#Planetary Geology
good-night-space-kid · 6 months
I want to see meteorites
well lucky for you, i just took a whole class on planetary geology, so here's a couple of fun meteorites.
but first, a definition. meteorites are fragments of the primordial solar nebula that were not accumulated into the present planets or come from planets in our system.
widmanstatten structures are very cool and present in many meteorites and look like the photo below. they are brought out by acid etching meteorites after cutting and polishing them. they are thought to be formed in the centers of planetary and smaller bodies, and probably what the earth's core looks like.
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stony-iron meteorites are popular favorites for slabs because they often are a mix of, as you might guess, iron and olivines. they look like this:
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among the famous meteorites is allan hills 84001, a carbonaceous meteorite found in antarctica and from mars made famous for the potential biotic (made by living creatures) structures. this one has been the subject of heated debate, but personally i'm not convinced that it's biotic.
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and another famous meteorite, angra dos reis. this is one of 6 meteorites classified as an angrite, a meteorite that (might be) from mercury. angrites are cool as hell and there's a lot out there about them and why they may or may not be from mercury, too much for me to discuss in this post, but i definitely recommend looking into them because they're really interesting.
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meteorites are super cool! if you want to learn more, looking into the research around the two meteorites is a good intro to how meteorite research works, the challenges that comes with studying extraterrestrial objects, and the rigorous scientific debate that occurs within the planetary geology community. enjoy!
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venusianwonders · 2 years
The Crater Farm
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An image of the crater farm in the Lavinia Planitia region on Venus, captured by NASA’s Magellan probe
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boreal-sea · 1 year
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If you know, feel free to put your reasons why in the tags or the Comments! Yes, there is technically a "correct" answer.
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evilkitten3 · 2 years
hey star science side of tumblr quick question for y'all
how long does it take an asteroid or comet or whatever to hit earth? like if you can see it, even if it's super tiny, how long does that give you til impact?
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factsandstuffbyd · 2 years
Giant planets are the planets with the size many times that of earth. In our solar system there are four giant planets. Jupiter and Saturn are gas giants and Uranus and Neptune are ice giants. In this video we see all the possible types of giant planets that could exist. Most of the exoplanets discovered are giant planets.
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cel-studies-stuff · 2 years
30 July 2022
I need to document how excited I am to begin honours!! It’s the end of week one but I haven’t had time to do work this week between my birthday and bachelors graduation (I now physically have a degree!). The research project I’ll be working on across the next year is a perfect combination of my interests: machine learning with images and planetary geology. Gosh, I’m so hyped.
It’s taken the perfect combination of units I studied, my grades, and networking to get me to this point and I have really felt God guiding me towards this. Now I’m praying it all goes well and I grow in my skills as a researcher. And then, by the end of this, I figure out which direction I want to take my career (industry vs research).
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sparkofthetelling · 1 year
A Memory Called Empire is like 5 books down my TBR and it's taking me literally forever to read anything because my one reading braincell is pretty much always stuck on Physics mode so I have to learn about physics instead of reading my silly NK Jemisin, RF Kuang, or Tracy Deonn books (Thanks aphantasia), but I want to read it so badly just because the names A Memory Called Empire and A Desolation Called Peace are just such wonderfully provocative titles. Like ... do I know what they're about? Not really, y'know, but as someone who has long abandoned the concept of ever being at peace with myself—because if I've not lit myself upon the pyre of my own ambition, blazing to remain in sight of those who know me profoundly in the hopes of being reborn anew continuously, am I truly living—a phrase referencing peace as a desolation I just can feel in my bones. While I welcome conflagration with open arms, the absence of such practically the same in some cases, and I think that's a large part of what motivates my extreme interest in science. It's like how Antarctica is the world's largest desert, because deserts are not dependent on temperature or anything, and another desert, the Atacama, forms penitentes, which are a cool terrestrial analogue for the geological study of Europa, despite being a hot desert. It's such a strong word, but I do think Desolation encapsulates my feelings on the concept of peace external to interpersonal conflict, and I'm so excited to read it in 35 years when I've finally finished The World We Make.
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nanobookreview · 1 year
Super Volcanoes by Robin George Andrews
Volcanoes underwater, volcanoes on Mars, volcanoes made from lava, volcanoes made from ammonia: this book has it all. Filled with stories about volcanoes and the people who love and fear them, this book will make you love them as much as Robin does.
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alleventsnow-blog · 2 years
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mindblowingscience · 1 month
Earth's magnetic field nearly collapsed some 590 million years ago, presumably putting life on the planet's surface at risk of a rise in cosmic radiation. According to new research, the temporary weakening of the magnetic shielding might have been anything but a biological catastrophe. In fact, it may have boosted oxygen levels, creating prime conditions for early life to blossom. "Earth's magnetic field was in a highly unusual state when macroscopic animals of the Ediacara fauna diversified and thrived," University of Rochester Earth scientist Wentao Huang and colleagues write in their new paper.
Conitnue Reading.
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slightlymessystudyblr · 2 months
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Took a 4 day trip to Death Valley for my Field Geology class. I learned a ton about volcanism, paleolakes, ventifacts, and more. The world is a beautiful place.
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rocks-in-space · 1 year
I'm not including Earth's moon because I think we can agree that would result in a Moonsweep. But the Solar System is home to 685 other known moons that are also weird and wonderful!
Pictures and fun facts of all these moons below the read more!
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Phobos. The larger of Mars's two moons, it is getting closer to Mars at a rate of 1.8 m/year. It will either crash into the planet or break apart, forming a ring!
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Deimos. Tiny little moon with loose sediment possibly 100 m thick on its surface.
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Europa. One of Jupiter's four Galilean moons, so-called because they were discovered by Galileo. This moon has an ocean underneath the icy surface and may be one of the best places to search for extraterrestrial life!
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Callisto. One of Jupiter's four Galilean moons. Used to be considered one of the most boring moons, but more recent evidence suggests that it has an ocean beneath its icy/rocky surface!
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Io. One of Jupiter's four Galilean moons. The most volcanically-active body in the Solar System!
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Ganymede. One of Jupiter's four Galilean moons. The largest moon in the Solar System and the only known one with its own magnetic field! Also thought to have a subsurface ocean.
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Titan. The only moon with a substantial atmosphere, and the only known body besides Earth with present-day liquid on the surface! Titan has lakes, rivers, and seas made of liquid methane and ethane.
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Enceladus. A tiny moon, but a very scientifically interesting one! It has a liquid water ocean beneath its icy shell, and it appears to have vents where plumes of water shoot out into space. Also thought to be one of the best places to search for life.
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Triton. Neptune's largest moon. One of the few geologically-active moons in the Solar System with a surface made of nitrogen ice!
All photos from NASA.
[Image ID: 9 photos showing the moons Phobos, Deimos, Europa, Callisto, Io, Ganymede, Titan, Enceladus, and Triton. end ID]
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PhD Talk: Rift Magmatism and Tectonics on Earth and Venus
It's finally here! My PhD talk that summarizes the last six years of my research (minus the JPL Planetary Science Summer School) into a crisp, one hour presentation. Unfortunately, the audio is absolutely terrible for the first seven minutes and thirty seconds. If you feel like you're missing out, no fear! I previously gave a more in depth lecture on that subject here.
I'm close to finishing my doctorate, so it was really fascinating to go back and unify the disparate threads of research I've done into a single narrative (kind of). Hope you enjoy!
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stellanix · 1 year
there's a lot of debate in the scientific community and in the general public over the definition of the word "planet," with some saying that only the 8 most gravitationally dominant objects orbiting the sun should be considered planets, and others saying that any gravitationally rounded object in space, even moons, should be classified as planets, and still others who insist that all the scientists are wrong and that the planets should be the big 8 plus pluto because nostalgia or whatever
i propose a simple alternative that will make everyone happy: defining planet as a grain size on the wentworth scale (the scale used by geologists to describe the sizes of sediment grains), as a category above "boulder"
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in this system, a planet would be any grain larger than, say, 500000000 mm. earth would be a fine planet, jupiter would be a very coarse planet, neptune would be a coarse planet, exoplanets between earth and neptune in size would be medium planets, and our beloved little pluto would be a very fine planet <3
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fuckyeahfluiddynamics · 11 months
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factsandstuffbyd · 2 years
The Time Capsules Of Planetary History
Zircon crystals are tough enough to withstand the most violent geologic events. Impurities in them act as a planet's time capsule.
Using zircons, researchers can tell the origin stories of planets, infer when continents rose from the oceans, and possibly even discover valuable minerals beneath the Earth's surface.
They are Earth’s oldest known material and Some zircons from Australia date back more than 4 billion years.
In 2011, a Martian meteorite nicknamed Black Beauty was discovered in the Moroccan desert. A team of Japanese researchers who studied the zircons in the meteorite concluded that water on Mars originated around 4.4 billion years ago.
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