infernalwitxhcraft · 10 months
I'm still working on my post about the toxicity in the demonolatry practices subreddit. I feel that taking my time with it to give some perspective on what goes on over there is best. It's also just been a super busy week for me, but I've got some posts queued up. Regardless, I'd like to get it posted by the end of the week - I'm about halfway done!
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infernalwitxhcraft · 10 months
Full Moon in Capricorn (July 2023) Tarot Spread
Hey y'all! It's been a minute since I've posted a full moon tarot spread, so here ya go. Hope everyone enjoys their day 😊
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This is a wonderful full moon for productivity, especially when it comes to listening to what you should act on via intuition. While Capricorn & Cancer can oppose each other astrologically speaking, it can be a great happy medium if you can work towards meeting in the middle, as it will ground your emotions (which Cancer season is usually full of!). It's also a good next couple of days to focus on your to-do list. This can be a good time to focus on your big life goals and making an action plan. Career & relationships may take a spotlight. Find a balance between practicality and your feelings. There are aspects going on that will bring lots of luck in!
What're your full moon plans? It's storming where I'm at so I'm collecting some of the rain, maybe will do a spell later if I have the time/energy.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 10 months
If I've got some time this week to write up a post, I would love to talk about the subreddit referred to here. It's a very toxic community that not only embraces cultural appropriation, but going as far as to convince others to follow extremist beliefs. But there's so much more than that, my friends! Best believe that people who don't do academic research on daemons and disregard closed practices would decide that they should encourage other violent behaviors. Yeah...I should really do a post on this now that I'm typing this out. I left reddit a while ago but from what I remember and doing a scan through their recent posts, it seems like it's gotten worse.
I can’t help but feel like the increase in the number of anons trying to convince people (notably, convince specifically and only non-Jewish people) that Lilith is open just might be due to reddit population on here growing.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 10 months
This is your witchy reminder to research the author, their background and the source of the information contained in any books that you're reading. There is way too much n@zi bullshit surrounding modern occultism/spiritualism/witchcraft nowadays. So, beware of what the roots of that knowledge you're gaining might actually be.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 10 months
This is to remind everyone that my blog is a safe space and always will be. I do not tolerate hate groups or people that partake in that mindset, ever. This goes for TERFs, neo-nazis, antisemetics, ableists, and any other group that falls into discriminatory & hated based beliefs & actions. I love y'all & hope you can find comfort in knowing that when you look through my blog or see my posts, I have your back 100%.
Following witchcraft blogs is an absolute roulette wheel on whether you're following a TERF or not and I can't stand how many times it's happened to me. Reblog this if you're a witchcraft blog and aren't a TERF and I'll give you a follow! On this blog we love and respect trans women!
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infernalwitxhcraft · 10 months
Listen, I do believe crystals can be useful in magic. People have used crystals and other minerals in magic as well as in religious worship for centuries. However, they ain't gonna cure your neurodivergency or illnesses. If they help you relax in one way or another that's great, but they aren't gonna cure you nor are they going to solve your long-term problems with mental/physical health.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 10 months
Long time since I've posted, but I'm still settling into my new life after the move. Figured I would share what I'm doing for the summer solstice though! I don't have a tarot spread for today but if you're in the southern hemisphere, here is my winter solstice spread.
Normally, I try to do magic or rituals on the solstices and equinoxes, but I don't have the time (or energy honestly) to do much. So, instead, I'm doing simple things that I normally need to do daily anyway. I woke up to storms and heavy rainfall, so I went ahead and put out a bowl in the backyard to collect the water. I'm making sun tea today as well - a beautifully hued hibiscus tea that has orange peels, lemongrass, rose hips, and lemons. I'll muddle some strawberries when it's ready to combine with it. I'm making a delicious dinner with fresh ingredients. I'll be incorporating some kitchen magic with this. If I've got time, a tarot reading since it's been a few weeks. I'll bask in the sun with my dog when it clears up. Maybe bring my yoga mat out there and flow since I can tell my body needs it. Meditate. Light a candle at some point, even if not for any spellwork. Make an easy incense in the cauldron. Set out an offering of milk & honey for the land spirits and a bundle of herbs for Stolas.
While this isn't completely low effort, it's things that are already a part of my daily routine, making it easier to incorporate these things. I hope everyone has a wonderful solstice, if you celebrate!
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Spring Equinox Tarot Spread
Here is a spread for y'all if you are celebrating the spring equinox today. Hope everyone has a good one! As an idea since we are entering the new zodiac season regardless of where you live, do a new year spread as well. I've got two on my blog if you are looking for one!
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Short post today, since I don't have much time to spare, but let me know what you are doing to celebrate! I'm working on some spring cleaning all week, but I will be doing a ritual tonight. The new moon is tomorrow as well!
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
6 Witchy Tips For Moving Into A New Home
Here are six tips for when you move into a new home!
1) Physically cleanse the space before a magical cleanse. From personal experience, I find that oftentimes cleaning the physical space removes at least 50% of the stagnant energy I'm feeling. This goes for anytime I'm about to do a magical cleanse, no matter how long I've lived in the home. Having a clean home is important and a messy home = a cluttered mind. Not only will you feel better, but it will make your magical cleanse go smoother with less work.
2) Have multiple steps to your magical cleanse. Smoke cleansing ain't gonna be enough. Come up with something that you can do on a regular basis. For example, I do a deep cleanse 1-2x a month. While I do smoke cleanse as part of it, I refresh my wards and there are several more steps (that I am choosing to not share online). Examples you can include would be a simmer pot & aromatherapy, floor washes (and a spray for the carpet), adding salt bowls to absorb negative energy, locking your mirrors, door/window washes while drawing sigils on them, refreshing your altars, lighting a protection candle & doing a simple spell, etc. Do you see how much this adds to the cleanse?
3) You don't need to sit and banish the spirits in your home. This is their home too. If they mean me no harm, they are welcome to stay and I make that very clear to them. They even have their own altar with offerings! Working with house spirits is important to me, so I make sure they feel comfortable with me being the new "caretaker". I also wait about a month before doing my first magical cleanse, making them aware of each step as I go along. Oftentimes in the future, they will assist me!
4) Set up wards, but if you plan on moving be aware that you should take them down when you go. Have a strong defensive system. If you live in an apartment have no fear, for there are many types of wards you can set up there as well! Get those ready within a month of moving.
5) Make your mini garden. If you are renting, raised garden beds are your best friend. Living in an apartment? If you have a balcony, put herbs & flowers out there. If not, prioritize the ones you want and place them on a windowsill with plenty of sunlight. This will also attract the land spirits to you & you can begin developing a better relationship with them right away.
6) Be respectful of the land and house spirits, above all else. Light a candle or incense for them here and there. Give them food & drink offerings, whenever you feel called to. Communicate with them. They can assist you in your spellwork and oftentimes will. If you create something special with them, you will have their support.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Witchy Tarot Tip - 4 of Swords
Here's a quick tarot tip since I haven't done one in a hot minute - a super simple four of swords reading. When you are sick or are needing a bit of a healing break, shuffle your deck with the two card reading intentions in mind. Shuffle it until it feels right. Find the four of swords in your deck. The card in front of it is what will help you feel better. The card behind it is what you can reflect on while working towards getting better.
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Deck Credit: Lost Hollow Tarot by PixelOccult on Etsy
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Spell For Reaching Your Goals
It's March. The spring equinox is approaching & some consider the start of the new year to correlate to the beginning of the zodiac year. Regardless of when you consider the year to start, this is a great check-in for goals you have set & to help them move along at a faster speed. This is a simple candle working.
What you'll need:
• An orange seven-day candle (glass-encased)
• Permanent marker
• Herbs to incite motivation (cinnamon, peppermint, gingko, rosemary) *pick 2-3 herbs
• Attraction oil
• Petition
• A sigil you've created specific to achieving your goal
• Optional: crystals for a grid
1. First, you will create your sigil. There are many ways to do this. Pick your favorite method. Be specific & intentional with it.
2. Take your candle and permanent marker. You will be drawing on the glass. First, your sigil, big and bold on one of the four sides of it. When finished, rotate clockwise. You will fill this next one with your intentions, include the main points of your petition here. It will be easier to write this horizontally so you have more room. Rotate clockwise again, until you are on the opposite side of where your sigil is. This is where you will include other sigils (such as one for motivation, one for attracting success, money, names of deities or spirits helping you, etc.). On the last side, you will write positive affirmations.
3. Dress your candle. Add 2-3 drops of attraction oil to the top of your candle. Very lightly sprinkle a mix of the herbs on the top. For the love of the gods, do not be a fire hazard and pack it on.
4. Say this incantation while lighting the candle or one you've created:
"Bring this goal to me,
For we are meant to be.
Motivation will shine,
And success will be mine.
So mote it be."
5. Now that the candle is lit, burn the petition. You may wish to say an incantation, such as this:
"I burn these words today,
For they will quickly come true.
Released into the flames,
I ask for assistance from (whomever you wish to help you).
So mote it be."
6. For an optional step, you can create a crystal grid in a manifestation pattern around the candle.
7. Lastly, you will light this candle daily. Snuff it out when you will not be there to observe it or sleeping. Even if it is for five minutes a day, focus and meditate upon the flame. Flame scrying is a great way to work with this energy. It's okay if it takes weeks or months for this candle to burn down. If your manifestation comes true sooner, you can continue to work with it, furthering what you wish to happen after you achieve your goal. There is always room to go forward with our goals!
Hope y'all enjoy this spell. Remember to customize it to suit your needs.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
The Simple Necromancy Altar
Let the altar face the North or West. If possible, have it seated close to the floor or on a low table. Prepare for thyself, the following:
A white candle A black candle A glass of water A censer A plate A black/white or red cloth A mirror (if desired) A representation of Death (if it is to be a skull, do ensure that the image or skull has a jawbone. It does help with the speaking in spirit)
The Black candle represents the Void of Death, it represents the night, the left hand of witchcraft and necromancy. It also receives, it receives the wisdom of the dead, the power they hold, the strength and ability. The white candle is our projection candle, where we use it for prayers and offerings as white sends out all other colours.
The two, side by side, also represent a sort of gateway and are a minor representation of the Macrocosmic Existence. The skull or image of death is placed in the center to be a focus, a gateway between the two pillars of Life, Death, Mercy, Severity, Wisdom, Understanding and so on. The red cloth, if used, represents the life blood and represents thus the duality of life and death, death and life, the final breath and the first one and is thus a very good meditative quality for the altar. The glass of water is placed on the left, to receive, the incense can either be placed before the image of death or on the right to send forward prayers to spirit world through the incense. The plate and bowl and other such items are used as offering dishes and are generally kept near the altar for ease of access. The mirror is also kept near the altar but is wrapped in a cloth and kept under it when not in use. Additional items include bones, a wand of cypress, willow or yew, keys of any sort, shot glasses for our Darling Spirits that like alcohol, replacement candles, engraving tools, intention candles for the occasional spell, divinatory devices, holy water or salt in case something needs to be kicked out, papers and needles, pens and pencils, photographs of the dead such as ancestors or even friends who we know care for us on the other side. If you are able to and have made your pet a familiar (after their death, so you have their bones or their photos), that's another good idea. If you have any other animal bones with spirits that have agreed to work with you, that's good too. Pigeon feathers are also good, pigeons have been used as messengers. A stang is also a good idea for when one wishes to walk between the realms. Herbs such as coriander (which summons spirits), jasmine (which summons wise and helpful spirits), camphor (which keeps out bad spirits and aids one in cleansing), copal (which is good for exorcisms and exalting the dead), myrrh, frankincense and roses are also good. One may also choose to keep an intermediary spirit on the altar. This can be a familiar spirit, a demon, a saint, an angel and so on. It may also be a good idea to keep a separate notebook for the dead, to keep track of their offerings, holy days, what they like, gnosis, pacts etc.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
I do have a couple of asks that I intend to get to, but they will require a long response. It will likely take a week or two to get to them, as a heads up. I'd rather help than half-ass the answers. If you have ANY questions, feel free to put one in there. I feel like an AMA is due at some point when I know I've got a few days to respond quickly 😂
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Self-Love Herbal Tea
This was a tea I intended to upload around valentine's day. I recommend making a big batch and drinking it every Friday (the day of Venus). I keep mine in a mason jar, dated and labeled.
• Rose (for enhancing beauty, attraction, passion, sex, increase confidence, open your heart to healing)
• Lavender (for anxiety surrounding loving yourself, protecting the inner child, peace & harmony, attracts self-love)
• Jasmine (for bringing the affirmations to life, heighten attractiveness & seeing the beauty within yourself, luck with love)
• Damiana (for sexual passion, lust, attracting love, makes you aware of your emotions)
• A pinch of cinnamon (adding this boosts spellwork around love & lust, success around your goal, motivation to love yourself, deep inner healing, protection)
• Honey (to sweeten yourself, attraction, to make the intentions stick)
The herbs are in equal ratio - one part each. After boiling water in your kettle, drink intentionally for however many cups you desire. Stir in the cinnamon and honey, drawing a self-love sigil. I recommend creating your own. Speak positive self-love affirmations as you sip on this, aloud or in your head. I find this to be amplified. If there are parts of your body you find difficult loving, say affirmations that entice love for them and why.
*Please remember, as with any herbal tea, that if you have medical conditions to check with your doctor to make sure this doesn't interact with medications. There are herbs in this tea that you should not take while pregnant.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Can you substitute crystals for candles and herbs. I have 3 fish tanks in my room and you’re not supposed to burn anything around them. Or herbs that don’t need to be burned?
I apologize for not getting to your ask until now!
Something I suggest to just about everyone is LED candles. These are great for situations where you cannot have candles around for various reasons. Plus, they come in all different kinds nowadays. If you want to work some color magic in there, all you would have to do is paint it! If you want to incorporate crystals and/or herbs, you can sprinkle them around the LED candle. If you're working with a petition or sigil, you can place it underneath the base. If you're trying to release something, instead of burning it you can tear it up or dissolve the ink from the paper in a bowl or cup of water while having the "flame" active (I don't think I need to say it but just in case, I will. For the love of the gods to anyone reading this, don't drink the water after). If you work with spirits, you can have one LED dedicated to them. Whenever it is on, it is "lit" for them.
I actually use these when I'm super tired and am worried I may fall asleep before it is finished burning. I'd rather be safe than sorry! I also prefer to light these in areas where my dog's favorite spots are - he's a very energetic german shepard, and I don't like running the risk that he will knock it over if I leave the room. This would be fine to have around fish! Hope this helps, it is truly a wonderful way to incorporate candle magic into your practice when safety is a concern!
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
Full Moon in Virgo Tarot Spread
It's a beautiful full moon today, my friends! Here's a spread I created in my return to tumblr. Read below the image for more astrological details, if that interests you.
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*If you do not work & card three does not apply, ask what can bring more balance into your life between mundane/practical matters & hobbies and spirituality. You can also replace this with schooling.
Astrologically speaking, we have our full moon in the sign of Virgo. This means we are in practical & stable energy amid Pisces season. There will be a large focus on our health. Consider starting a new routine, morning or night, full of self-care. Find a way to move your body daily that works best for you, whether that be a walk, gym time, yogasana (yin is wonderful for chronic illnesses & is gentle on the body), cardio, etc. Consider revamping your nutrition. Whether this comes in the form of trying some supplements, such as an herb or fish oil or eating nourishing meals for your body, this is a great time to start. Consider seasonal fruits & veggies or planting them for the coming months. Your intuition will be heightened, especially in the healing sector of things, which is why there is a noticeable push toward reflecting on what you can do. Also, there is a spotlight on work-life balance & what you can do to achieve that. If you have the time, this is a great day to start spring cleaning as you'll likely be quite productive. Details may come about unexpectedly.
The moon trines Uranus, so focus on staying grounded. Otherwise, mood swings may occur. The sun sextiles Uranus too, bringing about encouragement to experiment & think outside the box. You may have unexpected allies in your ideas. The current T-Square may have you feeling fiery, but this will actually amp up your motivation & get you to act on your creative ideas. The sextile between Mars & Venus gives a supportive atmosphere with good communication, fun, and energy. Lastly, Saturn moves into Pisces today.
What are your plans for the full moon? Personally, I've got to finish setting up my altars. There's still one box left to unpack! If I have time after that, I plan on doing some spellwork. We've also got a gorgeous backyard now, so I'll be setting out moon water and leaving offerings out there for the land spirits.
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infernalwitxhcraft · 1 year
I'm officially back! It's been a long, stressful move so I apologize for the time it took to be able to start posting again. I'm so happy to be back in one of the cities I grew up in, as it is still my favorite place to reside. Lots of exciting things have happened since being here. It's a relief to be far away from Texas.
I'll be trying to post at least 4x a week, if not more. If I've got the time to do daily posts, I will be doing so. I'll be queueing posts again in order to make this happen, as I will be much busier than before. However, I'm excited to share content with y'all that I didn't have the opportunity to get to in January or February. I hope everyone has been well. If you've left me an ask or messaged me, I will get to it once I have some time on my hands!
Also, if there is any content you'd like to see, please let me know. I'll put it on my list! I've got to say, I feel like tumblr has changed so much in two months 🥲
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