#Cause yesterday they were still active
breadsoup00 · 1 year
Someone I know deactivated while I had unread messages from them and now I can’t read them and it’s going to bother me forever
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learnandturn · 1 month
I, a student actively protesting against investment in Israel, called my grandmother yesterday. I offhandedly mentioned that I was still bruised from my run in with the cops. She was appalled. She asked me “why on earth would you be protesting?!”. I, somewhat surprised, she knows I care about left wing political causes and like, human life, told her I was protesting because I believed in the cause. She then asked me “you believe in the cause of getting rid of Jews?!?”
Of course not. I told her that I was protesting against genocide and that many of the people protesting beside me were Jewish. That our encampment held a Seder led by Jewish students followed by Maghrib (evening prayers) for Muslim students. She was so surprised. She told me to be safe and to call my mom if I got arrested.
These right wing fake news rabbit holes are so easy to fall down and get stuck in. To the extent that this very smart woman genuinely thought I was protesting to get rid of Jewish people rather than against genocide.
Good luck out there folks. Keep pushing, keep supporting Palestinians and protestors in any way you can. Call your grandma.
Free Palestine!
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exhaslo · 5 months
Corruption Ch2
(Villain!Miguel x F!Hero!Reader)
Warning: Minors DNI, smut, mentions of sex, violence, blood, murder, twisted thoughts, experimentation, language, wannabe fluff, established friendship?
Four Months Thirty Days until D-Day
A soft groan escaped your lips as you finally felt yourself come to. Fluttering your eyes open, you noticed that you were back in your apartment. Recalling what happened last, you let out another soft groan. Miguel must have been really annoyed and frustrated that you collapsed during his conversation.
Burying yourself into your bedsheets, you inhaled deeply. It was faint, but Miguel's cologne was still lingering on your clothes. Did he carry you here? Perhaps the cold hearted scientist did have a heart. Little things like this made you fall for Miguel even more.
Smiling like an idiot, you kept thinking about Miguel and his low soft voice. You rubbed your legs together and decided to pleasure yourself before calling him to apologize. Might as well enjoy this moment before he says something to ruin it.
Burying your head into the pillow, you let out soft moans as you started to touch and rub your clit. Miguel's voice repeating in your head. His little requests, stupid demands, but most of all, that teasing tone he gives you.
"How lacking. With how we pay you, this is all you can afford?" Miguel scoffed as he let himself into your room.
You gasped and covered your face with the blanket. So much for enjoying the moment. Why was Miguel still in your apartment?!
"Hm? Finally, you're awake. Do you realize I had to miss two days worth of experimenting?"
"I-I was asleep for two days?!"
"No. After you dragged me out of that mess yesterday, you collapsed and slept for one day exactly. You owe me." Miguel huffed as he helped himself to your seat. You covered your face with the blanket, hiding your pout,
"Sorry, sir. I'll make this up to you, you know I always do." You sighed, hoping he didn't hear your moans, "Um, why are you still at my apartment?"
"Why? Because I can."
Your smile never faded. What could you expect from him? Miguel always did what he wanted. Glancing over at Miguel, you could only imagine what he was thinking.
"Since you're now awake, I will take my leave. I will have my AI send you what was missed and a list of what I want done as payback. I will see you tomorrow." Miguel explained as he stood. You followed him out,
"Thanks again, Miguel. Sorry for being a burden." You apologized. Miguel glanced towards you, smirking,
"Think nothing of it. I shall let you return to your activity."
Your eyes widen as your face flustered. Miguel just let with a low, dark chuckle. He did hear you! Closing the door, you whined and felt tears threatening to spill. Miguel was far too cruel for you to handle, but hell, you still loved him.
You covered your face and ranted to yourself as you paced around your apartment. This job was going to be the death of you. Groaning at your own embarrassment, you kept pacing. After a while, you felt your shirt rising. Confused, you looked down,
"Huh? Where's my rug?" You muttered.
Looking up, you gasped, realizing that you were on the ceiling. Your eyes widen as you jumped down, freaking out about the whole thing. You grabbed your foot and stared at it, wondering how you managed to walk on the ceiling.
The Spider.
Your shoulders hung as you immediately thought about the Spider that bit you. All of Miguel's spiders were experimented on either thru radiation or some other sick experiment. The spider that bit you caused you to faint and now possibly changed your genetic make up.
"Oh no no no. If Miguel finds out...he's never going to let me go!" You gasped, covering your face at the thought of you on the metal table next, "I can't let him find out. I need to master this."
Miguel kept his smirk until he returned to his office. He found you so amusing sometimes. Other men would probably have pounced on you as you whimpered and moaned their name, but Miguel? Oh, he was going to hold onto this moment.
Your reactions is what Miguel keeps his antics going sometimes. Perhaps one day he will indulge himself, but just knowing that you were putty in the palm of his hand was enough.
"Sir?" Some knocked against the door.
Miguel's smirk once again disappeared. Now, who dared ruin his good mood? Allowing the person in, Miguel noticed that it was one of the scientists who was in charge of finding his spiders. Another man came in with a cart, rolling the enclosure inside the office.
"We were able to find all the spiders..."
"But?" Miguel hissed as he approached the two.
"B-But...one was...one seemed to have been stepped on and perished."
Miguel found the situation funny. He held his hand out and the second scientist was quick to give him the dead spider. Some found Miguel creepy when it came to things like this. The atmosphere in the room started to feel unsettling.
"Ah, I used gamma radiation on his spider, enhancing some of its abilities. Such a shame I won't be able to use it to its full potential," Miguel said with almost a sigh.
The second scientist gasped in horror as Miguel grabbed the first scientist by the mouth. The sinister smirk that formed against Miguel's lips made the two terrified for what he was about to do. Miguel forced the scientist to sit down,
"Now, swallowing one spider shouldn't cause any harm. But, I wonder what swallowing this spider will do? You there, record what happens-"
"B-But sir, I don't have-"
"¡Inútil! (Useless)! (Y/N) would have already started!" Miguel spat and forced the scientist's mouth open, "Stop fucking squirming. You made the mess, now take your due punishment."
Screams filled the room as Miguel forced the dead spider down the scientist's throat. A roar of laughter came from Miguel as he watched the poor man try to puke or cough out the spider. It didn't take long for him to start screaming in pain and begging for mercy.
Miguel kicked his hand away, since the scientist was only making this more difficult for himself. Within the minute, blood was coughed onto Miguel's floor and the scientist was convulsing.
"How dramatic. You there, did you record the reaction?"
"S-Sir, we need to-"
"Did. You. Record?" Miguel said slowly as he glared into the man's soul.
"That's fine. Wasn't anything important. You may leave," Miguel said calmly.
Miguel scoffed slightly since he found everyone so annoying and useless. No one could pick up his sarcasm except you. Calling security, Miguel watched the monitors as the second scientist was taken by the guards and placed in his test subject room.
"(Y/N), you owe me."
It was defiantly the spider. Not long after you figured out that you can walk and crawl on walls, you also found out that you had organic webbing. You cried for a solid five minutes since you absolutely hated spiders and now you felt like one.
You "accepted" your fate as a genetically modified human, and had no choice but to live with it. Who knows what Miguel would do to you if he found out. He would be obsessed with studying you, yet jealous that he could not create what you became.
"Okay, okay. I can walk on walls, make my own webbing...I'm afraid to know what else I can do..." You muttered to yourself.
Biting your nail, you wondered what you were going to do with these new abilities. Gasping, you hurried to your work tablet and pulled up Miguel's research.
"Spiderman." You whispered.
Miguel was fascinated with the Great Hero Age. Miguel wanted to recreate some of those long gone heroes, Spiderman being one of them. Spiderman was a hero who brought criminals to justice. He helped other heroes bring down big bads like Kingpin.
As if a lightbulb appeared above your head, you immediately shot up with a plan. After mastering your new found abilities, you could become Spider woman and stop Alchemax. Perhaps you can bring Miguel over from the dark side and help him.
It was going to take a lot of time, but you had confidence. You could do this. If the original Spiderman could, then why couldn't you? It wasn't like there were crazy big bad villains like there were back in the day. Perhaps just one or two that you've heard of...
But no real Villains.
Miguel sat in his dark apartment, holding a glass of whiskey in the palm of his hand. His glare towards the city below as he thought of ways to improve humans. To enhance them and make them better beings.
"Miguel, the list is ready for me to send to (Y/N)." Lyla appeared, informing him. Miguel drank his liquor,
"Add a praise of your choosing."
"Yes Miguel~" Lyla chirped and disappeared.
Miguel resisted a chuckle as he moved away from his window. One of these days he will have a success. Laying on his couch, Miguel let out a heavy sigh. Why did everyone have to test his patience? Who cares if one or two people died?
They were sacrifices for the greater good. It wasn't like Miguel was doing this for fun. It was for science. Miguel believed that nothing he did was wrong. In fact, by the end of all of this, the world will praise him for being a Hero.
As if those exist.
Next Chapter
@tojishugetiddies @miguelsfavwife @foulsharkheart @club-danger-zone @ivkygirly @jollystrawberrycycle @amber-content @weirdothatwritess @smartyren @mangoslushcrush @nyxzoldyck6 @migueloharastruelove @chaoticlovingdreamer @sukioyakio
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plmp0 · 2 months
The Sex Love House PT 3
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Summary: Welcome to the love house where a lot of stories will infold, 7 participants will have a chance to live together in the same house for a mounth while still doing their normal activities, will they find real love in this short period? Or at least this is what ur friend want u to believe. Part 1 Part 2
Warnings: a very manipulative!jay, manipulative!sunghoon, manipulative!heeseung, ex!bf!Jake, everyone is a perv in this house, reader is clueless, shameless reader, kinda stalker reader, Siyeon (from dreamcatcher) is also part of this, this is a pure filth, explicit content.
Smut warning: hand!job, oral (f), cum eating, desperate Jake, kind of subby!jake, p in v, unprotected sex (cause it's fiction), overstimulation, a lot of teasing, i think that's it
A/N: This part was supposed to go out a long time ago but i forgot to save it and i had to re-write it again so it's not as good cause i got annoyed sorry. Also this is not proof read so there might be some mistakes and typos so yeah
It's the week-end Jake woke up today going straight to ur room knocking on ur door before entering, u were still in ur shower robe hands blow drying ur hair as he looked at u through the mirror "oh hi i was going to talk to u after i finish, we didn't get a chance to yesterday" u said upon brushing ur hair.
He noded his head eyes scanning u, u got more beautiful since the last time he saw u, he's ngl he forgot about u at some point but he just woke up one day having u running through his head, what could u be doing now? Did u get taller? Did u let ur hair grow? How many relationships have u been through? He had these small thoughts about u, but everytime his heart tries to soften to u, the memory of ur ghosting and its side effects come back to him, it was like a trauma for him, getting in the way of every relationship he tried to be in, always having doubts about the other part, not able to trust her fully, he really has abandonement issues now.
"There is no need to bring back what happened in the past" u said getting him out of his thoughts, u turned off the blowdryer approaching him eyes softening now that he is close to u, ur guilt kicking in immediatly "m so sorry for what i did, i know nothing can excuse what i did but i wasn't mature enough" u said holding his hand in urs, he cleared his throat avoiding looking at u, pulling out his hand gentely and that was enough for u to know that he didn't forget u.
U sighed feeling bad but deciding to brush off the topic "so tell me, what r u doing now?" U asked hoping to get rid of the awkwardness noting how he didn't let a word out.
He smiled shrugging "i took over my dad's work"
U smiled back remembering how sweet his dad used to be and how good he treated u "i hope he is doing fine"
"He is" was all he replied with, taking a seat on ur bed "ahh right! Do u want something?" U asked after runing out of ideas to lighten the mood, he sighed hands massaging his forhead "i just wanted to ask if u have some pain relievers"
"Ohhh? Ur head hurts?" U asked hands busy searching in ur drawer for the said pills, taking it out and handing it to him "here" he took it from u thanking u and putting it in his pocket .
U sat on ur chair facing him now forgetting that u r still in ur robe that is about to open in any second now, ur hair isn't fully dry u look so... so tempting Jake's eyes can't help but stare at u head empty only u running through it.
"U don't want the guys to know that we were together?" U asked after talking for sometime now without getting a reply from him.
He cleared his throat again " ah idk i didn't know if u'd like them to find out so i chose to not say anything" he shrugged, u smiled at him he is still considerate as always "i don't really mind but since we didn't talk about it the first time let's just keep it between us"
He smiled back wanting to stay with u longer, seeing u now in front of him again brought back his old feelings towards u.
U heard ur phone ring on the table behind u "excuse me" u let out softly turning back and stretching to get it without standing from ur seat, exposing ur bare thighs and a faint sight of ur blue panties to Jake whose eyes were boring into u tongue darting on his lower lip , he gulped hands sweating and itching to feel ur soft skin, u smiled at ur succeed attempt to get ur phone seating properly now and answering ur call, Jake's eyes didn't leave u even for a second scanning the way u pout whenever something is not pleasing u, the way u roll the end of ur hair listening to what's been said on the other line, lips smiling from time to time flashing ur white teeth, everything about u was beautiful and he miss having u for himself.
U made eye contact with him in the middle of the call mouthing a sorry, Jake only smiling at u as he waited for ur call to end (but wishing it to take longer so he can drink in ur beautiful features more).
U ended the call that was from one of ur co-workers asking u about some file u wondering why tf they want that in the week end, u sighed looking at Jake noting the way he is looking at u.
"That took longer than i expected sorry"
He didn't budge even when u waved ur hand in front of him, only waking up when he heard ur soft voice calling his name and he almost let a sound out from that "are u okay? U r spacing out a lot" u asked concerned, eyes looking at the way his adam apple boped down before hearing him gulp loudly.
He shakes his head like he was in some sort of trance head dizzy as he inhaled u r fresh smell now that u approached him " m fine dw" u sat next to him, resting ur back on the wall and he followed ur movement head titling to face u " u r still as beautiful as u were" he let out making u blush a little bit as u give him a thank u chewing on ur lips fingers playing with the hem of ur robe.
He massaged his shoulders letting out a small groan and u turned to look at him he really look so tired "do u want me to give u a massage it's gonna help u relax a little bit" u said.
And he stayed still for a minute thinking about ur offer before noding in agreement, u stood up going to take an oil u use whenever u wanna relax "come on lay down" u rushed him and he did "i think it'd be better if u remove ur shirt" u said as he removed it and tossed it somewhere on the bed, u straddled his back he pressed his face on the matress upon feeling ur weight on top of him, his body shivering when the cold oil met his skin ur hands following after, massaging his nerves skilfully, he shut his eyes his body relaxing while releasing soft groans every now and then.
U were so good with ur hands he almost fell asleep if it wasn't for the unintentional scrach he felt on his back, u just continued working ur magic ignoring the way his body squirmed, u smirked a little bit knowing exactly how he liked that, u kept digging ur nails on his skin saying a sorry with a fake pout whenever u do so.
He could feel his muscles tensing up again, his forehead now resting on his hands teeth biting his lower lip not wanting to let a sound out, but it was impossible at this point especially when u brushed ur fingers faintly over his soft spot, u knew his body so well doing the most to get a reaction out of him, ur competitive side kicking out until a moan skipped his lips making u stop ur movements immediately "ohhh?" U said mockingly leaning forward until ur lips met his ears "u r still the same Jakey" he whimpered his hips humping the mattress shamelessly making u chuckle "what are u doing?" U asked faking a confused tone as u moved from his body standing in front of him. Jake titled his head looking at u confusion written all over his face, u cocked an eyebrow at him as he didn't stop his movements his eyes boring into ur body that was all exposed for him at this point, the robe not doing any job at hiding ur skin, the small curls at the end of ur hair still wet arms crossed waiting for him to speak but he didn't, u sighed clenching ur jaw slightly leaning forward lifting his chin with ur index finger "where r u looking? My face is here" u exclaimed wanting to get something out of him but his eyes are fixed on ur lips, u dart ur tongue on them watching how his own mouth is open almost drooling at the sight of you. Jake has always been like that, everything u did used to turn him on, and it looks like nothing changed.
U chuckled softely kneeling on the floor so u can face him blinking slowely as u caressed his cheeks titling ur head and getting closer to him until ur noses touched u were planing to tease him a little bit more but he rushed kissing u like he was starving for years, his lips moving so fast tongue rolling around urs u let go of his cheeks one hand now around his neck while the other one is searching for his hair tugging slightly as he moans in the kiss.
U left his mouth panting for some air, u looked his way and u can't help the heat that went to ur cheeks when u saw him, he looked so fucked out just from a kiss coming closer to kiss u again "so eager" u thought
U kissed him again his hands holding onto ur thighs, Jake now sitting properly without breaking the kiss making u also stand and straddle his lap, u started rolling ur hips slowly his hands following your pace, his thumbs tracing circles on ur inner thighs, ur hand going from his hair to his neck applying a small pressure and he groaned in the kiss.
"Shhh" u warned him and he whined in return making u smile in the kiss as ur hands traveled to his pants, unbuttoning them and sliding them down his knees along with his boxers, he let a deep breath out his body tensing up as he waited for u to touch him, the anticipation killing him.
"Please" he managed to mutter out his dick twitching in the cold air as his head tilted backwards and a sigh left his lips when u wrapped ur hand around his cock.
Ur thumb pressed on his slit collecting the precum that is oozing from it and spreading it along his length, his grip on ur thighs tighten as his body shakes under ur touch, he moaned in the kiss the need of breathing making him part his lips slightly, his moans were so loud despite him trying to stay silent his eyes were rolling to the back of his head.
His hips started moving up to meet ur strokes as his moans increased in volume, u felt him getting close, ur thumb now pressing on his slit again teasing him by stroking the base and going to the top before repeating the same process.
"Baby" he moaned against ur lips as his hips buckled upwards his stomach and chest rising, his hands are gripping ur thighs tightly, his nails digging in ur flesh, his toes curling as his mouth parted in a silent scream the only thing coming out of his mouth was a gasp as his eyes rolled back.
His dick twitched a few times his cum landing on ur robe and his chest, ur eyes were scanning the view, his head was still resting on the bed his eyes closed, his whole body shaking still feeling the waves of his orgasm, he was so sexy like this, and u can't deny that the thought of him getting off just from u stroking him made u so turned on, u were sure that your panties were soaked wet.
He was catching his breath when he felt u getting off his lap, he opened his eyes, his chest moving up and down, his dick still twitching as he saw the mess he made.
"Fuck y/n im sorry" he said trying to grab a tissue but his body was numb and his mind hazy.
U didn't pay him any attention going straight to ur closet pretending to get another robe and discarding the dirty one on the ground.
Jake was looking at u his dick already hardening again his eyes were roaming over ur body his gaze fixated on the curve of ur ass and the way the blue panties hugged ur thighs.
He wanted to eat u alive, he wanted to make u cry out his name, he wanted to fuck u, and u wanted the same, his dick was pulsating against his stomach, and all his senses were focused on u.
U felt his stare, turning back to face him a smirk forming on ur lips as u took a step forward and his hands were instantly on ur waist pulling u down on his lap, he attacked ur neck kissing, biting and sucking on it, he didn't want to leave a mark so he didn't suck for a long time, he went lower until his teeth bit ur collar bone his hands pulling down the new robe as his lips met the top of ur breast leaving kisses and licks.
"Oh" a sigh escaped ur mouth as u tilted ur head backwards, his right hand went down cupping ur clothed pussy while his left hand held onto ur waist for support.
He started moving his fingers, drawing circles on ur clothed clit, he didn't stop the movement of his mouth on ur breast as u started grinding against his hand. Jake was like a starving man, his touches so earger, his actions desperate.
U held onto his shoulders for support as he pushed u back laying on the matress, his body covering ur smaller frame as he started sucking on ur right breast his hand moving away the panties and entering two fingers inside ur pussy making you arch ur back as a gasp left ur lips.
His fingers were hitting the right spot and he went to kiss you again, his mouth making it hard to breathe, the pleasure was too much, ur eyes were watering, and his dick was rubbing against ur thigh, Jake broke the kiss panting like a dog delivering kisses on you stomach as his thumb was circling your clit, u were so sensitive his every move was sending shivers down ur spine, he was so focused on pleasing you, and it wasn't hard for him to get the job done, it's like he has been dreaming about this for a long time, he was now on a face level with your pussy he groaned biting his lips before replacing his thumb with his tongue, a scream slipped your lips and your back arched high in the air, his grip on ur waist was bruising, he didn't want to let go.
He hummed upon tasting you his eyes closed tongue going wild making it hard for you to contain ur moans and u were sure by now that if Heeseung was in his room he 100% have heard you, his room next to urs and that just added to ur heat making u go crazy, you were close by now already worked out just from earlier, Jake's finger went deeper making you let out a cry hands tugging at his hair and he moaned upon that "Cum for me" he mumbled against your pussy, the vibrations of his voice enough to make u reach your peak.
You cried out his name legs shaking uncontrollably, head dizzy, and chest heaving, and Jake didn't stop licking on ur clit not even giving u time to calm down and recover from ur first orgasm, "No-omg" your hands went to pull him away but instead you found them back on his hair pushing his face closer, his tongue was so skilled and u can feel yourself getting close again letting out small cries , the feeling of his tongue was so amazing and u can feel your whole body burning up, it didn't take long before u came again squirting on his face this time.
Jake pulled away his lips wet, face glistening with your juices, his eyes dark, "That's so fucking hot" he muttered licking his lips and wiping his face with his hands, he was looking at you hungrily, his cock red and dripping with precum, you wanted him inside you.
"C'mon here" u said pulling him closer for a sloppy kiss tasting yourself on his tongue as you started moving your hips, both of you were a moaning mess, the need to be close was so strong.
"Jake" u moaned against his lips and he hummed eyes still closed "fuck me" you said and his eyes shot open his mouth hanging open his breath got caught in his throat, and u smiled at him softly you were always a fan of his reactions always acting like he hasn't heard these words before as if it's his first time and you were sure that he was now going crazy, ur words made him feel like his heart is about to explode.
He didn't hesitate to get between your legs, his dick rubbing against ur wet folds as his mouth went to suck on your neck, your hands went to his back leaving red scratch marks as his tip was pressing on your hole, the need to enter was strong his eyes scanning your expressions as he entered you, a satisfied sigh escaped both of you lips, you were so warm and wet around him he didn't have any energy to start slow, his thrusts were hard and rough his hands holding onto the sheets as his hips met yours with a slap, the air was filled with your moans and the sound of skin slapping, the bed creaked underneath you and you could hear it hitting the wall, it's not a surprise if u end up with a hole in the wall, and he was going so fast he didn't give you a chance to adjust his cock hitting the right spots, "fuckk you feel so good Damn" he groaned his hips moving by themselves his head dropped enjoying the way you feel around him, your hands went to his back pulling him closer wanting to feel him deeper, his chest was now touching yours, his skin was so hot and he was sweating a lot, you can see his veins popping his mouth hanging open as his forehead was touching yours, his thrusts becoming more aggressive and it was hard to catch your breath, you can feel yourself getting close for the third time tonight your stomach twisting and your eyes rolling to the back of your head, Jake's hand moved away from the sheets gripping the headboard as he was slamming into you loving how you moan his name, he was close, so close, his dick twitched inside of you.
He was so lost in pleasure he had other plans for you but he forgot about everything focusing only on the delicious feeling of you he swear he hasn't felt this good since being with you, he doesn't know why but u just enjoys it more when it's you, his thrusts were now unrhythmic moaning as his hands went to the pillow and you let out a surprised yelp when his other hand grabbed a fistful of your hair pushing your head back loving how you look for this angle ,his cock was throbbing and pulsating inside you the knot in your stomach was so tight and you could feel yourself reaching your peak, Jake was grunting his eyes shut curses leaving his lips "fuckk fuck fuck" and you could feel the tears building up so sensitive from the previous releases and it was a matter of time before both of you came at the same time, he pulled out after spilling his seeds all over your stomach.
He let go of your hair and collapsed on the bed next to you, both of you were panting your minds were blank and the air was still thick, the room smelled of sex, Jake's hair was sticking to his forehead, his chest was moving up and down, the only sound in the room was the heavy breathing. You were laying there trying to come back from the high, you looked at Jake his eyes closed, his face still sweaty and red, your eyes moved lower, his chest and stomach are covered with his own cum and he didn't seem to mind.
You chuckled "what?" He asked eyes opening to look at you.
"Look at the mess" you said pointing at his stomach, he sat up a little bit checking it out wanting to say something but he stopped after seeing you crawling, ur hands dropping his body back as u leaned down collecting all the cum that was on his body licking it up making sure to leave no trace behind Jake had to slap himself to see if he was dreaming, his eyes were bulging and his mouth was dry 'fuck you are so sexy y/n" it was too much, too many feelings all at once, it was hard to control the heat pooling in his groin and he can feel himself getting hard again, he let a deep breath out when you stopped to show him the cum u collected before swallowing it.
"Fuck so dirty" he said pulling you for a heated kiss, your tongue battling his for dominance, he was already hard again his body was aching for u and u couldn't help but rub your pussy against his shaft.
"Please" he begged, and as much as u wanted him you were sure that your body can't take anymore, already sore from yesterday and the events that took place minutes ago.
"Next time Jakey" u said pecking his lips and he whined, his hands went down to rub your pussy and u let him, u were sure that you can't do it but a few moments later u were bouncing on his cock again.
You sighed after what happened Jake stayed with your for a bit helping you move to the shower wanting to help but u stopped him wanting to relax for few minutes and have an alone time and he nodded pecking ur forehead and leaving. You took longer than intended cleaning your body lazily, you went out expecting to find a mess in ur room, ur robe thrown on the ground along with ur panties and the sheets wrinkled but instead everything was neat your clothes on the basket another sheets on the bed and that alone made your day.
Jake was sweet and caring as always and ur heart ached with guilt, ur mind was still in shock from everything but you didn't have the energy to spend a long time thinking, you dressed up wearing a long blue dress with a small slit on your left leg, drying your hair only with a towel putting on some perfume and walking out. U heard some noises on the living room and u followed finding everyone except from Jake and Siyeon sitting on the table having breakfast
Jay's eyes followed your every move his jaw almost dropping, the sight of your thighs driving him insane and it was so unfair, "wow y/n u look so beautiful" Heeseung said devouring you with his eyes and Joy nodded her head while Sunghoon didn't say a thing his eyes scanning u head to toe while stuffing his mouth with food, Joy pulled the chair next to her patting it for you "come on". She is such a sweetheart and u can't help the smile forming on your lips, you took the seat sitting now between her and Sunghoon and across from Heeseung and Jay, a small groan slipping Jay's lips when he saw u sitting so close to Hoon, his eyes were dark remembering yesterday's night but he wanted to take care of you today not liking how he let u go without helping. He grabbed ur plate putting a big amount of various food and handing it to u making u chuckle "i don't think m gonna be able to finish this but thank u" u said softly making him smile as well "enjoy, u need to regain ur energy".
Joy and Heeseung were talking about something but u can't pay attention u didn't realize how much hungry u re until u had ur first bite of food. "I thought u were going out this morning" Heeseung asked eyes not leaving ur face wondering what kind of excuse u'll make after he woke up to ur moans and you could feel ur cheeks heating up remembering the events that took place just few hours ago, u cleared ur throat shaking ur head "i changed my mind" u replied trying to avoid eye contact and laughing awkwardly afterwards, Heeseung grinned nodding his head pretending to believe u "Ahhh i see" he said. Joy's eyes roamed on the table "Where is Siyeon?" she asked particularly no one and Jay answered "She still have things to do at her house but she'll be back this afternoon"
"Where is Jake?" Sunghoon asked after a while and Jay was the one to answer him again "He left few minutes they called him from work"
U nodded, it was obvious that he didn't want anyone to find out, "How did u sleep last night?" Heeseung asked u and Jay chocked on his drink while you almost spit your food, Sunghoon who was taking a sip of his tea was now coughing loudly, Joy turned to look at him her eyebrows raised "are u ok?" She asked and he gave her a thumbs up eyes watering, Heeseung was laughing at the reaction of everyone his eyes meeting with yours and you could feel the heat on ur cheeks. "Oh my god u look like a tomato" he commented still laughing and u kicked his leg with ur feet under the table so embarrassed wishing that a black hole could swallow u and take u away from this place.
Sunghoon was now smirking loving to see u in that state remembering meeting with you yesterday when u were about to head to ur room after getting out of Jay's room sweating, face flushed and lips swollen ur robe closed messily and ur hair was in a very terrible state, u stopped at ur steps upon noticing his shadow turning to see him in front of you and u really tried to act normal but there was no point of that at that rate, so u just decided to do what u do everytime = running to ur room and die from shame! u hated that it's Sunghoon who caught u all the time and u weren't sure that u'd be able to look at him the next day but u managed to do that somehow. The table went silent again until Heeseung spoke again "i was just asking cuz it was too cold yesterday and the heating system wasn't working for me so i went to ask u if it works for u but u wasn't in ur room"
"Ahh yes" u lied "i was probably in the kitchen i got so thirsty and i didn't bring water to my room before sleeping" u mumbled, ur words beating u making Sunghoon laugh again impressed by ur ability to lie that fast. Heeseung and Jay were grinning knowingly, Joy didn't seem to understand the whole situation but she shrugged continuing what she was doing on her phone. U finished eating not daring to lift ur head again rushing to clean the table and do the dishes and u almost tripped, ur legs still sore from earlier if it wasn't for Sunghoon who catched u his hands around your waist holding you close, he chuckled his lips next to your ear his hot breath tickling you "are u still thirsty?" he whispered making u push him away chewing on ur lips, he chuckled again "just kidding watch out ur steps" he said tickling ur chin and leaving, making u freeze on ur spot questioning wtf was that about before walking out to the kitchen.
Jay followed u the thought of u doing the dishes while obviously looking tired not clicking with him, he insisted to do them instead asking u to have a rest in ur room, u sighed defeated and went back to the living room not wanting to spend ur time alone knowing that u'll just gonna be having unnecessary thoughts so u hopped on the couch laying there next to Joy who was watching some random insta reels and she smiled creating more space for you "what are u watching?" u asked her softly, Joy positioned her phone to match it with ur sight "just some reels" and u nodded watching videos with her while talking about some random stuff, u sighed the mic on ur back making u uncomfortable, "u should sit in the middle" Joy suggested but u shook your head "it's fine" you replied and Joy frowned not satisfied but she didn't say anything.
After some minutes Sunghoon walked to the living room sitting accross from you, his eyes not leaving ur body and u tried not to meet his gaze, his stare was so intense and intimidating and u wished he ignored u like earlier, "y/n" he called your name and ur heart skipped a beat it was probably the first time u heard ur name skip his lips, Joy looked at him raising her eyebrow but watching ur interaction quietly "yes?" u answered voice almost unheard and Sunghoon smiled, he loves when ur all shy and awkward with him, he cleared his throat before speaking "u wanna go on a date with me?" he asked u making ur eyes widen u certainly was not expecting this from him especially and u were wondering for a second if u've heard him correctly "uh?" u managed to let out and Joy couldn't stop herself from giggling next to you, Sunghoon didn't lose his charming smile making ur insides melt not even bothering to repeat his question, u looked at Joy for help, this situation almost awkward, she was smiling at you encouraging you to give him an answer, "umm... sure" u said after some moments, Sunghoon was waiting patiently and he seemed happy with your reply and Joy clapped her hands excitedly "great then it's settled" she said and u could feel yourself drowning, not knowing what to do and what to expect ur face as red as Joy's phone case ur eyes still looking at Sunghoon who didn't drop his smile now smirking at u, his eyes so intense making u question ur respond "i hope i don't regret that" u mumbled only for u to hear.
This part has been sitting in my drafts for a long time sorry :( but yeah this was not how i wrote this part originally nd it really sucks that i didn't save it but yeah hope u enjoy ^^ the next part is gonna be super intense, spoiler: it'll be both Sunghoon and Heeseung focused and oh god this duo is a lot!
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vampireimiko · 11 months
omg! could you make a miguel fic were like him and reader are like mom and dad to hobie pav miles and gwen. miguel being the like strict dad n reader being the mom that defends her kids with her life n yells at him when he’s being to mean😭
protective mom mode: activate!
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warnings, none !! just the reader being protective over her kids 🦭
note, AGHHH i actually love this request sm but it's been sitting in my inbox for a while so i wanted to get it out, HOWEVER. i might add on more to this scenario and make it sillier :3
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If there was one thing everybody around Spider-Society knew, it's that Miguel was super strict and almost always being serious. He was known for being harder on younger spider people. While you were the polar opposite, you were nice and understanding, and loved to joke around from time to time. You were known for being someone younger spider people could come too.
So with that being said, the younger spider people, as in Miles, Pav, Hobie, and Gwen could always come to you for safety whenever Miguel was about to scold them. For example, just yesterday Miguel was about to get on all four of them for almost jeopardizing a mission.
"Miguel we understand what you're saying but-" Gwen started only get cutoff by Miguel who has his hands on his hips and a frustrated look on his face.
"No! You clearly don't understand! You 4 show me time after time again that you can't be trusted going on a mission together because all you do is-!" Miguel is then interrupted by YOU this time. Except this time, he goes quiet by himself. Your presence was enough to shut him up whenever he got to talking crazy. Cause if there was one thing about you, you did not play about those kids.
"Miguel, leave them babies alone! They ain't did nothing wrong!" You intervened, not letting him get in another word of scolding in. Miles and Hobie couldn't help but stifile a laugh at your intrusion which caused Gwen and Pav to bump shoulders with the two while also trying to stop themselves from laughing.
Miguel's eyes narrowed at your interruption, a mix of frustration and resignation evident in his expression. He knew better than to argue with you when you adopted that protective stance towards the 4 younger spider kids.
You stepped forward, placing a hand on Miguel's arm in a gesture of both reassurance and defiance. "Look, I get it, Miguel. You want to keep them safe, and that's admirable. But they're still learning, and they need room to make mistakes and grow. We were all in their shoes once."
Miguel let out a sigh, his initial frustration giving way to a more measured contemplation. He glanced at the group of 4 once more before finally nodding, acknowledging the truth in your words.
"You're right," he admitted, his tone softer now. "They do need both sides of the coin. I'll work on finding a better balance."
A collective sigh of relief escaped from the younger spider people as they realized they had been spared from a severe scolding. They exchanged grateful glances and offered you appreciative smiles.
"I know I'm right, now watch your mouth when you speaking my kids like that." You playfully said rolling your eyes. You then turned towards the group of four, "How about we go get some ice cream? My treat!"
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𝐚𝐝𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞; FINALLY GOT ALL FIVE OF MY REQUESTS DONE 🫶🏾 opening requests up tonight methinks
𝐝𝐨𝐧'𝐭 𝐫𝐞𝐩𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐨𝐫 𝐭𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐤𝐬 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐦𝐲 𝐞𝐱𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐢𝐭 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧
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matan4il · 5 months
Daily update post:
A terrorist in the PIJ (Palestinian Islamic Jihad) has admitted in his interrogation that they practiced for the Oct 7 massacre on Iranian soil. This is important to remember, that it wasn't just Hamas that committed the vicious attack on Israelis during that day, that the Islamist regime in Iran's involvement was crucial to what happened, and that Gaza was NEVER "an open air prison" as the anti-Israel crowd claimed. The above link has the vid quoted here.
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Yesterday, Golani infantry's division 36 has left a section in northern Gaza, as a part of lowering the intensity of the fighting there. A short while later, no less than 50 rockets were fired from exactly that area into southern Israel. Yoram Bitan's shop in the southern town of Netivot took a direct hit from a rocket while he and his son were still inside (pic is from this vid, where the start also shows the barrages of rockets over Netivot). They're both thankfully okay, the building absorbed most of the impact.
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Just this morning, at least 25 more rockets were fired from that area of Gaza into Israel, before IDF soldiers managed to find and destroy some of the rocket launchers that were used in these attacks (see pic with just one barrage of intercepted rockets over Israel on the horizon, Hebrew source). If Israel can't lower the intensity of the fighting, that's absolutely also because of Hamas' continued choices. Israeli civilians from the south are currently protesting against the possibility that Israel will stop the war before the complete removal of the threat of rockets being fired from Gaza.
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The IDF has confirmed yesterday that it has eliminated more than 150 Hezbollah squads since the start of the war.
I got to watch an interview with Shirley (not necessarily her real name), who was a prison guard where Palestinian terrorists were held. She was sexually harassed by a terrorist called Muhammad Atallah for 2 years. Towards the end of her service at this prison, he told her that her life is being threatened by Amjad Awad, a Palestinian terrorist, who murdered the Fogel family when he was 18 years old, together with his relative, 17 years old Hakim Awad. These are 35 years old Ruti, 36 years old Udi, 11 years old Yoav, 4 years old Elad and 3 months (!) old Hadas in Mar 2011. Amjad and Hakim were actually on their way out of the house, when they heard baby Hadas crying in her crib, returned and murdered her (Hebrew source).
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You can hopefully understand why Shirley was terrified when she heard Awad wanted to kill her, and Atallah claimed he could keep her safe, using this to try and rape her in a spot between two gates in the prison where there are no cameras. She fought back and saved herself. Atallah, who is imprisoned for attempted murder and murder as part of his terrorist activity, was put on trial back in 2022 for sexual harassment of Shirley and attempted rape, as well as for raping another female prison guard.
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But in the interview I listened to yesterday, Shirley talked about how horrified she is over the possibility that Awad and Atallah might be freed in a hostage deal, where Hamas will demand terrorists with "blood on their hands" be released.
Last night, the IDF presented the findings of an investigation into the cause of death of 3 hostages, whose bodies were retrieved from Gaza. The autopsy determined that they were NOT killed by direct IDF or terrorists fire, but the bodies are in such a state, that it's impossible to determine what did kill them.
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These are Michal and her husband Alex Lubnov.
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Alex worked as a bartender at the Nova music festival on Oct 7. He was kidnapped to Gaza. Michal is seven months pregnant. This week, she visited the site from which Alex was kidnapped for the first time. She's waiting for her husband to be freed, and be with her at the delivery room.
(for all of my updates and ask replies regarding Israel, click here)
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loupy-mongoose · 2 months
Got another long one. X3
PREVIOUS (Jamie and Cody interlude) NEXT (Not yet)
Randy let out a huge yawn. Lying on a bed unfolded from the guest room couch, he cracked open an eye to see Akoya sleeping soundly beside him. For a bit he just lay still, letting the previous day's events fizzle back into his mind as he woke.
The room had this bed that they were sleeping on, as well as a smaller bed meant for a single person. Lav could've slept there, but for tonight she'd wanted to stick close to her parents. So, the assortment of Lindens lay together all on this fold-out bed.
Aside from the bed and couch, there was a table with a couple of small armchairs set up in a cozy corner of the room.
Randy had to admit, these two (well, probably mostly Cody) really knew how to make guests feel comfortable.
After a bit, he rolled over onto his back, groaning as his body ached.
You 'kay?
The man turned to his wife. Her eyes were blinking to alertness, clearly having just woken up.
Randy smiled at her and stretched his arms. Yeah, I'm fine. Just achy. I wonder if it's from the flight here. We're not exactly used to flying... He stopped himself from saying the next bit out loud. ~~in that way.~~
A second later, he felt a rush of relief that he'd not spoken aloud, as a light rap on the door snapped him fully awake.
Hello? It's Jamie.
Midas' head jolted up at the noise and he looked around frantically. Lavender came to attention, startled awake by the sudden activity, and Momo hopped to her feet, her eyes instantly alight with a burning fury.
Akoya gently shushed and stroked her twin children's pelts. Shhhh, shh shh. It's okay guys.
Akoya sat up, wincing as her own body protested with its own aches.
After a brief psychic check in with his family, Randy shouted to the door. You can come in. We're decent. He looked at his family's sleep-ruffled heads. Well, as decent as we were last night.
For a moment, there was silence. Then the doorknob turned and the door opened.
The red-haired women entered, a small plate with a couple donuts stacked onto it in her hand.
Jamie appeared to be in a much more relaxed state, wearing a loose sleeved shirt and her hair brushed smooth and simmering--a far cry from the windswept mess it had been when she'd left them last night.
Her eyes had a rejuvenated shine to them as she carefully waved the plate. I brought a peace offering. I thought the babies might like to try them, if they've never had donuts before.
Randy looked at his twin children and felt his heart sink. Both had their eyes fixed on their host, Momo growling as Akoya held her down, while Midas' pelt was poofed to twice it's regular size.
Jamie clearly saw the warnings as well, and stretched to place the plate on the foot of the bed without getting any closer.
But she didn't leave. She stood back, her piercing blue eyes seemingly mulling over some thought. Eventually she gave a sharp sigh. I wanted to apologize again for yesterday. It wasn't right for me to demand that of you, and it ended up scaring the little ones. And... Persim? That's your name, yeah?
The orange Mew nodded, his ears folded back uncertainly.
Jamie gave a small smile, looking at the Linden parents. I'm truly sorry for what I caused you all to go through. I... never would've expected you guys had Mews in there of all things... Let alone babies... Suddenly her eyes grew distant. Although, funny enough, Cody used to keep Pari in a bag like that. Willingly, of course.
There you go!
The adults all looked at Lav, who was holding a portion of donut. She was smiling at her little brother, who had a bit in his own hands and was tentatively licking it. His expression was conflicted, apparently torn between the enjoyment of this new sweet and the fear over the strange human smiling warmly at him.
Momo, her attention drawn to Midas as well, sniffed curiously at the bite in his hands.
Here you go, Momo. You try it too! The purple haired girl handed Momo a bite as well. But as Randy expected, her first reaction was to squish her fingers into the sweet glaze.
Akoya rolled her eyes in amusement. Hhh. That's our Momo. New food always means bath time.
The peach-colored puffball looked up at her mother and lifted her little sticky hands up to her. (Baff!)
Jamie gave a light chuckle, her eyes shining. She's a messy one, huh? At least she seems to like being bathed.
(Wan baff!)
Finish your donut first, Momo. We're not gonna bathe you just for you to get messy again! Akoya poked at the sweet lump Momo had left on the bedsheet. The little Mew scooped it up and licked it
(So are they yours, Persim?)
Perzi snapped his attention from the babies up to Jamie, startled. (U-Uh, no, not those two. Rosemary is though!)
Jamie's eyes glimmered humorously. (I take it she's the one who gave me my newest scar?) Persim lowered his head, his ears back and giving off a wave of embarrassment. The red-haired woman waved her hand dismissively. (Don't worry about it, really! Young Pokemon don't always know how to handle new locations or people. I totally understand. If biting me helps her adjust, she can keep doing it. It didn't exactly do much damage. Momo can too, if that's what it takes)
Momo lifted her head questioningly, but Randy placed his hand on her back in case she tried anything. I'd rather they learn to keep their teeth to themselves, Jamie.
Jamie nodded. I'm sure they will someday. Then, she stood up straight, as if punctuating their discussion. Now, I'm sure you all have business you'd like to do. I'll leave you to it.
She gave them a curt nod, and turned to leave the room.
Jamie, hold on a moment, please. The short woman turned to him, eyes shimmering with curiosity. Is Cody up? We... have something else important we need to tell you both, but we'd rather do it all at once.
Jamie narrowed her eyes. No, he's still asleep... I could wake him.
Randy and Akoya looked at each other once more. It's... probably better if you let him wake up on his own... He really shouldn't be half asleep for this....
Later, the Lindens and Rennards gathered together in the living room.
Cody let out a yawn. I hear you have something to tell us? He seemed tired still, and Randy couldn't help wondering if Jamie had woken him after all.
One more time, the two parents met eyes before turning seriously back to their two hosts.
Pari suggested we tell you this, but... Nobody else can know, alright?
We are...
Not actually humans...
Before the others could respond, Randy transformed. With a hard look, Akoya followed suit.
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Have... have you not seen Nico? I'm... a Mewtwo... like him.
Jamie eyed Lavender in absolute curiosity, crossing her arms before speaking.
We've... never actually met Nico... The Lindens all looked at her in surprise. Jovie talks about him, but he keeps to himself, and she's never told us what he is. Is that... like... Mew number two?
The Linden parents looked at each other.
Uh... We weren't expecting to have to explain Mewtwos...
Well, there's only two, that we know of... Nico, and Lavender.
Both of them were experiments, created by humans, uh... messing with Mew DNA...
Cody appeared thoughtful, his expression soon turning soft. It's no wonder you want to reconnect with him, if he's the other of your kind...
Jamie, meanwhile, had paled a bit, and her eyes seemed distant. Cody looked down at her, his brows creasing in worry. Jamie? You okay?
Her gaze snapped up to him briefly before fixing back onto the Lindens. She breathed in sharply. Yeah, yeah... Just... trying to take it all in...
Randy looked at the two humans, bowing his head. We're sorry for this... oddness...
Hey, it's nice to know there are more Mews out there! Cody gave them a warm smile. Let alone a family of them! He looked at Pari, who met his eyes before nuzzling his face. She settled on his shoulder, purring as he rubbed her cheek fondly. ...I always thought Pari was one of the last, if not THE last, until I met Jovie... As far as I'm concerned, you're welcome to stay as long as you need to!
Randy smiled at him in thanks, but flicked his ear as Akoya spoke beside him, a hint of the venom from the previous day seeping into her tone.
What about you, Jamie? Are you still open to us staying?
The red-head snapped to attention, having once again lost focus on their discussion. Er--Y-yeah, yes, of course...
Randy felt a wave of uncertainty at her response, and could tell that Akoya felt the same. But nonetheless, he smiled at her. Thank you both very much! He transformed back to his human form. We'll do our best to not cause trouble... As much as the kits will allow, anyway.
Jamie looked toward Persim and the kittens, Lav having joined them as well. She turned back to Randy and smiled, though she didn't speak, and he noticed she still seemed distracted.
Cody gave them one more wide grin. It'll be a pleasure to get to know your little family!
PREVIOUS (Jamie and Cody interlude) NEXT (Not yet)
Pari complimented Akoya specifically because she wasn't expecting to see a blue Mew, lol.
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wandasfifthwife · 3 months
a quiet mind is the devils playground
—ceo!wanda x fem!reader
tw: hurt/comfort, reader is described to have a form of toxic friends/bullies before, reader is described to have bad social anxiety, mental health spiral, angst w/ happy ending, crying, mentions of break up, Wanda is kind of snappy for a moment but apologizes :)
a/n: not proofread, I wrote this in like 40 mins lol— enjoy :)
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Yesterday it feels like you had only just met her when you’ve known her for five years, plus three years of dating. What also feels like it was only yesterday, was knowing friends who cared to make it feel like it was hard to breathe, causing you run into the bathroom to try and compose yourself.
It’s years past, but your mind cannot forget the feeling. At any moment where it feels like history is about to repeat itself, you run away.
Wanda had stayed, helping you with your inner dialogue and discomfort with possible rejection. What she didn’t help plan for as when this feeling might be triggered by her.
Most jobs have their respective requirements to help the employee know what the expectations are if you wish to keep it. It was no different for Wanda, having a job that required the standard 9-5 as well as hours outside of work because accidents happen or something comes up.
It was accepted and expected.
You usually came and visited her during her work hours, choosing to drop by when you knew she had a moment in her schedule as well as yours. This time another woman occupied the chair you usually sat in.
“I’m sorry, am I interrupting something—I can go—“ you mumble, moving to shut the door.
“No, please come in,” the woman, you find out her name is Juli, replied, “it’s nice to finally meet you.”
She leaves a second later, telling Wanda that they’ll have to discuss it over lunch later in the week before heading out. Wanda had smiled and pulled you into her lap, asking about your day and everything else besides her felt less important in that moment.
It was a second time around that you saw her near Wanda. A hand on the counter near her, smile resting on her face as she listened to Juli explain something to her and a group of girls surrounding them. For the first time in almost half a year you felt a similar feeling stirring within you.
You wanted to run away.
Instead you didn’t. You stayed outside of the lunch room, sitting in a nearby chair and listening to everything happening around in the office. It would have been just fine to have walked in and stood by her, but it wasn’t too big of a deal, right?
Not like it really mattered in the end. She would come out eventually and walk alongside you back home. Unless it was an odd day where she didn’t and you had to walk back yourself.
The third time you felt all of the past insecurities rise when you began to stalk Juli on social media. A bigger following, trendy, beautiful, funny. The ugly feeling began to rise within you again, saying that she was going to leave you just as everyone else did before.
It caused you to cry that night, fear taking over as you wondered if your overthinking was right as it has proved to be in the past. She still came home to you. Still texted you. Nothing had changed but you. You were scared of the chance it could as it has before.
It was a rabbit hole, digging itself after one thought, one small action of seeing someone conventionally seem to have life better than yours caused you to spiral.
The fourth was going ahead and taking a day off to rest. It would help to be more active and think on the subject a bit. It would be better you thought to try again.
So you had, trying to reach out to her in multiple ways. Social, in person, but it felt stagnant as when it did with Wanda. It felt overwhelming trying to force a conversation out of her.
Were you ugly, is that why they’re not talking to you?
It was overstimulating. Three girls in front of you, all giving each other a look that made your eyes begin to burn and leg begin to shake. It felt all too similar.
You had left, saying Wanda was calling you but that was a lie. It was helpful, using it to propel you into shoving yourself out the door and going into the bathroom again.
Frustration and hurt lined your heart. You were being silly. You always overthought. You need to stop being this way, you’re causing a scene. You hate your personality.
It was spiraling again, a dry sob coming from you. Tears filled your eyes and you gasped for air. But it felt stupid, all of it so as quickly as it began it stopped. You were so close to going back out again, wanting to seek your girlfriend when the two of the three girls came in, laughing.
You had no idea if it was about you or not but you just had to be selfish again and assume their gossip was about you. It could have been about the third that wasn’t present, about Wanda— but your mind filled the blanks in with your name written all over it. You waited until you were sure they left before you too took your own leave, heading to your car and going home for the night to try and recover.
The fifth time was when Wanda had called you, voice curt over the phone asking why it feels you’ve been ignoring her. You had questioned in your mind whether or not to be honest, but you choose to keep it hidden— not wishing to worry her. It was apparently the wrong answer.
She had taken a minute to lecture you, wishing you would be more upfront and honest with her. She wished you wouldn’t lie, you did too. You don’t know why you’re this way but it caused you to tear up, the bottle inside you beginning to crack at the edges. It grew to be too much when she hadn’t stopped after almost four minutes.
“I don’t know what you want from me,” you sobbed into the phone, “I can’t be perfect. Okay, I know how much I mess up. I see it compared to other’s who have it come so easily. If you want that then why don’t you just break up with me?”
You ended the call halfway through her calling your name, hands pressing in your eyes as you again register what you just did, immediately regretting it like all of your other actions this week. It felt like it was too much. You needed time to go by, you needed to feel like you weren’t as annoying or using up so many “get out of guilt” free cards.
You don’t want her to break up with you. The thought alone had you crying again, reaching for the phone that was already ringing.
“I’m sorry,” it was the first thing that came out, “please don’t break up with me.”
“I’m not, pодная. Oh my love, how long have you been feeling like this? I’m so sorry for speaking like that to you.”
“Don’t apologize, please. I should be sorry for a lot of things.”
“You have no right to be sorry, you’ve done nothing wrong. I just spoke terrible to you, I’m so sorry, my love.”
You wipe at your face, head already beginning to ache with how hard you were just crying. You lean back into the bed, whispering for her to come home, and were pleasantly surprised when you heard her keys in the front door. She calls your name, face frowning even more when she sees you.
“I was able to get off work earlier today. When I called you earlier I was going to call and ask if you wanted to do something together but instead I took my stress out on you,” she says all of this while coming and resting beside you.
Your hand wraps around her waist, head comfortably on her chest, “I’m happy you’re back. Can we sit in silence? I don’t feel like talking.”
She hums, closing her eyes and rubbing small comforting circles onto the palm of your hand. You closed your eyes, shutting off another set of tears when you thought that this moment could have possibly never happened again. You shut it all off as you drifted asleep, smiling when you feel her kiss your head.
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changes · 10 months
Friday, August 4th, 2023
🌟 New
The regular crab checkmarks and rainbow crab checkmarks from Crab Day are now available in TumblrMart!
We’ve expanded Tumblr Live to more countries! Check out this Staff post for the latest update.
For those of you seeing the experimental new desktop site layout, we’ve made the Account & Settings submenu behavior a little more predictable: they now stay in the state you put them in (expanded or collapsed) as you navigate within the site.
We’ve removed the per-blog submenus from the main navigation in the experimental new desktop site layout. Clicking a blog will still go straight to its blog page, where you’ll still find links to blog subpages like Queue and Drafts in the sidebar on the right.
We’re continuing to declutter the Account menu on web, and find better homes for some of the items there. This time, we’ve moved the Help Center link to be with the footer links, which you can find resting at the bottom of the sidebar (on the desktop layout) or at the bottom of the navigation drawer (on the mobile layout).
On web, the drag handles for reordering blogs are now visible regardless of whether or not you’re hovering the blog with your cursor. However, they are still hidden on devices that report a touchscreen as the primary pointing mechanism.
🛠 Fixed
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personasintro · 8 months
Mutual Help | #15
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𝐛𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐫 𝐜𝐫𝐞𝐝𝐢𝐭: @kithtaehyung
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↳ 𝐬𝐲𝐧𝐨𝐩𝐬𝐢𝐬; in order for you to pretend to be his girlfriend, he helps you with your sexual desires ⏤ he calls it mutual help
⇢ 𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: jungkook x reader
⇢ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: fake dating au, fluff, angst, smut, slow burn
⇢ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: explicit language
⇢ 𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.6k+
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⇠ 𝐩𝐫𝐞𝐯. | 𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐞𝐱 | 𝐧𝐞𝐱𝐭 ⇢ 
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"Coffee?" Is the first thing you hear when you finally find the courage to peek out from Jungkook's bedroom.
No lie, you were a little bit worried when you woke up and he wasn't next to you. It didn't ease any of your nerves of what this morning will look like. However, you're pleasantly surprised when you see Jungkook completely energized, staring at you with a joyful glint in his eyes. You almost forgot how much he likes mornings.
Thinking about his question, you're not the one who craves coffee as the first thing in the morning but considering your current state of a mere tiredness, you might need it.
"Sure, sounds good." you answer, watching him as he turns around and quickly goes to pour you some into one of his black cups.
It's not like you slept badly, Jungkook really did his number on you, so you were out as soon as you took a shower and laid down into his fresh sheets. But your dreams kept being weird, mostly including your best friend and his ex while you were in the middle of it.
He sends you a glance, staring as you carefully sit down on one of the stools and you notice the same cocky smirk you saw yesterday like dozens of times. Showing him your middle finger, he throws his head back laughing at your reaction but doesn't tease you about it. Maybe it's the fact he's seeing your confused slash tired state.
Taking notice of his naked back, obviously shirtless because this man has no mercy on you, and black sport shorts, you stare at him.
"What were you doing?" you ask him, seeing the ends of his hair wet while a familiar scent of his shower gel reaches your nose, mixed with coffee smell.
"I was doing a quick morning workout and then I had to take a shower. Did I wake you up?" he turns around, placing a cup of coffee in front of you as a quiet 'thanks' resounds from you.
Ah, that would explain the dumbbells on the floor in his living room.
"No," you shake your head, not even remembering if you've heard the water running. When you woke up, everything was silent and there was only a little bit of rustling when you finally stepped out of the bedroom. "I can't believe you work out in the mornings."
"Well, it's just a light one. I'll probably go to the gym in the evening." he shrugs, causing you to shake your head with a soft grin.
"I couldn't do any of that. Not in the mornings for sure." you admit.
Jungkook has always been very active and kept himself busy most of the times. The guy loves playing games since he was a teenager, but still chooses to work out or work on some photos instead, well most of the time. And you're a complete opposite of that. It's not like you're lazy, but you like to rest and take breaks between a busy schedule and work.
"That's the difference between you and me, baby." he beams, cockily arching a brow at you as you snort.
To say you're very pleased by this morning is an understatement, considering all the irritating thoughts you had during the night. It's nice to know there hasn't changed anything between you two and you can still joke around with each other, even if the jokes are different this time. Less friendly and more sexual, not that you mind it. At least your hormones are taken care of.
"I gotta ask though. Have I crossed any lines yesterday?" he asks, his expression changing to less cocky and amused to a serious and worried one.
Frowning, you shake your head. "Of course not. Last night was perfect." you remind him, causing him to slowly nod but he still doesn't look convinced.
Just as you're about to question the look on his face, because it certainly seems like he wants to say something else, he beats you to it.
"I'm glad you think that," he smiles, but it's long gone before he closes his eyes for a brief moment, encouraging himself to voice out his thoughts.
It's interesting to see him finding it hard to speak up, since he's usually the one who has to say something. And for some reason that makes you nervous, or what he's about to say to be precise. Naturally, you're trying to mask it by taking a sip from the coffee he poured you.
"But I was talking about me calling you a slut."
Just as soon as you hear that one word, the coffee gets stuck in your throat and you almost choke on it. Luckily, the liquid comes down your throat and you're left coughing through it.
"Fuck," you curse, glancing at Jungkook who stares at you with wide eyes.
"Are you okay?" he asks gently, a complete opposite of the Jungkook he showed you last night. It's hard to believe it's the same person. Because the man standing in front of you, staring with a worry in his big eyes is your best friend. The one you've known for years and it makes you realize that it really is like almost nothing changed. Except he fucked you last night, but it doesn't even feel like it right now.
"Yeah, sorry. I just wasn't expecting that," you admit, giving him a light smile when he doesn't seem to be convinced. "To be honest, I liked it. I wasn't offended or anything, if you're thinking about that. I've never thought I'd be that person who likes such things, but it felt right at that moment." you explain yourself, noticing how his shoulders relax.
"Okay, that's good. I just had to check with you."
That's right. It was just a few days ago when you were thinking about the whole BDSM stuff and degrading kink. You're not sure if you like it, but Jungkook didn't get too far with it. Rather than dwell onto it some more, you're more curious.
"Thanks for checking with me," you smile, seeing him do the same in return. "Is that like, your thing?"
"What? Calling someone slut?" he chuckles.
"Well, yes. Is it like something you did with Kiko?"
It's a very sensitive topic to talk about her, maybe not in general but definitely if it involves their sex life. You were never curious about that, there never was a reason to be but now that you've seen a whole new side of him, you just can't help but be curious about it.
Judging by his reaction, which is a mere shock that disappears in seconds, considering you just brought up Kiko all of a sudden, he didn't expect you to talk about her. Especially not asking something like that.
"No," he answers, poking the inside of his cheek. He looks hot, turning his head to the side for a few seconds, giving you a perfect glimpse of his sharp jawline. "I've never done that. I don't know what came over me, maybe it was those drinks we drank yesterday." he says, trying to joke which causes you to chuckle.
"Well, I was just curious. It's nothing deep. I'm sorry if me bringing her up affected you." you apologize, taking another sip of the coffee before you stand up and walk up to him.
He watches you, the corner of his mouth twitching before he smiles down at you. The scent of his shower gel is much stronger now and fuck, you hate that it's one of your weaknesses. Plus, he always smells good even when he's not wearing any cologne.
"No, it's fine. I know how curious you can get," he teases you, poking you in a rib causing you to push onto his shoulder but he barely budges. "But really, it's okay for you to ask. I know it's not something we've talked about often before, our sex life I mean... but now that, you know, we got intimate I think it's understandable to be curious about those things. We need to get to know what the other likes and dislikes."
Well, his words definitely make you relax more than you expected them to. And you're glad he wasn't offended or affected by you mentioning Kiko and his sex life. After all, he's still trying to win her back and he's heartbroken about their breakup.
"Are you hungry?" he asks you, playfully nudging you to your shoulder causing you to stumble from the sudden impact.
"No, I'm not really hungry." you shrug, knowing it'll take you at least half an hour to feel hunger.
What you don't expect is for Jungkook to suddenly grab you by your thighs, picking you up with so much ease, like you weigh nothing.
"Jungkook!" you exclaim, clutching onto his broad shoulders while he sets you on the kitchen counter. "What the hell are you doing?" you laugh, slapping his naked chest.
It's quite a tricky situation because his chest feels too nice, wanting you to touch it some more and feel his muscles but you quickly retract your hand away.
But he drops to his knees causing your mouth to drop, your eyes bulging out as he laughs at your expression.
"I'm about to have my breakfast." he tells you, reaching for the black boxers that you're wearing, the ones he borrowed you since you had nothing to sleep in.
"You're disgusting." you say, although you don't sound disgusted at all.
Even he can tell, arching a brow at you when you don't protest as he pulls down the boxers, exposing your heat.
"Am I?" he questions, not really wanting to hear your answer. But that's okay, you're speechless anyway. "Now spread those pretty legs for me."
And you do, feeling his mouth enveloping your still throbbing lower lips from last night. The slurping sound of his mouth and your juices are the only thing you can focus on.
Maybe this morning isn't that bad.
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"...and then, I was like 'no way, you can't say that to your parents' but honestly, god, I wanted him to say it. They can't push us into giving them a grandchild when it hasn't even been a year since our wedding!"
Silently sipping the herbal tea you've made for yourself, you listen to Ava venturing about her weekend. You've known her ever since you started to work in the company which is about two years now. In times like these, you admire how vocal she is about her personal life in front of everyone. Well, maybe there isn't everyone but there are at least five more people in the circle who listen to her.
There is a round of understandable hums that your colleagues give her, and you don't react in any particular way. Busying yourself by slowly sipping the tea sounds much better, although it doesn't last for too long when your phone starts to vibrate in the pocket of your slacks. Jungkook's name flashes on the screen of your phone and you silently excuse yourself, but no one barely pays you any attention, too nosy about Ava's weekend and family drama.
"Jeon," you speak up as soon as you accept the call, hearing him chuckle on the other line.
"Hello my bestest best friend." he beams, causing you to snort in response.
Okay, he definitely wants something from you.
"What do you want?" Your knowing tone doesn't go unnoticed by him and you hear him laugh.
"Ouch, can't I just call you to see how your day's going?"
"You never call me in the middle of the day." you point out, chuckling at the end to make sure you don't sound too snappy.
"Are you free to talk?" he asks, ignoring your point as you sigh.
"It's my break time." you answer, wondering what this call is about.
"Well, I completely forgot to tell you that Jimin talked to me at the wedding and he mentioned something about a camping trip. I completely forgot about it but he just called me and wanted to check in if we wanna go." he explains.
Camping trip sounds nice. You definitely need to get out of the city and spending some time in nature just seems to be a good idea.
"I'm in," you tell him, hearing him exclaiming a small 'yes!' of excitement that makes you smile. "Who else is going?"
"Well, Jimin and Taehyung for sure. I think they asked Hoseok as well, so he might be coming as well and I think he's bringing a few friends of his."
"Oh, so more people are going, right?" you check in.
It's not like you mind it. To be completely honest, the mention of Hoseok did settle a weird feeling inside of you but it's gone as soon as it appeared. You can't be looking over your shoulder forever and he apologized, so he shouldn't be in any trouble anymore.
"I think so. I'm not sure yet though," he mumbles, "But I'll probably take my car since Jimin's smaller and I think Hoseok is taking his. We all should fit in two cars."
"Okay, when are we supposed to go?"
"This Friday."
This would be the second Friday that you don't get to spend fully home, but you're not mad about it. Your work has been kicking your ass lately and you being home alone doesn't help that much. Not even when you constantly text with Jungkook.
"Okay," you agree, feeling a rush of excitement.
It's been a long time since you went camping. The last time you experienced that amazing smell of nature and quiet place was when you were about ten. Your uncle used to bring you and your cousin to the nearby lake where he went fishing and you both helped. It's a very precious memory from your childhood.
"Jungkook?" you ask, hearing him hum in response. "Is Kiko going?"
Is he asking you to come because she might be there? He mentioned something about Jimin wanting to go camping and surely, he wants you there as well. You just can't help but think this is all just a part of your deal, even though there's a huge part of you screaming at you for even doubting Jungkook.
"I'm not sure, I didn't ask Jimin," he answers, causing you to feel guilty for doubting him. "Will there be a problem if she's going?"
It's a simple question, yet it makes your heart shiver with an uncomfortable feeling. He doesn't sound angry, surprised or anything similar. He actually sounds neutral and genuinely curious.
"No, no, of course not. I was just curious. We've to pretend in front of everyone anyway." you tell him quietly, making sure none of your colleagues can hear you.
It's not like they know Jungkook or you to the point they could reveal your little secret. It's not that, but you still like to think it's better if no one knows.
"I'm sorry," he blurts out all of a sudden, surprising you. "You probably want to enjoy this trip but you can't when we'll have to pretend."
You almost pout at his words, causing you to feel like a douchebag for even saying anything in the first place. "No, Kook. That's not what I meant. It's fine."
"You sure?" He sounds doubtful.
"Sure, it was just a loud and innocent thought. I didn't mean it like that." you assure him before you hear him let out a sigh.
"We're gonna have a great time. Promise." he assures you this time, your lips stretching to a wide smile.
"I know we will."
And the smile stays on your lips for the rest of the day. No matter how this trip will end up, you know you're going to have a great time with Jungkook. You can't remember the last time you went on a trip with him and whenever it comes to Jungkook, there is always fun and great memories to come.
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alexa-fika · 5 months
Whatever you do is going to be good anyway
But the scenario am picturing is in Marineford
Winged Reader is with Mihawk and he's hiding but during the chaos he finds himself hiding in the Whitebeards ship
And when they save Ace the escape with Mihawk's son And they try to help him go back to Mihawk
But if you want to change anything that's okay
Enemies yesterday, Babysitters today ( Whitebeard pirates x male!oDracule!child!reader)
A/N: Okay yall I honestly might revisit this later and add more wholesomeness to it cause im not completely content with the level it has right now, but you tell me does it make you kick your feet?
Dividers by @/saradika
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“Gurararara Ace, how are you feeling?”
"Doing good pops, still mad my jolly Roger got erased,” he grumbles
“We can do the tattoo Again; just be glad you are only missing that and not your life; you were almost a goner there.” Marco sighs
“Fair enough, still stings when I look in the mirror, though,” he mumbles
A crash sounds across the ship as what sounds like boxes and a scream echo from the storage room of the Moby Dick
“We might have a stowaway…” Marco notes
“Is it one of the bastards from Marineford?” Jozu growls, activating his devil fruit
“Be Careful, Jozu, we do not know who we are dealing with here,” Izou says, pulling out his guns
“Don’t even think about it, Sir; you are still healing,” One of the nurses comments, looking towards Whitebeard, who grunts in response
“We’ll handle it, pops; I don’t mind a little exercise; I’m bored, and if it is one of the bastards, I need to let out some steam,” he says, walking towards the storage room; the rest of the commanders, following behind him
“Whoever they are, they should be able to hold their own if they managed to make it on board,” Thatch says, his eyes lighting up with a twinkle.
“I wonder what they would be doing in the storage, though…”
“It’s probably a marine stowaway; probably best to show him some rough treatment,” Vista says as he smirks, rubbing his hands together in anticipation.
“Come on out.” He calls our
Ace kicks the door open.
“Alright, whoever you are, speak now or forever hold your peace,” Ace says, grinning
“If they don’t answer, then we’ll have to find them ourselves,” Marco says as he begins to activate his power
Ace walks ahead and peeks into the corner where the commotion could be heard from, and he stills, making gestures to their fellow commanders to lower their weapons as he kneels down
“Ace, be careful; a wounded man is still a threat, especially the ones trying to hide,” Marco states as walking next to the second commander
“Don’t lower your…guard.” he stops glancing at their stowaway
“Pop’s is going to love this one,” he mutters, turning back to the rest of the commanders
“It’s a kid”
“What, is this someone’s kid? A stray?” Izou questions, looking down at the stowaway
Reader glances between all the men staring him down, inching back and trying to make himself smaller, covering himself with his wings
“Kid, what brings you here ?” Ace says with a soft voice,
“How were you able to get on board? How long have you been hiding for?” Ace says as he sits on his knees to meet the kid's height, looking at him directly in his eyes
Reader glances at Ace for a second but lowers his face and tries to dig himself deeper into his caccoon between his wings
“He's scared, a very brave kid, that one, I would be too if I was in this situation.” He says, smiling kindly at the stowaway,
“Hey, it's ok, you're safe now.”
“Wait.. you’re, you're the kid that was with Hawkeye when we were dueling,” Vista states, taking a closer look at the winged child
Reader looks up at that
“You know, Dad?” He mumbles
“Oh yes, yes, we know who he is,” Vista answers as he gets on his knees beside Ace.
“What are you doing on this ship, kid? You know this isn’t the type of lifestyle for someone as young as you?”
He unfurls himself from His wings slightly
“I -I left the raft. Dad told me to stay on the raft no matter what, but I thought he was going to get hurt, and then Uncle Shanks came, and I got scared they were going to fight again,” he rambles on
“I think we finally have the story here. That sounds like an adventurous kid,” Ace says, rubbing his brow in thinking
“A bit brave and reckless, too,” he adds on
“He’s definitely got a good head on his shoulders,” Izou says approvingly of the boy
“Okay, you ended up on the battlefield because you got scared for your father, but how did you end up here in the Moby Dick.” Inquires Marco, looking down at him
“Everything was confusing; there was so much going on, so umm, I kinda ended up here..”
“Aww, Kid, we’ve all been through times like that; I’m sure your father will be grateful you at least took the initiative to get to him,” Thatch says with a smile.
“But, you can’t just board a pirate’s ship and expect them to be kind; you might not be as lucky next time,” he says, kneeling down in front of him
Marco sighs
“let’s bring him out to Pops; we’ll talk about what we’ll do from there.”
“Yes, I think that’s enough questions for now; I don’t think this kid needs a full-on interrogation just yet,” Vista adds.
Reader gets up hesitantly and approaches Vista, stretching his up, opening and closing his hands
Vista chuckles, lifting the child and putting him on his hip
“Are you really Hawkeyes kid?”
He nods
“Are you friends with Dad?”
“Not exactly…I mean, we know each other and have fought before…” Vista trails off, slightly unsure of what he wants to say
“There’s…mutual respect between us, but we have found ourselves on opposite sides on the battlefield.” he says, mulling over his words, trying to define their relationship best not to alarm the small child.”
“Regardless, we will help you return to your father; do not worry.” Ace states
“What are your names?”
“I am Vista of the Flower Swords”
He gestures at the group
Portgas D. Ace.”
“Jozu of the Diamond”
“Marco the Phoenix”
“Thatch, Head of the Ships Cooks
Flintlock Pistols Izou.”
“Geez, Vista, No need to be so formal.” Thatch sighs
Reader smiles, his wings flapping happily behind him
“Im Dracule Reader, umm Reader from Papa!”
“Reader? What an interesting name for a little boy.” Izou says with a slight chuckle
“This is Pops, Whitebeard, the captain of this ship,” Vista says, walking in front of said man
Reader awes at the man fluttering out of Vista’s hold and up to Whitebeard
“You’re big! You’re bigger than the humandrills at home!” He says, circling around him
“I was wondering who was making that ruckus; what brings this brat here,” he says, glancing at the flying boy
“He said his name was Reader, Dracule Reader,” Marco said, glancing up at both
“Dracule? What is your relation to Hawkeye?”
“That’s Papa!”
“Hawkeye is your father?” He says, looking over to Marco, who nods
“Vista confirmed it; he saw this one lingering around the battlefield close to Hawkeye.”
“That is correct, pops; the little one is Hawkeye's son,” he says proudly, pointing at Reader
“We found him hiding in the storage room.” Marco clarified
“He said he followed his father into the battlefield but lost him in the heat of the battle,” Vista says, explaining the circumstances as to how Reader found his way to Whitebeard's crew
“I see, in that case, Bring me a Den Den Moshi,” Whitebeard says to one of the nurses next to him
“We’ll get into contact with your father.”
“You’ll help me get back? But Mister Vista of the Flower swords said you were fighting with Dad.”
“Yes, your father and we are on opposite sides; however, your father was just following orders from the Marines, and regardless if he was an enemy or not, you are not. I know the pain of losing a son,” he says, glancing at Ace
“Because I know the pain, I do not wish it upon anyone right now; this is not between enemies but between fathers. You were not involved in the fight, and as such, there is no need for you to suffer from it,” he grunts as the nurses bring him the Den-Den Mushi
Reader’s lip quivers
“Thank you!”
“You’re safe now, kid; we’re going to call your dad and let him know you’re safe; once we do, we can arrange somewhere to meet. You’re lucky you picked the right ship to stow away on, kid,” Marco says
“I’m sure your father is worried sick trying to find you. Don’t worry; we’ll make the arrangements to get you back to your dad,” Thatch says with a smile
Reader flies down to to where the commenders stood
“Thank you, Marco, the Phoenix and Thatch head of ship cooks.”
Marco chuckles at this
“Vista, this is why I said not to be so formal! Oi kid, no need for titles.” Thatch groans out
“Is Thatch head of the ships cooks not your name? But Vista of the flower swords said those were your names?”
Thatch chuckles
” You’re something else, kid; I like you.”
“Ah?” He tilts his head, confused
“I can see you are going to be quite the handful; Vista told you our names and Epithets, surnames in Ace’s case; you don’t need to call me Flintlock Pistols Izou; you can just call me Izou,” he comments, chuckling, along with the other commanders
”Izou’s right; we all have titles or epithets; you’ve got a good head on you, kid; how about you give it a try,” the chef said, gesturing to himself
“Umm, Thatch Cooks?”
“Cooks? Now I’m not sure if you’re messing with me or not,” he laughs
“Not quite that; try again, just one word,” he says while trying to hold back his laughter
“That’s right, see, not so hard you’re already learning.” he laughs and ruffles his head
He beams at the compliment and glances at Vista
“Haha, that’s my name, kid,” he says.
“Well done!” he exclaims happily, picking him up once again and placing him on his shoulders
Joyous giggles escape the small boy, holding onto his head and flapping his wings occasionally to keep balance until he picks up the sound of the Den Den Mushi ringing and a familiar voice coming through
“Hawkeye,” Whitebeard calls curtly
“What do you want, Shirohige? If this concerns the recent battle, I really do not have time-
“It’s about your son; he is here.”
Mihawk falls silent for a moment
“Your son stowed away on the Moby Dick; he said he was trying to escape the head of the battle and ended up in my ship.”
“Where are you?”
“We are approaching Sabaody Archipelago.”
“Very well. I will be there shortly.”
“We’ll be waiting for you,” he said, hanging up and glancing toward the child
“He will meet us at the next Island.”
Reader can’t help but laugh with relief, glad that they will see their father soon
Vista chuckles
“You’re in a better mood than you were when we first discovered you now, aren’t you?”
He nods
“Im gonna see Dad again!”
“You sure are; you just have to stick with us, and we’ll ensure you get to him safe and sound,” Ace exclaims
Vista smiles, taking off his iconic hat and placing it over the child
They giggle as the hat envelops them, and he raises it slightly to take a small peek and be able to see
Ace smiles at the gesture, happy to see the kid smile after the traumatic ordeal he’s been through
“Glad you are in a better mood,” Ace grins, ruffling Reader’s hair
“That’s good to hear, kid; I’m happy as well,” Marco adds, giving the kid’s hat a little pat before pulling it back down to cover them
They shriek cheerfully as they are once again enveloped by the hat
“Gurararara, We’ve got ourselves a live one; didn't get that from your father, that’s for sure.” he grinned as the ship pulled up to the Archipelago; it was still dark out but slowly beginning to become morning in the distance
“Hm? Isin’t that Hawkeye over there?” Thatch comments, squinting his eyes to a small raft that slowly approached the Moby Dick
“Let’s not get too close to the raft; let him approach us,” Izou says, looking towards the raft
“He won’t try anything, not with his son here, and Im sure even someone like him can tell when he is outnumbered with all of our commanders and pops here Marco says, leaning against the railing and staring at the approaching raft
Ace approaches the railing, trying to get a better view of the raft, looking to make out the figure at the front
“It is him.”
“Dad?” The small child says, peeking out from under the hat again
“Dad!” He exclaims, taking off towards the approaching raft, ignoring the calls from the pirates as he barrels into Mihawk, hugging him tightly, tears pooling in his eyes as he apologizes repeatedly.
“I’m sorry, Dad; you told me to stay in the raft, but I thought you would get hurt, and I just caused more trouble for you. I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” he cries
Mihawk stands frozen for a second, taken back by his son’s words
“No. Your apology is unnecessary. The fault lies in me for leaving you alone. What’s important is that you are back with me now.” he says, embracing him
“Look, I require you to stay by my side from now on, okay? No more running off by yourself.” Mihawk says as the raft gradually comes closer to the Moby Dick.
He nods his head vigorously, the hat too big for his head, wobbling around at the movement
Mihawk glances up at the hat and raises an eyebrow mutely, questioning his child
“It’s Mister Vista’s”
“Is that so?” he says, glancing up at the Moby Dick, spotting said man along with the commanders and Whitebeard himself leaning against the railing, watching father and son
Whitebeard’s gaze slowly falls upon Mihawk.
“You’ve got yourself a handful there, Hawkeye. But I must say, it’s good to see someone capable of putting the past behind them; such is the innocence of childhood.”
“Indeed, it is something that I have sworn myself to protect at all cost,” he says, looking back upon his son
“We meet Again, Hawkeye,” Vista says, grinning at the swordsman
“It seems we do, Vista of the Flower Swords; you have my gratitude for taking care of my son
“It was my pleasure; he is definitely something special, though,” he says with a chuckle
“Let us finish the fight we put on hold the next time we see each other; I anxiously wait to see who will come on top; the promise of that is enough payment for me.”
“Then so it shall be; the next time we encounter, we will let our blades finish what they started,” he said, preparing to return home with his son
“Ah, wait!” He said, flying back to the Moby Dick and gently placing Vista’s hat on his head once again
“Thank you, Mister Vista, thank you, everyone; I hope I can see you again! I had fun!”
“You’ll be seeing me again someday, kid, so make sure you do all you can to get stronger,” he says, lowering the child to the ground, ruffling his hair
“You’re going to make quite a fine pirate someday,” Vista laughs, ruffling the boy’s hair. “now get on back to your father and get some rest; this was a big day for you.”
“And don’t worry, kid, all of you are always welcome on my ship; just make sure next time to board it the proper way and not as a stowaway,” Whitebeard says with a broad smile
“I couldn’t agree more. Don’t be a stranger, kid!” Ace says to the pair as he watches over the kid
“You’re lucky it was us you picked to stow away with, kid; you have nothing to worry about from us,” Marco adds, ruffling Reader’s head
Whitebeard’s gaze falls upon the two once again as they bid their farewells to the kid
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Future parts with Uncle shanks? Or Maybe Whitebeard pirates babysitting?
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meazalykov · 13 days
caffeine addiction
lena oberdorf x reader
reader struggles with a caffeine addiction
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The sun peeked through the curtains of the cozy apartment Y/N and Lena shared in Munich, casting a warm glow over the room. It had been a couple of months since Lena transferred from Wolfsburg to Bayern Munich, a move they had both looked forward to. 
The couple have been together for a few years, meeting through Y/n’s German friends at Bayern since the girl isn’t German herself. Long distance for the first year was hard, but then it got easier before Lena’s move. They not only played for the same club now, but also got to wake up next to each other every morning.
Y/N stretched and yawned, her muscles taut from yesterday's practice session. In the next few days, Bayern is gonna be playing against Benfica in the last Champions League group stage game, so training was tough. 
Playing as a right back or right winger for Bayern Munich Frauen demanded peak physical condition. The girl has scored the most goals in the club (this season) so far, but she is still expected to keep them coming throughout the season. Nobody doubts y/n on scoring in games. 
Y/N thanked herself for maintaining a fit, athletic body. Her strict diet, mainly consisting of protein and grain, plus rigorous workout routines, were a testament to her dedication. Sometimes, she overworked herself (according to Lena, Sydney, Sam, and Tainara) but she knows how to bounce back. 
Except from that one indulgence she couldn’t resist: her morning iced coffee. 
Each day, without fail, she had to have her  small iced coffee with a pump of vanilla and a dash of light cream. It was the pick-me-up that jump started her day. Last season, y/n was late to training due to her need of having caffeine to keep herself awake and active.
“Y/n *laughs* Come on, we are gonna be late!” Lena looks over to see y/n’s hand covering the top of her cup, swirling the contents in the iced coffee together. 
“One second, sorry!” Y/n said and took a few big “gulps” of her iced coffee. Lena had started to notice a pattern with her girlfriend. She wondered if y/n had a caffeine addiction that needed to be talked about. 
“They have coffee in the lounge room over at Bayern, you can grab some there.” Lena said, smiling as she noticed her girlfriend place the coffee on their kitchen island before grabbing her black nike bag, filled with necessary football things. 
“The brand they use to brew their coffee is gross. Plus they don’t have sugar free syrup, just plain packets of sugar or stevia.” Y/n and Lena laughed as they left the apartment, locking the door and quickly headed to training. 
By 4 PM, without fail, Y/N would crash due to the caffeine high wearing off. Lena will chill on the couch as y/n falls asleep with her head in her lap. Y/n’s groggy state left her in need of a nap every-single-day she has coffee in the morning. While naps were common for athletes, the inconsistency in Y/N's energy levels was concerning to Lena. 
Lena put in a google search into her phone that evening, “can coffee cause you to get tired earlier?” and google confirmed to her that it did. 
So the next morning, as Y/N in her comfy PJs sipped her iced coffee at the kitchen counter, Lena hugged her from behind. Y/n sunk into the feeling of her girlfriend’s fit arms around her waist, forgetting about the iced coffee on the counter and holding her hands on top of Lena’s instead.
“Baby, we need to talk about your coffee habit,” Lena began, her whispered tone was serious yet loving. “I’ve noticed how you crash every afternoon due to this. Maybe you should consider cutting back a bit.”
Y/N looked at her cup, then turned her head to look at Lena who still held her. “I know it’s not great, but it’s hard to function without it. I need it to wake up– and for an extra boost of energy at training.”
Lena squeezed y/n’s hand in hers reassuringly. “I get it, but I worry about you. The crashes aren’t good, and this can’t be healthy in the long run. Let’s try to cut back gradually, see how you feel?”
Reluctantly, after thinking for a few minutes, Y/N agreed. 
The first day without her iced coffee was rough. By midday, y/n was battling a pounding headache and a growing sense of anxiety. Lena knew these were withdrawals from caffeine. Luckily, it was their day off before they had to play against Benfica. But Lena stayed close, offering support. “It’ll go away soon, Schatz,” Lena said as she gave y/n some medicine, helping her take a sip of cold water that she grabbed from their fridge. .
The withdrawal symptoms were intense. Y/N felt irritable and on edge, her body craving the caffeine it had grown dependent on. But with Lena’s unwavering support, she pushed through. Lena would grab medicine, prepare some herbal teas she found helpful through the internet, and offer distractions, anything to help y/n.
After their win against Benfica in the last group stage (thanks to a brace from y/n) sending Bayern to the quarter-finals to go up against Chelsea, Y/N found herself feeling more energized throughout the day. 
It was the evening and Lena relaxed on the couch after a long day of training. Y/n was in the kitchen preparing herself a salad when she looked over at her iced coffee “station” she made a long time ago. Making a note to herself to get rid of it to make space for something else eventually, Y/N joining Lena on their couch with a grateful smile. 
“You know, I feel a lot better.” Y/n randomly says as she looks ahead at the TV, which shows the men’s el clasico match live. Cuddling on the couch with y/n laying on her body, Lena looks down at y/n confused. 
“Feel better about what?” Lena asks.  
“I feel better about not relying on caffeine.” Y/n says. Lena smiles in admiration before patting her girlfriend’s head jokingly, “It took you some time.” 
“Hey! At least it happened sometime—Thank you for being patient with me.” 
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littleseasalt · 5 months
ok, let me be annoying about richas and forever relationship for a bit, cause, wow
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"the next day, there was only one of them. well, it was dad forever 0_0. lets say that, he was always here"
We all know Q!Forever in the first day didn't give a shit about Richas because cc!Forever legit thought it was a bot. This led to his chat bullying him and calling him an absent father, which led to him logging in the next day JUST for the sake of beating the allegations. This is how we get this clip:
"Aaaah Richarlyson!! Hi, son! Hi, beautiful~ "Dad?" How cute! That's right son, daddy came!"
Now meta wise we all can FEEL Forever's ironic tone about it because he wasn't taking RP seriously at the time, and also this is the first time Ricardão played Richas since the first day it was 01 playing Richas. In lore, though? This is q!forevers first actual contact with his son, taking care of him and doing his tasks.
...And ever since this first day, he never stopped doing it. Because Forever would log in and Richas would already be logged in. Because Forever would do 10+ QSMP streams for the grind and his only company was Richas. Which culminated on Forever being Richas' most present father ("let's say that, he was always here"):
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"he's my most present dad and the one that takes care of me the most, without him I'd be very sad"
No matter what happened, Forever was always there for Richas. Forever was there during insaneduo divorce, Forever was there when Felps got Felps'd, when Cellbit went as a martyr. Forever was there when Richas' dad's kept disappearing one by one. When Pac got kidnapped by the code, Forever and Richas IMMEDIATELY hugged each other, desperate about how their family keeps disappearing. Forever was still there whenever they thought over armor, Forever was still there despite how Richas and him were spending less time together, Forever was there to offer comfort when Richas finally opened up about what he feels when he wakes up after a Romero Richas appears.
...And now.
Richas was told of the black goo infection, but no matter how much Forever kept saying things were fine, Richas knew they weren't. He told Mike yesterday about how whenever Forever went to sleep, he would stay up to take care and look over him. And then Forever is gone, and there's this entity taking over him, threatening to hurt Forever's body to make Richas' obey. And Richas begs for BBH to be able to pull out Forever from death if things go that way. And Cucurucho shows up and takes @v@ away, and the only thing they tell Richas is that Cucurucho got him, maybe killed him, maybe hes dead, or maybe cucurucho is taking care of him.
And Richas' doubts all these options. He doubts Cucurucho is able to take care of Forever because he knows that previously cucurucho couldn't (happy pills + black goo medicine not being enough). And he doubts Forever is dead because *Forever has always been there*. That's his most active father, the one that takes care of him the most, the one that was always there for him.
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"And if mom asks me today, tomorrow... I won't believe kK"
And we just. Have Richas telling this to Tubbo about Forever.
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And I just. "he's my most present dad and the one that takes care of me the most, without him I'd be very sad"
"without him I'd be very sad"
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Rusty | Chapter 11 | S.R
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A/N - Just an FYI - the fics being posted now were finished months ago. I haven't written anything for the fandom in quite a long time and at present have no drive to do so. Once Midnight and Rusty are finished posting that will be it from me for the forseeable. Thank you for coming along for the ride.
Chapter Summary - Spencer pushes through another barrier on his way to recovery. But when a face from his past shows up out of the blue it threatens to destroy everything between the two of you.
Pairing - Spencer Reid / Fem! Reader
Category - strangers to friends to lovers | angst | smut minors DNI
Warnings - male masturbation, Spencer’s incredibly dirty thoughts, brief mention of three ways, handjobs, oral sex (f receiving) and penetrative sex (both p in v and p in a) all by way of Spencer’s imagination (Spencer is basically writing his own smut fic in his head), self inflicted wounds, talk of weight loss, swearing, arguing, yelling, tears, sad Luke, bit of a cliff hanger ending. WC - 7.6k
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Chapter 11 - All My Ex's Live in Texas
The sentiment, to be able to love someone we must first learn how to love ourselves, felt oddly poignant in this moment, as Spencer stood in his bedroom, in front of the full-length mirror tucked away in his closet. 
It wasn’t exactly a rare occurrence, he often gave himself a cursory glance before he left the lodge of a morning, giving himself a brief once over. 
It also wasn’t something he made a habit of doing. He kept the mirror inside the closet for the purposes of not having to look at himself for long periods of time. 
But this was for entirely therapeutic purposes. 
And the idea of having to love oneself before allowing others into our heart rang true in an entirely different way. 
Spencer needed to be able to engage himself physically before he could expect anyone else to do the same. 
It had been four days since his trip to Doctor Ortega’s office. In those four days the two of you had participated in a string of increasingly heavier make out sessions, three of which fervent enough to yet again cause Spencer to come in his pants, but as yet had not graduated onto anything more intimate. 
Yesterday the two of you had ridden your respective mares into Pipe Creek for Spencer to collect his new prescription and Doctor Ortega had caught him on his way out. 
She’d taken him aside and reminded him that in order to take back control of his own body, he had to truly own it himself before he frivolously tried to hand it over to someone new. 
And that’s what led him here. Standing in front of his full-length mirror, naked as the day he was born. 
The only part of his body that was concealed was his casted arm, he’d even gone as far as to remove the dressings from his bicep, thigh and stomach. 
The wounds were all at various stages of healing, scabbing over and starting to scar. They would all leave their marks upon his skin for the rest of his life, a constant reminder that he’d been to hell but was desperately trying to claw his way back. 
He focused on them for longer than necessary, trying to distract his mind from the task at hand for as long as he possibly could. You’d gone to the grocery store with Rusty and wouldn’t be back for a while. He had time for his introspective. 
He inspected each cut with a keen eye, taking note of how each brandished him, pictured what they’d look like once solid and pink against his alabaster flesh. 
This was not an activity Spencer relished. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d looked at his naked form in such a manner. It felt clinical. Yet another experiment. 
Spencer liked experiments so he tried to keep that in mind as he took himself in as a whole before slowly ingesting each individual facet that made the full Spencer Reid picture. 
Start at the top, work his way down. Cold, removed, distant. 
Still got a good head of hair, not like William. Good hair. Thick hair. No greys. Almost forty and no greys. That’s pretty good going considering the stress I’ve been under. 
Nice eyes. Friendly eyes, that’s what JJ called them. Or was it kind eyes? Nice no less. Brown with gold flecks mom always used to point out. 
Bags under the eyes aren’t so nice. When did they get so purple? I look like I’ve never slept a day in my life. 
Nose. Lips. Chapped lips, such dry lips. How does Y/N kiss me? Need to buy chapstick. Must remember to buy chapstick. 
Need to shave. Or do I? I don’t hate the stubble, it makes me look tougher. Wonder what Y/N’s opinion on it is? Maybe I should ask her. 
His eyes trailed slightly lower to his torso. 
Still so skinny. Didn’t I put on weight? Where did that go? Mom always says I look like I’m not eating. Have I been eating? When did I get this skinny?
Lost weight in prison. Couldn't eat after…my mouth was always too sore. Thought I’d put it back on. Did I lose it again? How? When? 
He raised his hand in absent-mindedness and ran his fingers along the visible bones of his sternum, protruding through his milky skin. He pulled a face and dropped his hand again, somewhat unamused. 
His eyes briefly flitted back over the cut on his left side, garnering his attention once again before flicking to his stomach. 
Definitely lost weight, but how? Hip bones are more prominent. Got one of those little v-cut muscles I was always jealous of on Luke. Did I get that from riding? It does require core strength. I’ve never noticed it before. 
He continued quickly past the appendage where his attention was supposed to be, down to his legs. He’d always had strong thighs, thick thighs but they were somehow even meatier than he remembered. 
Is that from riding too? Must be. Good legs, definitely not terrible legs. Sturdy. Load bearing. 
I’m stalling. 
He closed his eyes with a loud huff, feeling incredibly self conscious all of a sudden. Opening his eyes again he forced his gaze between his legs where his flaccid member hung in a bed of pubic hair. 
And here we are, the thorn in my side. The bane of my goddamn existence. My…
…it’s not gonna get hard if you berate it. 
He grit his teeth and stared almost aggressively at the length of flesh and muscle between his legs. 
Masturbation should not be this difficult. 
It felt forced. He wasn’t aroused, not even a little. On the occasions in his life he had turned to self pleasure, it was only because he was incredibly horny, which wasn’t a regular occurrence for him unless he was in the act itself. 
He’d never just sat and thought I’m bored, maybe I could jerk one off. What was normal protocol here? 
His new phone had the internet and he would probably be able to look up a porn site. But what porn? Spencer didn’t even know what kind of porn he liked. 
He found both men and women attractive, where would he even begin? In an ideal world, what kind of sexual desire would…oh…oh! 
He stared at his cock as it twitched very slightly, heart beat picking up at the simple thought. He kept his eyes trained downwards while he contemplated it again. 
I like both men and women, I find them equally attractive. Specifically one man and one woman so what if I could have both? 
Again he twitched, before his very eyes his cock started to swell. His mouth fell open, chest heaving with his breaths. 
Y/N and Luke? Together? And me. All three of us. Together. Touching. Kissing. Or I could just watch, I’d be pretty happy to watch. 
Again he was amazed by the sudden jerk of his shaft, swelling slowly but surely. 
Oh this could work. I think this might work. 
He wrapped his hand around his shaft without too much thought in case he might talk his way out of this. He was only semi-erect but the speed in which it had happened meant he could be fully aroused in no time. 
He kept his eyes open, trying to force himself to watch as he started his slow strokes but his mind was wandering quickly down a sinful rabbit hole. 
Standing over them while she straddles him, her bare thighs pressed against his bare thighs, taking hold of his hard cock in her hand. 
Hearing Luke moan as his Adam’s apple bobs at her touch. Her beautiful, petite hand, unable to wrap all the way around his shaft. But she tries, she tries so hard. She wants to make him feel good, wants to give me a show.
Luke’s looking up at me, his eyes blown out with lust. 
“Come closer, cariño, let me touch you.” 
Oh how I happily oblige. 
Whilst she’s stroking Luke I kneel on the bed next to them and Luke is immediately taking me in his own large hand. I moan and my head falls back against my shoulders at his touch. 
He strokes me in time with her strokes on him. The sound of flesh on flesh echoing in the room. Moans and heavy breaths. 
There’s another hand on my jaw, I look at her and she draws me in for a deep kiss. Her tongue explores my mouth while Luke’s hand pumps my cock. 
My other hand finds her breast and I knead it beneath my fingers, pinching her hardened nipple in my hand. 
Yep, that’ll do it. 
He was fully erect in his hand now, stroking himself at an almost furious pace. His hand twisted and tightened, staring at his cock in his own hand in the mirror. 
Laying on my back and she’s on top of me, lowering herself down, slowly, slowly. Inch by inch I watch myself disappear inside her silken walls. I can feel the way her body stretches and pulls around my hard cock. 
Luke is behind her, palming her tits, kissing her neck. She’s whining, moaning because she’s so tight and I’m so big. 
“How does he feel, baby?” Luke whispers against her flesh once I’m completely sheathed inside of her.
“Fuck, he feels so good.” She starts to rock back and forth on top of me, eyes staring intently down at me. 
One of Luke’s hands travels downwards, to the juncture where our bodies meet. His index finger pressing against her clit. 
She vibrates around me, sending shockwaves down my cock. The moan that leaves my lips is nothing short of feral. 
Frantically fisting his own cock whilst imagining the pleasures of being with the both of you and his head was already leaking against hand. He swiped his thumb through it, legs buckling a little at the sensation and using his precum as lube. 
He was gnawing on his lip, watching the way his cock throbbed in his hand. It was a heady sight to behold. He thought he’d be disgusted by it. Was it wrong that it turned him on more? 
He looked good like this, strong, virile, dare he even say, sexy? He felt powerful as he watched his face contort in the pleasure he was bestowing upon himself. His staunch thighs shook beneath him. 
His thick and heavy length pulsed against his palm. 
She’s on her back, legs spread for me. I leave a trail of kisses across her soft skin but I’m in a hurry, I need to get to my final destination. 
Once my face is buried between her folds, I lap up at her arousal before my tongue settles on her swollen bud. She writhes beneath me at the contact, trying to move away. But I stop her with an arm across her abdomen. 
She moans and screams as I take her in my mouth, suckling on her sensitive clit. Like a man possessed I work between her legs, like she’s my favourite meal. 
I can feel a heat behind me, and hands on my hips guiding me up onto my knees. I comply because I’m so wrapped up in the way she tastes on my tongue. 
Then there’s something pressing into me from behind, I’m being stretched but in the best possible way. 
As Luke fills me up I moan into her core, making her squirm. The sounds in the room are melting into the walls, the smell of sex is heavy in the air. 
Luke thrusts into me hard and fast and I take two fingers and plunge them inside of her waiting heat while keeping my mouth on her desperate clit. 
She’s rocking against my face, coating my lips and chin in her arousal as my fingers sink inside of her. 
Luke is grunting as he fucks me, filling me up in a way I haven’t been filled in so long. Between my legs I can feel my cock twitching, pulsing, close to the edge without being touched. 
“Oh fuck,” Spencer mumbled, legs trembling. “Oh Jesus fucking Christ.” 
More precum leaked from his tip, coating his hand as he thought of eating you out while Luke fucked him. His head was hazy, his breaths ragged.
“Fuck, Spence, I’m close. So close.” She screams as I plunge my fingers in and out of her and swipe my tongue over her clit. 
Luke’s thrusts are growing more violent, his balls slapping against my ass. 
“Make her come, Spence. You can do it, cariño.” Luke encouraged me and I pick up my speed.
Soon enough I feel her walls clenching around my fingers and she’s coming undone at my will. She’s convulsing beneath me and I know it’s all because of me. 
And as I feel her coming, moaning my name, my own orgasm starts to pinch at my stomach and I know it won’t be long before I’m…
…“fuck, fuck, fuck!” Spencer screamed as he gripped the base of his shaft and started splattering streaks of his come all over the mirror. 
He kept stroking himself through his orgasm, his legs undulating back and forth as he expelled himself on the reflective surface, covering his hand in his sticky seed. 
He watched every small movement of his body, his quivering thighs, his leisurely strokes on his spent cock, his chest dragging up and down with each shallow breath. 
His brain was foggy but his vision was exceedingly clear. He was fascinated by the way his body moved, how one small ripple in one muscle caused another to flex and so on and so forth. 
The contours of his body seemed so sharp in his post orgasm haze, every pull or push, every pulse, every dilation. 
He’d never looked upon himself with such startling clarity before as his shaft started to soften in his hand, it was all becoming clear.
This is my body. I can see it. I can feel it. My body belongs to me. My body doesn’t belong to anyone but me. 
I am whole. I am whole. 
I am Spencer Reid and I am whole. 
He was so lost in his newfound captivation of his own frame, he didn’t hear you enter the lodge or call his name. He also didn’t hear the bedroom door open or your footsteps on the wooden floor.
It wasn’t until your face appeared in the reflection behind him that he registered his company. 
“Uh, hi?” A smirk adorned itself on your features as you regarded him, soft cock in his hand and the distinctive come stains on the mirror. 
You couldn’t stop your gaze flitting up and down his body. You’d never seen him completely naked before, uninhibited, exposed. 
You tried to make a mental note of every dip and curve of his glorious body. He really was a sight to behold.
“Hi,” he replied, returning your smile. 
“Everything okay here?” 
He let go of his length, turned to face you. His pupils were blown out wide. 
“More than okay.” He nodded. 
And suddenly he advanced on you, smashing his lips against yours and not caring in the slightest that he was naked and sticky with his own come. 
He grabbed at you, pawed at you hungrily. His wandering hands got you out of your clothes in no time at all and soon the two of you were falling back to the bed. 
He was on top of you, kissing you with reckless abandon. He could already feel himself growing hard again between your bodies. 
His tongue desperately explored your mouth as though it were the first time, he manoeuvred you both so he was on his back and you were straddling him. 
He hissed as he got an unhindered sight of your breasts as you sat atop him. Needy hands wandered until they were palming them, pinching your nipples between his deft fingers until they stood to attention, not allowing himself to be impeded by his cast. 
You moaned and rocked back and forth on top of him, his hard cock gliding between your folds. Spencer whined and bucked against you. 
He removed his hands, letting his casted arm fall back to his side. His good hand circled around your wrist, gripping it tight and moving your hand so it hovered above his cock.
You stared at him, silently questioning him. Spencer simply nodded in response and let go of your wrist. 
You sucked in a breath, cautious as you lowered your hand closer to his throbbing member. When your hand wrapped around his base he moaned in fervour. 
His eyes rolled back into his skull, back arching off the bed. You slowly started to move your hand up and down around him but he was soon bucking into your hand, setting the pace for you.
His desperation was evident in the surges of his hips snapping back and forth fiercely. His teeth sunk into his bottom lip as his eyes landed on you again. 
He smiled up at you, the ethereal being perched on his thighs whilst working to bring him the utmost pleasure. 
He was whole. He was finally beginning to feel whole. 
It was getting late by the time the BAU finally wrapped up in Texas. Luke had agreed with Rossi that he would take one day off to visit Spencer before he joined them back at Quantico. 
Given the hour, Luke intended on getting a hotel for the night in Bandera town. He drove those forty some miles north from San Antonio in his SUV, fingers tapping nervously against the steering wheel as he tuned into a country and western radio station. 
The back seat was full of gifts and cards which Garcia had sent to the police precinct for Luke to deliver to their old friend for his birthday which was just a few days away. 
Luke’s nerves flooded his body, causing his stomach to form into tight knots. The closer he got to Bandera, the more anxious he grew, palms sweating against the wheel. 
He was under no illusion that Spencer would be happy to see him, especially with him showing up unannounced. But in Luke’s defence he had tried to call Spencer several times over the last few days to inform him of his visit. It wasn’t his fault Spencer didn’t answer. 
It was nearing eleven pm by the time Luke arrived in Bandera and try as he might he couldn’t get himself to the hotel. 
He couldn’t wait another minute. He needed to see Spencer now. 
He took the turning off the main road with the directions Garcia had sent him. He drove a little ways up a dirt track until he came to a stop next to another car. 
Killing the engine he frowned himself. He didn’t think Spencer had a car. He supposed he could have purchased one any time. 
He slid out of the SUV, dropping to the dirt and closed the door behind him. There was a small single storey lodge a few hundred yards up on the left. 
There was a light on. 
Luke swallowed, smoothing out his shirt and running his fingers through his hair. His chest swelled with nerves and his legs shook a little as he started towards the lodge. 
Spencer’s second orgasm seemed to come quicker than the first, your small, dainty hand bringing him to completion in no time at all. Chest heaving with his breaths, he immediately pulled you down by the back of your neck so he could kiss you. 
He was whole. He was whole. They didn’t win. 
He kissed you fiercely, his come sticky between your bodies but neither of you minded. His hand stayed on the back of your neck, pinning you to him. 
“You’re amazing.” He mumbled against your lips. 
“No, you’re amazing.” You replied. 
You wanted to tell him you were proud of him but you didn’t want to make a big deal of it or have him think you were patronising him. Instead you continued kissing him, grinding your bodies together as you did so. 
Spencer felt like every single one of his nerve endings were on fire. He was overstimulated, he could feel every thread of the sheets beneath him, feel every negligible movement of your body as it moved against his own. 
It was eye opening. He’d forgotten how this was supposed to feel. Intimacy wasn’t meant to make him feel guilty, pleasure wasn’t designed to cause him pain. 
He’d neglected to remember how it should feel. Two bodies coming together, becoming one. Becoming whole. 
He felt as though he could well be floating, his body lighter than air. He needed more. He needed so much more. He needed everything and he needed it with you. 
He gripped the back of your neck firmly, tongue roughly exploring the deepest recesses of your mouth. The sound of heavy breathing filled the room alongside soft moans and the friction of skin on skin. 
And for the second time that night, Spencer didn’t hear the door to his cabin open or the heavy footsteps on his hardwood floor.
Worryingly, Luke found the door to Spencer’s lodge was ajar, not quite closed all the way. His hand immediately pressed against the butt of his gun in its holster, ready just in case. In his experience, nothing good came from doors being left open. Least of all way out here in the sticks. 
He hesitantly pushed it open and took a step inside. The space was small and mostly full of books which didn’t surprise him at all. There were a few paper grocery bags on the kitchen counter. Nothing looked out of place or disturbed. 
He let his hand fall back to his side, trying to calm his erratically beating heart. Spencer could be scatty sometimes, perhaps he’d just been in a hurry. There was nothing to panic about. 
He stepped closer towards the closed door past the kitchen, for which he assumed was the bedroom. It was only as he drew closer that he started to register the sounds of heavy breathing.
His first thought was that Spencer might be having a panic attack. He’d had them a lot after prison, Luke knew all too well what they looked like. Perhaps he’d started to have one when he arrived home with groceries, it would explain why the door wasn’t closed properly and why the bags were still on the counter. 
Another wave of unease washed over him and he quickly pushed open the door without a second thought. 
The two bodies on the bed came into view and Luke felt as though the whole world came crumbling down around him in a single second. The body on top with their back to him was definitely female. The body beneath, laying on the bed was obscured from view but Luke would recognise those soft moans anywhere. 
“Wow,” he croaked out the single word as tears flooded his vision. 
Spencer suddenly sat up in bed, glaring at Luke over your shoulder. His mouth fell open, eyes wide in shock at the ghost standing in his doorway.
“L-Luke?” He stuttered. 
“Luke?” You hissed without looking over your shoulder. “As in…?” 
“Hmm.” Spencer nodded. 
You were still in his lap, trying to hide your naked frame against Spencer’s. You needed to leave. You couldn’t be part of this. You swung yourself off of the bed and in one swift move sprinted to the bathroom before you could give this stranger an eyeful. 
You’d left Spencer exposed and he quickly pulled the sheet around his body despite the fact Luke had seen him naked hundreds of times before. He hadn’t seen this version of him though, the one with the cuts and scabs from self abuse. He stared at Luke and Luke and him. Seconds seemed like hours.
He noticed Luke’s gaze flicker down to his arm and his brows pinched together.
“What happened to your arm?” Luke asked in concern. 
Spencer didn’t know whether he meant the cast or the cut on his bicep but he didn’t ask. 
“Riding accident.” Spencer clenched his jaw. “What are you…why are you here?��� 
“We were in town for a case. I tried to call, you didn’t answer. The door was open and I thought something might have happened to you.” The hurt in Luke’s voice was palpable and Spencer felt a little guilty that he’d had to walk into this. 
“Uh, lemme get dressed okay? I’ll meet you outside?” Spencer chewed on the tip of his tongue, half thinking his overstimulated brain was imagining the man in front of him. 
Had he given over so entirely to his fantasy that it had begun to feel real? Was this all part of his vivid speculation? Was he in fact still masturbating in front of his mirror? 
No, it was all too real. The sadness in Luke’s eyes, the way his shoulders slumped with the weight of seeing his ex in bed with someone else. The way you’d so hurriedly scampered off to the bathroom. 
This was real life, even if it did feel like a nightmare. 
Luke nodded stiffly and turned about on his heels. Spencer watched his retreating form pad out of the bedroom and close the door behind him. 
Spencer got to his feet and started gathering up his clothes from the floor. He tapped on the bathroom door as he was fighting with his boxers.
“Are you okay?” He called when he got no answer. 
“Your ex is here, what do you think!” You hissed in response. 
“I had no idea he was coming here, Y/N. I didn’t invite him.” He was stuffing his legs back in his jeans, trying to ignore the way the fabric scratched his open wounds. 
“What the hell is he doing here then?” 
“I don’t know! I have no idea.” He grabbed his t-shirt whilst still working on the button of his jeans. “I need to deal with this, hopefully I won’t be long.” 
“Okay.” You whispered, hearing his footsteps head away from the door. 
He pulled the t-shirt down over his torso as he swung open the bedroom door. Through the window in the front door he could see Luke pacing the length of his porch. 
Spencer exhaled, raking his fingers through his hair in an attempt to tame it from his previous activities. He swallowed around his dry tongue and stepped towards the door. 
A frigid burst of air hit him as he stepped outside, joining Luke on the porch. Luke stopped in his tracks and glanced at Spencer. Even in the darkness he could see the tears in Luke’s eyes. 
“So, you’ve moved on, huh?” Luke folded his arms across his chest. 
“It’s been two years, what did you expect?” Spencer shrugged. 
He hated that even after all this time Luke could still cause all the air to leave his lungs. He looked much the same as Spencer remembered in his mind's eye that last time he saw him. He had an extra few creases around his eyes, a few more greys peppering his hairline, but otherwise he remained unchanged.
“What did I expect? Well for starters I expected more from you than leaving without a damn word! I expected that you wouldn’t completely cut me out of your life! I expected…maybe I hoped that I wasn’t the only one still pining like an idiot.” He choked back a sob. “So she gets the healed Spencer Reid? She gets to have you now you’ve worked through your trauma? When I was the one that spent a year by your side after, trying to help you? How is that fair?” 
“You think I’m healed?” Spencer’s voice raised a little. “You think I’ve worked through my trauma?”
“It looks that way to me. I seem to remember the last time I tried to get you into that position you pinned my arm behind my back!” Luke spat. 
“You have no idea what this is like for me.” Spencer shook his head angrily. “She is the first person I have been able to get close to and even still I’m terrified I’m only one second away from breaking down at all times. It’s been four years and this is the closest I’ve come to moving past what happened to me but I am by no means suddenly shiny and new. I haven’t had sex with her, is that what you want to hear? At this point I’m not even sure I can! 
“You can’t just show up here after two years and think you know what I’m going through. I have to take medication every day just so I am not completely crippled by my trauma. I blackout when the stress gets too much, I dissociate because my mind can’t handle the pain. Don’t come here and assume you know what I’m going through. You have no idea.” 
In the bathroom you heard raised voices outside and worried about Spencer’s rising anger and what could happen if he let it get out of control. You snuck back out and found your clothes, quickly redressing and creeping into the living room. 
From the kitchen you could see them through the glass pane in the front door without them being able to see you were watching. You told yourself you weren’t eavesdropping, you just wanted to be ready in case Spencer needed grounding. 
You tucked yourself away in the corner, eyes on the side of Luke’s face. You felt that swell of familiarity again that you couldn’t place. Your fingers kneaded your achy jaw as you listened.
“You were supposed to come back! I gave you time, I gave you space. I thought if I did those things you would come back and we would be okay again.” Luke rubbed his eyes to try and stem his tears.
“That’s not my fault, Luke. I didn’t ever give you a reason to believe that would be the case. I’m sorry I left without telling you, I know I should have said goodbye. But I can’t change that. This is my life now, I have no intentions of coming back to DC. I’m sorry if you thought that I would, but I never gave any indication that I would.” Spencer rubbed his hand on his jeans, focusing on the rough texture. 
He needed to stay tethered, he couldn’t let the anger bubble and cause his mind to detach. 
“Did you love me?” Luke’s voice pitched. “Did you ever really love me like you said you did?” 
You knew that voice, you were sure of it. You just couldn’t place it. 
“How can you even ask me that?” Spencer softened. “Of course I did.” 
“But it was easier for you to run away than try and make things work with the man you supposedly loved?” Luke exhaled. 
“I had to leave. After everything that happened, after Merva, it was just too much. I needed to get away from DC, away from it all.” Spencer sniffed loudly. 
“You could have talked to me instead of running away, Spencer. It’s what I was there for. But you never talked to me.” 
“I couldn’t talk to you, Luke. I couldn’t talk to anyone. I just wanted to forget.” Spencer’s eyes filled with tears and he rubbed his palm roughly against his thigh, focused on the material of his jeans. 
“You know I know what happened right?” Luke shrugged. “I know what happened to you in prison. I read the medical reports.” 
Spencer froze. His rampant rubbing of his thigh stopped, he felt like his breathing stopped. He glared at Luke while he processed his words. 
He’d read the report. He’d known all along. 
Inside your brows pinched together. Prison? Spencer was in prison? Surely you must have the wrong end of the stick? Spencer did not seem like the type. There must be something you were missing. 
“You…how could you?” Spencer croaked. “How could you do that to me?” 
“You wouldn’t talk to me. I was worried about you.” 
“Worried? You were worried? So you invaded my privacy? Those reports were not your concern Luke! I figured Prentiss would have to see them but you…I can’t believe you would do that to me.” Spencer’s voice raised again and felt the anger in his stomach. 
Deep breaths, take deep, calming breaths. One, two, three, four, five. One, two, three, four, five. Feel something beneath your hand, ground yourself. This will be okay. One, two, three, four, five.
“Maybe if you’d talked to me I wouldn’t have felt the need to.” Luke didn’t know why he was trying to justify himself, he knew what he’d done was wrong. “How did you ever get cleared to come back to work? You were clearly struggling.” 
“Oh please, we wrote those questions. You think after fifteen years of profiling I didn’t know the right things to say to the bureau shrink so she would reinstate me?” Spencer clucked. 
“Did you ever tell her you were ra-”
“Don’t you dare you say it.” Spencer cut him off. “Don’t you dare.” 
Your head was spinning with the new information. Prison. Profiling. Bureau? What did this all mean? Your cell phone was on the counter next to the bags and you reached for it before hiding back in your corner. The arguing continued outside while you brought up a Google search. 
Spencer Reid + bureau
Within less than a second, hundreds of search results popped up on the little screen, articles upon articles. You quickly skim read some of the search results as your hand shook around the device. 
The youngest academy graduate recruited to the FBI’s illustrious Behavioral Analysis Unit, twenty two year old Doctor Spencer Reid…
With his three PhD’s, and IQ of 187, SSA Doctor Spencer Reid was hand picked by BAU founder Jason Gideon…
After a high speed chase in Mexico the FBI’s Behavioural Analysis Unit are on the scene. It’s thought that a member of the team is involved…
BAU Member SSA Doctor Spencer Reid acquitted of charges against him…
Hostage situation involving two members of the BAU…no further information is known at this time…
Your head swam. Your stomach lurched. This couldn’t be true, yet it was here in black and white. 
You were sleeping with the enemy. The sweet, kind cowboy you’d rescued from the desert was a former FBI Agent. 
Three PhD’s? An IQ of 187? Doctor? 
What the fuck was going on? You knew there were things he hadn’t told you but did you know him at all? And what led to an FBI agent going to prison? And what happened to him in prison that Luke had ascertained from his medical records?
You felt dizzy. You pushed yourself back up against the wall so you wouldn’t collapse. Luke’s raised voice brought you back around.
“You could have told me! I would have understood, I could have helped!” 
“No one can help me! Why don’t you understand that?” Spencer yelled back. 
“She seemed to be doing a fine job.” Luke scoffed, nodding his head towards the door.
“Goddamnit, would you let that go?” 
“Let it go? How the hell can I let that go? Every time I close my eyes I will see her on top of you!” Luke threw his arms up into the air. 
“I’m sorry I couldn’t be stronger, okay? I’m sorry I pushed you away. But I am finally starting to move past what happened to me. I’m sorry I couldn’t do that for you but Y/N is…she makes me feel like I can heal. And I need that Luke, I need to heal.” Spencer sniffed again, feeling his tears dangerously close to falling.
Luke didn’t appear to be listening though, his brows pinched together as he rolled something over in his mind.
“Did you say Y/N?” He rubbed the side of his neck. 
Your back went rigid. Hearing him say your name dislodged something distant in the back of your mind.
“Have you seen this woman? Her name is Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N and we have reason to believe she’s been seen in this area.”
“Yeah, why?” Spencer’s voice broke through your memory. 
“I…I’m not sure.” Luke looked deep in thought. “Can I…? One sec.” 
Spencer watched in confusion as Luke turned and headed down the stairs towards his SUV. He wrapped his good arm around himself in protection and to stave off the cold night. 
“Have you seen this woman? Her name is Y/N. Y/N Y/L/N and we have reason to believe she’s been seen in this area.”
“I don’t know nothing, ‘bout nothing.” 
“Can you take a closer look at her photo ma’am? Your neighbour seems to think she’s been staying here.”
“Again, I don’t know nothing, ‘bout nothing.” 
“Would you mind if we took a look around?”
“You got a warrant?” 
“Then get the hell off of my property.”
Magnolia Springs, Alabama. Mrs Royce, the kindly old woman for whom your mother had been best friends with all throughout childhood. She’d offered you a place to stay after you escaped custody. That was until her nosy neighbour recognised you from the wanted posters. 
You’d buried your mom’s money under a tree in the wooded area behind her house and watched from a distance as two FBI Agents had come to her home to question her. Even though she hadn’t seen your mother in more years than she could count, Mrs Royce was fiercely loyal, and hadn't said a word. 
You hadn’t had a great vantage point for which to see the agents, only caught small glimpses of them from where you hid in the back of the house. But they’d introduced themselves as -
- Agents Phil Brooks and Luke Alvez. 
Luke was hurrying back from his car with a manilla folder and Spencer stayed stock still while he awaited him. Luke opened the folder and pulled out a sheet of paper which he proffered to Spencer as soon as he was close enough. 
“What is this?” Spencer frowned at the paper.
“Is this the woman? I only saw her from the back. She coulda changed her hair? Is this her?” Luke jabbed a finger at the photograph in the corner of the page. “She escaped from a max security facility a few weeks ago. Phil called me.” 
To Spencer’s credit, no matter how many years it had been since he’d needed to to use his poker face, he was still an expert at it. His expression didn’t even so much as flinch as he looked at the photograph of you on Luke’s printout. 
He was right, you had changed your hair. But it was without a doubt you looking back at him from that mugshot. He glanced away, back at Luke and shook his head.
“No.” He lied. “I’ve never seen this woman before.” 
Luke’s eyes narrowed in scrutiny, watching for any little twitch, any tiny hint that Spencer was keeping something from him. But the truth was, even though they had dated and Luke thought he knew Spencer better than anyone, he never could read Spencer. 
“You wouldn’t lie to me would you, Spencer? Because this woman is dangerous, and if you’re lying to me, that’s harbouring a fugitive. I don’t need to tell you that comes with a prison sentence.” Luke observed again. 
Even at the mention of prison, Spencer’s features didn’t change. 
“I’m telling you Luke, I don’t know this woman.” He waved the paper in front of him. “I’m sorry, I can’t help you.”
Your own brows pinched together. You peered out the window to see the paper in Spencer’s hand but it was too dark to see exactly what was on it. But you were certain he would know it was you in the photograph. So why was he lying? 
“Right, I’m just being paranoid I guess.” Luke huffed, snatching the paper back from Spencer.
“I think you should go Luke, it's late and you shouldn’t have come here.” Spencer returned his arm to its position wrapped around him. 
“I’m staying down the road for the night. Maybe we can meet tomorrow for coffee or something?” Luke tucked the file under his arm.
“No,” Spencer shook his head. “I don’t want this Luke. I moved out here for a reason, to get away from my life in DC. To get away from…from…”
“From me?” Luke croaked. 
“From everyone.” Spencer corrected him. “You will always have a place in my heart, Luke. I did love you but I’m not the same man I was when we started dating and I’m never going to be him again. You have to let me go, Luke, please? Please just let me go.” 
Luke wanted to argue, he wanted to argue with every fibre of his being. He didn’t drive all the way out here to have it end like this. 
But Spencer’s sad eyes and downturned lips forced him to bite his tongue. Spencer had been through an immeasurable amount of trauma and he was just trying to make it through to the otherside. Luke couldn't help him, he tried, but he’d failed. Perhaps the best thing for Spencer’s wellbeing was for Luke to walk away, to let him go once for and for all. 
Luke huffed a breath out through his nose and took a few steps backwards. He navigated the steps whilst never taking his eyes off of Spencer. 
“I wish it could have been different.” Luke’s first tear fell and he didn’t try to hide it. “You were the love of my life.” 
“I know.” Spencer scrunched his face up as he felt his own tears ready to escape. 
“But I wasn’t yours.” Luke spoke for him with a weak shrug of his shoulders. “I want you to be happy, Spencer, it’s all I’ve ever wanted. Just promise me you’ll check in? I’m not asking for daily phone calls or anything like that but please stop ignoring me when I reach out. I’d really like to still be a part of your life even if only in a small capacity.” 
“That, uh, sounds reasonable.” Spencer nodded. 
“And call Penelope more. She worries about you more than anyone.” Luke shrugged, still walking backwards toward the SUV. 
“I will.” He nodded, swallowed thickly. But he was sure if you were who he now knew you to be, he’d never be able to talk to any of his old team ever again.
He felt overcome with discomfort. The goodbye he’d avoided two years ago now here at his feet. Spencer didn’t like goodbyes, it was why he’d left without them the first time. 
Goodbyes were endings. Full stops. The closing of a book. Spencer had wanted to keep the story open, unfinished, just in case he ever had the impetus to write that final chapter. But it had been penned for him. Luke had snatched the metaphorical pen from his hand by coming here and effectively completed their story. 
“Uh, goodbye then I guess.” Luke shrugged as he reached the car. 
“G-goodbye, Luke.” Spencer whispered. 
The book slammed shut. Or perhaps it was the car door. Either way, Spencer Reid and Luke Alvez’s story had come to its bitter end. 
He stood on the porch and watched as Luke started the engine before putting the vehicle in reverse. He continued to observe as the headlights cast an eerie glow on his land as the SUV turned around. He still just stood there as Luke’s car took to the dirt track back to the main road and soon vanished from sight. 
He huffed out a breath, rubbed his eyes to disperse the tears before turning to the door and practically throwing it open. He marched inside and found you in the corner of the kitchen, back pressed up against the wall. You’d been listening, of course you had. 
Spencer stayed on his side of the kitchen counter, worried what he might do if he came too close to you. He needed the barrier between you. He slammed his good hand on the counter top but you didn’t even flinch. His eyes were manic as they looked at you, large and wild. His chest was heaving erratically.
He opened his mouth several times to speak but the words kept getting stuck in his dry throat. Minutes of painful silence stretched between you while you kept your eyes on each other. 
Eventually Spencer sucked in a sharp breath, his jaw set in a tight line when he finally spoke. 
“Who the fuck are you?” He spat the words like venom on his tongue. 
You straightened yourself, squared your shoulders as if it might somehow intimidate him. When you spoke it was with equal malevolence. 
“I was going to ask you the same thing, SSA Doctor Spencer Reid.”  
More silence followed, reaching out into the sparse caverns that gorged their way between you. The wicked talons of the unspoken words weaved around you, wrapping you both in their icy clutches. 
You were both acutely aware that whatever conversation was about to transpire between you would inevitably make or break this fledgling relationship. You were no longer who you had been just hours before. A lonely cowboy and a weary traveller no more. All that remained was an FBI Agent and a Fugitive. 
It seemed inescapable that this could only end in one of two ways -
Either he called the cops on you and you were thrown back in prison, having the key thrown away and left to rot for the rest of your life behind bars. Or one of you would wind up dead. 
And you were not going back to prison. 
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@kalulakunundrum @small-and-violent @voledart @katrina0-0 @bakugouswh0r3 @prettyboyandthefangirl @zooni92802 @mavellover1819 @babyspiderling
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ewitsren · 11 months
hi! can you maybe do reactions when the reader sees them getting into a physical fight with someone and gets scared (maybe from ptsd?) with ran, rin, sanzu, & hanma please? thanks :) also love your writing you’re so talented!
their s/o getting scared seeing them fight ft #ran, #rin, #sanzu, #hanma
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pairings: haitani ran x reader, haitani rin x reader, haruchiyo sanzu x reader, hanma shuji x reader
cw/tws ⚠️: fighting, mention of blood, swearing, abusive parents, bullying, drug usage
requested: yes
barrista's note ☕: OMG I HAVENT BEEN ACTIVE FOR SOOO LONG i hope u see this and enjoy it darling 😭😭 i can barely keep my eyes open so i'm leaving hanma for later :(
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ran had taken you out on a date in one of the clubs haitani brothers owned in roppongi cause you felt like dancing. and it was fun, until the leader of another gang tried to lay his hands on you. ran had dragged the guy out into an alley and both of them weren't their prettiest version to look at. you couldn't stand the sound of two men hitting each other, sight of the blood spilling on the floor gave you a sharp headache; reminded you of how your father used to hit your older brother.
"ran..." you couldn't even find the strength to call out his name so you sat down on the floor, wrapping your arms around your knees as you cried. ran, recognizing the sound of you sniffling even while he's fighting, handed the guy over to his men before kneeling next to you.
"darling i'm so sorry, okay?" you felt his hands running through your hair. "i try so hard not to get into a fight when you're around but that bitch was hella outta line." his other hand drew circles on your back as you shifted your head from your arms to look at him. he gave you a little smile and cupped your face before kissing every inch.
"let's get you home, 'right baby?"
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it was a regular day, rin was checking documents for business in his office and you were reading your book laying on the couch, but not after some guy you didn't recognize barged into the office and attacked rin.
"y/n, get out, go to ran's office."
all you could think about as rin yelled was the sight of your 10 year old self cornered by bullies and getting beaten until you passed out. you tried to breathe but you choked, collapsing on the floor as you tried to get to the door. tears started streaming down your face as if the scars all over your body still hurt like they were made yesterday.
rin sweared and dragged the passed out guy to the corridor before shutting the door and kneeling in front of you.
"honey, look at me."
all you could do was to sob as he pulled you to himself, leaning your head on his chest and stroking your back.
"y/n, it's okay baby, i'm sorry 'right?" he kissed your forehead. "you're always safe with me, no one can hurt you."
rin tied your hair with your hairclip on his wrist before you tilted your head to look at him, his hand lingered on your nape, slowly stroking it to calm you down.
"look at my babyyy!" he pouted. "your eyes are swollen and your nose is red. let's go home and i'll take care of you, 'kay?"
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it was an ordinary night for you and sanzu, him getting high on drugs in the back of the club as you sat on his lap and kept yourself busy with whatever you had in hand. sadly, your routine was disrupted when the rival gang members busted the place. before you could get a grasp on what's happening sanzu was there beating the shit out of some guy, swearing and talking about how he couldn't have a second of peace in this shithole.
suddenly all you could hear was your childhood friend crying for help as the older kids ganged up on him and beat him up as you sat there helpless, knowing you were too weak to interfere.
"haru, stop!" you were sobbing while sanzu kept beating up the wrecked up guy.
"huh? why ya cryin', doll?" sanzu threw the guy on the floor and made his way to you. he wrapped his arms around your body as he stroked your hair.
"shhh, stop crying; yeah? 's okay now darlin'. let's take you home, i'll make you forget about all this shit, yeah?" sanzu kissed your lips and picked you up.
"nothing bad's gon' happen when 'm with ya."
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@ewitsren 's work, do not translate/repost on other apps and platforms
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whyse7vn · 1 year
[ ot7 x reader ]
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y/n: i’ll kill you
jin: i’m into that
y/n: ur going to hell
jin: i’ll take you with me
y/n: i’m going to heaven i’m an angel
jin: my angel
y/n: gross
jin: only for you
y/n: we are not together
jin: ???
sorry i can’t read
y/n: clearly
jin: take ur clothes off
y/n: ???
jin: sorry autocorrect
y/n: why did you tell the boys we are dating?
jin: i did?
lmao yeah i did
sorry i could never lie to the loml like that
y/n: what?
jin: ur on my will
y/n: happy one day to us 🥂❤️
jin: i like being used
y/n: yk what i’m having second thoughts
jin: as long as it’s you using me
y/n: uncomfortable rn
jin: i’ll make you comfortable
y/n: ur the cause
jin: ur my cause ❤️
y/n: what does that even mean??
jin: kiss me
y/n: leave me alone i’m tired
jin: i’ll build you a bed
y/n: what
jin: i cook
y/n: ur like 62
jin: age is a construct
y/n: ur gonna get arrested with a mindset like that
jin: would go to jail 10x over for you
y/n: out of context this looks insane
jin: you make me insane
and keep me sane ❤️
y/n: what
are you drunk?
jin: a bit
y/n: yikes
jin: my hips work
y/n: i would hope so?
jin: use me
y/n: you need to be put down immediately
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y/n: ummmmm?????
jimin: ummmmm?????
y/n: i am not ur gf
jimin: ummmmm?????
y/n: why are you telling people i’m ur gf
jimin: ummmmm?????
y/n: ummmmm?????
jimin: i thought it was time to tell people
y/n: tell people lies???
jimin: we are always together anyways i am doing us a favour tbh
y/n: “am” so ur still actively telling people that we are together?
jimin: ur so smart this is why i love you 😘
y/n: so were you in love with me when you flirted with the waitress right in front of me when we went out YESTERDAY?
jimin: why were you jealous?? 😏
y/n: ur actually insane like clinically insane
jimin: it was a moment of weakness babe 🥺
y/n: moment of weakness??
you have like 20 of those a day
jimin: omg i’m just a natural flirt yk i can’t help it 😞
y/n: i think the word ur looking for is whore?
y/n: yeah ok
jimin: unless you want me to be a whore then i’m the biggest whore you know honestly and truly!!!!!!
y/n: ur gross
jimin: ofc i’ll marry you!
y/n: ???
jimin: wow i’m so emotional rn
i love you i’m so excited for our future
i know some people may say we’re moving to fast but idc the truth is that i’m so in love with you i can hardly breathe!!!
y/n: get actual help.
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hobi: we
y/n: no
hobi: us
y/n: no
hobi: hands held
y/n: no
hobi: mouth 2 mouth
y/n: still no
hobi: i told my parents about us
y/n: ur mother is gonna beat ur ass for lying
hobi: i told the boys about us
y/n: we are not together
hobi: the company is next
y/n: you won’t live to see another day if you do
hobi: i hope our kids have ur eyes
y/n: i can report you for harassment you know?
hobi: my pretty gf
i love you ^^
y/n: blushed for a second
that’s all you’ll ever get out of me
hobi: ur soosososososo cute
σ(≧ε≦σ) ♡
i’m gonna eat you
y/n: this isn’t right
hobi: this is the rightest thing ever
y/n: go outside or something
hobi: come with me
y/n: there is no hope for the kids these days 😞
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jk: i’m going to kill myself
jk: i’m already dead
y/n: GOOD
jk: i can’t believe you talk to other men
oh my god i cjant breathe rn iMmm loosing vision hhe lp mmme…
jk: so like did you did you tell him we’re together or…
jk: wow
in all caps like that?? a bit harsh
jk: pls stop shouting yk im a sensitive soul
jk: i didn’t tell him directly omg?
i messaged him
y/n: i hate you
i’ve never wanted to push someone out of a building so bad until i met you
jk: that’s kinda cute
you think of me??
i love you too
y/n: you have 3 days to live
jk: as long as i’m with you nothing can take me out
y/n: shut the fuck up
yk know whose taking me out tho?
mingyu 🥰
jk: what
y/n: ?
jk: i have dispatch on the phone rn
y/n: tell them
being mingyu’s gf publicly? a dream come true tbh 😍
jk: when ur new bf is kicked out his group becomes broke and is living on the streets i’m sure ur dream will be alive and well
y/n: oh it will
with my baby through thick and thin 🤞🏽
jk: i’m going to kill myself
y/n: idc!
jk: i love you
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y/n: stop telling people we are dating i will block you
tae: did you know i need u girl was about you
y/n: didn’t even know you then
tae: i’ve always known you
y/n: creepy as hell
tae: to some
y/n: to all
tae: why don’t you want me
y/n: ur not mark lee
tae: i’m kim taehyung
y/n: exactly
tae: you could get jumped for saying stuff like that these days
y/n: oh well
it was worth it
tae: i wish you knew
i wish you knew i wanted you
y/n: i know
and you got the lyrics completely wrong
tae: my lyrics may be wrong but my feelings for you aren’t
y/n: are you not with jennie?
tae: stfu?
y/n: loser
tae: she’s not my type
you are 😘
y/n: wishing i was jennie hours 😞🙏🏽
tae: you’ll will literally never be happy without me
y/n: that’s so crazy cuz i’m like over the moon rn
tae: that’s because i’m messaging you
y/n: pretty sure it’s because i’m not with you but whatever helps you sleep at night
tae: you help me sleep at night
y/n: tough
tae: :(
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y/n: i’m ur girlfriend now?
yoongi: what?
y/n: you’re telling people i’m your girlfriend?
yoongi: might be true might be false
y/n: kinda crazy
yoongi: do you not want to me my girlfriend?
y/n: no?
yoongi: 😢
y/n: cry me a river
yoongi: i will
then i’ll drown myself in it
y/n: dramatic much?
yoongi: i just got my heart broken can you have someone sympathy
y/n: L
yoongi: maybe like kiss me on the lips or something and i’ll be better idk tho
y/n: is min yoongi being open and honest with me rn???
times have changed i must say
yoongi: having a gf does that to a man
y/n: really?
yoongi: yep being in love is crazy
y/n: love? so it’s pretty serious between you two then?
yoongi: yeah i’m gonna marry her
y/n: wowwww how long have you guys been together then?
yoongi: 3 years in my head but i only started telling people 3 days ago
y/n: you are not right in the head
yoongi: love is crazy
y/n: i think it’s just you fr
yoongi: 🥲
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namjoon: hi
y/n: shut ur mouth
namjoon: 🤐
y/n: we are NOT together
do you understand?
namjoon: 🚫❌⁉️
y/n: well start understanding
namjoon: 🙅🏻‍♂️🚫
y/n: i’m sick and tired of you
namjoon: 🙎🏽‍♀️➡️👨‍⚕️🏥
y/n: bye
namjoon: 🥺
y/n: what is with ur obsession with me???
are you that bitchless omg??
namjoon: logically speaking
y/n: you have never spoke a logical word in your life
namjoon: okay nvm
y/n: namjoon you are down ridiculously bad at first it was cute i WAS blushing and giggling now i’m just concerned
namjoon: date me
y/n: that is NOT how you ask a girl out
namjoon: help me out here
y/n: i will not help you in the slightest
namjoon: that’s just mean
y/n: ur a freak
namjoon: am not
y/n: you so are
namjoon: go on a date with me
y/n: where is the the question mark?? are you asking me or telling me??
namjoon: ur being ridiculous
go on a date with me?
y/n: hehehehehhehehehe
namjoon: FR??
y/n: no lol
namjoon: that was so mean
y/n: :p
namjoon: dating me would probably mean free food for life
y/n: probably or definitely?
namjoon: *definitely
y/n: wait i’m kinda in love with you
namjoon: lol me 2 let’s makeout rn
y/n: i lied
namjoon: ur annoying
y/n: mwah
namjoon: did you just kiss me?
are you deeply attracted to me or something?
kinda cringe kinda hot i want you
y/n: didn’t know 2:25 am were your disgustingly desperate hours
namjoon: it’s not my fault it’s 2:25 in the morning and all i can think about is you
should i write i song about you?
would you be my gf then?
y/n: pls don’t
namjoon: it’s too late
y/n: if i go on a date with you will you shut the hell up and go to sleep
namjoon: YES
i might lol
y/n: see you tomorrow
namjoon: gn
y/n: gn
namjoon: gf 🤭
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we hit 200 since when omg?? anyways feeling like i should do a “i’m not ur bf” ver but idk yet thoughts? u might get it next year or never but it’s the fact that i thought about writing it that counts!!
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