d think about that later when she’s not mad. Maybe.
She was feeling a little better, to her relief. Now that someone else besides FCG knows what Otohan said to her, it felt a bit less like she was going to get strangled by her own worries. But she didn’t want to go to bed yet.
What she did want to do right now was make Ashton happy. And her own feelings weren’t the only things Fearne had started to notice. And realized she probably would have noticed retroactively. The shards, currently, were a problem, for one way to make Ashton happy right now. But there was another way that kind of sounded fun to get the ball rolling, at least until they could talk more. Ashton seemed about ready to tell her to go to bed, the start of an inhale.
Zero warning. No decorum. Fearne dove in headfirst as she always does.
“So when are you going to tell Orym that you like him?”
Ashton’s inhale became a strangled noise of coughing as he started choking on their own spit. Fearne, for her part, looked Absolutely Innocent (mischievous) as the genasi struggled to quiet their coughs before it could wake up the entire group, or draw the attention of the other person on watch.
“Fearne, what the fuck?” Ashton’s voice was pitched low to a panicked whisper, hoarse from coughing.
“What?” Perfectly innocent smile. Ashton tried to wheeze back an answer, but couldn’t through trying to suppress more coughing, and failing to suppress the extreme flustered blush that now covered their entire face, obvious even in the darkness. “If everyone wasn’t so focused on the shards I’m pretty sure they would’ve noticed too.”
“But – fuck – I don’t… where did… he’s–“ Ashton stuttered. They covered their face with their hands and groaned, “The fuck do you mean?”
“What do you mean what do I mean?”
“You’re saying I, fuck, I… fucking…”
“Like Orym, my very best friend.”
“That. What does that mean? And might fuckin not, you don’t know. I don’t know. Fuck!”
Fearne thought about it. She didn’t know like, a definition.
“You don’t know?” she asked.
“No. Maybe? No.” his emphatic response.
“But you’re feeling something.” Ashton tried crushing their face even further into their hands.
“And what the fuck is it?” Ashton demanded. Their hands still covered their face, absolutely refusing to look at her. He almost looked like he wanted to run off the nearest cliff.
Hmm. Did Ashton seriously know less about these kinds of feelings than she did? Was that what he was trying to explain?
“It’s like…” Fearne thought about the little tryst she had with Deanna and Chetney. It was fun, and glorious, and she was excited, but… no, not exactly what she was asking about Ashton and Orym. She thought about Imogen and Laudna, and their recent admission to being together. That was kind of it, but didn’t seem like the right kind of description. Fearne thought about why she brought this up in the first place.
“It’s like, wanting to hang out a bit more…” she began. Ashton looked like he was glaring at her through his hands, but it was probably still out of embarrassment. He was paying very close attention to what she was saying. “… and also, maybe, saying and doing nice things for someone, just because. Something chaotic and random." Ashton removed their hands from their face and settled on having their arms crossed. Their face was still darkened with a blush, but were at least willing to show it now. Was there anything else? “And sometimes it feels like you drank a hard liquor and your stomach gets all hot, but you never even get tipsy.”
Ashton still looked like they wanted to throw themselves off a cliff.
“Does that sound familiar?” Fearne asked when Ashton failed to respond to her rambling. Some small night bird let out a haunting call.
Ashton mumbled something under their breath, at last, but Fearne couldn’t hear.
“… You’re really gonna make me fuckin say it out loud, aren’t you?” Ashton grumbled.
“You don’t have to.” Fearne said. She thought about Chetney. “But it might help.”
“Fuuuck.” Ashton pinched the bridge of his nose before looking away, refusing to make eye contact with the impossible faun. “So, maybe, hypothetically, some of what you said sounds a little fucking familiar.”
“And maybe, I might tell Orym about it.”
“This is a big fucking maybe, Fearne. Besides, you remember what Orym said, right?” and now, Ashton was questioning her.
“About what?”
“About whether or not it’s okay to miss Dorian.”
It kind of crushed her soul to remember Orym’s confession. She missed Dorian lots, oh so much, and she was pretty sure Orym did too. Orym was her best friend, and they traveled so much together. And he still felt… guilty. Over being a widower and having new friends and family (and maybe more?). But he also said how horrifically lonely he was, even with Fearne there right beside him.
She looked at Orym, curled up by the fire, and frowned.
“Maybe that’s something you two can talk about. After you tell him what you’re feeling.” Fearne offered. Ashton looked skeptical. Like he was thinking he would immediately fuck everything up. “Orym’s not going to be mean about it, I don’t think.”
“No,” Ashton agreed, “He’s going to be sad and guilty about it. And then I’m gonna feel fucking sad and guilty about it.”
Fearne smiled, “I think that’s why Orym needs his friends, Ashton. To help him feel less sad and guilty.”
“Orym would disagree.”
“I’m not saying he should stop feeling those things. Will was very important to Orym. Still is important. But… it’s eating him alive.”
“He might do something stupid and reckless because of it.”
“You think Orym’s a time bomb?”
“Maybe a little one.” Fearne sighed, then walked up to Ashton and pointed at his chest. “Tell him you like him. It’ll be good for you. Whatever happens after, happens after, so don’t worry about it right now.”
“I don’t even know if that’s true.” Ashton shrugged, leaning away. “But fine, I maybe. Might. Might, Fearne.” He stressed as Fearne started smiling deviously at him.
Good enough, she supposed. “Ooookaay then. Have a good night.” She sauntered over to the sleeping Orym, and began to curl over him to sleep, leaving Ashton standing in the moonlight, thinking.
Fearne was feeling a lot better.
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unknownlemoneater · 6 months
Hellsing oc lmao ((more abt her under cut))
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Part 1 ⚬ ⚬ ⚬ Part 1½ ᶻ 𝘇 𐰁
((side note; Before I start, I dunno anything about skinbenders if it’s an actual thing, I just got the name from a comic book character and then just freestyling the rest, and my writing is horrible.))
Calico can shapeshift into much more than just animals or human. she can shapeshift her whole, or part of her body into whatever she wants, objects, weapons, animal-like, anything she wants. for an average skinbender, it’s easy to spot them through their disguises, they always look deranged, or something’s just off and inhuman about them. but not Calico, She’s always flawless with her shapeshifting ability and that fact does give her a bit of an ego. Calico has to wear one’s skin in order to shift into what she wants, so does that also mean she consumes scraps in order to shapeshift into an object? Maybe…
\\Likes \ hobbies\\
⟡ Using her shifting ability, Calico loves to terrify the soldiers around Hellsing with her body horror, and Seras is definitely her favorite to scare, she would stand in dark corners and just stare. But unfortunately ((or fortunately ?)) the only people that wouldn’t fall for her antics is Alucard and Integra, makes sense because Integra had to deal with Alucard within the second half of her childhood so she should be used to it at this point. and I’m sure Alucard vampire senses would know Calico is there before she even get to do anything.
⟡ shifting into a cat and pretty much doing whatever the fuck she wants.
⟡ joining Hellsing was just like a retirement for Calico, doing random activities around the mansion while also becoming a vampire Hunter to satisfy her animalistic nature to kill. crocheting, bone collecting, gardening, just to name a few of her random activities, but her favorite out of all is baking, and sharing her baked goods to hellsing while they’re completely oblivious rather or not if she ever put anything in the food they’re eating, and she haven’t... yet.
⟡ Women. ((Not in that way))
((ok maybe a little in that way..))
⟡ Bald people.
((k here some concept))
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\\The character\\
⟡ relaxed, serene, insensitive, sadomasochistic, two-faced, extremely kind when she feels like it, can be manipulative at times, and a challenge to provoke.
⟡ Calico speaks with a lot of hand gestures, and even touch the person she’s talking to, she does not acknowledge personal space, or possibly doesn’t even care. Her voice is usually soft, calm and almost robotic in someway, with a Chinese Mandarin accent, but her voice does change when she’s in her original form, it’s like a raspy, loud whisper. Calico has no filter, she would announce how ugly a baby is, in public, in front of the parents.. or casually ask a person why are they ugly, or bald. in other words she will say shit that probably shouldn’t be said out loud, or say what everybody in the room is thinking out loud in an awkward situation as another example and all with a small smile remaining on her face.
⟡ and there’s other times she’ll just stand there like a statue if anyone isn’t Interacting with her or just doesn’t have anything else to do.
//more random stuff abt this character//
⟡ Skinbenders aren’t exactly born with a pacific sex or gender, all their genitals pretty much the same and can be used the same way as both human male and female genitals, in other words, you could breed or be bred by them. ((WTF DID I JUST TYPE IN BRO 😭)) what I’m trying to get at is Calico is technically a trans woman if you think about it.
⟡ Calico forgets to blink sometimes, just putting that there.
⟡ ((I have this weird obsession with what a character bedroom would look like, so best believe I’m gonna explain what her bedroom looks like,)) most of her room is completely normal, a dresser she never felt the need to use, a vanity and shelves occupied with her small animal skull collection but what sticks out the most is instead of having a bed she has a nest in the size of an average king size bed made from majority of blankets and pillows she have stolen around the mansion all occupying in the corner of her room, she could be very protective of her nest, only allowing the people she trust the most to even be near, aka Seras, Calico has tried inviting her master Integra into her nest, but was always rejected.. so that’s why Calico has taken upon herself to settle for claiming her master's bed instead.
⟡ Most of her clothing is made of her flesh.
⟡ Calico is not completely emotionless she can make other facial expressions, a small smile is just her default / resting face. 
⟡ If Calico actually labeled her identity, she would be an aromantic, pansexual, trans woman. but she doesn’t feel the need to label it, so you would never catch her calling herself these things.
⟡ Calico doesn’t really see people as, well.. people. So this is how she view the main four !!
Integra ((But Calico personally calls her ‘my master’))- Calico actually respects her authority and probably the only persons boundaries she would take into consideration. Also silly British hehehehe.
Alucard - Calico sees him as some vampiric Manwhore. But they’re civil with each other, they like to have conversations and even sometimes play chess together.
Seras ((but Calico insist on calling her by her last name, Victoria.)) - ah she absolutely adore her, Calico would have her attend with her hobbies if available. Calico treats Seras as like she’s a new puppy for her. So in case you haven’t noticed she’s obviously the favorite.
Walter - twink.
((that’s all for now!! this may have some edits since I’m never satisfied with any writing I do, and I will be making a part two lololololo.))
((Did I choose this silly cat video in particular because it’s a Calico? Yes, yes I did exactly that.))
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herofics · 7 months
heyy, can I request Dabi x teen! Reader platonic (Dabi’s kind of like a big brother almost even father figure to her) who lives with Dabi cause she got kicked out of her house and how they interact and they’re day to day lives? Tyy
A/N: This felt like an easy one to write and I needed something more lighthearted for a change, so this seemed like a good pick. I’m working on the older requests too, but I got annoyed with them so I switched to this. This ended up pretty long for HCs, but it was fun to write, even if I feel like I got a bit off track
•When you got kicked out, you didn’t know where to go, so you went to the League
•They didn’t exactly have any actually livable space at that time, so everyone bunked wherever they could
•Dabi was one of the only ones with his own place, god knows how he actually paid for it though
•He (very reluctantly) promised you could stay with him, which he regretted the second he said it
•Dabi is a very chaotic person in general, but he’s also very messy when it comes to his living space
•He also really needs his alone time, so having someone else living with him is a damn nightmare, at least at first
•You didn’t really have many things with you when you came, just the backpack of stuff you threw together the evening you were kicked out
•Miraculously, he has a pullout couch, that he didn’t even know of, well of course he knew he had a couch but not that it was a pullout
•So that’s a pleasant surprise for you
•Dabi’s apartment is pretty crappy, but it’s a place to sleep, and the roof doesn’t leak and there aren’t too many bugs, so it’s fine
•He doesn’t cook, and he very rarely cleans, so when you start living with him it’s pretty freaking chaotic
•It’s not like you’re a neat freak either, but come on
•He could at least get rid off all the take out boxes and not just let them pile up on the table and the one kitchen counter he has
•Dabi doesn’t really get why the mess bothers you so much, he’s so used to living with it
•When you clean up a bit, you notice he doesn’t own any actual plates or utensils or anything
•He has only paper plates and the chopsticks that come with his endless amounts of take out he orders
•Your daily life is pretty okay, he just keeps stealing your phone charger, because his broke two days into you two living under the same roof and you keep having to take it back
•He also often forgets to order you food, and has to share his, because he’s not used to having to look after someone
•Even though you’re pretty sure he’s broke, he somehow always has money to give you
•He probably steals it, but you don’t really care, as long as you two can get by
•Dabi makes sure you can always buy some snacks, and if you go out, he makes you buy him something too
•He also makes you buy him countless energy drinks, because he usually stays awake purely out of spite and caffeine
•Dabi also gets you little jobs with his associates, like delivering stuff or just running errands that would definitely get you in trouble if you were caught by the cops, but you’ve gotten really good at evading them so you’re not really worried about that anymore
•The reason he gets you jobs is because you need the money and he wants to get rid of you for a while, so he can be alone
•Dabi isn’t exactly a master of communication, and he prefers to text you even when you’re in the same room, so you two don’t exactly have deep talks often
•If you get hurt on a job or come back hurt for some reason, he’s there to patch you up, while complaining about it the whole time and calling you an idiot for getting hurt (of course)
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fruitsofhell · 8 months
I'm actually lowkey embarrassed that dissidia post got the attention that it did cause it's easily like, the lowest intellectual effort post I've ever made dbjdjf, so here's the follow up unhinged rant going over what I love about Kuja in Dissidia Duodecim.
Like I was saying, his writing in Duodecim is AMAZING, like everytime I think about it it blows my socks off. It would be so easy if just the whole game he was the Kuja he was during the plot of FF9, shallow, flamboyant, and callous, but they decided to pick up with his arc from the ending! Which is what I like to see in a spinoff like this, not just a rehash of old stuff but a continuation, a reiteration. And doing that also shows great grasp of what his character's about. Dissidia pulls from every mainline Final Fantasy game and isn't shy of the fact that not every game has the most complex villain. I often see Kuja too considered to be just a fun purely evil villain instead of someone with more meat on his narrative bones, which is insulting to me. Kuja isn't motivated by some deep darkness in his soul or a craving for violence and suffering like some other villains, all his actions were motivated by one thing, which was wanting to prove to his creator that he could create his own purpose and worth. It just happens that because he's insane, his methods to this is mass-murder and regicide. He loved life, and Gaian culture, and having a purpose, which is why he has those two massive changes of heart by the end, and is left feeling empty. The life he loved is ending, he scarred the planet that he loved, and the entire narrative he built for himself was null, its just over for him.
And that's where Dissidia picks up, because it understands that Kuja is not a being of darkness nor much of a sadist, he's just a guy who loved theatrics but had that beaten out of him by existential dread and now doesn't want to live anymore. And the only thing that would've given him any reason to live after his defeat, his brother - who was with him till the end and likely the only person from his world who doesn't want to kill him anymore - HAD HIS FUCKING MEMORIES ERASED. So what does Kuja do? He follows Zidane around and tries to help him, because like, literally he's just that grateful to him. Like??? That part's really important to me, cause it would be really easy to assume Kuja was bitter during his defeat, given his actions and apparent shallowness. But this game is SMARTER than that, and it understands that Kuja wasn't angry anymore, he was just empty and still deeply nihilistic. But actually given an opportunity to try again, he sticks to Zidane. Despite there no longer being an external incentive, AND ACTUALLY DESPITE FORCES WORKING AGAINST HIM. Like Kuja was placed on the Chaos side, surrounded by a sea of fellow villains who could produce all the bravado and destruction he used to enjoy, but he was so genuinely disillusioned with that afterwards, he goes out of his way to do right. Despite threat of annihilation by his peers and heroes he was trying to help! LIKE THE GAME GETS THAT HE ISNT JUST EVIL????? IT GETS THAT HE ISN'T JUST A SHALLOW SADIST????? It's fucking heaven-sent.
OH MAN AND THEN HIS INTERACTIONS BEYOND JUST ZIDANE! That interaction he has with Cloud is one of my favorite things ever, it's just fucking rich with characterization for him. And then you have him freeing Terra from her spell because, can you believe it guys, he felt honest to god sympathy and compassion!! Insanity!! And then that leads to his relationship with Kefka which is immaculate! Everything about their relationship helps reiterate Kuja's helplessness as a character and villain, and just makes me fucking DESPISE Kefka. But in the fun intentional way. He's such an abusive, manipulative asshole to him, and it stings like hell to see Kuja once again end up as someone else's pawn BECAUSE HE WAS WILLING TO SPARE ANOTHER FROM THAT FATE. Like it's horrible for him, but it deepens his redemption.
Ok, and last thing is his VOICE!!!!! JD CULLUM!!! JD Cullum, I owe you my life, your Kuja is so delightful! It's just perfect. It has this androgynous softness to it, he switches between the theatrical and honest lines perfectly, and he sounds annoying!! That part is so important to me, if Kuja had a generic sexy villain man voice I'd be so disappointed, but like have you heard him in NT? I don't know why he sounds so happy in that game (I think Zidane has his memories in that one...) but you can hear his stupid little smile behind some of those passive-aggressive one-liners, it's the best! I have Dissidia Duodecim emulated on my PC just for Kuja's lines.
Final Fantasy 9 is criminally underloved by Square, and Kuja as beloved as he is is so often misunderstood and mischaracterized by fans. Dissidia being the only other piece of official media he has a role in and getting it THIS RIGHT brings a tear to my eye. The game in general is just really above average for a silly crossover fighting game, I can't speak for the writing of every character, but I know my Sephiroth friend has moments from that game that give them psychic damage (/positive). And for me, the Kuja Guy, it gives me plenty as well. But also some negative psychic damage cause why tf does he look like that.
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bibibbon · 4 months
Characters with wasted potential: Momo Yaoyorozu (rant)
Oh momo sweet, sweet momo and how badly she was done by hori. This isn't a suprise to anyone when I say that she definitely deserved better and had so so much wasted. Momo could of easily been one of the top 5 or 3 even STRONGEST in 1A but sadly hori just didn't wanna see her shine. I love momos character introduction and I love the fact that hori focused on how insecure she felt but he handled it so HORRIBLY.
HER CHARACTER DESIGN. That stuff is absolutely atrocious like what was hori even thinking she is also a minor and this is some disgusting and atrocious fan service. Honestly I have seen A LOT of good redesigns of her costumes which actually SUIT HER!! Also let's be logical momos quirk means that she has to have a lot of fat to create stuff right? So why isn't she a plus size character? Like its logical for her to be plus sized so she doesn't get quirk exhaustion and for her to reach her full potential
HER CHARACTER ARC. In my opinion momo has an enjoyable character arc that is somewhat well thought out in theory and could of definitely been executed in a better way. Momo is someone who got into the hero course through recommendations so logically she is stricter on herself and has high standards (she also thinks that people have high standards of her which they do but not as high as she thinks) so in the sports festival when she sees how "behind" she is, she ultimately starts to doubt herself, her position in 1A and her abilities with her quirk. Throughout the other arcs we slowly see her build up some confidence to where it's put to good use in the final exams when shoto encourages her and her plan. In my opinion, there should of been a lot more to HER POINT OF VIEW and how she felt surrounding what she considered her failures I would of also liked it if we had a teacher notice preferably midnight (considering what happens later) and actually comfort her and have momo confide in her. (Actually have the teachers being teachers)
HER INTERNSHIPS. We clearly see her discomfort and how she actually wanted to hero work like asui did and not just stand in front of people and perform and act for a shampoo advertisement this could of been good for her character if hori expanded on it
HER INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER CHARACTERS. Momo is kind and we see that through her interactions but sometimes and I only really remember this moment she is only seen as smart and not strong which irritates me sooo much or she is seen as someone who can be there for support just to make stuff
These are in my opinion, some big problems with her character and how hori treats her which are kind of easy to fix
Change her character designs I have seen some people change her character designs and make it into a completely better design overall the fan service in MHA is ridiculous especially when it comes to under aged girls. Majority of the time momo uses HER back, arms and sometimes legs to make something she rarely uses her front only when hori wants her to and CLEARLY shows it to us. Iam all for momo trying to complain about her costume and not understanding why she needs something like that to make her a good hero image and by using her in such a way it would help the world building in MHA how sexist and pedophilic the industry can be. You can also make her plus sized as it would make sense for her quirk and by incorporating that and those differences into how society treats plus sized people and maybe discussing the toxicity of how female heros should be presented and how society isn't as accepting to different body types you can make momo insecure and overcome that struggle and shine as her own independent character.
Make a few changes to her character arc. As I said before momos character arc makes sense in theory but was executed horribly when written out. Have intelligence be something that momo clings to dearly as it's the only thing she thinks she is good at and by having her fail and not live up to her standards have her struggle to accept that. (Hori does this very well) you can then have a teacher like I said preferably midnight comment and help her overcome it making her see her self worth and also try and accept her body a bit more ( if something happens in the internships that continues to bring her confidence down). By making midnight help her, her and midnight build up a good mentor and protege relationship which makes midnight's death and last words to momo a whole lot more impactful we will also see more of midnight's ideas and why she chose to be an 18+ pro through her convos with momo.
Change her internships/ outcome. Momos internships We're quite disappointing for her as it literally just involved her, her hero image and acting to please the public and almost no hero work. Have her comment about that and complain to 1A. Have her not understand why she as a hero couldn't go and do hero work like she wanted to and make her confused. To clear out her confusion allow her to research into the hero industry and find out somethings about heroics that could be slightly sexist when it comes to it like maybe female pros retire at a younger age because they can't maintain public image or people trash talking or even sexualising other female pros. Have her discuss this with midnight and midnight can tell momo about her own experiences. You can then set momo a goal for herself to change the hero status quo and society when it comes to their view of female pro heroes.
Change her character interactions. I have touched on this with the previous points like momo and midnight but I also wanna focus on other characters and how she Interacts with 1A boys. I love the interactions the hero class girls have and I especially love kendo and momo as cool duo. However, (I know this was supposed to be a gag) there was this one scene where a character broke something and then a boy from 1 A was like," oh, momo can fix that for you AND make you tea" THIS JUST RUBBED ME THE WRONG WAY I HATED IT. You can have something like that I guess but have momo fight back against it and assert her dominance how she ain't anyone's servant and doesn't work for them. This isn't with all the boys like we have her and shoto which is pretty good ( don't seem them as a ship MHA can't do romance) . You can also have her interact with jirou a whole lot more and have jirou teach her how life is outside of upper class etiquette and traditions. Have her interact and become a good friend to izuku they both share a lot in common I think it would suit them.
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Have her use her quirk more. Momo has an op powerful quirk that hori never allows her to use for some reason and just makes momo an intelligence character instead of one who can be a defensive and offensive character with amazing strategies (this is a similar problem with Izukus character but just the opposite) So have her use her quirk and develop it to making a variety of things.
Give momo a backstory. In my opinion momo is a great character to give a backstory to and this is due to her upper class status in the MHA world. You can easily have it so that her family wealth was based upon a successful quirk marriage (it always rubbed me the wrong way that quirk marriage is only a thing when it comes to shoto and never discussed or introduced to any other characters or villains). I personally would have it so that momo has good parents that do love her and try to protect her from things but due to her quirk she gets a lot of offers from all different types of people like heroes, factory owners, scientist and many others. This plot point can introduce an idea where her parents feared for her life so they hired someone to protect her and teach her hand to hand combat. Her trainer could of been a former hero and she is inspired by them to protect people and better society as a way for both female heroes to not have their job be based on just an appealing image and for her to raise awareness about children or people with useful and powerful quirks being trafficked and exploited due to the nature of their quirk. Due to this life she lived in a very secluded area where she couldn't really form actual friendships and bonds and had to follow upper class etiquette and traditions.
Overall, Momo could of been the strongest girl in 1A with a very clear and powerful message fighting to be one of the top heros while battling sexism, raising awareness about powerful/useful quirks being traffic and exploited and her own insecurities and even growing with her quirk yet she is the queen of wasted potential.
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yenqa · 1 year
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chapter 6
i forgor
warnings : food, swearing, nervousness, slender man??, implied dirty thoughts (it’ll make sense when we get there)
ignore timestamps!
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yujin was such a cute baby, niki wanted to squish it’s cheeks and never let go, but obviously, he would probably get in a lot of trouble if he did that.
niki had never been a fan of kids, but here he was. freaking out over how yujin almost started crying whenever he was in view.
sure, he looked pretty scary and he was tall. so, obviously niki looked like slender man or something to her. but yujin couldn’t even be in the same room as him?
he glanced at you, feeding yujin, making some incoherent noises while bringing each spoon to her mouth. how could someone be so good at taking care of other people? and why wasn’t yujin scared of her? well she is pretty short, and cute maybe. scratch that. what was niki thinking?
niki brushed off his original thought, you’re just likable and easy to get along with! he reassured himself. yujin glanced at him, eyes widening. she quickly looked away, starting to moan.
“oh c’mon! why does she hate me so much!” niki complained, dramatically falling to his knees.
“she doesn’t hate you!” you argued, “just scared of you.”
niki groaned standing up, “even worse.” he glanced at the camera he was using to blog his day, winking at it, then panning it to you, feeding yujin. suddenly, a grand idea came to niki’s mind.
“can i try feeding her?”
“great idea niki, maybe she’ll start choking while sobbing her eyes out.” you answer sarcastically.
“oh you’re right.” niki sighed, cursing himself for being so tall.
“i have an idea, how about i put her on my lap and you feed her?” you smile at him, he grins at you nodding at the idea. so you gracefully lift yujin, as niki goes to grab her food, you sit down on the gray couch, moving around to be comfortable. he walks up to you cautiously, slowly walking towards you as he sits down. slowly picking up a spoon full of food for her.
yujin looks nervous, she whips her head around for approval as you nod, guiding her to the spoon. niki slowly moves the food closer to her mouth as she reluctantly opens her mouth, letting niki feed her. once the food in her mouth niki started jumping around the room, picking up the camera he had just placed down to see his achievement.
“did you see that engenes? and…”
“swiths,” you answer.
“and swiths? yujin loves me,” he sings while panning the camera to you, being excited for yujin for facing her fears.
what you didn’t notice was how the camera froze in place, as he watched you play with her. but he didn’t notice either.
“alright that’s enough filming for today everyone! good job everyone and you two,” the producer stops you two, “get some rest, you’ll need it.”
“we will, thank you so much!” you answer, grabbing your stuff to go back into your room. you’re about to walk in when niki stops you.
“hey have you ever babysat before? you’re really good with kids.”
“yeah, i have a little sister,” you answer, smiling at him.
“oh, cool.”
you continue walking when he stops you again.
“y/n are you going to go to sleep?”
you turn back around, “probably not, i’ll probably just lay in my bed.”
riki stops, then proceeds “want to watch a movie with me? i think we have snacks in the kitchen.”
you smile, face turning a light shade of pink, “yeah! just let me change into my pajamas! i’ll be right back.” you jokingly wink at him, walking to your room to freak out sbout it.
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back masterlist next
sypnosis - a new idol variety show makes 4th generation maknaes take care of a kid for a month! what happens when niki gets paired with a random girl who he maybe had one interaction with a few months ago? and when the reality show ends, why does he want to spend more time with you?
a/n : more writing now that the show started 😊😊
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ghostflowerhotpotch · 11 months
I feel like no one talks about the whole mumbattan sequence can you do a deep dive on that one
Oh Mumbattan, there is so much to unpack.
What I mean like that is that we have a lot of stuff going on not just on screen, but Miles and Gwen as well, which a lot of changes thanks to the circumstances and characters of screen. If it took me two posts to talk just about a portion of the Clock Tower scene, I am sure Mumbattan is going to be multiple.
They will probably be short since I think there are a lot of moments not necessarily connected to the ones before, that I think that deserve their own post, etc.
So let's start Mumbattan with the actual beginning, or at least the beginning of Gwen's and Miles interactions in Mumbattan.
As per custom, we start a little earlier since set up is important.
(Side note, I just lost half of the original post because Tumblr is a nightmare to use for post and I will probably fist fight whoever coded this if given the chance. So the writing and the screenshots may be a bit rough because I am pissed.)
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Something that caught my attention while rewinding this scene, was Gwen's exchange and behaviour towards the spot here.
I think is good time to remember that Gwen is probably an internal mess right now.
She knew she blew up with The Spot, she got cocky, thought the guy was going to be easy, and focused on Miles more than in her mission.
Gwen is in a tough position right now, she is basically homeless, she needed to abandon her old life, her home and the people in her life; none of those things are easy, let alone when you are forced to and being a teen.
The Spidersociety seems kind of a like a dream come true at first, and she is happy to be in it; but we can see how she is still missing certain things the society just cannot give her. A company is not a replacement for family and friends. I honestly believe part of the reason she is hyped about it is because she wants to focus on the positives to avoid the negatives.
Seeing Miles was a gamble, one where she risked too much by refusing to leave his side, and she may pay the price for this; she earlier was looking extremely shaken at the idea of being sent home.
While she is having all of this, it didn't escape me the longing and the defeat in her face when she say goodbye to Miles without knowing he was there. That is also weighting on her.
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Not gonna lie, is funny that a character that feels so entitled to people react the way he wants (like he asking the guy he was robbing to not make this a bad experience for him,) accidentally say something that for him is just a comment, but DAMN I can imagine how much it had to sting for Gwen.
The reason I brought up the other screenshots and this close up of Gwen, is to pay attention to her masks.
I had mentioned in other post, the masks are extremely expressive for what they are, which is a handy way to show expressions when you are character's face is hidden.
In multiple shots, Gwen looks angry; this isn't like the battle with Vulture when even after almost getting her face sliced she was just back to cracking jokes and not taking stuff too seriously, just the regular amount of a spidey.
This isn't a joke to her, this is important, and she isn't in a good mood already. So her doing a joke that feels tired isn't shocking.
But while The Spot was just talking about the joke, after letting down her mentor, underestimating what Lila determined as a canon killer for MULTIPLE universes, and having trouble getting a hold of the guy; hearing "That's the best you can do?" Had to suck.
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(While going for Miles's frame, I realized Gwen just looks angrier before she hears him; which is to say. DAMN Miles you really picked a bad time.)
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You know? Something I like to do in my writing, is bring scenarios that are different in context but the basics of it repeat as to carry a meaning behind it, reinforcing an idea either for the characters who are seeing the pattern (or think to see a pattern,) or the audience.
Some of it can be wishful thinking but this movie has much going on that I bet a lot of what I am picking up was meant to be that way.
This particular moment is interesting because Gwen is just dealing with a mess that happened because she was prioritizing Miles over her mission, and what happens shortly after?
Miles distracts her from the villain, which also gets him an opening to kick her and escape.
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You may be wondering why bring those frames of Gwen falling and Miles finally getting her, this is important for two things.
One, this will go to show something later about the importance of team and the tragedy of the spider people (that would be their own post because I had a lot to say, and a scene in particular during this sequence scared the living shit out of me, 3 times.)
But another factor is this is all quietly reinforcing in Gwen's mind, how she shouldn't had gotten to see Miles.
Not only did she lost her shot to capturing The Spot as his most vulnerable (because let's face it, if Gwen went to him without his ability to make holes it would had been done in less than 2 minutes,) she also lost track of him again thanks to Miles. And now she is having trouble with her footing.
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Miles is lucky the circumstances kind of support his stance, and that he is cute.
In most movies I will see a guy following the girl he likes I say that's a red flag of the size of a house. But considering everything I can't really blame him.
He doesn't know how much is at stake, or how much can get worse; but he knows that The Spot is doing this partially thanks to him, and he may be filling guilty for assuming he was already done for when he wasn't. And now the girl he likes is in deep shit because of this, and he has more information than the rest.
(Or he should, Miguel seems to have eyes everywhere, no idea how much he knows about the Spot.)
It was still stupid? For sure, he really has no way home, has never done dimension hoping, and certainly didn't think about glitching before this.
But his heart is in a good place.
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Yeah Gwen is still pissed regardless.
I think even if Miles has the best intentions she doesn't appreciate being followed, doesn't appreciate having him as is another thing she needs to be juggling in this situation, which is a lot already.
We will talk about the falling scene better, because that deserves it's own post, and also that scene made me suffer in theatres so I will get my compensation by rambling later about it.
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This is something I will come back later, probably more than once. Not gonna lie the first time I saw this movie this hurt (And that was before getting as obsessed with this ship as I am now, mind you,) and it only got worse seeing it a second time when you know what will happen.
Regardless, is ties nicely to the rest of this post. Gwen is stress out, conflicted about her role as a spiderwoman and just being a teen, and in the heat of the moment, she does think that seeing him and trying to get that connection with the circumstances at hand is a bad idea.
Once again, heat of the moment, I think she would had probably continue being mad if the things that happened didn't happen; but I think this will come back later on by her realizing that she wasn't getting blindsided by Miles, but the organization.
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