#Beel x cake
honey25 · 3 months
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I drew it for Valentine's Day last year, but I didn't finish it in time, so I thought I'd post it on White Day, but I missed that too.After that I had a bit of a crisis and didn't want to finish the picture. After not touching the drawing for months, I thought I'd manage it this year and it was almost finished on Valentine's Day, but that was too late.
So I decided to post it on White Day. And it fits much better because my OC is Japanese and the game is originally Japanese. It fits better because only on White Day does the boy give the girls he likes chocolate. And because it's beel, he made a whole cake.
He had to really pull himself together not to eat the cake earlier. But he wanted to make mc happy. And that's why he only ate the leftover chocolate.
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rose-of-the-valley · 2 years
Mooncake Headcanons Pt. 1
Featuring the demon brothers! (all others coming soon in a separate post!)
Happy Mid-Autumn Festival! Mooncakes are one of my favorite holiday foods even though they're getting more and more expensive every year. My mom used to make them when I was little so that she could make them with the fillings she liked, which then led to us knowing the extent of how bad these things are for your cholesterol.
I still eat them though because I think they're delicious and I am no stranger to hedonism. I would eat an entire box of mooncakes in a day if people would let me.
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Lucifer's favorite mooncake flavor is Wu Ren (five kernels/mixed nuts). It's a pretty traditional mooncake filling, favored among older generations but less popular with younger people
Thus, perfect for the Devildom's resident Old Man™
If you remind him about the Mid-Autumn Festival early enough, he might even ask Diavolo for permission to bring you to the human world to celebrate
Knock on his study door the night before with an ornate box of them. He'll actually pause his work for once, even pulling out a bottle of demonus for the occasion
Offer to feed him a piece and his eyes will go wide, but he'll chuckle and let you do it anyway, so long as you can keep it a secret
"Mooncakes? Is it that time of year already? I'll have to arrange for us to go see a lion dance together. You'll share these with me later, won't you?"
He's not particularly picky about what flavor he gets, but his favorites have a salted egg yolk core. Bonus points if it's got two
The sweet-and-salty combo is admittedly good, but mostly it's about the fact that the golden center makes him think of money
If you're planning on surprising this demon with a gift box, you better hide it well. They sell for a lot, and he's got a knack for finding things in hidden spots
If you manage to pull it off, watch this demon light up with joy. He knows how much they cost, so you must care for him a lot if you got him some
The tsundere will never admit that that's why he's happy, of course. He'll brush it off saying he's only blushing because it's warm, never mind that it's the middle of fall
"Whaddya mean the egg yolk's supposed to represent the full moon? Doesn't that look like Grimm to ya? Whatever, ya better not have gotten mooncakes for anyone else!"
Everyone's favorite otaku loves red bean mooncakes
You can bet that there's an Azuki-tan limited edition mooncake design that he just has to get
Imagine his surprise when you show up at his door two days before the release with a box of them! Just for him!
Poor guy can't decide between asking what strings you pulled to get these and just blurting out that he loves you. What comes out is a garbled mix of the two followed by a string of attempted clarifications
You'll have to convince him to actually eat them; he loves them so much that he tries to keep them on his shelf with all his other merch and gifts from you
"T-These are the Azuki-tan mooncakes! They only release them once a decade! I'll cherish them forever! Now we gotta watch the episode the design is based on!"
A bit more into modern styles than his older brothers, Satan's found that his favorite mooncakes are lava custard
The gooey liquid center surprised him the first time he had one, but he found that he quite liked this alternative to salted egg yolk fillings - it provided a nice flavor contrast without the annoyance of the egg yolks falling out when you tried to cut them
(Besides, think of the look on Lucifer's face when he gets these from an "anonymous fan" and cuts one open only to spill egg yolk everywhere!)
Catch him when he doesn't have his nose buried in a book (or cat fur) so you can share these without worrying about making a mess
However, when you find him he's got a box of your favorite flavor in his hand. He likes to keep up with human world holidays, after all
"You know, I've heard that you're supposed to solve lantern riddles for Mid-Autumn Festival. You'll come with me to try and guess some, right?"
Asmo's favorites are snow skin mooncakes
Look at how delicate and beautiful they are! Just like him!
He's definitely snapping a bunch of pics for Devilgram. Cue a collage of him holding up mooncake halves and winking or blowing kisses at the camera
Of course, if you were the one to gift him the mooncakes, then you have to be in the photos too! Show the Devildom how much you love him and how adorable you both are!
His favorites are the ones where you're feeding each other a bite. He'll only post the one where you're using dessert forks though, saving any spicier ones for his personal collection
"Oooh they're so pretty! Look at all these colors! If you come to my room later I'll show you how thankful I am ♡"
While he'll take any mooncakes he gets, Beel's favorites are the savory Suzhou style mooncakes with a minced meat filling
Soft and flaky, they're not as dense as regular mooncakes, but oddly enough they feel more satisfying than their sugary counterparts
When you share these with Beel, he'll likely try to devour them in one bite, which really isn't too bad of an idea considering how many crumbs these flaky pastries leave
If you're feeding him though, be careful not to get your fingers bitten
You won't have to worry about saving any for yourself. The holiday is about family after all, and Beel loves nothing more than sharing with the people he loves
"I want to have a big dinner with everyone. Then I want to share these with you after. They'll taste better if I eat them with you."
Belphie's favorite is another regional variant - specifically the Teochew/Chaoshan thousand layer mooncake. He prefers his with a mochi and black sesame paste filling
This demon loves the human world, and with the mochi craze it's no wonder that this is his (current) preference
Take him out for an Authentic Festival Experience™ and surprise him at the end with these mooncakes. Break one in half and feed it to him if you want to see him blush
He might be sleepy after a day of activities, but he'll try to stay awake and admire the full moon with you
If he does fall asleep, you can bet he'll be dreaming about laying under the moonlight with you
"Hey, come lie down next to me. Just make sure you don't get any crumbs on my pillow, ok?"
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he-calls-me-kitten · 6 months
Dirty Dozen (ft. +2)
GN! MC x Pervert! OM Characters
(Cause y'all seemed to love the first one omg. Also TW: I made everyone wayy more sleazy and nasty than before so read at your own risk. MInors DNI)
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Pervert! Mammon who likes to ask you for something specifically when your hands are full. "MC, lend me a few Grimm could ya?" He asks when you're in the middle of cooking.
"My hands are covered in cake batter, just take some from my back pocket."
"Are you sure it's there? Let me check both pockets." He isn't so much searching for coins as much as he's feeling and practically groping your ass. Seriously you start to wonder how it's taking him 20 minutes to find something that's right there.
Pervert! Solomon who keeps his room colder than usual when you come over for magic lessons.
"Is it too cold for you MC? I apologise, I kept it this way because some of the potions have bad reactions to heat but if you'd like-"
"I'm absolutely fine, Solomon. You worry about me too much." You smile at him reassuringly, not noticing how his eyes are so eagerly trained at your nipples perking up through your thin t-shirt.
Boner Bonus points if you allow him to hug you for some warmth. His fingers will definitely brush against your chest more than once.
Pervert! Beel who seems to make a mess whenever he's trying to help you in the kitchen. "I'm so sorry, MC. I didn't mean to spill it on your hands!"
"It's okay Beel, it's just some cream and syrup. I can just wash it off right away."
"But it's such a waste. Please allow me." He starts to thoroughly lick your fingers and you shake your head and let him knowing his fixations on food.
But he can't help it - you taste so good. He secretly wonders what you might taste like down there, drooling at the thought.
Pervert! Levi who has taken to sitting on pillows Japanese style while gaming and offers you the same. Sure enough you don't even suspect an ulterior motive.
"Did you get inspired by some human world anime again? Careful though - your legs and butt will start to cramp after a while."
"MC you're too gracious! Caring so much for an otaku like me!"
After you leave, he promptly takes the pillow you were sitting on and puts it in his bathtub. He's going to sleep on it ofc. Your scent on it helps him jerk off better.
Pervert! Belphie who now asks you to rub his belly till he falls asleep. "What's so funny?" He asks as you giggle at his request.
"Since when do you need help falling asleep?"
"I care about the quality of my sleep. And I sleep better this way."
Fortunately you believe him and don't suspect that it's because it's the closest he can get you to fondling his dick. He has such a difficult time holding in his moans and hard ons, every time your hands go even a bit lower than usual.
Pervert! Barbatos who got into sewing clothes as a hobby and specifically likes making them for you now. But you never understand why he needs to take same measurements over and over again.
"Oh? This is a different kind of design, MC. So the measurements will vary from before."
"Always making new things aren't you? You never fail to suprise Barbatos." You smile at him admiring.
The tightening of the tape around your chest and crotch are subtle. He can hardly keep it together when you praise him after all. But he has to if he wants to skim his hands over your body like this again.
Pervert! Diavolo who takes you on such long drives that you always doze off in the front seat, waking up apologetic for missing so much of the journey.
"Hahaha, it's okay, MC. We've been on this same road lots of times. I assure you, you didn't miss anything. And I like that you feel safe to sleep in my presence."
"But still, I'm so sorry, it feels disrespectful..." You apologize, not even knowing how hard he is in his pants right now.
Afterall, he can keep squeezing your beautiful thighs, maybe let his hands wander between them and imagine himself fucking you in the back seat as much as he wants, when you're asleep.
Pervert! Simeon who will have noone except you as his muse for art classes. And the themes just keep getting more erotic each time.
"Are you sure you're okay with this, MC? You don't have to do it if you're not comfortable-"
"Nonsense, Simeon. I feel super comfortable if it's you. You're a true artist after all." You say as you lay on his bed wrapped up only in bedsheets, exposing your entire back and legs.
If only you knew, this angel has thoughts dirtier than most demons. How he's practically fucking you with his eyes. How he's definitely going to jerk off into those bedsheets, moaning your name.
Pervert! Satan who loves teaching you things - standing right behind you, guiding your hands to make latte-art, or trying a new style of painting.
"That's it, nice and slow. Look how much you've improved, MC." He beams at the cute kitty in the coffee cup.
"All thanks to you, Satan. I can't wait to learn more from you." You smile at him earnestly.
He almost feels guilty for tricking you this way, but the way your hands feel in his, and your ass feels against his groin is so addicting. One of these days, he wishes could teach you to be on all fours and take his length in your pretty little mouth.
Pervert! Asmo who loves keeping your eyes on him and noone else. From elaborate performances to petty staring contests, he cannot have enough of your gaze.
"Oh you're turning red in the face, Asmo. Did I manage to flutter the heart of the Avatar of Lust?" You lean forward smiling.
"You're my only weakness after all, MC. It's your fault for making me this way." He almost moans.
You laugh and mock apologize at his antics but you don't know he's been grinding like an animal on his seat, and creamed his pants under your innocent gaze. Your undivided attention just turns him on so much.
Pervert! Lucifer who makes his desires too obvious sometimes. He'll regret it in the morning and take you to dinner to apologize but not until he's already done something dirty.
"Lucifer, it's 2 am. You need to throw away that coffee and sleep." You're practically dragging him to bed.
"Fine. I'll go sleep if you'll stay in my room tonight." He says knowing you'll comply. You care too much for your own good. He's not even going to let you sleep on the couch, no you have to stay wrapped up in his arms.
You might wake upto him groaning your name in his sleep and you might mistake it for a nightmare - not knowing how he's balls deep inside you in his dreams.
Pervert! Thirteen who likes how excited you get over her newest inventions and keeps making more things to call you over.
"And this little baby and can throw pie at people's faces without ever missing. Guaranteed headshot." She smiles proud.
"This would be so useful in a cafeteria food fight and then get banned right after its glory. But I so wanna use it!" You whine.
She loves how much you appreciate her inventions. She is secretly working on a 'pleasure' device scented like her to give you - she hopes you'll like it just as much.
Pervert! Mephisto who is actually taken aback by your duality. You're such a mischievous little imp usually but turn so well-mannered in front of Diavolo's esteemed guests.
"So even you can be prim and proper sometimes? If only you could maintain this on the daily." He huffs.
You laugh and mock-bow in front of him. "Of course, anything for you my dearest lord. Would you like to dance with this proper human while you can?"
He blushes at the sudden offer. Why you little- how dare you tempt him like this. You can't complain about him gripping you somewhere improper or too tight. You deserve this for your attitude.
Pervert! Raphael who is still navigating new feelings of lust he's never felt before he met you. Why his heart skips every time you fall asleep on his shoulder or why he felt a sudden warmth at the pit of his stomach feeling you breath so softly into his neck.
"Thank you for helping me tidy the classroom, MC. I didn't even know where the cleaning supplies were."
"That's alright. It's more fun with two people anyway and wait Raphael there's a bucket over the-" The fresh bucket of water already spilled splashing all over both of you.
You immediately fetched a towel to help him dry up but he couldn't stop staring at you instead. With the uniform sticking to your body like and the water glistening on your exposed skin - why was he so enthralled? Why does he feel a strange pulsing between his legs as you hover over him?
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misc-obeyme · 28 days
Ah, you want lucifer sub? I have another idea for you then! Feel free to ignore if you had enough nsfw drabbles tho lol Theres a card in NB where lucifer tries to force mc a truth apple or whatchamacallit to see who mc really is, but Beel ended up eating it instead. Anyway in p4 he tries to earn mc's forgiveness by going to the castle for barb's cooking. What if then, at the table, mc remembers that in the og timeline, lucifer and mc constantly played with shibari on each other? Hmm... So then, that's his punishment. Early Avatar of Pride, getting tied up in his own room. Blindfolded Anyway, hope you like the idea. 🍄 Love you CC
Augh, 🍄 anon, shibari is like one of my favorite things ever. It just looks so pretty!?!? And Lucifer is also very pretty????
Yes, I thoroughly enjoyed writing this. I do have that card and remembered this particular Devilgram. It had an excellent line from Barb that I took the time to screenshot and then forgot about until much later. Something about having cake, I don't remember exactly. It's in my posts somewhere lol.
Anyway! Sub!Lucifer is everything to me, so here he is. I like the idea of NB Lucifer specifically not understanding why he trusts MC. He even says in the Devilgram something about how there was a connection between them the moment MC showed up. But this is a minor detail, I just find it interesting.
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GN!MC x Lucifer
Warnings: sub!Lucifer, dom!MC, shibari, blindfold, praise, hand job
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Lucifer held himself incredibly still. He would not squirm. He would not give you the satisfaction.
It was difficult. He wanted to give in already.
You had spent quite some time carefully tying the black and red ropes around his body. Securing knots, ensuring they were tight but not too tight. Perhaps he should have been anxious as you brought his hands behind his back and tied them in place. Perhaps he should have been concerned when you tied the blindfold over his eyes. Perhaps he should have been worried about how vulnerable he was allowing himself to be with you.
And perhaps he was all of those things. But the fire it ignited in his belly was too powerful to ignore. The thrill of your touch, the way his skin tingled any time you brushed your fingers against it. Knowing that you were seeing him completely exposed, that he was entirely at your mercy, that you were in control of him in a way no one else has ever been.
The ropes rubbed against him, an uncomfortably pleasing sensation. The blindfold was his own tie, which you had utilized for this purpose and its soft silkiness was an exciting contrast to the harsher feeling of the ropes.
When you were finished, you moved away and left him there.
Lucifer was kneeling on his own bed, tied up and blindfolded, waiting for you to touch him again.
He couldn't see himself, but he could imagine the sight. You seemed to already know the intricacies of shibari. The pattern was elegant and complex - turning him into a sensual work of art.
Lucifer waited. He could be patient. He refused to let you see just how affected he was. He couldn't do anything about his obvious erection, which was straining. But he would keep the rest of himself as composed as possible.
"So," you said and your voice was close. "Are you sorry for trying to get me to eat that apple?"
Lucifer hesitated. "I've let you tie me up and blindfold me, haven't I? Is that not proof enough?"
"I won't make you say it," you said. "I could see it in your eyes as I was tying you up. You trust me, don't you? Despite being suspicious of who I am and what my motives might be, you still trust me."
Lucifer frowned. "I don't-"
You pressed a finger to his lips. "You don't need to lie about it. You can trust me, Lucifer. I promise."
Lucifer was about to disagree with you, but whatever he might have said left his mind immediately as you took his cock in your hand. He sucked in a breath. Your hand felt soft, slightly damp with your sweat, which soon mingled with his precum.
Lucifer's resolve not to squirm crumbled. He couldn't hold perfectly still now, his hips moving involuntarily to thrust into your hand. He bit his lip, determined at least not to moan.
"Don't do that," you said, putting your thumb on his lower lip and pulling it gently out of his teeth. "Let me hear you."
Lucifer felt his skin grow hot as the moan he'd been trying to hold back escaped him. As soon as it did, it was as though a dam had broken and he couldn't stop making noise.
"Ah," he cried. "MC, please, ah!"
"Good boy," you said sweetly. "Now come for me."
Lucifer immediately came all over your hand, a strangled cry ripping itself from his throat as he did. Lucifer was panting, his body's muscles relaxing, but he was still tied up so stiffly, he couldn't go anywhere. You allowed him to lean on you long enough to catch his breath.
Lucifer quickly learned that he was far from done with his apology and it was much later into the night before you were willing to forgive him.
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masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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Angels' Commendation MICHAEL x gn!Reader x SIMEON 3.2k Words | NSFW | Smut | Michael-centric | Poly Relationship Content Warnings: Reader uses gn!pronouns. Alternating present/memory POV. Pet name used (little lamb). Penetrative sex, threesome, creampies, implied overstimulation, scenting/marking, fluff, flirting, teasing, food kink if you squint, sex in a semi-public place, jealousy, light dom/sub undertones. Prev: Angels at the Door | Next: A Demon's Curiosity
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Your departure from the Celestial Realm is met with little fanfare. Michael offered to host a formal celebration like a banquet or dance, but you balked at the very idea and insisted nothing of the sort was necessary. You finished most of your preparations yesterday and already said goodbye to the angels you spent the most time with. They gave you their well wishes for your journey home and their hopes that you would return again soon.
When you came to the Celestial Realm nearly a month ago, you brought a single bag with some clothing and toiletries. Today, you’re leaving with much more than you brought. There are small tokens from your new angel friends in some spare bags that Simeon procured for you. Michael also gave you a large basket full of gifts for Diavolo and his fallen brothers in the Devildom.
Luke baked a cake for you to take back to share with everyone, and it’s carefully wrapped in a large box. He giggled and whispered that he also made a special cupcake just for you, in case Beel eats the other cake before you can have some.
Simeon helps you organize your belongings near the Celestial Gates that will take you back to the Devildom. If Luke weren't nearby, he'd drag you into one last kiss before you go; he could lick his lips and savour the taste of you when you're gone.
He glances over where Michael and Luke are waiting. You haven't even left yet, and Luke is already asking him when you'll be able to return. Simeon and Michael share a knowing look; your presence will be formally requested before too long, whether your demon friends like it or not.
Simeon slides the straps of your bags onto your shoulders, and he steps away once you reassure him that everything feels secure. Luke smiles when you hold up his cake box, and you wiggle your fingers at him since you can’t wave goodbye properly. You share one last fleeting glance with Luke–and your lovers–before you finally walk through the portal and back to the Devildom.
Once you’re gone, the three angels turn and walk back towards the Celestial Halls together. "Did you give them a present, Michael?" Luke asks curiously.
He already asked Simeon earlier what his gift for you was. Simeon replied that he gave you a short story he wrote himself. (It was a smutty romance about three characters that resembled you and your two angels, of course). 
Michael looks down and his lips quirk into a smile. He ruffles Luke's hair playfully and chuckles when the young angel pouts. "Ah, we exchanged parting gifts earlier before we joined you for breakfast."
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You groaned at the sudden emptiness when Michael withdrew his cock from your body. He chuckled against your shoulder as two of his thick fingers took its place. The sounds his fingers made as he thrust them inside you was obscene. His and Simeon's cum both leaked out around the intruding digits and smeared the inside of your thighs.
"Don't worry little lamb, we'll keep you nice and full. You want something to remember us by, don't you?" 
You nodded dazedly as endless sensations rippled through you. Your body twitched and trembled from their attention. Simeon was plastered against your front, his hands gripping your hips while he chased beads of sweat down your chest with his tongue. He dragged his teeth over your skin and sucked each of your nipples between his lips. He glanced at you through his dark lashes when you whined and arched into his touch.
Michael's chest was a comforting weight against your back, and you leaned against him to keep yourself upright. One of his hands moved inside you, and the other trailed along the side of your face and down your neck. He pressed down gently when he grazed over the marks he and Simeon made. He tilted your chin towards him and kissed you over your shoulder. It was wet and sloppy, and you moaned when his tongue flicked teasingly into your mouth. 
Your skin was sticky with sweat and cum. Your legs trembled and you felt overheated, but you still wanted more. You reached back and fisted one hand in Michael's hair while the other reached down and grasped Simeon's hard, leaking cock that bobbed heavily between you. Michael hissed when you pulled on his hair; Simeon groaned when you pumped him lazily, and his hips bucked against you.
"What do you want, my love?" Simeon whispered when he leaned forward and tugged at your earlobe with his teeth.
It was hard to form words when they worked so diligently together to fuck your brains out. Your mind was a fog of pleasure and longing. You know you were leaving soon, but you didn't go. You wanted–
"M-more," you whimpered. "Want more of you, please?"
Michael crooked his greedy fingers inside you, and you rocked your hips so that they'd keep massaging against that spot that made your toes curl. You shuddered between them, and Michael brushed his lips against your temple.
"You ask so nicely," he murmured. He rubbed his cock against your ass; he was already hard and leaking again. He knew you were all running out of time, but he couldn’t refuse you. "We'll give you what you whatever you want."
Simeon's cock slipped from your grip when he maneuvered himself in front of you. He laid back against the pillows. One of his legs was between yours, and the other was bent at the knee and pressed against your outer thigh to support you. Michael nudged your shoulders down and bent you over until your chest was pressed against Simeon's. He groped your ass and positioned himself behind you.
Simeon cradled the back of your neck and brought you towards him for a heated kiss. Michael leaned over you and kissed along your spine just as he sank his cock back inside you. All three of you groaned in unison, overwhelmed by the sensual depravity of being together like this. Simeon was jerking himself off beneath you and panting your name desperately as he watched your expressions above him. You closed your eyes and lost yourself in the heated daze of their lust as Michael fucked you one last time.
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When you arrive at the Demon Lord’s castle, all of your demon friends are waiting anxiously to see you. Barbatos instructs the Little Ds to help you with your belongings and you hand him Luke’s cake for safekeeping. As soon as your hands are free, you're crowded by the seven demon brothers that clamor for your attention like they haven't seen you in years.
There's a small luncheon prepared to celebrate your return, and the demons lead you to the elegant dining room where you can finally relax. Asmo plunks down in the seat next to yours and admires the Celestial Realm tunic you're wearing.
"That style looks nice on you," he offers, and there's something soft in his gaze as he remembers how much he liked wearing angelic-style garments too.
"Michael provided me with a lot of Celestial clothes to try while I was there," you explain with a smile, looking down as you smooth the front of your shirt. "I left most of them behind for the next time I visit, but I wanted to bring this one back with me–it's my favourite."
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You noticed that Michael was acting strangely since you stepped into the dining room for breakfast. Raphael and Gabriel bickered on either side of you while Simeon rolled his eyes at them across the table. You tried to focus on your plate, but you could feel the heavy weight of Michael's gaze lingering on you.
"Is there something wrong?" you asked him after breakfast when you were able to speak to him alone. 
His gaze flickered between your eyes and your chest. "That outfit you're wearing–" he started to say, but he faltered and cleared his throat, "–that was what you were wearing in the garden that day with Simeon."
Michael told you how he found you together in his garden by accident, and you still feel a little embarrassed thinking about it. Your cheeks grew warm, and you looked down at your top nervously. "Oh...do you not like it, or–?"
Michael shook his head quickly. "No, it's not that. It's...well, it reminds me of the day I realized I had feelings for you." He looked away and it was suddenly his turn to be bashful. "And it reminds me of how much desire I have for you."
He glanced around before he wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. "Perhaps you'd like to accompany me to the garden? I have a bit of spare time before I’m needed for my next meeting," he murmured against the shell of your ear. You felt his cock hardening against your hip and you gasped softly.
"Wait, what about Simeon?" you asked, but you realized you didn’t need to worry. Michael was already sending him a message, and he slipped his phone back into his robes when he finished.
"He's going to meet us there." Michael held out his arm to you, and you followed him towards the closest exit leading to the gardens outside.
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Lunch at the Demon Lord’s castle is a boisterous affair. Everyone chatters excitedly about your return, and Lucifer mentions off-handedly that it's nice to have tolerable company again.
Diavolo asks for your impressions of Michael after living together these past few weeks, and you nearly choke on your drink. You clear your throat and tell him that Michael was very kind and generous to you. Diavolo nods approvingly, and he mentions the basket of gifts Michael sent back with you. You didn't look at it that closely, but according to Lucifer, they're all exquisite delicacies from the Celestial Realm.
You're not surprised when Diavolo mentions that Michael also enclosed a letter for him as well. Apparently the Archangel thanked the Devildom for allowing them the honour of your company. He finished the letter stating that the angels of the Celestial Realm eagerly await your next visit.
"I don't think we could've asked for a better result," Diavolo exclaims, and Lucifer begrudgingly agrees. 
Conversation lingers on your trip and what it was like living among the angels. It's hard to keep a straight face when Michael or Simeon's names are mentioned throughout the meal. There's still a dull throb between your legs from this morning, and the biting marks they left on your skin are tender underneath your clothes.
When the lunch dishes are cleared away, Barbatos starts slicing Luke's cake for everyone. (He murmurs quietly that he's impressed with the young angel's creation, and you remind yourself to pass along the message to him later.)
Diavolo claps his hands when Barbatos places a generous slice in front of him. "Luke made this? How delightful!" He grins at you from his seat at the head of the table. "Is Michael's sweet tooth as notorious as Lucifer claims?" 
Lucifer glares at Diavolo but the prince ignores him. You bite your lip and nod as Barbatos comes to your side and puts a slice of cake in front of you. "It is. This particular cake happens to be Michael's favourite."
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"Knock-knock," you said teasingly when you pushed open the door to Michael's office. The Archangel was leaning back in his chair, running a hand through his hair while he frowned at the document in his hand. He glanced at you when you stepped inside and closed the door behind you.
"I still have more work to take care of tonight, little lamb," he offered apologetically, but you grinned when his eyes lingered on the plate in your hand.
"Can I tempt you to take a short break? You've been here since dinnertime." You brought a slice of cake from the kitchen with you. It's unusual for Michael to rush away from the table before dessert, but he claimed an urgent matter from another part of the realm needed his attention. 
It's possible you missed him and wanted an excuse to see him, but you left that feeling unsaid between you.
He looked torn, and you went in for the final blow. "And I thought Lucifer had the worst work-life balance of anyone I ever met."
That certainly got his attention; he put his papers aside and waved you over. "Realms forbid I let him be better than me at something, especially when it means passing up a chance to visit with you." 
You offered Michael the plate, but he took it from you and set it on his desk. You made an undignified yelping noise when he suddenly grabbed you by the waist and pulled you onto his lap.
When you regained your balance, you were straddling his thighs. He leaned back in his seat and licked his lips. "Since my little lamb interrupted my very important work, I think it's only fair that they feed me. What do you think?"
You couldn't help the bashful smile that bloomed across your face, and his eyes darkened when you picked up the plate and offered him a forkful of the fluffy vanilla cake he loves so much.
"Did you have some cake already?" he asked you in a rough voice after you fed him a couple small bites.
You nod–you ate dessert with Simeon and the others in the dining room. But there's a smear of whipped cream clinging to the corner of Michael's mouth, and you feel inspired. "I wouldn't mind a little more," you murmured as you inched forward and swiped your tongue across his lips. You leaned back and smacked your lips with a satisfied hum.
You had just enough time to put the plate back on the desk before Michael surged forward and kissed you. He licked into your mouth and groaned deep in his chest as he chased the sugar-sweet taste on your tongue. 
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Beel sits across the table from you, and even after he's had two slices of cake, he's still drooling and looking for more. Satan grasps his shoulder when he tries to stand up and reach for the remaining half-a-cake. Barbatos winks at you when he slides the cake further away from him, and Beel gives up and slumps back in his seat. 
Satan grumbles complaints about his brother when you finally catch his gaze. "I was able to borrow the book about Celestial Blessings you wanted to read," you mention to him between bites of your dessert. "It's packed in one of my bags. I'll give it to you when we go back to the House of Lamentation."
He looks genuinely shocked and leans forward on his elbows with excitement. "Really?" He glances down the table where Lucifer and Diavolo are having a heated discussion about something before he looks at you again. "I thought it was in the restricted section of their library?" he asks quietly.
You shrug and look down at your plate as you slice off another forkful of cake. Your cheeks feel a little warm. "Michael gave me permission to borrow it, as long as I bring it back the next time I visit."
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The restricted section of the Celestial Library is dimly lit and eerily quiet—or it would be, except for the soft, slapping sounds of skin-on-skin as Michael fucked you against one of the shelves. Your pants were pooled around your ankles, and his wings brushed against you every time he snapped his hips forward. You gripped the shelf in front of you for leverage and rolled your hips back in time with his thrusts.
“I didn’t want to bother you,” you panted between shaky moans. “Simeon said your permission wasn’t necessary for—oh, fuck,” you whimpered when his cock dragged along your walls just right.
He huffed and slowed his movements, grinding lazily against you and denying you the delicious friction he knew you craved. “And you thought asking that flirt of a records-keeper was a better idea, hm?” He leaned forward and scraped his teeth along your jaw and licked at your neck.
When you tilted your head to give him more access, he hummed and sucked a mark into the delicate skin below your ear. The hand that wasn’t fisted in the collar of your shirt snaked down your front and stroked at the arousal between your legs. You sighed and undulated your hips to coax his fingers where you wanted them most.
“If I—if I knew you’d react like this, I would’ve visited Metatron sooner,” you teased, your tongue loosened by pleasure from his sinful ministrations.
Michael’s chest rumbled behind you, and he suddenly leaned back and pulled you flush against him. “You play with fire, my little lamb,” he snarled into your ear. “Open your mouth.”
You whimpered and obeyed him—how could you not when the gravely tone of his voice made arousal simmer deep inside you? When your mouth fell open, he slipped two fingers inside and pressed down on your tongue. You closed your lips and sucked—you moaned when your tasted your own arousal.
“Very good,” he whispered in your ear, "you're so perfect for me." He kissed your temple and starting fucking into you, faster and harder than before. His fingers smothered your cries and you closed your eyes as pleasure rolled through you. You tilted your head back against his shoulder as he moved your body to meet his thrusts.
His rhythm became erratic as he pushed you both towards release, and he groaned when he felt your body clench around his cock. “That’s it, give yourself to me. I’ve got you, little lamb. I’ve got you.”
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After a festive but exhausting lunch at Diavolo's castle, you walk back to the House of Lamentation with Lucifer and his brothers. They help carry your bags and even though some of them complain, you know they're all happy to see you again. You’re nestled between the group of them and you realize you genuinely missed them too.
You’re grateful that your room is how you left it, albeit with slightly more dust than before. The brothers scatter once you've given them souvenirs from your trip and you finally have some time to yourself. You’re about to start unpacking when there's a quiet knock on your door; when you turn around, you smile at Asmo who’s leaning against the door frame.
"Oh, hi!” You greet him with a beaming smile. “I brought something for you from the apothecary, but I can't remember which bag it's in. Come in for a sec while I look, okay?" Your bags are piled on your bed, and you unzip them one at a time to find the little basket of body care you brought back for him.
"No rush," he says airily as he closes your door and plops down in the chair at your desk. "There was something I forgot to ask you earlier, anyway."
You rummage through your bags. "Oh? What's that?" You glance at him over your shoulder. He waits until you look at him, and he sniffs the air deliberately. Your anxiety spikes, and you instinctively clench your thighs together. You nearly forgot about the damp spot in your underwear, the traces of your lovers' last gift to you. 
Asmo's lips curl into a teasing smirk. "So, how long have you been fucking Michael?"
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crowborn666-nsfw · 9 months
To Bite Or Be Bitten
(Bite kink is back baby)
Beelzebub x Reader
Tags: biting/marking, AFAB anatomy, oral(reader receiving),
You opened the fridge, dressed in a loose tank top and sleep shorts. Shivering a little from the chill, you could quickly scanned the fridge’s contents for a decent midnight snack.
You gasped as a towering figure suddenly brushed against your back, looming over your shoulder as you rifled through the fridge. You calmed from your small fright though, recognizing Beelzebub’s demon form and hungry gaze.
“Oh Beel… here, lemme grab you something.” You stuck your head back into the fridge, unaware of Beelzebub’s wandering gaze towards the patch of skin that revealed itself when your shirt slipped.
Before you could reach in for a leftover box of Devil Chocolate Cake from Madame Screams, Beelzebub grabbed your arm in a gentle yet firm grip.
He pulled you out of the fridge, mumbling something about “not hungry for food” and shut it, the chill disappearing from the kitchen.
“Can I have you instead?”
You blinked, dumbfounded. Sometimes you forgot how blunt Beelzebub could be.
You took in the blush on his cheeks, the glow of lust and hunger in his gaze, the way his eyes flicked over your form.
You couldn’t help but smile.
“Sure, I don’t see why not.”
Beelzebub was on you in an instant, wings chittering behind him as he kissed you, hands resting on your waist. Your hands dug into his hair, standing on your tiptoes to meet him. Beelzebub scooped you up, setting you on the counter and caging you in.
His lips trailed from your mouth to your jaw, a gentle nip left behind.
“You can bite me if you want.” You offered, craning your head back as Beelzebub moved down your throat. He hummed, sucking a mark onto the side of your neck before biting down with care.
You bit your lip to keep quiet, leaning back to give room for Beelzebub to bite his way down to your chest. He left purple and red marks all over your skin, and you took note he left them in easily hideable places.
You glanced to his horns, your face just inches from them. With a mischievous smile, you leaned forward and bit down on one.
“Hey!” Beelzebub chided you gently, a grin forming on his face from your giggle. “Are you trying to eat me too?”
“Maybe~ Only if you promise to do the same.”
He moved then, lips capturing yours once again as he pulled you closer.
You felt the pact mark between you two tingle as you moved from his lips to his neck, biting down with a smile. Beelzebub let out an appreciative groan, his hands moving to your thighs and tracing shapes into the inner part of them.
You pulled back after a while, admiring your work. Your marks were much lighter than the ones you received, but you were content nonetheless.
Beelzebub kissed down your form, only tugging down your shorts after receiving your nod. He didn’t waste any time in pleasuring you, his warm tongue pressing flat to your folds.
You did your best to bite down your noises, face flushing as you met Beelzebub’s violet gaze.
“F-Feel’s good, Beel.” You murmured, covering your mouth with your palm to stifle your moan. Beelzebub nodded, tongue pressing into you as a thumb found your clit.
You moaned and gasped and whimpered as Beelzebub’s tongue darted in and out of you, collecting each drop of your juices.
With your free hand, you grabbed Beelzebub by a horn, tugging him impossibly closer as his rhythm began to tighten the knot in your stomach.
“Ju-Just like that, Beel! Oh, oh, keep doing that, ‘M close!”
In response, Beelzebub pressed closer, keeping his rhythm as his eyes flicked up to your face, watching it closely as your brows knitted in pleasure.
Your back arched and your thighs quivered as your orgasm hit you like a freight train, both hands coming to cover your mouth, hoping you were quiet enough in the night to not wake anyone.
You could distantly feel Beelzebub licking up every last drop of your release, clutching your thighs tightly.
Beelzebub stood and held you as you came down from your high, your head falling forward into his chest as your hands clutched his clothing.
He helped you onto your feet, tugging your clothes back into place for you before scooping you up.
“Thank you, (Y/n). That was just what I needed.”
“Thank you Beel.” You mumbled, wrapping your arms around his neck and snuggling in. “Let’s head to bed, yeah?”
Beelzebub chuckled down at you, carrying you out of the kitchen and down the hall.
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could you do some headcanons of the obey me characters with a cat hybrid S/O?
You got it, Anon. Thank you for the request! I decided to be different than some other Obey Me! Writers and I will start from the bottom of the brothers and work to the top. Then add our extra interests~ I WILL NOT INCLUDE LUKE IN THIS. IDC, IF HE IS AN ANCIENT ANGEL, HE IS PORTRAYED AS A CHILD; THEREFORE, HE IS A CHILD IN MY EYES By the way, if you haven't seen my Obey Me response that I answered a few weeks ago, I don't know anything about Rapeheal or Methostopoliese because I haven't progressed far in the original Obey Me or played the new Nightbringer Obey Me!
~~~~ HEADCANONS ~~~~
Obey Me! Brothers x Neko!Reader
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Belphie was never a fan of cats or dogs. He preferred cows or bulls. Big animals could do whatever they wanted because they were big.
However, cat naps were something he related to, the ability to fall asleep anywhere and everywhere.
That day, though, when he first met you, he couldn't take his eyes off your Purple ears or tail.
He could read your emotions almost clearly as day, even if your face was stoic. Your ears or tail would always give you away.
You entranced him even more when he was freed and allowed back out with the family again.
One night, when you all were watching a movie together, he chose to curl up on the side of the couch next to you. When he arose, your pretty tail was languidly swaying on top of him.
The day you allowed him to touch your tail or ears was quite eventful. You explained to him how sensitive they were; of course, you never let someone you had a crush on touch your ears or tail.
Imagine the shock on both your faces when you purred so loudly that people down the hall heard you. Let's just say he was so disappointed when you avoided him for the rest of the week.
Whenever you two would nap from the day you got together, he never let you go; your head rested on his chest, and your tail wrapped gently around his waist.
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Beel didn't really have a favorite animal; they all kind of just digested down to food in the end. If he had to pick one, though, he definitely would choose a mouse. Maybe they weren't strong, but they were really good at evading him.
Beel loved food more than anything so a quick bite was all on his mind till you came along.
When you came to the house with your Orange tail and ears he was smitten, like a kitten. ( I love puns okay)
You were super emotional, and he never knew how to help until one day, he gave you some of his food.
Like him, your anger, sadness, frustration, happiness, and all emotions were cured with yummy food.
Beel began to monitor your reaction to food and how your ears would move around to the noises of sizzling or popping. Or how your tail would swish or wriggle when you had a particular meal.
Soon, Beel became more concerned about what food to get and what to give you to see your cute emotions over his hunger.
Beel also loved to take you to work out with him. You were powerful and unique at climbing. You could do some of the more advanced level climbing boards that he was not even a pro at.
When you two finally got together, Beel made it a habit to take you out to eat before a workout, then have you and him race on an obstacle course, only to end the night with more food and cuddles.
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Asmo really loved Bunnies. I mean, come on, they were so cute and adorable. They had perfect pink noses and beautiful coats of fur, and a bonus was that they weren't loud or obnoxious.
However, he made an exception to his animal choices when you came around.
Your Pink tail and ears were the icing on the cake, matching your cute gestures and aesthetics.
Asmo couldn't wait to dress you up and make you the object of others' desires, especially his.
You spent most of your days in his room, trying on clothes and being measured for new outfits to accentuate your cat-like features.
The one-time Asmo got too close to your tail while measuring you interested him. You wrapped your tail around his arm without realizing it, only for him to point it out and you to run away.
From then on, Asmo was cautious until you let him touch your cat-like appendages.
Once you two finally got together, the outfits became less cute, and Kawai, as Levi would put it, they became more lustful and sexy.
Asmo enjoyed showing you off to everyone and letting them all know you were his beautiful kitty.
His new favorite accessory when you would accompany him to fashion shows or influencer events was your pretty tail wrapped around his wrist just like before.
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Satan loved cats. They were perfect creatures—big cats, small cats, kittens—all cats were amazing.
When you came to the house, he had a hard time keeping his distance. Due to this, he became very angry and wrathful all the time.
You had gorgeous Green ears and a fluffy tail. He was in love at first sight. He was so mad at himself and then, in turn, you.
It wasn't until he finally started to accept you that he saw your ears upright and your tail not rigid.
Once you two found common ground in reading and writing, he often had you in his library.
You two would share book suggestions, and he could always tell how well you liked the literature he offered based on how your ears or tail would move.
Due to his extensive knowledge of cats, he tried to go waaaaaay too overboard on impressing you.
You had to remind him you are still human, so eating raw mice wasn't your go-to.
However, the day he pulled out a red laser pointer, you were hooked, and even while you were trying to be mad at him for abusing your cat-like mind, you couldn't help but play chase.
When you two finally got together, you could be found lying on his lap with your head on his shoulder, getting the best pets while Satan was content with the world for once.
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Levi was obsessed with snakes. He had many of them throughout his life and was very fond of them.
When you came to the house, not only did he find a passion for cats, but he also had all his Otaku dreams fulfilled.
You were every anime boy's wet dream, and especially Levi's. He could only imagine how your soft Blue ears and tail felt.
Levi was always very shy, so it took a long time before he approached you. Though you were less shy than him, you also had your reservations.
The night you two finally bonded, you were talking to Mammon about going to a convention in town.
Due to your appearance, you thought you could make some quick money and enjoy meeting some artists you had grown to like.
Levi begged Mammon to let him go in his place, leaving you two to enjoy the con.
Levi was enamored with your cute maid outfit that perfectly matched your tail and ears.
When the con ended, he found out you two had a lot in common, so most afternoons from then on were spent in his room playing games and watching anime.
While looking for his controller one night, he accidentally grabbed your tail, which really upset you.
He spent all week apologizing and buying you figurines to make it up to you for invading your space.
When you two finally got together, he always loved it when you took his body pillows place and slept with him in his tub.
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Mammon preferred money over anything but an expensive animal that would look cool now he could get behind that. He always thought the pet monkeys celebs had were hot and wanted one.
When you come to the Devildom, and became his problem, he realized why his younger brother is obsessed with cats.
Your Yellow ears and tail were fascinating and honestly hot af.
He wanted to touch them so badly the man was greedy to see what would happen.
When he touched your ears, he realized how elegant you were. Though you showed disinterest in the touch, you held your ground with him.
Soon, Mammon witnessed your spending habits; you were one boujee kitty.
As a joke, Mammon bought you a real gold bell to wear with one of his yellow ties, which he fashioned into a collar. He never expected you to actually wear it or keep it.
The man was hooked from then on and did everything in his power to make you love him.
You had him spending all the money on Goldie and all his payback on you to gain your love.
You two were on the prowl when you finally caved in and accepted Mammon's desires.
While you swindled money from people with your looks and poise, he was spending the money on you two.
You two were the hottest cats in town.
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Lucifer was a dog person through and through. They were trainable, obedient, and loyal. He didn't want any other animal because none would ever follow as directly as a dog would.
He was apprehensive when he heard from Dia about your appearance in the Devildom. A half-cat half-human would not be controllable and only cause him more headaches.
When he finally met you, he was taken aback by your elegant beauty. Your Black ears and tail suited your regal face.
He still didn't like cats, but he could get behind in liking you over time if you proved yourself.
You were bold and strong. You stood up for yourself and others. You could take no for an answer but make things work your way.
Lucifer was getting hooked, and it was terrible. He needed control.
When you two were alone, he slowly started implementing rules and guidelines. You always followed them, well, to an extent.
Lucifer found your boldness to disobey him at times almost thrilling. You showed no fear and no hesitance.
When Lucifer finally accepted his feelings for you and went to confess, you already beat him to the punch. You took control of him and planned the dates and events.
Once officially dating Lucifer only found peace when you were with him, you were intelligent, cunning, and a go getter. You also were very cooperative about getting him to take a break. Why would he give up a chance to have you resting against him while he got to pet your head?
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Barbatos was very fond of birds. He often found them beautiful in their patterns and voices when he went on errands for Dia.
When you came to the Devildom, he was mildly put off by you. He figured you would eat the birds he was so fond of.
Course, he couldn't lie; the Gray fur of your tail and ears was attractive.
Over time, Barbatos grew used to your presence with the brothers. You posed no real threat or harm to the things he enjoyed.
He liked how aloof you were. You kept to yourself day in and day out, giving him time to deal with other matters.
However, over time, he grew worried about you. Yes, you communicated with others when needed, but you looked lonely.
Barbatos made the first contact, inviting you to assist him with cooking, which you were exceptionally skilled.
Soon, he invited you on errands through the realms, and you also assisted him with Dia's antics.
As you grew warmer with him and showed him more emotions, he couldn't help but grow attached to you lovingly.
One night, while on the castle's balcony, he finally asked you if he could touch your extra appendages. He was curious if, like demons, they were sensitive too.
When you allowed him, he felt very connected to you. Before him, another person who was withdrawn from society and was only close to those deemed worthy.
Barbatos, not too long after, asked you out, and soon you two were inseparable.
You made his life more manageable, and if he ever got too overwhelmed, you were wrapping your tail around some part of him to remind him you two have got this.
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Diaovlo related hardest to a Hedgehog, he was pokey in the eyes of others, being the big boss of hell, but he was also warm and kind on the inside once you actually met him.
People were afraid to get close to him except for the few who knew him from the get-go; being a royal can be pretty lonely.
When you came to the Devildon, Dia was enamored by all the outsiders, but you particularly struck him.
Your Red ears and tail looked nothing like he had seen before. You definitely were special.
Dia fell for you from the sidelines as you studied and learned, grew with the brothers, and helped them bond.
When you officially met Dia outside of school, he had already learned all your tail and ear patterns. He knew upon your arrival in his home you were nervous.
Realizing your apprehension about being there, he was saddened by your worries and nerves. You expected him to be some giant mean demon.
When you reached out to Dia to ask him why he was so down, he was honestly touched. He was great at putting on a mask, so how did you know?
When you explained to Dia you weren't afraid of him but of someone breaking something in his home, he was relieved and taken aback.
That night, Dia laughed a full laugh. He found someone truly unafraid of him.
Dia often invited you around the castle, showing you ancient texts and helping you with your studies.
When you finally admitted your feelings to one another, it was soft and gentle. The only time any fangs were bared was whenever you or he heard someone talking bad to one of you two.
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Solomon loved goats, not only because they were perfect for his witchcraft but also because they were just so darn adorable before they got big.
For some reason, there weren't many animals to really use as sacrifices, and cats—well, they were pretty sacred creatures.
When Solomon met you during the program, he was enamored. You were beautiful, with gorgeous Creme-colored ears and tail. You looked ethereal.
Solomon made it his goal to get to know the human anomaly. He had heard of nekotism but only from spell casting, not from birth.
He was interested in your past, present, and future. He took on an extra workload next to school to research your condition.
When you caught him in the middle of research one day, you weren't offended like he thought you would be. Instead, you just laughed and offered to answer any questions he had.
He was internally grateful and began researching with you by his side.
What was initially learning about you soon became you two learning spells and other crafts together.
Each day, Solomon felt closer and closer to you, like he could finally open up more about himself.
One day, while working on a project together, you grew frustrated. Solomon was in awe when you openly asked him to play with your ears and tail to help you relax.
When Solomon worked up the courage to ask you out, he was pleasantly surprised to find you in your shared study spot working on an elaborate potion to spew out the words "let's go out."
Once official, you two worked hard to learn more about each realm and all it had to offer. You two never left each other's side.
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Simeon loved foxes. They were such cute, cunning creatures. Foxes are eager to get their little jobs done and protect their young.
When Simeon goes to Hell to learn more about demons and sees his fallen brethren, he is soon distracted by a cute little cat girl.
When he met you, he was obsessed with your Brown ears and tail and asked you over and over how this anomaly came to be.
While he constantly called you out to ask about your condition, he was pleasantly surprised by how caring and calm you were with Luke.
You looked like a mother, a beautiful, graceful, angelic mother. He was so in love but didn't know what love indeed was.
Simeon soon learned about your hobbies and activities. For example, when he discovered that you liked to climb high places, he would help you find the tallest trees.
Simeon loved to cook for you to ensure you were full and happy; seeing your tail swish just mesmerized him.
Over time, Simeon began asking the brothers about his plight whenever he was with you. You sparked so many feelings in him, but to love you would be wrong.
Eventually with encouragement from others Simeon caved in and one moon lit night while you two lounged on the grass him caressing your ears he finally confessed.
Once officially dating, Simeon found any excuse to visit you in Hell. From bringing paperwork to Dia to checking on the brothers for Micahel to even just saying he wanted to see more of what Hell had changed, he was down there with you.
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swimmpantyz · 4 months
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🍰Baking time'
bf!beelzebub x fem!reader
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summary: You wanted to surprise your boyfriend with one of his favourite pastries... But he came from training too soon, and you had to distract him if you wanted dessert for that night.
tw: pussy eating, oral (f receiving), kinda? public sex, porn w/o plot
words: +1000
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You tried to be fast, beating and beating cream inside a bowl, checking the clock from time to time... You really needed to finish all the food as soon as possible before Beel arrived, he was (definitely) going to devour almost everything on his path.
He had football practice today... And you already knew he will come home starving, even more than usual.
But all the effort was for nothing, because that demon appeared in the kitchen, with a huge smile on his face when he finally saw you.
... At least the cake was already in the oven.
"What are you cooking?" He sniffed, almost drooling, approaching the counter where you were standing next to.
"Strawberry cake." The demon nodded pleased. "Beel, I know you must be very, very hungry... But could you hold on a bit? I promise I'll finish fast." He pouted a bit but nodded either way at your words.
"I'll try..." His sad puppy face was tempting, but you really wanted to finish that cake.
"Why don't you try to distract yourself in the meantime?" He tilted his face, frowning softly in confusion.
"Distract myself?" He muttered to himself while you kept batting the cream.
His arms hugged your body from behind.
"... The apron looks nice on you." The compliment took you a little bit by surprise. Chuckling, you kissed his cheek.
"Thanks." He came closer... Was it because of the training? his body was much warmer than usual.
"It's really cute." He rested his face on the crock of your neck, sniffing lightly. "You smell sweet." He left a few small kisses there. Was that his way of 'distracting himself'? You felt your face burning at his actions.
"Beel..." You whispered between sighs.
"I wanna eat you." Normally, hearing that from him would be to worry. But right now it turned you on so badly.
His firm chest pressed on your back was slowly killing you.
"Eat me?" He didn't answer, instead, he softly bitted your neck, pressing his body towards you as much as he could.
He caressed your waist with one hand as the other one began to caress inside your clothes.
All the heat in the room increased a hundredfold from just a few minutes ago.
"Can I try?" You turned around, finding a blushing Beel.
"Try what?" You asked, slightly confused, his normally calm face was soft and warm.
He lowered himself, kneeling on the floor, as he cornered you against the counter, placing his hands on your hips, fingers going under your shorts.
"Try to eat you... I wanna taste you." He whispered, looking up at you.
His hands started to lower your shorts and panties.
Not knowing what to do, you sat in the counter, spreading a bit your legs, just watching down at him with pink cheeks.
"So... Can I?" You nodded silently and he smiled brightly, pulling your clothes down to your knees.
With his finger, he slowly drew circles on your clit, his free hand spreading your legs even wider.
You felt so exposed, even more when he brought his face closer to your wetness.
He played a bit with you, and without wasting time, he finally put his mouth on work.
With your hand now on his hair, he started to lick you, wet noises and soft whimpers filling the room.
At first, he left a few soft and wet kisses all over, his warm breath tickling your skin.
You covered your face with a hand, bitting your lips when he started to suck. It was impossible to retrain your body from arch.
"So sweet-" He muttered on your pussy, eating you out so good, you wondered if that was really his first time.
His tongue was playing with your clit, he brought his fingers to start playing with your cunt.
"And so wet too..." His words send vibrations that made you pull back his orange hair.
His long and thick fingers started to fuck you so slowly and deeply.
It was embarrassing the sound it made, you were so shamelessly wet.
As you were ready to complain, he replaced them with his tongue. Now fucking you with it...
Moaning more loudly, he looked at you from below, smiling while eating you, your whimpers and pleads encouraged him to eat you out more roughly, his tongue circling around your clit pressing his hand deeper.
"Beel..." You whined when he took off his fingers.
It was such a dirty image. Beel looking all pleased while his tongue made wonders inside you, he even looked almost innocent, just adorably happy to make you feel good.
His hands grabbed your thighs, bringing you the most closer he could.
"It feels so good-" You whined, moving your hips towards his face, he closed his eyes as he worked faster.
He played with your clit again with his thumb.
Your tummy was burning. Desperately you grabbed his hair, calling his name repeatedly, your red face frowning in pleasure.
"I-I'm gonna-" You didn't even need to say it, he already knew it. The thrilling of not knowing if someone of his brothers will show up in the kitchen brought your over the edge fastly.
Humming on your pussy, he fucked you with his tongue as deeper and fast as he could, his face was wet with drool and your wetness.
Without holding it, you pressed your thighs around his face, cumming on his mouth, arching your back while letting out loud pitched moans.
Your body was shaking in pleasure. Throwing your head back and breathing quickly, you felt his tongue still licking your sensitive pussy.
When you looked down, he was literally drinking you, he had absolutely no shame and that was fucking amazing.
You caressed his hair, embarrassed, just to distract yourself now that you were totally out of cloud nine.
"That was... Wow." You said breathless. He kept kissing your inner thigh.
"Can we do it again?" He asked excited, taking you aback.
"Like... Right now?" You hesitated and he nodded, not getting up from the floor, still gripping your hips close to his face.
You let out a nervous laugh. Didn't his jaw hurt at least a bit after eating you out for several minutes?
But luckily, the alarm of your phone rang, distracting you both.
"Oh, the cake is done." That simple word took all of Beel's attention.
"Cake?" You laughed softly, getting off of the counter as he got up from the floor.
Putting back your panties and shorts on, you nodded, taking the cake out of the oven with a rag.
"It needs to cool down, though." Beel sighed a bit, and when you didn't see him, he started to eat the frosting... The prominent bulge on his pants seemed to not bother him at all.
It was going to be near impossible to distract him again once again...
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strawberry-cowmilk · 11 months
marriage with the brothers
-> brothers x mc
mc's gender is not mentioned, not proof read
content warnings: some crying and screaming
he has no specific preferences, anything you want, he wants to have at the wedding unless it's something extremely hard to achieve
lucifer was a little worried but everything before the wedding ceremony went according to plan
the average person might not have noticed it, but he teared up a little when you were saying your vows (diavolo noticed too)
at first he probably wanted something at the wedding that's basically impossible to arrange safely, but he changed his mind
now he's happy as long as he gets to marry his precious mc
right before the ceremony mammon probably lost a shoe or something only for it to be in his hand
also he cried after you officially became his spouse
he doesn't want a huge wedding, just your close family and friends are enough guests
also it's most definitely in an indoor location, he doesn't need to risk having bad weather on the day
and levi thought he'd be extremely nervous the whole time but he wasn't, he thinks that's because he loves you so much and trusts everything will be okay with you at his side (he also put that in his vows)
satan wants an indoor wedding, that's literally his only actual preference
and as long as the scene doesn't look like the fall on new year's eve he's fine with anything
one time you gifted him some socks with little cats on them, guess which pair of socks he is wearing to the wedding
if you're planning a honeymoon too he'd prefer somewhere quiet and peaceful, like maybe a little cabin in a forest
everything needs to be as close to perfect as possible (asmo screamed at solomon for a whole hour because he got the wrong color napkins)
he likely wants a big wedding, preferably outside and during a warm season
also the cake was very pretty, almost nobody dared to touch it
asmo held your hand for the rest of the party after you were officially married
beel literally doesn't care about where or when it is, he just wants to be your husband
you could get married in a basement 5 minutes after getting engaged and he'd be happy
picking out a single cake flavor was a hard choice though
beel also cried during the ceremony, but he's never wearing any facial expression other than a smile ever again after it's over
belphie doesn't have hard demands other than maybe wanting to get married indoors
literally the night before the wedding he was so nervous he had trouble sleeping
his twin was with him the whole time he was preparing for the ceremony (if beel noticed a single piece of dust on belphie he'd get the lint roller)
he tells you 'thank you for marrying me :)' a lot afterwards
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devil-doms · 1 year
Forbidden (Barbatos)
CW: GN!MC, Maid/Butler!MC
“MC, do you happen to be busy?” You hear the other butlers voice come from the kitchen, “I could use your assistance.”
“Of course.” You nod and enter the kitchen. Sprawled across the counters was a variety of ingredients.
"I was tasked by Beelzebub and Asmodeus to make a cake from the human world, if you wouldn't mind helping me, I just want to double check I'm doing this the right way."
You pick up the recipe book and start listing off the ingredients, Barb quickly runs around the kitchen, collecting the ingredients and mixing everything together.
"This is just a normal cake, yes?" You ask him.
"In a way, yes. It's a surprise cake. Asmo had seen it on Devilgram, Beel caught wind and they had both requested it." He pulls the spatula from the mix, "Would you mind taste testing this for me?"
"Not at all." You reply.
Barb holds the spatula in front of your face and you lick it. You nod your head in approval and he softly smiles at you. You watch Barb pours the batter into several circular cake pans, then place them into the oven.
You now had about roughly 20 minutes until they needed to be removed. Barb started moving the used dishes to the sink as you wiped down the counter.
You jump when you feel his hand lightly touch your side, "Excuse me, I just need to get by you." He reaches for the cabinet beside your head to put some of the ingredients back.
He slightly presses himself against your ass as he does so. You don't say anything, just softly smile to yourself. Then your mind starts racing, would this count as "forbidden" if you and Barb were both servants of the Brothers? There was no rule against this, no?
You realize Barbs hand was still lingering, you turn your head and are met eye-to-eye with the butler. You're unsure what to do from here, act professional, or act like a fool.
You decided to act like a fool, "You have some batter on your face..." You reach for his cheek, rubbing it off with your thumb. Before you could wipe it off your hand, he grabs your wrist.
"The towel is currently dirty, here, I'll get it." Slowly, Barb slides your thumb into his mouth, licking the batter off. You turn to look away, completely embarrassed and on edge. He removes your thumb, "Oh dear, my apologies, I must have read the room wrong."
"No, its not that," You glance out the kitchen entrance, "What if someone catches us?"
"It seems we must be careful then, yes?" He pulls you in a little bit more.
"I guess so..." You smile at him.
Barb looks at the time for the cakes, "We have about 10 minutes."
You nod and nervously drop your pants, the thought of one of the brothers walking in on the two of you made your heart beat out of your chest.
Before you could let any of that get to your head, Barb had you bent over the counter, and within seconds you felt him push his cock inside you. You quickly cover your mouth to muffle any moans.
As Barb slowly begins to pump into you, you felt a cold, slightly went sensation twist up your leg. You shiver once it reaches your sex. Your body tenses up around him, causing Barb to bite his knuckle to keep from moaning.
He thrusts into you harder, causing his tail to slap against your sex, it was absolutely driving you crazy. You arch your back and grab onto the counter, taking all his weight.
His cock feels so good inside you. He fucks you faster and you can feel yourself getting closer to an orgasm. You cover your mouth as you climax, Barb does the same as he releases into your ass. The warm liquid runs down your legs and you slowly lower yourself to the floor to compose yourself.
You look up at Barb from the floor, he was already composed and currently cleaning himself up. He looks down at you and smiles devilishly.
"Barbatos! How's the cake doing my dear?" Asmos voice echo's into the kitchen.
You quickly pull your pants back up and stand up at the counter, still a bit frazzled. You could still feel Barb inside you.
Barb opens the oven door, pulling out the cake pans from within it, "We're just about done in here, we have to let them cool, add the filling and then decorate."
"Lovely! Come get me when you get to the decorating stage!" Asmo says, then leaves the room.
Barb turns to look at you, "Seems like we have another 10 minutes..."
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when they (try to) surprise you
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includes: the brothers x/& gn!reader (no pronouns mentioned)
wc: .5k | rated g | m.list
a/n: i meant to fill a req but my computer updating threw a wrench in those plans lol, so you get this, which i wrote on my phone
please like and reblog!
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already beginning to take off your coat, you walk through the door, glad to be home early. it’s not often that your classes get canceled, but when they do, it’s definitely nice.
immediately, noise coming from the kitchen stops you in your tracks. it sounds like several, if not all, of the brothers are in there, talking over one another and banging things around.
it’s even weirder that it doesn’t sound like they’re fighting.
why would they be in the kitchen, and by the sound of it, working together on something?
quietly, you creep towards the kitchen. once you can finally see in, you stifle a gasp. it’s a complete mess! it seems like every mixing bowl is out on the counter, and flour dusts practically every flat surface. there’s also a smear of something—raw egg, maybe—across the fridge. how did that even get there?
“what in the world are you guys doing?” you ask, and they all jump, turning to face you with a mix of surprise and guilt written across their faces. hastily, asmo tries to hide a bowl behind his back, but you can totally still see it.
“mc!” beel chuckles nervously. “what are you doing home? i thought you had a class.”
“i did,” you say slowly, still completely astonished by the mess, “but it was canceled.”
“that must have been nice,” lucifer says conversationally, and you level him with a look.
“it was, until i came home and found this mess i’ll have to clean up.”
“you’re not going to have to clean up!” satan says quickly.
“yeah, this is our mess,” mammon agrees.
“that’s never stopped you before,” you reply, long-suffering. “now again, what are you doing? and don’t try to lie.”
they all exchange looks before levi sighs. “well, we were trying to bake me a cake.”
“a cake?” you say, surprised. “why?”
“there wasn’t really a reason,” mammon says, scuffing his shoe across the tile, “we just wanted to. and thought ‘how hard can it be?’”
“but it turned out to be pretty hard,” belphie cuts in. “so obviously we had a lot of mistakes.”
“so all of this is because you wanted to bake me a cake? which you wanted to do just because?” you ask, wondering how many years they’re taken off of your life. but you’re also sort of touched. they’d wanted to do something nice for you just because!
“look,” you say, “i’ll pretend i never saw this and go upstairs. once that cake is done and everything is cleaned up, you can come get me.”
“deal,” satan says.
“oh, and before i forget,” you continue, “thank you all. i’m sorry i ruined the surprise.”
“yeah, yeah,” mammon says, flapping his hand. “now get away, we’ve gotta finish up in here.”
“i’m going!” you huff, unable to stop your smile. they, upon seeing it, can’t help but sport smiles of their own, and when you go up the stairs, your heart feels fuller than normal.
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leviathans-watching's work - please do not copy, repost, or claim as your own
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l1tw1ck · 1 year
Don't Play With Your 'Food'
Beel indulges in a tasty meal (you)
Words used for Reader [Testosterone, Pre-Op]: Hole, Length, Sweetness, Mountains, Breasts, Pussy, Squirting, Cunt
Bottom!FTM!Omega Reader x Top!Alpha Beelzebub
[Event] [No AFAB Language Ver (AO3)]
CW: Non-Con Somnophilia, Cunnilingus, Belly Bulge, Nipple Play + Sucking, Groping, Creampie, Knotting
📝 663 Words
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Thanks to Mammon's idiocy, you got to spend the night in Beel's room. He slept on the couch while you slept in his bed, and you thought that'd be it.
You didn't think Beelzebub would do anything to you in your sleep, it's not like you're a slice of cake or anything. At least that's what you thought.
Beelzebub turns up his nose to a sweet, tasty smell coming from his bed. He hurries over to you, searching around for whatever could be causing such a delicious smell.
He's so hungry that he pulls your shirt off to find what he's looking for. He glances at your nipples, feeling somewhat hungry from the sight of them but he continues his search down to your bottoms and pulls them off then your boxers.
Beel licks his lips, a delicious looking meal presented in front of him. You were having a wet dream and letting out pheromones. He can't help but move your legs apart and bury his head in between them.
He laps at your wetness, groaning at how sweet you taste. He knows he can't bite so he makes good use of his tongue, pushing it inside your pulsing hole.
You moan softly in your sleep, moving your hips against his face. He brings his hand to your small length, jerking you off and gaining some more of your sweetness.
Beelzebub reaches down to his pants and palms his boner through the fabric, aching to slide his dick inside you.
You come with a shake, filling Beel's mouth with your cum. He groans at how damn good you taste.
He pulls away and looks down at his hard-on. He's always been told to not play with his food but he can't help himself. Beel quickly fishes out his dick and prods it against your hole.
Beel bites his lip as he pushes himself into you. "Fuck.." He gasps, he knew from his tongue that you taste good but he didn't imagine how much better you would feel around his cock. A bump forms in your stomach, a visual of how big he is and how deep he is inside you.
He looks at the other two tasty treats on your chest, two soft looking mountains of 'yum'. Beelzebub gropes one, his mouth latching onto the other. He sucks on your breast while he squeezes the other, his thumb rubbing against your hardened nipple.
You turn your head to the side, soft moans leaving your lips. "Ah.."
Beel lightly grinds his teeth against your nipple, almost biting it.
Your eyes flutter open just as he thrusts inside you, a shocked moan coming out of you.
"Be- Beel?"
He ignores you, his thrusts becoming routine and rough. He moans around your breast, rutting into you aggressively.
"Fuck-" You moan, lying back and letting him fuck you. Tears fall down your cheeks but not from pain.
Beel finally pulls away from your chest and looks at the glistening lines of water on your cheeks. He licks up your tears, the taste not as good as the taste of your pussy but still good. He moves away from your face and back to your chest, he sucks on your other breast, his hand moving to grope your well-sucked one.
"Yes- yes-" You gasp, feeling an orgasm coming.
Beel feels your cunt clenching around him, causing his dick to twitch inside you. You arch your back, squirting on his cock.
Beelzebub pulls away and frowns, looking down at where the two of you connect. He wishes he could've tasted that too.
He doesn't stop moving and chases his own release, thrusts becoming rougher and sloppier.
You briefly wonder what'll happen if a demon comes inside you but you don't get enough time to ask or stop him because he's already spilling his cum inside you, and forming a knot.
Beel licks his lips, staring at your saliva drenched chest.
"Why didn't you tell me you were so tasty, human?"
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lancermylove · 10 months
"Is There Something You Need to Tell Me?" (GIF)
Fandom: Obey Me
Pairing: All x gn!Reader
Prompt: As a prank, you ask him if there is something he needs to tell you.
Taking a deep breath, you calmed yourself and wiped the smile off your face. You wanted to ensure he didn't realize you intended to prank him. You furrowed your eyes before you turned the doorknob to his room.
(S)He turned his attention to you, a bit taken aback by your expression. With a note of anger, you asked, "Is there something you need to tell me?"
His immediate reaction was:
"Uh...hahaha...what makes you think that?"
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Says nothing.
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"What gave you that idea? I have no will to hide any information from you, my dear."
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"I do? Did I do something wrong?"
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"Maybe I do."
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"A-Are you doubting me, my beloved? Do you not trust me? How shall I live now? My own love doesn't trust me."
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"No...absolutely not."
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"Are you upset that I ate your cake? I'm sorry..."
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"I'm going back to sleep..."
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"Sorry, the information is confidential."
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"Ahahahahaha...so you found out?"
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"You have no evidence now!"
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Bonus (as usual) - Luke
"I love you, big brother/sister!"
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➣  Obey Me Masterlist: [1][2]
➣ Main Masterlist
➣ Buy me a Ko-fi? ➣ Commission: Open ➣ HC/Scenario Requests: Closed || Quick Ask Requests: Open || GIF Requests: Open
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angstyfandom · 1 year
Simeon x Mc smut. (A/N I saw a similar story on here somewhere and I really liked the concept so here is Mc once again be drugged with an aphrodisiac.)
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Warning: Sexual content, strong language, implied drugging.
Content: Fingering, aphrodisiac cookies, quiet Dom Simeon, vaginal penetration, overstimulation, multiple releases, naught Simeon.
It was a day like any other in Purgatory Hall. You were sitting with Solomon and Luke watching a few movies. Luke had been bummed out recently and Simeon had apparently been MIA for a few days. It's not like the angel to avoid cheering Luke up, and you were curious as to why he was avoiding everyone when he could. And you hadn't seen him since you got to Purgatory Hall, worrying you further. Luke just told you that he was out and he didn't know when he'd be back.
Solomon stood up, taking a look at the both of you before sending a kind smile to the younger angel "Belphie brought us some cookies to apologize for Beel eating Luke's cake. Would either of you like one?" He asked, his gaze focused on you. You sent him a quick nod, watching him hustle his way out of the room, towards the kitchen. After a few moments, the sorcerer walked out with a plate of cookies, eating one himself before sitting back down next to you. "Here you go, I hope you enjoy." Solomon smiled As you all enjoyed a cookie, you noticed a weird fruity aftertaste. Similar to the scent of laughing gas, but a flavor? You didnt think much of it, and just shrugged it off, knowing Belphie isn't the best baker there ever was, so it was okay that they weren't perfect.
After a few cookies, Luke let out a loud ass yawn and stretched his arms as he stood in front of you "It was nice seeing you Mc! Thank you for the movie night, it's just what I needed. I'm beat....Imma going to bed, I'll see you in the morning! Goodnight." Luke gushed, before walking out of the room, leaving you and Solomon. "Jeez, after a few cookies, you'd think he'd be the opposite of tired." You laughed, leaning your head back against the soft couch. Solomon nodded and stood up, bending down towards you "Are you going to bed soon as well? I'm going to bed, you probably should as well." He chimed, his eyes falling to your hands that have been tapping your legs so consistently. You felt your cheeks get hot, a sudden burst of energy coursing through you.
You couldn't get any words out, your brain going fuzzy, and your body temperature started to rise. Solomon must have noticed your face turning crimson red, seeing a concerned glint appear in his eyes "Are you okay, MC? Do you need me to--" He began to approach you, the closer he got the hotter your skin felt. You squeaked and jumped back from him, the redness on your face spreading to your ears "N-No, I'm fine, you can go to bed Sol, I think I need to take a shower.." You whimpered, breathlessly. Before Solomon got any closer to you, you bolted passed him and locked yourself in the bathroom, hearing Solomons footsteps retreating down the hall to his bedroom.
You let out a sigh of relief as you jumped into the shower, throwing off your clothes as quickly as possible and turning the water on its coldest setting, convinced you would see steam emanating from your skin. The cold water was helping, you felt the fire inside of you die off the longer you stood under the freezing water, your heart beating out of your chest.
Once you were convinced the fire in your abdomen was gone, you hopped out, shivering like no tomorrow. You wrapped a soft blue and white towel around yourself, before looking around the bathroom for your clothes. That's when you realized it. You took off your clothes in the shower. You were in such a rush to relieve yourself from the heat that you got your clothes sopping wet, and what was worse. It was cold wet clothes....
You sighed at your obvious stupidity and stumbled out of the bathroom, the towel still wrapped around you as you made your way down the hall. You were debating your options of what you could do. Luke is sleeping. You were in a towel so seeing Solomon wouldn't be the brightest, knowing how he can be. That's when it hit you.
Simeon isn't home, I can just take some of his clothes and explain to him why tomorrow morning if I see him.
You thought to yourself, tiptoing your way to Simeons door, giving it a quick knock just in case he was home. No response. You walked in, looking around the simplistic room. It was so cozy, and the bright blue walls made it all that much more comforting. It smelled of a Persian Garden. The floral scent put your body in a state of bliss, an intoxicating scent. Simeon has always been pretty organized so there wasn't much of a suprise that his room was clean and tidy. An angel definitely lives here.
You rummaged through Simeons closet, pulling out the biggest shirt he had, considering you had no pants and no underwear.  The next best thing is Simeons size difference basically making his shirt a dress on you. You kneeled down on the edge of his bed, faceplanting against the soft sheet. The scent from before was so much stronger against his blankets, it made your heart flutter thinking about the times you had spent with Simeon in this room, talking about the play and studying with Luke.
As you took in another deep whiff of the scent, the peace you felt from the comforting smell turned to something different. The scent was enveloping you, making you feel rather overwhelmed, causing you to jump up, holding your heart, feeling it beat so hard against your chest. What is this feeling? You pondered, taking deep breaths to calm down. The scent of the sweet angels room was drowning you, your brain going fuzzy and you had no idea why. Luckily(Debatable) you were knocked out of your troublesome situation hearing someone walk through the door, into the room.
Your eyes slowly moved up, seeing Simeon, looking at you with a shocked expression "W-What are you doing in here?" He asked, all the possibilities of why you would be in his room in the dead of night were completely lost to him. "W-Well, I wasn't feeling well and when I got into the shower I was rushing and I got my clothes all wet....and since Luke and Solomon were sleeping and you weren't home, you were my best option. I'm sorry if I've upset you..." You explained, tilting your head down, staring at the floor, expecting him to be slightly bothered by this encounter
"Oh that's no problem, Mc. I'm glad I could be of service to you, even though I wasn't here." He smiled, his gorgeous blue eyes sparkling in the soft light coming from the closet. He walked over to you, kneeling down to get to your level, his hand resting on the bed next to your legs. This is all well and good until Simeons strong scent wafted around you. That familiar fire from earlier returning to your stomach, an aching feeling appearing between your thighs.
Simeons innocent gaze stayed on you as he began to speak, unaware of exactly what you were imagining him doing to you "I don't want you to think I could be upset with you over something like this.... I'd be happy to give you anything I have." Simeon sent you a cheeky grin, your eyes examining all of his features, the burning sensation against your skin was becoming too much. It felt like there was a giant knot in your abdomen, needing to be released. You softly rubbed your thighs together, trying to create some type of friction to calm your body down. You were trying so hard to come up with a response for Simeon but everything was going fuzzy, your core pooling underneath you, your blushing expression causing Simeon to worry. Your breathing got heavier, softly licking your lips as you stared at the captivating angel before you. Simeon softly lifts his gloved finger to the corner of your lips, noticing a small drop of drool escaping from the corner of your mouth. He was getting too close, your senses were getting fuzzy as you gently bit onto the tip of his glove, causing him to pull his hand away. His glove came off in your mouth, Simeon sending you a shocked expression. You whined softly, feeling like you're about to burst into a ball of fire if Simeon didn't touch you. You needed him. More than ever now. You felt tears pricking at your eyes, the neediness overestimulating your senses. Simeon reached towards you, with his bare hand, gently touching your cheek
"MC.... You're burning up. I'm going to get you some water. Stay her--"
"S-Simeon....come here..."
Simeon slowly strides closer to you, seeing you become more unhinged the closer he got "What wrong, love?" He whispered softly.
You softly grabbed his hands, your legs resting other both sides of his legs. Your pleading gaze met Simeons worried look, he slowly leaned down to get a better look at you, seeing the lustful glint in your eyes. A look he was unfamiliar with from you. "I need you..." You breathed out, speaking becoming harder and harder. You just wanted to pull him on top of you and let him do whatever he'd like, but unfortunately Simeon isn't so simple. "I need you so bad, Simeon....please." You whimpered, your hands releasing his and moving up to the collar of his shirt.
Simeon was caught off guard, but he wasn't about to show it. He was taken aback by your behavior, curious as to why you were acting such a way. The thought finally hit him, having seen something similar when the brothers ate an aphrodisiac as well. That explained your act. He had never had sex before. Of course he knows about it and has lived a lot of years, knowing the basics but with you. With you, it had to be perfect. With you, he had different plans for this first time. Simeon wanted to stick with his plan, but the begging voice you were using is tugging at his chains, making it so hard to not take you right now.
"I-I don't think I can...you're not feeling well..." Simeon explained, not able to take his eyes off of the needy girl squirming in front of him. He wanted to give you everything good in all of the realms, he wanted you to feel warm and content at all times when it's within his power. Especially right now. You just whined at his response, gently rubbing your aching core against the edge of the bed, warm tears escaping your eyes from frustration "S-Simeon please, it hurts...." You whimpered, your hands impatiently pulling at his collar, getting his face closer to yours. Your lips were only an inch away from his, the angels gaze hardened right before your eyes. The bright and kind blue his eyes always glowed was replaced with the dark shadow of temptation and lust. He could feel your hot breath so close to him, seeing the submissive look in your eyes up close and it was driving him mad.
Simeon let out a soft grumble, and shook his head, giving up on his prior concern, before greedily attacking your lips. You felt his arm hook your legs from underneath you and gently moved you further up the bed. He softly pulled away, admiring how pretty your soft lips looked so kiss swollen. He just wanted to see you. He wanted to see your face when you unwind underneath him. Unable to wait much longer, Simeon moves his hungry kisses to your jawline, down to your neck. You could feel his knee move up between your legs, pressing up against your heat. His incredibly soft hands moved up his shirt that you're wearing, feeling himself harden at the thought of his scent covering you, in almost every way. His fingers traced circles around your nipples, his teeth dragging against the crook of your neck, causing you to release a satisfied groan, grinding your core up against his leg, desperate for more relief. You could see the restraint in his eyes breaking away at your movements.
You moaned lightly at the soft nibbles against the soft spot under your ear, Simeons hand wandering down your stomach, to your thighs, gently running his finger over your dripping entrance causing you to release such a soft moan that it teased him. He needed to hear more than that. He smeared your arousal around your heat, the flat of his thumb pushing up against your swollen clit, pushing it in a small circle. Simeon wasn't the type of angel to take advantage of a situation like this, but since he came to Devildom, he began changing. You were changing him.
He couldn't imagine what would have happened if he hadn't come home. Would you would have gone to Solomon or one of the brothers? He let out a soft growl at the thought of someone else seeing you like this. So vulnerable, before inserting a finger inside of your wet hole, a loud gasp escaping your lips. Simeon sends you such sweet smile before leaning down, burying his face against your neck before mumbling "Keep your voice down, darling, Luke is sleeping next door." He grinned before adding another digit, thrusting his fingers in and out, sending a small wave of pleasure through your body, a trail of whimpers escaping your swollen lips. His lips moved across your collar bone, leaving sloppy kisses across your skin.
Your whimpers turned into whining, the aching pleasure waving through you wasn't enough. You needed more from him. And he wanted so much more from you. The more your legs started to shake the faster Simeon would thrust his fingers against your walls, sending electricity with every hit. He couldn't control his pacing, wildly trying to get more of the sweet melody dancing from your lips. Your moans slowly got louder, your breathing grew more uneven. Simeons gloved hand moved over your mouth, muffling your gradually rising sounds, knowing you may be just a bit too loud. He wasn't complaining, but others around the hall just might. He edged you closer to your breaking point, his hand pressing harder against your lips the closer you got. "S-Simeon I-I'm going to cum." You whimpered into his hand, feeling the knot in your stomach being released, a loud scream escaping from your lips, completely muffled by Simeons gloved fingers.
He pulled his hand away, seeing the strands of saliva stringing from your mouth to his hand. His gaze was hard and you saw the bright red color on his face spreading, like he was conflicted as he pulled his dripping fingers out of you. Simeon stared at the arousal coating his fingers before reconcentrating his gaze onto your fragile figure. You just laid there breathing heavily, your body trying to cool down on its own, to no avail. The burning feeling throughout your body was dying down but the neediness and arousal only grew staring at the beautiful man on top of you.
Simeon leaned down, placing soft kisses on your lips, cheeks and neck before gazing at you once more. The painful feeling that was once in your abdomen has lessened, allowing you to think more clearly "T-Thank you...." You murmured, still working on catching your breath. A jolt of arousal coursed through your veins seeing a sinister smirk dance on Simeons silky lips, as he leaned closer to you and began to attack your neck with bites and open mouthed kisses, murmuring about how he's not done yet and to buckle down. You'll be here for a while.
You were shocked at the forwardness of the allegedly holy and pure man that was hanging over you, leaving dark marks all around your neck and collar. You hummed at the amazing feeling, your hands roaming up into his hair, and down to his back, leaving light scratches across his velvety skin. You felt him tense at the soft pain and released a light moan against your skin, arousing you further. Too focused on the bliss and attention your neck and chest were receiving you hadn't noticed the angel remove his pants, lightly grinding his hardened member against your leg.
Before you even realized what was happening, Simeon got impatient, needing to feel your insides as quickly as he could. He lifted your leg onto his shoulder, tucking his hands underneath you, pulling your hips closer to his. With no warning and little time to process, he had slammed into you letting out a satisfied grunt, holding his position for you to adjust to his size. He had never thought of how good this would feel. How sinful this was yet it felt like heaven. How wrong it was for angels to be forbidden to feel this connection. Maybe he only felt this fire for you. Maybe it wouldn't be this way with anyone else.
Once you softly began whining, and grinding your heat against his cock, he began moving his hips at a painfully slow pace. He was doing it on purpose. Regardless of experience, he was enjoying the sight of you squirming under him. Seeing your brain so foggy with desire. Desire for him. The pleasure waving through you, making you grow hungry for more. Your trail of moans turned to soft begging
"S-Simeon go faster please." You pleaded, pushing your hips to his base, letting out a gorgeous moan that drove Simeon crazy. It was music to his ears. Hearing you be so needy for him, so impatient. Simeon lived to please you in every way he could, this was no different. He smiled lightly at your pleads, giving in to you without another thought. His thrusts got faster and rougher than before, feeling his tip pound against your cervix sending unimaginable pleasure throughout your body, whimpering and moaning his name, only making him go much faster. Your begging and whining making him never want to stop. "Pretty..." he murmured through his grunting. A shiver ran up your spine, feeling another release building in your stomach, your panting and squirming signaling to Simeon of your 2nd release. You let out a rather loud yelp, feeling his free hand move down to rub at your clit, adding to the already overwhelming stimulation.
Simeons eyes went dark at your noises and his gloved hand moved up to his mouth, removing his glove with his teeth and swiftly shoving it into your mouth "Quiet, Mc." He demanded, his tone was calm but dominant. He thrusted hard and faster into you, feeling your walls throbbing around him. Your cries were muffled by the black cloth inside your mouth, your toes curling against his soft covers. He lowered himself to you after removing the glove from your mouth, placing a deep kiss onto your lips, his tongue swiping at your bottom lip. His thrusts were getting more and more sloppy, your legs shaking at the overstimulation from already cumming twice. Simeon grunted and moaned against your ear, his lovely sounds blurring your senses more and more. Never would you have thought his moans could be so....perfect. You moaned against his neck, your nails clawing against his lower arm, encouraging him to do more. His breathing began getting heavy, his moans gradually became consistent, making it clear he was close as well. As were you. Simeons hand pressed down on your lower abdomen, building up the friction inside of you. Your legs began to vibrate, your third release waving over you. "Aw, you're doing so well, darling~" he praised, his hand softly rubbing your sides, providing a little comfort for the overstimulation. Unfortunately you were unable to ride out your high, with Simeon still thrusting into you. You became a mess, clawing and gripping at his blankets, your other hand pressing against your mouth, holding back your unraveling moans the best you could. "I-I'm close, Mc~" he mused, his grunts and heavy breathing was ringing in your ears. Simeon thrusted sloppily into you a few more times before you felt him bite against your shoulder, his hands gripping your hips as he released his seed into you. You felt him slowly pull out of you before laying on the bed next to you, pulling your head onto his chest "I love you Mc....more than anything." He panted, stroking your hair and speaking in such a soft and comforting way, it would be easy to forget he just railed the daylights out of you if you weren't still high from pleasure.
Simeon gently pulled the blankets over you, watching you snuggle in against him and the warm duvet. He strokes your back with the tips of his fingers, watching you drift off to sleep before following closely after.
The aftermath!!!
You woke up to the bright lights shining through the window of Simeons room. You were confused as to why you were in his room, before you rolled over to see Simeon. Naked. Your face went a bright red, recalling the events from the night before. You squeaked into the pillow, out of both excitement and embarrassment. Simeon is finally yours. But you wished that wasn't the first intimate experience he had seen from you. Simeons eyes fluttered open, causing panic to rise from you "S-Simeon! I'm so so sorry, that was wrong of me. I have no idea what happened to me." You scrambled for an excuse but could come up with none. Simeons lips slowly parted with the cutest smile ever, before he leaned towards you, hooking his hand around the back of your neck, pulling you into the most butterfly inducing kiss you'd ever felt. He slowly and reluctantly pulled away from your lips, tracing his finger over the dark marks across your neck "Don't be sorry, princess. I enjoyed it as much as you did." He grinned, teasing you for your disheveled behavior last night. "Whatever you ate last night was laced with a powerful aphrodisiac. It didnt seem to work on Solomon but it had wild effects on you. Not that I'm complaining of course." Your cheeks went hot at the angels words, you would have been more embarrassed if you weren't already swooning over his messy bed hair and his deep sleepy voice.
Back at the House Of Lamentation
You strolled your way into the house, seeing all 7 brothers sitting around the living room, chatting amongst themselves. Recalling the events from last night, you stood in front of belphie to confront him about the aphrodisiac cookies "Hey Belphie, did you happen to make those cookies you gave to Solomon as an apology?" You questioned him. Belphie raised an eyebrow and scoffed "No I didn't, Asmo and Mammon made them. I just took a bunch and brought them to Purgatory Hall." He sighed. I looked over at mammon and asmo "Guys, what was in those cookies?" You growled, slowly approaching them. They gulped and looked at eachother panicked. Mammon was the first to break "It was Asmos idea! He thought it would be funny to drug Solomon and see what he'd do." He explained. I growled and shook my head "I ate those cookies too, so did Luke. Though Luke is an angel so he's fine, and Solomon is a powerful sorcerer and it didn't work on him!" You snapped. Asmo flinched at your tone, and stared at you with an apologetic look. His guilt was quickly subdued once he realized what it meant when you said it didn't work on THEM. You haven't said anything about you.
"Oh dear MC, who'd you fuck?" Asmo asked with a shit eating grin. Your face got hot as you slowly backed away from them, not wanting to talk about THAT. Before you could make an escape, you ran into a hard figure that was standing behind you. You flipped around and glanced up to see Lucifers serious expression staring down at you. Lucifer was the first one to get this close to you since you got home, and he quickly noticed the bites and hickeys on your neck. "Was it Solomon?" Lucifer asked, his voice laced with interest. The 6 other boys seemed to find this conversation rather interesting as well, finding themselves circling you. "NO.." You stated, feeling Mammons hands moving your hair to the side, exposing your marks to everyone. The boys surrounding you stared at you with such a jealous rage you were worried they would find out about Simeon and that would be bad.
"Who ever said anyone but us could touch you?" Lucifer stated, seeing the agreement in all of their eyes. You sighed, knowing exactly what they're going to do.
This is going to be a long night, once again.
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another-lost-mc · 1 year
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prompt: unexpected gifts
an unexpected gift catches mephistopheles off-guard and he decides to return the favour—out of politeness, of course.
pairing: mephistopheles x gn!reader
content: sfw. fluff & developing relationship.
word count: 0.4k
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"What is this?" Mephisto asks, blinking at you in surprise.
You nudge the white box on the desk closer to him. "I saw this at Madam Scream's and thought of you."
His mouth drops open slightly as he stares at you, and your cheeks blaze with heat as embarrassment rolls through you and you launch into an explanation you hope is coherent. "I mean, I walked past the shop this morning and they were selling limited-edition Demonus-infused cupcakes. I guess it's in the cake and the buttercream? And you like Demonus, so I thought...you know..."
He's staring at you like you've grown two heads. You're hot all of a sudden like you're about to sweat through your RAD uniform, and your right leg is bouncing nervously, and that's your cue it's time to leave. "Sorry, if you don't want it, just—I don't know, give it to Beel, or throw it away. Okay, um, bye?"
You rush from the room before he can utter a word.
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The last demon you ever wanted to see is standing outside your final class of the day, but of course he's not going to let you slip away that easily. He touches your shoulder when you try to rush past him, and you both step aside so your classmates don't trample you.
You give up trying to be brave or put-together and stare at the floor. He sighs loudly—dramatically—and lifts your chin up with a gloved finger. You're certain he can hear you gulp nervously, and you're not sure what you're expecting to see, but his expression is—well, it's not the sour-faced look he used to wear when you first met him.
"I ate the cupcake you gave me this morning," he mentions casually.
You didn't honestly think he would and you bite your lip nervously. "Oh. You did?" Your voice sounds a little shaky, but there's something encouraging about the way his lips are ticked up in a small smile. "How was it?"
Delicious, he thinks. "It was better than I expected," he admits, and it's not a lie. "I understand you don't like the taste of Demonus—" you nod, confirming what he's heard, "—but I would like to repay your thoughtfulness. If you'd like to accompany to the bakery, you can pick out something you like."
I don't know what you like, or else I would surprise you with a box of your favourite treats tomorrow remains unsaid, even though he thought about it most of the day.
The anxiety bubbling in your chest all day slowly fades into something lighter, more hopeful, and you only hesitate for a moment when he offers you his arm.
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read more: mephistopheles masterlist | obey me! masterlist
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birthday wishes
a/n: happy birthday lucifer! 
content: these events take place in the present timeline after mc has been taken back to the past. lucifer’s birthday seems just a bit duller without you around. 
angst. hurt + no comfort. lucifer x gen!reader (they/them).
word count: 738
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“mammon, what is the meaning of this?” lucifer opens the door to find his white haired brother holding a small box. with an eyebrow raised, lucifer releases a sigh. “if you’re just going to stand there without so much as uttering a word, i believe i’ll head back to my work now.”
mammon immediately snaps to attention, throwing a hand into the space between the door and the doorframe. “ah- wait! wait, lucifer, jeez,” the second born grumbles, now balancing the box of unknown contents on one hand. “it’s your birthday, ain’t it? quit doin’ work for once and have a piece of cake, at least.” 
the box, which lucifer now realises is holding a cake, teeters dangerously from side to side. silently, lucifer pulls the door back open. his gloved hands reach out to take the box from mammon, who gives it to him without a complaint. “i’ll put it in the fridge for now and have a piece when i’m done these documents.” 
“absolutely not.” mammon glares at the oldest brother, grabbing hold of his wrist and dragging him away from his study. had it been anyone else, lucifer would have started shouting, but lucifer knew that mammon was doing what lucifer would do for him. “beel would eat it before you would, and…” mammon stops just outside the dining hall and drops his hand from lucifer’s sleeve. “besides, MC wouldn’t want you to miss your own birthday.”
lucifer just barely catches the expression that flits across his brother’s face; he knows what mammon is asking. if the oldest brothers can’t handle their disappearance, the rest of the brothers will break one after another. it’s a burden that only the two of them share. lucifer exhales softly, clasping one hand on mammon’s shoulder as a sign of reassurance. no other words are said as they enter the dining hall. to lucifer’s surprise, diavolo and barbatos are also there, and he gives them a nod as he places the cake on the table. 
“you didn’t need to be here, lord diavolo. i wasn’t even planning on celebrating,” lucifer says, his gaze shifting from the young lord to each of his brothers. all of them are wearing pained smiles. lucifer hates the sight. 
diavolo laughs brightly, his arms crossing. “you’re ridiculous for thinking that i wouldn’t stop by to give you a greeting. i just happened to catch belphegor buying your cake and asked if barbatos and i could come with him after.” 
“yes, there always seems to be a good way to invite yourself into the house of lamentation,” the avatar of pride replies with a sly smile. 
behind lucifer, leviathan walks through the door holding a candle and a lighter. “lucifer,” he calls out, handing him the supplies. “you can do what MC taught us and make a wish on the candle.” 
lucifer barely manages a good look at the candle before he feels his heart twist in his chest. of course his brothers would have him make a wish because of MC. his hands tremble just slightly, a giveaway to those around him that his stoic posture is not always so strong. when lucifer manages to place the candle on the cake and light the wick, he stares into the small flame. he remembers the first time MC set a cake and candle in front of him, eyes gleaming and a smile that flipped lucifer’s entire world around. he stares into the flame a while longer, until he feels a hand tap on his leg; satan glances up at lucifer, reminding him that the candle cannot burn forever. 
lucifer makes his wish silently, whole heartedly, and desperately. there is the sound of scattered birthday greetings and applause before the age old question rings out. 
“so, what did you wish for?” asmodeus sings the question, hands tucked neatly underneath his chin.
lucifer only shakes his head, pulling the candle out from the layer of icing on top. “don’t you remember? MC told us we can’t share our wish, or else it won’t come true.”
a/n: sorry lucifer (and fans). love you!
the brothers all groan at his answer, but lucifer knows that they know the answer. lucifer knows they would wish the same thing. and yet, because it’s their oldest brother making the wish, they have a bit more hope. if anyone could wish MC back into their world, it’s their oldest brother, who has never failed them since the day they met. 
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