#magical correspondences
freyjaskona · 2 months
HEY YOU!!! YES, YOU!!! Remember that performing protection spells is an act of loving and caring for yourself and/or others! :)
Angelica Root ~ Protection from baneful spells and evil spirits. Protects from negativity and attracts positivity. Removes negative spells and energies. Useful in return-to-sender spells.
Rue ~ Protection from the evil eye. Removes negative energies
Thorns ~ Baneful protection
Basil ~ Protection from evil/negative spirits
Cloves ~ Drives away negativity and hostile forces
Orris Root ~ Protection from evil spirits
Red Clover Blossoms ~ Wards against nasty spells and spirits
Rosemary ~ Protection from negativity. Rids a place of negativity, especially before performing spell work.
Salt ~ Protects and wards
Have a lovely day chicky ;)
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deepintheground · 9 months
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•~• Some Basic Pumpkin Magic •~•
Even though July isn’t even over yet and autumn is not as near as I would like it to be, I wanted to talk about one of my favorite things in the world - pumpkins! I always love when these bad boys come around in the autumn, so to be prepared for the coming autumn months, I thought I’d make a little summary of some pumpkin associations and magic!
When we think of pumpkins, we tend to think of the color orange, which is associated with attraction, creativity, and new opportunities. But pumpkins can also be found in other colors, such as green, yellow, and white! If you want the general associations of a pumpkin but want to use a different kind of color magic, maybe look into the less iconic but still wonderful varieties of pumpkins.
Pumpkin Associations and Uses
Pumpkins are often associated with abundance and prosperity due to their large size and many, many, seeds. The seeds are also a feature that promotes new life and expansion. Pumpkins also tend to last long periods of time when not disturbed, so the expansion aspect of the seeds can be longer-term as the pumpkin itself can last longer.
Pumpkins are also ruled by the moon and their element is water. Doing spells and rituals regarding the moon and/or water can be amplified by the pumpkin’s natural associations with these things.
Pumpkins are also used to ward off evil and for spirit protection. Carving them into faces is a common tradition and they became used in what we know as a jack-o-lantern as a replacement for the traditional turnip. If you want to double up on the protection aspect, carve a sigil, rune, or other protective symbol into the pumpkin instead of a face.
Which also leads me to the time of year that these are around. Pumpkins are an autumnal plant and are heavily associated with harvest festivals and spiritual festivals. The most well known would be Mabon and Samhain, with our modern day Halloween coming from Samhain, thus the jack-o-lanterns at this time of year outside of the magical community.
Other Magical Uses
Aside from the jack-o-lantern spells, the most obvious and my personal favorite way to use pumpkins is kitchen magic. I have sweet pumpkin tea that I stir clockwise to attract abundance and prosperity. You can also use them in baking, such as a pumpkin pie, or regular cooking, such as pumpkin soups and stews. They work really well with spices. If you’re working on spiritual protection with the pumpkin, using cinnamon to enhance the protection properties. Also cinnamon and pumpkin is one of my all time favorite flavor combinations so it also tastes amazing!
The pumpkin’s physical characteristics can also be used in spells. Carve out your pumpkin and use it as a bowl or container for your spellwork.
And last on this post but definitely not the last way to use it is the drying of its seeds and using the seeds throughout your magical year. As mentioned, these seeds are great for new beginnings, and as they are connected to a moon associated plant, new moon spells and rituals of attracting abundance and new beginnings work really well when adding some pumpkin seeds.
I hope y’all found this helpful and let me know if you want basic breakdown of anything else!
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booksandwitchery · 4 months
Personal Correspondences
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After studying witchcraft for about 18 months now, I am finally getting around to recording my list of personal correspondences. If you ever feel like you're getting witch imposter syndrome, remember that witchcraft, paganism, and occultism in general are so multifaceted and multidisciplinary. You can be heavily immersed in your path for a long time and still not have the basics down. I'm not necessarily saying that personal correspondences are basic, but I sure feel silly that I am just now taking time to establish these for myself.
I've always had a hard time with Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences and similar literature because of the pure subjectivity of everything in life. For example, I am not partial to the color purple because of bad memories from my childhood. Many other people will feel that the color purple is calming, welcoming, or friendly. If humans are all so unique and diverse (and we are), I can't agree that any list of magical correspondences is universal or should be trusted at the sacrifice of personal experience and/or intuition. I must say that this of course excludes medical or evidence-based properties of plants, herbs, chemicals, and so on.
This is just the unfinished flower section, but I've covered a lot of ground (crystals, herbs and spices, plants, trees, metals, scents, animals, etc.) and I'm excited to keep chiseling away at this master list.
I'm interested to know if any of you have made a list of personal correspondences, or if you're cool with the books just spelling them out for you. Let me know!
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marigoldwitch · 1 year
Common Food 🍋 Magical Properties
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Purification, love, and friendship are just a few of the most popular uses for lemon in magical practices. As well as longevity. It’s most associated with summertime, and with its bright yellow color and summertime associations you’d think it’d also correspond with the sun, but it’s actual planetary correspondence is the moon.
🍋 You can add a slice of lemon to your moon water, to use for cleansing second hand items, charms and other objects.
🍋 Add a slice of lemon to tea being shared among friends to strengthen the bonds of friendship, or in a purification or cleansing tea.
🍋 Hang dried lemon slices to bring blessings and good luck into your home.
🍋 You can use lemon peels (and the flowers from lemon trees) in love spells; most notably in spells involving platonic love.
🍋 Add dried crushed lemon peels to any poppet for magic related to friendship, blessings, luck, happiness, and self love.
🍋 Add lemon to your bath during a full moon to help boost manifestation spells or rituals. You can also do this when making moon water too.
🍋 Use lemon seeds in spells intended to “grow” or manifest something related to love or friendship. Or in spells that you foresee will take a bit of time to manifest.
Lemon is also known for being high in vitamin C, which helps boost your immune system. It’s used in teas and elixirs to help fight against common colds and flu. It’s high in dietary fiber so it’s also known to help aid in healthy digestion. It’s high vitamin C content also helps promote a healthy heart and liver.
Whether you’re making tea, having a bath, or using poppet magic lemons can be used in a wide variety of ways from the mundane to the magical.
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elminx · 11 months
Somebody just shared a post of mine with the tag "personal correspondences are always valid"...
and just...
it's more complicated than that.
You generally need to know what you are doing to make a personal correspondence for magical purposes. And you need to test it magically, too.
You can't just say "Lavender makes people angry" and then put it in a spell and it will make somebody else angry.
Most good correspondences have a REASON that they bring that type of energy to the spell. That reason may not work for you for whatever reason, and then, you wouldn't want to use it in magic for that purpose. And that's cool but that's different than just willy-nilly making up your own correspondences for like funs.
Let's get a bit nuanced here and use the very debated one: caffeine.
Some people have weird nervous systems where caffeine doesn't wake them up, so using caffeine for its intended purpose wouldn't be the best for them. Cool. But to then go "Caffeine makes me sleepy so I'll use it for a sleep spell on somebody else..."
Do you see the problem there? If caffeine makes you sleepy, you might be able to use it in a sleep spell for yourself (I'm still skeptical there but if you've done this successfully, please lmk - I'm legit interested) but that doesn't give caffeine the correspondence of "sleep" in a generalized sense. To further complicate things, not all correspondences are created equal. Like, change any color correspondences you want - in my opinion. The Eurocentric view of color does not equal what color means to everybody. But that's different than a plant that has certain inherent properties which will carry through into the magic. (And we could get very technical about the inherent properties of color - like black absorbing light and white reflecting light, but I digress) To summarize, correspondence charts are shit and I encourage you to seek out and learn to understand how things work for you in magic. But that's also sort of advanced practice and it takes a long time or trial and error to get right. If you're just deciding something without that, you are probably playing make-believe.
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crimsonsongbird · 6 months
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Correspondences: Foxes, Pirates, Children, Anger, Chaos, Hooks, Metal, Revenge, Death, Spirits, Accents, Music, Language, Screams, Speed, Song, Malfunction, Eye Patches, Pain, Secrets, Horror, Motivation, Movement, Action, Binding, Captain, Curse, Entrapment, Blood, Energy, Technology, Memories, Nightmares, & Animatronics
Herbs/Plants: Nettle, Thorns, Mullein, Cayenne, & Bindweed
Crystals: Bloodstone, Tiger’s Eye, Malachite, Red Jasper, & Obsidian
Elements: Earth & Fire
Celestial Body/Planet: Mars
Numbers: 2 & 5
Scents: Metallic, Decay, & Musty
Candles: Red, Orange, & Black 
Magic Types: Chaos, Death / Spirit Work, Cursing, Hexing, Binding, Motivation, Movement, Destruction, Metal, Earth, Electricity, Speed, Strength, Technology, Nightmare / Dream Work, Flashbacks, & Horror
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faerytalemagick · 2 months
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Happy Freyja day 🕯️🌕🍀
Friday Magical Correspondences
Planet: Venus
Deities: Venus goddesses like Aphrodite and Freyja.
Colors: Pink and green.
Magical Intentions: Love, romance, beauty, sensuality, and artistic pursuits.
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delightingintragedy · 3 months
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Mars Correspondences
From Christian Astrology by William Lilly
(It is mostly word for word. I tried to format it to fit into a nice correspondence list, but the information itself is untouched.)
Zodiac: Aries is his Day-house, Scorpio is his Night-house. Exhaulted in Capricorn, Depressed in Cancer, Detriment in Libra and Taurus.
Nature: Masculine, Nocturnal Planet, in nature hot and dry, choleric and fiery, the lesser Infortune, author of Quarrels, Strifes, and Contentions.
Profession: Princes Ruling by Tyranny and Oppression, or Tyrants, Usurpers, new Conquerors. Generals in Armies, Colonels, Captains, or any Soldiers having command in Armies, all manner of Soldiers, Physicians, Apothecaries, Surgeons, Alchemists, Gunners, Butchers, Marshals, Sergeants, Bailiffs, Hangmen, Thieves, Smiths, Bakers, Armourers, Watchmakers, Botchers, Tailors, Cutlers of Swords and Knives, Barbers, Dyers, Cooks, Carpenters, Gamesters, Bear-wards, Tanners, Curriers.
Diseases: The Gall, the left Ear, tertian Fevers, pestilent burning Fevers, Migraines in the Head, Carbuncles, the Plague and all Plague-sores, Burnings, Ringworm, Blisters, Frenzies, mad sudden distempers in the Head, Yellow-jaundice, Bloodyflux, Fistulas, all Wounds and Diseases in men's Genitals, the Stone both in Reins and Bladder, Scars or small Pox in the Face, all hurts by Iron, the Shingles, and such other Diseases as arise by abundance of too much Choler, Anger or Passion.
Colour: Red colour, or Yellow, fiery and shining like Saffron.
Savour: Those which are bitter, sharp and burn the Tongue.
Herbs: The Herbs which we attribute to Mars are such as come near to redness, whose leaves are pointed and sharp, whose taste is caustic and burning, love to grow on dry places, are corrosive, and penetrating the Flesh and Bone with a most subtle heat: They are as follows: The Nettle, all manner of Thistles, Restharrow or Cammock, Devils-milk or Petty spurge, the white and red Brambles, the white called vulgarly by the Herbalists Ramme, Lingwort, Onions, Scammony, Garlic, Mustard-seed, Pepper, Ginger, Leeks, Dittander, Horehound, Hemlock, red Sanders, Tamarinds, all Herbs attracting or drawing choler by Sympathy, Radish, Castoreum, Aresmart, Assarum, Carduus Benedictus, Cantharides.
Trees: All Trees which are prickly, as a Thorn, Chestnut.
Beasts: Panther, Tiger, Mastiff, Vulture, Fox; of living creatures, those that are Warlike, Ravenous and Bold, the Castor, Horse, Mule, Ostrich, the Goat, the Wolf, the Leopard, the wild Ass, the Gnats, Flies, Lapwing, Cockatrice, the Griffin, Bear.
Fishes, etc: The Pike, the Shark, the Barbel, the Fork-fish, all stinking Worms, Scorpions.
Birds, etc: The Hawk, the Vulture, the Kite or Glead, (all ravenous Fowl), the Raven, Cormorant, the Owl, (some say the Eagle), the Crow, the Pye.
Places: Smith's Shops, Furnaces, Slaughterhouses, places where Bricks or Charcoal are burned or have been burned, Chimneys, Forges.
Minerals: Iron, Antimony, Arsenic, Brimstone, Ochre.
Stones: Adamant, Loadstone, Bloodstone, Jasper, the many coloured Amethyst, the Touchstone, red Lead or Vermilion.
Weather: Red Clouds, Thunder, Lightning, Fiery impressions, and pestilent Airs, which usually appear after a long time of dryness and fair Weather, by improper and unwholesome Mists.
Winds: Western Winds
Angel: Samael
Planetary Alliances: His Friends are only Venus; Enemies all the other planets.
Week Day: Tuesday
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Correspondence posts for the other planets: [Sun] [Moon] [Mercury] [Venus] [Jupiter] [Saturn]
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little-x-foxx · 1 year
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Full Moon Cold Moon
Birthstone Garnet
Tree Birch
Flower Carnation
Colors Gray, Purple, White
Animals Buffalo, Canary, Fox, Salmon, Seal, Wolf, Wren
Garden Agrimony, Anemone, Basil, Bloodroot, Borage, Comfrey, Fennel, Heather, Horehound, Jasmine, Lemon Balm, Lily of the Valley, Meadowsweet, Nutmeg, Primrose, Raspberry, Saffron, Thistle, Thyme, Yarrow
Crystals Amethyst, Aquamarine, Bloodstone, Blue Lace Agate, Calcite, Chrysoprase, Fluorite, Hematite, Jet, Kunzite, Lodestone, Malachite, Moldavite, Petrified Wood, Pyrite, Salt, Sardonyx, Tiger’s Eye
Themes Beginnings, Healing, Protection, Strength
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Herb of the Month - Willow
This post will have the medicinal profile and magical correspondences. This is done via years of research and having spent quite a bit of time with it, as it is one of my favorite trees. I've found her to be soothing and relaxing, a real comfort to be around. This may get updated over time to keep it as accurate as possible. Below the image, you will find the information. If you have any information you'd like to add or experiences you've had with it in the comments, please feel free to!
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Plant name: salix alba
Planet: Moon
Element: Water
Gender: Feminine
Healing/medicinal properties:
• What willow is best known for is a chemical called salicylic acid, which is almost identical to aspirin. It is still a popular alternative for naturopaths to prescribe today. As you can imagine, it has pain-relieving properties.
• Reduces inflammation.
• Often prescribed for arthritis and joint pain by licensed professionals. Work with a naturopath to learn what dosage you need as well as how to best take it. Also used for menstrual cramps, if you want to speak with them about using it for that too.
• Known to reduce fevers.
• Helps gum & tonsil inflammation (use decoction).
• Black willow (salix nigra) was used as an aphrodisiac & sexual sedative. It would arose its user.
• Goat willow (salix caprea) was/is used for whooping cough and indigestion. Also used as an antiseptic and disinfectant.
• Sometimes used for weight loss.
Main magical properties:
• Healing: physically & emotionally.
• Love/romance.
• Fertility.
• To conjure spirits.
• Releasing energy.
• Develop psychic abilities and increase intuition.
• Dreamwork.
• Moon magic.
• Curses.
Spell uses:
• Place in a dream sachet to lucid dream or astral project. Often used for dream scrying. Add lavender or skullcap in it (or both) to aid you even further in this!
• Use in any kind of healing ritual. You can also make your own tinctures, salves, or teas to not only harness the physical benefits but bring deep healing. Charge on full moons, by a body of water if possible. If not, use the water element indoors!
• Use branches to make a powerful wand! Preferably fallen ones. Leave an offering and still ask permission to take it, out of respect.
• Carrying the leaves in a sachet attracts love.
• You can sprinkle it around the perimeters of the home and around the rooms to ward off/protect from evil.
• Traditionally, besoms were made from branches that were left on the ground. Use this to make your own! Again, ask permission and leave offerings.
• You can use this in fertility rituals. Placing it under the bed helps, or in a sachet under the pillows when trying to conceive.
• Some use the branches as divining rods. The rods may also be used for binding magic.
• Aids in ancient studies. It likes to teach its user by removing any blockages, especially emotional ones so they can retain more information, from a clearer headspace.
• Use for working through grief. I encourage making a charm for this, as it brings about a comforting energy during these difficult times.
• On another note, willow has a long history of being used in curses, especially revolving around death or causing someone grief.
• From author and herbalist Corrine Boyer: "Willow was thought in some parts to be protected by the devil and if one tied a knot in a young willow tree, and renounced their baptism while sitting under it, the devil would grant them supernatural powers. Polish folklore taught that the willow tree was the Devil's home and refrained from cutting it down for that reason."
Note: Some of these correspondences might not resonate with you, and that is okay. I've found many authors and researchers that I do not connect with their UPG on a certain herb, but I still make note of it (but put, off to the side, that it is their experience). You will experience the same things as you look into information on an herb you are seeking to understand. The best thing to do is work with the plant itself, develop a relationship, and you will find what resonates.
Another note: this is NOT a substitute for modern medicine. If you want to use it medically, see a licensed naturopath and have them work with your doctor(s) so they are all on the same page & can provide the best treatment possible. No herb is the cure for everything. Don't substitute for needed medications.
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freyjaskona · 1 month
The Magic of Cannabis 🍃🌬
Correspondents: creativity, healing, meditation, relaxation, and dreams
~ Enchant your bowl/bong with an intention
~ Add moon/enchanted water into your bong/bubbler
~ Smoke before meditations, healing rituals, and creative endeavors
~ Mix herbs into your weed to add more power and intention to your smoke sesh ‼️*MAKE SURE THE HERBS YOU CHOOSE TO ADD ARE SAFE TO SMOKE*‼️
Smoke a doobie for me and happy spellcasting ❤️❤️
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caduceussky · 1 year
yes it’s great to do research on magical associations/correspondences for things and compile all these lists of keywords
but if those correspondences don’t make sense to you/your culture, you don’t have to use them
always to go back to what resonates with you/your culture (and if you aren’t sure what resonates, then go experiment! have fun with it!)
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citrinemystic · 1 year
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candlelit-caudatus · 5 months
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"Wow that's that's a lot of glyphs and complex correspondences, where did you get all of that?"
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elminx · 6 months
Elminx muses about color magic at the height of Autumn
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Note: I wrote this a year ago but never published it so the astrological aspects are off, but I think it's worth sharing anyway.
I remain at my heart a skeptical witch. Especially when it comes to magical associations and even more especially when it comes to color magic. There are things that I understand instinctively about the use of color on my mood - wearing my favorite colors to make me feel better, or perhaps more powerful, for example.
But ever since I learned why black was bad and white was good, pre-set color associations have been pretty hard to swallow for me.
Occasionally, I meet a color anew and a greater understanding of it emerges. Then, and only then, am I inclined to use it in my magic.
This happened to me this week with the color orange.
Some background: I spent the last month in a pretty deep and unseasonal (for me) depression. I've mostly worked my way out of it but I was still behind in both my jobs and struggling to catch up - I'm sure that anybody who struggles with depression understands what I mean. Things had gotten better, I haven't sobbed daily in at least two weeks. But I was nowhere near good. I was still stagnant.
Last weekend was busy: my partner and I both got our bivalent vaccines on Thursday, my friend had a music thing, another friend had a birthday, and my partner and I had to watch the gallery of our art thing on Sunday afternoon. By the time Sunday rolled around we were just tired and stretched thin. We got ourselves bagel sandwiches and drove to the gallery which is in the middle of nowhere in an old New England town.
We opened the space and then sat outside with our lunch to enjoy the fair weather and - seemingly right before our eyes - the entire world turned orange. That's the thing about New England, seasons change in a moment and if you're watching, you might just see it happen. Every time we stepped outside that door, the world was more orange. Leaves danced down all around us.
It rained all day on Monday and I had to scurry hurry around to get a lot of work done. I effortlessly multitasked and caught up on weeks' worth of work in ten hours. Then, on Tuesday afternoon, I put on sneakers and walked across town to photograph something that I've needed for months and months.
All of it, all of the gunk, all of the stuckness, it was just gone.
I've spent the last two days trying to comprehend this shift. Was it astrological? Sun trine Mars is nice and was certainly giving me energy, but that wasn't it. Not entirely anyway.
Autumn in New England is something special. It's not just the sweet smell of decaying leaves, or the brilliant displays of yellows, oranges, and reds in the trees. There is a longing in the chill in the air, a hint of something hiding in the long shadows and fading light.
There is a sense of urgency, a feeling of the need to gobble it all up before it's gone, gone, gone.
Orange is a harvest color, a color of ripeness and plenty. The blood of the North runs deep in my veins; when I see it, it lights up every part of me.
Here in New England, the color of orange whispers this: You cannot rest now. Rest when the days are dark and you need to huddle under a blanket for warmth. Now is a time of doing, of expanding, of collecting. Now we harvest when we have sown and now we come together to do the work of the harvest together.
Interestingly, this aligns strongly with the idea that orange is a color of unblocking or road opening. I can attest that the turning of the leaves did this exact thing.
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crimsonsongbird · 6 months
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Correspondences: Bunnies, Guitars, Music, Chaos, Destruction, Hiding, Children, Metal, Death, Spirits, Revenge, Surprises, Curse, Entrapment, Action, Movement, Motivation, Secrets, Parties, Stealth, Technology, Memories, Nightmares, Animatronics, Screams, Protection, & Blood
Herbs/Plants: Fennel, Paprika, Cloves, Birch, Chicory, & Mullein
Crystals: Lepidolite, Bloodstone, Black Tourmaline, Lapis Lazuli, & Blue Apatite 
Elements: Earth & Water
Celestial Body/Planet: Mercury
Numbers: 4 & 5
Scents: Decay, Musk, & Burning Wires
Candles: Blue, Purple, & Red
Magic Types: Chaos, Death / Spirit Work, Stealth, Metal, Earth, Electricity, Technology, Nightmares / Dream Work, Horror, Cursing, Hexing, Binding, Motivation, Movement, Action, Revenge, Music, Destruction, Protection & Strength
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