#Canary Pyrite
spaceistheplaceart · 1 year
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A New Purpose
made this SU AU comic for a discord server i'm in :) further info on AU under the cut! this shit took me a LONG time so PLEASE reblog!!! and add some tags too pls!
Reigen is a Pyrite. Pyrites are kind of like the canaries in the coalmines- sent down to unexplored planets to scope them out. They're meant to be replaceable and are mass produced. Reigen feels like just another face in the crowd. His weapon is a flare gun, not very useful in combat but good to alert other, more important gems, of danger.
Mob is an off-colour Opal. Opals are assistants to many kinds of gems, but mostly construction and planning. Because of their light manipulation abilities, they can construct mock-ups of buildings, kindergartens, etc! Mob's light powers are a bit out of control, like the show, and are tied to his emotions... like the show lol
Pyrite meeting Mob here is the first time he goes against his purpose as a Pyrite. :) ahh the family
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kiokodoodles · 1 year
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I’m not normal about my friends’ Papyri as you can see
Bill (top row) belongs to @hearty-dose-of-ranch
Baron and Canary (second row) belongs to @fruitsnackart
Rus (third row) belongs to @und3rwat3r-a5tr0naut
Pyrite, Baryte, and Zircon (the rest of the drawings) belong to @neillesart / @miscneilleaneous / @underdew-official
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blueishspace · 9 months
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Here it is! Does the drawing suck? Yes.
Do I regret it? Yes.
Would I do it again? Also yes.
Went with Black Pyrite since it: 1)Resembles gilded blackstone which ties with PiglinMyNose.
2) Pyrite is often found in coal mines and I can't escape from "canary in a coal mine" references.
3) Black Pyrite more of a dark purple-blue then black and it fits color-wise.
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nursesharkinfirmary · 23 days
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ִֶָ࣪𓂃 * -` 🍊 ´- kagamine rin npts 🎧 ㅤׂㅤ⭒
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─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Names
Riliane, Clementine, Tangy, Tangerine, Mercy, Levia, Gretel, Candy, Princess, Pyrite, Angel/Angela/Angelo, Plusle, Reactor, Teddy, Weepsse, Kittie, Soleil, Astray, Canary, Future, Mariposa
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Pronouns
Sh!?/H!?r, Song/Song's, Byte/Byte's, Orange/Orange's, Cit/Citrus, Trill/Trill's, Pride/Pride's, Batt/Batterie's, Sweet/Sweet's, Virtue/Virtual's, 🍊/🍊's, 🎧/🎧's, 🧡/🧡's, 🐱/🐱's, 🔌/🔌's, 🎵/🎵's
─ 𖦹 ˙ ̟Titles
(Prn) Who Wants to be a Princess, The Knife in a Childish War, The Daughter of Evil, (Prn) with Music from the Heavens, The Melancholic (Pref Supernatural Creature)
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little-x-foxx · 1 year
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Full Moon Cold Moon
Birthstone Garnet
Tree Birch
Flower Carnation
Colors Gray, Purple, White
Animals Buffalo, Canary, Fox, Salmon, Seal, Wolf, Wren
Garden Agrimony, Anemone, Basil, Bloodroot, Borage, Comfrey, Fennel, Heather, Horehound, Jasmine, Lemon Balm, Lily of the Valley, Meadowsweet, Nutmeg, Primrose, Raspberry, Saffron, Thistle, Thyme, Yarrow
Crystals Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Blue Lace Agate, Calcite, Chrysoprase, Fluorite, Hematite, Jet, Kunzite, Lodestone, Malachite, Moldavite, Petrified Wood, Pyrite, Salt, Sardonyx, Tiger’s Eye
Themes Beginnings, Healing, Protection, Strength
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maknaesketches · 9 months
aaaa i never post on here but oops here i am! a quick intro abt me- hewwo! i'm jisung! a small story writer (sometimes) and fanart maker! i'm into de, kpop, anime, kamen rider and super sentai! the styles of stories i write are mostly romance ones! and today i got a romance one for ya!
yes yes normally ppl try to make character × reader ones; and i would try to as well but for this particular one i had used my oc because i wanted to write a oneshot for her and my boi tim drake! ik i'm prolly not the best at writing but i try my best!
anyway enjoy this short info abt my oc b4 we start!
Name: Elizabeth "Liz/Lizzy" Vail
Hero Name: Pyrite (not mentioned
Age: 15 (takes place prior to the start of YJ season 3)
Parents: Nick Vail/Spark (deceased) and Lexi Vail (deceased Oliver Queen/Green Arrow (adopted father) and Dinah Lance (adopted mother)
Love Interest: Tim Drake/Robin
Powers: Fire and Crystal
TW!!: death, mentions of killing, mental abuse, gore, self doubt, anxiety, and depression. let me know if i missed any!
Word Count: 5959
Plot: 10 years ago a supervillain by the name of Arid would kill two superheroes, he sets out to kill their child as well, but before he can he gets locked away in Belle Reve. 10 years later he escapes prison and teams up with the Joker in hopes of finding now 15 year old Elizabeth Vail, the last known Vail in existence. Meanwhile, Elizabeth is a “powerless” girl who thinks she can’t do anything right and has been experiencing nightmares for the past few months, only for them to be true. Can Elizabeth manage to find herself and save everyone form Arid or will Arid have his way and kill Elizabeth? Only reading it will reveal the answer!
Haze covered the ground as moonlight shone down onto the lonely streets of Gotham, under the light laid a body on the ground with blood seeping around it. Darkness swallowed the moon with eerie clouds as a male wearing a clown mask would lick blood off a knife he held and howl with laughter.
Waking up in a puddle of sweat on the other side of Gotham, a young female no older than 15 would breathe heavily as she looked around for something to cling onto, though too late because her palms were bleeding due to them being clenched for so long and hard. She would get up, going into the bathroom, looking at herself in the mirror; her yellow eyes had bags under them while her hands were bruised. Sighing softly she would sit on the closed toilet and wrap them with gauze that was sitting out, assumingly from her parents who forgot to put it away. “That stupid dream again… Elizabeth Vail what’s wrong with you…”
“… You don’t think it’s a dream huh?” A female with blonde hair would ask a female that had green skin and red-brown hair. The two stood in the Watchtower alongside the green one’s lover.
“I don’t believe it is, from the sounds of it happening so frequently it could be a warning.” The green skinned female would say as she ran her fingers through her short hair. “If she will let me look through her brain I can probably get a better idea.”
“You know that’s not right, M’gann, she isn’t the type of person to let someone sort through her memories.” A male wearing a skin tight black tee shirt with the superman logo on it would say with a slight annoyance seeping through his voice. The green female— M’gann would roll her eyes as she heard the Zeta Tube announce a few members' arrivals into the tower. Nightwing— Richard would enter followed by Eclipse— Ava, Batman— Bruce, Robin— Tim, Green Arrow— Oliver, and Elizabeth would enter, talking amongst themselves.
“I never knew you could throw a punch like that, if I hadn’t dodged that would’ve hurt.” Green Arrow huffed a chuckle as he ruffled Elizabeth’s hair, “babe, you should’ve seen her in action, she was amazing, Liz took down two villains by herself today.” The arrow user said as he would walk over to Black Canary— Dinah, the first female, holding her hand as he looked at the bat family and his daughter. Superman— Clark followed by Helix— Amelie would quickly follow, the two talking amongst themselves when entering before noticing everyone else, making them open up more.
“How was your mission, Ba—“ Superman’s words would be cut short as Helix placed a hand on his chest, signaling him not to speak.
Black Canary would watch her adopted daughter, she would be holding onto Robin’s shoulder, steading herself from falling it seemed. “Lizzy, what’s wrong…?” The bird heroine would ask as she watched the child let go of her friend's shoulder, before stumbling, almost falling if it wasn’t for Robin grabbing onto her again, pulling her against him.
“Elizabeth?” He asked as he slowly moved into a sitting position on the ground, letting her sit in his lap.
“I-I’ll go get some ice!” M’gann said as she ran off, Superboy— Conner/M’gann’s boyfriend would rest a hand on Elizabeth’s forehead, sighing,
“She’s warm, but she seems fin—“
“Guys, give her some space, crowding around her like this is making it impossible for her to speak.” Eclipse would sigh as everyone would scoot backward. Elizabeth would sigh softly, thanking Eclipse before looking at the room.
“I just… I haven’t slept well, I think it’s because of the dreams I keep having.” Elizabeth said as she would stand up, with Robin holding onto her still, worried almost.
“What dreams?” Superboy asked.
Elizabeth would clench her fist as she looked down, sighing. “It’s been happening for like a month now, there are nights when it’s just this guy holding a balloon repeating the words ‘I will find you.’; and then there are nights where he is actually killing people… I see the reports on the news about a mysterious killer out on the loose and they look the same as the one in my dreams… recently when he just stands there his words are now ‘I’m closer now, you will die soon!’ a-and behind him there is a wall with the word die on it written in blood…” Her eyes would shake slightly as she felt her hand shake. “I-I don’t know who this person is or why they’re after me…” She would whimper softly. Robin would grab her shaking hand and rub it soothingly.
“Whoever this guy is, he will be turned in.” Robin would say as Batman went to the computer, he would sigh in a complaining way.
“This is the guy?” He asked as Elizabeth confirmed it, Batman and Superman’s eyes would sharpen on their faces. “Arid. He worked alongside the Joker for years before he abandoned the Joker and murdered two superheroes before getting locked up in Belle Reve… 10 years ago. It seems someone paid his sentence fee and now he’s free from jail… out to kill you.”
“Killl me? Why me?” Elizabeth asked.
“Because… your parents were the two superheroes he murdered the night he was arrested.” Green Arrow sighed as he looked at the young female. “Ember and Spark; respectively the fire warrior and the crystal warrior; Your father, Nick Vail/Ember was a firefighter in his human life, but as a hero, he was one of the best, meanwhile your mother, Lexi Vail/Spark was a meteorologist in her human life; They fought side by side, they ended up having you even before they got married, when you were just born, they wed one another… and when you were just 5… they were slaughtered on their anniversary night… me and Dinah were watching you that night while your parents were out… but they never came to get you, then the worst happened… and after that, we kept you, the league wiped all existence of Ember and Spark, not wanting to relive the trauma from that night.”
Elizabeth would look down as she would lift her hand, trying to summon any bit of power she contained, though nothing came out. Helix would watch in silence letting her face fall, worried for Elizabeth. Robin would take her hand in his as he peeled his mask off, “Let’s go out for a bit, get some fresh air, you need it.” He would say as he dragged her off to the Zeta Tube. Black Canary sighed and turned away from everyone, her eyes shaking as she looked down clenching her fists.
Walking through the streets of a carnival, music playing softly as lights flashed to the music, Elizabeth walked alongside Tim, the two of them holding hands still, smiling like the goofs they are. “Tim…” Elizabeth’s gentle voice asked as she looked at him. Tim noticed her facial features drop, saddened.
“Liz..? What’s wrong?” He asked as the two stopped walking, facing his school friend. Elizabeth felt her face sink more into sadness as tears began to well up in her yellow eyes. Tim’s blue ones widened as he pulled her into a calming embrace letting the girl cry.
“I-I don’t want to be the worthless, weak, unpowerful daughter of heroes…” Elizabeth would say through her tears as she buried her face against his neck trying to calm herself. Tim’s face would blush gently as he looked around, sighing softly.
“Liz, you’re not worthless or weak.” Tim said as he rubbed soft circles on her back, a gentle smile crossing his lips as he loosened up some, calming himself. He felt the girl calm down after a moment, though they stayed in the position, smiling softly against each other’s hold. “You’ve trained every second you can with us, you also literally took down two— not one but TWO— supervillains today even without powers.”
Elizabeth would finally bring herself away from Tim’s hold and remove the sunglasses the boy wore, placing them on his head. “Thanks, Tim.” She said finally bringing a smile to her cheeks. Tim would blush gently before placing a hand on her head, ruffling her hair gently. After playing games and chatting all night, the two finally decided to head home. Tim would keep his hands fiddling with a fidget toy to keep his mind sane while Elizabeth fiddled with the zipper on the boy’s jacket, smiling like a goofball as she wore it. A sudden eerie vibe set the two back some as they glanced at one another. “C’mon… let’s hurry back…” Elizabeth said as Tim pocketed the fidget toy, taking Elizabeth’s hand.
The sound of something falling made Tim quickly pull Elizabeth against his body as a metal sign fell next to them. “Run!” Tim yelled as he held her hand, running in front while she ran behind him. They suddenly came to a stop at a cliff making the young bat boy’s eyes widen as he looked around. “Shit…”
“Glad to see you again, my boy.” A maniacal laugh would pierce the two heroes' ears. Tim would make a mix between a weak/angered face as he saw the white faced, green haired villain appear right before his eyes. Tim turned to Elizabeth and quickly placed his grappling hook in her hands.
“Get out of here, quick, go find Batman and tell him he’s back.” Tim said quickly as he pulled his mask from his pocket and placed it on the girl's face. “No questions— just go!” Elizabeth watched as the boy turned back around getting into a fighting stance holding some batarangs. “I won’t let you take me again!” He yelled at the Joker, his face turning enraged.
The Joker would laugh and point his gun at the two, “Bang~” Tim watched as a golden bullet flew past his eyes, watching the bullet graze Elizabeth before she fell backwards off the cliff.
Waking up after who knows how long, Elizaberh would slowly open her yellow eyes, blinking slowly as she sat up, flinching. “Oh thank god you’re okay Lizzy…” Black Canary would breathe out as she would hold her daughter’s hand.
“We were so worried when we found you on the ground unconscious with a bullet wound.” Green Arrow said. They were in the batcave…? But why? Nightwing stood to the side looking at the computer with Oracle and Eclipse while Batman was standing with his kids. Superman and Helix were leaning against the wall near Elizabeth’s bed, smiling softly as she awoke.
“Tim…?” She would softly ask, looking around. Green Arrow and Black Canary would both tense and look at one another.
“He… isn’t here.” Green Arrow said as he took his mask off, placing it on his daughter’s bed. “Liz… you fell off a cliff with his grappling hook and mask clenched in your hand… Tiim wasn’t anywhere.” Elizabeth would look to the side table and feel her eyes widen. They filled up with tears as she took the mask into her fingers feeling the fabric. He was gone… Frustration took over her feelings before they froze in a matter of seconds seeing the computer screen change to a video from the Joker and Arid.
“Ah~ Batman; good to see ya.” The Joker’s mincing laugh would pierce everyone’s ears, “I got something here that you may want~” The Joker would step back and reveal a bloody Tim. “If I don’t see you, hand over the girl to Arid… Then the boy dies.” The Joker would say as he walked over to Tim, throwing him onto the ground. “Guys don’t do it I—“ Tim’s words were cut short by blood trickling from his lips, clearly in pain. “6PM, at the Gotham Park, not a minute late or the boy dies, JUST Batman, the girl and Nightwing.”
As the video ended, Green Arrow would hold Black Canary close to him, Nightwing was shaking with anger while Eclipse tried to calm him, Batman had an enraged look on his face and Elizabeth, she was in pure shock, hands shaking as she felt like screaming, throwing up and crying all at once. “I’m going.” Elizabeth said standing up, she ignored the pain as she clenched the grappling hook in her hand before walking over to all of Batman’s supplies grabbing Tim’s utility belt, placing it on.
Eclipse would grab her shoulders and make her face her, “Elizabeth, calm down. You’re not just going to rush in there.” She said, Elizabeth shook her head and showed her the time. 530.
“I have 30 minutes to be there to save Tim before he dies! Eclipse, I can’t let that happen.” Elizabeth would push Eclipse off her shoulders before putting the belt on.
“Elizabeth, you HAVE to stop.” Helix would say walking in front of her. “If you go, there’s a chance it could be trapped, Nightwing and Batman can’t always protect you.” She would state the obvious.
“You don’t think I can beat them?” Elizabeth asked, cocking an eyebrow.
“Honestly? No. I don’t think you can, two supervillains that have been around for who knows how long want you dead and you think— as powerless as you are right now— that you can beat them?” Helix would scoff and hold her hands into the air, “You're so wrong.”
“Helix—“ Superman said as he sighed, walking up, placing a hand on her shoulder, pulling her back. “You gotta stop.” He said rubbing his temple, “—looks Liz, what Helix is trying to say is that she doesn’t want you getting hurt, none of us do.”
Elizabeth would look to the metal ceiling of the batcave, tears welling up in her eyes, “I know it's risky, but I can't bear the thought of losing him too. I have to face the Joker and that stupid villain, for my parents and for us. I can't let fear stop me from trying to save him… Tim has been there for me countless times, it’s time I do the same for him.”
Superman would gently wipe away Elizabeth's tears and sighed again, “I understand your determination, Elizabeth. We'll do everything we can to help you save Tim and keep you safe. Just promise me you'll be careful.” Elizabeth would nod softly and look at Batman and Nightwing, both slightly on edge, but also ready to go.
“Let’s do this…”
Standing in the blocked off park, Batman and Nightwing both stood in front of Elizabeth, determination and anger firing in their eyes. Standing across the way was The Joker and Arid, as promised, with Tim on the ground, dried blood covering his body. “Oh Tim…” Elizabeth whispered as the bat boy rolled over, making eye contact with them.
“L-liz…?” He uttered, shocked to see her.
The Joker would look at the clock and smirk softly, “Time’s up, Batman, hand the girl over or my partner here will kill him… and I’m pretty sure you don’t want him to die, not like your last Robin.” Batman and Nightwing’s faces turned darker than normal, both of them seeming to hold every urge to not fight. Elizabeth looked down, stepping past the two elder bat boys, walking in between both groups. Arid would also step forward holding. his hand out to her,
“Come here, Vail.” Hearing the commotion from Nightwing and Tim to stop, she closed her eyes and gave her hand to Arid, who pulled her roughly to him, laughing. “Finally! The last Vail is mine!!!” He would look to the Joker, “Let the bat boy go, we have what we want.”
“Elizabeth!” Batman would yell, the Joker sighed and threw Tim down.
“I can’t believe I agreed to this…” The Joker would grumble walking to Arid’s side, “lets go.”
“Wait—“ Arid looked at Elizabeth and cocked an eyebrow, “—let me say goodbye first… please…” She whispered, her eyes pleading. Arid would look to the side and loosen his grip, letting go.
Elizabeth bolted to Tim and helped him stand, her arms wrapping around his waist, tears welling in her eyes again, “Tim… you’re… you’re okay… you’re okay…” She whispered, hiccuping as she hyperventilated slightly, her hand running along his cheek and back. Tim flinched, but smiled hugging her back.
“Liz… I’m okay… you didn’t have to do this though, I would’ve been fine… now you’re going instead of me…” Tim would rub her cheek, moving a tear. Elizabeth would think for a moment and take off his jacket, confusing Tim, even more when she placed his jacket in his hands before backing up, next to Arid, “L-liz—“ His eyes would widen, shaking as he tried to reach out for her. Elizabeth would look down, clenching her eyes as the Joker kicked Tim back, Nightwing and Batman both caught the boy,
“Shit— ELIZABETH!” Nightwing yelled, watching the three disappear.
Looking at the unnaturally fancy room Elizabeth kept her arms close to her body as she looked around, posters and famous paintings everywhere. “Making yourself at home?” Arid asked, walking around her, he was a slender dude with slicked back black hair, a black & red eye while the other was white & green, his skin was tan and he had a black handlebar mustache.
“W-why haven’t you killed me yet…” Elizabeth asked softly.
Arid would laugh and circle the wine he carried in his cup, he would lift it above her head and pour the wine over the girl's body making her yelp at the cold feeling rushing over her body, the room getting significantly colder on top of that. “Because, Miss Vail~ I’m going to enjoy killing you, I had to give you parents a quick death, but you? I can torture you to death… I think today… Let's start with some… mental pain.” He would laugh as he left the room. Elizabeth slid to the ground as she shivered, tears staining her cheeks as she noticed the room becoming foggy, memory gas. Her eyes would widen as she tried to hold her breath, scared. The gas would fog her mind, and everything else as she felt herself struggling to breath, she looked towards a window feeling her tears well in her eyes before everything went black.
“Elizabeth, what do you think you’re doing!” The high pitched scream coming from Helix who looked horrified, confused, she would look down to see Superman, struggling to breathe, he had a stab wounds to the heart, choking on something as well. Helix would shove Elizabeth aside and bend down, “Clark? Clark!” Helix cried out as she shook the dying hero. “Clark, c-come on wake up… CLARK!” Elizabeth shook her head and stepped back, shaking. She would bump into a chest turning around quickly, Batman. He looked at Elizabeth and swung at her, the female dodged quickly, heavily breathing, scared.
“How dare you kill him!” He screamed as he swung again. Elizabeth dodged before getting hammered in the back by a tomahawk, followed by a bo staff sending her flying into the black void, struggling to stand. Once she managed to get to her feet she saw Tim.
“T-tim!” She whimpered standing up, grasping his shoulders. “I-I didn’t do it! I didn’t kill him!” She would cry, shaking him. Tim would shove her off of him and back up, joining a dashing male’s side, holding his hand.
“You didn’t just do that… you destroyed everything, you destroyed our home, your parents, us, all of it, thrown away because of you.” He grumbled.
“Hey hey…” The dashing male would say, rubbing his hand, “Let’s go Tim, she’s not worth your time.” He said, walking into the void, leaving Elizabeth alone.
The scene would whirl around to her standing in front of her parents in her dad’s house, yelling coming from both of them… but it was all directed at her. The house was badly destroyed on the inside, burns and blood everywhere as spit flew from her raging father and high pitched shouting from her mother. Tears just fell as she held her head, covering her ears crying. Nothing was right. It didn’t make sense. Nothing made sense.
The scene would change again, with her back in the void, staring into the darkness for miles and miles. All she did was scream, that’s all she could do, scream. She didn’t kill Superman. She didn’t ruin things with Tim. She didn’t do anything to make her parents mad. So what happened!
“Elizabeth…?” Fear struck the girl as she turned around slowly, gentle glowing figures who she couldn’t really make out were standing in front of her now. “I know things seem tough… but you will get through it… just hold on a little longer, my little flame you’re doing so good…” A masculine voice spoke, he glowed a reddish-orange color.
“I’m so proud of you baby, you’ve become an amazing hero even with your dormant powers.” A feminine voice spoke, she glowed a pinkish-purple color. Elizabeth stretched her hand out to them with a sad smile on her face, the figures floated back though, “It’s not time.. Not yet, Lizzy.” The female mumbled sadly before they both vanished with a poof.
Awakening in a puddle of sweat, Elizabeth looked around the place, locked in the lonely room still. She had purple marks on her arms, seemingly from herself. “Did you enjoy that?” Arid asked over the speakers in the room. Elizabeth just shook her head, soft whimpers escaped still.
Stepping into the Batcave after cleaning up, Tim kept his hands on the bo staff, a familiar comforting feeling taking control of him. “It’s good to be home…” He said as he shrunk his staff placing it into a strap on his back.
“Good to see that you’re awake.” Ava would say.
“It really is, Alfred, said you didn’t have as many injuries as we anticipated.” Richard would say and smile softly, rubbing the current Robin’s head. “Bruce isn’t happy that you sacrificed yourself though.” Richard said, making a face.
“It’s better than letting him get Liz…” Tim quickly said as he looked down, “I was abused by the Joker… but I was never his target…” Tim felt tears sting his eyes, “I overheard him talking to this guy, Arid, he killed Liz’s parents and is also after her life… but instead of the quick death, he is going to torture her..” He would clench his fist and punch the wall next to him, it made Ava and Richard jump in shock at his reaction.
“He’s gonna torture her…?” Dinah would ask in shock as she overheard the conversation, her eyes shook as she sunk onto the ground, crying, overwhelmed by emotions.
Oliver would rest a hand on his fiance’s shoulder and let his mind run quickly with every idea springing through his brain. “Did he take her to the place you were held at?”
Bruce would enter the room and shake his head, “Arid is a lot smarter than that, there is no way he would take her there.” Bruce would go to the computer and start searching things up.
“Dad, let me.” Ava said as she would join his side, she bent down next to him and started searching, quicker than him. Richard would watch, smiling softly at his girlfriend's behavior to her father.
As the bat dad and daughter worked Tim sighed and turned to everyone, “Arid mentioned that he used to be a hero.. Dr. Medical I believe he said that he used to love Spark, who is her mom.. He worked on a team with Spark and Ember, until Ember fell in love with Spark and they ended up getting married, it left Arid fuming… he ended up killing Spark when he was trying to kill Ember instead… then… he became mad knowing Elizabeth was still alive, since her hair color and skin tone match her father while her eyes match her mother… all he sees is her father and that's why he wants to kill her.” Tim would sigh softly, running a hand through his hair. He would look at the belt that sat in his hand and sighed, “We’re going to get her back, I can promise that.”
A few days would pass by and Elizabeth could hardly stay awake, her pink tee shirt torn, her shoes burned as well as her pants. She would look down at the dried blood along her legs making her unable to stand as she eyed the bruises and burns. Everything hurt as she laid there with a hand over her yellow eyes, tears unable to fall due to over crying. She would close her eyes feeling the room get even colder, her body shivering. Parts of her body turned purple with the coldness. “I’m really going to die here… huh…” She whispered as she felt the overwhelming sensation of death awaiting her. “I failed everyone… Helix was right… there is no way I could’ve won… I’m not strong enough to take care of myself, I haven’t trained for as long as anyone else… Dad tried to train me, Zatanna and Eclipse did as well… Helix tried too but none of it worked.” Elizabeth would lift her hand off her eyes and stare at the unfriendly looking hand. “I guess I’ll get to meet my parents… sooner than I thought…” Closing her eyes, she finally accepted her defeat. She would feel herself go…
Waking up in the oh-so-familiar black void, Elizabeth looked down at her clothes, a simple whitish-green dress with her long light brown hair tied with a pink bow. Her yellow eyes would blink at the surrounding empty void. Elizabeth's heart skips a beat once she turned around and saw two familiar faces in front of her. Confusion and disbelief wash over her as she realizes that these strangers from earlier “I-i know you guys!” She gasped out.
The one glowing orange-red would chuckle and shake his head, “Are you sure you remember us? I don’t think you do.”
“You didn’t even recognize her at first!” The one glowing pink would scold the orange-red one and sighed, hissing in annoyance. Elizabeth would hesitate, unsure of how to react, but a glimmer of recognition flickers in her eyes. Slowly, the pieces start to come together, and a mix of emotions floods her. It's a bittersweet moment, filled with shock, curiosity, and a longing to know more about these people who share her blood.
“Mom… Dad… no way… W-wait this means… I’m dead OMG!” Elizabeth would gasp out as she held her face, hyperventilating. The purple-pink one would quickly grab Elizabeth’s hands and pull them off her face, blowing on her face trying to calm her down.
“Hey hey— no no no, you need to calm down… Elizabeth— look at me!” The purple-pink one— Lexi Vail/Spark would say. The orange-red one— Nick Vail/Ember would sigh and rub Elizabeth’s head.
“Lizzy, you’re not dead… not yet anyway, look… we’re here to help you.” Nick said as he backed up and crossed his arms, smirking. “This is going to hurt… maybe.” He said and tilted his head, chuckling gently before filling it with flaming fire. Lexi rolled her eyes at her husband before holding her hand out with freezing crystals. “Take our hands… come on little one.” He said gently. Elizabeth looked down at their hands and shakingly grabbed both of them, her eyes widened as she suddenly screamed feeling power raging through her body, purple-pink and orange-red energy flung through her body, glowing. Everything hurt as the girl fell to her knees feeling her body absorb the energy.
After a few moments, Elizabeth would open her eyes, both of them glowing the theme colors of her parents. “Wha… What is this overwhelming… power…” She whispered as she stood up; the left side of her body flooding with the cold beauty of the crystal powers while the right side of her body surging with the hot gracefulness of the fire powers. “I…I feel so alive!” She yelled out as she shot powers into the void, jumping in surprise. “Oh my gosh! I just did that!” She gasped before looking at her parents who smirked in admiration at their daughter.
“Now… Liz hun, you’re going back to the living side…” Lexi said as she rubbed her daughter’s cheek before holding her husband’s hand; the parents opening a white void behind them. “Go home Liz, please… you’re not meant to be dead.”
Elizabeth looked at her parents confused. “Won’t.. won’t you two be gone then…?” She whispered as her dad pushed her toward the white void.
“We will… but we are apart of you now, we awoke your powers… at the cost of our lives… well what is left of us anyway.” Nick laughed before he bent down and kissed his daughter’s forehead. Lexi would do the same thing. “Go on.” He mumbled as he gently pushed her forward. Elizabeth smiled at her parents before mumbling a thank you before going into the white void.
Awakening in the pitch black, freezing room. Elizabeth would sit up, in the torn clothes making her sigh. She questioned if the dream she had was even real, but she felt better, more alive… She would look down and watched her right hand flare up, making her yelp softly, “It’s real!” She gasped. She looked around and stood up slowly as she rolled her arms, warming up her body. She would smirk and hold her hand to the wall and watched it catch fire. A snicker would escape her lips before watching the room start burning. She would laugh and throw her head back, her eyes glowing the colors of her powers.
“Woah— a massive fire just broke out at the old abandoned manor…” Helix said in shock as she scrolled through the news on her phone. Superman made a face and leaned over the former villain's shoulder.
“The fire is pink— how can a fire be pink?” Superman asked, making a confused face.
Richard would take the phone and look at the article, “No signs of any gas lines or oil around there… the only way to start something—“
“Police and Firefighters say nobody can get inside… that fire is over 500 degrees…” Ava added.
Tim would look down, sighing in annoyance. “Guys we HAVE to find Elizabeth, this fire isn’t any of our business.” He said, making a face.
“Tim, we’re trying… let's try to deal with this fire, it may lead us to something.” Bruce said, “Superman, Helix, Green Arrow, Nightwing and Robin, go. Oracle, Canary, Eclipse and I will keep searching.”
“But Bru—“ Tim would receive a glare from Bruce making him go quiet. “Fine… let’s just get this over with…” He grumbled.
The team would arrive on to the scene, Superman and Helix taking to the sky, “Robin… something isn’t right… yes this fire is hot but… there’s someone standing inside of it.” Superman would utter to the bat boy who looked confused.
Squinting his eyes in the pink flames he made out a figure in the flames. A white and pink hair ribbon fell infront of his face fragily making his eyes widen as he quickly rushed forward. “ROBIN!” Nightwing would yell as he tried to grab the panicking 16 year old.
“No… no no no…” Robin would yell as he ran. Helix and Superman would fly to try to grab the boy, but before they could the fire made a path open up. Helix would quickly pull Superman back, holding onto him. Robin would rush into the pathway making him confused when he came to a stop infront of a female. Her hair was down all the way as her clothes were ripped and tattered. Tears stung the young boy’s eyes. “Lizzy…” He gasped out as the fire closed behind him, leaving the two unharmed.
Elizabeth turned her head back to see the cleaner up bat boy prior from the other day. “Tim…” She whispered in awe as the girl would stop the fire on her hands before looking him up and down. Overwhelmed with emotion, she would step back, scared. Robin would take a step forward and grab her hand.
“It’s me.. in the flesh.” He whispered as he placed her hand over his heart. “I’m alive… and this beating heart proves it.” Robin would pull her into a hug as Elizabeth’s eyes filled with tears, Robin would tighten the hug as the two slid onto the ground, the fire around them disappearing.
“Robin!” Nightwing called out again as he made his way over to the two followed by everyone else that was there. A smile fell onto the blue bird's face, “Lizzy… you’re okay…” He spoke as Helix quickly flew down, followed by Superman who held Helix in his arms as the girl would feel her body shake.
“S-something… isn’t right…” Helix mumbled as she laid in Superman’s arms. The muscular hero would notice a stone on the ground making him hold Helix closer.
“Because this place is surrounded with Yalex energy… it’s hurtful to you.” Superman said as he looked at everyone. “C’mon; we saved Elizabeth, now we need to go, before things get worse.” He said as he flew back, trying to save the weakened girl in his arms. Everyone else would retreat back, Robin holding onto Elizabeth. A swoosh sound would be heard resulting in Elizabeth quickly turning around, throwing up a massive crystal, blocking the attack.
“Have fun getting through Obsidian.” Elizabeth smirked softly before screaming was heard on the other side, the crystal breaking.
“You— You stupid girl get back here!!!” Arid yelled as he ran at Elizabeth. Robin and her made eye contact, ready to fight. An arrow pierced Arid in the stomach before it was followed by 3 more arrows.
“Hurt my daughter again… and I won’t miss your heart next time.” Green Arrow growled as he lowered his bow. Elizabeth turned to her adopted father and bolted into his arms, “I missed you so much baby…” Green Arrow whispered as he picked up his daughter into a tight hug.
Once he released her, Elizabeth rushed to Nightwing and hugged him. “I’m glad you’re back kiddo… Tim hasn’t slept well these few days.” He said and patted her head.
“Who says Tim sleeps even when I am here?” Elizabeth commented; the two sharing a small laugh before the younger turned to Helix and Superman, walking over to them. “Helix… Superman… I’m… I’m sorry… for acting the way I did and not upholding my promise. I thought I could beat Arid, and save Tim without any issues… but look at the mess I caused.”
Helix would lean down and gently pull Elizabeth into a hug. “I’m not mad… I was just worried… me and Clark may not be your parents, or adopted parents, but we both see you like a daughter we don’t have…” Helix would rub her cheek and smile softly. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Superman would nod in agreement as he watched Helix stand back up and join his open arms.
Elizabeth would feel arms wrap around her back making her flinch but lean into his hold. She smiled, not even needing to turn around, knowing who the back hug was from. She would rub his cheek and smile softly, feeling her tears fall freely again. The painful memories of the feeling of death… now to this moment of standing here around the people she loved, it was all so much. She would turn around in the bat boy’s arms and hold his cheeks. “Tim…” Just with the whisper of his name, nothing else and nothing more, the masked boy melted as he leaned in and did what he should’ve done along ago, kiss her.
(drawings are mine btw!!)
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Fool's gold
Sorrow lingers in yellow What is more devastating Than golden optimism Shattered and covered up By gaudy pyrite
The glittering deception Of wisped and wilted hope Wrapped in amber paper Tissue torn and discarded
Glossy saffron stage front Shines garish veneer Over invariable grief
Caustic lemon slice leaves Knife's edge bitterness on tongue
And caged canaries suffocate
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miniaturemoonheart · 1 year
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Gold channels the power of the Sun. It is the color of fortune, power, promotion, understanding and strength. In magick, gold is used for increasing understanding and knowledge, for harmonizing wills and emotions, for hope, fortune, money, healing, strength and success.
☆ 𝗖𝗛𝗔𝗞𝗥𝗔: None attributed
☆ 𝗗𝗔𝗬: 𝘚𝘶𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺- Mental/Physical Action
𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘥𝘢𝘺 - Mental Actions
𝘞𝘦𝘥𝘯𝘦𝘴𝘥𝘢𝘺 - Physical Actions
☆ 𝗡𝗨𝗠𝗕𝗘𝗥: 2, 3 and 0
☆ 𝗠𝗔𝗚𝗜𝗖𝗞𝗔𝗟 𝗧𝗢𝗢𝗟: Incense Burner, Candle Magick
☆𝗦𝗖𝗘𝗡𝗧/𝗢𝗜𝗟: Frankincense, Patchouli, Cinnamon, Marigold, Ginger, Cedar, Musk, Tonka
☆ 𝗣𝗟𝗔𝗡𝗧/𝗛𝗘𝗥𝗕: Sunflower, Marigold, Buttercup, St. Johns Wort, Chamomile, Mistletoe, Saffron, Begonia, Geranium, Morning Glory, Snapdragon, Daffodil, Rosemary, and Daisy.
☆ 𝗔𝗡𝗜𝗠𝗔𝗟: Canary, Goldfinch, Beetle, Chameleon, Antelope, Crow, Bobcat, Goat, Lion Mouse, Gull, Martin, Bear
☆ 𝗙𝗘𝗔𝗧𝗛𝗘𝗥: Blessings of the Sun, success.
☆ 𝗦𝗧𝗢𝗡𝗘𝗦: Gold, Petrified Wood, Topaz, Yellow Diamond, Pyrite, Yellow Jacinth, Citrine, Clear Quartz, Chrysolite, Goldstone, Malachite, Tiger Eye, Carnelian.
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simblrinterests · 3 years
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Canary: I love you Jackfruit, and everything I’ve done, I’ve done to protect you and our family.  It’s too late for me, and maybe I can buy you some time.  I do not intend to go quietly.  I only hope you get this message before it’s too late.  
She’s waiting for a very particular moment, she needs things to be perfectly aligned.  I tried to get the date, but they had their own limits.  Which is another thing I need you to know -- she’s not working alone.  She has an accomplice, they’ve also been here, hiding in plain sight.  I don’t know their real name, they go by an alias.  Sometimes known as -- 
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pocket-gems · 3 years
Could you draw my Bronzite hugging my Pyrite? She really needs a hug 🖤🖤
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Of course
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oodlesofpearls · 3 years
tysm for designing the pearls for me 🖤
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i hope you don’t mind me changing Coppers color palette a bit 🖤💗🖤💗
These look awesome!
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kiokodoodles · 1 year
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Decided to draw some of my friends' skelebois because they're so good! ... But their Papyri though are very nice
Frenzy, Canary, Hatchet, Doseto, and Cedar belong to @fruitsnackart
Paps, Miel, Chief, Bill, Fangs, and Lobo belong to @hearty-dose-of-ranch
Underdew Papyrus, Gin, Zircon, Pyrite, Baryte, and Maple belong to @neillesart/@miscneilleaneous
Again y'all have really cool characters and it was fun doodling them today! Can't wait to learn more about your characters!
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bowl-of-shortness · 3 years
RWBY OC Color Names:
Massive shoutout to @collectingsparechangemadeeasy1, they helped a lot with coming up with these name :)
Roux, Rory, Rufus, Russell, Rusty, Maroon, Burgundy, Mahogany, Claret, Sorrell, Flannery, Vermilion, Apple, Candy, Sangria, Cardinal, Carnelian, Cerise, Cinnabar, Falu, Crimson, Wine, Amaranth, Titian, Chili, Raspberry, Carmine, Realgar, Eudialyte, Madeira, Cuprite, Rosa, Peppermint, Aster, Anemone, Yarrow, Chrysanthemum, Amaryllis, Carnation, Poinsettia, Begonia, Dianthus, Freesia, Petunia, Hibiscus, Poppy, Salvia, Tulip, Azalea, Canna, Dahlia, Verbena, Holly.
Hari, Ginger, Spice, Blaze, Russet, Tawny, Citron, Clementine, Tangerine, Coral, Peach, Apricot, Mango, Persimmon, Sunset, Pumpkin, Butterscotch, Cider, Copper, Bronze, Clay, Ochre, Fulvous, Jasper, Sunrise, Topaz, Amber, Tiger, Carnelian, Hessonite, Sunstone, Sunny, Padparadscha, Sardonyx, Calcite, Dzi, Begonia, Canna, Cosmos, Honeysuckle, Zinnia, Autumn.
Honey, Blaine, Gold (Goldie), Mellow, Lemon, Champagne, Canary, Daffodil, Sunny, Jasmine, Primrose, Goldenrod, Dune, Sand, Flax, Xanthus, Laguna, Dijon, Beige, Aureolin, Mikado, Maize, Colza, Melon, Cyber, Banana, Tuscany, Ecru, Corn, Sepia, Citrine, Heliodor, Pyrite, Copal, Argonite, Sulphur, Rutile, Spiriferida, Scheelite, Calla, Jessamine, Pansy, Primrose, Lotus, Buttercup.
Viridian, Hunter, Forest, Moss, Florence, Chartreuse, Oliver, Olive, Olivia, Sage, Lime, Jade, Fern, Laurel, Mint, Tea, Kelly, Sacramento, Juniper, Pear, Shamrock, Pickle, Pistachio, Basil, Paris, Spring, Glade, Timber, Verdun, Chateau, Kaitoke, Foxtons, Kale, Avocado, Bilbao, Panache, Khaki, May, Tourmaline, Chrysoprase, Idocrase, Aventurine, Peridot, Moldavite, Zoisite, Turquoise, Malachite, Serpentine, Prehnite, Variscite, Ekanite, Tansy, Hydrangea, Scabiosa.
Royal, Admiral, Duke, Glacious, Blueberry, Bluebell, Sky, Midnight, Frost, Ocean, Glade, Bluebird, Azalea, Denim, Pigeon, Navy, Carolina, Maya, Cornflower, Sapphire, Azure, Yale, Indigo, Cobalt, Teal, Cerulean, Lapis, Aegean, Berry, Arctic, Aquamarine, Aqua, Spinel, Chalcedony, Tanzanite, Moonstone, Iolite, Apatite, Larimar, Benitoite, Zircon, Opal, Azurite, Kyanite, Sodalite, Halite, Clematis, Salvia, Lobelia, Lupine, Veronica.
Magenta, Fuschia, Periwinkle, Plum, Yolanda, Violet, Iris, Lavender, Amethyst, Hibiscus, Mauve, Mulberry, Orchid, Lilac, Grape, Byzantine, Helio, Floral, Thistle, Sangria, Jam, Chalcedony, Fluorite, Garnet, Kunzite, Sugalitie, Coquimbite, Kunzite, Siberite, Charoite, Phantom, Taaffeite, Tiffany, Marialite, Angel, Verbena, Anemone, Heather, Aster, Liatris, Honesty, Merlin, Wisteria, Zinnia, Dianthus.
Blush, Sakura, Rosè, Calamine, Bubblegum, Thulian, Cerise, Carnation, Amaranth, Taffy, Rouge, Crepe, Rhodolite, Morganite, Mayala, Pezzottaite, Rubellite, Calcite, Eudialyte, Talc, Rosolite, Cerasite, Cherry, Azalea, Begonia, Amaryllis, Thyme, Hollyhock, Astilbe, Iberis, Phlox.
Pearl, Alabaster, Lumi, Snow, Porcelain, Linen, Cream, Ivory, Platinum, Sugar, Chiffon, Titanium, Lace, Ice (Icey), Edelweiss, Cotton, Salt, Daisy, Frost, Rice, Howlite, Diamond, Akoya, Baroque, Keshi, Selenite, Selene, Zeolite, Caylon, Okenite, Snowdrop, Magnolia, Jasmine, Powder, Galatea.
Grey, Silver, Steel, Stone, Pewter, Slate, Dusty, Boulder, Manta (?), Cloud, Fossil, Mink, Abalone, Harbor, Iron, Trout, Seal, Lava, Shadow, Ash, Anchor, Graphite, Fog, Lead, Gibeon, Celiom, Larvikite, Chrome, Terahertz, Brunia.
Ebony, Merle, Charcoal, Coal, Jet, Ink, Soot, Smoke, Pepper, Domino, Vanta, Onyx, Pitch, Sable, Obsidian, Spider, Leather, Morion, Hematite, Shungite, Galena, Graphite, Lodestone, Shale, Scoria, Augite, Anatase, Basalt, Blackberry, Baccara, Satin, Viola.
Total number of names on this list: 420
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the-bastards-box · 4 years
Undermine (Original Universe)
Ruins - Eal' house, San' house
Snowdin - Thej' bar, Thy' house, Library, Sarsa' shop, Inn, Thej' and Sarsa' house
Waterfall - Garbage Dump, Grem' house, Eliro' house, Quil' house, Quil' shop, Cristal' shop
Hotland - The Lab, Gold Cafe, Gold Resort, Theatre, CORE
New Home - Lun' Sol' and Aster' house, Ralz' house, Pyrite' house, Valeri' house, Last Corridor, Gal' house, Throne room
The Barrier
Fellmine (The Collapsed Underground Timeline)
The remains of the Underground
The Barrier
Mt. Ebott - Cliffside, Forest, Bug' Cottage
Blue Shore Hotel
Hotel - Corthy' room, Regret' room, Solar' room, Canvas' room, Sunspot' room, Starling' and Canary' room, Twilight' room
The Oasis
The Paradise
Undermine (The Genocide Timeline)
Snowdin - Grim' and Monotype' house
Hotland - CORE, The Lab
New Home
The Barrier
Eclipse' Workshop
Corthy' Timeline (Amnesia Timeline)
Pink' pocket dimension
Canvas' pocket dimension
Rouge' pocket dimension
Guilt' pocket dimension
Cipher' void
Comic' Timeline
Monotype' AUs
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finemanegemmy · 6 years
Heres a list of every gem in my collection just shoot me an ask with any gem name and ill show u a pic (you can choose as many as you want)
Citrine Ametrine Amethyst Epidote Chrome Sphene Orange Tanzanite Alexandrite Blue Zircon Chrysoberyl Ruby Yellow Sapphire Orange Sapphire Blue Sapphire Petalite Tantalite Lemon Quartz Kyanite Chrome Diopside Maroon Spinel Andalusite Emerald Aquamarineu Morganite Bixbite Heliodor Maxixe Malaya Garnet Color Change Diaspore Imperial Topaz Swiss Blue Topaz Tsavorite Garnet Hiddenite Kunzite Taaffeite Blue Apatite Chondrodite Clinohumite Danburite Rhodolite Garnet Bi Color Tanzanite (yellow+pink) Verdalite Tourmaline Pink Tourmaline Indicolite Tourmaline Rubellite Tourmaline Chrome Tourmaline Dravite Tourmaline Canary/Golden Tourmaline Tri Color Change Garnet (blue purple/red green) Pink Tanzanite Sillimanite Hessonite Garnet Axinite Beryllonite White Zircon Blue Kunzite Black Opal Strawberry Quartz Pink Opal Scapolite White Topaz Black Star Sapphire Moss Opal Peridot Star Ruby Green Topaz Iolite Golden Tanzanite Hauyne Pyrope Garnet Prasiolite Pink Topaz Smoky Quartz White Opal Larimar Malachite Flourite Jadeite Orthoclase Azotic Topaz Chrysoprase Mystic Quartz Prehnite Crystal Quartz Carnelian Chalcedony Tiger's Eye Sphalerite Aventurine Pearl London Blue Topaz Enstatite Sphene Rose Quartz Sunstone Watermelon Tourmaline Andesine Mystic Topaz Boulder Opal Zoisite Fire Opal Rainbow Moonstone Aqua Aura Quartz Peach Moonstone Dragon Breath Stone Kutnohorite Azurite Snowflake Obsidian Amazonite Maw-Sit-Sit Star Sunstone Psilomelane Star Diopside Amber Pietersite Purple Tanzanite Cats Eye Sillimanite White Moonstone Opal Triplet Phantom Quartz Lapis Lazuli Bismuth Sodalite Pyromorphite Benitoite Turquoise Solar Quartz Onyx Star Scapolite Labradorite Fossil Coral Candy Jade Serpentine Rutile Quartz Spectrolite Sugilite Conch Ocean Jasper Charoite Seraphinite Ammolite Rhodochrosite Bloodstone Chrysocolla Tiger Iron Moldavite Celestine Obsidian Selenite Dumortierite Quartz Unakite Kona Dolomite Canvansite Japer Pyrite Alabaster Rhodonite (rough)
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notrebellefrance · 2 years
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Sète - Herault
L’histoire du port est le reflet de la vie économique et sociale de la région Occitanie.
Le port de Sète s'est traditionnellement développé de l'Ouest vers l'Est.
1666 : La première pierre du Môle Saint Louis est posée, suite à la volonté de Louis XIV de créer un port d'exportation pour les produits du Languedoc. La création de la digue de protection du port, longue de 650 m signe la naissance du port de Sète.
1820 : Au 19ème siècle, le port de commerce se développe avec, comme principaux trafics, le vin, le soufre, le bois, les céréales et le fer. Sète est également un port de transit d'oranges et de citrons en provenance des Baléares et des Canaries puis d'Algérie et du Maroc, vers les autres régions françaises. Ce trafic s'est développé jusqu'en 1970.
1850 : Fuyant les crises économiques, des pêcheurs de Cetara s'installent à Sète. Cetara est une commune italienne de la province de Salerne dans la région Campanie en Italie. Les cetareses pêchent l'anchois, et connaissent bien Sète, où ils font escale lors de la recherche de poisson bleu. A la recherche d'une vie meilleure, ils s'installent à Sète par vagues. Beaucoup d'entre eux embarquent comme matelots sur les navires sétois
1920 : Extrait d'une note de Jean PRATS, Président de la Chambre de Commerce de Sète :
"Cette n'est pas un grand port, mais il est un port moyen des plus importants, le second de la méditerranée et avec des dépenses relativement faibles. Le jour viendra où il deviendra un port dont l'utilité sera plus grande encore.
Au pied de la colline de Saint-Clair, Cette est merveilleux de situation. Abrité par 3 ouvrages extérieurs : le môle Saint-Louis, la jetée de Frontignan, le brise-lames et ses prolongements dits: "Epi Dellon", il est accessible par n'importe quel temps et le vent du nord (le mistral) qui, à Marseille notamment, immobilise bien souvent les bateaux au large pendant plusieurs jours, n'a sur notre port aucune influence: pas de ressac à craindre; dès qu'ils ont franchi la rade, les navires y jouissent d'une absolue sécurité.
Il peut recevoir facilement les navires calant jusqu'à 7 m 50 et même 8 m. dans ce dernier cas, il est prudent de les alléger dans la rade extérieure dont le chenal est entretenu à la cote 8. Leur longueur importe peu car il n'existe pas d'écluse.
La manutention des matières dangereuses, pétrole et essence, s'opère dans un bassin spécial d'une longueur de 150 m et séparé de l'avant-port par un barrage isolateur flottant. Les pétroles sont emmagasinés dans les réservoirs construits ad hoc, puis transportés par calands-citernes aux deux raffineries établies à Balaruc (Raffinerie du midi) et à Frontignan (Société industrielle) : un navire pétrolier de 7000 tonnes est vidé dans 4 jours.
Cette est plutôt un port d'importation que d'exportation : parmi les marchandises importées se trouvent en premier lieu les vins exotiques en provenance de l'Algérie, l'Espagne, la Grèce, l'Italie. On importe aussi en grande quantité, des bois merrains, pétrole, soufre, pyrites, phosphates, nitrates, charbons et bitumes. A noter également, l'importation de balles de peaux de moutons en provenance de l'Australie et de l'Amérique du Sud et à destination du centre de Mazamet.
Comme exportation, on peut citer les vins fins produits à Cette, Frontignan, Mèze, les pétroles et les soufres raffinés, les superphosphates, les chaux et ciments, les bauxites.
Constitué par le canal qui relie l'étang de Thau à la mer, le port de Cette est doté de magnifiques bassins et canaux bordés de quais fondés à des profondeurs variables. Tous ces quais comportent des terre-pleins suffisamment larges pour entreposer les marchandises. La manutention est d'autant plus aisée que le navire se place invariablement bord à quai; elle se fait directement de bateau à wagon ou inversement lorsque le navire est accosté à l'un des nombreux quais desservis par des voies ferrées raccordées soit à la gare PLM, soit à celle du Midi (Longueur totale des voies sur quais: 2000 mètres; longueur des quais fondés à 5 à 7 m: 5000 mètres).
L'outillage du port, en grande partie exploité par la chambre de commerce, comprend:
- 1° de nombreux engins de levage: grues fixes et à bras, dont une de 15 tonnes; grues mobiles à vapeur ou électrique montées sur rails et munies de bennes preneuses; grues à vapeur montées sur ponton;
- 2° un puissant bateau-pompe destiné au renflouement et à l'épuisement des navires et utilisé également pour l'extinction des incendies survenus à bord des navires ou dans les immeubles situés sur les bords des quais.
Aussitôt achevés, les travaux d'accès à l'étang et du creusement du chenal, les navires de gros tonnages pourront aisément gagner l'étang de Thau et amener à pied d'oeuvre, avec le minimum de frais, les matières nécessaires aux établissements industriels installés à cet endroit. C'est dire l'avenir industriel de ce bassin."
1947 : construction du phare du môle Saint Louis
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