#Andrew is just so distressed over everything and Emil is just trying to help
olliesneweyes · 1 month
so basically to put it lightly im really incredibly regular and ordinary but anyway
i'd imagine the murder is something constantly lingering in the back of his mind, since the guilt is always gnawing at his conscious. i think he would have nightmares about it actually, where nothing changed from the original incident, its just the sudden moment of him realizing someone's caught him doing illegal activities, and then instead of maybe getting away with a good excuse, he panics and kills a man (was it even panic? or is that just an excuse to get back at the landlord that made his life even harder?)
though, i think a bout of sleep deprivation could have the same effect where the memory just rushes forward out of nowhere. and he's entirely convinced he's covered again with blood that isn't his and he needs to get rid of the evidence before anyone notices because god. if someone notices all hell will break loose (though it would be deserved if he's a murderer, wouldnt it)
he probably over the sink for way longer than he should, desperately clawing the bloodstains off his hands yet working himself up more when the blood from his own injuries starts mixing with the water.
and then once emil comes in all rationality goes out the window because out of everyone that had to see this, it couldnt be emil. he tries to play it off as a usual thing, despite the obvious steam coming from the water
and emil looks concerned which only serves to panic him more, and this is where he starts to be a little unnerving. he knows emil said something but he couldnt hear what- it mustve been an accusation, though. at this point hes incredibly stressed and the words dont come out right and he can feel tears in his eyes because he has to be believed, or else he'll lose one of the few people who cares about him. it looks like emil might be believing him, since emil went to move him out of the bathroom, so he keeps talking and explaining despite how sore his throat is becoming and how much he's coughing until all of the sudden his voice doesnt work anymore and all that comes out are hoarse, terrible sounding coughs that seem to worsen as the tears fall incessantly.
at some point the coughing finally ends he notices emil is looking at him and holding a roll of bandages. as if asking for permission. and andrew isnt in the position to deny him anything, even if he thinks it'd be a waste of time in the end so he lets emil wrap them and help andrew steady his hands enough for him to put his gloves back on while mumbling quiet reassurances to him and once everything is done he feels emil leaning against him in an embrace that theyve been in so many times. an embrace he still wants more of despite how selfish that is
so he lets himself have this for now. and he realizes that he was just saved from the evil that plagued him by this man, even though he absolutely didnt deserve the divine treatment he was just given, and he nearly breaks down again because the weight against him is so welcoming and nonjudgmental and its all he could ever ask for at the moment
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yanderefantasies · 3 years
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𖦹Au introduction➢
A concept that for some may bring fear
To others, it brings questions
Some even felt happy when the topic was brought
But why were they happy for?
Why they were so afraid of the day where their body would stop functioning?
Oh there were so many questions
Questions that nobody wanted to answer
Questions that nobody wanted to be answered
But we shouldn't dwell on those questions at the moment
You had an experiment to execute
Some days had passed since one of your experiments had come to life
Even if just for some minutes, your years of research finally paid off
So many years studying the human body
So many years accidentally electrifying yourself
So many years of the gods stopping you from reaching your goal
But now
You had done it
You had finally done it
You had brought the dead to life
Oh you longed for the answers for what happens after death that the once-dead body would tell you
Was there a God out there?
What was their name?
Were the Greeks right?
Or the Egyptians?
Or maybe the atheists?
Are we just a rock floating out there in the vast space?
Oh so many questions and oh so many answers
But happiness doesn't last for long
Of course, the experiment had to go back to their eternal sleep
Bloody hell
Why cant those people stop being so selfish
It wouldn't hurt to stay alive for some bloody hours, or even minutes
You had so many questions
But so little time
And all of these people were so ungrateful
You brought them to life
You gave them another chance to live
And yet not even a simple "thank you" exited their dry and slightly rotten lips
Even the youngest people seemed to become rude after death
They were so ungrateful
So disgusting
Then a sudden pain stopped your line of thought
The scalpel that you were holding penetrated your calloused hand
You would have to remember to clean it soon
Soon after you disposed of your anger that had been accumulating since your fourth experiment
And now, you would make sure to not hold back
You knew that nobody could recognize the body
Or else they would probably come to you
But you would make sure that not even the gods that watched you wretched figure disfiguring the body of the poor unfortunate soul that had the sad destiny to end up in your experiment table were unable to be recognized by them
They would call you a madman
Just like your professor Diruse had called you
He said it was dangerous
That it was an insane wish
Nobody should interfere with "god's plan"
"God's plan" your ass
You would show them that you weren't insane
You would show them all
You would open their eyes for the secrets that were hidden from them for centuries
And then
Nobody had to suffer anymore
Nobody would have to see their loved ones die
Nobody would have to accept death
Nobody would ever suffer
Just like you did on that unfortunate day
The day that death took everything from your
→on this Au!, the reader takes a similar role as Victor Frankenstein
→after the mysterious death of their now-dead partner, the reader lives the rest of their life searching for how to bring someone back to life
→Luchino in this Au! is on his human form, he works as the science professor where the reader studies
→Luchino understand the distress that the reader is going through at the moment, but he keeps trying to convince the reader to stop with their experiments that, in the worst case, could end up in their death
→Ouroboros(Antonio) though, is very interested in Reader's experiments, even going as far as support them financially so they wouldn't give up on their experiments
→after discovering about Luchino, Ouroboros keeps trying to make the reader stop talking to Luchino, as he sees him as an "obstacle" to the reader's progress
→I am VERY tired right now sadly, I don't have a lot of ideas to keep writing but here are some of the roles of some characters and the relationship that they have with the reader( I'm only putting the ones that have A LOT of importance in this Au, I didn't put everyone or else it would be too long)
(Note:  They are still yandere for the reader depending on how the reader sees it, this is not how the characters see the reader, but yes how they see them)
→Luchino Diruse: Luchino is the reader's science teacher, he considers the reader as one of his best students, but since the death of their lover and the start of their research on how to bring the dead back to life, he has been extremely worried for the reader. He tries to convince them to stop but his warnings seem to fall on deaf ears( relationship: Questionable, because of Ouroboros influence, the reader started to see him as an obstacle)
→Ouroboros/Antonio Paganini: Ouroboros liked to see himself as one of the most powerful scientists to exist, sometimes, he also saw himself as a god, but that was only his gigantic ego talking, the moment that he saw the reader buying some items at the black market, Antonio decided to follow them home, "What would that simple mortal do with all of these things?", he asked himself. It took some days of Ouroboros stalking the reader until they noticed the presence of the tall men following them around, and when they did, they had already fallen for his trick( relationship: Very good. Ouroboros helps the reader with his experiments not only financially but also gives them a lot of knowledge that they couldn't learn in their class, which only helps Antonio to manipulate them and make them abandon the outside world and only focus on their research, also making it extremely easy for Antonio to keep them all to himself, he already has them on the palm of his hand anyways)
→Aesop Carl: Aesop also has an interest in the dead, even wanting to pursue the career of an embalmer when he finishes his studies. After the reader tells him about his experiments, unlike some of the other students that heard about his ideas, Aesop liked that idea, even though he preferred the dead over the alive, the idea of bringing someone who was once dead back to life seemed very interested, so interesting that he volunteers himself to help the reader on their little "project", to Antonio's dismay of course.
→Andrew Kreiss: Andrew is kind of the provider for reader's experiments, at first it was kind of weird how this stranger came almost every week to buy one of the graveward's bodies, but with time, the stranger became some kind of comfort on the lonely nights where Andrew guarded the graveward. Though he didn't like to admit it, he always got a little sad when the stranger's " assistant" was the one to come. (relationship: Neutral)
→Robbie White: He is not very important to the plot but you know that I had to put him here, my boy sells newspapers to people and he works with Victor, the reader really likes(PLATONICALY) him so he always buys a newspaper when he has a chance
→Lucky Guy, Norton, Eli, Naib, Freddy, Xie Bi'an, Fan Wujiu, William, Eli, Edgar and Ganji are reader's classmates
→Jack is a local murderer, he knew reader by their frequent visits to the black market
→Burke, Bane, Joseph and Leo are teachers at the reader college/school
→Polun is a street performer, they knew readers because, when their(reader) lover was alive, they used to go to their performances
→Percy works as a Hitman(??), he was the one who killed the reader's lover they were involved with some...'   nasty' things, he meets redder because they have been contracted by Antonio to 'keep an eye on them' *cough* make sure they are working on the experiments and not slacking off *cough*
→Kurt works as a librarian on reader's college/school, they've each other by reader's constant visits to the school/college library
→Servais, Murro, Mik,e, and Smiley work at a circus in the center of the town where the reader lives, they know each other because the reader and their lover used to go there a lot
→ Jose and Kevin work at Demi's bar, they know the reader because of their frequent visits to the bar, especially after their lover's death
→Victor works to the town's mail, he meets the reader by Robbie, who managed to sell a lot of newspapers to them
→Luca was one of Ouroboros little specimens, before Ouroboros meets the reader, he used to "help" other people on their projects and then steal them, accusing the real creators of stealing from him and forcing him to pay for their things, which ends up on his victims going to jail, Luca meets the reader by trying to kill them out of rage, after knowing that Ouroboros is helping them, but gives up on the last second
→Emil is a patient in the asylum that the reader goes to get some of the bodies for his experiments, Emil doesn't know that the people that the reader takes out of there are dead, so he thinks that the reader is saving these people and taking them out of that hell
𖦹➢This was rushed af and probably sucks bc I'm writing this for some time now and I have tucked or any calligraphy errors (Grammarly is doing it for me lol). Also sorry for putting a lot of characters as classmates or teachers, I didn't know what to make them and I am exhausted today, (once again, sorry for the bad writing, this one was the most rushed one that I made)
My fingers are hurting help
Babes/p this is absolutely amazing oh my god- I’m so sorry I didn’t get to this before- I was setting up something for my rabbits lmao
I love how this plays out though, it’s really good!!! Tysm for sending this
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