staryarn · 10 months
This is so random but do you have the full image of the Ishmael CG from your pfp? The quality is so good and I’ve been searching for it
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(All 4.5 cgs)
(Ishmael icon)
Bonus: all cgs in game so far
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harunayuuka2060 · 5 months
*In the first years' groupchat*
Ace: @Ortho I don't see MC around. Are they with Idia-senpai?
Ortho: Yes!
Epel: Come on, Ace. They're a couple. Of course, they are always together.
Ace: 🙄 I'm asking because normally, I would see MC sparring with Silver-senpai.
Deuce: Now that you have mentioned it, Schoenheit-senpai and Hunt-senpai didn't see them either.
Deuce: They were looking for them to ask if they were interested in starring in a movie.
Epel: MC would surely say no. That would be too much for them.
Ace: True.
Ortho: I'm really sorry for that. Idia has a fever and MC is taking care of him.
Ace: ...
Deuce: ...
Epel: ...
Ace: Ortho~? 😏
Epel: 😏
Deuce: ...
Deuce: This is why Jack doesn't want to be active in this groupchat.
Ace: He can ghost us like Sebek and we don't give a damn. Right, @Epel?
Epel: 😎 Yeah.
Deuce: 🤦‍♂️
Ortho: So... Do you want to see them right now?
Ace: Yes, please! Thank you! 😘
Deuce: 🤮
*Ortho started a group video call.*
MC: *cuddling Idia*
Idia: I want to play games...
MC: You can't even touch your phone without dropping it.
Idia: I swear I'm not this clumsy.
MC: Hm...
MC: Idia? Is it okay if I tie your hair up?
Idia: Yeah. Do whatever.
MC: *puts his hair up in a messy bun*
*In the groupchat*
Ace: Screenshot that! SCREENSHOT THAT!
Ortho: Deuce?
Deuce: Sorry. I couldn't help myself.
Ace: See, Deuce? You'll be simping too.
Deuce: Shut up. 😑
Epel: XD
Ortho: 😊
Idia: Ugh... I hate this fever. I wish there was a quick fix to it.
Ortho: I heard that a kiss on the forehead works for someone who has a fever.
Idia: ...
Idia: Where did you get that data, Ortho?
Ortho: From somewhere. *giggles*
Idia: ...
Idia: What do you think, bestie?
MC: Well, there's no harm in trying.
Idia: Oh.
Idia: ...
MC: ...
MC: Oh, sorry. I was waiting for your permission. Is it good to do it right now?
Idia: ...
Idia: *exe. has stopped working*
Ortho: *sigh*
MC: Idia? Have you fainted?
*In Heartslabyul dorm*
Ace: *has printed the scene where MC put Idia's hair in a messy bun, framed it, and placed it on a wall*
Trey: ...
Cater: ...
Riddle: ...
Trey: *smiles* Ace?
Ace: Yes, Trey-senpai?
Trey: No pastries for you.
Ace: What?!
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Buck & Eddie: Season 7 - Is that Buck?
The debate over who Eddie’s talking to in this picture has begun but let's take a closer look shall we?
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There appears to be some debate over whether that's Buck in the picture with Eddie that TM (showrunner) released at dark o'clock last night/this morning (depending on your time zone) and it's all because of that ugly shirt he's wearing. Well, I took a screenshot of the shirt he wore at the end of 6x18 to test my theory and it was just like I remembered, HIDEOUS!
The shirt debate piqued my curiosity and I researched it to test my theory regarding Buck’s clothes that started in 6A and went into 6B after 6x4, 6x7, 6x11 and 6x18 aired.
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Full Disclosure: I had to access 6×18 to get this screenshot but I didn't want to because after Season 6 ended, I said I would never watch any of the episodes that aired after 6x13 again. I haven't, I didn't and I won't but I did fast-forward to the end of it so I wouldn't have to see anyone but Buck and I captured it to show the ugly shirt he wore to the hospital. It's HIDEOUS too.
Why is his shirt important?
Well, it's important because Buck’s wardrobe has drastically changed since season 5.
After I saw the pants he was wearing in 6x4, the shirt he wore at the end of 6x7, the outfit he had on in his coma dream in 6x11 and the shirt he wore at the end of 6x18, I wondered what happened to Buck’s wardrobe. I'm not sure why they keep putting him in these types of clothes, especially since Buck’s ALWAYS cared about his appearance. In the past, his clothes were expensive and they fit him nicely but in Season 6, most of them were ill fitting and a lot of times either his shirts were too little and/or his pants were ankle beaters or they were just not the kind of clothes he would wear.
In 6x4 he was wearing ankle beaters when he went to Hen and Karen's house.
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In 6x7 his shirt was too little when he went to go donate his sperm.
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In 6x11 he was wearing that awful imitation of Fred's outfit from the Scooby-Doo cartoon.
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Initially, I thought the size of Buck’s clothes had something to do with OS's muscular build since he definitely toned up and his muscles were huge at the beginning of Season 6. Then after I remembered how lackluster the season's opening emergency was (the 9 minute long blimp emergency 🙄), I thought maybe the show was low on money or something and they couldn't afford to give the wardrobe department a sufficient budget.
But now I believe there's more to it than that since it APPEARS TO BE INTENTIONAL. I don't know why and I'm not speculating but there's a reason Buck’s not dressing like he used to. It seems like the only time his clothes fit PROPERLY is when he's with Eddie🤪😜.
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We know the wardrobe department has the money it takes to properly clothe the main cast because all the other main characters' wardrobes didn't change so what gives?
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Anyway, my point is, IIRC, Eddie has never touched Bobby's shoulder like that but he has touched Buck’s (in 3x3). Is that Buck wearing that ugly ass shirt in the picture TM released from Season 7? Probably since he wore one in 6x18 and his clothes have been less than stellar for the last few months but who knows?
What is really happening with Buck’s clothes?
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modelbus · 2 years
Face ID
MCYT's included: (all CC!) Dream, Wilbur, Tommy, Sapnap, George, Ranboo
Having face ID in their phones
He actually suggested to you that you could be his alternate face ID, and you had thought he was joking. He wasn't.
He was really casual about it too.
You had grabbed his phone for something when he brought it up, so you did it immediately when he asked.
"If you want, you can put yourself as the alternate face ID. It'll save you time." "Are you sure?" "Yeah, why wouldn't I be?"
After that you definitely get asked to do stuff on his phone for him all the time. He's just a little lazy, okay?
More often than not you'd be the one replying to his messages for him, to the point where all his contacts recognized your different typing style.
He's just a little nervous to ask but does so anyways. When you say you'd be honored to be his alternate, he smiles so big.
"What do you think about being the alternate on my face ID? So you can unlock it?" "I'd be honored, Wil."
Unlike Dream he doesn't use you, but he's so bad at replying to messages that you do it for him (with permission).
You also fix his mess of a calendar, because come on.
His phone background was of you two always, but the photo changed, and you always loved to see the new one.
He 100% only changes it to watch your reaction though.
You don't even know when your face was put into his phone, but you have a suspicion that he did it when you were sleeping once.
He asked you to do something on his phone for him quickly, hiding his evil grin, and waited for you to notice his home background.
"What the fuck is that?!" "That is the greatest thing ever created." "Is your background seriously sexy Shrek?!"
It turns into a game of his to have you open his phone only to reveal a new horror of a background.
Sometimes he will genuinely ask you to do something for him though, so you never quite know if he's trying to scare you or not.
As retribution you sometimes post tweets from his Twitter.
No matter how many times you remove yourself from his face ID as to end your suffering, you always end up on there again.
This man doesn't even give you a chance to say no. He's just instructing you to put your face in as his ID and leaving zero room for argument.
The sight you're greeted with fills you with absolute disgust though, so it quickly becomes a habit of yours to help him clean his phone.
Seriously, 23 mobile games?
"Do you even play Candy Crush?" "Candy what?" "...Right, deleting that one. What about Merge Mansion?"
He's another one you use your power to post tweets. They're mostly harmless jokes that the fanbase loves though.
Sapnap doesn't care what you do with his phone as long as you don't unpin Dream from his pinned messages. Apparently it's some sort of bromance thing.
Dream is the one who gives him the idea when the entire Dream Team is on a discord call. He was talking about how Sapnap is his alternate when George turns to you.
"You could be my alternate. I don't care."
It was so obvious he did care, shifting uncomfortably in his chair. In the end your face gets added.
He slowly starts asking you to do stuff for him when you're closer to his phone than he is until you're able to grab his phone and check the time without either of you batting an eye.
His phone is so sparse and neatly organized, but you kind of like it. Either way you still screenshot it and send them to yourself to post on Twitter later.
There is no touching his social medias, absolutely not. His phone is very important and private to him, so it's a big deal you have access to it in the first place.
You both steal each other's phones and add yourselves just to have access for a social media prank war. His height definitely aids him which is very unfair.
After the war ends neither of you remove each other, so occasionally you post tweets just to watch the fandom explode, which you both find hilarious.
"Did you see what you tweeted last night?" "Did you see what you tweeted?" "...Uh oh."
Then there's the background war of which you compete to find each other the best background of each other you possibly can, which goes absolutely horribly.
If you aren't using each other's phones for war, you're really just checking the Dream SMP discord or something basic like that.
He feels too bad asking you to do stuff for him on his phone despite the fact that you assure him you don't care.
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fand0mh03 · 1 year
Hey love, being your fan (literally, your sense of humor is everything)), I have a request) Your headcanons for kai Anderson a mix of smut and romantic was so funny, can you do something like that for Tate? ❤️
Tate Langdon romantic and nsfw headcannons
Hi loves! Thank you for your kind words, and I’m sorry this took so long! I inserted a screenshot of the other request due to it being requested twice, I wanted to make sure that the other anon didn’t think I was ignoring them!
TW: a lot of sex, denial of orgasams, head, mentions of suicide
Listening to nirvana
Playing card games
Flipping through magazines and then switching with each other after you’re done reading them
He’s the little spoon. Prove me wrong
Protecting you from the ghosts of the house
I have a feeling violet wouldn’t be annoyed at you, at first at least, because she would warn you about Tate, telling you what he did, and advising for you to get out of the house
She would be annoyed and not care anymore when you stay anyways
She would low-key think you’re a dumb hoe
Tate would definitely confide in you about his mommy issues
I have a feeling you would hate constance because of what he tells you
He would always want you to play with his hair, allowing you to put tiny braids in it if you wanted to
He is very VERY clingy
This man would cling to you and not let go ever
He would always want to be touched by you, and would never want you to leave him for school or work
I think if the relationship becomes serious enough, you might kill yourself so you’re able to stay with him forever
I could see this going two ways
Either he would support you if that’s what you wanted, and wouldn’t have a problem with it
Or he would go into panic mode and tell you not to do it
I’m not sure, since with the thing with violet, but I feel like he’d be open to it if you wanted to?
He would watch you sleep
Going to start this off with the obvious- Tate is a sub. Bro is a bottom if I have ever fucking seen one
He tries to deny it, and he does a good job at faking being all dominant and shit, until you come along, and then he bends at your will
Hair pulling kink, he fucking loves when you pull on his hair
This might be controversial, but I feel like he has a bit of a spit kink
I just get that sorta vibe from him
Rubber suit kink? Bro would totally wear it just for you to take off
He would totally have an edging kink too. Like you tease him but don’t let him cum, that would make him go crazy
When you’re in the shower he would go invisible and just watch you bathe while jerking off
He loves when you wear lingerie and he would beg for you to put on “fashion shows” for him
He would be really into neck kissing; both receiving and giving
Tate would leave hickeys going from your jaw to your stomach, which he would enjoy doing so much
He loves loves loves when you give him hickeys
Can ghosts get hickeys?
Assuming they can receive hickeys, then he would love to get them
This asshole would wear sweaters that show his neck when you leave them on him
He loves to show off the marks you leave on him, such as hickeys and bite marks
He loves kissing you
Like he would kiss you for hours on end if he could
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accirax · 5 days
initial thoughts on DCAS episode 11
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oh my god
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i had already guessed that Alec was lying (much like Jake did), but this was a really nice explanatory touch! Alec and Riya's friendship is, as usual, one of the season highlights for me.
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would've been a lot more interesting if the campers could have chosen their own partners in one way or another, imo, but that would definitely eat up a lot of time in an already packed episode. plus, some pairings (like Connor and Riya) probably couldn't have happened this way, given how Riya wound up reacting to Connor.
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"alright Fiore, here's how we prevent you from going home this week," one could say.
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i was SO worried that Alec was going to have another confessional at some point being like "lol i was testing my acting skills on Fiore too" but he DIDN'T. which means this is CANON. THE ADOPTION IS BACK ON!!!!!!!!
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okay, i actually love the decision to pair Hunter and Grett together here. both of them are the "very flawed but kinda mistreated partner of their appearances-obsessed date," so it makes sense that Hunter could give Grett a good perspective on this. also, is it just me, or did they rework Hunter's personality in this episode to be more like S2? i liked it.
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i'm going to put every Fiore and Alec moment in this post and you can't stop me. i am initially thinking about them.
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"joke's on you fucker i didn't teach her literally any of this. she's just built different."
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as much as i enjoy Alec appreciating his daughter's sass, this does seem like a pretty radical heel turn from "i only voted Connor out of this game because it was what was best for him." i guess maybe spending time with Riya and the other villains has caused Alec to fall further off the deep end/forget about Connor's genuinely nice qualities...? or it's inconsistency between different writers, who knows.
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i am 0% a jul(?) shipper, but, damn, the jul shippers were eating well this episode.
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Yul is such an interesting little guy.
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James flexing his character arc, we love to see it.
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society..... it's becoming more utopian........
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see, this is why i didn't think Tess would be the one to return to the game.
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Aiden is such a hater, i love him. but, overall, i agree with Lake. we're definitely sowing the seeds for a Jake redemption(/winner?) arc and a heroes' reunion.
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Riya, finally finishing what she started in S2 of making the gays fall off cliffs.
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villains are so fun. i love villains.
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ooh, nice callback.
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this is an objectively funny screenshot. why does Alec yell like that
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what a surprising outcome! (/s /lh)
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:,) <3
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i wish Aiden and James had more of an opportunity to talk during this episode :/ it's fine, though-- i think that James and Lake's characters were used more effectively this way.
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they're getting back together after this trust me guys i'm disventure camp
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they truly are family now. i love it.
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"not that bad" is a weird way to describe your would-be crush.
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this will be a fun scene! idk which episode "Saturday" will be, though. both because idk how many days will pass in any given episode and also bc i don't recall which day today is in canon.
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i do wonder what evil Gabby is doing here. i guess maybe it'll just be the side of Gabby that wants to run with the villains alliance for power vs the side that wants to follow Ellie's advice? that seems kind of weird. maybe it'll be more like the side that wants to go mad with power on the revenge quest vs Gabby's more rational and strategic side? either way, strange cliffhanger.
can't we just have everyone here... always... all the time...? no? okay :( well, it was still really nice to get the whole gang back together for this episode. i'll look forward to seeing them again in the finale.
and, hey, Connor's back in the game now! and he can't be eliminated next episode, at least. are there going to be three players with immunity...? that could get spicy. we'll see how the heroes and villains smack down when the next real elimination rolls around. back up to ten to nine again... see you next time!
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sonkitty · 19 days
Crowley S2 Hair Post #48
(For reference: The Sideburns Scheme)
Crowley, Good Omens 2, Episode 3, I Know Where I'm Going, with
Sideburns Check
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The above image is brightened. The sideburns are long. Again, I would even go so far as to say they can go in the longest-length category. That's typical for being in Gabriel's presence without humans around.
Gabriel is the supernatural presence that affects the sideburns in such a way for most of the present day story.
Brighter Red Streak Check
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As is often the case with Gabriel's presence, the streak can be found more easily in this scene.
Hairstyle Changes
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Given the lighting, Crowley's hair looks darker here. The hair in front curls in, up, and back. In the previous scene, the hair near the part curled in, and the front top hair went up and tilted to Crowley's right. In these particular chosen screenshots, the more saturated red streak is more clearly defined with the darker hair.
Earthly Objects
(For reference: Earthly Objects | Earthly Objects Study - Windows Part 1)
Crowley is already holding some books in front of his tie, like earlier. He has re-manifested his jacket back on. The books he is holding are showing their back bindings. They were reversed earlier.
Crowley looks at Gabriel as if to ensure he, Gabriel is touching an earthly object and/or sitting down before Crowley moves to answer the phone.
Crowley touches the phone and names the bookshop.
For paying attention to the pockets...
Gabriel's hands are making two pockets, one bigger and one smaller.
Crowley's Tied Hands probably retie. Why do they even need to retie? Did something in the minisode happen to require it? If so, my best guess is Crowley making himself bigger since he used his hands as part of the process, followed by my next bet guess that the minisodes require it if Crowley's next present day scene has him standing.
Also, the book-throwing may again be related to whatever absurdity is happening with the retying here. I still feel bad seeing them thrown around like that.
Crowley does get lights directly above his head and some to the left though these lights are smaller and more blurry than is often the case for the more understood Overhead Lights.
Along the way of answering the phone, Crowley makes pockets with his body and even gets pockets of light on his face when looking toward the window. Such pockets include the phone.
Because I analyze this game to the extent that I do, some of Crowley's excitement seems to come from not just seeing Maggie approach Nina but that Nina has both her hands in her apron pockets.
Crowley hanging up the phone allows him to place himself at the threshold for the window look. The next present day scene is going to be a very special windows sequence he does for the game.
A window look threshold in Earthly Objects has the character looking at the window without a visible earthly object touch on screen when they look. Presumably with the special circumstances of the phone, Crowley is allowed to reset and pause at this threshold for his upcoming sequence.
Gabriel has no lines in this scene. He is referred to only by the name "Gabriel" twice from Aziraphale on the phone. He is not referred to by the name "Jim," and Crowley does not say either name himself.
Story Commentary
As a general reminder, my sideburns theory goes that Crowley and Aziraphale are borrowing each other's homes to form a special connection.
They are in a phase of doing such a thing at this point the story.
Crowley remotely contacted Aziraphale earlier this episode during Aziraphale's drive.
This time, Aziraphale remotely contacted Crowley.
I've assumed that's one of the steps in the overall process to make this connection happen.
Admittedly, Crowley looked worried before answering and relieved when he did answer.
Another thing I think is relevant is that Aziraphale said "our car" when he proposed near the end of episode 2.
Here, Crowley says "we" twice in representing the bookshop as he answers the phone.
So, now each one of them has verbally claimed their borrowed space as a shared space within this present day story.
That's it for this post. Sometimes I edit my posts, FYI.
Main post:
The Sideburns Scheme
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adobe-outdesign · 1 year
May I request a Xerneas/Yveltal review ? Those two are among my favourite "game mascot" legendaries (too bad that X and Y weren't really interested in building a plot that would have done them justice)... Alternatively, I was thinking about the Talonflame line. (I've also been in quite a Spheal mood as of late, yet I couldn't find a review of the line on your blog, which feels a little odd, I must say...)
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Xerneas is pretty neat looking, and my personal preference between these two. Conceptually, it represents life itself—kind of an abstract theme, but they did a good job getting the point across. It also arguably takes some influence from the deer that fed on Yggdrasil, what with it up and turning into a tree now and again (with the antlers becoming branches, which is a nice touch).
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I like how it's kind of a deer, but also has a lot of uncharacteristic elements, like a canine-ish tail, pointed feet that remind me of Arceus a bit, and antlers that bleed right into the head without a clear division between the two. It gives it a very powerful, somewhat unearthly look that's befitting of a creature representing life itself.
Visually, the multi-colored antlers are the focus point of the design and stand out nicely. The light yellow accents on the body also create a sense of upward flow that's also reflected in its blue collar, antler shape, and tail. While the antlers are somewhat complicated, they're not hard to read; beyond that, the design is pleasantly simple and clean.
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My only nitpick is that it has these random colored speckles on its back that don't add anything and kind of take away from the antlers. They're not even present in its neutral mode either, making them feel all the more like an afterthought.
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Speaking of which, it also has a neutral mode. I like it when legendaries don't have a bunch of different forms, so it's nice that it's the exact same design, just with slightly simplified antlers and a different accent color. The active form looks better—the yellow compliments the blue much better than this more monotone look does—but it does get across a "inactive" feeling well enough.
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There's also Yveltal, which integrates its letter considerably better than Xerneas does. The tail-hand thing it has is pretty cool, and the intense red-and-black color scheme certainly makes it look ominous and like a creature that Literally Kills Everything when it dies.
My only issue with its design, and the reason I like Xerneas a bit more, is that it feels a bit too busy and visually messy—it takes a while to figure out what's actually going on with it. This is because its vein-like markings don't really break the body apart, and actually make the design more busy instead.
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This is especially apparent in the head, as while the chest line suggests it should go straight up under the chin, it suddenly reappears past the mane in a different spot, and then gets lost among four (4) pairs of black horns. It's not too bad, especially when it's posed more like the above screenshot, but it does cause the details to get a bit lost. Other than that, however, it's pretty solid.
(Actually, come to think of it, Yveltal looks better in like literally any other pose that isn't the one in the official art. I think it's both of a combo of it looking more bird-like and its head reading clearer when it's not right against the wings).
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Anyway, overall, these two are good legendaries—they're not too overly complex in concept, they don't have 200 forms, they're not overworked and overly busy, etc. They're just powerful, cool looking creatures that convey their themes nicely.
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katapotato55 · 1 year
Deltarune theory: Kris, Noelle, and Ralsei (Kris may not hate Ralsei THAT much) and other misc theories.
obviously spoilers for Deltarune up to chapter 2 and some of the Spamton sweepstakes. play the game it's free on steam. also this is a little bit long and contains a lot of screenshots. Not a huge amount of text walls I am just crazy. more info after the cut.
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(credit to the deltarune wiki for these screenshots) So a common theory is that the health gained from the tea represents how close emotionally characters are to each other. If a character does not know someone else, the tea appears as nothing, such as Noelle having no reaction to the Ralsei tea, since at that point in the game they never met. People often use this as an implication that Kris does not like ralsei very much. but here is the thing that gets me:
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Kris seems to get damn near the same amount of HP from Noelle as they do Ralsei. and that is confusing... because aren't they supposed to be childhood friends? meanwhile Susie used to bully Kris as implied by the Spamton sweepstakes... and yet Susie's tea gives Kris the MOST health out of all of them. not to mention Noelle seems to share the same amount of health return, but doesn't hate the tea either. What on earth is going on here?
The Theory (s?)
The unfun theory: The health means absolutely nothing. Personally I don't like this theory if you couldn't tell already. The spicy friendship theory: Kris doesn't hate Ralsei THAT MUCH, they are just uneasy about them. Alternatively: Kris probably just gets along better with someone like Susie than someone like Ralsei. The climax in every children's movie ever theory: before the events of Deltarune, something happened that made Kris upset at Noelle and it harmed their relationship. (possibly something to do with Des) The BFFSBSROFL (no that acronym does not stand for anything) theory : kris actually gels SO well with susie that they are basically best friends, making Noelle and Ralsei look pathetic in comparison. Alternatively, Kris and Susie have a much deeper history that the Spamton Sweepstakes left out. Alternatively: it could also be that Susie is the first strong friendship Kris has had in a very long time and they are in the honeymoon phase of their friendship. The shippers wet dream theory: Kris has a thing for Susie after the events of ch 1 and is jealous of Noelle. (I claim no financial responsibility for whatever the fuck the shipping part of the fandom may do with this potential bit of information.) The "my parent's friend's kids" theory: Kris never really was that close to Noelle to begin with, Its just that the Dreemur family and the Holiday family go way back and Kris being a kid was just in the middle of it. These are the theories I have so far, let me know if you guys have anything more interesting.
Other things to mention
The Laser prank. During that scene with Noelle with chapter 2, the player finds a switch that requires the player and Noelle to press a button and let each other through the laser barrier. as a player you can suddenly jump off the button before noelle passes as a joke. however, if you go too far and do it right when Noelle is too close to the laser:
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you almost hurt Noelle (but she is ok) and then she pulls the same prank on Kris. then:
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If you don't go too far with the prank, Noelle simply says "nice teamwork" and you continue on. This is interesting to me for many reasons. here is a few theories I have listed: 1-Kris actually was hurt (unlikely because their HP was not lowered and the player did not touch the laser) 2- Kris actually DOES care about Noelle and is horrified the player almost hurt her 2.5- Or perhaps Kris does care about Noelle and is horrified she did the prank back at them as serious as the laser was. Perhaps Kris has weird feelings about abandonment and self love considering their parents divorce and all that has been going on in this game 3- Kris is just being petty and immature that they got pranked right back. 4- Kris is potentially mis-reading the situation thinking that the player and Noelle are somehow against Kris, when in reality both the player and Noelle are just playing around. Remember that Kris is a young teenager going through a rough patch at home, so it makes sense they are on edge about this kind of thing. 5- I am reading way too deep into this bit.
The Boat Picture with Ralsei listen man. Its no secret Ralsei resembles Asriel. hell there is a STRONG implication that Ralsei is actually Kris's childhood red horns headband considering Ralsei also has red horns.
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here is the bit that gets to me sometimes: Later on in Ch 2, you are on a boat ride with ralsei and a photo booth. you have the option to Hug Ralsei, show a peace sign in the wrong direction, or commit cultural appropriation against Berdly in particular (my favorite option yes i am very mature)
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why does this sit with me? well-
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First: daawwww asgoooooreeee second: what does this mean- there are so many implications, Again i am just going to list theories and speculation: 1- Kris does not appreciate the gremlin that looks suspiciously like their older brother and how said gremlin may be crushing on them, along with the player pushing that along. enough said. 2- Kris is OK with hugs, they just don't like it when their dad gives them a massive cuddly bear hug. 3- kris is being an angsty teen acting like they are too good for hugs. 4- Again I am probably overthinking it and Kris actually does not hate hugs (or hugging ralsei) that much. Overall, I think Kris Kross Applesauce's real problem is less about the hugging and the pranking of Noelle, but rather something deeper. behold!
Kris just wants agency over their own life. It isn't that deep really. It is implied that Kris... honestly doesn't like themselves very much and doesn't like being human. The fact they never grew horns growing up and wore plastic horns all the time was probably the first time Kris felt like an outsider, and all they wanted to do was to be like their family. and now their parents are divorced Their older brother has been off for university and can only come back on certain occasions Sans Undertale is probably fucking their mom (or sans is just messing with you because sans is a hilarious asshole) Kris probably has trauma from whatever happened to December Holiday (which has not been revealed yet other than Spamton sweepstakes hinting) And now, Kris appears to be possessed by SOMETHING. and who the hell knows what and who is posessing kris. it could be you the player doing that or perhaps the player IS kris and that the thing possessing kris is what threw the player in the cage or more. we don't know yet But the thing i know most is that all Kris just wants is to have more control over their own life. Hell considering the implication that Ralsei is the manifestation of Kris's childhood headband, perhaps Ralsei represents a part of who Kris wishes they were. either way It doesn't matter if the player messes with Noelle or hugs Kris's friend that uncomfortably resembles their brother Kris just wants it to be THEIR decision rather than the decision of an omnipotent god that has a strange affliction for hyper-analyzing their life to make an overly-produced Tumblr post. thank you for reading my crap.
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amwife · 11 months
90% of these came to me before i went to sleep for my first day back at skl 😭😭 ill b posting some for every member but aj's the one i finished first 🌚
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Aj -
1. Loves buying little gifts. He seems like he'd lowkey be scared of you leaving him so if you show interest in something he'd definitely have to get it for you. And if he sees a plushie he thinks you'd like? Best be making room on your bed for it. He'd get you a dumb t shirt or funny looking kids toy just because it reminded him of you. Or when he'd make you mad/upset he would go on to buy you tons of stuff to make up for it with a tiny real apology.
2. Lowkey a bad boyfriend. Something about Aj makes me think he isn't romantic with girls and doesn't know what the hell he's doing in the relationship aspect. He'd probably accidentally ghost you for a day because he spent it all playing games and when you call him super worried he'd be confused. Although he'd be great on valentines, he'd probably ask Chunkz a week before to see what he should do but then he'd end up winging it and having a great time with you.
3. You'd be his uber. He could be doing a challenge for a Beta squad video and call you to pick him up and just act like you were an uber to hide your relationship from his fans. Or if you were at his house he'd always ask you to take him to a shop to buy supplies for a video or just for food and stuff.
4. He'd LOVE your cooking or baking. Since he has said he doesn't know how to cook at all, if you did he would beg you to make food for him. If he finds out you were making something he'd come over to your home just to get some. He would try buy you all the ingredients if you said you didn't have any. And if he were mad at you and you made brownies or cookies or anything? He's over it and on his way to your house to get some food. "Babe, I'm sorry. I made brownies?" "I'll be there in 10."
5. Super protective. You're talking to another guy? Not without Aj wrapping himself around you. You wanna hangout with a guy by yourself? That's crazy talk. "Aj. He has a boyfriend!" "I'd tell you I were gay to get with you." He'd piss you off by talking to other girls if you ever made him mad on purpose. Literally so petty when it comes to jealousy, he'd always one up you but never take it far enough that it's cheating. If any guy ever hits on you, somebody would have to hold him back because he'd go feral.
6. It'd be a secret. He'd probably take a while to introduce you to his friends and family, taking extra long with his friends just incase. Definitely was scared you'd think his friends were better than him, but his fears died after the first couple times you met them. Plus he probably thought it was more fun as a secret and unsuccessfully tried to sneak out of the Beta house a couple times to see you, forgetting he's an adult and doesn't have to tell them what he's doing. He tried to be slick when texting you in front of his friends but they all knew he had a girlfriend probably the day he copped her.
7. Touchy. This man isn't touchy in kisses and hand holding way, this man is touchy in the way it's basically fucking. You've probably had people ask if you were okay since it looks like Aj was groping you in public. Always has a hand on your ass when you both are standing side by side, or has his hand a on your upper thigh. He'll never make you uncomfortable or touch you in public (unless you wanted to) but he just keeps his hands in places to show that the relationship is definitely more than friends between the both of you. It's either you let him hold your ass or the most touch you get is shoulders rubbing together.
8. Matching outfits. He'd think matching outfits was adorable and would love the idea of twinning with his girl. Even just matching hats or jewellery would make him happy. You could buy literal onesies and he'd wear it, despite him getting ganged up on by his friends. He definitely has screenshots of things he might wanna buy that could be matching for the both of you.
9. You cannot tell me this man is not a simp. He definitely doesn't act like it or really show it but he is down BAD. He'd act as if it was a highschool crush and couldn't be seen looking at you even if everyone already knew you both were dating. He probably even has another account on social media just to save edits and photos of the two of you without the posters knowing it was him.
10. Great fuck.
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jinxed-ninjago · 5 months
fuck it im gonna do it.
Let's discuss the subtleties in the shots of the monastery in Farewell the Sea, because I think it's fascinating how much detail was put into shots we only see for a few seconds at maximum for the sake of showing how much Nya merging with the sea affected everyone.
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So the first shot of the monastery we get (that isn't a shot of the entire thing) is the courtyard. There are leaves scattered on the ground, a leaf blowing by in the foreground, and a broom against the dragon statue.
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The second shot we get is of this hallway, where the ninja hang pictures of their loved ones. The reason this one's interesting to me is because it feels like nobody's touched Jay and Nya's picture; everything else hanging on the walls is straight and even. The picture of Jay and Nya is crooked and dusty.
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The third shot we get is of the kitchen. It's an absolute mess. It looks like nobody's bothered cleaning up in months. Dirty(?) dishes are just stacked everywhere, there are (presumably) empty soda cans all over the place, there's a stack of empty pizza boxes being used for extra garbage storage, it's just a mess.
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The fourth shot before we get to the hangar bay is this one of the recreation room. Cole's soda guzzler is on the sofa, there's more garbage just laying around (including under the sofa), there's a game controller on the edge of the sofa, and it looks like nobody's really bothered doing anything seriously there for a while. Let's compare this to shots of the monastery we get in season 11.
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When the rec room is being used regularly, yes, it's a total mess, but it feels lived in; additionally, the ninja don't look like they just throw the garbage wherever. Anything that seems to be empty is behind them and out of the way, compared to in Farewell the Sea where it feels like the garbage gets thrown around haphazardly. In addition to this, look at how many pizza boxes there are in the screenshot from Wasted True Potential, then look at the screenshot from Farewell the Sea. If we take the Farewell the Sea screenshot as meant to be implicative of Cole being the most active in the rec room, the team breaking up has either resulted in less pizzas being ordered or Cole's eating disorder from season 8 relapsed (link is an explanation in case it's needed).
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Onto this hallway. I couldn't get a good screenshot of the hallway from the same angle, but it is the same hallway. It's not much different when it's being lived in, but how they show it in Farewell the Sea makes it feel empty, especially the specific zoomed out shot I used for this post. Like the rec room, this hallway doesn't feel lived in in Farewell the Sea.
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I'm not sure what to say about this, except that in A Rocky Start (the episode I got this screenshot from), the courtyard is incredibly clean because they use it to train and practice fighting. There aren't any leaves, no brooms, it feels lived in because it's clean.
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Finally, the kitchen. The dirty bowls aren't stacked on top of each other, the floor is clean, the counters aren't covered in trash, it just feels clean, maybe like they had dinner sometime before Aspheera attacked the monastery, which makes it feel lived in.
Whoever did the design for the monastery in Farewell the Sea did so well making things feel like they haven't been lived in for months. You can feel the effect that Nya merging with the sea has had in 20 seconds. It's honestly heartbreaking.
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kadajsbitch · 11 months
Random thought but
Also, SPOILERS if you haven’t watched Ghost in The Shell 💀) But I just had a random thought.
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So you know how some of us are curious to know whether Pinocchio feels human to the touch, or not? (not in the perverted sense. 🙁)
It got me thinking back to Motoko Kusanagi from Ghost in The Shell and how she was created, skin wise mostly 💀
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First, she started out like this. Her parts being assembled, and then she gets dumped in the green liquid, before she suddenly comes to the surface.
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THEN judging by the following scenes, it seems that the green stuff is what made up her hair and skin cells, considering she was both bald and robotic looking when she got marinated in the green sauce 💀
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FINALLY, comes out of the green stuff, and suddenly it starts to lift from her body, and it reveals she looks completely humanoid. No signs of her being robotic whatsoever. No her skin is a peachy pale, her lips are colored, and her hair is black. (Looks brown in the pic but I wasn’t quick enough to take a screenshot 🤡)
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For one, Ive seen some theories on both here, and the Lies of P discord revolving around THIS dude possibly being either the Ghost of Geppetto’s original son that from what we know, Pinocchio in the original story, was made in his image.
(Also, this was the best picture I could find of him, I just took the first pic I googled 💀)
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Cool right? We also see a dude who looks EERILY SIMILAR TO HIM, pop out when Pinocchio’s fighting, only thing is he’s glowing blue and white and his name is Spector…
Bro. Considering that this is a darker retelling of Pinocchio on top of being a Dark Souls game, I think all hands are on the table to theorize some macabre shit. 👀
Antonia did say something Along the lines of Geppetto being mad with guilt. Of course that could be could also be taken as her joking to Pinocchio about him, kind of like when your parent’s friends joke to you about how your parents were back in the day or something, but I find it kind of weird that Spector can pop up in fights when needed, as well as I find it weird that Pinocchio, from what we saw from both the trailer and now the demo, hear’s someone whisper “Wake up” and this causes his eyes to squint slightly as if he too is wondering if he just heard that shit himself. 💀
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And then with it coming out that we can lie to Geppetto as well, i also find that weird since it seems from both the advertisement for the game and the little demo gameplay we have, it seems that we’re supposed to be helping Geppetto in a sense find out both the cause to why the robots have gone rogue, as well as protecting the innocent around him. Why would he need to lie to Geppetto if we’re on the same side?
And yeah we can say, “So he can feel like a real boy.” But part of me personally feels like Pinocchio (from what I personally understood from the demo) doesn’t really have that goal in mind.
Right now, I feel like he’s just lying because it benefits him at the moment. I mean if he told the truth about being a puppet, he wouldn’t have been able to get into the hotel. Of course, there’s the other things he lies about that he might not need to necessarily lie about… but Geppetto made him with free will. Who’s to say the moment he lied and felt his gears turning, the next time he’s offered the choice, he just lies because he’s curious as to what he’s feeling? (Kind of like how Motoko was curious if the memories she had were artificial or not and this causes her to do things like go scuba diving for “relaxation” knowing if her system malfunctions, she’s fucked and even Bautou find it weird she’s willing to risk it)
Finally, jumping back to how I said I feel like his goal to becoming a real boy (if the game is going to keep that key element having to do with the fairytale the games based on) as well as why I brought up Ghost in the Shell in the first place.
What if Geppetto made Pinocchio using his son?
Again, if you’ve seen Ghost in the Shell, Motoko spent the film wondering if the memories she had were ones she made up to feel less artificial, and she questions had she ever been human considering her current brain (the grey thing in the first pictures of Motoko I added) was a now a cyber brain and that they had added what they refer to, as her “Ghost” to this artificial brain.
Due to the fact her actual body had been in the process of dying, and in an effort to save her, they basically removed her brain in spinal cord and for a moment in time, placed it in a artificial child’s body (the death of her body happened when she was a child. Sounds suspiciously similar right? 👀 The only aspect of it being in the actual Pinocchio story, the puppet doesn’t become possessed with the spirit of Geppetto’s dead son.)
Like, what if part of the main storyline other than the crazy killer puppets, is Pinocchio questioning his creation? And what if “Spector” is the voice trying to drop hints to him about this? (Like what if his gears moving is Spectors way of telling him he’s going in the direction he’s trying to guide him to?)
Also, considering that the story takes place around the early 19th century, even with the crazy (modern for their time)yet old inventions, just how the fuck was Geppetto able to make Pinocchio appear so human? Like the hair on his head is not a wig, and while his skin is clearly blemish free and smooth, his skin appears to have obviously have pores on it. Like I feel like if he wanted to, he could facially emote so easily and I wouldn’t guess anything about him was robotic at all.
I sound batshit crazy, I know but I’m lowkey serious and curious if they took inspiration from it 😭 please let me know how you guys feel about this
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This Might Just Be a Series of Mini Essays About the Enlightenment Novelization
I re-read the novelization of Enlightenment and took a bunch of screenshots as notes. The focus was naturally specifically on Turlough and his arc because me.
Let's Go!
So, we begin where we begin with Tegan and Turlough playing chess.
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Note that Turlough is playing black. In the TV version, he's playing white.
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The symbolism of him playing either side is related to his arc in the story and the Black Guardian. The novelization symbolically shows his alignment with the Black Guardian while the TV version foreshadows his defiance.
As a side note, the color symbolism of black and white is a thing with Turlough. His school uniform is mostly black and he's always wearing it, so he always dresses in black by default. This was intentional as part of the color palette of this TARDIS team. Mild-mannered heroic Five is in beige and white. Tegan often wears bold colors and has a variety of outfits to match her bold and expressive personality. Turlough wears somber and often villain-coded black. Even after he stops working with the Black Guardian, he's still the most pessimistic member of the team and somewhat morally ambiguous.
But, in Planet of Fire, his final story and the one time he wears something other than his uniform, his outfit is all white. He proves himself to be a hero. It's also fitting that in the story where his secrets are revealed, his outfit is more revealing.
Yeah, colors are fun.
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I love how Turlough actually gets really into this chess game and just wants Tegan to play with him. That's actually kind of adorable.
Anyway, the White Guardian tries to communicate with the Doctor but he can't finish speaking because Turlough messed with the power. This wasn't an act of sabotage on his part. The White Guardian was using up the TARDIS' power by being there and he thought they were gonna blow up. Still, the Doctor is Not Happy.
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Since Turlough is allowed to touch the console again after this, this line is kind of weird. The TV line makes a little more sense:
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So, back to the White Guardian. Turlough either knows who the White Guardian is or is just able to guess that he has something to do with the Black Guardian.
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The Doctor and Turlough go out to explore and discover that they're on a ship, and then it's onward to chapter 2. Here, we get an interesting little moment:
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This is also in the TV version, though there it's expressed in dialogue instead of body language:
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The Doctor doesn't progress with the adventure unless Turlough is okay with it. He doesn't have this dynamic with anyone else. He can usually assume that his companions will just follow him around wherever and he doesn't ask if they actually want to move forward. But, the Doctor acknowledges Turlough's fear, not progressing until he's ready.
This is one of many reasons the Doctor gains Turlough's trust. Unless there's no other option, he doesn't tell Turlough what to do or make him do anything. He doesn't put any pressure on him. If the Doctor knows about the Black Guardian, and I think he does, he never confronts Turlough about it. If he did, even if he was gentle about it, Turlough would panic. So, the Doctor pretends not to know. This attitude extents to everything. The Doctor never puts any pressure on Turlough.
So, when Turlough is ready, they go and meet the crew. It doesn't come across quite so strongly in the TV episode, but Turlough is very uncomfortable around the sailors.
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So, we have a moment that's comedic in the TV version:
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"Doctor" is apparently slang for the ship's cook and Turlough laughs. As nervous as he is, he's comfortable enough to laugh. But, that isn't really the case in the novelization:
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It's just the Doctor explaining what's going on. There's still the awkward moment of the Doctor thinking he's been expected, but Turlough doesn't laugh. That makes him seem more uncomfortable.
Turlough spends most of the scene expecting a confrontation.
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Throughout this story, there are references to Turlough being bullied. I'm guessing he was bullied a lot at Brendon and has come to anticipate it. Of course, this ship isn't a high school and these sailors are actually pretty chill. They probably never intended to bully Turlough. But, he expects it now. He assumes that people are going to hurt him if those people are able.
The fact that Brendon was a shitty school and that the British public school in general isn't a very good environment comes up a lot with Turlough, mainly as a running gag. Only in the EU is Turlough's experience at Brendon taken seriously. Since the novelizations were written before most of that, this might be the first time the fact that Turlough was traumatized by whatever happened at Brendon is made clear and taken seriously. He was, at least he thought he was, willing to kill to get out of there after all.
This is why the Doctor doesn't put any pressure on him. It doesn't take much for Turlough to feel like he's under attack. The Doctor wants to make it very clear that he isn't.
Also, Turlough assumes that the reason the sailors aren't bullying him is that the Doctor is there. He sees the Doctor as having more control of this situation than he probably does, along with assuming the sailors will be more mean to him than they probably intended. This is the connection to the Doctor that Turlough has. The Doctor has proved not to be a threat and now he keeps the threats away.
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Because of this, Turlough starts to care about the Doctor. He prioritizes self-preservation and now he's met someone who's beneficial to his survival. This has an emotional impact. The Doctor cares about him, so he starts to care about the Doctor. This is broken down in the text of the novelization:
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In chapter 3, Turlough spends more time with the sailors, trying to figure out what's going on and they all get called aloft.
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He feels protected by the Doctor, has started to care about his well-being, and now about what the Doctor thinks of him, wanting to impress him. That's adorable.
Anyway, it's time to go aloft!
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It's also time for alcohol. The alcohol makes the sailors not question that they're Edwardian ship is in space. Jackson doesn't drink though, so it's never said how they control him.
What's missing from the novelization here is that Jackson kind of adopts Turlough on the spot.
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Turlough is too confused to take the Evil Magic Alcohol.
But, Turlough doesn't know Jackson for long enough to form any bond with him, so his saying he'll look after him doesn't seem to register. He doesn't go aloft, leaving the reveal that they're in space for a little bit later. Instead, he the Doctor finds him again.
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This exchange is a bit longer in the show. The novelization cuts both this and an earlier exchange where the Doctor kind of teases Turlough about his claims of cowardice. Turlough always smiles when he does this, so it feels like an in-joke between the two. Turlough is somewhat cowardly, but he is playing it up a little. The Doctor knows this, but he lets him keep doing it. They both know what's going on here.
These moments are actually what drew me to the 5/Turlough dynamic. 5 gets fed up with his companions a lot, sometimes bickering with them, sometimes snarking about them. This was the first moment I'd seen of 5 bantering with a companion, not annoyed with them, but just playfully teasing. It feels like he actually likes having Turlough around despite his flaws, something we really never got with Adric and will continue to rarely get with Tegan. Nyssa's flaws were downplayed in the show, so the Doctor seemed to like her because she was "the good one". But, 5 seems to find Turlough's flaws amusing and can joke about it with him. It stands out from anything else I'd seen from 5 at that point.
Anyway, this is very I hit a point where I had fewer notes. I don't have much to saw for chapter 4. This novelization has 16 chapters, with a fairly even divide so it feels like there's 4 chapters per episode. Chapters 1-4 cover part 1, 5-8 part 2, and so on. So, the book's pacing matches up to the TV pacing pretty well.
That's why I'm covering chapters 1-4 in this post. Chapter 4 is where we reach the first cliffhanger of the serial, a fitting stopping point.
I only have one screenshot from chapter 4:
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There are several scenes in the episode around this point where the Doctor and Turlough seem to move closer to each other than they expected to and are surprised by the closeness. It's subtle enough to not be a deliberate use of a shipping trope, but damn.
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overflowchute · 7 months
oh god the bad comment practice post keeps getting notes lmao. i feel the need to respond to some random opinions
"why are you using magic numbers" i shouldn't be. i should have defined the positions on screen as constants or whatever and honestly given my screen size is set at the beginning of the game these should just be accessible anywhere. but if i define a bunch of numbers for screen positions at the beginning of the game i might forget about them so i just shrug and remember the screen is 256 pixels long.
"but why 90 and -120" origin of the boss object is 0, 0 so if i jump to the left or right it's actually not putting the center of the object there. you might notice that the sane thing to do here would be to just adjust the origin of the boss. but doing that would require me to fix some other things i don't really want to. so we continue down the spaghetti rabbit hole
"why is that case 103" i separate boss phases into sets of numbers so it's easy to glance at but i don't have to come up with a billion strings. in this case the boss's third phase is between phases 103 and 150. i don't actually have 103 cases. more like 30 at the moment. you can just think of this as fucked up literalprogrammer brain where "it's all just numbers in sequence in the code anyway". even an assemblybrained mf would probably name their phases. but i don't want to name a phase like "jumpattack3-subphase1" or worse, use some sort of horrible phase subphase system (i do this occasionally but it is the worst thing ever so i avoid it at all costs)
"did you actually write the entire file's codes like that" no. i was just thinking about it as i started this case and thought it'd be funny to screenshot. all my other comments are relatively normal
basically my code is very bad because i have zero professional training but my ultimate goal is to get it working first and then either refactor it to be nice or never touch it again. otherwise i just won't make it through any solo project ever.
then again when i actually did collab with someone i left comments like this so maybe im just an accursed being you should hope you never meet.
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(and yes i probably should have picked like 9999 instead of -999 so that +1s would never make it trigger something unless it rolled over but dont worry about it)
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blubberquark · 5 months
New Year's Resolutions
Hey everybody. It's a new year. Happy New Year!
Gamedev Blogging
Last year I have fallen behind on posting gamedev stuff. It's mostly because there is no good way to format code listings in the new editor. So this year, I am not even going to try eith gamedev tutorials on tumblr. I might post them elsewhere and just link them. I have already taken a look at Cohost, but It doesn't have the features I need. Wouldn't it be cook if you could post pico-8 carts on cohost? Or source code listings? Or LaTeX? I might as well write the HTML by hand and host it somewhere. But that won't be the focus of this blog in 2024.
Instead I'm going to do more tumblr posting about game design, just less on the code side. It will be more on the screenshot side. First thing will be about my 2023 Game Of The Year. It will probably surprise you. I did not expect it to be this good. You can also expect something about some of my old prototypes. Over the years I have started and abandoned game prototypes after either concluding that the idea won't work and can't be made to work, or after learning what I needed to learn. What did I learn? Wait and find out!
Computer Litaracy
I'll also attempt to write more about general computing and "computer literacy" topics. I have two particular "series" or "categories" in mind already. Almost Good: Technologies that sound great when you hear abut them, but that don't work as well as you might think when you try them out. Harmful Assumptions About Computing: Non-technical people often have surprising ideas about how computers work. As a technically inclined person, you don't even realise how far these unspoken assumptions about computers can reach.
Usability of computers and software seems to have gotten worse rather than better in many aspects, while computers have become entrenched in every workplace, our private lives, and in our interactions with corporations and government services. Computer literacy has also become worse in certain ways, and I think I know some reasons why.
There will also be some posts about forum moderation and community management. It's rather basic and common-sense stuff, but I want to spell it out.
Actual Game Development
I am going to release a puzzle game in 2024. You will be able to buy it for money. You can hold me to it. This is my biggest New Year's Resolution.
I will continue to work on two games of mine. One will be the game I just mentioned. The other is Wyst. I put the project on ice because I was running out of inspiration for a while, but I think I am sufficiently inspired now. I will pick it up again and add two more worlds to the game, and get it into a "complete" state. I'll also have to do a whole lot of playtesting. This may be the last time I touch Unity3d.
I will try out two new engines and write one or two proof-of-concept games in each of them, maybe something really simple like "Flappy Bird", and one game jam "warm-up" thing, with the scope of a Ludum Dare compo game. Maybe that means I'll write Tetris or Pong multiple times. I probably won't put the "Pong in Godot" on itch.io page next to a "Pong in Raylib" and "Pong in Bevy", but I'll just put the code on my GitHub. The goal is to have more options for a game jam, so I can decide to use Godot if it is a better fit for the jam topic.
In the past, I have always reached for PyGame by default, because Python is the language that has flask and Django and sqlalchemy and numpy and pyTorch, and because I mostly want to make games in 2D. I want to get out of my comfort zone. In addition to the general-purpose game engines, I will try to develop something in bitsy, AGS, twine, pico-8 or Ren'Py. I want to force myself to try a different genre this way. Maybe I'll make an archaeologist dating simulator.
All in all, this means I will so significant work on two existing projects, revisit some old failed prototypes to do a postmortem, I'll write at least six new prototypes, and two new jam games, plus some genre/narrative experiments. That's a lot already. So here's an anti-resolution: I won't even try to develop any of my new prototypes into full releases. I will only work on existing projects from 2023 or before if I develop anything into playable demo versions or full games. I won't get sidetracked by the next Ludum Dare game, I promise. After the jam is over, I'll put down the project, at least until 2025.
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donalds-dreamland · 9 months
on ttr's 10th anniversary
hi! i was too busy to write this yesterday, both from being out of the house and. playing cartoonival LOL
my name is clover. it's also ivy. it's also celestial storm sometimes. in the past it's been burningstone, and embersprout, and sparrowsight, and wingpaw.
and sometimes, it's even something like princess marigold wildfoot.
(full post under cut!)
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this is a screenshot from 2008, taken by my dad. despite the fact we're on the street in this picture, most of my time at this stage of playing the game was spent chasing butterflies in toontown central, trying and failing to race, and being curled up in my dad's lap, watching him do CFOs and CEOs with his friends and being soothed nearly to sleep by donald's dreamland's playground music. there are other names i recall from this time period, such as princess pearl and kiddo the mice (kiddo got all the way to MML before 2013)...
and then i really started finding myself.
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these two screenshots are from 2011. if you couldn't tell, i also have a special interest in pokémon, and i joined a Clan by the (eventual) name of Dark Nation. our leader was Darkrai, and my best friend within the group was a Latias. more on them later, but Dark Nation's important. i would play Snivy with my dad's other Toons he had at the time, Coffee and Mocha the black and brown cats. when i was strong enough, he'd run me through the factory with his friends, and i would always get lost and die in the warehouse in the run for the stairs.
(it was a pretty scary warehouse.)
and then i joined RiverClan.
i don't need to tell you too much about what the warriors Clans were like in the 2010s. if you were there, you understand. (TLDR, it was a lot of violent roleplaying, petty drama, and circumventing disney's dictionary as hard as we could. it was glorious.)
and if you understand, you know i speak from the heart when i say these experiences, of the names snivy (or ivy, as the chat would allow) and burningstone, and eventually of the name clover, who became my main in TTO, were the genesis of my artistic endeavors.
i was roleplaying. i was writing. i was getting up at 5am, going out to the dining room, setting up my laptop, and hearing digital meows and yowls from my speakers for four hours before my mom woke up and i had to do my homework. i was creating. i was thriving. i was living.
and i was still playing with my dad. it was how we kept in touch, and i had an absolute blast. even when i teleported to a hacker and got ivy suspended for a few days, or when i tried beating up a hacker in toon valley and my dad (the payer of the account) had to forward my mom the chat log to my mortification, or my days of family gatherings, showing the littles the trolley games as they crowded around my laptop...
i could go on for hours.
there was something different in my dad's tone of voice when he called me the day it was announced, to the point where i asked what was wrong. and then he broke the news.
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i wasn't very happy either. i remember spending my last days on toontown with riverclan, with the people i loved, hoping i could carry them with me for the rest of my life.
and then something magical happened.
when ttr was announced, there was an early statement somewhere on its website, there was a statement that basically said "we cannot take the toons with us, but this gives you a chance to rewrite their stories!"
and rewrite them i did.
clover is at 73 laff and working on her cashbot suit. in TTO, i had only just broken into the brrrgh.
ivy is somewhere in minnie's melodyland, at 53 laff. i believe in TTO she was around 36.
celestial storm is a rebirth, a positive one, of every clan experience i had as a child. (believe me, if there's one thing i'm okay with letting rest in the ashes of TTO, it's the warriors clans. at least, the ones we had.) i haven't played her much except for cartoonival, but i want her to reach the same heights clover and ivy are.
not only did TTR let me rewrite the stories of my beloved toons, it opened the gateway for me to reconnect and reunite with my past clans, with dark nation and riverclan, to get back in touch and reignite feelings and stories long forgotten. and i can never thank the game enough for that.
i'm even breaking into corporate clash, into these new experiences, these new flavors and remixes of the game that singlehandedly shaped who i would eventually become.
i feel a little silly for what i'm about to do, but thank you to people like @latiastm , @winkyfish , @sonicthehedgehogunofficial and all the people i'm about to DM this post to on discord for finding me again and for sticking with me these many, many years.
thank you also to @papajoolia for being my leader, now and forever, and you have all my respect and congratulations for where you are in the industry. keep going!!!
thank you to all the people i've managed to rope into the game, at least a little bit, with how important it is, most especially @surleetonin . i love you!!! so much!!!
and most of all,
thank you, sir max, and everyone on the ttr team for keeping the most important aspect of my childhood alive and paving the way for so many others to give this game the love it deserves in as many ways as we can. thank you for keeping us alive!!!!!! thank you!!!!! so much!!!!!!!
even now i know these words aren't enough. it just brings me a great amount of comfort and joy to know that this aspect of my childhood was brought back with as much ferocity, devotion and love as the world could give it. as i could give it, as i want to give it. this game is everything, absolutely everything to me in so many ways, and to know it still stands brings me eternal peace.
my name will always be clover, and ivy, and burning, and ember, and sparrow, and celeste, and whatever other names this lovely community lets me take on.
and even somewhere within my heart, there will always be a part of me named princess marigold wildfoot.
thank you, toontown rewritten. 💙 happy 10 years! 🎉 TOONS OF THE WORLD UNITE!!! 🎂🥧
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