#(also human speach apparently)
wynought · 7 months
i'm still not over the fact that, apparently, in stoats radiation poisoning manifests as the ability to read
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wisellamawerewolf · 4 months
I feel sorry for people trying to coherently analyze this mf:
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*Rant under the cut*
I've seen people speculate that Adam hides his bitterness towards Lucifer behind his rockstar-like persona, because Lucifer essentially doomed his children to eternal suffering. Or talking about his friendship/partnership/relationship with Lute, ect.
Now, if it was a better show and didn't know anything about VivziePop, I might have been inclined to believe you, but honestly? I think the only reason Viv decided to make Adam a main antagonist for the season is because she could write Lucifer saying: "haha I fucked your wife". Well, this and maybe also to hammer in the "Heaven is hypocritical" narrative.
Honestly I wish people who try to look deeper into the character wrote the show, because this guy lacks a coherent motivation. And no, "I'm bored" is not a good motivation for someone who by his own admition commits a genocide of his own children.
To be fair, he also mentions how humanities was supposed to worship him but like... Why? Is there something in hellaverse version of bible about Adam? Is Adam like a legit deity in this universe? And even if the whole speach was just supposed to showcase an insane level of entitlement he has, I've gotta once again ask: why is he like that?
In my general review I mentioned how he straight up broke the lore with his existence, and I want to elaborate on that a little: Adam was supposedly created BEFORE the evil seep into the earth, but despite him and Lilith being created as equals and I assume roughly at the same time, he just demands control? For no apparent reason? And angels were not at all concerned about it? There's also no signs of favoritism towards him, because we don't know what other angels even think about him. I guess they like him enough to not kick him out of heaven, and they kinda correct his behavior sometimes, but there's zero significant characterization we're getting from the fact that he's in heaven. Honestly a single episode following him and the life in heaven in general could've given us so much, but then there wouldn't be any time left for the millions of other VivziePop's characters to show up and do jackshit, and we can't have that.
He might have been an interesting pick to pin against Charlie and her father if anyone but Viv were to write him, but as always, she had an interesting idea she completely failed to execute, because she's just not interested enough in it.
As to his relationship with Lute... Honestly, I have no idea what are they supposed to be besides maybe a boss and a subordinate. They have a total number of ONE dialogues, where they talk about Vaggie being an ex-exterminator.
The rest of their "interactions" are:
- Adam makes a remark, Lute nods;
- Lute makes a remark, Adam counteracts with another remark, often in a detached way;
- A single fist bump;
- Adam smiled at her before death.
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People treat him smiling at Lute before his death as some sort indicator of character, but I think it was either an attempt to give some sort of last-minute charaterization to two hollow cardboards or just a cheap drama/shipping fuel. Lute NEVER showed she liked him once before his death scene, and even it was too vague to say certainly. It was never showed that she felt any emotion towards him or anything he says, at this rate this girl might also be madly in love with fucking air, because she also show zero reaction towards it.
In a way, I kinda find it funny how Adam calls himself "the original dick" while he is an embodiment of VivziePop's male characters: he's an overly confident genocidal maniac who makes misogynistic remarks, constantly talks about sex, swears every few seconds and has a big toothy grin.
He behaved the same as Angel Dust or Alastor, but the reason we're supposed to hate him is because he *checks notes* has a pastel color scheme and is fat, apparently??? I'm honestly not sure it was supposed to be the same as "Moxxie is fat" joke or Adam is really supposed to be fat, but do uh... do artists working on your show know that? Because in some scenes there's literally zero indication of him being fat:
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Unless of course he hides a giant dump truck of an ass under his robe.
Concerning his possible return in the second season: idk, I don't really care? His addition so far has been very superficial, but Viv might like him enough to actually bring him back in a demon form and either kill him off the second time, or woobify him like she did with a couple of other "flawed" characters. I honestly doubt we will get more from this guy regardless if he's gonna reappear or not. I'm not even sure if the proper backstory is gonna save his character at this point, even if we're going to get it in the second season (I'm VERY sceptical that it will happen).
Conclusions: he's as flat as a cardboard cutout. Had the potential to be interesting, I liked him in concept, but the execution is lacking as always. I guess the fact that he was voiced by Alex Brightman is neat, and I liked his song from the first episode, but that's about it.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Hey I was wondering how would you describe Tommy and Wilbur's relationship at the current moment in the lore like I know how Tommy sees Wilbur I'm wondering how Wilbur sees Tommy
Well unhealthy is how I'd describe it, but if you want a bit more then:
How c!Wilbur sees c!Tommy (my interpretation of course):
One thing that comes to mind is the obvious possessiveness that we have been seeing. Multiple times throughout the last 2 streams Wilbur has treated Tommy as a sort of extension of himself more so then his own person, though honestly this seems like the natural evolution of the Pogtopia mentality.
Back during the Pogtopia Arc Wilbur had his fall from grace where he came to consider himself as a villain, but that wasn't all there was to it, it wasn't "I'm the bad guy" it was "we're the bad guys". No matter how much Tommy was not on board with his plans Wilbur still grouped him up with him in his head. This continued during Limbo with the "we were never good for that server" and definitely continues now with Wilbur constantly wanting Tommy by his side and involving him in all his plans just like he did back then.
Basically Wilbur has grown dependent on Tommy to the point where he seems to consider Tommy as part of him.
Now where did this come from? Well, we have to go back to the Pogtopia arc again. Him and Tommy where the only one to be exiled, they were alone against the world and, even bringing Techno in didn't really change things as Techno wasn't really ever there. Wilbur grew paranoid and couldn't trust anyone and he tried to get Tommy to see things like that as well. The "no one is on our side" speach is what most people will think about, but that wasn't the only one, he gave Tommy a similar speach right after Fundy joined them as well (about how people were only on their side because they now had power). Then Wilbur died and he was almost alone for 13 years with only a 2 months break in between when Tommy was there (once again being the only one to keep him from loneliness). Now that he's back he's no less lonely and he's only more afraid of people leaving him. He still has low as f*ck self esteem and expects most people to despise him and, once again, he's relying on Tommy to keep that loneliness away.
Of course he has other people that care about him as of right now. He has Phil, he has an apparently positive relationship with Jack Manifold and Techno would probably welcome him as well, but none of them work. They're eithher too busy or not prone to the community life enough for what Wilbur needs.
Of course I also do think that there may be an underlying level of genuine care for Tommy as a human instead of just as his shield against loneliness, but honestly that hasn't shined through yet. If it's there it hasn't come out.
How c!Tommy sees c!Wilbur (my interpetation once again):
This one is a bit more complicated honestly. Tommy cares for Wilbur deeply, that much is very obvious. He still wants to consider him family and he wants to feel safe with him, but he doesn't because Wilbur simply does not care about any boundary he has and crossess them all the time.
We also know that he thinks that Wilbur is dangerous and is spending time with him and doing things for him also to "prevent the bad thing from happening" (paraphrased from his conversation with Foolish).
It's also uncertain on wether or not he knows he's being manipulated. He knows that Wilbur is manipulative and he knows that he manipulated him in the past, but wether he recognizes that that is still happening even now is completely up to interpretation.
Still one thing we know for certain is that Tommy has no intention on giving up on Wilbur. He is someone he cares about which means that, no matter how much Wilbur hurts him he probably won't let go. That said he is not dependent on Wilbur (even though I'm fairly sure Wilbur wishes he was) because he has other people to rely on, other people he cares about just as much and, in general, he simply doesn't need Wilbur. He doesn't rely on him at all, it's almost exclusively the other way around. He even made sure to tell us this himself when he pointed out that Wilbur wasn't there for a long time in his life and that he can take care of himself. That said he does still sick Wilbur's approval, but then again Tommy is starved for approval in general, that's not unique to this relationship.
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siren-virus · 3 years
LuckyBoy!AU question (btw, I like this au a lot and love how the dynamics change with everyone here, just saying), Now that we know how Ben operates as a vigilante with his stickers, transformation, sass, uses mana and runes, bickers with criminals and all that jazz; how would he do against the plumbers in general? Against the normal run of the mill plumber? And against a Magistrate if he ever encounters one? How is his relationship with the Plumbers actually? Considering he pranks them a lot apparently and they have some propaganda against him
Also, how does the public react to him? Would they know about his vigilante persona almost as if he was a celebrity of some kind? Would he be an almost unknown vigilante that only the most hardcore of fans, investigators and the like would know of? Would he be considered a cryptid even among the criminals and the common plumbers considering that apparently he's only ever seen by the criminals, Gwen 10, Kevin and Rook on ocassion?
Also also, What would he do with his life (outside the vigilante stuff) while knowing of all the alien stuff his family is always tangled with? Would he get a part-time job in something related to them, or would he act like Ken, trying his best to not be doing anything that relates to them at all?
Finally, I'm also not an american, so idk if they do casual jobs either XD
oh my, I'm glad you like it. If not for social situations being my kryptonite I'd chat your ears off about it. (curse my social awkwardness and my shitty english- is speach dyslexia a thing? cause I think I got that-)
Going up against the plumbers, ok so, we've seen how they function in Omniverse and that is... they don't function well. Maybe when it comes to small crimes, but big ones (like a Vilgax attack) they'll flunk out. The plumbers at their current state aren't equipped to deal with much, just because their stationing is still pretty new and their leadership- apart from Max's- is iffy.
So Ben would run circles around them and take great joy in it too. Most plumbers fear Ben- like I said, there's a lot of propaganda against him. Rather than being the vigilante hero that lurks the street at night, he's like a bad bedtime story to keep kids- or the plumbers in this case- on the "correct" side.
Some of the older veteran plumbers however, think differently of Ben- they don't see him as harmless- Ben will defend himself if he's shot at (and won't attack unprovoked) - But they do take some humour in his antics.
Magistrata are a little more difficult to deal with and less fun to mess with. These guys know their shit. They have some good tech too that works against mana/magic users. Ben has almost been captured by them several times. If he can, he avoids them like the plague. Because if they're around, things are more likely to get done.
I also wanna involve the plumbers kids - Alan, Manny, and Helen, maybe Cooper sometimes, but I like to think Cooper is more in the tech ward with the Galvins.- All of them still consider Ben to be the bad guy. However Alan is slowly being persuaded otherwise- they both have similar humour and Alan really wants to believe that Ben is like them. Wanting to do good for the planet. Manny and Helen, being almost like protective elder siblings, try their best to convince Alan otherwise. But they have seen Ben in action many times, so their perceptions are being warped bit by bit.
He's well known in the media- I mean, he's a human glow stick, so people are very well aware of his existence. Similar to the plumbers, the humans fear him- Will Harangue is responsible for that- The humans Ben has been involved with, however think otherwise, they see him as a hero, akin to Gwen. In most circumstances though, the people will rally together and get their pitch forks and torches. Ben is a witch and must be burned at the stake!
On the underside! The aliens see Ben as a hero, Ben mostly hangs in Undertown and keeps the people safe from actual villains... And Gwen.
Love the cryptid idea, so I wanna try for a running gag. Out of everyone, Cooper has never seen Ben. Anything he's heard has been from other plumbers. Even during times he goes out on missions, he's always MIA when Ben appears - the plumbers are a bit suspicious of that-
Outside of the vigilante life, Ben has a fair amount of involvement with aliens. He works at a cafe (cue coffee shop AU that I'm incredibly soft for ;;; ) this cafe in particular hosts both human and alien guests, one of the very few implemented on earth. Through this coffee shop Ben is able to get on good terms with a few plumbers who will indulge in their daily activities. (it's close by to the plumbers base and just on the outskirts of Undertown.)
Suprisingly the pay is good, but that's because this cafe is under plumber management and they care about their workers and pay a decent wage. -also because not many people want to work there because of the whole alien thing-
The cafe doesn't get in the way of his viglante life, (except maybe he comes to work super tired more often than not.) he takes the day shifts 3-4 days a week sometimes 5 or 6 if a coworker calls in sick. Does the vigilante thing at nighttime. It's when he can be the most bedazzling.
Woo, hopefully that answers your questions.
Also sorry for the long post, but you'll have to bare with it.
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hanro50 · 3 years
Humans be space orks, or so I thought #9
Captain log 70 of the Korithian cruiser A57
Carla had decided to retune me translator as it hath been going crazy as of late causing my speach to descend into incoherent rambling. Inspired by Carla's reports, our resident human engineer, I decided to walk around the ship and inspect the work of the human mechanics whom had worked on the ship.
I'd heard rumours of the first jump ships the humans sent to other local clusters in the universe. Bright purple ships held together by tape and shear will power alone. The logs from my ancestors noted it didn't seem logical that the crude ships that had carried them to my people's home world would survive regular FTL travel, not to mention the strain a jump drive would place on it as they moved between systems.
Heck one of thier ships crumbled to pieces upon entering the raging storms on my people's homeworld. Like most Homeworlds sentient life evolved on in the universe, it was a brutal hell to survive on, yet we thrived.
The human homeworld is dangerous in its own right. It has creatures that can rip cities worth of my kind to fecal matter in a manner of minutes and the Vericose just had to deal with an ungodly amount of radiation from an unstable neutron star around which V1 orbited.
But that was many years ago and now I saw first hand the craftsmenship I saw before me. It put the rest of the ship to shame. I also inspected them removing some markings to make my ship look more like the civilian ship it was. They picked a lovely green colour matching the colour of my leafs on my exterior.
A human came up to me "She is a beaut' madame. A real pleasure to work on as ships of your people tend to be, no offence meant". Non taken I replied knowing that humans lacked a word for my species. It was still in consideration, but 'panty folk' was the best they could come up with. According to the translators. Although they insist it was merely a Latin word that meant that.
"She should be ready for yea in the mornin' captain. We just need to retune the planetary and FTL boosters to account for the new Jump drive. Yea old one's stability struct was a right off and it had fused with the rest of the drive. you'd have had to replace the whole damn thing in the end anyway."
I nodded. Would explain the misjumps. I told him about the captain that rescued us from the first time we noticed the drive was having issues. He laughed and said he knew the captain well. Feared warrior that man was, but apparently his cooking was 'to die for'.
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“What’s the very worst thing you can do to your very best friends? Tell them your darkest secret, because if you tell them, and they decide they’d rather not know... You can’t take it back. You can’t unsay it. Once you’ve opened your heart, you can’t close it again.”
This is the second post I’m making about BBC Sherlock S4 (or anything about any fandom, really). You can find the first one here, the topic is almost the same. I’m really slow in writing down my theories in a way that is comprehensible by others, so I’m sorry if i don’t have a lot for the moment. Read this with the knowledge that I firmly believe in TJLC as explained by Rebekah on YouTube, and that S4 is not real as we see it, but is telling us what we need to know before they release S5 (or the special if that’ll come first) through unusual ways, TJLC style.
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I think here Culverton smith is mirroring the writers, and his friends are the viewers. During the whole scene we have TONS of mirrored shots in the windows, most of it infact. In all of the previous seasons mirrors and character shots in mirrors were there to signal “hey this character is currently mirroring this other thing”, so idk it might be even this time??
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Faith when she’s still drugged and tries to remember something about the conference, the first shot of her that we see, she’s in a mirror, even the desk reflect her image. Wander which part of the audience Faith is mirroring? Yeah, you guessed it. The tjlc fandom. The ones that analyze things. The ones that are questioning.
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And the nurses? Idk, I’ve never seen a nurse that’s just putting an IV wearing a mask (unless under special circumstances of course), it never happens even when you’re taking blood samples, it just doesn’t ring right to me. So, who are the nurses? They’re people working for Culverton, they know what’s happening, they know what the solution is and what it does, they know how to administrate it, but they leave the room in the moment of confession. The nurses are mirroring BBC Sherlock’s crew.
If you’ve never worked on a set let me tell you: nobody, apart from the smallest possible amount of selected people, knows the whole picture, they can’t risk it, usually it’s just the writers, the producers, and most f the times the main actor; everyone else just knows the smallest informations to do their single job of adjusting the lights or hair for that single scene just like it’s written in their schedule.
So the crew knows partially what they’re doing, but they can’t speak, because their mouth is covered.
I’m thinking this is exactly the reason of S4. S4 is the memory drug. Everything made sense till now, tjlc was more and more evident, it was extremely obvious to everyone that johnlock was an actual thing, i mean just look at the sign of three, MY MOM THOUGHT THEY WERE CANONICALLY IN LOVE BEFORE I EVEN DID (at the time the fandom wasn’t the greatest so I avoided pretty much anything that wasn’t fan fictions or fan art, and just thought it was queer bait). Everything was super clever and well made. And then S4 came. A cheap Hollywood movie where nothing made sense and with john and sherlock great platonic friendship. And it was the last season so how could you not except what they already gave you and still want more, right?
Wrong. S4 is either complete bullshit or a distortion of what actually happens.
Culverton say that he can’t say his darkest secret because he can’t take it back, yet he does tell, and he does take it back.
The show does say that sherlock and john love each other (and are still pining) but S4 takes that back. You want the distorted version? Ok. Sherlock does explicitly says the words “i love you” in S4 to Molly in a physical mirror, a character’s mirror for John, whose description of the coffin perfectly fits John. The show does say that the writers aren’t stupid and aren’t making a tv show that’s just a blockbuster action movie, with cheap Hollywood effects and made up physic laws. Yet S4 takes that back.
The whole thing they kept saying in earlier seasons about “making history of television” and “making unprecedented things”? What unprecedented things? That was extreamely cheap cinematic, with really poor writings and a rip off of James Bond and classic horror movies. Nothing about S4 was memorable or relevant.
They already said everything they had to say (for the moment) but then they couldn’t leave the public waiting for another 6 years before S5 with all that hope and knowledge. Especially considering the fandom suspected even the phone\heart metaphor before ASiB even aired. Leave those people with the tiniest hope and you’d find your plans stripped naked for everyone to see in less than half of that hiatus. That’s really not Moffat style, he needs to give you hope, rip your heart open, surprise you leaving you gasping, only then he can make another plot twist and make everything super beautiful again and making you crying because it’s too many emotions.
So they said their things before S4, the fans that were still not sold on johnlock or didn’t want it canon were the friends who would rather not know, they went on with the brain washing of S4, and said “ok, we’re done here, nothing else to see, the show is finished, good night”. But just as with Faith’s story you can reconstruct if not all, part of what happened; because i don’t know if you noticed, but S4 doesn’t have a lot of plot holes, it is one single gigantic plot hole.
But what happens if they kill everyone just like Culverton Smith said? What happens if they make S4 so bad and destroy everything they said up until now with the show itself? What happens if the same people that were able to decode everything suddenly lost any faith because they were let down so much they just let the fandom die, and there was no one left to analyze what they were actually saying?
Everyone would forget all about TJLC and about how clever of a show it was. They would erase the whole show from people’s memories, letting it pass by like any other show that’s there to fill your Sunday evening.
Also there’s another thing that doesn’t sit right with me, although i don’t have any proof backing this up and am not sure of what I’m saying, it’s basically just speculation, but still. TD12 package:
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obviously this drug doesn’t exist, the only thing i came across with that name is a percussion sound module, you’re welcome to make your own theories with this informations since i know absolutely nothing about music technology and am not the smartest tool in the shed when it comes to music theories or clues.
I presume TD12 it’s something along the line of saline solution, since Sherlock made that replacement himself later in the episde, my research (because i also have no knowledge about medical stuff) told me that saline solution has en expiration time of roughly 2 years. On the package we see that the expiration’s date is October 2018, so counting back, assuming Culverton got the drug shortly before doing his speach, the scene takes place somewhere around October 2016. Wander what happened in October 2016?
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On BBC Sherlock official YouTube channel they release just one video: Sherlock Series 4 release date. Now. You might say I’m looking a little to much into it, but if you go check the release dates of the other YouTube videos you would see that they usually don’t post just one video per month, that’s the only one around that time period. Idk if you ask me it’s a lot of strange coincidences.
Anyway, in the scene he then says “these drip feeds will keep the drug in your blood streams at exactly the right levels. Nothing that is happening to you now will stay with you for more than a few minutes. I’m afraid that some of the memories you’ve had up to this point might also be... corrupted.”.
So the victims starting now, will continue to take the drug for the next idk 30 minutes???? But apparently some of the events preceding that moment can be “corrupted”. Translated: everything starting from October 2016 is fucked up because of the drug, not only that, but also some things from before that. I’m guessing the “drips” would be the little occasional posts or news??
Might I add the information that in December 2018 the escape room Sherlock the game is now opened? Like, i know it’s not October, maybe I’m just looking where i want to look, but... I genuinely don’t know, that’s why I’m sharing things, so that people with a more objective point of view can come and say to me “hey you’re not making any sense, what the fuck are you talking about”.
And overall, I’m not native English speaker, but I don’t think you say “corrupted” when talking about human memories. It sounds more something used in the context of digital memories, usually it’s files that gets corrupted, not human brain memories.
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certainnerdcupcake · 5 years
Serendipity (The Show) - Chapter 2
.Pairings: BTS x Reader/OT7 x reader
Summary: In a world where the biggest economical powers dominate the industry of the entertaiment humanity seems almost lost in the crecent sadism of the public. A company invents a revolutionary program. Six men and one woman enter an apartment, only two comes out alive. ¿What’s your choice?
Written By: @caosfueradecontexto
A/N: I like bangtan, sue me.
“They say that the world was built for two
Only worth living if somebody is loving you
Baby, now you do”
Lana del Rey – Video Games
Chapter 2
- Tell me about them. – You say, and Seokjin sighs as if he were already tired of everything.
- Kim Namjoon. – He says, pointing to the first picture to the left side of the screen. He has blonde hair and bright black eyes. – He’s a hacker that has worked for the aristocracy for years.
- Why is he here then? – You ask with curiosity in your voice.
- He has a debt to pay. – He answers and you’re about to ask about it when he turns around to keep talking. You take it as a clue to not talk about him anymore.
- Min Yoongi. – He says pointing to a boy with white skin and shiny black hair. – He’s also a hacker but unlike Namjoon he has work from the underground from a long time.
- Wait ¿Min? ¿As in the Min Clan? - Seokjin nods and it’s about to talk when you interrumpt him – Don’t tell me, he also has a debt to pay.
- He doesn’t, but if you’re wondering about it he’s the one that came up with the whole plan.
You nod in aknowledgment, the guy doesn’t look like an evil genius but you keep that information to yourself as Seokjin keeps on presenting the rest of the boys.
- Jung Hoseok. – He point to the next guy, the only one who’s smiling in his picture, his smile is so bright that you can’t help but wonder how he got himself into this mess. – He’s a weapon specialist that works for the movements of resistence. He was the first to offer himself as bait for the show.
- He’s as sane as i am then. – You say smiling at Seokjin, he rolls his eyes and goes back to his task.
- Kim Taehyung. – Apparently Seokjin is expecting your reaction because he makes a dramatic pause looking at you.
- ¿The actor?
- The wonder child – You take a few moments to process that fact. You know Kim Taehyung from certain movies your mother used to watched, you’re not gonna admit it to Seokjin but you even used to have a crush on him when you were younger.
- He’s a celebrity i know. – Seokjin says looking at you with worry in his eyes. – But you need to treat him like a normal person, otherwise this won’t work.
- But ¿why is he here? ¿Doesn’t he have everything someone could want?
- He’s compromised to the cause.
- Of course. – You say but you still wondering how someone like him will sacrifice so much to be on the show. Unless…
- He’s the one who’s going to win. - Seokjin smiles.
- No one is going to win, he’s there to keep everyone on their role. – He says, dismissing the guy's presence on the show. You nod again, trying to not entertain the idea of you and Kim Taehyung living in the same space.
- Park Jimin. – He continues pointing his hand to the picture of a guy with messy red hair and big glasses on his face. - He was the last one to join to our cause, i can’t say much of him, except he’s here to protect someone important.
- And you’re not gonna tell who’s that “important person” either.
Seokjin laughs but he doesn’t add any other information.
- Jeon Jungkook. – He says looking at the last picture on the screen. – He’s the youngest of them all, but the second to offer himself to the misión. He’s pretty good a eveything, but he’s better in hand to hand combat.
- ¿Are we gonna need that skill?
Seokjin shrugs.
- We have to be prepared for everything.
They find you in the morning still in your pijamas and they don’t even give you the opportunity to go to the bathroom to look a little more decent when they begin to work in your appearence. There’s a woman with a big suitcase in his hand that seems to keep all the make up in the world inside and you inmediately feel a little intimidated. You have never wear anything more than a red lipstick and even that seems a lot to you, apparently the woman can sense your fear because she begans to introduce you to the products before putting them on your face. She begins with some kind of cream giving instructions to close or open your eyes as she goes on with the rest, she seems nice and after a while you’re completely relax in your seat.
She ends up admiring her job on you with her hands on her hips as she looks at your face.
Unfortunately she isn’t as nice to you when she get her hands in your hair and she decides to cut the ends without even ask your opinion about it. The notion of the gesture describes your current situation and you can’t do more than watch as your hair falls to the floor. You think in the words of Seokjin as the stylist ends up her work, and you hold yourself to the promise of revenge and freedom in his speach as you try to shut down the crecent panic in your mind.
You still look like yourself, that’s a little consolation, but at the same time every detail of your face looks different. Seokjin has chosen a light blue dress that leaves your shoulders bare and has details of lace and a corset. He’s trying to make you live a princess fantasy and you almost roll your eyes at him when you see him came into the room making a dramatic surprise gesture at your apearence.  
- ¡I knew that that was the dress! – He screams ignoring the other woman in the room. You can’t avoid the blush in your cheeks.
- I have two options of shoes. – He says getting two boxes out the bag in his hands. – But i don’t know if you feel comfortable in heels.
He looks as your face shows your discomfort and inmmediatly toss one of the boxes away opening the one with a pair of much more confortable shoes.
- I used to have a pair like this when i was little. – You comment and Seokjin smiles. You don’t know how but he seems to already know that.
Seokjin walks to where you are sitting in the bed and you can feel a little heart attack as his fingers find your ankle sliding the shoes on place. You’re probably ruinig your make up trying to hide the blush in your cheeks now, but no one says anything about it.
- You’re gonna do it good Y/N. They’re gonna love you. – You hope for your own sake that he’s right.
You can see the surprise on their faces when Seokjin stops in front of them to make the presentations as he talks to the cameras, is obvious he has some experience in the field and you can’t help to take a deep breath everytime you feel one of the cameramen moving too close to you. Seokjin allows the guys to present themselves after a momento and you look at the one who’s closer to you, you can recognice his face, Min Yoongi looks a lot skinnier in person, he’s dressed completely in black.
- I’m Yoongi. – He says as he takes a sip from the cup in his hands, aparently that’s all he has tos ay because he makes every person in the room feel a little unconfortable with the silence. The guy pushes him a little waiting to get another response from him but he remains in silence.  
- It’s okay. – You say wondering why would someone do something so deliberatly bad for himself in this kind of situation. You’re intrigued. – I’m not completely comfortable with the cameras either. – Seokjin laughs to your side and you can feel his aprobation.
- We’ll hear more of Yoongi in the future. – He says and the guy next to Yoongi takes a step forward. He has a big smile on his face and you can inmediatly recognise him too. He’s wearing a t-shirt with black and white stripes and a pair of black pant with big bright silver shoes.  
- Jung Hoseok – He says doing a little reverence. – Is nice to finally meet you, i’m sure we’ll get along in the future.
You find yourself smiling just by looking at his face.
- Nice to meet you too Hoseok.
The man to his side makes a noise on his throat calling your attention. He’s even taller than the other two and his dark skin goes along with his brown hair. You don’t need introductions to him.
- I’m Kim Taehyung, i’m 22 and i hear we have the same age is it true? – He asks as he walks to you inmediatly making you go back a few steps in defense. He’s as entusiastic as Hoseok and he’s about to add something else when the guy next to him stops him with a hand on his shoulder.
- Kim Namjoon. - He says. He’s the tallest of them all and he wears a white t-shirt to complement his black outfit. His hair is almost white and when he smiles you can see the dimples on his face. – I hope we can get along.
- Of course. – You answer a little distracted as you watched Seokjin look at the guy as if he were angry at him. You can’t see anything bad in Namjoon’s presentation so it has to be something else. Namjoon looks at him for a few seconds but Seokjin doesn’t seem to aknowlodge him. The momento is lost as soon as the next man steps forward.  
- I’m Jimin, Park Jimin. – He says smiling at you and taking your hand in his as he place a light kiss on it. He’s not as tall as the others but his eyes look at you with such intensity that you get trapped in them and you only realised of it when you hear someone cough at his side.
- Jeon Jungkook. – Says the boy not really looking at you but shaking your hand, he has big wide eyes that move around the place in nervousness.
- Nice to meet you Jungkook. – You say as you hold his hand into yours. He smiles a little at that before he steps back.
Seokjin begins to speak again but you can feel all the guys analising you as the cameras move around you. You have never in your life felt so exposed but you suposse that this is how you are gonna live from now on. You can’t avoid the pain in your chest at the thought.
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phantomphangphucker · 5 years
Danny Squared Is An Even Bigger Little Shit - Phic Phight
Prompt Creator: @frootysparkycakes Prompt: Danny and Dani bonding! Maybe they go to the park or something fun like that. Summary: Danny’s all grown up but Dani isn’t about to let him act like it
No warnings apply
“Hey Danny!”, Dani shouts sticking her head in through Danny’s wall. Causing him to promptly fall out of his now too small bed.
Untangling himself from his sheets, “Dani what the hell?!”. Dani giggles as she floats over to him, “so I hear you’re 18 now”. Danny chuckles and shakes his head, “you’re a day too late little lady”. Dani shrugs, “well it’s not like I could join in the family celebrations, so here I am today!”, she sticks her arms out to the side dramatically.
Danny laughs lightheartedly as he throws on a shirt, “alright, alright”. Dani sits down on Danny’s broad shoulder and he looks her up a down, “sometimes I forget just how tiny you are”. Dani shoves his head for that and makes a point of looking overly angry, throwing in a pouty face for added effect. Danny just rolls his eyes as he transforms and flies out the window, Dani still sitting on him.
With it being so early in the morning no one is really out and about so the two don’t get hassled, as Danny lands by a little lake. “So anything you actually had planned today?”, Danny eyes her curiously. “Do I need plans? Because I never have them”, Danny quickly comes to match Dani’s cheeky grin with one of his own. “Now see that’s how I know you really are me. Just grabbing random shit and throwing it at life, hoping you don’t die too much in the process”. As Danny starts walking, still in Phantom form, Dani wraps her legs around his neck and swings to lay upside down on Danny’s back. “Well at least you don’t have to face all that dying while being permanently 12”, Danny notes that she doesn’t even sound sad about that anymore and that makes him smile. “Eh, to hell with ageing who needs it”.
“That’s easy for you to say, you stopped yesterday. That’s still an adult not a little girl”, Danny can’t help but snort at that. “If I suddenly was a little girl I’d be highly confused, Tuck would laugh his ass off though”, the siblings both chuckle at this. Dani snickers as she swings herself up and flops her arms over Danny’s head, “I bet if you suddenly became an 18-year-old girl, he’d hit on you”. Danny makes a mildly disgusted face, “been there done that and would not recommend it”. Dani snorts but then points at the frisbee someone left on the ground, “hey wanna throw shit and try to pelt each other with plastic hard enough to bruise?”.
“Doesn’t matter how hard you throw it, you’ll never satisfy my, apparently, never-ending need to suffer”, Danny full on leaps for the frisbee sending Dani flying. Just as she turns herself around in the air Danny grins and whips the frisbee at her. She spins backwards a bit as she catches the frisbee and pulls it into her chest to lessen the speed of the projectile. She does a little spin as she sends the frisbee right back at him. He has to reach to the side a bit to catch it and the force drags him back a little.
Smirking he lifts it behind is back and whips it towards the ground, causing Dani to have to shoot forwards to catch it. After nearly slamming into the ground while Danny laughs, Dani quietly mutters “Oh it’s on cus”. Through his laughing Danny completely misses her throwing the frisbee till it slams into the side of his head, not even dazed he flies back and catches the ricochet disc. “All those times getting slammed in the head by Skulker sure helps some days!”, Danny humorously shouts as flings the frisbee sideways with a curving spin.
The two go on like this for quite some time and never even notice a couple of people taking photos or smiling at their hero having some fun. They also don’t catch the gossip about the kid who looks a lot like Phantom.
Eventually, the frisbee decides it just can’t take the abuse anymore, and snaps apart as Danny catches it while spinning backwards. Dani points and shouts at him while curled up a bit, “ha! You broke it! You lose!”. Danny sticks his tongue out the brutalised frisbee and then at Dani, “it just can’t handle my fearsome power! BEWARE!”. That results in both them floating to the ground laughing.
The two lay on the ground, watching the clouds for a bit before Dani pipes up, “this tiny body of frisbee winning power demands ice cream”. Danny chuckles as he sits up, picking her up with one hand, “well you’re not paying for it, keep your money”. Dani rolls her eyes as she squirms before phasing out of his grasp.
Dani takes up her spot on Danny’s shoulder as he lands on top of the ice cream stand. Danny sticks his and her head upside down over the top of the ice cream shop scaring the crap out of the ice cream dude. “Fu-holy crow man! Do you really always have to appear out of nowhere?”, the ice cream guy puts a hand to his chest as he shakes his head. “That’s kinda a thing ghosts do buddy, whatcha got for clearance today?”, Danny responds while Dani snickers. The ice cream guy smiles softly as he lifts up 5 tubs of superkid ice cream, “this literally all goes bad in 4 hours. Boss ordered way too much even if it is our most popular flavour. Just take a full one”. Danny tosses a 20$ on the table as Dani snatches up the full tub of ice cream. Both them catch the guy chuckle and say to himself, “you don’t really have to pay for shit Phantom, but thanks. I don’t even know how you get money”.
The two sit down, open the tub and just straight up scoop the ice cream out with their hands. Which eventually, devolves into her smacking ice cream into his hair and him pushing her entire head into the now heavily melted liquidy ice cream.
Danny shoves his entire hands in his mouth via body manipulation to lick them clean of the sticky mess. Dani laughs at the absurdity of it and then licks the entirety of his hair, getting the ice cream off of it. “Oh you wanna play that game?”, Dani makes a horrified face as Danny straight up sticks his mouth over her entire head licking her clean. “Oh my god ew! I’m so doing that to the next creepy ghost who insults my size!”, Danny can’t help but fall over laughing, “you damn well better! Make them regret ever bugging you!”. Danny then stops and grins evilly, “hey I wonder what the Box Ghosts is up to”. Upon hearing this Dani grins wide and shoots off into the sky, Danny following lazily behind.
They really don’t have to look long before discovering him, “you really do always manage to find your way into Amity don’t you?”, Danny chuckles. “BEWARE PHANTOM! AND MINI PHANTOM! FOR-”, the Box Ghosts speach gets promptly cut off by Dani pulling the same shit on him that Danny pulled on her; while Danny spins around laughing. With only one eye open and still clutching his stomach with one hand, he pops the thermos open and sucks in a completely started and slightly terrified looking Box Ghost. High-fiving Dani, the siblings/cousins float up through the ceiling.
“That was freaking great, maybe for one April fools I’ll fight every enemy that way?”, Danny genuinely ponders doing this, earning more laughs from Dani.
“So what the hell are you to up to? It’s hardly ghost hour?”, Valerie comes in on her board. Dani immediately zooms up to her, “celebrating by screwing around”, jabbing her thumb over her shoulder at Danny, “this oversized idiot is an adult now”. Valerie blinks and turns to Danny, “you weren’t already an adult? Ghost grow up?”. Danny laughs and flicks his ghostly tail around a bit, “no I wasn’t, means I’m done changing. How you see me now is how I’ll always be”. Valerie chuckles but removes her helmet, “well good for you then. This mean you won’t be getting any stronger?”. Danny shrugs, “my physical form is done, as for power levels, who knows”. Valerie shakes her head rather hoping he doesn’t get stronger, “well I guess happy birthday or whatever, Phantom. Don’t cause too much trouble”. Valerie claps him on the shoulder before taking her leave. Danny can’t help but grin as Dani chuckles.
The two fly out of the building and opt to float around one of the trail paths, ectoblasting any leaves that fall down. Weaving in and out of trees, they also scare the crap out of unsuspecting animals and bugs.
Danny scoops Dani up onto his arm and flex’s his peck causing Dani to spring up into the air. Dani, forgetting she can float, clambers to grab Danny’s head while he laughs his ass off. “You are to damn strong for your own good!”, Dani indignantly cries. She wraps her legs around his neck and crosses her arms over top of his head as he floats lazily down the path. “Hey now, if I’m strong then that means you are too. Stunted genetics be damned”, Dani rolls her eyes at him but flexes herself anyways before settling her arms back on his head. Chuckling, “you’re the world’s strongest 3 year old”.
It doesn’t take much longer for more regular humans to be out and about, but neither really feel like giving up the ghost just yet. “I know you've got class in, like, two hours but want to go fling ourselves into the freezing ass beach?”, Dani has taken to laying on her stomach on his head, her face nearly blocking his eyes completely. “Don’t you know it, and since it’s still chilly no one will really be there. And it’s not like I’m going to complain about the cold”, Dani pokes him on the forehead with her tongue before talking. “Well aren’t you Mr. Freeze”.
“And you’re a freezie”
The two do indeed fling themselves into the water a bunch and get properly drenched in the ice water. But before too long, “Well I actually have class to attend to, even if it’s useless for me and even if there’s no way I’ll be there the whole time”. Dani throws some more water in his face, “yeah the ghosties don’t exactly care about your school and you really don’t either”. Danny shrugs, “true but I have to have it, apparently”. Dani floats up into the air and as she’s waving goodbye she mutters, “well that’s stupid”. After Danny changes behind a tree and starts his walk to school, he can’t help but mutter “ain’t that the truth”.
He’s met by a confusing sight once he does get to school though. Everyone is running around excitedly shoving their phones in each other’s faces and Paulina is crying? “What the fuck?”, he whispers to Tucker as he comes running up. Instantly Danny is pulled into the craziness as Tucker shoves his phone in Danny’s face. Seeing the picture on screen, “Oh come on! I can’t even goof off for one freaking morning?”. Sam comes up and slugs him on the shoulder, “no it would seem you can’t”. Then Tucker snickers and scrolls through a few pages, “so you have a kid now huh?”. Danny glares at Tucker and sees him show a photo taken at the exact moment he got decked in the head by a frisbee, “you know I don’t you shit and she can throw pretty hard for her size”.
“Danny, she practically is. I know y’all go with cousin most of the time but technically”, Sam stops because she’s snickering too hard at Danny’s overacted exasperated groaning. Tucker snickers too, “we should have a belated baby shower”. Danny actually smacks Tucker over the head, “you will die, painfully”. Then both Tucker and Danny see a new one that’s edited, “oh dear god, how the hell did someone even get that shot without it being blurry to hell”. Sam looks over and sees the offending photo. It’s perfectly timed for when Danny flexed to bounce Dani and it’s edited with the word “stud daddy” and hearts. One response is the “heart eyes mother fucker” gif. Sam can barely contain her laughter. “You both are just awful”.
Once in class Danny overhears exactly what Paulina was crying about, “if he has a kid he must have a girl too! But what about me!”
“Girl, you're better than whoever, maybe they’re not even together”
“We haven’t even seen him be all lovey with any lady so”
“Hell, how do ghost even have kids”
“Maybe they, like, duplicate or do it asexually”
“Well regardless, it is pretty cute he has a little girl”
Danny rubs his temples, “oh dear god this is going to be a long day”.
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drferox · 5 years
Pokemon Snap 2 level - The Town
There’s a lot of urban Pokemon; critters which don’t seem like they belong or would adapt to a wild island without human habitation, which is difficult in Pokemon Snap because it’s supposed to be a wild place with absolutely zero humans, so what are any of them doing here? It’s already pushing it to have 800+ species crammed onto an island, so I figure it’s not pushing it that much more to have an abandoned town there somewhere. But… why is it abandoned?
I do love the liminal spaces, which is why we begin this level on the edge of a meadow, driving towards the town. There’s long and short grass with small flowers, and the pokemon we find here vary depending on whether it’s day or night. Run down wooden fences line the path into town as we meander into the abandoned town.
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Spearow, the originally angry birds, hop back and forth along a fence looking mad at each other during the day. They will get closer together if you lure them with apples, but will squabble if they get too close.
A fearow cruises high above during the day too, for a decent shot from below, but will dive down onto a surviving bird feeder if you land an apple in it.
At night venonats run through the grass and across your path.
Miltank graze in the overgrown grass, and of course they will wander closer for apples. At night they’re sleeping, but you can wake them with a pester ball.
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A comfey hangs out in the flowers, but is also attracted by apples. When it’s close to a Miltank, it will give it a flower crown, for extra bonus points and a very happy cow.
Following the milktank if you lure them out of the long grass, is a hard working herdier.
There is a meowth trying to sneak up on a spearow deeper in the level during the day, but at night it’s rummaging for something shiny in some debris.
A murkrow will argue with that same meowth over the shiny rubbish.
Near that rubbish is a honedge, but it only awakes and is recognizable when the pokeflute plays.
And closer to the buildings as the meadow ends, there’s a combee hive occupying space in a broken wall. Each time you hit it with a pesterball, more combees break away, but do it enough and the vespiquen comes out to defend it.
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Once we reach the buildings of this town, it’s apparent these houses are in ruins, bits of them blown apart, gardens overgrown and fences falling down.
At night, a venomoth flutters around a flickering streetlight. On nights of a full moon, they are more numerous.  
During the day, a persian lounges on a roof, sunbaking.
An abra can be found in the gardens, but it teleports away as you get closer unless you distract it with apples.
We can see into a bedroom of a house where a wall has fallen away (or exploded?) where a kadabra inspects various objects and toys within it via telekinesis.
Natu have replaced the spearows perching on the garden fences to be cuter, less angry birds.
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At night, a Xatu ominously stares at you from whichever angle you look at it from, opening its wings as you get close.
Also at night, a furfrou dozes beside a front door. It will wake with either a pesterball or pokeflute and will start barking.
Espurr sit quietly and happily in gardens overgrown by flowers, minding their own business… unless you hit them with a pesterball, unleashing a spurt of psychic power.
Annoying the espurr makes a meowstic appear over the roof of a house. There’s a male one during the day, and a female one at night.
Through all of the suburban landscape, there is a Mime Jr that will follow you after photographing him once, popping up to ruin the shot if you’ve focused the camera too long. Enjoy your photobombing mini psychic clown!
The path is crossed by a pair of rockruff playing and chasing leaves blown by the breeze.
Their big sibling lycanroc catches up with them, day form during the day, and night form during the night.
Some of these forgotten and damages houses still have perfectly functioning doors, and who better than Klefki to help you open them and see inside? Lure a Klefki close to a door and it will open it for you!
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And some of those houses contain appliances like microwaves, washing machines and lawn mowers… perfect hiding spots for a rogue Rotom.
Now the path branches, and we can either head to the town square, that still looks bright and clean, or towards a more damaged area of town and its back alleys.
The town square looks fancy, honestly quiet well to do and upper class. There’s an open town square with a statue of some important human or other, a fountain and fancy cobblestone paths. In the distance, the road takes you past an ominous looking mansion with a massive gate before the end of the level.
Skitty scamper along the street, disappearing between some of the other buildings during the day. Sometimes they will chase their own tail.
At night a Delcatty walks that same path, though at a much more sedate, graceful pace.
A smeargle can be found during the day, painting graffiti on building walls.
At night, shuppets play in empty windows and long-forgotten flower pots.
During the day, a flock of pidove perch on the statue in the center of the town square, definitely not making a mess of it.
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An Espeon walks around the rim of the fountain, then sits to watch you approach.
An Alakazam meditates in the library, visible through a crumbled wall. It hovers in mid air, surrounded by an aura and floating books. The aura distorts your photos, unless you distract it with the pokeflute.
Mr Mime is performing in the town square. Random chance for there to be two of them.
A glameow stalks the player from the safe distance of the roof tops.
A stoutland, in all its shaggy glory guards a fancy bed in a kennel beside a house. Coax it up and out with apples to reveal three lilipups that were hiding beneath its fur.
At night, Mewtwo circles the statue in the otherwise abandoned town square. It’s shielded by an aura that takes three pesterballs to break. It ignored you before the aura was broken, then turns on you with angry, glowing eyes. One of the few pokemon capable of coherant speach, the first time you encounter it, it demands “What do you want?” with the voice in your head. Your vehicle continues on its path. On subsequent visits mewtwo instead asks “Back again?” and “Why are you alone?”
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Lure another klefki across the road to open the gate to the mansion.
If we go to the damaged back alleys instead, weaving behind the fancy buildings to the hidden areas behind them, we find instead:
Snubbull squabbling over food, which you can feed.
Purrloin raiding trash cans. Toss a pester ball in there to make them pop out.
A granbull gnawing on a fossil bone. Lure a purloin closer to it so that it chases the cat pokemon and abandons the fossil for you to reanimate later.
At night a purugly patrols the scene where granbull had been during the day, all the other pokemon intimidated away.
There is also a ghastly floating around at night, but you only see a haze until your photos are developed in the lab.
Trubbish can also be evicted from trash cans by throwing pesterballs into them.
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A Garbodor can also be revealed, but this time you have to throw a pesterball into a large dumpster.
Liepard lurks on the rooftops, stalking the player from a safe distance, until it jumps over the path to the roof on the other side in one location.
Scraggy forage and show off during the day. Lure two close together and they will engage in a display, each trying to show off the size of their ‘pants’.
A scrafty can be enraged enough to punch a secret panel off a wall, revealing a locked door to a secret facility. Good thing there’s another klefki nearby.
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And towards the end of the level is a barren field of crumbling debris, no plants, and no pokemon. An ominous, dark cocoon hovers above the ground, in which waits Yveltal, but it can only be activated after Xerneas has been found.
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A previous level, the Ocean, is here.
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tazzmanien · 5 years
Day6 concert in Amsterdam
I know i'm way too late, writing about the Day6 concert in Amsterdam. Better late than never. (And I had a stressful week and am sick.)
In short: I loved it! I have the after concert blues.
In very long:
They played all the songs that I like. Unfortunately they sang only a part of Congratulation themselves, as they let the audience sing the first half. I know it was very cool to hear the Dutch audience sing a Korean Song so good, but I love this song so much that I would have preferred to hear it sang by the band completely. Shoot me was my favorite song before and it hit high peak at the show, it landed in my all time top 10 kpop songs now! And the length of the show was great.
The guys were just perfect. Maybe too perfect at times, but perfect anyhow. First of all they all played their instruments perfectly. I couldn't hear almost any mistakes. So I can't say who played the best. I think they all did! They also sang so so good. Not to be biased, but I liked Jaes singing the best, as it was the realest. Still all sang great. I was there for the music, but let's be real, all of them are beautiful human beings. If you ask me who was the most beautiful objectively speaking, I couldn't answer. Oh and they all looked so mature. I don't know how to explain this, but like men and not boys or something. Sometimes they gave me the vibe that all they were doing or saying was just rehearsed, but then they would do some random things and they'll feel real. I still don't know what was the truth, but overall I enjoyed it, even if it only was fan service, I don't care. What I did believe 100% was when they were talking about how special the world tour was for them. I mean which artist wouldn't feel like that. It was their first after all and they sold out pretty big places and were able to travel a lot. I would be so happy for the travelling alone!
I couldn't see Wonpil most of the time unfortunately. But he seemed happy and was very very cute during his speach. Shy lil guy. Great voice too.
I was very sad to not have been able to see Young K better, as he was close to Wonpil. But the few times I got a clear view of him I almost tripped. He is really handsome and a flirt. Wow! Dude keep all that hotness to yourself, I already have JB for that! Really he must be bipolar, he seems to be such a cute and dorky person, but within seconds he looks like a sly flirtatious fox. Me when I looked at him: 😲🤤🤪
Oh and he looked like he enjoyed rapping a lot. His voice in general sounded the most different from the records. Still I liked it.
Dowoon was the cutest by far. His smile and laugh were pure happiness. I believe he even got the biggest applause from the audience. People went crazy before he spoke. Seeing him blush and laugh was a true treat. I couldn't hear a single error in his playing, but he still didn't look like it was a big deal to hit the drums, you know how some other drummers tend to look exhausted. He looked like a true performer. Very cool.
Sungjin was the one I could see all the time and clearly. And he reminded me of the cool guy from a school band. I'm not a huge fan of school bands, but he made me rethink. I'm curious how tens his neck must have been from standing bent over like he did ( if you've seen pics of him performing you'll know what I mean). He looked really cool like that, but I believe a normal neck would not play along for that long. The faces he made were gold. He seems like a guy I would love to have as a friend. I don't know, like a mix of fun and wise. He had a very clear singing voice. Great job.
And last but not least Jae. Jae is not my bias for nothing. Such a funny, hyper, talented bundle of chaos. He seemed so happy. Jumping around and making fun of poor Wonpil and laughing at the others and the translator (who apparently was not the best). And jumping from stage to get close to the audience. He even climbed the barrier to see us in the back and waved to us. I was surprised how great he was singing (I always thought the others were better for some reason). I would have almost said he sang the best, but in some songs the joy took over and he shouted or sang little out of tune, but it still sounded though he had all under control. To make this shorter he was born to be an entertainer! Unfortunately he had way too much makeup on him, but still he was very handsome.
The sound was very very clean and professional. It sounded almost like on record. Which is cool. But me being the oldschool kinda person, would have loved to hear a more raw version of the music. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed it like this as well. They must be really great musicians, to be able to play their instruments with almost no errors and to sing almost perfectly the whole set through. And one could hear that it was indeed life and not playback, which I think is a must for such music! Also it was quiet a big hall so the technicians did a great job in making such a clean sound. So even though the music was not raw, I was glad to experience such a great quality of sound with a band playing and singing live.
The people in the audience were very friendly and everyone was kinda happy and chill, so the vibe was really good. At least that's what I've experienced. I went with a friend and she is very funny, so it might've been us that made the vibe. Btw the audience sang two songs, and really good if I might add. Also very positive was that during some songs there were almost no mobile phones in sight, as people were actually dancing, jumping or just enjoying the music for once. I loved that part especially! Being the oldschool person, I love kpop music mainly for its music and not for the looks. But I know that most people in all kpop fandom are not there for the music only, so this surprised me the most.
Mydays are just cool I guess ! Love you guys!
The organization was okay I think. We came 2 hours after the numbering started and got pretty decent numbers. The wristbands were our entry ticket later on, which I think was a great thing. We were only GA1 and were standing completely to the left with only one girl before us and the barrier, so we ended up standing relatively close, yet still kinda far away from the stage. Close enough to see them very clearly, but almost too far for videos and already too far for photos. I can imagine GA2 to be pretty unhappy, as they were further away.
The videos played in the background were nice, but together with the lights they made it difficult to see the guys. The light show on its own was a huge mess in my opinion. Yeah, it was in sync with the music and it was really artistic sometimes and even really special occasionally. But they overdid it! I felt that they should have shown a warning sign for people with epilepsy. Really! During two songs it was like in a really annoying disco. I would have overlooked it, if it were just annoying, but sometimes you couldn't see the band properly and making pictures was almost impossible, as the lights were directed at the audience 50% of the time. This sort of light show might be cool for other kpop acts, but not for a real band like Day6. Also the guys were hit with such bright lights, that they actually looked white. And I mean white white, as in white like a paper and not white like a caucasian. I can only imagine how annoying this must have been to the guys. So I have no good videos or pictures to show, but I guess there are already dozens of great ones from the VIPs.
The merch was okay, but not especially great.
Oh and this was the first time I enjoyed the confetti. It somehow fit the vibe and they shot it over more then half of the audience which was a lot. Now I get the hype.
This was long... have I forgotten something? Any questions? (@scoundrels-in-love 🙂)
Conclusion: Cant wait to see them again! I want Sungjin as a big brother or friend. Jae should be my best friend for real. Young K is dangerous. Wonpil and Dowoon are cuties. The all are great musicians and entertainers. The light effect guys should calm down a pinch.
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alexielmihawk · 7 years
about Eurovision
Hi, it’s me, again. Ranting about Eurovision. Here I’ll talk about: a) Salvador not having an heart condition, b) the deep meaning of some other countries’ songs
I’m here to bring you some information because, apparently, I know way too many people who voted out of pity and not out of taste. It has spread around the rumor that Salvador Sobral has a heart condition and needs a heart translplant: IT’S FALSE. It was well spread though, so well that way too many people believed it and voted for him because of it. BUT Ana Paulo, his managers, stated that those rumors are false (link to english, link to portoguese). Of course she told just to Portugal, which is a thing that unnerves me a lot, because she should have told that to the world, mostly because many international gossip newspapers and sites are now spreading this bullshit, and now everyone believes it. But hey, who doesn’t want to push the pity button?
So, to sum it up: SALVADOR SOBRAL DOESN’T HAVE AN HEART CONDITION, HIS SONG IS JUST A REGULAR SAD LOVE SONG ABOUT A GUY WANTING HIS GIRL BACK AND SAYING “Doesn’t matter if you don’t love me, my heart can love for both and you will learn how to love me back with time” (which I find kind of creepy, but it might just be me) IT’S NOT, BY ANY MEANS A SONG ABOUT HIS SISTER’S HEART BEING ABLE TO LOVE FOR THE BOTH OF THEM.
Okay, I’m changing the original post because I was wrong, apparently Salvador DOES have an heart condition, @magnusinalec provided me with soumeuseful sources, some of them were about his Ernia surgery (x x x) as well as this interview in Portoguese to Salvador where he mentions his health problems (x - "Tenho muito mais coisas boas do que coisas más. Esta doença que tenho é um problema pequenino e, na verdade, será o único problema que eu tenho na minha vida", admitiu o jovem música na entrevista. "Se [o problema no coração] não é  resolúvel totalmente, é possível lidar com ele", acrescentou. || “I have more positive things than negative things in my life. This health problem I have it’s a small problem, and, to be honest, the ony problem I have in my life). I hate spreading false news so I wanted to correct the post, the rest of the point still stands.
Anyway, breaking news is, apparently, next year Eurovision is changing its name into “Eurovision Pity Contest”, since no one does Real Music TM anymore anyway, so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
What pissed me off a lot was also his speach; apparently Salvador was happy he won because finally real music has been recognized, and not the pop, commercial, disposable music we listen to every day: bring music back. Which sounded to me like “let’s make music great again”, which is a very stupid and riddiculous speech if done anywhere at the Eurovision song contest, a musical contest mostly famous for the trash, the fireworks, a man in hamster wheel, a piano on fire, verka and many other extravaganzas; it was like he said to every other contest that their music was not real music, that their songs were not enough. Excuse me if you only brought a boring ballata, talking about a finished love, while other contestants brought song with an actual deep meaning. And by this I’m not saying that you are not entitled to like his song, of course you are, and I would never imply that just because I don’t like something that thing cannot be liked or it’s not real music. Anyway, back tot he songs with a meaning:
Hungary sung a song about racism and hope; Joci Pàpai sung about ethnic discrimination, about prejudice and the importance to overcome them, about how he found his strenght in God and how he uses his music to unite people and not divide them ( Why did you lie to me / That the color of skin doesn’t matter? / You know that I have brown eyes, / This never changes )
Apparently Greek singer Demy’s song was about the importange of an equal and sincere love, at the cost of leaving and going away, even if it hurts, even when you want your significant other to be with you, because “ Holding on to what we had / Can be so self-destroying”.
Italy arrived with Francesco Gabbani whose song was about cultural appropriation, the importance of realising that the orient, its currents and its philosophies are so much more than what the westeners think they are. As it was explained beautifully here, this song has multiple reading levels and it refers to literature, philosophy, anthropology; it’s main reference is the book “The Naked Ape: A Zoologist’s Study of the Human Anima” a study by Desmond Morris, zoologist and ethologist. And as Fabio Ilaqua said (he’s the guy who wrote the lyrics together with Francesco): “It describes the situation of Westerners, their models and their way of seeking refuge in the Oriental rituals for comfort. It’s a pretext to observe how are we as modern humans. Westerners are turning to oriental cultures like tourists who go into a holiday village. Oriental cultures are seen as an escape from the stress, but they were not born for this. It’s the trivialisation of something profound”
And to be honest, even if you were not interested into deep meaningful songs there were some great performers this year: Moldova (sax epic guy forever in our hearts), Azerbaijan (we won’t forget you bojack horseman), Armenia (aesthetic game at his finest), Belgium (eurovision at 9, funeral at 12), Romania (yodel it to the stars my friends!), Belarus (Luna from Sailor Moon sailed on a cultural journey), I also enjoyed Croatia, France and The Netherlands. But apparently it’s a good thing none of those won, it wasn’t real music anyway.
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ohionightsmusings · 7 years
Economy of Love
I spent some time with the first few verses of 1 Corinthians and was inspired once again with Paul’s economy of love within the communities that he was establishing.  This universal call to every individual to love the neighbor is 100% in line with all of the life and teachings of Jesus.  I see this now as Paul’s fundamental goal within all of his work: to establish communities that were rooted in love as opposed to class, competition, nationality, or religious privilege.  These are communities of grace.
And now I will show you a way that is beyond comparison.  If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but I do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal.  
A way:  1) properly 1a) a way 1a1) a travelled way, road 1b) a travellers way, journey, travelling 2) metaph. 2a) a course of conduct 2b) a way (i.e. manner) of thinking, feeling, deciding.
Paul has been speaking in terms of this body that is united in the pursuit of the mutual benefit of all.  This is true community that is not ruled by competition or any form of classism.  In this case he has been talking about different abilities that individuals bring to a group.  He is making sure that his readers understand that everyone has genuine, unique value.  One person, or ability, should not be valued above another.  However, he says that it is good to seek these giftings out.  The purpose of the gift is not for the individual, however, but for the community.  The gift is given to be given.  
To understand the context of this gifting within a community is to begin with a way, or journey, that is the most excellent.  This journey is love.  
Love (agape):  1) brotherly love, affection, good will, love, benevolence.
Love (my definition):  The open, active seeking of the good of the other.
Speach without the motive of love is just noise; not only noise, but obnoxious noise.  Paul brings everything back to the foundation of love.  There can be no other ethical, good motive besides the seeking of the good of the neighbor.  This is the very opposite of competition that forms the basis for capitalistic society.  This is the best way; the most excellent journey.  
And if I have prophecy, and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so that I can remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.
Prophecy in the context of the Jewish story is the speaking of truth to power.  Prophecy is to speak for the voice-less.  The prophets spoke the heart of God to the oppressor as they sought out this community that Paul also is working towards.  Here we have prophecy, knowledge of mysteries (apparently mystical in nature), general knowledge, and faith that can remove mountains.  Prophecy, mystical knowledge, general knowledge, and radical commitment (faith/pistis) are all certainly powerful but none of them necessarily include love.  The prophet can speak out of pure contempt (i.e., Jonah).  Mystical knowledge can be purely esoteric and selfish (i.e., Simon the Magician in the book of Acts).  General knowlege can be used to exploit the poor, deceive others, and be put to work in the world in an infinite number of evil ways (i.e., pretty much all the kings of Israel).  Faith, radical commitment, has led humans to achieve the impossible evil in ways that astound all of us.  Without love as the absolute foundation for knowledge and action these “good” things can be corrupted to the point of absolute horror (the atomic bomb, Holocaust, ecological disaster, exploitation of workers, accumulation of wealth, etc). 
Paul stands in the line of people like Soren Kierkegaard and James Baldwin who see ethics, and therefore love, as inherent to every human experience.  There is no aspect of life that falls out of the subjective decision of love.  In other words, there is no aspect of experience that is objectively impartial to (for or against) love.  Every aspect of life, and every choice, is an ethical decision about loving the neighbor.  Modern society since the Enlightenment has done everything in its power to escape the responsibility of love and to free the individual to do ANYTHING they want.  We call this freedom but it is really another form of slavery.  Freud and the psychoanalysts anhilated this objectivity in relation to desire when they showed us that desire itself is subjective and shaped, as opposed to inherent and objective to the individual.  Paul calls the individual to embrace the subjective call to love the neighbor in every part of life.  This is the foundation to his entire purpose; this is his hermeneutic.  
If I give away everything I own, and if I give over my body in order to boast, but do not have love, I receive no benefit.  
Benefit:  1) to assist, to be useful or advantageous, to profit.
In this understanding of economy within a community the only profit that can exist is in the act of loving itself.  In this economy love, an act of giving, is a profit in itself.  All understandings of capitalist economics fall apart in the kind of community that Paul is talking about.  Even the acts of physical and financial sacrifice do not bring profit to the individual who gives without love.  Love is the giving and receiving at the same time.  The economy of this kingdom of God is love itself; given and received in unison.  
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vssoise · 7 years
At the core of the matter, people don't want to have to make too much of an effort. Especially when they're happy. Perhaps more so when they're looking for someone to blame. What it comes down to, is that people want to live lives without conflict, either external or internal, because it causes discomfort. And if something causes discomfort, it is avoided, or ridiculed, or cast in the role of antogonizing at best, oppressing at worst.
This is my base assumption, anyway, upon which I make the following observations, as to why certain styles of speach/argument are so apparently effective on such a large portion of the population.
Unspoken Assumed Truths
The first offender, or should I say contributor to my inventory of rhetoric, shall be taken to be whom I unaffectionately call "Gumball guy". There was a video not too long ago making the rounds on facebook or some boor going around with gumballs, claiming he could explain the effects (or to use a word he'd probably find more appealing to his argument, consequences) of immigration using only his multitude of gumballs. Right off the bat, two things. He's saying he's going to simplify an obviously very complicated matter with multiple facets using children's sweets, and two, he says he's going to 'explain immigration' using gumballs. I will refer to this assumption that whatever he's going to say is indeed an 'explanation of immigration' (assumedly, as a phenomenon) as Ass 1 (as you can tell, I really don't like this guy). Now, let's get into his actual argument. He says that, since the point of immigration is to reduce the world's poverty level, it necessitates that we have a measure of the world's poor. Hence, each gumball, we shall say, is 100,000 people living below the poverty line. Ass 2: The point of immigration is to reduce the world's poverty level. I mean, what? Since when do countries perform this charity of letting in people of other countries who are below the poverty line specifically under the idea that letting these people will somehow magically lift them out of the poverty zone and therefore decrease the overall number of those living in poverty? I've never heard such an immediately stupid assumption. But this post is not about Gumball's guy's immigration video, it is on rhetoric, and so I digress. Gumball guy goes on to say that, because the countries in which there is a large level of poverty are reproducing at a rate below the poverty line that far outpaces the rate at which developed countries (like the USA, in his example) can let them in, in net, immigration is actually doing nothing to help reduce world poverty, and therefore, immigration and the allowing of the same are totally pointless and should be restricted. Did you see what he did? To the casual listener, more so perhaps to the listener who is inclined to believe a reason that can be used against immigration policy, there is no conflict of thought required. After all, he defined immigration's purpose, and showed quite handily with his gumballs that immigration does not fulfill that purpose. It therefore logically follows that his argument is valid. But this listener doesn't remember to question the basis on which his argument is made, because the speaker never explicitly says what his assumption about the purpose of immigration is. He never says "okay let's define what immigration is for, we think it is this" because that invites attention to it. Attention invites analysis, and analysis is the antidote to misdirection. And because he doesn't explicitly draw attention to this, the listener is all but fine to ignore it also, since it requires more mental effort on his part independently, to do so. Therefore, by never drawing attention to an analysis of his defined purpose of immigration, he allows (forces?) the passive listener to accept, even without the listener's knowledge, that his defined purpose for immigration, his assumption, is true. This is the clutch point. By not drawing attention to the base assumption, he can make whatever argument he wants, even as simple as the one he made using gumballs, and it comes across logical rather than fallacious in some way. It becomes a simple argument, and no one wants to fight that, because simple is nice. Logic is conflict free. Unspoken assumed truths lie at the base of all 'simplified' complicated issues.
The Relatable Misdirection
The first person who did this that made me realize this was a thing (perhaps I should have realized sooner?) was Simon Sinek. He had a video come out recently, or perhaps it has just been making the rounds recently, about Milennials and 'why we are the way we are'. I know, been done to death right? "Oh no, they take too many selfies, they're too self obsessed, they want everything handed to them, they don't want to work as hard" etc etc. 95% of it is generalizing rubbish. 5% of it probably true about certain individuals, as it would be for any generation. In any case, this Sinek video takes "the Curious Case of the Milennial in the Workplace", so to speak, and, since I'm here discussing rhetoric, not his video, and so I can get directly to his point, says that Milennials are the way they are because of a failure of parenting, but more so because of a failure of the workplace to recognize this failure of parenting and provide the appropriate guidance. Now, there are are so many things to be said to counter him almost immediately. Assuming he's right, why is the workplace's responsibility to provide the hitherto missing guidance? Let's not assume he's right at all, and chalk up his ideas of why milennials are any way to generational differences that seem to draw lines between any two generations. Or, we can consider one of the multiple other, more real factors, that probably contribute to milennnial unemployment, or unhappiness, or living at home (the three most commonly referred to problems of our generation, by the older generation who, apparently, were gutsy enough to do things the way they had to be done), like the worst economy to grow into since the 20s, a lack of environmental regulations, the rising problem of student debt. And those are just USA milennial problems, but of course, USA is representative of the world, to a lot of people. But coming back to his rhetoric, while we are poking holes in his arguments, there are more people who accept his statements as must-be truths. This is because of his set up to his assertions. He starts his video saying small things that milennials and others can relate to, differences between generations, endearing things that point out the differences without invoking contempt from older people nor defense from milennials. By doing this, he gains the favor of his audiance, which is all he needs, in the end. If the audiance likes you, they're much more likely to trust you, and if they trust you, they're more inclined to not put their mental faculties to work trying to find flaws in your argument. The easier they accept your assertions. This happens with senators too. When emailed or called about a certain policy or the other, a politician won't go directly to what he thinks he should do to achieve the results; no, doing so prematurely while you are still primed to disagree would be ruinous. Therefore, he will always start by setting the correct stage. Establish vague statements as shared goals, thinks like "we want every American to have a great life" and "we think all Americans deserve access to opportunity". Things that are vague enough and positive enough that you can't disagree, and things that establish a common ground enough to engender more trust and amiability with him than you were originally prepared to give. Then, when he gets into what specifically he's going to, he's primed you to be more receptive, and the problem is that those who do not want to dedicate more thought than they deem 'necessary', which is most people, decide they don't need to hear anymore, especially if it's a conflicting opinion that requires even more brain power to process.
This isn't a pejorative towards people who are less educated or less succesful at all; it's about a real trait humans have. We don't like conflict, especially within our own thoughts, and we'd rather not have to dedicate unnecessary energy towards the consideration of things that we feel comfortable leaving to people we trust. Which brings me to my last point.
Using simple words seems to be the most easily implemented, and yet most easily overlooked, source of good oration. Using larger words, even if they facilitate conveying greater detail, becomes counter productive if your audience can't understand you, or worse, see it as condescending. It comes across complicated, and perceived unnecessary complication can be misattributed to attempts at deception. If you use simple words, even if what you're saying isn't correct, you can connect with people better: if they can understand you, they will trust you. Even if what you're saying is wrong. This US Presidential Election, case in point.
At the end of the day, it seems apparent that most people would rather not devote much brain power to things they think doesn't directly and, more importantly, immediately, affect them. This isn't a groundbreaking realization. But what I've come to understand more fully, and perhaps this is basic, is that what is of primary importance in persuading people that you have their best interests at heart is to get them to TRUST you. It doesn't matter if you have the better plan. It doesn't matter if you actually do have their interests at heart. None of these matter more if they trust someone else more than they do you, and now, with at least these three things fleshed out for myself, I have three new tools in my inventory to help me make (manipulative, a little?) others trust me.
And that's the first step towards making any real change.
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Laure watches Vikings 4x18
OMG HARALD PRINCESS!!!! She is beautiful and seems to want to avoid him. I guess she doesn’t want to be pressured into marriage and be harassed by the king.
Also, I am disappointed Aslaug wasn’t Harald’s princess. It would have made more sense and would have been more interesting.
Why do y’all insist to share women???? DO YOU SHARE STDs TOO??? (okay but read this regarding the Magrethe situation. It is very insightful.)
At last! We finally get to see more of Magrethe’s personnality! Tbh it is the first time I see her as a real human being.
Magrethe is soooooo beautiful as a bride!!! I loved the wedding! AND THE RACE OMGGGGG!!!
LMAO HVITTY IS SERVING DRINKS!!! And Sigurd who behaves like an ass as well as Ivar! OMG I love when the two youngest gets along well! I live for this! This is so cute!  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Damn! The vikings really had some good hair extensions! HOW DID MAGGIE’S HAIR GREW SO LONG IN SUCH A SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME???
Oooooh Harlad and Halfdan are threatening innocent princess who wanted to be left alone and avoid harassment from them! And Harald who said he loved her! He rather wants to possess her imo... He needs to talk with Harbard abt this; “possession is the opposite of love.”
Isn’t the howl supposed to be in the bird nest on Laggy’s hair? I mean, since there is a nest, you might as well use it for the right purpose.
Also, why does she always insist to have the howl??? What does it means??? Is she suddenly Athena or something? Why can’t we go back to cat lady Lagertha? I miss cat lady Lagertha!
I am convinced that the only reason Laggy took Kattegat is that she wanted to sacrifice people.
Okay so we’re back at slutty Bjorn banging his mother’s lady love while said mother is sacrificing the handsome guy who wanted to die straight up. Bjorn is a disappointment and I wanna throw up. Do we even needed this? I mean, was that really necessary??? Did we really needed gratuitous sex scenes as shock value??? Can’t Hirst figure out something else???
Okay so the sole purpose of that catch star was to just have his name credited to bring more watchers... Damn, the rating must be very low then!
I love how Lagertha knows Astrid was banging Bjorn! Like, yeah! Women can stab you in the back too! Shockers!
SIGURD’S MANE OMGGGGGGGG!!!!!  ❤️ ❤️ ❤️ ❤️
Bjorn, just because you have a valid point, it does not mean you have to behave like an asshole about this.
Bjorn is being a precious diva! And if he could stop saying ‘my father’ that’d be great. Like, yeah we get it! You spent more time with Ragnar than them because he abandonned them right after Paris. Doesn’t give you the right to behave like an asshole about it.
Bjorn is trying to assert dominance. Too bad it is not effective on Ivar and his other brothers! Bjorn is being so ridiculous compared to their apparent calm  🙄 🙄 🙄 Only the weak are being loud. The strong can assert their dominance without a sound.
I love how aloft Astrid is now! And fuck! She is so beautiful with her new haircut!!!!  ❤️
AT LAST! Judith’s sister speaks!!!!
So now what? Judith is a nurse? Why does she cut Ecbert’s meat as if he was too old for that? God this situation is so creepy!
I CAN’T BELIEVE ECBERT IS NOT TELLING HIS SON HE LOVES HIM! What a dick! He only sees his son as a pawn!
The GHA is there and I am thirsty for action and just like that, THEY CUT IT!!! THEY FUCKING CUT THE BATTLE!!!! WHY??? TO HAVE MORE TIME OF BJORN BANGING ASTRID??? FUCK YOU SHOW!
I love Ivar’s entrance! I could almost picture him doing his Theoden and making the same speach as the king to his Rohirrims 😆
Awwww Sigurd’s threatening his father in law with his axe! What better occasion to know the in laws better than a blood eagle! You get to know everything about them. It’s like they open to you in such a way you even get to know what they last ate.
Floki’s makeup is on point! The man could have a make up channel on Youtube! Also, his lines in that scenes are pure gold and I loved it!
Aelle is begging. At least Ragnar had dignity when he died. I’ll sort of miss Aelle. He was a great character.
WHAT??? LAGERTHA HAD A THREESOME WITH TORVI AND ASTRID??? OMG! It’s like she is getting back at Bjorn  😆
Old man Ecbert is in bed with a woman twice younger than him and I am grossed out.
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davidaux1 · 6 years
The Point in the Board! 🤯🤪😤
When you hear board meeting what would a person expect. The goods? The bads? And then with here... THE PAST VIOCING AT A BOARD!!
(b4 we go on to update you ive decided to change the labels to an oh so easier to remember one because of how much trouble its causing. The compony title shall now be In Humane Living!)
Being invited to a clients board meeting and increasingly encouraged because apparently im one of the better ones to “voice the opinions” of course i took them up on this being the fool to think that this would make maybe the smallest difference in hell. Hoping that the list of issues i had prepared would come to be of any use i took it all ready to say the huge problem which is at the moment these new F***** ALARMS!
Of course the board starts on a lovely chord. Hows the whos and whats new and this and that... All the nothings that are to be important in a real life. We spoke of (airy fairy voice) “dream boards, a bit else of (voice again) app to help the blind, maybe a bit of (voice for the last time) In Humane club activities. Anyway to follows is now the past voicing Issue.
I mentioned, after these bits the problems that alot of staff/clients are sharing at our block of flats. Such a stupidly obviose thing when it comes to this part of life it just amazes me how the compony even missed it.
SEXUAL PRIVACIES! An alarm so titly set up, as so made that the client cant unplug or stop it working ourself because of the fault awareness warning going down to the buzzer, would obviously be an alarm to set that a person cant have a wank without making a member of staff aware. And apparently that is the exactly what were meant to go and face. "Hey dude tonight just gonna eat dins, have my meds and then push out some sperm"
The joke they rely on us this, communicate something at that level of personalness to the staff with who are trained to in contrast to this should open themselves to that level of personalness.
The contradictions. Oh the contradictions! There’s that just mention, then there’s the fact that they say that they’re interested to hear our issues within Such a compony as In Humane Living but when you come to a board the negates can’t possibly be voiced. Now theres the stupid complaints member of staff, head office. Anytime that you e-mail him he won’t answer and so this at that point now has to go through the parent or guardian. Another would be that, In in contrast to us and what we should do, I never hear the staff being easyily enough able to talk about having a fine good masturbate every night. This also contracts the point of, if it’s such a easy subject that In Humane Living feeling we should voice so easily then why such the problem with me voicing these shared opinion of Prospect in front of the whole board and not being seen as right.
This evening I’ve arrived at such the end of my patience. I’ve said to mum it’s like being trapped within a dead end! They ask a person to come being he can “voice opinions well” but a compony won’t listen to these opinions. I spent around a hour traveling up to C....... just to be pushed down. Said David your not right when these staff wouldn’t have a hope in hell of knowing being that they don’t live, SLEEP in their own service.
It’s gives the show to us of that these board meetings are only done so make them in the compony look good. Oh we’re taking everyone availables opinion but ps the small print says quotes the fault of these things
1) you can’t share your voice unless it’s positive to a tee.
2) If ANY NEGATIVES AT ALL, these are to be voiced behind close doors or if not will humour and speak down to the voicer.
When it comes to it it is like this: the In Humane Living client board meeting is only for people who sit and breath in shit and are willing to live with it. I can’t do that though! I can’t hoover up the good angle of some and then not be aloud to voice shared bad angles of the other. This from what I hear is what they call the Freedom Of Speach and of it take the whole single body of David to make them aware of the fault that is the Alarm than that is what I’ll do!
(After chatting with the night staff it comes to me now that as “perfect” as these alarms are, apparently I’m not the only one to of hit high where these are!)
This is my bit for a long while, enjoy!!!
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