amseltv · 11 months
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Coming Soon…
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imminent-danger-came · 10 months
So, this parallel, right.
That parallel and the 4x11 shadowpeach fight as a whole:
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Macaque: "No that's YOU! You're the one always running off! Looking for more power, more sources of immortality—you're the one who wouldn't quit while were were ahead! Not the great sage, he's got to drag EVERYONE else into his mess!" Sun Wukong: "You're not in this mess, you're still free! Everything I did was for us!" Macaque: "You did it for yourself! You've become like this, obsessive demon! I told you going against the Jade Emperor was a bad idea, but no, Wukong doesn't listen to anyone! He just does whatever he wants! You put yourself here, not me."
(4x11 A Lifetime of Mistakes)
A large part of Wukong's motivation to keep getting more power was the freedom of it—the more power you have the easier it is to do whatever you want. It's easier to ignore everyone else and focus solely on yourself. It's also easier to ensure yourself and your loved one's are protected and have the ability to do what they want.
So, a punishment where the great Monkey King is imprisoned and trapped for hundreds of years? It's effective and tragic and fitting. Wukong wanted to have the freedom to protect the people he cared about, and in trying to reach for the power to do that, he completely had his freedom removed. He went from the mountain, to then the circlet, and then all of a sudden he had morals and was bound to those.
And then I think about his end of s3 choice to go face the Lady Bone Demon alone. Once again Wukong was trying to protect his loved ones (not to mention the whole reason he went after the Samadhi fire to begin with was to have the power, the freedom to stop LBD (which in itself is another case of SWK believing he needed to be stronger for such freedom)), but he also wanted to make sure MK and himself both had agency. He didn't want MK to have to fight LBD, and he didn't want LBD to end the world.
This is exactly the sentiment he tells Macaque in the 4x11 flashback:
Sun Wukong: "It's so we don't have to worry about anything or anyone ever again! Just living a lazy life, sitting in the sun, eatin' fruit, and doing whatever we want!"
But where does it all lead him?
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To possession, imprisonment. Once again Wukong no longer had the freedom to do what he wanted (which is to protect the people he cares about). Once again in his attempts to help his loved one's, he only hurt them.
This can be applied to his relationship with Macaque, to MK in s2, hell, even Wukong trying to get the map in the first place left him powerless, which then led to him and the gang being imprisoned in 3x02. It's a familiar pattern, one we see with antagonist and protagonist alike.
MK in s2 trained to become more powerful, which in the end only strengthened LBD and forced him and his friends on the run. Mei in 3x12 protects MK by letting herself get captured and placed into LBD's crystal. Mei in 4x05 goes to protect MK, breaking her sword and leaving her vulnerable to being captured by Kui Mulang ("How am I supposed to protect everyone without my sword?"). DBK reached for more power and then became possessed by LBD, hurting his wife and son. Azure reached for the Jade Emperor's power and bound himself to that role, jeopardizing Peng and Yellowtusk in the process.
It's a cycle of reaching for power, endangering others, and then being imprisoned.
So anyways, here's why MK is going to lose control (his agency) next season and hurt his friends with his own- *get's shot*
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majimasleftasscheek · 4 months
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got my jp IW preorder stuff 🤗 plus some kurohyou things for funsies
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a-drama-addict · 7 months
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finally sharing my durge <3 meet freyja (she/her) everyone
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glassrooibos · 2 months
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Some recent comms >:0)
Amora belongs to @hotboiessek
Arisia belongs to @bish-0-p
Finio belongs to @rozeriia
And sweet darling Cherry belongs to Beet :0)
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i know what you are......
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puppyeared · 10 months
puppy you are insane for wanting to put ice cubes in your milk!!!!! unacceptable!!!!! it melts and then thins the milk and then it mels some more and then you;re not longer drinking milk it;s just milk flavoured water!!!!!! /lh
i bet you use water to make your hot chocolate (also highly unacceptable) (booooo)
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i was witness to @crow-cap slapping hot sauce on an orange for "character immersion" purposes so i think i have reason to believe putting ice in milk wouldnt be out of the question /j
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difty-dift · 2 months
You really just "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson some poor schmuck with that last post huh?
he wasn't a poor schmuck, he was my beloved mutual~♡ Which I guess makes it more gruesome lol
read The Lottery this ask makes more sense if you do
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richardazer · 3 months
Lanlan picture dump while I wait for her girlfriend to arrive 🥰
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As soon as I put her in this pose I knew what to do 😈😈😈
She wilding 🍃🍃🍄
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keyslox · 1 year
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Betelgeuse is a really good listener…
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impossible-rat-babies · 5 months
the doom posting that comes around whenever a cash shop outfit comes out is deeply obnoxious at this point ngl
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cptnbeefheart · 9 months
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2 of my little pete seeger drawings featured in the amazing you've got fanmail zine, orchestrated by the wonderful @lovescrashingwaves :]
full spread posted here
pdf | flipbook | playlist
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sqlmn · 1 year
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inkybinkyboink · 1 month
marauders weed headcanons bc guess what baybee??? im a free man motherfucker 🙇🏻
let's get it out of the way, peter hogs the joint. im sorry.
normally this like. doesnt bug me all too much but he's too scared to even smoke it
he just holds it and it just burns away
peter you're wasting good weed!!!
james is excellent at re-lighting the joint without a lighter (or magic)
sirius gets really fucking paranoid if it's not the right strain
remus is stoner extraordinaire (i will die on this hill)
sirius is the best at sneaking food from the kitchens when they all get the munchies
their favorite place to smoke is the shrieking shack
though, i reckon they probably plan their excursions bc can you imagine smoking in the shrieking shack and then realizing you're fucking starving but the castle is like all the way back up the hill
i would die
i would crave death
remus does more weed than the other three
it helps with his chronic pain and i wouldnt be surprised if he has some sort of special prescription for it
i know it's the 70s, but im not abt to figure out the specifics
remus and sirius are each others favorite pillows when they're both high
it helps james get to sleep and stay asleep
peter cant take more than like 3 puffs or else he gets weed shakes
the others will help him stay calm and massage spots on his shoulders to help him relax
i can also see them doing this for sirius though id assume sirius wants remus to do it more than the other two
sirius having a really bad high and remus walking him through it, trying to soothe him to sleep so he can sleep it off
remus having a pain flareup and calling it quits at like 6pm, going to hide somewhere in the castle to smoke and not think about how much his hips hurt
dude. listen. stoner room of requirement.
i mean its. the room of requirement. if im a stoner who requires a comfy place to hide out with a comfy couch and good lighting, in theory that should appear.
peter gets the most munchies
james has the craziest thoughts
sirius falls asleep the quickest
remus is the least anxious
god stoner remus actually makes me feel whole as a person
i feel like remus likes being alone when he's high, more than he likes a blunt rotation
god they rlly are the dream blunt rotation
them talking shit while stoned
when remus indubitably goes to live with sirius at 12 grimmauld place they light a joint "for old times sake"
thats a lie, remus never quit, he just wanted to help sirius unwind
remus helping sirius cope with what happened with him getting falsely convicted and sent to azkaban by smoking a joint with him every night on the steps and just talking
not about prison, or what happened, even
about anything sirius wants
it helps him re-familiarize himself with the world around him without getting too spooked.
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kr4wlz · 11 months
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Some harrow pics from tekko for the locked tomb enjoyers
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kuroshirosb · 5 months
Maybe I should do a playthrough of BW as Hilbert Baldwin..
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