#I didn't raise her we have no connection other than that I trapped her and brought her home
kedreeva · 5 months
Proud: I have treated myself more kindly this year, allowing myself grace after making mistakes and making strides towards having a healthier relationship with myself. Good: I got a job before my old job was eliminated, so there was no gap in my income which was a huge relief.
Aw that's GREAT to hear, excellent job! Hopefully 2024 treats you equally kindly <3
Here is a very cautious Wendy, not sure what she thinks about the treats I put down
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hbnjhgv · 2 months
I feel like no AOT, any character is actually completely 'heartless' or 'evil' other than king fritz (sorry if I get facts wrong) !SPOILERS!
Porco: who is hated for eating Ymir and taking the Jaw Titan from her. He wanted to make Marcel proud and probably wanted to eat Yumir because she ate and killed his older brother. He also sacrificed himself when Falco got turned titan to save Falco and Reiner. The marleyan training camp to become warriors was probably very hard on him.
Annie: She's typically hated for being heartless. The reason she's "heartless" is because of the intense training she went through to become a warrior. Also, the intense training her dad put her though made her tough as nails and kinda numbed her in a way. When Levi and Mikasa save Eren from being kidnapped by Annie in the forest, you can see that she's crying as they take Eren away. I think this is because she feels like a failure for failing the mission. Plus, during Marco's death, the obviously felt guilty and didn't want to kill him because he became her friend. She also had to go through the hell of the Marleyan training camp to become a warrior. She then had to watch her friend get eaten by a titan.
Bertholt: I feel like he's hated mainly for kicking down the wall and being a reason Erens mom dying, but then he was sent there as a mission and was told as a kid that the civilians on Paridis were 'devils' and 'needed to be eradicated' The training to become a warrior also probably added on quite a bit of trauma. He had to watch his friend get eaten by a titan when he was young, then found out the titan that killed his friend was someone he trained with.
Reiner: I think Reiner is also hated for the wall being breached, but again he was taught that Eldians were 'Island devils' and should be wiped from the earth. Also, Reiner actually grew a deep connection with the 104th cadets and saw them as family. You can see this mainly when he's watching Marco die and asks why he's being devoured. And near the end of the show when he's leaving to go take down Eren, and he hugs Annie, that really shows how the two of them are connected and even see each other as siblings in a way. Not to mention he wasn't raised by the best parents, with his dad never being there and even being shown in the anime and I think the manga that Reiners father hated him it shows how horrible he is. Then we have Karina over here guilt-tripping Reiner into becoming marleyan for her own selfish desires. Plus, when Karina said 'if only you had been born fully marleyan, basically telling Reiner that his dad left because of him and not because of her being Eldian. He witnessed his friend get devoured in front of him, and Annie beat the shit out of him. Reiner then found out that the titan who ate his friend was someone who trained with him and in a relationship with the girl he had feelings for.
Yumir: She gets hate for betraying the survey corps, and she gets called 'selfish' but you have to remember that she did it for Historias sake. She said that she wants Historia to have a better life, and she felt like she had no choice. She thought that it was either be free with Reiner and Bertholt or be trapped in the wall and possibly be experimented on by the government. She was abandoned at a young age and brainwashed into thinking she was some big god. She then got thrown under then bus when the cult she was in said that she was the leader and witnessed all those innocent people get turned into titans, probably thinking that it's all her fault.
Pastor Nick: Now, I HATE Pastor Nick a lot. He's one of my least favorite characters. BUT he was very passionate about the walls and his religion, and genuinely believed the walls were their savior. He tried everything to "save the walls" but it never ended well. I'm basically saying that he believed everything he was doing meant the best for the people.
Kenny: I love Kenny. He's one of my favorite characters. I think he's hated a lot because he abandoned Levi and killed a bunch of people, but he also felt the military police was not good. You have to admit, he was very loyal to Uri and his squad. In the cave, he seemed kinda upset about his squad dying, and he seemed most upset about Caven (the blond woman) dying. He was loyal to Uri, and I think he actually had feelings for him. Not to mention that he found his sister dead, the only thing she left behind was the son she had which he then kinda raised and abandoned thinking he's strong enough to live on his own. Overall, I love Kenny and he's one of my faves.
Yumir Fritz: I think people forget that she was forced to eat her mother, and was just a little girl. She was a slave to the Eldian king and he abused her power. She was killed while trying to protect the king then was EATEN by their daughters that the king basically forced her to have. After she died she had to make titans out of sand and obey the royal family every time they wanted the founders power.
Grisha: I think people forget how horrible Grishas childhood was. He was taught this horrible stuff by his parents that basically scared him, and he probably felt a bunch of guilt about the time he convinced Faye (his sister) to go outside the internment zone where eldians weren't aloud, which ended up getting her killed. He also passed down generational trauma to Zeke, and he watched his friends and lover all get turned into titans right in front of him. He turned Eren into a titan thinking it would save Mikasa and Armin and had to go through the trauma of his wife being killed twice.
Zeke: He had the stress of learning about the walls from his parents and was neglected by Grisha and treated more of a weapon than a son. He also probably feels jealous and kinda screwed over when he found out how Grisha treated Eren and actually raised Eren like he was his son. Not to mention how he had to go through the hell that is the Marleyan Warrior's training camp.
Eren: Eren saw his mom get eaten by a titan right in front of his eyes after trying to save her, but then being taken away by Hannes. That same day or the day after his FATHER took him into the woods and forcefully turned him into a TITAN. He then ATE HIS DAD and didn't even know he ate him and was very confused, so he basically lost both parents around the same time. Then during the Battle of Trost his leg was bitten off and had to watch his best friend almost get eaten, but then he saved him and Eren got eaten. He realized he almost killed Mikasa and obviously felt guilty about that, then a few minutes later got the shit beat out of him. He found out his friend died and he wasnt even there to possiby help. Eren also grew a bond between his squad and he had a choice to go titan or not and him not going titan resulted in his whole squad being killed. A little bit after that he finds out the person who killed his whole squad was actually his friend which he didnt take well, Annie almost killed him and he got impaled in the chest. Also finding out that your dad killed innocent people in the exact cave you're chained in and feeling guilty about always needing to be saved. Not to mention that he had to watch Hannes, the person who was there for him his whole life and basically became his dad after his parents died be eaten by the same titan who killed your mom and we knew he could transform but it wasnt working. then finding out two more of your conrads and friends were not only titans, but the titans who are the reason his mom died. Mind you this is the same episode they kidnapped Eren and the same episode Hannes dies. THEN his best friends gets BURNED ALIVE and he almost wasnt able to convince Levi to save Armin instead of Erwin. He was FAMILY ZONED after asking Mikasa how she sees him. He hears that Sasha died and was struggling to take that. He also was being a bitch to the two people he cared about most so they weren't as sad when he died. Then he tells Mikasa he's always hated her and ends up fighting Armin with tears in his eyes. He was going through the guilt of killing billions of people to save his friends and he was panicked about Mikasa marrying another man, even going as far to say "That'd break my heart... I don't want her to find someone else! I eanna be her one and only love! Even if she does get over me... I THINK IT SHOULD TAKE HER TEN YEARS AT LEAST! Don't tell Mikasa about this... I want her to find happiness.. I do. But.. damn it! I don't wanna die... I just want.. to stay with MIkasa! With all of you!" LIKE HOW CAN YOU SAY HE DOESN'T FEEL GUILTY FOR DOING THAT TO HIS FRIENDS?! I could literally talk about how much I love Eren for hours.
Floch: This ones kinda controversial but Floch was very passionate and loyal to Erwin. He was determined and he belived that Eren was their last hope. Also everyone hating on Floch for supporting Eren but I think Erwin wouldve done the same. Floch wanted to save his people and didnt understand why some of his conrads were aginst the rummbling. He litterally said "Please don't go. Everyone on the island will die. Our devil is our only hope." He wanted to save his people and belived he was saving his people. He survived Zekes rock throwing and I think Erwins speech really took him to heart. Floch put in alot of effort to try and save Erwin aswell. I also dont blame him for being pissy about Armin being saved instead of Erwin because I wouldve been pissed aswell. Like imagine seeing all your conrads die and carrying the dying commander to try and save him, just for some kid that you dont even know to be saved instead. Also when he said they need to fight like devils he knew thats what eren was thinking. He stayed loyal to the fact that Marley was the enemy.
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queenaryastark · 11 months
So you think you find a post with accurate commentary:
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Yes, this is true. Exactly zero members of House Martell and zero Dornish characters have any animosity toward House Targaryen. They rightly blame Tywin and Gregor Clegane for what happened to Elia. They also avidly support Targaryen Restoration, eagerly trying to marry Arianne to Viserys and then trying to marry Quentyn to Dany. They even speak positively of Rhaegar, who did not abuse nor abandon Elia. House Martell are among the Targ loyalists in Westeros.
Sadly they didn't stop there.
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In short, this person, like the rest of the fanon crowd, did not read any of the chapters Aegon is featured in. They also don't seem to have read the books in general since we know that Rhaegar was anything but indifferent and scornful toward his son who he believed was a hero out of prophecy and gave him a king's name since he saw Aegon as the future king. Plus, anyone who has actually read Tyrion and JonCon's ADWD chapters where Aegon appears will know that Aegon is 100000000000% in as a Targaryen.
Aegon claims Rhaegar as his father by name and mentions Elia (not by name) in passing as part of his own supposed backstory. Aegon even asks for info about Rhaegar, but not about Elia.
He's also all in for the Targcest as he wants to marry Aunty Dany.
He refers to himself as a dragon and hopes to ride one.
He's also misogynistic toward women in power, which is very unDornish of him, but a reflection of non-Dornish Westerosi values.
Tyrion considers Aegon’s temperament as proof of his Targness. He also uses the lure of emulating Aegon I to manipulate the current Aegon into doing what he wants, which works bc Aegon is proud of his Targ heritage.
Seriously though...
Aegon mentioning Elia:
“That was not me. I told you. That was some tanner’s son from Pisswater Bend whose mother died birthing him. His father sold him to Lord Varys for a jug of Arbor gold. He had other sons but had never tasted Arbor gold. Varys gave the Pisswater boy to my lady mother and carried me away.” -- Tyion VI, ADWD
Aegon mentioning Rhaegar:
“Your father knew the dangers of being overbold.”
“Did you know my true father?”
“Well, I saw him twice or thrice, but I was only ten when Robert killed him, and mine own sire had me hidden underneath a rock. No, I cannot claim I knew Prince Rhaegar. Not as your false father did. Lord Connington was the prince’s dearest friend, was he not?”
Young Griff pushed a lock of blue hair out of his eyes. “They were squires together at King’s Landing.” -- Tyrion VI, ADWD
And then Prince Aegon spoke. “Then put your hopes on me,” he said. “Daenerys is Prince Rhaegar’s sister, but I am Rhaegar’s son. I am the only dragon that you need.” -- The Lost Lord, ADWD
The difference in how he talks about his parents couldn't be more different. This makes sense because he was raised by Rhaegar-loving and Elia-hating JonCon. Had Aegon been real and raised by the Martells, he likely would have cared about both of his parents and felt connected to both Houses he's descended from.
As someone who wastes a considerable amount of time on the content Aegon is featured in, I have to wonder why these people fixate on him. It reminds me of how Stansas use Jon while knowing exactly nothing about Jon Snow. They take the somewhat outward trappings of the character -- able bodied king candidate -- and project inaccurate ideas onto him. They should hate Jon bc he is sexist against women like their fav and has more sympathy for the grown man who married her than he does for his 12-year-old sister. Similarly, fanon!Elia stans should take issue with the fact that Aegon focuses considerably more on his father and being a Targ than he does on his "mother" who supposedly worked to save his life. As an actual Elia fan, I know I consider Aegon's apathy toward his "mother" to be a flaw of his.
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what do you think about the whole Lilith and Eve thing like do you think they're the same or Lilith is evil or do you think someone is pretending to be her or what
hi, anon~ ❤️
first off, thank you so much for the ask!
it's actually funny you bring this up because I was just talking to my wife @thereallilithmorningstar about this earlier this morning! (great minds ahaha)
personally, I believe whatever Lilith is doing, she's doing it to protect her family and people. I think she loves her husband and daughter and all of the denizens of Hell and wants to make it a better and safer place for everyone. we see that in the beginning she passed her dream onto her daughter, after all. it even says this.
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so why would she go to all the trouble of raising Hell up and inspiring Charlie and passing her dream to her if she was just going to give up? doesn't seem likely. we don't know much about Lilith, but we know she's fierce and independent and doesn't like subservience. so maybe she got tired of Heaven's bull and decided to do something about it. perhaps she's trapped somewhere. perhaps she made her own deal. Viv said the whole Lilith thing is a slow burn mystery that will be unraveled as the show goes on, so I guess we'll see. she also said Lucifer and Lilith were still very much in love so I don't see why she would say that if it were otherwise. I think someone is impersonating her, as the Lilith we see in the beach and in the More Than Anything flashback don't seem to match the canon Lilith in the family portraits and I don't see the woman who Lucifer loves more than life, who he quite literally fell for and she these things for him, trying to keep their daughter away from him or just leaving him to be cold. I think the real Lilith is loving and kind, and whoever is pretending to be her is not.
as far as *EVE* goes, now that's an interesting one. I've seen some theories floating around that she and Roo, the root of all evil, fused, and that's definitely possible, but I also saw one I really liked about Eve and Carmilla possibly being the same person. link to that theory here:
is Eve Carmilla?
now, even if she's not I do find that there's more to her than meets the eye. she already knew how to kill angels ("you don't become an angelic arms dealer without arming yourself first") before her fight with the exorcist. how would she know that? plus, she has kids. Viv has confirmed sinners cannot have children, only hellborn/fallen angels can. so she's either a fallen angel herself, which is possible I suppose, or she's someone who knows a lot about angels from sheer proximity to and experience with them. she's a doting mother, explicitly states Charlie means nothing to her, and seems to rejoice in the fact that Adam dies. coincidence? idk man.
and then there's the pilot, which we know is canon, not retconned like some pilots are when their shows come out. and one very interesting shot in it.
we see who we now know to be Carmilla fling open the curtains when Charlie shoots off her flare signifying the extermination is over.
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and who do we see in the background behind her?
Zestial, Zeezi, aaaand...
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See him? All the way in the back?
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Why would he be there with them? I suppose you could argue it's because they're important overlords, but he didn't go to the last meeting that we see in the show, and we know because of his depression lately he tends to hole up a lot and only meet with other important figures when the situation is dire (like how he sent her to meet Adam and was super hesitant to help Charlie arrange a meeting with Heaven until she brought him around to the idea). And why Carmilla and the others? Why not hang out in his palace alone or with the other Sins? This leads me to believe they have some sort of important connection, and it lends credence to the theory that Carmilla is Eve.
Now of course I and the original poster of the Carmilla Eve theory I linked might very well be totally off but it's definitely interesting to think about, especially when you consider in some iterations of the creation story that Eve was sent to Hell.
Also, just putting it out there: I DON'T believe Lucifer had sex with Eve. I think he only said it like that to get under Adam's skin and he was referring to offering her the fruit of knowledge, just being an obnoxious twat about it because he's Lucifer and Adam's a dick. I also don't think Eve is Charlie's mother.
I do however think that Lucifer and Eve have some sort of connection, whether she's Carmilla or not. And don't get me started on where I think Alastor factors into all this and what his motivations are. That's a whole other complicated web for another day.
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Anyway, sorry for the long answer, but that's just my theory.
Thanks for asking!
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obislittleone · 2 years
House Of Memories (21/?)
Obi-Wan Kenobi x Padawan!reader
Warnings: literally just so much pining-
Summary: Confessions are made on both of your parts... not to each other, of course. A new threat arises in your path, though... her name is Satine.
A/n: I'm a little brat, so yes, I made live action Satine nicole kidman, who i actually love and adore and also fun fact, my sister looks almost exactly like her.
Words: 4.8k
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I love you dearly, Obi Wan Kenobi.
Those words were hanging in the air still, but Obi-Wan hadn't been connected to your through his signature, so rather than hear the words your left from your sleeping presence, he felt them around his being, embracing him and making him feel overwhelming joy though he knew not why.
His face wore a smile, looking down at you and sensing the goodness he felt coming from your sleeping self, curled up against him like he was a blanket. Just like you'd held him the night before.
"It must be nice to have someone," the prisoner chimed in from the corner, turning around and revealing that he was far more involved than anyone suspected. The clones were by far all sleeping right now, though their helmets remained, Obi-Wan could sense it.
"How long have you been listening?" Obi-Wan's feeling of unending joy and happiness faded into the past as he now furrowed his brow at the man.
"Long enough to know she's a virgin and you're not, although I already figured that out last night."
Obi-Wan rolled his eyes, looking back to the man and narrowing his eyes. He didn't even know what to say. He wasn't sure how he'd reply when he originally asked the question.
"Hey, buddy, I know what you're thinking, and believe me, had you not gotten me trapped here, I'd be tryn'a tap on that, too," the man also gestured to his cut off hands, and damn, he did have a sense of humor.
"You don't understand what you speak of, I am her mentor. I would never be so vile as to take something like that away from her."
"Without her permission, you mean."
Oh kriff. That wasn't the anticipated response.
Obi-Wan stayed silent, knowing anything he said after that would be to his own detriment. The man smirked, and he supposed it was because he was right, but he didn't want to stop there. He was getting into a Jedi's mind, a normally very hard feat to accomplish. He saw that you were his weakness, and he would milk it dry just to hit a nerve.
"Too bad she loves someone else."
Obi-Wan glared at him. Had you not been resting so peacefully on his shoulder; he would have gotten up and done something physical about the pest that so obnoxiously nagged him.
The man watched his face contort slowly and raised his brows in excitement and surprise when he figured out why.
"You know who it is, don't you?" He taunted, getting nice and close to the bars hoping to get a name, or even a face. Something that would stay inside the Jedi's mind for days. The man had no motivation whatsoever for this senseless behavior, just the pure entertainment value and the fun he was having.
Obi-Wan had someone in mind, he couldn't lie. It was the only other person you had been close enough to in order to possibly have these feelings. He couldn't pretend like it didn't make sense.
"Why don't you tell me about him, hmmm?"
He looked down at your face, slightly scrunched up with discomfort, and he realized that you must have felt his anxiety building up in his signature. He wasn't really able to immediately rid himself of it, so he put up a blocker, making sure you would be undisturbed.
"You need to be quiet. You are only here because we put you here, and soon you will be back in the hands of the republic," he thought he'd been straight forward, but the man behind bars quite literally had nothing to lose.
"Oh, I see...." the man trailed off, but then began to smirk, as if he had any input at all. Truthfully, he did. He was a master at his craft, learning all the ins and outs in order to become the best. He could read people like a book, and Obi-Wan, strong Jedi he was, unfortunately was no exception. "A friend of yours, huh?"
Obi-Wan went silent, tuning out the world for a moment, everything on the ship, everything outside the ship. All but you.
You loved Anakin, didn't you?
It made sense. You'd lived with him for ten years, got very close to him, and learned to understand every little nook of his personality, just like he did. It made sense that you would fall for the boy, tall, kind, and very attractive. Obi-Wan, as confident as he used to be, now felt he paled in comparison, all because of you. He didn't blame you, of course. He blamed himself, for being in love with you and having no way of ever showing you truly how he felt. He had done so many things that to anyone else could have been an obvious show of feelings, but you weren't just anyone, you were his padawan. You had known him for all of your life, or at least what you can remember of it, and had known him as a mentor, a friend. Someone who helped pick you up when you scraped your knees and would help you fix them up while singing you a special song that you both made up together.
He wasn't who you loved, but he wanted to be, so badly. For the first time in his life, he craved what Anakin had... he didn't want his power, his talent, his never-ending perseverance, or even his success in the wars. All he wanted was for you to speak about him the way you spoke of Anakin.
He didn't think it fair, that two people who are so close ought to endure this tragedy together. You both loved someone who had not reciprocated the feelings and had to deal with the disappointment.
When the ship landed, the ramp folding down and the clones waking up, he didn't dare wake you as well. He didn't want you to be spoken to by the prisoner before he was taken into custody. He instead scooped up your sleeping form in his arms, carrying you down and moving into the city transport before sitting down on one of the benches, you still in his arms. He couldn't bear to put you down, now, you were so warm, and he didn't mind holding the extra weight because you being in his arms, head on his chest was enough to sustain him until you returned home.
You stirred in your slumber, eyws fluttering and looking up at him with a sweet smile. You sat up on his lap and saw that he was deep in though before you'd come back into consciousness.
"Did you have a nice rest?" He asked, helping you off of his lap and into the seat beside him.
"Yes, I hope I didn't bother you too much, I'm sorry you had to carry me," you said, yawning as you spoke and blinking a few times to adjust to the bright light of the city. You'd missed the city. You never admitted how much you loved living on Coruscant, but whenever you'd leave, you would try and remind yourself of the buzzing speeders whizzing past your window in the afternoon, or the way the pretty neon lights would illuminate the night-time.
"Not at all, little one, I'm happy to help."
It was a primarily silent ride the rest of the way, and once you reached the station in front of the temple, Obi-Wan stood up before you, offering a hand to your feet.
He wasn't about to stop giving the small gestures, the little touches that he so desperately wished mean more. He wouldn't resist giving them to you now that he knew the object of your affections. He would keep loving you in the silence, the small glances in between conversations, and the hidden smiles.
Stepping off the transport, you were met with a familiar face, one you'd not seen in nearly a month since his missions took him so far off world. He stood with a happy look on his face, his padawan standing beside him and mimicking his stance.
"Thought I might find you here," he said, smirking as you ran down the platform and practically tackled him into an embrace.
Obi-Wan watched on from the platform, realizing it had been so obvious this whole time, and hee never was able to see it. He let his own feelings blind him from the truth.
"I've missed you so much," you told him, pulling back and looking at how long his hair had begun to grow out. It was a good look on him. "Where all have you both been? I need to hear everything about it."
He chuckled, standing back and letting you give a warm embrace to Ahsoka as well. He was so glad to know you got along so well. His best friend and his padawan.
"I'll save the stories for later. I was sent to collect you, Master Yoda thinks you'll be a valuable addition in completing our new mission," he explained, looking to Obi-Wan and smiling to him as well. "With his permission, that is."
You turned to your Master with wide. excited eyes. Though this situation was quite literally the exact thing he wanted to avoid since having his revelations on the ship about your feelings for Anakin, he couldn't look you in your shining eyes and tell you no. He couldn't take away something that made you happy because it didn't suit his own interests. He wanted you to be happy, any costs necessary.
"Of course, I'm sure she will be very useful. She performed exceptionally on this mission we've returned from," he nodded, coming down the platform and standing beside you. You loved hearing words of affirmation from him, whenever he gave you praise over a trial or situation that you'd gone through and handled well. You'd accomplished this last assignment perfectly.
"I'm sorry to take her so soon after you got back, but I hear you'll be embarking on a mission to Mandalore soon."
Oh boy. Anakin watched as his master's face went pale, but had no idea as to why he was so nervous. Obi-Wan clenched his jaw, nodding and putting on a face of indifference a second later.
"I suppose I'll be busy, then. I'll still miss you all, of course."
The conversation was strictly about your upcoming mission from then on, but he couldn't help it, his mind kept drfiting off to a person from his past, someone who he was quite sure he'd run into. This person of his younger years was sure to complicate things, and though his mind was clearly made up, he knew she would try and change it, for old times sake.
He knew it was bound to happen, seeing her again.
You'd spent the last week with Anakin and his padawan Ahsoka, having been assigned on a mission to secure a rather important meeting of some republic leaders. There were threats on many of their heads, but thanks to your presence, nothing went wrong, and everyone made it there and back safely.
You'd enjoyed spending time with Anakin and his padawan. You'd been missing his company for a while, and now that you were able to attend missions with him, you were grateful. You adored Ahsoka, taking her under your wing and being the elder sister type whenever she was around. You never had any siblings, or at least never knew of any siblings, so she was definitely a companion you were close to by now.
Flying on the ship with some men from the 501st, you stood by as Anakin sent a hologram to Obi-Wan, who had been on Mandalore for a few days, now. He looked a little worn out, and as Anakin and Ahsoka recounted the details of the mission to him, you couldn't help but sense he was... distracted.
"And did your plan go the way you'd expected?" Obi-Wan asked halfheartedly. You snorted, standing closer, ready to step into the conversation if Anakin tried to defend himself.
"No, Y/n was right," he said the second part very softly, in a whisper almost, and you laughed, coming into view of the hologram so you could be seen on the receiving end.
"Say it louder, won't you?" you teased, slapping a hand on Anakin's back as he dropped his shoulders and rolled his eyes, looking at you with a narrow gaze.
"I really don't like this side of you."
Ahsoka and the clone troopers tried not to chuckle in the background, really, they did. But then again, there is only do. Do or do not, there is no try.
"I suppose you succeeded with excellence as always, little one," Obi-Wan seemed more engaged now than he was moments ago, but with the arm of a woman pulling him out of view, he again became very uninterested. "I will have to be going, but I look forward to you joining me on Mandalore, Anakin."
The transmission ended, and all you could think about was who that woman was. Her laughter had also been heard in the hologram, and just by her voice, she sounded angelic. You grew very heated in the face and went back to the seating area of the ship so you could calm down. Some of the clones that were there seemed to notice the tension you held in your body, and even though they weren't force sensitive, they could feel it in the air as well.
Rex was never one to intrude on someone being angsty, but he felt the need to step in on this one, since your presence was enough to make all the others a bit tense as well.
"What's wrong?" he sat by you. He knew you pretty well by now, and you'd known him since he was assigned to Anakin.
"Oh, it's nothing. I had a bad night's sleep is all," you lied, but the heaviness in the air did not lie. He sighed, taking his helmet off and looking you in the eye. You were a very truthful person, and he knew this. You wouldn't lie to him if it were face to face interaction.
"Okay, what's actually wrong?" he saw you look away, and you contemplated lying again, but it would be obvious this time if you did. You were honest to a fault, and it didn't help that he was staring holes into the side of your head.
"Master Kenobi transmissioned in, he seemed to be with a woman."
You didn't even have to explain it further for him to come to his own conclusion.
"Oh, I see. You're jealous," he said, and you nodded. You figured he might have put all the pieces together, but his next words proved he hadn't. "You've been the only girl in his life for a long time, it must be hard knowing someone else is getting attention, and not you."
"Yes, that's exactly it," you confirmed, although it was far more complicated than that, far more romantically tragic and complicated. You didn't want Rex to know, or any of the other clones for that matter, but upon figuring it out, Rex laughed a little, patting you on the back.
"Don't worry, you'll get over it. I'm sure in time you'll find a way to share his attention with others. You learned to do it with Anakin, yeah?"
No, that was not the same. You didn't have to fight Anakin because he wanted Obi-Wan's personal affections. Anakin never got his forehead kissed by Obi-Wan like you did. Anakin never held Obi-Wan's hand in the halls when no one was there. Anakin never laid next to Obi-Wan in his bed and held him the whole night through just so that maybe he could feel a little bit of the enormous love you had for him. You did those things, you did them. Because you were completely head over heels in love with Obi-Wan Kenobi.
You heard a gasp from next to you and looked up to see that Ahsoka had just walked into the hull, her eyes wide and her mouth dropped open a small bit. She had heard every thought you just released into the air, knowing she probably wasn't meant to. She knew you had opened your signature probably only because the clones could not feel your energy or hear your thoughts. She had heard a little of the conversation too as she was coming in, but that didn't tell her as much as your thoughts did.
"I'm sorry to interrupt," she stuttered out, lowering her gaze to your eyes and trying her best to straighten herself out. "May I have a word with you?"
You were stuck like a deer in headlights. You knew that she knew. It was practically broadcasted from your mind like a holo-show; she had it recorded in the archives of her mind very clearly. There was no misunderstanding, no mistaking your thoughts.
"Yes, of course."
You stood, trying to be inconspicuous, but Ahsoka threw all caution to the wind, yanking on your hand and pulling you towards the small weapons chamber of the ship, pressing the panel on the wall to shut the door and lock it.
You gained your bearings, having been tugged nearly into a wall on the way here.
"Care to explain what I heard in your signature?" she crossed her arms, but she didn't seem angry. Just very impatient.
"Look, I didn't know anyone was listening, if I did, I would have never thought about it, I swear."
"I find that answer both vague and unconvincing," she looked at you with the face that said 'don't kriff around with me, tell me what I want to know.'
You thought very hard about it for a moment. She was an even younger generation than you were, so clearly, she didn't mind the fact that you'd formed an attachment, but she was very heavily focused on who the attachment had been made to. A padawan falling for her master? It didn't seem right, and yet, the two of you made complete sense the more she thought about it.
"Fine," you looked both ways, trying to sense if Anakin was anywhere near the outside of the weapon's chamber. "You cannot tell anyone about this, you understand? Not even Anakin can know."
"My lips are sealed, now tell me."
You closed your eyes tightly. Telling her meant that someone else knew, but you had no reason not to trust her, and she pretty much had found out already, anyway.
"I think I might be in love with Obi-Wan," you confessed, a significant weight was being lifted from your shoulders, and you took a deep breath, feeling as though it had actually helped you to tell her.
"You think?" she slanted her brow, beginning to list off all the reasons why that was preposterous. "You sleep in the same bed. You hold his hand when you walk. He kisses your head, and you only... think you love him?"
"I know I love him. More than anything... but he can never know, it would ruin everything. Only two other people in the entire galaxy know about this, and one of them is a Sith Lord, so take that as you will."
"I'm not even going to ask..." she trailed, but a second later she looked to you, her eyes held incredible sympathy for your dilemma. It sounded tragic, to love someone and hide it from them so they wouldn't think less of you.
"Don't give me that look, you know how hard it is to control feelings like that."
"No, that's not why," she shook her head and placed her hand on your shoulder. Though you were much taller than she was, you seemed to be looking up to her in this moment, metaphorically, at least. "I don't understand why he can never know. If he gives you these gestures as well, surely he looks at you the same way you look at him."
You dropped your eyes to the ground, clenching your jaw and remembering that he was with another woman right now. One who'd grabbed him by the arm, laughing as if something was horribly funny. You didn't know who she was, but you hated her. You hated the mystery woman who was getting to spend time with your Obi-Wan. You wouldn't even let your mind wander off to think about what they were doing together, you might go into an over-thought coma.
"He doesn't. I can't help but feel like he'll always just see me as the little slave girl from Mimban who couldn't carry a bucket of mud. If I told him how I feel, and he rejected me, I would never recover. I would have to transfer masters probably, if he felt uncomfortable to train me, and my life would be completely ruined. Living a life where I love him in painful silence is far more comforting than even the thought of a life where he hates me and avoids me at every turn."
"He could never hate you. I understand, though. The way things are now, you still get to love him, be with him. I suppose it would be awful to live without the thing you love most," she replied.
You felt the ship land, and knew it was probably time to transfer assignments, but you needed to confirm to yourself and to her that this conversation was not to leave this room.
"Remember, not a word of this to anyone."
"I promise," she held her pinky up, and though you thought it was a bit juvenile, you remembered a time when Obi-Wan, who was older at the time than you were now, had done this to you when you promised him something, or vice versa. You took her pinky and shook it with yours, stepping out of the weapons chamber the next moment.
Mandalore was lovely, too bad Anakin only saw it for about an hour. He was only waiting to meet with Obi-Wan, ready to take the duchess and her advisors aboard a ship. It was important that they were there for the protection of the others, and also to try and barter with Satine. She refused to take sides in this war, which the republic respected, but there was a tough chance the separatists would do the same.
Upon some not so minor setbacks to the voyage, a chase began, trying to find one of the ship's occupants who had been a corrupt man named Senator Merrik, the trip became a little... bumpy. Anakin knew he should not ask Obi-Wan any further questions about his past relationship with Satine, but after his former Master explained to him the lengths of time they had spent together, He couldn't help but sense that maybe Obi-Wan's recklessness in this endeavor may have been caused by some unresolved feelings. He was running about the place like a crazy person, which was usually Anakin's job.
They boarded an elevator, heading towards the lower levels to see if they could find Senator Merrik, who had taken Satine, but Anakin couldn't wait any longer to find out what was on his mind.
"This may not be the time to ask, but were you and Satine ever-?"
"I don't see how that has any bearing on the situation at hand," Obi-Wan angrily cut him off, and Anakin raised his eyebrows in slight surprise. That reaction was a perfectly good answer to his question, though. He was always just so unaware of his former master's romantic involvements, now he found it a little strange that there seemed to be a very prominent one he never knew of. "I'm sorry to lose my temper, Anakin, but now is not the time."
But rest assured, the time did come, and Anakin saved the day, killing the traitorous senator and rescuing Satine from his evil clutches.
Satine was being tended to by her handmaidens, and Obi-Wan was sat in the quarters he'd been sharing with Anakin for the duration of the trip.
"Satine is a remarkable woman," Anakin began, and sensed his friend's discomfort in the arisen topic. "I can see why you are fond of her."
"I was," he corrected his former padawan, lifting his head to meet his eyes. It was not necessarily a conversation he wanted to have, and yet, Anakin persisted as he always did.
"She seems to still be fond of you. What has made it different on your side?"
And now Obi-Wan definitely didn't want to have this conversation, because he didn't want to admit to anyone but himself that it was you who had drawn his attention from anyone else who may want it. Especially Satine. He knew that she harbored those feelings for him, heck, she had confessed it to him right before she thought she was about to be killed this evening. He didn't reply to her, telling her he loved her, he only told her what was true. He told her had she asked him, he would have left the order. Years ago, that was true, but now? He was indifferent to her feelings for him. In a way, he always has been. It was never her that his soul latched onto. It was never her that he craved to be beside every day for the rest of his life.
"Is there... someone else?" Anakin mused, unsure of if he should continue or just drop it. Obi-Wan knew him inside and out, though. He would never drop something of this caliber. It was far too crucial that he know his friends' feelings, because perhaps then, he could share of his relationship, nay, secret marriage with Padme.
"Perhaps," he muttered, accidentally letting the single word fall from his lips and realizing too late he could not take it back.
Anakin wondered about who it could possibly be, and when all the other options were ruled out, it left two people. The first of which was Madame Jocasta Nu, the archive keeper. He was always in the archives, but he doubted very seriously that his dear friend seemed to be in emotional anguish over her. Easily ruled out a second later, it left only one other person in his life in which he spent nearly every waking moment with. There were very few and far between missions that would come to separate the two, and instantly it clicked with Anakin. It had to be you, the one he smiled so brightly at just for entering a room. He mentally kicked himself for not seeing it sooner. He supposed it was just a shock to find out that his former Master was capable of loving romantically. He chuckled, no, scoffed while dropping his head, shaking it a second later and trying his best not to roll his eyes at himself. He had been so clueless before, but now it seemed obvious.
"Wipe that look off your face, I know that look. I will not be sharing anymore about this," Obi-Wan was certain he was in the clear, putting his foot down, but the second Anakin listed his gaze again, he knew he was in for it.
"I think I already have an idea," Anakin sat down by his master, and Obi-Wan could feel the overwhelming thought culmination inside his former padawan's head. It raised the hairs on the back of Obi-Wan's neck for him to know what his affections for you were like from an outside perspective.
"Anakin," Obi-Wan turned to him sternly, and gave him a glare he rarely ever used. "May I remind you what should happen if these things are shared elsewhere?"
He would be expelled from the Jedi Order, revoked of his position on the Grand Council, and worse, be taken away from you. Anakin knew the consequences, and therefore would never risk such a thing by telling anyone else.
"You can trust me," he said sincerely, which in all honestly, his sincerity was rare. His sarcasm and wit were usually his go to. Obi-Wan knew he was good for his word. "Are you going to tell her?"
"Of course not. Don't speak of such foolish things," he went on the defensive again, his guardian personality showing through. It was always his best option, the defense.
"Why not? How will you know if she ever feels the same?"
"She doesn't," he answered flatly, looking at his friend and knowing that Anakin only wanted to help. He wanted Obi-Wan to be happy, but there were obstacles.
"How do you know?"
Because she loves you...
"I just do."
Anakin was no longer gaining ground with the man sat beside him, so he heaved a sigh, and did something that was not regular to him. He gave up. He stood to his feet and walked away, leaving Obi-Wan to wallow in his own misery.
Misery loves company, usually, but Obi-Wan sometimes felt solace in being alone. It helped him to clear his mind of the things that were attacking it.
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taraljc · 8 months
More on why my OT3 is my OT3.
First of all it's very important to remember that the Loki we are watching on TV is from 2012. I know we know that with our heads but it's important to also know that with our hearts.
This is the Loki who desperately wanted to prove that he was worthy, and was in fact right that Thor was not ready because he was too immature and he was too hasty and he was too much driven by childish love of combat and violence for the sake of combat and violence to be a good king.
He also finds out in the worst way possible that not only is he adopted, he is a completely different species, was being kept most likely as a hostage, and it recontextualized his entire relationship with his parents in a single moment.
He is the butt of jokes from Thor and his friends, his skill set is not valued because it's not based in martial prowess, and the only person in his life who has ever loved him unconditionally was Frigga.
This is in no way excusing Loki's actions, mind you. He didn't care how many Asgardians died when he let Frost Giants into Asgard to disrupt Thor's coronation. He didn't care who he killed in Jötunheimr because they were Frost Giants and he had been raised to believe that it was completely justified to slaughter his enemies. And when pushed to his limits, when it became clear that gaslighting Thor to keep him on Midgard and from returning to Asgard was futile, Loki knowingly sent the Destroyer to stop his brother and their friends, Knowing that 'stop' might mean 'kill'.
But once you remove Loki and isolate him from Thor, Asgard, an audience to play to, or perceived underlings to manipulate, he is adrift. After viewing the brief, brief remainder of what would have been his life (and bear in mind, he was born in 965 CE) including the tragedy of his mother's death and the unexpected warmth of his father's love and his brother's regard, he experiences complete ego death.
And this is like seriously 1 hour into the show.
Mobius treats Loki as a person. He respects his skills, he's wise to his bullshit and calls him on it, and for all intents and purposes is the first real friend who likes Loki just as he is rather than for who he could be or should be.
The gentlemen's wager over research is possibly the first time Loki has been valued for his research abilities and his intellect. Mobius is the first person since Frigga to tell him that he can be anything he wants to be, including a good person. and that it's never too late to change.
There are a thousand moments Mobius could have chosen to trap Loki in in his time cell. But he chose the confrontation with Sif after Loki had cut her hair. It's a brief moment in a thousand year lifespan, but it clearly made a deep, deep impression on Loki because Sif said the quiet part out loud.
"I hope you know you deserve to be alone and you always will be."
Loki hears this over and over and over again, cycling through pretty much every emotion until there's nothing left but honesty. and so we see a rare moment of Loki expressing regret for his previous actions to someone whom he hurt. Even though it's not really Sif, that does not make his admission any less genuine.
"I'm a horrible person. I get it. I really am. I cut off your hair because I thought it'd be funny. And it's not. I crave attention because I'm a narcissist. And I suppose it's [...] because I'm scared of being alone."
And then of course after completely baring his soul, confessing his weakness, admitting to shame and fear, Sif looks down at him and repeats his greatest fear.
"You are alone and you always will be."
Sylvie has lived with the reality of being completely and totally alone since she was 8 years old. While we have no idea how long she was actually on the run from the TVA, she is clearly older than Loki, and every other variant in the void. She was the first, and he was the last. and what connection they made on Lamentis was just the simple realisation that they're not alone. Even if it's only for a few moments before they are completely obliterated, they are happy and at peace because despite their fears and what others have said in anger and pity, so long as they have each other, they are not alone.
So long as they choose one another, they prove that neither deserve to be alone.
The reason Sylvie is different from all of the other Loki variants was because she was not shaped by the toxic sibling rivalry that poisoned Loki and prompted him to take extreme actions to try and prove to Odin that he was worthy.
She didn't grow up teased and bullied for being different from her peers. Instead, she grew up fighting every single day to survive. For over a thousand years, she experienced life in brief snatches in the hours or days before the destruction of everything and everyone around her.
She and Loki could not be more different, despite being variants of the same people. and yet Loki looks at her and sees someone he wants to selflessly protect, regardless of the cost to himself. It is completely foreign territory, and outside anything he has ever experienced and he is probably completely and totally terrified.
But I genuinely believe that it is because of his friendship with Mobius that he is willing and able to put aside his own agenda completely to care for someone else.
Mobius and Sylvie are likely the only people in the universe capable of provoking that kind of loyalty and steadfastness from a trickster who was never meant to change, only to act as a catalyst for change in others. Because they look at him and see him. And there is so much power in being seen and being known.
Sylvie doesn't know who she is yet. and I think she finds Loki's faith in her is a little intimidating, even as she smuggly accepts it because she is clearly the superior Loki. She has always been alone, but this might be the first time she's truly lonely. So I am curious to see what her reaction to Loki arriving in Broxton in 1982 will be.
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thelunarfairy · 5 months
is it possible to analyze tsukasa's behavior in the past chapters , up to the chapter in which he delivered the final blow ??
Are you referring to the arc in number one? Since destroying the clock? I will assume so.
Well, Tsukasa knows that Amane doesn't want to remove the seals because of Nene, it's something he tells his brother just before kissing her, so he decides to do things his way.
He kidnaps Nene to force her to do this. But, the kiss… oh, the one that still raises doubts in people's heads, haha, was he trying to provoke Amane? Did he like her? what did he mean?
The amount of possibilities is so vast, we still don't have a concrete answer about this, I have some hypotheses, but I'm still trying to connect them in a more cohesive way.
For now, let's imagine that Tsukasa just wanted to try something new, and that maybe there is at least an admiration he can feel for her.
His objective was just to destroy yorishiro, he entered the boundary blindly, he analyzed every corner cautiously, even though Nene hindered him a little, he needed her.
Mirai's appearance somehow surprised him, but at the same moment he seems to have had the idea that if Yorishiro wasn't on the boundary, then he was with them.
It would be easier to wait for them to unite than for Tsukasa to hunt them down one by one. The bird cage he was trapped in took him back to the past.
The feeling of being trapped was suffocating him again. The sad and discouraged look, the body curled up as if he longed for comfort. Remembering the dark days when he was forgotten by the person he loved, maybe getting it off his chest would help him feel better.
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That's what he did, he said a sentence or two about it. Nene didn't ask and didn't go deeper, even though he was so open to talking.
Well, the circumstances weren't the best. Even when they fell, Tsukasa protected her, he didn't think twice about himself. Then, the sad eyes suddenly brightened, he didn't seem to notice anything around other than what was above him, Hanako, who appeared to save them.
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He found it necessary to ask him directly to make sure that Amane really showed up to save him. So incredulous and naive. After this interaction between them, Tsukasa's melancholy dissipated.
He once again showed us the side we know of him, he was sincere in court, he took the opportunity to free himself and continue with his goal.
I don't usually say that there is a change in behavior, it was always Tsukasa from the beginning, he just showed us sides he wanted us to see, but at the end of it all, he just showed us his more human side.
The curious, melancholy side, the fearful and even attentive and loving side. We saw the human Tsukasa in these last chapters, that he became vulnerable, as we all are, and then returned to his initial state.
Yeah, you just saw a more human Tsukasa.
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
I wanna learn more about Blessing / Boreas. What’s up with all the bat flies with him? What’s his city like?
-rubs my hands together like a fly- uuuuuu boy, time to shake my blatantly favorite child Hell yeah huhuhuhuhuuu
the batflies enter the scene a good while after the Mass Ascension- they are his coping mechanism after Zephyr collapses and goes dark!
from the comic where they talk about Euros' n Sparrows' relationship, one can probably guess how close these two are. Boreas might be the big scary dog of the whole Eo family that punches things in the face rather than take any miniscule amount of shit, but when it comes to Zephyr he is very open and sweet. she's the only person who can actually influence his opinions and ideas greatly, because he loves and trusts her enough to allow her to do so. so when she collapses, he takes it the worst out of everyone. in a very quiet way. his pain if for him to keep, nobody else can know he's hurting
bear witness to Ňuňu
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this lil shit was basically Boreas' therapy dog. just.. very very feckin teeny
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she is as smart as your typical bat, but the thing was that when she accidentally made her way into his chamber, he didn't have much will in himself to send the animal to eeby deeby so she got to flutter about. and as animals do, girlie used the empathy trap card to figure out this person who doesn't seem to be posing any danger is Sad. so she landed on his head, crawled up to look into his eyes and chirped
n that was the straw that broke the camel's back and Boreas had his first grief-inflicted breakdown ever. Ňuňu stayed during it and even after it, so emotionally-empty-feeling Boreas decided to take her in. hardly can replace Zephyr, but at least he isn't alone
Ňuňu later brought friends and Bee decided that he will look after them then. even after Ňuňu passes away, he still houses and raises them. the younglings like sleeping on his antennas so he has to watch himself to not move them too much sometimes. Euros has a folder full of photos like that
to his city- the name kush is:
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originally from me looking for latin words for Rage. ended up going with Desaevio, because Bee is indeed positioned in a fitting place for the word
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and the storm connection plus the last two are the main reasons why the Ancients called the city as such. after project Abet Zephyr ended in such a failure, they had to vent some stuff out. and we are going to claim that it is anger because that isn't as pitiful as shame or embarrassment
(the fact that almost every translator i put it into gives me "i'm sorry" works wonderfully, too. because what else will ultimately Boreas do, but quietly mutter to himself a mantra of apologies when he'll be lying in his chamber 30 seconds from his death, drowning in his regrets and mistakes?)
Desaevio was capable of comfortably supporting over 5 million people (no other Iterator city ever reaches that far- the max is ambitious Gen 3 cities that only ever reached around an estimate of 2.7 million) but at times housed over 6-7 million. despite lying close to the geographical location of Bergen in real life, Desaevio is very far from reaching such nice vibes (the old towns Boreas' structure overshadows come close, though). it is way closer to New York, but more dystopian. if u look up dystopian city on google images u get to see pretty closely what it looked like. combine it with Coruscant from star wars for bonus authencity with the layering
made up of skyscrapers, with endless layered bridges for means of transport (most commonly expres trains), with what little decoration of the buildings chipped away by time without anybody caring enough to restore the beauty- the grey, gloomy expanse of Desaevio is as majestic to witness as it is absolutely harrowing
with it being a layered city and one with Boreas' consciousness/structure, some wonder when does one truly leaves the borders of the city and enters the giant's actual insides. it's hard to tell, with old models of Iterators not being all that enclosed and isolated like Five Pebbles is. there is no karma gate to tell you when exactly the walls turn from homes for people to homes for wires, tubes and alien-like organic life of a colossal Hivemind
despite the whole "Iterators are above the cloud level" thing, i like to imagine that it rains in Desaevio either way. at least- some levels are just straight up Wet like after rain. but it'd be those normal rains like we have, not the annihilating ones that the old towns need to bear with down below. or maybe it's just the upper layers' waste water seeping through the ceilings
most of light of the lower levels comes from streetlights, neon signs and Boreas' own systems once deep enough
cameras and such security systems litter all the streets and every public room- and the private homes are still accessable by overseers- and All of that feeds directly into Boreas' memory cache
this omnipresence is why Boreas later suffers with the fuckin
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nobody is as unhappy with Boreas' omnipresence as Boreas himself. no wonder he's always ticked off, imagine being a witness to All of New York's road rage 24/7
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bitchinfawkseh · 6 months
Heaven Knows Your Name, I've Been Praying: Chapter 1
Summary: When a mysterious string of suicides bring the Winchester brother's to Waterville Maine, they meet a fellow hunter: Cheryl Jones, who helps them with the case of La Llorona.
W.C: 3671
Warnings: mentions of suicides.
[A/N] Ahhhh chapter debut. I love Cheryl, I hope you guys like her as much as I do!!! And I'm excited to develop her and Dean's relationship:)))) I'm obsessed with using songs and applying them to my fics (if you read lyrics after you'll understand.) So if interested please listen to the songs I link each chapter
Masterlist | AO3
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Rain drizzled from the sky, little droplets darkening the roads and sidewalks - giving off a sweet earthy smell. Students bustled around campus from class to class and they all were hoping and praying that they didn’t fail this semester. College town: this is where that newspaper article about kids killing themselves like crazy took them.
Dean passed Sam a cup of coffee, it was nearly burning his hands with how piping hot it was - but the fresher the better. “Any leads?” Dean muttered before blowing on the coffee and taking a small sip. A jolt of energy to get him through the rest of the day was just what he needed. Sam shrugged and glanced up at Dean "We could try talking to the girlfriend of the vic? Her name is Maya Jameson." He suggested. Sam took a sip from his coffee, wrinkling his nose a bit at the taste. It was watery, not good at all, but Dean didn’t seem to notice. Then again, Dean would drink sludge if he was told there was caffeine in it.
Dean pursed his lips together and nodded slowly "Sure. Been lookin' for an excuse to go by Agent Jones again." He smirked. Sam rolled his eyes and glanced around the wet scenery, he liked the rain, which is why he was happy to be in a place like Waterville Maine - even if they were there only for a case.
It was a very beautiful city too, with a huge river running through it and beautiful old buildings. The changing of the leaves from green to red and orange was a nice touch too - it was peak autumn in Sam's eyes. Dean didn't have an eye for stuff like this, he paid no mind to it actually unless there was something noteworthy - which was usually just some huge tourist trap.
"Thank you for speaking with us, Miss. Jameson," Sam said, a small smile stretching across his face. Maya ushered them into the small living room of the apartment. It looked weirdly homey and nice for a college student. "No, thank you." She tucked some of her tangled light hair behind her ear. Dean glanced around the place, the kitchen had a sweet bar area tucked in the corner and magnets on the fridge from various states and cities. He gestured toward the fridge and pouted his lips together, "Travel a lot?" Dean asked. Maya glanced over her shoulder and then shook her head. "Oh no, my roommate does. She likes knick-knacks."
Dean nodded along and grinned "Nice."
The boys sat down next to each other on the loveseat across from Maya. Sam started with a " We're sorry for your loss." He was much more empathetic than Dean tried to be, but Sam just had that personal connection of losing a partner like that. She gave a curt nod and pinched the fabric of her shirt between her fingers. "The police already came and talked to me - so what don't you know?" Maya asked. Dean raised his hand "Tell us everything. The reports got all messed up," He then let out a small chuckle and then smirked. "Stupid interns, am I right?"
Sam glared at Dean and elbowed him in the side discreetly, now was not the time for jokes. Maya's eyes widened slightly and then she let out a nervous laugh. "Yeah."
"Did Noah show any signs of duress? Like… seeing things that weren't there or doing impulsive things?" Sam asked. He seemed very engrossed in the conversation at hand, he was leaning forward and his hands were clasped together. Maya considered his words carefully before replying "He would talk about this woman who seemed to be watching him - he even filed a report with the police but nothing came of it." Dean and Sam both sighed and then the girls' eyes widened. "Wait!" Her voice was laced with urgency and slight panic. "You don't think he was murdered right?! It was just a suicide -"
Sam waved his hands and cut her off "No! No, just standard procedure. Sometimes before people… do that, they have some issues."
As Sam and Maya continued to chat, Dean listened until he noticed a book on the coffee table. It was a hefty book, there were various runes along the spine of it and the title read 'Mexican Folklore & Superstitions.' Under it, there was another novel that looked like it was about runes and ways to protect yourself from the supernatural. He cocked a brow and pursed his lips together, "Were these your boyfriends?" He asked, gesturing towards the stack of supernatural books. She glanced over and then down at the books, she seemed a little confused about what he was talking about until she read the title. "No, they are my roommate's stuff. She's into all that creepy weird stuff." She replied shortly before turning her attention back to Sam.
Sam's brows furrowed and he shot a knowing look at Dean. "Where is your roommate? Can we talk to her?" He asked. Maya picked at the skin around her thumbnail and tucked her tongue into her cheek. "She's on a work trip right now, but as soon as she heard she said she was coming home. She'll be back in the next couple of days." Maya explained.
Dean squinted "She's not in college like you?"
She shook her head. "No, she's like 27 - and she thinks paying for an education is stupid when you can get knowledge for free from quote on quote 'life experiences'" Dean chuckled softly and shook his head, her roommate seemed amusing.
Sam reached into the inner pocket of his suit jacket and passed her a (fake) business card with his number on it. "When she gets back, give us a call, we'd like to chat with her. Standard procedure." He said. Maya read over the card before smiling and nodding. "Will do. Thanks."
As they walked out of the building, Sam nudged Dean's arm with his elbow. "I think the roommate is a witch, I mean come on- those books she had… and maybe she's the cause of all of this." He motioned around them, clearly talking about all the suicides and the case. Dean pursed his lips together before shaking his head. No, this woman wasn't a witch. "Notice all the magnets from different states and cities? And the fact that she's always travelling for work?" Dean said. He grinned and looked back at the apartment building before Sam again. "She's a hunter."
His eyes widened and he glanced around before leaning closer to Dean. "What? How would she even afford an apartment-?" He asked.
"I dunno."
"What do you mean I dunno?" Sam mocked. Dean shot him a glare and pulled the driver's side door of his beloved Impala open. "I mean I dunno. There could be thousands of reasons why she can," He slid inside and Sam slipped in as he started up the engine. Baby roared before settling to a familiar soft sound that he oh-so loved. "Just saying," Dean began as he switched the car into gear. "It's a good possibility she is a hunter."
The rumbling of her bike between her legs made her entire body vibrate, Cheryl tucked some of her damp chocolate brown hair behind her ear. She pulled the keys out of the ignition and adjusted the collar of her bright red leather jacket. 1 more day until she's back home, and then no more shit motels for a while. When she heard of Maya's boyfriend's death - she left almost immediately to go back home. They weren't that close, but it was just a nice thing to do. Besides, his death was… sketchy to say the least.
Cheryl worked her leather fingerless gloves off and shoved them into her pocket as she strolled into the motel's cramped lounge to book a room. She flashed the desk clerk a polite smile, "Buneas, room for one, please?" She asked. It was like any regular motel, keys hung off nails on the wall and they each had a key chain that had various room numbers on them. The yellow lighting made the woman's hair at the front desk look white - and it brought out every little blemish on her face. The clerk glimpsed up at her before spinning in her chair and snatching a key off the wall. "Double fine?" Her voice was gravelly and quiet. Cheryl nodded and reached into her coat for her wallet. "Yeah, whatever you got." She said as she pulled some cash out. The clerk spun back around to face her and handed her the key "$15 and check out is 11 AM." This woman was really in a hurry to get her out of there. They swapped the key for cash and Cheryl nodded along, her lips thinning. "Alright. Gracias." She muttered before leaving.
Cheryl shouldered her way through the room, it was a typical motel. White bedding, ugly walls stained with cigarette tar and stinky crumby carpets that should have been burned years ago. She set her things down on the desk in the corner of the room and peeled her jacket off. "I should give Maya a call…" She mumbled under her breath. She glanced over at the clock above the bed and wrinkled her nose. She may or may not be asleep, it depends on how she is feeling. With a heavy sigh, she grabbed her phone from her bag and flipped it open.
It rang a couple of times before she picked up with a quiet hello. Cheryl frowned at how sad Maya's voice sounded, "Hey, how are you feeling?" She asked softly as she sat on the edge of her bed. Cheryl untied the laces of her black biker boots and listened as there were some crinkles of wrappers in the background before she sighed. "Oh you know, like my life is ending and how I should have noticed something." She finally answered.
"Oh, querida, nobody could have predicted it. Didn't his therapist even say she didn't expect it-?"
"Yes but-"
"But nothing, it's nobody's fault, Maya. And certainly not yours." She interrupted.
Cheryl cleared her throat as she tossed her boots by the door. "I'm in Massachusetts right now, and I'm leaving bright and early tomorrow so I'll be home around noon," Cheryl said. She heard Maya gasp over the phone, causing her brows to furrow and her posture to straighten. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing - that just reminded me. Police came by today again, they asked to talk to you when you get back."
Her forehead creased and she swallowed hard, "Why?" Cheryl hated the police - even though she often posed as them; yet another misdemeanour to add to the list. "He just said that it's standard procedure. They probably wanna talk about…" Maya trailed off, her voice sounded strained and thick with grief. "Oh! It's fine, I'll talk to them. Whatever they need - I'll provide. Even blowjo-"
"Shut up!" Maya giggled.
The next morning Cheryl got up around 7, had a quick shower, bought a cup of coffee and smoked two cigarettes before she left at 9. Carlos would probably kick her ass if he knew that she was still smoking - she swore she could hear his nagging voice in the back of her mind going: "Woman! Those are horrible for you."
Cheryl loaded up her things on her bike, strapping the last bag up and tugging on it to make sure it stayed. She's good on gas, and she wasn't that hungry so she didn't need to stop until she reached home. Cheryl zipped up her jacket, pulled on her gloves and helmet and then she was off. Biking was exhilarating - how fast you could go - the scenery - everything. She loved all of it.
"Maya told us to swing by around noon," Sam said as he exited the bathroom and came back into the main room. Dean sighed and tossed the nude mag he was glancing through onto the bed side table. "Alright, let's get goin'." He muttered.
Sam and Dean both sat down on the sofa, they got there a little early - the girl wasn't here yet. But Maya said she should be here soon, "She was in Massachusetts last I heard." She told them. She set their coffees down on the table in front of them and smiled weakly. Dean nodded in thanks and took a small sip. It was strong - warm, this was a good batch of coffee. "This is good, thanks." Dean said as he leaned back into the sofa. Sam raised his mug to Maya and took a big sip, he had barely gotten to swallow it when there was a jingling of keys in the front door before it opened.
Everyone looked over their shoulders at the brunette woman who just came in. She set her bags down on the floor in the hall and her brows raised as she took in the scene. Maya was quick to jump to her feet and sweep her into a hug. "Oh, Cheryl!" She cried. Cheryl awkwardly patted her shoulder and rubbed her back. Dean tilted his head as he took in the scene, a soft grin forming on his face. Cheryl looked to be a little shorter than Maya was - they both had pretty eyes. 
She pat Maya's shoulder again before pulling back from the hug. Cheryl glanced over at the men on her couch "Sorry, I underestimated how bad the rain was gonna be." Dean pursed his lips together and raised his hand and Sam sent her a reassuring smile. "No problem. You're here now, that's all that matters."
After Maya went for a walk, Cheryl sat in front of them with an expressionless face. Her brows raised and she stared at the two of them "So, what did you wanna ask me?" Cheryl started. Sam and Dean both looked at each other briefly before leaning forward a bit, their hands resting on their knees. "Did you notice anything off with Noah before he died?" Sam started. Cheryl pouted her lips together before shaking her head. "No, I wasn't here for a month and before that he was you know- the normal Noah." Dean's eyes narrowed and he glanced over at Sam briefly. "What exactly is your job?" He asked.
Cheryl tucked her tongue into her cheek and tapped her fingers against her knee. She didn't know how to reply exactly - but they didn't seem like professional real cops either… She shrugged slightly and squinted "Ehhh - stuff. I help people." She finally said. She couldn't exactly tell them she hunted the supernatural as a job - a job she didn't even get paid for, it could be considered "volunteering" at most. Dean's brows furrowed and he nodded slowly, swallowing hard. He tapped the hardcover of the book he noticed before - 'Mexican Folklore & Superstitions' and met her eyes. "Does it involve stuff like this?" Cheryl's eyes widened slightly and her nose scrunched, she looked a little… unimpressed. Sam watched her carefully - this was the moment they were waiting for.
"Yes." She answered, glancing at the two of them. Cheryl's voice dipped low - her accent making it sound like a purr. "So then you're hunters too?" Her eyes darkened and Dean's breath hitched, damn she was a sexy minx. He was too focused on her - her curves - her tits, he wasn't really looking before - but now he sure was.
Sam let out a relieved sigh and his lips quirked up into a small smile. "Yeah, we are." He was at least relieved to know that she wasn't some sort of crazy witch. Cheryl’s lips thinned and she looked Dean up and down "And you're here because of all the suicides? What do you think it is?"
Sam elbowed his side and he jumped, snapping completely out of it. "What?"
Cheryl grinned "What do you think it is? Ghost? Demon? Monster?" He struggled to form words - he was completely out of it. Sam answered for him, "We don't know yet. Maybe we can work together on this?"
This caught Dean's attention, he glanced over at Sam with wide eyes and swallowed hard. They didn't even know this woman's last name - let alone whether she was trustworthy or not. Cheryl's grin widened "Yes, gracias. Can't do much myself since I live here." She then glanced up at the clock on the wall over the fireplace and pouted her lips together. "Maya will be back soon - uhh, why don't we meet at the library at 5 and talk then?" She suggested as she glanced back at the brothers. Sam nodded frantically and smiled nervously "Yeah - sounds good. Right, Dean?" He said. Dean’s lips thinned and he nodded slowly, his eyes never leaving Cheryl's face. "Yep."
This was the second time they were leaving that apartment - and this time the energy was much more tense. Dean was in a sour mood and Sam was cheerful about the fact that they found a fellow hunter and got to work with her. It was finally Dean who spoke first, his forehead wrinkling as he looked at Sam in disbelief. "You really asked her to work with us? Seriously?" His voice got progressively more annoyed as he spoke. Sam narrowed his eyes, seemingly confused by why he was so upset. He shrugged slightly and shook his head "Dean she lives here - she knows the area better than us and she knew Noah personally too." He explained. Of course Dean didn't think of those aspects - she was a local and she knew the history of the area. He grumbled something incoherent under his breath as he jerked open the driver's side door of Baby.
Cheryl took a short nap before she went out again, and obviously changed into some more appropriate attire. A worn cropped Metallica tank top and simple black jeans. And of course, her leather jacket and biker boots.
By the time she pulled up to the library, it was a little past 5. Cheryl wandered the library a bit before finding Sam and Dean at a deserted table between shelves. "Hola." Cheryl greeted. When they both glanced up at her she corrected herself: "Hey." Dean's eyes narrowed and his brows knitted together. "We know what hola means." He said. Cheryl smirked and crossed her arms, "I'm sorry, I just assumed since you're a bunch of gringos." She chuckled. Cheryl slid into the seat next to Sam, across from Dean, and peered over his shoulder at the book he had. Both their eyes stayed trained on her as she moved.
"Are you fluent in Spanish?" Sam asked. Cheryl nodded and sucked air through her teeth, of course she was. It was all she spoke for the first 14 years of her life until she had to learn English for American high school. "Yes, I was born in Mexico." She answered. Dean's brows raised and he looked a little surprised. Explains her book. "Really?" Sam asked, his eyes widening slightly. She nodded and leaned back in the uncomfortable wooden chair. These were good for cracking her back - she loved them. "Yes." Cheryl shared as little about herself as possible all the time. It gave an unfair advantage over her… she didn't like to have things she told people in confidence to blow up in her face.
"So what have you got?" Cheryl asked, her eyes briefly meeting Dean's before they both looked away. His were so green - it was kind of eerie. "Well," Sam began. "All of the victims drowned themselves in the river - and they all mentioned seeing a strange woman around them." Cheryl nodded along and pouted her lips together, clasping her hands together to rest on her stomach. She inhaled deeply "How old are they? The vics?"
"All under 18, except for Noah." Dean said.
"Which breaks the pattern." Sam interjected. Cheryl suddenly sat up straight, her hairs rising on her body. It couldn't be - no way. She tapped the table and leaned forward towards Dean. "And they died in the river?"
His eyes narrowed. "Yes…?"
She sighed and pinched the bridge of her nose, her mother warned her of something exactly like this when she was a little girl. "It's La Llorona." She muttered.
Sam's eyes widened and he turned to face her. "The weeping woman - are you sure?" They encountered her once before, it was their first hunt together since Sam left for university, except it didn't really follow the actual legend of La Llorona. "Yes - I'm sure." Cheryl said. Her eyes landed on Dean for his reaction, he had an expressionless look on his face(not really, she just didn't know him well enough to read him). His lips curved up into a grin when he noticed her looking at him. "Like what you see?" He teased. Cheryl rolled her eyes and crossed her arms square against her chest. "No." Cheryl retorted . His grin only widened, he wasn't going to let her end his teasing that easily. "Really? You're starin' at me quite a bit."
"Dean." Sam said firmly, a warning. They could be pissing off a valuable asset like Cheryl.
After they were kicked out of the library because it was closing time, Dean walked her to her car while Sam went to grab food across the street. It was dark - and who knows what could've happened to her, it was just the gentlemanly thing to do. When Cheryl went up to the red and black Harley instead of the white Nissan next to it, Dean grinned widely. His hands were shoved into the pockets of his heavy coat, rain spitting onto it. "You ride a motorcycle?" He asked. Cheryl grinned herself and stared up at him as she pulled on her gloves and fixed her helmet on her head. "Why? You wanna ride?" She purred. He flushed a bit and shifted to appear more confident. "One day - maybe."
Her expression softened to something much less flirtatious. "Okay, well. Buenas noches, Dean."
"Night, Cheryl." He replied with a little smile.
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worriedvision · 1 year
How about "I wish I'd known when you were born that you were going to betray me like this" with Gorou? Perhaps reader is part of a clan and they've been on loads of arranged dates with other suitors from clans that never worked out, and they get close to Gorou?
Tasty! Gender neutral reader, they're raised by strict parents that teach them how to court someone - posture, how they eat food, you name it they do it.
When you were a kid, you found yourself despising your existence. It became apparent to you that you were expected to marry into another clan that would boost the family's name. 'Dear, you need to sit up straight at all times, even if it's somebody you have grown comfortable with. We need to exude confidence!' Your mother chastised you when you slouched after sitting up uncomfortably. 'No, no, no! You need to be delicate with your food, slow down.' Your father told you when you started to eat a meal you were looking forward to.
And don't start on the dates you parents always arranged for you. Most of the bachelors you were paired up with were either old and creepy, or they were absolutely stuck up. You were certain there were most likely some decent people available, perhaps if you were able to get closer to Ayato or Ayaka in a way both of you could benefit, that may be nice. You were friendly with Ayaka, and you knew neither her nor her brother had to deal with these arranged dates from you ranting about a particularly gross guy.
But nope, you knew Ayato was smart enough to see your reasoning for pursuing a relationship with him. You didn't see him as an escape route, but you knew using him like that would not be fair.
When the vision hunt decree started, you were enraged to discover your family were completely behind the idea. Your friends had visions, how would they react if they lost their vision and forgot their reason for pushing on with their lives?
Ayaka tries to hush you when you start to tell Ayato how silly an idea it appeared to you. Many people used their visions for work, were the higher ups simply scared of the idea of a vision making someone superior to them in one way? Were they blindly following someone who claimed to be talking for a god?
Realising that neither of them had the ability to do a thing about this, you stormed out, thinking of what you could do. As you begin to walk home, a piece of paper catches your eye. Reading the contents quickly, you see this is some sort of recruitment following the introduction of this vision hunt decree. Without thinking about the possibility of this being a trap, you sprint to get to the location mentioned.
When the soldiers saw you, a noble, running to them, they thought you were in danger. You hold up the paper, insisting you wanted to help out where you could, and they look at each other in confusion.
"General Gorou, can you talk to _?" The soldier call out, the doggy general jogging over, sensing some urgency.
"I must apologise, but due to low numbers, I cannot afford to talk to-"
"I want to join." You say, determination running through your veins. "I don't like this new law, and I wish to do something about it." You nod, Gorou looking at you blankly for a second.
"What skills do you have?" Gorou asks.
"I don't have many useful skills for survival, however I would be happy to take on any training to assist where I can." You begin. "Additionally, I have connections to several clans. I would be happy to be a pawn if needed." You add on, Gorou's face turning to shock. "But, I have been taught how to cook a meal if that would be a start?"
"Let's start with that!" Gorou nods, leading you to an experienced cook that had offered their help.
During the whole war, Kokomi had asked Gorou to look after you. At the start, it was simply guarding you, but over time it started to become more than just that. He didn't look at you as a member of a clan, someone he could marry and have an easy life with, he saw you as a genuine person. He was the person that showed you the hobbies you were forbidden from doing, and you felt like you were finding yourself.
However, your family caught wind of it. You knew they would never approve of such a relationship, and when Kokomi had asked for your presence, you feared that they requested to talk to you.
Nope. Your mother was right there, Kokomi allowing you both time to talk. Of course, you knew Kokomi would be eavesdropping, solely to make sure you were safe and you weren't some traitor.
"We were worried sick, my darling." She sweetly gushes, you wincing at the tone. "What brought you out here?"
You stay silent, knowing there was no easy way of saying it. When she stays silent, forcing you to talk, you finally speak.
"I am here to do something about the vision hunt decree. It isn't morally right, mother, surely you understand that?" You ask.
"Yes, but that wasn't what I was asking for." Your mother huffs out. "I heard you were getting close to someone here." She continues, not letting you intervene with her words. "With someone who is not worthy of the clan."
"Yes. I am interested in someone." You state, holding eye contact with your mother. "He makes me feel like I'm human, and I appreciate the warmth I feel when I am with him."
"You are forbidden from even associating with people below us!" Your mother yells. "Lord Ayato is a single man, he is worthy of association! You should have courted him instead of that... that thing!"
"General Gorou isn't a thing! I love him!" You yell, your mother gasping.
"Oh my god, you're dating him? That's disgusting, you wouldn't have even gone for a human." Your mother grimaces.
"Gorou -"
"Enough!" Your mother holds her hand up, disgusted at your words. "I wish I'd known when you were born that you were going to betray me like this." Your mother grumbles, shaking her head. You don't show a reaction, knowing this was most likely her way of getting under your skin. "You are an insult to the family. From this day onwards, you are no longer considered a member of our clan." Your mother huffs, walking out.
Kokomi walks in once your mother has left, checking on you. you don't really feel anything in the moment, simply thanking her for showing concern before getting back to work, Gorou following once he spots you returning.
"How did the conversation go?" Gorou asks hopefully.
It was like the straw that broke the camels back, you couldn't stop yourself from crying. He holds you in his arms, letting you cry into his shoulder before you calm down enough to tell him that your mother had disowned you due to your disinterest in going for a 'worthy person to wed'.
"Is this because of me? I should have asked if your parents would have approved of me before getting closer, I'm sorry." Gorou sighs out.
"Mother wasn't happy to hear you were who I was interested in, but she wouldn't have approved of any commoner." You explain. "Over the years, I grew to hate the idea of simply marrying someone my parent's suggested."
"...It's because I'm a hybrid, isn't it?" Gorou pouts, holding you tighter as if you were going to leave him because of what your mother said about 'his kind'.
"It was a lot of reasons, my love." You respond. "That was only one thing she didn't approve of."
Truthfully, part of you felt bad for feeling a sense of relief after finding out you were no longer considered family to your biological family. They would have dictated your entire life, but now you didn't have to fear the idea of being married off.
Because now, you were happy to become Gorou's other half.
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obsidiancreates · 2 years
The Algae Is Always Greener On The Other Side (Part 2)
"Now that was some good pizza," Mikey sighs.
"Your pizza was kinda horrifying, actually," Angelo says, "But mine was amazing! Truffle oil, mushrooms, and white sauce? My compliments to the strange unseen entity that's trapped us here!"
"We should be more worried about that fact than we are, right?" Donnie whispers to Leo.
"Eh, happens," Leon says before Leo can answer. "We may as well enjoy it while it lasts, right? Before it comes to the fighting?"
"If it does at all." Raphie kicks his feet up and puts his hands behind his head. "I mean, this is pretty cush! We've got food, no bad guys, we're meetin' our alternate selves..."
"Yeah, but our luck usually doesn't last long in the 'peace' arena." Donnie looks around. "And we're stuck in some kind of bubble dimension, which seems to be controlled by at the very least a united collective, if not one person!"
"Good analysis, however, Other me, you've left out one thing."
"The TV." Donald points at it. "It's entirely possible that to whatever beings controlling this place, we're a form of entertainment. Which means they probably don't want us dead."
"... Yeah, but it also means they'll probably make us fight either other people or each other."
"Another good analysis! Finally, you're impressing me!"
The screen flickers back to life with a pop!
"Previously on..."
"Was that Karai's voice?" Mikey says, leaning closer to the screen. "But we don't even know her yet! Why's she opening the recap?"
"You guys have Gram-Gram too?" Leon looks almost... hopefully, at them. "How is she?"
"... She's our sister?" Leo makes a face and turns to Raph, who's smirking and opening his mouth. "Don't say it, I could feel you about to say it, it was a bad phase!"
"Sister?" Splints looks at Splinter. "Our lives are very different, it seems. For us, Karai was our great-great-great-great-"
"She's Gram-Gram," Angelo cuts his dad off with. "And wait! Does that mean she's Splinter's daughter? Here she was Shredder's! Or, the guy the Shredder suit swallowed and made evil."
"In our world, Oruko Saki stole Miwa away," Splinter says, sighing wearily. "He renamed her Karai, and raised her to hate me. She knows the truth now, and rejected him as her father. But it is still not the same as if I had been able to raise her alongside my sons."
The recap ends with the theme song, but after the somber tone, all anyone can muster is some light bopping in their seats. No-one stays still, though. Because it's too good to sit still to.
The song ends and screen turtles all ooh and ahh over the ooze, and Mikey says to drink some. Raph scolds him, and Donnie says it'll turn them to goo. "Either way, it's an improvement."
"Whoa!" Raphie looks at Raph in horror. "Why would you say that?!"
"I was joking."
"He calls me ugly a lot, I think he's just jealous because I'm the cute one."
"Green is not a good color on you, mi amigo," Leon says with a slow shake of his head.
"... I'm a turtle."
"I meant the green of jealousy."
"One other question," April O'Neil cuts in. "Why're you calling the ooze mutagen? Because it... mutates genes?"
"What else would we call it?" Donnie looks a little offended.
"Um, ooze? Because it is ooze."
"If we called every strange, glowing, possible dangerous and definitely gross substance we find ooze, we'd never stop using that word."
"Alright, fair enough."
Screen Leo realizes that the kidnappers are connected to their mutation origins somehow, and Mikey mentions their being alien robots again. Donnie scolds him, "There's no such thing as alien robots!"
Donald scoffs. "We are LITERALLY mutant ninja turtles, but yes, draw your line at alien robots."
"Hey, I thought we'd been mutated by some kind of military substance someone was trading on the black market, alien robots didn't even begin to cross my mind back then!"
"Well, they should have, that'd be one of my first thoughts. ... I actually did think that's how we were made for a while, actually. I'm not jealous of your much more sci-fi origins, no I am not."
Screen Mikey begins trying to pull the "mask" off of the van man's face, only for it to be his real face and Mikey is jsut harming him. Leo stops Mikey, but Mikey insists he's right. Raph stalks forward and grabs the man, Snake, and begins interrogating him. Snake resists, so Raph throws him across the ground. Mikey and Donnie grab both of his arms to restrain him without any hesitation.
"Oh, okay. So you guys are torturing people now." Raphie raises a not-eyebrow at them.
"Not quite yet." Raph is smirking. "Keep watching, I'm still proud of this."
Screen Raph said they used to be regular guys, and then begins threatening to pour Mutagen onto Snake while smirking and insulting Mikey. It pours out slowly, hanging over Snake's face, and he breaks. Leo praises the tactic, and Raph insults Mikey again.
"Leonardo, Raphael!" Splinter looks at both of his sons with narrowed eyes. "That was extremely dangerous! What if he had kicked the canister and splashed you all with the mutagen?"
"Um, we're not scolding the lowkey torture threats?" Leon shrugs. "Okayyy, if that's how you guys do things."
"It is," Mikey confirms brightly.
Screen Leo continues the interrogation, and Snake tells them the Kraang's plans. Donnie takes this as a good sign, claiming that if the girl's dad is a scientist, she's gonna like him. Snake expresses his doubts.
"Donnie... you do know that's not how people liking other people works, right?" April checks in.
"Well now I do! You were the first person I wasn't raised with that I ever even thought about being friends with, I-I didn't know how it worked back then!"
The scene changes to the turtles staking out a building from a rooftop, Mikey in charge of guarding Snake, who's oddly calm about all of this and seems as most A Little Annoyed. They counts 20 guards, and Leo says they need to plan. Raph disagrees, and Donnie disagrees with the disagreement.
"Shellbrain! Oh-ho, I am so using that from now on." Leon grins at his brothers. "Donnie, you'll be first."
"You are pre-planning your insults?"
"Absolutely, it's too good to waste on improv."
Screen Mikey breaks up the serious moment by craving pizza.
Angelo laughs, going over to fistbump Mikey. "I did the same thing when we thought Casey Jr was stalking us! it's the Michelangelo priority totem, baby!"
"Heck yeah, dude!" Mikey returns the bump enthusiastically. He looks smugly at his brothers. "See, someone gets it."
Screen Leo asks where Snake is. The answer is Escaping. Easily. They give chase, and Donnie tosses Mikey voer a wall to check is Snake went that way. The shot stays on Donnie looking over the wall while Mikey makes sounds of pain on the other side, confirming Snake did not scale the wall. Leo and Raph realize Snake is listening in on them, and begin a charade of a fake plan to make Snake give bad information to The Kraang.
"You are a terrible actor," Leon says, voice low and laden with disappointment. "How can a version of me even be that bad at it?"
"I can give you some lessons later, Second Blue," Splints offers. "Just like with Purple! He is a terrible liar."
"Most fathers would appriciate that about their children."
"And I do! When you are lying to me. When you're lying for me..."
"Okay, okay, I get it."
Somehow, Snake is fooled by the bad acting. It cuts to Donnie using a blowtorch, making some kind of metal grips for climbing.
"Those are you goggles?" Donald is unimpressed. "Mine see mystic energy."
"We don't have that. All mine need to do is keep my eyes safe, which they do."
It cuts to Raph emotionally saying goodbye and promising to return to someone, a squishy sound even being use to imply tears. It shows he is speaking to... a pet snapping turtle.
Raph smiles softly, but there's a sadness to it. He misses Spike, all of the time.
Raphie takes notice. "Oh, no, don't tell me the little guy doesn't make it!"
"He's not dead, just mutated. We're friends now, but... it was a bad time getting back to that. ... And I still miss him. You kind of look like he does now, actually. A little less spikey, but just as huge."
"I do?" Raphie looks down at himself. "Huh. I'm not even the same kind of snapping turtle as him, so that's cool. Hey, you okay?"
"Yeah, fine." Raph watches as Screen Raph chases Mikey around for cooing over Raph and Spike's moment. "I guess I didn't think about how we'll see a lot of things we don't have anymore."
Donnie suddenly looks sick. "Oh yeah. And people we... failed."
April takes his hand in her. "Hey, we'll find a way to safely unfreeze him," she assures. "Timothy won't be stuck like that forever."
Donnie doesn't say anything. The colorful clan share looks with each other, wondering how they might be able to smooth the vibe over.
"I admit I'm curious about your world's form of ooze," Donald says slowly. "And I'm not the biggest biology fan. However, unfreezing someone sounds right up my alley. So how about when we escape here, I unfreeze your friend and you teach me a little about this Mutagen you have?"
Donnie blinks at him in surprise. "You-you'd do that?"
"It sounds like a fun challenge anyway, I've never experimented with cryogenics before."
"S-sure. Yeah! I can absolutely teach you about mutagen! I uh, gotta warn you, you might not like Timothy much when we unfreeze him. He... may or may not try to kill us."
"What doesn't." It's truly a statement more than a question.
Screen Leo and Splinter talk about the plan, and Leo asks if he's truly ready for this. Splinter says he made Leo a leader for a reason, but Leo continues to have doubts. Splinter says failure is just something Leo will have to face as a possibility, as all Leaders do, and begins to speak of his old enemy, The Shredder. As he lays out the backstory, the colorful clan's jaws drop.
"He's just a guy?!" Angelo has his hands on his head. "And his armor is just normal metal?!"
"He's also an incel," April O'Neil gags. "And a kidnapper!"
"He's incredibly dangerous, despite being 'just a guy'," Leo says, gripping the edge of the couch cushion. "Sometimes, he truly seems inhuman, not just in spirit but in what his cruelty makes him capable of physically."
"We weren't implying he's not bad," Raphie says quickly. "We're just surprised! Ours was a demon, kind of!"
"Yeah, a huge demon who completely destroyed our home! Excuse us for thinking it's weird seeing the same guy as just, just a guy!" Leon puts his hands on his hips. "Your Krang are smaller and less dangerous, your Shredder is smaller and less dangerous, and it's a little unfair!"
"Now who's green with jealousy?" Raph smirks at Leon.
"Oh-ho, do not test me, Tiny Raph."
"Boys!" Both Splinters shout at the same time. Leon slumps back into hsi seat with an angry pout, and Raph scowls while trying to hide his shame at the scolding.
On screen, Leo is still doubtful. Splinter says that while he lost everything he had, he gained much, including his four sons. Leo finally has confidence in their ability to do the mission, though it fades a little when Mikey and Raph run through. The scene cuts to show April, locked up in the Kraang base, banging on the door and trying to get out.
"Finally, we get to see you in action!" April O'Neil leans forward in anticipation.
"Yeah, not much action here," April admits. "It's a long time before I start training with Splinter to be a kunoichi, and longer before I get a handle on my powers. This just ends up kind of pathetic."
"Hey girl, it's not the skills, it's the spirit! I wanna see how much you've got!"
Screen April teels her dad they have to try to escape, and begins faking sick. A Kraang opens the door and her father goes to attack, but it turns and her father gasps. April immedietely jump up and tries to pull the Kraang down by it's shoulders. It doesn't budge. She even tries biting it, and nothing.
"Why is biting enemies an April O'Neil universal constant?" Leon asks.
"I was about to praise her for it." April O'Neil grins at April. "I did the same thing when we first met Draxum! Except, I was biting a mystic vine cage, not a robot body. Are your teeth okay?"
"I didn't bite that hard."
"Good, because I know that I'd break my teeth tryin' that."
They do the fistbump now.
On the TV, Snake is boiling in rage over the long-winded and confusing way that The Kraang speak, something every single person in the void relates to. The Kraang point out that the van is on it's way, and Snake aims a gun at it. The whole squad opens fire, but it does nothing and the van crashes right into the facility! Snake is thrown by the blast, and when he looks up and behind him, a broken canister of mutagen falls onto him.
"Uh-oh. He's gonna blame you for that, isn't he?" Raphie asks.
"Big time," Mikey confirms.
Snake goes through the horrifying and painful mutation process, the visuals and guttural sounds making the whole colorful clan tense up in exaggerated poses of horror. The next scene shows The Turtles climbing the wall using what Donnie had been welding earlier, and Mikey comments about how it's lucky the van showed up. Donnie is so annoyed that he accidentally hits himself in the head with his spiked hand thing, and Leo reminds Mikey that it was on purpose.
"I forgot, that's all!" Mikey crosses his arms. "It's easy to forget stuff and hard to listen!"
"Yeah, ADHD tends to do that. Just ask Nardo."
"What's ADHD?"
"WHAT?! Other Michael doesn't know what ADHD even is?! Other Donnie how do you know you're on the Au-"
"DAH! ZIP IT!" Donnie panics and whacks Donald on the head with his bo.
Donald squishes like an old fruit.
Now the duller clan all scream, hands on their heads and eyes turned into white discs as the tails of their masks stick straight up!
"He's finneeee," Leon says, picking Donnie up and shaking him a little. Indeed, he returns to his normal shape just fine, rubbing his head and scowling. "Are you guys fine, though? Because your masks are kind of defying gravity."
"They're like bunny ears!" Angelo coos, reaching up to touch one. But it falls flat again before he can, and he tears up.
"Well, your faces do that." Raph points at Angelo's exaggerated sad face. "What's with that? Faces shouldn't move that much."
"It's called being expressive," Donald says. "Even I, the most chilled-out bad boy of all us, am more expressive than all of you combined."
"Okay, okay!" Leo holds his hands out. "Let's all just agree that our worlds have different ways emotions are shown, and that's not better or worse than the other."
Everyone seems grumpy about it, except for The Splinters, who both chuckle.
The Screen Turtles continue their plan and break into the Kraang base through the vent. Leo and Raph absolutely put the beat-down on the Kraangdroids they come across.
"Did you just punch robots with your bare fits and win?" Donald asks.
"And... how did you knock them out? Because the brain guys are in their stomachs and you went for the faces."
"It just works like that sometimes," Raph says with a shrug. "Don't ask us."
Screen Donnie begins to wonder about the origin of the metal in the walls, and Screen Raph mocks him for it. They almost get into a fight, but Leo breaks it up by reminding them they're behind enemy lines. They come across more Kraangdroids, and Donnie is shown to be making a very odd shocked expression.
"Oh, god, why did my face do that? Why did no-one tell me my face does that?!"
"It was one time, D," Leo assures. "Usually your face doesn't have... that, happen."
"Oh, phew. The faces are weird enough to look at as-is," Raphie says.
"We just settled that argument, guys, don't start it again," Leo groans.
Screen Mikey exclaims in frustration that he's been saying it's robots for hours, which unfortunately draws the attention and fire of the Kraangdroids. A fight breaks out.
"Seriously, how are you defeating alien robots with a non-mystic fully wooden stick?!" Donald shouts, waving his arms in rage and confusion.
"Kraang metal is actually pretty weak," Donnie explains, "Even Leo's katanas can slice through it no problem. But their glass tends to be extremely tough. I assume the properties are different in their dimension, but I've never been able to prove the theory."
True to form, Screen Leo cuts a Kraagdroid in half, making a Kraang pop out. Everyone else screams while Mikey just hits it and begins waving it around as he scolds his brothers for dismissing his statements. It bites him and he flings it away, accidentally setting off an alarm. His brother scold him, and Mikey defends that he was still right bout the aliens.
"I think those are power conduits." "Oh, that's really interesting, thanks for sharing Donnie!" "Meathead, the conduits are all converging that way, which means that whatever is going on in that direction is IMPORTANT!"
Leon bursts out laughing. "He said 'Meathead' so casually, like it was your name! He didn't even sound angry!"
"Why's 'meathead' an insult anyway?" Raph grumbles, scowling. "We've all got meat in our heads, that's what a brain is."
"It's actually more like a loosely-set gelatin in texture."
"Can it, Donnie."
"I thought jelly came in jars, not cans."
"You too, Mikey."
The Screen Turtles follow Donnie, not without teasing Raph and Raph lashing out. They find The O'Neils, and another fight breaks out as Donnie is left to try and open the door to the cell. He assures the humans he'll have them out soon, and corrects April when she calls him a lizard. They introduce themselves, and Donnie begins to compliment her name when Leo reminds him they're on a mission.
Donnie sits on the couch, blushing furiously and slowly curling into his shell again.
Donald is shaking his head. "I'm with Screen nardo, not the time for flirting attempts."
"But hey, he's right, our name is a really nice one." April O'Neil gives Donnie an encouraging smile. "Who isn't a little awkward around their first crush, huh?"
"I uh." Donnie keeps sinking into his shell. "Yeah, well, I'm, mostly, thinking about... later on..."
"He had some... issues with boundaries, for a while," April explains. "We worked it out, but it was..."
"Creepy," Raph says bluntly.
"... Yeah. That."
"In what- oh, god. You didn't... stalk her?" Leon ventures tentitively.
Donnie pops fully into his shell as the colorful clan collectively yank April closer to their side of the couch.
"Hey!" April pushes them all back gently with her powers and sits by Donnie again. She wishes Casey were here to back her up. Maybe he'll show up later, once they meet on the screen. "Like I said, we worked it out! He's one of my best friends, he just needed to be taught how to act around someone he had feelings for!"
"I was really bad," Donnie says weakly from his shell.
"And now you aren't," April soothes.
"... He stalked you!" Leon shouts.
"Now now Leo," Angelo pipes up, "Maybe he did change! Like Draxum! he went from throwing you off the roof, to helping us in all kinds of mystic issues! People grow and change!"
"Fine, but I'm keeping an eye on him now," Leon says, squinting distrustfully at Donnie while his lips seem to turn into some kind of downturned beak-like situation.
On screen, Donnie is working on the door system while the fight continues. April asks him to hurry, and he points out that it's not easy 'trying to pick a lock with these hands'.
Donnie, still in shell, looks at his hands and sighs. Angelo glances over, some part of him knowing the not-his-brother Donnie is feeling insecure about his being a mutant again. Looking at the other group, though, they don't react at all. Do they not know? Is it common knowledge among them and they've just given up? Do they not realize how clearly deeply it bothers their brother?
Clearly, they all need a meeting with Dr. Feelings about this.
Screen Raph finally has enough and just stabs the panel Donnie had been working on. The wrong side of the door opens first, and April and her father are carried away by Kraang.
"Was a good plan though, boss," Raphie praises. "Smashing solves almost everything."
"Boy, do I want to visit your universe if that's the case."
Screen Turtles run out onto the rooftop, and a Kraangdroids pops out of the door to try and grab them. Raph rips it's arm off, smashes it back through, and puts the arm through the door handles to keep it shut. He turns, and his brother stare at him in mild shock and horror.
"What?" "You, are seriously twisted." "Thanks!"
"Ha!" Mikey crosses his legs and holds his knees, rocking back and forth. "Remember when that was our idea of twisted? We were like little babies, dudes!"
"Oh, phew! I was about to say, our version might be a little much for you guys if that's twisted!" Angelo says brightly.
"Well, now I'm actually looking forward to it." Raph puts his hands behind his head and smiles.
Screen Turtles see The O'Neils being taken to a helicopter and move in to help, only to be foiled by Snake. He's now a giant weed-mutant, with his exposed beating heart open on his chest.
The colorful clan explode with disgust and horror!
"That is MESSED UP, MAN!" Raphie throws a slice of pizza at the TV to try and cover the image.
Snake screeches and blames The Turtles, saying they're going to pay. Mikey comments that you'd think he's turn into a snake, which prompts Raph to call him an idiot, which launches another argument. Mikey calls it 'science' that he should have become a snake.
"Other Mikey," Raphie says, using his mystic power to make his arm reach over to the other turtle and wrap comfortingly around his shoulders, "I think you'll be happy to know that one of our enemies is called Ghostbear, and he was a human wrestler, and when he mutated, he became a bear that can turn into a ghost."
Mike's eyes widen and twinkle as he gaps delightedly. He hops up and jabs a finger at Raph. "In your face, bro! I was right!"
"Whatever. That's their universe, not ours!"
"Then theirs makes more sense!"
On screen, Snake rips his single leg in half, leaving bones and muscles visible.
Once again, the colorful clan cry out in disgust and horror.
"Turn it off!" Splints searches for a remote. "I hate gorey movies!"
"You guys are gonna hate the dumpster guy," Mikey warns.
Snakeweed threatens to crush them, and Donnie tries for a 'Would it help if we said it was an accident?" It does not help, and Snakeweed laches out with one of his "arms"- really just a stem with a bud-like snapping claw on the end. Leo leaps up and cuts it off, and Snakeweed screeches in pain as pink "blood" spurts everywhere, including by Mikey, who begs for it not to touch him.
"Your world..." April O'Neil turns her head slowly to the other group. "... Is seriously, messed up."
"You don't cut off limbs in yours?" Leo seems genuinely confused.
"Uh, maybe sometimes, to this one specific worm guy who can grow himself back, but he doesn't bleed everywhere like that."
"He doesn't bleed? That's more messed up than him not bleeding."
Some of the "blood" gets on Screen Mikey anyway, and Snakeweed regrows the arm. Donnie says it's not fair, and then they see the helicopter begin to take off with April and her father inside. Leo tells Donnie to go, and then helps boost him up to he can get to the landing pad. Meanwhile, Mikey goes one-on-one with Snakeweed until Leo and Raph butt in, chopping and stabbing and slashing. Raph uses the palm-claws and drags them alone the meaty insides of Snakeweed's legs, coming out with pink meat-goo al over the weapons.
"While I admire the dedication to stopping the villain and the ruthlessness of the strategy OWWWWW I FELT THAT IN MY OWN LEGS!" Donald begins rubbing the insides oh his lower legs furiously. "Bad sensory feel, bad sensory feel! Battleshell, compression cuffs for my legs!"
His shell pops out two compression cuffs that wrap around his legs, and he sighs. "Much better."
Donnie watches with wide eyes, drooling a little at the display of the tech.
Scren Turtles keep fighting, Snakeweed refusing to stay down for long. Mikey finally names him as such, and more Kraang come out to make things even harder. Donnie meanwhile reaches the helicopter just as it lifts into the air. He pauses for only a moment, and then uses his bo staff to help launch himself into the air and grabs onto the bottom of the copter!
"Whoa-ho-ho! Look at other Donnie, being a badass!" Leon claps a little.
"Heheh." Donnie flushes. "It was pretty cool wasn't it?"
Fighting continues, with random fart noises involves when Snakeweed is cut up. For some reason. Everyone is confused by it. Donnie continues holding onto the helicopter for dear life above them, and a Kraang pops out and aims a gun at him.
"Oh good! For a second there I thought this was gonna be TOO EASY!"
"It's obviously not easy, why would you- ooooh, sarcasm. Right. I'm not used to hearing it out of anyone other than Nardo."
The Kraang opens fire, and Donnie swing around to avoid the shots. He switches which way he's holding onto the landing bar of the helicopter and swings himself up, grabbing the Kraangdroid between his feet and tossing it out of the copter.
"WHOA!" Mikey springs to his feet again, whirling around to Donnie. "DUDE, THAT WAS A TOTAL ACTION HERO MOVE! WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL US YOU CAN DO THAT?!"
"Yeah mean, that was super impressive!" Raph is leaning over to stare at Donnie in shock. "I didn't even know you had that much upper body strength, are you just not trying in sparring or something?"
That was like a Lou Jistu movie!" Angelo cries out happily. "It's not just our universe, we've all got awesome action hero potential!"
"You're good enough to have been one of my stuntmen," Splints praises.
Donnie basks and blushes under all of the attention. He hadn't registered how awesome that move was at the time, a bit more focused on not dying, but seeing it now he feels very proud of himself.
On screen, April almost falls out of the copter, grabbing onto the same bar Donnie is holding. He tells her to hold on and that he's coming over to her, but she slips off! Donnie drops, catching her just before she hits the rooftop, and jumps them to a safer spot as the momentum keeps him moving before being able to stop. He asks if she's okay, and she looks up to see the helicopter getting away with her father inside.
"YOU ARE AN ACTION HERO!" Leon grins at Donnie. "You hung from a helicopter, still beat the guys on it, and saved the girl! Why didn't anyone mention that this version of Donnie is a complete badass?!"
"We didn't know he did all that!" Leo exclaims. "Look, we're still fighting Snakeweed and the Kraang! His thing was solo- he does that a lot, actually, now that I think about it..."
Screen Donnie exclaims in frustration as he sees his brothers leading Snakeweed to a power conduit. Leo pulls out a couple of Shurikens, and Donnie seems to understand the idea behind the actions. He debates with himself on if it's stupid, brilliant, or both, while April mostly looks confused. Leo taunts "Stinkweed", causing the villain to hit the power conduit, and then hops onto the villain's head and taunts The Kraang. They open fire again, hitting the conduit and electrocuting Snakeweed as he screams in pain. The conduit explodes, and bits of Snakeweed splatter everywhere. They all escape in the chaos.
"Oh... ew." Leon shudders. "That is... so gross."
"Please tell me y'all have a shower you used after this?" April O'Neil begs.
"Dude, I've never scrubbed harder in my life," Mikey assure solemnly.
On screen, The Kraang discuss how The Turtles have escaped. They decide that The Turtles must die, and the Kraang inside of the suit opens it's eyes and grins.
The colorful clan all shudder.
The camera then pans over the gray corpse of Snakeweed, his mouth still open in a silent scream. It zooms in on his heart, which gives a single beat.
"Seriously... he has to be your nastiest villain," Leon says, almost pleading.
Leo laughs. "Not even close."
"This is gonna be a bad watch," Raphie mutters.
On screen, April is sitting on a windowsill with The Turtles. Donnie asks if she'll be okay, and she says her aunt will let her stay as long as she needs, but she won't truly be okay until they track down the creeps who took her dad. Leo asks if the police will help, and April says they didn't take her seriously.
"Police are useless," Raphie declares. "They kept mistakin' me for all kinds of criminals who didn't even look like me!"
"Yeah, and they threw me in jail with no evidence once just because I was bald!" Leon shakes his head. "This is why we have to handle the big bads!"
"I hear that," Raph scoffs, raising a pizza slice like a toast of agreement.
Screen Donnie swears they won't rest until they find Mr. O'Neil, which Raph seems to not have realized was the consensus. Leo nudges him and agrees with Donnie. April says it's not their fight, and Donnie says it is. She smiles at him, making him instantly blush and back away awkwardly. The four leave, Donnie lingering a moment to look down and wave goodbye. She wave back, and watches as Donnie leaps away before going inside.
"So... is Donnie the main character in yours guy's universe, then? Because that felt very main-character," Leon says.
"I don't think I am." Donnie looks at himself like there could be some physical indication of Main Characterness. "That would probably be Leo, right?"
"Why not me?" Raph seems offended.
"Or me!" Mikey puts his hand on his chest.
"Well, Leo's the leader! Usually the leader is the main character!"
"I think we're probably all the main ones, like Super Robo Megaforce 5."
The screen shows Splinter praises Leonardo's leadership, and Leo saying he knows why Splinter made him leader. Leo speaks of warrior spirit and destiny, and Splinter denies it. He says it's because Leo asked, and that it's about choices, and there are no right or wrong in the heat of battle. Leo says that means he could have picked any of them, and Splinter agrees.
"Even Mikey?!" "Ha-ha, no. That would have been wrong."
"Heeeeyyy." Mikey deflates in his spot. "I could be leader."
"I did not mean you're fully incapable, my son," Spinter assures. "But you would not be able to handle the burden of it. You would need to stay extremely focused at all times, and be very aware of the locations and states of your brothers. You would also need to be able to handle the guilt, and the shame, of battles fought and lost. If it were simply an ability to adapt, and a willing spirit, you would be a fine leader. But it is not."
"... Alright, I guess," Mikey mumbles. "I don't wanna have to make all kinds of boring plans, anyway. I'm better at wingin' it."
"That you are." Splinter smiles at him. "I always admire your ability to change and flow with the shifting of circumstances."
Mikey perks up a little, giving a pleased hum at the praise.
On screen, Mikey calls out that they made the new. Sure enough, a news report shows one of Leo's Shirikens. Mikey is excited, while Splinter says it's a dangerous development. Raph says to relax, what's the worst that can happen?
Everyone from both groups groans.
"I can't believe I said that!" Raph exclaims, throwing his hands up at his own stupidity.
Indeed, the next shot shows a city, with the words "Tokyo, Japan" captioning the bottom. Suddenly the blood drains from the faces of the duller colored clan. The scene within the building shows a man on a throne with two guards watching the news, examining the star. He's bald, his face mostly obscured in shadows, but still visibly scarred.
"So, my old enemy is in New York, and training his own army."
"WHOA!" Leon jumps up, pointing at the screen. "That's the voice of your Shredder?! That is him right, with the shoulder spikes and everything?! Ours sounded like your dad, yours sounds- like-"
"Why doesn't he have an accent?" Donald wonders aloud.
"Okay yes, but also he's super intimidating sounding! Are we sure he's not also a demon?"
"We aren't," Leo says.
"We are." Splinter looks... sad. "He is not a demon. Just a man, who allowed himself to be consumed by his anger and his hate. Someone who was once my brother, and now... my enemy."
"Your brother?" Splints whistles. "Oy, you have a weird family tree. How many of your family wants to kill you?"
Splinter lowers his head. "There are... not many left to wish me well, or ill. Only Oruko Saki, and my daughter Miwa. And it is... impossible, to know how Miwa feels about me right now."
The episode ends with Shredder putting on his helmet and declaring his intentions to go to New York.
"Whoa." Angelo slumps against the back of the couch. "That was intense! Kidnapping and blowing people up!"
"Pretty big first adventure, huh?" Leo says, a little proud. He can think of better ways they could have gone about things now, but for a first time, he still thinks they did pretty well.
"No kidding!" Angelo beams at him. "Ours was too, but we had a pet kidnapping instead of a person one! Well, I guess a pizza guy got kinda-kidnapped."
"Uh guys?" April O'Neil points at the screen. "I think they'll get to see it themselves soon enough."
There, on the screen, shows the colorful clan posing beneath the words Rise of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Mystic Mayhem.
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idiotwithanipad · 15 days
The Wild Woman (Pt5)
Alison leaves Button House to travel to another town counties away to pick up some new chairs. But when she gets stranded on an abandoned country road, she comes across a strange woman with an even stranger connection to the moon, who happens to remind her a lot of a certain friend of her’s back at hom
(TW: Insanity, Fear, Attempted Self Harm, Reclusion, Angst)
Robin had made himself unseen and unheard for the past two days after receiving word of his late sister, somewhere far away. Alison still had business to settle with the towing company; she needed to return to the town garage where her car had been stored at, waiting for her to reclaim it. She waited in the office of the building, bouncing her knee and fidgeting with her keys. 
Finally, after the paperwork and putting down some money, she got back to her scratched car and started the long journey home. The town road leangthened and turned into country roads again, pulling to a stop outside of one in particular. A desolate, abandoned and dingy road with no life at all. 
Alison gripped the steering wheel as she started down into the eerily dark and overgrown road, debating. She waited for a while, longer than necessary, before opening the door and stepping out of the car. 
"Riva?..." She called, her voice barely echoing down the through the confined space. No answer. Alison stood, waiting; she debated cutting loose with a howl just to see if that could gain the wild woman's attention. But as seconds turned into minutes, Alison took one last look at the place before settling herself back into the safety of the car. 
Her eyes remained fixed on the darkened entrance to the neglected road as she put the car into drive, slowly moving away from the area. She didn't feel alone. Alison felt that the energy of the crazed woman surrounded this whole place. As Alison took a left turn away from the long stretch of hedge lined road, she risked a peek in the rearview mirror, and immediately slammed on the breaks. 
Someone had got into the car. The boney shoulders slumped and the head of wild auburn hair falling beside them. Riva sat in the back seat on the car, her head facing down. Alison spun around in her seat and clutched onto the centre glovebox. 
"Riva?! What are you doing? How are you-?" 
"Riva can go anywhere..." Her spiritual voice echoed in Alison's head, but her calloused fingers no longer needed to probe against Alison's temples. Seemingly, the wild woman's connection with Alison fell deeper after their brief encounter the other night. 
"What do you mean? Ghosts can only go a certain distance before they- can't go any further..." Alison gawked at Riva in shock. 
"Not me. I can go anywhere I want. As long as you there" Riva said, still looking down. 
"What? " Alison asked, heart pounding in her ears. 
"You and I. We one now. We connected. Me follow like a shadow. Guarding"
Alison froze and her lip trembled. 
"You saw through the eyes of Riva, you see my soul. My family. You my family now. We go wherever we please"
Alison rubbed her palms roughly against her brow, shock; all she felt, shock. 
"... Why me?" Alison snapped. 
Riva's eye flicked up to Alison. 
"Because you let me touch. When I touch, I duty bound to guard and protect" Riva spoke sternly. 
"Now that I have new one to protect, I go anywhere they go, Moonah still big dead to me, but family more alive than ever before"
"Then why did you stay down that old road? It's horrible and dark and damp down there" Alison slowly took her eyes off of Riva and focused on driving again, slowly, peeking up into the rearview mirror at Riva every few seconds. 
"I not leave there because I choose not to leave there. It the only place where Moonah can't see me. There, I hidden from Moonah. Safe there. But now I have duty" Riva explained, never raising her head to face Alison. 
"But- other ghosts I've met can't roam. They're trapped in one place..." Alison spoke, trying to dissect the new information from Riva. 
"When I was alive, I went off to secret place and give thanks to earth. She give real life, she grow things and feed things, give us mammoth to hunt and river to drink from. Moonah just watch. She watch as tribe die, as babies die, as my Rogh die" Riva spoke about the earth as though it were a devoted parent, and about the moon as if it were an abusive step parent. 
"Earth let Riva go wherever she want. Not Moonah. Moonah tested Riva so much, so Riva never give thanks to anything but Earth again" Riva's lip practically curled at the mention of Moonah's name. 
Alison nodded and hummed, understandable. Minutes turned into hours, until they reached the highway. Other cars passed by and switched lanes, counties flew past like birds in the wind. Riva eventually rose her head to look out the window at the passing scenery. 
"Earth look so bootiful. So much change since I die. More green. No white no more. Bootiful green" Riva spoke, softly, her fingertips barely caressing the glass at the window. Alison smiled and nodded. She agreed. Alison couldn't imagine Riva's  newfound curiosity and wonder, after all those years hiding away in that road. 
"Yeah, it is. It's funny, I almost forgot how beautiful the world can be..." Alison smiled. Riva moved. Rose from her seat and stood up, half her body passed through the car roof. Alison almost swerved into an Eddie Stobart once she realized what Riva had done. 
Outside the car Riva rose her hands up to the sky, her worn yet youthful face frozen into a contented smile, a true smile. 
"Solah. Hear Riva. Send message to beloved Rogh. Tell him Riva is coming home"
"Is he ever coming out?" Pat asked, tucking his hands in the pockets of his shorts, facing the pantry door alongside Julian and The Captain. 
"He might be in there a while. He saw that Christine Lampard on the TV earlier, y'know..."Julian mused, nudging Pat's arm. Pat clicked his tongue and side eyed Julian, beneath his mustache his lip dropped into a displeased gape. 
"No no, d'you see the state of 'im? His eyes went wider than his mouth" Pat snided, brushing away the dirty thought Julian had suggested. 
"Right out of the blue. We all congressed in the Ball Room for food club, as usual, then he just- ran out of the room like a madman" The Captain recalled, tucking his arms behind his back. 
"It's not another eclipse is it?" Julian asked, leaning himself forward to peek up out of the kitchen window sheilded by ivy. 
"Don't think so. If it were an eclipse he'd be happy. He were not like this a few years back when there was one" Pat made his point by nodding towards the still closed pantry. 
"It's been two days, Patrick. And he hasn't moved, we should cut to the chase and ask him directly" The Captain spoke, authority brimming in his words as he tucked his stick beneath his arm, approaching the pantry door and passing his upper body through. 
He expected to come face to bearded face with the caveman, but he was caught of guard by only seeing shelves of canned goods and biscuit tins and teabags. He looked around and saw him, sitting on the tiled ground, balled up like a baby, rocking, chewing at his fingers, eyes fixed onto nothing. 
He didn't even flinch as the ranking officer passed fully into the pantry and stomped his shoe. 
"Robin? What's the meaning of this, man? It's been two days, get a hold of yourse-" His words became empty ammunition as Robin scurried back, away from him, cradling his knees up to his chest. 
"I say- you're- you're crying... " The Captain said, more to himself than to Robin. He loosened himself and crouched before Robin, his knees cracking and crunching beneath the strain. The caveman mumbled a series of incomprehensible gibberish and refused to make eye contact, his gnawed knuckles itched at his hair and beard. 
"What's wrong?" The Captain tried to speak in a softer tone, remembering that, truly, despite his appearance, Robin was just a boy. 
"Dead-...dead dead... Bear.. Dead... Body dead-...still dead- coming back-.." Robin mumbled through chattering teeth. 
"The bear? The bear was destroyed, Robin. When you saved Michael from the storm" The Captain explained, the uncomfortable feeling in the pit of his stomach reminded him that he could, in fact, be talking to a madman. 
"No... No no- no... Bear live... It attack- it eat... It come for me... It attack... Then leave- leave me alone... Then... Dead- then tribe.. Then Riva- cry... She cry... Cry cry cry-" Robin trailed off into a frenzy and clamped his hands over his ears, screwing his eyes shut tightly. He bashed his palm against his ear, savagely. The Captain reeled back and got to his feet, ignoring the grinding of his knees. 
"Robin? I say, Robin! Get a hold of yourself, man!" The Captain couldn't hide the tremble in his voice as he pointed his stick at the caveman. 
"No no! N-..it happen again.. Not again! .. Bear go away, then Riva come... She cry.. Can't see Riva cry... Not again! Never again! Bad cry, bad..." Robin continued his frenzy, his hands ceasing their thrashing at himself and gripping his mane. His eyes wide and full of dread. 
The Captain took a glance over his shoulder at the pantry door and made himself scarce. Julian and Pat's faces were painted with looks of trepidation and confusion; what happened in the pantry? 
"Well?" Julian asked, stepping forward. 
"Somethings wrong..." 
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pierfangs · 9 months
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@pierprincess : don't say that. don't say that to me. angst prompts ; accepting.
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    𝖎𝖙  𝖜𝖆𝖘  𝖆  𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖛𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖆𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖓  𝖙𝖍𝖆𝖙  𝖍𝖊  𝖍𝖆𝖉  𝖇𝖊𝖊𝖓  𝖆𝖛𝖔𝖎𝖉𝖎𝖓𝖌  𝖍𝖆𝖛𝖎𝖓𝖌  𝖜𝖎𝖙𝖍  𝖍𝖊𝖗,   maybe  because  he  knew  that  his  anger  and  pain  was  bubbling  so  close  to  the  surface  that  there  was  no  way  that  he  could  keep  it  contained  if  they  got  into  it.   the  issue  was  his  anger  wasn't  loud.   it  was  quiet  and  simmering  to  a  point  of  unpredictability  and  he  took  him  to  a  place  that  he  rarely  allowed  himself  to  go.   but  they  could  no  longer  skirt  around  the  issue  any  longer.   they  could  no  longer  avoid  the  inevitable  conversation  that  had  his  heart  already    𝖇𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖐𝖎𝖓𝖌   because  there  was  no  way  that  either  one  of  them  was  coming  out  the  other  side  completely  unscathed.   as  much  as  it  pained  david  to  ask    𝖜𝖍𝖞   she  had  done  what  she  had,  he  needed  to  know  because  she  must  have  known  that  there  was  only  one  way  out  and  they  had  been  set  up  to  walk  into  a  trap  the  moment  they  entered  the  emerson  home.
    𝖎𝖋  𝖍𝖊  𝖍𝖆𝖉  𝖗𝖊𝖆𝖑𝖑𝖞  𝖘𝖙𝖔𝖕𝖕𝖊𝖉  𝖙𝖔  𝖙𝖍𝖎𝖓𝖐  𝖆𝖇𝖔𝖚𝖙  𝖜𝖍𝖆𝖙  𝖍𝖊  𝖜𝖆𝖘  𝖘𝖆𝖞𝖎𝖓𝖌,   he  never  would  say  that  it  was  her  fault  because  on  some  level,  he  didn't  blame  her  for  what  happened.   he  blamed  himself  for  keeping  things  from  her,  from  allowing  his  family  to  be  put  in  harms  way,  for  allowing  himself  to  do  something  so  foolish  and  fall  in  love.   everything  she  had  done  was  his  fault.   but  would  he  ever  admit  that  to  her?   not  anymore.   david  was    𝖍𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖎𝖓𝖌   and  he  wanted  to  do  whatever  he  could  to  make  it  that  she  was  hurting  the  same  way  he  was.   eyebrows  raised  at  her  plea,  shaking  his  head  as  he  laughed  meanly,   "   don't  say  what,  star?   that  they  are  all  dead  because  of  you?    "
    𝖍𝖊  𝖜𝖆𝖘  𝖈𝖎𝖗𝖈𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖌  𝖍𝖊𝖗,   much  like  an  animal  would  do  its  prey  and  whilst  he  had  no  intention  of  physically  harming  her,  he  would  do  whatever  he  could  to  make  her  on  edge,  to  scare  her  and  to  make  sure  that  she  knew  just  how  much  she  had  hurt  him,   "   we  brought  you  in,  we  kept  you  safe,  we  gave  you  a  home  and  we  loved  you,    "   it  was  easier  to  say  we  than  single  himself  out,  but  it  was  still  the  truth.   each  of  his  brothers  had  their  own  connection  with  star,  they  all  loved  her  in  their  own  way  and  they  would  all  be  just  as    𝖍𝖊𝖆𝖗𝖙𝖇𝖗𝖔𝖐𝖊𝖓   to  learn  how  she  had  betrayed  them  all,   "   and  how  did  you  repay  us?   you  let  michael  and  his  amateur  vampire  hunters  sneak  in  and  kill  marko  whilst  we  slept  like  cowards.   you  ran  from  dwayne  and  took  laddie  from  him.   you  did  nothing  to  help  paul  as  he  screamed  whilst  he  died,    "   with  every  word  he  closed  his  circle,  getting  closer  to  her  until  he  was  stood  in  front  of  her,  blue  eyes  completely  dark  as  he  looked  at  her,  his  expression  nothing  but  pain  and  hurt  as  he  looked  at  her,   "   you  betrayed  me  by  whoring  yourself  out  to  michael  emerson  and  thinking  that  you  could  just  kill  me  to  get  your  happily  ever  after,    "   if  she  wanted  him  to  be  the  monster  and  the  villain,  then  so  be  it.   even  if  all  of  this  was  killing  him  inside,  he  wasn't  himself,  he  was  letting  his  pain  and  grief  for  the  family  that  he  held  close  for  so  many  years  speak  for  him.   even  now  he  knows  he  can't  hide  the  way  his  eyes  glisten  with  tears  as  he  stands  in  front  of  her,  so  close  that  they're  almost  touching  and  yet  he  didn't  dare  do  it,   "   i  really  hope  he's  worth  it,  clara,  because  i'm  done,    "   david  didn't  even  know  if  he  believed  it  himself,  if  he  really  thought  he  could  walk  away  from  her  and  not  think  about  her  again.   they  were    𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖓𝖊𝖈𝖙𝖊𝖉   in  a  way  that  couldn't  be  broken  and  there  was  always  just  something  about  them  that  he  never  quite  understood.   never  did  he  think  she  would  turn  against  him  like  this  and  would  help  destory  everything  he  held  close,   "   you  all  thought  i  was  a  monster  and  now  that's  exactly  what  you're  going  to  get,    "
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lunarxtique · 1 month
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TW: Allusions to coercion & assault. Trauma lore drop.
Even where he grew up in, having deep discussions with the parents who raised him was never the easiest. Now he was expected to speak to his true mother? A goddess to whom he'd never understood how he could be connected with her given what she was known for. Then again....
A goddess who valued her independence, though, remained fierce to those she held dearest to her heart? That...sounded more similar to himself than Davon realized in the moments he spent sitting in front of her statue mulling over exactly how he could forge a bond with the goddess. Wondering what he could offer her? He had a lot of material things...but it seemed meaningless to drag any of his personal belongings to the temple. Then thinking longer on it, maybe that was exactly what he needed to do. He needed to discard some of that material and finally give himself over completely to this life.
"Goddess of the Hunt and Moon, huh?" He clicked his tongue staring up at the statue. In his hands, he had a copy of his very first EP. The once that was supposed to launch him into major stardom; or so that was what his manager at the time promised.
"Ursula Majors..." he repeated the name of his manager who'd sought him out with heavy disdain and feeling completely foolish. He'd been convinced that so long as he did everything she instructed; So long as he fulfilled...ANY request that producers asked of him, fame and success would be secured. They had all the connections; he really had no choice but to give them what they wanted when they literally made the difference between a successful career and returning home a failure in the eyes of his family.
A deep sigh had him deflating completely onto the floor into a kneeled position while he continued staring up into the face of his mother's statue. The EP within his grasp now rested in his lap as he gripped on to the album as if he was still holding on to that dream and not wanting to let it go but technically, he already had when he drank the ambrosia. In the back of his mind he decided that maybe he could always return to the mortal world but then what was the point when he was experiencing partial godhood and then some?
"I didn't think we had much in common but...then I know you never wanted agreed in lowering your own value for other's expectations. If the people you left me with had their way, I'd still be on that ranch or mentally drowning in medical school right now. I chased my dream because I love making others feel..." There was nothing more fulfilling than singing and seeing how he was able to uplift spirits. Though he wasn't necessarily prepared for the darker side of the music industry. He'd just fallen into another series of traps where others wanted to control who he was. His content. His style. His...body.
As much as he'd spent his time trying to nurture others upon arriving at the camp, he really had not been completely honest about his own demons and trauma. Then again, it felt better that way for him. It was all supposed to be a new start. He'd rather make sure those around him felt their best. Now it was becoming a struggle when he was placed in situations where he was forced to endure his brain being warped and being swept away against his will.
"I think I have people now who just like me for me. I kind of don't have a choice but to trust them as they're my allies in this. So why do I feel like I can't be fully vulnerable?" That feeling of being forsaken, no matter how much he could smile, the heartache was still behind it.
"And suddenly I realize why you put all your value towards yourself and to not be measured by others. Sometimes being alone and proud...it's not a bad thing at all." Although he still had to recall that Artemis maintained her inner circle of nymphs. She still had confidantes and she protected them as long as they maintained some semblance of trust. He certainly could trust the demigods he met here than the people that manipulated him in the industry. So his heart was set on his fellow godlings.
"All of this is bigger than me so, I...need your strength to protect them. That's what you told me when I drank the Ambrosia, right? It was your voice telling me to embrace your gifts to do so..." He knew he had one. He'd spent too many hours in his youth with the company of the animals on his family's ranch. Even when he was singing, he was always at his best when he was carefree and allowed to live in the moment. Since his divine gifts began developing, nature was his sanctuary outside of his cabin.
But he needed to offer Artemis something genuine. That's why he'd brought that EP, the sole copy he had with him at camp. That disc symbolized who he tried to be and not really who he was. He was tired of wearing the expectations of others. It was time to let it go and truly become his own person.
With enough force in his hands, the EP was snapped in half. Dignity had been sacrificed into an attempt to curating a life he thought he wanted. Fame was all for naught. Medical school was a bust. Probably he had been destined for a simple life. Not on the ranch he was raised on though. His needed a little more magic...
...And a little more tragedy and trauma apparently as well.
"I'm throwing down broken dreams in exchange for strength to carry on in this. Courage to stand my ground and...maintain patience and kindness, even on the brink of despair." He could become fierce but he never wants to become a monster no matter the trials ahead that could break him. Even if he no longer would sing for the world, he still had lyrics to soothe his own heart.
"They want a docile lamb, no one knows who I am...I won't pretend that I'm someone else for all time...I will stay up through the night, The hunter's moon is shining...I'm running with the wolves tonight..." he sang the short little tune before curling his fist and smashing the halves of the vinyl into even smaller pieces. His gaze lingered on them as he stood back up. His heart was telling him to go towards the forest.
Nature was healing after all. It was time to attempt the process.
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The Twin Flame - Chapter 23: "Innocent"
"Wasn't it beautiful when you believed in everything? And everybody believed in you?"
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You and Sam stand perched over a large balcony, watching Karli speak at Donya's memorial service, "I don't remember my mother or father. Same goes for siblings, cousins, grandparents. What I do remember is being alone. Worse than being hungry or cold or scared, I was alone. Until Mama Donya. Like a lot of you here, Mama Donya saved me. She clothed me, fed me, loved me."
You find yourself resonating with Karli's words quite a bit. You'd never forgotten the first person that had ever shown you kindness. Your caretaker was that person for you.
Caged like an animal for the first 25 years of your life, trapped in a world that existed within the confines of 4 concrete walls, she showed you that good existed even in the bleakest of circumstances, that good was a choice and it was never too late to make it.
She was also the first person in what would turn out to be a massive list of people that would leave you. You knew that wasn't entirely fair, she was killed because of the kindness she'd shown you after all.
After her death, you vowed to always make that choice. To choose to see the good in the world. To be the brightness that she was for you. To be the good where you didn't see any.
If only you'd known then what you know now.
You feel for Karli. You find yourself connecting to her without even knowing her yet. 
Losing, losing in a way that you know she had, it one of the hardest things a person could suffer. And while you still wanted to live by your caretaker's message, you also know how easy it is to lose yourself in the grief, to let yourself die with your loved ones. 
You want to walk down the steps, to look her in the eye and tell her that it's never too late. 
Karli's eyes flicker up to the open window in that moment, not to see you and Sam bombarding the memorial service, not an attack in sight, no discernible sign of threat, but to you and Sam quietly standing in front of the balcony window, watching the service. 
She hands over the child in her arms to another woman, and continues speaking more pointedly, "She taught me that we have to do for each other, because they won't. And we know who they are. They impose struggle and hardship on us. Then labeled us as criminals for pushing back, but the struggle is what brings us all together. People who have nothing in common. For we are, after all, simply one world and one people."
She looks up at the two of you, now clearly speaking to you and Sam, "So live accordingly."
The minutes lull as each solemn mourner rests flowers on the body surrounded by candles and small remembrances. The memorial comes to a quiet close as people slowly trickle out of the room, leaving Karli alone. 
Karli's shoulders stiffen at the sound of you and Sam entering the room. Her hands defensively curl, poising herself for an attack. "I saw you back there."
"It's easier if you have open hands," you unexpectedly offer from the doorway.
She falters at the advice. She turns to you, an angry, furrowed look on her face. "And why would I listen to you?"
You shrug. "Try it."
Her palm raises toward the ceiling, a small, well-rounded flame emerging in her hand. Her eyes questioningly flicker back up to you. 
The corner of your mouth slightly pulls up as you take a single step into the room. "I just wanted to meet you."
"Bold of you," she commends.
"I'm sorry for your loss," Sam offers, taking a step behind you.
She scowls, "Don't condescend to me. I'm not a child."
"I'm not," Sam reassures, passing a glance at Donya. "I know what it's like to lose someone. Believe me."
She furiously shakes her head, immediately rejecting the sentiment, "No, you don't. Not like this."
"You felt helpless," you absently state, staring at the floor as you vividly recall what that loss felt like to you. Seeing the first person to show you what love felt like, gone. Even worse, watching them die. That moment was forever branded into your memory, holding a lifeless body, sitting in a pool of blood that didn't belong to you. Sitting there, tears staining your cheeks, shaking your caretaker as though you could will her back to life. Words spilled out of your mouth at the time, garbled apologies marred by violent sobs, tear soaked pleas for her to come back. "Like despite having the powers, it meant nothing because you couldn't- you couldn't save the people that mattered most."
"How did you-"
"Trust me. I know the feeling." You sadly smile, taking a deep breath. You nudge your head at Sam, placing your hand on his shoulder. "We both do."
You drop your hand after a second, allowing Sam to move closer to Karli. "It doesn't have to be a war, Karli."
"They started the war as soon as they kicked us out of our new homes and onto the street," Karli seethes. "People all around the world need me. Millions of them."
"I can't speak for millions," Sam acknowledges. "But I can understand you. I understand your frustration. I understand your helplessness."
"So you want me to stop because people are getting hurt, right? But what if I'm making the world a better place?" Karli poses. "What if I'm the only one actually doing anything to help?"
"It's not a better place if you're killing people. It's just different," Sam explains, resting on a wooden table across from Karli. He plants his hands on either side of him, looking up at Karli as he continues speaking, "This guy we know, knows more about super humans than anyone else on the planet, he says, you're a supremacist."
She incredulously chortles, "Me?"
Sam nods, "Yeah."
She vehemently shakes her head, looking to both you and Sam as she defends herself, "That's ridiculous. Everything I do is to end supremacy. These corporations and the beasts who run them, they're the supremacists."
"So let me ask you, you have more serum, right?" Sam asks.
Karli defensively shrugs. "So?"
"Are you going to increase your army? You're killing innocent people."
"They're not innocent," Karli furiously retorts. You can tell she's now speaking from a place of not completely unjustified anger. "They're roadblocks in my journey and I'd kill them again if I had to."
"Wow..." Sam slowly exhales.
"No, no, no, I didn't mean it like that," Karli immediately backtracks. "You tricked me into sounding like-"
"Like what?"
She takes a long breath, looking to Sam only this time, "The people I'm fighting are trying to take your home, Sam. Why are you here instead of stopping them?"
"You know, my sister's waiting for that exact same answer," Sam replies. "We're not your enemy, I agree with your fight. I just can't get with the way you're fighting it. And I'm sure she wouldn't either," Sam says, nudging his head to the body that lay in the center of the room.
Karli looks back to Donya for a long moment. Her gaze softens ever so slightly, clearly torn up trying to reconcile all the events that led her here. 
You nudge your head toward the pile of flowers surrounding the body, and raise a freshly grown poppy in your hand. "Can I?"  
Karli's eyes incrementally widen at the sight of the blooming poppy in your hand. "How'd you do that?"
"You don't know how?" She silently shakes her head. You mull over her words for a moment as you place the flower amongst the others. In truth, you didn't know how. You just did it. It was more of a feeling than an outright decision that you made. "I know what I think may not mean much to you, but I always thought it was all supposed to work together. No air, no fire. No water, the earth is dry, lifeless."
"Are you going to start singing?" Karli sarcastically remarks.
You chuckle. "No, and I know it sounds silly. It's just my theory. I just know what it feels like. In a weird way, I feel connected to you. The serum in your blood came from my blood. Actually, it's kinda gross if you think about it too much."
She shakes her head at you, a new thought entering her head that changes her entire attitude toward you.
"You've had this your entire life, and yet what have you done to help the people suffering? You could've been a Prometheus, and you chose to be a SHIELD lackey," she spits, making no attempt to hide her disdain for SHIELD.
"Karli," Sam sharply warns.
You shake your head at him, raising your hand to stop Sam's defense of you. "No, it's okay. I did what I thought was right at the time. I know they're not perfect- "
Karli snorts, rolling her eyes, "That's an understatement."
"But I learned a lot," you continue. "And one thing I've learned is that the world is not as simple as we want it to be. You can give people fire, and it can bring warmth and light, oh, and those little smore things at bonfires-"
"Focus," Sam mutters under his breath.
"Right," you nod. "It can be beautiful, and it can be good, but it can also turn everything to ash. I've seen the destruction that power like this brings. And trust me, that's not what any of us want."
"You're wrong."
You shrug, "I know I don't have all the answers, but I can help you. I want to help you."
Her eyes narrow for a moment to determine if your offer is actually genuine. As she watches you and tries to take in your words, you can help but feel a little sad for her. It's not a pity sort of sad, but an empathetic sadness. It's a difficult position she's in. Always on guard. Never knowing who you could truly trust. Constantly looking over your shoulder. Waiting for the other shoe to drop. Waiting to feel the knife in your back.
She lets out a slow breath, her shoulders slightly relaxing, "You're not what I expected."
"I get that a lot."
She offers you and Sam a small, fleeting smile, "You're either brilliant or just hopelessly optimistic."
"I'd like to think a little bit of both."
With imploring eyes, she takes a step toward you, "You could be a Prometheus."
And in the exact moment that you feel like you're actually getting through to her, that all this could possibly have a good ending, John Walker's voice booms through the room, "Karli Morgenthau, you're under arrest."
Her eyes widen and you can see the hurt and betrayal flicker in her as she looks at you with disbelief. "So that's what this was?" 
You vehemently shake your head. "No, no, Karli, wait."
"Tricking me until back up came?" she sneers.
"You had enough time to talk," John declares. 
"Nazi," she spits at John, a fight ensuring between the two of them. It's clear that, like you, Karli does everything in her power to avoid hand to hand combat. With suggestion you gave her earlier, she startles John with a flame that grazes a little too close to his face for comfort. John jolts away from her hand, allowing her to slip away from him. She bolts up the marble staircase, and instead of collapsing the staircase, she sets the entire thing on fire.  
Bucky tries to vault himself over the railing, faltering when the flames uncontrollably grow. He scrambles back as the flames consume the entire case. "Shit!"
"Karli!" you shout, following her without hesitation. 
As you reach the fire, it starts dying, easing with your proximity. As you bolt up the stairs, Karli is already diving towards the maze of hallways in the building.
"Karli," you bellow, doing your best to keep up with her as she zigzags down the halls. In the dark, stone hallways that almost all look identical, it's hard to keep your sense of direction. Every time you get close, she bolts into a new hallway. You can hear Sam and Bucky's voices echoing through the corridors, not far behind you.
You only stop when you lose sight of her completely. You pant as you scan the empty, stone room you stand in. There's over at least six different doorways she could've gone down, each with more pathways that would only lead you further into this labyrinth of a building. 
"I lost Karli," Bucky groans, stopping beside you. 
"This place is a maze."
"Oh my God," you wheeze.
"There's so many stairs," you continue panting, your hands on your knees as you try to catch your breath. "Why are there so many stairs?"
"Come on," Sam scoffs, patting your back. "We gotta keep looking."
Just as you nod and stand upright, the three of you hear a loud commotion in one of the doorways just ahead. Without wasting a moment, you three bolt for the room. You throw the steel door open, Sam and Bucky trailing you.
You three stand on top of the metal stairs, and you take a moment to take in the chaotic scene in the room below you. Zemo unconscious on the floor, a mysterious yellow fluid pooled on the floor mixed with the glass of broken syringes, and John Walker looking up at you with an odd, unsettling look on his face.
"What the hell did we miss?" Sam quietly exhales.
The Twin Flame Chapter List AnonymityIsFun Masterlist
Reblogs and comments are always appreciated 💛
Taglist: @marianita195 @meli18gonzalez @ludicbouquetfromearth @matchat3a @famousbreadcherryblossomsstuff @valoraxx  @blue786sworld @buckyandgeraltsupremacy @geminigengar @ansaturn @ecolle @lexhalstead3 @ybflkmj @mediocre-daydreams @shanye1112 @thegirlnextdoorssister @toomanyfanficsbruh @moonlightreader649 @breathtaking-cynthia @mirikusashes @beans-and-toast @niyahcoca @katiechikin @elxvrr @antiheroxsblog@infamouslyclumsy @krissydclayton93 
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ystrike1 · 2 years
Darisha - By Sauluoi0101 (7.5/10)
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I cannot fathom why the author added a reincarnation element to this story. Darisha stands out from the crowd in multiple ways. It's spicier than most fantasy webtoons and the reincarnated character isn't very important. The plot centers around two decent characters with good chemistry.
This webtoon takes place inside a novel called The Princess's Sweetheart. It's about a tragic evil wizard named Darius, who falls for a powerless princess named Asha. They are both trapped in different chains. Asha's mother died, and the current head of the harem hates her. She gets bullied as soon as she leaves her quarters. Her father, the King, can't and won't save her. Even he can't interfere with womanly harem politics. The Queen has all the power there. Asha wants to escape, because she knows she will never be accepted in the palace.
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She has a dream. She wants to run away and marry a normal man. The Queen intends to marry her off for political power. Women in the harem don't have much freedom at all, so the idea of becoming a peasant is exciting for Asha. She likes to bake, so her fantasy is owning a bakery and raising a small family. Asha is "quirky". When I say that I mean she's boring but the author does try to spice her up. Asha is capable of anger, resentment, and crude jokes. She would love to kill the Queen, but she knows she would get caught.
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So, Asha pursues romance. She has a secret lover named Darius. They exchange letters often, and she loves....his face. His incredible looks haunt her dreams and she drools when she sees him. She calls him a tasty chocolate bar more than once. She's weak to handsome men, and she doesn't want to accept a miserable political marriage. She plans to run away with Darius before her father starts approving fiance candidates.
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Then we see the truth. Darius isn't a cute village boy. He isn't even in love with Asha in the beginning. He used her to get inside the palace. He poses as her servant, and he tortures harem guards at night to get information out of them. Darius wants revenge. He latched onto the lonely princess so he could get an alibi and a convenient room in the palace. He's also an extremely powerful evil magician, so as soon as he gets inside the castle walls the guards are doomed. Ghosts start haunting the halls and the maids can't sleep at night. He unleashes hell upon them all slowly, and soon the entire castle is gripped by paranoia.
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Darius has an insanely long, complicated backstory. Magic is rare, so he was imprisoned as a child. Then he voluntarily imprisoned himself because he didn't want to accidentally hurt anyone. He feels like a monster and he lost everyone close to him, so he keeps his magic a secret. He never actually tells Asha he has magic. She catches him. He's a really secretive guy and he lies alot. Also he daydreams about killing his enemies all day.
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The royal family killed his mother. An unknown assailant sexually assaulted her before she died too. He couldn't get back to his village in time, because he was in his solitary castle practicing magic. By the way he's super overpowered. He can make teleportation doors and other ridiculous things, but he is not a god. He knows that greedy people can capture and imprison him. Plenty of nobles would love to use him as a tool. That's why his powers are a secret. Even if you're overpowered you have to sleep and eat. His mother wanted him to be safe, so they lived apart, and then she died in the worst possible way. He blames himself, because his mother's death is connected to the royal palace. The same royal palace that really hates people with magic. His mother was a maid in the palace. He assumes that her assassination was actually torture. The soldiers that violated her were trying to find him. That's what he thinks, but he's wrong. The truth is even more complicated.
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The worst thing about Darisha is the pacing (and the random reincarnated character). Darius falls for Asha way too fast. He offers to kill the Queen and all of her snobby sisters by like chapter three??? Huh??? Like I get it. Asha is super nice. She's not loyal to the King or the Queen. She is Not Like the Other Girls. Her mom was killed by the Queen because harems are ruthless like that. Asha spent years of her childhood depressed and alone, but the author maybe should have made this particular development slower. In chapter one Darius is ruthless and his feelings for princess Asha are a lie. He used her naive dream of freedom and love to get past security. Then by chapter four he's willing to massacre her enemies. Um. Did I miss something?
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Then it gets a little more cringe. Asha rejected a fiance candidate named Kurush, because he was ugly. He worked hard to lose weight and then he came back handsome. He proposes again, and Darius breaks a shit ton of rules. Remember, he's Asha's servant right now. The prince could behead him anytime, but Darius sasses him. Darius gets in the way. Darius insults Kurush for like three straight pages. Kurush is also obsessed with Asha. She is his ideal bride, because she said one nice thing to him years ago. Ugh. I hate that trope. Anyway, Kurush is dead set on marrying Asha. He wants her even though she has no political power, and he's the first prince of his country. Asha doesn't even want to be a princess, so being Queen would be hell for her. Kurush doesn't feel necessary. So, the author makes him a narcissistic joke character. I guess his scenes are kind of funny, but he feels like a waste of time.
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*cracks knuckles*
I hate this. Read my lips, fantasy comic book authors. I do not want to read about reincarnated isekai women. Period. Full stop. Stop. I especially don't want to see obvious self insert characters ten chapters in, after the main plot has already been established. I really, really don't want to see a side character that is randomly from another world. I super don't want to watch that character flirt with Darius. Trust me. My anger is justified. This plot point is so pointless. So boring. So worthless. So unrepentantly bad that it kind ruins the whole atmosphere. Sigh. Her name is Sholeh. Sholeh is a harem maid who reincarnated into the world of this novel. She can't go back to her world until she...ugh....ow...the cringe...makes her OTP canon. I wish I was making this up. Sholeh accidentally flirts with Darius and causes annoying misunderstandings. She doesn't need to exist. She shouldn't exist and thank goodness the author kind of phases her out of the story later on. Burn Sholeh author. I'll pretend she didn't happen and your fans will respectfully do the same. Everybody makes mistakes. I forgive you.
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Then the plot gets good and weird. Darius thought his mother was a maid, but she was actually more important. The King was obsessed with her. An abandoned palace near the castle is dedicated to her. The King will never let anyone else move in as long as he lives. Does this mean Asha and Darius are siblings?? Probably not, but it means they are entwined in a messy way. It looks like the King tried to force her to love him, but then she got pregnant and ran off. This explains why she was killed. She had the King's love, and she was a mere maid. The Queen was part of her gruesome death, so that makes sense. Neat.
Focus on this author.
Not Sholeh.
Forget Sholeh.
There is no reincarnation in this webtoon. It's a really cliche arabianish drama with a crazy magician guy. The art is sometimes really good. Ignore Sholeh and have fun.
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