#.... only stopping bc you crash into someone else and you just begin apologizing can be okay if the other person is fine btw
thecherrygod · 2 years
man i am still feeling guilty i had to wake up the guy that let me stay at his place the other night (.. and his gf) so he would let me leave his appartment but he was so kind he was like “oh yeah sure let me find my keys. oh also jic the way to the subway you said you have to take is over that way, travel safe!” very neat guy
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alwaysonthemend · 10 months
Carpe Noctem | JTK x Reader
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Author’s Note: Naming this fic Carpe Noctem in honor of my new tattoo lol. The beginning of this fic is inspired by the shitty date that I went on last night... Unfortunately, Jake did not in fact sweep in to save the day but a girl can dream. I was complaining to @jakeyt and she had the wonderful idea to turn this into a fic so I hope you all enjoy! As always, apologies for any typos/mistakes
Word Count: 4979
Content Warnings: Fem!reader, terrible flirting (bc I can't flirt in real life either), oral (m and f rec), unprotected sex, edging, orgasm denial, p in v sex, slapping, sir kink, pirate kink? idk. 18 + MINORS DNI
You don’t think you’ve ever been on a date worse than the one you’re on right now – and you’ve been on some interesting ones in the past… But this guy just takes the cake. To begin with, he’d chosen a very expensive steak restaurant in East Nashville and while you’re not opposed to finer dining every now and again, this just seemed like overkill for a first date. 
But you’d agreed when the guy had suggested it and had proceeded to spend a far longer time than you’ll ever admit trying to pick out a nice outfit for the date; Time, you came to discover, which was totally wasted given that your date had shown up in basketball shorts and flip flops. And normally you wouldn’t give a damn about what someone else wanted to wear, but damn he could have at least tried a little bit – especially given the location.  
Still, you’d persisted and sat down with him – intent on giving him the benefit of the doubt. But he’d quickly let you down, launching into rant after rant about himself and all the amazing things he’s done and about all the places he’s traveled, hardly letting you get a word in edgewise. 
The few times that he did actually ask you about yourself, you could tell that he was only asking because he knows that he’s “supposed to.” Everything you said he just turned into another way to talk about himself, and it didn’t take you long before you just gave up on trying to say anything – choosing instead to just sit there quietly and let him go. 
By the time the bill was paid (at least he’d had the decency to pay for your meal), you were more than ready to get the hell out of there. You walked briskly to the door with your terrible date hot on your heels. 
“Y/n.” He said, turning to you as the two of you stepped outside onto the pavement. “I think this date went really well.”
You open your mouth to protest but he continues on, yet again preventing you from being able to say a fucking word. 
“I think we have a real connection, and… I think you should come back to my place tonight.” 
Your jaw drops at his audacity and you whip your head around to gape at him. Seeing your reaction, he’s quick to try and backpedal. 
“I don’t mean to presume, but-” 
“Oh would you just shut the fuck up? Please?” You bite out, and it’s his turn for his jaw to drop in shock. 
“Excuse me?” He asks, voice raising in volume. He looks so offended but you can’t find it in yourself to care. 
“All you talked about at dinner tonight was yourself, you hardly let me speak at all…” you gesture angrily towards his lower half, “you show up in fucking shorts and flip flops – and you have the audacity to ask me to come home with you?” 
You’re suddenly so angry you can barely think straight and his stupid face – gaping at you like a fish out of water, is only making it worse. 
“Well I’m sorry that I didn’t realize that you’re such a stuck up bitch.” He says angrily, glaring at you as you both stand there staring at each other. 
“Oh fuck you.” You say, whipping your phone out of your pocket to call an Uber. 
“You wish.” He snarks, turning to leave. 
As he passes you, he bumps his shoulder into yours, sending your phone flying from your grip and crashing to the ground. He keeps walking, not bothering to stop or to apologize. 
“Douchebag!” You call after him, huffing angrily as he climbs into his car without a second glance back. 
You sigh, turning your attention back to your phone lying face down on the concrete. Hopefully it’s not broken, because that would honestly just be the icing on the cake for your horrible night. 
Just as you're about to stoop down to grab it, another hand darts out and grabs it for you. Startled, you take a step back, noticing a man standing next to you, holding your phone out to you. You don’t know where he came from, but you’re stunned into silence for a moment upon taking in his appearance. 
He’s gorgeous, to say the least: long brown hair flows down his shoulders, and a light dusting of facial hair adorns his top lip. In the dim light of the night, you can just make out his chocolate brown eyes staring at you from beneath his wide-brimmed black hat. His shirt is only buttoned at the very bottom, leaving his chest on display for you. His silver necklace glitters in the moonlight. 
“Um.” You say eloquently, trying to swallow around the sudden dryness in your throat. 
“It’s not broken.” He tells you, and fuck his voice is attractive too – smooth and lilting in a way that makes your knees weak. 
“Thank you.” You take your phone, shoving it into your pocket without even glancing at the screen to confirm that it’s not cracked. “How long have you been standing out here?” 
“Long enough.” He says, giving you a smile that makes butterflies erupt inside you. 
“So you heard all that, then?” You gesture vaguely in the direction of where your date had gone, cringing at the thought of this beautiful stranger bearing witness to what just transpired. 
“Yeah, I heard all that.” He confirms, shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants. “Seemed like a real piece of work.” 
You nod your head, grinning a little at him. 
“I seem to only ever attract assholes, unfortunately.”
“I’m not an asshole.” He says, eyes twinkling in the moonlight. “At least, I don’t think I am.” 
It takes you a minute to catch onto what he’s implying, but once you do your cheeks grow impossibly hot under his gaze. He’s attracted to you – the thought seems almost ridiculous given how beautiful he is. He doesn’t seem real with the way he’s standing before you: seemingly appearing out of nowhere and practically glowing under the light of the moon. 
“Oh?” You raise your brow playfully at him, “You don’t think you are?”
“I think I’m alright. Most definitely better than that guy.”
“That’s a low bar.” 
He chuckles, and the sound of it makes you feel all warm inside. You’re struck with the sudden desire to make him laugh again. You want to hear it over and over and over again. 
“I’m Y/n, by the way.” You say, extending your hand for him to shake. 
He pulls his hand from his pocket and grips your hand. His palms are warm and smooth, but his fingertips are rough and calloused. You revel in the feeling of touching his skin for the first time. 
“I’m Jake.” He tells you, and you can’t help the snort that escapes you. “What? Something wrong with my name?” 
You shake your head, grinning from ear to ear as you assess him. 
“You just don’t look like a Jake, that’s all.” 
He quirks a brow. 
“And what do I look like, then?”
You hum, looking him up and down for a moment. 
“I’m not sure. William maybe? Or just Will for short.” You shrug, “Just not Jake.” 
“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.” He says honestly, tilting his head at you. You can’t help but notice how the moonlight accentuates the curve of his jaw in the most delicious way. 
You pause for a moment, thinking. 
“It’s a compliment.” You finally assert, nodding your head once as you speak. “You just seem so…” You trail off for a moment, searching for the right word. You can’t think of one. 
Jake just laughs again, shaking his head at you. He takes a step closer, and you swear your heart skips a beat. 
“Can I ask you a question, Y/n?” He says, voice suddenly a lot lower than before. 
“Technically you already did, but go ahead.” 
He shakes his head again, lips quirking into a mischievous smile. 
“Can I buy you a drink?” He jerks his head towards the restaurant. 
You can’t for the life of you think of one reason why you shouldn’t let him buy you a drink. 
“You promise you’re not an asshole?” You ask, though your mind is already made up.  
“I promise.” He assures you, holding his arm out so that you can link your arm with his. 
Grinning like an idiot, you loop your arm with his and the two of you make your way back inside, this time taking your seat at the bar. As you sit, Jake signals a hand for the bartender. 
“Whiskey. Neat.” He says before panning his eyes to you. “M’lady?”
That makes you smile, and the butterflies are back in full swing inside you. 
“Gin and tonic. Hendrix if you’ve got it.” Jake raises his eyebrow at you again but you ignore it, opting instead to smile at the bartender. 
He smiles back before turning his back to make your drinks. 
“Wouldn’t have pegged you to be a gin girl.” 
You just shrug. 
“You most definitely seem like a whiskey guy.” 
“Again,” He says, smiling at the bartender as he places your drinks in front of you, “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not.” 
“It is.” You say, taking a sip of your drink. Silence lapses between the two of you for a moment before you speak up again. “Mysterious.” 
“What?” Jake asks, eyebrows furrowing together in confusion. 
“I couldn’t think of a word to describe you earlier when we were outside.” You clarify, swiveling in your seat to get a better look at him. “Mysterious is it.” 
“What makes you think I’m mysterious?” 
“Dunno.” You nod at his form, eyeing his clothes. “Maybe the outfit… It's very piratey.” That earns a chuckle from him and the sound warms you even more than the alcohol has. “Or how you just sort of appeared – like a knight in shining armor, to save me from the worst date of my life.” 
“I hardly saved you. I just picked up your phone.” He reminds you, placing his elbow on the bar top and leaning his cheek against his palm as he watches you. 
“Saved me from the boredom of going back to an empty apartment, then.” 
He inclines his head, accepting your addendum. 
“Happy to help. Though I much prefer to be likened to a pirate than a knight.” 
“Righty-o, Captain Jake.” You exclaim, putting on your worst pirate accent you can. 
Jake laughs – a full belly laugh, for the first time tonight and you can’t help but preen over eliciting such a reaction from him. His laugh isn’t loud, but it’s downright musical and so very contagious. 
Your conversation flows freely after that, as the two of you talk about anything and everything you can think of. Your work – he’s actually interested in hearing what you do and what you’re passionate about (he even asks questions and seeks out more detail as you speak.) His music – it’s very fitting that he’s a guitarist, and you’re in awe at the passion and love that he so clearly carries for his music and his other bandmates. You talk about books, movies, your cat, his brother’s dog – you talk about just about everything, and it seems like no time at all has passed before the bartender lets you know that they’re closing. 
Disappointed, you rise from your seat and turn to leave. Quickly, almost as if he doesn’t want you to see, Jake leaves a $100 bill resting on the bar before he turns to follow you. You make no mention of it. 
“Thank you.” You tell him as the two of you find yourselves out on the pavement for the second time. 
“For what?” 
“Restoring my faith in men.” 
Jake smiles, sweet and genuine, and his eyes practically sparkle as he looks at you. 
“Glad to be of service.” 
The two of you are silent for a long moment, both seemingly unwilling for your time together to end. The thought of leaving him… of going your separate ways, almost makes you nauseous. Though you’ve only just met, you feel an unexplainable pull towards the man in front of you – like your very soul is reaching out to him, desperate for some sort of comfort that you didn’t know you needed. Not to mention the dull ache between your thighs that makes you want to latch onto him and never let go. Seemingly reading your thoughts, Jake speaks up first. 
“Y/n,” he starts, and you shiver at the sound of your name from his mouth, “I’m trying to come up with a way to ask you this in the least asshole way possible, but I’m failing miserably.”
Without a doubt, you know exactly what he’s going to say.
“Ask anyway.” You demand, taking a step to close some of the distance between the two of you. 
“Carpe noctem.” He mutters to himself, and you look at him in confusion. 
He just shakes his head. The phrase wasn’t meant for you. 
“I’d love it if you came back to my place with me, Y/n.”
“And here I was thinking that you’d never ask.” 
He grins wickedly at you, and you get the sudden feeling that there’s trouble waiting for you – the good kind. The kind that makes your thighs tremble and your body weak with pleasure. 
“Did you drive here?” He asks, pulling his car keys from his pocket. 
“No, I took an Uber.” 
“Perfect.” His beautiful white teeth glitter under the light of the night sky and your breath stutters in your chest. He really is stupidly attractive. 
The drive to his home is torturous. You’re so close to him – close enough that you can smell him (vanilla and whiskey and his natural musk), but you can’t touch him. At least, not the way that you want to. Not yet.
He looks downright sinful behind the wheel, and you take the opportunity to admire him. Your eyes track the angle of his nose and the way his plush lips look so soft. You watch his adam's apple bob as he swallows and you watch the way his long fingers wrap around the steering wheel. His beauty is like nothing you’ve ever seen – like some divinity coming down from the heavens to bless you with his presence. 
“See something you like?” 
His question snaps you out of your trance and your cheeks grow hot with embarrassment after being caught. 
He just hums, the corners of his lips just barely turning up into a smile. 
Your body betrays you, and your thighs clench together as you watch him. 
He tracks the movement from the corner of his eye and his smile widens. Wordlessly, he drops his right hand from the steering wheel and brings it over to rest on your thigh. He squeezes, pressing his fingertips into your flesh and earning a breathy little moan from you. 
Seemingly satisfied with the way you react to just a simple touch, he pulls his hand away from you and returns it to the steering wheel. You ignore the whine that wants to bubble out of your chest at the loss of contact. 
After what seems like ages, he finally pulls the car into his driveway. You make the conscious effort to unbuckle yourself and exit the car slowly, trying and failing to conceal how desperate you’ve gotten.
As soon as the front door closes behind the two of you, Jake pushes you up against the wall. A surprised squeak falls from between your lips as he presses into you with his body. He’s warm and solid and your core throbs with need. 
His face is close to yours – so close that your lips just barely brush against his. 
“Kiss me.” You whisper, not caring about how needy you sound. 
“As you wish.” He says, before pressing his lips to yours. 
They’re warm and soft and the feeling makes your knees go weak already. You part your lips, allowing Jake to explore you with his tongue. His hands grip your waist, pinning you to the wall as he presses his hips into yours. You slide one hand beneath his shirt, feeling the warmth of his skin and the softness of his belly while the other travels up to tangle in his hair. You give it a slight tug, eliciting a groan from him. 
“You’re divine.” He whispers, pulling away from you so that he can look at you more clearly. 
“Speak for yourself.” Your voice sounds wrecked. You hardly recognize it. 
He attaches his lips to the skin of your neck, licking and biting, and you toss your head back to give him better access. He presses one thigh between your legs, and you can’t help but rock your clothed pussy against the hard muscle. It’s thick, and you whimper at the thought of the power that it likely holds. 
With shaky fingers, you unbutton his shirt and slide it off him, tossing it somewhere on the floor. He pulls his lips away from you just long enough to pull your own shirt over your head, before he resumes leaving searing kisses down your throat and over the valley between your breasts. As he does so, you take the opportunity to splay your hands over his torso, exploring the feel of his skin beneath you. Everything about his body is solid – a perfect mixture of soft and strong and your mouth waters as you explore him. Though he isn’t a tall man, the power and strength that his body holds is undeniable. 
“Jake.” You finally mutter, the ache between your thighs becoming unbearable. “Take me to bed, Captain.” 
He smirks and groans, before taking your own hand in his and presses it against his clothed erection. You can feel him – ridiculously hard and throbbing beneath the fabric of his pants. 
“Feel what you’ve done to me?” He asks and you nod breathlessly. “So hard it hurts.” 
He extracts himself from you, and your body thrums with the desire to press yourself into him again. He beckons you, leading you through his home and up the stairwell to his bedroom. The house is dark, lit only by the moonlight that spills through the windows. 
A king size bed waits for you. The room is tidy, with small little bits of messiness that just show that the room is lived in. A pile of books shoved into a corner, reading glasses left out on the nightstand and an empty whiskey glass sitting next to them. 
Jake unbuttons his pants and steps out of them before turning to you. Wordlessly, you follow his example – stripping until you’re completely bare. Somehow, you don’t feel overly exposed as his eyes drink in your naked form. The way he’s looking at you: predatory and dark, only serves to stoke the fire between your legs. He wants you – no, he needs you. And you’re more than willing to give him whatever he wants. 
At last, Jake slides his boxers off himself, letting them join the pile of yours and his clothes on the floor. His cock, hard and throbbing, springs up and slaps against his belly. It’s just as beautiful as the rest of him – long and flushed red with his own need, and just barely curved to the left. 
“Jake.” You whine as he brings his hand up to stroke himself, spreading his precum over his length as he watches you struggle to find words at the sight of him. 
Giving up on trying to formulate a coherent thought, you approach him slowly before sinking to your knees. You look up at him, eyes wide, as you silently beg for his cock.
“Let me taste you.” You implore, slick dripping down your thighs. 
His eyes are so dilated they look black, and his chest is flushed and heaving as he looks down at you. 
“You look like an angel on your knees like that.” He tells you, his voice husky and rough. He traces the velvety head of his cock across your lips for a moment, before pushing the tip between your lips. You relax your jaw and push forwards, taking as much of him into your mouth as you can. He groans loudly, tossing his head back as he nudges the back of your throat. Pressing your tongue into the vein that runs up the underside of him, you slide your mouth almost off him before pushing back down again. You use your hand to grip his base wear you can’t reach, and you use your other hand to massage his balls. 
“Oh fuck.” He whines, tangling his fingers in your hair. 
You pull off him for a moment and look up at him through your lashes. 
“Fuck my throat, Jake.” 
He groans and nods as you swallow him again. You brace your palms on his thighs as he rocks his hips, thrusting deeply into your throat. You relax as much as you can and focus on breathing through your nose as he fucks into you. The sounds he’s making are sinful, and you drop one hand to finally rub tight circles onto your swollen clit – the relief causing you to moan loudly around his cock. 
His length twitches, and he pulls himself from you and he moans at the string of saliva that connects your lips to his tip. 
“On the bed.” He commands, and his voice has lost the softness of earlier. It’s an order, and you scramble to obey. Though you must not be quick enough for Jake’s liking, as he grabs your hips and lifts you – tossing you into the bed on your back. His strength surprises you, and you whine out his name as he settles his weight between your legs. 
“You’re soaked, angel.” He says appreciatively, admiring the view of you spread out before him. “Wish you could see how you look right now – dripping and needy.” 
You spread your legs wider, trying to entice him to finally touch you where you need him to. 
He leans down and kisses up the sensitive skin of your inner thigh. You whine and toss your head back as he nips at your skin, so very close to where you want him. 
“Jake, don’t tease.” You beg him, squirming as he continues to ignore your throbbing cunt in favor of your thighs. 
You cry out as he delivers a sharp smack to your ass, the sting of it catching you off guard. 
“Patience, angel. I’m calling the shots.” He tells you, and it’s all you can do to nod your head at him. 
Another harsh smack lands on your skin, and this time a loud moan escapes you at the feeling. 
“Say ‘yes sir.’” He demands, and if you weren’t so desperate, you’d laugh because of course he has a sir kink. 
But your mind is far too clouded with lust and you quickly do as he says. 
“Yes sir.” 
“Good girl.” He says with a sinful smile, smoothing his hand over the red mark that he’d left. “Good girls get rewarded, you know?” He says, before diving downward to lick through your wet folds. 
You cry out his name, eyes screwing shut as he eats you out – the pleasure of his tongue like no other pleasure you’ve ever received from someone else. 
“Oh fuck, Jake.” You whimper, rocking your hips downward onto his face. His tongue breaches your entrance, fucking in and out of you as the bridge of his nose presses against your clit. 
He grips your thighs in both hands, spreading them apart as he lavishes attention on your cunt. The sound of your wetness is obscene, and you’re embarrassingly close to orgasm already. 
Fighting to get your eyes to focus, you glance downwards to see him resting between your thighs. He's got his legs kicked out behind him as he buries himself in your weeping cunt and you whimper as you watch him rock his own hips into the bed. He's groaning into your heat, coming undone at the sounds that are escaping you.
“Jake, I’m close.” You warn him, thrashing your head as the pleasure inside of you builds. Just as you’re about to fall over the edge, Jake pulls away. You groan in protest but he silences you with a look. 
“I’m nowhere near done with you, baby.” 
Slowly, he dips his finger into your folds, swirling through the wetness and grinning like a little kid on Christmas morning. 
“You make such pretty noises, Y/n.” He tells you, pressing the tip of his finger just barely into you. You whine and rock your hips. "Almost came from the sound of you alone."
His voice is low – gruff and warm and you wish that somehow it could fuck you too.
"Fuck, I feel like I could explode." He admits, and you whimper at the honesty in his tone.
“More. Please.” 
He laughs wickedly and pulls his hand completely from you. 
“Greedy little girl. Want me to play you like I play my guitar, angel? Make you sing for me?” 
“Yes. Fuck. Yes sir.” You correct yourself, and he smiles approvingly. 
“Since you asked so nicely.” 
Finally, he sinks his finger into you, messaging your walls for a moment before adding another finger. He curls his fingers, brushing against your sweet spot and your entire body jolts as you moan loudly. 
“There it is.” He mutters to himself, repeating the action – sending white hot sparks of pleasure shooting through you.
He pumps his fingers in and out of you, making sure to hit that spot with each thrust of his fingers, and his thumb circles your swollen clit. Once again, it doesn’t take long for your orgasm to build up in you. This time, you can feel the strength behind it after being denied your release last time.
“Ooh, you’re close aren’t you?” Jake asks, increasing his pace to bring you even closer. “I can feel you squeezing around my fingers.” His attentiveness to you and your body would be sweet if it weren't for the desperation clinging to you as he coaxes you to orgasm yet again.
You can’t reply. All you can do is moan and cry out his name as you approach that edge again.
But you should have known. Jake pulls his fingers from you, denying you your climax once again and you could sob at the loss. You let out a wail, and tears leak from the corners of your eyes. 
“I know, baby.” Jake croons, looking down at you in sympathy. “But not yet. Just a little longer.” 
Jake sits up and grips your hips, flipping you over and pulling you onto him so that you’re straddling him. 
“Ride me, angel. Been thinking about it all night.”
Without hesitation, you line him up with your entrance and sink down. You both moan loudly at the feeling and you bring your hands up to grip Jake’s shoulders for support. 
“Oh fucking hell.” He groans out through clenched teeth, “you’re so fucking tight.” 
“Jake.” You cry, lifting yourself up and then slamming back down again. Your body feels like it’s on fire – overstimulation and the need to cum battling within you as you ride him. Your thighs burn and your mind is completely overtaken with your need to finish. 
“Jake, fuck. I’m gonna cum. M’gonna-” You can’t finish. 
“That’s it, angel. Cum on my cock. Let me have it.” 
Your climax tears through you – completely overtaking you as you ride out your high, You’re shaking as the pleasure slices through you, and the noises that fall from between your lips aren’t even English anymore. Just animalistic, helpless little noises as you finally start to come down. Your body falters, unable to continue and so Jake flips you over, pressing your back into the mattress. His cock is still inside you, hard and throbbing as he begins to fuck into you. 
His hips snap against you, the sound of his skin hitting yours and the sound of your wetness filling the room. You blink your eyes open to see Jake, hair stringy and messy, with his mouth open in a silent scream. He places both hands on the bed on either side of you for leverage, and the muscles in his arms and shoulders flex with each thrust of his hips. 
He’s fucking you like no one else ever has – hard and deep and so. fucking. good. 
Little grunts accompany each thrust and his skin glistens with sweat in the moonlight. 
“Fuck you feel like velvet around my cock.” He’s reckless, driving into you like an animal in rut. All you can do is lay there and take it, eyes rolling back into your head as you let out high pitched, pornographic moans and whines. 
“Touch your clit, angel. Take care of her for me. Fuck, I’m so close.” His voice is completely wrecked and his thrusts are growing sloppy. 
You bring your hand down to your clit, frenziedly circling it as your entire body begins to tense up. 
“Give me one more. Fuck, one more, angel.” He’s begging now, face contorted as he holds himself back – waiting for you to cum again before allowing himself to finish. 
“Jake!” You scream, walls clenching around him as you cum. Your vision fades to black around the edges and your entire body shakes and quivers. 
“Oh shit. Fuck! I’m gonna cum. Where- fuck.” He’s losing it, face contorting into agonized pleasure. 
“Inside!” You manage to say and that’s all it takes for him to explode in you. 
The growl that he lets out is sinful as he finally allows himself to cum. His eyes are closed tight and his mouth hangs open as keeps fucking you – riding out his orgasm until there’s nothing left in him. 
Spent, he collapses on top of you, breathing heavily and cock growing soft inside of you. 
“Holy fuck,” You breathe out, beginning to come back to yourself a bit. 
“Mmm.” He mumbles into your skin, lips pressed into your neck. 
Jake sits up, and the both of you hiss as he pulls out of you. 
“I am so glad that asshole knocked my phone out of my hand.” You say breathlessly, and Jake lets out an honest-to-god giggle. The sound catches you off guard and you can't help but to laugh alongside him.
“Me too.” He smiles, and pecks you on the lips. 
“I’m keeping you by the way.” You tell him, brushing some of his sweaty hair behind his ear. "Captain."
He smiles wide and jubilant at you in the dark.
“My very own Elizabeth Swann”
If you're reading this, I love you! 💗
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adorerdraco · 4 years
I’m Here ✧ Draco x Reader
Request: Hi, so I’m not sure if you’re taking these kinds of fics for Draco, but I’ve been feeling really down lately, and I was wondering if you could write a one shot or a scenario where the reader has been having a really bad day/week and Draco comforts them? And maybe Draco lays the reader on his chest and he hums a small tune to make the reader feel better? You can ignore this if it’s an issue, but I’d really appreciate it. I love all of your fics btw! They make me really happy <3
Warnings: none bc mostly fluff, some tears, super soft!draco
Words: 1.9K
A/N: i saw this and had to do it effective immediately bc i am feeling the exact same wayyy so this was really nice to think about ;( thank you so much for requesting this and for reading my stuff and i’m so glad i can help in a way <3 i’m sending you nothing but peace, love, and light !!! but i really hope this is gooood <3 do not own gif
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Life was punishing you, you thought. It had to be. Because there was no way how in the span of a week everything in your day-to-day life had gone from okay to borderline catastrophic. It was as if every situation you were in was taking its form in the worst case possible scenario and all you could do was watch hopelessly as things continuously got worse sprinkled with small misfortunes in between.
It started on a regular Monday morning, sitting down for breakfast in the Great Hall with blissful ignorance. Halfway through eating your toast, your owl had come in through the open large glass windows and dropped a letter onto your plate from home that left you some very unfortunate news and had set forth a ripple effect that began making everything else go downhill as your days progressed. By the end of the school week, you had managed to blow up a potion, lose house points because of said potion when it splashed onto some people and had some physically altering effects, tripped over your footing and fell in the middle of a crowded corridor, failed a surprise quiz, forgot to turn in an essay, got into an argument with a friend, accidentally slept in and missed a morning class, and took a trip to the hospital wing for a migraine that didn’t want to leave you alone. You could’ve sworn you had somehow been thrown into purgatory, or limbo, or something outer-worldly. 
“Are you alright?” Draco had asked you right after breakfast that Monday morning as he was walking you to your first class. “What was in the letter your owl gave you? You look worried.”
“It was nothing,” you dismissed quickly, trying to put on a half-hearted smile while you spoke to make it more convincing. “I’m fine, just tired.”
It was the beginning of the week, and he did keep you up late the night before when you were sneaking around together, so he just shook his head up and down and took your excuse even though he felt like there was more to it than you were letting on. But as the days went on, he was becoming more observant of the way you were acting and even looking. He didn’t like that every morning he saw the shadows under your eyes get deeper and darker, and he didn’t like how you would close your eyes in pain when you would groan about your headache. He also didn’t like the way he hadn’t seen you truly smile or laugh all week even when he tried countless times to amuse you or cheer you up. But what he didn’t like most of all was that he felt like there was nothing he could do. 
On Wednesday afternoon, he tried asking you again. You were sitting in the Quad with him on a bench and he was telling you a story from earlier in the day about how he had ‘accidentally’ tripped this Gryffindor boy and got Snape to take away house points from him that he thought for sure would you make laugh or perhaps give him a disapproving redirection, but when he glanced up to see your reaction, he noticed you weren’t even listening, to begin with. You had been staring down at your shoes and the way they lined up against the cracks in the pavement, kicking around some gravel as your mind was running a million thoughts per second.
“Love?” He said to you softly. You looked up at him swiftly with a quiet questioning hum, e/c eyes widened slightly from being ripped away from your thoughts suddenly. “You know if something’s bothering you, you can talk to me.”
“I know,” you nodded warmly. “I’m okay, Dray. I’m honestly just tired.”
And you were telling the truth, in a sense. You really were tired; physically, mentally, emotionally.
He frowned, dissatisfied with your answer. “Right, well if anything at all comes up, I’m here.”
From then on, Draco took it upon himself to try and increase his affections and compliments. He would hug you a little tighter, kiss you a little longer, whisper sweet little nothings into your ear before he left you for class. You felt a little bad lying to him, withholding the truth from him, and you saw the concern in his light gray’s when you’d meet him in the mornings and for the rest of the day, but it only made you feel a tad bit worse. You were starting to feel guilty for the way he was worrying, feeling like you were dragging him down into the dumps with you and raining on his usual carefree parades.
On Friday morning, you didn’t meet him for breakfast and you were out of the Great Hall faster than he could catch you. He felt like a stalker when he walked by your class, peeking his head in to see if you were there and well. He spotted you sitting at your desk, hunched over your unopened books with a grimace on your face and your head in your hands. He wanted to go in and whisk you away to somewhere far and quiet, but the Professor had caught him by the door and sent him on his way before he could even think of doing anything of the sort.
You felt the day had gone by extremely slow, relative to how the week was moving and also impossibly dismal. You were counting down the minutes until the end of the school day, ready to run to your dorm right after your last class and bury yourself deep into your duvet and pillows for the rest of the weekend.
Head still pounding, you trudged over to your final class, stopping outside the doors when you saw a small group of your housemates standing around with unnerved expressions as they passed each other papers and spoke in hushed tensed tones.
“I studied all night but my friend took the test earlier and she told me during lunch that it had stuff on it that wasn’t even in the reading!” You heard one exclaim in distress.
“We have a test?” You accidentally said aloud and a pair of eyes turned to look at you confusingly.
“Yeah? Professor’s been telling us all week.”
A scoff of disbelief escaped your lips, an overwhelming sense of defeat washing over you as you turned briskly on your heel and in the opposite direction of your classroom. Tears started pricking at your eyes, you felt the stinging of them wanting to be released but you refused to let them all out in the open and especially in front of people who were still taking their time to head to their classes. 
You were making a beeline towards your common room, blinking rapidly to try and clear your vision that was quickly pooling with unshed tears while trying to steady your breathing in another failed attempt to calm yourself. You were nearly there, you could tell by the paintings and doors that you passed by and the black stain splattered on the floor you saw every day on your way to the dorms from someone’s dropped ink bottle that Filch hasn’t been able to get rid of. 
Almost there, you kept repeatedly reminding yourself.
All hope of solace was gone when you didn’t notice the body you had unknowingly crashed into. All you felt were strong hands around your biceps, holding you in place from toppling backward and the very familiar scent of expensive cologne and mint.
“Y/N? Why aren’t you in class?” You looked up at the platinum blond sadly, his worried eyes searching yours with such care that it pushed you over the edge.
You didn’t answer him and instead wrapped your arms tightly around Draco’s middle, burying your face deep into his robes and letting out quiet and frail weeps that broke his heart. He held you tightly, pressing kisses to the top of your head and muttering soft “I’m here’s” into your hair. You stayed in his embrace for a few minutes, letting your tears freely fall into his vest with a sense of relief that only he was able to give you at this point in time.
“I’m sorry I cried on you,” you choked out when you pulled away from him, desperately wiping away at your eyes with the back of your sleeve.
“You don’t ever have to apologize for that,” he said quickly. He brought his hand up to your face, his thumb swiping delicately over a stray tear that was sitting on your jaw while you closed your eyes in comfort. “Do you want to go back to my room? I can set you up really nicely and we can talk if you’d like?”
“Yes please, I’d like that a lot.”
Draco interlocked your fingers with his, bringing the pair up to his lips with a warm kiss on the back of your hand before walking the two of you over to the entrance of the Slytherin common room. It was empty when you walked in, not a soul in sight since everyone was still in class and it made it much easier for him to sneak you into his singular Prefect room you were now extremely grateful he had. He watched contently when you shed off your robes and kicked off your shoes and immediately slipped into one of his dark green jumpers that fit you big. 
You were perched on the edge of his bed, his scent from his sweater engulfing you and doing a much better job of calming you down than you wanted to admit. He followed in your footsteps and changed into something comfier and when he finally sat beside you with his hand falling over yours as an encouragement to talk - you did. You vented to him all about the letter from home, the migraine, your classes, the argument between you and your friend, and everything else that came to mind.
“And I feel bad for ignoring you and not telling you all this before but I didn’t want to burden you,” you finished with sniffles, gazing up at him with a gloomy expression. 
“Y/N, I love you, and nothing you say to me is a burden,” he frowned slightly, “when I tell you I’m here, I mean it, for anything. You’re so important to me and it kills me to see you upset.”
In a careful movement, he had scooted towards you and affectionately cupped your face before placing a loving kiss on your forehead and murmured to you, “don’t ever hesitate to come to me.”
You let him pull you under his covers, draping his large duvet over your entangled bodies with your head resting right above his chest, the steady beatings of his heart instantly sending you into a much-needed peace. His chin was rested right atop your head and you felt his fingers run up and down your arm soothingly while he thought.
“Is there anything else I can do to make you feel better?” He asked quietly.
“Can you help me fall asleep?” you muttered, closing your eyes gently when his hand smoothed over the back of your hair. You felt him nod against your head and after a small moment silence, you heard him begin to hum the faint tune of your favorite song.
You lied there in bliss, enjoying the way his chest was vibrating against your ear and the way his fingers were playing with the ends of your hair, curling the strands around his fingers and then moving upwards to massage your scalp. And for a minute, everything was finally okay again as you drifted off into a peaceful sleep, a full heart and with your love calmly lulling you away with a soft and now distant humming.
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ladydeznutz · 3 years
When He Loved Me (Peter Parker x Reader)
A/N: My first fic and it's angst that came into my head around 3am. I've always wanted to write fics, but I didn't like how I wrote and I was embarrassed. First time writing for others so I tried to keep away from using just she/her pronouns, but if that's what you'd like just lemme know
I can write for other fandoms, and imma make a list of the fandoms I like bc I have so many I forget. I'll also add some other things if it interests me. Not comfortable with nsfw just yet so apologies. Anyways, enjoy the fic ig and please give me criticism if you see something wrong
idk how tumblr works with spacing and all that so hopefully this comes decent looking
Prompt: Please, don't leave me.
TW: S**cide mention
Every day had started to feel the same to you for a while now.
It started when he began missing date nights with you. He was always so excited about them, and then they were happening less and less often. You still saw him on occasion, but it felt more like "business" than anything else.
You didn't get the same giddy feeling you used to get when you'd see him; it felt like going out with him was more of a chore. You couldn't even complain to him about it even if you wanted to. Anytime you did see him long enough, he was always gone within a second, always in a rush. You never knew what he even did with himself or if he was thinking about you at all.
It definitely didn't help that you'd always catch him hanging out with his friends. You confronted Ned about it, but he was always so dismissive. Hell, you had even talked to Michelle about the whole thing. At first, she sympathized, but then it was as if a switch was flipped. You used to go to her to vent about Peter and the relationship. Now, she was practically telling you that you were overreacting.
You felt like you were going to have a mental breakdown.
Learning about a loved one's passing is always one of the hardest things for anyone to deal with, especially when it's someone you deeply care about.
You had just received the news that your best friend had killed himself a couple of hours ago.
You didn't know how to feel.
You couldn't wrap your head around it. There was no warning.
You and he had been friends since childhood, and you knew each other so well that neither one of you could even remember a time when the other wasn't around.
Your hands shook as you picked up the phone to call Peter. Your tears finally fell as you listened to the constant ringing of the phone, and you knew he wasn't going to answer. Rage grew within you as you heard his voicemail message causing you to throw your phone across the room. It crashed into the wall and broke, but you didn't pay any mind to it as you fell to the ground and let out a wailed sob.
Why did this have to happen?
You could barely catch your breath between sobs.
Your body shook.
You didn't care about anything anymore.
You didn't care about Peter anymore.
Weeks had passed, and Peter was exhausted.
Tracking down a gang, taking them down, and meeting another Spider-Man had just been a lot for him to take in. He was so tired, he didn't even want to think about it anymore. His back ached as he climbed through his window.
He was just so damned tired.
He stripped out of his suit, took off his web-shooters, and placed them back in his closet. Then, he took a quick shower.
His job was a bit easier to have Ned and MJ know he was Spider-Man. Now he just had to tell you.
Peter stood in the middle of the room and weighed out what would happen. He felt sorry for lying to you, and he knew that he was being distant. He just didn't have the courage to deal with any of it because he was worried about you. He couldn't lose you too.
As Peter lied down to finally get some rest, he wondered how you were doing. Karen had said you tried calling him, but he couldn't answer he had been in the middle of a stakeout.
He got up and rummaged through his book bag to get his phone, turning it on to scroll through his messages. He sat up as he realized how many he had gotten. Had something happened?
As he scrolled through, his heart broke. So many people had posted about the loss of Jay and were gossiping about why he did it. When he finally went through them all, he looked at your one missed call and gulped.
You had called him that day, and he didn't pick up.
He clicked the voice mail and listened to the message. All that he could hear were your pained sniffles, a shout, and then the line cut off.
He felt sick as he replayed the message.
Peter already felt awful about lying to you; he had to fix this. He quickly texted you, put his web-shooters back on, and was ut the window.
He knew the way to your house, so it took him no time to et there. As he was getting ready to knock on your window, he did a double-take and took a closer look.
Someone was sitting in your room; it looked like he had been waiting for you. Peter quirked an eyebrow as he looked at the guy. He was wearing a red and green jacket with shorts and sneakers. He also looked like he was wearing tights?
Suddenly, you walked into the room, so Peter backed away from the window to hide in the shadows. You seemed to be upset as you were wiping your eyes quite a bit.
"I'm sorry Miles. I didn't think I'd start crying like that," you said as you sat on your bed.
"Hey, it's okay," he replied as he stood up and moved closer to you. You sniffled as you tried to regain your composure. Peter didn't quite know how to react. Who was this? What was going on?
"I just...he..." you groan out in frustration as you grip your hair. Miles' eyes widen as he sees tears start flowing from your eyes again.
"You wanna talk about it?" he asks as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. You shrug as you shake your head.
"It's complicated, and besides, that's what our therapy's for" you chuckle dryly. Miles' eyes wander the room as he tries to think of something to do to cheer you up. "How 'bout we go out tonight?" he suggests.
"I don't like the tone of that voice" you sass as you turn to give him a look. Peter watches Miles turn around, and his eyes widen. Miles was wearing a suit, a Spider-Man suit. The same Spider-Man he saw the other week.
"Any place you wanna go to, we'll go" he adds with a cheeky smile. "Really? You're not busy?" You cross your arms as you stare him down.
"Nah, night's been quiet. Besides, I might be busy tomorrow, then you'd miss your favorite person in the world" he winks as you begin to smile. Peter's heart sank as he realized what was happening. He thwipped a web to the building across from yours and sat down on the edge of the roof. Pulling out his phone, he sent you a text.
Can we talk tomorrow?
Giggling could be heard from across the street. Peter looked up and bit his lip as you glanced at your phone and threw it on your bed. You got onto Miles' back, and you both swung away.
After you tried calling Peter that day, you stopped reaching out to him altogether. You decided that you'd wait to talk to him until he finally realized you weren't there. It had been about five weeks, and in those five weeks, you had gone to therapy and counseling.
You met Miles in counseling. He was sweet but seemed to get off topic a lot. When you were getting ready to leave one session, he had come up to you, put his hand on your shoulder, and let out a simple "Hey." One thing led to another, and you had both bonded over your losses. You went to Miles' uncle's funeral, and he went to Jay's funeral with you.
You were currently sitting on a swing at the playground as you waited for Peter. It was taking him forever to show, and at this point, you wanted to get this whole conversation over with.
Frowning, you looked around, wondering why he was taking so long. He should've been here by now. Maybe he decided not to come after all.
When that thought crossed your mind, you scoffed and stood up. Before you could go anywhere, however, you felt someone gently grab your hand. Looking back, you saw Peter staring at you with a small smile on his face.
"You came."
"Of course I did"
Peter pulls you towards him and wraps his arms around you. You take a deep breath as you stare off towards the slide. He pulls away when he realizes you're not hugging him back. The both of you pull away awkwardly as you look at each other.
"Peter-" "(Y/N)-" both of you speak at the same time.
"I- I have o tell you something" he starts with a stutter. You wait patiently as you motion for him to continue. "I know th-that I've been....not here for you for a while-" he cuts himself off when he hears you scoff.
"I.....I had these things, and I should've told you as soon as we started dating, and I'm sorry. I know I've been an asshole, more than that actually" you roll your eyes and shake your head as he continues.
"I just.....I love you, and I want you to know that even though I don't show it a lot" he finishes as he rubs the back of his head nervously.
The good thing about coming to this park was that there was usually no one here, and you were glad no one was here right now because boy were you fuming. "Told me about what Parker?" Your hand goes to your hip as you glare at him.
"W-Well....uhm......that guy that you talk to.......I'm like him I guess. Spider-Man." Your eyes widen when you hear the first part. "How the hell do you know I've been talking to someone?"
Peter stumbles with his words as he realizes he's been caught red-handed, "Uh...I was gonna visit yesterday, and I kinda....saw you..talking to him....." You narrow your eyes as you pick up a stick and throw it at him. He ducked before he could get hit, but you were already in his face.
"You were spying on me?!"
"I-I wasn't trying to! I was just-"
"Christ Peter!" All this time of you not being here, and now all of a sudden you just wanna show up out of nowhere because of what?! Jay?! Is that why you're finally talking to me?!" Panic stirs in Peter's eyes as he tries to come up with an excuse.
"I tried so hard to get you to talk to me, and you only wanna talk now because of that shit?! Peter, I can't do this shit with you anymore. I don't care if you're Spider-Man; what was the point of not telling me in the first place?! We live in New York for God's sake!!"
Your face is red as you frustratingly wipe away your tears with your forearm. Peter stays silent as he watches you; he can't say anything right now because you've hit the nail on the head.
"Y-You know what, fuck this. I can't do this shit any-anymore, Peter. But please tel-tell me; w-what did I do wrong? I di-did my best to keep both of us h-h-happy. Please, just tell me what I did wr-wrong." Your words are barely recognizable as you hold yourself to keep you're shaking body still.
Peter steps forward, but instead of stopping him like he thought you would, he cups your face gently as he looks into your eyes.
"(Y/N).....I'm so sorry I made you think this was all your fault. You did make me happy; you still do. I just...I've been so busy being Spider-man that I've neglected you, and I'm sorry for that. But I do still love you, (Y/N). I swear I'll stop doing everything just for you. I-I'll give up being Spider-Man."
You watch him unravel as he keeps talking. You can't bring yourself to care, however, as he spills his heart out. Too much disappointment has built up over the months.
"Please......(Y/N), just give me another chance. I'll do anything, just please, don't leave me." His voice is soft and insecure as he begs you, almost quivering as he says it. It doesn't invoke any sort of feeling in you though. His sad eyes watch as you pull away from him,
"I'm sorry Peter" you whisper softly as you turn around and walk away.
He doesn't run after you or even shout.
Peter simply watches you walk away until you're out of view. The only thing he can hear is your footsteps as they fade into the distance.
A/N: Alright so...this whole thing was based on how I could see him being Spider-Man in the beginning ig? Imo I feel like between him and Miles, the latter would be the first to tell you he's Spider-Man
And I always felt like him being away like that with no real reason would make an s/o feel like it's their fault or sumn. Like, I've always seen fics where he and the reader always make up about it, but I wanted to try the bad ending where even though he had good intentions, he's just not ready to handle being a hero, student, and partner.
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combat-wombatus · 3 years
Mirio "Would you Mind if I kissed you" please and thank you!
guess who’s back on their bs :’)
i have finished!! a fic!!
giving myself a pat on the back bc this
i deleted and rewrote the ending to this one like so. many. times.
anyways i love u for requesting!! *mwah* ❤️  here u go! (i hope it isn’t too trash adskljfhsadlkjh)
24: “Would you mind if I kissed you?” Character: Togata Mirio
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It was a quiet day at the Nighteye Hero Agency. The streets were unusually tranquil, especially for the usually bustling city of Tokyo.
Considering that it was New Year’s Eve, the streets should’ve been packed, crowded with people and people-watchers alike, those who were traveling to a specific destination and those who were aimlessly wandering through the city. But this year, it was all different.
Quarantine restrictions had some people on edge. Those who were social butterflies craved human interaction, desperately talking with friends online and hoping to regain a semblance of their previously vibrant social lives. Those who weren’t, well, they didn’t mind it much, as long as they weren’t stuck at home with their nosy families day after day. As for today, most people were just glad that this hellish year was over. They didn’t have the ability to revel in the coming of a new decade, nor did they really wish to. They just hoped that, finally, the next year would be as uneventful as possible.
Most people breathed a sigh of relief at the empty streets and noiseless festivities.
You were not most people.
As a sidekick working in one of the most respected agencies in the city, you were worried. You usually had a fairly accurate sense of…well, you would call it intuition. And today, you had a sinking feeling in your gut when you saw the state of the streets.
“Hey,” you called out to Bubble Girl. “Are you sure that there’s been no activity, whatsoever?”
Bubble Girl scrolled through her tablet. “Yes, (Y/H/N). None whatsoever. Lemillion is still patrolling, but he’s checking back in every five minutes, and nothing’s happened so far. Why do you ask?” Her brows furrowed in concern. You didn’t normally ask pointless questions.
“Just…a gut feeling.” You decided to say, not knowing how else to describe it. “I just get the feeling that someone’s planning something big today.”
“Something big…” She frowned in concentration. Suddenly, her face cleared. “(Y/H/N),” she called out. “This intuition of yours…is it limited to bad things, or do you get premonitions of good things too?”
You thought for a moment. “Well…one time when I was smaller, my parents threw a surprise birthday party for me. I had a gut feeling that something was going to go wrong, and then I got really scared when I went home and the lights were all off. I already had my phone dialed to the police, and when they all jumped out from behind the kitchen counter, I fainted. They had to take me to a hospital and I missed my birthday cake.”
Bubble Girl started laughing. “So…was your intuition telling you that you were going to have a surprise party, or was it telling you that you were going to faint and end up in the hospital?”
“That’s the thing. I don’t know. Sometimes, I think that my intuition unintentionally causes the bad things to happen because I’m always overcautious. But it’s hard not to be,” you added. “Especially when you’re in this line of work.”
She sighed. “Yeah, I suppose. But…for today, I think that your intuition is trying to tell you that something good is going to happen.”
You frowned. “And why is that?”
“Well…let’s call it my intuition,” Bubble Girl winked.
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Hours later, nothing had happened. No bombing, no murders…nothing. You supposed that even criminals needed a holiday once in a while. Still, the uneasy feeling in your gut never faded.
The front door to the agency crashed open. You sprung up in alarm, but relaxed when you saw that it was only Mirio.
“Hello!” He beamed at you. “Happy New Year’s Eve! Sorry about the door,” he added sheepishly. “I may have underestimated my kick.”
Mirio was holding a box in his arms. Slowly replacing the door with his foot, he set the box down on the ground. “Would you mind getting some blankets from the staff room, (Y/N)?”
“Uh, sure. Why?” You were beginning to get suspicious. “Mirio, what’s in that box?”
“N-nothing, (Y/N). I just picked up some supplies for Peder.” Mirio quickly covered the box with his cape.
You were beginning to think that whatever catastrophe you felt was going to happen, it was going to involve the mystery inside that ordinary cardboard box. Quickly heading to the staff room to supply Mirio with some blankets, you bumped into Bubble Girl.
She was holding a large sack of something in her arms, all of which landed on your feet when you crashed into her.
“Crap! I’m so sorry, (Y/H/N),” she apologized profusely. “I should’ve watched where I was going-”
Ignoring her, you were instead busy analyzing the contents of the sack that had spilled onto the ground.
“Bubble Girl, what’s all this?” You directed your gaze towards a bag of what looked to be…dog kibble?
“Oh! Uh, Peder wanted to try a new diet! He says that a nutrition expert suggested some vitamin supplements and such. For his specific constitution, of course.” She hastily scooped up the sack and hurried out to the lobby.
“…Peder’s supplements? In the lobby? She should’ve come up with a better excuse,” you shook your head. By now, your inkling of suspicion had been practically confirmed. You made your way to the staff room and grabbed the two fuzziest blankets you could find.
Heading back towards the lobby, you stopped at the doorway when you heard a strange noise.
“Woof!” The sound echoed through the room again, and you smiled. “Mirio…always doing things like that, aren’t you?” You murmured underneath your breath, leaning on the doorframe.
The man in question was holding out a tennis ball with his left hand, bouncing it up and down, much to the delight of an enthused puppy. Bubble Girl was crouching to the side, filling a dog bowl full of kibble. Your heart warmed at the scene.
“Hey Mirio, I brought the blankets,” you stepped into the room, startling both the puppy and Mirio.
“Thank you, (Y/N)!” Mirio held a hand to his neck, chuckling awkwardly. “Well…this was supposed to be a surprise,” he shrugged. “For New Year’s, you know?”
You giggled at his antics. “Well…it’s nice to know that my intuition can predict happy events too,” you passed the blanket over to him.
Turning to Bubble Girl, you raised your eyebrows at her. “Did you know? Was that why you weren’t worried this morning?”
“Yeah, I did,” she smiled. “I’m glad to know that I was right.”
You looked at the puppy bouncing around on the new blanket fort Mirio had made. “What are you going to name it?” You sat cross-legged on the floor, holding out your hands to fluffy ball of energy. It barked once at you, then leapt right into your arms.
“Well, I was thinking…Milo?” Mirio looked to you, cocking his head sideways. “Do you like it?”
Gently scratching behind the pup’s ears, you snuggled him even closer to your chest. “I love it.” You picked him up by his haunches and held him up to your head. He waggled a little paw in response.
“Welcome to the family, Milo,” you said softly, stroking his soft fur. He nuzzled even deeper into your warmth, resting his soft head atop your shoulder.
“He likes you,” Mirio noted, grinning widely. Shifting his weight to the side, he reached behind your back and shook out the blanket, draping it across your arms.
Bubble Girl took one look at the two of you, muttered an excuse about paperwork, and quickly left the room. You glanced at her hasty retreat with raised eyebrows. That wasn’t entirely normal either.
“So, uh, (Y/N),” Mirio started. He’d moved closer, and his broad shoulder was now pressed against yours. “I…I really like you. As more than a friend.” He blushed, his cheeks turning a rosy hue. “And…I, uh, I want to take you out to lunch sometime. Can I do that?”
You were fairly sure that you had heard him wrong. As your breath hitched in your throat, you turned to face him, eyes wide. “You…you like me? As more than friends?”
Mirio’s lips cracked into his characteristic smile. “Yes, (Y/N). As more than friends.” He confirmed.
A blush rose to your cheeks. “Then it’s good that we feel the same way, right?” You smiled back at him.
He breathed a sigh of relief. “That’s very good.” Leaning closer, he cupped your face with a calloused palm.
“(Y/N) …would you mind if I kissed you?”
You tilted your face up and answered him with a kiss. Your lips met, and it didn’t take much prodding for you to open up to his adventurous tongue. Sighing into his mouth, you wrapped your arms around his neck.
“Mm…Mirio,” you mumbled against his chest when the two of you had come up for breath.
“Yes, (Y/N)?” Mirio rested his chin atop your head.
“Happy New Year’s.”
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Coco’s New Year Celebration 20-21
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The Undateables Reaction to MC having a Nightmare
Pairings: Diavolo x MC, Barbatos x MC, Simeon x MC
Warnings: FEM!READER!!!, swearing?, kissing, a miniscule mention of blood and zombies lol, luke being a sweetie pie (as per usual), just comfort in general bc i’m needy, mention of a panic attack, big daddy diavolo can fucking rail me ok?
A/N: people make fun of me for liking diavolo :((  so I had to get this out of my system
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I mean, he’s had nightmares before of course, but he’s never seen a human have one
He didn’t even know humans had the capacity to dream until a few nights before
So when he wakes up to you writhing around in the silken sheets, crying and begging some unknown entity to “please stop” and “don’t hurt him” with tears soaking your face, he was stumped
You seemed distressed so he did the only thing he could think of; wake you up
Now, this baby
He didn’t know, ok?
When he grips you firmly by the shoulders and gives you a good shake he only succeeds in scaring you a lot more
Your hand shoots up and you drag your nails across his pretty face in blind defense and wake up, tangled in mounds of silk, with a hulking figure hunched over next to you
Falling off the bed, you scramble as far as you can away from the monster and into a corner of the room
Barbatos, after hearing all the commotion, enters the room at that moment, allowing light from the hallway to flood the dark bedroom
“My lord, MC, what on earth is going on?!” He asks, noticing you crouching in the corner and he goes to you and rests a gentle hand on your shoulder, “My lady, are you alright? What did the young lord do to you?”
“Barbatos?” You whimper, tentatively peeking up from your hands.
“You can tell me, I’ll deal with him myself.”
“MC? Where’d you go, dove?” Came Diavolo’s disoriented voice from the bed, “Why’d you scratch me?”
A second later Barbatos was on his feet in a somewhat defensive stance, protecting you from any advance the demon lord could make.
You were still behind him crying less stormily, but crying nonetheless. Noticing how the butler was posed, you only started crying harder.
“Barbatos, please, i-it wasn’t him! It was me!” You said, emotion choking your sweet voice, “I h-had a bad dream and when I woke up, I hurt him!” 
Cocking a brow, the butler strode toward the light switch (i think they have electricity??) and upon flicking it on, understood what had happened.
The demon lord was still slightly hunched over on the mattress, nursing a scratched, bloody cheek, you were crouched against the far wall, sniffling and crying out of fear, the bed was a mess…
“Correct me if I’m wrong MC, did you have a nightmare?” He asked gently, “Can you move?”
“M-hm.” You nodded shakily, tears stil streaming down your flushed cheeks.
“Let me help you stand… there. Lord Diavolo, humans are fragile creatures, especially after such an ordeal. I trust you can calm her down?”
“Of course! Ah, Barbatos, would you mind getting some tea and possibly a bandage or two?”
“My thoughts exactly. I will be back promptly.”
Then the butler left the room.
Diavolo dabbed at his face with the shirt he’d discarded before getting into bed and turned to you. “MC, love, what happened?”
With a sob, you threw yourself into his arms, buried your face in his chest, and began to cry again. It was a terrible dream, all seven brothers and the rest of the devildom, including Barbatos had turned into zombies. After running and fighting for most of the dream, you and the Demon King had finally been cornered by an endless horde of zombies and slowly you realized there was no hope. Just as the brothers were about to pounce on your royal boyfriend, he’d looked behind him and said, “I’ll always love you my darling MC-” and that’s when a zombie grabbed you and started shaking you violently, effectively and abruptly rousing you and causing a minor panic attack.
Diavolo stroked your hair oh so gently until Barbatos returned with the tea and handed you a cup of the steaming, sweet-smelling liquid to calm your nerves. After taking a few teary sips, the warmth spread down to your toes almost immediately and you were able to stop crying.
“Talk to me,” He murmured, tilting his face to Barbatos while he cleaned and wrapped his wound, his amber eyes on you all the while, “What happened?”
“Bad d-dream,” You stuttered, clutching the delicate teacup with white knuckles, “The brothers got hurt, t-turned into zombies to be specific a-and it was just us but then they got you and Mammon started screaming a-and shaking me-”
“That was me, dove. I sincerely apologize, I didn’t know what was wrong, nor a way to properly handle it.” Diavolo brushed stray tears from your flushed cheeks and pressed a gentle kiss to your temple, “Forgive me?”
You nodded, sighing with a body-wracking shudder and settled back into your boyfriend’s muscled arms.
“My Lord, in case this happens a second time, why don’t you ask MC how she would prefer to be roused from such a dream. These things can be traumatic for their minds, it’s best to put her at ease.”
“Indeed.” The tanned redhead nodded, holding out your empty teacup for the butler to refill, “Dearest, how can I help?”
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Knows this happens to humans and wasn’t surprised when you had one only a few weeks into staying at the palace
Prolly read a book or seven to learn this human bs
You claimed it was only from your new surroundings at the breakfast table, as to but the Lord and his butler at ease, but Barbatos is very intuitive
In fact, he’d seen you walk from your bedroom to the bathroom, hugging a blanket around yourself and sniffling, looking very frightened for a reason he didn’t know
Now he did
The next evening, around two in the morning, you come running out of your room crying, hoping to find someone, and eventually, you did
Thinking it was one of the brothers, you crashed into them, wrapping your arms around their waist and burying your face in their chest, crying stormily until you felt the demon awkwardly pat your head with a gloved hand
Lucifer didn’t wear his gloves to bed… did he?
Did he even go to bed in the first place?
Probably not
Since when did Mammon wear a tailored waistcoat to bed?
Levi smelled different too, more like tea leaves, dishsoap, and ink than the salty ocean and fabric softener you were used to
Satans forearms were thicker than these as well; hours of holding books to his face gave him a little muscle
Where was the gentle coo and giggle you always got when you snuggled with Asmo?
Where the pecs your head usually rested on when Beel gave you one of his otherworldly hugs?
Why wasn’t Belphie’s shaggy hair tickling your face?
You look up and to your horror and embarrassment, it’s Barbatos. Not Beel, or Mammon, or Asmo (who you had been hoping to see) instead, it’s an extremely handsome butler with a very concerned look on his face
“MC? What happened?”
“B-Barbatos! I-I I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to-” You begin to back away, stuttering and tripping over your words while tears continue to soak the collar of your nightshirt, but before you can escape, gentle hands stop you.
One slender, gloved hand cups your cheek, brushing away tears, and another gently holds the small of your back.
“It’s alright, no need to apologize,” He spoke softly as not to scare you any further, “Come with me, I’ll make us some tea.”
The butler wraps you in a blanket and makes you comfy on the couch in the sitting area before starting the hot water and returning to the room.
He stood in the doorway awkwardly until you asked in a tiny voice, “Would you… would you mind s-sitting with me?”
“Of course.”
Not too close at first, but eventually after you cuddle up to his side, Barbatos settles an arm around your shoulders and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“What happened?”
“Um…” You kept your eyes downcast, knowing you’d told him your dreams weren’t a big deal, but he knew.
“Dreams again?”
“Tell me about this one.”
“You g-got crushed by a m-massive stack of papers a-and Lord Diavolo was just laughing. I couldn’t move, I-I wanted to help, I just-” You sighed, “Th-Then a big stack of paperwork started falling toward me too a-and I woke up before I got squished. I know it’s silly and ch-childish but it was terrifying. I hope I didn’t mess up your schedule.”
“That would be rather upsetting, I’m sorry MC,” He murmured, getting up for the whistling kettle, “But don’t think like that, it’s normal. One moment please.”
You nod and sink deeper into the luxurious warm cocoon the butler had made for you. He hands you a teacup and settles down next to you once again.
“Is there anything I can do to make these dreams stop?” He asks softly, dabbing your face with a handkerchief, “The Demon Lord requested for your utmost contentment during your stay, so-”
“C-Can I stay with you?” You blurted out, quickly taking a gulp of hot tea and instantly regretting it.
Even in the dim light, your convulsing form noticed a light pink tint on his cheeks as he rushed to get you water.
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He’d only ever known Luke to have nightmares (since he is baby) so you can imagine… 
Deadass, when he wakes up to you writhing around and screaming at two in the morning, he almost called an exorcist
In the devildom
Does anyone else see the irony-
Solomon was kicking Luke’s ass at Uno (yes, at two in the morning) so both of them follow the distressed angel back to his room
You’re awake, curled up in a little ball against the headboard, rocking back and forth and crying into Simeon’s pillow
“MC?” Luke asks, a little scared as he approaches the bed.
You lift your head just enough to see his pretty baby face and then reach for him, caressing his cheek to make sure the tiny angel was really there
“You ok?” He murmurs, resting one of his smaller hand on your own, “Bad dream I’m guessing?”
You nod, lip trembling with emotion and residual fear, “Don’t go-” You begged, “I don’t know where Simeon went…”
“I’m here love, right here.” The taller angel now knelt down next to where Luke was standing, took your other trembling hand, and pressed comforting kisses to your knuckles.
You whisper a soft ‘thank you’ to Luke and Solomon as they take their leave. As soon as the door shut behind them, Simeon slid under the blankets next to you and let you attach yourself to him like a koala while his pretty nose fell into your messy locks.
Gradually, your breathing went back to its normal, comforting tempo and you began to melt into his embrace. He seemed to radiate warmth to the very marrow of your bones and soon, everything was ok again.
“What’s troubling you so, love? What caused this?” He asks, running slender fingers through your tousled locks.
“I don’t know,” You sigh, breathing in his heavenly musk, “I guess I’ve been a lot more stressed than usual. Exams are coming up and it’s hard to study when I’m at the brother’s beck and call since they can’t get along for more than 3 seconds. Plus, these classes are a lot more difficult than the ones we have in the human world.”
The angel nods, giving you a squeeze and a reassuring kiss to the crown of your head, “I can see why. Unlike you, most humans are very simple minded and plain dumb. I’ve already learned this material because of my ranking as an angel, so if you need a tutor, I’m here to help, sweetheart.”
“I’d like that.” You smile, tender aquamarine orbs meeting your own before closing and lips meeting for a slow, sensual dance of your unbounded love for eachother. Your interlocked fingers gave a squeeze before he released you, panting.
“Anything for my seraph.”
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g0ldengubler · 4 years
Hi! First of all i want to let you know I love your work, it feels so inclusive. I wanted to request a fluff with a bit of angst fic about reader coming out as bi to Spencer. Maybe they've been in a relationship for a while and she was a bit anxious about telling him. Thanks a lot
aaaaaaa i’m so sorry that this took so long i deepy apologize! thank u so much for the feedback and i’m glad u see it as inclusive! i don’t want to write y/n as someone really really specific look wise so thank u for seeing that💖 as a fellow bisexual, i love this idea! but here it is i hope u enjoy and i hope u enjoy the little thanksgiving vibes :)
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Sweater Weather
Request: YES/no
Category: fluff
Couple: spencer x reader
Summary: you and spencer have been dating for several months now. the minute you two started dating, you made a promise to not keep secrets from each other, but that wasn’t something you kept. what better way to come out than on thanksgiving, right?
Word Count: none bc i wrote this in my notes app lol
on a chilly thanksgiving night, the steam from the food on the stove fogged the kitchen windows as y/n prepared a feast for her and Spencer. it’s been several months since the two of you started dating. he was the sweetest guy you’ve ever met. you loved all his little quirks, like how much of a germaphobe he was or how excited he got when he rambled on with facts upon facts. you loved listening to the thoughts that were trapped in his brain, ready to explode out of his mouth for anyone to hear. you never told him to cool it when he was with you, because the sound of his voice soothed you.
you both had decided to stay in D.C for thanksgiving. reid’s mother was in at a clinic in houston and your parents decided to go on vacation, so everything just fit perfectly. you wouldn’t want to spend this holiday with anyone else, especially when he’s the only one you know who would watch it’s thanksgiving charlie brown with you and enjoy it.
while the excitement filled your body, your nerves were kicking in, too, and they weren’t mixing well. you were nervous because you were going to talk to him about something you kept from him; your bisexuality.
in reality, it’s not that big of a deal. but the two of you never really got into those deeper conversations. you didn’t know how he would react to that. what if he breaks up with you? what if he only accepts you just because you’re still attracted to men so in his head, he doesn’t have to accept the fact you’re also attracted to more than one gender? what if he’s like other men you’ve dated where all they hear is “threesomes”?
you knew this was just your nerves talking; you knew he was too sweet to think any of those things. but you’ve only been dating so long, so you didn’t really know each other fully yet.
as the turkey was at its end of cooking, the doorbell rang. you heard that sweet boyfriend of yours imitate a turkey with, “gobble gobble!” and couldn’t help my giggle as your ran to the door, skating across the floor with your fuzzy socks. when you opened the door, you saw your very handsome boyfriend, wearing a maroon knitted sweater with brown corduroy pants. “don’t worry,” he said, moving his pant legs up a bit to show you, “i have turkey’s on my socks.”
you smiled as you wrapped your arms around his neck before his wrap around your waist, your lips softly crashing together. you broke away after a moment and let him in as the timer went off. he sat down the bottle of wine on the counter while you took the turkey out of the oven and sat it on top of the stove.
“man, does it smell amazing in here!” he says as he wraps his arms around your waist again, leaving soft kisses on your exposed neck.
“are you talking about the food or me?” you joked.
“all up to interpretation.” he smiles as he continues to kiss your neck.
“slow down there, pretty boy,” you said, pushing away as you began to cut the turkey, “we need to eat first.”
he chuckles as he finally lets go, stealing a quick peck on your cheek before hand. spencer helps you with the rest of the turkey and setting down the last few things on the table.
when should i tell him? you ask yourself, when’s the right time to tell him? is there a right time? ok y/n, stop making a big deal of something that really isn’t and just fucking tell him already.
“hey, spence?”
“yes babe?” he answers as he pours the wine for the two of you.
“um…before we eat, can i talk to you about something?”
spencer sets the bottle down after he finished pouring into his class and looks up at you, looking a little worried. “of course! is everything ok, y/n?”
you take a sip of wine (or more of a gulp but who’s paying attention), feeling the nerves kick in. you set down your wine glass on the table, getting the courage to tell him, yet trying to find the right words was getting harder than you thought. you kept stumbling your words until finally, you just came out and said it.
“look, spence. this isn’t a big deal and i don’t want it to be that way. we promised each other that we wouldn’t keep secrets, and i’m keeping that….”
you then grabbed your phone and hit play on a song that you already had ready. sweater weather by the neighbourhood  begins to play as you put your foot on your chair, cuffing your jeans. you gave him a meh smile with teeth, but clearly spencer wasn’t getting it, even though you did show him videos from online that had the song in them.
you end up giggling at his expression, feeling more relaxed to tell him. “i’m bisexual..and i never told you because i didn’t know how you would react. i just don’t want to hide that part of me from you. but because of my sexuality doesn’t mean i’m going to be a bitch to you and look at girls when i’m with you. i want to be loyal to you, because you’re the best thing that has happened in my life, let alone this year. i’m sorry that i kept this from you and i hope this doesn’t change anything between us.”
spencer slowly walks over to the other head of the table reaching out with his hand, his palm facing the ceiling. you put yours in his, feeling his thumb caressing your hand.
“y/n,” he began, “that doesn’t change a single thing about us. i love you, babe,” wait, did he say what you thought he said? “and i have nothing no problem with that. i don’t have a problem with anyone no matter their sexuality or gender. what made me fall in love with you the first time i lay my eyes on you, was how you see the world. i wanted to get inside your head since that day, because you’re intriguing to me in the most beautiful way possible.”
you quickly cupped his face into your hands and kissed him. he took aback at first, chucking in the kiss shocked. but then he wrapped his arms around your waist again, indulging in the bliss you both fell in.
when you broke away, you looked up into his eyes smiling. “did you know that i fell in love with you that day, too?”
all spencer did was smile as he softly rubbed his thumb on the side of your cheek.
“i love you so much, spencer reid.”
“i love you too, y/n. so much.”
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unprofessional-bard · 4 years
Chapter 4 - The Grown-Ups
Losing My Religion Series Masterlist
Unprofessional Bard's Masterlist
Previous Chapter • Next Chapter
Pairing: Joel Miller x Female!Reader/OC
Warnings: Fluff and angst on equal amounts // mentions of depression.
Summary: The long awaited confrontation finally happens between Joel and the reader, Ellie not so completely oblivious to what happened between them. The reader sorts things out with the older Miller and Walt but things don't go as expected.
Word Count: 5.263
Author's Note: The chapter name is from the 12th episode of Mad Men's third season... most of my chapter names are already named after Mad Men episodes bc why not? I also feel like I couldn't write this chapter very well so I'm sorry if you're confused about some stuff but I'm currently working to fix those in the next chapter!
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"Holy shit," you gasped lightly, then quickly looked through your rifle's scope to make sure that those people were actually who you thought they were: "Open the gates! They're friendlies!"
"You know them?" Walt asked while you ran down the stairs and greeted your visitors who were none other than Joel and Ellie.
"Of course!" You replied and watched as Ellie's smile stretched to her ears.
"(Y/N)!" Ellie exclaimed and quickly walked over to you. You opened your arms with a soft Oh, Ellie and caught her in your embrace. "Aw man, it's good to see you."
"You too, darling, you too," You smiled, relief washing over you like a whole tsunami. "It is so good to see you Ellie."
You heard the door close after Joel walked over to the both of you. As glad as you were to have them back in Jackson, you hadn't forgotten about Joel's behaviour before he had left.
"(Y/N)," Joel cleared his throat. His voice, oh how you'd missed that voice of his, made you look up as Walt approached you all.
"Joel," You greeted him in a less excited tone, which made Joel look away with slight guilt on his face.
"I'm sensing some history here..." Walt commented quietly, which you ignored.
"I'm gonna take them to Tommy, I'll be right back," You spoke and turned around, holding a confused Ellie's hand and walking away. Joel gave Walt an ugly glare, then began tailing you.
You'd be lying if you said you'd forgotten about Joel - you thought of him when you thought of Ellie. Here he was now- here they both were, in the flesh, which made you incredibly happy. You knew you couldn't stay mad at him for too long, you had unintentionally grown a soft spot for the man, who saved you and gave you his water. You'd be forever grateful for him, even though he was an ex-Hunter. You remember the day Tommy had revealed it to you: Both of you were chatting and patrolling around town back in February and the topic was why the brothers had disagreed. You had stopped walking when he mentioned Joel was a Hunter before he became a Smuggler.
"You probably noticed the way he fights, he's good at killin' people in many brutal ways... The way he handled things? It just didn't sit right with me. After the Fireflies, I didn't look for him. Came here instead, you know the rest."
You couldn't belive you'd been travelling with a Hunter - you should've known, like Tommy had said, he was too brutal.
You had a few awful days after that, not leaving your house and bed. You had cried, slept and thought about everything, but eventually moved on, thinking you were never going to see him again anyway, that it was pointless to be upset about it any longer. Yet here he was, walking behind you.
Ellie talked all the way to Tommy's office, tried involving Joel from time to time but gave up eventually. Your mood improved instantly thanks to her though, you'd really missed the little rascal.
"Tommy, look who I have here," you spoke when you entered his office. Maria was there too and greetings were exchanged as you waited by the door.
"I have a house saved for y'all," Tommy said, his mood also better than it had been in a while. "Dolly, will you take them there?"
"Dolly?" Joel raised a brow as you threw daggers at the younger Miller with your glare.
"She'll tell you about it on the way," Tommy smirked as you led them out of the office. Ellie asked why he called you Dolly the moment you stepped out.
"I, uh..." you sighed. "I sung 'Jolene' at the diner one night-"
"Dolly, as in Dolly Parton?" Joel chuckled but you just rolled your eyes.
"Apparently I sung a little too well, they didn't take an ex-spec-ops for a singer," you ran your fingers through your hair.
"You should sing again sometime, maybe Joel will play the guitar-"
"Ellie." you hissed and Joel growled at the same time, which only caused her to smile wider.
Ellie requested to stay at the empty shed behind Joel's house instead of staying in with him, which you didn't understand but didn't ask about either. You showed Joel to his house and as he looked around you waited at the front door.
"Home sweet home..."
"Right," Joel hummed awkwardly.
"Well, I'll leave you to it," you sighed and turned to leave but Joel stopped you.
"Wait, uh... I-"
"Dolly!" Walt suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "You lucky gal, they ended your shift early for today. I was looking for you but if you're busy..."
Godfuckingdammit. You pinched the bridge of your nose and sighed, exasperated: "No, no, I was just leaving."
Walt was a bastard and knew better, of course: "No worries Doll, come to my place later eh?"
And just like that he skipped away with a grin on his face. You closed your eyes and pinched the bridge of your nose again when Joel spoke: "Seems like you fit here just fine-"
"What do you want?" You groaned, already unnerved by his poor attempts at making conversation, but regretted it.
"Look I just wanted to... I was being an ass that day and-" he slowly got closer to you, but you took a step back. "I'm sorry, is what I was tryin' to say. I was just- It wasn't my place to say those things and uh, I hope I can make it up to you somehow... Some day."
You were impressed. Quite impressed as you weren't expecting to get an actual apology out of him. You looked him up and down, pissed at him a little but mostly feeling awkward, then sighed after a few nerve wracking seconds: "You're an asshole alright," you looked away and hugged your waist. "And damn right it wasn't your place to say those things..."
"Well, uh," After giving him a look in the eye, you saw that he was actually looking quite guilty. It made your soft spot act up, his hazel eyes boring into yours apologetically; for a few more torturous seconds, whatever pride you had left crashed with all the good he's done for you, eventually making you say: "Look. The moment you left I thought I'd never see you again, a part of me disagreed but here you are. You could say I'm over it but... Eh, nevermind... I'll see you at dinner, I guess?"
Joel was dumbfounded for a moment, but he immediately cleared his throat and nodded: "Yeah, alright..."
Instead of going over to Walt's, you immediately found Maria, who was still with Tommy at his office. You thanked them for giving you the day off when Tommy smirked and leaned on the table.
"What?" You gave him an annoyed look.
"He's not going to leave your tail until you smile the tiniest smile to his face." He said, crossing his arms.
Dinner was awkward. You gladly gave all your attention to Ellie, ignoring the men at the table; Joel was sat on Ellie's left, you were on her right and Walt was on yours. You were tense and Ellie could clearly see it on your face.
"Dolly-" Walt attempted to whisper, but you cut him off immediately.
"Please stop calling me that," Only Ellie seemed to have heard the exchange as the chatter around the table continued.
"(Y/N)?" Ellie suddenly intervened, not sure about what to say.
"Yeah, Ells?" You put a smile on your face before turning to her.
"Uhh- when can I see your house?" Ellie blurted out.
"Now if you're done with your dinner- Or tomorrow, if you're too tired of course." You said while practically begging her to pick 'now' with your eyes.
"Let's go!" Ellie smiled awkwardly and got up, drawing attention.
"Where are you going?" Joel inquired the moment she got up.
"(Y/N)'s going to show me her house," Ellie pushed her chair in and grabbed her empty plate, practically running off to the kitchen while you slowly got up.
"The energy she has," You shook your head and forced a smile when people gave you a quizzical look, then walked off to the kitchen with your plate.
"Thanks for that Ellie," You sighed the moment you two stepped outside the house.
"You were squirming on your seat - that Walt guy was making you uncomfortable so I thought-"
"Oh," You interrupted her, beginning to walk. "He wasn't actually. We- I mean I had an awkward moment and I'm kind of struggling to look him in the eyes now."
"... So you're uncomfortable?"
"Well, yeah but- it's just so awkward?" You struggled to find the right words, eventually giving up and telling her what had happened between you and him while going over to your place. Ellie grinned and listened and when you finally got to your doorsteps, she turned to you and said:
"What I got out from all of this, is that you say Walt, but your eyes are on someone else..."
"What the hell does that supposed to mean?" You looked at her in disbelief. How on earth was she coming up with these lines?
"I think you know who I mean," Ellie just smirked and walked in through the door. You just stared at her, dumbfounded, then followed her inside. She liked your house and asked if she could stop by from time to time, to which you replied Of course, I'd like nothing more, but your garden stole the show for her.
"Wait until you see it in the morning," you smiled as she looked around as best as she could with the streetlights illuminating the garden. You two talked a little more, which made you feel like her age again. Talking to Ellie without feeling awkward came to you naturally and it was obvious that she appreciated how you were attentive toward her. Around ten minutes later, there was a knock on your door.
"I'll get it," you chuckled when she huffed. It was Joel.
"Uh, hi," He muttered awkwardly.
"It got a bit suffocating in there." Joel explained. "Went out for some fresh air and decided to take a walk around when I heard Ellie's voice..."
"Wanna come in?" You asked, opening the door wider.
"Don't let me interrupt-"
"Nonsense." You opened the door fully, internally cursing at yourself: What the fuck are you doing? "It is suffocating in there, we thought we could escape for awhile."
Joel stood at the doorway: "It's better if we go back actually."
"You're right, it'll be rude." You nodded and called Ellie.
"Your boyfriend doesn't like me very much." Joel offered a small smile as you both waited for Ellie to grab her backpack.
"He's not my boyfriend," You sighed, exasperated.
"Right, sorry... he just gets a little too involved when the topic is you."
You gave him a look, confused: "Involved how? Were you talking about m-"
"Do we have to go?" Ellie interrupted you, looking at Joel.
"Just this one night kiddo," Joel patted her shoulder as she passed through the door. The both of you shared a final look -Joel's was unsure and yours was suspicious- before you closed the door.
That's pretty much how everything began again. You begged asked Maria to change your patrol partner for awhile, not really wanting to deal with this new, curious side of Walt when you were too embarrassed to look him in the eye because of your rejection. What he didn't know was you became more and more torn between him and Joel every day. You could say your soft spot went wild as Joel did exactly as Tommy said he'd do: He tried to be around you as much as possible. He took advantage of your closeness with Ellie to take a better look at how you viewed him. Were you hostile, netural or actually good with him? He definitely could see your behaviour toward him and only him had changed as you treated Ellie the same as before.
He was curious about you - even if Tommy had told him a little of you. He wondered how you were, how you had been and what you did in Jackson and he wanted to hear them from you.
After patrolling for a whole week and avoiding people as best as you can while you cleared your mind, you finally approached Joel and Walt - on different occasions, of course.
You came across Joel first. Walking past his place while on your way to Walt's, you decided you should get it out of the way while you were at it. You knocked on his door and waited patiently. He was really surprised when he saw you.
"Hey," It was you who offered a smile this time.
"Hey," Joel, quite shocked. "Uh, Ellie's not in-"
"I know," You quickly interrupted him. "I'm here for you, actually."
"Yeah... I wanted to see you." You smacked your forehead mentally but kept your composure, immediately adding: "We, uh- couldn't really talk ever since you two came back, so... I figured I should stop by."
You don't think you could ever get Joel to look this surprised if you tried: "Yeah," he cleared his throat and put an arm on the door frame, leaning on it. "Yeah, uh, sure."
"I need to do something right now, but if you're not busy, why don't you come over to my place?" You asked, expression soft.
"Uh, I dunno, I-"
"I've got some coffee," You smiled. "The weather is nice- the sunset particularly favours my garden in exactly half an hour."
Joel looked down, bit his lip as if he was thinking about his options, then smiled shyly: "How can I say no to that?"
You chuckled and nodded before walking away: "I'll be waiting, cowboy."
Joel's cheeks were dusted pink, but fortunately for him, you didn't see it. He just stared, still dumbfounded at what happened, but he didn't complain - even if it took a torturous week, he finally knew you were good with him.
Your cheeks were no different, glowing red under the sun as you walked over to Walt's place. You knocked on the door and called his name, but he wasn't there. Just as you turned around, you saw Bonnie and Walt approaching, holding each other's hands. You pursed your lips at the sight, shoving your hands into the back pockets of your jeans. Walt froze when he saw you, letting Bonnie's hand go: "(Y/N)?"
"Hey," the edges of your lips turned up, still pursed. "I- I wanted to talk to you, but if you're busy-"
"Oh, no it's fine," Walt climbed up to the porch with Bonnie, letting her in: "It won't take too long, just wait for me okay?"
"Okay," Bonnie nodded, giving the both of you an odd look before going in.
"I don't wanna take up your time-" You stood across him.
"No, no-" Walt reassured you with his hands doing a stop motion. "We couldn't talk properly- I don't blame you. I never apologized for calling you Dolly and-"
"No, it wasn't about that." You interrupted him this time. "I needed some time to collect my thoughts about- stuff- and I was paired up with Eugene this week so, I wanted to apologise for not sparing time for you."
Walt's cheeks reddened lightly at your words: "Oh- no it's totally fine. Nothing to apologise for, really. You- You're lost in work again eh?"
You sighed, relieved, then smiled and nodded: "Yeah, you could say that..."
"Listen," Walt straightened his posture a little. "How 'bout we make it up to each other, huh? Come over tonight and we'll talk over dinner- you can tell me about this Joel guy and everything else I've missed?"
Your expression morphed into a partly angry one as you crossed your arms: "Why are you so interested in Joel all of a sudden? What do you care about our 'history'? I told you everything I went through with him already- no more, no less."
"I- well- I'm not?" Walt took a step back but you stood your ground.
"Don't." You said in a stern tone. "Did you really think he wouldn't tell me about how you had been acting towards him?"
"Even if we did have a history, it wouldn't have been your concern." You added, frowning when he stayed silent.
"We tell each other everything, why are you so squeamish about this all of a sudden?" Walt blurted out defensively.
You stared at him, then scrunched up your face: "You don't even tell me you've got a thing with Bonnie, blame me for not taking notice and you think you have a right to know what happened between him and I? Please..."
You immediately began walking down the porch: "(Y/N), I'm sorry! I didn't mean it like-"
"Of course you didn't," You growled and turned around. "Just- let's not talk for awhile, okay?"
You heard him call your name but you didn't mind, walking away, fists clenched. What is wrong with him?
You felt like beating the shit out of slapping him - it was the first time you two had an argument. You had indeed told him everything there was to tell about your time with Joel, leaving out certain details like that time in the cabin, because he wasn't as curious about Joel as he was now. You didn't think those details were necessary either, you were developing a crush on Walt at that time and the thought of Joel distracted you from that. But you forced yourself to move on as you were convinced that you'd seen the last of the smuggler and that you'd never have a chance with him. Little had you known...
When you reached your house and checked the time, you saw that there was still some time before Joel arrived: The thought calmed you down a little, so you decided to clean up the tiny mess in your room and wash your face to cool off. You changed into a thin, off-the-shoulder sweater once you were done with the cleaning around. You really liked the color and it was ideal for a weather like this. Just as you started making the coffee, there was a loud knock on your door. You tensed and listened, trying to figure out who it was when the person behind the door announced who they were: "(Y/N)? It's Joel."
You walked over to the door and with a deep breath, opened to see him in his brown jacket, which looked like it was made for him: "Hey."
"Hey," You gave him a genuine smile and stepped back after a moment of staring into his eyes: "Come on in."
Joel walked in, heart beating faster than he'd like to admit. He quietly observed his surroundings as you closed the door and led him to your kitchen: "You're in a good mood."
"I always am," You said jokingly, suddenly feeling bad for giving him the cold shoulder for a whole week. "It'll be ready in a few minutes, follow me."
He nodded and followed you out of the kitchen, through your bedroom to the balcony. His eyes got caught on the picture of you and Kurt (which was now framed and stood on your nightstand) before he walked out. Joel's brows raised as he saw the scenery before him: Your garden was almost as big as your house itself and it truly looked gorgeous with the sun shining down on it. You waited for him to sit down, him not being able to take his eyes off the piece of heaven as he did.
"You like it?" You asked shyly.
"You were right," he nodded, appreciative. "A beautiful garden you have here."
You simply smiled and looked at his hands on the table before speaking: "I really don't know where to start."
Joel chuckled: "Well then, let me start with a how are you? and continue with how are things?"
You smiled, a little embarrassed, then put your arms on the table, hands right across his. You thought on the conversation you had with Walt a few minutes back, which made you want to scream because the difference between him and Joel was just-
"I'm fine," You nodded. "I've been better but I've also been much worse. I'm not complaining. Things are... complicated on the side, but mainly good. Better now that you two are here." Joel smiled slightly before you continued: "What about you? My goodness, there are so many things I wanna ask. Didn't want to ask Ellie about them, her mood changed when I tried talking about it this one time..."
"Yeah, well," Joel shifted in his seat, pulled one arm down onto his lap. It reminded you of the time when you two first met in the tower: "She went through a lot."
"From the way you speak, so have you." Your smile slowly disappeared.
"It wasn't a pleasant journey," Joel sighed, looking away.
You gulped, feeling a little guilty but also very upset. You couldn't even begin to imagine the trauma they had to endure on their journey: "Look, we don't gotta talk about it. You can tell me whenever you're ready, okay?"
Joel gave you a sad but surprised look: "Okay."
You suddenly got up, went to the kitchen, leaving Joel confused; coming back with two mugs of coffee a minute later: "I know this'll cheer you up."
Joel almost melted away when the smell of coffee filled his lungs: "It sure will."
You sat across him as he brought the cup to his lips and blew on the liquid: "God, I'd gladly kill for this. Thank you."
You giggled and watched him take a sip, face twisting when his tongue burned. The butterflies in your stomach changed colours as your attraction and soft spot for Joel settled somewhere in your chest. After how Walt acted today- you didn't want to jump to conclusions on an impulse, but he offended you and since he had a girlfriend now: You knew that even if you have a chance with him it was going to be much later. You didn't know how long him and Bonnie were going to last, but now with Joel taking back his place in your thoughts, you noticed how you worried a little less about your her and Walt. Plus, who's to say he wouldn't pull off some stupid shit like that whenever you were around Joel? You felt like you had perceived him in a wrong way, as if he had more to him than it seemed.
Joel, on the other hand, seemed so natural. You knew there was also more to him than he showed - but in a good way. Someone had to melt the ice around his heart to bring out the soft side. Other than that, he was just... Joel. Grumpy, protective guy with an awful past, which had shaped him as a person throughout the years. You knew of those awful events, you also mostly knew what to say to him, but more of what not to say. He appeared as though he had lost his humanity a long time ago like many other people, but you knew that his wasn't lost, just buried beneath layers of walls. However, you were sure that Jackson was going to see to the destruction of those walls and bring out the human in him. He already showed hints of that soft side you thought so much about by the smallest gestures, you were certain there was more to come.
"So," Joel leaned back on his chair, mood significantly improved. "How is everything? How do you get along in Jackson?"
"Pretty good, I'd say." You nodded. "It's hard to adapt to at first, but the people are decent. They accept you when they see that your intentions are good and that you just wanna help... Plus, they feed you until you can't breathe, which I think is nice for Ellie."
"Yeah," Joel chuckled.
"Other kids gave her odd looks when she saw all the food standing there and stuffed it in her backpack, but, I think this girl called Cat likes her already."
Joel smirked and took another sip of his 'medicine'. He had no doubts that the kids around Jackson were a big help for you to complete your healing process and settle down. He saw from time to time how the kids enjoyed being around you and even admired you.
"Miss (Y/N)?" A boy named Jesse had approached you and Ellie two days ago.
"Hey Jesse," you smiled warmly, moving your rifle from your chest to your back. "Have you met Ellie?"
"Hi," Ellie smiled awkwardly and extended her hand over to him.
"Hi," Jesse smiled back shyly and shook her hand. Ellie then saw Joel and went over to his side while you slightly kneeled in front of Jesse.
"Could you do me a favour?" You smiled and Jesse nodded eagerly. "Will you and the others include Ellie whenever you're hanging out? She may seem reluctant but she'll come around once she gets used to this place."
Just then, another girl named Cat approached you both: "I like her, she seems nice."
You smiled and fixed your posture, then thanked them both before they ran off to some place, looking after them a moment too long. When you turned around, eyes searching for Ellie, your eyes locked with Joel's. Your smile stayed on your lips as you stared at each other for a moment, then you walked away. Joel absolutely admired the way you were with children, he could almost say you were more comfortable with them comparing to adults.
You sat in silence for awhile, enjoying each other's company, but it got ruined with another knock on your door. You flinched, anxiety going up once more as you got up, leaving Joel confused once more.
"(Y/N)? Please answer the door, let's sort this out?" It was Walt.
You stayed silent and listened to him knock on the door loudly. You really weren't in the mood to deal with him even though you agreed that it had to be sorted out.
"What's going on?" Joel asked, voice deep and laced with worry and confusion. He slowly walked towards you from the bedroom as you turned around to face him, leaning your back on the door. What the hell were you supposed to do now?
"Go back to the garden, I've got thi-"
"(Y/N)? Come on, don't act like this..."
You closed your eyes and sighed, cursing at your situation: "Please, Joel." You whispered. "Just wait in there and let me handle this real quick."
He did as you told and stepped inside the living room before you opened the door: "Look, I told you to not talk to me for awhile. It's a part of the 'sorting out' process if you didn't understand. I need to cool my head-"
"But I feel terrible," Walt insisted. "You're not busy right now, let's just sort this o-"
"She is busy," You heard Joel's southern drawl call out from behind you. "She has guests over."
Thank god, you thought. You didn't know if he said guests on purpose, but it clearly made Walt think that Joel wasn't the only person there.
You froze as Walt's eyes moved up to Joel's, then back to yours: "Well, don't let me interrupt."
"Damn right," You growled, getting angry at his attitude. "Get your goddamn priorities straight and go back. We'll talk when it's time."
You shut the door and let out and exasperated sigh, leaning your back on the door once more. Joel put his hands on his hips and stared at you, a soft smile playing on his lips: "Leaves his girlfriend at home after we fight and I tell him to leave me alone just so he can come 'n talk to me..."
Joel chortled in amusement, his voice filling your ears like a bucket of water on a small fire: "Glad you find this so entertaining!"
"No, nothing like that," Joel gave you a charming smile. "You wanna talk about it?"
Your eyes slightly widened as Joel chuckled quietly, following you back to the balcony. You quickly explained what happened before he got here and he nodded but eventually asked:
"Why exactly were you avoiding him?"
You took a big, long sip of your coffee to hide the redness of your cheeks: "Something happened which made me feel real embarrassed. He was unaware of course. I couldn't face him; but then you arrived a day later and he got a little too curious about you."
"Why?" Joel gave you a displeased look.
"He thought that we had some sort of history, if you get my meaning." Joel sighed and you rubbed your temples. "I don't know why he's so interested all of a sudden. If I didn't know any better, I'd say he was jealous."
"Maybe he is," Joel hummed and crossed his arms. "I saw the way he looks at you- and me. He adores you, but despises me."
"What?" You giggled as if you were saying are you out of your mind? "I mean, we're good friends, nothing more. He's with Bonnie."
Joel raised his brows and pursed his lips: "Well, we'll see I guess."
"What are you saying?" You said after a moment of silence, leaning forward a little, voice hushed as you gazed into his hazel orbs.
"I'm saying," Joel sat up and leaned forward as well. "You won't see much more of them if we keep this up."
"Keep what up? Having coffee and catching up?" You licked your lips and shook your head. "You saved my life all those months ago, Joel..."
"I know," He nodded, voice low and husky.
"You're an important person to me whether Walt likes it or not- I don't really care what he thinks, in fact. I'm grateful for everything you've done for me."
Shut up! What is wrong with you?!
"(Y/N)..." Joel blinked, blushing lightly. The sun had disappeared and the sky was turning a dark shade of blue.
"I don't-" You leaned back. "I was supposed to die in that building. I wasn't supposed to survive, come here and start again. But you and Ellie saved me and Tommy and Maria helped me get better. How can I not be grateful for any of you?"
Joel gazed at you, a meaningful look on his face, full of emotion. He was grateful that he'd found you and saved you too: If it weren't for you, he or -more importantly-Ellie would've been dead on many occasions. You cared for and took care of both of them like a guardian angel. You may not be aware, but you helped Joel keep calm on many occasions, even when he didn't trust you completely. You always kept your head up and saw to everyone's survival - didn't matter if it cost you an arm or a leg. You were loyal and caring- human. Tommy had told him of your health conditions and everything you've done to get better, which gave Joel a heads up when approaching you... knowing what and what not to say to you.
Maybe he was supposed to find you in that building. Maybe you were meant to survive and be a part of their lives- his life.
Maybe it was meant to be.
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The forbidden crack! Untamed prompts: 22/?
Drama AU [this is just an idea tho, no plot basically]: “Did you find a bitch in me?”
[JC-focus crackships galore baby! title is from a Marina Diamandis’s song (“Hermit the Frog) but that’s probably not important for the non-plot so... yeah]
“So... wait a minute.”
“Hit me.”
“I’m still confused.”
“Wen Qing... why should I know about your ex’s exes?”
“Because he’s a bisexual menace and I don’t want him to ruin this for me.”
“Jiang Cheng is not going to sleep with me.”
“What do you know tho? He’s that powerful.”
“Babe, I’m a lesbian.”
“And he has dated everyone in our circle of friends and their significant others.”
“Big lesbian energy, you’re absolutely right.”
“Thank you. I taught him well.”
or the only au where there’s only drama and no plot and JC went from experimenting to actively turning people gay or straight just because.
[attn: in this au Jin GuangShan is not, I repeat, not a bitch and did not, in fact, have other kids aside from Jin ZiXuan bc I say so. don’t make me complicate this non-existent plot more, please]
[under the cut for more!]
ok. got it. JC knows he’s no saint. hell, he doesn’t even qualify as a decent human being, alright. he’s that socially abominable. but things have escalated to a point where he doesn’t even know what to do. maybe become a hermit, lock his dick and call it a day. yeah, that should do the trick. because he really doesn’t know when it all started... no. that’s a lie. total bullshit. it was Nie HuaiSang.
so, SO, he may have been 16. sweet bush child with no future nor name. a great big sister, a stupid big bro, an overachieving mother, a distant father, the usual. save for fucking Nie HuaiSang and his stash of porn. and JC was straight. and he just wanted to check if the link his high school friend sent him was a jumpscare or not. he closed the tab right after the first moan echoed in his room late at night, he forgot to put the jack in and his earphones were possibly all the way back in his backpack on the kitchen table. fuck his life. and also fuck HuaiSang for being into weirdly sensual artsy porn on top of that. fuck his life. fuck the replay button too.
coincidentally, HuaiSang was his first kiss, first head, first everything only one year later and JC still talks to the jerk to an extent, but not because he wants to, okay? they were experimenting, but JC was still straight. he wanted to do good on his first actual relationship with a woman, whatever that meant for him at the time. HuaiSang was okay with that, the lying bastard. JC may or may not have grown fond of him by the time their graduation came, but they never got around to talk about it because they were stupid and young.
also, HuaiSang’s brother had caught them once and JC had known there and then why his non-boyfriend had decided to cut things loose afterwards. that jock was scary as fuck.
then. THEN. university came and Wen Qing was the one reminding JC he was still very much as straight and unbendable as he could get. it took him three years to not yell at her in frustration and ask her out: the sexual tension between them fueled by rivalry over good grades and the scholarship program they both wanted to have access to for their masters.
she had been the one asking him out. JC was lying about having the balls to do it, obviously. the fact that she also discovered to be a lesbian while being with him could have burned less, all things considered, but JC knew he had made love to her and that was enough for him. letting her go had been the right thing to do and they still talk everyday and she loves his nephew and everything is fine.
it only took him the two remaining years of his masters to get over her, but. FINE.
he’s not gonna talk about her brother. it happened only once. okay maybe once that particular night, at a bar and they were drunk and Wen Ning was nothing like his sister and the boy always had a slight crush on him and he was the one suggesting it, okay?
Wen Ning was kind and gentle and kissed way better than his sister and maybe after two years JC could get over it and move on and they could still be a family after all and that last stall in the staff toilet had been where JC’s bottom cherry was popped and oh gods that felt so good...
“actually, Jiang Cheng, you’re lovely. but I think I’m actually really straight so... I’m sorry. I hope we can still be friends?”
yeah. JC’s not gonna talk about fucking Wen Ning.
maybe the fact that his brother Wei Ying got married so soon was the reason why. it has to be.
JC hated, HATED Lan Zhan. he hated how much in love they were. how softly they moved around each other. how much he wanted some of that as well.
and since he was THAT petty he had to flirt with Lan Zhan’s brother (Lan Huan) because of it. the man was terrifyingly good looking and a gentleman. so much he didn’t want to give in to JC’s requests... because he already had a boyfriend.
JC knew nothing about said boyfriend aside from the fact that he was apparently a snake, whatever Wei Ying meant by that.
Lan Huan looked very intrigued, but he’s also very loyal and JC admired him for that. he didn’t want to have that conversation tho, the one where Lan Huan politely asked him to stop being so charming in his periphery, so JC decided to hide for a month or two and maybe extended that period of time and never show his face again while he’s at it.
Lan Zhan would have also had his head on a fucking plate if he dared touching his precious older brother so, there’s that as well.
so he dated a bunch of people after swiping them on apps left and right, got the hitch out of his system and felt miserable about it.
Nie HuaiSang came back into his life like, the day before JC started working for a new company and asked him out for a drink. HuaiSang was crushing for a man too young for HuaiSang’s comfort because he usually liked older men and this boy was fresh out of his bachelor and JC’s friend was well in his late twenties and didn’t have a job yet and...
JC shut him up with a kiss and they felt slightly less lonely afterwards, until they actually talked about their issues and decided to stop being messy and grow out of their bad habits.
JC still fells sick at the idea of being someone else’s “bad habit” though.
Wen Chao was a mistake.
Wen Chao’s girlfriend was a mistake.
Wen Chao’s brother was a mistake.
Their bloody uncle was a mistake.
Their father was an even more spectacular mistake.
JC has yet to find out how he survived the year of his thirtieth birthday, honestly. that shit had been wild as fuck.
YanLi and her husband offered JC to look after Jin Ling more often in order to make him feel some sense of safety, he knew that much. at the time, JC hated the fact that ZiXuan worried over him and that his own sister didn’t know how to help him either.
people at work had started to treat him differently as well, now that they knew how messy he was. he started getting treated for depression soon after being promoted to supervisor, his workaholic tendencies saving him from himself after years of sleeping around and drinking too much for his own good.
A-Su was YanLi’s friend from university and was kind enough to ask him out one day. she stayed with him for a year before apologizing to him, saying she wanted something more: a family, a future, something JC could have not given her anytime soon.
his brother and Lan Zhan adopted a boy and JC became an uncle for the second time. A-Yuan was difficult to look after, having survived stressful living conditions in his early childhood, so Wei Ying appreciated the extra hand when JC offered it to him and his husband.
looking after children forced him to be not so angry all the time and now Jin Ling had a cousin he could play with and was very glad his Jiujiu was feeling better.
when Lan Huan came back into his life, JC had forgotten about even attempting to win him over in his early twenties. it felt life a lifetime had passed.
they started as friends this time around, but JC felt nothing for him and he was okay with that. they were good uncles to A-Yuan and that was enough.
what really caught JC off guard was when Meng Yao stumbled upon him one day in midwinter, crashing on JC and sending his briefcase up in the air. the older man was apologetic and kind and gods forbid JC still needed some of that in his life. even if it was the other who had crashed into him, JC offered to buy him coffee since Meng Yao’s cup was now sadly rolling out frame on the snowy path.
to his utter astonishment, Meng Yao accepted.
JC took his time with him, willing to slow down and really get to know this new man who seemed so welcoming and easily approachable... yet so impossibly far and unreachable.
Meng Yao confessed cheating on his previous partner with his best friend five years prior and how he felt undeserving of another chance with someone as kind as JC. he revealed how therapy helped him work on his tendency of manipulating others and that this was the only reason why he wanted to be honest with JC and tell him the truth. so that the younger man could make up his mind if Meng Yao could be granted a chance with him.
this heartfelt confession startled JC in the beginning, especially bc Meng Yao seemed adamant about not sleeping with him for the foreseeable future, unless they talked it out some more.
on JC’s thirty-fourth birthday, one year after meeting Meng Yao, JC asks him to marry him during a pleasant dinner the older man has planned for him.
to his horror and absolute joy, A-Yao accepts.
JC didn’t mind not having been intimate with him until then, nor he would have minded if A-Yao never happened to change his mind on the matter. JC felt safe with him, even when he saw him reminiscing the past with grief painting his features behind his fake smile. JC knew he could give him happiness and so he asked him to meet the Jiangs for the first time to announce the good news.
all but Wei Ying and his husband have arrived the even JC brought A-Yao home, their car stuck in traffic. they start eating without them, with the couple’s permission. YanLi and ZiXuan didn’t bring A-Ling this time around, not willing to leave too soon and waste a chance to really get to know the new member of their family. JC’s father seemed pleased to meet with A-Yao, exchanging pleasantries and conversing about common interests...but JC’s mother is weirdly cold and distant that night.
once dinner came to a end, finally Wei Ying arrived, apologizing profusely for making the lot of them eat without them. however, nor he or his husband could take their eyes off of A-Yao...and neither could JC’s fiancé.
“if you still have some dignity to spare, I suggest you leave this very moment,” said Lan Zhan, the most he has ever spoken in one breath in front of JC. to which, to JC’s astonishment, A-Yao answered by giving JC one last look and the saddest smile he had ever worn...before leaving the house and never look back.
confused, heartbroken, humiliated...JC didn’t know what to feel when Lan Zhan explained to the lot of them what Meng Yao had done to Lan Huan after eight years together. cheating on the kindest man alive with an old acquaintance of his that to that day remained unnamed bc Meng Yao refused to reveal their identity.
JC’s mother didn’t have to tell her son that she had known all along something was off about A-Yao: JC could feel it in the way she was looking at him, sitting next to him on the couch. she had a sixth sense for venomous people.
the following year, JC is pretty sure it passed in a blur. he remembers working less hard than what he was expected to do, been consequently and rightfully demoted in his company. others gossiped about him being so proud for nothing in the end, which aggravated his mood.
to his surprise, his mother was the one suggesting him to take a break somewhere nice. to clear his head for a month or two before deciding what to do with his life. Wei Ying booked him a trip to Taiwan the following day and in less than a week JC is on a plane to take a long vacation there.
one night, roughly a week after his arrival at the hotel, JC was staring blankly at the skyline in deep thought. he had done the tourist-y shit, eaten all the foods in the best restaurants, brought presents for his family. and now he was bored out of his mind. the same, old questions swirling in his mind: did A-Yao lie when he said he loved him? did he lie just so he could have a fresh start and forget about the past? did he leave bc he felt guilty for his past with Lan Huan? was he serious when he had accepted JC’s proposal?
that’s when Mo XuanYu came barging into his life like a hurricane.
the younger man, seven years his junior, spotted him from an adjacent balcony and proceeded to talk to him as if...trying to de-escalate a suicide attempt from his part.
“sir, please. I’m sure there’s more to life than this. I don’t know what happened to make you feel this way but...everything will be fine in the end. I promise you. I was there. It’s okay. please don’t jump over the balcony.”
JC had no intention of jumping, just to be clear, but something in his eyes must have caught the kid’s attention and...was that a steward uniform he was wearing? did he work for the hotel? JC was none the wiser but that was the first time someone had reassured him so wholeheartedly without even knowing him and it felt...weird.
he started tearing up and the younger man panicked, promising to keep him company all night if necessary, reaching out with a hand to touch JC and reassure him from the other side. JC grasped it gingerly in his own and let himself be coaxed back to the realm of the living by such gentle soul.
JC hated himself for sleeping with him not even a week after their encounter.
but it just felt so good to let himself be guided by hand to the most hidden and wonderful places. away from the tourist crowd, eating delicious food with someone smiling prettily at him. yet he hated himself more for thinking about someone else in bed with him, at least in the beginning.
Mo XuanYu seemed to know anyway, and even encouraged him to just do whatever he felt like with him. casual hookups didn’t have to be meaningful, the younger man had said, and it wasn’t even the first time someone used him as a rebound either. still, something ugly stirred in JC at that.
so he decided to stop thinking about himself for once and shoved every bad memory away. all to pour his affection into someone else and cater to his lover for the following month and a half. borrowed time of a stolen season, during which JC doted on the younger man and learned to listen.
some of the stories Mo XuanYu told him felt slightly familiar, almost as if they had a friend in common and didn’t know who it might have been. after his shift, the younger man would ask to eat with JC and share his frustrations, repaying him in kindness with sweet kisses and even sweeter smiles that felt a little bit too brittle in the morning, when he was bound to leave.
by the end of JC’s trip it was clear to him that he had grown fond of the other man, too much for his own good. but during a vacation, away from home, surrounded by new and exciting things...anyone would have worn a mask to forget their normal life, that reality they would have eventually been forced to come back to.
by the end of his vacation, JC had figured out who their common friend was and remembered how distant Nie HuaiSang had felt falling in love with Mo XuanYu. how sad the younger man’s emotional unavailability has made him feel.
and when they parted ways at the airport, JC kissed him goodbye and never saw him again. the memory of Mo XuanYu’s brittle smile engraved forever in the back of his mind.
back to work. back to his bad bitch persona. it felt good to focus on his job and nothing else for a year or two, keeping others at distance while bossing them from his office as he regained his boss’s trust. being promoted a second time gave him the confidence he needed to move on with his life and by his thirty-seventh birthday he could finally see a future for himself.
therapy was helping a great deal and even his siblings seemed to notice his progress, praising him for his willingness to seek help and his hard work.
A-Yuan and A-Ling included: the kids were growing up too fast, involving their uncle in their school projects and plans for mischief any chance they got to see him.
Lan Huan caught everyone by surprise one day in autumn by confirming YanLi and Wei Ying’s suspicions about his breakup with Nie MingJue, Nie HuaiSang’s older brother.
the older man didn’t tell them why he had stepped back from his engagement with the man, aside from saying that the both of them had found out something concerning about their past and common acquaintances. the discovery making them feel so disheartened to the point of braking their engagement of mutual accord.
JC felt bad for the man, knowing how much it hurt to lose someone so dear. not that they had had been able to discuss over the matter much, not even after A-Yao had left. it would have been awkward to talk about their common ex and his penchant for secrets and hurting other people’s feelings.
but they understood each other well enough and started talking more, out of their common interest in their nephews and their well-being.
five years later, JC was forty-two and content with his life. A-Ling was close to thirteen and A-Yuan quickly approaching fifteen. he could see them growing up and out of his reach, but their affection for him never wavered. until one day A-Yuan called him in the middle of the night, startling him awake.
apparently, his best friend JinGyi had called him for help after being beaten up by his foster mother and A-Yuan didn’t know what to do. calling his parents would have only alerted and worried Wei Ying and Lan Zhan, who were probably still asleep and hadn’t even noticed their son had sneaked out in the middle of the night.
panicked and worried, JC called Lan Huan instead and they left for the hospital. and something hurt at the sight of such a young boy lying still on a bed too big for him. something else clicked in JC’s brain at the sight but it would have taken him several months to realize what exactly.
furious and restless, Lan Huan spend months looking for the woman who had hurt the child, eventually destroying her in court until he pried a confession out of her. social services immediately alerted as JC inquired over the possibility of giving the child a permanent home himself.
not even a year later, JC was able to welcome the kid in their new house in the quietest part of town. it took a while for the boy to adjust, worrying over JC eventually changing his mind and letting him go. “who even adopts someone close to be of age?” JinGyi had asked, frustrated and certain JC would grow bored of him.
but JC was there to reassure him every step of the way, telling him family was forever and not something easily dismissible. he repeated it until the boy seemed satisfied and called him “dad” for the first time one inconspicuous evening at dinner. if JC cried on his pizza, well, nobody has to know.
Lan Huan was glad to listen to JC gushing over his son, more than supportive and borderline enthusiastic to listen to every little progress and new success.
JC knew this was enough, but he would lie saying he hadn’t felt loved by the other man. yet, he didn’t dare hope he could have another chance at happiness at almost fifty years old. Lan Huan himself close to fifty-five and well settled into his career as a lawyer...too much to consider a valuable partnership with someone like JC.
his therapist had bashed him for ages over such insecurity, but JC could only smile at him and shrug. many people didn’t find their happy ending and he still had JinGyi to look after. which seemed a good way to spend the rest of his life.
so it came as a surprise when, one evening, as JC overlooked at Lan Huan building a piece of furniture with JinGyi in their living room, he started crying with love and affection.
“why are you crying Jiang Cheng?”
“I’m happy.”
he really was.
he still is to this day.
[they don’t marry, but they do spend the rest of their life together anyway]
I need a break, this took days to make D:
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gossamie · 5 years
this movie has a twist ending.
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SUMMARY. In which you and Jungkook are famous-actors-turned-ex-lovers and the last thing you want to do is act out a reunion scene with him.
PAIRING. jeon jungkook x reader
GENRE. fluff + angst + a vague attempt at humor (?)
NOTES. this was kind of a wild card in terms of my wips bc the idea for it kind of popped out of nowhere and i wanted to work on it right away! i hope you enjoy it nonetheless ♡
p.s. thank you mia, or @taenchanted, for your help with this piece! your advice and love will never go unnoticed!!
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You don’t need to look behind you to know that Jungkook is staring at you. 
It’s all he’s been able to do since he arrived on set this morning— stealing glances at you from the snack table, trying to catch your gaze through your vanity mirror, and now, blatantly staring at you as he gets his makeup done. You wish he’d just grow a pair and I don’t know, just talk to me but then you realize that talking isn’t an option; ever since you stormed out of Jungkook’s penthouse three months ago, effectively ending what would be your final argument, you are silenced by the tension that lingers between the two of you, the only thing to survive from the remnants of your relationship.
You’re aware that things didn’t exactly end the way you wanted them to. You’re also aware that the devastating fight that ended your relationship is your fault, that you are the reason that the two years you’ve spent with Jungkook has crumbled into a mess of unsaid words and dried tears. There’s no way you can fix the irreversible damage, nor is there any way for you to act upon the small inkling of desire within you that yearns for Jungkook to be back in your life, for the catastrophe is so great that it’s best to leave it that way so as not to risk another goodbye. 
Needless to say, you’re better off ignoring him.
Your stylist, though, doesn’t.
“Are you okay?” she asks as she shrugs a jacket over your shoulders. There’s a familiar hint of intimidation in her tone, the same voice that you hate when people use because they’re too afraid to recognize that you’re a normal person like them, too.
“Yeah,” you lie. “Why do you ask?”
“No reason, I just… I heard about what happened and I figured—”
You raise an eyebrow. “And what exactly happened?”
Wordlessly and shamefully, your stylist takes out her phone and hands it to you, showing you the #1 trending news article on social media right now.
[BREAKING] Actor Jeon Jungkook seen leaving singer Kim Chungha’s apartment after date at a bar; Jeon’s agency denies further relationship between the two
Huh. What else is new?
At some point, you began to build a wall around your heart so strong that its cold exterior could withstand the insurmountable pain you felt whenever you saw Jungkook’s name in the news with a different girl. If it were any other day, you would’ve looked away from the phone and continued on with your life no matter how broken you felt without Jungkook.
But there’s something— maybe it’s the fact that you’ve become so used to seeing the headline when you shouldn’t or the fact that Jungkook is so close to you when he shouldn’t be in your life— that cracks the metal surface you spent so long carefully constructing, lets the pain seep through until the heartbreak feels as fresh as it did three months ago.
The stylist might have said something that sounded vaguely like a sheepish apology, but you’ve already pushed the phone away and stood up from your chair, walking to the location in determined strides. You’re not sure if the director has called for places yet, but you don’t really care; you just want to be as far away from that as possible, to see if you really can run away from your problems.
Releasing a deep breath in a vain attempt to regain composure, you find yourself on one side of a train platform; Jungkook stands on the other. Through the smudged glass of the train’s doors— the only thing that separates the two of you— you can see his face, albeit blurry and ill-defined. You can only chuckle at the irony of the situation. This must be the universe’s cruel metaphor for you and Jungkook’s relationship— never truly close and always something in the way.
You’re not sure why that makes you want to cry.
Somehow, you break out of your reverie just in time to hear the slate snap and the film director shout, “Action!”, forcing you to focus on the lines Jungkook helped you memorize all that time ago. The train lurches forward and leaves the station perfectly on cue, bringing with it a gust of wind that sweeps your hair into your eyes and pulls your clothes close to your body. 
When the wind settles, the first thing you see is Jungkook.
Upon sight of Jungkook— or, well, Haneul, as his character is named— you avert your gaze and begin to push your way through the crowd, desperate to widen the distance between you and him. Jungkook follows you with a pair of widened eyes and a quickened pace as he, too, shoulders through the throng of passengers. Though Jungkook calls out to you— to Mae— you pretend as if you can’t hear him and hasten your swift steps in response. 
You’re about to take the last footsteps needed to reach the exit of the train station when someone steps in your path, physically preventing you from leaving. You don’t need to look up to know that Jungkook is staring at you.
“Please, let me go,” you weakly beg, trying to maneuver out of his way.
“I’m sorry, Mae,” Jungkook replies, “but I’ve lost you once. I’m not ready to lose you again.”
With a defeated sigh, you lift your head up to face a breathless and pained Jungkook. You notice how his eyes are red as if he cried an ocean of tears, how his fingers twitch as if he longs to hold your hand again, how his jaw clenches as if he’s trying to repress the words that want to leave his mouth. His sadness looks too real, too raw, and you feel a pang of sorrow resound throughout your broken heart when you realize how similar he looks to the Jungkook you said goodbye to.
Suddenly, it begins to rain.
No one told me they were going to do this! you think as you hold your hands above ahead, trying— and failing— to keep yourself dry. You push your shock aside, though, and instead move past Jungkook, who catches your arm, once again stopping you from leaving. 
“I said, let me go!” you repeat, your words more exasperated than the last. 
But Jungkook doesn’t recite his line. He falters, falls silent as his body becomes drenched by the downpour, the raindrops hiding the tears rolling down his cheeks.
Instead, he whispers, “Y/N.”
Hearing your real name slip from Jungkook’s lips causes you to turn towards him, his soft-spoken tone deafening despite the roar of the storm. Somewhere in the distance, you can hear the director yell at Jungkook to stick to the script, but he can’t— or won’t— hear him. The world slows as it always does when you and Jungkook are together until all that matters is you, him, and the rain.
Then, “You were right.”
“What?” you ask, confusion written all over your expression. All at once, the lines you memorized seem like a distant memory.
“Those things you said to me the night before you… left.” Jungkook winces. It’s as if speaking those words into existence physically pain him. “Everything you said was right.”
“So?” That night is not exactly something you want to remember. “Why does it matter now?”
“It matters because I know. I know why I was wrong.”
You shake your head. “What do you mean?”
“I wasn’t putting enough effort into the relationship. I wasn’t taking enough responsibility in the relationship. I wasn’t putting you before my career like we promised. I wasn’t happy, but you thought I wasn’t happy being with you.
“And that’s what I thought, too. I thought I would be happy with other people but… I’ve been miserable.
“I couldn’t understand why I was so miserable, though, but I know now. I was miserable because there isn’t a single day that goes by where I don’t think about you.”
Jungkook’s fingers reach out to find yours, but you recoil, despite how much you crave his touch as much as he craves yours.
“What are you doing?” you scream through the crash of the torrent. “You can’t change what happened between us.”
“No, I can’t. But I can change what happens now.”
“By telling you that an infinity of ‘I miss you’s will never be enough to tell you how deeply in love with you I still am. By telling you that I should’ve stopped you from walking out of my door three months ago like I’m doing right now. By telling you that I shouldn’t have given up on you— no, I shouldn’t have given up on us. What we have is something that should never be let go, not then, not now, not ever.”
When Jungkook looks into your eyes once more, you believe him.
This time, you do not pull away from Jungkook’s touch when he reaches out for you. Instead, you melt into Jungkook’s arms as he holds you tighter because you are his whole world and he will never let you go.
For you and Jungkook, a new beginning is uncertain, but it’s not a goodbye, and for now, that’s enough.
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jeageristsasuke · 4 years
Can you talk more about the armin cutting his hair to free himself of his emotional tie to eren bc I cant stop thinking abt that post
Heyyyyy I'm really glad you liked my small contribution to our collective suffering. Sorry for taking this long to answer. I originally didn't have much to add to this hc, until I started writing some thoughts and it turned out kinda fanfic-ish in the end! If you read this through, my sincerest apologies. (Maybe some real writer can properly fic this because I'm useless🙏)
I can't help but imagine the gradual deterioration of Armin's phycology, after Eren left without a word. 1) The pain of separation 2) the anger of being left behind and distrusted 3)the constant self-loathing that he could not prove the worth of his existence, to fulfill his duty to become the Erwin Paradis needed and provide a good enough solution for their situation, that would keep Eren from acting alone, that wouldn't let down the only person who believed in him since the very beginning 4) the lingering worry over his best friend's whereabouts and health 5) the fear of the unknown person that Eren has become right under his nose and what that new person is capable of doing 6) the regret over all the signs that he knew were there but ignored, blinded by a childish dream, over failing to be the friend Eren needed at the most important time 7) the hatred towards both Eren for daring to hurt Mikasa and himself for allowing it because of his inadequacy and for being unable to fix everything for her 8) the agony over his inability to talk and understand and help understand and stop an imminent war and possible eradication of his home, as he believes is expected of him to justify being allowed to live.
Now Armin's reason can work in the direst of situations but sometimes his feelings get too much to handle and the system crashes, i.e. his fight with Mikasa.
One of those times, possibly after an hour long meeting of important officials, discussing the fate of Paradis -and failing to think of any other way to survive but war and never failing to express their worries over the Founding Titan's shady actions and their wonder about how anybody was chosen to live over the Commander Erwin Smith- Armin returns to his room, very much close to the edge -and no worrying Mikasa more than he already does or talking to a crystal, expecting an answer that never comes can alleviate the sere rage he feels.
So he enters the bathroom to wash the tension off his face and makes the mistake to look himself in the mirror. He doesn't like what he sees.
A failure.
A weakling that has no reason to even be alive, much less carry the burden of his co-patriots' hopes and dreams. And yet, as if the position he's in isn't bad enough, as if there aren't more important matters at hand, all he can think of is fucking Eren Jeager -how dare he leave them when they needed to stay united the most, how dare he give no sign of life, how dare he abandon Mikasa (he will never forgive him for that) how dare he force the responsibility of saving Paradis on him and then leave him to carry it alone, why didn't he trust him, aren't they supposed to be best friends that would explore the world together, why didn't he just talk to him!!
(Why does he still miss him?)
He punches the mirror.
He focuses on his distorted image, unfeeling of the pain from his bloody knuckles and hates. He hates that mouth that can't talk the world to peace, he hates those eyes that can't see a way out of their maze, he hates this hair, that his mother used to run her fingers through before he went to sleep, that his grandpa used to comb before he went outside, that his bullies used to pull until he tears, that Eren-
The first thing he comprehends is the sound of metal hitting marble, as the scissors falls on the sink alongside blond locks.
The next is, he's apparently crying.
The last is, he's apparently laughing.
He hasn't laughed that much since, since Eren first kindly tried to feed a horse and it kindly started to chew on his hair. He just can't stop laughing. And the funniest thing isn't even how ridiculous he looks. But, how he used to dream of seeing the Northern Lights with Eren once it's all over and now he dreams of his hands strangling him; how he always believed he's forced to live like cattle in a huge cage for Titans to feast on sooner or later, when he's willingly lived like cattle for a single man his whole life.
Well, sometimes the prey feasts on the hunter.
He understands now Eren's obsession with freedom. It does feel unlike anything else.
The ground is shaking uncontrollably and he stumbles as he walks to his bed because Eren is no longer the center of his orbit and he's floating aimlessly through space for some majestic seconds, breathing with no air, until the door opens (breaks) and Mikasa enters his room, and her eyes widen and lose their colorful black and they don't speak with words because they yell with their eyes, and she forces him on a chair and if her fingers linger some seconds too long through his hair he pretends he doesn't notice lest she notices and moves them away and her gravity pulls him to circle around her and the shaking eventually stops.
Who is she orbiting now that Eren is gone?
Or is she floating aimlessly through space?
When he looks at the broken mirror next, he doesn't recognize who he sees.
You look handsome, Mikasa says with the voice she uses when she burries the need to cry.
He smirks. As if someone like Mikasa is weak enough to need to orbit anyone. He wants to tell her I can't save Paradis, I can't save the world, I can't save Eren, just to prove how easy it is to make her hate him too, but he isn't certain that person in the mirror can handle that, so he settles for a lifeless Thank you.
She takes hold of his forearm and rests her head on his shoulder and suddenly, despite any logic, he wants to believe that person in the mirror can change something, anything, however small and insignificant, that person in the mirror can be someone without Eren.
Ten days later, they receive a letter with no sender's name and a promise for justice at any cost, and of course logic always prevails in the end, and of course he would need to cut much more than his hair. Maybe the pages from that one book, or his veins.
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snarkwriteswrasslin · 4 years
FFT : p.s I lo-; jon moxley
so this originally came from @vonschweetz​ on my main’s asks... and it gave me yet another chance to play around with Jon and Jane, which is something I personally enjoy doing a lot. Perhaps I’ll get inspired to sit down and actually re-work their entire universe at some point, who knows.. until now, it’s here.
Jon and Jane have been apart for years until finally... They’re not. Jane decides that she can’t take it anymore and she’s tempted to do something about it, but as per usual, Jon beats her to the punch...
uhh, alcohol tw - bc takes place in a bar.
Jon Moxley x OFC, Jane - from my vast universe for the two of them.
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The paper fell out of his locker backstage, and before Mox could bend and pick it up and shove it back inside where it belonged, Sami was grabbing it off the floor and reading it, leaned against the door of the adjoining locker, using a cheesy narrator voice to really call attention to the good parts.
Mox snatched for it but Sami dove out of his way, snickering. “What’s your deal, man? It’s just an old note.”
“It ain’t just an old note. Give it back before I knock ya teeth down ya damn throat, Callihan.”
Sami eyed his friend and then the paper in his hand and a realization hit him. About a forgotten drunken conversation when they were both talking about regrets and things they’d do differently.
The letter in his hand was a break up letter, so it begged to question, why would Mox hold onto the damn thing?
Unless it belonged to Jane, the source of his friend Mox’s  one regret. “Jane wrote this, didn’t she? The night she packed up and left while ya were gone to a show in the next town..”
“Give me the fuckin note.”
Sami thrust it at him. It was either that or Mox bust his nose and frankly, Sami wasn’t into a trip to the ER that night.
“Still say ya oughta find her. You guys are gettin time off after this pay per view.. maybe ya head back to Ohio a few days, hmm? I can take ya, since I’m goin back after I watch your ass win this pay per view… Not like I got anything else goin on right now.” Sami offered his friend.
“And I said it’s in the past. I keep that to remind myself that this really is all I got, okay?”
“You got me.”
Mox snorted and Sami pretended to look hurt. For the time being, he dropped the subject.
It’s just too bad Mox’s mind didn’t. Instead, he found himself doing it again, just like he did a lot lately, and he found himself wondering what might have happened if he’d just… Tried a little harder, stopped fighting her so much and keeping her at arms length back then.
He thought she’d left because he was always gone. He was only just really realizing that it wasn’t him always being gone that had driven her away. It was him, keeping her at a distance, picking fights, doing stupid shit, making her doubt how he really felt. He was older now, so he could see the situation for what it was and he knew he was totally at fault.
Before, he kept the letter as a reminder that he’d literally given up everything for wrestling. Now, he kept the letter because it reminded him that he’d come a far cry from the guy he used to be. He was better, because of her.
And tonight, he kind of wished he’d be leaving the arena and going home to her. All the other guys had someone waiting. Mox was only going to have his empty Vegas apartment.
Maybe that dog who hung around the alley waiting for someone to throw food down.
And Sami’s simple question nagged at him again.
Why not reach out to her?
It was worth a shot, right?
He found himself opening and reading the letter again, furrowing his brow over the bottom of the page where the paper had gotten old and torn away at some point.
“Ps I Lo..”
The bar was playing his match tonight. The owner, Phil, he had a thing against WWE, but when he found out that hometown boy Jon Moxley switched over to AEW, he said he’d start showing their pay per views, so now, every few weeks, Jane found herself sitting at the same old bar her old man had when she was a kid on football weekends, nursing a Guinness and watching a sport that she only kinda loved because it made the man she loved happier than anything.
… sad part of it is, it made him happier than I did… the thought surfaced and Jane rolled her eyes at herself, ordering another beer and more hot wings. “Extra blue cheese this time, Phil. I see you skimping on it, I’m not stupid.”
As she dug into the plate of wings once they got bought out to her, she stared at the tv, watching Mox in his latest PPV match, yelling at the screen, prouder than anyone could possibly be of a man that while not hers, she still very much considered her man.
If she thought he’d have her back, she’d reach out. She was older now, she realized just how childish she’d been back then, how much she tried to force him to be and do things that he wasn’t and couldn’t at the time.
… if I had a chance to do it over… i’d just be happy he was mine… if he walked through the door right now, I’d go to him so fast…
What happened next shocked her.
The owner came out, walking towards the door.
Jane was torn between watching the Pay per view and watching where Phil went for some reason. When she saw who Phil was talking to, and saw both of them looking her way, she quickly turned her attention back to the television, busying herself with the last of her hot wings and the remainder of her beer, waving over a server for another.
She already had the beginnings of a decent pyramid in front of her.
The chair across from her own screeched as it was pulled out. Her heart was hammering in her ears. When she looked up, her eyes got lost in the endless baby blue of his and she swallowed hard.
“You’re on…”
“They film ‘em a day or two before they show ‘em, doll.” Mox explained calmly. Well, as calmly as one could be, given what he was doing on a whim.
Everything changed, and yet.. She was still as devastatingly beautiful as she’d been the day he spotted her dancing in the dance studio down the hall from the room he’d been sparring with Sami and some others in.
Jane was still shocked. She pinched herself, swearing when it hurt. And then her thought from ten minutes before came rushing back and she didn’t think, she reacted.
Leaning in, she grabbed hold of the collar of his leather jacket, pulling him across the table and over the remaining plate of wings. Her lips crashed against his greedily and all she could do was this bizarre mixture of crying and apologizing and telling him over and over that she still loved him and she regretted leaving every single second since the night she’d done it.
The kiss broke and Mox smiled. It felt foreign, wearing a smile. He hadn’t really smiled in a long time. “Had a little time between shows and I happened to come back.. I had to see ya.”
“You did, hmm?”
“I… wanted to tell ya I was fuckin dumb. I shoulda come to ya the night ya left and went back to ya dad’s place. I shoulda fought harder. We… we coulda made it work. I coulda tried… something.”
“It’s my fault too.. I was putting too much pressure on.”
“No, all ya wanted was to know ya were loved. I guess that’s why I came… Wanted to tell ya I never stopped.”
“I never stopped loving you either.”
“You wanna get outta here, maybe take a walk?”
“I’d love that, actually. Your match is the only reason I came down to watch tonight. Fuckin cable is out at my place. Guess my post dated check of Fuck You didn’t go through.”
Mox snickered and stood, holding out his hand, pulling her off her seat and against him as they walked out of the door.
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chogiwank · 6 years
Internship - CEO!Jaehyun Smut
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Pairing: (sort of Fratboy!Jaehyun)CEO!Jaehyun x CollegeStudent!FemaleReader/SecretaryIntern!FemaleReader
Warning: not 100% proof read smut smut smutty smut smut like its pretty rough, dirty and long i apologize i got carried away jaehyun stans this boy really makes my dirtiest fantasies come out including doyoung and johnny SKSKSKSK
a/n:here’s a really overdue post LOLLL thank you for the wait loves,, we appreciate your support!! also i can finally drive a car!! WOOT WOOT i got my G1 (practice licence) and coincidentally finished this smut today as well so seems like a really good day to celebrate loll ; ))) enjoy reading you freaky deakies - Doyoung’s Darling
College parties were truly overrated: filled with the stench of booze, drunk, horny students trying to get into each other’s pants and really shitty EDM. Oh god, the first year of getting into college as a freshman I expected a whole life-changing experience, really it was better than high school but still just as shit. Nothing really changed, there was still the huge workload and the parties seemed more lame, of course maybe it wasn’t the party, maybe it was just me - I was probably boring but in all honesty I was never fond of partying, the whole reason I’m even sitting in the middle of a frat house is because of my friends forcing me. All of them pretty much party animals and I was the one who was always kind of left out, just followed along for the sake of them being my friends, especially because I didn’t have many, only two of my high school buddies - Lisa and Ten.
Both of them very much alike, kind, bubbly, funny, and dancing freaks with great style. Being the new kid at high school in the junior year they were the first ones who offered to show me around and hang out until I got adjusted to the school. Having Ten in art class was fun since we drew silly pictures of each other and sometimes our teacher who kind of looked like Batman, he had the voice too - although he was always in a shitty mood and would complain about his personal life instead of teaching which was really annoying and ruined Batman for me so fuck that.
Lisa, I’d met at lunch when Ten told me to come to sit with him, she and I got pretty close in a short amount of time, developed our trust really fast - it was almost instant. We’d end up telling each other many things in the span of a month or two from crushes, gossip to even some family problems which happened throughout the year. I never regretted meeting either of them that day, in fact, it was possibly the best moment.
“Y/N! c’mon get up!” Lisa shouted over the loud music as I denied her request shaking my head. “No! Get up and dance, your man is on the floor too!”
“My man?” I shouted back, “I do not have a man for your information!”
“Oh stop lying to yourself,” Ten voice came from beside me as he bent over the couch startling me. “You love him, you’ve been in love with him since you first saw him on the first day of college.”
“Damn right you’re spurting bullshit if you keep denying it now, up you coward!” Ten said pulling me up from the couch, Lisa helped out grabbing my arm and tugging me into the middle of the dance floor. Sweaty bodies bumped against each other and occasionally made contact with me, cringing from the strong scent of alcohol mixing with the utterly horrible stench of sweat,
“ugh this is so gross.”
“Don’t be such a party popper girl, go walk up to your man, dance with him!” Lisa encouraged shoving me from behind.
“Nonono please I don-“
“Y/N if you don’t do this I’ll cancel our friendship and call you a pussy for the rest of your life.” Ten said raising an eyebrow.
“You wouldn’t-“
“Try me.” He said sternly.
“Okay, okay fine! I’ll do it just don't-“ I let out a shriek as I fell forwards from a strong push, crashing into someone else falling down on top of them. My shirt became soaked from the spillage of alcohol on it, causing me to groan from the unexpected incident.
“You okay?” The stranger who became my accidental pillow asked, the voice sounded oddly familiar. I sat up getting off of the stranger’s lap looking at them, and that’s when I realized this stranger was more than just a stranger - Jung Jaehyun. The most popular senior college kid, the stereotypical frat boy I swore to never fall for but his looks drove me in another direction. He was really handsome and cute. His body was built all muscular but his face had soft features and dimples with chubby cheeks, it was odd but that’s what intrigued me to him. The difference between his interior and exterior made me curious, I wouldn’t say I’d want to date him but surely wanted to spend a night with him see the type of man he was - cold fuck boy, or a genuine sweetheart.
“Y-yeah I am, thanks for breaking my fall.” I snapped myself out of my thoughts.
“Well it wasn’t really my choice but at least you’re not hurt.” He chuckled. “Ah but your shirt.” He pointed.
“Oh yeah, I guess I’ll be up cleaning it tonight.” I sighed.
“I could help you out..” Jaehyun trailed off.
“Well I mean, it’s not really-“
“I don’t mean I’ll pull moves on you and try to have sex, I could just help you bc that’s gonna be a hard stain to get out.”
“Y-yeah sure.”
“Follow me.” He smiled getting up from his spot on the ground leading me off the dance floor upstairs. I looked over my shoulder to see Ten and Lisa making kissy faces towards us, I rolled my eyes. They were so childish, but I’m guessing that what everyone thought now the scene sort of looked like that. They all looked pretty busy sucking each other’s faces off so hopefully, nothing spreads around. Walking up the stairs he made small talk asking my name and such if I was enjoying the night.
“Here,” Jaehyun said opening a bedroom door and walking in. “You can borrow one of my shirts while I clean yours.”
“I...” hesitantly stepping into the room I nodded at the boy.
“Take this.” He tossed over a plain yellow shirt. “Hand it back to me next time we meet.” He opened up the bathroom door gesturing me to walk in.
“Thank you.” I smiled at him, closing the door behind me switching the shirts and handing my dirty one to him. “This is such a big shirt.”
“Really? No way!” He laughed. “I thought we were the same size but I guess not.”
I rolled my eyes and giggled at his sarcasm. “It’s awfully nice of a fuck boy to share his clothes and not make intentions to fuck.”
“A fuck boy?” Jaehyun put a hand over his chest pretending to be offended. “Is that how you see me?”
“Kind of what you’re labelled as.” I shrugged.
“Well just so you know I may dress like one but I’ve only had sex with one girl.” My eyes widened at his confession.
“No way, that’s a lie!”
“Yes way, I’ve made out with some but never fucked them.” He slightly smiled. “What about you kid?”
“two dudes...” I shifted my gaze to the ground.
“Whoa, two? Who’s the real player here?” He teased elbowing my shoulder.
“Well the first one was my ex-boyfriend during sophomore year and the second was this dude from the beginning of senior year, just a little fling.” I blushed in embarrassment. Jaehyun laughed at my reaction, and wow his laugh was really pleasant I could’ve listened to it all day, possibly made it my ringtone.
“Were they any good for you.” He winked.
I shook my head. “Maybe it's just me but in all honesty not really.” I giggled. With that Jaehyun’s demeanour changed, from the giggly atmosphere to a tense one. He walked closer to me as I stepped back slightly intimidated. Eventually falling back onto the bed, his body hovered over me.
“Are you a challenge?”
“What?” I furrowed my brows.
“You’ve never had a man please you properly, either they were shit or you’re a challenge,” Jaehyun smirked.
“Oh..” suddenly becoming bold I answered his question. “Why don’t you show me how a woman should be pleased.”
“Don’t regret it, pretty girl,” he whispered.
“Only if you suck.” I teased.
“Don’t underestimate me, you’ll be screaming and clawing down my back pretty girl.”
“Prove it.” I bit my bottom lip.
“Get on your knees.” He whispered placing a wet kiss on my neck. “And for now, call me daddy.”
“Yes, daddy.” I obeyed his orders and that night was possibly the most memorable during my first year involving one of the best orgasms I’d had in my life, Jung Jaehyun surely knew his ways in pleasing a woman and boy was he right about not underestimating him.
Although that was the only memory I had with him, basically a one night stand. The handsome senior who’d left during my second year because he’d graduated and was never to return again, lucky him. Loser me because I‘m stuck in this place for four years working on my Masters for Business, not even sure if it was a good idea but my best option I had.
Here I was now last year college completing a Business major along with an internship to be a secretary. It was my first day as a student intern, I wanted to gain experience before heading into the work field but it didn’t seem to go so well, the day barely started and I was 7 minutes late to meet my boss - so much for a good first impression.
Running through the front gates of the company and informing the desk lady she guided me towards the room I thanked her following her directions.
Stopping in front of the office letting out a sigh, I stared at my blurry reflection in the frosted glass door, straightening my skirt and blazer I turned the handle stepping in with a smile and apologized to the man who sat at his desk jotting something down on paper, I could only get a view of his head top but continued to introduce myself.
“Hello sir, my sincerest apologies for being late transportation trouble really messed up for today- I’m sorry if this makes me seem sloppy but I shall do better every other day.”
Still not looking up from his papers the man spoke,
“So you’re the new intern?” His voice didn’t sound cold nor annoyed, it sounded soft surprisingly.
“Yes,” I replied brightly.
“I’m surprised.” Raising his head up to look at me, I was shocked at the realization of who I was interning for, “nice to meet you again, y/n.”
He gave a warm smile extending an arm out for a handshake.
“Wow...I can't believe this. It’s been so long...” I stammered. “Great to see you again, Jaehyun.” I smiled back at him.
Jung Jaehyun...the senior college boy, my one night stand I’d never thought to see again was now my boss - the CEO I was to be a secretary for.
“Small world.” He brightly smiled revealing his dimples. They were so deep just like I remembered four years ago, he looked exactly the same, his body still fit and his kind interior still existent. “I won’t count this as you being sloppy, I’ll let you get away with it this once,” he raised an eyebrow. “But please keep a steady schedule and be on time.”
“Of course.” I gave him a nod and apologetic smile.
“Now, I’ll get you adjusted to the building from the help of my secretary,” Jaehyun buzzed and called in for his secretary, Kira.
“Kira, please show our new intern Y/N around. Get her familiar with everything before she starts her actual work here in a year, from the morning routines to where every file is, all the way down to our closing and overwork routines.” The tall tanned brunette flashed him a smile and “yes sir.” Before leading me down to her office and around the building. For a month she helped me around until I got to know the place and by the end of it, I got to know the building as well as her. I’d help her out as her assistant and attend to matters Jaehyun would assign her to. She was a really kind person to be around and a fantastic talker, I swear she’d be talking 9/10 times every day - not hearing her voice once would make everything seem very off. It was nice though, great company to have sadly she would be moving onto a different company once my internship was over and I took her place.
Sitting in Kira’s office she chatted about watermelon being the superior fruit i apologize i was thinking about that dumbass mark lee and idk why, it was an odd topic but she made it sound like this genuine world issue. her comments were hilarious, I’d almost fell off my chair crying with laughter. She’d finished her last sip of tea, setting the papers back into files, and files back into the cabinets.
“Well, I’ll be off early today, Can you inform Mr.Jung? I’ll be in an hour early in the morning to finish everything off. Close the front doors for me?”
“Yes of course. I’ll see you tomorrow!” I waved off Kira as she walked out of her office and waited for the sound of the elevator ding signalling she was gone. I picked up the keys she’d left on her desk slipping the lane yard around my neck. Heading to walk out the office door I’d heard the intercom ring, I went to go attend it as it’d obviously be Jaehyun...uh Mr.Jung in need of some assistance. Of course, I already had to go meet him to inform him about Kira’s absence, and so I answered the intercom.
“Kira, I need you in my office please.” His voice rang through, I’d heard it almost every minute I was in the building but hadn’t seen him for a while, more specifically since I’d started the internship. It was kind of a bummer really but every time Kira sent me in to drop off files to his office he’d be at a meeting or such, so we never really talked or met after that day. Nothing much happened between us, despite our past history... maybe we just grew up, maybe it was us being normal horny teenagers back then, we were just more professional now. Although, was he still as good? I wondered a little too excited, expecting a little too much. he didn’t even know his secretary left, he’d have no intentions to really do anything, but would it change since this would be our first time alone in years? Would lust take over us once more?
Standing in front of his office door I opened the top button of my blouse and fixed my skirt just a little in hope of intriguing him - a little cleavage never hurt anyone. Twisting the knob and pushing open the door I stepped in to see him sitting on the red leather couch focusing on reading through documents.
“Kira...” he spoke without looking up. “I need you to keep these documents with you and give them to me tomorrow morning, it’s for the finance-“ he’d cut off his speech at the sight of me and not his secretary he’d been expecting. “Oh sorry I.. I thought-“
“Kira left,” I told him pushing a strand of hair behind my ear.
“Oh, she did? That’s weird she-“
“she told me to tell you but you called her in before I could.”
“Alright alright, that’s fine.” Jaehyun looked down and up my body subtly biting his lip as his gaze landed upon my boobs which peaked out from my unbuttoned blouse. “Why don’t you head home.” He cleared his throat.
“I was, but again you called in.”
“Oh yeah, sorry please don’t let me stop you.” He gestured for me to walk out. Disappointed I nodded and bowed down as a goodbye, walking towards the office door I stopped as he spoke,
“Wait but if you don’t mind, can we have a small chat.”
I smiled. “Of course, why not?” I turned around walking over to where he sat on the couch. “Could I sit?”
He chuckled. “Why do you have to ask? You’re not some slave I’m gonna treat like shit. Just sit.” He pats the empty spot beside him, I laughed sitting down one leg over the other. An awkward silence washed over us not knowing which one should speak and about what, because talking about the past would just mention that night.
“So how have you been?” Jaehyun asked his tongue dart out licking his lips.
“I’ve been well, it’s been a while I’m surprised you work here...” I fiddled with my fingers. “Surprised you ended up my boss.”
“Well I never really expected the girl I had a one night stand with to be my soon to be secretary. “ he laughed. I blushed at his mention of the one night stand, my face turning a tint of pink caused him to laugh harder.
“Hey, hey! It’s not funny! “ I playfully pushed him. “You can’t expect  me to not blush after you mentioned...that.”
“Well, what else would I say? There’s not much.”
“That true..” I nervously smiled covering my face as it got redder.
“Gosh was it really that embarrassing, why are you so red?” He said. “From what I remember you really fucking enjoyed it.”
“shut up!” I said slapping his arm and grabbing the pillow placed on the couch to bury my face in. He laughed at my reaction.
“I’m joking!” Calming down from the laughter and embarrassment he nervously spoke, “am I out of line to say I missed you?”
“W-what?” My eyes grew wide from his confession. “You missed me?”
“Yeah...” he chewed his bottom lip. “Not because of the sex... well that yes but also because I wanted to get to know you as a person. You seemed really different and kind rather than all the other girls at college.”
“In all honesty, I wish I got to know you more too. Kind of had a really big thing for you...”
“I know” he chuckled.
“Huh?” My brows furrowed in question.
“Your friend, Ten told me.”
“Seriously? That asshole!” I sighed. “I‘m gonna beat him when I see him” I mumbled.
“No, no please don’t do that! When he told me I started to take interest in you more.” His gaze shifted to the ground. “I wanted to talk but I got shy every time, I have no idea why you made me nervous.”
“Me? Make you nervous?” I raised an eyebrow. I made Jung Jaehyun nervous? He nodded his head ‘yes’, his cheeks turned pink and dimples prominent from his embarrassed smile.
“You were gorgeous.” He mumbled but clear enough for me to hear.
“no I...” I trailed off.
“Still are, and hell of a lot sexier. If I could have you like that again I would-“
“Why don’t you?” I spoke up placing a hand on his thigh, gently squeezing it. He gulped, his Adam's apple bobbing. “C’mon why don’t you? You said it yourself.”
“I know but...”
“Hmm” I hummed as he hesitated on an answer, unbuttoning my blouse enough to reveal the lacy red bra underneath. His breath hitched in his throat as his eyes landed on my chest. “I guess you’re just not as fun you used to be, you were less of a pussy actually had some know how’s and now you're just such a bummer.” I teased to get him to make a move. His jaw stiffened and eyebrows furrowed.
“What you think I don’t know how to please a woman anymore?”
“A little...” I shrugged a shoulder and smirked, “Prove me wrong, I dare you.”
“Don’t talk so much, it’ll get you in trouble.” His aura changed as he stood up looking down at me.
“Punish me for it.” I breathed out. “Fucking-“ I felt a sharp sting on my cheek as Jaehyun slapped me.
“You shouldn’t use such profanity with a pretty mouth like yours.” Tangling his fingers through my hair he roughly pulled back. Cupping my chin with his other hand he tapped his thumb on my bottom lip, “ open” he commanded. I obeyed as he roughly shoved two fingers in my mouth hitting the back of my throat prompting a gag. He let out an evil chuckle from the reaction. “Suck” I bobbed my head up and down his slender fingers, swirling my tongue around them as I looked up at him through my lashes to see him smirking. Releasing his grip on my hair he moved his hand down to my neck, tracing my collar bones and back up to where my neck joined my jaw squeezing hard but enough to allow air to pass through. The breath play elicited an accidental moan. “You like that, don’t you?” His voice deep and teasing. Jaehyun lets go of my neck allowing me to take proper breaths and removes his fingers from my mouth, now glistening in saliva.
I nodded my head biting my bottom lip seductively, “Yes daddy, is it too dirty for you?” I innocently spoke. He scoffed, bending down face-to-face with me.
“Not dirty enough.” He placed a rough kiss on my lips, shoving his tongue into my mouth exploring every inch. Eventually breaking the heated kiss, our lips still connected by a thin line of saliva, which ultimately broke as Jaehyun stood back up. I heavily panted in an attempt to catch my breath. “You better put that pretty mouth of yours to work,” he pushed my head forward, my lips landing on his clothed erection. “Take daddy’s cock in your mouth.” I began to lick and suck his bulge through the fabric of his pants, beginning to get needy to have the familiar taste of his cock in my mouth I pulled back to unbuckle his belt, surprisingly Jaehyun didn’t move from his position - his hand tangled in my hair while his other lay on his side. Opening the button and pulling down the zipper his pants dropped down to his ankles. His white boxers had a wet spot from his pre-cum, I yanked them down to pool at his ankles and he stepped out of the material. His cock sprung up leaking with pre-cum, it was hard and big the perfect fucking size and fuck I was ready for it, for him. 
Taking it into my mouth I pushed my head down his length, taking him all into my throat causing me to let out a gag and muffled groan. Jaehyun let out a deep sigh throwing his head back, “fuck I didn’t think you would do that.” I moaned around his cock and began moving my head up and down, his grip tightened in my hair as he controlled my actions to what he desired- the faster or slower he wanted. I grabbed onto his thighs my nails digging into his skin as he forced my head down on his cock at a fast pace. Tears welled up in my eyes threatening to fall from his rough actions until he slowed down stopping at the tip of his cock. I didn’t let go just looked up at him facing down with a devilish smirk. He brought his free hand to my face, his index and thumb placed on my nose pinching my nostrils closed. He continued his before rough action moving my head down his length, the tears which I previously held in my eyes fell down my cheeks coloured black from the now ruined mascara. The lack of oxygen caused me to see stars as my eyes rolled back, my nails still deep in his thighs bound to leave crescent marks. Taking his cock out of my mouth and releasing my nose i tried to take in a deep breath causing a cough.
He roughly pulled me up from my seat on the couch, bending me backwards onto the glass table in front of it.
“You asked for this, better not be regretting it y/n.”
“Not one bit,” I croaked out due to my sore throat. “use me like a toy, all yours.”
“what a dirty slut.” Jaehyun slapped my cheek, I gasped from the sting. I felt my blouse rip open, a button or two popping off to land elsewhere in the office. My bra now exposed and my blouse bunched up around my waist. He began to roughly massage my breasts and kiss along my neck down to my collarbone, leaving a red mark on it. One of his hands snuck around to my back to unclasp my bra, I arched up to help him a little. Opening my bra with one hand he pulled it off throwing it onto the couch. He stood up above me staring down at my half-naked figure, biting his lip causing me to blush.
“I’ll repeat once again,” he breathed. “Fucking gorgeous.” He hovered back over me placing a passionate kiss on my lips, kissing back I placed a hand on his nape and the other played with his locks. Moving back from the kiss he smiled brightly, both of his deep dimples appeared on his cheeks. 
Leaving a trail of wet kisses from my neck to the valley of my breasts, he sucked and bit on the skin underneath one of my breasts, creating a purple bruise and slight teeth marks. He licked up to my nipple, nibbling and swirling his tongue around the sensitive bud - a moan eventually escaped my mouth. His lips felt so good on my skin, sucking and kissing every exposed inch, I panted occasionally moaning at the feeling of his teeth sinking in.
Finishing up toying with my breasts, he fixed himself to place his cock in between them.
“Squeeze ‘em.” he ordered. I squished my boobs around his cock as he began to thrust back and forth, giggling at the thought of someone walking into the naughty scene - as I laid backwards on Jaehyun’s glass table half naked, his cock between my chest as he jacked off. “What? You like that dirty slut?”
“Yes daddy,” I bit my lip. “I love it, I can’t wait to have your big cock in me.” I played innocent, arching my back as Jaehyun pinched my nipples.
“Shit..shit” he breathed, running his hand along his length his juices spurting out I opened my mouth attempting to get a taste failing to get most as his cum rolled down my chin or landed on my chest. “I don't know if I want you as my secretary”
I pouted up at him, “why is that?”
“I don’t trust myself, I won’t be able to hold myself back...” he held onto my arm walking me over to his office door, pushing me hard against the glass. “I’d have you like this all the time, fucking you senseless. The whole office would know about it, about how filthy of a slut you are.” I felt a shiver down my spine as he dragged a finger along down to the zipper of my black pencil skirt. He dragged it down and pulled down my skirt, helping me out of it kicking it across the room. I felt a breeze on my wet pussy since I hadn’t worn panties today, and oh boy what a marvellous day to not. “No panties?” Jaehyun smirked. “Did you plan this?”
“I forgot, daddy.” I whimpered out feeling a hard smack against my ass cheek, muttering a ‘fuck’ underneath my breath. he ground his semi hard-on against my ass,
“I’m gonna have you such a mess after this.” placing kisses on my neck as he adjusted himself at my entrance. “ready?” I nodded my head to allow him to continue his actions, and at that, he roughly thrust into my pussy. In and out, in and out at a fast pace, sound of skin on skin mixed with the wetness of my cunt. I let out a chain of moans and profanities hearing him whisper lewd things into my ear. 
“Fuck daddy, I’m so close.” I was breathless, his thrust practically knocking the air out of me. 
“Then cum, cum all over my cock baby girl.” Sneaking his hand around to the front of my body he rubbed my clit harshly. I screamed out as my orgasm took over me, his name leaving the tip of my tongue from the pleasure washed over me. Jaehyun continued helping me ride out my orgasm but didn’t stop even after, 
“Jae…jae please.” I whimpered. “Please stop I cant.” 
He wrapped an arm around me supporting me up, “Yes you can, please baby girl, for daddy.” I let out a gasp from the sudden sensitivity I’d begun to feel from my previous orgasm. 
“Then eat me out.” I panted. 
Jaehyun slowed down his thrust, stopping with his tip in my entrance, “what was that?” He spoke smugly. 
“Eat me out and I’ll cum for you, daddy.” Jaehyun obliged, carrying my limp body bridal style to the couch. 
“But last orgasm daddy, please no more after.” He nodded his head in understanding and dove down his head between my thighs. Trailing wet kisses up to my heat he took in my already sensitive nub into his mouth, I swear I would’ve orgasmed right then and there - his mouth worked wonders. 
He began to play with my clit, sucking and flicking it around, eventually inching down and licking up my slit. He continued his actions causing whimpers to escape my throat and fingers tangling tightly into his messy hair. Reaching the peak of my second orgasm I let out his name like a prayer, whispering profanities coming down my high. He cleaned up my remaining juices and his mouth where it dropped down to his chin. 
He smirked, “you taste-“ 
“please don’t.” I heavily sighed, trying to control my breathing. Jaehyun chuckled, gently lifting up my body to be on top of his as he laid down on the couch. Playful, chaste kisses were left all over my face by him, making me giggle. 
“I can’t believe we’ve done that…” Jaehyun trailed off. 
“Again.” I cheekily added. “And it’s still the best I’ve ever had.” 
“You better be serious about that, y/n.” 
“Why wouldn’t I be?” I asked confused. 
“Because, I was hung up over you after leaving college I don’t know why, it was dumb really dumb but I’m glad I did since I didn’t regret you one bit.” He flashed a loving smile. “Not then, not now.” 
“What’re you saying?” 
“You idiot. “ he rolled his eyes. “I’m saying, I wish I did this before but it may have not been the right time - maybe now isn’t the right time either but you feel right to me so…will you give me a chance?” 
“dangerous business” I laughed. “but sure.” After pressing a soft, passionate kiss upon his lips Jaehyun and I laid on the couch, our naked sticky bodies against each other for a while until we split apart to get dressed and he dropped me off at home. Let’s just say that saying yes to the so-called fuck boy, my new boss and CEO was probably the riskiest but best decision, concluding as a very happily ever after. Not the best way to reference a fairytale ending but hey you all know what I’m saying anyways
a/n: not sure if the ending is shitty but for real, I had no idea how to end it after the sex OOPS
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mortimemedoodles · 5 years
Lotor Friendsim?
Hey yall, this isn't much I just took the mc of Homestuck-Friendsim and replaced them with Lotor bc I'm out here to have fun. without further ado, here.
You have just crash-landed on a planet called Alternia, and staggered from the smoldering wreckage of your ship. You don't recall how you found your way out of the quintessence field, but better here than there, you guess. You are now completely alone in a strange world. Desperate for information, for provisions, and possibly a bit of medical attention. But most of all, you are desperate for...
Won't someone on this godforsaken rock be your buddy?
....Actually, no. You really are looking more for medical attention and provisions more than anything else. A buddy would be a good provider of these things, but really any weirdo will do. You're not that picky. You know more than anything that making friends can have disastrous side effects if you are not careful. You decided not to dwell on the series of events that lead you to be here and put voltron out of your mind. After all, your ship is ruined and you don't think you will be going anywhere any time soon. Best to look for help. Hang on... What's this now? Is someone approaching...?
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Yes, someone is approaching! A strange, grey-skinned alien, clad in blue. Perhaps they will make for a good friend? You smooth out your hair and try to look half presentable despite your blatantly horrible wounds and burns.
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ARDATA: dear god. ARDATA: and just what are you supposed to be? Your stammering reply eventually conveys that you are a lost traveler to keep this interaction simple, you also let her know you are hungry and probably in some need of medical treatment. You're also quite disoriented from your sudden landing in a strange new world and wouldn't mind making a new friend right now. ARDATA: oh. oh my. mmmmhmhm. ARDATA: hmhmhmhmhmhm... ARDATA: hmhmmhmmwahahahahahahaha. ARDATA: oh how funny thiiis iiis. how very droll. you... ARDATA: YOU want to be MY friiiend? ARDATA: iiit's too much. thiiis, thiiis THIIING at my doorstep, wiiishiiing to know me iiin any capaciiity. the hiiilariiity somehow escapes my abiiiliiity to capture wiiith maniiiacal laughter. how rare. You apologize for your presumptuous request. You replace your helmet, turn around, and begin to walk aw-
ARDATA: and just what the fuck do you thiiink you are doiiing? ARDATA: who iiinviiited you to leave?
You stop in your tracks, and turn to face her again. Your possibly broken ribs are throbbing in pain. But this does not strike you as the right moment to exhibit weakness. ARDATA: iiit dawns on me that we may have gotten off on the wrong saunterpod. where are my manners? ghastly behaviiior on my part. ARDATA: after all, iiit iiisn't YOUR fault you seem to be some sort of hiiideous freak, iiis iiit? and such a tragiiic creature cannot be held responsiiible for such a devastatiiing shortfall of sociiial competence. ARDATA: iii would weep for you, really. except that cryiiing out of three eyes at once gets a biiit messy. so iiinstead, iii thiiink iii'll be saviiing my tears for someone less offensiiively worthless. You... aren't sure if she's inviting you inside? Or if she just got you to stay a little longer, so she could insult you some more. You cant say youre fond of it, but after all that you have been through with voltron you cant say you feel you are above being criticized for many things. You try to remain stoic, while your confrontational new friend decides what to do with you. You have objectively been through much worst. Still you cant help but wince. Not only over your broken ribs but the stabbing pain of being abandoned once again. You would think this would be something you were used to by now. You sniffle slightly despite yourself. ARDATA: oh. ARDATA: oh my, oh dear. you're... ARDATA: sad? hmhmhmhm. ARDATA: hmhmhmwahaha. so amusiing to me. miiildly endeariiing, even? ARDATA: perhaps. iii'll decide later iiif iiit's endeariiing, once iii have more iiinformatiiion. iiit's entiiirely possiiible iii wiiill retroactiiively deciiide iiit's diiisgustiiing. ARDATA: but for now, try to put yourself at ease. you completely piiitiiiful fool. not one more sniiiffle. ARDATA: do you understand? You nod, while practicing exemplary control over your nose. ARDATA: you have gotten yourself so agiiitated. iii wonder why. you have nothiiing to worry about from me. ARDATA: of course iii wiiill be your friiiend. condiiitiiionally, iii mean. there iiis a chance the desiiignatiiion wiiill be formaliiized, iiif you behave iiin ways that iii approve of, startiiing now. ARDATA: let's call iiit a friiiendshiiip iiin progress. agreed? Your heart swells. This is what you've been waiting for. A new friend... oh gosh. All you have to do now is try not to fuck anything up at all, possibly for many hours. This seemed very good until you thought about it like that and now you really just want to leave. ARDATA: come iiinto my hiiive. thiiis way, after me. you look liiike you could use nouriiishment. ARDATA: iii don't know what iiit iiis that whatever you are eats, generally. but iiit doesn't matter. you wiiill eat whatever iiit iiis iii have on hand, iiif iii tell you to. how does that sound? How DOES it sound? It sounds good. I'll do whatever you say. You tell her. You can tell by her very unpleasant disposition that she is the type you want to speak with respect to to get what you want. God, its almost like your father decided to come back in the form of a strange looking teenaged girl.
ARDATA: obviiiously iiit sounds good. you wiiill defiiiniiitely enjoy it.
ARDATA: you wiiill enjoy everythiiing iii proviiide you wiiith, and tell you to do. iii can't iiimagiiine any sort of negatiiiviiity or diiisagreement comiiing from one of my friiiends.
ARDATA: iii wiiill assume that we share thiiis phiiilosophy, when iiit comes to friiiendshiiip?
You say, oh yes, absolutely. You nod as enthusiastically as you can, without aggravating your broken ribs. You resist the urge to roll your eyes into the back of your skull.
You consider giving her a thumbs up as well, until you realize one of your arms is probably broken too. You'll try to make sure she doesn't notice though. It would probably leave a bad impression.
ARDATA: come wiiith me. there's somethiiing iii need your help wiiith.
You follow her into her hive. It's a bit gloomy in here. You suppose she's going to fix you something to eat soon, as promised.
You pass through her kitchen, and... out the other side, to another room? Ok, you guess dinner can wait. Better not to piss her off and get kicked outbefore she can help you.
ARDATA: thiiis way. try not to let any of your broken liiimbs slow you down.
ARDATA: a good friiiend wouldn't allow such triiifliiing physiiical aiiilments cause me any iiinconveniiience.
Ah. Shes seen your injuries and does not intend to do anything to fix them. At least this is what you gather from your observation of her personality so far. You want to be angry but at the very least she has decided not to do something that would force you to work with your broken limbs. You are absolutely not in the mood to fight for example. You hobble a little faster, through another door into a much darker room. And now, down a flight of stairs?
It's hard to see. There are torches along the wall ahead. A monstrous noise rumbles below.
ARDATA: don't miiind her. she's just hungry. she's always hungry though.
ARDATA: what's that? you're hungry too? iii have not forgotten. what sort of piiiece of shiiit friiiend do you take me for?
You didn't remind her that you're hungry. You thought it though. Can she... read your mind? You hope not. That's going to make this friendship slash food excursion in progress a bit awkward. Not to mention that most of your thoughts on her thus far have been particularly kind.
ARDATA: here we are. thiiis iiis where you wiiill be most useful to me as a friiiend.
You look around. With a sense of relief, you see no sign of whatever hungry thing was grumbling down here. You are less relieved to see several other kids trapped in cages of various shape and size. If anything you are rather disgusted but decide to quickly clear your mind of that repulsion.
One of them makes eye contact with you.
The boy is the same kind of alien as her. Horns and all. He has a dark red symbol on his shirt. His expression seems to plead with you.
He struggles to say, "Hel..... p". Your new friend looks unamused and twitches her finger. "Hel... plo!" he says.
"Helplo. By which I mean, hello of course. Looks like you're the new friend in progress chosen by the great and beautiful Ardata."
"She's my savior, my reason for being. I am nothing without her. I'd hollow myself out and let her make a nest inside of me, if she'd permit it!"
You turn away from this boy. You don't want to hear anything he has to say, ever again.
ARDATA: hmhmhmmmm. don't miiind hiiim. he's always regarded hiiimself as a comediiian.
ARDATA: come. over here. thiiis iiis what iii need your help wiiith, iiif you're goiiing to have any value to me as a friiiend.
You're led to a dank corner of this, well, you're going to call it like you see it. This dungeon. Your new 'friend' has a dungeon full of sad, suffering children, and presumably a monster lurking somewhere in here as well. It's not ideal.
Then again, beggars like you can't be choosers. Not yet at least.
ARDATA: iii've been haviiing an awful tiiime wiiith iiit.
ARDATA: you can do iiit for me. iiit wiiill save me tiiime.
You look at the thing in question. You doubt she's been having an "awful time" with it. You doubt this because it's still in its box, looking completely untouched since it was brought down here.
It's a box containing a... table? A table that looks ominously like it was designed to keep a person strapped to its surface. You somehow find yourself missing the quintessence field looking at it.
ARDATA: iii wiiill need you to assemble iiit.
ARDATA: here's a screwdriiiver, iiin case you need iiit. iii wiiill assume other requiiired tools are contaiiined wiiithiiin the box.
You take the screwdriver with your non-broken arm. This isn't exactly what you had in mind, but you cant say its unexpected in hindsight.
You don't know what you had in mind, really. A warm meal, and friendly banter? Perhaps a sling for your arm, and a remedial balm for your ribs. Still, you open the box without protest.
ARDATA: hold on. before you start, thiiis wiiill make for excellent content.
ARDATA: my fans wiiill appreciiiate thiiis.
She sets up a video recording device on a tripod, and points it at you. A video feed comes to life on several monitors just behind you. You see in one corner of a screen, an unflattering angle of your torso hunched over the furniture box.
Other rectangles contain shots of the other kids in cages around the room. You suppose cameras are pointing at them, too. You had no idea this so called friendship came with the perk of instant stardom. Fucking fantastic.
ARDATA: now you may begiiin.
She's suddenly sitting in a comfortable looking chair facing you, and holding a chalice, swishing around some viscous liquid it contains.
You have all the parts spread out on the floor, organized according to their labels in the instructions.
You remember the last time you assembled something like this. You don't recall enjoying it. To be perfectly honest... this doesn't look like it will be fun at all. She frowns conspicuously.
ARDATA: oh. how sad for you.
ARDATA: iii'm sorry. iiis thiiis actiiiviiity not to your liiikiiing?
You reassure her vigorously that, no, it actually looks amazing. You love shit like this. It's what you were born for, you say, as you swoosh the screwdriver around, demonstrating your plainly evident skill with the tool.
Forget the thing you just thought. Completely arbitrary and WRONG thoughts pop into your head all the time. It meant nothing, you swear.
ARDATA: mmmhmhmhm.
ARDATA: yes. iii hear that a lot.
ARDATA: contiiinue.
You open the little bag full of screws. goodness, there are about, fifty screws to this thing. Where could most of these screws POSSIBLY even go? Judging from the picture, the table really doesn't seem that complicated.
You look at your screwdriver, then study the screws. Every single one requires some sort of wrench. Does this even come with a wrench? The instructions seem to suggest it does.
You look around, but don't see one. Did you open the bag too forcefully? Did the wrench go bouncing off into a dark dungeon crevice nearby? Maybe you lost some of the screws too... damn it.
You hold back a sigh and look around curiously. You check underneath one of the parts. No, it's not under there. You grip the screwdriver a little tighter to fight back frustration.
You wonder what to do next.
> Get the hell out of there.
First, you clear your head and try to think innocent thoughts.
Altea. your lovely little cat Kova. Your trip to Oriande. Ardata's long black hair spilling over her cloak. Her tripping down the stairs and breaking a horn. Her...wait. These are NOT innocent thoughts. If anything theyre more likely to make her want to berate you again for imagining such foolish things. Shut it down. SHUT IT DOWN.
There's no time for thinking. You have to act. You hurl the screwdriver at her and run.
She calmly lifts a hand towards one of the kids in the cages. The kid tenses up and lifts a hand in the direction of the screwdriver. The screwdriver freezes mid-air, right in front of Ardata's head.
You run up the stairs. She twitches a finger, the caged kid does a full body spasm, and the screwdriver goes sailing toward you. It stabs deep into your leg, and you buckle over, tumbling backwards down the stairs.
You're a crumpled heap at the bottom of the stairs, bleeding, and you think your arm is broken in two places now.
ARDATA: that diiidn't seem very friiiendly to me.
ARDATA: luckiiily for you, iii'm very determiiined to make relatiiionshiiips work.
ARDATA: even ones wiiith people who flee siiimple furniiiture assembly projects.
She stands over you. You attempt to pull the screwdriver out of your leg, but your entire body locks up. You can't move. She holds an outstretched hand just above you.
ARDATA: you shouldn't try to move yet.
ARDATA: and you certaiiinly shouldn't try to pull out that screwdriiiver. you'll get blood everywhere.
ARDATA: to my three liiittle eyes, under the present condiiitiiions, iiit seems to me that only one of us should attempt walkiiing up these staiiirs.
You feel somewhat relieved. Perhaps she has some... alien means of levitating you up the stairs? Wait... no. That doesnt sound like something she would do.
Your body is tensing up again. It's moving without your permission. You get to your feet, without taking the screwdriver out. Wow that hurts. What is she making you... wait. What? She can't be. There are many things she could be doing to you right now in your mind, but surely she doesnt intend to..?
You use both of your arms, and all your strength, and pick her up entirely. The pain from your arm is excruciating. Arms with broken bones are not meant for heavy lifting. The additional weight on your wounded leg isn't great either. Wonderful.
You hold her as a groom would hold a bride. She wraps her arms around your neck, to hang on to you in what strikes you as an overly familiar manner. She looks directly into your eyes, and grins.
ARDATA: thiii2 iii2 better.
ARDATA: now. onward and upward, new friiiend.
ARDATA: mmmwahahahaha.
Your legs begin to operate without your consent. They wobble and struggle under the weight, the wound throbs. You lumber back up the long flight of stairs, carrying her all the way.
You take her back to the kitchen and set her down in a chair seated at a table.
ARDATA: you diiidn't thiiink iii'd forget about diiinner tiiime, diiid you?
ARDATA: let's put your unfriiiendly behaviiior behiiind us. iiit's a good thiiing for you that iii'm benevolent enough to overlook diiisgustiiing acts of betrayal.
ARDATA: you may have notiiiced iii keep several friiiends iiin my hiiive who iii have siiimiiilarly forgiiiven.
ARDATA: consiiider the transgressiiion blood beneath the abattoiiir.
You exhale. Now that she mentions it, yes, you are hungry. Somehow you feel this is not going to end well for you, but you also know that thinking negativly is not going to make things better either.
Maybe a warm meal, if you even get it, will lift your spirits and get this heretofore turbulent friendship back on track. Maybe you'll even get the chance to pull this screwdriver out of your leg.
You pull out a chair and attempt to sit down. But your legs lock up, and then you stand again. Apparently this was not the right thing to do. As you expected, but you tried to have hope.
ARDATA: oh. but why are you siiittiiing?
ARDATA: there's cookiiing to be done.
Of course this is happening. You stagger mechanically over to the fridge, and open it. You pull out a large hock of some sort of alien mystery meat, and put it on the counter.
With your broken arm, you reach in anguish for a big dangling meat cleaver. You chop the hock, wincing with each swing of the cleaver.
You didn't know that's the way she likes it, but you surmise this is what she prefers in a piece of meat, since technically she is the one doing the cooking.
You put it on the table in front of her, along with a fork and knife beside it. Your muscles relax, as you apparently are allowed to control your own body again. She does nothing, except look at you with a pleased expression.
You eye the meat in front of her. Then the meat on the counter. And the chair on the other side of the table.
What should you do? Prepare a plate for yourself? Is that what she wants you to do? You hope it is but you know its not.
ARDATA: well?
ARDATA: iiit looks liiike you're confused.
ARDATA: iiisn't iiit obviiious what to do next, under your own voliiitiiion?
ARDATA: a good friiiend would know what to do. iiin fact, iii don't thiiink a good friiiend would take nearly as long to deciiide what the riiight thiiing to do next iiis.
ARDATA: iiit actually seems to me that a very rude friiiend would hesiiitate for as long as you are hesiiitatiiing.
ARDATA: or perhaps. someone who iiis not a friiiend at all?
You hold back on sighing again. You clearly don't have much time to make up your mind. If you wait for even a few seconds longer, you will probably be guilty of being a bad friend. Maybe even a dreadful one.
you are already neck deep in this and going through this hell for nothing seems pointless to you now.
What will you do?
> Feed her.
This feels like the only obvious thing to do. She is looking up at you quite expectantly. You reach for the fork with your good arm. You go for the knife with your other... ow.
You can't do it. The arm is much less serviceable when the muscles are not being forced via psychic override to disregard the pain response.
Nevertheless, she looks at you patiently and smiles. That's nice for you, you think, for her not to be mad about it. You feel like you're pleasing your new friend more and more by the minute.
You put the fork down, and pick up the knife with your good arm. You cut the meat into several pieces with a careful sawing motion.
You put the knife down and pick up the fork, and stab a piece. You put it close to her mouth. She seems pleased.
ARDATA: very good. niiice techniiique.
ARDATA: well siiized morsels, too.
She chews the meat with excellent form. She has very good table manners, you think. When she finishes the pieces, you slice off some more, and continue.
The meat looks very good. Your mouth is watering, but she doesn't offer any. Oh well, when it's the right time for you to eat too, you're sure she will let you know.
The meal is finished. There is no more meat, except for a few pieces of unchewable gristle, which you did not try to feed her. That would be thoughtless, very bad service.
She reclines, and steeples her fingers, looking quite pleased with how her evening has gone so far.
ARDATA: mhmhmhmhmhm.
You aren't sure why she's laughing. Does she have more cruelty up her sleeve shes ready to dish out?
ARDATA: mwahahahaha.
ARDATA: oh my. hahahaha.
ARDATA: what a fool.
You point at yourself, wondering if she's referring to you. You don't know what you've done that was foolish, if so. You're also still not sure what she finds so amusing.
ARDATA: hahahahaha.
ARDATA: hahahaha.
ARDATA: mmha. haha.
She pauses her laughter for a minute or two. Then slowly begins to frown. A faint blue tear rolls down her cheek, from her bottom eye.
ARDATA: the truth iiis. iii don't even know why iii'm laughiiing.
ARDATA: thiiis iiisn't very funny, what's happeniiing here.
ARDATA: iiit was a good diiinner. you diiid a good job. whoever you are.
She puts her face in both of her hands, and sobs quietly. You have no idea what to do about this. You stand there, still holding the fork, feeling a bit useless. Shes tortured you horribly but you can see shes still just a teenager. You feel a little bad watching this.
ARDATA: there iiis a lot of pressure, you know.
ARDATA: beiiing so respected and admiiired for your hiiigh status iiin thiiis world.
ARDATA: iii diiidn't ask for thiiis. to be so superiiior to so many.
ARDATA: much iiis expected of you. much iiis presumed about what your personaliiity wiiill be, before you even develop one.
ARDATA: you work hard. and buiiild a brand. based only on what you thiiink people assume you should be liiike.
ARDATA: sometiiimes iii wonder. am iii even that GOOD at beiiing siiiniiister?
ARDATA: could iii be MORE siiiniiister, iiif iii triiied harder?
ARDATA: maybe thiiis iiis not my true calliiing after all.
You begin to offer words of sympathy. This all seems heartbreaking to you. this child needs some sort of support you think. But your jaw muscles contract, and your mouth shuts involuntarily.
You guess it's not your turn to speak yet? Fine, that works for you. You dont really know what to say anyways.
ARDATA: but what would happen iiif iii changed my brand? iiif iii stopped beiiing so siiiniiister onliiine?
ARDATA: my friiiends and followers wiiill deriiide and reject me.
ARDATA: and my superiiiors wiiill eat me aliiive.
ARDATA: iiif iii show weakness. iiif iii scale back on my bloodthiiirsty content.
ARDATA: wiiill iii iiincur the scorn of a wiiise ass clown wiiith a hundred miiilliiion subscriiibers?
ARDATA: wiiill iii be iiin a cage some day. liiisteniiing to a fuckiiing fool honk hiiis horn for liiikes?
ARDATA: no. iii must persiiist.
ARDATA: how lonely iiit iiis to know thiiis iiis all iii can do, untiiil the day iii leave thiiis planet.
ARDATA: iii have no materiiial or sensory comforts left for me here.
ARDATA: untiiil iii can get on a shiiip and fly away. paiiin iiis my only solace.
Your hand holding the fork grips it tighter. You're horrified to realize what it is in the process of doing.
You bring it down hard on her hand which is placed flat on the table. She doesn't flinch, or react in any way. Three trails of cerulean blood flow from the tines where they pierce her skin.
That wasn't very friendly, you think. You expected her anger from that. But then, you weren't the one who did it, were you? You're so confused.
ARDATA: my subscriiibers are not real friiiends.
ARDATA: they adore me only for my siiiniiister content. the show iii proviiide. my wiiicked, iiinfectiiious laughter.
ARDATA: iii get jealous of them someiiimes, because they get to watch my content. iiit must be thriiilliiing, iii thiiink. but maybe...
ARDATA: iii'm just jealous of them because they get to be people who aren't me?
ARDATA: thiiis iiis fucking deep. iii know. apologiiies iiif you cannot relate.
She pulls the fork out of her hand, and lays it gently on the plate of gristle you didn't feed her.
ARDATA: the people downstaiiirs iiin theiiir cages aren't my friiiends eiiither.
ARDATA: they act liiike they're my friiiends though. and sometiiimes, iii even beliiieve iiit.
ARDATA: but they don't really want to be friiiends wiiith me.
ARDATA: nobody does.
ARDATA: the only person who has ever really wanted to be my friiiend. who's ever TRIIIED to be...
ARDATA: iiis you?
You clear your throat, and point to yourself innocently.
ARDATA: that's iiit. iii've deciiided.
ARDATA: you have passed the test.
ARDATA: you wiiill become my friiiend. offiiiciiially.
ARDATA: as such, iii thiiink a reward iiis iiin order.
You are overjoyed. Your heart starts racing. You can't believe it. A new REAL FRIEND. You hope this means the hell shes put you through is over. But you don't have much time to enjoy this achievement. Your body is doing something again.
You bend down in a strained motion and pick up the plate and fork. You position the plate over your wide open mouth, and scrape in all the remaining gristle, and begin chewing.
It's virtually inedible. Your mouth humors the act of chewing for two seconds, and then you swallow all of it whole, in one painful gulp.
Tastes like friendship.
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ffxvhoe · 7 years
Someday Darlin’ || Cindy x Fem!Reader
Purely self-indulgent Cindy fluff with a small side order of angst.
Taggin: @noxfreyas & @sonsoflucis bc they’re the only other not straight babes I know about currently
You were ripped away from the clutches of sleep to a muffled crash.  After getting over the brief paralysis from being startled, you groggily sat up in bed.  Taking a cursory glance around the room you realized that you were alone among the tangled sheets.  You would have wondered where Cindy had gone had you not heard the string of curses that followed the crash.  You bit back a sigh.  This was the fifth time this week you'd awaken to her working in the middle of the night.  It wasn't even that she was working continuously.  She'd come and get ready and would fall asleep next to you, but she would always end up waking up at some point and begin working on some project.  Sometimes it was cars that had been brought to the garage, other times it was her making unnecessary adjustments to the weapons that were laying around.  You'd asked her what was wrong on more than one occasion, but without fail she would brush it off as nothing.  Nothing my ass, you thought as you pulled the sheets from around your waist.  
The warm, summer's night air hit your bare legs as you walked down the stairs and into the garage.  Immediately your eyes drifted to the glow of the lamp that Cindy was working next to.  Gingerly you walked down the rest of the steps, the hem of your over-sized shit brushing your thighs.  You did your best to keep quiet, not wanting to startle Cindy out of the zone she typically went into while working.  You idly remembered the first time you'd accidentally done so.  You'd just gotten back from a hunt with a few others.  It had been a rather difficult hunt -- definitely not worth the lower pay in your opinion -- and had wanted to tell your best friend about the ordeal.  You had waltzed into the garage, brazenly announcing your arrival only to be greeted with a string of curses as Cindy dropped a drill on her foot.  She held something of a grudge over the incident for a while as that had been her favored drill of the several in the garage.  "A gift from paw-paw," she'd said.  Suffice to say it took several apologies and a surprise trip to her favorite hardware store to get back into her good graces.  
Walking over to one of the few plastic chairs in the room, you made yourself comfortable.  The slight breeze that rolled across the rather barren land was welcomed as it cooled down the otherwise stuffy garage.  Your eyes stayed focused on Cindy as she worked.  You always loved seeing her in her element.  The way her eyes lit up when she figured out the cause of a problem was adorable.  The way her nimble fingers worked around the bolts and wires was entrancing.  Ultimately, however, your favorite thing about when she was caught up in her work was how one of her dimples would appear as she pursed her lips.  Your eyes stayed transfixed on the woman you were lucky enough to call yours, devouring the way the lamplight created the faintest halo around her.   You hadn't realized just how closely you were watching her until you were surprised by her voice.  "I can feel ya starin'," she laughed.  You took that as invitation to finally come over to where she was seated.  Coming up behind her, you snaked your arms around her shoulders, hands sliding to rest against her chest.  She was still in her pajamas, the too-big, light blue shirt stopping at around the same place your own over-sized shirt did.  
"Sorry," you mumbled, giving her a brief squeeze.  Her hair still smelled like the milk and honey shampoo she used, although she'd likely need another shower going by how much oil was staining her hands and arms.  Maybe I'll join her, you thought idly. 
"Did I wake ya?" she asked.
"Well it was kinda hard to ignore the sound of things falling," you teased.  You were quick to sober up, however, when you remembered that it was still the early hours of the morning.  "Why are you down here at this hour?"
"Don't worry about it," she said breezily.  
The frown that marred your features was evident in your voice.  "Why won't you tell me what's wrong?  I just wanna help you Cin.  Even if I'm just here to lend you an ear, I'm still here.  Friends, remember?  That's what we are."  Cindy let out a responding sigh, though it didn't sound aggravated.  Instead it held a note of exhaustion; the type you suffered from after burying a problem for too long.  Wiping her hands of the oil that stained her hands, she turned around in her seat to face you, bringing her hands up to rest on your hips.  The way her blue eyes stared up at you made your heart swell; for so long you had wanted someone to look at you like that.  You pushed that feeling aside for the time being though as right now she needed you to listen.
"I jus'...I feel helpless ya know?  This ol' darkness's been 'ere for two years now."  That's right.  The thing people had come to label as the Starscourge had just reached its second full year a couple months ago.  You'd stopped counting the months a long while ago; you'd find trying to keep track was just shoving you further towards a hole of depression.  Instead you'd thrown yourself into helping people fight off the daemons.  "You're always out huntin' down them daemons, and I'm jus' here fixin' cars."  She leaned forward, resting her head against your stomach. You moved your arms from where they were draped over her shoulders, and instead brought your hands up to run through her curling, gold hair.  "Not t' mention I don't even know if you'll come back in one piece 'r not half the time."  Your hands paused in their path through Cindy's hair.  The way her tone had changed as she said that...a part of you began to wonder if it wasn't so much that she was upset about being in the garage every day, as it was that she hated the prospect of you being in danger while she's unable to do anything about it.  The longer you thought about it the more it seemed to make sense to you.  The Cindy that you'd grown up around loved being hard at work, surrounded by her power tools.  The likelihood of her resenting being here was slim to none.
"I'm sorry," you whispered, leaning over to press your lips to the top of her head.   "You shouldn't be," Cindy sighed.  "I'm just bein' silly.  You're one of the best hun'ers I know.  It's a good thing ya don't practice aroun' me anymore though; I'd never get any work done," she laughed.  You rose an intrigued brow at that and moved to straddle her hips before taking a seat in her lap.  The hem of your shirt rode up to expose the expanse of your thigh, and you felt a metaphorical shock go up your spine when Cindy's hands came to rest on them.
"Oh really?  And why is that?"  You asked.
"You kiddin' me?  Hun, seein' you all sweaty in your lil' tank top, breathin' heavy - I'm pretty sure that'd work anyone up."  You couldn't fight the heat you felt rising to your cheeks.  Whenever Cindy complimented you it was always very straight forward, but somehow there was also a hint of nonchalance as well.  You were typically good with compliments, though hers were always so point blank that you ended up caught off guard.  "No need t' be so bashful," she teased upon seeing the look you were giving her.  
"Well pardon me if I'm still not use to having a gorgeous girl compliment me," you pouted.  
"'m afraid you're gonna have t' get over it.  I don't plan on lettin' you get away from me any time soon."  Though she had laughed as she spoke, her eyes softened as they stared up at you.  She didn't have to say anything else; her eyes spoke for her.  Cindy hated the Starscourge and the fact that the world had come to something so awful, she hated that one of her friends had gone missing.  But at the same time she was grateful for the time that she was getting to spend with you.  Sometimes she would think about what her life would currently be like if she hadn't taken that leap of faith and asked you out all those months ago.  While it wasn't much of a different life, it certainly had a lot less happiness in it.  You were the one person that was able to get her to forget about the garage for a few minutes -- the one person to get her to live outside of her job.  You were an utter gift to Cindy and she treasured the fact she got to wake up with her best friend every morning.  
"Do you want me to stop going out on hunts?" You asked as a comfortable silence settled over the two of you.
"Of course not!  You'd never ask me to stop workin' at the garage; how could I ask ya t' stop huntin'?" She looked up at you incredulously.  "'Sides, ya obviously enjoy it.  I ain't about t' ask ya to stop doin' somethin' you enjoy."  
"I don't want ya constantly worrying though," you said with a frown.  You lowered your arms and entwined your fingers with Cindy's, staring down at your joined hands.  Both of your hands were calloused, though for different reasons.  Yours were hardened from hunting, while hers were hardened from working in the garage.  Similar yet different, just like everything else about the two of you.  Maybe that's why you guys got along so well, you wondered.  You were similar enough to understand one another, yet different in the places you needed to be to compliment each other.  
You took a step back as Cindy stood from her chair.  "C'mon, it's too late for this kinda talk," she said.  "Let's go get some sleep." She tugged on your hand slightly, bringing you to her side.  You unlaced your fingers from hers and instead settled with wrapping an arm around your waist as she wound an arm around your shoulders.  You leaned your head against her shoulder as you two ascended the staircase.  Once the two of you reached your bedroom once more, you separated to your opposite sides of the bed.  Climbing in, you brought the covers up to your chest and turned onto your side, hands folded under your head.  You watched silently as Cindy settled herself, and smiled once she turned to face you.  You tangled your legs together under the sheets and moved just the slightest bit closer to the blonde.  
"Think the sun will magically rise tomorrow?" You joked, crinkling your nose in amusement.  When you caught the look of pure awe on Cindy's face though you calmed.  She moved a stray piece of hair out your face, her touch delicate and loving.
"Someday, darlin', someday."
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Better Call Saul thoughts and theories
now, before i begin, i would like to apologize to all my followers who are probably SICK of seeing Better Call Saul and Breaking Bad posts from me the past several days. i am sorry………but not enough to stop xD so with that out of the way, let’s move on!
So, BCS, it is the light of my life right now. i have been talking with a friend, and we have been coming up with many theories and ideas of characters histories and what the future holds. i would like to share some of this and see what other ideas you all have? Warning, possible spoilers coming up with these theories, so proceed with caution. ALSO ALSO long ass post……so with that in mind, let’s go,
1) Chuck will die. there’s been many ideas going around at How Chuck will die, because honestly, it seems pretty inevitable at this point. One idea that caught my attention though is he dies via fire. Apparently it has been hinted at several times through the series. and then i got an idea. What about an Electrical fire?? And then my friend added, what if the cause, is Howard Hamlin? So hear me out. Howard right now is being pushed to his limits by Chuck. Chuck always seemed like a father figure to Howard. His mentor. His Hero. But, you know Howard can see the deterioration of Chuck’s state of mind and being. it devastates Howard,that much is clear. just look at his face when talking to chuck in the meeting room after the insurance workers leave, he’s so near tears! he hates that it had to come to this. Sure, Chuck’s condition might be improving. but he just can’t make good decisions for all anymore. only what he thinks will better him and his ego (i.e basically telling the insurance representatives to fuck off in this most recent episode) We think that, something is going to snap inside of Howard, Chuck pushing things too far and somehow sneaking into the home, because he knows how to get in, and starting a fire while Chuck is there. Now, dying in a fire is bad enough, you have the smoke inhalation for starters and then the actual fire. Dying by the one real friend you might have had in your whole miserable life is salt to the wound. BUT dying in an ELECTRICAL fire, that would be the real kicker. Chuck still isn’t 100% better, like he wants Howard to believe he is. So, there could be an over-stimulation of electrical surges that paralyze Chuck, making him unable to run or even more. he’s alone, he’s terrified, and there is nothing he can do about it. maybe Howard reveals himself to chuck right before leaving. maybe Howard watches the fire from outside the house, ignoring any attempts Chuck may make to call for help. maybe he starts the fire and leaves. i don’t know. But we are sure that it will be Howard, someone who needs to get rid of a serious problem for him, once and for all. This will fuck with him, i’m sure. having to kill someone you were once so close to, usually does that to a person. But i don’t know the exact reaction i should expect from Howard. if you all have gotten this far, shoot me a message. let’s theorize. anyway, if Howard doesn’t die in his house from the fire, maybe help is called and he is rushed to the hospital before he dies. Maybe Jimmy’s threat will come to life then: “hooked up to all those machines that beep and whirl and…..hurt. and this time, it will be too much. and you will die there. alone” i have a feeling that will be more true than Chuck would like to believe. I may not like Chuck, at all. my 2nd least favorite character after Hector Salamanca but…… that would actually upset me. 2) Nacho, oh man. what can i even say about Nacho? i am SO scared for him. Yeah, he’s a criminal. a bad guy. he KNOWS this, but he HATES the fact that he does what he does. He is such a well rounded character. Aforementioned friend and i were talking about it, and he just has so many parallels to several characters. First, and most obvious is Jimmy Mcgill. At least at the beginning of BCS, they are both con artists who’s targets are other con artists. they like ripping off criminals because those sorts of people CANNOT go to the police without exposing themselves (*coughWORMALDcough*) they both believe in doing bad for a good cause. Jimmy pulling scams and barely staying legal to assure his clients get the best deal possible. Nacho, going after Hector Salamanca (who 100% deserves it btw) to help protect his father. but, as we see in more recent episodes, it seems that Nacho as a more prominent Moral compass than even Jimmy, now turned Saul has. Nacho does not want anyone innocent to become involved in the evil world he has entered (i.e. his father) while Saul has NO problem destroying the reputation of a sweet little old lady, Irene, just so he can get his share of the settlement. (i am still seething about that honestly. She didn’t deserve it! sweet little Irene 3 ) Now, another character we have concluded has parallels to Nacho is none other than perfect being, Kim Wexler. Lemme explain. Kim is easily one of the, if not the hardest working person in the show right now. She has pushed herself beyond her limit to help make ends meet for both her and Saul. Frankly it’s unfair, but i digress. Anyway, this last episode finally showed what had become of the late nights, micronaps, and just not letting her body res as it needs in the crash. Pressure was so great on her from her clients, nothing else mattered. Now that has all quickly caught up with her. Now with Nacho, i feel the same will apply. any free time he MAY have between the cartel and his father’s business is dedicated solely now to trying to take down Hector Salamanca before he can do any harm to his father or his business. We believe that Nacho has and will push himself WAY too far and he’s either gonna snap and violently turn on Hector and his men and get killed in the chaos, or he’s gonna slip up and get himself exposed to either Hector or Gus, who himself has a vendetta against the old asshole. Nacho himself will experience his own ‘crash’ soon, and just like with Kim’s literal crash, it’s not gonna be pretty and there will be blood. 3) (sorta) Fun little idea.okay, so worst scenario, Nacho’s father gets killed by Hector or one of his men, Nacho SNAPS and goes all Reaper from Overwatch on them “DIE DIE DIE” bullets everywhere. Mike, just wanting to help Nacho get away (because he TOTALLY sees him as a surrogate son like with Jesse) hooks him up with Jimmy, who comes across the vacuum salesman from Breaking Bad and gets himself a new identity for the now violent and very broken Nacho. They move him to some small tropical islands, ones no one has ever really heard of to work for a different sort of Cartel. He now works for Hoyt Volker under the guise Vaas Montenegro!! (i’d pay for that tbh. ) Honestly, there’s so much more i could say, i love and hate all these characters so much. I could talk about the ideas we had of how Nacho might have come into this business with the Salamancas, how he had Tuco could have met. what will happen between the two when Tuco gets out of prison. (anything about Nacho really. i love him
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