#Theoretical Astrophysics
aspaceinthecosmos · 4 months
Hello hello! I was wondering if you could explain to me about black stars? (Sorry if this comes off as bossy!) It's just that I read in a book that they're the stars that are on the brink of dying and someone else (whom I do not think is that much of a reliable source) says they don't exist or that they're black holes, I would not be inclined to believe them, but books *do* get outdated so.. thank you so much if you can satiate my curiosity!
hello anon! i’d never heard of black stars before, so i did a bit of research. something important to note with this information is that i couldn’t find an article or study more recent than 2013, and with how fast astrophysics and cosmology have been changing, it’s likely that these are out of date, so take everything stated here with a grain of salt.
from my understanding, black stars are a theoretical alternative to black holes, utilizing semiclassical general relativity, as opposed to classical general relativity which says that black holes should exist.
the main study i was reading had a bunch of jargon i couldn’t fully understand, but seemingly, the main difference between black stars and black holes are that black stars don’t have to have an event horizon (in a black hole, the event horizon is the “point of no return,” or the point at which the escape velocity is so high it surpasses the speed of light).
another thing i read was that black stars don’t/wouldn’t have a singularity. this would be caused by quantum processes within the star creating degeneracy pressure (think: pressure between subatomic particles), which would prevent the particles within the star from occupying the same point in space and forming a singularity. this lack of a singularity would make it so light can escape the black star, but would be extremely warped and redshifted. this would solve the question of how information can be destroyed in black holes, but again, is very theoretical.
black stars could also be an in-between phase between a red supergiant and it’s collapse into singularity (forming a black hole), which may have been what you were referring to by saying “stars on the brink of dying.”
i would, however, take this all with a grain of salt as i mentioned earlier. these studies are from over 10 years ago, and a lot has changed since then (including actually imaging black holes!), which, as black stars seem to be an alternative to black holes given some inconsistencies in our knowledge, the fact that we’ve imaged black holes makes it more unlikely that they’re real.
i hope that answered your question, if not, feel free to comment or send another ask :)
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frank-olivier · 4 months
Ryan Graves (Merged Podcast)
Dr. Adam Frank: UAP Research or SETI - Who Finds NHI First? (October 2023)
"Life isn't somerthing that happens on a planet. It's happened to a planet."
-- Adam Frank
Sunday, February 11, 2024
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alleventsnow-blog · 2 years
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spacejax · 7 months
physics doctorate…. singing its siren song 2 me….
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zvaigzdelasas · 4 months
what does your blog title mean
Assuming you mean "The Universe As A Causal Set"? Think in the near decade I've had this title you're one of the first to ask lmao... it's the title of appendix C from this paper that I find as an interesting theoretical cosmological model as well as a framing that i think is quite colorful as a demonstration for the awe-some scope of Cosmology as an epistemological project
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stemgirlchic · 3 months
i love theoretical physics but i could never study it bc 1) i'd like to minimize math's impact on my life and 2) one of the main reasons i love it is bc it's so different from my actual fields of study that i can talk/watch videos about it all day (therefore thinking about cool science) without being reminded of my ongoing projects (therefore stressing)
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kalifissure · 2 days
Neutron decay cosmology.
A homeostatic universe maintained by the reciprocal processes of electron capture at event horizons and free neutron decay in deep voids.
Neutrons in at event horizons
Drop kinetic energy off as mass for event horizon
Take EinsteinRosen bridge from highest energy pressure conditions to lowest energy density points of space where the quantum basement is lowest and easiest to penetrate
Neutrons out in deep voids where they decay into DM creating DE.
Then, the amorphous hydrogen coalesces and falls towards an event horizon, like everything is always doing.
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that-bluesybitch · 2 months
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pinkmoon-fox · 2 months
today i spent 8h at the library, 7 of them studying. never tought i could concentrate for so long but i really got into hyperfocus here. i kinda love it. tomorrow not so much time for studies bc i have appointments but thats okay! (i hope, we will see) but still splanning on a ~4h studysess in my fav cafe :)
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solacedeer · 3 days
Is nakey Matias illegal?
ask matias what do i look like a lawyer 💀💀
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roundedloaf · 11 months
guess who has apparently published a first author paper in a chemistry journal?????
2 years ago I wrote this paper (or at least the first draft) and had to drop out of being involved with it due to some personal stuff
So to find out it finally got published (due to the other authors actually finishing it) via searching my name on a database is very funny
It also contains a random photo I took on my phone while messing about with the experimental equipment
My current research has nothing to do with chemistry or any experiments
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actingwithportals · 1 year
You mean to tell me that for some people the enjoyment of writing sci-fi ISN'T figuring out the fundamentals of physics/chemistry/biology and making their speculative shenanigans work under the constraints of what we currently theorize to be true about the universe around us and instead get enjoyment out of...just saying "the thing works because I say so and it fucks" ????? Wild
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as-per-jury · 1 year
Our world is three dimensional - on the basis that we’re not first dimensional because we’ve determined that not only do dimensions exist but that there are only two others that we know we are “greater than” because we’ve likened them to concepts in our three dimensional world. Dimensions seem to be directions of movement and yet the diagonal does not count as a fourth as it does not count as a third in the second dimension. Our concept of time in this dimension is linear. Should, in this dimension, time not be the basis of a fourth dimension, could time therefore be considered three dimensional or must time be of the fourth dimension because we cannot manipulate time in its perceived linearity and yet we can manipulate what we believe to be of the first dimension. Where are the first and second dimensions? Are they within the third, are they separate, or were they stages in our world or dimension’s development?
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teachersource · 1 year
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Kip Thorne was born on June 1, 1940. An American theoretical physicist known for his contributions in gravitational physics and astrophysics. A longtime friend and colleague of Stephen Hawking and Carl Sagan, he was the Richard P. Feynman Professor of Theoretical Physics at Caltech until 2009 and speaks of the astrophysical implications of general theory of relativity. He continues to do scientific research and scientific consulting, most notably for the Christopher Nolan film Interstellar. Thorne was awarded the 2017 Nobel Prize in Physics along with Rainer Weiss and Barry C. Barish “for decisive contributions to the LIGO detector and the observation of gravitational waves”.
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horsemage · 10 months
when what you thought would be a small change to your code turns out to be completely rewriting the function and takes most of the day
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frank-olivier · 11 months
Lex Fridman
Sara Seager: Search for Planets and Life Outside Our Solar System (August 2020)
Katherine de Kleer: Planets, Moons, Asteroids & Life in Our Solar System (May 2021)
Clara Sousa-Silva: Searching for Signs of Life on Venus and Other Planets (June 2021)
Ariel Ekblaw: Space Colonization and Self-Assembling Space Megastructures (March 2022)
Anna Frebel: Origin and Evolution of the Universe, Galaxies, and Stars (May 2023)
Lisa Randall: Dark Matter, Theoretical Physics, and Extinction Events (December 2023)
Saturday, July 22, 2023
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