amseltv · 11 months
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Coming Soon…
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dyketubbo · 2 months
i think before joining or making a minecraft roleplay server every creator needs to either have played at least ONE campagin of a ttrpg of their choice (doesnt have to be dnd) or they must have spent their entire childhood roleplaying with people on any social media/forum/chat app their tiny hands could get a hold on. i want these minecraft roleplayers to have backgrounds in doing roleplay with actions written out *like this* in their friends text messages and getting into insane drama as teenagers in discord roleplay servers
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frogcraftingg · 10 months
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froggy smp season 2 is finally here and my mods and i have spent the last two months building more custom trees than i want to think about, a huge custom lake with flower parkour, and a village on a beautifully terraformed cliffside for our spawn area. this server is for my community discord and does not require payment to join, anyone can join if they're a member of my discord with an authenticated copy of minecraft java or bedrock~
i cant wait to show off all the cool builds i have planned for here in the coming months~!
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sunflower-fields070 · 1 month
As the SMP comes to an end in just under a month, I'd like to say a few words of appreciation to you all.
To start, the Cast. You all need a lot more credit than you get. With all of the commands you do behind the scenes of lore, and all the time and effort to make cutscenes, art or cosplay, or even in minecraft, we all thank you for such a wonderful job you do. I started watching Fable SMP during August last year (Sherbert's last sherbathon) and have loved it since the first episode we watched there. Slowly, I managed to get really into it and then the brainrot hit. Though I thank you for it. Without this SMP I don't think I could ever be where I am now. You guys have created a wonderful story that helped me realise things about myself, and you all have created a safe and all-including space here on the discord server. Without that, I wouldn't be as motivated to write, or as confident to talk in VC and even sometimes show my face. Thank you.
And to you, Chatters. Thank you for all you've done to support and uplift not just me, but everyone in this community, to make a welcoming space for new people and assist them in how to quickly catch up to lore in this next month before the finale. As someone who was very nervous first joining this community and to talk on these online platforms, you have allowed me to gain comfortability and grow as a person, fanfic writer who wrote that one prison duo fic, and occasional artist. You also helped me grow comfortable with talking and sometimes even showing my face in VC, especially after I had some not-great experiences in other servers.
So in conclusion, the one thing I have to say is Thank you. <3 yes i was being sappy today, i love you guys <3
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askdacast · 5 months
Life Series SMP/Eyes and Ears AU Thematic Discussion + Theorycrafting (pt. 1)
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WARNING: Extremely long post
Kachow what’s poppin fellas, I’m back at it again talking about boomer block Youtubers and their surprisingly in-depth improv series. Now that the Life Series’ 5th season has finally concluded, I’m back on the lore train and poor Scar is left to suffer the consequences, and Martyn’s concluded yet another lore stream, I decided to compile a long master post of lore notes and theories about what we have so far.
Obviously all the ‘lore’ of the Life Series is purely unofficial; Grian has not approved any of it as being actually official/set in stone for what he intended the series to be. Most of it has been us in the crazy fandom extrapolating their really good storytelling, and also “semi-canonized” by Martyn in what he calls the Eyes and Ears AU (and this post assumes you are familiar with it). As someone who’s been a fan since the beginning way back in 3rd Life, I’ve pretty much hopped on the lore train since the beginning as well (if casually) and enjoying all the different extrapolations/analysis/angst written around the players. Rather than just theorizing lore details in a vacuum, however, I’ve always liked imagining the lore based around the reoccurring themes, symbolism and arcs we’ve seen across the series. I’d been bouncing my various thoughts and theories around these themes for a while, and finally I decided to compile my notes together.
This post is basically my imagining what the Life Series/Eyes and Ears AU story is “about,” as if it were a fleshed-out, long-running and story-driven tv show. Initially this post started as simply a gigantic “Eyes and Ears Theory,” me trying to sus out my own theories/ideas of what the Life Series’ mysteries were based on Martyn’s lore. However, considering that Martyn is ALSO writing the lore on the fly, and I have some details I would interpret differently or change, this ended up less a ‘theory’ and more ‘me writing an entire AU/interpretation of the Life Series as a whole.’ My intention is NOT to ‘correct’ Martyn’s lore, nor to claim my theory as the ‘right’ interpretation; rather, this is my personal interpretation of what the Life Series story is about, based on information shown in the original SMP and in Martyn’s AU.
One last disclaimer: I am ONLY drawing on lore details from the Life Series, Martyn’s lore streams, and Minecraft EVO, and also references to the iRL creators. I am not drawing on any story from other SMPs such as Pirates or Empires; there may be some Hermitcraft references here and there.
This is going to be very long, and a multi-parter, because I can’t summarize to save my life. And I promise I’ll come up with a proper name for my series of posts another time. If you’ve stuck around to read, I thank you.
Part 1: The Overall Plot + Understanding the Watchers
Recap of official lore details
Although Martyn hasn’t given specific details on the Watcher + Listener species (he hasn’t come up with a name yet), we know the following details for sure (from EVO, lore streams etc.)
Watchers + Listeners + The Council are all deity-like beings of the same species, and they all consume human emotions
The Council are the upper ranks/possibly leaders, whereas the Watchers + Listeners are separate factions
The Watchers are at LEAST two high-ranking members of the species (the two dots being outcast from the wider circle, as is their logo)
The Watchers were behind Minecraft EVO, where they gave all the players tasks (much like Secret Life) and eventually ending in them fighting the Ender Dragon separately
While the Watchers may not have been evil in EVO, they certainly became so AFTER, when they began to crave more negative human emotions, viewing them as “tasty” (Martyn’s words), s p i c y
They first kidnapped Grian at the end of EVO season 1, turning him into a Watcher to possibly have him join their ranks, but he’s gone rogue after realizing what their plans for the Life Series were, and plans to rescue his friends from them
The Life Series was the Watchers’ ploy to trap the players in an infinite death game where they betray and cause each other pain, all to harvest their negative emotions. Grian, in defiance to this, takes control as the ‘game master’ to make the whole thing…well, a game, so that his friends can enjoy, have fun and ease their anguish. In Martyn’s words, this is like “pouring ketchup all over the Watchers’ sundae.”
The Listeners (EVO season 2) are an opposing faction to the Watchers who disagree with their methods, although why is unknown. They’ve attempted to contact some players (e.g. Jimmy) before back in EVO in order to oppose the Watchers, but it’s not known how successful they were. They’ve also tried to swap in players in the Life Series before (e.g. subbing Lizzie and Gem for Pearl and Cleo in Lim. Life) in order to sneak them in and try to subvert the game. The Watchers kidnapping Gem for Secret Life is partially in retaliation to the Listeners. The Listeners may not be good and may have nefarious intentions also, it is as yet still unknown.
There’s potentially a third faction, the Speakers, but very little is known about them and Martyn doesn’t want to elaborate on them yet.
Okay, but what are the Watchers even after?
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"Accept your fate."
From here on out is my real conjecturing/theorizing. The main question on my mind has been why are the Watchers doing what they’re doing? Obviously Martyn has confirmed that they are malicious deities who find negative human emotions tasty, but this raises further questions. Why exactly do they desire such emotions, or need them to survive (if they do, anyway)? Why do they favour negativity, when the other members of their species consume a wide range of emotions? They were confirmed to be outcast in some way from the other factions for this ploy, so what does that say about them then?
The whole species fundamentally do not understand human emotions (or perhaps do not even possess them)
This seems to me the most logical conclusion. These are powerful deities who can create miniature worlds/dimensions, life, and time to an extent (death loop). They should theoretically be self-sufficient, so I doubt that their consumption of human emotion is for survivability reasons (i.e. I don’t think Watchers will literally die if they don’t consume emotions, the same way humans die without food). What seems more likely is that human emotions bring them some benefit to their intelligence or power that they’d otherwise be quite non-functional without. (Think like the demons in The Promised Neverland, who regress to feral natures/lack of sapience if they don’t eat humans)
The Watchers’ powers and their lab-rat experimentation on the players gives a huge vibe of not being able to understand human emotions in an involved way, but only from a distance. They know methodically things like murder and betrayal cause panic and anguish, so they enforce these experiences through the game, mechanics like the Boogeyman, the Secret Tasks etc. But they don’t really know internally why these emotions come about the way humans do. Being above time, they probably don’t understand why the funny small animals have so much attachment to their transitory experiences and memories (more on this later).
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world's angriest pumpkin
The Watchers are Losers, Actually
Going further, don’t you think the Watchers have a very misanthropic mindset all around? “Anguish and panic are s p i c y.” They conversely have a complete disgust for positive emotions, and can’t stand Grian making things fun for everybody. It almost feels like they have the mindset that only things like hatred and fear are exciting, bringing motivation and life to the humans, whereas things like happiness and fun are ‘useless’ because they don’t bring about the same results. Let’s also not forget their name – Watchers – and that Martyn’s confirmed them to be symbolically based off us, the audience. It’s almost like a commentary of the worst of the entertainment industry, of an audience who crave watching anything and everything to satisfy their own desires, even at the expense of the privacy and safety of the entertainer. Given the current state of the internet and social media, I don’t think I need to elaborate how awful things can get.
In other words, I believe the main motivation the Watchers are eating humans emotions is because they WANT to understand and ‘take into themselves’ such emotions. I don’t think they’re totally emotionless – Martyn does portray them with moments of glee and anger. But their understanding of emotions is superficial (self-centered, if you will) at best. As deities with no needs, being above time, they have nothing to be afraid of and nothing to feel sad or anguished over. It’s a boring, dull and empty existence. And that’s precisely why they’ve set up the Life Series game: by kidnapping a few humans and putting them through the artificially constructed wringer of panic and betrayal, they think they can create a human farm of such rich, complex and exciting emotions, all for themselves to enjoy at their own pleasure and fill the void they have.
(Listeners’ side note: If all that is the philosophy of the Watchers, it’s probably not difficult to see how/why the Listeners oppose them. The Listeners likely disagree that negative emotions are the most optimal state of humans, and unlike the Watchers do not think human suffering is just tasty popcorn one can eat at one’s pleasure. Their name – Listeners – implies they’re a more sympathetic faction, as in they listen to one’s troubles and heart rather than take delight in suffering at a superficial level. But if they are the same species, it’s very likely they have the same lack of instinctive understanding of human emotions that the Watchers do, and this could cause…problems.)
Why turn Grian?
All this is also why I believe the Watchers kidnapped Grian + turned him into a Watcher in the first place. Firstly, if they were going to concoct their plan to trap humans, they needed a collaborator from the humans in the first place. Secondly, and most importantly, this collaborator was going to be their only direct source of how human emotions work/feel like, and therefore what were the most optimal conditions needed to ensure their death game would generate the most pain and anguish. They picked Grian because he’s always the ‘leader’ of the SMP players, the person gathering and organizing everyone, so logically, he is the most ‘representative’ of the humans, and the one with the greatest ability to control them.
Of course, it’s also true that Grian was a little $#@% throughout EVO and actively rebelled against the Watchers’ tasks, so making him their collaborator might seem strange. Ignoring the meta reason that the ending was written to explain Grian’s exit from the series. But I figured in this case, they considered the benefits more than the costs. Grian’s chaotic nature is not unlike the Watchers’, considering how much he loves causing pranks and trouble to others. So, as a huge oversight, they think Grian is just like them: he loves to see people suffer, so they think. Additionally, the Watchers are desperate to understand how Grian gets his fellow humans to follow him and do what he asks with little effort. You’ll notice the Watchers have very direct, authoritative ways of trying to wrest control (e.g. the tasks, “do this or you fail”), and they get very petty and upset when people rebel against them (re: Scott’s refusal to be the Boogeyman, their motto is a very demanding “OUR WILL BE DONE.”) They see Grian’s charisma as yet another aspect of human emotions they fail to understand and thus WANT to possess for themselves.
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Pictured above: The Watchers, coping and seething
Of course as we know, the Watchers believing Grian would help them is a major oversight. Becoming a god doesn’t just fundamentally change who Grian is, and he definitely doesn’t want to consign his friends to an infinite death loop of suffering. That being said, I don’t think Grianhas truly gone ‘rogue’ so much as taken as much advantage as possible of his ‘deal’ with the Watchers. We can guess the Watchers promised to him some kind of control/leadership over his friends’ circumstances as long as he worked for them, which led to them giving him the keys to the Life Series. In other words, so long as he fulfils their requirements of things being a death game that will generate ‘food’ for them, and lets them revive everyone each loop, he gets to decide how the games go.
And we know exactly what Grian’s done with this: he created the green-yellow-red lives system, he creates a fun gimmick each season, he inserts himself into the game as a player, all to bring out the best and most creative side of his friends rather than the worst. The Boogeyman probably is the only gimmick the Watchers added on their own initiative (re: Martyn’s POV in Last Life) in order to make things more spicy. Probably Grian’s conversation with the Watchers each time goes, “hey, I got an idea on how to bring out the most creative ways for everyone to cause pain in each other, [comes up with some bullcrap justification for the game’s fun mechanics].” I like to think the Watchers were going to make the death games even more vicious, cruel and competitive, but because of Grian’s wrangling he’s convinced them that a slow burn from joy to horror creates better results, and they tolerate it as long as they see him useful.
Memories and Emotions
There is also one BIG detail of the Watchers’ plan I’d like to mention: Martyn claims that the Watchers do NOT erase the players’ memories. At the end of each season, they consume everyone’s emotions so that there’s no more angst/ill will towards each other, and they start each season afresh. The players remember what’s happened in past seasons, but they don’t continue to hold the pain and negative feelings they had towards each other.
I don’t buy this, for numerous reasons.
For one, Martyn has confirmed the Watchers ARE capable of removing people’s memories. The one memory they have outright altered was the ex-EVO players’ (Martyn, Jimmy, BigB etc.) memory of what happened to Grian: they don’t remember that Grian was taken to be turned into a Watcher, and instead remember it as him either going missing or dying after the Ender Dragon fight. All this presumably to not give away the Watchers’ schemes and to ensure they still listen to Grian as if nothing ever happened.
More importantly, however, memories are vital to humanity’s emotional experience and mental health. I am not an expert by any means, but there are studies showing how people with amnesia, PTSD or other conditions affecting memories have flashbacks/emotional reactions to trauma they don’t remember consciously. The Watchers have (supposedly) done something far more simplistic yet fantastic by just eating up everybody’s emotions. All this, even though they see humans as emotion factories, constantly able to generate emotions just by existing, by their ability to draw and create meaning through emotional experiences, and by creating memories – the clearest embodiment of a mortal’s attachment to time (which if you remember, I believe the Watchers have no concept of).
You cannot just tell a human to stop feelingcompletely (under normal circumstances anyway), but especially not if they remember something very very traumatic.
Besides, there ARE clear instances when some of the players remember the events of past seasons and are STILL not over them! Impulse and Tango still being bitter/distrustful after Bdubs betrayed each of them separately, Cleo distrusting BigB for the same reason, Scott referencing Flower Husbands a lot, Pearl feeling betrayed by Cleo/Scott when they supposedly broke up the Gaslight/Gatekeep/Girlboss trio at the start of DL, Bdubs’ “I wanna be your favorite son” in Secret Life, the list goes on. Note that I’ve only listed negative/bittersweet instances; there are plenty more cases of the players remembering past seasons and alliances positively which the Watchers may have ignored. The point is, if the Watchers truly consumed everyone’s emotions to the point of a clean slate, they haven’t exactly been thorough. Nor do I think it’s very conducive for them either – don’t they want players to have enduring, unending, unresolved pain, the sweetest of all (to them)?
No, I think the Watchers HAVE been erasing/suppressing the players’ memories – they’ve just been very selective which ones. Martyn’s said that the Watchers do not care what families or connections they separate so long as they get the people they want and the plans they want. I’m going to assume the players in my theory/the Eyes and Ears AU are exactly the same as their CC counterparts. In other words: they’ve stolen Grian away from his wife. They stole Martyn away from his and his daughter. Ditto with Skizz, Impulse, Tango etc. They stole Scar away from his family. Joel and Lizzie are the only couple they didn’t separate, perhaps because they needed both for their plans, and also so they can inflict the most torture on them by ripping them away from each other, over and over again. And in order to ensure the complete submissiveness of the players to the game, the Watchers have taken away their memories of their past lives, their families, basically anyone who isn’t a fellow player in the game. The Watchers don’t erase the memories of bonds between seasons, because it’s a pain to have to teach the humans how to play all over again, but they erase any memories they find disadvantageous to keeping the game running.
They might even go one step further: while they haven’t erased the players’ memories of who each other are (so as to not cause confusion), they do try to suppress important memories. Things like how they met, the times they confided in each other after a bad day, cried on each other’s shoulder, laughed in each other’s successes, the times they hung out with each other’s families. Imagine the different alliances constantly gravitating to each other, but never being able to remember why they care about each other so much. Imagine Bdubs’ “Come on, you know you and I go way back!” when trying to justify taking Cleo’s stuff, and Cleo laughs back, even though she can’t quite remember what exactly Bdubs has done to warrant that. Imagine Joel or Lizzie trying to remember why they loved each other so much.
They fight and kill some of their friends, and protect others, because…because why again? It’s for survival value, surely, so the Watchers whisper. It’s because the strong must congregate with the strong and leave the weak to die, surely. It’s because Martyn’s always been a loner, and always will be, and should remain so. So they tell him. So they whisper, this is a deathmatch for a reason.
Grian’s Fundamental Rebellion
I think all this is the real reason Grian is rebelling against the Watchers. The most immediate reason is obvious: he wants to free his friends from this death loop. But the deeper reason as to why he’s rebelled is that the Watchers are torturing and robbing his friends of their humanity. They’re taking a tight-knit group of friends who love and would do anything for each other, and turning them against each other in a cruel and unescapable death game. On TOP of this, the Watchers have constantly messed with their heads in order to make them obedient and submissive to their schemes and the worst of their human nature, trapping them in fear, pettiness and paranoia. Of course Grian is upset. Of course he wants to save them from this fate. It’s an insult to who he knows these people to be.
This all leaves Grian in a pretty precarious position. While outwardly the Watchers want to make him a lackey as the “game master”, both he and they know he really wants to save his friends (they probably see it as their ‘cattle’ showing a bit of resistance, which once again they need to suppress). And while on one hand he’s making the games fun to ease his friends’ pain and bring the best out of them, this is just a hotfix rather than a real solution. In order to really rescue the players, Grian’s got to get them to rebel against the Watchers as well. Refuse to play by the rules, by the expectation that they must murder and kill without mercy, without any attachment to their alliances or past friendships. Make everyone like Scott refusing to be the Boogeyman, or Skizz constantly trying to be wholesome (until the bloodlust gets the better of him anyway).
Ironically in order to achieve this, Grian’s best bet is to try to jog everyone’s lost memories of each other and the things they lost, both good and bad. But ultimately, this is going to make them (in the short term) suffer more. This is where you can insert all your Desert Duo/Flower Husband/whatever alliance you like most angst. But more practically, I like to imagine when “the cameras” are not watching, when Grian knows no one will notice or catch him, he sneaks around to the different alliances, even the ones he’s not part of, to ask them how they’re doing, if they remember anything from the past etc. (in a meta sense, the players edit and cut stuff from their videos all the time; who’s to say he isn’t trying to catch a quick chat while everyone’s mining?!) It also reflects in why Grian is constantly trying to make alliances with different people instead of just gravitate to one person, he needs to check on everyone and capitalize on every single opportunity. (besides the meta reason, being that cc!Grian wants to be creative, and sticking to the same person all the time isn’t very entertaining from a content creator perspective)
One last detail about the winners: I don’t have much to say about the fragments yet, because Martyn (sneaky boi) hasn’t yet revealed the significance of the fragments nor of their healing, although he has hinted Bad Things™ will happen if a player gets too fragmented. But I do think the winners are important: with the game finished, they give Grian a very short window of time to talk to one person directly, without Watcher interference. They’re always the last to be killed/swept away/revived by the Watchers, and I can imagine there’s a brief period of time when their souls are being transferred to The Void w/e where Grian can step in and interfere. In my theory, Grian passes on some sort of clue/push to the winners, as like a subtle message about what they can do to stand up to the Watchers. I’ll detail on what I think these individual messages were in part 2. Needless to say, 3rd Life was a traumatic experience for Grian for many reasons, but the nail in the coffin was the fact that he won, and therefore there was no way for him to pass a message onto anyone.
Hooooooo jeepers that was long @A@; Thank you so much for your patience reading this if you made it to the end, I really appreciate it. As I said, I’ve had these lore ideas bouncing in my head for a LONG time, and with the end of Secret Life I couldn’t get out of my head the different trends/symbolism that was popping out of an improv series. It honestly speaks a lot to how genius our favorite block dudes are at improv, that they can turn their improv nonsense into a coherent narrative. I really wanted to try my hand at fleshing out such a narrative, and with Martyn constantly drip-feeding lore to the fans, I had more than enough material to not just put out guesses but construct something a full XYZ. As I mentioned, I enjoy workshopping themes and characters a LOT more than just worldbuilding or “what if this or that” details in a vacuum, hence why I’ve written all that I have, so this was a fun exercise for me all around!
Next time in part 2 I talk about Character Development™, or character specific notes and details I’ve noticed and extrapolated from what we’ve seen of each individual player, as well as what their different arcs across the seasons mean for them within the lore. Stay tuned for another wordbarf!
Bonus list of works I was inspired by for this loredump:
Log Horizon
The Promised Neverland
Danganronpa (ironic as I’m not really a fan of this franchise, but the first game has an otherwise solid premise which I found really similar to the Life Series)
The Fate franchise (when Martyn asked “what’s Fate?” on the latest lore stream, let me tell you I couldn’t stop laughing; NO MARTYN DON’T GO INTO THE WEEB RABBIT HOLE)
Various amazing animatics from the Traffic fandom: Earth, Bang!, most of Melloz Heist’s works, and of course all the amazing fanart
Way too many conversations with my friends about fantasy species
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mcytblrconfessions · 8 months
at least like once every 2 months or so the memory of lil nas x being on the dream smp comes to my mind and i question if it happened at all like. that just happened one day. the real lil nas x logged on minecraft and joined the dream smp to hang out with karl jacobs on the pokimane themed island he made and then went on to make a fucking tree house or something.
like that is a thing that happened and not something i hallucinated and it makes me insane
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a-moth-called-mof · 7 months
Me rambling about the fandom atmosphere during November 16th:
With November 16th hitting the corner, I thought now would be a good time to finally post this post that's been in my drafts forever
I genuinely am of the personal belief that November 16th is one of those things where you had to have been there to fully appreciate and experience it at least in my opinion. I feel like the tense atmosphere leading up to the actual event is something that is not widely talked about in the fandom. A brief reminder for the fans that are new here or that missed the stream where the November 16th War was announced: during stream C! Dream revealed that there was a traitor hiding amongst Pogtopia and said it was someone that you wouldn't expect. This one line lead to multiple fan theories going around the fandom ranging from plausible to very far fetched. The fandom turned into one big game of Among Us and EVERYONE was a suspect.
Here's an old post of my mine that I think does a good job showing the mentality of most fans going into November 16th:
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There were so many theories and speculations leading up to it and you genuinely had to be there to see everyone's different theories about who the traitor would be and the couple aus I saw come out of it. It made it so that when the event did happen, no one in the fandom knew who trust and NEITHER DID THE CHARACTERS. It was amazing watching characters debate whether or not to trust eachother live. It made it feel like any discoveries or possible leads that were made were realised by the character and the fandom at the same time, especially love that one scene where C! Tubbo and C! Quackity decide they sort of trust eachother and talk about who they don't trust. I distinctly remembering switching between povs and watching the dashboard lose their shit and how current character mains would be like "OH [CHARACTER] IS ACTING SO SUSPICIOUS :0" or just liveblog whatever characters were doing and it was a really fun way of keeping up with most of the characters even if I couldn't physically watch all their povs at once
This is less about the atmosphere but more something I feel like people don't talk about enough: Phil wasn't on the Dream SMP before November 16th and we had no concrete indication he would be there. There were a lot of fan theories and headcanons about him joining and I remember seeing all the art of him joining on November 16th and at the time thinking "Oh that's really cool but I doubt they'll actually do it" SO I CAN'T DESCRIBE THE SHEER EMOTIONS I FELT WHEN HE JOINED?
I honestly still don't think I'll ever forget watching C! Wilbur press the button and watching everything go to shit at once after such a tense buildup. Whenever I tell my irl friends I once stayed up till 5am on a school night to watch a live minecraft roleplay event, most of them joke or express (VERY UNDERSTANDABLE) concern but I honestly don't regret a thing. I'd do it 30 times over just to experience that again and watch my dashboard go apeshit. November 16th will always be one of my favourite events in any media ever.
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sillyboi-inc · 6 months
i sorted. the fucking. burs. :3
musical burs
1. simpbur (your new boyfriend)
2. incelbur (the internet ruined me)
3. Ebur (im in love with an egirl)
4. softbur (softboy)
13. ycgmabur (based off wilburs album your city gave me asthma)
14. msrbur (a very sad bur based off his album mammalian sighing reflex)
23. lvjybur (when he does tour/conserts/makes music with lovejoy)
30. draq’thar, killer of men (wilburs “no haircut til my new song comes out” stream where he wore a wig)
42. boringbur (maybe i was boring)
content burs
5. ARG/argbur (wilbur soot’s ARG)
19. sorrybur/s!bur (sorry boys wilbur)
21. cc! wilbur (content creator wilbur so just regular wilbur)
22. modbur (literally every time he uses mods)
32. ylylbur (when wilbur did you laugh you lose)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
47. ao3bur (when wilbur tweeted about his fic on ao3 and was upset when it got hacked)
8. q! wilbur (qsmp wilb)
dsmp burs
7. lmanbur (when wil was president on the dsmp)
9. revivedbur (wilbur after getting revived)
10. ghostbur (when wilbur was dead and in the limbo)
11. vilbur/pogbur (before wilbur died, but after schlatt took over and kicked him out of manburg)
12. c! wilbur/alivebur (when he first joined the dsmp)
36. drugbur (when him and tommy had the drug van)
random mc mods
15. godbur/100pbur (based off his 100 players ‘series’)
17. mulebur (when he trapped tubbo in his basement and sold mule bits, in tommys minecraft weather mod video)
20. phantombur (origin SMP with his phantom powers)
26. wimpfred (his character in we spent 100 days in hardcore minecraft apocalypse)
31. dr. malpractice (from toms minecraft surgery video when wilbur would steal everyones organs)
33. skybur (when wilbur played sky block)
34. smallbur (when wilbur was really small in the size mod video)
37. earthbur (when he did earth smp)
39. decaybur (minecraft but the world is rapidly decaying)
40. rockbur (minecraft but i leave a trail of bedrock)
41. livebur (wilbur doing smp live)
44. flowerbur (when wilbur would go on servers as ‘flowergirl86’ [or smth idr :,)] and tell people he was friends with techno)
45. voicebur (when him, phil, quackity, and tommy did the voice mod)
46. bodbur (body shuffle mod)
48. winbur/crownbur (when quackity won him and wilbur the crown in mc championship)
49. salmonbur (when wilbur was w sally and gave philza the 8 buckets of salmon)
sorry burs
25. zombur (we survived a zombie apocalypse video)
27. wilma (his fem version on the sorry boys)
28. dark wolf/cultbur (sorry boys ep4 we started a cult)
other game burs
16. raftbur/ishmael isaac(when wilbur played raft with tomz)
18. tiptup (when wilbur play geoguesser)
24. rustbur (when he played rust w sbi)
random burs
6. catbur/dogbur (my random headcanons)
29. daynjer boy (wilburs chaotic/risk taking character/side)
35. sogbur/wetbur (when wilbur, george, and tommy went to the water park)
43. sandbur (when wilbur bugged philza about sand)
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plumadot · 16 days
The minecraft thing's a wonderful idea!! Know that if you ever decide to do it, I'm down for joining in!
(I may also need carried though... my best skills seem to be making homes in caves or trees and collecting unreasonable amounts of plants °^°)
hehehe it may take a while :D i just joined my first server ever ,,, i'm really enjoying it but i don't know much when it comes to smps :D i promise i'll make it known if i do start something :]
(isn't that the most fun though!!!! i mean i'm a moss gremlin myself!!!)
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starrystormwritings · 9 months
DSMP Master List <3
DSMP Master List <3
Requests: Open but slow
Master List <;3 Request List
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✨ - one of my favourites 
💕 - fluff 
💦 - angst
🔆 - series 
🌸 - romantic
🌻 - platonic 
🥀 - not already in the relationship
🌵 - pre-established relationship
🎶 - music inspired
💚💛💜❤️💙🖤🩷🤍🧡🔷 - Taylor Swift inspired (eras)
Wilbur Soot x Reader:
Sister Innit 🔆🌸🥀 -Tommy’s older sister wants to start streaming so he gets Dream to add her to the SMP. He wasn’t expecting Wilbur to like her so much though
Sister Innit Part Two 🔆🌸🥀-You and Wilbur meet for your date, but Tommy's being Tommy
Cold Hands And Warm Smiles  💕🌸🌵-Your heating breaks when Wilbur's not home so you have to suffer through the cold until he comes back
Taunt 🌸🥀🎶-George drags you to a party, forcing a friend to babysit you as he goes off to have some fun
Weapon (Minecraft au) 💦🌸🌵-Wilbur's back, and he's seeking back what was his
Dream x Reader:
Affection ✨💕🌸🌵-You’re tired and just want cuddles but your boyfriends too busy streaming
Loyalties (Minecraft au) ✨💦🔆🌸🌵-Your family (the sleepy bois inc) had always been there for you. But so had dream. So when you lost the both of them you had a tough decision to make, where your loyalties actually lie. Over half of this is made up of flash backs which will be in italics. Also this is set in game
Loyalties Part Two (Minecraft au) ✨💦🔆🌸🌵-Dream's left you with a tough decision, love or family. Although other events might lead you to make a sharp change in decisions and let the foundations you've built burn
White Dress, Red Stain (Minecraft au) 💦🌸🌵-Sam asks you on a date, what could go wrong?
George x Reader:
Love Or Host 💕🌸🥀-You were convinced to join 'Georgenotfounds' love or host, will it work out?
Pillow Talk  💕🌸🌵-Sleepy conversations in bed
SapNap x Reader:
Your New Boyfriend 🌸🥀🌵🎶 -You finally excepted that Nick probably didn't like you back, so you got a boyfriend. Although Nick seems to think he's a bit of an ass
Clingy ✨💕🌸🌵-You and Nick haven't had much time to spend together lately and he isn't happy about it
Traitor (Minecraft au)💦🌸🌵-Your loyal to Dream, you always have been. But when Sapnap chooses the side of L'manburg your forced into choosing who to betray
Karl Jacobs x Reader:
Surprise Betrayal 💕🌸🌵 -Jimmy was doing another hide and seek challenge, Karl and Chandler are the only two people left. Little did Karl know that his girlfriend was being brought in as a last minute seeker
Festive 💕🌸🌵-Karl’s favourite Christmas song starts playing
Challenge ✨💕🌸🥀-Jimmy, Chris, and Chandler come up with a plan to set Karl up with his new crush
Photograph  ✨💕🌸🌵🎶 -Lazy evenings that you wish could last forever
Quackity x Reader:
Dancing Flame 💕🌸🌵-Alex's friends are throwing a beach party and you tag along
TechnoBlade x Reader:
Flustered ✨💕🌸🌵-Techno wakes you up while streaming so you get back at him by trying to fluster him
Tired (Minecraft au) ✨💦🌸🌵-Techno plans to blow up L'manburg again. Only this time your loyalty's got in the between his political agenda and his feelings
Royal Pain (Minecraft and royalty au) 💦🔆🌸🥀-Wilbur wants King Dream gone, and Techno is the most able person to do it. But will his relationship with the Princess get in the way?
Royal Pain Part Two (Minecraft and royalty au) ✨🔆🌸🥀-Your not dead, why? In what sick twist of fate has left you sat alone waiting for the answers your never going to get from Dream. You need to find Technoblade and the truth, now
Fundy x Reader:
Forget 💕🌸🌵-Fundy got distracted by coding and completely forgot about how you were over his house
Tommy Innit ( all platonic ):
Stay Alive (Minecraft au) 💦🌻🎶 -It's over for him, you knew it, Sam knew it, Dream knew it. But if Tommy could just stay alive everything would be okay
J’Schlatt x Reader:
Best Of Wife’s And Best Of Women (Minecraft au)  💦🌸🌵🎶-Sleepless nights are taking a toll on the presidents wife
All Too Well  (Minecraft au) ✨💦🌸🌵🎶❤️-A sudden change to what you believed to be the perfect relationship
Ted Nivison x Reader:-
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littleseasalt · 5 months
ok, i worked out fueled by grief over qforever, had breakfast and took a shower so now im more recomposed to be sappy about forever like kia did on her profile despite the fact that i did not sleep at all this night. full text under the cut to not clog the tag and YES I AM GONNA TAG THIS TEXT BECAUSE WE DROVE THE FOREVER BUS I FEEL LIKE WE'RE ALLOWED TO DO THIS IF WE WANT TO 🗣️🗣️
The qsmp is my first direct experience with mcrp and this kind of smp. Previously, my only contact with stuff like this had been dealing with Dream stans on twitter so uh. Not a good light. Before the qsmp i really had a negative view on mcyt and its fans in general (specially when it comes to shipping because i didnt really understood at the time). Then, suddenly on my twitter I saw a commotion about brazilians joining a gringo minecraft series, and that kinda make me go "? interesting", but I didn't really thought much. Then, my uruguayan friend send me the brazilians announcement when it happened, asking me if I knew those streamers.
Now! Fun fact! Unlike 95% of the brazilians in this fandom, these people were, in fact, not my childhood. I knew who Cellbit, Felps and Tazercraft were, of course, they were/are famous as hell. But, at the time they were at the peak of brazilian mcyt, my side of mcyt was the opposite of theirs (I was a rezendeevil fan. long story one day we need to put all the gringos up to brazilian mcyt lore), and previously I had only watched the old guard of brazilian mcyt (venom extreme kind of stuff). FUN FACT! I HAD NO FUCKING IDEA WHO FOREVER WAS! I had literally never heard of that man before and it just seemed so random to me, a random ass guy put along Cellbit, Felps and Tazercraft FEKWGFOIKWRRE
Now, due to them not being my childhood, I didn't really care about the qsmp. Like, oh, cool, brazilians are joining. But that was it to me, I had no interest in watching it at all. Then, the brazilians first day happened while I was sleeping, and my tl was FLOODING with videos about it. I saw fun clips of Cellbit, Felps and Tazercraft and found them funny, but that was it. After that I was just gonna ignore whenever it showed up on my timeline, block tags if necessary.
...And then I started seeing clips of Forever and Philza. And it was the most HILARIOUS stuff I had seen through the week. It was their interactions that made me be ok with the qsmp constantly showing up on my timeline, and it was their interactions that made me be somewhat more okay with mcrp.
So, fast foward a month. By then, I was used to qsmp clips showing up to me and some tweets about it, and then regret arc and guapoduo happened. This made me actually get interested in actively keeping up with the qsmp instead of just waiting for stuff to show up at my timeline. After a few days, I decided I'd hope on a qsmp stream just to see how things are.
This is the fun part: I was meant to be a Cellbit main, considering how it was regret and guapoduo what motivated me to watch a qsmp stream. But when I decided to hop on, Cellbit wasn't streaming but Forever was, and I was like "oh its the philza guy right? yeah im okay watching him" and decided to hop on. I think the first stream of his I watched was the one where he set up the Jaiden stasis chamber at the ordo.
And honestly, at first I tried really hard to keep up with Cellbits pov whenever Cellbit was streaming at the same time as Forever, but it just got harder. I don't know exactly what called me into Forever's pov at the time- maybe it was his relationship with Richas, maybe it was the way Forever was handling rp at the time, which had (and when he's not 100% loreing, still has) a thin layer of meta that just aligned with my current views on mcrp at the time. But Forever ended up being the pov I grew most attached and used to. I'd watch tazercraft during afternoons, sure, and I love them! But the moment Forever would open stream I'd come over running to him. I'd watch Cellbit when Forever wasn't on, but between the two, I'd always pick Forever.
And honestly, as a main Forever pov with a private twitter account and a tumblr lurker at the time BOY it was hard. my man was getting hate for some stupid shit and elections arc is a whole can of worms im not gonna open right now. But I'd never expected to grew so attached to a minecraft pov and to actually keep up with a streamer before- after 2016 I kinda just fell out of keeping up with youtubers/streamers.
And then we have the happy pills arc. This arc CHANGED my brain chemistry. But the pre happy pills arc stream, the one with the clock, I think that's the marking point for me. Because I cried when he wrote the letter to Richas, and let me tell you something, I don't cry easily watching media. The only times I had previously cried were:
Opening up KH3 and hearing dearly beloved for the first time (I had spent MY WHOLE LIFE SINCE 2013 waiting for KH3)
"Unsaid Emily" from Julie and the Phantoms (I have issues with my mom.)
Super Sonic in Sonic 2 movie ( Im a big sonic fan lmao)
So the fact that I cried with that letter SHOCKED ME. Never in a million years I'd have thought I would be crying over minecraft rp. And then in the next day he pulls the rug from underneath out of his viewers feets with the happy pills arc, surprising EVERYONE. The happy pills arc is still my favorite qsmp arc of them all and I hold it very close to my heart.
I think it's kinda funny that I kinda had the same evolution towards rp as Forever did- at the beginning the thought rp was cringe and said he'd only play normal minecraft in the qsmp, and now he delivered us two AMAZING arcs full of rp (I'm never getting over him smiling and crying to richarlystone and the black make up with the bleached hair, what the fuck)
I think I just fried my no sleep brain after writing all this cause Idk what else to write LOL. I appreciate cc!forever a lot for all he has brought to the table in the qsmp, for how he started as "haha funny brazilian man with his antics screaming and being funny obsessed over philza" and ended with one of the most tragic qsmp characters ever. I appreciate cc!forever for changing my view towards mcrp.
And also thank quackity for inviting forever to the qsmp and thank philza for having a urahara skin LMAO things would have gone very different for me if it wasnt for them.
I'll be keeping up with stonkscraft 3, but whenever forever comes back to the qsmp I'll be ready with my arms open to embrace what this man brings to the qsmp <3
also I WAS NOT KIDDING WHEN I SAID MY GRIEF OVER QFOREVER SERVED AS A FUEL FOR MY WORK OUT. i never progressed so much weight before (my leg press is insane wtf) and never did such a well done cardio on a >leg day< before what the actual shit
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bonesandthebees · 3 months
Hearing your propaganda for QSMP has convinced me to give it a try. This might not bode well for me.
In the meantime, I have hermitcraft and life series propaganda! SOS has just started, but they're stricly sticking to no lore gameplay fun with friends, so if that's your thing please check it out!! It has some wonderful people.
If you want more lore filled fun, you can always check out Empires SMP Season 1 and 2! Hermitcraft is a bunch of friends messing around with redstone, pranks and insane builds and artistry and is a generally fun time. Season 10 just started this month- you can catch up really easily! We've already had a death game initiated, fishing and ocean is a big thing, the mafia is involved, neighbourhood associations with ministries exist, and a post office system is being set up! :D Come join the fun! Life Series is five seasons of all less than 10 episodes, consisting of a limited amount of lives in some form. People form alliances with friends, break them, betray them, wage wars and death pranks to win the series. It isn't actually that lore filled (unless you're watching Martyn) but the fandom took the angst and RAN WITH IT. You should check out the tags for it, it's gorgeous stuff. Currently my favourite aspect of mcyt. -❄️
pleaseeee check out qsmp it's genuinely so fun and the egg brainrot is REAL you will have so many emotions over these little pixelated minecraft eggs
oooo thank you for more propaganda! I'm spreading this to my followers. I've watched a few episodes of hermitcraft and it's just not my vibe. but to everyone else go consider checking it out! and also guys definitely consider checking out the life series, even if I don't keep up with it regularly I had so much fun watching last life. and I've heard such good things about empires as well!
ty snowflake :D
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mel-loly · 29 days
How did you come up with the design for your oc?:D
Hey dear Angel!
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I don't know if you meant all my characters or just Mel-Loly or I don't know.... But talking a little about Mel-
I basically saw a skin of a Minecraft character on Pinterest who wore that “sweatshirt and overalls” that they has and basically decided to put it on them.. In this case- they already had an outfit, which was this one:
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But I decided to change it to the one they has now because I thought it was cuter and it suited them, and when I joined the Dream SMP fandom I even more wanted to put this outfit on them because “Tubbo” wore it once so I wanted to put it in honor of him💖 and also then I added the red bow to complete it because I thought it was cool, I added/changed the glasses(in the head) to complete it as well and.. Yeah, most of it was inspired by Tubbo's clothes and taste in “bees” ^^ (this information is not very official, but I think the bow Mel has around their neck was inspired by Tommy's, because most people drew him either with a red blouse or with a bow in the Dream SMP time, so maybe I was inspired by that too... or I don't know- I don't remember much akgzksb)
And the designs for the other characters I made randomly in Gacha Club.... Yeah.. I know it’s not an “exciting” story….... Because, fr, like- I was just making some characters to test Gacha more and then I ended up liking them and turning them into original characters of mine and that's it... I don't have much to say lol-
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Thank you so much for sending me an ask about my characters, you don't know how happy that makes me, like.. Really, thank you very much, Angel! I feel very happy, about to cry really- you guys have been so sweet🥺👉👈💖
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Love you a lot, dear!!!🫶💖💖💖💖💖
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mushroom-madness · 1 year
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🍄 Here are all of our matchups! 🍄
Popular Picks are in white, while our Underdogs are in yellow! This way we’ll be able to see how far any of our underdogs get! (Also for ease of reading the bracket) Typed up list (w/ eventual link to polls) under the cut!
1. Breloom (Pokémon) VS The Truffle (Terraria)
2. Shrumal Warrior(Hollow Knight) VS Muttshroom (Mother 3)
3. Morelull (Pokémon) VS Marabelle Cybin/Marabelle the Terrible (Not Another D&D Podcast)
4. Apothecary Gary (Amphibia) VS Amanita (Green Lantern) VS Galwyn (Troll, 1986)
5. Leif (Bug Fables) VS Princess Shroob (Mario & Luigi: Partners in Time)
6. Mycologists (Inscryption) VS Tarin (The Legend of Zelda: Links Awakening)
7. Mister Mushroom (Hollow Knight) VS Akaboshi Bisco (Sabikui Bisco)
8. Mooshroom (Minecraft) VS Violet and Tate (Monster Prom)
9. Brown Slim Mushroom (Everhood) VS Shrumbo (Ooblets)
10. Danielle Barkstock (D20) VS Mushroomon/Mushmon (Digimon)
11. Ragel (Undertale) VS Hattifatteners (Moomin)
12. Amanita (Just Dance) VS Slimefoot (Magic the Gathering)
13. Toad (Mario) VS Shrub Berry (Empires SMP)
14. Walking Mushroom (Delicious in Dungeon) VS Master Firbolg (The Adventure Zone: Graduation)
15. Todd from Mario (Drawfee) VS Magic Myc (Inside Job)
16. Jade Leech (Twisted Wonderland) VS Nightcap (Plants VS Zombies: Battle for Neighborville)
17. Twirly-Whirly (Genshin Impact) VS Chio the Korok (The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild)
18. Toadette (Mario) VS Nightcap (Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch)
19. Moonshine Cybin (Not Another D&D Podcast) VS Puff Shroom (Plants VS Zombies)
20. Sozo (Cult of the Lamb) VS Kinoko Komori (My Hero Academia)
21. Puffstool (Pikmin) VS Myconids (Dungeons and Dragons, 5th Edition)
22. Bongo-Head (Genshin Impact) VS Shroomish (Pokémon) VS Malcom (Squishmallow)
23. Caduceus Clay (Critical Role) VS Josh (Dominion SMP)
24. Mushroom Pikmin (Pikmin) VS Red Dead Mushroom (Everhood)
25. Zommoth (Bug Fables) VS Room (Join the Party)
26. Stanley (Spiritfarer) VS Fleeble (Ooblets)
27. Poison Mushroom Cookie (Cookie Run) VS Shumi (Shumi Come Home)
28. En (Dorohedoro) VS White Mushroom Emblem Heartless (Kingdom Hearts)
29. Clickers (The Last of Us) VS Hypno-Shroom (Plants VS Zombies)
30. The Nomes (Little Nightmares) VS Shrooom! (Earthbound)
31. Ramblin Evil Mushroom (Earthbound) VS Kinoko (Katamari)
32. Truffles Daal (Chowder) VS Cappy (Kirby)
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cipherexists · 9 months
do you play java minecraft...?
do you always join a small server for it to immediately die and become empty?
do you wanna make more actual friends?
we are 3 seasons in (each season lasts a year) with mega bases, trading, lots of building support, autism and only like 10 active members ^^;
but we do actually play, and VC and play other games too. its awesome and fun i swear
So come along and Join the Technical Difficulties SMP where bad wifi and a shitty laptop is not only accepted but expected <3
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stressedbisexualtm · 11 days
okay i may be a bit stupid but i've figured out what makes limited and secret life feel so... disconnected, for lack of a better word, from the rest of the life series. (could also be sort of the same for double life?)
it's simply because of the time difference in when each series happened- a few months after third life happened, last life premiered. limited life and secret life happened in the same year as well, and although they were at the beginning and end of the year it kind of lends to the vibe of both games (at least in my eyes.) but double life happened in the summer of 2023, several months after last life and several months before limited life. this lead to a sort of time bubble around double life; it's a pretty big vibe shift from last life and we're missing a few players (mumbo, lizzie, and skizz), but it's not quite near the relaxed-yet-bloodthirsty vibe limited life (and a secret life a little bit) has going on. double life, to me, is very much it's own bubbled part of the life series, sort of the bridge but not bridge between the first two and the latest two seasons.
now, obviously, this is my take on it from a technical/fandom/irl perspective, but it does beg the question: can the characters in the life series feel or understand the time gaps between games? for mumbo and lizzie, who only appeared in two seasons (not counting lizzie's cameo in liml), would probably notice that they had, in fact been gone for a couple seasons (this would also apply to skizz missing dl, and i guess ren when he comes back?). /i/ subscribe to the idea that the players go to their home severs/the void in between games, allowing them to compete in events like mcc and join other servers like empires, new life, hc 9&10, sos, etc. but.. i mean, would they know during the games this happens? could the players be aware of time passing in between games, such that last life feels so different from double life and double life feels so different from limited life? would they notice the subtle changes in appearance, in attitude? would they feel the tone shift, the closer and closer they get to the watchers (or whatever the hell the secret keeper was), the urgency and calmness flowing in even streams throughout the series? do they know what will happen when the game ends? do they know that third life was 3 years ago? was it 3 years ago for them, or do the games happen in quick succession? is time different in the games to normal mc time, and how does that differ from our time in real life? minecraft days pass faster than ours do, so who's to know if it was 6 years ago for them, or 1 year, or two months? are the life games in some sort of alternate or pocket dimension, permanently separating them from any other smp, event, or world? do these different servers, seasons, what have you, feel different to the characters? are they able to tell that something is different, that they've aged or changed outside of the games, but they don't know why because they can't remember ever leaving them? could you imagine, for a moment, waking up one day, knowing something is different, knowing that you have been somewhere else and done something important and lived and knew more people and had a home, but not being able to remember any of it? not being able to comprehend what you're feeling, like you've lost something you never even knew existed? do you think that they remember their lives beyond the first time they joined the game, and are only left with that feeling of being ripped away from the rest of reality?
or, maybe none of that matters, because they get to go home and rest after each season, and the games are just games, and the players remember everything perfectly fine, because it's just another smp, and they're all just playing modified hardcore together. at the end of the day, it's all up to interpretations and personal headcanons and individual lore. but it's compelling (? idk im low on thought now) to think about how characters might experience time differently, or how they might react to time shifts they may or may not remember.
just some ideas and questions ive been thinking about for a while but haven't been able to fully write down.
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