#Consciousness Expansion
alchemyofmaya · 2 months
Through the power of your mind, you can transform your life
We are in a constant state of trance. When you are able to detach and understand that you are the observer of reality, of your life, of your thoughts, emotions & reactions. You watch and watch your thoughts like watching a movie.. and you fall asleep.
Your thoughts hypnotize you, you believe them to be real. Emotions arise and you react in accordance — and this cycle creates your reality (unconsciously)
Through hypnosis you are able to allow your conscious thinking mind (ego) to rest, to go deeper into a state of trance.
When you recognize that you are not your thoughts, not your feelings, not your body. You are not your mind, you are the one observing all these things — you are even beyond the soul. You are the soul of the soul. The creator of creation.
When you feel this detachment, from the self, from the story of your experiences — you create space, for the streams of divine grace, of pure consciousness, of awareness, to fill that space. This is where the dissolving of limitations, of illnesses, of habits and attachments occurs — this is how healing happens.
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crystalsenergy · 16 days
Do you know that inner voice that envies, compares, sabotages you, generates fear, makes you want to run away...?
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That's the voice of the negative Ego.
And the Ego is in constant development, receiving nourishment and influences from our interactions with the community (conscious and unconscious collective), with our family environment, work, relationships, and so on.
It is very possible that a person who in their childhood or adolescence was not so connected to certain voices of the Ego (comparison, envy, guilt, and the like) may become so, because of these constant exchanges with this mass of thoughts and behaviors that constantly feed the Ego negatively - by the way, the Ego can very well be nourished positively! And I have to remember that Ego is important for our earthly experience.
That's why I emphasize so much the importance of paying attention to what and whom we exchange with, including through social networks!
So that we become more and more aware of what enters our consciousness (the Ego is part of consciousness), and thus our Ego does not become so negative, focused on standards, collective limiting beliefs, but more conscious.
The Ego is different from the Self, which represents the entirety of who we are, where our wisdom lies. And this is not just spiritual talk, because we also see this in the studies of Analytical Psychology, by Carl Jung, when we study what forms the human psyche (I will talk more about him here at other times).
The wonderful news is that we can always be seeking and approaching the Self!
And, thus, starting to live more based on our "own ruler" (understanding our likes, dislikes, what makes us feel good, what doesn't, what others are conditioning me to be and do, what I am conditioning myself to be and do... and so on).
And this happens through self-development and self-healing.
Therapy helps, both conventional and holistic. And, mainly, the internal process of seeking oneself, self-awareness, guided by oneself (in the beginning, it is quite normal to need guidance from others, but without dependency!).
In the Ego is only the basics of us, not the whole, not the integrity. That's why understanding what it says is so valuable.
This voice is like a very rich portal for us to listen to what our individuality needs to evolve, integrate, understand.
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bmtalbott · 10 days
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“Existence is only real when it is conscious to somebody. That is why the Creator needs conscious man even though, from sheer unconsciousness, he would like to prevent him from becoming conscious.”
C. G. Jung, Psychology and Religion, CW 11, par. 575.
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“The process of becoming conscious, requires both seeing and being seen, knowing and being known.”
“The pursuit of consciousness, then, does not allow one to rest in the attitude of being known and contained in God: the ego has a responsibility to the Self to be it’s knowing subject as well as it’s known object.”
Edward F. Edinger, The Creation of Consciousness: Jung's Myth for Modern Man
“God makes us to know him, and his knowing is his being, and his making me know is the same as my knowing, so his knowing is mine: just as, in the master, what he teaches is the same as, in the pupil, the thing that he is taught. And because his knowing is mine, and his knowing is his substance, and his nature and his essence, it follows that his substance and his nature and his essence are mine. And his substance, his nature and his essence being mine, therefore I am the Son of God. Behold, brethern, what manner of love God hath bestowed upon us that we should be the Sons of God!”
Meister Eckhart, ed. Pfeiffer, vol. 1, p. 31.
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jackstockhypno · 7 months
Evolved--Become Your Future Self Now
Your future self will come into the present moment to replace you.
This will drastically speed up your self-improvement progress by helping you to become the future you NOW.
This is an incredibly deep hypnosis file that will shake your consciousness to a new level.
You may experience some strange psychological effects from this.
Your perception of the past and present may become confused (because the future feels like something that occurred in the past, due to you being from the future after listening to this).
It can be a bit hard to wrap your brain around, but that's okay, because it really does not matter.
This is your opportunity to live your life the way you always wanted to.
Maybe you always wanted to return to the past and do things better.
Now you can, because the past has become the present.
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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kidestom · 9 months
The Manifestation Masterclass with Kidest OM
All new from Kidest, The Manifestation Masterclass! Learn the key practices that can help you attract and manifest the things you want more consistently.
The Manifestation Masterclass covers topics like:
(1) The Science of Manifestation
(2) The five key milestones of effective manifestation journeys
(3) How to stay positive during the course of your manifestation journey
(4) How to set coherent intentions
And much much more.
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To learn more, visit www.infinite-life.com
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loreladumbrava · 2 years
I see, I feel, I listen, I create
🌼Visualization and a path of least resistance, being present in the moment and feeling every moment, are the simple keys to manifest instantly all the amazing things that come from your happiness and align with your greatest happiness ❀ Experiencing this, turns to a cycle of never ending happiness ❀ Just keep the energy flowing and trust your feelings 🌷 Happiness is your natural state of being ❀ Also take good care of your health so you can feel amazing to manifest all the amazing things 🌷 And by simply choosing to be happy, you are helping the wellbeing of everyone else, the planet and the animals! (if you chose the love path, that cannot exists with the pain of animal sacrifice ❀)  It’s all in your power of choice 🌼
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turiyatitta · 13 days
Embracing the Paradox
The Divine Symphony of Pain and PleasureIn the intricate dance of existence, where the lines between the divine and the mundane blur, we encounter a profound paradox that challenges our understanding of life, suffering, and bliss. This paradox lies in the realization that the essence of divinity, or what we might call ‘God’, permeates every aspect of our reality. God is not merely a distant…
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shaneclements · 26 days
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Embrace Your Journey: A Path to Self-Discovery Through Spiritual Evolution
Each of us embarks on a unique journey of personal transformation and spiritual evolution. It's a journey filled with twists and turns, highs and lows, challenges and triumphs. And at the heart of it all lies the profound truth that each step forward brings us closer to our true selves.
As we navigate this path of self-discovery, we encounter the timeless wisdom of the Kybalion's Principle of Rhythm. This principle teaches us that life is governed by cycles and seasons, rhythms of growth and change that shape our experiences and shape our souls. In embracing the rhythm of life, we come to understand that personal transformation is not a linear journey but rather a spiral, a continuous cycle of growth, death, and rebirth.
At times, we may find ourselves in the depths of darkness, grappling with doubt, fear, and uncertainty. It is in these moments that we must remember the Principle of Polarity, which reminds us that within every challenge lies the seed of opportunity. Just as the darkest night gives birth to the dawn, our struggles and setbacks are often the catalysts for our greatest growth and transformation.
In the midst of life's storms, we must also remember the Principle of Vibration, which teaches us that everything in the universe is in a state of constant motion and flux. Like a river flowing steadily towards the sea, we must surrender to the ebb and flow of life, trusting that each experience is guiding us towards our true selves.
But it's not just about weathering the storms; it's also about embracing the moments of joy, wonder, and awe that pepper our journey. The Principle of Correspondence reminds us that as above, so below; as within, so without. In celebrating the beauty and magic of the world around us, we come to recognize the divine spark that resides within each of us.
And so, with each step forward, we peel back the layers of conditioning, fear, and illusion that have kept us from fully embodying our true selves. We let go of the masks we wear, the roles we play, and the expectations others have placed upon us. In doing so, we reveal the radiant truth of our inner being, the essence of who we truly are.
But personal transformation is not just an individual journey; it is also a collective one. The Principle of Gender reminds us that the masculine and feminine energies within each of us must be brought into balance in order to achieve wholeness and harmony. As we heal and integrate our own wounds, we contribute to the healing of the collective consciousness, ushering in a new era of love, compassion, and unity.
So, as you journey along the winding path of personal transformation and spiritual evolution, remember that each step forward brings you closer to your true self. Embrace the challenges, celebrate the victories, and trust in the divine wisdom that guides you every step of the way. For in the end, it is through the journey itself that we come to know and love ourselves fully and completely.
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brainanalyse · 29 days
Transcendental Meditation Mantras
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Transcendental Meditation (TM) is a profound technique rooted in ancient Vedic traditions that facilitates deep relaxation and heightened states of consciousness through the use of mantras. These sacred sounds or words are silently repeated during meditation to transcend ordinary awareness and tap into the infinite reservoir of inner peace and harmony.
Understanding Transcendental Meditation
Transcendental Meditation is a form of meditation that involves sitting comfortably with closed eyes and effortlessly repeating a mantra. Unlike other meditation practices that require concentration or control of thoughts, TM allows the mind to settle naturally into a state of restful alertness, leading to deep relaxation and rejuvenation.
The Role of Mantras
Mantras hold a central place in Transcendental Meditation, acting as vehicles to facilitate the transcending process. Carefully selected mantras are devoid of specific meaning, allowing the mind to effortlessly transcend surface-level thoughts and access deeper levels of consciousness. Each mantra is chosen based on its unique vibrational qualities and its ability to resonate with the individual practitioner.
Selection of Mantras
The selection of mantras in Transcendental Meditation is a precise process guided by trained TM teachers. Mantras are chosen based on their suitability for inducing a state of transcendent awareness and their resonance with the practitioner’s unique physiology and temperament. Each mantra is a unique sound vibration that facilitates the mind’s journey towards inner silence and expanded awareness.
Silent Repetition
During Transcendental Meditation, the mantra is silently repeated in the mind with effortless ease. The silent repetition of the mantra serves as a focal point for the mind, allowing it to settle into a state of profound stillness and inner peace. This effortless repetition effortlessly transcends the boundaries of thought and allows the practitioner to experience pure consciousness beyond the fluctuations of the mind.
Benefits of Mantra Meditation
The practice of Transcendental Meditation with mantras offers a myriad of benefits for holistic well-being. Regular practice has been associated with reduced stress and anxiety, improved cognitive function, enhanced creativity and problem-solving abilities, increased self-awareness and emotional resilience, and overall greater inner peace and happiness.
Mantras and Consciousness
Mantras are believed to have a profound effect on consciousness, helping practitioners to access deeper levels of awareness beyond the confines of everyday experience. Through the repetition of the mantra, the mind transcends the limitations of individual identity and experiences a sense of unity with the infinite intelligence of the universe.
Mantras in Daily Practice
Practitioners of Transcendental Meditation are encouraged to incorporate the silent repetition of mantras into their daily routine. Ideally practiced twice daily for 20 minutes each session, TM offers a practical and accessible way to experience deep relaxation and inner peace amidst the demands of daily life. Consistent practice allows individuals to cultivate a greater sense of well-being and fulfilment in all aspects of life.
Transcendental Meditation mantras serve as powerful tools for unlocking the full potential of the mind and spirit. Through their silent repetition, practitioners can transcend the limitations of ordinary consciousness and experience the boundless depths of inner silence and bliss. By embracing this ancient practice, individuals can embark on a transformative journey towards greater self-awareness, inner peace, and spiritual growth.
1. What is the purpose of transcendental meditation mantras? The purpose of transcendental meditation mantras is to serve as focal points during meditation, allowing practitioners to transcend the conscious mind and access deeper levels of consciousness.
2. How are transcendental meditation mantras chosen? Transcendental meditation mantras are chosen by certified TM instructors based on individual preferences and characteristics, through a personalized consultation process.
3. What are some benefits of practicing transcendental meditation with mantras? Some benefits of practicing transcendental meditation with mantras include stress reduction, improved focus and concentration, enhanced creativity, emotional balance, and spiritual growth.
4. When is the best time to incorporate transcendental meditation into daily life? The best time to incorporate transcendental meditation into daily life is preferably in the morning or evening when the mind is naturally more receptive. It is advisable to set aside a few minutes each day for meditation in a quiet space.
5. How can transcendental meditation mantras contribute to spiritual growth? Transcendental meditation mantras serve as conduits for spiritual growth by fostering a deeper connection with the inner self and the universe at large. Through regular practice, practitioners can embark on a journey of self-discovery and enlightenment.
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wowbliss1122 · 1 month
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“It is paradoxical, yet true, to say, that the more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense, for it is only through enlightenment that we become conscious of our limitations. Precisely one of the most gratifying results of intellectual evolution is the continuous opening up of new and greater prospects.”
Nikola Tesla
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crystalsenergy · 14 days
There is no inner healing without a transformation of consciousness at some level of your being. 🦋
Healing requires an integration of consciousness, because it is from this that every being can evolve.
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bigdatadept · 2 months
Our Illusion of Control: Beyond Free Will
Join me in exploring the intersection of science and spirituality, where free will meets destiny. Are we characters in a cosmic play, predestined yet profoundly free? Join my journey! #BeyondFreeWill
In the heart of Stanford University’s labs, neurobiologist Robert Sapolsky’s groundbreaking work peels back layers of human behavior, suggesting that what we perceive as free will might be more illusory than we ever imagined. But what if this scientific journey into the nature of human actions aligns more closely with spiritual and esoteric beliefs than we think? My odyssey, intertwining…
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shamanflavio · 3 months
Awakening is Inevitable
Destiny and mystery of life for humans, both individually and collectively: to be able to increasingly open themselves to sacred cosmic intelligence, awakening into a fully integrative, systemic, holistic consciousness (vitalism). The wise elders of our time say we are living through a “critical period,” during which humanity has the chance to leap into another state of spirit or consciousness.…
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
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It's pretty common to overlook positivity as nothing more than shallow cliches. How many times is someone going to make a 'live laugh love' poster? Positivity may even make you roll your eyes or laugh at times. (I get it. I'm not shaming you.)
But what actually is so funny or shallow about living, laughing, and loving? And why are you pretending that unicorns & rainbow doodles aren't adorable? I'm sure if I told you there was one outside right now, you'd rush to go see it.
A lot of positive phrases are expressions of enjoying life's simple blisses. Real bliss just about evades words altogether.
It's only our conditioning that has taught us to shame such candid expression of joy & childlike wonderment. Are you really going to let your opportunities for joy to be stolen like that?
All that we view is a reflection of ourselves. When you relegate a phrase as simply being shallow or meaningless, that signifies that you don't have the depth of understanding within YOU. Everything actually has multiple layers to it. It begins first by deciding to presuppose that everything is deeply important. Soon, you will view the meaning in the pain, the joy, the mundane, and the intense alike.
Allow yourself to resonate with positivity & joy. Question the norms. Stop cringing. Stop judging. Just observe & expand your view of life. Pair relaxing nervine herbs with aphrodisiac essential oils to aid you in this. Do both inner child work and shadow work. Commit to loving yourself in all of your expressions & dimensions.
Today, I'm thankful for everyone who has continued to be childlike and share their positivity. I'm even thankful for everyone who has made, bought, or sold 'live laugh love' posters. Each and every smile has been important for keeping the story of joy alive for all of us.
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Consciousness Expansion | Philadelphiapsychedelicsociety.com
Explore the realms of Psychedelic Therapy, Plant Medicine Healing, and transformative events at the Philadelphia Psychedelic Society. Connect with experienced facilitators
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