#(as someone with a sister i'm extremely close to this season is HARD)
newtthetranswriter · 10 months
hii can u write a cuddle session with yuuta?
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Summary: Just a lazy day cuddling and watching The Dragon Prince.
Paring: Yuta x gn!Reader
Word Count: 874
A/N: Thank you for requesting this. I love cuddles with Yuta, he’s just so sweet. I couldn’t help but use the dragon prince as the show they watch while cuddling because it’s one of my favorites right now and if you’ve watched you should understand my comparisons, if you haven’t watched it I highly recommend, it has such diversity and has the same feel as Avatar the Last Airbender, plus there are a bunch of easter eggs for atla because one of the creators was also a writer and producer on Avatar. Anyway, enjoy this lovely piece and let me know what you think. MINORS AND AGELESS BLOGS DO NOT INTERACT
Dating Yuta has been a dream come true. He is the sweetest guy I have ever met and it feels like he understands me better than anyone. It’s almost like he can sense when I’m having a bad day because today he suggested that we skip hanging out with our friends to just stay in and watch one of my favorite shows. So, that's exactly what we are doing right now, we’er cuddled up on my bed with a bowl of skittles on my lap watching The Dragon Prince on netflix.
I just really enjoy laying with him and commenting on the little jokes each character makes or judging Viren for being a horrible father. We also like to try and figure out which character reminds us of each other and our friends, that’s the current debate we are having.
“There is no way Toge is Claudia, if anything he’s Zym. Because one, he can’t talk, and two he likes to cause trouble. I don’t think any of our friends are evil enough to be Claudia.” I said completely flabbergasted that he would insinuate that our best friend would be able to do such horrid things to people and animals.
He laughed and said “I wasn’t saying that because I think he’s evil or something, I was saying it because in the first few seasons Claudia is a complete dork, yeah she sucks for doing dark magic but she does dumb stuff as well. Anyway, now that we have Inumaki picked, who would Maki be? I personally think Rayla is an exact copy of her; they would both roll their eyes and slap someone for being an idiot.”
I chuckled at his defense, “I completely agree. Maki is also too stubborn to ask for help when she really needs it. Panda is Ezran, I will not accept any argument, he understands Toge and encourages his dumb behaviors.” I started with no room for argument.  “Also you are Soren, don't try to fight it, that's my final decision and I'm sticking to it.”
“W-what how am I Soren?” My boyfriend looked at me obviously confused by my statement. “I’m not disagreeing, I’m just curious why you think that.”
“Well for one you both use swords to fight. But most importantly, you are both extremely kind in spite of the fact you have both been through a lot. Soren spent years being gaslite by his father into doing horrible things, and when he tried to make his sister see it she also tried to gaslight him. Once he finally realized his family was doing horrible things he made the hard choice to leave them and change for the better. Now I’m not saying you have the same past but I know you struggled and suffered for a while. Having Rika lash out everytime something even came close to threatening you and not understanding it had to have been difficult, but instead of giving up, you decided to keep fighting and try and make it so no one else has to go through what you did.” I pointed out the major similarities between the two swordsmen. “Also I think you are both adorable.”
He just watched amazed by my reasoning, thinking I was just gonna say it was because they both use swords and are dorks, but no it was like I had thought about this alot. “I-i- Wow, you’ve thought about that a lot haven’t you?” he asked with a light blush.
I smiled up at him. “ Yeah I have, you have been through a lot and I'm proud of you for it. Now the most important question, what character am I?” I asked, trying to see his brain work.
“Oh definitely Bait.” He said confidently as I looked at him in shock.
“Excuse me, I just gave a college dissertation level speech on why I think you are a handsome swordsman, and all I get is a toad.” I said sitting up and turning to fully face him.
“Well yeah you are both adorable when you’re grumpy, both love shiny things, and you have a massive sweet tooth.” He said, defending his choice, reaching to try and pull back to lay with him. I begrudgingly layed back down resting my head on his chest, I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders as he placed a kiss to the top of my head. “Now shush, one of your favorite moments is coming up.”
I just nodded and snuggled closer to his side as I turned to watch as general Amya accidentally ruined her own engagement. I always find it funny, like yeah I get wanting to propose in a flashy way but seriously. Amya is a high ranked general who doesn't seem like someone who enjoys random surprises, what else would you expect to happen ambushing her with what look like flaming whips. I chuckled at the scene before closing my eyes, just enjoying the time I get to spend cuddling Yuta. I whispered a quiet “I Love you” as I drifted off to sleep.
Right as I let sleep take over, I heard Yuta respond with his “I love you too” before we both feel asleep to the sounds of dragons, elves, and magic.
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willel · 1 year
I know you don't care about ships and im not tryna make you care but logically that's part of a characters storyline and intertwined with the plot so how do you think about the final season while ignoring something smack dab in the middle of the storyline it's the worst with byler/mileven because I'm most interested in their ending and Mike is RIGHT THERE. I feel like completely ignoring the possibility of either or neither being endgame means ignoring so many possibilities
I don't know. It just doesn't matter to me. Will gets a boyfriend? Good for him. Will doesn't get a boyfriend? Good for him! I can see positives in both directions. I don't think it's the end of the world if he doesn't end up with his first love. It's more important to me that his feelings and identity are validated for his own sake rather than for romance.
The same for El. Do I care if she and Mike break up? No. Do I care if they stay together? Still no. The show has given me plenty of stuff to ponder and think about regarding her character. Plenty of other things to root for that isn't about her 14 year old romance.
Back after season 2, I was kinda Jopper but I wasn't like "IT NEEDS TO HAPPEN NOW." Despite that, I was insistent that the Hoppers and Byers would become one big happy family with or without Joyce and Hopper getting together. Them getting together didn't actually matter that much to me. The Byers and the Hoppers growing so close that they were basically family did.
Like I said, I can see why people really focus on the romantic aspect of things and find it difficult to separate from the rest of the character. It's why shipping wars exist. It's why people immediately assume you must hate one of the characters in a love triangle since you don't want them to end up with the "focus" of the love triangle. The romance IS the character for some people.
It might be why you find it difficult to understand me. And I mean, I am a weirdo when it comes to relationships and romance. (I guess I shouldn't call myself weird, but I know I am in an extreme minority. Lol)
Someone else might think, "The only way for this character to be happy and for their personal plot to be resolved is if they end up with this one person in their life. Anything else would be terrible writing and completely ruin all these characters."
I think, "Ending up with that character might make the character happy. BUT, I can also imagine a future where that doesn't happen and this character's story isn't completely and utterly destroyed."
Let's look at the love triangle from my point of view. I'M NOT SAYING THIS WILL HAPPEN, I'm not saying I WANT it to happen. I'm literally about to write a random paragraph off the cuff of something I'd probably be fine with, but maybe not other people.
Will comes out to Joyce/Jonathan. Obviously gets accepted. Gains another pillar of stability to be his true self no matter what the future holds. Is able to tell El everything regarding his feelings toward Mike, would probably be a good idea to do that since that's his sister and she's currently in a relationship with him. Haven't really figured out how a conversation like that would go. Will is able to tell Mike. Maybe Mike hadn't considered that before and the confession falls a little flat, as expected. But no hatred there. Maybe even awkward support? I dunno. Will feels like a weight is lifted off his shoulders. Probably still closeted to most everyone else except his family and now Mike. Despite the lukewarm response or semi-rejection, Will doesn't crumble into a pile of despair and sorrow because of all his other personal developments (like coming out to Joyce/Jonathan first and whatever trials Vecna has for him that he overcomes) Mike's fears come true El doesn't "need" him, or at least, not romantically like he wanted? I dunno. Maybe they break up, but there are no hard feelings and Mike is just as supportive as before without the romantic undertones. Regardless of her love life, El needs the support of everyone, including Mike, to defeat the big bad. She loves them all. She protects them all. She found her people at last. She will protect them and they will protect her as best they can.
Hm, I guess that's a "No one ends up with anyone" ending. Not surprising since I came to that conclusion a little while ago as well.
AGAIN, NOT A PREDICTION. NOT A WANT. NOT A NEED. Just a random thought when prompted.
Well anon, to summarize all this garbly gook, what I'm trying to say is, I just find way more interest in practically everything else than the the conclusion of a love story.
I don't think Will's arc has to be resolved with a romantic relationship. Same for El. Is it something their characters want? Sure. Is it something their characters NEED to survive and have a happy future? Is not having this romance going to cripple them for life and ruin all their growth? No, I don't think so. I don't want their story arcs to be narrowed down to "this relationship will make or break their entire story", ya dig?
This romance stuff, after all, is supposed to be a subplot, not the main plot. If this were a show that really dedicated itself to digging in the weeds and focusing primarily on the romance, then yeah. It would be pretty of silly of me to be this way.
It'd be like me watching Titanic and thinking "This Rose and Jack relationship is nice and all, but I'm not really focused on their romance. I care more about why they overstuffed the Titanic with people making escape for everyone impossible. Also, the class dynamics presented here really interest me. I'd like to have a more in depth history on the architecture inside this fine ship!"
But Stranger Things is a sci-fi/supernatural/horror show first and foremost. It is (supposed to be) character driven so of course some romance comes along with that but... I don't think I'm supposed to care too much or believe that the romantic aspects of these characters is integral to their characters at all.
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unlikelyjedi · 2 years
Attack on Titan Pride Headcanons (Scouts Edition)
I like Attack on Titan. I put off watching it for months and when I was finally peer-pressured by all my friends and my sister, I fell in love!!!
So of course I'm gonna make a pride post!! This will cover all the... important scouts?? All the ones who don't immediately die within the first 2 seasons at least. I'll have a separate post for Warriors, so if you see Reiner and Bertotto missing, that's why.
Oh yeah, and spoilers for... the whole show??? Even in a headcanon post, it'd be very hard to not spoil anything, so read at your own risk. Also the way I spell character's last names is arbitrary. There's a different spelling every time I see it for Eren. And don't get me started on Bristol.
Disclaimer: These are my personal opinions. This is only one way of engaging with the media, and if it's not your way or you disagree, then that's chill. Art is Subjective. I'm just here to have some fun!
Okay, now to the actual post!!
Eren Jaeger (he/him): Bisexual, Ace-spec
I need to preface this by saying I'm Eremin trash and I think they're lovely together. I also believe Eren and Mikasa have good chemistry even if I don't ship them.
Eren isn't sure how or why he feels attraction, but when he does, he really loves them. To an extreme degree. He holds on for dear life, and then some.
Armin Arlert (he/him): Gay
A lot of people like the bi/pan headcanon, and while I think that works, I guess I don't personally see it. I don't really think he has chemistry with any of the women in AoT but that's just my subjective view of it. The only woman I feel like he'd have chemistry with is Mikasa, to be honest. And that seems like the exception rather than the rule.
Not only am I Eremin trash, but I also love a healthy dose of Jearmin!! They cute!!
Mikasa Ackerman (she/her): Bisexual, Demi
Oh the chemistry she has with everyone. Jeankasa, Mikasasha, Mikannie, Mikahisu, good god there are so many good pairings for her!!!
I don't think she feels attraction until she's got a good connection to the person. Hence why she fell so hard for Eren.
Jean Kirschstein (he/him): Bisexual
Again, so much chemistry with so many people.
JeanMarco, Jearmin, EreJean, Jeankasa. So!! Many!!
I don't think he realized he was bi until he met Marco, and then it just kinda clicked. Oh, men are hot, too.
Constance Cornelius Springer (he/him): Aro/Ace
To this day, I can't decide if he likes everyone or no one, but for now I'll stick with this headcanon.
He's just vibing. He's plenty close to people, but that doesn't mean a relationship. He's fulfilled just with his close friendship with others.
Sasha Braus (she/her): Bisexual
Food first, relationships later.
Her and Niccolo are cute and she's got good chemistry with Mikasa. But only Niccolo could provide her with her true love: meat.
Krista Lenz | Historia Reiss (she/her): Bisexual
This might be a controversial take. Lesbian Historia tends to be the consensus in fan circles, but I personally think she likes more than just women. Although I do believe she mostly likes women.
Maybe it's because I like the idea that she was eventually able to move on from Ymir, and that she wasn't stuck in perpetual despair. Maybe I like the idea of Farmer-kun (who I've affectionately named Huckleberry). I like that even though she'll forever hold Ymir in her heart, she's allowed to let another in. idk idk.
Ymir (she/her): Lesbian
MY BABE!!! She's absolutely a mean lesbian and she is very gay and very much loves women. She wants to marry Historia and love her forever!!! Bless her for being here and existing, I love her!!
Marco Bodt (he/him): Gay
I'm cheating a bit. I know he was going to the MP, but I don't care. He's an honorary scout in my mind.
Why is he gay? Vibes. But also the way he smiles at Jean?? Can someone smile at me like that??
Erwin Smith (he/him): Gay
I don't have a reason for this. Just my own personal opinion. He could also be bi. It's all subjective. He just love Levi.
Levi Ackerman (he/him): Gay??
I put question marks because I don't think he's attracted to women, but I do think he could be attracted to Hange, who isn't a woman, but also is not a man. So he could be bi?? But I suppose I think of bi as being both men and women attracted along with other genders even though the base definition is simply 2 or more genders.
Anyway, he just love Erwin.
Hange Zoe (they/them): Genderqueer!! Bisexual!!
Actually Canon!!! Both of These!!!
I already knew about them being genderqueer, but I was very surprised that the Bisexual part was also canon!!! Although how weird that Moblit wasn't on there as a pairing.
Also them having a crush on Pieck is very cute, the hell?? We love to see it!!
Moblit (he/him): Pansexual
He loves regardless of gender. This also falls under the "vibes" rule. I just feel like that fits for him.
That was a lot!! Next time will be the Warriors!!!
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cc-kirby · 8 months
With the new fall season coming, my thoughts on the three Summer 2023 anime series I watched this year:
My Tiny Senpai: Loved loved loved this series. I came into it hoping to just get some lighthearted romantic fluff and came out of it getting even more than that even. Shiori was an angel and needs to be protected.
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My two types of girls are tsunderes and fail girls and this series managed to give me two girls that are combinations of both in their own ways. Shinozaki's Sister and Hayakawa completely own my heart now.
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The discourse surrounding the trailer was incredibly fucking stupid even when it was directly happening and as this series went along it really made it look even dumber in hindsight than it did before. If you don't like to watch move slowly this series will drive you nuts, and in episode 9 it makes a big decision that even had me raising an eyebrow and groaning a little bit before accepting that it wasn't going to be permanent (and I was right, thankfully). As someone who doesn't mind slow burn romance, especially when there's no love rival involved (the oldest of hats in any romantic comedy), I really enjoyed it. Lots of good, goofy comedy and two main protagonists you really do find yourself rooting for. Definitely worth a watch if you just want to see lighthearted office fluff.
The Dreaming Boy is a Realist: Man. I almost dropped this one. It really was getting there. This is one where it just doesn't just calm down. It throws like fifteen different characters at you and expects you to know and remember them right away and honestly the first few episodes of this show were insanely hard to follow, let alone the clunky, confusing script and dialogue.
The first few episodes were so overwhelming and the amount of times I had to pause to look up a character they'd mention by name that you only saw for a minute or two in a previous episode so you can be like "ah, that's who they're talking about. I remember them, I think? Maybe?" It kept getting worse and worse about this and I kept getting extremely close to dropping it before I'd give it one more chance mostly because some of the character designs are extremely cute. Even that wasn't saving the series though.
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However, then it did something I completely wasn't expecting: it slowly got better. Slowly but surely, episode after episode, it started to breathe a little more and characters finally got fleshed out in the proper ways and you know what? I'm not going to say it became a good series, but it definitely very slowly improved and they even stuck the landing on the ending.
Was it too little too late? Maybe. It's such a bummer because by all accounts this seems like *such* a neat idea for a series (boy is so smothering to the girl that he likes (who doesn't like him back) that he finally has an epiphany that he's been stunting her and keeping her from making friends because they're all too weirded out by him hovering around her, and also realizing he'll never have a chance with her so he backs off (letting her finally grow and gain friends herself) and slowly gains major self-improvement to the point where he earns respect in places he'd have never expected and he becomes the person people come to for advice and he just becomes a better person overall while also slowly repairing his relationship with the girl) and from what I've heard the manga and the light novels are just so much better. They do an inner voice-monologue thing with the main boy that serves as him giving himself teaching lessons and advice that the anime FINALLY begins to explore near the end and if they had been doing that from the beginning they really would've had something.
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Honestly the more I watched the more it made me want to read the light novel and manga because everyone swears up and down they're both miles better than the anime was. It just felt like the anime series didn't feel like it had enough time to properly convey all of the stories it wanted to share so they crammed a LOT into 12 episodes and gave nothing any room to breathe.
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What this series has most going for it are some of the character designs. Rin is the exact type of girl, right down to personality, that I had a crush on all the time in high school, and Kei isn't too far behind. And of course Aika makes enough of those grumpy puffy tsundere faces that you understand why Wataru (WHY WAS HIS SISTER SO HOT THOUGH) had such a big crush on her, even if it led to him being so overbearing about it.
I would say you're probably fine passing on this one, but maybe give the light novel or manga a shot. I didn't hate it like I was expecting to but your mileage will vary. This one REALLY went out of its way to try and get better and it almost made it, to the point where I'm thumbs in the middle rather than down.
The Girl I Like Forgot Her Glasses: I figured this was gonna be the one that I most loved from the getgo, and honestly? It's a tough tie between it and My Tiny Senpai, but this might have the edge because it's the only one whose sweetness got me tearing up on multiple occasions, especially in the final episode, and it's all because Mie is one of the cutest dorkiest sweetheart girls on the planet. This series was the one that I went out of my way to zoom to where the manga currently is so I could follow along.
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The biggest complaint I heard about this series was how it felt like she was constantly losing her glasses. I felt like I was going crazy because I felt like I was the only one who understood what they were going for. They aren't going to do entire episodes where she doesn't forget her glasses. They even mention, multiple times in multiple different episode, how it's been awhile since she last lost them. The entire point of the series is how Komura is getting closer to closer to Mie from the time they spend together when he takes care of her after she forgets, or breaks, her glasses. At about the halfway point in the series they even show that so much time has passed that they're in a new semester. I dunno, I feel like they were telegraphing this to the point that it should've been obvious, especially for someone who can be legendarily oblivious like myself.
Coming of age romance stories are some of my favorites. Hi Score Girl is a series that I only finally watched in 2023 and it affected me so much that it leaped into one of my five favorite series that I've ever seen. So basically, I knew I was gonna love this one from the premise alone. I will admit the weird art direction, especially in that first episode, drove me absolutely insane, and I was VERY thankful that they mostly knock that shit off pretty quickly afterward, because that almost killed the entire show for me.
Another one where the romance is slow, but it definitely moves at a faster pace than in My Tiny Senpai, and the slow developments really do make you root for the both of them, especially when it finally becomes obvious to Mie that she has feelings for Komura too. Her selfishness about it is completely adorable, and the series ends on such a sweet, high note, leaving you hopeful that these two will finally be able to communicate how they feel for each other, and that a season two would be wonderful.
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Also, we need a season two so we can get more of Azuma, who I know as the manga keeps going gets more attention and story. I like how in the series to Komura he is like a rival for Mie's love but then to everyone else it becomes readily apparent that he knows these two have feelings for each other and in his own little ways he tries getting them to spend more time with each other. Between him and Sudo in Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible, 2023 should be the year of the cool wingmen.
A definite, and obvious watch recommendation. This one was so sweet, like a much needed hug after a long day.
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beyond-dreams · 1 year
Can I be that guy and just say all of the above for Luna for that s/i ask game?? I crave lore lmao
PASSES AWAY THANK YOU,, okay <3!!! i, too, crave lore (btw our s/i's should be friends. conflict of interest, who's she??)
(feel free 2 scroll if you dont want Spell of Luna Lore Blast)
1. what are the basics of your self insert? name, date of birth, height, etc.?
Luna Cooper is my Tiger and Bunny S/I!! They use she/they pronouns (leaning more towards they/them) and their birthday is September 21st! They're about 5'5'' (~165 cm) tall. Most of Luna's personality is taken from my own awkwardness and sarcasm.
2. when in canon does your self insert come in? do you have a scene in mind for your entrance?
Ironically enough, I'm working on that! I'm a little behind, but the fic 'Luna Cooper's Terrible* Week' involves the first few scenes between them and my f/o, Kotetsu! Luna is an office worker on the south side of Sternbild, working for a not-so-reputable energy company when they're suddenly flung into the world of heroes by complete accident (sorry, Luna, guess we're making friends now..)
Timeline-wise their entrance is set somewhere post-season 1/The Rising and pre-season 2!
*Did not feel like typing out the entire title
3. how do the other characters generally feel about your self insert?
For the most part, Luna puts on a very shy and socially awkward outward appearance, so I think one of their closer friends would be Ivan, and Barnaby would be another close friend that would help Luna come out of their shell more! Not to be cliche, but the entire first league would ABSOLUTELY tease Kotetsu for his crush on Luna
4. would you be considered a main character, side character, villain, or something else?
1000% side character - noooo I dont wanna be dragged into the spotlight nooo !! -luna, probably (will get dragged into being a main character against their will)
5. does your self insert have any special powers or abilities?
Luna's NEXT power is temperature control! They've had it since they were little; it first manifested when Luna had a raging fever when they were young and they managed to break it without any help - now their power is used in pretty mundane ways, like heating up coffee or cooling off a room. It's usually not a very big area of effect, but it's still pretty useful!
6. does your self insert have any pets?
Just one - a long, white cat with blue eyes. Her name is Snowdrop and she's Luna's emotional support animal! They got Snowdrop just before they dropped out of college.
7. would any other characters (besides your f/o) have a crush on your self insert?
I think a lot of other characters would have strong platonic or familial feelings for Luna; they'd see them as a younger sibling or someone to protect.
8. what is your self insert’s orientation?
Nonbinary and bisexual! Just like me frfr
9. who are your self insert’s closest friends?
Like I said earlier, Ivan! Barnaby and Karina would also take a more 'older brother/sister' role when helping protect Luna from the villains.
10. how do the other characters feel about your self insert and f/o’s relationship?
Barnaby: Are you going to tell them or do I have to?
Kotetsu: ???
Ivan: You're so obvious...
They'd definitely want both of them to confess ASAP so Kotetsu can go back to focusing! on! the mission! C'mon, we don't have all day!!
side note: now I want to write a one-shot where Ivan uses his power to turn into Luna; then Kotetsu practices asking Luna out with Ivan + the others (this would be hilarious)
11. what kind of outfit(s) does your self insert wear?
Sweaters and jeans, for the most part! Due to their NEXT power, it's honestly a little hard for them to regulate their own body temperature - especially if Luna tries to adjust a large area. Extreme colds and extreme hots tend to make Luna feverish, so they try to dress for the weather (which may include many, many layers)
Luna also wears glasses (my only s/i to do so) but they also have contact lenses for if glasses are too much of a hassle
12. how would the fandom view your character?
Knowing fandom, they'd probably infantilize them. Luna gives off a very shy energy, but they're also quick-witted and sarcastic - also super good with organizing events, managing people, implementing ideas, etc - so there's a lot more to Luna than just their social awkwardness!
13. does your self insert have any information about their family?
Yes! Luna's an only child, with an extremely overprotective mother (Saffire) and father (Clint). They don't have any siblings, and any extended family is distant.
14. what hobbies does your self insert have?
Video games! Luna loves JRPGs and otome games - they tend to bring their Switch with them to work on occasion - Kotetsu finds out about this and Luna is a little embarrassed, but they teach Kotetsu how to play a few games as well!
15. how does your self insert play a role in the plot of the story? do they help directly defeat the villain, support the heroes, etc.?
Same with being the side character, Luna definitely wants to play a supporting role. They're happy being a manager or running to get coffee!
16. freebie! name a fact about your self insert you want everyone to know.
Luna struggles with affection a lot, so whenever Kotetsu is like ">:3c i am going to hug you now" they just. absolutely bluescreen early on in the relationship
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rcksmith · 3 years
Spring breeze part.4 — Spencer Reid
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Icon by @obiwansjedi
Part.1 Part.2 Part.3
Sumarry: After the breakup, Spencer and the Reader follow different paths and lives. But, after 8 years, Gideon's death brings an avalanche of emotions, putting the two face to face again in a reencounter that could break their hearts again — season 10 —
Couple: Spencer Reid /Gideon's daughter!reader.
Warnings: mention of death, mention of violence, death of the father, depressive thoughts, murder, crying, swearing, a lot of anguish, mention of love, fluff (but it has a very fluff too, I'm not a monster)
Word count: 5k.
A/N: This is the most sad chapter that has, I promise that the next will be very cute.💖
I saw Gideon's death episode again to make it as faithful as possible for you guys. I used the original Criminal Minds chronology too, being 8 years from Gideon's last appearance until his death.
English is not my first language, so I so sorry if have a mistake.
Let me know if you want to be added for a taglist for a specific fandom (Criminal Minds, The Umbrella Academy, Riverdale, Roman Godfrey, or all)
Requests are open. Love you ❤️
— — — — —
Hunting bandits. Save people. Improve the world a little bit every day. Those were the three things Spencer believed it was worth to be at BAU. It was worth fighting for, holding on, staying sleepless for days, being haunted by murderers by day and nightmares at night. For what it was worth looking at the abyss, even when it looks to you
Reid could deal with human perversion, with the thousand and one ways to practice heinous crimes, the sowing of evil and cruelty. He could cope with constantly being inside insane minds, learning his whys and mechanisms. He could take it. He put up with it day after day, case after case. He endured being tortured, stay being held at gunpoint, having a piece of his essence plucked with red-hot iron month after month. Spencer knew he could handle it.
But he couldn't handle death. Goodbye. It shattered his soul far more than difficult cases, pushed his own sanity to the limit. Perhaps burying his feelings as deeply as possible was just a method of delaying the wave that would drown him at one time or another. Inevitably.
Each farewell took a piece of Reid away. His father, his mother, Ellie, you, Gideon, JJ, were just a few of the people who left, living their lives elsewhere. But what about those who died? The victims, the children, Hayley, Maeve, Emily (even if only for a short time) and so many others. These took much more than a piece of him. Maybe costu his whole soul.
Spencer felt himself harden over the years, the cases, loss after loss, day after loss. He felt the purity of his own heart slip through his fingers like sand, the faith in humanity to be put to the test. Sometimes even faith in himself.
Was that the price to pay for that job? Being constantly vulnerable? See his life and the lives of the people his loved most at gunpoint?
It was worth?
Maeve's death shook him more than any other, sucking all the pink glow from his world, leaving him with only the cold feeling of hopelessness. A very deep void. It took a long time for memories of she not to hurt like red-hot iron, for his breathing not to be heavy. It took a long time to be happy again.
And when Spencer felt healed from the deepest wounds, the most visceral pains, he was hit again. Deeply. If Maeve's death was a wave that brought him down, Gideon's death was the tsunami that destroyed him.
“It's Gideon.” Hotch's voice confirmed the fear of everyone in that cottage.
Then Spencer felt shattered. Torn apart. Torn like a rag doll and placed on the fire. He wanted to scream, to scream so loudly that he would never regain his voice. He wanted to break something, destroy some, run away.
But run away from whom? From what? That pain or himself? If Spencer had been able to tear off his own skin at that time and be someone else, he would not have hesitated. Not having dropped to his knees in that cottage was a miracle, because Spencer no longer knew what was holding him upright.
Jason Gideon, in many ways, was all that Spencer had. He knew that they took different paths and traveled different roads, living different lives, but he believed that they always end up on the same, even one they was old. Spencer was sure that if he was dying on his knees, Gideon would be to rescue him. For all those 8 years, it was extremely comforting to think that Gideon was out there, living life, finding the hope he had in college, finding the brilliance the world had.
And Reid knew that Jason had you. And you had Gideon. That was the most soothing and comforting thought. No matter what, he knew that you would take care of Jason, just like he would take care of you. But now... now Spencer's world had dissolved in the air. Like a sandcastle knocked over by the wind.
And the pain was surreal.
When he realized, he had left the room, close to the... body. If he could, Spencer would have moved away from himself. How would he take it? One more death, another psychopath. How many other people he love will are died at the hands of the work he did every day?
The answer to all of these questions was frightening, and Spencer wasn't sure if wanted them.
The trip to the coroner was the worst Reid had ever done, talking about the body was the worst conversation he had ever had. And when Morgan put his hand on his shoulder and said that he couldn't close himself now, that they were going to get that son of a bitch, all Spencer wanted to say was that he couldn't take it anymore. That he couldn't breathe. The emptiness was too oppressive. So much visceral pain.
But that was not what Spencer said. He just clung to the only lifeguard in the middle of the rough and deserted sea: justice. Gideon deserve it.
Reid doesn't know how he managed to get back to the Gideon’s house, how he managed to hear Hotch and Rossi talking about what could have happened. But he was there, standing, by some miracle.
“Do you know who might want to have done this?” Hotch asked Stephen, who had arrived, his eyes red from the crying he struggled to hold.
“No. I know he had a list of things he wanted to do before he died... That's how we came back to speak, one of the things was to get back in touch.” His voice was so reminiscent of Gideon's that it was stabbed in the heart of Reid.
“Didn't he talk about being chased? Feeling anything strange?” Rossi commented.
Reid watched Stephen's expressions carefully, first because he reminded Gideon a lot, and second because he looked for any clues in his reactions.
Stephen took a second to think before saying: “No, but we both don't keep in touch daily, you know?” He swallowed a sob, probably with regret, but then his eyes lit up with some information: “'But Y/n surely know, they both spoke to each other every day, if my father was thinking differently, surely she know.”
The mention of your name hit Reid with a very different wave. Bringing a very different feeling than it should. At that moment, he felt himself holding the air.
For a second, a lapse of consciousness, Spencer had not connected any of this with your physical presence. The notion that you were Gideon's daughter was obvious but, for some reason, Spencer didn't think about the fact that you were going to be there. That you would share the same air with him again, the same place...
“We will have to call her, bring her here to see if something has been left, or taken. If there is anything important on the scene.” It was Hotch.
“I called her as soon as you guys called me.” Stephen said “She arrived from California the day before yesterday, my father and she were going to travel.” He tried to swallow the crying, his eyes trembling.
"And you weren't going?" Rossi added.
“I have a son and a wife.” He gave a smile broken by the sadness of the mourning “They would stop by before I go… Y/n was going to tell me the news, since our schedules hardly match much, she works as an astronomer in…”
“Caltech.” Spencer completed, without even realizing it, like a thought out loud.
“Yea.” Stephen agreed.
Spencer felt a chill go from head to toe, and another ton of feelings were thrown at his back. The reality that he was going to see you again hit him hard. Like an arrow. Suddenly, Reid wanted to get out of there. Run as far as possible.
He couldn't see you. He had no ability to deal with those feelings now. Not now, when his life was so overwhelmed with emotions for Gideon’s death that he still hadn't dealt Not when you aroused the feeling of... hope. Spencer can’t could hope, of any kind. Not for them to be taken from him with visceral force. Reid was already hurt enough for handling another fall.
“... But I don't think it's a good idea for my sister to be here, anyway.” Stephen continued to speak.
Rossi and Hotch frowned: “Why?”
“They were very connected. Seeing this scene is not going to do her any good...” he sobs this time “Y/n is not like me… she is sentimental, emotional. ”
“As long as you're trying to stay calm, she'll be the opposite.” Hotch completed.
“I just don't want my sister to suffer anymore and...”
But it was too late for Stephen to complete. It was too much for Spencer to escape. It was too late to be born again, in a different life.
A gray car moved forward on the stone road, at too high a speed not to have washed several road fines. That was so much typical of you who hurt Spencer's heart pieces more than he thought possible. More than he thought he could feel at the time. You were always so wild at the wheel. But Reid didn't have time to finish a thought, not even Rossi, Hotch, Morgan who was with them or even Stephen. Because car brutally stopped it, the door opened and…
And it was as if the sun came out from behind the clouds after years. As if summer had finally come after decades of overwhelming winter. In a burst, everything you've ever represented for Spencer has come back for him once again. And he felt the same thing that he felt when he first saw you, 8 years ago. And he was catatonic.
You got out of the car in a very hurried and desperate way. And as much as there were tears in your eyes and redness in cheeks, Spencer has never seen anyone so beautiful. Your hair was longer, in a brighter shade, maybe you had dyed it. Your features were more lyrical and beautiful, and Reid thought that the passage of time had no effect on you. While he considered himself just less clumsy over the years, you proved to be blooming like Romania's most superb rose.
“DAD!” But that was when your desperate voice brought Reid's consciousness back to earth.
You weren't calling your brother, you weren't asking why, you weren't in mourning. You were in denial. Disbelieving. You called out to your father, with the certainty that he would show up. And the despair in your eyes hurt Reid more than being shot.
But before the agents could do anything, you were running towards the house and Stephen ran towards you, taking you in his arms, trying to keep you from getting inside.
“LET ME GO, STEPHEN!” You struggled, trying to get rid of your brother's arms, your hair messing with the wind, tears streaming down your eyes. “They are wrong! It's not our father! Let me fucking go! DAD!”
“Y/n” Stephen had a broken heart in his eyes, some tears streaming down his eyes “You need to calm down before you get in there !”
“LET ME GO!” Yours sobs broke the hearts of the four agents over there “DAD!” You was cryng out, almost like a prayer, in a desperate call.
"He's gone, Y/n.” Your brother kept his arms stronger in you, trying to contain you while you struggle in trying to break free and go inside the house, under the illusion that you would find your father there.
“NO!” Now your crying was continuous “I spoke to him yesterday! It's not him, Stephen!” Then your brother turned you to him, holding you tight, and you melted into a visseral pain “It can't be him!”
“I know...” he sobbed, looking at you with the same shared pain “I know...”
So you gave yourself up to a painful, loud and desperate crying, the kind that won't let you breathe. And, unlike Reid, you fallen down. Your knees found the stone and grass floor, your hands clasped on Stephen's shirt, who knelt on the floor with you, delivered the pain you both shared.
You knew what your father's risks were in working in such a dangerous profession. Expose yourself to constant and frightening danger. You always knew about the risks, you just tried to ignore them all your life, sinking your fears about your father not coming home at night. Then, when he let the BAU, that fear dissipated. You felt a colossal weight being lifted off your shoulders, like tons of lead, and you let go of a fear so great that you didn't even know you had it.
For 8 years you thought that the chances of him not coming home were over, that the chances of seeing him the next day had increased dramatically. For 8 years you two traveled together, stopping at every type of diner for milkshake, chocolate ice cream and mint - his favorites - For 8 years you had your best friend, the only thing you knew you had in the world. You always knew that if you were drowning in the ocean, it would be your father who would give his lungs for you to breathe.
You didn't see a life without Gideon.
For you, you were crying for hours in what one day was your father's backyard, totally devastated, but for the rest of the world it was a matter of minutes.
Your sobs were so loud and real that Hotch and Rossi caught themselves with watery eyes, perfectly understanding the pain you were going through, the devastation. The two had lost many people, many of them being essential pieces to be able to continue breathing. Many of them felt wounds that would never heal.
But it was Rossi who approached you, the pain at the top of his throat, his mind wandering the day Gideon said he was going to have a little girl. Unlike Stephen, Rossi never saw you in person, but the sparkle in Jason's eyes whenever he talked about you, or with you on the phone, was enough to know that you were one of the essential pieces to keep breathing.
“Hi, my name is Rossi.” He knelt in front of you and your face went towards him, your cheeks and nose as red as your eyes.
“M-my dad talked about you."” You were still sobbing, slowly letting go of Stephen's shirt.
"Good things, I hope.” The two of you laughed like a sigh, and soon the pain returned to your eyes in a visseral way. “I know this is not fair, and I know it is asking too much, but I need you to go inside and try to find something out of place. Something that whoever did this to your father may have taken or left. ”
You closed your eyes in pain, tears streaming as you sobbed. Your hands, trembling and cold, went to your face, perhaps trying to hide from reality, perhaps wiping away tears. Maybe both. When you looked back at Rossi again, you saw the pain in his eyes too.
"I don't know if I can do it.” You admitted, your voice shaking.
"I know.” Rossi took his hand to yours, squeezing comfortingly “But only you can help us now, help other daughters not lose their father to the same killer. Being inside in the house can bring information that is in your subconscious. I promise you will make it, we will all be here with you.”
His handshake got stronger, and it reminded you of your father. That should have been the same way he comforted the victims' relatives, the way he was supposed to act with people.
'Everyone is somebody's son.' That's what Gideon said. It hit you like an atomic bomb. And, for a moment, you thought it was possible to die of sadness.
You squeezed Rossi's hand tightly, as if you were looking for courage. When you opened eyes again, you gave a weak nod. Carefully, as if any sudden movement is capable of causing you more pain, you stood up, your legs wobbly, your heart bleeding, sadness clouding your vision. Rossi put his hand behind your back, in a way to make sure him were there, as an anchorage in reality that would not let you get lost in the valley of sadness and pain.
As you walked up to the house, you didn't see the other agents, you didn't see the trees, the cars. At that time, you didn't even know what color the sky was anymore. It was like a suspended moment, when the world is in slow motion, the hemisphere is terrified. The sadness was palpable in the breeze, in the way that the rays of the sun did not reach the ground. The whole land looked like mourning.
As soon as you stepped inside the house, the smell of home and Gideon hit your nose, and you felt your face tighten in an expression of pure pain. You didn't notice the agents coming in behind you, you didn't notice Penelope and JJ. You just saw the furniture, the decor, his stuff. As if Gideon had just left for the market and was going to come back.
Everything was in was there. Minus the most important thing: him.
You did not notice when Rossi left you, you did not notice who approached. Everything was in a haze of pain.
But that's when you saw the strong blood marks on the floor, stuck to the wood with possession. A cold shiver as sighed from death ricocheted through your entire body, bristling all over your skin. In a burst, like the bursting of a violin string, the mist dissipated, the state of tupor burst, and reality hit you with overwhelming force.
And then the plug fell.
Jason Gideon had died.
You fell again, barely noticing the sobs and loud crying starting to come out again, the most desperate and painful in you life. But this time the arms that took you were different, bringing with you sensations that you haven't felt in a long time. That a long time ago you forgot that you could feel.
They were long, thin, and contained a vigor hidden beneath the thin facade. The smell of his presence was… heaven. That feeling was your anchorage on the high seas, in the valley of despair, and you clung to him for fear of drowning, of not finding your way back home.
You didn't have to see it to know who it was.
You turned to the arms that took you, now Spencer kneels with you on the floor, and you cried in a way that you never cried before, with a visseral pain. Your hands went to the brown cardigan he wore, closing there as if the fabric was your only chance for salvation.
So you looked at the immensity of the his brown irises.
"He was the only thing I had, Spen.” You sobbed loudly with the crying, gently swaying his coat, your voice utterly torn.
Spencer felt his eyes sting, his throat lock and the remains of what was his heart ache in a hideous way.
“I know.” He felt a tear run down his left cheek, his hands on your arms.
At this time, the two of you supported each other. Gideon meant a lot to you two. An irreplaceable role in yours life. And Spencer knew that was what you were talking about when you said:
"He was the only thing we both had.” You closed your eyes, your hands still firmly on his coat, your heart pounding.
But this time Spencer's voice was just as broken when he said: “I know.”
Then he hugged you.He hugged you for everything. He hugged you because it was a pain that only you two could understand. He hugged you because you needed it, and because he needed too.
Jason Gideon had a special connection with you two, a connection that only the two of you had ever experienced. Each relationship with Gideon was different, special in different ways, but only the two of you had him as a protector, mentor, a much more paternal and confidant figure. He was the kind of person you could leave your life in his hands, the kind who would teach you the secret of the worlds, show you what goodness was and at the same time strength. And you two had that.
You stained Reid's coat with tears, and Reid stained you with the strong smell he had. He stepped far enough away to be able to see your face perfectly, at a considerable distance, and, against everything he had ever done before with anyone, he took your face in his hands, his eyes fixed on your in pain shared.
“We will catch how did it.” Reid assured you, as if he had tattooed this words on your skin. You closed your eyes in pain, but he brought you back “Hey, keep looking at me."
So you did it. Because you would always follow Spencer. To hell if he asked.
"Don't take your eyes off mine, okay?” His voice was so sweet, so gentle, and you couldn't have done anything but agree. “When was the last time you spoke to Gideon?”
“Yesterday.” You replied “We were going to travel to the beach today, I took a vacation from work.”
“Was he at home when you two talked?”
The team looked at each other, with several questions in those look.
You denied it, the hiccup now because of the shortness of breath you had because of the crying.
“He stopped at Roanoke for...” and that's when you seemed to remember something.
Your eyes widened softly, your lips trembled, and you let out a stammering sigh as you try to remember something very important.
“What do you remember?” Spencer stroked your cheeks with his thumbs, trying to calm the beating of your heart that went back to being frantic and making you focus on the question, not the sea of ​​emotions you felt.
“He…” was when your eyes fluttered before meeting Reid's again. “He said he saw a woman on the news who was found dead. And ... and that he had to make sure of one thing ”
Rossi looked at Hotch, who gave an attentive and objective expression.
“Did he tell you why?” His eyes closed again and you sobbed. Reid moved closer, bringing your face back in his direction again “Look at me, Y/n.”
As soon as you did, he gave you a gentle smile, but contained all the pain in the world. He understood what you were felling.
“Why was he interested in the case?” He changed the question.
“I-it was something about...” you searched in your mind “Girl named Tara. I don’t know. He mentioned about a blue butterfly tattoo on her ankle as well, and that it was something to do with a… a case or something.”
“1978” Rossi interrupted and everyone looked at him “Gideon and I worked on a case in 1978, the suspect was never caught and Tara was a teenager who we thought had been kidnapped by him. The killer left dead birds in the hands of the victims ”
“But he didn't mention birds and...” That's when your eyes, fluttering, darted around the room and you stopped abruptly.
Spencer turned his attention to you again, seeing that you were staring somewhere. His hands slowly left your face and he asked:
“The board.” You pointed to your father's board, which had a beautiful brown bird.
“Does say anything to you?” Rossi turned his attention to you.
You shook your head, your body too exhausted to go to the painting and examine it.
“He shot the board.” You looked at the agents “My father loved that painting, he never would have done that. Even though my father is stunned, he has the best aim I have ever seen.”
“The devil is in the details." Rossi went to the pinting and, after two seconds, turned to the team and said “I already know who did this.”
You let out a gigantic sigh of relief as the agents split up to continue the case, speaking so fast that you couldn't keep up.
“I helped?” You looked at Spencer, tears still shining in your eyes.
He smiled and nodded “Very.”
But when he got up, you took his hand, making Reid turn his attention back to you again, a questioning look on his face.
“You're going to get it, aren't you?” The sob invaded your voice "Promise me that you will catch him, Spen."
Reid took his hand in your, giving you a strong, comforting squeeze before saying:
"I will. I promise.”
And then he left, along with the other agents.
- - -
You thought you knew what pain was, the loss, the tightness in the heart. You thought that your many relationship breakdowns showed you what it was like to suffer. But you have never been so wrong. None of that compared to how you were now, to what you felt.
You would trade that feeling for anything in the world.
This was terrible. A cold, coercive, brutal and cruel feeling. As if you were at the bottom of a black ocean, unable to breathe, falling deeper and deeper, consumed by the overwhelming cold of the water.
It was impossible to say in words how you felt. But if it were you had to define it in one word you would say: pain. A pain that bends you, a pain that makes you want to scream, that pierces your lungs so that it is not possible to breathe, but that even so, you fight for air.
It was pain at its rawest, most brutal, sharp and atrocious like a dagger blade. You would go through Dante's hells for eternity instead of living one day with that pain.
Since Spencer and the agents went after the person in charge, you have sat on the steps of the front door, watching the nature, the shaking of the trees, but your attention was so far, far away. Perhaps unattainable.
Gideon always loved watching the seasons go by, and in that moment, you wondered if looking at the same thing he looked at every day would make you feel close to him. Feel with him. It had only been three days since you last saw him, when he picked you up at the airport, but you felt like you were past three lives. How would you go without it? How were you able to think of living without it?
You pulled your knees up against your chest, hugging your legs, the metallic, atrocious and icy taste of devastation stuck to yours in your mouth. The trees shook hard, forcing the birds to fly away, but you didn't feel cold. You were not feeling the cold breeze hit your body, nor were your muscles contracting in exhaustion from the hard wood of the steps you were sitting on.
The hunger, the cold, the heat or the craving could not reach you, as if the pain had paralyzed all your system. Probably your soul.
You didn't see when Stephen put father's blanket over your shoulders, nor did you hear his sobs for seeing you so devastated. But you smelled Gideon, and the warmth of the blanket was like having his arms around you again. Then the rest of the water in your body found its way to your eyes and crying was as automatic as breathing.
You were clinging to Spencer taking the son of a bitch who did it, trying to chase away any other thoughts that weren't about that. You didn't want to think about what would happen after he was caught. Which meant his capture for you. It would bring justice to Gideon, honoring his name, his life, but it wouldn't bring him back. What was taken from you would not be repaired, regardless of the end of that damned man.
When he was caught, you would have nothing else to focus on instead.
You don't know how long you stayed there. Hours? Days? The those peach and gold tones in the sky is from dusk or the dawn of a new day?
You had lost track of time, as if your watch had stopped since the time Gideon died.
The sound of cars on the road was the only thing that pulled you out of your fucking valley, and as soon as the black SUVs stopped, you stood up as if you had been waiting your whole life for that moment. The blanket fell from your shoulders, heart accelerated at an alarming rate, and for a second, everything was gone from your mind.
Rossi was the first to get out of the car, but yours eyes darted to Reid. You wanted to run, ask what had happened, listen to the answers. But you were paralyzed in place. Afraid of the truth, of reality.
What would become of you after that news?
Spencer came towards you without hesitation, and you couldn't take your eyes off him for a second. He didn't say anything, nor did he explain anything. It was not needed. The way he reached out his hand and placed your father's rings in your palm were enough answers.
Your whole body shook and you looked at Reid with more emotions than askers.
"He is dead." He told you, and it made you fall down again.
But this time you fell into his hugging, clinging to him in despair. There were many meanings in that embrace: gratitude, relief, fear, pain and grief. And Spencer hugged you back in the same way.
You two stayed that way for a while, even when the agents went to talk to Stephen, even when Garcia and JJ left the house, even when the cold wind hit you both.
“Thanks." You heard yourself say it, and Spencer shook his head, signaling that it wasn't necessary, and the two of you moved away.
So you went to Rossi, and hugged him too. In that second, Rossi could feel Gideon in that hug, and it took a second to not cry.
“Your father was a great man." He told you when the two of you walked away, and you agreed on a sad smile.
"He was." You looked down at the rings in your hand, staying a second there before turning to the agents and saying: “You guys are going to the funeral, aren't you? I ... my dad would like it w-very much.”
"Of course." Rossi guaranteed it.
As they walked away and went back to the car, heading for their own houses, your eyes met Spencer's and he whispered in the air to you:
“I will see you at the funeral."
You nodded, giving you a sad, grateful smile. And while everyone was leaving and you were looking at the rings in your hand again, you had a feeling that your story with Spencer had just started over.
A/n: I also lost a very important person to death, and for everyone who went through it too, I mean that no one is alone! My message box is open if you need anything! Love you❤️
Tagged @gublersuvula
🍒 @misshale21
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eagles-translated · 3 years
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Answering Eagles questions before the season 3 finale (Part 2/2)
I've received a bunch of questions since 3x08 and 3x09 dropped, so I compiled all the questions into two posts. I had to split them up because Tumblr only allows 10 images per post. Anyway, keep reading to see my answers and enjoy! 👇
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There might be some kind of collaboration between Amie and Ludde like last season—we have only heard snippets of Ludde's song submission to the music school and it wouldn't surprise me if we saw Amie perform the song in its entirety in the last episode. I touched on this a little in part 1 of answering these questions.
It seems like Amie singing at the end of the season has become kind of a recurring theme. She performed “Follow” in 1x08 and “Second Sight” in 2x10 (on the radio, but my point still stands). I wouldn’t be surprised if they followed this trend by having Amie perform a new song in the season 3 finale.
I'm not sure if she'll recommend Ludde to the record label, though. I honestly still feel like Amie's whole storyline with sending in a rather basic demo written by two teenagers with little to no experience and then getting praised on it with comments such as "it's going to be a real summer hit" felt so unrealistic to me. Maybe they only said that so Amie would accept their offer or something, but that's still very strange because she would have still said yes without a doubt.
I can understand that they thought Amie was marketable as a person and there was this bonus with her having gone viral before on Felicia's Instagram, but that demo did not seem good enough for me to be immediately released as a single and then have them decide on the spot that Amie would be given a contract.
I mean, come on. It never felt earned because we never really saw Amie struggling with her songwriting journey to achieve this dream. Sending in one demo to one record label and having them immediately want to make a whole album with you just doesn't happen in real life unless the song is extremely good or you have a very unique voice. Amie is really talented but there are hundreds of people just like her, if not thousands. I was never convinced by her getting signed so quickly in season 2.
I understand that they wanted to establish her as a successful artist, but that felt so rushed. I was so sure that the record label would screw her over and steal the song rights to record it with another artist who was already established, and that we'd have to see Amie work even harder to achieve her dreams. But we didn't get that at all. Where was the struggle?
Anyway, I'm getting a little off-topic here. To be honest I have a lot of problems with the writing sometimes, even if I still love the show and its characters. Of course I wanted to see Amie achieve success (and I was happy when she did), but the journey there was so bizarrely easy.
She didn't start to seriously work on making her music career become a reality until season 2. Amie had dabbled in music prior to that, like when she auditioned for the school band and did that performance of Follow, but she didn't truly start to work towards it until season 2 when she decided to have her work sent to professionals in the business. And then, just five episodes later, she gets contacted by the record label in Stockholm.
To put this into context—season 2 took place somewhere around March, and episode 5 around three weeks into April. So when Ludde first started helping Amie it took less than two months for her to get signed. You could argue that the song was just that good or that Amie is just that talented, but it never felt like a realistic storyline to me.
So, back to your question! I need to stop getting so sidetracked while answering these haha. I don't think it would be realistic for the record label to hire a teenager with no professional songwriting experience, likely a very small portfolio of his own work in both size and variety, having a criminal record, and on top of that being infamous in the press for abusing his ex-girlfriend. If Amie offered the ultimatum to her label that she'll only return with Ludde, who has an incredibly bad reputation right now, it feels like she would be running the risk of losing the contract entirely.
There's only so much her label can put up with. We've seen Amie ignore their calls with no intention of reassuring them that she's coming back soon. Honestly, with the way things are looking right now it makes the most sense for the contract to be dropped. By Amie or by the label, I don't know.
The episode description for the season finale says that Ludde will get some sort of justice and it could be about his music (or something related to whatever Andreas is doing).
I believe Amie will be doing a live performance of Ludde's song at a New Year's Eve party in episode 10 but I doubt that Ludde will be picked up as a producer. If he actually does I would find that to be a very unrealistic plot point, to be completely honest with you.
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This is an issue I had with 3x08 and 3x09 as well. I had a hard time actually enjoying the moment between Felicia, Klara, and Amie knowing that her family was getting increasingly worried for her and even thought for a short moment that Felicia was lying dead at the bottom of the ocean. All that could've been avoided.
To add, it didn't make a lot of sense to me that when Klara finally decided to call someone she called Amie instead of Elias. An ex-friend of Felicia's instead of her brother who could've helped a lot more. What was Amie supposed to do when she showed up at the hotel, exactly?
I know there was the thing with Klara only knowing Amie's number off the top of her head, but there is no reason why she couldn't have gone down to the reception while Felicia was sleeping and asked to use a computer just to get a quick message to Elias. Like, "hey, Felicia attempted something bad but she's safe with me, we're at this hotel in this room but she didn't want me to call anybody, I don't know what to do". That would've been so much better than keeping quiet about the situation for nearly 24 hours.
I know that Klara probably has trauma from leaving her dad at the hospital after his suicide attempt and that she probably didn't want to go against Felicia's wishes. I understand the first part 100%. But Felicia was in a very bad place emotionally and was thinking that her whole family hated her when that wasn't the case. I feel like in a situation like that you kind of have to be the bad guy just to ensure the family that Felicia was safe. Even if everything turned out alright in the end, it could've gone so much worse if Felicia had wanted to be kept hidden for longer.
The ending of 3x08 was super tough to watch and I can't imagine the feeling of thinking your only daughter/sister drowned herself after you just yelled at her and showed no support. Klara couldn't have known any of this, but I feel like she should've at least contacted Elias if she wasn't taking Felicia to a hospital.
Elias calling Amie would've been an easy solution to this whole debacle but we would've lost the drama. It's still somewhat of a plot hole though, like you said.
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Thank you for reading that whole post @detectivejulesohara!
The clip you're referring to was posted on Yandeh Sallah's Instagram account, so not in a trailer for this season.
I think that was either just fanservice or it will appear in season 4 since it was posted in May of this year, and I believe the filming of season 3 had already wrapped by then.
It might indicate that Elias and Amie will be a couple by season 4 (this actually seems very likely regardless if this is actually part of a scene or not).
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I think Elias is getting increasingly frustrated with hockey and the fact that he doesn't really have any other ambitions to strive for. He was raised with nothing but hockey surrounding him and it's in his blood. Elias got drafted to the US at around the same age as Mats, but Elias left after a year because he just wasn't progressing.
That must feel like a huge step back, and on top of that Mats was probably thriving in his successful career around the age that Elias is now. It's a tough difference in success to have weighing on your shoulders when you're in a team that's second to last in the rankings.
There's even the accusation in the press that Mats paid for Elias to advance in the rankings, and I'm sure that's going to affect his career negatively.
I think Elias overworking himself could also be the result of him feeling like he has to prove that returning to Eagles—a small club that is probably having their worst season ever—was in fact the right choice and not the death of his elite hockey career. That choice was very questionable from the very start and his agent advised against it. Even Mats found it strange. Elias said that he didn't really have a choice most likely because of the clause in his contract, but then he also claims to Mats that things just turned out that way.
Ludde: You don’t regret coming back [to Eagles]? Elias: I didn’t really have a choice.
The idea that he didn't have a choice in the matter doesn't seem accurate. His agent told him there were other alternatives like Jokerit (a professional ice hockey team based in Helsinki, Finland) and that they could find something better than Eagles. Elias seemed kind of defeated already and the decision to return to Eagles didn't feel thought-through at all. It's almost like he just didn't care.
Agent: [...] Jokerit has called and I’ve had a great conversation with them, so they’re on. Elias: You know what? Let’s skip all the trouble. Let’s go with Eagles, it’ll be great. Agent: What? Elias: I’m so tired of moving all the time anyway, plus I’ll be close to my family. Agent: Wait, I thought that you— Eagles has big economical problems, and… Sorry, but their season started awfully. We can get a better team. You understand, right? Elias: Yeah, but we can’t get a team that needs me as much. Plus— If they say they want to see development, I’ll give them that. Agent: Wait— They’re under the line. We’re talking about qualifying down directly. You can’t in earnest believe you’ll change that on your own. Elias: It’s perfect. I’ll only go up, as you like to say.
It also seems like he's maybe realizing that hockey isn't everything and that there are other things he might want to explore and pursue in his life. I think Elias is feeling kind of stuck right now. He's been training his whole life for one purpose which is a professional career in hockey, and maybe he feels like Mats wouldn't allow him to quit. That option doesn't exist to him.
Like you said, Mats had that comment where he labeled Ludde a "quitter" and Elias stressed the fact that there shouldn't be anything wrong with losing interest and deciding to pursue something else.
Mats: Can you imagine that he’s just quitting? I mean, I’m completely— He really didn’t strike me as a quitter. So fucking close. [...] Elias: [...] Ludde, he’s… He’s not a quitter, he’s just didn’t want it anymore. That should be fair.
However, quitting is seen as failure to Mats. Mats dropped everything when he got drafted. He left his relationship with Petra seemingly without a second thought, because hockey comes before everything for Mats. Felicia even mentioned back in season 1 how her father was just a voice in a telephone for most of her childhood. He barely had any presence in her life because he was busy with hockey.
When Klara tells Elias that he's always putting hockey first, he gets angry but he doesn't outright deny it. In fact, he kind of changes the subject to shift attention away from Klara's claim.
Klara: This— You haven’t changed at all. You’re always putting yourself first. Elias: Excuse me? Klara: Yes, it’s either you or hockey. Elias: Stop! What the— Klara: I can’t take this. Elias: Are you leaving now? I wasn’t the only one you dumped. You’ve been acting like shit to Felicia. Yeah, and Amie and Ludde too, for that matter. You haven’t thought about that? So don’t come here and say I’m the egoist.
This is kind of an interesting thought—that maybe Elias subconsciously knew that was Klara is saying is true to some degree and that he has been putting hockey first. He decided to get on the train to the draft combine in Seattle instead of staying with Klara, and a year later he realizes that things didn't turn out the way that he'd planned and he returns to Eagles.
Maybe Elias is trying so hard to be someone who he just isn't, and it's affecting so many aspects of his life negatively. He lost Klara, he had to repeat almost his whole last year in high school because of moving to the US, and now he seems to be stuck in Oskarshamn. He's previously expressed to Amie that this isn't necessarily where he wanted to end up.
Elias: [...] Hey, is it just me or is there something about this town that… It sort of feels like no matter how much you try to get away, it… It pulls you back somehow.
It's kind of strange that he doesn't want to be in Oskarshamn, and yet he was the one who chose to return. Maybe he somehow feels like he has some purpose there because it keeps pulling him back. He just doesn't know what that purpose is.
Elias tried coming back to Eagles to turn things around for them, and they did win a game against the Capitals but that victory was later tarnished by the fight that broke out between the two teams (and to add to this, the loss of Ludde who used to be one of the star players and Klara as a sponsor). That kind of overshadowed their whole victory. Elias was very determined to do something to help and it very much feels like he needs Eagles to succeed—he needs to sort of "redeem" himself.
Elias: [...] Can I do anything? Can I go talk to— I could go talk to the sponsor. Mats: Let’s deal with it later. I’ll solve this. You have to go to school now. Elias: But we can finish talking— Mats: You can— No. Try to think of something else. Alright?
I think that Elias's desperation for Eagles to do well could absolutely lead to him eventually deciding to be a coach. He doesn't really seem to want the life that Mats had after seeing how success turned out for him—a broken family that he barely cares about because hockey occupies his mind more than caring for his children or repairing the relationship with Leila.
I think Elias being a hockey coach could suit him, but I would also love to see him exploring things outside of hockey—maybe even his interests outside of sport entirely.
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I kind of agree with you on this. Klara has apologized to Felicia and been forgiven, but we've never seen her properly apologize to Amie for filming that video of her and posting it on social media. Amie and Ludde were in the wrong, yes, but that video being posted was humiliating for both of them. They had to deal with the ramifications of that for months after with the whole school judging them in silence.
To be fair, the video was posted a long time ago in the show's time frame (nearly two years ago if I'm right?) and they all kind of moved on from it. To add to this, maybe she felt it would've been kind of awkward to apologize with Felicia in the room.
Felicia was so hurt by that video being posted and I think it would feel very weird for her that Klara would apologize for posting the video when it's the sole reason Felicia found out what had been done to her. Without that video, she would've probably gone a few more months without being told what happened at the Halloween party.
I'm waiting for a Klara and Amie reconciliation in this season finale. I feel like this is something that should be discussed between just the two of them, and maybe they'll sneak in some blessing from Klara with the whole budding Elias and Amie relationship? I'd be happy with just a reconciliation, though, but I'm unsure if we'll get one. I have a feeling they'll start the season finale with a time jump and I don't know if Klara is even going to be in Oskarshamn by that time.
If we don't see them reconnecting in the season finale I will be pretty disappointed, to be honest.
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Thank you! I really appreciate you too @lunawedlers (your gifsets are absolutely magical)!
This question was sent in a while ago but as season 3 had just started airing I was very excited to see the development of Elias and Amie, mostly because the director had been hinting on Twitter that something would happen between them this season. I've been really interested in them ever since 1x03 and so far the wait has been worth it.
I think all episodes have great visuals, but if I had to pick one I would probably say 3x06. All those shots of Elias and Amie on the walk through the park, the drone shots, and then the view from that bench spot were so gorgeous visually. That answer is more of a scene rather than a whole episode haha, but I think they really made the beauty of Oskarshamn stand out in those shots.
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I think Amie will have some sort of performance in the final episode of a new song and that Elias will be watching her! After reading the episode description for the final episode and seeing that there will probably be some New Year's Eve party going on, I have a feeling that Amie will be performing. She's always had a performance of a new song in every season finale and this one should be no exception.
They tricked us a little in the season 3 trailer with us thinking that Elias would be at one of Amie's concerts in Stockholm, but now I'm sure that this scene fits in at the New Year's Eve party.
I think we should keep our expectations low for a kiss between Elias and Amie. They just started developing their relationship, and I like the slow pace they're going in. They're not rushing anything. I also have this feeling that their development has deliberately been so slow because they're sort of "saving the best for last".
Elias and Amie are fan favorites and their relationship has been very talked-about from the beginning. I can see the writers maybe having decided to push their relationship more towards the end of the show, which is why we haven't really gotten any Elias and Amie content until now. That's frustrating if you're impatient and I've seen some people thinking that maybe Elias and Amie won't happen at all, but I don't think we need to worry at all. The fact that Elias and Amie's development has been so slow should indicate that they're much more likely to be endgame.
A kiss in episode 10 could definitely happen, but I don't know. Maybe they'll drag it out further. As I've said before, if they don't get one in season 3 they will absolutely be getting one in season 4. I've noticed that it's always best to keep your expectations low when it comes to this couple.
The episode description for the season finale said this about Elias, which some have interpreted to be about Amie.
New Year’s Eve is here. [...] But is Elias brave enough to say what everyone else already knows?
This could mean anything, really. I'm actually leaning more towards this being about an individual thing rather than Amie being involved. It could be about Elias admitting that he's been overworking himself and not eating properly, or coming clean about the fact that maybe he doesn't want a career in hockey. This is something that everyone else already knows, so I think it might be about hockey.
Felicia has observed the overworking, Mats has told him to stop with it, and Ludde might've had some inkling about it while he was still on the team. Even Amie has probably also noticed that he's been spending a lot of time at the gym lately.
I could absolutely be wrong about this though.
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Thank you for the question @lunawedlers!
This is a hard one because season 3 has had so many strong episodes already, and usually my favorite episode ends up being the season finale because it's basically the culmination of the whole season. I really loved 2x10 for this very reason since the ending montage was so well done.
If I had to pick between 3x01 - 3x09 though I would probably have to say it's a tie between 3x04 — Date night and 3x05 — Wounds! These two episodes showcased what Eagles should be all about so well, which is relationships plus the struggles you go through as a teenager in a small town, and then of course hockey. The hockey game episodes are really good, even if I don't think 3x05 topped 2x05 (the game where Ludde got tackled and knocked out).
I loved the contrast in Date night of the budding relationship between Elias and Amie and then that fight between Felicia and Ludde on the cliff. That whole scene between Felicia and Ludde on the cliff was actually really beautiful, especially when the sun had gone down.
It was interesting to see how this sweet gesture from Felicia turned into a fight between the two of them. I thought that was very realistic, because no matter how big of a gesture Felicia made to apologize there were still underlying problems that they needed to talk about.
I also loved the "non-date" between Elias and Amie in this episode. It was cute to see them goofing off before the movie started and then talking about it on the way home. I liked how Elias could connect to her on how they had both returned to Oskarshamn.
The recent episodes that dropped last week (3x08 and 3x09) were very strong and discussed some important subject matters, but I had a few problems with them that I discussed in a question above. They were dark, but not necessarily bad because they needed to happen.
However, I have to say that I prefer Eagles when it's about hockey and teenage relationships. 3x04 and 3x05 made me kind of nostalgic for season 1 and I liked the vibe they both had.
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I agree, but I think we could maybe get a combination of both! Relationships can have all these romantic and sweet traits like you described, but also be more passionate and show public displays of affection.
I think Elias and Amie fit the more laid-back and sweet characteristics, but we have yet to really see what Amie is like in a relationship. We've seen her with a crush on Ludde and we got a glimpse of that thing she had with Robin (which was apparently a relationship but I did not pick up on that at all), but we don't really know what Amie is like in a relationship. Maybe she's never really had a "real" one, either.
Nevertheless, I'm excited to see what's in store for Elias and Amie. I'm very positive that they will eventually become a couple in season 4.
17 notes · View notes
acciocriativity · 3 years
Helpless||Harry Potter
Pairing: George Weasley x Reader
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Summary: You are one of the students of the Beauxbatons commission and like the others you are determined to win the Triwizard Tournament but instead of the Goblet of Fire, you ended this season at Hogwarts with something better . 
Word Count: 2,0 k  
N / A: This story is based on the Helpless of the musical Hamilton and if you want, I recommend listening to the song along with the lyrics.
Part II 
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Ooh, I do, I do, I do, I do (hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
Hey! Ooh, I do, I do, I do, I do (Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey)
 I have come to be known for some characteristics over the years. For most of my colleagues, determination and patience, but for my family and especially my sister, I was always going to be a hopeless romantic. 
But then we heard about the Tournament and I would have to concentrate fully if my name came out of the Goblet of Fire, so I decided to leave this side of me in France. But that change did not last more than a few hours. 
Boy, you got me helpless
Look into your eyes, and the sky's the limit
 We were all sitting at the Ravenclaw table while the director finished announcing the Triwizard Tournament formalities and I couldn't be paying any less attention. From the moment I entered that room, a pair of bright brown eyes caught my eye. I couldn't help noticing the incredible amount of redheads on one table, but only one of them left me with a different feeling that I didn't know until now. 
Of course, I didn't spend much time looking. My goal here is very specific, I would not have time for distractions as my name could be called up tomorrow. 
- Of course, to travel to a swamp on the other side of the world, you're going to have to give up putting your name in the cup, right? - my sister asked in an irritated tone of voice and I had no idea why or what she was saying.
- Oh sure, I think it's a great idea, sis - I replied with a smile as I looked back at the director, but he was no longer standing - has he finished? Has he talked about the Yule Ball too?? - I asked, looking back at the older one. 
- Yes, why are you acting like this? Eat a little, I think the trip didn't do you much good - she replied with a worried tone, leaving the anger aside. 
I agreed to a nod and concentrated on the French food that had been kindly prepared for our arrival, but my eyes kept looking back at the table where he was one last time. 
I'm helpless
Down for the count, and I'm drownin 'in' on
 The next day, during the morning there was a circle of students around the Goblet of Fire but as soon as we arrived, they made room and then each one of us put the paper with our name in there. I chose to be the last in line, because I was in no hurry and for a single reason. He was there again. 
The same eyes, but now I could see more closely and without having to worry because it was not in my direction that they were. The boy was having a lively conversation with some other students and his own twin. 
After my turn passed, I walked over to where a friend was standing because I also wanted to see the rest of the competition, that's not exactly what happened. 
I admit it was a funny scene to see the two of them being thrown two meters out of that circle but at the same time, I was a little worried. 
I have never been the type to try and grab the spotlight
We were at a revel with some rebels on a hot night
 After a few months, we were finally at that ball that promised to be one of the best events of the year and perhaps the decade at Hogwarts. A lot of things changed in the meantime, the first was that I wouldn’t be the champion but I was vehemently rooting for Fleur, the second thing is that a minor had entered the competition and that turned this castle upside down and finally, I had managed to get close to that redhead. To be fair, me and Alexia. We both agreed that only an idiot would voluntarily sign up as a minor, this caught the attention of Harry Potter's friends and himself. 
In fact I learned his name, it's George, it's easy to tell when I can see his face. From the back, I don't have much of a guarantee and it's hard to see them standing still somewhere, so it's even more difficult for me that way. 
Laughin 'at my sister as she's dazzling the room
Then you walked in and my heart went, "Boom!"
 I had been invited by some boys before accepting to come with a student from Durmstrang, I confess that I hoped to be invited by George but I preferred not to risk waiting. 
I looked for my sister with my eyes and it was not difficult to find her, she was dancing with her own partner in the middle of the dance floor, impossible not to notice. They were even a beautiful couple, but I knew she was interested in someone else, I just didn't know who. Just as I hadn't told her about my feelings yet. 
My attention changed completely when I saw the door to the Great Hall open and the unaccompanied Weasley twins came in. My heart stopped for a second and I could feel it beat faster, some questions crossed my mind. I hadn't seen them before, did they come alone? Hope had returned. 
Tryin 'to catch your eye from the side of the ballroom
Everybody's dancin' and the band's top volume
 The slow song was over but I only noticed it when I saw the girl in front of me and then I smiled, trying not to lose sight of George but didn't go like that, since I was on the other side of the dance floor. 
- You were having fun out there, weren’t you?? - I asked with a smile, giving up looking over her shoulder, so I just focused on her face. 
- Yes, and where is your partner? You should be having fun too - she replied leaning against the wall beside me. 
- He said he was going to talk to his friends but so far he hasn't returned - I couldn't hide my indifference, because I never had to hide anything with her.  
Grind to the rhythm as we wine and dine
Grab my sister and whisper: Yo, this one's mine
- I know he wasn't your first choice, so who is it? I’m willing to know - his gaze left me and scanned the party full of people, looking for who could be right for me. 
- I wanted to make sure he was interested in me before I told you. It's George, from the first moment we arrived here for the first time - I didn't try to hide my smile or my passionate look when I finally found the redhead again. 
My sister made her way across the room to you (ooh)
And I got nervous thinking
"What's she gonna do?" (Ooh)
 In a moment, she was beside me with an expression I didn't recognize and a second later the brunette was walking towards the other side of the dancefloor. 
- Alexia, what are you going to do… - I didn't even try to speak out loud, because the music was incredibly loud for anyone but me to hear. 
To my horror, she walked towards the Weasleys and I
paralyzed. One of my sister's characteristics comes down to doing basically everything for me, I already knew that nothing bad could be in her intentions but that didn't relieve my nervousness. 
She grabs you by the arm
I'm thinkin ', "I'm through" (ooh)
Then you look back at me
And suddenly I'm helpless
 I couldn't look away even though I looked crazy to those outside, so the two stepped aside a few meters and I could hear my heartbeat increasing by the second. 
Would I like to be able to hear them? Certainly, but before I could think better about it. He looked directly at me. 
Oh, look at those eyes (look into your eyes)
And the sky's the limit
I'm helpless (I know)
Down for the count and I'm drownin '
Helpless (I am so into you)
 Few things in life have left me so nervous as that moment when George Weasley was walking towards me, with that smile on his face, the kind of smile I hadn't seen yet but perfectly matched his features. 
She accompanied him halfway and winked at me before returning to the dancefloor. I didn't know what to expect but I would thank her forever, if that was what my hopeless heart was telling me. 
Look into your eyes (I am so into you)
And the sky's the limit
I'm helpless
I know I'm down for the count
And I'm drownin 'in' in
 The night ended perfectly and I almost felt like it was fate, because his partner ended up dancing with my partner. So they didn't even care for a second about being "abandoned", not that I was going to let this opportunity just slip through my fingers. 
He was cute and kind, we danced and talked a little bit alone before going back to our friends. 
But this time it was different because we were never so close to each other, I couldn't help but notice his arm around my shoulder, making me stay even closer to him. 
That was my signal, the signal that this night meant something more to him too. 
One week later
I'm writin 'a letter nightly
Now my life gets better, every letter that you write me
 A week later, I had come to Paris with Ale to spend the Christmas holiday with our parents, but it didn't mean that we would lose contact. At that point it was past midnight when I was replying the letter I just received. 
The owl that brought it was barely able to flap its wings when it arrived here and as it was freezing outside, I left it in the cage with mine to rest. She drank some water and practically passed out, poor thing. 
- As I was saying, he really cares about you. Who wouldn't want someone like that? - she said after reading the letter I received. 
- You will find one of these soon, there is a whole group of boys waiting for the chance of their lives to show you that - I replied with a smile while thinking of the right words to answer, everything had to be extremely perfect.  
Laughin 'at my sister 'cause she wants to form a harem
I'm just sayin ', if you really loved me, you would share him
- Yes, but still, it is not enough - she replied pouting but then smiled as if an idea had crossed her mind - we shared everything, why not that too? - She completed folding the letter and I just laughed. 
- That's the only thing we can't share in this life and you're too jealous to share someone - I replied laughing even more at the expression she made. 
- I'm going to sleep, just don't take too long to answer this letter, ok? Tomorrow we will all go out together, in case your little head has forgotten - she gave me one last hug before leaving, but I noticed that the light in her room was on for a while longer.
 Many other things happened afterwards, but my hand is hurting and my ink is running out, so I'll leave the rest for later, ok? I promise don't keep you waiting to know what's happens next. See you tomorrow, dear diary. 
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Harry Potter Masterlist
25 notes · View notes
rayofsunas · 4 years
## | requests/wip.
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requests will never get deleted, but original ideas may if i no longer have the desire to write them out.
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## | requests.
requests are currently CLOSED.
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valentines au!; kaeya alberich | fluff
valentines au!
untitled; dainsleif | nsfw
m!reader is half human, half wolf
untitled; diluc ragnvindr | fluff
diluc usually does everything alone, but when it comes to his s/o, he’ll do anything with her.
untitled; scaramouche, xiao, diluc ragnvindr | crack, fluff, angst
s/o who gets hit on and shows they aren’t weak.
untitled; scaramouche, kaeya alberich, zhongli, diluc ragnvindr, albedo | crack, fluff
switching bodies and not remembering each other’s names.
untitled; diluc ragnvindr | angst, fluff
diluc has a bad nightmare and he’s very persistent when it comes to you trying to comfort him.
untitled; venti | angst
adeptus! s/o who died/lost their mind in front of venti.
untitled; diluc ragnvindr | angst, fluff
diluc has a bad nightmare and he’s very persistent when it comes to you trying to comfort him.
untitled; aether, albedo | fluff
s/o who is affectionate but too shy to ask for kisses/hugs, etc. but eventually, they warm up once the boys help them feel more comfortable.
untitled; xiao ft. scaramouche | fluff, angst
xiao falls for baby daddy universe! reader and they marry. they have a wholesome life together with mei, until scaramouche comes along after searching for reader for months/years.
untitled; kaeya alberich ft. scaramouche | angst, fluff
after reader and scaramouche split, years later he crosses paths with the reader once again. only to learn she has moved on with kaeya and has a second child. he can’t lie, seeing her happy with someone that’s not him, enrages him.
untitled; scaramouche | crack
scaramouche has a s/o who is similar to him personality-wise. they aren’t too harsh, but they’re definitely oddly similar and get along well because of it.
untitled; scaramouche | fluff
scaramouche doesn’t kick reader out when he learns of her pregnancy. how will he react?
untitled; scaramouche | fluff
scaramouche with a chubby s/o who’s personality is a mix of beidou and aizawa.
untitled; diluc ragnvindr ft. scaramouche | angst, fluff
reader finds a new love in diluc, which leads him to become mei’s stepfather! but scaramouche, of course, can’t accept this...
untitled; scaramouche | fluff
scaramouche with a s/o who is similar to sniper mask personality-wise, and is a fatui harbinger.
untitled; diluc ragnvindr, scaramouche | fluff, crack
the boys' reaction to their s/o who is normally sweet/gente/cuddly, turning extremely violent and angry when she hears someone badmouthing them.
untitled; scaramouche | fluff, crack
mei gifting scaramouche a drawing of their family portrait for father's day. he's torn between tearing up from the cuteness or pointing out how badly drawn it is because she doesn't know how to draw.
untitled; liyue characters | fluff
reader is selectively mute who always follows what others tell her (like kanao tsuyuri!). they're a dendro user and sword wielder, with speed, agility, and strength to match. and they also have some pretty great liyue friends there to always support and guide them.
untitled; beidou, kazuha | fluff
friends to lovers trope while in the crux.
untitled; scaramouche, kazuha | fluff
s/o who has similar powers to kugisaki nobara and is an exorcist like chongyun. they have a cryo vision.
untitled; scaramouche | fluff
scaramouche with a s/o similar to inumaki toge, with the same seal, power, and weakness, who hides their power behind bandages. of course, since you can't normally speak, you have a few safe words that are quite... odd.
untitled; kazuha | fluff, angst
kazuha offers his s/o a chance to awaken the now dead vision.
untitled; scaramouche | angst
scaramouche angst.
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## | original ideas.
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butterlies are warning signs; koushi suguwara | angst
“stop hurting yourself... thats my job.” sugawara was always a hopeless remonatic, so it wasn’t a shock when he dropped everything for a girl he barely knew and practically worshipped the ground she walked on. but after months of dating, he realizes that the butterlfies in his stomach were really just a gut feeling that she was bad news.
all i wanted was you; oikawa toru | angst, fluff, 25 days of christmas, marriage
you aren’t on very good terms with your estranged husband and this holiday season, your daughter only has one thing on her christmas list; for her mommy and daddy to be together again. you and oikawa try to work around having to confront each other and instead opt to “work together” to make her christmas wish come partially true. maybe, just maybe, she can bring you together again.
untitled; giyuu tomioka ft. zenitsu | crack, marriage
giyuu’s wife keeps getting proposed to by zenitsu despite the obvious.
untitled; ryomen sukuna, kento nanami, satoro gojo | poly relationship, crack, fluff, modern au (no curses, etc.), yuji itadori is sukuna and reader's son cause i said so, the rest of the children will be oc!
after the birth of your first child, you should've been much more careful with protection going forward... now you have three children, with three different fathers who are just a chaotic mess in each of their different ways. meet ryomen sukuna; your first, troubled, love who dodges his son like the flu and refuses to pay child support. satoro gojo; your second love, who although is more present than your other two lovers, likes to play games and always pays his daughter's child support late. and lastly, kento nanami; your last and more logical lover, who although tends to his son's needs with money, is rarely around for the emotional support and guidance needed. (this is basically a crack fic of reader trying to chase these men for child support and their presence down while dealing with three little demon children.)
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— works in progress.
works i'm currently working on.
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baby daddy series; scaramouche, chapter 4. | 1/3 done, not requested.
scaramouche was always content with it just being you and him. he preferred it that way. but when you find out you’re pregnant, the harbinger throws you out; he did not sign up for a baby. though, after a battle leaving him greatly wounded, he realizes he misses you by his bedside, taking care of him, your softness… scaramouche knows if he wants you, he’s going to need to show you that he can take care of your daughter and accept her.
untitled; xiao, albedo | fluff, angst
comforting their s/o through a storm.
untitled; scaramouche ft. xiao | angst, fluff
fathers day has rolled around the corner, and it's scaramouche's fourth father's day alone without any kind of celebration in his name, and without his daughter or ex anywhere to be seen... so, what better to do than check in on them on the sorrow day?
untitled; albedo, xiao, scaramouche, aether, xingqiu | fluff, crack
the boys with a fem! s/o who is a big romance/drama novel enthusiast and sometimes complains that the authors set incredibly high/impossible expectations for love in real life, meanwhile she has a boyfriend who is there to fit that role.
untitled; scaramouche | fluff, crack
set in the baby daddy universe where mei has a twin sister, both of whom scaramouche has a hard time dealing with, especially since they’re rambunctious toddlers and he has no idea what to do with them... unfortunately for him, he’s been tasked with looking after the two for a day.
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8.7.21, rayofsunas
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toonytoodles · 3 years
Random fun fact time! Ft. OCs! (Repost because I added more/ edited a lot of stuff)
Avery -
- Sneezes like a kitten, and most of the time she accidentally uses her fire breathe when she sneezes, so watch out
- Sleeps on a rock
- Is made uncomfortable by actual dragons, it's just... too weird for her...
- Has a strange and inexplicable extreme fear of eels
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- Reacts to fear by singing/humming/speaking very loudly, and also by running and screaming (basically, how markilpler acts when playing horror games? yeah that)
- At least once a week her dad has to help her brush through her hair, he says they should get it cut but she absolutely refuses
- Owns a few pairs of gloves- most of which look nearly identical. Some are for different days, some pairs are for bedtime, and some are for special occasions, but she also has some different types and styles of gloves for different events
- Loves the holidays, dislikes the weather that comes with it
- Absolutely hates people touching/messing with her tail, even if it's by accident she gets kinda mad. That's hers- don't touch it. (Emma's the only exception to this simply because it can't be avoided- although Emma does try to touch it as little as possible)
- Slightly allergic to pollen
- She has a clicking-like purr
- If you scratch under her chin she'll purr and relax, but if scratch a certain spot on her neck she'll sleepily fall over
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- Adopted as an egg and raised by her human father and fairy mother
- Has a Scottish accent 
- Works as a Glazier (glass blower) and makes potion bottles, also helps with making the potions, and occasionally costumer service and boring stuff like stocking/inventory
Emma -
- Plays with hoodie strings and/or hair when upset or nervous (it happens often, her hoodie strings are sorta worn out)
- She's a big fan of animals! Especially bears, puppies, and unicorns, she thinks they're adorable! When she was younger she used to like dragons quite a bit too
- She's a protective friend and big sister, and she's a little over protective over people she cares about
- Tends to read into things; if your tone or demeanor is slightly different she begins worrying that something's wrong or that she did something. She also tends to believe that no one actually wants to be her friend or wants to be nice to her, but that they're only being nice because they're afraid of her or pity her.
- LOVES HUGS!!! Absolutely loves them, hugging other giants, hugging people smaller than her, getting hugs, giving hugs, she loves hugs
- Once accidentally ate a fake candy cane decoration, off someone's front lawn, because she thought it was real gigantic candy, left out for giants (she was like four, so it made sense to her then, but she still gets made fun for it a bit by her family)
- Loves snow and winter
- Her favorite color is probably blue
- Is surprisingly good at sneaking up on people, for someone 30ft tall she's quiter than most borrowers
- Is the second oldest of five kids, her older brother Rory is 23, her younger brother Richard is 15, and her youngest sisters Aroura and Tiana are 6 and 8, and they're all pretty close
- Her dad is a size shifter, and so are Richard and Tiana, the rest of the family are giants
- She's ambidextrous
- Very cautious of her surroundings
- Hates surprises/being scared
- Bi-romantic and ace
Sofia -
- Can write without looking at what she's doing
- Only wears slip on shoes or shoes with Velcro/zippers, she never learned how to tie them, she couldn't figure out what to do with her head or look at what she was doing
- She's an artist! She likes to paint!
- Has a hard time saying "no," so when she says it, she means it
- Hates surprises and people sneaking up on her
- Has a pet python named Albert
- Probably the only person on the planet who has worse anxiety than Emma
- Don't call her "Soph" or "Sophie," and she gets mildly annoyed when her name is misspelled
- Typically uses right arm to carry head and left hand for everything else
- Has a weird sense of humor
- Has a million stuffed animals, has like 20 on her bed, but Rupert the blue bunny is her favorite
- She has an enchanted scarf that allows her to wear her head when needed, she doesn't usually use it because she's not used to it & it gives her anxiety (she's scared of the scarf falling off/being taken off unexpectedly) but she has it and uses it on occasion, mostly at home
- She doesn't let anyone else hold her head, it seriously freaks her out, her dad is the only exception, but Avery held her once for a group photo (her body took the picture)
-She loves singing and has a soft beautiful voice but is too shy to sing around anyone 🎶
- She was bullied when she was younger and doesn't like to talk about it, she already gets emotional easily and those memories hurt
- She loves Avery's jokes and has a bit of a weird sense of humor
- She's adopted, she lives with her human father (another fun fact, her dad is one of Avery's parents best friends!)
- Unlike Avery, she wasn't adopted as a baby, she was about 6-7ish when she was adopted
- Loves vegetables
- Gets embarrassed easily
- Doesn't go out of her comfort zone, she only does stuff when Avery basically forces her to
- She really likes Emma, but is also sorta scared of her sometimes, she's just scared of people and being looked at, so she can be a little overwhelming without meaning to be, it's nothing personal and she knows Emma wouldn't hurt a fly, she's just scared of people and sometimes Emma is a lot of person
- Doesn't want Emma to hold her (Emma respects it, although sometimes they work it out to where Emma can give her a gentle hug)
-Her favorite season is fall
-She loves rabbits and frogs, but won't admit she loves horses (there's a stereotype that all dullahans love horses, she won't give in)
-Hates confrontation
-Loves vanilla cake
-Hates strangers and people she's not comfortable around being anywhere near her
- Pansexual
- Sorta has a voice claim, but it's weird and sorta difficult to explain?
Andie -
- Has a French accent (picked it up from dad)
- One of my only OCs to have a voice claim
- Plays the flute
- Mean, selfish, and self centered, but somehow also a good person
- Sings sentences sometimes
- Scared of turtles
- Works as a bard/waitress at the family tavern
- Unfortunately she is heterosexual
Andy -
- Somehow didn't pick up their fathers accent
- One of my only OCs to have a voice claim
- Plates the lute
- Genuine and kind hearted, but also a bumbling moron
- Dreams of being a song writer, wants to be a professional musician
- Works as a bard/waiter at the family tavern
- Bi, but prefers women
Clementine -
- A book worm
- Likes to sing
- Practices magic, knows a few interesting spells
- Sometimes her and Avery fight over magic usage vs. potion usage (they know it's a dumb fight, but they don't care, at this point it's a joke)
- She's a white tailed deer
- She has great hearing, and is usually very aware of her surroundings
- She wants to be a magic professor as an adult
- Demisexual, pan, but prefers men
- Elementals don't really have gender, she chooses to present as female and use female pronouns
- Can't "see," but rather senses vibrations, since she's made out of water she doesn't have eyes, but based on other senses she can get around just fine
- She can't smell either
- Doesn't care for romance
- Has 4 pet fish she keeps with her, named Karl, Frank, Phillip, and Fish
- She has a baby sister, Brook
- She's odd and can be off putting unless you know her pretty well, then her weirdness is sort of endearing
- She can tell her friends apart by the way they walk and their gestures, and of course their voices, but really has no idea what any of them look like, she knows their species and the normal traits of those species, but not much outside that
- She doesn't eat or drink
- Smart, but sorta reckless
- Sorta hard to hug :( but the others still try
Sapphire -
- Has minimal size shifting abilities, but prefers to be her true size, she loves sitting on her husband's shoulders or in his pockets (She's about 5ft in her bigger form)
- Used to be an adventurer, at one point she was a pirate
- Met her husband on one of her adventures
- Has a Scottish accent
- She has a sword her size (no it's not a toothpick or a toy or anything, she has an actual tiny sword) 🗡
- Makes potions for the shop and deals with customers
- Grew up outside of Tradeskeep, her and Kal retired from their adventuring career and settled down there
Kalvin -
- Used to be an adventurer/ mercenary
- Huge, ripped, has all kinds of scars, but his 4" tall wife is scarier than he his, he's basically a teddy bear
- Makes potions, does restocking, inventory, and doesn't as much anymore, but makes potion bottles
- Has scars/tattoos from various adventures
- Used to have dragon scale armor, he once saved a village from a dragon, but has sold it and no longer tells the story, he now claims it was a bear
- He's a great dad ❤
- Loves ale & meat, but not as much as his girls
- I cannot overstate how much he loves his family, he LOVES his wife and daughter, like a LOT, it pretty much defines who he is, he's a family man
- Met his wife while on a quest
- He used to be a nomad while adventuring and getting paid for jobs, he'd wander from town to town, until he settled at Tradeskeep and put up a shop
Ok so i know that's a lot, but it's there for anyone who's interested in all that ❤ I have other facts too, so if you wanna know any more just look around on my blog or send an ask, Q&A for OCs are open, and I'm open to art/writing requests/ideas! ❤
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delemenko · 3 years
Haruyo Machida
Third OC post. I'm just going down the list.
Name: Haruyo Machida
Nicknames/Other names: Ryo-chan, Ace, Ace of Spades
Fandom: Assassination Classroom
Age at the start of story: 15
Birthday: 27th March
Gender: Female
Voice Description: She sounds like Yayoi Kunizuka as portrayed by Lindsay Seidel in Psycho Pass.
Height (cm): 170
Weight (lbs): 117
Race (If Applicable): Asian
Skin Tone: Light (About 13 on the Von Luschan scale)
Hair Color, Style, and Length: Black, hip length, very curly hair. Typically worn straightened, but may occasionally wear it natural.
Eye colour: Bright Blue
Scars/Tattoos/etc.: Beauty mark under left eye.
Build: Tall, hourglass frame.
Sense of style: Always covers her chest, stomach, legs, and feet. Opaques and black slip shorts always. Three ribbons (In hair, on left wrist, and right lower leg), Tees or or button-ups depending on season. High waist pants or skirts. Black/brown lace up ankle boots with a semi-thick medium heel and a round toe.
Sense of Style (Winter): In the colder months, she wear a wine red knee length peacoat and belt, with a creme pompom hat and matching infinity scarf and black gloves.
Personality: Haruyo isn't much for social situations. She is observant of others, but not to a useful level. She won’t initiate a conversation but will try to keep it going if it’s interesting to her. Obsessed with The  Arts, and will talk a lot, if it's about performing, or if she is forced to. She is extremely self-conscious, especially about her feet. Tries to generally be reserved and doesn’t like to curse. She tends to have a very apathetic attitude toward others and is often unapologetic, as she feels that her defence or apologies won’t actually matter. Has a hard time maintaining eye contact unless she’s challenging someone or being defiant.
Hobbies: ballet, tap, vocal music, theatre.
Likes: Performing and card games.
Dislikes: Being tickled, people who don't respect her.
Fears: Snakes, her future being ruined.
History: Haruyo comes from a middle-class family. She is a good student and excellent performer but she does not have any close friends since she rarely has any free time. Her apathetic and attitude toward anything that isn’t dancing and academics has gotten her into trouble at school often, as when she gets into trouble she doesn’t try hard to defend herself, so she ends up accidentally taking the blame for a lot of issues.
Family: She has an identical twin sister, Masayo Machida, who goes to the same school but is in another class. The two don't speak. Her father, Seiji Machida is a businessman. Her stepmother, Junko Miwa is the primary caretaker of the two girls.
Tools: All the ribbons that she can stuff into her bag.
Dexterity: Left-handed.
Favourite Colour: Wine Red.
Aura Colour: Dark Blue.
Strengths: Very flexible, good at evasion. Quick reflexes.
Weaknesses: She's got no actual combat ability. Can't shoot. Can't do knifework or close quarters combat.
Dreams and Desires: To be a triple threat.
Five songs to describe her that I like: Keep It Simple by Tove Lo, Moving Too Quickly by Unlike Pluto, Spectrum by Florence + The Machine, I Wish I Could Say by Like Saturn, Weaker Girl by BANKS.
Other: She can't stop buying ribbons and dancewear, somebody stop her please.
Hope I didn't miss anything.
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Hi. I need ur help. Is Dean mad at Cas, at God for making Cas "responsible for a failed mission that ended with a sad brother/kind of kid to Dean, bc he questions reality and his love for Cas ... or rather both? I'm a little bit confused after having read so much meta all at once.
Hi! I think you are confused because... it’s everything at once! I think Dean is feeling many things right now, and not all of those things have a good outlet or way to be dealt with, so they are directed somewhere else and become messy.
Dean is, at any given moment of his life since he was a child, angry at himself. That’s the inevitable result of a father that made him feel inadequate, by dropping responsibilities on his little shoulders that were too big for him and inevitably he couldn’t live up to. He has made important steps to deal with those issues--that’s the point of the scene with him saying that it wasn’t fair that he had to be mother and father to Sam--but a lifetime of being made feel inadequate don’t disappear with a snap of your fingers. Especially because it wasn’t just his father dropping huge responsibility after huge responsibility on him (remember when he literally dropped the responsibility of possibly having to kill Sam, the kid he raised as his own child, and then died?) but it was a much bigger game. God dropped the responsibility of the entire world on him over and over. Apocalypse after apocalypse, Lucifer, Eve, Leviathan, Michael, soulless Jack, but also the regular monsters, a never-ending string of situations where the responsibility for the lives of many other people, strangers and loved ones both (in fact sometimes it’s a Sophie’s choice!).
It’s not surprising that he developed feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing so big you can see them from space. The poor guy feels that he’s not good enough for anything, especially not good enough to be loved, not good enough for someone to stay with him. He feels that everyone will inevitably abandon him because why would they stick around? He’s trash. Even worse, he’s poison, he ruins everything he touches, everyone he gets close to.
The intensity of these feelings vary depending on how hard the circumstances are on his mental state, sometimes it’s better sometimes it’s worse. I think some fans expect him to “get better” in a linear fashion, but mental health does not work as a straight line; there are ups and downs, and when sometimes renews your trauma, you just fall back in the mechanisms of your trauma. It’s unreasonable to say things like “he should have learnt by now”--that’s not how trauma works. You get better when you are not actively exposed to trauma. Renewed trauma means going back.
So we have identified the first thing Dean is angry at, himself. Of course, hating yourself is very vexing on your mental health, and it is in fact healthier to transfer the anger and disappointment from yourself to someone else, as it prevent you from being crushed under the weight of self-loathing and guilt.
Then there’s the figures in position of power that have dropped the various responsibilities on Dean’s shoulders. First, John and Mary. Mary is a particular case because of course Dean never actually blamed her for dying, and even when he learnt about her deal with Azazel he knew that she was just a pawn in a cosmic-level game, and of course it’s not like she decided to make the deal and die for fun. But when Mary returned and her behavior shattered Dean’s life-long image of her, feeding his feelings of inadequacy and self-loathing because it felt like he wasn’t even worth for his own mother to stay with him, that fused together with an irrational sense of abandonment that came with the loss and forever left a mark in his little four-year-old brain.
I think the scene where Dean confronted Mary at the end of the season was about this: a need to outsource the blame and self-hatred, and Mary was the figure that catalyzed so many emotions since his early childhood, love and loss and joy that was robbed away from him and such profound pain that came with her disappearance from his life, to the point that when she returned and shattered his image of her, he found himself with so many extreme emotions about her.
And now John. Alright, I’m digressing big time so I’ll keep John short, everyone and their grandmother have written essays on Dean’s relationship with John and it’s not particularly relevant here, save for the fact that John is dead and Dean has never really had the chance to confront him. Even when he temporarily came back thanks to the magic pearl, circumstances were... suspiciously too apt for Dean to approach the father figure in a positive way (I’m convinced that it was all a very precise machination by Chuck to make Dean well-disposed towards him, basically). Dean was in a high, and he was in a mental state where he did not need to make that emotional outsourcing on John. Mary and John met again, then trouble happened, that they had to say goodbye and it was highly emotional and obviously left no space for emotional outsourcing. Result, Dean has no way to really bounce all that negative stuff back on John. John was just a ghost from the past, really, and ghosts from the past don’t really serve any substantial purpose.
And now to the juicy part--Chuck. Dean started out his journey believing that God didn’t exist. His reasoning was a classic argument of atheism: a lot of terrible evil exists, and if God exists he either isn’t omnipotent (then what kind of God is he??) or doesn’t care, or he’s malevolent, and those options don’t go well with the idea of God Dean would have been exposed to as a person growing in a primarily Christian environment like the US.
Then he learns that God exists, but he doesn’t care. He’s left, and now everyone else--angels, humans, demons--is supposedly left dealing with a godless world. That doesn’t really come as a shock to Dean; for Cas it’s shocking, because he believed that God cared. For Dean, the jump is just from a non-existing God to an absent God, and that doesn’t change much for him. Furthermore, he’s not exactly foreign to the concept of shitty father figures who dump you on your own in a shitty world.
The shock comes now. For Cas, ironically, there’s no shock now, because he experienced that shock of being angry and disappointed towards God years ago. Now he makes the jump from a shitty disappointing God to... a shitty disappointing God, just in a different way.
Dean goes from a God that isn’t around, that leaves you alone dealing with the shittiness of the world... to a God that has been there all along, manipulating everything. Dean could deal with a God that is what Chuck pretended to be when he reappeared in season 11, when Chuck gave him the speech about leaving his creatures find their own way, parenting-versus-enabling; that was a painful perspective but it made sense, and Dean could accept it. But when Chuck revealed himself to be the mastermind behind everything, an actual capricious author who uses them as pawns for his entertainment... that’s a blow. A very, very big blow.
Chuck had played a very specific game on Dean. He presented himself as a father who did the right thing for his “baby”, albeit the difficult one. He explained that he realized that a hands-off parenting was healthier for his creatures, that being present in their lives wasn’t parenting but enabling... He sold Dean a picture where being an absent father does the child good. (And later had Dean briefly meet John again to feed him a romanticized impression of his figure and his relationship with his family... talk about yikes!)
Dean had fought tooth-and-nail to affirm his free will against the machinations of angels, he strongly believed in that against the idea of destiny. And Chuck presented himself as the good guy, who gave them their free will, while his bad, bad sister Amara wanted to take that away from them. And now the truth comes out. Chuck was never the hands-off parent that distanced himself for the good of his creatures. He was an author (authors lie...) who just played with them for his selfish reasons.
Dean’s own sense of what reality is has shattered. That is generally not good on a person’s mental health. So, yeah, Dean is not in a good mental place.
So Dean now is angry at God. Rightly so. But God, by definition, is not there to confront. (Dean thought he had confronted him once and God just fed him manipulative lies, so it’s not like he hopes to have a nice honest chat with him). Furthermore, Dean, Sam and Cas currently believe that Chuck has actually left the building this time. They think that Chuck’s “welcome to the end” meant that he just slapped an ending on this iteration of the story and fucked off to write another one, create another universe. They are convinced that they are actually living in a post-Chuck world, like the apocalyptic wasteland universe.
I also think that Dean hasn’t realized that Chuck’s ending isn’t really the ghostpocalypse, but also, and especially, ruining their relationships, and their mental health basically. The ghostpocalypse is just the smokescreen (c’mon, like the Winchesters would perish against a bunch of ghosts and demons from hell, been there done that) and the true ending he’s orchestrated out of pettiness and spite is breaking them, breaking their relationships. Sam loses Rowena; Jack’s death and all that jazz definitively drives Cas and Dean apart.
But let’s go back to Dean’s anger and shock and frustration. He could drive it all towards himself, and just get crushed under the weight of it all; he can’t drive it all at God, because he bailed; so he directs it towards the one person closest to him that he truly feels like an equal.
Dean has been directing anger towards Cas since Mary’s death, in my opinion, because Cas is the safest outlet for the horrifying vortex of guilt, self-loathing and abysmal self-worth that something as traumatic as losing Mary (again--remember what I said about renewed trauma not being something you learn to deal with but something that reopens wounds and possibly makes them worse?) and seeing Jack no longer himself, essentially losing him to an even more terrifying destiny than mere death, must have caused.
It’s like Dean trusts Cas so much that he subconsciously feels safe using him as an emotional outlet/scapegoat... and now that safety gets shattered again because Cas rightly puts some distance between them (as I believe it’s a healthy choice given the situation, although not dictated by the right motivations in Cas--I guess it’s something like using the wrong formula but getting the right result, because right now staying together is not healthy... like, the healthiest thing would be getting a fuckton of therapy, but that’s not in the cards I guess) but Dean’s traumatized psyche will register it as a confirmation of that lifetime-long conviction that he’s not worth to be loved, that he’s not worth for anyone to stay.
Cas’ biggest fear is that Dean won’t ask him to stay with him, Dean’s biggest fear is that Cas will leave him--ta-da, their worst fears just became true! Of course, Dean doesn’t insist Cas stays not because he doesn’t care but basically because he cares too much, and Cas leaves because he thinks Dean doesn’t care...
But let’s get back on track. Is Dean angry at Cas? Yes. Is Dean really angry at Cas? Eh. What is this anger really? It’s a defense mechanism. It’s pretty much the alternative to just shatter. It’s a survival mechanism, shattering would be really bad for his survival perspectives. So he uses a trusted, close figure as a scapegoat for what is a huge mess of emotions. (Not Sam, he goes into parental mode with Sam, it’s known, it’s safe, it works.)
Rowena’s death just adds more meat to the fire, because she meant something to Dean himself and also because Sam is truly heartbroken about it. I don’t think that Dean doesn’t understand the circumstances of Cas’ choices, but rationality here has very little grip. It’s been just a few days since Mary’s death, and not really much longer since Michael escaped and Jack sacrificed his soul, and let’s not forget that Dean has basically been in a state of severe ongoing trauma ever since Michael possessed him, tricked him into believing he was free (Chuck mirror alert!) and violated his mind repeatedly, completely manipulated his perceptions, and then pretty much destroyed his family.
Dean’s mind has been tortured by Michael and immediately next, with zero time to breathe, tortured again by Chuck’s manipulations and revelation that shattered Dean’s sense of reality--a sense of reality that had already been shaken because of Michael’s tricks, and now he just finds out that the reality he anchored himself to... is also a manipulation. There’s no reality he can anchor himself to, or at least that is how he feels right now. His psyche has suffered some heavy blows, and no speech from Cas about them being “real” can currently heal the damage. For Dean, this isn’t a matter of what Chuck has done or not; it’s just an aggravation of a state of attack his mind was already in.
This post has gotten a bit long XD I hope it could help you get a better idea of Dean’s mental state (granted that this is merely the way I see what the show is doing, no one is forced to agree with me!) and feel free to ask for any further clarification or argument!
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imgoodloveenjoy · 4 years
Chexton isn't perfect but Sexcel is toxic.
I’ve been a fan of Chicago Med since season 1, I love the growth of the characters and seeing them come into their own and blossom through their storylines. In the beginning, I liked Marcel, he represented a wild, fun and interesting addition to the cast and characters until the writers decided to make him messy. Now, I can excuse messiness but I can’t excuse the arrogance of Marcel’s character especially with him disrespecting one of my favorite characters, April. Since April and Marcel are working closely together, the way he speaks to her rubs me the wrong way so I’ve compiled a list of instances of Marcel directly disrespecting April:
 1. Season 5, episode 3:
               * In this episode, a woman came into the ED with a newborn infant. April thought she should’ve been checked out, which I agreed with as childbirth is a traumatic vaginal, physical & emotional experience and to make sure the placenta had passed. Voicing this concern with Marcel throughout the episode, even mentioning when she had her suspicions that the baby wasn’t hers, he aggressively bit back at her just to go behind her back and do what he admonished her for suggesting (and taking credit by making it seem like him doing the tests was all of his idea) while also sedating the patient, which resulted in DCFS not being able to talk to her and possibly find the truth and help the real mother sooner. Marcel could’ve talked to April about the issue, especially since a recessed placenta can cause extreme sickness and death for a mother, and he and April could’ve worked through the issue together as teammates instead of him being authoritative & holding his position over her head.
 2. Season 5, episode 8:
               * This is the episode where Noah has been beaten. Although I agree with Marcel about Noah needing surgery, he didn't have to speak the April the way he did. That's her baby brother laying there and he should've taken her concerns into consideration, a total lack of empathy. Lanik was running point as Noah's doctor and was discussing the options for treatment with his sister and all-knowing Marcel comes in, speaks over April & telling her "It's not your call", when it's most likely that April is designated to make decisions about his care when he's unable. Being aggressive with her that she isn’t in charge of his care and, once again, disregarding her medical input just feels like an asshole. April then apologizes to Marcel when he should be apologizing to her. This situation also lets us into a little window that feels like he always has to be right even to the point of not consulting with his own patients or their guardians about how they want their care to go & what their options are. He's right, they're wrong = Connor 2.0. To directly insult her about her brother's care is sickening and full of ego.
 3. Season, 5, episode 10:
               *This episode once again shows us how Marcel isn’t very communicative with his patients or the people on his team. He has a patient who has expressed a fear of being under anesthesia and Marcel, AGAIN, goes straight for the surgery instead of offering all avenues of service to his patient and advocating for what he feels would be the best course of action. "As much as I value your input, Nurse Sexton, I am the surgeon and this is the plan" cuing Noah being visibly uncomfortable by that statement.
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Speaking with his patient would’ve told him that the father died under anesthesia and that could be evident of some kind of underlying issue, as we just had a similar issue with Elsa's patient, who was allergic to the anesthesia and had a deadly reaction. Even Noah notices that they're arguing a lot, which isn’t healthy for a work environment. Marcel tries to blame his horrid communication skills on April telling her that if the patient needs emergency surgery, it’s on her. No, it’s on you, Marcel.  I'm sure if he had just talked to his patient, there wouldn’t have been any dramatics and the patient would’ve done the surgery but since Marcel is hiding things (double entendre intended), the patient ops out, feeling uneasy. April did what Marcel should’ve done and what she suggested he do in the beginning and communicate medical action to the patient about what his options were. Marcel has no problem popping in on other people's patients offering surgery as an option, why is it so hard for him to offer non-surgical options for his patients? It's like he just wants to cut into people, almost psychopathic. In the end, April oddly apologizes when she did nothing wrong.
This brings me to another thing I've noticed: Marcel works really well with Noah because Noah is in training. Noah defers to Marcel's medical judgement and seems ready to try to please him. Meanwhile, April has been in the medical field long enough to know how some things are supposed or should go so she offers up her medical opinion, and has in the past to Will, Natalie, Connor and Ethan. Marcel probably feels like this calls in to question his judgment and snaps on her, wanting things his way while treating April as a glorified assistant. The only thing April did wrong was to not let Noah and Marcel know that she had this conversation with the patient when he requested to know his other options; Marcel was more in the wrong for not doing this in the beginning and for yelling at April, he doesn’t seem to work well with a team and April didn’t need to apologize. They will both find out that hiding things to make things go your way, won’t work.
Another thing is he relies on calling April "Nurse Sexton" as to remind her of his elevated status versus hers. It’s like he's telling her "You’re just a nurse, therefore inconsequential" as though she doesn’t know enough or have had enough experience with patients as he has, probably more as many of us in hospitals see the nurses more often than we see the doctor. April's position as a nurse isn’t because she cannot be a doctor, its due to her misogynistic upbringing where her status could be the same or better than the men in her family. She voiced this concern when Noah first came to Med and when hiding her relationship with Ethan - knowing that nurses are seen as lowly in the medical field when they're really vital.
Final thoughts: Marcel needs to pack that ego in. He’s condescending to April every time she has an idea or concern about someone’s medical care. I do think his pairing with Natalie, someone who’s always as self-righteous as he is and rarely ever apologizes, will cause him to look back at his behavior and make some changes, hopefully. Not like April who seems to cow to his behavior. It would be interesting to see him work with Dr. Latham, someone who’s just as skilled, knowing and strong willed as he is who will really challenge him on ethics. We’ll see what happens in the coming episodes.
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Well, Supernatural is actually ending and I don't know what I'll do
[ Brevity is not a strong suit of mine since I've included personal details but there's stuff I feel everyone in the SPN family needs to read]
You might be expecting another post about how Supernatural saved someone's life and how devastated they will be when it ends because they've watched it for so long as well as how the actors have impacted their lives. This is probably one of those but please hear me out.
Supernatural premiered in 2005 and I was in preparatory class (aged 5 years and was before I began 1st grade). I heard of it because my aunt would watch it time to time so I'd also tried to get some peeks myself but I wasn't allowed to because it was "too scary".
Then our local cable began to show seasons 1-5 and that was when everyone in class started watching and quoting it. This was in 6th grade and I was frustrated because I knew about it before most of them yet they acted like it was a new show. I had a fair idea about the story but once I began watching it, I fell in love with it and loved it like a part of my soul.
Yes, Jensen Ackles was my first crush but I still thought (and do think) that both he and Jared are super hot. So I was sucked into this vortex, this Neverland which I never thought I would end.
I joined Tumblr for this show in 2013 because I saw the jokes about there being a Supernatural gif everywhere and wanted to be a part of the fandom/community. This was also the year I actually became interested what other fans felt though I never used this site properly until 2016 I would read the IMDb discussion boards because I hated scurrying through Destiel-infested posts.
(Fun fact:I wasn't using any social media of my own but on my mother's Facebook I liked a Supernatural fan page asking people's opinions on Destiel. This is was around the time season 8 was just finishing or had already finished so I read the comments--- people talked about Dean and Castiel being gay and didn't approve of it as there was this one girl who was conservative and didn't believe in homosexuality while others went on how Dean was always a ladies man which I agreed with. Not that I commented but I thought there was something I missed and I thought Castiel used Dean as a vessel, thus Destiel.)
But I digress. I was in deep by the time season 9 premiered and majority of the people I knew stopped watching the show except for this girl who bullied me throughout preschool who put up this update that Dean had become a demon. I doubt she watches the show now but it was hard seeing her put pictures of "I heart Dean Winchester" and pictures of Jensen when my mom asked me why I don't do the same.
Supernatural, I feel, has become that embarrassing thing you are into in middle school but suddenly drop when you're older, looking back and thinking, "Yeesh, I can't believe I used to watch this show."
I'll be a grown woman at 30 or 40 and probably eventually in my 70s and 80s but I will still look back fondly, the good, the bad and the ugly because I have like many teenagers have undergone many changes (friends, family, emotions, hobbies etc) but Supernatural has always been this constant in my life.
Because let me tell you, I'm seeing these posts saying stuff like how people are glad that it's finally over with its "bullshit" and that's it's dying. That is extremely disrespectful and insensitive to those people who literally live for it, who have invested time and money into it: gif makers, artists, meta writers (I may not agree with you guys but even you count). They don't know what to do once the show ends because it has helped them in ways others will never ever be able to fathom.
I saw the video put up by the guys. I saw and I could tell that Jared, Jensen and Misha had probably cried their guts out before the announcement because their eyes were red and puffy. Jared was controlling himself by talking less as Jensen was clearly on the verge as well but yes they said that they should save the angst for next year.
I love the guys; I love Jared being a goofball and Jensen being equally goofy as well and I'll say this too, I used to enjoy some of Misha's crass jokes (not the highlight ) as well which was why I looked forward to the gag reel every summer (because of J2) because it was cathartic after a traumatic season finale. I love the witty banter and the pranks the cast would do and I will miss it tremendously.
I have some issues with my aunt but everything would be okay when we would fawn over the guys and bingewatch the entire season the summer after it finished airing. We'd quote quotes back and forth and even spiritually killed ourselves watching short clips of "Sammy, close your eyes", "I'm proud of us" etc. Hell, she even promised me that when we go visit my uncle in the States we'd attend a con together.
If, and whenever we do go, it'll be different because the show won't be on air anymore and I know for a fact that I won't feel the anticipation of an episode.
So don't say disrespectful and callous things like "fucking finally". You can dislike the cast/plotline/show but don't ridicule and mock those who invested in the show,some of you are most probably speculating and have barely seen it.
I'm not some dumb, blind fan. I can see some stupid mistakes and don't always eat up what the writers show. For example, everyone must have figured that I dislike Destiel because it's based on groundless assumptions. I thought the Bloodlines was a crap idea that had nothing to do with the main plot and knew it was destined to fail.
As for Wayward Daughters/Sisters or whatever the fuck it was supposed to be called, I was not looking forward to it at all because it was one of those "forced diversity" shows, y'know gender bent stuff.
I felt that they were bastardising everything that Supernatural has and will (always) stand for because some people had a hair up their backsides. Yeah, I loathed Claire and that Kaia mourning thing was bullshit. Thank goodness I was sick that day and couldn't keep my eyes open for that episode.
If we were told that there would be a Men of Letters(with Henry Winchester) or even a Bobby-Rufus spinoff I would be okay with that but for now since the show will finish next year let's the wounds heal first, shall we?
I hope that Jared and Jensen get some offers once the show is done and I will pay good money to see movies, TV shows of them etc but for now I will keep quiet since I hope we get an ending we (and the boys) deserve.
Yes, the writer situation scares me and I think they should call Eric Kripke for a last hurrah. I mean, it is his baby and he should get to have a say in the series finale as well as J2.
Will one of the brothers die and the other will live (I'm worried we'll get a reverse Swan Song)? Will they both die leaving Cas behind and Jack as some sort legacy who trains future hunters? That would be a possibility since the sheriff in 14.16 asked the Winchesters why they don't tell people about monsters. What happens to Baby?
I seriously doubt the ending will be happy(maybe not 100%) but the best thing would be if they go driving with Baby into the sunset...
Dean at the steering wheel with Sam riding shotgun, where they should be ---- where they will always be, home. Dean plays his "mullet rock" as Sam would playfully mock his brother's musical choices. No chick flick moments. Just the Winchesters.
The boys need to lay their weary heads to rest, so they can cry no more. Because they are the legendary Winchesters, the hunters who saved the world countless times unbeknownst to many. I don't think their work will ever be done but there will be peace when they are done and how they will reach that point we'll never know till 2020.
Everyone will hear "Carry on wayward son" for the last time ever in Supernatural over a painful montage of "Dad's gone on a hunting trip and he hasn't been home in a few days" and "Saving people, hunting things, the family business". Now who in this fandom wouldn't be wracked with pain?
This is the show we all joked about that made a deal with the devil to never go off air but I did expect this a long time ago. Only thing was that I didn't know how I'd treat the news. I was that person who would go, "pfft, of course Supernatural would get renewed". Then again, this was the show that an ending was imminent and the whole season 4 debacle about Misha and the angel storyline saving the show blah blah blah.
So next year, everyone will flock to see the finale and epic conclusion to the Winchester saga whether they stopped at season 5,6,7 or 10,12. Diss it all you want for the shit show it may have become but wherever you left off, you may still want to know what happens to Sam and Dean Winchester in the end.
Once Supernatural ends, I'll turn 20 next summer and I would like to think of it being poetic that I end my adolescence with a show I have loved when I brave the cold, ruthless world of adulthood. I'm a picky person and can't say what's my favorite xyz is but you know what I'll say about my favorite TV show.
We will have completed 327 episodes which is the highest for a scifi TV show so I do hope the boys get some sort of recognition. It was us crazy bitches and jerks that gave the show the mileage and it was us that gave Jared and Jensen faith that they could carry on so for the remainder of season 14 and for 15,support these guys. Support these annoyingly sexy and ridiculously hilarious dudes for this show. I'm sure Jared and Jensen love the show like it's their kid practically but I wish everyone would just shut up, tinhatters, bronlies, stans, destihellers because we are all fans of the one show so let's ease the time we have left.
But seriously imagine Sam and Dean on a desert highway, the orange and yellow rays of the setting sun make Baby shine in all her splendor which makes Dean swell with pride. He starts the engine with a low rumble and they're off. They might to California to feel the sand beneath their feet or to Disneyland. They're living the "apple pie life" and this is their personal heaven : with each other.
I wouldn't mind this playing in the background if the ending is the inevitable and unspeakable you know what :
It's wishful thinking, since I wish they'd actually play some Zeppelin instead of song titles being used as episode titles but I wish they could use some Queen or Guns n Roses and stuff before 1979 because everything sucked ass afterwards according to Dean.
I want the classic rock resurgence in the show as well but I know they'll end up using the cash elsewhere. I wouldn't mind a body swap episode but if wishes were horses, right?
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realiodelio · 5 years
The Race for Our Lives
Ight y'all it's Ted Talk time.
Calling in a threat isn't funny. It's not a part of your freedom of speech. What it is is terrifying. It's scary.
On Friday, Sept. 27th, around 3:45 p.m, I had just strapped my watch to the handle of an elliptical. A few minutes ago, I had been doing warm ups when one of my cross country coaches told me to go reserve a machine now if I planned to use it later. I left my water bottle in my locker with my things.
I don't know what time anything else happens after this, but here's the main order of events...
I had just gotten back in the line for warm ups, and was trying to catch up to everyone else. I was mentally questioning the freshmen boys who were jokingly fighting. Such a normal thing that even as I type it I'm wondering how it all went so sideways. The upperclassmen boys were joking around with them, but had told them to get back into their warm ups.
Maybe a minute has passed.
Suddenly, my coach comes in. "Everybody outside!" There's confusion. Shock. We were just told a few minutes ago that we were warming up inside today, because of the rain. What was going on? "Don't question it just go. Go, go, GO!"
Everyone got the sick feeling that something was wrong. It was only confirmed when we made it to the stairwell; through the clear glass panels that surrounded us, we could see cars, police cars, right outside the door. "Go, get as far away as you can." My friend and teammate, sobbing as she was struggling down the stairs in her crutches. "Watch out for her!" I remember hearing my coach say. "Don't slow down." I urged the boys around the two of us, before speeding past.
At this point in my mind, I was thinking "bomb threat". Just past the soccer fields I could see people slowing down, and then continuing onwards with a coach leading them. I was running as fast as I could.
My best friend was ahead of me, but I caught up to him in almost no time at all, then passed him. In the back I heard "Keep going!" From his teammate. "I'm not going without my brother!" Had been the response. Maybe calm anger to anyone who didn't know him, but if I had ever heard fear in his voice it was then.
I wasn't leaving without my best friend. Next to me, a boy I was crushing on had smiled and cracked a lame joke "Not like we don't do this every day during practice." I couldn't help but laugh. I didn't want to cry.
I slowed down to cross the road and get onto the trail behind the school. The car I had crossed behind was an off-white color. There were two boys in it looking as terrified as I had felt. My best friend wasn't behind me, at least not directly, and I practically stopped to wait for him and his brother. I needed to know he was OK- that they were okay.
At the end of the back road, my coach stood between the railroad tracks. Near the end of the school day, an announcement had been made saying they were closed. The red warning lights were still blinking, but we paid little heed. "Just keep going that way." The head coach gestured. "Just keep going."
Where? Where to? We had probably all been wondering. Perhaps the park, was my thought, maybe the library? I followed the crowd.
On the way, one of my teammates had slowed to a walk, texting someone. Crying. She's a year younger than I am. "Keep going" I told her. "Keep going. There's nothing you can do right now" I told her. "My foot hurts." She had been injured, I remember. One of many, not including myself. "Just keep going, you can do it." I didn't part from her for the rest of the run.
Several blocks down, an ex-classmate was in a company driveway with her mom. Her car was a vibrant red, like her hair. I gave her a hug "never been happier to see you" and "same here". She offered me and the group a ride, but we denied. We were instructed to cut through the backyard, get somewhere safe.
Maybe 8 meters later, me, my teammate, my best friend, and his brother got past the treeline. The coach who had earlier instructed me to reserve an elliptical was there, directing people to what I recognized as the District Office, or D.O for short.
"Final stretch," I remember joking. The Race for Our Lives.
I made it up the stairs and through the doorway. I needed to see my team. "Too many turns" I thought. "What the fuck. I just want my team."
"Just keep going this way, you'll be safe." Some administration person had told me. I was vaugly aware that I had been mad. At the number of turns? At her? At the shooter? I don't know. Maybe I'll never find out.
Everything after that was a wild blur in which time didn't exist.
Inside the safe zone, I met a heartbreaking sight. The freshmen girls were mostly gathered at one table, all crying. The boys were milling about, mostly on my right. My best friend was nearby- immediately, he got a hug. Girls gathered together, crying and comforting each other, telling their fears and their loves, and frantically apologizing to girls who they had thought there was tension with.
Hugs. Everyone on my team I needed to hug. To touch, to know and see and feel that They Are Safe, My Girls Are Safe. A number of freshmen and sophomores "Oh God, you're okay, I'm so glad you're okay, I was so scared for you. I was so scared." My response had been a surprised "Scared for me? How come? Look, I'm fine!!"
The sentence "I wasn't even worried for myself." Had been a commonality. Most of us worried for those in crutches or boots- later we discovered that they had safely made it into cars, and gotten away. Most people around me were in tears. I wasn't crying. I was laughing nervously, relieved.
Every girl I could hug, I hugged. I hugged my coaches. I hugged my best friend, maybe five times. Cell phones were being passed around, people were using the D.O phone, a phone I had looked at curiously when I came in, wishing I knew the extension number.
I asked my best friend to borrow his phone- I needed to call my mom before word got out. He didn't hesitate to tell me yes.
Three calls. No response. I sent a text explaining the situation, saying I was safe.
I never more regretted not having another phone number memorized.
I was lucky. There was a computer next to the D.O phone where I could sign into my school account and access my emergency contact list. The first person I called was my sister a quick run down of the situation, beginning with "I'm safe". Then I called my aunt, never more grateful she worked from home "Hey. It's me, your neice." I explained the situation and told her the address of the D.O. She said she would come to pick me up
After that was taken care of I continued making my way around the room, talking with people. Administration brought in water and snacks.
I stayed with my best friend until my aunt came to pick me up. Two of my little cousins had come along, glad I was safe and overall nervous about the situation with a giddy curiosity of relief that only kids could have- all the questions they could possibly ask, they did. My aunt offered to buy me dinner from the local restaurant. I acquiesced after the kids had assured me they wouldn't complain.
When we were pulling into the restaurant drive-up, I checked the time again. 5:26 p.m. Only an hour and 41 minutes had passed.
There are a number of details that are hard to place into this story, like me telling my best friend to text his girlfriend- casually reminding him that he doesn't need to have a phone number memorized when apps like Instagram and Snapchat exist. Or how I had told people while crossing the main street that if the cars have stopped, there's no point in waiting, just GO. People had come in several times giving us news updates- there's no active shooter, there's no live threat, they didn't find anyone with a gun in the building. A few mentionings of this getting into national television, but I voiced my extreme doubts about it. There's all the details of apologies I heard and the randomly shared personal facts. There's how I had friends who weren't athletes, other kids who had missed the bus, all in someone's house- some athlete whose mom was an officer, he lived in the neighborhood just across the road. People crowded in bedrooms and sitting on couches and tables and floors. All unsure of what to do, of what to say.
Those are unforgettable details.
We, as a team, were questioning what else would happen. Was there still a team dinner tonight? (Yes, but hardly anyone went) Were we going to race tomorrow? (yes, and we had 14 season Season Records, along with another 14 Personal Records). When we got onto the bus that Saturday morning, nothing was spoken about who had been missing. A silent but mutual understanding ran through the team.
Learning that it had been an anonymous and fake tip off had most people questioning things, especially during the moments we were waiting to get picked up to go home. Even still, people are wondering how such a thing could happen. Both scenarios are despicable. We had all feared the worst, and now we all fear still "What if this was real? What if it happens again, only it's not fake?"
It's sick that kids are going to spend possibly the rest of their educational careers wondering if school is safe. It's sick that this is oddly normal in America. It's sick that we had thought we were running for our lives. It's sick that someone called in a fake report- or even more terrifying, someone called in a report that could have been real.
It was terrifying, and that fear may never leave any of us students. We need to change something about this. I wish that I could have some type of solution, but I don't. I just don't.
That's all for now. Thank you for coming to my TedTalk.
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fly-pow-bye · 5 years
Powerpuff Girls 2016 - “Oh! Daisy!”
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Written by: Haley Mancini
Written & Storyboarded by: Leticia Abreu Silva, John Martinez
Directed by: Nick Jennings, Bob Boyle
Shallow HAL.
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This episode will continue Bubbles’ trait of computer programming. I'm honestly surprised they even kept this going for so long, since usually they depict Bubbles as this silly blonde that can't spell. So far, Bubbles has programmed:
A game that was super popular, at least among the students of Townsville Elementary. Also, she made some sort of machine that can send people to the internet with only tinfoil. Apparently, that's coding?
A robotic, 3D printed clone of herself that is perfect in every way except for security, and yet not important for her to even shed a tear when it got destroyed.
The third one that is going to be in this episode may not be as impressive as #2, but it's up there.
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The episode starts out with Bubbles hanging out with the other participants of the school's coding club, including Barry. Maybe they were convinced he was this breakout character, considering how many times he appears in this reboot. He probably could be if he had a personality beyond "he wears an Illuminati shirt and yet never seems to talk about it". At least he has a name; I don't think the other two even have that.
Generic Girl: How many programmers does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
Bubbles: What?
Generic Girl: None, it's a hardware issue.
Barry laughs so hard that milk comes out of his nose, and they consider that just as funny as that joke. Suddenly, Buttercup barges into the door, and thinks this is some sort of fun times when she was supposed to be doing homework. It turns out, she was doing homework, and she gets to show off something she made to show off her true coding prowess.
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...a robot assistant named Daisy. See, this flower's name a subtle reference to 2001: A Space Odyssey, something this reboot will not try to take advantage of in every minute of this character's existence.
Buttercup continues to accuse Bubbles of wrongdoing, possibly as a attempt to finally get Bubbles in trouble! Silly Buttercup, Bubbles can cause an entire zoo to cause mayhem around Townsville, and she'll still get off scot-free. She then tells Bubbles that she's going to be in trouble for putting this assistant all around the house. It's not like they're going to absolutely adore this thing.
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They absolutely adore this thing! Blossom loves it because it reprograms other devices, as Blossom praises the device for reprogramming the Broomba to clean more efficiently. No, it didn't also give her a haircut, as much as Edna Mode would have appreciated it, that's just another case of the disappearing ponytail trick.
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As for Sitcom Dad's reasoning. It scheduled the DVR to record all of the Sitcom Dad's favorite shows, like Sciencefeld! They managed to come up with a title for their Seinfeld parody, but do they do anything with it? Well, one thing: they reference the bass line used in its theme song.
That's really it.
Bubbles: Yeah, he's a scheduling wizard!
Oh, no, please don't say that word! It might attract...
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Ah, too late. Schedulebot shows up to express his discontent with being replaced, and the Professor decides to completely ignore him by saying that this is the best robot ever. In one episode, he seemed to care more about Schedulebot's well being than the Powerpuff Girls, but now that this flower exists, he may as well not even exist to good ol' Sitcom Dad! This starts a subplot that nobody will care about, because it's a Schedulebot plot.
Of course, Buttercup can't be happy that her sister managed to make several robots that can make turkey dinner. The closest we get to an actual good reason is that he can't stop combing her hair, and the robot pronounces her name as "Bootercup", which the other think is just as much of a laugh riot as hardware issues and milk squirting out of people's noses.
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A few minutes after midnight, Buttercup wakes up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. As she walks out, Daisy tells her not to forget to wash her hands. Then, not to forget to use soap. Then, not to use the guest towels. The absolute worst of them all, it dares to comb Buttercup's hair again! That seems to be a coding error; wouldn't Buttercup. Whatever the case, it does its job: annoying Buttercup.
Buttercup: (messes up own hair) Why don't I mess with your hair?!
Daisy: If you go to the main control room in the lab, you'll see that I have no hair, Bootercup.
Daisy also manages to get Buttercup to the lab to continue the plot, as there was no reason for him to even talk about the main control room.
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It's a constant mention from me whenever this coding aspect of her character comes up: being a coding wizard would be extremely difficult if you cannot spell. Turns out, Bubbles' programming language of choice is something more akin to Scratch, a building block language that even the Reboot Puffs got involved in at one point. I guess that kind of explains that.
Buttercup decides to go through this code to change a few things, like turning off the alarm, lowering his moral percentage to -40%, and turning off his conscience. Buttercup does say she thought this word was "con science", but she already turned down the morals, and she clearly knew what she was doing then!
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8.25 hours later, the girls wake up, and the windows suddenly shut with huge metal doors. Bubbles tries to fix everything by telling Daisy to open the windows. Everyone stand up and recite the line you're probably thinking he's going to say to that.
Daisy: I'm afraid I can't do that for you, Bubbles.
Okay, it's slightly different than the line from the movie, but anyone can get it. I would not be surprised if they took more inspiration from the Futurama episode that parodied it. At least they're not ripping off the original Powerpuff Girls this time; closest episode I can think of is Coupe D'etat.
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Bubbles tries to go into the living room, only to be attacked by the Broomba. The Powerpuff Girls are truly unstoppable, unless there's glitter, markers, Roombas, ordinary rope, a dinosaur shouting at them, or rat tails. Who can possibly stop this robotic vacuum cleaner? Clearly it has to be the rascally...
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...pink princess with an eye laser? Blossom then takes off her ribbon, ties it around her head, and tells her sisters to go into the hallway so she can finish the job. It's actually a genius plan from Blossom, as this gives a reason for her to be off-screen while she beats up the Broomba. As we all know, the Reboot Puffs can't fight anything on screen and win.
Throughout this episode, Blossom is the one that is resorting to violence and acting like an 80's action hero. This just seems way out of character for her, but I'm glad to have an episode that has a Reboot Puff other than Buttercup save her sisters.
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They do have to explain what the Professor is doing during all of this, because there's no way he should be so oblivious to all of this. Turns out, he's stuck in the shower.
Daisy: Now lather.
Professor: Okay!
Daisy: Now rinse.
Professor: Okay!
Huh, a robot trapping a human in an infinite loop. One would think he would eventually use his brain to find out what's going on, but that brain would be very inconvenient to the plot, so this lather/rinse loop takes him out of the vast majority of the episode.
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It turns out, Daisy is able to reprogram all of the devices in the Powerpuff household to rampage against them, including machines that simply shouldn’t be able to fight them, like the L-Cube! They decide to sneak around the house to avoid getting caught. Unfortunately, Bubbles just could not help it.
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Bubbles: (farts in Buttercup’s face)
That all important character trait of having a flatulence problem shows up again, because why not? It seems like the only consistent character trait Bubbles has; whether she’s a maroon or a coding genius, farting is a free action for her. At least there’s somewhat of a point to this, as this allows Buttercup to walk backwards into the aforementioned L-Cube to get captured.
Blossom ends up saving her by using her eye lasers again. Buttercup’s not too happy, because the L-Cube was destroyed.
Blossom: Do you think this is a game?
Buttercup: Uh, yeah, that’s exactly what it was.
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Suddenly, Schedulebot manages to open the door, coming in with full Rambo gear. Guess he was busy getting all of that while he was locked out of the house. How did he get in the house, anyway? It would have made a lot more sense if he used that chainsaw to do it, as he doesn't seem to use it at all.
Granted, that's not the only weapon he brought: he also brought some grenades. Maybe he'll use them to sacrifice himself to save our girls from all of those evil house appliances, shouting to the girls to remember him...
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...and that what actually happens! Finally, Schedulebot is destroyed! Though, so are a lot of household appliances that might not be cheap to replace, but they are never paid any mind. Speaking of never paying anything any mind, Blossom, in a rare bit of her not acting as a macho hero in this episode, she says that Schedulebot probably be fine. Yeah, I'm sure he will. They never explained how he got into the door, why not not explain how he survived this?
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When they go into the lab, Daisy tells the girls that he has evolved. And...that's it. Not, "I evolved, and I'm going to take over the world", or "I evolved, and I'm going to make all gum taste like black licorice", or anything else. Sure, there's some vines growing out of what seems like a hole in the ground, but they just kind of stop any potential for a god-like computer here.
Blossom tells the girls that they must go "into the breach", as they slowly fly towards the computer monitor, and they instantly teleport into the computer world. Even Bubbles seems to be confused by this. No special equipment made out of tin toil or anything, Blossom just says "once again into the breach", flies up to the computer monster, and...
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...boom, they're in a place that proves that the Virtual Boy would be just as eye searing if they went with green instead of red. It's possible that Daisy did this with his "evolved powers", but there's not much that indicates that this is against the Reboot Puff's will, and that's the only way this would have happened.
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Another more likely guess is that it may have wanted to do this because he wanted to kill the Powerpuff Girls in the digital world. Daisy does find out that they sneaked in here, and hears all about Bubbles' plan to repair the code. He even says the most unexpected line, I completely lie.
Daisy: I can't let you do that, Bubbles.
Also technically not the line from the movie, even if it's how a lot of people remembered it. After saying this, the cutesy flower turns into a googly-eyed plant monster. This gives us a real on-screen monster fight that doesn't end with just a random zap of Blossom's eyes.
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While Blossom is dealing with the giant plant, Buttercup, under the guidance of the coding wizard, has to reverse the mistakes she made the last night. This actually affects the fight scene, as this code wrangling continuously makes the monster weaker and stronger as Blossom tries to fight it. For example, she accidentally gives it missiles, which ends up firing at Blossom...to no effect? If only I could say the reboot was getting tired of the Monster Punch, Girls Down scenes.
Eventually, they find this star piece, which looked like any other piece until Buttercup picked it up. The same thing happens with the missile piece, actually. I have a feeling they intended to have all of these pieces have different images on them, but they forgot to actually draw them. Once she gets it onto the top, we see a huge flash of light.
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Suddenly, pancakes. Yeah, everything just reverted back to normal, with Daisy making delicious flapjacks. Even better for Buttercup, Daisy even messes up Buttercup's hair without care and learned to pronounce her name correctly! Buttercup gets everything she wanted, and that means everything is alright.
Everything is peaceful, the Professor got the best shower of his life, and we have a robot buddy that is so useful, it would be just too incredible to see in future episodes. What can possibly bring this plot back to the status quo? Someone using a line I didn't expect to hear in a TV-Y7-FV show.
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Schedulebot: Ha, 🚚🚚 you! (repeatedly bashes Daisy with a baseball bat)
According to the closed captions, he's saying "got you", but that was not what I heard. And I thought "damn it, Utonium" was good! Aside from that, I do question the perspective of this shot, which makes him look absolutely gigantic. Maybe he has the ability to absorb grenade explosions, see, no explanation for how he survived the grenade, or maybe it's just bad animation. Surely, it can not be the latter!
After Daisy gets its head batted in, we hear a funky bass line as the episode immediately cuts to black. I guess they realized that Sciencefeld joke never really had any kind of conclusion or point! I guess since Seinfeld was a show about nothing, Sciencefeld ups the ante by being literally nothing! How fitting.
Does the title fit?
The only thing the title reminds me of is Super Mario Land. But yes, it's a robot named Daisy, and it does things that could make one go "oh." It's just barely above the "name of the character" titles.
How does it stack up?
I get how the idea for this episode could lead to something interesting, but it never quite goes anywhere good. There are some okay ideas, especially at the end, but this is one of the "meh" episodes for me. Oh, well.
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Next, the Powerpuff Girls eat ice cream. No, it’s not one of my gags, they really eat ice cream.
← The Gift ☆ Brain Freeze →
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