#Avatar Peach AU
originallymarysue · 5 days
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shad0wvisi0n · 14 days
Chapter 1 Static life
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AU Created by @b-r-i-n-g-x and @shygirl4991 All art belongs to the rightful artist do not repost Artist for chapter @b-r-i-n-g-x @alianarepasa
Shout out to @lizaluvsthis the fourth lovely assistant
Next Chapter
Summary: A year has passed since PuzzleVision, a year since the crew took back their lives. Anger grew as he recovered and watched the crew move on with their lives, while he lost everything. Weak he explores the remains of Peach’s castle to get an idea, anything that can help him with his plans of revenge. That's when he found it, two locks of hair from the very guardians that defeated him. A new plan was born that day and its name is Shadow Vision.
Tags: Fluff, angst, humor, found family, falling in love, love confessions, slow burn, blood, injury,
SMG4 stretches as he looks up at the sky, humming to himself as he decides to walk over to Three’s coffee n bombs. As he enters the cafe he frowns seeing no one there, he peeks in the back room feeling anxiety grow. Taking out the book, he takes the elevator that leads to SMG3 room. He looks around and frowns noticing even Eggdog wasn't around, panic was growing not seeing his friend around.
A year ago they encountered a villain that was the master of television. He remembers the day they defeated him well, how they had to make their own show to best him. The anger he felt that day as he grabbed mallet Luigi and smashed the television in, while the crew celebrated and after months of therapy from SMG3 things went back to normal. Except it didn't fully, deep down Four had a fear. A fear that the smash didn't truly kill Mr. Puzzles and that he is still around ready to take control of them again. 
He gets back in the elevator then dash out the cafe, closing his eyes he focuses on their cosmic link. Feeling the pull he runs through the woods  “Please be okay Three,” he stops running when it clicks where he was. He looks down letting out a shaky breath as he walks near the hole in the ground “Three?!” A tentacle comes out of the hole reaching for him, SMG4 screams dodging the grab. Thats when he heard an explosion “THATS WHAT YOU FUCKING GET FOR TOUCHING EGGDOG!”  
Three blinks as he notices SMG4, glaring at the monster he picks up Eggdog, then runs to pick up Four “The hell are you doing here?” Four gives him a sheepish smile “Looking for you.” Avoiding another hit the pair escape running back to the cafe, missing a glimpse of an old enemy. Once safe SMG3 checks Eggdog before turning his attention to Four,  gently grabbing Fours face to check on him “Hey you okay? That was a close call.” Four nods getting closer to Three “I’m fine, I'm more worried as to why you were over there!” Mario arrives in time to see the pair an inch apart from kissing, his eyes light up from the sight “HEY, ARE YOU TWO FINALLY KISSING?!” The guardians look at each other and blushes, in a panic they smack each other making sure there is plenty of space between them. “No you ass! We were attacked by those things near Peach’s castle!” Three crosses his arms annoyed by the avatar, Four sighs repeating himself “Why were you over there?” Three pets Eggdog with a loving smile before facing Four “Eggdog was freaking out, it wasn't like him so i went to investigate. Found nothing but those tentacles out which makes me wonder..if someone fell in there.” They stay silent for a moment lost in thought, Mario seeing his friends sad does what he does best. He wraps his arms around his guardians and smiles at them “Mario is hungry!” the pair roll their eyes letting out soft giggles. With Mario’s push they end up at the castle making spaghetti, dropping the topic all together. In the woods Mr. Puzzle hums watching them from afar “Now how did you reach the castle so fast?” Ever since his defeat he spent time recovering and plotting his next grand show, his acquaintance Liko helped nurse him during this time. She was a strange creature, a rare fable that lives in the mushroom kingdom. A few months ago he started to spy on the crew again, with the help of Liko they watched and studied hoping to find any kind of weakness. Once the coast was clear he started to wander around the woods, there his screen flickered showing off a wide smile. There stood an open guardian portal, testing the waters, he removed his head placing it on the floor. Then his body walks in, after a few moments the body returns in perfect condition.  Putting his head back on he goes through, where he is greeted with the  pit he and SMG4 created two years ago. 
He walks close to it and lets out a chuckle “My SMG4, ever the villain keeping an eye on your masterpiece.” He snaps his fingers getting a tentacle's attention, using it as a lift he gets on it letting it bring him down. He walks through the path that leads to the castle, there he notices something. With a gasp he walks up to a pile of slime pulling out what looked like locks of hair “Hello gorgeous, you look fresh!” quickly he takes out his phone. After a few rings he heard a woman's voice on the other line “No time for chatting, remember how you mention you would love to know how meme guardians work?” he hears a sigh from the woman along with her dropping something in the background. “Alright Mr. Puzzle, what do you have?” 
“Meme guardian hair, fresh. You know what this means don't you? We can make our own guardians!”  he smiles at the hair in his hand.  The time for revenge has finally presented itself, Mr puzzles was excited to do what no network has ever done before. He snaps his fingers to escape the castle,  once away from the pit he heads off to his lair, an abandoned studio lot. 
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(Art of Liko) Liko puts on her coat to get the machines ready “Okay i need to get things ready, shit! We need pods, the meme guardians have USB so what can I use to replace that.”  She searches her lab to find an old portable television. She chuckles opening the device and fixing it up,  meme guardians pods were related to the internet. If they wanted to make their own they need to think outside of the box, given she will need her partners TV powers she knew turning this portable television would be the best bet.  She lets out a wide smile seeing the TV working again, Mr. Puzzles enters the room at that moment watching the scientist “Brought you a gift!” 
Liko takes the locks of hair from him, she puts it through a scanner and laughs “It's hair from both guardians! This is perfect, we can have two guardians if this works!” hearing those words excited the TV man. Not only will he get revenge he will also  have his own actor,one he can command and they will follow his every word. Liko separated the hair locking SMG3 hair away, humming as she studied the hair. “We are lucky guardians work differently from us, this hair sample should be enough to make something!” She places SMG4 lock of hair on the table, then walks up to a tank “Been saving these bad boys for months!’
Removing the cover on it, Mr. Puzzles walked up to the tank excitedly. Staring at the white orbs he looks down at Liko “This is meme energy, it wasn't easy to learn how to extract it but with this i think we can pull this off!” She takes a step back to give the man room, understanding what she meant he points his finger to the tank. Shooting it with his power the orbs start to bounce around the tank, the TV man steps back then pulls Liko with him as they watch the tank shake. 
The orbs start to change becoming filled with static, Liko screams in joy running to the tank “IT’S WORKING!” She runs to the computer to scan the orbs. What was once filled with pure meme energy was changing into something else, the meme power slowly changing into television energy. Mr Puzzle claps his hands to get the woman's attention, she turns looking up at him in excitement “It's working! Now to place the needed items to make a body…this is the part that can fail. Be ready for disappointment.” She goes to a secret room taking out a strange jar, she drops some of its contents on the portable TV then the lock of hair. Putting it away she hits the button removing one of the static orbs “We don't know how stable this is so i recommend you get in your head!” She runs for cover as Mr. Puzzles stands there watching. The room is then swallowed by a bright light, Liko peeks out of her hiding spot to see Mr . Puzzles staring at the portable TV in shock. She walks up to up “It…changed? It sorta resembles a portable gaming console, but no mistake it's a portable television.” 
The pod starts to grow causing Liko to panic “SHIT GET IT OUT OF THE LAB ITS GROWING!” Mr. Puzzles picks up the TV and throws it out,  they watch as it keeps growing. “Uh, now that I think about it we never took into account how big we were making him, did we?” Liko lets out with a sigh, then the pod stops growing as it opens up. They watch as a man comes out all dressed in yellow, his eyes show static until he rubs them. He looks around his dark yellow eyes meeting Mr. Puzzle, he slowly walks up to the man “You're my star! We did it!” the man rolls his eyes looking around again “Where the fuck am i and why is there a talking box here?” 
Mr. Puzzle frowns “Now that kind of language won't work with what we plan on doing, i'm your manager slash director!” he spins giving jazz hands to the man “MR. PUZZLE!” Now that Mr. Puzzle was closer to the man he noticed while the guardian was made from SMG4 DNA, the appearance didn't fully show it. His eyes lay on the sharp teeth he had sticking out of his mouth, he also noticed the pointy ears making the man look more of a fable creature than a full human. “My…pod it said my name is SV4, so call me that.” Mr.Puzzle watches as the man shrinks his pod, he blinks seeing the portable TV now pocket sized. Interested as to why the portable TV took the form of a portable console he decided to poke more at the guardian “SV4 huh? Do tell me your pod reminds me of something, are you perhaps interested in a different kind of medium that isn't television?” 
SV4 rolls his eyes putting his pod in his pocket “I like video games, which mind you helps shape a lot of media in television.” that's when he notice someone hiding in a bush “Who the fuck is that? Is this some kind of trap,” he glares at Mr.Puzzle. Liko lifted her hand giving a nervous giggle “No trap, im Liko the uh co-director just here to see the star of our shows arrive!” She was thankful that all the years of hearing Mr. Puzzle talk came in handy for once. SV4 gives them both a look before walking away, seeing that the pair walk with him. Mr.Puzzle screen flashes a smile “Do you even know where our home is?” SV4 stops walking, frustrated he turns to the pair. He didn't want to trust him but something in him told him this was right, along with feeling something was missing. 
Liko notices the look that SV4 had “Mr. Puzzle we should start working on SV3, after all meme guardians come in two for a reason.” Mr puzzle lets out a small chuckle “He is the star for this upcoming project, he doesn't need to share the spotlight!” with that he puts his arm around the guardian and walks off to their home. Liko frowns watching them walk away, she walks back to her lab to do more research on meme guardians. She was glad that SMG1 and 2 made a book explaining the basics, with this it could help them figure out how to care for SV4. They arrive at the location, Mr. Puzzles walks in front of SV4 giving him jazz hands as he shows the man an abandoned movie set. SV4 eyes go wide as he looks around, then he sees an action set and runs to it “MINE!” Mr. Puzzles watches SV4 running around the action set amused. Compared to SMG4 this guardian certainly did take the excitable trait from his counterpart, SV4 pauses opening the dressing room “Fuck man this place is empty, hey box head where is our shit?” Mr. Puzzle sighs. Their huge difference is the fact SV4 swears like a sailor, not to mention the attitude he has on him. 
He walks and looks in the room “Hm we are going to need a little help if we are to get what we need, i have an idea SV4 lets call it your first acting job!” Liko opens the door to her lab, to her surprise SV4 was standing there he smirks at her “Now Mr. Puzzles hate to do this but I find it funny!” Liko confused steps out of her lab. Mr. Puzzle flashes her a smile “Given i dont have my powers anymore, i need money to get what we need for the show!” Liko shakes her head. SV4 watching the pair lets out a chuckle “Come on Liko, as the co director dont you wanna help your favorite guardian out?” Liko looks at the pair still refusing to help them, Mr Puzzles gives SV4 a look. 
Seeing the look SV4 knew what they had to do, he steps in front of Liko next to Mr. Puzzle. Liko starts to glare at the pair, Mr. Puzzles then displays footage of a dog giving puppy eyes while SV4 was giving her puppy eyes. Unable to ignore the looks she gives in "FINE I WILL BUY THE STUFF FOR YOUTUBE!" Mr. Puzzle smiles as SV4 cheers, with a sigh she gets her wallet. She walks out giving them a small smile “So what's the channel going to be called?” the pair stare at her with a blank expression, Liko eyes go wide “Wait you ask me to buy you things and you still haven't set up the youtube?!”  SV4 scoffs walking into her lab. Concerned with having the man in her lab she runs in, the man gets on the computer and starts making the account. He smirks as he types away, then he turns the monitor “There problem solved!” 
Liko and Mr. Puzzle look at the account “SV4…perfect! We just have to hope our viewers won't think we are copying anyone.” the man rolls his eyes “From our walk you told me about SMG4, if he can use his name as the channel name who the fuck says i can't!” Mr. Puzzle frowns his screen changing into an expression of annoyance “Language!” Liko giggles “Let him be, plus if he swears in his videos when it comes to editing he can just remove it!”  SV4 gives a smug look causing the TV man to sigh walking away “Let's just get what we need, it's showtime!” with a nod they get together and start walking into the kingdom. Mr. Puzzle wears a cloak to cover himself, not everyday you see a walking talking television. While he doesnt care if the SMG4 crew learn of his return, he preferred to keep the mystery going on longer just to mess with the meme guardians.  As they go shopping for the items needed, Liko can only watch in horror as she sees the prices of all the items.
They return home setting everything up, SV4 jumps around lovingly hugging his gaming setup “Daddy is here shhh we will have an all night Spyro marathon don't you worry!”  Mr. Puzzles gives a concerned look towards the guardian “While i would love to…um give you alone time. We need to release our first video soon, otherwise this whole thing would be a waste of time!” SV4 rolls his eyes letting go of the system. He picks up a game and controller, pointing it at Mr. Puzzle “Listen up box head! Gaming is an art and if we are going to have me as the face of the channel we do it my way!” He then sits down hitting records and starts playing games. 
After a few hours SV4 tosses a USB toward Mr. Puzzles“There, my footage and commentary on Spyro: Enter the dragonfly. Now if you don't mind, the crash series calls to me!” Mr. Puzzles catches the USB confused, he gets up lifting up SV4 by his overalls. He gives the smaller man a stern look “You mean you didn't edit the video!?” SV4 blinks at him before chuckling “Me? Edit? You're funny, there isn't time for me to edit when I'm behind on the rich history of gaming!” his eyes sparkle as he looks back at his gaming setup.  It was a dangerous sparkle that stirred strange emotions from the Television man, he drops SV4 confused by the emotions. Now free SV4 runs to his room to keep playing, with an annoyed sigh Mr. Puzzle goes off to edit the video himself. 
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With a sigh he hits upload, it took hours for him to put together  given how much the man recorded. With a hum he stares at the video “Please let this work,” he refreshes the page and jumps up in surprise “650 VIEWS!?” He couldn't believe that in a blink everyone was watching, he chuckles darkly as he sees the likes going up. He did it, he made the perfect star that will get him back on the air in no time. He texted the link to Liko and in a moment she called “That’s impossible, how can a video get so popular fast…unless,” he hears typing on the other line for a few moments before silence. 
Liko’s eyes go wide seeing the video now hitting five thousand views and counting, looking around her desk she finds what she is looking for. She sits at her desk taking out a lock of hair she took from SV4, there was no way she would miss a chance to study her creation and now was the perfect time. “Mr. Puzzles using the lock of hair I took when SV4 was shopping for games, I might be able to figure this out!”  scanning the hair she gasps seeing the readings going wild. “Puzzles, we need to make him a SMG3. The readings are unstable, without something to keep him balanced we don't know what could happen. He could blow up, or just die!” Mr. Puzzle chuckles as he watches the numbers go up. He looks into SV4 room seeing the man playing games “He is the star Liko, he doesn't need to share the stage after all if his power makes this happen! Well…i'm not losing this.” he hangs up the phone without a second thought.
Days passed, while Mr. Puzzle enjoyed seeing the numbers fly; he ended up getting blinded to see SV4 was using gaming as an escape. He was feeling weak, empty, unsure if doing youtube was worth anything.  That's when the content stopped, noticing that he storms into the dinner area as gasp. SV4 was sitting there zoned out playing on a PS Vita, feeling annoyed he takes the system “SV4, it's almost the due date super star. Where is the video?”  SV4 looks up at him, his eyes devoid of life. Seeing his face trigger a small memory of him watching TV, ignoring everything as he enjoys the next episode of scooby doo. “Oh yeah i didnt..i should,” the world started to spin for man as he passed out. Mr. Puzzle acts fast catching him before he hits the floor.  “The world…is lonely,” hearing his weak words made Mr.Puzzle feel guilty, he let out a soft chuckle looking at the passed out man “Why do you remind me of someone?”
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He walks to SV4 room and tucks him into bed, taking out his phone he slowly calls Liko “Let's make the gay sidekick.” Hearing this she excitedly grabs her fiancée hand “He is finally doing what i said, im both excited and worried on what made that man change his mind. SV4 must be getting worse.” She goes to the computer while her fiancée gets the items together, this was going to be easy just do the same steps as last time. She is thankful she saved the second portable Television after everything with SV4, once everything is set up she goes to pull the lever. 
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 (art of “Flordeliza) “Flordeliza, you keep an eye on the meter as I watch over the pod.” She walks up excited to meet their new friend. Only for alarms to burst, Flordeliza runs up holding on to Liko “What?! Not enough energy, but this is how SV4 was made.” She runs to the back with her partner, together they carry a huge jar of unknown substance. Exchanging looks they dump it, Liko dashes and pulls the lever. The machine lets out a loud sound before blasting the table, Liko runs looking for her partner.  She lets out the breath she was holding seeing Flordeliza holding the pod “Ah you rock Flor! Now take the pod out and let's see if we save it…for SV4.” 
They walk outside watching the pod grow, Liko takes out a clipboard watching and waiting for results. Just then Mr. Puzzles shows his screen flicking to a smile “Ah! The gay sidekick is made!”  noticing Flor he stays a few steps away from her. They all watch as the pod screen goes static, that's when a person climbs out of it confused.  Liko’s eyes go wide “oh no the malfunction messed up one of your eyes.” The new guardian smiles touching his left eye “Oh don't worry i can see fine! Hello, I'm SV3. It's nice to meet everyone!”  Mr. Puzzles nod, grabbing the man's arm “Three grab your pod we need to hurry home.”  with a nod he shrinks his pod and pockets it before leaving. Liko smiles brightly at her partner “ WE DID IT!”
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SV4 wakes up, looking around he sees he is in his room “Huh? Did he put me here…wonder if he is around.” As he leaves his room a strange feeling hits him. His eyes go static, he sees the front of the abandoned movie set and next to the person was Mr.puzzle. Surprised he runs to the front of the building, there his eyes go wide as Mr puzzle shows off a new person “INTRODUCING YOUR NEW CO STAR SV3!” They smile shyly and wave at SV4. The moment their eyes met he felt the emptiness leave, he walked up staring at the man “You play games?” SV3 hums “Not really but if you got fun party games i'm in!” 
SV3 giggles making SV4 roll his eyes doing his best to hide the small smile growing on his face “Lets go to my room, i'm sure i got something.”  Mr. Puzzle watches the pair walk off together, the screen changed showing how drained he was. Never did he think creating TV guardians would be this messy, smacking his head he let out a smile “This is fine, these two will bring me closer to stardom!” 
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teyamwa · 1 year
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 ⠀⠀⠀⠀🏹⠀⠀@teyamwa⠀  ──⠀(⠀avatar )
full of avatar fanfics (re-blogs) ! credits are given
note: this master list updates from time to time
these are the fics that I recommend (it's all good) 🫶 | authors will be tagged so if you don't want to get tagged again please tell me!
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★ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎SULLY FAMILY ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎☆ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎platonic
l'appel du Vide by @neytiriswife
summary- You feel the urge to engage in destructive behaviors just to feel alive and your family wants to get to the bottom.
warnings- self destructive thoughts/actions, getting slapped, biting someone's ear off, hateful thoughts, description of self harm, self harm, blood/bleeding, crying
you're dead to me by @chaethewriter
warning: english isn't my first language, angst, fluff, barely proofread, kinda rushed, prologue type of part.
In which Jake Sully leaves his life on earth to settle down with the Omatikaya people as Toruk Makto. Having a family that consists of four kids with Neytiri, everything seems to work out just fine, but what if the past comes back for him? And his babygirl is right there in front of him?
tame impala series by @lvrcpid
general includes/warnings : reader is gender neutral. this au is really angsty but it has a good ending i promise. the chapters are based off of tame impala songs. the first two chapters aren’t even really chapters cause i didn’t expect to make this a series.
you’re the oldest sully child. only born a year before neteyam. everything was sweet until your siblings came along. your parents slowly forgot you, soon your siblings did too. you were the forgotten sully. but what happens when you’re given another chance at life after your death.
too late by @iikatsukii
synopsis: they loved you when it was too late. 
warnings: mentions of death, attempted suicide, suicidal thoughts(?), swearing, familial issues. 
change is scary by @stomach-bugg09
summary: [y/n] sully is in love, and everyone is scared.
warnings: literally none, maybe some language, a bit of angst at first ( just sad — i made myself very unhappy ), emotionally hurt + comfort, a sickening amount of fluff, really long, [y/n] x oc but this oc is actually such a sweetie pie i love him, [y/n] being the cutest little patootie of all time
one last promise by @eywahasheardyou
content warning; — angst, mentions of death?
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★ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎JAKE SULLY
jake sully x female! reader by @tojixz
warnings: No y/n? vomiting, pregnancy problems, fluffy!! I don't know how to mark
summary: jake sully x female!reader, where the reader is in Neytiri's shoes (that hurts me) and is currently pregnant with Tuk and with pregnancy comes her stages. Just Jake and his family taking care of mommy!
dilf jake who's obsessed with human! reader by @tojigasm
dilf!Jake who's obsessed with you from the second you show up with Norm's group of scientists from the lab; a daughter of one of the lab members.
dilf jake x reader by @tojigasm
It's when you confess. When you pour your heart and soul into sobs and tears that seem to swallow you whole as he holds you.
folklore by @theseuscmander
warnings: no use of y/n, angst, a marriage of convenience, jake being mean? but he is a grieving boy! mentions death
synopsis: widowed jake sully tries his hardest to heal from the loss of neytiri and you’re there to pick up the pieces and mend him back together, even if neither of you wanted to or realized.
i knew you’d linger like a tattoo kiss by theseuscmander
summary: in which jake would haunt all your what ifs, angst, sad! not a folklore drabble
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★ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎NETEYAM SULLY
special friends by @justasimps-blog
warnings: explicit smut, super heavy corruption kink, innocent / virgin reader, secret crush, slight age difference but both are adults, childhood friendship, hand job, masturbation, praise kink, he calls reader 'peach' a lot
summary: neteyam was so used to being the golden child of his family, always doing as he’s told… he wanted to be bad sometimes too. He wanted to be the one that would teach you all these filthy things. All the things you were never allowed to do, talk or even think about.
kitty, kitty by @loose-angel
neteyam x human! reader
obsessed with you by @astrxq
where neteyam is obsessed with you
warm hands by @loaksky
the lowdown — the one where neteyam is shackled by appearances, but you couldn’t care less. 
the tags & warnings — language,, misunderstandings, neteyam’s friends can be shitty, but mean well ,, reader just wants to love up on her boy :(
stupid by @justmywriting1313
synopsis: “Fuck Yawne I am sorry... shit sweetheart please, please, please look at me... Y/N I swear I didn’t mean to–” or where you were reckless with your actions and Neteyam with his words
be mine by @randxmthxughts
warnings: none really, pure fluff, fake dating trope, jealousy, loak x tsireya canon, events take place five years after the battle between the metkayina and the sky people, so aged up characters
summary: the one, where neteyam pretends to court the reader to avoid all of the nagging from his parents and a group of admirers. of course, it doesn’t take long for her to fall for him too
neteyam sully masterlist [more story are there]
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★ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎LO'AK SULLY
here with me by @lvrcpid
includes : nothing just dad! lo’ak telling his children about their uncle neteyam.
best friend! lo'ak by @lola-bunn1
you and Lo'ak have been best friends for the longest time, you did everything together. You grew up together and never left each other's side.
meet cute by @odysirena
“you make it a habit to look at everyone?” You ask him playfully. 
he furrows the ink above his eyes in thought, “No, not really,” he smiles at you, “You would definitely catch my eye though.”
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★ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎TONOWARI
tonowari praising you by @tarrynightss
smut, fem!reader
soft dom! Tonowari headcanons by @alien-magnolia
tw: 18+ minors DNI, size kink, bj, major daddy kink, slight breeding kink, (hyperfem!clueless!sub reader x daddy!tonowari )
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★ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎AO'NUNG
listen by @ohdeersthings
summary: ao'nung has loved you since childhood.
warning: fluff, ao'nung is a jerk to everyone but reader, some angst (I love emotional revelation of feelings), characters are aged up 18+ but no warnings here! Ronal ships reader and Ao'nung.
the weight of your words by @adrunkskeletonsduck
warnings: body shaming, mentions of having body image issues
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★ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎TSU'TEY
way of the heart by @lovebeinaprincessworld
warnings: smut, fingering, oral (f! receiving), p in v, breeding kink
description: being Jake Sullys sister always came with consequences, mating with a tall, blue Na’vi warrior was one of the more unexpected ones.
to lose you by @neteyamslovrr
summary: tsu'tey had lost everyone he had ever loved. fearful of loving you to lose you, he pushes those feelings down just for you to dig them back up
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★ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎ ‎MASTERLIST
avatar masterlist by @justasimps-blog
all of their stories are explicit — minors dni
all characters that you‘ll find here are either already of age or aged up. If that makes you uncomfortable please just leave or block me.
avatar masterlist by @neteyamslovrr
all fem! reader
avatar masterlist by @theseuscmander
content warning; — not really none but it's a lot so hehe
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fruit-salad-ship · 10 months
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been thinkin bout my own niche interest Avatar AU, in which its set in the WAY future, bending is kind of a dead practice, not many can do it anymore, and those than can have to adhere to strict regulations. Undergournd fighting rings, crime bosses lording around bender fighters, and endless restrictions in how it can be used make the group big targets.
Water benders have cities under the waves where others struggle to go, keeping their people and ways safe. Earth and Fire fight on land endlessly, and their cities are grand and constantly monitored and rebuilt due to destruction caused by their wars, it’s a difficult place to survive without being very rich or very smart. Air have taken to flying cities, and live above it all, acting as if they’re far better than the rest.
Peach and Grey are earth kids, sturdy, been running cons for as long as they could walk, childhood friends with a lot of history and an unspoken love and respect. It doesn’t need words, they understand the nature of their relationship just fine without it. Peach came from a powerful family and ran from them, they did too much direct evil for her liking, she wasn’t willing to be like them, now just doing what she can for her weird found family and living a fun life. Plum is a fire user, came from nothing and made a name for herself, looking after her family from afar, doing all the sleuthing and tech work, but very hot tempered by nature. She’s a dab hand with anything computer based and is not to be messed with in close combat. Rei is water, a home body with a naivety to the surface, happy to work hard for a fair deal, offers people aid and comfort whenever possible. Too bad no one on he land will ever be fair with him, he gets taken for a ride until the trio take him in.
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harleyification · 1 year
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I've been in a Batfamily mood again, and now I wanna remake my Moon Knight x Batman crossover AU cause it has been rotting my brain since November and THIS was the only thing I have ever made for it, asjdksajdkla
(Based off of this post)
Some details, to let my Brainrot Out:
Listen, I know we all love adding our favorite characters into the Batfamily because that group ABSOLUTELY needs more trouble and unhinged behavior, but like. This isn't just adding another kid into the family. This is adding Marc, Steven, AND Jake.
Why does every crossover character have to be the youngest addition?? Why Not the OLDEST addition?? Revoke that Eldest Child License from Dick, imagine THIS: Marc would be around three years older than Dick, and while he would be Bruce's second ward, he would throw that shit around like the law. "Well, I'm older, so I get to pick the first character for Mario Party, and screw YOU, *I'M* choosing Peach!" type behavior
Dick: "Well, Bruce adopted me first so I was here before you, I get to play Peach!!"
Bruce is having a hard time figuring out how to go about this
Marc/Steve/Jake all adore Dick and would die for him. Killing is off of the table, unfortunately.
Everyone is supportive of Steven and Jake, treating Marc’s alters with respect! I love the idea of Bruce or Alfred giving them a journal so that they can keep up with which alter did what that day, and Dick giving them different colored bracelets so that they can tell which alter is fronting at the moment. The three of them actually having parental and sibling support, can I get a HELL YEAH!!
Marc/Steven/Jake being adopted by billionaire Bruce Wayne after running away from home and not having any upfront memories of how he got to Gotham, but knowing that he doesn’t want to go back to his abusive mom and his negligent dad. Emergency Custody is a hell of a drug!
I have no idea how stuff goes down until Jason gets taken in, so consider this instead: Jake and Jason arguing about the morality of killing. Steven and Jason reading together. Marc and Jason doing competitive training. Think about it. Let the thoughts infest you.
Marc and Jake: "I'm not doing free babysitting!"
Steven: "I will, though!"
Steven and Alfred bonding while cooking and Steve is infodumping about his current research project, doN'T TOUCH ME
Cass joins the family early too, because I say so. And Cass wouldn't need the bracelets to see who is fronting in that moment, she would KNOW, and she will either: pester Marc, love on Steven, or pester Jake.
Cass would adore Steven.
We don't talk about the big explosive Elephant in the Room just yet, nope, so instead consider this: Tim coming in and realizing that Moon Knight really is just Like That. Marc would say, "Another one?? Really??" Steve would say "This one is smart and adds onto my research and just spoke to me for 8 hours straight about arthropods, I have found my new real brother", Jake would say "He's a little stalking freak, I like him already"
Jake and Damian is a brotherly match made in hell. Watch the fuck out.
Just. Just Listen to me...just listen...why wouldn’t a morally grey vigilante by the name of Moon Knight NOT fit the bat motif???
Also, Marc/Steve/Jake would get the Moon Knight powers either as a meta-human with a connection to the Egyptian god, Avatars being able to be chosen at birth, or getting them super early through weird means! I think it'd be neat!
Thank you for listening, I hope I gave you Moon Son brainrot
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superluigiglitchy · 21 days
Just finished rewatching SMG4 What-if? and now im having feelings
aka Fuzzy Meggy au based on that fucked up Fuzzy Desti au @duckapus made where Mr. Grizz found Desti's body in the ocean and decided to do the trial runs for the fuzzy ooze which brought her back to life but fucked her up BIG TIME but like its Meggy instead (here)
(Long post ahead)
a few things before I start explaining away
Since Meggy's death each member of the gang have started wearing an article of orange in they're usually outfits (Saiko's twin tail ribbons are orange, Tari has an orange arm band on her hoodie, Mario has an orange Inkling patch stitched onto his overalls etc.) as a way to commemorate her
The three pieces of Meggy's head gear went to Luigi (beanie), Mario (headphones) and Tari (goggles) all three of them guard these pieces with they're lives
So many people blame themselves for Meggy's death that it can give someone chronic depression (read: me) but here's a few people of note
Axol: Despite the reassurances of the gang (including that of Desti's) Axol deeply blames himself for not knowing that Francis had made another Sephiroth and being able to erase it before it went and killed someone
Paige: Since their older sisters death they have double down on being the NSS's Captain and have worked harder than ever before much to the other agent's worry and concern, they have sever survivor's guilt an a guilt complex and as much as the other agents and cuttle fish try to help they either outright refuse or avoid them however that may change soon during the NSS's exploration of the ancient human settlement known as Altera
Tari: having lost her best friend and in the throws of grief she decided to learn to be stronger earlier than in canon with the help of Saiko surprisingly out of everyone she seems to have gotten a control over her grief, she still deeply wishes Meggy were still here with them but she knows that's not possible however she's been having strange dreams lately of her late friend but surely those are just that, dreams... Or are they?
Luigi: Since Meggy's death he has learned to not be as much of a scaredy cat and to pull his weight around in the team he still deeply misses her but he also acts as a rock for whenever the grief of the others gets too much for them, Especially for Mario however he like the others misses her greatly and often tries to 'think like Meggy' as he puts it when stuck in a pickle
Mario: Out of everyone he has the most grief over the lost of his best friend and sister, because of this it was like a switch was flipped and now he acts more subdued and not as chaotic (think of him as a mix between his memey self and pre-smg4 self) (which deeply disturbs everyone, even Peach surprisingly enough) however he is still the Avatar of the universe so he still gets dragged into insane adventures because of it only with a more subdued attitude and more responsible and smart (again deeply disturbs everyone) he often wonders that if he didn't instigate the anime challenge would none of this have happened? Luigi tries to assist him in processing the grief and guilt and help with his depression but it doesn't seem to be quite working
Desti: she is currently on the hunt for Sephiroths head and to get revenge so she has too much anger right now to process her guilt and grief which can rival even Mario's if not surpass it
Peach: since the fiasco of the anime arc Peach has become more thoughtful to others and careful in her decisions regarding Mario's antics and feels responsible for this mess having happened (she WAS the one responsible placing the ban in the first place) she acts much like her canon self here, everyone has mixed feelings over her however, Saiko especially who personally blames Peach for what she sees as causing the death of her friend Saiko hasn't really expressed this as not to aggravate the others but Peach sorta knows with how often Saiko shoots the Stink Eye at her
And that's about it now onto the au itself
During Splatoon 3's story mode (or at least this universe's version of it) the NSS find themselves stalked by a cat-like creature covered in scars and brown fur
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(honestly they wouldn't really have noticed if not for Captain 3 halting everyone from moving pointing out that they were being watched by something and ironically enough the thing showed itself) shockingly though it began to smother Captain 3 with affection and purring like crazy much to Paige's annoyance and confusion and Callie and Marie's amusement
Callie: hehehe, it looks like it likes you captain
Paige being smothered with affection furiously by a purring cat creature: I am aware of that agent 1- HEY NO LICKING!!
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Anyways now the NSS has this weird ass cat thing that's very clingy to their captain (the amount of black mail Andi has now is insane) and seems to have grown a liking to Andi as well ironically enough and ends up helping in the space battle quite a lot
Meanwhile as this is happening harbor and 8 end up helping Desti who was on the back ropes to defeat Sephiroth (much to her reluctance and stubbornness) and ends up taking her back to homebase cause 1. Cuttlefish were worried sick about her and 2. They ain't letting her disappear for several months again and it's here where they find out about the giant cat monster thing that the NSS have came to call Fuzzball instead of Subject 001 (which was the codename Mr. Grizz gave her) who takes an extreme liking to Desti MUCH to her confusion
Desti being cuddled to death by Fuzzball: what the fu-
Paige covered in orangey brown fur: you get used to it
Anyways something something the NSS and the smg4 crew have they're monthly meet up with a giant fuzzy cat thing in tow and because of E. Gadd shenanigans they find out that Fuzzball is actually Meggy *insert moment of disbelief and tear it filled moment here along with a bunch of reactions*
So anyways thanks to a combination of E. Gadd, the NSS, some help from Marina's memeverse and memery fuckery cause why tf not, they are able to find a cure for fuzzification for both the affected octarians and Meggy
But because of how long she's been trapped in Grizzco. and how long she's been experimented they weren't able to cure her all the way so now she's a cat bear squid human thing but that's just fine by the gang because they'll always love Meggy no matter what and BOY did they miss her
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Bonus Megdesti:
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lorkai · 9 months
Chapter I; Family
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.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ A/N: After literally a year I've finally finished writing the first chapter and the second is half-way done. But rereading this I realize I was being too demanding on myself, this chapter is fine. And despite the immense delay, I hope y'all like it as I do. I'll post it later on AO3 as well, the link to my profile is in my pinned post if you want to read it there btw. → Necromancer Au masterlist here.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Warnings: Mc was written gender neutral but in the original idea Mc was a man. So uh if there's any typo about their pronoun pls let me know and I'II fix it, I proofread two times but sometimes something can escape me. Also Lilith's alive.
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Word account: 3K
.⁠。⁠*⁠♡ Tagging: @dicetheroll @sunshinebea (It's been quite a while so I understand if you no longer want to get tagged in this.)
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Traditions can be boring sometimes. But you absolutely adored the holiday tradition with your beloved demons, sitting in the living room before Christmas dinner and telling horror stories. Well, it wasn't just horror stories that were told on that day, there were jokes, challenges and various pranks going on, it was certainly your favorite day and you wouldn't trade it for anything.
Discreetly you watched the faces of each of them react to the tale of terror Lucifer was telling so intensely, clutching your cup of hot chocolate as you listened.
The fire in the fireplace lit his dark hair and his dark voice carried the same touch of drama even though he had already told several stories throughout the night, you watch as the older demon adjusts his glasses over his nose and takes a deep breath before continuing his unhappy tale. His grave words escape your ears as you can only thank whatever deity your path and theirs have crossed, because they were your family and they became very important people to you. You loved them and you knew they loved you too.
They were people you could no longer imagine living without. Each of them was special in their own way and they all brightened up your mornings, even if they were yelling or fighting as early as six o'clock sharp. You still managed to find joy even in the midst of your irritation through the chaos they created and dragged you into.
Beside him, Mammon lets out a loud scream and throws himself on top of the person closest to him for comfort. Everything happens in slow motion in your vision, he and Levi roll off the couch onto the floor and both struggle like fish out of water, completely in the middle of a senseless panic. The avatar of greed hugs his brother's torso with all the strength he has while the avatar of envy tries to flee. And a round of laughter spreads across the room like the hot fire that runs through their bodies and you try not to laugh so hard to spare them some dignity, but it's impossible once your gaze and Lilith's meet. And you burst into loud laughter as Satan helps them back to their feet.
"Grow up, Mammon." Asmo sneered in a cynical chuckle. His muffled voice was almost a whisper between the fabrics of the scarf he was wearing, and he burrowed deeper into the covers for a source of lingering warmth.
He resembled a kitten wrapped like that and Solomon seemed to have thought the same, pulling him closer and whispering something in his ear that made him laugh softly. They finally embraced again, Asmo resting his head lazily on the sorcerer's chest as the other man played with the demon's peach hair.
There's a certain simplicity to the gesture that almost makes you envious. Almost. You know you could throw yourself on top of both of them and snuggle into Solomon's chest too. It wouldn't be the first time after all
Belphie laughs at his older brother, hiding his laughter in his hands. The youngest of the brothers squirms in his seat and with the same malice as ever, places his cold foot on Mammon's bare ankles, which makes him jump once more and glare at him.
"Why did you do that?" Mammon, embarrassed and mumbling something under his breath, came to sit beside him again, so close that their knees were touching as Belphie laughed along with Satan. The avatar of greed sneaked a path to where your hand rested and wrapped it in his, warm, comfortable and your fingers fit together as if your hands were made for each other. You didn't say anything, sparing him embarrassment as you watched his reactions to the story Lucifer kept telling.
If anything, Mammon would rather work full time to make honest money than sit there and listen to one more tale of ghosts, goblins and fairies that makes him shudder all the time. But he didn't dare to oppose that tradition, not when it marked a really special period for each of them. The day you definitely went to live in Devildom with him and his brothers.
What was utterly ironic, however, was that at the end of the night he would most likely seek comfort in your room even though he knew that was precisely where the spirits he feared sought refuge.
You were a necromancer after all and everyone knew it.
"What, um... what happened next?" Luke asked, his eyes sparkling with curiosity. His heart clenched at the pessimistic thought that something might have happened to the fictional people in Lucifer's history.
Avalanche shadows and enraged mystical beasts were reflected between his blue eyes - few details you were paying close enough attention to remember, the youngest of the angels almost didn't want to think about the end of the story, but Simeon's hand on his shoulder gave him courage enough to keep still and wait.
  There was an expectant pause in which a smile graced the morning star's lips and he continued promptly after Barbatos poured him some more melancholy coffee. "To this day, they say that if there's a storm and you're walking around the mountain, you can see her spirit wandering aimlessly, looking for her children." Lucifer finished with a sigh, running his fingers through his messy hair, and then ran his eyes over the faces of each of his brothers and their guests.
He seemed satisfied with the collective shock that spread and then looked at you, searching for some surprised expression on your face or something, only his pride kept him from pouting when he realized he wouldn't have any of your expressions.
Stories like that didn't scare you for a long time, precisely because you've been dealing with situations like that since you were just a child. Still, the impact hit you hard when you processed all the information, not because it was scary, but because it was sad to imagine a woman who died during an avalanche and left her children helpless behind, on the verge of certain death that would befall them in the absence of her protection. It was just sad and yet, real. Just like so many ghosts who came to you begging to help their children, to tell you they were dead, or to offer solace.
If someone asked you how you see death, you knew exactly how you would answer. Melancholic and real. Things you loved during your life, things you were proud of, and all your deeds would be forgotten, buried in an endless round of study and work, of pain and hardship, of arrogance and greed, regardless of whether they were a good person or not. But it was also scary and cold, and bad for those who couldn't move on.
Whispers of approval at the story ran between the brothers. Lucifer was, much to Satan's displeasure, a very good storyteller. He confided in you once about how he tucked his brothers and sister into bed and told seven different stories every night when he was just a young archangel. In your mind a cute image popped up whenever you remembered that; just a young looking Lucifer putting little kids in their beds, tucking them in, kissing their foreheads and reading silly stories. It was hard to imagine him doing such trivial things when he was always so serious and austere all the time.
At least, you thought, after all the years that had passed he started acting more carefree like he used to be, according to what Mammon told you.
Five long years have passed quickly since you first came to Devildom as a mere exchange student, and in just a few days it would be six years. You still marveled at that fact on Christmas nights, mainly because everything was so different and surreal. You never imagined that talking to Lilith that day would take you so far away from human things and show you something unique, but here you are, happy, complete and feeling accepted among them. Thing humans would never do because they don't accept different people and you know it.
You remember all too well what happened when your so-called best friend found your grimoire and all the rumors she spread about you. Just because she was afraid of the unknown instead of trying to understand it. And mostly, you remember what your parents and doctors did to your older brother, thinking about him even after so long still makes your heart ache. How do you get over something like that?
"You forgot one detail, Luci." Lilith said suddenly. She was leaning over a small table, selectively choosing the sweets she would like to eat and then cramming as many as she could manage into her mouth at once. The lack of manners made her brothers all laugh at the way she resembled a squirrel with her cheeks puffed out, but even the embarrassment on her face didn't stop her from eating.
"The woman tends to follow the person she sees. So to get rid of her, you must guide her to the light, it's, um, pretty similar to what my kid here is used to doing since they were just a little sprout. Oh, how proud I am of them, you all should see them in action!"
The comment in a maternal tone warmed your heart and you almost wanted the former angel to wrap you in one of those warm hugs that took all the anxiety away, just like she did when you were just a child. But you restrained yourself and made a toast in her honor, raising your cup and drinking away with a goofy smile on your face.
"Come to think of it, how come we've never heard a story from you, Mc?" Satan asked. A cat pad was draped over his arms as he clutched it to his chest, the fabric mimicking the warm fur of a kitten. The blonde sipped his hot chocolate while waiting for you to respond with great interest in the topic.
But you knew he was just waiting for a chance to ask you to tell the story you briefly mentioned a few months ago.
On the one hand, it was true that they didn't know much about your histories or past in general. The brothers knew only brief details that Lilith told them when asked what kind of things you had been through together, some sad ghosts wandering and asking for help, the sound of footsteps on the floor of your room during the night and figures that you always saw out of the corner of your eye. But it was always fanciful, almost a sugar-coated lie.
And on the other hand, you didn't know if you'd like the idea of recounting all the thousands of sad and brutal cases on a night like the one when you celebrate family and unity. And there was so much blood and pain and torture in them that it could turn the stomach of anyone listening.
You could almost feel the presence of the people you've helped coming back to you, their hands rubbing your back or their warm breath on your neck, urging you to tell their stories, coaxing you to talk about what bothered you about each one of them. But that sensation only lasted a second and then your gaze hardened and you focused your attention on the flames devouring the charcoal and the crackling sound they made.
"I'll let you decide if you really want to hear such stories, but I must warn you that they are violent." You said it wisely. Then you leaned over and poured yourself some more hot chocolate, taking small sips to savor every drop of that precious liquid you hadn't had in a while. "I already have one in mind, in case the answer is positive. Not too violent and not too quiet, good enough for the Christmas mood."
"It's a must to have you tell the next story Mc, I can't stand listening to Lucifer talk all night anymore." Satan growled. The emerald eyes were focused in your direction, then quickly his focus returned to what he was drinking and to something Solomon had commented on some kitten post on Devilgram.
Lucifer rolled his eyes and began dramatically massaging his temples across the room, his melancholy coffee still curling upward in steam. And seeing that, Belphie quickly joined Satan just to make Lucifer's headache worse.
"I fully agree!" He suppressed a yawn before continuing to speak in a soft tone. "We've heard many stories told by Lucifer, Simeon and Barbatos. It would be nice to hear one that actually happened."
Leviathan and Mammon, however, seemed oblivious to everything going on around them. The two were playing a new game together that had just been released. The name was The Nephellim's Deal or something like that, you weren't sure, but you knew that several important figures for the history of Devildom were present in the game. Various wars, deals, and betrayals were elements you remember Levi talking about for several minutes.
Perhaps if you have time, you'd play it later and then you could compare your opinions on the game.
"Yummy sweets, they remind me of the ones we ate on our trip to India." Beel muttered suddenly, swallowing all the sweets on the tray and licking his lips so that not a single grain escaped him. You looked at Barbatos at the exact moment he trapped a sigh in his throat and smiled imperceptibly, tired and still wearing his white apron.
The poor demon has been baking cakes and pastries since early morning. You didn't have as much aptitude as him when it came to cooking, but your hands were aching after helping him for so long, the knowledge of his techniques, however, was too interesting for you to let a chance like that pass. Besides, you couldn't trust Solomon with cooking and you couldn't ask Luke to stay in the kitchen all day when you knew he wanted to play in the snow with the others.
Simeon smiled kindly. "I know you liked them so I brought these sweets directly from India, Beel."
At that moment Beel seemed to be hit by a cupid's arrow and he smiled widely. "Thanks Simeon. They were delicious."
"Boys, make up your mind please, Mc is impatient." Noticed Lilith. The angel was arranging the stockings over the fireplace in a specific way as she hummed her signature slow song, she almost seemed to float in the large coat that Lucifer always wore over her shoulders, smiling smugly as she managed to get her brother to hand over his favorite coat to her. "Don't torture my poor child too much or they'll get cranky."
You suppressed a giggle and waved your hand. But there was as always a ring of truth in her words, the brothers took ages to agree among themselves and the heady heat of the flames was enough to make sleepy sighs leave your throat and have you second-guessing whether you want to stay in the classroom or return to your quarters and sink into the comfortable, fluffy bed for a nap before Christmas dinner.
You let your head fall on your own shoulder as you waited for a statement from your other friends, humming the same song that Lilith was humming minutes ago, but more brighter and faster.
"I'll be happy to hear any stories, but I'm going to put Luke to bed first." Simeon signaled to the young angel who was sleeping in his lap. He got up and walked away towards the guest room that was given to him slowly, looking as tired as the others. And you swore you heard a yawn coming from him, but the sound was buried by Levi who let out a scream at that moment.
"Watch where you're going, Mammon!" He scolded his brother. "Why I'm playing a precious game like this with you?"
"It's not that I don't want to, it's just that ghosts and spirits are a darker topic than the horror stories we hear." Solomon stared at a fixed point, lost, he too had had his experiences with the supernatural. Instinctively he took his hand to Asmo's curls and twisted strands of his hair with his fingers, calmly patting Asmo's head, making the demon of lust purr violently. "But if you guys want to, I'm all for it. The only time I heard you tell any stories was during our practices together and they were all so short."
Lucifer turned to Diavolo and Barbatos with his eyebrows raised in mute question. But before they could even say anything the sound of the main doors opening made everyone fall silent and look at each other, noting that five people were still missing from their little celebration. Their voices and footsteps echoed down the hall quietly as if they owned the place and the shrill sound of Thirteen's laughter reached the room long before them.
And like a good host, the Morningstar calmly got up and went to meet his late guests. The sound of their happiness echoed in his deep voice as he greeted them warmly, you could hear the smile on his face.
And you took the opportunity to get up and stretch. Your feet were numb, but your mind seemed more awake and obviously the memories were resurfacing as well as Lilith, who was already smiling. She rubbed her hands together in an exaggerated manner and like a mother, she began to fix your hair and the collar of your shirt. "I kind of miss those times really, I always enjoyed running around and having fun with the ghosts."
"Are we going to tell the story about the drunken ghost? Or should we tell about the dancer and the mimic? So many stories to tell, I'm excited!" Lilith excitedly quoted the stories she remembered, counting on her fingers, her eyes shining in a special way as the faces and names of those people passed like a blur in her head, it's been a few years since most of them will happen. Those memories were as precious to her as they were to you and not for a second did you doubt that this wasn't the case, after all it was because of you that she had come back to life.
For the third and she hoped it would also be the last she was revived - but without dying this time, she was back in the world of the living, now as a half angel, half demon. One white wing and one black wing. Until now you didn't understand what went wrong with your reanimation spell to have caused this. But as long as she was alive and healthy, you assume it doesn't matter what she is. Plus she was now like Morgana, a nephellim.
She was finally back to life and that was all that mattered, you, her and the brothers could live happily ever after now, with nothing to worry about, with the exceptions of the usual chaos and silly fights that made everyone laugh.
You wouldn't trade it for anything.
"So… what do you intend to tell us?" Asmo eyed the two of you with interest, another purr leaving his lips as Solomon continued to rub his scalp and leave warm little kisses on his forehead. He looked sleepy, but curious enough to keep listening to you. "Oh, I already know! You could tell me how you met Lilith, for example."
"Or the story involving the S." Belphie smiled like he knew something his brothers didn't. And he sent you a particular look, a look that already communicated what he was thinking at that moment. He wanted to hear that story. For the third time…
Spoiled brat! You throught, smilling.
Lilith let out a laugh and gave her brother a shove with her shoulder. It was her way of telling him to be quiet, but you could already tell by the way everyone was looking at the two of you that their curiosity had been piqued by the comment made by the demon of sloth. They wanted an epic tale with spirits.
"What kind of story is this?" Beel asked his twin brother, stifling a small yawn against his hand. "Is it a scary one?"
It depends. You assume that human nature was more frightening than the facts that occurred, but yes. That was one of the scary stories you didn't like to remember, it reminded you that ordinary people at first sight could nurture bad thoughts and commit even worse crimes.
"Okay, let's tell the story of S." You took a deep breath and smiled, watching how the fire lit up the face of everyone present in that room. You were all about the dramatic effect.
And you sat in Lucifer's armchair, turning his coffee cup in your hand before you decided to taste it to see if it was good - big mistake, the taste was horrible for humans and Solomon laughed in your face almost like a little boy who won his favorite candy.
You were sure that he already tried the drink. "Awful, an outrage, I don't know how he drinks it! Uh-huh, completely insane, bitter, there's a distinct bitter that's really good, but this one? Bad…"
Barbatos laughed too. "I think you forgot, but the coffee of melancholy turns bitter when a person who likes you prepares it."
Oh yes. It makes sense.
Despite being strict, Lucifer was very soft with you. So sweet you didn't even have to eat candy to taste sugar on your tongue. You continued drinking his coffee with a chuckle.
But a clearing of his throat caught your eye and an unimpressed Lucifer glanced in your direction, a smug evil smile growing on his lips as he returned to his conversation with Hesperus, his counterpart and Nightstar, and his daughter, Morgana.
You didn't know what they were saying, but it seemed important as Diavolo glanced in their direction for a brief second.
The other guests began to sit in the vacant seats, Mephisto and his brother, Iblis, whispering softly and laughing, leaving several gift boxes under the Christmas tree and looking in the direction of the other people. You knew why since Mephisto had asked you what kind of things the brothers would like as gifts. But Thirteen was already heading to the coffee table for something to eat while she struck up a conversation with Beel, an elegant scarf draped over her shoulders perfectly enhancing the outfit she wore.
"So, uh, I suppose I can start?" You whispered to Lilith uncertainly, but the girl shrugged.
"Just a sec. Here!" Morgana handed you a small package. An unexpected gift and you smiled in her direction, thanking her softly.
"Uh…Okay." You muttered uncertainly. You left the box in your pocket and rubbed one hand over the other, waiting for everyone to settle down to hear that story. Mammon and Levi were still playing high enough to interrupt the immersion of the story, so Lucifer took their D.D.D and stuffed it in his pocket, sending them a severe look as they opened their mouths to complain.
At that moment Simeon returned, still drowsy, and sat down in his place. With everyone paying attention to you, you let out a long sigh and closed your eyes letting all the memories of that first event come flooding back. Everything you felt, everything you saw and lived, and with a smile you began to narrate the events.
"At that time I was six and my family was moving to the countryside..."
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Well now you’ve got me started on the ikran racing au and now I’m curious so!
Nocorro fic recs for the noob please? 😂
BESTIE finally join the dark sideee.
As I said over dms; unfortunately for you, there are better locorro (and spiri, although I really only rec one hardcore) fics then there are Nocorro. Nocorro is like a desert spot, there really aren’t any aside from a few really short but cool one shots. It's a very small fandom, and it's pretty young right now so tbh most of the fics are not very good, so it'll be a short list anyway. So, as we discussed, here are the high quality, well written Spider ship fics:
For nocorro, there really isn't much. That's why I said I've come so fucking close to writing that ikran au; because I am deeply obsessed with the nocorro parts of it. I adore that au and the ghost neteyam one honestly best of all, but the ghost Neteyam one there is slightly more content for. BUT ANYWAYS;
Upon looking up my list for this I was furious to discover one of the three well written little nocorro one shots has been deleted, so beef begun with CherryApollo (jk queen I need more of them. Actually, a03 user CherryApollo; I know ur reading these posts, or else you wouldn't have tagged that fic nocorro, huh? You said "tumblr has it's claws in me so here's some nocorro" I SEE YOU, I KNOW UR HERE. THERE'S LIKE THREE OF US USING THAT TAG, AND IT'S MOSTLY JUST ME ALONE IN THE VOID. You listen to me. I liked that fucking fic, I had it bookmarked. Give it back to me. But seriously big fan of ur work).
The two remaining fruit themed CherryApollo nocorro oneshots better be your first stop just in case this sociopath decides to take more from me, Take a Bite of the Orange (p sure I was the commenter that took offense mentioned in the notes) and Follow Me Down to the Peach Tree, which did make me want to end it all. Both under 1000 words and worth a quick read.
There is also the ghost of Guilt by thatshowthemafiaworks @undercoverpan who has written us a ghost Spider au which has never failed to make me cry each chapter. The prose is not as flawless as the other recs here, but it packs some emotional weight the others don't. I also can't even fathom where it's going as it all seems entirely hopeless which is why it makes me cry.
The only other nocorro fic I even think is worth a mention is Crop Circles by our bestie @spicymiilk. It's not done and we haven't reached any nocorro yet, but know it's coming and it's good. I get my sticky little fingers in each good Avatar fic writer and I puppeteer the content I want, just look at whats happening here.
For locorro (still a small as hell ship), we can afford to be slightly more picky and I shall give you the best of the best.
Personally I would start with the locorro bible, Bitter by Icandigelvis @oppa86oppa . All of us locorro stans have said this, but this fic started our interest in the ship for most and it caused the cultural revolution of our Spider ship community. This fic still months later lives with me 24/7, and it really is one of THE fics I've ever read of all time. It went righttt into my collection of fics to show to my MFA prof who told me to stop reading fanfiction lol, like seconds after I finished it. Then I put it in the grad school jealousy collection because it's that well formatted.
The Restless Child series by @spicymiilk is a full length novel that will take you a bit lol. I am biased as I do beta it but it's real good. I keep not anticipating turns I should anticipate, but maybe we can convince Andrei to simply let us live for a sec because the fact that it's been like two weeks in universe hit me yesterday while editing and I wanted to fall off an ikran (👀).
There is also, NATURALLY, The Thunder Answered Back by @spicymiilk. This fic crawled up my butt what I can I say. You all got to read my massive post about it, hope u enjoyed that. I was walking back from work today, listening to Back to You by Louis Tomlinson ft Bebe Rexha, in 91 degree heat and it started to thunder and simply pour rain and I was like "I am lIVING The Thunder Answered Back vibes rn, holy fuck." You know it's good writing in general when it gives you a specific vibe. Tbh, that song is that fics vibes, perhaps locorro vibes in general.
I'm only gonna rec one spiri fic for a few reasons. One, because there is a criminal lack of content for them, and two, that fic is worlds above any other spiri fics. I think it's a great starter fic for getting into Spider ships and for getting into spiri in general, just because of how detailed and in depth the world is, my god. It's basically Spider and Kiri pov switches from their childhood up until wayyy past Way of Water and until the end of all conflict with humans. Like any good canon continuation, I disagree with and I agree with a ton of @milesocorro 's interpretation. I don't particularly enjoy the way the conflict concludes, but I really adore the way Quaritch is handled. I said this before to the author, but it's my favorite Quaritch confrontation I've read yet. I have a review up for it while it was still coming out, and I said there I was obsessed with Spider's tsurak and I still fucking am. That's my fav Spider iknimaya sequence too!! Anyways, that's my repeated pitch for Please be kind, please be gentle with me .
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charkyzombicorn · 7 months
Funny aus I have seen that I need to share
Breaking bad au with usopp and franky
One piece lilo and stitch
Mario au (franky is Mario, iceberg Luigi, Robin princess peach)
Treasure planet au (sanji is Jim)
Demon slayer au (luffy is a demon, sabo and ace are demon slayers)
Owl house au (luffy is human)
Tokyo ghoul au (luffy is a ghoul and ace is half ghoul)
Avatar au (blue people not the last air bender)
Atla au (Luffy is the avatar)
Undertale au (each of the crew ex Jinbe franky and brook, represent au soul)
Squid game au
@botankirishima for a possible undertale au because I have no idea what undertale is about
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winterzsurprise · 2 years
꧁༺ 𝓐𝓻𝓬𝓱𝓲𝓿𝓮 ༻꧂
Date Started: 04/11/22
Last Update: 06/09/23 || Peaches and Cream
Total Works: 17
hello, if you're a reader of mines, thank u for your support and love on my works, I really appreciate them. I'm not a native English speaker so I'm still working on my shit, everything I learn from other languages are from streamers who does gay roleplay on an island, there's bound to be misuse of some words, I apologize in advance!!
Do tell me if there's stuff to be changed tho :3
AO3 Link || Wattpad
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• Ride me? || smut
Just when you thought he's exhausted enough from chasing Miles Morales and had given you the chance to actually ride him, Miguel has other plans.
• Thirty Minutes || smut
After convincing Miguel to take a break from working, he generously granted you thirty minutes with him and you know how you'd spend it.
• Take a seat || smut
Never in your wildest dream did you imagine having your husband ask you to sit on his face.
• A New Beginning || breeding kink, smut
You tell Miguel that you're ready to have a child with him.
• Taking care of you || sub! Miguel, bondage, smut
Miguel comes home after a rough week and a half out of his universe and you decided that the only way to take care of him was to web him down.
• Playing with Fire || brat! reader, smut
After risking your life to save one spider, Miguel had enough and decided it was time to discipline you.
• Peaches and Cream || smut
There's a stark difference with how your husband and Miguel treats you, starting with how rough the latter can be.
|| My MCYT phase stuff ||
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• All For You || Yandere! Wilbur, Medieval Setting
You were the reincarnation of his childhood dreams. The spring that came to melt his winter. But monsters came and trampled on your flowers, trees and shine, enraged, he came for them.
• Even In Death || Sunshine x Grumpy trope
Wilbur's job as a grim reaper is simple, pick a soul up, have a drink then deliver them to the afterlife. That is until he met you, the avatar of the angel of vengeance, who gave you the power of regeneration and resurrection.
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• Loving You Was A Losing Game || Angst, Us Against the World but the World Won trope
In all of the universes he has visited, why is the one where you lived peacefully have to be spent with his best friends?
• The Simulation || Wattpad link, longfic (128k+ words), fantasy, they get trapped in minecraft, horror elements during the earlier chapters, old fic so shit writing lol
To many people, content creators have been a massive part of their life. They taught you, brought you happiness and became the light that would glow brightly in your darkest days. Now, what if they started disappearing out of nowhere?
• Unholy || Smut, Religious Kink, Priest! Karl
To be a priest meant your loyalty shall rest with the lord and Karl would be a lying if he said he wouldn't want to lie with you instead.
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• A deal with a demon || Demon!Quackity
Instead of dispelling a royal blooded demon like you were tasked to, you listened to his tempting deal.
༒☬༒ ꜱʜɪᴘꜱ ༒☬༒
• The Stable Boy's Silent Wish || Fantasy Medieval Setting
In all of the years Sapnap spent with Karl, he has seen every shade and hue of his emotions. But when he gazed at pretty girls in translucent light clothing, Sapnap then realised that he has never seen him in every color yet.
༒☬༒ ʀᴀɴᴅᴏᴍ ꜰɪᴄꜱ ༒☬༒
• Us Against All || Benchtrio, Zombie Apocalypse AU!
They expected the dreadful possibility of being bitten but they never knew how painful it was to see their friend run on borrowed time.
• Blue Innocence || found father and son trope, fantasy au, bedrock bros
Every death leaves a legacy behind and his brother was no different from them, along with his journals and music sheets, Techno took upon the task of raising his brother’s adopted child, Tommy.
• My Companion, My Friend, TUB30 || detroit becomes human au, clingyduo
After the tragedy that took Tommy's brother away, he isolated himself. Not wanting his son to be a hermit for the rest of his life, fatherinnit created him an android companion.
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originallymarysue · 9 days
Me after making Mr Puzzles in my au a similar colour-scheme to mario (and having star -fruits- as a symbol) without realising it (marware is also canon later on in the au):
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lolahaurisfw · 8 days
✎ Introduction ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・
Hi all! Decided to move all my sfw (non-smut) works to a separate blog so people who don't like smut can read my fluff fics. As always, minors please DNI on my other fic blog, i'll block you!
Here i'll only be taking requests for fluff, platonic, and angst! Reqs are always open like usual too.
DNI: Map, Zoo, Pro-Para, Pro-Ana, TERF, Zionist, Bigots, Discourse Blogs, Antis. Block me if you don't agree. ❤️🖤🤍💚
What I'm Willing To Write:
Fluff, angst, platonic, hurt/comfort.
HC'S, mood boards, one shots, short multi-chapter fics, imagines/drabbles.
Canon-friendly, Au's, Canon Divergence, Out of Character.
Ch x Ch / Ch x Reader / Ch x OC / Poly Ships of any kind.
F/F, M/M, F/M, GN/F, GN/M, Poly Ships of any kind.
Fictional Other (F/O) Imagines: +18, no names, they/them only.
Now that that's out of the way, here's the list of fandoms and characters i'm familiar with and will happily take requests on! (you can request others from these fandoms, but it will prob take me longer)
FNAF Movie: Vanessa, Mike, William/Steve. Turning Red: Ming Lee, Jin Lee. YOU: Joe, Love, Beck, Peach. Encanto: Isabela, Bruno, Dolores, Julieta. Regular Show: Mordecai, Margret, Eileen, CJ, Benson. (Human Ver) Attack on Titan: Armin, Eren, Mikasa, Sasha, Levi, Hanji, Annie, Historia, Reiner, Erwin. BNA: Michiru, Shirou. Stardew Valley: All Adult Humans. Total Drama: All S1 Contestants, Chris, Chef, Blainley. SheRa: All Adults (Except Rogelio) King Of The Hill: Hank, Peggy, Luanne, Nancy, Dale, John Redcorn, Kahn, Min. Shameless: Lip, Fiona, Kev, V, Tony. Riverdale: FP Jones, Jughead, Veronica, Hiram, Betty. Creepypasta: Ben, Jeff, Jane, Eyeless Jack, Laughing Jack, Slenderman, Masky, Hoodie, Toby, X Virus, Nina, Clockwork, Splendorman, Kate. Gravity Falls: Stan, Ford, Soos, Giffany Steven Universe: Jasper, Amethyst, Blue Diamond, Peridot, Lapis, Garnet, Rose, Bismuth, Greg. Adventure Time/Fiona and Cake: Princess Bubblegum, Marceline, Marshall Lee, Winter King, Candy Queen, Simon, Ice King, Fiona. COD: Konig, Ghost, Mace, Keegan, Krueger, Valeria. Desperate Housewives: Bree, Gabby, Edie, Mike, Lynette. DC: Batman, Harley, Joker, Ivy, Lex Luthor (Jesse Eisenburg). Slashers & DBD: Brahms, Ghostface (general), Michael Myers, Jason Vorhees, Pyramid Head, The Spirit, Wraith, Huntress, Trapper, The Trickster, Pearl, Carrie White, Jennifer Check, Stu Matcher, Billy Loomis, Tiffany Valentine, Thomas Hewitt, Bubba Sawyer, Bo Sinclair, Vincent Sinclair, Eric Draven. Nintendo: Link, Zelda, Peach, Daisy, Rosalina, Luigi, Waluigi, Bowser. Squid Games: Gi-Hun, Sae-Byeok, Ali, Sang Woo. Rick and Morty: Rick, Beth, Jerry. Stranger Things: Robin, Billy, Eddie, Chrissy, Hopper. Bee & Puppycat: Bee, Deckard, Cass, Toast. Princess & The Frog: Shadow Man, Tiana, Lottie, Naveen. Ratatouille: Collette, Linguini. The Nanny: CC, Fran, Maxwell. Full House: Danny, Jesse, Joey. BigBang Theory: Raj, Leonard, Amy, Penny. Spiderverse: Miguel, Hobie, Jessica Drew. Black Dynamite: Honeybee, Black Dynamite. Breaking Bad: Skylar, Jesse, Walter. National Treasure: Benjamin Gates, Riley Poole. Superstore: Jonah, Amy, Dina, Cheyenne. Spongebob: Man Ray, Dennis. Tangeled: Flynn, Rapunzel, Mother Gothell. Elemental: Wade, Ember. Lisa Frankenstein: Lisa, Creature, Taffy. Jane the Virgin: Jane, Michael, Rogelio, Petra, Xiomara, Rose, Luisa. Young Sheldon: Mary, Connie. Twilight: Edward, Carlisle, Alice, Charlie. Bistro Huddy: All Staff Members, Poppy. WWE: Rhea Ripley, Roman Reigns. American Animals: Evan Peters (Warren), Barry Keoghan (Spencer). The Batman (2022): Batman, Riddler. Little Mermaid (2023): Ariel, Eric. Bob's Burgers: Linda, Bob. Avatar: Jake, Neytiri. Frozen: Elsa, Anna, Kristoff. My Hero Academia: Dabi, Hawks, Aizawa. Futurama: Leela, Amy, Fry, Bender. Earth Girls Are Easy: Mac, Wiploc, Zeebo, Valerie. Supernatural: Dean, Sam, Castiel. Sherlock (2010): Sherlock Holmes, John Watson. Silverado: Slick, Rae, Mal, Paden. Dirty Dancing: Johnny, Baby. The Breakfast Club: John Bender, Allison Reynolds. The Golden Girls: Blanche, Dorothy, Rose. Hot in Cleveland: Melanie <3, Joy, Victoria.
Nani Palekai (Lilo & Stitch) Paul Cable (Last Stand at Saber River) Ramona Flowers (Scott Pilgrim vs The World) Peter Mitchell (3 Men & A Baby) Randy Marsh (South Park) Charles Ingalls (Little House on the Prairie) Master Chief (Halo) Ian Hawke (Alvin & The Chipmunks) Poe Dameron (Star Wars: The Force Awakens) Linda Gunderson (Rio) Bruce (Beyond Therapy) Jack Harrison (Transylvania 6-5000) Peggy Bundy (Married… With Children) Kitten (Breakfast on Pluto) - M Reader Only Scarecrow (Batman Begins) John Wick (John Wick 4) David Levinson (Independence Day) Jackson Rippner (Red Eye) Stevo (SLC Punk!) Mike (5lbs of Pressure) Santa/Babbo Natale (Violent Night) Dan Conner (Roseanne) Tate Langdon (AHS: Murder House) Lt. Robert 'Bob' Floyd (Top Gun: Maverick 2022) Francine (American Dad) Beverly Goldberg (The Goldbergs) Fujimoto (Ponyo) Thomas Magnum (Magnum, P.I 1980) Doug Remer (Baseketball) Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park 1993) Rose Tyler (Doctor Who) Moe Doodle (Doodle Bops) Astarion (Baulders Gate 3) Trevor Phillips (GTA5) Shaun Murphy (The Good Doctor) Georgia Miller (Ginny & Georgia) John Doe (John Doe Game) Paul Blart (Paul Blart Mall Cop) Napolean Dynamite (self titled) Fezzik (Princess Bride)
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duckapus · 8 months
So while I was at work today I finally figured out how to transition from the setup phase of the Haltmann Meme Guardians AU to the second, more action-packed and properly story focused half of the arc.
Basically, Lag notices that there's some extra, unaccounted-for activity with the SMG commands, and when he asks the System why it didn't report this latest case of the False Positive glitch it insists that it isn't the glitch this time, just the new kids seeing what they can do. Now, that immediately sets off alarm bells in his head, since there isn't a new SMG universe, or even a plan to activate one anytime soon, and considering exactly which universe Lag used to be in charge of he's really not liking where this seems to be going.
He informs the rest of the main Admin group, they investigate, hoping beyond hope that it's not happening in the universe they all know it's going to be, and YEP, there's the newly rebuilt Access Arc sitting right on the edge of the SM64 universe's Solar System, practically marinating in Anti-Meme energy.
Unfortunately, as beings of pure code they can't go down and deal with this themselves. Well, technically they could, but that much Anti-Meme energy in that high a concentration would tear all but the strongest of them to shreds, and even those who could survive that would both be weakened enough to be completely at the mercy of whoever or whatever is in that station, and would need a month-long intensive detox treatment if they managed to get back out alive.
Meanwhile, all the mad scientists in the Mushroom Kingdom have disappeared, which includes Iggy Koopa and Eggman so BJ and Sage are freaking out, and given how the science fair all the way back at the start of the arc went down, not to mention the few times HWC has caused problems for them lately, the Crew does have one suspect in mind. So when the USBs tell them about the extra guardian/Anti-Meme space station thing, there's no doubt in their minds that the two situations are connected. And while the Admins can't directly investigate for the reasons stated above, and the Crew can't either since none of them are any good at subtlety, Mario, 4, Meggy and Saiko happen to know a certain semi-aquatic secret agent who can. And considering who one of the names on the list of missing scientists is, he's probably investigating already and would appreciate the lead.
So Perry infiltrates the new Access Arc while in contact with the Crew, and while he doesn't find everything he does find out some pretty important stuff. Obviously Susie's plan and the fact that her replacement Avatar/Guardian set are in fact children, and the fact that she's been very very exposed to the God Box fragment she ended up with and is absolutely not in her right mind (according to SMG1 it's a miracle that she hasn't turned into an Anti-Meme herself by now, let alone that she's as coherent as she is). But also the presence of Movie Mario, A.S.Swipe and the Salmonids, The Goomba, and a bunch of weird, fully purple Octoling Troopers with rough tentacles that Meggy finds oddly familiar.
There's also the fact that she kidnapped the mad scientists so she could give them front-row seats of her plan in action, partly to make up for how badly her last presentation in front of her peers went but mostly to rub it in E. Gadd's face.
Unfortunately for everyone, she's still missing one last thing to make the plan work; Elanore may be an Avatar, but she's not Super Mario 64's Avatar, and since neither the God Box nor The Goomba know how to fix that, she'll just have to reverse-engineer Mario's code and figure it out herself. To that end, she sends Yoshi to capture him, which manages to work.
With that new problem on top of all the other ones, it's actually Peach who comes up with a plan. Basically, if Haltmann wants a war, they've got one, but it'll be on the good guys' terms. The assorted militaries and superpowered beings of the world all band together, setting up to protect various key places around the globe, mainly the Mushroom Kingdom since that's where all the SMGs live but also various places that either have strategic value or one of the Crew and their extended friend group has some sort of connection to. After those preparations are complete, an armada of all sorts of weaponized space-faring vehicles will launch an assault on the Access Arc, both to force them into conflict before they're ready and provide a distraction for the Crew(plus Kirby since he's taken down an Access Arc before and is reasonably confident he can get through to his currently corrupted friend) to sneak aboard, extract Perry, and rescue Mario and the scientists(and whoever of the bad guys they can manage to get through to).
Melony specifically isn't part of the rescue team since she, Desmond, Steve, Super Sonic, Waluigi in his ultimate form and Ultra Instinct Shaggy, along with a few others, are going to be outside fighting Movie Mario so they don't have to deal with a crazy demon plumber tearing their entire armada apart or getting impatient and killing their Mario before it's safe to.
The kids also aren't going to be in any of the main battles, instead being kept safe in Primp Town...except Sage because she's Literally The Eggnet and the leader of the Eggman Empire in her dad's absence, and is thus in direct control of about a fifth of their side's collective firepower. Don't worry, just because they're not involved in the main conflicts doesn't mean they won't see some action of their own.
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poly-star-trio · 9 months
I've seen post about igbp about 4 not saving maryo and all. But it's got me thinking, Imagine an Au of where 4 didn't Save Maryo in time thus causing the universe to ya know....die :[
Pretty sure luke said somehwere that since maryo is an avatar he cant die to mundane stuff . im not saying The Sludge™ is something mundane but . yk . (this is more headcanon territory but i think he can only be harmed by stuff like viruses . liek niles yk)
anyway he'd probably crawl outof it himself and be stuck in the hole with peach or sumthin . itd ruin his relationships with 4 and 3 AND meggy
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So… what are the personalities of the cast in this new AU of yours? I’m just curious.
Well, I already explained Mario’s and SMG4’s personality, but there is a bunch I haven’t explored yet.
Starting with Meggy: since Mario isn’t a dumbass in this au and I still want the chaos trio…
Meggy is in part still herself, childish, competitive and prideful, but she also takes some of Bob’s traits. She’s a former Inkopolis gang member, who planned to betray her boss and take over his gang. Unfortunately, she got found out and had to flee. Meggy is the personification of be gay, do crime. Her first solution to every problem is use a gun and if that doesn’t work, use a bigger gun. Initially, all she desired was to start her own gang and get money and bitches, but instead she found Mario and friendship. Still does crime if it benefits her though. Dumbass gremlin.
(Kinda 50/50 on eventually making Four become dumbass gremlin too because then Mario doesn’t have to be)
Peach retains some of her original game personality, since like Mario she’s only partially an avatar. She’s sweet and bubbly, feminine and graceful… and also determined to get or keep what she wants no matter the cost. Peach is mostly pragmatic though, so she won’t go out of her way to hurt you or take revenge for all the time she becomes a butt monkey like V1 Peach, she can be incredibly sadistic whenever she does decide to choose violence. She’s the kind of girl who cheerfully smiles as she prepares to blow up a building, only briefly stopping when she realizes it’s tea time.
Most of the toads are either like game road or V1 toad depending on which one you come across, but the three that were with Peach when they approached the USB and became partially avatar are different. Alone, they’re pretty normal, maybe having slight differences between them. Together, they voltron together into Ultra Dumbass Toad, who takes after V1 Mario most with their idiocy and tendencies for chaos and destruction.
Luigi did not sign up for this shit, and the chaos of the world has finally driven him to say fuck it, I’m gonna do what I want. Uses his gentle and cowardly persona to manipulate others into doing what he wants, though it has a chance of backfiring on him. Often seen drinking alcohol or noping out of crew shenanigans.
And since Meggy is the violent selfish ass now, I think it’ll be hilarious if Bob is instead a very meek guy who preaches pacifism and love, which clashes with the fact he has swords for hands and comes from a family of violent warmongers. Still a pervert.
Boopkins is a short tempered Piranha who is more bark than bite. His teeth don’t even hurt that much, but he’ll never stop chomping on your arm if he’s angy. Which is always.
I haven’t seen Meta Runner yet, but I think it’d be hilarious if Tari was a parody of an edgy anime protagonist with some sort of sad backstory that everyone ignores. Massive weeb. Engineering pro who secretly loves video games and writing fanfiction. Insert blue hair and pronouns joke.
Saiko is stoic, strong and intimidating… which is because she’s too socially awkward to talk. She doesn’t even realize she’s scaring people, she’s just standing there, existing! Goes with the flow. Also a massive pervert.
I haven’t seen enough of Kaizo (missed his episodes) so feel free to suggest.
Axol is very tired and just wants to be left alone in his cave, spending his time sleeping, being on Tumblr and other social media and occasionally making art or edits. Horror fan. Often dragged out by Melony.
Melony at first starts like canon, being just a melon with a running gag that she’s always present during catastrophes, as if she’s started it. When she becomes human, she’s ecstatic, since now she has legs and hands and feet and everything! Seemingly always sugar high, Melony refuses to waste time, trying everything, preferably with friends, whether it’s doing crime, rock climbing or larping.
Honestly, some of them might be subjected to change tho, since tbh I hadn’t really thought of the rest of the crew that much lol. But I really wanted to radically change their personalities to hammer down that this is a different timeline.
Hm? Oh, SMG3? Well, let’s just say he remembers getting tortured by Smart Mario… and that he is very good at holding a grudge…
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junemo10 · 2 years
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Fandom Spotify Playlists ✨
Wanted to make a list of my fandom related playlists
For my AU master list please click this
⚠️ For BBC Merlin content please click this (I had too much so it got its own post lol)
Sasaki and Miyano - Sasaki and Miyano
Heartstopper - Nick and Char
The Song Of Achilles - I could recognize him by touch alone, by smell. I would know him blind
Red, White, and Royal Blue - I completely fucking love you
Good Omens - Ineffable Lovers
Sherlock - you, it’s always you. You keep me right
Supernatural - I did all of it, for you
Once Upon A Time - you are my happy ending
The 100 - if you need forgiveness, I’ll give that to you
The Flash - constant. across dimensions. across time. to the end and back
The Magicians - peaches and plums motherlover
The Vampire Diaries - passion and adventure …and even a little danger
Avatar: The Last Air Bender - bending friends
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