#I don't endorse any of these people just making a post to point out the absurdity
doctorbleed · 2 months
"Ben Shapiro is the ultimate free speech warrior! He's the great crusader against cancel culture! He knows FACTS don't care about your FEELINGS!"
"Ben Shapiro has fired a his co-host for stating facts that hurt his feelings."
Apparently bullying trans people for clout isn't nearly as offensive as saying it's sad when Palestinian civilians get killed.
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transmutationisms · 11 months
thots on astrology? related, thoughts on mbti?
k i like that you guys just pop in my inbox from time to time and invite me to run my mouth about topics and concepts. like truly what else is this website for.
anyway astrology (& sorry, most of what i know here pertains specifically to europe in the middle ages onward) is genuinely such a bizarro historical case of a science whose core epistemological presupposition (a geocentrist and specifically anthropocentrist cosmology) has completely fallen out of favour in both popular and professional discourse, and i don't think most people appreciate how weird it is for astrology to continue existing with this degree of popular and mainstream participation lol. like most fringe science actually bothers to have some semblence of its own reactionary epistemology to fall back on; astrology just doesn't seem to care. it would be like if the medical guilds fully endorsed the position that blood is circulated in the human body by the heart, but then also recommended as treatments for clotting disorders medical practices that only make sense on the supposition that the liver is the origin of all blood and is continuously creating more of it. like no other science that i can think of tries to have it both ways to the extent astrology does. like, one reason phrenology and eugenics are bad comparison points here is because they're very much copacetic with post-enlightenment naturalism and evolutionary transpositions in the social sciences. astrology, like, intellectually is not and yet here it is anyway. ideology innit.
anyhow i assume the reason you asked about this in conjunction with mbti is because today's astrology is largely purporting to provide psychological analysis and is therefore more similar to a system like mbti than to the historical use of star-reading as a predictive science. obviously both astrology and mbti are deeply reactionary in this respect and belong to a larger trend toward attempting to categorise, measure, and taxonomise the psyche, tho an important difference here is that mbti has hereditarian elements, which no form of astrology that i know of does. i think astrology's shift in the personal-psychological direction has to do with a few different factors, including medical astrological practice (orthodox in the european middle ages, then varying degrees of heterodox from the early modern period onward) and self-help movements in the 20th century.
but in any case it, mbti, and similar attempts at psychometry are, like, staggeringly essentialist in conception and practice, and i do think their current popularity reflects some deeply reactionary tendencies amongst people who often (not always) consider themselves otherwise progressive or leftist. it's honestly kind of worrisome how many people will jump on a project that explicitly aims to define static and immutable human 'types' as long as it's dressed in quasi-spiritual or psy-scientific terminology. like i do think we all need to pause and think about the ideological ends and consequences of how we talk about each other and our bodies, minds, and birth circumstances 😵‍💫
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mutfruit-salad · 1 month
i find the way fans are already shipping cooper with lucy over her black love interest very telling of the clueless white supremacy and media illiteracy in the fandom. coop and lucy are obviously being setup as a father-daughter duo who need to learn caution/kindness from each other to survive, but these weirdos can’t have their white-man fave without a self-insert stand-in for 1 season. and the way people are glorifying cooper’s character is a load of bs - a morally greg white guy who realises he endorsed and was sympathetic to a massive war crime/political injustice… so he goes on to indiscriminately kill/hurt more people who have no idea of, nor say in the bigger picture that he was complicit in… is sooo boring and nothing new. also, giving him a biracial daughter as an accessory to show he’s Not Racist isn’t something we’ve seen half of a million fuckin times before 🤪 the way the show back-tracked on fallout’s message of blind american nationalism and militarism being a problem to It’s All Capitalism’s Fault, seemingly in reaction to the US currently endorsing and aiding in foreign war crimes, and past ones becoming common-knowledge, is horseshit on a platter.
I find the complete lack of a character for his daughter really horrifying- how she only exists to die dramatically for the sake of his sadness. It's odd because his wife is a well-established important character, yet their daughter is not allowed to be a person.
Fallout, in general, has had a habit of completely ignoring racism- presenting the prewar world as some fully integrated post racism utopia. Which is weird when the games regularly display overt anti Chinese (and broader anti Asian) sentiments in prewar logs and ads. This is a problem both the classic games AND the bethesda games have- racism has always been a touchy subject to the devs of the series and it seems like every game they've been content to ignore it, occasionally invoking it for horror or stumbling headlong into depicting it without realizing.
The way Ghoulgins regrets his past and just takes it out on everyone around him is absurd and plays into a lot of very hostile ideas the character peddles.
People shipping Ghoulgins with Lucy is baffling to me also considering he spends the entire series physically abusing her. People just don't want to acknowledge Max's existence, I have noticed. I know her and Ghoulgins get closer by the end, but it's after he's done just unspeakably cruel things to her- and you're right that it is absolutely framed as a father/daughter relationship.
I would also like to point out that the series has always criticized capitalism as well- but would generally frame it as sort of tangled up in American imperial ambition- with one feeding into the other. They were two halves of the same coin.
Vault Tec's entire existence in the classic games was selling smoke- profiting off of the extreme tension and stress of US military buildup- a process which would always inevitably end in disaster: either with Vault Tec going under or brinksmanship coming to its inevitable end.
Vault Tec (and the entire idea of luxury bunkers as a whole) WAS a critique of capitalism, and how it goes hand-in-hand with the American military industrial complex. It was selling the fear of annihilation to the populace. They didn't need to be some secretive controlling force to achieve any of this.
Making Vault Tec the sole antagonist, and the driving force of the apocalypse, is both deeply conspiratorial AND undermines the Cold War roots the series has always had- replacing the fear of American military buildup with a sort of hateful simplicity.
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matan4il · 4 months
Most of the time, I don't bother talking about the hate and harassment I get, because I don't think haters deserve the attention. The person I'm gonna write about definitely doesn't deserve any, but they've started harassing others that I know of, not just me.
So this is basically a warning post for Jewish bloggers and bloggers who are allies to Jews, and a request for anyone who can, to report and block this person (if you want to warn other bloggers, then please consider a reblog, too). @staff, This is also for you, proof of a pattern of harassment and abuse. Please do something and protect your Jewish users and their allies.
They first commented here, denying the antisemitism of Hamas, with the url @grizzlyismyspiritanimal and they seem to change their url quite frequently. For now it's @fancowboy but expect that to change again. Since IDK if Tumblr will let the mention (@'ing their url) hyperlink to their blog, here's how you can check out what their current url is, so you can report and block them. Go to this post where they're tagged as @grizzlyismyspiritanimal and hover your mouse over their url, you'll see their blog pop up no matter what new url they changed to. Here's a screenshot of what that looks like:
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Here's their first comment on my post, along with my reply. Tumblr arranges these comments with the oldest at the bottom, click to see the image better:
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Of course they never provided a link sourcing their claim, instead they provided a link to an op ed, which was not written by anyone affiliated with Hamas. This link did not support their claim that "Hamas specifically stated," but that didn't stop them from ignoring the fact that they couldn't prove their claim. Next, they repeated an already refuted antisemitic conspiracy theory (and I linked them to a refuting source, which they just ignored), while using strawmen arguments (attacking statements I didn't make). Obviously, none of this addresses the point actually made in the post they were commenting on.
When I called them out on the antisemitism of their whole narrative, they pulled the "I can't be antisemitic, because I'm Jewish" line of defense, while also bragging in the same comment about not going the easy route by doing that:
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I no longer believe people who say antisemitic things, and then use this defense, after several have been proven to have lied about being Jewish, but more importantly, and this is the point I made to @fancowboy, Jews are not immune to internalizing antisemitism, and repeating antisemitic narratives. But I was curious whether there was any sign of this person having any sense of a significant Jewish identity on their blog. When I went on there, one of the first posts I came acorss was an antisemitic one, claiming that Jews have stolen the Star of David from the Muslims... I know there are a lot of anti-Zionist Jews out there, and that many of them are very capable of saying antisemitic things, but I don't think even they would endorse this false claim.
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What's ironic is that the post shares a screenshot from Wikipedia, which explicitly mentions that this Muslim kingdom that existed in the 13th century AD (roughly 700 years ago), adopted the six-pointed star, due to the Muslim belief that it was a symbol on the ring ("seal") of King Solomon, a Jewish king who lived about 3,000 years ago. In other words, this post literally points out that Muslims borrowed this symbol from Jews, not the other way around. And just for historical interest, the first archeological find of Jews using the Star of David is dated to the 6th century BC (around 2,600 years ago).
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I pointed out to @grizzlyismyspiritanimal / @fancowboy that I no longer believe they're Jewish, because I don't believe any Jew would reblog this antisemitic lie. In response, not long after, this "I'm not a coward" and "you would've blocked me (aka fanatic)" person blocked me. Instead of addressing what I said, or taking responsibility for their wrongdoing, and deleting this antisemitic post. Our exchange started on Jan 5 IIRC, this post was reblogged by them on Jan 4, and as of Jan 25 it is still on their blog, as you can see here (post and current date highlighted in this screenshot):
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A minute after they blocked me from the above blog, they commented on my pinned post with links to my fandom content from another blog, @verygardenerland and this comment made it clear that it was the same person. I made a mistake, I wanted my fandom space free from antisemitic harassment, so I deleted that comment, which means I don't have that piece of evidence that it's the same person, but I do have another bit of proof. Remember how this person claimed to be Jewish? This is how they presented it:
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(again, using a strawmen, I never said all Muslims are terrorists, and never would, because it's simply not true, and if anyone made that claim to me, I would be correcting them)
Well, this is the VERY similar way @verygardenerland talked about their supposed Jewish identity, in a post they made solely to harass and DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) me:
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Jews were almost completely ethnically cleansed from Muslim majority countries, so the likelihood of a random online stranger being a Jew from a Muslim country is generally incredibly low to almost non-existent, and two who just so happen to both harass me on my blog one minute apart is probably less statistically likely than winning the lottery.
It's poetic irony that the one comment the above post got from another blogger, is someone else also calling this person out on the antisemitism of what they're saying:
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Gotta love the bonus misogyny with "bitch."
I'm also going to offer you this following antisemitic comment (which distorts the Holocaust, and refers to Jews insultingly as "the chosen ones"), which I also don't believe any person with an actual Jewish identity would make:
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And here's also one of the last comments this person made from @fancowboy before blocking me on that blog and continuing from @verygardenerland. Just notice how we have the same antisemitic abuse themes from both of these blogs:
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Once more, extra touch of misogyny with "that much of a pussy."
(I have to address the white phosphorus claim. There are 2 ways of using it in battle, one legal, the other's not. Israel stated that when using it, that's only in the legal way. There is no record to show the contrary. People just exploit the fact it's used, to pretend it's automatically illegal. But I accept this is an antisemitic libel against the Jewish state, that sadly some Jews might repeat. The rest is what makes me think this person isn't Jewish)
@verygardenerland noticed I write fandom meta, and harassed me on these posts. Here's one example:
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Then they searched related tag/s, and proceeded to harass me by calling me names in comments they left on random posts from other fandom members. These are posts that had nothing to do with me. One of the people on whose post they were calling me a Nazi is someone I have never even spoken to. The OP deleted the harassing comment, but this time I did get a screenshot before that, so here it is, as an example:
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Now, on top of all of the above, @verygardenerland also started stalking my main blog at the same time they made their first comment from this url, as well as my two back up blogs. One's last post was on Mar 2022, the other's on Apr 2021, so it's completely pointless to follow them, other than as an intimidation tactic:
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And they sent me anon hate. The thing is, they made it explicitly clear through what they said and the language they used, that it's them. They sent more than one message, but the one I'll attach here was obviously meant to freak me out the most, because it falsely starts out as a fandom ask, and then transitions into abusive language, as well as telling me there's more blogs they're stalking me from, basically making it clear that even if I block this url, I'll still not be safe from their stalking and abuse:
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From a certain point on, I told them that whenever they make a comment to me, all I'll do is just remind them repeatedly that they're an antisemite, which is exactly what I've kept to. That's when I even bothered to respond. I postponed blocking their second blog, 'coz I wanted to put this post together first. Now I'm done with them.
To wrap this up, here are some final screenshots of their antisemitic abuse, how they obsessively comment on my posts, or posts that in their mind are related to me, and how they have started directly addressing random people who are commenting on my posts, telling them not to talk to "it," meaning they're also using de-humanizing language when referring to me, and of course once more employing the DARVO tactic by accusing me of that which they're guilty of:
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My activity feed yesterday:
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And not just yesterday. Love the bonus hateful language towards those who are disabled...
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And this is just one of their comments on a post simply mourning the death of Israeli soldiers, and putting it in the context of multi-generational Jewish trauma:
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To summarize again, please:
report and block this person
reblog this post if you feel comfortable to, in order to warn others
@staff please do something to stop the abuse. Thank you in advance!
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fairuzfan · 3 months
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it's quite a dishonest framing that you say hussein was "regarding you with suspicion" baselessly even though you've publicly state on your blog how you believe zionism is an "intracommunity" discussion.
they at no point even mention that they blame you for "israel's actions". they assumed you were talking about zionism because of previous pointed statements you endorsed where you say zionism should be only discussed by jews. its not imagined, you straight up said this? and you claim that hussein is antisemitic for assuming you're saying the same thing again just with more inclusive language? And it coincided a few days after me posting that tributary post about "defining yourself as zionist or antizionist"? So he assumed that it was in relation to it? sure you might not have meant it about zionism this time, but with previous statements you've made/endorsed you don't exactly have the right to act like you have no idea why they would assume that and misconstrue this as an antisemitic attack where he's conflating zionism with judiasm when you literally agree that zionism should only be discussed by jews, which means you yourself are conflating zionism and judiasm.
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but ok, i guess, they were just taking your words out of context because they're "antisemitic". I even saw this ask last month and assumed you were talking about zionism in your recent post because of this statement you published and told him privately thats what i assumed you were talking about. Not because of you being jewish. But because i remembered this statement you agreed with because i was so offended reading it. And yeah it's a really bad statement that I'll remember because of how antipalestinian it is so sorry I don't think you get to claim the moral highground???? You didn't exactly disagree with any part of this person's statements?????
And like I would have left this alone but hussein often gets called antisemitic by people you associate with and reblog from, and it really shows how little compassion you all have for Palestinians (which btw as I say over and over, we have a right to point out harmful rhetoric that impacts us) who have a "knee-jerk reaction" to these things when we quite literally see our communities call for the deaths of our friends and family by starvarion and bombing in the name of zionism and when we call it out irl we get called antisemitic. You could have like sent an ask or publicly clarified your intentions but you just jumped straight to calling him antisemitic. Which the onus of responsibility is on YOU because of your previous statements. Why would we assume you mean something different based on past experiences???
Rhetoric like "zionism is an intracommunity issue" is stuff that has literally led to death of our loved ones so of course we have "kneejerk reactions" when there is literal proof of you saying these things before. We are not doing this because you're Jewish, we are doing this because we see and experience first hand this rhetoric and youre perpetuating it blatantly and you have people who follow you who look to you for perspective on "israel/palestine". It's so disingenuous to claim he's an antisemite when he's literally finding common talking points zionists perpetuate against us and call it out. And saying "I don't support the likud government or Westbank settlers" means nothing to us because our families were expelled from palestine before likud and settlers happened. Trying to separate modern day zionism from its colonial roots from the 1800s is at its core anti-palestinian, no matter what other conversations you want to have.
Again like the only reason this matters is because people follow you and look to you for perspective AND you reblog/interact with people we have pointed out as harmful. I literally would not care enough to make this post if i didnt see your posts spread enough times around here. So it's not because you're jewish and framing it like that is really dishonest when the person pointing this out was a palestinian who lost family due to zionism throughout multiple generations of their lives.
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neechees · 6 months
about the whole preoccupation w incest thing amongst white people on the internet i haven't really noticed it? i am white and find it intriguing (i was incestually abused as a child and so i find it interesting how it develops in families, how people respond to it, etc (it's kind of been part of my healing process)) but i don't really see anyone being obsessed w it? maybe pointing out themes of it in media but that's kinda it? some of my mutuals, idk if they're white, but they have also been abused the same way i have and find discussing it or finding media with incest in it to be a part of exposure therapy/dealing with the trauma. id love to hear your thoughts on it :)
I've talked about this a few times in the past, but I'm posting again to make my views & boundaries known that 1. Dni if you're a "pr0shipper" & enjoy shipping incest, I do not want you here, 2. Fiction does not exist in a vacuum. Im going with the assumption that anon is not a proshitter & they're asking this in good faith. Just putting a readmore because this got long and also for anyone who is triggered by this topic
The conversation I think is surrounding proshitters ("shippers"), but I think the conversation also goes deeper into things like "incest" & "step family" being popular porn site searches that very often feature white actors, as well as those things showing up in film, book, and TV, but in romantisize/sexualized/downplayed ways written by and featuring, again, white people. So I believe generally the "obsession" part means White people who are overly preoccupied with seeing incest quite often, especially and specifically in sexualized, fetishized, and/or romantisized ways. Because personally (& I believe other nonwhite people can attest to this as well, and that's what the other posts mean to say) a lot of the people who have this overkeen interest in incest are White.
Like it's not talking about people wanting to have nuanced depictions of incest, why it's bad, how that affects people & can be extremely traumatizing, and then approaching that topic respectfully (because it should be, that's a terrible thing and showing respect for victims of it & ensuring its not, accidentally or not, endorsed or shown as "okay" or normalizing it, is important. Execution as well as intent are important & should be done with tact.) The people who are mentioned as being "obsessed with incest" as these pr0shippers who find incest "sexy", want to see it, actively search it out where it is both romantisized/sexualized/fetishized, and will apply it in fanon interpretations even when it doesn't exist in canon or this interpretation wouldn't/doesn't make sense anyway, specifically because they enjoy seeing it. They find it titillating. Quite a few of the popular users on this site who have famously defended incest (and/or pedophilia) both in real life AND as proshitters have been... White. And racist.
I think there IS a correlation between White people, proshitters (who are usually people who defend romantisized depictions of things like incest), and liking incest, because I very often seen proshitters be racist (and other types of bigoted tbh), and ALSO defend things like racist depictions of nonwhite characters, things like slavery AU's featuring Black characters, or colonizer AU's, and the like. It's a common joke (not so much of a joke tho tbh) that the more White people that exist prominently in a fandom, then the less fun it is, specifically because of racism that will then exist in that fandom. So there's this huge overlap of White fans being racist but ALSO there being a lot of fans who enjoy seeing incest in their fave medias, because of the proshitters, who do both. There was also that whole thing where a bunch of popular white users on here (many of whom ALSO defended incest) defended sexual raceplay & then called any nonwhite person (ESPECIALLY BLACK USERS) "homophobic" or "transphobic" for rightfully and correctly calling this racist.
Lots of White people like to do this thing where, if they are marginalized in some way, then they'll weaponize that marginalization against anyone who criticizes them for something (most often racism), even if their marginalized identity has nothing to do with the topic or was brought up. White women who happened to be gay called me "homophobic" and "misogynist" (even though I'm a bi woman but you know) because I talked about the nazi associations & racist inclinations of cottage core. I saw multiple White lotr fans call a specific artist "homophobic" because that artist asked that their art not be tagged as an incest ship, and that incest ship is very popular (and their art piece was depicting them as just family), but this incest ship isn't even canon, and the artist wasn't actually homophobic or against gay relationships in general. So they essentially just called this artist "homophobic" for no reason. Because they didn't want their art piece of two family members to be incorrectly interpreted as incestuous. Im even reluctant to draw fan art of some of my favorite characters who are family members, because I dont want people who ship incest to interact with it or tag it as that, and the fact that so many artists even have to ask people NOT to do this is insane.
Like it's one thing if someone analyzes media with it or might find comfort in certain characters in books or TV etc because they feel seen in their trauma, and yet can acknowledge that this isn't for everybody and not everyone processes their trauma this way, and that seeing it (incest in media) can make trauma WORSE for many people, AND that not all representations are made equally, and none of those are free from being available to criticism in approach of that representation anyway. But very often there's White fans (many who aren't even incest victims themselves, so they don't have the "I'm coping" excuse) that are offended that other people don't like seeing incest at ALL, that people will (understandably) not want to interact with them if they're a pr*shipper, and hate being reminded that treating incest like its a fun little interest that shouldn't be handled with care just because it's being featured in a fictional situation (or even sometimes when it's NOT) is pretty fucked up and even disrespectful & insensitive to incest survivors, and then chalk up any criticism of the amount of sexualized/romanticized incest as "censorship" even though that's not what's happening, and again, very often self victimize themselves and often are also racist.
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she-posts-nerdy-stuff · 7 months
Do you ever think on the first conversation Inej and Kaz had in Heleen's office? It feels like theres a lot there and I wondered if you have any thoughts on it. I come back a lot to when Inej asks Kaz if he convinced Per Haskell to buy out her indenture because "you like Suli girls" and Kaz answers "i don't know enough Suli girls to say"
that's a very interesting sort of snarky answer to me because he refutes the idea that he's the type to fetishize the Suli culture to the point of being "into" Suli women just because they are Suli. But also he doesn't just shut down the idea of him being into anyone. Which ... This is post Imogen debacle, he's resigned himself to not being "into" anyone at this point for several years. He doesn't care how people see him for it either. He could have been ruder or more just more direct about this, but he wasn't. And its like that with many of his early actions towards Inej. He's nicer than you'd think he'd be and its interesting becuase i don't get a sense that Kaz fell for Inej "at first sight", i think his love for her was gradual and snuck up on him (heh) so really everything he did at first and especially not demanding she gets a dregs tatto must have been from some basic sense of compassion, although he'd shank me for saying so.
Also, i always wondered how Kaz explained to Haskell why Inej didnt get a tattoo, then i re-read the books recently i realized omg i bet he totally probably just didn't?! Inej wasn't the type talk about it, she wears concealing clothes and is not very seen/social within the gang so my theory is that lazy ass Haskell didnt ask and assumed she got a tatto and kaz just let the assumption happen. Do you think that's believable?
Hi, thanks so much for your question - and so sorry it’s taken me an eternity to reply!
When I tell you that I think about this meeting once a week… well I’m hoping that you think “woah so cool she knows so much and thinks so in depth about these characters literary analysis is awesome” and not “Jesus Christ she’s insane”. But genuinely, the Kanej meeting is something I think about a lot and I think holds an awful lot of meaning.
The “you like Suli girls” “I don’t know enough Suli girls to say” to me is such a wonderful moment because, as you quite rightly said, it immediately refutes Kaz’s endorsement of the hyper-sexualisation of Suli culture that we see so prevalently in Kerch / Ketterdam (I’ve gone into this at length before but in a whistle stop tour think about the way the Menagerie customers talk about Inej and place so much emphasis on her skin colour, her bedroom at the Menagerie being a “farcical” version of a Suli caravan, the way “the Menagerie always stocked a Suli girl”, the Rare Spices billboard, etc). And this is so important for so many reasons, but in particular because the second Heleen exits the room and she’s alone with Kaz, Inej immediately tenses at the assumption that he is going to rape or assault her- “braced herself for what would come next, fingers twisting in her silks”. And what happens instead? He asks her for her name. Her name, that has been ignored and erased for an entire year as yet another roll of dehumanisation piled against her. Even though the pair discuss and make a clear understanding of the fact that this isn’t some kind of rescue mission and Inej’s world isn’t going to suddenly fix itself, this moment makes an instant connection for Inej between Kaz Brekker and safety. Because somehow, despite everything that’s happening, this moment in Tante Heleen’s office is the safest Inej has felt for an entire year. It’s also interesting that you mentioned he doesn’t shut down the idea of not being interested in anyone and I definitely agree with that, personally I don’t believe that Kaz is asexual although I know some people headcanon him that way it’s just not something that works for me and my perception of his character, and that’s because of situations like his attraction to Imogen and several situations he’s in with Inej. His exact words when considering being with Imogen are “he knew the things he was supposed to want. He did want those things”, which to me very clearly shows that he does experience sexual attraction and sexual desire, and the limiting factor is his ptsd and touch aversion rather than his sexuality/orientation. I agree that Kaz and Inej didn’t experience a love at first sight kind of moment, but I do think that this meeting really solidified their relationship to a level of immediate understanding between them, in essence an acknowledgment of them being “twin soldiers, marching on, pretending they were fine”. They are both able to see the other, clock that they understand to some extent, and respect each other.
Kaz is quite abrasive in this scene, but what always gets me is how confrontational Inej is able to be - “And what happens when you take their money, and you become a rich man?”. (The quote is something to that effect, sorry I don’t have my book with me right now). I think that a big aspect of her being able to summon the confidence to put herself against him so immediately is that she genuinely feels this level of safety with him, because this far he represents the opposite of everything that had tormented her. Or at the very least the polar end of a spectrum that she has been tormented by another part of. And controversially to the image of everything Inej has experienced in the Barrel so far, Kaz is amused by and enjoys her standing up to him, in fact he almost seems endeared by it saying “Then you can steal all my secrets too”.
And ohh the tattoo, or lack thereof, makes me so happy! It doesn’t require much reading between the lines to understand the relevance of Kaz not forcing Inej to take the Dregs tattoo on, she even says herself that he refused to be the one who marked her again, but I love the idea that he didn’t actually tell anyone she’s not got it!! I hadn’t considered this before but it makes perfect sense with everything we know about Inej’s relationship with the Dregs - Nina doesn’t know she lacks the tattoo, and Inej comments on the fact that the others can’t see her scars from having the Menagerie feather removed but that “they all knew it was there”, suggesting she keeps her forearms covered most of the time, and the emotional disconnect she feels from the rest of the Dregs is always discussed at an intellectual level and in the way she spends most of her time with Kaz or alone rather than with them rather than any dislike/distrust/etc of her because she didn’t take on the tattoo. I absolutely love this theory because it takes away any feeling of guilt around lacking the tattoo and also makes it a far more personal thing to be shared only between Kaz and herself.
Thank you so much, I’m so sorry it took me so long to reply, but I hope this made sense and that you enjoyed reading it! <3
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simblreenofficial · 8 months
Is putting things behind a paywall fine if I also give it out for free during simbreen porchlight?
Then release the item for free a few days after the event for everyone?
Hi! Do you mean that during your porchlight people would get direct download link to an otherwise paywalled item? And then at the end paywall will go away? If so, that’s fine sure just be sure to clarify, but please note we don’t endorse paywalls at all
xldkx edit: hi sorry but don't paywall your gift. we had an incident with one pose creator who put out halloween poses during the event and paywalled her poses until july of the next year after the event.
you can paywall whatever you want but do not call it simblreen or use the simblreen hashtag. there are so many words that can be used but do not use simblreen.
just make sure your gift is free during simblreen and afterwards. that's all we ask. don't promote paid stuff in the simblreen tag or under your simblreen post.
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justice-flonne · 3 months
Twitter and the death of Media Literacy
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As the original post now has reblogs turned off before this post came out of the queue, looks like I have to make my own
Lemme tackle picture number 2 first. Number one, what the HELL do you mean "normal mentally ill [woman]"?? There's no such thing. There's not even such a thing as normal non-mentally ill. Everyone is different and has different reactions and symptoms. and number two: where the fuck do you get off calling the author a sex pest for the "crime" of exploring her options in brothels (well, i guess maybe it is a crime, i forget how japan's laws are, but still. i better not hear you demanding more rights for sex workers while indirectly demeaning their jobs, ya nitwit)? Being gay (or even just non-conforming, and that's not even just about gender) in Japan, while not as bad as say, the Middle East, is not exactly a walk in the park. She probably at the time of writing didn't have many options, and everybody explores their sexuality in different ways. It's really messed up that you're calling the author a sex pest for describing her life, especially since she did nothing wrong (as in, her encounters were all consensual. again, don't fully know the laws regarding brothels there. i think it's a "we'll pretend we didn't see that" scenario)
This also kinda ties into the downright dangerous idea that an lgbt+ person, lesbians especially, can only be an innocent pure being. that kind of thinking can and HAS gotten people into horrible abuse scenarios
As for the "incest"... whoo boy, this is gonna be long:
Now, I have actually read this manga, and I can cite the pages with the supposed "incest" mentioned in the first pic. I'd elaborate, but I'm admittedly quite bad at that, so I'll let the comic speak for itself:
(forgive me if there's any errors in the alt text. it's late 😭)
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As you can see, the author does not LITERALLY want to fuck her mother. She has childhood issues from not enough affection (elaborated elsewhere in the book, but I'm tired. read it yourself. i got these pages from a definitely legal website, so can you), and wants to be held and coddled. She even straight up says what she feels is abnormal and yearns for a woman NOT RELATED TO HER to do things with. She KNOWS what she feels is strange and wants to (and eventually DOES) grow from this. I could post more images, but i'm probably pushing my luck as is
Point is, you "adults" really, REALLY need to learn that depiction is not the same as endorsement. Not everything is as cut and dry as the Marquis de Sade. This is, as the damn title says, the author's experience with loneliness as a result of growing up with an emotionally distant mother in a society that is markedly different than America
please, PLEASE, learn to think critically, and i mean "critical" in a "english class analysis" kind of way (for lack of a better term), not a "this thing you like is bad and it offends me" "critical." It's alright to be uncomfortable with things and even to not like things, hell I myself am a HUGE hater, but please, don't throw a tantrum because a real person wasn't a smol bean like you hoped
holy shit i need to go to bed
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reasonandempathy · 3 months
how can you reblog a Zionist post criticizing people who support Palestine for allowing themselves to be harmed in an effort to support Palestine (https://www.tumblr.com/reasonandempathy/743584944850354176/politics-is-fucking-soul-churning-it-really-is) while also seeming to respect Aaron Bushnell, who made the ultimate sacrifice in an effort to support Palestine? is it so unthinkable that people would be willing to act against their own interest to stop a genocide?
TLDR; that post isn't denying people can self-sacrifice to stop a genocide. That post is about taking the broader context into perspective, and remembering that Trump Is Still So Much Worse, so you should vote against him.
Was thinking about this one, actually.
Didn't know the person's broader political views until checking them out, and while it's important context for that person individually, but the post at large still, broadly, stands.
There is, undoubtedly, an aspect of political discourse that promotes people who would vote for Biden to stay home or vote for someone not Biden and not Trump, rooted in (to a much lesser extent than Bushnell, who was being compelled to be an active participant) not wanting to be complicit in that genocide.
What I took to be the main thrust of that post was to point out the unfortunately very, very real dynamic of not helping Biden win would, objectively, be worse for everyone including Palestinians if Trump wins. And in a truly, honestly Binary choice between D or R, there is a correct choice to make. It's Biden.
The first few paragraphs of that post are basic "don't be selective with your care." Which is true.
The rape of Israeli women, the Jewish Diaspora, The various tortures and war crimes inflicted by Hamas and the Houthis are not things to be forgotten nor supported. The world is fucking complicated and "Good Guys" are in incredibly short supply, but "Hooray Huthis" is what I'd call an incredibly fraught tightrope to walk.
The main thrust of that post, though, is referring to people who know Trump is worse and have done extensive work broadcasting that Trump is, objectively, Worse for Palestinians. Worse for Women. Worse for the LGBTQ community. Worse for Non-Christians. Worse for BIPOC. It's pretty simple and reasonable to think that if Trump was in the White House he would find some way to be even worse right now than Biden is being.
But they still can't endorse or support Biden. Who is definitely horrible, but also objectively the better of the 2 options we have.
Which is why I said Politics is soul-churning. Because it is. Because, outside of any actual plan to get anyone else into the White House, it is objectively Better for the people I care about.
My fiance.
My friends.
My extended family.
My Neighbors.
My trade union (though I haven't been in it for a few years).
My city.
My values.
It is objectively Better for Biden to be in power than Trump, which, again, is the only realistic alternative to Trump. But it does mean voting for the guy. And, yeah, I'm in NY (not a secret). Maybe I could vote for the Justice Party or the Green Party or something else.
But I can't assume nobody else will do that, and ceding what small influence I have (.000008% of Biden's popular vote in 2020) to actually help people to instead assuage my personal beliefs is putting my comfort over that small, minuscule, but very Real influence in being able to help people.
I...have blood on my hands. (broadly) We all do. I just want to add less to it.
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anendoandfriendo · 2 months
That doesn’t make y'all invalid if a system is sysian or plurillean and that DOES make them aspec.
But not acknowledging this as a separate orientation reeks of sysmedicalism to a lot of us (as in, us, Rusanya), we see a lot of things that do this that aren't intentionally sysmedicalist but are like Just There as a direct result of plurmisic oppression (see: our vents about how roles are used, how people assume endogenics cannot have CDDs and how that implies to the world we're magically immune to trauma! regardless of your actual intentions, and similar vents).
Critical analysis skills are in fact at an all-time low and that includes being sociologically-minded, we finally figured out the words for it, thank fuck. Being able to treat a thing as legitimate as well as justified while also understanding some of the nastier aspects of the history of that thing does not suddenly mean you're endorsing the nastier thing lmao, that's like saying because you're using roman columns you're like, wdk, entirely and fully devoted a dead empire and everything it has ever said and done and condone every single tiny thing it did in the name of its wars and atrocities etc etc etc.
You get what we mean?????
But because (from our observations) that skill is just so blatantly not there for so many people everything is read in bad faith and it's assumed our intent is to attack when our intent is to, like, point out something we percieve is an actual problem. Like. Constantly. We feel like we cannot talk about things we percieve as issues (or at least, if not issues, maybe just things that are unacknowledged) pretty much ever lest we get disembowled by the online community. Jeez.
Saying it one more time: we could be wrong here, but our observations have indicated that a lot of people do not have adequate skills to identify the actual repercussions of living in a society. Not just the things that are told to you, but also what is NOT said, what is simply assumed, and what the meanings of words are to the normative power versus what YOU are saying.
And in order to like, discuss actual issues. And. Not rip people apart. That's...do people understand that is a necessary skill to have so you don't fall to propaganda, for starters?
We feel like this explains a lot of things (not in their entirety but as a common thread maybe?):
Any -medicalist to be honest
People who fell down the alt-right pipeline in some way unintentionally (so, pretty much all of the above but like, can be its own thing too so worth mentioning)
And like, probably way more, but. Like. We know we're rehashing an ages-old discussion with ourselves especially when we say "propaganda exploits that type of ignorance and unwillingness to analyze things," and so, when we say "words MEAN THINGS" what we generally are saying, so, when you're deconstructing them, you HAVE to understand how those words are used when a normative power applies them to a marginalized one.
That's why we also fucking fixate on system roles so much we think, they're the most direct example that we can easily apply that is relevant to us in a way that makes them easy for us to deconstruct. "Role" to us has a very specific connotation and in relation to the normative power, a "role" implies a point of purpose. The way singlets call their friends a "protector" implies a personality trait as in "oh my friend is such a protector, you know?" but saying "my headmates role is a protector" implies a point of purpose, something that as far as we are aware, is a concept introduced by singlets and then forced onto our communities as plurals and systems.
We will never tell people to stop using words the way they personally like, but, for us, the way we can see this being fixed is...just saying "my headmate is a protector" or "she's such a caregiver haha" because it no longer implies a point of purpose.
And the point of that analysis is more about "is it even useful to imply a point of purpose" because, as much as we all hate it, we DO live in a society. It's not exclusionism to ask yourself WHY you use a label, and the pathways that could have led you to that and what the alternatives could have been or could be.
A point of purpose is the language of dehumanization when applied to systems and plurals. So, let's make it so even respectability politics is no longer respectable. Nothing would make a singlet more uncomfortable than forcing them to admit we are people and to wrangle their own language against them.
Do you understand what Rusanya is trying to say when Rusanya says all of this? 😖
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firewalkzwit · 7 months
runt // jonathan crane x reader. (29)
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Chapter 29
cross-posted on AO3
"That might be a little too much..." The shy voice of Bruce Wayne reverberated as if the two were confined in a booth, instead being seated on chairs of refined interior design value. Even though she was once again endorsing in dining way over any of the paychecks her or her brother had ever seen, the hard linen of the seat was itching her the wrong way, even beneath the fabric of her dress. Y/N thought this was what provoked her to begin to rampantly down the bottle of wine Bruce had ordered for them, being poured a glass by the waiter even though he had no intent of even touching it.
It was as she once again began to fill her glass that his growing concern finally prompted him to make his best attempt at stopping her. Whenever he was unmasked, he felt almost naked, incompetent at anything Batman could do. It was as soon as they began to become closer that he no longer felt such an impending need to stalk her, and look after the product of the mask's uncontrolled violence; maybe the Batman wasn't better at everything he did as Bruce, being a friend to her felt like he was making up for his mistake more than anything else could; it was the best band-aid he could provide to an irreparable damage.
To have found out about her strange Stockholm syndrome relationship with Dr. Crane profoundly appalled him, not about her, but about him, the Scarecrow. Bruce felt no moral apprehension when he began to take advantage of her inebriation to squeeze information out of her. He was blatantly using who thought him to be a friend, but he liked to believe he wasn't any less of a confidant just because he vowed to look out for everyone's sake. He couldn't even fathom how such a repulsive intimacy could even blossom. It was hard to even imagine it blossoming, if the two were a plant they'd be more of an invasive weed that grows from pavement; undesirable and prompting people to stomp the life out of it. Bruce couldn't blame her, she was too vulnerable to be rational, but this didn't bother him any less, knowing that once again he couldn't stop evil without hurting her; necessary casualties always seemed to cost her happiness.
"I'll be fine." Her answer was dry, and her voice was shut off, as if it came from a foreign cabin in outer space.
"Is this about Dr. Crane?"
"Why would it be? I'm hardly going to Arkham lately. For all I know he might fire me."
"You seem okay with that."
"I'm okay with it."
"You don't like it there, do you?"
"Of course I don't. What type of question is that?" She aimed her glass at him as she rolled her eyes in a pace so slow only a drunk could exhibit, she'd hardly display such disrespect to someone like Bruce Wayne weren't she in the state she was by that point.
"Because of Crane, isn't it?"
"Stop it, please. It is not. There is no 'it', if there's a problem with the wine don't order one next time, I'm fine." And with that, she downed the last sips of wine as if it were a cheap shot.
"I know it has nothing to do with Arkham because you and Crane see each other outside of it." She got up abruptly, the sound of the chair scraping on the floor broke the silent aura of the room, some heads turning to nail their eyes on them.
"Please don't make a scene, I'll leave."
"I'm just looking out for you, Y/N."
"Well, don't." Between her speech escaped a sob, childish and offended. She felt taken for a joke, a male's assumption that all her aches and vulnerabilities stemmed from another male; her ego was punctured. His hand reached out across the table to hold her's, his gaze on her like never before, probably the first time she'd caught a glimpse so clear of his eyes; they were blue.
"I just fear what he might do to you, drown you with him in pursuit of something."
"I'm not enduring this any further, I'm going outside." Who did he think he was? Looking out for her without her consent. She thanked her self-control contained her enough to stop her from telling Bruce how much she wished she'd never returned his calls, desperate to imprint his ego on her subversive self like all the men in her life.
As she barged out, crying felt inevitable. What began to accumulate in her waterline clouded her vision so much she couldn't help but blink, evacuating the tears down her cheeks as she desperately tried to cooperate with the wind so her hair would cover the shame. She felt pathetic and small, as small as she did the last time she met the Batman. Helpless and surrendered to someone who deliberately wanted to humiliate her. She knew in reality it probably wasn't like that, but the fear of being put in the spotlight and control spilling from her glass felt so imminent, she couldn't help but want to hide from it. Suddenly, she felt a thirst on her throat so strong it tickled the nerves on her nipples and fingers, and she wanted a hug from the only father she'd ever recalled; her brother.
That night, she called Jonathan.
Leaned by the payphone as she clutched her purse and wept like a kid, she wished she could sometime see Bruce or Jonathan surrender to their own child selves. The pennies slipped from her hands and she felt too weak to grab them, she felt if she crouched down her knees would surrender and never get her back up. Bruce hadn't gone out in search of her. Or at least that was her impression, nothing could matter more than her perspective, it was all she had in the world. She didn't even have time to process Bruce's implications, he probably knew Crane was up to something, but she was too focused on her own misery to even care.
"I need you to pick me up."
"I need you to beat some sense into me."
"Excuse me?" The last thing Jonathan expected to hear from her as he tried to comfort her with the usual sex was a request to be hit. She grabbed onto his wrists, his hands placed on each side of her body.
"Slap me as hard as you can, beat me, get my brain to sharpen up with some ultra-violence, just hit me once." Her grip on him became harder as she spoke, like a violent plea. Crane wanted many horrible things out of her, but he could hardly recall any instance where he wanted to hit her. He'd wished to control her, to murder her, to scare the life out of her and many other vile things, but beating her had never occupied a notch in his list. Though he recalled her making such a request before, he felt he'd remember it more if it were real, and pondered if he had ever hit her before.
"Just hit me, coward. Hit me!" Her hands drifted onto his shoulders and her nails dug into his flesh, desperation in his eyes.
"Why?" In the dream, he had hit her. But there, he couldn't bring himself to do so; he truly was still the same old coward after all, and he suddenly felt reduced to nothing. All he could do was ask her why, like the weak Jonathan Crane he'd always tried to shrink within his vessel.
"I feel like it's the only thing that can shock me into knowing I'm real right now." If he were Dr. Crane at that very moment, he'd coldly dismiss her as someone having an episode of derealization and prescribe her SSRIs, or sessions with a psychologist if he was feeling especially attentive. But while in her bed and on top of her naked body, pleading for a shock of reality, he felt a sense of pity he'd never felt before for anyone but himself, the most unprofessional of emotions for someone in his field of work.
He rolled off from above her and laid beside her, his gaze as soft as ever. His pupils seemed more dilated than usual, and the proximity between their faces was enough to feel his hot breath on her and to see the trembling of his nervous eyes shifting with unease; he was vulnerable.
"I don't know how to cope with the idea that I might die, or fail soon. I've always wanted this and now that it's so close I can count it in days I don't feel so confident, I'm too scared." Something about the way he stared at her simply made her want to vomit all the thoughts she could word. "I feel like if I convince myself I don't actually exist for long enough, I might brush this fear of impending doom away for long enough."
His hand reached out to gently caress her cheek, taking her by surprise. She wanted the same hand that softly grazed the skin on her face to suddenly lift up and hit her hard enough to chip her teeth, yet the softness of his hand, at least for a second —before she could remember who the vile Jonathan Crane was, felt as comforting enough to remember she was real, and that unfortunately so was he.
mc girlies when the man theyre in love with isnt a figment of their imagination but a real man with independent thoughts and feelings beyond what you want them or expect them to do😫😫
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eggbagelsjr · 2 years
How To Plot Romance (in fanfic)
Today I realized I've been plotting my romance writing all wrong. Oops! Lucky for you, I think I figured out how to solve this problem. *Gestures to the camera* come along with me and let's figure out how to write romance plots together!
When I'm sketching out a story idea, I generally use some simplified version of Dan Harmon's story circle (ok so this link is not an endorsement of Dan Harmon as a person, but I have found this plotting device helpful), which is itself a simplified version of Joseph Campbell's The Hero's Journey. The double-simplified version looks something like this:
You (character in a zone of comfort)
Need (want something)
Go (venture outside the comfort zone)
Search/Adapt (adapt to the new situation)
Find (finally get what they wanted)
Take/Sacrifice (but sacrifice/pay a price)
Return (go back to the comfort zone)
Change (different than they were before)
The problem I keep running into is that I never know what goes where, especially as the number of characters and side plots increases. It's also a little hard for my brain to translate this tool that came out of adventure epics to what I need for a romance/rom-com plot. Usually I look at this list, get overwhelmed, and zoom way too far out, filling in these answers based on what I, the all-knowing author, think they should be. The end result looks a lot like (we're using Dramione as our example, but any characters will do):
You: Hermione Granger
Need: To find love.
Go: To a place where you can find love.
Search/Adapt: For/To love!
Take/Sacrifice: The love????? But sad now????
Return: With love!
Change: Loved 😍
And. Uh. That's not a plot?
Where I went wrong is that people in the story don't know they're in a story (unless they do, in which case you should probably sleep with one eye open because your characters know what you've done to them). Your characters are unreliable. They only see what's in front of them. By zooming all the way out to LURVE, I erased everything that's fun to read that gets us to our HEA (or, if you're devious, non-HEA).
So, it stands to reason you should fill out this story circle (story bulleted list?) from the perspective of your character, not you. (This is probably very basic science and congratulations if you got there way before me. You don't need this post. You should be writing this post.)
But even more important in a romance? That need, the thing your main character wants, is kind of a red herring. The character thinks this is their primary need/goal to get them out of whatever slump they start out in, but you, the author, know that what they actually need is to fall in love with the Love Interest.
Then, during the Search/Adapt phase, when your main character is looking for that thing they need or trying to achieve their primary goal or whatever, they start to learn more about the Love Interest. Their perspective shifts, and they realize they were wrong before. The Love Interest is what they actually need. This is probably where most of your story will happen. During this step, there's only one bed, the characters are fake dating, they get trapped in an elevator, etc.
Sadly, just when we think the main character has come to their senses, they are offered the exact thing they *thought* they needed the whole time. Bonus point if the thing they thought they wanted is in direct conflict with accepting the affections of the Love Interest.
During Take/Sacrifice, the main character has to choose. Are they going to pick love or the thing they thought they wanted at the beginning of the tale? In a multi-chap, you might let your character choose the original need/goal (or struggle for a while with the choice). In a one-shot, you might not have enough space for this and the character chooses love.
Next, in the Return, if it isn't the consequences of the character's own actions. A character who chose their need/goal over love during Take/Sacrifice needs to make amends to the Love Interest. The character who chose love has to deal with not getting the thing they needed at the beginning of the story. Depending on your fic's vibes, you might invent a magical solution for the character to get everything they want here. Alternately, maybe the character suffers and loses everything. This seems like a lot to cram into the end of your tale, and it is, so try not to drag it out too long. Your reader has gone on a long journey with your characters and they don't want to read fifteen chapters of sadness before the end (or maybe they do?). If they aren't already, the characters want to be together at this point, they might just need a little shove to get there.
In the final step, take a moment to show us how the character and their life have changed as a result of going on this journey. They are now in a new comfort zone / status quo and are ready for further adventures, should you so choose.
To clarify how these steps work for a romance plot, I changed the labels and made you a little graphic. Please ignore that I don't make graphics and a 12 year old on Canva could have done better.
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The formula looks like this now:
You: Hermione Granger is in her comfort zone. Note: in fanfiction, you don't have to do as much character development with an established character who is behaving as expected. Use this time instead to highlight the limitations of their comfort zone. You can also use this space to set up their romantic foil, especially if that character is behaving in an unexpected way. For example, if Hermione is being very driven and high-achieving, the reader doesn't need a lot of context for her behavior; they already know this version of her from canon. But if her would-be paramour Draco Malfoy is acting kind and considerate, the reader is going to want more information since in canon his behavior is usually presented as rude/entitled/etc. Don't spoil the surprise of why he's different, just show us the ways he's not what we expect. (Reveal his secret in Step 4 - Learn).
Need: Hermione has The Wrong Goal (pass legislation, solve a mystery, avoid sleeping in the room with only one bed). This might be a very noble goal, but it's at odds with Hermione's true, secret, hidden goal of being in love with Draco Malfoy. Why? Because she doesn't know that being in love with Draco is where she's headed yet.
Go: To the place that Hermione's Wrong Goal requires. Pass legislation? Lobby all the Sacred 28s sitting on the Wizengamot! Solve a mystery? Go undercover to find out who did What in Which Room with What Object. Avoid sleeping in the hotel room with only one bed? Go to the concierge and ask for a new room. What's important is that wherever Hermione goes, she's forced to be near Draco Malfoy, the object of her true, secret, hidden, goal (to fall in LURVE).
Learn: This is where Hermione and Draco are forced to work together to solve the problem of the finding/achieving the Wrong Goal. Through this process, Hermione realizes Draco's exactly what she didn't know she was always looking for, etc. Unfortunately, her original goal is still at odds with being in LURVE with him. Cue tension. Example: They're at the concierge desk begging for a new room; he's offering all the money in his vaults, she's trying to appeal to the hotel staff's sense of human decency. She admires his tenacity. He realizes she's witty and a little bit underhanded. He likes this. She has a fleeting curiosity about how the tenacity would manifest in bed. Oh no.
Find: In this step, Hermione is confronted with an opportunity to obtain her original Wrong Goal. Example: Well what do you know? The bribe and the appeals worked. The concierge has found one other room in the hotel. Dramione are no longer forced to sleep in the room with only one bed.
Choose: Unfortunately, lurving Draco is still at odds with Hermione's original goal, so she must choose between him and what she originally thought she wanted. She might have a lot of introspection here, where she considers the merits of different choices. Maybe she even talks it out with him or someone else. If this is a one-shot with a happy ending, she has grown and developed sufficiently by now to make the right choice and choose Draco. She sacrifices the original goal for him. If this is a multi-chapter fic, she chooses the wrong original goal over him and loses him as a result. Example: They both go back to the room with only one bed. He's going to collect his things and go to the new room. They hesitate. Is it really necessary for him to move rooms? Draco has so many items, and some of her stuff is mixed in with his stuff. He looks at her with eyes full of newfound respect. "What do you think, Granger?" Hermione sacrifices her original goal, calls the concierge back, and lets them know that they won't be needing the new room after all, but "Please enjoy whatever ungodly massive tip Mr. Malfoy left you. I know I sure will."
Reap: Now it's time to reap the consequences of the choice Hermione made in Step 6. In a one-shot, maybe Hermione's all done. She heads back to her old comfort zone with her new relationship. Depending on the tone of this story, maybe there's some way that she gets to have her original goal and her relationship. However, in a multi-chapter fic, this is where Hermione has to do some work to make amends for choosing wrong (that is, for not choosing Draco). If it's a multi-chap with a happy ending, she succeeds, Draco forgives her, and they smooch. Example: They're back in the room. There it is - just the one bed. All those slightly naughty things they thought during Step 4? Oh yeah. They're going to try them all out. Fade to black, etc.
Change: Some final scene showing how things are different now that Hermione has what she really needed (the D). Example: They wake up the next morning way past check out and have to extend their stay. Bummer!
A fully worked example:
You: Hermione Granger is bored at her job at the Ministry of Magic. She unexpectedly bumps into her former archenemy, a now polite and reserved Potions Professor Draco Malfoy. She learns that Minerva McGonagall, the current Hogwarts Headmistress, is retiring.
Need: Hermione needs to prove to Minerva, Hermione's longtime mentor, that she's the right person to hire over the other candidate, who just happens to be polite and reserved Professor Malfoy, even though Hermione has never taught students a day in her life.
Go: To avoid her obvious bias, Minerva sets up a series of practical trials to determine which candidate will win the job. Hermione and Professor Malfoy enter the obstacle course.
Learn: When the practical trials start turning dangerous, Hermione and Professor Malfoy must work together to stay alive. Unfortunately, working side by side shows them they have more in common than they thought.
Find: Hermione is presented with an opportunity to sink Professor Malfoy's ship: she learns that he never finished his Potions Mastery. If she reveals this information to Minerva and betrays Draco in the process, the job of Head of Hogwarts will be hers, and the dangerous practical trials/threat to her life will be over. But what about the romantic "something" budding between Hermione and Draco? Well, that's just an acceptable loss. Hermione's career trajectory is on the line!
Choose: Is this a one-shot? Then Hermione chooses "right" at the last minute and decides to sacrifice the job for love and keeps the information to herself. Is this a multi-chapter fic? Then Hermione chooses "wrong" and decides to sacrifice love for the job. She tells Minerva. Draco is devastated.
Reap: If this is a one-shot, Hermione returns from the trials holding hands with her new boyfriend. While they were in the trials, Minerva figured out a way for them to both get the job somehow! If this is a multi-chapter fic, Hermione returns from the trials alone, with her brand new job and a hefty side of guilt. Realizing her error too late, she works to make amends to Draco.
Change: A year later, the Co-Heads of Hogwarts Hermione Granger-Malfoy and Draco Malfoy-Granger celebrate the one-year anniversary of the trials and their relationship by burning Minerva's horrible obstacle course to the ground.
I've written all this out in list format because, well, you saw the circle I made you, but the circle has the benefit of helping you visualize that where your character is in Step 8 (Change) becomes the new Step 1 (You, character in zone of comfort). If you are writing multiple scenes, you can apply this plot exercise to each scene, even if these little micro plots are very small (e.g., Hermione forgets her quill and has to ask Draco to borrow his). Hermione obviously won't have big revelations about how she doesn't really need a quill and is actually in love with Draco each and every scene, but you can still play around with your characters pursuing one goal only to realize their true aspirations mid-way through a scene using the story circle framework. Plotting this way will help you make sure everything you write leads to some sort of change in your character. And that's character development baybee!
When you're ready to level up your story circle skills, remember that in a romance you probably have at least one other main character whose needs you'll have to service. Your new job is make a story circle for the love interest! Note the ways that the two characters' needs/goals align and the ways that they are in opposition. When the characters' story circles are in opposition, you get tension, when they're in alignment, you get softness! Just make sure that whatever is keeping your blorbos apart is actually forcing them together. Meaning, if they have opposing Wrong Goals (Step 2 - Need), make sure that they still have to work together or be near each other somehow (Steps 3 & 4 - Go & Learn) to be able Find (Step 5) what they thought they were looking for. Also make sure that their true, secret, hidden goal is the same (at least for a happy ending fic): they want to end up in love with each other. The characters may come to this realization at different times, and that may guide whether they choose the Wrong Goal or Love during Choose (Step 6) and who has to make amends during Reap (Step 7).
Finally, if you're an alpha or beta reader, try making these circles/lists for the fics you're reading. It should clarify what's going on in each scene and help you identify what's missing from a story.
Happy writing!
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marengogo · 4 months
one of the things that social media training aims is -
Cultivating proper social media etiquette :- social media can make or break celebraties, especially today. With the help of media training, celebraties can learn how to properly engage with people on social media.
that's what a internet says. and if you're sharing content from fans that smh implies that you're endorsing content from said fan accounts. you might not think this way but many do and the Thousands of comments on that @/taekookupdate accounts do feel the same.
about the comment on @/chikoritajjk yes it was necessary and needed cause i have ignored their comment last time to my ask i sent to someone but everytime it can't be the solution right? and if you think my tone was wrong let me tell you chikoritajjk ain't a saint where they talk with "let's have discussion" kinda thing cause i do remember when i sent an ask to someone to which they replied their tone was "what the hell people think they're? do think they have right to do this that, why do they think so Highly of themselves blah blah" and in my whole ask i never once used any curse language or accusatory tone in my that ask but chikoritajjk decided to reply with that tone so i know better. i ignored them last time and even this time i didn't say anything bad to them. i also have all the rights to comment on people who replies to my ask as chikoritajjk did so yes it was needed. they would be surprised to know how many times they have agreed to my other asks i have sent to other people where they have commented with "agreee 💯" like many times and that was the reason i ignored their comment on one of my ask i sent to other blog thinking that everyone is not gonna agree with you every single time.
idt there's further discussion needed on this topic cause atleast I'm done with this. i believe what i believe and nothing is going to change that so I'm putting this at rest from my side. this will be my last reply that's it.
⚠️WARNING⚠️ : Heavy cynicism up ahead, proceed with caution!
Hello Anon & Everyone, 
As promised, the following are my points to your ask, replied under your self-declared last post for this topic. So let’s go out with a bang shall we?
"why are you here if you think you're right" because i saw you saying that "Imagine if i have to check every acct i post from......" Thing where you directly indirectly said some people who think like this ain't gonna survive if jkk turned out to be not dating so i replied cause I'm a jkkr and no i don't think they're dating and i also do think tae should have double checked the acct before reposting. 
I will admit, this part had me a little confused. How did I indirectly say anything? I clearly said, and I repeat, some people will not survive if jikook turns out to not be real. Some people, such as myself, won’t if JK & JM turn out to just be friends, because we love them regardless. Some people, such as whoever person in the world to whom this may apply, will have existential crisis if JK & JM turn out to not be lovers. How am I responsible for the fact that you decided to associate yourself with the second group? If you don’t relate, don’t retaliate … I’ll keep repeating this until it sinks. If you are part of the first group of some people and being disappointed in Tae, then be part of that, or any other combination. That’s why I said some, because obviously I didn’t mean all … not sure how else to explain this but I hope it makes sense.
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So i thought blogs are where you have discussions even when you're not agreeing to things so i did that but just got to know that you're supposed to block and scroll down.
 … We’ve already discussed this part in my previous answer. If you want to discuss, let’s discuss. If you come out gun blazing, let’s have a shoot out yadda yadda yadda. 
"the problem is is that the account is shipper account and no one's ready to have that conversation" for some people it might be like that but since you replied to my ask saying this let me clear this that i don't care if he's posting from shipper acct or any kind of acct my problem is that is anti and now unintentionally it got 42k around followers space where people belive he posted it after checking the acct so now they have all the rights to continue their hate. 
You see … damn … you almost had a point, but you fumbled the ball. So it is not about the fact that they are a shipper, which is the only thing that Tae could have assumed scrolling “really quickly” on a picture app, because i mean if the page is called taekook and in the first couple of pictures is only JK and Tae, not in NSFW, one could also, at the very least, think that this is a Tae and JK biased account, cus, what type of picture screams ANTI!? The pinned post, the english one. You will agree with me that it would take more than 3 seconds for a non english speaker to figure that one out, right? So if he by chance just so happened to keep opening posts with english written letters, and he has only so much time in a day in the military and all he is just not going to interact with ARMY because SOME ARMY have made it so that this fandom at the moment is a trap after trap after trap? … OH BTW, IF I EVER GET THE APPROPRIATE TIME AGAIN, I’M COMING FOR SOME OF Y’ALL IN TWITTER ARMY! 😎… Because YES, once again, it could have been the page of someone very dangerous, all the likes we listed previously, BUT as you just admitted is not even/really/primarily that, it’s more the fact that this is a JM anti hence the perpetuation of JM’s hatred for lack of Media training, which should have thought each member how to avoid situations where they cause endorsed hatred (I’m assuming you mean that for every member by the way) those are not the words you chose, but I think I summaries it quite well, which brings us to our next point:
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Yes he's not responsible for what people think but he's responsible for what he posts. Media training is there for a reason if he had time to check his name tag I'm sure more 10 sec wouldn't have caused much problem. You said one scroll always don't tell you about the acct which i agree and i would have been fine again if those anti posts were down the page i would have assumed he didn't scroll that down and it's fine but ths posts are up there so in this case 10 sec would have been enough.
 You know who has the most effective and I’d dare say perfect Media Training? According to your internet search: Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter. Don’t interact with anyone. Don’t go for interviews. Don’t stop for nobody. Just post pictures and keep it moving. But BTS is not like that is it? BTS loves interacting with ARMY, and ARMY loves interacting with BTS. It’s just how our fandom is right? As the fandom got bigger and deranged, some things had to change them leaving Twitter, for example … but no matter the threat, the hate, the dragging, they keep coming to us because it is not all of ARMY, it is SOME ARMY which can y’all even be called ARMY at this point? 
Furthermore, not tryna throw JM under the bus but, wouldn’t you agree with me that every time that JM mentjons JK, he causes so much dragging, we’d get ot the core of planet Earth? Is JM endorsing himself being dragged? Or dragging JK at that, are we getting a 2 for 1 coupon? I mean, that letter he sent, according to your definition of media training was waaaay off the mark if you ask me. I’m I implying that JM doesn’t have the right to talk about whatever the fuck he wants, whenever the fuck he wants when it is something related to himself, even if it will MOST CERTAINLY cause dragging? Many of you out there don’t realise that VMIN are actually different sides of the same coin, or ying-yang, etc. You’d think by now some of y’all would have noticed, but … 
AND DON’T EVEN GET ME STARTED WITH IU’S!! HOW COULD SHE!!! In her new song, the one that is going to come out on the 24th you know? Love Wins All, is presently the craze of some tkk shippers because IU is wearing a lip ring, a black hoodie and seems to be very comfy with a camera; I mean ... JK much so then ... is Tae JM? (His outfit thus far seems to match with something JM would wear, so hey! YOU NEVER KNOW 🤡🤡🤡)? That’s what they are obviously adding dots to, because you know JK is the only to have ever wore a lip ring, with a hoodie while being interested in filming 🤡🤡🤡… Media Training classes had the lowest attendance in the history of SK if you ASK ME! … Students nowadays! Honestly, no respect! We should bring back hand smacking I tell you!
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I hate it when people thinks that just because we're pointing out something it's gotta have something to do with "shipping" when we don't care about it that's why i replied. That's all i wanted to clear although i do have things to say but it's waste of time so it's agree to disagree situation.
If that’s how you feel, you are free to feel however you want to feel. If I could suggest something though, you could really benefit with substituting ALL/WE with SOME/I cause who is we? Some of Twitter “ARMY” we? I’ll have you know that some of the people who were disappointed in Tae did not feel how you did and there was definitely no projection on their part, so just putting that out there. Also, start caring less about what people think, I believe BTS has had to embrace this particular thought process in order to be able to carry on. It can be difficult at times, and you’ll need lots of practice, but it can be done TRUST ME, or don’t! up to you. 
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about the comment on @/chikoritajjk yes it was necessary and needed cause i have ignored their comment last time to my ask i sent to someone but everytime it can't be the solution right? and if you think my tone was wrong let me tell you chikoritajjk ain't a saint where they talk with "let's have discussion" kinda thing cause i do remember when i sent an ask to someone to which they replied their tone was "what the hell people think they're? do think they have right to do this that, why do they think so Highly of themselves blah blah" and in my whole ask i never once used any curse language or accusatory tone in my that ask but chikoritajjk decided to reply with that tone so i know better. i ignored them last time and even this time i didn't say anything bad to them. i also have all the rights to comment on people who replies to my ask as chikoritajjk did so yes it was needed. they would be surprised to know how many times they have agreed to my other asks i have sent to other people where they have commented with "agreee 💯" like many times and that was the reason i ignored their comment on one of my ask i sent to other blog thinking that everyone is not gonna agree with you every single time. 
I don’t know what you wrote, but cursing isn’t the only grammatical structure which makes a sentence offensive, people have different triggers, unfortunately you can’t know what triggers people so that hard, but for example some people might find my post highly triggering with my use of cynicism, but at least I had a disclaimer 🤡. But anyways, what is this? Are you trying to have a ah-ha! moment with them because they happened to agree with something you said, while they disagreed with something else you said? Are two people meant to agree/disagree with the same thing all the time in order to get along/ not to be considered whatever it is you think they are...? I know you can’t be implying this, so I will not do you the dishonour and keep it moving. 
Aaand it seems we’ve reached the end. Glad we’ve now finally put this topic behind us as per your decision. Keep supporting, and fighting for JM. I mean it. If what you, and some of y’all, have been doing thus far hasn’t been working, I’d maybe sit down and figure out other ways to get to the root of the issue reporting accounts and a less blaming/projecting type of approach in spreading awareness do the job they are meant to, it may not seem so, but they do as long as it is done. Fighting!
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Always respectfully yours,
Best regards,
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andreal831 · 8 months
Elijah the enabler
I came across many posts of Elijah and Klaus’ potential suffering in afterlife.
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Which is immensely interesting.
TVDU’ afterlife doesn’t make sense, and is left for interpretation.
Going to a deeper Analysis of Elijah- he was an enabler of Klaus. All Elijah ever did was endorse and provoke him.
Explains more of why Elijah hates himself so much. He knows he’s the reason of Klaus’ behaviors from the start. Ex. Wanting to kill Lucien, Klaus held a vote - showing democracy instead of Klaus’ mafia family he created. Elijah wanted to kill Lucien. Making Elijah more willing to Kill out of all his siblings,not for food but because he can. Elijah’s known for lying to himself about “always and forever “ so, Elijah saying it was for Vampiric survival. They were immortal and the world hadn’t become so globalized and interconnected yet, so the fear of witches and their father was probably just an excuse. Lucien was alone, a guy they could’ve compelled not to tell, wouldn’t have told. He wouldn’t even been suspected. As long as the Mikaelsons didn’t too close with Lucien.
Elijah also likes to fix, could Klaus be a mistake of his? And why do you think he likes to fix ? Klaus likes painting because of control,Anakin from star-wars also likes to fix because of control.
If both Elijah and Klaus did go to hell, what do you think they’d be in for ? Hayley found peace and she was a killer , so the bar is low. Mass murder isn’t the reason. Elijah’s selfishness was providing for his family. But he also hated himself, so a self hating selfish guy is where I’m at right now.
I’m not trying to blame Elijah for Klaus being a bad person or the rest of the Mikaelsons’ ,I just came ask what Elijah would be in for.
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This a long ask but I'm going to try and answer it as best as I can!
I personally think it's hypocritical that Elijah is often called an enabler by the fandom, but none of the other Mikaelsons are. Yes, Klaus was a monster for a thousand years and Elijah doesn't do much to stop it. We see him attempt to temper Klaus' bloodlust, mostly to avoid being found by Mikael. However, we see Kol and Rebekah actually participate in these acts more than we see Elijah, yet they are rarely called enablers. Sure, Elijah could have done more, and should have, but so should everyone.
I don't really remember any times when Elijah did something to 'provoke' Klaus. Besides falling in love or caring for people outside of Klaus, but that's just shifting the blame to the victim of Klaus' abuse rather than holding Klaus accountable.
I do think Elijah blames himself for not guiding his siblings better and for helping contain Klaus' werewolf side. But again, blaming Elijah just shifts the accountability from Klaus, the one actually doing the bad deeds. Klaus' sob story about losing his werewolf side would have been more compelling if they had shown him actually care about it at any point. To me, it always just looked like he wanted the power of a hybrid so he could be the strongest creature, even over his own siblings. But he never tried to be a part of a pack or even transform after he unlocked it. Klaus used it as an excuse to be a monster and blame Elijah for his actions.
As for Lucien, Elijah knew they had to keep their curse a secret. As we saw with the Hunters, news traveled pretty quickly even back then. Elijah has always had to make the hard decisions to protect his family. We see this as a theme throughout the show and flashbacks. I wouldn't really say the others were less likely to kill since they all murdered an entire family moments before that. Kol even rejoiced in it and Rebekah wanted to keep Lucien as a present. We also hear from Lucien that "monsters" are murdering villagers and Elijah gets upset with his siblings for being so careless, so I don't believe their father was an excuse. Mikael less than a year before this had murdered their entire time and, as they believed at the time, murdered their mother. They also didn't know how to compel yet. Elijah was always the practical sibling, kill one more human to save all of his siblings, and he wouldn't hesitate.
But later, even after becoming friends with Lucien, Klaus was ready to kill Lucien even under a perceived threat. In fact, Elijah stopped him twice (probably a mistake #ripCami). I wouldn't say Elijah was more willing to kill, but rather more practical about his killing. Klaus had no issue murdering anyone (#ripEsther #ripJenna #ripTim #ripCarol #ripIsobel #ripDozensofHybrids #ripPetrovaFamily #ripRandomWomenWhoHadACough). We don't really see Elijah kill unless his family is threatened, but yes, if he perceives a threat against his family, he doesn't hesitate. I'm not saying this is a good thing, but to me, it's at least more noble than killing for power or out of annoyance/boredom.
I'm not sure what you mean about Elijah lying about "always and forever." I assume it's the normal rhetoric about him not holding it for all of his siblings. But the vow was just between Rebekah, him, and Klaus. As a sibling myself, siblings have ones who they are closer to. Elijah, Rebekah, and Klaus always had a closer relationship. After their mother's death, Finn and Kol ran off, leaving them to grieve on their own. And in that grief, they made their vow. No, it wasn't perfect, but Elijah honored it until he died by his brother's side a thousand years later.
Elijah is often criticized for wanting to "fix" Klaus but is also called an enabler. He honestly can't do both. Either he enabled the bad behavior or he was trying to "fix" Klaus from becoming a monster. Elijah watched his siblings lose themselves to bloodlust and hated that he couldn't guide them better (even though that was not his job). Essentially, to the fandom, Elijah can do nothing right. Which is funny because, to the fandom, Klaus can do no wrong. Elijah becomes the scapegoat so people can continue to love a deeply flawed, narcissistic man. Elijah wanted his brother to have redemption. He feared for his brother's soul to the point he damned his soul over and over again to give his brother a chance at redemption. It was never about controlling Klaus, otherwise, he would have pulled rank on him more. It was about reminding Klaus who he was at his core/when he was human.
I don't think TVDU afterlife is how we view it in most modern interpretations. It's not good people go to heaven and bad people go to hell. We see there is some kind of "purgatory" and then "peace," nothing else after Bonnie destroyed Hell and the otherside was destroyed. No, I don't think there was anything Elijah or Klaus (or any of the Mikaelsons) could have done to go to our idea of heaven after everything bad they've done. But my interpretation of TVDU peace, is that it is more of an inner peace. I think Elijah would have had a harder time finding that peace because he did hold himself responsible for his actions whereas Klaus was able to justify a lot of his wrongdoings.
I know in Legacies, it's mentioned that Klaus can't find peace until Hope does (which is super manipulative and terrible of the writers). But it does sort of fit my theory. Klaus didn't regret any death and destruction he caused, but I think he did regret dying and leaving his daughter on her own (because let's face it, it was selfish). So Klaus could find peace once Hope found happiness and he no longer felt guilty for leaving her. Elijah would have a lot more to work through. He has felt guilt for every life, every betrayal, every wrong he has done. But I do think eventually he would be able to get there. He would be able to find inner peace and come to terms with what he's done.
I hope I fully answered your question! Thanks for asking <3
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a-student-out-of-time · 9 months
//I’ve talked a lot about DRDT, and that’s because I’m honestly so blown away by how good it is and how talented the dev is as a creator. At no point have I ever meant to imply that my interpretation of DRDT or the outcome of the story is the only correct one, I’ve only been speculating on it based on the evidence in the text.
//And while I complain a lot about works from creators like LINUJ, that’s only because of writing decisions that either diminish the work’s quality, damage the story and/or characters, or harm whatever messages it’s going for. Even then, I still try to see the good in works I critique and how I think they can be improved, because that's what constructive criticism should be about. My criticisms have never been intended as personal attacks and I’ve been trying to go out of my way to ensure they remain professional and constructive.
//I really don't have a bad word to say about the creator or the fangan itself. I actually want to talk about something else here.
//To be honest, I sympathize with their feelings. The amount of times I've seen posts from people in the fandom taking the piss out of my Switch Theory, mocking it, calling it stupid and me stupid by extension, and spreading misinformation about it? It's a lot. To say nothing about my work on this blog.
//As a small creator myself, I’ve had to develop a thicker skin when it comes to taking criticism or getting hate asks. Early ones I got were pretty harsh, and it did send me into a malaise for many days or weeks at a time, and I had to learn not to try writing when I didn’t feel up to it. Now I have the confidence to challenge bad faith arguments, and I have help from co-creators and friends to improve things.
//I say this because a lot of those asks and a lot of that negativity did affect me and I had to learn to not let it bother me. I still get sad and frustrated, but it’s not a creator-killing attitude for me anymore. That's not always the case every creator, unfortunately.
//Obviously I’m not talking about every single person in the fandom, but I just want to make this clear for fans of any work: please, for the love of all that is good and kind and decent, think about what you say about creators.
//I’m not talking about calling out creators for unrepentant bad behavior, you can and should do that. I’m talking about harassment, entitlement, and even just thoughtlessness commentary that goes into things said about small creators who work on passion projects, who aren’t making money off of it and who are just trying to do their best.
//It can be easy to think your comments, your criticisms, or even your attempts to be funny will be perceived how you perceive them, but not everyone will take them the same way. Your thought processes are not universal, and something small and innocuous to you can really hit a sore spot for someone else. Some people are more sensitive than others, and that’s something you really to keep in mind.
//This is especially true if you’re saying things about a creator themselves. There’s a difference between something like “here’s where I think the creator’s work could be improved” and “the creator is so X.” You can hurt them with the latter more than the former, because that feels very targeted and personalized. Even if it's not true, some people are much more self-conscious than others.
//At the same time, the response to this sort of thing is not and should NEVER be “let’s gang up on the person who said that and force them out of the fandom.” That’s unacceptable, no matter the circumstance. I’ve blocked people who've tried to have that attitude about critics of my own story because I will never endorse that behavior.
//This isn’t meant to be a call-out post, just a PSA on why you should exercise some compassion and thought, and don’t make unnecessary commentary about creators who work hard on projects like these for no money, or for people who say things without intending to be hurtful. We creators do it because we have something we want to share, and as bad as bullying can get, comments like that are worse in their own way.
//Even if you don't intend it to be hurtful, thoughtlessness can hurt worse than open cruelty. Please keep that in mind when talking about other people, especially people you either don’t know or only know from their work or one bad action. At the same time, someone making one bad comment is not an excuse for you to declare war on them.
//Above all, just be kind to people and show how much you appreciate their work. Even small comments have gotten me through periods of bad depression, and when people need time to work on their health before they feel ready to get back to working on their projects, respect that. We aren't content machines, we're just as human as the rest of you.
//Finally, to the DT dev, I don't know if you'll see this, but I've been where you are and also had to take time off for myself. I feel lucky that I have so many kind people in my life, and I sincerely hope you do too. Take all the time you need, and know you've got my wholehearted support when you do return.
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