#Gentle Soft Himbo Prince
fancykraken · 2 years
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In which I continue having zero chill with giffing the briefest of moments of Vincent Piazza in all things Tulsa King.
From the new Tulsa King promo, “Inside Tulsa King”
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bara-izu · 2 months
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Halion: Soft spoken, talkative and excitable (contrary to popular belief, Halion is NOT a himbo. He is well read and a smart boi who loves talking about his special interests)
Laios - In Halion’s Descent into Avernus Campaign, he’s the keeper of the devil encyclopaedia and it reminds me of Laios’ excitement with his monster manual. Halion also doesn’t know when to shush sometimes
G’raha - specifically post exarch, he’s well read, levelheaded but also has a very excitable side
Makoto - again, soft spoken and selfless, a gentle soul
Prince Sidon - friendly bisexual king with pointy teeth lol
Morpho: Morally ambiguous, Morpho could very easily be the biggest bitch if they wanted to, but they choose to take the higher ground, though they’re methods are still a little questionable sometimes…
Eda: Her whole carefree chaotic vibe, her competitiveness and attitude of “I may be old but I still rock it” is very Morpho
Pantalone - I don’t know much about him, but his ‘kind soft but with an underlying intimidating vibe’ plays a big part in Morpho’s characterisation, as well as his wardrobe
Lord Shen - nothing alike in personality, but I always think of him when Morpho uses the eyes on their wings (he has a +17 to intimidation for a reason…)
Emet Selch - his flamboyant and ‘friendly’ nature from the beginning of shadowbringers is Morpho in a nutshell. He’s dramatic and sarcastic, and they have a matching white streak
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kissingghouls · 2 months
💜 Hello beloveds, how are you? It's been a very long time since you've heard from our crop-top wearing himbo vampire, but I am happy to say you won't be waiting much longer.
💜 If you would like to join the new tag list for part five please leave a comment below.
💜 Catch up with The Prince on ao3 or on tumblr - One // Two // Three // Four (18+, MDNI)
💜Or if you wanna start from the beginning check out The Count (vampire!Copia) and The King (vampire!Secondo) (18+, MDNI)
💜 Thank you all so SO much for all your support and encouragement over the last year. I love you all ✨🦇
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Below is a little taste of The Prince - Part Five. Beware of spoilers!
“Did you sleep well, piccolina?”
Primo’s deep voice carried from the far side of the kitchen barely audible over the rumble of thunder outside. It was somewhere between morning and afternoon, though the storm made it difficult to tell one from the other. Heavy rain pelted the outside of the cottage in a steady thrum in time with the howling winds. You used to find this type of scene so comforting but watching water bead and trail down the windows just seemed to make you anxious now. Sitting across the room and trying to make small talk with Primo Emeritus didn’t seem to help either. As kind and inviting as he was, he was still a complete stranger. An immortal stranger with superhuman strength you were supposed to stay far away from. Instead, he’d insisted on baking cookies for you.
Shaking your head, you jolted a little as the kettle began to scream from its spot of the stovetop. Sleep had been the furthest thing from your mind after Terzo’s spell. A full night’s rest would have been a dream, but there was no getting comfortable in this situation. How long could you be safe here in the middle of nowhere? How long would they wait this time?
“Primo, can I ask you something?” You wondered aloud, hoping the impending conversation would drown out the sound of the storm and your own thoughts.
He inclined his head, silently urging you to continue. A loose piece of his long, white-blond hair fell over the painted lines of his face as he moved; the rest was carefully tied back with a thin black ribbon. His focus remained on the pale green kettle in his hand as he transferred water into a dainty teapot at the edge of the counter. He moved with such precision, yet still maintained some impossibly delicate grace—the opposite of the way Terzo carried himself. There were other differences—far more than you could count—but where Terzo’s softness was an edge blunted by time, Primo’s seemed to be gently blurred into everything he did.
A flash of lightning filled the kitchen with bright light, the bank of windows on the eastern wall providing the perfect vantage point. You shuddered as thunder followed, too close and too loud for your own comfort. The storm blew a gentle breeze through the cracked windows and the ceiling fan above dragged it further in as it spun in lazy, lopsided circles. The kitchen smelled of florals and tea and rain, feeling like a Sunday afternoon you shouldn’t have access to. Everything was a little too dreamy, made fuzzy by a filter tinged with warm yellow-green like a flashback to someone else’s nostalgic past.
Someone else’s life. 
“Why settle in this place?” you asked, vividly recalling the cracked asphalt and sun-bleached everything you’d passed on your way through town. “Why…here? The secluded cottage makes sense, but why live at the edge of some abandoned nowhere town?”
He turned to look at you for a beat before reaching for two teacups. “Well,” he started as he dropped a teabag into the pot. “It wasn’t always abandoned, piccolina.”
He set a cup in front of you before joining you at the table, a sigh leaving his lips as the wooden chair creaked beneath him. “This town…it used to full of a unique vibrance that drew me in. I suppose on some level I grew comfortable here, much like the other remaining residents. But mostly I stayed for the work. That’s what I told myself anyway. I have no doubt that Terzo would have you believe otherwise, but immortality can be incredibly mundane. When I found myself in this little town, I watched it grow from nothing just like I had done with a thousand other little towns in my lifetime. But this one—it was easier to fight that feeling of boredom here, to find a purpose. I chose to put my energy toward something, to have a common goal with the people here while I could. There’s a darling botanical garden on the edge of town, built something like seventy years ago, give or take. I helped fund the project.”
“Really? So, it had nothing to do with the cute girl that delivers your groceries?” 
Black and white paint may have covered his entire face, but you could see Primo’s ears turn bright red. “That—she—hmph. She wasn’t even born yet. Neither were you for that matter.”
“Doesn’t mean she’s not the reason you stay.”
“The garden—“
“Sure, sure,” you teased. “Work, work, work.”
“Don’t start picking up bad habits from your beau, piccolina,” he warned. “Youth is wasted on the young indeed.”
“Not if you have an eternity to do something about it.”
He laughed quietly as he poured the most delicious smelling pink tea into each cup. “I forgot how much I enjoy such a human point of view. What of you and your eternal boytoy, hmm? What will you do when this is all over?”
You shrugged, pausing to consider his words. “Haven’t really thought that far. I think…I think I’d like to do all the things I never could before. No matter what happens I can’t go back to my old life—I wouldn’t want to go back, knowing what I know now. If I have to build a new life, it might as well be a better one than before. And if that sounds good to Terzo, then I’m happy to try building it together.”
“Hmm,” he replied with a thoughtful nod and faint smile playing on his lips.
“Belleza, I am happy to build you anything you want. But boytoy? Is that really what you’ve settled on, fratello?” Terzo grumbled as he appeared in the doorway, half-asleep with pillow marks on his face. He dropped into the seat next to you with a heavy sigh and rested his head on your shoulder. “Is that really all I am to you?”
“No. Sometimes you’re more of manbaby,” you replied and kissed the top of his head. “It’s ok though.”
“Ugh, I am so glad you two are getting along,” he teased sarcastically. “You are a bad influence on her, Primo.”
“Me? What did I do?” Primo mused as he took a sip of tea.
“You encourage her—”
“—to be mean to me,” he whined. “What happened to that wide-eyed naïve girl from before, hmm?”
“I have no idea who you are talking about,” you responded flatly.
“Ah, yes. What happened to the fierce and terrifying woman who pretended not to be watching me sleep every night?”
“She met an unbelievably arrogant vampire.”
He sat up and shot you a big, toothy grin. “Oh, bellezza, was I your first?”
Primo groaned loudly and pushed away from the table. “Whatever you’re trying to do fratellino, do not do it in my kitchen.”
“Ah, calm down old man. I’m only teasing.”
“You were the one I liked enough to save. Even with your baking skills.”
Primo nearly spat out his tea. “Oh, Terzo, tell me you didn’t.” “I was trying to do something nice for you, bellezza. But fine, fine. Let’s all pick on Terzo!” he grumbled as he stood. For a split-second the life left his eyes, the light within him dimming like a flickering lightbulb in a haunted basement. He was completely blank—jaw slack and body limp. Primo crossed the room before you could even think to react, rushing over to keep his brother’s body from collapsing to the floor.
more stuff by me // my ko-fi tip jar
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sooniebby · 1 month
Soonie your not crazy, your actually a genius compared to..some people. Not all male readers, or here me out now, some trans readers wanna be depicted as a soft, feminine twink they could literally be blown away with like a flick of a finger…
I need to see more masculine and musclcular-type readers just casually getting dicked down because yea
(and even farther than muscular body types. Like chubby body types and more)
But sadly society can't handle that conversation 😪😪😪….
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Oh I’m glad 🫶🏼 I typically leave the reader pretty masculine leaning, but more so androgynous so you guys out whatever you want
But I have noticed, I never make a reader that’s like a total wet blanket, I’ve made shy readers but I do think I have a habit of making them a bit bratty lol
I never describe body type unless it’s requested or going with a type of theme I have
Like Yubin—it’s crazy nerd x dumb himbo
Mikey is drummer x baseball player
Yichen is technically gentle giant x small prince
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imsparky2002 · 9 months
Rescendants - The Crew
Uma: The captain of the Lost Revenge pirate crew, Uma is a fiercely determined leader who doesn’t take anyone’s shit, though with a soft spot for those that are close to her, like her girlfriend, Freddie, and her best friends, Darcy, Harry and Gil. She has a difficult history with Mal, including heartbreak and betrayal, and an equal, if not more, hostile relationship with her mother. She’s determined to show she can be the best without needing help from her mother’s magic.
Harry: The bastard child of Captain Hook, and Uma's first mate. An aggressive and violent young man with psychopathic tendencies, he's the one who gladly does most of the dirty work when pirating. Physical and verbal abuse from his father and older sister caused him to begin lashing out, even to this day he prefers a punch up instead of peaceful resolutions. He does show a softer and more vunerable side with his shipmates, especially his boyfriend Gil. He has an obsession with hooking things, and is terrified of being alone.
Gil: A big, buff golden retriever of a himbo, Gil is quite possibly one of the sweetest people you will ever meet, affectionate and kind to everyone around him. He uses his strength to assist his crew, but he’s a very gentle boy, especially with his boyfriend Harry and his little sister Gabi. He may be far from the sharpest tool in the shed, often lacking common sense, but he has a high level of emotional intelligence, able to help people work through their feelings surprisingly well, like the good boy he is.
Darcy: Uma’s right-hand woman, and sharing her bone to pick with the daughter of Maleficent, Darcy is unquestionably one of the toughest and most terrifying girls on the island, never afraid to put someone in their place, be that with sharp words or her fists. Darcy is one of the few lucky kids in the Isle to have a good, loving relationship with their villainous parent, and she inherited Oogie’s love of scaring. Though she cares deeply for and will do anything to protect those she cares about, she’s not one to be open about her feelings, though a certain Pumpkin prince may help change that.
Freddie: A smooth and sassy con artist, Freddie has the ability to talk just about anyone into just about anything. But with one the sharpest tongues on the Isle, she can also verbally destroy you if the mood hits her right. Despite this, she has a caring side that comes out especially with her girlfriend Uma, her little sister Celia and her father, Dr. Facilier, who taught her all her voodoo tricks. She may be slick, but she’ll never lie to the people she really cares about.
Evie: The Isle's best cat burglar, and the magical daughter of the Evil Queen. Due to her mother's constant reminders of beauty being an importance, the girl is very self conscious about her looks. Evie used to roll with Uma and her crew. After years of Mal manipulating and abusing the lot of them, she grew jealous of Uma, despite her being mistreated by their leader as well. Mal left her gang for dead, and in her grief, both Evie and Uma blamed each other for the abuse, and went their separate ways. Now she reluctantly works with the group in order to get revenge on Mal and to destroy the barrier.
Jay: The smooth-talking and sticky-fingered son of Jafar, Jay has a real knack for getting himself out of trouble with a few good lies. His theft skills made him a useful asset to anyone on the Isle, but here in Auradon, he’s starting to find his place in more honest pursuits, like Tourney. He has a soft spot for his friends, especially his lifelong best buddy, Carlos, though he rarely lets it show. He also has a knack for charming the ladies, though he finds the tables getting turned on him when he meets the daughter of Mulan.
Carlos: The fast-talking, dog-loving techie who just so happens to be the son of Cruella de Vil. The poor boy is more like an abandoned scruffy pup, berated and abused by his mother. He resorted to stealing to eat, since his mother wouldn't provide care for him. He's a petty thief who's got a motor mouth and a knack for making gadgets based off of junk he finds in the Isle. He's always willing to serve as a distraction, or help Jay with a scheme.
AAAAH PART 1 IS FINISHED! This was such a treat to work on with Weeby, and Artzy's been excited for it! Thank you so much to Weebs for helping make the summaries and for her letting me use her OC, Darcy. Make sure to reblog, reply, post and ask for more. @artzychic27 and @msweebyness
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(I'm gonna get into writing Fanfiction on Tumblr now! I'm a little prolific on Wattpad but I figured it was time for something really good, something I know a lot of people could read and enjoy. It's about the sexy himbo prince from Obey Me that everyone loves! And it's an x female reader so uhh..... Have fun!)
It was early morning in the Devildom when you awoke, light poured through the curtains and onto the big lavish bed you were handcuffed to.
Your eyes fluttered open and you looked around the room, sitting up, you looked around more once your eyes had adjusted. "Huh....? This... This isn't my room. Where am I?"
Just as you finished voicing your thoughts, the door to the room unlocked and opened, in stepped none other than Lord Diavolo.
Lord Diavolo's eyes settled on you and a jovial smile is painted on his face. "Good Morning MC! I'm glad you're awake! Barbatos has prepared a special breakfast for you."
Your eyes widen as your mind starts to race, your heartbeat picks up speed and you instinctively start trying to move to the other side of the bed.
Barbatos enters with a large tray, he sets it down on the coffee table and abruptly leaves, but not before closing the large door.
Diavolo notices your frantic movements and he frowns. "My dear.... Are you not comfortable? I made sure this room would be fit for you."
You rattle the handcuffs and try to get as far away from him as possible which in turn angered Diavolo greatly.
Diavolo scowled but hid his anger as he stalked toward the bed, sitting down, he gently takes your face in his hands. "My sweet MC.... You can't get away from me this time. The more you try, the more you upset me."
You try to look away from him, trying so hard not to believe that the gentle giant of a prince that you called a friend had kidnapped you., raising your tone, you start to question him. "Why Diavolo.... Why? Why did you bring me here? Where is here? Where's Lucifer? His brothers....?"
Diavolo's eyebrows furrowed as his molten gazed roamed across your soft feminine features. "Darling...." His voice became deeper and held a cold, apathetic undertone as he spoke. "I suggest.... You lower your tone, if you can't control your volume, I'd hate to remove your tongue."
Your eyes widen and you keep trying to move away but Diavolo puts an immediate halt to your movements. "I-I don't understand.... Why me? Why take me?"
Diavolo's gaze softens as does his vice like grip on your arms. "My love.... My sweet, simple, clueless MC..... Of course you don't understand, those unruly brothers conditioned your mind to think that you belonged with them, to them. I've watched you from afar.... Everyday, the progress you've made in changing Lucifer, changing his brothers, making pacts..... They had you wrapped around their fingers. But there's one thing they don't know... One thing that you don't know." He says as his face moves closer to yours.
Your breath gets caught in your throat and everything he says registers in your mind. You find it difficult to tear your eyes away from his and no words come from you as he continues on with his monologue.
Diavolo licks his lips as he gazes at your plump kissable ones, he looks up at the gentle curve of your nose, then he gazes back up into your striking (e/c) eyes. "You, my darling.... We're mine from the start, they tried to take you, but everyday I watched them, I watched you. Finding the perfect moment to take you was difficult but it was worth it. My sweet babygirl.... Don't you understand? You and I were always meant to be together. Our fates..... Are bound to one another."
Realization clicks in your thoughts and you look away, all the parties, all the invitations to tea, every dance, every gaze, every touch, every desire, every thought..... Every moment spent with him, it all suddenly started to make sense. "You.... Orchestrated everything, didn't you...? You and Barbatos...."
Diavolo's fingers gently grasp your chin and they guide your face to look at him, a gentle smile graces his lips. "Oh my sweet love.... If only it worked like that, I'd say you were right, but this, all of would have happened whether there was magical intervention or not. Now. Since I believe you finally understand..... I'll give you a choice. You either accept the situation as is and agree to be mine, like you're meant to.... Or.... Barbatos will create a special countermeasure. I really don't want to force you princess but if you yourself force my hand, then I can't say there won't be..... Consequences."
You look down at your lap, contemplating the choices you were given. "I-I don't know.... This is all too much for me. I want to go home."
Diavolo frowns and stiffens up, he closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. "Barbatos. The potion. Now."
Barbatos promptly opens the door and enters, a frown clear on his face as he gazes at you with sympathy, he hands Diavolo a red bottle and just as quick as he entered, he leaves again.
Your breath quickens as your heartbeat again picks up speed. "What is that? What are you going to do?" Clearly frightened by The quick mood switches, you again attempt to move away.
Diavolo frowns and in a snap, he switches into his demon form. He opens the bottle of the love potion. "Oh my darling.... If only you had made the right decision. You've forced my hand after I've warned you, this is a countermeasure. He takes a mouthful of the potion then move to gently grab you, forcefully pulling you into his lap, he kisses you fervently and the potion slides down your throat with ease. "All of it, swallow all of it."
Your body instantly oveys and your mind soon submits, the potion already started taking effect.
Diavolo uncuffs your hands and eases you into a more comfortable position. "Good girl.... That's it. It shouldn't take much longer."
Your (e/c) eyes start to turn pink as you gaze up to Diavolo and your breathing slows. "D-Dia..... I feel weird."
Smiling at the affectionate nickname, Diavolo grabs the rest of the bottle and brings it to your lips. "Drink up the rest, dear~"
You drink the rest without thinking and the rest of it clouds your mind, it affects your body as well.
Diavolo's rubs your back reassuringly as the rest of the potion enters your system. "Good girl.... My good girl. Now.... Was that so hard, sweetheart?"
You rest your he'd on his shoulder and yawn after you look at him lovingly, you shake your head and start to fall asleep.
Diavolo sighs as he is now content. He stands and carries you bridal style off to his room, the room you will forever share with him now.
(Sorry if this is trash. I was bored and didn't really have anything else to do. Tell me if you liked it, what I could do differently, just constructive and kind criticism please! TwT)
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sugar-petals · 2 years
Hi Caro! How are you? I hope you're good and in a place where it isn't very hot (my friend living in England had a very rough time). I'm just here wondering why my type is cute subby twinks, and why is close to impossible to find them in Argentina (I still remember the day I took one of those online test about the type of men you like and the answer was twinks and I was like WELL DAMN I FEEL ATTACKED). My name is Victoria, idk if I ever told you, but everyone calls me Vik or Vicky (usually the first one, I guess it's more gender neutral so it fits me better). Sorry that I'm ranting, I really enjoy talking to you.
more than glad to answer, vic! 💙 hm... a philosophy on twinks and why they're appealing. time for a little essay.
first off, i wish there was a bi and straight term as well, they're not 100% the same as e.g. pretty boys or femboys — those categories are even more particular to a certain femdom aesthetic. pretty boys are defined by face, femboys by clothes hair and body, twinks by both.
my suggestion for a word would be "prince". it's positive, people get the gist intuitively, and it's derived from the groundbreaking artist who invented this whole game to the fullest after greek culture laid the foundation, shoutout to apollo. before leo (90s) zac efron (00s) and taemin (10s) paved the way, there was prince in crop tops, heavy makeup, heels, and poses few guys dared.
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so, a prince, they're usually the anti-jock/bear, right. more petite in frame, often fashionable like an it-boy (see lucky blue smith), frequently gnc, and found in a 20-30 age group with some exceptions. but i think that's why they are appealing to us, it's a generation thing. just like t. chalamet, lil nas x, and troye sivan hit it big among gen z by sheer exposure, or the eboy/softboy fad in hetero media, although that one wasn't really femdom in spirit and just another brand of manipulative nice guy syndrome.
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princes don't come across as physically imposing, they're more tongue in cheek and seductive or cute, the link to your zelda. that caters to somebody with a taste for subs/bottoms who'd rather have them sat on their lap than getting choked out by them which is almost treated as a given, same with spanking or rough sex. so, that notion of twinks has opened the door to something less compulsive gladly.
a prince can come with an edge, twinks and brats may have some overlaps depending on the guy, but at the end of the day, they're subs, both hard and soft. jonghyun has set quite the tone for it artistically, major credit due. he's broken the mold to say that it's so boring and restrictive to be a dominant guy and there's more out there than what the societal landscape offers.
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thank god taemin has carried that on and continues to inspire others.
in recent times, the word also becomes more and more open to guys who are tall / fit or conventional-looking. i see this in how european football is received on tumblr where calling your favorite club `#twink fc (affectionate)´ is a thing on here 😆 and it's true. you haven't seen more collective prince energy as in the german national team. the gorgeousness is real and the ladies who date them... lucky af.
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(^kai havertz - plays for chelsea fc)
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(^joshua kimmich / leroy sané - play for bavaria fc. they both have 2+ kids with their gfs lmao you don't have to be a DILF or daddy, twinkness cannot be concealed 🤘)
the whole idea is not to be conflated with power bottoms, see aquaria on drag race who looks like a twink but tops, by the way. which is why taemin generates so much traction, he plays with switching and walks the line but always winds up with a submitting conclusion. ten, or yoongi, they’re mysterious to people in that regard, too. or wonho, who follows a jock aesthetic but offers himself as a fantasy with an 'open mind' and a cute personality in the mix, neither gentle giant, himbo, nor a skinny short king, just doing his own thing.
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a twink or prince is easy on the eye for anyone who likes androgyny and is usually in favor of being gnc themselves, or is bored/turned off/disappointed or even frightened by the mainstream. argentina hasn't had that scope of pop culture industry to inspire trends, and prevailing structures of machismo and chivalry prevent androgyny in dress and behavior, especially outside larger cities as is also the case where i live (southern germany where christianity rules — you can imagine, it's not berlin).
where binaries, monosexuality and hypermasculine/homophobic/biphobic conduct is exaggerated, you won't find a twink able to do their thing or getting attention. sure, gnc people are always there and the world is slowly catching up in some places, although it feels like we're going ten steps backwards as a backlash these days which is unacceptable. that's why k-pop is such a refreshing element in the way that male performers present concepts and a female pov is embraced. nobody deems it punishable or strange if you walk up like this, in fact it's celebrated.
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it also bursts the bubble of twink/prince = white and goes even further than just one specific aesthetic. it changes constantly and incorporates actual elements of kink culture rather than leaving men's submission unspoken as an ultimate taboo. it may be commercial, but it is also literal and encourages nonconforming styles and body types as the rise of shinee, skz, or nct exemplifies. the next generation prince/twink trailblazer is sure to be found there, my bet is on taeyong or felix, they're really owning the princeliness.
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writeblrfantasy · 2 years
EXCERPTS FROM AN EMPIRE OF GILDED SAND: dumb mostly because of sora
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aka a bunch of instances of stenid being a himbo except he's often too mean to be a true himbo
raw text under the cut
Sora actually looks taken by surprise for a moment before breaking into soft, warm laughter. “Are you done? I wasn’t aware you were given to rambling when you’re nervous.”
“I—I’m not. At least I didn’t think I was.” By the Ghosts, what’s happening to him, the general who spends so many hours on the field strategizing and fighting with legions upon legions of soldiers under his wing? Does one pretty Island prince render him truly that dumb?
Sora cuts him off with a gentle kiss that evaporates every thought in Stenid’s head. “If I wanted you to shut up,” Sora whispers, pulling back while Stenid is still rendered dumb, “I have a much faster means of doing so than just asking you to. Now, in answer to your question about the hair. How would you feel,” he asks, pushing Stenid’s falling hairs back from his forehead, “if you weren’t a general? If suddenly everything was taken from you? If you were left without that career? Who would you be?”
“What? What the hell does that have to do with your hair?” Stenid stutters out as Sora’s fingers still run over his face, over his cheekbone, up into his hair. It’s terribly distracting, which is undoubtedly why he’s doing it. Keep Stenid from questioning anything too closely.
“Maybe so,” Sora concedes. “I am telling you now: I want to see you again. I like you for you, not just your body and general lack of intelligence, because you have quite a bit of that. You wouldn’t be a prince who survived the skin trials and turned out to be a general if you were truly dumb.”
“Thank you?” Stenid murmurs, smiling.
“Mhm.” Sora dives beneath the water again before can get another word in, an infuriating defense mechanism. Stenid sits there, looking like an idiot with his mouth open, and can do nothing but wait for Sora to come back up. Is this Sora’s way of making him want to swim? Being so infuriating that Stenid one day will have no choice but to say fuck it and jump in after him? The way this is going, it’s pretty damn effective so far. Unfortunately.
“You infuriating foreign bastard of a prince,” Sora murmurs. “I don’t think you realize how terribly attractive you are. I’ve been trying to ignore you, get you out of my head, but you’ve been a vexing little bug in my mind. I can’t forget about your stupid face.”
Stenid blinks, barely processing any of that. “I—”
am i making up for months of not providing a ton of excerpts and generally just ghosting everyone on writeblr by posting a ton of snippets in a few days? perhaps
empire of gilded sand: @faithfire @magic-is-something-we-create @47crayons @wolven-writer @imaginarymen
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First Kisses with the Undateables
Hello friends, it’s been a while. I’ve moved countries for uni and have had a lot going on, but I missed writing so here I am. Not really sure what you guys wanna read so feel free to send me any ideas you have. No little Luke in this one.
Big boi is so touch starved. He isn’t used to giving or receiving kisses romantically since no demon would dare overstep in his presence.
He will want MC to make the first move, or at the very least will ask them if it is alright if he kisses them. Their first kiss will be in the demon lord’s castle, Diavolo invited MC over for a human world movie marathon.
His kiss is sweet and so gentle. He is a demon prince with so much power and is so worried to hurt the MC. Will treat them as though they are made of glass at first.
Very lonely, and it shows when the MC finally gives this sweet himbo a kiss for the first time and he breaks into tears. Naturally a bit shocking for the MC needless to say. MC asking if he was alright he just pulls them into a huge hug telling them just how much he adores them.
After this first kiss he becomes such a clingy little puppy of a man. He loves PDA and being the prince, no one dares to make a comment on it. So as long as MC is comfortable with it, they better be ready for lots of kisses and cuddles no matter where they are.
He has had relationships in the past, but none that he viewed as seriously as his with MC. He is worried about making mistakes, but will be fast to correct himself if he does, and just wants to be the one to make MC smile.
This smoooooth butler thinks he is sly. He won’t be the one to initiate the kiss directly but will leave little hints constantly.
He’s gonna make the MC want to kiss him. Whenever MC talks to him during their weekly tea party he will stare at their lips as they speak with a little smirk.
Makes flirty comments as the time passes and gives them feather light touches whenever appropriate. Let’s be honest here, man can see into the future, he knows that the MC will kiss him.
Whenever the MC does go in to kiss him he returns the gesture happily, losing the smirk and replacing it with a genuine smile.
Being at the side of the demon prince for so long, he never had the time nor felt the need for a romantic relationship, up until MC entered his life.
The type to give small pecks on the MC’s lips in passing. See him in the halls of RAD? Smooch. He walks by you while working? Smooch. No matter how busy he is Barbatos just was MC to know that he is still thinking of them.
Surprisingly I think this angel would be the one to make the first move if the MC is taking too long to work up the courage.
Will ask MC to join him for a dinner date one night to their favorite restaurant. The whole date he will just stare at them as they speak with almost visible hearts in his eyes.
After walking them home he will stop MC at the door and give them a soft kiss while gently lifting their chin. Upon pulling away he will bid them goodnight with a big smile and blush dusting his cheeks.
Not quite fond of PDA other then hand-holding. He feels a bit shy being so open about his relationship but will happily give as many kisses as MC wants when they are alone together.
He has some fear as to possible issues his love may cause with him being an angel and MC not. However, he knows he loves them and is willing to take that risk because MC is worth more than anything to him.
Sneaky sorcerer ain’t scared to give his adorable little apprentice some love. Will make the first move happily.
He likes acting cool and confident but honestly is nervous about the MC not caring for his as much when they are surrounded by angels and demons. Not that he doesn’t find himself impressing mind you, just finds it hard to understand where MC’s head is at.
During one of his sessions tutoring MC in magic just decides “screw it” and leans in for a kiss. He would never admit it, but MC could tell that he was nervous in how quickly he pulls back from their lips.
Don’t be shy MC feel free to pull him in for another, he won’t fight you. In fact he will be relieved to know that what he did was something that MC didn’t mind.
Like Diavolo he feels so happy to give MC lots of PDA. Not shy, and feels almost like he is bragging whenever a demon spots him giving MC some love and attention.
Despite all the walls he puts around himself to act strong and confident, he still worries that he is not enough for MC. Just stay patient and remind him how much he is worth.
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twistedr0se · 3 years
Neige LeBlanche with a himbo s/o please
Neige LeBlanche with a Himbo s/o
Note: Masc!Reader
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- It’s a wonder how you two ended up together. In the eyes of anyone passing by you two were complete opposites, physically at least.
- But Neige really didn’t care about your stature or build, what drew him to you was how kind and caring you were towards others!! The way you were so soft and gentle with everyone (especially small things) despite what others say about your towering physique just melts his heart. He also didn’t care much that you were a bit dumb and sometimes act airheaded. That just leaves more time to study together!
- A lot of birds and forest creatures tend to land on your muscles the more you two hung around eachother. It seems that your kind nature and Neige’s natural attraction to forest animals attracts them to you. It’s no big deal to the both of you, that just means you have more friends to play with!
- Becomes your personal cheerleader during magift and sports tournaments. He’d sometimes stand by with some snacks and water when you’re done with a match and be ready to give a kiss on the cheek for finishing a match
- Ambrose and the others are no longer surprised at seeing you benchpress chairs and tables with Neige on top of you cheering you on. It’s been a regular occurrence to see him alongside you during workouts and study sessions. But do be careful on handling Neige once you’re done, the dwarf students in his dorm nearly had a heart attack when you picked him up with your bare hands so he can climb on your shoulder
- Soon enough the media picks up on Neige rumored to be dating a mysterious “hunk” and the paparazzi are on a manhunt to find who that person is. Luckily, RSA is full of Prince Charming types so they never really did pick up on you two dating ;3
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fancykraken · 2 years
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Zero Chill Alert™! Vincent Piazza insta promo for Tulsa King (2022)
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tetsunormous · 3 years
Something cute the boys would do as your partner
mentions: Kuroo, Tsukishima, Bokuto, Ushijima, Akaashi, Nishinoya, Asahi, Kenma, Suna, Oikawa x gn!reader
genre: fluff
A/N: If you want a longer version of any of these, lmk
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As the captain, he needs to keep his grades up so he can stay in the club and go to volleyball events
This isn’t hard since he’s naturally a nerd, but he likes to study with you after practice
When you’re busy focusing he will sneak glances at you and silently chuckle at how cute he thinks you are
He will leave little notes in your notebooks and randomly draw hearts in the corners of pages but pretends he doesn’t know why you’ll randomly start blushing as you flip the page
The notes will range from “hey, you’re cute. Are you single?” to “you make me hotter than sulfate hydroxide mixed with ethyl acetate”
He loves you even more because you don’t always understand his chemistry jokes but he still manages to get you flustered
Knowing he’ll tease you if you react to his little notes you try your best to hide your smiles, but Kuroo is extremely observant and never fails to point out how cute you are with the biggest smirk on his face
“Tsk chibi-chan I know you find me unbelievably attractive but we’re supposed to be studying, what’s got you so red?”
Tsukki really cares about you but he has a hard time expressing himself in public
He knows you like to be close to him because you tend to get a little anxious
He won’t say anything, he will just stick out his hand and wait until you interlock your fingers with him
He would never tell you but when you’re out and there’s a lot of people, he will walk slightly faster so you’re directly behind him and give your hand random squeezes for reassurance
He doesn’t want you to get lost and bump into anyone so he stays in front, that way he clears the way for you
Bokuto is our favourite himbo
He thinks so highly of you, there’s not a thing you do that doesn’t impress him
Bo tries really hard for you, and you help to motivate him even when you’re apart
You always make him after school snacks so he has energy for practice, so he’ll try to make you breakfast when you stay over
He shows off the snacks you make for him, especially to Akaashi, even if it's just cut up fruit
He’s getting a lot better at following youtube tutorials but the first time he tried making you pancakes, they got burnt so he made you a bowl of cereal instead
He spelt out “I’m sorry :(“ with the cereal as you’re eating
He is a very straightforward person and doesn’t see the need to outwardly flaunt you around
When you’re out with him, he likes it when you grab onto his arm because he likes how small you look compared to him (this man is a giant and no matter your size, he’s gonna think you’re smaller)
He tells you all the time he thinks you’re pretty
Toshi has long ass legs so it’s difficult to keep up sometimes, but when you get tired he loves giving you piggyback rides
He feels very giddy when you’re holding onto him and you mindlessly ramble about the things you see because he likes the feeling of protecting you
Toshi doesn’t talk a lot but he’s always listening and its evident in the things he ends up doing/ getting for you
He doesn’t smile often either, unless he’s with you, and he makes sure you know that he’s happy with you
Akaashi loves how independent you are
He likes that you get along with his friends, specifically Bokuto, but most of all he loves that even though you can take care of yourself, you’re not afraid to depend on him
You’re a little more outgoing than him in social settings, but you both prefer staying in so every night he will have you lay on his chest while he plays with your hair
Normally, you’re on your phone while he reads his books but regardless of what he’s doing, he will either have his hand running through your hair or rubbing circles on your back
He loves how it feels to have you snuggled into him and when you end up drifting off to sleep, he will kiss your forehead and whisper “Goodnight darling” without fail every night
Noya loves that you can be just as energetic and you both like pda
He thinks your his good luck charm
Noya will scan the entire crowd before a game until he finds you and blows you a kiss
Every time he’s switched on, he will send you a wink but other than that he is very focused on the game and it’s nice to see how serious he can get when he needs to be
After a game, no matter the result he will ask you to meet him in the lobby and he’ll thank you for being there for him
But if they won, he and Tanaka will be running towards you and he would yell asking for kisses as a prize
He’s a soft boy that always makes sure you’re okay
He’s shy so he finds subtle ways he can show you his affection without causing a scene
Azumane is a gentle giant and it’s easy to get him flustered (which you take advantage of) so even spontaneously giving him a kiss on the cheek will make him go red
You both settle on him giving you headpats when he picks you up from class and you hold his arm as you’re walking
The team always teases him about your relationship because it’s so easy to make him flustered, but he secretly loves it
He loves that you made an effort to get to know the team and that you’re able to joke around with everyone, even if he ends up being the butt of the jokes
He isn’t into pda at all but he knows you want to feel close to him even when you’re out
He finds you matching shoes in different colours, he even switched the shoelaces of one of the shoes with his so you each have one lace from the other
Kenma is quite shy and doesn’t talk much but he’s very observant and has all your favourite orders memorized at all the fast food places the two of you go to
Without fail, he will order exactly what you want (preferably at a kiosk)
His memory is so good he would even remember how many ketchups you usually need to finish your fries
If you’re at home, he has a little drawer in his room filled with your favourite snacks because the two of you always stay up late and he likes to be prepared
He might not talk a lot but he loves making memories with you
Suna, as we’ve seen with the Miya twins, is very quick to whip out his phone when something happens
He has a photo album in his phone just for pictures of you or with you
When he misses you (especially before a game if you can't make it) he will always look at the first picture you took together after the first game of his you attended
Suna has a lot of secret pictures of you when you're cuddling of you fall asleep on him, he doesn’t want you to find them but they’re his favourite because nothing makes him fall harder than knowing he makes you feel safe
He calls you prince(ss) and cutie
Oikawa has a lot of fangirls, but he constantly feels like he isn’t good enough so he wants validation from the people he cares about, you especially
He treats you like absolute royalty because he wants to show how much he appreciates you constantly providing reassurance
He loves making you smile and laugh, and he’ll do just about anything to ensure you’re smiling
I just know Oikawa is the type to tickle their s/o under the chin when their pouting
However, hearing you giggle because he’s getting bullied by Iwa-chan will undoubtedly cause him to pout on the outside but if you get close enough he’s sure you’d be able to hear his heart racing from how happy he is
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© tetsunormous 2021 lmk if you want to be added to my tag list
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Day's End
Rubbing your eyes, you plopped down next to him on the side of the bed, suppressing a grumble at the pile of laundry needing to be folded and put away. After RAD and the ever increasing hours you worked at Hell's Kitchen, come the end of the day sleep was the only thought in your head.
Unfortunately, chores needed to be done. Leaving them all for him not an option.
Picking up a pair socks from the pile, you started to help fold. A warm smile greeted you, sending your heart aflutter even after all this time. You took to staying with him in the palace, knowing the maze of doors making up his room like the back of your hand. A comfortable silence, a mutual exhaustion shared.
Barbatos worked hard running around after the Prince all day. Tending to his whims. Going above and beyond his duties in your eyes. A quality you had in common; hardworkers. Although a change made his evenings brighter, a spring in his step even Diavolo noticed. A reason to come home. A reason to call his space home. He got to come back to you.
Eyes drooping, the socks slipped from your grasp, falling to the floor with the softest of sounds. A touch to your shoulder, startling you awake.
"Let's go to bed. There is always the morning." You wanted to protest, not to leave a mess. But the gentle, tired eyes coaxing you closer saw what little resolve you had left crumble. Falling into his arms as you laid back, legs dangling off the side of the bed.
Soon soft snores filled the room, you and Barbatos passed out in each other's arms. Ready to do it all again tomorrow.
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purrincess-chat · 3 years
Cat’s Not-All-Encompassing Character Ranking
Okay, so I have to admit that I omitted a lot of characters I don't have strong opinions on. Most of them were one-off akumas, so don't get your panties in a twist, your faves are probably still on here (and ranked lower than you think).
As a preface again, these are just my personal opinions. They can't hurt you. You can still like characters more or less than me. And I don't care how you feel about them. This list is for me. And the person that asked for it. So shut up. Go make your own rank list if you’re so butthurt. 
We're going in reverse order this time, starting from the bottom:
84. Gabriel Agreste- I mean, is anyone surprised? I am not private about how I think Gabriel should go to jail. Or fall off a cliff. Or be erased from existence. Rip to those that like him, but I’m different.
83. Thomas Astruc- Honestly, he’s down here on principle. Self-inserts are generally a no-no, and I just laugh every time I see him on screen because he really put himself in this show and said boohoo no one appreciates me XD
82. Bob Roth- I feel like this one should also be obvious. He’s just a dick. Terrible human. I give him 0 stars.
81. Tomoe Tsurugi- We all collectively hate her, right? It’s not just me?
80. Su Han- This mans has small peepee energy. And he bad mouthed Fu, so get FUCKED, my dude.
79. Rolland Dupain- Listen, I get it, he liked Marinette in the end, but I could do without the racism.
78. Nathalie Sancoeur- My opinion of Nathalie took a nosedive after the s2 finale. I just do not care that she is in love with her boss. Don’t care that she’s dying. Just do not have it in me.
77. XY- Justin Bieber ass wannabe.
76. Nora Cesiare- I didn’t care for Nora. I know Thomas loves her, but the overbearing sibling trope is tired.
75. Anarka Couffaine- I underestimated how much I don’t really like her. Like, it’s not full-on hate, but I just do not care for her.
74. Otis Cesaire- Got akumatized because a kid said he could outrun a panther. I’m still not over it, Otis.
73. Andre Bourgeois- No love for the crooked mayor. I hope your wife divorces you. 
72. Alec Cataldi- The real villain of Stormy Weather. Like fr why is he such an asshole?
71. Roger Raincomprix- Is Officer Roger just doing his best? Sometimes. But like sometimes this mans just needs to take a chill pill.
70. M. D'Argencourt- Please get out of the 1600s
69. Ella/Etta- These two are basically the same character, and I am indifferent to both of them.
68. KnightOwl/Barbara- Listen, I would have liked you more if you were less controlling.
67. Majestia- Same as above, but like I guess I like you more
66. Theo- *Mean Girls principal voice* Stay away from underaged girls!
65. Andre the ice cream man- I just want a scoop of chocolate, Andre. Is that too much to ask??
64. Amelie Graham de Vanily- We haven’t seen much of her, but she seems like a snake bitch.
63. M. Kubdel- I mean, if my son wanted to resurrect an ancient mummy and believed in aliens, I’d give the family heirloom to my daughter too.
62. Jalil Kubdel- Lolol, buddy, pal, dude, my guy. Chill.
61. Vincent (Adrien's photographer)- Head empty. Mom’s spaghetti. Idk he’s alright.
60. Manon- I don’t hate Manon. She just gets on my nerves every time she talks.
59. M. Ramier- This mans got akumatized a billion times because he gets emotional about pigeons. I mean, honestly mood.
58. Mme. Mendeleiev- She doesn’t put up with Chloe’s shit, and we respect her for this.
57. Baby August- Someone just give this mans some food. He’s a growing boy.
56. Santa Claus- If I were Santa, I too would list Ladybug as the best kid in the world.
55. Art Teacher- He doesn’t even have a name, but I vibe with him. He seems like he likes to paint scenes of nature with his pet squirrels.
54. Prince Ali- Lil mans just wanted to have a good time. I can respect that.
53. Duusu- Duusu, I get that your Miraculous was broken, but get with the program, girl. You is a hostage.
52. Other Kwamis- Idk, all the ones we haven’t seen as much. I don’t have real opinions on them yet. Just neutral.
51. Sass- He gives me dad vibes.
50. M. Damocles- You go, you funky owl man
49. Jean (Chloe's Butler)- He deserves a raise. What is your name, sir? We may never know.
48. Mireille Caquet- She’s pretty cute. No complaints.
47. Aurore Beaureal- Baby’s first akuma. I love her design. She’s a cutie.
46. Claudie Kante (Max’s mom)- This womans just wanted to go to space and live her dream. We stan a hardworking queen.
45. Hot Dog Dan- I like him more than Andre the ice cream fraud. Sure, my hotdog might turn me purple, but if I ask for chili on it, I bet he’d oblige.
44. Nadja Chamack- I mean, she’s doing her best.
43. Audrey Bourgeois- So, as I said in the episode ranking, I have a love-hate relationship with Audrey. She’s the worst, but that’s why I love her. I love her ironically. Like, yeah she’s atrocious, but I just want to watch her burn the world.
42. Luka Couffaine- Directly in the middle, like he’s always been.
41. Nathaniel Kurtzberg- My opinion of Nath improved after Reverser surprisingly. I ship it.
40. Chris Lahiffe- I like Chris better than Ella/Etta. He’s just a little mans out here living life wanting to grow up. Don’t believe it, Chris. Stay little forever. Being an adult suuuuucks.
39. Fang the Crocodile- The goodest boy.
38. Nooroo- I just want to give him a hug.
37. Mlle. Bustier- She’s doing her best, but I mean, when ya whole class keeps getting turned into supervillains, I’m surprised she’s not an alcoholic.
36. Penny Rolling- I just like her. I think she’s neat.
35. Ondine- Mermaid queen! She’s so sweet, and I love her with Kim. I hope we see more of her in the future.
34. Marc Anciel- Marc is a little cutie bean. Idc if he’s based off one of Thomas’s irl friends. He can stay.
33. Wayzz- He loves Master Fu so much I cry.
32. Felix Graham de Vanily- I know everyone hates canon Felix, but tbh he exudes massive chaotic neutral gremlin energy, and I actually kinda vibe with that. And he pisses with his uncle which is a whole ass mood.
31. Tikki- Tikki is very cute, but bby please work on the preaching. You don’t always know what’s right, babe.
30. Sabrina Raincomprix- Sabrina deserves better. I hope we see good things happen for her.
29. Lila Rossi- Surprised? I actually like Lila. The first fic I ever wrote for this fandom was a Lila redemption. I think she is a good antagonist and foil to Marinette. I absolutely want to see her get dunked on in canon, but that doesn’t mean I hate her.
28. Wayhem- I don’t know why, but Wayhem makes me laugh. I love him XD
27. Uncle Cheng- He’s just a good mans with a birb who wants to make you tasty food. What’s not to like?
26. Trixx- Trixx shot up after GoS. Chaotic bean make Eiffel Tower go bendy
25. Jess- She’s pretty cool. She’s a vibe.
24. Aeon- The cutest bean!!! She saw Adrien and Marinette and said yep. Those two are meant to be together. Jess, we gotta make it happen.
23. Ivan Bruel- Ivan is such a gentle bean. We love him.
22. Mylene Haprele- Smol
21. Fei Wu- I still have not watched the Shanghai special with subs, but I liked her.
20. Gina Dupain- The grandma I aspire to be.
19. Marianne Lenoir- I love her. She is good. She and Fu are so cute. And she seems like she would have kicked le ass back in the day. (and even now)
18. Rose Lavillant- I am so excited for Pigella!! Rose is too cute. We love her. 
17. Gorilla- aka Adrien’s real dad. If the series doesn’t end with Gabriel getting yeeted into the stratosphere and Gorilla adopting Adrien, I don’t want it.
16. Clara Nightingale- She’s in love with Marinette. You can’t change my mind. 16 is also how old I hc her to be, so don’t nobody come for me.
15. Tom Dupain- Most. Supportive. Dad. Soft bean. Just wants to make you fresh bread.
14. Sabine Cheng- Good mom vibes. We love to see her.
13. Juleka Couffaine- Shy goth bean. Just wants to have her picture taken. Definitely a lesbian. We stan.
12. Nino Lahiffe- The goodest boy. He’s just out here doing his best, loving his friends.
11. Chloe Bourgeois- Chloe is another one I have a love-hate relationship with. Her brattiness is funny to me. We had high hopes for her. Honestly, she ranks this high because I like to play with her in fic.
10. Max Kante- He smol and smort. And I adore his friendship with Kim and the fact that he made an AI himself at 14. What a legend.
9. Alya Cesaire- Rip to Alya salters, but I’m different. Outside of Chameleon, Alya is fine. She’s a supportive bff. All yall people that are mad she doesn’t kiss Marinette’s ass all the time need to go out and make real friends. I said what I said.
8. Alix Kubdel- I love Alix. I love how she is always so done with all the lovey-dovey bullshit. She is tiny queen, and Bunnix, while OP af, is still super cool. We love to see her.
7. Kagami Tsurugi- I will fight anyone who shits on Kagami. She has done nothing wrong, you guys are just haters. All she did was exist, and yall said, wow what a toxic bitch?? Disgraceful.
6. Jagged Stone- We are going to ignore the deadbeat dad trope that canon thrust upon him. He is a Marinette stan, and we love that.
5. Kim Le Chien- I really love Kim, you guys. Does that surprise you? Listen, my favorite male character types are sweet beans and himbos. Kim is both of these.
4. Master Fu- If you didn’t pick up on how much I love Fu from the episodes ranking, then idk what to tell you. I want him to be my grandpa. I would trust this mans with my life. He did his best. You paint those pictures, you funky little man. I love you.
3. Plagg- My galaxy trash man. Love him. 10/10 chefs kisses all around.
2. Adrien Agreste- The biggest Marinette stan there is. I just want him to kiss her on the face. And marry her. Idk, I just think that would be neat if he could do that. I just want good things for them.
1. Marinette Dupain-Cheng- Honestly, are you surprised? I have always been and always will be a Marinette stan. If you expected anyone else to be in this spot, then clown suit rentals are off to the left.
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tales-of-spring · 4 years
A - Z of Fluff | Steve Rogers
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A= Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Steve adores eyes, it’s just a fact. He can’t help but stare into your gorgeous, dreamy eyes every time you two talk. Or don’t talk, he just likes to stare at them and daydream wether or not you two are in contact with one another. You actually caught him staring at you before you two got together a few times. 
B= Baby (Do they want a family? Why/ Why not?)
Steve, despite being an all-American hero, hasn’t thought much about starting a family. He let his brain drift off to the thought once or twice and wouldn’t have a problem with it, especially if it makes you happy. 
C= Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
Despite common controversy, Steve likes being both the big and little spoon. Thought he usually goes for the big spoon since that is where he feels more comfortable, and you like to feel his muscled-up soldier arms around your frame. He presses himself tightly against you and nuzzles his nose in your hair which always smells, in his words, ‘’heavenly’’ this scent calms him in seconds. 
D= Dates (What are dates with them like?)
You know it, classic dates with Rogers. Going to the cinema, doing a picnic in the park, visiting a theme park. As long as you two are having fun and feel like you’re on an adventure together. 
E= Everything (You are my ___ (e.g my life, my world…))
‘’You are my whole world.’’
F= Feelings (When did they know they were falling in love?)
When on a mission, you sacrificed yourself in order to save Steve. He’s a selfless person by nature and when he saw that you were so willing to give yourself to safe him, he knew you were the one for him. 
G= Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
Steve isn’t super gentle, but he isn’t super rough too. He starts slowly but as the tension increases, Steve gets more passionate, but never so it would hurt you. He’s been known to pin you up against something or clear a full desk, but that’s it. 
H= Hand/ Hold (How do they like to hold? How do they like to hold hands?)
Steve is an absolute SUCKER for public displays of affection. You wouldn’t guess it but Steve is really a territorial person when it comes to his significant other, so letting the world know your his by holding hands or kissing is no biggie for him. He laces his fingers with your and makes sure to squeeze a few times, just to remind himself and you that you guys are together. 
I= Impression (First Impressions/s)
Deep from within Steve was amazed and bedazzled by you, but like any American Himbo, he needed to find that out on his own. On the surface though, he didn’t make any sort of effort for hiding how he liked you. 
J= Joker (Are they into pranks?)
Steve likes a good teasing prank every once in a while, and it always catches you off-guard. He’s such a good-doer that you don’t expect it from him. But deep down he still likes to feel like a little kid racing the streets of Brooklyn, and no one better to do it with than the love of his life. 
K= Kisses (How do they kiss?)
Steve kisses wholeheartedly. He isn’t about boating, showing you off or putting on a show. He kisses you with the highest degree of sincerity, love and passion. He means the promise he makes with his lips every time. 
L= Little Things (What little things do they love/ notice.)
Steve notices how you bite your lip every time you’re trying to focus, or how you roll your ‘’Ls’’ when you write, or your daily routine. 
M= Memory (Their favorite moment together.)
Your first kiss, it’s cheesy but it’s also Steve Rogers we’re talking about. Everything about it felt so real, so true and so right. Steve loved how you stood on your toes, hands on his chest and slightly leaned into him like in the classics. He had one arm wrapped around your waist tightly while the other was occupied with cupping your cheek in his hand. He felt like the truest gentlemen doing it. 
N= Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Steve doesn’t spoil like Tony or Klaus would do, he’s too humble and not obsessed with money. Steve would be the type of guy to buy you your favorite things on either one of your anniversaries, or when you’re feeling down in the dumps. He knows exactly what you like, what makes you relaxed etc. so he will play with that knowledge and let you indulge whatever he got for you. 
O= Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?)
When Steve sees yellow, he is reminded of his significant other. The color stands for joy and loyalty and whenever he’s around you, he instantly feels more happy. Your loyalty to him and vice versa are as strong as a mountain and he loves to be reminded of the strength of your relationship.
P= Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
Gender Neutral: Baby, babe, honey, sweetie
Feminine: Babygirl, princess, dreamgirl
Masculine: Babyboy, prince, hubby
Q= Questions (What are the questions they’re always asking?)
‘’How did you sleep?’’ ‘’Want some fruit?’’ ‘’Where do you wanna go?’’ 
R= Remember (Their favorite memory of each other.)
Your first date together. It was such a classic affair, the way it would’ve gone had you guys lived in the 40s. Steve picked you up at seven, obviously gasped when you opened up the door, and took you on his motorcycle to the restaurant. After the dinner, you two were strolling down in a park, arms hooked into each other, Steve being the total gentlemen that he is. 
S= Sad (How do they cheer themselves/ each other up.)
Themselves: Steve is a simple man. A good workout where he can punch away all his stress, or worry, or anger usually works for him. 
Each other: When Steve sees that you’re upset, he will usually get you out of your slump by taking you to nostalgic places, trying to get you inspired and fired up. It’s either that, or he takes you on one of his hikes and let’s you intentionally win so you feel better. 
T= Talking (What do they love to talk about?)
His life in the 40s, Bucky and Peggy. His favorite food, the outfit that makes him feel most confident. His ass (he said it himself, folks) You, out of all things. 
U= Universe (Use a metaphor, what are they to each other? (e.g he was the universe, ever-changing and mysterious.))
He was the soft blanket that hugged your body, yet also the broad and steady walls that kept danger out. 
V = Vaunt. (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
How strong or fast he is. His stamina, his body. How much he loves you. 
W= Why (Reasons why they love you.)
Steve loves you because you remind him of a feeling that he felt a long time ago; joy, a sense of adventure, and someone he can trust. He feels he can be totally himself around you and he loves how you challenge him. 
X= Xylophone (What’s their song?)
‘’It’s Been a Long, Long Time’’ or ‘’Dream A Little Dream Of Me’’
Y= You (The ___ to my ___ (e.g the cookies to my milk, the macaroni to my cheese.))
You are the love to his life, without it he is incomplete. 
Z= Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what pet would they get?)
Something easy to maintain and raise, a good dog breed like a golden retriever or husky. Maybe he’d go for a cat too. 
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Do you have any strong thoughts about Platoria? (One of my personal faves!)
I absolutely do, anon (they are all very scattered I’m sorry)! It is also one of my personal favs as well. they invented young love
I enjoy Platoria a couple of different ways, depending on the mood I'm in (like I am very fond of himbo!Plato and serious!Victoria, or silly!Victoria and serious!Plato - or any mixtures/variations of the two...the two of them share one brain cell between them and Victoria usually has it but not always), but because I am made of mush, I always default back to pining prince and princess vibe. The: "You walked into the room and suddenly the world fell away and all I could see was you" one. The gentle giant and the little ballerina. The: “She Doesn’t See Him/He Doesn’t See Me” one. You know what I’m talking about. I’m a big, soft mess. 
I’ve said before that I think Jemima introduced them to one another (whether or not she actively planned it that way is up to interpretation), and I like the thought that one of their bonding points was their struggle with the feeling of not being wanted (I kind of like the idea that Victoria was abandoned as a kitten like the movie put forth - she and Misto together if they’re siblings in my train of thought - and I play with the HC that Plato is Macavity’s son, complete with all the...rigmarole that went into that). 
I’m very fond of the HC that Victoria is deaf/HOH and Plato is mute and I use that one most often - particularly since their main “moment” in the spotlight is completely through dance and movement, which acts as a very intimate method of communication and I love it. 
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