#*cries in french student*
no srsly tho is like the concept of like letters to my younger self and knowing how your younger self would feel about your present self figurative or do ppl actually like have a connection with their younger self and remember things their younger self wanted and stuff like that???
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ace-touya · 8 months
Class 1-A PowerPoint Night
A PowerPoint night is when a friend group all make PowerPoints on random topics and present them to each other in case anyone doesn’t know. This is what I think all of class 1-A would do.
Yuga Aoyama makes a PowerPoint explaining french slang terms that he thinks the entire class should start using
Mina Ashido makes a PowerPoint rating everyone’s families. Points are awarded based on presence of both parents, how well each student gets on with their parents, whether they have siblings (younger siblings get less points than older ones) and how much she personally likes their family members.
Tenya Iida makes a PowerPoint on how to revise for their upcoming exam, complete with diagrams and information about the psychology of learning. The class feel like they’re in a lecture.
Tsuyu Asui makes a PowerPoint where she turns things the class has said into Pinterest-style inspirational quotes and they have to try and guess who said what.
Ochaco Uraraka makes a PowerPoint on tips to save money, because you cant tell me some of the people in this class buy useless things they either lose, forget about, or have no idea what to do with.
Mashirao Ojiro makes a PowerPoint of things he does not understand. It features things such as the existence of languages, barcodes, and credit cards.
Denki Kaminari makes a PowerPoint called ‘Crying Wrapped’, which details the reasons he has cried over the least year, which months he cried the most and the least in, and rates his top 5 cries with little explanation
Eijiro Kirishima makes a PowerPoint called ‘things I’ve seen at the gym that just make sense’. Some of them have pictures to go along with them, and Ochaco and Katsuki nod along and say ‘I remember that’ to every other slide.
Koji Koda made a PowerPoint on why Aizawa should let them have a class pet. The PowerPoint actually had good reasoning so they emailed it to Aizawa, who only responded ‘no.’ And did not elaborate.
Rikido Sato makes a PowerPoint assigning each classmate a type of cake. He lists the reasons, the ingredients, and has a nice message for each member of the class on the slide with their cake
Mezo Shoji makes a PowerPoint about how Tokoyami is Not Real. Enough said.
Kyouka Jiro makes a PowerPoint detailing the soundtrack she would put together if their life was a movie, complete with photos and video clips of stuff they’ve done to go along with each moment she assigns a song to.
Hanta Sero makes a PowerPoint called ‘Canada is not real’, and it lists all the reasons why he believes Canada is made up. Shoto is nodding along and finds it very thought-provoking
Fumikage Tokoyami makes a PowerPoint analysing everyone’s entire zodiac charts. Kirishima is shocked to find out there’s more than just the sun sign. They also give everyone their horoscopes for the next month.
Shoto Todoroki makes a PowerPoint on conspiracy theories that he actually believes. They’re all completely insane but he does end up convincing some members of the class by the end.
Toru Hagakure makes a PowerPoint on Disney Men and whether or not she would trust them with her drink with little to no explanation. All the girls agree with her ratings.
Katsuki Bakugo makes a PowerPoint rating each of the barbie movies based on whether or not he could beat the protagonist in a fight. The class is shocked to find out that Katsuki does believe he would lose to some of the barbies.
Izuku Midoryia makes a PowerPoint analysing the class’s fighting techniques and their strengths and weaknesses as heroes, using all the notes he’s written about each of them in his notebooks. Additionally, he assigns everyone in the class a current pro hero that they’re most similar to.
Minoru Mineta makes a PowerPoint rating the girls in every class of their year group and is not allowed to present it.
Momo Yaoyorozu makes a PowerPoint assigning each classmate a different kind of tea, complete with the benefits of each flavour and why she would give it to them. She also includes the prices and the best places to buy them.
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revivemyreverie · 4 months
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“Watch yourself. After all, you may be decent at dancing, but your foul attitude could be easily burnt away.”
Twisted from: The Evil Queen’s Red Iron Shoes
Coppelia Waltz
CV: ???
Technical Info.
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Demisexual
Birthday: 05/25
Age: 18
Height: 5’7 (170)
Hair Color: Charcoal Black
Eye Color: River Grey
Hand Pref.: Left
Homeland: City of Flowers
College Info.
Year: 1st
Class: 1B Set 27
Club: Track and Field
Favorite Subject: Art
Hobby: Flower Arrangement
Likes: Weddings
Dislikes: Forgiving others
Favorite Food: French Toast
Hated Food: Sunflower Seeds
Specialty: Ballet
UM: Iron Vengeance
The lower part of your body becomes bound to an unseeable fire. Until your begging finds value, you’ll dance in a hot hell forever.
The Dancing Plague
There was once a little girl, in a little village, who was born with no feet. Despite her obvious disability, she still dreamed of dancing in front of a large crowd, with flowers being thrown at her graceful figure. The other ballerinas in her class, however, thought differently.
“All you do is sit on your wheelchair without any legs to stand on, and that’s where you’ll be until you die of old age!” They’d pick on her without fail. “Hurry and give up, us real ballerinas need no stumpy girls like you!”
Brought to tears by their cruelty, the little girl fled the studio and sped into the woods. She wheeled on the mossy grass for hours and hours, losing herself in both the trees and her tears. Suddenly, the girl heard a tune like no other, and drew closer to the sound. That is when she saw it—a fairy dance.
Countless humans danced hand-in-hand, even as their feet were dyed red. But the faeries, oh the faeries, how gracefully they danced! Like flowers in the wind, they scattered and reformed and flew so freely!
It was only until one noticed the child that the music stopped, and they gathered around. And yet, the girl was not met with hostility.
“What is a mortal so young doing in the woods?” One asked.
She cried out her woes to the faeries, describing how terrible the other students were, and how she just wanted to learn to dance. The fae, finding sympathy for the little human, quickly thought up a way to fix her problem.
They lifted her from her wheelchair and flew her to their lair. On the first night of her visit, the ballerina was granted a pair of silver slippers, able to lift her off the ground. She cried and cried that night, so joyous to finally dance.
On the second night, the faeries taught her their peculiar dance. Like the humans she saw in the circle, she twirled and jumped without end. But unlike their tired bodies, she proved herself relentless, refusing to stop unless her steps matched her teachers’. Soon enough, she was dancing just as gracefully.
On the 3rd and final night, the fae taught her a magic spell. Still being the tricksters they always were, they giggled and snickered as they whispered an incantation in her ear.
“But why do I need such a spell?” She curiously asked.
“To punish those naughty children,” one fae answered, “and to give you a sense of retribution.”
So on that night, when she left the forest and came back to the dancehall, she whispered out that little spell, cursing her classmates to a fiery pain. Without any dancers to take their spot, the adults dragged the little girl from her seat and onto the stage.
There, with her classmates wailing backstage as their feet burned the same bloody red as the humans in the forest, the little girl danced. Her iron shoes glistened on the stage, as the crowd stared in awe at her beautiful performance. And even past the thundering applause of the audience, and flowers being thrown to her feet, the little girl could only think of one thing—
That her dream finally came true.
“Do you have any final thoughts, Miss Waltz?” The reporter pointed the mic in her face, grinning.
The child thought, before looking up to her horrified mother, who had built her metal shoes herself. Then, to her sickened upperclassmen, who taught her the magic of vengeance and the dance that wowed the crowd.
Smiling, she turned back to the camera, concerned parents rushing behind her.
“I’d just like to thank everyone who supported me, and helped me achieve my dream! This really feels like a fairytale come true!”
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mamayan · 9 months
So yk how girls put up their hair to suck dick? Ik Shota does that to eat pussy. And he does that FOR HIMSELF ahem overstimulation ahem ahem
Babe, this man is a pussy connoisseur, he will let you french braid it back so he can better eat your pussy and give you something to hold onto.
Shota Aizawa x Fem! Reader
tw: NSFW • Fingering (F) • Oral (F) • Praise • Overstimulation • Domestic Fluff • Teasing
“Why are you giggling? C’mere kitten, if you won’t sit on my face then lay down so I can at least enjoy my meal.” His dark eyes were soft and teasing, as he easily maneuvers you to lay on your back so he can pry your legs apart.
You couldn’t help the laughing fit which struck you. You’d been trying to learn how to French braid other people’s hair recently, a young student of your fiancé having asked you for help one day, and embarrassingly you couldn’t do it quite right. So you’d asked Shota to let you practice on him. It looked awful, too many strands of hair falling loose, and you’d given up entirely and decided to decorate his hair with silly ribbons and cute clips for your own amusement instead.
When he’d caught on to your game, he’d easily captured you when you tried to run, and taken you to the bedroom for “punishment”.
“That wasn’t very nice kitten, now spread your thighs before I get the bar to keep them open.” His threat works, your legs falling open easily so he can settle over your naked body. His own still clothed in the sweat pants he’d been wearing earlier, chest bare and muscles and scars on full display for your eyes. You giggle again as his hair filled with accessories which didn’t even match one another fell into his face, forcing him to blow up the strand. It fell back in place over his eyes.
You laughed again, even as he sighed and released you to untie the braid to use the tie to gather up all his hair into a pony tail now. Once his hair was properly secured back, he grinned down at you.
“Still laughing baby? That’s okay. I’ll fix that.” He chuckles, hand ghosting over your pussy as you gasp and sigh, melting as his thumb softly brushes your clit. “For all that fooling around, you sure as wet. Were you anticipating this brat?” His narrow gaze mirthful despite his words and tone. You shook your head in denial, but moaned when he leaned down to blow cool air on your hot sex.
“I don’t believe you.” He murmurs, before licking up the slick which had escaped you. Moaning into the mess, Shota happily licks and sucks loudly, slurping at your pussy as you cry out. Your hands sought purchase in his hair, gripping the little pony tail he’d pulled back to avoid letting hair loose into his face.
“Go ahead kitten, hold tight, I’m gonna be here for a while.” Was all the warning he gave before he was devouring you completely.
You came quickly, creaming his lower face as you cried and shook beneath him.
You knew what came next as a finger wiggled into your tight heat. You jerked as the pleasure bordered painful, but relaxed as he slowed down to let you regroup. Then he was finger fucking you as he sucked and lapped at your lip, building this orgasm slower as you mewled and cried his name before falling apart more gently than your first.
When he added a second finger, you mentally prepared but your body jolted dramatically when he sucked hard on your clit, your teeth aching as you hissed through them. “Shota—!” You could only grip tight and lock your legs to avoid pushing him away with your feet, the pleasure taken up a notch in intensity with this new rough display. His facial hair beginning to rub your inner thighs a bit raw as he brings you to another climax by grazing his teeth over your clit.
Three is usually your limit, but your teasing had earned you punishment, so when he keeps going, you’re begging for mercy.
“n’more Shota, please—,” your whines don’t go unpunished either, not when he lets up only to slap your clit and reduce your further into a squealing mess.
“You’re doing so good kitten.” He murmurs lowly, smirking at your teary gaze and pouty lips. You have little choice but to accept that when you tease him, he’s guaranteed to tease you back… but much worse.
He doesn’t get even, he gets ahead.
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littleheartbigbrain · 7 months
Genshin men as things that guys at my high school have done pt3
Childe, Kazuha, Kaeya, Itto
Childe- The east european exchange partner of your classmate. He was supposed to stay one week. Not enough to fall in love right? Wrong. He was talking with his friends, looked at you for 8 seconds, and turned to his friends and said " I just saw the most beautiful girl". He then told Lumine who then told her exchange partner who was your friend, and that's how you knew.Like every girl you obviously had a crush on him so you tried a relationship. Sadly you were forced to separate after the week, and long distance didn't last long.
Kazuha- your first crush in the class. At an event for the high school you were invited in back in middle school, you saw a boy, a very beautiful one at that, walking around alone. He had snowy white hair and looked...majestic. You were totally lovestruck at the first sight but eventually forgot about him because what were the odds of seeing him again? The odds were high apparently because not only was he in your class with the same schedule as you, but he was sat next to you in French class. You thanked the gods for your similar last name and stared at him all the time period of the lesson. You eventually became his friend and realized just how much weirder he was now that you guys are close. He's way funnier yes, but less attractive. You lost your feelings for him, but why is it that he's always touching you and around you? You've yet to figure that out.
Kaeya- Kazuha's best friend. They share a room at the boarding school so you figure it's normal for them to get close, although they are really a peculiar pair. Since you became friends with kazuha, it was only natural you'd become friends with his best friend, right? Yes indeed, but it was not natural that he'd start teasing you, sitting next to you in all classes, running to you during school projects, calling you for hours for a week and then nothing. You didn't know what you did wrong, he never wanted to tell you. He eventually stopped avoiding you but you now keep a security distance from him, just to not be hurt again.
Itto- the ex boyfriend. Your boyfriend back in middle school who broke up with you after you got the news that you guys were going to a different high school. You eventually moved on because he was kind of an idiot and you were glad you had some peace of mind for once in a long time. But one time he added you on social medias and you accepted, and then everything went downhill. He was texting you non stop, "accidentally" bumping into you while coming home from school while he lives in the opposite area as yours, saying non-stop that he's so much better than any other guy you could find. One time he was insisting on talking about you guys' breakup and you cried a little, he took a step closer, but you took a step back. You didn't want to be hurt again by him.
Note- kazuha and I are both in ib in a class mixed with regular students so we share every class. Childe and I are now friends and itto stopped annoying me. Kaeya sometimes refers to the week where we were friends but nahhhhh I am not falling into your trap again. Also Childe is smoking hot.
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jarofstyles · 7 months
FICTOBER DAY 23 - Don't Hide That Smile
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some cute comforting H <3 sorry for being days late my loves
“Y/N…. Come on.” Harry pleaded. “I think that got a smile out of you, don’t hide it away!”
It did, in fact, get a smile out of her. But the absolute fail of a costume had made her very, very upset at first.
In hindsight, Y/N knew that attempting a full costume as a first sewing project was ambitious to say the least. What was supposed to be a floor length gown ended up looking like a giant tube, the seams wonky and her poor attempt of dying the fabric last minute making the fabric look like it had been a weird bleach accident. It was the night before halloween and they’d had a check in, Harry wanting to see and Y/N bursting into tears when he’d aside to see the finished product. 
To make matters worse, she had pretended she had it all under control. To a fashion student Harry. She’d wanted to impress him, but she had made a fool out of herself and told Harry she was a phony, which he quickly reassured she wasn’t and thought it was cute she wanted to impress him. When he’d asked to see it, if maybe he could help fix it, she assured him he couldn’t, but it still didn’t help when his reaction to the dress had been a wide eyed “Oh….” 
That had sent another bout of tears, making Harry panic at now being the source of them, so he tried to mend his error. 
“I didn’t mean a bad, oh!”
“I mean, I’m shocked but I wasn’t trying to be mean!” 
“It isn’t awful, please don’t cry. 
“Babe, it’s camp… no. It’s French.”
The reference to Fleabag made her crying stop for a moment, trying not to laugh. She still felt like a failure when he gently dragged her hands off of her face and tried to wipe her tears, frowning as he really didn’t like to see Y/N upset. No one would. She looked so sad and heart wrenching when she cried, her eyes rounding and the little pout- no. 
“I-It can’t be saved, Harry. I watched project runway and i thought I could do it cheaper but-but its so hard to sew on the little machine I got and-and fabric is so, so expensive!” That was a fact Harry knew firsthand. No wonder he tries to get thrifted things so often. “I thought helping my grandma when I was younger would have paid off but no. So now I look dumb, I cried in front of you and I’ve got no costume. It’s too late to go gething now, they’re all gonna suck.” She sniffled, making his heart throb when her sad look hit him. 
He couldn’t lie- the dress was bad. Awful. He didn’t know how she overestimated or cut the length so long, or why the ruffles were sewn over each other or how the bodice was crooked, but somehow she had created an atrocity. But it was abstract, if you’d want to think of it that way- and god, he needed to to calm her down. Functionally, the dress was useless, but in a matter of art, anything could be good. 
There was no way he wouldn’t be flattered that she had done this to impress him. It was beyond cute and sweet and he just wanted to squish her cheeks and kiss her little lips but he held it together. “It’s okay, sweets. You aren’t dumb, we’re all set with the crying now, and we can find you a costume. It’s totally okay. We can match…” He tried to think of what else they could be. Their original was prince and princess, but he had to think on his toes. Looking around, he prayed for inspiration and to actually be quick on his feet sometimes- and thankfully it was answered as he looked at her muted TV. 
“Pam and Jim!” he exclaimed. “Yes- you have the things to be the cat, I can do the paper shirt thing. What do you think?” 
Y/N seemed to mull it over, sniffling again as her eyes scanned Harry’s face. That had been quick, but… “That’s a good idea.” She smiled slightly, making him sag with relief. He couldn’t handle seeing her sad. “A-are you sure, though? I know it’s a downgrade from the other costume we planned. I’m sorry.” Y/N really did feel stupid about it but it really didn’t seem like Harry minded.
“Not a big deal, baby. Promise.” His hands smoothed her hair back, smiling lightly down at her. Halloween wasn’t his thing and he had agreed to go to the costume party with her so he’d made his costume, but he was sort of relieved considering his prince outfit could get a bit hot. “All that matters is we’re going to be together and ditch Niall’s as soon as we’re ready eat our body weight in sweets. I ordered that variety bag, y’know?” 
Her eyes lit up at the mention, making her nod. “Does it have Kit-Kats?” She whispered, her grin widening when he nodded back. “Okay. It sounds good to me then.” Her face plastered to Harry’s chest, body sagging in relief. The secret was out, the embarrassment was over, and now she could finally breathe again. Although.. “When he said he was going all out for the pe party.. I just really hope Niall doesn’t get one of those fog machines inside the house. You can’t breathe with that stuff on”
“About that….” Harry hissed, pretending to wince. 
“For fucks sake. Maybe we are ditching super early.” “I’ve got no problem with that.”
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more Monoma because it is what he deserves
we kind of see this with Eri, but i imagine that Monoma would actually do great with kids, much to the surprise of literally everyone around him. he is 100% the type to come up with really elaborate stories about knights and princesses and dragons that younger audiences would absolutely adore
every time Monoma is portrayed as sexist in some piece of fanwork, an angel loses its wings. Monoma couldn't give a FUCK about gender roles. Monoma has girls night with Pony where they wear face masks and paint each other's nails. he gossips about the hottest boys in school and act affronted when he isn't everyone's #1 pick. he has cried at a romcom before, and he will do it again. (real talk though, he was canonically one of like three people to treat Uraraka seriously in her fight with Bakugo. miss him with the sexism allegations).
Monoma is fluent in Japanese, English, and talking shit. passable in German and French.
Monoma is stupidly good at strategy games. once, Vlad King walked into the class B common room to find Monoma playing four separate games of Battleship on other students' laptops while they cheered him on. (he won all 4 games. Tetsutetsu was so moved that he cried).
Monoma only ever faces mild drawbacks from using other's quirks because (1) his body does a great job adapting to them, and (2) he only has a limited amount of time with each; (for example, he gets mildly queasy after using Uraraka's quirk as opposed to completely sick); however, Copy has a pretty bad drawback of its own: if he doesn't use it to copy a quirk for a while, Monoma is left feeling empty and dull (shoutout @coldlandstarlight for this banger of an idea)
in contrast, if Monoma uses Copy too much, he gets hit with some pretty bad depersonalization/derealization, like he can't figure out what is purely "Monoma" and what is just a simulacrum of the people around him. this is part of the reason that he doesn't mind being perceived as so extra; he'd rather be criticized for being "too much" than be accused of being a copy of someone else
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shortstrawberry · 5 months
uhhh can u write a one shot of wlw Yandere who has kidnapped submissive reader. And uhhh can you throw in a little bondage and sadomaso pls
Okie dokie, anon.
Now, you have not clarified which character you want as yandere, so I have went off and made a OC. Hope you enjoy it.
TW: Dubious consent, kidnapping, violence, bondage
Okay, just almost there.
You took another deep breath and doubled your efforts to rub your rope-bound wrists against the rough wooden surface of the nearby bed. You have been doing this tiring process for almost a hour now, your bare arms bearing scratch marks and rashes as evidence. Any minute now, and you should be free.
But what then? The room you are locked in is still locked. The room is also in basement, so there are no windows. Then there is the question of your captor--
The door of your prison clicked open, and you shoved yourself away from the bed, your eyes whirling at the direction of the sound in panic.
There, stood your kidnapper. A tall woman dressed in black chef's uniform, a direct contrast to her flowing platinum blonde locks of hair. Her eyes stood out as well, their shade greener then moss on old walls of New York.
The baseline is this: your kidnaper is a beautiful woman, whom you would have considered way out of your league and would have been happy to date. You even had a crush on this woman, regularly going to her butcher and pastry shop even if your groceries are stocked. You went there just to see her smile at you.
What went wrong, you lamented as you looked at the blue eyes that used to be so warm. They are now staring at you with such coldness that you felt a shiver go up your spine.
You should have known better. Yes, this woman made the sweetest French pastries, but she also knew how to carve a cow six ways to Sunday. You only focused on her sweet, warm side. You completely missed out on the knife she was holding behind her back all along.
Like she is holding one right now, brandishing it slowly as she approached you. As the sound of her clacking heels got closer and louder, so did your anxiety.
"We d-don't have to do this." You slowly pleaded, your voice cracking in between.
"I-If this is about money--"
"It never was, mon chéri!" The blonde woman sneered at you, her slight French accent lilting in her words. God, how much you loved that accent. Now it sounds like a threat.
Or maybe its the fact that the woman was now face to face, kneeling down in front of you and pressing her knife against your throat. If she puts in even the slightest of pressure, you feel surely bleed.
You gulped. Usually, the baker, or boulanger, as she preferred to be called, was never this violent. Since the first day you were kidnapped, she had brought you nothing but gifts. She even fed you with her own hands. But that's mostly because your hands are tied all the damn time.
Maybe she gets a kick out of that. You being in her complete control.
And she is showing that control over you right now.
"Are you saying that I am poor? That I went through all of this just because of your money? Please! I know that you have been separated from your rich mommy and daddy since last two years! You are nothing but a college student who is trying to make ends meet!"
The butcher's eyes flashed at you.
"I don't want your money! I want you."
The knife pressed closer, and you feel it cut slightly into your skin. You cried out in pain as the cut let out droplets of blood. But then, your kidnapper leaned down, licking and sucking at the wound she herself made.
You cried out again, but this time, there was a hint of desire in your voice. You cursed yourself for not being able to control your feelings for your kidnapper. For not being able to separate the before and now. She is no longer that same sweet woman who used to slip macarons in your bag.
"You made me do this. You stopped coming to ze shop!" The blonde woman growled out, her accent slipping. She started to now bite at your neck, marking you harshly as you writhed against her.
"I waited and waited, but you didn't come! When I finally looked for you, do you know what I found?"
She pulled at your hair hard, biting at the soft skin of your throat. You trembled, in fear or pleasure, you cannot decipher.
"You were on a date with some bimbo! She couldn't even show a single interest in what you were saying! While here I was, reading books on constellations because you love the damn stars!"
She pressed you against the wall, the ropes burning against your wrists. You swear you see stars behind your eyes, even if you try to push her away.
But it is no use. Your kidnapper's patience has finally ran out.
"So I have had enough of being the nice woman! Of being sweet and patient! Because you clearly like to be hurt like the little masochist you are!"
You somehow manage to get a few words in, even if you are now gasping for your breath.
"L-Listen! T-That date was to forget you! I d-didn't think you would ever like me!"
It was a last ditch effort to get through your kidnapper. Maybe admitting your past feelings will make her let you go? Would it at least make her softer in treatment?
No, none of that happened. Instead, the woman gave a loud, angry growl her eyes now flashing dangerously.
You gulped as the woman brought up her knife again at you.
"You absolute dunce. I loved you all along and you never knew!?"
She laid the tip of the knife against the skin of your collarbone, and you gulped.
"Maybe I should write my name on you to make you realise just how much I LOVE YOU!"
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sadboi-writer · 11 months
Dear Jack (Series)
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Pairing: Jack Brewer x Reader
Summary: Y/N has been overshadowed by Jack. Milton tries to make her feel better. In turn, she tries to support him through his attempt to help Nakamura.
Word Count: 3.2k
Warnings: A few curse words, I think.
Chapter Two: Fat Chance
Jerry, Kim, Eddie, and Y/N were standing around Kim’s locker when Milton came running up. He was buzzing with excitement and was waving around a small trophy. 
“Guys, guess what?” Milton tittered
“What’s up, Mil?” Y/N asked, readjusting her backpack straps
“Guess who just won the district wide spelling bee? I’ll give you a hint! M. E.”
“Meh?” Jerry asked
Y/N smacked the back of Jerry’s head.
“It’s me, ya toad.” Milton snapped
“That’s great, Milton!” Y/N praised
“What is that?” Eddie asked, pointing to Milton’s trophy
“It’s the trophy I won, it’s the bronze bee.”
Eddie, Jerry, and Kim looked unimpressed.
“I have fillings bigger than that thing.” Kim replied
“Come on! Who’s the man?” Milton cheered, “Who’s the man?”
Y/N was about to respond when there was a loud cheer.
“Jack is the man!” The principal shouted
Kim, Jerry, and Eddie hurried over and were cheering for Jack in no time. Leaving Milton and Y/N to wallow in their own pity. 
“So...Jack...” Y/N trailed off
Milton knew what she meant, “Yeah...”
Y/N guided Milton to the crowd, and Milton stepped forward. Proudly showing his trophy.
“You know, I just won the first spelling bee our school has ever-”
“Hey, Jack! Show us what you did to win!” Eddie interjected
Milton sulked and walked back to Y/N. She wrapped an arm around his shoulders.
“It’s okay, Mil.”
Jack did a fancy back something or other that impressed the school. When Jack passed them on the way back to the principal, he shot Y/N a wink. She rolled her eyes in response.
“Well, Jack, I hope this means you’ll stay on the team.” Principal Funderburk hoped
Jack shrugged, “I told you, it was a one-time deal. I win you your trophy and you get a visit from the wedgie wizard.”
Funderburk sighed, “I guess a deal’s a deal.”
Jerry popped his knuckles as he approached.
“Just go with it.” Jerry warned, sprinkling some baby powder in his hands and handing the bottle to Y/N
He clapped his hands, “WoAAAH!”
Jerry took no time in hiking Funderburk’s underwear to the nape of his neck. The principal let out a scream.
“Is that all you got, punk?” Funderburk demanded in the highest falsetto his voice would allow
Then, the principal waddled away from the crowd. The student body started to disperse to go to class. Milton was staring sadly at his trophy.
Jack turned to the two, “Milton? Y/N, are you guys coming?”
Y/N glanced at Milton, “We’ll be there in a second.”
Y/N took her arm off of Milton as he walked toward the ladder. He seemed to be talking more to himself than her.
“You know, you’re just a little bee with broken wings. But you, my friend, are gonna hang with the big dogs!” Milton insisted as he started climbing the ladder
Y/N was quick to go around the other side and steady it as best she could. Once he got to the top Milton started to lose balance. But, Y/N couldn’t let go of the ladder without it toppling over with Milton. The scrawny boy yelped as he fell. 
“Milton!” Y/N cried out
Before he hit the ground, one of the custodians caught him.
“If you’re my guardian angel, you sir, are awesome at your job!” Milton complimented.
After school, they were all walking to the dojo. 
“He caught me! He put me down and walked away!” Milton explained to the others, “The only thing I know about him is that his name tag said Yoshi Nakamura.”
“Huh, I never noticed him before.” Jack commented
Y/N rolled their eyes as Kim stopped in her tracks. 
“Okay, hold on,” Kim stopped, “ You didn’t notice a 600 pound custodian, but you did notice when Donna Tobin changed her ponytail from left to right?”
Jack scoffed, “Okay first, it was right to left. Second, it wasn’t a ponytail, it was a french braid. And third, maybe if that custodian had legs like Donna Tobin I would have noticed him too!”
Y/N chuckled and kept walking, Milton right beside her. Before they could go inside, Rudy stopped them with a wagon of trinkets. 
“Huge news everybody, the magic shop across the mall is going out of business. They have to sell everything at half price,” Rudy announced, “I feel so bad for them. I think I’m gonna cry. It’s a good thing I have this handkerchief.”
He started to pull one of those magic infinity scarves out of his sleeve as he fake cried. He was giddy with excitement.
Jerry grabbed Y/N’s shoulder, “Yo, I don’t know how he’s doing that man... but it’s freaking me out!”
Y/N shook Jerry off and pushed past Rudy into the dojo. Rudy dragged his wagon in after her.
“Anyway, since the store closed a storage space opened up in the basement directly below us.” Rudy continued, “I finally have a place for all my stuff!”
“Oh thank God.” Y/N mumbled as she started to drag out a practice dummy
“It’s about time,” Eddie commented, “This place is getting pretty cluttered.”
“For real,” Y/N replied
“It is not!” Rudy protested
Kim sighed, “Rudy, this place looks like a crazy old cat lady lives here!”
“Okay, that is a bit of an exaggeration.” Rudy replied
Y/N raised her eyebrow at him and then made eye contact with Kim. The two went to the cabinet and each opened one door. They both scrambled back as Rudy’s things came tumbling out. A cat jumped into Y/N’s arms.
“This is not my cat.” Y/N announced
“Well, it isn’t my cat.” Rudy replied
Rudy headed off toward the basement with his wagon, he stopped and glanced at the cat.
“Are you coming Tip-Tip?” He whispered
The cat leapt from Y/N’s arms and into Rudy’s wagon. After he left Milton and Y/N went to Milton’s to bake a cake for Nakamura. Well, Y/N baked. Milton watched.
Y/N was lost in thought while they frosted the cake.
“Whatcha thinking about?” Milton asked
Y/N replied absently, “Did you notice when Donna Tobin switched her french braid?”
“Yeah, but all of us did.”
“I didn’t.”
“Well, you’ve been focused on Jack.”
Y/N’s eyes shot up, “I have not!”
“Ooh, big feelings.” Milton replied
“Just drop it.” Y/N mumbled
The next day, Milton was carrying the cake and Y/N was carrying a bouquet of paper roses they had made. Their friends surrounded them as they walked toward Nakamura’s supply closet. 
“Dude, bringing custodian’s gifts is not cool.” Jerry insisted, “I mean, what’s next? Asking the crossing guard to the prom?”
“Eddie already tried that,” Y/N revealed
Eddie nodded, “She just wants to be friends.”
“I think it’s sweet they made their new friend a cake.” Kim defended
“Thanks, Kim.” Y/N replied
“See, when someone does something great. You know, save a life, or win a spelling bee. They should get some recognition.” Milton lectured
Y/N walked up and knocked. There was no answer. So Milton knocked harder. Jerry pushed past the two and just opened the door. 
Inside, the walls were lined with newspapers outlining Nakamura’s victories in sumo wrestling. On the shelves were several trophies. They all stood in awe.
“Guys, do you know what this means?” Jack asked
Jerry nodded, “Yeah, our custodian is the king of the babies!”
 They stared at all of the articles. Until the bell rang, Milton set the cake down inside the closet and Y/N set the roses on top of it. And they all headed to class. 
They all met up after class to walk to lunch together. Milton and Y/N were debating who would be the better househusband, Loki or Captain America.
“Okay, but here’s what you’re missing with Loki: He has passenger princess energy.” Y/N argued, “As long as you provide, he will do whatever-”
Jerry cut them off as they entered the cafeteria, “Guys, look, there he is.”
Milton grabbed Y/N’s hand, “Come on!”
He dragged them up to Nakamura. 
“Mr.Nakamura?” Milton called out, “I just want to thank you for saving my life yesterday!”
“Yes, thank you,” Y/N added on
“Hey, it’s what I do,” Nakamura answered, “Mop up barf, collect trash, and catch flying boys. I’m living the dream.”
Milton continued, “We stopped by your clost and saw your newspaper clippings, your trophies, and your medals!”
Y/N nodded, “We dropped off a cake and some paper flowers for you.”
Milton cut them off, “You’re amazing!”
“Then we checked you out on the internet!” Eddie continued, “You were a six time sumo champion!”
Jack nodded, “Yeah! That match where you lost your diaper thing and kept fighting? That was awesome! And disturbing... but mostly awesome!”
Nakamura chuckled, “ That was a long time ago. I used to be a hero in Japan. Now I plunge toilets.”
Nakamura looked at Jerry and took a few steps toward him.
“And you, either change your diet or use the bathroom at home, Jerry.”
Jerry looked at Y/N wide eyed, “You know my name?”
Nakamura chuckled, “Yeah, in the Janitor’s room we call you ‘The Bowl Buster’”
“You hear that guys? I’m the Bowl Buster woAHHH!”
Kim rolled her eyes and turned back to Nakamura, “Sir, I love that awesome victory dance you do! The Nakamura Stomp!”
Nakamura chuckled, “It started when I saw a spider in the ring, the crowd loved it so I just ran with it.”
“Come on, man, do it for us!” Eddie cheered
“No, I couldn’t I’m at work!”
Milton and Y/N made eye contact and then looked at Nakamura with their biggest beggar eyes.
“Please?” They whined in unison, “Just once?”
Nakamura relented, “Fine. Just one for you two, lil buds.” 
He stomped once and the cafeteria shook, he stomped again and it shook more. He jumped and it knocked down anyone who was standing, including Y/N who fell on top of Jerry.
“That was awesome!” Y/N squealed
Principal Funderburk stormed in with spaghetti on his head, as Jerry and Y/N helped each other up and everyone else scrambled to their feet.
“Look what you did!” Funderburk fumed
“Sorry, sir, we were just having a bit of fun.” Nakamura apologized
“Fun?” Funderburk demanded, “I didn’t hire you to jump around like some hop scotching hippo.”
Milton pushed past Nakamura, “I got this.”
Y/N called after him, “Milton I wouldn’t.”
He waved them off. 
“Mr.Nakamura would like for you to talk to him with a little more respect.” Milton demanded
“Oh, I don’t talk to you with respect. Do I?”
“Actually,I-” Nakamura tried
“This man used to be a hero, so he doesn’t even need this job!” Milton continued
“Milton-”Y/N tried
“Really?” Funderburk continued
“No, I really need this job-”
“He demands you to apologize to him right now!” 
Funderburk smiled, “Really? Here’s my apology: Nakamura YOU’RE FIRED!”
Y/N sighed and chased after the principal, “Mr.Funderburk, wait!” After school, and after a very unhelpful meeting with Principal Funderburk they all were in the dojo. Nakamura was crying in the corner, Y/N sat with him as he ate his ninth pizza.
Rudy exited his office, “Guys, group meeting!”
They all grouped up, it took a second for Y/N to get away from Nakamura but they finally managed it.
“Why is weepy mchugey still here?” Rudy asked, gesturing to Nakamura
“The guy has been through a lot, Rudy,”Milton started
Y/N cut him off this time, “He saved Milton’s life and in return Milton got him fired from the school.”
This whole situation made Y/N extremely angry. They had spent the last two days getting cut off, talked over and ignored. When maybe if someone had let them speak, Nakamura would still have his job.
Milton glared at Y/N, “We found out why he quit sumo and left Japan in shame.”
“65 wins in a row! Then some rookie struts in and throws him out of the ring like a moldy pear.” Eddie elaborated
Nakamura heard the last bit, “Y’all got any pears over there?”
“There’s no pears, darling.”Kim answered
Jack continued, “As if that wasn’t bad enough, he lost his life savings!”
Rudy softened, “Wow. How’d he do that?”
“He went on a game show called ‘Are You Willing to Lose Your Life Savings’.”
Rudy rolled his eyes, “Fix this. Once the food runs out we’re going to start looking tasty to that guy. Fix this.”
Y/N nodded and went back to sit with Nakamura. He handed them a slice of pizza. Y/N patted his shoulder.
“We’ll figure it out Nakamura, you’ll be okay.” Y/N assured him
Jack approached the two and sat next to Y/N.
“Nakamura, Milton was right! You’re not a custodian, you’re a champion!” He said, “With our help, you’ll get there again.”
“I told you, it was a long time ago.” Nakamura replied, “Why do you guys believe in me?”
“We live by something called the Wasabi Code.” Jack answered
Y/N stepped beside Jack, “That means we never give up on each other.”
“We’ve just got to find a way to get you back on the horse!” Jack finished
Jerry pulled Jack away a bit, “Jack, it would probably be safer if the horse got on his back.”
Nakamura glared at Jerry as Y/N smacked him in the back of the head.
“But, uh, you know... either way!” He corrected
“Wasabi?” Jack asked, placing his hand in the center
Y/N was the first to put her hand in. The others soon followed. Trailed by Nakamura.
“Wasabi!” They all cheered
They were training and needed a weight vest for Nakamura. But, with just Milton on the front made him too front heavy so they placed Y/N on his back.
Milton and Y/N bounced as they came up on the finish line for Nakamura. Groaning the whole way from the pain.
“That was your best time yet!” Jack encouraged, “You ran around the whole mall in under four minutes!”
Y/N panted as they stopped moving, “I think this baby vest thing is fused into my thighs.”
“Bouncing around in this thing has given me a new respect for kangaroos.” Milton groaned
Nakamura unclipped them and Milton fell, while Nakamura let Y/N down as gently as he could.
Rudy came up to Nakamura on his way into the dojo.
“Hey, Nakamura! I saw you running around the mall, carrying a big pasty baby and Y/N!” 
“I’m not pasty!” Milton protested, “I’m translucent!”
The group followed Rudy and Nakamura inside. Jack jogged up next to Rudy and Y/N.
“Nakamura is training for his big comeback!” Jack explained
“A comeback sumo match?” Rudy pondered, “I bet people would buy tickets for that!”
Eddie agreed, “I payed five dollars to watch the Kelly’s dog have puppies!”
Rudy and Y/N made a disgusted face.
“I’ve seen the miracle of life, and it’s disgusting!” 
Rudy shook off Eddie’s reveal, “You know, we could have the match right here in the dojo!”
Jack quirked an eyebrow, “Well, that’s great and all, but we don’t have another sumo wrestler for him to compete against.”
“I do!” Rudy replied, he briefly explained the beached whale fiasco, “We kept in touch. I’ll give him a call.”
And then Rudy was off into his office. Not long after Jerry exited the bathroom wearing a blow up sumo suit thing.  “Time for your real workout, Nakamura!” Jerry announced, before jiggling the stomach, “Let’s belly up!”
Y/N stared at him dumbfounded.
Jack approached, “Jerry, how is this thing gonna help. You look like a bloated turkey in a thong.” 
Y/N let out a short yet loud cackle, before throwing their hand up to muffle their laugh. Jerry scoffed.
“It’s gonna make him quicker!”He insisted, “I’m scrappy and wirey! Now, come on, Big Guy!”
Jerry ran at Nakamura, who immediately sent him sprawling. Jack and Kim moved to help him up. Y/N offered Nakamura a fist bump, he smiled at them. Once Jerry was on his feet, he sprinted back into the bathroom. 
The night that the match was happening Milton and Y/N stood with each other near the match. Y/N glanced at him.
“It’s not your fault that Nakamura got fired.” Y/N said, “I talked to Funderburk, he was getting booted anyway.”
Milton looked at Y/N, “I still feel bad. He might have been able to talk his way out of it if I hadn’t opened my big mouth.”
“You were just trying to help,” Y/N reassured, “There’s nothing wrong with that. Plus, look at what we’re doing for him now.”
As soon as the other wrestler stepped in Nakamura ran off into Rudy’s office. Y/N was quick to follow after him. 
Jack came in after her with Rudy and Milton.
“Nakamura, you can’t hide in here! ...Or anywhere.” He said
“I’m not going out there. That’s Yamasaki, he’s the only one that ever beat me.” Nakamura lamented, “I can’t fight him, man.”
Kim poked her head in, “Guys, we gotta put on a fight. The crowd’s getting ugly, and they were none too pretty to begin with.”
Milton looked at Y/N, who almost immediately got the message. 
“This is all my fault,” Milton whined
He left the office, quickly followed by Y/N. The two walked into the locker room. Milton tied up his shorts and took his shirt off, making himself look as much like a sumo wrestler as he could. Y/N took off her blouse and left herself in her athletic shorts and tank top. They nodded at each other as they went to the ring. 
The two readied themselves in the ring and Yamasaki did the same. Milton was the first to move, running straight at him. Y/N went around the back and jumped on his back. Milton was thrown away, and then Y/N was slung from his back over his shoulder to the ground. Knocking the wind out of her. Milton grabbed her ankle and pulled her toward him. 
Nakamura grabbed Milton, before he could attack again.
“I got this one, lil buds.” Nakamura assured
Milton dragged a very out-of-breath Y/N out of the ring as Nakamura took over for them. Jerry helped Y/N to their feet.
Nakamura threw Yamasaki out of the ring, winning the match. Y/N was the first to his side, hugging him tightly.
“You did it, Nakamura!” They cheered
After a minute or so Jack came over. At which point Jerry started chanting for the Nakamura Stomp. Nakamura stomped once and the building shook, he stomped again, then he jumped. The floor gave way and landed him in Rudy’s man cave. 
The next week after the match Milton was helping Y/N down the stairs. After a brief visit to urgent care they found out that pretty much their entire back was bruised from how hard Yamasaki had thrown them to the ground. 
Jack was telling Jerry and Eddie about Nakamura’s plans. 
“Thanks to Milton and Y/N, Nakamura is heading back to Japan soon to get his title back.” Jack explained
“You know,”Jerry started, “I could be a sumo wrestler. I would just have to gain like 5... 600 pounds.”
Eddie smirked, “Your mom did it pretty easily.”
“That’s it man-” Jerry took off after Eddie
Y/N chuckled at their antics. 
Milton sighed, “Jack have you seen my spelling bee trophy?”
“I thought it was in your locker?” Y/N replied
“I thought so too, but I can’t find it anywhere. I know it’s small but it means a lot to me.” 
“We’ll find it, Mil.” Y/N answered
“Don’t worry, Milton. I’m sure it’s someplace safe.” Jack replied, he glanced up
Y/N followed his gaze and smiled at him when they saw a slight bronze glint right next to the gymnastics trophy.
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bungeo-ppangie · 1 year
17:03 // studying
Tumblr media
ღ pairing. nonidol!student!riki x student!gn!reader
ღ contents. romance, fluff again, angst
ღ synopsis. in which you can't help but stress out when you don't understand an architectural theory for a test
﹒⪩⪨﹒scene below cut
you ran your fingers through your hair, letting your hand rest on top of your head for a moment. sighing in frustration, you slammed the textbook closed, walking out of your bedroom. you found riki sitting on the couch, playing games.
grabbing a bottle of water from the kitchen, you decided to return to studying- stalling wasn't going to make you understand the stupid architectural theory of post-structuralism. why the fuck did you choose to major in architecture again?
you ruffled your boyfriend's hair as you passed by him, still gaming on his phone. feeling the soft strands of his hair made you feel ever so slightly better, even though it also tempted you to want to just curl up in his lap and sleep. he looked up at you as he felt your touch, brow creasing in worry as he saw your irritated face.
"yn?" he said to your receding figure as you headed back to the room to study the louvre's design plan. you barely heard him over your turmoiling thoughts, wishing you could restart life and choose to not study architecture at seoul university. in the midst of your annoyed thought-monologue, you didn't even notice riki closing his phone in the middle of a ranking round, normally so important to him that he wouldn't so much as bat an eye if he was called during the game.
you plopped onto your seat again, opening the textbook and staring at the undecipherable gibberish of french architectural theories of building design in the late 17th century. after a good 10 minutes of translating the text back and forth, you had finally used up all of your remaining brain cells, and still had no idea what you were doing.
you felt hot tears threatening to slide down your cheeks, closing your eyes and tilting your head up in a desperate attempt to stop yourself from crying. all you wanted was to rest for a moment, to let yourself breathe instead of feeling your chest tight with tears, your mind clogged with bits and pieces of information you just couldn't piece together. you felt like you were falling apart from the inside, and found yourself wishing, yet again, that you were just having a lazy afternoon, cuddling with riki.
luckily for you, he was standing right in your doorway, watching you struggle for the past few minutes. all he wanted to do was kiss you and tell you that everything was alright, that you didn't need to push yourself so hard. but he knew that if he came at the wrong time, you would just close yourself off from him and make your situation even worse. however, watching you so near tears finally ruined his resolve. he hurried to your side, bending down to lift you out of your seat and into his lap as he sat onto the bed.
"shhh..." he murmured to you, whispering encouragement and comforting words into your ears as you cried into his shoulder, dampening his shirt. in his panic to make you feel better, he even switched to japanese, making you smile a bit at his effort.
"nihongo dekimasen, riki" you said, employing one of the phrases your boyfriend had painstakingly taught you. you were sure you butchered the pronunciation, but it was evidently understandable enough, because you earned a giggle from him.
"but yn-ie, are you okay? is architecture too much pressure? see i told you to do engineering, this isn't good for your health! digestive problems or some shit- i swear i can find it on naver if you give me a moment," he said, switching back to a serious tone. "you can ask me for help if you ever need it, you know."
you laughed, seeing riki so caring and worried for you when he usually teased you for bad grades. not that you didn't like this- you definitely loved him like this- but it was so out of the ordinary that you couldn't hold in a giggle.
"riki-ah, you're only passing your classes because the teacher obviously has a crush on you- she curved your grade up 25 points last test." you pointed out as revenge for being teased for your rare bad grades.
"hey, what has my rizziness got to do with this? i can do well if i really want to, you know." he replied, pouting because of your disbelief at his self-acclaimed amazing studying habits. that is, gaming until 30 minutes before the test, then kissing up to the teacher until the test for a higher curve.
you rolled your eyes at him, but ended up accepting his offer of help. surprisingly, he proved himself to actually be pretty decent at studying, getting the hang of the theory almost immediately and tried teaching it to you("so like fish bread, you have to savor the overall taste and notice the details at the same time- you know, the undertones of red bean, the ridges of the shaped bread...") key word: tried.
however, even though you almost didn't notice the gradual process, having riki around you as you studied released almost all of the stress and pressure from before. instead, you laughed along with him at his weird and completely unrelated comparisons, trying to explain everything you didn't fully understand to you.
what did i do in my past life to ever deserve him, you thought to yourself, smiling at the cheerful boy who would try anything to make you happy.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
Could I request a morticia x fem!reader
Reader is really struggling with her mental health and is pushing morticia away but morticia finds out and comforts reader and helps reader open up
I’m here| h&c
*Authors note~ not me scrolling through my fic ideas because I wanted to make this perfect and considering my own bpd is playing up rn this felt good to write*
Trigger warnings~ mental health bpd reader self harm
Prompt~see ask^^^^
You knew it was getting bad again, the unexplained bouts of anger and the flickering mood changes that honestly made you feel sea sick half the time. It was driving you insane, the hallucinations and paranoia causing you to isolate yourself, not leaving your room for anything. It was getting hard to know what was real and what wasn’t so you felt it was better for you and really everyone else.
You had no idea how to get out of this storm, your arms and legs littered in fresh cuts and scars from the older ones. You needed to feel something at least and if that’s what worked then you would continue. It wasn’t like you felt the pain anymore anyway, you were more numb than anything else. You figured you were safe to be alone for a while, most the students and staff had gone for the break, you choose to stay at Nevermore in favour of avoiding some awkward painful moments with your family.
The knock on your door startled you, you didn’t even know if anyone knew you were here. But that’s when you heard her voice. Larissa knew how you felt for Morticia so when she had noticed you not coming out of your room and knowing you had a rough past she asked the raven haired woman to check on you. “Mon chérie? Can you let me” she murmured to you, the way she spoke French always got her what she desired from you so naturally you opened the door forgetting momentarily what state you were in. “Tish?” You whimpered as you watched her face fall at the state of you.
The raven haired woman slipped into your dorm and shut your door. “Y/n, Mon amour?” Was all it took for you to break down in harsh sobs. The care and concern in her voice setting off the emotional outburst. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry!” You cried as your legs gave out on you, yet you never hit the ground thanks to the other woman. “I’ve got you, it’s okay it’s gonna be okay. I’ve got you” she murmured to you on a loop just holding you as you cried. You’d told morticia of your bpd and she could quickly identify this as a depressive episode, she knew all she could do is be here for you and help you through it, just glad Larissa had informed her of it before it got really dangerous.
You managed to calm yourself by using her scent and her beating heart to ground yourself, the onslaught of overwhelming emotions exhausting you but the paranoia still present. “I’m sorry Tish you must hate me now! I get it I know I’m too much I’m sorry you can leave” you whimpered only to be hushed by her lips touching the crown of your head. “I’m not leaving you mon amour, shall we take a nap my darling?” With a nod of consent you let her clean and bandage the cuts before crawling into bed with her and snuggling on her chest. “Is this okay?” You whispered. “It’s perfect darling. Now let’s take a nap and see how you feel when we wake up okay?”
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thebirdandhersong · 2 months
songbird's life sparknotes (both joyful and painful moments) from the past little while:
read Brian Doyle for the first time and it broke me :')) it BROKE me. If you haven't read his work, I highly recommend. That man has a tender voice much like Mary Oliver and Frederick Buechner.
read a bajillion things (book count: 72), a third of which were picture books about nature
I had one really bad day where I broke down WEEPING because on top of losing my favourite sweater (a gift from a good friend who moved away -- every time I wear it, I feel like I'm being hugged by her), being overwhelmed by schoolwork and job applications, and encountering Worse boy problems, I found that someone had been stealing from my one-pint box of French vanilla ice cream (which was literally the only thing holding me together). This hit so hard when I found one scoop's worth of ice cream left in that container
found my favourite sweater (THANK GOD)
read a bunch of Robert Macfarlane and John Koenig and Jenny Offill and Mary Oliver
listened to a lot of acoustic indie soft sad music and then had to pull myself together and listen to acoustic indie soft happy music to feel better
found that I did not, in fact, enjoy Paradise Lost, or Milton, in general
had to force myself to stop listening to Lizzy McAlpine and Phoebe Bridgers because that ish was breaking my heart
got my heart broken even more exponentially by real life, non-musical events that were unfortunate and annoying and caused a great deal of inner turmoil
learned to play guitar! and am learning to finger-pick the strings (a difficult endeavour that I have yet to master)
survived midterms. Barely
led Holy Week devotions at the dorm and LOVED it
was chosen to present a paper at the department student conference (!!!!!!!!) so am working on that now
lots of family and friend time!
was driven around for 30 min by the world's worst driver (godson) and thought I was going to die or throw up. I did neither, fortunately
cried at every Christian club meeting and church service I attended (I kid you not) because I was overwhelmed by God's grace and loving-kindness despite Everything. also partly because Everything was a lot
LOTS of walks to the sea!
Sunday mornings playing guitar under the trees. You guys it's so good it really heals my heart :')
the boy situation got, astonishingly, Worse and then better and then even WORSE. when I was asking for prayer a second time here during Lent, it was specifically because I had two-ish days of straight up agony. It was not a good time.
the boy situation 1 (spoiler: a second one appeared. Lol what is life) ended up resolving in: the boy I was horribly in love with (the one mentioned in previous posts) is semi-dating my good friend now
the boy situation 2 (a recent and unexpected development that has caused a surprising deep stab of pain! fun times) has now resolved as of today in: I'm literally never opening my heart to anyone ever again :) I cannot deal with this anymore :) I cannae DO THIS :) God help me (a fool and a clown) :) I CAN'T TAKE THIS NO MORE
however God is good and I am resolutely holding onto hope. The sun is here, the cherry blossoms are blooming splendidly, and I have school and work and future things to worry about!
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paldeanbooper · 1 year
Getting to Know Me!
I have been tagged by @radiosummons thank you very much 💝
1. Are you named after anyone? Yep, an actress! Can’t say who tho-
2. When was the last time you cried? Idk, i think yesterday? Rewatching a kid show…
3. Do you have kids? Hell no.
4. Do you use sarcasm a lot? Absolutely, it’s all i do-
5. What sports do you play/have you played? Too many to count, favourite one is football
6. What's the first thing you notice about other people? Im not sure, i think i really notice their posture and their tone, dunno why tho
7. What's your eye color? Green
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Im not a big fan of scary movies but not much of a fan of happy endings, i think i just like cliffhangers that end in a continuing series so i don't get bored of shows-
9. Any special talents? Im the best English student in all of my year and im really good at binging stuff, got through Ted Lasso and Stranger Things in, like, a week or two-
10. Where were you born? Somewhere in Aus
11. What are your hobbies? Writing, Piano, Dance, Reading, Watching TV, Gaming, etc…
12. Do you have any pets? Two kitties, drops of heaven that dropped onto hell for a second
13. How tall are you? Dont judge- 4’8
14. Favorite subject in school? PE, English, French (sometimes), PSHE (cuz my form tutor lets me do whatever during that lesson), some others.
15. Dream Job? Author or Psychologist or something else, might change-
Dont rlly know who to tag but heres a few! @why-is-my-house-on-fire, @heenr12, @charliebugz, @nonbinarytrashpanda, miladies @mumza-superiority and @noelle-the-bitch, @moonkachu, @a-radio-d3mon and hopefully this makes it’s way to the famous @toxiccrybabyart and @astrolavas!
Love your posts, peoples! Byeee 👋
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nesiacha · 27 days
8 may 1945 in Algeria
May 8, 1945, is a day of glory for many countries in Europe, rightly so. Nazism has finally been defeated, and it was a relief. But in Algeria, it is a day of national mourning. On that day, the Algerian people took to the streets to demand the release of Messali Hadj, leader of the PPA ( Parti du peuple algérien ), considered at that time one of the most important figures in Algerian independence, a better equality between French people and algerian people, a true vote and not rigged in favor of the settlers. After all, a lot Algerians had participated in the liberation, so why not grant all their demands? Protesters were asked not to display the Algerian flag, but a young man named Bouzid Saâl proudly waved the Algerian flag. A policeman shot him, and he died. Other demonstrations were also brutally suppressed. For example, in Guelma, the deputy prefect Achiary took advantage of the situation to arrest a large number of Algerians, torture them, or kill them. This was followed by a crackdown around Setif in Constantine, where a peasant uprising resulted in around a hundred deaths (of pieds noirs). This led to another disproportionate repression against Algerians, lasting over a month, during which the deaths of these pieds noirs served as a convenient pretext for further repression. In addition to the army, colonial militias participated in the killings, arbitrary arrests were commonplace, and there were even places in Guelma where Algerians were burned alive. The famous writer Kateb Yacine, then a high school student, was arrested while participating in a demonstration, beaten, and several members of his family were killed. Duval would later claim that he gave France peace for 10 years, which is prophetic because many disillusioned Algerians, rightly angered by this umpteenth injustice, inequality, discriminatory laws, and daily repressions, would eventually join the Algerian revolution that began in 1954. De Gaulle, who was in power, approved of everything Papon ( Papon who after having persecuted Jews in France by adopting anti-Semitic decrees, is preparing to do the same thing in Algeria)and Achiary did (it is even possible that de Gaulle gave the orders, because at least he approve them).
This is one of the reasons why I am among those French who do not admire him. Stalin was rightly vilified, but de Gaulle and Churchill escaped such condemnation (you can also see what de Gaulle did in Cameroon to be horrified). What I mean is that as someone who has fought against all double standards, I totally disapprove of the killings of civilian pieds noirs, but we often forget that the colonized were much more massively killed and in total indifference. For the entire French political class, May 8, 1945, is clearly not one of their finest moments (to put it mildly).
A film that illustrates this, although it is very harsh and not subtitled, is the film Heliopolis; even I cried a lot at the end, and the very realistic massacre is based on images from that time.
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mybrokenveins3000 · 9 months
Everyday Rockstar - College!Ross Macdonald
A/N: Hi babies, me again. College!Ross was only supposed to be a oneshot but my delusional ass going-to-uni-in-two-weeks self wants more. Like I always say, delusion is manifestation. Anyways, enjoy!
word count: 1.1k
♫ The City - The 1975
The annoying one on your course invited you to one of his band's gigs. You weren't expecting much, I mean, this was Matty we're talking about. You could see it now, him parading across the stage with a beer bottle in hand and his shirt unbuttoned. However, what you weren't expecting was who he'd been sharing the stage with.
You and your coursemates are running a bit late. Despite it being two months since you moved out here to the city, you're all still figuring it out - the right bus routes to take, how much alcohol is too much, what shoes not to wear on any given occasion.
The wet, November pavement reflects the air back colder than it is. As you open the doors, you accept the warmth in the pub like an old friend. Your entrance is punctuated by loud drums and droning vocals, not to mention THE 1975 printed in blocked letters on what seems to be a pinned up old bedsheet. Yup, definitely Matty's band.
Your preconceptions were correct. There Matty was scantily-clad with a bottle in hand. But not of beer - wine. How pretentious. So French New Wave of you, you thought.
But next to him was someone familiar.
"Ross?" you whisper to yourself. You stand in shock, squinting hard as if to take a picture. You are mesmerised by the simultaneous nonchalant power and peace he brings on stage.
It caught you off guard how incongruous the History student was to the setting and yet how perfectly he fit in a dark, sultry place like this. He was wearing a black leather jacket, a far cry from that hoodie you stole from him just a month prior.
You and your mates walk into a gap in the crowd, not so dissimilar to a clearing in the woods. The song ends to which you all clap and holler as if your life depended on it. As you scream with adoration, he spots you.
His eyes widen like a child opening presents on Christmas. He smiles a smile so genuine it puts all of Matty's theatrics to shame. He's doing that thing where he looks down at the floor smiling, plays with the chain around his neck for a second. He's something out of a movie scene.
"Isn't that the guy you're hooking up with?" a disembodied head notices and exclaims behind you. You open your mouth but a response doesn't form. It's a yes or no question and yet neither response fits.
Ever since you met at that goddamn party, poured your heart out to each other, and ended up doing your laundry together, you both knew it would never be just hooking up. Heck, you haven't even done anything of that nature (yet), you've just been kissing, hanging out. Yes or no doesn't fit these weird romantically and sexually charged interactions you both have been having over the past month. So you turn to her and just shrug, mouth an "I don't know" much to both your confusion.
"This is a song called The City," Matty slurs down the mic. The percussion kicks in, heavy and confident.
There's a second before the other instruments follow suit where you wave at Ross and he waves back. It's this secret moment that's just yours. Blink and you'll miss it.
"You wanna find love, well, you know where the city is," your coursemate exclaims, like a drunken beat poet.
The bass rings right through you, your whole body reverberating under his hands, with every string he plucks. He catches glances at you as you bob your head and sway, eyes closed to really feel it. When your eyes aren't closed, you think he's made to be looked at like a Greek God on high platforms and by crowds bigger than these. It's like this for the entire show.
After the show, the pub is electric.
Matty's weak fist hits the side of your arm as he cries, "Ross is waiting for you outside!"
"Fuck you! You're actually not half bad, you know!" you hit him back with all the force he lacks and rush out through to the back smoking area.
The wet, cold air greets you as you walk through the door. "Ooh, it's cold out here," you shiver. Ross is right by the door, having just taken a cigarette out of the box. He's surprised by your arrival but smiles that same warm smile. "Matty said you asked for me?" you questioned.
The slightest eyebrow raise and air of confusion about him and you're prompted to go back the way you came. Trust Matty to embarrass you like that.
"No, no. Stay." Ross' hand grabs onto your wrist. His warm touch lingers a moment longer, it could melt your ice skin. It's a moment soundtracked by the muffled pop coming from inside and the hum of cars far away. You oblige to his request. He lets go of your wrist. You lean on the wall of the pub.
"Matty didn't mention you were a part of the band," you say, watching the buildings and stars twinkle in the distance, "as a matter of fact, YOU never told me you were a rockstar."
"I'm no rockstar," he laughs, raising the cigarette to his lips. Just as he lifts up his lighter, he decides to hand it to you. You step closer, looking at the lighter and then back at him. Since your first meeting, it always got so tense between the two of you. You light the cigarette, shielding the flame, hands grazing his lips ever so slightly. The smoke dances into the night as he blows out.
You break the silence. "Bass as well, best instrument out of them all... you were really good."
"Oh yeah?" he smirks.
"You were amazing... why didn't you mention it before?"
He touches his lips in contemplation, his gaze fixed on you taking in your smokey eyes and dark lips. You were made to foreground cityscapes, he wants to say. But all he manages is an "I don't know."
"God, if only I'd known I was brushing shoulders with a rockstar this whole time."
"Rockstar", he whispers. You catch him blushing almost as bright as the tip of the cigarette. You take note of his affinity to that particular word. An unconventional name to use on him later.
"You know what?"
"I love the city," you breathe out.
"The place or the song?"
You wanna find love, well, you know where the city is. The lyrics, shared like a memory, waver in another moment of silence.
"Can I kiss you?" he finally says as he takes his cigarette from his mouth. His dark eyes are transfixed on your lips whilst he plays with his chain.
"Yes please."
And he kisses you. You fling your arms around his neck like you did that very first night. He wraps his jacket around you, as if to take all of you in.
He is the warmth when it's cold. He is the rare quiet to your fluorescent metropolis. The cigarette ash falls onto the pavement as it dwindles away in the background. The pop song inside fades to another. The cars keep passing through. It's another secret moment that is all yours.
A/N: FIRST AND FOREMOST, thank you to @hypersonic04 for help when I was brainstorming. You know I love you.
Right so I don't know Tumblr terminology, dunno what a blurb, oneshot etc. actually are. College!Ross was only supposed to be a oneshot (?), but because I'm continuing the story, it's technically not now, is it? Is it a series? I don't even know. I don't know what this is unravelling to be, in my head it's just a series of episodic vignettes in the same universe about the same person, not necessarily a series. If you have any input on the subject, by all means, tell me because I'm confusing myself.
Also, what do we think about college!Ross as a tag? I'm British so college means something different here, so when I write it I just have the image of a 16-year-old doing a vocational course in my head. The tag feels very American, but university!Ross or uni!Ross makes him sound like a unicorn or smth silly, student!Ross also sounds lame asf. ANYWAYS, I digress, I hope you liked this. And send me requests of what you wanna hear from me/just to chat &lt;3 <3
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We should Have Stayed in Gotham ch3
(Almost every Maribat fic I read has the akuma class going to Gotham. But tell me which is more likely, a class touring the city of crime, or a class touring the city of lights? So here it is, the Daminette fic that only I asked for, where Gotham goes to Paris, and the poor students have to grapple with the fact that they have competition for the most dangerous city in the world. I wonder what will happen?)
ao3 Beginning Previous
The moment Damian had learned that he had a roommate, he knew that he would have trouble sleeping. Granted, the Gotham High student, Will, was quiet and unobtrusive, so at first Damian thought that it wouldn’t be too much of a sacrifice to share a room with him (but only if he kept a knife under his pillow). However, after seeing the giant baby trying to eat the Eiffel Tower all thoughts of sleep were quickly thrown away in favor of hours upon hours of research while his roommate slept.
So it should have come as no surprise to anyone, that Damian walked up to the Louvre with bags under his eyes and a scowl to curdle milk. He sipped his hotel coffee in distaste as his peers gave him a wide berth, as they waited for their French guides. Yet despite his exhaustion, and the distance of his peers, he was able to overhear their conversations and gauge their intentions for the rest of the trip.
“You can’t be serious!” Kathryn was yelling, “After what we saw yesterday you’re not freaking out? I’m freaking out! We almost died!”
“You live three blocks away from Crime Alley!” A Gotham High student who was on the “Parisian’s are overreacting” side exclaimed. “You almost die every day!”
“Yeah,” Kathryn said, “From muggers and henchmen. You know, people I can kick in the family jewels. Not magic giant babies! I can’t kick magic giant babies! And if you had bothered too even read the survival guide, you would know that that particular akuma happens like, a lot!”
“But it doesn’t matter!” Chad cried, “I mean their hero has a magic reset button, so…”
“Ok,” Alice said sardonically, all of the "Who cares" Gothamites were now firmly on the "It's a big deal" side, “So you’re suicidal. Great.”
“I’m not—”
“Students!” Mr. Robinson, their chaperone and French teacher, called. “Our liaison class is here, so be on our best behavior!”
Damian took a swig of his coffee as they moved towards the glass pyramid in the center of the courtyard. He was tired, and he did not want to deal with whichever idiotic child they pared him up with, but he needed to know more. He had been researching all night, but he still didn’t know why the Justice League hadn’t been called in yet. And considering how many akumas had almost ended the world, he had a feeling that they should definitely know about this.
 But there was one more thing that was bugging him unceasingly, Hawkmoth. His motivation was clear, he wanted a wish, but he didn’t know the reason behind that motivation. And his strategy was baffling. Just from reading the blogs, it looked like Hawkmoth’s plan was to akumatize as many different people as possible and then hope one of them would be able to defeat Ladybug and Chat Noir. It was ridiculous, idiotic, and completely ineffectual…And yet Ladybug had not been able to catch him. It made no sense. From the videos it was clear that even when Ladybug had been at her least skilled, she had always been competent and efficient. Now two years later, she had experience, training, and competent and effective team members. So why hadn’t she eliminated the threat?
His thoughts were aggravatingly interrupted when they reached the chattering group of teenagers in front of the pyramid. When they saw the Gothamites, the Parisians instantly quieted and lined up with plastered smiles, and bright, scanning eyes. It was…disturbing and pulled all of the Gothamites up short and had them frowning and scanning for any hidden dangers. It was almost comical, the line of bright, colorful Parisians facing off of the dark, scowling Gothamites. Damian just sipped his coffee and began memorizing the faces. He paused when he was the small group of people not joining the lineup.
Marinette Dupain-Cheng, Sabrina Raincomprix, and Chloe Bourgeois, and two other girls stood on the opposite side of the line from the teachers and little apart from their class despite the fact that two of their members were the class leaders. Marinette was sipping on a large cup, but her small welcoming smile seemed a hundred times more genuine than the toothy grins of her classmates. Sabrina was standing beside her, and she seemed to be fidgeting with excitement as she waited for the teachers to finish talking. Chloe was the only one who was not smiling, instead she was completely consumed with her phone and only huffing when her friends spoke to her. Damian couldn’t get a good idea of the other two girls, as one of them was hidden behind Marinette, and the other was…roller blading around the courtyard completely ignoring everyone.
Eventually, Mlle. Mendeliev cleared her thought as she began handing out papers to her class, with the Gotham teachers mirroring her with Damian and his peers. “Now,” she said sternly yet not harshly in English, “It has come to our attention that you all were caught up in the akuma attack yesterday. That is good, perhaps now you will take this threat seriously, and do everything in your power to avoid creating or becoming akumatized.”
“That being said,” Mlle. Bustier said quickly with a pointed look at her coworker, “We are glad none of you were harmed, and hope that it never happens again!”
“Hm,” Mendeliev said before snapping her attention to both classes commanding their attention like a general surveying their troops. “You have each been paired up according to those whom we have deemed least likely to cause akumas. French students will speak in English. English students will speak in French. Complete your work sheets by the end of the day to receive full marks. There will be no switching!”
Damian noticed her sharp eyes falling on a girl dressed in an awful shade of orange, with sausages disguised as hair framing her face. Said girl just smiled innocently, before her eyes fell on him, and he groaned. The sudden flash of predatory glee that she had eyed him with made his skin crawl. He wanted nothing to do with that girl, but he knew her type far too well. She was like his mother, desperate for power and willing to do anything to get it. At that moment Damian was the most powerful person there, and she knew it.
He prepared himself for an aggravating and unsatisfactory morning as he waited for the opportunist to corner whoever he had been partnered with him and “convince” them to switch partners despite the teacher’s mandate. Needless to say, he was surprised when the person who had extracted themselves from the mass of congregating students to find him, was not the sausage girl, but Marinette Dupain-Cheng.
Her smile when she saw him was so bright and genuine, it had Damian squinting his eyes in suspicion as she moved toward him. But she maintained a respective distance and spoke formally in English as she said, “Hello, I’m Marinette. You must be Damian.”
“I am,” Damian said in perfect French straightening as he looked at his work sheet for the first time. Sure enough, Marinette’s name was right beside his at the top of the page. “Although, I should warn you that this exercise will not be very beneficial for me. As you can see, I am already quiet fluent in your language.”
Damian expected the girl to become annoyed or aggravated at his briskness, but apparently dealing with an emotional terrorist everyday gave her a higher tolerance for his behaviors than the majority of his peers. She just tilted her head with a cocked eyebrow and said in Mandarin,
“I understand. If I’m being honest, I’m in the same boat. As I am fluent in more languages than I’ll probably ever use.”
Damian raised his eyebrows in surprised, but he couldn’t help the smirk playing on his lips as he slipped into Arabic saying, “Well, that is unfortunate. But if you do not think you will use them, then why learn?”
“I plan to travel,” Marinette said in perfect Hindi. “I plan to go into fashion, and I wish to be able to reach as many people as possible. What about you? Why do you know so many languages?”
“I am expected to take over my father’s business,” Damian said in Russian. “It is an international company and possibly intergalactic if the treaty with Mars and Tameran goes through.”
“I hope it does!” Marinette said in Spanish, “I believe that intergalactic relations will improve international ones, as we will have to be united in order to effectively interact with the greater galaxy.”
“Interesting,” Damian said in Africans, “Not everyone has such an optimistic view of human nature.”
Marinette said something in Greek, and Damian winced. Her smile grew in victory as she found perhaps the only Earth language he had yet to fully master, but Damian would not be quelled. So, before she could capitalize on her victory, he switched to German and said, “Unfortunately I have yet to master Greek. It seems you have the advantage of me.”
Damian’s smirk returned as Marinette winced. But her smile remained as she said in perfect Japanese, “My German is almost non-existent. So I guess that makes us even unless…”
“I speak Japanese,” Damian said in the same language. “Perhaps this enterprise, will not be as fruitless as I thought. If you are willing to assist me in Greek, then you might even be an adequate companion.”
The moment the words left his lips, Damian knew that he had probably offended her, which would have been awful. She seemed to be the only person here who wasn’t a complete imbecile, and brushing up on his Greek was the only way this exercise wouldn’t be a waste of time. But instead Marinette just laughed bright and clear, and said,
“Adequate. That’s a new one, but I’ll take it. You know you remind me of Chloe, she doesn’t complement…well anyone.”
“Considering she is your friend; I will assume you meant the comparison to also be complementary.”
Marinette shrugged with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “Why don’t you meet her first, and then you can decide if it’s a compliment?”
Damian nodded in appreciation and a little wariness before they were interrupted by a shrill voice crying, “Marinette!”
The unwavering class president wavered, which sent a shrill line of tension through Damian. He scanned the crowd for the person responsible for causing such a steadfast presence to flinch and found an overly excitable girl with round glasses running up to them with a too bright smile. Damian recognized the Gotham Academy student following her as one of the students who had retained very little of the French lessons, and could barely introduce herself in the language. This newcomer must have been under the impression that all of the Gotham students had a similar level of incompetence because she began to speak in rapid-fire French as if Damian couldn’t understand a word she was saying.  
“Marinette,” the newcomer said, “You have to switch partners with Lila. She’s desperate.”
Marinette took a deep breath as if she was actively steeling herself against something unpleasant and said, “Alya, that’s not going to happen. Mlle. Mendeliev, and Sabrina spent hours on these partners so that there would be as few akumas as possible.”
“But Lila—”
“Is a liar!”
“I know! But seriously Marinette, Adrien’s right. It’s not like she does any harm saying she save Jagged’s cat. No body actually believes her. Besides she has a disease! She can’t help it!”
“Yeah!” Marinette said perhaps a little snappishly, “A disease she is doing nothing to cure, and all you're doing is enabling her!”
“What?! I am not enabling her! I am trying to help a fellow student who is suffering from a mental illness, and trying to prevent akumas! Which you used to care about. Honestly Marinette, it’s almost as if you want this conference to be ruined. I think you’ve been spending too much time with Chloe.”
“Well, at least Chloe is trying to make amends! What does Lila do whenever she causes an akuma?”
Alya shook her head in disappointment, as if Marinette was the blind one here. “She’s just trying to get her Miraculous back. That girl couldn’t be genuinely kind even if she was hit by a personality reversal akuma. Just switch partners with Lila! It will be best for the whole class.”
“But not best for me,” Damian said in French with as much sternness as he could master. He did not miss the suppressed vindictive smirk from Marinette as Alya stared at him in shock. But Damian simply tilted his chin to the interloper with as much distain he could manage. “Now what ‘illness’ does this Lila claim to have that we must cater to her every whim.”
“She’s a compulsive liar,” Marinette said hiding her satisfaction under a lecturing tone, and a gentle smile. “To quote her words exactly, ‘It’s a disease and I can’t help it. So please be kind. I don’t intentionally want to hurt anyone, but there’s something wrong with me, and I need help!’”
Damian growled in distaste. He assumed that Lila was the girl with the sausages for hair. She had obviously seen the situation in Paris and decided to use it to her advantage. Whether she actually had a mental illness or not, was clearly not the issue, because she was using it to convince her class to cater to her ever whim. “Do everything I say or else I will call a supervillain to curse us all," she was basically saying, "But don’t blame me, I’m sick and can’t help it.” It was something his mother would do and immediately put bad taste in his mouth.
“Alya,” he said giving her the full weight of his “Ice Prince” persona. He took no small amount of satisfaction from her almost fearful reaction. “I can guarantee, that if I was to be paired with this Lie-la, then I will be akumatized within five minutes of our meeting. And if you ask any of my peers, I think you will find that me being akumatized is the last thing you want. So please return to your…friend, and tell her that under no circumstances will I take any partner other than Marinette. Now leave us alone, you aren’t wanted here.”
Alya turned to the other girl with a sort of desperate pleading, but Marinette just sighed and said gently, “I’m sorry Alya. But after that speech, I think we can all agree that it’s for the best.”
Alya shook her head in disappointment, and there was nothing but pure disappointment in her voice when she said, “And to think you used to be our ‘Everyday Ladybug.’ Now…now your just selfish.” She spun and marched off before they could respond.
Damian glanced at Marinette and froze. She looked as if she had just been stabbed. The words had meant nothing to Damian, but they had clearly meant everything to her. But before Damian could offer his support, Marinette closed her eyes and began taking deep breaths. An expression of complete and total calm passed over her. It was as if every negative emotion the confrontation had caused was melting away through her figure tips.
When she opened her eyes, she turned back to Damian with her gentle smile. But there was now a new sense of exhaustion in her clear blue bell eyes that said this was not the first time her “friends” had hurt her, and it would not be the last.
In that moment, Damian came to some very important conclusions about this Marinette. One, she was strong. She lived in a city under constant siege, and she still stood tall and genuine, with a smile that breathed kindness and compassion with every laugh and word. And two, these people did not deserve her. It was obvious that they were sheep, from the way a large group of them gathered around Lila and were now pandering to her to stop her from lashing out. They had traded a kind and gentle leader, for a mountain of fool’s gold. Pretty to look at but ultimately useless. And they had done it with their eyes open. It would have been better if they had fallen for her lies.  
“I’m sorry about that,” Marinette said in English with what Damian assumed was her signature cheerfulness, just as he addressed people with his signature superiority, “Things…well, let’s just say that the akumas have caused a lot of damage, not all of it physical. Make’s it hard to know how to…interact with people, and behave rationally. I hope you understand.”
Damian nodded as he said, “I can not say that I understand completely. But I can say that I know what you mean. I have some experience with liars and manipulators, and I can see how this situation could be very beneficial to them. However, if you’re classmates had any form of actual intelligence then they would not pander to that girl the way that they do. So, I cannot garner too much sympathy for them.”
A light returned to Marinette’s eyes as he said this, as if he had amused her instead of insulting the people she probably knew and trusted far more than him. “Ok, I have to keep you and Chloe apart. It’s the only way, I’m going to be able to prevent actual murder from happening!”
“Hm,” Damian said, his smirk returning. Perhaps a little brighter than he intended, but still too small to communicate any actual pleasure. “Now I must insist on meeting her. Perhaps we can cull the herd and bring some intelligence back into this city.”
Marinette laughed, and Damian thought it sounded like bells. But they were interrupted when the red haired girl on rollerblades zoomed up to them with a worried expression. “Hey Mari,” she said gently, “I saw you talking to Alya. Are you ok?”
“Yeah, thanks Alix,” Marinette said her smile brightening even more at her friend. “All good here. But where’s your partner?
"Oh, she’s over there!” Alix gestured to the side and Damian saw Kathryn leaning against a statue while she played with her phone. “I’m so glad her French is better than my English. But if you’re ok, then I’ve got to go. I promised to get her my extra blades from my dad’s office. We’re going to have so much fun!”
“I am already regretting the fact that you two were paired together,” Marinette said with a fond shake of her head. But Alix just laughed and raced off. Kathryn running beside her through what appeared to be an employee’s entrance to the Louvre.
“Her dad’s the curator,” Marinette explained. “She’s been racing through there since she was five. They’ll be fine as long as they don’t break anything important.”
Damian nodded, as the teachers called the students to order. It was time for the first activity to begin. A Louvre scavenger hunt, which will end with lunch and then a "getting to know you party" back at the school. “I hope you know you’re artifacts as well as you know languages," he said openly studying her compitence.
A playful smile spread across Marinette’s face, as if she had some great hidden secret that she was daring him to discover. “Oh, don’t worry,” she said, “As long as luck’s on my side, we can’t possibly fail. Our biggest competition will be Alix.”
“Because of her father?”
“Sure,” Marinette said still with that playful smile brightening her face, “Let’s go with that.” 
@night-ngale @annastasha @ev-cupcake @hammalammadamdam @laydeekrayzee @itsemmylie @when-no-wings-do-broomsticks
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