#Gifts for Pisces
rachellaurengray · 2 months
20 Lovely Gift Ideas to Spoil Your Special Pisces
1. Watercolor paint set
2. A journal for creative writing or sketching
3. Tarot cards or an oracle deck
4. Incense and a decorative incense holder
5. Sea-inspired jewelry, like seashell earrings or a wave necklace
6. A cozy blanket for cuddling up during meditation or relaxation
7. A soothing sound machine or white noise maker
8. Herbal teas for relaxation and mindfulness
9. A dreamcatcher to hang above their bed
10. A Himalayan salt lamp for ambiance and air purification
11. A fantasy novel or poetry collection
12. A subscription to a meditation or mindfulness app
13. Bath bombs or luxurious bath salts for a spa-like experience
14. A portable hammock for lounging by the water
15. A set of wind chimes for their garden or balcony
16. A guided journal for exploring emotions and intuition
17. A scented candle in calming scents like lavender or eucalyptus
18. A yoga mat with a tranquil design
19. A waterproof speaker for listening to music by the pool or beach
20. A DIY terrarium kit to create a miniature underwater world.
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aphrostarot · 1 year
What Are Your Magical Gifts? Pick a Pile
What are your magical gifts/psychic abilities?
As this is a general collective reading, some things may not resonate with you or your situation. DO NOT try forcing it to fit. If you would like to book a personalized reading with me go to my profile and follow the instructions on my pinned post.
If you enjoyed this reading and wanted to support me further you can do so by tipping me in the link in my bio or by booking a personal reading with me.
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Pile One:
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What are your natural gifts?
Seven of Wands and the Six of Swords:
Your natural gifts lie in your ability to keep a level head through any obstacle that comes your way. You are very good at seeing the good in the bad and understanding the lessons that come with them. Because you have faced so many obstacles in your life, you have a deep understanding of who you are and the kind of treatment you are willing to accept. So, when people cross your boundaries, you are not one to shy away from confronting them about it. You stand your ground and are ready to move on from any situation that doesn’t suit you or your well-being.
What magical gift is ready to be claimed at this time?
The Hierophant and Nine of Swords:
I feel that these obstacles you have been facing in your life have been a direct result of you trying to stray from your soul's purpose in this lifetime. There are magical practices that have been in your family for generations, and there is a great deal of pressure put on you to continue these practices. However, it seems like this pressure scares you, so you run away from it and because you are running from your soul's purpose, Spirit, and your Ancestors are throwing countless obstacles in your path to try to get you to turn back to your destiny. You are a very stubborn person and some of this stubbornness is a trauma response that is triggered when you are afraid and the amount of pressure you are feeling to continue these practices scares you, which continues the cycle you are currently stuck in. So, the gift that is ready to be claimed right now is you continuing the magical practices your family has had for generations.
What action do you need to take to call this gift forward?
King of Wands:
The King of Wands represents someone who is a natural-born leader so, you could be a fire sign (Aries, Leo, or Sagittarius) or have significant fire energy in your chart. The action you need to take in order for this gift to come forward is to embrace this side of yourself. You have an opportunity here to take on a leadership role in these practices. You are going to be the one to shape how the next generation in your family views these traditions and practices them. Essentially, this means you have to view your participation in these practices differently because you can change how some of them are done and make them better suited to you and your mindset while respecting your ancestors at the same time.
How can you nurture this gift?
Queen of Pentacles:
The Queen of Pentacles is a homebody who plays many roles to make sure she keeps her family safe. What this means for how you can nurture this gift is that you need to make sure you are aware of the energies that surround you in your home. Be it the energies you welcome into your home via people and objects, or the energies you yourself bring into your home. Keep your focus on maintaining a safe and peaceful environment that your family and ancestors can thrive in.
What potential will you unlock once you claim this gift?
The Tower and Ace of Wands:
A new beginning is waiting for you to unlock your full potential. Your guides are telling you here that once you claim this gift, you will be releasing everything in your life that does not serve you and opening yourself up to this new beginning. The Wands in Tarot represent creativity, and the Ace itself brings about new creative pursuits. So, with this new gift, you will experience a spark in your creativity that will bring you new opportunities in a hobby.
Who will you be when you reach your full power?
The Emperor:
The Emperor is represented by Aries in astrology so, you may be an Aries or have significant Aries placements in your chart, maybe even an Aries North Node. When you fully embrace your power, you will turn into the person you were destined to be in this lifetime. That person is extremely confident and has an air of authority in everything they do in life. You are meant to be a leader in this lifetime. You are going to be someone who will pave the way to a new future involving these gifts that you have been ignoring for quite some time now. Not only that, but you have the potential for great success in this lifetime with these gifts.
Who Are You In Your Full Power Extended Reading
Pile Two:
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What are your natural gifts?
The Tower and The High Priestess:
The High Priestess is the card of intuition, it is the card of your inner knowledge. So, what this means alongside The Tower in terms of your natural gifts, is that no matter how dark your days may get, you will always be able to see the path ahead. You may be naturally inclined towards meditation, spiritual work, or prayer.
What magical gift is ready to be claimed at this time?
Nine of Wands and Knight of Wands:
I want to start off this question by saying that my Throat Chakra is feeling very blocked with this pile and this question in particular. What this tells me, is that you may be feeling very blocked when it comes to your communication. You are struggling to communicate with the people around you, or maybe even your spirit guides. It’s almost as if your guides do not want you to know what your gift is at this time, they believe that you are not in the right headspace to claim this gift. All that they are willing to tell you about this gift at the moment is that it has to do with perseverance and being a free spirit. You will have an ability coming forward when you are ready, that allows you to persevere through any situation and to be fully confident in yourself. You will not care what others think once this gift is claimed. Not only that, but you will be the ultimate free spirit.
What action do you need to take to call this gift forward?
Seven of Pentacles and Nine of Swords:
There is something that has happened to you in your life, either in the recent past or when you were younger. Whatever it is, you have been struggling with it for quite some time and feel like you have nobody to confide in. You may have been having nightmares recently, or just been stuck in your head thinking about this thing. This is why your guides are saying that you are not in the right headspace to claim this gift. You need to work on healing yourself from this thing before you can accept this gift. The Seven of Pentacles tells you to make plans for your future and to have patience. There is something you need to do to clear the blockage in your Throat Chakra, whether that be going to therapy, journaling, singing, talking to a friend or family member, etc. you need to work on making a plan to heal yourself and then follow through with that plan.
How can you nurture this gift?
Queen of Pentacles:
There is strong earth sign energy in this pile (Taurus, Capricorn, and Virgo), particularly, Capricorn energy, maybe Capricorn moon or mercury? The Queen of Pentacles is a nurturing, loving figure who provides stability. Usually this stability is financial, but this tarot card can also refer to emotional stability, or stability within the home. She comes out here to remind you to focus your attention on creating a stable environment within your home—physically and metaphysically. Your guides are saying that by doing this, you will be one step closer to maintaining this gift in your life.
What potential will you unlock once you claim this gift?
Strength and The Empress:
The Empress is the representation of the divine feminine. What this means for you and the potential you will unlock once you claim this gift, is, you're tapping into your inner feminine power and completely owning it. Now, a lesser known side of the Strength card is its gentle, nurturing strength. Most people know the brute strength and power that comes with this card, but there is another side, and that is the side that you will be channeling from when you fully claim this gift. You will be the full embodiment of a nurturing and gentle, yet, powerful person. You will be in full contact with your sensuality and your happiness. Furthermore, you will not struggle to be kind to yourself once this gift is claimed.
Who will you be when you reach your full power?
The Luminaries:
Not all, but some Tarot decks have an artist's card that is specific to its deck. The Luminaries is the artist's card of this deck. This card depicts a trio of friends, Atlas, Conrad, and Dhara, who are overlooking a city with light. They represent the many sides of humanity and the nature of existing. This card coming out tells you to listen to your inner voice, that all the answers you seek are within you. What this means for this reading in particular is that once you are in your full power, you will be someone who never questions their inner power and intuition. You will be in full contact with every side of yourself and will be a very wise person.
Who Are You In Your Full Power Extended Reading
Pile Three:
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What are your natural gifts?
Three of Pentacles:
I want to start off by saying the energy that came with this pile was very energetic and chatty. So, I believe that many of you could be or have strong Gemini influence in your chart. With the Three of Pentacles coming out, you are very good at working well with others. It is something that has always come naturally to you, and it may even excite you. You shine when you are around people who share the same goals as you and with whom you can bounce your never ending ideas off of.
What magical gift is ready to be claimed at this time?
Ace of Cups and Eight of Swords Reversed:
There is a recurring theme of entrapment in your life. You may find yourself stuck and struggling to see the light at the end of the tunnel quite often. You may even find yourself being trapped in toxic relationships with people who try to take your power away from you. This magical gift that is ready to be claimed at this time, is a new beginning for you, one filled with light and love. This gift will bring you out of these situations and make sure you never find yourself in one of them again.
What action do you need to take to call this gift forward?
Six of Wands and Eight of Pentacles:
There is something in your life that you are working on, and your guides are saying that this thing is the key to you claiming this new gift. They are saying that once you complete this goal you are working towards, you will be fully ready for this gift to enter your life. Now, what you need to be doing right now, is to focus heavily on achieving whatever it is you are working towards. Success is in your future with this thing, maybe even public recognition of some sort, all you need to do is focus and keep working at it.
How can you nurture this gift?
The Lovers:
One of the lesser known meanings of the Lovers is making choices. It represents the choices that we make in life as we grow and follow our heart. So, in terms of nurturing this gift, you need to make a choice and I believe that choice for some of you is for you to focus on inner healing and inner love. Ultimately though, it is only you who knows what that choice is that you need to make, so, only take what resonates.
What potential will you unlock once you claim this gift?
The Star:
The Star is the card of pure optimism, of healing, and of growth. It is the card directly after the Tower in the deck, so, it represents that period of rebuilding from the ground up and that hope that comes when you are looking forward to your future. The potential you will unlock when you claim this gift is, you are turning into someone who has healed many of their emotional and physical wounds and continues to focus on their healing journey. Someone who looks towards their future with so much optimism.
Who will you be when you reach your full power?
Knight of Swords:
In your full power, you will be a very strong individual who is not afraid to make decisions and who makes difficult decisions look easy. You will be a social hit, people will admire you and how far you've come in life. You will have this aura of confidence because of all the choices you’ve made in life that have gotten you out of some pretty dark times. Not only that, but you have this ability to just forge ahead no matter the obstacles, and this is something that people will admire deeply about you. You will be a natural leader and a hero of your own story.
Who Are You In Your Full Power Extended Reading
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zenithabovemarshland · 3 months
Saturn in Pisces: Make it, and make it eternal. Make it deathless. Make it undead. Make it true.
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analvirgo · 2 months
∆👁️ Powerful Zodiacs 👁️∆
Strong Faith
Psychic gifts
Physically fit
Basic God: Hardly wins
12. Pisces/Neptune (2.5/5)
11. Aquarius/Uranus (2.5/5)
10. Taurus/Ceres (3/5)
Proficient God: Wins Sometimes
9. Capricorn/Saturn (3.5/5)
8. Gemini/Mercury (3.5/5)
7. Cancer/Moon (3.5/5)
Advanced God: Wins Most Times
6. Virgo/Chiron (4/5)
5. Sagittarius/Jupiter (4/5)
4. Aries/Mars (4/5)
Beyond God: Always Wins
3. Libra/Venus (4/5)
2. Scorpio/Pluto (4.5/5)
1. Leo/Sun (5/5)
(.5 = Maybe*)
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starrryknight · 1 year
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Just in time for his birthday!
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thescorpionmonarch · 2 months
Astrology forecast for TODAY. Mercury cazimi with sun in Pisces. Then tomorrow saturn cazimi. All maintained a conjunction. To each other for a few days in Pisces.
-Speak only healing energies.
-dream interpretation
-weird dreams. Change in dream topics
-sleep disrupted
-astral projection for communication
-telepathy sensitivity.
-shating helpful info to those in need
-giving people in need rides
-review mental health and sleep medication
-career boost for those looking into healing fields for therapy, sleep, reiki, and other spiritual services.
-need to ground. Go outside
-need to do art or create with your hands
-might be the one getting help
-those with signs making aspects ti there within 5 degrees of 8-9 degrees gets a stronger influence
-all the clairs are sensitive
-"i see dead people"
-longing for large bodies of water
-water scrying
-crying a lot
-be sensitive about the words you use towards others
-some are sensitive to others words
-premonition/foresight accuracy is up
-"soul mates" "soul tribe"
-ancestral info. Talking to ancestors. Empathing off of ancestors
-take a long bath or shower
-emotional karma. What you influenced emotionally will come back to influence you in the same way.
-spiritual awakenings and education pursuit
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ghostiezone · 11 months
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🩵🧡 give me your scrap pieces of wood ill put sea creatures on them 🧡🩵
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badbitchzodiac · 1 month
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Part 2: 💫 Let's keep the cosmic vibes going with Part 2 of our horoscope series! Explore your forecast from Libra to Pisces and jump into the magical world of the cosmos.
Share your sign and take a stroll through our curated collections for each zodiac sign and make this season epic.
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subskz · 1 year
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I'm entering my prophet era! He did this for me, actually ✌️😊🩷🩷🩷
No but what were the fucking odds Hyune put ribbons in his hair for HIS bday live? Not only that; one is pink!
3rd eye is open wide
YOU REALLY ACHIEVED CLAIRVOYANCE W THIS ONE 😭😭😭 it’s pure insanity i had the exact same thought when i saw him…ur concept was so powerful that it manifested in real time there’s no other explanation 🙏
jinnie wearing bows in his hair + doing the “sorry for being cute” challenge + making those adorable lil noises…it’s safe to say this live was an absolute win for us <3
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frecklesky · 1 year
The Venus Signs and What They Asked For Christmas
**Check your Mars for what you got!
Aries: Sneakers, a puzzle, and a new phone
Taurus: Mittens, a lava lamp, and a Keurig machine
Gemini: Notebooks, a necklace, and a lemon tree
Cancer: Roses, soy candles, and a puppy
Leo: Perfume, a fuzzy blanket, and a Nintendo Switch
Virgo: Plants, a camera, and a designer bag
Libra: Books, diamond earrings, and a record player
Scorpio: Crystals, a sweater, and concert tickets
Sagittarius: Cookies, a scarf, and a new laptop
Capricorn: Chocolates, a Lego set, and an Apple Watch
Aquarius: Watercolour paints, a giant teddy bear, and AirPods
Pisces: Slippers, a skincare set, and a kitten
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a watercolor reboot of this
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nickysfacts · 1 year
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Goldfish is easily one of the best snack foods of all time!
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piscesperspective · 2 years
How Citrine is healing to a depressed Pisces
How Citrine is healing to a depressed Pisces
Emotional Pisces sometimes will catch themselves in a funk. This is why Citrine is a great stone to have on standby. Pisces use citrine for meditation to aid in healing from depression and low self-esteem. Citrine helps revive confidence and motivation.
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pastelpolitoed · 2 years
Blue sour patch kid 😄
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aperfecthalosblog · 1 month
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Astrology horoscope zodiac 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler (Glow in dark option)
This listing is for one 20oz or 30oz skinny tumbler with a GLOW IN DARK option..
Vacuum insulated tumbler with lid and straw. Drinks stay ice cold or steaming hot ALL DAY LONG. Perfect for hot coffee in the morning, cold drinks all day long, or wine at the end of the day.
These are custom made and can be custom made for you with a process called sublimation..
Add a name or saying
Since these are handmade the image maybe slightly different then pictured
** All tumblers should be hand washed and not placed in the dishwasher.
There is no actual glitter the image make it appear like glitter..
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thescorpionmonarch · 11 months
Saturn goes retrograde in Pisces today.
Time to review what you have learned so far.
The lessons shouldn't feel so heavy now. Mind of a relief. Just dotting your i's and crossing your t's. Filling in info gaps you missed in the past few months.
The better you fulfill the lessons, the better you deal with saturn when it comes out of retrograde.
This is a great time to review old lessons on psychology, mental health, spirituality, old karma, intuition, any dreams you have had and keep going back to, sleep patterns, hidden/private info about yourself, shadow work, psychoanalysis of the subconcious, enlightenment, and transformation.
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