#...first time for watson too come to think of it. i have a drawing of him on my other blog but not here
lxgentlefolkcomic · 2 years
i’ve been procrastinating on the stuff i’m actually supposed to be working on, so here, take some sketchy expressions practices
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in order: irene, jekyll, hyde, holmes, watson, basil hallward
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amypihcs · 1 month
So i'm dead.
@contact-guy's beautiful comic (i loved it, truly, it killed me.) and watching Hellsing with an offline friend of mine killed me THROUGHLY.
And since i fear i'm figuring out how Holmes and Watson's relationship will evolve into @contact-guy's comic serie i'll curse you with the HCs i made with my dear @i-dont-talk-for-days-on-end today talking about my future drawing of Watson with his loves, Holmes and Mary.
You can probably tell i'm emotionally devastated because my writing is more inconsistent than my usual.
For me is very important that Mary gets treated well, since she exists in canon and is a fantastic woman. And i also love to think that she and Holmes are friends, after all they both love Watson.
My take is, Watson and Mary have kind of a façade marriage based on good friendship and comradeship but without love and generally without sex.
This could work in two ways, both of which are incredibly nice one:
Aroace Mary who needs some sort of social respectability coming from a marriage and got lucky enough to find a man as good and kind as Watson who is more than willing to help her to achieve it without endangering her
Lesbian or Bi Mary in a relationship with a girl, probably her ex employer, could be someone else, who still needs the respectability and stability coming from a marriage and is still lucky enough to find our favourite bisaster, Dr John H. Watson, who is also bisexual and in a relationship with a man and would benefit a lot from the cover of a respectable marriage.
The first one is rather easy to treat. Watson and Mary make good friends during Sign of Four, Holmes notices/guesses that Mary is acespec like him (my Headcanon for Holmes is that he is demigay) and when Watson proposes and she accepts they put immediately straight that it won't be a consummated marriage, ever.
The second one develops in the same way, and this makes so much more explainable the many times Mary is mentioned to be away visiting relatives in canon. Mary is with her partner, Watson is with his partner.
Now angst warning!
Sherlock Holmes looks very favorably upon Watson's marriage, he is in fact the one that pushes Watson into it, and for very good reasons.
Let's put sign of four in 1887, alright? Chances are high he was already pursuing Moriarty, or that he generally was realizing more and more the risk of dying on the job, well, Holmes is a smart man. And a clever, practical and caring one as well. he is a man who loves deeply and cares deeply and wants to always have his affairs in order.
Is it too much of a stretch to imagine that he realizes the higher and higher risk of SOMETHING BAD happening? I don't think so. And he knows that Watson could get caught in the crossfire and he wants of course to protect Watson and offer him some saving net.
He pushes Watson into this marriage that will not mean the end of their relationship but the creation of another meaningful relationship for his love, so that SHOULD I DIE he will have someone to help him weather the storm (would watson care, would he? nobody ever did, but WATSON. Watson cares for everyone... would watson care...). The marriage also means that he will go back into practice, and this is an economic safe net, something always good. Their relationship is of course carefully concealed but such a handsome, sociable, perfect man as Watson is staying unmarried and living with a bachelor friend might give rouse to suspects, marriage will give his incredible partner respectability, something Moriarty or anybody won't dare to attack without sure cards in his hands, and Holmes will make sure NOBODY has any such cards.
Holmes is no coward, but he's not stupid either. He knows his job is dangerous and it might lead to really bad things happening, so he is happy when Watson tells him Mary said yes. He is happy on the morning of the wedding, he is the man who ties Watson's tie and then kisses his lips. He tells his husband to go marry, enjoy his honeymoon and start his life with his wife. And then come back to him, to their rooms and their love. And they both will have tears in their eyes. Holmes will not be at the cerimony, nor will Mary's wife. But they will always support their partners.
Holmes OF COURSE will sulk for a bit, until Scandal in Bohemia. He did what was right, but he still feels lonely. And then Watson comes back. And they're together once more, they're in love and they can break the world apart. And then comes 1890. Watson is a bit more settled down, Holmes has his affairs in order, he can set to the work of his life. And then comes 1891.
Holmes is afraid.
They set fire to their rooms. Home is not safe anymore.
Reichenbach comes.
Holmes is not suicidal, he is terrified. And yet he will once more put Watson's happiness in front of his own. He will not put his husband in front of an impossible choice. He drafts a letter in his head. He leaves it under a silver cigarette case.
He can't imagine he will only see his husband three years later.
His plans worked and failed. But they're back together. Holmes will finally talk. There's a broken window in 221b Baker Street, they're both older, more tired. A bit sad at how things turned out. Mary is dead. Holmes couldn't have forseen that. And yet after some days, after a dinner. Watson will pat the empty spot on his left on the couch, he's still sitting in the center. He will hug Holmes close to his chest, they will remember the times all three of them hugged, Watson and his loves, Mary on the right, Holmes on the left. Holmes on the heart's side, Mary on the reason's side. They will cry. And remember. And be glad for what have been and look forward to what will be.
They're older, more sure of themselves. Watson's status as a widower is respectable enough, he murmurs in the dark. He will only be married to one man for the rest of his life. The following morning, Holmes presents Watson with a French gold coin, for his Watch chain. That will be their ring, their memento.
Years will pass, they will retire, they will always be together, because they never lived, so they can never die. Outside the rain pours and the cabs rattle in the streets.
And it is.
Okay, sorry for the immense rant, i have tears streaming down my face, my j'accuse is up in the first lines and it's also my thank you for getting the balls to write this rant on holmes, watson and mary.
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fluentmoviequoter · 10 months
heyy! let me tell you, not only were you a part of me discovering a new hyperfixation but pretty much the main reason 😭 anyway congrats on 100 followers!! and if i'm still on time to request something i would love dalton l. and number 4
I'm honored, and I humbly accept the responsibility. If you couldn't tell, I have same hyperfixation and I think it's a great one!😆 Thank you for the congratulations and the request! I hope you enjoy and please let me know what you think!
Warnings: a misunderstanding and some hurt feelings, happy ending, fluff, 0.9k+ words
Join the 100 Follower Celebration!
Prompt 4: "Can you please go sit in another room or something? I can't concentrate with you here."
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You’re beginning to think Dalton forgot about your date. It’s been nearly ten minutes since you walked into his dorm, and he asked you to wait one minute while he finished something. Not that you mind, of course, you enjoy watching him work. Your eyes are glued to his profile as he draws, his brows furrowed as his attention moves to a different area of his paper.
“I can feel you staring,” he mumbles around the pencil in his mouth.
“Good for you,” you quip. “Your observation skills are coming along nicely, my dear Watson.”
He doesn’t signify your sarcasm with a response, instead looking through his supplies for a chamois, making an “aha” sound before he begins using it to blend.
“What are you drawing?” You ask, moving to sit on the other side of his desk.
His eyes raise to yours quickly, but he doesn’t answer.
“Are you almost done?”
His eyes raise again but look over your entire face before dropping again. He raises a hand and tugs his hair over his ear. You let him focus, shifting in your seat to look at the completed artwork displayed on his wall.
Dalton takes your shift in attention as an opportunity to study your face closer, noticing that you're dressed very nicely, and it looks like you tried something new with your hair. He thinks that every time he looks, you get more attractive. Shaking his head, he smiles to himself before finishing the shading.
“The painting of the mountain is really pretty,” you say quietly.
“Can you please go sit in another room or something? I can’t concentrate with you here,” he says, not looking up.
You try not to sound too disappointed when you agree. “Call me when you’re done?” You ask, standing in the doorway.
Dalton hums an acknowledgement, so you close the door and walk to your dorm.
Twenty or so minutes later, Dalton calls and asks you to return. You knock, holding your lips between your teeth as you hope he isn’t annoyed with you for distracting him.
“You don’t have to knock,” Dalton says as he opens the door. When he sees you, his eyes widen, even though he had just seen you. “You look amazing.”
You nod and mutter a thank you, keeping your hands behind your back as you walk in. Dalton notices your behavior change and starts to reach out, then decides to explain himself first.
“Sorry about earlier. I just really wanted to finish that so we could make dinner,” Dalton explains, rubbing the back of his neck to expel his nervous energy.
“I thought the reservation was at 6?” You ask quietly.
Dalton looks into your eyes and sees the sadness behind them, hating himself for asking you to leave and making you think he forgot your date.
“I’ll assume Chris didn’t tell you, then,” he says, rubbing his hands down his face. His eyes meet yours as he further explains, “I was going to call you and tell you that they changed the reservation to 8 but Chris was here and said she’d tell you.”
“I haven’t seen her.” You sound a little more like yourself but are still too far away for Dalton’s liking.
“I’m so sorry. And I’m sorry for asking you to leave earlier, just… you look amazing and I couldn’t keep my eyes off of you. I wanted this to be a little more romantic but do you want to see it?” He gestures toward his desk and the new artwork lying on it.
You nod and walk side-by-side to the desk, gasping as you see a beautiful drawing of you.
“It’s amazing, Dalton,” you whisper breathlessly.
“Thank you. I had a great model.”
You lean closer and examine all the little details he put into the picture.
“I really am sorry about earlier. I didn’t mean to make you think I forgot you or kick you out like that.”
You turn to face Dalton and laugh as you relax, stepping closer to him.
“What’s so funny?”
“You asked me to leave because I was distracting you. You were drawing me, Dalton. How can the model be a distraction?”
“I can’t look at you and draw at the same time,” he explains, wrapping his arms around you and bringing you close.
“Maybe you should learn,” you say, wrapping your arms over his shoulders.
“Only if you help. And we really are going to be late if we don’t leave now.”
You step out into the hall while Dalton grabs his jacket.
“Oh, hey,” Chris says as she exits the stairwell. “I was supposed to give you a message from Dalton.”
“I know,” you say as Dalton yells, “We got it covered! No thanks to you!”
He exits and drops his jacket on your shoulders, keeping a hand on your back as he leads you. You laugh again, so Dalton nudges you slightly, a silent invitation to share.
You drop your voice and say, “‘I’m trying to remember every detail of your face, but I’m getting distracted by your face. Get out.’ That’s you.”
Dalton pretends to laugh, though his smile is genuine. “I’m never living this down, am I?”
“Nope. And you’ll receive payback when you least expect it.”
“Can’t wait,” Dalton deadpans.
Truth be told, Dalton couldn’t wait. He’d send you away to concentrate a million more times if it meant you’d tease him and let him hold you so closely.
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elionwriter · 1 year
Sherlock Holmes the Awakened: a Review
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Sorry, sorry, sorry, but I just NEED to talk about this game! I have been a Frogwares Holmes fan since the very beginning and 'The Awakened' was always among my favourite titles. Not to mention one of the games that had scared the wits out of me. So I have to speak about the Remake now.
First and foremost, I think it needs to be reiterated that this game was made DURING THE FU****G INVASION OF UKRAINE! During such dark times, the team kept working on this. I would have supported this game even just for this reason alone.
Now, let's be honest: Frogwares never had the most marvelous graphics nor the most polished of gameplays and this entry is not an exception. I still feel the map system is a bit difficult to navigate (I may be an idiot, but I had the same issue with Chapter 1) but I really appreciated the added help the game gives you when you're recreating a scene, letting you know which passage you got wrong. Last game I found myself changing everything trying to hit the right combination so I really liked this fix.
This needs to be said: the game doesn't feel under any shape or form a product for a new fan. Everything from dialogues to game mechanics sort of take for granted that you've at least played 'chapter one'. Honestly? I'm ok with this, I hate having to always go through nearly identical tutorial stages for games I know inside out (like Pokémon) and I believe that most of not all people who are going to get this game ARE old fans!
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I wasn't originally a big fan of the new Holmes and Watson models when the last game came out but....I dunno, they have grown on me. I find myself liking them now for, I suppose, no other reason than 'they are very expressive' and 'I've gotten used to them'. I think it's gotten to the point that these might be my favourite models of the two to date. Please ignore how fickle I am! (In honesty, just to draw a similar parallel, when Roger Craig Smith was first announced as Sonic's voice I hated it and now he's my fav Sonic v. actor)
This game has something.....compared to its predecessor, that makes it less scary. I can't really put my finger on it, but I distinctly remember the feeling of claustrophobia building in me when I was in the Black Edelweiss. Or the sheer jumpscare I got when the sacrificed American detective on the altar had tentacles coming out of it and severing his head making it roll to the ground. I remember almost not wanting to paddle the rowboat under the tree of hanging men in the Bayou. I remember how viscerally sick I felt at the lighthouse by all the gore and blood depicted. This time round.....I just didn't. I'm honestly not sure why this didn't hit me nearly as hard as its 2006 predecessor did!
And talking about comparisons, one thing I'm a bit disappointed they didn't grab the chance to do in this remake was fix the loose ends that were left hanging in the 2006 version. I mean....they still abandoned completely the search for that one Maori servant, what happened to all the people they managed to rescue? Who hired the private American detective that was killed? Why give out the cheap pendants? I know I'm a bit dumb and need extra explaining than what is necessarily needed but...I can't be the only one right? Sometimes you want to be told just a bit more.
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Now, getting into the really good bits, that make all of it worth it!
'Chapter One' acted as a 'de facto' reboot of the Frogwares Holmes series, and I honestly think that was for the best. I don't really see where they could have gone with things after 'Devil's Daughter' and their Holmes had changed too much to be the same guy from 'The Silver Earring'...let alone Watson. But like this? They have a fresh, clean slate to start off from and they can rebuild the two mains' relashionship and lore from the ground up in a more strictly consequential manner. And the way they are doing it? I think it's state of the art!
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The fact that they poke fun at themselves on certain points like Watson stating: "What about when you used to roll up only one of your sleeves? Did you get bored halfway through?!" I think the Devs themselves realized this was a cringe design choice and I like that they said so out loud.
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The meta-conversation they wrote in towards the end, 'because yes, this HAS Happened before and the story still has the same outcome', is brilliant. I don't think I've ever seen another remake that acknowledges that it is a remake, and in the general madness that is mounting in the narrative this makes perfect sense! It adds one more layer of horror and inexplicable to the tale. The villain's warning 'that the Final Problem is coming and Sherlock will fall in the abyss too' is such a powerful way to use Canon. The prophecy is only made more real and dreadful by the fact that this person is aware of what has already happen in a similar but different scenario!
Also, not them using that one quote from 'The Valley of Fear' novel which happens to be one of my all time favourites!
I say, Watson,’ he whispered, ‘would you be afraid to sleep in the same room as a lunatic, a man with softening of the brain, an idiot whose mind has lost its grip?’ ‘Not in the least,’ I answered in astonishment. 'Ah, that’s lucky,’ he said, and not another word would he utter.
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I think the thing that has most benefited from the Remake is Watson's character. Compared to the 2006 version, this Watson is a truly compelling character in his own right and this time round he's not just along for the ride. In this version, you simply cannot imagine how Holmes would have done it on his own. Watson was in every way a key component to the solution of the problem and the reason why Holmes didn't drown in madness. That point is driven home by Rochester asking 'How did you defeat me?' and Holmes answering 'I made a friend!'
Much of the narrative in the game was focused on Holmes truly learning to accept Watson's friendship and him as a person when he was still clinging so much to his old imaginary friend. You can see how, at first, Holmes refuses to be honest with the Doctor about what he thinks and feels and it's only as they move forward in the adventure that they both open up to each other. You can see as the adventure progresses that Holmes shifts his desperate cries from 'Jon' to 'Watson' to 'John' and the Doctor goes more and more often from 'Holmes' to 'Sherlock'. Mycroft also points this out when he says that Sherlock 'went from one Jon to another'. But this one, John Watson, is real and there to stay. In the context of a story that happens mostly in the detective's mind, Watson's friendship is really what turns the situation around!
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I could add of little tid bits which were so random and on the nose that somehow worked, like the possessed 'Heidi' doll or the fact that you had to actually 'Kill Holmes' with the booby traps instead of avoiding them.
Also, "The director Guygax was randomly killed.....by a doll?!????!?!?! Yeah, let's just walk out of here no questions asked. That's too deep a wormhole even for this f***d up Adventure to go down. I'm sure nobody is gonna ask us questions, suspect or stop us as we go out the main doors!" 😃 -Holmes, probably.
So, yeah, I loved this game despite it not being perfect and my love and support goes to Frogwares more that ever!
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imagines--galore · 1 year
Hey! Can you do a Sherlock x reader based on love story by taylor swift? Like they're dating but reader's parents aren't in for it. Maybe age gap or something so they sneaks out and stuff.
Pairing: Sherlock x Reader - Victorian Era AU Rating || Genres || Warnings: T. Romance. Mention of blood, and if you're from the Victorian Era prepare to be scandalized lol A/N: I mean the entire request?! I just HAD to put it in this era :3 Also I didn't listen to Love Story while writing this fic. Nope. Not at all.
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Ever since you had met Sherlock at a Ball your parents had been hosting, you had been intrigued. He had no invitation, but had been able to fool all the guests into making them believe he was invited. Even your parents. You, however, had been suspicious and had trailed after him every step of the way.
He had tried to shake you off, but you were determined to prove his lies. And also because you wanted to avoid every single eligible male your Mother paraded before you, in hopes that you would pick someone to dance with.
You had finally cornered Sherlock under the guise of a dance. And he had been a little impressed that he hadn't been able to pull the wool over your eyes with his lies. So, he had told you the truth.
He was here to stop a man from killing his wife and framing her lover for it. And then he asked for your help. The prospect of doing something that went against your proper upbringing, compelled you to agree.
A few moments later, you appeared to fall in a faint, prompting all the attention to be diverted towards you. Providing Sherlock with ample time to stop the villain of the night without causing any unwanted fuss.
From then on Sherlock would send you telegrams. And as soon as you received them, you would don your hat and gloves, and under the guise of some errand of some sort, would be out of the house.
Normally Sherlock would ask you to come when he required the assistance of a female in his case. Infiltrating a women society, or being in a place where no one would raise an eyebrow at her being there, you would gather whatever information you could pick up on and report back to Sherlock. There were even times when you would climb out of your window in the dead of night to meet with him and help him solve crimes.
His partner, Dr. Watson, had not been too keen on having a young woman accompany them to dangerous and uncivilized places, but you didn't care. This was the first time something exciting was happening in your life.
So far the only excitement that you had experienced had been news of a potential suitor. But that had fizzled out rather fast. Besides solving a crime topped sitting around in the drawing room listening to old ladies gossip.
Unless of course you were on a mission to gather intelligence. It was amazing, Sherlock had once told you, how much women and housemaids could pick up just because no one ever noticed them. You had helped solve quite a number of cases and murders just by listening in on gossip.
Your parents found out about your escapades a little later then they initially should have. Probably because your mother was a social butterfly who was never really home, and your father stayed at his office or his other lodgings in the heart of London most nights.
You had once been nearly caught because Sherlock and Watson had been attempting to chase down a runner, in a gentleman's pub. You had been waiting outside and as soon as the man had come racing out, you had simply stuck out foot, and watched as the man went careening into a fruit stall.
"Quick thinking Ms. Y/L/N." Mr. Watson had praised at which you had smiled in amusement. "Who knew a simple schoolboy trick would take down a murderer."
It was then that you had caught sight of your father standing at the threshold of the club, looking at you with rage in his eyes. Your face had paled, and Sherlock had noticed.
His mind was quick enough to deduce what was going on, and what would occur if he did not act quickly. Which is why he turned to you and gave a small polite bow.
"Thank you for helping us catch the criminal Miss. It was good fortune you were here at such an opportune moment." His hand grasped your gloved one, where he placed a polite kiss at the back of it. Surreptitiously he slipped his pocket watch into your hand, which you quickly palmed and gave him a polite smile before moving to speak to your father.
That was the first time you lied to your father.
How you had only come to deliver his pocket watch to him, which was, of course, not his. Since you had an errand to run in this part of London, you had opted to drop it off.
And that was that.
Or so you thought.
Your most recent adventure with Sherlock, turned into a rather pivotal moment.
In hindsight, perhaps posing as a couple at a masquerade had not been the best of plans. But there had been no other way. Sherlock had to expose the sweet old widow who was actually running a brothel under the guise of a respectable hotel. She had been hosting a masquerade at her family home, intent to keep up appearances.
All Sherlock had to do was sneak into her study and steal a few letters of correspondence that would expose her. What you hadn't expected was the old widow herself to be giving a tour of her home, and for an entire gaggle of women to barge into the study.
Where both you and Sherlock were.
The gossip mill churned and soon the entire city of London knew that you had been caught alone with a gentleman with no chaperone.
The women who had caught you had failed to report that the both of you had been standing well away from one another, with you rummaging through the desk, while Sherlock went over every inch of the fireplace in case there was a hidden compartment.
But those were insignificant details.
Your father was furious!
He had raved on and on for hours how you had brought shame to the family name, and that no man would ever want to marry someone who had a reputation. Especially with someone like Sherlock? Who was considered an oddity and that most people in polite society shunned just because he was different.
You hadn't spoken once while your father scolded you, but once he began to call Sherlock names you had had enough.
Sherlock was your one and only friend, and the only person you trusted. You were not going to let your father slander him in such a manner.
But your defensive stance against Sherlock only made him angrier, and he gave you an ultimatum.
He would be marrying you off the moment a proposal came.
Regardless of the man's age or station.
You had been numb all over once he said that. Knowing him, he was vindictive enough to go through with his promise. And your father was a proud man who thought social standing was everything. You had just put a huge stain across your reputation, and it was up to him to fix it.
It never crossed his mind to marry you off to Sherlock, and you didn't suggest it either. Because Sherlock would never marry you. You were a mere acquaintance to him. He had no idea of the extent of your feelings for him and how deep they ran.
And perhaps it was better your feelings remained a secret.
Your father did not believe you capable enough to sneak out a few days after your initial scolding. He thought you that meek, demure young lady you had grown up to be. Of course, he had no idea that since you had begun to solve cases with Sherlock and had tasted what true freedom and joy felt like, it had been easy for you to show your true colors.
You had shown up at 221B Baker Street late evening.
Sherlock had been extremely surprised to see you there. Truthfully, he admitted to thinking you would never return.
"And why would I not come back?"
"Because....being with me would destroy your reputation."
"Its already in tatters Sherlock, I doubt continuing solving cases with you will change anything. Especially since it will be my last case."
He had inquired after your last statement to which you had revealed your father's plans to marry you off.
You had known Sherlock for the better part of a year now, and you had never seen him at a loss for words. But in that moment he had stared at you, and if you were to believe your hopeful heart, there was a troubled look in his blue eyes.
The moment passed, and he quickly told you about the case he had been working on solving and was about to go and confront the killer. As this would be the final case you both shared, you just hoped it was a good one.
And you certainly got what you wished for.
From the initial moment it was exciting. With the man trying to get away and you and Sherlock chasing after him. Once cornered, the man had taken out a pistol and fired. Sherlock had shielded you with his body, causing one of the bullets to graze his arm.
The Culprit ran out of bullets, and that was the opening Sherlock needed to engage him in a fist fight.
However, he underestimated the man's strength, and while Sherlock was strong and quite adapt at fighting, his bloodied arm did hold him back.
Which led to Sherlock being held by his throat, with the man squeezing as hard as he could.
So far, you had never actively participated in a fight. But in that moment, seeing Sherlock's panicked and terrified gaze flicker in your direction, something inside you snapped.
Letting out a roar, you picked up the first thing you could use as a weapon, which turned out to be an axe.
Makes sense since you were in a wood shop.
You hadn't stopped to think, hadn't even held back in the power of your swing and let the axe fall.
Hitting the man in the back of his head and killing him instantly.
You stood there. Every inch of you nearly covered in blood. You eyes were wide and lips pressed in a thin line in an effort to not scream out loud at what had just occurred. Your hands were still gripping the handle of the axe you had used to kill the man who now lay at your feet in a puddle of his own blood.
By the Queen you had killed someone.
Granted he had been about to kill the man you loved, but still. You had killed someone. A man. A living being.
Your gaze couldn't leave his bloody figure, as you began to take in ragged breaths, small sounds coming from the back of your throat as you tried to draw breath without actually choking on it.
Your instincts screamed at you and you raised the axe above your head in an effort to defend yourself. Sherlock held up his hands in a surrendering motion.
"It would be redundant if you were to kill me after stopping him from doing so." He said. Anyone who knew Sherlock could see the worry in his eyes as he looked at you.
A sound finally escaped your lips, as your arms went limp and the axe dropped at your feet.
The man had nearly killed Sherlock.
The man had nearly choked him to death.
The person you had killed had nearly taken away the man you loved.
Forgetting yourself and any form of decorum or propriety, you launched yourself at Sherlock and wrapped your arms around him, bloody dress and all.
Surprisingly, he reciprocated the embrace just as fiercely as you, if not more.
                                      ��    ————————–
It was the dead of night, and you stood in front of your parents in a bloodied dress, standing besides Sherlock who was just as much of a mess as you were. Albeit his clothes were in disarray, his arm was still bleeding, and there were bruises all along his face and neck. Not to mention his bloody knuckles.
Your mother had fainted when she had seen you covered in blood, and your father was yet to say a word.
The silence would have stretched on if Sherlock had not broken it.
"I realize this is not the way one would expect to see their daughter so late at night, but I simply wished to clear some things."
He seemed to be gathering courage with every word he spoke. All eyes were on him as he continued.
"Your daughter has helped me put monsters in cages. She has helped solve crimes with her quick mind and sharp tongue. Not to mention she saved my life tonight. And I realize that we may have been caught in a compromising position but rest assured when I say that nothing happened."
He glanced back at you and you met his blue gaze. Something in his eyes shifted and an almost tender look came upon them as he continued. "Even though I wished that something would."
Your eyes widened, as your lips parted. You heard your mother release a horrified gasp, but you could hardly hear it over the thundering of your heart. Sherlock turned back to look at your father.
"You told Y/n, that you would marry her off to the first man who proposed to her. And as a man of honor, I'm sure you shall hold true to your promise when I ask you to give your daughter's hand in marriage to me."
This was a dream.
It had to be.
Sherlock was asking for your hand.
Did that mean.........
Your father stood. He was a good few feet shorter then Sherlock, but he glared at the man with such hatred that you were sure your father would have him thrown out.
"You have one week. After which I never wish to see the both of you on my doorstep again."
With that he was gone, with your mother following after him, wailing at how he was making a mistake by marrying his daughter off to a lunatic.
You were still staring at Sherlock who let out a nervous laugh. "I thought your father would kill me for certain." He admitted, pushing his hair back from where the curly strands had fallen in his face.
"Y-you-" Seems he had rendered you mute with his proposal.
He shrugged. "Well it was the more logical thing to do. It would silence the gossip and keep your father from marrying you off to some unpleasant fellow." He frowned. "Then again, I do not believe I am a good man myself but perhaps the lesser of two evils."
Whatever your feelings were about the situation, in that moment your heart broke for him a little. Did he truly believe he was not a good man? Him? Who had helped saved countless lives and put so many criminals behind bars.
He was clueless when it came to himself.
So, perhaps it was a good thing you would be with him from now on to remind him of the good he did.
Walking towards him you slowly took his hand in yours. This was the first time you held his hand where neither of your wore gloves. With no barrier between your skin and his, you could feel the warmth of his palm against your own. Your eyes dropped to where his knuckles were bruised and slightly bleeding when he had thrown punches earlier.
"You truly don't see yourself as a good man do you Sherlock?" You asked, fingers brushing over his knuckles. "What people say about you? Did it manage to get to you? Make you believe you were not good enough." Whether a person was immune to the power of words or not, they still had an effect on them. He stayed silent, instead bringing his other hand up to place on top of yours, enveloping your hand between both of his.
"There was a time when I began to believe what they said. But then you came along. This nosy woman who refused to let me out of her sight because she knew I was lying." You smiled a little at the memory of your first meeting. "And having her speak to me like a normal person, and treat me as such, made me believe that perhaps I am good enough."
You smiled. "And the proposal?" You raised an eyebrow at the sheepish expression he wore. "Yes well, I had to do something to make sure we would continue solving crimes. If Watson can have a wife who was once an assassin, then I can have a wife who helps me solve cases, murder or otherwise."
A small laugh fell from your lips. "Well I suppose it is better then attending parties and sitting down for afternoon tea." He made a face at the very thought of both activities, prompting you to shake your head at him.
"It is a good thing you are past such frivolities and concern yourself with things that do matter." Sherlock stated firmly to which you gave him an affectionate smile. The both of you continued to look at one another for a good long while. Time seemed irrelevant when the two of you were together.
"You are aware of my feelings for you Sherlock?" You finally asked, unable to hold yourself back from asking the question. His eyes never wavered from yours as he leaned his head forward to press a kiss to your forehead.
"And I hope you are aware of mine."
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myemuisemo · 4 months
I'm still back on "The Flower of Utah" in Letters from Watson, so let's do some early Utah houses, thanks to Wikimedia Commons.
Here's one of the two surviving cabins from the first LDS settlers, built in 1847. This one belonged to Osmyn and Mary Deuel. John Ferrier's initial cabin would have looked a lot like this.
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The idea that settlers would just expand the cabin, rather than building a fresh impressive house, is very different from my experience of settlement sites in the midwestern and western states, so I think Doyle was making up what he liked the sound of.
Building something like the Clark-Taylor house (1855-ish) seems more likely.
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How Ferrier worked his land so effectively with no help from wives or children is a mystery. We'd have to be eliding some form of itinerant labor from young white men or natives passing through, or else he's hiring other people's excess children -- or it's just a handwave that Ferrier is just that much hard-working and resourceful. The plot requires Ferrier to prosper so that there can be a rich inheritance for Lucy.
Ah, Lucy! She's a standard-issue Spunky Western Girl, frequently seen in literature of the 1910s-1950s. Honest-spoken, brilliant on a horse, capable as a man but imbued with maidenly modesty -- she's a type. I'm surprised to encounter her in a story written in the 1880s, but most of my exposure is from when I lived in Arizona, which only became a state in 1912. Lucy is definitely a participant in the Victorian-era belief (not universal, but having strong outbreaks from time to time) that fresh air, exercise, and frontier society were better for health than stuffy drawing rooms.
If it's been 12 years (based on Ferrier's rise to wealth), then it's 1859 and Lucy is about 17, or (in the norms of the time) right at a liminal state of being ready for a push to leave the innocence of girlhood for the responsibilities of womanhood. The push to do so doesn't, narratively, have to be a man -- it can be a hardship, a loss, or other trial. But here comes Jefferson Hope!
Hope is here to raise money for silver mining in Nevada, which started its silver rush a year earlier with discovery of the Comstock Lode. The hard-faced, dark adventurer who entertains the maiden with his stories is also a trope of the era, one that really takes off in the 20th century, where it becomes an impetus for the girl to seek out adventure, too.
Hope and Lucy are engaged, all is well -- except, of course, we know it isn't. Polygamy still hasn't come up! Where are Lucy's other suitors? Surely the Flower of Utah had some!
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legendscon · 1 year
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Photo by Bekah Marie Photo
When Subtext Is Text, Musings On Ferus Olin
It's the end of Pride month, and Legends Con Executive Director Katherine is taking the opportunity to talk about one of her favorite characters (and most recent cosplays), Ferus Olin. Ferus is one of the canonically queer characters in the Star Wars Legends timeline; and is, in her humble opinion, one of the most interesting representations of a queer character within the Star Wars universe.
Ferus comes from the Jude Watson books, first appearing in her Jedi Quest series and later leading the series Last of the Jedi. He also appeared in the Rebel Force series as a supporting character. All three of these series are Scholastic chapter books, published between the years of 2001 and 2010. They are progressive for their time in many ways, but are ultimately also a product of their time in how Ferus as a queer character is defined on the page. The line between subtext and text can be debated, but we have author confirmation via Twitter that Ferus is gay and married to Roan Lands. Roan was referred to as Ferus's "partner" throughout the Last of the Jedi and Rebel Force series. With these books being written throughout the 2000s, that was the current terminology used for gay couples at the time- and marriage was not even a legal option within the United States.  
The term partner is really only the beginning of the signs we see in-text that Ferus and Roan are a couple. The most interesting of those to me is this passage from the first book in the Last of the Jedi series. Obi-Wan has just rescued Roan from Imperial prison after both Ferus and Roan were arrested for leading rebel activities and separated within the prison. As part of the misadventures that occurred with Obi-Wan and Ferus after that, they are forced to temporarily leave behind the planet Bellassa where Ferus had been living with Roan. While in space Ferus and Obi-Wan talk about how Ferus resigned from the Jedi Order (that’s another story entirely, I don’t want to get too off track here)
“It doesn’t matter,” Ferus said. “I walked away. It was the most difficult thing I ever had to do, but in a way I’m glad it happened.”
“You’re still a Jedi, Ferus.”
“No,” Ferus said slowly. “I’m not. I can never really be a Jedi again. Not just because I left the Order.” He looked back in the direction of Bellassa. “I have attachments.”
“Once there was something I wanted, something forbidden by the Jedi code,” Obi-Wan said. “Qui-Gon said something to me then. He said, maybe in a different galaxy things will change. The Jedi will change. Here is the change Ferus. And I think… in the new order, attachments will be a strength. Maybe this is how the galaxy will be saved. So yes, you are still a Jedi.”
Obi-Wan is referring to events of the Jedi Apprentice books, also by Jude Watson, where he entered a brief romance with one of his fellow Padawans, Siri Tachi. Obi-Wan and Siri decided to end their relationship due to the Jedi code, which led to that conversation with Qui-Gon. In the text this is Ferus saying that his relationship with Roan is outside the bounds of the Jedi code, and Obi-Wan draws a parallel to a romantic relationship of his own. I personally would call this plain text rather than subtext based on both the context in-universe and the context that this was written in 2005.
Throughout the story there are more signs that while subtle, Ferus and Roan’s relationship is romantic. It's the way they tease each other, care for each other, and little snippets about their life together-
Read more on our Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/post/When-Subtext-Is-Text-Musings-On-Ferus-Olin-K3K8MRUH1
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no-side-us · 1 year
Letters From Watson Liveblog - May 5
The Naval Treaty, Part 2 of 4
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Nepotism? In my old British government? It's more likely than you think.
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A naval treaty, if you will. I'd be curious to know how the readers of the time reacted to the information here about French fleets and alliances with Italy and what not, cause it seems to be pretty important if true.
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The chart is appreciated. I wonder if Watson had the original drawing of the chart published, or if he redrew it himself later on after all the time that has passed.
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Maybe it was the wind? The back of the clerk's room looks out to the lane below, so maybe some wind blew in, rang the bell, and whooshed the original out the window.
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Fun fact: shirt cuffs used to be quite disposable so people would make notes on them and detach them later. Link to the post where I learned this. This isn't even the only time Sherlock would write notes on his cuffs.
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The commissionaire's wife seems pretty suspicious at the moment, running off at the same time the treaty disappeared. Or is it too suspicious, cause what sort of thief makes their presence known and runs away at the same time something is stolen. Then again, it's an old woman, so perhaps she's not that great a thief. Then again, it's an old woman, so why would she be a thief in the first place.
A real mystery, this one.
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It's always nice when the client thinks ahead as much as Holmes does, at least in some instances.
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Well there goes the wind theory. Unless of course the wind shut the window as it blew in and out, and the force of the window coming down caused it to fasten itself. Sherlock Holmes mysteries have had more obtuse answers than this one, is all I'm saying.
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A modern Sherlock Holmes would be able to smell the different flavors of someone's vaping, and probably know the brand of vape, the amount, where it was bought, etc. A modern Sherlock Holmes would probably also vape himself.
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I'm sure Watson knows very well that Phelps was a sensitive kid. After all, he had a hand in making him like that.
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I love when Holmes acts out of character for Watson, cause it could mean any number of things, but rarely is it ever because he's actually changing his behavior as Watson presumes.
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Honestly, I'd be pretty disappointed too if I were expecting a great mystery-solving detective and instead got a thirteenth century monk trying to pass the time between bad haircuts. Though obviously Holmes is doing this for some specific reason.
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Holmes is such a mischievous character at times. There was no reason he had to pause after saying that. He knew what it sounded like, he just wanted to make fun.
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This sounds like such a British way of saying you're in a fever. "Oh, I'll just be in a fever in the meanwhile, no hurry."
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At least Phelps has no illusions about his being fired, even with an uncle in the government. If he were a worse person, I could see him crying about his dismissal because of his uncle's position.
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Conclude? E-mail? I thought this was a four-part series of letters. Looks like Watson's catching up with the times in his old age.
Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4
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stephdrawsjohnlock · 2 years
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SH – :London Become Human:  Procreate on iPad Pro
So I LOVE DBH, especially as a world setting; I just REALLY love sci-fi stories with androids in general, and the underlying “are they real because of sentience” theme really just has always been something I’ve loved as far back as my Sonic days when I wrote a whole world revolving around the in-universe robots. It’s just SO interesting, and I LOVE character studies as such, which this game does three-fold with three interesting protagonists and are affected by player choices with consequences. My favourite storyline, as y’all know, is the one of Hank and Connor, maybe because I can see a Sherlock-and-John-in-another-universe dynamic with them... WHICH is what prompted me to draw this LAST YEAR for Halloween, but it never got posted because I finished the Halloween pic (which I don’t think I’ll finish this year’s in time), so you’re getting my DBH AU pic instead. 
Y’all, I REALLY want to either read or write this AU SO bad. So Sherlock is the Android sent by Cyberlife to help the New Scotland Yard with solving the mysterious android-related homicides, and Lieutenant Jonothan “John” Watson is the alcoholic, depressed, suicidal Lieutenant assigned to the Deviant cases, and Sherlock is assigned as his partner. 
John was TOO perfect to not be in the Hank role: was once a great detective but fell off after death of his six year old daughter, turned to alcoholism and his wife Mary left him, and now he’s depressed / suicidal, and a smarmy robot comes into his life to help give him a reason to live again... Oh and because I wanted to give John a beard LOL.
Sherlock of course is in the Connor role who, through his exposure to John (and an underlying “evil” subplot of Cyberlife hoping he would become a Deviant), becomes a Deviant himself and risks his life for him.
And of course they end up together at the end, because I feel unfulfilled from the ending I got on my playthrough of DBH (there IS an ending that’s considered the “perfect” ending but my QTE abilities suck and I couldn’t get it. Hank died in my playthrough).
LISTEN I HAVE HAD THIS AU PLANNED OUT SINCE I PLAYED THE GAME 2 YEARS AGO. I have ALL the roles for the Sherlock cast filled in, I think, but the storylines would have to be trimmed up and be less convoluted to work... the Marcus storyline is still happening in the States, so I think it could still sort of work as a “takes place during the events of DBH” story. Sort of a “now it’s starting to happen in London” kind of thing, since it is implied that androids aren’t just in the States in the game. 
I need to write this story, I just... wish I was better at not-procrastinating, LOL. And I feel like it’s such a niche game that no one would read it anyway, I dunno. *shrugs* Anyone wanna collab on it LOL.
ANYWAY, I had the idea, and I drew it, and I still like it, a year later. Sherlock’s face looks weird, but whatevs. I hope you guys like it too. Little Easter Egg: Sherlock’s serial number is the date ASIP first aired, I HOPE, unless Google lied to me LOL. 
The Halloween pic MIGHT be late, so for now, you get this one LOL.
Cheers, everyone <3
🖼 I’M ON INSTAGRAM at stephdrawsfanart 🎨 @stephratte is my Primary Fanart Blog! Art © to S.G.M. Ratté. Do not repost or sell.
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sassaffrassa · 1 year
First lines meme
Rules:  Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able to and see if there are any patterns!
tagged by @deerna and tagging @kuwdora @bomberqueen17 @bittylildragon @eatingcroutons @witch-and-her-witcher if any of you feel the urge 💕
(ok so i have an unholy number of drabbles so i stuck to works with a word count over 500)
pattern: i love to jump straight into the action, in media res with the least amount of context possible to start, especially if i can do it in a way that subverts the readers expectation for what's about to happen. the more distant the POV, or the greater time frame that the story's describing, the more background info i'll add. (drabbles tend to start with a line of dialogue, turns out lol)
Taste the Rainbow
Witcher | Geralt/Jaskier | T, modern au, 3.8k
Geralt flinches when something comes at his head, but when his hands fly up to catch it, he finds he’s got one of Ciri’s wrists in each hand, and a string of bright colors laced between the two.
Witcher | Vesemir/Mignole | E, daddy kink, 4.8k
She can’t sleep, despite her best efforts. The blankets tangle around her legs as she tosses and turns, feeling hideously ashamed of herself.
Putting the 'FUN' in Dysfunctional
Witcher | Roche/Jaskier | E, spies, 9.1k
Roche has never had much time for music in his life. As a boy there has been fêtes in the market square and bawdy minstrels who came through the house, paying with their entertainment to draw custom before heading upstairs to get their own, and not much else.
A Hangdog Look
Witcher | Iorveth/Roche | E, animal transformation, 10.3k
The bed shifts beneath him, just enough to startle him awake, and Iorveth draws a knife before his eye even opens against the dim light of his rooms. He lurches upright when the weight of whatever is attacking him lands against his back, heavy and startlingly cold and Roche whimpers, ducking his head between his paws.
Witcher | Geralt/Roche (& Roach) | T, drug use, 2k
Geralt leans his head back, blowing a stream of smooth blue smoke into the air. It clouds around his head, hazing over the bright pinpricks of stars in the night sky.
Your Hand in Mine
Sherlock Holmes ACD | Holmes/Watson | T, remix, 500
Holmes had been standing by the window for a quarter of an hour at least, turning the necklace over and over in his hands. Watson looked down again, reining his focus back to the treatise in his hands.
you've got a friend in me
Witcher | Kiyan & Gaetan | T, possession, 2k
When a Cat goes missing, they usually stay missing, for one reason or another. There’s already too few of them, fewer by the year, witchers of all schools declining as the mages get more and more power hungry, and the caravan has to go further and further out of its own way to avoid Nilfgaard’s expanding territory. They make it hard to find them on purpose, and sometimes that means Cats can’t make it home, if they been gone too long.
the wonders of the universe
Torchwood | Ianto Jones | T, aliens, 3.1k
The first one he brings back to the Hub, he really actually does think it’s a cool looking rock at first.
Team Building Exercise
Witcher | Roche/Blue Stripes | E, sex pollen, 12k
There’s an elven shrine somewhere in the woods, and bloody Roche is the one who stumbles onto it.
Safe Harbor
Witcher | Roche & Anaïs | T, TLOU au, 900
They’re still two miles out from the township when Roche spots the first tripwire. He jumps to yank Anaïs out of its path.
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vino---delectable · 5 months
Get to Know Me!
This is just a fun little thing I’ve been wanting to do since the dawn of time but could never find a post to reblog that satisfied what I wanted. So I made this, feel free to reblog and use it yourself!
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❤️ how tall are you? 5'5?
🧡 what is your sexuality? ------- there's your answer
💛 what is your favorite feature on yourself? Eyes?
💚 where are you from? Earth. Of that I'm certain
🩵 do you have any pets? A dog, and chickens
💙 do you have any siblings? 3 sissies
💜 describe yourself in five words or less! Quiet, loving, energetic, fantasizer, peaceful
🩷 dream job? Writer
🖤 favorite hobbies outside of your blog? Writing, reading, drawing, watching tv, walking
🎂 when is your birthday? Do you want the black market to find me?
🌙 your zodiac (Sun, Moon, Rising) I know it, I just don't want to share (kidnapper thing)
💉do you have tattoos and/or piercings? Ear piercing
🚗 can you drive? A bicycle
✈️ favorite place you’ve traveled. Its a place in Michigan called zender's I think
🎤 have you been to a concert? I want to... But no
🎵 favorite artists. The Beatles, one direction, Queen, Taylor Swift, the killers, bob Dylan, the Monkees, green day, Fleetwood Mac, led zeppelin. Niall horan.
🎧 last song you listened too... In my head by Jason Derulo.
📺 last show you watched.. One called northern exposure
📝 last thing you wrote. A song I started to write
🔐 something no one would guess about you. I secretly have a dirty mind
🧟‍♀️ scariest thing that’s happened to you. I went to get my dog out of a truck in the dark and I seen all these eyes staring at me.
🔥 craziest thing that’s ever happened to you. I've never actually told anyone about this, except my sister... But when the Crosby part of Crosby still and nash, (can't think of his name right now, lol) died, before I found out about his death I had A dream where me and my mom were cruising down the road , across A beautiful field of sunflowers, and the song playing on the radio was Southern cross... And I tell you what, when his death was announced I was like: "hang on a sec"!! biggest coincidence ever..
🍓 favorite food? Chocolate
🍅 least favorite food. Lima beans
🍊 favorite season? Hard to say, but I guess autumn
🍋 favorite genre to read / watch / write. Its a toss between comedy drama, period drama or dystopian
🍐 if you could make one character real, who would it be. Hard question, but probably Vincent Nigel Murray
🫐 some place you’d love to visit? London baby
🍇 a word your friends would use to describe you. Goofy
🍒 what is your earliest memory. Eating my first bologna sandwich
🍌 what is one talent you wish you had. Writing, lol
💌 why did you start this blog? There was great Beatles content
✏️ when did you start writing fanfic. I barely do, but when I was 14
🖇️ what are your favorite asks to answer.. I've never had any of these, not popular enough, lol
📚 how do you come up with the fics you write. Music, darling, music
📌 what is the fic you’re know for... None
🔍 what character do you enjoy writing for the most... Sherlock holmes Vincent Nigel-Murray
🖊️ what character do you not enjoy writing for. Idk
💔 is there a fic you wish you didn’t write.. Yes
❤️‍🔥 what character do you simp for most often.. Again, Vincent Nigel Murray
🧚‍♀️ favorite characters of all time. This will take a minute... Vincent Nigel Murray, Zack Addy, Phantom of the opera, finnick odair, Peeta mellark, temperance Brennan, katniss everdeen, haymitch Abernathy, Johanna mason, lance sweets, Sherlock Holmes, john watson, Louisa Clark, will trainor, Peter Parker, doctor strange, ant man, Mr. Darcy, Elizabeth Bennett, Henry Tilney, Emma Woodhouse, Mr. Knightley, joey tribbiani, Chandler bing, Phoebe buffay.
🪐 favorite shows / series of all time. Bones, monk, psych, Downton Abbey, the mentalist, Sherlock, Sherlock Holmes 1984, f.r.i.e.n.d.s, Golden girls, Emma 2009, north & south, the x files, twin peaks.. Book/movie series: hunger games!
🌝 a show you would recommend to anyone. all of the ones mentioned above
🌚 a show you’d tell people to stay away from. Idk yet
🌹 favorite kinks to write for. Idk
🥀 kinks you would never write for. Idk
🌊 a kink you would like to write but you think you’d be judged. Again, idk
❄️ full fics, imagines or head canons, can't tell you
☂️ your favorite fanfic from another writer, I have one but it's on another website
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A couple of in depth questions!
🍄 what is something that’s happened in your life that you wish you could go back and change? My mean grandfather living with me
⭐️ what is one of your biggest accomplishments? Why is it so important to you? Being a nice person, speaks for itself.
🪻what is the toughest thing you had to go through, but can say you’ve successfully overcome? Death of my step grandfather
🌺 what is the best gift someone has ever given you and why is it so important. My mom gave me life?
🍀 what is your comfort show/series and why is it your comfort show? How has it helped you? The Monkees helped when my one grandfather died.
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boypussydilf · 2 years
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i was not kidding. after hours of work over days i have made ayame mikotoba REAL!!!!!! and thusly joined the ranks of dgs fans who go “…so does this count as an OC or what.” also bonus susato who turned out really well. the joke in the second image i stole from @vacuumtan
bonus & design notes under the cut <3
thats the right way to introduce people to a character you made yourself and barely know anything about right? OK now ill ramble about her design a bit
thats the right way to introduce people to a character you made yourself and barely know anything about right? OK now ill ramble about her design a bit
i decided very early on i wanted her main color to be purple to go w susatos being pink and yuujins being blue but everything else was up in the air until i came up with the impressionist painting-style kimono design… and then i made the maple leaf design and realized i liked it way better. but my first design deserves some love too
the sleeves of that first design are supposed to look like stars. in both my outfit designs for her she has kind of a nature theme going on. i guess that works!
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i went looking in susato’s concept art for inspiration right away and some of the poses i drew were referenced from concept susatos. her hair specifically is based on stuff from concept designs, the way it looks from the front is taken pretty much directly from one. the ponytail also was inspired by some concept art
speaking of which i was never able to decide between the ponytail and the bun or if i should give her another hairstyle completely… when i was coming up with them i worried the ponytail would make her look too young and the bun would make her look too serious, but i think i like them both
oh yeah i gave her a hairclip bc i thought she should have the mikotoba family crest on her somewhere and also bc im addicted to giving characters fun little accessories, but then i only drew it once lol
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designing her face i wanted her eyes to invoke That Kind Look Susato Gives as, like, a perpetual state. i don’t think they really turned out like THAT, but i’m really happy with how the design for her face turned out still. if only i had been able to draw it again after this one time.
OH YES! i forgot to actually talk about Her.
We know… literally nothing about her in canon, so I have to build her from the ground up completely, but there are two places ive looked for personality ideas: the other mikotobas, and mary morstan. because. sure, there’s no reason to make an equivalency between ayame & the wife of john watson from ACD canon. but there’s also no reason Not to? and the kickstart is helpful. not that we really know a ton about mary, either, i think.
but we do know some! she’s described as “sweet and amiable”, “refined and sensitive”, and as the sort of person other people turn to when dealing with Big Painful Emotions. this isn’t much but applying these ideas to ayame makes her slot in nicely with the other mikotobas. family made entirely of beacons of kindness.
being an ace attorney character she will, of course, also be distinctly Weird. i’m just. still figuring out what kind of weird, exactly.
i think that covers everything??? if you read this far thank you i love you
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amypihcs · 6 months
Hello humans! Half calabrian professor story draws to an end! Shall we begin?
Bennet, poor PhD slave he is, hops around at the inn to find our heroes and give his report
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The professor seems nice? Bizarre. Now they have to go back home, as they're both busy and the field until tuesday is clear. But we hall keep in touch!
Watson pulls a couple of all nighters and then next week they're back in the uni town!
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Bennet comes round and reports that it has all been calm, but the professor still is not himself. Holmes plays on the man's addiction to caffeine and gives Bennet some very clear instructions and then OH! WATSON! There might be some lockpicking to do! -rubbing hands-
Well, well, see ya!
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Stakeout! It's chilly and Watson adds DESCRIPTIONS! It cheers him up, to be on stakeout. He bundled both Holmes and himself and it's good, because Holmes is almost shivering and Watson's shoulder isn't too happy of it. But It's alright! It's a stakeout with his husband!
And to kill the time, let's analyze it a bit...
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Well, of course some drug... Have you seen his hands, Watson? You should always watch hands first! (Really Holmes, were you thinking? Watson has the biggest hand kink of them all!) W -Takes one of Holmes' hands and kisses it-: I was watching your hands, my dear. H: Watson... i'm talking of inve- THERE HE IS!
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MONKEY-PROFESSOR! And after this the idiot goes on to taunt the dog... the collar slips and the dog bites the professor. badly. at the throat.
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Watson does some doctoring and the professor will live. Watson gives the right advice and... yep. He gets refused. Poor Watson.
Now, some investigation. They find his letters and his siringe and his 'serum'. It comes out to be a monkey serum? or vitality? steroids? Boh, Watson recognizes the name of the doctor!
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So it's a forbidden monkey serum? Made with wha- YOu know, i don't rreally want to know. Holmes does a bit of philosophy and then well... he's in dire need of some time alone with Watson
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They will have a tea, and some quality couple time and go home!
This case is so weird there's NO DOUBT Holmes packs it all up and goes to raise bees little after this!
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jabbage · 6 months
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“Believe me that I am in the Father and the Father is in me, or else believe on account of the works themselves. . .” | John 14:11
“Mr. Mulder, why are those like yourself, who believe in the existence of extraterrestrial life on this earth, not dissuaded by all the evidence to the contrary?” “Because, all the evidence to the contrary, is not entirely dissuasive.” “Precisely.”
"Here I am entering into The X-Files fan club 30 years too late, but as they say, better late than never. A show that is full of history-making 90s era pop culture that I, unfortunately, missed out on, but I get to enjoy now perhaps in a way that I would not have been able to do in any other time of my life. It is a fascinating show! A fascinating premise! Yet, we all know that the crux of what draws us to this show is its two iconic leads, Scully and Mulder. In the aged old tradition of the detective genre that first began with Holmes and Watson, we have the self-absorbed genius with his loyal sidekick, partner, and friend. Only here we are given a new twist on this literary trope, as they are presented more as equals, as lovers, as either two-sides of the same coin or a compelling dichotomy — one the believer, the other the skeptic. We get to see our favorite duo go up against serial killers, psychics, ghosts, monsters, demons, government conspiracies, and, of course, aliens — with Mulder running unquestioningly with every hair-brained theory he comes up with each week while Scully provides the rational perspective, the steady voice of reason to bring balance (or is to discredit?) the work of the X-Files. That is what the audiences came to expect from the show and how it is usually remembered to its detriment. I think the show has something so much deeper to say. I do not see Scully and Mulder as strictly black and white portrayal of faith and skepticism, but a blending spectrum of the two that explores the nature of knowing itself and the attributes of Truth. So, let us open this case file and see where the evidence takes us." | Continue reading at Medium.com
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a-mel-tomelts · 2 years
I condemn to sins for writing ShuAke with head empty. Enjoy.
“The rainy season is no joke, huh?”
“I think it’s pretty.”
“You like the rain?”
Red eyes looked at me with wonder in them.
“Yeah, rain is the best.”
I laughed. Of course, I laughed. Who wouldn’t laugh at a confused charismatic ace detective? It's strange to see someone so weird about liking the rain.
“You don’t need to water crops, fish is more likely to get caught, you can jump on the puddles or draw on the windows. And here there are just fewer people. Rain is pretty great.”
The detective scoffed, fixing his hold on his umbrella that barely will fit another person. The opposite of mine
“Right, you are a country pumpkin. How could I forget.”
“What is it, Akechi-san? Are you saying I am making you forgetful? Am I that mesmerizing?” I said it with a smile and received the similar one except,
“No, I just think you are good at adapting to your surroundings.”
The smile was far too familiar.
I laughed again, "It's been a while since we met and you're already tackling me open like a case."
"If that's all your case is proposing to me, maybe I should move on to another."
I rolled my eyes, "You wouldn't."
"And where is that certainty coming from?"
"I am your only rival, aren't I?"
"..." Akechi looked at me how always would, eyes wide, mouth open and small genuine happiness after. "Maybe you are the one tackling me like a case."
"Then it will be the most thought-out case I had."
"Well, I'll be the judge of that."
I smiled, "Please be."
Sitting in the café with the detective, I looked through the window. Rain, again.
“Moist katsudon.”
We were sitting beside each other, chopsticks in our hands, a bowl of food in front of us.
“Is that why you invited me?“
“Just taste it. It’s good, I promise.”
The detective looked puzzled again. It seems it’s his normal expression around me. That, or maybe I am the only one witnessing him emotionally constipated. Either way, I find it funny.
“You are very proper, Akechi-san.” I couldn’t but compliment him on his manners at the tables. Something about them felt foreign though. I looked at his hold n chopsticks. “Why do you eat with your right hand? I already know you are left-handed. Or is there another competition I have to beat?”
Akechi paused, “It’s just a habit. I usually would eat with my right hand to avoid poking at my superiors. It would be highly unprofessional of me to do this.”
“Well, I am not your superior and I don’t mind getting a few pokes from the detective prince himself.”
He sighed in annoyance, “Oh, please, drop the act. As if my status is anything but a topic of jokes for you.”
“Caught me red handed. As striking as always, Sholmes.”
He changed his hand.
“Does it make you my Watson then?”
I tilted my head, eyes following his free hand, “I don’t know anything about Watson, but being yours sounds nice.”
I stopped. But the blush will forever be embedded in my brain.
And if we held hands under the table, it's our secret to share.
He stood under the rain again. It was days since we changed Okumura’s heart. Penguins Sniper is still the same and not a lot of people around.
For the first time, my invitation was turned down.
“I am… Sorry. There are some people that I am supposed to meet. I promise, later, I will have time for our usual outings.”
“It’s okay. I understand."
I picked a place to stand beside him. He was eyeing me with utmost curiosity.
"Why are you still here? You will catch a cold."
"And you won't?"
"It's for my job. But you have free time. Why not spend it with others?"
"I spent enough time with people I care about." I smiled a little, looking at Akechi for a minute or two. "But there's still someone I didn't spend enough with."
"You are being ridiculous again."
"Well, ain't I a Joker?"
"The wild one, I assume." He deadpanned, "Whatever do I do with you?"
I giggled at him and I noticed how his expression brightened ever so slightly. One step left.
"Can I ask for a favour?”
Red eyes looked at me, and a pool of sadness swirled in them still, which made me feel like a fool.
“Hold my umbrella please.”
Forever a fool for him.
“Hold your...? Wha—“
Rushing, I followed the instinct and felt warm on my lips. His lips were cold from standing outside for so long but it still felt warm in my chest. Our hands clenched together around the umbrella, my warming up his. Nobody would see us under the heavy rain and if the umbrella had hidden our faces, we’ll pretend it was just a coincidence.
After all, a timeline before, it worked perfectly.
Playtime: 3230 hours.
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