#Effective Weight Loss Meal Plan
nutritionmattersin · 3 months
Unlock Your Ideal Body with Our Best Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Nutrition Matters
Looking for the best diet plan for weight loss? Look no further! At Nutrition Matters, we understand that achieving your weight loss goals requires a tailored approach. Our expert nutritionists have crafted a comprehensive diet plan that is both effective and sustainable. With a focus on balanced meals, portion control, and nutrient-dense foods, our plan will help you shed those extra pounds and feel your best. Say hello to a healthier, happier you with our best diet plan for weight loss! Visit us at nutritionmatters.co.in to get started today. To know more information please feel free to contact us today at +91 98739 74659 or visit again here - https://www.nutritionmatters.co.in/.
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sajalamin · 2 months
Your Guide to a 30-Day Plant-Based Diet Plan: Transform Your Health and Well-being
Introduction: In recent years, plant-based diets have surged in popularity, driven by a growing awareness of their health benefits, ethical considerations, and environmental sustainability. Adopting a plant-based diet involves consuming primarily foods derived from plants, such as fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, and legumes, while minimizing or eliminating animal products. Embarking on…
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abilaksh · 9 months
Keto Diet on a Budget: Tips for Eating Healthy Without Breaking the Bank
Introduction The Keto Diet has gained immense popularity for its numerous health benefits, including weight loss and improved energy levels. However, one common misconception about the Keto Diet is that it’s expensive. The truth is that you can enjoy the benefits of a Keto lifestyle without emptying your wallet. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore practical and budget-friendly tips to…
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tipsandtricks4you · 9 months
High-Protein Diets for Weight Loss: Benefits, Risks, and Meal Planning
Discover the world of high-protein diets for weight loss. Explore the benefits, potential risks, and effective meal planning strategies to harness the power of protein for your weight management journey. High-Protein Diets for Weight Loss: Benefits, Risks, and Meal Planning Read more
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Healthy Eating Habits for Weight Loss: Tips for Portion Control and Balanced Meals
Discover effective strategies for weight loss through healthy eating habits. Explore expert tips for portion control and crafting balanced meals that nourish your body while aiding in your weight management journey.
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healthmonastery · 10 months
Ayurveda Insight:Harmonizing Intermittent Fasting with Ancient Wisdom
Intermittent fasting (IF) is an eating pattern that cycles between periods of fasting and eating. It has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, including weight loss, improved metabolic health, and enhanced brain function Ayurveda, the traditional system of medicine that originated in India, emphasizes a holistic approach to health and well-being. While Ayurveda does not directly…
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selfguidancehub · 10 months
Effective Weight Loss with Fasting - Achieve Your Goals with Prolon.com
Effective weight loss with fasting has sparked a significant surge in interest, with many individuals embracing fasting as a powerful method to shed unwanted pounds. The appeal lies in its potential to trigger efficient fat burning and boost metabolic processes. Amid this growing fascination, Prolon.com has emerged as a leading provider of fasting meal plans, offering a trusted and…
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tricslearn · 11 months
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mentormaven777 · 1 year
The Most Effective Methods for Weight Loss
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When it comes to weight loss, finding the most effective methods is crucial for achieving successful and sustainable results. While there is no one-size-fits-all approach, certain strategies have proven to be highly effective for many individuals. In this article, we will explore some of the most successful methods for weight loss.
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Balanced and Healthy Diet: A balanced diet that includes a variety of nutrient-rich foods, such as fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains, is essential for weight loss. Portion control and mindful eating can also contribute to long-term success.
Regular Exercise Routine: Incorporating regular physical activity into your routine is key to weight loss. Both cardio exercises, like running or cycling, and strength training activities, such as weightlifting, help burn calories and build lean muscle mass.
Lifestyle Changes: Making sustainable lifestyle changes, such as getting enough sleep, managing stress levels, and limiting alcohol intake, can greatly impact weight loss efforts.
Meal Planning and Tracking: Planning and preparing meals in advance can prevent impulsive food choices and promote healthier eating habits. Tracking your food intake and calorie consumption using mobile apps or journals can help create awareness and accountability.
Hydration: Drinking an adequate amount of water throughout the day can boost metabolism, curb cravings, and promote a feeling of fullness, aiding in weight loss.
Mindful Eating: Paying attention to hunger cues, eating slowly, and savoring each bite can help prevent overeating and promote better digestion.
Support Systems: Joining a weight loss support group, seeking guidance from a registered dietitian or nutritionist, or having a workout buddy can provide motivation and accountability.
Behavior Modification: Identifying and modifying unhealthy eating patterns or behaviors can lead to sustainable weight loss. This may involve seeking professional help, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy.
Adequate Sleep: Quality sleep is crucial for overall health, including weight management. Lack of sleep can disrupt hormones related to appetite control, leading to increased cravings and overeating.
Consistency and Patience: It's important to remember that weight loss is a journey that requires consistency and patience. Sustainable results are achieved through long-term lifestyle changes rather than quick fixes.
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Eat these Nuts to Beat Hunger Pangs
Quick Bites: Overeating can lead to some serious health issues.Walnuts help in discouraging this habit by making you feel fullRead the article to find all the benefits associated with eating walnuts. This healthy nut can help you curb your cravings and overcome the fear of overeating. Read the full article to know what we are talking about.Have you ever binge-eaten? All of us have at some point…
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ribb0ngirl · 2 months
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𝑚𝑦 𝑤𝑒𝑖𝑔𝚑𝑡 𝑙𝑜𝑠𝑠 𝑔𝑢𝑖𝑑𝑒 ʚɞ ⁺˖
my tips for healthy weightloss ♡
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𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑠𝑘𝑖𝑝 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑠
♡ eat healthier instead! Meal prep for the week, it saves time and it won't be as tempting to go for something unhealthy when you planned ahead. Make sure your meals are filled with fiber (helps with gut health) and protein (boosts metabolism), they also keep you full.
𝑐𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑖𝑒 𝑑𝑒𝑓𝑖𝑐𝑖𝑡
♡ when I say this I mean a healthy calorie deficit (not those crazy 200cal diets), on average, cutting 500cals from your normal amount can help you get started on a good, consistent weight loss plan. But honestly just use a free app to help you track your calorie intake. Don't obsess with calorie counting though, you don't have to do strictly those cals, nothing more nothing less, like you can go a little over your limit sometimes I promise it won't be the end of the world.
𝑑𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑘 𝑤𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑟 𝑏𝑒𝑓𝑜𝑟𝑒 𝑚𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑠
♡ drinking one glass of water 30 minutes before a meal to help digestion. but don't drink too soon before or after a meal cause the water will dilute the digestive juices. Also drink water an hour after the meal to allow the body to absorb the nutrients!!
♡ studies have shown that having a regular walking program can help you melt away some extra weight. Just 2 1/2 hours of walking a week (about 20 minutes a day) can shrink your belly by about 2.5cm in 4 weeks !! Also walking is fun, just put on your fav playlist, bring water and have a hot girl walk!! Before driving or anything think "Could I walk there?". Walking can also reduce stress, help ward off symptoms of depression and helps you be more positive! If you have strict parents that don't let you walk alone (like myself) go to the gym and get on the tredmill or walk around the house or backyard.
♡ pilates is so good and effective, a study in 2017 showed that practicing Pilates for two months not only was effective for weight loss, it also reduced BMI and toned waist, abdomen, and hip areas. If you're like me and can't afford or don't have time to go to classes literally just search "pilates workout" on youtube and you'll get a ton of them!! pair this with a daily hot girl walk and your pretty much set
𝑓𝑖𝑥 𝑦𝑜𝑢𝑟 𝑠𝑙𝑒𝑒𝑝 𝑠𝑐𝚑𝑒𝑑𝑢𝑙𝑒
♡ getting quality sleep is super important for a healthy weight loss plan and also for your mental health in general. Research has shown that losing sleep while dieting can reduce the amount of weight lost and encourage overeating. Try to get around 7–9 hours of sleep per night.
𝑑𝑜𝑛'𝑡 𝑜𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑑𝑜 𝑎𝑛𝑦𝑡𝚑𝑖𝑛𝑔!!
♡ listen, I get it, I've been there done that, you wanna see results quick and are sick of feeling bad, but babe, when you workout and diet to an extreme level, your body can go out of balance. This can literally slow down your weight loss process, so you're doing the reverse of what you wanted, also it's totally exhausting and so not worth it. Please have patience with your body.
𝑚𝑎𝑘𝑒 𝑖𝑡 𝑎 𝚑𝑎𝑏𝑖𝑡 𝑛𝑜𝑡 𝑎 𝑡𝑎𝑠𝑘 !! 𝑔𝑜𝑜𝑑 𝑙𝑢𝑐𝑘 ♡
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partypoisonzz · 1 year
letters and sodas (90s!trey parker x fem!reader)
Part One of the FWB-verse series
- friends with benefits/rebound messiness
- dry humping
- praise kink
- marking
Word Count: 5,189
Disclaimer: This explicit story was written by an adult for consumption by other adults only. If you are under 18, please do not read or interact in any way.
You stand out in the hallway, a warm paper bag clutched tightly in one hand as you knock with the other. You inhale the scent of the warm French fries, worrying that Trey won't even come to the door. 
Of course, you know that he's in there. He hasn't been anywhere else except for a handful of his classes all week. That isn't to say, however, that he'll answer. Ever since the incident, he's been effectively isolating himself, not seeming to want to see anybody. You can't really blame him for that, — the whole thing is majorly fucked, — but you're worried, for fuck's sake. Lots of people are, whether he thinks so or not.
The few times you've seen him, he was visibly a wreck. Despite looking like he had just rolled out of bed, he was obviously exhausted, his eyes in a perpetual state of puffiness and ringed by dark circles. He didn't seem to be putting any effort into taming his hair or shaving his face, which resulted in him looking sort of homeless. Then there was the fact that his clothes just seemed to be looking looser and looser, which raised your alarm bells more than anything. 
Your concern deepened when Jason paid him a visit earlier on in the week, only to shake his head and sigh when he reported back to the rest of you. 
"Jackass isn't eating anything," he informed you, Matt, and Dian as you scarfed down your respective shitty cafeteria dinners. "He's living off fucking SlimFast. That's all. No wonder he looks like a coke addict all of the sudden." 
Deeply concerned by these new developments, the four of you worked out a plan to keep tabs on him without him immediately chasing you off. You decided that all of you would alternate dropping by his dorm throughout the week, but never together and never with an established plan in place. That way, it wouldn't look rehearsed, — because it wasn't, — and would illustrate your genuine concern in a manner that didn't seem forced… because it wasn't. Each of you would approach the situation using whatever method seemed fit at the moment. 
When you left your final class for the afternoon, you decided that the appropriate method for the day would be to bring him food. The thought of him, holed up in his dorm and depressed, choking down weight loss shake after weight loss shake, made your heart sink. He needed something substantial. Maybe not healthy, but something he could chew and swallow. 
So you went to McDonald's and ordered a couple of combo meals. It wasn't gourmet cuisine, but it was affordable. It was the same junk that you ate together back when things were okay. The image of a bunch of high, giggling college kids piling into a booth and decimating a couple baskets of fries reminded you of simpler times… Those being, the times before Trey walked in on his fiancee in a state of post coital bliss with another guy and consequently started spiraling. 
You ruminated on the reasoning for all of it as you drove back to campus, digging into your bag to angrily chomp on a fry every now and again. As much as imagining him getting married put a lump in your throat and a pit in your stomach, you weren't selfish enough to take delight in his current situation. It burned you up, really.
Trey had been the type of boyfriend and fiance that made people envious of Liane, and she fucking cheated on him. If she hadn't gotten caught, she would have kept dragging it out, all the way to the altar. She would have continued after the wedding that was going to empty their pockets, and he would have been none the wiser. Now he was fucking starving himself with graduation fast approaching, and your blood pressure was going through the fucking roof even though it technically wasn't really your problem… And your fries were already gone by the time you pulled into your parking space. Great. 
You're hoping to God that he opens the door before you can start eating his fries. Luckily, not long after this thought crosses your mind, the door swings open, only to reveal an impressively-disheveled Trey. 
He looks from your face to the brown paper bag and back again before clearing his throat. "Come in."
He doesn't have to ask you twice. You nudge the door closed behind you and reach for the lock. "I brought you dinner," you tell him as you sit your drinks down. "It's nothing special. Just a Big Mac. But I thought…"
You freeze as he wraps his arms around your waist, pulling you into him. You are infinitely grateful that your face is being crushed into the fabric of his shirt. Otherwise, he would see that you're turning bright fucking red. 
"Thanks," he mutters, still holding onto you. He seems to be in no rush to let you go. You lean into him, soaking up the feeling of his arms around you in a way that you can totally pretend was possessive when you're letting your imagination run wild in bed tonight. 
After a while, however, you feel the need to speak up, knowing that you're still holding a bag full of McDonald's in your hand. "Trey," you speak up. "The food…" 
"Right. Sorry." He gives your waist a slight squeeze before releasing you from his grip. 
You force a smile onto your face as you take the sight of him in. He just looks so fucking tired.  
Still, you ask him the dreaded question as you take a seat on the floor: "How's it been going?" 
He doesn't hesitate to respond. "Fucking terrible," he says, rifling around in the bag for his burger. "I wish I was dead, honestly."
You frown as you reach for your own food. "She isn't worth all that," you mutter quietly. 
He laughs humorlessly. "As much as I appreciate the sentiment, I was going to marry that woman." He takes a needlessly-aggressive bite out of his burger before pulling back. "Forgive me for being a little torn up about my fiancee cheating on me." 
You resist the urge to roll your eyes. The bitchiness is nothing new. The situation itself is a bit harder to deal with. "You know I didn't mean it like that," you say. 
"Yeah. I know." He looks away from the burger that he's devouring like the starved man that he is to fix you with wide blue eyes. You do your best to keep your face from bursting into flames again. 
He sighs, reaching for one of the brown paper napkins in the bag. "Sorry for being an asshole," he concedes. "I know it's not an excuse, but I've kind of forgotten how to interact with other people over the past week." 
"It's fine." You take a sip of your soda before pulling back. "I've just been worried about you." 
You don't miss the change in expression that this confession provokes. His eyes flash with something soft. Guilt? Relief? 
"I wish I could say that you don't have to," he finally says. "But, well… All you have to do is look around to see that I'm a fucking wreck."
"Anybody would be," you tell him. 
There's another pause. If the two of you were talking about literally anything else, it would probably be comfortable. You've always been the type of friends who could just do things together and not talk. His company was enough to put you at ease, and vice versa. 
But now you're looking at the shadows under his eyes and the scruff on his face, the pure dejection in his expression, and the silence feels like things that you should be saying but can't conjure into acceptable words. You worry that you'll be sitting across from each other all night, plastic straws squeaking and tension palpable. 
It gets to the point when you're itching to say something just to say it. So, without even worrying that it's the wrong thing, you do.
"I've missed you," you confess quietly.
He gives you that look again. You always feel like he doesn't just look at you, — he looks through you, searching for something. You don't know if he's found what he was looking for as he balls up the paper wrapper that his burger came with and tosses it at the trashcan. Somehow, it lands where he intended it to. 
He turns back to you and tries to smile. Though he still looks like a recently-kicked puppy, it seems a bit more genuine this time. "I missed you, too." 
Stupid as it is, your heart sinks as he stands up, leaving you sitting on the floor with your legs tucked under you. You watch as he takes a seat on the unmade double bed in the corner and settles back against the pillows. You wonder for a moment if this is some sort of silent dismissal, a wordless plea for you to go home and leave him the fuck alone to grieve, but then…
"Wanna come sit?" he beckons you. 
Okay, fuck. You have got to stop turning bright red every time he says something that could be construed as being mildly suggestive, but there's something about the fact that he wants you in his bed…
You need to get a hold of yourself. 
"Sure." You feign nonchalance as you discard the trash from your own dinner and walk towards the bed. 
The mattress squeaks, settling beneath you. There isn't much space between Trey and the wall, but he shifts to accommodate you, anyway. 
"Thanks," you mumble. He hums an acknowledgement before the two of you settle into silence.
No background music, no television. Just the two of you, silently soaking up one another's company. 
It's not as awkward as it was before, because you know that he genuinely wants you here. You feel even more sure of this when he stretches as an excuse to loop his arm around you. You take this as an invitation to lean into him, resting your head against his shoulder. 
The closeness is nice. You breathe in the scent of his laundry detergent and body wash, — he's still been showering while in this sorry state, thank God, — and wait for him to speak. 
After a while, he does. "I haven't just been laying around, you know," he tells you. "I'm scripting something for this trailer project I have coming up." 
"Yeah?" You shift, looking up at him. "Care to elaborate, or am I just gonna have to be surprised?" 
"It's a musical, actually." You try to conceal your surprise as he brushes a loose strand of hair from in front of your face, then continues running his fingers through the strands, and… He's just playing with your hair while he talks to you. Alright, then. "About all the stuff that happened with Alferd Packer. I'm thinking that if I can get Matt and Dian in on it, it could be fairly decent…" 
"That's gonna be your big comeback project?" you ask. "Eating your friends?" 
He laughs. "How do you know I'm casting myself as the lead?" 
"Because I know you," you reply easily. "Plus, you're like… made to play Alferd Packer." You cast him a mischievous grin. "You've got those crazy eyes…"
He huffs out a chuckle. "You're so nice to me." His hand stays in your hair, working out the tangles that you sustained while driving back to campus with the windows down. "Wanna hear the best part?" 
"Of course."
You can hear the smile in his voice as he continues. "So, there's this horse…" he starts. "Named Liane. She's the type to let everyone ride her, you know…"
"So that's how you're dealing with it?" you ask. "Creating a slutty horse character and naming it after her?" 
"That's one of the ways," he replies with a shrug. 
Against your better judgment, you cast your gaze to his other arm, which is now looped around your waist as though it were the most natural thing in the world. "Is this another?"
His face goes bright pink as he unthreads his fingers from your hair. You regret saying anything for a moment, worrying that he'll pull away. Somehow, he doesn't. "I guess?" he says instead. "I mean, it's kinda nice, having someone care so much…" 
You lean further back into him. "It is nice," you admit. "I kinda figured you were touch-starved, anyway. You've been all over me since I walked in…"
"Sue me for being excited to see one of my best friends." He wraps his arm back around you, pulling you closer to him. "You were like some sort of guardian angel, showing up with dinner…"
You attempt to swat at him, which isn't a very successful effort, considering he's got you in a rather-sturdy grip. "I bought you McDonald's," you say. "You shouldn't be so easy."
"That was what I needed tonight." He glances down at you, offering you a smile that is so much gentler than the one you usually get. The kind of smile that confronts you with the disconcerting realization that, unlike most of your exchanges up until this point, this isn't a joke. " You were what I needed tonight."
The sentiment surprises you enough to look up and meet his eyes, startling when you find that he was already looking down at you. You hold his gaze for a moment, wondering when one of you will break away and laugh it off. 
But neither of you ever do.
You just get closer and closer, slowly but surely. You keep testing the limits. Trey rests his hand against the side of your face. For a while, he just holds you there, looking into your eyes. You wait patiently, just in case he changes his mind. The warmth in the pit of your stomach spreads from the way that he's looking at you. Like he doesn't believe he should get the opportunity to even touch you, let alone...
You lose your train of thought as he suddenly presses his lips to yours. 
Your eyes stay wide open for a moment, in total shock that this is actually happening. Once your surprise wears off, however, you close your eyes and relax into his touch. He kisses you slowly, tenderly, as though he's trying to commit the moment to memory. Like he wants to preserve the feeling of your mouth on his, your hands on the back of his neck, every first touch the two of you are sharing right now. 
You moan as his tongue brushes over yours, reaching up to tangle your fingers in his hair. He gasps into your mouth as you tug on the strands, deepening the kiss even more in response to your slight tugging. 
Okay. He likes having his hair pulled. Noted. 
His mouth wanders from your lips to your jaw before trailing down further down. You lean back in satisfaction as he presses long, insistent kisses against the side of your neck. 
"Marking me up, huh?" you manage to ask breathlessly.
"Mmm-hmm." Sharp teeth scrape lightly over a fresh bruise, inspiring a gasp from you.
You throw your head back, exposing even more of your neck to him. He promptly takes the opportunity to attack every inch of the skin available.
You draw in a shaky breath. Your hands wander aimlessly across his body as he explores your neck with his mouth. "You want everybody to see, don't you?" you ask quietly. "Want them to look at me and know that you've been here?" 
He gives another affirmative hum. Only this time, it turns into a whine.
You've obviously done something there. It's hard for you to bite back the sly grin threatening to surface. "You like that?" you question. "You want everybody to know how good you are for me?" 
He halts his kisses, burying his face in the crook of your neck as he lets out an unmistakable moan.
Satisfaction consumes you. 
Oh, yeah. This is going to be fun .
"Yeah? That's good, isn't it?" Your hands travel over his back ever-so-gently, tracing circles that might be soothing in any other circumstance. "You wanna be my good boy?" 
Another whimper passes his lips as you shift against him, pressing your hips into his just slightly. "Fuck. Please."
You giggle. "Please, huh?" Abruptly, you pull away from him. He stares at you breathlessly, taking in your mussed hair and the way that you're looking back at him, eyes on fire.
His own eyes go wider as you swing your leg across his lap and straddle him. He lets out a groan as you wiggle a bit in a mock attempt to make yourself comfortable. You are immensely pleased when one of his hands wraps around your hip.
"It's a little hot in here," you comment, reaching down to tug at the hem of your T-shirt. You quickly tug the garment over your head before tossing it haphazardly to the side. 
You giggle when you look down at him, only to find him staring back up at you with a look of utter awe. 
You grin before cupping his face, pulling him in close again. "That's better." Your lips brush over his in a quick peck, followed shortly thereafter by another. When you pull back, you give him a demand. "Touch me."
His eyes are wild as he looks up at you. "Touch you where?"
You chuckle. "Wherever you want."
"Shit." Almost as soon as the words leave your mouth, he's kissing you hard again, fingers clumsily grasping to touch every inch of skin that he possibly can. Finally, he settles on a particular spot, sighing against your lips as he clumsily gropes you through your bra.
You let out a contented sigh as he kneads at you desperately. You are reminded in the fondest way possible of the movie theater shenanigans you got up to with your suitors a few years ago, — clumsy, but so passionate that it makes up for it. 
Still, you can't help trying to spur him just a bit further. You nudge him slightly, signaling for him to let you sit up before reaching for the hook on your bra. "Wanna see more?" 
Though the question is clearly rhetorical, he gives you a fervent nod, watching intently as you unclasp the article. 
You smile at him as he stares at you with that same awed expression on his face, only magnified this time. "Well?"
Blue eyes alight, he shifts restlessly beneath you. "Fuck," he curses. "C'mere." 
He wastes no time before pulling you closer to him. He plants small nips and kisses from your collarbone to your chest, trailing down until his mouth lands on your bare breast. 
For the first time since all this started, you momentarily lose your composure. You toss your head back as your fingers tangle in his hair again. "Oh, fuck. Such a good boy." 
The noise he lets out results in a vibration against your sensitive skin, inspiring another mewl from you that totally betrays your control over the situation.
His mouth travels over your skin, leaving behind warm, wet kisses. Every now and then, he stops and sucks, leaving behind yet another mark that is sure to bruise later. You maintain your grip on his hair, reveling in the feeling of his lips against you.
You squirm in his lap as his mouth travels back up your body, stopping just above your collarbone. He groans against you, tightening his grip on your waist. 
Deep down, you know that you already have him exactly where you want him. Still, you pause for a moment before rocking your hips against him again, — slow, teasing. 
Your heartbeat picks up speed as he makes another choked sound before rolling his hips up against yours. "Please," he whimpers. 
Your only reply is a quiet chuckle as you push yourself against him with less hesitance this time. He lets out a breathy gasp at the feeling of you pressing against him before returning his attention to your neck. 
It takes you a bit to find a rhythm. Impromptu dry humping sessions aren't exactly a regular thing for you, and your uncertainty about how to position your legs makes you feel a little awkward. After a while, though, things start to come more naturally, allowing you to grind down against him at a steady pace. 
A satisfied moan escapes your lips when you feel his hard cock pressing against you through his jeans. He pulls away from your neck with a hiss as you deliberately rub against the area that you know will be the most sensitive. You bite your lip as you roll your hips. Your head spins, knowing that, if it weren't for a couple layers of fabric, you could lower yourself onto him and erase any distance between the two of you. 
Another choked, high-pitched noise meets your ears. You look down at him through heavy-lidded eyes. 
Your heart skips a beat as you take in the absolute sight underneath you. 
Trey has his head thrown back, his eyes screwed shut. His lip is caught between his teeth as he digs his fingers into the sheets. He opens his eyes when he feels you stop your movements. 
Your stomach flips. You swear that you've never had anyone look at you the way that he is now. 
Though you've never considered yourself a greedy person in the past, you're beginning to reevaluate that judgment. Two hours ago, the thought of him, hard underneath you and looking up at you like this, would have seemed like the ultimate fever dream, nothing more than something to imagine when you were getting yourself off. 
Now that it's actually happening, all you can think is that you want more. More of this. More of him. You would do this every night if you could. 
Of course, you can't. A sick feeling gnaws at the depths of your stomach, telling you that he'll probably consider this a mistake once it's all over. In the long run, this moment will probably be nothing more than a messy, opportunistic rebound in his eyes.
That's why you ought to make this time count. 
You reach for one of his hands, untangling his fingers from the sheets as you thread them through your own. You guide his palm back up to your chest. He groans, bucking up against you as he goes back to clumsily grabbing at you like your horny high school boyfriends. 
When his eyelids begin to flutter, you speak up. "Look at me," you demand, voice hoarse with utter want. 
To your shock and delight, he immediately complies. 
You stay still for a moment, staring into lust-clouded pools of deep blue, before beginning to slowly roll your hips again. 
As soon as you hear the muffled whimper that your movement elicits from Trey, you give up on maintaining eye contact. Instead, you crush your lips against his again, reveling in the thrill of having him fucking moan into your mouth. His hands wander from your tits to your ass and back up again, exploring every bit of you that he can possibly touch without either of you shedding your jeans. 
Your head spins at the thought of how real this is as his tongue brushes over yours and his thumb rubs over your hip. It's dizzying to think that you're as new to him as he is to you. For all the times that you've gone to dinner or done your homework together, gotten drunk and/or high in this very dorm room, playfully pushed one another around and made each other laugh until your ribs were sore, you've never done this. You had never known what his hands felt like, hungrily roaming over your bare skin. He's never gripped you like this, marveling at how perfect your figure had been under your loose-fitting shirts this whole time. 
His hands tighten around your waist as he comes up for air and you pick up your pace. The combination of the friction of denim against denim and the noises that he's making have left you soaking wet, inspiring you to release a few moans of your own as you move against him.
You melt into the warmth of blissful pleasure as his whimpers grow louder. As you throw your head back with a debauched moan, Trey looks up at you with pleading eyes. 
You can't find it in you to worry about the aftermath of this anymore. At this point, you're just working towards your release. You are fixated on the idea that you're so close to falling apart on top of him, that this is all real. The thought itself gives you a heady rush, which doesn't subside when you hear him let out a particularly desperate whine. 
The sound causes you to look down at him, only to find him looking back at you like you're the only thing keeping him alive. The word reverence crosses your mind as he opens his mouth. 
"I'm… Fuck, " he stumbles over himself. "I'm getting really fucking close. Can I…" 
He lets out a squeak of surprise as you dig your nails into his shoulders through his shirt. 
"Good boy," you coo, pressing your hips harder against his. "My good boy… Fucking come for me, that's it…" 
Something between your encouragement and the quick rhythm of your grinding causes him to lose control quicker. He gasps. "Baby…" he murmurs before burying his face in your neck and stilling underneath you, releasing a long, trembling moan. He melts into a shaking mess as he rides out his release with you on top of him, slightly shifting your hips until his tremors die down.
At that point, you go still on top of him. To your surprise, he shifts beneath you, straightening his posture before pulling you onto his thigh. 
"Come on, keep going," he urges you. "Wanna see you come. Come on, please."
It doesn't take you long to reach your peak with his hands against your waist and the warmth of him pressed between your legs. With a broken moan, you collapse into his arms, trembling in his grip. 
He lets out a quiet sound of awe as you shake until you eventually relax. 
Once your pulse and breathing begin to level out, you note the feeling of his hands still on your hips, thumbs rubbing gentle circles against your skin as he speaks softly to you.
"There you go," he says, still slightly breathless. "So pretty…" 
You only manage a sigh of acknowledgement as you rest your head against his chest. 
You lie there for a few moments, allowing one another's body heat to ground the both of you. 
As you predicted earlier, your mind begins to swim with worry. You wonder what will come after this, how awkward it will get, if he'll ever even want to talk about it again. Hell, you're waiting for him to kick you out as soon as the endorphins wear off and he realizes that the two of you just pretty much fucked less than two weeks after his engagement imploded. 
For now, though, he's holding you and playing with your hair again, fingers trailing over your back after running through the strands. 
Your eyes grow heavy as you fleetingly think that this is almost as good as what you just did, — the intimacy that comes in the afterglow. It's sickeningly on brand for you, — this greed, this aching desire for more. You didn't even take your pants off, and you're already worrying that no one else will ever make you feel like he did.
You guess that's what happens when you fuck around with the friend you've been in love with forever.
Trey's fingers still before he nudges you. "Hey," he says softly.
"Hmm?" you hum, dreading whatever it is he might say. 
He pats your back gently. "Can you get up for a second?" he asks. "I should probably, uh… Go clean up."
You nod, trying to act like this awkward dismissal doesn't make you want to punch yourself in the teeth. "Yeah. Go ahead." You sit up, swinging your legs over the side of the bed and reaching for your discarded bra and T-shirt.
You're surprised by the feeling of his fingers threading through yours again when you begin to stand up. "You don't have to leave," he says. The hint of desperation in his voice takes you aback. "I mean, you can stay a little bit longer, if you want." 
You turn back at him, taking in his pink-tinged face. You shift uncomfortably against the bed, cringing at the wet fabric between your thighs. "I at least need to go get a change of clothes…" 
He shakes his head. "I've got some you can borrow," he says. "There's an extra toothbrush under the cabinet, too."
You blink at him. "You want me to stay the night?"
His blush deepens as he shrugs. "I mean… I don't see why not."
You can see why not. Couples spend the night at each other's places, wearing one another's clothes. The two of you don't exactly fit that bill.
Then again, you just made each other come. You're pretty sure wearing his clothes and sleeping in his dorm isn't the most glaring boundary that you've overstepped. Besides, a few more hours of confusing closeness is preferable to returning to your own dorm and worrying that he hates you now.
So you nod and take the shirt and sweatpants that he offers you. You change while listening to the shower run in the bathroom. You sigh and decide to forgo keeping your soaked underwear on, tucking them between your other clothes, folded and stacked in the corner of the room.
You settle into the change of clothes and sit back down on the bed, waiting until you hear the water stop running. Finally, the quiet washes over the room, followed shortly thereafter by the creaking of the door.
And there's Trey with wet hair and his own loosely-fitting clothes. Your heart leaps at the mere sight of him, despite the fact that you were quite literally on top of him not even twenty minutes ago.
He crosses the room and crawls into bed beside you. "C'mere," he says quietly. You look down, only to see him holding his arms out to you. Inviting you to return to the place that you were.
You oblige him, collapsing into the pillows and his warmth. 
You can't find it in you to say anything as you lay there, soaking up the feeling of his arms around you and his steady heartbeat against your ear. Once again, you don't know what to say. 
Apparently, he thinks that he does. "You're an amazing friend," he murmurs, chin resting on your shoulder. "You know that?" 
Your heart aches at that word. Friend. Because, yeah. This is what friends do. What the two of you do, anyway. Or did. Just this once. 
"Hush," you urge him weakly as your eyelids grow heavy. 
Taglist: Idk if my MCR taglist wants to be tagged for my non-MCR fics but @treyp4arker asked me to tag her so
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healthy-liiviing · 1 month
Effective Weight Loss Diet Plan and Meal Guide
reading in here
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fitnesslife · 7 months
Understanding Body Types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph, and Endomorph
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When it comes to fitness and achieving your health goals, understanding your body type can be a game-changer. We all have different genetic predispositions that influence how our bodies respond to exercise and nutrition. The concept of body types, often categorized as ectomorph, mesomorph, and endomorph, can help you tailor your fitness and diet strategies for more effective results. In this article, we'll delve into each of these body types, helping you better understand your own and how to optimize your fitness journey accordingly.
Ectomorph: The Lean Machine
Ectomorphs are typically characterized by a lean and slender physique. They often have a high metabolism, which means they burn calories quickly. Key features of ectomorphs include:
Narrow shoulders and hips: Ectomorphs tend to have a more linear body shape.
Fast metabolism: They may find it challenging to gain weight or muscle.
Lean muscle mass: Ectomorphs often have difficulty building muscle mass.
Fitness and Nutrition Tips for Ectomorphs:
Focus on strength training: Ectomorphs should prioritize resistance training to build lean muscle mass.
Increase calorie intake: To gain weight and muscle, ectomorphs should consume a surplus of calories, emphasizing quality nutrition.
Frequent, smaller meals: Eating smaller, more frequent meals can help maintain energy levels and support muscle growth.
Mesomorph: The Athletic Build
Mesomorphs are known for their athletic and well-proportioned bodies. They typically have an easier time both gaining muscle and losing fat. Key features of mesomorphs include:
Naturally muscular: Mesomorphs have an easier time building and maintaining muscle.
Broad shoulders and a narrow waist: They often have an hourglass or V-shaped body.
Efficient metabolism: Their bodies tend to respond well to both muscle gain and fat loss efforts.
Fitness and Nutrition Tips for Mesomorphs:
Variety in workouts: Mesomorphs can excel in a range of fitness activities, so they should incorporate both cardio and resistance training for overall health.
Balanced diet: Focus on a balanced diet with lean protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats to support muscle growth and recovery.
Stay active: Regular exercise is crucial to maintaining their physique.
Endomorph: The Natural Curves
Endomorphs typically have a rounder and softer body shape. They have a slower metabolism and are more prone to weight gain. Key features of endomorphs include:
Rounder physique: Endomorphs often carry weight in the form of curves.
Slower metabolism: They may find it challenging to lose weight or body fat.
Greater potential for muscle mass: Endomorphs can build muscle but should be mindful of body fat levels.
Fitness and Nutrition Tips for Endomorphs:
Embrace cardiovascular exercise: Endomorphs can benefit from regular cardio to manage weight and maintain cardiovascular health.
Portion control: Pay attention to portion sizes and calorie intake to avoid excess weight gain.
Strength training: Incorporate strength training to build muscle and boost metabolism.
Understanding your body type is a valuable step toward reaching your fitness and health goals. While these categories can provide guidance, it's important to remember that everyone is unique, and a one-size-fits-all approach doesn't work in fitness and nutrition. Tailoring your strategy based on your body type is just one piece of the puzzle. Consult with fitness professionals and nutritionists to create a personalized plan that aligns with your goals and works best for you. Remember that consistent effort, a healthy lifestyle, and patience are key components of any successful fitness journey, regardless of your body type.
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decorworks · 18 days
The Power of Plant-Based: A Guide to Veganism
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Veganism has gained significant traction in recent years, and for good reason. It's not just a passing trend; it's a movement that aligns with our desire for a healthier, more sustainable planet. By adopting a plant-based lifestyle, individuals contribute to their own well-being while making a positive impact on the world around them. The power of plant-based living is becoming increasingly evident as veganism is not just a dietary choice, it's a lifestyle that encompasses compassion, health, and environmental consciousness. Discover the principles of veganism, the health benefits of a plant-based diet, its environmental impact, ethical considerations, tips for transitioning to a vegan lifestyle, and addressing common concerns. 
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What is Veganism? At its core, veganism is a philosophy that seeks to exclude all forms of animal exploitation and cruelty, whether in diet, clothing, or any other aspect of life. It's an ethical stance that promotes compassion towards all sentient beings and recognizes the interconnectedness of humans, animals, and the environment. Health Benefits of a Plant-Based Diet Embracing a plant-based diet can have profound effects on our well-being, and there are significant health benefits: Nutritional Advantages: Plant-based diets are rich in vitamins, minerals, and fiber, providing essential nutrients for optimal health. Disease Prevention: Studies have shown that plant-based diets can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and certain types of cancer. Weight Management: A plant-based diet, when balanced and varied, can support healthy weight loss and weight management.
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Environmental Impact of Veganism The environmental consequences of animal agriculture are staggering. By adopting a vegan lifestyle, we can significantly reduce our ecological footprint.  Reduction of Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Animal agriculture is a major contributor to greenhouse gas emissions. By eliminating animal products from our diet, we can reduce our carbon footprint. Conservation of Resources: Animal agriculture requires vast amounts of land, water, and feed. Shifting to plant-based alternatives allows for more efficient use of resources. Preservation of Wildlife: Animal agriculture is a leading cause of deforestation and habitat destruction. Choosing plant-based options helps protect biodiversity and wildlife habitats. Ethical Considerations Ethics is at the core of veganism. By adopting a vegan lifestyle, we actively express our compassion for animals and advocate for their rights. Veganism encourages the use of cruelty-free alternatives and challenges societal norms regarding the treatment of animals. Tips for Transitioning to a Vegan Lifestyle Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle can be a gradual process. Here are some tips to help you navigate the journey: Gradual Changes and Substitutions: Start by incorporating more plant-based foods into your diet and gradually eliminate animal products. Meal Planning and Grocery Shopping: Plan your meals in advance and explore the abundance of vegan options available. Stock your pantry with wholesome plant-based ingredients. Seek Support and Community: Connect with like-minded individuals, join vegan groups, and seek support from friends and family who understand and respect your choices. Addressing Common Concerns Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle often comes with questions and concerns. Let's address some common ones: Protein Intake: Plant-based diets can provide ample protein through sources such as legumes, tofu, tempeh, and quinoa. Nutrient Deficiencies: With proper planning and a varied diet, vegans can meet their nutritional needs. Pay attention to sources of vitamins B12, iron, and omega-3 fatty acids. Social Challenges: Dining out or attending social events as a vegan may require some adjustments. Communicate your dietary preferences in advance, and be prepared with vegan-friendly alternatives.
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Vegan Recipe Suggestions Here are a few easy to prepare and delicious vegan recipe suggestions to try: Vegan Buddha Bowl: A colorful and nourishing bowl packed with a variety of vegetables, whole grains, and plant proteins. Black Bean Tacos: Flavorful and satisfying, these tacos showcase how classic dishes can be made vegan without sacrificing taste. Overnight Oats: A simple and nutritious breakfast option that can be customized with your favorite toppings and flavors. Lentil Bolognese: A hearty and comforting meal that highlights the protein potential in vegan foods. Additional Resources For further exploration of veganism and its benefits, here are some recommended resources: "How Not to Die" by Dr. Michael Greger: A comprehensive book that extensively covers the health benefits of a plant-based diet. "Forks Over Knives" documentary: A compelling film that explores the correlation between diet and disease, highlighting the power of plant-based nutrition. The Vegan Society website: A comprehensive online resource for anyone interested in veganism. It offers a range of information from basic principles to practical advice, recipes, and more. "Earthlings" documentary: A thought-provoking film that sheds light on the ethics of animal use in various industries, encouraging viewers to reevaluate their choices. Transitioning to a vegan lifestyle is not just a personal choice but it should be a conscious decision to make a positive impact on your health, the environment, and to do your part in protecting animal welfare. Start living a plant-based lifestyle and contribute to a more sustainable and compassionate world today. Every step you take on this journey matters. Embrace the power of plants, explore new flavors, and savor the incredible benefits that veganism brings to your life. Read the full article
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klavskronbergs · 6 months
100 ways to loss weight ?!
As the holiday season approaches, it's easy to succumb to the temptation of indulgence. However, with a bit of planning and intention, you can still enjoy the festivities without sabotaging your weight loss goals. Here are 100 approved ways to lose weight without harming your body, even during the holiday season.
Prioritize protein: Protein helps you feel full and satisfied, so make sure to include it in every meal and snack. Choose lean protein sources like fish, chicken, beans, and lentils.
Load up on fiber: Fiber helps you feel full and aids in digestion, so include plenty of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains in your diet.
Control portions: Even healthy foods can sabotage your weight loss efforts if you eat too much. Practice mindful eating and pay attention to your hunger cues.
Stay hydrated: Drinking plenty of water helps you feel full and flushes out toxins. Aim for eight glasses per day.
Get enough sleep: When you're sleep-deprived, your body produces more of the stress hormone cortisol, which can lead to increased appetite and weight gain. Aim for 7-8 hours of sleep per night.
Move your body: Exercise helps you burn calories and build muscle, which can boost your metabolism and help you lose weight. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise most days of the week.
Mind your alcohol intake: Alcohol is high in calories and can hinder weight loss efforts. If you choose to drink, do so in moderation.
Make healthy swaps: When indulging in holiday treats, make smart swaps like opting for dark chocolate over milk chocolate or choosing fresh fruit over sugary desserts.
It's time to ditch the fad diets and get real about weight loss. This comprehensive guide provides you with 100 proven strategies to lose weight safely and effectively, without harming your body. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned weight loss enthusiast, this book has something for everyone. Learn how to: [ Click Here ]
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