#*in a defeated voice* i ship the moms
curemoonliite · 2 years
Fun fact about my MLP fanfic career that no one probably cares about but I've kept secret for a really long time: At least twice in my Quillamore era, I have considered writing a story literally called "Babsie's Mom Has Got It Going On" about Coco (Babs' adopted mother in my verse) getting overly close and flustered around Babs' bio mom when they have to do the co-parenting thing and actually breaking up with her coltfriend because she cannot handle being around a glamorous older former Manehattan trophy wife without crushing hard. The only reason this wasn't fully canonized is because Coco's coltfriend OC got way too popular for him not to stay the love interest.
Yes, I'm weird.
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tarot-archives · 1 month
hands. hands. and more hands. —Simon Riley
fluff | comforting simon and scolding him
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Simon always had calluses, even before enlisting. His hands were etched on the butcher knife from frequent use. To the point that even the owner had to buy a new one for himself. The handle fits perfectly, with deep engravings of his print, and thick calluses pressing on its body to reshape the figure.
Now, Simon had returned home from training. His hands, were more worn than before, with scars and burns painting on the canvas of his skin. He didn’t have anyone to take care of him after all. No one to scold him for the mud caking under his nails. No one to swipe his hands away if he hadn’t washed them before eating.
Bottles of hand cream on your nightstand take twice as long to finish since he was shipped out too.
But he’s here now. The bed dips, it’s no longer a place fit for two. He’s grown bulky, more lean than fat, his back straight after months of corrective training. You wonder about the history of his scars so you asked.
“This one was from doing push-ups,” he proudly said. 
“Just push-ups?” you were disturbed that push-ups can leave serious scars. “why is it on your knuckles then?”
“Had to do them against the gravel. Under the heat of the bloody sun,” Simon thumbs over the discoloration on his skin. “It was hot enough to cook an egg and burn through skin. Even had those hard pebbles that push up the bone.”
You grimaced, “the bone?”
Simon looks down at you, then snickers, “almost, but not yet. No.” He lies more easily now. Gentlemen know not to burden a woman’s heart. Especially his best friend.
You sighed in relief. Your fingers now brushing over his palms. The question, tipping itself over the edge of your tongue, as you hesitate to ask. But Simon knows you enough not to wait for a verbal query.
“These ones were from the rope,” he turns his hands to face you. Thick skin on his fingers, especially on his thumb.  All of the digits are dry and in need of a deep clean. He looks down at your furrowed eyes and disappointed glare.
You opened your mouth, then closed it. You didn’t want to make a fuss about it since Simon was the strongest person you ever met, but how could you make him understand your thoughts. That you are mad about his lack of self-care. That his hands found home at the barrel of the gun instead of a knife. Both items share the same violence. Both professions are bloody and messy. Both his choices were out of necessity for his family.
Simon doesn’t speak as he lets you feel his rough skin. Your digits travel in between his fingers, over his knuckles, finding a new reason to be more worried than the last. But as you were about to lift your hands away, he entwines his hands in yours. 
He made sure you won’t run as he says: “There’s no reason to worry.”
You shake your head in disapproval, “How could I not?” Your voice cracked. Warmth spread to your cheeks at your choking defeat. “What would you do if your best friend always put themselves in danger?”
“Save them from dumb decisions,” Simon answers. 
“But I’m not at the battlefield,” you gripped his hand harshly as an outlet of your frustration. “what can I do when you’re halfway around the world. And it would be months before I can hear again from you.” 
Despite your strength, it was nothing to him. He had experienced the butt of a rifle lodged into his hand as punishment. Your hold wasn’t a means for pain, but a way for you to deliver the words you left unsaid. So he returns the gesture, thumbing your skin in small circles, speaking in the language you spoke— the love language of touch. 
So you lean into him, understanding the silence and his affection. Realizing that his hands weren’t always a place of violence. It was your safe space, before the blood and the gore. 
He held your hands when you were anxious during preschool. He held your hands to keep you by his side amongst the busy street. He held your freezing hands when you left your mittens at home. And in more sacred moments when his lips touched a cut to heal it faster….
It was never about fixing him up. It was always about taking care of your best friend. All homes, when not properly maintained, tend to ruin quickly compared to others. And taking care of Simon was your way of making do or returning his kindness. 
“I need you to take care of yourself more,” you ordered.
“yes, ma’am.”
“you can’t keep coming back here expecting a manicure.”
“Of course,” he brushed away your gentle reminders. His arms pull you into a hug, purposely tipping you over to fall towards him. Simon was never the kind to fuss over the weight of your body over his. His heart welcomed you, accepting you as a part of him and all the burden you carry. 
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suuuupernovaaa · 1 year
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zeyko [zɛj.ˈk·o] vtr. heal, fix
Requests from @hyunjinoak: Can I request Neteyam x female reader story, in which the reader got hurt badly during a mission/war and her baby daughter/son keeps crying so bad for her(his) mom?
TW: violence, blood
With all the strength in his body, Neteyam shoves his younger brother to the ground, and raises his fist, intent on bringing it down square on Lo'ak's face. He hopes he will break his nose, or an eye socket, or maybe even his jaw.
Before his fist can crack bone, someone grabs his arm and wrenches him away.
He hears his father's voice. "Hey, whoa," he's saying, loudly trying to calm his son.
"It's his fault! It's his fault she was shot," Neteyam screams. "She went down there to protect him!"
Jake grabs his son's shoulders, spinning him so that they are face to face. He sees the anguish in his son's eyes, but even so, he can't let him hurt his brother.
Neteyam might be angry, but Jake knows he would regret it soon enough, if he hurt Lo'ak.
"Your son needs you now, Neteyam. He's crying for his mother, he doesn't know what happened. You need to go take care of him." He looks over his eldest son's shoulder, to see Lo'ak standing up, looking hurt and defeated. "I'll deal with your brother."
At the thought of his son, Neteyam stands up straighter. Without another word, he charges home.
It's the longest night of Neteyam's life. He stands outside of Tsahik's tent, listening to his wife's moans and cries, while holding his discontented infant in his arms.
The baby only wants Y/N. It's as if the little one senses that something is wrong, that his mother is hurt, and nothing he can do will calm the boy down.
Eventually, when things begin to calm down, Kiri emerges. Neteyam is near tears, the baby is screaming, and everyone is tired.
"Is she okay?" Neteyam asks.
Kiri nods. "She is. You go in. Give my nephew to me." She extends her arms and almost instantly, the baby settles in his aunt's embrace. Neteaym frowns, but Kiri shakes her head. "It's because I am calm, and he could feel your worry. Just go."
Confident that his son is safe with Aunt Kiri, he rushes into the tent, eager to finally reunite with his mate.
It happened in slow motion. Lo'ak took to the ground, wanting to claim a weapon for himself, and I followed, scared something would happen to him.
The ships were inbound quicker than I'd thought, and no sooner had Jake put out the warning, than the bullet had ripped through my side, tearing a searing hole in my flesh.
"Y/N!" Lo'ak screamed, tossing aside the gun he'd just picked up, and the world faded to black.
I had spent the next 12 hours in and out of consciousness, waking up to unbelievable pain, and then falling back asleep again. It felt like an endless cycle... until it did end.
My eyes open, with much difficulty, and the pain is subsided. It's still there, and it's still the worst pain in my life, but it is no longer a searing, hot open wound. I feel the sting of healing, and the numbness of whatever salve Tsahik and Kiri have come up with to place on the wound.
"Neteyam," I whisper. "Ninan..."
Kiri hovers to my right, and pats my shoulder. "I will bring Neteyam. Hopefully, Ninan is sleeping peacefully."
She exits the tent, and only moments later, Neteyam enters.
The sight of him sends me to tears, and though the sobs hurt my sore body, I cannot stop them. The wound at my side isn't all that hurts - I am covered in bruises and cuts from falling off the ship when I was shot, and I am tired, my throat is dry, and I just want to see my family.
Neteyam drops to his knees by my side, and I see the tears in my eyes reflected in his.
I reach my hand up, cupping his cheek, and he covers his hand with mine, leaning his cheek into my palm.
"I thought you were going to die, Y/N," he says in a low, breathy voice. "I thought you were dead, when I saw you lying there."
Shaking my head, I try to muster a smile. "I would not leave you, or Ninan. You know this."
"I'll kill Lo'ak for risking your life."
"No, Neteyam. Lo'ak isn't to blame. I followed him on my own. He was just... being Lo'ak. He didn't think."
"His carelessness almost got you killed! Almost took Ninan's mother from him."
I wince at the harshness of his tone. "We'll speak of this later. Is Ninan sleeping?"
Neteyam nods. "In Kiri's arms. You should sleep now."
He lays down next to me on his side, pressing his forehead to my temple.
"You will bring me my son at first light," I whisper, but my eyelids are already drooping, and Neteyam is pulling a fur over us. I feel warm, and the pain begins to subside as sleep starts to overtake me. As always, I feel safe with Neteyam close to me; I know with him here, I will heal faster.
In the morning, I will hold my son, and Neteyam will forgive his brother - because that's what family does.
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Reasons Why I Think TFP Jack is Underrated:
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Welcome to my organized bullet list of why I think Jack is cool. I used to think he was boring too, but now I think he's the goat and here's why:
-He has Main Character Energy, but he's more snarky than most cliche main characters
In fact, he is a petty king:
-He doesn't wanna be on Team Prime at first, but eventually accepts it...
...He then proceeds to BURN Airachnid's ship to the GROUND with a stupid survival kit for babies
-Plus he tricked Silas by pretending to beg for mercy, when really, he was stealing his walkie talkie.
-Jack is boring, BUT the fact that Jack has nothing special about him IS his superpower; Miko has the Apex Armor and her brave personality, Raf has genius level computer smarts, and Jack has PURE SPITE. It's beautiful.
-He has zero skills, but he'll figure out how to defeat his enemies anyway, SOLEY because he's tired and doesn't get paid enough for this shit.
-For example, in one of the Titan Magazine comics, Jack literally kicks Silus in the balls
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Apex armor? Cybertronian technology?
Screw that. How about I KICK you in the balls?l
-A true legend
-He's also a mess though, and I relate so hard
-He's so petty he talked two aliens into helping him cheat at street racing to piss off his classmate
-His romantic subplot is treated like a complete joke, and I love that. Normally, the Main Character✨ is awkward, but gets the girl in the end. Not Jack, though. Nope. He just constantly looks stupid in front of Sierra, nothing ever happens between them, and Arcee is just watching with popcorn as his life falls apart. It's hilarious.
Also, if I'm correct, isn't the last time we see Sierra when she sees Arcee's homoform, and thinks Jack has a girlfriend, and then Jack is like "She's my mom😅." And Sierra's all like: "Your mom looks good in leather😐...on your bike😐😐😐😐..." Maybe I'm wrong, but if that's the case, it's funny. Jack is a simp and it gets him nowhere.
-His sarcasm works perfectly with Arcee's sarcastic attitude.
-Also Tailgate is voiced by Josh Keaton (Jack's voice actor) in the flashbacks, so I headcanon that Jack reminds Arcee of Tailgate, and that's why she has such a soft spot for him.
Tailgate and Arcee's dialogue had the same vibe as her and Jack's
Also, it gives more context to why she was so scared to lose him when Airachnid showed up. It would've literally been like losing Tailgate all over again.
-Jack is Team Prime's designated Good Ideas Guy
It was Jack's idea to hijack the spacebridge to send him to Cybertron
It was also his idea to drain the dark energon out of The Nemesis when it came alive and froze everyone
-I'm probably just projecting, he has generalized anxiety disorder vibes
-I feel like he prefers a comfortable, predictable life because he gets nervous easily
-He's always the first to freak out, and overthink, and Arcee always has to calm him down
-And she's so patient with him it's so sweet😱
-I agree the writing behind his existence is meh, and a lot of the cool stuff about him is probably unintentional, but I don't care, so take that!
Anyway, the moral of the story is:
Jack is just an angry little harmonica boy. Leave him alone. He's trying his best😭
Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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heartsforseo · 2 months
Straw hats x child! reader
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Summary: Jinbei finally joined the straw hats crew, but he couldn't shake off the feeling of weariness. wc: 585 requested? <yes> <no> requests = open ft: Jinbei, Robin, Nami warning: stalkerism(?), tripping ppl (that's bad kids), not asking for permission
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After a long and grueling battle, Kaido and Big Mom, the two most feared pirates in the world, were finally defeated. The crew let out a cheer of triumph and were all filled with relief and joy. During the celebration, we got a new member named Jinbei.
He was a big fella who wore a traditional kimono with pretty patterns. His hair looks fluffy, and his chest looks cuddly. The first thing that came to mind when you first saw him was a plushie!
You and your crew had recently left Wano. It was a beautiful country. The trees to the people. The plants to the extreme scenery. Jinbei, as the crew's helmsman, was steering the wheel, getting directions from Nami to the next destination.
Jinbei couldn't shake the feeling of a constant presence on the ship. Despite the loud noise of the crew's constant chatter, Jinbei's senses were heightened, and he felt like he was being watched. Although he couldn't pinpoint the source of the strange feeling, it was clear that something was amiss, and Jinbei couldn't ignore it.
"This is the perfect chance," you had thought. You had been eyeing Jinbei for quite some time now. The crew knows that you like sleeping in random places. And when you first saw Jinbei, you knew you had to do it.
You approached the helmsman and spoke." "Hi, Mr. Jinbei. Ms. Nami said that the sea should be fine for now. So, you could leave your post and join us!"
"Is that so?" he replied,
You nodded in agreement and continued, "Let's go down Mr. Jinbei!"
You deftly dodged the thin rope you had placed earlier, then heard a thud as you turned around. Quickly, you climbed onto Jinbei's stomach and lay down, leaving the helmsman in shock.
The others, of course, heard the thud. Nami and Robin went up and saw you almost falling asleep on top of Jinbei.
Robin, who was quick to act, pulled you off of Jinbei, earning a little whine from you.
"Y/n, is that how we should act?" She said.
You frowned and didn't dare to look at the three's eyes. Though you have noticed that Jinbei finally got up.
"No…" you quietly muttered.
"And what is the right way?" Robin asked.
"I should ask first…" you answered.
"And what did you not do?" She asked once again.
"I didn't ask…b-but I just wanna know what it's like!" you started tearing up, and your voice started to crack, "I-I'm sorry, Mr. Jinbei!" you wiggled out of Robin's grasp and hugged the fishman's leg.
The fisherman only smiled and chuckled. He then patted your head and said, "No worries, Y/n. You should've asked."
Nami tapped your shoulders from behind, and you immediately turned around. One of her arms was behind her back while the other was squishing your cheek.
"Hey, Y/n, what do you think I got?" She grinned cheekily
"Uhm, candy!" you shouted.
"Hm, a clip?"
"Boo, do you give up?"
You nodded hastily, excited for the surprise. There, Nami's right arm finally came into your view, and she gave you a medium-sized plushie.
"I noticed you looking at the stores and Jinbei, so I thought I'd get you one. You better be happy, alright?"
"Thank you so much, miss Nami!" You quickly ran from Nami and hugged her legs, thanking her.
"Now, you shouldn't bother Jinbei-san as much, ok? He's also busy. I know you wanted a cuddle buddy, so from now on. He'll be your cuddle buddy!"
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blacklegsanjiii · 7 days
Laying something new out for ya here... This is just a silly AU
But AU with a girl sanji who is very androgynous because 1. Those suits hide her curves very well and she isnt that big chested 2. She has short hair because she likes it better then that but also one time when she was like 10 Zeff accidentally fucked her hair up and she had to go short- and the style just kinda stuck. 3. She has a deeper voice that can pass as a higher guys voice because of the smokes And 4. Canon sanjis behavior is already a fine mix between masculine and feminine so its not that suprising
So when she joines the strawhats none of them fucking know she's not actually a guy and she also just... Doesnt bother mentioning it to them (i kinda love the idea that SANJI also doesnt realise that they dont know, theyre all idiots)
So when they give her a tour of the ship and point to a bed in the mens bunks saying thats her bed she doesnt even blink an eye, she's spend like 10 years around guys at the baratie and sleeping around them is something she's familiar with
And bathing, we all know besides nami robin and sanji the rest barely shower and when they do they just miss each other
Idk just seemed like a funny idea and wanted to hear your thoughts!! When do you think they would realise and how would if play out 🤔 also how longer it plays out how funnier 😭
That's...that would be her luck. That's so funny.
She let Zeff cut her hair once when she was younger and cried afterwards because he cut way too high and had to deal with the emotional fall out of that because it reminded Sanji of her mom's. It's easier to maintain so she just keeps it short. Zeff is surprised she still lets him cut it but he guesses it's already short so he can't fuck it up much more. She wears suits and as she grows up as one of the guys and while she has her own room it's not much and she still has to get used to waking up shitty men in their bunk room because they're running late to prep and shit.
Between, the hair, the suits, the smoker's voice, and the barely A cups she has she's so androgynous. The regulars know, Mihawk who's had her cook his food and serve his wine and Garp who is passing through. After Sanji joins the crew and they defeat Arlong and Sanji is being shown around she doesn't care and just flops in a bunk to sleep. Maybe Sanji doesn't notice at first because she's mostly called Black Leg but she's being referred to as a boy, is being sent to the boy's quarters, is being called mister. She just shrugs it off as it keeps happen.
When they get the Thousand Sunny Sanji still doesn't move into the women's room, there's just more room in the mens room so she's in there, doesn't question it still. When she's in Kamabakka and going through bridal training Ivankov calls her candy boy she is straight up frowning at them and asking what they mean. She's a girl. She gets like B cups after the TS and Ivankov has tried to convince her to stuff her bra or something. She grows her hair out to shoulder length. I think it'd still be hilarious if after the TS no one still knows until Zou/WCI/Wano.
Like on Zou Sanji doesn't confirm or deny anything just promises she'll come back. Everyone is confused about the Princess thing and so when they go get her. She's in dresses through out all of WCI and during the escape as Judge is shit talking her and Luffy is confused about Judge saying all the best things about her and calling her a girl? Sanji says she is a girl, has been since she was born. Chopper knew but didn't disclose it because he thought Sanji was trying to keep it a secret. In Wano it's Luffy running around to all his crew calling Sanji a princess and a girl and has been the whole time they've been sailing.
They're all staring at Sanji, dressed like the men in her yukata as she stares back and tries to get them to answer why none of them except for Chopper knew. She thought she was in the men's room because of her smoking, did she actually have to be in there? Nami and Robin assure her she can move to the women's room. Nami is very excited to play dress up.
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nyubiecore · 5 months
Paris In The Rain ☆ kim sunwoo
a the boyz sunwoo oneshot
" walking down an empty street puddles underneath our feet "
kim sunwoo x fem reader
genre : fake relationship , frenemies to lovers , fluff , kiss
in which the fake relationship you both agreed upon started to feel too real to be fake in Paris , the City of Love
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a beep noise came from your phone , notifying you of a new message
you reached for your phone beside you as you pressed the on button , now displaying a selfie of you and sunwoo that you guys took before taking off
you checked the message from sunwoo :
" wyd "
" taking a shit "
" why'd you even bring your phone w/ you to the toilet "
" jk " " just chilling at the balcony " " why? " seen by sunwoo
you only roll your eyes and enjoyed the view of Paris in the rain. you've heard from your mom that Paris looks the most beautiful when it rains . you smile to yourself as you take some pictures of the Eiffel Tower from your hotel room to show to your mom
your class had arranged a week trip to Paris in the holidays , you got to share rooms with your best friend , Yoora for the week
at first , you didn't want to go since it costs a hefty amount of money but since you figured it would be one of the last memories in high school so why not , since your apparent fake boyfriend offered to pay half of it that you thanked him for the thought but still pay all of them off yourself - with some help from your parents of course
" why why? is it sunwoo? " Yoora asked from inside the room where she sat on the bed
you looked over your shoulder , " yeah , but he put me on read " you said in your most annoyed tone
she smiled " this is good times , you should go on a date with him tomorrow since we're free anyways "
" i won't bother " you replied
she let out a huff in defeat " hey you guys are couples in love , we are in the city of love , do you see my point right here? "
you stopped on your track then moved to join her inside " does it look like that? do you really think he's in love with me? "
" are you a fucking fool? everyone could see that you moron "
" what do you mean? "
" ask any of our classmates who've never seen him staring at you hopelessly , and that one time you almost fainted in class that he escorted you to the nurse's office even if he knows he needs to pass that class " Yoora said half defeated " don't keep denying it Y/N , cut yourself some slack will you? just because of that jerk you saw last summer and it didn't work out make you think it'll never work out , okay? " she continues comforting your overthinking self
you were silenced
since you guys started this agreement just because of some petty ex-boyfriend of yours who's currently a psychopath that would chase you all the way down the worm's hole to get back with you
and his possessive fangirls who'd never shut up and chase him everywhere , there's not one person in your class that has found out about this agreement and only compliments about how cute you guys are
at some point , you yourself were confused about this. is it really fake? since the last 3 month you guys became the school's hottest ship , it would be a lie to say that you've never had a thought to actually put hope in this relationship and never fluttered upon his actions
like that one time you didn't answer his text because you were crying over the miserable life you were put in and he searched for you all over town until he found you , finally hiding at the playground all by yourself
but all of those thoughts didn't last long as you kept hearing voices about how he is bad news , that he's a big red flag and that one time he cheated on 3 girls at the same time
some oil were also poured into the flame by his fans who couldn't sit back and watch you guys happy and always , searched for any possible chances to judge you , trample you and gaslight you that sometimes you even felt so small that you were scared to even face them at some point
you snapped out of your thoughts when you felt your arms getting swayed by Yoora
" girl? Y/N? gosh stop with the daydreaming , the doorbell rang , go check it out will you? " she said
you blinked your eyes , coming back to your senses as you rush to the door
you pushed down the door knob , opening the door revealing sunwoo , in his comfortable hoodie over his head and a hot pink colored umbrella on his right hand
" wanna go for a night walk , princess? " he said in an attempt to charm you
sunwoo always likes to give you pet names but since last time you guys watched a classic movie about the royal family , he started to call you princess and couldn't stop talking about it
your heart fluttered a bit but you couldn't possibly show him that " in this weather? " you ask ridiculed
his brow hanged higher than the other as he showed off the umbrella on his hand
" in this? " you continued as you looked at yourself in a graphic pajama set
his lips corner curled up , " if you'd like to , i won't mind but i could wait here if you mind the cute fit " he chuckled to himself
you gave him an eye as you asked him to wait while you go put on a proper clothes for the ocassion as Yoora give you the eyes
by a few minutes , you came back out in a white sleeved crop top and black loose jeans
sunwoo stood on his feet as he checks you out
you roll your eyes " keep your eyes to yourself would you? "
he smirked " sorry to offend you princess "
you guys walked to the lobby and sunwoo leads you along the revolving door until you guys came outside the hotel , taking in the scent of the rain and the sound of Paris's bustling streets
walking on the sidewalks of the road , sunwoo opened the umbrella that mostly covered you
" what's with this hot pink umbrella? " you laugh
" shut up " he said as he roll his eyes
" hehe"
you wanted to say something about how his other hoodie side that were exposed to the rain were clearly wet but you knew he wouldn't bother.
while walking , you came over a wine shop
you look at sunwoo who were already looking at you as you smile cheekily
" can you read my mind? " you asked as you nudged sunwoo's side
" I can't read minds but I can see what's in front of us " he replied
you nudged harder to his side as you rushed to cross the streets
after a successful attempt of buying the cheapest wine , you guys were seated at one of the bench near the Eiffel Tower
you drank straight from the wine bottle and swallowed the berry flavor.
the rain had stopped raining by this time
sunwoo just looks at you
you took in the view of the big Eiffel Tower in front of you. far from what you expected , you couldn't actually hold your liquor as much as you thought you could.
you grunts as you leaned into the bench
" I'm so glad that I'm here now , right? " you turned your head towards sunwoo who were quietly looking at you
he smiled to himself as he nods softly " me too "
maybe it was the air , maybe it was the wine - it should be the wine - but you felt like you were free off pressures and your right mind because …
you smiled cheekily " did you know? that none of our classmates suspected our relationship? " you chuckled " I mean , it's such a sudden thing but how could they be so gullible , right? " you said as you chuckle
sunwoo stayed quiet - furious? - as he reached for the bottle of wine and took a sip of it
you watch him as he put the bottle down " oh? did we kiss just now? ommo ommo " you said as you laugh drunkenly
he only kept quiet as he avoids eye contact with you
" hey , I'm sad that you act so relaxed over my first kiss " you say making a sad expression
" princess , that's not a real kiss okay? it's just an indirect kiss " he said earning a nudge to his side
you look up at the Eiffel Tower , " did you know? I heard from that if you go to watch the Eiffel Tower in the rain with your lover , your love will last for a long long time " you said drunkenly
" who says that? " sunwoo asked
" me! " you said as you pointed to yourself and chuckle
" then, we're going to be lovers aren't we? "
" ey , how can the kim sunwoo of Daeryeon High date a nobody like me. you won't know how much it takes to date you even if it's fake " you let out a huff
" why is it hard? "
" your lover would have to see your table full of gifts from girls prettier than her everyday , don't even mention the judging eyes she'll get from your die hard fans too , oww even talking about it sends me shivers to the bone " you say hugging yourself on the bench
he stopped on his track. it's not like he never knew how bad girls who've had relationship with him got bashed. it's just , since you he started to feel eager to keep the relationship though he knows you're having a hard time , ofc he tries to protect you at all cost tho
" so you won't do the role? " he laughs
" do you want me to? " you jokingly say as you make eye contact with his sweet eyes
the sudden eye contact only triggered sunwoo and you didn't really mind it since you were drunk and everything
he looked away , his cheeks slightly tinted with pink blush " what if I say I want , then what will you do then? "
you stopped , " hek " you got hiccups. you embarrassingly cover your mouth and looked forward
he smiled looking at you " we should go now " he stands up as he wrapped his arms on your side holding you steady while you hold the wine bottle on your hand
maybe because of the late hours or the choice of way , the streets seems a bit more quiet not in a spooky way , just comfortable? or maybe it was because of your company? you didn't know anymore as the alcohol takes control of your brain
along the road , you saw a flower shop that were still open and many bouquet and varieties of flowers from the glass
" pretty tulips " you said drunkenly
he looked at the flower shop
" wait here " he said before abandoning you outside the flower shop
he ran back out in a few minutes with a few tulips wrapped in his hand then hands it to you
" what is it? oh! tulips! " you say as you clap repeatedly
he only smiled as you take the tulips from his hand
you guys continue the walk as it freshen you up
but the unstraight walk didn't go away
" princess , can't you walk straight? it's dangerous "
you only chuckled " hey do you like me? why do you call me princess all the time , it made me flutter.. " the last part was said in a lower voice
he only shake his head
you kept the unstraight walk until you wanted to cross the road that you almost did carelessly
when a bicycle almost hit you , that you felt a hand on your elbow pulling you back from the road , turning your body to the owner of the hand and sending your tulips to bounce to the sky
panicked sunwoo is now a few inches to your face , you could smell the light scent of wine from his breath that were fanning your face
" gosh you're so clumsy " he said but didn't break the close proximity
your eyes broke into an emotional eyes " hey , can you stop making my heart flutter? do you know how much I started to like you since 3 months ago? "
he was taken aback for a bit but the emotions left his eyes as it went to your lips
" what if I like you " he said
" don't make those kinds of jokes , it hurts "
you said before seeing your tulips that is now stuck on one of the tree branches
you point at it " my tulips "
sunwoo looked at the spot you pointed to , him being a few cm lower from the branch helped as he reached for it
it became a failed attempt , so he held the end of the branch and shake it lightly sending the tulips to almost reach the ground when you and sunwoo tried to prevent if from falling
reaching for it , both of you accidentally held hands - with tulips in it - and were faced in the same proximity from just now
you turned to face him , you scanned his delicate face
you never cared how sharp his nose and his jawline is - also the fact that he's much more handsome than you imagined , you were pretty much in awe
" your nose is so well sculptured "
" stop that , princess "
" stop that pet name "
" what if I like you that's why I give these pet names? "
you stopped on your track
" you're kidding "
" are you still drunk? "
you look at him ridiculously " umm.. no? "
" then I should prove it to you " he said before bringing his hand to both your jawline and pulled your face closer to his bringing your lips together
the kiss was slow but you can feel the adrenaline pumping in your brain and your heart rate soaring
sunwoo pulled away a few seconds after
you look at him , still ridiculed " what does that kiss mean? "
" I'm sorry for stealing away your first kiss , but I do actually like you and the reason all of our classmates didn't find out isn't because they're gullible but because I liked you for real and I show my gestures to you " he said
you could see his vulnerable gaze towards you , you could fall in love in that gaze every time and now , you're sure , you're in love with him
" can I kiss you back? " you asked
" if you kiss me now , it means you are my girlfriend , real girlfriend and I won't want to let you go anytime near " he said smiling
you smiled widely as you connected your lips with his into a kiss you knew you could never forget for a long time
the kiss was firm as he wrapped his arms around your body and your arms going to wrap his neck
you pulled away for air as you tasted the last remaining taste of wine lingering on your lips
" should we go now , princess? " he asked making you flutter
you got up and wrapped your arms on his neck , gave him a peck " we should , prince " you smirked as you walked along the empty lane with him
sneakily , he reached for your hand and held it
" I guess a walk in the rainy Paris actually helped huh? " he said
thank you for reading , i think this one is kind of awkward since i'm not really good at writing these types of things so please cut me some slack :>
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audhd-nightwing · 5 months
percy jackson ep3 live reaction
yesss the attic it looks perfect
the voice crack on “hi” i’m cackling
“oh geez” HES SO PERCY
annabeth immediately i love him.
percy’s gf requirements: has to be willing to push him down a flight of stairs without hesitation
let percy understand the horses PLEASE
“i chose you” i thought it was gonna be like ‘because you’re my best friend’ but nah he is just suspicious of grover dang. “i trust you” DAMN HE REALLY LYING HUH. poor grover totally believes him too. good thing he earns his trust back eventually and remains his best friend forever
“i’m gonna pack the best snacks” HE IS THE BEST KIND OF FRIEND
why tf are there lobster traps in the cabin. WHERE IS HIS BED???
“i think they’re canadian maybe? or from chuck e. cheese i dunno” he’s literally my favorite person ever
“these are… interesting”
thalia’s tree :(
when do they tell percy that grover was thalias protector 🤔
“the most powerful being in the universe’s best idea to save his daughter’s life… was to turn her into a tree?” YEAH FR GET HIS ASS PERCY
bro really does not know how to read the room 💀 “she met a pinecone’s fate” dude she is talking about her dead friend/sister-figure. grover’s literally like “wtf man”
how tf did they get a taxi from long island to the city bro
“i’m sorry to hear that” UR THE BEST ANNABETH
why is grover singing… THEATRE KID ENERGY
“our voting system’s broken” hgjfhdhd
BIG OOF ????
the autism makes decisions so hard very real
“they smell fear” “that’s bees” EXCUSE ME? BEES WHAT NOW??
damn dodds that’s brutal
“perhaps the most formidable demigod child alive” i adore how they make 12 y/o annabeth so fucking powerful. like i really really love that they do that cuz ppl always talk about how powerful percy is but not how powerful annabeth is
defeated by shitty evacuation skills smh
…we’re lost in the woods, somewhere in new jersey
“i didn’t even know they had forests in new jersey” king. what.
ahhh i wish they just made them 13 i really cannot see them as 12 year olds
annabeth IMMEDIATELY knows it’s medusa lol
thinking abt how sally used medusa’s story to teach lil percy that appearances aren’t everything and “not everything that looks like a monster is a monster”. very interested to see what they do with her in this version of pjo
“and i definitely trust my mom” percy is such a momma’s boy i love it
i hope they don’t make her evil pls pls pls. SHES NOT EVIL SHES AN SA VICTIM. “a survivor” :(
“the gift the gods gave me is i cannot be bullied anymore” yes 🙌
girl really said “it’s not a gift it’s a curse” as if she was there 💀 ilysm but clearly the story you’ve heard isn’t what really happened
“so did i” :( she was a worshipper of athena
“i wasn’t like you, i was you”
ANNABETH “that isn’t what happened” GIRL YOU WERENT THERREEEEE
you tell them medusa !! her and percy get matching “i hate poseidon” shirts
team #trust issues
oop. yeah fuck poseidon.
okay yeah i really like this characterization of her. like a good person with a skewed moral compass. or at least good intentions but not great actions
leetle snakes hiss hiss
annabeth watching percy defeat alecto… she literally has heart eyes hehe
you tell them grover!!!!!!
oh he really did choose grover because he trusted him aw :,)
“i am impertinent” ily
the song 💀 this is why they are besties
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Being Ace's Best Friend Headcanons
* Ace gives off camp counselor vibes, tbh. He'd be so much fun to travel with, especially hiking and camping or exploring a new town! First of all, when camping, he has all the stories you could want! Funny stories, action packed ones, scary ones. He can do shadow puppets! He'll take a bite right out of your snacks though so watch out for that.
* constantly dares you to do stuff like tarzan swing across a river or touch a wild animal. He's all like, "cmon it'll be fun!" He is Luffy's brother after all.
* Shows you how to find different constellations and navigate using the north star ✨🥺
* Asks your opinion during missions and takes is seriously, even if your younger or newer to the crew, he hears you out. "Which path do you think we should take?" "Do you think we can take them?" He wants you to have a voice.
* You two balance each other out. I imagine you probably have a sarcastic and dry sense of humor that contrasts Ace's sincerity and he thinks your hilarious.
* If you get injured he. will. carry. you. on. his. back. if. need. be.
* Best way to describe Ace as a friend-- he's the sort of friend who will split an oreo and give you the cream side 🥺
* Late at night if your awake and find him you sneak into the kitchen (or the fire pit if your camped out) and make late night ramen and theorize about aliens and stuff.
Being Sanji's Best Friend Headcanons
* Seeing as all the straw hats have jobs on the ship I imagine your the "chores/cleaning person" of the ship so you often help Sanji wash dishes and go on grocery trips with him. What does this mean? It means you've played would you rather so much that you've asked every possible question. Grocery trips are a lot of fun though and Sanji tells you a lot about different fish and fruits, etc.
* Sanji gives great advice and he does not get enough credit for it. Personal advice? Great. Dietary advice? Great. Fashion advice? Also great.
* But in all seriousness, Sanji is a great listener. He's not really judgmental either, he's super open minded.
* His secret talent is that he can wrangle trapped soda cans from vending machines. He makes you promise not to tell Luffy.
* He's secretly your biggest cheerleader?? When you become stronger or accomplish a goal or defeat someone he's so proud of you?? But he normally just plays it cool and says smth like "nice one" or pats your head if your younger than him.
* Sanji uses you as his guinea pig for testing new recipes. You love eating tasty food though, so win win.
* You guys definitely play chopsticks when your bored. Sanji just gives off that vibe.
* I can't stop imagining the reader gifting Sanji a Polaroid camera at some point and Sanji then becoming that mom friend who photographs all the straw hats moments? I bet he even keeps them in a notebook? Or am I just projecting?
Hi! Oh my goodness, these are amazing! I'll be working on the headcanons for the characters your requested later today. Awesome thoughts, they all feel so in character!
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thoughtspresso · 10 months
Hello, sorry I just need someone to voice my op to since none of my circles read or watch OnK :'(
It's so weird to me how Akane's fans interpret that scene when the girls are filming an MV as Akane only having good intention and care for Kana, 'cuz imo even if there is, what she said was still one of her attemps to get Aqua to stay with her. Look at how things played out to her: her business bf wanted to break up, he even straight up refused sex when she offered, and now she found out that right after that he took Kana on to a proper date, Akane's chances were close to zero. She was grasping at straws when she said that and played it under the guise of being considerate about Kana's safety, just like how she said she's okay with breaking up with him yet cried - showing that she wanted the opposite. Because if she only cared about Kana's safety, then what's with the side comment about how actors have it easier? It's like she was saying "Choose me, I'm the safer choice!". I'm not saying Akane didn't have good intention, but it's more like a two bird one stone typa thing where she wanted Kana to be safe and Aqua to continue with dating her (her own selfish want). It was kinda a dirty move from Akane, consider how she knows very well what happened to Ai and how much that'll affects Aqua. Akane always strike me as a good in nature yet also self-absorbed character: She decided what's best for both Kana and Aqua that also benefits her selfish wants regardless of how the other two would feel (& we all know how miserable both Aqua and Kana was during that ghosting period); She decided what to do to Aqua's father without thinking about how he might feel (again); The signs were as early as the LoveNow arc where she tweeted the apology thinking it was the right solution without consulting with her manager first because she thought she knew what was best for her to do in that situation. Even her acting method also kinda reflect this, where if the character's portrayal clashes between her and the director/scriptwriter, she already has a concrete image of the character from her own interpretation and thus has difficulty compromising and adjusting with the production team.
I might even take a wild guess that she was in love (obsessed) with the idea of saving prince charming rather than Aqua himself because to her, their story literally went/was gonna go like the old classic story of prince charming saving the girl -> the girl learns about the prince's past, decides to help him to repay him saving her -> prince charming defeats the bad guy (his dad in this story) with the girl's help -> happily ever after. Akane being a teen + Aqua saved her + it's her first dating experience caused her to have an idealistic view of dating and probably why she tolerated Aqua dating her despite having his eyes on Kana for he did act like the perfect bf on the surface, and that to her was enough to fulfil her prince charming fantasy. Akane is, actually, not that mature in her relationship with Aqua like how her fan keep praising her for, tbh imo it's more akin to what teens think "being mature" is. I know this is one of the appeal of her ship with Aqua, even though some might deny it. As oppose to Kana who might be a potential obstacle to Aqua's revenge whether good or bad, Akane is narratively there as a bonus reward for Aqua after finishing the main quest of avenging his mom if the ship ever be canon again. Akane and Aqua have unfortunately became perfect self-inserts for those who are into revenge and/or trophy girl fantasy (nothing bad about this itself tho). But perhaps because of looking into those fantasy fulfilment rather than the actual context of the manga/anime, they accuse Kana of not understanding the "real" Aqua (I have alot to say about this, maybe 3 paragraphs at least lol) or how she's useless for not helping him kill a person and ignore the entire other half chunk of the story about showbiz problems, where Kana's own story entangle more.
If you've read this far, thank you so so much.
P/s: My wild guess no.2, rather than being a damsel in distress (being Kamiki's target) for Aqua to come rescue, Kana already has a close relationship with Kamiki prior to reuniting with the twins (maybe a mentor-student relationship?). I've always find it weird how Aka just glossed over Kana's past, like he's holding back important info regarding her past that he can't show the readers too soon. So that's why I have this guess. This explains why Aka's been keeping her out of the revenge plot for so long + better than Kana just being a damsel in distress + raises the stakes for Kana (will she choses the mentor who helped her through her dark days being abused by her mom or the twins who she can see the light and bright future in?) + makes Kana a key player in the revenge plot.
Hey Anon! I'm happy to talk to you about some OnK Character Analyses anytime. Sorry to have taken so long to respond, I really wanted to sit down with your question. I've been thinking about this a lot. And I'm afraid my response might be even longer than your ask hahaha!
I want to summarize your main points for everybody else, so that we're all on the same page:
Akane was manipulative when she reminded Aqua that Kana was an idol, and pushed him to choosing her.
Akane wants to reverse the damsel-in-distress and Prince Charming trope, and decides on behalf of others.
Akane fans accuse Kana for not knowing the "real" Aqua
(Bonus) There's a possibility that Kana already knew Hikaru Kamiki.
So, my responses:
#1 Was Akane being manipulative in Ch. 76?
Well, yes. And no.
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I actually had a short discussion (argument?) with Skania (who I will not tag for the sake of their mental health, but mentioning here to credit them.) about this very topic. (And I want to thank them for their time and also apologize to have annoyed them!) We have really different interpretations and disagree each other on this part.
To get the fast answer out of the way: Yes, I believe Akane was wholly aware of what she was saying.
She already knew from the Tokyo Blade arc how badly Aqua can get triggered on the topic of Ai's death.
Put it this way: imagine being a teenage girl who was depressed or bullied, and the boy who saved your life started dating you but admits that it isn't because he likes you that way. You start offering him sex if that would fulfill his wants in a relationship, but he tells you that your relationship is about to end soon. You find out from another girl that they went on a date--shopping for suitcases and Brazilian barbecue--a kind of date he never did for you. Then when he invited you to go on a trip, most of what he did was walk you around his hometown to look for something else, and then watch this other girl be really cute in a dress he was stunned by.
Akane is allowed to be a teenager who would want to nudge her boyfriend to stay with her and away from his other crush.
Akane fans like to argue that she was being completely selfless, and was just looking out for Kana's safety too.
I really dislike this reading of Akane's character, because it strips her of agency. Of course she has personal goals, wants, and flaws. She's allowed to be a teenage girl who wanted her love to be reciprocated. She's allowed to be a teenage girl who gets a little jealous, and try as she might to be professional and civil because all of these people are her work colleagues too, she still does things that fulfill her goals. She is allowed to be self-interested, and act on opportunities that align with those self interests.
I also think that if Akane's fans want to believe in her intellect and her masterful ability in understanding people's psychology and detective work, then it stands to reason that they should also believe that Akane was deliberately aware of the effect of what she said to Aqua. She doesn't always make 100% correct bets, but it's reasonable to conclude she made this bet hoping that it could get him to stay.
Akane and everyone else is already aware that Kana is actually not a person who needs scolding on the dangers of being under public scrutiny:
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Under any normal circumstance, if Akane simply cared for Kana's safety, she would have simply responded to Kana when she was bragging about the date. Like, "hey be careful about dating in public spaces okay? I dont want you getting in trouble." Or, if she would talk to Aqua about it, she might say, "Please remember to book a private room next time you eat in a restaurant."
But no. If Akane would remind them of safety tips of dating as public figures, it would just lead them to the advice to do Home Dates:
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And she doesn't want that now, does she?
She didn't say something as straightforward as that, and neither did the author write it in a more neutral tone. It was deliberately written with Akane implying that if he didn't want Kana killed, he should just date a fellow actor. (Preferably one that the public is actually cheering on to be together, because they were already in a Love Team due to the show.)
I just don't like ignoring what the Author and the Illustrator clearly put on the page for me to absorb the way that it was. I think pretending she was being wholly selfless is an insult to the writers.
#2 Is Akane motivated by the want to Save Prince Charming?
This is the "and no" part of my answer.
When I think of Akane, I don't think of an outright evil person who manipulated Aqua into doing things, wanting to be a hero for that reason. And just like how Tokyo Blade serves as a parallel for the show, it in turn informs us that it is an incorrect interpretation of Saya-hime (or Akane) to think that she outright wants the violence herself.
This part I agree with Skania on: Akane's main flaw is her low self-esteem.
Akane doesn't personally believe that she is inherently worth any value, and any value that she holds is attributed to her hard work.
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People have taken notice to the fact that, unlike Kana's experience of abuse and abandonment, Akane had a really good support system behind her when her suicide attempt happened during the LoveNow arc. She had a loving mother and a really kind-hearted manager that believed in her. Yet she clung onto the validation from the agency President more. She ascribes her personal value to the approval of other people, especially positive feedback from her superiors in the industry, her theater troupe calling her a genius, her fans applauding her.
And, on the opposite side of the same coin, she has immense Rejection Sensitivity that makes her extremely defensive when she received cyberbullying, leading her to want to make a public apology right away and appease people.
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This leads Akane to be an extremely hardworking person, but also seeking validation and direction from other people (like the LoveNow crew), unable to voice out her views unless it is supported by an authority figure (like when she wanted something changed in Tokyo Blade), and also why when meeting her personal hero and idol Arima Kana in person, when Kana lashed out at her, instead of simply thinking, "okay she's a terrible person, I'm done with being her fan forever", she rejected that idea and went on to study Psychology in the hopes of understanding people like Kana.
All of this manifests in her relationship with Aqua being okay with receiving bare minimum from him, not complaining when she realizes he has feelings for someone else, and also doing anything and everything for him, whatever he needs whether he asks for it or not.
I'll go a little further into my interpretation of her (which I know Akane fans might be resistant to or disagree with, but I hope you stick with me here.)
I also think Akane has a co-dependency on Aqua, and herself has Inverted Narcissism, with Covert and Cerebral Subtypes.
I agree! I sound nuts! This interpretation is crazytown.
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) has several subtypes, including Inverted Narcissism, which is a subtype where the person craves the co-dependency on another narcissist. They are self-sacrificing to their primary narcissist, feel they are not entitled to anything, but seem emotionally level-headed and highly attuned to the primary narcissist's needs but not much empathy for anybody else.
Because of how little they think of themselves, it gives them a feeling of power and control to be with a person who believes himself to be so special, to have a crucial mission whose victory she can partake in. In a sense, Aqua was someone Akane looked up to so much for having saved her from her suicide attempt, and for turning the public's view of her from negative to overwhelmingly popular.
Akane definitely thought, "I want to be useful to him! I want to make him happy!"
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And this man had his own amazing detective mission going on in his mind and trauma to solve. And so Akane thinks, "Let me solve that for you! Let me be useful to you even if it kills me! Use me as you need!"
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They say true love is unconditional and self-giving so I will aide my enabler in patricide to prove my worth to him!
According to Professor of Psychology Sam Vaknin, the DSM gives us 9 criteria to diagnose an Inverted Narcissist, and you need to have at least 5 to qualify. Here are some that he mentioned that I think fit Akane:
The inverted narcissist is emotionally stable, but her self-esteem is very low. The inverted narcissist devalues herself as an offering, as a sacrifice to the narcissist in her life. The inverted narcissist is compelled to filter all her narcissistic needs through the primary narcissist in her life. The inverted narcissist feels amplified by the primary narcissist's own accomplishments. The inverted narcissist is pre-occupied with fantasies [...] of an ideal love to be accomplished through the narcissistic partner.
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The inverted narcissist feels like she is undeserving and not entitled to anything.
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The inverted narcissist is indistinguishably selfless. She is sacrificial. She is anxious in her interpersonal relationships. She avoids assistance of others at all cost. She can only interact with others when she can be seen to be giving, supporting and expending an unusual effort to assist. So she is sacrificial, she sacrifices herself, but ostentatiously, in full view.
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The inverted narcissist lacks empathy like a classic narcissist. She is intensely attuned to others needs, but only insofar as it relates to her own need to perform the required self sacrifice. She needs to self sacrifice in order to obtain her narcissistic supply from her primary narcissist. But to do so, she must be attuned to his needs. So this is her restricted use or leverage of empathy.
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The inverted narcissist displays extreme shyness, lack of any real relational connections, is publicly self-effacing, is highly moralistic and critical of others, is a perfectionist, engages in lengthy ritualistic behaviors that can never be perfected.
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I also mentioned that Akane has Cerebral subtype, in that she believes she has superior intellect, and the Covert subtype, where she seems altruistic and selfless on the outside but internally she is driven by a self-serving need to be useful, to be wanted, because she chases after this external validation to fill in the gaps of her own self-esteem and call to perfectionism.
There is room to argue that Aqua is actually the inverted narcissist and she's codependent on Akane who is the altruistic/communal narcissist subtype. I reviewed it, but it seems she's the codependent one in this scenario.
I think this answer entails that Aqua himself also has NPD, and I think he does have Vulnerable Narcissism with Cerebral subtype. Kana actually picked up on it pretty well:
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He does tend to think that he is the sole person who can accomplish this mission of revenge, even though it took him 4 years to crack a passcode and he actually didn't solve anything himself. Like, ever.
He thinks that he has some superior ability to read people and manipulate them (and it's not necessarily true, he just believes so).
And he likes bringing it up out loud a lot, like I used you, or haha she's so easy to manipulate, regardless if he actually did anything.
When Ruby points out he hasn't made any friends, Aqua deflects and becomes defensive.
He also initially thought that he was going to make it big as an actor after the one time he did well as a child, and entreated Gotanda to take him in, but when his PTSD was getting in the way of his acting, he just chalked it up to saying no actually I was never talented in that, because he doesn't want to admit to others that he doesn't have the supernatural inhumane acting skills he thought he did. (Note: He's not comfortable showing those old acting videos to Kana, but is okay with showing it to Akane for this reason.)
He truly believes he's everybody's savior. Unprompted he just thinks he's some main character that caused everybody's suffering. His Behavioral Self-Blame (BSB) about the death of both of his mothers is a manifestation of his wish for control over the situation, which is a known coping mechanism for those with PTSD or Major Depression Disorder (MDD)
Vulnerable NPD subtypes also feel uncomfortable being praised, which is why he reacts that way with Kana.
Vulnerable NPD subtypes also hate being asked to compete, which is why during both LoveNow and Tokyo Blade arcs, he keeps out of the way.
Vulnerable NPD subtypes really really hate rejection, and that's why Aqua says that he can't confront Kana without a Pieyon mask because he's too weak to be shot down by her again.
Vulnerable NPD subtypes are quite anti-social, but again if you confront them about it, they'll just deflect you and say things like they had no intentions to make friends or they're busy observing or something like this.
I mean, look at this dumbass intellectualize having feelings for girls his age like Akane and Kana:
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Kana gets it though:
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This is of course a reminder that people with NPD aren't inherently bad people, they also don't come in one shape or form as there are many subtypes, and they can swing in severity. Most of them are a by-product of either a traumatic childhood or an overly doting one. Akane and Aqua just simply happened to be both of these.
I just came to this interpretation when I kept thinking of why was it that it felt like both Akane and Aqua were using each other. They both felt miserable and yet felt necessary and dependent on each other's emotional comfort. They both lie to each other too. I think a lot of people have picked up on the "feeling" that the two are using, manipulating, abusing each other, there's something dysfunctional about them together, and yet they also genuinely care about each other a lot. And people couldn't pick the right words to describe that. Co-dependents and their primary narcissists can heal together into a healthy relationship, they don't have to stay that way forever. But for the most part, nobody really recognizes that that's what was happening, because the dance they do together looks completely synchronized as a relationship. Who ever says no to a sweet and completely self-giving girlfriend? Who would leave their boyfriend to die alone in a revenge plot?
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#3 Does Kana know the real Aqua:
I think a lot of Akane fans love to cite that Akane knew about the revenge, the trauma, the using, the manipulation etc. She also knows what he's like when he's being silly and playful.
And I don't deny that Aqua and Akane cared for each other.
But I also think that Kana knew Aqua even when he was being unpleasant, making crude jokes about her when they were kids. Kana observes Aqua's acting meticulously and understands the fine details of his style. Kana also has actual conversations with him about his interests too. They read the same books and they jog together, and they're very comfortable arguing with each other about anything.
Most of all, of anybody, only Kana has pointed out that Aqua has chuunibyou/grandiose thinking, narcissistic tendencies, and that Ruby has a co-dependent relationship with him (even when she didn't know about their past as Sarina and Gorou, she just picked it up as the core reason for their clinginess).
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#4 [Bonus] Does Kana know Kamiki?
I don't think so.
When Kamiki opened his production company/agency, Kana would have been about 11yo. It was around this time that she had been recording Full Moon and her other songs, and her career had been on a decline. Then her company left her and she started freelancing instead.
Kana's acting style is also diametrically opposed to Kamiki's acting. Which as Akane has pointed out is similar to Ai's acting style. Kana's acting is very emotionally honest and is rooted in her personal understanding of her own emotions, whereas Kamiki and Ai act to deceive others based on the calculated perception they know the audience wants of them. Given this, it's unlikely that Kamiki mentored her in any form.
Lastly, I think Kana would have been the first person to point out that Kamiki looks like Aqua if they knew each other, even if he was acting as the Miki-san persona.
But I did joke before that I think if Kana and Kamiki met each other, they'd just traumabond and be friends until the cops haul Kamiki away. And that'd be the funniest thing ever.
That's it! That was a very long rant. Thanks for the question.
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About the ask about the animorphs being defeated, it seems like the end of 5 could have let them fight their way out.
Okay, okay, a way for them to escape at the end of #5...
• The first thing Jake suggests is that Rachel demorph, and remorph to wolf. Which gets everyone staring at him like he's nuts. If Rachel changes morphs, Ax points out, then a controller will almost certainly see her through the window of their cell and conclude they're human.
«Doesn't matter,» Jake says, «because Marco's about to demorph anyway. We need Rachel able to fight.»
That gets everyone to stare at him in confusion some more.
Everyone except Marco. «Jake, buddy. That thing out there... it's not her. She's gone, and Visser One's in charge.»
Jake looks at Marco, waiting for him to remember, two weeks back, Tom's voice shouting for them to stop and Tom's hands firing a gun at their retreating backs. «I know,» he says at last. «But you're still the best diversion we have. It's that, or die here.»
«What?» Tobias asks, but Cassie's looking between them in growing comprehension.
• So Marco demorphs. And when the door swings open, Visser One's forces find a human boy standing on the other side, flanked by a pair of wolves.
"Hi," Marco says. "My name's Marco Alexiou Encarnacion. And I promise, if you tell your boss that, she's going to want to see me."
The hork-bajir-controllers look at each other, say a few things in a language none of the Animorphs know, and then one grabs Marco by the arm.
"Not without my friends!" Marco cries, and — after another exchange of words — one of the controllers gestures for the others to follow.
«Eyes open,» Jake says. «Ax, where are our exits?»
«The main hatch will be on the bridge, Prince Jake. And we may be able to survive a fall from this height, if we morph birds on the way down. There will also be several drop shafts, translucent oblong tubes that function...»
«Like an elevator?»
«It elevates the user, yes. Or produces a controlled fall.»
«Good enough for me.»
• The controllers don't take them by the bridge, and this time they're not led to a drop shaft. Instead, they're taken to a back office in the ship. One of the controllers raises a tentative claw to knock. Marco's grinning, posture casual, but his skin has a greenish tinge and his hands are shaking.
"Visser? Ma'am?"
"What is it? I told you to get rid of the— The..."
"Hi, Mom."
• Eva's face — Visser One's face — freezes like an old TV set. Then, like a set between channels, it warps: mouth twisting, eyes darting, skin tightening. This lasts for an infinite second, before Edriss's haughty indifferent snaps back into place.
Then her hand shoots out, grabs Marco's arm, and yanks him into the room. She shouts a command, and the doors snap shut between him and his fellow Animorphs.
«Ax, door hinges!» Jake shouts. «Tobias find us an exit — Cassie and Rachel, we're covering Ax!»
They get to work instantly, Ax scything his tail down again and again at the seam between the door and the wall. (It isn't a hinge, but even he knows now is not the time to explain that.) Tobias takes off, fighting hard against dead air, brushing walls with feathertips.
There's no time to watch him, because the hork-bajir-controllers are on the other three. Jake takes one by the throat, gets slammed with a knee blade to the gut, worries his teeth into flesh even as he lets out a cat scream of pain. Rachel and Cassie coordinate as only wolves can, cornering controller after controller with one at the ankles and one at the soft underbelly.
Claaaang! The support strut of the door falls to the ground, along with a chipped-bloody piece of Ax's tail.
«Prince Jake!»
He can't help, claws locked into a controller who has claws sunk into him. «Go! Ax, go!»
Rearing back, Ax slams both front hooves into the door. It falls inward with a ship-rattling BOOM.
• Visser One gets yanked back from the door, out of the path of injury, by Marco's hand on her shoulder. He can't help it. He's helpless not to, even if he knows better.
Ax looks at Marco, then at Visser One. There's no discussion between them, but Eva takes a blow to the side of the head and a gorilla lopes out close behind the andalite.
It's the best they can do, under the circumstances.
• «I've got an exit!» Tobias yells, from deeper in the ship. «I've got a hatch, anyway!»
They run, a juggernaut of muscle and teeth. They don't stop to fight the controllers that get in their way, and they don't stop for the ones that try to surrender either. The halls are narrow, and there's no time for murder or mercy.
«There, right?» Tobias points a talon, when they reach him.
«There,» Ax confirms, and then, «Brace!»
He presses a hand to the pad. The ship screeches a warning, as the hatch slides open.
Six Animorphs, and eight or nine controllers, get sucked into the Earth's outer atmosphere. Those that can morph do so. Those that cannot...
Six birds land safely on the ground, a few minutes later.
• "We have to evacuate our families." Rachel's pacing in the middle of Cassie's barn, a few minutes later. "They're not going to be safe. Connecting Marco to Jake won't take a huge leap, and from Jake..." She chops a hand at the air. "Me. Cassie. Tobias."
Marco pushes to his feet. "I need a minute."
Jake opens his mouth, glances at Cassie for confirmation. "Don't go far," he says at last.
«Ax and I are fine,» Tobias says. «So maybe we start with Cassie's family?»
Cassie looks around the barn. They can all read the expression on her face, much as none of them want to. Even with a phone call to the nearest similar facility, kidnapping her parents will doom every animal in here: the injured deer, the litter of fox kits, the lizards and geese.
There's a sputter of a ripcord being pulled, and the roar of an engine starting up. They all startle, glancing around.
"Sorry," Marco calls, "Just me." He steps out of one of the unused stalls, looking grim. "You think your dad would mind me borrowing his chainsaw?"
"For what?" Rachel says flatly. "We morph, remember?"
"Yeah." Marco shrugs. "Maybe I'm feeling a little vengeful, right about now. Like I want to look that slug in the eye when I..." He flattens his mouth, looking away.
"We have to get our families out." Jake speaks as gently as he can, pulling them back on subject. He's tired, suddenly so tired. It's really hitting him now, headache building between his eyes.
"Then I'm going to borrow your phone, if that's okay." Marco looks at Cassie, who looks as exhausted as Jake. She nods.
Rachel sits down next to Cassie, burying her face in her hands. "My mom and sisters..."
"I know," Cassie says. "I know."
• Marco shuts the door to the barn, walking into Cassie's kitchen. The phone is there in its cradle on the table. There's plenty of time to pick it up, his eyebrows drawing together in concentration as he dials the thirty-digit number from memory.
"Please hold," the automated voice on the other end says, and there's a click.
While waiting, Marco sandwiches the phone between his ear and his shoulder and trails the cord back to the door that leads to the barn. When it eases open a crack, a smile breaks over his face at the sight on the other side.
The gas generator he started a minute ago is still running, and all five free Animorphs are lying on the floor. Good. He'd worried that the barn might be too ventilated for the fumes to build up properly, but it looks like even Ax is now down for the count. Jake gasps weakly, still half-conscious, but it looks like Tobias is already dead.
The phone clicks again.
"Odret One-Seven-Seven," the thing inside Marco says into the phone. "Requesting pickup from Visser One, at the north Carmel Wildlife Rehabilitation Clinic."
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icanseethefuture333 · 8 months
Whew girl. Idk DDG just looks like a dusty cornball! 😭😭💀 it's his face! Chilleeee Apparently Halle and DDG are soulmates and they are in love...meant to have babies...but they're not gonna last because of trust issues💀💀💀 *got this from heavenwhispers25 live stream on YouTube* anyways. Can you please do a reading on Halle and Jonah from the little mermaid?
According to my cards and the vibe I got from the reading, I honestly felt like DDG has narcissistic traits 😬? DDG cares more about himself than his partners. There was a lot of signs of cheating and manipulative behavior from him. If they're soulmates it must be karmic.
A reading on:
Halle Bailey & Jonah Hauer King
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How does Halle feel about Jonah?:
So Halle felt a magnetic attraction towards Jonah when they met and intuitively felt he was the person she was meant to work with in the film. She loved working with him and felt they made wonderful memories together. Halle believes that Jonah is a caring individual who you can depend on. She thinks he'd be a good family man and a great father. I honestly don't think Halle saw Jonah in a romantic way because she was so focused on set and didn't have time to read about people shipping them together. I think their connection was more of a slow burn while filming. I also feel like it's much deeper than romantic feelings and more so the feeling of a platonic soulmate? Halle is very grateful towards Jonah because he changed her for the better in some aspects. His affectionate and gentleman like behavior has shown what the kind of love she deserves. So Halle is not in love with him but would like to be with someone like him. I don't think she's decided yet if she likes romantically or not, it's mainly platonic but she has thought about it. Halle dismisses it because she is faithful to DDG.
Channeled song:
Next Lifetime by Erykah Badu
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How does Jonah feels about Halle?:
Jonah felt very accomplished and proud to be selected by Halle to be her partner in the film. Being casted as Prince Eric gave him an overwhelming sense of joy. "She has been a fantastic friend to me! I cannot express my gratitude enough." Jonah felt Halle being casted as Ariel was perfect and couldn't have been happier with the decision. I feel he was a fan of her prior before meeting her? "She has a wonderful voice. A true angel with a siren's voice." On set, they had a lot of fun together and played around a lot. It was very pure. Jonah could feel like he was able to express his inner child? Or finds Halle's presence to be healing. "She is wonderful with children, a real life princess." (He has so many nice things to say about her I'm crying 😭💙). Jonah as well believes Halle would be a great mom if she decides to have children. He was more professional on set so he did not express any romantic interest but has a crush on her for sure.
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Channeled message:
Why is the root of the problem always DDG 😭?!
God. I think something happened that made Halle very upset to the point she was crying. She just wasn't her usual bright and positive self, so it was very obvious to those around that something was bothering her. I think Jonah tried to comfort her and they talked about it, then DDG found out and got mad about this. Did DDG take shots at Jonah? In a song or on the internet? Or had beef with him? DDG felt threatened by Jonah. "If she's not happy with me she can't be with nobody else." Oh nahhhh 😨. I feel like he suspected there was a possible "budding romance" between them or made this assumption. He did something to sabotage their friendship. DDG could of told Halle not to speak to Jonah anymore after the film was over or made it very clear to Jonah that him and Halle are "always" going to be couple. I feel like Halle and DDG got into arguments about this. They both feel defeated. I also feel like this is an indication of someone cheating and it was most likely DDG. Jonah overall finds their relationship unstable and is upset Halle has to be with someone like that.
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demons-and-demigods · 2 months
Demons and Demigods Part Four: Written Scene #2: Cousins
Again, please excuse the tense inconsistency 😅
Percy pops his head over the side of the Argo II looking for Annabeth and, upon seeing two massive, muscled dudes standing with her, launches himself over the railing and lunges for Dean, knocking him to the ground and holding Riptide to his throat. Percy snarls and glares down at him with his patented Wolf Stare.
“Stand back or I slit his throat,” Percy growled and shifted his gaze to lock eyes with Sam, who stepped back quickly and held his hands up. “Annabeth, are you alright?” Percy asked, though he did not look away from Sam.  
Annabeth just rolled her eyes. “Percy, it’s alright,” she said. “Would you put your sword away? This is Sam and Dean.”  
Percy’s eyes widened and he scrambled off Dean. He stowed Riptide and hauled Dean back to his feet in one smooth motion.  
“Shit, sorry, dude,” Percy said with his customary crooked grin. He rubbed the back of his neck and his smile turned sheepish. “I wanted to make a better first impression,” he laughed and shook his head. “I’m excited to meet you guys! My mom didn’t tell me much, but from what she did say and learning about all the other nightmarish shit out there, well, you guys sounded really cool.”  
Sam and Dean were a little too stunned to respond immediately, still reeling from the whiplash of Percy’s complete one-eighty from murderous intent to sweet smiley kid.  
Sam recovered first. “No worries, kid. With lives like ours, you can’t afford to ask questions. We’ve made our fair share of ‘shoot first, ask questions later’ entrances.” He grinned and offered Percy his hand. “I’m Sam, and I would love you to show me how you put my brother on the ground so fast.”  
Percy laughed. “I’d be happy to after all this is over,” he said, gesturing vaguely at the Argo II. “I’d ask if you guys wanted to join us and help defeat Gaea, but I don’t think the prophecy would take kindly to that.”  
“What is the prophecy, anyway?” Dean asked, finally over his shock enough to speak.  
Percy winced. “Not pretty, that’s for sure,” he sighed. “Seven halfbloods shall answer the call / To storm or fire the world must fall / An oath to keep with a final breath / And foes bear arms to the Doors of Death.”  
Dean let out a low whistle and Sam cursed under his breath.  
“Gaea is rising, and so are her children, the giants. They’ve chained the doors of death, so monsters aren’t staying dead like they should. We have to free the doors and stop the giants’ plan to raise the earth mother.” Annabeth said.  
“How?” Sam asked incredulously. “I mean, that’s . . .” he trailed off, unsure how to even finish that sentence.  
“We don’t know yet,” Percy said with a shrug. “That tends to be how it goes. Things usally only start to make sense when we’re in the thick of it. It can be annoying, but when you’re a demigod, you just gotta learn to roll with the punches.”  
Suddenly a voice called out from aboard the Argo II.  
“Percy! Annabeth! We gotta go! Quit chatting with the hired muscle numbers one and two!”  
Percy turned around to wave dismissively at the curly haired kid leaning over the boat’s railing. “Yeah, yeah!” he called. “We’re coming, Leo! But cut me some slack! I was just possessed by a weird spirit and these are my cousins that I didn’t know existed! Figured I should say hello before we head off to our almost certain deaths!”  
Leo yelled something back in Spanish that made Percy cackle before turning back to them.  
“Well, guess we better get back to the ship before Leo decides to take off without us. We’ll have to meet up again if we make it out of this alive, yeah?” Percy smiled at them before grabbing Annabeth’s hand and heading back to the ship.  
Sam and Dean watched as the ship disappeared before turning to each other with identical incredulous expressions. “What the fuck,” they exclaimed in unison and then busted out laughing.  
“Shit, that was really scary, but also kinda funny,” Sam said as his laughter calmed down. “I mean, he had you laid out faster than either of us could track!”  
Dean groaned. “I can’t believe he took me out so easily! I mean, yeah, we’re close to the same height and he definitely solid muscle under there, but he’s still so small! How the hell did he pin me like that?” Dean threw his hands up in the air and turned around to stalk back toward the impala.  
Sam snickered. “He did have a sword at your throat,” he pointed out.  
“Yeah, but I know how to get out of a hold like that! I’ve done it before!” Dean whirled around to glare at his brother. “I couldn’t move, okay? Kid’s strong as hell, and not just with his godly-mojo-stuff. I mean, Annabeth got it cleared up quick, but I tried to flip us over or buck him off, and I could hardly even twitch!”  
Sam’s eyes widened. “Wait, for real?” he gasped.  
Dean nodded.  
So Dean and Sam have a bit of a crisis lmao while the seven are off to Rome.  
Back on the ship, Percy has his head buried in Annabeth’s shoulder. “I can’t believe I attacked them,” he bemoans himself. “They probably hate me now,” he wails and Annabeth just rubs his back consolingly while she tries not to laugh. 
They carry on.
This scene is short, but some real doozies are coming your way, don't worry.
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dodgedriftdietrying · 5 months
(Ain't No) Burden in my Hand
Chapter 1 - Follow me Into the Desert - (A/B/O Zosopp)
<p>As Luffy pulled Usopp from the Water 7 docks onto the deck of the Thousand Sunny, a smell seemed to rejoin the crew as well, although slightly altered. That of a sad and nervous, but clean, freshly presented male omega. The color drained from the three youngest Strawhat alpha's faces and as Usopp tried to wrap him in a hug, Luffy froze in his grasp. An anxious pit formed in the Omega’s stomach, and he tried to fight the tears that pricked his eyes. Before he could pull away in embarrassment, Nami grabbed his shoulder and dragged him out of the tense grasp of his captain and into one of the unmarked rooms of the new ship and slammed the door behind them. </p>
<p>The distinct, comfortable burn of doubt and dread burned hotter in Usopp’s stomach at the lingering combined scent of the three Alphas’ distress, "W-what's wrong Nami? Why did you… why did they…" Usopp started, but trailed off as his friend stepped away from him  to stand by a small trash can and peel off her scent patches. &lt;em>Oh</em>. He shuffled his feet, slapped his hands against his face to soothe the humiliated prickles under it quickly, then twisted his hands in front of him as he waited and tried to ignore all the sounds coming from the deck. <em>Being able to hear through doors is so weird. Is this how everyone always knew where I was on the Sunny? Leave it to Luffy to cheat at hide and seek.</em></p>
<p>The thought left a small, affectionate smile on his face as Usopp looked up at Nami when she winced and grunted as she pulled the last of the small moleskine-like patches off. “No matter how well you shave, your neck hair always grows back in before you have to take them off” That reminded him of something he heard his mom say. Her scent began to fill his nose, sunshine on wet boards and a sort of cherry-orange ice cream, so much more noticeable than it was just a week prior. "It's gonna be hard finding patches for you, you know," Her voice was steady with an undertone of tired nerves. </p>
<p>"What? Why?" Words that would have usually come out shrill and nervous were quietly concerned because of the comfort his best friend's scent was bringing him. </p>
<p>Nami turned to face him and stepped over to him, still half in front of the door, sunlight from the large but sturdy windows next to it made Usopp’s half-silhouette on the floor between them. "For your skin tone, the ones they sell are too light even for me, I have to darken them with makeup. If people can see them from far away it kinda defeats the purpose"</p>
<p>Realization ignited in his eyes and he dropped his hands to gesture emphatically as ideas formed in his mind, "I could probably make those! I could make ones that don't give you a rash or hurt too!"</p>
<p>Nami smiled at him sadly “I can’t wait”, Usopp furrowed his brow at her response but before he could speak, she raised her hands softly to his shoulders, "I'm gonna scent you now, okay?" </p>
<p>He gulped, nodded, and closed his eyes, allowing her manicured hand to guide his head to the nook between her shoulder and neck as she rubbed the corner of her jaw across his forehead and hair. Orange and sugar were cloying and strong, and the drying wood reminded him of long lazy days on deck. Tears threatened his eyes and he balled his hands into fists awkwardly at his sides. His first heat was long and awful, and he yearned the first few days for the way it felt keeping Nami company during her heats. As the only non-alpha human on the crew it was his duty to keep her from strangling everyone to death for making noise or smelling bad. Usopp knew he was never a great heat companion, always a little too loud, mouthy and self conscious, but the physical closeness was reassuring for both of them. Her hand left the back of his head to pull off his bandana and goggles, placing them on the bookshelf beside them before returning to hold him in place.</p>
<p>“Post Heat showers fucking rule, right?”</p>
<p>Usopp let out a slightly wet laugh, tears he hadn’t even noticed wetting his cheeks and dripping onto Nami’s collarbone. He sniffled before agreeing, “No kidding. I felt like I was being reborn.”</p>
<p>He felt Nami smile into his hairline, before returning to scenting him. "...And I just wanted to say, Usopp. I'm really sorry. I think we all are but…" Her fingers froze where they carded through the hair at the nape of his neck "I should have known. You're my best friend and you left and I was more focused on everything else and didn't even think why you would want someplace safe right then and…"</p>
<p>Calloused fingers twitched, the urge to hug or comfort her strong, but he didn’t want to risk upsetting her further. "I did insult Luffy and leave you guys,"  He argued, adding an awkward half laugh.</p>
<p>Nami sighed sadly, nodded and after a moment, she leaned back and lightly pushed Usopp's head off her shoulder, letting him steady himself against the wall. "Yeah but so did I, and none of you ever turned your back on me for a second. From now on, we're both Omegas, we tell each other when we think something is wrong, deal? Plus, the crew kinda lost it without you. Luffy was smiling through it but I heard him crying every time I got off watch. We NEED you, don’t let anyone tell you otherwise,"</p>
<p>Usopp nodded and smiled, although strained and still concerned, a little disoriented from the source of total comfort being taken away. After quickly returning it, she peered through the window behind Usopp who followed her eyeline. The scene was chaos. Sanji was squatted on the deck, face buried in his hands, cigarette ash dangling dangerously through his fingers. Luffy was super-hugging the mast, arms wrapped around it at least a dozen times, a distressed look on his face as Chopper tried to talk him down. Ominously, Zoro was staring out over the ocean back towards Water 7, one foot up on the edge of the boat, hands on the hilts of his swords. Seemingly not nearly as concerned as the other two. Robin stood next to him, glancing between the swordsman and the other young alphas in amusement. It made the pit in Usopp’s stomach double and he tried to breathe deeply, but only one thing could fill his mind-</p>
<p>&lt;em>What's Zoro thinking about?</em></p>
<p>Nami rolled her eyes and opened the door, exiting the room and closing it again behind her before immediately starting to yell at the Alphas. Usopp laughed quietly to himself, turning towards the desk. He knew Sanji and Luffy would probably feel Alpha responsibility for him more now and feel guilty for letting him leave, but Zoro definitely wouldn’t feel guilty. &lt;em> His reasons were valid</em>. The swordsman’s undying loyalty and strict morals would not have allowed for any other solution. <em>You can’t disrespect his God and continue on like nothing happened.</em> Testing his legs, he took a few wobbly steps towards the desk and successfully landed himself in the leather chair. As he sat down, he realized that this must be Nami's office, based on the map papers neatly organized into levels of completion on the desktop. He wondered if he'd get his own room now that he's presented, and realized belatedly that maybe Franky knew before any of his friends did.</p>
<p>A hotel clerk was the first to make it apparent to him, asking if he'd like a smell proof room instead of a regular for the night. He had just flushed and traded a few of his trinkets to pay for the rest of the week.</p>
<p>Interrupting his reminiscing, Luffy burst into the office and Usopp scrambled to his feet before his rubbery captain could drag him over Nami's desk, incurring her wrath. </p>
<p>"WAAAA USOPP I'm sorry, I didn't know!" He said, arms wrapped around the sniper's waist, pulling them together. &lt;em>Cute but predictable.</em> Usopp smiled and pet his hair,</p>
<p>"It's okay Luffy, I didn't know either"</p>
<p>A smile shone across Luffy's face and he removed his arms from Usopp’s waist, instead wrapping them around his narrow shoulders and enthusiastically scenting him, rubbery face rubbing aggressively against his hairline.</p>
<p>Despite the uncomfortable tugging of rubbery skin on clean hair, Usopp's knees felt weak, the stress of the last week leaving his body at the overwhelming smell of his pack leader’s scent. Being so close to the source of the scent, water over rocks and a beach campfire, was like coming home after a long journey. &lt;em>It… IS coming home after a long journey. </em>He grabbed handfuls of Luffy's shirt, trying to ground his reality in anything solid. After a moment, Luffy pulled back easily and beamed at him, seemingly unaware of his newfound affect on the sniper "I'm glad you're back Usopp!"</p>
<p>"Usopp-san, of course I forgive you. I barely forgave Luffy for letting you leave, and that was before you presented" Sanji's comforting words rang in his head as he climbed the ladder toward the crows nest. </p>
<p>&lt;em>Zoro was why you left in the first place, why would he forgive you? Plus, he can smell you now, if he hasn't figured out about your crush yet, he definitely will today</em>. A small, anxious part of him whispered. <em>He’ll just get weirded out and throw me in the ocean again. </em>Unfortunately for Usopp's physical health and body temperature, his new Omega brain couldn't function properly in a pack where he feels unsure about his packmates' feelings about him. Open hatred was better than uncertainty. Hence why he had spent the entire day going to each of his packmates and trying to make amends and gauge his situation.</p>
<p>In his own fashion, of course, as he brought little trinkets he made for all of them. The final of which sits in the chest pouch of his overalls even now. &lt;em>Zoro's</em>. Usopp recognized the feeling of himself backing out as his hand hovered over the trap door and he forced himself to push it open. He pulled himself up into the room and quickly located Zoro, sitting on the window seat next to a pile of weights and bars, lanterns in the rooms leaving shadows over his face as he stared at him with steady, vague interest. For most other people it would just look like every other blank stare Zoro wore, but Usopp had spent so much time focusing on him from afar and trying to decode the alpha he could tell the subtle differences even in the low light. The room was heavy with Zoro’s blacksmith’s shop scent, but Usopp still couldn’t tell the swordsman's moods through scents and it worried him. That was a skill that came with age and training, both of which he severely lacked.</p>
<p>Usopp allowed a moment of silence as he shakily got to his feet and flapped the trapdoor shut in a bang that echoed around the silent, cavernous room.</p>
<p>"Z-zoro. I wanted to apologize for everything that happened at Enies Lobby and Water 7. It was a moment of weakness and it won't happen again. I made you this," Attempting to still the shaking in his hand, he pulled the trinket out of his pocket and crossed the room to hold it out in offering, not noticing the way Zoro inhaled deeply as Usopp got closer "It's a sharpener for your swords"</p>
<p>Zoro furrowed his brow as he reached up to take it out of his hand, his warm hands brushing Usopp’s quivering one ever so slightly. </p>
<p>"I-I saw how you find rocks every once in a while to sharpen them, so I made something you can just slide your swords through to sharpen, that way it’s at the same angle everytime"</p>
<p>Gold earrings jingle as Zoro nods, standing up to put the sharpener in his pants pocket. He looked down at Usopp, from his mild height advantage, silver eyes boring into Usopp’s dark brown, and Usopp realized that was the deciding moment. He stopped the urge to twist his fingers together and shoved them into his pockets instead. Zoro’s voice was scratchy, like he hadn’t spoken in a while. "You disrespected our Captain. That's why I wanted you to leave. Thank you, for this" He tapped the pocket holding the gift, "But your skills were never in question to me. You're good at what you do." Zoro took a few steps forward, his broad, bare chest only a few inches from Usopp's. His scent was rolling off of him in powerful waves.</p>
<p>Nami has once told Usopp that Zoro smelled like a black smith's forge full of wood and he couldn't agree more. Heat, metal, pine, smoke and char fill his nose and leave a funny feeling in Usopp's stomach and he inhales sluggishly. "Oh" Usopp replied quietly, struggling to maintain eye contact.</p>
<p>"And," Zoro turned his face away and gnashed his teeth, almost wincing before continuing, fighting down a growl, "I'm sorry you had to go through your first heat alone"</p>
<p>Neither Sanji nor Luffy mentioned that during their conversations, due to being too proper and not caring respectively. Although, their other Alpha, Robin, made a joke about his poor timing. But Zoro didn't tell jokes. Not like this, "Uh, Thank you. For forgiving me," </p>
<p>Zoro’s eyes snapped back to Usopp’s, an unreadable look in his eyes as he closed his lips carefully around his fangs. Usopp continued quickly</p>
<p>"A-and thanks for your worrying but it really wasn't an issue."</p>
<p>Zoro rolled his eyes as a growl built in his throat and Usopp jumped to defend,</p>
<p>"It wasn't! I just sold some of the stuff from the Merry to pay for a room and it was fine!"</p>
<p>Usopp's mouth snapped shut as he stared at the swordsman. Said swordsman grabbed him by the shoulders, a movement the sniper'd gotten more than comfortable with in the past days as scenting became an everyday occurance. His body seemed too shocked to react, just staring in confusion as Zoro pinned him with a determined look.</p>
<p>"Everybody here always has people around during their stuff. Luffy has you and Chopper for his ruts, Sanji and Robin have each other, and Nami and I both have you,"</p>
<p>Which Usopp nodded at. He made sure to spend good time with both the Alphas and the now fellow Omega during their cycles. And while Nami would hang out with basically anyone except Sanji and Zoro, Zoro's ruts were spent in solitary save for the sniper's visits. He had always forbade himself from scrutinizing that. &lt;em>No point in getting my hopes up.</em></p>
<p>"But you went through your first heat alone in a new place in ruin. And…" Zoro trailed off, teeth grinding almost audibly again, but his intense gaze didn't leave Usopp's. After a long, tense moment, Zoro sighed and tried again, rolling his eyes irritably and shifting on his feet "You know why I sleep in between you and the door during my ruts? Because… I want you to spend them with me. I… need you to be safe. All the time. I want to spend yours with you now. I want to… take care of you. How I can."</p>
<p>Usopp's heart couldn't be any louder if it tried. That was… a courting proposal. Plain and simple. Zoro's own emotionally stunted twist on it, but a proposal nonetheless. The swordsman looked tired out by the confession, but steadfast in waiting for a response. Whatever part of his brain that was not currently leaking out his ears registered just how strong Zoro’s scent had gotten. It was making his head swim and his mouth water. &lt;em>Do I smell that strongly? I hope not</em>. He swallowed, voice coming out quieter than he meant it to "I want that too."</p>
<p>The words, the ones he had imagined saying to another person over and over again since he was a child, and to Zoro over and over again for the past week,  actually left his mouth. A slow grin, tired but happy, spread across Usopp’s face, eliciting a cocky one from the Alpha. Bluntly, he asked "Can I scent you now? Uh. Please?" </p>
<p>The question startled a laugh out of Usopp, who nodded shyly, and as Zoro's strong arms pulled him in, the sniper wrapped his arms around Zoro's midsection and buried his face in his neck. From his new vantage point, He could feel the other sigh, one arm wrapped tightly around his shoulders, the other grabbing a fistful of his overalls.&lt;em> In his own way</em>. Usopp smiled into Zoro’s scent glands, inhaling until his breath hitched.</p>
<p>After a while, Usopp was sitting on one of the plush window benches, with his sketchbook propped up on his knees, pretending to not watch Zoro weightlift across the room. Three 800 pound weights were attached to either side of the bar where it lay in Zoro’s hands as he lay on the bench. The latter was 100% posturing, but there were no complaints to be heard. He cleared his throat and glanced at Usopp before stating matter-of-factly, "Uh, we shouldn’t tell people we’re datin’. Pirating and all that don't end well for &lt;em>anyone</em>."</p>
<p>&lt;em>Ouch.</em> It stung to hear but the reasoning was sound. <em>Love’s got no place on the seas. </em>After a moment, Usopp nodded in agreement, looking back down at his half finished sketch of Zoro’s bicep and swiping off eraser crumbs. "Yeah, that makes sense. Especially with the greatest swordsman thing. I'd hate to be a liability for your dream."</p>
<p>He could almost hear Zoro rolling his eyes irritatedly, "You're not a goddamn liability. You're just someone they'll know I won't want to lose. It’s a disadvantage in a fight, and I don’t like those. Or people going after you to get to me anymore than they normally do." </p>
<p>On any normal day, in any normal situation, Usopp would have died. Plain and simple. &lt;em>Only Zoro could make me leave the crew then say he doesn’t want to lose me a week later.</em> But here, in a closed room, full of their combined scent, he just blushed and smiled brightly at his Alpha over the top of his sketchbook. His alpha. God. Zoro responded with a small smirk before focussing back on his workout.</p>
<p>The smell that perfumed the air was strong, and difficult to describe. Usopp's own scent was new, and he could not smell it the same way others could,  but Nami had described it as, &lt;em>"Wildflowers. It's like that strong flower scent, but stronger and un-manicured, like a field of them that used to be wild grass, or something."</em></p>
<p>That, mixed with Zoro's scent created a comforting smell, like a home that didn't exist yet. Something with a strong forge and big open windows. Which he supposed, is what he wanted to build with Zoro. A plan for after piracy. After Luffy. &lt;em>Luffy</em>! Usopp winced. He heaved a long sigh before speaking up. "Luffy's gonna tell everyone we meet though. What should we do about that?" </p>
<p>Zoro stopped mid-rep, &lt;em>show off, </em>and stared up at the ceiling. Then, after a second, he racked his bar and sighed tiredly, “So we’d have to hide it from everyone.”</p>
<p>Usopp nodded, closing his sketchbook and curling in on himself as Zoro let out another long sigh and sat up, slumping with his knees against his elbows. The stronger scent in the room changed, more smoke, less pine. It made something deep inside Usopp sad in a way he didn’t expect, and didn’t really know how to deal with. A thick feeling gathered in his throat, and he tried to swallow with a wince that he saw mirrored on Zoro’s face. &lt;em>I should… try and fix that. Right? </em> </p>
<p>He unfurled himself and stood, awkwardly crossing the room to stand before the hunched swordsman, who peered up at him questioningly. Raising his hands, he lightly placed them against the Alpha’s shoulders, praying he got the idea. Surprisingly, he did, and after a long moment of Zoro staring up at him in a way that made him want to both twirl his hair like a schoolgirl and drown himself in the kitchen sink, wrapped his arms around the Omega’s waist, pulling him to stand between his knees with his head pressed against his stomach. Usopp did his best to gently scratch his Alpha’s scalp with his bandaged fingers and calluses, and he smelled Zoro start to scent him again. The scent coming off him was much lighter this time, and he seemed conflicted between pressing forward against Usopp's soft stomach and back against his gentle hands. &lt;em>Good sign.</em></p>
<p>"W-we could… not tell him? Is that stupid?"</p>
<p>Zoro pulled out the all-too-real moral scale system in his head. On one side, Usopp. He just got him back, just found out they wanted each other in the same way. His safety and comfort were at risk. On the other side, as usual, Luffy. His captain, his savior, his pack leader. His trust, easily won but no less valuable, might be hurt by them keeping this from him. &lt;em>What would keep them all the most safe?</em> Maybe Usopp would know. Usopp was smart. </p>
<p>Leaning back slightly, he rested his chin against Usopp’s chest before answering, "I'm weighing something,"</p>
<p>Usopp nodded, used to being Zoro's sounding board for his moral dilemmas. &lt;em>Although, I am a pretty biased jury here, </em>he thought bemusedly.</p>
<p>"With you, if we tell him your safety is at risk. What's the bad part of not telling him?"</p>
<p>Usopp looked forward and tapped his pointer finger against his lips in thought. "I suppose it's mainly him being mad that we didn't tell him when he finds out, or… I don't know, some life threatening dilemma that requires he knows we're dating?" He offers, looking back down to meet Zoro's eyes as they gaze up at him, the unreadable, contemplative look on his face. After another long pause said Alpha spoke, </p>
<p>"So let's just not tell him. Or anyone, I guess."</p>
<p>Usopp sucked air in through his clenched teeth, and Zoro frowned. "I'm sorry, but I promised Nami I would tell her everything now, after everything that happened."</p>
<p>"Okay, then just Nami will know. As much as I hate her, she's the kind of person we want on our side when it comes to secrets. Deal?" Zoro raised a hand to grip Usopp's where it rested against his chin. Usopp threaded their fingers together and kissed Zoro's scarred knuckles quickly, his cheeks darkening.</p>
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littlestpersimmon · 2 years
hello!! southeast asian raging lesbian here!!! your art is absolutely stunning, and to see myself in the fantasy world and characters that you've created really means a lot to me. also it is my duty as a sapphic to ask for more about "kill and maim" sarawak, narakan, and kalimbahing maputli. all of their designs are just... *holds them gently*
WELCOME TO MY SOUTHEAST ASIAN GAY BLOG !! I AM Glad you asked about my girls and you want to hold them tenderly, as all of them deserve to be tenderly held, especially Narakan... however most of my answers tend to be very long djjsjs so I'll tell you first about Sarawak Only and then I'll maybe make a post about Kalimbahin and Narakan bc WHEW they are the second most important characters in this story next to Darenya and Radinta.
Sarawak is the daughter of a mariner, and she wants to be just like her mom, rough of voice and wild of hair, demanded respect from her stance alone. She wields two ceremonial daggers, and loves to appear as callous.
Sarawak is a Sanjata (in their world, Sanjata just means "indigenous") and her dad is a sanjata from the lonely land of Dayang-Dayang, where the land is untilled, and the once deer-people who walked there in droves and treehouses are now very reclusive and scared of the growing imperialism in both the north and the south. Her mother (also named Sarawak) is indigenous by blood, however, she has assimilated into the Janalilan life, where she eventually became a starfarer.
Because their world is literally "broken", the people have to travel through each "sundering" via boats called "dragonships", and each dragonship is captained by someone with breathing magic called "Karhanan".
The dragonships are literally fossilized dragons, trees imbued with the remains of dragons are harvested for their wood, and the spirit within the precious lumber remains powerful and capable of sailing into the stairs, however the dragon-spirits are wily, and will only answer to people with Karhanan... Imagine mustering enough power in your lungs to whistle/ blow out enough force to navigate an ancient stone ship weighing tons and tons out of a small planet's atmosphere. That is the kind of power required of a Karhanan, enough energy to steer an entire ship, crew and luggage in tow.
The most powerful Karharnan can wipe out a city in a single breath.
Sarawak's mother was a great starfarer, feared and respected by even the senatress of Janalila herself, however, Sarawak did not inherit the powers of Karhanan, and she was very disappointed.
Not to be deterred, Sarawak found a job as an agent and spy for the senatress, and found herself delighting in the thrill of the hunt, and everyone feared the lady of the night, Sarawak, with her long wild hair and wide, bloodthirsty grin. There is an uncontrollable rage and grief in her (that I can't say why because Spoilers) that cannot be stilled until she receives her fill of blood. She's actually modeled from the bloody crow of cainhurst, which is why her name is Sarawak, because it rhymes with the tagalog word for "crow" which is "uwak".. to me it just sounds.. sharp, like a curved sword.. or a bird's talons.
Sarawak was defeated only once by a band of pirates, in an attack that left her blind in one eye, and one leg shattered in a way that never healed right, leaving her permanently limping- though again, Sarawak is not one to be deterred, and her role in the story is how she seeks revenge for what has been done to her. Limping and laughing, she is still the most renowned killer in all of Hidlawonen.
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frenchiefitzhere · 1 year
What’s with the sad vibes 😭
Once upon a time, there was the hottest man in all the land. The land was the Imperium. The Imperium had a king, who was hot, but he was basically just a lil yandere dude in disguise. The Imperium also had a dentist, and he was pretty scary hot. But the hottest of all was President Lasko Moore. He was the best dressed tol menacing bitch in the whole place. He was very learnèd. He learnèd all the magical things because he was a loyal little tart who served the Imperium but only the way he wanted to.
He had the sexiest wardrobe. Lasko always dressed professionally and he could fill out any suit, and even though men's professional clothing is often a bit boring, Lasko always had just enough flair and his body was so perfect under whatever he was wearing that it was basically like he was doing those clothes a favor. He also smelled super good. So good Frenchie wrote a comfort fic that's supposed to be about Lasko using his air powers to calm Freelancer down but mostly it's just about how Lasko smells good. President Moore had a whole idea to start a daemon haven at the academy. Nobody else had that idea. Because they weren't as smart as Lasko. His smarts made him soooooo sexy. President Moore always got what he wanted. Because he was a smooth little bitch. He was a manipulative, gaslighting, fanatical madman who talked so smooth you'd think you'd been run over by a Zamboni. Lasko lost TWO--count them--TWO fan bracket competitions, but he sent a secret message to his beloved Frenchie. She tried and tried but the people just wouldn't vote for Lasko enough. She even played her most special card: the Marie card. And so Milo's mom was locked in a kitchen pantry, never to be seen again, until the people showered Frenchie with fics and art and other presents---like you know that thing of how those one penguins bring each other love pebbles as a sign of undying affections...like that---and then maybe just maybe she would consider doing the Marie voice again, but until then, she will just be soooooo sad that she can't be Marie because her beloved Lasko lost and she failed him by not getting enough votes and then she changed her Tumblr and Discord pfps to reflect her sad, sad mood and everybody promised they would write a fic or a five-hundred-word essay about Imperium Lasko for her but as of Thursday, April 20, there was nothing for Frenchie and so she remained soooooo sad about the Lasko Loss. She even wrote a funny/sad song about it the day of the horrible defeat, but that wasn't enough for her to get a 500-word essay from her friends. No, sir. She had to write the most ridiculous ask response in Tumblr history that really was like a bad middle school creative writing assignment just so she could get to five hundred words and prove that it wasn't really that hard to do it. Not if you care. Frenchie just cares about President Moore. Lasko matters in every universe. Isn't that the truth?
But now President Lasko Moore is also locked in a kitchen pantry. Maybe the same kitchen pantry as Marie.
Oops I just shipped them. And the longer we wait to satisfy my need for 500-word essays about the greatness of Lasko Moore, the more disturbing that Lasko/Marie ship is gonna get. Please get Marie and Lasko out of the locked pantry. See? 500 words is not even hard. I just hit 600.
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