#Cutthroat AU
demaparbat-hp · 1 year
When you get it created, definitely send a link.
Sure thing!
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suranet · 4 months
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every team has its own black sheep.
... or at least somebody who's not always very in-step w/ the rest of the group.
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canisalbus · 2 months
My headcanon for Modern!Machete before he encounters (re-encounters?) Vasco is that he works in some high-powered but low-profile position for an influential and well-known multinational. Like a corporate lawyer or accountant for Apple or Volkswagon or Shell. He's very, very good at his job, his assistants and staff think he's a good boss, his boss thinks he's great, but half his colleagues can't stand him because they think he got promoted for sucking up to their boss instead of for his skills (it was for his skills). He's got exactly enough interpersonal skills to recognize the problem and not enough to fix it. He gets paid extremely well, well enough to mostly pretend that he's happy and fulfilled (he still ends up happier in the Modern!AU because his job only sucks a little instead of literally destroying him. Also because modern medicine means his medical situation is much better understood and controlled). Yes this is all just the modern equivalent to what canon!Machete's got going on but it's startling how much carries over with no changes.
Oh that's so well thought out actually, I love that.
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artificial-radiance · 2 months
oh i love the Path Through the Woods au omg!!! can you tell us about the voices? what are they like and how they are foils to the monsters and such
i cant wait to see all of the other monsters :DD
is the a princess version of the narrator too or is the story different?
(note: this ask was received earlier in March, and I have been working on answering it since -- ty for your patience <3)
For that last question, I imagine the Narrator being the same horrible old crow, though my writing style is certainly different from how he's portrayed (I love describing things way too much) so writing him has been a small bit of a struggle - I need to practice portraying him. As of finishing the list below, I've gotten more confident writing him as I've played him for friends. The story is very different, and he has taken matters into his own hands differently - wanting you to walk into your death through believing him.
For your first question, I'll keep that all under a read more! But for a generalized idea, the Voices here are based on the Shifting Mound's descriptions of the Vessels and how they were described as hearts.
Over the course of writing this, there have been a few renames. They'll be noted <3
While not a voice, "you"/the player are called the Runaway. In tandem with the Voice of the Stray, she is the chapter 1 Princess. What she can arm herself with is different per chapter, and there's implications her appearance changes as well.
The Voice of the Stray is your inverse - if you are armed, she is more passive, and if you are unarmed, she is colder. This is in reference to how the Princess in Ch 1 changes personality based on if you enter the basement with the blade or not.
She was previously called the Voice of the Princess, then the Voice of the Captive, and then the Voice of the Runaway before getting to this point.
The Voice of the Accused is based on the Prisoner. She lays out what she thinks directly and pointedly. She doesn't say more than she needs to, prefering to watch and think things through quietly.
The Voice of the Cutthroat is based on the Adversary. She thinks in directly actions and has the will needed to make you do things.
She was originally called the Voice of the Rival. I thought this was too on the nose and looked to change it, taking Cutthroat from the Voice of the Trapper.
The Voice of the Dove is based on the Damsel. She thinks the Warden means the best for them, and is entirely willing to trust him and do what he says. While she won't suggest violence herself, she can deliver with unflinching cheeriness.
The Voice of the Exalted is based on the Tower. She sees herself as powerful and in charge of the situation. She's calculating where Cutthroat is impatient, and belittles those she doesn't like.
She was originally named the Voice of the Divine, then Voice of the Mystic. The former was too on the nose for me, and the second a little out of place for her personality.
The Voice of the Faithful is based on the Witch. She isn't trusting of others, having faith in herself rather than others. She isn't shy of suggesting trickery and betrayal if the circumstance could benefit from it.
She was originally named the Voice of the Tested before changing it because it didn't feel or sound right.
The Voice of the Haunted is based on the Spectre. She's relaxed for the most part, and one of the more pleasant voices to be around. She's willing to trust anyone that extends a hand to help.
She was originally named the Voice of the Dreamer, and then the Voice of the Drifter.
The Voice of the Hoax is based on the Razor. She likes to lie and oppose most decisions made, though when she's called out on it she's quick to deny most accusations. She likes to have good fun at the expense of others.
She was originally named the Voice of the Snitch, then the Voice of the Sleeve. Her named was hanged because while "Sleeve" was unique, I didn't fully enjoy it.
The Voice of the Solace is based on the Nightmare. She's playful, but impatient, entirely willing to throw tantrums and be cruel when she doesn't get what she wants. She has a strong will to enforce on the body and the Construct.
She was originally named the Voice of the Gentle before I decided it wasn't fitting for her (though you could argue the Solace isn't either - it's more for irony I suppose).
The Voice of the Splintered is based on the Stranger. She's naive, and her mood is unpredictable. She can be dismissive, vitriolic, or fully passive based on whatever stimuli she's given.
She was originally named the Voice of the Resonant, but I didn't fully vibe with it, hence the late change.
The Voice of the Trapper is based on the Beast. [edit] She is pretty decent planner and can read other creatures like a book. She knows what she's doing so long as it involves the element of surprise.
She was originally named the Voice of the Cutthroat, which was later given to the current Cutthroat. I held off from naming her the Hunter/Huntress since it was too on the nose.
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theribbonmarkedroom · 8 months
I’ll never get around to drawing/writing this BUT Hannibal Cutthroat Kitchen AU where Hannibal is the host and the contestants are unknowingly cooking people during those insane challenges. And Will goes undercover on the next season as a contestant bc he believes that TV personality Hannibal Lector is somehow behind the string of murders that have been going on in that area and the closest he can get to him is to become a contestant on the show. And Jack reluctantly pulls some strings to get Will on the show bc he wouldn’t Shut Up about it and it’s messing with how efficient he is at his job. The problem is Will actually has to compete and he sucks at cooking anything but fish dishes, but for some Mysterious Reason he keeps winning the challenges okay goodnight 💀
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helix-studios117 · 2 months
Halo Reloaded - Spartan-II Training Schedule
I've wanted to flesh this out for while, but here we go. Note: this seems impossible... it's because it is.
General Information:
From Monday through Friday (except Wednesday), they start every morning with stretching, then they do 50 jumping jacks; after a quick breather, they do the following routine below.
100 total squats, push-ups, chin-ups, crunches and sit-ups. 50 of these every morning after the jumping jacks, then they do another 50 before bed.
Go to class, listen to a lecture on tactics used by the Spartans of Greece and the Roman Empire. This goes from 1000 to 1200 (Lunch Break), from 1300 to 1500 is recess at the obstacle-course where parkour and acrobatics are to be practiced, then class resumes from 1600 to 1800.
Night-Routine, then bed.
After a one hour break from the morning routine, they go on a one kilometer run with small sand-bags tied to every Spartan-cadet's ankles. (A work-out routine inspired by Rocky Marciano.)
They practice swimming for an hour from 1900 to 2000 shortly after class.
After a one hour break from the morning routine, they step into a VR-simulator that trains them to eject from drop-pods.
At 1900 to 2000, they spar with each other; two per circle (every pair gets an individual circle). The art is a martial-art native only to the Spartans called "Spartan-Kata"; it's heavily influenced by four martial-arts: Krav Maga, Collegiate Wrestling, Judo and Kali. One is armed with tonfas and is on the offensive, the other is unarmed and on the defensive; the unarmed opponent gets a turn to be on the offense while the armed opponent learns to be defensive. They switch offensive/defensive positions at 30 minutes into the sparring session.
Break on both the morning and evenings. It's just lessons for the entire day. They don't even do the morning/night routines, they just wake up, recover, go to class and return to bed.
In the morning, they play a game of CTF in the Zero-Grav Chamber using laser-guns that respond to their Zero-Grav Suits' sensors. (It's just Ender's Game.)
In the evening, they learn to disassemble, clean and reassemble their guns (don't worry, they're not loaded) for the first 30 minutes; in the last 30 minutes, they go to the targeting range to practice their aim. From ages 8 - 11, they use laser-guns (similar ones seen in the Zero-Grav Chamer); they are taught fire-arm safety and how to properly use guns, then from ages 12 - 16, they're taught to practice with real-gunloaded with live-rounds.
They do their usual morning and night routine, though they go to class for the first half of the day; after lunch, they don't go to recess. For the rest of the day onward, they do a group "survival-activity" that they must complete before the day is over. If any Spartan fails to complete the exercise and return to the training-facility, ONI personnel will personally collect them and return them back to base with the usual penalty for failure/coming-in-last being no dinner.
Rest & Recovery Day. No class or training, obstacle-course is always open.
Rest & Recovery Day. No class or training, obstacle-course is always open.
Breakfast: Lots of organic-eggs (either scrambled or over-easy, depends on what the cadet wants) and scalloped potatoes, a slice of ham with a side of plain-crackers. Drinks are a glass of water.
Lunch: Fried-Chicken and fish with brown rice and a side of mashed-potatoes slathered in gravy. Drinks are orange-juice.
Dinner: Turkey slathered with gravy and ice-cream covered in hot-fudge syrup. Drinks are a glass of milk.
Class-Snacks: Plain-Crackers with a glass of milk and a side of Vitamin-Gummy packs.
Additional Information:
Every night, the Spartans sleep to white-noise.
After getting themselves in bed, they are first treated with story-time as they fall asleep; Deja, the AI that teaches the Spartans in Halsey's absence, reads them stories from ancient Greece, namely the stories from Classical Mythology, but sometimes real events thay transpired then, too. Deja swaps over to white-noise once everyone has fallen asleep.
All of this was done from ages 8 to 16. In John's case, due to him being the youngest by two years, 6 to 14.
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wastingyourgum · 2 years
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Rhys Darby in Thank God You’re Here S4E1 (2009), an Australian improv show where the guests have no idea what scene they’re being dropped in to (other than any hints they may get from their costume!), only that the first words they’ll hear will be “Thank God you’re here!” and then they have to roll with it.
Which is how Rhys suddenly finds himself as notorious highwayman, Captain Midnight, in the middle of a hold-up...
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blind royalty Gandra you say?
thinking about it! I’m not sure yet- I’m gonna keep looking into it and also figuring if it’s something Im able to give like. space and meaning to in the story. Not sure if she was hatched blind or if she lost her sight sometime when she was a kid- I’m trying to figure if the assassin group would want to take her if she was blind, or if she ‘wasn’t worth it’ or something. That also might lend to her character’s desperate need to prove herself and live to a certain standard. Maybe especially if she started losing her sight once she was already inducted.
because I was thinking- I wanted to give her some sort of magical version of her eyebuds in the AU (which would also explain why her eyes are blue). But I didn’t want to give her any kind of superhuman abilities with them? because I wanted her to still fit within the physics of the world. anyway. Idk if this makes sense. So I figured instead of superhuman magic eyes, her eyebuds are just magic that gives her the ability to see. Also they make her eyes blue. Again! Idk if I’m going with it but it’s an idea I’ve been playing with.
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diseaseriddencube · 7 months
*stares at your blank scarless arm* promise you'll start, for me
Azusa x Cutthroat x fem Reader
word count: 1933
content: self harm, it's not smut but there is moaning, and kissing, there's non con stabbing, also con stabbing 😍
The bed shifted slightly under your combined weight as the vampire next to you leaned closer, a light finger stroked down your bare arm. You nearly flinched, you had not been treated well by anyone over the years, let alone vampires, but his touch was nothing but gentle, nothing to be concerned with. 
“Promise….you’ll start…for me….” he whispered, his cold lifeless breath barely scraping your ear. You shifted back a millimeter, “...start what exactly?” you hesitated to ask. The answer almost revealed itself as fast as he produced a knife from who knows where. 
“You want to cut me?!” you nearly shrieked, but he placed a gentle hand upon yours, shushing you softly. 
“No, I want…you…to cut…yourself” 
Myself? Was he insane? Scratch that question, he revealed that aspect long ago, but wanting you to mar yourself was a new level. 
His gaze was captivating you with puppydog eyes as he slipped the handle into your fingers, wrapping his hand over yours. Your combined hands lifted, placing the blade across your other wrist, you felt almost numb, this situation went from relaxing to such a quick progression into madness you could barely process how far into the rabbit hole you had fallen. The slightest bit of metal kissed your skin, not cutting, but you flinched; sharp movements, skin on blade, blade in skin, his desire had been met all too well. 
The cleaving of your flesh had not been as deep as you feared, only a single drop of blood beaded to the surface. You released the knife, letting it fall into Azusa’s possession once more, in order to inspect your wound. He leaned back to give you room, though he was very obviously glancing at the damage he inflicted, and barely holding back his smile. Footsteps outside of the room barely registered in your head as you dabbed your finger in the blood, playing with the quickly coagulating surface tension. Sweat dribbled down your neck as the door creaked open, on the edge of your conscious attention. 
“I smell blood,” a low but playful voice called across the room. The shock of it almost made you fall backwards into the mattress, though you held composure well enough, your arm had flung back though, sending a single drop flying to stain the bed sheet. And this intruder’s eyes locked onto that tiny speck of red like an eagle hunting its prey. 
The tall man entered the room, cloaked in white. This was no vampire, as pale as he was, or as deathly as he seemed, there were no fangs in that mouth. He was an oddity, stranger so than your situation with the vampires, they just let him stroll into their manor; they never sucked his blood, they never spoke to him. You had suspected him to speak with Azusa on occasion but you could never truly confirm this. He never told any of you his name, and so he became known to you as the Cutthroat. The vampires were certainly an odd bunch, but they could not compete with Cutthroat. Not a vampire, yet he returned home with new blood staining his clothing every night. You had a guess as to what was wrapped up in those bandages, and chances were that he and Azusa could surely bond over it should your theories prove to be truth. 
He stalked closer, silent as a ghost like his clothing imitated him to be, he glided across the floor, almost landing in your lap. He was deadset, focused on one thing only, the wet wound that was crusting upon your arm. His intentness scared you, he spoke not a word, even Azusa merely watched in curiosity as he picked up your arm to inspect it. His hands were freezing, though you knew him to be surely human. 
He mouthed a word, again, and again, staring into your wound, already darkening and coagulated. He became almost audible, yet breathy and silent, red, red, red
There was a strangeness in his eyes now, not that he ever looked quite okay in the head, but you certainly were unsure of this particular look. 
“Can I cut you too?” he breathed, his mouth opening made your stomach churn. His teeth, they were perfect, white as the rest of him and straight like a military cemetery. But they were wrong, like an uncanny valley, too perfect for human, they should’ve been fangs, rows of shark teeth would suit him better. 
You shrunk back, looking to Azusa for help, you shouldn’t have taken your eyes off him for even a moment. 
For the second time today, a knife pierced your flesh, so deep into your arm it stuck out on its own when he released it. You screamed, your voice scraped against your throat and you scrambled back, tangling yourself in the fabric. Cutthroat pounced on you, reclaiming his knife from your tender flesh, opening a new pathway for the blood to flow. Your juices streaked the blade, the fire in his eyes reflecting in the metal, and your terrified face staring back at you on your respective side of the knife. He lowered it just below your eyelines, but his attention snapped away just as quickly, looking over his shoulder at the vampire tapping him. 
“If…she doesn’t…want it……you can…cut me…instead…” he offered, oh so kindly, to save you from this madness, though more likely to bring himself a greater ecstasy of pain that you could never willingly provide him. Cutthroat snapped up this opportunity, dragging a blade across the skin Azusa so proudly presented to him. Blade went through bandage, strips of white fabric dropped to the floor, alongside drips of bright red liquid. Azusa let out a soft moan of happiness. 
You squirmed back even more, trying not to make yourself noticed in their preoccupations of pain and blood. You would’ve gotten up and run, but something told you, a knife would be thrown at your head if you tried to escape this bloodbath. So you watched, a deer in the headlights, as the wolves went at each other only a pace away. Cutthroat didn’t hold back, he was more hardcore than any slasher movie villain, Azusa’s arm would be unrecognizable in seconds if he didn’t stop soon. 
You were shocked that he wasn’t making a fuss over Cutthroat cutting over his beloved scars, the ones you heard him talk to as though they were his friends. But Azusa seemed to be in too much absolute bliss to notice. 
Azusa withdrew his arm, drenched and dripping with thick blood, and tugged on the bandages under Cutthroat’s sleeve. Staining them as he unraveled them, pushing up his sleeve as he did. Cutthroat didn’t object as his arm became exposed to the world. Scars littered his arm, so heavy and deep they changed the silhouette, his entire arm may as well have been pure scar tissue, it was a shock he could even operate it anymore. 
Azusa’s blood dripped upon his arm, running down and settling in the grooves of his scars. You had expected something like that to be hiding under his bandages, but you could have never anticipated it to look so extreme, even Azusa’s scars could not compare. Azusa was practically glowing as he sized up a new surface to inflict pain on, as a loving gift to return to the one who shredded his own arm. 
He was far more purposeful with his cuts, in extreme contrast to Cutthroat’s messiness, neither seemed to mind it. In fact, mid-cut, Azusa moves his head closer to the other’s. Leaning in, Cutthroat not leaning away, were they going to- 
Lips collided, fangs pressed deep in his gums. This had already been a sick display, but it had veered straight into absurdity, did they have something going on? Is this why he was allowed into the manor so freely? Azusa pushed his knife in, eliciting a muffled moan from Cutthroat, deepening their kiss. You could see blood, and you could almost guarantee tongues were being exchanged. You felt a gag rising, and you so foolishly let it become audible. 
In an instant, their eyes snapped to you, suddenly reminded that you were a participant in this madness. They withdrew from each other, eyes still locked on you, bloody saliva still hanging between their jaws. 
Cutthroat broke the silence, “You should join the fun, shouldn’t you, darling?” his voice was deceptively light, if it was out of context, you’d assume he was inviting you to a playdate, but with all the blood on the floor, you felt your fate being sealed. 
They both crawled over to you, each pinning one of your arms before you could shuffle away. You squirmed under their grasp. Your eyes were clenched tight, oblivious to Cutthroat raising his arm, and bringing it right down on your stomach. The adrenaline surged so hard you hardly felt it, yet you struggled harder. 
A small laugh to you right side, “isn’t…the pain…wonderful…?” and a gleeful whisper to your left, “it’s red” 
You cried out, yet your sobs only seemed to stretch the edges of their smiles. Though you felt numb, the sound of a knife hacking into you was a sound from beyond your wildest nightmares, it reminded you of cutting watermelons, a dull chop, the splitting of flesh and juices spilling. The fabric of your shirt opened to accommodate every stab, and became heavy and warm, slicked with your own blood. Cutthroat laughed, his awful laughter echoed against tall ceilings. His laugh was melodic, almost beautiful in any other context, but here and now, it was grating, horrifying, it seeped into your bones deeper than his knife ever could. If you died here and now, you were sure that laugh would haunt you right into hell. 
The stabs stopped, and you squinted your eyes open as your right arm was released. Cutthroat continued to laugh, he continued to stab, but not into you, right into Azusa’s chest. 
Azusa didn’t look so happy anymore, the famed masochist of the household, and he looked….afraid, like this was a game he was happy to play until it no longer went his way. 
You thought vampires were unkillable, but as Azusa went limp over your own dying body, you were suddenly unsure. You were almost drowning in the bed by now, weighed down with Azusa’s body and Cutthroat’s death grip on your arm.  Blood from all three of you soaked down into the layers of foam, if you were more lucid about the situation, you may have felt bad that Azusa would have to replace his bed, but fortunately, mattress shopping would have to wait until you weren’t actively bleeding out under the hands of a madman. And this madman just had to be a little more mad, by leaning down to scoop blood from Azusa’s wounds onto his tongue. 
Carefully cupping the blood in his mouth, he brought himself to your lips, pressing them against yours. His hands had moved to grip the sides of your skull, forcing you to accept the brutal kiss. His tongue weaved its way into your mouth, transferring his and Azusa’s  ‘gift’ down your throat. You choked on the blood, the kiss was suffocating, but that would quickly become the least of your concerns.
You felt something along your neck, and warmth flowing down your body, new blood gurgled in your throat to mix with the gifted blood. Your last sight was the faintest reflection of a red ring in his eyes as he finished slitting your throat, allowing you to join Azusa. 
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gamerbearmira · 2 years
Protective...huh 🤨
hey guyyyysssss <333 I'm currently writing for this au and. I wanna share.
Also writing is the only thing distracting me from the fact that I'm sick lmao
Lea get it
The sun shone into the nursery of Casita, indicating the early morning. Mirabel cracked open her eyes, groggily reaching for her glasses as she yawned. The newly-turned 5 year old slid them onto her face, stretching as she looked around. So it wasn't a nightmare. She really was still in the nursery. Her ceremony did fail. She had no gift, no door. She wasn't like her family. Wasn't special.
Mirabel's eyes welled up with tears as she looked around. Her things still in boxes because she had been too sad that she never got to unpack and put it all back. Her ceremony dress thrown onto the other, empty and stripped bed, from when her mama helped her change into her night gown.
Looking at her ceremony dress she sniffed. What went wrong? She was a good girl, right? She was nice, helped her family and the townspeople, and always shared. So what happened?
Looking at the clock it read 8:00 a.m; an hour later than usual, she had missed waking up her family. She could already tell because she could hear some movement happening within Casita, voices too.
Mirabel frowned as she started to cry. What had she done to deserve this? She held her face in her hands, letting the tears fall. She heard Casita flip some tiles, but she didn't move. A moment later, she heard the door open. Looking up, she saw it was her abuela. Mirabel looked at her for a moment before looking away. She saw her abuela's look, she looked sad. She must be upset Mirabel didn't get a gift.
Mirabel stared at her covers as Alma sat down. She didn't look up.
"Mirabel?" Alma asked softly, moving one of her hands to cover Mirabel's small one. Mirabel didn't say anything. "Mirabel can you look at me please?" Alma asked.
Mirabel slowly looked up, glassy eyes meeting her grandmothers gentle ones. She didn't look upset or mad. Not disappointed or weirded out like Mirabel had thought. She looked a little happy if anything.
"I'm sorry," Mirabel quietly sobbed while looking at Alma. "I'm sorry I didn't get a gift. It's my fault the candle flickered," Mirabel cried, holding her Abuela's hand, looking down at it.
Alma frowned, and lifted Mirabel's face up, cupping her chubby cheeks in her hands. After using her thumbs to wipe away her tears, she kissed Mirabel on the forehead. Mirabel looked up to her Abuela in shock.
"Its not your fault. None of it was. It was that mean old candle," Alma said, and Mirabel giggled a bit at Alma's lighthearted teasing. Alma smiled as she picked up Mirabel, pulling her into her lap. "You are a gift yourself Mirabel, never forget that. You didn't fail anyome and you didn't mess up."
"Really? I'm not broken?" Mirabel asked and Alma shook her head.
"No. You are perfect the way you are. I promise," Alma said and Mirabel smiled as she hugged her Abuela. "Now. I've got a surprise for you. But first, we have to get you ready."
Mirabel's face lit up, a surprise? For her? She watched as she grandmother reached to her side and pulled something from her other side. A small, flat box. Alma handed it to the girl and she looked at it confused.
"What's this?" Mirabel questioned, looing at the neatly wrapped box.
"A birthday present," Alma said. She knew Mirabel's birthday was the day before but...she wanted to redo it. Do it right, everything had to go right. It had to be perfect.
"For me?" Mirabel as and Alma nodded. Mirabel look down, gently opening the box. She beamed at the present. It was a brand new dress. In her favorite color too! She usually wore clothes that were like her mama; after a Madrigal children got their gift, clothes that hinted their gift would be made and given to them. Mirabel wasn't given that chance but now...
"Just for you mariposa," Alma said, helping Mirabel pull it all the way out. "I know its early but I know you've been wanting one so..." Alma trailed off as Mirabel looked at it in glee.
"It's perfect!" Mirabel smiled, hugging her Abuela tightly.
"I'm glad you like it. Now, let's get you ready," Alma said and she got up. She helped her granddaughter change into her new dress, carefully tying her white ribbon into her hair after gently brushing it while humming to the small girl. Casita helped the girl put her shoes on as she excitedly hopped around the room, continuously asking her Abuela what her surprise was, though she wouldn't say.
"Are you ready to see your surprise?" Alma asked as she went to the door.
"Mhm!" Mirabel hummed happily, completely forgetting about what had happened the night before.
"Close your eyes," Alma said and Mirabel cover her eyes. Once she did, Mirabel felt Alma's gentle hands guide her to somewhere in Casita, still on the second floor. She could hear her family walking around and some giggling probably from Camilo or Luisa. "Ready?"
Mirabel giggled and nodded.
"Tres...dos...uno...surprise!" Alma shouted and so did the rest of the family (though not too loud so as to not scare or hurt Dolores). Mirabel removed her hands and gawked at the sight in front of her.
Her family surrounded her, all smiling happily as they presented the surprise. The were decorations like the day before, just more refreshed; Isabela had even sprouted a flower crown on Mirabel's head of her favorite flowers. She could smell her favorite food downstairs in the dining room, much to her pleasant surprise.
There was a banner with Mirabel's name in various colors, with butterflies painted on (those were Camilo's idea), and it hung above a door frame. A blank door. Her door frame. There, as if it hadn't simply vanished the night before. The swirling gold and sparkles emitted off of it, shining in Mirabel's eyes.
"Well? What do you think?" Alma asked her granddaughter. Alma had done this last night. She had even gotten up early, earlier than Julieta even to help get everything set up again. Once she filled in the family on what she was planning, they were all in. None of then questioned how Mirabel's door came back giving her a second chance at getting a room. They had let the girl sleep in, not only because she might have been tired, but also because they wanted to get more things set up for her in order to surprise her.
"I...I love it! Its awesome! Muchos gracias!" Mirabel smiled brightly as she clapped her hands and her family wished her (another) happy birthday. Mirabel practically tackled her abuela's knees, hugging her tightly. "Gracias Abuela, for giving me another chance," she said cuddling into Alma, the older woman happily reciprocating the hug.
"Of course Mirabel," Alma said. "You deserve it."
Don't look too hard guys, major cringe alert 🤓
Everyday is a struggle not to spam you all with content from protective, housebroken, mario, papatonio and cocooned.
Everyday I am fighting for my life. Been thinking about making a one shot book that features things I write for the aus on this blog. With credit of course.
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demaparbat-hp · 1 year
Are you writing Cutthroat? I’m curious about more. Are you making a fandom wiki or family trees?
I am currently working on refining some aspects of Cutthroat before beginning to write the actual beast. To be honest, I hadn't thought of making a Fandom wiki for it. The blood relations between some of the characters are quite complicated, and building Family Trees might help me out a lot, so thanks for the suggestion!
I'll include a summary of the AU under the cut, so you can get a general idea of what it's about.
Cutthroat AU:
Harrison Silas Sayre doesn't hate Wool's Orphanage—that is Tom's, his brother's, job. Tom Marvolo Riddle hates Wool's as much as he hates his dead mother, which is saying a lot. Unfortunately for them, they seem to gravitate around the Orphanage. Though that might have something to do with the ritual they performed there fifty years ago.
Exactly seven months after Tom Riddle's birth, a baby arrived at Wool's Orphanage with a single letter stating his full name and date of birth: Harrison Silas Sayre, July 31st, 1927. The two boys were different from other children—special, as Tom often said, so it was no wonder they found solace in each other while growing up as brothers.
The Wizarding World had no idea what it signed up for the day the twins' Hogwarts letters arrived.
During their seven years at Hogwarts, they became close with the Black sisters: Dorea, a Slytherin like Tom, and Cassiopeia, who was in Ravenclaw with Harry, though in different years.
Cassiopeia was creepy. She worshipped Tom, though that might have something to do with the rumors about her weird Visions... Tom was a natural, charismatic leader, though he only had a meaningful relationship with his brother. Harry, instead, formed a close friendship with Dorea right from the start. They were always seen with each other, much in the same way Cassiopeia could always be found trailing Tom.
I could say a lot of things about them, but I think the most important event is the ritual Tom performed at 18—a ritual Harry was forced to participate in. Ideally, the ritual would allow them to live forever, an anchor of one another, until the end of times... But vital blood was needed.
Fifty years later, Lily Evans' and Regulus Black's research took them to a set of Caves near an abandoned Orphanage. They had spent years after James' death looking for any clue about the mysterious dark lord who was steadily taking hold of the Wizarding World from behind the stage. Only few were aware of his existence, except for his followers (Peter and the Mark in his scalp was a somber reminder of that fact), but nobody knew a single thing about the actual person.
In the Caves, behind a blood protection that Lily was surprisingly able to pass through, there was a black crystal coffin. Within, a sleeping young man had a snake resting on his chest. The snake watched as Lily and Regulus got close and, slowly, began to eat its own tail.
Ouroboros, they recognised, and the boy woke up.
His green eyes were exactly like Lily's, and there was a gruesome scar decorating his throat, as if it was sliced open once upon a time...
Like I said before, I could talk about Cutthroat all evening. It's very, very extensive and writing a summary for it is a difficult task for me. You can, however, ask questions, in case you're curious about something specific. Or if you want to know more about some characters, or their family trees or the plot...
Anyways, hope this was not too boring to read, and not too long of an answer. Thank you for asking! Knowing there's someone interested in this AU makes me motivated to do my best and keep working on it. Hope you have a good day!
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transingthoseformers · 10 months
Though Elita has another combination in Power Of The Primes toyline, though the name (Elita-Infin1te) is bad.
Apparently POTP Elita can be combined with any four of; Jazz, Slag, Swoop, Dreadwind, Darkwind, Sludge, Snarl, Moonracer, Sinnertwin, Blot, Cutthroat, and Firestar (yes, some of those are Decepticons)?
Considering how some of them are decepticons, that tells us something interesting happene
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adventures-written · 1 year
Cutthroat Wedding
@letsbreakhearts || Plotted Starter.
Nicholas’s family could be quite brutal. Ruthless killers, people that you would not want to cross. They have a wide and expansive territory over the city, something other yakuza families fought with them over on a number of occasions. Though, recently there has been a sort of peace between the two most prominent families, allowing for a certain uncertainty to settle in the air. Whispers and talk of an alliance forming was spreading like wildfire.
He didn’t want to believe his parents would lower themselves to an alliance. Not when they had such a strong hold here. Besides, the family they were aligning with weren’t exactly a favorite. He had no issues with the youngest twin son, Vash. He was fairly friendly and was against the fighting altogether, but the elder twin, Knives as he called himself, was a pain in his ass.
They had more then one scuffle between them, both drawing blood from either side, but as of this recent truce, that was stopped. No fighting was to happen between the two groups until a talk was had from the head families. So that was why Nico was in a stuffy ass suit in some stuffy ass restaurant on neutral territory. They had rented the whole building just for themselves in order to ensure privacy and safety for both sides.
Tugging at his tie, he hated the damn thing. His mother insisted he had to wear it, but honestly, he didn’t see the point. He was thankfully in his own car on the way to the restaurant, which meant he could remove the item and hide it, along with unbuttoning the top few buttons of his dress shirt so he wouldn’t feel as stuffy.
Upon arrival, there were guards from both sides waiting for them, guiding him from his car and inside the building. He did receive a look of disapproval from his mother when she saw he was missing his tie, but he flashed her one of his smiles and she rolled her eyes.
Dinner began, parents making small talk, and Nico was seated near Vash and Knives. Presumably to also make small talk. It felt awkward and tense, the twins seeming just as oblivious about this meeting as he was. At least until Nico’s father stood to make an announcement with Vash and Knives father.
“This is a momentous occasion! Today we announce the union of the two strongest families in this city,” Nico’s father said, raising a glass, “And this union will be made official with the marriage of my eldest son -- Nicholas -- and the Saverem eldest son, Knives --” “What the hell?!” Nico growled, suddenly very on edge. Why the hell did he have to marry this asshole?! He received a stern look from his father to silence him. 
Vash and Knives father continued. “The wedding will take place one month from today to make things official, and in that time the two of you will be spending time together to discuss your betrothal and what that will mean for both sides going forward.”
Nico had half a mind to storm out, his gaze on Knives, glaring and intense. Not this asshole!
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dj4jungshook · 2 years
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i really want to write a oneshot for the star wars au where Beatrice and Ava and Lilith are all podracers on Tatooine and they compete with each other in the most homoerotic way possible 
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raveartts · 2 years
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Sorry I just had to put him in a skirt
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