#(this is my headcanon)
allthegothihopgirls · 2 months
when the batboys get broken bones or other things that can't be fixed in the batcave, and have to go to an actual hospital, they make up the most outlandish sounding excuses for their injuries:
dick (with a broken leg): "well you see, i was actually trying to jump over a river on a pair of rollerskates"
jason (with broken ribs): "i was volunteering at the zoo... feeding the alligators. i fell backwards with the meat in my hands, and one pounced on me. funny how much damage they can do."
tim (with the worst concussion man has ever seen): "oh that? i was walking outside.. and my brothers were playing basketball on the top floor of the house, and one of them accidentally threw the ball out the window, and it landed on my head"
(bruce hears that one and has to reconsider whether or not the version of the story tim told him (getting hit by condiment king's mustard launcher) was the truth or not)
damian (with fingers twisted in every direction): "i play the piano... very violently"
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oceantornadoo · 2 months
ghost knew you would never cheat on him. that doesn’t mean he can’t get jealous from time to time.
jealous of the way soap always calls you “bonnie” or “beauty” or “lass”. jealous of how you two train together when he’s managing the recruits. jealous of the sergeant-only meetings he’s not privy to. jealous of pub invites and drunk dancing. never enough to cross a line, never in a way you disrespect your relationship with simon, but it still makes him jealous. a feeling in the pit of his stomach, a slow fire that builds higher and higher every time soap’s hand brushes your waist to get past you. simon has worked so hard to be the loving man you need, and he won’t let soap take you away from him with a couple scottish pet names.
and now you’re in the common room late one night, arguing with johnny as per usual while perched on simon’s lap. simon doesn’t think much of it when he tells johnny off and johnny replies with a “fuck ye.” that is, until, you pipe up quietly “would you want to?” soap goes quiet for a second, considering.
“which one of ye?” you turn to simon, searching for something in his gaze. satisfied you found it, you turn back to johnny. “either?” simon clears his throat, hand finding your waist and massaging small circles into your skin.
“or both?”
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bumpingbees · 1 year
Something I've never seen pointed out in the aftg fandom is a certain aspec of the scene where Neil and Andrew are sleeping together in the cabin and Renee knocks on the door. We talk about how great it is that Neil reaches for a gun and hits Andrew's arm instead - something that will still protect him.
But can we appreciate that Andrew was asleep? Andrew who we see sleeping through a lot of different things from team meetings to bus rides, but will wake up violently when he's touched. When Renee knocks, its described as a tap of her nails. I don't see that actually waking Andrew, but Neil touching his arm in a desperate search for a gun? That would wake him up, but Andrew doesn't lash out at Neil. He just looks at him before getting out of bed.
Now, Andrew could have already been awake and Neil didn't know it or maybe a tap of nails did wake him, but I think Andrew was asleep. I think even then Andrew trusted Neil more than anyone knew. I think he kept reminding himself about Neil's presence before falling asleep (to the point he put his arm under Neil's pillow) so he wouldn't react violently when Neil inevitably shifted and touched him in his sleep. I think he used Neil's head on his arm as a grounding technique because he didn't want to risk hurting Neil when he was already so injured and he just likes being close to him. And I think this moment speaks volumes to Andrew's healing and just how much he loves his feral boyfriend.
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candysweetslover · 7 months
In SVSSS, Shen Yuan just supposes that Shen Jiu hated Luo Binghe because he was jealous that Luo Binghe had a mother. But I think that that reasoning is wrong, or atleast incomplete.
So, we know that Shen Jiu hated the name Shen Qingqiu because it reminded him of Qiu Jianluo. It’s more likely that Shen Jiu started to hate Luo Binghe because of the ‘Luo’ he shared with Qiu Jianluo. Shen Jiu only showed hostility towards Luo Binghe after he learned that his name was Luo Binghe.
Knowing MXTX, this was probably intentional and it just makes the PIDW have an even worse conclusion, because it wasn’t that Shen Jiu incapable of caring for other people as he absolutely loved Ning Yingying and probably even Ming Fan. He might have even been decent with Luo Binghe if it wasn’t for the fact that he shared a part of his name with Qiu Jianluo.
This doesn’t excuse Shen Jiu’s actions but it does make more sense that Shen Yuan’s theory that Shen Jiu was jealous of Luo Binghe for having a mother. Because if that was the case it would make more sense for him to be jealous of Ming Fan or any other disciple who came from a wealthy background.
I rest my case here.
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mwtsxri · 2 months
Gentle reminder that:
𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎 would treat you like a queen and take care of you properly. He's the type to most likely serve you breakfast in bed, hold you in his arms and kiss you on the top of your head quietly as he succumbs into your warmth.
𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎 won't slut you out during sex and would most likely care for you as if you were a butterfly. He'd go slow and sensual while he presses soft kisses onto your face, neck, collarbone, etc.
𝐓𝐎𝐉𝐈 𝐅𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐆𝐔𝐑𝐎 Who will love you with all he has, and had vowed to protect you and stay with you for all his years of being alive.
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flaminghotjareau · 1 month
happy lesbian visibility week to them
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and to my favorite lesbian ships
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Bunny seems like he should be lactose intolerant and allergic to peanuts.
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lonelynight13 · 2 months
Kung Lao's birthday 14/04
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His Lore in MKATUS
Kung Lao hailed from humble beginnings, born into a struggling family where he stood as the eldest among his two siblings. The burden of their financial hardships grew heavier with the arrival of his youngest brother. To alleviate their plight, Kung Lao was sent to train as a novice at the Shaolin Temple, where he forged a lifelong bond with Liu Kang, who became both a cherished friend and a brother to him. His formative years were spent in rigorous training until a pivotal event at 16 years old altered his path, leading him to discover his signature weapon, the razor hat, and vow never to assume the role of a teacher. As a Shaolin master, he crossed paths with Haruka/Lin, on her deathbed which makes him reluctantly accept her as his first student, a journey fraught with grappling his past and embracing his new role as mentor. However, fate dealt him a cruel hand as he met his demise during the interrealm tournament, only to be resurrected as a revenant under dark sorcery for many agonizing years. Trapped in a body he didn't recognize, he wrestled with disillusionment and despair until the unexpected intervention of the 2 gods sacrifice restored him to the realm of the living. Despite his miraculous revival, he found himself adrift in Outworld, wandering aimlessly until his nephew's intervention rescued him, allowing him to finally embrace the remainder of his days.
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This is controversial, but I don't think Wilson is bisexual. I'm convinced he's completely gay.
"Well wilsonsmcgillsweatshirt, he sleeps with A LOT of women."
You are correct, and ironically, that is one of the reasons I think he's gay. The closet he's hiding in is deeper than the Mariana trench. The denial runs so deep that he doesn't even think he's gay. He sleeps with women constantly because he's trying to convince himself that he's straight because in his mind, he thinks that he couldn't possibly be gay if he sleeps with women. He's constantly stuck in the cycle of married to divorced, and he could not keep a stable relationship with a woman if his life depended on it (I'm not counting Amber because she wasn't around long enough). Obviously, not all, but a lot of queer people share the experience of overcompensating as a form of denial.
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essektheylyss · 1 year
Ludinus Da'leth met Fjord and Jester Lavorre and went, "Oh no, they can't be allowed to continue on with this. I must remove all divine magic in existence immediately."
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bucktommysdaddykink · 24 days
Okay but Buck trying out a new lasagna recipe for his boyfriend.
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xxuso-tsukixx · 3 months
I think about this scene a lot.. About how all the demons scatter from seeing Zestial (and Alastor?) and i can't stop picturing something similar with Alastor and Vox when Vox was just starting out in Hell.
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Like, i imagine most sinners (except for a few like Mimzie and Rosie) are probably absolutely terrified of the Radio Demon, and i can't help but picture Vox, blinded by his adoration for Al, following Al around like a little lost puppy. ;-; and Alastor just being like, “lol 👹 this guys got a death wish or sumthing”
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madebydun · 2 months
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They all deserve quiet rest; a chill retirement. Because that's what happened at the end, right? Right?! 🥺
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justatransman00 · 2 months
Okay, but hear me out.
Enid is totally princess. (Receives gifts: food, clothes, jewelry. Just pretty things. Is constantly dolled up for Wednesday. Weds is always pulling her chair out, opening the door, etc.)
Wednesday is baby gorl. (When it's just the two of them she is constantly curled up in Enid's lap and if she doesn't get her kisses and snuggles and cuddles and nuzzles and... Yeah, she will be pouty af for days.)
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red-moon10 · 1 year
I've had Birdflash as parents on my mind a lot lately so...
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moonlit-knightz · 4 months
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so lawrusso coded! i love how this could go for both robby or samantha and anthony
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