#..........either y’all are as oblivious as i am or you were laughing silently the whole time
domjaehyun · 4 years
are you eating chicken 😭😭😭 - 🐣🐣
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dylanxmin · 4 years
late night feelings | jjk
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pairing; jungkook x reader
genre; western, fluff, maybe angst? (so soft),
rating; nc17
warnings; swearings, making out session, brat jungkook, side with brat y/n
word count; 1.3k
summary; y/n works at a saloon, where jungkook decides to drink something.
a/n; This is part of the Bangtan Rodeo Drabble Game hosting by lovely @hobiance ♡
a/n2; don’t come at me if its too bad, bc i had no idea how cowboys or western people talks okay... just let it slide for this time, pls hsjssh and feedbacks are always appreciated ♡ hope you’ll like to read this fic, love y’all ♡
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You did get annoyed, irritated by these men who spend their money on alcohol, playing stupid games, and eventually got too drunk, and end up starting a fight. Basically, you get sick of these addle-headed men. 
Why did you start to work here in the first place? 
Between loud laughs, crashing voices, you start to think of your life choices, how did you end up being a saloonkeeper in here. Thanks to your coot brother, you had to take over your father's saloon. After he decided to work no more as an old man. 
''Good evening, Angelica,'' you heard a hoarse voice, making you squirt. You turn your back to see the owner of the voice.
Did he really call you an 'Angelica'?''  Of course, you are used to these words, but, this man looks like a city slicker, with his dark long hair, wild curls fall on his forehead. Boned face, completed with doe looking brown eyes. 
Higgledy-Piggledy! He did look good, so good. 
''W-what can I get ya?'' you said, didn't know how to act, but you choose to feel irritated by him. As he called you as an Angelica, just a minute ago. ''Tongue Oil? Purge? or maybe Black Water?'' 
''Doesn't matter,'' he said with a gloomy sigh. Either he was tired or, didn't like to talk much. Normally you would be happy not to have shitty chit chats, but part of you annoyed by his quietness. What, did he think he looked like some cool cowboy or something? 
''Okay, then I'm mixing a couple of anti-fogmatics.''
He stay dead alive, not giving you any response. What a fiddle! Does he think he is too good to talk with you or something? What are these bratty attitudes? 
''I-ıhm!'' you coughed, intend to start a conversation. ''You look like you're on the shoot, tonight?'' He did look like, what? You did say that to him, didn't you? You just have to say the dumbest thing when you get annoyed, and you didn't even surprise at the moment. 
''Do I look like?'' he imitated, a smirk appears on the corner of his lips. 
You had no other choice than nodding. What else you could say to him, after telling him that he was looking for trouble tonight. Maybe what a good smirk he got there? No! You filthy woman, stop thinking nonsense. No more talking with this smug, you said to yourself. 
''So, Greenhorn, why are you here?'' Stop. Talking. Please, just stop talking. Why are you trying to talk with him anyway? His stumped gaze finds its way up to your eyes. Doe eyes getting bigger while eying you.
''Well you're new in here, don't you? I've never seen you here before,'' you remarked abruptly, while he remains silent. Ugh! You had enough of this silent treatment, already. Why he doesn't want to talk with you? Not that you'd love to talk with him or something like that. Normally, they would insist on talking with you, they would try to pick you up and all. But, he just stayed there, without even looking at you. 
''Yes, you may say that I'm new in here,'' he nods, stupid smirk still standing on the corner of his lips. Fool! Such a fool man he was, just looking like a dishwasher.
''Can you just pony up, so that I can drink my order, and head out to my road,'' he stated calmly, with his stupid confidence, and his usual smirk. What a kind way to say you to hurry up.
''Okay, is that a bluff, or do you mean it for real play? Are ya' tryin’ to play hard to get or, is this just how you act?'' you exclaimed, couldn't hold your anger anymore. You felt played out because of his stupid jackanapeses attitudes, and that annoying smirk. That cocksucker just annoyed you with his whole existence. 
''Hey, hey. I'm not here to make a fuss, al'right?'' he puts his hands up to defend himself. When he holds his arm up, his shirt made his muscles visible. Muscles that making you clench on nothing. No, you are supposed to feel annoyed by his existence, not dripping by it. 
''Why are you looking at me like this? Did I offend you?'' a light passes through his eyes, wicked gaze appears on them. You flinch on your feet. ''or, did I made you feel somethin' down there, girl?'' he points out your lower side, shamelessly smirking by your reaction. 
''Y-you,'' you look at the saloon, surprise to you, there was one customer, which he is wasted because of all the things he drinks before. He tries to put the money on the bar, but can't find his money in his pocket. 
''I'll cover you,'' he speaks again while patting the drunk man's arms. He gives the biggest smile, eyes glowing with happiness. ''Bless you, kiddo!'' he says, squeezing the younger one's shoulder. Before he finds his way to the exit, he turns his back one last time to whisper. 
''You got a Belvidere, in here! You lucky, girl!'' he says enthusiastically, he thought he only heard by you, but you aren't that lucky. 
Once the drunk leaves the saloon, you two left alone. Only his tempting smirks, and you damping panties. Fuck! 
''So, do you want me to settle this annoying feeling from inside of you?'' he teases while jolting his head up. Wicked. You didn't know what was going on, but you did know that it is wicked. Everything about him both irritates you and fills your heart with joy, with an unbearable thrill. 
''I... I don't know what are you talking about,'' you murmured, couldn't find a better way to stand for yourself. 
''You did get annoyed by my quietness, didn't you? You did think that I am too smug to talk to you?'' he stands up after saying these things to mock you. 
How did he know? Did you make it that obvious, or you were that oblivious not to realize how you acted? 
You flinch when he suddenly jump to your side of the bar. Both because of his sudden moves, and because of how he did this so easily. He weighted himself like it was nothing. Settling right by your side, dangerously close to your face. You could feel his hot breaths on your face, to your neck.
''A cowboy don't talk much; he saves his breath for breathing, love,'' a shiver takes over your body after his words, after how he put the pet name so nicely. 
''That's the stupidest thing I ever-'' you intent to mock him, although his words got you weak on the knees, you didn't want to put your walls down so easily. But your intentions cut by his soft lips, bumping to yours. 
Softest lips you ever kissed. 
It was true. They were soft and mesmerizing you with every move, making your blood run faster in your veins. Hands of him conquering your body, inch by him. Touching, teasing, and learning. 
Pulling you closer to deepen the kiss, tongue asking for access. You open yours to meet with his tongue, gladly accepting him. A moan leaves your mouth when he puts his hand on your ass, pulling you even closer. 
After squeezing your ass, his hands find your waist and lifts you only to make you sit on the bar. He easily finds his way through between your legs, spreading heat to your nook. 
''Did you like to get attention from me?'' his devilish smirk appears on his lips once again, when you open your eyes to meet his. The emptiness on your mouth made you sad, but his pink, assaulted lips made you proud. You did like how he looked in front of you, between in your legs. 
Oh god. Your dad would have a heart attack if he knew that you doing this on his bar, with a complete stranger. 
''Maybe I'd be happier if you do more than this,'' your current confidence surprised you, but you did enjoy how he did flinch under his skinny pants. Plus, you did really need him to do more than this. 
After all, you didn't irritate by him that much, you guessed. 
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likeshipsonthesea · 4 years
hi could you do "but you don’t know the hell you put me through; to have someone kiss the skin that crawls from you" for the geraskier prompts? also i really love your writing! thanks :D
from this list, thank you so much for the prompt! anyone else who would like to send one in, feel free! trying to get into writing the witcher fic but turns out it took me 4 years to get comfortable writing cp! characters and i Am Lost. still, i think this turned out p good and i hope y’all like it :)
from Hozier’s “To Be Alone” geraskier for “but you don’t know the hell you put me through; to have someone kiss the skin that crawls from you” i used inspo from the whole song, not just the one lyric, but yeah. it fits i think
warning for some mild blood, gore, & violence (typical to the show)
           The worst part, in Geralt’s opinion, of walking back into town covered in the remnants of a ghoul’s last meal isn’t the stench of half-digested rotting flesh, the itch of blood drying against his skin and beginning to flake off, or the too-bright light of the sun unmarred by a canopy of trees. The worst part is most definitely the roaring chatter of voices, whispers sharp and breathy, gasps pinpricks against the back of his neck.
           A ghoul shouldn’t have made him this “touchy,” as Jaskier liked to call it, but, Geralt allows himself, it was not just a ghoul.
           “Not that the scent of death isn’t a lovely complement to your usual brood, but must you always bathe in the innards of your monsters once you slay them?”
           Geralt rumbles, stepping towards Jaskier’s voice. He can’t see him through his blinking, through the crowd, but he can hear his heartbeat louder than the townspeople now that he’s announced himself and Geralt can focus on him.
           Jaskier pushes through the crowd in a moment or two, frowning deeply at Geralt. The sight of Jaskier sends a shudder through Geralt. Fucking ghouls, Geralt growls.
           “No need for dramatics,” Jaskier says, taking Roach’s reins from Geralt. “Your coin is waiting in the inn and there’s bathwater being boiled as we speak.”
           Geralt stares at Jaskier, his own head tilted down to block out the sun. Jaskier’s turned his attention to Roach, petting down her nose, murmuring something like, “Darling girl,” under his breath. Geralt clenches his hands tightly, shakes them. Jaskier looks up and frowns again.
           “I’ll see to it that Roach is cared for,” Jaskier says. He smirks in his charming way, something that should be irksome but somehow – isn’t. “Go collect your spoils, Geralt.”
           The sorcerer’s magic must have been waiting for a very long time, biding its time, building. It had accounted for nearly every detail, every crinkle of smile, every lilt in his voice, every casual touch, except for that, except for how Jaskier said his name. Jaskier could be annoyed with him, enraged with him, pleading or teasing or charming, but every time he spoke Geralt’s name – not Butcher, or White Wolf, or Witcher – every time, his heartbeat aligned with the syllables and his lips twitched, not necessarily up or down, just – acknowledgement.
           Geralt nods, jerky, and turns towards the inn. Magic powerful enough to trick a Witcher, and yet Jaskier was still unmatchable.
           The inn’s owner seems grateful for Geralt’s services, if not his scent, and hands over the coin with little fanfare. The room he directs Geralt to holds a bath with steam rising from its surface. Geralt removes his armor, then his clothes, and sinks into the water with a deep sigh.
           If he closes his eyes, he can imagine he’s still within the magic’s grasp. Geralt assumes the spell was meant to trap one within their own paradise, or something to that end, so of course Geralt’s had included a bath.
           “Is it a Witcher thing or a you thing?” the fake Jaskier had asked, voice close, just behind Geralt’s head. Geralt had rumbled a questioning noise and the mirage had continued. “Your fondness for baths. Is that the Path, or just you?”
           Geralt had growled. Jaskier had laughed.
           “Just you, then.”
           Geralt hadn’t responded, but Jaskier hadn’t seemed to need confirmation. The water had remained hot, scalding, through the long moments of silence, as Geralt had laid with his eyes closed, listening to Jaskier’s heartbeat. Then, without warning, Jaskier’s hands had fallen into Geralt’s hair.
           “What a mess you make of this glorious mane,” Jaskier had sighed, deft fingers careful as they untangled knots. Geralt had hummed, leaned back into the touch. When all the knots were gone, Jaskier ran his fingers through Geralt’s hair, pressing into his scalp, tender. With a soft tug, he’d brought Geralt’s head back against the lip of the tub, eyes closed, neck exposed.
           “Do my eyes deceive me,” Jaskier had whispered, teasing, “or is a relaxed Witcher sitting before me?”
           Geralt growled, but he hadn’t moved.
           Jaskier’s voice suddenly became nearer, above. “It’s nice, isn’t it?” he’d murmured, just before his lips came down on Geralt’s forehead. Geralt had inhaled, sharp, but hadn’t moved. Lips drifted down, pressing over one eyelid, then the other.
           Geralt remembers that it hurt. The softness. Against the delicate skin of his eyelids, Jaskier had pressed with the barest of pressures, lips curved into a smile. Dangerous, Geralt had thought. To be held as a soft thing, even fleetingly, would cut him deeper than any monster he could encounter.
           Geralt’s slow heart had begun to tap. One of Jaskier’s hands released from Geralt’s hair, sliding down his chest to rest over the thump. “It’s alright, Geralt,” Jaskier had said, sweet, against Geralt’s ear, and Geralt’s heart had begun to slow.
           Jaskier’s lips hadn’t twitched.
           “Well, you didn’t waste much time,” Jaskier says, laughing, as he enters their shared room. Geralt opens his eyes. He watches Jaskier move about, settling, undoing the buttons of his doublet in the steamed heat. His hands move quickly, practiced, and the smooth roll of his shoulders as he shrugs out of the garment steals Geralt’s breath.
           Jaskier, oblivious, takes his seat on the bed, facing Geralt. His eyes, expectant, settle on Geralt, and he must stifle the shudder growing under his skin.
           “You promised details,” Jaskier says, pointing accusatorily. “I was a very good bard and stayed back as requested. So be the noble man I know you are and hold up your end of the deal.”
           Geralt huffs. Noble.
           Jaskier throws his hands up. “You were gone for a whole day more than expected, there must be something interesting that occurred.”
           Geralt returns his gaze for some moments, Jaskier unwavering. Geralt looks away. “There was a mage.”
           Jaskier sits up straighter. “Someone we know?”
           Geralt shakes his head. “Long dead.”
           Jaskier deflates mildly. “Oh.”
           “Ghoul meant to make a meal of the corpse. I tracked it to the mage’s home.”
           “A single ghoul?” The skepticism is tart in Jaskier’s tone.
           “The ghoul was simple.” Geralt looks back at Jaskier, his pursed frown. “The magic… less so.”
           Jaskier’s brow wrinkled. “Magic? How was there any magic left with the man dead for so long?”
           Geralt sighs. “Spells can outlive their casters, given the right conditions.”
           “So you were hit by a spell?” The alarm arises quickly, tainting the air with a metal taste. “We must get the healer or—or the town’s mage, what if it’s still in effect, what if—”
           “Jaskier.” Jaskier ceases his rambling, if not his panic. “The spell took effect, but it has passed.”
           “What was it? Did it – hurt?”
           “It created a dream. Of what I want most.”
           Jaskier’s eyebrows dance, his expression lightening. “I thought Witchers wanted for nothing,” he says, teasing.
           Geralt returns his gaze to the wall. Of all the things he wants for and refuses to name – good ale, good food, treats for Roach, silence, a regular bath, money – he knows not why the magic chose Jaskier. He tries not to be self-aware, if he can help it, but the answer looms on the edge of his mind and he refuses to look at it long enough to let it materialize.
           To end the dream, once he’d realized what it was, he had tried to wake himself up, with pain and shock. He ran about the fake room looking for items to prick himself with, the fake Jaskier following, worried. “Sit down, Geralt,” it kept saying. “Relax, please.”
           “You’re not real,” Geralt had growled, stabbing himself with a shard of broken mirror. He hadn’t dreamed himself a sword, otherwise he would’ve tried that.
           “Of course I’m real, Geralt, really, stop with this ridiculousness,” the mirage had said, and Geralt had been so – angry. With the mage, the magic, with himself, and he’d turned and slit the throat of the pleading dream, and he’d woken on the floor of a room, a dead ghoul and a dead mage flanking him either side.
           Danger looms on the edge of his awareness. The dream, for all its lies, had felt as real as anything, the blood warm on his hands, the wide shock in Jaskier’s eyes as he’d gasped, sound ringing in Geralt’s ears.
           He waits, now, for Jaskier to ask, prepares himself for stoicism. He will not tell Jaskier. He will not describe this for a ballad to be sung for drunken humans looking for bravery and heartbreak, vicarious. He will be silent, as he should have been before.
           “A mage certainly makes things interesting,” Jaskier says, humming. He drums his fingertips against his lips. “I could use something upbeat. It’s been so cold as of late, people need something to dance to.” He stands from the bed to retrieve his lute and begins to strum some notes, humming to himself.
           Geralt watches, silent. He slows his breathing until the only thoughts remaining in his mind are of the heat that remains in the bath and Jaskier’s soft singing. He sinks deeper into the water, closing his eyes. He allows himself one more thought before drifting far enough for silence to enclose his mind. This, he thinks, this is good.
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katsukiboom · 4 years
Dance The Night Away || SeroMina
the second and last commission I worked in for the last month! @xpegasusuniverse asked for a SeroMina piece and the prompt was so cute, I enjoyed writing it so much! I hope y’all like it <3
Ko-Fi || Commissions
“You want me to do what?”
Mina’s loud voice was heard all across the 1-A dorm, her disbelief more than apparent in her tone. “Please,” a desperate-looking Sero begged as he sat next to her on one of the common room’s couches, and he hoped none of their classmates would come in and hear what they were talking about. “You’re my only chance to learn; besides, I know that you’ll be patient enough. Please?”
The boy dragged the e just enough until her rolled her eyes and looked away, a small smile appearing on her lips as she brushed her pink hair – he knew he could appeal to her softer side so he tried to give her the best puppy eyes he could make, and when she gazed at him again a laugh erupted from her. “Oh my god, okay, I’ll do it as long as you don’t make that face again.” Sero chuckled as well and then reached for her hand with both of his, shaking it lightly and feeling his heart beat just a little bit faster.
They agreed with the teachers they’d get one hour and a half after classes on Friday to practice on the main auditorium with the excuse of wanting to fix some more things for the upcoming spring ball UA’s first years were organizing – it was just an excuse to have a night off even when at the school grounds, but they were all beyond excited to see what would come out of it. For Sero, it felt like a chance to ask none other than the one and only Alien Queen out. He had never met someone as nice, cute and confident as her, and from the very first moment they met he knew he wanted to be close to her in whatever way she allowed it. He was quietly hoping he could confess at the ball, but the practices opened a whole new door for him to use if he felt courageous enough.
It was 3 PM when they met on Friday, the nice warm weather that was starting to fall over town already giving him an excuse to cover up for his constant blushing. “So, are you familiar at all with what we’re going to do now?”
“Can’t say I’ve ever done it,” he admitted as they reached the small stage, shyly scratching the top of his head as he remembered the only time he tried to slow dance – he ended up stomping on both of his partner’s feet, the second time actually managing to ruin her shoes. It was definitely not something he wanted to recall or let her know. “You can just teach me from the top if it’s not too much of a hassle.”
“You got it,” Mina replied as she turned back to go backstage to put the music on. He looked around the place, and wondered just how pretty it would look with all of the decorations the classes were creating; recalling just how good the ones from the school festival had been, his hopes were as high as they could be. “Okay, we’re ready,” his friend said as she came back to his side, startling him a bit as he came out of his thoughts. When he turned to her, he noticed she was a bit too close. “Music will start in a few seconds – we’re going with the box step for now. To start off, you need to know how to place your hands on your partner’s body.”
“I t-think I got that one covered,” he replied quickly, taking a deep breath before placing his left hand on Mina’s waist and grabbing her left with the other. Her skin felt soft and he sort of regretted not wiping his palms beforehand as they felt sweaty when compared to hers. “Is this right?”
She let out a chuckle and with her free hand pressed his left on her a little bit more. “You need a firm grip to lead your partner, Sero,” she explained, apparently oblivious to the growing blush on his face. “If you don’t, your movements could look a bit sloppy, and you definitely don’t want that.” He only nodded in time for the music to start; it was a simple waltz that sounded nice and calming. “Now we give the first step to your right – it’s one step, you bring the left in and then one step forward with the left. Remember it’s all trial and error, so if you don’t get it at first it’s alright.”
She counted to three out loud yet with a gentle voice and then…
It worked.
Somehow he had gotten it right without stepping on anything that wasn’t the floor, and he felt beyond proud of himself until he noticed once more just how close their bodies were. “D-did I do it right?” he asked, the tremble in his voice far more apparent than he had intended to.
“You’re just a little stiff but we’ll work it out,” she remarked playfully. “Now to the other side and we’ll close the square – left, right, right, left.”
He didn’t count on his left side being too obedient when it came to smaller physical things but he breathed in deeply and, as she counted down, they made the mirrored steps with almost perfect synchronization. “Yeah!” he exclaimed once it had been done, making her hug him enthusiastically yet he froze in place for a few seconds before hugging back. She felt warm and her hands wrapped gently around his shoulders, bringing him close in what he was mostly sure was just a friendly gesture. “You’re a really good teacher, you know? You could even become one in the future as a side thing… or something,” he said with joy when they pulled away after a few seconds
“Oh, I know,” Mina joked, her lips curving into a big smile as she gave him thumbs up afterwards. “We still have a lot to do, so, are you ready?”
And oh boy was he not ready at all.
She decided to go with the progressive basic step next which involved moving around the stage with easy yet firm steps, in contrast with the stationary box step. After performing it one time on her own she motioned for Sero to mimic her movements, something he truly didn’t want to attempt – he was surprised when he did it right, but beneath his calm façade he was trying his best not to stare at her directly in the eye to avoid any potential uncomfortable moments.
After practicing both steps for about five minutes straight Mina decided to do it all together, and while she went backstage once more to restart the music he took the chance to wipe his hands on his pants just in case they were actually sweaty. The waltz started and he watched as his crush hopped back to where he was; “now, we’re doing from the very top,” she said as she put her hands on her hips and took a few steps back. “Do it like I’m the one you want to ask out to the dancefloor.”
“What?” he exclaimed with a bit of exasperation in his tone, but she quirked her eyebrow with a defiant gaze. Sero sighed and went up to her, feeling his heartbeat pick up with inch he moved closer. He closed his eyes for a second and, in his mind, pictured the whole room decorated and everyone else around them. “H-hey Mina,” he started, “you look really good tonight.”
“Hey there~!” it felt like some sort of roleplay and he wasn’t sure if it would be like that the night of the ball, but deep inside he wanted to practice that part as well. Her happiness was as contagious as always and her eyes shined bright under the auditorium lights.
“I was wondering if… y-you would grant me a little da-dance?”
The embarrassment felt strong as he stuttered but she clapped with excitement as she grabbed him by the hand and almost dragged him back to the middle of the stage – she waited until he placed his hands on the right places then silently counted to three, and they started dancing along the wooden surface. “I have a little question,” she said as the steps progressed into a wider range. “You told me you wanted to learn how to do this, but you never clarified the reason why.”
Sero remained silent for a bit as he thought about what he could say without being too obvious, yet he wasn’t sure if it would even be a good idea. “I just… I didn’t want to embarrass myself at the ball I guess,” he replied, choosing to go with a half-truth that he hoped would be enough. “It would’ve been bad if I asked someone to dance without knowing how to do so, hahah.”
“So there is someone you want to ask for a dance.”
With a mischievous glance, he knew Mina had seen right through him with a speed that amazed him – a perplexed expression on his face, he almost lost footing as his mouth opened and closed a few times before he chuckled. They now went to the last step they had practiced, and as they waltzed around the floor with ease he said, “Well… yeah, there’s this really, truly amazing girl I wanted to go to the ball with.”
She cocked her head to the side a bit, confusion written all over her face as they stopped dancing. “Is it someone I know? Is it a girl from our class?”
“Y-yeah, I guess.” He hesitated a bit as he let go of her hand to bring his to his nape. “I was thinking about, maybe, asking her out after the dance but I’m not sure she even thinks of me as any more than a friend.”
“Ooh, ooh, is it Uraraka? Momo? Or maybe it’s Jirou?” she started throwing names around but he only shook his head, amused with the way she tried so vehemently to know who the object of his affections was. When she noticed his focused gaze, she muttered, “Am I pressing too much? I get excited, imagine a whole new couple in the school! That would be so cool!”
He thought about it for a moment and while the prospect of everyone around knowing about something so private didn’t completely sit well with him, Sero still felt good with the idea of Mina being with him one way or the other. “Do you think she’d like me?” he ventured to ask as he noticed his hand was still resting on her waist, but he also saw she didn’t pull away either.
Her eyes opened wide as she brushed her hand through her hair and said, “What’s there not to like, dude? You’re funny, very cute and honest and to be fair, you have one hell of a quirk. You’re like, a whole package.”
A blush spread all over his face with those words but he didn’t want to think anything of it yet – he knew she had a habit of being completely transparent about how she felt, yet something about it gave him a bit of hope. “Would you… go to the dance with me if I asked?” he teased, wanting to know her opinion as much as he wanted to ask her for real.
“Of course I would, I mean…” And she gazed right into his eyes only for her smile to drop little by little when she processed what had happened, and Sero pulled his hand away from her shyly in fear that he had just ruined the whole mood. “Oh, I see.”
An awkward silence fell over them as the music reached its end, the dancing already forgotten as both of them stared in opposite directions. In his mind, he cursed at himself for even voicing his feelings so casually without waiting for the right chance, though he also knew here was never a truly ‘perfect’ moment to do so. “Listen,” he started saying, “I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable – if you want, we just forget this happened at all and I won’t bring it up again.”
It took him a few more seconds to look back at her yet Mina was still looking away, her arms crossed over her chest and her expression unreadable as she turned to him. “Did you mean it?” was the only thing she asked.
“Uh, what exactly of everything I said?”
“The ‘really, truly amazing girl’ part. Did you mean it?”
She had already been honest with him so it only felt right to do the same back. “I did,” he replied. “I t-think you’re… great, funny, smart… cute…” his voice turned into a whisper as he numbered a few things he thought about her, but this time he didn’t hesitate on looking straight into her eyes. The yellow in her irises had never seemed so bright. “It would be an honour if you came to the spring ball with me.”
Another short silence spanned between them, staring at each other as if trying to understand what the other was thinking. Sero bit his lower lip and couldn’t help but tap his feet on the ground a couple times before she reached her hand out, a gentle look on her face and a light blush on her cheeks. “Okay, let’s call it a date then.”
Joy exploded within him as he grabbed her hand and gave it a light squeeze, both teenagers smiling at each other in expectation of what was to come.
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http-lostforever · 5 years
Love is Fragile
A personal part 2 of “Leaving so soon” by @mellifluousleaf
I really needed a part 2 and I didn’t know if the author was gonna post one so here we go again. 
Word count:6.2k
Warnings: Angst, pretty much just angst, cursing, some sexual content
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You didn’t deserve this.
Maybe it wasn’t the best idea to follow Taehyung after he left your shared apartment in such a rush, but the cold tone to his voice and his empty actions seeped through your excitement of them coming home and infected your mind as each minute passed by after he left. It went against your morals, knowing that you should always respect their privacy and that you truly did trust them. Why would you not? They were probably just kept up with creating more songs or ideas for a music video, it wasn’t completely out of the question as you were sure the places they had been must have sparked some creative touch within their minds and they didn’t want to lose such a deep well of motivation. 
It truly warmed your heart just thinking of how hard they work every day and night, their warm and gentle touches as you held each other after a particularly long producing session. The love you carried for them was something that you made the biggest priority within your life along with taking care of anything they needed so it would be easier when they came home after those long days.
Wrapping yourself in the coziest hoodie you had, you followed after Taehyung. Not directly after but you knew the way to the studio by heart after the many times you stopped by with snacks and meals or just to make sure no one was too stressed and needed someone to talk to. It must have been not even 10 minutes since he had originally left the large apartment, giving you time to put away the dishes you had cooked for their arrival.
Your footsteps were quiet as they reached the studio door, music hummed through the room and echoed into the hall making you laugh a bit as they truly must have been working on producing this whole time.
‘Was Y/n asleep?’ Namjoons low voice boomed over the music reaching your ears fairly well as one of them turned the music down.
You slowly rested your head against the door, frosted glass hiding your figure as the hall was dark. A creeping feeling of guilt filled your stomach and twisted it into a tight knot. You should have trust Taehyung more and believed him instead of following him here.
‘Nah, she was up waiting for us, but I just gave her a random excuse and she believed it.’ Taehyung answered.
‘Good thing she’s oblivious.’ Jimin chimed in making your eyebrows furrow and a dull pain begin to spread across your chest in a new overwhelming wave of emotion.
‘Okay beautiful ladies, we have all the time in the world and the night is just beginning.’ Hoseok darkly said.
‘Oh, she wants to meet up again tomorrow. One of y’all can just call her tomorrow and make up a random excuse.’ Taehyung said barely drowning out the whimper coming from a girl inside and the quick hiss of Jungkook.
‘I’ll take care of that tomorrow.’ Jin mumbled, loud enough for others to hear and for you to barely catch it even with your shaking body pressed against the dark glass.
‘At this rate, she’ll never find out about this,’ Yoongi chuckled. ‘Don’t worry princess, you and your friends are gonna have a wonderful time tonight.’ Low groans and moans filled the room as well as the slapping sounds of skin, you slide your trembling body down the wall next to the door, curling your knees into your chest to hide the large tears rolling down your face. Quick fleeting memories of you and the boys cuddling in that very studio flashed before your eyes and caused a low sob to leave your lips.
You didn’t deserve this.
Scrambling to your feet you quickly made your way to exit the building before you gave away your position and truly started crying. Throwing the door open you were hit with the thick smell of rain and the burning of your nose from the cold. Pulling your phone out of your pocket you did the only thing you knew.
‘Hello?’ Jin Jin’s low voice echoed out the other side of the phone as it was thick and laced with sleep.
“J….J….Jin Jin.” You barely made out over each sob that forced itself from your chest.
‘Woahwoahwoahwoah what’s wrong? Are you okay? Where are you? Do I need to come get you?’ He quickly bombarded your sobbing form with questions you were unable to answer.
“Boys….Studio.” You cried out while quickly walking away from the cursed building.
‘I’m on my way, wait at the convenience store down the street.’ His voice was curt and dangerously low as he abruptly ended the call with the jingling of keys in the background. Making your way towards the said store you quickly sat down on the side of the road and hid your face in your hands once again. Stifling the cries that unwantedly escaped your mouth.
It was but 15 minutes before he pulled up to the side of the road and parked, throwing open the door and rushing over to your curled up figure, shivering from the cold and crying. His heart clenched at the sight of your vulnerable and trembling body. He quickly wrapped you up in his muscular arms and forced you to stand, half walking half dragging your body over to the passenger seat then gently set you in, taking the extra measure of buckling the seat belt for you and closing the door before returning to his side and repeating those actions.
“What happened?” He asked gently, putting the car in drive and began to head back to your apartment.
“I….I don’t even know.” Your voice was lower and dull as the reality of the situation began to intoxicate your mind, any lingering feeling of love or caring for those...those bastards was slowly being crushed and replaced with the stuffy feeling of depression and dread.
“What do you mean you don’t know? You wouldn’t call me 2 am crying if nothing happened. ____ you need to tell me what happ-”
“They’re cheating on me,” A lone sob escaped your lips as he quickly pulled over and gave you the most incredulous look.
“Are...Are you sure?” He sputtered out quickly wrapping his large hand around your own for the smallest sense of comfort.
“Yeah, They just came home from tour yesterday and I got everything ready for them. Even cooked each individuals favorite dish,” Your voice was bitter and slowly turning cold, something that was never even experienced before for anyone. “ I waited for them, waited for hours so I could greet them with the biggest hug when they came home for the first time.”
“What happened?” Jin Jin slowly rubbed his thumb over the top of your hand to coax you to go further. He knew it was hard, but any information he was able to get he would be thankful for.
“Taehyung was the only one who came home, grabbing something the giving the bullshit excuse of being called to the studio. You know how much I value trust and privacy, but something seemed off. He didn’t respond to anything, hugs, kisses, nothing. So I went to the studio to make sure everything was okay for myself, I know how much they overwork themselves and I thought that maybe if I could go to them it would help a little.” Each sentence was separated with either a tremble of your lip or a fat crystalline tear running down the smooth irritated skin that had grown that way from so much crying.
“When I got there all I heard was music, and I thought that they truly were working on music and maybe I was the one who did something wrong. I should have trusted them more and maybe Taehyung was just tired and didn’t want to go back to the studio. But….But I was wrong. I was so fucking wrong. They were fucking a group of girls behind my back, and it seems like this isn’t the first time either. They were saying how I was oblivious to it all and god the cynical tone they had when talking about me and how they’d just make a stupid excuse for our meetup tomorrow. Jin Jin….what do I do?”
He was speechless, truly so. Each time he had met the others they held such a caring and blooming love for you. As your best friend he was first informed about your strange relationship with the boys, but he supported you in any way he could as he knew that this is what would make you happy, and that’s all that mattered. But now, now he didn’t even know what to say. The fact that such a caring and sweet person spoke so cold was enough to know the severity of what truly happened.
But as you began to cry once again, his hand resting against your forehead as you curled into yourself on his seat, the only thing he could see was red. Tapping your head you quickly released his hand, allowing him to throw the car in drive and speed of in the direction of your apartment, as you would need the rest of your things because god knows he won’t allow you to stay there anymore.
The elevator ride was silent apart from the soft music and your muffled whimpers and cries. A light ding broke Jin Jin’s attention from you and swiftly wrapped his hand around yours and cleared the space between the elevator and your front door, using your key to throw it open and stomp in.
“What do you need, I’ll grab it for you so we can leave.”
“Just my phone charger and my laptop. My toiletries too please, but that’s it.” He looked at you in confusion and cocked his head.
“What do you want for clothes?”  Your body grew stiff something he immediately took note of.
“I don’t want anything,” You mumbled causing him to request gently for you to speak up.” I don’t want anything that smells like them.”
Nodding in realization Jin Jin made quick work of gathering your things in a suitcase and making his way back to the dark living room. Everything left exactly as it was before you had followed Taehyung half asleep. With one hand carrying your suitcase he made quick work with the other and held your hand to drag you out of the apartment for the last time.
It was the next day, night to be exact, that the boys had made their way home after repeating the last nights actions once again. Jin had attempted to call you but with a look of confusion written across his face he told the news of you sending him immediately to voicemail, but you must be busy or something. None of them made the effort to ask as the girls had come in once again causing Jin to throw his phone to the side and beckon one of them over with a smirk.
“Jagiiii we’re home!!” Jimin yelled through the apartment as the boys had slowly made their way through the door. Each laughed to the other about the events that had happened not even an hour before, Jin even having the audacity to roll his eyes at Jimin’s entrance knowing it was much different from the obvious lust he had for the girl before while his head was between her thighs.  Taehyung shared a quick look of confusion with Jungkook as no one could hear your small footsteps come running from the other room. Normally when they come home you would be there in seconds with the warmest smile on your face and a hug and kiss for each of them, without fail too. But shrugging his shoulders he made his way towards the fridge and popped open some leftovers.
“Maybe she’s out, huh...she would normally tell us though.” Namjoon mumbled while making his way to his room. Throwing his bag on his bed he made his way over to your room, gently knocking on the door just in case you had been sleeping. But with no answer he pushed it open, your bed look for the most part untouched. Clothes hanging on your rack with shoes and bags below. A small sense of guilt creeped its way into his mind, not enough to change his wants and actions completely, but enough to pull the slightest smile as his saw the bag they had given to you for your third year anniversary.
“I think she’s just out with some friends and forgot to tell us.” He called out to the others, making his way back to his room to put away the contents of his suitcase and prepare for bed.
It was hard to keep track of what was going on, with the constant visits of their pick of girls to the same studio and working on new songs, none of them had realized how much time had passed until Jungkook had brought up the uncomfortable point after dance practice.
“Has anyone talked to ____ lately?” Jungkook asked before gulping down his water and throwing the bottle away.
Taehyung shook his head, giving a quick look to the others as a sense of dread filled the pit of his stomach.  “No, I haven’t even gotten a text back from her, and I haven’t seen her at home either.”
“I’m sure everything’s fine, she can take care of herself it’s not our job to do that for her.” Yoongi replied bluntly before sitting on the ground to catch his breath.
Jimin and Hobi shared a look, it was surprisingly uncomfortable for the two of them not to be able to reach you or even see you as most of your time was spent with them. You normally called them your best friends and swore that they meant the world to you, but even with their lack of caring since they came back from tour, it didn’t settle right for them.
“She’ll call us sometime. Anyway let’s have those three come over again, I swear I can’t get enough of how good their pussies are.” Jin moaned at the thought causing the conversation to switch in seconds as their worry for you dissipated into nothing.
“Jin Jin do you need any help?” You asked the boy as he made dinner, chopping the vegetables with a goofy smile on his face.
“No it’s okay you just sit there and look pretty for me, I need motivation and MJ isn’t here.” He chuckled causing you to give the slightest smile.
It’s been a week since you had temporarily moved in with Astro, the whole group insisting on the first night that you live with them after Jin Jin had relayed the story. It took a few days for you to get out of bed, depression holding you in its claws there was no desire in your body to eat or wake up. Their voices continued to echo through your memories causing the 6th day of pure crying to start again. You were a fraction of the person you were before this happened, still offering to help around the apartment, but every emotion has been bottled up inside of you and hasn’t been released since.
That was the first time Jin Jin had seen you give the smallest sign of a smile within the days you had been living with them. It was hard to swallow his wrath towards the others, as each day that passed by hurt his heart even more as you filed to show any variety of emotions. The day he picked you up you cried in the arms of the group for hours, him barely being able to hold back Rocky as he nearly left the apartment that moment. It was clear to them that you were never going back there as none of those seven demons deserved to see you after what they had done, and what they knew, still doing.
MJ had taken you out the day after to get new clothes and splurge on anything you barely glanced at, anything was worth making you happy as well as you left everything there and needed a new start. Jin Jin had held onto your phone for the first 4 days, allowing you to escape the hell you had been thrown into for just a moment. He had rejected Jin’s call so quickly as it took everything in his body to not answer and rip the man a new one. But that time will come and the group knows it.
You didn’t deserve this.
They all knew that. Everyone in the world knows that. But the seven bastards that had taken your love for granted didn’t and your friends were going to make that crystal clear for them.
On the 10th day of you being gone Hobi had called you. The boys hadn’t even given you the slightest of thought within those days, well nothing that passed the occasional wondering of why there was no dinner or if one of the members had seen you while running home to grab condoms once again. But when the dial tone had passed twice he was quickly sent to voicemail, a sick feeling settled itself in his stomach, gnawing at his mind as he tried once again to call you. Sure they were cheating on you behind your back nearly every other night, but Hobi didn’t want anything bad to happen to you. Call it guilt of his infidelity or a sudden flashback of all the time you spent together, but something didn’t seem right. And the smallest most microscopic voice echoed through his head, barely reaching the surface.
You didn’t deserve this.
That night as they all committed their sin once again he watched with dark eyes as Yoongi thrusted into a girl who was sucking Jungkook off. His normal lustful self was tamed by the mere thought of you being gone for such a long time.
“Yo, Hobi what’s wrong man?” Namjoon called out over the loud hiss escaping his lips as a girl slowly sunk down on his length and began to grind herself against him. Another strikingly sexy girl made her way over to Hobi, sitting on his lap and immediately attaching her lips to his chest. It took him a bit to come back to his senses, slowly edging his fingers around the girls clit as she whimpered against him.
“Nothing man, it doesn’t matter.”
3 days later Jungkook had told everyone that you were still ignoring his messages even after him texting you multiple times. He didn’t think it was weird at first, maybe you were ignoring them because of being upset that they spent time at the studio the first night and not with you. But when Taehyung had confirmed that you hadn’t answered his either it sparked a note of curiosity within the group. Even Jin began to yell at how you ignored him multiple times and sent him straight to voicemail. They all laughed it off though, simply putting it to you being over dramatic and it was easier for them since they didn’t have to make more excuses to not come back.
It was a coincidence really, it truly was. You had fallen back into your depression that night and cried soft enough for Eunwoo to hear it as he stood outside your door with the thought of bringing you dinner. They were tired of holding back the burning fire of wrath that hides within them for your sake so they didn’t make the situation worse. But enough was enough, you didn’t deserve to suffer while they all continued to fuck around and sleep with others. You were in so much pain that you didn’t deserve to be in.
And so they decided to take matters into their own hands.
It was a coincidence that they had made their way over to the BTS dorm in hopes of talking to the culprits, loud voices coming from the inside as they were able to catch most of the conversation that was happening within. Jin Jin couldn’t handle it anymore, hearing all of them put away any worry of your wellbeing with such a simple excuse of not having to take care of you was sickening to him and the others. So with a thundering knock Jin Jin had quickly ended the boys laughs into a deadly silence. It was Namjoon who opened the door, a smile on his face as he must have been expecting that it would be you on the other side of the door. But that look quickly diminished as he was met with the hard glares of Jin jin and the others, who pushed past him and made their way into the living room with the rest.
“A hello would be nice?” Namjoon spat at the unwelcome guest but nonetheless closed the door and followed them in.
“You don’t deserve a hello you sick bastard.” Rocky snarled at the man.
“Excuse me?” Jin turned towards Rocky with a hand on his hip, disbelief written on his face at the clear lack of respect in his voice. He glanced towards the other boys in his group and each had the same expression of shock and confusion written across their faces.
“You heard what he said.” Jin Jin replied, taking a step forward so he faced all of your previous boyfriends.
“Well then what do we owe to the pleasure of having you and your group here?” Taehyung spoke up passing Yoongi and clearing the distance between Jin Jin and himself.
“I think you know exactly why we're here, but please, humor us.” MJ sneered.
“We truly don’t know.” Yoongi spat giving the boys across from him a harsh glare.
“You know I admi-” Moonbin began, but it was truly a coincidence. It was a coincidence that you had called Jin Jin that very moment, the cheerful and soft tune playing from his phone as it silenced everyone in the room. Knowing they now had the upper hand, while it definitely wasn’t going to make the situation better, they wanted them to suffer just as much as you had.
Quickly taking his phone out Jin Jin looked into the eyes of each individual male in BTS before answering.
“Hey _____ what’s up?”
A quick gasp could be heard from someone across the room from Jin Jin, it was obvious they were shocked with how they had immediately stiffened their posture along with each pair of eyes glazing over in shock.
“_____?” Someone whispered, it had been almost 2 weeks since BTS had heard or seen you and now this man was standing before them with you on the phone as if it was nothing.
‘I was just wondering where you guys were, I woke up and it was too quiet for you guys to truly be safe. But I also just needed someone to talk to right now.’ The sadness that poured from your mouth at the end had gripped Jin Jin and nearly caused him to cough out loud.  Remembering your words from that night he looked Yoongi in the eyes. She’ll never find out huh?
“Awww _____ you know you can call me whenever you need to. I know how hard it’s been for you these past two weeks. I just want you to know that I’m so glad your finally feeling a bit better,” He kept that cold hard gaze locked with Yoongi, who gave no expression other than uninterested. “Especially after catching those bastards cheating on you, even on the night they came home from tour. You didn’t deserve to hear them speak about you in such a cynical and rude way, and you definitely didn’t deserve to hear them have sex with others and even say you wouldn’t find ou-”
It was the look of realization at what was truly happening in Yoongi’s eyes that made him stop so suddenly. That and the quick hand that shot towards his phone coming from Jimin himself as his face was red and the look of pure terror was covering him. Sanha quickly grabbed Jimin’s arm and held him in place so he couldn’t reach the phone.
“I know how much it hurt you to hear Jimin call you so oblivious, for Jin to say he would make a sorry excuse to seeing the person he promised to love. For Hoseok to not even faze at you being mention and instead continue to fuck another girl, one that wasn’t the girl he promised to be there for. I know it was hard for you to have to sit outside their studio door and listen to Namjoon and Jungkook fuck someone else while you cried your eyes out.”
The boys within BTS had stopped, no one moved besides the heavy breathing that staggered out of their chests. Jin Jin gave a final glance towards Yoongi before looking at Taehyung.
“And I know how much it hurt for you to have made every favorite individual dish for each boy, only to have Taehyung lie straight to your face and run back to the studio. But most of all _____ I understand how much you hurt that night, crying outside that door as Yoongi said you’d never find out, but I guess he was really wrong about that. Wasn’t he?”
‘Yeah it just hurts so much Jin Jin, I trusted them and yet this still happened. I just don’t know what to do or how to feel.’
“Get some rest _____, we’ll stop by in a bit and we can talk more then, I promise.”
After your confirmation he quickly ended the call, sliding the phone back into his pocket before turning back towards the men in front of him. It was silent, the twisted and staggering breaths of BTS barely even audible as they couldn’t grasp the true weight of the situation. The boys within Astro watched the reactions before them, Namjoon hiding his head in his hands, Jin staring at Jin Jin in shock, Hoseok nearly in tears as he slowly slid down the wall he was previously leaning against, Jungkook following Jin’s reaction with wide tear ridden eyes, Jimin barely fought against Sanha as he nearly threw him towards the ground in disgust while sobs racked his form, Taehyung looked at the ground with jaw and fist clenched tightly. But the thing that surprised Jin Jin the most was the stray tear that slid down Yoongi’s face.
“Oblivious, isn’t that what you said Jimin? That it’s a good thing she’s oblivious? And what about you Yoongi?” Jin Jin made his way over to Yoongi, mere inches away from his stiff body that sat upon the leather couch. “She’ll never find out about it huh? Well, look how that turned out for you.”
“Oh stop crying, you don’t deserve to, after all you’re the ones who caused this and you knew she would find out eventually. But that isn’t what you thought huh Taehyung?” MJ sneered towards the younger male while making his way over as well, “Did you ever feel bad? That night when you came home and saw how hard she worked for you, tell me, did you think of her when you were fucking someone else?”
“Of course he wasn’t.” Sanha answered for him while looking at Jimin’s sobbing body at his feet, “None of them were, but here they are crying as if they truly cared for her.”
“WE DO CARE FOR HER!” Jungkook shouted over him while springing up to his feet, tears flying down his red and irritated face. Jin Jin was before him in seconds, sizing up the young boy and quickly getting in his face.
“NO YOU FUCKING DON’T, IF YOU DID THEN YOU WOULDN’T HAVE CHEATED ON HER, SO DON’T LIE YOU BASTARD. You….You only care now that you’ve gotten caught and we all know that. If she didn’t stop by the studio to make sure you were truly okay you all would have continued this until she found out. But no, she had to sit outside your fucking door at 2 am and cry her eyes out while you all fucked some other girls and listen to everything.”
“Just let us talk to her.” Namjoon started before Rocky quickly cut him off.
“Why? So you can give her some sorry ass excuse and hope that she comes running back to your two faced selves? She isn’t something you can just keep around so the house is clean and dinners made. And she most definitely isn’t someone you can just lead on so when you’re lonely, you have a back up. You all are pathetic sorry excuses for people and you deserve every ounce of emotion pain you might get from this. Fuck I don’t even know if you’ll be hurt by her leaving considering you have a line of girls waiting to be fucked. But hell it doesn’t matter to us or her anymore, she took everything she wants from here so anything that's left you can deal with as she’s not coming back.”
Even after Astro left no one moved. Jimin continued to cry on the ground while Hoseok was mimicking his actions but curled up against the wall. Even Namjoon began to cry into his hands, but still standing still in the middle of the room was Taehyung. The warm feeling of your arms wrapping around him that night ghosted his waist as he couldn’t fight against the tears that rolled down his cheeks. Memories of the time you had spent with them through the 3 years you had been together were making themselves known, torture each boys mind with the severity of the situation. As each one of them began to cry at the loss of you they realized something.
You didn’t deserve this.
As time passed you had slowly become more accustomed to living with Astro, they insisted you stay since the company would be helpful with getting over...the others. You were doing better for the most part, well if that meant you were at least eating and leaving the house to get out for a bit then you were doing fantastic. But everyone knew it would take time for you to come out of the fortress you had built so quickly within your mind. Your tone was colder, eyes less glittery than normal, everything was just...not you.
Maybe it was fate that brought you all together in the beginning, there had to be some sort of lesson you had to learn through this experience and the 3 year relationship you held so dearly to your heart. But deep within your mind you knew that not all stories have happy endings, and maybe yours was the same.
But maybe it was fate that you had suddenly stopped to get a coffee at the place you normally went to with the boys. Mask it with the idea of learning not to associating them with everything but fate truly had something else in mind when you had received your coffee only to bump into the broad chest of the person who stood behind you. You had forgotten how sweet his voice was, it caught you off guard for a second as he dragged you outside the shop and alerted the others to all crowd around. But what really caught you off guard was the empty feeling that spread across your body freezing each nerve ending with the bitter icy burn of detest.
“________ is that really you?” Jimin’s light voice was the first one to reach your ears as well as his hands as he quickly cupped your face so you would look in his direction.
“Where have you been?” Taehyung gently caressed your shoulder while the skin underneath grew cold.
“We were so worried ‘bout you jagi.” Namjoon released his grip from your wrist so he could bury his nose in you hair and take a large breath, sighing at the familiar sweet smell.
“Yeah! I tried calling you-”
“Cut the shit.”
It was surprising to everyone, yourself too, at the pure cold tone that slipped your lips as you spoke those words. Throwing each hand off your body and even taking the extra measure to shove Namjoon off and step away from him as he reached for you once again.
“J...Jagi what do you mean?” Hoseok’s voice trembled as he reached slowly for your arms.
“Don’t fucking touch me.” You snarled once again while smacking his hands away. He flinched at your harsh tone as he had never heard you have such a deep wrathful emotion, much less pointed towards him and the others.
“_____ please let’s just sit down and talk. We’ve been together for 3 years and we've worked things out before so we can do it this time too.” Yoongi gently stepped forward so he could speak to you, but was quickly taken aback by the cold chuckle that left your lips. Causing a shiver to crawl up his spine.
“3 years huh? You know I thought the same thing the first few days. Maybe we could work things out and everything could go back to normal-”
“We can still do that, we can learn from this and grow stronger.” Jungkook swiped your hands into his as hope filled his dark doe eyes. A smile grew on his face as it seemed like you were considering their offer, rubbing his thumb against the back of your hand, he was able to get close enough to really get a good look at you. You seemed different than what he remembered but that was given considering all the shit that has gone down in the past month, but he couldn’t help but feel like a schoolboy in love as he looked at you once again.
It was hard to reject their offer, everything in your heart and body wanted you to melt into the arms of your old lovers and bend to their every will but it was the dark crystalline virus that kept your mind apart from your heart. It was almost like an infection, one Jungkook was trying so hard to fight off with his soft touches and words, but he wasn’t the cure. None of them were. And it was because of that, that your body grew cold as the words they whispered on the other side of that door filled your ears once again.
You ripped your hands from Jungkook’s grip, stunning the boy as he stepped back from surprise, and with some unknown force you were able to finally look back at them and muster the coldest, meanest, and detesting glare you could.
“The only thing we can learn from this, is that I can never trust you again.”
“B-but you love us don’t you? You love me. Tell me you love me, us, please.” Jimin panicked and ran his hands through his hair before gripping your wrists tightly.
“Don’t you get it Jimin?” You sneered. His eyes widened at the lack of love and warmth that you usually held or him.
“Get….get what?” His bottom lip trembled and hands began to shake.
“God I swear you’re so oblivious.” If he was shocked before, now he was just downright scared. A sick crushing feeling of guilt clawed its way up his throat as he tried to come up with some excuse. Another sorry excuse.
“_____ what are you saying?” Jin asked trying not to seem uncomfortable with the sudden change in conversation mood.
“What am I saying Seokjin? God you know it must be such a relief to stop having to come up with such shitty excuses all the time, well it must be a relief that I found out so soon. Now you can be with anyone and not have to worry about your girlfriend being all alone at home.”
“No you don’t get to say that. You’re not going to leave this relationship without us talking about it.” Hoseok quickly snapped clearly from fear more than anger.
“I don’t get to leave? Really? I don’t get to leave after I heard you talking shit about me and fucking other girls behind my back? Instead I have to sit down and listen to you make more bullshit excuses that I was too blinded by me love to see through? You all don’t even seem to be remorseful in the slightest bit. You’re not sorry for what you’ve done, you’re sorry for getting caught.” You laughed once again letting the bitter feeling of anger fill your body once again.
“No Jagi please I’m sorry, we’re all sorry, you can’t leave...please, I love you.” Namjoon pleaded and quickly fumbled your hand into his for the last time. They all stood behind him with hopeful and pleading eyes, tears clearly falling from a few. But nothing matters as all you could see was the sinful acts they committed reflect back towards you.
“That’s a tragedy...considering I can no longer love you.”
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bahannah01writes · 5 years
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This was going to be a flower fic, but I got mildly metaphorical and now it’s called lighthouse lol. Aaaa I know I haven’t written in forever and I’m far less than consistent but I’m hopefully still a decent writer and I will hopefully be uploading more and being here for you all more as well :) Thank you, everyone, for your continued support, I love y’all big time and you have no idea how much I appreciate it<3!! 
Kind of requested by this sweetie! @glorious-idiot I know it’s very late but I hope you enjoy, love! Also this may or may not have a part two because I feel like it could but I feel like it’s also good as is. Soooo tell me what you all think ! ^^
Warnings: Slightly Paranoid! Reader  
Send in requests!
Check out the masterlist here :)  
Tags: @kourt-kay @themarkiplierexperience  @let-it-go-and-live-again @skarletton @maximum-fander @randomboxofsadness @browniebri @amostpeculiarmademoisellerp @potteritis @kindasortagood  if you want to be on the tagged list,  just message me and it shall be done!
Sent to moomoo:
are you up?
Sent to moomoo:
aaaAa i dont want to bug but please tell me youre awake
Sent to moomoo:
     Sighing, you realize that you're alone for this one. You breathe in and out for a moment to try and calm your racing heart, but it seems to do very little. The voices from your TV acting only as a buzzing white noise in the background of your mind. You try to focus, eyes struggling to stay on the screen when they feel the need to dart and survey the room. Every little sound is sending your heart and mind into a panicked state. Feet grow cold and heavy, they keep you from moving whether you want to or not. Not unlike your voice, which appears to also be stuck and hiding from what may be around you. All you can manage to do is pull the blanket, your one layer of protection, tighter around your body in a hope that you can bury yourself from the world in its warmth.
     There was another noise from behind you. The sound of floors creaking only for just a second. In a swift motion, your head swerves to look in that direction and you swear you caught a shadow of a figure. Your eyes widen once again and you try to control your breathing. Hands grasping to get your phone once again, the screen illuminating your face in the dimly lit room as you debate what to do next. You lip finds itself between your teeth, a nervous habit showing itself in this moment of paranoia. You know you are making something out of nothing, but the fear you are feeling is nothing less than real.
     You needed to try again.
Sent to moomoo:
Im scared, mark
please just call me asap, ok?
     Your cat stares at you from the other side of the couch. Her curious eyes inspect you and senses that something is off. Rather than letting her make her way over, you reach over and pull her into your lap, a meow of resistance resonating in the room. You ignore it and instead, try to pet your nerves away. She eventually settles and begins to purr, content with this odd situation as long as she's getting pet. You, on the other hand, are still far from content with your situation.
     Why isn't Mark awake? You know you tell him all the time to get more sleep but why must tonight be the one night he decides to take your advice?
     He was always there for you when you were scared. Honestly, he was one of the only people you trusted enough to talk to about things like this. Mainly because he and Amy found out after they insisted you stayed and watched horror movies with them for Halloween… but that's beside the point. They were both able to be your lighthouse that guided you through the fog of paranoia in the late hours of the night. Only, it seems as if you may be left sailing blind tonight.
     Until a certain name catches your eyes and becomes a temptation.
     A mental debate fills your thoughts with ‘yes’s and ‘no’s and yet, you click the call button all the same. Not truly realizing it at first, either. As the phone rings in your hand, you panic for a whole new reason and with a shaky hand, hang up.
     You shake your head and place your phone down. That’s when you notice that the room appears darker than before. All the little noises that you were temporarily oblivious to fade back into your world. The large glass sliding door adjacent to the couch, hidden by mere curtains that are lighter than the weight on your chest, feels like it has transformed into a dismal portal. You can feel eyes on you. But how many? What if someone is just waiting out there for you and has been watching you all along? And… what if they come in?
     Your breath catches, it is as if you can already feel their hands around your throat. Your chest rises and falls like the unsteady waves of the deep ocean, you feel yourself sinking into the unknown and losing your sense of security.
     Your phone rings and at this noise of a possible saving grace, your desperate hands reach to answer without even looking at the caller id.
     “Hello?” You call out, voice wavering from the anxiety that has taken hold of your body.
     “Hey, (Y/n). You called..?”
     Ethan. Your eyes dart for a moment, debating if you should come out with it. Instinctively, you go to pet your cat but you notice she had left at some point without you noticing. This prompts you to go forth and tell him after all.
     “Yeah, I did… Sorry,” You automatically apologize, feeling bad for the emotional strife you are about to reveal to the poor boy. You would normally not even dare tell this secret fear of yours to him in case it would somehow ruin your chances with the sweetheart, but the fear raising in your head outweighs such small concerns. You hear him dismiss your apology and a shaky smile crosses your lips and you continue with, “I know it’s late but, I… I’m kind of really scared, right now, Ethan.” And with that, a humorless chuckle leaves your lips. The feeling of weakness now mixing with your paranoia, what if he sees you just as weak as you feel?
     It’s silent on the line. You feel yourself sink deeper into the depths of your mind at the idea that he may feel just as you suspect.
      “Would you like to hear a story?”
      A story? You’re a tad perplexed but curl into yourself and nod, “I, yeah, I would like to hear one, I think.” Your voice is less than confident but all the same, just listening to Ethan tell a story sounds nice.
     You feel like you can hear his golden smile over the phone as his voice lights up and begins to tell a story back from his years in junior high. Already sensing that it will probably be one with him acting stupid or coming up with some silly and delightful plan, your heart begins to lighten. You close your eyes and try to work on your breathing as you listen, hanging onto every word that falls from his lips and into your ear.
     A distracted mind no longer swarms your thoughts with the nightmarish and impossible situations that it seems to fill with at night. Instead, it begins to clear and you realize that you have another lighthouse.
     About five stories in, the clock on the wall reminds you that you have been up for far too long. You interrupt Ethan, “Oh wow, I’m sorry, Ethan! It’s like almost 3am. I didn’t mean to keep you up this late-”
     “You realize if anyone is keeping someone up, it’s me right?” His laugh that follows is sleepy, making you smile softly and roll your eyes.
     “I’m the one that called you, though.”
     “Cause you were scared and it’s my responsibility as your friend to help.”
     Guilt tugs at your heart but you try to shake it off. Because he was right, friends help friends with even the silliest of fears. “Thank you, Ethan,” you say, almost whispering, still a bit embarrassed but also very grateful to this man you have in your life.
     “It’s nothing, you’d do the same for me.”
     There is another moment of silence, only this one is filled with mutual admiration and love for one another.
     It is his sleepy laugh returning that breaks the silence, “You feel better right?”
     “I do!” You laugh lightly along with him.
     “Good. I want you to try and get some sleep tonight, alright?”
      “Alright, and again, just thank you so much.”
      He hums in response, “Call me again if you ever get scared. If you ever need me to come over too, tell me and I’ll be there,” Ethan chuckles and is grateful that you can’t see the blush growing on his cheeks, “I’ll always do what I can to protect you, even if it’s just from the things that go bump in the night.”
      You thank you for the third time before sharing an exchange of goodnights and finally hanging up. The smile refusing to leave your lips as you feel your heart not only at peace but also in complete and utter bliss at his words.
      Maybe he really could be your new lighthouse.
So, I really hope you all enjoyed this!! :) It may be a lil obvious but this is slightly personal as I get super spooked easily when I am alone and it’s night and I always end up spooking myself further because that’s what I do apparently lol Anywayyy, I wanted to say thank you to you guys again :) Justttt aaa I know I’m not the greatest so to everyone who is still supporting me and reading my stuff, bless you all and thank you so so so much!! I will try to do better by you all!! ^^
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vandermatthews · 6 years
After Micah stormed off in a huff, Arthur turned towards Dutch.
“Ya know, Micah is pretty incessant.”
“Hmm” Was all Dutch replied without looking up from his book.
Arthur continued, “If you’d like I can keep an eye on Hosea. What with his cough I don’t think he’d be able to fend off Micah if the shit head were to do anything.”
Dutch finally looked up. He looked Arthur straight in his eyes and nodded, silently agreeing with Arthur and telling him he should indeed look after Hosea. Arthur nodded back and turned to go do as he was instructed.
Later that night, Hosea was a bit confused when Dutch insisted he sleep in the younger man’s tent, and when Hosea inquired the reason, Dutch seemed nervous and maybe a little afraid, but the younger man stated he wanted to spend time with his love. Hosea tried to push for more information, feeling as though Dutch wasn’t telling him everything, but the younger man became more nervous and defensive, so Hosea dropped it and filed it away for later investigation.
It wasn’t until two weeks after the incident with Micah that Hosea started to become suspicious. He was grabbing a bowl of soup with Bill when the other man mentioned how odd it was Arthur was following him around.
“I don’t quite get your meaning Mr. Williamson?”
“You haven’t noticed Arthur hangin’ around, always keeping you within eyesight?” Bill questioned.
Hosea simply shook his head, a little perplexed, looking around for Arthur. And sure enough, Arthur was sitting not thirty feet away with a clear view of Hosea. The older man just nodded, trying not to come off as suspicious.
Turning back to Bill, Hosea spoke in a softer voice, “Hey Bill, let’s keep this between us, ya?”
“Sure. Whatever.” Bill replied as he walked off to eat his soup.
Hosea spent the next day and a half observing Arthur’s strange behavior. Around noon the next day Hosea had had enough of Arthur stalking him and was about to confront the man when Abigail sat down next to him.
“Are you alright Hosea? You don’t seem well.” 
“Arthur keeps following me, and it’s starting to irritate the hell outta me.”
“Aw, come on. I’m sure he’s just following Dutch’s orders. I’m sure Dutch just wants to keep you safe. What with your cough and the…words Arthur and Micah had a couple weeks ago.” Abigail was oblivious to Hosea’s surprise at hearing this was Dutch’s idea.
“What words Mrs. Marston?” 
“Y-you don’t know?” Abigail became nervous, fearing she had let something slip she shouldn’t have.
“No? What words? What happened?” Hosea became more demanding, extremely interested to learn what had caused this irritating situation. But Abigail was hesitant, beginning to worry the seam of her dress sleeve. “Mrs. Marston, I can assure you, neither Dutch nor Arthur will ever discover it was you that clued me in on this…annoying problem.” Hosea reassured.
Abigail was still nervous, but she felt safe with Hosea’s word, “Well I didn’t hear all of it, but Micah was getting friendly with Dutch again, of course Dutch ignored him and Micah didn’t appreciate that, so he stormed off. Arthur tried to make Micah see that Dutch was only interested in you. Oh come now Mr. Matthews, we all know that you and him are together, y’all don’t have to hide from us.” Abigail reassured when she saw Hosea tense. Once Hosea had relaxed a bit, silently thanking Abigail, the woman continued, “Well Micah told Arthur that he would be much better for Dutch then yourself, which is completely not true, and confidently told Arthur that he will get what he wants sooner or later.” Abigail finished, noticing Hosea was deep in thought.
“Mr. Matthews, don’t be angry with Arthur, he’s only doing what Dutch has asked him.”
“Oh no, I’m not angry with Arthur, I am however irritated that Dutch seems to think I can not handle myself to the likes of Micah Bell, and he needs to send a body guard after me.” Hosea spat out, very clearly angry with Dutch. Before Abigail could respond, Hosea stood up and bid her goodbye.
Hosea Matthews may be getting up there in age, and his bones may creak a bit more, and his cough might be getting worse, but he could damn well take care of himself, and he certainly didn’t need a babysitter. With his anger and contempt at Dutch’s lack of faith in him beginning to boil over, Hosea decided he was going to deal with Micah himself, without Arthur or Dutch’s help, and began to scheme.
The next day Hosea set his plan in motion, approaching Charles early in the day to send him and Arthur off into town to get a supposed lead on some O’Driscoll boys that may have been spotted at the saloon, on Dutch’s orders of course. 
Hosea watched Arthur try to resist going, but he knew that if Arthur believed the orders were from Dutch, then he would be obliged to go. Smiling to himself as Arthur and Charles mounted their horses, Hosea made sure Dutch was not watching him, finding the man had hid himself away in his tent.
Hosea proceeded with his next step: getting Micah alone. He approached the blonde carefully, trying not to set off any alarms or come off suspicious.
“Mr. Bell,” Hosea called, “Why don’t you join me on a hunting trip? It’s such a beautiful day out, and we hardly know each other, it’d be the perfect opportunity to get acquainted.”
Micah was a bit suspicious when he replied “But you don’t exactly like me Hosea. Why would you want to spend an entire day with me?”
“Well perhaps if I get to know you a little better I’ll like you better.” Hosea smiled even though he was getting a bit nervous his plan wasn’t going to work. “Come on, stop thinking so hard and just go hunting.”
Despite Micah’s suspicions, he agreed and the two men trotted off into the woods.
It was only an hour or so later that Charles and Arthur returned to camp, Arthur pissed that the lead had been a dud and having wasted his time going into town. As the men approached the hitching post Arthur observed that Silver Dollar and Micah’s horse were both missing. Panic rising up into his throat, Arthur frantically asked Tilly if she had seen either man.
“Why yes, they went off hunting together about a half hour or so. Why? Are they alright?”
“Y-yes, I think so, I-I just need to find Dutch.” Arthur’s voice hitching as his fear became worse. “Dutch!? “DUTCH!!” Arthur yelled, briskly walking towards the man’s tent.
Dutch exited his tent and approached Arthur, worried at the other mans distress. “Arthur son are you alright, you seem upset.”
“Hosea has gone off with Micah huntin’” Arthur tried to remain calm, half panicking that Hosea was going to end up killed, and fearing he may already have.
“Wh-what lead? I didn’t send you on any lead? What the fuck are you talking about boy?”
“Charles said you wanted me and him to go into town because there might be some O’Driscoll boys there, but there weren’t.”
Charles walked up at that point, trying to defuse the situation, and maybe get himself out of trouble in the process. “Hosea came up to me earlier saying you wanted us to go into town.”
Arthur and Dutch both looked at each other, realizing that they’d been played by their resident con-man. Without another word Arthur and Dutch grabbed their horses and set off to try to find Hosea, calling Charles with them to help track the two men.
Meanwhile, Hosea and Micah rode deeper and deeper into the woods, under the guise that they were hunting. Hosea tried to make small talk about how Micah felt about being apart of the gang, the future of said gang, and anything he could think of until he decided that they had ridden far enough away from camp as not to be disturbed.
“We should hop off, it’ll be better to track on foot, quieter so as not to spook anything.” Hosea suggested, pulling Silver Dollar to a stop. Micah grunted his agreement and stoped his horse next to Silver Dollar, pulling his shotgun from his saddle.
“You know Micah, I didn’t drag you out here to go hunting. I’d like to talk to you about some behaviors you’ve been exhibiting.” Micah turned, angrily glaring at Hosea.
“If you didn’ wanna go huntin’, then why drag me all the way out here, you could’ve talked to me in camp. God Old Man, sometimes…” Micah huffed, turning to put his shotgun away. “What the hell did you wanna talk about?”
“This may come as a surprise to you Micah, but we only steal objects, not people.”
“Huh?” Micah replied cluelessly.
Hosea squared Micah up, becoming defensive and hardening his face. “Dutch is mine. And if you don’t stop trying to advance on my territory, there’ll be hell to pay.” Hosea’s eyes became dark with anger, but Micah simply laughed, dismissing the older man.
“Face it old man, I’m ten times the man you could ever be, and Dutch deserves someone young and whole. Not some old croon who’ll break if he coughs too hard.” Micah sneered.
“You’re right, Dutch does deserve someone better. But that sure as hell ain’t you.” Hosea shot back. 
Micah went to grab his gun but Hosea quickly warned him not to. “If I die right here, right now, Dutch’ll know it was you, and believe you me that he will not rest until you are six feet under. Best put that away.”
“Not if I say it was a huntin’ accident.” Micah shot back.
Hosea laughed, “You think Dutch’ll believe that? He knows you want me out of the picture so you can have him all to yourself, he’s not dumb, and he’ll know it wasn’t some ‘hunting accident’ Micah.” 
Micah slowly retracted his hand thinking about this, but in an instant he pounced on Hosea, punching the older man squarely in the face and tackling him to the ground. Hosea barely had time to think before Micah started beating his face into the ground, angrily taunting the older man. “You think Dutch cares about you?! HA! You’re just a fun toy, he even keeps the other one around when he’s bored of you! He won’t even remember your name in a year if you die today. He don’t care about some sad old pathetic man who can’t breath!”
Hosea was able to gain the upper hand and rolled Micah off of him, allowing Hosea to regain his footing, putting up his fists in an attempt to block Micah’s blows. Each man dealt and got several punches in, until Micah tackled Hosea again, this time into a tree, knocking the wind out of the older man. 
Between the physical effort of fighting Micah and the blow to the tree, Hosea’s lungs couldn’t take anymore, and the older man began having an asthma attack. Within seconds Hosea was keeled over on the ground, clutching his chest and gasping for air. Micah simply stood back, catching his breath and laughed.
“Look at you old man, can’t even fight. You’re pathetic.” Micah spat at Hosea, watching as Hosea hyperventilated and collapsed onto the ground. However, he quickly stopped taunting the older man as he heard thundering hooves beat down the path, jumping out of the way as The Count nearly ran him over.
Dutch was halfway off of his horse and to Hosea before he had fully stopped. “Hosea! Jesus Christ!! Hosea!!” Panic was setting in quickly as Hosea still lay crumpled on the ground, gasping and gaging for air, sounding like a dying deer that had just been shot. 
Dutch knelt frozen, all sensible thought leaving him as he stared at his partner dying on the ground. It wasn’t until Arthur pulled up beside the two men, quickly dismounted, and threw Hosea onto The Count that Dutch’s sense came back to him. Dutch gave one frightening glare over his shoulder to Micah, promising to deal with him later before he himself hoped on The Count and spurred him quickly back to camp.
Arthur and Charles looked back towards Micah as Dutch and Hosea rode away, hoping and praying Hosea would make it back alive.
Arthur grabbed Micah by his collar and slammed him up against a tree. “What the hell were you thinking!? How could you beat the shit out of Hosea!!? He could die and all you care about is whether you can get into Dutch’s pants? I should string you up right here and now, but I’ll leave that pleasure to Dutch.” Arthur finished, slamming Micah against the tree one more time for good measure. Micah didn’t respond, and Arthur was glad.
As Arthur and Charles mounted their horses, Charles called back “You better not show your face in camp, or there’ll be hell to pay. And you better pray Hosea lives, because if he doesn’t, Dutch won’t be the only one you’ll need to worry about.” With that, the two men left Micah standing alone in the forrest, huffing about his predicament.
Dutch rode hard all the way back to camp, Hosea still gasping and gaging for air. Dutch begged him to hold on a little longer, that they were almost home, that Hosea just needed to hold on. 
Dutch galloped The Count all the way up to his tent, screaming at people to get out of the way. Gently lifting a boneless Hosea off of his horse, Dutch carefully set him inside, telling him to sit up. Dutch had never felt panic quite like this before as he fumbled around the tent looking for all the ingredients for Hosea’s inhaler. 
The whole camp was on red alert, the sound of Hosea’s gasping and hyperventilating loud enough to wake people in the next three towns. They had never heard something so violent come out of a man before.
Dutch finally, finally, was able to put everything together and practically shoved the inhaler into Hosea’s face, but Hosea was too far gone to be able to administer the medicine himself, having teetered on the edge of unconsciousness since they’d entered camp. 
Dutch’s whole body was shaking with fear, as he desperately slapped Hosea to wake him up, but Hosea’s eyes started to drift shut and his breathing slowed, not because he was getting better but because his body was beginning to give out.
“NO!!! NO NO NO NO!!! HOSEA PLEASE PLEASE DON’T DO THIS!!!” Dutch screamed, his voice cracking and tears rolling down his face. In one last final attempt to save Hosea, Dutch pulled Hosea back to a sitting position, slapped him one more time, and shoved the inhaler into his mouth, pleading for Hosea to breath, just breath. The tears flowed freely now, staining his face. But it worked, Hosea’s eyes opened back up and his breathing evened out. Dutch gasped and clutched Hosea’s shirt, burying his face into the older man’s shoulder, sobbing. 
The next day, after Hosea had slept and his wounds had been treated, Dutch addressed the elephant in the room.
“Hosea,” Dutch began, sitting on the edge of the cot and stroking the older mans hair as he laid down “What were you thinking?” 
Hosea groaned and rolled over, not wanting to look at Dutch.
“Hosea you almost died. You had to have known that cornering Micah wasn’t a good plan!” Dutch started to pace the length of his tent. 
Hosea sat up and finally replied, coughing a bit, earning him a worried look from Dutch. Hosea simply held up his hand, dismissing Dutch’s worry. “I don’t appreciate you sending Arthur to babysit me Dutch.” Hosea’s voice was raspy but he continued. “Despite what you and everyone around here thinks, I can take care of myself. And most times I don’t have an asthma attack during a fight, meaning I can handle myself. I’m tired of you treating me like a porcelain doll about to break Dutch!” Hosea coughed again, earning him a pointed look from Dutch.
Dutch knelt in front of Hosea, grabbing his hands. “I want to keep you safe! You’re a good shot, sure, but Micah has fifty pounds on you easily, and a temper to boot. He could’ve killed you even if you didn’t have an asthma attack. I’m sorry I sent Arthur to look after you, but the way Micah looked at you I was afraid he was gonna…gonna…” Dutch looked away, not able to even think about it.
Hosea pulled Dutch’s face back to him, looking him in his deep brown eyes, and began to stroke his face. He pulled him for a kiss feeling Dutch’s tears run down his face again. “I’m not going anywhere. Next time, talk to me first instead of sending someone to babysit me.” Dutch simply nodded, promising to talk with Hosea next time there was an issue.
Micah didn’t show up at camp for several months, returning only to inform Dutch of a job in a town called Blackwater. Something about a boat, and the rest as they say, is history.
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i-see-you-mendes · 6 years
Always me (Flour Mess Blurb Part 2)
A/N: This is absolutely not what I thought I’d be posting tonight, but sometimes ~most of the time~ inspiration hits you in the weirdest of ways. This is 100% without a doubt dedicated to my love, my life, my wife😂 @innocent-before-mendes who begged me to do a part 2 of this forever before I even said maybe. I really, really hope I didn’t mess this up because I really like the original 🙈 Y’all gotta tell me if I have to rewrite this better, okay??
Also I never use songs in my fic, I love reading ones that way, but I’ve just never had one fit and so this is a first for me, but I’ve had this song in my back pocket for ages and I love it. 
God, I hope this doesn’t suck 🤞  PS. Link to part one is at the bottom of the page, and I am too tired to move it
You had been kissing long enough for the stray hairs escaping your ponytail to start sticking to your forehead, your breathing to become erratic, your head dizzy. But then again, you always ended up dizzy when you kissed Shawn. 
You shift on your knees in front of him, placing both hands on his chest and starting to pull away. His lips follow yours as you lean further back, a small noise of protest pathetically tumbling from his open mouth into yours. 
You push him off gently, breaking the kiss. Taking a few deep breaths your fingers come up to brush the damp curls out of his face. He doesn’t move just sits there, body bent towards yours, eyes still closed, lips parted, waiting. When he finally gets the picture that you aren’t going to put your lips back on his he tips forward, letting his head fall onto your shoulder with a groan. 
You chuckle, holding the sides of his face, trying to lift him up so you can look at him. He shakes his head against you, another grumble his only response. 
“Come on Shawn, get a grip,” you tease. “You’re sitting on the floor making out with a girl that’s caked in flour.”
He snaps to attention, licking his lips and raising an eyebrow. “ ‘s kinda hot,” is all he says. 
He has that familiar troublesome glow and it makes your heart rate pick up, but you knew what game he was playing at. Knew if you gave him the option he would sit there with you, kissing and tugging, nipping and sucking until he was numb to anything else. That was fine, it didn’t bother you- helping him get his mind to settle down for a while, but you had this sneaking suspicion that tonight maybe he already was numb. 
You smile at him, and it’s a pained one, as you rest your hand against his cheek, your thumb stroking the dark circles under his tired eyes. “We gotta fix you,” you whisper. 
He holds your hand in place, gripping onto your wrist, turning his face into your palm to kiss it before he looks back at you and nods. 
You let out a puff of air and he releases his hold on you. Your hand slips off his face and down to his shoulder. He sighs, standing up slowly. For a second you stay there on your knees in front of him, looking up through your lashes, and then you quietly rise beside him.
He disappears down the hallway, comes back with a pair of grey leggings and a big t-shit and hands them to you. You take them silently, sneaking off into the bathroom to change while he’s preoccupied with digging around for something in his backpack. 
When you walk back into the living room he’s pulling on a pair of beat up sneakers. You chew your lip, going over to where he’s standing and slipping your own shoes on. He looks down at you reaching out timidly to grab your hand. 
“Ready?” he asks gently. 
“Yeah,” you nod.
When you get to the jeep he lets go of you, walking over to his side and opening the door he stars to climb in but he stops when he sees you standing there frozen on your side of the car. 
He hops onto the sidestep, popping his head up he leans his elbows on the roof and sets his chin in his hands. “What’s up?” he asks kinda anxiously. 
You bite your lip sheepishly, staring up at him. “Sure you don’t want me to drive?” 
He shakes his head laughing, pushing off the car and jumping back down you hear him mumble a “Nice Try,” not-so-under-his-breath. 
The drive is mostly quiet, just a few hesitant touches and the sound of strumming echoing over the speakers. 
You think you know where you’re going, even though he never said. Have a pretty good idea he’s taking you up to his favorite pull-off to just get some space and clear air, but at the last minute he switches lanes, pulling into a shady looking 24 hour super market next to a gas station. 
“What are you doing?” you ask, sitting up fully to look at him. 
He just shrugs pulling the keys from the ignition, tugging your arm over to kiss the back of your hand before he climbs out.
You’re complaining now, whining and lagging behind, dragging your feet trying to annoy him enough to get him to crack and tell you what’s going on, as he leads you through the aisles. 
He takes a few laps, pulls you into a couple of rows to steal a quick kiss, smirks  at you over his shoulder every once in a while until hes had his fun and stops abruptly in front of a shelf. 
You are currently playing oblivious, trying to act like you don’t care, keeping your gaze trained above the lines of groceries- utterly detached. You walk past him a few feet before you realize he’s actually pulling something from its place. Out of the corner of your eye you can see him set it down in front of him.
You turn around as he leans against the shelf, muscles tugging at the faded fabric of his shirt, arms crossed. He holds your gaze then, trailing it downward, nods smugly with raised eyebrows .
You flick your eyes to the tiled floor and sitting there is a very out of place, very lonely looking bag of baking flour. 
You giggle, shaking your head as you swoop forward, grabbing the bag and walking the last few paces to him. You press yourself up against his folded arms, chin on his chest, arms behind your back, smiling. 
“I love you,” he grins down at you.
Before you have a chance to answer he’s kissed you sweetly and is steering you to the checkout. 
You weren’t wrong about the look out. 
You’re sprawled out on the hood of JBone, he’s got his head in your lap, his legs dangling over the side. 
You let him just sit there for a while staring up at the sky, or you, you weren’t quite sure which. Give him a chance to just be before you force yourself to start asking questions.
“What’s up Bub?” you say quietly, swirling your fingers in his hair.
“I’m just so - I don’t know if tired is the right word anymore- but I’ve definitely become a bit of an insomniac.” 
“You haven’t been sleeping?” you prod carefully.
He dips his head in response. It wasn’t unusual for Shawn to pull a few all nighters, skip a couple of days rest, but for him to be admitting it it had to be pretty bad. 
“And it’s that type where you just lay there and all of the sudden you can feel the weight of every decision you’ve ever made, and you do that thing where you’re like ‘is this really my life?’, and your mind starts to wander, and then it’s like something within you just starts hurting.” 
You can feel your heart hammering in your throat, the saliva in your mouth building up in the form of anxiety. You want him to stop, don’t want to face the fact that he ever feels this way, but he has to keep going. 
“It’s like a light-switch kind of lonely, this feeling inside my chest. And I know that it’s stupid because there are so many people out there that care about me, really care. Mum, Dad, Aaliyah Matt, the guys, you… but it just, it hurts. I don’t know where it comes from either, one second I’m fine- I’m happy- and then I can’t breathe.” 
He goes quiet, turning his face to the side. You’re not sure if you should tell him to keep going, or if he’s crying, or if you should cry with him. 
“Can you sing me that song please?” he rasps. 
You know what he’s asking for, had lulled him to sleep with the melody one night when he came home drunk out of his mind, the alcohol making him needy and restless.
The next morning he asked you about it, and you had hmmmed cheekily, pressed a finger to your lips and told him you had no idea what he was talking about. He begged you every once in a while to tell you what it was called, but you never let him have it, had become somewhat of a little game between the two of you.
You take a shaky breath, never actually sang it for him before, would hum it every once in a while when you were sleepy or when it was a lazy day with him, and everything was content, but this would be the first time he heard the lyrics for what you deemed to be ‘his song’. 
You swallow, nodding. 
He nestles himself in your lap more comfortably and you card your fingers through his curls. 
“You make the darkness less dark
You make the edges less sharp
You make the winter feel warmer,
And you make my weakness less weak
You make the bottom less deep”  
Your voice has never been great, but it is sweet, and gentle, and it’s all he really needs. You pause taking another breath before cooing a few more lines of the chorus. 
“You make the waiting feel shorter
You make my crazy feel normal, every time” 
You repeat it a few times not really sure of any of the other words, or your ability to hit the notes right. You want to cry, for him, but they would be wasted tears and you know it, so you fight them back the best you can. Your voice breaks softly on the last two words and you know it’s time to stop.
Shawn’s eyes are closed, he’s got one of your hands clasped in his on his on top of his chest and you can feel his heart beating like mad. He licks his dry lips and tilts his head up. “I’m sleepy.” 
“Yeah?” you ask, running your hand through his hair one last time
He nods. 
“Come on,” you say, “I’ll drive.” 
He smiles lazily, pulling the keys out of his pocket and handing them to you. 
“Hey baby,” he stops you as you go to pull out. You look over at him, eyes wide, a little shaken up from the whole experience. “What’s that song called?” he’s got his extra pair headphones pulled out of the glove box, phone in hand.
You exhale slowly, not because you give a shit about him knowing the name of the song anymore, but just because everything was starting to feel a little too real. 
You reach over and take his phone typing in This Is Why I Need You before handing it back to him. 
You hear him chuff happily at the screen before leaning his head back and closing his eyes again. 
You thought you’d have to wake him, could feel the guilt already creeping in as you pulled into the drive way, but the minute the engine cuts out he’s sitting up. He leans over and kisses your cheek with a quiet thank you, grabs the flour from the back seat and jogs away. 
When you get up stairs he’s standing in the kitchen waiting for you, eyes droopy, cheeks flushed. You take the flour from his hands, and tiptoe up to return the kiss. 
He grabs your hips and you lean your head on his shoulder. You feel him sway a little, so you separate from him and pull the half finished cookie mix out of the fridge. 
“You gonna sleep now?” 
“I think I’m gonna try,” he admits shyly. 
You smile at him. “Go,” you tell him and shove his shoulder lightly. 
“It probably won’t be long,” he confesses. 
“That’s alright, it’ll be something,” you say.
“I don’t want to go in the bedroom,” he counters quickly, almost scared. 
“You don’t have to,” you assure him. 
“I’m just going to stay on the couch, where I can hear you.” 
“Okay,” you say softly and he steals another kiss.
He starts to walk away, makes it almost the whole way to the couch when he turns around and looks at you from the living room. 
“Are there gonna be cookies when I wake up?” he teases.
“Yeahhh, duh,” you draw out, scrunching your nose at him. 
He laughs, but then his eyes go soft, his voice drops low. “And you?” 
“And me,” you breathe out, “always me.” 
**Jesse Ruben - THIS IS WHY I NEED YOU 
part 1
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keichanz · 6 years
Doggy Daycare
I felt like writing something to go with this cute headcanon of mine. 
Suggestions for titles are welcome because Idk wtf to call this lmao “Doggy Daycare” will most likely be temporary unless y’all think it’s a good fit. So lemme know! 
“Please, Kaede,” Sango begged the old priestess as she cradled sick two year old Satomi in her arms, whimpers of discomfort and agitation escaping her mouth. Her eyes and cheeks were wet with tears and her skin was too hot to the touch. Nearby her sister and twin Satori sat quietly by herself, playing with some toys and oblivious to her mother’s distress. She looked up, curious, when the reed mat to the elder woman’s hut was swept aside and she gave the newcomer a big grin as she waved a tiny fist in greeting.
“I promise she won’t be any trouble. Satori has already eaten, and will most likely want to take a nap soon.” Kaede sighed and closed her eyes and desperate, Sango forged on. “It would only be for a few hours,” she continued, absently rocking her daughter in her arms and pausing briefly to brush a damp curl of hair away from her forehead. “Miroku has Hitoshi while he’s preforming blessings today and Satori likes to wander and he’d have to keep an eye on her so he’d be distracted—”
“Sango,” the old priestess intervened gently and sighed again. The sound caused Sango’s shoulders to slump because she knew what it meant. “I am truly sorry, my dear, but Izabel is due to have her child any moment know, and I must be there to help with the delivery. Rin is visiting Lord Sesshomaru and Shippou is off training for his exams so they are not here to assist.” Her weathered face was genuinely apologetic as she gazed at the stressed mother and her ill child. Satomi whimpered again and her heart ached at the sound; Kaede truly wished she could watch the young one while Sango tended to her sick child without distractions, but the fact was, she did not have the time. “Mayhap Mizuki can watch her?”
Sango made a sound borne of aggravation and despair. “She’s assisting Kinso with the livestock today so she can’t, either.” Accepting that there was no one to watch her healthy daughter while she tended to and cared for her sick twin, Sango closed her eyes and ran a hand through her hair, failing to notice the red-clad figure, who’d been standing silently during their conversation, casually stride up behind a suddenly beaming Satori. “What am I going to do? If Satori is around Satomi too much, I’m afraid she’ll end up ill as well, plus I can’t tend to Satomi with her sister there as—”
“I’ll do it.”
Sango whipped her head around, mouth agape, and watched as clawed hands reached down and plucked her daughter from the floor to cradle her tiny frame in one strong arm. Satori squealed in delight and gripped a small handful of scarlet firerat. “Doggy,” she laughed, waving her other hand around merrily before tangling a small hand in the silver hair that hung over his shoulder.
Kaede smiled knowingly while Sango blinked, bit her lip and stared thoughtfully at her daughter in the half-demon’s arms. “Inuyasha…are you sure? You really don’t have to, I can probably get Miroku and—”
“It’s fine, Sango,” Inuyasha cut her off, his eyes soft as he gazed at the child in his arms. Satori giggled and tugged at his beads. “I don’t mind. S’not like I’m doing anything, and you need to take care of your kid. I’ll keep the runt busy.” Satori grinned at him and lifted a hand to grab at his nose. Inuyasha quirked one of his own, tucked his teeth behind his lips and mouthed her tiny hand. His ears flattened at her squeal of laughter but his low chuckle was easily heard by the two other adults in the hut.
With her eyes suspiciously bright and her heart thoroughly melted, Sango bit her lip and then hedged, “Well…if you’re sure, Inuyasha…”
The half-demon grunted and waved a hand. “Keh. We’ll be fine, right squirt?” Inuyasha gently poked her nose and the tot’s eyes crossed briefly before she giggled and wrapped her tiny fingers around the digit, giving him a big, gummy smile. His chest constricted and he swallowed the lump that developed in his throat.
This time Sango’s shoulders slumped in relief and she sighed before giving her friend a truly grateful smile. “I really appreciate this, Inuyasha. Thank you so much.” She got to her feet and tucked the blanket more securely around her fitfully sleeping daughter. “I don’t know how long it will take for her fever to break after I give her the medicine Kaede made, but—”
Inuyasha shrugged. “Just concentrate on getting your kid better. I’ll keep her for however long is needed.” They both turned their gaze to the child in his arms; Satori was currently chewing on Inuyasha’s finger and since his claws were blunted, Sango wasn’t worried. She knew they were only deadly from the amount of force he put behind his attacks.
Sango nodded and sent him another genuinely grateful look before stepping forward to kiss her daughter’s soft cheek and then scurrying out of the hut, Kaede’s medicine tucked within her robes. “Mama go?” Satori piped up and opened and closed her hand in the classic “bye-bye” gesture.
“Yeah, Mama go, but she’ll be back. It’s just me and you now, kiddo.” Turning, Inuyasha said his goodbyes to the oddly silent but smiling Kaede before ducking out of the hut as well. “Your sister is sick and your mom’s gotta take care of her.” With her tucked into his arm, Inuyasha strolled through the village with no real destination in mind.
Satori blinked. “Ick,” she said and played with the black string that stretched across his chest.
“Sick,” Inuyasha repeated slowly as he stepped out of the path of one of the villagers tugging a cart behind him. The man grinned at the child in his arms and kept going.
Satori babbled something he couldn’t understand and twisted her little body around so she could watch the man walk away. “Ick,” she chirped again and pointed after the man, turning her wide brown eyes back to him. “Buh.”
Inuyasha raised an eyebrow as the corners of his lips twitched upward. “Man. Cart.”  
The two year old blinked and turned her gaze back to the retreating villager. “Mah.”
Chuckling, Inuyasha shook his head. “Close enough, kiddo.”
He continued through the village with his precious cargo and Satori pointed at everything she could see: women doing laundry, other children playing and laughing, and the men working out in the fields. Inuyasha would pause and explain to her what it was, then patiently repeat himself when she attempted to say it back to him. She absolutely loved it whenever someone would walk up and starting cooing and telling how adorable she is, to which the two-year old always gave them her biggest and brightest smile. She melted hearts wherever she went and her squeals of laughter were constant, but never unwelcome as it echoed throughout the village.
Inuyasha stared down at the child in his arms with raised eyebrows and tickled her tummy with his claws. Satori giggled and grasped at his hand. “If I didn’t know any better, runt, I swear you’re being a giant ham on purpose so you’ll get more attention. Am I right?”
The tot grinned, lifted her gaze higher and released another squeal as he deliberately wiggled his ears once he realized where her eyes were. “Doggy!” She clapped her hands and did she just bat her eyes at him?
Inuyasha snorted. “Think you’re so cute, eh?” He tickled her sides and Satori squirmed in his arm, laughing as she tried to push away his hand. Her mirth attracted another group of women, these ones more around Kagome’s age, and they all fawned over the “adorable baby girl” and meanwhile Satori is soaking it all in, smiling happily and babbling nonsense at them. Inuyasha watched the whole thing in amusement but couldn’t hide his slight wince or prevent his ears from pinning against his head when the girls all gave high pitched squeals of their own when Satori blinked and promptly started chewing on the sleeve of her caretaker’s suikan.
“Hey,” Inuyasha half-heartedly protested. “You’re slobberin’ all over my firerat, runt.” Despite his words, he didn’t pull her current chew toy away. Satori waved a fist at him and babbled. He sighed and kept walking, thinking he’d have to start making some toys the twins could gnaw on if they were teething.
He didn’t get very far before a dog barking off to the side somewhere drew the child’s attention and the half-demon watched as the kid’s eyes grew round, his sleeve dropped from her mouth and she started babbling excitedly while squiring around, leaning her weight forward and it didn’t take Inuyasha long to figure out what she wanted. He knelt down and set her on her feet and at once Satori made a beeline for the dog, toddling over to it as fast as her little legs could take her and Inuyasha followed closely behind.
“Doggy!” she squealed and tossed her arms around the canine’s neck. The dog started licking away at her face, tail wagging wildly behind him and Satori’s peals of laughter rang throughout the village once again. Inuyasha crossed his arms and watched with a grin as the dog’s owner, a boy about Kohoku’s age came over and knelt down so he could keep his dog still as the child pet it.  
His ear flicked and said half-demon turned his head to find Miroku approaching with his dozing son in his arms. The monk smiled in greeting at them then turned his attention to his daughter, still petting the dog and laughing as tried to crawl on top of her. His face softened. “Are you watching her today?”
Inuyasha nodded and focused his attention back to his best friend’s kid. “Satomi’s got a fever,” he said in answer. “Told Sango I’d watch her sister for a bit while she tends to her since Kaede’s busy today and you’re doing blessings.”
Miroku’s brows dipped in worry. “Fever?”
He shook his head. “Don’t worry, it’s not serious. I didn’t smell anything severe and Kaede gave her some medication. She’ll be fine in a few hours.”
His friend’s face relaxed and he nodded, relieved. “I see. That’s good to hear.” His child’s soft “oomph” drew his gaze back to her and he released a chuckle to find her sitting on the ground and the dog happily sprawled across her tiny lap, asking for belly rubs. Taeko, the dog’s owner, showed her how to stroke the dog’s belly and Satori followed suit. Miroku grinned. “I see she already has you bending to her every little whim.”
Inuyasha snorted but didn’t deny it and she must have heard her father’s voice, because Satori looked back at them and smiled wild. “Papa!” she squealed and not at all to Inuyasha’s surprise she pushed herself to her feet and zoomed over to him, dog forgotten.
Miroku chuckled and knelt down to kiss his daughter’s forehead. “Are you being good for Uncle Inuyasha?” Inuyasha snorted again at the title but he ignored him.
Satori beamed. “Goo’!”
The monk nodded in approval. “That’s my girl. Papa has to go and bless a few more homes, so keep being good for your uncle and I’ll see you tonight. Hug for Papa?” He held out his free arm and smiled at her.
Satori blinked her big eyes at him, said “’Kay, bye,” then promptly turned around and toddled over to Inuyasha, stretching her arms up and bouncing on her feet.
Inuyasha couldn’t hide his grin as he swooped her up into his arms while Miroku gave his daughter a deadpan stare. “Betrayed by my own child,” he murmured and his half-demon friend snickered, unsympathetic.
“Sorry, monk,” Inuyasha said, not sounding sorry at all as he shifted Satori into one arm and ruffled her hair with his other hand. She giggled and tried to catch the appendage. “The dog wins this time. Right, squirt?”
“Doggy!” More giggling.
Heaving a sigh, though not without a smile, Miroku straightened and shifted Hitoshi to his other arm. He remained asleep, oblivious. “Regardless of my daughter’s questionable choice in caretakers,” he said then shamelessly grinned at his half-demon friend’s mock growl of annoyance. “Thank you for watching her, Inuyasha. I’m sure Sango truly appreciates the help.”
Inuyasha shrugged even as a light blush stole across his cheeks. “Keh. Don’t worry about it. I don’t mind, and Sango needs to watch over Satomi without having to keep this one outta trouble. And besides…” He paused, hesitated, and his words were quiet when he admitted, “It…might be the only time I can…” He cleared his throat and ducked his head, hiding his pained expression.
Miroku’s face softened in understanding even as a pang of sorrow for his close friend stabbed his heart. He clamped a hand down on his shoulder and squeezed, lowering his voice as he responded, “Do not lose faith, Inuyasha. She will return, and I know someday you shall be as happy as Sango and I.”
Inuyasha didn’t say anything but he gave a curt nod and his grip on the little girl tightened slightly. Satori made a little noise, wiggled around and laid her head on his shoulder with a gusty sigh. His throat tightened and he briefly closed his eyes.
With his heart truly aching for his half-demon friend, Miroku squeezed his shoulder again, kissed his daughter one last time then left to continue his blessings.
Sucking in a breath, Inuyasha regained his bearings and with a nod of thanks to the Taeko and his dog, he turned and continued through the village, thinking to find a quiet spot now that Satori was tuckered out from all the attention she received today and from petting a dog. Inuyasha chuckled to himself. “Tough work being a runt, huh?” he asked her and Satori yawned. “Alright,” Inuyasha said and veered of the path to find one of his favorite lounging trees. “Time to go rest a while.”
Ten minutes later Inuyasha reached one of the trees he liked to sit in and watch over the village but instead of bounding into its branches – he was positive Sango wouldn’t be pleased if she found him like that with her small daughter – he sank down against the trunk and settled Satori in his lap. She sighed and curled up against him, turning toward his stomach and grabbing a fistful of his firerat in her tiny hand before going still, already sleeping peacefully. Inuyasha’s chest constricted again as he tenderly brushed a curl of hair away from her face with gentle fingers, letting himself desperately wish, just for a moment, that it was his child dozing so trustingly against him.
Then he sighed, gave a crooked smile and leaned back against the tree, content to allow his “niece” to nap against him.
It was close to dusk by the time Sango found them and the sight that greeted her warmed her heart and elicited a fond, loving smile to spread across her features. Her precious Satori was curled up in Inuyasha’s lap, one hand clutching his firerat and the other was wrapped around of his fingers as she slept undisturbed. The half-demon was staring out over the village, relaxed, a pensive look on his face though his ears were trained toward her so she knew he was aware of her presence. He’d probably smelled her long before she crested the tiny knoll.
Striding quietly up to them, she sank down beside her friend and daughter, reaching out to touch her soft cheek.
“How’s Satomi?” His voice was quiet.
“Her fever’s gone,” she replied just as quietly, keeping her gaze on the slumbering child. “She’s finally sleeping peacefully now. Miroku’s with her and Hitoshi now.”
Inuyasha nodded. “Good.” He turned his gaze down to the tot in his lap and that same warmth he’d been feeling all day spread throughout his chest again. He swallowed thickly and brushed his thumb across the back of the hand that loosely circled his finger, the touch whisper soft. “Sango,” he began and Sango lifted her gaze to stare inquisitively at him. Inuyasha paused and ducked his head as his cheeks reddened. “Do you think…I can…”
With an inkling as to what he was trying to say, Sango’s expression softened and she smiled encouragingly. “Yes, Inuyasha?”
“…Can I…would it be aright if I…did this again? If you ever need anybody to watch them, I mean. It’s fine if you’d rather I didn’t, I understand—”
“Inuyasha,” Sango gently interjected and placed a hand on his arm. Inuyasha snapped his jaw shut and tensed. Her smile widened. “Of course it’s alright. The children love you, and it’s nice knowing that Miroku and I have someone we know, trust wholeheartedly, and can rely on.”
His flush deepened and he cleared his throat. “…Do they?”
Sango cocked her head. “Do they what?”
He didn’t say anything, but Sango had a good idea what he meant anyway and her heart ached for her friend’s loneliness; she had to fight back sudden tears and she blinked rapidly and she cleared her throat. “Miroku tells me she completely ignored him when he asked for a hug and went over to you to be picked up instead. If that’s not love, I don’t know what is.” She chuckled and was gratified to Inuyasha’s shoulders relax somewhat and she caught the slight, relieved curl of his mouth.
“…Thanks, Sango,” he breathed, so softly she almost didn’t hear it and she had to control the urge to toss her arms around his neck in a tight hug.
She settled for placing her hand on his and squeezing. “No, Inuyasha. Thank you.”
“Keh.” He lifted his head and revealed his usual cocky grin and Sango knew he would be okay. Gently he lifted the dozing Satori into his arms and offered her to her mother. Sango smiled, shook her head and stood up. Surprised, but secretly pleased, Inuyasha stood to his feet as well, careful not to wake the toddler, and together the two walked to the little family’s home where Miroku and Satori’s siblings awaited.
“Four,” Sango suddenly piped up and Inuyasha sent her a frown of confusion.
“Four what?” he asked, curious.
Her smile was suspiciously innocent. “Children.”
Inuyasha’s eyes narrowed slightly and dared to ask further, “…What children?”
He instantly regretted it when her smile turned sly and the sidelong glance she cast him was decidedly impish. “Well, yours and Kagome’s, of course.”
Inuyasha reared back, eyes wide and face red. “Wh-what—”
“Miroku thinks she’ll bless you with three children, but I think four’s a good, solid number. Two girls and two boys. What do you think?” Her grin was positively wicked now.
Inuyasha choked and faltered in his steps slightly, his grip tightening reflexively on the child in his arms. Blessedly, she remained asleep, oblivious. “D-dammit, Sango—!”
The young mother’s pleased laughter rang clear throughout the village and she didn’t need to look back to know that, despite the annoyed grumbling and growls she could hear coming from her dear friend, there was a secret little smile curing his lips upward as he pictured four little toddlers, two girls and two boys, with tiny puppy ears atop their heads and their mother, caramel eyes bright and laughing, as she gathered them into her arms.
 A smirk. “What, wench?”
 A sigh. “What did I tell you about swearing around the children? I had to explain to Izayoi what ‘shit’ means and that it’s a bad word and shouldn’t be repeated.” A forced pout, lips twitching.
 Clawed hands caught shapely hips and dragged her closer. “Oops.”
 Brown eyes narrowed as soft, pink lips fought against a smile. “Don’t ‘oops’ me. You know how perceptive Ryota is, it won’t be long before he’s—”
 “Shut up.”
 Lips covered her own, warm, lazy, confident, and her blissful sigh was drowned by his deep, happy growl.
 “Inuyasha? Are you okay?”
Inuyasha blinked as his impromptu daydream faded out to be replaced with reality. He quickly realized he’d stopped walking and was just standing and staring into space while Sango had paused ahead of him, her expression one of concern.
Shaking his head, he released a sigh, glanced down at the babe slumbering peacefully in his arms, and a small but genuine smile slowly turned his mouth upwards. “Yeah, Sango,” he replied softly and touched Satori’s downy cheek.
“I’m okay.”
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clove-teasdale · 6 years
truths & lies
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
A/N: not a challenge. OKAY Y’ALL, this takes place the same day as THIS FIC from @brooks-schreave  but at night. if u want context re-read that. not entirely necessary if u remember what happened but leaving it there anyway. I hope this wasn’t too bad and I made it justice. thanks grace for the rp <3 ft. my guards and brooks. also, I needed a name at one point and was uncreative, sorry. over 3k words. forgive typos and stuff, enjoy! (and since it’s today, happy holidays!!)
*:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧ *:・゚✧
I was turning around the last corner to my room when I heard the prince’s voice.
“Officers! A nice evening we're having…”
A small smile formed on my face as I watched Brooks talking with fake enthusiasm aimed at Barnes and Rogers. Seeing them patrolling around the hall was something I was used to by that point and they were quite the amusing pair. According to the maids, Rogers was in his first year of duty, a smart kid extremely loyal to the monarchy. Barnes, in contrast, had been serving for over a decade, already with a family of his own. His loyalty to the job.
Rogers immediately bowed to Brooks, not bothering to question why he’d start such a trivial conversation with them. “Absolutely, Highness.”
Barnes, however, only bowed politely. Sharp as ever as he asked if there was something they could help him with. “Oh, no, no…” Brooks said, kicking the ground, clearly uncomfortable. “You must be wondering why I'm here.”
Rogers shook his head, almost offended at the thought of being considered so disrespectful. “Oh, but it's your palace.”
“It's the floor of the Selected,” Barnes interjected, suspicion and disapproval noticeable before he quickly added, “But it is not our place to wonder, Highness.”
Subtle, Barnes. I walked the rest of the way to my room, getting closer to them quietly. This was sure to be an entertaining conversation, our conspiring could wait.
“Glad you asked!” Brooks clapped his hands together, smiling awkwardly. “I am just checking up on things, being a good guy. I am in no way here to see anyone specific.”
Barnes raised his brows and I shook my head. I had guessed he was a bad liar before, but he was worse than I’d expected.
“You shouldn't worry about that, Highness,” Rogers began, oblivious to Barnes' suspicion, “we're doing our job well, I assure you. You can go on about your day and let us worry about the guarding.”
“For once my partner is right,” Barnes eyed the prince warily, “you should not concern yourself which such trivial things, but it's very... kind of you.”
“I want to be a guard!" Brooks blurted out, practically irradiating panic as he nodded to himself. "Th-that's why I'm here. I'm practicing.”
I rose both eyebrows, almost facepalming before the need to laugh hit me. I contained it though. “You wanna be a what now?”
Barnes and Rogers both looked at him with their own shocked expressions. “That’s unexpected, Highness.”
“That’s an understatement,” Barnes mumbled.
“Yeah, I've just always been fascinated with the... brute work.”
Brooks’ act was crashing and I snorted at the sight. “I hardly think it’s polite of you to call it brute... Highness.”
He turned to fully face me. “Clove, what a coincidence!”
One of my eyebrows went up as I watched him walk over, trying to hide my amusement as I grinned, “Is it?” His eyes narrowed.
“You're right, it isn't,” shaking his head solemnly, he faced the guards, “we're lovers meeting for our nightly tryst.”
My eyes widened before I glared at him, taking a step closer as a silent threat. You little... Fixing a smile on my face, as if that were the type of joking I approved of him, I let out a fake laugh. I punched his arm in faux playfulness though. “How funny, Brooks.”
He grabbed his arm, doing his best to pull up a smile through the pain. “I am a jokester.”
I spared him one last glare, then smiled politely at Barnes and Rogers. “He probably just needs help with that...Spanish homework of his.”
Officer Rogers tilted his head. “Don't you have tutors, Highness?”
“The prince is too shy to ask for help, aren't you Brooks?” I countered.
We didn’t need an awkward pause of Brooks debating what to say, and besides, it was my turn to embarrass him. I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t enjoying it. Brooks had no other option than to whisper it was true so the dreadful exchange could be over.
“Oh, deeply sorry, Highness. We didn't know,” Rogers apologized quickly. Barnes narrowed his eyes, seeming not quite sure if he should believe it but bowed anyway. “We'll leave you to it.” He spun on his heel to leave and Roger followed quickly with, “At your service, if you ever need it.”
As soon as they were out of sight, Brooks sighed and I reached for his arm to shove him in the room. Closing the door behind me, I leaned against it for a moment, that weird need to laugh taking over again. This time I let myself do so.
“Stop laughing.” Brooks crossed his arms. “That wasn't funny.”
I ignored him, of course. “You want to be a guard?” I made a face of fake disbelief, bringing a hand to my chest. “How incredibly humble of you.”
“You're amused, aren't you?”
I was. Very much so. Faking a more serious tone I continued, “Brute force is so very important on the life of a guard. I'm glad you are aware of it.” My chuckling became softer as my amusement subsided. It was a little strange to tease him just for the sake of it instead of the usual sting I used when he was being a jerk, but I wasn't about to complain about witnessing such a priceless scene.
“I'm glad you enjoyed that.”
Meeting his gaze, I managed to stop laughing, realizing this was Brooks. I composed myself and cleared my throat. “Yeah, well... anyway....” I walked to the closet, searching for my box hidden behind some shoes. Taking it to the room, I set the box on the bed and opened it to reveal a couple of old magazines, my random sheets with notes, the journal he'd given me from the library, and my own notebook.
Picking up the journal, I flipped through the first pages. “It's been proving a little hard to read, in all honesty, but I've figured out the first chapters in my spare time the last two days.” I handed him the journal opened on the first margin annotation and then reached for my notebook in the box. “This is what I've got so far. I haven't gotten to the details of how they do it yet,” that was in further chapters, “but I'm pretty sure they don't leave the Selection to chance anymore.”
I handed him my notebook opened on my progress. It wasn't much, but there were readable transcriptions of the first Spanish annotations from the margins of the journal, then translations underneath and my own notes for context.
To avoid wasting time reading all of them, he asked, “What does it say?”
“Basically, it seems they consider the royal bloodline to be of utmost importance and therefore thought of it wise to further consider who is worthy enough to produce an heir.” I rolled my eyes as I explained, understanding the concern to some level, but knowing caste alone did not define worthiness. It was about finding the right person and choosing wisely. Heart and mind. “Of course, the whole charade of the Selection is that it's equal and impartial. Letting a daughter of Illéa join the highest of ranks and bring a voice to the people. That means they can't really be openly selective of who is allowed to join and who isn't.” The journal was proof that that didn’t stop them, however.
“But does the heir still have a choice?”
I pressed my lips together, knowing he meant Nate. “I doubt he's aware... Your father on the other hand…”
He closed his eyes. I understood that disappointment well. “That's what I thought. Do you think your dad knows?”
Clenching my jaw, I looked away. “I'm afraid to say it's very likely most of the advisers know.”
Even without reading more of the journal, I knew Dad had to be involved. It would be foolish to deny it. I couldn’t turn a blind eye to the strings of logic weaving in my head, creating a fuller picture. Wilson called it my double-edged sword. You can't always hold on to hope when the reality is hitting you right in the face. Just like I had been unable to pretend I didn't notice Miss Grundy's strange mannerisms whenever parent-teacher conferences came along.
A hand on my back broke my thoughts. “Hey, we don't know if this is still going on, and if it is, on the bright side, I guess you're considered worthy.”
He was trying to be nice, but a dry laugh left my mouth either way as I stepped away from his hand. “How fortunate to be defined by a number.” I knew he was trying to be nice. To joke, be light-hearted. Sadly for him, I wasn’t the best when it came to people comforting me.
Actually, I probably wasn’t the best at comforting others either. Not in the most conventional of ways at least. I chewed the inside of my cheek, muttering, “I didn't think he was that type of person.” Then shaking my head, I focused back on the box. There was no point in sulking. I just had to push it aside.
With the help of the palace library, I’d found a book on the analysis of handwriting. There were a couple of general markers that people used to figure out psychological aspects of who’d been holding the pen, but some were also used to predict the probable gender of the writer. I had printed out pictures I’d taken from the book, showing stroke samples and statistics.
Standing next to Brooks so he could compare the writing in the journal, I steered our conversation back to the research. “I have no clue who wrote this since it was years ago, but considering the way of the strokes it was very likely a man.”
“I take offense to that remark.”
“Great. That's extra points for it being an accident.”
He smiled at my quick retort. “How many points were earned for the slap?”
I looked at him surprised, holding back a grin by pressing my lips together and pushing him away, taking the journal in the process. “That was your own fault.”
“Maybe so, but violence is never the answer.”
“Fair point.” I wasn’t about to argue against it, so instead, I said the truth with a shrug. “I was in a bad mood.”
“I was trying to provoke you.”
Faking a gasp, I gave him a perplexed look. “Were you really?!” Then letting my expression fall flat, “What a plot twist.”
He laughed, which wasn't too bad a sound, bumping shoulders with me as he kept a smile on. “It's how I show I care.”
I scoffed. “That's a stupid way of showing it.”
“Next time, I'll just shower you with compliments. Promise.”
“Sure. Let's see if you don't die from such a hardship.”
His eyes brightened for some reason as he leaned towards me, acting dramatically. “Oh, my dearest Clove, how your smile shines like the sun.” I raised an eyebrow and he leaned closer, looking at the ceiling and clutching his chest. “Your voice is like a song and I'm addicted to the melody.”
I crossed my arms and countered, “Max said my name alone was like music.”
He looked back down at me with a small smile. “And how right he was.”
I did my best not to seem too amused as I narrowed my eyes. This is probably how he acts around Eloise. I feigned suspicion, lifting my chin. “So this is how you get all the other girls to like you, huh?”
“Oh yeah, they can't contain themselves.”
“Are you admitting you've been flirting with the Selected?”
“Absolutely. I just can't help it.”
I chuckled at his persistence to keep this going. Though I wasn’t sure what it even was. Joking? Acting like decent human beings around each other for once? “What’s gotten into you?”
He stopped, leaning back. “You told me to be nice.”
“Oh, sorry,” I joked, aiming for the harmless teasing from earlier, “I thought that word wasn’t in your vocabulary. It's unexpected I must admit.”
He tilted his head. “All you had to do was ask.”
I gave him a flat look. “I’ve implied it before and so far, before today, you’ve failed.”
“You looked like you needed cheering up.” I could only blink at him after that, taken aback by his admission. I hadn’t thought he would actually notice, let alone help.
I’d had lunch with my dad the previous day, unable to cancel even if the last thing I wanted to do was face him after the journal. He’d lied to my face and there was nothing I could say about it. I had to act like everything was okay. Like I didn't know what he was involved in.
Pushing down the wave of anger at the memory of sitting with him and laughing at his jokes, I closed my eyes and let silence fill the room. Brooks and I would figure out the truth. Somehow, eventually, we would have the needed proof.
I took a deep breath and glanced back at him, allowing myself to smile, yet it turned into a full-on grin as I shook my head. The dork and I working together. Who would’ve thought? I tilted my head in his direction, watching him for a moment. “Thanks, then.”
He smiled back, some sort of pride lighting up his features, “Anytime.”
Mere seconds later, however, he looked away, hands fidgeting. I scratched the back of my neck, awkwardness rubbing off on me too. Change of subject it is. “So, what are we planning to do with this information once we've got more figured out?” I thought about it for a second. “I want others to know.”
“Wow, Teasdale. Looks like we agree. Let's hope the world doesn't end.”
“Dramatic much?” I asked, but he claimed to be a dramatic person on a regular basis. I said I used 'annoying' as his usual adjective and he brought some sarcasm into the mix by calling me ‘absolutely delightful’. “I see the compliments keep coming. Trying to keep me in a good mood?”
That finally got him flustered. “Y'know this is harder than it looks. I don't know how to act around you. I jus-I'm a little lost here.”
“And you think I know?" The need to defend me took over. Little kids arguing. "Before the library, the last thing you let me know was how no one wanted me around. Not precisely the most welcoming of statements.” He froze, stuttering and I sighed. “Just save it, Brooks. Point is I'm entitled to my skepticism, and as you said before, we weren't precisely friends in the past. You had no reasons to argue with me or accuse me of anything and yet you still did so.” Maybe I was a little angry about it. “I don't even know why.”
He looked down with frustration, but composed himself quickly, meeting my gaze again. “I know I haven't been the most polite, or chivalrous, o-or decent man to you.” He closed his eyes. “You have to understand, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I don't know why I do it, I don't know why it's aimed towards you. I'm sorry.”
I stared at him as he kept his eyes shut, seeming far too embarrassed to look at me. Part of me couldn't believe he’d actually apologized. I wasn't sure if it was the most eloquent of apologies, but there was truth behind his words.
When he kept his eyes closed, I took a moment to think about how to reply. I wasn’t sure if this meant we could try to be friends now--an idea he’d completely loathed years back--but maybe, for the sake of our teamwork, we would have to avoid killing each other before getting answers.
Reaching for a pillow, I threw it at him. “That's my acceptance of your apology. You can open your eyes now.”
He opened them cautiously. “You've gotten violent.”
“It was that or…” I walked over and paused, reconsidering one last time before offering a hand for him to shake. “Clove Teasdale.” It was the same greeting I’d made the first time we’d met. When we were both just two freckled three-year-olds.
Back then he’d refused to accept it. Today he didn’t. “Brooks Schreave.”
I kept eye contact as he held to my hand, waiting for him to shake it and pointing out, “The pillow was more fun.”
He squeezed slightly. “Can't say I enjoyed it as much as an alternative response.”
“Like hitting you with two pillows?” I suggested. He gave me a flat look that made me grin. “I figured.”
His hand didn't move to shake, but he didn’t let go either so I glanced down at our joined hands. Uh... when I met his gaze again he was still looking directly at me, his expression awkward as I was getting used to at that point.
Not knowing what to do, he started swinging our hands. “I don't know how to stop. I feel like it'll make things awkward.”
A genuine laugh bubbled up. I hoped he didn’t feel like I was making fun of him, this was just a side of him I’d never seen before. “More awkward than to keep holding hands? Should I help you out?”
He nodded. “We'll both let go on the count of three.”
“One,” I began, “two,” he continued.
“Three,” I let go. He didn’t.
He snatched his hand back. “Whoops, made that worse.” I rolled my eyes and hit him with the pillow again after picking it up. He stumbled back. “That's not a soft pillow!” Then, attempting to take the cushion away, he accidentally pulled me with it.
Letting go of the pillow quickly, Brooks caught me before I could stumble forward, but in the process, Mr. clumsy decided to slip on the fallen pillow. My eyes widened as I placed hands out in front of me, hoping not to fall flat on my face. He swiftly shifted our positions to cushion my fall, however, groaning as I fell on his chest instead of the floor. “Shoot.”
Idiot. I moved off him, resting my back on the floor and admiring the ceiling. “You’re horrible.”
He ignored that and joked by saying I had a nice ceiling. I said it wasn’t mine, but he argued it was "for the time being."
“Wonder how long that’ll be.” After the discovery of the journal I hoped I'd be able to stay long enough to figure that out.
“You'll probably be here for a while, logs.”
I narrowed my eyes at his tone. “You’ve never called me that.”
“That's because it's stupid.”
I scoffed, lifting my upper body with the help of my elbows. “We were like 5.” I couldn’t tell if there was anger or annoyance in his gaze at the ceiling, but the word jealousy, also crossed my mind as I remembered my conversation with Quinn. I still couldn’t believe Brooks could have had a crush on me once, but if he had…
“You were clearly in love with him then," he stated, and I knew he meant Nate as he leaned up on his elbows too, locking eyes with me, "but tell me, are you now?”
I decided to keep the discussion civil as we’d failed to do in the past regarding this topic. “I’ve never been in love.” With Nate or otherwise.
“Me neither.”
“Then why do you assume I was?”
“Childhood infatuation is a common thing,” he explained, speaking a little lower.
“Infatuation is stupid.”
“Yes,” he whispered. “it is.” He was leaning closer, I could tell. He’d been moving in since the moment he’d sat up.
I frowned at the shift in the room, his face only an inch away. He was too close. What are you-... I opened my mouth but was cut off by a knock at the door.
“LADY CLOVE, DID YOU EAT DINNER?” I almost laughed at the sound of Barnes. Brooks stopped getting closer and moved away, looking down with a sigh as he lowered himself back to the floor.
Yelling back at Barnes on the other side of the door, I said, “I did!” And gave my current companion a suspicious glance.
I silently questioned Brooks about what he’d thought he was doing as I replied, “Yes, maybe.” His blue eyes met mine without an answer.
“I heard dinner was quite delicious, Highness. You should check it out.”
“I'm sure it was,” the prince called back. To me, he added, “I think I should go.” Standing up, he gave me a slight nod before walking to the door, opening it and offering Barnes a smile as the guard moved aside to let him pass, bowing. I watched as his back disappeared with a raised eyebrow, unsure if I should let myself assume anything.
Then my expression was for Barnes as he stood by the door. “What was that all about?”
“General concern for your eating habits, Lady Clove. You’ve already skipped breakfast today I was told.”
Yeah, right. I’d gotten food with Eloise later anyway. “Officer Barnes?”
He pressed his lips together, but when I didn’t let him go he simple admitted, “I know what it’s like to be his age.”
I rolled my eyes. Jacinda had mentioned the officer had a soft spot for protecting people easily whether he liked to admit it or not. A lot of the younger staff members looked up to him because he looked out for them.
"It's not like that," I mumbled, but even as I said it, I stared back into the room. At the fallen pillow I'd hit Brooks with.
It couldn’t be.
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