#High Energy Nuclear Physics
alleventsnow-blog · 2 years
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guinevereslancelot · 11 months
lazy girlies help me out: what is the easiest job you've ever had that one could get with an associate's or less
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235uranium · 3 months
god I hate that I haven't been able to move to the twin cities yet. I mean I probably never will since it's unlikely I'll go to u of mn for grad school
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dcxdpdabbles · 8 days
DC x DP fanfic Idea: Side Hustle
Barry needs more cash.
It's not that he is struggling, but unlike Bruce, he had student loans, a mortgage, and all the medical bills for Iris to consider. Even with his wife working, he knew they needed to keep a tight grip on their spending to ensure they didn't fall from the yellow into the red.
This means that sometimes he had to watch Wally's face fall when he admitted he couldn't afford to give him an allowance or even some money to go to the mall with his friends. It's not that his nephew complains—Wally is a very understanding young man—but it still tears Barry up inside to disappoint him.
Significantly when, their hero work cut so deeply into their funds just to keep their speedster metabolism under control. If he hadn't done his foolish experiment, Wally wouldn't be in danger of starvation for following his example.
Blood or not, Wally is like a son to him, and the idea that he can only provide the bare basics is painful. He has a high-paying job now, but it will take a while to get all his debt from when he was a student under control.
Before he married Iris, he was okay with that. He now had a wife and son who depended on him, and he couldn't wait around, hoping things would pick up after a few years.
He managed to pay off most of Iris' medical bills, and the house was an excellent step up from the cramped two-room apartment they shared when they were engaged. Barry knew that these two things were good, but he could do better.
That's how he applied as a research assistant to a strange family company called Fenton Works. The pay was decent, and it was only a short hour's drive from his home—he speed-ran it in five, but he needed a realistic distance to keep his ID protected. And best of all?
He mostly did office work. Half the time, he was allowed to do remote work documenting research data and organizing the owner's inventions and patents.
There were many funds coming from said patents and inventions. If the Fentons weren't so busy spending the money to fund their ghost research—the power grid they needed for the portal alone was almost as much as Barry's entire mortgage—then they could easily be among the few in Bruce's fancy galas.
Barry will admit that he was surprised to learn that Mr. Fenton had a PhD in engineering, applied physics, and robotics. Mrs. Fenton had a PhD in nuclear physics, functional analysis, and renewable energy. Both were currently working on getting a PhD in some form of biology, and Barry was flabbergasted that they spoke about it the same way people casually decided to start a new hobby.
It was hard, but they had the money to just sign up for classes. He wept into his student loan reminders whenever he thought about it.
They made the perfect team- one thought up the idea, and the other created a physical form while they ensured it worked together.
He knew his bosses were certified geniuses who appeared goofy was one thing, but to be confronted with their degrees stuffed away in a storage box was another thing. He hadn't even meant to find them since he had gone in there with Danny- his boss's kid- to find some paper research Dr. Jack Fenton needed.
It was even more shocking to find that Dr. Jack had sold some of his systematics to Wayne Enterprises and that Bruce had used some of his robotics theories in his Batman gear.
It also seemed that most of the Amity Park were unaware of how intelligent the Fentons were. When he was out and about in the city, he kept getting pitying looks for working for the local freaks. It was honestly shocking.
People talked about Jasmine Fenton's bright future, the only hope among the family, in the same breath as calling Jack Fenton an idiot or Maddie Fenton a washed-up housewife. The things they had to say about Danny Fenton were far more disheartening.
Barry knows a thing or two about troubled youths as the Flash, and no matter what the town told him, Danny Fenton was not one of them.
It seemed to Barry that Danny was suffering from blatant bullying and the pressure of his family's shadow. Adding to the confusion of being in the middle of puberty, it created the perfect recipe for Danny to be spirling. It was a rough patch, and it led to him skipping class, dropping his grades, and ignoring his responsibilities.
He overheard the Fentons talking about Danny. Dr. Fentons was starting to grow worried since Danny had never behaved this way before high school while Jazz attempted to defend her brother and excuse his disappearance.
She seemed very aware of why her brother seemed to change.
On the other hand, Dr. Fenton wasn't and mentioned more than once that she and Danny were very close when he was a kid, but lately, he seemed to be shutting her out. Her husband admitted that he figured Danny had gotten a girlfriend- someone named Sam?- but he started to notice his son kept coming home with what appeared to be injuries.
Barry wasn't sure if they were aware that Danny was getting bullied. He was carefully filing some of the old cabinets when it clicked.
"Jazz?" He called out as the Fentons finally stop talking about Dnany's behavior and moved down to the lab. The teenager poked her head into the file office with a curious smile.
"Yes, Mr. Allen?" No matter how often he told her to call him Barry, she seemed determined to keep that barrier between them. Which was fair. After all, he was only around the house three or four times a week for a few hours.
"I have a question, so please feel free to not answer." He starts carefully to keep his tone light. Her smile turns strained at once, and Barry almost tells her to ignore it, but the thought of Wally being Danny's place makes him push on. "What is your family's stance on gay rights?"
Jazz blinked slowly, tilting her head. "I don't mind, and neither do my parents, I think. Why sir?"
"Just curious," Barry said, but mentally, he wondered if Danny knew that.
Jazz didn't look convinced, but she didn't push the issue as she wandered away with a respectful by-your-leave. He waited until she was upstairs before abandoning his work to find the Fentons.
Carefully, he started by updating them on his work, then casually dropped the mention of taking Wally to Pride so he wouldn't be able to work the following week. Neither Dr. so much as blinked, telling him that it was fine.
Barry felt it safe to keep pushing just a little.
"Yeah, I still remember how nervous Wally was about telling me he liked girls and boys." He chuckles. "As if though I didn't notice the signs."
Dr. Fenton raises a brow, face twisted in confusion as the large man turns to Barry. "What signs?"
"Mostly, he is trying to think of excuses to be with his friends more. He wasn't sleeping a lot, got into a bit of trouble in school when some kids were giving him grief, and oh, the way his eyes followed young men about." Barry said as casually as one could.
Dr. Fenton looks pensive. "Interesting."
Ah, it seemed she had picked up on the possibility of Danny not being as straight as he claimed. She thankfully didn't seem bothered by it.
"Jack, honey, you don't think Danny could be....?" She asked carefully.
Dr. Fenton ran a hand through his hair. "It could be. But why didn't he tell us?"
"Oh geez, I wonder why!" Jazz suddenly yells from the stairway. Barry twists around to find her standing there with a defensive glare. She has obviously been eavesdropping, but for how long? "What did you two expect with the way you talked around the house?!"
Dr. Fenton looked mystified. "Jazzy-pants, what are you talking about?"
His daughter only raises her fist, lowering her voice to mimic her father. "What are we doing today, Maddie? I know; how about we rip the ghost boy molecule by molecule!"
Barry's eyes grow wide. He had been working for the family for about six months and had encountered Phantom more than once. He even fought him off as Flash a few times since the ghost was hell-bent on robbing and property damage but was less dangerous than his rouges.
Dr. Fenton's face went pale as she clutched to the table. "Jazz you mean....Danny and Phantom...."
Jazz looked ready to fight them all as she bit out, "If you try to do anything to Danny, I swear-"
"We would never Jazzy-pants." Jack cut in, looking off Kindle. "To think my son was dating a ghost behind my back and I...I didn't even notice."
"Oh, Jack, we have to apologize," Maddie started. "Who knows if Danny could ever forgive us?"
Barry was thinking Flash also had to apologize. Based on their last encounter, Phantom would likely not be willing to hear him out. He quickly pulls out his phone to see if Wally and his team could get close enough to have him consider speaking to Barry.
None of the adults noticed the way Jazz froze in confusion, nor did they notice the slow horror growing on her face as they came to terms with Phantom and Danny dating.
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gunsandspaceships · 2 months
Tony Stark’s achievements
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“Brilliant and unique mind”
At age 4 built his first circuit board
At age 6 built his first engine
Cracked the Pentagon’s firewall in high school on a dare
Went to college at 14
Built cool smart robots (Dum-E and U) when he was a teen
At 17 graduated summa cum laude from MIT
Before Afghanistan:
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“Da Vinci of our time”
Became an owner and CEO of Stark Industries at 21
Successfully ran the company for decades
Advanced the world of technology, not only in weaponry and robotics but also:
created advanced AI J.A.R.V.I.S.
created holographic interface technology
created repulsor technology
Participated in charity
In and after Afghanistan:
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“I’m sorry, I’m not Tony Stark”
Survived an open-heart surgery in a cave, without general anesthesia
Lived with, in fact, a debilitating wound, shrapnel, and a huge and dangerous technological device in his body for years and was willing and capable of doing not only his usual work but also being a superhero and doing all these next things...
Did not give up under torture and fought with his captors
Invented and built a miniaturized Arc Reactor, in a cave, with a box of scraps
Invented and built Iron Man armor, in the same cave, with the same box of scraps
Escaped from captivity by himself (with help from Yinsen, but without any armed assistance)
Became an expert in piloting and driving
Saved people in Gulmira
Saved a USAF pilot
Probably the best hacker in the world, was able to easily hack networks of the Pentagon, US government, AIM, and SHIELD
Fought with Iron Monger after nearly died. Defeated him and saved many lives. Was ready to die for that
Built many more different Iron Man armors
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Fought terrorists between IM and IM2 (IM2 tie-in comics)
Saved a submarine crew (IM2 - newspapers in Vanko’s home)
Saved a woman from a fire (IM2 - newspapers in Vanko’s home)
“Stabilized East-West relations” (IM2 - newspapers in Vanko’s home), so the world was “enjoying its longest period of uninterrupted peace in years”
Organized Stark Expo
Was able to keep Iron Man armor in his safe hands despite the government’s and HYDRA’s attempts to take it for themselves
Defeated Ivan Vanko in Monaco
(Re)Discovered a new element
 Synthesized it, by building a particle accelerator, at home
Revolutionized energy industry and science. Gave clean energy to the world
Defeated Vanko in New York with Rhodey, Natasha, and Pepper and saved many lives again
Saved Peter Parker (IM2)
Made it so that the Abomination would not leave prison and join the Avengers
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Built Stark/Avengers Tower powered by Arc Reactor technology
Saved Steve Rogers and many civilians in Germany from Loki
Was able to fight with Thor on equal terms
Biggest brain on Earth, arguably - in the Universe:
best scientist on the team, in SHIELD, on Earth, in the Universe
expert in nuclear, particle, and quantum physics
was able to learn very quickly – became an expert in thermonuclear astrophysics in one night
Successfully tracked Tesseract by its gamma radiation with Bruce
Saved Helicarrier with the Avengers and SHIELD agents on board, almost died
Saved Rogers from a merc right after that
Fought with Chitauri, killed many of them, saved a lot of people
Was able to blow up a Leviathan by himself
Saved New York City by redirecting a nuke to the wormhole
Saved the world by destroying Thanos’ Chitauri army, almost died again
Founded The United States Department of Damage Control to clean up after battles
Rebuilt Stark Tower into Avengers Tower and gave each team member their own quarters
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One of the best biologists and biomedical engineers on Earth, even if it’s not his main area of expertise:
helped Maya with Extremis back in 1999, because knew more in her own field, and even didn’t remember that
was head hunted by Aldrich Killian to work on Extremis with/instead of Maya, who was the leading expert in tissue regeneration
improved and stabilized Extremis, so it became safe regenerative technology, and with it…
cured Pepper
healed extensive injuries in his chest
invented and implanted devices for remote control of his suits (into his forearm in IM3, and most probably into his brain for Mark L armor in Infinity War)
invented build-in diagnostic system in his suits
Invented many devices for protection purposes (ex. bomb disposal)
A capable detective. Figured out the cause of explosions in IM3 on his own
Saved Pepper instead of himself by putting Mark 42 on her during the attack on his Malibu mansion
Survived the attack with a barely working prototype suit. Shot down a helicopter with a piano
Was able to fight with enhanced fire-breathing regenerating terrorists without armor and weapons in Rose Hill. In handcuffs
Knowledgeable and skilled in medicine:
saved a kid with his arc reactor in a deleted scene from IM3, selflessly pulling it out of his chest and performing defibrillation under electric shocks
knew how to recognize hyperglycemia when Harley was eating 3rd bawl of candies
closed his wound in Infinity War with nanoparticles
performed first-aid on Bruce after his snap
Built a lot of stuff from random things he bought in a store for the assault on the Mandarin's mansion. In a motel
Successfully stormed the Mandarin's mansion full of armed and huge security guys with dogs. Alone. Without his armor
Successfully escaped captivity in the Mandarin's mansion with just a few pieces of armor on
Saved all the people who fell from the Air Force One
Stormed Roxxon Norco ship with Rhodey, without a suit. With one handgun
Saved the US president
Defeated Killian and his Extremis-enhanced terrorists, saved many lives
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Built quinjets
Created Iron Legion
Became the benefactor of the Avengers, provided them with everything, was a combatant, and also the team’s pilot, hacker, engineer, medic, and scientist
As an Avenger saved many lives on missions, including destroying the rest of HYDRA in AoU
With Bruce’s help created Veronica and Hulkbuster suit
Defeated a rogue Iron Legionnaire with a fork
In contrast to other team members was able to function after Wanda played with his mind
Defeated mad Hulk. Saved a lot of lives in Johannesburg
Easily hacked nuclear codes in Nexus and found J.A.R.V.I.S. “in the world’s biggest haystack”
Created advanced AI F.R.I.D.A.Y.
Many advanced AIs
Created Vision
With the Avengers defeated Ultron and his army
Evacuated people who were left in Sokovia
Saved a falling evacuation shuttle with people on it
Together with Thor saved Earth by destroying the falling Sokovia
Rebuilt Stark Compound into Avengers Compound for the team in Upstate New York
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Invented several medical devices, including leg braces, blood toxicity detector
Sponsored the development of technology for psychotherapy (B.A.R.F.). Prevented it from being used for harm
Funded all the students’ projects at MIT
Did everything possible to legally, politically, and physically protect the team before, during, and after the Civil War
Was able to disarm Winter Soldier without a suit, with only one armored glove
Figured out Spider-Man’s identity
Created Spider-Man’s suits
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Mentored, sponsored, and looked after Peter Parker
Saved Peter Parker (SMH). Twice
Saved the ferry from sinking
Invented nanoparticles
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 “Earth’s best defender”
Went to space to save Peter, Strange and bring back Time Stone
Saved Peter Parker (IW)
Saved Strange on the Donut spaceship. Killed Ebony Maw
Cloak of Levitation chose him as his second favorite (deleted scene with Tony wearing Levi and Strange in Mark L)
Was respected by Thanos himself
Withstood when Thanos hit him with a moon
Fought Thanos, made him bleed, kept fighting even without armor
Survived a severe injury thanks to his own invention
Was able to function, tried to fix Benatar, and return home while injured and ill with an infected wound
Built a lab for Bruce and helped him to become one with Hulk (combine the best of both worlds)
Became an amazing dad
Became an expert in time travel physics
Discovered/invented (controlled) Time travel
Built a time machine
Went on Time Heist and stole Tesseract from a guarded military base
Created his own Infinity Gauntlet
Thus brought half of the universe back to existence (Bruce snapped and partially sacrificed his health, but nothing would be possible without Tony)
Saved Bruce’s arm by providing emergency medical care
Fought with Thanos again and…
Saved the whole Universe
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undeadcourier · 1 month
Ghouls are, put simply, humans suffering from advanced, prolonged radiation sickness and whose bodies have mutated such that gamma radiation extends their lifespan past natural limits.
The process of ghoulification is outlined in canon sources, but I wanted to make a guide that goes into more detail on the effects of radiation sickness in various cases, since the level and type of exposure significantly affects the outcome.
This is the first in what will be a series of posts exploring both real-life cases of radiation sickness and the sci-fi concept of ghoulification in some depth. Graphic descriptions of the physical deterioration of the body are included for informative purposes; reader discretion is advised.
For this first case study, I examine the effects on the human body of exposure to high levels of radiation in a short period of time, with a focus on the real case of Hisashi Ouchi.
On September 30, 1999, a lack of appropriate safety measures and the proper materials resulted in an accident that caused three workers at the nuclear power plant in Tōkai-mura, Japan, to suffer from severe radiation poisoning while purifying reactor fuel.
Point of Criticality
An uncontrolled fission reaction was produced when technicians poured nearly seven times the legal limit of uranium oxide into an improper vessel containing nitric acid. The men reported seeing a bright blue flash—indicative of Cherenkov radiation—when the mixture reached critical mass, flooding the room with radiation. The workers evacuated to the decontamination room, but already, the two who had been handling the reactive solution were overcome with intense pain from radiation burns, severe nausea, and difficulty breathing. Hisashi Ouchi, who suffered the highest level of exposure, also experienced rapid difficulties with mobility and coherence. Upon reaching the decontamination room, he vomited and fell unconscious.
~1 Hour Post-Exposure
Ouchi regained consciousness in the hospital about 70 minutes after the criticality accident, where doctors confirmed that he had been exposed to high doses of gamma, neutron, and other radiation.
The maximum allowable annual dose of radiation for nuclear technicians in Japan was 50 millisieverts. Exposure to more than 7 sieverts is considered fatal. Yutaka Yokokawa, the supervisor, had received 3 sieverts. The technicians who had been handling the uranium, Masato Shinohara and Hisashi Ouchi, received 10 sieverts and 17 sieverts, respectively.
~1 Day+ Post-Exposure
During the first few days in the ICU, Ouchi appeared to be in remarkably good condition, given the circumstances: the skin of his face and right hand was slightly red, as if by a sunburn, and swollen. His eyes were bloodshot, and he reported pain under his ear and right hand, which had received the most direct exposure, but he could speak normally, and he joked with the doctors and nurses attending to him.
6 Days Post-Exposure
Tests revealed that the high energy radiation that Ouchi had been exposed to had obliterated the chromosomes in his bone marrow. They were unrecognizable—some severed, some fused, all out of order. This damage meant that his body was unable to create new blood cells. The red blood cells that transport oxygen could not be replaced, and Ouchi's white blood cell count was near zero, leaving him extremely vulnerable to infection.
~1 Week+ Post-Exposure
Intensive treatments, including numerous skin grafts, blood and bone marrow transfusions, and revolutionary stem cell transplants were conducted in an attempt to stabilize Ouchi, but ultimately without lasting success.
The skin grafts couldn't hold; when medical tape was peeled from his skin, his skin came with it, and the marks left behind couldn't heal. Blisters like those of a burn appeared on his right hand.
Ouchi reported frequently that he was thirsty.
~10 Days Post-Exposure
By this point, Ouchi's oxygen levels were so low that even speaking required tremendous effort. Ouchi was placed on supplemental oxygen and required sedatives to be able to sleep.
2 Weeks+ Post-Exposure
Ouchi was no longer able to eat and required an IV. By day sixteen, most of the skin on the front side of his body had fallen off.
His low platelet count and lack of healthy skin meant that his blood and bodily fluids leaked through his damaged pores, resulting in unstable blood pressure.
Donor stem cells that were meant to allow his body to create new tissue were also destroyed by the radiation present in his body.
~1 Month Post-Exposure
On the 27th day following the accident, Ouchi suffered from intense diarrhea. The mucus layer of his large intestine had vanished, exposing the red submucosal layer beneath. His body could no longer disgest or absorb anything he ingested; even water was excreted as diarrhea.
The skin of Ouchi's right hand was almost entirely gone, leaving the surface of his hand raw and dark red. Blisters spread across his right arm and abdomen, then over his entire body. Gauze was required to replace his skin, and his fingers had to be individually wrapped to prevent them from sticking together. Without skin to keep him warm, Ouchi required an electrothermic device to maintain his body temperature while his bandages were changed—a daily procedure that took hours. Every time the gauze was removed, more of Ouchi's remaining skin went with it. His eyelids could not shut, and his eyes bled. His nails fell off.
Ouchi's right arm was necrotizing, leading to an increasing amount of myoglobin—a protein in muscle tissue—flowing in Ouchi's blood. Untreated, this could result in renal failure as the kidneys could not process the amount of myoglobin present.
Ouchi's body could not regenerate the platelets that form scabs, meaning the risk of hemorrhage was extreme.
By day 50, more than two liters of fluid seeped from Ouchi's damaged skin each day. The amount of fluid prevented skin grafts from adhering. Furthermore, he began to suffer from blood in his stool, and permeated blood seeped between his inflamed small and large intestines.
2 Months+ Post-Exposure
On the 59th day after the accident, Ouchi suffered the first of many heart attacks. His kidneys and liver were also failing. He no longer showed reactions to stimuli.
By day 63, Ouchi's macrophages—the immune cells that normally attack and consume bacteria and viruses—were attacking his own healthy blood cells.
After 67 days, Ouchi suffered internal hemorrhage. He bled from his mouth and intestines.
Ouchi would continue to suffer from heart attacks, as many as three in one hour. Each time, he was revived, but he suffered increasing brain damage, until multiple organ failure ended his life after 83 days in the hospital.
Ouchi's colleague Masato Shinohara underwent numerous successful skin grafts and a stem cell transfusion as well as radical cancer treatment, but he, too, died of multiple organ failure after seven months. Their supervisor, Yutaka Yokokawa, was treated for minor radiation sickness and was released from the hospital within three months of the accident.
This detailed chronology was referenced from the book A Slow Death: 83 Days of Radiation Sickness by Iwanami Shoten, translated by Maho Harada. My post, of course, focuses on Ouchi's physical condition in his final months, but it’s important to remember him not just as a victim or a patient. He was a loving husband and father whose sense of humor and resilience left an impression on everyone he came into contact with. The book is available in its entirety here and provides a moving, nuanced account of the incident and the efforts to save Ouchi's life.
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neverniko101 · 3 months
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Okay I know I said I would do Horror!Dreamtale but in my defense LOOOK AT THEM-
This originally started out as a redraw/redesign of an earlier art piece, but I guess they’re steampunk now- these are redesigns for Krxken!tale, btw! There won’t be too much more of these folks until Horror!Dreamtale is done, so have some rambling to sustain yourselves :>
Dust- The Doctor
- 6’2
- The temporary “Leader”- the other two crash in his house until they meet a certain octopus
- His hobbies include medicine, alchemy, performing horrific and unethical experiments, and eating oatmeal
- May or may not have a deal with a certain god of death…
- He has a pet crow that needs a name, reblog with name suggestions :>
- He will not take the mask off, asking him to or trying to take it off will make him angry. Not even the other two know what’s under his mask, he only takes it off to eat when he’s alone.
- Despite his intimidating appearance, he has limited magic and is fairly weak in battle. He lets the other two do most of the fighting and has them restrain his “patients” before he works on them.
- In a pinch, he will fight using bones, his staff, potions, and gaster blasters shaped like bird skulls, although he tires quickly.
Horror- The Armswielder
- 5’9
- His mechanical eye works like a telescope, allowing him to see far away and small details
- His hobbies include playing with sharp objects, metalworking, construction, and gardening
- He likes gathering trinkets from AUs they visit, especially plants that he grows in his garden.
- His time in the forges has made him resistant to heat
- He tries to split his time evenly between Horror!tale with his brother and Dust!tale with the other two
- Fights using his large array of weapons or bone attacks- the physically strongest out of the group
- Works for the other two in exchange for weapons and food to bring back to his AU
Killer- The Inventor
- 5’7
- Hobbies include engineering, arson, sewing, and annoying the other two
- Relies on a potion that Dust makes him to keep his ‘condition’ under control
- Very particular about his outfit and will get very upset if it is ruined, although he does say that none of his looks are complete without a splatter of blood
- Will absolutely charm people into getting what he wants
- Likes roses- the rose in his suit is actually a hidden knife
- Very fast & agile
- Fights using his inventions or bone & gaster blaster attacks, although he is very good at making improvised weapons
- Makes most of his weapons for Horror as they end up being heavy & he’s the strongest
General notes:
- Killer invented a portal machine that lets them travel to other AUs, but it needs high amounts of energy to work- batteries, nuclear waste, human/monster souls, the three aren’t picky
- They live in Dust’s house in Dust!tale
- Dust makes potions/medicine for Killer, Killer makes weapons for Horror, Horror gathers supplies for Dust
Killer by rahafwabas
Horror by Sour Apple Studios
Dust by Ask Dusttale
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usernyoom · 6 months
Physics for rookies! What is Adrien Newey cooking in there?
Here is the culmination of my research into the physics behind F1, my own knowledge from GCSE physics, and what I have gleaned from my very patient friend who took A-Level physics. This is about as in-depth as I can understand in hopefully simple and fun explanations. I've used the RB19 as my example model because I don't think I'll ever truly be over her.
The basics!
Because a lot of this primer uses language that you might not remember or sort of vaguely understand, here's some basic explanations of physics stuff that comes up:
Energy: this is defined as 'the ability to do work' - how much capacity you have to do something, such as move, or react! There are several different forms of energy: kinetic (movement), thermal, light, gravitational, electrical, sound, chemical and nuclear. Energy can be transferred between these different forms - for example, some of the light energy produced by light bulbs is transferred into heat, which is why they are hot to touch. It can also be transferred between different objects that are touching. This can cause other objects to move, such as water rippling, or other objects to begin to heat up, like a pan on a stove.
Particle: in science, this refers to an extremely small piece of stuff, most commonly a molecule or an atom. Although the air seems invisible to us, it is actually made up of various gases and other types of particles. We don't feel the pressure these particles exert on us because we produce enough energy to move through them without them bothering us, and we don't see them because they're so small and spread out!
Pressure: the physical force exerted on or against an object by something coming into contact with it. In this primer, this mostly refers to the pressure caused by the particles that make up gases, which collide with the things around them as they move around randomly. Pressure can be relative in the same volume - high pressure areas have more particles in the same volume than low pressure areas, which have less. Pressure can be changed by increasing the volume - more volume with the same amount of particles equals a lower pressure.
But wait ... physics matters in F1?
The physics behind F1 cars dictates how the team develops their cars! Understanding why the updates they add to the car work why they do helps them to develop further changes, or to make adjustments according to the race weekend. There are a few different forces teams need to think about during development and set-up:
Ground effect
Some cars have high or low drag - what does that mean?
Simply: how much drag a car has directly translates to how easily the car moves through the air. The more drag the car has, the less energy goes into acceleration, as more energy goes into moving the particles in the air out of the way. Complicatedly:
The energy of an F1 car produces different types of energy, the most obvious ones being kinetic, thermal, and sound. Most of the kinetic energy the car produces goes into making it go fast, but since some of the particles that make up the air are touching the car, some of that kinetic energy has to go into pushing those particles out of the way so the car can move past them. This makes the car less efficient, as less of the energy produced is going toward its intended purpose: zooming! The horizontal force the car experiences caused by these air particles pushing on it as it moves them out of the way is called drag. There are a few different types of drag that an F1 car can experience:
Skin Friction Drag: what it sounds like! Some particles in the air have qualities that make them attracted to surfaces, such as the wings or chassis of an F1 car. These particles can stick to the car, and then become attracted to other particles that are free in the air. These attractions can build up layers of particles. The attraction between particles attached to the car, and particles in the air increases the amount of energy the car has to use to move them out of the way
Form Drag: this just refers to 'normal' drag - the force caused when an object pushes the particles in the air out of the way. The shape of an object can affect the amount of form drag it experiences. The smaller the area moving through the air, the less pressure it experiences, and therefore the less drag experienced
Induced Drag: this is a type of drag caused by a second force an F1 car experiences, downforce. Downforce creates an area of high pressure and an area of low pressure. The particles in the air try to even this out by moving from the area of high pressure to the area of low pressure. This happens most around the front and rear wings of an F1 car. However, it's unavoidable, because downforce is vital to the function of an F1 car!
If an F1 car is high drag, this basically means it is designed in a way that is not efficient for moving through the air, so it wastes loads of the energy produced by the engine. These cars often have huge speeds losses on straights when compared to low drag cars. Low drag cars are great at moving through the air! They have lots more energy left over to go into speed.
How do you make a car high or low drag?
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F1 engineers use a few different techniques to reduce drag. Here are some of them:
Endplates: induced drag means that the air moving over the front wing and rear wing of F1 cars wants to go down underneath them, from the area of high pressure to the area of low pressure. Endplates stop them moving sideways over the plates, and instead keeps them moving in a straight line over the wings. On the front wing of the car, the endplates also reduce drag by directing air over the wheels of the car, and not into them!
Sidepods: remember how Mercedes refused to have sidepods, and then added them as an upgrade? Sidepods help to reduce form drag by directing the air flow in specific ways over the car. This also helps to increase downforce - they're kind of important!
Nose: F1 cars have super thin noses. This helps to reduce form drag - the smaller the area experiencing pressure as it moves through the air, the less energy is used!
DRS: the drag reduction system on an F1 car opens the rear wing during specified zones on each circuit. This removes the induced drag caused by the wing generating downforce, so the car gains around 10 extra km/h!
To see how these different components change how air is directed over the surface of the car, you can watch the tests teams often do early in free practice 1. During aerodynamic tests, they add neon paint to areas of the car and record how it spreads!
Most of these components are regulated by the FIA, but teams can design and adjust them within those regulations to get different effects to suit different circumstances. This can be why you see teams bringing different sidepods, or wings, to different tracks! Power circuits (e.g. Monza) refer to circuits where the speed of the car is most important to its performance. These circuits typically have a bunch of straights and slow speed corners, where downforce isn't useful, but reducing drag is!
What's downforce?
Simply: downforce is a term mainly specific to F1 that refers to the force that sucks the car down toward the floor when it moves. The more downforce a car has, the faster it can go! Complicatedly:
Downforce refers to the vertical force that a car experiences due to the particles in the air pushing downward on it. This happens when the car isn't moving, but also when it does! As the car moves and air flows over it, the particles in the air collide with the car and create pressure. Downforce is also sometimes called 'negative lift', as the opposite of lift occurs.
The amount of downforce an object experiences increases according to the square of its speed. This means that if you are travelling at 50 km/h, with 10N of downforce, and double your speed to 100 km/h, you increase the amount of downforce you experience to 40N (WARNING! MATHS: 50 x 2 = 100, 2² = 4, 10 x 4 = 40).
Teams want lots of downforce on their car for a few different reasons:
Downforce stabilises the rear of the car. This makes it easier for the driver to handle the car and predict what it will do
The more downforce you have, the higher the top speed of your car is
Teams want extra speed in medium and low speed corners. Because of the above principle, its actually easy to find extra downforce in fast corners! Medium and slow speed corners are the problems.
What's a ground effect? How does it work?
To generate more downforce, F1 engineers now consider the ground to be part of the system that produces different forces on an F1 car. This principle is called the ground-effect, and it can be used to produce ground-effect downforce. Ground-effect is also used to explain why planes float before they reach take-off speed!
In modern-day F1, most ways that are used to produce ground-effect are based off Bernoulli's principle. This principle refers to the effect that occurs when an object is lowered to the floor as air flows around it. As air moves between the object and the ground, it accelerates as the amount of space it has to move between them decreases. This causes pressure between the object and the ground to decrease, while pressure above the object stays the same - this creates an area of low pressure, and an area of high pressure. The object then experiences an overall downward force, which presses it toward the floor!
The area of low pressure underneath the car also works between the floor of the car and the track surface by trying to decrease the volume that the particles are contained in - it either tries to pull the track up towards the floor of the car, or pull the floor down toward the surface. This 'pulling' force acts as a vertical force, so it technically increases downforce!
How do you get extra downforce?
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Anything that helps to either increase the pressure over the top of the car, or decreases the pressure underneath the car can help! The most common way engineers do this is by considering the entire car to be one big 'wing', but there are couple of methods:
The front wing: the front wing directs air close to the surface of the track up and over the body of the car, which increases the amount of air causing pressure over the top of it. This creates an area of low pressure under the front wing, and an area of high pressure above it
The skirt: the skirt around the floor of the car prevents air from entering underneath it from the sides. This stops the low pressure area underneath the car from being interrupted!
The flaps and fins: flaps and fins along the sides of the car force air into little spirals that create and trap a vacuum that 'seals' the edges of the car
The floor: the floor of an F1 car is covered in venturis - these are ducts that slowly expand toward their end. This both accelerates the particles in the air through the duct as they try to accommodate for the increase in space, but also decreases pressure under the car. The floor of the car is one of the biggest ways teams utilise ground-effect to increase downforce!
Ride height: adjusting the ride height of an F1 car refers to adjusting how low it sits to the ground. Decreasing the ride height increases downforce according to Bernoulli's principle. It is also one of the favoured ways to increase downforce, as it is one of the few that does so without massively increasing drag!
Sidepods: sidepods can be used to direct air flowing over the car toward the floor and into the venturis to increase downforce. Wide sidepods can also function in a similar way to the skirt of the car
Some of these components can be adjusted every race weekend to suit the conditions of the track. For example, the ride height can be adjusted, as can the angles of the front and rear wings. High downforce circuits (e.g. Monaco) are those where having a lot of downforce is advantageous. They are characterised by lots of corners, and very few, often short, straights. At these type of circuits, having low drag isn't super important - how attached to the floor you can get your car is!
Let's go porpoising! - Gunter Steiner
Porpoising refers to the rapid upward and downward movement of the body of the car as it bounces on its suspension. This is caused by the floor of the car being sucked too close to the floor, and the low pressure becoming problematic. It causes the air to stall underneath the car, which forces it to bounce up so the air underneath it can be released. This cycle continues over and over again, and you end up with porpoising!
The problem arose after the regulation changes for the 2022 season, when using the ground effect to generate downforce was allowed again! It dominated the way F1 cars were engineered throughout the 1970s and early 1980s, and then was disallowed after regulation changes. There were fears about cars losing the downforce generated from the ground affect, and then shooting off the track. The FIA reintroduced it in an attempt the reduce the effect of dirty air.
Porpoising became so wide-spread and severe among the teams that the FIA had to stage a technical intervention with a change to the regulations. The edges of an F1 car's floor have to be 15mm further away from the surface of the track than previously, which allows stalled air to be released and decreases the area of low pressure underneath the car. This appears to have fixed the problem! However, porpoising is still one of the more memorable parts of the 2022 season.
How does this help me understand what Adrien Newey is cooking in there?
I know that the title of the primer suggests that I do, in fact, know 'what Adrien Newey is cooking in there.' I regret to inform you that I don't. He's beyond all of us.
But, if you have any questions or want to chat more technical F1 stuff with me, my ask box is open and I'm happy to talk! Hope this helped :)
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mindblowingscience · 8 months
Fast radio bursts, or FRBs, are an astronomical mystery, with their exact cause and origins still unconfirmed. These intense bursts of radio energy are invisible to the human eye, but show up brightly on radio telescopes. Previous studies have noted broad similarities between the energy distribution of repeat FRBs, and that of earthquakes and solar flares. However, new research at the University of Tokyo has looked at the time and energy of FRBs and found distinct differences between FRBs and solar flares, but several notable similarities between FRBs and earthquakes. This supports the theory that FRBs are caused by "starquakes" on the surface of neutron stars. This discovery could help us better understand earthquakes, the behavior of high-density matter and aspects of nuclear physics. The research is published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Continue Reading.
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squeakadeeks · 7 months
Hey you work at one of those fancy physics labs if I throw someone into a particle accelerator will they do something cool
i actually dont work at the cyclotron anymore but there was a room in the facility specifically for this and im not even kidding.
our beam was often used for proton therapy, literally like the patient would sit in a chair in front of the beam trajectory and get blasted
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my favorite part of this was the rest of the building looked like a classic nuclear facility with concrete walls, lead bricks, machinery and heavy equipment but then if you go down the hall its just a regular drs office.
granted this only worked bc it was a controlled proton beam, the actual level of damage that would be inflicted if you just put someone inside an accelerator willy nilly would be much higher (assuming they would actually fit and its not a niche case beam-type). you would almost certainly die by severe thermonuclear burns. high energy particles have....high energy.
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rwac96 · 2 months
Batman Contingencies: Godzilla
Aganememnon Contingency: "King of The Monsters"
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There are many things in the world that mankind will never fully grasp, the prime example being Godzilla, going by many names in different cultures that met its kind. He's nicknamed "King of The Monsters", and lives up to that title due to the amount of raw power contained in his body, not to mention the ferocious nature of the Gojiran/Godzilla species. Time and time again, he has eluded the efforts of the JSDF, G-Force, the Earth Defense Force, Apex Industries, scientists with good and ill intentions, and Kaiju/Titan poachers and hunters, proving to be indestructible against almost any weaponry known to man. According to known science, there have been six "Gojirans": The focus of this contingency will be on the Godzilla that hatched at an institute in Kyoto, the third "King of the Monsters" after the second's demise in 1996. Despite this monster not showing hostility towards humanity, his battles against creatures such as Baragon, thwarting the Gigan Miles Invasion, and the Megalon attack have left collateral damage. Plus, the legacy of its father and the Gojiran clones/'cousins' have still declared Godzilla a "walking disaster" by the EDF.
This Godzilla, called "Little Godzilla" and "Godzilla Juinor" in its infancy, was raised in captivity and imprinted on a researcher named Azusa Gojo as a mother figure. Unlike its surrogate father, the third Godzilla is docile and kind towards humans. But, his body still emits high radiation and preys upon marine life. Lastly, the meltdown its parent went through would've resulted in a mass extinction event: Either resulting in a potent explosion unseen since the Big Bang or melting into the depths and destabilizing the Earth's core. These plans, learning from the successes and mistakes of humanity's encounters against Godzilla, would prove helpful to subdue the Kaiju in case he falls under mind control or undergoes a catastrophic meltdown.
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Like any Gojiran, he can unleash a powerful heat ray called 'Atomic Breath', this Godzilla unleashes a devastating one that causes massive explosions on contact. He can also unleash a Nuclear Pulse, discharging atomic energy from its dorsal plates. But, unlike its father, it can transfer energy into its fists and claws, enhancing physical attacks. Godzilla is extremely durable, able to tank many forms of conventional weaponry, and withstand attacks from the Gigan Miles' blades and Megalon's drills. One last ability that separates him from the Lagos Island Godzilla is entering his own "Burning State' at will, and to exit out of it, preventing him from suffering his father's fate.
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Like any Godzilla, he needs nuclear energy to sustain himself. Due to the nature of his mutation, his body is essentially a walking nuclear plant he has to maintain. Driving himself to the point of exhaustion, he collapses into unconsciousness. Too much, he'll have to expunge it or suffer a nuclear meltdown. In a scenario where he's in a meltdown, cryokinetic missiles, with cadmium shells will lower his internal temperatures. Like with the plans similar to the "Last Hope" Contingency, I'd have to implement the 'Titan Bat' and deploy it in combat. For Godzilla, diamond metallic modifications are in mind for the confrontation.
To end the cycle of violence between the Gojiran, we mustn't give in to our paranoid impulses, ironically coming from me. This Godzilla lacks the mistrust of humanity his forebearers had, as it was humankind who had brought Godzilla into existence. Hopefully, we can both coexist peacefully, even if such a thing is an impossible dream.
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rainbowsuitcase · 1 month
Another anonymous made this point about the bodily aspects of how the Arc reactor would hurt Tony but from a Physics point of view it’d also be dangerous. Yes, I know it’s fiction but if you were to try create an Arc Reactor which is a magnet and energy source. To create the magnetic part you’d have to have some strong magnetic field pulsing around your chest which attracts the shrapnel he has in his chest so there’s that, I don’t take any Human Biology courses so… It might damage internal organs? Now for the energy source you’d need to achieve Nuclear Fusion reaction basically to create a clean energy source, and that takes the form of Plasma it occurs at high temperatures (100+ million degrees Celsius) so it’s burn Tony. Let’s say he figures that out he’d have to expel the abundant energy produced because they produce enough energy to light up a whole state (maybe 2) so more than what a magnet would need. Long ramble but yeah.
wait, if it's a magnet and apparently pretty strong, does it also affect things outside of the body? or is the casing stopping the magnetic field in that direction?
i think i'll just stick to "it works because fiction." all of the real life stuff is... so complicated.
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house-of-mirrors · 6 months
The game mentions radium (though it is older writing) so like, technically they have particle physics despite the weirdness of the neath/high wilderness
Stones vs Fires on uranium: a genuinely nuclear argument
Fires says it's an energy source. Stones says it's shiny. The Horrors.
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randomisocahedron · 1 month
Guidelines for Humans in Multi-Species Spacecraft
(I originally posted this to Reddit)
Humans are capable of adapting to standard gravity within 2 to 8 standard days, during which time anti-nausea medication (see appendix E) is to be provided. In the case of humans who cannot adapt, or on craft which typically undergo non-standard acceleration, weights or air bladders are to be made available.
Humans require sleep, but do not require it within any specified parameters. Any human, but especially those in an armed service branch, is capable of entering sleep in a wide variety of situations, and they may do so without warning. This is not cause for medical concern unless they have been diagnosed with narcolepsy.
Humans are capable of consuming all standard rations except those containing ergotamine, for which lysergide or ethanol may be substituted. Food energy consumed per day varies greatly both between individuals and for the same individual over time, which is not to be considered a medical concern. Most humans are capable of meal preparation, and on vessels large enough to house a proper galley, they should be permitted to prepare their own food. Their food must be clearly labelled as such, including its name and any toxins it contains. Many humans enjoy sharing food, but crew are to be made aware that the human palate is highly varied due to a lack of cultural homogenization: just because you enjoy ONE human dish does not mean you will enjoy ALL human dishes.
Companion Animals
Many humans will take animals as companions. This is to be generally encouraged, because it keeps them calm. The captain of a vessel has discretion in allowing dangerous predators on board, but they are advised to allow it if the human can demonstrate control over the creature.
Psychological Factors
Autopsych programs are being developed for humans. Their capacity for compartmentalization and denial is quite high, so small vessels need not be concerned that human crew will not have regular counselling. However, great care is to be taken to ensure humans do not become bored, as bored humans are highly dangerous to everything around them. Any human who appears to be attempting to upgrade the ship must be redirected to open problems in mathematics, science, etc, or to creative pursuits, if at all possible. (ADDENDUM: Humans are not to be redirected to the following fields: Psychology; high-energy organic chemistry; yodelling; bioengineering; applied nuclear physics; contract law.)
Non-Humans on Primarily Human Vessels
It is strongly advised that non-humans not enter a human vessel, even briefly, until the ongoing space-vessels integration process is completed.
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seconds-2-midnight · 7 months
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X-Men Evolution universe Geiger!
Real name: Lenore McLeary
Nicknames: Ankle-biter (twin brother), Glowstick (Todd/Fred), Glowbug (Rogue), The Nuke Mutant (Logan), Lo (everyone)
Birthplace: Doune, Scotland
Occupation: Bayville High transfer student
Powers: Radiation emission, inducing mild radiation sickness, small detonations (As a teenager, she can only create small explosions, akin to a pipe bomb. As an adult, she can cause 10-15kt nuclear blasts once every few days but with great physical pain and risk of self-destruction).
Weaknesses: Powers are unstable and uncontrolled, leading to huge fluctuations between very weak to very strong radioactive energy. High likelihood of making friends and loved ones sick on accident (sorry, Todd). Very weak to the cold.
Passive abilities: High body temperature (120 degrees F average). Glowing eyes/skin randomly appear and disappear. Appears surrounded by specks on camera, smells like ozone, causes headaches and ringing ears with close physical contact.
Interests: Drawing, insects, animal bones, horror comics, gory old monster movies, vintage clothes and antiques, ww2 era music, 80s goth music, gross-out humor.
Love interest(s): Rogue (shoots her down politely, become good friends), Kurt (shoots her down HARD, become rivals), Toad (requited but both are too oblivious to make the first move, RIP nerds).
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mysticstronomy · 1 year
Saturday, February 25th, 2023
Welcome back,
Today, it’s now 13.8 billion years since the Big Bang occurred. Our observable Universe extends for 46.1 billion light-years in all directions, and is made of:
68% dark energy,
27% dark matter,
4.9% normal (atom-based) matter,
0.09% neutrinos,
and 0.01% radiation,
with no hint of other components like spatial curvature, cosmic strings, domain walls, or any other weird stuff we can imagine.
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If we were to run the clock backward, however, we’d find that dark energy wasn’t always dominant. There was a time when matter dominated, and before that, when radiation did. There was a time when there were no stars, no neutral atoms, no atomic nuclei, no protons and neutrons, and even no massive particles.
But how do we know precisely when these events and epochs occurred? That’s what Marshall Randolph wants to know, asking:
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“When I read about the epochs of the universe, they are tagged with a specific time. The Hadron epoch, for example, started at 10^-6 seconds. The timelines of the epochs are given almost as if I should know them. Are they easily calculated by physicists? Could you describe the methods in a way I can understand?”
I very much think so. Let’s recount the cosmic story of how we came to be and how we know precisely when those events happened.
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In the beginning — at least, as far back as we can trace things — the Universe was inflating. That means it was expanding relentlessly, doubling in scale in all directions with each tiny fraction-of-a-second (something like 10-35 seconds) that goes by. After only a few hundred of those doublings, a tiny quantum fluctuation occurring on Planck scales, the smallest scale we can describe before the known laws of physics break down, gets stretched to scales even larger than the observable Universe.
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Because of this rapid expansion, the Universe quickly empties; the only thing in it is empty space, and the large amount of energy tied up in whatever quantum field caused inflation, plus the small amount of “fluctuation energy” arising from the stretched quantum fluctuations occurring on all scales.
Then inflation ends, and that field energy gets converted into all the quanta we know of. Particles and antiparticles of all types, including photons, get spontaneously created at very high energies and very large densities.
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They’re almost uniformly distributed, with an average “overdense” region and an average “underdense” region departing from the average density by just one part in ~30,000 or so. From this point on, the Universe always expands, cools, and gravitates, and all sorts of events in the evolutionary history of our Universe occurs.
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At the start, these quanta all collide with one another at tremendous rates: quadrillions of times per second. They’re all massless, so they’re all moving at the speed of light, possessing very large amounts of energy. But as the Universe expands, it also cools: remember that all particles, massive or massless, can be described by a wave as well, and the wavelength of any wave determines its energy.
As the Universe expands, the wavelength of all waves get stretched, meaning they lose energy and the temperature of the Universe drops.
At some point:
the Universe cools enough so that the shortest-lived, most unstable particles and antiparticles begin decaying,
the Higgs and electroweak symmetries break, giving rise to rest mass and separating the weak and electromagnetic forces,
the quarks-and-antiquarks and gluons, previously free particles, become grouped into protons, neutrons, and other bound states known as hadrons,
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the antimatter annihilates away with most of the matter, creating a great bath of radiation and just a small population of excess matter,
nuclear fusion can occur without composite nuclei immediately being blasted apart,
matter overtakes radiation as the dominant component of the Universe,
neutral atoms can stably form, giving rise to a Universe that’s now transparent to visible light,
the first stars form, paving the way for the era of stars and galaxies,
and then dark energy overtakes matter as the dominant component of the Universe, ensuring our cosmic fate to be driven away from all unbound galaxies and groups/clusters of galaxies.
That’s a very rough outline of the history of the Universe.
Originally published on bigthink.com
(Wednesday, March 1st, 2023)
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