#... and. uh. it also means we need to acknowledge that some of these books have No merits beyond their queer characters
hauntedrain · 6 months
Midnight rain | Remus Lupin x Slytherin! Reader|
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Prompt/inspo:” Midnight rain” by Taylor Swift. Maybe a bit of “you're losing me”.
A/N: Maybe I’ll make part 2? First official fic I’ve written so might not be the best. Not edited.
Warnings: Some cussing (very little), first person POV, once again not edited, so bad grammar and potentially bad spelling. A little bit of out of character Remus and a bit of angst?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
“Why are you doing this? Com’n… did I do something?”
I could smell burnt wood and chocolate off of him, he wrapped his arms around me as I continued to do my homework. Homework that I desperately needed to finish.
“No, I just need to get this done Remus. Give me a minute.” I say, I get up and out of his arms, to walk over to my bookshelf looking for a book for transfigurations.
“Give it a break Y/N.” I looked at him for the first time tonight. His hair was a bit of a mess, he also looked tired, and you could see his eyes were a bit sleepy. He was in a sweater that Sirius gave him last year for Christmas and baggy jeans, something we could only wear on the weekends of hogwarts. “You’ve been studying 24/7, I haven’t talk to you in fucking days. And if we have talked all you do is reply with one word responses.”
“Remus. I’m trying to finish this. I’m just busy, I have things to do.” I say in a bit of a snappy voice. I just needed to get this homework done so I could get the rest of the weekend and following week off. But it was difficult chasing that outcome when you were constantly bombarded with requests from others.
“You’ve been busy ignoring me. Just stop for a few hours. Come sit with me, play chess with me, something!” He exclaimed, he looked hurt, his hands were in slight fists, not in a mad way but a desperate way.
“Like I said, I need to finish this. I’ll be done in a bit, just give me a minute. Just because you have everything done and set doesn’t mean I do! Just please Remmy. Give me a bit.”
He looked at me with desperate eyes but then slightly turned away to pick up the stuff he put on the desk. “Fine. I’ll see you… I’ll see you when you’re finally done.” He looked at me one last time and then went out the door without another word.
I put the book back on the shelf and walked over to my desk, I had a bit more pages to go and then I’ll be done. I’ll talk to him tomorrow if I end up finishing by tonight.
“Did you finish the homework for transfigurations?” Severus asked me as we walked to breakfast.
“Yea, I got it done last night. Did you do the potions homework?” I asked as we walked into the great hall, we went directly to the Slytherin table where Regulus and his friends sat.
“No, it’s not due until Friday. Did you finish it?” Severus asked, he smiled at me and continued. “I don’t even think I have to ask, do I?” He started to put toast and eggs on his plate as he talked.
“Of course. It’s better to get it done than wait. Hi Regulus.” I replied to Severus before acknowledging Regulus.
“Hi miss overachiever. How’s your guy’s morning?” Regulus asked, he looked between Sevurus and I. I laughed slightly before replying,
“My morning is nice so far, do you guys have any plans today? I need to go to Hogsmeade later so I can pick up a new book and quill, would you guys like to join me?” I asked, I finished my toast and eggs so I started to get up. I was waiting for them to reply but then I felt a tap on my shoulder that followed with a greeting. Turning around I was faced with Remus. “Oh. Hi.” I saw smiling a bit. I gave him a kiss on the cheek before pulling back. “Do you need anything?”
“I wanted to talk to you, can you come to the hall with me? Just for a bit.” He said pulling my hand a bit so I could move with him out of the great hall.
“Uh, yea sure.” We walk out of the great hall into the side corridors, it’s pretty cold in them due to it being mid winter.. “What do you need to talk about?” I ask as we face each other.
“I wanted to know if you wanted to go to dinner with me tonight,” He asked “I’m sorry for getting mad last night, I know you want to finish those things but sometimes I miss you. So will you go to dinner with me?”
I smiled before replying, “of course. And you don’t need to be sorry, I know I work a lot but I need to finish and do things like that.” I say pulling him closer. I smile up at him before giving him an actual kiss this time. I could feel him smile into the kiss as he put his hand on my waist.
This isn't something we do a lot, especially in public, people have and are very reluctant on a Slytherin and Gryffindor dating. It was hard to get both of our friends to fully accept but overall now it’s fine. But we still take precautions which means little to no PDA In Public. “I’ll see you tonight then? I can get you at 6:35?.”
“Yes Mr. Lupin. 6:35 is fine.” I say before walking away back into the great hall so Regulus, Severus and I can go to hogsmeade.
During dinner with Remus ~
“Well I mean I don’t know… maybe just go with the flow? Settle down?” Remus said he was in an old band tee that fit him oversized. We sat in a slightly dim ThreeBroomSticks while eating dinner.
“Settle down? Like…” I said kinda surprised, we talked about life in the future before, getting married and having kids. But I thought we would wait, not something right after hogwarts. I had plans and dreams to chase, I wanted to be known, and known in a good way and not in a bad way.
“Yea, settle down. Do you not want that? I thought you did.” He said he titled his head looking a bit sad and worried. He put down his fork and looked at me with his full attention.
“Yeah I did… but like right after hogwarts? Don’t you think that’s too soon? I want to travel and work, I just think we should wait.” I said slightly confused.
“Why wait? James and Lily are doing the same, and I bet they’ll still travel and work.” He wasn’t mad when he said this, but I could tell he was slightly offended. He pulled back his body so he would lean back onto the booth chair and crossed his arms. His face was slightly hurt but more so confused.
“But that’s James and Lily. They’ve said it over and over again that they don’t have anything big, they don’t have any big goals or dreams they want to complete. I want to and need to go after my goals, I don’t wanna settle down just like that, Remus. I want to make a name for myself.” I exclaimed. For me it was clear, I had goals and priorities, I wanted to work and do something meaningful for my life, I wanted to have a life that didn't revolve around a husband and kids. I didn’t wanna be a stay at home wife or a stay at home mom, I wanted something more, I wanted to chase that fame to make myself a name.
“It’s always about the fame for you isn’t it? Why do you need to be known far and wide? Those people won’t know you for who you are, I do. We talked about this, do you really not want this? Or that? Any of what we discussed?” He said, this time it was with anger however not loud, no one was really in here with us besides the servers and the bartenders so it wasn’t causing a scene.
“I want something for myself! Why is that so foreign? It’s not like I don’t want the stuff we discussed, I just assumed that we would wait a bit.”
“Y/N. Answer me honestly. If I were to ask you right now, if you wanted to marry me, would you say no?”
Once again I was surprised. I didn’t expect him to ask that. He looked at me with curious hurt eyes, it wasn’t something you see often from Remus. He was quiet and more closed off, so emotions vivid from his eyes weren't a very often thing to see. Nonetheless I didn’t know what to say, I knew what I wanted with my life but I didn’t want to throw his “proposal” away like nothing. Everytime I wanted to say something it didn’t sound right, or it didn’t come out. Eventually after opening my mouth slightly and then closing it once again Remus scoffed.
“Say something Y/N, choose something! Come on… really?” He said desperately. He looked at me as if I just killed him after I didn’t respond. He ran his hand through his hair before he got up and walked out, he didn’t look back once. He left.
I sat there confused on what to do. Does this mean we’re done and over? Did I just ruin everything? Did I lose the love of my life or was it not going to work? Was I crazy to want a name for myself?
I got up and paid, and I started to walk out the door. It was late, extremely late. I opened the door and it was raining. Midnight rain.
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Ahem *puts on best "ok people listen up" tone*
Good Omens (and everyone else) fandom! It seems we have regressed a bit....somehow? On the definition of Asexual! Let's clear this up!
Yes the actual literal meaning of the term: A=no sexual =....sex....well but actually no, which is the point of the post
Dictionary definition is why we are here!
Asexual: a person who experiences no sexual feelings or desires, or who is not sexually attracted to anyone.
Note the last line please!
Asexuality is a spectrum.
On one side you have: I cannot become sexually aroused by anything, and in some cases I do not want to
And on the other you (might) have: Literally any other stimulation other than A Face will do just fine!
Asexuals can be turned on by: the written word, a comic, a scene in a movie/show/porn/irl/etc, physical contact, etc!
There is a difference between attraction and desire! Allosexuals usually have that lumped into one thing, to them there (usually) isn't one without the other! If you're attracted to someone it means your body is uh...also good to go. For a lot of asexual people you can be attracted to someone, but your body's just off reading a book or something
Asexual people have crushes, fall in love, comment on how aesthetically pleasing someone is! But they probably don't want to jump their bones like right now (or possibly ever! Depends where you fall on the spectrum!)
You might say: no but! You're talking about demisexual people!
Maybe! Probably not! Demi is just a place way to one side of the spectrum. Where, after getting to know someone really well, you may actually look at them one day and go...."oh shit! Hi down there when'd you wake up??" Your attraction and desire have fused for this person/s...congrats!
An asexual person may never ever want to have sex with their partner. This is fine! But it needs to be discussed between everyone near the start of a relationship. And people need to acknowledge that "once you've found The One everything will click!" is pretty deeply internalized. Be sure you truly understand that that's not (necessarily) the case before commiting to a relationship
An asexual person may absolutely want to (awesome!), but have a hard time getting things moving (put down the damn book there are things to do!!) In which case it's good for all parties to see if they can figure out what sorts of things do turn you on, (as long as you're both willing and able), and how to approach letting your partner/s know they'd like to initiate fun times. (Without it coming across as awkward or pushy!) This makes for a healthy relationship!
"I'm doing this only to please my partner" is not healthy! It's also a really condescending thing to say about all asexual people! Please stop!!
And yeah an asexual person may indeed realize they're demi after starting a relationship! Neat!
Sexuality is like gender. It's all made up because we like labels! Your bits know what they want, when they want it! (Your brain ofc has the final say, I'm very well aware that bits go way off the rails sometimes, that's an entire other post lol)
Other people do not get to dictate how you feel, and like gender it can take a while to realize what your orientation may be. And that label can change so many times over the course of your life!!
Love who you love, have sex with who you (and they) want to have sex with, or don't!! But stop telling other people what they are and are not, simply because your definition or experience is different from theirs
(Please let me know if I've left out something crucial or gotten something horridly wrong! My research is personal/others experience + tumblr explanations + a google search here and there. Please do not come in my replies/comments/inbox telling me the whole post is wrong.....that's petty)
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avatarmerida · 1 year
Dreaming and Watching
Corny little huntlow oneshot about what I think the finale title could mean 💚💛
The Collector lured them into a circle, bouncing around the room, delighted to have new play things.
“Oh boy oh boy oh boy!” The whimsical voice echoed in glee. “Just imagine the games we can play with these guys, King! We’ve never had players like this before!”
“Yeah! Games! Of course!” Luz laughed nervously. “W-we’re so excited to play games with you!”
“Yippe!” He exclaimed, twirling in the air. “What should we play first? Let’s do something new! What kind of games do you like?”
“We like all kinds of games!” Amity said, trying to steady her voice. “W-we like nice, safe games! I think those are the most fun!”
“Hmmm, no that sounds boring,” the Collector decided, not taking it into consideration very long. “I wanna play make believe! Do you guys have good imaginations?”
“I’ve been told mine is a little too good sometimes,” said Luz quietly.
“You have a human imagination!” The Collector laughed, spinning around her on a bed of stars. “Oh wow! I bet you could think of some fun things!”
“Yeah, I bet I could!” Luz said. “I bet we all could, but I think we also know how things can-.”
“Do you have an imagination?” The Collector turned to Hunter who raised his arm instinctively in front of Gus and Willow.
“Um, I guess so?” He said carefully. “It’s.. not like all this exactly, but I-.”
“Wo-hoo! A grimwalker game! I can’t believe I finally get to play with the grimwalker!” sang the godly child, happy with the answer. “Let’s learn more about you! We never got to talk!”
“Um... okay?” Hunter said cautiously, Willow reached out to hold his hand to assure him she was there as the Collector held his eye contact.
“Hmm so if you have an imagination, is it a fun imagination or a scary one like your scary uncle?” Pondered the child, wanting to make sure he approved what Hunter brought to the imaginary table. “Cause I don’t like scary. Ya know, I’ve always wondered what goes on in your mind! I never got to ask! But why ask when we can just see?”
The Collector quickly spun around Hunter, nearly knocking Willow over in the process, as she refused to let go of his hand. When the star child leapt up he held what appeared to be Golden dust in his arms. He threw it in the air like confetti and as they fell they connected to form a wall of golden glitter. The group look on in confusion as the rest of the room darkened so the focus point could be known. Suddenly, like a movie screen, an image appeared.
It was Hunter, dressed in a Hexside uniform sporting every track color happily walking down the hallway with his arms with books.
“Wait, when did this happen?” Gus asked, knowing this wasn’t the uniform he had worn as a disguise when they first met.
“Is this in the future?” Amity wondered, noting the hair Hunter had was more similar to his current look.
As the Hunter on the screen finished gathering his books, Flapjack appeared beside him and landed on his shoulder. This was clearly not a known timeline.
“That must mean...” started Luz.
“It’s my dream,” realized Hunter. “It’s the dream I always-.” He paused and looked with wide eyes to his side at Willow, still holding his hand and fixated on the screen. He gulped. “Uh-oh.”
Dream Hunter proceeded to walk down the halls of Hexside, his face wore a wide smile and he walked with an obvious confidence he hadn’t known since his Golden Guard days. Every student he passed acknowledged him, offering a wave or friendly hello, clearing showing how welcomed and known he was, how naturally he it, how obvious it was that he was meant to be there.
“Ya know, we really don’t need to see this!” Hunter called as the dream continued to play. “My imagination isn’t very impressive actually so I’m sure there’s something else you’d rather-.”
“Shhhh!” The Collector called down. “I’ve never seen this one befoooore! No spoilers!”
The group didn’t know what the Collector’s intentions were, but they couldn’t deny it was nice seeing Hunter like this, even if it was only in his dreams.
“Hey Hunter!” Gus called, turning the corner to catch up to him
“Oh look! There’s me! There’s me!” Exclaimed the real Gus with excitement, pointing to himself.
“Hey Gus!” Dream Hunter greeted his friend and they did their signature handshake. “You ready for that test next period?”
“‘Course!” Said Gus with ease. “It’s child’s play. Are you ready for Cosmic Con this weekend?”
“Always!” Hunter said, hyped. “We’re definitely gonna win best costume!”
“We always do!” Gus agreed. “I’m gonna go snag us some seats next to each other so we can do some last minute flash cards before the test, don’t be late!”
“I never am!” Hunter called as Gus disappeared into the classroom.
The real Hunter felt the real Gus nudge his ribs. Hunter looked over to him and Gus gave him a wide smile.
“I dunno what you were so nervous about, this is awesome,” whispered Gus. “And you made me taller too, thanks dude.”
“Haha yeah of course,” Hunter replied, turning his attention nervously back to the screen. “It’s not over yet.”
“Hunter! Thank you so much for letting me borrow your history notes!” Said a dream Amity, as Hunter passed her locker. “They really brought up my grade. Your footnotes were especially helpful.”
“Of course! Anytime.” Hunter said with a wide toothy grin. “And if you ever need help studying, I’d be happy to tutor you.”
“Really? That would be so great!” Amity beamed in a way that felt somewhat unnatural, mostly likely because Hunter had no real world source to base this response on. “It’s amazing how you managed to be the top student and still find time for tutoring!”
“What can I say? I’m great at making schedules,” he said with a modest shrug. “You can keep the notes, I’ve got them all memorized.”
He offered dream Amity finger guns as he continued his trek, whistling as he walked utterly content.
On the ground, the real Amity viciously glared at him, daggers in her eyes. “I’ve never gotten below an excellent grade in Isles history,” she whispered to Hunter harshly over Luz’s shoulder.
“Well yeah duh it’s a dream! It’s not real, Blight!” Hunter whispered harshly back.
“It’s your dream, it’s my nightmare.”
“Amity! That’s no way to talk to your tutor!” Willow joined in the harsh whispering. Amity gave her a sour look as the Collector shushed them again.
Hunter was starting to sweat, hoping to Titan that Willow didn’t notice. He also hoped the Collector would be unimpressed with his imagination and move on to something else before they got too far. But the dream continued playing.
“Hey, hermano!” Luz called, running to catch up with him obviously on her way to Amity’s locker. “Mama is making sancocho y tostones for dinner tonight! You’ll be there after flyer derby right?”
“Of course!” He assured with a smile. “But I might be a little late, I’ve got a date tonight.”
“Bring her!” Luz exclaimed as she reached Amity’s locker and he continued walking. “You know she’s invited too!”
“Of course!” He called back, laughing to himself as he turned the corner and finally found his destination.
“Oh! Look, there’s me!” Said Willow excitedly, not noticing the sickly, panicked look that overtook Hunter’s face.
“Heh, ya know maybe we should stop watching before we get too-.”
As Willow fully entered the dreamscape, a sort of rosey haze overtook the scene and time seemed to slow down. She leaned against a locker that was meant to be Hunter’s, clutching her books tightly to her chest. When she spotted him, a wide smile overtook her face and her braids swung to the side in slow motion.
“Hi,” she said sweetly, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear and biting her lip.
“Hi Captain,” he responded in the same sweet tone, effortlessly leaning against the locker and looking down at her with adoring eyes. “Are you waiting for someone special?”
“Oh, just my boyfriend,” she said with a dreamy sigh. “Maybe you know him?”
“Hmm, yeah I think I do.” Dream Hunter confirmed as he leaned down to press a gentle but obviously familiar kiss onto Willow’s lips. Dream Willow smiled and happily rose up onto her tip toes to kiss him back placing a hand on his cheek to imply she intended to keep him there awhile.
The real Hunter was mortified.
He dared glance to his side where the real Willow stood, saying nothing but fiddling with her braid and he couldn’t tell exactly what she was feeling. Hunter cursed himself for not insisting everyone close their eyes. The rest of the group had begun whispering among themselves, directing their eyes away from the screen as politely as they could, not knowing what else to do as the dream counterparts of their friends had been kissing for awhile now.
“Does uh, anything else happen?” Amity asked gently after a minute. “Is like Belos gonna come and ruin things or...?”
“No this is uh this is it,” said Hunter, inhaling sharply. “This is... this is the rest of the dream.”
“Ooooh.” Said three out of the four onlookers. Willow still said nothing, as a soft red overtook her face.
“And so you have this dream... a lot?” Gus asked. “Wait, is this why you kiss your pillow so-.”
“Okaaaay! I think we can move on now!” sajd Hunter shakily, his face red and sweaty. “Let’s look at someone else’s dream, Huh? Let’s uh let’s invade your privacy and see how you like it!”
“Ugh, dreams about school? And kissing?Ew!” The Collector declared, sticking out his tongue. “That’s no fun! Do you all dream about school and kissing?”
The group mumbled a serious of affirmation seeing that confirming this would save them from Hunters fate and keep their dreams private.
“Ugh, that’s so boring!” groaned the Collector dramatically. “Why would you dream about something you can do in real life? That’s like wasting a dream! We have a loootta work to do here!”
He and King vanished into a cloud of color and sparkles and the gang knew they were safe for now. They all let out a sigh of relief as Hunter offered them a burning glare. They looked at him apologetically before diverting their attention to the ground, Luz said something about making a plan for when the Collector returned and the group quickly jumped on board, happy to have something else to talk about.
“Traitors,” Hunter mumbled under his breath.
“Hey,” came a soft voice beside him, the only person not hiding in the group.
“Uh, hey,” said Hunter, clearing his throat as the realization that having his dream exposed may have also been embarrassing for Willow. Despite that possibility, she had not let go of his hand. “Listen, I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable, I didn’t know he was gonna do that and I should’ve-.”
“Don’t listen to what the Collector said,” Willow advised with conviction, cutting him off.
“About your dreams not being special,” she clarified. “I’ve had dreams like that, about being able to walk down the hallway not feeling scared or worried or like people were staring at me and whispering. That might not seem necessarily exciting or impossible to other people, but that doesn’t mean it is wasn’t a dream worth having. It’s okay to want things to be nice and calm, especially after everything you’ve been though. Sometimes the most simple things seem like the most impossible.”
“Oh, uh thanks,” he said, relieved. “Ya know, it was actually the first dream I’ve had in a while. Before, they were mostly nightmares and there were times when I didn’t dream at all.
“Well, I’m glad you’re having good dreams,” she smiled. “And I’m glad to be a part of one.”
“Yeah?” Hunter chuckled.
“Yeah,” said Willow brightly, giving his hand a squeeze. “I wanna help you get all the things you’ve dreamed of. All of the things.”
Hunter looked down at their linked hands before looking back up to her face as he was met with a playful wink. A familiar rosey frame surrounded Willow again. It wasn’t exclusive to his dreams, just to her. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. Like I said, I’ve had dreams very similar to yours. The only difference is that in mine you’re waiting by my locker.”
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imminent-danger-came · 9 months
Lofty crack 'theory‘ (?) idk, it‘s more along the lines of the
'I connected the dots!'
'You didn‘t connect shit' Meme
Everytime MK barely touches something and it falls apart? That's the good ol‘ Harbinger of chaos touch. Destruction is just woven into his very being and marks his every action.
(Like how he barely touched the pinball machine and it fell apart. And how the crate containing the weird vegetable babies opened up despite the fact that it shouldn’t have been possible with how heavily secured it was)
Also the way he accidentally alters the world around him ('summoning a scary monster forest through stress'- still one of my favorite things he‘s done tbh. He‘s just such a funny guy. My favorite little disaster.)
Of course- very possible that that this is just cartoon logic. But I think it‘s just a funny concept. XD
It's so hard because LMK is teetering on the edge of being SO tight. We just have to acknowledge a couple things from s1/s2 (the key, the 1x01 seal, LBD ''undoing the memories of the world) and then the show has a potential to go from a 9 in my book to an 11.
And like, here's what I mean.
So with 1x03 and the pinball machine you mentioned:
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Sandy: "Uh, maybe a little more tape?"
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Azure Lion: "All you had to do was wait. After this was over I was going to release Sun Wukong, help him see reason! That is now impossible! Not after what you've done!" Pigsy: "But...we can get him back right? Sandy: "We can fix it! Maybe we can find some magic tape!"
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MK: "No no—I broke it. Part of being a hero is owning up to your mistakes."
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MK: "Monkey King's a hero he wouldn't just-" Azure Lion: "You saw it with your own eyes! His betrayal his brutality—he took the only friends I had from me!"
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Sandy: "There ain't nothing a bit of tape can't fix!" (And this is said in an episode titled "A Lifetime of Mistakes")
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MK: "We can't fix everything. We just need to leave it a little better than we found it. As long as we stay true to that? We can deal with whatever comes next."
Destruction being woven into his being from s1 is just so plausible. But it's also like, I'm still not a 100% sure about it—but ALSO, the fucking "No no—I broke it. Part of being a hero is owning up to your mistakes." line is insane. Especially since it's after MK had just broken an object of value in half. Like, look:
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SO I JUST DON'T KNOW MAN. Cartoon logic or narrative foreshadowing. I never know with this damn lego show
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sharkneto · 6 months
was backreading old asks and im curious if theres any early thoughts regarding SM v. number, knowing what we know now with chapter 9 now being out: is there anything in the update thats causing you to have to rework things? you mentioned number still fails to stop the apocalypse incident in his timeline - do you think his reset would go smoother than in SM? feels like theres more to account for now, with henderson being completely gone but the commission being invoked in SM for the first time
Number vs his apocalypse week! I'm happy to talk about that one, generically :)
The thing with Number is he's completely independent from the events of SM at that point. He's on a whole different path than that Five, thanks to JT but mostly because of the events of HIT. The new SM chapter has given me ideas to play with more than things I need to rework. Almost all the reworking I've had to do on the bit I've worked with that fic, to be honest, was 1) the realization that no one in HIT fucking told Number that Reggie kills himself and 2) how close he's kept the apocalypse to his chest. So he's pretty sure he's already taken care of the apocalypse with having helped Viktor figure out his powers in a safe, supported environment, but then Reggie still fucking dies at the same time. And, maybe that's just Reggie's time, but Reggie has also still set up the little mystery to get the Umbrellas to work together to stop the apocalypse (...that Number already stopped. Probably. Totally.). So he's got to chase that down to make sure, but he also still hasn't told his siblings about the apocalypse (why worry the siblings over something he's stopped, why put that in Viktor's head), so he's also dealing with it in true Five fashion - inefficiently and suspiciously secretive. So some similar vibes to SM apocalypse weeks, there. I'll put a WIP snip at the bottom for this vibe because I think it's fun.
I've got general beats in mind, have a plotpoint I adore that causes Number so many goddam problems that I don't remember if I've talked about on here or not so I'll keep it vague in case I haven't. I haven't settled on if Number stops his apocalypse or not on the first try, but it for sure is not the easy skate he was expecting it to be (and it really should have been). The world wants to end on April 1st, and life (death?), uh, finds a way. Fives must always have a terrible time during the week leading up to April 1, 2019.
If Number has to do a reset, it will come with its own problems, but it will absolutely be smoother than SM Five's. Number just has so much more information to work with the first time around, and he has a real handle on time travel. There is also no Commission to interrupt him in any way, thanks to their deal with Five at the end of HIT. That said, having fewer unknowns doesn't mean he's going to juggle the pieces correctly. He's still a Five and they are still the Umbrellas.
Anyway, WIP Snip -
Allison pauses in the doorway on her way through to the entry, not expecting Viktor to be in the living room. He's standing by the bookcases and hasn't noticed her yet, his attention on a book in his hands. She’s just about to announce herself when Five appears by the bar with a whumpf.
His gaze passes over her, and he just barely nods an acknowledgement to her before his focus lands on their brother. Viktor turned at his entrance, his back now to Allison. “Hey, Five,” he says.
“Viktor.” A beat passes as Five’s gaze flicks to the book in his hands. It jumps back to Viktor’s face, and then his expression does… something. Softens, maybe. Allison can feel her eyebrows rising as she thinks she categorizes it – is Five trying to show sympathy? Empathy? What is that? It really makes him look a little constipated. Still ignoring her, he asks Viktor, “Are you doing alright?”
Viktor shifts a little. “Yeah, Five. I’m still good. Just like when you asked me before. And the time before that. And the one before that.”
It’s another excruciating pause as Five considers that answer. Then he jerks a nod and the weird expression slips away and he’s back to haughty and judgmental. “Good.” He turns to the bar and reaches over to snag a small bottle of something clear.
Viktor takes a half step forward. “Five—” He’s cut off as Five disappears in flash. He sighs. “He’s so weird,” he says, loud enough for Allison to clearly hear it. Then he glances over his shoulder at her, mouth quirked up in a conspiratorial little grin.
Allison blinks at being acknowledged and pulls a smile on as fast as she can. She hasn’t talked to Viktor one-on-one in over decade, since he was still Vanya. She’s got a general idea of the things she needs to talk to him about, but hadn’t been expecting this to be the moment she ran into him. “Yeah, I don’t know why I thought he’d get more normal with age.”
Viktor snorts a little laugh and turns to fully face her. “No, that ship really sailed once he figured out the time traveling.” He softens a little and adds, “He means well, though. Usually.”
“Yeah,” she agrees, although she’s not sure if she does or not. She commits and steps into the room. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to sneak up on you, I didn’t think anyone was down here.”
“You didn’t. I heard you coming down the hall. I wasn’t sure if you were going to stop in, though.”
Right. Viktor has crazy sound and hearing powers. Not the useless little Seven they grew up with.
Allison immediately chastises herself for the thought. Viktor was never useless; he was just different (she kicks herself again – that’s not really any better).
The silence has stretched just long enough to be awkward. Viktor shifts his weight again, adjusting his grip on the book in his hand. Allison can just see the cover enough to recognize it – Extra Ordinary. She swallows her spike of venom back down.
Casting about for something – anything – to talk about, to push them past whatever this is, her mind replays the weird little interaction she just witnessed. “I thought he quit drinking?”
Viktor shrugs. “He did. For a while.”
Allison nods.
It hangs between them.
“I don’t think it’s as bad as it was back…” he trails off, fingers tightening again over Extra Ordinary.
“Sure,” she rushes to add. She doesn’t actually want to talk about their brother’s drinking problem. “And, I mean, it’s a funeral, so… people drink.” She’s already had a couple, more than she probably should have had; she’s actively trying to better herself for the courts and Claire. There’s no one here, but it’s still not a good look to get drunk at her father’s funeral. “How are you doing with it all?”
His mouth lifts up again in a small smile. “Like I just told Five, I’m fine.”
She forces a quick, humorless laugh. It sounds as stilted as it felt. “Yeah, good point.” She thinks again to the brief, odd interaction. “How many times has he asked you?”
“That was like the fourth in the past two hours.”
“What is that about?” It’s distinctly anti-Five, and him being actively involved and worried about other’s emotions was not the development she expected to come out of the past decade. Even being aware of other’s emotions would be a big step.
“No idea.” His expression falls as he gives it a second of thought. “I don’t know. Maybe he thinks it’s harder on me because Dad drugged me.”
Allison blinks at the blunt referral to the power-suppressing drugs she only learned about a couple hours ago. Something odd flashes over Viktor’s face, too, as he says it, and his gaze gets sharper on her, almost searching. Unsure what that means, she hesitantly asks, “Is it?”
The look passes. She almost wonders if she imagined it. Viktor shakes his head. “No. I don’t think so, anyway. He sucked but it’s weird that he’s… gone. It felt like he’d be around forever. But… I gave up on any answers or closure with him a long time ago.” He punctuates the point with an exaggerated shrug.
Allison nods. Her own feelings on Dad’s death are complicated. Probably yet another thing she’ll have to untangle with her therapist. For now, she’s happy to leave them knotted and neutral. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
Silence lapses between them again, almost comfortable. Her mind flits over categorizing who has it hardest over Dad’s death. She immediately discards herself – she’d had a strained but surface-level positive relationship with their father, if the training and abuse were excluded from consideration. Viktor took himself out of the running. Diego is actively throwing as much of a party as he can get away with. Klaus… is Klaus.
She pauses to consider Ben. Dad broke Ben. There are less blunt, probably more correct ways to think about that, but it is the truth. She wouldn’t blame him if he joined in Diego’s celebration attempts, but he’s been nothing but his usual quiet voice of reason as his fiancé flitted around behind his chair. So not Ben.
It's Luther, probably. He lived with Dad the longest, had still been working for him up until his death, had talked to him only last week. He’s trying to turn Dad’s very normal heart attack into a conspiracy, give it more meaning than it has. And it’s certainly not Five—
Five who hadn’t disagreed with Luther’s insistence that Dad’s death wasn’t natural. Five, who argued with Dad every single chance he got, pushed as many boundaries as he could, who pushed himself to the brink in training sessions and – it seems – even now in his career in academia.
Who has asked Viktor four times if he’s doing alright.
She furrows her brow as that conclusion settles. That feels much more like Five than an angle of empathy and altruism. Glancing up, she meets Viktor’s eyes. His brow is similarly furrowed. He just barely tilts his head, confirming that they’ve been thinking on the same trajectory.
“Do you think Five…?” Viktor starts.
“…is projecting?” she finishes.
That sits between them.
Viktor forces a scoff. “No. No way.” As Allison raises an eyebrow, he insists, “He hated Dad.”
“Yeah. They had a weird relationship.”
“All they did was fight. When we got the news he died, he called me to ask if I wanted to grab a celebratory drink when he got into town for the funeral.”
But he still came to the funeral. “Exactly.”
They process it all for another long second. Viktor slumps slightly. “Ugh, there’s no way I could get him to talk about this.”
Allison shakes her head in agreement. There’s not a therapist alive that could get Five to process his probably very messy, very complicated, very fucked up feelings about their dead father. In some small part for how similar he ended up to him.
That’s another uncharitable thought she forces to the back of her mind, into the dark recesses with her ones about Viktor.
That’s not what she’s here to talk about, to dwell on.
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xxlovelynovaxx · 5 months
I don't get why some people get so mad over the idea that the mandela effect could be real.
Like "it's ILLOGICAL the most LIKELY thing is millions of people collectively misremembering UGH why would you POSSIBLY believe in something as WHIMSICAL as reality being a little funky and moving us slightly to the left so that a children's book was suddenly historically spelled ONE LETTER DIFFERENT than it actually was when we grew up".
Is it the lack of control? Like "oh if reality could shift like that what's to prevent us from ending up in a universe where world war 3 happens?!" Is it the inability to understand that even physics and mathematics at higher levels are not as rigid as they appear and with complex numbers and quantum physics things get real fucky real fast? Is it a lack of creativity that makes you NEED it to be the simplest most straightforward answer because that's what's USUALLY the case so therefore it ALWAYS has to be the case?
Like, I'm not talking about people who are like "nah, I think we all just misremembered it, but it doesn't really matter either way" or even those who are like "I think the mandela effect is a little silly but I don't think it's terrible to believe in it". It's the people that are SO JUDGMENTAL about those who even think it might be POSSIBLE that they're like "uh OBVIOUSLY it's just NEUROLOGY and human memory not being that good STUPID, how could you possibly think this?"
(Quite honestly, it's the same energy as people who are against even casual astrology beliefs, but in the extreme. Like do I think astrology is likely to be true? Nah, not really. Do I believe in it anyway a little bit because it's harmless and it'd be cool if it was? Yeah. Do I believe in the mandela effect? Honestly I kinda reserve judgment but I wanna think it's possible because I'd love to believe the world is weirder than we can even imagine on ALL fronts (bc there's plenty of concrete scientific weirdness to explore too).
Like... just let people have harmless weird beliefs. It's not a big deal. Stop deriding them or being so condescending when you "disprove" (read: share your own HYPOTHESES) about what actually happens in these cases.
Also, y'all REALLY aren't gonna like this, but being this much of a dick about harmless beliefs that are a bit weird or unlikely or even out of line with consensus reality, is sanism (along with often interlinked with religious xenophobia/antitheism). I'm saying this as a psychotic person: you have GOT to learn to be chill about people who believe things that aren't real to you. True mad liberation will only occur when "being normal" about things like delusions means accepting that two people can experience reality differently and both their realities CAN be true.
(Note, this does not mean every psychotic person will want to have their delusions treated as true. While reality checking is almost always harmful unless explicitly asked for, there's plenty of people for whom delusions are false and even harmful. Even in those cases, nondelusional people have no right to police how we react to them, even for 'our own good'. But acknowledging that for SOME of us they are true and real at a fundamental level despite not being so universally is an important step in recognizing our autonomy.)
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ninjamelissajulien · 4 months
Rewatching Crystalized after a long time- here are my thoughts.
The first third isn’t bad (season 1), honestly it’s still funny
Fugidove you weirdo (affectionate)
I still hate the mayor/the new ninja/ronin
Pythor you bitch (derogatory)
Nya my beloved, how they wasted your potential
Skylor my beloved, how they wasted your potential
Pixal my beloved, how they wasted your potential
Mechanic you motherfucker
I hate how they changed the overlords voice, rebooted was the best version
I think the overlord intercepted harumi’s soul while it was on its way to the departed realm. Overlord can never truly die, so he’s stuck in an ethereal void. That’s why no one else was around
Harumi, my beloved scrimbly, your body was literally crushed and probably impaled by rebar and concrete
Oni temple still ugly as shit
“Fall of the monastery” is homophobic because my favorite girls got the shit kicked out of them and I’m gay so it’s homophobic
Also Pythor is misogynistic like bro Nya saved your ass from wohira
Also mechanic is misogynistic
Fantastic fights tho
I love the minipix 7 saved her mama first 🥹
We did not need the fakeout death for Nya
I love the samurai x mech and Nya’s Sam x outfit
I think they took off the overeffect on pixals voice in Darkness within - that just gave Crystalized extra bonus points in my book
Lloyd dangling sideways is so stupid but funny
Ok but like that wasn’t the last time you fought, technically that was the SECOND to last time shitlord, Zane killed you last time lmao
The coming 👀 of the king
But they didn’t lose??? They killed you???
Golden master was better tbh
Ah, the ugliest fortress in the entire series
Uglyass motherfucker
Harumi my scrimbly
Harumi really be like I hate you but maybe we could be friends but also no I despise you but maybe???
Harumis such a brat- I love her so much
Garmadon is the funniest motherfucker
The fact that they didn’t get to fully acknowledge Harumi and Garmadon is a missed opportunity
Christofern is an innocent victim
Mechanic motherfucker I want you to die
I forgot about Zane’s head trauma reverting him to the ice emperor. Such a missed opportunity
T*mmy fuck off
Pixal being a badass like usual. Queen!!!!
They put her effect back over her voice
ronin redeeming himself 🫡
Pythor you annoying bitch
SKYLOR YOU ARE A QUEEN I’d let you punch me any day
When skylor put her hand on Cole’s head, his scar was glowing
Skylor god I love you
Kai you got trauma we need to discuss
I would burn everything for Pixal
Jennifer you say the word and I would kill for you
“You brought me back.”
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Pixal has the coolest mechs because she deserves it
Garmadon sprint past, screeching, with a barrel is my favorite
“Uh oh? What does uh oh mean?” A callback to season 13 💙
“Pet plant” Lloyd that’s your brother have some respect
I’m gonna be honest- I forgot the overlord was the literal threat this season 😭😭😭
Why do the dragonites have tits????
I literally still can’t believe they have to “jump up kick back whip around and spin”
And the reveal was when the paper was “fold” ed you motherfuckers
Why did the coolest form of the overlord come TWO EPISODES AT THE END
Coles crew showed up
Dragon form is literally so dope tho
I’m still not a fan of the “plot twist” with the overlord x devourer
Mechanic shut the fuck up honestly
Cole mocking Vangelis is so fucking funny
It hurts to see Lou honesty knowing he’ll never speak again
Is it me or is Kai really handsome in his dragon form
Cole and Vania’s hug 🥹
Oni Lloyd my beloved
ROTSM 2: Electric Boogaloo
I like to think that it is the ninjas spirits that protected Lloyd and defeated the overlord, not a golden power
Inner Steel is a good song shut up
Overall honestly not a bad season, has some hiccups and missed opportunities but not as bad as I think it’s judged
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imamess1307 · 11 months
Ooh, Better Than Me?
Chris Knight x Tutor Reader (Afab)
Summary: Chris, during his senior burnout, has found himself struggling with English classes. so you get assigned to be his tutor to help him pass exams. Chris soon realized you have a higher IQ than him, and it makes him very perplexed to the idea of someone being smarter than him.
Warnings: obsessed Chris, smart reader, touchy Chris, use of Y/N, smut at end, dirty jokes, probably penis jokes, smut with plot, infatuation, slight rivalry, nonchalant reader, Kent. Sorry if forgot anything
First fanfic. (Please be nice I’m autistic and sensitive) (I also have a tendency to take people’s knee caps if they’re mean)
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I started my day normally like I usually do. I walk out of my house and start biking over to Pacific Tech. I see the most stereotypical people walking around. Most with books and others with inventions they have made.
Usually I don’t have any classes today but under recent circumstances my English teacher wanted to see me. I knew you weren’t in trouble or failing because I actually liked her class. One could say that one of my beige flags is that if I don’t like it, I don’t care. Truth be told, people were right about the senior burn out theory.
I used to be eager and so ready to take in any knowledge I could, but now I just don’t care unless it’s something that truly interests me. Which recently has been English and Chemistry. I was awfully good at those topics naturally and it has surprised my teachers on multiple occasions.
The sun shines through my hair as I walked around the campus to get to my English class. I stroll along happily until a guy with crazy blonde hair bumped into me while running.
“Sorry! I’ll buy you a car! I don’t have it right now but I promise!” The blonde yelled as he ran down the corridor. My brows furrow in confusion but I continue to walk to my English class.
I arrive at my English Class and I quietly walk in. I see my teacher, Ms. Jen, sitting at the desk in the front of the room and I walk down the aisles to get to her desk. The middle aged woman, who was in her mid 30s at most, smiled as she saw me and she greets me with a soft handshake.
“Hello Y/N. I’m glad to see you could make it,” she said with a kind smile on her face. I softly smile back at her and sit down as she motions for me to do. “I had nothing going on so I decided to stop by,” I said. “I’m glad you could. I wanted to talk to you about something important.” I look at her curiously and she opens her mouth to continue.
“There is a student who needs some help and you have almost perfect scores in my class, so I was wondering if you could tutor him.” I looked at her slightly shocked and then nod my head before opening my mouth to speak. “Yeah… I could do that” Ms. Jen smiled kindly and immediately took my hand into hers gently. “Thank you. You’re a very kind soul.” I smile at her words and pull out a pen before writing my contact on a small piece of paper.
“You can give him my contact and I’ll start tutoring him” I smile slightly and she nods her head in acknowledgment. “Thank you once again.” She smiled up at me as I stood from the seat. “Of course”
After we bid goodbyes I start walking out of the campus and back to my bike. I slowly bike home not being in a rush and when I get home I put my back pack in the hook by the door and start walking up the stairs to my bedroom.
I immediately flip into my bed and sigh happily just feeling joy from being at home. I groan as I hear the phone go off beside my bed and I pick it up.
“Hello?” I ask blankly. “Hi is this my new tutor?” The guys voice is cheerful and almost sultry like. “Uh… yeah it is.”
“Great. So when can we start? Just asking because I need to start passing as soon as I can” I smile over the phone as his voice sounds funny and humorous. “We can start tonight. I live in the white house on Ivy Blvd.” my voice is blank and quiet as I talk. “Alright what time?” He ask with a more normal tone. “Anytime is fine. My dad doesn’t get home till 6 so whenever is fine.” I smile slightly and I can here him start to shuffle around over the phone. “On the way.” I hear the sound of him hanging up and my eyes start to widen softly as I get out of my bed and start to tidy up my room and making sure there are no straggling articles of clothing like bras randomly stranded around.
I head down the stairs and smooth out my grey sweater before sitting on the couch with a magazine. I smooth out my hair and hum to myself as I read the magazine and kick my feet up on the couch. After a good bit I hear my doorbell ring and I get up to go answer it. I smooth my hair and sweater before opening the door with a blank expression.
I open the door and see the blonde guy that ran into me earlier. I raise my eyebrow and the open my door for him to come in. “You’re my tutor right?” He asks with a crazy smile. “Mhm. Let me get my bag and we can go upstairs.” I grab my back and start walking up the stairs with Chris behind me.
“You have a nice house,” he said while looking around and smoothing his hair a bit. “Thanks” I open my door and allow him to go inside. I grab a few pens and a couple of highlighters from my desk and sit on my bed. Taking in his personality, this is going to be a crazy few weeks before finals.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 1 month
Re-reading The Fellowship of the Ring for the First Time in Fifteen Years
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Ok, so, as we move further into this book, I kind of don't understand why they didn't click with me when I read them at seventeen. I mean, I was DEEEEEEEEEEEP into the Star Wars EU at that point, so maybe it was just genre and writing style whiplash. That said though, I am very much enjoying myself this time around. Let's talk "Three is Company.
So my four key reactions to this chapter were, in the order they arose,
Frodo is the single most relatable hobbit ever. His whole "To tell the truth, he was very reluctant to start, now that it had come to the point" thing is just like...I don't care who you are or when you are, you have felt that at some point in your life. Like...yeah, that hobbit needs a hug and a swift kick in the ass to get him moving.
WHAT THE ACTUAL TITS IS TOLKIEN'S BEEF WITH LOBELIA SACKVILLE-BAGGINS!?!?!? Like yes, she is a deeply unpleasant hobbit, but like...Frodo does not offer her any tea and leaves her the washing up, and frankly that kind of seems unnecessary? Like why is Tolkien a dick to Lobelias?
I had forgotten that Tolkien leaned on characterizations of elves that swing from near-childlike delight and wonder and bluntness ("...and hobbits are so dull," anyone??? Like I was literally raised with better manners than this) to absolute solemnity and wisdom. What I'm saying is that Gildor and his buddies gave me whiplash while Sam was getting starry-eyed.
WHY THE HELL HAS NOBODY TOLD THIS HOBBIT ANYTHING??? Literally they have almost been nabbed by black riders THREE DANG TIMES, and they're still basically in the heart of the Shire. Someone needs to fill these guys in, and frankly I think in Gandalf's oft-remarked-upon absence, then Gildor should probably step up and--as Frodo rightly fucking says--fill in some of the gaps because the vague warnings and ominous allusions are objectively worse than just knowing what is happening.
So with the key reactions sorted, let's walk it back a little and chat through this chapter. I--like every other nerd who existed on the planet in the 2000s--have seen the Peter Jackson film adaptations. I was also tangentially aware that there was a LOT of time compression in those movies, but uh...reading the book is a whole other level of understanding that. There are gaps of literal months and years between "oopsie poopsie, it's the One Ring" and "hey, you probably need to leave the Shire" and "OK FINE, WE'RE GOING." And even once Frodo, Sam, and Pippin get their asses on the road, they're like...meandering. Hanging out. Enjoying the walk.
What I'm saying is, the sense of urgency is utterly nonexistent.
Which is not a judgement, I actually enjoyed the pacing and watching our little hobbit bois be happy hobbit bois, but the feet-nailed-to-the-floor practical side of me was in a screaming match with the -delightedly-kicking-her-feet side of me the entire time I was reading this chapter. Like...guys. The Enemy is LITERALLY ON YOUR DOORSTEP. THEY ALMOST GOT YOU. MAYBE HAUL ASS A BIT??? BUY YOURSELVES SOME TIME AND SPACE???
I'm pretty sure that running into Gildor and his buddies saved their hobbity butts.
Just before we get into Gildor and the company of elves though, I want to take a brief second to just...acknowledge the goddamn WHISPLASH I got when the song movie Pippin sings over Denethor just destroying a roast chicken and cherry tomatoes popped up this early in the trilogy. It's a walking song and it's very hobbity, and I love both versions (book and movie) but for DEEPLY different reasons. The book version is sweeter, a little cheekier, and I imagine it paces because it is indeed a walking song, meant to keep those feet moving. It also is very much Pippin going "bed please!" which is deeply relatable. The movie makes it way weightier, more melancholy. And in the film context, it's also tragic. The shift from "away shall fade" to "all shall fade" is doing a TON of heavy lifting too. I don't have much else about that, really, because in terms of adaptation, that's not so much an adaptation as a recontextualization. And...I like both? Both are good? They're different, and I'm not gonna get bogged down in judging differences, I'm just going to enjoy both versions.
Back to the elves.
Frodo has some social cache with them, given his relationship to Bilbo and his grasp of the elven language, however small. Frodo also goes in for the traditional polite greetings and exchanges, which is all great. That said...
Thank christ that Pippin has no chill, because if he hadn't burst in and gone, "Tell us about the Black Riders," we'd have been doing social graces for literally another few pages. And I'm willing to bet that Frodo might not have actually gotten there, and then the three would not have been taken under the elves' wing, which again, I'm pretty sure saved their halfling asses. So thank goodness for Pippin just cutting through the bullshit and getting the plot moving a little. And he is amply rewarded with just hella good food and a good night's sleep, so all is right in his little hobbit heart.
I might love Pippin. Like, disproportionately.
What I did not love was Gildor. Gildor and his "Then I think it is not for me to say more - lest terror should keep you from your journey," and his "advice is a dangerous gift," and his "is it not enough to know that they are servants of the enemy?" and his "courage is found in unlikely places."
Gildor. My dude. Sweetie, honey, friend. YOU ARE NOT HELPING HERE WITH THE PHILOSOPHIZING AND THE PASSING OF THE BUCK. This is actually how you know Tolkien was a tried and true academic, because you can't get a straight answer to a direct question without being taken through a masterclass in philosophy first.
Like, I'm so happy for you and your education and your erudition, but for fucks sake, if I asked you if the sky was blue, we'd be debating what "blue" is for hours over tea when what I needed was a straight answer so I could plan my day. (I would be a terrible elf, you guys. Just absolutely terrible.)
The best I can say about Gildor is that he names Frodo an Elf-Friend, which I'm willing to bet is going to be beneficial down the road. He also made sure that Frodo, Sam, and Pippin were safe that night, and they got fed. So I guess that's a win.
Overall a fun chapter, and I'm excited to finally catch up with Merry and start planning to bail on the Shire in the next chapter!
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ask-the-cosmic-duo · 6 months
"Maybe with that sort of fleet, we can finally be free. I have yet to meet any pony like you, Stella. We are doing economically well, but not enough to do extra. We have built a small chain of artifical islands for food and resources, but not enough to explore space. We have magic ore mines that we wrestled from Arimaspi but things are never enough. Every old important building here is built by the Empress " Aurora shrugged, finishing the final touches on the potion with a sauce.
"Well... the best technological advancement we created was the hover board, powered by Aether. But hover board races are really dangerous.. so unicorns are the usual riders since they could be controlled by magic. Also its uses are restricted for now, especially in the capital... due to many ponies misusing it... I can show you mine, if you like."
"We have our Fluttershy but she's busy somewhere in the Dragon Lands with Master. Yes, the main six exist here.. although their capabilities are different..."
Reaching a golden runic door at the end of the hallway, Aurora gave a knock hard but doesn't receive any answer.
"I'm going to say this: Her highness can be rude at times. Perhaps, it's due to recent events. Strange, she's not answering."
Giving a swift kick on wooden door blocking the way, Aurora rushed towards a nearby bed, dorned with jewels and runes of power. The bed glowed briefly with a goldenlike aura, but soon resumed its mundane form.
Upon closer examination, the duo could see fresh blood stains everywhere, from the carpet to floor. All sorts of books were scattered, as although it was ransacked.
The centre of the bed was revealed to be lean like figure of an alicorn, now covered with bandages. Once a proud figure but reduced to being a sickly figure with bloodshot eyes.
Aurora gave a worried glance between the duo and the Empress before spoon feeding the later who merely kept an eerie silence...
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Stella trilled softly, enjoying the compliment and praise. “Yeah, well, it wasn’t easy making that stuff… I don’t even remember when I suddenly figured it all out, or what happened when I did. It’s… weird.” She shrugged. “But nevertheless, here I am.”
She paused, thinking. “I don’t think I can just lend my tech though, regardless of whether this world is sleeping or awake. But I can provide guidance, meaning I can help explain how it works. That way, you can make it yourself! There’s also a little loophole that’ll let me provide any needed resources…”
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Sol shook his head. “I’ll just let that pass… Just don’t get us in trouble, Stell.”
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“I won’t!” Stella blepped.
She sounded really interested in these hoverboards. “Wait… Are they like Extreme Gear?! Gosh, I love those things so much! They’re like, the most stylish hoverboards out there!” She giggled again, one particular Gear quickly coming to mind. Perhaps one of the most famous, actually. “I wish I could figure out how to make a design that works well with quadrupeds, though…”
“See, most of the canon Gear types are meant for bipedal creatures, specifically ones with hands, and it’s not that simple to adapt them for ponies. You said it yourself, most ponies can’t stand on their hind hooves for very long. I could still design it similarly to a normal board, but it’d have to be a lot wider. Can’t really make replicas when they have to be wider.” She sighed. “Kinda sucks… Oh, but I’d love to see yours! Just, uh… maybe after the important stuff.”
The two unicorn visitors nodded to acknowledge Aurora’s warning. They were worried, though. Really worried. That concern only grew as time went on, starting when their guide had to literally kick open the door. They entered hesitantly, with Stella looking around in confusion, and Sol focusing on the Empress herself.
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Sol watched Aurora feed the feeble alicorn, and felt bad for her. There had to be some way he and Stella could help. Geez, he really did want to help here, didn’t he? That cosmic mare must be rubbing off on him…
With a sigh at that realization, he makes an attempt to sense the Empress’s magic signature, and try to figure out what was wrong based on how that magic flowed through her body. He knew there were changes to how magic flowed through a magic user’s body when they were sick or injured, at least back home. An Elysian’s magic not only sustained them, but also protected them. However, it might work differently for Equestrians, and even more so in an entirely different universe.
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psychelis-new · 4 months
Hi lys! This is Regarding the dreams meaning post. Um. I don't usually have any uh Set pattern to the dreams. But since past 2 years I've almost stopped having any and I started waking up very tired like I can sleep for as less as I want and as more as I want but still feel very drained once or twice. I've realised that. It is because I do dream but. The dreams feel so routine that it doesn't feel like I was sleeping at all. For example, yesterday I was, I went to sleep uh and then, in my dream, I woke up, and I did all the routine tasks every day and I sat down to study and didn't realise that it was a dream because when I woke up, I immediately sat down to study and thought that I had been doing so since a really long time. I usually get very livid dreams in which I keep working. And don't acknowledge that I woke up refreshed at a um. I wanted to know if there was any reason behind this. It has been going on for the past 1 or 2 years now. Another instance was that I had a Dream in which I had sincerely started studying for an exam and I was panicking because I didn't have the books for the subject so when I woke up. I started preparing my bag to go and give the exam and I was actually very stressed because I had not studied until I realise that I did not have any exam. And I had already stopped studying that subject 3 years ago. didn't have to take any exam at all also that, My grades in this subject were not bad. I've always been an over achiever. So I had As as well, but still I woke up very anxious and didn't realise It was a dream until 4 or 5 hours in the morning after waking up. I also tend to cry silent tears before falling asleep Thank you so much have a great day!
Hello dear :)
First of all, what's hurting you? You don't have to tell me but maybe it's worth trying to realize that within yourself and work through it. I think you may feel pretty pressured by external and/or internal reasons to always keep up a certain profile and proficiency in what you do (which is supported by you having been the over achiever with all As). But maybe this is not what makes you happy and what is good for you anymore. And honestly, that's more than okay. You need to put yourself and your needs first. If you're too tired to keep up with that, it's fine. You keep dreaming of all your daily activities and stressing over them also in dreams, I'm not surprised you feel so drained and don't even realize you're dreaming. I do think you need a break... So my question, related to the first one I wrote, is: what is blocking you from taking a break, also during your day, to give back to yourself and rest your mind for real? Cause stopping activities but thinking about what you still have to do, it's not resting.
Similar experiences to yours happen also during false awakening but honestly to me there's a bit more. Your mind is trying to process all of your daily activities and emotions related with them, but to me it also wants to show you that you fear not being prepared or able to face/solve something (especially seen the dream about the exam)? Or you feel that if you gave yourself a break everything would break and you'd be not enough (for something, someone, whatever?) so you need to keep going. But maybe your routine needs a stop (and a deeper emotional analysis) in your waking life, so to help you your sleeping life as well... the moment you find ways to recover some energy, it will get better. And you'll see you're still worthy and more than enough for anyone and anything.
I think you can slow down a bit, you can allow yourself to change from the past (and the person you were: we change continuosly, it's sooo good) and follow your heart. You need some attention too: you don't have to only focus on the outside at all. And, js... this comes from someone who used to be an over achiever and had top grades most of her life (all for the wrong reasons, but that's another story... or maybe not. anyway, do everything for yourself and not for others, not even cause overworking is the only way to get back, be acknowledged and get praised: you need to do things for you, and it's not selfish. at all. so do anything for you, also taking breaks).
Take care of you please<3 (and please find time to cry properly: crying is good, it helps our body clean and heal, it's never bad and it's not something you need to be ashamed of... I'm sorry for the pain that comes with it ofc but crying is good. Allow it to happen)
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alaffy · 2 years
The Umbrella Academy, Ep. 2x05 - Valhalla
There’s nothing sweeter then happy, fucked up family reunions.  This episode is mostly dealing with the reunion of all of the siblings; as well as the personal issues that the members have been going through.  We also learn the real reason why Luther has really given up on the whole hero thing.  As for the whole apocalypse storyline, well, everyone needs a day off I suppose.  But the main question I have is, do the powers give the family members a high tolerance for alcohol?  I mean, I can see they can get drunk.  But two of them have been drinking all day and, uh, seemed way too coherent at the end of the episode.  Granted, Klaus may have some tolerance for it by this point but…
So, the episode begins with us finding out a little bit more about the creation of Pogo.  It seems he was a test ape, who was being trained to fly a shuttle in space.  Grace, it seems, was a combination of his handler/scientist.  Reginald, of course, lead the project. But something went wrong during the flight and Pogo was almost lost.  He is only saved with, what I can assume, is the serum that turned Pogo into the intelligent ape we see in the first season (it also seems to have a healing factor, which may be important?).  Anyway, afterwards, it seems that Reginald and Grace start to raise Pogo as if he were their child.  Also, it seems to indicate that whatever Five said to Reginald is part of a book Reginald would read to the children?
Cut to the present ‘60s, Diego realizes that they need to leave the party now.  However, Five makes it clear that Lila is no longer welcomed and that he will kill her if he sees her again.  Lila tries to plead her case to Diego, but after the fight with the Swedes, he knows that Lila is hiding something from them and chooses to part ways.
The next morning, Klaus and Allison decide to get drunk; they will spend the better part of this episode drinking.  Also, we find that Vanya and Sissy have slept together.  They make plans to run away together with Harlen, but then Carl comes home from his business trip.  Later, Carl is telling Sissy that he plans on taking her and Harlen out for the day (because of some big deal he made).  He also, well, gets handsy with Sissy; who’s clearly not comfortable with the situation. Meanwhile, Harlen is playing with a game that is making a constant beeping noise.  Vanya, frustrated with Carl’s behavior, starts to focus on the beeping. Suddenly, there’s a rumble of thunder and the windows in the kitchen crack.  But, here's the interesting thing; Harlen reaches out and place his hand on Vanya’s, pulling her back.  It seems like somehow he was able to sense that it was her causing the issues?  
Meanwhile, at Elliot’s, Luther finally comes clean about why he’s been in such a mood.  It turns out that, after he landed in Dallas over a year ago, the first thing he did was to go back to the Academy.  He believed that Reginald, who believed in such things as time travel, would listen to Luther if Luther told Reginald that Luther was his son. It…doesn’t go the way he hoped. Reginald doesn’t believe him; not because of the time travel, but because Reginald hates kids.  Furthermore, if he did choose to adopt a child, it wouldn’t be something so, uh, “pathetic” as Luther.  
Still, it seems like the only thing left to do is to get the family back together and figure out how to stop the apocalypse.  Luther gets Vanya and returns with her first.  It seems like Diego doesn’t trust Vanya (as she tried to kill him the last time she saw them); but she apologizes and, well, that seems to be good enough for Diego. At this point, Five comes back with a drunk Klaus and a buzzed Allison.  And Allison and Vanya have a warm reunion; and, yeah, it’s just a sweet moment between the family members.  Except for Ben.  Five does ask if Ben is there but Klaus, who’s been really at odds with Ben recently, lies and says Ben’s not there.  Which really hurts Ben as it’s clear that he wanted to be acknowledged by his siblings.
So, the family talks about, well, did they cause another end of the world scenario? There’s no proof that it’s their fault the end is coming.  That being said, all of them seem to be indirectly influencing history around the JFK assassination.  Except for Vanya; right now she just lives on a farm with a salesman and his family.  However, there’s one thing that’s clear; for them to figure out how to save the world, they need to talk to/kill Reginald (uh, the plan changes depending if you’re talking to Five or Diego).  But Luther doesn’t want to see Reginald again and tries to leave.  Five tries to stop him, which really doesn’t go well.  Luther knocks Five off the steps and Five, to avoid crashing into a wall, teleports outside.  And there, on a roof, he sees Lila.
And now to backtrack for a moment.  While all of this was going on, Lila has returned to The Handler; who admits that the Commission doesn’t know that the two of them are there and that’s why the Swedes haven’t had any issue with attacking Lila.  However, it seems like The Handler has a plan and it involves one of Diego’s knives.
The Handler fakes a tube drop to the Swedes.  Inside, is a picture of Diego and a set of coordinates.  The Swedes go to the area, where one of them finds Diego’s knife stuck in a tree.  He approaches the tree, only to step on a mine and blow himself up.  And now there are two.
Anyway, back in the alley, Lila starts to run away and Five runs after her.  Meanwhile, Luther and Diego also have left and start to have a heart to heart about their father.  In a bro way; one that involves insults and dancing around the true subject that both of them have daddy issues.  However, the conversation ends with Diego admitting that a car has been following them.  The car stops and the driver hands the pair an invitation for dinner.  It’s from Reginald.
At the same time, Klaus, Allison, and Vanya decide this is a good time to get drunk(er) at the beauty salon. Honestly, I think this scene might be my favorite in the series so far.  I just love the fact that these three are just hanging out and talking about their relationship problems.  In the end, Vanya decides she’s going to confess her feelings to Sissy, Allison is going to tell the truth to Ray, and Klaus is going to face his cult members. We do see Klaus go back to his cult and Allison tell Ray that she’s ready to tell him the truth, but their stories end there in this episode.
Meanwhile, Five fights Lila in a factory and it seems like Lila has powers as well.  It does make sense.  If she was four in 1993, it means she was born in 1989 and is likely one of the children Reginald was not able to buy (which is such a hard sentence to type without cringing).  Five does manage to get the upper hand and then tells The Handler that she can come out (as I thought, he realized who Lila was when he saw her fight the Swedes). And here’s where we leave Five.
Vanya, meanwhile, returns back to the farm and confesses her love to Sissy.  Only to find out that Sissy had just slept with her husband.  When Vanya asks about their plans, Sissy makes it clear that it was just talk.  And, again, it’s one of those things where….I do feel sympathy for Sissy as the reality is, she is in no position to break out of her box.  If she runs away with Vanya; if she outs herself as Gay, she could loose her child or she could be committed by Carl. There are so many things that can happen to her, that it’s understandable that she chooses to stay where she is.  On the other hand, Sissy kind of wants it both ways as in she doesn’t want Vanya to leave; she wants to have this thing with Vanya that’s hidden.  And that’s completely unfair to Vanya.  Especially considering that it was Sissy who first suggested that they run away together, which lead to Vanya confronting her feelings towards Sissy. In the end, Vanya tells Sissy that they have six days left (although she doesn’t say why) and leaves the house.          
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stressed-chaos · 2 years
Memories - Part 6
I forgot to post, again. Sorry to anyone who's interested in reading more of this, I'll try to keep a schedule.
If anyone would like to be added to the tag list, they can let me know.
Hope you all like this one!
(Gif not mine)
Warnings: Mention of cheating
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Finally reaching at a place where they both felt safe, which was a little park a bit far away from the cafe, they couldn't help but think as if they had been running away from a mafia. I mean...it was just Chloe, what's the worst she can do? Still Y/N insisted on getting far away. Ben was lying on the grass, thinking about how they would deal with it all, while she was calling Harry.
"He will meet us here in about 10 minutes, apparently Chloe had tried to warn him about something being wrong with me, but I convinced him," Y/N stated after ending the call. He nodded in acknowledgment.
"How do you plan to break the news to him? I mean...it's a pretty big thing."
"Improvise, I guess." With that they both lost themselves in their surroundings, completely forgetting about her memories.
Eventually Harry arrived and they both set him down after introductions were introduced between Harry and Ben, pretty nervous about the situation, which didn't go unnoticed by him at all.
"What's the matter guys? You look like you are about to bomb this place."
"Not the place, but for sure a news on your face," Ben mumbled low enough. He was first quite annoyed by all this. He was almost about to get his love back but then got in a family drama kind of thing. He was also glad at one side as he himself was pretty nervous about telling Y/N the truth.
This time Y/N spoke up, fidgeting her fingers, "Harry, I—We don't...don't know how to say this...but Chloe, she—she was having an—I can't do this Ben."
"Hey, hey, it's just me, you know you can tell me anything. Is Chloe alright though? You're starting to make me worried."
Ben noticed the discomfort and decided to do it, "Chloe's fine...actually, well maybe not. We found out— that, uh...she is pregnant..."
"That's wonderful!" Harry exclaimed, "Shouldn't she be the one telling me this? Why were you two nervous?"
"You didn't let me finish."
"Well you took a pause, I thought you were done." Y/N was just staring at the ground, in no mood to voice anything.
"Sorry about that. Okay, so we need you to remain calm and well...Chloe— she is pregnant...but uh, you see, the baby...isn't yours. She— she was cheating on you." It felt as if this was the most difficult sentence he ever had to say.
And Harry's face just proved it. That poor man has his jaw almost dropped to the floor. He looked so— so shattered, it made him wonder if they should have listened to Chloe's words and not have told the news to him at all, but what's done can't be reversed now. Plus, it was better this way. His eyes were becoming glossy and his jaw was now clenching. "How do I know you aren't lying?" He said so gravely, Ben thought he would win against Nester.
Y/N finally spoke up, "Do you think this is something to be lied about. Especially when you love your wife more than enough to last a thousand lifetimes? Alright, no issues, Ben if you will."
Ben took out his phone and showed him the video, the voice and face being pretty clear despite the circumstances it was taken in. They could faintly hear Chloe talking to her lover and making plans about lying to Harry. Speaking of who, was shattering piece by piece after seeing the proof, with each word, anger building in his green eyes and his jaw clenching so hard..it was surprising it didn't break.
Heaving a defeated sigh, Harry spoke up after the video ended, "Well...it got confirmed."
Both of their eyes got wide in shock. "What the fuck?"
"I was suspecting there was something going on." He turned to Y/N, "You saw it too, there was a tension between you and Chloe after the day you came to my house to borrow the book. I overheard her talking to someone about getting caught, guess they were talking about you. There were some more little things I saw...now it just got confirmed I guess."
Their eyes grew wide at this. He really knew all this time? "You still took this a lot better than we thought. Why didn't you talk to me about this though?" Y/N was still in a dazed shock over whatever happened, but still managed to get those words out. This really is a crazy fucking day.
"I can't force her to love me and can't pull her back if she falls out of love with me...it's alright, I'll figure it out. And I didn't tell you because you yourself had a lot of stuff to figure out," Harry looked between the two.
"We'll come with you," Y/N offered, giving his hand a quick squeeze and already getting up, Ben followed.
"No, no, it's something I have to do myself," His eyes spoke a different story, but they did not push. "I'll call you if I need some help. Besides, you two have an important matter to deal with. For which, I am glad you found her Ben. Have you two talked?" Despite his words and attempt to change the topic, his eyes were still glassy.
"No we haven't," Ben piped up. "But hold on, this thing isn't about us. Are you sure you're alright? Cause we can have that talk anytime. It isn't important," it was, but he wasn't going to leave a man in distress to solve his own life.
"No, I'm good...though if you don't mind me asking, how do you know her?"
Ben told him in private about everything. He reckoned it wasn't the best time for her to know. The look of shock on Harry's face was supposed to be, though Ben was glad there wasn't any sadness like there was before.
"Don't hurt her, kid. She's like my little sister."
"I reckon I'm probably the same age as you...I would never hurt her over anything."
They shared a laugh and went back towards a waiting Y/N. "Okay, I've got to go and finalize things and you two need to talk. Take care kid," Harry spoke as he hugged Y/N goodbye.
"Take care Harry. I'm sure you will find someone who will love you as much as you love them. If you need to talk, I'm always there. Love you."
"Love you too Y/N/N. Let me know what happens."
"You too."
Staying in each other's embrace for a little longer, they parted ways and Harry left. Both talked a little more about their expectations vs reality, silently praying for Harry and got some ice-cream. Even though Y/N was excited she had found someone who knew her, there was a trace of fear behind her eyes...probably about her past life.
Ben just wasn't so keen on addressing the elephant in the room...or well park, he was also scared of how his wife would react, enjoying those stolen moments with her. What if she doesn't accept him? Sure it would come off as a shock at first, but what if she just...doesn't like him anymore or realizes she is way good for him and leaves him? Or what if she likes her new life and does not want to return to the old one? What if she doesn't remember at all? What if...
Y/N's voice brought him out of his internal multiverse debate of what ifs. "So shall we? It's been stretched long enough."
"Yeah..." hearing his voice raspy, he cleared his throat, "Yeah sure, maybe, um, start off by telling me what all you know? So I can just go on from there," he retaliated while taking a bite of his vanilla ice cream cone.
"Maybe not here? There's a lot of noise. Some kids honestly."
He chuckled, "Yeah probably...where then?"
"How about my place?"
"You sure about that?" He asked, eyebrows raising.
"Yeah...what's the worst that can happen?...well now that I think about it, a lot, but what's life without a little risk."
"The worst won't happen, don't worry. The worse that may happen is that you may faint, after all the information, nothing more...unless you are planning to do something bad? Serial killer stuff maybe," he added jokingly.
"Nah...don't worry about it. If I had to kill you, you would have died long ago."
And with that, Ben laughed and followed her to her apartment, excited to see it.
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tobias-fell · 2 years
"this book has gay characters" is no longer a significant and unique trait in the YA book world, and a lot of really low quality books are still getting upheld as perfect and special for it anyways, despite their, you know. complete lack of anything else good
and it's an interesting phenomenon but also a very annoying one
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poppy-metal · 3 years
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so uh,,,,this ended up being alot softer then i was expecting LMAO.
Bully!eren x reader
Cw: not alot, some smut at the end. Tame for me but i was in my FEELINGS okay.
Word count: 2.3k
The familiar sleek black of erens benz pulls up to the side of your house as you walk home from a late night trip to the grocery store, pints of ben & jerrys ice cream in the bags, as well as several other snack items one might munch on to cram for an exam, which is what you planned on doing. 
You side step more onto the sidewalk when he pulls up beside you, still driving just slow enough to match your pace. He rolls down the window, jerking his head, “Just the girl i wanted to see,” he drawls hooking his arm out his window to lean out a little, he grins, “its fate” 
You scrunch your nose up and scoff “Stalking is another word for it, jaeger”. You look him over suspiciously, “you wanted to see me?” 
He rolls his eyes. He’s wearing aviator sunglasses, pushed up his forehead. Loitering in front of your house like this, you’re aware of how different the worlds you live in are. Everything about eren is expensive, from his car to his sunglasses to his clothes, even the way he smells, the cologne he wears, all tells how important he is. Meanwhile here you are in your oversized hoodie and leggings, hands full of stuff you’d bought from the convenience store, prepared to spend your night busting your ass to even stay in the college you had to claw your way to get into, wherein he had gotten in without even trying. You’re not self conscious, at least not usually. You’d never yearned to be apart of erens world too terribly, and it was eren who always sought you out, not the other way around, when there was plenty of rich girls right up his alley and status that would be glad to be with him and yet here he was at 11pm at night. You try to push down the way your heart flutters at that fact.
“Uh huh. Get in the car, bambi, m’taking you somewhere” his teeth are a flash of white against the night, promising trouble, as always. Your grip on your bags tightens, as does your heart in your chest. You glance away, “i have to study” 
Your brows pinch together and you hold up your bags “Not that you’d care, jaeger, but some of us have to actually study to achieve our goals. I can't entertain you tonight, im busy” 
Eren doesn’t look put out in the slightest, glancing down at your bags with casual disinterest“You dont need to study”. And then he looks up at you and meets your eyes, your breath catching, they look closer to the shade of seaglass today. “You’re smarter than anyone i know, ___, and i know alot of people. Whatever you want to pass? You’re already there. Just come with me, please”  
Your eyes widen and your heart spasms in your chest, caught off guard by the raw honesty in his voice. He has moments like this, where he usually teases you and gets under your skin but sometimes he says something that makes everything in you jolt. Its not fair. Its confusing and it messes with your head, makes it fuzzy, weakens you and makes you do things you’d never do with a clear mind.  
You wish you could fight it, wish you could roll your eyes and tell him no and do what you need to do. But you don’t. Huffing you say, “Ugh, fine. Just let me put this stuff up, my ice creams probably already a puddle by now” you turn and rush up to your house, ears burning when you hear him call out, “Thatta girl!” 
You try not to put everything away to hastily, thinking he ought to squirm just a little, but even you can’t deny the eager buzzing under your skin. When you clamber into the passenger seat of his car eren turns to grin at you as he flicks his sunglasses back over his eyes. “Knew you’d see reason, bambi”. You roll your eyes at the nickname, crossing your arms over your chest as you side eye him warily, “where are you taking me jaeger, is this a kidnapping?” 
“Not a kidnapping when you want it, sweetheart”, eren says, putting his arm around the back of your seat as he backs up his car to make a uturn. You dont know if the flustered leap in your chest is from the petname or the way his forearm looks flexing, the cords in his neck prominent as he looks behind him for any oncoming cars. “Just trust me, yeah? You’ll like it” 
You sink in the seat, trying to get away from the warm heat of his arm so close to you, but hes taking it away soon enough, only to draw your attention again to the way his hands look steering the wheel. His hands….You turn to look out the window, opting for silence, because you feel like you’re about to lose your mind. This car is just so..him and its overwhelming your senses. It smells good, it smells like him, his cologne wafting all around you. The sleek interior of his car is crisp, clean, sharp, and just so richboy it feels surreal. You haven’t been in his car before. 
Eren seems okay with the silence though, tapping his finger idly against the wheel as soft music plays from the radio. Its strangely peaceful, actually. Before you know it, the whirring of houses and neighborhoods and highway turns into palm trees and sand. You sit up straighter, coming out of your daze when you realize eren is pulling his car into the sandy bank by a large body of water. The beach. You haven’t had a chance to go here. 
The water looks like black at this time of night, there are no waves, just sparkling dark abyss that stretches out for ages and ages, glittering under the moonlight. There are no other cars parked close to you so its just you, eren, and the sea. 
You spend quite awhile gawking at the ocean before you come to your senses and turn to face eren. He has his elbow propped on the wheel, chewing idly on his thumb as he peers at you from over his sunglasses. A small smile is playing at his lips as he watches you. 
You gape, “What…” 
“You’re cute when you’re excited, you know” his voice is low, dropped in that way that makes your toes curl in your shoes. You ignore the way your heart skips at his words, probing him, “Why did you bring me here, ren?” 
He turns to face forward, flipping the radio off so theres no background noise between the two of you. Taking his sunglasses off the folds them and puts them on the dash, sighing as he watches the ocean from out the windshield, gnawing on his lips. Tap, tap, tap, his fingers on the wheel go as you wait for him to speak. “Last week,” he starts, glancing at you, “When we had to do those presentations in class about places we feel at home..you talked about the library” 
He laughs under his breath like its some kind of endearing joke, shaking his head a little. You dont speak. “The library is where i first saw you, you know? I mean, before all this, before i..talked to you, i noticed you before you ever noticed me.” A small secret smile plays on his lips, “You were reading ‘percy jackson and the lightning thief’, and you haid your hair in pigtails. Your glasses were way to big your face. My first thought was ‘wow she looks like an owl’, but then i saw you laugh at something on the page and my second thought was ‘i want to know her’. We were in middle school.” 
Green eyes connect with yours, “You still go there, i know. But anyway..this is. My place, i guess”. He purses his lips “i figure since i'm always intruding on your little sanctuary , i’d let you see mine” 
You take everything he just said in. He’d known about you, noticed you, since middle school? You hadn’t acknowledged him until sophomore year of highschool, hadn’t spoken to him since senior year, when this tug and pull had first begun between you two. You remembered that day, your mother wouldn't buy you the series so you’d relied on constantly re-reading the books at the library. It was around that time you began to see that place as something special, too. Tucked away from the world, you could lose yourself in another's story. It was like magic. And to realize eren had been there the whole time, had glimpsed that, realized that the library was your special place, that he’d even payed attention to your presentation in class at all in the first place...that he was here, showing you something of himself in return, even though you’d never asked. You’d wondered of course. 
Eren was an enigma, he was on most days, the bane of your existence. He had made your life a living hell on many occasions, but with that, he also made you feel more alive than ever before. He’d dragged you out of your bubble and challenged you to see the world beyond school and books and fiction, he raised your emotions and forced you to experience everything head on. Anger, confusion, happiness, anxiety, thrill, lust and…
You look at him. The way the moonlight curls into the car like a kind of mist, making his eyes look absolutely beautiful. The soft wave to his brown hair, his eyelashes, everything about him made you ache with desire. All the time, even when you swore you hated him, you wanted him. 
“Kiss me”. Its whispered out so low, for a moment you worry he might not hear it. Its the first time you’ve asked for him, reached for him first without his taunting to guide a confession from you. With this request, filling the air between you, you’re making it known that you want him, want this. It doesn’t change anything and yet it somehow changes everything. You can’t look in the mirror and tell yourself he doesn’t occupy your mind and your heart anymore. Not after this. 
Eren seems to realize this too, his intake of breath letting you know he heard you loud and clear. “__..” he says, inching closer. His eyes, dark now, are so very hungry as he closes in. In a moment his lips, soft, so soft, are on yours. You sigh into his kiss, opening for him easily when his tongue glides into your mouth. His hand comes up to cup your jaw, tenderly, thumb stroking it. God, you want to eat him, you want him to eat you. The wet smack of your lips fills the car as you hungrily nip, and suck, and kiss at each others lips. 
When eren pulls back, he’s panting, hair disheveled. You don’t remember when your hands first sunk into his hair, but they must have, messed up as it is now. He looks at you like he wants to devour you, he licks his lips. “I’m gonna put your seat back,” he tells you slowly, each word dripping with finality, “im going to kiss every inch of your body and then you’re opening those legs for me and letting me inside, baby” 
You don’t have it in you to act scandalised, you know what you want. You’d basically asked for it. You just nod, never taking your eyes off his face when he reaches down and pulls the lever. And then you feel yourself being tilted backwards as the seat goes back, laying you flat. Your chest heaves with barely contained need as eren then settles above you, every clothed inch of him hovering just barely above you. 
Holding your eyes, eren lowers himself. You spread your legs easily to accommodate him, gasping when you feel his clothed cock settle right against your clit through your leggings. He rocks once, gently, against you, his hair hanging over his forehead as he looks down at you with utter want in his eyes, “Want you to feel me”, he murmurs, and rocks again, “Wanna fill you up so good, you can’t ever pretend that im not apart of you. Because, this, baby?” Another rock, a shuddered moan leaving your lips, “This is it. No ones gonna fuck you like i do, no ones gonna get inside that little head and play the games we play so well together.” 
One of his hands trails up your thigh, dipping his hand under the fabric of your leggings and pulling them slightly down, he pecks your lips, once, twice, three times. “Tell me”, he groans into your mouth, peeling your clothes off you slowly, “Tell me you understand, Tell me this is everything” 
And you tell him. Tell him through your whimpers when he parts the folds of your slick cunt with his fingers buried inside you. Tell him through your moans into his mouth when he shoves his jeans down and splits you open on his cock. Tell him through sighs of his name, when he rocks into you, licking into your mouth as he spears you open. Tell him through the way you claw your fingers down his back when starts to fuck you hard, rocking the car with the force of his thrusts. Tell him through the way you spread your legs, even wider, toes curling as he wrings orgasm after orgasm out of your tight little pussy milking him. 
“Its everything, you’re everything…” You cry out again and again, clutching onto him as he pumps you full of his cum, groaning brokenly into your neck. 
“Fuck”. He pulls back to look down at you, brushing your damp hair back from your face, still inside you. “You’re gonna fucking kill me, you little nerd” 
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happenedinforks · 3 years
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Dating Jasper and Alice
a/n: im gay af but Jasper could hit it
warnings: some suggestive tones briefly, also possible writing mistakes (im too lazy to proof read it’s like 2 am)
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They're already vampires, living with a vampire family, with a treaty considering shape-shifting wolves so a poly-relationship wasn't necessarily that big of news to them.
Like they both liked you, you liked them. If you were down to "share" then they'd be too. It was quite simple for them.
It would be quite casual at first, no one really acknowledged the whole vampirism-thing for a while. For better or for worse.
You thought you were still 17, you had time, so why stress and turn grey from over-thinking?
Surprisingly, Jasper had this same attitude. Just... for about everything in life.
It drove Alice insane. She would like to plan out what you guys would do for your anniversary and in exchange she'd get you and Jasper lounging around, reading books and saying "we'll figure it out" and "don't stress about it, darling."
But also sometimes you sided with Alice and dragged poor Jasper accross town for that adorable decorative pillow you ”just had to get for your couch”.
Having two hundred years old genius’ helping you out with homework and studying. Your grades rose like Jon Snow from the dead.
Being one of the few humans Jasper has no trouble tolerating scent-wise, mainly because he loves you but also because your scent is quite mild according to him.
During summer these two act like your personal cooling packs.
As rare as it is, sometimes it does get hot in Forks, Washington. And that’s when cuddling with two vampires gets handy.
These two weren’t as afraid of sex as their lovely brother.
Bella was kinda jealous of you let’s be honest here.
But it was a lot of: ”are you alright?” ”Does it hurt anywhere?” ”Do we need to stop?” ”Alright Jazz shut up and kiss me.” ”Alice for the love of god live in the present.” You know, the usual.
And ALSO Jasper being an empath made everything (and I mean everything) just a tad bit better.
Because, you know, feelings were enhanced. And from that also other things.
So yeah sex is amazing with them.
But also kind of a rare treat given that when they get really excited + their vampire-ism equals broken furniture.
It’s kind of a miracle you arent actually broken.
Emmett laughed at the joke, Jasper and Alice didn’t find it as funny.
Alice and Jasper have a habit of talking either in that annoying vampire speed (especially if it’s about the Volturi or Riley Biers or Victoria or overall someone or something that would worry you)
Or they would have this weird non-verbal communication.
The two have known each other for how many decades? They can basically read eachothers minds by now.
Cue you going: ”Uh, yes hello, human over here, what is going on?”
Other than that you guys are all quite open about everything.
They’d happily tell you stuff about the history.
I mean Jasper had some explaining to do with the whole... army... thing...
And even about the not so happy things.
They like to think of it not like ”oh yes we’re going to traumatize this human for life” but more like ”it’s better she knows this and hears it from us rather than from those dogs.”
Oh by the way, did you like La Push? Too bad, you’re not going anymore.
Okay, that’s a bit overstated.
But you know, they’re extremely wary of the place. And the wolves.
These two can sometimes act as your own personal body guards.
One time this one asshole tried to flirt with you in Seattle, and Alice was this close to snapping his wrist.
And dont even get me started on the silent judging you guys do.
Especially in school.
Because even though they were vampires and could easily hear stuff from accross the room, you were still sort of their first line of defense when it came to gossip.
Everytime something happened, Alice and Jasper were the first to find out.
And when someone who had called Alice weird walked past, you and Jasper would stare them down until they were out of sight.
Alice pretend pleaded you to stop but she actually enjoys it. Just a teeny bit.
They just adore everything you do.
Because they’ve been vampires for so long, they kinda forgot the small things humans do.
Like you just flipped a pancake perfectly on your pan? Amazing.
Or perfectly threw and caught popcorn from mid-air? Show-stopping.
You did what? Filled a small balloon with water and threw it at Edward, completely soaking him with water? Someone get this girl a Nobel prize.
I swear, these two were in awe from the tiniest things they had completely forgotten about.
So usually Jasper does the driving.
Because you and Alice are very passive agressive. Alice more of the type who mumbles under her breath and you the type who honks and yells inside the car as if the other driver would hear it.
But when you weren’t complaining about other drivers you would be teasing Jasper of his southern heritage.
You and Alice purposely googled old southern slang and just used them in everyday conversation.
”Don’t you start with me boy”, said with the most obnoxious southern drawl possible.
Calling Jasper son even though he’s like gazillion years older than you.
”Listen here, son—” and cue a very bad Robert de Niro personation.
It’s contagious and soon Emmett is calling Jasper ”boy” and ”son” ironically.
“Can you be the yee to my haw?”
“Alice put her to bed please.”
“There’s a snake in your boot!”
“There’s not even snakes here!”
“Saddle up.”
”We’re driving. A car.”
”This ain’t my first rodeo, boy.”
”Alice I beg, not you too.”
You’re pretty sure he secretly likes your jokes. Like at least 50% of them.
Everything is the same except 100 times more chaotic after you’ve been changed.
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