#Geumhyuk imagines
emeraldbabygirl · 1 year
GEUMHYUK HELP HIM PLEASE this was so stressful to watch he dropped his carrots, he burnt himself twice and I wanted to scream at him, then flames shot up, the camera fell over I’m surprised he actually accomplished the meal. My poor bofie I- ok he can cook I know he can and the fact that he can just makes him all the more attractive I love when my favs can cook it’s so sexy but dear lord did he have to be so chaotic? Like when the oil was poppin and hit his arm I just wanted to jump through the screen AND THEN WHEN HE WAS CRACKING EGGS I ALMOST PULLED MY HAIR OUT HE LITERALLY WHACKED TWO EGGS TOGETHER AND LOOKED AT THE CAMERA THEN CRACKED IT IN THE BOWL AND EVERY TIME HE WHACKED ONE EGG ON THE OTHER HE LOOKED AT THE CAMERA IT WAS SO WEIRD AND THEN THE ASSEMBLY WAS A MESS HE USED HIS FINGER TO PLACE THE RICE ON THE SEAWEED BUT HE DIDNT PUT WATER ON HIS HAND SO THE RICE STUCK TO HIS FINGERS AND THEN PEELED UP OFF THE SEAWEED HELP HIM PLEASE :(
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yeosangs-horizon · 5 years
[16:05] -> Tattoo
You winced in pain as the first traces of the needle began to dig into the sanitized and shaved portion of your leg. You felt a bit of tranquility once you felt your boyfriend squeeze your hand gently while caressing his palm over yours.
“Geumhyuk, how did you withstand all of this on your arm? Ack!” you winced in pain as the tattoo artist started to go over the lines he had made to your small bunny design. 
“Shh (Y/N) baby, it’ll be alright. You just kinda get used to the feeling, I’m here,” he soothed as he brought your hand gently to his lips and grazed over them with a gentle kiss. 
He let his fingers intertwine with yours as he stroked your hand with his thumb in a loving manner. You smiled at him with a tear dripping from your eye. You had extremely low pain tolerance but you had wanted this symbolic tattoo for years now. 
You winced in pain again as you felt the sharpness of the needles penetrate into the open wound filled with ink.
“Geumhyuk…” you whined as you buried your face into his arm. 
He leaned over and placed a kiss softly on your forehead while tilting your head up. 
“Baby it’s already over, look,” he guestered to your leg with your fresh new tattoo sitting upon it like a throne. 
You smiled happily and rubbed your eyes from any excess tears that you had. You had waited so long and endured the pain of it all. 
“It looks so beautiful, and it means so much to me. Gosh I-- I love it!” you exclaimed. You turned towards your boyfriend and added, “And thanks for helping me get through this, even though I may have looked like a wimp,” you trailed off.
Your cheeks flushed to colour as you leaned off the side of the tattooing bed and pecked him softly on his cheek. 
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h4rin · 7 years
prompt ; Hi Love can I can #19 "It isn't important" with Vav's St. Van? Angsty fluff please 💛 tysm -- @aesthedick-cheol​
word count ; 2,033 oh my god
im sorry that this is so bad omg i’m so tired but i couldn’t stop writing but im so TIRED
This was not your week. You weren’t entirely sure as to how it had started going south, but Jesus shit, it just wouldn’t stop.
It wasn’t even just filled with terrible things, the world wasn’t ending, but the general mood of everyone you knew was too depressing for you to be even mildly happy. As a matter of fact, you had woken up on Monday happy! It was your two year anniversary with Geumhyuk, and, despite not being able to see him face to face until Friday, you were still able to Skype and text and such. At least the two of you had been able to talk for a few hours, him apologizing profusely for not being there.
“It’s okay,” you said, “I’ll get to see you on Friday, and that’s all that matters.”
Your friend, however, had not had such a great Monday. Around six in the evening, she called you, sobbing horribly. “Listen, [Y/N],” she started, “Jaeyoung broke up with me, and I am drunk. I need you to pick me up, and fair warning, I am most likely going to throw up in your car.”
Already on the way to your car, ignoring your slowly burning dinner, you asked, “Because you’re sad, or because you’re drunk beyond belief?”
A vague vomiting sound came through your phone, making you cringe. “Both,” she heaved. You groaned, very audibly. “Is Geumhyuk there?”
“No,” you responded through a sigh as you started the car. “He’s on tour. He’s gonna be back on Friday, though.”
“I’m sorry, babes,” she replied, words slurring together much more. “When will you be here?” She had to repeat herself six times in order for you to understand it.
“Eh, five minutes?” Your statement came out as a question. “Are you outside?”
“I’m nodding!” her answer came a minute later, in the form of a yell. “Whoops,” she whispered, “yeah, I am. I’m nodding.”
You managed to keep her on the line until you were able to pick her up, and the ride back to your apartment wasn’t exciting, but it wasn’t boring, either. You had music harsher than she usually listened to playing, but softer than you usually listened to it. The two of you talked about whatever you could to keep her awake. You knew she wasn’t in danger, but you really didn’t want to be alone.
She didn’t throw up during the car ride, but once she got out, she promptly turned around, threw up in your car, then stumbled off towards your apartment building. You groaned quietly, locking your car and following the stumbling mess that was your best friend up the staircase. Once you were sure that she would be safe, asleep in the pullout bed from your couch, a giant bottle of water right next to her face, you trudged back outside, a bucket of various cleaning supplies in your hand.
The sun was up before you were even half-sure that the vomit was going to be out of the car’s carpet. You groaned again, eyelids falling on themselves. You rubbed your eyes, yawning hugely, as you realized that, oh, shit, you have work. You had a few hours, but you had other shit that you had to do that day.
You walked up to your apartment, immensely salty that you had gotten a home so far up, and once you opened your door, you were hit by the groans of you insanely hungover friend. “Close the door,” she moaned. “I’m a vampire, the light…”
“Water’s a foot from your face.” She pulled the blanket further over her head, covering her eyes, and slid the water bottle up the makeshift fort. One minute and a lot of crinkling plastic later, the giant water bottle was empty, twisted up and outside of the blanket. She was breathing heavily as you shut the curtains around the giant windows that you had worked so hard to get. Oh, that was why you had gotten a home up so far. “I’ll make bacon.” A grunt of appreciation came from on top of the couch.
Half an hour of cooking later, your friend was much better. She’d taken some pain medication as well, helping her killer headache. “Thank you,” she broke the silence through a mouthful of hangover cure. “I owe you my life. Don’t you have work, though?” “Not until noon,” you muttered over a half-assed cup of coffee. You were clinging onto it like it was giving you life, which, at that point, it was. Not sleeping the entire night had caught up with you, the smell of vomit clinging to you.
“...It’s like, ten til.” Your eyes shot open.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit,” you whispered to yourself, practically slamming your mug on the small table. You raced to your room, yanking your uniform out of your closet and grabbing the small bag of emergency supplies. It was filled with face wipes, travel deodorant, and dry shampoo, as well as a phone charger, which you wouldn’t have even thought of. Even though you weren’t on it for the majority of the night, it was still almost entirely drained. “I’ll see you later, go home!”
“No promises!” she yelled back. Your car, thankfully, smelled less like vomit than you did. Sadly, that meant that you absolutely smelled live vomit. You most likely broke a few laws racing to work, and barely made it on time.
The rest of your Tuesday was a blur. Your friend was still in your apartment when you got home, which ended up being a good thing. “I still have work tomorrow,” you muttered into the pillow that you had immediately crashed into. “I’m gonna die.”
“No, you’re not,” she responded, gently rubbing your back. “I’ll do some laundry, go take a shower.”
“I’m too tired to move.” You were already falling asleep on the crappy bed. “I’ll shower,” you yawned, “later.”
Your friend crinkled her nose. “That’s gross, but you definitely need to sleep. I’ll wake you up later.”
“I will end you.” That was the last thing you remember from that night. By the time you woke up the next morning, it was already eight. You had fallen asleep at six in the evening. You did, however, feel great, and your friend woke up right before you, or so she claimed.
“Clothes.” Was all she said. You did as she asked, changing into pajamas that she’d put in your dryer for a minute. The soft feeling of fluffy fabric gave you hope that your week could get better, even before Geumhyuk got home.
That feeling, of course, disappeared as soon as your brother called.
“I got kicked out,” was all he said, the unrecognized number easily traced to a payphone. Those still exist? Wednesday already sucked ass. He called back twenty minutes later, however, all he said being, “Nevermind.” Your family was complicated.
Your friend came back a few minutes later, around eleven in the morning, with clean and dry laundry. “There was an issue,” she muttered, barely willing to make eye contact with you. “It’s clean and everything, but…” she fished a piece of paper, slightly crinkled, out of the filled laundry basket. You pulled it from her grasp as quickly as you could.
“Oh my god,” you murmured, your heart coming back down to a normal pace just as quickly as it had gone up. “It’s literally just twenty dollars.”
“Wait, you’re not mad?”
“Dude, this week started off shit. It’s what, Wednesday? My days are still going to hell, but they’re slowly getting less awful. I would have died to have this be the worst thing this week. You know I smelled like boozy vomit during the entire time I was at work yesterday, right? I work at a bookstore.”
Your friend grimaced. “Oh. Yikes.”
“Yeah, it’s pretty yikes. Oh well, can you put those away for me? I’ll go pay.”
Your friend nodded enthusiastically. “You know who collects it, right?” You nodded in return, walking straight towards the door. You smiled to yourself, your week was finally getting better. You weren’t sure why the past few days had been such a roller coaster, but hopefully the rest of the week would be somewhat more calm.
The only other thing worth mentioning that happened that day was you falling down the last few stairs, in front of the neighbor that you’d yet to meet. Again, pretty yikes. At least he’d offered to take you out for coffee, so that he wouldn’t know you as the weird neighbor that had fallen down some stairs, all while wearing fuzzy pajamas.
Thursday was completely and utterly uninteresting. You had work for a few hours, showing up early to make up for showing up not quite late on Tuesday. You were fully rested, your uniform was clean, you had even eaten breakfast for once. You got to stock the books, and, due to that, you got first dibs on any that you found interesting. You got a new book about astronomy, one that also talked about astrology, so you were actually fairly excited.
Friday, you woke up just like you had on Monday, excited for the day. It wasn’t your two years with Geumhyuk anymore, but you would be able to see him. You were determined to make the day successful, and through what you were sure was pure spite, you managed to achieve it. By the time you were able to see Hyuk, around four in the afternoon, you were glowing, if not from the day going well, then from surviving the week.
You were honestly bored out of your mind, watching something that you’d found randomly on Netflix, searching through everything that they had to offer, when a knock sounded sharply on your door. You had sent your friend home for the last time about an hour ago, telling her that Geumhyuk would be there at any point, and she had willingly left, for once. “Hyuk?” you called, not wanting to move if it wasn’t him.
His faint voice filled your ears. “Why don’t you come find out?” You practically screamed as you scrambled off of the couch. Despite your fuzzy socks, you managed to get to the door in about a second, flinging it open and wrapping your arms around you. “Woah,” he laughed, “did you miss me?”
“I’ve had a sort of...not so good week,” you responded, burying your face into his chest.
“Woah, what happened?” he asked, voice only that of worry.
“It isn’t important,” you muttered, enjoying the scent of his sweatshirt, the feeling of being deprived of him finally hitting you. “I’m just glad that you’re here.”
“Hey,” he mumbled, lifting your chin from his chest with his finger. His voice was soft, but his eyes, full of concern, were softer. “If it hurts you, it’s important. What’s bothering you?”
You groaned slightly, flipping yourself so that you were laying on his lap, facing up, eyes boring into yours. “Where do I start?”
“The beginning, I’d assume.”
You closed your eyes. “So, Monday wasn’t bad, at first. Actually, it was kind of amazing. It was our two years, and the four hour long phone call really helped me.”
“Again, I’m so sorry I couldn’t be here. I’ll be with you for all the rest, okay?”
“Hyuk, that doesn’t matter to me. You’re in my heart, even if you’re not with me physically.” He grinned, an amazing sight to open your eyes to. “Anyway, it was pretty great, until Jaeyoung made a dumbass decision.”
“Oh god, was she -”
“Drunk.” He shut his eyes in frustration.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be here for you.”
“Stop being a nerd,” you murmured, starting to fall asleep, properly, for the first time that week. “Just sleep with me, this week is over. Everything is okay.” Geumhyuk muttered something you couldn’t quite decipher in agreement, his lack of sleep catching up with him, as well.
For once in your lives, the two of you were able to sleep through the night. If only every night could be like that. But, since it wasn’t, it just made the ones that the two of you shared even more special.
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imissjoongsmullet · 4 years
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Mingi x reader
Jising Mafia AU
Jisung x reader x Yunho
also has stray kids in it
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Too Far
Bang Chan x reader
5 part series
Felix x reader
Something Better
Bang Chan x reader
college AU
fluff that leads to smut
2 parts
We’ve got all Night
Hyunjin x felix x reader
2 parts
Jising Mafia AU
Jisung x reader x Yunho
also has ATEEZ in it
has a part 2
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Tricked You
Baekhyun x reader
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An Evening with the Boys
Xiaojun x reader
has a sequel
The Morning after the Fact
said sequel
Xiaojun x reader
Lost Cause
Kun x reader
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Caught in the Rain
Geumhyuk x reader
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My Prince
Minghao x reader
royal au
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veenussposts · 4 years
[ 03:08pm ] "Which one should I choose?"
Your eyes moved from one side to the other on the huge poster where each and every one of the flavors of bubble tea were found, among other things like coffee and some snacks.
"Taro or coconut?" You bit your lip when the line started to move because you still couldn't decide what to order. "But mint chocolate..." When you were in second place, the girl in front of you was small so you had a wide view of the counter and its employees.
The employees were normal, everyone wore the uniform correctly and didn't seem like anything out of this world ... until you looked at him. The little sign on his white shirt said "Geumhyuk". He was definitely not wearing the uniform like everyone else, his apron was only covering his hip and part of his legs while the sleeves of his shirt were folded in such a way that the large tattoo on his arm could be seen. His movements were fast and precise as he smiled at the client. He looked like a cool professional, a very handsome professional.
The sides of your lips rose in a smile as you saw Geumhyuk turn to you after he had delivered a large order to a group of friends.
"Welcome to Coco Fresh..." He began to say in a calm, confident voice until he looked you straight in the eye and began to hesitate. "W-what do you want to order?"
You raised an eyebrow and smiled even more as you saw a small blush take over his cheeks.
"I really don't know what to order so... I think I will choose a classic milk tea with full sugar and regular ice"
To be honest, Geumhyuk's brain had stopped working the moment he saw your smile. All his cool facade and confidence left him the moment your eyes made contact with his. His ears had stopped listening, completely ignoring your request, his brain was only focused on admiring the beauty of your smile and preventing his entire face from blushing.
"Sorry, I didn't listen" He said, embarrassed. "Can you repeat it?"
"I want a classic milk tea with full sugar and regular ice"
"Okay, give me a minute"
Occasionally Geumhyuk would stare at you, forgetting that he was working and that he had to finish your order. Occasionally, your gazes met and you smiled broadly, closing your eyes tenderly.
"Here is your order"
When you looked at your bubble tea, you realized that there were more pearls than normal. On top of that, a small chocolate chip bun was on the side of your order. When you looked at him with a confused expression, he smiled shyly and ducked his head, looking at the ground.
"On the house"
Your heart melted and you couldn't help but giggle, excited. You paid for your purchase and grabbed your things, feeling some butterflies flutter in your stomach.
You would definitely go back to Coco Fresh to see the cool and shy guy with the sleeve tattoo. And Geumhyuk would definitely wait for you to come back to order your bubble tea with full sugar and regular ice.
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irlsocks · 4 years
𝚜𝚝. 𝚟𝚊𝚗 𝚊𝚜 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚋𝚘𝚢𝚏𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍
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wronqness99 · 4 years
Well Worth It
> About my writing
Genre: Fluff
A/N: So my cousin just announced her pregnancy and this idea came to my head. I hope you like it!
Word Count: 598
Characters: St. Van/Lee GeumHyuk (VAV) X Female Reader
*The image doesn’t belong to me, credits to the owner.*
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Y/N had been feeling sick for days now, yet she insisted on not going to the doctors, much to Geumhyuk's distaste. The man was starting to get increasingly worried about his girlfriend. Why did she have to be so thick headed and worry so little about her own health? Couldn't she understand that seeing her that sick was making Geumhyuk suffer, too? He just wished she would listen to him and allow him to take her to the hospital for a check-up.
Sitting on the couch with a book in hands, the man looked up as his girlfriend's presence was made known walking down the hall. Geumhyuk settled the book beside him on the couch as his eyes followed her figure approaching him. The red headed man opened his arms in a silent invitation for her to get comfortable in his embrace. Y/N straddled his lap, allowing her head to rest upon his chest as she felt his strong arms circle her middle and his hands tangle on the small of her back, where he drew small circles with his thumb, wanting to help her relax somehow.
"Are you feeling better?" He asked against the top of her head, pressing a soft kiss to the place right after.
"My stomach is still upset but I don't feel like throwing up anymore." The man sighed in worry and moved his hand towards her tummy, rubbing it carefully in hopes it helped her feel a little better. Y/N smiled at the small gesture. The girl sat up and rested her forehead against his, her hands making way to the back of his neck.
"Baby, we should really go to the hospital... What if you have a serious bug? It has persisted for a while now, I'm starting to really worry." Y/N chuckled and placed her hand on top of his, making it stop moving.
"Don't be, honey, I promise you it's alright. I'm good. And apparently, our baby is letting us know it is healthy and growing as well." She stated, holding his hands in hers as she slid a binky onto his ring finger, letting it sit right above their promise ring.
Geumhyuk watched as she did it, trying to process all that was being said. He looked at her gobsmacked, soon letting his gaze fall downwards towards their hands once again. Y/N saw as his eyes began to glimmer and a big smile appeared on his lips.
"Are you serious?" He asked excitedly, trying to blink the tears away. Y/N nodded, offering him a smile as she did so. "It all makes sense, now! Your sickness, your tiredness..." He said, connecting the dots. She chuckled.
"Yeah, it may be a little hard, but it's for good reason." She stated.
Geumhyuk smiled widely, kissing the tip of her nose, his hand making its way back to his girlfriend's nonexistent bump. She caressed the back of his head as he rested it against her chest, inhaling her inebriating scent.
"Hi, baby... I'm your daddy. Mommy and I are really excited to meet you! Try not to make mommy too sick, ok? It is hard on her and it makes daddy sad and worried." Y/N smiled in awe at the cute moment developing right in front of her. If she had been certain Geumhyuk was the one for her before, now she was even more sure of it.
They had it all, they were happy and they loved one another and that love was soon to be multiplied by the addition of their most precious creation to the family, their baby.
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kpoprunsmylifenow · 5 years
It’s Cold
St. Van x Reader
Summary: You didn’t realize how cold it was in their dance studio, until you showed up without a jacket.
(AN: Cerina I hope you should know this was almost angst....but I refrained) @inarinabina​
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You didn’t realize how big a mistake you’d made when you went to bring food to your boyfriend and his band mates.
Entering, you could immediately feel the temperature drop from the hallway to the room.
“Guys, I come bearing food!” You announced. Everyone crowded around you, making the room feel a little better, but still cold. Echos of thanks and hugs were dished out when you were left with Geumhyuk and both of your meals. You made small talk, you curling up on the couch, trying to keep yourself warm.
“Are you cold?” He asked as he pulled you closer to him.
“A little yeah.” You laughed and curled more into his side, stealing a few bites of his food. “It’s pretty cold in here.”
“It usually is.” He laughed quietly. “I have my hoodie if you want it.” You nodded enthusiastically and put on the hoodie. 
“You look shorter than usual.” Ayno laughed as he stood beside you. He laughed as you hit his chest.
“Shut up asshole.” Laying against your boyfriend, he pulled you close, knowing you were tired.
“Take a nap. We’re taking a break and I can be your blanket.” 
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kpophours · 5 years
[2:35am] You awake when the mattress dips beside you and just seconds later, a pair of strong arms slides around your body, pulling you close to a warm, broad chest. Soft lips press against your exposed shoulder, making you shiver and finally open your eyes. Pale moonlight shines through the window, bathing the room in shadowy silver. You groan groggily, turning around and snuggling closer to Geumhyuk’s chest. „You’re late.“, you murmur against the soft cotton of his shirt and he hums apologetically. „I know. I’m sorry, baby.“ You just sigh, burying your face in his chest, eyes slowly closing again. His fingers draw little circles on your back, beginning to lull you back to sleep. „Goodnight, baby girl. I wish you nothing but the sweetest of dreams.“, your boyfriend whispers, leaving small kisses on your forehead, cheeks and nose. Finally, he presses his lips against yours, his warm breath fanning over your face. „I love you.“, he says quietly and you can’t help but smile, even though Morpheus is already pulling your mind back to darkness again. „I love you, too.“, you mumble back, voice soft and almost inaudible. The last thing you hear is Geumhyuk’s low chuckle and then, you’re already back in the land of dreams. 
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ed-mnsn · 5 years
boyfriend ayno
ayno puppy
he’s head over heels for you
he had a crush on you for so long and was beyond thrilled when you said yes to him asking you out
you're his everything like he would legitimately do anything to make you happy
genuinely you mean more to him than youll ever know
he trusts you a lot, more than most people he knows
loves being in contact with you, loves hand holding, always has his arm around your waist
on your 1 year anniversary he gets you matching silver rings with the date you started dating engraved on the inside
he says its just so you can feel close all the time
“it means whatever you want it to, if you want a promise, then let it be a promise”
hes just angel
he keeps a picture of u in his wallet
mutually you spoil each other, always buying little gifts
he could look at you forever
he will swear on his life you're the prettiest thing he’s ever seen
just like any other relationship, you guys argue occasionally
but you’ll never go to bed angry at each other and he makes sure of it
he’d stay up till sunrise if it meant resolving a problem
can i just add he loves you a lot
he said the L Word first, it was 6 months into your relationship
you guys were at his apartment just lazying around when an impromptu dance party started
he was sitting on the couch, you were up in the middle of the living room, wearing his sweatshirt and dancing around with the biggest smile on your face
he literally felt his chest fill with love, he blurted it out
you immediately stopped in your tracks
“did you just-”
he was RED
he went full panic mode 
god he was so embarrassed he almost got up and left but
you were like omg no you idiot
you said it back, kissed him, and you both continued with your dance party
concerning pda i think he’d be into it
not too much, hand holding, pecks on the lips
his parents ADORE you omg
they want you to get married in the future
he’s always letting you know how much you're appreciated
i kinda feel like youre his rock?
he looks at you and sees home and stability
he definitely finds comfort in you more than anyone
now in the bedroom….
you guys took things pretty slow and waited until the time was right for you both
you guys stuck to making out for a few months before anything got really heavy
you guys are all about communication and trust
your first time together was good and slow and easy
you had never felt so loved in your whole life
ayno likes passionate sex
he likes to take his time and make you feel good 
he takes it slow and makes it hot
that being said, if you want it rough he WILL give it to you rough
if you scream his name….. he’s done for
he loves when you wear lingerie (black to be specific)
calls you sexy and beautiful and amazing all in the same sentence
you ride him pretty often, he likes seeing your face
i think its pretty safe to say ayno is GOOD in the bedroom
gives you the best orgasms youve ever experienced
loves to overstimulate you, always seeing how far he can push you
loves eating you out, always works magic with his mouth
sees how many times he can get you to cum
hes a pretty vocal person, he definitely makes it known how good you make him feel
loves hearing you moan his name 
reminds you of your safe word constantly
always asking if youre doing okay
further into your relationship you guys bring in some more kinky stuff
you both find out youre really into light bondage
also he loves blindfolding you
seeing you tied up drives him crazy
basically sex is awesome with him
but yeah hes an angel
best boyfriend the world has to offer
youre everything to him and youre relationship is heavily based on trust and communication
hes the most genuine boy ever, so please dont hurt him
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VAV Reacts: You being the Main Vocal of your group
aesthetic-06-24 asked:
Greetings! It’s kinda been a bit. I don’t know if you do reactions or not so I have two options (yes or yes, jk) Option #1: VAV’s reaction to you being the main vocalist of your group or Option #2: A Lou and/or Ace fluff As always, much love 💕
(A/N): This is the result of Option #1. Hope you liked it! I had a lot of fun writing it. It was short, snappy and quick to get out. In summary: a really fun challenge. Feel free to send more of these types of things my way! @aesthetic-06-24 
Also, to everyone, I’ve officially reached 130+ followers! Do you guys think I should do anything special for the occasion?
Lee Geumhyuk (St. Van):
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Though he’d be a little embarrassed, he’d try his best to be a source of energy for you. Being the Main Vocalist of his group, he knows the struggles that come with it firsthand. 
The pressure, the vocal and breathing exercises, the sore throats—he knows every inch of it. 
So if you come home after a long day and you’re exhausted and disheartened, of course he’ll do some aegyo for you. It doesn’t mean he won’t regret it after, but how can he stay sulky when you look so happy to have him there for support? 
Answer: he can’t. 
Choi Chunghyeop (Baron):
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King of compliments. He brings out all the stops; anything to make you feel like a vocal queen. He’d say things like, “Your voice was so powerful right there” or “I got goosebumps at this part” (and he’d have the song time-stamp written down in a notebook, just so he could show you how much he cares). 
He wants you to know that he takes a genuine interest in your work-life, but he’d also rather keep it separate form your love life. You two will sing together sometimes, especially on lazy days, but most of the time, he’ll just ask you to sing him to sleep. 
He’ll never ever forget to remind you that your voice is soothing for him. He calls it his medicine and his healing. He loves your voice to the moon and back, but really, he loves it so much because he loves you. He wouldn’t love you any less if you had the vocal technique of a horse. 
He probably doesn’t go to many concerts, but he always calls you after (no matter what time it is) to say, “You did so well, darling”.
“You didn’t even see me perform.”
You’d be able to hear the smile in his voice when he said, “But I know you, so therefore, you did awesome.”    
Jang Wooyoung (Ace):
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All I can say is that he’s taking pictures of you 24/7 and saving them to his ‘My Awesome Girlfriend’ folder. He’d be really proud of you, but he wouldn’t express it verbally that often. Not because he couldn’t bring himself to do it, but just because he felt that you both understood each other enough to know what he was getting at. 
He figured that you understood what the pictures and videos he would take of you when you were singing meant. 
He figured you would understand what the screenshots from your performances meant.
He figured you’d realize that every time he broke into a random smile, it was always because of you. 
But still, when you were doubting yourself, he would speak his mind and tell you how amazing you are. Because even if you understood each other, sometimes hearing it out loud is the final push to assurance, and he knows that. 
Nah Yoonho (Ayno):
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Ugly-screaming. Ugly-singing. Ugly-dancing. 
Everything about him hyping you up is weird as hell and super loud, but you wouldn’t have it any other way, because it makes you laugh so freakin’ hard.
If he’s at a concert, you better believe he muscled his way up to the front, just so you could possibly hear him screeching the lyrics and going, “WHOA! WHOA! WHOA!” every five seconds. 
He won’t do it during ballads, though. If it’s a gentle, loving, or emotional song, he’d never dare. Even if he tried to, he’d find himself unable, because every time he hears you sing, he just melts into a state of, “Wow, that’s my girl”. 
If you ever made eye contact while you were singing, even if it was just casually at home, he’d feel his heart beat so fast and his chest squeeze, and without realizing it, he’s singing along. 
He likes the feeling of having that connection with you.  
Jang Peng (Jacob):
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You remember when they did karaoke to FXXK IT by BigBang and he was just kinda awkwardly bopping his arms in the background and being a general cutie? Yeah, that’s what I see. 
He’d be so proud and excited for you, but he’d try to tone it down a bit—y’know, be a man—so he might come off seeming a little boring. 
But believe me, this boy is at every single one of your group’s concerts that he can get to. If he has time, he’s there. Awkward arm-dance and all. Because even if it’s a weird, awkward arm-dance, it’s a weird and awkward arm-dance just for you.
And, don’t worry. He’d slowly get more comfortable with hyping you up. Just give him some time. He’ll eventually do it very openly, but for now, he’ll just settle for giving you a soft peck on the cheek after a performance and a sincere, “You did well, love.” 
Kim Hosung (Lou):
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Gets legitimately shocked by your voice every time he hears it. He could’ve heard it thousands of times and been to multiple concerts or listened to an album on repeat for a month, but every time he hears you hit a high-note or sound particularly emotive, the goosebumps raise. 
He might mess around with you a bit land tease you for a particular lyric you sang. Especially romantic ones. 
“Ohh,” he’d coo. “You were thinking about me, huh? That’s why this part was so good?” 
But you can tease right back. “Nope,” you’d say. “Fried chicken.” 
He’d stare for a moment, but then he’d start laughing, ‘cause God, he chose the right girl. In fact, the ultimate girl. What more could he ask for? 
You’re funny, you understand him and accept him, you take care of him and make him feel bright, and you’re extremely talented. 
Kinda someone he’d wanna marry and make a life with.
Park Heejun (Ziu):
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Hyping you the heck out! Like, dude- I’m not even kidding. 
He’d be so gosh-darned supportive of you. He’d learn all the lyrics to your songs, sing them loudly in the car with you, semi-learn the choreography, but mostly just slut-drop and appeal to you with cute winks. I feel like he’d be the type (if your relationship was public) to speak about you very often on V-live. 
Like, “Vampz! Did you hear her new song yet? You have, right?” 
Basically a pup that wants nothing more than to show you that he’s amazed by you and thinks you deserve a lot of love and attention. And maybe, just maybe... He’d like a little bit in return. 
A lot, really.
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banipuppy · 5 years
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Another Life pt.3
Wanderlust. It fueled him to get out of bed in the morning and led him down paths to adventures and sleepless nights. He takes in a new city through the lens. His laughter warms the chilly air as he looks up, taking in spires and stained glass and the aura of you next to him. If he were alone maybe the ancient buildings, the strangeness of a foreign language would leave him feeling empty. He lines up the lens, the sun catches in your hair, he captures a moment.
St. Van | Baron | Ace | Ayno | Jacob | Lou | Ziu
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“Royal Estate Diamond Club”
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Nothing Yet
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“Ropes and Roses”
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“Vacation In Dubai”
“Neutral Tones” | “Autumn”
“Pencil Skirts and Peonies”
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“Dance Practice” | “Pumpkin Picking”
“Under Cover”
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“Horror Movie Night At The Drive-In”
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“Dominance and Dahlias”
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“Secret Velvet”
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vavhours · 5 years
vav hours, open. 🌙
hello, vampz babiez.
thought we needed some more doses of our boys on tumblr. my askbox is open for anything your hearts desire; drabbles/scenarios, one word answers, moodboards, mtls, etc. so request away! or just drop in for a little chat, i won’t bite. 🖤
this is my first time doing this, so i hope you’ll treat me sweetly. i wanna do the same for you all. xo
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imissjoongsmullet · 4 years
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Mingi x reader
Jising Mafia AU
Jisung x reader x Yunho
also has stray kids in it
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Too Far
Bang Chan x reader
5 part series
Felix x reader
Something Better
Bang Chan x reader
college au
fluff/angst that eventually leads to smut
currently working on part 2
Jising Mafia AU
Jisung x reader x Yunho
also has ATEEZ in it
has a part 2
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Tricked You
Baekhyun x reader
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An Evening with the Boys
Xiaojun x reader
has a sequel
The Morning after the Fact
said sequel
Xiaojun x reader
Lost Cause
Kun x reader
might write more in this au
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Caught in the Rain
Geumhyuk x reader
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My Prince
Minghao x reader
royal au
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unrealistical · 5 years
geum is one of these people who will hug you to comfort you and brush their lips over your ear,whispering the sweetest stuff. to sum up i need geum.
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