#Dino bites snacks
disneyfoodislove · 1 year
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50th Celebration Ice Cream sandwich with a Joffrey’s Shakin Jamaican. Dino-Bite Snacks, Disney’s Animal Kingdom.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
this is all your fault @sunsetcougar
in a world where vaggie gets adopted by the little cannibal kid she saved, and then by Rosie, and slips out of cannibal town each night for food that isn't too humane for her tastes-
imagine this version of chaggie meeting at a takeout window in hell
one long, awkward moment of trying not to look at each other...
Charlie: “So! You-"
Vaggie: "Hey."
Charlie: "-hello! Oh sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off-"
Vaggie: "No that was me. You're fine. (why is she in a SUIT) Go on."
Charlie: "Ok. What, uh- (panics in oh no she’s cute and talking to me) (remembers she’s staying in cannibal town) (OH PERFECT A CONVERSATION STARTER!!) -what kind of people do you like?”
Vaggie: “...pardon?”
Charlie: “Oh it's just, I've seen you around and, is that why you’re out on the town a lot? Shopping um, around? (for people to eat)”
Vaggie: “Not really? I’m kinda still.. torn up over my last big life commitment, (literally) so I’m exactly not looking to date anyone right off the bat.”
Charlie: “To date- TO DATE- OH! No no no I wasn’t- I meant dinner!”
Vaggie: “With you?”
Charlie: “IN GENERAL! People you like, as in, to eat? Because you're with the cannibals and haha dinner with me that would be like, a date and-”
Vaggie: “Yeah I’m not into that.”
Charlie: “(dying)-right.”
Vaggie: “The eating people thing. Not the dinner with a pretty woman thing.”
Charlie: “… (charlie.exe has stopped working)…Ah.”
Vaggie: “Right.”
Charlie: “…but Cannibal town?”
Vaggie: “I just live there. I- Junior Meat lives there and I’m sticking with him.”
Charlie: “And Mr. Meat is your…?”
Vaggie: “Kid? Kinda?”
Charlie: “Oh!”
Vaggie: “Yeah.”
Charlie: “That's wonderful! How did you two- sorry no never mind, too much, um. Does he like take out too? Or any non-human snacks?”
Vaggie: “Gummy bears. And dino nugets.
Charlie: "He has very good taste."
Vaggie: "He likes biting the heads off ‘em.”
Charlie: “Aww me too!!! Well, playing with them, not the head biting but. And you?”
Vaggie: “I used to put them into battle formations and march them off to war.”
Charlie: “That’s so cute.”
Vaggie: "..."
Charlie: "..."
Vaggie: “You meant what snacks do I like, huh.”
Charlie: “Heheh. Um. Yes! Sorry I’m not. Doing the whole 'have normal conversation with a beautiful girl' thing very good am I?”
Vaggie: “I’d give you five stars. And practice makes perfect.”
Charlie: "And would you...? I mean I wouldn't want to practice on someone who didn't-"
Vaggie: "Be your practice partner? Sure. Sounds fun."
Charlie: “…! I- I know all the best places in hell for inhuman food! Or wait no, for food that isn’t made of people! My treat?”
Vaggie: “My pleasure. (automatically does the little curtsy and hand kiss Rosie’s been badgering her to learn) (panics) I uh, here's my order, I gotta... go tuck in Junior Meat. You know where I’m at?”
Charlie: “(dazed) Hannibal Clown…. C-Cannibal Town!”
Vaggie: “Right. Think I already mentioned it.”
Charlie: “Yes and I saw you with them- so I guessed that you- I can pick you up?”
Vaggie: “Maybe an hour later than this, so Junior's in bed and doesn’t freak out.”
Charlie: “Oh. (droops) You think I’d scare him? I wouldn’t pull out my horns or tail out…”
Vaggie: “It's not you. He’s just kinda jumpy after the… he had a rough extermination day, is all.”
Charlie: “Looked like you did too.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Charlie: “You seem much better now! Not that you didn’t look great then, I mean. I'm sure you always look-”
Vaggie: “You saw- what did you see?”
“Charlie: “I was walking by when the cannibals were helping you. And I think I saw Junior Meat too? He was the one holding your hand?”
Vaggie: “Yeah…?”
Charlie: “I’m, really glad you all found each other. Even if it was a rough day.”
Vaggie: “… they ate part of me in greeting.”
Charlie: “Ugh! They ate-? I mean, aww?”
Vaggie: "Not a normal thing even in hell?"
Charlie: "The definition of normal is... fluid and not very... it wasn't your EYE was it?"
Vaggie: "Eh, wasn't using it anymore anyway."
Charlie: "I guess it counts as. Recycling?"
Vaggie: "Heh."
Charlie: "Sorry."
Vaggie: “No, you're okay. You’re also right though. Maybe it was worth one rough day.”
Charlie: “I’m right?”
Vaggie: “And you’re picking me up tomorrow for dinner.”
Charlie: “!!!! YES! I am! I will, be there, for you. Tomorrow.”
Vaggie: “And…”
Charlie: “And?”
Vaggie: “Didn’t catch a name earlier.”
Charlie: “Oh it’s Charlie! Charlie Morningstar but it’s just Charlie!”
Vaggie: “As in princess?”
Charlie: “Just Charlie.”
Vaggie: “Sweet. (FUCK) See you soon, Charlie.”
Charlie: “….okay….”
Charlie: “Oh my ****ing dad what just happened.”
Charlie, two hour later: "I DIDN'T EVEN ASK HER NAME??"
-At Rosie's Emporium (of vaggie's pain)-
Vaggie: "Junior's finally asleep, so not matter what I tell you, please don't scream."
Rosie: "A very intriguing start! I'm already tickled! Do go on."
Vaggie: “You might need to just kill me.”
Rosie: “I couldn’t possibly! You haven’t even eaten your take out yet~”
Vaggie: “Aunt Rosie help me.”
Rosie: “A girl, hmm?”
Vaggie: “A girl?? She was in a SUIT. She was tall and awkward kept playing with her hair and should've had a puppy dog tail wagging behind her. I called her pretty and said I’d give her five stars. Then I invited myself to dinner with her. And she’s a fucking DEMON.”
Rosie: “We all are down here, darling. Present company excepted of course.”
Vaggie: “HELP. ME.”
Rosie: “Let’s start with the basics, yes? The niceties? What’s the name of this lucky girl?”
Vaggie: “Charlie.”
Rosie: "Lovely! And does she have a last name?"
Vaggie: "It's just Charlie."
Rosie: "How charming, I like her already~"
Vaggie: "But her last name's Morningstar. Don't scream."
Rosie: (SPITS TEA)
Vaggie: “I know."
Rosie: "Oh... my."
Vaggie: "I know I know!"
Rosie: "An abandoned angel and the princess of hell?"
Vaggie: "She didn't act like a princess of hell! She was like, princess of cute and wearing her heart on her sleeve! Princess of so kissable I could just reach up and grab her bowtie and-"
Vaggie: "FUCK I'm so fucked.”
Rosie: "Not yet you aren't. Don't worry darling, auntie Rosie will get you there~"
Vaggie: "That's not the kind of help I need!"
Rosie: "Speaking of need- a new outfit, yes, something with sparkle and shine, on par with a suit but not one whit more! With a skirt you can move in too of course."
Rosie: "Perhaps flowery parasol to hide your dear little spear in..."
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munsonsfairy · 11 months
Eddie is not a gentle person
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but did you know eddie likes cheese and flowers. his bookmark has garfield. he likes to have flowers put in his hair by you. his favorite snacks are mac & cheese with chicken nuggets. but! they have to be dino nuggets. he mismatches his socks with one covered in dragons & the other being a plain black one with a hole in it. he would rather freeze if it means you can wear his jacket. he gets so giddy when you bake for him. keeps every trinket you got him in his van that his dashboard is covered!!! you like fleetwood mac? he’s singing little lies with you. collecting sea shells with you. will probably grab them with his toes and try to show you but fail and flip over. will gladly go trick o treating with you. doesn’t get bothered if you watch gilmore girls for the billionth time. (me. i watch it all the time. just like i am right now :p). has a big tub of food for the stray cats and a raccoon family he feeds every night. they come at 6:00 waiting for him. kisses you all over your face just to hear you giggle. throws himself on you and wishes he was closer to you. he blows raspberries into your neck and bites your shoulder. comes from behind you and throws you over his shoulder. head bangs so hard his hair gets tangled with his headphones. thinks peanut butter and pickles are amazing. (don’t fight me on this. try before you deny hehe). refuses to kill spiders. will make silly faces to babies in the checkout line. goes crazy for the movie practical magic. he was crushed to learn the house isn’t real. loves when you put blush and lipgloss on him when you’re bored. and of course he’ll blush when you call him pretty. let’s you put beads in his hair when you braid it. will watch you sleep with love in his eyes because you’re pretty as the moon. (his words not mine).
moral of the story: i can mold him to be the most gentle giant there is. you can mold him into whoever you want him to be.
he’s fictional. eddie munson is fictional.
toodles. 🌷✨
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bad268 · 1 month
Hii can I request a Paul Aron x reader? Maybe like they went to school together and she was known to keep to herself but he finds out she drifts cars as a passion outside of school. Maybe a cute interaction after he watches her and he's with a couple friends too?
Drift to Survive (Paul Aron X Drifter! Reader)
Fandom: RPF/F2/3
Requested: Clearly (haha I speedran this, but I learned a lot of shit about drifting <3) (Also, off-topic but LOOK AT HIS HAND)
Warnings: None
POV: Second Person (You/your)
W.C. 1132
Summary: Drifter! reader decides it's time to share the infamous after-school activity.
As always, my requests are OPEN
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What had started as an after-school activity turned into a fully-fledged career after a while. You had started drifting back when you were younger. Your dad used to compete in Drift Masters (DM), and you had always been interested in it since he would take you to the rounds.
By the time you were 10, your dad was taking you out to open fields or empty tracks to drift, and when you reached 15, you started competing in lower levels. It was difficult managing a full-time career on top of finishing school, but it would be worth it in the end.
Somedays you wish you had told your school friends about your passion for drifting, but then you remember how critical people are of different interests. It was better to keep it on the down-low until you got better at least.
Well, to say you were getting better would be an understatement. You started competing in Formula Drift earlier this year, and you were dominating. You just found out that if you secured the championship, you would be offered a seat in DM. 
Since there was a race for you this weekend, you decided to bite the bullet and invite a couple of your closest friends. They were racing in Formula 2 or Formula 3, and you knew they did not have a race that weekend. Surely, they were free. 
You sent a quick text to the group chat that included Dino, Ollie, Jak, and your best friend, Paul. Maybe you wished Paul was more, but right now, your focus was on your career, especially since you just graduated and were moving up in the world. That was something you could pursue another day.  
They all accepted immediately, intrigued at the prospect. They did not really attend a race where placement did not matter, so they were interested to learn about it. Also, they did not think it was something you were interested in. You were just so quiet. They did not expect you to be interested in their type of racing, let alone a more dangerous branch of it. 
The day of the event came, and you were feeling more confident than ever. You had done a few practice runs with your dad again, and he was confident you would get that DM seat. Your friends arrived at your room early that morning since you all agreed to carpool together. 
You all loaded in the car. You drove. It was after much debate from the guys, saying they were the racing drivers, but you rebuttled with how Ollie could not pass his driver’s license test. Plus, it was your car that your dad drove over for you. You did not plan on letting any of them take your car.
Paul sat in the front, Jak and Ollie took the window seats, and Dino sat in the middle despite him saying he was too tall for it. Granted, he was the shortest of the three, so his argument was invalid. 
You let Dino have control over the music, so he would shut up. Thankfully, he did have good taste in music. You made it to the track in no time, and you drove around to the back where drivers and the teams would park. The boys looked at you funny as you showed the garage passes to security, but no one asked anything until you parked.
“You never told us,” Paul started as he climbed out of the car and followed you toward the boot. You were grabbing out a bag that had some of your essentials like team merch, hat, and snacks. All of your racing gear was already with the team. Paul closed the boot for you after you grabbed the bag out. “Where are we sitting?”
“You guys are sitting in the garage,” You answered as you locked the car after Ollie, Dino, and Jak clambered out of the car just in time to hear your answer. They all gaped at you before Dino made a connection.
“Wait, where will you be?’
“In the car,” You said simply as you handed them the badges and walked down toward the entrance. They all stood in shock for a minute before running to catch up. You led them around before parting off to your garage. Ollie, Dino, and Jak decided they wanted to explore a bit more, but Paul said he wanted to stick with you. Plus, he really wanted to look at your car.
Call him a nerd, but all cars are interesting to him. 
You did just that. It did not take him long to realize that you were the “amazing”, “talented”, and “once-in-a-generation” driver that everyone talked about. You used an alias while driving, so he never made the connection before. You showed him your car, let him sit in it, and showed him your special helmet. Since this event was so special, you did a specialty helmet based on your dad’s helmet. If you could secure your DM seat with your dad’s helmet, it would have come full circle since he was the one to help you get there.
“Wow, this is incredible! I never knew you did this,” Paul said in awe as you explained a few more things in your driver's room while getting ready to get in the car. “It suits you though.”
“Thanks, Paul,” You laughed at that. “No one ever asks what I do outside of school, so I never said anything.”
“Well, now I’m gonna make it my mission to learn everything about you,” Paul said in a soft tone as he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you into his body. He used one of his hands to do up the zipper and velcro of your race suit before resting his hand against the side of your neck, “If you’ll let me, that is?”
“I’d always let you in, Paul,” You whispered back as you slowly leaned in to press your lips against his. It did not last long as one of your managers knocked on the door, telling you it was time to get in the car. Reluctantly, you pulled away from him as you pulled your balaclava on and grabbed your helmet. “That’s my cue. Time to drift to survive. You better be watching from the garage. I need all of the energy I can get.”
“I manifesting that win for you,” Paul laughed as he followed you out to the car. As soon as you were situated in your seat, he leaned in one last time to give you a last piece of motivation, “You’ve got all of us behind you, just breathe, and you’ll do great as always. I’ll be waiting for you at the finish line to take you out for victory drinks.”
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Agere & Petre food/snack ideas ✨
🧃 'kid' cereal (either with or without milk) such as coco pops, lucky charms, ect :]
🧃Dino nuggies 🦖
🧃Cut up fruit slices (be careful!) Or bite-sized fruits!
🧃Stuff like shapes, goldfish crackers, chickadees, ect :]
🧃Mini yogurts, chocolate mouses, & jellies!
🧃Carrot & celery sticks :D
🧃Chocolate cookies & warm coco
🧃Yogurt pouches
🧃Lcm/cereal bars!
🧃Fruit gummies :3
🧃 Cupcakes or cakepops!
Bonus drink ideas!! ✨
🥤 Juice!
🥤 Angel milk :]
🥤 Cordial!!!
🥤 Flavoured milk!
🥤 Hot coco :DD
🥤 Milkshakes
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sacharinee · 1 year
what do you think shopping/running errands with peter is like? LOVE ur writing btw :-)
pairing: peter parker x reader
a/n: headcanons for petey! this was already on my list to write abt :P idk if u guys go to your local costco but its one of my favorite places in the world. i go shopping with my mom a lot and i think abt this sm. 
shopping with peter: costco edition!!
↠ going grocery shopping with peter would definitely be hectic
↠ you’re basically babysitting a grown adult
↠ “can we get one of their hot dogs, babe?”
↠ “after we’re finished, pete”
↠ you watch your boyfriend sigh and pout as he pushes the cart
↠ peter gets hangry sometimes
↠ it isn’t your fault though 
↠ you wanted to go early in the afternoon to beat the lunch rush
↠ but because he woke up late, he hasn’t been able to eat breakfast or have an early snack 
↠ you offered him a rice cake in the car
↠ he gagged
↠ peter hates your rice cakes
↠ “ooh! can we get a churro?!”
↠ you sigh back at him, “after, peter”
↠ he throws his head back and groans in response
↠ but your boyfriend is helpful in a lot of ways when grocery shopping
↠ when you make it to the back of the warehouse, you remember you need water bottles
↠ you crouch down to try and grab one of the heavy bottles in bulk 
↠ peter only bumps your hips to the side, making you stumble
↠ he then lifts two!! (2) 40-water bottle packs over his shoulders
↠ you cross your arms as you watch him gently place it on the lower tray of the cart
↠ your eyes roll playfully at his smirking cocky face
↠ he offers you one of his award-winning winks
↠  the freezer section is where peter gets a little crazy
↠ he’s shoving frozen dino nuggets, bean burritos, fish sticks, waffles, and ice cream in the cart
↠ “hey, how bout this?”
↠ he holds up a large couch meant for dogs
↠ “baby, those are for dogs” 
↠ “i know”
↠ “but we don’t own a dog”
↠ it gets worse
↠ you and him will pass by some free samples of maybe idk sum mozzarella sticks??
↠ you pay no mind to it but peter gets sidetracked and goes to take one
↠ or two, one for you as well
↠ and then three, another one for him
↠ peter walks back to where he left you
↠ “look what i got!! they’re your- … y/n?”
↠ you don’t even notice peter gone
↠ you’re pushing the cart, phone’s on silent in your purse so you never hear his missed calls
↠ and peter’s panicking in the baby aisle, running his hands through his hair, biting his nails
↠ he even frantically shows your picture to random customers, “have you seen this girl at all?!”
↠ you don’t notice his absence when you're in line, or when you're inserting your card to pay
↠ peter’s in the freezing dairy section hoping you're just getting some eggs
↠ when you’re finished paying, a man in a red vest approaches you
↠ he does not look impressed
↠ “are you missing a grown child?”
↠ he moves to the side and it’s only then that you realize peter missing
↠ your boyfriend cowardly stands there, with tears threatening to spill from his eyes, a jutted-out bottom lip, and three empty eaten samples crushed in his fist
↠ “y-yea, he’s mine” you offer the man an embarrassed smile and take peter into your arms
↠ he shuffles in your embrace when you bring him to rest in the seating area
↠ your boyfriend hangs his head in defeat while you rub his back, “you left me”
↠ “i’m sorry, baby. i didn’t know”
↠ he only sniffles in response
↠ “i’ll buy you a hot dog?” you offer
↠ “and a churro?”
↠ “and a churro.”
↠ ...
↠ “okay.”
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sockminz · 11 months
TFW! — 03. friendship circle
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the smell of alcohol and smoke filled y/n’s lungs as she walked into the party, seokmin and dino in tow. hoshi had run ahead of them, and was now raiding the snack table with great fervor. the english major could make out minnie with her gear on a raised platform, some upbeat rendition of a troye sivan song she couldn’t remember the title of was playing.
“i’ll be right back! gotta find vernon real quick.” chan said, throwing a half hearted wave behind his shoulder already walking away from his two friends. y/n rolled her eyes, knowing the boy was going off in search of some weed. seokmin turned to her, biting his lip with shifty eyes.
“miyeon told me to look for her when we got here—” he leaned in y/n’s direction. “this could be your chance dude!” waving a lanky arm in the general direction of the dance floor, seokmin grabbed y/n’s arm before dragging her along.
“wait, what? you talked to her?” the girl said, worry evident in her voice. she wasn’t prepared mentally for this!
“uh, yeah? well, she texted me first. said she had something to talk about.” the taller boy mentioned, eyes scanning the room for any sign of the queen bee. he looked to his friend for a moment before asking, “are you scared?”
the girl scoffed, yanking her arm away. “no! how could you ask that? i’m fine! totally fine!” she laughed awkwardly, eyes rapidly exploring the room for miyeon. maybe if she spotted her, she could get away just in time.
“you came here so you could talk to her. now is your time to shine, my friend!” a wild grin took over the boy’s face as he finally spotted miyeon, who was now making her way over to the duo. y/n could feel her mouth drying up as the blonde came closer, wanting nothing more than to disappear.
“hey guys! how’s it going?” miyeon dipped in, joining their conversation. y/n felt lightheaded, catching a whiff of the girl’s perfume.
seokmin nudged his friend before clearing his throat and greeting the newest addition to their circle. “sup myeon! we’re good, just got here.” he smiled, clasping a hand on y/n’s shoulder. the writer nodded, attempting to give a small smile.
“hi miyeon.” she croaked out, a dorky expression on her face. miyeon waved, nodding curtly.
“hey y/n. long time no see! i read your latest piece in the column, pretty good stuff!”
y/n was elated at the girl’s comment, a red shade creeping onto her cheeks. she was grateful that the bass was thumping, hoping that it could cover up the sound of her heartbeat. “thanks! uh— it was nothing really…” she trailed off, not knowing what to say.
“it was great, dude! don’t sell yourself short!” seokmin bellowed, squeezing her shoulder. “the pride of uos right here!” he bragged, making y/n blush profusely. miyeon smiled wider, raising her cup. “oh, for sureee!” the girl dragged, leaning into y/n’s space with a mischievous grin. “my prof won’t stop using your older writing as examples in our lectures— it’s insightful actually. didn’t know you could use the word, ‘feeling’ in six separate sentences.”miyeon giggled, taking a sip of her drink.
y/n’s jaw dropped. “oh! my older stuff? uh…” the girl trailed off, staring into space.
seokmin cleared his throat, patting y/n on the shoulder once more before turning to address miyeon. “so, you had something to talk to me about?” he spoke, giving the blonde one of his signature smiles.
miyeon’s eyebrows raised before putting her drink down. “oh right! sorry about that!” she laughed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. y/n nearly fainted.
“i caught up with jihyo the other day and she showed me some of your work you did for the newspaper— your photos were great!” she complimented the boy, “so i was actually wondering if you wanted to help out with the yearbook committee? it wouldn’t be alot of work, just a few portraits and some event days…” she pitched to the photographer in question, making him scratch the back of his neck shyly.
“oh, i didn’t think many people paid attention to that stuff.” he said, “it was just for some extra credit.” the blonde put a finger to her chin, tapping it slightly. y/n watched in awe as miyeon’s brows furrowed, a playful glint appearing in her eyes. the writer began to daydream about the girl in front of her, a dorky smile taking over her face.
“dude?” seokmin interrupted, waving a hand in front of her face. the girl jumped, snapping out of her thoughts. miyeon stifled a small laugh, covering her lips with her palm in an attempt to silence her chuckle. “huh?”
“miyeon just asked—”
“you guys should join the yearbook committee! we’re looking for some writers and phtographers.”
y/n’s heart was about to beat out of her chest.
“join the committee?” she said in disbelief. a chance to see miyeon on a regular basis?
“uh huh,” miyeon nodded, absentmindedly twirling a strand of hair. “i think you guys would be really good at it.”
seokmin hummed to himself, seemingly deep in thought. y/n however was ecstatic about the opportunity and was bouncing on the balls of her feet.
“i—” seokmin started to speak before being interrupted by a loud voice.
“hey gang, what’s up with all this business talk? we could tell the vibes were off all the way from over there!” an obviously tipsy hoshi sputtered out, wrapping an arm around seokmin’s shoulders. y/n could see two girls trailing behind him, recognising one as yunjin, jiwon’s friend and the other as eunchae, a cute underclassman she had become friends with recently.
“hosh! uh— we were just talking about the committee that miyeon’s in charge of.”
the intoxicated boy nodded along cutely, snapping his fingers. “oh shittt, that’s so convenient! yunjin and i were just talking about extracurr— extracurrent…? uh,” he scratched his head, “oh, extracurriculars! yeah…” hoshi snorted, earning an eye roll from yunjin.
“yunjin! and my eunchae!” miyeon grinned, patting the youngest on the head softly. “are you interested?”
“totally, sunbaenim. oh well, not us! our friend—” yunjin said before stepping back, searching for someone in the crowd. “—who is suddenly missing…?” she sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose in frustration. eunchae giggled at their predicament.
“hi sunbae!” eunchae waved to y/n, jumping up and down. y/n smiled, waving back happily. “hey manchae!” the writer moved over to the youngest, giving her a side hug. hoshi leaned his head on seokmin’s shoulder, the taller boy deadpanning.
“does your friend do photography?” seokmin sighed, turning to yunjin and eunchae. the american girl tilted her head slightly as if in thought. “yeah, i think she does. nothing like your stuff though, sunbae.”
“are you not joining, seokmin?” miyeon suddenly questioned. “i don’t think so, myeon. kinda busy with council stuff and all these business lectures.” the boy shrugged, making hoshi’s head bounce slightly. yunjin nodded along, as if in agreement. “word. professor kim isn’t making it easy for us, can’t even imagine what it’s like for the seniors.”
“hmm, that’s a shame.” miyeon said, shaking her head. “what about you, y/n?”
“oh— i mean, i’m down!” y/n exclaimed, “i need some credits anyway.”
definitely not because i want to see your face everyday—
“that’s great!” the blonde reached over, clasping her hands with y/n. hoshi and seokmin held in a laugh as the writer’s face started turning beet red. “i’ll write your name down, let me just grab my phone—”
“jennifer huh and hong eunchae!” a shrill voice rang out from behind them, causing yunjin to wince. “oh shit.” she cursed, making eunchae gasp. y/n turned her head to see where the noise was coming from, making out a small figure making it’s way over to the girls in question.
“dude, we were looking for you everywhere.” the business major rolled her eyes. y/n watched as a girl clad in a blue velvet dress joined the circle.
y/n couldn’t help staring, admiring the way velvet girl’s makeup accentuated her eyes as well as her lips. not everyone could pull off a bob, but this girl managed to do it effortlessly. in every universe, this woman was conventionally attractive. hot even. she must’ve noticed the unwarranted attention because as soon as their eyes met, she yelped and hid behind yunjin.
“uh, unnie?” eunchae giggled, “remember how you wanted some more extracurricular credits?”
the american tried not to laugh at her friend’s predicament. so much for seducing y/n.
“introduce yourself, don’t be weird.” she whispered to the girl, pulling her by the arm and putting her between herself and eunchae. bob girl looked around with wide eyes, looking like a deer in headlights.
“uh, hi.” she waved awkwardly, all the confidence she was exuding before had completely crumbled. “i’m kim chaewon.” y/n and the boys waved back, making chaewon blush.
“oh snap, i know you!” another voice chimed in, “you’re kazuha’s friend!” dino joined the circle, resting his hands on hoshi and y/n’s shoulders all the while looking high out of his mind.
“jesus, dude. it’s been 10 minutes since we got here.” y/n shoved his hand off her, grimacing.
“oh? you’re all kazuha’s friends! she told me about you.” chan laughed amusedly, “crazy… where’s kazuha then?”
“uh, i think she had dance practice.”
“dance practice?” chan said, looking deep in thought. “dance practice…” he trailed off, looking into the void. y/n looked to her friend, unimpressed. seokmin shook his head before turning to the rest of the group.
“i actually need to go find jihyo to sort out something for the council, so you guys have fun!” he hummed before leaning down to miyeon. “good luck with the signups?”
the blonde girl nodded before waving to him. she pouted her lips, turning to chaewon. “yearbook committee? y/n here just joined.”
chaewon looked at the writer, who was occupied in pulling hoshi and dino away from the nearby snack table. she giggled to herself. “uh, sure! i’ll join you guys.”
yunjin clapped her friend on the back, leaning down to her ear. “don’t mess this up dude.” she said as the other three rejoined the circle, chan and hoshi both holding a plate full of food each. in between them, y/n stood with her arms folded and a grimace on her face.
“this has definitely been more eventful than i thought…” miyeon laughed dryly, “but thanks to you two for signing up! we’re meeting tomorrow in the old archival building at 10—” the crowd surrounding the group suddenly swarmed to one side of the room, a huge circle forming with jiwon in the middle, attempting to do a keg stand.
“—actually make that 2pm.” miyeon sighed, “i’ll see you guys there, okay?” she nodded to the group before moving over to the keg stand circle. y/n waved, watching as the girl walked away. the rest of the circle looked at eachother awkwardly. hoshi spoke up,
“dude, your name is jennifer?”
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masterlist | next
y’all i dropped out. idk how college works
TAGLIST (open)
@sewiouslyz @neuftaeng @meifeikss @mightymyo @kimsgayness @winieter
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oftlunarialmoon · 2 months
Dinosaur Agere Ideas 🦖
Dino Dig Excavation: Set up a sandbox or designated area in your backyard for a dinosaur dig. Hide toy dinosaur bones, fossils, and eggs in the sand, and use small shovels and brushes to excavate discoveries.
Dino Costume Party: Organize a dinosaur-themed costume party where participants dress up as their favorite dinosaurs. Encourage creativity by providing dinosaur masks, tail accessories, and face paint. You can also incorporate dinosaur-themed games, such as pin the tail on the T-Rex or a dino dance-off.
Dino Movie Marathon: Host a movie marathon featuring classic dinosaur films such as Jurassic Park, The Land Before Time, and Ice Age: Dawn of the Dinosaurs. Set up a cozy viewing area with blankets, pillows, and popcorn for a fun movie night experience.
Dino Science Experiments: Conduct dinosaur-themed science experiments that are both educational and entertaining. For example, you can make a baking soda and vinegar volcano erupt like a dinosaur, create fossil imprints using clay and plastic dinosaur toys, or simulate a dinosaur's bite force using everyday objects.
Dino Adventure Nature Walk: Take a nature walk in a local park or forest, but with a dinosaur twist. Create a scavenger hunt where you search for specific plants, rocks, and natural features that could have existed during the time of the dinosaurs.
Dinosaur Puzzle Play: Gather a collection of dinosaur puzzles of varying difficulty levels and spend some time piecing them together. Whether it's a simple wooden puzzle for beginners or a challenging jigsaw puzzle for more advanced puzzlers, solving dinosaur puzzles can be both relaxing and rewarding.
Dinosaur Stuffed Animal Tea Party: Host a tea party for your favorite dinosaur stuffed animals. Set up a table with cups, saucers, and pretend tea sets, and invite your plush dinosaur friends to join you for a delightful afternoon tea party. Don't forget to serve dinosaur-shaped cookies or snacks!
Dino Storytime: Curl up with a cozy blanket and a pile of dinosaur-themed storybooks for a dino-rific storytime adventure. Choose books with colorful illustrations and engaging dinosaur tales to spark the imagination and create a magical storytelling experience.
Dino Dress-Up: Put together a dinosaur-themed dress-up box filled with dinosaur costumes, hats, and accessories. Encourage imaginative play by dressing up as your favorite dinosaur character and going on pretend dino adventures around the house or backyard.
Dino Dance Party: Create a dino-themed playlist with catchy songs like "The Dinosaur Stomp" or "Dinosaur Boogie" and have a dance party in your living room. Dress up in your favorite dinosaur costume or pajamas and dance around to the music like a happy little dinosaur.
Dino Snack Time: Prepare some dinosaur-themed snacks like dinosaur-shaped sandwiches, fruit skewers with dinosaur-shaped fruit pieces, or dinosaur-shaped cookies. Enjoy these tasty treats while watching a dinosaur-themed movie or TV show for a fun and delicious snack time experience.
Dino Coloring Book: Provide a dinosaur-themed coloring book filled with cute and friendly dinosaur illustrations for coloring. You can also include dinosaur-themed coloring pages to download and print, allowing for endless coloring fun.
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storyofmychoices · 3 months
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A Dinomite Find
[Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley Masterlist] 
Pairing: Bryce Lahela x Olivia Hadley (F!OC) Book: Open Heart Word Count: >200 Rating/Warnings: general, warning: all the pterrible puns A/N: I was too lazy to make this into a text edit, so just pretend!
Synopsis: Bryce discovers dinosaur chicken nugget pillows and they are a must! [📱]
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Bryce: *sends picture of Dinosaur Chicken Nugget Pillows*
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Olivia: Aww, they're dino-mite nuggets of perfection! 🦖❤️
Bryce: Aren't they rawrsome?🦕
Olivia: They're positively T-Rexcellent! 🦖
Bryce: Wouldn't they be the Tricera-Tops in our living room? 🦏 <<<pretend that's a triceratop
Olivia: They'd certainly make all our friends pre-historic-ally jealous! 🦕
Bryce: Pterrific! I'll order them now! 🛒
Bryce: & done 🛍️ 🎉
Olivia: I'm all fossil-abrating our love of Dino Nuggies! Let's just hope our little nugget doesn't try to eat them when she comes to share our love! 😂
Bryce: Haha, she might think they're a dino-delicious snack! Maybe we can teach her the proper way to appreciate these dino nuggies without taking a bite. 🦖👶💤 #dino-snore
Olivia: You're so adora-saurable!
Bryce: Roses are red and dinosaurs roar. You are the one I wholly adore 😘
Olivia: You make my heart saur! 💋
Bryce: You have me raptor round your finger!
Olivia: Rawr! 🦖
Olivia: That's I love you in dinosaur. 😉
Bryce: Rawr 😘
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It's been a while since I've written some puns for these two! I hope you enjoyed it.
These will definitely be going in their pillow fort!
A/N#2: Bryce would buy them off Etsy (I know Temu has them but no, he's getting them hand made and making sure the creator is compensated)
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venerex · 2 years
chocolate mousse
pairing: dino x gn!reader
word count: 580
contains: references to sex, kissing, mentions of hickeys
a/n: this is just fluff, honestly. marking this as fluff and smut but minors dni, there is suggestive content. written for @leejungchans. i had chocolate mousse and it was really nice.
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"i see you raided my fridge"
an endearing blush climbs on chan's neck, his slightly-embarrassed grin looking as adorable as it did the first time he asked you out.
"i thought i'd get us something to drink", he places the contents of his arms on the small table beside your bed.
it's a tradition you've had ever since the first time the two of you were intimate - he brings a snack to eat from your kitchen while you clean up and put on pajamas. you've offered many times to be on snack-fetching duty, but he always refuses. "i think it's only right, after everything i did to you", he responded once with a cheeky grin, only pulling you closer for a kiss when you slapped his arm.
and well, it's not like you mind being fed snacks by your boyfriend. your very shirtless, very adorable-with-his-messy-hair boyfriend.
it's chocolate mousse today, from the pack of eight you bought earlier at the grocery store. chan decided to accompany that with bottled lemonade from your fridge, completing the set-up with tiny spoons for the mousse and small cups for the drink.
"here", he opens a packet of mousse and hands it to you with a spoon, sitting cross-legged in front of you on the bed, "lemonade when we're done with this?"
"sounds good", you wait until he opens his pack before taking a bite, helplessly closing your eyes and letting out a satisfactorily hum.
"i'm surprised you can still moan", he chuckles, taking a bite himself, "thought you might've ran out".
"hey, mister", you point your spoon at him, a mock-serious look on your face, "you might know a thing about - "
"just one thing?", he raises a brow, a smile ghosting the corner of his pursed lips.
"you might know some things about how to make me feel good", you correct, trying to ignore his snicker at your rather lame phrasing, "but you will never compare to chocolate mousse".
"how sad", he takes another bite, and you do the same, "it's not even expensive or fresh mousse, you bought it from the convenience store".
"so?", you counter, "it's mousse. it doesn't need to try harder".
chan chuckles but says nothing, choosing to focus on his chocolate dessert. you do the same, taking increasingly large bites of the delicacy, almost zoning out as you enjoy one of your favorites desserts. every now and then, you catch your boyfriend checking you out - his eyes tracing your eyes, your lips, your neck, the marks on bellow your collarbone -
two years of dating, and his fondness for you hasn't aged. the thought makes you smile.
"what are you thinking?", he asks, almost halfway done with the mousse.
"oh, nothing", you give him a smile, "it's nothing".
"you sure?", he puts the cup to the side and leans in, stopping just short of your lips, "can't tell me?"
his lips meet your before you can answer, his tongue tracing the edge of your mouth, tasting the crumbs of chocolate that you're sure were resting on your lips.
you've tasted many chocolate mousses in your life, and you're sure that this is the most delectable the dessert has ever tasted, off of chan's lips.
"we need to finish these", you whisper when he pulls back, your free hand reaching up to cup his cheek.
"or we can save them", he trails kisses up your jaw to your ear, his hand resting tenderly on yours, "for after round two".
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eashmo · 10 months
7 minutes in hell, or is it heaven? Part 14
-Summer Love-
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Warnings: smuty chapters, fluff, and lots of angst.
a/n: short chapter again.
*one year later*
*y/n pov*
It was the first week of summer break, and that means community pool days. I went with Robin on our days off from the video store. She was never amused because she knew the real reason why I went. But she always Accompanyed me anyway. I decided on wearing a black bikini that I just got pairing it with Billy's red button-up for a swimsuit cover.
"This is going to make him drool." I thought. He liked it when I wore his clothes.
We made our way through the crowd to find our seats, which happened to be next to the groups of moms. I took out a book as I waited. 
“Show time” one of the moms says, and on cue Billy walks out of the employee office door.
“Gross,” Robin whispers.
Rolling my eyes, hiding a smirk.
He blew his whistle, and everyone froze. “ Hey, lard ass, no running on my watch, i got to warn you again, and you are banned for life. You wanna be banned for life lard ass?” he snapped at a poor kid who shook his head “no” “i didn't think so” Blowing his whistle again, everyone resumed their activities 
He walked in our direction “afternoon ladies” he says 
“Afternoon Billy.” All the moms seductively said. 
“Dig the new suit, y/l/n” he says
‘Thank you, Hargrove, ' I said as I peered over my book, giving him a smile. Biting my lip as i watched him walk to the lifeguard stand. 
*small time jump*
“So you're just going to read all day?” Robin asks.
“I haven't been reading all day, Ro-Ro.”
“Staring and Drooling over Hargrove does not count, and you know it”
“Oh shut up” I smack her shoulder with my book.
“Lets go swim y/n, i know you want to show Hargrove your bikini fully” she smirks. 
“Fine, let's swim only because I'm dying in this heat.”
“Suuurrreeee” she says as she escapes my hands.
Doing a couple of laps I could feel a pair of eyes on me the entire time. I felt like I was on fire under his stares. It was becoming overwhelming, so I decided to get out of the pool while robin was already on her way to the snack bar. 
“Looking good out there, princess” I turned to see Billy walking up to me.
“Perfect form” he said as he handed me his towel. 
“Well we all know your form is amazing …….with swimming, of course.”   
He chuckles “you know i could teach you more if you like”
“Oh really?”
“I know all the styles, freestyle, butterfly…..breaststroke” his voice getting huskier, he puts a piece of gum in his mouth, suddenly i want to steal the gum from his mouth with my mouth. 
Dropping my towel from my daydream, we pick it up at the same time.
“i didn't think you taught adults”
“Well, I offer more, uh, advanced lessons to a certain girlfriend.” he smirks. 
Giggling “Well she must be lucky then.”
“Indeed she is, come to think of it. There is a good pool in her backyard. It's very quiet, you know, very private because I know for a fact that her parents aren't home” he says as he grabs my chin. His lips ghosted mine.
“Shall we say tonight? Eight o’clock?”
“Hm i'm sorry, i can't” i tease
“Cant what? Have fun?” 
“ i don't think i need any lessons”
“Oh, you see, I think you do, I just don’t think you've been practicing enough. It will be the workout of your life.” he smirks 
“See you later, kitten.” Billy purrs in my ear as he walks away, smacking my ass in the process.
Shaking my head “this man will be the death of me.” 
“You ok, y/n” robin comes into view with two hamburgers and sprite. 
“Just peachy” i laugh, making our way back to the chairs. Motherfucker made me hot and bothered in public.
Previous Chapter
Part 15
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dalamjisung · 1 year
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It’s only when you’re halfway there, passing by the semi-empty library while carfully higging the bag of snack as close as you can without crushing them, that you realize how scary it is walking the campus alone at night. Usually, you’d have your loyal guardian next to you, Jeongin’s presence making it seem like the place is much livelier than it actually is– and if not him, he’d send one of the other boys to walk you. You always insist that it’s fine and you can walk by yourself, but they are glad to help you around, making sure you’re safe home before going wherever they need to go. Arguably, you should feel safer walking around with Sweets, the professional fighter known as the school’s pride; or even Firecracker, scaring everyone with her deadpan expression. But there is something about how Jeongin’s hand find yours, keeping you close and warm, while his laughter booms through the empty space as if opening the way for you to walk, that just makes you feel safe.
Sighing, you take another paranoid look around and walk faster, feeling an odd sense of relief once you see the crowd of drunk people swarming the front of the frathouse. Innie’s here, you think, pulling your phone to text Dino, and, for a second there, you’re glad you changed out of your sweats. “Y/N!” Miraculously hearing your name over the music, you turn to your right to see Jisung and his bright smile, waving at you like a dad in an airport.
“Jisung!” You call back, smiling as bright. You loved all of Jeongin’s hyungs, you really did, but Han Jisung holds a special place in your heart. He is a part of the youngest ones, and you think that maybe it’s how aloof and worry free he seems to be that puts you at ease instantly. Being around him is comfortable and you appreciate him even more because of that. “Hey! What are you doing here?”
“I should be the one asking that, young lady!” He jokes, hugging you close before looking around. “You came with Jeongin? Did he finally stopped gatekeeping you? We always told him to bring you along, but he’d just say no again and again.”
A feeling of uneasiness wrecks through you like goosebumps, and you wonder just why people feel the need to remind you that your best friend wanted to keep you hidden and away. “Oh, no, I uh… came here alone.”
It like the words cause Jisung to malfunction, and he stares at you blankly, blinking as if you had said something so unrealistic that he needed a minute to gather his thoughts. “You… came to a party, at the frathouse, by yourself?” Rolling your eyes, you nod. “Don’t you hate parties?” He asks, squiting in confusion, and though you know he has all the best intentions in mind, you can’t shake the accusatory feeling that bubbles withing.
“Oh my god, why does everyone keep saying this?” You groan, and it might have come out louder than normal, because next thing you know, Jisung is taking a step back with wide eyes. “Sure, I am more of a homebody and I definitely enjoy staying in, but I’m not going to die if I come to a party, you know?” Now that the you’re talking about it, there’s no way to stop. You even try biting your tongue, holding back for a second or two, but the frustration is too strong to keep it contained. “Who the fuck knows, I might just love this! I haven’t been to a fucking party in a fucking long time because apparently everyone thinks I’m going to implode if they invite me, so I just… Jeongin made a fucking massive deal out of nothing, this is ridiculous. Fucking excuses to keep me away, that’s what the fuck they are, fuck that.”
In all fairness, Jisung had never seen you like that. Usually you were much more… demure. You laughed with them and talked, of course, but you were softer and gentler. You never cursed. Like, ever, and it came from the fact that everytime Jeongin’s cursed, Bang Chan would give him a look that has you shaking in your boots. So it makes sense that now the poor man looks at you as if you had grown a second head, your loud voice cutting through the noise like a sharp knife. “And I’m fucking tired of this, okay? So if he think he can cancel on me last minute to come do fucking better things with better people and then practically rub in my face that I don’t have any other plans, as if I have no fucking life beyond the great Yang Jeongin, then he can fuck off! This is ridiculous!”
“Y/N, are you okay?” Jisung asks softly, after a beat or two to make sure he wouldn’t interrupt you. His soft hands pull you closer for a hug, patting your head with a worried sigh. “That stupid, stupid kid. I understand your frustration, I really do, but don’t you think that maybe this would be worth talking to him about?” The mere idea of confronting Jeongin or telling him just how upset you really are makes you anxiously shake your head as you tried your best to keep the tears from falling. The outburst in itself had been embarrassing enough, the last think Jisung needs is you crying in the middle of the party, ruining his night of fun. “I really think you two need to talk…”
“He said something to you, didn’t he?” There is pain in your voice, and you can’t help but feeling like you’re slowly losing your best friend, feeling that hand that was always laced with yours slowly let go as he pushes you away. “It’s just a bump. It’s okay, we’ll be fine, I’ll just let it pass.”
“That can’t be healthy,” Jisung mumbled, pulling away to look at you with worry in his eyes. “Do you want me to walk you back home? Or are you okay to stay? We can go find something to drink, if you want, but it has to be non-alcoholic, or else Chan hyung would murder me for giving his favorite kid alcohol.”
Chuckling weakly, you open your mouth to answer, but then you see him. Jeongin looks good, way too good for you to not feel even pettier. His dark hair falls over his eyes, the same ones that looked at you full of fondness and adoration, and there’s an edge to him that you’ve never seen before. Or maybe one that you have seen, but never fully cared for– it’s in the way his jaw looks sharper, or the way his smirk is not so innocent nor caring. It’s in how he lean over Yuna, a girl you only know from pretty photos on social media and not so pretty rumours on campus, and how his lips brush over hers, making you whimper with an oddly familiar kind of… shattering inside of you. And that’s when you remember something you’ve been begging Jeongin to forget, something that takes you back to the youthful days of high school, to when you saw your high school crush kiss another girl. It was stupid, now that you think about it, just how upset you had gotten over that. It was like you never even knew you liked him that much until you saw it happening.
Innie found you crying in the bathroom, in that spring schoolday, and then proceeded to beat the shit out of the guy– someone so insignificant to you at this day and age that you barely remember his name. He had gotten suspended for that, of course, and his parents grounded him for a month, but everytime you two talked about it he simply shruged and said worth it. For you, however, it had not been worth it. Nothing about it had been worth it, not liking the boy, not seeing Jeongin all bloody and bruised, not getting your best friend in trouble, not the fucking heartbreak that felt like everything in you was shattering into tiny little shards. Absolutely nothing.
“Y/N!” The shouting of your name awakens you from the trance you seemed to have fallen into, and before you can hide, Jeongin’s moving, turning to look at you with wide eyes and… guilt? Quickly turning around, you see Dino, and as soon as he processes your expresion, his smile slips. “Jisung, I’m gonna go,” You mumbled, ignoring the knowing look your friend is giving you, ignoring his disapproving frown. “Enjoy the rest of your night!”
“Y/N, wait–”
You interrupt him immediately. “I need to go,” You whisper, eyes begging for him to let you go before Jeongin got to you. “This… I can’t do this. Innie was right, I fucking hate parties.”
And just like that, you turned your back to your best friend, walkting to Dino with a fake smile plastered on your lips and tears falling down your cheeks.
This was bad.
Being in love with your best friend was bad.
matching set // six : Mandatory Movie Marathon™️
pairing: popular!jeongin x introvert!reader
genre: college!au, fluff
description: You two grew up together. As in, together-together. It’s an old tale, one where your mothers are best friends and so, much like best friends do, they went through every mile stone together– dating, marriage, and babies. Safe to say, you two learned from the best, so no one was really surprised when college came around and you two ended up in the same place. The only problem was, you’re not sure if you can stay the same when everything else has changed.
chapter five // chapter seven
taglist: @banqtlattae @dream-toaster @strxwberrifields @cryoskz @p2q3r4 @lochness-butmakeitsexy @necromancersupreme @pokyloky @minmindreaming @junseokiss @rindomo @tanjiroar @meowtella @wewuuu @teddibug @hugsforjunseo @born5sos @the7thcrow @unloyaljisung @skzooo @jeonstresour @anxiousbobatea @mstarlight @dayawantstosleep @likexaxdaydream  @mstarlight @multiwendi @itsyaapollochild @90s-belladonna @seungcheoluwu @hopefulpursepeanutdeputy @nikyc00 @eastleighsblog @maeleelee @baby-bread-in @minhoesss @imasimplol @starrmage @baby-bread-in @leeati​ @starrmage @hello-2-u-from-me
[I am passing on the taglist to this series :) if you’d like to be added/removed, please let me know!]
The drama has begun!!! Y/N and Innie are not ready for this >.< What do you guys think so far? Let me know, I love chatting with you bbs <3 as always, thank you so much for your support, it means so much to me to know that we have this beautiful community here!
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knickynoo · 1 year
Back to the Future: The Animated Series, s01ep03 "Forward to the Past" Review and Commentary
Onto episode 3! Previous episodes linked HERE.
In this episode: Doc invents something a supervillain would love to get their hands on, Marty is hit by a car, and Doc wipes humanity off the face of the Earth.
As many of you know, we were cheated out of a portion of Real Doc content last episode–due to the segment at the beginning being cut. This time, though, we get to see him right away. :) He's hanging out in 3,000,000 B.C. with the dinosaurs, and he's—he's doing great, everyone. He is cool, calm, and collected.
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Doc begins to tell us about another time that he, Jules, and Verne were almost "dino snacks," which brings us into the cartoon portion. Goodbye for now, Real Doc. I'll be counting the minutes until I see you again.
Cartoon Doc is showing the boys his "proprietary subatomic ultrasonic molecular redistributor", which is basically a vacuum that breaks down the molecular structure of an object and disintegrates it. Which. I dunno, sounds dangerous to me. You could destroy a person with that thing. Just rip them apart molecule by molecule. Terrifying invention, Doc.
His intention is for it to be utilized at landfills, however, NOT to annihilate people. Jules wants to test it out, but Doc is worried about causing an accident if it malfunctions. He reveals that, in 1961, an experiment gone wrong caused him to accidentally break "every window in the Greater Hill Valley-Medfield Basin." And I know this is just a silly cartoon and not necessarily in line with any canon happenings of the actual BTTF universe, but this is a fun one to imagine as actually having happened. What in the world was Doc working on? How did he break every single window in that specific area?
Anyway, he decides a safe place to test it would be prehistoric times. And as SOON as the DeLorean busts out of the garage and takes off at full speed into the yard, Marty is suddenly there. Pinned to the windshield.
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Doc screams in horror and slams on the brakes, sending Marty flying several feet away.
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There he goes. See ya, Marty. I love this show.
So, turns out that Marty was on his way over to the lab and got no warning that Doc was about to come flying out. Yes, he was hit by a speeding car. No, don't worry; he's completely fine. (This is Marty, after all) He immediately gets up and tells Doc that he needs to honk or give him a hand signal before he takes off like that. No biggie.
Marty hands Verne a videotape of a movie Jennifer has apparently filmed, in which Marty is the star. And that's–that's it. Doc tells him they don't have time (yes you do, Doc. You're in a time machine) and catapults up into the sky via a very large slingshot. I assume this tape will come into play later.
Literal seconds after arriving in the Cretaceous Period, Doc and the boys are chased by a T-Rex and then carried away by a pteranodon.
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There was definitely a better place to test out your molecule destroyer, Doc. If you'd tried, you probably could've thought of like 10 other options before visiting the dinos. You just like to complicate things and cause chaos.
Thankfully, the dinosaur is friendly and just takes them for a little ride before safely depositing them back by the DeLorean. Doc is just about to take the boys to test his atom-destroyer when they spot a giant meteor headed straight towards Earth!! After a brief moment of panic, Doc realizes his molecular redistributor might be able to disintegrate the meteor, but he needs additional power. 1.21 gigawatts, to be exact. He's able to get this power by rerouting the Mr. Fusion through the car battery. And just like that, he zaps the meteor and saves the day! The whole crisis lasts like 20 seconds, honestly; they figure it out pretty quickly.
So...Doc just prevented a major meteorological event from happening. They're surrounded by dinosaurs, and he stopped a giant meteor from hitting Earth. This will come back to bite him.
As they return to the car and prepare to leave, they discover that the battery is dead. It's not because of the Mr. Fusion thing, though, it's because Verne was sitting in the car and watching the videotape Marty gave him.
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I have no clue what is going on here.
Also, can I talk about how weird it is that Marty is in this show so little so far? He was in a good deal of episode 1, but only had 5 seconds of screen time in episode 2 and only about 30 seconds so far in this one. Where is he? Where is my Mart-Mart? Also, where is Clara again?
Doc decides they can try to power the car using lemons. No, really. There is a convenient lemon tree grove nearby, and they connect copper, aluminum, and wires to hundreds of lemons and then run it all back to the car. Upon arriving back to 1991 Hill Valley, they find it to look almost identical to the Cretaceous Period. Surprise! Preventing a huge meteor from wiping out the dinosaurs actually had consequences!
Except. Um. They're not exactly the consequences I would have assumed would happen. Instead of dinos just sort of running rampant all over, they've evolved to the point of wearing clothes and driving cars? But they still look exactly like dinosaurs.
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Here's a screenshot of the DeLorean next to the tire of a dinosaur car and one of a bunch of dinos wearing clothes.
It's all very silly. You know, except for the realization Doc suddenly has that everybody is dead. Or rather, they never even existed in the first place. Doc has literally wiped out all of human existence because he thought prehistoric times would be the perfect place to test out his molecular redistributor. May I remind you that Doc was against testing it in present-day because he didn't want to cause another incident like whatever happened in 1961 that caused all the windows of everybody's houses to break. Now he's gone and created a timeline without any people. Thumbs up, Doc. At least you didn't break any windows!
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Here is Doc, sadly staring at a photo containing three of his loved ones whose existence has been obliterated. I do think it's cute that Marty was included in the family photo, though.
Obviously, Doc, Jules, and Verne must go back to the Cretaceous Period moments after their other selves have left and use the molecular redistributor (set to reverse) to put the meteor back in the sky. They complete their mission and leave mere seconds prior to impact.
We return to present day, where the car appears just as Marty is delivering the punchline of a joke to Einstein (he told the first half of it right after Doc and the boys left earlier in the episode. It's the classic, "Why'd the nerd throw the clock out the window? Because he wanted to see time fly," joke lol) Doc and the boys are reunited with Marty and Einie–still an alarming lack of Clara, though–and that's the end of the cartoon portion. BACK TO REAL DOC!!!
Real Doc makes a joke about making sure to bring his running shoes next time he visits prehistoric times. He's wearing an absurd amount of watches and an awesome shirt. Look at him.
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Also, this scene led me on a mini-quest to find the origins of the "___ went to ___ and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" thing. Because this is a really specific joke that relies on being aware of the trend of these shirts being sold as souvenirs. My research was inconclusive, though it seems that it may have started somewhere in the 1970s. Interesting! Now I'm curious: tell me in the comments or tags if you've ever owned or seen one of these shirts being sold at a tourist destination.
That's all for now. Join me next time to see Marty accused of witchcraft and put on trial.
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lovelyprincessn64 · 8 months
Halloween request event
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Come one and Come all today is spook mouth all day and night and this year I want to give everyone a special event for a holiday of horror and nostalgia.
Welcome to the Halloween party to request for any horror of your choice and to your heart desires and here are the choices:
Creepypastas and pokepastas
Crospe Groom Vincent Valentine anniversary
Spooky Mouth
Horror games and movies pules tv shows
Day of the dead
Celebrating the FNAF movie
Characters cosplaying
Halloween party
Trick or treat
Prompts of your choice (it has to be spooky theme)
Pumpkin patch
Suff form your childhood or nostalgia
Fan made monster high skullector dolls
Fanasy horror
Dead in the night
20. Any thing horror related
21. Gruesome faith
22. Yandere nightmare
23. Fan art of fan made horror games
24. Lots of blood and gore
25. Gothic style
26. Fall / autumn
27. Vacation to nightmare
28. Apocalypse
29. Dark desire
30. Monster fright
31. Hypnos lullaby tribute
32. Friday the 13th
33. Candy
34. Horror anime shows
35. Japan Halloween theme
36. Your ocs
37. Black and white horror Style
38. Tim Burton
39. Disney's Halloween theme movies
40. Bloody movie theater
41. Bloody snacks
42. mcdonald's boo buckets
43. Halloween specials
44. Vincent Valentine's birthday
45. L's Birthday
46. Bakery hell
47. Pumpkin spice latte
48. treehouse of horror
49. Childhood trauma
51. Tails's birthday and Tankman birthday
52. Monster Mash
53. sweetest of dreams
54. Night of the nuns
55. Ladies night
56. Sweet as sugar
57. Cafe nights
58. Fortunes of misfortunes
59. Last night at the Christmas party
60. Everless night
61. Final Call of a final girl
62. Death by Grimace Shake
63. Cupcakes
64. Eddsworld
65. R.I.P in pieces
66. Nightmare night
67. Five nights of fun
68. Victims of blood lust
69. vocaloid of terror
70. Dawn of the box office
71. Build a bitch
72. Doomsday
73. Winterwonder HorrorLand
74. Magician of mischievous
75. Tales of Horror Korean
76. Psychotic pharaoh
75. Animal crossing Halloween stuff
76. Cookie Run
77. Grave mistake
78. Lost CN episodes
79. Haunting Hour
80. Chills
81. Deadly sorrow
82. Night of the Woods
83. Come learn with Pibby
84. Fran bow
85. Garden of nightmares
86.🌡Blood n Honey 🍯
87. Random Encounters
88. Reflections
89. Deepest of regrets
90. Hell on kitty
91. Wii Deleted You
92. Jerry's basement
93. Toy Story Black Friday incident
94. Mario Madness
95. Baked alive
94. Dead Bart
95. Saturday of asphyxiation
96. Wonderland Massacre
97. Untold loneliness
98. Mr. Prinz's Pokemon Dusk & Pokémon Dawn also Pokémon Nightfall even Pokémon Nocturne including Pokémon Aurora along with Klaus and Dave even the dark Chronicles.
99. Cult Of The Lamb (some parts of it),
100. Splatoween Splatfest
101. Printer problems
102. The Phantom of the Opera
103. Soap opera genre
104. Dream yard of doom
105. Buried alive
106. Spider tea party time
107. Afterlife with Archie
108. The Walking Dead
109. Lost Silver
110. Evil Among Us
111. Rainbow Factory
112. What have I done
113. Old Chateau
114. Zardy's maze
115.Japan Halloween style
116. Ghosting you since 96
117. The bite of 87
118. Horrific Thanksgiving
119. Self aware genre
200. Earthbound Halloween hack
201. sonic channel
202. Balena Productions (some of it)
203. Tails gets trolled Halloween mod
204. Little Red Riding Hood zombie BBQ
205. Creepy dolls
206. Blood and Feathers
207. meatcanyon
208. happy birthday balvenie
209. Karamari Hospital
210. Halloween shit post
211. Unown King
212. Cursed Cat Alastor
213. Lady/ man in the mirror
214. The Grim Adventures of Billy and Mandy
215. Resident Evil
216. Spooky Redraws
217. The House of the Dead
218. Haunted Mansion
219. October birthdays
220. illbleed (it's a horror game)
221. Night of the consumers
222. Flesh Birds
223. Dino Crisis
224. Witch way
225. Eaten alive
226. Spookycore
227. No Escape
228. Goth Amy
229. Jack the Pumpkin King
230. Dear brother
231. Ben 10 Zombozo
232. Living Dead Boy / Girl
233. Monster Hunters
234. Nuns murder
235. The man that killed Halloween
236. After Dark
237. Little dark age
238. Calling All The Monsters
239. Turn the lights off
240. Thriller
241. Bloody Mary
242. Dead by Daylight
243. Spooky skeletons
244. Monsters under the bed
245. Charlie Brown Halloween special
246. Death comes at midnight
247. Black cats
248. Hocus Pocus
249. Radio demon
250. Overdue
251. Haunted by screams
252. Pandora's Box
253. Starve Eggman / starved characters
254. Ghostbusters (No 2016 version)
255. Nowhere to Run
256. Bloodpop
257. Plants vs Zombies
258. Main course
259. Genocide
260. Last Escape
261. Kill la kill anniversary
262. Shitno
263. Carnitrix
264. Blood stain ritual of the night
265. Suicide mickey.avi
266. Rain of Terror
267. Castlevania
268. Nightmare invasion
269. Deceased
270. City of the Dead
271. Scent of night
272. Look out!
273. Wind's Wreck
274. Children of the Night
275. Burger and Frights
276. Headless Horseman
277. Unborn's lullaby
278. There's always another night
279. Nebula
280. Reversion
281. Haunted by Screams
282. Living in the Dark
283. Moonlight Menschen
284. Hazbin hotel
285. One night at flumpty's 
286. Crimson head
287. I am not me
288. Silent Hill
289. Jack O'Lantern
290. Gorefield
291. Tofu Survivor
292. Grim Reaper
293. Grave robber
294. Scared Stupid
295. Mr. X
296. Don't feed it at midnight
297. Red Mist
298. Boogeyman
299. Ghost zone
300. What's your favorite scary movie
301. Thalassophobia
302. Mr. L
303. Death is part of life
304. Abandoned by Disney
305. He needs to eat
306. Why I'll never play a Mario game again
307. Appleyes
308. Body Gore
309. Black Ops Zombies
310. Dead space
311. Sleep experiment
312. Every copy is personalized
314. Sonic Generations beta
315. No mercy
316. Eyeless Jack
317. Slender Man
318. Ben drowned
319. Godzilla NES
320. Misfortune.gb
321. Glitchy red
322. Strangle red
323. I am Mr mix
324. Happiness for sale
325. Rap rat
326. Escape from Marywood
327. 1999
328. Rotten yellow
329. Zombreon
330. Pokemon Dead channel
331. Creepy Jigglypuff
332. Disabled can't sing (it's based off of a Pokemon Creepypasta about a Wigglytuff name disabled that cannot sing or use any Pokemon moves)
333. Please hurry
334. Sonic. exe
335. Bio crisis
336. Lisa Trevor
337. Circle you game
338. I hate you
339. Left unchecked
340. National Noodle Day
341. Boyfriend day
342. Abandoned loneliness
343. Pasta night
344. Bad ending friends
345. Evil art
346. Possessed Dawn
347. No you're not the one
348. I am not a clone
349. Goosebumps
350. Triple trouble
351. Sally.exe
352. Purple guy
353. King of five nights at Freddy's
354. Not everything as it seems
355. The murder of me
356. I'm pretty sure it's haunted
357. Luna game
358. Polybius
359. Lemon monster
360. Ed Edd n Eddy's boo haw haw
361. Las plagas
362. Ghost train
363. Resident Evil scrapped creatures
364. The Batman that laughs
365. Gregory's Horror Show
366. Deep fear
367. Faceless
368. Slendytubbies
369. Helluva boss
370. Carnival of Lost Souls
371. Vampire heart Draculaura
372. Why do ghouls fall in love
373. Sugar skeletons
374. Blood drive
375. Darkstalkers
376. Little red psycho Hood
377. #DRCL midnight children manga
378. Blood wash
379. She sways in her velvet dress
380. Keep going
381. Broken finger paradise
382. Horror tales patrick
383. Just gold
384. Survive the night
385. Hex Girls
386. Scooby-Doo Zombie Island (sequel to the movie not allowed)
387. Virus
388. Higurashi: when they cry
389. Hinamizawa syndrome
390. It's alive
391. Happy Fella
392. Harvest festival 64
393. Bonnie's Bakery
394. Morning coffee
395. Close at 2
396. Mouthwashing
397. Dr jekyll and Mr hyde
398. Fruit witches
399. Scoop room
400. YouTuber lumpy touch
401. Sleep paralysis
402. That's not my neighbour
403. Scarlet milk
404. Fundamental paper education
Disclaimer: be sure to read the rules before requesting please be thankful and understandable and civil thank you for reading and understanding.
Note: unlike normal requests you have to request horror theme or if your not interested you can always send a normal one.
Have fun ~🎃🎁
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dajaregambler · 9 months
HeliosR - Fight out vivid colors! - Chapter 13 (final)
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Translation of chapter 13 of the event ‘Fight out vivid colors!’ from ‘Helios Rising Heroes’.
Children: Old man Keith!
Keith: You guys…
Keith: Showed ya something lame there, eh
Little boy: Huh? You were super cool!
Little girl: Just like a character from the game!
Keith: I-I see… Well, good thing ya were able to enjoy it then
Little boy: I wanna see one more match!
Little girl: Me too!
Keith: Nah, that’s outta the question. I’m damn tired
Faith: It looks like anyone can join as long as they make a reservation after this. 
Keith: No way no way, ain’t gonna lift a finger
Junior: Let’s swap the teams this time!
Keith: I keep telling ya, I’m seriously…..
Dino: Keith, you don’t have work today, right? Let’s go at it again!
Dino: This time it will be a love and peace filled fun fight…. ☆
Keith: Have meeeeeerrcyyyyyyy…..!!!!!
----Few days later.
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Keith: I’m home….
Dino: Welcome back, Keith
Keith: Aah~ Same ol’ hectic day again….
Keith: From morning till evening, meetings and that kids space then making new snacks then that cooking program and briefings and…..
Keith: At this rate I’mma end up like a certain workaholic idiot~.....
Junior: And I keep telling you to stop dropping onto the sofa first thing you come back…..
Faith: Don’t you think it feels peaceful to see Keith lazing around like that though? 
Junior: True. It’s worrying when you don’t see him be lazy
Keith: Shuddup. If ya got complaints then have some pity for me too!
Dino: Now now, since Keith is all out of energy….
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Dino: I prepared pizza for you! Come, eat as much as you’d like☆
Keith: Ugh, pizza again…. Well, I do get it
Dino: From the usual margarita, to pepperoni sauce that pairs well with beer!
Keith: Ooh, ya thought that far
Dino: Yup, here you go
Keith: Thanks
Junior: Can I eat too?
Faith: I’d like to have a bite too, maybe
Dino: Of course, let’s all eat together!
Dino: Being able to eat pizza together as a team, makes it the best love and peace ever today…. ☆
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dinosaurzzz · 1 year
Hi! Welcome to my account! I'm Dino, also known as the (self-proclaimed) CEO of XVials (Ink/XGaster)! I'm multiship but I don't talk about the other ones as much since XVials kind of runs my life.
My art account is @dynobitezzz and I post finished works there and sketches here; my art tag is 'dynobite art'
This is mostly a main/reblog account and I do tend to spam when I'm in a good mood about something I really like. Please be aware.
Here are some things about me:
PLEASE let me scream into the void about xvials. i won't bite, i promise. literally shoot me a message, tell me the most obscure thoughts you have on them, even ask questions about what i think on them!! i want it all. i need people to hear the xvials propaganda. these two goobers are so in love it HURTS that they aren't talked much more about, and i can give you a list of everything that has happened, and every concious decision jakei has made to develop their friendship. on top of that: i reocgnize their aroace identities and respect it VERY much. they are my lil guys. 🫶
i have a difficult time regulating my emotions and can come off as really rash and sensitive. it's not personal, i've just had a stressful(re: trauma-filled) life and my diagnoised ADHD and undiagnoised autism really go hand in hand. im also very bad at telling where a line may be crossed.
im kind of really dumb and big paragraphs, sentences, and words can short circuit my brain. english was something i used to be kind of good at but now i dont know whats going on with it. despite being a fanfic writer. so i may ask you to elaborate or word differently.
i AM 19yo and sometimes my work can become less than sfw. actual nsfw content is posted elsewhere.
im trans masc and bi/aroace(general term) and have a loving bf who i just adore! i go by he/it pronouns. <3
i used to powerlift competitively in highschool, my maxes are as follow; bench 140lb, squat 215lb, deadlift 240lb. i unfortunately couldnt get the last deadlift since its really strict about how you do things, but i could pick up the weight which meant more to me than some score. :]
im an aspiring video editor and im actually certified to use adobe premiere pro! i got the highest of my class with 920/1000 and im so proud of that !! <3 im obviously a beginner but ive edited tons of things before! Here's the proof because again. So. Proud.
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I have several tags that I use that you can find and use below to navigate through my stuff. I believe most of them are self explanatory!
dinosaurzzz rambles is a general tag i use to talk about things, so reblogs, other posts, myself. just a lot of things. i dont ever tag reblogs btw so you won't get a cluttered screen!
Okay peace! Drink water, eat a snack, sleep well!
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