#Andrew feeling selfish for being hugged
olliesneweyes · 1 month
so basically to put it lightly im really incredibly regular and ordinary but anyway
i'd imagine the murder is something constantly lingering in the back of his mind, since the guilt is always gnawing at his conscious. i think he would have nightmares about it actually, where nothing changed from the original incident, its just the sudden moment of him realizing someone's caught him doing illegal activities, and then instead of maybe getting away with a good excuse, he panics and kills a man (was it even panic? or is that just an excuse to get back at the landlord that made his life even harder?)
though, i think a bout of sleep deprivation could have the same effect where the memory just rushes forward out of nowhere. and he's entirely convinced he's covered again with blood that isn't his and he needs to get rid of the evidence before anyone notices because god. if someone notices all hell will break loose (though it would be deserved if he's a murderer, wouldnt it)
he probably over the sink for way longer than he should, desperately clawing the bloodstains off his hands yet working himself up more when the blood from his own injuries starts mixing with the water.
and then once emil comes in all rationality goes out the window because out of everyone that had to see this, it couldnt be emil. he tries to play it off as a usual thing, despite the obvious steam coming from the water
and emil looks concerned which only serves to panic him more, and this is where he starts to be a little unnerving. he knows emil said something but he couldnt hear what- it mustve been an accusation, though. at this point hes incredibly stressed and the words dont come out right and he can feel tears in his eyes because he has to be believed, or else he'll lose one of the few people who cares about him. it looks like emil might be believing him, since emil went to move him out of the bathroom, so he keeps talking and explaining despite how sore his throat is becoming and how much he's coughing until all of the sudden his voice doesnt work anymore and all that comes out are hoarse, terrible sounding coughs that seem to worsen as the tears fall incessantly.
at some point the coughing finally ends he notices emil is looking at him and holding a roll of bandages. as if asking for permission. and andrew isnt in the position to deny him anything, even if he thinks it'd be a waste of time in the end so he lets emil wrap them and help andrew steady his hands enough for him to put his gloves back on while mumbling quiet reassurances to him and once everything is done he feels emil leaning against him in an embrace that theyve been in so many times. an embrace he still wants more of despite how selfish that is
so he lets himself have this for now. and he realizes that he was just saved from the evil that plagued him by this man, even though he absolutely didnt deserve the divine treatment he was just given, and he nearly breaks down again because the weight against him is so welcoming and nonjudgmental and its all he could ever ask for at the moment
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ninyard · 2 months
are u an Aaron Stan? If so, would u mind sharing ur Aaron hcs?
I don’t have many but what I do have is:
- Once Aaron actually starts trying in his sessions with Betsy, a few months or maybe a year in, he says something that really shakes Andrew to his core. Maybe something about how it made him feel to walk into that room in Nicky’s house and see what he saw, how for just a moment it felt like he was looking at it happening to himself. They talk about that one right up until the end of the session, but when they get back to the dorms, it doesn’t feel right to split off and go their separate ways and pretend like nothing was said. I like to think at one point, maybe then, Andrew takes him up to the roof and listens to him talk. And Aaron does, because he’s kept it inside for so long, not even talking to Katelyn about it, because it didn’t feel like his business to share. It felt like something he couldn’t say because it did happen to Andrew, not him, and it feels selfish to say there was that tiny part of him that can’t get over seeing it because of how identical they look. Andrew gets it, because the twin thing alongside the drake thing is a touchy subject. Maybe Andrew shares a little bit back, and that’s when they actually talk to each other for the first time about ~stuff~ outside of their sessions with Betsy.
- He also cries when he hears Andrew talk about his past with Drake on the stand at his trial. Andrew doesn’t look at him, not even once, but it absolutely destroys Aaron to hear what he went through. Andrew is outside having a cigarette by the time he’s leaving, and Andrew accepts the comforting hand that squeezes his shoulder, because as much as Aaron feels like he should hug him, that’s the best he can offer.
- I’ve shared it before, but Aaron loves German music. He’s into techno music/house music, and loves a good rave.
- Aaron is a normal or angry drunk on most alcohols/spirits, but on wine he’s a bubbling baby. Two glasses of white wine and he’s crying. He doesn’t drink wine.
- Once he gets qualified and graduates med school, most of the foxes text him about their medical questions. Andrew would just text him a picture of a cut that could be infected, or a digit that could be broken, and he’ll just respond “go to the ER” or “get a cream, ur good”. He’s passionate about his job, and secretly loves that his friends and family trust him enough with their medical problems to ask him for advice. Unless it’s Nicky, because he’s a hypochondriac, so he’ll happily tell him that a simple bruise on his foot that will that will heal in a week will need to be amputated. It’s like preparation for being a Dad and having to say the same thing to his kids.
- It wasn’t a hard decision to make, but when he gets married, it’s really really difficult for him to call Andrew and asks him to be his Best Man. Katelyn is on his ass for MONTHS to just say it to Andrew, but every time he tries to pick up the phone and ask, he thinks of an excuse not to. They’re together for Christmas or Thanksgiving a couple of months before the wedding, and when Neil and Katelyn are tidying away dishes, he asks Andrew out onto the porch for a cigarette. Andrew doesn’t say much, and winds him up about it because he can tell how anxious he is to ask, but he agrees of course. It’s a huge weight off Aaron’s shoulders, but Andrew just calls him stupid when Aaron tells him he was afraid he would say no.
- He has half of a fake tooth because one got chipped during an Exy match. He is really self conscious about it even though it’s barely noticeable at all. It’s the one regret he has about having played Exy in college.
- someone made a post recently about him being allergic to some type of fruit and honestly. He seems like the type to be allergic to kiwis.
- He’s a paediatric doctor once he gets certified. He’s really good with kids, and keeps stickers in his lab coat.
- He shaves his head at one point after Andrew goes pro, mostly because people keep coming up to him on the street and asking for pictures, thinking he’s Andrew.
- He goes to the Olympics the first time Andrew plays, and he can’t help but feel hugely proud watching his brother play. It’s the time that it really sinks in for him how much his life has changed since they first met, and how much purpose Neil has given him.
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 1 year
I’m right where you left me
Aaron should have expected this. He should’ve known that this is going to happen. Every single good thing that he has never last. He will never be good enough. Katelyn broke up with him because “being with Aaron is too much.” And Aaron understands, his psychotic brother and derange boyfriend, his trauma and the stupid fucking foxes. Of course it will all be too much. He doesn’t blame Katelyn.
So why is he completely shattered when Kevin left him for Andrew and Neil?
Kevin and he are nothing, just two guys fucking because they have nothing better to do. So it is Aaron’s fault for falling. And how can he not? When Kevin is the one to take care of him and make sure he is okay after they fucked every time. When they go out and have dinners and watch movies and take late night walks at the beach. When Kevin helps Aaron to study for his finals, making him food and reminding him to drink water.
Aaron has no one. The broken deal he had with Andrew left him with no friends. He had Katelyn, but now, he only has the fucking foxes. So of course it will be Kevin.
Aaron is not delusional, they explicitly say that they are only friends with benefits. Kevin tells Aaron many times how much he looks like Andrew. Kevin whispers to Aaron that he likes Andrew but Andrew is with Neil and Kevin cannot decide if he likes Andrew or Neil more. Aaron knows all of these. Kevin can never hide it well when he is staring at Andrew and Neil.
Aaron notices Andrew noticing. Aaron just did not expect Andrew to talk to him about it.
“What is going on between you and Kevin?” Andrew asks Aaron one day, when they are somehow alone in Andrew’s room.
“Don’t lie to me.” Aaron does not answer. But andrew will not budge and there is no one more stubborn than Andrew maybe except Neil.
“We are just friends with benefits.” Aaron snaps.
“Kevin likes Neil and I.” Andrew casually says, taking a cigarette and lighting it.
“I know,”
“Neil and I don’t mind,” Aaron’s entire world collapses right there and then.
“Okay, I don’t care.” Whatever pieces of Aaron’s heart that are left have burnt up to ashes.
Andrew looks at him, but Aaron has been in therapy with Andrew long enough that Aaron knows how to hide something from him.
Without another word, Andrew left Aaron, taking the ashes with him.
Aaron stands there stupidly. He feels like crying. He does not want to cry. He cannot cry. His chest is burning and his eyes are watering and he cannot breathe and he needs to get out of Andrew’s room before anyone comes back and go back to his room and lock it and-
The door opens, Kevin comes in and one look at Aaron’s blank face he envelops him in his arms.
“What’s wrong?”
Aaron cannot talk, his throat is so tight that if he speaks then all that will come out of it are screams.
Aaron wants to pull away, before the remaining pieces of his soul are ruined. But he is selfish and desperate and a masochist. So he allows himself to stay in Kevin’s embrace. He hugs him back tightly.
“What’s wrong?” Kevin asks again, sounding very concerned.
“Just terrified of my finals,” Aaron mumbles into Kevin’s hoodie.
“You will ace it,” Kevin says, “I’ll help you.”
No you won’t. You will be with Andrew and Neil.
“Okay,” Aaron says.
Then Kevin kisses him. And one thing leads to another and they end up in Kevin’s bed.
Aaron wakes up to an empty bed. He should get used to it. But he already misses waking up in Kevin’s arms. Aaron cannot help but lingers in Kevin’s bed before getting out.
Aaron tries to go on as usual. He goes to classes, he goes to practices, he studies. He tries to ignore Kevin. Kevin is confused at first, seems even a bit hurt. But then he spends all his time with Andrew and Neil. And Aaron knows that Andrew and Neil told him.
So there is nothing left for Aaron. Once again Aaron is being left.
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Solace in Abandonment
Ashley had hoped she would reach a point where she could ignore it. The pain had dulled but it was now an ever present ache, not as sharp but it would not fuck off.
"Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck this," she grumbled. If she didn't distract herself she was going to explode. Her head was fuzzy and full of bees. It felt gross, so she decided a shower was in order. Well, maybe a bath. less likely to pass out and crack her skull.
"Ooh, that's a conversation starter," she thought. Even a slow torturous death couldn't stop her from bugging her beloved Andy. A mischievous grin crossed her face as she headed for their room.
"Hey Andrew, I wanna take a shower. You wanna come with and make sure I don't fall and die?"
Andrew rolled over and looked his sister in the face, trying to gauge what her intention was. There was always something more to what she said and he'd learned to read between the lines over the past twenty years. That evil smirk told him she was trying to fuck with him. Maybe he'd fuck back this time.
"Ashley, you're either trying to bait me into eating your corpse or seeing you naked under some weird hunger induced notion of romance." He looked her in the eye, waiting for a reaction
Ashley's eyes widened and she pointed at Andrew teasingly, "You think being around me naked would be romantic?"
Andrew threw his head back into the bed and grabbed his face in both hands. Advanced malnutrition meant he saw stars in doing so. Once they passed he spat, "that's not what I meant you freak!"
Ashley's grin grew toothy and wide as she moved closer to the bed, "So does that mean you want me to fall and die so you can eat me instead?" She crawled on the bed, struggling not to pass out on top of Andrew. "That's so fucked up and I am absolutely down for that, if there is even a glimmer of love in your heart left for your precious Leyley then you will let me be inside you Andy!"
There was a pause, then Andrew started laughing. He draped one arm across his face, while the other pounded the bed. The force threw Ashley off balance and she flopped over on top of him. She began laughing too, and the both of them cackled like maniacs. After their laughing fit passed Ashley took the opportunity to make herself comfortable and snuggle up close to her brother.
"I meant what I said, you know." Ashley tilted her head to look Andrew in the eye as she spoke. "No sense in letting perfectly good meat go to waste."
Snaking his arm under Ashley, Andrew rolled over on his side, flipping his sister between himself and the wall. She yelped in surprise. He reached up and moved her hair from her face, and looked her in the eyes. "Absolutely not. You're all I've got left in this goddamn purgatory. I know I'm being selfish but you are staying with me for as long as possible."
The way he looked at her, the way he touched her, the words he spoke set her on fire. Her heart pounded and her mind could only think of one word: mine. "Mine, mine, mine. He was all mine and nobody else's," she thought.
Eyes wide and serious, she responded, "It goes both ways you know. I'm really selfish and greedy and possessive. If I'm going to be yours you can't have anybody else. Not that bitch from before the start of all this, not some fucking whore you meet after this, not even Mom and Dad. They all abandoned us to die here, THEY DON'T CARE AND THEY DON'T MATTER!" Tears welled up in her eyes, and she buried herself in Andrew's chest.
Emotional outbursts always left her feeling raw and exposed. She hated it so much. Maybe that's why she got so angry. The most painful part of this one is that it was true. All those people who should have been looking out for them, the people that they loved and trusted had just moved right the fuck on. Ashley choked out, "goddamn fucking bastards should rot in hell, just like the one they left us in."
Andrew wrapped his arms around Ashley, hugging her tight. Eventually her tears stopped and she pulled back to look at him again. Everything she wanted, everything she needed was right in front of her. She ran her hands through his hair. Her fingers slipped close to his scalp, firmly twisting hair in her hands. His arms went to her waist and pulled her closer.
Close enough to feel her breath on his face, Andrew spoke, "They left us alone, so we might as well be each others. I'll be yours if you'll be mine, Leyley." Ashley's heart skipped, hearing him call her that for the first time in forever. She closed her eyes and pulled Andy's lips to her own.
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whataboutmyfries · 2 years
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✩The Bedtime story Project✩
Hello everyone! welcome to the first edition of the bedtime story project! This started out as a little selfish endeavor to find some short, fluffy goodness to read as a bedtime story and here we are! This is a collection of all of the lovely fics that you folks have recced (along with some of my own finds sprinkled in) that I put together in the hopes of helping someone else find a little bedtime story too! Ft shorter(ish) fics, tooth-rotting fluff and so much love :)
✩ The hunger at the heart of me by foxdemon13 (Andreil | T | 7.4K)
There is a board in the local library where everyone can leave a note. Andrew decides to reply to a particularly assholish one. He didn't expect this to turn into sharing truths with a complete stranger he has never seen. He expected falling for him even less.
Utterly delightful, fluffy Andriel with references to lovely books that made me grin like a dope, soft and fluffy to the most <3 recced by @onbeinganangel
✩Waiting up for better things by @fuzzballsheltiepants (Andreil | M | 12.7K)
Neil Josten has an actual life. A job. An apartment. A cat. Friends. A legal passport with his legal name. He entertains himself by casually stalking a singer at a local coffee shop. It’s comfortable. Safe. Something he never thought he’d have.
It doesn’t feel real.
A decade ago, Abram found a boy with a guitar on a high school rooftop. And now he would do anything to feel that real again.
Inspired by ‘Safe’ by All Time Low.
One of my own finds! utterly delightful musician!Andrew au, I love it to bits.
✩Sleepover by @msalexwp (T: rated by me)
so so cute, so fluffy, Sirius realising he's in love with Remus ft Remus wearing Sirius's clothes and so many cuddles <333
✩Palm kissing by @fruitcoops (T: rated by me)
Tw: minor injury, with Sirius talking care of Remus and Remus being a simp SO good
✩Spring, Summer, Winter, Fall Sirius is in love by @msalexwp (T | 1.8K)
A year in the life of Sirius being head-over-heals in love with a golden angel from heaven by way of Wales, Remus Lupin.
One of my absolute favourite pieces this month. It made my entire week and I still think of it from time to time. wonderfully written and delightfully cozy
✩Just Stay by @nv-md (M | 2.7K)
Harry's been injured yet again, and Draco has to stay the night to take care of him. Which shouldn't be a problem, except Draco's in love and Harry's half-naked.
So so so cute, I loved every single second. Warm and comforting and so much like a drarry hug, I love it so much
✩Even children get older by louisfake (M | 4.5K)
It started with don't wake the baby.
Oh my GOSH I love a good drarry + teddy fic and this one did it in all of the best ways, perfect for the Christmastime feels :) recced by @nv-md
✩Fruit stand by @drarrily-we-row-along (T: rated by me)
Oh my gosh. oh my GOSH. So I've absolutely rampaged through this lovely author's masterlist. I am so grateful to @phoebe-delia for introducing me to this tooth-rotting, heart-warming work :)
Thank you so much to everyone that sent in recommendations and thank you so much to all the wonderful authors for putting their lovely works out into the world <3 There are a bunch more recs that I haven't included in this post, but I plan on including them in the next ones! Thank you, lovely reader for going through my first ever reclist! feel free to come yell about these lovely works with/at me, and you can send in your recs on the comments of this post, or my inbox!
happy reading!
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Partner's Brunch
I know I said the next thing I wrote would be "Two Can Plat at this Game," and I did start writing it today, but then my muse struck while I was out work and I knew if I didn't get this written out that I would lose it forever.
Dedicated to @snailsandpuppy-dogtails bc she loves my partner's brunch headcanon
Summary: Every Saturday the team is away on a case, the partners of team members get together and do brunch. They have decided to invite Penelope to join them, even if she's not dating anyone on the team. Right? (Part chat fic, part dialogue, all chaos)
Word count: 2034
Can also be found here on Ao3
In Profiler Partner’s Brunch Bunch group chat
Kristy: Hey, I was thinking, I know she’s not the partner of a profiler, but should we invite Penelope to join us? I know she must be struggling right now, this would probably help her a lot.
Krystall: You know, I was going to suggest the same thing. She might not be a romantic partner to any of them, but she was their work partner, so she totally counts.
Max: I mean I’m easy. I feel like as the newest member I get the absolute least amount of say 😂
Will: Plus, maybe we can push the romantic partner envelope a bit… since she and Luke aren’t working together anymore…
Kristy: Yes, exactly!
Savannah: Damn, Penelope’s gonna be there now??? And I don’t get to hang out with her because I have the AUDACITY to be living in another state? Unfair.
Kristy: Well, I still have to ask her. Give me a minute.
In a chat between Kristy and Penelope
Kristy: Hey, so Krystall, Will, Max, and I have something called the “Profiler Partner Brunch Bunch” and we all get brunch every Saturday the team is away, and I know you’re not dating anyone on the team, but we want to make you an honorary member, make sure you never feel excluded. We’d love it if you could join us on Saturday. I know it’s kind of short notice, but the idea JUST struck us.
Penelope: Kristy Simmons you absolute angel, I would LOVE to.
Penelope: That sounds like so much fun!!! I would love to.
Kristy: Yay!! I’ll add you to the chat.
That Saturday, Penelope was greeted by kisses and hugs from her friends. “This is such a cute idea,” she said as they sat down. “Who came up with it?”
“Well for the longest while I was the only one,” Will said. “But then Beth came along, way back when, and she and I started this, and people have been filtering in and out ever since. Alex’s husband came by when he was in town, Kate’s husband, when she was on the team, Savannah, of course, and then everyone else here.”
“Savannah still comes, occasionally, when she’s in town,” Kristy said. “Andrew does too.”
“That’s amazing! Did Lisa ever come, back when she and Luke were still together?” Penelope didn’t know why she was asking about Lisa, especially since Luke had asked her out just a few days before. She still couldn’t quite believe it.
“No, actually,” Will replied.
Penelope had to admit, she was shocked. “Wait, really?”
“Yeah,” Kristy said. “I mean, we invited her and told her she was always welcome, but she never came. Always had to work, I guess.”
“You know,” Krystall said, “I can’t say I ever met her.”
“Me neither,” Max added. “Although I came after her, didn’t I?”
“Yeah, you did,” Kristy confirmed.
“I’ve never heard anyone on the team mention this,” Penelope said. “Do they know?”
Kristy, Will, Krystall, and Max all looked at each other, thinking. “No, I don’t think they do,” Krystall eventually said.
“Not that we’re trying to keep it a secret,” Will added.  “But it hasn’t exactly come up, you know? It’s like our own little support group. It’s nice to talk to people who understand how hard it can be to have your partner gone a lot.”
“Yeah,” Max said. “It can put a strain on any relationship. New, or old, so this is how we cope with that, relieve some of the stress. And yeah, it sounds selfish, because they’re off risking their lives and hunting down the worst in humanity, but it can be hard being the partner of someone who’s gone all the time, it’s just a fact.” She took a sip of her drink. “Plus the mimosas are awesome.”
“A very welcome bonus,” Kristy agreed, taking a sip of her own.
“Penelope, are you okay?” Krystall asked her. “You seem like you’re panicking.”
Penelope thought she had been doing a good job of keeping her emotions from showing on her face, but apparently she was wrong. All that talk about how hard it could be to be with someone who was gone all the time… especially a new relationship… it scared her a bit. She really liked Luke, and she wanted whatever they were starting to work out. “Can you guys keep a secret?”
Her four friends looked at each other, slightly confused, then back at her. “Yeah.”
“Luke asked me out the other day,”
“Holy shit,” Will whisper-screamed. “Are you serious?”
“Yeah. And all this talk about how hard it can be dating someone who’s gone all the time is making me kinda nervous. Actually it’s making me pretty scared.”
“Well that’s a good thing, right?” Max asked. “Because if you’re scared, it means you want it to work out, which means you’re willing to put the work in.”
Penelope was unsure. “I guess so…”
Krystall took her hand. “Sweetheart, you have nothing to be scared about.”
“What do you mean?”
“Because if you want it to work, and he wants it to work,”
“And he does,” Kristy added. “He really, really does, trust us.”
“Then it will,” Krystall finished. “Everyone can see that there’s something between you two.”
“Including me,” Max said. “And I’ve only seen you together once.”
Penelope turned to her, shocked. “Wait, how?”
“It’s the way he looks at you,” all four people she was sitting with answered simultaneously.
“Wow, okay.”
“So, details,” Kristy said, shoving her lightly. “We need details! When? Where? How? And when? Seriously, when? You just left the team, and they’re not even back from their first case without you!”
Penelope felt a blush slowly creep up her neck and cheeks as she recalled that night. “It was at my going away party. He pulled me away for a water break and said, ‘I was wondering, since we’re not going to work together anymore, maybe I could take you to dinner?’ He was really nervous, too, blushing and stammering over his words and such. It was actually pretty cute.”
“Wait,” Krystall said. “I saw that! Oh, that’s so exciting!”
“He couldn’t wait one more second to ask you out,” Will said. “And you wondered how we could all tell he had something for you.”
Penelope blushed and looked down to her drink. “I guess that’s fair.”
“So when are you two going out?” Max asked. “And where’s he taking you?”
“I don’t know, we didn’t really get the chance to talk about it yet.” As if on cue, Penelope’s phone went off. A text from Luke. “Actually, that’s him right now.”
“Well, answer it!” Kristy says excitedly.
Penelope unlocked her phone and read the text from Luke. “He says that at the rate they’re going with the case right now, they should be back by Wednesday at the latest, unless they hit a major roadblock, and would I be interested in going out that night, and if not, the next day?”
“Oh my god that’s amazing,” Max blurted. “I mean he wants to take you out on a Wednesday, a night that’s not very popular for dates, as soon as he gets back from a case? He wants to go out with you as soon as he possibly can, which I mean checks out, since he asked you out right away after you left, so it means he’s super into you.” Everyone else stared at her. “What?”
“You sound like a profiler,” Will told her.
“Spencer talks a lot. You learn a thing or two.”
“Well, what are you going to respond?” Kristy asks Penelope.
She spoke as she typed her response. “Sounds good to me! Can’t wait.”
Luke: Me neither.
Luke: I’m really glad you said yes. I kinda like you a lot, so I was really nervous you were going to say and our whole friendship would be *woosh* out the window.
Penelope: Well, I kinda like YOU a lot, so the answer was easy. Come back soon and safe, okay?
Luke: I promise <3
Penelope bit her lip and grinned at the little heart emoticon Luke sent her. Just then, Kristy’s phone went off. “It’s a text from Matt. We’re driving to the family of a victim’s house right now to talk to them, and Luke is looking at his phone and grinning like an idiot. What are the odds he’s texting Penelope?” She looked up from her phone at the woman in question. “Can I tell him?”
“Go ahead.”
Kristy spoke out loud as she typed. “One hundred percent. I’m with her right now and she’s texting him.” A pause as Matt responded, and then, “He wants to know what we’re doing.”
“Is this what High School is like nowadays?” Krystall asked. 
“Probably,” Max replied. Then to Kristy she said, “Tell him that we’re doing a Partner’s Brunch and she is an honorary member because she used to be on the team.”
“He says, hopefully she won’t be an honorary member much longer, the way he was smiling at his phone. Now that she’s off the team, maybe he’ll get his head out his ass and actually ask her out.”
“I want to see that smile he’s talking about,” Penelope said.
“I’ll ask him if he can send a picture.” A moment as they waited for his reply. “He says he can't, he's put his phone away and stopped smiling as much.”
“Well then let me fix that,” Penelope said, pulling her phone back out.
Penelope: Give any thought to where you’re going to take me?
Luke: There’s this new place downtown that supposedly has AMAZING vegetarian options.
Luke: And live music and dancing, if that’s something that interests you.
“Damn, who knew Luke as a romantic?” Will asked after Penelope shared these texts with them.”
“Doesn’t surprise me,” Krystall said. “Not after some of the stories David has shared with me.”
Penelope: That interests me very much, Luke.
Penelope: You better hurry up and catch that guy, because I’m very excited now.
Luke: I'll do my best for you <3
“We got a picture!” Kristy announced. She showed her phone to them, and on it there was a picture of Luke staring down at his phone, a grin stretching practically from ear to ear, and he was, without a doubt, blushing.
Luke: Will do, Chica
“What’s with Chica?” Max asked.
“He called me it once years ago because I look like the absolute last person on earth who would have the last name Garcia, and he made a joke about it, and I told him I hate the name, which, I don’t, but I couldn’t have him know that, and he’s called me it a lot since. At first I think it was just kind of to spite me, but now it’s cute.”
Luke: Any reason Matt would have just tried (and failed) to stealthily take a picture of me???
Penelope: I’m out with Kristy, Krystall, Will, and Max right now, and while you and I were texting, he texted Kristy saying you were grinning at your phone and blushing and what were the odds you were texting me?
Penelope: She said 100% and I said I wanted to see you blushing, because I didn’t believe you could. I was wrong.
“Matt wants to know, what the fuck she just said to him, because he’s blushing even harder and typing furiously.”
Penelope: Matt wants to know what we’re talking about because you’re losing your mind over there.
Luke: Can I tell him?
Penelope: Sure, go ahead.
A minute passed by before Luke texted again.
Luke: “Well, Matt, Penelope and I are just discussing where I’m going to take her out for dinner for our date once we get back from this case.”
Just then Kristy burst out into laughter. 
“Matt told you that Luke told him?” Penelope guessed.
Luke: Guess the cat’s out of the bag now Penelope: Good. I hate cats being bags.
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thebookofagma · 2 years
Silas. Your grandma Becky is an amazing woman. During family gatherings Becky and I would slip away out to the garage and smoke Virginia slims together. Take note of your grandma Becky's patience, compassion and reason. Becky never holds grudges and if you live your life the same way you will lighter and freer. Happy. I miss Becky very very much. Grandpa Jim is a business man with a very high IQ. He provides for all of his family and more importantly he's a good man. You should listen and learn everything from him that you can. His family needs him. He's a hard worker and if he can do a job himself he will. He re did the outside of the family's deck by himself. He makes amazing skyline chili and is a die hard Ohio State fan so im sure you will be watching the games with him. He is also a man of god. I went to church, Sunday school and confirmation while I was growing up. I was confirmed catholic but never lived my life through it. I felt as if when I stepped into the world I was completely alone. Completely alone. For god so loved the world, that he gave his only son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. Maybe if I had actually read, learned and lived through the bible I would've ended up different? No. I made my choices. "He who keeps his mouth will keep his life. He who open his lips too wide will bring forth his own destruction." Proverbs 13 - 3.
Always respect aunt Kenzie and uncle Jake. Kenzie has her fathers wisdom and her mother's heart. She will be a great aunt to help you with your homework you cant figure out. Her and Jake will be the "fun" uncle and aunt when you're a little older. Your cousins, William and Jameson, will be great older cousins that will protect you and keep you sage. I have a feeling Quinley will want to help take care of you. I always that her and Jets palpable energy was contagious. Both of them were always my two favorites. Your aunt Brittany and uncle Joe helped raise and take care of all of your cousins growing up so they both deserve supreme respect from you at all time. Actually... Brittany and Kenzie did most of the hard work now that I think about it... HAHA just kidding Jake and Joe.
Although I don't know your aunt Maddie on a personal level but I have an odd feeling she will make for a really cool aunt. Your uncle Kyle and his cousins Andrew and Nick were friends I strongly admired growing up. We will get to those stories at some point. Uncle Kyle can teach you to defend yourself against bullies. He was always a great friend and with out doubt always the life of the party. He is a great uncle to have and you should be very thankful.
My mother, grandma Bea, is the most amazing woman on the planet Silas. She and my father gave me an amazing life. I grew up in the same town you are being raised in. Waconia Minnesota. Ahhh yes. It's a safe and quite honestly a cozy caring community for you to grow up in. I've seen much worse. If my mother and father hadn't brought me to Waconia from South Korea I would have never met your mother and you would've never been born. My mother was robbed an amazing son that she deserved. Always love Grandma Bea twice as much. Always give her two big hugs, one for you and one for me. Please Silas. When you see her always remind her that I love her.
Your aunt Karrie is my only sister. Karrie will love you so much to the point where you wont even need me. Your aunt Karrie was always more brave than me, smarter than me, grew up faster than me and was much more responsible than me. I was horrible to her because I envied her little king. I was immature and selfish. When your aunt Karrie is around, I promise you, you will be safe.
Your grandpas Ken is the smartest man i've ever met and i've met alot of people Silas. He is a great man. When I was young I wanted to be him. The reason we grew distant is because he doesn't understand the man i've become and why I do the things I do. The truth is, I don't understand myself either, but I understand everyone else around me. My father gets along and is respected by every person he meets, but i'm the only other human he has conflict with. I am the only one. Sometimes Silas, we fear what is impossible to understand. I've told horrible lies about my father and none them were true. He is the greatest dad I could ever ask for and he is a good at everything. He knows the young me well, so he will be very observant of you and have great advice towards things you should do depending on what your strengths are. But always, do what you want, not what other people want you to do. Everything to achieve nothing to prove little king. Silas. You are extremely special. More than you know. You will bring happiness to those around you effortlessly. Help creating you was my purpose. My gift back to my family and your mothers. My father is the best man and husband this world has seen. Be thankful to have him in your life.
Your mother is the strongest, most generous, empathetic and amazing person. Not girl. Person. She has a fire inside her that is fgar too strong to burn out. A lot of men will want to take that fire from her but they wont be able to because your mother is too strong. A lot of people are intimidated by her the first time they meet her. I know I was. She was an adventure of happiness and sadness and all of the love that got lost in between. She has the power to make me laugh and fall apart in the same 24 hours. Allison... I know you will take care of him. He is special. You're surrounded by amazing people who you can rely on, both yours and my family. Your journey will be filled with less virulent pain without me in it. You deserve someone truly great. A partner who never makes you question your self worth. Someone who chases your happiness as much as their own. Who supports your passions. I hope you find someone you can laugh with, sit in silence with and share your deepest secrets with. A lover, a partner, and a friend all in one. Someone who treats you as their equal, who learns and grows with and beside you. Someone who respects your heart, family and your values. I hope you find someone who reminds you that you deserve the love you guve. A far greater person then I am capable of becoming. I kill myself while thinking about you and Silas. I've tried so hard to change but failed and now is at the end. Im broken. Trying to heal. Im lost. Always remember the 100 things. Unrequited love forever.
Silas. Love makes us both happy and sad, and not a living person has been able to understand why. You know, the world is tired, and the only wealth we have left is love. On that note, here is my true life story. Anyone has the option to stop reading now. ( pages 5, 6, 7) End chapter
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Hiiii Could you do a Loki x reader based off Green Green Dress from tick tick boom?? It’s a 3am idea and I can’t get it out of my head. It’s probably dumb but you’d def be able to do it actually well
You ask I write! thank you so much for your request!
I am a big sucker for this song!!
*My requests are open*
Pairing: Loki x Fem!Reader
Summary: Loki's old fuckboy habits had you angry and jealous...until you decide to do something about it.
Warnings: Jealousy, karma, spicy, NSFW, Angsty. (Same universe, just putting Andrew Garfield as spiderman instead of Tom Holland)
Loki taglist: @lokisprettygirl22 @lucky-foxface @otakumultimuse-hiddlewhore @high-functioning-lokipath @thereadinggeek @el-zef @lulubelle814 @beakami @lokiprompts @ddeadlystbbxx @ilovefanfictions @laurenandloki
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Smart Dress
“No fucking way, is that Loki?” Barton pointed out to the other side of the street. He had a redhead around his arm. It was the fourth girl that week. He didn’t seemed to notice you, so he couldn’t appreciate how your heart broke piece by piece.
There is this philosophical theory that says that when we lust over something and then when we have it, we don’t want it anymore. Thinking about that possibility hurt you like a million stabs. He courted you, gave you flowers, won you over, but after a few nights of sex…he started to avoid you.
None of the Avengers knew, or at least not an official Avenger.
“Woah, asshole” Peter’s back fell against the bedpost after you told him. “Yeah” tears fell down your cheeks like a river, “Come here, come on” he pulled you into a hug, “You deserve so much better than him, he’s not man enough” that only made you sob even harder, “It still hurts”.
Peter is your best friend, it hurt the world to see you so hurt, and even more if it was the god of mischief. You came to him when you and Loki had fucked for the first time, you were happy and glowing, you had gotten a movie night with the man you liked. However after a few sessions, you told him that you felt a little empty, as if he had put less effort into the act.
"I can hang him from the bridge, just say the word" he tried to cheer you up, but you weren't amused, you liked Loki so much that just thinking about hurting him hurt you. That anguish, impotence, you felt selfish, as if you had no right to demand anything from her, but leaving you alone without aftercare, was the straw that overflowed the camel's back.
The girls he brought to the tower were beautiful, even more so than you, and you knew that. Larger breasts, pronounced curves, full lips, they were beauties from Venus.
“I just want… I want him to be sorry for ignoring me” and yet that was the only thing you could think about, because it was easier to focus on the least serious thing he did to you so as not to get depressed about the worst night you had ever had.
And then, a lightbulb illuminated Peter’s head. “Stark is going to throw a party next Friday, right?”
“Yeah, but I don’t feel like going” what were you going to do there anyways? Watch him with his new conquest? “Let’s go together” it seemed a good idea, “Pete, we’re just friends and you know it” but boundaries had to be set.
“Me and you? Partners in crime forever, but let’s pretend. You’ll see how he turns green of envy when he sees you’re not his to discard” he was right, he was so damn right, “Or his at all”. He hugged you tight, rocking you from side to side in excitement, “Damn right! Let’s go dress shopping!” you burst into a fit of laughs, “Hey, let Gwen know, I don’t want troubles with her”.
“I’m going to hang out with her tomorrow, I’ll tell her” he assured.  
Those days before the party you had a mission, Loki went as backup and ended up being your surveillance partner. You were as quiet as a dead man, "Everything okay?" because you knew that if you answered him, you would burst into tears like a girl whose mother has slapped her for the first time.
Because of the heartache, you were careless and wound up, "Y/n!" thanks to that he said your name for the first time in months, "It's just a scratch" you pushed him away. You didn't hate him, you couldn't, but you couldn't find a way to talk to him without wanting to yell at him.
Finally the day of the party came, “Y/n, are you coming to the party?” Tony put his arm around your shoulder as you headed to Wanda's room. "Yes, I trust we will have a great time" you hit his shoulder, playfully. "Do you even know me? I'm the party genius" he let go of you and disappeared down a hallway.
“I heard you went out with Parker yesterday” Natasha asked while putting some eyeliner on Wanda’s eyelids. “Yeah it was the best, I bought myself something for tonight” you teased, “I saw the bag, come on I want to see it” you buttoned up the last couple of buttons and then came out of the walking closet.
The dress had a sweetheart neckline, the material was green velvet, it glided over your curves perfectly, it highlighted them. the neckline had ties that tied behind your neck to keep it in place, a low back closure to hold the skirt to your hips, and a line of buttons that fell down your thigh from there to the bottom. The skirt had a slit that showed a seductive view of your black stockings. You put on gold heels to match, the ties twining around your calves like grape vines.
“Oh my, Y/N! you look beautiful!” Wanda stood up to hug you and start with your hair, “It’s green” Natasha sternly pointed the obvious, making clear that she knew, so you nodded. “I know”, she looked sad, she pitied you, “Are you sure?” or maybe she was concerned.
“I trust you two to kick asses if something happens” Wanda brushed your hair as you laughed, curling the tips with her magic, “How about a high bun? Your neck will be on display, and this pretty back you have” the dress had an open back, the material started again on your lower back, along with the zipper.
It was a dress meant to steal, win and crush some hearts.
“Hello beautiful” you heard his voice and immediately smiled, “Peter!” he was wearing a black tux, white dress shirt and a green vest, “Looking good Parker” you hugged him, “And you” he twirled you around, “Are beautiful, deadly” you giggled, “Thank you handsome”.
He took you by the hand and you walked beside him to the party, or the common room. "Attitude, don't look at him" Peter whispered in your ear before wrapping his right arm around your waist.
Several guests noticed how beautiful you looked, they let you know with envy, for the first time in days you felt sexy, empowered, pretty. You missed feeling confident.
"He is looking at you, don't turn around" he caressed your chin with two fingers indicating where to look, meanwhile he took out a necklace from his pocket. "What are you doing?" you laughed at the feel of his touch on your neck, "Trust me, if looks could kill, I'd be dead by now" Loki was thinking of a thousand ways to torture someone as he watched Peter plant a kiss on your shoulder from afar.
"Peter!" you laughed at how Machiavellian his plan was. “Forgive me” he giggled insinuating something, you didn’t understand why until music started to play.
“Deep, dark velvet hugs your silhouette
Black silk stockings, you're my Juliet
Soft, long hair, baby, beautiful eyes
Cool me down before I jump into your thighs”
He grabbed your hip turned you around, and passed his hand in between your breasts. He was all immersed in his role, the music, the provocation. By accident you saw Loki´s new hot blonde trying to get his attention, not succeeding at all.
“The green, green dress
20 buttons and a strap
The green, green dress
What a pleasure to unwrap
Green dress, oh, what it can do
What the green, green dress does to me on you
Me on you”
You were having the time of your life, dancing, you got the opportunity to sing along with Peter. Also it got a little heated, your body was pressed against his, your right leg hooked around his waist revealing a little of your stockings. All the eyes were set on you.
But then you made the mistake of looking at Loki, he was eating that blonde’s mouth without shame, they looked like they could fuck right there in front of everyone. It made your sick.
“Can I hear you laugh, babe? Can you make me smile?
I'll forget what's on my mind for a while
Can I tie you up, love? If you tell me, "Yes"
I'll unbutton every button down your green, green dress, ow!”
Peter laid you down on the table next to Loki, got on top of you, touched the buttons on your thigh with fake malice as he kept singing, it was the move that went too far.
The music died down, so Loki stood up. You moved away from Peter for two seconds to get drinks, and when you came back they were fighting.
"If I see you near her again, I'M GOING TO KILL YOU!" Loki yelled, struggling to get out of Thor’s strong arms, "Why you bother, asshole!? You had your chance to appreciate her and you didn't, now you'll never have her, because you're an idiot" Loki growled and grunted like a furious animal, you didn’t recognized him anymore.
“YOU FILTHY VERMIN!” Loki broke free of his brother's grasp and lunged at Peter. Your first instinct was to grab the dark-haired man by the shoulders and try to shake him off.
"LET HIM GO!" the elbow he gave you in the face made you fall backwards, if it hadn't been for Wanda you would have hit the ground. When Loki looked up to see what the deathly silence was about, blood dripped from your nose onto your dress.
“Pete?” Loki’s stomach flipped inside him when he heard your voice, “Can we go? I don’t feel well” you couldn’t even look at him, your nose hurt and you wanted to cry.
“Y/n” Peter let go of Loki and rushed to you, “How old are you, five? Drop me home, please?” he nodded, “Y/N!” you were tempted to turn, but you didn’t know what kind of consequences that would’ve brought.
So you didn’t…yeah,, you didn't listened to your head, and turned around.
Loki saw your bleeding nose and immediately felt like someone kicked him in the gut. "Yes?” your voice held so much pain, yet still holding back, and he sensed it.
“I…I apologize, for your nose” he offered you his handkerchief, green and soft to the eye, but you rejected it, “’s fine” your coldness hurt him like no weapon could ever do.
“I still feel…guilty, may I fix it?” his hand was drawn towards you, the same hand that once held yours. You turned to Peter, “Go, I´ll see you there” and accompanied Loki down the hallway.
You remembered the first time you were in his room, he had taken you from training session to help you surpass a panic attack. He hugged you and kept you near him, whispering sweet nothings in your ear in a soothing way.
He wandered around his room looking for something, judging by the mess you doubted he was going to find it soon, until he knelt down on the side of his bed and pulled out a red metal box with a white cross. A first aid kit.
“Why don’t you fix it with magic?” you asked as you sat on the edge of his bed, “With these issues I prefer to be thorough and careful” Wanda had fixed your broken nose with her magic already, he was just attempting to clean an internal bleeding with external medical aid.
It was useless, but you appreciated the thought and the intention, “It stopped bleeding” he said almost as if it surprised him.
You hummed in response, “Can I go now?” he looked up from the bloodied cotton balls to your eyes, “Why don’t you stay?” he asked nonchalantly.
“I don’t feel like staying in the tower” he sighed at your response, “I meant-" he meant staying in his room, “I know. I don’t want to” you clarified.
“Are you mad at me for something?” 'how clever' you thought. Rolling your eyes you answered.
“Crazy how you can be so perceptive, but you miss so much nonetheless” it hurt, to be mad at him and he not having the slightest idea of it.
His mother had told him the very same thing, almost the same words, it spook him a little. “Right, are you going to tell me what I did to you?” but he kept the attitude.
“If you don’t know then there’s no point in me telling you” he laughed slightly, “What’s so funny?” mentally you counted to 10 repeatedly so you wouldn't lose your shit.
“The dress, the spiderling, all the provocations…you’re jealous” he got closed as he rolled his tongue on the L.
“You wish!" You laughed, "Besides, of what exactly am I supposed to be jealous about?” not of his conquest of course, but he went for it.
“Me and Elena, what else could you be possibly mad about then?” so that was the bitch's name?! “Did you brought her flowers, poems?” Yes, you were jealous.
"Of course I did, I do that with every woman I meet” once you got a spear through your thigh, it didn't do much to anything important, but it hurt horribly for a year.
What he said hurt even more violently. The sudden change in your face made his heart hurt, so he attempted to fix his stupidity, “Y/n I was joking” but it made it worse.
“That’s what I am to you, a joke?” your whole body was on fire raw anger filling you up, “No, I-“ he tried to explained himself.
“Leave me alone, I’m not your anything Loki, you had no right to punch Peter” he laughed, “You’re worried about him? How about you go fuck him instead?” it was your turn to laugh. You stood up from his bed and went to the door with a smile, “Good idea, maybe I will”.
Your hand turned the doorknob, alas, you couldn't go out thought it, he had put his arms around your waist. “Stay” he pleaded against your hair, “Give me one good reason”
“I really…uhm” it wasn't the best moment to be at loss of words, but he tripped with all sorts of different sentences, not a single one made sense or was good enough to express how he felt.
He took way too long, in tears you sighed, putting your hands on his arms to force him release you, "I knew it" you murmured.
"Fuck" he cursed. Loki turned you around, closed the door with your back against it, and before you could protest he kissed you.
Smutty pt2 soon...
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celestialevie · 3 years
Birthday surprise // Niall Horan x singer! Reader
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Genre: Fluff
Word count: 1.6k
Warnings: none
A/N: Since it's officially my birthday week and Niall's has just passed, I decided to write this very self-indulgent fic (even though I can't sing, but a girl can dream </3). I mostly wrote this for myself because I adore this human with my whole heart. Anyways hope someone will enjoy this fic just as much as I did writing it.
Finishing the first two songs, you chat a little with your fans. Noticing some of the signs they brought with them to get you to notice them, some of them making you laugh, while some of them made your heart clench with love. Sitting down at the piano, starting to play 'champagne problems'. While you were in the happiest relationship to date now, you still had some issues with your past relationships, where you were made the villain and them a victim when in reality it was the literal opposite. Niall was the blessing you were praying for. So what if you were fucked in the head? Niall loved you just the way you were.
Your birthday was coming up, and you were going to spend it while being in one of the cities you absolutely love touring in – Dublin. Although you were heartbroken because this will be the first birthday you were going to celebrate without your boyfriend, Niall. Ever since you've known him, you celebrated both of your birthdays with one another. His tour lead him to being in America during your birthday, which really sucked. You were both bummed out about it, he even offered to reschedule that concert, so he can be with you in Dublin, maybe even visit his family whilst already being in Ireland, you told him no. You didn't want to be selfish just because it's your birthday. Talking on the phone with him right from the moment he was awake (which was already in the afternoon for you). '' It feels weird to not be with you on your birthday, how will I survive without my birthday kisses and hugs from you? '' you ask while pouting. Niall chuckled and mimicked your put. '' I will give you your birthday kisses and hugs as soon as I see you. With extra ones for each day between your birthday and the day we see each other again. I promise. '' he gives you a smile. And you just pout harder. '' I really miss you. I can't wait to see you soon. '' checking the time, you realize it's almost time for you to start getting ready. '' Hey baby, I have to go start getting ready soon. I'll make sure Jenna calls you to FaceTime and shows you at least some concert if you're not busy. I love you and I miss you. '' as you say that, you hang up and quickly text your makeup artist, she can come over. Two minutes later, her and Jenna (your assistant and close friend) are in your dressing room, and you're getting ready. An hour later, you were done with your makeup and hair and all that was left was to put on your outfit. Ten minutes later, you were slowly making your way towards stage. Quickly texting Niall another I love you, and wishing him good luck on his own show later, you were off on the stage, the intro of your song' dress' starting to play as you were brought onto the stage. Let the fun begin.
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After champagne problems, one of your favourite songs you wrote was next.
''... Don Perignon you brought it, no crowd of friends applauded
your hometown sceptics called it, champagne problems.''
'' A lot of you might not know, but this next song was inspired after I was done watching the amazing spider-man 2 for the millionth time. My love for Emma Stone and Andrew Garfield is unmatchable. Just ask my boyfriend, who's been hanging out with Tom Holland, how both of them are feeling betrayed by my love for both Amazing Spider-man's movies. This is How you get the girl. '' The intro of the song started playing and so were the screams of people.
Singing two more songs, you go get changed into a different outfit. Going back onto the stage, you're surprised that your manager Anna is standing there with a grin on her face.
'' Stand there like a ghost
Shaking from the rain
She'll open up the door and say 'are you insane?'
Say it's been long six months
And you were too afraid to tell her what you want, want...''
'' Uh-oh, manager is grinning, prepare yourselves guys, it's not going to be good. '' The crowd laughs while Anna rolls her eyes and smiles at you. '' We have a small surprise for you. '' as she says that, she points on the big screen behind you, when you turn around you are surprised to see a familiar face of one of your closest friends, Lewis Capaldi, wishing you a happy birthday and saying you guys need to go clubbing again soon. Laughing as his face fades away and the next one shows up, your very close friend and sometimes co-writer Taylor Swift, again wishing you the happiest birthday and saying how much she adores working with you and that she loves you very much. It went on for a while, all your friends and even your parents were there. Tears were falling down, and you didn't care it ruined your makeup. And then at the end there he was. My favourite face to see. Niall. '' Happiest birthday to you angel. I wish I could be there with you, just like we are always for our birthdays, but unfortunately I am not there to give you all the birthday hugs and wishes. I love you so much angel, keep rocking the world, and I will see you as soon as we can. '' At the end you were full on sobbing happy tears, hugging your manager and your band. The best surprise ever. '' I am very sorry for being a mess so publicly '' wiping your tears and thanking to whoever invented waterproof mascara for being the reason your makeup is not that ruined. '' Anyway, the show must go on, so let's go. '' picking up your acoustic guitar, adjusting it, you announce the song. ''You are in love. Let's go.''
As the show is slowly coming to an end, and you're about to play a song that is about your boyfriend, that he inspired you to write. And Taylor helped you co-write it.
Morning, his place
Burnt toast, Sunday
You keep his shirt
He keeps his word
And for once, you let go
Of your fears and your ghosts
One step, not much
But it said enough
You kiss on side walks
You fight and you talk
One night he wakes
Strange look on his face
Pauses, then says
You're my best friend
And you knew what it was
He is in love. ''
'' Sadly, the show is slowly coming to an end. You guys were the absolute best and I adore spending my birthday with you all. This next song is literally one of the most accurate songs I've written about any of my relationship. When I got inspired by my loveliest boyfriend, I had to invite Taylor to help me write it, as we all know she is the lyrics master. Lover is one of my many nicknames I use for Niall, and I know that he's probably watching this or will watch it later, so hi Niall. '' you wave to one of the camera's while the crowd laughs. Gently, you start playing the guitar.
What you didn't know is that your boyfriend is a liar and is actually hiding with your assistant Jenna, waiting to come on the stage to surprise you. Of course, he wouldn't miss your birthday, even if he has to reschedule the concerts. You were absolutely worth it. As he waits for the part of the song he's gonna crash in, Jenna and Anna are making sure you don't accidentally notice Niall before time. The plan is for Anna to quickly distract you on one side while Niall comes out on the other side of the stage.
'' (...)
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
Lover '' as you sing that part, you notice Anna waving at you like a maniac, distracting you and mouthing something to you. As you're trying to figure out what is she saying, the crowd starts screaming, and you freeze as the familiar voice starts to sing the next part of the song
''Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand...''
The song soon comes to an end, and you're bringing Niall into another hug. He just smiles and wraps his arms around your waist. '' Happy birthday, angel. I hope you don't mind me crashing. '' You just shake your head while holding him as close as you can. '' You are always welcome to crash my show. The next song is your song anyway, so you might as well stay and sing with me. '' he pulls away and looks at you. '' Let's go finish this show, so I can give you all the birthday kisses and hugs you want. ''
You turn around with your hand on your mouth, as the man himself makes his way towards you. You're in absolute shock because this man is supposed to be in America. He only laughs at your reaction as he pulls you towards him in a tight hug while still singing. Hugging him back, not wanting to let go of him. Slightly pulling away, looking him directly in his beautiful blue eyes while singing.
'' I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover ''
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royalsunshinehotel · 2 years
TASM!Peter Parker (SFW Alphabet)
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A/N: I’ve always loved spider-man, but I can’t emphasize enough how obsessed I was with Andrew Garfield’s version. My man is finally getting credit that’s long overdue, and it’s truly satisfying to watch. xx
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
When you first meet Peter, you’ve heard nothing about his background. He comes off reserved, observing you. Once you get to break through the layers, he’s basically on you 24/7. He’s all about the PDA, big or small. He likes to hold your hand mostly though, it’s simple and gets the point across to anyone looking.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
I feel like you and Peter would have a meet-cute, like he accidentally scares you in the hallway at college, because he’s so light footed. You joke about getting him a bell, like he was a cat. It’s all uphill after that. Being friends with Peter is accepting his … schedule, but knowing he’ll always show up when it counts.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
It varies depending on how tired he is. If he’s feeling well-rested, it’s pretty chill, he’ll just put you on his chest and breathe. If he’s tired after a night on patrol, he’ll drape himself across you like a blanket and not move for the next 6-8 hours.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
He’s unsure. Like, in theory, he’d put a ring on it, get a house in the suburbs, and be your trophy husband. But things are weird, now that there’s a multiverse, he can’t let himself plan anything. Not that he could before, but you get the idea.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
I think Peter would just shut down, be totally unreachable. Like he’d simply drop out of your life because breaking things off with you would be too much. He loves you, but he’s too selfish to tell you and do it right, that’s how he sees it, at least.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
If Peter lived in a perfect world, he would have proposed to you the moment he met you, and eloped with you in Vegas or something. But his practicality wins out, and he has to make sure you're down for his lifestyle. Peter doesn’t mean to keep secrets, he just wants to make sure you have all the information before you guys commit to each other.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
I truly think it varies. Like Peter has never been rough with you,, and he always stays aware of your feelings. His spidey sense dictates that if you’re not having fun he certainly won’t, so this brings you a lot closer than you’d be with anyone else. SO, as far as being gentle, it’s up to you. Peter lets you have control.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
Peter’s pretty darn tall. At 5’10, he likes giving hugs. All of the time, it’s either a half-hug, where you can get warm for a second, or a full all-consuming crushing hug that lasts at least 2 minutes.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
He holds onto it for as long as he can, before blurting it out in the most unromantic setting ever. Like, your at a fruit stand trying to get some oranges and he’s just “hey!!!!!!!!!!!” dialed to 10, as usual.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
I think, for the most part, Peter is pretty chill with the jealousy. He knows you, and he knows he’s your #1, because you're his. I feel like if he took you to a high school reunion or something
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Peter is either at 1 or 100, there is no middle ground. He’ll either give you a quick peck goodbye, or kiss you like he’s been drafted for war. He enjoys kissing your nose and he likes when you kiss his forehead.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He does great. He doesn’t even know what he does, but if there’s a kid at a party, Peter will be spending time with that kid. He also makes fun of people who say kids are difficult, because for him, they’re really not.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Peter’s usually out patrolling in the evening/night, so mornings are typically slow. It’s a bit of a process to wake him up fully, because he can be kind of a baby about it, but you get it quickly.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Mostly you wait for him to get home from patrol. You guys keep it light usually with Rom-Coms and carbs. Then maybe schoolwork. Maybe. m
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Peter would try so so so hard to be a closed book but your YOU and you're so PRETTY he can't help but want to throw himself at your feet and just ~!!!!!! ahhhhh
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Peter’s smart, a logical person. It takes a lot to get him riled, he can “not sweat the small stuff”, but sometimes he just accidentally pull his bedroom door off its hinges, and has to mope about it. Duality.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
He’d try and play it cool, but his brain’s too big. You’re gluten-free? Memorized. You're a fan of Taylor Swift? Yeah, same. It’s in his head and he’ll keep it there forever.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Honestly, something small. The two of you went to a used bookstore and cleaned up, headed back to his place and read for the rest of the day. The two of you change positions as the day goes on, but it’s cozy, and it’s what you both deserve.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
The MOST protective! You’re fully aware of his alter ego, but he likes to keep all of his Spider-Man business to himself, far far away from you. Other than that, he keeps it low-key, like linking arms in public, and not letting you walk on the street-side of the sidewalk.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks.)
Peter can be a bit of a dunce when it comes to remembering anniversaries, but he’s TRYING. Like he’s so stressed about missing your anniversary, that he accidentally sets the date up a whole day early. When he gets too into Spider-Man stuff, he can be a bit of a space case with everyday tasks, dates,etc, but he always comes back around.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He doesn’t tell you where he is and you hate it. Not that you have to hear from him every second, but Peter being off the grid for 12 hours at a time is a little bit stressful for you, his partner. You joke about putting a tracker on him, and with how bad New York has been lately, you’re seriously considering it.
Peter would also have periods where he’s just in his head. He’s not communicating but his brain is working. This isn’t necessarily a bad habit, but thinking too hard isn’t good for you! He needs to relax!
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Medium. Sometimes he’s super particular, and sometimes he hasn’t brushed his hair in two weeks. You help him find a middle ground, and a different shampoo he likes.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
He’s all in, it’s just how he is. Peter had a bit of a breakdown after Gwen’s death, so he hasn’t been with anyone new in almost 6 years. You worm your way into his heart, and losing you would break him, again.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Peter fucking loves Hannukah. He loves having a reason to get together at May’s house and be with his family!!! He’s a good boy he deserves good things!!!
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
A bully. Now Peter’s good for roasting, but if you said something mean about someone, and had malicious intent, he’d take it as a red flag (as he should).
He also really doesn’t like mayonnaise. There’s something about the concept of eggs and salt whisked together that freaks him out. He can deal with it when it’s used for baking, but not on a sandwich.
Z = Zzz (What are their sleep habits?)
It’s weird to explain, but Peter tends to sleep on his face. Like when he’s truly dead-tired, he’ll face-plant into his pillow and simply not move until it’s time to wake up. It’s a bit alarming when you started sleeping over, so you poke him occasionally just to check.
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jiminiesmagicshop · 3 years
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Warnings: whoops attempted* angst ;0 other than that, none
Song inspos: it’s ok if you forget me, Astrid S (but imagine the exact opposite of what she sings) & mess it up, Gracie Abrams :’)
Word count: 1,500+
Summary: Jimin notices way too much about you, while you don't notice nearly enough about him. He also needs to invest in some hoodies.
a/n: hi hii :) this is my first completed fic i've writen on here, or anywhere at all for that matter kaplskjjs ahh i really hope you like it. Let me know what you think, feedback is super super welcome!! there is a flashback that's written in italics, and i took ridiculously long trying to come up with a summary which i'm sTILL iffy about. i'm also new on here so let's be frens :))
Park Jimin has never regretted something more in his life. Sure there was the time when he hadn’t listened to his mom when she told him not to climb that one tree in their backyard, which ended with him in a very itchy cast and a long scolding from his mom. Now, years later, he wished his mom had warned him before he gave you a part of him you’d never want or need; his heart.
It’s not like he didn’t know what he was getting himself into, he knew you held his heart in your small hands (even smaller than his, HA! ) and he thought he didn’t care. Oh how naive he’d been to think that.
2 months ago:
It had been exactly seven months and three days since he realized he was in love with you, his best friend of six years. You had cried in his arms over Aaron? Adam?? He couldn’t really remember who it was this time.
“Why won’t he love me?” His heart breaks as you look at him as though you really want an answer. “Why won’t any of them love me?”
His fingers twitch at your waist. He wants to scream about how much he loves you but he refrains, settling instead for a small pained smile. He doesn’t try to say anything, not trusting himself to not ask you the exact same question. Why won’t you love him? He hugs you harder into his chest as a new wave of tears rack through your body.
He was wearing the purple hoodie you’d once mentioned you loved seeing him in. It was beginning to fray on the left shoulder where you’d always lean into while you cried. Not that you’d notice anyway, but he always wore it when you called with a shaky voice and he invited you over. It felt like it was yours, same as his heart.
He didn’t know how you couldn’t see it. The way he’d drop anything and everything for you. Let you pick any version of himself, let you mould him in any way if it would get you to love him back. He’d always adored you, and somewhere along the line you’d subliminally snatched his heart.
Maybe you’d never love him the way he did you, but he had hope. His heart was big enough. No matter how long it took, how many times you unknowingly broke it, he’d always have enough left to give to you.
He watched you cry and only when you finally curled up, something between a wheeze and a snore coming from you did he speak.
“I love you, i love you forever. Promise.”
He knew you hadn’t even heard the promise he’d made to you two months ago, yet he couldn’t help but feel guilty knowing he needed to break it. His friends knew him to be very loving, very selfless, he feels selfish now. He’s leaving merely to save his own heart, breaking yours (though for a totally different reason) in the process.
He’d watched as you gave your heart to different men, never once thinking to give it to him. He was never even an option for you and that hurt. You couldn’t blame him for falling for you, not when you cared so deeply for everyone continuously giving your heart no matter how many times it broke you just gave and gave. The two of you are similar in that sense.
Loving you is painful, like he’s bursting into flames and freezing at the same time. He can’t keep this up. He doesn’t know how to act around you anymore. Hugging you was never a problem, everyone knows how touchy and affectionate he is, however every hug he’s given you in the last few months, he doesn’t know what to do with his hands. He usually wears his heart on his sleeve, now he feels he needs to constantly check himself hoping you didn’t catch him smiling dopily in your direction.
Jimin couldn’t talk to you without wondering if something he said sounded suspiciously like an ‘i love you’. He couldn’t even listen to his favourite songs anymore, they all reminded him of you, probably because you introduced him to most of them, it hurt all the same.
Had he fallen out of line when he kissed you on the cheek days ago?
He remembers thinking he was invincible when he made that promise, thinking his heart could take it. He also remembers you saying you’d never love someone as much as Andrew? What was his name damnit?
He noticed everything about you, and frankly he was tired. He needed some time to think, to rebuild his heart. To un-notice everything.
He zips up his suitcase, the moving van would be by in a bit to pick up the remaining boxes. The daisies on his windowsill that you got him for his birthday last year are drying up, he notices with a sigh. With one last glance at the room he releases his grasp on the purple hoodie and walks out the front door.
He hasn’t answered your calls all day, and he probably wouldn’t for a while... not that you know that. You think nothing of it as you drive up to his house, eyes puffy from all the crying you’ve been doing. Alex had just called asking to take a break, something about you being too intense and you couldn’t help but replay every moment in your head wondering where you went wrong. You badly needed to rant to your support system otherwise known as Jimin, craving one of his hugs.
You don’t even notice his black Porsche missing from his driveway. And you don’t think much of it when he doesn’t answer the door, simply pulling out the spare key he gave you for moments just like this.
You do, however, notice the emptiness of his house. Where in the heck did his couch go? And why is his house so cold? Where are all the pictures of the two of you and his family that decorated his walls. You’re beginning to get frantic as you search through room after room for something, anything to make this less real. To show you he’ll be back shortly. That he didn’t just up and leave.
Whatever the reason, you’re sure you can get him to come back, or at least talk to you. “Chim?” Your voice echoes through his hallway. Your converse screech on the bare floor and you’re running down the hall to his bedroom. You’re stumbling now, eyes blurry with tears and you call out again “Jimin?” He was really gone.
You only just catch yourself before you hit the ground. You stare at the purple material that had snagged your foot. A purple hoodie lies by you on the floor. You’re sobbing.
Jimin swears the distance between his house and where he’d parked his car a block away wasn’t this long. He’s panting as he grips the door handle, stumbling inside with sweat making his recently dyed-pink hair stick to his forehead.
It was definitely rash of him to just leave the hoodie behind. It was too sentimental to just leave here to collect dust until the landlord discovered it. He missed it already. It smelt partially of you after all your cuddling sessions, and as embarrassing as it might sound, he needed it.
He jogs down the hallway, all the memories the two of you had here send a pang straight to his chest that has him tripping over his feet. That’s when he hears it. Sniffling. Someone was sniffling in his house. More curious than scared, the boy takes cautious steps past the bathroom and towards his bedroom.
His hand comes to rest over his heart, when he sees a head of long pink hair, shade identical to his save for the few bleached streaks he’d missed when the two of you had dyed each other’s hair. His fingers itch to bring you to his chest. You were crying. Because of him.
He reaches out to touch you, his first instinct being to pull you into him, but he stops in his spot when the floorboards beneath him creak. He waits for you to whip around and hug him, maybe scream at him for scaring you with his absence like that. His face scrunches up at your words.
“I can’t do this without you, why would you just leave?”
Jimin has to press a hand into his mouth to keep the sob threatening to expose him silent. Why was he not surprised. Of course you hadn’t noticed how much he’d been struggling the past few months. How his love for you far surpassed that of a best friend. He doesn’t know why he thought you might have noticed. In fact, when was the last time he’d talked to you about his problems?
Whatever fragments there are left of his heart ache. He suddenly misses his mom. Misses her scolding more than anything else, that would hurt much less than this does.
Jimin does what he knows he must.
Like most Jimin related things, you don’t notice what hoodie it is, don’t notice the frayed shoulder, and you most certainly don’t notice the boy who had come back for the hoodie backing away, quiet tears running down his face.
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Reblogs and feedback always appreciated! Tag list: @kissthe-gogoat @kyuudomo @caloroso-cosmos @omrade-echorin Let me know if you want to be added or taken off!
Last chapter baby! This was an emotional ride, so sincere thanks to everyone who's stuck with me through it. Both followers, friends, and family. Your support really means the world to me.
“I still don’t understand why you need me for this.”
“I told you, you know the layout better. Since you didn’t give me a map like usual. Sides’ the place is empty- I wanted to ask more about how your whole business works. Somewhere truly private, y’know?”
It was the oldest trick in the book. Get them talking about themself so you can work. Or get them to say something incriminating. Which Antigone, of course, did not oblige.
It was slow work, but Maxwell managed to take back the notes Andrew used to leave in houses. They had sent to work painting the Antigone family seal on them in invisible ink.
With their family’s past (one easily dug up), the police would have no problem convicting Nikos Antigone of everything. All Andrew would have to do was play hostage here in just a few minutes.
“Oh, I need to pick this lock- bit of a two-hand job. Could you hold the note?”
Antigone growled but agreed with a sneer. Andrew discreetly pressed the button for Maxwell. Most likely he was calling the police right now- saying, well, something, anything, to get them there quick. Andrew couldn’t help but smile.
“You know, I didn’t know we went to the same school.” Perfect topic to stall with.
Antigone was immediately thrown off. “What? W-We did?” He sputtered.
Good lord. Bring something up from a criminal’s past and they’re all yours to manipulate.
“According to the book of signatures I passed around on graduation day, yes. Same year and everything.”
Antigone was now staring Andrew down with a dangerous glint in his eye. He ever so slightly thumbed at the dagger hilt on his belt. Okay, backpedaling now.
But the moment he saw faint police lights outside, he knew he had to keep going, for better or for worse. He only had one shot…!
So still fiddling with the lock, he blurted, “I saw your old school sweetheart the other day. Jennifer, right?”
Antigone froze. A stillness hung ominously in the air, like a jaguar about to pounce. The hairs on the back of Andrew’s neck stood up, and he almost started praying.
“How dare-“
Saved by the fuzz, though! As soon as Antigone looked as though he could kill Andrew, the men in uniform came streaming in the front door.
Andrew wasn’t all that scared. He winked at Antigone before yelling. “Help! I’m up here, he’s got a knife! Please help!” And more quietly, “Might wanna check the back of that note, Mr. Tig.”
Antigone didn’t bother to look, and instead pulled out the same weapon Andrew shouted about. “You tricked me!” he jabbed the knife at Andrew, who put his hands up in instinctive defense. “You lying snake!” And to the smaller man’s sickening shock, Antigone swung the knife, barely grazing his cheek and hitting his hand by sheer chance.
But upon hearing footsteps getting closer, the towering villain backed away, leaving Andrew to yelp in shock and fright and the rapidly reddening wound.
An officer stamped his way up the nearby stairs, and shouted at Antigone to freeze, but the man wasn’t having it. Andrew hadn’t thought Antigone would ever use an actual weapon on him- he was wrong. Whimpering in pain and paralyzing, icy fear, he moved only to foolishly pull out the blade and grip his bloodied hand.
“I am not to blame! This scoundrel here-” Antigone shook a finger at Andrew, “-is the thief you’ve been looking for! He did this to himself to make me-”
“Yeah, Chapman told us you’d say that.” A twinge of comfort came with hearing Max’s name, along with the struggling Antigone, who was now being arrested despite his best efforts.
And just like that it’s over, Andrew thought to himself as the officers walked him to a car and drove him to a hospital.
A day later in that same hospital, Andrew was recovering from a surprisingly quick surgery.
“The knife went through the top of your right palm, losing you a pinky and very nearly your ring finger, too. You have a couple options now; leave the stump or find a prosthetic somehow. Both are up to you to manage,” the soft spoken nurse informed him as soon as he was lucid enough to understand.
“Well, shit. Thanks, uh,” he peeked at her name badge. “Thanks Mary. Guessing you’re not gonna give me a new one for free then?”
“No, but I might,” came a gentle yet dry voice from the door.
Andrew turned as the nurse excused herself. “Max!” a fuzzy black figure hopped up on the bed next to him. “And Maxie!”
“Now, I’m not really supposed to have her in here, so…” Max chuckled, sitting down and giving the cat a few pets.
“Nah, I get it. So, finally coming to see me, huh?”
“I’ve been too swamped with end-of-case work. Our plan worked, you’re off scot free. I considered resigning, but-”
“But you don’t love me that much, I getcha,” Andrew teased.
Maxwell gave him a look. “More that I love my job too much to let it go, risks be damned.”
“Makes sense. But you didn’t come here to talk about work, did you?”
Maxwell reached for Andrew’s now four-fingered hand, gently running his five over the bandages. “This wouldn’t have happened if I had just-”
“Hey, it doesn’t matter now. You know that,” Andy reassured him, running his good hand through Max’s thick black locks. The man leaned into the touch, putting his own hand on Andy’s cheek.
“You terrify me,” he almost whispered after a moment. Andrew tilted his head but didn’t say anything. “I’ve never felt so conflicted before meeting you. It was torture. And even now I can’t be sure that loving you is a good thing.”
“Neither can I. And I’ve never met someone that can make me feel so cornered. I didn’t know I wanted to be. But, we’re both selfish jerks. So if loving you is gonna be bad for me, it wouldn’t be the first bad decision either of us has made.”
This made Max chuckle and lean in to kiss Andy. “You’re probably right.”
It had been a few months. A new metal finger glinted on Andrew’s right hand.
“So, I heard ole’ Mr. Antigone is in prison now?”
She gave a solemn nod. “For ten years.”
Andrew blew a low whistle. “Well, shit.”
Her demeanor went from closed to fiery. “This is your fault, you know. I know you and Chapman did something to pin your shit on Nikos. And now I won’t be able to see him!”
Andrew drew away slightly. Both were silent for a time.
“…I think I get it now.”
“I remind you of him, don’t I? That’s why when he disappeared to lead his family’s ‘business’ you attached yourself to me.”
She sighed. “…I don’t know. I guess I just hoped I could still hold onto him somehow.”
“So you held on to the crook classmate that shared some resemblance with him.”
She shook her head. Not as a ‘no’ but more as a self-chastise.
“We were horrible for each other. It’s no wonder we fell apart.”
“Yeah.” Another pause. “You could see about visitations.”
“I’ll figure that out on my own. I don’t even know if he’d want to see me. But, I know there’s still good in him. At least I hope so.”
“Heh. There’s my Jenny. Always hoping-“
“-never planning. I know, I know.”
He stood up and started to get ready to go.
“For what it’s worth, I’m at least sort of glad I knew you,” she said with a twinge of sadness.
“Same here. It’s probably best if we didn’t stay friends, but I’m sticking with that bakery. You can always come find me.”
And for the first time in years, she smiled at him- a genuine smile. “Thanks, Andrew. Good luck with your bitch detective.”
“With George and Darwin always lurking around? I’m gonna need it. Good luck with your crime lord.”
“I think I’ll need it too.”
They laughed, and then left, one by one.
Isabella was melancholically gathering her belongings from the bakery, occasionally swiping up a tear. Andrew walked in by coincidence, and she rushed to hug him.
“It’s not gonna be the same around here without me,” she mumbled into his chest.
“No, but it’s probably for the best,” he said, returning the embrace. “I’m so sorry, Izzy. It wasn’t fair for me to bring you into all this.”
“No, it’s alr… No, you’re right.” And with that, she couldn’t help but start crying again. “But thanks for being my dad, if only for a little while.”
“Dad, really?” he chuckled. “Sure kid. You changed my world for the better. Even if I hurt you.”
“I’ll never forget you. And… Well, I love you.”
“I love you too, girlie.”
She held onto him for just a little longer, before taking a shaky breath and grabbing her bag. “I don’t know if I can,” she whispered.
He gave her a dim smile. “You’re tough, kiddo. You can’t stay shackled to someone like me, though. I know you’ve got the guts to do what’s best for you.”
She wavered, unsure if she wanted to hug him again. But ultimately, she steeled herself, said a goodbye, and walked away leaving a bittersweet taste behind.
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heytherejulietx · 4 years
Haunted ~ Jughead Jones
Requests are OPEN
Notes - Hi so I’m seriously proud of this fic, and even though I feel like all of my Riverdale fics flop I’m super happy with this, so if you could reblog this and get it more reach that’s be amazing. (Also, on a note not related to this, I am working on the requests and I’m so sorry about the wait for them, but I was having trouble writing them so that’s why I wrote this fic. Sorry everyone they’re coming soon!)
Warnings - Pure angst and hurt. Be warned.
Word count - 5.6k.
Riverdale tag list - @idont-knowrn
If you’d like to be added to any tag list please just tell me!
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You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
But I never thought I'd live to see it break
Everything changed when Jughead moved to the South Side. Of course, she couldn't blame him for moving, she knew he had to. With his dad behind bars for a murder he didn't even commit and not being able to stay at the Andrews household any longer, he didn't have a choice in moving. Living in his dad's trailer was better than staying with a foster family whom he didn't know, though living on opposite sides of town and now attending different schools meant they saw less and less of each other. And to be completely honest, Y/N missed him so much. She missed having him stay over at her house before school since her house wasn't far from Archie's. She missed waking up with him in the mornings, being greeted with lazy kisses and warm hugs. She missed sitting with him in class, helping him in math and getting his help in English literature. She missed after school dates at Pop's; sharing each other's milkshakes and helping him write his novel.
But once he'd moved, the cracks in their relationship started to appear. At first it was just missed phone calls and being left on read, though soon it developed to frequent arguments, being stood up on dates for the Serpents, and just not seeing each other much anymore. It hurt her, because she missed her once perfect boyfriend, who was now so caught up with his new school and his imprisoned father's gang to give any sort of time or attention to her. Maybe it was selfish, but Y/N wanted him to focus on her, and not anybody else, even if just for one night. She could tell that their relationship was headed downhill, though she thought that it would be fixable. They had been through so much already, surely this wouldn't break them apart, right?
It's getting dark and it's all too quiet
And I can't trust anything now
And it's comin' over you like it's all a big mistake
Y/N frowned down at the Pop's menu sat on the table in front of her, scowling at the small printed words there. This was the third time he'd missed one of their dates, or just forgotten about it all together. She was guessing it was the latter, as Jughead had been too wrapped up in the Serpents and with Toni Topaz to think of anything else. She was certain that he was getting bored of her, or tired of her company. He was hanging around with a gang now, his people, so surely his plain old north-side girlfriend was getting tiresome? She took a glance out of the window beside her seat, seeing that the sky was darkening into evening - dark oranges and blues swirled together as the sun went down like an artist mixing paint on a canvas. When she'd gotten to Pop's it was still daylight, but he had taken so long to show that now it was getting dark.
Before she knew it, disappointed tears were brimming in her eyes, and a lump was forming in her throat. Why couldn't he just spare a few hours to go and see her? At first, she had given him the time he quite clearly needed, and the benefit of the doubt. He had just moved and he was adjusting, and she got that, but now it had been weeks and there was still no effort put in from his end. It wasn't like he was even a proper member of the Serpents, so she just didn't get it. 
After another few minutes she had paid for the one milkshake she had drank and the one that had been left sitting on the table untouched, that was meant for Jughead, and then left the diner. It was cold outside, the kind of cold that seeped through your clothes and gave you goosebumps. Though she already felt the cold disappointment that had been sticking with her for weeks, now. On the colder days before Jughead had moved, he would give her his denim jacket as they walked to Pop's after school, but just the thought of that now made her want to start crying. She couldn't remember the last time she had been wrapped in his jacket, or even his arms for that matter.
Before she knew what she was doing, Y/N had pulled her phone out and called him, anger washing over her and replacing the sadness she felt. He picked up after six rings. Usually it would only take one.
"Y/N?" He asked, no 'love' or 'baby'. "Can I call you back later? I'm with the Serpents."
"Couldn't you have spared one night from the Serpents to show up to our date?" She scoffed, lifting her free hand to wipe her eyes which were now streaming with tears. 
"What?" Jughead asked, sounding confused. "We didn't have a date today."
"Yes we did." Y/N sniffled, her lip quivering when realising he'd forgotten. "This is the third one you've missed for Christ's sake, Jug. I shouldn't trust anything you even say, anymore."
"I'm sorry I've been busy." He huffed, sounding more irritated than anything.
"Yeah, you're always busy now." She swallowed back the lump forming in her throat. "Too busy to come and see your girlfriend anymore."
"Y/N, come on-" 
Before he could say anymore she cut the call off, not ready to hear it. Once her phone was back in her pocket she covered her mouth with her hands as she started crying, her chest heaving with each choked sob that passed her lips. Soon it hurt, though nothing hurt as bad as the sadness consuming her from realising he didn't love her like he used to.
Holding my breath, won't lose you again
Something's made your eyes go cold
It was almost midnight when Y/N heard the rumble of a motorbike turning into her street corner, before she heard the noise cut off right outside her house. It wasn't unusual for Jughead to come and see her after a fight, though it was unusual for them to fight so often. The most they had ever argued before the move was when his father had first been arrested, but she understood that he was just so stressed with everything that he was lashing out at people. Though this was different.
Y/N hadn't moved from her bed since she had gotten home. She hadn't even changed out of her clothes, she had just gotten into her bed and cried. She was still crying by the time she heard her window being pushed open further and someone stepping into her room. Y/N had the covers over her head so she couldn't see him approaching, though she felt the bed dip when he sat down beside her, and felt his hand rubbing her back through the covers. She sat up just enough to turn and move her arms around him, pressing her face into his chest as she started crying again, holding onto him tightly.
"I'm sorry." She heard him whisper into her hair as he wrapped his arms around her shaking body, which only made her cry harder. Did he really mean that? She couldn't be sure.
"Do- do you still love me?" Y/N couldn't help but ask through the tears, needing to know. It felt like he didn't, or that he was loving her less and less every day.
"Of course I still love you." Jughead sighed, his hand lifting to gently run his fingers through her hair. "I'm sorry I've been so distant lately, I've been busy sorting out stuff at South Side High and with the Serpents. I really didn't mean to forget about meeting up with you, okay?"
Y/N sniffled a little as she nodded, just holding onto him a little tighter. Whether she completely forgave him or not was a different question, though she was willing to give him another chance to prove that he really did mean what he said. 
"Hey." He said softly, moving his hand underneath her chin to tilt her head upwards. Her red-rimmed eyes locked with his and she watched his expression soften somewhat when he took in her features, though there was something about his eyes that made her stomach swirl with uneasiness. They were just so cold and unlike him. Maybe he didn't really mean what he had said.
Come on, come on don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong, you're all I wanted
Come on, come on don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can't breathe whenever you're gone
Can't turn back, now I'm haunted
After that night, Jughead had promised to make it up to her and come and see her the following weekend at Pop's. And to be honest, she really needed it. Her week had gone absolutely horribly, with Betty suddenly becoming cold and distant towards her. Y/N couldn't fathom why Betty had become so cruel to her; she just knew that the last time herself and the Cooper girl had spoken, it had ended in a long string of insults from Betty then her walking off. So she could really do with her boyfriend's comfort, after her best friend clearly didn't want to be around her anymore.
Y/N sipped on her milkshake at Pop's as she waited for Jughead to show up, his drink sat untouched opposite her on the other side of the table. Once she had hit the ten minute mark she began to grow worried that he wasn't going to show, but thankfully she spotted him pulling into the parking lot of Pop's after she had heard the rumble of his motorcycle outside. A smile was painted over her lips as she waited for him to walk inside, though it quickly faded once she had caught sight of him.
His face was full of cuts and bruises, most of them looking extremely painful. At first she had been worried that he had been in a fight with somebody at his school, though her stomach sank when seeing the leather jacket he was wearing. The leather Serpents jacket.
He had clearly caught sight of her expression, as Jughead sighed as he slipped into the seat opposite her own. "Y/N, I meant to tell you-"
"That you'd joined the gang you told me you wouldn't?" She whispered, her eyebrows furrowed with disbelief. "Why would you do that? They're dangerous, Jug, they're a biker gang. Are you kidding me?"
"They aren't dangerous." He frowned. "They're like family."
"They're like family?" She scoffed. "Oh, and I'm not anymore?"
"Hey, I didn't say that." Jughead frowned a little more.
"Maybe you didn't say it, but you've been meaning it for weeks!" She practically exploded, sitting up in her seat as her waterline burned with the build up of tears again. "When was the last time we both properly hung out together, hm? Or ate dinner together? Or even spoke to each other without arguing?"
"I told you I've been busy, with-"
"With the Serpents, yeah I know." Y/N scoffed. "You never have time for me anymore, and that's all I'm asking for. I miss you, Jug. You could have at least told me that the reason you were too busy to spare a few hours for me is because you were joining a fucking gang."
"What is your issue with the Serpents?" He snapped defensively, making her flinch at the harshness of his voice.
"You said you wouldn't join them, you promised me, remember that?" She asked. "Oh, but maybe you don't, since you seem to be forgetting a lot recently." She huffed, lifting a hand to wipe away the tears that had started falling. "They are dangerous, Jughead, have you even looked in the mirror recently? If you had to do that to join then what else might you have to do now that you're involved?"
"Will you give it a rest?" Jughead snapped, causing her to flinch once more. "Like it or not, I'm a Serpent now, okay? And I'm sorry that since I have this thing called responsibilities now that I can't spend every minute of the day with you." 
"I didn't say that, Jug." She whispered, more tears falling. "I just miss you, we never see each other anymore and when we do it's... it's like you're a different person."
"Yeah? Well if I'm so different then why don't you just find yourself a new boyfriend, then. One that fits the criteria." Jughead scowled as he got out of his seat, shaking his head as he looked at her.
"Hey, wait." Y/N whispered, also getting out of her seat. "Don't go, Jug, I'm sorry." She whispered, reaching out to touch his arm.
Jughead was still frowning as he pulled away from her touch immediately, shaking his head as he just turned away and walked out of the diner, leaving her stood crying as she watched him leave.
Stood there and watched you walk away
From everything we had
But I still mean every word I said to you
Despite everything Jughead had said, they didn't break up. A few days later Jughead had stopped by her house to apologise, and for once it looked like he meant it. He had been close to tears himself as he ranted to her about everything, but mostly about how sorry he was and how he couldn't stand to lose her. By the end of the conversation she was crying too, and she had agreed to give him another chance. Maybe by this point she should have noticed just how many chances she had given him recently, and saved herself from any future hurt by breaking up with him, though she couldn't do it. She physically couldn't be without him, it pained her to even think about it.
Everything was good for a while. Betty had given her an explanation as to why she had been acting so funny, and definitely one she hadn't been expecting at that - as she had been getting phone calls from the Black Hood - the infamous serial killer who had taken up occupation in Riverdale over the past however many weeks. Whilst it was a complete and utter shock, she had immediately forgiven Betty, as she understood that she had become distant from Y/N so that the Black Hood wouldn't kill her. And things with Jughead had gotten better. Whilst he was still different to the soft and loving boy she had known before the move, he was clearly making an effort, and that mattered a lot to her.
Jughead had been especially better once his father was out of jail. It was a huge relief for everybody to have FP out, and whilst his return meant Jughead having to step up as Serpent King, Y/N was making an effort to try and understand the Serpents more, so she had been helping Jughead plan FP's retirement party in the Whyte Worm.
Though she had also been meeting up with Toni Topaz there, who was helping her learn the Serpent dance for her own initiation. 
Whilst she still wasn't too fond of the Serpents, she wanted to be there for Jughead to make sure he didn't end up getting hurt or imprisoned like his father, so she had agreed to do the extremely sexist 'Serpent dance' and partially join the gang to keep an eye on her boyfriend.
Even though she wanted to keep him safe, on the night of the party she felt horrible. On her way to the bar she felt nauseated at even just the thought of stripping into lingerie and dancing in front of a whole bar of gang members, but once she was there she felt even worse. The smell of alcohol once she had walked into the building was sickening, and it only made her worse. She was almost convinced enough to leave altogether, though once she saw her boyfriend approaching she knew there was no way of getting out of it now.
"Hey." He smiled once he had reached her, planting his hands at her waist as he leaned down to give her a kiss - thankfully the action helped calm her a little. "You look amazing."
The compliment made her blush a little, as she was only wearing a peach skirt and white blouse, though she couldn't help but wonder what he would be thinking later once she had revealed what she was dressed in underneath the good-girl outfit.
Soon the party was in full swing, and somehow she had managed to lose Jughead in the crowd, though she had managed to find Toni sat at the bar instead. Whilst she wasn't extremely fond of the Topaz girl, she was grateful that she had wanted to help her out with the dance.
"Hey north-sider." Toni greeted once she had sat at the bar, stood on the other side of it. "How're you feeling?"
"Like I'm about to throw up or pass out." Y/N told her, scanning the room for a moment before looking back at the pink-haired girl. "Give me something." She tapped the bar, hoping a drink would help. She didn't even drink - but Y/N was hoping that some alcohol would help calm her nerves.
"Are you sure?" Toni asked as she started pouring a liquor into a shot glass for her. "You don't exactly look like you can hold your drink."
"Please, I need some confidence right now, and if that means drinking to get some then so be it." She sighed.
"Alright then." Toni placed the glass on the bar in front of her, looking a little concerned.
Y/N lifted the glass and eyed the liquid for a moment before lifting it to her lips and knocking back the whole drink in one. It burned it's way down her throat and made her start to cough at the horrible feeling, though despite that she put the glass back on the bar and tapped it, signalling that she wanted another.
"Another?" Toni asked. "Are you sure? Maybe that's not the best idea."
"Please, Toni. I won't be able to do this completely sober." She sighed.
Toni just nodded and started to pour her another one, though as she did Y/N's attention was soon locked on the stage a little away from the bar, seeing Veronica and Archie stood there with the Karaoke machine that Y/N had managed to hire for the party earlier in the week. Tearing her gaze away she took the second shot pretty quickly. It still burned horribly on the way down, though she didn't start coughing again. By the time she had taken her third shot, Veronica and Archie had ran off of the stage mid-song, and Y/N had left the bar to quickly move onto the stage, once Toni had said that it was now or never.
Once she was up on the stage she had managed to meet Jughead's confused eyes in the sea of people, and somehow she didn't tear her gaze as she started singing the rest of the song as she unbuttoned her blouse. Y/N tried her best to look seductive and confident as she stripped herself of her clothes and started dancing, and the alcohol did help a lot with that. She was able to focus solely on the dancing as she moved over to the pole on the middle of the stage and spun around it twice, before lowering herself down onto the floor in front of it. The mass amount of people watching her didn't even phase her as she had moved back to the microphone to sing the last few notes of the song, though once she met Jughead's eyes again she felt her stomach sink with nausea. He had that same cold look in his eye again, the one that looked like he had lost all of his love for her.
After the dance was over Y/N had left with her clothes to change in the bathroom of the Wyrm, missing the speech that FP had started as afterwards she went to stand outside by Jughead's motorbike to cool off. It wasn't long before she spotted Jughead walking out of the back entrance of the bar to come and join her, his expression one she couldn't even read. She could just see that he was not happy, not at all.
"Hey," She said softly as he approached, though was met with no reply once he was stood in front of her. "What's wrong? Was it the dance?"
"It's everything." His voice broke as he shook his head. "And yeah. Why would you do that?"
"I wanted to be a part of this." She told him. "The Serpents, your world."
"Why?" He asked, his eyebrows furrowing as he frowned at her. The expression made her uneasy, as it was one she was all too familiar with recently. "Archie knew to cut bait. Now I'm dragging you down. I'm dragging my dad down."
"He's still figuring it out." She told him softly, trying to muster up a genuine sympathetic smile. "And it's gonna be okay, we'll figure out whatever we have to do together." Y/N reached out to place her hands on his chest, though frowned when he had immediately stepped backwards.
"No, Y/N. Mm-Mm." He shook his head. "Not together."
The words struck her like he had just slapped her around the face. Her head tilted a little as a sudden coldness rushed over her body, nausea swirling around her stomach once again. Was he really about to break up with her?
"Y/N, if you stay, I don't know if I can protect you anymore. You might get-" Jughead paused as he ran a hand over his mouth, before planting both of them on her shoulders. "You probably will get hurt. I can't let that happen to you."
Y/N felt her waterline burning with a build up of tears as she stared back at him, starting to shake her head. "That's not your decision to make." She practically whispered.
"Actually, yeah it is." He stepped backwards as he spoke, the painful cold gaze returning to his eyes. 
"How many times, Jug?" Y/N asked as the tears started falling down her cheeks, her voice becoming wobbly with emotion. "How many times are we going to push each other away?" She gave a light push to his chest as she spoke, taking in a light breath as she tried to stop the tears. 
"Until it sticks." The harshness in his voice just made more tears fall as her expression crumpled. "This was my dad's one chance at going straight, and I wrecked it. I'm not going to destroy you, too." He moved to turn and walk away, though Y/N started following instead.
"Just tell me what happened, Jug." Her voice broke as she moved to grab his jacket and turn him around, tears cascading down her face faster as she reached up to cup his face in her hands. "Tell me."
"Please," His voice was weak, and she could see that he was holding back tears, too. "Go home."
Jughead stared at her for another moment before pulling away from her hold, and turning away to walk back into the bar. Y/N couldn't stop the oncoming wave of sobs as she watched him walk away and head back into the bar, her heart aching as she covered her face with her hands. She felt like somebody had just ripped out her chest. He wasn't her's anymore, and she wasn't his.
He will try to take away my pain
And he just might make me smile
But the whole time I'm wishin' he was you instead
The next day, Y/N had found out on the same night that Veronica had broken up with Archie too. She had been at Pop's trying to fight back a fresh wave of tears, when Archie had taken a seat beside her and started up a conversation with her. She eventually just broke into a fresh wave of tears as she tried explaining to Archie what had happened, and he had moved his arms around her to hug her, trying to comfort her in the best way he could. Though it felt wrong - his arms felt different to Jughead's, they were more muscular and harder. That fact alone just made her cry harder as she held onto Archie, as she wished it was Jughead sat with her instead. But she couldn't seem to let go of Archie - needing the reassuring contact even if it wasn't from the right person. So she just held onto him tightly as she cried, silently wishing it was Jughead instead.
Oh, oh, holding my breath, won't see you again
Something keeps me holding on to nothing
Y/N returned to Pop's the day after, hoping to catch Archie there again. Though as she had walked though the doors of the diner, instead of seeing her red-haired friend, she saw Toni sat at the table beside her usual one instead. She frowned as she looked at her, knowing she probably knew about what her gone down between herself and Jughead at FP’s retirement party. She had tried to walk part Toni without being noticed, though just sighed when she heard her call her name.
“Y/N?” She asked, causing the girl to force a smile as she turned to face her. “Listen, I’m sorry about what happened between you and Jug at the party.”
“It’s fine.” Y/N shook her head. It wasn’t fine, far from it, but she wasn’t about to stand and talk to Toni Topaz about her feelings, of all people. “It’s probably been a long-time coming.” She sighed.
“Listen, I-“
“Y/N?” Another voice came from behind her, an all too familiar voice, causing Y/N to frown as she turned around and saw Jughead stood there. She hadn’t seen him since the night he’d broken up with her, and hadn’t planned on seeing him for a long while, knowing she wouldn’t be able to handle it. Though instead of tears of sadness filling her eyes like she thought would happen, angry tears filled them together as she put two and two together. She glanced between him and Toni, and just shook her head as the tears started falling. He was meeting up with her, not even three days after they had broken up.
“Nice.” She whispered. “Rub salt in the wound, why don’t you?”
“What?” Jughead asked, before his eyes widened as he looked at Toni before back at her. “Y/N-“
“I don’t want to hear it, Jughead.” Y/N shook her head as the tears fell faster, quickly stepping past him and towards the exit of the diner to head outside. Her vision quickly became blurred with tears as she walked, breathing becoming a difficult task as she pushed back any verbal cries trying to escape.
“Y/N wait!” Jughead called after her. “It’s not what you think, please.”
Y/N turned around to face him as she started full-on crying, despite trying not to. “No, Jughead, I don’t care!” She shouted through her tears, her whole body starting to shake. “Just leave me alone, okay? I can’t be around you right now.”
Whilst Jughead stumbled over his words trying to say something, Y/N just turned around and walked away as she started sobbing freely.
Come on, come on don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Something's gone terribly wrong, you're all I wanted
Come on, come on don't leave me like this
I thought I had you figured out
Can't breathe whenever you're gone
Can't turn back, now I'm haunted
By the time Y/N had gotten home, she was a mess. Her chest hurt with each rough cry that passed her lips but she couldn’t stop. Weeks of emotional torture she’d endured, watching Jughead fall out of love with her, and just as things had started to seem okay he’d broken up with her. He had said it was to protect her, because he couldn’t let her get hurt, but was that really the reason? Or was he really just not in love with her? And wanted to be with Toni instead?
Once she had managed to get to her room she just slammed the door and fell to her floor, her hands covering her face as she hunched over. Everywhere hurt; her chest, her throat, her eyes, her heart. She felt like screaming, screaming for hours until her throat was raw and she couldn’t make anymore noise. Though she couldn’t physically stop the sobs long enough to even try to scream.
Her hands were shaking once she’d moved them from her face to plant them on her bedroom floor to stable herself, the shakes travelling up her arms and through her body until her entire frame was quivering with the agonising pain she felt. The tears couldn’t seem to stop, either. It felt like she had been crying ever since the break up, and for the most part she had.
“You’re not gone.“ She sobbed, hitting the floor with her palms before hunching over again as she continued crying. “You can’t be gone!“ The words mixed in with her crying to the point where she sounded like a wounded animal, begging for death. And in a way, she felt like it. Y/N didn’t think she could survive without Jughead by her side.
You and I walk a fragile line
I have known it all this time
Never ever thought I'd see it break
Never thought I'd see it
Another week passed before she saw Jughead again. The first time she had seen him after the break up it had been an accident, though this time he had asked to meet up with her, and for some reason said yes. Y/N tried telling herself that she had agreed to go simply because she was curious about what he had to say, though the real reason was because she was hoping he wanted to meet up with her to get back together.
For once, Jughead was there before her, though the scene looked so odd. For a start, he wasn’t even wearing his signature beanie - just the Serpent jacket that looked so foreign to her. And there was nothing on the table. Usually when they met up, whoever got there first would get each other’s favourite milkshakes. Though the only thing there was an untouched Pop’s menu.
“Hey.” Jughead said softly once she had sat in the seat opposite him, not beside him as usual. “I’m glad you came. I wouldn’t have put it past you if you didn’t.”
“What did you want to talk about?” She asked, just wanting to get it over and done with. Whilst she wasn’t crying herself to sleep every night anymore or tearing up at the mention of his name, she still didn’t trust herself to be with him for too long, in fear of setting off her uncontrollable flow of emotions.
“I just...” Jughead sighed. “I wanted to say I was sorry, okay? I shouldn’t have been so harsh with you about it. I probably could have done it all in a nicer way to make it easier for the both of us. And, I just wanted to say that I wasn’t meeting up with Toni last week in the way that you thought. Really, Y/N, she just wanted to make sure I was okay.”
Y/N scoffed quietly as she shook her head, a sad smile making it’s way to her face. “And I was thinking you wanted to get back together.” She whispered, though he heard her.
Seeing his eyebrows furrow and the shake of his head was enough to make her eyes brim with tears again as a lump formed in her throat.
“Y/N, I can’t do that.” He whispered, reaching across the table to take her hands in his. “You’re in too much danger with me, I can’t let anything happen to you.”
“I can handle it, Jug.” She tried telling him, though her throat was clogged up with tears and it made talking an extremely difficult task. “I can handle it, please can we just try.” Tears starter falling as her voice broke, her hands tearing from his as they flew to cover her face. After a moment she felt the seat dip beside her as he sat down, his arms winding around her and pulling her into him as she started crying.
“Please don’t leave me.” She started crying, the sound of her heart breaking almost louder than her cries. Almost. “Please, Jug, this can’t be over, I never thought I’d see this break, please.”
Jughead was stiff as he rubbed her arm gently, letting his lips linger on her forehead as a way of trying to comfort her. “I’m sorry.” He whispered, his own voice thick. “I have to. Y/N.”
At that she just started crying harder as she held onto him, trying to soak up his hold, his touch, everything, as she knew once he left she wouldn’t ever get it again. She turned to be completely pressed into him as she sobbed into the cold uncomfortable leather of his jacket, trying to hold onto him for as long as possible. Though she knew everything was over, and she couldn’t even take the thought. She couldn’t stand to live without Jughead in her life, she just didn’t want to.
She was haunted.
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Out of Love- Archie Andrews
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Authors Notes- First want to say this is my first song story so hopefully its good as my other ones. Second want to say hope you enjoy. Listen to the song through the imagine. Song- Out of Love by Alessia Cara
' I won't tell you I'm lonely, Cause it might be selfish, I won't ask you to hold me, Cause that won't mend what's helpless.'
I was walking around the town wondering why the hell Archie is being so distant with me. I mean did I do something to him or did I say something to offend him. After thinking about that, I decide to walk my butt to Jug's trailer because I know he would tell me whats going on since he's my best friend.
' There's not a thing I could say, Not a song I could sing, For your mind to change, Nothing can fill up the space, Won't ask you to stay, But let me ask you one thing.'
Once I got to Jug's trailer i knocked on it. After a minute he opened the door.
" Hey Y/N/N, what brings you here." he said
"Um, do you know anything about Archie being distant with me." I honestly was scared to know what he was about to say. " Sorry Y/N/N, I don't know anything." I looked at him to make sure it was not a lie and he was telling the truth. " Oh ok, thanks Jug for trying to help me." " Your welcome Y/N/N, have a goodnight." he said while closing the door so fast. I guess Betty was with him. so that's why he closed the door so fast. I just decide to head over to Archie's place to talk to him about why he is being so distant with me.
' Oh, when did you fall out of love?, Out of love, Oh, when did you fall out of love with me.'
Before I got to his place I stopped to give him a gift. I know the guys usually give the girls the gifts, but he not talking to me so maybe getting him something will help.
' I can't float in an ocean, That's already been drained, I won't cry at your feet now, I know my tears will fall in a vain.'
After getting his gift and about 5 minute walk I was walking up his front steps. I tried opening the door because I basically live at the Andrew's house, but the door was locked and I forgot where they keep the spare key. I just knocked on the door, it took about a couple of minutes for someone to open the door. The door opened and I was faced with my lovely boyfriend of one year. " Hi babe, I just wanted to say sorry for what ever I did to you and I got you this." I said " Sorry Y/N/N, I have been really busy you did nothing wrong." he said. After he said that he took the gift and giving me a long passionate kiss. " I got to go, but I'll see you at school tomorrow." Once he said that he closed the door in my face I was thinking he has never forgets to call me his nickname he gave me and he never just slams the door in my face. That made me sad. All I want to know is what I did to him for him to act this way toward me. I walked home and headed off to bed.
' Skip to the morning'
I woke up go ready for school. I decide I would wear a black skater skirt with a dark red crop top. I then put o my high tops. I curled my hair and did my make up, but put dark red lip stick on my lips. I don't know why I did that I guess just wanted to feel edgy. I then grabbed my things walked to school.
' There's not a thing I could say, Not a song I could sing, For your mind to change, Nothing can fill up the space, Won't work you to stay, But let me ask you one thing.'
I finally reached the school, I walked inside and walked to the lounge where I meet my friends at. I was about to walk in, but stopped because something caught my eye. The thing that caught my attention was Archie staring at Veronica the way he looks at me or I guess used to look at me. I could feel my eyes start to water, but before I could turn around Archie looked right at me. He was about to get up, but I ran out of the room to the art room. I heard his footsteps along with someone else. I turn and see Jug following me too. Before I could turn around again I tripped on something and when I was falling I felt someone catch me. I opened my eyes to see Archie staring right back at my y/e/c eyes. My eyes started to tear up again, but this time Archie pulled me into a tight hug to calm me down. I hugged him back even tighter, I just never want to let him go. Instead I hugged him even more I decide to ask him a serious question that he has to answer honestly even if it hurts me. " Archie, are you still in love with me." He hesitated saying something, but I knew by his face that he was guilty about me finding out this way. Instead of letting him answer I just decided that I wanted out of this relationship, I can't have someone fall out of love with me. " Archie I think we need to break up." he was about to protest but I interrupted him by saying, " It's for the best, you just don't love me anymore." I walked away and headed out of the school to go cry in my pillow.
' Oh, when did you fall out of love?, Out of love, Oh, when did you fall out of love with me.'
Enjoy this heartfelt story, I put a lot of thought into it. This a very long one so please enjoy, man that's my second enjoy, I am just going to stop talking.
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lesbian-fabray · 3 years
lit through the darkness at 1:58 (you told me you loved me) - part 6
Playlist Part One Part Two Part Three Part Four Part Five
Hey! This is the last part of the story! It’s a little on the longer side, but there wasn’t really a good time for a chapter break. I’m really proud of this story, and I’ll be making a post that just has all the parts in one place that’s easy to navigate.
Summary: Toni and Shelby were best friends in high school, and the relationship turned romantic, but it ended poorly. Now, after years of feeling like the Shelby she sees now is not the Shelby she knows, Toni goes to talk to her.
The title comes from “Last Kiss” by Taylor Swift.
Anything italicized takes place in the past. :)
It’s around 4:30 when Toni reaches Shelby’s house for the second time that day. This time, instead of staring at the door like it will come alive and swallow her whole, like she thought it might the first time she was here, she quickly rapped her knuckles on the door. She was full of so much hope that, if she were a spectator of some sort, she may call herself foolish and naïve. But she was no spectator.
She felt like she was seventeen again and being kissed by Shelby for that first time, all full of hope for what may be and worry that it might fall apart.
On top of all of that, however, there was concern for Shelby. The girl potentially just lost everything by telling that truth.
That combination of hope and concern was quickly twisting into guilt and eating at Toni’s insides. She felt selfish and wrong for being so hopeful and for thinking about herself when Shelby was, without a doubt, hurting.
When Shelby opened the door, her eyes were red and her cheeks were wet, She looked small and broken in the dim light of the early morning.
Without thinking, Toni wrapped her arms around her, feeling the blonde shake and sob in her arms. Part of her wanted to tell her it would be okay, but she didn’t even really know what happened, so that could end up being an outright lie. Instead, she just held her and stroked her hair.
When Shelby pulls out of the hug, she just stares at Toni for a while, like she’s frozen in place.
“How about we go inside and talk? Okay, Shelby?”
- - - - - - - - -
Nothing changes.
Shelby continues to keep her distance from Toni and it doesn’t matter if it’s intentional or not anymore. Toni is constantly just filled with rage, ready to be ignited the moment someone mentions her blonde best friend. 
But she keeps pretending to Shelby’s face and hopes it will make her come back.
As time goes on, it only gets worse. Toni spends the entirety of her lunch on Valentine’s Day sobbing into Martha’s shoulder because, as much as she hates the holiday, Shelby loves it.
Even more embarrassing than that is when the school does a production of Legally Blonde, in which Shelby plays Elle, and Toni spends the whole time silently crying next to Martha and Rachel because Shelby looks so happy to be performing.
Then, Andrew moves back to town after being gone less that a year, and him and Shelby pick up where they left off. Everyone just kind of watches in bewilderment as they walk the halls like nothing happened in the time they were broken up.
It gets harder for Toni to keep up the appearance of being even remotely okay. She starts lashing out at people and getting panicky when she sees blonde hair, because there’s no way she could handle a spontaneous encounter at this point.
One day, on her way to class, she sees Andrew kiss Shelby and she feels like she can’t breathe. When she finally sits at her desk, she’s shaking and hyperventilating slightly. She’s angry to the point of feeling guilty. She knows she should be happy for her friend, but she can’t be, no matter how hard she tries.
Shelby catches her crying a few times, but doesn’t say anything about it. She just watches with a look of concern in her eyes. That’s what hurts Toni the most, if she’s honest. The fact that Shelby can’t ever bring herself to say something.
She’s spiraling, and she knows that Shelby knows.
- - - - - - - - - 
“Did you want to talk about it, or did you just want comfort?” Toni sets a mug of hot chocolate down in front of Shelby and gently sits down next to her.
Shelby exhales shakily. “I’m... I’m okay with talking about it.”
Toni nods and a brief silence falls between them. “What even happened, Shelby?”
The blonde sniffles and runs a hand through her hair. 
“After you left, I was kind of panicking. I was thinking about everything you said and about my whole life. Like, how everything is empty and conditional and meaningless. So, I just kinda paced and panicked until Andrew got homes, and, uh... when he got home... I broke up with him. I told him the truth, because, even though he was never honest about all those girls he was with,” Toni mutters something about him being a motherfucker and how she never liked him, “he deserved the truth from me, considering we were engaged and all. I told him a l- that I’m gay and he gathered some of his things and left.” She laughs bitterly before continuing. “And I guess he called my parents, because they, uh, showed up, and that went basically exactly how I expected.”
Toni wraps her arms around the now crying girl and, once again, just holds her. “I’m so sorry. Shelby.” Shelby sniffles and pulls her head up from Toni’s chest. “It’s okay. I mean, it isn’t right now, and it probably won’t be for a while, but it will be eventually. And I’m going to get to start actually being me, and I figure that what really matters, y’know?”
Toni just gives her a small smile and a kiss on the forehead.
“I’m so proud of you, Shelbs. You should probably head to bed. You’ve had a long night. I’m going to stay down here on the couch. We can talk more when you wake up.”
- - - - - - - - -
It’s late on a Saturday night when Nora mentions that Shelby is moving away for college.
She drops the information casually while her and Toni are in Fatin’s backyard, at a party neither of them really wanted to attend.
“So what are you going to do when Shelby’s gone next year?”
Toni furrows her eyebrows. She has no clue what Nora’s talking about. And Shelby’s basically gone anyway.
Nora tilts her head to the side and looks at Toni curiously. “Next year, when Shelby goes back to Texas for school? What are you going to do?”
Toni feels her heart drop to her stomach. Yeah, it already feels like Shelby’s gone, but she’s physically here, and if she’s physically here, Toni can see her. Even though it makes her feel like she’s being torn into pieces, seeing the blonde is the thing that makes her get out of bed most days. It’s becoming borderline obsessive on Toni’s part, if she’s being honest. She knows it’s not healthy, but she can’t ever think of anything else. It’s like her brain had been submerged in Shelby. Like the blonde had covered every surface and filled every hole and seeped into the very tissue her brain’s made of.
“Shelby’s moving?”
Nora’s eyes go wide. “Yeah. I thought you knew. I figured she would have told you.”
She can feel herself beginning to panic.
“Yeah, you’d think. I have to go, Nora.”
As she gets up and begins frantically making her way through Fatin’s packed house, in search of Shelby, she feels like she’s locked in a tiny room that��s slowly closing in on her.
No matter where she looks, there’s no sign of the blonde. She stumbles into Fatin and quickly stops the taller girl.
“Fatin, where’s Shelby? I need tp talk to her.” Fatin looks at her quizzically. “Dude, she left like twenty minutes ago.” Toni just nods and heads for the door.
It’s about half an hour later when she finds herself in the Goodkind backyard, throwing rocks at Shelby’s window like some jackass in a romcom.
The window opens and the blonde pops her head out. “Toni? What in the world are you doing? It’s two in the morning!”
Toni’s hands are shaking and her eyes are frantic. “Please let me in, I need to talk to you right now.”
Shelby sighs and closes her window, coming downstairs to let Toni in. 
When they get into Shelby’s room and close the door, Toni cuts to the chase. “You’re moving?” Shelby sighs and fixes her eyes to the ground. “Yes.”
Toni grabs her hands. “Why didn’t you tell me? I had to find out through Nora.” She’s trying to keep her voice calm, but she’s worried it isn’t going to plan. Shelby finally looks into her eyes. “I knew it was going to upset you, so I wanted to leave it for as long as possible. I didn’t want to upset you.” Toni balls her hands up into fists. “So you were just going to wait until you were about to leave to tell me.” Shelby’s eyes return to the ground. “I guess, yeah.”
Toni moves away from Shelby, feeling tears in her eyes. “Jesus Christ, Shelbs.”
“Look, I’m sorry Toni. I was trying not to hurt you again, but that clearly didn’t work.”
Toni sighs. “I get it, it’s just... I’m not ready to fully lose you. I’m not ready to lose you more than I already have. I don’t think I could handle it, Shelb-”
She’s cut off by Shelby crashing her lips into hers. When the blonde pulls away, she makes direct eye contact with Toni. “You will never lose me. I promise.”
It’s the night before Shelby leaves that they see each other in person for the last time for years.
After weeks of Toni crying quietly anytime she thought of her, Shelby comes over to say goodbye.
She hugs Toni tight against her chest. “I will never not love you. I can promise you that. I know I haven’t always kept my promises, but this one? I absolutely will.”
When she pulls out of the hug, Toni just stares at her with wide eyes, asking a silent question. Asking if Shelby means it like Toni hopes she does.
Shelby understands and just gives her a nod. Toni stares back at her, frozen.
The blonde steps back. “Well, this is ‘see you later,’ I suppose.” She turns to walk away and Toni grabs her arm.
“I love you too.”
Shelby smiles fondly and genuinely. “I know.”
She walks back to her car and drives away.
- - - - - - - - -
When Toni wakes up, Shelby is cooking in the kitchen. The blonde turns around and smiles. “Hey, sleepyhead.”
Toni smiles back just as big.
They eat breakfast, just making small talk, but it’s not forced like it was the day before.
Shelby sets down her fork. “We should probably talk about yesterday.” Toni nods. “Yeah, we probably should. How are you feeling about everything?”
The Texan sighs. “Not great. I feel... alone, if I’m honest. I kinda am alone now, I guess. But the fact that I don’t have tp keep pretending and lying and working so damn hard is freeing in a way.”
Toni nods. “I can understand that. I’ve never been through it personally, but, like, that makes sense to me.” 
It feels like it’s not enough, but it seems to put Shelby at ease a little.
She grabs the brunette’s hand. “Thank you for being here, Toni. I know it can’t be easy, considering, y’know, everything.”
“We’ve had our ups and downs for sure. And it’s kinda been years of downs. But there’s no world where I wouldn’t be here for you, Shelbs.”
Shelby smiles a big genuine smile. “I don’t know that I’m ready to jump into anything right now, because everything’s new to me, but I need you to know that I love you, and that, as soon as I’m ready, I’m yours. If you want me.”
Toni smiles back even bigger. “I will always want you, Shelby. I always have.”
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kristyavsonhero2 · 4 years
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based on Silly Content (art)'s AU about cartoon cat. I did some mash-up in my au and his'. his art-style was so cute. (warning! it will be blood and gore)
in my au, cartoon cat was an original main character, until he was replaced by cartoon dog as the main character, cartoon dog picked on him as a background character and before cartoon cat gets removed, Trevor fires Andrew and hires a girl named kristy avson, Trevor saw her skills at Deviantart and tweets her if she wants to join him as an Intern for him. she said "yes" and becomes an Intern. when she saw cartoon cat's raw skills, she would like to ask him as one of her team-mates since the cat was cartoon cat was a cool drawer and He had a skill and a magic brush that made drawings come to life. she might have her own show one day. in private, she went over to cartoon cat and asked him if he wants to join her (she needed some help from him and giving her a few pointers.) and she asked him why The local animators cast him as a background. he has no idea why The studio has to replace him and changed him with a new main character. Cartoon cat started playing the role of a character that was picked on and useless. kristy told him that the new 2nd main character just opened up for him, 1st main character was herself, she loves to go on adventures with them and she needed some help from him so she'll be better just like him. kristy even feels sorry for him. so, cartoon cat agrees with her, he draws a clone of himself, leaving his white pencil to the clone and lift his show behind him. kristy won't tell everyone about it, it would be a secret. few days later, kristy is a new creator of Cartoon Cat (she draws a new look for him as an update, purple with stars on it and pencil purple with stars). so, he and Kristy team up with the next adventure, and cartoon cat helps her with the cartoons and becoming a better animator. Kristy was concerned one thing about CC (as a nickname for Cartoon Cat), he's Entertainer, not a fighter, so she helps him to have self-defense to defend himself. sometimes, cartoon cat gets homesick about his own show and he missed it. she knows just a thing, she lets him play some games on her YouTube channel (if I had one.) and plays Roblox. not only he entertains them, but he also entertains himself. Kristy found out and told cartoon cat the reasons why he was replaced by cartoon dog as the main character because The local animators were fearing him, not because he brought the drawings to life, but rather because he draws better than they did. The boss decided to expel (deject) the original creator of Cartoon Cat, and they took him off the stage (animation), and decided to put cartoon dog in its place. cartoon cat realizes that's the reason why he was getting pick on by the dog, the selfish and Foolish Pride gets better of the dog & another news about the last episode of the last season. the next season is going to be a new one, in the new season, cartoon cat Will be REMOVED. the real cartoon cat was in shock about it and feels sad about his clone gets to remove. Kristy gives him a comforting hug to him. he hugs her back, he found himself a new home. Meanwhile in cartoon cat's old show while he is at Kristy's house, cartoon dog took advantage of being the main character and always treated the clone version of cartoon cat badly and humiliated him in various ways, until he reached a point where he crossed the line and broke his magic pencil. the original creator of Cartoon Cat was Furious, not only for having expelled him but also humiliating his creation and he also noticed that Kristy somehow in someway gets better and better at drawing cartoons each day, she is better than him because someone or somebody helps her. so with anger and hatred, he decides to make a demonic pact and creates an evil Cartoon Cat, and puts it in the animation videos to get them. When the projector starts, this evil Cartoon Cat that is now in the animation goes after the main character, the dog, and kills him (and also kills the boy in the other animation). Then he leaves his animation and comes to real life, meanwhile, the creator watches him kill the children, but he gets angry because his plan ends up failing in the end with the projector destroying the projection of the animation. at Kristy's place, both Kristy and the real cartoon cat saw the whole thing too and she quickly turns off and un-plugs the tv before anything gets worse. cartoon cat realizes that the clone version of cartoon cat just made a deal with the devil and becomes evil who goes around, killing people. he also realizes that something's got terribly gone wrong. before Kristy goes to the Studio to make sure that everyone's ok, she told him to stay put and gives him a warning while she left: do not plug the tv back in. after she left, he started to cry for cartoon dog who just got killed. but he avenges for cartoon dog and do something about it before the clone kills anymore people. so that's my au there, so i hoped you like it, it took me while to write this. his mouth was messed up and i'm sorry about it. look it up on youtube: Silly Content (art) Cartoon Cat and cartoon dog belongs to trevor henderson
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