#I can't fix him but it's okay whatever is wrong with him is funny anyway
bears-necessity · 2 years
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I hate this man
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chaesparklez · 27 days
금빛 노을 아래 한 고백 | gunwook x reader
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wc: 1.5k
reader: gender neutral
content: flashfic, fluff, some teasing, romance, school setting, kissing, fluttery feelings <3
a/n: this is my first time writing for gunwook! the title translates to ‘a confession under a golden sunset’. as my bias wrecker he has such a special place in my heart and i hope my writing captured him as beautifully as he is. also added the bibi song since i had it on repeat writing this and feel like it encapsulates the vibe of this scenario so well. enjoy!
warm sunlight streams through the blinds spilling onto the desks of the empty classroom, silent aside from the distant sounds of a few students shuffling through the corridors going home after their extracurriculars.
the classroom is bathed in a golden glow from the the waning sun. you stretch your hand out before you, waving your fingers and tilting your head to the side as you watch the silhouette of your hand dancing on the wall before you. you bring your hand closer to your eyes so the dark shadow draws nearer and nearer till it obliviates the wall in a mass of black...
"hey! what are you doing?"
you jump so hard you nearly scream. gunwook leans against the doorway with a cheshire cat grin plastered on his face.
"what the hell gunwook?? god, you startled me. my heart's beating so fast." you scowl.
"isn't that just because you like me?"
"what the fuck."
you and gunwook had a contentious relationship. in simple terms, he always annoyed the hell out of you. you don't even know when he popped into your life, but all of a sudden he was always around you, teasing you and pulling pranks acting like you'd known eachother for years. you weren't sure whether you found it funny or just annoying.
'where even were you? teacher kim put us both on cleaning duty today.'
"why are you so interested in me?" he replies, wiggling his eyebrows in mocking.
you roll your eyes. "whatever. i'm halfway done anyway," you sigh. taking the chalkboard eraser and beginning to wipe logarithms from the board with long swipes.
he clears his throat.
"hey... im sorry. i actually wanted to help this time." he says, scratching the back of his head and giving you a bashful look.
you snicker. "what the hell? why are you being nice to me? are you going to shove a fake cockroach down my shirt again?"
he'd already tried that one three times this week, the last time culminating in you chasing him down the hallway screaming and being caught by teacher kim- hence you both ending up on cleaning duty.
he begins to move closer.
"do not come closer, park gunwook. i swear to god, one more fake cockroach and you'll be on the floor crying."
"no, i-"
the classroom is suddenly filled with an eruption of screams and laughter. gunwook hadn't listened to you (as usual) continuing to grow nearer- so you'd clapped the erasers in his face creating a poof of chalkboard dust in the air.
"what was that for?" he coughs, tempting to wave away the billow of dust.
"it's what you get!" you jeer, happy to have caught him off guard for once.
you place the erasers back and begin to sweep. gunwook follows you with all the manner of a lost puppy, just awkwardly trailing next to you as you make your away around the room.
"gunwook, i literally can't see with your big head in the way."
"what do you mean big??"
"your shadow is so massive it's covering the floor and i can't see."
"don't make things up."
"i'm not! look at your shadow! you’re practically blocking the sun like a titan.”
"well.. don't you like tall guys?"
you pause at the sudden but earnest question. a pale pink blush was seeping across his cheeks, his eyes fixed on some other spot in the room. what was wrong with him today?
you sigh, too tired to ponder on it, and continue sweeping.
"what are you even saying.." you mumble in reply. 'just get out of my way.'
"okay, fine. is there at least a task for me to do?"
"go sharpen the pencils. at least make yourself useful if you're gonna bother me."
"sung hanbin." he says from the other side of the room.
"what?" you swivel your head to where gunwook stands sharpening the pencils. his eyes hadn't left the floor, continuing his task calmly.
he stays silent so you draw nearer to him, puzzled. "what do you mean?" you ask again.
"you mentioned it to haneul the other day," he says quietly. 'that you like sung hanbin. that he's so kind, and dances so well, and he's so tall..."
you squint your eyes at him. did he listen to your conversations?
‘i'm tall too. my mom said by the time i turn 21 i'll be 190cm.’ he says, knuckles white as his hand grips the pencil sharpener. he pauses. ‘and im taller than sung hanbin.’
"what are you even saying?" you laugh. you place the broom aside and perch yourself on a desk. 'why are you suddenly mentioning him?'
"what's your ideal type?" he asks suddenly, voice cracking a little at the end of the sentence.
you snort and nearly blurt out a tart reply before noticing he's not teasing you. his blush had spread across his cheeks as he stared down at his hands bashfully. you blink, confused at this awkward vibe he's been channelling since earlier. you clear your throat attempting to think of an answer.
"well.. i mean, i don't have a fixed type. i guess it depends on the person. and i don't *like* sung hanbin," you say, attempting not to make a sarcastic remark. 'i just think he's handsome. like literally everyone else at school.'
"so you do like him?"
"oh my god, gunwook, i just said no. why does it even matter anyway? do *you* like me?" you say, exasperated.
his pupils waver as he stops sharpening the pencil for a second. he swallows.
"and what if i did?"
"i'd throw myself off the roof,” unable to hold in the sarcastic reply this time. what was he even getting at?
he places the tools down, his eyes finally breaking away from the pencil and gazing at yours.
"am i really that bad to you?" he asks, pupils wavering in his big brown eyes.
you're so caught off guard by his docility that you just blurt whatever comes to mind.
"i-i mean, i didn't mean it that way. you make me laugh, and you're smart, and you are tall like you said.. but you're always teasing me so i never thought of you that way.."
gunwook begins to take slow steps towards you, visage illuminated by the sunset.
"do you know why i always tease you?"
you blink, confused. "because you want a reaction?"
"because i want your attention. i want you to notice me, to look at me. i like your laugh, and your expression when i annoy you, and everything about you makes me want to carry on making you notice me. you’re always on my mind."
somewhere through his monologue your heart had started beating so hard you could almost see the pulsations through your white shirt. your pupils waver as you look at him.
"do you understand what im saying?" he asks.
"gunwook, i..." you say, voice coming out in a whisper.
"i like you."
your heart almost stops beating. now standing before you as you perched on the desk so you had to crane your neck up slightly to meet his shining eyes. he swallows as he gazes into your eyes, expression soft.
and in the golden glow of sunlight, you notice for the first time that he is beautiful. the sun illuminates his eyes the shade of honey, his jet black hair moving gently over his dark brows from the balmy wind breezing through the classrooms. and he really was so tall. tall, with wide shoulders and big hands that would give the warmest safest hugs…
he gently places a large hand on the small of your back, the distance between you even smaller now. the sound of a nearby wind-chime rings softly from the window as you look up into his eyes, your gaze travelling down to his lips.
and he kisses you. gently, sweetly, the rashness that you knew him for distant. his touch is delicate, the temperature of his warm hand on your back relaxing you into his embrace. his full lips are soft and warm against yours. he cups your face with his other hand, thumb brushing over your cheek. you lock your hands around his neck, melting into his touch.
his lips part and move in time with your own, allowing you to deepen the kiss. in that moment, your heart feels full and warm in his gentle embrace. both your hearts beat wildly as you slowly retract, hearing the quiet sound of each other's rugged breaths. your lips tingle with the lingering sensation of his lips on yours, your eyes remaining on his as you stare at his face inches from you.
his skin golden from the sunlight, rosy cheeks glowing, you suddenly feel the urge to touch his soft skin. you brush a finger along his smooth cheek, feeling the heat of his skin from the blush. he smiles as he looks into your eyes, and you notice something for the first time: a faint dimple on his right cheek. the very smile that you had always found so annoying, you had suddenly become fond of at the sight of it.
“i never noticed you had a dimple there before,” you whisper, caressing his cheek.
“look at me more from now on. i’ll smile lots for you,” he replies, taking your hand and leaving a gentle kiss on your knuckle.
the sound of the wind-chime harmonises with the laughter you share, dust particles floating and shimmering in the air under the golden sunset.
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linawritestwst · 2 years
Thank you for answering my question 🥰 For chenya and neige can i request red teal yellow and brown plz?
.. i am sorry for my take on neige being so different from canon neige FHJSJSKKD. i just believe he's more than what he was in the game!! let him be something more than just a cute and pure snow white boy!!
RED: "is this character a romantic kind of person? is it easy for him to express love and affection?"
to be honest, i don't think chenya is that romantic, but he's very good at expressing his love for you. though he absolutely can scare you a bit sometimes with his antics, he's that type of guy who would act like he forgot about your date, but then he would suddenly appear behind you and hug you, asking if he's late you are, chenya. you're late for like an hour. and you came late only for this silly little moment this guy would casually give you hugs and kisses and be like "hm? what's wrong, y/n? why are you so red?" KNOWING WELL THAT YOUR FACE IS RED BECAUSE OF HIM.
TEAL: "what's this character's type? what kind of person would be a perfect partner for him?"
similar to floyd, i think chenya likes shy and quiet people or simply introverts. BUT I HAVE A REASON TO BELIEVE THAT I HAVE AN EXPLANATION FOR THIS. look at his friends. trey and riddle do NOT have the same level of energy as chenya and they're usually pretty quiet unless riddle gets angry and they're okay with spending time alone. sure, they're his friends, so his romantic type may be different, but i really do think chenya finds people like that interesting. it's just so calm and peaceful when he's around them, you know? even chenya needs moments like that.
YELLOW for chenya was done here!
BROWN: "a domestic headcanon for that character"
listen. listen to me. chenya is a catboy. a cute little catboy. and considering that he's a catboy, i'm sure chenya would cause a lot of chaos even if you two live together now. I CAN SEE HIM TRY MAKING RANDOM THINGS FALL LIKE CATS DO. don't worry he will catch them he won't let them fall PLEASE DON'T BE MAD AT HIM he also would try and have a taste of whatever you're cooking at the moment and then be like "i don't know what you're talking about!! i haven't even touched it!!" but there will be cute moments too! again, he's a catboy, so he would love to put his head on your lap while you're reading or watching something and he would actually be surprisngly quiet when it happens.
neige leblanche.
RED: "is this character a romantic kind of person? is it easy for him to express love and affection?"
yes and yes. i think neige is one of the most romantic boys here. he absolutely loves to plan dates, he always remembers what you like and what places you want to visit and he makes sure to use that knowledge for your future dates. you're pretty much treated like royalty when you go on a date with him. neige is also very affectionate and he gives you compliments all the time, trust him, he's being sincere!
TEAL: "what's this character's type? what kind of person would be a perfect partner for him?"
this might sound funny, weird or even ~controversial~ but.. i have this headcanon that neige actually likes people who have not the best reputation. maybe they're so mysterious that others find them suspicious, maybe they're too intimidating or have a dark past that people know about. he just gets so curious, he can't help it! he wants to know them better, he wants to give them love that they deserve and never get. of course, if they really are bad, neige would feel a bit uncomfortable.. but i feel like he would try to get along with them anyway. neige just has that "i can fix them" energy. but if this person is actually kind, they just rarely show it or people don't notice how good they really are, i think it would be so cute for them to date neige!
YELLOW: "how his s/o can make him smile?"
neige appreciates cute moments when you two are alone and you can just be yourself with each other. when you ruffle his usually perfect hair and laugh, when you two dance and you don't need any music for it, when you two talk about how your day went. neige loves when his s/o shows him that he doesn't always have to be this perfect boy, you love him for who he is and he's so grateful for having you in his life.
BROWN: "a domestic headcanon for that character"
AGAIN. ANOTHER HEADCANON THAT PROBABLY SOUNDS WEIRD. i know that neige is based on snow white, so he must be a perfect househusband, but.. how funny would it be if neige actually didn't know how to do chores. he's a busy man, he's an actor, he's an influencer, i doubt that he had the time to do things like that himself. but hey, i'm sure he can "summon" cute birds and animals with his singing too! and they would love to help him! so don't be surprised if you come home and see neige and his animal buddies. he just doesn't want to disappoint you, he knows you deserve the best, but he needs some help..
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stargazeraldroth · 8 months
Okay okay okay, so- Hear me out. I’ve got an AU (…AM? Alternate Multiverse?) idea that could go the way or horror, humor, or both, spawned by your mention of the evil team in your Pokémon AU. I’m never gonna do anything with this, but it made me laugh and I wanted to share it and see where you’d go with it (your AUs/AMs are fun sue me!!!).
So. Consider this, if you will- Dream and Blue decide to try and be a lil silly with Ink for whatever reason. Payback for a prank? April Fool’s? The reason isn’t important, what’s important is that they decide “go big or go home” and enlist a few AUs to pretend to worship Ink as a god in some weird, Ink-oriented cult. Why a cult? Who knows, maybe they got drunk and ran with it. Maybe they were feeling chaotic. The idea is that Ink will go to these AUs, find the “fake cult,” and try to figure out what the hell happened, this isn’t in the script??? Before Dream and Blue eventually reveal their Dastardly Prank (and they intend to reveal it, they abide by the confuse don’t abuse rule!) and have a good laugh together!
Except there’s one teeny tiny… Itsy bitsy little problem with that.
Somehow, someway, the AUs didn’t get the memo that the cult was meant to be pretend, and now there’s a real, actual Ink Cult spanning the goddamn multiverse that’s rapidly growing. There are rituals and prayers going around, they’ve heard whispers about sacrifices (of what, they aren’t sure- art supplies???), someone started a goddamn holiday, it’s all a mess, really.
Depending on how you take it, you could go a humorous route and have Blue and Dream frantically trying to hide this from Ink while fixing the entire mess, or at least mitigating it somewhat (stop trying to sacrifice actual people- they don’t care that it’s willing, use cupcakes or paints or something!!!), to varying degrees of success… Or you could go a more horror oriented route of Dream and Blue frantically trying to keep their friend out of the grasp of his rapidly growing worshippers, all while wondering how everything went so damn wrong and stars, they’re so sorry, Ink-
Anyways yeah, Accidental Cult AU/AM go brrr.
Ah, splendid. I just call all of my alternate multiverses AUs, it helps me with consistency and everyone knows what it means. I don't know which idea I like better, the funnier one or the more horror-oriented one. So! I'm going to address both of them separately!
Also I'm glad to hear you find my AUs fun to read about, making AUs is one of my biggest hobbies rn-
~Funny Version~
For once, Ink's not the one who caused the problem. This is already going wonderfully, my baby's innocent
The idea of the cults trying to sacrifice actual people to Ink is hilarious. I can picture Dream and Blue trying to discourage it by saying that Ink doesn't condone this kind of behavior, which is true, but with varying degrees of effectiveness. Ink will, however, accept food and art supplies any day of the week
They have to enlist CORE's help in tracking the cults' activities, much to CORE's displeasure. How did they let the situation get so out of hand? They're sorry, CORE! They didn't think this would happen!
I can't tell what would be funnier: Ink being painfully oblivious of their involvement (how did the AUs even find out about him? He keeps himself well-hidden, he thinks!) or Ink being entirely aware, but pretending to be dumb. He wants to see if they can handle it on their own, first
Just the image of Dream and Blue trying to keep the cults hidden from Ink is golden. Especially if they eventually cave and tell Ink about it, expecting him to freak out... only for him to either wonder how they did it or him laugh and tell them he already knew about them
Imagine the cults have like, shrines dedicated to Ink. Little Ink statues
What if, in this version, the cults aren't even all that dangerous? Their rituals are more along the lines of "We must pray to the Protector and give him offerings, so that he may ward the Destroyer off from our world!" Just silly things like that
~Horror Version~
Dream and Blue's efforts to stop the cults from using live sacrifices are less successful here
You mentioned they're trying to keep Ink away from the cults, so let's take a look at what might happen if they were to get him
They wouldn't do anything bad to him, of course, but it's a very... odd situation. Ink's being surrounded by these cloaked figures showering him with praises and worship. And when he tries to leave, they won't let him, so he kinda... has to resort to extremes
Maybe the cults start treating Dream and Blue as Ink's messengers or heralds, of sorts. Not just to "deliver his words", but to also relay the cults' prayers and wishes
Alternatively, maybe some cults start going even more rogue and scheme ways to capture Ink and use him to change things about their world. Surely, if anyone would have the power to change things, it would be their lord? They didn't get the memo that Ink doesn't create or control AUs, only protects them (like half of the fandom)
Maybe a cult tries to force Ink out of "hiding" and answering their summons by capturing Dream or Blue and preparing to sacrifice them
I wonder how they might react to PJ and Gradient...? Being the children of Ink, surely they'd be respected. But being Error's children, too... maybe some groups don't take too kindly to their existences
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QSMP messy lore summary - Day 64
Well, I’ve been making these for a friend, and I’m basically going to be copy/pasting from there. Not comprehensive, just what I’ve seen, but hopefully helpful for those who need them. Also occasionally scattered with personal opinons
The day starts out pretty fine, Philza gets on to take care of his kids and learns about the flower dungeon Bad prepared for them. They fix the hole in the potato farm caused by the plane crash and Foolish comes over to bother them and tag along for the dungeon. Foolish is also getting a lot better at Spanish, probably thanks to Leo, so it's quite cute. 
Forever tells them all that he's going to flood the cleared desert today, but they end up having to wait a while for Cellbit. So in the meantime we just get a lot of silly interactions, including Forever telling Phil about the competition for his love that's happening between him and Missa soon akshekdhs It's also just cute to have so many eggs in the same place. Richarlyson, Chayanne, Tallulah, and Pomme all got to hang out. Finally, Cellbit joins the server. And this is where everything goes to shit. And needs a lot of context.
Everything I know/hear from the Brazilian side has been translated over in one way or another but it's as I understand it and as correct as I can make it. So Cellbit has been a big feature in the Brazilian community for years and years. He's been in a (quite shitty) movie, he's done commercials, all sorts of shit. Max and Forever wanted to play a prank on him by loudly playing one of these commercials he sang in outside his house. At first it's all goofs and gafs. It's funny, he's quite desperate to try to turn it off and find who did it. It seems like he's just embarrassed yaknow. Max insists he doesn't know who it is, Forever puts protected blocks around it so he can't turn it off, despite Cellbit's insistence. But then everything goes to shit
Quesadilla island is supposed to be after he's gotten therapy as all that. But digging up his past, lying to him, setting things over his head, ect seems to just break whatever line Cellbit was holding on by. Being like, "If they want to dig up my past they're going to get it", telling Richarlyson to stay away from him (this dude loves his kid so much it's so sad) and saying everything will change. He takes down the conspiracy board in his office, destroys the Order's logo across his secret base, and leaves, taking very little with him to start building a base away from the Favela. He also starts saying he wants to make a deal with Cucurucho, and well, that made it quite obvious to everyone that something was very wrong. There was a meeting planned with Cucurucho that night about the illegal parts Forever had yaknow?? When he finishes the basics of a new base (it's in a mountainside and he puts bars as the windows- he's not doing okay) Cucurucho appears and agrees to meet with him at the same time that the meeting with him and Forever is supposed to be. 
Also, funny side note! The admin who plays Chayanne also plays Cucurucho. It can be funny when occasionally the little egg misclicks and talks in tts wkhdkehd. But currently Chayanne admin is struggling to be in 2 places at once, so it makes sense why he would try and push any meetings to times when Philza would be off. 
 Anyways, Cellbit continues to go more insane and changes the password on Sofia so no one  else can access her. Then, finally, it's time to flood the desert! Not before Cellbit changes his skin of course. He had a version of his skin prepped with a Phoenix Wright outfit but instead put together a quick one of Godot ;; he's officially lost it. 
 This was supposed to be Forever's big day though, and he mostly just stays silent as the desert is finally flooded and everyone celebrates. Without the context of everything that's been happening with Cell, it's actually a sweet moment and Forever is just adorable. He really deserved this to be his and Richarlyson's big celebration;;;; But hey, it's almost 8pm Brazil time and no one can get Cellbit to tell them what's wrong, oh boy!
 Cellbit goes back out to his horrible little base in the mountain and Cucurucho appears, literally the first book he tossed Cellbit said "YOU LOOK DESPERATE :)" my fuckin heart man. They have a short conversation where Cellbit essentially says he no longer plans to leave the island and wants to help Cucurucho in any way he can. 
 Finally, it's time for the meeting with Forever about the illegal parts. Forever is surprised that Cellbit has a different outfit than the planned one, but they start negotiations as planned. But then Cellbit starts going off the rails. Blaming Forever for collecting the illegal item, claiming the ender chests take power away from the federation. He also says he wants to have 100% custody of Richarlyson. Cucurucho says they will discuss that and leaves them to talk for a short while (it has to be CHAYANNE still Cucurucho mod doing their best frfr) Tbh only Cellbit's part of this conversation was translated bc Forever forgot to change his language, but the essential thing was "I have a goal that you don't know about. I have information that you don't." To Forever. Forever is just confused and hurt to why Cellbit is turning against him for the federation :( 
 Cucurucho comes back and says that ender chests are now banned, and they will hold a hearing for Richarlyson's custody sometime soon. Both are allowed to leave. On a side note, Cellbit is an incredible actor and I cannot properly describe just how cold and straightforward he felt in this conversation. It was honestly chilling. Major props to this guy. When they return, Cellbit goes to talk to Max and Roier while Forever talks to BBH
Cellbit blackmails Max to being on his side for the custody trial by holding the password for Sofia over his head, but Guapoduo fans stay winning as he is much more gentle with Roier and says he's trying to get in the federation and wants to try and get back Bobby. He tells Roier he's making a new base and will send him the coordinates. 
 Finally, Cellbit goes to go to his new base with Richarlyson in toe, giving Richarlyson a book that he says not to show to anyone (he doesn't even show stream) While walking, the code monster attacks! However, it doesn't go for Richarlyson, it's name is C and it immediately goes to kill Cellbit. Richarlyson escapes unscratched and runs to Forever. Forever has been explaining the situation to BBH, who promises to stay by his side. Forever does not even want 100% custody of Richarlyson, he just doesn't want to be torn from his son :( he loves Richarlyson so much. 
They call all the egg back to their rooms, where they stay while Roier, BBH, and Max go to Cellbit's corpse. There, they find all the book conversations between Cell and Cucurucho. They read most, BBH keeps a few to himself and stores them all. Finally, Forever calls an Order Theodosia meeting, and everyone has to confront Cellbit's destroyed office :( Baghera and Roier officially join the order! They go over the days events and the information they have, and while it's upsetting, no one wants to believe Cellbit would do this to them. They all trust him so much, this has to be some sort of elaborate plan he couldn't tell them about, right? Roier wants to make the first priority saving Cellbit, while Forever's first priority is Richarlyson. It's honestly just heartbreaking how much this hurts him :( Finally, they all go their seperate ways for the day. But things don't quite end there.
Later, Quackity logs on to take care of Richarlyson. After hearing all the lore (tbh I have no idea how the conversation went I wasn't watching lmao) he decides that this dispute could hurt Richarlyson and despite everything, he really cares for that kid. He's honestly one of the few people who really treat the eggs like kids. So, they agree to leave notes for Cell and Forever and go out on an adventure until the deal is over. They honestly seem to have a lot of fun together, and Richarlyson says he really needed this.
 Last but not least, Bad is keeping an eye on them on the map as he goes solo to a dungeon that turns out to be a crappy villager post. While threatening the villagers for fun, he gets jumpscared by Cucurucho. Cucurucho and him talk about the ender chests, and Bad insists he needs the ender chest to make him happy (his ender chest holds all his gifts from the eggs, living and dead, so he's quite upset at losing it.) And Cucurucho says they will review it.
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missingn000 · 2 years
what are your thoughts on mahito?
...oh boy.
i'm sorry, but i love him. it took me about a year and a half to reach this conclusion -- i once hated his guts too, and i don't at all blame anyone who loathes him. y'all are totally valid. he's so, so hateable.
defending myself below cut. i have good reasons, i promise.
so why did i change my mind? okay. he's just so interesting. he's one of the most well-written villains i've ever encountered in media. it's hard to write an "evil just for fun" villain and make them compelling, but with mahito, gege absolutely succeeded. there are layers to it, in a way i've never seen written before.
he truly united almost the entire fandom against him. he fucked up so much in the story: junpei, mechamaru, nanami, nobara. his impact was insane. even beyond named characters, no body count even scratches his. towards the end, he was so brokenly powerful. i don't think kenjaku could've hoped to take him in if he weren't basically on the brink of death. even his final words are lashing out at his own ally, saying he always knew the end. yet he still did everything anyway.
honestly, as always, i'll keep most of my negative opinions to myself, but i really think every other jjk villain since shibuya looks like a joke next to him. he's my favorite jjk villain by so much it's almost funny. even sukuna and kenjaku don't reach his level for me. 
sure, their impact on the story has obviously been pivotal. i've definitely had some strong emotional reactions to things they've done, but i want to see more emotions from them. what have we seen from sukuna? pretty much just rage, annoyance, and cruelty? uh, okay. and kenjaku has never shown anything more than vaguely amused indifference. he just can't incite an emotional reaction from me with that. what are their motives? what are their ideals?
yeah, i'm sure i'm missing a lot of themes or whatever with them, but i really don't flip over sukuna (hopefully that'll change...) and i never want to think about kenjaku more than i absolutely have to.
in contrast, mahito's emotions are so human, so complex. he has the widest range of emotion of any jjk villain. mahito's ideals are concise and an incredible foil for yuuji's. take this speech of his in shibuya:
"I bet you thought you were gonna do some pest control! Or ghost exterminations like in some make-believe story! You came to Shibuya with half-assed determination didn‘t ya?! How naive, you stupid brat! This is war! Not a battle to fix what‘s wrong! But a clash of truths! You and your fragile justice! You are me, Yuuji Itadori! I kill without a second thought, just like you save people without a second thought! The instincts of a curse against the so-called dignity obtained by human reason! It‘s a battle to determine who will be left standing in a hundred years! How the hell did you think you were gonna beat me when you don‘t even realize that? Tell me, Yuuji Itadori, have you ever stopped to count how many curses you‘ve killed? No, right? Me neither, me neither!"
this is insane. are you kidding me? are you kidding me. this is so fucking metal. he studies humans because they fascinate him: he reads books, watches movies, familiarizes himself with folklore and religions. yet despite that, he still sees humans as having no worth. their lives mean nothing to him. but his fixation on yuuji, his cognizance of their nature as character foils, proves how much grasp he has on human emotional depth.
i wish there was a better word for it, but he cared about yuuji: obviously not in the traditional positive, warm, affectionate sense, but in that he viewed yuuji as important to himself, his own ideals, and his own growth. if given more time, i think his emotional range towards humans could have become even wider.
conversely, as it stands at the end, curses do have worth to him. he helps a wounded hanami back to the base. this incredible post talks about how jogo is almost a father figure to him (and it's great mahito meta, too). i wish what that meta writer talked about came true. he left the story far, far too soon. i miss him so goddamn much. there's a gaping hole in the cast now that no other character can hope to fill.
i honestly can't wait to write more of him. tpg mahito's arc is literally insane, and honestly one of my favorites in the entire story. i seriously can't wait. i'd never try to make anyone like or root for him -- he's a villain, and always will be. but i want people to feel compelled in the same way i do. i'm missing so much in this analysis; i feel like i've barely scratched the surface.
mahito. his name means true human, by the way. if you think i'm not going to explore every aspect of that, you're in for a wild ride.
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toournextadventure · 1 year
I'll be a behavior analyst and give you my opinion on Bird first
since childhood is emotionally and psychologically restricted in many ways which I will say in general
1- She is the eldest siblings in her family since childhood, and she feels protective and obligated towards them, and it was not willingly that she was put without prejudice to the responsibility Hence, her sense of defense and protection stems from those who are younger or smaller than her
2- She was abandoned without answers, and she had nothing but her siblings to support each other, and of course, we do not forget the part that she is the oldest, as she is well aware of the feeling of emptiness and self-blame in an event that she has no hand in. So she helps Enid, makes sure she knows she didn't do anything wrong, nobody's fault, and that it's okay if she's not like the rest of her family, and she has to remind her that she's proud of her friend.
3- Psychological restraint for fear of punishment, and here comes the fact that she is delinquent and uncontrollable, but not in a bad way. She just recklessly explores everything instead of what she missed earlier in the presence of the parents.
4- She has no self limits and is well aware of her own strength and energy so I will let her do whatever she wants
5- I'm guessing Christy wasn't torturing her physically as much as psychologically She has a way with words She is aware of the weight of bad words on those she loves or appreciates, so she is sweet-hearted with people
6- Nikki's accident caused an emotional trauma to her, and she takes care of him daily and visits him, and here is the sense of commitment in her, and the nurse, Jackie, mitigated that, and we are thankful to her that she is the unknown soldier Also, do not forget that her love language is service and care, so even with Wednesday in…as you know that at the top, you mentioned that she serves and provides a lot, that she is a giver and not a taker
7- A final point that combines all the previous points When everything I mentioned above comes together, it produces love for people, and it tries to avoid them from what she went through, and to replace pain with joy and care, not to judge them for anything and if things are going in the wrong direction, she shuts herself down, blames herself on it, pushes people away at arm's length, and comes out with a big smile from her battles and does not take its anger out on them
what a lovely sweetheart pure soul our birb 🥹
sorry if take to long i was watching criminal minds and i couldn’t help myself
I go FERAL when y'all essentially psychoanalyse Birb and everything else, it's the best part of my day. Like, you're all so right and the point of Birb is she does have a lot of these things because, yeah she's Funny Haha, but she's got so many things under her skin and she just can't ignore them all no matter how hard she tries.
She wasn't born the oldest, but she certainly had it thrust upon her when no one had been expecting it. It wasn't her fault, but it was in her mind, and nothing can change it. Not when she grew up believing nearly everything was her fault anyway. Which is part of why she makes sure that SHE causes all the problems/acts delinquent. Because she needs it to be her fault so she can fix it (this is a VERY big theme for her)
But also yes, TLDR Birb is a sweetheart with a very good heart, she's just got a lot of trauma 🥺
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walks-the-ages · 2 years
Okay so ANYWAYS.
Quantum Leap.
My "this was meant to be a funny shit post but now I'm taking it super seriously" prompt has officially been incorporated into my little daydream Quantum Leap AU+Rewrite+Post Canon Universe.
it's sometime after my rewrite of the whole mess that is Last Dance Before An Execution (through) Shock Theater. (LDBAE-ST)
4x01 just straight up goes off the rails because none of that made sense except for the parts I'm keeping for Future Sam to deal with.
Anyways. During the New Events that happen to replace The Leap Back, Sam starts having very strange dreams and hearing [more] voices-- and the calls not coming from inside the house either, he already checked with the others!
Nope. Instead, he suddenly has spirits communicating with him in his dreams, showing up every night throughout the Leap, trying to ask him something but he can never quite make out what they're saying.
His lack of proof (or actual, meaningful communication) leaves Al skeptical of his claims and tells him they just need to get more sleep in this Leap while they can still can.
The Leap continues in whatever plot I decide at the eventual-maybe time of writing, and it's not until the very end of the Leap, when Sam has been knocked unconscious by the antagonist, that he's able to fully understand the spirits who are reaching out to him.
Al in the outside world is frantically trying to wake Sam up so he can go like, rescue a man who's been cartoonishly tied to some train tracks or something, idk.
Anyways, Sam wakes up, saves the guy, fixes what went wrong, and Leaps.
Weeks go by, as they always do before Ziggy can locate Sam's temporal signature again.
But weeks turn into months.
And suddenly, it's New Years Eve at Project Quantum Leap, only no one feels like celebrating, because Sam is still missing in between Leaps. This is the longest he's ever been "in between" and everyone is starting to get worried.
Then, right as the clock strikes midnight, Ziggy sends out an alert--
She's found Dr. Sam Beckett.
Except his brain wave and vital signs are off the charts, and something is messing with her system and "Admiral, we need you in the Imaging Chamber NOW! We don't know what's happening to Sam but you're the only one who can tell us what's wrong!."
Al, of course, is already sprinting down the corridors to the Imaging Chamber, more than halfway there.
Al bursts into the Imaging Chamber and the new Leap materializes around him as the Chamber powers up and sprawled on a carpeted floor of a bedroom is a young woman, blankets tangled around her legs, pajama suit rumpled, and sobbing.
After the traumatic shit show that was LDBAE-ST, Al has had to take multiple sessions with Dr. Verbena Beeks himself to deal with the fallout of what *Sam* has gone through, (not to mention dealing with the shell shock from the war), so Al is fairly confident he'll be able to help guide his friend through whatever kind of panic or anxiety attack they're having and help them calm down , and usually seeing that Al is there at all is some kind of comfort so he circles around and starts reassuring them he's here --
Only to not get the reaction he was expecting.
"Syl? Sylvi? Veon! Syl vee, vee, veon!" The woman on the floor exclaims and tries to hug him, then looks embarrassed when that fails to work "Vee, sylvi, veon, Syl. Vee Sylve, onn vee Sylvi."
Al just stares, because clearly, this is Sam. But for the life of him, Al can't understand a word coming out of their mouth.
Sam tilts their head in confusion at Al's flabbergasted look, "Sylveon?" They finally enquire.
[aka Sam Leaps into Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red Rescue Team / Rescue Team DX and lives out not only the entire main storyline but also all of the post game content until he finally passed of old age with his Partner at his side and only then did he Leap back into canon
but he spent more than a human lifetime there and doesn't realize he's speaking Pokespeak lolol.
Don't worry! It's fine! He still knows English he just has to jog his memory of how to speak it.
Oh, and how to walk on two legs again lol.
Also becoming a Pokemon is what unlocks his ability to Leap into earth animals later.
Anyways, Sam is an Eevee in Rescue Team Verse and so is his Partner!
Sam eventually evolves into Sylveon (aka the trans pride Eeveelution)
and his Partner, Eevee, because of Sam's presence in that world, evolves into [REDACTED].
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Okay then! :)
Can I request a letter from Ryoma to a F!Reader that...you know that awkward "unofficially official" stage? You know, that stage where everybody knows they're an item, but neither of them have actually said anything to confirm or deny it (to other or each other), yet?
Anyways, context! I'm thinking of Conquest chapter 17, but instead of Kagero being the one that's been captured, it's the reader. She plays the harp, and is competent, patient, balanced, and open to various values (whatever those help with).
Can't wait!
"Whoops, forgot! Ryoma wrote it to her before she was rescued. When she was returned to Hoshido, one of Ryoma's retainers found the letter on his desk with her name on it and just kinda...sent it."
Ngl it'd be funny to write it as unsent letter JUST so I could write Saizo's reaction to what he did. I think it'd be funnier with Saizo...
Also I hope I didn't mess up the timeline here? I understand it as him writing her during the reader being captured and intending to send it after saving her... If I'm wrong just lmk and I'll fix it.
Dear Y/N
After I found out that you were kidnapped I must admit that I've never been so worried. It wasn't any responsibility of mine and yet I feel just as guilty for not being there to protect you and stop it all from happening. I believe other than my sense of duty, my feelings played part in the way I feel about the situation. For I hold you very dear to me, and I think it's about time I say it. I love you, you're a wonderful woman and I'd be honored to be yours. To be able to be by your side and protect you when necessary. To hear you practice on the harp before anyone else gets to hear your performance. And to witnesses your grace on everyday basis, I believe there is nothing that could make me happier. Of course I'll fight for your happiness as well, because I'd do anything for you.
I shall await for your response,
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zipwriting · 1 month
I put body swaps as one of Kouragra's powers it has unfettered access too and now they WOn'T stop playing musical chairs!
Kouragra < > Ocelotl
Kouragre > some random made up lady
Ocelotl < > wife of Ocelotl (breifly)
random lady Kouragra < > Enalore
Enalore (Kouragra) < > Ocelotl
It keeps ending with Kouragra back as Kouragra which seems boring but I think it's interesting to ponder if Enalore would give up her elf longevity to be some random made up lady. But I think it's a no brainer. Also she's the one who's always trying to get people to drink from the fountain of life or whatever. And of course, well Ocelotl would run off with her body
Do you guys think we're allowed to ship Rain and Merald and if not then who are they dating? Heeeeello? Somebody's wife? Oh no I remember. Merald is too plain, that Rain isn't attracted to them, but I still think they would probably end up together, and be like, well we settled. Those are the best relationships, though, like, "you rejected me, when we were teenagers" you've known each other for 10 years?
Do you think they're even friends? Do you think they have enough to do all day, that they can avoid each other for 10 years?
Rain and Merald, they hate each other, but then they swap bodies for sexual reasons only but then, like, actually fall in love, but they hate each other's responsibilities because either of them hates the other one's favorite parent, and they won't tell anyone that they've switched because 1. it's embarrassing 2. Kouragra would say it's pseudo-incest (it's not pseudo if it's gerald and ciri!!!!!!!!! parents can adopt you. step siblings can't adopt each other. except the moment in time when I was like "Enalore and Kouragra are aro4aro, that Kouragra calls her its business partner and roomate and co-parent, and Enalore is like well that's my little sister" it's so funny and I think it's less awkward for Enalore to be like "I adopted Wilda as my little sister, and then after that, or obviously not after that, but it was unspoken until now, dating Wilda's dad" wrong order Enalore. But it's different, possibly worse, to adopt a teenager and then be sneaking around with her dad but NOT being romantic with him.) The point I'm at is they unswap to do their housework and possibly unionize (the eldest daughtex union) (in medieval fantasy) to get regular hours.
Funny (evil) to give Enalore some biological urge once she becomes cis but more along the lines of baby fever than something more transphobic and also. She sometimes does end up with babies, probably half are babies and half are 2-17 and by contrasting babies with 2 year olds I MEAN babies
I call monsters it/its cis becuase all supernatural creatures are it/its. Kouragra. But then Sarah I had to fix its pronouns (in my notes I made them both have neos of K/K's and S/S's, lord help me edit th) (it's funny because no one gets mad about 2 she's (anymore) but) what was I saying, Sarah is that binary trasn women and sh--it transistioned AS a werewolf. I made up the it/its rule when I Was working with Mason, okay, I made Sarah--and her name was Lisa--and its name was Lisa, anyways, and then I tried to give Kouragra the random made up lady (when they turned Kouragra into Ocelotl it couldn't/wouldn't change back, so they took it to a wizard that turns animals into. All the same body type of brunette lady, which is obviously bad, it's very sussy, but yeah it didn't stick plus ALL of its magic is back in its old body. AND the tiger is a feminine form. But also a strong form.
Well that's what I have to say
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paleclementine · 8 months
Hanging out with Emily was so fun. It was really nice to see her. She and I agreed that we are the most perfect best friends-- we're so shy around each other that at times it seems awkward, but that's just not how it is. We know each other so well and respect each other's opinions, and oh, btw, we laughed a LOT. I said that tiktok sound "eat, eat, eat, uglayass" and it made her laugh a lot. When i basically called her a 1800s invalid that was funny too. Her BF sam is an ASSHOLE and I hate him. He asked me to buy emily gummy worms but i know for sure it was just a way for him to insert himself in Emily's mind and our trip. Emily's phone died during the con and .02 seconds after it did, sam texted me and asked if something was wrong and if Emily was okay. pa-ra-NOID. Emily always had her phone plugged up to a charger after that and I could tell he was blowing up her phone constantly after that. then after we went to the salt flats for our Evangelion photoshoot (which looked incredibllllllle by the way), Sam sent her four paragraphs butthurting and guilting Emily for not inviting him on this trip. Firstly-- this was a GIRL'S trip. Anthony was only with us to be our photographer; he was third wheeling us the whole time. Secondly- HE IS AN ASSHOLE and I wouldn't have wanted him to come anyway! Emily stayed in my room, or in a hotel, and like.. we were girls (as weird as it feels inside to call myself a girl, it suffices for my point). ugh. I hate him. I told Emily to break up with him and Anthony was like "you can't just tell people to break up" and I was like "I'll say whatever I want".
The con was really fun and we got a lot of compliments. I think my Chuuya cosplay and my Asuka cosplay were the best- mostly because I worked really hard on Chuuya's piece by piece, and I made that 6'5" tall spear of longinus and I think it impressed people. I want to work hard and enter into the cosplay competition next year. I think I could do it.
I've been reading more of Pete's livejournal entries and I love all the poetry he has in it, as cryptic as it is. He seems like a really interesting person. Tonight, in honor of my past emo self (who much rather would have lavender/purple hair than any other color) I'm going to dye my hair dark cherry red. It's going to look sick. It's not too far off from ginger, either, so I'll still look normal. It gives me that delicious emo feeling that I never got to have in highschool. Idk. I think it will make my feel more like myself. I'm going back to blonde during thanksgiving, so I guess this is my goodbye to fun hair for a while. I will be back, though. I always go a little bit crazy and sick of myself and want to dye my hair a new color. this summer, it was bangs (which I cut myself with regular scissors over my bathroom sink) and ginger hair-- I think you can tell how crazy I was going back then for two drastic changes at once.
I think my roommates hate me / think I hate them just because I haven't seen them or hung out with them in like a week. I don't really like them, but I don't want shit to be awkward whenever I walk into the kitchen. I don't know how to fix it though. i guess just be here? I hate that too.
I don't think I'm a girl. But I'm not really a dude either.. not entirely, anyway. I just wish I had been born a boy. I hate my tits in the mirror. Maybe if I had a better experience growing up as a girl and hadn't been taught that my body was only good for breeding and being a doting, docile, subservient mother, I wouldn't have so much trauma whenever I look at my body (and maybe that would also be the case if I hadn't been repeatedly sexually assaulted by my first boyfriend and then guilted for literally kissing him, so i couldn't talk to anyone about it ever). tangent, tangent. Anyways, idk what I am. I love to dress in girly fashion (lolita dresses and pink and the like), but I don't connect to it internally. I feel like a boy wearing girl's clothing. A sheep who would much rather howl at the moon.
I want fucking top surgery.
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ohdearhopia · 1 year
dear hopia,
There's a lot I want to say to you. It'll all be funny when I look back, and I'm already laughing, but I want to tell you anyways. You know how it gets, when the mind is a whirlwind of things. It's all over the place, but the reason I write to you is to fix those and organize those into neat little piles you know I love.
Look, things don't seem bleak or hopeless -- and they're not. They'll never be that bad. but the weight and heaviness of things sit there like a dull throb on the balls of my shoulders and the joints of my knees. Writing brings me comfort and life -- an obvious reason why I write to you now. (Side note, did you know I bought a notebook to write things to you but still made this blog anyways? Yeah, cool.) But sometimes, I wonder why I took up on this, you know? The way I write until they squeeze me try and leave me on the pavement. I exaggerate, but some days, it feels that way. Not hopeless, but again, it sometimes hurts that they take and take and leave you with little left.
And it's hard being avant-garde.
New topic, quickly, we move on in this free flow of consciousness. I still don't know how to fix this structure, hopia. I want to work through it but I'm terrified and the perfectionist in me is starting to take over, and I just want to get it over and done with. I want to kill that part of myself, but you know I can't. And besides, there's that topic of him.
It's funny -- I haven't had a happy crush like this in years, but I feel like I lack socialization enough that I blush all the time. I try not to, and I try to act like a cool kid, and god, is this what a school girl crush feels like?
It's so stupid. Obviously, I know it isn't love -- it's a happy crush. Whatever. But I genuinely like him -- admire a lot of his work, even if... maybe, he doesn't exactly like mine or he does. Or neutral, like it doesn't exactly matter, you know?
But that doesn't stop my heart quickening a little bit or stop me from widening my eyes when his knee briefly brushed mine. It was an accident, I'm certain. I probably have to speak a little louder. Please, I'm a little terrified of seeing him on Tuesday -- or Wednesday. I know this little hopia will still be in terrified mode seeing him on Friday.
Wait, let me reiterate how stupid this is again. Because it's infiltrating my thoughts more often than I want and I can't even look at him in the eye. You'd think that for my age, I'd be over with this phase but the problem is that I never had it.
Okay, I did. Once. For the wrong person. But I hope this is over soon, because my cheeks are flaming red and my tendency to strive to impress until I find praise (I know how it sounds, don't worry) is starting to make me very, very annoyed? No, that's not right. Not annoyed, more of... stressed. I still have so many things to do, but putting this off is, according to this little messed up brain of ours, on the top of my list.
Wish me luck, hopia!
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n1k1tty · 3 years
kiss me ! part 2
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“hawaii!” niki yells, throwing as fist in the air as he enters the van “riki, it’s 3am in the morning, please shut up” jay retorts, going back to sleep as he leans on the window
as if it was almost planned, you and jake sat beside each other at the furthest seat. it was complicated, you didn’t know if you were comfortable or not, you felt tense, afraid of jake’s teasing if you touch him even the slightest. yet you also didn’t want to leave your seat.
you let out a huff, trying to find a position where you could comfortably sleep in. you were spooked at the sudden hand that leans your head on their shoulders “you can sleep on my shoulders, it’s alright” jake chuckles, already drifting to sleep the second after he did that “thanks” you mumble, easing into his warmth.
you laugh a little at his aching figure “this is funny to you? after i’ve been so kind to let you sleep on my shoulder?” he pouts “i deserve a long massage during our flight” he jokes, continuing to carry your bags.
dumbfounded by the fact that you stayed with him, giving him a glance filled with guilt “y/n seriously, i’m fine. it’ll go away sooner or later” he reassures you, his heart exploding at the sight of you with glimmering eyes, feeling the guilt you expressed them with.
“what do you wanna eat for breakfast?” you mumble, taking the luggage cart from his grasp. he laughs at your attempt to make him feel better “sorry? didnt quite hear that well” he teases, making you give him a glare, almost forgetting that he was ‘injured’ you raise your hand to almost give him a punch “good thing you’re hurting or i would’ve punched your ass back to australia” you roll your eyes “you heard what i said!” eyebrows frowning as you look away “alright alright, i’m fine with coffee really—” he lets out a breathy chuckle, dragging his feet as he follows you around “—nonsense! breakfast is important. don’t give me that type of bullshit sim” you cut him off, stopping by a little restaurant as you tell the other members to go ahead “im getting you pancakes. better finish it or you’re not living to see another day”
he laughs “this is quite a unique way to care for someone don’t you think” you roll your eyes "eat the damn pancakes sim jaeyun"
"yas ma'am"
after everyone had met up, you all started finding your seats. you were bewildered, somehow, because now you found yourself wanting to switch seats with sunghoon for obvious reasons. but of course, you --again, didn't have the guts to do so.
a few hours into the flight and a few glances from jake here and there, you received a message
jake :):
hey pretty girl, do me a favour and go to the washroom behind you
and why exactly?
jake :):
no questions asked. i just miss you ;)
you swore you wanted to jump off the plane. pretty girl?! he misses me?!. you feel the heat creeping up in your face as you asked jungwon "hey, could you get up of a sec. i gotta go to the washroom" you whisper, mumbling a small 'thank you' before you walked to the washroom.
you felt a hand pull you "hey" he giggles, arms wrapped around your waist "you scared me! i thought i was getting abducted" you slap his shoulder. although you would be lying if you said you didn't want to just grab him and kiss him right at this moment.
he looked so good with his button up shirt, showing off his collar bones, neck wearing the beaded necklace you made for him during the summer and your birthstone necklace. his hair was messy, and you couldn't deny how hot he looked with his glasses on.
"you should consider buttoning up" you hesitantly say, looking anywhere but his eyes. of course he catches on to your intentions, but he felt like pissing you off "why? i'm showing off your necklace" he giggles "i even bought your birthstone" he grabs the necklace with his thumb, making you roll your eyes as you cross your arms, making sim jaeyun giggle.
he places his hand under your chin, finally letting you looking at him "switch seats with sunghoon please. i don't think i like the sight of you sleeping on jungwon's shoulders" now it was your time to piss him off.
"why?" you pout, "his shoulders are so comfortable, and we don't want your shoulders aching again now do we?" you give him a slight smile, well it wasn't like you weren't planning to switch with sunghoon way before the flight even started anyway.
jake rolls his eyes "that leaves you no choice--"
"can y'all hurry up? i'll switch with you y/n gosh! just let me pee!" sunghoon bangs on the door, making jake laugh "well that was easy"
oh how you regret changing seats.
because now you get to fully witness the flight attendants obviously flirting with him.
"good morning sir" she annoyingly giggles, biting her lip as she leans in way too close. jake leans back, letting out a small laugh out of politeness "hi, yeah i'd like..." he orders his food while you glare at the girl who's been displeasingly close to him "what can i get for you ma'am?"
"oh my girlfriend would like the same thing" jake interrupts, giving you a sly wink after placing his hand on top of yours. you let out a small scoff after seeing the disappointed look on the girl as she hands you the food. your skips a beat. girlfriend? you thought
now he was starting to piss you off. he was doing everything but ask you out. and with every ounce of pride you had in your soul, you hated to admit that you were starting to get really impatient. were you not obvious about your feelings? was the handmade necklace and the concern you have for him not obvious enough?
"ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hawaii" the pilot announces, after you got your hand carry, you didn't even bother waiting for jake. immediately walking out of the plane, causing him to tilt his head out of confusion.
he didn't get a chance to talk to you, i mean, how could he when you would immediately start walking away from him whenever he tried to walk towards you.
as you sat beside jay in the tour bus, he gives you a weird look "why are you here" you give him a lost look "can i not...?" that's when he knew something happened between you and jake "y/n if this is because of jake--" you place your hand on his mouth, leaning way too close. but luck wasn't on your side today, because jake saw.
"shut up please! and yes! it is about him. so please spare me and let me sit here for the meantime" jay chuckles, "jake's going to kill me for this" he mumbles, leaning back to the chair "what?"
"nothing" he gives you a grin
after you guys arrived to jay's beach house you immediately grab your bag before jake could help you
"alright riki and sunoo are sharing a room, jungwon and heeseung are sharing, and...." jay looks at you, sunghoon and jake, not knowing what to do "you three figure it out. i'm just letting you know one gets to have their own room" jay starts to head to his own room, shrugging his shoulders as he walks past you with widened eyes.
"we already know what's about to happen. i'm getting my own room-"
"no!" you yell
"yes!" jake yells in unison,
"well......" sunghoon stood there, waiting for the both of you to talk "well, i just think i should get the room since you know-- i'm a girl and-- you and jake are best friends so you should be roommates" you explain, giving sunghoon an awkward smile "yeah sure whatever- ow!" jake hits sunghoon in the arm "you idiot! take the goddamn room!" jake grits through his teeth "you know what y/n! i change my mind. i uh, i think im going to take the room"
"why?!" you whisper with a harsh tone. poor sunghoon "IM GOING TO JERK OFF OR SOMETHING I DON'T KNOW" he yells, although he regrets it after the maids give him a weird look "ayo what?" heeseung peaks through the door "nothing! i didn't mean that. just --ugh! i'm heading out" he grabs his luggage, stomping through the hallways as he walks to the room. leaving you with jake.
you were about to have a mental breakdown "jay! you're seriously not helping me at all!" you give him a shove "ow! you need to control your strength sometimes! and i'm sorry okay? i just panicked, and i think you and jake being roommates wouldn't be a mistake. it's better to fix your problems instead of just sweeping it under the rug. you can't avoid him forever y/n" he was right. and you knew that. but you couldn't bring yourself to tell jake what was bothering you. even the thought of it was embarrassing, because what if he wasn't even intending to date you at all?
you walk back to the room, hesitating whether you should open it or not. but after hearing no noise, you open the door "AH OH MY GOD SORRY--" there you saw a shirtless jake, hair wet and his glasses having a few drops of water from his hair. he grabs your hand before you could walk out again "y/n, please talk to me" he places his hands on both sides of your shoulders "did i do something wrong? whatever it is, i'm really sorry" he panics, slightly pouting at the silent treatment you gave him "jake i-"
"dinners ready!" riki barges in, freezing at the sight of you two "oh- hey! riki, let's go!" you grab his arm, walking towards the dining room "please don't mention it" you whisper, sitting in between riki and jay.
jake later follows, now in his grey shirt and the checkered pajamas he wore earlier, he gives you a small smile before sitting next to heeseung.
"so, sunghoon. did you have fun?" heeseung teases
"shut up!"
"this wasn't going as planned anymore!" jake groans, he was currently in jay's room, ranting his frustrations out while jay listened. when jake had heard about the trip to hawaii, he originally planned to confess when you guys went to the party, it's not like the party had already happened, but it was already tomorrow "i already apologized, yet she still wouldn't speak"
"do you even know why she's mad?" jay asked, leaning on the bad with his arms as he watched jake pacing around his room "...no?"
"jake sim you idiot"
it was 1 am in the morning and you finally finished playing games with riki and heeseung. you were hesitating to open the door once again. afraid of letting the incident happen once more. you knock lightly, hoping that he was there and you could finally make up
but before you could open the door, jake already opened it. immediately embracing you "please talk to me" he whispers gently in your ear. you couldn't help but burst out crying, causing him to panic, he caresses your hair "let's go for a walk yeah?" he grabs your wrist, his touch so gentle as if you were fragile.
he wipes your tears as you walk along the shore "i missed you. you know?" he holds your hand as you both drag your feet along the sand. you hit him on his shoulder "ow!"
"that's what you get!" you sniffle, looking at the reflection of the moon on the sea "what did i do?" he chuckles, searching for your eyes. he tilts his head when you don't respond "hello?"
"cause! you always flirt with me, calling me your girlfriend and hugging me! i hate it! i hate it because my heart always skips a beat every time and i always expect you to ask me out soon yet you never do!" you yell, your skin was glowing under the moonlight. jake was in awe the moment he saw your glistening eyes that had tears threatening to fall.
he had the sudden urge to kiss you and tell you how he felt.
and he did. because jake was a man who never doubted his feelings when it came to you.
he pulls you by the waist, causing you to let out a yelp. his lips touches yours, and it stayed like that for a while, to make up for the moments he wasted without you this whole vacation. you wrap your hands around his neck, playing with his hair
"can i be your boyfriend?" he cheekily says, his smile making you smile as well "suck my ass. sim jaeyun. yes, i'd love for you to be my boyfriend"
"i'd gladly suck your a--"
"sim jaeyun!"
[bonus bcs i haven't posted in a while]
it was the morning of the party, you were in jake's arms "finally you're awake! good morning!" he excitedly says, peppering you with kisses "the guys are in the pool so get changed" he informs you, smacking your ass as soon as you got up "getting too comfortable for our first day aren't we?" you tilt your head, giving him a smirk "can't help it" he send a wink your way.
as soon as you got out in your swimsuit, jake's mouth drops "do a little turn for me" he smirks, twirling you around as he hypes you up "holy shit! i'm so lucky aren't i" he checks you out, earning a smack from you "ow! alright but i'm not letting them check you out like that! wear my shirt"
(he didn't let you go from the jacuzzi after heeseung hyped you up lol)
you told jake to go ahead, wanting to surprise him with the dress you bought.
after arriving to the party jake almost dropped the drink he had in his hand after he saw you. he was smiling so hard when the little girl put a Lei (flower neck lace) on you. he felt so proud when the other men at the party look at you giving him a hug
"that's right, she's mine" he thought
after you walked to wards him he grabs you by the waist "you look so pretty in red" he says, hugging you tightly "is that so?" you ask, giving him a chaste kiss on the lips, making him all giddy
part 1
taglist: @zylenes @hwalllllllelujah @theskzvibe
HI GUYS :D. i will be posting the visuals for this fic so pls wait :)
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catzula · 4 years
always there to help
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Synopsis: You suck at math, and who could be better suited for the job to help you, other than your brother's best friend, the born genius, Bakugou?
Genre: fluff
Pairing: Bakugou Katsuki x (Kirishima's sister)Reader
Warnings: Swearing, maybe some bad writing
A/N: So, I'm back! I'm sorry I haven't been writing anything lately, I just didn’t like anything I wrote, so, sorry about that. This one might seem a little all over the place too lol, but it’s because I inteded it to be a small drabble. but accidentally made it a 5.1k fic. So, it might not be one f my better works, but I had a lot of fun writing it!
BY THE WAY, 100 followers guys! Thank you so much for that!
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You were working on your homework when you heard the doorbell. You sighed deeply, standing up and going to the door, not expecting to see your brother and his friend group to be standing on the other side.
One specific friend caught your eye, his spiky, ash blonde hair hard to miss. You could feel your heartbeat rising almost instantly, cheeks now a bit warmer than before. You wished you had worn something else, anything but pajama shorts and an oversize shirt, maybe combed your hair and wore perfume or something, but how could you know your brother was going to bring his friends home? 
Okay, maybe you should have known since they were over almost every day.
But since there was nothing you could do now to change the situation, you just smiled, inviting them in -you noticed how Bakugou hadn't even glanced your way once, and though this wasn't different then always, it proceed to hurt and disappoint you every time. It's not like you were expecting for him to have feelings for you or something, but at least noticing you were there would be nice for a change.
Your brother was the last to enter, hugging you so tightly that you couldn't breathe for a few seconds, squirming between his arms. "Eiji lemme go!" You screamed, though your voice muffled by his tight hold. 
"Sorry, just missed you." He told you, letting you free. A cheeky, innocent grin was on his face, the one he knew that made you soft. You answered by a "Hmph," turning to his friends, who were already in the living room, doing their things. Mina was the first to notice you when you entered the room, the cutest smile on her face. "Oh, hey Y/N!" She caught you by the wrist, pulling you to the couch to sit with her. Of course, Bakugou was right next to you.
Feeling self-conscious -when was the last time you had a shower? Yesterday? You could only pray you smelled nice- you scooted a bit more to Mina, putting some distance between Bakugou and you, though it pained you to do so since he smelled like caramel. Honestly, why did he smell this good? It only caused your thoughts to be fuzzier, and for you to be even more excited around him. 
Though he seemed to have noticed your shift towards Mina since he sent a small glance your way, a 'tch' sound coming out of his lips, heating your cheeks.
"Hi, Mina-san." You mumbled, trying to forget the boy -your big brother's best friend- sitting next to you. "Oh, y/n-chan, I told you many times, you can just call me Mina! We only have a year between us anyway." You nodded, though still feeling a bit uneasy. “Sure.”
"I- I should go now, I have to finish my math homework." You told them with an apologetic smile, Mina and Kaminari pouting almost immediately. "Oh, come on, sit with us for a bit," Denki protested, his eyes wandering on your bare legs for a second, earning a deadly glare from your brother and a nudge from Sero. 
"What homework?" Your brother asked you, coming closer to you to block Denki's view. "Oh, you know, the one I was doing this morning." You shrugged, you've been working on the same sheet of paper practically the whole day, but you just didn't know the subject even a little bit, staring at the paper without knowing nothing didn't help much.
"Wait, you still didn't finish that? I thought I helped you yesterday." He pouted. Yes, he did try to help you, but you were sure he also had no idea how to do it, and he had just repeated the question to you again and again, until you had said, "Ah, I understand it now! Thank you, brother," without being able to do anything. You knew he meant good, but it still didn't change the fact that your brother was as clueless as you were.
"I-" You had started to say something before a deeper voice intruded yours. "Oi, shitty-hair, you know you suck at math, how do you think you could even help her?" 
Your eyes shifted to Bakugou -you couldn't help but giggle at the nickname he had for your brother, oh, you had to remember that one- he had an annoyed look in his ruby eyes, his eyes not leaving your brother once. "Well, I-" Eiji had started to talk, his eyes widening slightly after, understanding what Bakugou meant. "Oh, you should have told me!"
You shrugged. "Well, you just looked so happy finally being able to help me with something, I didn't want to make you feel bad." 
Oh no, did that come out wrong? You were about to apologize when your brother pulled you in a hug once again. "Oh my god- lemme go!"
"So -uhh- if you do it this way, you can, maybe?.. No, okay, I got it, so if you add this to... Nope, that's wrong- umm, oh, how about-" 
Mina bit the back of the pencil you had given her, fully concentrated on the papers in front of her. "Oh move over, I can help her!" Denki told her as he pushed Mina aside.
"You?" She told him in disbelief, "Don't make me laugh, you're even worse than I am!" 
"No, I'm not!" The blonde boy answered, pulling the sheet of paper. "Yes, you are," Sero also joined the fight, pushing himself between the two. "Oh, you shut up, you're even worse than him!" Mina pushed Sero with all her might, panting. 
"Umm, what is happening?" You asked your red-headed brother, watching them with a smile and clearly enjoying the show. "Oh, don't worry, this happens all the time." He answered, patting you on the back, giggling when Mina pulled Denki's hair, making the poor boy scream. 
Oh, that makes it all better then. 
"Oi, dumbasses, shut the fuck up before I do it." You jumped in surprise when you heard Bakugou screaming right behind you, and surprisingly, three of the grown-ass people that were just wrestling on the floor froze. 
"Sorry, Baku." Mina was the first to stand up, fixing her disheveled clothes and running a finger through her soft-looking hair. Sero and Kaminari struggled for a second or two more, but one look from Bakugou and they were up on their feet too.
"Well, thanks I guess." You told the people who literally just fought each other to help you, though instead of them, it was Bakugou who answered you. "Whatever, you shouldn't be asking these idiots anyway."
You weren't sure what to say since the gratitude wasn't intended for him, but you smiled awkwardly. "Guess I'll have to ask someone tomorrow."
"Oh, Baku, can't you help her? You always help us and you're the smartest." Eiji perked his head with the idea that suddenly came to his mind.
"Damn right I am!" Bakugou answered without missing a beat, though he realized his mistake almost instantly. "Oh, that's great, then, you can help her." Mina cheered, clapping her hands with a wicked grin on her face, eyeing both you and the now furious looking boy. Bakugou would have said no immediately, but everyone in the room -even you- knew his pride wouldn't let him.
"For fucks sake," he muttered, his hand massaging his temples. "Give me that stupid fucking paper."
"Oh, okay, that makes much more sense!" You told him, even though you still had no idea how he did it, but you tried your best to hide the confusion in your face, not wanting to seem dumb in front of him. But it took one look and his burrows furrowed, lips curling into a snarl.
"If you're just acting like you understood I'll fucking-" A fake cough came from your brother's way, making Bakugou growl. "I'll explain it to you again and again until you understand it." He finished his sentence, making both you and Eiji grin.
"So what didn't you understand?"
Good question.
"I- uh... anything?" You could feel your face heating as you answered, causing him to grimace. "Oh my fucking God." He muttered, pinching his nose bridge with annoyance.
"LOOK-" Oh, he was pissed. "THE QUESTION IS TELLING YOU TO DO THIS, SO YOU JUST FUCKING ADD THIS TO THAT, AND-" His spiky hair looked like it was ruffling up when he got angry, like an angry bird, the thought making you giggle. As he heard your giggle he stopped screaming, and seeing him so quiet was somehow scarier than him shouting.
"What the fuck is so funny?" He asked gruffly, though his crimson eyes weren't as angry as they were before. "You know it doesn't help when you just scream everything at me, right?" You giggled again because he looked really confused.
"Okay, look." He sighed, "see this? This actually just means you should do this." His pencil moved on the paper, his writing surprisingly neat and pretty- especially for a boy as impatient and angry like him. "Oi, you listening?" He pointed the pencil to you when he noticed you weren't looking at the paper, but at him.
"Oh- yeah, I'm listening." You answered, looking at what he recently wrote and trying to understand what he probably said. His eyes narrowed, but he didn't question it further. "Good."
"As I just said," he stated -making you grin since he probably noticed you weren't, in fact, listening to him, "you should do it like this and that's the answer." 
You couldn't understand why, but suddenly what he was talking about seemed to make so much sense. "Oh my god." Your eyes widened, looking at the sheet of paper, you pulled the pencil he was holding without thinking much on it, quickly writing down what was on your mind before you forgot.
After you finished writing, you turned your gaze to the boy that was sitting right next to you, though he concealed the amazed look he had sent you almost immediately. "Is that... right?" You asked him, feeling anxious, if it was wrong, you probably would look like an idiot.
"Yeah," he muttered, quickly glancing your way and noticing the smile on your face. "Fucking finally." He added, trying to get you to stop from smiling since he couldn't stop thinking about how pretty it was, though to his surprise you only smiled brighter. He could feel his heartbeat picking up, not sure why. Were you always this pretty? Smiled so softly, that made him feel all warm? Looked at him like this, like he was the most amazing person you've had seen?
For him, you have always been the sister of his best friend. He hadn't the slightest interest on you, though he could feel that was changing, the thought terrifying him. No, you were only and only Kirishima's sister, no one else.
"Hey, Bakugou-Kun." Bakugou was taking his jacket off as he entered the house, his caramel scent making you dizzy.
"Hey, idiot." He answered without thinking, the rude nickname slipping from his lips, he pressed them together instantly as if he could un-say it. He looked at you with slightly widened eyes, expecting you to be sad, or get mad at him, though he could have never thought you would giggle instead.
"Yeah," you told him smiling, "guess I deserve that."
"No." A sudden answer came his way, causing you to be the one shocked this time. "I- I didn't mean it that way..." He rubbed the back of his neck, looking very uncomfortable. "I just-"
"It's okay!" You told him, finally ending his misery. "I know you didn't say it to be mean."
Now, that was a first.
"Yeah, whatever." He muttered, entering the room, though regretting it immediately, was that rude? Maybe he shouldn't have stormed out? Did you think he was rude? Mean? An asshole?
He had no idea you were only happy because, for the first time, he had stopped to talk with you instead of ignoring you altogether.
You entered the room, noticing the rest was there too, and you wondered when they even entered the house. "Hey, Y/N!" Denki beamed, though noticing the look Eiji sent him, he quickly corrected himself. "-chan. Y/N-chan."
"Hey, Kaminari-Kun." You answered, making him pout. "Oh come on, you can just call me Denki!" A small glance was sent your brothers way, "Denki-Kun. You can call me Denki-Kun." He corrected, smiling widely.
"Oh, okay." You told him. "Would you like something to drink, Denki-Kun?" You asked, making him grin wickedly. "She's just too cute!" He whisper-yelled, nudging Sero. "Anyone? I can make tea."
"Oh, just sit with us instead!" Mina told you and you did as she said, knowing she would force you anyway. Once again, you were stuck between Bakugou and Mina, though this time you were prepared and had worn perfume. She looked at you excitedly, like she wanted to say something, but before she sent an angry look to Bakugou.
"Hey, Baku, can you go sit with Denki or something? We're gonna talk and you're preventing us."
"Haah?" Bakugou yelled. "I was the first one sitting here! And I'm not fucking preventing you, I'm just fucking sitting here, it's not like I wanna hear the stupid shit you'll talk about."
Oh, but he, did. He was dying to hear what you would talk about.
"It's not stupid shit, its girl talk!" She defended, grinning when Bakugou stood up. "W-what do you want to talk about, Mina?" It took a lot of willpower for you not to say Mina-san. "A little bird told me you have a slight liking to a certain angry boy." She finally told you, waiting at first for a bit of suspense.
"W-what, who?" You blurted, immediately noticing the mistake you did. "I mean, that's not- that's not true!"
"Oh come on, don't try to hide it!" She giggled, nudging you. "I know you have a crush on bskdhdhdh!" You slapped your hand on her mouth just in time, a sigh of relief coming out your mouth when you stopped her from saying the name. Though, you couldn't stop her from screaming about you having a crush.
"You what?!" Eiji screamed, standing up.
"Ooh, our little Y/N-chan has grown so fast," Denki told as he wiped the nonexistent tears off his eyes.
"So, who's the lucky guy?" Sero asked, grinning.
"Oops, I may have made a mistake," Mina said, giggling.
The only one that hadn't said one word was Bakugou, though that was somehow even more uncomfortable. His gaze lingering over you, you felt like you were going to die of embarrassment (and why did he have to wear that black t-shirt? It only made you even more flustered, and you just couldn't help but think about how nice he looked)
"It's nothing." You smiled awkwardly, face heating up. You glanced away, looking at anyone but him. "It's a misunderstanding." A fake giggle and all should be good, right?
Well, apparently not.
"No, don't you try to laugh your way out of this. What is this crush?" He looked so angry, it was one of those rare moments that he looked plain out scary.
"It's an innocent crush, Eiji! Nothing to worry about, okay? Now sit down, I need to do my homework anyway." Eyes narrowing, his gaze stayed on you a little more, though he dropped the subject soon after.
"If anything happens, you'll tell me everything." He told Mina, though it sounded more like a threat.
"It's not my place to do so." She answered, grinning wickedly.
You peeped your head from the door, trying to take a look of inside. What were they doing?
You've been doing your homework the past hour or two -it was only 10 minutes, but it felt like an eternity- and you came downstairs to seek help.
"Hi, guys." You finally entered, only to find them all snuggled on the couch, watching the greatest show ever been made, Avatar the Last Airbender.
Eiji knew the consequences of such actions, desperately trying to close the TV, but he was late, you could recognize Uncle Iroh's voice from a mile away.
"How dare you!" You gasped, now feeling all eyes on you.
"Wait, what's going on?" Sero looked as confused as the rest of his friends.
"Eiji, how could you do this to me?" You ignored Sero altogether, eyes fixed on your red-headed brother.
"I'm sorry, I'm really sorry, sis, it's just we had nothing to do and-"
"I can't even see you right now." You told him, turning your back to exit the room, leaving three very confused people after you.
"No, Y/N, wait!"
And that's how you found yourself to be snuggled between Bakugou and Denki.
It was really comfortable, you had to admit, but also very maddening. You couldn't even watch the show anymore, your senses filled with the boy sitting right next to you, his body touching yours ever so slightly, his hair tickling your face every time you moved to get a bit more comfortable.
"So you're telling me," Bakugou suddenly spoke up, though your eyes didn't leave the screen, you could feel his ruby eyes on you. "That you have a crush on this guy?"
"She does." Your brother mumbled from the other side of the room. "She even-"
"Shut up, or you won't be able to speak ever again." Everyone in the room suddenly froze, no one able to understand how the hell you just turned in to the most threatening person they ever saw.
"Well, damn, okay." Sero laughed, sending a small glance your way. "I don't know, man," Denki muttered. "Sokka is much better than Zuko. He is a nice dude, everyone likes him, has solid jokes, and is pretty smart. He's kinda like me, actually." 
"Yeah, he is like you!" Mina suddenly cheered. "Except for the being-liked-by-everyone, having nice jokes and being smart parts, of course." 
"Yeah, that's what I'm telling yo- hey!" He exclaimed, making everyone laugh. "If there's anyone that resembles any of these characters, it's Bakugou," Eiji muttered thoughtfully.
"What?" He snarled. Eiji shrugged. “You’re pretty similar to Zuko.”
"Wait, that's very on point!" You told him, causing Bakugou's brows to furrow. "Just think about it, you're very unreasonably angry all the time, keep picking useless fights with everyone, and are very rude!" Mina cheered.
Bakugou would have punched every one of you for even implying something like this, though now the only thing he could think about was if you thought this way too. 
"I- I didn't mean it that way, though." You told them. "He always tries to look so tough from the outside, but he's actually sweet. He tries to act like he doesn't like the gaang or his friends, but in reality, he really likes them. Don't you guys think so too?"
"Now that you put it that way..." Mina muttered, the topic closing and everyone focusing their gazes on the screen once again, though, even though no one realized, a small smile was on Bakugou's lips.
After the Avatar marathon, you stood up, about to go upstairs to continue the dreadful math homework when an idea fell upon you. You turned your gaze to the boy, who was sitting on the couch like it was a throne instead. Spiky hair looking softer than usual, you wondered what it would feel like to run your fingers through them. His eyes were closed, and he looked tired. Under the dim light of the small lamp that hung from the ceiling, you were practically in awe of how pretty he was. 
Cheekbones high and defined, a sharp jawline, like it indicated his sharp personality, delicate brows furrowed, buried in thought. 
As if he felt your eyes on him, his eyes snapped open, crimson eyes finding yours. You probably looked like a rabbit caught in the headlights, causing him to smirk. "What's your problem?" 
"I- uh, I was wondering if you could help me with... math?" 
"Again?!" That was a valid question, but it wasn't your fault math was too hard!
"It's okay, Y/N-chan, I can help you instead." You heard Denki's voice, a hand wrapping your shoulder, causing you, Eiji and Bakugou to jump in your places. 
"You don't know shit." Bakugou growled, his gaze suddenly predator-like, making Denki wince and pull his hand back. "Don't do me dirty like that, Bakubro," Denki whined. "I'm just trying to help-" His voice suddenly muffled by the hand on his mouth, a hand that belonged to your bother. 
"You come here for a second." Eiji told him threateningly, pulling him out of the room with force. "No- no, Kiri, don't do this to me!" The door closed behind them, though, a muffled scream or two could be heard every once in a while.
Everyone ignoring the whole ordeal, went back to what they were doing. Bakugou turned to you, his eyes on the sheet of paper you were holding. "So, does this mean you're helping me?" 
Bakugou knew the second you turned to him with that pleading look in your eyes, he was already going to say yes. "Tch," he rolled his eyes, pulling the paper from your hands. "Whatever."
This time, he sat a bit closer to you. 
You sat side by side, arms almost touching whenever he wrote something. "Did you understand this one?" He asked, the pencil he was holding pointing to the second question. Surprisingly, you did understand it. When you nodded, he smiled, it wasn't one of those cocky smirks, this one was a genuine, small smile that took your breath away. 
"Then do this one yourself." 
You gulped, tearing your eyes away from his face as you felt your face heating up. It took you a bit to get focused on what was in front of you, but you were able to use what Bakugou had explained to you, and eventually reached the answer. 
"That's... That was pretty good." He told you as he inspected what you wrote. This time, it was you who smiled brightly, taking his breath away. He could feel his heart suddenly going crazy, hammering his chest as if it was trying to set itself free. And why did he have this weird feeling in the pit of his stomach? This dreadful but also... warm feeling? 
He didn't like this. He didn't like it at all. 
He stood up, his face suddenly angry, causing your smile to drop. He gritted his teeth when he realized he wanted to sit right back and apologize, to make you smile again. But instead, he picked his phone up from the table and turned his back to you.
He exited the room in a hurry that didn't even let you say anything, or thank him.
"Oi, shitty hair! I'm out." You heard him scream to your brother. 
"So soon?" Eiji asked though the door already shut mid-sentence.
Although Bakugou had promised himself that he was going to stay away from you, as far as he could, this thing -whatever this was- went on for weeks. He wanted to stop, Bakugou really tried to not think of you whenever he saw a fucking number, but it didn't take long for him to realize he couldn't.
So instead, he came to see you every day, with or without the Bakusquad and helped you with math even if you didn't ask for him to.
You always asked him to, though.
On the other hand, you weren't thrilled about this whole situation either. At first, this was a normal, innocent crush, but as you spent more time with him, you found yourself falling for him. Hard.
"Hey, Bakugou!" You greeted him (you had dropped calling him Bakugou-Kun sometime, though you weren't really sure when), a big smile that you couldn't drop on your face. "Hey, idiot. I brought this shitty thing you like." 
He meant donuts. 
He didn't want to admit it, but he had only bought it to see the way your eyes sparkled when you held one in your hand, about to take a giant bite out of it. 
The rest of the group was already here and settled, so you checked the paper bag in your hands if it had enough for everyone. You smiled brightly when you noticed it did, making your way to the kitchen.
You noticed Eiji standing, leaning to the door, and watching you both with furrowed brows. "Oh, don't look so mad, I'll give one to you too." You told him giggling, interpreting it wrong. 
His face softened, also smiling. "Don't forget to give me the strawberry one!"
"We'll see about that!!" You answered as you exited the room.
"Oh, Bakugou-Kun, did you buy us the shit we like too?" Sero said mockingly, making the others snicker. "Shut the fuck up, tape face."
"Oh, but Bakugou-Kun-"
"I said, shut the fuck up!" Suddenly his heart was beating really fast. "Relax, Baku, having feelings for someone is nothing to be ashamed of!" Mina told him, though she already knew the answer he was going to give.
"I don't fucking have feelings, dumbass." Bakugou didn't have feelings, especially not towards you, the sister of his best friend. But still, he couldn't take his eyes off of you, he couldn't stop his heart from racing whenever you smiled, and he couldn't stop feeling like he would do anything for you to smile again when you don't.
"Sure you don't," Mina answered, a sly grin on her face when she noticed Bakugou's confused expression. It wasn't that Bakugou didn't want the feelings, he just couldn't understand them.
They would have taken it further if you hadn't entered the room with a plate full of donuts in your hands. "Nobody touches the Nutella one!" You told them, letting them take a donut.
You narrowed your eyes and sent a threatening look when Denki tried to take the one you were going to eat.
"You're not eating?" You asked when you noticed Bakugou not taking one. He shrugged. "I don't like sweets."
Your brows furrowed in confusion, "Really? Can I eat yours then?" Bakugou found himself smiling to that, thinking about how adorable you looked with a donut in your hand, a shirt that was too big for you, probably stolen from Eiji and sugar powder smeared on your lips. He couldn't help but wonder, what would you do if he just leaned in and kissed you, right then and there? Would you flinch back? Scream at him? Maybe even be disgusted by him?
He decided he didn't want to lea the answer.
"Oh, you're staying late?" You asked with a small smile on your lips, making them look so kissable, Bakugou had to look away. "Yeah." 
"You have homework?" He asked when you didn't say anything. He didn't want you to leave. "Nope, already did them." 
"But I kind of wanted to talk to you." You looked nervous, your hands clasped together, anxiously biting your lip. His eyes narrowed, crimson gaze wandering over you like he was trying to read your mind. 
"I have-" You started to say, but stopped mid-sentence so he finished your sentence for you internally. ...feelings for you. 
(You actually had an upcoming math exam, and you were hoping he could help you study for it, but you didn't want to make him uncomfortable.)
Oh, he wasn't going to let you be the first to confess, so without thinking about it, Bakugou blurted. "I like you." There it was, he did it before you! But why did you look so shocked?
"You what?" You asked, eyes wide, just staring at him. Bakugou could feel his heart getting heavier by the second, hands turning cold and a dreadful knot forming in the pit of his stomach. Weren't you saying the same thing just then?
"I-" should he just tell you to forget about it? No, he wasn't the kind of man to just back off. "You heard me." He told you gruffly. "I like you." 
Much to his annoyance, you stayed quiet, not giving him the chance to be happy or sad about it. Just silence. "And? What's your answer?!" 
For the first time in this conversation, you looked at him properly. You hadn't noticed how his crimson gaze shined with uncertainty, confusion, and anxiety. He was afraid of your answer, you realized. Even the great Bakugou Katsuki was afraid of rejection. 
So instead of giving him a verbal answer, you leaned in instead, your lips touching his softly. 
His eyes opened wide with the contact, not being able to understand what was going on. Your lips were so soft, it molded perfectly against his, and he was afraid that if he moved even an inch, you would realize you were making a big mistake and pull back. So he froze.
"Bakugou?" You pulled back slightly after a few seconds, making him want to pull you back and never let go. "Won't you kiss me back?" 
To this, Bakugou grinned, his hands suddenly on your back, pulling you towards him. The last thing you remembered before you lost yourself in the kiss was how soft his lips were, and how amazing he smelled.
"You know we still have to tell Eiji, right?" You told him, running your fingers through your messed up hair, trying to look like you didn't kiss a boy for the past... well, you weren't sure how long, actually. 
"Yeah." He answered, lips slightly pink. 
"You know, I think I have the perfect idea of how to tell him."
"You do?" He asked, now slightly intrigued. You nodded, standing up. Eiji was in his room, so you pulled Bakugou by the wrists up the stairs. "Come on." You told him when he hesitated. "This will work."
You knocked on your brother's door, opening it just the slightest when you heard him tell you to come in. "Hey, Eiji." 
"Hey, sis." He smiled widely, not aware of Bakugou behind the door. "What's up?"
"Oh, nothing much." You shrugged, "Just wanted to tell you that Bakugou and I are dating, okay bye!" You shut the door after you without giving him the time to say anything, running down the stairs, and pulling Bakugou after you. 
Your brother opened his door, running after you, his face as red as his hair. "You what?!"
"You idiot!" Bakugou screamed. "So this was your great idea?"
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nomunamuinmybrain · 3 years
Work you out (M)
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Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
Rating: M
Genre: Smut
Word Count: 2.4K
In collaboration with the lovely @alwaysdarkestbeforethedawn94
Disclaimer: if you are under the age of 18 please know that this contains heavy sexual themes and mature language.
Summary: Working for Hybe has been an experience. Being Jungkook’s manager is another story. His sharp eyes, firm jawline and snarky attitude was a deadly combination to begin with. The guy easily found his way to your heart and you simply couldn't take it anymore.
Thinking back to how I managed to land such an unimaginable employment opportunity must have been a miracle. Unquestionably, working for HYBE had so many benefits; I swore to never leave this place. Sure, I was a simple manager's assistant, but I was by the side of one of the managers that handled the most important talent in the stretch of South Korea, the entire globe to be honest, BTS. I was assigned the position of assistant to the manager of one of the guys, none other than Jeon Jungkook. I really couldn’t believe my luck. Not only was I a part of one of the most skyrocketing influential enterprises in the country, but I also had the chance to meet some of the most inspiring people in the whole world! Who would have thought?!
Did I have a crush on the guy by the end of my first month working here? Yes, but who wouldn't? He is the sweetest, always polite and courteous. I've met my share of self-boasting asshats; this industry is flooded with such. This guy is worth billions and he has remained ridiculously humble. Word got around about him being a wonderful young man and I could positively say he is so much more up close. Jungkook is ridiculously handsome that’s a given already, but his personality was the real deal-maker. He reminds me of a dark stormy thundery night where I cover myself with my favourite warm fluffy blanket starring out of the window a rich flavored hot chocolate in hand.
In general, I quite enjoy working at the company’s principled environment. Don’t get me wrong, nothing in this world is rainbows and butterflies, but overall, I can confidently say that it’s been a mainly positive experience. Thankfully, the department I am in is assembled by kind, funny people who like to get things done. There hasn’t been a day were I regretted coming here. As for my daily duties as an assistant, working for Jungkook meant keeping up with his appointments, helping him with anything at anytime, managing his schedule, making sure it matches with the other guys' and so much more. I was required to work around the clock and as a single independent woman in her late twenties who was trying to figure out the world around her that didn’t sound like such a bad idea, though I digress. Essentially, I was one of the employees responsible for pretty much anything and everything he needed. Our department was at his disposal 24/7 running around, living that busy life.
That's until the pandemic struck. That was the first time I thought to myself that this might be nature’s valiant plan to get back what man so forcefully took from her. Suddenly, everything was canceled; life got put on a hold. My dearest supervisor, Jungkook's manager, had to stay at home because he had kids. In fact, a lot of people had to stay at home. Abruptly, days became weeks and weeks became months. The desperation and frustration we were feeling was like nothing else ever experienced. Truthfully, it felt like something had been stolen from us and we could never get it back. In this manner, when the gears finally started grinding again I was assigned to be the on-site manager for Jungkook. That meant being in direct contact with him more so than before and of course, being responsible for a ton of other obligations.  
Not going to lie, the first months were slightly awkward for both of us and understandably so. We both were used to very different working arrangements. I might have been working behind the scenes before, but now I had to step into the spotlight becoming his own personal shadow, and I am sure he wasn’t really comfortable with that. Taken into account the current situation everyone looked like a volcano ready to erupt.  
Once, I happened to accidentally step in a not so common incident; maybe it was a circumstance I wasn’t supposed to witness. He was on the phone at the time, when I saw him. That’s why I decided it was best if I stayed behind the half closed door of the studio. I couldn’t hear what he was saying and it was none of my business after all, but I could tell by the minute I laid my eyes on him that something was wrong. Something had been bothering him; irritation written all over his face. He was pacing back and forth, phone still on his ear. He was clenching his fist so hard I wondered if his nails cut into his skin. He was breathing heavily, almost as if he would burst and his muscles grew tense.  
Then, in an instant, it seemed that the call ended and as he was putting the phone in his pocket he slammed his fists down onto the table a loud bang echoing in the room. After some consideration, I knocked on the door to make my presence known and he sharply looked at me. Without having the chance to say anything to him he let out a loud growl and left the room leaving me dumbfounded and unaware by the door. Soon after that, he apologized for the way he acted confessing that he had an unfortunate falling out with one of his closest friends and at the time he couldn’t process what was happening. I would never forget that day. It was the day I came across a not so familiar side to him.
From that day forward, things miraculously became easier and Jungkook was way more relaxed around my presence, we joked around often and he even texted me to ask about a variety of things outside of regular working hours. We managed to develop a teasing relationship full of endless borderline flirtatious banter. He had this other side to him that only a selected few got the chance to know. Jeon Jungkook was indeed a comforting raging night, but he was also an infuriating playful mischievous brat when he wanted to be. This in all honesty, made him a hundred times more irresistible in my eyes.
Life was going on smoothly until Jungkook decided that taking after midnight trips to the gym was perfectly acceptable, insisting that I escort him instead of his bodyguard. I cursed every single time but I went anyway. Forty-five minutes after midnight he was lifting weights, unbothered. Taking secret short glances towards him I contemplated what I had done in my previous life to deserve this torment. Don’t get me wrong, I couldn’t care less about the late hour, but to have this view in front of my eyes was causing me both mental and physical pain. The guy was clearly sculpted by the gods. With his broad chest, muscular arms and thick thighs he could have anyone he ever wanted. He even sported an hourglass figure; He is insanely unreal. That’s the main reason why I decided to sit there preoccupied with a silly game on my phone to kill time until the suffering ended. I was barely hanging from a string at the verge of blowing off the barrier between my personal and professional life.
Out of the blue, with a loud grunt, he dropped the weights, drawing me out of my contemplation. He looked annoyed for whatever reason. He tried his best to seem nonchalant but it was obvious, in his beautiful stern eyes. Could he be craving for an audience? Abandoning every rational thought I had, I put my phone away, looked in his direction as I got up to get water. I smirked at his clear annoyance. Surely, we weren't supposed to interact with the artists this way but I am cranky and sleepy, and for the first time ever, he was being kind of an ass to me. Was I perhaps the reason behind his sudden personality change? The thought kept floating at the back of my mind.  
This kept going on for about three weeks or so and I gave him nothing. His annoyance prominent in his expression, more and more as the weeks went by. He was hot but I am sure all he had been seeking was an audience given that he missed it, or so I thought. Thursday evening rolls around and I was particularly iffy tonight ‘because I was extremely frustrated, sexually. This one was making my situation worse, sporting a tight black tank top and skinny grey sweatpants which made him look like a treat. He could easily pass for a bodyguard with those broad well-built shoulders. As my eyes scanned his body I realized this was the first time his tatted sleeve was on display. I couldn’t help but let my eyes wander. By the time I was done his eyes were already fixed on mine and I turned away immediately, embarrassment written all over my face.  
Seeking solace in the women’s bathroom I tried to extinguish this ravenous yearning. The feeling of cold water did nothing to help the burning desire that was building inside me. Without warning, a knock at the door was heard, his sweet angelic voice following "Are you okay?" he asked, the remnants of a smirk could be heard still. "Jungkook you cannot be here, I am okay. I'll be out in a minute." I exclaimed, as calm as I could. "It's been ten minutes. I can't continue unless you're there." He insisted, I heard him chuckle after that.
With that, it was now or never, I pushed the door’s handle and made my way outside rolling my eyes in the process and he caught that, quickly moving closer, clearly annoyed, jaw clenched, eyes taking in my features, making him look not quite intimidating but definitely interesting. No, it was my mistake. Not just interesting, he looked ravishing. "As I said, I'll be out in a minute. Then you can finish up" I argued. But he didn't budge, moving even closer, if that was even possible, he was almost a breath away. "I don't feel like working out anymore" he declared like a child whose toy was taken away from him. As if I chose to play heads or tails with my career, I poked the beast further, "What is it that you want to do then?" I asked making sure he heard the annoyance in my tone. Coming even closer, to the point where he was completely pressed up against me, "You" he uttered calmly yet authoritatively. Before I could process what he had just said his soft lips crushed mine with a vengeance, thirsty. Pulling my lip with his teeth, he kept planting kisses from my lips to my jaw trailing down to my neck and décolletage; a surprised panting left my lips.  
It felt as if I had involuntarily awakened this beastly hunger within him. His kisses insatiable and his touch was possessive, "I've been thinking about this for so long" he confessed as he took my hoodie off. "Sitting there, not giving a word let alone a glimpse. If you think this is off-limits you're wrong" he growled pointing at himself. "I can guarantee that once we're done here you definitely won't be able to look at me, ever." As he said all that, he managed to get me in a compromising position against the sink, his slim waist in between my legs. He kept my gaze as he lowered his head between my thighs. Little shit kept giving me hickeys on the soft flesh of my inner thighs, so close to my now dripping core. He enjoyed tormenting me and it showed. I was helpless but oh, God was all of this hot. He licked a stripe over my soaked panties, "Oh baby, you smell delicious" and with one hand he took off my underwear completely.
He sank in my folds, letting a guttural moan that I felt vibrating through my core. Not being able to think about what was happening I let myself indulge in my carnal desire my hands tangled in between his luscious hair.  
He loved food and I've watched him eat before, but this must be one of his favorites ‘cause he was doing his best not to let a drop go to waste; he acted like a man starved. His hands held me in place, thankfully, ‘cause everything was too much; nothing could stop me from shaking, feeling everything deep in my core, he was too much. He just had to be good at everything. He kept a torturous tempo, from sucking my clit to his sinful tongue penetrating me, and as tears gathered around my eyes he decided to add his slender fingers in bringing me closer to heaven than I've ever been. "That's it baby, let go. Let go for me" he exhaled and just like that I had the most intense climax. My limbs felt numb, my whole body felt like rubber.  
Before I could register what was happening he was back at it, sucking my over stimulated clit, my thighs unconsciously closing around his head as oversensitivity hit. "One more, please, come on baby, you can do it" he begged. He kept pumping his fingers while sucking my clit, as if it was his only goal in life. My screams muffled through my own hand clamped on my mouth as I reached my high for a second time that night. I felt it take over me with such intensity I didn't register what had happened. He emerged from between my thighs, soaked from me squirting and with a proud look on his face he declared "Now I look like I had the workout of a lifetime".  
He helped me get dressed and pulled me close for a soft peck. He must have noticed my concerned look because he wrapped his arms around me in a warm hug and said "Don't be scared about this, we can work it out. I really like you and I'd like you to stick around". Starring into his eyes, I nodded and he pulled me close for the sweetest kiss, trying to tame my bewildered hair. He helped me get dressed and got out the door first to make sure that no one was around. I waited for a moment and then I got a text.  
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shortyisweird9 · 4 years
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'Lonely ghost serie'
An interesting night- part II
Tw⚠️: swearing
Corpse stretched as he set up his work station, Pewds was starting another live stream and invited him on and since sleep won't show up anytime soon, he hopped on without much thinking.
He smiled when his friends started to greet each other and him.
"Guys, you saw the video I send you ,right?" Lily asked.
"Yeah but I couldn't get in touch with ghost ,her friend was kind to let me know she might not feel comfortable doing a livestream with complete strangers. "Jack said as the others puffed in disappointment.
"That sucks. I wanted to see if she could have kill us all." Grease spoke as he opens a can of soda.
"You wanted to be killed by her?!"
They laughed as Grease quickly defended himself.
"Hey-Hey, to be killed by someone with that skill is a privilege."
"Simp." Jason concluded.
Their laughter ran wilde as Grease again began to shout.
"Yes, Rae?"
"You been quiet. Something's wrong?"
"Whenever you are ready." She simply said, confusing them.
"W-What? Lily are you okay-"
It was her.
"Oh my god..."
"HOW but Jack said-"
"Guys ,guys ,please don't overwhelm." Lily again said, calming the both parties.
"Right ,sorry. Anyway, top of morning to yah ,ghost."
He could hear her swallowing her nerves before she cleared her voice, tingles ran down his back when the Reaper like tune hit his headphones.
"Hello!...This is awkward. Sorry."
They giggled with her as she moved in her chair.
"Ghost? "
"Your friend said you will not feel comfortable enough to join us today."
"Well, it's raining so that puts me at ease and your friend, Lily, was very convincing on bring me here."
"*giggle* I just showed you picture of my friends' pets."
"...As I said before, very convincing."
They always laughed especially when the stranger proved to be funny enough to bring that chuckle out of them.
"So ready to rock?"
"Let's roll."
The match was entertaining with couple of close calls, too close for your liking. Corpse was on you the entire time so to pay him for his diligence, you killed him first as he struggled to swipe that damn key card.
Then Jason, then Jack, Rae proved to be a bit harder to kill but you got her in O2, Lily was easy, Sykkuno was all confuse as he watched the crewmates die with him doing nothing, Pewds and Mark were a game of venting and killing swiftly. Speed was the key of your success of killing them all.
You could see they have their microphones on but no one said a thing.
The mischievous smirk that was plastered on your face grew when sounds of confusion came from Jack. Always the loud ones reveal the most.
"What the fuck?"
"I literally didn't have time to even kill any of you. Ghost came in like: slash ,slash, kill,kill."
You finally cracked at the ridiculous sounds Sykkuno made, a poor imitation of the sabers from Star wars.
He heard your laugh, he like the sound of it , the easiness and the innocence it held even though you killed all of them without mercy. What he didn't know if he liked was the stirring in his stomach cause by it. The tightness in his breath, the long smile and the bouncing of his legs as a result of hearing it.
He just shook his curls before paying attention to the group again, you were being put in the spotlight, something he cringed at as he recalled the painful experiences he had while being put under light.
"So, ghost?"
"Yes ,Jason?"
A whine came from the man known now as a simp for deep voices. You giggled, shaking your head and screaming when the black pair of headphones fell down your lap. Luckily you had the mic muted. That will be embarrassing...
You fixed your long hair, putting it behind your ears careful to not tug on your fresh piercings , your headphones back on the top ,you dived right back.
"Can you tell us about yourself?"
"Hmm..what do you want to know?"
You heard him sucking in a breath and to be honest you couldn't blame him, the voice was hot.
"Um ...anything. "
You giggled half embarrassed, half amusement by the pitch his voice turned to ,excited to hear whatever you may answer.
"Oh,okay. Um...My piercings hurt. My right leg is bouncing like crazy and um...I crave jelly candy."
"Yeah, my pal just did on my right three helix piercings: forward, mid and low. Plus the industrial on my left ear iches a bit."
"Oh, I am sorry."
"Nothing to be sorry about, Jas. Thanks for asking by the way."
"Oh, don't worry. Do you have any others?"
"Um..yeah. On the right ear ,I have..um. helix , flat, rook and upper. Left ahh..industrial,helix and orbital."
"Wow, th-that's a lot."
"Hah, I just told you about my ears."
A choke cane from him ,probably he was drinking something. It had ice though, you could hear the ice hitting the metal of the glass.
The man started to choke and cough ,making you and the others who listened patiently on your convo worried.
"Easy there ,mate."
"Jay, you good?"
"Easy there ,buddy."
"I-I'm *cough* I am fine. You have MORE?!"
"Yeah ,three on the upper part of my right eyebrow and a ring on the left one."
"Jesus. " He said, calming himself at last.
"Yeah,*giggle*. I also plan to slit my tongue in two."
"Oh, yeah cool.WHAT?!"
The next game you were imposter again but this time Corpse was your sidekick. Or were you his?
Anyway, you decided to let him do more of the killing,believe it or not , you weren't the blood thirsty monster the chat thought of you, all in a joking manner of course. Sabotage and let Corpse do his Kiss of death. Seeing couple of his streams ,you hoped he wasn't too nervous.
"Alright guys, ghost is imposter with us so this time I have to be more careful. They will probably suspect her to be imposter again . Sorry I can't see your message, I need to concentrate on this."
Proving his theory , ghost just sabotaged as she did fake tasks, being a guardian of Lily as he killed so far Mark and Toast.
"W-Where was the body?" His voice came of a bit more nervous then usual.
"In the nav." Dave answered.
"You good ,Corpse?"
He heard you ask ,you were more observant than the others who either lost themselves in the safety feeling of the match or the euphoria of the game, you always pointed suspicious behaviours of the others when they accused him of being imposter. He liked that, gave him time to calm his raging heart.
"Y-Yeah..*cough* I mean yeah, I am good. H-How about you?"
He didn't even want to catch a glimpse of the chat ,having a hunch of what they may be inferring.
"You seem shaky, Corpse. Something happened?"
He didn't needed to see Sean's face to know it will matched a lenny one. Finding an excuse so he is spared of the teasing and/or the allegations he is imposter, is a must.
"Yeah, I am just...ah...freezing. It's cold here. Brr. Brr."
They laughed at his poor attempt to sound like a freezing popsicle, your laugh put him more at ease. He knew however that his attempt of shifting the suspension failed, too bad he wanted to play more with you. I guess the roles are switching.
"He sound sus ,guys. Should we vote him out?"
"Wow, Lily. Thanks."
The girl giggling only stopped when you started speaking.
"He's not sus, guys. He's just a dork ,a stick with crippling anxiety and honestly same."
God, he wished he could fist bump you right now.
"More like a branch but who we voting then?" Sean asked.
Felix sealed his faith however. Your work only left him flustered and with a derpy smile , his honour lost in the vacuum space.
...............CORPSE was ejected.............
"Well shit. Anyway ,guys. Let me see what you been talking about? And I better not see any 'SIMP' comments. "
"How?! How the fuck?! You tricked me!" Lily screamed at you for your betrayal.
"Wow, so now I have big trust issues with ghost." Grease announced.
"Deep mommy, no." Jason said ,bringing a laugh out of you for the thousand of time.
You started to like this guy, he and Corpse will be spared next time you are imposter.
"Sorry ,guys-"
"Who told you,you are allowed to do that?" Pewds shouted at you in a heated but not menacing tone.
"You didn't let me finish."
You took a sip out of your ice tea.
"RIP to ya'll but I am different. Not my fault the only guy I take advices from is Doomguy. And as the legend would say: Rip and tear."
You lowered your mic as they screamed in disbelief ,Corpse didn't said anything however. You were curious as to why?
"Yeah ,baby?"
Woah. That caught you out of guard. Like the warmth in your olive cheeks and the deliciously painful and frightening feeling of twisting in your stomach.
You blinked, no words head's empty.
"Oh, shit. Sorry, ghost. I didn't meant to make you feel weird."
"No,no. I am good. Ey, Jas?"
"Yes ,hun?"
"Do you take applications for your Corpse fan club?"
Jesus, what is this night even?
Hey, guys!💖
Hope you enjoyed the second part of the serie.
Anyway have a nice day/night!🌙🌌
Tagged 💖💖: @moolujk
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